Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3031 update | Chapter 6309 & 6310 Chapter 3031 Showing Loyalty | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3031 Showing Loyalty


    Helena's words made Steve's liver tremble.

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    If Helena's words just now were a warning to himself, then these last words were a naked threat! In just a few words, you can hear the murderous intent!

    Steve was not a fool. He could immediately figure out the stakes. He thought to himself: "After this old man's experience of taking the elixir to recover, he will definitely become extremely dependent. He will be reborn next time." If he becomes ill or his life is in danger again, he will definitely get a pill to extend his life at all costs."

    "Once the old man enters the state of "at all costs", he will be able to follow any rules. Broken."

    "Take the Sifang Baozhu last time as an example. The old man didn't even discuss it with me, the eldest son, and directly issued a decision. Whoever finds the Sifang Baozhu and brings it back to the Rothschild family will be the next one as an heir, isn't this just playing hooligan?"

    "With this precedent, you don't have to think about it. If the old man needs elixirs next time and can't get them, he will definitely make the same decision. whoever can Get him a magical elixir, and can inherit the family..." "

    At that time, I, the eldest son, will be deprived of the qualification of the first heir at any time. If I really make Charlie dissatisfied, he will get one If Dan Yao goes to cooperate with his other brothers, then I will be kicked out directly?!"

    Thinking of this, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind: "How about we just seize power with arms!"

    But this thought was only a momentary thought. He flashed and was immediately forgotten by him.

    He knew that even if he wanted to seize power with arms, he would have no chance.

    The roots of the Rothschild family are in New York. Although the security in the slums here is more chaotic than in Paris, the security in the wealthy areas is simply unparalleled. There are at least three police stations around the Rothschild family estate alone. There are several police helicopters equipped, and the police here are extremely dedicated. If anyone dares to steal a dog in a wealthy area, the police will chase him with helicopters.

    Moreover, the old man himself has a private armed force dedicated to protecting his personal safety. This private armed force serves the old man alone. Even his own sons are among the defense targets of these private armed forces.

    In addition, the old man has deep connections with various important departments in New York and even the United States. He even established a special fund for these departments. The scale of this fund is not large, only about one billion U.S. dollars, but the only thing this fund has The purpose is that once he dies unexpectedly, these departments will use this fund to investigate his death strictly. No matter who the culprit is, Rothschild's strongest legal team will do their best to ensure that he gets justice. The most severe sentence.

    If he seizes power with force, there is a high probability that he will be killed before he succeeds. There is a small probability that although he succeeds, he will soon be punished by the law. Wouldn't he be a bride for his other brothers? Clothes?

    Moreover, Steve suddenly thought of a question in his mind: "Actually, even if I become the patriarch of the Rothschild family in the future, I may not be able to do without Charlie's help. I am already over fifty years old this year. If I wait any longer, If I can successfully succeed to the throne in a few years, then I will probably be over sixty. By then, I will only be able to sit in the position of clan leader for twenty years at most... But if Charlie can also sell me some pills, maybe, I will sit in the position of patriarch for thirty years or even longer in the future..."

    "It seems like, no matter what, I can't fall out with Charlie!"

    After thinking about it, Steve immediately put on a flattering look. With an expression on his face, he said to Helena: "Your Majesty the Queen, please tell Mr. Wade that I may have had other thoughts in the past, but please rest assured that from now on, I, Steve Rothschild, will always be following Mr. Wade’s lead!"

    Helena smiled slightly: "Mr. Wade has returned to China. If you have a chance, you can tell him in person."

    "I..." When Steve heard this, he felt aggrieved and useless.

    "What the hell, you don't have the right to express your loyalty in the air? Why don't you rush to China and say it in front of Charlie?"

    Although Steve was depressed, he didn't dare to say anything more. She could only say with a sorry smile: "Okay, okay, when I finish the things at hand, I will contact Mr. Wade and go to China to visit Mr. Wade in person!"

    Helena nodded: "That makes sense."

    Steve When they were speechless and choked, the two of them had already walked to the helicopter, so Helena said: "Send Mr. Rothschild here, don't you have a meeting at ten o'clock? It's almost time."

 Steve  said with some respect: "Your Majesty the Queen, I will not send you back to Canada."

    Helena nodded slightly and smiled in return. Her every frown and smile were extremely dignified, and her every move showed royal style.

    Steve looked at it and his heart trembled. He was not moved by Helena's appearance and temperament, but felt that the more dignified Helena was, the more evil she looked to him.

    In his twenties, she speaks with murderous intent. How can this be compared to ordinary people?

    However, Steve did not dare to have any dissatisfaction. After watching Helena board the helicopter and watching the helicopter go away, he breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, and was about to go back, when he happened to meet his son Royce who was looking for him. .

    As soon as Royce saw him, he said hurriedly: "Dad, grandpa asked you to go directly to the family conference room after seeing off the queen. There is a meeting."

    Steve said listlessly: "Okay, I understand, go now Let's do it."

    Royce on the side saw that his father was a little depressed. He quickly lowered his voice and asked cautiously: "Dad, can you successfully succeed to the throne today?"

    Steve shook his head and said dejectedly: "Stop dreaming. Your grandfather will not keep his promise."

    "What?!" Royce asked with a look of shock when he heard this: "Why?! Didn't he agree that we would hold a family meeting today to pass on the position of patriarch to the family? Give it to you?!"

    Steve smiled bitterly: "What's the use of agreeing? It's not written in the contract. Isn't it your grandpa who has the final say whether to give it or not?"

    Royce didn't sleep last night, He just thought that after his father ascended to the throne today, he would also become the first heir of the family. By then, he would not know how many people would kneel down and lick him. He had even begun to imagine that the Queen of Northern Europe, Helena, would throw herself into his arms. The picture of hugging.

    But he only had this sweet dream for one night, and his father actually said that there was no chance of succeeding to the throne. This... isn't this a lie?

    Royce, who had never experienced social beatings, his eyes turned red in an instant. He choked and asked, "Dad, if grandpa doesn't let you succeed, aren't we happy in vain? If you don't succeed, Queen Helena will still be here." Is she willing to marry me?"

    Steve said dumbfounded: "Even if I succeed, Helena won’t marry you."

    "Why?" Royce asked in confusion: "After I  become the first heir to Rothschild also, I will not be able to fall into her eyes?"

    Steve thought of Charlie and said angrily: "This woman has sold her soul to the devil!"

    Royce thought his father meant that Helena had an evil character, so he subconsciously said: "It doesn't matter. Dad, I can do it."

    Steve glared at him: "Is this something you can do?"

    Royce looked confused: "Helena came to see grandpa in person today, isn't she going to fight with us? Closely related? Will you still refuse to marry us?

    Steve kicked him and cursed, "Shut up! " If I hear you mention your marriage to the Nordic royal family again in the future, don’t blame me for slapping you with my big mouth! ”


From the original author ps: I wish everyone a happy new year (Chinese) and all the best.

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