Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3244 update || Chapter 6735 & 6736 || Chapter 3244 Smooth Cut-in | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3244 Smooth Cut-in

At least half of the 15 carriages of Duke Mining were filled with mechanical equipment needed for mining, and the other half were various equipment and auxiliary materials needed for upgrading the security system.

Charlie, who had already changed into work clothes, was hiding behind many goods. A cavalry guard opened the door and took a look at the documents, then said, "Commander, carriage 08 is full of engineering parts."

The commander immediately said, "Don't worry about the engineering parts, unload the monitoring equipment first."

"Yes, sir." The cavalry guard responded and opened the door of the carriage where Charlie was, and then went to other carriages.

Charlie originally wanted to use his spiritual energy to control this person, and then leave him here, waiting for an opportunity to sneak into Duke Mining, but thinking that the monk was on the platform and the commander of the cavalry guard was also on the scene, he planned to observe first and then wait for an opportunity to act.

At this time, seeing that the train had arrived and all the carriages were checked without any problems, Song Chenshi did not intend to stay here, so she said to the commander: "Commander Yin, you stay here to supervise in person, and you must work overtime to complete the task. I still have to continue to sort out the list of the major changes, so I won't waste time here."

Commander Yin had been extremely upset about the major changes, and was naturally full of displeasure and disgust towards Song Chenshi. Hearing that she was leaving, he immediately put on a dark face and bowed, "Okay, Song Chenshi, then I won't see you off."

Song Chenshi saw that he was very upset, and she didn't bother to take it to heart. She snorted and turned to leave the platform.

As soon as Song Chenshi left, someone immediately stepped forward and asked nervously: "Commander... this... this b@stard surnamed Song, is he really going to separate us from our families?"

When Commander Yin heard this, his face suddenly turned cold, and he quickly whispered: "Are you tired of living?!" 

As soon as the voice fell, a burst of air-breaking sound came at a high speed, and then the questioning cavalry guard suddenly opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue.

Commander Yin was surprised, and saw that the tip of the other party's tongue suddenly broke up and down, and a cold light pierced through the centre of the tip of the tongue! 

Commander Yin looked closely and found that it was the thin sword on Song Chenshi's waist!

At this moment, the thin sword flew from nowhere, directly pierced through the back of his subordinate's head, penetrated into his mouth, and pierced his entire tongue!

The subordinate didn't even hum a sound, and was directly killed by a sword. Because the two were whispering before, the distance was very close, so at this moment the tip of the thin sword was less than a few centimetres away from Commander Yin's eyebrows.

As the body of the subordinate fell to the ground uncontrollably with a thud, all the Cavalry Guards were startled.

No one noticed the approach of the rapier just now. At this time, Song Chenshi stood at the end of the platform a few hundred metres away, turned around and looked at everyone, with her hands on her shoulders and a stern expression.

Then, she spread her right hand slightly and shouted softly: "Collect!"

The flying sword was pulled out of the mouth of the corpse, and a silver light flashed in the air above the platform. In the blink of an eye, she was holding it in her hand.

She casually put the rapier back into the scabbard at her waist and said coldly: "Those who discuss the superiors will be beheaded!"

Everyone was shocked by this scene and didn't know what to do. They stood there and didn't dare to move or speak.

Commander Yin swallowed his saliva, and his hatred for Song Chenshi in his heart became stronger.

However, the opponent's strength was indeed superior. She killed people under his nose, and he didn't even have the chance to react. If the sword had moved forward a little more, it would have pierced his head directly!

Therefore, under such circumstances, he dared not disobey Song Chenshi again, and hurriedly said: "It's okay for you to discipline me, please punish me!"

Song Chenshi sneered and said: "No need to punish you, since the usurper is dead, you should take it as a lesson. Before I leave here, I don't want to hear anyone say anything treasonous again. If there is a next time, Commander Yin will also be held responsible!"

Commander Yin quickly clasped his fists and said respectfully: "I thank Song Chenshi for letting me off. Please rest assured, I will never let this happen again!"

Song Chenshi said lightly: "Remember what you said."

After that, she turned around and disappeared at the end of the platform.

Although Song Chenshi left, others still did not dare to move rashly. After all, there was a body kneeling on the ground, and everyone didn't know what to do for a while.

Commander Yin took a look at the other's body, sighed, and said, "Come on, two people, carry Xiao Tang's body down, find a place with good feng shui, and let him rest in peace."

One person stepped forward and asked, "Commander, do you want to notify Xiao Tang's family to come and see him for the last time?"

Commander Yin sighed and waved his hand, "No need. His parents are old and can't stand such a big blow. What's more, there will be a major blood exchange soon. Everyone will be separated from their families. After the separation, there will be no news. It is better to hide it for a few days. When the major blood exchange starts, his family can still think that he is still alive, so that they can have some thoughts."

When everyone heard this, they all fell silent.

Many people even had tears in their eyes.

However, with the previous experience of Xiao Tang, no one dared to speak nonsense or rudely.

Commander Yin saw that everyone was in low spirits, so he hurriedly said: "Okay, two people go and bury Xiao Tang, and the rest of you hurry up and unload the goods! Let's do a big blood exchange, at least everyone and their families can still live. Think about it, life is only a short 30,000 days, so if you can't see it, then you can't see it!" 

When everyone heard this, although they were extremely depressed in their hearts, they didn't dare to delay any longer. Two people volunteered to carry Xiao Tang's body away from the platform, and the rest of the people began to continue to move all the monitoring equipment from the carriage to the platform.

Charlie in the carriage did not expect that the female monk would be so cruel. The cavalry guard just called her a b@stard, and she took his life. However, through the process of the woman's action just now, Charlie could sense that the other party's cultivation was indeed much worse than his. Since she was the person with the highest status and the strongest strength here, the situation was completely under her control.

As for the big blood exchange they were discussing just now, Charlie also heard a general clue from the dead man's complaint. It seems that the Poqing Society separated these cavalry guards from their families in order to tie them up tightly and completely cut off their thoughts of betrayal. Using family members as a threat is indeed too cruel. 

Once the big blood exchange is completed, if I come to such a place again, I will definitely be attacked by all the cavalry guards.

Even if I tell them that I can help them detoxify and let them no longer be controlled by the Poqing Society, what can I do?

As long as they dare to follow me, their families who are unknown will probably be slaughtered.

In this way, I am afraid that most people are unwilling to give up their relatives and survive alone.

Wu Feiyan's move was really cruel. It was not enough to control these cavalry guards, but she also threatened them with their families and implemented the collective responsibility system. She had already lost all her humanity.

Charlie's spiritual consciousness had been quietly staring at the deputy officer Song until she left the refinery and came to the office building outside the refinery.

Commander Yin prepared an office for her here. All the list information of the cavalry guards and the family registration booklet were handed over to her. At present, she was drawing up the list and batches of personnel for the major blood exchange.

Charlie could feel that when Deputy Officer Song just left, he was still staring at the cavalry guards on the platform with his spiritual energy, but now he had completely withdrawn his spiritual energy and no longer asked about what was going on there.

So, he also had his own plan.

While no one was paying attention to his carriage, he quietly used his spiritual energy to lay a psychological hint for Commander Yin, and then stepped out of the carriage and went directly to Commander Yin.

Charlie suddenly came out of the carriage without any cover or psychological hint to others, which made several cavalry guards pay attention to his presence. They were a little surprised for a while, not knowing where this strange face came from, but they soon realised that this person might be an outsider who sneaked in with the train, so they subconsciously moved towards Charlie. 

Charlie had already came in front of Commander Yin at this time. He clasped his hands and said loudly: "Commander, I am back to report to you!"

Several people who noticed Charlie were about to come over to control him, and suddenly saw him reporting to Commander Yin, and they were even more surprised for a while.

Duke Mining has nearly a thousand cavalry guards, including family members, there are as many as three or four thousand people. Although these cavalry guards cannot know every one of them, these dozens of cavalry guards in charge of the platform belong to the same organisation and are familiar with each other. They have indeed never seen Charlie's face. 

However, when he reported to Commander Yin, he sounded like a comrade-in-arms, so they don't know if he is a brother from another organisation.

So, several people looked at Commander Yin, waiting for his statement.

Commander Yin laughed, stepped forward and patted Charlie on the shoulder, saying loudly: "Good brother, you have worked hard outside these years!"

After that, he said to the others around him: "Listen to me, this brother is my spy. Now that the big change is imminent, I will call him back from outside. There is a great chance that he can help us completely reverse the current situation. Don't tell anyone about this, especially Song Chenshi, understand?" 

When everyone heard this, they immediately put down all their guard.

Moreover, after hearing Commander Yin say that Charlie might completely reverse the current situation, everyone immediately asked with great expectation: "Commander, could this brother break the plan of this big change?!"

Commander Yin smiled and said: "Brothers, you can look forward to it boldly. In short, I, Yin, will definitely work hard for all the brothers here until my death. Please don't be pessimistic, brothers. As long as he is still here, we will definitely have a chance to turn the tables!"


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