Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3241 update || Chapter 6729 & 6730 || Chapter 3241 Going into the Tiger’s Den Alone | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3241: Going into the Tiger’s Den Alone

Li Yalin was very fast. After reaching an agreement with the other party, he paid the other party 20,000 US dollars as a deposit, and then began to let the An family's spokesperson in Africa prepare the remaining cash.

Since they had to leave no trace, they naturally could not use the method of remittance. Cash was the best solution.


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For the An family, preparing more than 200,000 US dollars was not a difficult task. They not only had to prepare US dollars for Li Yalin, but also had to prepare a so-called construction team to rush to the food processing plant with some daily necessities. At the same time, they had to make a comprehensive security upgrade for the factory to ensure that everything was foolproof.

In order to have a look after him, Charlie had also notified Joseph Wan to take his most elite members and find a way to enter from Algeria and go to Duke Mining to wait for his orders. These people disguised themselves and flew from Lebanon to Algeria. It would take less than a few hours to arrive. With their strength, it would not take too long to cross the border. I think they would arrive in 24 hours.

As for Charlie himself, what he had to do now was to rush to the freight yard before the loading was completed in the afternoon, and then sneak into the carriage that was about to be sent to Duke Mining with the help of psychological suggestion, and go into this dangerous place alone.

Fortunately, before Li Yalin left, he taught him some French that he would use. In addition, Charlie had learned some basic terms from his parents when he was a child, so it was not too difficult to master some basic terms. In addition, Li Yalin also wrote him some notes in French, writing down the complex instructions that Charlie needed on them, so that even if Charlie's language skills were not good enough, it would not affect those people's smooth acceptance of his instructions. 

At 4:30 in the afternoon, when the loaders were about to seal one of the carriages sent to Duke Mining, Charlie, accompanied by the person in charge last night, came to the freight yard again.

Charlie gave all the people in charge and the loaders on the scene psychological hints, so that they would not remember that he had appeared at all, and did all the follow-up work for him. After making sure that they received the order accurately, Charlie hid in one of the carriages.

After the loaders locked and sealed the carriages as usual, all 20 carriages destined for Duke Mining were loaded. After the marshalling was completed, they slowly accelerated to Duke Mining. 

The train transportation time was about three hours. Charlie in the freight car first communicated with Li Yalin on the phone about the details of the food factory, and then sat cross-legged in an open space in the carriage and continued to repeat the hand seals.

In the evening, when Charlie was less than an hour away from Duke Mining, Li Yalin had already received the cash sent by the spokesperson of the An family.

He completed the agreement with the boss and handed the US dollars to the boss, and then the boss began to lay off his employees.

These employees never took a vacation on weekdays. They wished they could work 360 days out of 365 days a year. The reason was that they were reluctant to lose their wages by taking a vacation.

Now the boss has given them at least two months of paid vacation, and the only requirement is that they keep it a secret and wait for the call at home at any time. There is no reason for them to refuse this, and they can also take this time to have a good rest. After all, if you don't take advantage of a bargain, you will be a b@stard. This is an eternal truth everywhere.

After the employees explained everything clearly, the boss asked the workers to temporarily stop the production line according to Li Yalin's request. All the canned food that has been processed will be sent to the warehouse as soon as it comes out of the industrial steamer. The canned food in the warehouse will become the food for the dead soldiers who must transfer next.

The boss also temporarily stopped cooperation with all seafood raw material suppliers at the docks, saying that there was a big problem with the production line and it needed to be stopped for rest and no longer purchase raw materials for the time being.

There are many food processing factories that have temporarily stopped work due to various reasons. After all, they are in an economically underdeveloped area of ​​Morocco, which did not arouse the suspicion of suppliers.

After finishing these, the boss happily took the US dollars given by Li Yalin and drove back to his home.

From this moment on, the factory was completely handed over to Li Yalin for disposal, and no former employees were left on the scene.

Li Yalin immediately classified and divided the scene, and asked the people who settled the house to dismantle all the machines and neatly stack them in the centre of the factory, dividing the entire factory into two. The huge factory will be used for temporary residence for the dead and their families. The reason for dividing it into two is to temporarily separate men and women to protect privacy.

All doors and windows have been shielded, and a large number of surveillance cameras are installed on the top and sides of the factory walls and factory buildings in the factory area. Although no high-tech equipment can be temporarily transferred, it is completely sufficient without being exposed.

Although the ingredients in the factory warehouse are relatively simple, the employee cafeteria still stores some other ingredients. Li Yalin has already issued a purchase order and asked the An family to secretly purchase some other kinds of canned food and deliver them to the site. The cold storage is just large enough to store at least dozens of tons of raw materials at ordinary times, and it is also completely capable of storing ingredients for thousands of people.

After doing all this, Li Yalin called Charlie and told him: "Mr. Wade, I have almost prepared everything here. Basic food and medicine have been prepared, and the environment on site has been cleaned and disinfected. The weather is cool now. Although the living environment is a little worse, the physical feeling will not be too bad. Next, I will wait for your news to see when to arrange the first batch of people to come."

Charlie asked him: "Inspector Li, have you taken a look at the traffic conditions from Duke Mining to your place?"

Li Yalin said: "I have checked the map and the information on the skyline. Although this road is basically a small road, it can be passed. The power should be acceptable, and the driving distance is not far, about 100 kilometres, and it will definitely take two or three hours to get there. 

"What I am more worried about now is that when we start to mobilise large numbers of people, we will inevitably use large vehicles. I want to start tonight to investigate the actual traffic conditions of this road and see what kind of vehicles usually run on this road. We will prepare in advance. Didn't you ask me to acquire a logistics company? I plan to see which logistics company runs more on this route. After acquiring it, I will use our people to continue running this route and deliver people here. "

"Okay." Charlie said, "You will be fully responsible for these matters, Inspector Li. If everything goes well on my side, as soon as Joseph arrives tomorrow, I will let him take a group of people there first. Most of the dead soldiers have the strength of three-star warriors or even above. Let them try the land forced march first. For them, a hundred kilometres march is no problem. They can arrive in one night, and the target is the smallest. With their strength, ordinary people will not find them. If most people can reach the destination by forced march, then the pressure on us to transport them will be much less. It's just some old people, children, women and children." "

Okay!" Li Yalin said, "I will also prepare the vehicles as soon as possible, and provide support at any time if needed!"


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