
Showing posts from September 1, 2024

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3244 update || Chapter 6735 & 6736 || Chapter 3244 Smooth Cut-in | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3244 Smooth Cut-in At least half of the 15 carriages of Duke Mining were filled with mechanical equipment needed for mining, and the other half were various equipment and auxiliary materials needed for upgrading the security system. Charlie, who had already changed into work clothes, was hiding behind many goods. A cavalry guard opened the door and took a look at the documents, then said, "Commander, carriage 08 is full of engineering parts." The commander immediately said, "Don't worry about the engineering parts, unload the monitoring equipment first." "Yes, sir." The cavalry guard responded and opened the door of the carriage where Charlie was, and then went to other carriages. Charlie originally wanted to use his spiritual energy to control this person, and then leave him here, waiting for an opportunity to sneak into Duke Mining, but thinking that the monk was on the platform and the commander of the cavalry guard was also on the scene, h

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3243 update || Chapter 6733 & 6734 || Chapter 3243 Unexpected Gain | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3243 Unexpected Gain The words "big change" made all the cavalry guards on the platform extremely worried. Family is the biggest motivation for them to live and work hard for the PoQing Society, but now, they have to face an indefinite separation. 👇 Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  (  ). After the separation, apart from fighting to the death, they don't know if they will have the chance to see their family again in their lifetime. Seeing that everyone was lonely and sad, Song Qianshi frowned and asked in a cold voice: "Why? Didn't you all swear to be loyal to the Lord? Why are you all like eggplants hit by frost just because you are separated from your family temporarily?" When everyone heard this, they were even more angry. However, no one dared to refute this young woman. Because she was a Qianshi of the Governor's Office, a senior official of the Governor'

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 4501 to 4600 Charlie Wade Story

 Chapter 4501 Meanwhile, New York’s Chinatown. Because it was lunchtime, Hogan’s restaurant was doing good business. Just the two of them, he and his mate, were already busy. However, Hogan had been quietly surveying outside the door while he was waiting for his customers. Because, he found that since this morning, there was always a car parked across the road in front of his store. Although the other side changed four cars, also changed a different location, But Hogan can still see that these four cars choose the location, although different, But all can see his roast goose store’s front door. This made his heart vaguely apprehensive. He knew that the New York police must be on to him. Being watched by the police made Hogan’s heart inevitably nervous. The mate could see that something was wrong with him and hurriedly went up to him and asked, “Uncle Chen, what’s wrong with you?” “Nothing ……” Hogan smiled sarcastically and said, “You go ahead and get busy, don’t worry about me.” The pa

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