
Showing posts from February 4, 2024

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3031 update | Chapter 6309 & 6310 Chapter 3031 Showing Loyalty | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3031 Showing Loyalty  "I..."     Helena's words made Steve's liver tremble. Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). or play my YouTube videos friends...     If Helena's words just now were a warning to himself, then these last words were a naked threat! In just a few words, you can hear the murderous intent!     Steve was not a fool. He could immediately figure out the stakes. He thought to himself: "After this old man's experience of taking the elixir to recover, he will definitely become extremely dependent. He will be reborn next time." If he becomes ill or his life is in danger again, he will definitely get a pill to extend his life at all costs."     "Once the old man enters the state of "at all costs", he will be able to follow any rules. Broken."     "Take the Sifang Baozhu last time as an exampl

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3030 update | Chapter 6307 & 6308 Chapter 3030 Charlie harmed me! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3030 Charlie harmed me! Steve's heart was broken at this time, but Howard had already heard Helena endorse Steve and felt sorry for his son. He was in a state of emotion and guilt, so he didn't think his son would have any treacherous thoughts in his heart. Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). or play my YouTube videos friends...     Seeing that Steve's whole brain was completely short-circuited, he thought his son was too excited, so he quickly stepped forward and hugged him, patted his shoulder and said: "Thank you, good son! Thank you for everything you have done for me!"  Steve, who was hugged by Howard, lay on Howard's shoulders and looked at Helena with red eyes, his eyes full of doubts. Helena smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Rothschild, I still have something to do. Let's take a step forward so that I won't disturb the d

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3029 update | Chapter 6305 & 6306 Chapter 3029 Miracle Comes | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

Chapter 3029 Miracle Comes After confirming that the 20 billion U.S. dollars had arrived, Helena looked at Howard and said with a smile: "Mr. Rothschild, the money has been collected. Here we are, this time you spent a lot of money, happy cooperation! I will return to Northern Europe in two days. I hope that when I arrive in Northern Europe, your AI team will also arrive at the same time." Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). or play my YouTube videos friends... Howard blurted out without hesitation: "Your Majesty the Queen Don't worry! I asked them to prepare immediately and go over early to make preliminary planning and preparations!" When Helena successfully sold the blood-spreading and heart-saving pill for 60 billion U.S. dollars, plus a set of AI models, Steve, who was twenty meters away from the ward door,, and his son Royce, who had just arri

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3028 update | Chapter 6303 & 6304 Chapter 3028 Can’t let her run away | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3028 Can’t let her run away  When Helena saw Howard lowering his head in silence and thinking, she knew that he would not take over the position of head of the family as planned. Pass to Steve. Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). or play my YouTube videos friends...     As expected, Howard raised his head, smiled, and said: "Your Majesty, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come to New York to attend the internal meeting of the Rothschild family to establish the heir. With your presence, the Rothschild family has flourished.!"     Helena pretended to be surprised and asked: "Isn't it going to announce Steve's succession today? How come the heir has been determined?"     Howard waved his hand and said with a slightly embarrassed smile: "The plan can't keep up with the changes. Changes can't defeat the

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3027 update | Chapter 6301 & 6302 Chapter 3027 Beat him up first, then give him a candy | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3027: Beat him up first, then give him a candy Now that both parties have reached a consensus, Helena directly takes out her pen and improves the details of the contract. Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi).     The whole process was recorded with a mobile phone. Coupled with Helena's identity as the Queen of Northern Europe and the high traffic on the Internet, she was not worried at all that Howard would dare to go back on his word.     After the two parties determined the terms of the contract, Howard wrote his name on the contract, and then the two parties exchanged agreements and the contract became official.     After everything was settled, Helena put away the contract, turned off the video on her phone, and said: "Mr. Rothschild, happy cooperation!"     Howard quickly asked her: "Your Majesty the Queen... now... can you give me the elixir

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3026 update | Chapter 6299 & 6300 Chapter 3026 I am still very generous. | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

Chapter 3026 I am still very generous. Seeing that Howard was getting angry, Helena was not angry either. She just said lightly: "Mr. Rothschild, don't get angry yet. I have an additional condition that I haven't finished yet." Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi).     After a pause, Helena continued: "I want your model to be for your own use and not for any commercial use, which means it will not have any impact on your original market. , I just want an exact replica for my own use. For you, it is nothing more than sending me a copy, a set of hardware, and twenty years of maintenance fees. The cost should not be much. ?"     Howard asked coldly: "How can I be sure... you won't... not use it for commercial use?"     Helena smiled: "These are the specific details I will talk about next. You should pay me a fee. One hundred billio

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