Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2401 to 2500 Charlie Wade Story

Chapter 2401

At the same time, Eastcliff Su’s family.

Shoude reported to Old Man Su: “Dad! Sister-in-law took Zhiyu and went to the auction site!”

“What?!” The expression of the old man Chengfeng suddenly became angry!

He gritted his teeth and said: ” Liona is really too much!” Shoude asked quickly: “Dad, what shall we do now?”

Father Su gritted his teeth and said sharply, “Since Liona completely ignores Su’s face, she should not blame me for not giving her a chance!”

After that, he scolded angrily: “The European princess did not change after repeated teachings! Not only did she find a pagan boyfriend, but she was also even rumored to be pregnant with the pagan child. Where do you put the face of the royal family?! If she doesn’t push the royal family to the extreme, how could the royal family attack her?!

After all, it was all done by herself!”

Shoude lowered his voice and asked cautiously: “Dad, Do you really want to attack the sister-in-law?! Although the Du family is going downhill now, it is still in a high position as a whole. If we rashly act, we will definitely offend them…” said, Shoude.

He whispered again: “Moreover, the whole Eastcliff city is watching. If we do it at this time, everyone will know that it must be us…”

Chengfeng snorted coldly and said, “I’m not afraid they know or not. On the contrary, I’m afraid they don’t know! Liona, a woman who has been taught repeatedly! If we don’t do anything, the outside world will think that our family can let others insult and swallow their voices!”

Then, Chengfeng shook his hand fiercely and looked at him.

He said venomously: “As long as we do it cleanly and don’t leave any substantive clues, even if the whole world knows that we did it, what can they do?”

Shoude hurriedly asked: “Dad, then Who do we let to do the task?”

Chengfeng said: “I have arranged this in advance. I originally thought that as long as Liona doesn’t participate in this auction, I won’t care about her. But since she doesn’t know how to promote the family values, I am not the one to be blamed.”

Shoude asked again: “Dad, what about Zhiyu?” Chengfeng said indifferently: “I have explained that they will not do anything to Zhiyu.” After that, Chengfeng asked again: “Yes, what about the boy? Did he go?”

Shoude shook his head: “My links didn’t mention Zhifei over there. He probably didn’t go.”

Shouli hurriedly said, “Dad, Zhifei is already at the City Airport. he will fly back at ten o’clock.”

Chengfeng Hearing this felt somewhat relieved and said: “It seems that the child has not let down the name I gave him. It is the most important thing for people to know and differentiate between right and wrong!”

Shoude hurriedly said: “Dad, if you… If you really want to teach the sister-in-law, you must find a way to soothe the emotions of Zhifei , otherwise, I am afraid that this child can’t think about it…” Shoude always meant something.

His greatest wish now is to do everything possible to make the old man full of anger towards his eldest brother’s family.

He thought to himself: “Father let alone keeping track of disgruntled large family is not enough!”

“Because Father’s body is now still in good health so that in the future he is likely to direct inter-generational transfer of positions”!

“In other words, the old man is very likely to pass on the generation of the eldest brother and me after another 10 years or 8 years, and pass on the position of the patriarch of the family to our next generation!”

“In case he passed on to Zhifei, What’s the point even if he brings down the eldest brother now? After the father gives way, Zhifei will overpower me!”

“So, the old man must also lose confidence in Zhifei!” It is because of this mind, Shoude deliberately used this method of murder and condemnation to deliberately remind him that he should pay attention to calming Zhifei’s emotions.

What he said was awe-inspiring, as if he really cared about his big nephew. In fact, he deliberately wanted to wake up the old man and wanted him to know that if he really killed Zhifei’s biological mother, Zhifei would definitely act, he will hate him!

This kind of mother-killing hatred, no matter what method is used, is impossible to appease.

Shoude felt that as long as the old man recognized this, he would never give Zhifei any chance again because that would be troubling for his status!

Chapter 2402

Su’s expression becomes very ugly.

Shoude’s words really made him realize more clearly that if he decides to attack Liona, then his eldest son Zynn and his family will definitely turn against him!

However, he also knew very well in his heart that if he didn’t act on Liona, the Su Family’s face would disappear in the eyes of the world!

In any case, he couldn’t just watch Liona so presumptuous and enjoying her mind. 

Once the Su family’s face can be trampled on by such a woman, how can the family maintain its status and dignity?

Thinking of this, he said coldly: “When this matter is over, let Zhifei go to Australia to meet your eldest brother, and don’t let him come back again!”

When Shoude heard this, he was extremely excited! “Dad telling Zhifei to go to Australia to meet the eldest brother. That would be equivalent to being sent into exile. The father and son will no longer have the opportunity to compete for the position of heir to the Su family. They can only spend their lives in Australia and die there in oblivion!”

“In this way, I am the best candidate for succession in my father’s eyes. This is great! I am so happy!”

At the same time.

It was close to ten o’clock in the morning.

At the auction venue, dozens of people sat sparsely.

These are all bidders participating in today’s judicial auction.

Most of their fancy is some second-hand real estate and cars.

Because almost all of the products sold by the company are involved in certain lawsuits and paperwork is complicated, so most ordinary people are not very interested in such transactions.

There have been many cases in the past. For example, a judicial auction house was taken, but the original owner refused to move out. In the end, the buyer was overwhelmed.

Because of this, foreclosed houses are generally sold at a lower price than the market price. If one is not afraid of trouble, one can save some money.

Since everyone is here to pick up and miss, it is difficult for judicial auctions to have a passion for outside auctions.

At outside auctions, sometimes two or more parties compete for a commodity, hundreds of thousands of items. In the end, because of mutual bidding and vindictiveness, the last few million transactions are also everywhere.

Participating in the judicial auction, everyone wants to save money and pick up the leaks. Everyone hopes to get a 20% discount for a house with a market price of one million. If it doesn’t help, they will try to get a 10% discount. Once the 10% discount is exceeded, the attractiveness will drop sharply.

Therefore, such auctions are generally not interesting.

At ten o’clock, the auctioneer stepped in.

Since everything is simple and fast, there are no extra cuts. As soon as the auctioneer came on stage, he went straight to the topic and said: “Thank you all for participating in this judicial auction. The first item we are going to auction today is an Audi A6 under the company’s name. The car has been licensed for three years and has a mileage of 113,000 kilometers. It has a starting price of 150,000 and a minimum bid of 1,000. It will start now. “

A used car like this, in the same condition. For second-hand cars, the transaction price in the normal market is generally around 210,000.

Because the ceiling is 210,000, everyone bids very sensibly.

After several bids, the price was mentioned as 180,000 all the way, many bidders gave up, only two people still insisted.

However, as the price was approaching the ceiling, the remaining two were also very cautious in bidding. A few minutes later, one of them raised the price to 195,000, and the other did not follow suit.

The auctioneer immediately announced that the first lot had been sold for 195,000.

In the box, Issac looked through the auction materials at random and said to Charlie: “Master, there are eleven cars participating in the auction today. After the cars are sold, the auction will begin for the property. Your parents’ former residence is listed in the real estate. The first one has a starting price of 880,000.”

“I have already briefed the man, no matter what the price is called, he will follow to the end, and he will definitely help you take this house!”

Chapter 2403

Charlie nodded lightly.

He is also determined to win the former residence of his parents.

After all, this former residence carries the last time of being together with his parents, which is of great significance.

As several foreclosure cars were gradually taken away, the auction entered the real estate auction part.

This time, there are 13 properties in the judicial auction, but among the 13 properties, the cheapest starting price is the one where Charlie’s parents once lived.

The main reason is that the old house has been classified as a protective building in the city. Not only is it forbidden to demolish, but also to turn over.

More importantly, whoever buys this old house has a certain obligation to protect this old house.

The house is very old and cannot be demolished to obtain greater economic value. Even if you want to rebuild it, you are not allowed to do so. Therefore, such a house is basically not interesting for the developers.

No matter who buys this house, there is no chance of realizing it again.

However, Charlie and Liona are both waiting for the shooting of this house.

Because this house has the lowest starting price, as soon as it enters the real estate auction, the auctioneer directly puts the photos of the house on the big screen and says: “The first house we are going to auction today is A protected old mansion located at the mouth of the old street. The specific information about this old mansion can be found in the auction manual, so we won’t introduce more here, and we will start the auction directly. It’s 880,000, and the auction begins now!”

As soon as the auctioneer’s voice fell, Liona directly raised the sign and said, “One million.”

“Good!” The auctioneer said immediately: “Bidder No. 34 bid one million, is there anything higher than one million?”

A plain-looking middle-aged man sitting in the corner immediately raised a sign and said: “One and a half million!”

This middle-aged man is Issac’s driver.

“One and a half million?!” The auctioneer was dumbfounded, and the starting price was 880,000. After only two rounds, it reached 1.5 million, almost doubled!

You know, there is almost no room for appreciation for this property!

If you spend 1.5 million to buy such a house, the only possibility is to smash it in your own hands.

Because of his surprise, he still didn’t come back to his senses, Liona raised the sign again and said seriously: “I will pay two million.”

The auctioneer was even more surprised.

He immediately looked at Liona and reminded: “Bidder No. 34, I have to remind you that the property is forbidden to be demolished and developed, and re-opening is forbidden. It must be kept in its original shape according to the requirements of the city, and at the same time bear the responsibility for its look after. Certain maintenance obligations must be met. Are you sure you know about these particularities?”

Liona counted and nodded: “I know for sure.”

Although the auctioneer was confused, he nodded and said, “Bidder No. 34 bids 2 million. Is there anything higher than 2 million?”

The middle-aged man in the corner immediately said, “I’ll pay 3 million!”

“Three million…” The auctioneer wiped his sweat and continued to ask: “Now the bidder on the 22nd is bidding 3 million, is there anything higher than him?”

“Four million!” Liona raised her hand almost without thinking.

Upon hearing this, the auctioneer hurriedly said: “Bid No. 34…”

After speaking, Issac’s driver said loudly: “I will pay 5 million!”

This time, Liona didn’t even give the auctioneer any time to think, and said directly: “I’m paying eight million.”

Eight million?

The scene suddenly exclaimed!

This old house is worthless in the eyes of other people participating in the auction.

An old and dilapidated old house not only has no commercial value, but it is also very uncomfortable to live in.

An old house like this is either leaking or crumbling. It is very cold in winter and very hot in summer. If you live in such a house, it is better to just rent a low-rent house provided by the city.

So everyone feels that based on the starting price of 880,000, this house is likely to be unsold. 

However, who would have thought that such a house of almost no value could be scrambled and pushed up to a price of 8 million in a short period of time.

Chapter 2404

Although Issac’s driver didn’t have any money, Issac had already confessed to him that he had to take down the house at all costs, let alone only 8 million, even 80 million.

Therefore, he was not to be outdone at all, and immediately raised his hand and said, “8 million eight hundred thousand!”

8.8 million, compared to the starting price of 880,000, a full 10 times.

However, the competition between the two is just beginning.

Liona didn’t seem to want to continue to raise prices a little bit like this, so she directly raised her hand and said, “Ten million.”

The whole auction scene was in an uproar again.

In the box, Issac said in Charlie’s ear: “Master, the second lady of the Du family, seems to be determined to win.”

Charlie nodded, and sighed helplessly: “I don’t understand this aunt’s thoughts too much. After all, she and my father have no real relationship foundation, why bother to seize this old house?”

Issac said with emotion: “To be honest, although I am a few years older than you, I have heard of Liona’s feelings for your father, and it is indeed a deep love…”

Charlie said, at the auction outside, Issac’s driver had already bid the price to 12 million.

At this time, Liona followed closely and raised the price to 15 million.

Charlie couldn’t help but frowned, and said to Issac next to him: “Send a WeChat with your driver and ask him to bid 30 million!”

“Okay!” Issac nodded, immediately took out his phone and sent a WeChat.

Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged man outside the auction scene raised his hand again, and directly doubled Liona’s 15 million to 30 million.

The scene was full of hissing inhales.

A house worth less than one million was actually carried to a high price of thirty million, which is simply unheard of in the history of judicial auctions.

Liona was also shocked at this time.

She turned her head and looked at the man in the corner who had been raising the price with her, feeling very surprised.

“I really don’t understand why this strange man has such a strong desire to buy the house I care about.”

“Actually, before I came today, I had imagined that I would meet competitors at the auction.”

“However, the competitor I expected should be the young man I met at Changying’s former residence that day.”

“Because that young man and Changying look almost exactly the same. If I don’t guess wrong, he should be Changying’s son.”

“In the past few days, I have been thinking of ways to find his whereabouts, but I have not found any clues.”

“And now, that young man does not appear at the auction, but besides him, who else is so obsessed with this old house? Who is this middle-aged man who bid 30 million? Or, Who on earth sent him?”

Just as Liona’s thoughts were flying, the auctioneer said: “Thirty million once, 30 million twice, is there any price higher than 30 million? If there is none, the 30 million third ……”

After he finished speaking, Liona came back to her senses and hurriedly said: “50 million! I give 50 million!”

“This…” The auctioneer himself couldn’t believe it, and shouted tremblingly: “50 million for the first time…”

Issac’s driver was even a little nervous.

Although it was not his money that was spent, he also felt that the money was spent too much.

So he hurriedly sent a WeChat message to Issac: “Boss, are you still bidding?”

Issac replied immediately: “Add another five million!”

So, the driver raised his hand again and said, “I’m out to fifty-five million!”

Charlie looked at Liona next to Zhiyu through the one-way glass, sighed, and said to Issac: “Old Man, if the second lady of the Du family raises the fare, let your driver abandon the shoot. Right.”

Issac asked dumbfounded: “Master, are you going to give up?!”

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly added: “Master! Don’t say fifty-five million, even five hundred and fifty million, it’s a drop in the bucket for us!”

Charlie shook his head lightly, and sighed: “Hey, forget it, it’s not a question of money, let this aunt be the winner!”

Chapter 2405

Issac thought that Charlie had waited for a long time, the old mansion that was determined to win, unexpectedly gave up and remained silent.

He himself couldn’t help being anxious for Charlie, and blurted out: “Master, you have been thinking about buying this house for so long. Now it’s just in hand. Don’t give up! 

Otherwise, if you If you regret it in the future, there will be no regrets taking medicine…”

Charlie sighed softly, waved his hand, and said seriously: “No more, no more, now it seems that Aunt Du needs this house more than I do.”

After speaking, Charlie said softly: “This is the old house where my parents and I lived together, but I don’t have the courage to stand up and sit in the auction hall to participate in the auction. On the other hand, this Aunt Du can openly sit outside and bid, from this point alone, she is much better than me and more qualified than me to get this house.”

Charlie admired Liona in his heart.

Now, the vast majority of people don’t know that he is the young master of the Wade family, and they don’t know that he is the only blood of Changying left in this world.

Therefore, out of caution, he didn’t participate in this auction publicly, even signed up in the name of Issac’s driver.

From this point alone, he admired Liona’s courage.

As the so-called gentleman is the beauty of an adult, Charlie decided to abandon the competition and give this house to Liona.

Although he didn’t know Liona, he also knew that Liona had loved his father for many years, but she couldn’t get any substantial results back.

Perhaps this house can give her a visible and tangible ideological comfort for the past thirty years of loving his father.

This can be regarded as the father who has died in his own generation, thanking her for the friendship over the years.

At this time, the outside bidding continues.

Issac’s driver did not receive any instructions to give up. After Liona bid 60 million, he  raised his hand again and bid 61 million.

Charlie recalled the old house in his mind, sighed deeply, stood up and said to Issac: “Tell your driver to stop bidding.”

After speaking, he put on a mask, turned and left the box.

At the same time, Liona raised her placard again without hesitation, and said: “62 million!”

Seeing this, Issac hurried to catch up, and while swiftly following up, he hurriedly sent a voice message to the driver: “Abandon the auction and stop bidding!”

His driver just raised his hand when he suddenly received the information and hurriedly clicked to play. The speaker heard what Issac had just said, so he immediately put his raised hand back.

The auctioneer was already a little bit incoherent with excitement. Seeing that he raised his hand and put it down, he hurriedly asked: “Bidder No. 22, are you bidding or not?”

The driver said: “I give up.”

Hearing these three words, Liona’s heart suddenly filled with joy, and a big rock finally fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the auctioneer said loudly: “Sixty-two million once! Sixty-two million twice! Sixty-two million three times! Deal!”

Then, the auction mallet in his hand banged heavily on the table.

With this bang, Liona burst into tears of joy.

In the past few days, she has been awake at night for this house, not thinking about tea and rice, and she wanted to buy it, but she was worried that it will happen unexpectedly.

Now, finally the dust settled.

Although the price far exceeds its original value as a house, for Liona, the house is priceless.

She fell in love with Changying from the ignorant years of her youth, until Changying got married and when Changying passed away, her love for him never faded.

Chapter 2406

Thirty years later, Changying left her with nothing but an indelible memory and some old photos.

Not to mention leaving her a token of sorrow in her heart, even if she wants to go to Changying’s grave to worship, it is hard to climb to forget him.

Now, she finally bought the old house where he once lived, and the emotions in her heart for more than 30 years finally have a place to put.

Zhiyu saw her mother burst into tears, and her heart was mixed.

While feeling sorry for her mother’s infatuation for so many years, she also sympathized with the inhumane behavior her father had entrusted these years.

However, when she changed her mind, thought that the father had already had a physical derailment, and there was an illegitimate daughter who was only one year younger than her, and she felt that father was not worthy of sympathy.

Then, she thought of her benefactor.

Seeing her mother’s life of infatuation, she couldn’t help asking herself in her heart: “Zhiyu, Zhiyu, if you can’t find your benefactor, will you be trapped like your mother and never get out? If that’s the case. You are not as lucky as your mother. At least, she still knows Changying, and she grew up with Changying, and has many common experiences and pasts memories. You don’t even know what your benefactor is called…



At this moment, at the back door of Treasures Pavilion, Charlie wearing a mask quickly walked out of the passage.

After going out, he looked up at the cloudy sky, his eyes were already filled with tears.

Ever since his parents passed away when he was eight years old, Charlie has been the same as Liona over the years, and he has nowhere to put his feelings towards his parents.

He is even worse than Liona, because Liona still has some old photos at least, but Charlie can’t save even a photo of his parents.

After the parents’ accident, they were airlifted to the parental city within a very short time, together with their parents’ bodies and all the belongings in the old house. Charlie was equivalent to entering the orphanage in a single suit. From that moment on, he almost lost all the items that can be pinned to grief.

Until some time ago, in the years before he went to the mountains to the graves, he was oblivious to their location of final rest.

Therefore, this house bears all his thoughts for his parents.

Just a minute ago, Charlie was also determined to win this house.

He even felt that even if it cost hundreds of millions or even hundreds of billions, he must buy this house.

However, at that moment, he suddenly decided to not compete Liona.

Now, he doesn’t regret his decision, he just feels a bit desolate and sad simply because of the loss of this house.

Issac chased it out, seeing Charlie’s eyes filled with tears, his heart was shocked!

Knowing Charlie for so long, this is the first time he has seen Charlie with tears in his eyes.

He couldn’t help but exclaimed in his heart: “Is this still the Master Wade whom countless people admire? Is this still the Master Wade who walked out of the avalanche in the mountains under the Changbai Mountain range? where a sky thunder buried the eight heavenly kings? At this moment, he was like a child who could not find a way home, painful and helpless.”

At this moment, Issac felt a little bit more admiration for his young master at the same time.

Charlie is no longer as simple as reluctantly giving up love, he left all his regrets to himself, and left the psychological redemption and rebirth to Liona.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help sighing, stepped forward, and asked in a low voice, “Master, are you okay?”

“Yes, there is nothing.” Charlie waved his hand, abruptly suffocating his tears, and said: “Old man… can you drive me to the old house to have a look. Staying and going through some formalities, I want to go over and take a look, and it won’t be that easy to think about it again after the handover is complete.”

Issac hurriedly said: “Yes master, wait a moment, I’ll get the car!”

Chapter 2407

Issac quickly drove the car over. Charlie was about to get in the car. Bao Fugui, the owner of Treasures Pavilion, hurried out and asked nervously, “Master Wade, why are you leaving so early?”

Charlie said calmly: “Suddenly there is something to be dealt with, so I won’t stay longer.”

Bao Fugui hurriedly asked: “Master Wade, are you not satisfied with the service of Treasures Pavilion?”

Charlie waved his hand: “No, it has nothing to do with your Treasure Pavilion.”

Bao Fugui only breathed a sigh of relief and quickly asked: “By the way, Master Wade, were you interested in the items that were auctioned today? If so, please tell me, and I will help you win !”

Charlie shook his head and smiled: “There is nothing I am interested in at the auction. I came here today to join in the heat, so don’t worry too much.”

With that said, he pointed to the Rolls-Royce in front of him and said to Bao Fugui: “I have something to do, so I will leave now, and we will get together again when I have time.”

Bao Fugui hurriedly nodded and bowed his waist and said, “Master Wade, go slowly. If there is another auction in Treasures Pavilion next time, I must contact you in advance!”

Charlie nodded, said goodbye to Bao Fugui, and got in the car.

Bao Fugui saw Charlie’s Rolls Royce leave the Treasure Pavilion before turning around and returning to the auction venue.

Afterward, Issac carried Charlie to the old house where Charlie lived with his parents.

At this time, Liona, who finally won the former residence of Charlie’s parents at a skyhigh price of 62 million, has come to the back office of the auction and began to go through the house purchase procedures with the staff.

The staff of the judicial department looked at Liona in shock at this time, and said: “Madam, are you sure you want to buy this property at a high price of 62 million? If you want to breach the contract now, we will only hold your bid deposit of 10,000 will be deducted and you will be added to the blacklist for only one year. Would you like to consider it again?”

This is a judicial auction after all, and all the funds from the auction will be used for the defendant to repay the amount involved in the case.

Therefore, no matter how much is sold, there is no actual interest involved in the judicial department. Therefore, they hope that the goods sold by the judicial auction can really be sold at a price-performance ratio.

They felt that the price Liona had set out was too ridiculous and that this house was not worth so much money without reason.

Once Liona paid the money, there would be no room for regret. All the money from the auction of the house will be used for judicial compensation immediately, and there will never be room for regret.

But in case Liona clears the money and regrets it, if she wants to coax it, she must come to the judicial department to coax it. At that time, it will more or less affect their own reputation, and it will be trouble for them.

Therefore, in order to put an end to the trouble, they hope that Liona will not be taken advantage of. It would be best to repent on the spot. When the next judicial auction comes, the house will be taken out again and auctioned at a normal market price.

Moreover, they also felt that Liona must have bid the price with that person on the spot, so they kept increasing the price one by one. Otherwise, it is impossible for a normal person to get such an incredible price.

However, she was very confident at this time and said: “I don’t need to think about it. Please handle the payment for me as soon as possible and the rest of the transfer process. The sooner the better, thank you.”

Chapter 2408

The staff wiped their sweat and explained earnestly: “Madam, the starting price of this house you are buying now is only 880,000, and the highest market price is about 1.3 million. Your current auction price is nearly fifty times the difference! Are you sure you really don’t need to think about it again?”

Liona shook her head and said firmly: “I have considered it clearly, and there is no need to consider it anymore from my side. Please help me handle it as soon as possible.”

Several staff members exchanged glances, and one of them said: “In this case, we will handle the subsequent payment process for you. Is your bank account balance is enough?”

Liona counted and nodded: “Enough.”

“Okay…” The staff took out the POS machine and said: “Madam, please confirm that your card issuing bank has a single day transaction limit in the required range. Many users have a single day transaction limit. The default is 1 million. If your transaction limit is not enough, please contact the bank.”

Her daughter on the side said impatiently: “Where do you have so many problems, can you just swipe your card? If our card doesn’t even have a transaction limit, how could you just wait for payment?”

The staff member embarrassedly said: “I’m sorry, miss, mainly because we haven’t done a single transaction of such a large amount, so I want to confirm with you clearly, I am really sorry…”

After speaking, the staff entered the number on the POS machine, after confirming that it was correct, handed it to Liona and said: “Madam, please swipe your card.”

Liona counted and nodded, took out the bank card and handed it to the other party, and then entered the password. Then, the POS machine displayed that the bank had confirmed that the transaction deduction was successful, so it automatically typed out the slip.

The staff really sighed. It seems that this is a rich person who doesn’t take money seriously and spending dozens of times more is nothing to her.

Afterward, the staff took out five copies of the house purchase agreement and said to Liona: “Madam, please check the details of the contract. If there are not any problems, each of the five house purchase agreements must be signed, and every All pages must be signed for confirmation.”

Liona counted and nodded, flipped through the terms, and after confirming that the ownership of the property rights was clear and there were no problems, she immediately began to sign her name on the contract.

At the same time, Eastcliff Su’s family.

Shoude Su said to Old Chengfeng Su angrily: “This sister-in-law! this woman is really ignorant! Not only did she go to the auction, she also took the house with a maximum of one million for a price of 62 million. I think it won’t be long before this incident will be known to the entire Eastcliff city, and the face of our Su family will be seriously damaged by that time!”

After that, he said angrily: “How the hell does she like Changying bastard! It’s unreasonable!”

Chengfeng said with a cold face: “Don’t call her sister-in-law! Our family doesn’t have such a daughter-in-law!”

Shoude said angrily: “Dad! If I knew this was going to be the case. It would have been better to kill her on the way to the auction! That way, at least we could keep our family’s face!”

Chengfeng said in a cold voice: “If we do this kind of thing in advance, it would be risking the world! If she still doesn’t damage our Su family’s face, our Su family will kill her in advance, if this is spread out. Our family will become the object of disgust for the whole world, and the object of criticism and ridicule for the entire Eastcliff upper class!”

After that, Chengfeng asked him back: “Have you forgotten that the world-famous princess in Europe was killed after she fell in love with a heretic, became pregnant with his children, and was about to get married! But even so, even if there has always been definite evidence from the outside world, and the royal family has been scolded for decades! If the royal family kills the princess just because the princess is in love with a heretic, the royal family would have been drowned in the saliva of the common people long ago!”

Having said that, Chengfeng sighed, patted his face lightly, and said: “Others have to slap us on our faces before we can kill them. You can’t just because they stare at you. 

We must kill the other party! That is to poke a big basket!”

Chapter 2409

Although Shoude has a moral character in his name, he doesn’t have any “morality” in himself.

Not only is there no morality but even a hint of it is missing in his demeanor.

And Chengfeng, although he is also an unscrupulous person, at least he has the skill of scheming.

Such people are generally full of benevolence and morality on the surface and full of the mindset of vile men, thieves, and pro$titutes.

But the key is that the full belly of male thieves and female pro$titutes cannot be seen.

In the belly of Old Man Su, the bad water fermented for a lifetime, and no one except himself knows how many wicked things have been done, but the only one who really broke it was Ruoli.

In most cases, Elder Su is still very good at superficial skills.

At this time, Father Su had already regarded Shoude as his future successor, so he said with earnest words: “Shoude, you have to know that the survival rules and know-how of upper-class society, in general, are two words, teacher Famous!”

“A famous teacher?” Shoude hurriedly asked: “Dad, can you tell me more specifically?”

Elder Su explained: “The so-called famous teacher means that everything must have a decent reputation!”

“If we don’t have any status, we will go straight up and give the other party a mess, then this belongs to the young people who don’t play cards according to the routine and don’t perform martial arts, and we can only do it for ourselves.”

“Look at it. In wars between countries throughout the ages, even if the aggressor wants to invade a country, under normal circumstances, it will find a reason that can barely be justified.”

“Just like the Lugouqiao July 7th Incident, the Japanese also lied that a soldier was missing, and then took the opportunity to start the incident.”

“We still need a reason between countries, let alone our families.”

Speaking of this, Mr. Su said with a cold expression: “Actually, I wanted Liona’s life a long time ago! From the moment I knew Liona was going to Aurous Hill, I wished that Liona’s plane crashed and died on the way to Aurous Hill. Then you can get it done once and for all, once and for all!”

“But, I could only think about it in my heart, not just do it!”

“Because Liona only went to Aurous Hill, and didn’t do anything that would humiliate the Su family’s reputation. If she gets off her private jet because she is going to Aurous Hill, then once the incident happens, the entire Su family will be destroyed. !”

“So, if we want her life, she must be known as a teacher only after she has done things that substantially damage the reputation of the Su family!”

“Now, during the duration of the marriage between Liona and your elder brother, she went to Aurous Hill to bid for the old house where Changying lived, and the price was still multiple times higher than the market price. This has indeed affected the reputation of the Su family. At this time, you have a certain reason to kill her.”

Shoude heard this and said with a face of being taught: “Dad, I understand what you mean! Hearing this from you today really made me start! In the future, I will follow you to study hard and polish myself!”

Shoude grew up so old, and today is really the first time he heard his father talk about this strategy.

In fact, the old man Su is very scheming, and there are countless strategies in his stomach. This is just a very simple point, not a sophisticated strategy.

However, because Shoude is the second child, he had no chance to learn such a strategy before.

This kind of strategy, like the art of the ancient emperor, is often only passed on to the prince who wants to inherit the ruler in the future. The other princes have no chances to learn, and they are not even qualified to listen.

The reason why the emperor was unwilling to teach his country’s methods and strategies to other princes was that he was afraid that other princes would threaten the eligible prince’s safety in the future.

Chapter 2410

This is like those martial arts sects. The head will always pass on the core martial arts to the successor of the next head, but not to other apprentices. The purpose is to ensure that the strength of the successor is higher and will not be overthrown by his own people.

In the past, the old man Chengfeng devoted himself to teaching his eldest son Zynn Su every day. As for the other sons, he never taught them any real strategies.

But now, the eldest son Zynn has been completely abandoned by him.

After the eldest son was abolished, the most ideal heir in his heart became the second son Shoude.

Therefore, he planned to train Shoude from now on.

At this moment, he felt in his heart: “I have at most ten or twenty years to live in the future, and Shoude will grow up from now, ten or twenty years, and he will have almost hardly settled in the dealings of affairs.

“In this way, he will not threaten my grasp of the Su family power over the next ten or twenty years.”

“But if he changes to abide by the Tao and become the heir, maybe in five or eight years, I can’t hold him down.”

“Looking at it this way, the situation that happened to this day may not necessarily be a bad thing.”

At this moment, Shoude hurriedly asked: “Dad, how are we going to kill Liona that b!tch woman now?! Have you sent a master in the family to Aurous Hill?”

“No.” Chengfeng shook his head and said, “How can you use your own person for this kind of thing? Isn’t that equivalent to bringing trouble for yourself?”

Shoude asked in a puzzled way: “Dad, didn’t you say that we want to become famous?

Now that Liona is insulting the family, don’t we already have a reason to do it?”

Chengfeng was very disappointed and rebuked: “Shoude! Being famous is a necessary condition, but it is by no means the only condition! If you just cover your face and run naked, you won’t be recognized. Would you just wear a mask in the future and won’t wear pants?!”

Shoude said in fear: “Dad, I… I didn’t mean that…”

Chengfeng snorted coldly, and said sharply: “You can hear clearly, even if the teacher is famous, this kind of life-killing thing, we must try our best to separate everything!”

As he said, he added: “The teacher I just mentioned is famous, but it just leaves us behind. The most important thing for us is not to let the other party find any evidence!”

“The best solution to this matter is to find a way to kill Liona, and although the whole world thinks it must be our Su family, no one should find any substantive evidence!”

“Like the famous princess in Europe, everyone knows how she died, but what’s the use?

No one can show direct evidence of her murder. In the end, they can only say that she

died in a car accident!”

“Ten thousand steps back, even if the outside world has evidence that the royal family

murdered her, the royal family will at least have a reason to excuse itself or mitigate the


“For example, she was pregnant with a pagan child and intended to marry a pagan,

which is detrimental to the royal authority”

“For example, she had already given birth to a prince for the royal family, but once she

married a pagan in her second marriage, she would give birth to a pagan baby, and this

pagan baby is the half-brother of the royal prince. Where is the prince’s face, where is

the face of the entire royal family, and where is the face of the entire nation?”

“These are all the reasons why the royal masters are famous, and they are also the way

to wash themselves after the big incidents in the future!”

Shoude hurriedly asked: “Dad, how can you make Liona’s death ambiguous?”

Chengfeng sneered and said: “What I am after is not to make her die an ambiguous

death, I want to make her die impeccably!”

Chapter 2411

Hearing the words of Elder Su, Shoude immediately asked with excitement: “Dad, what

good way do you have to make Liona’s death impeccable?”

Elder Su sneered: “It was to find an A-level wanted criminal who committed a capital

crime in advance and gives his family 10 million in relocation allowance to let him

escape to Aurous Hill.”

Shoude hurriedly asked: “Dad, do you want that wanted criminal to act?”

The old man Su said calmly: “It is to make the wanted criminal do a good job, but the

whole plan is not as simple as you think.”

After speaking, the old man continued: “I have also let people leak this information to

the local police in Aurous Hill. I believe that soon the police in Aurous Hill will search for

this wanted criminal throughout the city. He has many homicides on his account, and he

will die if he is caught. So he will naturally run desperately under the police chase…”

“By then, he will run around Aurous Hill like a headless fly, and then escape to the

auction site by accident…”

“When he arrives at the auction site, the Aurous Hill police will definitely send a large

number of people to surround the entire Treasure Pavilion. Then he is like a turtle in the

urn. In a panic, it is normal to hold several hostages…”

“At that time, in order to survive, this wanted criminal will naturally use the hostages as a

threat and drive away with the hostages. At that time, he will make sure to take Liona

into the car!”

Shoude hurriedly asked: “Then when will he kill Liona? After getting in the car, or after


There was a sharp flash in the eyes of Old Man Su, and he said coldly: “The plan I made

for him is to kill Liona after he escapes, and then I will send him to the Philippines by

boat, but if this person lives, he will increase the risk of our exposure, I have arranged for

others to directly cause a car accident after he took Liona into the car and neutralize him

and Liona together!”

Having said this, the old man smiled sinisterly and said: “By then, these two people will

go to see the Lord together, and our plan will never be revealed, even if the whole world

suspects that we killed her. It doesn’t matter, they can say whatever they say if they can’t

find any evidence!”

Shoude said excitedly: “Dad! Your trick is really wonderful! First, you secretly instructed

an A-level wanted criminal to escape to Aurous Hill, accidentally escape to the auction

venue, kidnap Liona, and then the wanted criminal rushing away with Liona. Accidentally

encounter a car accident and die, and even Liona killed together, the cause and effect

are perfect, it seems that Liona cleaned up! I believe that no one should doubt our Su

family! It is really perfect! “

Elder Su nodded with a sneer, and said seriously: “I think I have been up and down in

the sea of commerce for half my life, but for everything I have to do, I will consider a few

more steps forward and a few more backward, and strive to be foolproof before

starting. …..”

Having said this, he sighed and sighed: “Hey! The only mistake in my life was that of

Ruoli! Originally, it was all planned with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, which could

be said to be foolproof, but I am now confused. I don’t understand, which link was the


“Not only is Ruoli missing, but even my overall plan has been discovered. It is really a

heavy loss!”

“What I am most worried about now is that Ruoli is not only alive somewhere, there is

even a hidden behind-the-scenes person behind her back.”

“If that’s the case, then this person is likely to become the deadly enemy of our family in

the future!”

When Shoude heard this, he nodded in agreement and sneered in his heart: “Although I

don’t know which part of Ruoli had the problem, I don’t know whether Ruoli is behind

the scenes. , But if there is, I really want to thank him!”

“If he hadn’t ruined the old man’s plan, how could the old man push his eldest brother

out as a substitute?”

“If the old man doesn’t push the eldest brother out as a substitute for the dead, then

how can I have the opportunity to replace the eldest brother as the heir?”

However, Shoude didn’t dare to show his inner joy. He asked with concern: “Dad, that

wanted criminal, when will you start?”

Chapter 2412

Elder Su looked at the time and said: “If there is no deviation in the plan, the criminal

should arrive at the auction site in ten minutes.”

Shoude hurriedly asked: “Dad, ten minutes, Liona won’t leave, right?!”

“No!” Elder Su sneered: “Liona should be still working on the property change

procedures now. This procedure is very cumbersome, and it will be impossible to do it in

a short while. She wants that old house so much, and now she finally went smoothly to

get it. Will definitely cooperate very seriously with the change process.”

Shoude nodded slightly, and at the same time, he was relieved.

However, he quickly remembered something and asked: “Dad! Zhiyu is also with her.

Will there be any accidents then?”

Shoude knew that the old man liked Zhiyu’s granddaughter very much, and what he was

really worried about was not Zhiyu’s safety, but whether the old man would stop the

whole plan because of Zhiyu.

Old Su’s expression was slightly loose at this time, and he sighed slightly and said: “I

have already let people know the wanted man. I have given him Liona and the photos of

Zhifei and Zhiyu. I told him clearly that he only needs to know these three people, it is

enough to take the life of Liona. Now the boy has flown back here early in the morning,

and there is one Zhiyu left. That person has also seen the photos of Zhiyu in advance

and will not harm her.”

Shoude hurriedly pretended to be relieved and sighed: “That would be great. To be

honest, I still like child Zhiyu very much. This child is really the brightest and the best of

the Su family. The one with an idea and understanding of things around!”

“Yes!” Elder Su couldn’t help sighing: “It would be nice if Zhiyu was a boy. What a pity…”

Shoude caught the look of regret in the old man’s eyes, and a vicious thought flashed in

his heart.

From the bottom of his heart, he hoped that Liona and Zhiyu would die together this


In this way, even if the eldest brother Zynn does not feel sorry for Liona, he will

definitely feel sorry for Zhiyu.

If the old man killed Liona and Zhiyu at the same time, then Zynn would definitely hate

the old man.

When the time comes, the eldest brother will not just be exiled to Australia, he will

definitely fight to the death with the old man.

In order to protect himself, the old man will completely expel his eldest brother from the

Su family, leaving him with nothing and no chance of turning over for a lifetime.

In that case, the future Patriarch will be able to sit more firmly.

So, he checked the time and said to Old Man, “Dad, I will go to the bathroom now and

come back soon.”

Elder Su did not suspect that he was there, nodded slightly, and waved his hand: “Go!”

Shoude immediately came out of the old man’s study. After that, he hurriedly took out

his mobile phone and sent a text message to his confidant:

“The old man spent 10 million a few days ago to find an A-level wanted criminal. Now

immediately find out the name of the wanted criminal, and then contacted him as

quickly as possible and tell him that I could call his family again. Twenty million will be

passed, but the premise is to add a condition so that he will kill Zhiyu at the same time

as he kills Liona!”

Chapter 2413

At this moment, Aurous Hill.

A man wearing a mask appeared at the subway station near Treasures Pavilion.

There are a large number of monitoring probes at the subway station entrance, some of

which are security videos of the subway, some are monitoring of the city’s Skynet, and

several new high-end cameras equipped with face recognition functions.

In recent years, with the rapid development of technology, face recognition has

successfully emerged from science fiction films and entered the lives of ordinary people.

Not only does the mobile phone support facial recognition, more importantly, the police

also has a complete set of facial recognition systems connected to big data.

The biggest use of this system is to quickly screen a large number of people.

For example, if hundreds of people come to the front if there is a wanted criminal mixed

in, then relying on police officers to check one by one will not only be inefficient, but it

is also particularly prone to omissions.

However, now with the face recognition system, when hundreds of people pass by

quickly, the system can directly identify the identities of hundreds of people through

face recognition.

At the same time, the system will immediately verify the identities of hundreds of

people. If there are fugitives or suspects, the police will get system reminders as soon as


The most typical example is that a well-known Hong Kong singer came to the mainland

to hold a concert. At each concert, the police can always catch several fugitives from the

tens of thousands of audience at the arena.

Why is there such high efficiency?

Almost all rely on the powerful features of face recognition!

Therefore, with the increasing development of science and technology, the possibility of

criminals trying to escape legal sanctions has become less and less.

At this moment, the man wearing a mask looked around, then reached into his pocket

and took out a pack of cigarettes that were very dry and crumpled.

He tore open the cigarette case and found that there was not even a single cigarette

inside, so he stepped to the mobile convenience store at the subway station entrance

and said in a low voice to the shopkeeper: “Boss, give me a package of Dunhill.”

The shopkeeper hurriedly asked: “Soft or hard?”

The man opened his mouth and said, “Soft.”

The shopkeeper took out a pack of Soft Dunhill from the glass cabinet and handed it to

him, while saying, “Sixty-five.”

The man directly threw him a hundred bills and said lightly: “No need to look for


The shopkeeper was overjoyed and said with a busy smile: “Oh, thank you!”

The man took the cigarette and turned around, he had already taken apart the plastic

film on the outside of the cigarette packet and then tore the right side of the case.

Afterward, he skillfully tapped his fingers on the left side of the cigarette case, and a

cigarette came out of the torn opening on the right.

He took out the cigarette and took off the mask he was wearing, revealing a fierce face

with Chinese characters.

He held the cigarette in his mouth, took a hard sip after lighting it, and then turned his

head to look around.

He glanced at the rows of surveillance cameras at the subway entrance and wiped a

resolute smile on the corner of his mouth.

He has been on the run for three years.

In the past three years, he has lived a ghostly life, hiding in Tibet, and has long been


He wanted to find opportunities to sneak overseas so that he could give himself a sigh

of relief, but he didn’t have the ability at all, and he didn’t have the opportunity.

So he can only hide everywhere with a hunger for what he desired.

The only thing that can bring him comfort is that he and his family have a very secret

contact method that even the police do not know about yet.

It is precisely because of this contact method that his family members contacted him

two days ago and told him that someone gave them ten million and in return wants him

to kill a person. After the work is done, he could use his contacts to send him abroad.

Because his family had received this ten million, he was moved almost instantly.

Chapter 2414

Anyway, he was tired of the days of hiding everywhere, earning 10 million for his family,

and giving himself a chance of complete liberation. He had no reason to refuse.

So, he moved to Aurous Hill yesterday, ready to play!

According to the owner’s request, he had to find a surveillance camera to expose

himself before escaping to a place called Treasures Pavilion.

Now, what he is doing is to expose himself and let the Aurous Hill police know that he is


At this moment, the Aurous Hill Police Command Office.

The police’s face recognition system suddenly issued a harsh warning sound, and the

police officer on duty was shocked when he saw it!

On the computer screen, a system prompt has popped up with a line written on it:

“Identified by the face recognition system, A-level wanted criminal Shred has appeared

in our city. Please verify immediately!”

The police officer on duty hurriedly retrieved the live video automatically captured by

the system. After a closer look, he was shocked. He quickly picked up the emergency

phone on the desktop and blurted out: “A-level wanted criminal Shred appeared at the

Lidong Road Metro Station Please implement the arrest immediately!”

The whole Aurous Hill police blew up!

A-level wanted criminals to appear in Aurous Hill. This is definitely the last thing the

local police want to see, because once this criminal makes a big case in the local area,

not only will the local people suffer, they will also have to bear huge public pressure!

As a result, the police immediately mobilized the city’s police force and decided to arrest

Shred at the earliest.

At this time, Shred received a text message on his mobile phone: “Aurous Hill police

have found you! A patrol car is rushing to catch you. Pay attention to your right-hand

side. It is still 800 meters away from you!”

After reading the text, Shred gritted his teeth and stared at the right side unblinkingly.

Soon, a police car in the distance appeared in the field of vision and kept approaching.

However, the policeman didn’t turn on the lights or the siren, so it didn’t look like they

were performing an emergency mission.

But Shred knew in his heart that the people who spent money to hire him had a good

eye. Since the other party said that the car was here to catch him, he would definitely

not make a mistake.

He watched the car getting closer, and could feel his heartbeat in his throat.

He didn’t have a rush, because he knew that the person who hired him had a

requirement, and he had to be chased into the Treasures pavilion next to him by the

police, instead of running over by himself.

So, he was smoking a cigarette in his mouth, while calculating the distance and timing.

He is now standing on the sidewalk, the road is higher, and there are a lot of shared

bicycles on the side of the road.

Therefore, after the police car drove to the front of the motorway, it was impossible to

drive the car directly in front of him, and could only pull over on the motorway and then

walk over.

This at least 12 meters of walking distance is his chance to escape.

He knew that this was to coax the city police, and they would definitely not shoot

directly, so with the advantage of more than ten meters and a faster starting speed, the

police officer would not be able to catch up with him, and he would be able to run into

the treasure pavilion.

In that way, the opponent chased all the way, escaped all the way, and rushed directly

into the Treasures Pavilion.

At this moment, the police car was almost in front of him. He glanced at the police car in

surprise, and when the police car pulled over, he began to back up cautiously.

At this time, the door of the police car opened, and several police officers pretended to

be on a routine patrol, got out of the car slowly, preparing to paralyze Shred, and then

waited for the opportunity to approach.

However, Shred was very nervous. He took a puff of the cigarette, threw his cigarette

butt to the ground, turned around, and ran back.

Several police officers wanted to approach quietly, but when they thought that Shred

was so nervous, one of them immediately shouted: “Shred, stop there!”

Shred didn’t look back at all and ran forward like crazy.

Several police officers hurriedly pursued.

Relying on his leading advantage, Shred took the police around twice and rushed

directly to the treasure pavilion not far away!

The police officers at the head were desperately chasing while using the intercom to

report: “Shred has a strong anti-reconnaissance awareness. He started to flee when he

saw us. Now he has escaped into the Treasures Pavilion! Request the city bureau to

immediately send police forces to block the Pavilion and implement the full encircling

protocol. We need to catch him now!”

Chapter 2415

In the eyes of the police officer, Shred ran into the Treasures Pavilion randomly because

he was chased and panicked.

But in fact, Treasure Pavilion is Shred’s ultimate goal.

At this moment, Treasure Pavilion.

In the hall, the auction continues, and Liona is still signing various files.

When Shred came to the door and was about to walk in, the security guard at the door

stopped him and said, “Sir, please show me the entry code for this auction. You can only

enter after verification.”

Shred glanced back and found that the policeman who was pursuing him had rushed in.

He immediately took out a pistol from his arms and pointed it at the security guard’s

forehead. He said coldly, “Fu*king nonsense, I will just shoot. I will break you!”

At this time, the police officers behind saw that he had pulled out a pistol, and they

looked shocked and also pulled out guns one after another.

Shred was not afraid, and pulled open the jacket of the cotton-padded jacket, revealing

a vest filled with powerful explosives.

Afterwards, Shred held a gun in one hand and a switch with a wire in the other. He

whispered in a cold voice, “It’s the fu*king time to listen to me. The explosives on him

are used to drive down the mountains! It can detonate the whole building. If it is blown

into ruins, if you police officers dare to come in, I will let everyone in it be buried with


The faces of the police officers who were chasing after seeing this were so shocking!

This Shred was originally a gangster, carrying several lives. In his previous case handling

experience, he often used guns and explosives. Therefore, the police officers did not

suspect him of carrying explosives on his body.

Therefore, everyone suddenly became very fearful of him.

Everyone was not far apart, and they could all see the vest Shred was wearing. The vest

was bulging, covered with strips of things like long ham sausages, and they could see

that it was a powerful explosive at a glance.

This kind of explosive is so powerful that it can easily explode the stone by punching a

hole in it. If it is really detonated here, the consequences will be disastrous!

Therefore, one of the police officers immediately said loudly: “Shred, don’t be impulsive!

If you have something to talk about slowly, be careful of the switch in your hand!”

Shred sneered: “Damn, what’s to be careful? I have already become a desperate man

anyway, and with so many murders, I won’t lose any time when I die! So you’d better

show me some understanding, otherwise If so, I just took so many people to bury me

directly, which happened to save me from hiding!”

After speaking, he immediately pointed a gun at the security guard’s head and shouted

coldly: “Let me in and close the door!”

The security guard was robbed of the back of his head. How dare he make a mistake, he

hurriedly followed Shred’s request, led Shred into the door, and then locked the door

tightly at Shred’s request.

Shred grabbed the key from the security guard and said coldly, “You, follow me in!”

The security guards did not dare to follow Shred and stepped forward to the auction to


Shred directly rushed into the auction hall with a gun, and shouted at the crowd

participating in the auction: “Everyone, just fu*king listen to me. Give me your head and

squat down. Who dares to run, don’t blame me. The bullet does not have eyes!”

The entire hall suddenly became a mess, and everyone screamed and prepared to


At this time, Shred directly picked up the pistol, fired three shots at the ceiling, and

exclaimed, “Who the hell will run another one!”

As soon as the gunshot sounded, everyone was immediately frightened, and most

people immediately squatted on the ground without hesitation, holding their heads in

both hands.

But there were also one or two people, thinking that they could have a chance to escape

to heaven, so they planned to escape from the side door. Shred directly raised his gun

and shot, banging twice, and directly killed the man closest to the side door.

Now, the scene was even more shocked.

After Shred shot the man to death, he ran directly to the corridor next to the hall.

According to the information given to him by the other party, the target he wanted to

kill today was in the office next to the corridor.

Chapter 2416

At this time, Liona and Zhiyu heard the gunshots and immediately realized that

something had happened. Liona pulled Zhiyu and blurted out: “Zhiyu, let’s go!”

Zhiyu also knew that it was a matter of great importance, so she ran out with her mother

without hesitation.

However, as soon as they ran out, they saw that many people outside the corridor were

already trying to run out in a panic.

At this moment, Shred, armed with a gun, suddenly appeared at the entrance of the

corridor. He raised the gun and pointed it directly at a man who was fleeing in a hurry.

With a bang, he directly shot a bloody mist out of the back of the man’s head!

With this shot, the man with the gunshot in the back of his head fell to the ground with

a plop, and the panicked crowd around him suddenly let out a harsh scream.

Shred shouted coldly: “Listen to me, all go to the lobby to gather, no one is allowed to

run! Otherwise, the end will be the same as this guy!”

Originally, these people were all in a panic and fled for their lives.

But now suddenly someone was shot and killed in front of them, which deeply

stimulated their nerves.

At this time, everyone will calculate an account in their minds.

If you still insist on running away at this time, you will most likely be shot dead by the


But if you cooperate obediently at this time, there are at least a hundred people in the

entire scene, including auctioneers and staff, and it is impossible for the other party to

kill so many people at once?

Therefore, if you cooperate obediently, your chances of survival should be much greater.

As a result, no one of this group dared to try to escape anymore, each of them held

their heads in their hands, turned around honestly, and walked into the hall one by one.

Because the entrance door of the hall had been locked and the key was snatched by

Shred, it was impossible for this group of people to have a chance to escape.

At this time, Shred saw that everyone in the hallway had gone to the hall, and he

shouted into the hallway: “All the people in the office and bathroom also listened to me.

I call you to the hall in one minute. Assemble, I will check all the rooms in one minute. If

I find someone hiding in it, don’t blame my bullet for not being affectionate!”

After speaking, he added: “I tell you the truth, I didn’t come for any of you today. I was

just forced to flee by the police. I fled here to hide, as long as you honestly cooperate. I,

when I negotiate with the police, I will naturally let you go!”

“However, if any of you dare to play with me carefully, I will definitely kill him in one

shot. Anyway, I am a Grade A wanted criminal with several lives on my back, so I don’t

care about taking more!”

Hearing what he said, many people in the offices on both sides of the corridor honestly

opened the door and walked out.

Bao Fugui, the owner of Treasures Pavilion, also gave up the idea of hiding in the office

and walked out of the office with his head in his hands.

At this time, the two staff members who filed for Liona exchanged glances and went out


Zhiyu asked Liona in a low voice: “Mom, what shall we do?”

Liona said without hesitation: “Let’s go out too. At this time, it is natural to cooperate

well to ensure personal safety to the greatest extent!”

Zhiyu nodded gently.

Later, the mother and daughter also held up their hands, and the two staff members

walked out behind them.

Shred kept holding the gun, paying attention to everyone walking out of the rooms on

both sides. When he saw Liona and Zhiyu, he was immediately relieved.

He knew that the beautiful woman named Liona in front of him was his only support for

turning over this time!

Chapter 2417

Most criminals who commit felony crimes will be listed by the police as the key targets

of arrest. Therefore, Shred who can escape all the way without being arrested has a

deep sense of city government and anti-reconnaissance, and is extremely

knowledgeable, he knows how to hide oneself.

Therefore, at the moment he saw Liona, although his heart was already excited, he

couldn’t wait for his eyes to shine, but he couldn’t show any waves on the surface.

He shook the gun in his hand, and said coldly: “Hurry up on the back, don’t fu*king give

me a dawdle there!”

Liona and Zhiyu didn’t notice any abnormality, and hurriedly followed the others to the

auction hall.

Seeing that Liona was already under his control, Shred did not go to search for other

rooms, but after everyone entered the hall, he walked directly behind everyone, and

then closed the door tightly.

At this time, there were a total of more than 100 men, women and children in the hall,

all of whom looked at Shred nervously, not knowing what he was going to do to them


At this time, Shred stepped onto the auction stage, picked up the microphone, and said

arrogantly: “Everyone, it is a kind of fate that we meet in this way in this place today, so I

will introduce myself to you first.”

Speaking of this, Shred cleared his throat and said: “My name is Shred, a northerner, and

I am a wanted A-level criminal listed by the police. I fled all the way to Aurous Hill. I was

just buying a pack of cigarettes at the subway entrance. I was discovered by the police

and there is no other way. I can only hide here and take everyone hostage.”

Afterwards, Shred turned around and said: “However, you don’t need to be afraid. I

insist that I don’t want money and don’t kill you. I just hope that you will stay here

honestly, as I negotiate with the police. You are my bargaining chip, when the police

agree to my terms, I will naturally continue my escape career, and everyone can leave

here safely.”

Shred’s remarks made most people a little relieved.

These people felt in their hearts that since they wanted to cooperate as hostages, they

should cooperate honestly. When Shred got what he wanted, he would naturally go

home safely.

Liona and Zhiyu also didn’t notice anything abnormal. Their minds were just like

everyone else, but they felt somewhat unlucky.

It’s like coming out to withdraw money and encountering a bank robber. Although the

probability is small, it is not impossible.

Now that things have happened, the most important thing now is to ensure your own

personal safety as much as possible.

Shred continued to speak at this time: “I just said, just need everyone to cooperate with

me, so you just need to hold your head with your hands honestly and don’t make any

small moves. If anyone dares to make small moves, the end will be the same as before.

The same as those who got shot!”

Everyone knew that Shred was cruel and didn’t blink his eyes to kill, so naturally they

didn’t dare to make any moves.

Shred was still worried that he would not be able to completely deter these people, so

he once again exposed his vests full of explosives, and said coldly: “I think there are

many young people in your 20s and 30s. I also come from this age. I know that people

at this age often have hot brains and are easily impulsive, so I remind everyone, don’t be

a hero, and don’t think that a few people can join forces to find opportunities to subdue


“I admit that I have two fists and four hands, and the bullets in my gun are far from

enough to kill everyone present, but the explosives tied to my body are enough to blow

this place into a pile of rubble, enough for you guys. Follow me on the road, even if you

snatch my gun and blow my head with another shot, as long as I shake my hand and

press the switch, I can take you all to the same funeral. Everyone understands?”

When everyone heard this, their expressions were immediately shocked!

No one would have thought that Shred not only had a gun, but he also had such a big

killer jacket!

Those present are all flesh and blood. If this big killer really blows up, it is almost

impossible for anyone to survive!

Therefore, at this moment, everyone’s deep thoughts of resistance were completely


Even in the security team, several retired young men who had enlisted in the army

suddenly gave up the idea of looking for opportunities to turn the tide.

For many young people who have enlisted in the army, it is not difficult to subdue a


However, while subduing a person, it is almost impossible to ensure that his fingers do

not touch a small switch.

Chapter 2418

After all, even if it is a shot headshot and the brain loses consciousness, the nervous

system will twitch the whole body for a few minutes, which may trigger the switch if a

person dies.

Therefore, no one dared to risk themselves and the lives of so many people.

Seeing everyone was shocked, Shred was also relieved.

He is a vicious person, but he is actually worried about accidents.

After all, although he is a desperado, he is not really afraid of death. He also wants to

smuggle himself abroad and regain a new life, so he will take on such a task.

Seeing that he had completely controlled the scene of more than a hundred people with

his own words, he knew that the matter had already succeeded more than half.

The rest is to negotiate terms with the police, ask for a car, take Liona and escape.

Just when he was about to go to the gate to discuss the conditions with the police

outside, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

He bought this mobile phone from the black market. The identity of the owner was

stolen by people in the black market. It has nothing to do with him, so he is not afraid of

being found by the police.

As for this mobile phone number, only a few of his immediate family members know it,

and their contact information is also very secret.

He never allows his relatives to use cellphones, landlines and public phones to contact

him, and only allows them to use Internet phones that can make anonymous calls. In

this way, no one can find clues.

When the phone rang, he looked down and found that the caller ID was an overseas

call, so he directly pressed the answer button.

Although the call appeared to be from abroad, it was actually made by his relatives

using an internet phone.

Shred answered the phone and just said hello, he heard a woman whispering on the

phone: “Husband?”

Shred let out a hum, and asked in a low voice of dissatisfaction: “Why do you call this

time? You don’t know I have something important to do?!?”

It was Shred’s wife who called.

Shred is 35 years old this year, has been married for eleven years, has three children, and

his parents are alive. In this task, besides wanting to fight for himself, there is another

very important reason, that is, he wants to save something for his family some

settlement expenses.

After all, his parents are old and his wife has no academic qualifications. After he fled,

the family was almost sitting in the air, and the economic situation was getting worse

and worse.

However, after taking over the task this time, the other party called to give his family 10

million. This million has already been paid. It is almost enough for the family to live a

carefree life in a small place. Therefore, Shred is now considered as worry-free, even if

the mission fails, or he is arrested or killed, at least the family can live a stable life.

On the phone, Shred’s wife said a little excitedly: “Husband! The person who asked us to

do errands added another 20 million in my account!”

“What?!” Shred exclaimed and blurted out: “Really?!?

“It’s true!” Shred’s wife said excitedly: “They said that they would give the family 20

million, and they want to add a condition to you. As long as you agree, the money will

be given to our family!”

Shred was also excited and asked, “What conditions?”

Shred’s wife said truthfully: “They said, let you kill the target’s daughter along with her!”

Chapter 2419

When Shred heard this, he almost laughed out of excitement.

He subconsciously asked: “It’s that simple?!”

The wife on the other end of the phone said confidently: “Yes, it’s that simple!”

“Great!” Shred said excitedly: “It’s just a matter of hooking!”

After all, he had seen the photos of Liona, Zhifei, and Zhiyu a long time ago. Zhifei is not

here, but Liona and Zhiyu, the mothers and daughters pair who are extremely attractive

are here, which he has confirmed now with a glance.

Now, the mother and daughter are among more than one hundred hostages. As long as

he asks the police to get to the car later, he can take them together as hostages!

He originally brought one and earned 10 million, but now it is bring two and earn 30


Shred has never made such easy money in his life!

Therefore, he immediately opened his mouth and said: “I know, you tell them, I will do


Shred’s wife was equally excited.

After all, thirty million!

Living in the fifth-tier cities in the north, a house is only a few hundred thousand, and a

villa is only two million!

Therefore, Thirty Million can almost let her lead her three children for a lifetime without

any worries, and in the local area, she can live a life of a master!

She has even begun to plan now. After Shred finishes this matter and goes abroad

smoothly, she will spend 1.5 million to buy a Porsche car that she has loved for many


It was a luxury car that she could not even dream of. She once saw a beautiful woman

driving in a shopping mall. At that time, that woman drove that Porsche, her

temperament was indescribable and her pride was indescribable as well. This made her

envious for a long, long time.

But now, she has 30 million in her account, and buying the same Porsche is almost a

piece of cake!

As a result, her voice was trembling and exhorted: “My husband! People have given us

so much money, you must help them get things done!”

Shred said immediately: “Don’t worry, I will do it well, and the parents and children at

home, please take care of you.”

Shred’s wife said excitedly: “Don’t worry, husband! I will take care of our parents and


“Okay!” Shred laughed and said, “I’ll hang up now, and I will contact you after I go


“Okay! Husband, take care!”

After hanging up the phone, Shred was excited and intolerable.

Chapter 2420

He secretly thought: “Today is really a good day for him. Shred’s great luck has finally

come to him! As long as he takes these two women up later, go to a place designated

by others, and get rid of these two women, he will be able to take the boat tonight. He

will go abroad! The rest of life is to leap in the ocean and let the birds fly!”

Thinking of this, he glanced at Liona and Zhiyu quietly, and couldn’t help but muttered

in his heart: “These girls are so beautiful! I’ve never seen such a beautiful woman in real

life. That Liona, mature and s3xy, is no worse than the Hong Kong beauty celebrities of

the 90s! That Zhiyu is even more young and beautiful, and she is simply the stunner of

the stunner! It would be a shame if she gets killed like this!”

At this moment, the voice of a police officer speaking through a loudspeaker sounded

outside: “Shred, listen carefully, you are now surrounded! I advise you to give up

resistance immediately, come out and surrender, and you can fight for a leniency!”

Shred sneered, walked directly to the window, opened a window, and cursed coldly:

“What do you shout! Let me surrender? I tell you, even if I die, I won’t surrender! And I

won’t die. Not just one person will die! I will bring more than a hundred people here to

die with me!”

The police officer suddenly became nervous, and said, “I advise you not to be impulsive!

Don’t let yourself fall into the abyss of immortality!”

Shred coldly snorted, “Stop talking nonsense! Listen to me! Immediately prepare a Rolls

Royce filled with gas! As long as you prepare the car for me, I will naturally leave Aurous

Hill, too. It won’t hurt anyone here! If you don’t follow suit, I will let these people bury

with me!”

After all, Shred looked at the time and added: “I am a person with limited patience. You

only have 20 minutes to prepare. If you exceed this time, wait for the ruins and corpses

to be cleaned up!”

Shred is a smart man.

The reason why he called for a Rolls-Royce is because there are very few Rolls-Royce

cars. The police can never own a luxury car like Rolls-Royce, so they can only find one

for him temporarily. .

It is inherently difficult to find a Rolls-Royce temporarily, so it is very difficult for the

police to find the car in a hurry, and naturally it is impossible to have time to do

anything with the car.

Therefore, this is more secure for him.

Moreover, a Rolls-Royce car is highly efficient and stable. It is not easy to break down on

the road when driving in such a luxury car, and once it picks up quickly, it is impossible

for ordinary police cars to catch up.

Upon hearing this, the police officer immediately began urgent discussions.

One of them whispered: “Now Shred has a gun in his hand, and he also has a big suicide

jacket on his body. It is definitely impossible for us to attack him. Once he pressed the

switch in a hurry, he is likely to detonate the explosive. At that time, we will poke a big


“Yes!” The other person also echoed in a low voice: “There is no strong attack, and there

is no mediation plan. In my opinion, we might as well just prepare a car for him as he

said, let him leave first, and then find opportunities along the way to arrest!”

A person in charge said solemnly: “Even if he is asked to leave first, he must not be

tracked and arrested immediately. They are all immeasurable. Once a major incident

occurs, none of us can bear this responsibility!”

“Yes! Let’s prepare a car for him first, let him leave the crowded place like the city center

first! We don’t want to be able to catch this plague now, but as long as we can send him

away safely and avoid him in Aurous Hill To bring about more serious consequences, it

is a good deed for the people of Aurous Hill!”

The person in charge nodded, and said: “The top priority now is to let him leave the

treasure pavilion, otherwise there are more than 100 hostages in it, it is really too


Having said that, he immediately gave an order: “Coordinate quickly and prepare the

vehicle! Send it to Treasures Pavilion as soon as possible!”

A police officer said embarrassingly: “Captain, where are we going to get Rolls Royce?

This kind of car can start at seven or eight million. There are not many cars in the city,

and there is no police system. …..”

The person in charge called the Captain thought for a while, and said: “I have a good

relationship with Issac, President Issac, I will borrow one from him! Anyway, first meet

Shred’s needs so that he will not cause a greater loss!”

Chapter 2421

Rolls-Royce is indeed not affordable for ordinary people.

Counting all Rolls-Royce in Aurous Hill, it is estimated that there will be dozens of cars


And most of them are old cars with many years of age.

This kind of old-fashioned Rolls-Royce is actually not expensive, and most of them have

already turned a lot of hands, and finally flowed into wedding companies to make

wedding cars, specially used to fool some young people who love face.

Therefore, there are very few Rolls-Royces that can really come up with seriousness.

The Captain Ross had also thought before, whether he would simply find a wedding

company and temporarily requisition an old Rolls Royce.

After all, if there is any damage to the car, this kind of old car will be cheaper overall,

and the pressure of compensation will not be too great.

However, he changed his mind and thought again: “Shred has not only a very strong

anti-investigation awareness, but also impossible to fool. The most urgent task now is to

quickly invite this plague god out of the treasure pavilion, preferably directly get him

out of Aurous Hill City. The faster he walks, the better, so at this time must not be

extravagant, if getting an old Rolls Royce irritates him, it will easily cause trouble!”

“Moreover, Issac’s own car is a Rolls-Royce, and the hotel is equipped with four RollsRoyces of different models. Unlike others, most of them only have one Rolls-Royce, and

they are very precious, so, Asking him to borrow is the best chance…”

Thinking of this, he immediately took out his cell phone and called Issac.

At the same time, Issac just parked the car at the door of the old house where Charlie

lived with his parents, and accompanied him into the house.

Charlie looked at the depressed yard and sighed with dismay: “When my dad rented this

small yard back then, it was as dilapidated as it is now. Later, my parents worked

together to clean up the yard little by little and turn it into a warm home…”

Speaking of this, Charlie couldn’t help but sighed, and said: “That Auntie, should be like

my parents, making this place lush as it was once…”

Issac hurriedly said: “Master, don’t worry, the second lady of the Du family is a wellknown virtuous one in Beijing. After she buys this old house, she will definitely restore

the house very carefully. I believe that after a month or two, When you come to see it

again, this place will change a lot.”

Charlie waved his hand: “Forget it, I was seen by her the last time I came here, and I will

rarely come to this place in the future, unless she returns.”

Issac said earnestly: “Master, in fact, you don’t need to hide from the second Miss Du’s

family. She is a good person and she has liked your father for so many years. If you

recognize her, I think she will treat you as her own.”

“That’s not even important.” Charlie waved his hand and said seriously: “I don’t want to

be treated as a son by an aunt who loves my father deeply. That feeling is too awkward.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “Furthermore, when I was in Japan, I saved the Su

brother and sister. I don’t want to have anything to do with them.”

“Hey…” Issac sighed helplessly: “Master, you rescued Zhifei and Zhiyu. The old man from

the Su family will kneel in front of you and knock his head three times!”

Charlie sneered: “I don’t need him to kneel to me. When the time is right, I will let him

and all the men of the Su family kneel in front of my parents’ grave, and kowtowed for

the Anti-Wade Alliance back then!”

Issac unswervingly said: “Master, I believe that with your strength, this goal will definitely

be achieved in the near future!”

Charlie nodded slightly, and his eyes refocused on this defeated courtyard.

At this moment, Issac’s cell phone rang suddenly.

He hurried back a few steps so as not to disturb Charlie, and then said respectfully to

him: “Master, I will answer the call first.”

Charlie gave a hum, and said no more.

Issac walked to the door, only then connected to the phone and asked, “Yes, what can I


Captain Ross hurriedly said: “Mr. Issac, there is something I need to ask you for help.

You may have to do this time, and I hope you won’t refuse!”

Chapter 2422

Issac smiled and said: “We have known each other for so long, so what is there to be

polite with you? Let’s get it straight, what’s the matter?”

Captain Ross explained: “Issac, there has been a big case in Treasures. A grade A wanted

criminal rushed in and took more than 100 people as hostages, and this guy is still

strapped with explosives. Ask us to provide him with a Rolls Royce for the hostages life,

we can only do it with your help!”

As he said, Captain Ross said again: “There are not many people in Aurous Hill who have

Rolls-Royces, and you are the only one who owns multiple Rolls-Royces. So please help

me, please help me!”

Issac exclaimed: “Treasures Pavilion? Are you sure it is Treasures Pavilion?”

“Yeah!” Captain Ross hurriedly said, “I’m outside the treasure pavilion right now.

Basically all the police forces that can be deployed in the city have come…”

Issac couldn’t help saying: “I just came out of the treasure pavilion ten or twenty minutes


Captain Ross said with emotion: “Then you are really lucky. If you come out a little later,

you will probably be blocked by Shred…”

After that, Captain Ross hurriedly asked: “Mr. Issac, is it convenient for you to lend us a

Rolls-Royce? You can rest assured that if there is any problem with this car, our

municipal bureau will bear your loss!”

Issac said without hesitation: “Captain, you don’t have to be so polite with me. As a lawabiding citizen, it is my responsibility and obligation to provide assistance to the police!”

Having said that, he immediately said: “Wait a minute, I will call and arrange for

someone to send you a Rolls Royce!”

“Okay!” Captain Ross said excitedly: “President, thank you so much for that!”

“Don’t be polite!”

After hanging up the phone, Issac was about to call his men so that they could prepare

the vehicle quickly.

Charlie walked up to him at this time and asked him: “Old Chen, something happened in

Treasures Pavilion?”

“Yes!” Issac hurriedly introduced the matter to Charlie.

When Charlie heard this, he said immediately: “The situation is urgent and lives are in

danger. Don’t call, just drive your car over!”

Issac said immediately: “That’s okay! Master, then I will drive to the treasure pavilion,

you can move around the place meanwhile, I will not take you back!”

Charlie said, “I’ll be with you!”

After that, Charlie had already taken the lead out of the yard.

Issac didn’t think much about it, and immediately prepared to help Charlie pull the car

door. Charlie opened the car door first, pushed him a bit, and said, “The time is urgent,

go drive!”


Issac rushed into the cab, started the car, and hurried to Treasure Pavilion. Charlie

looked out the window at this time, frowned slightly, and said, “Old man, the police said

that Shred was discovered by accident and was chased into the Treasure Pavilion?”

“Yes, young master!” Issac said: “I guess this guy should have fled to Aurous Hill. He

wanted to make some money in Aurous Hill to continue his escape. He didn’t expect to

be discovered by people from the Aurous Hill City Bureau, so he fled into the treasure

pavilion in panic. “

Charlie shook his head and said: “I always feel that things seem a little bit wrong.”

Issac asked in surprise: “Master, what’s wrong?!”

Charlie didn’t answer his question, but instead asked him: “A Grade A wanted criminal

who has been hiding in Tibet for a long time must be a person with a strong sense of

anti-reconnaissance and a strong ability to judge the environment…”

“Such a person, who has very strong escape experience, would choose to escape into a

well-enclosed single building like the Treasure Pavilion? Running into the building, isn’t

it clear to let others catch turtles?”

Chapter 2423

Hearing Charlie’s analysis, Issac couldn’t help but nodded and said, “This thing is really

strange. Normally, only a fool will run into the building when he is chased. Normal

people should think about it. They will run away quickly, as far as possible.”

Charlie snorted and said, “Since Shred is a long-run A-level wanted criminal, it is

absolutely impossible for him to commit such a low-level mistake. Otherwise, he must

have been arrested a long time ago, so I speculate that the greatest possibility is , Shred

deliberately wants to enter the Treasure Pavilion!”

“Intentionally entered the Treasures Pavilion…” Issac couldn’t help but muttered, and

asked in confusion, “What will he do in Treasures Pavilion? There is no big auction in

Treasures Pavilion today. Today, it is a judicial auction, and everything is sold. For big

things like houses and cars, there is no point in grabbing these things!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Don’t forget, he was chased into the treasure pavilion by the

police, or that he deliberately pretended to be chased into the treasure pavilion by the

police, so it is unlikely that he was going to the treasure pavilion.”

Issac asked puzzledly: “Master, if he didn’t run for things, then what was he running for?”

Charlie snorted coldly, “Since it’s not running towards things, it must be running towards


“Running for people? He is an A-level wanted criminal. Once he is found out, he is likely

to be caught or even killed. Who would be running for such a big risk?”

Charlie said earnestly: “Today, there should be five people with the highest value. One is

me, one is you, one is Bao fugui, and the remaining two are Ms. Liona Du and Zhiyu Su.

Who do you think he is running for?”

Issac thought for a while, and said seriously: “It’s a little less likely to run towards the two

of us. After all, we have already come out and he just went in. Then there is a high

probability that these three people will remain.”

As he said, he muttered again: “Possibility of wealth is slightly greater. After all, he is

quite famous in Aurous Hill. Although he is not worth as much as Miss Warnia from the

Song family, and not as good as Qin Gang, but at least he has billions of assets.”

“As for Liona and Zhiyu…I think the possibility is a little bit smaller. Like the Wade family,

the Su family is one of the top families in the country. The protection of family members

is very in place. There is no media outlet. They dare to expose their member information

without the consent of these big families. Therefore, even the richest man in Aurous Hill,

it is very difficult to figure out the information about the members of the Su family, let

alone for Shred, a wanted criminal.”

Charlie frowned and said, “You didn’t understand the core of this incident. The core of

this incident is that Shred risked his life to act in a play. It is impossible for him to act in

a play just to find treasure. Wealth, or ask the Su family for some money, I think there is

a high probability that there is a conspiracy.”

“Conspiracy?” Issac was a little puzzled and said, “Master, you said there was a

conspiracy. Is it because the enemy of the Su family wants to deal with the mother and

daughter of the Su family? Or the rich and wealthy enemy wants to use Shred’s hand to

kill him? “

Charlie nodded: “I think it’s all possible. What’s going on, we still need to see how this

matter develops in the future.”

Issac said: “This Shred wants a humanshield to escape. I don’t know if he can escape this


Charlie smiled and said: “Whether he can escape depends on whether there is anyone

behind him to help, otherwise, with his own ability, making such a big disturbance, and

Warnia to escape from birth, it is simply a dream!”

Speaking of this, Charlie sneered: “However, since he dared to play so big, someone

must help from behind!”

Soon, Issac drove to Treasures Pavilion.

When approaching the Treasure Pavilion, Charlie had already pulled out his mouth to

put on the cover, so as not to cause too much attention and expose himself.

At this time, the Treasures Pavilion was surrounded by a large number of police officers

and police vehicles, and even wheeled armored vehicles dedicated to anti-terrorism

were dispatched.

The several roads close to Treasures Pavilion have all been blocked by the police, and a

large number of police forces have even been deployed to evacuate the crowd.

As soon as Issac’s Rolls-Royce arrived at a blocked intersection, a middle-aged man

hurried over and greeted Issac through the window.

Issac put down the car window and said, “Captain.”

The one called is the head of the Aurous Hill police, Ross.

Chapter 2424

They are already waiting for this Rolls-Royce with eagerness. Although Issac’s speed is

also very fast, the situation inside is really critical and important.

Therefore, he hurriedly said: “Mr. Issac, thank goodness you are finally here, do you think

it is convenient for you to drive in? If you think it to be convenient, you can directly help

drive the car to the main entrance of the treasure pavilion. If it is not convenient for you,

Leave this car to me, and I will drive in.”

Issac turned around and asked Charlie in a low voice: “Mr. Wade, what do you say?”

Charlie also wanted to go in to see what the situation was, and said, “Go straight in.”

Issac said to Ross, “Officer, I will just drive in.”

“Okay!” Ross nodded, and hurriedly asked again: “Mr. Issac, is your car full of gas? That

Shred asked for full gas. If you don’t think so, I will arrange for someone to pump from

another car. Come in a little bit.”

Issac glanced at the oil meter and said, “I am basically full.”

“That’s good!” Ross breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said, “You drive directly to the

gate of Treasures Pavilion, but don’t get too close. When the time comes, park the car,

leave the key in the car, and withdraw quickly. This is important for your safety.”

“OK.” Issac nodded.

At this time, Ross immediately let people open the set roadblock and let Issac’s RollsRoyce pass.

When Issac’s car drove into the Treasures Pavilion, he parked the car at a distance of five

or six meters from the door.

Afterwards, Issac said to Charlie, “Master, let’s get off the car!”

“Okay.” Charlie said, “But you will say hello to the old man later, and see if we can stay

on the scene to see the development of the situation. Don’t get out of the car and drive

us all outside the isolation ring. .”

Issac hurriedly said, “This problem is not big, let me tell him!”

Charlie nodded: “Okay, get off the bus!”

Afterwards, the two immediately opened the door and got out of the car.

At this moment, Shred inside saw the Rolls Royce coming, and immediately rushed to

the door, holding the gun in one hand and the detonating switch in the other, shouting:

“You open all the doors! Open the trunk and let me Check if there is anything hidden


Issac immediately opened all the car doors so that Shred could see the car and shouted:

“It were the two of us in the car just now. Now there is nothing. Can you see anything?”

Shred continued to shout, “Where is the trunk? Open the trunk too!”

Issac replied, “Okay, I’ll open it now.”

After speaking, quickly opened the trunk again.

Issac owns a number of Rolls Royces, although they are all equipped by the Wade

family, but he has the right to use and decide.

The car he drove today was specially reserved to receive Charlie, and every time he used

this car, he drove it himself. Only when Charlie needed it would he drive this car out, so

this car’s backup There are no personal belongings in the box.

After opening, there is nothing in the trunk.

Shred naturally looked at it at a glance. Then he nodded in satisfaction, looked up and

down Charlie and Issac, and said coldly: “Don’t turn off the car, leave the keys, you two

can go!”

Chapter 2425

Shred asked Issac and Charlie to leave. Issac’s first thought was: “I don’t know young

master, would like to leave?”

“Besides, I don’t know if the young master will attack Shred directly? With the young

master’s ability, once the thundering order is issued, it is guaranteed that Shred will not

even have ashes!

“Even if the young master is unwilling to do it in front of so many people, wouldn’t it be

easy to solve this Shred with the magical powers of the young master in a different


So, he immediately looked at Charlie, planning to see what kind of decision Charlie

would make.

What he didn’t expect was that Charlie beckoned him directly and said, “Let’s go


After speaking, he turned and walked outside first.

Issac was stunned, only then recovered and hurried to catch up.

When the two of them left the yard of the Treasure Pavilion, Officer Ross hurriedly

greeted him and said gratefully: “Oh, Mr. Issac, thank you so much for this matter today!

I will arrange for someone to send you and this Mister back?”

Issac waved his hand and asked in a low voice, “Officer, can we two watch the fun here?”

“Look at the fun?” Ross said hesitantly, “Mr. Issac, the current situation is very

dangerous! You know, Shred, that guy has a lot of explosives on his body! In case he

really wants to kill himself and detonate the explosives. Everyone around will suffer…”

Issac waved his hand: “It’s okay. I think this Shred has a strong desire to survive.

Otherwise, he won’t have to spend so much effort to get a Rolls Royce. Since he has a

strong desire to survive, then he is not afraid of his death?”

Ross thought for a while and said, “Okay, Mr. Issac, then I will trouble you two behind

us. I can take care of anything else.”

“Okay!” Issac hurriedly said, “Thank you, Mr. Ross, don’t worry, we will never cause you

any trouble!”

Ross hurriedly said, “That’s it, Mr. Issac, be careful. I’ll have a meeting with the leader

and touch on the plan!”

Issac also said politely: “Officer, hurry up if you have something to do, don’t worry about


Ross then quickly turned and left.

As soon as he left, Issac hurriedly asked Charlie next to him in a low voice: “Master, what

are you going to do? Just stay and watch?”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “I want to see who is Shred’s target.”

“What then?” Issac hurriedly asked again, “If you know who his target is, what are your

plans next?”

Charlie shook his head: “I don’t know now, just watch the changes.”

at the same time.

Inside the Treasure Pavilion.

Shred looked at the time and felt that it was almost time for the next step, so he took

out his phone and sent a text message. The content of the text message was very

simple, with only two words: “Goodbye.”

The other party quickly replied, and the content was also two words: “Good to go.”

This is the secret signal of Old Su’s confidant who has made an appointment with Shred.

Once the opponent is ready to go, it means that they are ready and Shred can set off.

Chapter 2426

If the other party does not reply, then Shred can only continue to spend some more

time in the treasure pavilion. When the other party replies to these two words and only

then he can go out.

Now, the other party has given a clear reply, and Shred does not intend to continue to

waste time. He looked at the people in the hall holding their heads and squatting down

and said coldly: “They have already prepared the car I want, so it’s time for me to leave

here. Thank you all for your cooperation. You will be free when I leave.”

The more than one hundred people present immediately breathed a sigh of relief when

they heard this.

Everyone’s face appeared with a smile after the disaster.

The law and order in China is so good that most people will never encounter such a

thing in their lives, and if they encounter such a thing, they are getting out unscathed.

That is really great luck.

Therefore, everyone relaxed completely at this time, just waiting for the plague god to

leave quickly, and then be able to survive this crisis completely and safely.

At this time, Shred suddenly spoke again: “Everyone, brothers, I have one more thing

that needs your help. I hope you all regard me for being so trustworthy and don’t refuse


When everyone heard this, they suddenly became a little nervous.

No one knows what Shred needs.

If he wants money, it doesn’t really matter. As long as they don’t hurt everyone,

everyone is willing to give him all their belongings.

However, I’m afraid he has other ideas.

At this moment, Shred said, “I have asked them to prepare a Rolls Royce for me.

However, if I get in the car by myself, they will definitely not let me leave, maybe Killed

me in half the way.”

“So, brothers, I have to find two people to accompany me on another journey. When I

leave this city completely and safely, I will naturally let these two people leave!”

Speaking of this, Shred smiled slightly and asked, “Is there any friend who is willing to


After hearing this, everyone immediately bowed their heads deeply.

It’s like a scu*bag who generally doesn’t review his homework. When he hears that the

teacher wants to call up and recite the text, he prays in his heart and doesn’t choose


However, deep in the hearts of everyone present, there was more or less luck.

Everyone feels that if there are more than 100 people on the scene, if only two are

selected, then there is a high probability that they will not be the ones selected.

In fact, Shred has a candidate deep in his heart, but he still has to do what he should do.

Otherwise, if someone sees the clue, it will upset the benefactor behind him and let

himself live like this. It’s not easy.

Therefore, he looked around pretendingly and said a little displeased: “You guys are

really not interesting enough. I have done what I said to you, but now when I need your

help a little bit, you guys one by one are looking another way. It’s like a tortoise with a

shrunken head. You don’t even dare to look at me. Isn’t it a bit too much?”

At this time, naturally, no one dared to take his words.

After all, everyone knows the principle of shooting the first shot. If one is paying

attention now, it is very likely to be selected by him.

As a result, everyone still buried their heads deeply, and no one dared to look up at him.

Shred yelled annoyedly: “Damn! It’s all fu*king playing with me, right?? I treat you so

much, you don’t even dare to look at me, right? Okay! I count to three seconds. By then,

if anyone doesn’t look up at me, I will kill him with one shot!”

As soon as he said this, more than one hundred people immediately raised their heads

without hesitation and looked at Shred unblinking.

No one does not cherish their own life, so no one dares to disobey this kind of

desperado who kills without blinking at this time.

Shred’s eyes patrolled around, and then his gaze fell on Liona and Zhiyu, and said with a

lewd smile: “I didn’t expect that there would be such a beautiful pair of ladies here. If

you accompany me on the way to escape, With such a beautiful beauty, it’s worth death,

it’s you!”

Chapter 2427

When Shred announced the fate of Liona and Zhiyu, everyone else finally breathed a

sigh of relief.

Now, it is finally completely safe!

But Zhiyu was desperate in her heart. She didn’t understand why Shred chose her

mother and herself from more than a hundred people.

However, when she thought about it carefully, she can’t help feeling: “I don’t know how

to brag about appearances. My mother and I are indeed the more outstanding among

the more than 100 people…”

“This Shred looks not only sturdy, but also a bit squint. He will choose me and my

mother from so many people, which is also in line with the style of this kind of person…”

“I just don’t know, besides wanting my mother and me to host him, will this person have

any other attempts…”

So she looked at her mother beside her nervously.

Liona saw her daughter’s gaze, patted her hand lightly, and said in a low voice, “Darling,

don’t worry, your mother is with you, but as well the soldiers are here to stop and the

water comes to cover.”

Zhiyu whispered: “Mom, let’s think of a way to send information to Dad or Grandpa…”

Liona shook her head: “The distant water can’t save the nearby fire. Everyone holds their

heads in their hands. What if he finds you while holding your phone?”

Zhiyu said eagerly, “But we can’t just follow him like this…This is too passive…”

As she was talking, Shred was already walking towards the mother and daughter, so

Zhiyu quickly closed her mouth.

Shred walked to the front of the mother and daughter, shrugged and smiled: “Oh, I have

worked so hard for the two beautiful women to accompany me again!”

Liona did not hesitate to speak at this time: “Take me hostage and leave my daughter.

She is too young, and she is scared in her heart. If she keeps talking on the road, I am

afraid it will annoy you. .”

Upon hearing this, Zhiyu hurriedly said, “Mom! I want to be with you!”

Shred pretended to be surprised and said, “Oh, I didn’t expect you two big beauties to

have a mother-daughter relationship. The mother-to-be is too young to tell at all!”

Liona looked at Shred and said with some pleading: “Please gentleman, my daughter is

still young, and she has been very frightened, so please stop tossing her.”

At this time, a woman who was dressed in a coquettish dress said annoyedly, “Hey!

What do you mean by this woman? Since brother Shred has chosen you, you two will

accept your fate. Why do you do this? This kind of thing? If you do this, don’t you

increase the risk for us? I advise you two to follow Big brother Shred obediently. What

kind of bargaining is this, really!”

As soon as the woman spoke, someone next to her immediately agreed: “Yes! he has

chosen the two of you, and you still want to bargain. Do you want to choose another

one of us?”

The coquettish woman immediately said, “That’s right! Whoever is chosen by brother

Shred will obediently follow him. At this time, I’m asking for mercy, isn’t it just trying to

pull others into the water?”

Shred glanced at the woman, then smiled and asked, “What’s the matter, beautiful

woman? Are you afraid that I will choose you?”

The woman was taken aback, and hurriedly waved her hand and said, “No, brother

Shred, how can I be worthy of you like a rouge and vulgar fan? Or the little beauty just

now is better compared to… .”

Shred looked at her coldly, smiled playfully, and said, “Since you also know that you are

a vulgar fan, there is no need to stay in this world and pollute other people’s eyes!”

After that, Shred immediately pointed his gun at the woman.

The woman was so frightened that she screamed, “Big brother, please be forgiving…”

Shred smiled cruelly, then immediately pulled the trigger.

Chapter 2428

After the bang, a finger-thin blood hole suddenly appeared on the woman’s forehead.

Immediately afterwards, her eyes widened, she fell straight back.

A large pool of blood soon shed on the ground, and the smell of blood was permeated

throughout the hall.

Everyone present was so scared that their souls were scattered, and no one thought that

Shred would be so vicious and evil.

That woman just said a few more words, and he actually shot her to death with a single


In fact, Shred killed this woman not because she was really disgusting, but to give Liona

and Zhiyu a smashing power show.

He must use this method of killing chickens to make the mother and daughter 100%

obedient to himself.

Only in this way can he take them away as planned.

So, he looked at Liona, who was pale, and asked with great interest: “How is it, big

beauty, are you still bargaining with me?”

Liona immediately shook her head.

She knew that the vicious man in front of her was a murderous demon, and she could

only follow his instructions purely, could not refuse, or even have any doubts.

She thought to herself: “If I continue to bargain with him, then it is very likely that I will

be killed on the spot…”

“It doesn’t matter if I die, but the point is that if I die, this guy still doesn’t let Zhiyu go,

then everything is over!”

Thinking of this, she took Zhiyu’s hand, looked at Shred, and said firmly, “We will go

with you!”

Shred immediately smiled and said happily, “Oh! Two beauties, these are the real

masters who know the current affairs. As long as you are obedient and cooperate with

me to escape, I will definitely not hurt you; but If you dare to play with me carefully, I will

definitely let you two go to see Lord together!”

Liona nodded firmly, and said seriously, “Don’t worry, we will cooperate.”

Shred smiled with satisfaction: “Since you are so on, then I won’t talk nonsense!”

After speaking, he waved the gun in his hand and said, “You two go first!”

Liona nodded and pulled Zhiyu beside her to stand up. The mother and daughter

looked at each other. She firmly squeezed Zhiyu’s hand and walked towards the gate of

the Treasure Pavilion.

At this moment, Issac’s Rolls-Royce stopped in the middle of the courtyard at the

entrance of Treasures Pavilion, while all the police retreated outside the courtyard

according to Shred’s request, staring at the entire Treasures Pavilion outside the


At this moment, the locked door of the treasure pavilion suddenly opened, and

everyone immediately roused their spirits.

The deputy commander-in-chief of the police, Ross, ordered through the internal

walkie-talkie: “All snipers are ready! Once the target appears, immediately lock the

target from your respective directions!”

The commander-in-chief said at this moment: “Team Red, the target always holds the

detonation switch, we must be cautious! Without 100% certainty, we must not shoot!

Ross’s expression was startled, then he sighed and was about to speak when he

suddenly saw two women walking out of the gate of Treasure Pavilion!

At this time, less than five meters away from Ross, Issac suddenly exclaimed, “Master! It

is Liona and Zhiyu!”

Chapter 2429

Seeing Liona and Zhiyu walking out, Charlie was not surprised at all in his heart.

He had long felt that this matter was definitely not as simple as it seemed.

Now, Liona and Zhiyu will come out under Shred’s coercion, and he has strengthened

his views on this matter.

It’s just that Charlie didn’t really want to understand yet, who would have spent so much

effort and circled such a big circle to disadvantage Liona and Zhiyu.

At this moment, Liona and Zhiyu, mother and daughter, had completely walked out of

the gate of Treasure Pavilion.

Shred held a gun in one hand and held the detonator tightly in the other, and followed

behind the mother and daughter in one step.

He raised his head and looked around, and sneered at the police officers around him

and said, “I know you must have ambushed a lot of snipers around, and you are ready to

shoot me at any time, but I still suggest that you consider carefully. Because of this

detonator in my hand, even a one-year-old baby can detonate it with a finger. If you are

not afraid to die, just let a sniper shoot at me!”

Ross said coldly: “Shred, rest assured! As long as you don’t act rashly, we will definitely

not shoot you! Now the car is ready for you, you can leave this place anytime! But

before you go, be sure to Release the hostages.”

“Release hostages?” Shred smiled unscrupulously, and said contemptuously: “Do you

think I am a three-year-old child? I tell you, these two hostages will stay with me until I

get rid of your tracking completely. If you know each other If you do, don’t send anyone

to follow me. After I’m safe, I will naturally release these two people.”

Having said that, he changed his conversation and said with a cruel expression: “But if I

find out that some of you are trying to follow me, then I will drive the car to the city

center and press the detonator. Eighteen years later, you city will see a real hero!”

Ross’s expression was so ugly and angry. He could only hold back the anger in his heart

and said, “Don’t worry. We will never send someone to follow you!”

Shred sneered and said, “Officer you familiar!”

After speaking, he immediately said to Liona and Zhiyu, mother and daughter: “You two

get in the car! Sit in the back row!”

Liona did not dare to hesitate, pulling Zhiyu into the back seat of Rolls Royce.

Holding the gun and the detonator, Shred swaggered into the cab.

This Rolls-Royce was not stalled, as long as it was in gear, it could drive away.

Therefore, Shred directly put on the forward gear and rushed towards the courtyard


Ross hurriedly ordered the policemen at the entrance of the courtyard to avoid the car.

The originally encircled circle like an iron barrel immediately gave way to a passage.

Shred stepped on the accelerator without hesitation, and the Rolls-Royce engine let out

a low roar, even rushed out quickly and fled the scene at an extremely fast speed.

As soon as Shred drove away, a police officer hurriedly came to Ross and asked, “Sir, do

you want to let our plainclothes drive with behind him?”

Ross hesitated slightly and said, “Shred has a very strong sense of counterreconnaissance. If we really send a car to keep up, once he finds it, it may cause

irreparable consequences.”

After speaking, he opened his mouth and said, “Let’s call the city’s traffic monitoring

network first, and use the monitoring probes on the city’s roads to track the

whereabouts of Shred’s Rolls Royce in real time! If he leaves the city, then we Arrange

the police to deploy control in advance!”

At this moment, seeing that Rolls-Royce had disappeared, Issac couldn’t help sighing

with regret, and said: “Master, if it is really like you said, if someone wants to be against

Miss Liona’s and daughter Zhiyu, then the two of them are finished this time I am afraid,

it’s not good enough…”

Charlie nodded in agreement, and said: “The other party can carefully arrange such a big

game and put in such a big play. It must be impossible to just scare them. The

probability is to run. They are here to die.”

Issac couldn’t help asking: “Master, it is a matter of life, do you want to do it?”

Chapter 2430

Charlie’s expression was a little hesitant. A few seconds later, he shook his head gently:

“Forget it, I have a grudge against the Su family, but now the grudge has not been

reported, and the Su family has been saved several times. Yes, Zhifei, Zhiyu, and Ruoli. I

saved each of the three Su family members once. If I still shoot today, the Su family

owes me five lives!”

When Issac heard this, he couldn’t help but agree to say: “Yes… the hatred has not yet

been reported, and as a result, you kept saving their family’s people, God is really good

at joking.”

Charlie couldn’t help sighing, “Hey… if something really happened to this Aunt, then my

father’s house is going to be auctioned again, right?”

Issac said: “I don’t know yet, Miss Liona’s, whether the payment is completed and the

formalities have been completed. If it is completed, the house will become her

inheritance. If the formalities have not been completed, it is estimated that it is too late.

In time it will return to the judicial auction.”

Charlie couldn’t help frowning: “If it becomes this Aunt’s estate, who is the first heir?”

Issac said: “I really can’t say who is the first, but it must be her husband or her son, or

half of them.”

Charlie gritted his teeth and cursed: “Damn, how can the house where my parents lived,

how can the bastard Zynn account for half!”

Issac hurriedly said, “Why don’t I ask someone to inquire later to see if this Liona’s family

has completed the formalities.”

Charlie nodded, and said sullenly, “It seems that this can only be done.”

At this time, a white Rolls-Royce Cullinan stopped in front of the two of them. A middleaged man hurriedly walked out of the cab and said respectfully in front of the two of

them: “Master, Mr. Issac , I brought the car here, you two see if you two drive away by

yourself, or me?”

Issac took the lead and said: “Okay, I’ll drive, you can take a taxi and go back.”

The other party hurriedly nodded respectfully: “Okay President, then I will go back first.”

Issac took the initiative to open the rear door and said to Charlie, “Master, please.”

Charlie gave a hum and stepped into the car.

Issac got into the cab and asked Charlie while starting the car: “Master, where are you

going? Go home do you?”

Charlie thought for a while and said, “Send me home.”

“Okay.” Issac immediately drove in the direction of Tomson’s.

On the way, Charlie kept frowning.

Issac quietly followed Charlie’s expression through the rearview mirror of the car, and

couldn’t help asking, “Master, do you have something on your mind?”

Charlie nodded, propped his chin and said: “I just don’t understand, who will act on their


Issac said: “The Su family usually makes a lot of enemies. I don’t know how many people

hate the Su family. It is normal to find a chance to report to the resurgent family.”

Charlie waved his hand and said, “Although the truth is correct, things are not like this

after all. Everyone knows that Zynn even took it to the Su family’s father in order to

avoid the limelight. Now he ran to Australia. In the future, there is a high probability that

the Su family will no longer be inherited by him, so Zynn’s position tantamount to the

deposed crown prince.”

“Now, even Zynn has lost power, and the status of his wife and daughter in the Su family

is even less worth mentioning.”

“In this case, if someone really wants to report to the revivalist, why bother to kill the

wife so deliberately?”

Chapter 2431

Hearing Charlie’s question, Issac exclaimed: “Master, then do you think, who is

responsible for this matter?”

Charlie thought for a while and said, “I currently think that the Su family is most likely to

be the instructers behind him.”

“The Su family?!” Issac said dumbfounded, “Master, why did the Su family do something

to the two women? There is no reason…”

Charlie said with a serious expression: “I really want to tell you the reasons. I think there

are many. This Aunt Liona resolutely wants to divorce Zynn. This in itself hurts the face

of the Su family. Zynn must be dissatisfied. It must be the same the Su family old man.”

Issac nodded and said, “For any family with a face, if a wife or daughter-in-law wants to

divorce publicly, it will definitely damage the family’s face, but there is no need for such

a cruel hand?”

Charlie said, “After all, it’s a big family. Sometimes I feel that face is above everything

else. What’s more, Aunt Liona and Zynn are not just divorced. Why did she travel all the

way to Aurous Hill? You know, I know, so many people in Eastcliff’s big family must also


Issac nodded and sighed, “It’s true… Back then, the second lady of the Du family liked

your father’s things, and everyone knows this in Eastcliff. Now she comes to Aurous Hill

and participates in this event. At the auction, the old house where your father lived was

taken at a high price of tens of millions. As everyone knows, she must still have not

forgotten your father in her heart…”

Charlie sighed with a melancholic expression, and said, “I’m very surprised by her

feelings for my father, but the more surprised I am, the more I can’t help but look at the

problem from another angle.”

Issac hurriedly asked, “Master, what is the other direction you are talking about? My

mind is a bit dull at the moment, I really don’t understand.”

Charlie said indifferently: “The other direction is naturally Zynn. If Aunt Liona hasn’t

forgotten my father for so many years, she has been married to Zynn for so many years,

does she have true feelings for Zynn?”

“This…” Issac fell silent for a moment.

After a while, he suddenly realized, “I see! Her family came to Aurous Hill to

commemorate your father. She also publicly participated in this auction and won the old

house where your father lived. This is almost equivalent to telling others. She has been

in love with your father for so many years, so she must have never loved Zynn for so

many years! This is a great shame for him!”

“That’s right.” Charlie sighed, “So I suspect that the man behind the scenes pushing all

of this in front is probably Zynn.”

Issac frowned and said, “Master, Zhiyu is the flesh and blood of Zynn. Even if he hates

Liona, it is absolutely impossible to harm Zhiyu together with her?”

“Yes.” Charlie said, “Tiger poison still doesn’t eat seeds. Zynn shouldn’t attack Zhiyu.

Maybe Zhiyu is just a blindfold.”

Issac said helplessly: “The Su family has always had no ethics in doing things. What you

said may be the truth of the matter.”

Charlie said at this time: “If the Su family really wants that Aunt Liona to die, then I won’t

let them do it!”

After all, Charlie immediately said to Issac: “Mr. Issac, immediately investigate the

specific location of the Rolls Royce, and prepare the helicopter!”

When Issac heard this, he immediately asked: “Master, do you want to save his wife?”

Charlie sneered and said, “The enemy’s enemy is my friend. I can even save Su Ruoli, let

alone Liona or Zhiyu!”

Issac immediately said, “OK master! I will let someone track the location of the car and

get the helicopter ready!”

Technology is developing rapidly now, and most models will be equipped with certain

remote functions.

If it’s worse, you can remotely check the position of the car, the fuel level, and the

closing of the doors and windows

The better ones can remotely open and close the door, even start the car and start the

air conditioner remotely.

For example, some new energy vehicles can even be called remotely and operated by

mobile phones, so that the car can drive over to find the driver instead of the driver.

Chapter 2433

As he got closer to the scheduled tunnel, Shred’s heart became more and more nervous.

For him, victory or defeat is only one move.

Therefore, he kept praying in his heart: “God, I, Shred, never begged anyone in my life,

now I beg you to show your spirits, and bless me everything goes smoothly today!”

“If it goes well, after I finish solving this bunch of mother and daughter, God, you only

need to save me an hour to escape!”

“One hour is enough for the Su family to arrange my escape!”

“At this time tomorrow, I will have changed my identity and start a new life abroad!”

Thinking of this, Shred was also excited and intolerable deep in his heart.

At this moment, Liona and Zhiyu were sitting in the back row of Rolls-Royce, and the

mother and daughter were a little nervous deep in their hearts.

Zhiyu’s heart has been highly tense. Seeing the vehicle driving into the mountain, she

felt a kind of inexplicable panic. It seemed that something was wrong, but she couldn’t

think of what was wrong.

Liona realized that Zhiyu next to her was a little uneasy. In order to prevent her daughter

from being overly frightened, Liona held her hand tightly and gave her a look of

encouragement from time to time to let her relax as much as possible.

Zhiyu found it hard to relax. She couldn’t help but ask, “Where are you taking us?”

Shred didn’t look back, and said coldly, “Don’t worry about where you go, just sit in the


Zhiyu continued to ask, “Then when will you let us go?”

Shred held the steering wheel in one hand and dangling around with the gun in the

other. He said impatiently, “When will I let you go, or if I want to let you go? It all

depends on my mood. If you are honest Just sit and don’t talk so much nonsense, I may

still keep you alive, but you keep asking questions, and I will have to kill you now!”

Liona knew that Shred didn’t blink at killing, so she immediately scolded Zhiyu and said,

“Zhiyu! Shut your mouth and stop talking!”

Zhiyu had to be obedient and closed her mouth.

However, she became more worried, and the premonition of something wrong became

stronger and stronger.

She carefully searched all the details in her brain, hoping to find clues that she had


A few minutes later, a detail suddenly appeared in her mind.

She thought of Shred’s cell phone answering a call when she was in Treasures Pavilion!

Moreover, it seems that he took out his cell phone and sent information to someone.

This detail made her nervous!

“A wanted criminal who has fled all over the country for a long time. When he was

rounded up alone, why did he still have the energy to call and send information to

others, and his call took a long time?”

“Even if the people who were calling him and sending messages were his family

members, it is difficult to explain the past, because normal people will use the fastest

way to tell their family members that they are busy, and then hang up quickly. It’s

impossible to talk directly on the phone at length.”

“Because, since he has a mobile phone and can communicate with his family at any time,

he can communicate anytime and anywhere. If it is not important, there is no need to

distract from communicating with family members at such a critical moment. It is easy

to be distracted. One’s attention, influence business affairs, especially important matters

related to his life safety.”

“It’s like a doctor. When focusing on performing surgery on patients, it is absolutely

impossible for him to bring his mobile phone to call or send text messages to his family.

This will cause great interference to his work, and a little carelessness will cause serious

problems, as a result of.”

“It would be understandable if Shred had just embarked on the road of crime and had

insufficient experience, but he is a wanted criminal who has fled for a long time and

evaded the law enforcement. He should have strong anti-reconnaissance awareness.

Such people should not make such low-level mistakes. “

“So, whether the person calling or texting with him is his family member or not, the

other party communicating with him must be a very important thing!”

Chapter 2434

“Even, it is very likely something closely related to his rushing into the Treasure Pavilion


Thinking of this, Zhiyu came to a conclusion: “Behind Shred, there must be someone

else! If this is the case, it is not an accident that he rushed into the Treasure Pavilion


“If this is not accidental, then he kidnapped me and my mother, it is also not accidental!”

“Could it be…Could it be that he rushed to my mother and me?!”

Zhiyu suddenly became more flustered!

“If Shred really happened to rush into the Treasure Pavilion while being hunted down, as

long as my mother and I cooperate with Shred to escape, after Shred is safe, my mother

and I will have a greater chance of surviving. After all, he has been exposed. In front of

the police, there is absolutely no need to kill me and my mother to anger the police and

create public opinion. That will only be more detrimental to his follow-up…”

“However, if Shred was instigated by someone, it is a fake to evade hunting, and to

kidnap me and my mother is true, then we would be really in big trouble…”

At this point, Zhiyu suddenly said, “Brother Shred, if you let my mother and me go, I can

give you 50 million as a reward. I will do what I say!”

“Fifty million?!” Shred was stunned.

The number of fifty million is indeed not small, for him, it is enough to make him


Moreover, he had no doubt about Zhiyu’s ability.

After all, she was from the Su family, and it would be easy to get five hundred million, let

alone fifty million.

However, Zhiyu dared to give it, but he dared not ask for it.

Because, in his heart, he knew that it was the Su family who paid him to kill the mother

and daughter.

“Moreover, this matter is more complicated than he thought before!”

“In the beginning, someone asked him to kill Liona. Today, someone called his family

gave 20 million and asked to kill that Zhiyu…”

“Why is this Su family so vicious? It doesn’t matter if he kills Liona. After all, she is an

outsider, but why do they need this Zhiyu?”

“A family that doesn’t even let go of their own people can no longer be described as

cruel. If I honestly follow their arrangements, I can get another chance to go abroad, but

if I play cleverness behind them, even secretly took Zhiyu’s money again, then they

probably won’t let me go…”

“What’s more, my family is still in China, which really will anger the Su family. They didn’t

even let their own family members go, so how could they let my family go?!”

Through the rearview mirror of the car, Zhiyu saw that Shred’s expression which was full

of entanglements, and realized that the situation was even worse, so she hurriedly said:

“Brother Shred, you must know my situation, let alone 50 million. , Even if it is 60 million

or even 80 million, as long as you nod your head, I can give it to you! As long as you

nod your head, I can call someone to send the money to your account immediately!”

As he said, Zhiyu hurriedly said, “I won’t tell you 50 million or 80 million anymore. I will

make a round for you, 100 million. As long as you nod your head, I will have someone

pay you the bill within ten minutes, 100 million in cash, not a penny less!”

Shred heard that as long as he nodded his head, one hundred million would have to be

credited to his account. There was a very hungry person who was so hungry that he

didn’t dare to open his mouth when he saw the delicacies of Table Mountain.

This made him feel very irritable all of a sudden, and he blurted out subconsciously,

“Don’t f*cking talk nonsense with me! It’s not about money at all!”

As soon as Shred said these words, Zhiyu felt a little bit in her heart and immediately

looked at Liona beside her.

Liona had already realized that her daughter was deliberately arranging Shred’s words,

and when she heard Shred’s answer, she immediately realized the source of the


Therefore, she also looked up at Zhiyu at this moment.

The mother and daughter looked at each other at once, and both could see each other’s

eyes in deep shock!

Chapter 2435

Zhiyu used money to buy Shred for two purposes.

First, if spending money is effective, it’s best to spend money on wire and directly;

Second, if spending money has no effect, at least the situation of Shred can be

determined through dialogue.

Now, Zhiyu has drawn several key clues from Shred’s mouth through a set of speech

skills designed by herself.

“First, ordinary people hear that a girl in her early twenties is capable of spending tens

of millions or a hundred million when she opens her mouth and shuts her mouth. They

will definitely not believe her, but will only think that she is bluffing. But Shred does not

doubt that she can get five thousand. Ten thousand, eighty million, even one hundred


“This means that he knows who she am! It’s easy to know that one hundred million is

easy for me, so he doesn’t doubt what I say!”

“From this, combined with Shred’s previous behavior of talking on the phone and

sending text messages, I can see that Shred must have been instructed to kidnap my

mother and me!”

“Second, people like Shred can never be good who abide by the agreement. If I say that

I am willing to give him 100 million, he can choose to take my money, betray the

original employer, or even take my money. Then I will turn my face with me. With his

type of a gangster, it is impossible not to consider these two ways to get money.

“However, Shred didn’t even think about these two methods. This proves that the

original employer behind him is someone he never dared to offend!”

“So, who exactly bought him and made him act in such a big show just to kidnap me

and my mother?”

Thinking of this, Zhiyu had no answer in her heart.

She also wondered if her grandfather was dissatisfied with her mother, so he had to

clean up this all?

However, based on her understanding of Old Man Su, she felt that Old Man Su would

not have murderous intent on her at least.

She also wondered if it was her father who was unhappy with mother, but this was the

same as the speculation just now. Whether it was her father or her grandfather, both her

father and her grandfather had reasons to attack mother, but for neither of them It is

possible to include her.

Therefore, Zhiyu also led herself into a dead end.

Immediately afterwards, she thought: “Could it be my father or grandfather behind the

scenes who asked Shred to kidnap my mother and me, but in fact he was only going to

be disadvantageous to my mother?”

Thinking of this, Zhiyu suddenly became extremely nervous, and thought to herself: “If

this is the case, then when Shred reveals his true colors, I must protect my mother!”

While Zhiyu made a desperate effort to protect Liona, her heart was full of anger and

despair towards the Su family.

She couldn’t figure out why the Su family would be so cruel to her mother.

What she doesn’t even understand is that this matter is obviously that the father is at

fault first, so why want to kill mother?

Is it because her mother came here to this city this time?

At this time, Liona also guessed the whole thing.

Deep down in her heart, she also had the same question: “Zynn can bear me and give

birth to an illegitimate daughter outside, even unscrupulously bringing the illegitimate

daughter to his side, and I have been married for so many years, and never betrayed

him. I just wanted to get a divorce from him. Is he wrong or I am wrong?

At this time, Shred didn’t realize that he had accidentally leaked the secrets just now. At

this time, he only hoped that the tunnel on the map would arrive sooner so that he

could solve all this.

Chapter 2436

At the same time, a helicopter has left the urban area and hurried towards the

mountainous area outside the city.

On the plane, Issac was reporting to Charlie: “Master, the target is still ten kilometers

away from us in a straight line. Since their car can only travel in curves in the mountains,

we should be able to catch up soon.”

Charlie nodded, and said: “I have one more question I don’t understand.”

Issac hurriedly asked, “Master, what is the problem?”

Charlie said: “I don’t understand what Shred left behind. He made such a big move. I

believe that although there are no police chasing after him, but every intersection ahead

There should have been a police ambush. No matter how expensive the Rolls-Royce he

drove, it was nothing more than a car. In this case, he could not escape even with his


“Yes.” Issac nodded and said in agreement: “Perhaps this gangster Shred didn’t want to

escape at all. He was originally a Grade A wanted criminal. If he is caught, he will

definitely be unable to escape, so it is better to live his own old man life, earn a settling

allowance from the Su family for his wife, children, and grandchildren.”

Charlie smacked his lips: “What you mean is that Shred has already reported his

determination to die, and he is not ready to escape alive, right?”

“Yes!” Issac said: “I think this possibility is the greatest.”

Charlie shook his head and said, “If he is really going to die, then he shouldn’t have to

spend such a big setback to perform such a play. He only needs to find an excuse and

reason in the treasure pavilion and treat Liona as and just kill the hostages, so why

bother to have a Rolls Royce running here non-stop?”

Issac thought for a while: “Is he going to do a full set of drama?”

“Is it necessary?” Charlie said lightly: “He will be dead soon, and there are going to be so

many scenes before death. What’s the point? If he just wants to confuse the audience

and let everyone not suspect that the Su family is in the Killing so many hostages in the

Pavilion, just a little bit of the muzzle can kill Liona, and everyone will not doubt it.”

Issac asked: “Master, what do you mean is that Shred has a way to escape?”

Charlie sneered, “I’m still not sure whether Shred really has a way to escape, but what I

can be sure of is that if it’s the Su family who promised him the help to escape, then the

Su family will not let him live.”

Issac hurriedly asked, “Master, if you say so, then the Su family must be ready to kill


“Yes.” Charlie nodded lightly and said: “I think from the perspective of the Su family’s

behavior, they will definitely avoid nights and dreams, so they will definitely solve Shred

as soon as possible within a reasonable range.”

Issac thought for a while, and said, “The place that Su’s family would choose should be

this section of mountain road with no exit.”

Charlie gave a hum, and said: “Speed up, lock them as soon as possible!”

“OK master!”

After another few minutes of flying by the helicopter, Issac pointed to a black car on the

road diagonally ahead and said: “Master, lock that car! It’s the black stretch car below!”

Charlie lowered his head and glanced, and he found Issac’s Rolls Royce.

However, due to the high altitude, the Rolls-Royce looked not even as big as a


At this time, Issac asked him: “Master, should we descend to catch up?”

Charlie waved his hand: “No, so as not to startle the snake, follow him from a distance to


Chapter 2437

At this moment, Shred didn’t know that Charlie had locked him firmly from the sky.

While driving intently, he stared at the navigation from time to time.

The navigation shows the distance, the scheduled tunnel, and there it is, less than 5


The current speed is about 180 kilometers per hour, and it only takes two minutes to

arrive at the destination!

Thinking of this, Shred was so excited that he couldn’t bear it.

As the tunnel got closer and closer, he became more excited, couldn’t help but step on

the accelerator deeper and the speed of the car rose a little faster.

As he approached the tunnel, he saw that on the right side of the road ahead, there

were a number of relatively slow trucks running one after the other.

He glanced at the license plate and felt more relieved.

The two trucks in the front are the ones arranged by the Su family.

These two cars have been driving on the road at low speed, just to determine the time

to reach the tunnel based on Shred’s location.

Because according to the plan of the Su family, after Shred’s vehicle enteres the tunnel,

the two vehicles would collide behind him, at the entrance of the tunnel.

In this way, two trucks collided with each other, which can directly block the road of the

two-lane road, and the vehicles behind will be stuck, making it impossible for a while to

move ahead.

In this way, Shred will win enough time.

The vehicle driven by Shred soon surpassed the two trucks. At this time, there was only

one kilometer left at the entrance of the tunnel.

Shred took care of the trucks behind him, because he knew that no matter how many

trucks there were behind him, if the two leading cars collided, they would be blocked

behind him.

At that time, this highway will be completely cut off.

However, when Shred had already driven the car into the tunnel, the two trucks at the

front did not intend to cause an accident. On the contrary, they all started to speed up

in an instant, accelerating and rushing into the tunnel.

As the two trucks entered the tunnel, several vehicles behind the two trucks suddenly

collided at the entrance of the tunnel, and the entire road was immediately blocked by

the crashed cars.

The Su family is ready to kill people!

These two trucks are accelerating continuously, each of which is loaded with dozens of

tons of goods, and its inertia is large enough to completely destroy any family car.

At the exit of this tunnel, two trucks blocked the way.

In this way, Shred’s Rolls-Royce became a can of human flesh surrounded by four trucks.

With no entry and no retreat, this Rolls-Royce has only one end, that is, being hit by two

heavy-duty trucks into a pile of scrap iron!

At that time, the people in the car will never survive.

Shred will die, and his two abductees too!

Chapter 2438

At the same time, Charlie was on the helicopter and saw the car enter the tunnel. He

also saw the two trucks at the back follow in. Then, he saw several cars collided at the

tunnel entrance. .

Charlie could tell at a glance that these cars had crashed into each other on purpose.

So he immediately said to Issac: “These trucks should be closing the road. I think they

are going to do this in this tunnel! Go to the other side of the tunnel immediately!”

Issac didn’t dare to hesitate and blurt out: “OK young master! Let’s get down to the

height and dive straight over!”

At this moment, Shred in the tunnel suddenly discovered that the road ahead was

blocked by two container trucks parked side by side. He immediately realized that the

time had come.

Because according to the plan, he was supposed to kill Liona and Zhiyu in the car here,

and then the Su family would disguise the two of them as they pushed open the door

from a high-speed car and fell to death.

As for Shred himself, him and the vehicle will be loaded into the container truck and

taken away.

In this way, the outside world would think that the mother and daughter died when they

jumped out of the car in the escape attempt, while Shred himself continued and


So, Shred slowed the vehicle to a stop, raised his pistol and turned around, and said to

Liona and Zhiyu, the mother and daughter sitting in the back of the car, “Sorry, two

beauties, I want to send you off on the road together!”

“What?!” Liona said in a panic: “The Su family came for me, but it has nothing to do with

my daughter. Please let my daughter go!”

Zhiyu also panicked, and blurted out: “If you want to kill, kill me and let my mother go!”

Shred frowned in astonishment, and looked at Liona and asked, “How did you know that

it was the Su family? Did you get any information in advance?”

Zhiyu hurriedly said: “There must be some misunderstanding here. My surname is Su

and I belong to the Su family. The current Su family’s patron is my grandfather. The Su

family cannot kill me. There must be something in it. Some misunderstanding, I beg you

to call and confirm with them!”

Shred sneered and said: “I have confirmed it a long time ago. What they want is the lives

of both of you. You are indispensable, so you don’t have to intercede for each other.

Things have developed to this point. I can’t drop any of you!”

With that said, Shred pointed to the two container trucks blocking the way in front, and

said with a smile: “And you don’t have to try to open the doors and escape. These

people have been prepared for nothing. They are going to get yours lives!”

“You two fell into my hands, I can at least give you a happy one, but if you fall into their

hands, I guess they will treat you directly as adult meat bowling, causing your brains to

explode a terrible death!”

When Zhiyu heard this, she cried and lost her voice: “Mom! Why did Dad and Grandpa

do this…”

Liona held Zhiyu in her arms, held back her tears, choked up and said: “Zhiyu, I’m sorry,

Mom, it’s your mother who brought this to you…”

Shred pointed his gun at Liona and said lightly: “White-haired people shouldn’t be sent

to black-haired people, so I just wrong you and go ahead!”

Liona knew that she was definitely in danger this time, she just felt very sorry for her

daughter, and was full of guilt for her.

At this moment, she has accepted her fate, rubbing Zhiyu’s head, crying and saying:

“Zhiyu, I’m sorry…, I’m sorry…Don’t blame mom… ..”

Zhiyu also cried sadly and said, “Mom…I don’t blame you…”

Shred couldn’t help sighing: “Oh, it’s a pity to kill two such beautiful beauties, but I have

no way to survive. I can only let you two die for my own survival!”

With that, he was ready to pull the trigger to kill Liona first.

But at this moment, he turned around to look at the back seat, and suddenly through

the rear glass, he saw two groups of dark shadows coming quickly!

He glanced intently and couldn’t help exclaiming: “F*ck! What the hell is going on?

Don’t they know if the two of them are blocking the road behind? Why did they both

rush in?”

Chapter 2439

Shred clearly saw that the two black shadows rushing right behind the Rolls-Royce were

the trucks that were supposed to cause a car accident at the tunnel entrance and seal

the intersection!

These two cars are fast, and they are driving side by side, completely occupying the

entire road. Now that they are getting closer and closer to the Rolls-Royce driven by

himself, there is no intention to stop.

Shred was shocked by this!

After all, he is a person with a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance, so he immediately

realized that a major change had happened!

He thought nervously in his heart: “Before this, the whole thing was proceeding in

accordance with the plan made by me and the Su family.”

“Including me being discovered by the police, including me being chased into Treasure

Pavilion, including me taking the woman and girl as hostages, and even including me

taking the two of them to flee, everything did go according to the original plan!”

“However, only the two trucks in front of us have a major deviation from the original


“They two, shouldn’t be here…”

“These are now rushing towards them at such a fast speed. At first glance, this is not a

good sign!”

Shred is not a fool.

He watched the news and videos of major car accidents on TV.

Knowing that trucks traveling at high speeds are simply the most lethal vehicles on the


A truck of hundreds of tons rushes at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour,

and even a tank may not be able to handle the impact.

If it’s a car, it will be knocked out directly!

What’s more terrifying is that there is no way to escape before this f*cking thing!

If the front is unobstructed, with the power and acceleration of Rolls-Royce, these two

big trucks can only eat farts in the back!

However, the road ahead was blocked by two other trucks, and there was nowhere to


Seeing that the two large trucks were getting closer, Shred’s eyes were split in anger,

and he couldn’t help but gritted his teeth and cursed: “D@mn! I didn’t expect the Su

family to be so untrustworthy! They let me kill you two. They also wanted to kill me too!

The Su Clan makes it a great way to unload the grind and kill the donkey!”

Zhiyu thought that Shred would directly shoot her and her mother.

But she didn’t expect that Shred suddenly looked at the rear windshield and scolded the

Su family with a look of resentment.

So she turned her head subconsciously and immediately saw the two large trucks

getting closer and closer.

With her IQ, she understood the situation almost immediately. She smiled bitterly and

said to Shred: “You knew that the Su family would even kill you, you should have

thought that they would never let you live and go away like that!”

Shred looked desperate and murmured: “You are right…I was completely f*cked by the

Su family as a gunman…”

After that, Shred suddenly became very irritable, crying and cursing: “What the h3ll are

you stupid family! Since you are a mess, at least the morality of the world is always

going to be untrustworthy forever? “

Zhiyu sneered and said, “You are a murderer who can take the lives of others by taking

other people’s money. What are you talking about?”

Shred immediately scolded, “Damn, f*cking with me, believe it or not, I will shot you to


Zhiyu smiled miserably, and said without concession: “Just shoot and give me a good

time! It’s much better to be shot to death by you than to be hit by a truck into a can of

meat and then die a painfull death!”

As soon as Shred heard this, his face paled in shock!

Although he is a gangster with many live threatining experiences, he is also afraid of

death and pain. If he is really like the dead in a major car accident, and then slowly dies

after being hit, then he would rather prefer to die simply. …..

Zhiyu saw that he was already completely panicked, and his expression was full of

contempt, and said coldly: “Why, you usually kill people like numb, but now you are

afraid of death?”

Shred ignored Zhiyu’s ridicule at this time, and blurted out, “Aren’t you afraid of death?”

Chapter 2440

Zhiyu said coldly, “If I am mortal, what’s the use of being afraid? Can you escape if you

are afraid?”

Shred was silent for a moment.

Zhiyu was right.

In this situation, there is no chance to escape.

If you can’t drive past, it will be worse if you get off.

If the human body is directly run over by an overloaded truck, it will basically become


Zhiyu said at this time: “Don’t you have a bomb on your body? Just detonate it! That

way, death can alleviate a little pain!”

Shred smiled bitterly: “I don’t have any fcking bombs, all the fcking are fake.”

As he said, he picked up the detonator, pressed it several times, and said bitterly, “Look,

there is no reaction at all.”

Zhiyu did not expect that this Shred would be rubbish from the beginning to the end.

When she thought that she and her mother would be buried in this tunnel because of

this person, she felt 10,000 in her heart.

However, at this moment, she also realized that she and her mother had no chance of

escaping from birth, leaving a window of life for her, and there were dozens of seconds

at most.

At this moment, she could already feel the strong vibration caused by the two

overloaded trucks driving at high speed. At this moment, her arms tightly hugged Liona

beside her.


At the same time, Charlie’s helicopter had swooped down and appeared on the other

side of the mountain.

The helicopter is constantly lowering its altitude over the tunnel entrance at this end,

but as it gets closer to the ground, the pilot’s descent speed has become more and

more cautious.

Just now, seeing that Rolls-Royce entered and two big trucks rushing in, Charlie realized

the other party’s strategy.

The Su family must have wanted to create a serious traffic accident and solve Liona,

Zhiyu, and Shred all at once.

In the tunnel, these three people would never have a chance to escape.

Therefore, Charlie kept urging the pilot: “Go down faster! If you are slow, I’m afraid it will

be too late to save people!”

The pilot blurted out: “Master! There is a radar on the bottom of the plane to detect the

distance between the fuselage and the ground in real time. Once the distance is within

20 meters, it will forcefully maintain the descent speed within a safe range. I don’t think I

can get it faster. …..”

Charlie looked at the ground, and the height was almost a dozen meters, not to

mention, it was at least five stories high.

If he follow this descent speed, he will have to wait at least twenty or thirty seconds

before landing, so he immediately unfastened his seat belt, opened the hatch, and said

to Issac: “Take someone to hold a gun at the tunnel entrance. Anyone who dares to

support him release the bullets!”

Issac hurriedly asked, “Master, are you going to…”

Before he finished speaking, Charlie had already jumped and jumped off the helicopter!

For Charlie, although he had never jumped from such a high place, he continued to take

a lot of rejuvenation pills to improve his physique, and he also has his aura as support.

Therefore, he can be sure that with his current physical strength, there will be no

problem jumping from such a high level.


Charlie leaped and fell heavily on the ground in the blink of an eye. Although his legs

had withstood a huge impact in an instant, they were completely within the range of his

body’s bearing range.

At the moment he landed, he did not dare to have any delay, and quickly rushed toward

the tunnel entrance.

At this time, he heard a huge impact suddenly coming from inside!


Chapter 2441

At the moment when the impact sound reverbated in the tunnel, Charlie’s figure could

not help but stagnate for a moment.

With such a huge movement, you don’t need to look at how strong the impact is.

Even a Rolls-Royce, with its sturdy built can’t hold up such a large force, and the people

inside are probably too ugly!

At this moment, Charlie felt very sorry.

Although he has no friendship with Zhiyu, in the final analysis, he has no grudges

against her at the same time. A young girl in her early twenties was brutally murdered

by her family in such a cruel way. It is inevitable to feel regretful.

In addition, Charlie showed more sympathy to Liona.

Speaking of it, he had no contact with Liona, and unlike Zhiyu, at least he had saved her

and her brother’s lives in Japan.

However, because Liona has been obsessed with his father for so many years, even this

time she caused a murderous disaster for herself because she was unforgettable for his


Therefore, the image of Liona is a bit more tragic in Charlie’s mind.

The man she loved did not choose her, and the man she chose had betrayed her for so

many years.

And she didn’t forget that sweetheart who had been dead for many years, and even

spent a lot of money to buy back the old house where she once lived.

However, it was precisely because of her behavior that all of this was incurred to her.

Therefore, how can such he not be sympathetic to such a woman.

Charlie couldn’t help but feel annoyed in his heart: “I knew so long ago, when I was in

the Treasures Pavilion, I should have dealt with Shred!”

“In that case, Liona and Zhiyu would not suffer this disaster!”

“But, having said that, since the Su family wants their lives, what if I had kill Shred and

saved them in the Treasure Pavilion? The Su family hides behind them, and they will still

find other ways to kill them and kill Shred in the end.”

Thinking of this, Charlie couldn’t help sighing.

“It seems that the mother and daughter should not have met such a disaster…”

However, in an instant, Charlie suddenly thought that he still had a few rejuvenation pills

on his body!

At the beginning, Orvel was almost strangled to death and he used a rejuvenating pill to

rescue him.

If Liona and Zhiyu are still alive, they will be saved by him as well!

Thinking of this, Charlie speeded up at his feet and rushed toward the inside of the



At this time, Issac’s Rolls-Royce was sandwiched by four large trucks in front and two


Because the inertia of the two large trucks behind was too great, the entire Rolls-Royce

engine compartment had completely collided with the cockpit.

The trunk was also knocked into the position of the rear seat!

The original five-meter-long car body has now been hit by the front and back and only

half of its length is left!

The visual effects of the scene can be said to be extremely tragic!

In the cockpit, Shred’s entire abdomen was squeezed into a pool of rotten meat by the

invading engine compartment, and his head was protected by an air bag, so he didn’t

suffer any serious injuries.

This caused him to suffer fatal injuries, but at this time he did not immediately suffocate.

He just opened his mouth weakly, and constantly vomited a lot of blood, looking


The mother and daughter in the rear seat have soft seat double-wraps in the front and

rear. The situation is better or less, but the internal injuries are also very serious.

In a car accident, the most feared is internal injury.

Chapter 2442

If any internal organs suffer a heavy blow and rupture, it will cause severe internal


If it’s fast, people can die within a few minutes.

There is almost no possibility of rescue.

At this time, Liona had passed out directly, but Zhiyu was still sober.

She felt her chest squeezed tightly by the front and rear seats, and it was almost

impossible to see through. At the same time, there was pain everywhere in the body,

and the whole person was extremely weak and incomparably painful.

At this time, behind her, there was a sound of opening the door.

The two large trucks that were hit by the main force behind had also been completely

hit beyond recognition.

However, due to the high level cockpit, the driver was not injured.

At this time, the two drivers pushed the door, jumped out of the cockpit, and went

directly to Rolls-Royce to investigate the situation.

In the two trucks used to block the road in front, two drivers also jumped down.

The four came to the side of car and took a look. One of them exclaimed, “Captain,

eldest…the eldest lady is also in the car!”

“What?! How could the eldest lady be in the car?!” The man who was called the captain

was Stuart, the capable man who was most trusted by the Su family.

Stuart’s father was the personal guard of Old Su’s.

Later, his father got older and was not fit to continue the role of personal guard, so he

inherited his father’s mantle and became the personal guard of Old Man Su.

At the same time, he is also the black glove of Old Man Su.

Many dirty and bloody things were done by him personally on behalf of his master.

This time, he was instructed by Mr. Su to follow the tragic death of the European

princess and solve Liona.

So he found Shred who was running around through the channels of the underground

world, gave him such a chance, and then tailored a whole plan for him.

However, he only had told Shred to take Liona into the car as a hostage and bring her

into this tunnel, but never dreamed that this Shred actually will bring the eldest lady

Zhiyu into the car!

In shock, he rushed over to check, and he saw Zhiyu also sitting in the back seat!

At this time, Zhiyu’s face was pale, with almost no blood, which made Stuart panic.

At this time, Zhiyu also recognized Stuart and knew that this was the personal guard

next to her grandfather, so she stared at him with an extremely resentful look.

Stuart could be considered to have rushed over in a strong wind and waves, but at the

moment when his eyes met Zhiyu, he suddenly panicked!

He subconsciously dodged Zhiyu’s eyes, then rushed to the side of the cab, and yelled

hysterically at Shred who was vomiting blood, “Shred name! Are you f*cking crazy?!

Who made it? You brought the eldest lady in the car too?! What the hell did I tell you

back then?! What did I tell you!!! I told you to take Liona alone! It’s one person, not two

people! Don’t you have any brains?!!!”

After speaking, Stuart suddenly realized that something was wrong, so he asked with an

angry expression: “Shred, you f*cking tell me the truth, who instructed you to bring the

lady into the car too?!”

Shred was already at the end of his life, his eyes widened vigorously, his mouth was

open with a spiteful face, as if he was saying something.

Stuart immediately leaned his head over and shouted sharply, “What the hell are you

trying to say? say it loud!”

Shred weakly said in a mosquito-like voice: “I…”

“You? You what?!” Stuart lost his patience and scolded, “You f*cking say it! What the hell

are you saying?!”

Shred was about to continue speaking, but he didn’t fall up in one breath, he coughed

violently, and sprayed blood all over Stuart’s face.

Stuart didn’t care to wipe it, grabbed Shred’s collar, and gritted his teeth and cursed:

“You f*cking say it!!! Come on!!! What the hell you did? Who guided you?”

Shred tried his best, and said four words: “I am going to Japan!”

Chapter 2443

At this moment, Shred realized that he had been completely fooled by the Su family.

Moreover, he was seriously injured and about to died now, and his life is only the last

few minutes at most. Therefore, he is naturally full of anger towards Stuart, the Su family


Stuart was also shocked and scared right now, he just followed the father’s instructions,

imitated the European royal family, and used the same method to kill Liona.

The European princess also had a car accident in the tunnel, and then died in Paris with

her fiance and the child in her stomach.

A car accident in the tunnel is indeed a good way to cover people’s eyes, so Stuart

found Shred as a cog to perform the death scene according to his father’s orders.

Unexpectedly, the eldest lady Zhiyu was sitting in the same car as Liona…

Stuart is not a fool. He knows that the old man loves Zhiyu the granddaughter most,

and the entire Su family regards her as the jewel in the family crown. Now, Zhiyu is

about to die, no matter how he explains to the old man or proves his innocence, Can

not remove the bad label.

At that time, the old man would be furious, and he doesn’t know how he will be


Now, the damn Shred was so disrespectful to him, and he didn’t even want to tell the

whole story. This made Stuart angry. He immediately took out his gun and held it

against Shred’s forehead, shouting hysterically, “You!!! Who told you? If you don’t tell

the truth, I will send you to see the Lord right now!”

Facing the muzzle, Shred’s expression was not afraid, he smiled tragically, showing his

blood-stained teeth, and said coldly: “Okay, shoot! It is hurting your Dad all over now,

my dear son, hurry up. With that gun, help dad get free!”

“You…” Stuart was almost furious. He put the muzzle into Shred’s mouth and sternly

said, “Bad son, go to hell!”

After that, pull the trigger immediately.


Shred suddenly shot out a cloud of blood mist from the back of his head, completely


At this time, Stuart saw that Zhiyu in the back row was so weak that she was about to

lose consciousness, and hurriedly shouted: “Quick! Save the lady!”

One of them looked at the car which had been smashed into a mass of scrap metal, and

said embarrassingly: “Captain, we don’t have a device, and we can’t open these

deformed frames! At least we have to have a large hydraulic shear, or a cutting device is

it possible to disassemble the metal frame…”

Stuart blurted out: “I don’t care what the hell you do, hurry up and get the eldest lady

out! Otherwise, if the master gets to know, None of us will be alive and all of us will be

f*cking buried!”

When the others heard this, they were shocked. Several people rushed forward and tried

their best to get Zhiyu out of the deformed frame in order to rescue her from it.

However, although these people are all top bodyguards, their true strength is far worse

than that of martial arts masters. Compared with Ruoli who has practiced internal

martial arts since childhood, there is a certain gap. How could it be possible that the

unarmed will have hit The deformed metal frame broke apart, but it was in vain.

Just when Stuart used the strength of feeding milk but was helpless, Zhiyu insisted and

said, “Don’t save me, save my mother!”

Stuart’s expression suddenly became very embarrassed, and he said, “Miss, I don’t have

such a big permission. The only decision I can make now is to rescue you and send you

to the hospital as soon as possible… “

Zhiyu cried and shouted, “You call Chengfeng! You tell him, if my mother can’t be saved,

I will not let him go as a ghost!”

Stuart said in embarrassment, “Miss…this…this kind of thing…I am a slaughter, there is

no way to tell the old man, don’t embarrass me. Now, the key is to rescue you…”

Zhiyu cried loudly and said, “I don’t want you to save me! If you want to save me, save

my mother first, or let me go with my mother!”

Stuart’s men didn’t know what to do next time, one of them asked, “Captain, what shall

we do…”

Stuart gritted his teeth and blurted out: “Don’t care about so much, save the lady first!”

Zhiyu roared eagerly: “I want you to save my mother first!”

As she said, she felt a sharp pain in her whole brain, and she fainted suddenly.

Chapter 2444

When Stuart saw this, he blurted out: “Quick! Find a way to get the lady out!”

At this moment, someone suddenly yelled:

“Stop it all!”

Stuart was taken aback by the shout.

This tunnel is one-way traffic, and the entrance has been blocked by the accident cars. It

stands to reason that no one should have come in. Therefore, at this moment, an

unfamiliar voice suddenly appeared, which made him suddenly nervous.

The same goes for the other three people.

The four of them followed the source at the same time, and they saw a man with a cold

expression, walking from the exit of the tunnel.

This extraordinary man is Charlie!

Stuart stared at Charlie and asked in horror, “Who are you?!”

Charlie said coldly: “Who am I, you are not qualified to ask! I now give the four of you a

chance to survive, put down the guns, squat on the ground with your head in your

hands, and then give me an honest explanation one by one. Who made you do this!”

Stuart gritted his teeth, pointed his gun at Charlie, and said sternly, “Boy, you f*cking

want to die!”

After speaking, he immediately pulled the trigger without hesitation!

However, Charlie disappeared from his sight the moment the gun was fired.

Just when he couldn’t figure out his head, he suddenly felt a black shadow appear in

front of him, and then, his gun-holding hand was firmly grasped by a pair of big hands.

His eyes widened subconsciously, and before he could see the clear outline of the black

shadow, he felt a sudden pain in his wrist.

Immediately after that, he realized that his wrist had been broken!

When the wrist broke, the gun on the wrist also fell directly to the ground.

At this time, he saw clearly that he was the young man with an extremely arrogant

attitude just now!

He was shocked immediately, and he blurted out, “You…who are you?!”

Charlie looked at him contemptuously and said coldly, “I said, you are not qualified to


After finishing speaking, he directly grabbed Stuart’s neck and said coldly, “I’ll give you

another chance to tell me clearly who instigated you!”

Stuart hurriedly blurted out, “What are you three doing in a daze! Get rid of him!”

The other three were originally frightened by Charlie’s skill and did not dare to act

rashly. At this time, listening to Stuart’s roar, they hurriedly took out the gun from their


However, before they could point their guns at Charlie, Charlie had already picked up

Stuart and slammed him at the three of them.

The three of them had no time to react, so Stuart along with them flew over fell to the

ground like a bowling ball.

Because Charlie’s strength was so great that the bodies of these four people had

received huge and heavy blows. At this time, they had no ability to resist, they could

only lie on the ground and howl.

Charlie stepped forward to the four of them, took out his mobile phone and turned on

the video recording, first took a picture of the surrounding situation, and then pointed

the camera at the four of them, and asked in a cold voice: “Time to speak, what are you

doing here? Who is behind all of this?”

Chapter 2445

In fact, Charlie knew very well in his heart that the four people in front of him must be

from the Su family.

And they were sent by the Su family to perform such an important task, enough to show

that the four of them must be the confidants of the Su family.

Therefore, Charlie needs them to tell the whole story in front of the camera, and then

make the video public.

As a result, the reputation of the Su family is going to be completely rotten.

You know, the Su family betrayed Ruoli before. This incident has greatly damaged the

reputation of the Su family. He hopes that Master Su will finally push the eldest son

Zynn out of the black pot, but this account is not only recorded in Zynn, in addition to

his head, it was also written on the head of the entire Su family.

If it breaks out again at this time that the Su family still wants to murder their own

daughter-in-law, or even murder the Su family’s own flesh and blood again, then the Su

family will definitely become a rat crossing the street.

Aside from other things, fame alone will not be able to stand up in this life.

Old man Su’s confidant, Stuart and others, also knew that this matter was important.

The death of a European princess in a car accident has yet to allow the people to grasp

any substantive evidence. If there is evidence to confirm what the royal family did such a

thing, the reputation of the entire royal family in the world would have completely


Therefore, Stuart warned himself deep in his heart: “In any case, I can’t tell the truth

about the whole thing, otherwise, not only will the reputation of Mr. Su be undermined,

but I will also become a sinner in the eyes of Mr. Su… ….”

Thinking of this, Stuart said hurriedly: “Big brother, is there any misunderstanding in this

matter? We are planning to save people…”

Charlie rushed forward, grabbed Stuart by the collar, and said in a cold voice: “Believe it

or not, if you continue to talk nonsense with me here, then I will take you to the dog

factory, one by one. I chopped you up and feed the flesh to the dogs? Or simply tie up

your hands and feet and throw you directly into the dog cage for the dog to eat for

three days and three nights.”

Stuart was frightened and numb all over his body, even from his scalp to his toes.

Although he didn’t even know who the young man in front of him was, he had no

doubts what the young man said.

From this young man’s eyes alone, he can see the other party’s determination!

At this time, Charlie continued: “Don’t worry, even if you want to die faster, I won’t give

you a chance! I’ll put an iron cage on your head first to protect your head. Then use a

bulletproof vest to protect your entire abdomen so that you won’t die so easily.”

“You…you…” Stuart shuddered and blurted out: “Who are you…we have no grudges

against you, why are you here?”

“You have no grievances or animosity with me?” Charlie sneered: “What did you plan in

this city? Murdering others in the broad day light, the methods are cruel and despicable,

and everyone involved here punishable. Even if I kill you, I will do the way for heaven!”

Stuart insisted on a strong momentum, and said coldly, “Boy, we must first weigh our

own abilities for the sake of heaven. Do you know who we are serving? If you annoy the

boss behind us, even if you are a the king, there is not enough space for you on earth to


Charlie sneered, grabbed Stuart’s neck, and slapped with all his strength!

This slap force was so powerful that he pulled it up at once, and directly beat his entire

jaw into a comminuted fracture. Almost all the teeth in the mouth were directly broken

by the huge force at this moment!

Stuart hasn’t been beaten for so many years in the society, but he has never suffered

such a terrifying slap in the face.

At this moment, he only felt that his mouth was completely painful to the point of

numbness. At the end of the pain, he didn’t feel the pain at all. He could only feel that

the whole person was already stale, and the whole mouth was full of big and small hard


And the mouth was full of warm sweet smell, and there seemed to be dozens of

bleeding wounds in his mouth.

The blood instantly filled his mouth.

Chapter 2446

Immediately afterwards, Stuart vomited out, his mouth full of blood mixed with dozens

of broken teeth, this scene was shocking, and the other three people around him were

in awe.

They didn’t quite understand why the young man in front of them was suddenly angry.

Is it because the captain Stuart’s words are too pretending?

Stuart was also directly confused. Seeing that there were no teeth left in his mouth, his

whole person was on the verge of collapse, and he cried vaguely: “You…you…you

Looking for death…I…I am…I am…”

Charlie sneered and interrupted him: “I know what you want to say, aren’t you from the

Su family of the capital city? Are you talking about this with me here, do you really think

I will be afraid of the Su family that is behind you?”

Stuart said with a look of astonishment: “The Su family…the Su family is the first in the

country…you…why are you not afraid?!”

Charlie laughed and said contemptuously: “Afraid? To tell you the truth, I and the entire

Su family have antagonisms, even if Chengfeng pretended to be forceful in front of me, I

would slap all his teeth, same as yours! “

After speaking, Charlie said again: “Since you are a Su family dog, killing a few dogs like

you can temporarily relieve my hatred!”

When Stuart heard this, he was even more desperate, and he thought to himself: “This

guy…this guy actually has a hatred against the Su family. I…I wanted to move out of Su.

The big Buddha at home, in exchange for forgiveness from the other side, did not think

that he had lifted a rock and hit his own foot…”

At this time, Charlie raised his volume a bit, and said coldly: “I will ask you again, do you

want to say or not?”

Stuart gritted his teeth and blurted out: “I say I’m dead, I don’t say I am still dead. If I say

it, the boss will not let my family go, so you should kill me!”

Charlie smiled: “I said, I won’t let you die so easily, I will send you to the kennel and let

you die slowly.”

At this moment, Issac ran in with two of his men. He was a little relieved to see that

Charlie had taken control of the situation. However, when he saw that Rolls Royce that

had been hit by the horrible crash, he couldn’t help but feel terrible. Grabbing his heart,

he asked, “Master, man… how is the situation?”

Charlie said indifferently: “Shred is dead, the two ladies are seriously injured and

unconscious, but the two of them won’t die within a while.”

When Charlie came in, he had already used aura to investigate the injuries of the two

females in the wreckage.

Both of them are seriously injured. For the doctor, they should have lost the value and

opportunity of treatment. If they can survive for an hour at most, they may die soon


However, for Charlie, their injuries were not incurable. After solving the four people in

front of him, giving half a rejuvenation pill for each of them, mother and daughter,

would surely be saved.

Issac heard Charlie say that the two of them won’t die for a while, knowing that Charlie

must have a way to save them, so he was relieved.

He checked the time and said, “Master, we have to hurry up. I heard that the people

from the high-speed wrecking team have already started to clear the obstacles at the

tunnel entrance at the back. They should be able to clear them in about half an hour,

and the lane will be clear.”

Charlie nodded and said, “I see, I can solve it all in ten minutes.”

With that, he asked Issac: “By the way, Old man, can you get me some African hyenas?”

“Huh?” Issac was stunned, and blurted out: “African hyena? What kind of African hyena?”

Charlie looked at the four men in front of him, and said coldly: “It’s the kind of African

hyena that live in groups on the prairie and likes to dig their prey when hunting!”

Issac took a deep breath and blurted out, “Master, what are you doing with that kind of


Charlie stared at Stuart and sneered: “I want to add a new breed to Orvel’s kennel. It is

full of ordinary fighting dogs, not very good for all the purposes. If you raise a group of

African hyenas whic like to dig their food, that must be an interesting sight!”

Chapter 2447

As soon as Charlie said this, Stuart and others trembled almost immediately!

They didn’t understand why the man in front of them was so vicious and wanted to

torture them with African hyenas. Is he still a human being, how can he be so cruel?

As a result, one of them couldn’t bear it immediately, and cried and said, “I’ll say! I’ll say


It didn’t matter what he said, the other two people around him also hurriedly expressed

their opinions: “I’ll speak too!”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction: “Okay, the three of you have this attitude. I will give you

time later to explain in detail a little bit.”

After speaking, he looked at Stuart and sneered, “It seems that your bones are very hard.

I wonder if the African hyena can chew it?”

As soon as the voice fell, Charlie laughed self-deprecatingly: “Look at my memory. I

forgot that African hyenas don’t like to chew bones. They like to find a weak spot from

their prey, and then use their teeth to attack that spot. It depends on whether you can

hold it.”

Stuart’s face was as pale as paper, and he was frightened, he also hurriedly cried and

said, “I’ll say it! I’ll say it all! Please be merciful…”

Charlie sneered, clicked on the phone’s video recording, re-recorded a new video, and

said, “Come on, let’s introduce yourself first, and then elaborate on who is directing you

to do this?”

Stuart endured the pain all over his body, and said: “I…My name is Stuart…I am from the

Su family, the captain of Chengfeng’s personal bodyguard, and I have been acting for

him. For nearly twenty years, this time, I came to this city to assassinate Chengfeng Su’s

eldest daughter-in-law, Zynn Su’s wife, Ms. Liona…”

Charlie asked again, “Why did the old dog Chengfeng assassinate Liona?”

Stuart’s frightened eyelids throbbed wildly, and he thought to himself: “This guy…where

the hell does this guy come from…at all, he doesn’t put the aloof Old Man Su in his eyes

at all, and he said openly about him. It’s an old dog, this…Is this guy really not afraid of


However, doubts turned to doubts, Stuart now dare not disobey Charlie in any way.

Therefore, he could only vainly say, “This…this is because…Chengfeng is very dissatisfied

with Liona. He feels that Liona is going to divorce Zynn at this time when the Su family

fell into the pit…”

“What makes him even more unacceptable is that Liona actually came here at this time

to cherish the memory of Mr. Changying Wade of the Wade family, and even

participated in public auctions to bid for the old house where that man lived…”

“Chengfeng felt that Liona had seriously damaged the reputation of the Su family,

leaving the family dull and shamed, so he had the idea of cleaning the door…”

Charlie asked again, “So how did Chengfeng plan the whole thing?”

Stuart said hurriedly: “Chengfeng wanted to follow the European royal family’s method

of assassinating the well-known princesses by creating a car accident and killing Liona.

So he found Shred and asked Shred to play a scene of being hunted down. Then he

took the opportunity to hold Liona and let me in planning a car accident in the tunnel

and killing Shred and Liona directly…”

Charlie sneered, “Oh? So, in order to kill Liona, this old dog, Chengfeng, deliberately

ordered Shred to tie up explosives on his body and took hundreds of people hostage?!”

Chapter 2448

Speaking of this, Charlie’s voice suddenly increased a bit, and he scolded, “Such an old

dog is still not a human being? For his own benefit and for the little trouble in his own

family, he is going to create a terrible incident with such a bad influence? Doesn’t he

take social security and the safety of the people’s lives and property seriously in his


As soon as Charlie said this, Stuart was immediately shocked…

“This guy…what is this guy going to do?! Is he going to offend the Su family to death?!

He puts such a hat on Old Su now, once this video is sent, then. ….. That old man Su will

definitely become a b@stard in the eyes of the people all over the country!”

“When the time comes, the people above will definitely hold the Su family accountable,

and may even impose severe punishment on the family…”

“It is very likely that the Su family will suffer a heavy blow and vitality loss due to this


Thinking of this, Stuart immediately said with a trembling, “This…this…this me…I…I can’t

say that… ….I…I’m just a commander, so I shouldn’t guess what the old man meant…”

Stuart can only say so.

He didn’t dare to tag Old Man Su for Charlie.

But he didn’t dare to excuse Old Man Su in front of Charlie.

Therefore, he can only answer in this seemingly neutral way, but actually throwing the

pot away from himself.

Charlie sneered: “The whole thing, I believe that after the people across the country

know the truth, they will have a clear judgment in their hearts! The incident that Shred

rushed into the treasure pavilion with explosives today is already a clear fact. It is

impossible to excuse the old dog Chengfeng now!”

After that, he said coldly: “This old dog, Chengfeng, is simply a crooked animal! He had

murdered his own granddaughter, Ruoli, the illegitimate daughter of Zynn before, and

then let Su be shameless. Zynn is backing him, and now he wants to murder Zynn Su’s

wife. It’s just a repeat of the old trick!”

“I believe that the broad masses of the people should be able to see this man’s ugly face

through. The Chengfeng’s deliberate plan to kill Liona! At the same time, he must clear

his grievances for Zynn. This man is really too miserable. The father wants to kill him. He

killed his own illegitimate daughter, and now he will kill his wife again!”

Speaking of this, Charlie turned his head and said coldly: “Actually, this beast behavior

done by Chengfeng is far more than this one!”

As soon as the voice fell, Charlie immediately stood up and approached Rolls Royce with

the camera. He took pictures of Liona and Zhiyu who were seriously injured and

unconscious, and said coldly: “This old dog, Chengfeng, For the sake of his own face,

even knowing that his granddaughter Zhiyu was in the same car with Liona, he still did

not rein in the precipice, and even asked his subordinates to kill Zhiyu and Liona

together! Such an old beast is really a national s*um, he deserves the worst of the


When Stuart heard this, he blurted out in shock, “No! It’s not like that! Master… Master

didn’t know that Young Missy was also in the car!”

Charlie paused the camera directly, walked back to him, and slapped him over: “Just the

f*ck you have a mouth, don’t you? At this time, you are thinking of defending the old


Stuart desperately said, “I’m not justifying…I’m telling the truth…Master, he really didn’t

want to hurt the eldest lady, it was Shred! It was Shred who took the eldest lady without


Charlie sneered and said, “I don’t care about this. Doesn’t Chengfeng, an old dog likes

to buckle a pot of sh!t for others? Today I will let him feel the feeling of being held

down by someone else and buckled a sh!t!”

Chapter 2449

Stuart almost collapsed.

He didn’t expect Charlie to be so ruthless. He wanted to use this matter to directly blow

up the reputation of Old Su and the entire Su family.

He can already foresee how infamous the Su family will be once this incident is exposed!

This may be a huge catastrophe that the Su family has not encountered in decades!

He subconsciously said, “You…you can’t reverse right and wrong like this…”

Charlie sneered and said, “Are you still worrying about your master now? Don’t worry, I

will delete the content you just used to excuse Chengfeng old dog, and then publish the

video. Then, the reputation of the Su family will be in the cesspool, you also have a

contribution to this.”

Stuart was ashamed.

Charlie ignored him and said to Issac, “Send these four guys secretly to Orvel’s kennel

for strict supervision.”

Issac nodded immediately: “Okay, Master, I will urgently call two more helicopters and

they will be there soon.”

Charlie said, “Also tell Orvel, I will pay him 30 million in cash later. This money will be

reserved for him to transform the entire kennel. The scale of the kennel will be

expanded, the internal facilities will be strengthened and upgraded, and more

importantly, a complete set of underground kennels should be built in the ground of

the kennel. His kennel should also be expanded in scale and become an industry. It

needs urgent upgrade now!”

Issac couldn’t help laughing out loud.

He understood what Charlie meant. He said it was to upgrade the kennel. In fact, the

main reason was that Charlie was sending too many people.

If it is not upgraded, there will be more people on the kennel than dogs.

So he immediately said, “OK young master, I know, I will explain it to Orvel later.”

At this time, another eight men in black with live ammunition rushed in and came to

Issac’s face and said respectfully, “Master!”

Issac nodded and hurriedly told them: “You guys, tie up these four dogs one by one,

take them out, and send them to Orvel’s kennel first!”

“OK, Master!”

Several people responded and immediately tied Stuart and other people like a

grasshopper and led them out.

Except Issac, everyone else left the tunnel. Charlie had already arrived at the Rolls-Royce

car at this time. Seeing Zhiyu and Liona who were in a coma due to serious injuries in

the car, he sighed helplessly.

Issac sighed when he heard him, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked, “Master, are

you sighing because the two of them could not be saved?”

Charlie shook his head: “I sigh because they still can be saved.”

Issac asked puzzledly, “Master, since they can be saved, why do you still sigh?”

Charlie sighed, “Hey, I sigh because I wanted to save Zhiyu again. This is the second time

I saved her life.”

Charlie said again, “I saved her twice, saved her brother once, saved her half-sister once,

Zynn that b@stard, there are three children in total, three children and mother saved

four times, you say, what the h3ll is this?”

Issac also said helplessly: “Master, I believe you must also feel that the crime is not as

good as your children. Although the older generation of the Su family is not a good

thing, Zhiyu is indeed different from them.”

Charlie shook his head: “I actually have no contact with her, and I don’t know much

about it. I don’t have any idea whether she is the same as Chengfeng and Zynn.”

Issac said earnestly: “Master, Zhiyu has a good reputation in the city, she is talented and

extremely studious, and she is humble. She has never put on the airs of a rich second

generation. As Su’s parents’ granddaughter’s identity has bullied anyone, you can save


Charlie nodded: “I hope so.”

As he said, he took out a rejuvenating pill from his pocket, divided it into two, and

stuffed it into the mouths of the mother and daughter respectively.

The mother and daughter were already about to run out of oil, but as half of the

rejuvenating pills were taken in, their bodies immediately began to recover quickly.

Charlie felt that the aura of the two became stronger and stronger, and he was also felt


Chapter 2450

At this time, Issac on the side asked, “Master, what should we do now? Should we just

let them leave after they recover, or…”

Charlie waved his hand: “If they are allowed to leave here unharmed and enter the

public’s field of vision directly, the video I just filmed will be meaningless. As long as

they are alive, and are not dead, there will be nothing serious. Then, in the eyes of

ordinary people, the Su family will not be that evil anymore.”

After that, Charlie said again: “Let’s take them to your hotel and put them under house

arrest. Just like Ruoli, they can enjoy the life, but they must not be allowed to

communicate with the outside world or leave the room for half a step!”

“Okay!” Issac nodded and asked, “Then how can I get them out?”

Charlie didn’t say a word, leaned down, and forced his hands to squeeze the backrests

of the two rows of seats that were squeezing the mother and daughter apart.

As soon as Issac came up, he was blinded, and then he came back to his senses. He

laughed at himself, “It’s really rare to see how weird it is. When the young master led the

sky to destroy the eight heavenly kings of the Wu family in Changbai Mountain, it was

like a miracle. What’s more…”

When Issac laughed at herself, Charlie had already pushed away the seats that the

mother and daughter were squeezed back and forth.

Afterwards, he first took Liona out of it, carefully placed her on the ground by the

tunnel, and then returned to take Zhiyu out.

At this time, Zhiyu was in a very chaotic state.

In this chaos, her brain still functions normally, but it has almost disconnected from the

outside world.

Her world is already in darkness, only thinking is left.

And her whole person’s thinking has also been completely immersed in her own


She vaguely remembered that just before she was in a coma, she heard someone

talking, and it seemed that someone else appeared here.

Moreover, she felt that the voice seemed familiar.

“That voice seems to be exactly the same as the voice she heard when her brother and

she were kidnapped in Japan and were almost killed!”

“And the master of that voice is the benefactor they have been searching for!”

“However, before I closed my eyes, my consciousness was blurred, and I couldn’t

determine if I had auditory hallucinations…”

“After all, my benefactor’s voice circulates in my mind every day. It is normal to have

auditory hallucinations in an emergency…”

“Think about it now… the master grandfather was looking for at the time is really


“He said that my benefactor’s life style is too hard, and I shouldn’t continue to look for

my benefactor, otherwise it will only be moths fighting the fire. It seems that it is not just


“It’s just that I’m about to die in this city, but I still haven’t had a chance to find my

benefactor. God let me the moths fly to the fire, don’t you even give me a chance to see

a fire?”

“Think about it now, she is really unwilling to die here so fruitlessly…”

Just when Zhiyu’s thoughts were unwilling to her immediate death, she suddenly felt

that her body that had lost contact seemed to have some feeling.

Immediately afterwards, she felt that someone put thier hands under her armpits,

pulling her body up.

At this moment, she felt panic and uneasy, because she didn’t know what was going on,

and she couldn’t tell whether the feeling was real or illusory.

She even felt that this might be her soul, trying to leave her body.

At this moment, she tried her best to open her eyes. After several efforts, she finally

noticed a ray of light in the endless darkness!

Vaguely, she saw a man’s face!

She was surprised and happy in her heart, concentrated all her strength on her eyelids,

and worked hard to open them.

In the next second, a face of longing and thinking suddenly appeared in her eyes!

At this moment, Zhiyu couldn’t help exclaiming in her heart: “It’s him! It’s really him!”

Chapter 2451

At this moment, Zhiyu didn’t know whether she was in reality, in a dream, or a wishful

thinking before her soul was out of her body and was about to die.

However, she saw Charlie’s face clearly.

“This is the benefactor who once descended like a god soldier, rescued her and her

brother from the hands of Japanese ninjas!”

“This is the benefactor who once scolded me for being superficial and obstructive on the

streets of Tokyo!”

Thinking of this, Zhiyu subconsciously raised her hand regardless of whether everything

in front of her was a dream or not.

When Zhiyu’s somewhat cold fingertips touched Charlie’s profile for an instant, she

couldn’t help exclaiming: “Okay… so real…”

Charlie was about to put her by Liona’s side, but Zhiyu would wake up unexpectedly,

which caught him by surprise.

At this time, Zhiyu yelled excitedly: “Benevolence, it’s really you!!”

Charlie frowned slightly: “Fake! You are dreaming! Go to sleep!”

After finishing speaking, he reached out and tapped a little on her forehead.

A little spiritual energy penetrated into Zhiyu’s brain, making her fall asleep instantly.

Charlie looked at Zhiyu who was sleeping, and couldn’t help but slapped his lips: “Why

does this woman wake up so soon.”

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he lightly tapped Liona’s forehead to ensure that

she would not wake up in a short time.

As soon as Charlie finished this, loud noises came from the other end of the tunnel.

Issac hurriedly said, “Master, the clearance work at the tunnel entrance should have

started, let’s get out of here.”

Charlie nodded, and didn’t care to put Zhiyu down first, and carried her on his left

shoulder with one hand, and with the other hand he picked up the unconscious Liona

and carried her on his right shoulder. Then he said to Issac, “Go!”

At this time, at the other end of the tunnel, a helicopter had carried Chengfeng’s four

men down to Orvel’s kennel, and two other helicopters remained at the scene, one

parked on the high-speed road, the other Then hover in mid-air alert.

Charlie quickly put the mother and daughter into the helicopter, and then stepped up

with Issac.

Issac got directly into the co-pilot seat of the cockpit and said to the pilot: “Back to the


The pilot immediately pulled the plane up on the spot and flew towards the City at the

fastest speed.

During the flight, Issac had called the hotel staff to inform them. Originally, Ruoli and a

few crew members who betrayed the Su family lived on an isolated executive floor.

There were still a lot of rooms on this floor. People immediately prepared the largest

executive suite for Liona and Zhiyu the mother and daughter.

Twenty minutes later, the helicopter landed on the helipad on the top floor of the Hotel.

At this time, the entire top floor has been completely wiped out. From the top to the

closed and isolated administrative level, there is not even a single service staff except for

Issac’s most trusted subordinates.

Charlie carried the mother and daughter on his shoulders and sent them directly to the

room that Issac had arranged.

Settling in the mother and daughter, Charlie checked the time and said to Issac, “I guess,

before 8 o’clock in the evening, the two of them should not be awake. First, arrange for

a few trusted female employees to watch them.”

Issac nodded immediately and said, “OK master, don’t worry, I will make arrangements.”

At this moment, Charlie’s mobile phone suddenly received a message with a few lines of

big characters: “A major car accident occurred in the Forbidden Mountain Tunnel! The

scene is terrible! A-level wanted criminal Shred was killed! Two hostages are missing!”

Chapter 2452

He quickly turned on this push and found that it turned out to be the first-hand live data

released by the local media.

On the other side of the tunnel, one of the lanes was cleared by the clearing work. The

police immediately entered the scene and found the scene of the Rolls-Royce car


Immediately afterwards, they also found Shred who was shot through the back of the


This made them numb for a while!

They thought that Shred was only in a car accident, but they did not expect that Shred

would be shot to death!

This immediately made things more complicated.

Why was Shred shot? Who would shoot him?

What made them even more incomprehensible was that the two hostages disappeared

out of thin air!

The report also detailed the disappearance of the hostages. According to the report, the

police found the blood and hair of two hostages in the back of the deformed Rolls

Royce, and even Zhiyu’s shoes were missing. Only in the car, from the vehicle, they

found valid evidence that the hostage was in the car at the time of the collision.

It can be proved that when the car accident happened, the two hostages were in this

Rolls Royce like Shred.

However, the two hostages disappeared out of thin air!

Judging from the strength of the vehicle impact, even if the two were not dead, they

must have been seriously injured. How could they disappear out of thin air?

Originally, the news that Shred appeared in the city and took hostages with explosives

and escaped has already aroused great attention across the country.

Therefore, when this news was issued locally in the city, it immediately spread across the


The local news that was just released was quickly reprinted and released by major

domestic news media. The number of commenters rapidly increased, and the popularity

of Google searches quickly became the first!

Suddenly, people across the country began to pay close attention to where the two

hostages had gone.

Seeing that this incident has caused such great concern across the country, Charlie

immediately said to Issac: “Old man, you first spread the true identities of Liona and

Zhiyu throughout the network. You must let the netizens across the country know. The

kidnapped are Su’s daughter-in-law and granddaughter!”

Issac hurriedly asked, “Master, do you want to publish the video you shot at the same

time? In that case, the Su family will be over!”

Charlie waved his hand: “Don’t send it out first, the video in my hand is a real killer. It’s a

bit too early to use it now!”

Having said that, Charlie sneered and continued: “I want to let the influence of this

matter ferment to the extreme, so that the disappearance of Liona and Zhiyu will

become a suspenseful event of national concern, causing netizens to go crazy. The

speculation and discussion made everyone desperately eager to reveal the answer. Then

I will release the video and put the Su family directly into the grave!”

After that, Charlie immediately ordered: “Old man, you can find me a batch of media

influencers with a lot of brains to bring me a crazy rhythm!”

“Let them speculate about the whereabouts of Liona and Zhiyu, and the conspiracy

behind the whole thing!”

“Someone can say that this matter must be the Su family competitor in the trade!”

“Some people can boldly guess that this mother and daughter were saved by a worldly


“Someone can even predict that the mother and daughter must have died, and it won’t

take long for the body to be discovered!”

“Then, in these speculations, mix the truth! Let some of them speculate that the two

mother and daughter were actually killed by the Su family!”

“Once this matter becomes a mystery that bothers everyone, once I announce the

answer, the Su family won’t even think about turning over this time!”

Chapter 2453

At the same time, Su’s family Eascliff.

Father Su took the phone, resisted the urge to throw the phone, read the news, and

then scolded furiously: “Damn! What the h3ll is going to do with this damn Stuart! Why

is Zhiyu in the car?! Where are Liona and Zhiyu now?! Where are Stuart and the others?!”

Shoude was already scared out of sh!t, but he still pretended to be calm and said: “Dad,

Stuart can’t get in touch at all now, and sister-in-law and Zhiyu are still alive or dead,

there is no news. Do you think someone is deliberately tinkering with our Su family?!”

The old man Su only wanted Liona’s life. It was Shoude that, in order to prevent future

troubles, made his people find Shred’s family, added 20 million, and let Shred kill Zhiyu


Now that the incident happened, but Zhiyu’s whereabouts are still missing. If this really

leaks out the wind, then his eight achievements will be over.

Therefore, he could only deliberately divert the topic and draw the attention of Old Man

to the opposite of the entire Su family.

Elder Su said with a dark old face at this time: “I can’t say that this is a problem. Now

that people are missing, there is no valuable clue at all!”

“I don’t know what’s going on, this whole thing is so fu*king weird everywhere! It’s so

weird! Chengfeng, who has been in the rivers and lakes for dozens of years, has never

seen such a weird thing!”

As he said, he said coldly: “I have a lot of questions now that I don’t understand.”

“For example, why was Zhiyu in the car?”

“That Shred was docked by Stuart. The mission I gave Stuart was very clear. I told him a

long time ago that as long as Liona lives, whether he knows the fish or knows the

wrong, if they go to the auction site, don’t hurt the girl at all!”

“It’s good for Zhifei to say that he flew back ahead of time and didn’t go to the scene at

all, but why did Zhiyu get in the car? This obviously violated my order!”

Shoude hurriedly said, “Dad, could it be Shred who was good at advocating?”

“Impossible!” Elder Su said firmly, “I understand this person’s situation. Cruelty is one

aspect, and doing things cleanly and without sluggishness is also one aspect!”

“Moreover, every case he has done before has excellent pre-planning, and he has acted

steadily according to the plan, and will never engage in any impromptu things!”

“This is also the fundamental reason why he can always be wanted and still not be

arrested. Such a person can count every single cent clearly when he does things. He

can’t make claims and bring Zhiyu into the car! “

Having said this, Old Su’s expression was stern, and he shouted sharply: “Someone else

must have instructed him to do this!”

The whole body of Shoude frightened and couldn’t help but slapped a spirit, and said

quickly, “Dad, since Shred has always been connected by Stuart, then I guess that Stuart

can’t get rid of this matter 80% of the time, and he’s missing again, I doubt him. He may

be bought by our competitors and secret enemies!”

After speaking, Shoude immediately observed the changes in Father Su’s expression.

His trick was to focus on Stuart’s personality.

“Anyway, this Stuart didn’t get things done well. He was already unfavorable. Coupled

with his disappearance for no reason and unknown whereabouts, the old man must be

very dissatisfied with him. At this time, throwing the pot to him is definitely the best


“Besides, the ghost knows if this Stuart is still alive? It would be better if he has died,

throwing everything to him, and he has, otherwise, no chance to explain!”

Chapter 2454

At this time, Grandpa Su shook his head lightly, and said: “Maybe Stuart didn’t manage

this matter well, but I still have no doubt about his loyalty.”

Shoude hurriedly added fuel and jealousy: “Dad! As the saying goes, knowing people

means knowing their face and you don’t know their heart! You have always valued

Stuart, but who knows whether Stuart will betray you under the lure of others’


Elder Su snorted coldly, “Shoude, don’t you even see such a basic question? It really

disappoints me!”

“Ah?” Shoude didn’t know why the old man said this suddenly, and said hurriedly, “Dad,

forgive me for being stupid, and please tell me.”

Old Su asked coldly: “If someone can buy Stuart to deal with the Su family, then why

should he let Stuart deal with Zhiyu? Is Stuart my personal guard or the captain of the

guard! He can totally buy Stuart to kill me. Even they can’t kill me, they can at least

create a big threat to me. Why spend so much effort on a girl in Zhiyu?”

Shoude understood in an instant, the cold sweat immediately wetted his back, and he

thought to himself: “I didn’t expect the old man to be so difficult to flicker…It seems that

I can’t continue to forcibly shake the pot to Stuart, otherwise the old man will definitely

notice the abnormality! “

Thinking of this, Shoude immediately changed his face and said in agreement: “Dad,

when you say this, I immediately stopped. It seems that he should have not betrayed

you, but since he has not betrayed you, where is he now and the whereabouts are totally

unknown. This proves that the people who secretly manage the whole thing are very

strong! We must be cautious!”

Father Su rubbed his temples: “I haven’t considered the master behind. I still have many

other questions I can’t figure out. I can’t figure out why Shred was shot? Judging from

the pictures on the scene, the car crashed into that one. Like a ghost, Shred will

definitely die even if he is the king of heaven. Why would someone give him a shot?

Why do you need to give him this shot?”

Shoude also looked puzzled and said, “It’s really like this! On the high-resolution picture

you just asked for, you can clearly see that Shred’s abdomen and lower body are

smashed into a puddle of mud. There is no need to give him his one head shot…”

Father Su frowned and muttered: “Let me think about it… Since the accident happened

as scheduled, it proves that everything was still going according to plan until the crash,

in other words, when the crash happened. , Stuart must have been there…”

As he said, the old man replied a little bit in his mind: “Since Stuart was at the scene,

how would he react when he saw Zhiyu sitting in Shred’s car?”

Shoude can only follow the old man’s words and say: “If Stuart didn’t betray you, then

he must be shocked when he saw Zhiyu…”

“Yes!” Old Su nodded, “Stuart found that Shred had also got Zhiyu into the car. He

would be shocked, angry, and even scared…”

Speaking of this, Old Su continued: “In this case, Stuart and Shred will definitely have a

conflict. He will definitely question Shred, who in the end caused him to hurt Zhiyu…

Shoude was shocked when he heard this!

“According to the analysis of the old man, then Stuart may have extracted the key

information from Shred…”

“Although I didn’t contact Shred directly, I also let someone contact his family, and then

asked him to do it with the stinky girl Zhiyu…”

“If the old man knows this information, he must know that the person who wants to kill

the fish is the Su family…”

“At that time, I will be the biggest suspect…”

Thinking of this, Shoude hurriedly said: “Dad! I think some netizens have begun to

suspect that our Su family is behind the boss. Now our top priority is to quickly do crisis

public relations!”

Mr. Su gently nodded and blurted out: “Immediately conduct crisis public relations, and

at the same time, through the media, strongly condemn criminals like Shred. At the

same time, announce we are offering a reward of 50 million for valuable clues! Whoever

saves the mother and daughter, they will be rewarded one hundred million!”

Chapter 2455

For a scheming old fox like Chengfeng, calling a thief to catch a thief is just a very

common trick.

The reason for issuing condemnation and offering rewards is actually to divert the

public’s attention to the greatest extent.

In Chengfeng’s view, most people are clueless. They don’t actually have too strong

ability to distinguish right from wrong. They just rely on the amount of information they

receive to vaguely judge whether something is right or wrong, true or false. .

If they listen to more positive opinions, they will also feel that the result is positive;

But if they have heard too many opposing opinions, they will naturally feel that the

opposing side is right.

There are so many people on the Internet now making various guesses. Everyone has a

mouth, and everyone has a pair of hands. They can say anything and make all kinds of

guesses on there.

No matter how strong the Su family is, it is impossible to affect everyone.

So what the Su family has to do now is to do everything possible to post more

comments that are beneficial to the Su family.

As long as there are enough speeches favorable to the Su family, it will naturally be able

to overwhelm those unfavorable speeches and speculations against their narrative.

It’s like scolding someone on the street. If 10 people scold you, you can’t scold more

than ten people with one mouth.

But if you can find 10,000 people to help you curse, the curses of the 10 people on the

opposite side will soon be completely drowned out.

Shoude heard the old man’s order and immediately said without hesitation: “OK dad! I

will find some media reporters and Internet veterans who are close to us, and let them

help us speak out!”

Elder Su nodded gently.

Now, he couldn’t think of any other better way.

Later, he hurriedly said to Shoude, “There is one more thing I want you to do right


Shoude hurriedly said, “Dad, don’t hesitate to tell me if you have any orders!”

Elder Su said coldly: “If Zhiyu and Liona have encountered an accident, then the person

who took them will definitely not be able to run very far with the corpses. They will

definitely choose to throw them away in Aurous Hill and the surrounding areas;”

“If Zhiyu and Liona are still alive, then judging from the photos on the scene, they must

be seriously injured now!”

“Such a serious injury cannot be solved by a small clinic or a black hospital. The other

party will definitely send them to a formal tertiary hospital, and if they are seriously

injured, it is impossible to go far for treatment, so You immediately send people to

Aurous Hill to search in the city and the surrounding area, especially the regular

hospitals in Aurous Hill. I want to see them alive, and a corpse if they are dead!”

Shoude quickly nodded and said, “Then I will make arrangements!”

Elder Su waved his hand: “Don’t just make arrangements, you have to go there yourself!

Once this incident leaks out, it will be a blow to our family, so you must not take it


Shoude nodded, “Then I will arrange a plane and fly directly to Aurous Hill!”

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the door of Old Man Su’s study.

Zhifei yelled eagerly at the door: “Don’t stop me, I want to see Grandpa!”

The butler of the Su family said with heartfelt words: “Young master, the master is

talking about important matters with the second master, and has already ordered me,

no one can enter…”

“No!” Zhifei said with a trembling voice, “My mother and sister are still alive or dead, I

need to ask my grandfather!”

Chapter 2456

The butler had to plead: “Young master, please calm down first, wait a while, and after

the master has finished talking with the second master, I will go in and report!”

Zhifei shouted: “No! I can’t wait! I’m going in now. If you stop me again, then I’ll be rude

to you!”

The housekeeper didn’t know what to do, so Grandpa Su said to Shoude with a dark

face, “Shoude, you go and bring him in.”

“it is OK!”

Shoude hurriedly turned around and left the study, and said to the butler: “Master said,

let Zhifei come in.”

The housekeeper was relieved and quickly gave up the passage.

Zhifei took a step and rushed into the study. As soon as he entered, he questioned

Chengfeng a little anxiously: “Grandpa! Where are my mother and my sister?!”

Elder Su said earnestly: “My boy, I just learned about this. As for where your mother and

your sister are now, and what their condition is, I don’t know anything now.”

“Just before you came in, I told your uncle that he would immediately release a reward

to the outside world. He needs to spend 50 million to collect useful clues. If anyone can

save your mother or your sister, I will directly give 100 million.”

Zhifei clenched his fists and asked angrily: “Many people on the Internet now say that

you wanted to kill my mother, isn’t it true?!”

Old Su’s face changed suddenly, and he sternly said, “As$hole! What are you talking

about? I am the head of the Su family. Will I do such a shameful thing?”

Shoude on the side saw his father full of indignation and majesty, and his heart was


“The old man is indeed an old man, and he can speak so righteously with his eyes open

to speak nonsense! If I didn’t know everything, I would think it was really impossible for

him to do such a thing…”

“Hey, it seems that the gap between me and the old man is not one and a half!”

Zhifei said aggressively at this time: “If it was put before, I would definitely not believe it!

But some time ago, Ruoli was betrayed. Although the outside world now thinks that my

father did it, and treats badly my father no matter what. I can’t understand it, no matter

how bad he is, he is not so evil that he would murder his own daughter! So, he is really

doing you a scapegoat!”

Speaking of this, Zhifei gritted his teeth and said: “Ruoli is your granddaughter, so you

can do it, let alone my mother?!”

When Grandpa Su heard this, his whole expression was furious!

He angrily grabbed an embossed dragon-print inkstone on the desk worth over ten

million, and slammed it to the ground with a snap, and the powder was shattered.

At the same time, he pointed at Zhifei and roared in anger: “Unreasonable!

Unreasonable! Am I still your grandfather in your eyes? Is there still me the head of the

family in your eyes?”

Zhifei did not flinch and said angrily, “If my mother and sister are really harmed by you,

not only will I deny you as a grandfather, I will fight you hard!”

Elder Su was very angry, pointed at Shoude, and shouted: “Shoude! Give him a palm! A

hundred palms!”

Shoude immediately stepped forward, grabbed Zhifei by the collar, and gritted his teeth

and cursed: “You are an inexhaustible rebellious son! Your father is not here, I am your

uncle, so I will teach you a lesson for him!”

Zhifei gritted his teeth and pushed Shoude away. Then he immediately stepped back

and stepped back to the door of the study. He pointed to Mr. Su and shouted word by

word: “You remember what I say! If my mother and sister are killed by you, I want your


After speaking, he immediately turned around and dashed away!

Chengfeng was holding his chest in resentment, trying to speak, but because he

couldn’t come up with a single breath, he coughed for several times: “Ahem…ahhhhhh…

b@stard… .. Sure enough, it is a rebellious son!!! the family, the whole damn branh is

born rebellious!!!”?

Then, after another violent cough, immediately said to Shoude: “Go! Go! Get this

b@stard back to me!!!”

Chapter 2457

When Shoude rushed out, Zhifei had disappeared.

He chased out for a hundred or two hundred meters, seeing that he had no chance to

chase this big nephew back, so he could only turn around and walk back.

On the way back to the old man’s study, Shoude was in a particularly good mood, and

he couldn’t help but wonder: “Oh, I’ve got really good luck, and I’m worried about how

to divert the attention of the old man. Zhifei is a coincidence. Luckily, he came to touch

the old man’s mold at this time and made him angry like a bird. It is estimated that the

old man is only thinking about how to teach him a lesson well.”

Shoude was proud of his heart. After returning to the old man’s study, he said with a

look of ashamedness: “Dad, you know that kid, he runs faster than a dog, I couldn’t get


Mr. Su coldly scolded, “You are also a trash!”

After speaking, he immediately called the butler in and sternly ordered: “Notify all the

subordinates. When they see Zhifei, the rebellious son, they will immediately bring him

back to accept the family law!”

How dare the butler disobey him, he immediately bowed and said, “Master, don’t worry,

I’ll pass it on.”

Elder Su waved his hand, and the housekeeper hurriedly left.

Immediately, he said to Shoude: “Hurry up and prepare for crisis public relations as I

said, the more vigorous the better! In addition, immediately rush to Aurous Hill! I want

to see if Liona and Zhiyu are alive. If not, bring me their dead bodies!”

Shoude hurriedly nodded and said, “I know Dad! I am Looking at it!”

At this moment, Zhifei had already drove away from Su’s house and drove all the way

towards the airport.

While driving, he took out his cell phone and prepared to call the person in charge of

the crew at home.

There are several private jets in the Su family, and Zynn owns one. He is now in Australia,

so the private jet stays in Eastcliff.

However, just as he was about to make a call, Zynn’s call came in suddenly.

Zhifei hurriedly connected, and as soon as he came up, he cried and said, “Dad! Mom

and sister are missing…”

Zynn’s heavy voice came from the phone: “I know what’s wrong, I already know the

situation, where are you now?”

Zhifei hurriedly said, “I am on my way to the airport, and I plan to go to Aurous Hill now.

I will find mother and sister anyway!”

Zynn immediately asked: “Listen to me, don’t go to the airport. I just received a

message. Your grandfather is now asking the entire Su family to look for you

everywhere, ready to take you back to be dealt with by the family law. Why did you

offend him?”

When Zhifei heard this, he immediately said angrily: “I heard that mother had an

accident with Zhiyu, and I always felt that this matter was inseparable from grandfather,

so I went to there to question him. I didn’t expect him to become angry. , The second

uncle had to slap me a hundred on the spot. I ignored him and ran out.”

“Angry!” Zynn immediately rebuked, and said, “You are in your 20s. Have you lived in

vain over the past 20 years? What kind of character is your grandfather, don’t you still

have a few words in your heart to deal properly with him?”

Zhifei said angrily, “But…”

Zynn immediately interrupted him: “But what? Your grandpa really cares about himself

in this life, and he only cares about his own absolute power in the Su family!”

“Once anything or anyone affects him, or affects his power in the family, he will deal

with the other party without hesitation. Am I not the best example?”

“You know that I’m not even your grandfather’s opponent, so why do you stand up to

him? Don’t you want to stay at Su’s house anymore?”

Zhifei gritted his teeth and said: “If Mom and Zhiyu were really killed by grandpa, not

only will I not stay in Su’s house, I will even kill him and avenge my mother and sister!”

“You…” Zynn was anxious, but then he deliberately lowered his voice and warned in a

low voice: “Even if you have such an idea, you must not say it. The real man depends on

doing it. Not in words!”

Chapter 2458

As he said, Zynn said coldly: “Don’t worry, if things are really like what you said, it is not

just you, I won’t let him go. However, even if we father and son want to fight him, we

must take a long-term view. And plan to move later! Otherwise, if you are born before

you die, how would you avenge your mother and sister?!”

Zhifei was silent for a moment, and then said angrily: “Dad, I know…”

After speaking, he couldn’t help choking up, crying and asked, “Dad! When are you

coming back?! I now…I really don’t know what to do now…”

Zynn sighed and said, “I can’t come back now. I take a plane back to Eastcliff from here.

It takes more than ten hours. But as long as my front foot leaves here, your grandpa will

receive the message immediately on the back foot. When I got off the plane, I will be

caught by the family and sent back to Australia, or they will directly arreste me and take

me back to the Su family and placed me under house arrest…”

Zhifei asked helplessly, “Dad…then what should I do now…I want to go to Aurous Hill to

find mother and Zhiyu…they are currently missing. At least there is still a possibility of


Zynn thought for a while, and said, “In this way, you don’t want to go to the airport, just

drive on the highway and drive all the way to Aurous Hill.”

With that said, Zynn calculated it again and said, “From Eastcliff to Aurous Hill, if you

take the high speed, it will be about 1,000 kilometers. If you drive faster, you may be

there in 10 hours.

Zhifei immediately said, “OK dad! I will drive directly to Aurous Hill!”

Zynn hurriedly said again: “When you go to Aurous Hill, you must be low-key, low-key

and low-key. Don’t try to call any Su family’s power, because once they know you are in

Aurous Hill, they will definitely catch you.”

Zhifei was dumbfounded: “Dad, if I don’t call on the power of the Su family, how can I

find mother and Zhiyu…”

Zynn said helplessly: “My Son, you can only trust yourself now, and others are unreliable

at this moment.”

After speaking, he added: “By the way, I heard that Grandpa has sent your second uncle

to Aurous Hill. He will definitely go by plane. He will arrive in Aurous Hill two or three

hours earlier. After you arrive in Aurous Hill, you must Be careful!”

Zhifei suddenly felt very helpless. He choked and asked, “Dad…Do you think Mom and

Zhiyu are still alive…”

Zynn was silent on the other end of the phone for about ten seconds, and then he said,

“My Son, as long as the matter has not been concluded, there must be hope.”

As he said, he continued, “But you must remember, you must be prepared for the worst


Zhifei said solemnly, “Dad, I know!”


Just as Zhifei drove the car to Aurous Hill fast, the crisis public relations of the Su family

had already started.

The overwhelming important meidia figures have brought the rhythm on the Internet.

Although each of them has different opinions, the core point they want to express is

that the Su family is the victim. Liona and Su Zhiyu are kidnapped. There must be

someone else.

More than two hours later, Shoude’s private plane landed on the first runway of Aurous

Hill International Airport.

Coincidentally, at the same time, a private plane landed on the second runway of Aurous

Hill International Airport at almost the same time.

This family’s plane came over from New York, USA, flying all the way for more than ten


After the plane landed, under the command of the tower, it parked on the apron

dedicated to private jets.

What’s interesting is that this plane, the private plane that Shoude was on, parked on

two adjacent seats next to each other.

This plane from the United States took the lead in opening the cabin door, and a Jewish

man in his fifties stepped out of the cabin.

He stood on the spiral staircase and paused for a moment, looked around, and

whispered, “Walter, my son, Dad will find you and take you home!”

Chapter 2459

The Jewish man who spoke was Walter Hogwitz’s father, Steve Hogwitz.

Ever since Walt and all his men have evaporated, the entire Hogwarts family has been

doing everything possible to inquire about their whereabouts and get any clues.

But no matter how they inquire, the result of feedback is the same.

No one has seen how Walter and his men disappeared from the world. Even the Skynet

surveillance all over the city did not have any Walter-related video data.

This made the Hogwarts family immediately realized that Walter was very likely to

provoke a very powerful person in Aurous Hill.

Therefore, Walter’s father Steve came to Aurous Hill himself, just to do everything

possible to find Walter and bring him back to the United States.

At this moment, the plane next to him also turned on the spiral staircase.

Shoude stepped out of the hatch and walked straight down.

At this time, a welcoming convoy composed of six bullet-proof Cadillac Presidential One

had already drove to the plane of Shoude, and nearly twenty men in black, all of the

same height and body, came out of the cars, standing next to the convoy. Straight.

These were all the security teams temporarily prepared by Shoude’s men. During

Shoude’s time in Aurous Hill, these people were responsible for the security work on the

bright side.

However, these are just superficial security forces. Most of them are used to fill the front.

Twenty minutes ago, the Su family sent twenty top masters to Aurous Hill first. These

people will secretly protect Shoude’s safety and obey his orders. Shoude’s instructions

and dispatches searched for Liona and Zhiyu in Aurous Hill.

Walter’s father Steve noticed Shoude. He did not expect that the unremarkable Chinese

man would have such a big battle.

So, he hurriedly stopped and said to the assistant behind him: “Check the registration

number of the plane next to ours. Hurry!”

Every aircraft, whether it is a civil airliner or a private jet, must have a registration


Moreover, the registration number is generally sprayed on the fuselage of the aircraft.

Generally speaking, the registration number is a combination of one letter and four


For example, the combination of B-2233.

Among them, the letter B represents the country.

No matter where you are in the world and see an aircraft with a registration number

starting with B, you can confidently and boldly confirm that this is an aircraft registered

in China.

Therefore, Steve Hogwitz wanted to check the registration number to determine which

company the aircraft belongs to, and then probably infer the identity of Shoude.

Fortunately, this kind of inquiry is not difficult. Just as Shoude walked down the spiral

ladder, Steve’s assistant finally found out the results and immediately reported: “Boss,

this aircraft is a company registered with Su’s family in Eastcliff. Under the name!”

“Su’s family!?” Steve was shocked and immediately said, “No wonder there is such a big


Having said that, he immediately quickened his pace, and ran off the spiral staircase in

three or two steps and went straight to Shoude.

Before he could get close to Shoude, several people in black immediately rushed

forward and surrounded him, sternly, “Who are you?! Please stand back immediately,

otherwise, don’t blame us for treating you.” polite!”

Steve hurriedly explained: “Don’t get me wrong, everyone, I have no intentions to harm,

I just want to say hello to Mr. Su!”

Shoude was about to step into the car. Hearing Steve’s words, he looked at him

curiously and asked, “Do you know me?”

Chapter 2460

Steve hurriedly said, “Mr. Su, I am the head of the American Hogwitz family. I wonder if

you have heard of our family.”

Shoude couldn’t help frowning.

“The Hogwitz family in the United States? It seems that I have never heard of such a

family…very powerful?”

Just wondering, Steve hurriedly added: “My mother belongs to the Rothschild family!”

In the world, the popularity of the Rothschild family can be said to be known to


Sure enough, as soon as Shoude heard this, the American introduced himself as blood

related to the Rothschild family, and he immediately took it seriously.

After that, Shoude walked quickly to Steve, reached out and introduced himself: “Hello,

this is Shoude.”

Steve quickly shook hands with Shoude flattered and said, “Hello Mr. Su, my name is

Steve Hogwitz! It’s a great honor to meet you!”

Shoude nodded and asked curiously, “Where did Mr. Steve come from?”

Steve responded quickly: “I flew all the way from New York and just landed at Aurous

Hill Airport.”

“OK.” Shoude smiled slightly: “The two of us are front and back.”

Then, he asked, “What family business does Mr. Steve have in Aurous Hill?”

“No.” Steve explained, “My eldest son has been expanding the family business in Aurous

Hill some time ago, but he disappeared a few days ago. I came to Aurous Hill this time

to find his whereabouts.”

“Oh?” Shoude suddenly became curious, and thought to himself: “What a coincidence?!

This Steve also came to Aurous Hill to find someone? Could a person with blood related

to the Rothschild family disappear in Aurous Hill?”

“But when you think about it carefully, the ghost place of Aurous Hill is indeed a bit

weird. Not only people with blood related to Rothschild disappeared here, but even the

daughter-in-law of the Su family and the eldest granddaughter also disappeared here.

Now, it seems that this small place is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger!”

Thinking of this, Shoude’s inspiration suddenly flashed: “The disappearance of this

Steve’s son, will there be any connection with the disappearance of Liona and Zhiyu?!”

At this point, Shoude immediately felt that the two things might really have a certain


So he immediately said to Steve: “It’s true that I came to Aurous Hill this time to find

someone as well. It seems that the two of us have the same purpose. Maybe there are

also the same people we are looking for. There could be some kind of connection!”

“Really?!” Steve exclaimed, “Mr. Su, this incident even bothered you to come in person,

could it be…Is someone from the Su family missing in Aurous Hill?!”

Shoude nodded: “It is true, this is the case unfortunately!”

After speaking, Shoude immediately said, “Mr. Steve, I think we can find someone on

this matter and exchange information with each other, maybe we can find any valuable


“Yes!” Steve said without hesitation: “If I can investigate this matter with Mr. Su, then I

will feel more at ease!”

Shoude asked him, “Which hotel would you stay in Aurous Hill this time?”

Steve blurted out, “I live in Aurous Hill International Hotel. My son lived there before he


Shoude nodded: “Coincidentally, I also booked room in the Aurous Hill International

Hotel. If that’s the case, let’s go together! We just can have a good chat on the way!”

Chapter 2461

Steve knew that the Su family was currently the strongest family in China, so he wanted

to make friends with him.

Now, knowing that he came to Aurous Hill for almost the same purpose, and he invited

him to go to the hotel with him. This is definitely a good opportunity to establish an

intersection with the Su family and increase the chance of finding tje son.

It is definitely killing two birds with one stone!

So he said gratefully: “Mr. Su, it’s true that since my son and his men disappeared, I have

not even a single person available in Aurous Hill, so no one arranged a pick-up. If I can

get your car If you’re going to the hotel together, thank you so much!”

Shoude smiled slightly: “Mr. Steve you’re too polite. Our Su family had some ties with

the Rothschild family back then. Although we had some unpleasantness, we finally

reached a cooperation, which can be regarded as some friendship!”

Steve nodded gently, and said flatteredly: “If there is a chance in the future, I hope we

can also have substantial cooperation with the Su family, even including the Rothschild

family, I can also let my mother walk around a bit more and see if it can lead to new


Shoude said, feeling very happy.

Although he doesn’t take Steve seriously, he still has a lot of friendship with the

Rothschild family.

He couldn’t help thinking in his heart: “After all, the Rothschild family is the most

powerful family in the world, and its true influence is more than ten times stronger than

the Su family. If it can really get along with the Rothschild family in the future, it will be

good for the entire Su family, but for myself, it must be of great help, at least it will

make me stand more stable in the Su family!”

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but smiled and said to Steve: “Come Mr. Steve, let’s go

to the hotel in my car, and I’m going to be a host tonight. Let’s have dinner for the two

of us and exchange clues by the way. We can also cooperate with each other on the

matter of finding someone next.”

Steve immediately said excitedly: “Great Mr. Su, there is absolutely no problem with


Shoude invited Steve to get in his car. As for the others brought by Steve, they were not

treated as well. They had to take the car to the hotel.

Steve and Shoude sat in the back row of one of the Presidential One’s. As the convoy

departed from the airport, Steve probably introduced details about his son Walter to


However, Steve didn’t know his son Walter’s attempt to Doris, nor did he know his nasty

actions against Doris’s father. Therefore, in his opinion, his son was steadfastly

developing business in Aurous Hill. He did not expect that, suddenly One day the he’ll

evaporate, just like that.

After listening to his introduction, Shoude was even more puzzled, and said in a low

voice: “It would be nice to say if it was your son who disappeared alone, but it would be

a bit weird to have so many people getting missing all at once…”

“Yes!” Steve sighed, “I suspected that he was kidnapped at first, but, I know, I haven’t

received any information about the kidnappers asking for a ransom.”

After speaking, Steve added: “I also asked people to check all the bank records of my

son. Since his disappearance, none of his bank accounts have been woven even a penny.

If the other party really does it is for money, it is impossible to still not want to ask for


“Yes.” Shoude frowned and said, “A dozen people can disappear at the same time, and

all monitoring records can be erased. The forces behind it must be very difficult to


Speaking of this, he couldn’t help thinking: “Liona and Zhiyu disappeared in the tunnel,

and even Steven, the bodyguard of the old man, is also missing. It must be very difficult

for someone common to do this. Aurous Hill itself is a small second-tier city. Even if

there are big people hiding in it, it is impossible for two or more powerful forces to stay

here… Maybe, the ones who let Steve’s son disappear are the same group of people

who took Liona and Zhiyu.”

Chapter 2462

So Shoude hurriedly asked Steve: “Did your son offend anyone during his time in

Aurous Hill?”

“This…” Steve shook his head and said, “My son has never been to Aurous Hill before, or

even China. This time he was sent to Aurous Hill by the family to develop the family

business, and he came here. The time was also very short, so I don’t think he will have

any enemies here.”

Shoude asked him, “Is your son married?”

Steve hurriedly said truthfully: “He’s married and have two children.”

Shoude continued to ask: “Then his private life is checked?”

Steve seriously said: “I have never heard of improper relations with any woman.”

Shoude asked again, “Is he an addict?”

“No! Absolutely not!” Steve said hurriedly: “Our family absolutely does not allow any

addicts to appear. All adult men must undergo regular urine tests. Once he is found to

be an addict, he will be interrupted. In all the positions in the family and the withdrawal

of all funds, Walter will never touch this red line made by the family!”

Shoude stretched out his four fingers and said, “In most criminal cases in the world,

there are four possibilities. The first is for money, the second is for addicts, the third is

for love, and the fourth is for Enmity.”

“If the other party kidnapped your son and doesn’t want money, this will rule out the

possibility of making money.”

“If your son has regular urine tests and he is not a drug addict, then this aspect can also

be ruled out.”

“As for? In terms of relationships, although you say that your son is very prudent in his

private life, he knows his face and doesn’t know his heart. What’s more, you are a father.

To put it ugly, how many women your son has slept with may not be known better than

his good friends. You know better, so I think there is still a possibility for emotional


“And revenge. Even if your son has just arrived in Aurous Hill, it doesn’t mean that he

won’t offend people. Maybe he really offended some very powerful people in in the


Speaking of this, Shoude smacked his lips, and said, “I think the possibility of love and

hatred is fifty fifty. You can start to examine these two aspects first.”

Steve nodded gently: “Thank you Mr. Su for this insight. I will actively search for relevant

clues to see if I can find any breakthrough points!”

The reason why Shoude did so much analysis for Steve is to hope that Steve can find

clues to his son’s disappearance through these aspects.

He now suspect that the disappearance of his son was done by the same people who

are responsible for the disappearance of Liona and Zhiyu. He has no way to find clues. If

Steve can, it would be a curve to save the efforts.

At this moment, Steve suddenly said, “That’s right! My son seems to have a close college

classmate in Aurous Hill, and it seems to be a woman!”

Shoude immediately said excitedly: “This is a very valuable clue! If this woman has

something to do with your son’s disappearance, first find a way to find a breakthrough

from her!”

Chapter 2463

At this moment.

Charlie was not in a hurry to go home, but stayed in Issac’s office, staring at the current

trend of public opinion on the Internet in real time with his mobile phone.

He found that now the Su family’s PR forces are clearly overwhelming. No matter what

APP, even if it is just a small website or forum, there are a large number of Su family PR

forces washing the ground for the Su family.

They have even been helping the Su family sell miserably, trying their best to exaggerate

that other people are murdering Liona and Zhiyu the mother and daughter, and they

also claim that the real purpose of the behind-the-scenes gang is to completely destroy

the entire Su family.

When Issac saw these remarks, he couldn’t help but said angrily: “Master, the Su family

are really unscrupulous. They can play with such shameless whitewashing!”

Charlie smiled indifferently: “What’s this? They haven’t fully exerted their strength yet. If

they fully exert their strength, they will probably wash themselves further.”

Issac asked inexplicably, “Master, their public opinion offensive is already overwhelming,

how can they use it?”

Charlie said seriously: “The most urgent task they have now is to find Liona and Zhiyu, to

see them alive, and corpses if they are dead, and if they really find a big living person,

they will definitely find a way to get them together. Kill everyone.”

Issac nodded: “The wife already knows the truth, the Su family will definitely kill them!”

“Yes!” Charlie smiled slightly and said, “As long as they are sure that these are dead, the

Su family can breathe a sigh of relief. Then they only need to spend money to find a few

scapegoats and claim that everything is these people. What it does has nothing to do

with the Su family.”

Issac couldn’t help laughing: “Now let them do their best to wash themselves. When the

video on your mobile phone is released, Master, it will be a large-scale face-slapping

scene that will cause a sensation among more than one billion people. By then, the Su

family will really become a sinner in the gutter!”

Charlie nodded and said, “To completely destroy the reputation of the Su family is a

prelude to the complete destruction of the family. Once the Su family becomes a mouse

crossing the street, the century-old foundation of the Su family will collapse little by


Issac suddenly remembered something and asked, “Master, if your video is exposed,

wouldn’t it be a great help to Zynn? Now Zynn is carrying the scapegoat for Mr. Su

before he can only go to Australia. If your video is exposed If that matter, Ruoli, the

public will definitely recalculate the matter, and Zynn will completely clear the


“It doesn’t matter.” Charlie said calmly, “Even if I help Zynn, Zynn will be uncomfortable.”

Issac hurriedly asked, “Master, what do you mean?”

Charlie sneered: “Chengfeng, an old dog, pushed his son’s illegitimate daughter to

death at a critical moment, and then pushed his son away. He did this to Zynn treated

his future to death. The blood-emotions have long since disappeared. Now Chengfeng

wants to kill Zynn’s wife and another daughter. What do you think Zynn would think?”

Issac hesitated for a moment, and said, “If Zynn learns the truth, I’m afraid he will turn

his head against him?”

“That’s right.” Charlie said with a smile: “Chengfeng will definitely not let Zynn turn over

at that time, but after Zynn and his face are torn apart, he will definitely use the

advantage of public opinion to fight back, and even try to seize control of the Su family,

but Chengfeng definitely can’t let Zynn seize power, because he is also afraid that Zynn

will be liquidated by him, so by then, the Su family will definitely stage a big fight

between father and son!”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “This does not include the other descendants of the

Su family, that is, the younger brothers of Zynn!”

“Since ancient times, the prince most wanted to get rid of is the emperor, and the prince

most wanted to get rid of other princes as well!”

“At that time, if Zynn and Chengfeng turn against each other, the other sons will not be

idle, or the Su family will fall into a civil turmoil!”

Issac couldn’t help but smiled and said, “Then we can just watch the good show then!”

Charlie smiled slightly, and said: “Watching the fire from across the bank and reaping

the profit!”

Chapter 2464

At this moment, Issac received a text message on his cell phone. After he clicked on it

and read it, he hurriedly said to Charlie: “Master, the second child of the Su family,

Shoude is here in Aurous Hill!”

“Really?” Charlie asked curiously, “When did he come?”

Issac said hurriedly, “Aurous Hill Airport reported that he just landed about ten minutes


Charlie sneered, “It seems that he was ordered by Old Man Su to find Liona and Zhiyu.”

Issac said again: “Master, there is one more thing I want to report to you.”

Charlie nodded: “Say it.”

Issac said: “There was also a private plane registered in the United States that landed

with Shoude’s. My people checked the registration number of the plane, and the plane

was under the name of the American Hogwitz family.”

“Hogwitz?” Charlie frowned and said coldly: “It seems that Walter’s family is here.”

Issac continued: “Yes, the immigration information shows that it is a guy named Steve

Hogwitz, who should be Walter’s father. He is now taking Shoude’s car to Aurous Hill

International Hotel with Shoude.”

Charlie asked curiously, “Why are they together?”

Issac shook his head and said, “I don’t know this too well. They may have been

acquainted before or temporarily.”

Charlie couldn’t help but frowned, and said, “The strength of the Hogwitz family is

relatively average. The assets of tens of billions of dollars are not even as good as the

Song family. It stands to reason that the Su family can’t see such a family very seriously.

Here, it’s impossible to have any intersection with them. In addition, the planes of the

two of them landed front and back. I guess they should have just met!”

Issac smiled and said, “These two people are really interesting. They are quite destined

to land in Aurous Hill one after another.”

Charlie said with a solemn expression, “It’s not a good thing that they meet together.”

“Why?” Issac asked puzzledly, “Master, are you worried that the two of them will join


Charlie shook his head and said seriously: “I am worried that the two of them will

exchange clues.”

“Exchange clues? What clues?”

Charlie said solemnly: “We left few clues about Liona and Zhiyu. The people who were

alive were brought out, and only Shred’s body was left behind; however, regarding

Walter, we did not leave any clues?”

Issac understood instantly and exclaimed: “You mean, Miss Doris?!”

“Yes!” Charlie said coldly: “There is no clue about the disappearance of Liona and Zhiyu.

Walter’s disappearance is also the line of Doris. I’m afraid they will be embarrassed and

concentrate together to try to get a way from Doris. Find a breakthrough through her!”

Issac hurriedly asked: “Master, do you want to protect Miss now?!”

Charlie waved his hand: “It’s meaningless to protect her. The more you protect her, the

more people will feel that she must be inseparable from this matter.”

“What about it then?”

Charlie smiled slightly: “Since the two friends have come from a long distance and are so

close to each other, then I will take the initiative and keep them all together. By the way,

let their relatives realize that Aurous Hill is a place. It’s just a bottomless black hole!”

Chapter 2465

When Issac heard Charlie say that he wanted to keep Shoude and Steve Hogwitz, he

immediately exclaimed, “Master, Steve, fortunately, he should not bring many people

from the United States this time. But Shoude has hired dozens of security personnel,

and the masters hidden behind him don’t even I don’t know how many. It’s a bit difficult

to catch him…”

Charlie said calmly: “It doesn’t matter, there are no impervious pants in this world, to

grab Shoude and Walter, I will be enough.”

As he said, a person suddenly flashed in his mind, so he immediately changed his words:

“No, let’s add another person.”

Issac stood up immediately and said without hesitation: “Master, I am willing to be with


Charlie smiled and said seriously: “Old man, you are courageous, but you are still a little

bit weak in strength. Maybe you haven’t gotten close to Shoude, you have been

discovered by his hidden men in the dark.”

Issac said awkwardly, “This…Master…If you don’t dislike it, I will try my best from now


Charlie smiled and said, “It’s definitely too late to practice caution now.”

Issac hurriedly asked, “When do you plan to do it? If I need to do something on my side,

I will prepare in advance!”

Charlie said: “Hurry up, I want to do it tonight, otherwise if they focus on Doris, this

matter will be a little tricky.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “Let me call Doris first and let her work overtime at

the company today. In that case, I will do it tonight.”

Immediately afterwards, Charlie took out his mobile phone and called Doris.

As soon as the phone was connected, Doris’s voice came over: “Master!”

Charlie gave a hum and asked her, “Doris, where are you now?”

Doris respectfully said: “Master, I am in Hong Kong.”

“Hong Kong?” Charlie asked curiously, “Why did you go to Hong Kong?”

Doris explained: “In recent years, Hong Kong real estate has been declining, and our

mainland market is very competitive. Therefore, Emgrand Group plans to develop a

commercial real estate project with the Xu family in Hong Kong. I just came over here

this morning to prepare for further discussions with them.”

After speaking, Doris hurriedly asked, “Master, were you looking for me?”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “You don’t have anything to worry about. Since you are

not in Aurous Hill now, wait until you come back.”

Doris had no choice but to say, “Well, young master, if there is anything anxious, please

tell me, I can fly back anytime.

Charlie said hurriedly, “No need, just stay in Hong Kong.”

Doris didn’t know what Charlie meant, so she said, “OK master, then I will concentrate

on discussing cooperation in Hong Kong these days. If you need me to come back,

please inform me at any time.”

“It is good.”

After hanging up the phone, Charlie breathed a sigh of relief.

Doris happened to be not in Aurous Hill, so this matter was not so anxious.

If this is the case, it’s better to closely monitor Shoude and Steve first to see what kind

of medicine the two people, especially Shoude, is selling in the gourd.

But Charlie didn’t plan to give the two of them too long. Within two or three days, let

them evaporate directly in the Aurous Hill world!

At this time, Issac saw Charlie hung up, and hurriedly asked, “Master, Miss Doris has

gone to Hong Kong?”

“Yes.” Charlie smiled slightly: “It’s a coincidence, she just left this morning.”

Chapter 2466

Issac asked again: “Then when are you going to act on Shoude and Steve?”

Charlie thought for a while, and said, “For these two days, first observe the two of them

and see what actions they have.”

After speaking, Charlie further ordered: “Old man, you have the widest network in

Aurous Hill. You must give it to me and keep an eye on them. No matter where they

have been or who they have met, report to me as soon as possible!”

Issac said without hesitation: “Master, don’t worry, I will make arrangements!”

Charlie nodded, and said with a little regret: “Why didn’t the two of them choose to stay

in your hotel.”

Issac smiled and said, “Master, that Walter lived in the Aurous Hill International Hotel

before he disappeared. It is normal for his father to live there. As for Shoude, the Su

family knows that this is the property of the Wade family. How could he come here to


Charlie asked curiously, “With such a large property in the Su family, he didn’t buy any

property in Aurous Hill?”

Issac shook his head and said, “The Su family had a negotiation with the Wade family a

few years ago. The two parties agreed on the commercial development of the two sides.

In the city selected by the Su family, the Wade family would not buy a home. The

reverse is also true. It was within the territory selected by the Wade family, so the Su

family did not engage in industry here.”

Charlie asked him: “Then what is the basis for dividing the business territory of the two


Issac said: “It was your grandfather and Chengfeng who had a face-to-face meeting.

After all, the strength of the two families is similar, and their businesses are blooming

everywhere. He didn’t want to continue to fight in second-tier cities, so they privately

defined a range. For example, in the southeast capital cities, Aurous Hill is the Wade

family, and Suhang is the Su family territory.”

“In the final analysis, the Su family has a stronger voice. When dividing the business

map, all the materials of Suzhou and Hangzhou were significantly better than those of

Aurous Hill. Therefore, the Su family first picked Suhang away and left Aurous Hill to


“Understood.” Charlie nodded slightly, and then asked: “Then since Regnar Wu is the

richest man in Suhang, why didn’t he hear of anything to do with the Su family?”

Issac smiled and said, “You see, the Song family is the richest in Aurous Hill, and it has

nothing to do with the Wade family.”

After speaking, Issac continued to explain: “In fact, the main purpose of the Su Wade

family’s delineation is to avoid competition between the two sides, which is equivalent

to a gentleman’s agreement.”

“However, local families are generally deeply entrenched. It is very difficult for us to

confront the local snakes, or even crush each other.”

“After all, most of the strength of the two families is still concentrated in Eastcliff. China

is so big, and the strength that everyone can spread across the country is not that


“Whether it is the Wade family or the Su family, the total assets that can be invested in

other cities in China are only hundreds of billions of dollars. However, in addition to

Eastcliff, there are three first-tier cities in the country, and second-tier cities like Aurous

Hill are even bigger. Heap, so on average, the human, material, and financial resources

that can be invested in each city are not large.”

“After all, I’m in Aurous Hill, which means I just guard the Wade family’s stronghold in

Aurous Hill.”

After speaking, Issac said again: “Just like the Wade family, if you don’t count the

Emgrand Group that was bought for you young master, then the Wade family in Aurous

Hill, and it doesn’t actually have much business.”

“The main part of the Wade family in Aurous Hill is the hotel. In addition, there are

several security companies that do not seem to have any relationship on the surface.

Then they participated in some projects. The total assets in Aurous Hill add up scattered

and scattered. It’s only around one or two tens of billions, which is far behind the Song

family’s 100 billion assets.”

“My most important task over the years is not to help the Wade family make money in

Aurous Hill, but to help the Wade family develop contacts, networks, and a complete

intelligence system in Aurous Hill, turning Aurous Hill into a component of the Wade

family’s neural network. It’s like a tentacle of an octopus, and I can report any

disturbance to the Wade family in time.”

Speaking of this, Issac couldn’t help but laughed at himself and said, “Actually, if it were

not for the young master you were in Aurous Hill, the Wade family would not pay much

attention to the situation here. There are many spokespersons like me in the Wade

family all over the country. Those who really have a strong voice are the spokespersons

of three first-tier cities.”

Charlie nodded: “I understand, since the Su family has no foundation in Aurous Hill, it is

more proactive for us.”

Issac agreed and said: “Yes, when the Su family is here, even if there is an emergency, it

will only take a few hours to dispatch troops from Eastcliff temporarily.”

After speaking, he asked again: “By the way, Master, if the time is right and you are

ready to do something with them, do you have any suitable helper?”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “Of course! In this regard, I already have the most suitable

candidate in my heart!”

Issac asked, “Who is it?”

Charlie said with a smile, “Ruoli!”

Chapter 2467

As soon as Issac heard that Charlie wanted to use Ruoli, he immediately asked with

some worry: “Master, Ruoli is not sure whether she is uncontrollable. She has been

under house arrest by us. If she is released, will she not take the opportunity to


Charlie shook his head: “From what I know about her, she definitely won’t.”

Issac asked inexplicably, “Master, why are you so sure? This woman has always been

cruel, not a fuel-efficient lamp!”

Charlie smiled and said: “She was so miserable under Su’s. Now that she has the

opportunity to catch Shoude first, it is also a chance for her to take revenge. Based on

this, she cannot turn back.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “And now she is missing from the Su family’s view.

Once she really gets rid of my control or my asylum, she will probably be discovered by

the Su family. At that time, The Su family will definitely kill her.”

“I took another 10,000 steps and said that even if the Su family didn’t do anything to

her, if the Japanese government knew where she was, they would never let her go. After

all, she is the fugitive that the Japanese government wanted most to catch.

Issac nodded and said seriously: “I understand that young master. If you say so, Ruoli is

indeed a good candidate. Her personal strength is very strong. Acting with you will not

only help you, but also Will hold her back.”

Charlie smiled and said, “In the recent period, Ruoli’s strength has improved again. It is

no longer the same as when she was in Su’s house before.”

After that, he stood up and said, “You stay in the office, and I’ll have a chat with Ruoli.”

Issac hurriedly asked, “Master, what about Liona and Zhiyu?”

Charlie said, “They should be able to wake up tomorrow morning. Tonight, you just

need to arrange someone to guard the gate. By the way, let someone buy some change

of laundry and daily necessities in advance, prepare the items, and deliver them early

tomorrow morning.”

Issac said immediately: “OK, young master.”

Charlie said again, “Also, do you know Liona and Zhiyu?”

Issac thought for a while and said, “I know them, but they should not know me.”

“That’s good.” Charlie said, “When they wake up tomorrow, no matter what questions

they ask about me, you don’t answer them. They ask you where this is, and you don’t

answer. They have to leave or talk to me. You can never agree to contact with the

outside world. Just tell them and I will let them stay here honestly.”

Issac said immediately: “OK master, I understand!”


at the same time.

Ruoli was practicing in the room.

Since the last time, Charlie completely opened up her Ren Vessel, she has felt the

tremendous progress made by leaps and bounds.

Therefore, taking advantage of this good opportunity, she spent all her time and energy

on practicing, and her strength continued to improve like a rocket.

However, in addition to practicing hard these days, she would always think of Charlie


These days, she would always be involuntarily in her mind, thinking about Charlie’s


Whether it was Charlie saving her, or Charlie helping her to open up her line of power

and let her strength grow by leaps and bounds, to him, she was deeply grateful.

If she thinks too much, she will naturally look forward to seeing Charlie more.

But Charlie didn’t seem to always come to this hotel, so she was somewhat regretful.

Chapter 2468

Just when she was practicing the exercises until she was sweating, the doorbell suddenly


Ruoli suddenly became a little excited.

She lived here for a period of time to understand the service rules of the service staff


Three meals a day are scheduled here, and the service staff will prepare food, drink and

daily necessities for delivery.

At other times, the service staff will not take the initiative to interrupt.

But now is not time to eat, so it is most likely that Charlie is here!

Thinking of this, Ruoli hurried to the door happily.

Through the display screen, she saw Charlie standing at the door of her room at a

glance, and her heart suddenly jumped for joy.

She just remembered that she didn’t tidy up her clothes, she was still wearing the most

basic exercise underwear, and she suddenly hesitated. She didn’t know whether to

change clothes or open the door to Charlie first.

However, after another thought, she was still worried that it would be inappropriate for

Charlie to wait too long, so she didn’t care about that much, and opened the door


The moment the door opened, Charlie saw Ruoli, who was only wearing sports

underwear, and was somewhat embarrassed for an instant.

Ruoli also blushed a little shamely and said, “I’m sorry Young Master, I was in a hurry

just now, and I didn’t care about packing myself up. Or if you come in and sit down, I

will change my clothes.”

Charlie walked into the room, smiled slightly, and said, “I just came here to tell you

something and see if you are interested in doing it with me.”

Ruoli immediately became even more embarrassed when she heard this, and she kept

on asking: “… Master, I don’t know what you are talking about… “

Charlie didn’t know that she had a misunderstanding, and said with a serious face:

“Shoude has come to Aurous Hill, I plan to find a suitable time to directly control him!”

Ruoli instantly woke up from the embarrassment just now, and blurted out, “Shoude?!

How did he come to Aurous Hill?! Is it to target you?!”

Charlie shook his head and said, “No, Shoude is here to find Liona and Zhiyu.”

“Ah?” Ruoli was even more puzzled: “Why did he come to see the grandma and the

eldest lady?”

Ruoli is here under house arrest. Although she is not at all guilty, she does not have any

contact with the outside world, and there is no channel for obtaining information from

the outside world such as mobile phones and computers.

Therefore, Ruoli didn’t know the big event that happened in Aurous Hill today.

So Charlie probably introduced the cause and effect of the incident to Ruoli.

When Ruoli heard that Elder Su actually instructed people to assassinate Liona, and even

some people wanted to kill Zhiyu alongside her, the whole person was filled with

righteous indignation and said: “The facts of the Su family are too sinister and nasty! The

same trick has been used on me once, and it will be used on my grandmother, and even

the eldest lady is involved…”

As she said, she couldn’t help but said a little lonely: “Actually, my grandmother has

always been kind to me, but she didn’t know my true identity before, Miss…Miss she was

kind to me too , But she didn’t know before. I am her half-sister. I don’t know now how

to face her in the future…”

Immediately, she hurriedly asked Charlie, “Master, are you okay with your her and eldest

lady now?”

Charlie nodded lightly and said, “Don’t worry, their lives are no longer in danger, and

they are safe.”

“It’s great…” Ruoli breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately said firmly and

unwaveringly: “Young Master, if you can trust Ruoli, Ruoli is willing to follow you and

serve you. Whatever you ask of her!”

Chapter 2469

At this moment, Aurous Hill International Hotel.

Shoude’s motorcade stopped a row directly in front of the hotel.

Before he got out of the car, the security personnel had already rushed down and wiped

out everyone around him.

At this time, the hotel’s manager also brought dozens of security guards and greeted

him graciously. He respectfully said to Shoude’s assistant, “May I ask Mr. Su, what can

we do for you? As long as there is, please Mr. Su bring it up, we will definitely Go all


Shoude’s assistant said coldly: “It’s not used here for the time being. You let all your

people back off. Don’t let any of your staff run into Mr. Su without permission! As for

other guests, you must not allow them Within 10 meters of Mr. Su!”

The hotel manager nodded without hesitation, and said graciously, “As long as there is

anything specific, please speak up!”

Shoude got out of the car with Steve Hogwitz at this time. After getting out of the car,

Shoude straightened his collar and said in a somewhat majestic tone: “Steve, let’s have

dinner together tonight, by the way. Also communicate in detail the details of your son’s


Steve was naturally flattered, and said hurriedly, “Okay Mr. Su! I’m causing you trouble.”

Shoude asked him again: “Oh yes, which room do you live in? Do you know the room


Steve said: “Because the rooms above the executive deluxe suite are gone, I can only

book a normal deluxe suite. I don’t know the specific room number. I don’t know until

after checking in at the front desk. .”

Shoude said indifferently: “The rooms above the executive deluxe suite are gone,

because I have completely covered the entire executive floor.”

Steve was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly complimented: “No wonder, Mr. Su’s

handwriting is really too big!”

Shoude waved his hand slightly, and said calmly, “What’s the deal? If it weren’t for the

agreement with the Wade family, I would have bought this hotel with ease.”

With that, he opened his mouth and said to his assistant: “Say hello to the hotel

manager, change the room to Mr. Steve and let him live next door to me.”

The assistant immediately nodded and said, “No problem, I’ll let the front desk arrange


Steve was a little embarrassed at once, because he did not come alone this time, he also

brought some entourages and bodyguards.

It’s just that those people had no chance to get on Shoude’s motorcade, so they had to

take a taxi to the hotel. They haven’t arrived yet.

If he lives on the executive floor alone and is separated from his other entourage

bodyguards, it will be more or less troublesome.

Shoude saw his concerns and said, “Well, let me arrange another room for you. You can

let your assistant live in, but your bodyguard should not live on the executive floor. My

people are here. It will definitely make you safer.”

Steve knew in his heart that he didn’t have many bodyguards.

Coupled with the fact that his son had brought them to China before, almost all the

entourage had disappeared, so there were not many people who could be used in

Aurous Hill, and the security force was not strong.

But Shoude is different.

He is the second child of the Su family, the Su family is so strong, secretly don’t know

how many masters are protecting his safety at all times.

For Steve, if he can live on the same floor with Shoude, or even next door, his own safety

can also be greatly guaranteed.

Chapter 2470

So he was very grateful and said, “Thank you Mr. Su! You are really taking care of me!”

Shoude smiled slightly, and said to Steve with a lofty posture: “In China, as long as you

have a good relationship with the Su family, no matter where you are, we can keep you


After that, he asked Steve: “Do you know the name of your son’s college classmate in

Aurous Hill? I will ask someone to check her information now.”

Steve hurriedly said: “I once heard my son talk about it. It seems to be called Doris. It is

said that this woman is quite capable. She is the chairman of a very large listed company

in Aurous Hill.”

Shoude looked at his assistant and said in a serious tone: “I will give you 5 minutes to

check, what is the origin of this Doris!”

“OK boss!”

five minutes later.

As soon as Shoude stepped into his presidential suite, his assistant hurried over and

said, “Boss, I have already investigated. That Doris is the vice chairman of Aurous Hill

Emgrand Group. She is very famous in Aurous Hill and a well-known entrepreneur. .”

Shoude nodded and said, “Before 12 o’clock this evening, bring this Doris over to see

me. I have something to ask her in person.”

The assistant hurriedly said: “Boss, Doris flew to Hong Kong early this morning. They

have real estate-related cooperation in Hong Kong.”

“Go to Hong Kong?” Shoude frowned slightly. At first, he was a little confused, but

quickly realized that he came here today with a temporary motive. It seems that this

person shouldn’t escape Aurous Hill intentionally, but can only say that it was a


So he nodded and said, “Then you can keep an eye on what’s going on at the airport.

Once this Doris returns to Aurous Hill, tell me immediately.

After that, he asked again: “What is the origin of the Emgrand Group you mentioned?”

The assistant hurriedly explained: “The Emgrand Group is Aurous Hill’s largest group

company with a market value of more than 100 billion. It was originally a real estate

company born and raised in Aurous Hill, but it seems to have been wholly-owned by the

Wade family last year.”

“Acquired by the Wade family?” Shoude asked in surprise, “What is the intention of the

Wade family to buy a real estate company in Aurous Hill?”

“This is not clear.” The assistant said truthfully, “I only know that there are rumors that

the boss behind the Emgrand Group is the Wade family’s, but who he is in the Wade

family is currently unclear.”

Shoude snorted, “Isn’t there just a few people in the Wade family? Changying is dead,

rest of his brothers are mediocre people.”

The assistant nodded and asked, “Boss, since this Doris belongs to the Wade family, do

we still need to move her?”

Shoude immediately replied: “Move, of course! This woman is the only possible clue I

can find at the moment. I can’t just give up just because she is from the Wade family.”

After that, Shoude said in a cold voice, “As long as she is not aware of it, and don’t leave

any evidence, the Wade family won’t be able to talk to us.”

“OK boss, I get it!”

Shoude lowered his voice and continued to order: “Now we will select ten masters and

check the whereabouts of Liona and Zhiyu in major hospitals in the city from recent

days. I think if they are still alive, they should have a high probability now of being there.

They were treated secretly in a certain hospital. You lead someone to find them for me. I

have a great reward for them!”

The assistant hurriedly asked him, “Boss, what should I do after I find them?”

Shoude smiled coldly: “Inject a little bit of ricin to their food and use ten times the lethal

dose to make sure they can’t escape death no matter how hard their luck is with them!”

Chapter 2471

In the evening, when Charlie returned home, the ten masters and soldiers of the Su

family were divided into five groups and began to patrol every hospital in Aurous Hill.

At the same time, Shoude asked Steve out to prepare a sumptuous dinner in the

restaurant of his presidential suite.

Although the economic strength of the Steve family is tens of thousands of miles worse

than that of the Su family, in Shoude’s view, Steve’s mother is a member of the

Rothschild family after all, so there is no relationship with him. What’s bad having him


Steve was naturally too excited.

Although his mother was indeed a woman from the Rothschild family, he knew very well

that there were at least hundreds of women in the Rothschild family like his mother.

And his mother and grandfather’s line is not named in the Rothschild family.

He is a relative of the Rothschild family, to put it bluntly is just to gain a reputation.

Now that he has the opportunity to make friends with the Su family, the top Chinese

family, it is naturally a very valuable thing for him. Maybe in the future, he can rely on

the Su family to quickly lay a foundation in China.

Therefore, while Steve was so excited, he couldn’t find his son Walter, who had been

missing for a long time, and sat up on the wine table with Shoude’s faithful dog licking.

Just when the two of them were enjoying each other company, Charlie received a

WeChat from Issac. The content of the WeChat was: “Master, the people of the Su family

are investigating the background of the Emgrand Group. At the same time, they have

sent a master to sneak into the major hospitals in Aurous Hill, secretly looking for Liona

and Zhiyu’s whereabouts.”

Charlie sneered in his heart, and replied: “Shoude is okay, he has found the Emgrand

Group. He can’t wait to find me out and meet.”

Issac said: “Master, rest assured, the outside world only knows about the acquisition by

the Wade’s of the Emgrand Group, but they don’t know who the chairman of the

Emgrand Group is. I believe he will not be able to find you in a short time.”

Charlie replied immediately: “Don’t give him a chance, I will take him to visit the Orvel’s

dog farm tonight.”

Issac hurriedly asked, “Master, are you ready to do this tonight?”

Charlie replied: “Yes, it’s tonight. Go talk to Ruoli and let her prepare.”

Issac hurriedly said, “OK master, is there anything I need to prepare?”

Charlie said: “Tell Orvel, just let the dog farm be prepared. After all, Shoude is the

second master of the Su family. He has an unusual background. Let Orvel make a

separate dog cage for him.”

Issac asked, “What about Steve? Do you want to prepare it for him?”

Charlie said, “When Steve arrives at the kennel, it must be a moving scene with Walter

his son. Then let him live in a dog cage with his son. Oh, by the way, you ask Orvel to

prepare some flowers. , To give the father and son a whole little warm atmosphere.”

“Okay young master, I see!”


Aurous Hill International Hotel.

Shoude, who was full of food and drink, stood alone in front of the luxurious French

windows of the presidential suite, looking at the night view of Aurous Hill.

However, he is not in a good mood at this time, because the whereabouts of Liona and

Zhiyu are unknown, he is afraid that his murder attempt of Zhiyu will be exposed.

He was actually very clear in his heart: “Even if the old man is no longer a thing, the love

for Zhiyu in the old man’s heart is indeed from the heart.”

“If Zhiyu died, of course everyone would be happy. In that case, both Zhifei and Zynn

will be exiled to Australia, and no one in the Su family can threaten my status.”

“Furthermore, if Zhiyu is dead, it will definitely deal a big blow to the old man. Maybe it

can make him belch earlier, and it will also help me inherit the position of Su Family

Patriarch earlier.”

“However, if Zhiyu is not dead, then every moment is a huge threat to me!”

Thinking like this, the assistant knocked on the door.

After Shoude let him in, he asked, “How are the things going?”

Chapter 2472

The assistant hurriedly said respectfully: “Boss, the masters sent out have already

touched the entire Aurous Hill hospital, but didn’t find the two of them.”

“No?!” Shoude frowned and asked, “Are you sure that every hospital has been


“Yes.” The assistant nodded and said seriously: “Not only the tertiary hospitals, but even

the ordinary small clinics have been searched, and they have not been found.”

Shoude immediately slapped his lips: “Tsk tsk…It’s a bit weird! They’re not in the

hospital, is it that thy are dead?”

Having said that, he immediately opened his mouth and said, “Go and check the current

progress of the police investigation. Is there any breakthrough?”

The assistant said truthfully: “Boss, I have already inquired about the police’s situation.

They don’t have any clues. They are now monitoring the bullet shells collected at the

tunnel site and want to push back clues from the gunner.

Shoude frowned and asked him, “Where are Liona and Zhiyu? The police have no


“No.” The assistant nodded; “The police are just as confused as us.”

“Damn…” Shoude cursed in a low voice, then continued to ask, “Are there any

investigation results about the mysterious group of people? The group rushed in

through the tunnel entrance and took Liona away. Zhiyu also took away Stuart and the

four of them, let alone six big living people, even six corpses are not so easy to deal

with! After all, are they not going to leave some clues?”

The assistant said, “The police have no idea about this at all.”

Shoude stomped his feet irritably and cursed, “It’s fu*king wicked!”

After speaking, he asked, “How is the PR network doing now?”

The assistant replied: “The PR has basically controlled the situation. At present, 70% of

the content of the discussion on this matter on the Internet is inclined to the Su family,

thinking that the Su family is the biggest victim, and want to murder Liona and Zhiyu is

a false narrative. I believe that as long as we continue to maintain such an overwhelming

coverage of public opinion, within a few days, people across the country will believe that

we are innocent.”

Shoude breathed a sigh of relief and said, “You did a good job with this matter. If the

old man is also satisfied, I will definitely not treat you badly.”

The assistant bowed immediately and said, “Thank you boss!”

Shoude gave a hum and ordered: “There is one more thing, you can arrange it for me.”

The assistant hurriedly said, “Boss, please tell me.”

Shoude said with a grim expression: “Although Shred’s family didn’t know that I gave

them 20 million and asked them to tell Shred to kill one more that is Zhiyu, but once

they shake this thing out, it will be passed on to the old man. In his eyes, then I am the

biggest suspect, so you send someone to his hometown tonight and set a fire to destroy

all the evidence, understand?”

The assistant nodded: “OK boss, I get it!”

After that, the assistant received a piece of information, took a quick look, and reported

to Su: “Boss, Ms. Zeena’s plane has landed at Aurous Hill Airport. You will be at the hotel

in 40 minutes.”

When Shoude heard this, a trace of desire flashed in his eyes, and his heart couldn’t help

but feel a little rippling.

Miss Zeena in the assistant’s mouth is Zeena, one of the four young talents in today’s

entertainment industry.

This Zeena is only 26 years old this year. She graduated from the film school for four

years. She is very beautiful, but because she is not very good at acting and has no

background, she has been unknown in the film and television circles for the past two


However, since the year before last, Zeena has successively obtained the film resources

of many top directors, which can be described as a steady pace, and soon ranks among

the super first-line actors.

Many people speculate that there must be a gold master behind her, but as long as the

relevant speculation posts are posted, they will be deleted immediately and will not

spread at all.

The reason is that Zeena was taken in by Shoude, who was taken into his bag and made

his canary.

Under normal circumstances, as long as Shoude has a chance to leave the city, Zeena

will come over to have a tryst with him, and today is no exception.

When Shoude decided to come to Aurous Hill, he asked Zeena, who was filming in the

South China Sea, to prepare to rush over. So Zeena stepped up to finish filming today’s

scene, and immediately took a sick leave with the crew, secretly took a private jet, and

rushed to Aurous Hill.

When he heard that Zeena was about to land, Shoude felt a little excited, and said to his

assistant: “Okay, you go out. I want to take a bath. When Miss Zeena comes, you will

send her directly into the room. see me!”

Chapter 2473

Shoude had a good plan for himself.

Before Zeena arrived, he took a bath to relieve fatigue. When Zeena arrived, he could go

straight to the topic with her.

It is rare to have such a chance to get rid of the yellow face woman at home, and

naturally take the opportunity to stay with Zeena for a few days.

Putting off the hot water, Shoude took off his clothes and climbed into the bathtub,

soaking his slightly fat body in the hot water.

Feeling happy in his heart, he didn’t know that he was only 20 minutes away from hell

on earth.

At this moment, Charlie and Ruoli had quietly touched into the Aurous Hill International


Needless to say, Charlie’s skills, as for Ruoli, she was originally a master of internal

boxing carefully cultivated by the He family, and she has received a lot of professional

training for bodyguards and killers, and her strength in this area is also very impressive.

More importantly, during this period of time, Ruoli’s veins were completely opened up

with the help of Charlie, and the overall strength has improved a lot, so it is not a

problem to sneak into the Aurous Hill International Hotel with Charlie.

Before coming, Issac had investigated the location of Shoude and Steve’s rooms in

Aurous Hill International Hotel.

Shoude directly undertook the entire administrative floor, so his bodyguards, as well as

the masters of the Su family, were mostly arranged in the rooms near the elevator

entrance and staircase entrance.

In their view, the entrance of the stairs and the elevator is the throat of the entire

executive floor, and the executive floor is on the 20th floor, the highest floor of the

hotel, so as long as they guard the stairs and elevator, they can ensure that Shoude is


However, they didn’t expect that Charlie and Ruoli would choose to take a helicopter

and break through their defense directly from the top.

However, the roar of the helicopter was very loud. Even if the helicopter was at a height

of several hundred meters, from the ground it could be heard clearly, and it was even

deafening. Therefore, Charlie specially asked Issac to arrange a fireworks show to cover.

It was half past eleven at night.

On the river opposite the International Hotel, huge fireworks suddenly set off.

The fireworks were set off on a boat on the river surface. The huge firework pellets

soared into the sky, bursting at a height of more than 100 meters above the river

surface, and for a while, the entire river surface became extremely lively.

The fireworks exploded one after another, and the sound kept resounding on both sides

of the River. For a while, many people were awakened from their dreams, and many

people who were not asleep rushed to the bedside to watch with excitement.

No one knows why it is so late, and there are people setting off fireworks on the river.

However, Aurous Hill itself is a city full of pyrotechnic and romantic atmosphere, and

people often set off fireworks to confess love. No one is surprised.

The fireworks continue to set off, bringing the entire river surface and the two sides of

the bank to a colorful backdrop.

The riverside side of Aurous Hill International Hotel was also illuminated like daylight.

However, because this side is too bright, the other side naturally appears darker.

At this moment, a helicopter in the sky quickly flew towards the roof of Aurous Hill

International Hotel.

The helicopter stays at an altitude of 150 meters, although it is impossible to eliminate

the roaring noise during flight, but because the sound of the firework explosion is

stronger, people cannot detect the presence of the helicopter at all.

At this moment, inside the helicopter.

Charlie and Ruoli sat side by side, and Issac and two of his men sat opposite.

When approaching the hotel, Issac said with some worry: “Master, as far as I know, there

are at least 20 or 30 masters around Shoude, not including the bodyguards he hired

from the local security company. You and Miss Su are only two people, wouldn’t it be

too dangerous? How about I transfer some more people over!”

Charlie waved his hand and said indifferently, “No, only a few people can touch it in and

withdraw quietly. If there are too many people, wouldn’t it be the only way to come with

a sword and a gun?”

Issac was a little apprehensive and said, “But young master, I don’t know what the

strength is. In case of danger, it will be difficult for us to support you effectively…”

Chapter 2474

Charlie smiled and said, “Don’t worry about this. When you get to the top of the hotel,

the helicopter doesn’t need to go down. If Ruoli and I go down by cable, then you will

hover in the sky and wait for about ten minutes. Shoude and Steve will be taken to the

balcony. When the time comes, you can adjust the ropes and pull us up. Then we will

directly go to kennel.”

Issac saw that Charlie had arranged everything, no longer said anything, and said firmly:

“OK master, we are waiting for you above the hotel.”

Charlie said to Ruoli again at this time: “Ruoli, you will be responsible for Steve Hogwitz

later, and Shoude, I will solve it.”

Ruoli nodded slightly, and said respectfully, “OK Master!”

Charlie said, “Remember, try not to disturb other people. Let’s go in and out quickly, and

try to see that Shoude and that Steve have evaporated from the world, and they can’t

find any clues.”

“it is good!”

One minute later.

The plane hovered over the roof of the hotel.

Issac’s men immediately put down two extremely strong nylon ropes from both sides of

the helicopter.

After Charlie and Ruoli exchanged glances, each grabbed a rope and quickly slid directly

from the sides of the helicopter.

In the blink of an eye, the two quietly landed on the roof of the hotel.

Afterwards, the two quietly touched the balcony of Shoude and Steve’s room from the

outside of the hotel.

At this time, Steve didn’t have any interest in the fireworks outside. He was lying in bed,

trying to fall asleep a little anxiously, but because of the jet lag, he was almost not


In desperation, he had to decide to drink some wine to help him fall asleep.

So he stood up and prepared to take a bottle of whiskey from the wine cabinet in the

hotel room.

At this moment, the sound of fireworks exploding again sounded outside, and he cursed

a little irritably, “I don’t know which damn b@stard it is. Fireworks are set off at this


While muttering, he suddenly felt that someone patted his shoulder.

At this moment, Steve was so scared that his hair stood up.

There is only one person in the room, why would someone slap his shoulder?

He subconsciously turned his head to look, and a charming Chinese woman looked at

him with a smile.

This woman is Ruoli.

Steve immediately realized that the other party was not good, panicked, and was about

to call for help. He felt that his neck was suddenly hit hard, and he fainted.

at this time.

Charlie also touched into Shoude’s presidential suite.

At this time, Shoude had just finished soaking in the bath, wrapped in a bathrobe and

dangling cigar, while walking out of the bathroom, holding his mobile phone, he sent a

voice WeChat message to Zeena: “Baby, how long will it take to arrive?”

The other party quickly replied, and the voice said in an extremely charming voice:

“Dear, wait for me for another ten minutes. I have already entered the city and will be

there soon!”

Shoude smiled obscenely: “Let the driver drive faster. If you don’t arrived within ten

minutes, I’ll see him later, and I am going to beat you!

After speaking, he loosened his finger and the voice was sent.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a man laugh and say, “Mr. Su, I see that beautiful

woman’s a$s, you can’t beat it!”

Chapter 2475

When Shoude heard this sound, his whole person was as if being electrocuted, and he

jumped high all at once.

Soon, he immediately followed the sound, and on a small stool in the bathroom door

was a young man with a smile on his face.

He was shocked and suddenly asked, “You…who are you?!”

Charlie sneered, “Me? I’m the great benefactor of your Su family.”

Shoude said nervously, “What kind of benefactor? You…what do you want to do?”

Charlie smiled: “I’m really the great benefactor of your Su family. Your eldest brother’s

children Zhifei and Zhiyu. They were kidnapped in Japan. I saved them. You said am I the

great benefactor of your Su family?”

“What?!” Shoude said dumbfounded: “You…you are the mysterious master of Japan?!”

Charlie asked with interest: “What? Have you heard of me?”

Shoude vaguely said: “I heard my niece talk about it…My father still keeps talking about

it. If he has a chance to find you, he must thank you very much.”

As he said, he carefully looked at Charlie with a pair of eyes, trying to figure out whether

this person was an enemy or a friend.

He secretly analyzed in his heart: “This kid suddenly appeared in my room. No matter

how I look at it, it is because the person who came is not good…”

“But… if he is really the mysterious person who rescued Zhifei and Zhiyu in Japan, then

he should have no malice towards the Su family, right?”

Charlie smiled at this time and said, “Oh, if Su family really want to thank me, then it

would be a really good, heartfelt gratitude. I just say it, because I not only saved the

brother and sister, other than those two, also took a hand to save your elder brother’s

illegitimate daughter.”

Shoude’s expression changed suddenly!

“My eldest brother’s illegitimate daughter?!”

“You…you mean Ruoli?!”

Seeing him in horror, Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “Yes, I also rescued Ruoli.”

Shoude didn’t know whether Charlie was an enemy or a friend, but now he had the

answer in his heart.

The man in front of him must be an unkind person.

Because, it was because of Ruoli’s sudden disappearance that the old man’s business

with the Japanese Self-Defense Force was not fulfilled, and it was completely exposed.

The nervous Shoude immediately said, “Hey brother, Ruoli’s matter was the idea of my

father alone, and I did not participate in it.”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “I haven’t finished speaking yet, don’t worry about

explaining your excuses.”

Shoude hurriedly said respectfully: “Please say…”

Charlie snorted, tilted his long legs, and said leisurely: “Your sister-in-law and your elder

niece were kidnapped by the wanted man and almost died in a car accident. I saved

them both.”

“What?! It’s you?!” Shoude was even more terrified when he heard this!

The last thing he wanted to see was that Liona and Zhiyu alive!

Unexpectedly, they were also rescued by this young man!

The nervous Shoude was afraid that Charlie would see his guilty conscience, so he

hurriedly pretended to be excited and said, “I didn’t expect my sister-in-law and niece to

be alive! It’s great! Great!”

After speaking, he hurriedly said again: “I came to this city this time to find their

whereabouts. Don’t you know, our family is very nervous about the safety of the mother

and daughter. Before I came, my father told me, At all costs, it’s safety of the two of

them very important! I didn’t expect them to be saved by you. Thank you so much!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Shoude, I thought you all of the Su family men are old foxes

with scheming fortunes. I didn’t expect that your acting skills are so flamboyant and you

are not at all interested. It really disappoints me.”

Chapter 2476

Shoude said nervously, “Gentleman, you…what do you mean by this, I…how can I not


While speaking, Shoude’s brain was already running at high speed.

He can now be sure that the young man in front of him has no good intentions, so what

he thinks in his mind is how to get out of trouble.

At this moment, the first thought that appeared in his mind was calling for help.

“On this floor of the hotel, there are at least 40 or 50 of my subordinates, and there are

many masters among them. The combined combat effectiveness is amazing. This kid is

not an opponent at all.”

“However, this guy can quietly appear in my room, it proves that his personal strength is

still very strong!”

“Combined with the previous descriptions of him by Zhifei and Zhiyu, this person can kill

many top Japanese ninjas by himself. This shows that this person is extremely


“Even if my subordinates can beat him together, I am afraid that he will kill me directly

when I call for help…”

Thinking of this, he immediately gave up the idea of calling for help.

“But, if I don’t call for help, what should I do next? What if he wants to kill me?”

When he was struggling, Ruoli stepped in.

When Shoude saw Ruoli, he immediately looked like a ghost, and said with a trembling,

“If… Ruoli, you… you… why are you here? ?!”

Ruoli looked at him coldly and asked, “What? You must be disappointed to see me


Shoude said in a panic, “Ruoli, don’t get me wrong. You are the flesh and blood of my

elder brother and my niece. How could I wish you something…”

Ruoli gritted her teeth and cursed: “Shoude, don’t you pretend to be a good person

here! Your Su family regarded me as cannon fodder and sold my life to the Japanese

Self-Defense Forces. Is it true that I don’t know?”

Shoude explained in a panic: “Ruoli…That was not my decision…It’s all your grandpa…”

Ruoli immediately angered: “He is not my grandfather! He is such a cruel and shameless

sc*m, I will kill him myself sooner or later!”

Seeing that Ruoli was a little excited, Charlie said indifferently: “Ruoli, you must learn to

control your emotions at all times, otherwise, no matter how talented you are, it will be

difficult for you to become a master in the future!”

Ordinary practitioners only practice skin and muscles. As long as they practice hard, their

temper and emotions will not have much impact on their own strength.

However, for people like Ruoli, who practiced internal martial arts since childhood and

mastered internal power, what they fear most is mentality problems.

Otherwise, it is very likely that she will fall into a bottleneck period, and it will be difficult

to break through.

When Ruoli heard Charlie’s words, she hurried back to her senses, controlled her

emotions, and said ashamed, “Thank you, Master Wade, for reminding me that I was too


Shoude heard this and pointed at Charlie and exclaimed, “You…you…your surname


Charlie nodded: “Yes, my last name is Wade.”

Shoude blurted out, “You…are you from the Wade family?!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he muttered to himself, “Impossible…I never heard of

any masters from the Wade family…”

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his head to look at Charlie, and the more he

looked, the more he realized that this young man seemed very familiar! Seen


So, he racked his brains and thought carefully for a moment, and suddenly a face

popped out of his mind, and this face immediately frightened him!

He looked at Charlie and blurted out, “You…why do you look like Changying Wade…Do

you have any relation with him?!”

Charlie put away his cynical expression, and said coldly: “That is my father, I am his son,


Chapter 2477

The moment Charlie revealed his identity, Shoude’s whole person was as if he was struck

by five thunders!

He looked at Charlie dumbfounded, and blurted out in panic, “You… are you really

Changying’s son?”

After saying this, he didn’t wait for Charlie to answer, and he muttered to himself: “It

looks like this, there must be nothing wrong…”

Immediately afterwards, he hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, I am also considered to have

some friendship with your dad. It stands to reason that you should call me Uncle…”

Charlie said disdainfully, “Let me call you uncle? You deserve it too?”

Shoude hurriedly said: “I know, your perception of the Su family is certainly not very

good, but our Su and Wade families have long had an agreement on non-interference

and non-confrontation. Over the past ten or twenty years, We have always followed the

tenet of keeping the water in the river and developing the economy separately.

You…you can’t break this agreement!”

Charlie snorted coldly, “The agreement between you and the Wade family is a matter

between you and it, and has nothing to do with me.”

Shoude said in a panic: “You…your surname is Wade…you must also abide by the

agreement between the Wade family and us!”

Charlie sneered: “I don’t recognize any agreement between you and the Wade family, I

only recognize five words.”

“Which five words?!”

Charlie said word by word: “Parents’ hatred is not shared!”

Shoude panicked even more and blurted out, “But the death of your parents has

nothing to do with our Su family!”

Charlie said coldly: “Your Su family took the lead in forming an Anti-Wade Alliance. For

these words alone, you need to pay the price!”

Shoude quickly explained: “Mr. Wade…When your father had an accident, I hadn’t

started taking over the Su family affairs specifically, and the Anti-Wade Alliance had

nothing to do with me…”

Charlie stood up, grabbed Shoude’s bathrobe collar, and sternly said: “If it matters, it’s

not you who have the final say, but I have the final say!”

After that, he smiled faintly and said, “Mr. Su, I have prepared a good room for you in

the city. Since you are here, come with me and enjoy it!”

Shoude didn’t know where Charlie would take him, let alone what he planned to do with


Just by looking at Charlie’s expression, he knew that it was definitely not a good thing,

so he sobbed in fright and begged: “Charlie, I really haven’t done anything to hurt your

father. The Anti-Wade Alliance was made by my father and my elder brother back then.

Yes, you have the wrongdoer and the debtor. If you want revenge, you are looking for


Charlie smiled and said, “You Su family are really fu*king raccoon dogs. Whenever

something happens, let your family take care of it.”

After speaking, his tone suddenly improved a bit, and he sternly said: “But don’t worry,

your father and your brother can’t run away, but it’s a matter of time! Please come with

me today!”

When the voice fell, Charlie stretched out his hand and slapped his forehead hard.

Shoude only felt dizzy in his brain, and his whole person instantly lost consciousness.

Immediately, Charlie asked Ruoli: “Where is Steve?”

Ruoli hurriedly said respectfully, “Coming back to Young Master Wade, Steve was tied

up after being knocked unconscious by me. He is on the balcony.”

“it is good!”

Charlie nodded and said to Ruoli: “Ruoli, you help me deal with the traces and don’t

leave any clues.”

Ruoli said without hesitation: “OK Young Master Wade, handling the scene is one of my

best things.”

In the past, Ruoli worked for the Su family, and there were often assassinations or

kidnappings. Every time Ruoli was able to clean up all clues without leaving a trace, she

was very capable in this regard.

Charlie handed the scene to her, and dragged Shoude, who was like a dead pig, to the

huge balcony of the presidential suite.

At this time, Steve, who was unconscious, had his hands and feet firmly bound by the

sheets, and his body curled up into a spherical shape.

Chapter 2478

Charlie took out his mobile phone and asked Issac to tell the helicopter pilot to put

down the rope, and firmly tied Steve and Shoude together with a sturdy nylon rope.

Then the two were quietly lifted up by the winch.

At this moment, Ruoli retreated while dealing with the footprints he had left, step by

step back to the balcony, and respectfully said to Charlie: “Master Wade, everything is


Charlie nodded. At this moment, Issac sent a message: “Master, a business car came

from the airport and entered the hotel basement. The people from Shoude just blocked

the basement. It is estimated that the people in this car should be there soon looking

for him, you and Miss Su moved slightly faster.”

Charlie smiled slightly: “It should be Shoude’s friend here.”

As he said, he grabbed another rope and said to Ruoli: “Time is running out, you hug my

waist, let’s go up together.”

The helicopter only has two ropes on the left and right, the one hanging from Steve and

Shoude. It is estimated that it will take at least seven or eight minutes to wait for the

winch to lift them up, untie the ropes, and then lower the ropes.

Since Shoude’s lover has arrived in the hotel basement, it is estimated that she will come

up soon, so in order not to leave any clues, it is better to leave as soon as possible.

Therefore, if two people use the same rope, a lot of time can be saved.

Ruoli nodded immediately, but when he thought of holding Charlie, her cheeks were

already warm.

At this time, Charlie had grabbed the rope and said to Ruoli: “Hold my waist, don’t be

afraid, I will hold you tight.”

Ruoli whispered: “OK Young Master Wade…”

After speaking, she mustered up her courage, stepped forward and hugged Charlie’s


Feeling Charlie’s hard chest muscles, Ruoli’s face became more and more hot.

This is the first time that she has been so close with a man.

Charlie didn’t think much about it. He hugged her tightly, wrapped the rope around the

waists of the two of them a few times, and then squeezed one end of the rope in the

hand that was holding Ruoli.

After confirming that the ropes were tightly tied, he picked up the phone in the other

hand and sent a voice message to Issac: “Just let the helicopter rise, hurry up and get

out of here!”

“OK master!”

Issac did not dare to delay and immediately asked the pilot to raise the altitude.

Charlie held Ruoli and was quickly picked up by the helicopter.

In order to ensure safety, Charlie has been holding Ruoli tightly, and Ruoli also strongly

hugged Charlie’s waist.

Immediately afterwards, the two people’s ground clearance increased, and the

helicopter pulled up to a height of several hundred meters, and then flew towards

Orvel’s kennel.

After the plane flew away, the firework show on the river finally died down.

Both sides of the Yangtze River quickly returned from noisy to calm.

at the same time.

A woman wearing a mask, sunglasses and a peaked cap took an Elfa nanny car and

arrived at the second basement parking lot of the International Hotel.

Shoude’s people have been waiting here long ago.

The nanny car stopped directly at the elevator entrance, and the surrounding area of the

elevator had been completely cleared by Shoude’s men. There could not be any

paparazzi lurking in, and even the surveillance video of the hotel parking lot was

required to be shut down.

The car door opened, and the woman who completely covered her face stepped down.

Shoude’s assistant stepped forward and whispered: “Miss Zeena, please come with me.

The boss has been waiting for a long time!”

The woman hurriedly said, “Oh, then take me up quickly! Don’t make him wait in a


Chapter 2479

This woman is the most popular young actress, Zeena.

People in the entertainment industry know that there is a super powerful gold master

behind Zeena, but most people don’t know who this gold master is.

Since playing with Shoude, Zeena’s resources in the entertainment industry are so good

that all actors are envious to death.

Other actresses, with good resources, usually have the opportunity to appear in some

larger movies and TV series every three to five.

Those actresses with good resources can make an annual drama by a well-known

director every year.

Actresses like Zeena with extremely good resources generally don’t have to do anything.

The sponsor behind her will spend money to invite the best director, the hottest actor,

and the hottest supporting role to play around her. A scene completely tailored for her


Others can burn incense and worship Buddha in a drama with an investment of

hundreds of millions, thanking God.

And she, it was Shoude who directly took several hundred million, and invited a bunch

of big names in the entertainment industry to come and serve her.

Mixing in the entertainment industry in this way can be said to be earth-shattering.

It is precisely because of Shoude’s energy in the entertainment circle that Zeena is

obedient to him.

No matter where she is or what she is doing, as long as Shoude makes a call, she will fly

to accompany him no matter how far away, and take care of this super gold master.

Shoude’s assistant directly invited Zeena into the elevator, and then used the elevator

administrator’s key to adjust the elevator to the state of manual control, and directly let

the elevator go to the top floor.

As long as the manual state is adjusted inside the elevator, it will be useless for anyone

outside to press the elevator on any floor, and the elevator will not stop.

Within dozens of seconds, the elevator came to the top floor of the hotel.

As soon as the elevator door opened, the assistant could not wait to step forward and

respectfully said, “Miss Zeena, please come with me!”

Zeena also hurriedly followed. While walking quickly, she raised her wrist and looked at

the limited edition Richard Mille worth tens of millions on her wrist.

At this time, there are still about forty seconds before the ten-minute deadline Shoude


Zeena breathed a sigh of relief, and forty seconds was enough to go to Shoude’s room.

Although even if she is late for a few minutes, he might not be angry, but Zeena still did

not dare to let him have any dissatisfaction with her.

She knew that serving Shoude well was the most important thing for her right now.

When she came to the entrance of the presidential suite, the assistant pressed the

doorbell and whispered, “Boss, Miss is here.”

There was no response from the room.

The assistant rang the doorbell again, but there was still no movement in the room.

He turned around and said to Zeena, “The boss may be taking a bath, wait a minute, I

will press it again.”

Zeena hurriedly said, “Let me call him!”

After speaking, she immediately took out her cell phone and called Shoude.

Soon, the phone ringing was faintly heard in the room, but not only did Shoude not

answer the phone, there was no other sound in the room.

The assistant’s expression froze for a while, and he blurted out nervously, “Sorry! It’s

probably something wrong!”

“Something happened?! What happened?!”

When Zeena heard this, she was shocked.

The assistant hurriedly said, “I don’t know exactly what happened, please wait a


After that, he immediately took out his cell phone, made a call, and said in a low voice,

“Here, you come soon, the boss may have something wrong!”

Five seconds later, the doors of several rooms near the elevator entrance opened almost

at the same time.

Chapter 2480

A gray-haired old man in a Tang suit took the lead and ran over quickly.

Behind, more than a dozen men with extraordinary auras followed closely, everyone’s

expression was solemn, and there was a little panic that was hard to conceal.

Everyone hurried to the door of the presidential suite, headed by the white-haired old

man hurriedly asked: “What’s the matter?!”

The assistant said in a panic, “The boss didn’t respond when I rang the doorbell, and no

one answered the call, but the phone kept ringing inside.”

One of them asked, “The last time you saw boss, what was the boss doing?”

The assistant hurriedly said, “The boss said he was going to take a bath…”

The man asked again, “Could it be that the boss fell asleep while taking a bath?”

The assistant shook his head: “I don’t know too well, but based on my understanding of

the boss, he probably won’t!”

There are some things the assistant can’t say too clearly.

For example, he knew very well that Shoude liked Zeena very much.

Every time Zeena came to see him quietly, he would wait very excitedly for Zeena to


Sometimes, in order to find a better state, he even arranges for himself to prepare some

drugs to help.

So, for that reason, he should not fall asleep at this time.

At this time, the gray-haired old man said solemnly, “Even if the boss falls asleep in the

bath, it is easy to have an accident without staring at it. Let’s break in!”

The assistant also nodded quickly.

Want to know what happened to Shoude, breaking the door is the only way.

So, he immediately said to the old man: “Harvey, you decide everything!”

Old Harvey nodded, and when he was about to sink the inner strength of his body to his

right leg, he kicked out suddenly, and the double door made of pure copper was kicked


Immediately, he took the lead and rushed in.

Shoude’s presidential suite is very large, with an area of more than 400 square meters,

and even has its own indoor swimming pool, which can be said to be extremely


Therefore, a bunch of people rushed in, struggling to find every corner, and then

everyone met and came to a conclusion that shocked them: Shoude is missing!


Not missing.

The world is, he has evaporated!

Harvey, who was originally very immortal, is now panicking to death, his face is covered

with wrinkles caused by tension.

As he paced back and forth in the living room, he said eagerly: “This…what the hell is

going on? We have been paying attention to the elevator entrance and stairway, and we

can be sure that the boss never left at all, and We didn’t hear any unusual movement,

why did the boss disappear?”

The assistant blurted out and asked, “Elder Harvey, do you want to… do you want to

send someone to look downstairs? Can he accidentally fall down?”

Hearing this, Harvey immediately rushed to the balcony, leaned on the luxurious railing

and looked down. While watching, he said, “There is nothing unusual below, it must not

be a fall.”

Someone couldn’t help but muttered, “He didn’t go down, and he’s not in the room. Has

he gone up?”

“Up?” Hearing this, Old Harvey frowned and said, “Upstairs is the rooftop, and you can’t

get up from the room. It’s even more impossible… Can he just fly away?”

“This…this is too weird…” Someone said in a flustered manner, “Even if you f@rt, it will

leave a little smell. How could a big living person suddenly say that he disappeared?


After reading around, the assistant said: “The boss’s clothes are still there, and the

bathrobe is missing. If he left quietly, he would at least change into his clothes. Could he

be kidnapped?!”

Chapter 2481

“Kidnapping?!” Harvey’s expression twitched.

What he fears most is that Shoude is kidnapped.

So he couldn’t help thinking in his heart: “How do I say I am also one of the veteranlevel masters of the Su family. This time I personally came to Aurous Hill to protect the

second son. If he is really kidnapped silently under my nose, then Where to put this old

face? How can I explain to the master when I go back?”

Immediately, he thought of Steve who lives next door to Shoude, as if grabbing a lifesaving straw, and blurted out: “Will the boss chat with that American next door?!”

The assistant, like him, was waiting for a miracle to happen. Seeing that the Master Su

was nowhere to be found in Presidential Suit, he was panicked to death. Hearing this, his

eyes immediately brightened and he blurted out excitedly: “It is possible, really


After speaking, immediately turned around and ran out.

Others hurriedly followed.

As a result, when he rang the doorbell in the next room, there was still no response.

The people who were still holding a glimmer of hope immediately sank their hearts to

the bottom.

Everyone looked at Elder Harvey, waiting for him to make an idea.

Harvey usually has a calm and unpredictable expression on his face, and his expression

at this time is exactly the same as when his father died when he was 18 years old.

With a dark face, he kicked Stephen’s door open and rushed in with everyone, only to

find that Stephen, like Shoude, had also evaporated…

Harvey was like a dog, smelling here, looking there, and groping around for a long time,

but didn’t find any valuable clues. He was so panicked that at the end of the touch, his

hands trembled uncontrollably.

Finally, he sat down on the ground and said with a gray face: “Quick…Call the master to



A few minutes ago, Chengfeng Su just lay down.

Originally, what happened in Aurous Hill made him sleepless.

In particular, the whereabouts of Liona and Zhiyu are unaccounted for, making him

always worried about the incident.

Moreover, he was indeed a little worried about his eldest granddaughter Zhiyu, after all,

she was apple of his eyes since childhood, and he really loved her very much.

However, as the Su family gradually took control of public opinion, his inner worries

eased a lot.

Although he was still a little worried about Zhiyu, he later thought about it carefully.

Zhiyu and Liona got into the car together, had a car accident together, and disappeared

together. If he hoped that Liona would die, Zhiyu would certainly not escape death.

If he hope that Zhiyu will survive, then Liona will probably survive too.

Therefore, he later turned his mind back and thought to himself: “The most worry-free

result is that the two should die together. Otherwise, if only Zhiyu is alive, then based on

her character, she will definitely do everything possible. , Investigate the whole thing,

and maybe they will turn against me at that time, so I just hope they die, so I don’t have

to worry myself…”

He was somewhat relieved to understand this level.

Now just wait for Shoude to feed back the message confirming the death of their wives

as soon as possible.

At this moment, the butler knocked on the door to announce: “Master, the Du family is


“The Du Family?” Chengfeng Su was a big head and asked, “Why are they here?”

Chapter 2482

The butler hurriedly said: “Elijah, old man, brought Renel, the eldest of the Du family,

with him.”

Elder Su couldn’t help rubbing his temples, and sighed inwardly, “What the f*ck, what

did the Du family come to see me for? Didn’t they come to me and ask the teacher?

Shouldn’t it, Aurous Hill is not my site, and there is no evidence to prove it that Liona

was killed by me. Did they ask me about it?”

“However, the Du’s family is still my in-laws after all, and they also have a deep

relationship at the top level. They can’t clearly be offended, so I can only deal with it!”

Thinking of this, Elder Su said to the butler: “You arrange for them to sit in the living

room for a while, and I will come there.”

“OK, lord!”

A few minutes later, Mr. Su stepped into the living room.

As soon as he arrived in the living room, he saw the Du family’s father and son standing

in the middle of the living room with an angry face.

He immediately pretended to have a pained expression, greeted him, and sobbed:

“Father-in-law…what is going on with Liona and Zhiyu, do you have any information??”

Elijah said coldly: “Chengfeng! I still want to ask you! Does the matter between Liona

and Zhiyu have anything to do with you?! You’d better tell me the truth, otherwise, Elijah

and you are at odds!”

“Me?!” Grandpa Su pointed to his nose and said with a heartache: “Liona is my

daughter-in-law, and Zhiyu is my granddaughter. How could I hurt them?!”

After speaking, he immediately added: “You tell me, I have sent Shoude to Aurous Hill to

investigate and rescue, even if I try my best, I must try my best to keep them safe!”

Although Elijah had some doubts about Father Su, there was no evidence after all.

And one thing that puzzles him a little is that he knows that Grandpa Su loves Zhiyu, his

granddaughter very much. If Liona had an accident, they would think 80% of the work

was done by Grandpa Su or Zynn, who is far away in Australia.

However, because Zhiyu also followed suit, they both felt that the two men would not

murder their granddaughter or their daughter.

Therefore, Elijah, who is not sure about the situation for the time being, asked coldly:

“Did Shoude go to Aurous Hill to investigate? Any results?”

“This…” Mr. Su said with a sad expression: “I haven’t received any clear feedback yet. He

just told me that he has asked people to search the hospital in Aurous Hill, but they

didn’t find any lead.”

With that said, Old Man Su hurriedly said, “Don’t worry, father-in-law, I will call now and

ask Shoude if there is any update?”

Elijah nodded and said: “Okay, then you can ask him!”

As he was talking, the butler’s cell phone rang suddenly, and he hurried to the corner to

connect, and then ran over to report: “Master, it’s Mr. Harvey’s call, he’s saying that

there is something important to report to you!”

“Oh?” Elder Su said hurriedly, “Give me the phone!”

The housekeeper hurriedly handed him the phone number. After the old man Su

connected, he immediately asked: “Mr. Harvey, have you found any important clues in

Aurous Hill?”

Harvey said with a trembling voice: “Old…Master…Yes…I’m sorry…”

“Sorry for what?” Elder Su noticed something wrong, frowned and asked, “What is the

important thing, hurry up!”

Harvey choked and said, “Second Young Master… Second Young Master…”

Old man Su was mad and blurted out: “Don’t talk nonsense, when you talk to me! What

happened to Shoude? Hurry up!”

Harvey sighed heavily, “Master! Second Young Master…he…he is missing!”

Suddenly, the whole person was excited, and he blurted out: “Missing?! What the hell

are you talking about?! A living person, under your nose, disappeared right after arriving

in Aurous Hill?!”

Chapter 2483

chengfeng couldn’t accept it. His second son had just arrived in Aurous Hill and had not

even been able to spend the night in Aurous Hill. He had disappeared.

Besides, Harvey’s strength he knows.

Playing for the Su family for many years, it is almost a rare match.

Shoude had him secretly protected, how could he still disappear?

Mr. Harvey on the phone was also lamenting at this time, and said with shame:

“Master…I have been on the same floor as the second son, and I have been guarding

against any disturbances, but unexpectedly, the second son suddenly seemed has

evaporated from the world, disappearing from his room…this…this whole thing is so

weird that I can’t believe it…”

As he said, he hurriedly said again: “By the way, not only the second son is missing, but

even the new friend of the second son is also missing.”

Elder Su hurriedly asked, “A new friend? What kind of friend?”

Elder Harvey hurriedly explained: “It was an American that the second son met at the

airport. Their family had something to do with the Rothschild family, and he happened

to book the same hotel with the second son, so the second son invited him to stay. He

was next door.”

Elder Su blurted out and asked, “Could it be that American has any problems?”

“Not very much,” said Elder Harvey, “I have observed that American is an ordinary

middle-aged person, not like someone with kung fu or special strength, so it must not

be him.”

Grandpa Su frowned and said coldly, “This thing is even more weird. It is already very

difficult to let one person disappear under your noses silently, let alone get two people

away at the same time?! “

Elder Harvey hurriedly said, “Yes, sir, I suspect that the opponent must be a master of


Elder Su said nervously, “How can such a powerful person exist in such a small place as

Aurous Hill? You have been among martial artists for so many years. Have you heard of

any masters in Aurous Hill?”

“Never.” Elder Harvey said truthfully, “Master, frankly speaking, Aurous Hill doesn’t even

have a martial arts clan that can be slightly famous.”

“Then it’s even more weird…” Elder Su felt a panic in his heart. He couldn’t help but

rubbed his temples and said, “Aurous Hill is really weird, Liona and Zhiyu’s whereabouts

are still unknown, and they disappeared suddenly after being guarded. It feels like there

is a strong magnetic field in this place that is inexplicable and unknown, and there is a

strange and mysterious person somewhere…”

Elder Harvey hurriedly said: “Master, strange things are not only that. The American

today came to Aurous Hill from a long distance because he was also looking for his son.

His whole company disappeared together, and no news or clues were found…”

“This…” Old Su felt a chill in his back.

He really didn’t understand what kind of strong man was hiding behind him.

With this ability to cover the sky with one hand, that person must be extraordinary!

So he hurriedly gritted his teeth and said: “Harvey, no matter what method you use, you

must find Shoude’s whereabouts. If you can’t find them, then you don’t have to come


After that, he glanced at Elijah aside, and hurriedly said again: “There are also Liona and

Zhiyu! The three of them are from the Su family. We must bring them back safely!”

Chapter 2484

Harvey hurriedly said, “Master, don’t worry, I will go all out!”

Elder Su said, “Okay! Investigate clues in Aurous Hill first, and I will send someone to

support you immediately!”

After hanging up the phone, Mr. Su said to Elijah with a guilty expression: “My father-inlaw, you heard it just now. Now not only Liona and Zhiyu are missing, but Shoude is also

missing. You can no longer doubt that Am I messing up behind your back? Liona is my

daughter-in-law, Zhiyu is my own granddaughter, and Shoude is my own son. Obviously

someone is deliberately targeting our Su family!”

Elijah originally came with the motive of prospering the teacher to inquire about crimes,

but what happened just now made him involuntarily dispelling the suspicion of

chengfeng’s involvement.

When things have reached this point, in his opinion, it is absolutely impossible for

chengfeng to play a ghost behind his back. Some people even don’t let Shoude go. This

shows that they are people going to fight against the Su family.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly asked, “Old Su, are you telling me the truth, have you

offended anyone recently? Think about it, who is more suspicious in your eyes?”

Elder Su spread his hand out and said, “You know my character. I don’t usually constrain,

so I offend many people. So now you make me think, I can’t think of who it will be.”

Elijah couldn’t help sighing. He knew very well that chengfeng was telling the truth.

Since the Su family surpassed the Wade family and became the first family of China,

chengfeng has always regarded himself as the leader of the business community. He is

usually arrogant. Not concerned, and many people are offended by him.

Thinking of this, he said sternly: “Old Su, what happened just now was that I was rash.

The top priority now is to quickly find out all three of them. I sent people to Aurous Hill

two hours ago. I think it’s better for our two families to investigate together, what do

you think?”

Seeing that he had temporarily resolved Elijah’s suspicion, he was slightly relieved and

said: “Oh, my father-in-law, if you would be willing to investigate with me, that would be

great! I’m afraid you will blame me and misunderstand me. You were so grudged with

me, I didn’t expect that you would still be willing to join hands with the two. It really

moved me!”

Elijah said a little apologetically: “I just said something inappropriate because I was

impatient for a while, and I hope you don’t mind too much.”

Elder Su immediately said ashamed: “How could it be my father-in-law! You handed

Liona to our Su family, and we failed to protect her. This is the Su family’s responsibility.

Even if you beat me, it is also me. chengfeng deserves it…”

As he said, he sighed and waved his hand: “Hey, let’s not talk about this! The top priority

now is that we have to quickly send more people to Aurous Hill. Even if Aurous Hill is

turned upside down, we must take them all. Save our all children!”

Elijah nodded and said, “In this case, Renel and I will go back and sort out all the

resources and contacts, and transfer all the available personnel to Aurous Hill as soon as


“Okay!” Elder Su also deliberately pretended to be excited, and said, “If this is the case,

then I will immediately mobilize all the manpower that can be mobilized!”

Elijah gave a hum and said, “My father-in-law, then we will leave first!”

Elder Su hurriedly said, “I will send you out!”

Elijah hurriedly said: “Don’t be so polite, we just go out by ourselves.”

Elder Su pretended to be angry and said, “My father-in-law, what can you do with me?

Come, I’ll see you off!”

Chapter 2485

At this moment, Aurous Hill.

The helicopter flew all the way to the dog farm of Orvel.

At this time, the kennel is already busy.

Orvel took his confidant and was looking forward to it, waiting for Charlie’s arrival.

As the roar of helicopters in the sky grew louder and louder, everyone’s expectations

were also beyond words.

Immediately afterwards, the helicopter descended slowly and stopped in the middle of

the kennel.

Orvel immediately led people to greet him.

At this time, Issac opened the helicopter’s hatch, and then made an inviting gesture to

Charlie, respectfully saying, “Master, please!”

Charlie nodded and got off the plane with Ruoli.

Orvel hurriedly said, “Master, I have prepared the single room for the warm father-son

reunion ceremony. It is all ready. When do you think we start?”

“Don’t worry.” Charlie waved his hand and pointed to Shoude and Steve who were still

unconscious in the cabin. Leave only a pair of pants, and pour a basin of cold water on

each of them. By the way, remember to open the windows.”

It is still in the first month of the year, and the weather in Aurous Hill is still cold,

showing no signs of warming up.

In this kind of weather, if you are stripped of your clothes and poured on a basin of cold

water, and you are still in a room with wide open windows, most people probably

cannot bear it.

Orvel didn’t hesitate at all, and immediately said to his men next to him, “Hurry up and

bring these two guys to the office. Besides, go to the individual and get some cold


Several subordinates immediately stepped forward and dragged the unconscious

Shoude and Steve directly to Orvel’s office.

Charlie asked at this moment: “Orvel, how is Walter now?”

Orvel hurriedly said: “Master, Walter is now in the late stage of uremia. Don’t worry, I

have given full play to the humanitarian spirit and actively treated him. Now he is given

hemodialysis once a day. Basically, Keep his dog’s life.”

Charlie nodded and said, “Take me to see him!”

“OK Master!”

Orvel took Charlie and Issac to the that area of the kennel. Charlie walked, observing left

and right, and exclaimed, “Your place is indeed going to be expanded. Do you have any

plans to start construction?”

Orvel respectfully said, “Master, since President Issac told me about this last time, I have

already asked people to come up with an expansion plan!”

After speaking, he introduced to Charlie very seriously: “My current preliminary plan is

to free up an area of 500 square meters in the yard, excavate this area directly, and build

a three-story underground. By then, the total usable area of the three-dimensional

kennel will be at least more than 1,000 square meters. It will be no problem to build 70

or 80 kennels!”

“This three-dimensional kennel is entirely made of reinforced concrete. There are no

exits on the three underground floors. All entrances and exits are concentrated in a

large room on the ground. People must go through this large room for security

inspection. Twenty-four hours of security by guards to ensure that no dog is allowed to

escape from the kennel!”

Charlie smiled slightly and joked, “In that case, your kennel can raise at least a thousand


“Yeah, Master!” Orvel said with a smile: “Expanding at this scale should be enough, but

as long as you say something, I can continue to expand at any time. It is not possible.

We can put the entire kennel underground and develope it!”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction, and said, “If you don’t have enough money, please tell

me at any time. I personally still have a good view of business. It doesn’t matter if I

invest more!”

Issac was listening to the chat between the two of them. For some reason, what he

imagined in his mind was all kinds of people locked in dog cages.

At this time, a few people have come to the gate of the kennel.

Chapter 2486

Orvel immediately asked people to open the heavy iron door. As soon as he entered the

door, he heard the fighting dogs in the surrounding kennels barking.

Seeing this, Orvel immediately shouted with a cold face: “It’s all the fu*king to shut up

for Master, whoever dares to bark, I will kill today!”

Amazingly, when Orvel shouted, all the dogs in the kennel stopped without exception.

Orvel was satisfied and said to Charlie, “Master, please here!”

Charlie followed Orvel into the kennel. In the middle, he saw all of Walter’s men and

Chengfeng’s men, Stuart and the four of them.

When Stuart saw Charlie, his eyes looked like a ghost.

Since being imprisoned in the kennel and seeing Walter’s fate with his own eyes, Stuart’s

fear of Charlie has deepened several layers.

He is locked here now, and what is most worried about is how Charlie will send him off


In the unlikely event that someone arranges a “set meal” similar to Walter for himself,

wouldn’t he be better off in this life? !

What frightened him even more was what if Charlie really let someone raise a group of

African hyenas? !

Therefore, he saw Charlie coming over, behind the iron cage, kneeling on the ground

and started begging to Charlie: “…Master, please forgive me…We really knew that we

were wrong. Please be merciful and go around us…”

Orvel shouted sharply at this time: “You guys are fu*king crooked, I’ll just tie you up and

throw you into a dogfight that have been hungry for more than three days!”

Stuart immediately trembled in shock. Like the barking fighting dogs before, he didn’t

even dare to say a word for a moment.

Orvel hurriedly said to Charlie: “Master, don’t mind, these new guys don’t understand

the rules. Let me train them for a few days. In a few days, they will become honest and

convincing. Totally docile.”

Charlie nodded and said indifferently, “These people are extremely sinful and they are of

no use value. If they perform well, they will be left with a dog. If they do not perform

well, just kill them.”

Orvel said immediately, “OK, Master!”

Stuart was even more frightened when he heard Charlie’s words.

He knew that he had no use value to Charlie now, because he had already recorded a

video exposing the crimes of the Su family under Charlie’s persecution. Under this

circumstance, it is really possible for Charlie to ask him for his life at any time.

At this time, Orvel took Charlie past the cage of Stuart and the others, pointed to an iron

cage not far away, and said, “Master, Walter is in that cage.”

Charlie looked in the direction of his fingers, and saw a single hospital bed in the iron

cage, and several various medical devices beside.

Walter was lying on the hospital bed extremely weak, his whole body swollen for several


Seeing Charlie coming, he was shocked and scared, and at the same time he hated


After all, he is also the pride of the sky. Having suffered such a serious crime these days,

the whole person is like falling into the 18th floor of hell, so naturally he is full of hatred

for Charlie.

Charlie came to the iron cage, looked at Walter, who was pale and swollen, and asked

with concern, “Mr. Walter, how are you feeling okay in the past two days? There is

nothing wrong with my subordinates, right?”

Walter roared angrily: “Charlie, you are a total devil!”

Charlie asked curiously: “Oh? I’m the devil? I just want you to taste it. That’s the method

you used to deal with others. Why am I a devil?”

Walter gritted his teeth and roared: “You better let me out quickly! Otherwise, our

Hogwitz family will not let you go! The Rothschilds will not let you go! They will

definitely come to Aurous Hill to kill you!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Your Hogwitz family is indeed amazing. I heard that in

order to find you, a guy named Steve Hogwitz came here. Are you familiar with this


Chapter 2487

When Walter heard Charlie mention the words Steve Hogwitz, his expression

immediately became amazed!

He did not expect that his father would rush to Aurous Hill himself to find him.

This did not make him feel half-divided, but it made him feel a deep panic deep in his


Although he is still using the names of the Hogwarts family and the Rothschild family to

try to frighten Charlie and make a dying struggle.

However, he knew very well in his heart that he was nothing more than a fake tiger.

“Our family is just an ordinary cousin of the Rothschild family, and the weight and

energy are not that strong at all.”

“The so-called foreign relatives, in ancient and modern times, refer to the relatives of the

emperor, the king’s mother, and his wife. It is also very simple to face directly, that is,

relatives outside and unimportant relatives.”

“Therefore, the Rothschild family basically won’t help me…”

“And the strength of our Hogwarts family is indeed not enough. In front of Charlie, it is

not worth mentioning…”

“Father, he ran all the way to Aurous Hill. It is absolutely impossible to be an opponent

of a snake like Charlie…”

“What’s more, Charlie is still the young master of Wade Family… the chairman of the

Emgrand Group… the strength is tens of thousands of miles stronger than the Hogwitz


“So, when he came to Aurous Hill, there is almost no possibility other than sending

people away from thousands of miles…”

“If he also falls into Charlie’s hands, isn’t it all over?”

Thinking of this, Walter hurriedly said: “Wade, this is between the two of us, and he has

nothing to do with it!!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Oh? What do you mean?”

Walter blurted out: “What I mean is very simple. In the words of your Chinese people, it

would be misfortune to your family. So, if you have anything you want to do directly at

me, don’t involve my dad too!”

Charlie nodded in agreement, and said seriously: “Walter, what you said sounds very


Walter hurriedly said, “Then you have to promise me, don’t do anything to my father!”

Charlie sighed helplessly and smiled: “I’m really sorry, Walter, you are a bit late.”

Walter’s eyes widened: “It’s a bit late?! What do you mean?!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Your dad has been arrested by me. I will bring him over to see

you in a while, so that you, father and son, will reunite.”

As if struck by lightning, Walter blurted out, “You…why did you move my dad!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Why can’t I touch your father? Is your father made of gold?”

Walter said with a canthus: “My father has never provoke you! What right do you have

to touch him?”

Charlie asked curiously, “Since you have said so, then I really want to ask you, has Doris’s

father provoke you before?”

“I…” Walter was speechless.

He knew very well that the whole thing was all because of his own shamelessness.

Had it not been for letting people poison Doris’s father and forcing Doris to submit, he

would not have had such a miserable end today.

So, Charlie asked him back now, and he was speechless all at once.

At this time, Charlie sneered and said, “You just wait here obediently, and I will send

your dad over to reunite with you in a while.”

After that, he turned around and said to Orvel, “Orvel, come to your office.”

Orvel hurriedly said, “OK Master Wade, please follow me!”

Chapter 2488

At this moment, Shoude and Steve have been taken by Orvel’s men to office.

Because both of them were unconscious and were tied up, Orvel’s men could only use

scissors to cut the clothes on the two of them into countless strips of cloth.

Until all the clothes on and off the two of them were cut, and only a pair of pants

remained, a little brother stepped in.

He held an empty basin in one hand and a huge bucket in the other. He said with some

difficulty, “Oh, this bucket of water is really heavy.”

One of the little bosses named Brother Biao walked up to him, put his hand in the

bucket and smacked his mouth and said, “Little Si’er, your water is not too cold, what’s

the matter?”

The younger brother, known as Xiaosi, hurriedly said: “Brother Biao, this water is taken

from the bathroom tap. The water in the pipe itself may not be too cold.”

Brother Biao opened his mouth and said, “Hurry up and get some crushed ice in the

freezer, go!”

Orvel’s kennel has hundreds of different breeds of fighting dogs, all of which are hugely

appetizing breeds. In order to maintain the wild nature of fighting dogs, he usually feeds

raw meat to the dogs.

With such a large amount of raw meat being consumed here, Orvel spent money to

build a small cold storage specifically for storing various frozen meats.

Xiaosi brought back a large pile of ice cubes, Biaoge instructed him to pour all the ice

cubes into the bucket.

The water in the bucket immediately became bitterly cold.

Immediately, Brother Biao looked at Shoude and Steve who were tied together, and

slapped his lips: “Master Wade said to pour a basin of water for each of them, but these

two old dogs are tied together, you guys, Hurry up and separate them first!”

As soon as the voice fell, they heard a voice saying, “There is no need to separate them

anymore, just give them a bucket of water and get them both wet and dew…”

It was Charlie who spoke.

When Brother Biao saw Charlie coming, he hurriedly said respectfully: “OK, Master


After speaking, he directly picked up the bucket and poured the entire bucket of ice

water on Shoude and Steve.

This bucket of ice water with icy ballast immediately poured Shoude and Steve to the


The two people woke up instantly!

The bone-to-heart cold made the two of them scream, their whole bodies trembling


Shoude’s head even bears a pile of ice cubes that has not completely melted away.

The two realized that they had been tied into a ball, and they were suddenly terrified.

Shoude blurted out, “Wade…Charlie…Where did you get me?!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Didn’t I tell you a long time ago? Seeing you come

from afar, I, as the host, will naturally do my best as a landlord. I have prepared a good

room for you. Come and enjoy yourself.”

Steve on the side also asked in a panic: “Who…who are you? What do you want to do?”

Charlie looked at him and said with a smile, “Mr. Steve, right? When we first meet, I will

introduce myself. My name is Charlie, Charlie Wade.”

Steve said nervously, “Charlie?! I don’t seem to know you, why did you kidnap me?”

Charlie laughed, “Mr. Steve came to Aurous Hill this time to find your son Walter, right?”

Steve’s eyes widened and exclaimed, “You know Walter?!”

Charlie nodded and said lightly: “More than knowing, he was invited here by me.”

Steve couldn’t hide his excitement and said, “Where is he? I want to see him!”

Charlie smiled and said: “Don’t worry, I will arrange a grand reunion ceremony for you

father and son in a moment, but you have to wait a little longer, I have something to do,

I have to talk to Mr. Su first!”

After speaking, he looked at Shoude and sneered: “Mr. Su, be acquainted, just say what

you have, don’t wait for me to force you to say it!”

Chapter 2489

Hearing Charlie’s words, Shoude’s fat body shuddered suddenly, and he blurted out: “I

don’t know anything, what do you want me to say…”

Charlie took out his mobile phone from his pocket, pointed the camera at Shoude, and

sneered, “I only give you one chance. You can tell me honestly, how did your Su family

murder Liona and Zhiyu?”

“If your performance satisfies me, I can temporarily save you a dog’s life, but if your

performance makes me unsatisfactory, then I will let you be listed as a missing person


Shoude was shocked.

He is not a fool. Charlie kidnapped him directly. On the one hand, he proved that he has

extraordinary strength. On the other hand, he also proved that he must have enough

aftermath ability.

So, he thought to himself: “I disappeared silently in the eyes of the outside world this

time. The outside world is afraid that they can’t find me at all. Even if Charlie kills me, it

will be difficult for the outside world to find the body.”

“More importantly, everyone knows that Su Family’s people can’t be touched, but even

so, Charlie dared to do something with me, which proves that he didn’t put Su Family in

his eyes…”

Charlie didn’t put the Su family in his eyes, this was what worried Shoude the most.

He felt that Charlie didn’t try to make money, nor did he give any face to the Su family.

In this case, he really wanted to kill him, probably its not just a sentence.

Therefore, if he does not perform well enough, he might really die in his hands.

So he sighed inwardly: “I betrayed my father today. If I survive, he will definitely not

spare me in the future. In the final analysis, the most important thing at the moment is

to save life first… ..”

“Otherwise, my father’s reputation is preserved, and my head is gone. What the hell am


Thinking of this, he hurriedly said, “I…I peak…I speak all!”

Charlie pointed to the camera and said coldly, “Come on, face the camera, and explain

to me word by word!”

Shoude immediately said, “The killing of Liona and Ruoli was indeed done by the Su

family, but it was planned by my father Chengfeng alone, and it has nothing to do with


Immediately afterwards, Shoude explained the whole process of plotting the old man

Chengfeng to kill Liona.

Charlie thought slightly, and asked him, “Okay, then let me ask you, why did Chengfeng

kill Zhiyu? Zhiyu is his granddaughter. This seems a bit unreasonable? Is it because the

person who wants to kill her, is another person?!”

When Shoude heard this, he was so nervous that even his breathing was a little

disordered, and his brain immediately started to revolve.

He knew very well that he wanted to kill Zhiyu, not what Elder Su meant.

However, under this situation, Shoude absolutely dare not admit it.

“Although I can’t figure out Charlie’s preference for Zhiyu, Charlie saved Zhiyu twice in

Japan and in this city! This is a real fact!”

“So, if I confess to Charlie that I was actually going to kill Zhiyu, then Charlie might be

even more upset to me…”

Thinking of this, Shoude had a plan to make a living, blurted out: “I’m telling

you…Actually…In fact, my father is also very dissatisfied with Zhiyu. He always feels that

she is always protecting her mother Liona. , With his elbow turned away, my father even

suspected that Zhiyu was not from the Su family at all, so he planned to kill her and

Liona together, and it would be a hundred…”

Charlie looked at him with interest, and asked, “Is this really the case?”

Shoude nodded unswervingly and said: “Really true! Everything I said is true!”

Charlie sneered and said, “It’s interesting…it’s interesting!”

Shoude looked at Charlie and felt nervous.

He didn’t know what Charlie meant.

Chapter 2490

Don’t know if he believed his own words, or if he knew it a long time ago, he secretly

murdered Zhiyu.

Therefore, he decided to do everything possible to make Charlie believe in himself, and

blurted out: “Actually, my father has long been dissatisfied with my elder brother’s

family. He drove my elder brother to Australia a long time ago, and then deprived him

of his Patriarch’s inheritance right…”

“This time, my father is not only going to kill Liona and Zhiyu, but before I come to this

city, he also wanted me to put Zhifei under house arrest…”

“But this kid Zhifei reacted faster and escaped early. However, even if he escaped, many

of the Su family members were looking for his whereabouts. Once he is found, he will be

driven to Australia just like my elder brother; or, like his sister Zhiyu, was directly


After listening to him, Charlie stopped filming the video and frowned, “Shoude, you

keep saying that your father wanted to kill Zhiyu, but based on what I learned from

other places, it seems that this is not the case. , Why do you want to put a poop on your

father’s head?”

Shoude was shocked immediately, and blurted out, “No! I didn’t give my father any sh!t

pots, but what I said is the truth!”

“The truth?” Charlie sneered: “Okay, I’ll find someone to come over and confront you!”

After speaking, he immediately said to Orvel, “Go and bring that Stuart!”

Shoude heard the word Stuart, his whole body was already scared!

He did not expect that Stuart is still alive now!

Even more unexpectedly, Stuart was in Charlie’s hands!

“This game is over… this game is completely over… Stuart is the old man’s personal

bodyguard. He came to kill Liona, and he was ordered by the old man. He must know

that the old man did not order Zhiyu’s life’…when he comes, am I going to show my


Originally, Shoude was frozen into a dead dog by a basin of cold water, but now, he was

nervous and began to sweat.

He looked at Charlie in a panic, and said falteringly: “Charlie…you can’t believe that

Stuart! That guy always runs the train with his mouth full, and there is no truth!”

Charlie smiled slightly, “When he comes later, you two can confront each other on the


Shoude was nervous to the extreme, wondering if Stuart was here for a while, and

Charlie would see through his tricks.

Soon, Stuart, handcuffed, was brought over by Orvel’s younger brother.

When Stuart saw Charlie just now, he knelt down and begged for mercy for the first

time. Seeing Charlie again at this time, he was about to kneel down and beg for a few

more words, but saw that there were actually two naked people in the room. The young

man, after a closer look, he discovered that one of them was the second son of the Su

family, Shoude!

At this time, Stuart was struck by lightning.

He never dreamed that he would see the second son of the Su family here!

At the same time, he was more frightened and jealous of Charlie in his heart.

Because he really didn’t expect Charlie to be so rigid, even the second son of the Su

family would not be spared!

Seeing Stuart’s frightened legs trembled, Charlie looked at him, pointed at Shoude and

asked coldly, “Stuart, do you know this person?”

Stuart nodded hurriedly, and said respectfully, “Master Shoude, I know him…he is the

second son of the Su family, Shoude…”

Shoude stared at Stuart nervously at this time, and reminded: “Stuart, in front of Mr.

Charlie, you have to pay attention to what you say! No matter what you say, you must

be responsible!”

Charlie frowned and asked Shoude, “Did I let you talk?”

After finishing speaking, he pointed to Shoude and ordered Orvel: “Orvel, give a hand!”

Chapter 2491

“OK Master!”

Orvel replied and immediately walked forward, grabbing Shoude’s hair, and slapped his

hand hard, drawing Shoude’s eyes at the gold star.

Shoude grew up so big that for the first time he was directly slapped in the face by an

outsider. He was furious, but he was so angry that he didn’t dare to go out, so he could

only endure it.

Charlie glared at Shoude at this time and said coldly: “When I didn’t let you speak, you

couldn’t say a word.”

Shoude could only cover his face and nod his head repeatedly, not daring to say a word.

Charlie looked at Stuart and asked him, “I ask you, when Chengfeng Su gave you the

order, did he let you kill Liona, or let you kill her with Zhiyu?”

Stuart blurted out, “Master, Chengfeng asked me to kill Liona.”

Charlie asked again: “Then did he feel dissatisfied with Zhiyu, thinking that she turned

her elbow out?”

“No!” Stuart said without hesitation: “Chengfeng loves Zhiyu very much, and he often

sighs with us, saying that among the Su family’s generation, the smartest and most

capable is actually Zhiyu!”

Shoude’s face was already pale.

Charlie glanced at him, then asked Stuart, “According to you, in other words, it is

impossible for Chengfeng to kill Zhiyu together, right?”

Stuart said solemnly: “Yes! Master Wade, although Chengfeng is sinister and vicious, he

really loves Zhiyu from the heart. He can’t kill her.”

After speaking, Stuart sighed and said, “You tell me, in the tunnel, when I found that

Zhiyu was also on Shred’s chariot, I was almost scared to death because I knew in my

heart, If Chengfeng knew that Zhiyu was dead, he would definitely condemn me…”

Charlie nodded and asked him, “That’s why you killed Shred with a single shot?”

Stuart said truthfully: “I killed…At that time, I wanted to ask Shred who instructed him to

harm Zhiyu, but he not only did not say, but insulted me. I was impulsive. The gun killed


At this time, Shoude on the side was almost frightened.

Charlie looked at him and asked coldly, “Shoude, you keep saying that you want to kill

Zhiyu, but now it sounds like that’s not the case!”

Shoude hurriedly explained: “This…this…this me…I am actually not very

clear…maybe…maybe mistaken……”

“Wrong?” Charlie sneered: “Shoude, if you don’t have any ghosts in your heart, you can’t

deliberately dump Zhiyu’s pot on your father, let’s talk about it, did you plan it behind

the scenes?”

Shoude seemed to have been stepped on his tail, and blurted out: “No… it has nothing

to do with me…”

Charlie nodded: “If you don’t tell the truth, it’s easy to handle, Mr. Issac!”

Issac immediately took a step forward: “Master Wade, what are your orders?”

Charlie said calmly, “I asked you to find an African hyena which likes to dig an@l. Is

there a way out?”

“Yes!” Issac hurriedly said: “The City Wildlife Park introduced a group of African hyenas

some time ago. The owner of the safari park has a good relationship with me and is also

a senior member of my hotel. I can contact him and borrow this group of African


“Okay!” Charlie nodded, looked at Shoude, and said lightly: “Since you want to resist,

then go and discuss life with the African hyena!”

As soon as Shoude heard this, his whole body was immediately shocked!

He didn’t doubt Charlie’s determination at all, this guy was not only amazing in strength,

amazing in methods, but also amazing in courage!

If it really annoys him, I am afraid that it will definitely not end well…

Chapter 2492

The frightened Shoude hurriedly blurted out: “I say, I say all…”

Charlie nodded and turned on the recording function of the mobile phone video.

When Shoude saw that he was going to record the video, he said in a panic: “Wade…Mr.

Wade, what do you want to know, I will be honest, but can you please stop recording

the video…”

Charlie asked him back: “What? Do you dare to do it and still dare not recognize it?”

Shoude vaguely said, “No…no, I just…I just…but I’m not used to it…”

Charlie glanced at him in disgust, and said coldly, “Hammers, nonsense, Orvel, clap your

mouth again!”

Without saying anything, Orvel rushed up and kicked Shoude’s fat belly, kicked him to

the ground, and then stepped directly on his chest, bent over, and slapped him twice.

Shoude was pumped, and the tears of grievance fluttered in his eyes.

He had never suffered such a crime in his life, so naturally he felt 10,000 aggrieved.

But he also knew that there was no point in being aggrieved right now.

If you don’t cooperate honestly, Charlie is afraid that he will let Orvel take off his arms

and legs.

At this moment, Ruoli, who had not spoken all the time, left her mouth and said, “Master

Wade, it is too cheap to slap him against this kind of bastard. As long as you order me, I

will cut off his arms and see if he dares. He dare not sloppy with you!”

Shoude’s liver trembled in fright, and he blurted out, “No! Don’t! I will speak, I will say it!

Charlie said coldly: “If you don’t get to the point anymore, I will hand you over to Ruoli.”

Shoude couldn’t help shivering, and said tremblingly: “Mr. Wade, it was indeed I who let

Shred kill Zhiyu. I asked my subordinates to give his family 20 million, and then let his

family notify him to kill Liona. At the time, bring Zhiyu alongside…”

Charlie asked, “Why did you want to kill Zhiyu? She is your niece, so she didn’t provoke

you, right?”

Shoude hurriedly said, “I…I want to avoid future troubles…because the old man is very

dissatisfied with my elder brother and very dissatisfied with Zhifei. If we kill Zhiyu, The

future Patriarch of the Su family must be me…”

Charlie nodded and asked, “Who was it that decided to betray Ruoli?”

Shoude said without hesitation: “It was my dad’s idea…”

Charlie asked back: “So, your elder brother Zynn was actually used by Chengfeng as a


“Yes…” Shoude said frankly, “If the betrayal of Ruoli just broke out, people all over the

country are scolding the old man. The old man feels that his fame in his entire life

cannot be smashed because of Ruoli in his old age. , So he gave it all to my elder

brother, and drove him to Australia…”

Charlie nodded, ended the video recording, and said lightly: “If you cooperated earlier,

you won’t have to take the slap these a few times, so next time you stay alert and don’t

make the same mistake again.”

Shoude was bitter and couldn’t tell, his expression was uglier than his dead father, and

asked with a sad face, “Mr. Wade… are you planning to send out all the videos just


Regarding the current situation of the Su family, Shoude couldn’t be more clear.

Originally today, the kidnapping of Liona and Zhiyu was questioned by netizens across

the country.

It’s hard to find a lot of PR soldiers to come out to act as the victims, and forcibly

subverting everyone’s cognition. If all the things he just said are exposed, then the Su

family will be over.

Not only will the Su family be over, but they will also become the sinners of the Su


The old man is afraid that he can’t wait to take his own skin…

Chapter 2493

At this moment, Charlie looked at Shoude who was flustered, smiled slightly, and said:

“The video just now was shot in three episodes.”

“The first paragraph is your confession. It was Chengfeng who wanted to kill Liona. At

the same time, he gave Chengfeng the pot, saying that he also wanted to kill Zhiyu;”

“In the second paragraph, you confessed in person, but you actually hired Shred to kill


“The third paragraph is your confession. In Japan, it was Chengfeng who secretly

betrayed Ruoli and then gave it to your elder brother Zynn…”

Having said that, Charlie smacked his lips and continued: “Tsk…but, the first paragraph

and the second paragraph are somewhat contradictory in themselves, so if I want to

send out, I can only choose between the two. One……”

After speaking, Charlie looked at him with interest and asked, “Shoude, what do you

think I will send out?”

Shoude shook his head, he couldn’t figure out Charlie’s preferences, he didn’t know

what Charlie wanted to do.

In fact, the first and second paragraphs, no matter which one is sent out, you will have

bad luck.

Seeing that he was not talking, Charlie smiled and said, “To tell you the truth, I plan to

send out the first and third paragraphs, because these two paragraphs put the three of

Liona, Zhiyu, and Ruoli. Everything falls on Chengfeng alone. This should be enough for

the old dog to drink a pot!

“I am a person who prefers to concentrate firepower to fight tough battles, so we must

first gather all the firepower and knock down the old dog Chengfeng!”

After speaking, Charlie smiled, changed the conversation, and continued: “As for the

second video…I plan to keep it first and send it to your elder brother Zynn in the future.”

Shoude asked dumbfounded: “Why… why would you send it to my big brother…”

Charlie smiled and said, “If I send the first and third videos to your elder brother, your

elder brother knows that Chengfeng wants to kill his two daughters and also wants to

kill his wife. Do you think he will fight Chengfeng desperately? “

Shoude said in embarrassment, “This…My elder brother is afraid that he has this heart,

and doesn’t have this ability…”

“It doesn’t matter.” Charlie said with a smile: “Whether Zynn has the ability to put aside

first, as long as they can completely turn their father and son back, it is enough for me.”

Shoude couldn’t help fighting a cold war.

“I really can’t figure out why this young man in his 20s is so black?”

“If he really sends out the video, the eldest brother and the old man are going to forge a


“The point is, I shake everything out of the old man’s affairs, and also throw Zhiyu’s pot

to the old man, the old man will hate me to the bone!”

At this time, Charlie said again: “When the first and third video messages are sent out,

Zynn must want to kill Chengfeng in his dreams, and Chengfeng probably wanted to kill

you in his dreams! Then, you will beg me Take you in and save your dog’s life, otherwise,

if you just go out, you will be killed by Chengfeng. Even if he doesn’t kill you, it will make

you worse off.”

Shoude was even more frightened.

“Charlie is right.”

“If these two videos are sent out, the old man will definitely strip me alive…”

“This is not an exaggerated sentence, it is a standard declarative sentence!”

“At that time, I’m afraid I really have to beg Charlie to take me in. Otherwise, as long as

he let me go out, even if the old man knew that I was threatened by him, he would

definitely not forgive me…”

Chapter 2494

Charlie continued at this time: “As for the second video just now, that is, the video where

you confessed that you wanted to kill Zhiyu, I will send it to him when your elder

brother kills Chengfeng and becomes the head of the Su family. “

“In case Zynn has a chance to comeback, then even if Chengfeng is killed, you will not

be able to breathe a sigh of relief, because once your elder brother finds out that you

wanted to kill his daughter, he will find a way to find you. Kill you at all costs.”

“Look, how is my closed-loop designed? Whether your dad wins or your brother wins,

your end will be dead.”

Hearing this, Shoude’s tears were already welling up.

He got it.

He really understood this time!

“What Charlie has to do is to keep my father and eldest brother in a state of being

hostile to each other all the time, and even kill each other quickly…”

“These videos are in his hands, I am dead anyway!”

“The game between the old man and the big brother, if the old man wins, I have to die;

if the big brother wins, I still have to die!”

“Charlie…you…your poisonous heart!”

Seeing Shoude’s tears, Charlie sneered, and said, “So if you want me to say, you just stay

here honestly. I asked Orvel to prepare a single room for you, which is definitely the best

treatment here. If you are still here, I can save your dog’s life, but if you want to escape,

it doesn’t matter. At that time, either your father wants to kill you, or your elder brother

wants to kill you. You weigh yourself.”

Shoude suddenly cried: “Mr. Wade… please give me a way to survive… or let us work

together, you help me solve my father and my elder brother, I inherit the Su family

property After that, all the assets of the Su family will be divided and you will get 30%!”

After that, Shoude hurriedly said again: “Mr. Wade, if you are willing to cooperate with

me, I can cooperate with you immediately. First go back to kill my father, and then go to

Australia to solve my eldest brother!”

Hearing this, Orvel immediately cursed: “Fuk! Shoude, you fuKing want to fart? Do you

want to fool Master Wade and let him help you up? You f*cking deserve it too?!”

Ruoli on the side heard that Shoude wanted to provoke Charlie to kill her father, and

hurriedly blurted out: “Master Wade, you can’t listen to him slanderously! This kind of

person has no credibility at all!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Shoude, even if you kill your father and your elder

brother, I won’t let you inherit the Su family.”

Speaking of this, Charlie’s expression suddenly became very cold, and he sternly said: “I

will continue to work hard and flatten the entire Su family!”

Shoude was frightened by Charlie’s eyes.

Because Charlie’s eyes were full of killing intent!

At this moment, Charlie turned around, looked at Ruoli, and said lightly: “Ruoli, I know

you care about Zynn. After all, he is your father, I can understand, but I can tell you

clearly now if Zynn really has something to do with the death of my parents. I will kill

him myself. If you dare to stop me then I will kill you too.”

Ruoli’s body trembled immediately, and quickly lowered her head, and said respectfully:

“Master, Ruoli’s life is yours. Ruoli dare not stop you from doing anything. If my father is

really your enemy, you want to avenge your father. If you leave, I will not stop it…”

Speaking of this, Ruoli knelt on the ground with a puff, and sobbed and pleaded:

“Young Master Wade, Ruoli has only one request! If my father has nothing to do with

the death of your parents, please raise your hand and spare him. Life……”

Charlie said blankly, “Don’t worry, I only kill the sc*m of earth. If your father and my

parents’ death has no direct relationship, I will naturally spare him.”

Immediately afterwards, Charlie turned around and said coldly: “However! In any case,

Zynn will have to pay the price for the formation of the “Anti-Wade Alliance”! Even if the

death penalty is unavoidable, the living sin is still inevitable!”

Chapter 2495

As the daughter of Zynn, Ruoli’s heart is naturally thicker than water.

However, she couldn’t help but murmured in her heart: “I owe Master Wade my life, and

Master Wade gave me a great opportunity to grow my martial arts strength rapidly. I

will be obedient to him in order to repay his kindness.”

“If the father really bears the unshirkable responsibility for the death of Master Wade’s

parents, then if Master Wade wants to seek revenge from him, I will naturally have

nothing to say…”

“So, I can only hope that the death of and Master’s parents and my father is not directly


“Fortunately, Young Master Wade is very upright and fair. Since he has said that as long

as my father is not his father-killing enemy, he can spare his life. The rest depends on

father’s affairs. Come on, are you innocent?”

Thinking about this, she reverently said to Charlie: “Young Master Wade, you have my

words, you can rest assured!”

Charlie nodded slightly and said to Orvel: “Okay, take this Shoude in, go to the private

room prepared for him, and take this Steve by the way to meet his son.”

When Steve heard that Charlie wanted him to meet his son, he immediately asked,

“Where is Walt now?!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Your precious son, he is lying in the special room I prepared for

him now.”

Steve blurted out, “Lying down? Is he sick?!”

Charlie said indifferently, “Since your son’s character is really that of sc*mbag, so I

invited him to come here and make a good bed restoring. As for why he is in bed, you

will meet him later, let him personally tell you the details.”

After speaking, Charlie stood up and told everyone around him: “Pick them up and take


Orvel and Issac went up in person, each of them picked up one, dragged the two of

them and walked out.

With the back of Charlie’s hand behind him, he stepped forward to follow.

When they came to the kennel area again, Shoude and Steve trembled in shock when

they saw the sight of an iron cage.

When they were dragged to continue walking, they found that there were many

ferocious fighting dogs in the iron cages on both sides.

What made them even more stunned was that there were several iron cages inside, not

dogs, but people!

Steve saw his son soon!

His son Walter, who was lying on a hospital bed at this time, looked very weak.

There was a young man with a yellow panel standing beside Walter. This man was

holding a bowl of porridge and stuffed Walter’s mouth with a spoon roughly.

This young man is Kobayashi Jiro who works as a contractor at the kennel.

Steve immediately struggled and shouted: “Walter! my son?!”

Chapter 2496

Walter was also struggling to get up, but because of his weakness, he tried several times

without success.

So he could only lie on the bed helplessly, crying, and said in: “Dad…I…I was poisoned,

and now I have uremia… …”

After that, he could no longer control his emotions, and cried loudly: “Dad! You must

save me, Dad! This ghost place is like hell… If you don’t want to save me anymore If I

don’t go out, I might die here.”

Charlie smiled and said, “Walter, it’s impossible for your father to save you, but the good

news is that I plan to leave your father here to take care of you, and you and father will

live in a single room in the future.”

After speaking, Charlie said to Kobayashi Jiro again: “Jiro, you won’t have to feed this

Walter anymore, just feed your dog.”

As soon as Kobayashi Jiro heard this, he was overjoyed and blurted out, “That’s great

Young Master Wade! You don’t know, besides feeding this Walter every day, I also give

him shit and urine, which is much more disgusting than serving a dog .”

Charlie smiled slightly: “In the future, let his father do this thing. You already spend

much time in the past few days. Let Orvel give you a day off. As long as you don’t leave

the kennel, you can do whatever you want.”

Kobayashi Jiro bowed in excitement, “Thank you, Master Wade! Thank you, Master

Wade! If I can take a day off, I…I want to sleep well, then…and drink again. Two bottles

of beer…”

After speaking, he looked at Charlie and asked nervously, “Master Wade, I… can I drink

two bottles of beer?”

Charlie smiled, waved his hand, and said to Orvel, “Orvel, let someone prepare a case of

beer for Jiro tomorrow, let him relax!”

Orvel immediately said, “OK Master, leave it to me!”

When Kobayashi Jiro heard that he could have a box of beer, tears of excitement rolled

in his eyes, and he choked up: “Master Wade, thank you…I…I haven’t had beer in a long

time. …..”

Charlie smiled and said, “As long as you behave well, let alone beer, even white wine,

red wine, or even your Japanese sake can be arranged for you.”

Kobayashi Jiro exclaimed with excitement, “Master Wade, I will continue to work hard

and go all out!”

Charlie nodded, waved his hand and said, “Jiro, you go and rest first, I don’t need you


Kobayashi Jiro hurriedly said, “OK, Lord Wade, then Jiro will leave first!”

Orvel winked at his subordinates when he arrived, and immediately one of his

subordinates came forward and left with Jiro Kobayashi.

Charlie asked Orvel at this time: “Where is the welcome ceremony I asked you to

prepare? It’s been a long time since everyone has arrived, don’t you hurry up?”

Orvel nodded quickly and said, “This is the beginning, this is the beginning!”

After speaking, he hurriedly shouted at the people around him: “Quick, get the props!”

As soon as the voice fell, several of his men immediately took out a large red carpet

from the empty dog cage beside them, and a few people laid the red carpet from the

hallway of the kennel in an orderly manner and spread it all the way into Walter’s single

dog. The cage was spread directly on the side of Walter’s bed.

Another person directly brought Orvel a red suit jacket. Orvel immediately became the

emcee of the scene and said with a serious and emotional expression: “Today, it is Mr.

Steve Hogwitz’s great day of reunion with his dog son Walter, father and son, on this

good day of universal celebration, let us witness the historical moment of the father and

son reunion!”

After finishing talking, a little brother hurriedly held a bunch of flowers, stuffed it into

Steve’s arms, and threatened in a low voice: “Hold tight, if you dare to drop a flower, I

will discount your legs!”

Chapter 2497

Steve naturally didn’t dare to be negligent, so he could only hug the flowers tightly in

his arms.

At this time, Orvel pointed to the entrance of the dog cage and said to Steve: “Next, Mr.

Steve, please send flowers to your dog son Walter! Everyone applaud!”

His little brothers immediately clapped enthusiastically.

Steve’s expression was extremely ugly, but he dared not say a word of dissatisfaction.

Seeing that he was still chirping, Orvel couldn’t help but cursed, “What are you rubbing

against? Do you want me to give you another bed next to your son’s?”

Steve shivered with fright, and then he hurriedly hugged the flowers and walked into the

entrance of the iron cage with difficulty.

Steve, who only wore a pair of pants, was already frozen like a popsicle at this moment,

so he walked up like a zombie with limited mobility.

When he stepped onto the red carpet and staggered to Walter’s bed, Orvel immediately

stepped forward and said, “Next, please Mr. Steve give flowers to dog son Walter!”

After that, he explained to Steve: “Don’t let go of your hand when presenting flowers

later. You two should hold the flowers at the same time, face our brother with the

camera and let them take a photo of you two. How can you not record such a ritual


Steve has the heart to die. His son is lying on the bed like this. He doesn’t know what’s

wrong with him, but now he can only play with him at the request of Orvel, which is

extremely insulting. game……

At this time, Walter was in a painful mess in his heart.

If he had known that things would develop into a ghost like today, and would killed him,

he would not dare to think anything about Doris.

But now it is too late to say anything.

Steve had no choice but to hand the flowers to his son, while his hand was still holding

the other side of the flowers.

The father and son looked at the camera together.

Several younger brothers held hand-drawn fireworks, crackling and snapping, colorful

sequins fell one after another, and the father and son were covered from heads to


At this time, with a flash, a photo full of black humor was taken.

Orvel said loudly at this time: “The welcome ceremony of Mr. Steve and his son’s

reunion is coming to an end here, everyone applaud!”

All the younger brothers applauded, and Orvel smiled and asked Charlie, “Master Wade,

are you satisfied?”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “It’s a good job, it’s interesting.”

Orvel hurriedly clasped his fists and said respectfully, “Thank you for the praise, Master.

If there is another time, I will do it more grandly!”

Charlie looked at Shoude, who was frightened and silly, and asked, “Mr. Su, do you think

we are very particular about our hospitality?”

Shoude paled with fright, and wailed in his heart: “This is what the fuk is called dainty?

You fuking call it dainty? You’re a devil!”

However, he didn’t dare to say that, he could only follow Charlie’s meaning and nodded

again and again: “Impressive…Impressive…Master Wade is really particular about doing


Charlie snorted and said, “If your son is in my hands another day, I will definitely

perform such a ceremony for both of you. It will definitely be more solemn than this.”

Shoude said in horror, “Wade… Master Wade, my son is an honest child…”

Charlie said coldly: “Just attack you, your daddy who is so bad and his son is not much


Shoude suddenly looked ashamed and did not dare to speak any more.

Chapter 2498

Charlie ignored him, looked at Steve, and said, “Steve, do you know why I caught your

son here?”

Steve blinked red and shook his head.

Charlie looked at Walter and said coldly: “Come on, Walter, tell your father about your

glorious history.”

“I…” Walter suddenly didn’t know what to do.

Charlie said coldly: “Hurry up!”

Seeing Charlie’s anger, Walter shuddered at once, and hurriedly said, “I speak, I’ll just


Immediately, he looked at Steve and choked up: “Dad, it’s all my fault, it’s my fault…”

As he said, he coveted Doris’s beauty, and at the same time, he peeped into the Aurous

Hill industry of the Emgrand Group, in order to achieve the goal of killing two birds with

one stone, the whole process of poisoning Doris’s father.

After Steve heard this, his whole person was almost collapsed.

At this moment, he knew that his son, who was seemingly well-behaved and sensible

with unlimited potential, turned out to be a s*um in his bones.

It was precisely because of his own son’s inferior behavior that ruined his own future

and ruined himself by the way.

His heart was filled with resentment, and a slap was slapped on Walter’s face, and he

roared: “You b@stard! You not only ruined yourself, you ruined me!”

Walter cried and said, “Dad…I’m sorry…I…I didn’t want things to develop like this…”

As he said, he looked at Charlie and choked up: “Mr. Wade, you have been wronged,

and I have the debt. I will bear my own responsibility. Please let my father leave here

and return to the United States.”

Charlie couldn’t help laughing: “Walter, do you really treat me as a three-year-old child?

I will let your dad go back now. If he goes back to move the rescuer and come to rescue

you, wouldn’t it cause me trouble?”

After that, Charlie said again: “Furthermore, I told you before, since you can drag Doris’s

father into the water, then I can learn how to drag your father into the water, starting

now, Your dad will stay here for ten years, he will take care of you and at the same time

make atonement for you!”

Walter looked at Steve in tears, crying and said, “Dad, I’m sorry…”

Steve also shed tears.

He really didn’t expect to come to China, and he would completely ruin his future and

even the freedom of life.

Charlie pointed to the empty cage next door and said to Shoude: “Mr. Su, this is the

single room you will live in in the future. If you feel lonely, the son next door can be your

company. After a while, I’ll find an opportunity to bring your dad over, so that you two

father and son can make a table of Mahjong.”

Shoude felt a chill in his heart when he heard this.

“Charlie forced me to record so many videos. If this were really exposed, the old man

would definitely hate me. If he really brought the old man over, it would be so

embarrassing to see the father and son in a cage. awkward……”

“Moreover, if Charlie really got the old man in, wouldn’t it be my eldest brother?!”

“At that time, my father and I will live in a dog cage here, and he will inherit the position

of Su Family Patriarch outside. Then he will become a serf and sing and become the final


Thinking of this, Shoude felt so uncomfortable.

Originally, he felt that if his eldest brother Zynn was forced away, he would become the

heir of the Patriarch.

Seeing that he’s done, he didn’t expect to come to a small place like Aurous Hill to end

up like this…

Just when his whole person was in great pain, Charlie suddenly remembered something

and asked, “Hey, Mr. Su, when we first met in the hotel room, what did you voice say

that you want to beat someone?”

Chapter 2499

Shoude didn’t expect that Charlie would be interested in matters of his private life.

He comes from a big family and pays great attention to his private life. So when Charlie

asked about this, he was a little nervous subconsciously and he didn’t dare to respond.

Charlie couldn’t help frowning, and asked him: “Why? Don’t you want to say?”

Seeing Charlie’s dissatisfaction, Shoude hurriedly shook his head and said, “No, no, I am

willing to say, I am willing to say…”

Immediately, he said five to ten: “That woman is… it’s Zeena…”

“Zeena?” Charlie asked in surprise, “Is that Zeena, who is known as the jade girl in film

and television circles?”

“Yes…” Shoude nodded nervously, “It’s her…”

Charlie couldn’t help sighing: “Oh, I really didn’t expect that the icy and jade lady Zeena

mentioned in the news media turned out to be your lover… My wife still recognizes her

very much and keeps saying she is one of the benchmarks in the entertainment industry,

saying that she is very clean and self-conscious, never gossip about trivial matters, and

never even takes kiss scenes with other male stars? It seems that most of the people in

this circle are unknown of the other side.”

Shoude nodded awkwardly and said falteringly: “She…she doesn’t kiss the scene

because I don’t let her pick it up… I told her before that she must not be with others.

Men’s intimate contact, even acting is not good…”

Charlie smacked his lips and said, “Tsk tsk…If the people of the whole country know that

the goddess in their minds will be crushed by your ugly, old, and fat middle-aged fat pig

at night. I don’t know. How sad.”

Shoude’s expression was very depressed, and his face was red and black. It was obvious

that Charlie’s words hurt his self-esteem.

However, even if his self-esteem was hurt, he dared not say anything in front of Charlie,

so he could only nod in embarrassment, and said, “Yes, yes, what Mr. Wade said…”

Charlie sneered and asked him, “Is this Zeena always in Aurous Hill, or did she come

from another place to meet you?”

Shoude hurriedly said, “She came from another place…Actually, she was filming recently.

My father suddenly asked me to come to Aurous Hill, so I asked her to come and

accompany me…”

Charlie smiled and said, “Seeing that you are quite old, but I didn’t expect you to have a

lot of energy.”

Shoude said embarrassingly, “No, no…it won’t work if you get older…”

Charlie smiled and said lightly: “Okay, it’s not too early, you can take a good rest here,

you won’t have a bed warmer like Zeena’s female celebrities in the future, so you have

to adapt to life in a kennel as soon as possible. , When the time is right, I will send your

father over, so that you father and son will reunite.”

Shoude lowered his head deeply, not daring to answer.

Charlie looked at Steve next door and said lightly: “Take good care of your son here.”

Steve nodded again and again: “I know Mr. Wade…”

Charlie didn’t say much, and said to Issac, “Send me back.”

“OK, master!”

Orvel sent Charlie and Issac out of the kennel. While only Issac was there, he said to

Charlie: “Master, aunt, it’s time tonight, do you think you should let her go?”

Charlie frowned: “It’s time?”

“Here.” Orvel said hurriedly, “This time aunt performed very well. There was no noise or


“Yeah.” Charlie nodded and said: “Then let her go quickly, tell your little brother, open

the door, she can go anytime she wants to leave.”

Orvel hurriedly said, “OK, master, I’ll make a call and make arrangements!”

Charlie patted him on the shoulder and exhorted: “The kennel is a big deal here, so you

must show it to me. Don’t let anyone with unknown origins approach the kennel, and it

must be guarded against any intrusions. The little brother may leak secrets to the

outside world!”

Orvel said firmly: “Master, don’t worry, I have arranged all the kennels here. Everyone

working here is my confidant, and during this time, I have asked them not to live 24

hours a day. If they leave the kennel, they are not allowed to have any contact with the

outside world. All management is closed, and there will be no leaks.”

Chapter 2500

Charlie sighed and said, “The Su family’s energy is very strong. Although they didn’t

have any industry and connections in Aurous Hill before, once they thought about it,

they could immediately turn Aurous Hill upside down. Maybe the whole Aurous Hill

would be turned over tomorrow. There may be at least dozens of helicopters flying back

and forth in the sky, searching for clues. You have to pay attention.”

Orvel nodded and said seriously, “Master, don’t worry, I will go all out!”

“Okay.” Charlie said with a smile: “I can rest assured that you do things, so let’s go, I’ll go



Leaving kennel, Charlie returned to the city in a Rolls Royce driven by Issac.

Because Shoude and Steve had just been brought to the kennel, the Su family must be

looking for clues all over Aurous Hill, so Charlie didn’t take the helicopter back.

It is too late now. If the helicopter at night is not covered by fireworks, the movement

must be very loud and it must be very noticeable.

Therefore, it is safer to take a car, at least not to give the Su family any clues.

On the way back, Issac drove while asking Charlie: “Master, when do you plan to send

the video?”

Charlie said, “I’ll post it in the middle of the night! I’ll go back and edit the video, and

then process my voice, and then I can send it out.”

Issac hurriedly asked: “Then are you going to post it on the short video platform?”

“Yes!” Charlie nodded and said, “The overall strength of the Su family is still very strong.

If I post on other platforms, it is likely that they will be sent to the publicist immediately,

but if I post on the family’s own On the short video platform, there is such a great

opportunity to step on the Su family. The Wade family definitely can’t miss it. Therefore,

they will definitely not delete the video.”

Issac smiled and said: “If you really post the video on the Wade family’s short video

platform, not only will the family not delete it, but I am afraid that they will do

everything possible to promote crazy…”

Charlie smiled and said, “That would be better.”


When Charlie returned home, Claire was still busy in the study.

Before Charlie left for Aurous Hill International Hotel, she had been busy with the

company’s business, and now she came back, she has not finished her work.

He gently pushed open the door of the study room, Claire was adjusting the design

manuscript in front of the computer.

Charlie looked at his wife’s back, feeling a little distressed in his heart.

“I knew that my wife would be so desperate for the cooperation of the Emgrand Group.

Actually, it is better not to give her this project…”

“It’s just that I didn’t turn my head back when I opened the bow. My wife attaches so

much importance to this cooperation. If I the director asked to stop the cooperation

now, she will definitely be hit hard.”

Thinking of this, he lightly sighed and closed the door again without disturbing Claire.

Back in the room, Charlie put water for himself and soaked in the bathtub, while holding

the mobile phone in his hand, using simple video editing software, he began to process

some of the footage shot today.

The main material is two parts.

Part of it is in the tunnel, shooting the part of Stuart;

The other part was in the kennel, where Shoude was filmed.

These two parts not only clearly stated the fact that it was Elder Su who instructed to kill

Liona, but also threw Zhiyu’s pot on his elder son’s head.

Charlie knew very well that as long as he sent out the edited video, the reputation of the

Su family would be devastated!

Chengfeng will also become the most despised old dog by the people of the whole



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