Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3239 update || Chapter 6725 & 6726 || Chapter 3239 Best Choice | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3239 Best Choice

In order to acquire a suitable food processing company as soon as possible, Li Yalin asked Ai to analyse the list of all regular food processing companies in Morocco, and then analyse the advantages and disadvantages of each food processing company based on their registered addresses and satellite images of the skyline. 

One of Ai's biggest advantages is that it can think, so Li Yalin does not need to guide it step by step, but directly asks it his needs, so that it can find a food company from these companies that is not in good operating condition, but has a land area and building size that can hide thousands of people and is far away from densely populated areas.

So, Ai immediately selected five companies that meet his needs for him.

These five companies are all located in relatively remote areas of Morocco. One of them is not far from Duke Mining, only about 100 kilometers away. What's more perfect is that this company is less than 50 kilometers away from the coastline. If people are to be placed here to wait for transfer abroad, then this is the best choice.


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So, Li Yalin temporarily separated from Charlie early the next morning and went to the company alone to find out.

Charlie, on the other hand, stayed in the hotel room and sat on the floor, continuing to review the set of hand seals while slowly accumulating the spiritual energy in his body.

Charlie is now very obsessed with this set of hand seals, just like a wool party addicted to wool pulling wool. As long as he has time, he will practise with it, and exchange extra spiritual energy for himself by constantly repeating the set of hand seals.

After a three-hour drive, Li Yalin finally arrived at the town where the food processing company was located.

This company is located in the suburbs of the town. More than 300 employees are basically from this town. The town is about 30 kilometres away from a fishing port on the northeast coast of Morocco. Because it is not directly on the coast, the people in this town have no chance to become fishermen.

When the fishermen on the coast rely on fishing to improve their living conditions, the villagers of this small village can only go to the surrounding seafood processing companies to work. The company selected by Li Yalin is a private enterprise specialising in the production of seafood processed foods, especially canned sardines.

Morocco is the country that exports the most sardines in the world. There are at least hundreds or thousands of companies in the country that survive by producing canned sardines and other seafood products. Although Morocco's GDP has increased because of sardines, most of these companies that produce canned sardines do not have an easy life.

Since it is only the most basic food processing, their threshold is relatively low, and because of the low threshold, the competition among peers is also very fierce. New companies want to gain a foothold, and often rely on price wars to obtain orders. Over time, everyone has to lower prices, resulting in a continuous decline in the profit margins of the entire industry. Nowadays, many companies are struggling on the edge of the survival line.

This is the case with the company that Li Yalin chose.

It was founded and established by a former local municipal government civil servant. After more than ten years of continuous development, its scale has indeed become larger and larger, but due to backward production technology and low efficiency, the operating conditions here are also gradually declining. The boss of the company is old and gradually loses his ambition. He only wants to continue to rely on this company to create meagre profits. It is precisely because of this idea that he has not invested funds in the company for upgrading and expansion in recent years, so that the competitiveness of the company is getting worse and worse.

More importantly, it is very difficult to sell such an old enterprise. The industry profit is not high, and the cost of upgrading and transformation here is a huge expense. If you are not careful, you may suffer losses. No one wants to take this risk.

Li Yalin also saw another natural advantage of seafood food processing enterprises, that is, they must have vehicles to transport raw materials constantly shuttling between the factory and the dock. Once Charlie wants to transport those dead men quietly, the sea route is the only reliable option. Then, through the disguise of the seafood food processing factory, he can use the vehicles going back and forth to the fishing port to continuously send people away.

So comprehensively speaking, this enterprise is the best choice.

When Li Yalin arrived at the door of this food processing enterprise, he found that this enterprise did not even have a security guard. The shabby door was always open. From the outside, the scale of the factory building was large, but it was indeed a bit old and looked rather dilapidated as a whole.

The area that first entered the door was an open space of about three or four thousand square metres, where a shabby Fiat car, various bicycles, and a small number of simple motorcycles that were modified beyond recognition were parked.

The right side looks like an unloading and storage area, because there is not only a cargo platform for unloading, but also a well-sealed single building. Li Yalin speculated that it should be a cold storage for storing raw materials. There happened to be a truck parked in front of the cargo platform, and several loaders were carrying fresh seafood covered with ice from it and moving it into the cold storage at the back;

The back of the cold storage is connected to the largest single factory building, which should be the processing production line. There is a similar cargo platform on the left side, and there is also a closed building behind this cargo platform. Li Yalin speculated that this should be the storage and loading area for finished products.

When Li Yalin came to the door of the largest factory building in the middle, the roar inside was deafening. Because canned food needs to be heated for production and sterilised, the huge door has been rolling out humid heat waves.

It was not until Li Yalin walked into the factory that someone finally noticed this strange face. Someone came forward and questioned him cautiously in the local language. Li Yalin saw that he looked like an ordinary worker, so he took out a ten-dollar bill and handed it to him, saying in English: "Where is your boss? I want to see him."

The other party did not understand English or French, but he had heard the word "Boss", so he immediately realised that Li Yalin wanted to see his boss. In addition, the other party was generous, and ten dollars was more than his daily salary, so he immediately made flattering gestures to Li Yalin and enthusiastically took him to his boss's office. 

The boss's office is located in a two-story house supported by a steel structure on the side of the factory. There are glass on all four sides, and the situation of the entire factory can be seen at a glance.

Seeing that the employee brought a stranger, the boss was also a little surprised, so he began to look at Li Yalin from a distance.

Although Li Yalin, in disguise, could not be seen, he still had an Asian face. Almost all the people in this factory and its upstream and downstream were Moroccans, so it was rare to see Asians here.

Li Yalin had investigated the background of the boss before coming. He was 61 years old this year. He was originally a civil servant who went out of the local area to work in the next-level city government department. Later, because he felt that the seafood processing industry had a future, he resigned and went into business. He returned to his hometown and opened a canning factory.

Because he was a local and had accumulated a lot of connections as a civil servant in the city, he received a lot of favourable policies when he came back to build a factory. Not only did he get a lot of land, but he also got a lot of low-interest loans, and the scale was getting bigger and bigger.

However, because he started from scratch, his actual income was not high for many years at the beginning of his business. The money he earned was either used to repay the loan or to manage relationships.

In the seven or eight years after the loan was paid off, his income level should be pretty good, with an annual profit of about 200,000 US dollars, which was considered a lot in the local area.     But the situation has deteriorated a lot in recent years. His annual profit has shrunk to only 30,000 to 50,000 US dollars.     Because he knew that the other party had a civil servant resume, Li Yalin was sure that he knew French and there would be no problem in communication.

The employee led him to the door and said something in the local language, and the boss inside waved to the two of them directly through the glass.

The employee pushed the door open and told the boss Li Yalin that he wanted to see him. Li Yalin didn't waste time and asked him directly in French: "Are you the boss here? I want to buy your factory."

When the boss heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He knew that Asians were rich, especially businessmen from Asia who came out to do business, who were generally wealthy. He had wanted to sell this factory for a long time, but no one had shown interest in it for several years. Now there was an Asian businessman who took the initiative to come to the door. He immediately ignited the dream of cashing out and enjoying his retirement life, so he quickly stood up and said to Li Yalin: "Welcome, welcome! Please sit down, please sit down!"

As he said that, he quickly sent his employees out, took out a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Li Yalin, and said with a smile: "We are thinking of selling here. As long as the price is right, everything here can be sold. . "

Li Yalin didn't want to appear too eager to buy, so he smiled and said, "Canned sardines have become popular in our country recently, so I have the idea of ​​setting up a factory in Morocco, and then the canned sardines produced will be directly exported to our country point-to-point. I have also visited many factories along the way. Please give me a brief introduction to your situation and your advantages."

The boss said quickly, "We have a total of five production lines here, four of which are used to produce canned sardines, and the other is used to produce other seafood products. The annual output is about 4,000 tons."

Li Yalin listened. He frowned and sighed, "Five production lines, only 4,000 tons a year. As far as I know, the daily output of large canned food companies in Morocco starts at 100 to 200 tons."

The boss quickly said, "The main reason here is that the production line is relatively old, so the production efficiency is relatively low, but our place is very large. If you are willing to invest in upgrading and reconstruction, we have the foundation to become a large enterprise."

Then he quickly introduced, "The cost of workers around here is very low. Most of the workers have a monthly salary of less than 2,000 dirhams, not more than 200 US dollars, and they work hard. I know There are 300 workers. If you need them in the future, you can always recruit 500 skilled workers from nearby towns. "

Li Yalin smiled and said, "All enterprises have room for upgrading, but everything is nothing more than a cost issue. Let's do this. Give me a price and I'll consider it."

The man thought again and again and said, "Five million dirhams, or 500,000 US dollars."

Although the factory still has a profit of 30,000 US dollars a year, the profit has begun to decline, and the boss knows very well that he can only hold on for another ten years at most. In the next ten years, it would be good to have a profit of 200,000 US dollars.

As for his own factory, the equipment is very old. Even in a country like Morocco, it has passed the elimination cycle and is in a state of strong support. If it is really sold, it is estimated that it will be a little more expensive than scrap iron.

And because the factory building is old, the price is also difficult to raise. After all, it is on the edge of a remote town, and even the land is not worth much.

So, let alone 500,000 US dollars, even if it is 300,000 US dollars, he sold it without hesitation.

Li Yalin was not in a hurry to discuss the price with him, but asked him many detailed questions and asked him to take him around. Behind the factory, there is an employee cafeteria and several warehouses. Although the factory has only more than 300 workers, it is very easy to hide thousands of people here.

In addition, there are about 15 tons of canned products waiting to be shipped in the finished product warehouse. According to the market price, it is about 40,000 US dollars.

After taking a look at the overall situation, Li Yalin said to the boss: "Let's do this. I have also seen the situation here. To be honest, it is indeed older than I thought. The cost of renovation, reconstruction and upgrading will be at least several million US dollars. I don't like to dilly-dally in business, so I will give you two quotes and two options. No matter which one you can accept, we can reach a cooperation. If you don't accept either, then I will look at other options."

The boss hurriedly said: "Please speak."

Li Yalin said: "The first quote is to pay you 250,000 US dollars in one lump sum to buy out all the visible and tangible facilities here, including land, factory buildings, production lines and other equipment. Oh, by the way, all the raw materials and finished product inventory in your warehouse. ;"

When the boss heard this, his expression suddenly became somewhat helpless and he said, "To be honest, our raw materials and finished product inventory are worth at least 50,000 US dollars."

 Li Yalin smiled and said, "The second offer, I will pay you 300,000 US dollars, but I can only pay you 200,000 first, and the remaining 100,000 will be paid to you after I start production. The other condition is that you have to help me maintain these workers. It may take me two to three months to upgrade the equipment here. During this time, you have to make sure that these workers do not defend their rights, make trouble, or cause me any trouble. At the same time, they must wait honestly at home. When I start work, they will come back to work."

The boss said awkwardly, "I really can't guarantee this. They all have to support their children. " They have no income to support their families. In the next two or three months, they may not have enough food to eat. In that case, they will definitely look for other jobs."

Li Yalin said: "During this period, their wages will be paid as usual, half of which will be paid every month, and the remaining half will be paid in one lump sum on the day they start work."

The boss was relieved when he heard this and said quickly: "That's no problem. They will definitely agree to it if they don't work and still get paid."

Li Yalin reminded: "In order to ensure that they don't disclose my situation here or my business secrets, you must do these things in person. Let them think that it is you who wants to upgrade here, not someone else, and then ask them not to tell anyone about the situation here after they go home. Once the business secrets are leaked, If it is confidential, they will stop paying their salaries, and the remaining half will be directly invalidated. "

The boss said without thinking: "These are all fine, I can still do it with my prestige."

At this point, he rubbed his hands and said with a wry smile: "It's just that this price... is indeed a little low for me, a total of only 300,000, and there are goods worth 50,000 yuan. It should be at least 450,000 US dollars to be reasonable..."

Li Yalin said: "How about this, as long as you do the things I told you to do well, so that I can promote the upgrade and transformation wholeheartedly, after the upgrade is completed and the work starts smoothly, I will pay you another 200,000 US dollars, so the total bid will be 400,000 US dollars."

When the boss heard this, he smiled and said without hesitation: "Deal!"


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