Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2501 to 2600 Charlie Wade Story

 Chapter 2501

Early morning.

Aurous Hill City Village.

Cynthia, who had lost at least a dozen jins, walked out of the dark alley empty-handed.?

Five minutes ago, Orvel’s men opened the door of her room and told her that she could


At that moment, Cynthia cried bitterly.

She had been fed up with Aurous Hill, a cold, shabby, dark and humid city village.

She stayed in this tattered place for so many days, and there was a cheap musty smell all

over her body, which made her feel sick all the time.

She could leave early, but Charlie delayed her for several days for no reason, and then

added another seven days to the original deadline.

In fact, if you count it, it’s past early morning, which means it’s overtime again.

However, this time Cynthia had learned well, and she didn’t dare to yell at Charlie, or

even to those who were guarding her.

Therefore, at the moment of getting permission, she almost didn’t even think about it, and went straight out.

After running out, she realized that she didn’t know where to go so late.

She wants to return to Eastcliff immediately, but there can be no flights at this time. If her private plane is transferred from Eastcliff, it will take at least two or three hours, so where will she go in these two or three hours?

Thinking of this, she immediately called Issac.

She felt that Issac also had a private jet in Aurous Hill, and she could directly ask him to

send her back.

However, what she didn’t expect in her dream was that Issac’s mobile phone turned off.

Issac knew that Orvel was going to release Cynthia tonight, so he set his phone to do not disturb mode long ago.

In this Do Not Disturb mode, only Charlie can get through his phone, and any other number calling him will prompt the user to shut down.

Seeing that the phone couldn’t get through, Cynthia cursed and said, “This damn Issac, how can the phone be turned off? Is he hiding from me on purpose? What a jerk!”

In anger, Cynthia has no time to get angry with Issac. The most important thing for her now is to return to Eastcliff quickly.

So, she sent a video call to her father, Zhongquan.

At this time, the old man had already fallen asleep, and when he received the video call, he asked a little sleepily: “Cynthia, what’s the matter so late?”

Cynthia cried and said, “Dad! Charlie, that little b@stard, finally let me be released, but I can’t go back to Eastcliff now. Issac b@stard mobile phone is also turned off. Please take a look and arrange a one for me to come and pick me up…”

Zhongquan said, “It’s Charlie to give you a set time? Then take a taxi to the airport, and I will arrange a plane to pick you up.”

Cynthia choked and said, “Dad! You shouldn’t let me take a taxi to the airport. I have never taken a taxi before when I grew up. The taxis are broken, and a car would be worse than the four tires on my car. It’s not valuable, and everybody in it sits on top of it. It’s so dirty.”

Zhongquan said helplessly: “Cynthia! You are now in a special period. You have lived in the dirty and messy village for so many days. Are you afraid of taking a taxi?”

Cynthia wowed and burst into tears: “Dad! I came to Aurous Hill according to your request this time, but I really have faced all the hardship I have never experienced in my life…”

Zhongquan also had a headache, and said, “Okay, you have something to say, you are all this old, don’t cry at all, crying won’t solve any problems.”

After speaking, he yawned and said weakly, “Hey, I’m too sleepy. This man is very old. If I don’t sleep well, my body will be affected too much, so I won’t follow you. Let’s talk more, you can take a taxi to the airport, I’ll go to bed first.”

Chapter 2502

Although Cynthia was very aggrieved in her heart, it was not good to see her father say so. If she continues to force him, she can only be aggrieved and said: “Then, dad, don’t forget to order the plane before you sleep… ..”

Zhongquan was very tired and said, “You don’t need to call me for such trivial things as dispatching airplanes. You can call Leon and let him arrange it.”

Cynthia felt even more aggrieved when she heard this.

“Of course I know. I’ll just talk to Leon for this kind of thing.”

“But the reason why I went to the old man directly is not to pretend to be pitiful in front of him?”

“This will also make the old man’s impression of Charlie worse.”

“Besides, the old man knows that I have suffered such a grievance in Aurous Hill, and he will definitely give me some compensation.”

“Unexpectedly, the old man does not value me so much…”

Although Cynthia was dissatisfied in her heart, she did not dare to continue to mess with

the old man at this time.

She was about to say goodnight to the old man and ended the video immediately.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the landline on the bedside of the old man suddenly


The landline at the head of the old man’s bed is his emergency communication line.

Only when a major incident occurs and the old man is already resting, the subordinates

who report the matter will find the old man through this dedicated line.

At this time, Zhongquan also realized that something important might have happened,

so he couldn’t care about it. After finishing the call on video, he picked up the landline

and asked, “What happened?”

On the phone, Leon blurted out, “Master! Just received the message, Shoude, the

second child of the Su family, went to Aurous Hill tonight, he disappeared in Aurous


“What?!” Zhongquan, who was tired a second before, immediately sat up and asked

excitedly, “Shoude disappeared in Aurous Hill?! Really?!”

Leon said, “It’s true! The Su family sent many people to Aurous Hill overnight to search

for his whereabouts like a carpet search!”

Zhongquan suddenly became extremely excited. He laughed and said, “It’s great! It’s

great! Zynn went to Australia as a scapegoat. Shoude disappeared in Aurous Hill again.

The Su family lost two people in a row this time, which is equivalent to the old fox

Chengfeng’s hands and feet half-worn!”

Listen to this 5 year old kid's speech... 

After speaking, he couldn’t help sighing, “Shoude must have been done by Charlie! In

the whole Aurous Hill, only he has this kind of strength and courage!”

Leon said: “Master, there is currently no clear evidence that Master Charlie must have

done it.”

Zhongquan smiled confidently: “It must be him! It must be him! Apart from him, there

will be no second person!”

After speaking, Zhongquan said again: “Charlie even dares to move the second son of

the Su family! It’s true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers!”

On the phone, Leon said solemnly: “Master, Master Charlie is the son of the second son!

Someone has said that the second son is the destiny of the true dragon, and the second

son is the son of the second son, so he is not a newborn calf. , He is… he is a dragon!”

Zhongquan laughed loudly and said, “Yes, yes! He is the son of Changying! He is as kind

as his father!”

Speaking of this, Zhongquan said excitedly: “With Charlie here, the Wade family’s take

off is just around the corner! Just around the corner!”

Cynthia was shocked when she heard this.

She has no energy to feel sad for the excitement of her father now.

She was completely shocked by what Charlie did now.

She was incomparably shocked, and she was terrified: “Charlie, this guy…Is this

guy crazy?! Even dare to move Shoude?! That’s the second son of the Su family!

This guy even doesn’t take Shoude seriously, and if I am tied up, what will I do to

make him pay

Chapter 2503

At this time, Zhongquan had no extra energy to care about Cynthia.

Now he is extremely excited, and there is only one thought in his mind: “The Su family

has suffered heavy blows one after another, and the opportunity for the Wade family to

surpass the Su family is near!”

At this point, he immediately said to Leon: “Leon, we must closely follow the movements

of the entire Su family, and at the same time secretly send more people to Aurous Hill,

just in case, if they find Charlie, we must not stand by!”

Leon immediately said, “Okay master, I will make arrangements!”

After that, Leon said again, “Master or I will go there myself!”

Zhongquan said sternly: “You don’t go now, your identity is more sensitive. If you go to

Aurous Hill at this time, the Su family will definitely think this matter is related to us, so

you just stay in Eastcliff with me and watch the change.”

“Okay!” Leon hurriedly agreed, and said, “Master, what other orders do you have?”

Zhongquan exhorted, “You tell others now. I will have a meeting in 20 minutes. Also, if

there is any movement in Aurous Hill, you must report to me in time!”

“OK, Lord!”

Zhongquan hung up the phone, and here Cynthia said aggrieved: “Dad…what should I


Zhongquan discovered that the video call with Cynthia hadn’t been hung up yet, so he

said, “Isn’t it easy for you to do this? Just call Leon and ask him to arrange a plane to

pick you up.”

After speaking, Zhongquan remembered something and blurted out: “By the way,

Charlie let the people under his hands release you? Then you didn’t see him in person?”

“No…” Cynthia said angrily.

Zhongquan gave a hum, and said, “In this way, you call Charlie and tell him that you are

leaving. You call him to apologize for the offense before. Don’t forget to say one more

thing. Having been in Aurous Hill for so many days has also caused him trouble.”

Cynthia was stunned and said, “What?! Dad! He took me so badly, you let me apologize

to him?”

“Also! He detained me in Aurous Hill for so many hard days, how come it is me that

caused him trouble?!”

Zhongquan said coldly: “Your character really needs to be changed. You went to Aurous

Hill this time. There were problems with many things. It is reasonable to apologize to

Charlie. His senses are very bad. This may hinder him from returning to our Wade family

in the future. If you don’t want to let him let go of his prejudices, don’t talk about him in

the future, and I won’t forgive you!”

Cynthia almost collapsed.

However, when she thought of Zhongquan’s tone just now, she knew that if she didn’t

do it, the old man would definitely not forgive her.

So, she could only say angrily: “Okay…I will call him…”

“Well, it’s almost the same.” Zhongquan nodded with satisfaction, and said, “Okay, so be

it, I’m ready to go to the meeting.”

After speaking, the old man ended the video call.

Cynthia wiped away her tears, and reluctantly found Charlie’s mobile phone number and

called him.

At this moment, Charlie was editing the video, and Cynthia’s phone suddenly came. He

couldn’t help frowning, hesitated for a moment, and then connected the phone.


Cynthia was even more angry when she heard Charlie’s cold voice, but she didn’t dare to

make any negligence in her mouth, so she could only smile and say, “Charlie, I am your


Charlie asked coldly, “What’s the matter?”

Cynthia hurriedly said: “I called to apologize to you… This time I came to Aurous Hill

because I didn’t know how to deal with it, causing you a lot of trouble, and it made you

angry. I hope you can forgive me this time.”

As she said, she said: “The other thing is, Auntie is going back to Eastcliff tonight. This

time I am really causing you trouble.”

Charlie didn’t expect that this aunt would call to convince him.

Moreover, it was after she had recovered her freedom.

It stands to reason that this aunt is unlikely to really know her mistake and repent.

or the humiliation he gave me?!”

Chapter 2504

If she made this call before she regains her freedom, then 80% is to let him let her go.

However, after she regained her freedom, she called him to subdue herself, which is

really incredible.

Maybe, the father forced her to apologize.

But Charlie didn’t bother to talk with her too much. After all, there was still an explosive

video to be released, so he said lightly: “I hope you can keep a low profile in the future,

not be so arrogant and do it for yourself.”

After speaking, he ended the call directly.

On the other end of the phone, Cynthia gritted her teeth angrily, stomping her feet, and

said to herself: “Good boy, you fu*king wait for me, I’ll let this out sooner or later!”


Charlie hung up Cynthia’s phone and continued to edit the video.

At this moment, he received a news feed.

When he looked at the title, he couldn’t help laughing out loud immediately.

The title is: “The Su Group suffered a series of plots. Following the disappearance of

Liona and Zhiyu, Shoude, the vice president of the Su Group, is also kidnapped in

Aurous Hill! 》

Charlie clicked on this headline curiously and found this news, it was written that

Shoude was kidnapped and disappeared in Aurous Hill.

In addition, the news writer also speculated that there must be an extremely powerful

company, family, or organization that is deliberately launching an attack against the Su


First, Liona and Zhiyu were kidnapped, and now it was Shoude who evaporated from the

world. All of this came to the Su family!

He urged the majority of netizens to discern the truth and not to be misled by those

who deliberately discredit the Su family on the Internet. He also kept saying that all

conspiracies will eventually be broken, and the black hands behind the scenes will

eventually surface and accept the law.

Originally, some netizens did not believe that the Su family was really innocent.

However, when they saw the news that Shoude was also missing in Aurous Hill, they

changed their views.

In their view, this must be someone deliberately rectifying the Su family.

The Su family is really miserable. The daughter-in-law, granddaughter, and son have

been kidnapped one after another, life and death are uncertain, and they are almost

framed and mistaken for the murder of their daughter-in-law and granddaughter…

In a short period of time, the comment area was full of sympathy and support for the Su


When Charlie saw this, a smile appeared on his face.

In his opinion, the more Su family desperately seized every opportunity to cleanse, the

worse it naturally fell.

However, this old dog Chengfeng is really a contemporary hero.

Ruoli, he said that she can be sold;

Liona, his daughter-in-law, he said that she could be killed.

Now that his own son has disappeared, he did not forget to take this opportunity to

wash the ground for the Su family. The method is really extraordinary.

However, he must have never imagined that all these efforts he made will not only help

the Su Family to reverse public opinion but will make the Su Family’s death worse!

He used ten minutes to edit all the videos.

In the past ten minutes, the Su family has bought almost all of the media software,

madly pushing the press release just now, and the public opinion on the Internet has

completely supported the Su family.

Charlie unhurriedly turned on the short video platform and used the vest to upload the

edited video.

The title he gave to the video was: “The Kidnapping Case of Aurous Hill Treasure

Pavilion and the Unknown Case of the Forbidden Mountain Tunnel Car Accident! 》

Chapter 2505

At this moment, the whole network is sympathetic to the Su family’s suffering, but also

can not wait to find out the culprit behind the scenes as soon as possible, so that the

whole case can be brought to the surface.

However, at the moment, neither the Su family, nor the police, nor the general public

can find any real valuable clues.

The actual fact is that if you have a little bit of the so-called clues on the internet, you

will immediately get a lot of people watching.

After this video was sent out, the title mentioned the big reveal and immediately

attracted many users to click on it.

This look does not matter, the whole video clearly and intuitively displayed in front of

the audience’s face all the facts.

At the beginning, it is the scene of a tragic car accident.

Shred was killed, Liona and Zhiyu were seriously injured and their lives were uncertain.

Immediately afterwards, Stuart faced the camera and introduced himself.

He then told the shocking secret of all!

It turns out that the reason why Liona and Zhiyu were kidnapped by Shred is not a

coincidence at all.

The reason for this is that Old Su wanted this all.

The reason is that he is very dissatisfied with Liona’s divorce from his son, and is very

annoyed with her behavior in coming to Aurous Hill to attend the auction.

He even had to kill his own granddaughter for that!

Seeing this, all the audience could not help but have a very strong sense of disgust for


At this point, Charlie changed his voice questioning, in the video appeared.

Charlie questioned him, Chengfeng, the old dog, for the sake of his own family’s sh!t,

why he had to create such a terrible horrible event.

At that moment, everyone remembered that Shred had tied explosives, stormed into the

treasure Pavellion, and shot several hostages, all at the behest of Chengfeng!

Not only several innocent hostages died in vain because of Chengfeng’s conspiracy.

More importantly, the safety of hundreds of people was constantly threatened by his


It was almost a tragic incident!

And behind this, it was all Chengfeng’s idea!

This old dog, simply bad to the bone!

The next thing they saw was Shoude’s video, the wretched Shoude admitted to the

camera that Chengfeng, the old dog, not only wanted to harm Liona and Zhiyu, even

Ruoli, was also the victim of Chengfeng’s schemes!

What’s even more outrageous is that Chengfeng, the old dog, not only harmed his

granddaughter, but also put Zynn out to take the blame. It is simply inhumane!

In an instant, all the netizens who saw this video were enraged by Chengfeng’s

shameless behavior.

These netizens immediately became part of the crack propaganda, forwarding this

explosive video to all their friends and family.

In an instant, the traffic to this video skyrocketed by hundreds of times!

In just 10 minutes, tens of millions of people had already watched the video.

The trend of public opinion on the Internet immediately changed 360 degrees.

The internet users used all the vicious words they could think of to curse Chengfeng.

The police were struggling to find any relevant clues and suddenly found this video and

were furious.

Just an hour ago, the public relations director of the Su family made a phone call to

urge the police to solve the case as soon as possible, to give the Su family an

explanation, and also to rescue the three missing members of the Su family as soon as


The police also felt a lot of pressure, because after all, the Su family is the most powerful

family in the country, but unexpectedly, three members of the family disappeared in

Aurous Hill, which brought pressure to the Aurous Hill police, comparable to the Tokyo

Police Department during the Tokyo chaos.

But they never imagined that just when they were trying their best to solve the case, this

video would suddenly break out!

It turns out that the whole thing is just the Su family’s thief shouting to catch a thief!

The Su family kept saying that they wanted the police to solve the case as soon as

possible so that they could give them an explanation, but in fact, they were behind all

the bloodshed!

What’s even more unacceptable is that they chose to implicate several innocent

hostages in this way, even though their own families were fighting within themselves!

This is simply a disregard for the law

Chapter 2506

The police immediately reported the situation to the higher authorities and asked them

to investigate the situation seriously.

At this moment, the exhausted Chengfeng had just fallen asleep.

A sharp knock on the door woke him up from his dream.

Grandpa! Something big has happened!

The one who shouted at the door was the Su family’s first butler.

Chengfeng opened his eyes violently and sat up from the bed at once.

At this moment, he was deeply nervous because what happened today was almost

completely out of control for him, so much so that even his own son’s whereabouts

were unknown, so now he was afraid that there was suddenly some other bad news.

He hurriedly got up, put on a robe, and walked to the door to open it.

Outside the door, the housekeeper’s face was pale and covered with fine beads of

sweat, and it was clear that he was in a state of high tension and fear.

Chengfeng’s heart thumped, looking at the stance of the housekeeper, he knew that

something very serious must have happened.

So, he hurriedly asked, “What happened?

The housekeeper said in tears: “Master …… Just a few minutes ago, someone on the

short video platform suddenly sent a video, in this video are Stuart and the second son



When Chengfeng heard that the video was of Stuart and his second son, Shoude, he


The two are missing, and there are no valuable clues yet.

When the video related to the two of them is exposed on the Internet, then this matter

is definitely not simple!

So, he hurriedly asked, “What video? Let me see!

The housekeeper trembled and took out his cell phone, opened the short video

platform, and played the video, which had almost reached the 100 million click mark.

Once he saw the scene of the accident, Chengfeng panicked!

When Stuart said in front of the camera that it was Chengfeng who wanted to kill Liona

at that moment, Chengfeng was as white as paper!

He had lost control of his emotions and roared in a trembling voice: “This …… Who

filmed this? Who took this? I …… I’ll kill him! Kill his whole family!

The butler stammered, “Master, you …… You can look back first ……

Chengfeng subconsciously swallowed his saliva and continued to look behind him.

At this time, Stuart in front of the camera: the death of Zhiyu, he also pushed on

Chengfeng’s head.

Chengfeng was instantly furious!

“What is Stuart talking about? When did I want to kill Zhiyu? That son of a b!tch! I have

raised him for so many years, and he betrayed me! I’ll cut him into pieces!”

“And! The person who took this video must be the one who is working against me

behind my back.

The first butler said, “Master, the second son is also in the hands of this mysterious


As soon as the words left his mouth, the video also switched to Shoude’s part.

In the picture, Shoude is as miserable as he can be.

He is a fifty-year-old middle-aged fat man, his body was stripped down to a pair of

pants, and it was doused with cold water, and his head was topped with ice.

And his expression, but also full of fear and pleading, where there is still a bit of the Su

family’s second son’s aura, is completely a middle-aged iron waste otherwise.

Chengfeng heart can not help but fell some heartache.

After all, it is his own son, and after the older son was abandoned by himself, this

second son has become the best person in his mind to succeed him.

However, as soon as Shoude opened his mouth in the video, Chengfeng’s heartache for

him disappeared without a trace!

A few moments later, he was like an active volcano erupting, roaring in anger: “This

beast! How dare you betray your father for glory! I …… I ……

Chapter 2507

Chengfeng was so emotional that he couldn’t stand up, and his body fell to one side in

a daze.

The butler hurriedly stepped forward to hold him, and said, “Master! Are you okay?”

Chengfeng was so angry that he couldn’t even speak. There was a sudden rush of ups

and downs in his chest. Seeing that he was in this state, the housekeeper hurriedly took

out the walkie-talkie and shouted, “Doctor, master is uncomfortable now, come here!”

Chengfeng breathed quickly, and said with difficulty, “Quick…hurry up and help me sit

on the sofa…”

The housekeeper hurriedly helped him, and carefully helped him to the sofa.

After Chengfeng sat down, the housekeeper hurriedly helped him rub his chest back

and front.

At this time, the family doctor also rushed over, holding an oxygen bag and quick-acting

pills in his hand.

The doctor and the housekeeper together, after Chengfeng took the Pill, helped him

inhale oxygen, which made his condition slightly better.

At this time, Chengfeng was full of anger. He clenched his fists and gnashed his teeth:

“This is because someone deliberately wants to fix the Su family, or deliberately wants to

fix me to death!”

The housekeeper hurriedly said, “Master, leave this alone. In any case, your body is the

most important thing, but you must not get angry…”

Chengfeng said in anguish, “I’m done, I’m all done! This video not only announced Ruoli

and Liona’s affairs, but also took Zhiyu’s black pot on me, and also the charge of lashing

explosives into the Jumbo Pavilion and taking hostages by Shred is also counted on my

head. This is…this is to make me an enemy of the whole people!”

Thinking of this, Chengfeng was desperate!

He knows too well the Chinese people’s character and character of hatred and dejection.

Those stars in the entertainment industry who have all kinds of bad deeds will be

resisted by the people of the whole country, not to mention that they have stabbed

such a big thing now.

What if he has money? ?

In front of the people, the richer you are, the less you can be arrogant and do whatever

you want!

Although the Su family was rich and powerful, they only dared to operate many dirty

things behind their backs, and never dared to get it to the face.

Sometimes people catch some clues accidentally, and a lot of money and energy must

be spent on crisis public relations.

Just as many people on the Internet suspected that Chengfeng wanted to kill Liona, he

put hundreds of millions in a day for his own image, and washed the whole network.

The reason is also the fear of exposing oneself, provoking criticism from the people

across the country.

However, Chengfeng couldn’t even dream that the situation he thought he had

controlled would collapse completely in an instant!

The impact caused by this video right now is like a huge tsunami rushing toward the


In the face of catastrophes like the tsunami, human beings like him have no chance of

escape at all.

At this moment, Chengfeng was also the same, the public opinion was extremely angry,

almost as if it was rotten, leaving him no room for reversal at all.

Chengfeng said to himself in pain: “All of my previous efforts and all public relations

went today all in vain…”

Speaking of this, he continued with grief and indignation: “Not only did it become a

bubble, but it also had a counterproductive effect! I knew it would be today’s situation

and kill me. I would not choose to attack Liona… .. That was lifting a rock and hitting

myself in the foot. I raised my machete and broke my hand…”

Chapter 2508

The housekeeper couldn’t help sighing, “Hey! Lord, I didn’t expect that Stuart would

take people to do this thing personally, and he would be able to do it like this. There is

also a second son. I can’t imagine, master being there and people there dare to attack

the second son. Are they tired of their life?”

Chengfeng roared with a splitting eye, “Check it out! Be sure to find out who is working

against me! In addition, another 5 billion will be used for crisis public relations. Within

10 minutes, the vidoe must go away from all websites and APPs. At the same time, no

media is allowed to publish any opinions and article related to this video!”

The butler said embarrassedly: “Master…other platforms and apps are fine, but this short

video platform, that is owned by Wade family…”

“What is it?!” Chengfeng’s eyes widened, and he blurted out, “This short video platform

belongs to the Wade family? When did that family start to enter the Internet industry?”

The butler opened his mouth and said: “In fact, the they bought this short video

platform several months ago, and it seemed to have spent more than 80 billion.”

“However, I don’t know what exactly their purpose is to buy this short video platform.”

“Although this platform is very popular, because it is basically free for users, the

profitability is relatively single.”

“In addition to advertising, it is to let a bunch of Internet celebrities go up and engage in

live streaming sales, and then the platform will take a profit from it. The profit margin is

much lower than the industry we usually engage in.

Chengfeng looked desperate and said, “What the hel does the Wade family do, what is it

not good to buy, buy this kind of online platform?! What a fcking wicked one!”

Both the Su family and the Wade family are top big families with a century-old history.

This kind of big family, like the Rothschild family, generally operates in traditional


For example, the energy industry, financial industry, manufacturing industry, real estate

industry and ocean shipping industry.

But the established families basically don’t touch the Internet industry.

This is not to say that they are not interested in the Internet industry, but because they

have been working in traditional industries for many years, and all their advantages,

contacts, and resources are concentrated in traditional industries.

Moreover, this kind of people’s way of thinking is relatively conservative, so they

generally do not take the initiative to do the Internet and tech purchases and


This is also why Internet bigwigs all over the world are basically emerging wealthy

people. It is rare to hear of a top family with a century-old history that has created

outstanding achievements in the Internet industry.

The Su family is naturally the same.

Chengfeng basically has no access to the Internet, so the Su family rarely does Internet


Therefore, he basically doesn’t know much about short video platforms. He only knows

that it is a leisure platform that some young people prefer.

In his impression, the Wade family seemed to be no different from the Su family.

But he really didn’t know that the Wade family actually bought the short video platform.

If this short video platform belongs to the Wade’s, then the possibility of wanting them

to stop publicize this video is almost zero.

But Chengfeng was unwilling to give up.

He knew that the most important thing for him now was to quickly delete this video so

that others could no longer watch it and completely interrupt its spread.

So if you want to achieve this goal, you can only ask the Wade Family for help.

So he covered his chest and said with difficulty: “Go and get my phone, I want

to call Zhongquan!”

Chapter 2509

After Zhongquan heard the news of Shoude’s disappearance, he immediately

summoned his sons and Leon for a meeting overnight.

In this meeting, Zhongquan and his sons were very excited.

The Su family’s loss was indeed heavy this time.

The eldest son was sacrificed in the last round and the fame of Master Su was preserved,

but in a blink of an eye, the second son also folded in, which would definitely make the

entire Su family army upset.

Moreover, the shortage of manpower is the next most serious problem for the Su family.

But at this moment, Leon suddenly received a message. He looked down at his mobile

phone and said with excitement: “Master, it seems that someone has exposed Su’s

family on a short video platform! Now the discussion among netizens is very intense!”

“Oh?!” Zhongquan hurriedly asked, “What is exposed? Let me take a look!”

Leon immediately opened the short video platform, and the one that ranked first in the

algorithm recommendation was the video uploaded by Charlie.

Everyone hurriedly gathered around, and just watched it for a few dozen seconds, and

everyone was excited with no addition.

After watching the video, Zhongquan was a little trembling with excitement:

“This…this…this is really God helping me! God helping me too! Chengfeng, the immortal

old man, not this time. Was pressed to the ground and exploded with a hammer?! The

Su family is over this time! Hahaha!”

Charlie’s uncle, Changkong, couldn’t help sighing: “As soon as this video came out, the

Su family basically had no room for return. Not only would the people across the

country attack them, but the police would also attack them, and the Du family would

not let go!”

“Yeah!” Changyun said with a smile, “In my opinion, it won’t be long before the strength

of the Su family will be weakened in many ways. Maybe we don’t need to do anything.

We will become the first family in the country in a few days!”

Zhongquan nodded and said: “This time, things are extraordinary. This old thing

Chengfeng dares to make fun of the lives of hundreds of people. It is impossible for the

people above him to forgive him easily! This time he really caught fire!”

The boss, Changkong, couldn’t help asking, “Dad, how do you think the above will

punish the Su family?”

Zhongquan said seriously: “For such an important matter, and it has caused such great

public outrage, the Su family might have someone to bear criminal responsibility,

otherwise it would not be easy to give the general public an explanation.”

Changkong exclaimed, “Take criminal responsibility?! Could that old man Chengfeng go

to jail?”

Zhongquan shook his head and said, “Chengfeng is already in his seventies or eighty

years old. It is basically impossible to go to jail. Even if he is sentenced, he should be

executed outside prison.”

Changkong asked again, “Dad, do you think Chengfeng will be arrested and sentenced

this time?”

Zhongquan smiled, “It depends on whether Chengfeng can find a scapegoat this time.”

Having said this, he couldn’t help but said with sarcasm: “But I see, if Chengfeng wants

to find someone to come out and take the blame, all the people can’t agree. After all, he

has already had a precedent for throwing the pot to Zynn. In this case, even if he pushes

another son out to top the bag, the people will not buy it.”

Changkong smiled and said, “If you say so, then he will be doomed this time.”

Zhongquan nodded and said, “This time it must be impossible for him to want to dump,

but you know that this kind of thing was not killed by him. Besides, Shred is also dead.

There is no evidence for this kind of thing now. Chengfeng quibbled at that time and

said that he just wanted Shred to help teach Liona, and did not instruct Shred to kill.

Then it is impossible to directly convict him of intentional homicide.”

After speaking, Zhongquan added: “After all, the Su family still has a lot of strength.

Chengfeng definitely has a way to get himself out of crime and reduce punishment as

much as possible. In addition, he is indeed very old. He may really be sentenced to a

felony, so I estimate that he is likely to be sentenced to a serious crime and then

sentenced to a few years in prison. He is indeed very old. When the time comes, he will

apply for another sentence outside prison. Even if it passes.”

Changkong couldn’t help sighing with emotion: “Hey! It would be good if Shred hadn’t

died. If he was captured alive and let him tell the truth about the matter in court, then

Chengfeng would not be able to escape death.”

Zhongquan smiled slightly: “Changkong, you, you are still too naive in front of


Changkong asked puzzledly: “Dad, what do you mean by this?”

Zhongquan said indifferently: “If Shred is really not dead, Chengfeng might have fled

the country overnight!”

Chapter 2510

“How can a person like him allow himself to stay in the country and become a prisoner?”

“You know, he doesn’t have more than ten years to live. If he is sentenced to more than

10 years in prison, he can only live in prison in this life!”

“In that case, why not just escape?”

“As long as he escapes, with his asset level, he can live extremely richly anywhere in the


“If it’s a big deal, he will give up the position of Su Family Patriarch, and then he will

retire early and enjoy more than ten years of life in his later years.”

“After he is dead, let his family transport his body back to the country and bury it in the

ancestral grave of the Su family. It is considered the fallen leaves to return to their roots.

In this case, there is no need to sit in prison for a day.”

Changkong realized this when he heard this.

So, he said with some embarrassment, “Dad, you still think more comprehensively…”

Zhongquan sighed softly and said in his heart: “I have to say that among my sons

Changying was really smart. The remaining three are really lackluster.”

Just as he sighed deeply in his heart, his cell phone suddenly rang.

As for Zhongquan, there may be no more than 10 people who know his mobile phone

number and can call him directly except for his family.

So at the moment the phone rang, he was somewhat surprised.

Looking down, Zhongquan suddenly laughed.

“Haha! Chengfeng turned out to be calling, this old guy, who called me so late, I don’t

know what the idea is!”

All other people were immediately curious.

You know, the Su family and the Wade family have almost no contact, especially the

Patriarch of the two families, who regard each other as a thorn in the eye.

Some of the previous negotiations on the division of territory were not discussed by the

two in person but were handed over to their own next generation.

Now, Chengfeng suddenly called Zhongquan, and everyone was very curious about

what Chengfeng wanted to do.

Zhongquan answered the phone and turned on the speaker. Chengfeng’s voice

immediately came from the other end of the phone: “Oh, Brother Wade! I haven’t seen

you for many days. I don’t know what Brother Wade is up to lately?”

Zhongquan snorted, and said with a smile: “Oh, Chengfeng, don’t engage in polite

greetings at this time, just tell me what’s the matter.”

Chengfeng hesitated for a moment, and then he said, “Okay! Since Brother Wade is so

refreshing, then I won’t have to ink with you. I called, hoping that Brother Wade can do

me a favor!”

Zhongquan smiled and said, “Ask me for help? What can I do for you?”

Chengfeng sighed and said seriously: “Brother Wade, I know how much I have offended

in the past, but this time I do have a little trouble with my brother, so I hope you can

ignore the predecessors and help me connect you to the video link. The video about our

Su family needs to be completely deleted.”

Zhongquan pretended to be surprised and said, “Oh, you want me to delete that video?”

“Yes!” Chengfeng said hurriedly, “I don’t know if Brother Wade can help? If so, Brother

Wade can ask for a price!”

Zhongquan smiled and exaggeratedly said, “Oh, Chengfeng, let me just say something

from my heart, you are thinking of eating a f@rt!”

Chapter 2511

Zhongquan’s mockery made Chengfeng angry!

He really didn’t expect that he put down his figure and came to Zhongquan to ask him

to be more or less polite, right?

As a result, the old b@stard said that he was thinking of f@rt!

This is really outrageous!

But he still gritted his teeth and said, “Brother Wade! You and my family have been

fighting secretly for so many years. You should also know what the mountains don’t turn

around. If you want to completely turn your face with me today, you will wait for

Chengfeng to relax in the future. Come, don’t blame my ruthlessness men!”

Zhongquan sneered, “Chengfeng, it’s boring for me to say that you are a thief. If you are

really capable, just think of it yourself. What’s the point of running over and pretending

to be ruthless?”

After he finished speaking, he continued to sneer: “At this time, you run over to me to

delete the video. Think about it with your toes. I can’t promise you!”

Chengfeng suffered a huge humiliation and gritted his teeth and said, “Okay!

Zhongquan, if you don’t want to delete the video, then I don’t want to force it. Since

there is no front, then we will talk about the business directly. I heard that your short

video platform costs more than 80 billion to buy, so let me give you 120 billion directly,

and you sell it to me and make a net profit of more than 30 billion. How about it?”

“No!” Zhongquan refused without hesitation: “You don’t know how optimistic I am for

the short video industry. The reason I bought this platform was to make the short video

industry bigger and stronger. How could this be possible Have you shot it long ago?”

Chengfeng said coldly, “Speaking of it, isn’t it just too little money? So, I won’t grind

with you, 150 billion! As long as you say something, I will arrange financial payment


“Impossible.” Zhongquan smiled slightly: “I, in principle, never have trouble with money,

but today’s matter is definitely not a problem that money can solve. I persuade you to


After speaking, he didn’t wait for Chengfeng’s response, and simply ended the call.

Chengfeng on the other end of the phone was so angry that his chest fluctuated


His butler hurriedly asked: “Master! Zhongquan made it clear that he wanted to see our

jokes. Wouldn’t it be that he was secretly instigating the affairs of Aurous Hill? Maybe,

the second son is now in his hands.”

Chengfeng waved his hand with a dark face, and said coldly: “Impossible, even if Aurous

Hill is the site of the Wade family, it is impossible for the Wade family to deal with all

this behind their backs.”

After that, Chengfeng said again: “Don’t forget, Shred has never been to Aurous Hill

before. When he exposed himself in Aurous Hill, he had just arrived there.”

“Think about it, when he arrived in Aurous Hill, he was consciously found by the police

immediately, and then he rushed into the treasure pavilion and kidnapped Liona and


“Immediately after that, when he drove Liona and Zhiyu to rendezvous with Stuart,

something happened suddenly, and the Wade Family didn’t even have an hour to


“In this time window of less than an hour, they not only need to track Shred accurately

but also have the ability to directly take down Stuart and the four of them. Stuart is very

strong. As far as I know, the Wade family has not a single person who can surpass him.”

Speaking of this, Chengfeng continued to analyze: “There is also the disappearance of

Shoude! Shoude was in the hotel, and there were more than 20 masters from Su family

to protect, but the other party could unexpectedly be unaware of these more than 20

masters. Next, took him away easily. This proves that the opponent’s strength is far

higher than the more than twenty masters. How can there be such a powerful person in

the Wade family?”

Chapter 2512

“To put it hard, if the Wade family really had this ability, they could have easily

kidnapped me, or assassinated me directly at home, how could they keep being crushed

by the Su family? ?”

“That’s also…” The butler hesitated for a moment, and then asked: “Master, then, could it

be that the Wade Family suddenly made friends with some hidden master?”

“It’s unlikely…” Chengfeng shook his head, and said, “The Wade family has always paid

less attention to martial arts masters than we do. Zhongquan, an old man, only has

money in his eyes, and he will spend a lot of money to raise a large number of martial

arts masters. In this kind of thing, he is not interested at all. So how can such a person

find a real expert to help?”

With that said, Chengfeng said with a grim expression: “I can think of three possibilities


The butler hurriedly asked, “Master, what are the three?”

Chengfeng said, “The first possibility is that the He family is against me behind the


“What family?!” The butler hurriedly asked, “You are talking about Ruoli’s family?”

“Yes!” Chengfeng gritted his teeth: “Since Ruoli’s accident, the He family has removed all

the masters in our Su family, but never asked me for an explanation. The reason why

they did not ask for an explanation is very important. Maybe it is planning to seek

revenge in secret.”

“Moreover, the He family is a family of martial arts, and there are many masters in the

family. Maybe they are the ghosts behind them.”

The butler asked, “Master, what about the other two possibilities?”

Chengfeng said with a solemn expression: “Ruoli’s life or death is still uncertain. If this

girl is dead, it will be fine. But if she really escaped, then with her personality, she will

probably get revenge on me!”

The butler opened the mouth and said: “Master since Ruoli’s whereabouts are unknown,

I have followed your instructions and have been paying attention to the customs entry

situation across the country. There has been no clue about her.”

“That can’t be taken lightly!” Chengfeng sighed, “Although Ruoli is very young, she is

indeed very powerful. If she is really alive, she is a time bomb.”

After speaking, Chengfeng slapped his lips again and continued: “However, no matter it

is the whole He family or Ruoli, their strength is very strong, but they are really not

strong enough to make more than 20 top masters lick the dust. I didn’t notice it, so this

is something I haven’t figured out…”

The housekeeper nodded and said seriously: “When the He family never turned our face

with us, we almost knew the situation within the family. Among their generation of

young people, the strongest is Ruoli, but she does not seem to be strong either. To this


Chengfeng sighed and said, “There is another possibility.”

The housekeeper hurriedly asked, “Master, what’s the possibility?”

Chengfeng said, “Do you remember that Zhifei and Zhiyu had an accident in Japan and

were saved by a mysterious Chinese man?”

“Remember.” The butler said, “Miss Zhiyu has always wanted to find the whereabouts of

that mysterious person.”

Chengfeng said: “That person is extremely powerful! One person can kill multiple top

Japanese ninjas unharmed, which is almost equivalent to one person being able to kill

multiple Chinese martial arts masters in succession! It is definitely the top of the top! If

this person is capable It’s really so strong, then it’s very likely that he will kidnap Shoude

quietly under the eyelids of more than twenty masters in the Su family!”

Chapter 2513

Chengfeng at the moment has completely lost his position.

It is precisely because of this that his thinking began to diverge, and even a little jumped


In the dark, he felt that the master behind this incident was probably the super master

who saved Zhifei and Zhiyu in Japan.

But the housekeeper felt a bit whimsical.

He said euphemistically: “Master, the master that the eldest lady met in Japan has not

confirmed his identity until now. We don’t even know whether he is a Chinese or a

Chinese living in Japan.”

“Moreover, Kyoto and Aurous Hill are separated by thousands of kilometers. In the vast

crowd, how can the two people overlap each other so coincidence. Although this

possibility exists, the probability is really too low…”

Chengfeng shook his head and said seriously: “The basis for my judgment is not

probability, but feeling!”

After all, Chengfeng analyzed: “In Aurous Hill, a mysterious person, gave me a feeling of

power and strength. I have only experienced this feeling before.”

“And the last time I felt this way was after hearing about the deeds of that super master

in Japan!”

“That guy can easily kill a number of top Japanese ninjas in close hand-to-hand combat

without being injured. I have never heard of such a master in so many years!”

“Although I have heard of a lot of duels between Chinese and Japanese masters, and

most of them were won by Chinese masters, but to be honest, I have never heard of a

Sino-Japanese master showdown. Victory without injury.”

“Even if Bruce Lee competes with a Western master, it is impossible to guarantee that he

will win unscathed.”

“Once the opponent can be unharmed, it proves that his strength is geometrically ahead

of the opponent!”

“In other words, this mysterious person can be unscathed with one enemy and seven.

Then, it is not a problem to be afraid of one enemy. Even if the number of opponents

doubles, maybe he can still pay a certain price to Win!”

“One person killed 14 top ninjas. How many people do you think there are in the


The butler suddenly fell into thought.

After a long time, he nodded seriously and said, “Master, you are right… He can kill

seven Japanese ninjas unharmed, so his upper limit is far from seven. If you count this

way, this Human strength is simply unheard of…”

Chengfeng continued: “And this time, Aurous Hill’s behind-the-scenes man can not only

easily capture Stuart and his four people, but also quietly take Shoude away under the

eyes of more than 20 masters in the Su family. This strength, It’s also unheard of.”

“So, Aurous Hill, the man behind the scenes, feels like that Japanese mysterious master.”

“Two mysterious people whose identities I don’t know can bring me the same feeling,

which makes me have to connect the two together!”

Speaking of this, Chengfeng said firmly: “Moreover! The connection between these two

mysterious people not only feels the same, but the important thing is that there is a clue

that completely overlaps!”

The butler hurriedly asked, “Master, what is the clue?!”

Chengfeng spit out three words coldly: “Know the fish!”

Chapter 2514

The butler looked terrified and blurted out: “You mean, the mysterious master saved the

eldest lady last time in Japan, this time in Aurous Hill, or did he save the eldest lady?!”

“Yes!” Chengfeng nodded and blurted out: “I feel that way now! I always feel that Zhiyu

is not dead! If she is really alive, then the person who saved her must have been saved in

Japan. Her mysterious person once!”

The butler asked a little puzzled: “Master, if the man behind Aurous Hill this time is really

the mysterious man in Japan, then I can understand that he saves the eldest young lady.

What is his intention to kidnap the second son?”

Chengfeng said: “Knock Shoude, there is a high probability that he wants to avenge

Zhiyu and her mother? After all, Shoude went to Aurous Hill to deal with this incident on

behalf of the Su family. It is naturally the easiest thing to have him operated on.”

The butler hesitated: “Why is that mysterious person so good to Miss? Not only did he

save her twice, but also went to help her out?”

Chengfeng said sadly, “I can’t tell you this. If my speculation is true, then this time he

really took a stinky move…”

As he said, Chengfeng sighed and said to himself: “I knew that this mysterious master

was affectionate and righteous to Zhiyu. I would kill me. I would not attack Liona. After

all, she is Zhiyu’s mother. She gets killed, and Zhiyu is alive, she won’t forgive me in this


In an instant, Chengfeng’s expression became extremely annoyed, and he said in pain,

“If my speculation is correct, then this mysterious person originally had the opportunity

to be available to my Su family! How could it have grown to where it is today!”

The butler hurriedly asked, “Master, if this is the case, is there still room for recovery?”

“Recover it?” Chengfeng wrinkled his old face into a ball, and said angrily: “How can I

recover it now? I expelled her father and killed her mother. What’s more nonsense is

Shoude and the damn Stuart, they also buckled Zhiyu’s black pot on my head. How

could Zhiyu forgive me? She didn’t want my life, I burned the incense…”

The butler thought for a while, and hurriedly said, “Master, I have an idea, I don’t know if

it is feasible…”

Chengfeng hurriedly said, “Say it!”

The housekeeper whispered: “In my opinion, it’s better to let the eldest son come back

now! On the one hand, you have to apologize to him and explain that you started with

Liona to protect the family’s reputation. As for the eldest lady, this is simply someone

who wants to plant the blame. Here you are! On the other hand, if you ask him to come

back and continue to sit where he was before, it is tantamount to taking a step back and

showing him good.”

Chengfeng’s expression immediately became very strange.

The butler continued at this time: “Master, if your speculation is correct, if the eldest lady

is still alive, then her mother must be alive too. You expelled the eldest son to Australia

before, and today you expelled the eldest son’s family, this is almost tantamount to

offending all the four members of that branch of the family…”

As he said, he remembered something, and hurriedly added: “Oh, yes, and Ruoli! If Ruoli

is still missing, if this mysterious person is really in Aurous Hill, then I guess Ruoli might

return alive, maybe even by his side…”

“So it seems, Master, what you offended is their family of five…”

“So, the most important thing for you now, sir, is to quickly break one by one and try to

save yourself. As long as there is someone in the family of four and someone speaks for

you, you will have a chance to break the game instead of being at a dead end!”

Chengfeng was silent for a long time.

He understands what this steward means.

He knew that he had really offended his eldest son Zynn’s family too hard.

If Zynn is recalled, and confess to him, and reinstate his heir position, then this matter

might be reversed.

Chapter 2515

At this moment, Zynn was talking on the phone with his son Zhifei.

Zhifei drove from Eastcliff to Aurous Hill late at night, but as soon as he arrived, he immediately fell into a predicament at a loss.

He came to Aurous Hill to find the whereabouts of his mother and sister. However, the

Aurous Hill police sent thousands of people to search the city for a whole day without

any results. Zhifei alone did not know where to proceed or even start.

He originally planned to go back to Du’s old house in Aurous Hill first and ask the old

housekeeper for help. In that case, he still has a place to stay.

However, when he thought that he had just offended his grandfather, and his

grandfather has let people look for his whereabouts, he suddenly felt a little worried.

Therefore, he called Zynn, who was far away in Australia, for help, and said to him, “Dad,

grandpa knows that grandpa has an old house in Aurous Hill. Maybe he has already sent

someone there to wait for me to pass. If I go to the old butler for help, I might be

caught by the Su family before I get in…”

Zynn said solemnly: “There is indeed this risk! I think you should be more cautious, don’t

contact the old housekeeper yet.”

Zhifei hurriedly asked, “Dad, what should I do now?”

As he said, he couldn’t help feeling a little agitated. He choked and said, “Dad…I don’t

know what to do now… Mom and Zhiyu are missing. I want to find them, but I don’t

have the ability to find them at all, and I don’t even have a helper by my side…I…I…I feel

like a complete trash…”

Zynn sighed and said with relief: “My boy, don’t blame yourself too much. This kind of

thing is far beyond the scope of your control. I would say something bad, even your

grandpa can’t grasp the whole thing, how about you?”

Zhifei cried and said, “I don’t want to care about him! I just want to find Mom and Zhiyu

as soon as possible, and they must be safe, otherwise, I will never forgive that old thing

in my life!”

After that, Zhifei hurriedly said: “Dad! Come back and help me out, Dad! You are not

here, I am too limited alone…”

Zynn hesitated for a moment and then said: “My boy, you should find a place to stay in

Aurous Hill first, but don’t expose your whereabouts to the outside. I will wait for your

grandpa’s movement to see which flag he is going to take next. …..”

In fact, for Zynn, although he had seen the news reports and the video uploaded by

Charlie, he hated Chengfeng, but he still didn’t dare to turn his face with the old man


The reason why he didn’t dare to turn his face was also very simple. It was a complete

lack of ability on his side.

This is just like when Emperor Guangxu faced the Empress Dowager Cixi, the entire

Jiangshan community, military, and political power were in the hands of the Empress

Dowager Cixi. Although Emperor Guangxu was the emperor, he was not her opponent

at all.

What’s more, Zynn doesn’t even have the position of the head of the Su Family, and

Chengfeng is the real decision-maker here.

Moreover, modern society is very different from feudal society.

Feudal society can seek to usurp the throne, but in modern society, everyone pays

attention to the legal system. Almost all the assets of the Su Group are in the name of

the father. Even if other shareholders hold the shares of the Su Group, the shares

correspond to the vote. The right is completely handed over to the old man.

It is impossible to seize the power of the old man. Even if the old man is killed, the

shares in the old man’s name will be linked to the major trust funds. The rest of the Su

family can only take some living expenses from the trust funds on a regular basis. Taking

control of the Su family will be a dream.

Therefore, even if Zynn knew that the old man was going to kill his wife, he would also

kill his other daughter, by the way, he would not have the guts to go back and find the

old man desperately.

Because as long as he dared to leave Australia without the permission of his father, he

might be put under house arrest directly.

Chapter 2516

Because of this, although he was very worried about Zhiyu’s safety, he still did not dare

to leave Australia for half a step until the father spoke.

He even dared not call to question the old man, because once he angered the old man,

his fate would only become worse on the existing basis.

Zhifei is young and has never really experienced anything. The biggest and most serious

thing he has experienced in his life was when he was kidnapped in Japan.

In fact, when he was kidnapped, he had already panicked.

The whole process was like a quail half-dead in fright. He was far less calm than his sister

Zhiyu, so all the pressure at the moment was concentrated on his own shoulders, and he

couldn’t breathe.

He desperately longed for his father to come back and be his backbone, but

unfortunately, he dared to disobey the old man, but his father did not dare.

Hearing that his father said he was waiting, Zhifei couldn’t control his emotions and

shouted, “Wait for more? What are you waiting for? You are waiting until the news of

the death of Mom and Zhiyu Will be announced, will you be back for the funeral


Zynn felt that every word his son said was like a resounding slap in the face, slamming

on his cheek, making him feel that his heart was bleeding.

However, he had no choice at this time.

He has experienced far more things than Zhifei.

He knows what is meant by “the courage not to be a man”, and he knows what is meant

by “planning and then acting.”

He felt that those who knew that the opponent had a gun and rushed up with bare

hands were all brave men, yet stupid.

Such people are mostly cannon fodder for others, how can they have the opportunity to

become a famous player on the battlefield?

The son angered the old man. In his opinion, he was already stupid. If he disobeys the

old man’s intentions at this time and runs back to the country during this sensitive

period, he will definitely touch the old man’s inverse scales. Once the old man thinks he

is rebellious, then It is impossible for him to have a chance to get up again in his life.

Therefore, he could only patiently explain: “Zhifei, you asked me to go back and help

you, but you know that with your grandfather’s character if I go back now, you may not

see my face at all, I will lose my freedom? It’s even possible that you will never have the

chance to see me again in your life.”

As he said, he hesitated for a few seconds and said seriously: “Zhifei, you listen to your

dad once. It is too late today. You settle down in Aurous Hill first. Tomorrow, while

ensuring your safety, you will contact your grandpa and let your grandpa tell your uncle

and your uncle will send someone to help you find the whereabouts of your mother and

your sister. You give me one day. If your grandfather doesn’t contact me during this day,

then I will ask him. In any case, I will let him approve of me to return home.”

Zhifei wanted to scold his mother angrily.

However, after calming down, he also understood that what Dad said was not without


On the contrary, Dad was deliberate, but he was a bit too impulsive.

Thinking of this, he whispered: “Dad, I know… you don’t have to worry about me. I will

call Grandpa in a while, and I will communicate with you again if something happens.”

Zynn gave a hum, and said, “Don’t call your grandfather tonight. I guess he should be

planning how to find your mother and your sister now. Don’t disturb him. Talk about it


As he was talking, his mobile phone suddenly popped up a reminder that another call

came in, and he exclaimed: “Your grandpa is calling me!”

Chapter 2517

After receiving a call from Chengfeng, Zynn felt that it was both reasonable and outside.

He reassures his son a few words quickly, ends the phone call, turns on Chengfeng’s call,

and can’t wait to figure out his intentions.

As soon as the phone was connected, Zynn said nervously, “Dad…you… why are you

calling me so late?”

Chengfeng sighed on the other side of the phone and said, “Hey, Zynn, Dad called to

apologize to you.”

As he said, he asked: “You have already watched the videos circulating on the Internet?”

Zynn said truthfully, “Yes, Dad, I did see it?”

As soon as his words fell, Zynn quickly added: “Dad, I know you must have some

opinions on Liona, but I believe you will not have any bad intentions towards Zhiyu.

Stuart and Shoude must be coerced by others, so they are talking nonsense in the video

and splashing dirty water on you!”

Zynn’s words instantly moved Chengfeng’s heart deeply.

He really didn’t expect that his eldest son, at this time, could be so rational and

objective, and he even broke the truth of what he wanted to speak out most in his heart!

The truth of this matter is: “I fu*king really never thought of killing my own

granddaughter! I only wanted to kill Liona!”

“However, along with Stuart and my own son, both convicted me of the crime in the

video, and dumped all the black pots and unnecessary charges on me alone, and was

seen by more than one billion people across the country. My mother can’t argue with


Human emotions are so subtle.

Even if you are quite prejudiced against a person when you are not understood by

anyone and only this person can understand you, your attitude towards him will

definitely undergo a 180-degree change.

Because he is your only soulmate.

Chengfeng felt this way at this time!

Unexpectedly, it was impossible to understand that his eldest son would break the

secret in a word, which not only moved him but also made him a little surprised.

Zynn’s words are actually intentional.

He actually hated Chengfeng very much in his heart, because even if Zhiyu’s troubles

were not caused by the old man, Ruoli always has no quibble?

Moreover, Zynn himself was buckled in a sh!t basin and was thrown into Australia, which

was also done by the old man himself. In this case, Zynn’s hatred for him would not

diminish at all.

But he still cleverly concealed all the negative emotions, and from the very beginning

expressed a complete understanding of the old man, and this time he won the deep

heart of the old man.

The old man sighed and said, “Zynn, you know me… Zhiyu is my favorite granddaughter.

How could I be cruel to her? The outsiders are really confused! They just listen to the

villain’s framing!”

As he said, he hurriedly said again: “By the way, there are so many major incidents

happening at home now one after another. You can’t stay alone in Australia and enjoy

good fortune. Come back and help Dad tide over the difficulties!”

When Zynn heard what the old man said, his expression was even more ugly than eating


Chapter 2518

`The old man does have a set…”

“Obviously he sent me to Australia, and then put me under house arrest in disguise, and

now he needs me to go back to help. He even said that I am now in Australia to enjoy

the good fortune, and I have the f*cking blessing in this shabby place, ah, me?”

Even though he thought so, Zynn immediately followed the old man’s words and said:

“Dad, I’m so sorry, I really have been spared during this time. If you need me to come

back and help, then I will be at your disposal at any time.”

Zynn wanted to go back, but he couldn’t immediately say that, so he said “if you need

me, then I will set out.”

Even if the old man said it for this purpose, he must put the initiative in the old man’s

hands, and finally say one more sentence, always waiting for the old man’s dispatch.

In this way, on the one hand, it appears that he has absolute respect for the old man,

and on the other hand, he appears humble in front of the old man.

In this way, it can also reduce the old man’s defensive heart for himself.

Hearing this, the old man felt refreshed, and hurriedly said, “Well, let me get the plane

ready for the Australian side, so you can get back as soon as possible!

After speaking, he added: “By the way, I plan to leave Eastcliff as soon as possible and

go to Suhang to hide from the limelight. Otherwise, the police and Du’s family will

probably come to the door before dawn. It will definitely be big trouble. .”

Zynn hurriedly asked, “Dad, why are you going to leave Eastcliff?”

Chengfeng said, “I plan to go to Suzhou. There are some of our properties and a large

manor. I want to go there first and be quiet. Besides, it is also closer to Aurous Hill, so it

is more convenient for me to take command.”

Zynn asked, “Dad, should I go to Eastcliff or reach Suhang?”

“Fly to Suzhou.” Chengfeng said, “I hang up the phone and go directly to the airport by

helicopter. I can get to Suzhou in about three hours. You will fly directly to Suzhou. I will

wait for you there.”

“Okay!” Zynn said immediately, “Then I will prepare.”

Chengfeng opened the mouth and said: “Zynn, there are some things that trouble Dad,

you must not blame me, especially Liona’s affairs, Dad is also helpless to consider the

reputation of the Su family… “

Zynn said without hesitation: “Don’t worry, Dad, I understand you 100% on this point…”

As he said, he couldn’t help sighing, and then said: “You tell me, Liona, this woman, has

never forgotten Changying in her heart for so many years! She and I have not divorced

yet, so she ran to Aurous Hill to buy Changying’s house, when it gets smaller, it’s hitting

my Zynn’s face, when it’s bigger, it hits the face of the entire Su family! Even if you don’t

want to solve this trouble, once I come back, I won’t let her go!”

After hearing this, Chengfeng said with great satisfaction: “Zynn, you can have this

knowledge, I am very pleased that you are the son of Su’s family. In the face of big

things, you can see more clearly than ordinary people!”

Speaking of this, he continued: “It’s getting late, you should hurry up and prepare, let’s

talk about specific things when you come back.”

“Okay.” Zynn said respectfully, “Dad, you rush on the road overnight, pay more attention

to your body!”

“Okay, I see.” Chengfeng replied, remembering something, and then said: “By the way,

when the video came out, Zhifei came to me and made a fuss, and then I didn’t know

where he has gone. He contacts you, and you remember to apologize for me. As a

grandfather, my temper is really hot, so please don’t take it to your heart.”

Zynn really did not expect that the old man would take the initiative to apologize to his

son, and hurriedly said: “Dad, knowing that he just called me again. The biggest problem

with this child is that he is not mature enough, and he has not encountered things in life

as of yet. The information from the outside world is so obsessing that he can’t see the

essence of the matter. Don’t share your knowledge with him. After I come back, I must

bring him to you and kowtow!”

Chengfeng was very satisfied with Zynn’s remarks, and said: “If this is the case, then I can

rest assured, you hurry back, I will wait for you in Suhang!”

Chapter 2519

One thing that Elder Su is better than Zynn is that he used clues to construct a general

framework in his brain, and in this framework, he calculated the existence of Charlie, a

mysterious person.

In fact, Chengfeng has always been a very shrewd old fox, and there are almost no

loopholes in many of his plans, but only a few times because he could not foresee a

variable like Charlie, so he missed a little bit and went wrong.

This time, he speculated that Zhiyu was not dead, and speculated that she must be

rescued by an expert, so he decided to try his best to restore Zynn’s family and it’s faith

in him.

The first breakthrough point was naturally Zynn, the head of the family.

The call just now not only calmed Zynn but also expressed his apologies to Zhifei in

front of Zynn.

If the father and son believe his words, he would gain the confidence of at least half of

the family of four.

Although it is impossible for Zynn to forgive Chengfeng so easily, at this moment, his

heart is indeed relieved a bit because of Father Su’s initiative to admit his mistake just


After all, Chengfeng never bowed his head to admit his mistakes in his entire life, and

suddenly apologized in person, which really surprised him.

Moreover, Chengfeng couldn’t count the existence of the mysterious factor Charlie, so

he didn’t know the real motive of the old man’s softness.

In addition, he himself was sent to Australia. Even if the old man did something sorry for

him, there was no need to bow his head to him. Even the old man could completely put

him under house arrest. This is also the old man’s consistent behavior style.

But the old man didn’t choose this method. Instead, he actively bowed his head to

admit his mistake and begged for forgiveness. This made Zynn feel that the old man

might really have realized that he had the idea of reforming and making up for himself.

The old man is willing to make up for him and agree to let him return to China, which is

equivalent to preparing to restore his heir status.

No one would have trouble with the trillions of fortunes, so in addition to surprise,

Zynn’s heart also had an uncontrollable excitement.

However, on the one hand, there was the grief and worry of the unidentified life and

death of his own daughter. These completely different moods mixed together, which

made Zynn a little ashamed.

The reason why he was ashamed was also that he found that he couldn’t stop the

excitement in his heart under such circumstances.

This also made him thoroughly understand the truth.

Why was there a series of battles for the throne and power between the flesh and blood

of the closest relatives in ancient times?

The history of elder brother killing younger brother, younger brother killing elder

brother, father killing son, son killing father, etc. is not uncommon.

The reason is that the benefits placed in front of them are so great that they can leave

their blood and affection behind.

At the expense of one’s loved ones, if only one hundred can be exchanged, not many

people in this world will agree.

However, if you sacrifice your loved ones, what if you can get back ten billion, or even

one trillion?

I am afraid that many people will be completely confused by this huge benefit.

Zynn is also a mortal, and he also has seven emotions and six desires.

After being sent to Australia, he felt the loss of power, and this sense of loss made him


Now that he finally saw the opportunity to turn against the wind, how could he not be

excited deep in his heart?

So he called Zhifei and told him briefly about the situation, and then told him: “Zhifei, I

think your grandpa really realized his mistake this time, so you shouldn’t be here either.

This will resist him too much, you know?”

Chapter 2520

Zhifei said angrily: “Dad! we are unclear about the life or death of Mom and Zhiyu at his

hands. Tell me not to resist him too much? Didn’t you watch the video circulating on the

Internet? Mom and Zhiyu were in that car What has become of it!”

“Stupid!” Zynn angrily shouted, “It has happened. What can you and your grandfather

try to save?”

“Not only can nothing be saved, but you will also be gone forever!”

“You know, I am the eldest grandson of the Su family, and you are the eldest son of the

Su family. Your grandfather will live for more than ten years at most. At that time, if I

cannot be the head of the Su family, I will have to go away!”

“If your second uncle, your third uncle, or your fourth uncle took the seat of the head of

the house, would it make our family feel better?!”

“I ask you, do you know how your grandfather’s brothers ended up after your

grandfather becomes the owner of the house?”

“These uncles of mine didn’t have a chance to live in China! The day they failed to seize

a position was the beginning of their family’s departure overseas!”

Speaking of this, Zynn said emotionally: “Those who have failed to seize the princes,

leave China and go overseas, and can get less than 1% of the assets of the family. The

most unlucky one can’t even get even that 1%. Here! Do you want to wait ten years to

be kicked out of China, lose all the positions, funds, and assets given to you by the

family, and bring your family several hundred million in assets to live overseas?”

Zhifei fell into silence.

As the saying goes, it is easy to change from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to

change from luxury to frugality.

Now he doesn’t care about money at all. He has private jets when he goes out, and in

the world’s eyes, he has his own business. He can do whatever he wants. But once the

father has said that he fails to seize his position and is sent overseas, he will lose

everything instantly.

Better private jet costs hundreds of millions. If he really is deprived of all assets and

leave only a few hundred million in for his family, what will he live on?

Zynn also knew very well that his words had touched his son’s heart, so he was very wise

to choose enough to stop instead of rushing for success.

So he opened his mouth and said: “Okay, I’ll tell you this much first. Your grandfather

asked me to go to Suzhou to meet him. You will find a place to stay in the city tonight

and drive to Suzhou tomorrow morning. I will be able to arrive almost by tomorrow

afternoon, when you come to the airport to see me, let’s meet your grandpa together!”

Zhifei was silent for a moment, no longer showing his rebellion and confrontation, and

whispered: “I know Dad after you take off, send me a WeChat, and I will find time to pick

you up.”

“Well, be careful and take care of yourself!”


This night, the reality is extremely calm, but the online world continues to boil.

The attacks and abuses against Chengfeng have intensified.

What he did has even begun to be reported by overseas media.

And he himself is quietly hiding in Suhang overnight.

Zynn boarded the private plane of the Su family and departed from Australia for a direct

flight to Suzhou.

As for Zhifei, for the sake of caution, he did not go to seek refuge with anyone known to

the family, nor did he go to the hotel. Instead, he lay in his limousine with the heater on

all night.

This night, the three generations of the Su family, all had no sleep.

In sharp contrast to them, Liona and Zhiyu, mother and daughter, lay on the extremely

comfortable bed in the hotel and slept peacefully all night.

At 8 o’clock in the morning, Zhiyu was the first to wake up and opened her eyes


Chapter 2521

What jumped into Zhiyu’s eyes was a luxurious suite in a hotel, and she was lying on a

comfortable bed with a width of more than two meters.

At this moment, she thought she was the soul after death.

So she immediately wanted to find her mother’s whereabouts, and when she looked

around, she found that her mother was lying beside her!

At this time, she also ignored the dream and reality, and couldn’t wait to reach out,

shook her mother’s body, and shouted: “Mom…Mom, wake up…”

Liona, who was still sleeping, woke up faintly. After she recovered, she looked at Zhiyu in

front of her and exclaimed, “Zhiyu…are you okay?!”

Zhiyu hurriedly said, “Mom, I…I don’t know if I have anything…”

Liona looked around and asked subconsciously, “Aren’t we…in the tunnel? How come…”

Zhiyu also shook her head subconsciously, “I don’t know what’s going on, it seems like

this is a hotel…”

With that, Zhiyu suddenly thought of Charlie’s face!

Suddenly it occurred to her that before she fell into a coma, what appeared in front of

her was the benefactor that she was thinking about and trying her best to find him.

So she understood one thing and exclaimed: “Mom! the benefactor must have saved


“The benefactor?!” Liona asked subconsciously, “You mean, the benefactor who saved

you in Japan?!”

“That’s right! It’s him!” Zhiyu was so excited that her voice was trembling, and her tears

were completely uncontrollable, and her cheeks were completely choked. Now, the

consciousness has also reached the edge of fragmentation, and…then she saw


Liona couldn’t help asking, “Could it be the hallucinations caused by unconsciousness at

that time? Isn’t that person in Japan? How could he appear in Aurous Hill?”

Zhiyu unswervingly said: “Mom. It’s him, it’s really him! I will never remember it wrong!”

With that said, she hurriedly checked her body.

Soon, she discovered that her body, which had been severely injured in the car accident,

was now unscathed, and she said excitedly: “Mom! My benefactor must have rescued us

from the tunnel! There are also our injuries, they are gone now. , He must have cured it!”

Only then did Liona realize that her body does not feel any abnormality at all at this


You know, before that, she and her daughter faced a man-made car accident in the

tunnel and suffered huge injuries.

She couldn’t help exclaiming in her heart: “In such a serious car accident, it is almost

impossible for anyone to survive!”

“However, you and I are unharmed now… this is incredible…”

So she hurriedly asked: “Zhiyu, why did your benefactor come to save us?”

“I don’t know either.” Zhiyu shook her head blankly, and said, “I have searched him for a

long time, but have not found him. This is the second time I have seen him…”

As she said, she couldn’t help sighing: “Mom, my dear father, he saved me again… and

not only did he save me, he also saved you, and count it down, mother and brother,

three I owe my benefactor four lives…”

Immediately afterward, Zhiyu couldn’t help complaining: “Mom! The Feng Shui master

that grandpa looked for is just nonsense! He told me not to look for my benefactor and

said that my lifestyle and my lifestyle recoiled. There will be a catastrophe, but he must

not have thought that it was the benefactor who rescued me again! I said at the time

that his calculations were not credible, and you scolded me…”

Chapter 2522

Liona immediately stopped and said: “Zhiyu! Don’t talk nonsense! How do you know

that Master Lai is inaccurate? Master Lai has long said that if you were not looking for

him, if you were obedient and went back to Eastcliff, naturally you would not encounter

such a big thing.”

Zhiyu was not convinced, and blurted out: “Then if I go back, mom, your safety would

not be guaranteed!? If I was not here, my benefactor won’t show up, then mom, you are

more fortunate. …”

Liona sighed, and said, “Hey, this is the world’s cause and effect. Master Lai only

calculated the connection between you and him. I didn’t know how to get in touch with

your benefactor through you. Even though I was saved by your benefactor…”

Speaking of this, she couldn’t help but sigh: “This benefactor is really a noble person in

our family… I don’t know if I can find him and thank him in person…”

Zhiyu came back to her senses, and said with excitement, “The hotel we are staying in

must have been arranged by my benefactor. I will go to the service staff and ask!”

After speaking, she hurriedly got up from the bed, rushed out of the bedroom in two

steps, and went straight to the door of the executive suite.

As soon as she pushed the door open, she saw four strong young women outside the

door completely blocking the way.

She hurriedly asked, “Hello, where am I?”

One of the women said, “Hello, Miss Su, you are in the hotel arranged by our young

master for you and Ms. Liona.”

Zhiyu asked in surprise, “Then, who is your young master?”

The woman shook her head and said, “I’m sorry Miss Su, the identity of our young

master is highly confidential, and we must never disclose it to the outside world.”

Zhiyu was not reconciled, and asked, “Can you take me to see him? I want to thank him

in person…”

“I’m sorry.” The woman continued to shake her head and said apologetically: “Our

young master has ordered that if you and Miss Liona wake up, you should have a good

rest in the room. You can tell us any time you need anything, but you can’t leave the


“Ah?” Zhiyu couldn’t help asking, “I don’t know what your young master’s intention is for

this arrangement is?”

The woman explained: “That’s right, our master told me that your grandpa is

deliberately trying to kill your mother, and your own safety is not guaranteed. So he

needs you and Ms. Liona to stay in the hotel room temporarily and not go out.”

Zhiyu feels a little lost, but when she thinks that her benefactor is doing it for the safety

of herself and her mother, she nodded and said helplessly, “Well then… please help me

thank you, young master…”

After speaking, she hurriedly asked: “I…I have another question.”

“Miss Su, please speak.”

Zhiyu asked expectantly: “Will your young master come here? I…I want to see him…I

don’t know if there is such an honor?”

The woman smiled slightly: “Miss Su, I can’t answer you exactly about this. Master didn’t

tell me if he will come.”

Zhiyu felt even more disappointed.

Unexpectedly, she was rescued by the benefactor again and even got into a high-end

hotel by benefactor, but she still couldn’t see him.

At this time, she couldn’t help asking: “Then, do you know where my phone is? If you

know, can you return it to me?”

The woman said, “I’m sorry, Miss Su, our master has ordered that you and Ms. Liona

cannot contact anyone outside for the time being, because now many people are

looking for your whereabouts. Once they know that you are still alive, I am afraid they

will not rest until you are not good, I hope you can understand!”

Chapter 2523

Zhiyu didn’t expect that not only did the benefactor not show up, he even refused to let

her communicate with the outside world, and her mood suddenly became even more


She asked tentatively: “Will you let me report peace to my family? My grandfather must

be very worried about the safety of my mother and me. Just report to him and let him

know that we are all right. It’s…”

The woman shook her head and said seriously: “Sorry Miss Su, our young master’s order

is not to let you contact anyone outside, no matter who the other party is.”

Although Zhiyu was a little bit uncomprehending in her heart, she nodded gently and

thought: “Benefactor arranged like this, although it looks like he put my mother under

house arrest, I believe he must have his reason, and it must be in good faith.”

So she said, “I understand, thank you.”

The woman hurriedly said, “Ms. Su is polite. You and Ms. Liona can tell us any needs,

including what you want to eat and drink, what to wear, and you can tell me.

Arrangements will be in place.”

“Okay…” Zhiyu bowed slightly and said gratefully, “Thank you!”

After speaking, she realized that her stomach was indeed a little hungry, and he said,

“Um…Can you help me prepare some breakfast for my mother?”

The woman said without hesitation, “Of course, Miss Su, what would you like to eat?”

Zhiyu hurriedly said: “It’s all right, as long as it is lighter.”

“Okay.” The woman said, “Miss Su, please go back to the room and rest for a while. I will

tell the kitchen to prepare.”

“Thank you!”

Zhiyu thanked, and then returned to the room.

When she returned to the room, Liona also walked out of the room. Seeing that her

expression was a little lost, she hurriedly asked, “Zhiyu, how is it?”

Zhiyu said helplessly: “There were four female bodyguards at the door. They refused to

let me go out. They said that it was the kindness of the young master who told us to let

us stay here. There are many people outside now looking for our whereabouts. For the

sake of safety, the benefactor will not let us have any contact with the outside world.”

“I originally wanted to report peace to the foreign official, but they didn’t allow it.”

Liona nodded slightly and said seriously: “This is understandable. Your grandfather

wants my life, and some people want your life. I don’t know how complicated the

situation is. If you let the outside world know that we two are still alive, I am afraid that it

will really bring a lot of danger, and it will also cause a lot of trouble to your benefactor.”

Zhiyu asked, “Mom, the female bodyguard at the door said, it is the Young Master, then

who do you think is the young master? Is there any great family in Aurous Hill?”

“Aurous Hill?” Liona frowned for a moment and said seriously: “I don’t really understand

the situation in Aurous Hill. I know that there is a Song family with assets in the early

hundreds of billions. This benefactor is extraordinary in strength and definitely not Song.

A family of this size can be nurtured.”

“In other words, if the Song family can cultivate such extraordinary talents, the strength

of the Song family will never be the scale it is today.”

Zhiyu asked again, “Could it be a hidden family?”

“Hidden family?” Liona thought for a while and said seriously: “I can’t say this, but to be

honest, Aurous Hill’s economic situation is not among the top ten in China. In such a

city, it is difficult to have a strong hidden family, after all, the water must be deep

enough to be able to hide the giant.”

Zhiyu nodded in agreement and muttered to herself, “This is…”

After that, she had an idea, and then said, “Mom, then, do you think the benefactor is

the young master of a big family in Eastcliff or other first-tier cities?”

“First-tier cities?” Liona was silent for a moment, and said, “There are only a few of the

top domestic families. As far as I know, none of these families have very powerful young

masters, just like the Su family, including your brother. Among the male descendants of

the new generation, who can be considered a master? Other families are even more


Chapter 2524

Zhiyu couldn’t help sighing.

She also felt that what her mother said was right.

The elder sons of these top families may be very mysterious to the outside world, but

the real top family members, know the elder sons of these other families very well.

Although these top-notch family elder sons are all so-called high-achieving students

who have returned from studying abroad, Zhiyu knows that most of these are

glamorous straw bags.

To put it nicely, it is embroidered pillows.

To put it ugly, it’s that the donkey sh!t is shiny.

Regardless of these big sons, each of them speaks fluent English. At the same time, they

understand the world pattern and can talk about and give pointers to the development

of the global economy. But if you really let him do it, he may immediately talk to the

paper. He goes just blind.

Before that, there was a well-known son who was known as a business wizard. He made

billions on his own ability in just a few years. But in a blink of an eye, the news of the company’s thunder and debts spread.

Billions of assets turned into billions of liabilities in an instant.

And such people are definitely not an exception in the upper class.

Therefore, it is difficult for Zhiyu to believe that her benefactor, her omnipotent

benefactor, who is like a god from the sky, will also be the son of a big family.

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but fall into deep thought again. After a long time,

she said distressedly: “Mom, Blessed Man is not the son of a big family, but he is called

the young master. What is his background?”

Liona smiled and said earnestly: “You have to find this benefactor. He has great magical

powers and his abilities are no longer what I can imagine, so his identity is definitely not

something we can easily guess.”

Speaking of this, a face suddenly flashed in her mind.

It was a very familiar but somewhat strange face.

That was the young man she saw at the door of Changying’s former residence, who

looked exactly like Changying.

He looks so much like Changying that she can be sure that he is 100% Changying’s son.

Thinking of this, Liona couldn’t help but wonder: “Will the benefactor that Zhiyu was

looking for is Changying’s son?!”

As soon as this idea came out, Liona couldn’t help but overturn her own speculation.

“I saw that young man that day. He was dressed in very ordinary clothes, and he was

riding a tattered electric bike. It should be more difficult to come here. It shouldn’t be

the benefactor Zhiyu has been thinking about…”

Liona fell into deep thought, and another question came up in her mind: “Then…who is

the person who grabbed Changying’s former residence at the auction with me?”

Zhiyu saw her mother’s expression sometimes dignified, sometimes tangled, and

sometimes confused, so she couldn’t help asking, “Mom, what are you thinking about?”

Liona came back to her senses and said hurriedly, “Oh, it’s nothing… I just thought

about it for a while, but didn’t get any clues.”

After finishing talking, she said to Zhiyu: “Zhiyu, don’t worry too much. Since the

benefactor arranged us here and let his subordinates protect us at all times, it is

equivalent to establishing indirect contact with us. This is much more optimistic than

when you found a needle in a haystack and couldn’t find any clues before, so you wait

patiently, I believe he will show up sooner or later!”

Zhiyu nodded, and was about to speak when a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in

her mind: “Mom! Do you think this hotel is the property of the Benefactor?!”

Chapter 2525

Zhiyu’s inspiration suddenly appeared, so that Liona was also stunned.

She nodded in agreement and said: “Since this benefactor wants to properly settle us

and strictly guard the secret that we are still alive, then he will not just place us in a hotel

that doesn’t matter….. .”

“Besides, he has sent so many people at the door. This hotel is likely his property as you


“Even if it is not, then he and this hotel should have a deep relationship.”

Zhiyu nodded and ran to the desk in the living room of the suite with some excitement,

and opened the drawer in it.

Generally, hotels will put some letter paper for guests to write on their desks, and the

name of the hotel will be printed on it.

When she saw the words “Aurous Hill Shangrila Hotel” above the letter paper, she

couldn’t help exclaiming: “Mom! The hotel we are in is called Shangrila. I remember,

Shangrila seems to be the property of the Wade family?”

Liona was horrified at once: “Shangrila?! Could it be…Is it really him…”

Originally, Liona had also thought about whether the benefactor in her daughter’s

mouth was Changying Wade’s son.

But she also overturned her own guess. After all, Changying’s son went missing in the

early years, and he had not returned to Wade’s house. It is unlikely that a fallen master

who has fallen outside has such a powerful ability.

But now, when she heard that the hotel she was in was Shangrila, she immediately

began to doubt it again.

Here, Zhiyu saw her mother in shock, and even said a “him”, so she subconsciously

asked: “Mom, do you know what? Who are you talking about?”

Liona came back to her senses and said with a complicated expression, “Actually, there

is also a young man in the Wade family who has been missing for many years…”

Zhiyu suddenly realized, and blurted out, “Mom, what you said should be the son of

Uncle Wade’s?”

Liona checked her head and said calmly: “Yes, it’s him.”

As a woman, Zhiyu knows her mother’s heart very well.

She knew that her mother had always loved Changying for so many years. It could be

said that she was extremely infatuated with Changying. Even if Changying had been

dead for nearly 20 years, her mother still missed him.

Because of this, her mother came to Aurous Hill after learning the fact that her father

had derailed, and assassination attempt was made because she wanted to buy

Changying’s former residence.

Liona did not hide anything from her daughter, so she was not surprised when Zhiyu

mentioned it.

Zhiyu asked in surprise, “Mom, didn’t that Uncle Wade’s son disappear after Uncle

Wade’s death? I remember it seems that the Wade family never found his whereabouts.

How do you think he is the benefactor?”

Liona counted and nodded and said seriously: “In your old Uncle Wade’s house that day,

I saw a boy who looked almost exactly the same as your Uncle Wade when he was

young. He looked like six or seven years older than you. How old are you, about the

same age as your brother, and the age is very similar to your Uncle Wade’s son.”

Zhiyu couldn’t help asking, “Could it be a coincidence? After all, there are still many

people who look alike…”

Chapter 2526

“No.” Liona said seriously: “If everything is really just a coincidence, most of it will only

happen in one dimension. For example, if you meet someone who looks very similar to

me by chance, this is normal. I accidentally, it is normal to meet someone who looks

very similar to your Uncle Wade…”


When Liona said this, her tone and expression were a bit serious, and she continued:

“However, I unexpectedly met this young man in Aurous Hill. Your Uncle Wade was

killed in Aurous Hill, and his son also disappeared in Aurous Hill. , So this is the second


“Also! Not only did I meet him in Aurous Hill, but I also met him at the gate of your

Uncle Wade’s former residence! If he has nothing to do with your Uncle Wade, why did

he appear there?”

Zhiyu was silent for a moment, nodded, and said seriously: “Mom, I think your analysis

makes sense. The young man you saw at the gate of Uncle Wade’s former residence is

very likely to be Uncle Wade’s son… ..”

Speaking of this, Zhiyu’s conversation turned around and said: “Mom, Uncle Wade’s son,

if he had disappeared in Aurous Hill that year, he had been in Aurous Hill. So the one

you saw may indeed be Uncle Wade’s son, but Wade Uncle’s son may not be the

benefactor! Do you have any clear evidence of this?”

Liona shook her head and said, “I don’t have any direct evidence. After all, I haven’t seen

the benefactor you mentioned so far. However, since the benefactor arranged us in the

Wade family hotel, then I believe that he must have a deep relationship with the Wade


Zhiyu fell into deep thought, and muttered, “If it is like what you said, Uncle Wade’s son

is the benefactor, then he has been alone in Aurous Hill for so many years, how can he

be so helpful? Is there such a strong strength?”

“This…it doesn’t make sense! A master like this can’t be cultivated even by a top martial

arts family.”

“You see that the He family is so powerful, and they cultivated Ruoli wholeheartedly, but

Ruoli’s strength is tens of thousands of miles away from the ninjas who kidnapped me in

Japan, I guess Ruoli is barely able to win, and one-to-two will undoubtedly lose at


Liona smiled slightly: “I can’t say this, but my instinct tells me that the benefactor you

are looking for is likely to be him.”

Zhiyu sighed, and said, “But I still don’t understand. If Benefactor is really Uncle Wade’s

son, then he should hate the Su family…After all, it was Dad who came forward to do it.

In the anti-Wade alliance, the Su family has been unable to live with the Wade family for

so many years, how could he save us? Especially my brother and I, both of us are named

Su, for him, we are the children of the enemy… …”

Liona shook her head, “I don’t think about these questions, but I believe that sooner or

later, I will figure it out. After all, this benefactor did not save us and put us behind him.

He settled us here, which is equivalent to him already maintaining a bond with us. I

believe it won’t be long before he will reveal the true face of himself!”

Zhiyu couldn’t help getting a little excited, and muttered to herself in a low voice: “My

benefactor has saved our family of three so many times. If I can see him, I will definitely

be a cow and a horse in my life to repay his kindness!”

With that said, in her expression, she couldn’t help showing a bit of the shyness and

fascination that the girls have for their sweetheart.

She is not to blame.

Any woman who has gone through life and death two times, and the same face saved

her twice, I am afraid that she will feel good in her heart.

What’s more, after Zhiyu returned from Japan, she has been obsessed with Charlie.

This time, she not only saw Charlie, but was also rescued by Charlie, and even Charlie

saved her mother with her. This has completely captured the proud young girl’s heart.

Liona looked at her daughter’s eyes and couldn’t help thinking of the young man she

saw outside the door of Changying’s former residence.

When she thinks of him, she can’t help but think of the love of her life, Changying.

For a moment, her eyes suddenly filled with tears, and she sighed in her heart: “Zhiyu,

this girl, I am afraid that she has already been moved by the benefactor. If she finds a

son who is really Wade’s, it is really fate…..”

Chapter 2527

When Charlie settled Liona and Zhiyu mother and daughter in the Shangrila Hotel, he

did not expect that the hotel would reveal his identity to a certain extent.

After he posted the video on the Internet last night, he did not pay much attention to

this matter.

Because he knew that this video would definitely drag Chengfeng and the entire Su

family into the quagmire of the whole people’s crusade.

And he posted the video to the short video platform acquired by the Wade family so

that there is no need to worry that the Su family will turn this video off.

Because for the Wade family, no matter how much money they gave, it would be

impossible for them to do business with Uncle Su’s family.

Zhongquan Wade would never miss this opportunity to humiliate and attack the Su


When Charlie got up in the morning, Claire was still asleep, Charlie got out of bed gently

to wash, and when he came to the first floor, Elaine was already cooking with crutches.

Although Elaine had broken her leg, she was very active during this period. As long as it

was housework within her ability, she did not shirk at all.

At this time, Elaine was watching with gusto while holding her mobile phone, while

guarding the egg fried rice in the wok, and under the armpit of her right arm was an

aluminum crutch.

Hearing Charlie coming downstairs, she hurriedly recovered and said with joy, “Oh, my

son-in-law, come and see, we have something serious in Aurous Hill!”

Charlie had basically guessed what she was talking about after hearing her words.

However, he still pretended to be curious and asked, “Mom, what’s the matter?”

Elaine said solemnly, “Do you know that Eastcliff has a very powerful family? The family

name is Su!”

Charlie nodded: “Oh… I’ve heard of it.”

Elaine hurriedly said, “This old man from the Su family is so fu*king puss and shit that he

hired someone to kill his daughter-in-law. Do you think this guy is a b1tch?”

Charlie smiled and said, “I heard you say that this old thing named Su is really a


“No more!” Elaine gritted her teeth and said, “Everyone can get it! Now the law is

civilized, otherwise, it will be left in feudal society. Such old things must be too late!

“Good son-in-law, do you know Ling Chi? It’s just that the executioner used a knife to

scratch him constantly, just like a western chef slices ham on TV. He slices a thin slice at

a time and keeps a slice of three to five thousand dollars. He breathes!”

Charlie saw that Elaine was almost crushing her mouthful of teeth, and he couldn’t help

but curiously asked, “Mom, why are you so emotional?”

Elaine said annoyedly, “When I saw this fu*king news, I thought of that b@stard

grandma at first!”

“That dead old woman was just as bad as this dead old man named Su!”

“D@mn, when she was in the detention center, do you know how cruel her heart was?

The old thing couldn’t walk steadily. When hitting me, they were still struggling to kill

me, wishing to beat me to death in the detention center!”

“These two old things are so bad to their daughter-in-law, they are simply a pair of dog

men and women who are angry at the same time!

Chapter 2528

Charlie didn’t expect that Elaine thought of Mrs. Willson through what Elder Su did, and

he was speechless for a while.

At this time, Elaine couldn’t help but sighed, and said, “I just feel sorry for this woman

named Liona! I think she must be a good woman who is as kind-hearted and smart as I

am, but God does not have eyes, we are so good. A woman just can’t meet a good

mother-in-law and a good father-in-law.”

Charlie was embarrassed and felt serious nausea.

Liona is definitely the top celebrity in the noblewoman circle after being a famous gate

in Eastcliff anyway. In any respect, she is stronger than Elaine by tens of thousands, but

Elaine is so bold to say that she is the same as Liona, which shows that she has thick skin

with no edge.

But Charlie didn’t bother to tell her more, so he smiled and said, “Mom, you are busy

first, I will go to the yard to get some air.”

Although Elaine was still filled with righteous indignation, when she heard this, she

hurriedly said with a smile: “Good son-in-law, you can wear more clothes. It’s cold

outside today.”

“it is good.”

Charlie came out of the house and called Issac in the yard.

As soon as the phone was connected, Issac’s voice came over: “Master!”

Charlie asked, “Old man, how is your situation there?”

Issac hurriedly said: “Master, the executive floor of the hotel is still strictly guarded.

Except for my confidant, even ordinary waiters and security guards are not allowed to

approach. As for Ms. Liona and Ms. Su, my staff just gave me feedback. Miss Su wanted

to see you and inquire about your identity, but my people didn’t disclose it and asked

them to stay in the room. They just sent them some breakfast.”

“In addition, I received a message that the old man Chengfeng had fled Eastcliff

overnight. The plane departed from Eastcliff Airport and flew east to the high seas, then

circled the southern part of the Taiwan Strait, and then went all the way north. It was

around 6 o’clock. After landing in Suzhou, the flight trajectory of the plane was like a big

fish hook…”

Charlie asked curiously, “Why did he go to Suzhou making such a big circle? Is it

because he is afraid that others will discover his true track?”

“Yes!” Issac laughed: “Some media don’t know the situation. They only know that his

plane took off from Eastcliff and flew east out of the country. They thought he had fled

to Japan to avoid the limelight.”

Charlie said with a smile: “He ran to Suhang, probably not just to avoid the limelight,

Suhang is so close to Aurous Hill, I think he still misses Aurous Hill.”

“I think so too.” Issac said seriously: “The Su family has a bit of influence in Suzhou, and

Master Su’s command of Aurous Hill’s side is also considered to be on the front line led

by himself.”

Charlie immediately ordered: “Hurry up and call Regnar to Aurous Hill, otherwise

Chengfeng will probably find him to understand the situation after he gets over.

Although Regnar is surrendered now, he has eaten a lot in my hands. Unfortunately,

maybe he will take this opportunity to take refuge in the Su family to fight me.”

Issac suddenly realized, and blurted out: “Oh, why did I forget Regnar! With the acting

style of the old fox like Chengfeng, when he arrives in Suzhou, he will first sort out all

the uncertain factors in Suzhou first, and then plan again. Move, maybe I will summon

Regnar this morning!”

Charlie smiled and said, “It shouldn’t be so fast. Chengfeng definitely didn’t worry less

last night. He took a big circle in the plane and probably didn’t have any thoughts to

rest. The plane just landed more than two hours ago. Going to the place where he is

staying, I guess he will probably have to make up his sleep first this morning. When he

wakes up, he may first take a look at the situation in Suzhou.

“So, you call Regnar directly now and say that I am looking for him in a hurry, and ask

him and his eldest son to come by helicopter immediately. In this case, it should not be

too late.”

“Furthermore, Chengfeng’s trip to Suzhou is so low-key, the Wu family certainly won’t

know his message now.”

Issac hurriedly said, “Okay, Master, then I will call Regnar now!”

Chapter 2529

When Regnar was still asleep, he was woken up by Issac on the phone.

On the phone, Issac told Regnar that Charlie asked him to take Roger to Aurous Hill

immediately by helicopter.

Regnar dared not delay, got up quickly, took his son straight to Aurous Hill.

At ten o’clock in the morning, Regnar’s helicopter approached Issac’s hotel gradually.

As the helicopter continued to descend, Regnar couldn’t help but remember the scene

of the father and son being shot directly by Issac’s people last time here.

That time was the most humiliating day of Regnar’s life.

Not only broken limbs but also very humiliating sentences were engraved on their

foreheads and beaten badly by the men here.

Looking back at that moment, Regnar’s fist was clenched involuntarily.

However, he suddenly thought of the Eight Heavenly Kings buried at the foot of

Changbai Mountain.

Thinking of the tragic death of the Eight Heavenly Kings, he couldn’t help fighting a cold


It was precisely because of the death of the Eight Great Kings that he realized one of the

most crucial facts: Charlie had enough strength to kill him, even his whole family.

The Eight Great Heavenly Kings took their own orders against Charlie. Charlie killed

them but didn’t take his life. This was already his own good fortune.

In addition, he now knew Charlie’s true identity, so he became a little more afraid of him.

At this time, Roger beside him said with some worry: “Dad, what do you think Charlie is

looking for with us?”

Regnar hurriedly scolded: “As$hole, can you call Master Wade’s name directly?”

Roger said aggrievedly, “Dad, isn’t this just a private talk? Why are you so sensitive…”

Regnar blurted out: “I’m afraid you are not stupid! What is the identity of Master Wade?

Young Master Wade is the top master! He can kill the Eight Heavenly Kings by himself!

Don’t provoke him, even if you call him by his name. It’s easy for him to get angry!”

Roger curled his lips: “Dad. Are you not a little too sensitive?”

“Sensitive?” Regnar asked him back, “Have you watched the video on the short video

platform yesterday?”

“No.” Roger said: “Since the incident of your brother and Liu Guang and Liu Ming’s two

b@stard cross talks were transmitted to the short video platform, I stopped the video

from the platform, but he received the news. Pushed it, you probably know the whole


Hearing Roger mentioning Wu Qi and Liu Guang and Liu Ming, Regnar couldn’t help

feeling a little bit in his heart. He held back his anger and asked him: “Then you think,

besides Master Wade, who else has the ability and courage in Aurous Hill? Dare to

directly tie up the second son of the Su family?”

Roger thought for a while, his expression couldn’t help but said nervously: “This…Dad,

according to you, the second son of the Su family was tied up by the son of Wade’s?”

Regnar said, “In my opinion, in the entire Aurous Hill, only Master Wade has the ability

to do it. No one except him…”

“I’m going…” Roger couldn’t help exclaiming, “Why did Young Master Wade suddenly

act on the Su Family?! Isn’t it about declaring war with them?!”

Regnar shook his head: “I don’t know exactly why, but as far as I know, the Wade family

and the Su family have always had feuds. Maybe he wants to avenge his father.”

Roger shrank his neck and sighed: “The Master Wade acting style is too fierce. As soon

as the second young master of the Su family arrived in Aurous Hill, he was tied up. He is

not afraid of revenge after the Su family finds him… “

Regnar said earnestly: “Judging from his ability to kill the Eight Heavenly Kings by

himself, he tied the second young master of the Su family, but it was as simple as a cat

catching a mouse for him.”

Chapter 2530

As he said, Regnar said again: “If the Su family really goes against Master Wade, maybe

Master Wade can kill Chengfeng himself. With his patience, it will not be impossible for

him in China to kill all the Su family one by one. I think the reason why he still keeps this

old guy alive is like a cat catching a mouse but not eating it. The main reason is not to

eat the mouse, but to play with him and torture him.”

Roger couldn’t help but panic.

Seeing him pale, Regnar reminded him sternly: “I will see Young Master later, and you

must give him enough respect and keep your posture to the lowest level. I won’t let you

talk, you don’t want to say anything. do you understand?!”

Roger nodded hurriedly: “I know Dad…”

The helicopter landed on the roof of the hotel, and Issac was already waiting here.

Regnar took Roger off the plane, and hurriedly walked to Issac, and said respectfully:

“Mr. Issac, I should bother you to greet you personally. I am not really flattered…”

With that said, he gave Roger a color and said, “Won’t you say hello to President Issac!”

Roger hurriedly said, “Hello, Mr. Issac…”

Issac nodded and said, “You two come with me. Master is already waiting in my office.”

Regnar hurriedly followed behind Issac and came to Issac’s office on the top floor of the


At this moment, Charlie was standing with his hand in front of the glass window of the


After Issac brought the people in, Regnar hurried forward, stepped forward, respectfully

said, “Hello, Master!”

Roger also learned something, respectfully saying: “Master Wade is great!”

Charlie nodded slightly and said, “Regnar, do you know why I am looking for you


Regnar couldn’t help but shook his head and said: “Young Master, I really don’t know

what you are looking for, please tell me.”

Charlie said indifferently: “I saved the Su family’s eldest daughter-in-law and eldest

granddaughter yesterday, and then tied Shoude, the second son of the Su family, with

my hands. You should have seen these things in the news, right?”

Regnar’s body was shocked, and he hurriedly said, “Master Wade, we already know what

you said.”

Charlie gave a hum and continued: “Early this morning, Chengfeng, the head of the Su

family, went quietly to Suhang. I guess, this time he wants to go to Suhang to hide from

the limelight, but also wants to use Suhang as a frontline position to come to Aurous

Hill. Investigate these matters, especially the whereabouts of his second son.”

Regnar asked hurriedly, “Master Wade, are you going to declare war with the Su family?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Declare war? Declaring war is boring. The Su family has always

liked to play evil, so naturally, I will not tell them.”

Regnar took a step forward on the sea and said with a fist, “Young Master, if there is

anything that can be used up or down, please let me know!”

Charlie nodded and said, “There is something, I really need your help.”

Regnar hurriedly said, “Master Wade, please tell me.”

Charlie said, “I guess that Chengfeng will take the initiative to contact Suzhou-Hangzhou

local big families this time, including your Wu family. They may ask you about the

situation in Aurous Hill or throw an olive branch at you. Let you become an affiliated

family of the Su family and work for them.”

Regnar hurriedly stated: “You can rest assured, Mr. Wade, I, Regnar, will look after your

head and will never contact the Su family in any form!”

Charlie waved his hand: “Don’t, I just need you to establish contact with the Su family!”

Chapter 2531

In Charlie’s view, the Su family is now in a critical crisis, coupled with the fact that they

are being cast aside by the people of the whole country, so they must urgently need to

add new assistance to their camp.

Moreover, it happened that Chengfeng had gone to Suhang now, so Charlie speculated

that he would most likely take the initiative to win over Regnar Wu and turn him into a

dog of the Su family.

In the eyes of the Su family before, people like Regnar couldn’t get into their eyes. Even

if he ran to Eastcliff himself, Chengfeng would not give him a chance to meet.

However, this time is different.

The Su family is now isolated and helpless. Whether it is in Eastcliff or Suzhou, they must

win over as many new teammates as possible.

Therefore, Charlie wanted Regnar to be his undercover agent to see what Chengfeng

intends to do.

When Regnar heard this, he immediately understood what Charlie meant.

However, his heart is quite worried.

“Charlie asked me to go undercover next to Su’s house, isn’t this just sending me as

cannon fodder?”

“If the Su family finds out, why won’t they fix my Wu family to death?”

“The Wu family’s strength was already a lot worse than the Su family, and after returning

to Charlie, they paid a lot of shares. Now the family’s strength is almost cut in half. How

can it withstand the Su family’s toss?”

Charlie also saw his worries, and said lightly: “Regnar, I always reward and punish for

things, if you do things beautifully this time, I will never treat you badly in the future,

and you can rest assured that I am here, Su family can’t do anything to you.”

Regnar is still a little tangled in his heart.

After all, he didn’t know Charlie’s so-called not treating him badly, what benefits he

could give him.

And he didn’t know, if the Su Family really had to deal with him, would Charlie question

his life and death.

Seeing that he was still hesitating, Charlie said lightly, “Regnar, how about this? If you

help me get this thing done, then I will help you cure your son’s disease. What do you


Regnar subconsciously said, “Master Wade, my two sons…they…have some unspeakable

hidden illnesses, you…you can really cure them?”

Wu Qi was given a psychological hint by Charlie. Almost no one in the country knew

about the fact that he had to eat extra meals every hour, while Roger Wu had his leg

broken before, although he is better now. But he became a lame man, and he could not

fully recover in this life.

Charlie sneered and said, “What’s your son’s condition? Orvel almost died at the hands

of your men at the beginning. Didn’t I save him in the end?”

Yes. Ragnar’s spirit was immediately lifted.

He knew that his men had gone to Classical Mansion to kill Orvel and Charlie’s old

father-in-law, seeing that Orvel was about to die in his hands, but Charlie rescued him

with a rejuvenating pill, which was incredible.

Therefore, he couldn’t help but secretly thought: “If Charlie is really willing to help,

whether it is Roger’s legs or Wu Qi’s hidden illnesses who has to eat sh!t meals every

hour, it can be cured… .”

So he asked excitedly, “Master Wade, you…do you really mean this?”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “Of course.”

Regnar hurriedly said, “My eldest son, he has been limping, and the younger son’s

mental problem has gone wrong again…Can you cure it?”

Chapter 2532

At this moment, Roger, who stood by his side and dared not speak, couldn’t help but

get excited.

Charlie smiled and said, “No cure is an impossible cure, but I have to put it first. If you

help me do this well, I can help you cure one of the problems with your two sons.”

As soon as these words came out, Regnar’s expression was a little disappointed, and he

thought to himself: “Only one can be cured? Charlie, this guy made it clear that he wants

to hang me with the sons!”

However, it is better to cure one than to cure none at all.

He really felt sorry for his little son. If he had a chance to cure his illness, it would really

make up for his huge regret.

So he immediately agreed and said: “You can rest assured, Master Wade, I will go all out

to complete the task you entrusted to me!”

Charlie smiled slightly, looked at the time, and said, “Okay, you two should go back

quickly. Once the Su family finds you, let me know as soon as possible.”

Regnar hurriedly said, “OK, Master Wade!”

Charlie looked at Issac and ordered: “Old man, see off the guests.”

Issac pointed to the door immediately, made a gesture of please, and smiled: “Mr. Wu,


Regnar hurriedly said to Charlie respectfully, “Young Master Wade, then I will go back


After all, he took Roger and carefully exited the room.

Issac sent the father and son to the tarmac on the roof of the building. After the father

and son got on the plane, Roger hurriedly said, “Dad! If this matter is over, you must let

Charlie heal my leg! “

Regnar said without hesitation: “Except for your leg being a little lame now, there is

basically nothing wrong with it, but your brother is still tortured every day, of course, he

must be treated first!”

Roger was anxious, and blurted out: “Dad! I am the eldest son of the Wu family! If I am

limping on one leg in my life, where should I put the Wu family’s face?”

Regnar sternly said: “Then have you ever thought about your brother? Have you ever

thought about how he has been able to survive for so long?”

Roger was also a little anxious and quickly said, “My brother has been used to it for so

long. I went to see him in his room yesterday and happened to meet someone serving

him to eat. He didn’t show any pain. The whole process was normal. It’s like a chronically

ill patient taking medicine.”

As he said, Roger couldn’t help saying: “Moreover, I shouldn’t say something. The shame

of my brother has already been completely lost. Even if he is cured, it is impossible to

save ourselves from the Wu family’s loss of reputation!”

“After the younger brother is cured, will you let your younger brother come out to take

over the family affairs? If that is the case, as soon as he appears in the outside world,

outsiders will point him and say that he was eating that thing before and it spread all

over the country!”

“In that case, the reputation of our Wu family will be hit twice!”

“But I’m different, Dad!”

“I am the future heir of the Wu family and the future business card of the Wu family!”

“If I appear in front of the public every time, I am a limping man walking, then the Wu

family’s face will also be damaged;”

“But if I can recover from the beginning and become a normal person, then I can appear

in front of the public with a perfect image that is innocent enough and without any

black history!”

“When the time comes, our father and son will work together, and we will surely let the

Wu family recreate the scenery before!”

Chapter 2533

Roger’s words completely moved Regnar.

As a father, he felt that his second son Wu Qi was even more pitiful.

But as the head of the family, he finally realized that if he had the opportunity to cure

any of the two brothers, he had to choose his eldest son Roger, which was a more costeffective thing.

“As Roger said, Wu Qi left an extremely deep impression on the people of the whole

country before. This impression can be said to be unforgettable.”

“So, even if you take this opportunity to bring Wu Qi back to normal, as long as he

appears in the public’s field of vision, it will awaken the unforgettable memory of him…”

“After all, he can’t go around explaining after healed that he doesn’t need to eat that

kind of food anymore.”

Want to understand this level, Regnar also accepted Roger’s proposal.

So, he said: “Roger, we can do this to Charlie’s satisfaction. Then let him heal your leg

first. If there is a chance in the future, maybe we can also ask him to give Wu Qi a cure.”

Roger couldn’t hide his excitement and said, “Yes, Dad! As long as we follow Charlie and

do more for him, maybe he will give us a chance to heal Wu Qi.”

Regnar nodded and exhorted: “Roger, you must keep this matter secret to everyone.

You must never tell it, otherwise, if your brother knows about it, he will definitely hate


Roger said hurriedly, “Dad, don’t worry! I won’t say a word even if he kills me!”

Regnar sighed, “Hey! If your brother doesn’t have a chance to heal in the future, you are

an older brother, you must take good care of him.”

Roger said firmly, “Dad, don’t worry! Actually, I’ve already considered it. When we get

through this difficult period, and when Wu Qi’s mood stabilizes, we can think about it.

He will be sent abroad!”

“When he arrives abroad, he can change his identity and start again, so that there will

not be so much psychological pressure. It is best to go to a country with fewer Chinese.

This is even better for him.”

Regnar was silent for a moment and nodded softly.

He also knew that Roger did this to send his younger brother out so that he could

dominate the entire Wu family.

Although there were some disappointments and losses in his heart, he did not show it.

He grew up in a wealthy family, so he understands the conflicts between the wealthy

brothers too well.

Among the wealthy, there are few real brotherly affections.

In contrast, tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of assets are what they value


Roger wanted to send his younger brother abroad, not out of concern for his brother.

He just hopes that he will never suffer from future troubles.

Regnar didn’t point it out, but he said softly with emotion, “Roger, it’s not easy for your

brother. You, as an older brother, must take care of him a little bit. Let’s not say anything

else, at least to protect him for the rest of his life Worry-free.”

When Roger heard this, he immediately knew that his father understood his intention.

So he said without hesitation: “Dad, don’t worry, I will take care of him for the rest of my



When Regnar and his son returned to Suzhou, Chengfeng also woke up from his sleep.

After waking up, he immediately called the butler over and asked about the current

progress of the matter.

Chapter 2534

The steward replied truthfully: “Master, the influence of video is still expanding. Now it

has gradually spread from China to overseas. The overall public opinion situation is

extremely detrimental to the family.”

“Besides, Elijah Du from the Du family has made no less than 10 calls. I didn’t dare to


“Several leaders of Eastcliff also called for questioning. They were very angry about this

matter and asked the Su family to give a clear solution. I excused that you were ill and

temporarily delayed, but they want you to give a clear statement within 24 hours…”

Chengfeng couldn’t help sighing, gritted his teeth, and said: “The short video platform is

in the hands of the Wade family. I think it is impossible to engage in public relations. As

for the Du family, we don’t have to care about him. Elijah can do whatever he wants. I

won’t see him, the big deal is I won’t see him in my life.”

The butler hurriedly asked, “Master, that leader…”

Chengfeng sighed, “This is what I worry about the most… That Shred actually strapped

explosives to take hostages. The impact of this kind of thing is really bad. Now it’s all

exposed. I have to carry the pot…”

As he said, Chengfeng calmed down and said, “You give my feedback to the leaders,

saying that I am recovering from illness abroad, and when my body improves slightly, I

will immediately go to them and ask them for forgiveness!”

“OK master.”

Chengfeng rubbed his temples, and asked a little bit weakly, “By the way, which family

has the strongest overall strength in Suhang?”

The steward said seriously: “The Wu family should be the strongest, but a lot of things

happened to them some time ago, and their strength is lost by nearly half. They were

originally the first family in the South, but now they are no longer in the top three.”

Chengfeng nodded and said: “The Su family has been focusing on the overseas market

for the past few years, and has not deeply plowed the domestic market. Now is the time

to quickly regain the domestic market and network resources, and I may want to stay in

Suzhou for a long time, it is more convenient to get acquainted with the big local family.

It is better to use this Wu family for our own use.

With that, he asked, “By the way, when will Zynn land?”

The butler checked the time and said, “Master should land around two or three o’clock

in the afternoon.”

Chengfeng gave a hum, and said, “In this way, you will meet the Wu family on my

behalf, and tell them that the Su family wants to invite them over for dinner at night, but

don’t reveal my identity. Don’t let people know that I’m in Suzhou, do you understand?”

The housekeeper immediately nodded and said, “Understood sir! I’m going to contact

the Wu family!”


At the same time, Zynn was flying over the Western Pacific in a private jet.

Although he didn’t close his eyes overnight, he was a little excited.

And Zhifei, lying in his car in a complicated mood, had three pictures constantly rotating

in his mind.

The first picture is Liona, his mother in the car accident;

The second picture is the younger sister Zhiyu who was also in the car accident;

The third picture is the self after becoming the head of the Su family.

Originally, these three pictures were one after another, one after another, and one after

another, they were considered evenly matched.

However, with the passage of time, the first two pictures gradually became a little thin,

and the third picture began to firmly occupy the main position.

After talking on the phone with his father Zynn, Zhifei discovered that the position of Su

Family Patriarch, and the huge wealth that can be controlled by this position, was too

strong a temptation for him.

With a wave of the hand, he can command a superfamily with assets of more than one

trillion. This feeling of pointing the country is simply the ultimate power that all

businessmen desire!

He analyzed the current situation carefully, and he couldn’t help feeling more excited,

because he felt in his heart: “The second uncle has disappeared, and grandpa’s

reputation is completely stinking on the street. In this way, the possibility of the father

inheriting the Su family is much greater. My father only has one son, which means that

my chances of becoming the Su Family Patriarch in the future are much greater!”

Chapter 2535

In order to win over Regnar Wu, Old Chengfeng Su asked his housekeeper to directly

take gifts to visit Wu’s house.

The chief butler of the Su family has the same qualifications and status as Leon, and

even worse. Moreover, the chief steward represents not only himself but also the head

of the family, Chengfeng. Therefore, let the steward visit Wu in person. It definitely gives

the Wu family face.

Chengfeng attached great importance to the win over the Wu family, so he asked his

butler to visit him on his behalf.

Chengfeng also knew very well that he had become a rat crossing the street right now,

and it was impossible for him to return to Eastcliff in a short time.

So he must be prepared to stay in Suzhou for a long time.

This incident gave him the feeling that it was a period of history when the British and

French forces invaded Eastcliff in 1860 and the Qing Emperor Xianfeng hurriedly fled to


When the British and French forces invaded Eastcliff, Emperor Xianfeng fled in a panic

like him.

However, the fate of the Emperor was a bit miserable.

He waited hard for a year in Rehe and didn’t have the chance to return to the capital. As

a result, he died in the second year after escaping to Rehe. He was only 31 years old.

In order not to repeat the latter of Xianfeng, Chengfeng had already made a

comprehensive plan for himself from the moment he fled Eastcliff.

When he came to Suzhou, he wanted to quietly establish a foothold here. Not only

would he bring all the top local families in Suzhou over, but also quickly transfer the

industries of the Su family across the country to Suzhou to consolidate the family’s

presence in Suzhou.

He wanted to make this city the second base camp of the Su family.

In addition, he also wanted to hold his eldest son Zynn Su up again and let him serve as

the acting chairman of the entire Su Group.

Once Zynn becomes the acting chairman of the board, it means that he has been

formally established as the “prince” of the Su family. This will not only allow Zynn to

adhere to him honestly but also reduce the outside world’s attention to him to a certain


What he thought was to draw Zynn over, let him be his own puppet, and show his face

in the public, while he hides in Suhang to listen to politics, so as to ensure that his

power will not be weakened by Zynn.

The entire Su family has been in the hands of Chengfeng for so many years. Whether it

is the shares of the group, the voting rights and veto rights of the board of directors,

and the management rights of family trust funds, all of them are in Chengfeng’s hands


Therefore, as long as he does not transfer these rights, even if Zynn sits on the position

of acting chairman, he cannot have any real power, let alone take this opportunity to

seek usurpation.

Moreover, Chengfeng is extremely exquisite. He has already made a will. Once he dies,

all the property of the entire Su family will be automatically handed over to the trust

fund established by the Swiss Bank for management. The property of more than one

trillion, any one of the Su family The children have no right to call, they can only receive

living expenses from the trust fund every month in accordance with the rules set by


As for the standard of living expenses, Chengfeng also set it early. Each of his sons and

daughters can receive 10 million per month, and his spouse can receive 5 million per

month; his grandchildren can receive 6 million per month. , His spouse can receive 3

million a month. If the grandson has heirs, each heir can receive 2 million a month

before the age of 18.

Counting it down, if Chengfeng didn’t change his will before his death, after his death,

the entire Su family’s juniors would receive two to three billion in living expenses in one


However, the Su family’s assets exceed one trillion, and its monthly net profit exceeds

ten billion. No one is eligible to use the remaining money, so it can only be put into the

trust fund for profit.

It seems that it is very unfair to these children and grandchildren of Zynn because even

if they continue to receive living expenses until they die, the Su family will have more


However, Chengfeng had his own plan for the reason why he was so determined.

First of all, this will is here, which is Chengfeng’s amulet.

Because no heir of the Su family would have the intention of murdering Chengfeng.

The reason is that once Chengfeng is dead, not only will they not be able to inherit the

position of Patriarch, but their income will be greatly reduced.

Originally, a family can earn tens or tens of billions a year, and they can also get a lot of

other resource support from the family, but once the father dies, everyone lies down

and receive the dead wages, the family can receive several One hundred million is a big

deal, and it shrinks ten times, even tens or hundreds of times.

Chapter 2536

And this will, in addition to the role of amulets, is also equivalent to family insurance.

The ancient emperors were worried about the faint monarchs in their heirs so that they

would throw away the sacred land and leave the future generations without blessings.

And these modern rich men are also worried that their offspring will have a prodigal,

ruining the family foundation.

Therefore, almost every wealthy man will set up a trust fund, and if his descendants are

unwilling to succeed, they will hand over all the property to the trust fund to ensure that

the descendants of the family will live forever, and they will always have money to spend

and will not lose their property.

Moreover, this rule of relying on the leader for living expenses is particularly easy to

stimulate the gang of children and grandchildren to multiply their offspring.

Because, as long as they give birth to one heir, it is equivalent to giving birth to a meal


What the head of the family is most worried about is the continuation of the incense. If

this allows children and grandchildren to have more children, coupled with sufficient

trust fund assets, the continuity and development of the family can be more ensured.

For Chengfeng, if his children and grandchildren do not satisfy him, he would not

change this will until his death.

But if there are very capable children and grandchildren who can gain their own trust,

then there is no time to change the will when he is about to die.

In this way, this old fox can firmly hold the power of the entire Su family and all the

initiative in his own hands, and it is impossible for any offspring to threaten his rule over

the family.


Here, Regnar and Roger have just returned home. Before the two of them sat hot,

Chengfeng’s housekeeper came to the door.

Hearing that the chief butler of the Su family came to visit, Regnar’s first thought was:

“Charlie, this fellow, is really amazing! As soon as I came back, this family came to the


Thinking of this, he hurriedly said to Roger: “Son, in order to highlight the importance,

you personally go outside to greet him, and invite the chief butler of the Su family to my


Roger nodded hurriedly and walked out quickly.

Regnar straightened his collar and went to his study first.

After a while, Roger walked in with a middle-aged man who was about fifty years old.

As soon as this person entered the door, Regnar greeted him immediately.

Roger hurriedly introduced, “Dad, this is the chief steward of the Eastcliff’s Su family, Mr.


Regnar immediately said with great enthusiasm: “Oh, Mr. Anson, I have been admiring

you for a long time! Please sit down, please sit down!”

Anson nodded slightly, and said with a little smile: “Mr. Wu, I came here today in the

place of my lord, and ask Mr. Wu to come to the house for dinner!”

Although Regnar had already guessed the other party’s intentions, he still pretended to

be flattered and said excitedly: “Mr. Su is going to invite me to dinner?! This…is this


“Of course!” Anson smiled slightly and said, “I wonder if Mr. Wu has time tonight?”

Regnar said without hesitation: “Yes! Of course! Are we going to Eastcliff? If yes, I will

quickly get the crew ready for flight!”

Anson shook his head and said with a smile: “Mr. Chengfeng is in Suzhou, and he wants

to host a banquet at Suhang’s house tonight.”

After speaking, he reminded him with a very serious expression: “Mr. Wu, only you

father, and son know about the information that my master came to Suzhou. You must

remember this matter and never disclose it to anyone!”

Chapter 2537

At four o’clock in the afternoon, Zynn’s private plane began to descend over the

suburbs of Suzhou.

Seeing that he was about to land at Suzhou-Hangzhou Airport, he called his son Zhifei

on his cell phone.

Zhifei, who was involved in this matter, had already driven the car to Suzhou-Hangzhou

Airport. He parked the car in the parking lot and stayed in the car waiting for his father’s


Seeing his father’s call, he hurriedly connected and asked, “Dad, where are you?”

Zynn said, “In another twenty minutes or so, I should almost land. Are you there yet?”

“I’m here.” Zhifei said, “Tell me after you leave the customs, I will pick you up.”

“Okay!” Zynn told him: “Don’t forget to wear a mask and sunglasses. Our Su family is too

sensitive now. Don’t let others notice that we are here in Suzhou.”

“I know Dad.”

After hanging up the phone, Zhifei quickly put on a mask and sunglasses and drove the

car to the main entrance of the airport arrival passage. After waiting for about 20

minutes, Zynn’s figure appeared at the exit of the airport arrival hall.

Like Zhifei, Zynn wears a pair of black sunglasses and a disposable black mask.

However, Zhifei recognized him at a glance, and then quickly got out of the car,

beckoned to him, and shouted, “Dad, here!”

When Zynn saw Zhifei, his spirit was shaken, and he ran over two steps quickly.

Zhifei also accumulated a lot of negative energy in the past two days. Seeing his father

finally came back, he felt a sense of finding support in his heart. He hurriedly greeted

him and hugged him.

At this moment, Zhifei could not help but choked up and whispered: “Dad…you finally

came back…”

Zynn patted him on the back and sighed, “Hey! Zhifei, Dad is sorry to you, to your

mother and Zhiyu. When you needed me the most, I couldn’t protect you and be by

your side.”

Zhifei said sadly: “Dad…Mom and Zhiyu, there is no idea of their whereabouts yet, you

must find a way to find them…”

Zynn nodded solemnly: “Don’t worry, I will go all out to find your mother and your


After speaking, he looked around, and said hurriedly, “Let’s get in the car first, there are

too many people here, so as not to attract attention.”

“Okay…” Zhifei nodded hurriedly, turned to help Zynn open the passenger car door, and

let Zynn sit in first.

When Zhifei returned to the car, Zynn confessed to him: “Drive directly to the West Lake.

Your grandfather has a villa on the edge of the West Lake. He lives there now.”

Zhifei nodded and said, “Then I will navigate to West Lake first. Give me instructions.”

The Su family’s real estate in all parts of the country and even all over the world are too

many. Almost any larger city will have Su family properties. How many villas the father

has, even the father himself does not know. Even Zhifei has never been to the villa in


Driving into the airport expressway, Zynn said to Zhifei next to him, “You’ll see your

grandpa later, don’t wait for your grandpa to apologize to you, you must take the

initiative to apologize to him, it’s best to be more solemn. Kneel down and apologize,

do you understand?”

Zhifei knew that this time when his father came back from Australia, it was the key to his

father and his own right to regain inheritance. He couldn’t mess it up anyway, so he

solemnly said: “I know Dad, don’t worry. As soon as I see Grandpa. I will immediately

kneel down and apologize to him…”

Originally, Zhifei was considered a man of spine, but in the face of huge benefits, his

bones became much softer unconsciously.

Zynn told him again: “This time your grandpa has encountered the biggest Waterloo in

his life. Judging from the influence of video, it is impossible for your grandpa to turn

over in this life, so this time it is our good opportunity. If we can grasp this opportunity,

on the one hand, let your grandpa see our abilities, and on the other hand, let him see

our absolute obedience to him, then we have the opportunity to inherit the entire Su


With that said, Zynn’s words turned and he said, “But if we can’t do it, your grandfather

will definitely hand over the entire Su family’s property to the overseas trust fund before

he dies. At that time, we can only lead the living expenses per capita.”

Zhifei hurriedly asked, “Dad, how can we make Grandpa recognize our ability?”

Chapter 2538

Zynn said earnestly: “This time your mother and Zhiyu encountered an excellent

opportunity. Anyone with a discerning eye can see it. This shows that someone wants to

attack our family, and the opponent is extremely capable. It may have been planned for

a long time. If we can help your grandfather, catch the black hands behind the scenes,

and eliminate all the threats for the family, then we will definitely make your grandfather

admire us!”

Immediately afterward, Zynn added: “You have to know that your grandfather has been

nailed to the pillar of shame now, and it will be impossible to wash him until he dies!”

“So as long as he can be satisfied with us, and during the period before his death, we

have been obedient to him, and while respecting him, we will never challenge his

majesty as the head of the family!”

“Then before he dies, he will definitely pass on the position of Su Family Patriarch to me!

And as long as we survive until he dies, the entire Su Family will be ours!”

Zhifei nodded quickly, and said excitedly: “Dad, I listen to your everything!”

At around five o’clock in the afternoon, Zhiyu drove the car into a huge manor by the

West Lake under the guidance of Zynn.

West Lake is a well-known tourist attraction in the country, and more than half of the

area is open to all people, so there are very few lakeside villas here, and the prices are

extremely high.

According to rumors, a famous domestic e-commerce boss, a boss named Jag, has a

luxurious villa here, which is said to be worth several hundred million.

However, his villa was even worse than Chengfeng’s.

The manor Chengfeng spent 800 million when he started it ten years ago, and another 500 million was spent on renovation and reconstruction. After it was completed, he only came to live for a few days in the spring and autumn of each year.

Zhifei drove into the manor. Butler Anson was already waiting at the entrance of the

manor’s main hall.

As soon as he saw the father and son get out of the car, he hurried up to greet them

and respectfully said, “Master, Young Master! I didn’t expect you two to come together!”

Zynn hurriedly asked, “Butler, where is father now?”

Anson hurriedly said: “Master has been looking forward to the two, so he told me to

wait here early, and said that when you arrive, I must take you to see him immediately.”

Zynn hurriedly said, “Then take us there quickly!”

“it is good!”

Anson took the father and son to the main hall of the manor.

In the main hall at this time, Chengfeng, who was somewhat depressed, was sitting in

front of the burning fireplace and resting. When he saw his son and grandson coming,

hurriedly got up from the recliner, and walked in front, in two steps. The old tearfully

said, “Zynn… my son… I… I’m sorry about your family!”

Upon hearing this, Zhifei recalled his father’s explanation. Without a second word, he

knelt in front of Chengfeng and confessed: “Grandpa…I didn’t understand the rules and

bumped into you. Please punish your culprit!”

Chengfeng’s expression flashed with a look of satisfaction, and he quickly reached out

to help Zhifei up, choked up, and said, “Good boy, you’re right, it’s grandpa…”

“It’s grandpa who was so confused that he made such an impulsive decision for the

family’s face…”

“Furthermore, I was wronged by the gangster again, and was charged with many

unreasonable charges…”

Zynn hurriedly stepped forward, helped Chengfeng, and said seriously: “Dad, don’t say

that. I know well to know that everything you do is for this family!”

Chengfeng nodded with satisfaction: “You two can understand my difficulties, I can

really look down upon death!”

Zynn nodded solemnly: “Dad, don’t worry, Zhifei and I can understand you very well…”

With tears in Chengfeng’s eyes, he solemnly said: “Zynn, I promise you that I will do my

best to find Liona and Zhiyu. If Liona is still alive, I will face her and plead for the crime,

even if She wants my old life, I am willing to pay it to her!”

Zynn hurriedly said, “Dad, our top priority now is not to find Liona and Zhiyu, nor to find

Shoude, but to work together to pull out the enemy hidden in the dark!”

Chapter 2539

Zynn’s words came to Chengfeng’s heart.

Although Chengfeng took the initiative to apologize to Zynn and Zhifei about Liona and

Zhiyu’s affairs as soon as he came up, deep down in his heart, he did not want Zynn. The

father and son were troubled by this issue.

So Zynn took the initiative to change the topic now, just to cater to Chengfeng’s inner


So, he hurriedly said, “You are right Zynn, we must work together to find out who is

behind the scenes!”

With that said, he asked Zynn: “Who do you think is behind us?”

Zynn subconsciously said, “Dad, I don’t think this matter has anything to do with the

Wade Family, but I don’t have any evidence to prove that this matter is what the Wade

Family did. I can only speculate through the short video platform. It should be part of it

to a certain extent, and Aurous Hill is in the Wade Family’s sphere of influence, which is

their home court.”

Chengfeng nodded and said seriously: “My previous thoughts were similar to yours, but

now I feel that the Wade family seems unlikely to have such strength, otherwise, they

will not wait until today to start with us.”

Zynn fell into deep thought.

He had considered his father’s point of view, and he didn’t understand it.

At this moment, Chengfeng looked at Zhifei on the side, pretending to be casual, and

asked: “By the way, do you have any ideas? In your mind, are there any clues that are

more suitable?”

Zhifei hurriedly said, “Grandpa…I…I really can’t think of any clues.”

Chengfeng nodded, and then pretended to remember something, and said, “Oh, right!

You and Zhiyu were in Japan when you met a master? Who is that person? Have you

found a clue?”

“No.” Zhifei said earnestly: “Zhiyu has always wanted to find her benefactor, but we have

tried many methods without any substantial progress.”

Chengfeng felt nervous and asked hurriedly, “You met him at that time, could you

describe his characteristics, including looks and temperament, to me?”

Zhifei thought for a while, and said, “My benefactor should be about the same age as

me, very young, and he must be a Chinese or Japanese Chinese. As for his looks, to be

honest, he is very handsome. They are very tough, but still very characteristic.”

Chengfeng asked him, “Can you find a professional in criminal investigation to help you

make a portrait of a character?”

Zhifei hesitated for a moment, and said, “Grandpa, I thought about the portrait of him,

but to be honest, we only had a passing intersection with him, and we were too nervous

about what happened that day. So we really don’t clearly remember the appearance, if

we do it is a little vague…Unless we meet again, we can recognize him at a glance…”

Speaking of this, Zhifei couldn’t help asking: “Grandpa, why did you suddenly ask about

the matter of this Master? Do you suspect that he is behind it this time?”

Chengfeng sighed, pretending to say with emotion: “I am not suspicious, I am hopeful! I

hope that this benefactor will control everything behind the back this time. In this case, I

believe that Zhiyu and your mother will survive.”

Zhifei nodded lightly and said sincerely: “This Master is a person with great supernatural

powers. If it is really like what you said, I believe that it is much more likely that Mom

and Zhiyu will be alive, but we have wanted to find him for so long but since we haven’t

found him, the probability of him appearing in Aurous Hill is very low.”

Chengfeng smiled slightly: “Even if the possibility is very low, there is still a possibility.

We have to think on the bright side of everything. If it is really him, then this incident is

actually a misunderstanding. As long as the misunderstanding is resolved, this person

may also be used by our Su family!”

After speaking, Chengfeng immediately ordered: “Zhifei, except Zhiyu, you are the only

one who has seen the benefactor. He has saved you and will certainly not be malicious

to you, so you follow my instructions and go immediately with a high profile to Aurous

Hill! See if you can bring out the benefactor!”

Chapter 2540

When Zynn heard this, he subconsciously said, “Dad, Aurous Hill is very wicked! Young

brother disappeared there. If Zhifei passes by with a high profile, I am afraid…”

Chengfeng waved his hand: “Don’t be afraid! My guess is generally not wrong! What we

have to do now is to lead the snake out of the cave.”

Zynn’s expression couldn’t help being a little tangled.

Zhiyu’s whereabouts are still unknown and her life or death is still unknown, so he is

really reluctant to let Zhifei go to Aurous Hill to take a big risk.

Shoude was so high-profile that he was tied up as soon as he arrived in Aurous Hill.

If Zhifei also goes very high-profile, then 80% chance is the repeat of the mistakes of


The only possibility of exemption is that the old man is imprisoned. The mysterious man

who turned his hands in the clouds and covered his hands in the rain behind Aurous Hill

is the benefactor who saved his son and daughter in Japan.

Just when he was hesitant, Zhifei mustered up the courage and said seriously: “Grandpa,

I am willing to go to Aurous Hill!”

Chengfeng nodded in satisfaction and smiled: “As expected of my Su family’s eldest

grandson! Courage is extraordinary!”

After speaking, he asked, “By the way, Zhifei, I heard that you sponsored a concert

before, and it seems to be held in Aurous Hill?”

Zhifei nodded: “Yes, grandpa, I sponsored Qiuyi, Miss Gu’s global tour, She is well

known as Sara in the entertainment Industry. Aurous Hill is her first stop this year.”

Chengfeng smiled and said, “It turned out to be the girl from the Gu family! That girl is

also very well-known now, so if you go to Aurous Hill this time, you will be able to show

up in the public eye in the name of sponsoring the concert.”

Zhifei hurriedly said, “Okay grandpa, I understand!”

Chengfeng suddenly had a thought in his mind at this time: “Knowing that this kid, he is

definitely not doing nothing idle, and he is not a dude who is not doing his job. Why do

you want to do something like sponsoring a concert?”

“Things in the entertainment industry are indeed tall for ordinary people, but for superclass families, it’s not even a f@rt.”

“How many top stars in the entertainment industry have sharpened their heads and

want to marry into these super-class families, but the offspring of these top families are

a little bit compelling, and they won’t even look at them.”

“Knowing that it is Su’s grandson if he beckons in the entertainment industry, I don’t

know how many top female stars will rush forward desperately, but he ran to sponsor

the concert of the girl from the Gu family. This is obviously a bit of a drunkard. It’s not

about wine!”

Thinking of this, Chengfeng’s eyes turned, and he planned to give Zhifei a choice.

Therefore, he deliberately pretended to be very sincere and sighed: “Oh, let me just say

something from my heart. The girl in the Gu family is still very good overall. Although

the strength of the family is a little worse, it is better than the image of other girls. Good,

and dignified!”

After speaking, he looked at Zhifei and said earnestly: “Zhifei, you are now at the age of

marrying and getting a wife. If you can catch the girl of the Gu family, it would be a

good thing for the Su family! “

Zhifei suddenly became excited when he heard this, and blurted out,

“Grandpa…you…you support me in pursuing Sara?!”

Chapter 2541

Zhifei had a crush on Sara for many years but only told his sister Zhiyu about this.

The reason why he didn’t dare to say it was because he knew that the Su family could

not allow him to be with Sara.

Elder Su has always been above the top, and he has never looked down upon these

families in China.

Moreover, he has always been eager to make major breakthroughs in overseas markets.

Therefore, he especially hoped that Zhifei, as the eldest son of the Su family, could

marry a daughter of a top European or American family, or a European royal princess.

In this way, the Su family can exchange resources with them.

Otherwise, if you only find a family with a weaker overall strength than the Su family to

marry in the country, then it is clear that others will take advantage of the Su family.

Because of this, Zhifei dare not make any relevant disclosures.

However, he never dreamed that his visionary grandfather would take the initiative to

encourage him to pursue Sara. This was simply great news for him.

However, Zhifei didn’t know that Elder Su easily analyzed his true purpose from his

sponsorship of Sara’s concert.

Saying that now, it’s just a matter of doing what he wants.

Chengfeng deeply understands a truth, this truth is only three words: D*ck drives


If you want to make the best use of a person, that is, you must master where his s3xual

interest is.

Chengfeng understood Zhifei’s deep inner s3xual interest, so he chose to do what he

liked, support him in pursuing Sara, and directly tied him firmly in his camp in one step.

Therefore, when Zhifei expressed absolute shock at what he said, Chengfeng said in a

serious manner: “Zhifei, the most important thing about choosing a spouse is the priceeffectiveness ratio. Ability and character are good. Although Gu’s strength is a bit

inferior, she is better than others. If you really marry her, it will be a very cost-effective

thing! So if you really want to pursue her, of course, I agree with you with both hands.”

Zhifei immediately said excitedly: “Thank you, grandpa! With your words, I am relieved!”

Zynn on the side, this was the first time he knew that what his son liked in his heart

turned out to be Sara of the Gu family.

He frowned and said earnestly, “Zhifei, you like Gu’s girl, and Dad doesn’t object to it,

but you have to know that Gu’s family has always had prejudices against Su’s family,

especially Philip Gu and Changying back then. It’s his elder brother to worship. Since I

set up the Anti-Wade Alliance, he has completely drawn a line from the Su family. If you

pursue Sara, the first thing you have to pass is his level.”

Zhifei nodded and said, “Dad, I have considered all of what you said. The old accounts

between my parents are indeed a relatively large influence, but I still believe that

feelings are the first. Yes, if I can really make Sara like me, then I believe I can also make

Sara’s father accept me.”

Zynn sighed sincerely, “I’m afraid it won’t be that easy!”

Chengfeng couldn’t help but slapped his lips. He racked his brains to make suggestions

for his grandson. He said, “Oh! I don’t think there is any need to make a conclusion on

this matter so early. I know that he is only 26 this year, even if he is married at 36. It’s

not too late, so he has time for Gu’s family to change their attitude towards him.”

As he said, he couldn’t help but said with a little regret: “I heard that Philip had

pancreatic cancer and he was about to die. If that’s the case, he would lose one

stumbling block if he wanted to pursue Gu’s girl, but who knew this? Why did the guy

heal suddenly inexplicably? He is alive, and the difficulty will indeed be much greater.”

Zhifei said at this time, “Grandpa since you support me, I will definitely pursue Sara. As

long as she is willing to be with me, I believe her father can’t stop us from being


“Yes.” Chengfeng said with a smile: “You can rest assured and boldly pursue her.

Grandpa will give you one hundred or one thousand times support!”

As he said, he said very seriously: “If Philip is unwilling to forgive the Su family for the

“Anti-Wade Alliance” things back then, then let your father come to the door personally

and beg him to plead for the crime.”

“If it still doesn’t work, then my old bone will personally apologize to him! For the lifelong happiness of my grandson, what is such a trivial matter?”

Old Man’s attitude immediately moved Zhifei.

Comparing this with the unquestionable personality that Grandpa said before, it was a

radical change.

Chapter 2542

He thought it was impossible for his grandfather to allow him to pursue Sara, but he did

not expect that he would support him so much.

This instantly increased his confidence in pursuing Sara countless times.

So he immediately stated: “Grandpa, if that’s the case, then I will go to Aurous Hill now

to see if I can bring out the black hand by preparing for the concert!”

Chengfeng nodded in satisfaction and smiled: “I asked Anson to invite the head of the

Suzhou first family, Regnar Wu from the Wu family. It is estimated that he should be

here in a while. Don’t leave in a hurry. It’s not too late to leave after dinner.”

“it is good!”


At this moment, Aurous Hill Shagri-La.

Zhiyu was bored in the hotel room for a day, feeling anxious and impatient.

At six o’clock, Issac’s men knocked on the door on time, and two female bodyguards

walked in with a food delivery tray. One of them respectfully said, “Ms. Su, Ms. Du,

dinner is ready, please take a second step. Dining in the restaurant.”

Zhiyu couldn’t help asking, “When on earth your young master would like to see me? I

have been waiting all day…”

The female bodyguard said very politely: “Sorry Miss Su, our young master did not come


Zhiyu asked, “Then did he say when he would come?”

The female bodyguard shook her head: “Master never said it.”

Zhiyu didn’t give up, and asked, “Well, can you please call your young master and say I

want to talk to him.”

The female bodyguard smiled slightly: “You tell me, I am not qualified to talk to the

young master directly, so I don’t have the young master’s contact information.”

“This…” Zhiyu’s eyes flashed red and choked up, “Then what does your master mean? It

took so much work to save us and settle us here, but he kept hiding. If he doesn’t show

up…If he really doesn’t plan to show up, let my mother and I leave here!”

The female bodyguard said apologetically: “Ms. Su, the young master really didn’t mean

that, it is just I servant dared to speculate. As for what you said to leave here, I can’t do

this. The young master has ordered us to make sure you two Please forgive me for

staying in this suite and keeping every step of the way.”

Zhiyu suddenly felt a strong grievance in her heart, and tears flowed out.

Seeing this, the female bodyguard said apologetically: “Miss Su, the food is ready,

please help yourself and Ms. Du, we will go out first.”

Liona hurried forward, holding Zhiyu in her arms and gently comforting her, while

saying to the two female bodyguards, “Thank you so much!”

The two made a polite statement and hurriedly left the room.

As soon as they left the room, the two of them came to Issac’s office. After knocking on

the door and entering, facing Issac and Charlie sitting on the sofa, they respectfully said:

“Young Master, President, Miss Su is a little excited. “

Issac hurriedly said, “Tell me, what exactly is the excitement method?”

The female bodyguard recounted the situation from just now.

After listening, Issac nodded and said: “Okay, you have worked hard, go and rest.”

The female bodyguard bowed and resigned.

At this moment, Issac looked at Charlie and couldn’t help asking: “Master, are you really

not going to see her?”

Chapter 2543

Issac’s words made Charlie hesitate slightly.

Whether he wants to meet Zhiyu and Liona, he hasn’t decided yet.

The main reason is that he doesn’t want to understand what mentality he should use to

face an enemy’s daughter and a woman who has loved his father for many years.

But he knew it in his heart.

Things have reached the point where they are today. Sooner or later, he has to meet the

mother and daughter.

Therefore, he has not yet determined whether it is the right time to meet them right


At this time, Issac saw Charlie’s hesitation, and hurriedly persuaded him: “Master, to be

honest, since you will see them sooner or later, it is better to see them earlier.”

As he said, he said again: “Look, now Miss Su’s status is almost equal to house arrest

here. If you don’t meet her, I am afraid she will be uncomfortable. This is also torture for

her. It’s better to meet her and let her feel at ease so that she can continue to stay here

without causing any trouble.”

Charlie said indifferently, “I definitely want to see her, but it’s not the time yet.”

Issac asked hurriedly, “Master, are you waiting for an opportunity?”

“Opportunity?” Charlie shook his head: “I’m waiting for Zynn Su.”

Issac exclaimed, “Master, you…you want to wait for Zynn?”

“Yes.” Charlie said coldly, “I’ll wait for him to come to Aurous Hill. If he doesn’t come, I

will personally “please” him over!”

“The day Zynn comes to Aurous Hill, I would naturally take him to meet Zhiyu and


Speaking of this, Charlie stood up and said blankly, “After he comes here, I will

personally take him to my parents’ grave and bow down!”

“If he is not directly related to the death of my parents, let him give my parents a


“If he is directly related to the death of my parents, I will let him pay for his life at my

parents’ grave!”


At 6:30 in the evening, Regnar Wu drove to Su’s manor.

He also came with his eldest son Roger.

The father and son arrived in the manor in their car, and the housekeeper Anson

personally greeted them. As soon as they met, he said politely: “Mr. Wu, Master Wu, our

master is already waiting in the banquet hall, please come with me.”

Regnar couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

He didn’t come to have dinner with Chengfeng this time. He came to Chengfeng as an

undercover agent at Charlie’s request.

Charlie is a person 10,000 people can’t afford to offend him, not to mention Charlie’s

background, his ability alone is far from what he dares to offend.

Killing the eight heavenly kings of the Wu family by one person really annoyed him,

maybe he could kill all the Wu family by himself.

However, Chengfeng here can’t afford to offend him at all.

Who is Chengfeng? The person in charge of the first family in the country is simply the

strongest person in the financial field, and if he provokes him, he may not end well.

Therefore, Regnar was nervous and afraid in his heart.

However, he was also very clear in his heart that, no matter what, he must act as one

who couldn’t offend Charlie the most.

Since Charlie asked him to be an undercover agent, he could only bite the bullet.

Chapter 2544

Later, he and Roger followed Anson to the banquet hall of the manor.

At this time, in the banquet hall, three generations of the Su family, Chengfeng, Zynn,

and Zhifei were sitting at the front of the dining table.

Seeing Regnar and his son coming in, Chengfeng took the initiative to stand up and said

with a smile: “Mr. Wu, I have heard of the name for a long time, and I finally meet you


Regnar hurriedly said a little flattered: “Mr. Su, you are so polite. Compared with you, I

am just a small business person who does a little bit of innocent business. I can’t get on

the table…”

Chengfeng waved his hand and said with a smile: “Where is this, your Wu family is the

number one family in Suzhou, even in the whole province, so why to belittle yourself.”

After speaking, he hurriedly said again: “Come here, Mr. Wu, let me introduce to you,

this is my son, Zynn Su, and the other is my grandson, Zhifei Su.”

Regnar couldn’t help but feel a little surprised, and he thought to himself:

“Unexpectedly, this Zynn also came to Suhang. Didn’t this guy ran to Australia because

of a scandal some time ago? Also, Chengfeng murdered Zynn’s wife and daughter. ,

Why is this guy standing in front of Chengfeng so respectfully? Isn’t it necessary for him

to avenge his wife and child?”

Seeing Regnar stunned, Zynn suddenly guessed Regnar’s psychological activities. He

couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed.

So he first stretched out his hand and said, “Hello, Mr. Wu, I’m Zynn, I’m lucky enough

to meet.”

Only then did Regnar came back to his senses, and hurriedly clasped his fists and said,

“Mr. Su, look up for a long time! I’m Regnar, this is the son Roger!”

Chengfeng said at this time: “Mr. Wu, please sit down, let’s eat and talk.”

Regnar quickly agreed.

Five people were seated in front of the huge dining table. Chengfeng took the initiative

to hold up the wine glass and toast Regnar. After three rounds of wine, he smiled and

said, “Mr. Wu, this time I come to Suzhou. It is considered to be on your site, so Please

take care of us in Suzhou in the future.”

Regnar said nervously, “Mr. Su, you are so polite. It is absolutely my honor you think of

Regnar when you come to Suzhou. In the future, you can use me for anything.”

Chengfeng smiled and said, “Since Mr. Wu has said so, then I won’t be polite to you, but

Mr. Wu, please rest assured. If you have any help from our Su family, please do not

hesitate to speak.”

Regnar clasped his fists and said, “Then I would like to thank Mr. Su in advance!”

Chengfeng nodded, put down the wine glass, and said: “By the way, Mr. Wu, I want to

ask you something, I don’t know if it is convenient for you.”

Regnar hurriedly said, “Sir, please tell me!”

Chengfeng said: “That’s it. I want to know Mr. Wu, how much do you know about

Aurous Hill?”

“This…” Regnar thought for a while, and said, “Actually, I don’t know much about Aurous

Hill. It’s just that my son went to university in Aurous Hill.”

In fact, Regnar didn’t want to be a last resort and didn’t want to talk to anyone about his

second son Wu Qi.

Because Wu Qi had already been harassed by all the people all over the country at the

time when Wu Qi was involved. When he mentioned it, it was tantamount to hitting him

in the face.

However, Chengfeng asked about his understanding of Aurous Hill’s situation at this

time. Regnar didn’t dare to conceal Wu Qi’s schooling in Aurous Hill, because no one

knew about this matter in the whole country. If he deliberately concealed it, It will

definitely arouse Chengfeng’s suspicion.

When Chengfeng heard him talk about Wu Qi, he nodded slightly and said

apologetically: “I’m sorry, Mr. Wu, I know there are some things I shouldn’t say here.”

Regnar knew what he wanted to say next, so he could only smile awkwardly, and said,

“Mr. Su, if you have any questions, just ask, don’t be so polite.”

Chengfeng nodded and said: “Mr. Wu, frankly speaking, I have heard about your little

son. What I want to ask is. Have you checked, why he has this kind of behavior, what is

wrong with him? Why it is happening?”

“Why?” Regnar cursed secretly in his heart: “Of course it’s because of Charlie’s b@stard!

He has already admitted this in front of me, but I can’t provoke him and dare not fight

him. …”

However, Regnar did not dare to say what he was thinking.

Therefore, he could only deliberately said in shrouded mist: “This…to be honest, after his

accident, Xiaoxin and I went to Aurous Hill as soon as possible. We also wanted to find

out what caused the community. There has been such a big change, but after a lot of

investigation, no valuable clues have been found.”

Chengfeng was a little disappointed, and then asked: “Mr. Wu, then, do you think the

incident with your youngest son is a natural disaster, or is it an unnatural disaster?”

Chapter 2545

Hearing Chengfeng’s question, Charlie’s image reappeared in Regnar’s mind. He

couldn’t help feeling a deep cold deep in his heart. Then he replied: “Mr. Su, let me tell

you, about my son. I also suspected that it might be man-made, but after investigating a

lot, no relevant clues were found, so the possibility of a natural cause may be greater, or

the children himself stimulated something beyond our comprehension.

Chengfeng asked him, “Have you ever asked your son what unusual memories or

impressions he had before and after the incident?”

Regnar said truthfully: “I asked him about this, but he told me that there was a memory

gap before the incident, and he couldn’t remember it at all.”

Chengfeng nodded thoughtfully, and said in a deep voice, “If this is the case, then I

guess it is more likely to have mental nature!”

Regnar pretended to be shocked and asked, “Mr. Su, do you mean someone

deliberately harmed my son?”

“Yes!” Chengfeng said seriously: “Generally speaking, even if someone has a mental

problem, they don’t have such a strange behavior as your son.”

After speaking, he asked again: “And I heard that your son’s condition seems to occur

every hour, right?”

Regnar said awkwardly, “Yes, it is true.”

Chengfeng hummed, and said solemnly, “Then this is even more problematic! Normally,

even if a person has intermittent psychosis, intermittent epilepsy, or even intermittent

convulsions, this is relatively random. There are absolutely no rules at all, so some

people will fall asleep, suddenly get up and sleepwalk, or suddenly have a goat’s seizure

and convulsions, but when you’ve heard of someone, it’s like this every hour frequency?

This is obviously not right!”

Regnar said, “Of course I knew something was wrong, and I also knew that all this was

done by that bastard Charlie! But what can I do? Our eight heavenly kings were all taken

care of by him. If I still confront him, maybe I will be like my son someday, becoming a

hapless guy who eats that thing every hour…”

Thinking of this, he was depressed, and on the surface, he pretended to be extremely

shocked and asked: “Mr. Su…do you think anyone has such an ability to make my son

suffer from this disease?”

Chengfeng said: “There are too many possibilities for this kind of thing. Whether it is the

mystery of Feng Shui in our country or the puppets in Southeast Asia, there are methods

that cannot be explained by science. I think you should find a metaphysical master for

your son. If your son takes a good look, he may be able to see where the problem is!”

“Master of Metaphysics?!” Regnar said earnestly, “To be honest, our family really doesn’t

know any master of metaphysics, but I have heard that some people in Hong Kong

seem to be engaged in Feng Shui metaphysics. I don’t know if there are any experts

there. “

Chengfeng said: “Hong Kong has probably the most developed metaphysics in the three

regions of the Taiwan Strait, but if you want to really talk about the top metaphysics

masters, you still have to go to the United States to find them.

“America?!” Regnar was even more surprised, and asked, “Mr. Su, I don’t quite

understand. Isn’t Feng Shui metaphysics the thing of our Chinese ancestors? Why do the

top academic masters look at America?”

Chengfeng smiled indifferently and said earnestly: “As long as the masters of

metaphysics are very powerful, they are basically from their ancestors for several

generations, even dozens of generations, who have been studying metaphysics

assiduously. In times of turbulence, some really capable older generations of

metaphysical masters will figure out clues in advance and then avoid them in advance.”

Chapter 2546

After speaking, he explained: “Anyone who has studied history knows that in 37 years,

we have experienced a huge ordeal in China. At that time, many top metaphysical

families had already calculated the disaster of China Land one or two years in advance.

Many have fled overseas in advance. Those who have not escaped are either those

masters who serve the country and the people, or those who have the insufficient ability

and limited skills, and cannot be counted as two swords of disaster.”

“And those top masters who stayed devoted their efforts to Jiangshan Sheji. In addition

to the Eight Years’ War, there were deaths and injuries, and a large number of domestic

metaphysical masters withered, but the ones who fled overseas were intact. Survived.”

Regnar couldn’t help asking, “Mr. Su, there is still something unclear below. Why did

these escaped metaphysical masters go to the United States?”

Chengfeng smiled and said: “Recall the history of World War II you learned in junior

high school. At that time, the whole world was swamped. Europe, known as the

birthplace of modern civilization, was also turned into a puddle of mud. Even Britain was

blown to ruins. Needless to say. Continental Europe.”

“Looking at the whole world, there was only the United States that year. Except for a

small attack on Pearl Harbor, the mainland was almost out of the war. The true masters

of metaphysics have long been there for the peace and peace of the United States, so

almost all of them have a brain. Fleeing to the United States, other people’s World War

II was a raging war. These people’s World War II was to survive in America.

After all, Chengfeng said again: “If you need it, I can help you find a top metaphysical

master from the United States and let him see your son’s situation.”

Regnar asked a little excitedly, “Mr. Su, is what you said is true?”

“Of course!” Chengfeng smiled slightly and said seriously: “Since we are all interested in

being tied together to do something big, then I must show something, so let’s arrange

for someone to contact and let the master sit as soon as possible. The plane is coming.

If the speed is fast, the master may be there tomorrow night.”

Although Regnar didn’t dare to betray Charlie, he couldn’t help getting excited when he

thought that the master of metaphysics that Chengfeng had found might really be able

to heal his son.

This also made him feel the feeling of having the right and the right. If he could cleverly

mediate between Charlie and Su’s family, wouldn’t he be able to please both sides and

obtain benefits from both sides?

Thinking of this, Regnar hurriedly stood up, clasped his fists in his hands, bowed, and

said, “I’m taking the place of the dog, thank you, Mr. Su! If you need to be here in the

future, just give a command, and don’t let it go!”

Chengfeng waved his hand and said casually, “Mr. Wu, between you and me, you are


After speaking, he looked at Zynn and told him: “Zynn, you turn back to talk to Mr. Mai

in Los Angeles. It is best to ask him to come out and visit Suzhou.”

Zynn nodded and hurriedly said, “I know Dad. It is estimated that the time in Los

Angeles is not bright yet. Should I wait an hour or two before contacting?”

“Okay.” Chengfeng smiled and said with emotion: “I haven’t seen Mr. Mai in years. If he

is willing to show his face and come here in person, I will also ask him to do the

calculations for me. I have encountered various blows, maybe it has a lot to do with

Feng Shui luck!”

Chapter 2547

In fact, Chengfeng himself is not very faithful.

His long-dead old father believed in Feng Shui fate, but he didn’t buy it.

Chengfeng’s acting style is very harsh, so he always believes that man can conquer the

sky. When he is young, he will act vigorously and resolutely when he is young.

However, Chengfeng now has more or less murmurs in his heart.

It’s a damn reciting words, if it’s a coincidence, it’s really a bit unreasonable. How can

such bad luck and bad things happen to him?

If it is not a coincidence, it is estimated that something happened in the fortune,

otherwise, it should not be unlucky.

Therefore, he wanted to take this opportunity to let the authoritative Feng Shui take a


Mr. Mai, whom he asked Zynn to contact, followed his father and fled to the United

States from Eastcliff in early 37.

At the time, the five great feng shui families in China were the Lai family, the Zeng

family, the Liao family, the Yang family, and the Mai family.

These five people, without exception, have all settled overseas.

The old generation of the Mai family had a good personal relationship with Chengfeng’s

father, so when Chengfeng’s father was alive, he often asked them to come back and

give advice.

However, since the death of his father, Chengfeng has not been interested in this aspect,

so he drifted away from them.

But having said that, although there hasn’t been any contact in recent years, the

foundation of the relationship between the two families is still there.

Regnar is also not very faithful.

However, he is now holding the attitude of trying and not asking for money, and he has

accomplished it. If he fails, he has no loss.

It is precisely with this feeling of having a source of both ends, Regnar’s psychological

pressure is suddenly relieved a lot.

Coupled with Chengfeng’s very polite attitude, Regnar really felt at home.

After dinner, Chengfeng asked Zynn to send the father and son out. On the way back,

Regnar still had a smug smile on his face.

In any case, it is a good thing to be able to establish contact with a top-notch family like

the Su family. It may indeed open up a little commercial cooperation. As long as the Su

family gives some resources at hand, the Wu family will be able to improve.

Roger saw his father’s excitement, but he felt a little unhappy.

Ten thousand in his heart didn’t want his brother Wu Qi to heal, because once his

brother healed, he would rob him of property.

Chengfeng suddenly threw such an olive branch, which made him feel very angry.

But he didn’t dare to show his feelings in front of his father, so he could only ask: “Dad,

the Su family wants to help us find a Feng Shui master, do you want to report to


Regnar said without hesitation: “Of course this kind of thing can’t be reported,

otherwise, if Charlie makes a little action behind his back, wouldn’t your brother have no

chance of healing?”

Roger said with some worry: “But the task that Charlie assigned us is to be his dual spy!

If we deliberately conceal the clues and don’t tell him, will he not blame us if he knows?

Chapter 2548

Regnar hesitated for a moment and then said: “The situation must be partially reported,

but it is still necessary to have reservations. It is best to avoid the serious and keep it


As he said, he took out his mobile phone and sent Charlie a voice message: “Mr. Wade,

you really have a brilliant plan. Chengfeng invited me to dinner tonight. At the dinner

table, he said that he would work closely with us. I have agreed. I will report to you in

time if he has any movements next!”

After receiving this information, Charlie replied with the word “OK” in the text.

When Regnar received the word “OK”, he smiled slightly and said, “Look, isn’t this

solved? What we have to do now is to make Charlie feel that we are doing our best for

him, and make Chengfeng feels that we are indeed an object worthy of his careful

cultivation. As long as we can do this well, we will be able to meet the two top families

of the Wade Family and the Su Family!”


This night, Zhifei returned to Aurous Hill alone.

The task that Chengfeng gave him, in addition to continuing to try to find his mother

and sister, also required him to actively prepare for Sara’s concert in Aurous Hill soon,

and try to take this opportunity to catch Sara.

When Zhifei arrived in Aurous Hill, he went directly to his grandfather’s old house in the


What he didn’t expect was that his grandfather, uncle, and second uncle had already put

aside the things at hand and came to Aurous Hill. At the same time, they had begun to

mobilize all resources to search for the whereabouts of his mother and sister.

When his grandfather Mr. Du saw him, he was surprised and asked: “I know, you

suddenly disappeared inexplicably, where did you go?”

Zhifei hurriedly drove himself from Eastcliff to Aurous Hill, and then went to Suhang to

meet with his father and grandfather.

However, he did not say anything about the selection of the Su family’s successor.

As soon as Mr. Du heard that he was almost beaten by Chengfeng’s messenger, he fled

all the way to Aurous Hill. Naturally, he felt very distressed for this grandson.

Thinking of the missing daughter and granddaughter, he choked with tears in his eyes:

“Boy, you have suffered! Don’t worry, grandpa will not let you suffer this kind of

grievance again! Also! Your two uncles, and myself, this time will stay in Aurous Hill, and

go all out to find the whereabouts of your mother and sister! If they are still alive,

everything is easy to say, but if they encounter unexpected events, I will definitely not let

your b@stard grandfather go!”

Hearing what Grandpa said, Zhifei’s eyes were red, and he nodded heavily.

However, even he himself did not expect that at this moment, he suddenly felt a trace of

pride in his heart.

He also had Regnar’s experience of being both right and left.

“The always strong grandfather, for the sake of fame and family, wants to come over to

please him, and grandpa’s side, because of these things I have encountered, especially

loves me…”

“If in the future I really become the heir of the Su family, with the huge business empire

of the entire family on the one hand, and the strong relationship background of the Du

family on the other, I can even take the Su family to a higher level in the future!”

“If I can successfully collect Sara in my bag, it would be equivalent to harvesting half of

the Gu family. By then, I will combine the assets of the Su family, the background of the

Du family, and half of the Gu family’s industry, then I will be the richest man in the

world. ! Under the whole world, who else can compete with me?”

“Now it seems that my next top priority is to win Sara!”

Thinking of this, Zhifei had a strong urge to turn Sara into his own woman immediately!

The dream of the world’s richest man, like a curse, quickly changed Zhifei’s heart.

Now he no longer cares about the life and death of his mother and sister.

All he wants in his head is the supreme title of “the world’s richest man”!

Chapter 2549

Video about the Su scandal has been constantly fermenting on the Internet.

While the Su family’s reputation is notorious on the street, the Su Group has not given

any official explanation.

The enthusiastic netizens came to Su Group’s official website and the official Weibo to

denounce it, making the Su Group’s public relations team helpless.

When Liona and Zhiyu the mother and daughter were still missing in the eyes of the

outside world, the Su Group announced in a high profile that Zynn would temporarily

take over as the acting chairman of the Su Group.

This is also equivalent to officially announcing the return of Zynn to the public.

Interestingly, the return of Zynn has aroused the sympathy of many people.

Many people think that master Zynn is too miserable.

His illegitimate daughter was sold by his father, and he himself was sent to Australia by


This was unlucky enough, but his father still didn’t want to let him go, and gave him a

big black pot of “betraying his daughter”.

Worse still, when he was alone with all the infamy, his father murdered his eldest

daughter and his wife.

Now, his eldest daughter and wife are still missing, and he has only one son left.

In the eyes of netizens, in the world, there may not be a second person as miserable as


Therefore, he suddenly came back to preside over the Su family, and to a certain extent,

aroused the sympathy of the public and made the public’s impression of the Su Group a

little better.

But Chengfeng was even more uncomfortable.

Because he knows that the more Zynn can make the public feel compassionate, the less

likely he is to step onto the stage and take charge of the Su family again.

But he has no good solution now, he can only go through the difficulties before


Zynn cares about Zhiyu, so after he was promoted to acting chairman, he immediately

invested a lot of manpower and material resources to find the whereabouts of the

mother and daughter in Aurous Hill and surrounding areas.

To this end, he even offered a cash reward of more than 100 million.

Many private detectives and bounty hunters flocked to Aurous Hill in order to earn this

huge reward.

Unfortunately, no one can find the slightest clue about the mother and daughter.

Charlie didn’t go to Shangri-La for two consecutive days. Zhiyu, who was confined here,

had become more impatient. She was not dissatisfied with the state of being confined

but was always looking forward to the figure of the benefactor.

With the warming of these two kinds of weather, the famous singer Sara’s concert is

getting closer.

This concert is her first concert this year.

Therefore, both she and her agency paid great attention to this concert.

Not to mention Sara herself. As planned, her first concert this year was on the 20th of

the first month of the lunar calendar, and her first concert was held in Eastcliff.

However, because of the reunion with Charlie, it happened to be Charlie’s birthday on

February 2 of the lunar calendar, so she deliberately changed the concert from Eastcliff

to Aurous Hill and postponed it to the second day of February of the lunar calendar.

In fact, for Sara, this concert was performed for Charlie alone.

Chapter 2550

Since it is dedicated to the beloved, it naturally takes a little more thought.

Therefore, although there is still a period of time before the performance, the

preliminary work team has arrived in Aurous Hill and began to make very detailed

preparations for the scene.

Sara herself is a top singer and actress in the country, so the overall specifications of her

concerts have always been very high.

This time the concert, because of Charlie’s sake, the specifications were especially

surprisingly high.

The first is the opening of Aurous Hill’s largest Olympic Center stadium, which can

accommodate more than 50,000 people;

Second is the stage hardware, which uses all the world’s top devices, such as lighting,

sound, stage and background, these devices;

In addition, the chief director, tuner, lighting engineer, and dancer team are all the

largest production teams in Europe and America.

After all, Europe and the United States have more experience in concerts, and these

teams have even managed super-large concerts with over 100,000 audiences.

In fact, from a financial point of view, holding such a very costly concert is basically not

profitable, and it may even lose money.

But she didn’t care at all.

What she was looking forward to was to show her perfect self in front of Charlie.

Because Sara’s concert is getting closer, the whole of Aurous Hill is excited about it.

Charlie also found that there are more and more publicity advertisements about Sara

around. Background advertisements at bus stations, electronic streaming media

advertisements in elevators, giant billboards on the roadside, and display spaces on the

floors of high-rise buildings are almost all Promotional materials for Sara’s concert.

This made Charlie couldn’t help wondering: “Hasn’t the tickets for Sara’s concert been

robbed early? What is the point of investing in such big publicity at this time?”

What he didn’t know was that Zhifei did all these publicity campaigns without exception.

Zhifei is thinking about how to use the opportunity of the concert to get closer to Sara.

Therefore, he decided to spend tens of millions first, talk about the entire Aurous Hill

advertising space, and replace it with Sara’s concert promotional materials to help her

make the concert’s momentum strong enough so that when she comes to Aurous Hill

After that, she must be more or less moved.

The next day, when Charlie had breakfast and sent his wife Claire out of the house, he

received a call from Issac. As soon as the call was made, Issac reported: “Master, there is

something, I have to report to you.”

Charlie asked him, “What’s the matter?”

Issac said: “That’s right, Miss Sara’s agent has already booked a presidential suite with

me for a week before and after the concert. Early this morning, Zhifei from the Su family

suddenly ran over to rent the hotel for that week. He bought all the advertising spaces,

even the right to use the giant LED screen in that building, right across the terrace of the

presidential suite.”

When Charlie heard this, he asked in amazement, “What is Zhifei doing? You can’t just

want to advertise to his mother and his sister, right?”

“No!” Issac hurriedly said, “This guy wants to display the promotional posters of Miss

Sara’s concert on these advertising spaces and the giant LED screen!”

Charlie frowned and couldn’t help but smack his lips: “This Zhifei is really interesting. At

this time, he didn’t quickly find a way to find his mother and his sister. Instead, he spent

such a lot of thoughts on the nanny. “

Issac blurted out, “Master, I think Zhifei, this guy, must want to pursue Miss Sara!”

“Yeah.” Charlie said with a smile: “He has been so obvious, it is simply the lover’s heart

that everyone knows.”

Issac said anxiously, “Master, you must take it seriously!”

Charlie couldn’t help but said awkwardly: “How can I take this kind of thing seriously…”

Chapter 2551

Seeing that Charlie seemed indifferent, Issac said anxiously, “Master, this Zhifei, his

mother and sister are still missing. He is still in the mood to pursue Miss Sara so hard.

This proves that this kid is ruthless. Such an injustice, Miss Sara is such a good girl, if she

is really deceived by him, it is not just Miss Sara who suffers the loss, wouldn’t you also

lose a lot?”

Charlie coughed twice: “Don’t worry about it. I am a married person. It is her freedom to

choose the other half. It is not our turn to worry about her.”

After speaking, Charlie suddenly felt something uncomfortable in his heart.

At the same time, he was surprised that his heart at this moment really agreed with what

Issac said just now.

Just as Issac said, Zhifei still had the heart to chase Sara at this time, which proved to

some extent that this person was a little unjust.

More importantly, Charlie involuntarily assumed in his heart that Sara and Zhifei were

together. Although it was only an assumption, it still made him feel bad!

Charlie really understood at this moment that Sara had already taken a place in her


Seeing Charlie keeping silent, Issac couldn’t help but think: “Master, you must pay

attention to this matter. You must not let Zhifei this b@stard succeed!”

Charlie was silent for a moment, and said, “So, I don’t care about everything else. You

must not sell all the advertising resources in your hand to him, and no amount of money

shall work!”

When Issac heard this, he was pleasantly surprised and said: “OK young master! What is

waiting for you! As long as you express this attitude, I will never sell even a single

advertising space to Zhifei!”

Charlie gave a satisfied hum, and exhorted: “Please help me find out what other tricks

Zhifei has, and tell me as soon as you find it.”

Issac hurriedly said, “Oh yes, master, there is one more thing, I haven’t had time to

report to you.

“Say it.”

“Master, this Zhifei has a group company specializing in cosmetics. This company also

has many well-known cosmetics brands. This time he reached cooperation with Miss

Sara, and his cosmetics company named Gu. Miss Sara’s concert tour and this title

sponsorship are for charity purposes. The content of the cooperation he reached with

Miss Sara is that every time she starts a concert, he will donate 10 million to charity.”

Charlie couldn’t help touching his chin, and said with a serious expression: “This Zhifei is

really going to find an entry point! She is not short of money, so she can’t look down on

any form of advertising sponsorship at all, but he prefers to use charity The way touched

the girl, this kid seems to be a master with a sharp vision! Otherwise, there is a master

pointing behind!”

Issac hurriedly said, “Master, then you have to quickly think of a countermeasure!”

Charlie said: “I see, Zhifei, you help me observe, if he has any new actions, tell me in


“OK, young master.”


At this moment.

Zynn came to Chengfeng’s study early in the morning and reported to him: “Dad! Our

shipping license has been revoked!”

“What!” When Chengfeng heard this, he immediately blurted out: “What’s the matter?

How can the qualification certificate be revoked?”

Chapter 2552

Zynn said: “According to the shipping department, it’s because the Su Group’s overseas

reputation has recently declined too sharply, and the overall score has failed. Therefore,

we are required to make rectification first. Before the rectification is over, they won’t

allow us to operate the ocean shipping business again.”

Chengfeng was shocked: “How could this be? Did they tell us how long we need to

rectify it? “

Zynn shook his head and said, “There is no time limit for rectification. They said that we

should make rectification as soon as possible. After the rectification is completed, they

will arrange a review according to their time. If the review is okay, the license can be


Chengfeng yelled, “Isn’t this going to be a disaster? Our Su Group has developed the

fastest ocean shipping business in the past two years, and after entering this year, the

shipping price of ocean shipping is getting higher and higher. Now the freight of a

container is more expensive than before Three or four times, this is a rare opportunity in

the shipping industry in a century. If we stop our business at this time, doesn’t it mean

that we have cut half of our money?”

Zynn sighed: “Dad, I also told them about this, and even pleaded with them, hoping to

get a chance of probation, but the other party just didn’t let go, so I asked someone to

inquire about the above. If we cannot resolve this reputational crisis and give a

satisfactory account of Shred’s intrusion into Treasure Pavilion, this business will not be

open to us in the future.”

Chengfeng gritted his teeth and said, “No one has been fighting thunder this time. They

are trying to force me to stand up and be a target!”

Zynn said helplessly: “In fact, this matter requires an explanation that can be explained

above, but we have not given any solution until now.”

Chengfeng snorted coldly, and said, “What can be done? All the spearheads are directed

at me. Unless I stand out and get beaten, I will never explain the matter…”

As he said, Chengfeng remembered something and hurriedly said: “By the way, you

quickly prepare a sum of cash to send to the families of the victims who Shred killed in

that Pavilion. In any case, let them come forward and record a video of understanding.

Then edit the video that everyone understands into one piece and post it online!”

Zynn said, “Dad, the families of these victims may not be able to cooperate with us in

this way…”

Chengfeng said coldly: “Huh! They don’t cooperate? If they don’t cooperate, give them

money! If five million doesn’t work, then give 10 million! If 10 million doesn’t work, then

give them 20 million! I still don’t believe it can stop them!”

Zynn nodded: “Dad, then I will arrange someone to go to Aurous Hill to talk with the

victim’s family today!”

Chengfeng said blankly, “Be sure to talk to me!”

“OK, dad!”

Chengfeng frowned and said in a cold voice: “The biggest thing the domestic ocean

shipping industry does is our Su family, followed by the Wade family.”

“Now, if our transportation is stopped, wouldn’t it give the Wade Family a great

opportunity? As long as this stopped state lasts for more than three months, the Su

Family will be overtaken by the Wade’s!”

“Yes!” Zynn said with a sad face: “This family is now actively working hard. I heard that

they just ordered three container ships with the shipyard two days ago, and even went

to South Korea to talk to the South Korean shipping group. The chartering business has

been negotiated because the family’s current business volume has surged and its

capacity is insufficient.”

Chengfeng slapped the table angrily: “It’s unreasonable! Let the Wade family pick up a

bargain for nothing!”

After speaking, he said sternly: “This matter must not just wait passively, we must find a

way to meditate! Since our qualification has been temporarily suspended, then we will

find a qualified shell to hang in! At least! Don’t let our business stand still!”

Zynn said hurriedly, “Dad, I have already contacted this matter, but other domestic

shipping companies dare not call us because they are also worried about being


Chengfeng cursed with embarrassment and anger: “Damn, these dogs used to come to

the Su family to cheat on our family, and now all of them are damned! Since the

domestic can’t handle it, then go to a foreign company!”

Zynn thought for a while and said, “Korea’s companies have been listed first by the

Wade family. Now our best choice is Japan’s Ito family, the Matsumoto family, and the

Takahashi family fall. Now Japan’s shipping is almost all In the hands of the Ito family…”

Chapter 2553

“The Ito family?”

When Chengfeng heard these four words, he immediately cursed coldly: “Damn, Ito

Yuhiko, that dog thing, is not on the road at all. When we first chose between him and

the Takahashi family, he was like a licking dog, he fawned on us all day long; now the

Takahashi and Matsumoto clan are finished, he is so powerful, and now he is really


Ocean transportation is one of the most profitable industries at the moment. If a large

container ship runs on European and American routes with a full load, a container

freight of 20,000 to 30,000, a single trip can earn at least tens of millions in freight.

The Su family has the largest transportation fleet in China. As long as these ships run,

they can create extremely high profits. They are definitely the core and most important

source of revenue for the Su family.

However, now that none of these ships can get route approval due to their license being


Without approval, these ships can only be docked at the port, not only can not make a

penny back but also incur a lot of money for maintenance every day.

In addition, although the entire shipping company’s transportation and support team

have nothing to do, the Su family absolutely dare not lay off staff and can only continue

to spend money to support it.

Therefore, Chengfeng felt very anxious about this, and said in a deep voice, “Hey, I

blame it. The impact of this incident is really bad. I don’t know when it will pass. It is very

likely that we will not have a chance to get it back before things turn around.!”

Zynn thought for a moment, and said, “Dad, or else I will go to Japan again and have a

chat with Yuhiko! If he is willing to cooperate with us, we will use a shell company to

work with him. Let’s register a new company, then takes the Japanese license and

temporarily change all of our ships to that Japanese company name, so that we can

solve the urgent need.”

Chengfeng nodded, sighed, and said, “The method is indeed a good way, but I don’t

know what attitude Takehiko will have. This guy definitely thinks that the Ito family has a

unique opportunity now and may not be able to agree to cooperate with us.”

Zynn said: “The Ito family has been held by Takehiko’s daughter for some time recently.

Nanako Ito is at the helm. Although this girl is young, her style of doing things is still

very radical. In a very short time. , She has integrated Japan’s shipping resources, and

her overall strength has improved rapidly.”

Chengfeng frowned, “Nanako, is she Yuhiko’s only daughter?”

“Yes.” Zynn said, “She is now the heir and helm of the Ito family.”

Chengfeng sighed thoughtfully, “Ito Yuuhiko and Philip Gu, how come these two have

only given birth to one daughter? Wouldn’t it mean that others will be freed up for


Zynn shrugged his shoulders: “Who knows what they think, and the big entrepreneurs

who only have one daughter are more than the two of them.”?

Chengfeng sighed, “Hey! Looking at it this way, Nanako’s price-performance ratio is

much better than Sara’s!”

As he said, he couldn’t help but figure it out, and said, “Look, the Ito family has now

seized the unique opportunity, and its strength has skyrocketed. Not only is it the first

family in Japan, but it also leaves the second and third places far behind. In the back of

my head, the Gu family is indeed a little less interesting in comparison, and Sara has not

yet taken over the family. The real strength in her hands is much worse than that of


“That’s true.” Zynn nodded in agreement, and said: “This Nanako has always had the title

of Yamato Nadeshiko. Now the Japanese media simply call her “the richest woman in

Japan in the future”. There are probably many men who want to marry her. !”

Chengfeng asked tentatively, “Hey, you said, can you give it a try?”

Zynn said hurriedly, “Dad, don’t you agree that Zhifei pursues Sara?”

Chengfeng said very seriously: “But now it seems that Sara is far less cost-effective than


Chapter 2554

Zynn said awkwardly, “Dad, knowing that he just went to the city this time, and we

changed our minds, it will definitely have a big blow to his enthusiasm. After all, he

really likes Sara.”

“Um…” Chengfeng smacked his lips, and said, “If you know it, let him continue to try to

pursue that Sara. You will find another chance to make an appointment with Ito Yuihiko,

or simply make an appointment with that Nanako, let’s see if we can make another

appointment for a face-to-face meeting. The big deal is that we can give them more

profit. As long as they are willing to establish a joint venture with us and help us

revitalize this business, we can spend 20% of the total share and the profit with her.”

Zynn nodded and agreed, and said, “Dad, I will talk to the Ito family. If possible, I will

make an appointment with them as soon as possible.”

“It is good!”


At this moment, Tokyo, Japan.

Inside the Ito Mansion, it was a busy scene.

Nanako Ito ran around the room constantly, packing all kinds of clothes and daily

necessities into the suitcase.

Her assistant Kawana, at this time, was in a hurry, scratching in the backyard kennel.

After finally letting her grab a very naughty little Akita, she hurriedly hugged the Akita

tightly in her arms and hurried to the door of Nanako’s room.

“Miss, can you see this puppy?”

Nanako just put a cherry blossom pink jacket with a strong girlish breath into the box,

looked up at the puppy in her arms, smiled, and said, “It turns out to be Momotaro. To

be honest, I really don’t want to put it. It is given away…”

Kawana said hurriedly, “Miss, then I’ll change to another one.”

Nanako hurriedly stopped her and said, “No Kaana, just it. After all, the other party is

Charlie’s friend. Since she likes Akita dogs, I will naturally give her one with the best


Kawana shook her head and sighed: “Miss, you are so hard on that Charlie, not only with

him but even with his friends…”

Nanako said with some shame: “Charlie is right, our Ito family is kind, of course, I have

to do my best for small things.”

Kawana blurted out subconsciously, “But he is already married…”

Nanako said with an embarrassed expression: “…Charlie is my benefactor…I just want to

repay his kindness, and it has nothing to do with whether he’s married or not.”

Kawana put the Akita dog named Momotaro on the ground, grabbed Nanako’s right

hand, pointed to the ring on her right middle finger, and said, “Miss, if you really just

want to repay him, Why would you keep wearing this ring on your hand?”

Nanako hurriedly concealed: “This ring…this ring is a gift…it has nothing to do with


Chapter 2555

Seeing Nanako’s desire to cover up, Kawana sighed and said helplessly, “Miss, if I have a

mirror in front of you now, you will know that you are the least lying woman in this


Nanako Ito flushed with shame immediately, and said falteringly, “I don’t have any…I


“Okay…” Kawana said helplessly, “Miss, I’m just your assistant. You don’t have to bother

to lie to me, but when you face Charlie, isn’t the performance is so cramped…”

Nanako couldn’t hide her embarrassment and said, “I’m sorry Kaana, I actually…”

At this point, Nanako Ito suddenly got a little speechless, and sighed helplessly, and

said, “Hey, let’s not say, thank you for your reminder. Please help me put Momotaro into

the airbox, and give him some water. Yes, we are going to the airport by helicopter.”

Kawana nodded, “Okay eldest lady, is there anything else you need me to help you

with? I’ll come back later.”

Nanako waved her hand and said, “No, you can help me set up Momotaro, and then

pack your own luggage. We will go to Aurous Hill this time. It will take a long time.”

Kawana hurriedly asked, “Miss, you don’t plan to come back until the end of the


“Yes.” Nanako said seriously, “I plan to stay in Aurous Hill until the concert ends.”

Kawana asked again, “What about the job? The family still has so many things to deal


“It doesn’t matter.” Nanako smiled slightly and said: “I will set aside eight hours a day to

deal with work problems. All work will be solved online through computer and mobile

phone. During this time, I have been promoting the online office reform of the entire Ito

Group. Just take a look at the actual results.”

As she said, she smiled and comforted: “Kawana, don’t worry, I am not the kind of

woman who is playful or irresponsible for work. Even if I go to Aurous Hill, I will not be

sloppy about the work I should do.”

Kawana nodded gently.

She also has to admit that Nanako is a very hard-working woman. She took over the

position of family leader for a short time, but she did it very seriously and responsibly,

and many innovative measures she took were quite effective.

Her father, Takehiko Ito, is a very traditional Japanese businessman. This old generation

of Japanese entrepreneurs usually pays much attention to the sense of ritual. As long as

they leave home every day, they must be in suits and shoes. They are also meticulous in

the company. The process is also very rigid.

After Nanako took over the Ito Group, the first thing she did was to gradually transform

the Ito Group into a more modern company.

The first is to implement a paperless office in the company as much as possible.

Paperless is only one aspect, but the larger purpose is to put most of the work, files, and

files online.

In this way, not only the timeliness is fast, the privacy is strong, but also the safety is

high, and it is more convenient to read and inspect.

In the beginning, many old employees were still a little unacceptable. They still followed

the older generation’s working methods, and they had to be careful and take it step-bystep.

However, under the impetus of Nanako, everyone not only accepted the new office style

but also actually felt that the overall work efficiency has been greatly improved.

Now, Nanako continues to promote the company’s online interaction, and even

specifically enables real-time video conferencing solutions, in order to ensure that she

and other executives, no matter where in the world, as long as there is an Internet, Even

if the work is separated by thousands of miles, the work can be guaranteed not to be


This is a very simple thing for many emerging Internet companies, and it has even

become the basic way of their daily work, but for established traditional companies, this

is still a very new thing. Changing their work habits is by no means an easy task.

Fortunately, Nanako’s management skills are unambiguous, so these innovations can be

promoted steadily.

During this period of time, while reforming the Ito Group, Nanako also went all out to

integrate many other resources. The market released by the Takahashi family and the

Matsumoto family was fully collected and the Ito family took another step up. This also

made Kawana very admired.

Therefore, she is not worried that Nanako will leave her work behind when she goes to

Aurous Hill.

Chapter 2556

However, she also has her own concerns.

She worries that Nanako will become reluctant after she goes to Aurous Hill and meets

her beloved man.

Sometimes, many people who are particularly capable and promising will lose their

morale and pursuit for the one they love.

Therefore, she was also afraid that after Nanako goes to Aurous Hill, she would not want

to return to Japan.

However, Kawana did not dare to express her worry, because she was afraid that after

she said it, she would leave a psychological hint to Nanako, so she said, “Miss, then I will

settle down with Momotaro. I’ll meet you after I’m ready for a while.”

Nanako checked the time and said, “You don’t need to come to me again. The

helicopter will take off in 20 minutes. Then we will meet on the tarmac.”

“OK, eldest lady, then I’ll pass first!”

After Kawana left, Nanako was packing her things. Her father Takehiko Ito steered an

electric wheelchair into the house slowly. Seeing that she was packing her luggage, he

asked, “Nanako, you are going to Aurous Hill this time. How long would you be gone?”

Nanako hurriedly put down the clothes in her hand, and said shyly, “Father, I will go

there for about ten days this time.”

“Ten days?” Ito Yuhiko couldn’t help but exclaimed, and asked, “How can it be so long?”

Nanako blushed and said, “Father, I want to stay in Aurous Hill for a few more days. It

can be considered rest. During this time, I have been busy with work, and I am really


Ito Yuihiko smiled slightly and said, “A little tired? I think it’s fake that you are tired. Is it

true that you want to see Charlie earlier?”

“Father…” Nanako said shyly, “Since you understand everything, don’t ask knowingly…”

Looking at his daughter’s shy response, Ito said in distress, “Nanako, I do not object that

you like Charlie, but you have to promise me that you must not sink too deep, at least,

don’t put your own future is delayed because you cannot be with him.”

Nanako hurriedly said, “I know Father, don’t worry.”

Ito Yuihiko nodded, stretched his waist, and smiled: “Oh, I’m bored at home these days.

If you don’t dislike it, I will come to Aurous Hill with you, OK? ?”

“Huh?” Nanako exclaimed, “Father, you also want to go to Aurous Hill?”

“Yeah.” Ito said with a smile: “With You gone. I will be too deserted here. I just want to

go to Aurous Hill to meet Mr. Wade. I have never had the opportunity to thank him. I

have to drink two glasses with him for whatever he wants. I have a few bottles of 50-

year-old whiskey in my collection, which happened to be brought to Mr. Wade to taste.”

Nanako nodded hurriedly and said, “Great Father, then we will go together!”

As she said, she suddenly remembered something, and said embarrassingly,

“But…father, I told Miss Song this time to live in her house. If you live with me in her

house, I am afraid that will not be suitable…”

Ito said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter, you and Kawana live in Miss Song’s house, and I

will stay in the hotel with Tanaka, so your aunt will come with you.”

Nanako hurriedly asked, “Tanaka-san is with you too?”

“Yes.” Ito sighed and said, “Since his amputation, Tanaka has been a little frustrated.

After all, he is still young and can’t accept such a severe blow, so I plan to let him go out

with me. He had been to Aurous Hill before, and this time I will take him to the old place

to revisit and see if I can cheer him up again!”

Nanako couldn’t help feeling sighed. The relationship between her father and Koichi

Tanaka, the master, and servant, is indeed very deep. They have always supported each

other and never abandoned, which is really moving.

So she hurriedly said, “If this is the case, please get ready as soon as possible!”

Chapter 2557

As Ito Yuhiko wanted to take his loyal subordinate Koichi Tanaka and his sister, Emi Ito,

to Aurous Hill, Nanako hurriedly delayed the flight’s departure time and canceled her

plan to take a helicopter to the airport.

For Ito Yuhiko and Tanaka, who had both legs amputated, the experience of taking a

helicopter was not friendly and convenient. So Nanako re-arranged a fleet of assistants

and servants who needed to go to Aurous Hill. More than ten people traveled to Tokyo

Narita Airport by car.

In order to take care of her father, Nanako and Ito Takehiko shared a commercial

vehicle. When the vehicle was driving on the way to the airport, Nanako was already


Thinking of arriving in Aurous Hill where Charlie lives in a few hours, Nanako wanted to

call him now and tell him the message.

However, she didn’t want to go to Aurous Hill for his purpose, which was too obvious.

She went to Aurous Hill this time for several high-sounding reasons.

The first reason is that she wants to see Warnia and the Akita dog she gave to Warnia;

The second reason is that she can also go to see Sara’s concert. She really likes Sara, and

has always wanted to find a chance to watch her live performance;

The third reason is to send Momotaro to Aoxue, because Aoxue also likes Akita dogs,

and through Warnia, she promised Aoxue that she would give her one.

However, these three reasons are just superficial rhetoric.

The core motivation that really drove Nanako and allowed her to travel thousands of

miles to Aurous Hill was because she missed Charlie day and night and wanted to find a

chance to meet him.

Moreover, she did not want to make her true motives too obvious.

Because she was worried that that would bring some psychological pressure to Charlie.

That’s why she used these three reasonable reasons to get herself to Aurous Hill first

and then contact Charlie after she arrived there.

In this way, she can conceal her core motivation to meet Charlie.

At this time, Emi Ito, who was sitting in the co-pilot, opened her mouth and said to

Takehiko Ito: “I have already booked a hotel in Aurous Hill. This time I stayed at the

Shangri-La Hotel. I have already booked a presidential suite. , And several luxurious

suites next to it.”

Ito Yuhiko nodded lightly, and said, “Emi, you can decide these things by yourself. You

don’t need to report to me.”

Emi Ito hurriedly said, “OK, I know.”

While talking, Nanako suddenly received a call from Kawan, who was sitting in a

Mercedes in front of her.

Nanako answered the phone and asked, “Kaana, what’s the matter?”

Kawan said hurriedly: “Lady, Zynn from Su family. He called me just now and he said on

the phone that he hopes to talk to us about a framework for cooperation.”

“Su’s family?” Nanako frowned, and said without hesitation:? “Aren’t we stopped

cooperating with overseas companies for the time being? Just refuse him directly.”

Kawan explained: “Miss, this cooperation of the Su family is very different from the past.

The overall conditions are very friendly to our Ito Group.”

“Very friendly?” Nanako asked curiously? “How friendly is it?”

Chapter 2558

Kawan said in detail: “Miss, the Su family had their shipping license revoked because

they had a catastrophe in China. Now they have a large number of transport ships that

can only be anchored at ports. They cannot make profits. It means that they set up a

joint venture company with us, and then put all the ships under the name of the joint

venture company. We don’t need anything, we just need to get a qualification in Japan,

and they will operate the rest. They can give us 20% of the profit.”

Nanako couldn’t help but said in surprise: “Is the Su family so generous if it directly

divides the 20% profit?”

Kawan said: “Mr. Zynn really said that, and also said that in terms of specific proportions,

there is still some room for discussion. I personally feel that even if it is 30%, the Su

family will not have any opinions.”

Nanako was silent for a moment and then said, “Kaana, don’t reply to him about this

matter. I always feel that the Su family really lacks a basic moral limit to do things. If it is

not the last resort, it is better not to cooperate with this kind of family.”

“Okay!” Kawan did not persuade much, and immediately replied, “Then I will let him dry


After hanging up the phone, Ito Takehiko on the side asked, “What? The Su family came

to work with us?”

“Yes, father.” As soon as Nanako came to talk about business, she became like a

subordinate in front of Ito Takehiko, and said respectfully, “The Su family’s shipping

license has been revoked, so they now want to talk to us. Cooperation requires a


After speaking, she gave a brief introduction to the conditions offered by the Su family.

Emi Ito, who was sitting in the co-pilot, exclaimed: “If the Su family can really give up

30% of the profits, it will definitely be a huge additional income for us!”

Yuhiko Ito shook his head and said lightly: “The essence of the Su family is an extremely

selfish family. In their logic, only he makes other people’s money, and no one else makes

his money. At this time, they are willing to make money. Taking out such a large profit

can only prove that the problems they are facing are very serious. Once we help them

tide over the difficulties, they will definitely turn their attention to the part of the profit

that is transferred to us. Then they will definitely think to Do whatever it takes to get the

money back with interest.”

“Yes.” Nanako nodded in agreement, “My father and I have the same opinion. For a

family like the Su family, we must stay away!”


After half an hour.

A Gulfstream G650 aircraft took off from Tokyo Narita Airport.

Nanako took the opportunity to go to Aurous Hill with her father and aunt.

At the same time, Chengfeng stood on the terrace of the lakeside villa, overlooking the

calm lake, with a cold expression.

He looked at Zynn beside him and asked in a cold voice, “Why, the Ito family hasn’t

responded yet?”

“Not yet.” Zynn answered truthfully, “I contacted Nanako’s assistant. She said that she

would feed back the situation to Nanako. Maybe Nanako needs to think about it again.”

Chengfeng shook his head: “There is nothing to consider about this kind of thing. If

Nanako is really interested, of course, she will contact us immediately to discuss the

details of the follow-up cooperation. If she is not interested, naturally it will be just like

now. Do not respond again.”

Zynn said hurriedly, “Or maybe they just wanted to hang us on purpose, and then take

the opportunity to speak to our lion?”

“Impossible.” Chengfeng said coldly: “Even if you want to get caught, you will at least

accept it on the surface, first establish a smooth communication channel between each

other, like this one who doesn’t respond directly to it. , The probability is that the other

party is not interested at all.”

As he was talking, the butler Anson walked over and whispered: “Master, Mr. Mai’s plane

will arrive in Suhang in one hour.”

“Oh?” Chengfeng suddenly beamed his eyebrows and blurted out: “Quickly, tell the

kitchen, press the prepared menu, and immediately set up a banquet for Mr. Mai to pick

up the dust, and also notify Regnar to come over!”

Chapter 2559

When Regnar received Anson’s notice, he was extremely excited.

The problem with his younger son Wu Qi has always made him very worried, but he

knew very well that Charlie would not be able to cure his younger son in a short while,

and now the Su family invited a master of Feng Shui metaphysics, he naturally looked

forward to this The master can help him resolve this knot.

So he immediately said to Anson, “Thank you, butler Su, for telling me that. I will bring

my son over here! Let Master Mai take a look for the at him!”

When Anson heard this, he hurriedly said, “Don’t don’t don’t don’t! Doesn’t your son ask

for something every hour? If this is for Mr. Mai to watch, I don’t know what Mr. Mai will

do. What do you think, you’d better come by yourself first, and after you come,

introduce your youngest son’s situation to Mr. Mai in detail, and let Mr. Mai be mentally

prepared first.”

Regnar suddenly felt hot on his face.

He only thought of a chance to heal his youngest son, but he ignored how much the

youngest son is now being rejected.

So he had no choice but to respectfully say: “Thank you for the reminder, butler Su, then

I will come by myself first!”

When Regnar set off for the lakeside villa of Chengfeng, Issac received a report from his

subordinates that the presidential suite, which was vacant for half of the year, was

booked by the Japanese Ito family!

Moreover, the list of residents sent by the Ito family actually included Ito Yuhiko’s name!

Issac was surprised and immediately called Charlie to report.

Charlie was also quite shocked by this.

In the list sent to him by Issac, he saw not only Ito Yuhiko’s name, but also Ito Yuhiko’s

sister Ito Emi, and Ito Yuhiko’s subordinate, Koichi Tanaka.

Charlie wondered, he didn’t understand why Ito Yuhiko suddenly came to Aurous Hill,

and also took Tanaka Koichi.

You know, both of them have undergone amputation, and now they are both disabled

with no legs.

Charlie didn’t have any thoughts of despising the disabled or discriminating against the

disabled. He just didn’t understand why these two people were already in this situation,

and they came all the way to Aurous Hill.

Thinking about it again, Warnia said at the beginning that Nanako would also come to

Aurous Hill to enjoy Sara’s concert. In that case, it is estimated that Nanako will also be

here this time.

The reason why he can’t see Nanako’s name on the hotel’s occupant list is that Nanako

plans to live in Warnia’s house this time.

But Charlie was also a little surprised, wondering why Nanako came to Aurous Hill, why

didn’t she say hello to him in advance.

On the other side, Regnar hurried to the lakeside villa of the Su family.

After arriving, he did not see Chengfeng and Zynn, but the butler Anson received him.

Anson arranged him in a lounge and warned him: “Mr. Mai will be there in a while. You

will wait here first. He left this room without authorization. Just sit here and wait for my

message. You understand. ?”

Regnar was a little unhappy with Anson’s superior, pretentious attitude.

After all, Anson is not the Su family, he is just a dog of Old Su’s.

Moreover, it is rumored that this person was not originally named Su, but his real name

is said to be Dong Anson. After staying in the Su family for a long time, he licked his

face and went to see Mr. Su, asking Mr. Su to give him a surname.

Throughout the ages, only the emperor of that year would give his ministers and

military generals surnames. I have never heard of any wealthy family that gave surnames

to their subordinates, let alone any subordinates who asked their masters to give them

surnames. , Anson is the first time, so he is also rejected by outsiders.

But Anson himself didn’t care. What he really wanted to do was to become the

confidant of Old Su and make Old Su absolutely trust him. As long as he could make his

future bright, his surname didn’t really matter.

Although Regnar looked down on Anson by 10,000 people, he didn’t dare to show any

dissatisfaction in front of Anson. He could only say respectfully: “Don’t worry, butler, I’ll

just wait here honestly.”

Anson nodded in satisfaction, and dropped word: “Wait.”

After speaking, he turned and left the lounge.

Chapter 2560

Regnar sat on the sofa a little annoyed and muttered to himself: “Fcuk, it’s just a dog. He

dared to pretend to me like this. He talked so much, he didn’t even pour a glass of

water. What a fu*king b@stard!”

After half an hour.

A convoy of several Rolls-Royce drove into the gate of the lakeside villa with great


Chengfeng, Zynn, and Anson were all waiting at the door. As soon as the convoy

stopped, Zynn personally stepped forward and opened the rear door of the second


Inside the car door, there was an old man with silver hair wearing a black embroidered

Tang suit.

At that time, he had to be over 80 years old, but the whole person was very strong and

he couldn’t see how old he was.

Zynn, who is over fifty years old, looked at the old man in front of him and said

respectfully, “Hello, Grandpa! You have been gone for many years!”

The old man smiled slightly, twisted his beard, and said happily, “Are you guarding the

way? When I saw you last time, you were a young man, and now it’s a good year, right?”

Zynn respectfully said: “Grandpa, I am now fifty-fifty to know the destiny. Unlike me, you

can still look so energetic in my old age!”

The old man smiled and said: “I can’t talk about the spirit, the loess has already reached

my forehead, and the sky is gone by the sight of it.”

Chengfeng hurriedly said at this time: “Zynn, please get your Grandpa down first, don’t

let him sit in the car for a long time, it is not good for his health!”

Zynn came back to his senses and hurriedly reached out and said, “Grandpa, please!”

This old man is the thirty-first generation of the Mai family, Dan Mai.

Dan is well-known in the American Chinese circle. Although he is not as good as the

most famous one, he can definitely be regarded as a relatively top group of Chinese

American Fengshui masters.

Since the real top master has been relatively low-key over the years and has not been to

China for several years, he just gave Dan a chance to rise.

Ninety-three-year-old Dan has never retired and is still active in the field of Feng Shui.

He often goes around to watch Feng Shui and fortune-telling for some top rich people.

Because his strength is indeed extraordinary, he has the reputation of the great master.

This time, in order to invite him out of the mountain, the Su family spent 15 million U.S.

dollars, and at the same time paid for his charter flights to and from Aurous Hill, as well

as all other expenses for food, clothing, housing, and transportation, which brought him

over from the United States.

At this time, Dan stretched out his hand and tapped Zynn’s arm, and the person came

out of the car dexterously. Chengfeng hurriedly stepped forward, bowed, and said,

“Uncle Mai, it’s so hard for you to run so far. I’m sorry!”

Dan smiled and said, “Shengfeng, your father and I are good brothers. If you have

something, how can I help.”

As he was talking, the door of the co-pilot was also pushed open, and a 27-year-old

young man stepped down, paced to the old man, and said respectfully: “Grandpa.”

Dan stretched out his hand to bring him to his side, and said with a smile, “Shengfeng,

Shoudao, let me introduce to you, this is my long-time great-grandson, Mike.”

“Mike?” Zynn asked subconsciously, “Is it the English name or the Chinese name?”

The young man smiled and said, “Uncle Su, Mike is my Chinese name, but my English

name is also Mike, and the two Chinese characters are also transliterated.”

Dan smiled and said: “Young people are more fashionable. When Mike’s father named

him, he deliberately named him such a combination of Chinese and Western names.”

Chengfeng hurriedly said: “This name is very interesting, and it happens to be Mai. It is a

pun intended to kill two birds with one stone. It is really wonderful!”

Dan waved his hand: “Shengfeng, don’t brag about his dad here. Mike’s name is a bit

playful. It’s not wonderful.”

Chengfeng smiled awkwardly and said, “Uncle Mai, I don’t have my educational level as

high as you, as far as I am concerned, this name is really great!”

Dan patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: “Okay, let’s sit down and talk

about your family’s affairs!”

Chapter 2561

Chengfeng respectfully invited Dan Mai to sit on the sofa. After sitting down, he sighed

and said in pain, “Hey! Uncle Mai, you must help me this time!”

Dan nodded and said seriously: “Since I have come here, I will naturally do my best, so

you must tell me everything exactly.”

Chengfeng replied and sighed: “After all, I am to blame for being confused and making

some unreasonable decisions…”

With that said, Chengfeng told Zhifei and Zhiyu brothers and sisters to go to Japan to

be kidnapped, then Ruoli killed the Matsumoto family, and then he betrayed Ruoli and

assassinated Liona. It was probably related to Dan he Narrated again.

After speaking, he asked with a worried look: “Uncle Mai, do you think I am being


Dan waved his hand and said seriously: “Chengfeng, you are my worldly nephew, so I

won’t follow you with that tricky stuff. Remember, in this world, no matter from the

perspective of Feng Shui From a scientific point of view, there is no such thing as

retribution at all.”

Chengfeng asked in surprise, “Why? The Taoist law you believe in is not about rebirth

and retribution?”

Dan shook his head and said, “What you are talking about is Buddhism. Moreover, our

Fengshui metaphysics is not in the same line as Taoism. We are the Book of Changes

and Eight Diagrams, Qimen Dunjia.”

Chengfeng hurriedly asked: “Then you just said that there is no karma, is this true?”

Dan smiled and said, “In my opinion, it’s natural, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t

believe it. I will sort out our perspectives in Feng Shui metaphysics for you, just like a


Chengfeng hurriedly said, “Please tell me.”

Dan paused slightly and said, “I ask you, according to the saying of karma, those who do

evil must be punished severely, and those who do good will be rewarded, right?”

Chengfeng nodded, “According to it, it is true.”

Dan asked, “Then I ask you, some babies die right after they are born. They have only

just begun in this life. There is no evil and no good. Why don’t they even have a chance

for healthy growth?”

Chengfeng looked embarrassed: “This…I…I can’t say…”

Dan nodded and asked, “Then I will ask you again, why do some people have ill-fated

destinies all their lives?”

With that, Dan sighed in a melancholy manner and said slowly: “When I was young, it

happened during the Central Plains war. Father moved the family from Central Plains to

Eastcliff to escape the war.”

“At that time, my family lived in Mao’er, and there was a woman next door who ate and

recite Buddha every day, remembering the way of doing good.”

“Her husband died young, and she took pains to pull the three sons to grow up and let

them start a family, but when she was old, none of the three sons provided for the


“The three daughters-in-laws were fighting for the family property, beating and scolding

in turn, and even every time they came, they deliberately snatched her little rations, and

even the water tank had to be smashed before they were satisfied, just hoping that she

would die sooner. So as to occupy that old house.”

“Although the three sons didn’t want to do anything to her, they are always ridiculing

when they come over. Even when someone next door is in a funeral, they point to her

nose and curse at her why she can’t be the same as the neighbor’s old man, get

acquainted and die soon.”

“Not only did the old woman not have enough to eat or dress warmly, but she also

washed her face with tears all day long. Although she didn’t cry and blind her eyes, her

eyesight also deteriorated. In addition, she couldn’t light the lamp oil. Every time the sun

went down, she would not reach out her fingers. , Life was suffering.”

“But she didn’t expect any son’s conscience to discover, and eventually froze to death

on that extremely cold winter day in Eastcliff!”

Chapter 2562

“On the day of the funeral, the cry of the three sons could be heard through the three

alleys, but everyone could see that it was just a scene for outsiders. After the play, they

happily sold it. The ancestral house where the mother lived, after the money was

divided, was used as a bird and beast scattered.”

“You said, if there is really karma, why was this old woman doing good and

accumulating virtue all her life, but she suffered all the suffering in her life?”

Chengfeng thought for a while and said seriously, “Perhaps it is a debt owed in the

previous life. Will you pay the debt in this life?”

Dan sneered and said disdainfully: “Only people who can’t understand the law of events

will use such rhetoric to impose an explanation. If everyone believes in the previous life

or the next life, then you might as well borrow all of your money. Give it to me, I will pay

you twice in my next life, do you agree?”

“This…” Although Chengfeng knew that Dan was just joking and giving an example, he

began to agree with Dan’s statement in his heart.

At this time, Dan continued: “Similarly, some people are full of evil, but what is the

result? Not only can they start and end well, but also the descendants can be shaded!”

“It’s like the old woman I just said. After her tragic death, her three sons turned out to

be very lucky. One was successful in business, one became a warlord, and the other

went to Nanyang to work hard. Well-known entrepreneurs, good people have not

enjoyed a day of blessing, but bad people have blessed their own generations. Do you

think this karma is the opposite?”

Chengfeng was speechless for a while.

Zynn on the side couldn’t help asking, “Grandpa Mai, if karma does not exist at all as

you said, then this family has these two extremes. What is the reason?”

Dan smiled slightly: “Zynn, you are asking about the idea, why? If you don’t understand

the rules, you will only curse with your head up. God is not long-sighted, and add the

sentence “Good people don’t live long. “The scourge remains for a thousand years”, but

have you ever thought about it. If there really is causal reincarnation, this sentence is

impossible at all, because causal reincarnation will not make good people not live for a

long time, nor will it cause harm to the millennium. This itself is a contradiction.


As he said, Dan turned around and said, “But! If you can understand this law, you will

know that, in fact, all of this has nothing to do with karma, but from the different life

patterns of the family. .”

Chengfeng hurriedly said, “Uncle Mai, what is the explanation for fate?”

Dan explained: “Fate is numerology, the principle of life, or the law of life.”

“My father once said that the old woman was originally the fate of the lone star of the

evil gods. Although she does good all day long, no matter how good she does, it will be

difficult to change her fate.”

“To use the simplest analogy, no matter how many carrots you eat, you cannot become

a rabbit, because these are two completely different sets of logic.”

“You can’t be self-righteous and think that rabbits like to eat carrots, and if you eat

more carrots, you should become a rabbit.”

Chengfeng and Zynn both nodded thoughtfully.

Dan continued: “The lone star of Tiansha not only kills husband, wife, but also the

children and grandchildren. The worst thing is that she not only defeats others but also

cannot escape the loneliness of her six relatives and the lonely end of her old age. There

is a lifetime of suffering, and a lifetime of sin.”

“Although her three sons are extremely unfilial, in terms of fate, their own career

prospects are invisibly suppressed by the fate of the old woman.”

“Because the old woman died early, the three of them won’t die because of this, and

only then has the opportunity to soar into the sky later.”

“If the three of them are filial sons, and take their mothers, in turn, to take turns to do

their filial piety, then it is possible that these three sons will die prematurely due to

various reasons, maybe they will all die in front of the old woman in the end.”

“This, although it sounds absurd and incredible, this is the real fate!”

Chapter 2563

The words of Dan made Chengfeng and Zynn stunned!

In fact, they didn’t have much faith.

Mr. Su doesn’t believe in gods, immortals, karma, or feng shui.

There is only one he believes in, and that is strength.

However, the Su family has frequently encountered various troubles recently, which

made him feel that it might be retribution.

But listening to Dan’s analysis, it seems that it has nothing to do with retribution.

Therefore, Chengfeng couldn’t help asking: “Uncle Mai, I want to ask more specifically,

what on earth is the Su family’s recent encounters with various problems?

Dan did not speak but beckoned to his great-grandson, Mike.

Mike immediately walked forward and handed a compass to Dan, and handed several

dice made of animal bone joints and a few old mottled copper coins to Dan.

Dan stood up and paced back and forth in the living room. Chengfeng and Zynn

hurriedly followed by their side, watching his every move nervously, but did not dare to

interrupt them.

Dan looked for a moment, pointed to the Bogu shelf used to partition the space on the

side of the hall, and said, “Mike, remove this shelf!”

Mike immediately stepped forward and reached out and moved the Bogu frame made

of solid wood to the side.

Dan placed the compass on the ground where the Bogu shelf was originally located and

then re-adjusted the compass’s direction according to the scale and position on the


Afterward, he opened his mouth and said: “Chengfeng, tell me about your birth date!”

“I…” Chengfeng said awkwardly, “I don’t know…”

“Then say the year, month, day, and the approximate time of birth!”

Chengfeng recalled for a moment and reported his birth date to Dan.

Dan pinched his fingers for a moment and said lightly: “From the perspective of the

birth date, your life is generally relatively smooth, but the birth date alone is not

exhaustive. After all, there are so many people in the world, and people with the same

birth date There are many people, this can only guess a general direction.”

Chengfeng hurriedly asked: “Uncle Mai, how can I be more detailed?”

Dan said seriously: “I just said that in the Yijing gossip, everything in the world follows a

set of invisible and intangible rules. There are many factors that affect this rule. One, in

addition, there are your own bones, the feng shui of your Su family’s good house and

evil house, and even the eight characters of your spouse and children.

Chengfeng asked puzzledly: “I think many Feng Shui masters just use a compass to

calculate. Why is it so troublesome to come to you?”

Dan was not angry, and said lightly: “Most people’s fate and fate are constantly

changing. That’s why some people are too hard to eat in the first half of their lives, but

in the second half of their lives, there is a clap of thunder and sudden riches, this is

because his fate has changed. It may be that he married a wife of Vanves, and it may be

that he gave birth to a son whose birthday character can bring him great fortune. These

are unpredictable by ordinary people. .”

“It’s like real estate. You develop a residential area in a certain area of a city. The market

price of this building is 50,000, but if suddenly one day, the subway is open, the price

may rise to six. Suddenly one day, a well-known school set up a campus nearby, and the

price may rise to 70,000; if other huge favorable policies can be met, the housing price

can even breakthrough 100,000 and higher all the way, and put it on people The subway

may correspond to a good wife, and a well-known school may correspond to a good

son. This is a good direction.”

Chengfeng hurriedly asked, “What about the bad direction?”

Dan said: “Bad directions are more possibilities. Similarly, taking real estate as an

example, you may also repeat the mistakes of many so-called ghost towns.”

“Originally, you thought that the city was very developed and you tried to build a lot of

real estates, but then, it is possible that local resources will begin to dry up, the local

economy will be frustrated, and house prices will fall; it may also be that local resources

are affected by the market and their prices continuously decline, this has caused

companies to go bankrupt and house prices fall; it may even be due to the emergence

of other competitors that the entire city’s industries have suffered a blow.”

Chapter 2564

After speaking, Dan said again: “You should have heard the story of Detroit. It was

originally the largest automobile city in the United States. It was extremely brilliant, but

in the end, it was so depressed that a large number of people fled. The local real estate

even shrank by more than 90%. Who defeated this city? It was Toyota and Honda of

Japan, Mercedes, and BMW of Germany. These are all factors that may change the


Chengfeng suddenly realized, and hurriedly asked, “Uncle Mai, just tell me what

information you need, I must know everything!”

Dan nodded, and said calmly: “I want your wife’s birthday eight characters, and abiding

birthday eight characters.”

Chengfeng hurriedly agreed and immediately reported the specific date of birth.

Dan listened and counted, the more he listened, the more puzzled he became.

After hesitating for a moment, he opened his mouth and said, “Your wife and Zynn are

dead. It can be said that from this point, they are very prosperous for you, and they are

the kind of prosper who burns themselves and adds firewood to you.”

After that, he said again: “Furthermore, your five elements are very prosperous, and the

four heavenly stems are all prosperous. Combining your wife and children, from the

perspective of life, you are either rich or noble in this life, and even rich and noble.”

“It stands to reason that your fate, let alone one in a thousand, is hard to find one in a

million or ten million, it is almost impeccable. According to the development of your

fate, your life will be smooth. Water, reaching the peak, shouldn’t have this ordeal…”

“Really?!” Chengfeng asked excitedly, “Uncle Mai, then what is going on with me now?”

Dan shook his head, and said, “Don’t worry!”

After finishing speaking, he grabbed a handful of bone dice and threw it on the ground

casually, and threw down a few copper coins.

Immediately afterwards, he kept observing the bone dice, as well as the position and

orientation of the copper coins, and the whole population was muttering words, not

knowing what was being said.

Chengfeng became more and more nervous, staring at Dan intently, not even daring to

blink his eyes.

A minute later, Dan suddenly grabbed one of the copper coins on the ground, fixed his

eyes on him, and murmured: “No… if this hexagram shows it, this Tianju Tongbao is not

It should be heading up…”

As he said, he threw the coin high again.

Copper coins worth four or five million fell on the ground with a crisp ding sound. Then,

it rotated several times and finally stopped.

However, this time, this Tianju Tongbao still had its head up.

He was a little nervous, grabbed the coin and threw it again.

But who could have imagined that the copper coin had gone for several laps, and after it

finally stopped, it would still face up!

This time, Dan’s cold sweat has flowed down.

Seeing this, Chengfeng on the side was also hung tightly in his heart, and couldn’t help

but ask carefully: “Mai…Uncle Mai…this…how on earth did this coin come back? What?! I

missed it three times in a row, and the words are all up, too evil, right?!”

Dan’s forehead is already covered with sweat!

He stretched out his hand, wiped a cold sweat with his cuff, and murmured: “This Tianju

Tongbao, in my gossip, represents the dry sky, and dry for the sky, it should have been

written upside down. , But now I toss it three times in a row, and it’s all heads up, which

means that this hexagram will change someday…”

“The sky has changed?!” Chengfeng murmured in his heart, and said to himself,

“Although I don’t know what the hell is the sky change, I can clearly feel that this is

definitely not a good thing!

So he hurriedly asked, “Uncle Mai, what does the sky change mean?”

Dan stared at the bone dice and copper coins all over the floor, and said dumbfounded:

“From the perspective of the hexagram, it is the Dragon who came to the world…”

Chapter 2565

“Dragon came to the world?”

Chengfeng’s expression was horrified, but at the same time, he had some doubts.

He murmured in his heart: “What kind of dragon came to this world, this word doesn’t

feel reliable!”

However, he soon thought that Dan Mai tossed the coin several times just now, and in

the end, it was all heads up. It couldn’t be a coincidence, right? So he felt something was

wrong again in his heart.

So, he tentatively asked Dan: “Uncle Mai, what is the birth of a dragon? Why do you

sound so mysterious?”

Dan was shivering a bit, and he said falteringly: “If you look at this hexagram, the birth

of the Dragon means that in your fate, there is a great figure with the fate of the

Dragon.. ….”

Chengfeng frowned, “Then is this big man an enemy or a friend to me?”

Dan said seriously: “At present, the possibility of being an enemy is far greater than a


“How is it possible?” Chengfeng blurted out, “But I haven’t provoked any powerful

people recently. Why is there such an enemy suddenly?”

Dan shook his head and said, “I can’t see this anymore. Maybe it’s because I’m not good

enough, or my power is not enough. I can’t see through the rest.”

After speaking, Dan said again: “But from the perspective of this hexagram, it is really

bad for you. It is very likely that all the problems you have encountered recently

originated from this!”

Chengfeng still didn’t quite believe it. He pointed to the copper coin in Dan’s hand and

asked, “Does it mean that the so-called dragon came into the world as long as the coin

is upright?”


Chengfeng asked again: “Can the hexagram go wrong?”

Dan said earnestly: “This is the case with the hexagram image, and it can’t be wrong.”

Chengfeng didn’t give up, and said, “Uncle Mai, can I trouble you to toss the coin a few

more times. If the word is down, does it mean that the trouble has gone away or


Dan sighed and said, “I toss it a few times, and the result is the same.”

After speaking, he grabbed the Tianju Tongbao and threw it upward again.

Everyone stared at the coin, but the coin still had its head up.

Chengfeng gritted his teeth: “Thank you Uncle Mai for trying again!”

Dan did not speak, picked up the copper coin and threw it out again.

This time, the result is still head up.

Dan sighed, “Chengfeng, this is fate, and the hexagram is a form of expression of fate. It

just displays your fate truthfully. If you want to change the fate, you must solve the

problem fundamentally, absolutely not. It can be solved by tossing more copper coins.”

Chengfeng was already sweating coldly.

He couldn’t help muttering: “It’s fcuking wicked! This is obviously a 50-50 probability.

How can it be all heads up five times in a row?”

As he said, a fierceness flashed in his eyes, rushed to grab the Tianju Tongbao, and then

threw it forward.

This time, the copper coin was spinning on the ground for a long time. When it finally

stopped, Chengfeng said excitedly: “The word is head down! This time it is the word

head down!”

Dan shook his head helplessly and said, “I started the hexagram. Only what I throw is

counted. You throw it is meaningless.”

With that said, he picked up the copper coin again and threw it away.

The copper coin is still heading up!

Chengfeng felt a little hairy in his heart.

He looked at Dan and asked, “Uncle Mai, how much influence will this so-called

dragon’s coming into the world have on me?!”

Chapter 2566

“This, I’m not good.” Dan said truthfully: “The other party’s fate is too strong, I can’t see


With a somewhat unconvincing attitude, Chengfeng asked, “Is this man better than


Dan nodded and solemnly said: “This kind of fate is the most powerful. It is described as

strong and invincible in two words. It is absolutely impossible for anyone to beat him in


While Chengfeng was horrified, he couldn’t help but mutter in his heart: “I have always

suspected that Zhiyu and Liona are likely to be still alive, and it is very likely that they

were saved by the mysterious expert in Japan. Now, what is the old man saying? The

dragon came into the world, could it be that he was talking about?!”

Thinking of this, Chengfeng felt a panic in his heart. If all this was as he had guessed,

then this mysterious expert would definitely become himself, and even the enemy of the

Su family!

In a panic, he suddenly thought of Regnar, and hurriedly asked the butler Anson:

“Where is Regnar Wu? Is he here?!”

Anson hurriedly said, “Master, Regnar has come. I have arranged for him to rest in the

living room and wait for your instructions.”

Chengfeng blurted out, “Quick! Call Regnar over!”

Anson hurriedly said, “OK Lord, I will!”

After Anson left, Chengfeng said to Dan: “Uncle Mai, this Regnar is the patriarch of a

large family in Suzhou. Some time ago, something very strange happened to their


With that, Chengfeng explained Wu Qi’s glorious deeds to Dan.

After hearing this, Dan looked terrified and blurted out, “Is there really such a thing?!”

“Yeah!” Chengfeng said, “I didn’t fcuking believe it at first, but after watching the video, I

believed it. It’s so fcuking disgusting!”

Dan frowned and analyzed: “According to common sense, even if a person undergoes

some changes and is psychologically devastated, his seizures should be random. It is

impossible to have such a strict uniform frequency… ….”

“Yeah!” Chengfeng said, “That’s why I suspect that 80% of the people behind this are

ghosts! But Regnar hasn’t found out by himself, so I want Uncle Mai to show him and

see if you can find any clues. , Can these clues be merged and unified.”

Dan nodded lightly and said, “I will try it!”

At this time, Anson walked in with Regnar.

Chengfeng immediately greeted Regnar and said, “Mr. Wu, this is the famous Feng Shui

master in the United States, Dan Mai!”

Regnar respectfully said, “Hello, Master Mai!”

Dan nodded slightly at him, and then went straight to the topic: “Mr. Wu, has your son’s

situation improved?”

Regnar shook his head and sighed: “There is no improvement, it’s still the same as


Dan said, “In this way, you can bring him here and let the old man take a look.”

Regnar was overjoyed and hurriedly said, “Master Mai, wait for a while, and I will inform

the family and ask them to send the boy here!”

Zynn hurriedly pulled him aside and said, “Mr. Wu, remember to tell your family to let

him eat before letting your son go out. Don’t let him have an attack in front of Mr. Dan!”

Regnar said embarrassingly, “OK President Su, don’t worry!”

Having said that, he hurried to the side, took out his mobile phone, and called the


Ten minutes later, a helicopter slowly landed in the courtyard of the lakeside villa. Wu

Qi, who had just finished eating, was helped by his brother Roger and walked off the


Anson handed Wu Qi a mask and a bottle of mouth wash, and instructed: “Chew this

bottle of mouthwash, don’t leave anyone, then put on the mask and go in!”

Knowing that the other party disliked him, Wu Qi was depressed and did not dare to

delay any time. He hurriedly opened the bottle and poured the whole bottle into his


After gurgling hard for a long time, until the cheeks hurt, Anson greeted: “Hurry up and

put on the mask and follow me in!”

Wu Qi could only put on a mask obediently and walked into the villa with his brother


Chapter 2567

Since the incident, Wu Qi has not been out of the house or seen outsiders for a long


Originally, he had always been very reluctant to go out, wishing not to step out of the

house for the rest of his life, but when he heard that there are experts today who might

be able to heal his unspeakable concealment, hope suddenly rekindled in his heart.

After entering the villa, Anson took the two brothers to the living room by the way.

Regnar hurriedly introduced to everyone: “Master Su, Master Mai, this is my youngest

son Wu Qi, next to my elder son Roger Wu!”

Both the Chengfeng and his son looked at Wu Qi with interest.

Because Wu Qi is indeed as famous as his name, he is a strange person, because he was

popular on the short video platform at the beginning, and his popularity is no less than

that of any star.

Wu Qi was stared at by the Chengfeng and his son, feeling uncomfortable all over his

body and lowered his head unconsciously.

Regnar hurriedly said to Dan Mai at this time: “Master Mai, please show my little son to

see what is going on with him.”

Dan walked in front of Wu Qi, stretched out his hand on his forehead and the back of

his head, carefully touched for a moment, then grabbed the coins, muttered something

in his mouth, whispered a few words, and then The copper coins were dropped on the

ground, staring at the location of each coin intently.

After a while, he spoke: “Mr. Wu, this boy’s problem should not be his own.”

Chengfeng on the side hurriedly asked: “The problem is not with himself, that is to say,

is it coming from others?”

“Yes.” Dan nodded and said seriously: “I suspect that boy should have been hypnotized

or suggested subconsciously.”

Regnar was not surprised at this conclusion, because he knew that the reason why his

son became like this was because of Charlie.

Even the Eight Great Heavenly Kings are not Charlie’s opponents at all, let alone his own

little son who has no power to restrain the chicken.

So he hurriedly asked, “Master Mai, since you can see the root of my child’s problem, I

wonder if there is a way to cure him?”

Dan thought for a while and said, “It just so happens that I have some research on

hypnotic suggestion. I can give the boy a try, but I can’t give you a package if he can be

cured or not.”

Regnar hurriedly said, “This is natural! As long as you are willing to try, I will be grateful

for it!”

After speaking, he saw Wu Qi standing there without saying a word, and hurriedly

scolded, “Hurry up, thank you, Master Mai!”

Wu Qi hurriedly bowed again and again, and said nervously, “Thank you…Thank you,

Master Mai…”

Dan nodded slightly, took a red string from his pocket, took another ancient coin, and

threaded it with the red string.

Immediately afterwards, he merged the inner strength in his body into his fingertips and

slammed Wu Qi’s forehead.

This force was relatively strong, so Wu Qi suddenly felt a little dizzy.

Afterwards, Dan placed the tied ancient coin in front of Wu Qi, swaying slowly, and said,

“Looking at this coin, from now on, what do I ask and what do you answer, absolutely

Can’t lie to me, do you know?”

Wu Qi nodded repeatedly: “I see…”

Dan asked him again: “Then tell me now, what kind of hypnosis and hints did the other

party give you?”

Wu Qi vaguely said, “He…he told me every hour…must…must…must eat once… ..”

Before the last word came out, Dan immediately said, “Okay, you don’t need to say the

last word!”

After speaking, he said again: “Wu Qi, from now on, no matter what others have asked

you to do, what kind of hints they have given you, you have to completely forget it, do

you understand?”

Wu Qi nodded ignorantly and stammered: “I…I understand…”

Chapter 2568

Dan gave a hum, and asked in a deep voice, “Then do you still remember what hint the

other party gave you?”

Wu Qi nodded blankly and said, “Remember, he asked me every hour…”

Dan hurriedly blurted out: “Stop talking! You will pay close attention to the copper coins

in my hand. From now on, forget all the orders others gave you. Do you understand?!”

Wu Qi continued to nod: “I understand…”

Dan wiped his sweat, and asked with some uncertainty, “Then do you still remember any

hints that the other party gave you?”

Wu Qi said without hesitation: “Remember, he let me…”

Dan’s expression was very ugly, and he scolded loudly, “You…you…you…hurry up!”

Wu Qi was taken aback, and immediately awoke from the hypnotic state, and

immediately closed his mouth.

Regnar asked nervously in the clouds and mist he was watching, “Master Mai, what is

going on?!”

Dan shook his head, and said with horror, “The man who gave your son hypnotic hints

seems to be far more capable than me…The hypnotic hints he gave, I can’t erase it at all,

and I can’t even shake it. …”

“What?!” Regnar was speechless in shock.

He couldn’t believe that a ninety-year-old master of Feng Shui and Metaphysics would

have nothing to do with Charlie’s tricks!

What’s even harder to believe is that Dan would take the initiative to admit that Charlie’s

ability is far greater than him!

Chengfeng on the side was even more shocked. He blurted out, “Uncle Mai, what did

you mean? Looking at the whole country, there is absolutely no possibility that any

metaphysical master can be compared to you!”

Dan’s face is somewhat unbearable. Just now, he was envied and hated by the divine

dragon in the hexagram. He did not expect that there is another mysterious master who

is better than himself in professional skills. It made him feel more shocked.

So he said angrily: “This… can only be said that there is a sky outside the sky, and there

are people outside the world…”

Chengfeng was shocked!

Originally, he inferred that in Aurous Hill, there must be a very powerful master against


Now Dan also said that what made Wu Qi look like a ghost was a person who was

stronger than him in Feng Shui metaphysics, and Wu Qi happened to be in Aurous Hill

again, which means that Feng Shui metaphysics master is also in Aurous Hill? !

If the two are the same person, wouldn’t it be more difficult for him? !

So he hurriedly asked Regnar: “Mr. Wu, who did your son offend when he was in Aurous


“This…” Although Regnar knew that Charlie was the one who had offended his son at

the beginning, now he dare not say 10,000.

After much deliberation, he could only hesitate to explain: “Mr. Su, to tell you, my son

looks harmless to humans and animals, but it’s not a good thing!”

“Fcuking, I sent him to school. He was fine. After he went to school, the good ones

didn’t learn bad ones. He just wanted to do some PUA on the female classmates, so that

several girls suffered a lot of harm because of him. …..”

“So I have always suspected that he ended up like this because he offended a certain

big person, or made a big person displeased.”

Chengfeng hurriedly asked, “Could that master hide in the university in Aurous Hill?”

Regnar said awkwardly, “This…I don’t know…”

Dan paced back and forth on the spot, muttering in a low voice, “Aurous Hill…Aurous

Hill…I really can’t figure out how could Aurous Hill’s three-square-meter land have such

strength. A strong person? Is this place outstanding, or is there any treasure…”

The great-grandson Mike of Dan, who has never spoken much, said at this moment:

“Grandpa, don’t you always hope that you will have another breakthrough in your

lifetime? I think this is definitely a great opportunity!”

Chapter 2569

Mike’s words, let Dan’s whole person cheer!

He has studied Yijing Bagua and Fengshui Metaphysics all his life, and it seems that he

has reached the pinnacle. In fact, he has just passed the entry-level in Feng Shui


True metaphysics is far more than feng shui and gossip, but a large school of wisdom

and inheritance of Chinese ancestors.

Among them, many advanced metaphysics have been lost, and almost no one knows.

In this life, Dan has been quite accomplished in Feng Shui, but he has been crushed by

several other masters. Among them, Lai Qinghua, who is ten years older than him, is the

most cruel.

Lai Qinghua can be regarded as the most accomplished in the field of Feng Shui

metaphysics among all Chinese Americans.

There are still two high-level masters, but they are no longer alive.

Dan has been hoping that after Lai Qinghua enters the soil, he will become a leader in

Feng Shui metaphysics.

However, seeing that he was in his nineties, Lai Qinghua, who was over a hundred years

old, was not dead yet.

A few years ago, Qinghua left the United States and returned to China for three years.

And those three years were the three years in which Dan had the strongest sense of


Because no one could find Lai Qinghua, he temporarily became the strongest in the field

of geomancy and metaphysics in the United States.

He once felt that the reason why Lai Qinghua wanted to leave the United States and

return to China was probably that he had reached the end of his life, so he wanted to

return to his roots, return to China to spend the last time in his life, and would not live

back to the United States.

What he did not expect was that Lai Qinghua returned to the United States some time


What made him even more unexpected and unacceptable was that Lai Qinghua was in

excellent condition. Although he was over a hundred years old, he looked better than


For a time, Lai Qinghua, who was nearly twenty years old, became the focus of

discussions in the entire American Chinese circle. Countless people regarded Lai

Qinghua as an old god. For a time, legends about him spread throughout the Chinese


During that time, Dan was extremely depressed.

Although depressed, he was also very curious and yearning for Lai Qinghua’s changes,

so he made a special trip to visit him very humbly.

During the visit, he tentatively asked why he became young. Lai Qinghua only said to

him in eight words: “There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the


Dan also understood the meaning of his words. He knew that Lai Qinghua was telling

himself that he met an expert in China, so he also encountered great luck.

Although Dan didn’t know what kind of destiny Lai Qinghua encountered, he speculated

that Lai Qinghua could suddenly be twenty years younger when he was about to die,

and he might have mastered a higher level of metaphysics.

In addition to the feng shui mystery, metaphysics also has the Fu seal formation. The

nine-character mantra spoken by the ancestors: Lin, Bing, Fight, Zhe, Ji, formation,

column, forward, and line are the core of the Fu seal formation.

However, these are not the true top techniques of metaphysics.

Because, in the field of metaphysics today, there has always been an unproven legend,

that is aura!

In ancient literature records, Reiki is often mentioned, as well as the chain repair method

based on Reiki.

There are even relevant records in many folklore and famous stories.

It is said that aura is the highest among all powers, and if you master aura, you can

master everything.

However, since modern times, the metaphysical circle has not found any cultivation

method that can harness spiritual energy.

Countless people in the metaphysical circle searched desperately, but did not find any

practical clues.

Although Dan was also full of longing, but he was also very clear in his heart that he

certainly did not have such good luck.

However, the words of great-grandson Mike reminded him.

Chapter 2570

Aurous Hill, maybe it’s his own opportunity!

Thinking of this, he immediately said to Chengfeng: “Chengfeng, your second son,

eldest daughter-in-law, and eldest granddaughter all disappeared in Aurous Hill, and

Mr. Wu’s son was hypnotized by masters in Aurous Hill. In my opinion, this Aurous Hill

must have a Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, if this is the case, I will personally go

to Aurous Hill to see if I can find a clue!”

Chengfeng suddenly became excited when he heard this.

What he worries about most now is that he doesn’t know the situation in Aurous Hill at


Since Dan was willing to go, he certainly couldn’t ask for it.

So, he said excitedly: “Uncle Mai, you are willing to go to Aurous Hill, it would be better

there. If I need to prepare in advance, please speak!”

Dan waved his hand: “You don’t have to prepare anything specifically for us. The more

you prepare, the more likely it is that someone will discover the connection between us.”

Chengfeng hurriedly said, “Uncle Mai, then I will help you arrange food, clothing,

housing and transportation to Aurous Hill in advance.”

“You don’t have to.” Dan refused: “You don’t need to prepare anything. Tomorrow

morning, Mike and I will take a train to Aurous Hill together. When we get there, we will

find a hotel again.”

Seeing Dan’s resolute attitude, Chengfeng no longer insisted, and said, “Then everything

will be Uncle Mai’s!”


An hour later, a Gulfstream G650 private jet landed at Aurous Hill Airport.

Ito Nanako was so excited, her heart was already surging when she thought that she

had finally come to the city where Charlie lived.

After passing the customs inspection, the group came to the exit of the corporate jet

building. A convoy of luxury cars has been waiting here for a long time.

Warnia saw Ito Nanako pushing Ito Takehiko out of the wheelchair, and immediately

smiled and waved at her: “Nanako!”

When Ito Nanako saw her, she was naturally very happy, and quickly responded, “Sister

Warnia, why are you here to pick us up yourself!”

Warnia smiled and said, “You and uncle came all the way. As the host, I didn’t come to

meet you personally. Wouldn’t it be a bad etiquette?”

With that, she hurriedly bowed slightly to Ito Takehiko, and said politely, “Uncle Ito,

welcome to Aurous Hill!”

Takehiko folded his hands together, squinted slightly, and said with a smile: “Thank you,

Miss Song, you made a special trip to pick us up.”

Warnia hurriedly said, “Uncle Ito, you are welcome! This time, you have to stay in Aurous

Hill for a few more days. Then I will accompany you and Nanako around!”

While talking, Warnia said again: “Nanako, Uncle Ito, the team is ready, let’s go to my

house to take a rest, the rooms are ready, I specially prepared a dinner party for you to

start with!”

Ito Yuihiko hurriedly said, “Miss Song, I have already booked a hotel. Emi, Tanaka, and I

are staying in the hotel together, so I won’t come to bother you!”

Warnia hurriedly said, “Uncle Ito, you have arrived in Aurous Hill. As the host, how can I

let you stay in a hotel! The rooms at home are ready, and there are enough rooms, so

you can live in peace!”

Ito Yuihiko smiled and said, “Miss Song, we are not the last resort. We don’t want to

cause trouble to anyone. Nanako is a good friend to you. She lives in your house. I

naturally don’t have any opinions. People don’t come to disturb your house, otherwise,

if a dozen people disturb your home, I really feel sorry for it.”

Although the Japanese are very polite and polite on the surface, they are actually a little

cold in their bones. This indifference is actually not a weak human trait, but they don’t

like to cause trouble to others. If they can do things by themselves, try their best to do it

themselves. , Not to trouble others as a last resort, this is basically the norm in Japanese

social life.

Therefore, Ito Yuhiko prefers to stay in a hotel, being free, without restraining himself,

and without causing trouble to others.

Warnia wanted to persuade him again, and Nanako Ito hurriedly said, “Sister Warnia,

you don’t have to persuade my dad. He has a stubborn temper. You can’t convince him.”

Seeing this, Warnia stopped insisting.

At this moment, Emi Ito stepped forward, took the wheelchair from Ito Nanako, and said

to her, “Nanako, give me the handle. You can talk to Miss Song.”

Nanako Ito nodded repeatedly and smiled, “Then please, Aunt-sama!”

After finishing speaking, she hurriedly took Warnia’s arm and ran far away, throwing

everyone away 20 or 30 meters. Then she asked with excitement, “Has Sister Warnia

seen Charlie recently? How is he?”

Chapter 2571

“Charlie?” Warnia heard Nanako’s question, and then saw her big eyes full of

expectation, she couldn’t help feeling a little bit: “It seems that this little girl’s feelings

for Charlie are really deep in her bones, but she is Living in Japan most of the time, I

really don’t know what she should do in the future.”

Immediately afterwards, she thought of herself again, and could not help but secretly

laughed at herself: “I patronized her with emotion, so why am I not the same? Although

Charlie and I live in the same city, he has married after all. I usually think It is not so easy

to meet him.”

Thinking of this, she really sighed and said to Nanako: “I haven’t really seen Charlie

these days. The last time I saw him was the time I went to Aoxue’s house for dinner.”

Nanako nodded in disappointment, and sighed: “Well, I don’t know if I will have the

opportunity to see him more this time…”

Warnia asked in surprise, “Did you not tell him this time?”

Nanako shook her head: “I haven’t told him yet.”

Warnia hurriedly said, “Why don’t you tell him in advance? Would you like me to call

him now and invite him to dinner at home in the evening?”

Nanako said with some embarrassment, “I…I actually want to give Charlie a surprise…”

After that, she looked at Warnia and asked expectantly, “Sister Warnia, can I trouble you

with something?”

Warnia smiled slightly and asked her, “Do you want me to call Charlie and invite him to

eat at home without telling him that you have arrived in Aurous Hill.”

“Yes!” Nanako said with excitement, “Sister Warnia, can you help me?”

In fact, Warnia herself, like Nanako, has been enamored of Charlie for a long time.

So, in the final analysis, the two people are actually rivals in love.

It’s just that Nanako was a few years younger than Warnia, and she was pretty and cute.

Now she is looking forward to Warnia and her eyes are shining, which makes Warnia

feel affectionate.

Seeing her in love, this little cute girl, Warnia really couldn’t bear to refuse, so she said

helplessly, “Well, since you want to surprise him so much, then I will trick him into

coming home.”

“Great!” Nanako was so excited, she said with excitement, “Thank you Sister Warnia!

Thank you so much!”

Warnia shook her head helplessly, she had to admit that this little Japanese girl was so

coquettish that she could not resist herself as a woman.

So, she had to take out her phone and called Charlie.

At this time, Charlie was busy in the greenhouse vegetable garden at home.

The barrels of compost made by Claire years ago are almost decomposed. This organic

fertilizer made from leaves, vegetable leaves, and kitchen waste is green and pollutionfree and is very suitable for growing flowers and vegetables at home.

Originally, Charlie and Claire worked together in the greenhouse at home, but now

Claire took over the renovation project of the Emgrand Group and was very busy every

day, so Charlie took the initiative to take care of all these things.

While he was busy fertilizing, his cell phone kept shaking in his pocket. Charlie took out

his cell phone. Seeing that it was Warnia’s call, he connected and asked, “Warnia, do you

have anything to do with me?”

“Master Wade…” Warnia glanced at Nanako and hurriedly said, “I want to ask if you have

time to come to my house for a meal tonight?”

Charlie had already learned from Issac that Ito Yuhiko was going to stay at Shangri-La

today, so he speculated that Nanako would definitely go to Warnia’s house. At this time

Warnia called to invite him to dinner. It is estimated that she is likely to be with Nanako.

Chapter 2572

However, Warnia did not expressly say on the phone that Charlie was not good to

directly show that he knew the specific situation, so he pretended to be curious and

asked, “Why are you asking me to have dinner?”

Warnia hurriedly said, “That’s right. Grandpa said that I haven’t had a chance to invite

you to sit at home recently, so he wants me to ask you if you have time to come to your

house for dinner tonight.”

Charlie didn’t expect that Warnia’s remarks turned out to be that Mr. Song wanted to

invite him to dinner, and never mentioned Nanako. It was estimated that Nanako

wanted to surprise him.

Thinking of the beautiful and generous, gentle and quiet Nanako, Charlie inevitably

missed her a little, and for a while, the scene of walking with her on a snowy night in

Kyoto came to mind.

After a moment of contemplation, Charlie said to Warnia, pretending to be confused,

“Since it’s the old gentleman’s invitation, I can’t refuse it. Please tell him, I will pass


Seeing Charlie’s promise, Warnia said happily, “That’s great, do I need to drive over to

pick you up?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Don’t bother, my father-in-law happened to be at home, and I

will drive his car over in a while.”

“Okay.” Warnia said with joy, “Then I will wait at home for Master Wade to come!”

Warnia bid farewell to Charlie, and then ended the call.

Nanako, who was already dancing with excitement, hugged Warnia’s waist and said

happily, “Sister Warnia, you are so kind!”

Warnia smiled and said, “Don’t patronize and thank me. This is the first time I lied to

Master Wade since I knew him. When you meet him later, you have to explain to him

why I lied to him.”

Nanako Ito said with a smile: “Sister, don’t worry, I will definitely explain it. My sister has

helped me so much. How can I let my sister carry a scapegoat for me?”

As she said, Nanako Ito said again, “By the way, Sister Warnia, please help me make an

appointment with Aoxue. I picked an Akita for her from home and stayed with the

accompanying bodyguard.”

Warnia smiled and said, “That’s great. You don’t know how much she like the Akita you

gave me. As long as I post the little guy’s photo to the circle of friends, she will definitely

like it and leave a comment. Yes, I will let her know!”

Nanako hurriedly reminded: “Then you must tell her to keep Mr. Charlie a secret before

she comes, and don’t disclose the information about my coming to Aurous Hill to him in


Warnia nodded: “Don’t worry, I will tell her.”


At this moment, Charlie saw that it was almost time for dinner, Claire said hello in

advance, and did not come back for dinner tonight, so after finishing his work, he

returned to the villa.

Elaine had already prepared a few dishes at this time, and when Charlie came in, she

said hurriedly, “Oh my son-in-law, are the things in the vegetable garden finished?”

Charlie nodded: “It’s over.”

Elaine hurriedly said, “Oh, it’s really hard work for you! Mom is going to make the meal,

so you can wash your hands and eat.

Charlie said, “By the way, Mom, I have a dinner at night, so I won’t eat at home.”

“Ah?” Elaine asked a little surprised: “Why are you going out to eat all of a sudden?

Mom has almost prepared this meal, and I have cooked a prairie lamb chop for you!”

While talking, Jacob walked downstairs and said in a hurry, “I’m not at home to eat at

night, Charlie has to come with me and eat with people from the Calligraphy and

Painting Association!”

Chapter 2573

Charlie was amazed when he heard what the old man said.

“When am I going to eat with the old man?”

Just wondering, Jacob kept winking at him, and at the same time urged: “Oh, Charlie,

why are you still wearing an apron for work? Go back to the house and change your

clothes, we will be too late!”

Elaine asked at this time: “Jacob, you don’t have to do business in that painting and

calligraphy association all the time, why do you still get your son-in-law together? How

can people have time to socialize with you?”

Jacob curled his lips and said, “What do you know? Charlie knows Orvel. Orvel is very

famous in Aurous Hill. President Pei of our Painting and Calligraphy Association gives

Orvel the most face. It just so happens that the leadership of our Painting and

Calligraphy Association is about to change. This time I have to let President Pei run an

executive vice president for me. In that case, I will be the second in command of the

Calligraphy and Painting Association!”

Elaine said with a look of contempt, “You used that calligraphy and painting association

all day long. I didn’t see you earn a cent to bring home!”

Jacob said disdainfully: “The Calligraphy and Painting Association was not originally a

profit organization. This is the elegance among the literati. You do not know a sh!t!”

Elaine snorted coldly, “Jacob, did I give you a face? I tell you, hurry up and quit that sh!t

association! Stay at home honestly in the future!”

“The beauty you want!” Jacob blurted out: “The Calligraphy and Painting Association is

the second spring of my career. Why should I quit when you say to quit?”

Elaine slapped the table: “No retreat, right? Okay, I won’t let you go out of this door

today! If you dare to go out, I will go to your Calligraphy and Painting Association


Jacob was in a hurry and said hurriedly, “Are you sick? What do I do to you?”

Elaine said coldly: “Stop the fcuking nonsense with me. I and you are still a legal couple.

If you irritate me, I will go to the Calligraphy and Painting Association to sue you for

messing with men and women! I see if you have any face in the future. Stay there!”

“You…” Jacob was a little scared at once, and said hurriedly, “Elaine, why are you doing

this? I don’t usually provoke you, but occasionally go out to socialize. You have to

confront me. What do you mean?”

Elaine said coldly: “I’m not against you, I’m just letting you know who has the final say

between the two of us!”

Charlie hurriedly came out at this time and said, “Oh Mom, Dad has liked antique

calligraphy and painting for so many years, and finally found a development opportunity

in the Calligraphy and Painting Association, so don’t stop him.”

Elaine said seriously, “Good son-in-law, mom tells you the truth, my leg was broken for

so long, and your dad, an old guy, didn’t care about me even once! Do you think he still

has a conscience?”

“Not only that, my legs and feet are uncomfortable. I rarely go out every day. I even use

my mobile phone to buy food. He is good. He runs out all day long without staying at

home. If I don’t care about him, maybe I’m going to get better with which fox!”

Jacob was taken aback and blurted, “Elaine, don’t talk nonsense! There are eight leaders

in the Calligraphy and Painting Association, and all eight are men!”

Elaine curled her lips and said, “I’ll take care of you guys, but I won’t let you go in the


Charlie said helplessly, “Mom, don’t be familiar with dad. If you are bored at home, let

dad take time to accompany you every day, take you out for shopping, or do

rehabilitation training, but dad is here and really needs a little personal space, so don’t

interfere too much.”

When Jacob heard this, he hurriedly said, “That’s it! I’ll spare more time to accompany

you in the future. Is this the head office?”

Elaine felt a little better, and said to Jacob, “I won’t be as knowledgeable as you in the

face of my son-in-law, but don’t forget what you just said!”

Jacob quickly said: “Don’t worry, I will never forget it! So, tomorrow I will take you to the

China World Shopping Mall. You had no chance to go shopping during this time. You

must be tired of staying at home.”

Only then did Elaine calm down and said, “What you said, remember for yourself, if you

dare to let me dove, I will never end with you!”

Jacob hurriedly smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I will accompany you tomorrow!”

Seeing that Elaine had really calmed down, Charlie took the opportunity to say, “Mom, if

there is nothing else, I will go out with dad first.”

Elaine nodded: “Go, be careful when driving on the road!”

Jacob couldn’t wait to say, “Charlie, go and change your clothes, I will wait for you in the


Chapter 2574

Charlie responded, went back to the room to change clothes, and came to the garage.

Jacob was already anxiously gearing up on the co-pilot.

Charlie sat in and asked him, “Dad, are you really going to have dinner with President

Pei tonight?”

Jacob waved his hand: “No, I have something delicious with him. This guy has been

following my but.t to fawn on me, and I don’t even bother to care about him.”

Charlie asked curiously, “Then which one are you singing?”

Jacob hurriedly said: “Just now, your Aunt Meiqing said on WeChat that she seemed to

have a fever. It happened that Paul went on a business trip again. Your Aunt Meiqing

was not taken care of at home, so I wanted to buy some medicine quickly and buy

something to eat and take it over.”

Charlie was taken aback, and immediately asked: “Are you going to Aunt Meiqing’s


“Yes.” Jacob nodded and blurted out: “You drive me over quickly, and then we two will

be busy.”

Charlie didn’t think much, he Even nodded and said, “Where is Aunt Meiqing’s house?

I’ll see you there first.”

Jacob immediately handed the phone to Charlie and said, “Here, this is the location,

Meilun Villa District.”

Charlie glanced at it. This location was in the same direction as Warnia’s house, and not

too far away, so he started the car and drove Jacob away from the house.

On the way, Jacob directed Charlie to buy some anti-fever medicine at the pharmacy,

and then directed him to drive to the door of an authentic local restaurant.

As soon as the car stopped at the entrance of the restaurant, Jacob hurriedly said,

“Charlie, you are waiting for me in the car!”

After speaking, he couldn’t wait to push the door down.

Seeing this, Charlie said hurriedly: “Dad, I’ll go, you sit in the car and rest.”

As soon as Jacob heard this, he said: “Then please help me buy some duck siu mai, and

also a pickled Tuk fresh and a millet porridge.”

Charlie nodded, pushed the door and got out of the car, and entered the restaurant.

He suddenly felt a little worried when he headed out with the packed food.

The old man is going to Meiqing’s house.

But Paul is now on a business trip, and Meiqing must be at home alone, and she is now

sick again. The old man is going to take care of her at this time. Whether it is real or

fake, he is not sure.

In case, if something is taken care of, it might be difficult to end.

Thinking of this, he simply took out a rejuvenating pill from his pocket, scraped off a

little powder with the key, and melted it into the millet porridge.

It is estimated that if Han Meiqing drank this bowl of millet porridge, the ordinary

headache and brain fever would definitely be fine on the spot.

The main reason why Charlie did this was to prevent something that shouldn’t happen

between the old man and her tonight.

He didn’t worry about Han Meiqing’s character, but he was very worried about the

concentration of the old man, and how determined Han Meiqing was when she was sick.

In case the old father-in-law is taking care of her while thinking about it, and Han

Meiqing is physically ill, and still somewhat dependent on Jacob psychologically, if the

old father-in-law takes the initiative, maybe she will let him take advantage of the void

and enter.

Although Charlie also hopes that Jacob will one day be married to his lover, but he has

not divorced Elaine after all. If he is really cheated in marriage and is known by Elaine,

then the family will definitely be furious. Claire and himself have no good life.

Therefore, Charlie can only hope that Han Meiqing will immediately recover after

drinking this bowl of millet porridge.

In that way, if the old man, really moved his eyes, at least there would be no chance to

get in…

Chapter 2575

As soon as Charlie drove away with his front foot, Jacob became a little impatient and

quickened his pace.

In fact, since the time when Meiqing told him on the phone that she was coming back

to China, his heart was full of her shadow.

After she returned to China, he ignited the sparks that had been buried for many years.

In the past two to three decades, Jacob’s happiest moment was the moment when

Meiqing came back to cook at home and he embraced her in the kitchen.

However, Meiqing’s mentality is very sensible. She knows that Jacob and Elaine are not

divorced, so she has always held a firm sense in her heart and is unwilling to make

substantial progress with Jacob.

Jacob often scratched his head for this, but he never found any chance to breakthrough.

Although He was very useless all his life, he was at least a normal man. He had been

looking forward to Meiqing for so many years, not only was he obsessed with her

psychologically, but also physically.

Therefore, he has always been eager to relive his old dreams with his first love girlfriend,

but the occasions where the two of them have the most contact are at the university for

the elderly, so he has always been in estrus and stopped at courtesy.

However, things are different today this time.

Suddenly Meiqing fell ill and had a fever, and there was no one around to take care of

her. Jacob felt that a woman was the most vulnerable at this time, and she also needed

it the most, with solid support.

Coupled with the fact that the two of them have had a past where they were in

harmony, and now they still have feelings in their hearts, in this case, it is easier for the

sound of the waves to remain.

Therefore, Jacob hurried over, looking forward to a breakthrough today.

As for Elaine, he didn’t bother to think about it, nor did he want to think about it.

After all, in his opinion, Elaine is the saboteur of his life. He has no feelings or loyalty

towards Elaine.

Excited, he ran all the way to the door of Meiqing’s villa.

This is a single-family villa with a small footprint but looks very European-style. Jacob

stood at the door and immediately pressed the electronic doorbell next to the door.

At this time, Meiqing in the villa, wrapped in a thick down jacket, came to the security

monitor inside the door weakly. Seeing Jacob standing outside the door, she pressed

the open button and said, “Jacob, I feel really sick, so I won’t come out to receive you.

Come in by yourself.”

Jacob hurriedly said, “Meiqing, don’t come out, lest you suffer the wind and chill again. I

have brought you some food, so I will bring it in.”

With that, he hurriedly opened the door of the villa, walked through the small courtyard,

and came to the entrance door of the villa.

When Meiqing opened the door, a heatwave rushed into his face.

Jacob was surprised and said, “Why is it so hot in your room?”

Meiqing wrapped her down jacket tightly, and said weakly, “I was too cold, so I turned

on the floor heating to the maximum, and then turned on the air conditioner.”

Seeing her sluggish and pale, Jacob couldn’t help but said distressedly, “What the hell is

going on? Okay, why did she suddenly have a fever?”

Meiqing said helplessly: “Hey, it seems that the weather this year is too humid. Although

the temperature is not cold, it is really easy to make people sick…”

Jacob hurriedly stretched out his hand and grasped Meiqing’s soft hand tightly, and said

distressedly: “Oh, why are your hands so hot? Have you taken your temperature? How

much fever?”

Chapter 2576

Meiqing said, “I just measured it and it was 39.2 degrees. I took the anti-fever medicine,

but it didn’t work.”

When Jacob heard that it was more than thirty-nine degrees, he was even more

distressed. He proactively bent down and pressed his forehead against Meiqing’s

forehead. After feeling for a moment, he blurted out: “Your forehead is really hot, or you

Go and sit on the sofa first. I’ll get you a wet towel.”

Meiqing said embarrassedly, “That’s really too much trouble for you, Jacob…”

Jacob said solemnly, “Are you still being so polite with me? Do you remember that when

I was in college, I had a fever and couldn’t go to class in the dormitory? You took the

initiative to skip class and came over the wall to the boys’ dormitory and took care of

me for a day. .”

When Meiqing heard this, her expression immediately became extremely ashamed.

She naturally remembered the past that Jacob said.

Because that time, it was far more than just Jacob’s illness and fever.

At that time, the two were in love, but the college students at that time were relatively

simple, so they only held hands occasionally, or gave a gentle hug on the riverside

where no one was there.

Apart from this, there was basically no further development.

But that time when Jacob was seriously ill, Meiqing was really worried, so she sneaked

into the boys’ dormitory and took care of him in every possible way.

At that time, there were only two of them in the male dormitory. They were originally

lovers in love, and suddenly they had such a good opportunity to be alone. Moreover,

Meiqing took care of Jacob. Naturally, the two of them were in close contact with each

other, so they came and went. Let the atmosphere heat up infinitely.

The two were alone for a few hours in that heart-pounding state. Jacob’s body

temperature gradually dropped, but the temperature of affection between the two

continued to increase.

Jacob was also a passionate young man at the time, so he didn’t hold it all at once, so

he took advantage of that perfect opportunity to use his body that had just recovered

from his illness to take away Meiqing’s first time.

Of course, although Meiqing was half pushing and half pulling, but deep down is also

completely voluntary.

Although Jacob has nothing to do, he is okay and loves to brag and do, but in his bones,

he is actually a boring character.

Now suddenly mentioning the past in a serious manner, just deliberately trying to draw

the atmosphere to it.

In his opinion, the best thing is to reproduce the atmosphere in the boys’ dormitory

back in this villa. That would be great for him.


As soon as he said this, Meiqing’s pale complexion suddenly turned ruddy!

After all, Meiqing is a woman. At this time, she was naturally ashamed and intolerable

and recalling the past that year, the unforgettable scenes in the depths of her memory,

unconsciously surfaced in her own mind.

However, she is embarrassed to give any positive response. After all, this kind of thing is

indeed a bit too ambiguous.

Jacob was actually holding back a little bit of badness in his heart. He deliberately

brought up the past, just to see Meiqing’s embarrassment.

Because in his opinion, the more shy Meiqing is, the more proof that she still loves him

deeply in her heart.

Seeing Meiqing not speaking, he hurriedly laughed and asked, “Meiqing, why are you

not talking? Did you forget the period when you went to the dormitory to take care of

me? Would you like me to help you carefully recall the memories?”

Meiqing was ashamed and anxious, and said hurriedly, “You…didn’t you say to wet the

towel for me? Go quickly…”

Chapter 2577

“Oh oh oh!” Although Jacob felt a little disappointed in his heart, he still pretended to

be suddenly enlightened, patted his head, and exclaimed, “Oh, look at my brain,

patronizing the memory of the past, and forgetting the business upfront.”

After speaking, he hurriedly said again: “Miqing, you sit and wait for me first, I’ll get you

a wet towel!”

Meiqing hurriedly said, “There is a bathroom on the first floor. Turn left in front.


Seeing Jacob turned around and went to the bathroom, Meiqing was finally relieved.

In fact, Jacob’s purpose was very clear to her.

To be honest, Jacob is not only her first man but also the man she loves most in her life,

so she naturally has some illusions and expectations for Jacob in her heart.

However, after all, she is a woman who has received higher education and has been a

decent woman all her life.

She knew that even though Jacob and Elaine had separated, their view of marriage still

existed. Based on this, she felt that she could not make a principled error anyway.

Although Elaine shamelessly used her body to intervene in her and Jacob’s feelings, she

was unwilling to do the same thing.

Just as she sighed in her heart, Jacob had already walked over with a wet towel.

Jacob wiped her forehead with a wet towel, and said, “Miqing, I bought you some

digestible dinners. After a while, I will help you go back to the room and lie down on the

bed. Then I will feed you something. In addition, you have already taken the anti-fever

medicine, I believe it will not take long for the fever to go away.”

Meiqing nodded: “Thanks for your hard work, Jacob, to be honest, I’m really hungry. I

haven’t eaten much all day.”

Jacob hurriedly said, “Hey, why didn’t you tell me earlier? You should have told me as

soon as you fell ill. In the end, you are fine. If I didn’t ask you on WeChat, you won’t tell

me the truth!

Meiqing said, “I don’t want to bother you either. I thought I can survive it. I didn’t expect

it to get worse.

Jacob sighed and said with affection: “If you have something like this in the future, you

must notify me as soon as possible. I will definitely come here as soon as possible,


Meiqing nodded and said gratefully: “Okay…I see…”

Jacob was satisfied, and said, “By the way, Meiqing, where is your temperature meter? I’ll

take your temperature again to see if it has improved.”

Meiqing nodded, pointed to a thermometer on the coffee table, and said, “Before you

came, I wanted to take another test, but I really don’t have any strength in my body. I

can’t shake the mercury thermometer, so, please. Give it a shake…”

Jacob hurriedly reached out and grabbed the thermometer in his hand. While shaking it,

he said distressedly: “Hey, I really didn’t know that Paul was on a business trip.

Otherwise, I must have come to see you a long time ago. You are sick at home. What

can I do if there are three long and two short…”

As he said, he handed the handed thermometer to Meiqing, and said, “Clip it quickly.

Next time, I will buy an electronic thermometer to avoid inconvenience for you.”

As soon as he finished his speech, he remembered something, and hurriedly changed

his words: “Don’t buy electronic ones. Electronic ones are not as accurate as mercury. If

you can’t shake it by yourself, ask me and I will help you.”

Meiqing nodded moved.

She was naturally very pleased with the thoughtfulness of Jacob in her heart, especially

when she was sick, she suddenly didn’t know where the sense of dependence grew.

So she said with a bit of shyness: “Thank you, Jacob.”

Chapter 2578

Jacob smiled and said, “You still have to say thank you to me? Didn’t you take care of

me like that back then?”

When Meiqing heard this, her face turned red.

She whispered helplessly: “It’s all about old and rotten grain, so don’t always talk about


“That’s how it works!” Jacob said emotionally, “I won’t forget what happened that day,

even if I die. I have wanted to tell you for so many years that I just didn’t have a chance. I

finally took a chance. You didn’t let me. Say……”

Meiqing also said helplessly: “I didn’t let you say…I am…I am…”

Speaking of this, she didn’t know how to continue on this topic, so she sighed and said,

“Hey, I just think that if you run to me so late, Elaine will definitely be angry if she finds

out. , Or you still go back quickly, lest Elaine will be unhappy.”

When Jacob heard her mention Elaine, he snorted coldly, and said, “Don’t mention that

shrew in front of me. If it weren’t for her, how could we two become like now? Maybe

we both Already married and have two or three children!”

Meiqing smiled helplessly and said seriously: “Some things are fate, and Elaine may not

really be to blame…”

“Of course it’s her!” Jacob said annoyedly, “I hate her as long as I think of you these


After that, Jacob waved his hand and said, “Okay, let’s not mention her anymore. It’s too

disappointing to mention her!”

Meiqing said, “I guess if I rest in bed for a while, I should be able to recover slowly. If

you have problems at home, you should go back sooner to avoid problems.”

Jacob did not expect that when he arrived at Meiqing’s house, she couldn’t wait to let

him go home.

This made him a little bit hurt.

However, he quickly blamed all of this on Elaine, and thought to himself: “Meiqing wants

me to go back. It’s definitely not that she doesn’t want to talk to me, but that she is

afraid of Elaine b!tch! Elaine stinky lady is really is haunting him everywhere!”

Thinking of this, he snorted angrily and said, “I won’t go! I won’t go anywhere until you

recover! What about Elaine? I don’t bother to pay attention to her at all. In my mind, she

still is not as important as the thermometer in your armpit!”

Meiqing didn’t know how to return him at once.

At this time, Jacob checked the time and said hurriedly, “Five minutes, show me the


Meiqing took out the thermometer carefully and handed it to Jacob.

Jacob glanced at it, then heaved a sigh of relief, and said, “It is 39 degrees right now.

You measured it at 39.2 degrees, right?”

Meiqing nodded.

Jacob said happily, “It has dropped by 0.2 degrees. Although the decline is not large, at

least it has begun to decline. I guess, if you lie down and eat something, take a good

rest, you should be able to get better. , I will help you upstairs!”

Meiqing hurriedly said, “Or don’t toss and lie on the bed and eat. I’ll just have a bite


When Jacob heard this, he hurriedly waved his hand and said, “How can that work! Are

you uncomfortable? Sitting here will only make you feel more uncomfortable the longer

you sit. Come, I will take you to bed and put two pillows on your back. You will feel

comfortable. As for eating, there is nothing to worry about, I will just feed you!”

Meiqing hesitated for a moment. Seeing Jacob’s expression firm, she nodded and said,

“Then…that will do it…you can help me to the elevator…”

Jacob was overjoyed and couldn’t help but sighed secretly, “Haha, here’s an


Chapter 2579

Seeing Meiqing promised to send her to the bedroom, Jacob was so excited that he


Ever since Meiqing came back, he has been looking forward to having the opportunity

to relive his old dream with her, and today is finally beginning to look forward to.

On weekdays, Meiqing is beautiful and dignified, and very independent. It is not easy to

approach such a woman.

But Jacob knew in his heart that no matter how strong a woman’s heart was, she would

immediately become soft who needed a man’s protection as long as she was sick for a


At this time, no matter how powerful a woman is, she will remove her defenses.

Jacob graciously helped Meiqing into the elevator of the villa until he reached the third


After Meiqing directed Jacob to send her into the bedroom, she lay on the bed with the

help of Jacob.

Jacob graciously helped her put two pillows behind her so that she could comfortably

lean against the soft head of the bed.

After Meiqing lay down, she said weakly to Jacob, “Jacob, I’m still very cold. Please help

me cover the quilt.”

Jacob said earnestly: “Meiqing, you have a high fever right now. It’s definitely not good

to be wrapped in a blanket. It is not conducive to dissipating heat. Maybe your body

temperature will get higher and higher.”

Meiqing nodded, and said helplessly: “But I really feel very cold now, from head to toe,

the whole person has been swaying non-stop, please help me to cover the quilt…”

Jacob sighed and said, “Let’s do it, I’ll cover the quilt for you first to keep you warm, and

then I’ll go to the bathroom to put a jar of warm water for you while keeping the water

while feeding you something. You’ll take a bath in the bathtub in a while.”

Meiqing asked suspiciously, “Can I take a bath if I have a fever?”

“Of course.” Jacob said: “Fever is actually the most important thing to cool down. Taking

a warm bath can quickly help you cool down your body temperature and relieve fatigue

to a great extent! Trust me, I won’t harm you.”

What Jacob said is also the truth. Whether it is an adult or a child, taking a bath can

effectively lower the body temperature in the case of fever, but it depends on the

situation. If the body is too weak, it is naturally inappropriate.

Jacob asked Meiqing to take a bath, on the one hand, out of concern, on the other

hand, he also thought that he could draw the distance between the two closer, and even

make a final breakthrough.

After all, if a weak woman wants to take a bath, he must help her before and after. In

that case, it is definitely the best time to launch a further offensive.

At this time, Meiqing didn’t think too much, she just felt that it was too uncomfortable.

She was suffering from the bone-to-shoulder cold that can only be felt when she had a

fever, and she was also suffering from various discomforts caused by the high fever. She

was very painful. Seems to make some sense, so he nodded and said, “Thank you,


Jacob said diligently: “Oh, you are welcome, you wait, I will put the water for you first.”

After that, Jacob hurried to the bathroom, opened the mixing valve of the bathtub, and

tested the water temperature, and found no problem. He quickly got out of the

bathroom and said to Meiqing on the bed: “Meiqing, I’ll feed you first. Eat something, it

will make you resistant!”

Meiqing nodded weakly and said, “I have a fever, and I don’t seem to have any appetite

or taste anymore. Or you can feed me two bites of millet porridge.”

“Okay!” Jacob hurriedly said: “Millet porridge is rich in carbohydrates. This kind of time

can replenish energy, and the most important thing is that it also nourishes the

stomach. It is most suitable for sick patients. You don’t know, to buy this bowl of millet. I

ran to several restaurants.”

Meiqing said touchedly, “Jacob, I made you bother…”

“It should be!” Jacob quickly opened the lunch box containing the millet porridge and

took out the soup spoon given by the restaurant. He first took a spoonful by himself,

took a bite, and said, “Well, the temperature is right. Come, Meiqing, eat more while it’s


Chapter 2580

With that, he hurriedly took another spoonful and handed it to Meiqing’s mouth.

Although Meiqing didn’t have any appetite, she thought of having to replenish energy

and nutrition when she was sick, so she forced herself to open her mouth and ate a

spoonful of millet porridge.

What surprised her was that as soon as this millet porridge entered her abdomen, she

felt an extraordinary flow of heat, flowing into the stomach along the esophagus,

dissolving in the stomach, and then making her feel the whole body warm.

This warm current is very rare for Meiqing, who has been feeling cold all the time. She

felt a lot more comfortable in an instant. She couldn’t help but exclaim, “Jacob, this

millet porridge is really comfortable to consume!”

Jacob smiled and said, “That is! I don’t study all kinds of health knowledge at ordinary

times. I already have experience! You used to stay in the United States often, and your

lifestyle is probably Westernized. They know to take medicine, but they don’t know to

drink a bowl of millet porridge. This is the wisdom of our ancestors!”

As he said, he handed the soup spoon to Meiqing’s mouth again, and said with a smile,

“Meiqing, hurry up and eat two more bites!”

Meiqing nodded. The bite of millet porridge just now made her feel that her whole

person’s spirit has been restored to a certain extent, so she took another bite without


It stands to reason that the effect of this rejuvenation pill is indeed very strong.

A rejuvenating pill can heal people who are dying on the spot, and it is simply a peerless

remedy for healing and saving lives.

Therefore, to deal with Meiqing’s fever and cold, it is simply an anti-aircraft gun hitting


However, although the effect of this Pill was very strong, Charlie also deliberately

controlled the dosage.

He just scraped off a little bit of powder from a rejuvenating pill and put it into the

porridge. The amount of medicine was originally small. Then, when diluted by a bowl of

porridge, the effect that can be really eaten with every bite is actually minimal.

But even so, having two mouthfuls of porridge made Meiqing more comfortable.

As a result, her physical and mental state became better and better before she knew it,

and her appetite improved. After a while, she drank a bowl of porridge completely.

Seeing that Meiqing had eaten so much porridge, Jacob’s complexion improved a lot.

He sighed with great relief, “Meiqing, I think your complexion has improved a lot!”

Meiqing asked, “Really? I feel much better myself…”

Jacob laughed and said, “Don’t tell me, this millet porridge is effective. As the old saying

goes, whole grains are the most nutritious!”

As he said, he thought of the bathtub still filled with water in the bathroom, and

hurriedly said, “Miqing, you just finished a bowl of porridge, so you can relax in bed first.

I will check if the water is ready. Come and help you in the bath.”

Meiqing nodded: “Okay, you go, thank you, Jacob!”

“What are you polite?” Jacob smiled and waved his hand, quickly put down the

tableware, and stepped into the bathroom.

As soon as he entered the bathroom, he rubbed his hands in excitement.

I couldn’t help feeling: “Oh! It seems that I and Meiqing have been separated for almost

thirty years! Thirty years, today I can finally relive the old dream with her!”

Thinking, he strode to the bathtub. At this time, the bathtub was half full. He stretched

out his hand to test the temperature of the water. Whether it was hot or cold was just


So, he hurriedly turned around and got out of the bathroom, and while walking out, he

said happily, “Miqing, the water is ready, you go and soak…er…I…I Go ahead…”

Chapter 2581

Before the word “bath” for Meiqing to take a bath was finished, Jacob was stunned by

the scene before him.

At this time, Meiqing had got out of bed and was standing by the bed.

She had already taken off the down jacket on her body. She was only wearing a single at

home, not to mention, the sleeves on both sides were struck above her elbows.

And at this time, Meiqing, how could the whole person still look like the sickness just


She can be said to be in excellent condition, energetic, ruddy, and shiny…

What’s even more exaggerated is that at this time, Meiqing was stretching her arms

vigorously. She might feel that it was not enough to relieve her hatred, so she simply

jumped on the spot twice.

Jacob was stunned, and he was shocked for a long time before returning to his senses.

He stammered and asked, “That…beautiful…Meiqing…you…what are you… Are you


Meiqing said in full aura: “Jacob, I feel like I am completely better! Thanks to your bowl

of millet porridge!”

Jacob felt that the whole world seemed to have become magical, and blurted out: “It’s

just a bowl of millet porridge, where is such a magical effect…”

While moving her body, Meiqing said earnestly, “But now I do feel that my whole person

is completely healed, not only is completely better, and the condition is much better

than when I was not sick before. Not only I don’t feel cold at all. , And it’s still very hot,

and more importantly, I feel like I’m having endless energy…”

“This…” Jacob was almost crying, and said with a gloomy look: “This…what’s going on? I

live such a big life, I never heard that millet porridge is so big. The effect of this is not

reasonable, this…”

Meiqing pinched her waist with one hand, raised her hand high, and stretched it to the

side, and said without changing her face: “I also think it’s very magical as if you put

some elixir in millet porridge…”

Jacob sighed, “I…Where did I get the elixir…”

As he said, he hurriedly asked, “Meiqing, then…are you still soaking in the bath?”

Meiqing shook her head and said hurriedly, “Jacob, what time do you plan to go


Jacob asked depressedly: “Meiqing…you should chase me away when you get better…”

Meiqing hurriedly said, “Oh, where did you want to go? Am I that kind of person? I want

to call you to exercise together, but I am afraid that it will delay you too long, and it will

be difficult to explain to your wife after you go home.”

“Exercise?” Jacob subconsciously became a little fanciful, and hurriedly said, “It’s okay,

it’s okay! No matter what time I go back, I have no problem! I have to have two or three


Meiqing said excitedly, “That’s great!”

Jacob asked subconsciously, “Meiqing, you…what exercise do you want to do?”

Meiqing blurted out: “I want to go for a run by the river! You first wait for me at the

door, I’ll put on sportswear and then we will go!”

“What?!” Jacob said with a look of shock, “Going for a run by the river at night?!”

Meiqing nodded and said, “Yeah! I feel like I am full of energy right now, so I especially

want to go out for a run, and have a good run!”

After that, she looked at the time and said, “That’s not too late. It’s just seven o’clock.

Many people who like to run at night usually start at this time and run until half-past


Jacob’s desire is gone.

“What the hell is going on? When did the fever get better so quickly? Under normal

circumstances, isn’t the body extremely weak after a high fever? But right now, it doesn’t

seem to be in line with common sense at all. …..”

Just when Jacob was full of depression and surprise, Meiqing urged a little anxiously:

“Jacob, are you willing to go? If you want to leave, I can’t help it! “

Jacob is too embarrassed to say it?

“If I don’t go, Meiqing will go for a run. I can’t stay at someone’s house, right? Even if I

stay at her house, what can I do by myself? I can’t go to her bathroom for a bath, right?

His fate is too weird…”

Chapter 2582

Thinking of this, Jacob could only say with a sad look: “Okay, since you want to run, then

I must accompany you!”

“That’s great!” Meiqing hurriedly said, “Then you go out first, I’ll get dressed quickly and

we will set off immediately!”

“Okay…” Jacob, who was so depressed, could only agree, turned around with a sullen

expression, and left the door.

This bedroom, in his eyes, was the tender hometown he had been away from for nearly

30 years.

But now, he can only stand outside the door, waiting for Meiqing to change clothes


The key is that after she changes clothes, she has to take him to run…

Depressed, Jacob sighed, covering his face with one hand, and holding his head with the

other, before squatting down at the door of Meiqing’s bedroom.

When he squatted down, he was still wondering: “Where is the problem? Is it possible

that millet porridge really has such a magical effect?!”

Three minutes later, the bedroom door opened.

Meiqing stepped out. At this time, she put on a full set of tight running clothes and tied

her long hair in a ponytail. She looked like a fifty-year-old woman, and there were many

people who said she was thirty, and later seemed true.

She saw Jacob actually squatting on the ground and hurriedly asked, “Jacob, why are

you squatting here for?”

Jacob quickly stood up and said awkwardly, “It’s okay, I’ll rest for a while…”

After that, he took a closer look at Meiqing, who was wearing tights, and that perfect

figure almost made him see his eyes off.

He really didn’t expect that Meiqing would still maintain such a good figure after being

so old.

Because this kind of tights is very revealing of the pros and cons of the body, if the body

has a little fat, you can see clearly under this kind of tights.

But Meiqing’s figure can hardly fault her.

Seeing Jacob in a daze, Meiqing felt a little bit ashamed, but she didn’t care too much,

and hurriedly said, “Let’s go out, I’m almost out of the heat!”

Jacob could only nod angrily and followed her downstairs.

The villa area where she lives is not far from the riverside. After going out from the front

door of the community, after passing a green area and crossing a road, you will be

directly on the riverside road.

Over the years, the state has been encouraging people to strengthen physical exercise.

Therefore, the City built a 20-kilometer-long road along the riverside, half of which was

a track paved with rubber particles, specifically for citizens to run.

Meiqing lives here since she moved here, and basically, she has to run a lap every day.

The reason why she has such a good figure is that she has continued to exercise for


On the other hand, Jacob, although his body is not bad, is the standard of an ordinary

middle-aged person. He rarely exercises. Apart from drinking tea, bead beads, and

walnuts, the biggest exercise is to chat with others in the Calligraphy and Painting

Association. , The lips are more neat than the legs.

Therefore, as soon as he ran with Meiqing, he was a little out of breath and couldn’t

keep up within three minutes.

But on the other hand, Meiqing is almost as if she was beaten up. With such a small

amount of exercise, let alone panting, there is no change in her complexion.

Soon, Jacob really couldn’t hold it anymore, panting and saying,

“Beautiful…Meiqing…that…that…I really…… I really can’t run, let’s… shall we rest for a


Not only did Meiqing not feel tired, but she felt that she hadn’t even begun to enter the


So she hurriedly said: “Jacob, why don’t you walk slowly by yourself, I will run for a while

and then come back to find you? I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I feel that my

strength is useless, I can only rely on two The legs are exhausted, so I can’t stop at all…”

Jacob gritted his teeth and said, “Then…then I will be with you…”

After speaking, he quickly used the strength of the milk and followed desperately…

Chapter 2583

When Jacob broke his leg with Meiqing on the riverside, Charlie was only the last few

kilometers away from Song’s manor in the outskirts of the City.

At this time, in the banquet hall of the Song Family Manor, the father and daughter of

the Ito family, Emi Ito and Koichi Tanaka, were accompanied by Warnia, chatting with

Mr. Song.

Although the Song family’s cooperation with Nippon Steel relied on Charlie to cure

Nippon Steel’s chairman Shinwa Watanabe, it was also thanks to Ito Yuhiko’s


Moreover, after Warnia had an accident in Japan and was rescued by Charlie, it was also

thanks to the care of the Ito family.

Therefore, Mr. Song was very kind to the guests of Ito’s house.

As for Nanako, she was busy chatting with Warnia and it was all the whispers between

women. The two kept whispering, often laughing out of control as if they were good


And the Akita dog that Nanako brought was lying on her feet obediently, staring

curiously everywhere with round eyes.

Just in time, Qin Gang took Aoxue his daughter, and Charlie arrived at Song’s house one

step at a time.

As soon as the father and daughter entered the banquet hall, Warnia hurriedly got up

and waved to Aoxue, “Aoxue, come here!”

Aoxue saw Warnia and Nanako, and quickly waved at them.

Seeing Nanako, Aoxue felt a little bit embarrassed in her heart. After all, she

inadvertently injured Nanako very badly in the previous game. In addition, she was a lot

weaker than Nanako. Charlie’s pill was only able to counterattack, so she felt even more


Immediately afterward, she saw the Akita lying at Nanako’s feet. She was immediately

attracted by the puppies’ naive appearance and screamed, “Wow! Is it Momotaro?! My

goodness, it’s so amazing. So cute!!!”

As she said, she ran over.

Her bluff attracted everyone’s attention.

Qin Gang suddenly said with a little embarrassment to Old Man Song and the rest of the

Ito family: “Sorry everyone, this girl has no rules and always makes a fuss…”

After speaking, he was about to reprimand Aoxue twice, but Aoxue had already run to

the Akita dog, squatting down and reaching out to tease the dog.

Qin Gang shook his head helplessly, and Mr. Song said with a smile at this moment: “Mr.

Qin Gang, come and sit down and let me introduce you to Mr. Ito from the Japanese Ito


Qin Gang hurried forward and shook hands with everyone in the Ito family one by one,

and said apologetically, “I’m really sorry for just now. The little girl likes to tease cats and

dogs all day long. Please bear with her.”

Ito Xiuhiko smiled and said, “Mr. Qin doesn’t have to be so polite. Little girls are like this.

Your Aoxue is about the same age as our Nanako. Although they are in their early

twenties, they are still little girls. I can’t understand this state better.”

Qin Gang nodded and smiled: “Indeed, the children of our two families are all about the

same age, and they both love martial arts. Hey, sometimes I get worried. You said this

little girl doesn’t like piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting. They like dancing knives

and guns, kicking sandbags at home every day, and kicking two of them a week, do you

think you can stand this…”

Yuhiko Ito smiled and said, “I used to like to supervise children. Not only did they let

them learn martial arts, but also let them learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting,

and even tea ceremony flower arrangement. I always wanted to cultivate her into a real

fine lady.”

Speaking of this, Ito Xiuhiko sighed, and said, “But now I think about it. As long as the

child is happy and doesn’t go wrong, it’s enough. Let her explore the rest. .”

“Yes.” Qin Gang nodded and said with a smile, “I can’t control her now, so I don’t bother

to control her either.”

Here, Aoxue’s attention was almost completely attracted by the Akita dog.

Chapter 2584

While stroking Akita’s head, she looked expectantly at Nanako, and asked, “Nanako, is

this dog really for me?”

“That’s right!” Nanako nodded and smiled and said seriously: “It’s called Momotaro. He

is a little boy. Although he is a boy, he has a good temper and good learning ability.

From now on, I will ask for your care!”

Aoxue was extremely excited and gratefully said, “Nanako, thank you so much!”

Nanako smiled and said, “Everyone is a friend, what are you doing so politely.”

Aoxue blushed and said, “I…I’m sorry…I hurt you like that in the game before, and I

haven’t had a chance to say sorry to you…”

Nanako hurriedly said, “Since it’s a competition, there will be winners and losers, and

some people will be injured. Everyone is playing fair. Sorry, don’t take it to your heart.”

Aoxue said embarrassedly, “But…but…but I was…I was…”

Suddenly, Aoxue didn’t know how to explain it.

After struggling for a while, she gritted her teeth and blurted out: “But I didn’t rely on

my own ability to win you at the time. I relied all on Master Wade’s help…So after all, I

couldn’t win that match… …”

Nanako smiled slightly and said seriously: “Aoxue, everyone has their own different

chances. It’s like some people master higher-level fighting skills, while some people

master better ways to strengthen the body, so there is nothing to win or lose, besides,

thanks to you wounding me, Mr. Wade will be thinking about helping me heal the

injury. It is precisely because of Mr. Wade’s concern that my entire family and I will be

saved by him. After all, I thank you that it is not too late…”

“Ah?!” Aoxue asked in surprise, “Is there anything like this?!”

Nanako nodded: “It sounds outrageous, but it is true. If Mr. Wade had not come to

Kyoto to heal me, I would have been dead now.”

When Warnia heard this, she felt a little sour in her heart.

Before she knew Nanako, she thought that she was the only one who allowed Charlie to

travel thousands of miles to rescue.

But it turns out that Charlie did the same to Nanako.

While sighing with emotion, Warnia also recovered, and she couldn’t help reminding

her: “Warnia, Warnia, how can you be jealous with a little girl… After all, Master Wade

has a wife, his sweetheart is Claire, not Nanako, nor you Warnia…”

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help sighing, her heart depressed.

Nanako heard her sigh and hurriedly asked, “Sister Warnia? Why did you suddenly sigh?

Is it in a bad mood?”

Warnia hurriedly waved her hand to deny: “No, I just thought that I almost died in Japan

back then. Thanks to Master Wade’s help, I couldn’t help feeling a little…”

Nanako nodded sympathetically.

The reason why she and Warnia get along very well and treat her as a sister in her heart,

is because the two are too similar in many ways.

Both of them are the eldest ladies of a big family, but they also encountered the danger

of almost losing their lives more than once, and both of them were rescued by Charlie at

the critical moment of their lives…

More importantly, Nanako can see that Warnia, like herself, loves Charlie deeply…

Therefore, having such a similar experience gave her a feeling of sympathy deep in her


Chapter 2585

Aoxue felt a little lost when she heard the two talk about being rescued by Charlie.

She held Momotaro in her arms, sat down on the ground, and sighed, “Hey, I suddenly

envy you…”

The two couldn’t help looking at her at the same time. Warnia asked, “Aoxue, what do

you envy us for?”

Aoxue said earnestly: “I envy you all for having the experience of being saved by the

hero like Master Wade. Why haven’t I encountered such a thing…”

Nanako hurriedly interrupted her, blurting out: “Aoxue, don’t talk nonsense! This kind of

thing is not a joke!”

“That’s right!” Warnia also said extremely solemnly: “This kind of flag must not stand in

disorder! Peace and safety is the most important thing!”

Aoxue whispered: “But…but I really envy you…”

Seeing her hopelessness, Warnia and Nanako couldn’t help but glance at each other

and laughed bitterly at the same time.

On the one hand, the two of them were surprised by Aoxue’s amazing brain circuit, and

on the other hand, they couldn’t help feeling in their hearts. It seemed that Aoxue, like

the two of them, loved Charlie deeply in her heart, otherwise it would not be possible to

have such an idea suddenly.

Warnia looked at Aoxue and said with a smile: “You, don’t envy others indiscriminately.

In fact, I am quite envious of your experience of Master Wade escorting you at every

critical moment. It’s like being protected by a prince all the way. Little princess, don’t

need to see the sins in the world.”

Aoxue blushed all of a sudden, and said vaguely, “Ah…Where…I am not Master Wade’s

little princess… .”

Warnia nodded, looked at Nanako, and smiled: “It seems that Aoxue doesn’t want to be

Master Wade’s little princess. When we turn around, we have to remind Master Wade.”

Nanako nodded in agreement and said, “Yes, when Mr. Charlie arrives, I’ll find a chance

to tell him.”

Aoxue was anxious and blurted out: “Oh, don’t get me wrong…I didn’t mean that…”

Warnia deliberately asked her, “Then what do you mean?”

Aoxue replied with shame, “I…I think…I think Master Wade will not treat me as his little


Warnia smiled and said, “Aoxue, listen to what you mean, don’t you like Master Wade?”

“Ah…” Aoxue was startled, blushing immediately and waving her hand: “I don’t…I really


“I don’t believe it.” Warnia smiled: “You must like Master Wade. Look at you, your face is


“Yes.” Nanako also joked: “It looks like a ripe red apple. I can’t wait to take a bite. If Mr.

Charlie saw it, maybe he would have the same idea… .”

Aoxue suddenly covered her face with her hands, and said shyly: “Don’t talk nonsense, I

didn’t blush…”

Although she said so, she was very worried in her heart. She hurriedly stood up and said

hurriedly, “Sister Warnia, Nanako, I…I’ll go to the bathroom, you guys… talk first…”

After speaking, she ran away quickly.

Warnia and Nanako looked at her back and couldn’t help but smile at each other.

Warnia said seriously, “Nanako, do you mean Master Wade?”

Nanako pursed her mouth and said seriously, “I don’t know if Charlie is not a flower, but

I feel that he is a flower himself, and a flower that attracts bees and butterflies…”

Chapter 2586

Warnia nodded in admiration, and said with emotion: “Apart from him, there may be no

other flower that can attract bees and butterflies…”

At this moment, the men in the other corner of the banquet hall also talked happily.

After everyone chatted, Mr. Song looked at Qin Gang and smiled: “By the way, President

Qin, don’t you have a lot of exports to Japan recently? You can get in touch with Mr. Ito

in the future to see if there is any good cooperation, just set a direction.”

Ito Yuihiko asked curiously: “Oh? Mr. Qin also has business in Japan?”

Qin Gang nodded and said truthfully: “To be honest, I was originally in the business of

medicinal materials, originally only for China’s domestic market, but recently the export

volume from Japan has soared, accounting for half of all my medicinal materials sales,

even It’s still growing.”

Yuhiko Ito asked in surprise, “How much does Mr. Qin supply to Japan?”

Qin Gang said with a respectful expression: “I am afraid, these medicinal materials are all

supplied to Master Wade’s JX Pharmaceutical. Didn’t Master Wade buy Kobayashi

Pharmaceutical in Japan some time ago, and then handed over all the supply of

medicinal materials for several production lines to me.”

“That’s it!” Ito Yuihiko suddenly understood.

Before, he also wanted to invest in JX Pharmaceutical, but he didn’t expect to have a

little unhappy with Charlie because of this, so Charlie was scammed by 4.5 billion US


At first, Ito Yuihiko thought that the 4.5 billion US dollars must not be given to Charlie

so easily, but then Charlie saved his daughter, avoided the Ito family from being

harmed, and even saved his own life. Kindness made him stop thinking about the 4.5

billion dollar thing a long time ago. Even if he thinks about it, he doesn’t feel distressed

at all but feels lucky.

In fact, there is another very important reason why Ito Yuihiko doesn’t care about the 4.5

billion US dollars now, that is, the Ito family survived the Tokyo chaos almost intact.

On the other hand, the Takahashi family and the Matsumoto family suffered a heavy

loss and the other was wiped out.

The Ito family relied on the integration of their resources and markets, and their

strength increased rapidly. This huge increase is simply not comparable to US$4.5


Therefore, not only did Ito not hate Charlie but instead regarded Charlie as the

benefactor of the entire Ito family.

Qin Gang is actually the same. He sighed with respect and emotion: “Since Master Wade

handed over the supply of medicinal materials for JX Pharmaceutical to the Qin family,

the family’s business volume has more than doubled, and the revenue growth ratio has

been higher… .”

“More importantly, Master Wade is not like other manufacturers. Other manufacturers

like to keep prices down.”

“Of these companies I work with, the longest billing period is over half a year!”

“Take the previous Wei’s Pharmaceuticals, for the raw materials I gave him in January, he

has to wait for July to settle the bill!”

“During this period, I will continue to supply the raw materials for the five months from

February to June, which is equivalent to being in the hands of their family alone, which

has suppressed my half-year payment for goods, and the financial pressure is extremely


“However, now working with Master Wade, Master Wade has never pressured any

settlement. As long as the medicinal materials supplied by me have arrived and passed

the inspection, the finance will transfer the money to me immediately…”

Elder Song, who was on the side, smiled slightly and said with emotion: “You, me, and

everyone, have been greatly favored by Master Wade. If it weren’t for Master Wade, we

wouldn’t be in the state we are today…”

After speaking, he looked at Warnia who was chatting with Nanako and Aoxue, and

exclaimed, “If it weren’t for Master Wade, Warnia and I would have died long ago, and

the Song family would not have us today…”

Ito Yuhiko also sighed: “Yeah! If it weren’t for Master Wade, not only would the little girl

be killed by the murderer, but the Matsumoto family’s fate might have to be borne by

the Ito family…”

Qin Gang hurriedly said, “Since everyone has received the favor of Master Wade, then

Master will come later, we must respect him with two more cups!”

At this moment, Charlie just stepped forward under the leadership of the housekeeper.

Hearing Qin Gang’s words, he smiled and said, “What? You guys are discussing it well.

Do you want to drink for me all night?”

Chapter 2587

Seeing Charlie came, Qin Gang was first to stand up and respectfully said: “!! Master

leaves you to come and we are when it comes to You”

Charlie smiled and said: “I heard, you said a little later I drink a few glasses to keep it?”

Qin hastily laughed: “You really want to drink a few glasses, but certainly did not want to

fill you mean.”

Charlie smiled, then said to Father Song said: “Mr. Song, how have you been recently?”

Father Song nodded respectfully said: “Mr. Wade, thanks to you, my decrepit body is in

very good shape.”

Charlie nodded. At this moment, Ito Yuihiko beckoned to Charlie and said respectfully,

“Hello, Mr. Wade, we meet again!”

Charlie already guessed Ito Takehiko somehow here, however, the natural surface was

normal and he pretended to be very surprised and said: “Oh, it is Mr. Ito, I did not think

you were here.”

Then, Charlie looks to his side and Ito, smiled and said: “Ms. Ito, and Mr. Tanaka are also


Megumi Ito quickly stood up, gave a ninety bow, and said: “Hello Mr. Wade!”

Without his lower limbs, Tanaka could only put his hands together and said, “Hello, Mr.


Charlie nodded slightly, not far from the Warnia to chat with Nanako, blushed slightly

and said: “! Charlie!”

Charlie looked at Nanako, and saw that she was still soft and watery, and said with a

smile: “Nanako, I have heard Warnia say that you are coming to Aurous Hill for a

concert, but I didn’t expect you to come so early.”

Nanako said shyly, “Charlie, I just happened to be not that busy recently, so I wanted to

take this opportunity to come to Aurous Hill to relax and take a break.”

Charlie nodded, smiled, and asked her: “how not tell me ahead of time before coming?”

Nanako pursed her mouth, and said in a low voice, “I…I…I wanted to give you a little

surprise, so I didn’t say anything, please don’t be angry… “

Charlie laughed: “how could it be, but next time you may consider telling me in advance,

that time I would prepare to give you a welcoming dinner.”

Nanako quickly said: “Ok, next time I will tell you in advance!”

Charlie nodded, aside Warnia said with a smile: “? Mr. Wade, do you think we do not

want to take a seat now.”

“Okay.” Charlie said with a smile: “I’m sorry to let you wait for me for so long. The

journey was from a bit far away. I just happened to see my father-in-law.”

Father Song then stood up, smiled, and said: “We were just talking about you, as you

arrived here.”

Charlie laughed: “Mr. Song, you are the master, of course, that you have to be seated


Father Song would like to shirk, but Charlie insisted: “Come, sit down at your main seat

up, you are sitting next to me.”

Seeing Father Song did not refuse, quickly said: “I will follow whatever you order Mr.


At this time, Aoxue, who had just splashed her face with cold water, also came out of the

bathroom. Seeing Charlie coming, she immediately ran to the front with excitement, and

said excitedly, “Master Wade, you are here!”

Charlie looked at her and nodded and smiled: “Aoxue is also here.”

“. Yes,” Aoxue happy to say: “Nanako brought me an Akita dog, I came here to pick it.”

Then, she blushed and said: “Mr. Wade, do you want to play with it?”

Qin Gang blurted out and scolded: “Aoxue! Didn’t you see that everyone is going to eat

at the table? You know you are fooling around, and sit down next to me.”

Chapter 2588

Aoxue curled her lips when she was reprimanded, and said angrily, “I know Dad…”

Charlie smiled at this time: “The dog will let the housekeeper take care of him first, and

then play with him after eating.”

Father Song hurriedly ordered the housekeeper to take the dog out first.

Everyone sat down one by one.

On Charlie’s left is Mr. Song, and on his right is Ito Takehiko.

As for Emi Ito and Koichi Tanaka, they were originally beaten to death and did not want

to be on the table, but Charlie still kept them.

The relationship between master and servant in Japanese society is very clear.

Sometimes the title of a predecessor can kill a person, but here it is relatively less rigid,

and Charlie is not the kind of person who cares about these details, so he can tell them

to sit together..

Emi Ito and Koichi Tanaka are naturally flattered.

After everyone was seated, Mr. Song asked everyone to pour the wine. This time the

wine is still the same Moutai. In the upper class, this is the most popular brand and the

only choice for foreign guests and envoys at the state banquet.

Moreover, the Maotai collected by Mr. Song are almost all treasures that the rich can’t

buy on the market. Just take out a bottle, and it has a history of at least 20 years.

After the servant poured white wine for everyone, Ito Yuihiko couldn’t help holding up a

glass, sniffed it under his nose, and exclaimed: “It really is China’s national wine! The fragrance alone is enough to be intoxicating.”

Mr. Song asked curiously: “Oh? Mr. Ito also has research on Chinese liquor?”

Yuhiko Ito nodded and said earnestly: “You said, in Japan, ordinary people love beer and sake. Young people love whiskey and red wine. Some older upper-class members and members of established families My favorite is actually Huaxia’s baijiu.”

After speaking, he exclaimed: “After all, the cultures in Japan originated from China, and the wine culture is the same.”

“Old-fashioned Japanese families require their children to learn Chinese culture from an early age, so we learned from the records in historical books that ancient Chinese said that “the world’s fine wine is the only one in the world”.”

“A few decades ago, Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka visited China, and he also expressed this feeling.”

“When we studied Tang poetry and Song Ci, in order to find the uninhibited feeling of

ancient Chinese poets, we even went to find a few cups of Chinese white wine. The

hearty feeling is really nostalgic…”

Mr. Song nodded and said with a smile, “That’s right, take advantage of today’s

opportunity, you must drink a few more glasses! If you like to drink, when you return to

Japan, I will have someone prepare a batch for you to take back!”

Ito Yuihiko said, “Thank you, Mr. Song! If Mr. Song has time, come to Japan for a few

days, and I will entertain you all the time!”

Father Song smiled and said, “Okay, I must come over and disturb you if I have a


After all, he looked at Charlie and said respectfully: “Master Wade, why don’t you have

an opening remark? Let’s toast and meet each other.”

Charlie smiled and said, “You are the head of the family. If I were to say the opening

remarks, wouldn’t it be overwhelming?”

Mr. Song firmly said, “You are the great benefactor of the Song family. You are here.

This is your home court. We are all sitting there thanks to your care and favor. The

opening remarks from you are absolutely suitable. That’s it!”

Charlie was silent for a moment, nodded, and said, “Okay!”

After all, he stood up, holding a wine glass, and said seriously: “First of all, welcome Mr.

Ito and his family to Aurous Hill. I have no good impressions of most Japanese

companies and entrepreneurs, but Mr. Ito still impresses me.”

“So, I also hope that Mr. Ito can cooperate more with the Song family, with the Qin

family, and with JX Pharmaceutical in the future!”

“Everyone strives to achieve resource exchange, resource development, and resource

symbiosis. Together, we will find more opportunities and incubate more projects.”

Chapter 2589

As soon as Charlie said this, the expressions of Old Song and Qin Gang became a little


They knew that Charlie was actually helping them match up.

The Ito family is now the strongest family in Japan, and its asset scale is also trillions of

yuan converted into RMB. The Song family, but just entered the 100 billion club, Qin

Gang is now halfway from the threshold of the 100 billion club.

Therefore, if they can cooperate with the Ito family, it is indeed a high climb for both of

them. If the Ito family really cooperates with them, it will definitely bring them more

growth opportunities!

Naturally, Ito Yuihiko knew Charlie’s intentions, so he said almost without hesitation:

“Since Mr. Wade has said so, then our Ito family will naturally go all out to cooperate

with Ms. Song and Mr. Qin!”

As he said, he looked at Warnia and said seriously: “Miss Song, have you already started

cooperating with Nippon Steel? After your new project is completed and put into

production, all the real estate development projects of our Ito family will purchase

Song’s in addition to the products of the joint venture between us, several of our

shipyards will transfer all steel orders over!”

When Warnia heard this, she was immediately stunned!

The cooperation between the Song family and Nippon Steel will focus on special steel in

the future. Ito Takehiko’s words are tantamount to binding a solid high-quality large

customer to the steel industry of the Song family.

In the real economy, the most important thing is to find high-quality customers. A

foundry company like Foxconn can bind a company like Apple to generate tens of

billions of output value in a year. Such customers are the most important resource thing

in the real industry.

So, Warnia said with surprise and joy, “Mr. Ito, thank you so much!”

Yuihiko Ito waved his hand and smiled: “You don’t have to be so polite. In future

cooperation like this, just let Nanako directly connect with you. She will definitely give

you as many resources as possible, and we will work together for a win-win situation.”

Nanako Ito took the conversation, nodded, and smiled: “Yes, Sister Warnia, we must

strengthen cooperation in the future. If your Song Group wants to develop overseas,

you are welcome to come to Japan for a visit, and then we can work together!”

Warnia folded her hands together and said gratefully, “Thank you very much! It just so

happens that Nanako and you will be staying in Aurous Hill for many days this time. You

can also take a look at some of the current industrial plans of our Song family and see if

there are any projects worthy of cooperation.”

Nanako Ito nodded without hesitation and said, “It’s okay. Sister Warnia will work hard

to help me introduce the current situation of the Song Group in detail!”

At this time, Ito looked at Qin Gang and said with a smile: “Mr. Qin, I don’t know what

business does the Qin family do besides medicinal materials business?”

Qin Gang said hurriedly: “In fact, our previous business lines were quite complicated. In

addition to medicinal materials, we also did some retail and trade businesses, including

antiques, automobiles, and some heavy industrial and mining equipment.”

Ito Nodded and smiled: “I don’t know much about antiques, but if you do automobile

trade and heavy industrial and mining equipment, if you need to import from Japan, you

can contact me, Japanese automobile companies, and many well-known heavy

industries. The bosses of the companies are very familiar with me. If they don’t

cooperate, I can help you match up. If you have already cooperated, I can help you get

better terms.”

When Qin Gang heard this, he immediately said excitedly: “That’s really a thank you to

Mr. Ito. To be honest, we do still have a few brands that we want to cooperate with. If

possible, please help us to connect.”

Ito Nodded and said with a smile: “Mr. Qin, don’t worry, I still have some face in this


Chapter 2590

After speaking, Ito looked at Charlie and said seriously: “Mr. Wade, the Su family’s ocean

shipping license was revoked recently. It is definitely a good opportunity to quickly enter

this field. I wonder if you are interested?”

Charlie waved his hand and said with a smile: “I don’t know anything about ocean

transportation, and I don’t even have a transport ship, so I’m talking about ocean


Ito Yuihiko hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, the ship is actually not a problem. In fact, most

ocean shipping companies all over the world rent freighters and oil tankers, just like

most airlines are rented. Some companies are good at operations, but not good at

heavy asset management and fixed asset planning; while some companies are good at

fixed asset investment but not good at operations. This is like many companies that

open global chain retail stores, but generally do not choose to buy shops on their own,

and those real estate developers who invest in shopping malls often only rent shops to

merchants and collect rent themselves.”

“A large part of the world’s ships and airplanes are purchased by leasing companies.

They usually place orders with manufacturers early. After the orders are delivered, the

ships and airplanes are not enough for themselves, so they just rent them out and start

collecting them. Renting makes money.”

“Now a large number of cargo ships of the Su family are idle, and many of them are

leased. If they cannot resume normal operations in a short period of time, they are

unable to afford so much rent. They are very likely to cancel their leases in batches. At

that time, there will be a large number of freighter resources released in the market. You

can eat it on a large scale, and then take the opportunity to grab the Su family’s ocean

transportation business!”

When Mr. Song on the side heard this, he couldn’t help sighing: “Ocean shipping is

indeed a very, very profitable industry. Now the vast majority of international trade

logistics rely on shipping, so as long as the countries and countries on the earth are still

working normally The ocean shipping industry will continue to grow.”

With that, he looked at Charlie, and said, “Mr. Wade, your JX Pharmaceutical now has

the momentum to sell well all over the world. You might as well take this opportunity of

a lifetime to start ocean transportation, and in the future, it will be important to the

global logistics of JX Pharmaceutical. Transportation also helps a lot.”

Qin Gang couldn’t help but said, “Mr. Song, I have no intention of arguing with you, but

Mr. Wade’s JX Pharmaceutical, which produces all medicines, is small in size and light in

weight. If it is sold globally in the future, it will be shipped to one country at a time. At

most two or three containers are great, but a freighter often has thousands of

containers. The demand and supply are not equal…”

Mr. Song laughed and said, “Of course it is not equal to relying on JX Pharmaceutical,

but have you ever thought about it, your import and export trade, your car import

business, don’t you have to rely on shipping? And all you do are imported cars. In our

domestic market, imported cars are nothing more than so few origins. The most recent

is Japan, followed by Germany, France, Italy, and the farthest is the United States. As far

as I know, one standard container can hold two cars. Imported luxury cars have a huge

demand for ocean transportation!”

Qin Gang slapped his thigh and smiled: “Mr. Song can see thoroughly. I only think about

Mr. Wade’s JX Pharmaceutical, but I didn’t even think about including my own business!”

Mr. Song continued: “When our joint venture with Nippon Steel is completed and put

into operation, we will have a very high demand for iron ore. Iron ore is generally

imported from Brazil or Australia, and a ship is loaded with more than a dozen. Ten

thousand or even hundreds of thousands of tons, the demand for ocean shipping is also

huge. If Mr. Wade runs ocean shipping, it will actually be good news for everyone!”

Charlie hasn’t spoken, but he couldn’t help but feel a little moved in his heart.

“JX Pharmaceutical will definitely go global in the future, but with only one JX

Pharmaceutical, it will be difficult for me to catch up with the top old families like the

Wade family and the Su family.”

“At the moment, when the Su family is at its weakest, why don’t I take the opportunity

to grab the Su family’s business?”

“In this case, I will not only make my assets stronger but also greatly weaken the Su


“Moreover, didn’t Grandpa Zhongquan always want me to return to Wade’s house?

Since he asks me, then I can ask the family not to directly compete with me in the field

of ocean transportation!”

“In this way, even if the Wade family wants to take advantage of the Su family’s share,

they have to step aside for me!”

“This is not two birds with one stone, but three birds with one stone!”

Chapter 2591

Charlie now has sufficient funds in his hand, and there is also a money printing machine

that is constantly making money, JX Pharmaceutical, so it is really not difficult for him to

start ocean transportation.

Whether it is setting up a company, docking a dock, or leasing a freighter, there is no

problem with funding.

However, the most critical issue is that if you want to start such a large piece of new

business, you must have someone with sufficient ability to take care of it.

The first thing Charlie thought of was Doris.

Needless to say, Doris’s ability and his character is absolutely trustworthy.

However, the only problem is that Doris still has to manage the Emgrand Group. If she is

asked to take the lead for ocean transportation at the same time, she may be lacking.

After thinking for a moment, Charlie decided to wait for Doris to come back from Hong

Kong and talk to her first to see if she had any good ideas, or if she knew other talents

who were good at management.

Therefore, he said to everyone, “Thank you for your suggestions. I will carefully consider

the ocean shipping.”

Ito Yuihiko hurriedly said, “If Mr. Wade wants to do it, I will definitely support!”

Warnia also said without hesitation: “Master Wade, I am also willing to support you


Qin Gang hurriedly said, “Master Wade, and me! When I go back tonight, I will call Tailai.

He is deeply rooted in Haicheng, and it seems that he has also taken a stake in the port

of Haicheng. If you choose Haicheng, with his assistance, you will be able to get twice

the result with half the effort!”

Charlie nodded and said, “Alright, you can help me ask about Tailai’s situation. After I go

back, I will give it a comprehensive consideration.”

Qin Gang quickly agreed, “OK, Master Wade!”

Just as Charlie was at the dinner table and was tempted by ocean transportation, in the

other city nearby, at the lakeside villa, Su’s were also eating, and suddenly received a tip.

After listening to the newsletter, he immediately said to Zynn with a dark face, “Zynn, I

just got the message that Ito Yuhiko of the Ito family has gone to Aurous Hill!”

“What?!” Zynn exclaimed, “Dad, how come Ito Takehiko went to Aurous Hill? The Ito

family doesn’t seem to have any business in Aurous Hill.”

The old man Chengfeng said solemnly, “Although I don’t know what business the Ito

family has in Aurous Hill, I think things are not simple this time, because a bear is like his

sister, and his loyalty All of his subordinates chose to stay at Shangri-La in Aurous Hill!”

“Shangri-La?!” Zynn blurted out, “Isn’t that the Wade family’s property?”

Chapter 2592

“Yes!” Chengfeng Su gritted his teeth and said: “Aurous Hill was originally in the Wade

family’s sphere of influence, belonging to the Wade family’s territory. Suddenly Ito

Yuhiko went to Aurous Hill. It is very strange in itself. He chose to stay at the Wade

family hotel. It’s even more dangerous.”

Zynn hurriedly asked, “Dad, are you worried that the Ito family will cooperate with the

Wade family?”

“Yes.” Chengfeng said earnestly: “At present, our ocean shipping industry has been

suspended across the board. For a while, the entire industry is in turmoil. On the one

hand, because of our suspension, there is a huge gap in the demand for international

shipping that could not be met. Not counting the increase. On the other hand, the

rented ships in our hands will be released to the shipowners. Once released to the

shipowners, these ships will become the items that other families and businesses

compete with each other for. Among them, the threat is the greatest, it is from the

Wade Family!”

Zynn pondered for a moment, and said, “Dad, if Wade’s and the Ito family get on the

line, it will be too bad for us! Maybe the Wade family will completely overtake the Su

family because of this opportunity!”

Chengfeng hummed, and said gloomily, “So right now there are several tasks that you

need to solve urgently.”

Zynn hurriedly stood up and said, “Dad, if there is anything I need to do, please tell me.”

Chengfeng said: “I want you to go to Aurous Hill. First find out what Ito’s motivation for

going to Aurous Hill is, and then find a way to establish contact with Ito, and then strive

for cooperation with the Ito family. You can also drive higher. First, let the Ito family give

up the cooperation with the Wade family, and then slowly establish the cooperation

with them. This time we don’t know how long it will punish us. We must prepare for

both! “

Zynn hurriedly said, “Dad, if I also go to Aurous Hill, then there will be no one to take

care of you in Suzhou. I don’t know if you are in Aurous Hill now, you can’t get away for

a while.”

“Don’t worry about me.” Chengfeng said lightly: “No one knows that I am in Suzhou. If

they scold me outside, they can’t do anything with me. So you should hurry up and get

things done with the Ito family! Even if you can’t talk to Ito. Once the family has reached

cooperation, we must not let them hold hands with the Wade family. Once they get

together, then we will be in big trouble!”

In Chengfeng’s eyes, the Wade Family had always been his mortal enemy.

The Su Family and the Wade Family are like two bullies in the village. In terms of combat

effectiveness, the Su Family is slightly stronger than the Wade Family. However, if the

two parties really fight, the Su Family cannot easily win. Therefore, there has been no

real major conflict between the two sides.

Now, the Su family accidentally slapped the foot, and the injury will not recover for a

while, so the combat effectiveness is a bit weaker than the Wade family, which means

that the situation of the two sides has changed, but neither side dares. Fight to the

death with each other.

However, at this time the bully in the next village went to the Wade family as a guest.

What the Su family was most worried about now was that the Wade family and the bully

in the next village would unite to deal with him. If that were the case, the Su family

would have little power to resist.

Zynn said at this time, “Dad, if they both reach a consensus, then their next cooperation

will be determined. It is difficult for us to influence their choice!”

Chengfeng said indifferently: “It doesn’t matter if they can’t control their choice. The big

deal is to find a way to kill Ito Takehiko in Aurous Hill and then throw the pot to the

Wade family. Think about how the Matsumoto family did it? They just wanted to kill

Zhifei and Zhiyu, and then throw the pot to the Ito family?”

Zynn hesitated and said, “Dad, we have already encountered a lot of problems now.

Ruoli, Zhiyu, and Liona are all targets of the outside world against the Su family. If we

continue to engage in this kind of action, in case If it is really exposed, the consequences

would be disastrous and unthinkable!”

Chengfeng said coldly: “Unthinkable? Let me tell you what is unthinkable! Once the

Wade family and the Ito family have reached a cooperation, they will definitely take this

opportunity to expand rapidly in the field of ocean transportation. It is likely to be in a

few months. Destroy all our foundations. If we lose this business, our strength will be a

bit lower than that of the Wade Family. If we lose this business and are picked up by the

Wade Family, then this is the case. , We will be more inferior than them!”

With that said, Chengfeng said with a cold expression: “In any case, we can’t throw away

the big cake of ocean transportation! Take a 10,000 step back and say, even if

Chengfeng can’t eat this bowl of rice, I must smash this Wade family’s rice bowl. Now! I

can’t eat this bowl of rice, anyone else can eat it, but the Wade family”

Chapter 2593

When Charlie finished the banquet and left from the Song family, Zynn had already

started to set off for Aurous Hill.

In order to be able to get in touch with Takehiko Ito as soon as possible, he specially

arranged for his staff to book a hotel room in Shangri-La with other identities.

He also knew very well that Shangri-La was the property of the Wade family, so he not

only couldn’t let the Wade family know that he was staying at Shangri-La, but he

couldn’t even let them know that he was going to Aurous Hill.

According to his plan, after he has booked the room, checked in, and received the room

card, he will wait near the Shangri-La Hotel. When he arrives, give him the room card,

and he can skip the check-in link and enter directly into the hotel room.

Although the hotel clearly requires the real-name system at the moment, the real-name

system can only be implemented to the opener.

And the higher the level of the hotel, the more attention is paid to the user’s feelings

and s3x. As long as the guests entering and leaving are dressed decently, there will be

basically no staff to verify his identity.

Charlie didn’t know that Zynn was on his way to Aurous Hill.

He drove away from the Song’s house and called the old father-in-law Jacob on the

road. As soon as the phone was connected, he asked, “Dad, I’m done here, what about

you? If you are over, I will pick you up.”

Jacob gasped and said, “Charlie, I…I’m almost exhausted…You hurry up and save me…”

Charlie asked in surprise, “Dad, what’s the matter with you?”

Jacob’s voice said in despair, “Don’t mention it, I was pulled out for a run by your Aunt,

and my leg is about to break…”

When Charlie heard this, he couldn’t help laughing.

Meiqing was sick and suddenly took Jacob out for a run, which seemed to be due to

excessive physical strength and energy.

From this point of view, the dose of this rejuvenating pill is still a bit large.

Immediately, he smiled and asked Jacob, “Dad, where are you running? Send me the

location. I will pick you up.”

Jacob hurriedly said, “Wait a minute, I will send you the position!”

After speaking, Jacob hurriedly ended the call and sent Charlie a location on WeChat.

Immediately afterwards, another text message was sent: “Good son-in-law, come on, my

leg is about to break!”

Charlie replied and drove to the location.

At this moment, Jacob was sitting on the curb on the side of the road, sweating

profusely all over his body.

He really did not expect to dream today. He wanted to take advantage of Meiqing’s

illness to brew the atmosphere, and the sound of a wave would still be there, but who

would have thought that he would be dragged by Meiqing and ran on the riverside all


And Meiqing’s physical strength is surprisingly good, it seems that she is not tired from

running, but her old body has such a foundation, and after half an hour of running, he

almost lost half his life when tired.

He wanted to give up a long time ago, but because he didn’t want Meiqing to look

down on him, he had to grit his teeth and persist. However, even if he tried his best, he

still lags behind her a lot, so she could only run out by herself for a while and then turn

back. Jog with Jacob for a while, then run out, and so on.

Jacob ran away crying without tears.

Now he, let alone trying to find a way to keep the sound of the waves with Meiqing,

even if Meiqing took the initiative to ask, he is fundamentally powerless, just want to go

home quickly and lie down.

Charlie drove quickly to the location. When he saw Jacob, Meiqing was standing beside

Jacob, waving at him vigorously to signal him to continue running, while Jacob was

sitting on the road gutter with pain on his face. Waved his hands again and again.

Chapter 2594

Charlie pulled over and stopped the car. When Jacob saw him, it was as if he had seen a

savior, his eyes gleaming.

However, he still deliberately did not speak to Charlie immediately.

When Meiqing saw Charlie, she smiled first, “Charlie is here!”

Seeing Meiqing wearing tight-fitting sportswear, Charlie secretly exclaimed: “This Auntie

is indeed the idol of middle-aged and elderly men. How does this figure, look, and

temperament can be said to be of a fifty-year-old?

If she is thirty years old, most people will believe it.

Immediately, Charlie nodded and smiled at Meiqing, and said, “Hello, Aunt.”

After speaking, Charlie was holding back in his heart, and deliberately asked her:

“Auntie, I heard Dad say that you are sick, why did you come out and run? And your

complexion looks very good, not at all sick. Looks like you are even better than the last


Meiqing smiled and said, “I did have a high fever at first, but your dad brought me a

bowl of millet porridge. I just had it!”

Charlie pretended to be surprised and asked, “Is the porridge so magical? This is the first

time I have heard of it.”

Meiqing smiled and said, “To be honest, I don’t know the principle, but I am really well,

and my body feels endless strength.”

Charlie nodded and looked at Jacob, who was sitting on the floor with a flushed face

and sweating profusely. He joked, “Dad, why didn’t you come with a bowl of millet


Jacob said angrily: “I want to know that millet porridge has this effect. I must have

bought an extra bowl at the time.”

After finishing speaking, he deliberately turned off the topic, pretending to be helpless,

and asked him: “Oh, Charlie, why are you here so soon? Didn’t I say that you waited half

an hour to pick me up? I still have to Run with your Aunt.”

Charlie was a little bit astonished at first when he heard the words of Mr. Athlete but

soon recovered.

Presumably, the old man was afraid of losing face in front of Meiqing, so he said this

deliberately, acting as if he was not in a hurry to escape.

So Charlie smiled and said, “My side ended early, so I came here first. If you haven’t run

enough, you will continue to run for a while. I’ll be waiting for you.”

As soon as Jacob heard this, he waved his hand quickly: “If you don’t run away, you

won’t run away. It’s so late. I’m sorry to keep you waiting for me.”

Charlie smiled and said, “Waiting! I don’t have any serious business all day long. You

don’t know. Besides, Claire has a meeting in the Emgrand Group today. I am not in a

hurry to go back.”

Jacob gave Charlie a faintly white look and said in his heart: “It’s because I call you my

son-in-law every day. At this time, you don’t know how to find me a step-down, and you

deliberately demolish my platform.”

Thinking about it, he couldn’t help sighing, and said, “Oh, just remembering, I made an

appointment with an old man to pick up something from his house in the evening. It

was too late, or let’s go there first.”

After speaking, he looked at Meiqing and said apologetically, “Meiqing, why don’t I

come here today and I will run with you when the sky gets down?”

Meiqing smiled and nodded, and said, “Okay, it’s not too early, you and Charlie will go

back. It is so hard for you to come and take care of me so far, and you have been

running with me for so long.”

Jacob wanted to cry without tears in his heart, but he smiled and said, “These are all

trivial things, or you can go with us and let Charlie send you home.”

Meiqing thought for a while, nodded, and said, “Okay, it’s not interesting to run by

myself, so please trouble Charlie to drop me.”

Charlie smiled and said, “Auntie, you are too polite. Get in the car.”

Jacob immediately opened the rear door for Meiqing diligently. When Meiqing was

about to board the car, someone suddenly shouted in surprise, “Meiqing! Why are you


Chapter 2595

The trio followed their reputations and found a muscular middle-aged man wearing

sports shorts and short sleeves, trotting all the way to the front.

Charlie couldn’t help but look at this middle-aged man. The opponent was almost 1.8

meters tall, had a very well-proportioned figure, and had muscle lines all over his body.

He looked only in his early forties.

Moreover, the other party is on such a cold day and wears so little to run, and he knows

that his physical fitness is very good.

What’s more rare is that this man is very handsome and has thick short hair, which is

really stylish.

When Jacob saw this man, he immediately became vigilant, looking at him up and

down, but he couldn’t help feeling a little inferior.

Compared with this man, Jacob is an ordinary fifty-year-old middle-aged man. He

usually does not exercise, let alone fitness, and has no systematic diet and exercise

habits. His energy and spirit are far behind.

Meiqing was also surprised at this time and said, “Oh, Mr. Watt, why are you here?”

The middle-aged man known as Mr. Watt smiled slightly and said, “Didn’t you come out

for a run? I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

The more Jacob looked at the other’s spirit, the more jealous he became, and couldn’t

help asking, “Miqing, who is this?”

Meiqing hurriedly introduced: “Jacob, this is my colleague at the University for the

Elderly, Mr. Watt, Pollard Watt. Mr. Watt used to be a professor of economics and

management at MIT. He also recently returned to China and served as an associate at

the School of Economics and Management of Aurous Hill University of Finance and

Economics. The dean is also a visiting professor at a senior university.”

When Charlie heard Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics, he couldn’t help

but think to himself: “Isn’t this the school Aoxue attended?”

After speaking, she said to Pollard Watt: “Mr. Watt, this is my former university

classmate Jacob, next to him, his son-in-law Charlie.”

Jacob asked subconsciously, “MIT? What MIT?”

At this time, Pollard Watt took the initiative to explain to Jacob: “Gentleman, MIT is the

abbreviation of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which is a university in the

United States.”

Jacob’s expression immediately became extremely embarrassed.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology is ranked among the top three universities in the

world. Jacob is also a university student, and of course, he has heard of it.

However, he did not know that the abbreviation of Massachusetts Institute of

Technology is MIT, so he suddenly showed his timidity.

Looking at this man again, Jacob feels even more inferior: “He’s a professor at the

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. To be able to be a professor at MIT, he must

have at least a Ph.D. degree? And I, just graduated from Zhongshan University. , The

rank is one hundred and eight thousand miles worse than that of him, and he looks

young with a tendon, sh!t, standing face to face with him, acting as if I were his second

uncle… .”

Seeing that Jacob hadn’t spoken for a while, Pollard smiled and asked, “Hello, Mr. Jacob,

I don’t know where is Mr. Jacob now?”

Meiqing on the side introduced: “Jacob is the standing director of the Calligraphy and

Painting Association. Our calligraphy hobby group at the University for Seniors often

interacts with them.”

Pollard Watt nodded and smiled: “Unexpectedly, Mr. Jacob is still in the calligraphy and

calligraphy circle. I actually like calligraphy very much. I have practiced some days

before, but now I am busy with work, so I don’t have time to take care of it. If I have a

chance, there will be more learning from Mr. Jacob.”

Jacob didn’t expect that this guy’s academic qualifications and background would be

awesome. When he opened his mouth he was so humble, and suddenly he felt that he

had lost a lot of meaning, and he said, “Oh…, There will be opportunities in the future.”

After speaking, he deliberately looked down at the Rolex on his wrist and said, “Brother

Watt, it’s a bit late today. We have to go first, sorry.”

Pollard smiled slightly: “It’s okay, Mr. Jacob should be busy first if he has anything.”

Chapter 2596

Then, he said jokingly: “By the way, Mr. Jacob looks like he should be about fifty years


“Yes, fifty.” Jacob nodded.

Pollard smiled and said, “Then you can’t call me old brother. I am a few years older than

you. This year is fifty-five.”

“What?!” Jacob asked dumbfounded, “You are fifty-five this year?!”

“Yes.” Pollard Watt said with a smile, “I just passed my 55th birthday in January this year,

and I am considered 56 years old…”

Jacob’s expression suddenly became a little ugly.

It’s not anger, it’s mainly inferiority complex.

He thinks Pollard Watt should be around forty-five, but he didn’t expect this guy to be

five years older than himself!

Pollard Watt looked at Meiqing at this time and asked her: “By the way, Meiqing, Mr.

Jacob has to go first. How about you? Are you going back in a hurry? If you don’t go

back, let’s run for a while?”

Meiqing just hadn’t run to the fullest, and she felt that she was still full of energy and

strength. When she heard Pollard Watt’s proposal, she almost agreed without hesitation

and said with a smile: “Okay, I just didn’t run enough. Let’s run for a while.”

After that, she looked at Jacob and Charlie and smiled: “Jacob, Charlie, then I won’t go

back with you. Charlie, you will drive back on the road slowly.”

Jacob was depressed to death and wanted to stop her, but he didn’t know where to cut


Charlie complied and said to Meiqing, “Auntie, then we will leave first.”

After speaking, Charlie gave Jacob a hand: “Dad, let’s go.”

Jacob was extremely bored. When Charlie returned to the car, Meiqing had already run

forward with Pollard.

He looked at the backs of the two of them and said angrily, “Charlie, the grandson said

he was fifty-five years old. How could a fifty-five-year-old person be so young?!”

Charlie smiled and said, “People like sports, just like Aunt. Most of the credit for keeping

self so well comes from long-term unremitting sports.”

Jacob smacked his lips and said with a black face: “I think this grandson is interested in

your Aunt!”

Charlie casually said, “Aunt is so good, surely many men are interested in her, right?”

Jacob said anxiously, “The point is, this grandson seems to be quite good too! Professor

of MIT, this title alone is already very scary, maybe he will become my biggest


As he said, he couldn’t help but gritted his teeth and cursed: “Damn, you said this group

of men who have gone abroad, since they have all gone out, can’t they just stay in the

foreign country? Why run back so blindly?”

Charlie didn’t take it seriously and said with a smile: “Young people leave home and

return to the boss. After all, local people still hope that they will return to their roots in

the future. Besides, when they return to China to become professors, they are also

contributing to the country and at least able to cultivate talents for the motherland.

Jacob said angrily, “Then it’s not a loss to the country! Especially this guy is from the

United States! Your Aunt has also lived in the United States for many years. They must

have many common things. What about me? I fcuking have never seen anything in the

United States.”

Chapter 2597

Thinking of the fact that he had never been to the United States, Jacob hated Elaine


He sat in the co-pilot and said cursingly: “I have been ruined by Elaine’s stinky existence

all my life. If it weren’t for her, I must be a top student studying in the United States.

Maybe I would also be an MIT graduate. A professor at Harvard in the United States!”

Speaking of this, he complained angrily: “What happened? The result was that he was

completely locked up by Elaine, a junk stock right after he graduated from college, and

has not been able to solve the problem until now!

Charlie couldn’t help but be comforted: “Okay, dad, there are some things you can’t just

think about in the most optimistic way. You see, although your marriage is not happy

now, at least you are in good health. Think about it from another angle, if you were

destined in the United States to suffer a car accident, or when you arrive in the United

States, you got killed in a shooting. If the mom kept you in the country, it is tantamount

to saving your life in disguise.”

Jacob said with a gloomy expression: “You don’t fool me here anymore. When we were

young, the education we received was materialism and Marxist theory. We didn’t believe

in fate. Back then, we sang a Soviet revolutionary song, “There was never a savior. Don’t

rely on the emperor, I’ve been sturdily destroyed in Elaine’s hands in my life!”

Charlie smiled helplessly and said, “Dad, or let’s talk about Pollard Watt.”

Jacob hugged his arms and asked angrily, “What does he have to say? Isn’t it just a

higher degree, what’s so great? In addition, he looks a little more handsome, a little

better, and a little taller. Son, he looks a little younger than me, besides this, what else is

he better than me?”

Charlie said embarrassingly, “Doesn’t this take the inside and out?”

Jacob rubbed his temples: “Hey…it’s a headache, hey Charlie, do you think he has a wife

and children?”

Charlie thought for a while and said seriously: “A man who came out for a run at night, I

think he should have no wife, but he is 55 years old, I think there must be children.

According to this analysis, there should be more than one history. Marriage history, but

he should be single right now.”

“Damn it!” Jacob said dejectedly: “When I saw his look at your Aunt, I felt that something

was wrong. This guy liked your Aunt 80% of the time, and both of them were single.

They were still colleagues in the senior college. They have many years of life experience

in the United States, and they both like to exercise. According to this analysis, they are

the most suitable to live together. This is nothing less than damn me!”

As he said, Jacob vomited annoyedly: “You said, he was a magnificent MIT professor

who came to Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics to teach. Isn’t this sick?”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “He’s still a professor of economics and

management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, with a high gold content.”

Jacob asked curiously, “Do you know the Massachusetts Institute of Technology?”

“A little bit.” Charlie said seriously: “Massachusetts are the world’s first in the past two

years, but the strongest in Massachusetts is not in economics and management, but in

science and engineering, electronic engineering, aerospace, etc., the best in economic

management. It should be Stanford and Harvard.”

Jacob asked curiously: “How do you know so clearly? I remember that you have only

been in college for one year.”

Charlie casually said, “Hurt! Haven’t eaten pork, haven’t we seen a pig run?”

In fact, when Charlie was very young, he was very eager about American universities.

It is not how much he yearns for the United States, but his mother grew up in the United

States and was a high-achieving student from Stanford University.

Moreover, Stanford University is close to Silicon Valley, a famous high-tech industrial

base in the United States.

Many Silicon Valley Internet giants first studied at Stanford University and then

graduated to start their own businesses in Silicon Valley.

Most of the first-generation Silicon Valley entrepreneurs who graduated from Stanford

in the early 1990s and worked hard in Silicon Valley were classmates of Charlie’s mother.

When Charlie was young, he often heard her mother talk about the characteristics of

American universities, especially Stanford.

Charlie remembers that when she was five or six years old and followed her mother to

visit relatives in the United States, she also took him to Stanford University to visit.

Chapter 2598

At that time, accompanied him and his mother to visit Stanford, there were many

famous people in Silicon Valley, but they were not well-known at the beginning. As for

now, just mentioning any of them is like a thunderbolt internationally.

If it weren’t for the accident of his parents back then, Charlie’s life path would be to first

go to the United States to study, and after finishing his MBA at Stanford, stay in Silicon

Valley to start his own career, or return to China to help his father.

It is a pity that the car accident at the age of eight completely changed his life trajectory,

and he did not even have the opportunity to finish his undergraduate degree.

Thinking of this, Charlie couldn’t help feeling a little sad.

Jacob, who was on the side, was unsure. Seeing Charlie’s melancholy expression, he

couldn’t help asking: “Charlie, what’s the matter with you?”

Charlie came back to his senses, smiled slightly, and said, “I also think it’s a shame not to

go to a university like Stanford in the United States.”

Jacob was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, “Charlie, I didn’t see it,

you are quite humorous.”

Charlie smiled lightly and didn’t say more.


In the early hours of this night, Zynn arrived at Shangri-La in Aurous Hill.

Although coming to the room from the hotel lobby? The road was very smooth, but

Zynn was still a little dissatisfied.

The reason for his dissatisfaction was that his luxurious suite was far away from the

presidential suite booked by Yuhiko Ito, and it was not on the same floor at all.

The presidential suite of Shangri-La is on the top floor of the entire hotel. The top floor

is divided into two areas, east, and west. The east area is the presidential suite and

several rooms assigned to the presidential suite, and the west area is the administrative


Ito Yuihiko and his entourage took over the entire Eastern District, while the entire

Western District was isolated by Issac. Ruoli, Zhiyu, and Liona all lived here.

Zynn’s subordinates couldn’t book a room on the top floor at all. They really couldn’t, so

they booked him a luxurious suite.

This luxurious suite is on the second top floor. This is the highest room that can be

booked so far and the closest room to Ito Takehiko.

What Zynn didn’t know was that his wife and two daughters were living upstairs.

But now he can’t care about the whereabouts of his wife and children, because he can’t

wait to take the Ito family down, so as to further lay the foundation for his future

inheritance of the Su family.

So, after he arrived in the room, he immediately called a conference call and pulled in

his men under Eastcliff and Aurous Hill, and said coldly: “Listen well, I have two tasks for

you now. First, One task is that people in Eastcliff must closely monitor the recent

movements of the Wade family members to see if any Wade family members have left

Eastcliff and went to Aurous Hill recently, or if any Wade family members have been to

Aurous Hill before.”

Zynn felt that to find out if Ito Yuhiko came to Aurous Hill to discuss cooperation with

the Wade family, the most important thing was to find out if anyone from the Wade

family came to Aurous Hill to meet Ito Yuhiko.

After all, Ito Yuhiko is the head of the entire Ito family. Even if Ito Nanako has begun to

take over the family business, his status in the family is the highest.

If the Wade Family really wants to talk to him about cooperation, at least the boss,

Changkong, must come over and talk with Ito Takehiko.

Such important cooperation, even if the old man Zhongquan came here in person, it is


Immediately afterwards, he released a second task: “People on Aurous Hill must keep an

eye on Ito Yuhiko and find out the trajectory of Ito Yuhiko’s activities in Aurous Hill,

including where he has been, who he has met, and Tell me as much as possible about

who they’ve talked with!”

Chapter 2599

Early the next morning.

The earliest high-speed train from Suzhou slowly stopped at Aurous Hill Railway Station.

In the business cockpit, there are two people, one old and one young. These two people

are Feng Shui master Dan Mai from the United States and his great-grandson Mike.

When Mike got out of the car, he stretched out his hand to support Dan and asked,

“Grandpa, this time we are here in Aurous Hill, have you made a divination in advance

and figured out whether it is good or bad this time?”

Mike knows his grandfather very well. He has been striving for stability for so many

years, so he has long formed a habit: As long as he is traveling far, he will be good or

bad divination before going out.

Dan groaned: “At three quarters to the hour today, I made a hexagram, but this time the

hexagram is chaotic and disorderly, and luck and bad are half of them.”

“Each half?” Mike was surprised when he heard the result.

He has been fascinated since childhood and has also studied Feng Shui fortune. In fact,

Feng Shui fortune is most afraid of calculating the result that both good and bad are

divided because this result is almost no result and has no reference significance.

The reason why Fengshui luck is popular is that it can measure the focus of everything in

the future.

Because most things in the world are not really divided between good and bad, there

will definitely be a gap between good and bad, but some gaps are large and some are


For example, if a businessman wants to invest in real estate next year, a truly capable

Feng Shui master will measure the success of the project for him after a field survey.

If it can be calculated that the feng shui is auspicious and the success rate is high, the

boss can confidently continue to move forward;

If it can be calculated that it is due to Feng Shui deviation and low success rate, it can

also make him act cautiously, and even make him avoid a big hole.

However, when people look for you, they are asking about good and bad things. You

can’t tell them that good and bad are equally divided. Then what is the point of asking

you to do it?

Therefore, in general, divination and divination account for half of the good and bad

results, and most of them are incapable and limited.

Divination equals ignorance.

However, he knew very well the great grandfather’s ability, and this result might not be

expected in a few decades, so he hurriedly asked: “Grandpa, if it is really mixed, does

that mean everything in Aurous Hill is still unknown ?”

Dan shook his head: “Everything has a pattern. The unknown reason is that I can’t see

through it. Therefore, I now feel more and more determined that Aurous Hill is an

extraordinary place. There must be some very good people living here! “

“For us, when we visit Aurous Hill this time, we may not see the true face of Mount Lu

and return without success; it is also possible to get a great opportunity; it is also

possible to accidentally cause disaster… “

“As the saying goes, the blessings depend on the blessings, and the blessings fall on the

blessings. Since we can’t see the future trend, then we can only do our best to do our

own thing if we want to get good results, and don’t do anything that hurts the world.

This is what the ancestors said, but do good things and don’t ask about your future.”

As he said, he looked at Mike, and solemnly said: “We are coming to Aurous Hill this

time. You must remember to be low-key, low-key, and then low-key. When

encountering obstacles, you should try your best to avoid being impatient or arguing

with anyone, do you understand?”

Mike solemnly nodded and said, “Don’t worry, grandpa, I will follow your instructions.”

“Yeah.” Dan nodded slightly.

He still knows his great-grandson very well. Although he was born in the United States,

he received an education in traditional culture since he was a child. He is low-key and

humble and never makes trouble.

While talking, the grandfather and grandson had already left the train station, and Mike

asked, “Grandpa, where do we go for the first stop?”

Dan unswervingly said: “Go to Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics! Regnar’s

son happened there. We start looking for clues from there.”

“Okay!” Mike hurriedly said, “Then wait a moment, I will rent a car across the road.”

“No.” Dan waved his hand, took a step forward, stopped a taxi, and asked, “Brother, how

much does it cost to run this car for a day?”

The taxi driver thought for a while: “It depends on where you are going and how many

roads you run. I also have to pay for gas and tolls.”

Dan smiled and said, “I will use the car in the urban area. It is estimated that one or two

hundred kilometers is the most in a day.”

The taxi driver blurted out, “Then you can give two thousand!”

“Two thousand?!” Mike on the side exclaimed, “Your price is a bit too dark, right? You

can’t watch us coming out of the train station, just subconsciously want to kill us!”

Chapter 2600

The old taxi driver blushed, and then he hurriedly said, “How about fifteen?”

Mike still wanted to talk. Dan interrupted him at this time and said indifferently: “Just

two thousand, Mike, give me money.”

Mike subconsciously said, “Grandpa, he just said a thousand and five…”

Dan said decisively: “Forgot how I told you? Two thousand, give me money.”

Mike immediately nodded, counted twenty hundred yuan bills from his wallet, and

handed them over.

In fact, he is not stingy, nor can he afford two thousand yuan. It’s just that the feeling

that other people obviously slaughter him makes him a little unacceptable.

However, when he thought of his grandfather’s words, let him less quarrel with others,

he immediately recovered, and then willingly paid for it.

The driver happily took the money, counted it carefully, and said hurriedly, “You two,

please get in the car!”

Mike helped Dan into the car, and then he went around to sit on the other side.

The driver asked as he drove in the direction of the station, “You two should be from


Mike asked curiously, “How do you know?”

The driver smiled and said, “Whoever is fine in China still takes thousands in cash to go

out. We are all on electronic payments, which is safe and easy.”

Mike nodded and said, “This is true. Domestic electronic payment is indeed very good,

and it is much more advanced than foreign countries.”

The driver proudly said, “Of course, a cashless society! You see, after we implemented

electronic payments, there are fewer thieves than before.”

With that said, he asked, “Where are the two going to the first stop?”

Mike said, “Go to Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics.”


Charlie has been thinking about ocean transportation from last night to now.

He also realized that this is an excellent opportunity for development, but he has never thought about who will be the trader.

Charlie has self-knowledge, he reads few books, knows little about international trade, import and export trade, and foreign exchange collection and settlement. If he is allowed to manage this project himself, he will have no way of starting.

Therefore, to enter this industry, the first task to solve is to find a suitable person.

Claire didn’t know what Charlie was thinking about. After she washed, she saw that Charlie was still lying in bed in a daze when she woke up, so she couldn’t help asking, “Husband, what are you thinking about in a daze early in the morning?”

Charlie came back to his senses and smiled: “I, I’m thinking about starting a business…”

“Entrepreneurship?” Claire asked in surprise, “Do you want to start a business?”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “I have this idea, but I haven’t found an entry point yet.”

Claire hurriedly said, “Husband, I don’t think you should consider starting a business.”

Charlie asked curiously: “Why?”

Claire said earnestly: “Our family is not short of money now. You usually don’t make less money when you show Feng Shui to others. If I implement the Emgrand Group’s project, our family’s money will not be spent, so why pay? Going to work hard to start a business?”

Charlie said earnestly, “But my wife, aren’t you working hard to start a business yourself?”

Claire sat down next to Charlie, held his hand, and said seriously: “Husband, starting a business is really hard, and it’s the kind of bow without turning back, so I don’t want you to be so hard.”

As she said, Claire said with emotion: “In the past few years, you have not only taken care of me, family, and that Aunt in the orphanage, but also been under the direction of my parents and looked down upon by my parents and grandma. It has been hard enough. Now that you can finally relax, why bother to start a business?”


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