Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2842 update | Chapter 5931 & 5932 Chapter 2842 Turn around before the gate of ghosts closes| Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2842 Turn around before the gate of ghosts closes

"James Smith?!"

Wei Liang was astonished, and couldn't help but ask, "Master Wade, I dare to do it for you, why did you open him up?"

Charlie smiled and said, "Just let him trigger the hidden reward by accident." , I have told him before that if he can really do charity with his heart without asking for anything in return, Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical may give him a chance, and this time I will delete the word "maybe." 

Wei Liang said without hesitation, " Alright, Master Wade, don't worry, I'll arrange it."

Charlie said again, "The other two are young people who I accidentally got strong, and they are destined to be with me, so you can make arrangements together."

Charlie said again He instructed, "However, after you admit the patient, you put James Smith's son in the children's ward and isolate him from the other two. Don't let them know my identity, but you can find an opportunity to talk to James Smith in private." ··Smith made it clear, I definitely can't give this favor in a daze, let this old boy know who gave the opportunity.”, when the time comes, I will find a chance to explain to him face to face!"

After finishing speaking, Wei Liang remembered something, and quickly asked, "Master Wade, after I meet James Smith this time, do you want to tell him your real identity?"

Charlie hummed, and said, "Tell him straight, I just planned to take this old boy for my own use in the future, so I will directly recruit him this time." Wei Liang asked in surprise, "Master Wade, what do you want me to do?

" James Smith to cooperate with us?"

Charlie said, "It's not just cooperation, I want him to join us and become a member of Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical."

With that said, Charlie said again, "James Smith has resigned from the FDA. It is impossible for him to come and leave as he pleases in a position like director, so there is no way he can go back to the FDA, ​​but he has worked in the FDA for many years after all. He has very deep connections within the FDA and the North American pharmaceutical industry. More importantly, he has a very good understanding of the game rules of the entire FDA and the North American pharmaceutical field. If he can join Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical and serve as the person in charge of Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical in North America , then he will definitely help Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical to occupy the North American market in the shortest time!"

After hearing this, Wei Liang said excitedly, "Master Wade is right, if we want to open up the situation in North America, James Smith is indeed our leader. The best candidate!"

Charlie said, "When you meet him, tell him my identity and the stakes in it, and then tell him that I will make time to meet him when I return to Aurous Hill in a few days." 

Wei Liang immediately Said, "Okay, Master Wade, I will definitely convey it to him!"


At this time, Hu Leqi, Shu Lan, and James Smith outside the door were already waiting anxiously.

Even now, they are not sure whether this matter is reliable or not, and they all know that whether this matter is reliable or not is directly related to the lives of three cancer patients, so everyone is extremely nervous.

The security guard waited for a while, and when no one came out to pick them up, he stepped forward and said, "Three, you have already timed out. Please move outside the cordon and wait.

" Someone will come to pick us up soon."

The security guard said seriously, "The time has come, and three steps outside the cordon will not affect your waiting. When the picker comes, I will let you in."

Hu Leqi was helpless, he had no choice but to nod and said, "Okay, let's go first then."Wait outside the cordon. "

As soon as the voice fell, a man said, "Captain Sun, these are my friends, let them come in."

Several people turned their heads to look, only to realize that the person speaking was actually the general manager of Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical, Wei Liang. 

The security guard called Captain Sun saw Wei Liang coming, and immediately said very politely, "Mr. Wei, since they are your Friends, I would like to thank you for registering information. "

According to the regulations of Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical, any external visitor must be received by an internal employee.

And every employee who picks up the visitor must truthfully register the visitor's information, which is convenient for unified management, even Wei Liang is no exception. 

Wei Liang Highlight nodded, looked at the three of them, and said with a smile, "I know Mr. Smith, and the other two, please show your personal documents, and I will register. 

Hu Leqi couldn't hide his excitement and said, "Wei... Hello Mr. Wei, my name is Hu Leqi, this is my girlfriend Shu Lan, we...we are Ah Chen's friends, he asked us to come to you..."

Wei Liang smiled slightly and said, "I know, he has already called me, don't worry, I will fulfill whatever he promised you. "

Hu Leqi and Shu Lan burst into tears of joy.

In the eyes of cancer patients, Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical's status is much higher than that of Mayo Clinic. Being accepted by Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical for clinical trials indicates that people have already Completed the U-turn before the gate of hell and started to walk back.

Holding the child James Smith was even more excited and burst into tears. He looked at Wei Liang and said with great gratitude and shame, "Mr. Wei, thank you for giving Jimmy this opportunity... ... Please also forgive my arrogance and ignorance at the beginning..."

Wei Liang smiled and said, "Mr. Smith, the person you want to thank is not me, I will talk to you later. "

After that, he took the certificates handed over by Hu Leqi and Shu Lan, and after registering them, he said, "Please come with me, I will settle a few of you now. "

They were overjoyed and quickly followed Wei Liang into Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical.

As soon as they enter the gate of Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical, they can see several commercial vehicles parked on the roadside inside the door. Wei Liang pointed to one of them and said to the three people, "The current Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical covers a very large area. The clinical trial center is still 15 kilometers away from the door, let's go there by car."

Several people nodded and followed Wei Liang into the commercial vehicle.

The driver started the car, and Wei Liang began to introduce, "After I received the call just now, I have already arranged the places for clinical trials for you, but our clinical trials are for adults and minors, so Mr. Hu and Shu As an adult, the young lady will be directly assigned to the adult group, which consists of four patients in one ward, and relatives are not allowed to visit or accompany them, and our own nursing team will be responsible for daily life and necessary care.” 

The two hurriedly nodded.

For them, whether they have family members to accompany them is not important, what is important is that they can accompany each other, and that is enough.

Wei Liang looked at James Smith again at this time, and said, "Mr. Smith, our underage group has two patients in one ward, but each underage patient can be accompanied by a family member to take care of it. You or your wife You can stay and take care of him, but you can only be accompanied by one person at a time. If you need to change someone, you need to get a specific pass and register outside the door."

James Smith said without hesitation, "I will accompany him!"


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