Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2844 update | Chapter 5935 & 5936 Chapter 2844 Best Candidate | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2844 Best Candidate

Mr. Wade gave my Son a chance to live.

Thinking back on his helplessness before, at this moment, he was extremely grateful to Charlie in his heart.

Wei Liang smiled and said: "Mr. Smith, don't worry. Mr. Wade told me that he is out of town now, so you should accompany your son to receive treatment these days. When the child's condition improves, he will return to Aurous Hill. I will ask you to meet."

James Smith said gratefully: "Then Mr. Wei must help me convey my thanks to Mr. Wade, our whole family is grateful for his great kindness!"

Wei Liangliang nodded and looked at James · Smith's current state, he knows in his heart that this person is really grateful to Charlie, and will definitely do his best for Charlie in the future.

The underlying cultural background and underlying logic of Jiuxuan Pharmaceuticals are quite different from those of Western society. If Jiuxuan Pharmaceuticals’ drugs are to be successfully marketed in North America or even Europe in the future, there must be a person who understands the Western medical system very well, and in this world Those who have enough resources in the system will be the striker prizes who charge forward.

And James Smith is definitely the best candidate, not one of them.

Wei Liang, as the CEO of Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical, also looks forward to James Smith joining the team one day.

However, he knew in his heart that it was not suitable for him to come forward in this matter, and he still wanted Charlie to communicate with James Smith.

So, he smiled and said to James Smith: "Don't worry, Mr. Smith, I will convey it to Mr. Wade for you later."

As he said that, he looked at the time and said, "Mr. Smith, I have something else to do, so I won't bother you any more. We have already arranged for the child's follow-up treatment. Don't worry, all cancer patients participating in clinical trials, as long as they enter The door of Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical will get better and heal without exception, so you don't have to worry about it now, just stay with the child and wait for the child to recover and leave the hospital." 

Wei Liang's words undoubtedly gave James Smith great confidence, he nodded again and again, and watched Wei Liang leave gratefully.

After waiting outside the CT room for about ten minutes, the electric door slowly opened, and several doctors immediately went in and pushed out Jimmy who was still in a coma.

As soon as Jimmy left the CT room, James Smith hurried forward to check on his son's condition, but his son hadn't received the Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill yet, so his condition didn't improve.

At this moment, two doctors in white coats walked over quickly, one of them was holding a small suitcase, and the other was holding a portable professional video camera.

The two came to Jimmy, and the doctor with the suitcase asked several other doctors: "Is the patient ready to take the medicine now?"

The doctor who had been in touch with James Smith nodded and said: "All the examinations of the patient It's all done, he can take the medicine."

The doctor nodded and said: "Okay, I'm going to feed him the medicine now."

After finishing speaking, he exchanged glances with the doctor holding the camera next to him, and said, "Start recording now."

The other party immediately opened the The record button of the camera, and then the doctor opened the suitcase, and there were dozens of spherical pill boxes slightly smaller than golf balls neatly arranged inside. He took off two in order, and rotated in front of the camera to show that At the same time, he said: "Patient number e33 of group e, name: Jimmy Smith; age: twelve years old; on the first day of admission, he took two Jiuxuan Zaizao pills, the pill body numbers ebar 1905, ebar 1906, The packaging of the medicine box is intact and there is no abnormality, please family members to check the information.”

After that, he handed the two Jiuxuan Reconstituted Pills to James Smith, and said: "Mr. Smith, please check the integrity of these two pills, if there is no problem, we will take them apart and give them to the child. "

James Smith asked in surprise: "Is the medication process so strict?"

The doctor nodded and said: "Currently, many people in the black market are asking for a lot of money to buy Jiuxuan Zaizo Pills. In order to ensure that the medicine is finally taken by the patient, each Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill must be clearly recorded. From now on, until the patient is discharged from the hospital, our specialist will personally deliver the medicine and supervise the patient every time he takes the Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill."

James Smith suddenly realized.

Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill should be the only drug on the market that can completely cure all cancers. In addition, there is no supply on the market, and those rich people who are sick will definitely pay a very high price for it. If there is no strict control over the medicines, maybe someone inside Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical or the patient's family members will rack their brains to sell Jiuxuan Zaizao Pills because of huge interests.

Strict supervision of the delivery and administration of drugs can prevent such things from happening.

James Smith carefully checked the outer packaging of the two Jiuxuan Reconstituted Pills, and after confirming that there was nothing unusual, he handed the medicine back to the doctor, and said, "The medicine is fine, please hurry up and give it to the child!"

Then The doctor nodded slightly, and opened one of the pills under the gaze of the camera and everyone, and then asked a doctor to gently pinch Jimmy's mouth open, and then put the pill into his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he did the same and put the second pill into Jimmy's mouth.

The two Jiuxuan Zaizo Pills quickly melted in Jimmy's mouth. The medicine not only contained medicines that could treat cancer, but also had the ingredients to quickly restore the body's vitality, so Jimmy's pale and bloodless complexion quickly recovered. Somewhat ruddy.

A minute later, Jimmy woke up. He slowly opened his eyes and found that he was in an unfamiliar environment with many strangers around him, and he was a little nervous for a while.

Seeing that his son had woken up, James Smith rushed forward and said excitedly, "Jimmy, Jimmy, you're awake! Dad is here!"

When Jimmy saw James Smith, his nervousness instantly eased a lot. He couldn't help asking: "Dad, where am I? Where's my mother?"

James Smith wept with joy, choked up and said: "You are in Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical, and your mother and sister are waiting for news from us outside. If they know that you wake up they will be very happy!"

Although Jimmy is not very old, he has long known that only Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical's Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill can cure his illness, which is why his father brought him here from the United States all the way.

However, he also knew that his condition did not meet the selection criteria for the clinical trial of Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill, and he had already been rejected by Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical.

So, when he heard his father say that he is in Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical, he couldn't help being surprised.

James Smith asked him with concern: "Jimmy, how do you feel now? Are you feeling better than before?"

Jimmy nodded slightly, and said truthfully: "I feel much more comfortable, and the pain before is also better. A lot, Dad, don’t I have to die?”

James Smith grabbed his hand, nodded heavily, and choked up: “Don’t worry Jimmy, you won’t die, you will live a long life, Dad promises! "

The doctor on the side said: "Mr. Smith, the child's condition is better now, let's send him back to the ward first, go back to the ward to have a good rest, continue to take the medicine at the same time tomorrow, and the body will be further strengthened, I believe it will not take a few days , Jimmy can get out of bed and move around."

"Good!" James Smith said excitedly: "Thank you doctor! Thank you!"


  1. I would request you to add 5 chapters a day, instead of 1 chapter per day..


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