Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3244 update || Chapter 6735 & 6736 || Chapter 3244 Smooth Cut-in | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

Chapter 3244 Smooth Cut-in At least half of the 15 carriages of Duke Mining were filled with mechanical equipment needed for mining, and the other half were various equipment and auxiliary materials needed for upgrading the security system. Charlie, who had already changed into work clothes, was hiding behind many goods. A cavalry guard opened the door and took a look at the documents, then said, "Commander, carriage 08 is full of engineering parts." The commander immediately said, "Don't worry about the engineering parts, unload the monitoring equipment first." "Yes, sir." The cavalry guard responded and opened the door of the carriage where Charlie was, and then went to other carriages. Charlie originally wanted to use his spiritual energy to control this person, and then leave him here, waiting for an opportunity to sneak into Duke Mining, but thinking that the monk was on the platform and the commander of the cavalry guard was also on the scene, h...