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Chapter 3297 Magical Realism Charlie really didn't understand why it was a man who went on stage to compete against Qin Aoxue in the final of the women's group. 👇 Kindly watch (just mute and play) this video, like comment.... Seeing that many people were cursing at him, Charlie asked a Chinese man beside him who was cursing: "Brother, do you know where this contestant came from?" The Chinese man cursed angrily: "What the hell is his background? He is just a man who claims to have gender dysphoria! He said that he felt that he should be a girl since he was a child, but he was imprisoned in a male body. The key is that if he really had a sex change operation and really became a man, we would have nothing to say, right? But this old guy is really shameless. While participating in the women's competition, he said that he was taking drugs to suppress male hormones, saying that he wanted to use drugs to change his hormones, and then change his gender through surg...