The Boxer Rebellion: A Defining Moment in Chinese History

The Boxer Rebellion: A Defining Moment in Chinese History The Boxer Rebellion, which occurred from 1899 to 1901, was a pivotal moment in Chinese history. It was an uprising that was fueled by anti-foreign and anti-Christian sentiment and was a direct response to the increasing influence and presence of Western powers and Japan in China. 👇 The rebellion was spearheaded by a group known as the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists, commonly referred to as the "Boxers." This group was composed mainly of peasants who practiced traditional Chinese martial arts, which they believed made them impervious to bullets and other forms of harm. The Boxers were driven by a passionate nationalism and a desire to rid China of foreign elements that they believed were corrupting their society. The Boxer Rebellion unfolded against the backdrop of a China that was struggling to maintain its sovereignty and traditional way of life in the face of modernization and foreign encroachment. The Q...