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Chapter 3197 Going to Northern Europe Again

When Charlie and Lin Wan'er arrived in Northern Europe, it was exactly three o'clock in the afternoon, local time.

Although Northern Europe had already entered winter, the temperature was not low. It was even warmer than Aurous Hill, and the perceived temperature was more comfortable than expected.

It's just that the latitude of Northern Europe is very high. When winter comes in the northern hemisphere, the daylight hours are relatively short. Although it is only three o'clock in the afternoon, it is already dusk, and the sun has already reached the horizon. 

It was Charlie's first time to come to Northern Europe in winter. He couldn't help but look at the clock on his phone that had been switched to the local time, and sighed: "This place is really interesting. It's dark at three o'clock..."

Lin Wan'er smiled and said: "Osu City is considered to be in the south of Northern Europe, so there are still five hours of daylight in winter. In the northern part of Northern Europe, it is about to enter the polar night, and the sun will not be seen for about one or two months."

Charlie sighed: "I'm afraid I will get depressed if I stay there for too long."

"No." Lin Wan'er said with a fascinated look: "My lord, you don't know that the polar night is actually quite good. You can see the aurora at any time in the ice and snow villages near the poles. The villages are sparsely populated, and there are often more sled dogs living in the villages than people living here. For people like me who have been hunted and lack a sense of security, the one or two months of living in the polar night is the most relaxing time for the whole person."

Charlie instantly understood Lin Wan'er's words very well, and felt a little distressed for her. He sighed: "So, the night is indeed safer for people who need to hide."

Lin Wan'er smiled and said: "Now is the season for watching the aurora. When you are done with your business, I wonder if you can accompany me to the northern part of Northern Europe?"

"Okay." Charlie agreed without hesitation.

Lin Wan'er was very happy, and her heart had already flown to the magical polar region where ice, snow, pine and cypress and the aurora echoed each other.

As soon as the two got off the plane, the Nordic royal family's vehicle was already waiting there. Waiting for them was a capable middle-aged woman. She walked up to Charlie and said respectfully: "Mr. Wade, I am Susan White, the housekeeper of the Nordic royal family. You can call me Susan directly. Her Majesty the Queen asked me to pick you and Miss Lin up at the airport. She is already waiting at the palace."

Charlie nodded and said politely: "Thank you for your hard work."

Susan said very humbly: "It's my honor."

After that, she and another accompanying driver took the initiative to open the back door of the car for Charlie and Lin Wan'er, inviting them to get in.

After the two got in the car, Susan and the driver also returned to the car. The driver started the car, and Susan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, said, "Mr. Wade, Ms. Lin, Her Majesty the Queen has already informed the customs, and you two do not need to go through the entry formalities."

As she said that, she turned around and handed the two certificates to the two, and then said, "This is the relevant certificate of diplomatic immunity. If you two plan to travel freely in Northern Europe these days, if you encounter the police or other government departments to inquire about your documents, you can show this certificate to the other party, and they will give you the maximum convenience."

"Okay." Charlie nodded and took the two certificates. He sighed in his heart that Helena was really careful. He and Lin Wan'er both had oriental faces, and Charlie could not speak Norwegian. If he left the royal family and moved freely, if he encountered the police or other public officials to inquire about his passport, he would probably be found that he had no entry record and be regarded as a stowaway.

With these two certificates, there would naturally be no such hidden dangers.

It just so happened that Charlie was indeed planning to take Lin Wan'er around. After all, she had deep feelings for this country, and she probably wanted to go around and have a look.

The royal car drove straight out of the airport and rushed all the way to the palace in the centre of Osu City.

At this time, Helena had already been looking forward to meeting Charlie in the palace. Her grandmother, the old Queen Iliad, was also looking forward to meeting Charlie.

Seeing Helena pacing in the main hall of the palace, sometimes happy and sometimes shy, the old queen couldn't help but step forward and said, "Helena, when you see Charlie later, you should be reserved and show the temperament of a queen."

"Ah?" Helena asked shyly, "I...did I show it very obviously?"

The old queen teased her, "You are just short of writing the words 'my lover is coming, I am very happy' on your face."

"How could that be..." Helena quickly defended herself, "Grandma...I am still very reserved..."

The old queen shook her head and sighed, "You are usually very reserved and have the demeanour that a royal family should have, but when you are in front of Charlie, you become an infatuated little girl." 

After that, she couldn't help but sigh, "Last time I asked you to find a way to get closer to Charlie, if you had listened and done as I said, maybe your belly would be bulging now."

"Grandma..." Helena remembered that her grandmother had been persuading her to get pregnant with Charlie's child and leave a descendant for the Iliad royal family, and she almost did it. She couldn't help but feel extremely shy, and her cheeks flushed with shame.

Even though she was already in a high position, she was still a girl who longed for romance and true love. If she really had to give up all her sense of shame and take the initiative to get pregnant with Charlie's child, she really couldn't make up her mind, and she didn't know how to face Charlie in the future.

So, she hurriedly said: "Grandma, Mr. Wade has been very kind to us. You were able to wake up from your coma and I was able to inherit the throne all thanks to his help. I hope that our Iliad Royal Family can maintain a long-term friendly relationship with Mr. Wade. This will be the best outcome for you. If you are ill in a few years, relying on our friendly relationship over the years, I can still shamelessly go to Mr. Wade to ask for medicine for you, and I believe that with Mr. Wade's character, he will definitely not refuse. But if our little action leads to a rift between the two sides, it may not be so easy to ask Mr. Wade for medicine again."

The old queen's expression was stern, and she also figured out the subtlety. The Chinese often talk about affection more than interests. If the Iliad Royal Family continues to maintain a good relationship with Charlie, with this affection, if she has any health problems in the future, as Helena said, Charlie will certainly lend a helping hand.

Thinking of this, she immediately realised and said, "Helena, you have considered it more thoroughly than me, just follow your own plan."

As she said that, she couldn't help but whisper a reminder: "You are only in your twenties now, and having children is indeed not a matter of urgency, but before you are forty, you must solve this problem no matter what. Otherwise, even if you are not in a hurry, so many people in Northern Europe who love you will be anxious for you."

Helena nodded: "It's more than ten years, there is no hurry."

While speaking, the captain of the guards stepped into the main hall and said loudly to Helena: "Your Majesty, the guests have entered the palace."

Helena was instantly overjoyed, and hurriedly lifted up her skirt and walked quickly outside the hall, saying to the captain of the guards: "Notify everyone to stay away, and no one is allowed to approach without my order."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

At this time, the car that Charlie was riding drove all the way into the palace and came to the square in front of the main hall. 

As soon as the car stopped, Helena and the queen's grandparents and grandchildren came out to greet them.

Charlie and Lin Wan'er got out of the car, and Helena came forward and said respectfully: "Mr. Wade, welcome to Northern Europe again."

After that, she looked at Lin Wan'er beside her and said with a smile: "This must be Miss Lin, right?"

Lin Wan'er smiled sweetly, bowed slightly, and said: "I am Lin Xiaowan, a commoner, and I meet Her Majesty the Queen."

Helena didn't know Lin Wan'er's background. She only heard Charlie say that the person accompanying her was a sister who liked Northern Europe very much, so he brought her to see the world. This time, she saw that she was indeed not very old, and looked like she was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

But this girl was really beautiful, and her every frown, smile, and every move were indescribably noble. Helena herself was born in the royal family, and she could see that Lin Wan'er had an extraordinary temperament, which was definitely not possessed by children from ordinary families.

Moreover, although her Chinese was good, she really didn't know what the word "minnu" meant, and thought it was just some kind of self-deprecating expression in Chinese. So she took the initiative to extend her hand to Lin Wan'er, and said with a smile: "Miss Lin is not a Nordic citizen, and you are Mr. Wade's sister. You don't have to be so polite to me, and you don't need to be polite. Just call me Helena. I think Miss Lin should be younger than me. If you are not shy, it's okay to call me sister."

Lin Wan'er was slightly startled, then looked at Charlie, then at Helena, and said with a smile: "That's good, Sister Helena."

Helena saw that she was beautiful when she smiled, and her dimples were like they were filled with wine, making her, a woman, a little intoxicated. She also liked this "little girl" in her heart and couldn't help but She gently touched Lin Wan'er's head, and said lovingly like an older sister: "Little sister, just treat this place as your own home. I have asked someone to prepare dinner. Let's go to the banquet hall now!"

Seeing Helena touching Lin Wan'er's head naturally, Charlie couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "If Helena knew that Lin Wan'er was almost 400 years old, I wonder what she would think?"

Lin Wan'er didn't expect Helena to really treat her like a little girl. She hadn't experienced such a thing as being gently touched on the head for hundreds of years. However, although she was surprised, she didn't feel offended. After all, she could see that Helena's friendliness and enthusiasm were sincere, without any falsehood, and she had a very good impression of her in her heart.

So, she quietly looked at Charlie, and secretly stuck out her tongue when no one was watching.

Charlie smiled and shook his head, then said to Helena, "It's only four o'clock, isn't it too early for dinner?"

Helena looked up at the starry sky and said with a smile, "Mr. Wade seems to need to adapt to the pace of life in Northern Europe. It's already evening, and we can go enjoy the night view of Osu City after dinner."

At this time, the housekeeper Susan stepped forward and whispered, "Your Majesty, Mr. Howard Rothschild of the Rothschild family would like to come to the palace later to say hello to you."

Helena waved her hand and said lightly, "Tell him that I have other plans tonight, and we can meet directly at the data centre tomorrow."


  1. Charlie is enjoying with his so called 'friends' hidden to Claire. He always doesn't decline requests of these people but he even declined Claire to go shopping with him for his own benefit. I hate the author. My goodness! I sympathize with Claire. There is so much agony reading this very long novel. I don't need a reaction, just ventilating!


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