Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3243 update || Chapter 6733 & 6734 || Chapter 3243 Unexpected Gain | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3243 Unexpected Gain

The words "big change" made all the cavalry guards on the platform extremely worried.

Family is the biggest motivation for them to live and work hard for the PoQing Society, but now, they have to face an indefinite separation.


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After the separation, apart from fighting to the death, they don't know if they will have the chance to see their family again in their lifetime.

Seeing that everyone was lonely and sad, Song Qianshi frowned and asked in a cold voice: "Why? Didn't you all swear to be loyal to the Lord? Why are you all like eggplants hit by frost just because you are separated from your family temporarily?"

When everyone heard this, they were even more angry.

However, no one dared to refute this young woman.

Because she was a Qianshi of the Governor's Office, a senior official of the Governor's Office. Although her surname was Song but not Wu, she was also a relative of the Wu family, and was considered a relative of the Wu family. Her status in the Governor's Office was considered very high.

Besides, Song Chenshi was a monk, and her cultivation was much higher than those cavalry guards. She was not only qualified, but also capable of killing any of them. No one dared to express any dissatisfaction or opposition in front of her.

At this time, the deep whistle of a train came from a distance, and the commander heard a voice from the intercom on his waist: "The train has passed the fork!"

Since he had been waiting for this train all day, the commander had already sent people to wait at the fork between the railway main line and the Duke Mining branch line, and notified them as soon as they saw the train passing the fork.

After the train passed the fork, it was still a few kilometres away from Duke Mining, and it was only a few minutes' drive. So the commander said to Song Chenshi: "Song Chenshi, the train is coming soon and will enter the station in a few minutes. I will lead the cavalry guards to unload the goods as soon as possible and install the monitoring equipment overnight!"

"Yeah." The woman responded coldly, and her brows were slightly relaxed.

She had been waiting for this train and this batch of goods, waiting for the goods to arrive, watching them finish the work as soon as possible, and at the same time taking the time to arrange for them to start a major change of personnel. After the task was completed, she could return to Naples, Italy, which is now the headquarters of the Right Army Governor's Office.

A few minutes later, several bright beams of light appeared in front of the dark rails.

With the roar of the train, the train appeared in everyone's sight.

Charlie, who was in a state of meditation, felt the train begin to slow down, and knew that the train was about to arrive at the station.

To be cautious, he released his spiritual energy and kept checking within a range of about one kilometre around him.

When the train was about to reach the fence gate of Duke Mining on the railway, Charlie's eyebrows suddenly twisted into a ball, and the whole person became a little nervous in an instant.

The reason for the nervousness was that he originally thought that he would not meet monks when he came to Duke Mining this time, but he did not expect that at this moment, there was actually a monk on the platform in Duke Mining!

Fortunately, the strength of the monk was much weaker than his own.

If the opponent's strength is higher than his own, then this investigation will probably be immediately discovered by the opponent!

This also made Charlie curious.

He couldn't understand why there would be a monk in Duke Mining, an ordinary dead warrior station.

Fortunately, there was no second monk within the range that could be investigated, which made Charlie feel a little relieved.

Although this monk was not in the plan, fortunately he was still under Charlie's control.

In addition to this monk, Charlie also found a warrior whose strength had reached the second level of the dark realm on the platform. This dark realm warrior was also the strongest except for that monk.

I think this monk should be the commander of the cavalry guards here. As for that monk, Charlie couldn't confirm his identity for a while.

However, Charlie combined his previous experience and analysis. Duan Liye, the special envoy of the Cyprus line, was only the third level of the dark realm. His strength was naturally far worse than that of this monk, so the status of this monk in the Poqing Society must be several levels higher than the special envoy.

Since she is higher than the envoy, she must not be a permanent resident of Duke Mining. She must be someone temporarily sent to Duke Mining by the Poqing Society, or even someone from the headquarters of the Right Army Governor's Office.

This made Charlie very happy.

The four earls are at best the four highest-level cavalry guards. To the Poqing Society, they are nothing more than flags and human bombs. They actually know very little about the secrets of the Poqing Society.

But this time, it is hard to say about this monk. If this person is really from the Right Army Governor's Office, then she must know many core secrets of the Right Army Governor's Office.

It seems that this time when I go to Duke Mining, there will be unexpected gains!

So, Charlie immediately stopped meditating, hid in the goods, and prepared to deal with the next opportunities and challenges.

Just like the driving record seen on the train before, the train first stopped outside the fence gate of Duke Mining's railroad. A six-star warrior from Duke Mining immediately came up. After checking that there was only the driver in the locomotive, he was relieved and said in Chinese on the intercom: "No abnormality, open the door."

Then, the iron fence door opened inward, the train restarted, and slowly drove into the factory area at a very slow speed. After all the carriages had entered the platform, the train gradually stopped.

However, the train driver did not turn off the train, but got off the train and directly unhooked the hook.

The commander of the Poqing Society said to several of his men around him: "You can check the seals on the outside of each car according to the delivery note. If there is no problem, let the driver turn forward and drive the locomotive back."

The train driver was from the Moroccan National Railway. It was not that the PoQing Society could not infiltrate the Moroccan National Railway, but that all of them who were responsible for infiltration were scholars. Infiltrating the Moroccan National Railway was really a waste of talent for them.

Moreover, the train drivers of the Moroccan National Railway are rotated and dispatched. All the shifts are arranged according to the on-the-job situation and working hours of each person the next day. If you want to ensure that every train driver to Duke Mining is your own, you must put at least five or six people in the Moroccan National Railway.

This is even less cost-effective for the PoQing Society.

Several cavalry guards immediately began to check the seals and locks of the five carriages according to the pre-arranged division of labour. According to their actual operation experience over the years, as long as the seals and locks are not abnormal, there will be no problem with the quantity of goods inside, so 60% is relatively simplified.

All 20 carriages were checked and correct, and the seals and locks were not opened twice. The commander signed his name on the delivery order, and then the driver took the receipt back to the cab on the other side of the locomotive, drove the locomotive forward into the turnout, and after the turnout changed lanes, it slowly drove away along the lane in the centre of the platform.

The commander did not dare to delay, and immediately said to his men who had been waiting for a long time: "Hurry up and unload the goods. Don't worry about the refrigerated carriages for now. Transport all the security monitoring equipment and auxiliary wires, and then deliver the goods to the designated location according to the list we have previously decided!"

Everyone immediately responded loudly, and then rushed to the fifteenth ordinary carriage.

The seal lock made of steel wire may require pliers to cut for ordinary people, but for these cavalry guards who have at least three-star strength, they can tear it open with bare hands. 

The seal lock of the carriage where Charlie was was also pulled open by someone, and then someone outside urged: "Hurry, look at the cargo number, and unload it quickly if it matches!"


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