Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2301 to 2400 Charlie Wade Story

 Chapter 2301


Zhiyu heard that Grandpa told her not to look anymore, and asked incomprehensibly: “Grandpa, why?”

Elijah said vaguely: “It won‟t be any good for you to keep looking, so it‟s better to just forget it.”

Zhiyu frowned and said very persistently: “Grandpa, what I‟m looking for is my savior and brother. He saved our lives! So I will look for him anyway, even if I can‟t find him , I will not give up either!”

Elijah was a little anxious, and said solemnly: “It‟s not whether you can find him or whether you cannot find him! This is a question of your own future safety!”

Zhiyu asked suspiciously: “My future is safe? What does this have to do with my future?”

Elijah said seriously: “Master Qinghua said, you are in conflict with his fate, and his fate is much harder and higher than yours, so it‟s nothing if you don‟t find him. Once you find him, it‟s like a moth. Fight the fire, you are the one who is injured in the end!”

Zhiyu immediately retorted: “Grandpa, I don‟t mean anything to target your old man, but I think what Master Qinghua said is pure nonsense!”

As she said, she continued without hesitation: “My benefactor saved my life. If it is true that Master Qinghua said, I am a moth and he is a raging fire, then why did I not burned to death by him, instead he saved me? I see Master Qinghua just talking about it!”

Elijah sighed and said, “Hey! How can you change the fate? It‟s true that he saved you, but that was before! Master Qinghua counted for you, it is the future!”

Zhiyu retorted without hesitation: “I don‟t care about what will not come in the future. I only know that he saved my life. I want to find him and thank him face to face. It‟s as simple as that, even if I and him are really dead. It doesn‟t matter if you conflict, the big deal is that I will return this life to him.”

Elijah rarely reprimanded: “Little girl! Don‟t talk nonsense here! What Master Qinghua said is not a joke, you must listen!”

Zhiyu shook her head and said firmly: “These are all pseudo-scientific feudal superstitions, I don‟t listen!”

Liona said with a serious face: “Little girl, the gossip of the Book of Changes is the supreme wisdom of the ancestors. It is by no means a feudal superstition. Moreover, Master Qinghua is the most famous FengShui master in the world. Yes!”

After all, Liona also said very solemnly: “In my opinion, you don‟t want to keep looking anymore, stop here!”

Zhiyu was anxious and said with red eyes: “Mom. Why do you believe in these things?

You are also a graduate of a prestigious university anyway, you should believe in science!”

Liona said very seriously: “Little girl, how do you know that Yijing gossip is not science?”

Zhiyu blurted out: “It‟s all a bunch of feudal superstitions. What kind of science is there?

If there is a basis, why not tell me directly, where can I find my benefactor? He just told me about the fate. I don‟t want to believe in such things!”

Liona solemnly said: “The Book of Changes and Gossip are a set of philosophies that the ancients derived after years of observing, studying, and summarizing the universe, all things, the stars and the sea. It can even be said to be science!”

“Have you ever thought about why the Maya could accurately calculate every solar eclipse in the 21st century more than 3,000 years ago?”

Chapter 2302

“What‟s even more powerful is that the calendar they calculated is almost exactly the same as the legislation calculated by modern science. The error is even as small as every five thousand years, only one day away. Do you think this is also feudal superstition?”

Zhiyu suddenly didn‟t know how to refute it, so she could only make a strong statement: “There is no actual basis for this kind of thing, and I will definitely not believe it anyway!”

Liona sighed at this time and said in a serious tone: “When our generation was young, we had a relatively objective understanding of Eastern and Western culture. We never blindly believed that the West is better or the East is better, but Look at problems with an objective and dialectical perspective, but with your generation of children born in the 90s and even after the zeros, Western culture has begun to take full control.”

“You believe in science and the Internet, but you don‟t believe in the essence of your ancestors for thousands of years, and gradually put the set of things left by your ancestors into the category of old feudal superstitions. This in itself is a kind of ignorance. Embodiment!”

Zhiyu retorted with some dissatisfaction: “According to the old ancestors, does everything have a so-called fate? Is it that what I eat today and where I go are all destined for a long time?”

Liona said seriously: “You think that everything in the world has no fate, and everything is my fate, but I can‟t help it, but have you ever thought about it, as small as a gravel, as large as the entire universe, are using own set of rules to continue. The more you look at the operation of the world, the more it‟s fate is unchangeable!”

Zhiyu immediately asked: “Mom, tell me, what is the lifespan of a gravel? It may stay in the desert, become a member of thousands of gravel, or sink into the river, or be carried into the sea by the river. , It is more likely to be made into a piece of glass by humans and mixed into a piece of concrete by humans. Does the fate count for every gravel?” 

Liona shook her head and said: “I just said that fate should be viewed from a macro perspective, and must not be considered from a micro perspective.”

“If you use a microscopic perspective, you will feel that the gravel is very small and not worth mentioning. There are so many gravel in the world, and it is impossible to plan a different destiny for each gravel.”

“But do you know how many stars are like the sun in the universe?”

Zhiyu looked blank.

Liona said earnestly: “Little girl, if you look at it from a microscopic view, you always feel that the gravel is too small to be worth mentioning, but if you look at it from a macroscopic view, you will find that even if the entire earth, in the entire universe, it is just like gravel. , Not even as good as a gravel.”

After all, Liona continued: “Don‟t you young people like to talk about science? Then I can tell you that there are about two trillion galaxies in the observable range and educated speculation range in the universe. You can hear clearly, It‟s two trillion!”

“And every galaxy has at least hundreds of billions or even trillions of stars. The sun is just one of the hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way. In the entire galaxy, the sun is so ordinary that it cannot be extraordinary. In the entire universe, the sun Not as good as a gravel on the earth.”

“The stars in the universe like the sun add up more than the gravel on the earth, but you think there is too much gravel, so a small gravel is not worthy of life. Then I ask you, one is more A star that is a hundred times larger than the earth is just a cosmic gravel in the universe. Is it worthy of life?”

Liona‟s words made Zhiyu as if struck by lightning, and he couldn‟t say a word.

She had never used such a perspective to understand the whole world. She just tried to think about the entire macro universe in her mind, and she immediately felt her insignificance and ignorance.

If the sun is just the gravel in the universe, then the earth can only be counted as a cosmic dust.

If human beings are so small that they need to live in cosmic dust, then what are human beings?

How much of the so-called science that humans can detect in this cosmic dust can represent everything in the world, the universe?

Chapter 2303

Seeing that Zhiyu no longer spoke to refute, Liona sighed and said in a very serious

voice: “Zhiyu, you have to know that all stars in more than two trillion galaxies have their

own set of laws of operation. , Let alone the lives of billions of people?”

After all, she folded her hands together and said sincerely: “I used to go to temples to burn incense and worship Buddha. Both of you and your father thought I was a feudal superstition, but it has long been said in Buddhism that one world is one sand!

“Even if it‟s just a gravel, its interior is infinite!”

“In comparison, a galaxy is just a grain of sand in the universe, but it also contains another vast world.”

“The Book of Changes is to tell people a truth, everything in the universe, from the dust to the stars, everything has its own laws, you can not understand its OK, but you can not blaspheme, understand?”

Zhiyu hurriedly nodded, and said softly and obediently: “Mom, I understand, I‟m sorry, I was really too shallow before, I don‟t understand traditional gossip, nor do I understand the number of fattened stuff…

Liona smiled slightly and said: “Everything in the world has rules. As long as you find its

rules, you can see its past, present and future.”

“It‟s as if the ancients learned the laws behind the celestial phenomena, so they began

to gradually master the ability to predict the weather;

“It‟s like astronomers now have mastered the laws of the sun and the moon, so they can

accurately predict every solar eclipse and lunar eclipse in the future, and even calculate

every solar eclipse and eclipse thousands of years ago.”

“The essence of the Book of Changes is to summarize the laws between the world and

all things and human beings.”

“Once you master this law, you can see one thing, a person‟s past, present, and future.”

“Since Master Qinghua advises you not to look anymore, then you should be honest and

obedient and stop searching anymore. Both you and your brother are my life. Last time

you had an accident in Japan, I almost had a heart attack. So in the future, I cannot

accept that any accidents happen to you again.”

Zhiyu asked subconsciously: “Mom…do you think Master Qinghua is wrong?”

As she said, she hurriedly explained: “I am not suspicious. I just think this kind of thing is

like doing a math problem. A little mistake will result in a big deviation. Thousands of


Liona shook her head and said earnestly: “The earth revolves around the sun. It takes a

year to revolve, but there is never any deviation. And the solar system revolves around

the center of the entire Milky Way, and it takes 250 million years to revolve. , There will

still be no deviation, this is the rigor of the law!”

“The laws of the Book of Changes are as precise as astronomy, and Master Qinghua is

the most profound master in the study of the Book of Changes. With him there can be

no mistakes!”

“Since he said you are like moths fighting the fire, then you have to stay away from the

fire honestly, as far as possible! If you are disobedient and insist on finding him, then I

will let your dad send you abroad!”

As he said, Liona said again: “Anyway, Harvard Business School will start in August, and

there is still half a year left. If you are not obedient, go there soon!”

“I Don‟t!” Zhiyu hurriedly blurted out: “You are now letting me go to the United States

by myself. When I go there, the school will not open, the dormitory will not open, and I

will be unfamiliar with the place. It is not convenient to do anything… …”

Liona said seriously: “There is no inconvenience. Your dad bought a villa near Harvard

University last year. After you go there, you can live there. There are housekeepers,

servants, and assistants. Convenient, if it doesn‟t work, I can accompany you.”

Zhiyu heard this and hurriedly begged: “Mom, I don‟t want to go to the United States

now… Then I will listen to you, can‟t you find it if you don‟t?”

When she said this, Zhiyu was deeply unwilling…

“In my heart, naturally there are 10,000 reasons and I am unwilling to give up looking for

the savior…”

Chapter 2304

“However, my mother is so absolute now. From what I know about her, although she is

usually very soft, once she makes a decision, there is basically no room for mediation…”

“So, if I still blindly find my benefactor, my mother will definitely send me to the United

States as she said…”

“At that time, when I am in the United States, thousands of miles away from China, it will

be even more impossible to find my benefactor…”

“So, I can only lie first to hold my mother… and then secretly continue to look for him…”

Liona didn‟t know what her daughter was thinking at this time. Hearing that she was

indeed willing to give up searching, she was relieved.

So she looked at Zhifei and said seriously: “Zhifei, you are called by this name because

you want to know right from wrong and distinguish right from wrong. Your sister‟s stake

in this matter, mom has just told you. It‟s very clear, so for the sake of her life, you must

keep in mind that you must never find someone for her secretly. Do you understand?”

As soon as Zhifei heard this, he immediately stated: “Mom, don‟t worry, I am a person

who has always been in awe of our traditional culture. Since the master has said so, then

I will definitely not help Zhiyu!”

Zhifei said the truth.

Now some young people, because they have accepted the impact of Western culture,

they blindly criticize the traditional culture.

Among them, the worst attacked is traditional medicine.

Zhifei was in an angry youth, and he was somewhat biased towards traditional medicine.

He always felt that this medicine lacked scientific basis and clinical experiments.

But when he was nineteen years old, he once had a low-grade fever that lasted for more

than a month. In the hospital, he did all the tests that he could do, and basically tried all

the antibiotics, but nothing happened no effect.

Finally, in desperation, he accompanied his family to visit a famous doctor. After the

famous doctor diagnosed him, he said that he was invaded by wet evil. He gave him

acupuncture on the spot and decocted him with a pair of medicine.

Since then, Zhifei has understood that everything can always exist, there must be its


Traditional medicine has been developed along with civilization for five thousand years.

The wisdom contained in it has actually been denied by him as a kid?

Therefore, since then, he has become more awed by traditional culture.

The same goes for the talk of the Book of Changes.

Zhiyu felt even more desperate when he heard this.

She knew that if her elder brother couldn‟t help her, then she would really lose all the

help. In this case, would she still have a chance to find her benefactor?

Ever since she was rescued in Japan, she would think of Charlie countless times every

day, and remember all the details of her rescue.

It can be said that Charlie has been deeply rooted in her.

So, even if it was really moths fighting the fire, deep down, she didn‟t want to stop.

At this time, Liona looked at Zhiyu, and said in a tone that could not be refuted: “Zhiyu,

Mom wants to stay in Aurous Hill for a while. During this time, you will stay with me in

Aurous Hill, so you don‟t have to go anywhere!”

Chapter 2305

Liona really wanted to live in Aurous Hill for a while.

Not only because she missed Changying Wade, but also because she really liked this

warm and humid riverside ancient city.

In addition, she was also thinking about the old house that Changying once rented.

She wants to stay in Aurous Hill, buy the house, and renovate it again.

If there is nothing special in the future, she is even willing to settle in Aurous Hill.

Liona finally got married to Zynn because she saw her beloved man marry another

woman and lost confidence and expectation in the relationship.

But after getting married, she and Zynn only have family affection and no love.

As Zynn‟s betrayal of her came to light, her affection for Zynn almost disappeared.

So, but she hasn‟t divorced Zynn yet, but she has made a decision in her heart that she

will no longer force herself on other people.

From this moment on, she even wanted to live according to her own ideas.

Settling in Aurous Hill is the first step.

Zhiyu heard that her mother had let herself stay in Aurous Hill, so she was naturally

unwilling in her heart.

She thought to herself: “Whether it is the Su family or the Du family, the main sphere of

influence is in Eastcliff. Only in Eastcliff can I have the opportunity to mobilize more

resources to help me find my benefactor.”

“However, if I stay with my mother in Aurous Hill, I won‟t have any resources to


“Moreover, my mother is so strongly opposed to me looking for him, and I will be under

her nose in the future, and there is no chance to find him…”

Thinking of this, Zhiyu was extremely depressed, so she didn‟t immediately respond to

her mother‟s words.

Seeing that her expression was full of hesitation and unwillingness, Liona couldn‟t help

but frown, and asked, “What? what do you mean, are you not ready to agree?”

Zhiyu hurriedly said: “No mother, I actually want to stay with you in Aurous Hill, but to

be honest, I‟m afraid that my life in Aurous Hill will be unaccustomed after a long time…”

Liona nodded and asked: “Just tell me, why are you not used to it?”

Zhiyu shook her fingers and said, “Look, the winter in Eastcliff is always dry, but Aurous

Hill is very humid…”

Liona said immediately: “It doesn‟t matter, then let someone install the best central

dehumidification system in your room, and then we can check the weather conditions in

Eastcliff in real time. What is the air humidity in Eastcliff? Make sure that the air humidity

in your room is matched, if the air humidity in Eastcliff is 10%, then keep your room at

10%, which is definitely not worse than a percentage point!”

Zhiyu got big for a while, and hurriedly said: “Not only the air humidity, but also the

living habits. I‟m not too accustomed to eating here…”

Liona waved her hand and said, “It doesn‟t matter, Mom will assign you a chef from

Eastcliff. When you are at home, don‟t you like the food made by the chef at home? It

just so happens that your dad is also going to Australia now, and the chef is at home.

I‟m still idle, I will let him come over tomorrow, oh no, let him come over today, so that

you can eat familiar meals from tomorrow morning.”

Zhiyu said embarrassingly: “Um…Mom…I can stay here to accompany you, but my

brother still has to go back. You called the chef to Aurous Hill, my brother. What should

he do after he goes back?”

Before Liona could speak, Zhifei immediately stated his position very firmly: “It‟s okay!

I‟m okay! The big deal is that I will eat out every day. Anyway, I will be a bachelor to

solve it, and the whole family will not be hungry if one person is full!”

Chapter 2306

After that, Zhifei said again: “Oh yes, I will not leave Aurous Hill for the time being. Miss

Gu‟s concert is about to begin. I want to stay in Aurous Hill to make preparations for the

concert and wait until the concert is over. only then I‟ll go.”

Zhiyu didn‟t expect that her elder brother would really just fall into trouble at this time!

She glared at Zhifei angrily, and then said to Liona: “Mom, I didn‟t bring enough clothes

with me this time, and the daily necessities I usually use. If I stay in Aurous Hill for three

or five days. It‟s fair enough. If stay is dragged for a long time, it will be very


Liona said indifferently: “It‟s simple. The aunts in the family are also free. I will ask them

to pack all your personal items and bring them together.”

After speaking, Liona said again: “If you have any dissatisfaction, you can tell mom that

Mom will help you solve it all. If you feel that the layout and decoration of the room are

not satisfactory, it doesn‟t matter. Mom can put your room the way you want it. All the

decoration and furniture in the house will be taken down and shipped by air, and then

restored to the original shape. Do you have any other questions? If you have other

questions, as long as you raise them, Mom will solve them for you.”

Zhiyu is really helpless.

Unexpectedly, mother is so decisive that she would not give herself any chance at all.

So, she nodded her head very aggrievedly, and said helplessly: “Okay mom, I see, I have

no other questions, everything will be done as you said…”

Liona relaxed, smiled slightly, and said, “You, don‟t always think about looking for the

benefactor every day. Stay with your mother in Aurous Hill. After you start school, if

there is nothing wrong with your mother, go to the United States I‟d accompany you,

when you finish doing MBA, then we‟ll come back.”

Zhiyu knew that Mom was guarding her everywhere, not allowing her a chance to

continue searching for the benefactor secretly.

So, she nodded helplessly, and said: “Okay, I will listen to you…”

Liona finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought to herself: “As long as I keep Zhiyu in Aurous Hill and keep a close eye on

her at the same time, she shouldn‟t run into the man who is in conflict with her life!”

“In this case, after these few months, after she goes to the United States to study, the

hope of finding that person is even slimmer!”

“Perhaps after a while, she will slowly forget about it…”

However, Liona underestimated Zhiyu‟s determination.

Moreover, although Zhiyu has a very different personality from Liona, she has the same

persistence and stubbornness as Liona in her bones.

Liona loved Changying for many years. Although Changying refused her many times,

she never gave up, and no one persuaded her to be useful.

Zhiyu wanted to find Charlie, even if everyone blocked her, she still insisted.

Liona never dreamed that what Zhiyu always wanted to find was the young man riding

an electric bicycle that she met at the gate of Changying‟s former residence today.

The Tomson‟s where the young man lives now is only 35 kilometers away from them in a

straight line.

She didn‟t even know. She thought that by keeping Zhiyu in Aurous Hill, it was Zhiyu‟s

fate like a moth‟s to fight the fire.

This decision of her happened to leave Zhiyu around the fire…

Chapter 2307

When Zhiyu temporarily hid her inner impulse and decided to stay in Aurous Hill, Wendy

was still busy in Shangmei etiquette company.

At this time, it was evening, and Wendy officially took over the Shangmei etiquette

company this afternoon.

In order not to disappoint Charlie, she immediately took afternoon to carefully count all

the accounts of Shangmei etiquette company since its establishment.

She first listed the list of all the etiquette ladies who were cheated by Shangmei

etiquette company, and then evaluated their losses based on the records of their

participation in the activities, and then calculated the total amount of compensation to

be paid.

Afterwards, she contacted all the etiquette ladies who had worked together, and asked

them to return to the company for a meeting. At the same time, she also asked people

to help, and found all the etiquette ladies who had resigned and were forced to go to

ktv by the former boss Benjamin to come back.

At dinner time, the entire Shangmei etiquette company has been surrounded by the

ladies of etiquette.

At present, there are more than one hundred courtesy ladies working in Shangmei

Courtesy Company.

In addition to those who ran away, redeemed their lives, and were forced to go to KTV,

now there are nearly 300 people who have squeezed into the company building.

Most of these ladies of manners are between 18 and 25 years old. Few are over 25. One

cannot say that everyone is beautiful, but most of them are relatively good-looking.

Moreover, the height of these ceremonial ladies is at least 1.65 meters tall, and each

body is well-proportioned. Compared with most professions, the overall external

conditions are relatively high.

Nearly three hundred young and beautiful girls, put together are like three hundred

super-large sparrows, chattering non-stop.

They were all informed that the Shangmei etiquette company has changed

management and ownership and asked them to come over to settle all accounts, but

they did not understand why Benjamin with so profitable state of the company, would

suddenly leave it.

In addition, they also want to know how the company asks them to come back and

settle the bill.

Especially those who have been away from the company for a period of time are even

more surprised. They don‟t dare to hope that the company can make up all the money

owed to them before.

Seeing so many people, Wendy was also a little nervous.

Although she had never run a company, she had seen some of the world in the Willson

Group at first, and she was better than the girls present.

So she calmed her mind and said into the microphone: “You guys, please be quiet, we

are going to have a meeting now.”

Everyone gradually calmed down, staring at Wendy one by one, waiting for her to follow


Wendy cleared her throat and said seriously: “First of all, I have to announce to you that

all the shares of Shangmei etiquette company have been transferred to my name. What

I have in my hand is the confirmation of the changes made by the business department

You can circulate the copy, and you can also go to the industrial and commercial

website to check the current industrial and commercial registration information of the

etiquette company to see if the shareholder above has been changed from Benjamin to


The few girls sitting in the front row of the conference room immediately took the

copied documents and circulated them. Many people directly took out their mobile

phones and inquired about the business registration information.

From this look, everyone immediately understood that Wendy had become the boss of

Shangmei etiquette company!

People who didn‟t know Wendy began to wonder where this girl came from, and could

become the new owner of Shangmei etiquette company.

Those girls who have worked with Wendy are even more puzzled.

They don‟t understand why Benjamin, who cannibalized people without spitting out

bones, would transfer the company to Wendy.

Chapter 2308

Seeing that everyone had received this message, Wendy continued: “I call everyone here

today. There are a few things to announce to you.”

“The first thing is that Benjamin and Mia have paid back part of the money they have

cheated on everyone for so long!”

As soon as this was said, there was an uproar at the scene!

A girl blurted out and asked: “What?! Benjamin and Mia paid back the money?! Really?

Really? These two weeks of peeling, they will return the money?! How is this possible?!”

Wendy said seriously: “This is indeed true. The two of them have been sent by my

brother-in-law to KTV to make money for atonement because of their wickedness.

Benjamin is working at the premises. It is estimated that he will start to work tonight. If

you have an acquaintance working there, you can call to ask.”

Several courtesy ladies hurriedly took out their mobile phones at the scene. Some chose

to send text messages while others chose to make a call.

Soon, a girl exclaimed: “Damn! Benjamin and Mia, two bastards, actually went to work at

KTV! This is too much relief!”

“Yes, yes, one of my sisters also told me, it‟s definitely the two of them!”

A girl who knew Wendy hurriedly asked: “Wendy, what is your brother-in-law‟s

background? How come you have such a great skill that even Benjamin can move?”

“My brother-in-law…” Wendy groaned, and brought her involuntarily, and said

somewhat admiringly: “My brother-in-law is a hero!”

All the girls present have been bullied and squeezed by Benjamin.

It can be said that he hated him long ago.

Therefore, after hearing the news, they cheered and applauded for a while.

Wendy waited for everyone‟s applause to finally stop before she said, “The second thing

is the distribution of this money.”

“Benjamin and Mia returned a total of about 4 million. Except for the 500,000 reserved

for the company‟s subsequent operating funds, the remaining 3.5 million will be

returned to everyone present.”

When everyone heard this, they were shocked and dumbfounded!

They really didn‟t expect that the first thing Wendy took over the company was to return

a huge sum of 3.5 million to them…

Wendy continued to say at this time: “I have calculated the specific refund ratio. Of

course, this amount of money is not enough to make up for all the losses of everyone,

but it can still bring you some compensation. Show the compensation list and the

corresponding amount. If you have no problems, after signing and confirming, our

finance will pay you immediately.”

After speaking, Wendy said again: “To be honest, we have already withdrawn 3.5 million

cash from our bank account this afternoon.”

Afterwards, Wendy winked at Finance not far away, and immediately afterwards, Finance

went to the next office to call in a few powerful men.

Each of these brawny men held a huge suitcase in their hands, and then they spread the suitcase on the conference table on the podium, revealing bundles of red banknotes inside.

Nearly 300 girls immediately yelled in excitement, and some even yelled: “Long live Wendy!”

Immediately afterwards, thunderous applause broke out again.

At this moment, Wendy has won the favor and support of the girls on the scene, and

has successfully taken the first step to take over the Shangmei etiquette company…

Chapter 2309

Surrounded by thunderous applause, Wendy was also a little embarrassed. She settled

her mind and continued: “The third thing is that our Shangmei etiquette company will

continue to operate in a brand-new model. The operation idea is like this…”

There were nearly three hundred girls in the audience, and they all looked forward to

her next content at this moment.

Wendy said seriously: “First of all, Shangmei Etiquette Company will continue to provide

etiquette services for major enterprises, institutions and self-employed individuals in

Aurous Hill as before. We are all girls, and we all have almost the same experience, so

everyone counts. We are sisters. If the sisters want to continue to engage in this

industry, I hope you can choose to continue to cooperate with Shangmei;”

“Secondly, I solemnly promise to the sisters that if you choose to continue to cooperate

with us, we will never squeeze the sisters‟ labor and the corresponding results of labor

as before!”

“Next, we will adopt an open and transparent pure sharing model to cooperate with the


“The specific terms of cooperation are: the company is responsible for the overall

arrangement of work for the sisters, and at the same time openly and transparently

share the commission with the sisters. For each commission for attending an event, the

company only takes 20% as operating funds, and the remaining 80% is given to


When they heard that an individual could get 80% of the commission, the girls in the

audience cheered excitedly!

In the industry, there is no company that can give such a large percentage of

commission share!

The normal mode of cooperation is usually five to five. People like Benjamin generally

only give 20% to 30% to the lady of etiquette. Not only does the score are small, but it

also threatens and lures the lady of etiquette to sign the deed. Once the deed is signed ,

Miss Etiquette can only get about 10% at most.

In contrast, the ratio given by Wendy is simply the conscience of the industry!

In fact, Wendy herself feels that this share ratio is simply too high, so high that after the

company deducts operating costs, financial costs, and support line labor costs, the

remaining profit margin is very thin, and even 5% may not be guaranteed.

However, she felt that she could not live up to Charlie‟s expectations of her.

If she was also reduced to someone like Benjamin, thinking about squeezing employees,

then Charlie would definitely be disappointed.

Therefore, she made such a bold decision.

At the same time, she also had a belief in her heart that supported her.

“As long as I do it well, do it carefully, and make a monument, then there will be more

and more courtesy ladies under Shangmei‟s company, and more and more activities will

be undertaken. Although the profit margin is reduced a lot, once I put the whole cake

Bigger, then the company‟s profits are still going to be very, very impressive.”

“For the most direct analogy, if you make 10 million a year, the profit rate is 20%. Then

the profit is 2 million. However, if you can make 100 million a year, the profit rate is only

5%, and the net profit is five Million!”

“So, I must not be blindfolded, I must take a longer-term view! I must use more salary

sharing to attract these girls to cooperate with me wholeheartedly, and at the same time

attract more other girls to join Shangmei Company!”

“My first goal is to make Shangmei the largest etiquette company in Aurous Hill!”

“I must go all out to achieve this goal and let my brother-in-law treat me with


At this time, the girls in the audience were completely attracted by Wendy‟s words!

The company is transparent, the division is high, and Wendy is willing to use the money

Benjamin eats out to compensate everyone. This also makes everyone trust her very


Therefore, almost every girl made a decision deep in her heart.

At this time, Wendy continued: “The company currently has 500,000 operating funds in

the company‟s account. I have ordered three 13-seater commercial vehicles to be used

as free shuttle buses for company employees.”

After that, she said with some shame: “However, because the funds are currently limited,

most of the funds have been used to compensate the sisters, so we can only buy three

cars now…”

“If we have more employees in the future, even if the three cars run back and forth, they

may not be able to meet the needs of many people…”

Chapter 2310

“In that case, when we start working, some employees may not be able to enjoy the

shuttle service…”

“Our shuttle bus will give priority to providing services to employees who are far away,

early or late.”

“But I will promise to my sisters that after the company makes money in the future, we

will continue to buy more buses!”

“Ultimately, we will set up a fleet of our own. We will ensure that every event and every

sister will be picked up and sent by car no matter it is cold or hot, windy or rainy!”

Speaking of this, thunderous applause rang out again!

Many girls have red eyes with excitement!

They choose to be ceremonial ladies because they don‟t have a good survival method.

Moreover, their family conditions are not very good.

Every day they wake up in the dark and make so much hard money in the wind and rain,

and will be bullied wherever they go.

Being bullied by the boss in the company; going out to pick up activities, but also being

bullied by Party A.

In short, almost no one respected them and no one thinks about them.

However, Wendy‟s words deeply touched their hearts and made them feel warm, loved

and cared for for the first time!

So, someone immediately stood up and said excitedly: “Sister Wendy, I will do it with

you in the future!”

“Yes, Sister Wendy, I will follow you in the future!”

“I graduated from high school and started working as a courtesy lady to help my family

pay off debts. I have been doing it for six years. I have seen all the ups and downs, but I

haven‟t tasted any sweetness. What sister Wendy said just now made me feel sweet It‟s

sizzling, so count me!”

“Yes! No company has ever treated us as human beings. Now Sister Wendy treats us as

sisters. Why can we hesitate? I will join as well!”

With these people‟s heartfelt statements, everyone on the scene was ignited!

All of them are scrambling to express their opinions and firmly choose to join!

Wendy couldn‟t hide her excitement and said: “Okay! Then let‟s first ask for the

intentions of sisters. If you are interested, please raise your hands if you are interested in

continuing to work in Shangmei etiquette company!”

In an instant, the audience swish swish, and raised three or four hundred hands!

The reason why there are so many hands is that many girls raised their hands high in

excitement because they were too excited!

Wendy took a look and found that there was hardly anyone who didn‟t raise their hands,

and everyone raised their hands high, with full of excitement and anticipation on their


On their faces, there is no hesitation, no entanglement, no half-push, and some are all

excited and pious.

It can be seen that each of them has a heartfelt desire to join this brand-new Shangmei

etiquette company!

Chapter 2311

With the support of all the etiquette ladies, Wendy successfully took the first step to

take over the Shangmei etiquette company.

She had been busy at the company until very late before she managed to catch the last

bus, dragged her exhausted body, and returned home.

Since Wendy went out to work, the Willson family barely need to go hungry. They have

some rice at home. They dare not say that they can let the old lady Willson, and Harold

eat vegetables and meat, at least they are hungry. Being able to steam a pot of white

rice satisfies hunger.

When Wendy returned home, Mrs. Willson had just finished serving the two to eat some

white rice. She made half a bowl of rice with boiling water, sprinkled some salt into it,

and ate it alone.

Seeing Wendy‟s return, she couldn‟t help complaining a little: “Wendy, why did you

come back so late today? I was at home to serve your father and your brother, and you

are so tired that you would not come home early and help me. “

Wendy said a little apologetically, “I‟m sorry, grandma, the company has a lot of

business, so it took a little longer…”

The old lady Willson said dissatisfied: “Isn‟t it just being a lady of etiquette? When it‟s

over, you come back with the money, how can it be so late?”

Harold lying on the bed couldn‟t help but say: “Yes, Wendy, I especially want to eat a

bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge today. I also said that when you make

money earlier, I will buy half a catty of pork as well. As for the preserved eggs, I have

been waiting until now…”

Brother, who was lying next to Harold, sighed, and said, “Wendy, Dad has always had

cramps these past two days, and it hurts as soon as he pumps up, and he has not gotten

better for a while. The calcium deficiency is severe, can you think of a way to buy a box

of calcium tablets for Dad?”

Seeing the pitiful appearance of her father and brother, Wendy felt very distressed. She

wanted to tell them all of her experience today and let them know that Charlie gave her

a good opportunity to manage a company and pays her a monthly salary of 10,000.

However, when she thought of Charlie‟s condition, she resisted the impulse, suppressed

the matter, and said: “Dad, brother, you two will stick to it, the company will adjust for

me. Let me be a manager. I can earn 10,000 a month in salary. I will ask the finance

company tomorrow to advance half a month‟s salary. Then I will definitely improve our

family‟s living conditions.”

Brother asked in surprise: “Wendy, what you said is true?! Are you really a manager in

the company?!”

Harold also hurriedly asked: “Wendy, is it really 10,000 a month?!”

Wendy nodded and said seriously: “It‟s really 10,000 a month.”

With that said, she took out the latest Apple mobile phone that Charlie bought for her,

and said gratefully: “The boss sees that I don‟t have a mobile phone and it‟s affecting my

work, so he gave me one especially…”

“Oh, God!” Harold became excited, and blurted out: “Sister! You are going to get up to

speed! More than 10,000, mobile phones, your boss will give it away, he is too


The old lady Willson who was on the side also burst into tears with excitement. She

choked up and said: “If Wendy can really get 10,000 a month, that day will be more than

300. With so much money, our family‟s life will be too much better!”

With that said, Mrs. Willson calculated: “The current pork is only 20 a catty, ordinary rice

is about three a catty, our family of four, one catty of pork, two catties of rice a day, buy

some more Vegetables and other things, at most 70 or 80 for food, buy a few bottles of

milk every day to supplement calcium, 100 is enough, Jacob and Harold can also take a

little medicine to speed up recovery, one day Even if you spend another one hundred

dollars, there will still be one hundred balances!”

Chapter 2312

Harold burst into tears: “Grandma, I can finally eat some meat every day…”

“Yes…” Mrs. Willson sighed, and then said: “When you and your dad recover, you will

both find a job. I dare not expect to make a lot of money, but you two, one Earning five

or six thousand a month is always more than enough. When the time comes, our family

will have an income of fifteen thousand and six in a month. On that day, everything will

be more than enough!”

Wendy felt melancholy when she heard this.

She thought to herself: “The former Willson family didn‟t dare to say that they were

wealthy, but at least they had tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of assets…”

“At that time, the family had to eat tens of thousands of dollars or more for a month.”

“But everyone was not satisfied at that time. They always felt that life was not good

enough. They tried everything possible to climb the dragon and the phoenix, ask for


“Now, after experiencing so many things, the family‟s requirements for life have also

fallen steeply.”

“It was not enough to eat well before, but now, as long as you can eat one good meal a

day and save little savings every day, in the eyes of the family, it is already a good day to


“Although it feels sad to think of it, it‟s really ironic…”

When thinking of this, Charlie appeared in Wendy‟s mind, and she thought: “It‟s still

Charlie who is the most practical. Even in the poorest days, he could live on the ground.

When he becomes the upper class in Aurous Hill, the admiring Master Charlie, he can

live with Claire without forgetting his original aspirations steadfastly…”

At this point, she took out her phone and quietly added Charlie‟s WeChat.

Charlie had just eaten at this time, and Qin Gang‟s call was displayed on the mobile

interface. After connecting, he respectfully said: “Master Charlie, Aoxue told me, you

asked me to have a dinner at home to entertain everyone. I don‟t know when will it be

convenient for you?”

Charlie said, “It‟s already Thursday today, so we‟ll tentatively schedule Friday night. What

do you think?”

Qin Gang said respectfully: “There is no problem with that time. Everything depends on

Master Charlie‟s convenience.”

Charlie snorted and said, “Then set it to Friday night. You can invite everyone.”

Qin Gang hurriedly said, “Master Charlie, I will tell you the number of people, and see if

you are satisfied with it.”

“It is good.”

Qin Gang then started to name the people he thought Charlie would like to have on the

dinner table.

Chapter 2313

Charlie said: “Remember to invite Doris, the vice-chairman of Emgrand Group.”

Qin Gang said immediately: “Okay Master Charlie, I will call Vice Doris a few moments


Charlie said: “Then I‟d trouble you to arrange it for me.”

Qin Gang immediately reverently said: “Master Charlie, there is no need for formality

between you and me. If you have anything, please don‟t hesitate.”

Charlie snorted and said with a smile: “I will come by a few hours in advance, give Aoxue

some guidance, and give you a small gift by the way.”

Qin Gang‟s excited voice trembled when he heard this. He realized that Charlie might be

sending him a spring pill. With uncontrollable excitement, he blurted out: “Master

Charlie! Thank you so much!”

Charlie smiled slightly: “You are polite, see you tomorrow.”

“Okay Master Charlie, see you tomorrow!”

Charlie hung up Qin Gang‟s voice call and suddenly saw a new friend in the WeChat

address book.

He clicked on it and found that it was Wendy who had sent a friend request, so he

clicked to pass the verification.

Immediately afterward, Wendy sent a sentence: “Brother-in-law, I have settled the

accounts on the company side. There are almost 300 courtesy ladies who are willing to

cooperate with the company and will report to you especially!”

Charlie was also a little surprised by the number of people, thinking that Wendy should

have done a good job, so he replied: “Very good, keep up the work.”

Wendy hurriedly said: “OK brother-in-law, I will definitely go all out!”

Immediately afterward, another sentence was sent: “Brother-in-law, I have something to

request to you…”

Charlie asked: “Just tell me.”

Wendy said, “Brother-in-law, there are more places to spend money at home. I need half

a month‟s salary in advance, can I?”

Charlie knew that she must have some difficulties, so he readily agreed and replied: “No

problem, just say hello to the finance.”

Wendy immediately sent a grateful expression, saying: “Thank you, brother-in-law!”

Chapter 2314

Charlie didn‟t have many thoughts about Wendy.

Originally, he was just looking at her sincerely regretful attitude, wanted to help her a

little, give her some money, and let her deal with her situation.

But after discovering that she was being bullied, and also discovering that Benjamin and

Mia were bullying too much, Charlie had more or fewer thoughts of eliminating harm

for the people.

Therefore, he smoothly handed Benjamin‟s Shangmei etiquette company to Wendy to


However, Charlie was still a little wary and careful about Wendy in his heart, so he gave

Wendy a rule that although she had to manage the entire company, she could only get

a monthly salary of 10,000.

The reason for this is to limit her income and rights and let her do things peacefully,

instead of disappearing all of a sudden with the whole money.

Wendy didn‟t think so much. Charlie was able to help her to the present level. She was

very satisfied deep in her heart. All she thought about right now was to work hard and

do a good job in Shangmei etiquette.

Adhering to the idea that more is worse than less, Charlie did not tell his wife Claire this


Moreover, Claire was indeed too busy recently. After eating, she ran to the study to

continue working without daring to delay at all.

Claire has now begun to prepare for the renovation and bidding of the six-star hotel of

the Emgrand Group. She is in a period of rising career, and she is also surprisingly

ambitious. In her words, she now especially hopes to share some burden and give

support to Charlie.

Seeing that his wife was off work, and had to work overtime, he felt a little distressed.

So he washed some fruits and brought them upstairs to the study.

In the study, Claire was immersed in the computer at the desk drawing a design.

Seeing her attentive, Charlie was afraid that his sudden appearance would scare her, so

he coughed lightly and attracted Claire‟s attention.

“Ahem, Claire.”

Claire heard the voice, looked back at Charlie, and smiled: “Husband, why are you here?”

Charlie walked to the front, put the fruit on the desk, and said, “I washed some fruit for

you, you need to eat more. You work in front of the computer for so long every day,

there will be more radiation. Eat more fruit to supplement vitamins. This can reduce

radiation hazards.”

Claire smiled sweetly and said, “Thank you, husband!”

After finishing speaking, she picked up the largest and reddest strawberry from the fruit

bowl. She didn‟t eat it, but she stuffed it directly into Charlie‟s mouth, and said with a

smile, “Husband, eat this!”

Charlie smiled and said: “I have eaten already, you can eat it yourself, don‟t worry about


Claire pretended to be angry and pouted, “If you don‟t eat, then I won‟t eat either.”

After speaking, she murmured angrily: “You don‟t even eat when someone brings it to

your mouth. This is too sad…”

Upon hearing this, Charlie hurriedly opened his mouth and swallowed both the

strawberry and Claire‟s two fingers into his mouth. Not only that but also deliberately

used a little force to bite her fingers.

Chapter 2315

“Oh!” Claire exclaimed, and then realized that Charlie had attacked her. She hurriedly

pretended to be frightened and said: “Ah! I kindly fed the puppy, but I got bitten by the

puppy! “

Charlie opened his mouth while eating strawberries, he said vaguely: “Okay, if your

husband is a puppy, then what are you?”

Claire snorted proudly and said, “I am feeding the puppy, and of course I am the owner

of the puppy!”

Charlie smiled and said, “If I were a puppy, then you would be the bone in my mouth.”

Claire smiled and said, “How can you compare people to bones like this…”

Charlie said earnestly: “Don‟t you know that the puppy is the most protective of the

food? A bone is in the mouth, and the sky will not loosen when the sky falls. If anyone

dares to snatch it, it must fight hard!”

Seeing Charlie‟s seriousness, Claire was very moved, and couldn‟t help but said shyly: “If

this is the case, then I will reluctantly be a bone, let you hold on to it!”

Charlie laughed and said, “Don‟t just talk, eat some fruit first.”

Claire nodded, picked up two more strawberries, first stuffed one into Charlie‟s mouth,

and then she put the second one in his mouth, and took a bite.

Charlie looked at her computer screen and found that a very large prototype of the

design had been constructed in the design software. He couldn‟t help but ask her: “My

wife, you have to do the design of such a big project by yourself? “

Claire said: “Not really. What I am doing now is a sketch, because there is no need to

make a very detailed design plan when bidding. The main purpose is to reflect a general


“When we wait for the bid, we need to give this design plan and a more detailed

decoration budget quotation from the past, but my studio now has relatively few staff.

For such a large project, everyone has to move on, so I am responsible for drawing,

others focus on integrating suppliers of various materials and actuarial project costs.

This amount of engineering is really huge. At least hundreds of suppliers have to be

connected to thousands of single products.”

Charlie nodded and said distressedly: “Don‟t be too tired. Pay attention to the

combination of work and rest.”

Claire smiled and said: “Don‟t worry, just these few days, after finishing these few days,

package and submit the entire bidding documents, and then wait for the internal review

of Emgrand Group. If it passes, I will quickly expand the recruiting team.”

After that, Claire said seriously: “If my project is completed, then you won‟t have to work

so hard in the future and make money alone to support the family.”

“Our family‟s overall expenses are very high now, and the villa property costs are more

than 100,000 a year, let alone other things.”

“Most of the profits made by my studio before have been invested in expansion, and I

have never been able to subsidize the family and cannot share it for you, so this time I

have to strive to win this project and make some contributions to the family!”

Charlie knows Claire‟s character very well. She never cared about money, and she didn‟t

have any requirements for food, clothing, housing, and transportation. The reason why

she wants to start a business and make money now is ultimately for her family.

So he said softly from the bottom of his heart: “My wife, thank you!”

Claire said seriously: “I want to thank you. For so long, you have been supporting us at

home. My parents and I are depending on you…”

Charlie hurriedly said: “What are you talking about? It is only right for your husband to

make money to support the family. For the first three years of marriage, I didn‟t make a

penny, so I did laundry and cook at home. You never disliked me. I now bear more.

That‟s nothing.”

Claire smiled and said sincerely, “The most important thing is that we can always

understand and tolerate each other like this. It is more meaningful than making money.

Just like before, although you didn‟t make a penny, you always did housework. You‟re

well organized and take care of me in all aspects. This is more important than making


Chapter 2316

What Charlie is most grateful to Claire for is that she has never disliked his apparent

origin during these years of marriage.

After all, a person who‟s parents died at the age of eight, grew up in an orphanage, only

has a high school diploma recognized by the state, and had nothing, almost penniless.

Put it anywhere, it is definitely not a quality marriage from any angle.

However, she, the number one beauty in Aurous Hill, married him without complaint,

and they are married for four years.

In the past four years, countless people have persuaded her to divorce him, and she has

not wavered even once.

From this alone, Charlie was very grateful to her in his heart.

During the recent period, Charlie also wanted to find an opportunity to confess his life

experience to Claire, but he was a little hesitant when he thought of the fact that his

parents hadn‟t reported their grievances or even the cause of their parents‟ death could

not be ascertained.

Now, all he can find out is an anti-Wade alliance.

When his parents were still in Eastcliff, the Anti-Wade Alliance did a lot of things against

them, but in his childhood memory, his parents decided to leave the Wade family not

because of the Anti-Wade Alliance, but because of his father Changying Wade. He had a

big quarrel with his grandfather Zhongquan Wade about something.

After that quarrel, the parents decided to leave the Wade family and the family of three

had to come to Aurous Hill to live an ordinary life.

But soon after coming to Aurous Hill, his parents died unexpectedly.

However, Charlie has always firmly believed that the death of his parents was by no

means an accident and that there must be a murderer motive behind this.

It‟s just that he now has no clue as to who killed his parents.

First of all, he didn‟t know whether the Wade family was an enemy or a friend;

Secondly, he didn‟t know what role the Su family played in this matter;

Once again, he remembered that Leon said that his father had offended the Rothschild

family that dominated Europe and the United States at the time, so he is not sure

whether the Rothschild killed his parents.

There are wolves in the front, tigers in the back, and a fierce behemoth on the other side

of the ocean. Although Charlie has some strength now, he still feels like walking on thin


The Wade Family, what is known, what is hidden, what is tucked away, all assets add up

to at least trillions;

The Su family not only has more assets than the Wade family, but the overall strength is

stronger than that of the Wade family. Although it has suffered a serious setback

recently, it still cannot be underestimated.

Trillions sound like a fantasy, but in fact, looking at the world, trillions of family assets

are nothing at all.

On the global ranking of the richest people, the number one is Amazon founder Jeff

Bezos, whose personal assets are equivalent to more than one trillion.

Moreover, this is only to be seen. No rich man will publish all his assets. What is

published is often just the tip of the iceberg.

As for the giant-like Rothschild family, it can already be called a wealthy country in itself.

Chapter 2317

There have been countless rumors about the Rothschild family in Europe and North

America for a century.

Some people say that they dominate half of Europe, some say that more than half of

Europe, and even half of the United States is under their control.

They are almost everywhere in Europe and the United States. The most profitable bank

is theirs, the most profitable oil refinery is also theirs, the largest shipping group is still

theirs, and even the largest military-industrial enterprise is theirs.

The railway transportation that promoted the industrial revolution in Europe and the

United States was also under the control of this family. As for precious minerals such as

gold and diamonds, are their traditional strengths.

A rough estimate is that the entire family‟s assets are at least several trillion dollars.

In other words, a Rothschild has more than ten times the assets of the Wade family.

What‟s more frightening is that Rothschild, as an old Jewish family, has a great influence

in European and American politics. The big men on Wall Street are almost all Jews.

Almost all the lifeblood of America is in their hands. , Such a family can even promote a

war between nations behind the scenes!

In front of these families, Charlie‟s current assets and strengths are not worth


If at this time, his identity is leaked, it‟s hard to know what kind of storm it will cause.

Under such circumstances, Charlie really did not dare to confide in Claire.

He felt that at least she had to wait for him to figure out the cause of his parents‟ death,

figure out whether the Wade family was an enemy or a friend, figure out whether they

had a deep hatred with the Rothschild family.

Claire didn‟t know what the husband next to her was thinking about at this time. While

eating fruit, she said with a look of longing, “Husband, if I can win this project, you won‟t

have so much pressure in the future. Up.”

Charlie said seriously: “I don‟t have any pressure. It‟s very easy to make money, so you

don‟t need to have any pressure. If this project is too tiring, then don‟t participate in the

bidding. It is so tiring to prepare for bidding. If you really win this project, I‟m afraid it

will be even more tiring.”

Claire smiled and said: “If it‟s tiring, so be it. You can‟t refuse to develop because you are

afraid of being tired. If the company can become bigger and stronger, I can divide a lot

of work in the future and concentrate on management. In fact, It‟s not too tiring either.

The most tiring is the studio model. As the boss and the employee, I have to do

everything myself.”

Charlie nodded in agreement: “This is indeed the case. The most feared thing is that the

two identities get mixed together.”

Claire smiled slightly and said, “Okay, you don‟t have to feel sorry for me. I will continue

to work here. You can go back to the bedroom and rest first.”

Charlie said: “Then, wife, get busy, I won‟t bother you, remember to call me if you need



At the same time, the excited Qin Gang was calling the people Charlie wanted to invite

one by one.

Most of these people are his old acquaintances and old friends, so they are very easy to

contact. They call each other and tell everyone about the matter. Everyone is excited.

Charlie had only given medicine on a large scale once.

At that time, everyone received his favor and got a magic medicine.

Chapter 2318

This time, Charlie wanted to give the medicine again, and they were naturally full of joy.

Tailai Li, who was in Haizhou, heard that Charlie was going to treat him, and even

immediately asked Zhao Hao, his friend at the Charlie Welfare Institute, to drive him to

Aurous Hill overnight.

Tailai also owns a lot of real estate in Aurous Hill, so he plans to stay in Aurous Hill

overnight, so as not to delay his schedule tomorrow in case of an emergency.

The main reason why he values it so much is because this opportunity is too rare in his


The only person who has not received Qin Gang‟s notification is Doris of the Emgrand


It was not that Qin Gang had forgotten her, mainly because Qin Gang did not have

Doris‟s contact information.

Before Charlie took over the Emgrand Group, Doris had always been the vice-chairman

of the Emgrand Group.

She is not the eldest lady of a big family, nor is she a rich and powerful second

generation, she is completely a very capable career woman who can climb up on her


Therefore, she basically doesn‟t mix with the so-called high society like Aurous Hill.

Like Issac, Solomon, Qin Gang, and Warnia, although she knew each other, she had

never been familiar with them.

And people like Issac and Solomon had already formed a small circle around Charlie by

their side.

People in this small circle all have a very good relationship with Charlie, and they know

Charlie‟s abilities, so they regard Charlie as a standard and treat him respectfully.

So Qin Gang called Charlie and respectfully said: “Master Charlie, I have already notified

everyone. Time is ok, but only Doris, this person has been very low-key, and I have never

had her contact information. Do you think it is not convenient for you to give me her

phone number?”

Charlie said: “Forget it, let me call her directly.”

After hanging up Qin Gang‟s phone, Charlie called Doris.

As soon as the phone was connected, Doris asked respectfully on the other end:

“Chairman, what do you want?”

Charlie couldn‟t help but frown slightly. Normally, Doris would call him Young Master in

private. Now it‟s off work time, why did she call him chairman? Is it not convenient for

her to speak now?

Thinking of this, Charlie also said very politely: “Deputy Doris, I want to ask if you have

time tomorrow night? I have dinner and I want to invite you to come over.”

Doris hesitated for a moment, and said a little apologetically: “Chairman, I‟m really sorry,

I can‟t confirm the time yet, can I reply to you tomorrow?”

Charlie was puzzled, and asked, “Deputy, have you encountered anything?”

Doris said unnaturally: “There is nothing like that chairman, but I have some guests to

entertain, so…”

Charlie smiled slightly and said: “Okay, let‟s call again tomorrow. It doesn‟t matter if it is

inconvenient for you, we can make another appointment at another time.”

Chapter 2319

At this moment, the inpatient department of Aurous Hill People‟s Hospital.

As the best general hospital in Aurous Hill and even the whole province, it is

overcrowded at any time.

No matter which department, the beds are not available.

Not only is there a lot of people living here, but many patients also line up at home

waiting for hospital beds for treatment.

In the intensive care unit of the Department of Nephrology, there is a man lying

unconscious and full of tubes on the bed. He is about 50 years old.

On the side of the hospital bed, there was also a middle-aged woman of the same age.

The outside of the intensive care room is a small living room and family rest area. After

all, it is the intensive care room with the best conditions. The internal layout is very

similar to a hotel suite.

At this moment, two young men, one man, and one woman were standing in the

meeting room.

The woman is Doris, the vice-chairman of the Emgrand Group, and across from her is a

blond white man with a hooked nose.

As soon as Doris hung up Charlie‟s phone, the man with a hooked nose spoke to Doris

with a not-so-standard Mandarin and said to her with a smile: “Doris, I think my uncle‟s

condition will not be delayed for too long, The law also expressly prohibits the sale of

organs. Now no one but I can find a suitable match for uncle.”

Doris looked at him and pleaded bitterly: “Walter, I beg you to help me set up a line for

the sake of classmates. How much money is needed for the kidney source you contact in

the United States? As your referral fee, okay?”

The man called Walter sneered: “Doris, you don‟t think that I have worked so hard to

make you a difference, right?”

As he said, he said very seriously: “Doris, in fact, I liked you very much when I was a

classmate, but at that time, I was not financially independent and did not take over

family affairs. My family did not allow me to find a foreign woman. I dare not pursue you

under their noses…”

Speaking of this, he laughed and said triumphantly: “Hahaha, but now I am married and

I have just been sent to China to take charge of China‟s business, they can no longer

control me!”

“Furthermore, the family is determined to enter the new market this time. I may stay in

China for at least ten years…”

Doris frowned and asked him, “Walter, what are you trying to say?”

Walter covered his chest, pretending to be heartbroken, and said: “Doris, if I can‟t get

you in the next ten years, I should be very lonely…”

Doris said coldly: “Walter! For the sake of our past relationship as classmates, I beg you

to show respect!”

Walter smiled frivolously and said, “Sorry, I just like to go straight!”

Chapter 2320

“Doris, as long as you are willing to leave the Emgrand Group, join my company, and be

my vice chairman and lover, then I will immediately let someone use my private jet to

send you the kidney source. You promised me today, uncle can get a new kidney

tomorrow, what do you think?”

“You are shameless!” Doris gritted her teeth and said angrily: “Walter, what is the

difference between you and a selfish animal?! And you are already married and have

children. Is your this act worthy of your wife and children?”

Walter curled his lips and said nonchalantly: “For people like me, marriage is only to

fulfill the mission of the family. I will marry whoever the family asks me to marry. As long

as I marry the woman they want me to marry, they won‟t interfere in my private life.”

After that, he smiled indifferently: “As for children, it doesn‟t matter. They are still young.

When they grow up, I will make them realize that money is more important than

anything. Then, they can understand who I am now.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Walter remembered something and hurriedly said: “Oh

yes, if you become my lover, you may also get pregnant. After all, I don‟t like any

contraceptive measures. Besides, I always thought of a child of mixed blood, it‟s a pity

that the family tradition has always demanded a pure bloodline, which is really


At this point, Walter laughed and said triumphantly: “But, if they are illegitimate children

and don‟t involve inheriting the family property, they will just open one eye and close

the other eye and won‟t pursue too much.”

Doris roared angrily: “Walter, I really didn‟t expect you to be such a shameless beast!”

Walter laughed and said: “Come on Doris, everyone is grown up, shame is a shit? Look

at those people who are full of benevolence and morality every day, who is not a fullbellied male thief and pr0st!tutes?”

“If you follow me, come to work in my company, and use the real estate experience you

have accumulated in the Emgrand Group and the confidential information in the

Emgrand Group to help me expand the Chinese market, then I will give you twice the

amount of the Emgrand Group Salary package with an extra five million in bonus every


“In this way, your annual income is ten to twenty million!”

“If you can help me secretly hollow out the Emgrand Group‟s industry and let me annex

the Emgrand Group at a price of less than 50 billion, then I will give you 100 million at

that time!”

“There is even better. When the time comes, our two offices will only be separated by a

wall, and then we can quietly open up the two rooms, make a secret door, and make a

set of cabinets outside the secret door.”

“In this way, I can sneak into your office at any time during working hours and spend

time with you. What a perfect thing? Aren‟t you moved?”

Doris stepped back, walked around Walter, walked to the door of the room, and opened

the door, angrily said: “Walter, I don‟t want to see you, please get out of here!!!”

Walter sneered: “Doris, you let me roll, I can roll anytime, but your father, it seems that

he can‟t hold on for too long, so I advise you to consider my conditions.”

Doris gritted her teeth and said, “I won‟t think about it! Don‟t daydream here! Get out,

or I will call the police now!”

Walter spread his hands, curled his lips, and said, “Ok, ok, don‟t be so excited. Although

your father‟s condition is very serious, you should still have one month to think about it.

I have been to Aurous Hill recently. If you figure it out, You can contact me at any time!”

After finishing talking, he tidied the collar of his suit, blinked provocatively at Doris, and

smiled: “My dear, then I‟ll leave.”

Chapter 2321

Doris watched him leaving, her whole body shivering in anger, tears burst into her eyes


Two years ago, Doris‟s father had severe nephritis. Because he had Rh-negative blood, it

has been difficult to find a suitable kidney source.

At that time, Doris did the matching by herself but failed to match it.

Later, it was also lucky. The relatives in her family found a successful match in Southeast

Asia, and the other party was also willing to donate for a fee.

Later, Doris spent one million to solve the kidney problem for her father.

She thought that after finding the source of the kidneys, as long as she took good care

of him, he could extend his father‟s life cycle for at least 20 to 30 years.

But she never dreamed that after only two years, severe rejection occurred in the kidney

of her father‟s transplantation, and the kidney function dropped sharply.

He was fine before the New Year, and after the New Year, they were admitted to the

hospital because of acute kidney failure.

Doctors can‟t find out the cause of kidney failure, and this kind of failure is completely

irreversible. The only way is to find a new source of kidney and perform another

transplant as soon as possible.

In a hurry, Doris raised the price to five million, but even if the money was high, she still

couldn‟t find a suitable kidney source in a short time.

Walter, a classmate of Doris when she was studying abroad, found about this from

nowhere, and then he was very enthusiastic to help her contact the kidney source from

the American black market.

Walter came over today to tell Doris that the source of the kidney had been found, and

that was a donor, a very young and strong guy.

But before Doris was happy about this news, Walter immediately revealed himself and

made a series of extremely excessive demands.

Thinking of this, Doris was extremely depressed.

She also knew that it was almost impossible to find a suitable kidney source in such a

short period of time…

At this moment, she couldn‟t help but think of the scene when she attended Warnia‟s

birthday party.

Charlie took out a rejuvenating pill at the time and was bought by Tailai at a sky-high

price of 2 billion. It is said that that pill not only cures all diseases but also turns decay

into a miracle life.

It‟s a pity that the price of 2 billion is definitely not something that Doris can get…

Although her income is not low, she has always been a senior worker after all, and all

her net worth is less than 100 million. How can she expect to be able to afford a 2 billion


Chapter 2322

At this time, the inner door was gently pushed open.

The middle-aged woman came out and asked her, “Doris, has Walter gone?”

This woman is Doris‟s mother, Lethina Sun.

Doris hurriedly wiped away her tears, turned to look at the woman, nodded, and said:

“Yes, mom, he‟s gone.”

After speaking, she hurriedly asked, “Mom, how is Dad?”

Lethina sighed: “It‟s still like that, He‟s not awake.”

As she said, she saw Doris just crying, so she hurried forward and asked concerned:

“Doris, why are you crying? What did Walter tell you? Didn‟t he say that he has helped

your father find the kidney source? What‟s next?”

Doris sighed and said in a low voice: “The source of the kidney has been found, but what

he meant was that I should work for him, and at the same time be his lover…”

“What?!” Lethina suddenly widened her eyes and blurted out: “This…isn‟t this person

your old classmate? How could he be so shameless?!”

Doris said helplessly: “I didn‟t expect that he would become like this a few years after


Lethina hurriedly said: “Can we give him more money? If the kidney source is 2 million,

we will give him 4 million, or 6 million, as long as he can help find the kidney source and

ensure that your dad can get it in time. Even if we smash the pot and sell iron, we are

still willing!”

Doris shook her head and said seriously: “This Walter‟s father is a relatively well-known

real estate tycoon in the United States. His family strength is very strong, and his assets

are worth tens of billions of dollars. How can he be worthy of our money… ….”

Lethina cried all of a sudden, and said helplessly, “What should we do…Your father‟s Rhnegative blood, originally only one in hundreds of thousands of panda blood, wanted to

follow him It is very rare for people of the same blood type. It is even more difficult to

find someone with the same blood type as him, with a successful organ match, and the

other party is willing to donate, that‟s another condition…”

As she said, she sighed and cried, “The doctor said… the doctor said that your father‟s

current condition can last up to three months. If we can‟t find the source of the kidney,

then they can‟t save him!”

Doris nodded with a pained expression, and said, “Mom, don‟t cry, give me some time

to find the source…”

Lethina couldn‟t hide her anxiety and sobbed: “The doctor said, your father‟s physical condition can wait up to 20 days. If the kidney source cannot be resolved in 20 days, even if you find the kidney source, his physical condition won‟t allow him to receive surgery…”

Doris nodded and said seriously: “Mom, don‟t worry, I will try my best to figure out a solution…”

Lethina nodded slightly, her whole body was crying.

Doris whispered at this moment: “Mom, stay here for a while, and I will go out to breathe some fresh air.”

“Okay, you can go…”

Doris came out of the ward and went directly to the courtyard below the inpatient department of the hospital.

It was already night and the weather was relatively cold, and there were few people in the yard.

Chapter 2223

She took out a pack of ladies cigarettes from her pocket, took one out and put it in her mouth, and then took out a lighter, and pressed it a few times anxiously, then the flame was shot out and the smoke was lit.

Against the flames, her face was very ugly.

The cigarette was ignited, and Doris‟s lips lightly bit the cigarette butt and took a hard sip. The surroundings were quiet, and even the peculiar sound of tobacco being lit could be heard clearly.

Doris rarely smokes and doesn‟t like to smoke, but because she has been very hard at work, she is often over-tired and over-upset. At this time, smoking a cigarette can bring her some relief.

Smoke erupted from her delicate nose, feeling the stimulation of nicotine in her brain, Doris involuntarily shed two lines of tears.

In her mind, her mother‟s words repeated.

The window period for my father to get an organ transplant is only 20 days.

If no suitable kidney source is found in these twenty days, the father‟s physical function will enter the end of the decline.

In that case, his body will be so weak that it can‟t even support the surgical anesthetic drugs, let alone undergoing a major organ transplant operation…

This situation is much like some elderly patients with terminal cancer.

In summary: the body is very weak and the condition is very serious.

surgery? The body can‟t hold it;

Chemotherapy? The body can‟t hold it either.

In the end, there is no alternative but palliative care.

To put it bluntly, it means to give up treatment and use painkillers instead to help patients relieve their pain in the last stage of life.

Doris‟s father was only in his fifties. For Doris, she couldn‟t accept the death of her father at such a young age.

However, the chance of trying to save her father at the moment is so slim that it makes people desperate.

The cigarette burned out, she unconsciously lit another one, and in her mind, she remembered Walter‟s words again.

At the same time, a multiple-choice question popped out subconsciously in her heart.

There are two options for this multiple-choice question.

Option a: promise Walter, change her father‟s chance to survive; Option b: Reject Walter and watch Dad pass away.

Chapter 2324

Doris‟s heart was extremely painful because this was the cruelest multiple-choice question she faced in her life for more than 20 years.


At the same time, Walter was sitting in a Rolls-Royce, just driving away from the People‟s Hospital.

Walter‟s full name is Walter Horowitz, an American, and his family is also a well-known real estate developer in the United States.

He had been classmates with Doris in the early years and had always had a good impression of Doris.

But because Walter was still under his family‟s nose at the time, he didn‟t dare to pursue an Asian woman grandiosely.

However, the current Walter and the student Walter have different attitudes.

He now has sufficient resources and initiative in the family, and now he has made his business in China and has begun to enter China‟s real estate field, so he immediately began to release himself from the clutches of the family.

The first thing to release himself for is to reconquer Doris, an old classmate.

This is not only because he has always thought about Doris.

More importantly, Doris has made great contributions to the Emgrand Group in recent years, and her abilities have been highly recognized by the entire real estate field.

She is not only capable but also very familiar with the China Real Estate industry.

For a new American entrepreneur like Walter, if she can be used, it will not only be an excellent help but will also save many detours.

In addition, Doris also has a great value, that is, she knows all the confidential information of the Emgrand Group.

The real estate industry seems to be building and selling buildings. It does not develop any high-tech technologies or produce sophisticated equipment. It does not seem to have too much technical content or too much confidential information. 

But in fact, the real estate industry has more confidential information than most industries!

Because they are very close to the relevant departments, large real estate companies often master the direction of urban planning and development to a certain extent.

For example, a certain piece of land may be planned for development in the future, and a certain area may cover rail transit in the future. These are all confidential information worth 10,000 gold carats.

In addition, every piece of land and every project must be tendered. The base of this tender is the absolute core secret. Once leaked, it will bring huge losses to the company.

Therefore, Walter‟s wishful thinking is to be able to put Doris in his bag and then digest the confidential information of the Emgrand Group she holds.

Then, the Emgrand Group will be hollowed out in a targeted and step-by-step manner, and finally, seize the entire Aurous Hill market.

At this moment, Walter looked at Doris‟s photo on the phone with a playful look, and said something in his mouth: “Doris, this time, I must completely and thoroughly conquer you!”

Chapter 2325

The next day, Charlie went out and bought a few red sandalwood jewelry boxes, which were used to store the pill to be given to everyone at night.

After all, it is a life-saving medicine in the eyes of everyone, and it has to be matched with decent packaging.

On the way home after buying the jewelry box, Charlie received a call from Issac.

As soon as the phone was connected, Issac was very excited and said: “Master! The case of illegal fund-raising by the old house owner was sentenced this morning!”

“Oh?” Charlie asked hurriedly: “So?”

Issac hurriedly said: “That man is sentenced to life imprisonment, and all his assets were confiscated to repay the defendant‟s arrears. So now all assets in his name will enter the judicial auction process, including your constant concern Old house.”

“Very good!” Charlie immediately asked: “Issac, help me put my name on it, I want to participate!”

Issac said: “Master, rest assured, I have already signed up as a driver of mine. After all, you and your parents used to live in that house. If your name appears in the list of bidders again, I am afraid there will be someone who can figure out your identity, so can make a claim. Please don‟t rush it!”

Charlie said with emotion: “I didn‟t think about this. Then take your driver‟s name to participate in the auction. In any case, you have to take a photo of the house.”

Issac smiled and said, “Master, don‟t worry, that old house has long been listed as a protected building that is prohibited from demolition. It has almost no circulation value, so the starting price is only 880,000. I don‟t think anyone will follow you. Even if they are robbers, the price reaches two or three million, it is estimated that it can be won steadily.”

“Okay.” Charlie relaxed and asked him: “When will the auction start?”

Issac replied: “It is temporarily set at 10 o‟clock in the morning next Monday.”

Charlie asked again: “Should I go to the court to participate in the auction or it is online?”

Issac explained: “Now judicial auctions are basically conducted online, open and transparent. I have already signed up and paid a bid deposit. I will start bidding on the judicial auction website at 10 o‟clock next Monday morning. .”

“Okay!” Charlie smiled slightly and praised: “Issac, this thing is done very well, it‟s hard work.”

Issac hurriedly said: “Master, you are too polite. These little things are all easy.”

Charlie said with emotion: “For you, it‟s a simple effort, but for me, it means too much.”

After speaking, Charlie couldn‟t help but feel melancholy.

Although his parents have passed away for nearly two decades, Charlie still feels heartache every time he thinks about it.


At the same time, the Du family mansion.

Liona, who had been thinking about Changying‟s old house, also learned from the old housekeeper that the house was about to be auctioned.

She excitedly said to the old housekeeper on the spot: “Uncle Wang, please help me to sign up, I want to participate in this auction!”

The old butler nodded and said, “Okay second lady, I will arrange for someone to register for you.”

Liona said: “Then work hard, I‟ll find if someone can help me solve these problems. I‟ll go back to my room and make a call.”

The old butler said: “Okay second lady.”

Liona walked back to her room quickly, took out her mobile phone, and called Zynn. 

She knew that Zynn had gone to Australia, but she had not contacted Zynn for these two days.

Zynn was also extremely depressed because of his mood, and because he felt dull, he did not take the initiative to contact Liona and the children.

At this time, Zynn was sitting at the door of the villa, on the edge of the cliff next to the sea, staring at the sea below in a daze.

Chapter 2326

In the past few days when he came to Australia, he has been in a low mood, not only because his wife Liona wanted to divorce him, but also because after the scandal was exposed, his image in everyone‟s minds was subverted.

The evaluation of him by the outside world is simply the worst man in China in recent years, not one of them.

Because, not only did he mess around outside with his wife behind her back, he made an illegitimate daughter as well.

He also disguised the illegitimate daughter as a bodyguard to take her home and deceive his wife and children under their nose;

What‟s more, he also directed his illegitimate daughter to commit a felony overseas!

This is not over yet.

The most despised by outsiders is that in order to avoid the exposure of the scandal, he even joined forces with the Self-Defense Force to kill his own daughter. what is this?

This is a beast who derails in marriage, hides everything from everyone, uses the illegitimate daughter as a tool of killing, and when the time comes he is ready to kill his daughter for his own benefit.

It can even be said that once a person gathers so many evils in oneself, he may not even be compared with a beast.

Even a beast looks better in certain aspects.

Although Zynn knew that all of this was the charge that the old man Chengfeng had cast on him for throwing the pot away.

But he also knew very well that once these charges were deducted on his own head, he could not get rid of them no matter what.

Whenever he thought of this, Zynn gritted his teeth bitterly.

Because he even had a hunch that he might not be able to get rid of these infamies for the rest of his life.

Zynn is indeed not a man of fame, but what he is most worried about is whether he will have the chance to inherit the Su family once he has these infamies part of his identity.

After all, he can break the jar and don‟t care about infamy, but the Su family can‟t allow that.

In the future, when the old man transfers power, he will feel that his reputation is too bad and refuse to give him the supreme power of the Su family.

In that case, half of his life‟s hard work would have been completely wasted.

Thinking of this, Zynn gritted his teeth!

“Why?! Why did the old thing make me take care of it?! Why did the old thing make my daughter unaccounted for, life or death, but it killed me!”

He couldn‟t help but insult, picked up a bottle of vodka beside him and drank more than half of it, and suddenly threw it into the rolling sea below.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

The name on the phone screen made him startled.

“Wife?” Zynn was puzzled at first, then hurriedly grabbed the phone, pressed to answer, and blurted out: “Wife! so you finally call me!”

Liona said in a flat tone on the other end of the phone: “Zynn, I am calling to talk about divorce. You are now in Australia and will not be able to come back for a while, so you should entrust a lawyer to help you. Go through the relevant procedures.”

Zynn did not expect that the purpose of Liona‟s call was to communicate with him about the divorce, and he immediately felt a burst of anger from his heart.

He couldn‟t help but said coldly: “Liona, as long as we haven‟t divorced, we still have a relationship between us as husband and wife. You ran to Aurous Hill without my consent during that crucial time, despite the fact that you were still my wife and me your husband. I didn‟t stop you or blame you for this. It is enough to give you face.”

“But when you are in Aurous Hill, you even called me to mention the matter of divorce. Isn‟t it a bit too much? Do you really care about our love for more than 20 years of marriage?!”

Chapter 2327

Liona listened to Zynn‟s accusations, not angry, but said indifferently: “Zynn, if you have self-knowledge, you should know that you are standing in a moral depression right now.

If at this time you have to forcefully seize the moral high ground, then It‟s really disappointing.”

With those words, she continued further: “Affection is not something to fight for by mouth, but to be maintained by practical actions. I just filed for a divorce with you, and you think I don‟t care about love, but you are just an outsider for me now. All of your children are in their twenties. You have kept this from me for so many years. In the past, so many years, have you ever thought about our relationship as husband and wife?”

Zynn heard this, and his whole person suddenly fell into despair.

“Yes… now accusing Liona of not being affectionate is almost equivalent to slapping himself in the face… After all, he is the one who really did the wrong thing, he wronged her by committing the mistake. Ten years……”

Just when he didn‟t know how to answer Liona, Liona sighed slightly: “Hey, let‟s not talk about it, I‟m calling you, just because I want to settle in Aurous Hill as soon as possible, even if I don‟t. To settle down, I must stay in Aurous Hill for at least a period of time, so divorce as soon as possible is also for you to consider, so as not to let others gossiping about you.”

Liona didn‟t speak too clearly, but Zynn had already gotten the cryptic meaning of her words.

Liona meant that she would stay and settle in Aurous Hill, and if the people of Eastcliff‟s big family knew about this, everyone could guess why she stayed in Aurous Hill. To put it bluntly, it was for Changying Wade.

If Liona and Zynn still have a husband-and-wife relationship, then the fact that Liona settled in Aurous Hill for Changying would indeed affect Zynn‟s face to a certain extent. 

But if the marriage ended in divorce, for Zynn, he can retain a bit of face.

Zynn was very angry, but couldn‟t say anything to blame or object.

He has clearly realized in his heart that he no longer has any possibility to redeem Liona, this woman is already determined to divorce him at any cost.

Thinking of this, he hated Changying even more.

“Changying Wade, the b@stard, is really lingering, even after the death in my life!”

“He has been dead for so many years and still has a profound impact on Liona.”

“That‟s fine, now he even took Liona off to Aurous Hill!”

“In Liona‟s eyes, this guy who has been dead for more than 20 years is much more important than me!”

Liona, who was on the other end of the phone, didn‟t hear Zynn‟s response for a long time, so she continued to speak: “After all, it‟s better to separate our ways if we cannot get together.”

Zynn was silent for a moment, and took a deep breath: “Hey…you said, after all, it‟s a couple, and we have been a couple for so many years. Let me think about it.”

Liona hummed, and said, “Call me at any time after you come up with a decision. All departments in Eastcliff are related. It is not necessary for both of us to go to divorce. As long as we coordinate, we will send a lawyer. This thing is done, the sooner the better.”

“Okay.” Zynn said: “I‟ll think about it, and I will contact you as soon as possible.”

“Okay, Bye.”


In the afternoon, Charlie had lunch at home, and he was about to go out with the pill he refined.

Because he agreed to Aoxue, he would go to her home to give her some guidance, so Charlie vacated the afternoon time ahead of the schedule.

In order to carry the pill, he said to his father-in-law Jacob: “Dad, do you have any plans for this afternoon?”

Jacob smiled and said, “I still go to the Calligraphy and Painting Association in the afternoon. In the evening, we have dinner with the executives of Sotheby‟s Auction House.”

Chapter 2328

Charlie nodded and said, “Then you must drink at the bar tonight?”

“Yes.” Jacob smiled: “You have to drink a little, what‟s wrong with that?”

Charlie said: “Oh yes, I have something to do in the afternoon. If it‟s convenient for you, Dad, let me drive the car in the afternoon.”

Jacob handed the car key to Charlie without hesitation, and said, “What‟s the inconvenience of this, you can take it and drive. It happens that I have to drink at night.

If I drive, I have to find a driver. It is much more convenient to take a taxi.”

Charlie nodded and took the car key.

Claire on the side said in a convenient way: “Dad, I will go to the company for a while, so I will drop you at the Calligraphy and Painting Association.

Jacob smiled and said, “Okay, this saves a taxi fare.”

After Jacob and Claire, the father and daughter had left, Charlie took the pill from the room, put it in an inconspicuous backpack, and walked away from home.

He got into Jacob‟s car and drove straight to Qin Gang‟s villa in the suburbs.

At the same time, at Aurous Hill People‟s Hospital, Doris went to the office of the director of the nephrology department immediately after delivering the meal to her mother and asked about the father‟s current condition.

Director Chen of the Department of Nephrology, who is over 60 years old, pushed his glasses and said seriously: “Doris, to tell you, your father‟s condition is very serious now, and the kidney in his body is now completely useless… ….”

“We now have him undergo peritoneal dialysis every day and hemodialysis every other day, and his complications are getting more and more serious.”

“I went to check up this morning and found that his condition today has dropped a lot compared to yesterday…”

“Yesterday, I communicated with your mother and said that there will be about 20 days of transplantation window, but after another evaluation today, the situation is not optimistic. I personally think this cycle may be shortened to about 15 days.”

Having said this, Director Chen sighed and said helplessly: “There are still fifteen days left for the transplant window. Excluding the preoperative preparation time, you have up to twelve days to find the kidney source. If you can‟t find it, then there really is no way.”

Doris‟s tears were suddenly uncontrollable and burst into her eyes.

She quickly wiped away the tears, and asked anxiously: “Dr. Chen, how can my father‟s situation have fallen so badly? His current kidney has just been transplanted two years ago. You did the transplant for him at the beginning. You said that his life will not be in danger for at least ten years, but only two years have passed…”

Director Chen said helplessly: “This situation is indeed far beyond my estimation, and I can‟t figure out why his kidney failure process developed so quickly this time, I also tried to check if it was a mistake. If he has taken any toxic substances, but I have not found any clues.”

Doris asked: “Director Chen, will there be any toxic substances that can make people‟s kidneys fail quickly?”

Director Chen nodded and said: “Some traditional herbal medicines have relatively strong nephrotoxicity. For example, Aristolochia is one of them. The country has long removed this medicine from traditional medicine classics, but there are still some unscrupulous medicine practitioners. It can be effective and gives results quickly, thus it will be secretly added to the prescription, which will eventually cause severe kidney damage to the patient…

While talking, Director Chen sighed and said: “Buying health care products indiscriminately, taking herbal medicines indiscriminately, and listening to rumors about the health regimen is also a major cause of kidney failure in middle-aged and elderly people in recent years… “

“Moreover, these middle-aged and elderly people are easily fooled by unscrupulous TV advertisements, mobile phone advertisements, and so-called health care masters, and lack the ability to distinguish between the fake and real, the good and the bad.”

“There is a director of thoracic surgery in our hospital. His father has never looked down upon him as a Western medicine student, and he doesn‟t know how to distinguish good traditional medicine from bad medicine. He blindly believes in the health programs on TV every day…”

“Last year he felt like he had frequent urination. According to the content of the health program, he prepared a pair of traditional medicine for himself, boiled three bowls for himself every day, secretly drank it, and after drinking it for three days, he was sent to the hospital with acute renal failure. ……”

“If he was not brought to the hospital in the 24 hours, he would have died.”

Chapter 2329

Listening to the case described by Director Chen, Doris carefully recalled the case for a long time, and said: “Dr. Chen, before and after my father‟s illness, I did not see him taking any unknown drugs, nor did I see him taking self-cooked drugs or traditional medicine, let alone Aristolochia…”

After that, Doris said again: “After the last kidney transplant, he was in overall good health and had mild diabetes, so he has been taking metformin sustained-release tablets, but this medicine is very safe for the kidneys. Yes, it is impossible to cause acute renal failure…”

Director Chen nodded and said: “The Aristolochia I mentioned just now is just to give you an example. However, the ingredients that can cause acute renal failure are far more than Aristolochia, and there are many chemicals. , Organic compounds have great nephrotoxicity.”

Doris asked, “Director Chen, is there any way to find out, what is the cause of my father‟s acute renal failure?”

Director Chen said: “I have sent your father‟s blood and urine to the laboratory for testing, but this series of tests is very troublesome, and it will be difficult to find a clear result for a while.”

As he said, he continued: “Doris, the most urgent task now is not to find out the cause of your father‟s kidney failure, but to solve the problem of the kidney source as soon as possible. This is the most important thing!”

Doris sighed extremely helplessly and said dejectedly: “I have raised the price to 10 million yuan this morning, but my father has rh-negative blood. This one factor alone has eliminated more than 99% of the kidney sources. …..”

Director Chen nodded and said seriously: “Doris, the current situation is really helpless. I have also mobilized friends I know to help you inquire all over the country, but there is still no news yet.”

Speaking of this, Director Chen sighed and whispered: “Doris, I advise you to be mentally prepared…”

Doris was silent for a moment, nodded slightly, and said weakly: “Thank you, Director Chen, I know, I will think of a way…”

“Okay.” Director Chen comforted: “But don‟t be too pessimistic. I have been in medicine for so many years and I have seen and heard many miracles. Among them are many miracles that I still can‟t understand…”

“Someone is declared to have only a few months of life due to advanced cancer, but after he leaves the hospital, he can face his future life with extreme optimism, and he can even spend every day as the last day. On the contrary, such people survived for three, five, or even ten years, the cancer cells in the body did not expand further. On the contrary, they seem to feel a certain strength and begin to retreat completely…

“There is another very miraculous case that happened in our Aurous Hill People‟s Hospital. A patient with high paraplegia healed suddenly…”

Doris thought that Director Chen was comforting her, so she nodded slightly, but in her heart, she didn‟t think such a miracle might happen.

So in her opinion, the only solution now is to find the source of the kidney.

There is no other way.


Coming out of Director Chen‟s office, Doris walked to the ward in a desperate manner.

She really didn‟t expect that her father‟s condition had already deteriorated to this level, but it would accelerate again.

The twenty-day window period suddenly became fifteen days.

She doesn‟t know whether this window will continue to be shortened tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

As soon as she walked a few meters away, she suddenly received a call from Charlie.

At this moment, Charlie was on the way to Qin Gang‟s house, remembering that Doris had not given him a definite answer, so he called her to ask if she had time at night.

Chapter 2330

As soon as the phone was connected, Doris respectfully said: “Master, what‟s your order?”

Charlie smiled and said: “There is no order, just the same thing that I said yesterday. Are you free tonight? If you have time, come to Qin‟s home, we have a get-together. You all came to see me on the Chinese new year, but I never got time to have a meal together, I feel sorry for it.”

Doris smiled reluctantly and said, “Master, what are you doing so politely with me…”

Charlie said with a smile: “Hurt, this is not a question of politeness, it is a polite exchange! I have prepared a small gift for everyone. It is not worth any money, but a small amount of care. If you have time, just Come and sit down. It doesn‟t matter if you don‟t have time. I‟ll give you a gift later.”

When Doris heard this, she hurriedly said: “Master! How can you condescend to give me something…I‟ll definitely be there, give me a time and place, I will definitely be there at night…”

Charlie said: “Okay, I will send you the time and place on WeChat in a moment.”

Doris hurriedly said: “OK, young master!”

After finishing speaking, she said with some embarrassment: “Master, I may not be able to stay too long, and I may have to leave early then, please forgive me in advance!”

Charlie said indifferently: “It‟s okay, just look at your schedule and don‟t delay your own affairs.”

Doris breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, with her current whole personal state, she is not interested in any dinner.

After all, her father was dying in a hospital bed. At this time, let alone rushing to the dinner, even eating, in Doris‟s opinion, has lost the necessity.

From last night to now, apart from drinking a few sips of water, she didn‟t even take a grain of rice, but she still didn‟t feel any hunger.

However, Charlie was her boss after all, and he was so kindly inviting, which made Doris feel that it was a bit unsuitable not to go, so he decided to sit there at night.

After making a decision, she put the phone back in her pocket and walked back.

Returning to the door of the ward, she heard the whispering sound from inside the ward. Doris felt tight and hurriedly pushed the door in. Only in the small living room outside the suite ward, her mother was sitting on the sofa crying bitterly, and Mr. Walter, her college classmate, stood in front of her mother with a smile on his face.

At this moment, Doris broke out in an instant, she angrily said: “Walter! Who let you come?! What did you tell my mother?!”

Walter turned around to see Doris coming back, smiled slightly, and said, “Doris, I came to tell my aunt that there has been a slight change in the kidney source in the United States.”

Without waiting for Doris to ask further, he sighed: “Hey! Doris, rh-negative blood is too rare, and Rh-negative kidney sources are even rarer. This kidney source is now being scrambled by a French patient. , The price paid by the French is also very high, plus I have not confirmed with the donor for a long time, the donor side has already been a bit swayed…”

Doris frowned and asked coldly, “What do you mean?”

Walter smiled and said: “I mean it is very simple, Doris! This kidney source can be said to be one in a million, and the owner of this kidney source is willing to sell a kidney in exchange for cash, so as long as you agree to my terms, I can get him to undergo a kidney removal operation in the United States today, and then order someone to freeze the kidney and transport it to China, and we can transplant it to uncle tomorrow…but…”

At this point, Walter slapped his lips: “Tsk, tsk… But if you don‟t agree, the donor will probably be sold to the French. You know, there are only two kidneys. If he wants to survive, he has to keep at least one. If he sells one of the kidneys to the French, it is absolutely impossible for him to sell me another kidney!”

“So, you must carefully consider my conditions, because the time left for you is running out!”

Chapter 2331

Walter‟s words made Doris‟s heart suddenly tense, and the intense pressure made her feel as though she was about to suffocate.

Although she dislikes or even hates Walter‟s proposal to her, she also understands in her heart that the kidney source that Walter found in the United States is the only kidney source that she knows so far that can match her father‟s medical credentials. There is nothing else.

If this kidney source is really bought by others, then she will completely lose all hope.

Doris studied in the United States that year, so she is very clear about the situation in the United States. Though the rule of law is strict, yet there are ways for people to have what they want, all they need is money and resources at disposal.

If a person wants to sell his kidney, even in a pet hospital in the United States, he can complete the operation of kidney removal, everything is very easy.

This means that if the donor finds a suitable seller, he can almost sell the kidney in one meal.

Once the kidney is removed, it will be shipped to the buyer in the fastest way.

In that case, I will have no chance…

However, Doris still couldn‟t make a decision in her heart.

After all, the price of wanting to keep this kidney source for her father is too great.

Even so big that she needs to sacrifice everything yourself.

Her own chastity, her own career, her own morals, and even her own life.

Seeing her struggling expression, Walter smiled deliberately and said seriously: “Doris, since it is so difficult to make a decision for you, then forget it. Don‟t embarrass yourself anymore. I will tell the other party, I don‟t want this kidney. Now, let him sell it to the French, so as to save you from being so entangled and sad, what do you think?”

As soon as the voice fell, Walter had already taken out his cell phone.

Doris blurted out almost subconsciously: “No! Walter! No!”

Walter smiled and asked, “What? Have you changed your mind?”

As he said, Walter continued with a serious look: “Doris, in fact, the conditions I gave you are really very good. You don‟t have to resist so much. Give me your ten years of youth, and the reward I give you, You will not be able to earn it back in 20 or even 30 years. After ten years, you will only be in your 30s. There are opportunities to start your life again with a lot of cash.”

“As for the children you give me in the next ten years, if you think they will become a burden to you in the future, they can all be brought back to the United States. I can raise them.”

“In this case, you will be a single woman worth hundreds of millions, even billions, ten years later!”

“In the words of ancient sages, it is a typical diamond king!”

“At that time, countless young and handsome young men in their early 20s will kneel around you like dogs. Is there anything more wonderful in life?”

Doris had no expression on her face and said nothing, but the mother on the sofa who hid her face and wept bitterly was already unbearable, covering her ears with her hands. 

She wanted to drive Walter out, or even fight out, but she had the same concerns as Doris.

It was very easy to drive Walter out, but that was tantamount to closing the door for Doris‟s father to survive.

Using the lives of the other‟s relatives as a threat, Walter can be said to have achieved the ultimate.

Chapter 2332

Doris was silent for a long time and said: “Walter if I promise to be your lover and come to work in your company, can you promise me not to force me to divulge any Emgrand Group business secrets?”

When Walter heard this, he couldn‟t help but frown and asked: “You are a professional manager in the Emgrand Group. Why are you so loyal to this company?”

Doris said seriously: “It is the bottom line of my professional ethics!”

Walter sneered: “Doris, your value to me has three aspects. The first aspect is your body; the second aspect is your ability; the third aspect is your value to the Emgrand. In my opinion, the mastery of the core secrets of the group is indispensable for these three aspects!”

Doris gritted her teeth and asked: “Does it have to be like this Walter? I can promise you on so many nasty terms, can‟t you leave me with a little room for bargaining?!”

Walter laughed and said: “There is no bargaining room to leave, but the minimum principles cannot be lost. For example, I insist that none of these three aspects are indispensable, but if you have some opinions on the details of one aspect, we can discuss it. .”

Having said that, Walter smiled lightly and said: “For example, I am a person who likes children very much. According to my plan, you and I will be together for at least ten years. Give me five children, but if you think five children are too many, you can bargain with me. If you finally decide to give me three children, I think it‟s acceptable. This is the way I recognize the bargaining, do you understand?”

Doris immediately scolded: “Walter! You are just a beast!”

Walter said with a smile: “Thanks for the praise, my father has been teaching me, humans, be animalistic!”

“He likes the famous saying of a science fiction author: For human beings, a lot will be lost if they lose their humanity, but if they lose their animality, they will lose everything!”

“The reason why human beings can survive in such a cruel society and climb to the top of the food chain is based on animality!”

“Are cows and sheep cute? They are cute, but in order to fill their stomachs, humans have to kill them and eat meat!”

“Are foxes and minks not cute? They are also cute, but in order to withstand the severe cold, humans have to strip off their skins and make clothes!”

“Humans like sashimi, so they take meat from living seafood!”

Chapter 2333

After Walter said this, he turned and left the ward.

Doris looked at him leaving back, and her whole body trembled with anger.

Her mother Leithina walked forward with tears in her face, took her hand, choked up, and said: “Doris, forget it, give up, mom can‟t just watch you jump into Walter‟s fire pit…”

Doris‟s eyes were sour, tears couldn‟t help but burst into torrents: “Mom, Dad doesn‟t have much time left now…If we can‟t get this kidney source, within half a month, maybe… .”

Leithina slapped her hand a few times. Although it was painful, she resolutely said: “Your dad and I have lived for more than 50 years. In the past 50 years, we have lived full, happy, and prosperous. The same I am also very satisfied. If your dad leaves like this, he won‟t have any regrets in his heart. After all, you have tried your best…”

Doris choked and said, “Mom…you tried your best, but I haven‟t… If I promise Walter, Dad‟s life will continue. If I give up this time, it will be decades from now. Here, I may always be living in guilt and unable to extricate myself… It is possible that I will not forgive myself until I breathe my last…”

Leithina asked her back: “Doris, if you save your dad in this way, your dad may not be able to forgive himself for the next few decades! You save him and let him watch you.

Living in dire straits every day, this may be crueler to him than death…”

Doris hesitated for a moment, sighed heavily, and said: “Hey…Mom…Let me consider this matter again. There are still 24 hours, and I will consider it carefully. ……”

Leithina wanted to say something, but she swallowed when the words reached her lips.

At this time, she didn‟t want to lead Doris too much to make a decision. After all, no matter how you choose this kind of thing, it is full of pain.

When Charlie came to Qin Gang‟s house, the other guests hadn‟t arrived yet.

The dinner time is seven o‟clock in the afternoon. At this time, it is not less than two o‟clock in the afternoon.

Charlie drove to the villa, Qin Gang already took Aoxue and Aodong, waiting anxiously at the door.

Qin Gang was in a very good mood today, because Charlie not only planned to host a banquet at his home today but also promised to give him a rejuvenating pill.

Charlie refined two kinds of pills this time.

One is the first to treat Jacob‟s disease and refining the heart-dissipating pill. This kind of pill is relatively low-level, can cure all diseases, and extend the life of the patient to a certain extent, but it does not have the rejuvenating pill to make the body get the magical effect making the user feel like twenty years old.

What he planned was to give back to everyone who came to the banquet today a blood relief pill as a gift them.

In addition, because Qin Gang asked Aoxue to give him top-quality purple ginseng that was more than four hundred years ago so that he was able to make 30 rejuvenating pills, so he prepared and gave Qin Gang one extra. A rejuvenating pill.

Charlie just stopped the car, and Qin Gang couldn‟t wait to greet him with his daughter and nephew, and said respectfully, “Mr. Charlie, you are here!”

Little Chili Aoxue also said very embarrassedly: “Aoxue welcomes Mr. Charlie!”

Aodong also learned something, and said respectfully, “Aodong welcomes Mr. Charlie!”

Charlie nodded lightly and said with a smile: “President Qin, today I chose to host a banquet in your house. It must have been really annoying.”

Qin Gang hurriedly folded his hands and said, “Mr. Charlie, you are too polite! You can choose to come to Qin‟s house for a banquet. This is a blessing for Qin. If you can come, Qin‟s house will be splendid!”

Charlie smiled slightly, waved his hand, and said: “Okay, if you are polite, don‟t say anything to each other with business, let‟s go in and talk, and I plan to give Aoxue some guidance in the afternoon.”

As soon as Qin Gang heard this, he smiled and turned away, respectfully making a gesture of invitation, and said sincerely: “Mr. Charlie, please first!”

Charlie once visited this villa of Qin‟s family by the lake.

Chapter 2334

Little Chili Aoxue also especially drove a speedboat and took him for a long swim on the lake.

But the weather right now is still cold, and the lakeside scenery is more or less depressed, not as lush and vibrant as when he came last time.

Therefore, Charlie said to Qin Gang in passing: “Mr. Qin, when the winters come in the villa, the vitality is a little lacking. Don‟t look at the trees and grassland that are only temporarily withered, but in terms of reality, these must be regarded as dead objects. ,

So it‟s better not to live here before the beginning of the spring. It will have a little impact on your body and fortune.”

When Qin Gang heard this, he immediately said, “Oh! Thank you, Mr. Charlie, for reminding us that if this is the case, we will move back to the city tomorrow!”

Aoxue subconsciously said: “Dad! Why don‟t we go to Tomson‟s community to buy a villa! Not only is the place big, but you can also be a neighbor with Mr. Charlie!”

Qin Gang smacked his lips and muttered: “It‟s indeed a good idea, but the Tomson First Class villas were all sold out when they were on sale for the first time. I don‟t know if anyone resells them yet. I‟ll let people find one for us!”

Aoxue said with joy, “That‟s really great!”

After that, Aoxue looked at Charlie and asked, a bit ashamed: “Mr. Charlie, if we move to Tompson First Grade, will we not bother you?”

Charlie smiled and said, “How could it happen? If you really move in, it would be a good thing. We can be neighbors.”

As soon as Qin Gang heard Charlie express his attitude, he immediately relieved himself and said with a smile: “Since Mr. Charlie has said so, then I will pay attention to it in these two days!”

Aoxue was naturally extremely happy in her heart.

In fact, she didn‟t want to live in such a remote mansion. The main reason for living here was that there was a very complete exercise room. No matter the size of the facilities, it was a lot better than those professional exercise rooms in the city. Inferior if one would ask her about those in the city.

However, if there is a chance to be a neighbor with Charlie in the future, it doesn‟t matter if there is no such a good practice room!

While talking, Charlie walked into the living room accompanied by three members of the Qin family.

Qin Gang invited Charlie to sit down on the sofa, and then personally brewed a cup of fine black tea for him.

“Mr. Charlie, this tea was especially found by someone from Wuyi Mountain. The quality is excellent. Please have a taste.”

Charlie nodded, took a sip of tea from the teacup, and said with a smile: “The tea is sweet, sweet and smooth in the mouth, with a lingering fragrance. It really is a good tea!”

Qin Gang said hurriedly, “Since Mr. Charlie likes it, I‟ll bring you two boxes to taste later!”

In fact, the tea maker Jin Junmei, whom Qin Gang asked in-person to find, made ten boxes of black tea last year.

Among them, Qin Gang bought two and a half boxes at a high price, accounting for a quarter of the share.

Originally, this was Qin Gang‟s plan to keep for a whole year of rations. Now he has drunk four or two, and there are about two boxes and one or two left, but when Charlie liked it, he didn‟t hesitate to prepare to give them all at once to him.

Of course, Charlie never took other people‟s things for nothing, put down the teacup, and then reached out from the pocket of his coat and took out two small boxes of red sandalwood.

Qin Gang saw the two wooden boxes in Charlie‟s hand, nervously, and didn‟t even stop breathing consciously. He held his breath and looked forward to the contents of the two wooden boxes…

He knew that with Charlie‟s unique personality, there must be one of these two wooden boxes, which contained the rejuvenating pill that made his soul linger and dreamed of! 

“Humans like foie gras, so they fill the goose‟s stomach with food!”

“Humans hate mice, so they will kill them all!”

“Humans hate mosquitoes, so they will invest huge sums of money to develop various poisons that are only effective against mosquitoes!”

“This is animality!”

“To put it bluntly, all creatures with animal qualities are beasts! All beasts!”

“So, to me, the beast doesn‟t mean anything to degrade, on the contrary, it is a kind of compliment to me!”

As he said, he stared at Doris with a sneer, and said, “Doris, for the sake of the fact that we are classmates, I will help you again!”

“Later, I will let my subordinates in the United States pay the kidney donor US$20,000 as a deposit, and let him keep the kidney for me for 24 hours!”

“This is the last 24 hours for you to make a decision!”

“After 24 hours, if you still don‟t accept my terms, then prepare a funeral for your father!”

“At that time, I will definitely buy the best wreaths in Aurous Hill and deliver them to the funeral home myself!”

Chapter 2335

Under Qin Gang‟s gaze, Charlie handed the two wooden boxes to him and said: “Mr. Qin, the two pills in here are my little gift for you. The one on the right is slightly larger.

Some, slightly darker in color, are the blood-dissipating heart-saving pill I gave you before; as for the slightly smaller and brighter pill on the left, it is the newly refined rejuvenating pill this time.”

Qin Gang‟s excited completely has nothing to add, and he tremblingly said, “Master…Master Charlie…How can I, how can I be worthy to be given you such a precious rejuvenation pill? , This… this… if this Rejuvenation Pill is put on the market for auction, let alone sell for two or three billion, it‟s really… it‟s too expensive… ….”

Although Qin Gang had great expectations for the Rejuvenating Pill, he knew deep down that the value of the Rejuvenating Pill was too high and expensive, and it was far from comparable to the 400-year-old purple ginseng he gave to Charlie.

Therefore, when Charlie took out the Rejuvenation Pill, Qin Gang retreated a little deep in his heart.

This also reflects Qin Gang‟s character in some ways.

If it is someone who only knows to take advantage, someone who gives such a valuable item will naturally accept it without hesitation, so as not to regret it. 

But if it is this kind of person who knows the courtesy, then he is receiving a gift from others. The precious thing is the first thought that comes to mind in the depths of his heart. It is how he should repay the favor.

The Qin family is very rich, and their assets add up significantly, but they are tens of billions.

Most of these assets are real estate, as well as the market value of the company, and the real cash that can be freely disposed of is actually only a few hundred million.

If Qin Gang is really going to spend two billion in cash to buy a rejuvenating pill, he will feel that he has more than money but not enough current capacity.

Now that Charlie gave him such an expensive pill, he was unavoidably panicked deep in his heart.

Seeing his tangled expression, Charlie smiled slightly, and said: “Mr. Qin, how much money the rejuvenation pills can sell for, is not something you need to care about, because I refine things like the rejuvenation pills, and they are not made for making money.”

“Since this period of time, I have also taken out a batch of Rejuvenating Pills, but you also know that the only one that was really sold was Li Tailai‟s one. The rest were basically given to friends or accidents that happened to them. It‟s time to take it out for help.”

Speaking of this, Charlie continued: “The most important single medicinal material for refining the Rejuvenating Pill is the best purple ginseng that is more than a hundred years old. The best purple ginseng you sent with Aoxue last time is of better quality than my last time. The photos taken at the auction are even better, so I will assume that you used that super-quality purple ginseng as a stock.”

After Charlie said, he couldn‟t help but smile and said: “So, you can be regarded as one of the shareholders of this batch of Rejuvenating Pills. Now, this Rejuvenating Pill is the return of your shareholding. Why are you embarrassed to accept it? What about taking it and saying nothing?”

As soon as Qin Gang heard this, his whole body was moved deep in his heart.

He knew very well in his heart that the reason why Charlie said this was to take his feelings into consideration so that he could accept this rejuvenation pill more comfortably.

Moreover, he also realized that after Charlie finished saying this, he was not as entangled as he was just now.

Of course, he is also very clear that the reason why Charlie said that he was buying shares was to save his own face. He offered purple ginseng by himself, but in fact, there was no such thing as buying shares.

You know, the price of such a premium purple ginseng is about four to five million at best.

Chapter 2336

The reason why the sky-high price of 100 million was sold at the auction last time was entirely because Charlie deliberately confronted Fredman Wilson and forced the price up.

Even if it is really a shareholding, the cost of four or five million cannot be exchanged for a return of two or three billion. Therefore, anyway, Charlie can give him a rejuvenation pill, which is indeed a great favor.

Thinking of this, he immediately got up, stepped forward, fell to his knees, clasped his fists in his hands, respectfully said: “Master Charlie‟s great kindness is unforgettable, please accept it next time!”

Charlie supported him with one hand and said with a smile: “Take the pill and put it away quickly. Of all the people I invited today, you are the only one who has the Rejuvenation Pill, so please keep it secret from me. Don‟t let other people know, or I‟m afraid everyone will think too much.”

Qin Gang nodded immediately, and said firmly: “Master Charlie, don‟t worry, I will die, but will not disclose this to anyone.”

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly urged Aoxue and Aodong: “You two listen to me, don‟t divulge half of the word about Rejuvenation Pill, do you understand?!”

Aoxue and Aodong said at the same time: “Understood!”

Qin Gang looked at Aodong and said earnestly: “Aodong, you kid have been in trouble before and even went to hang out with Yu Jinghai from Hong Kong, so you must take this warning seriously and remember what I just said, understand?”

Aodong didn‟t dare to say half a word, and immediately said: “Second Uncle, I know, don‟t worry, if I dare to disclose half a word to the outside world, let Master Charlie chop me to death!”

Qin Gang was satisfied and said to Charlie: “Master Charlie, Aoxue has always respected you very much. You can rest assured that although this kid Aodong used to be a jerk, he is indeed much more honest during this period. You don‟t have to worry…”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “After you have gone, Mr. Qin, quickly put this rejuvenating pill in the safest place in your villa. As for me, the reason why I came so early is to give Aoxue some more guidance. So I won‟t waste time here.”

Qin Gang said immediately, “No problem, Master Charlie!”

After that, he turned to look at Aoxue and said, “Aoxue, you can take Master Charlie to the practice room.”

Aoxue was ashamed and happy, and nodded quickly: “Master Charlie, please come to the practice room with me.”

Charlie nodded, got up, and went to her practice room with Aoxue.

When Aoxue came to the practice room, she said to Charlie: “Master Charlie, I have been practicing diligently recently, but I always feel that the overall progress is very slow, and it is almost impossible to make any obvious progress. Did you remember the last time?

The effect of the pill is so strong that I can no longer improve my strength by practicing now?”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “The Sanda fighting skills you usually practice are like a 5-year-old child who needs to hold a basketball with both hands to practice shooting, and that pill is equivalent to let you have it all at once, all the abilities of NBA players. In this case, if you still practice basketball in the same way as a five-year-old kid, it will not greatly improve your overall strength. On the contrary, it will be a difference to your current ability. This is a huge waste.”

Aoxue nodded and sighed: “You said Master Charlie, I did feel this way recently. I always feel that with my current physical fitness, continuing to practice Sanshou fighting skills is a bit wasteful, but I don‟t know except, apart from these fighting skills, what else can I practice…”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “That‟s why I came here early today. I want to change the direction of your martial art to a new route!”

Chapter 2337

“Change to a new route?!”

Aoxue couldn‟t help exclaiming: “Master Charlie, what do you mean by changing the route? Is it… letting me practice judo, taekwondo or something?”

“Of course not.” Charlie smiled deeply and said seriously: “Whether it is our country‟s ordinary traditional martial arts, or taekwondo, jeet-Kwon-do, Sanda, fighting, boxing, they are all things on the same road. If you change back and forth between them, you can only change the direction at best, and it is impossible to talk about completely changing to a new route.”

Aoxue asked incomprehensibly: “Master Charlie, what you said, I don‟t understand.

These events are common competitive martial arts events now. If I don‟t practice these, what should I practice?”

Charlie said calmly: “Have you heard of Neijiaquan?”

“Inner family boxing?!” Aoxue asked dumbfounded: “Could it be…is it the core and most secret boxing techniques of those top martial arts families?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Yes.”

Aoxue blurted out: “Master Charlie…I have heard of China‟s four major martial arts families. It seems that each family has its own set of internal martial arts techniques. The secret is known, only by the direct blood relatives of the family, it is impossible for outsiders to learn even if they spend more money, I… can I have such an opportunity?”

In Aoxue‟s view, Neijiaquan was not something she had the opportunity to practice.

This kind of internal boxing technique is the secret of the top martial arts family, and it is also the core of the family‟s survival. It is like a secret formula of medicine, and it is absolutely impossible to disclose to outsiders.

Therefore, even if Qin Gang already has a net worth of tens of billions, his daughter Aoxue can only practice fighting and Sanda, a popular and common item.

A martial arts family which mastered internal martial arts, in the martial arts field, even the very top hand.

And such a family is far beyond the control of a family of the size of the Qin family.

The four major martial arts families in China depended on almost all trillion-level top families. Even if they survived by these top families, the martial arts family would never give up their internal secrets fist, because this is what they cannot do. The key to standing tall cannot become a common secret.

However, in Charlie‟s eyes, the internal martial arts that martial arts people highly respected was worthless.

In the “Nine Profound Sky Classics”, just a variety of different levels of internal martial arts, at least a few hundred types are recorded, and these are just some very low-end martial arts.

In fact, the truly powerful exercises are not internal martial arts at all, but real energy and spiritual energy.

If voltage and current are used to measure the gap between Neijiaquan and True Qi and Aura, then Neijiaquan is like an ordinary AA battery. The voltage is only 1.5 volts and the current is very small.

Compared with the aura of the inner family boxing method, Zhenqi is equivalent to UHV electricity, which can start at 500,000 volts, even millions of volts.

The gap in this is simply a world of difference.

Therefore, Charlie didn‟t even see the inner boxing technique in the “Nine Profound Sky Classics”.

It was just that he found that Aoxue could not find a suitable boxing method to practice right now, so he suddenly thought of these inner boxing methods and planned to choose one from them and let Aoxue practice.

So, he smiled and said to Aoxue: “I happen to know a kind of inner family exercise that is very suitable for girls to practice, called “Four Elephant Palm”. If you are interested, I can teach you?”

When Aoxue heard this, she was shocked and speechless!

Although she doesn‟t know what kind of inner family practice this “Four Elephant Palm” is, as long as it is in the category of inner family boxing, it is a priceless treasure!

Chapter 2338

And Charlie is now willing to teach this priceless treasure to her, what a gift this is. 

Seeing Aoxue not speaking, Charlie smiled and asked her: “Why, don‟t you like it? Would you like to change it?”

“No, no, no!” Aoxue‟s eyes were tearful, and she waved her hand quickly: “Master Charlie, I don‟t dislike it. I just think it‟s incredible…For many martial arts families, inner martial art is a tradition. The treasure of the family is the foundation of the family‟s foothold. It will never be passed on to outsiders, and many of them are only passed on from men to men. How are you willing to teach such a precious inner family boxing technique to me…”

Charlie smiled and said: “In the eyes of others, this kind of internal martial arts may indeed be very precious, but in my eyes, it is really nothing. You should practice this “Four Elephant Palm” first. If you think of it someday not longer worthy of your strength, I will give you another one.”

What does the so-called “Four Elephant Palms” mean? Charlie didn‟t know who left the inner boxing method. He only knew that this inner boxing method was more suitable for girls to practice in the records of the “Nine Profound Sky Classics”.

Moreover, in the record, the “Four Elephant Palm” was divided into nine layers, and the exercises were also divided into nine parts from one to nine. So Charlie wrote the first layer and handed it to Aoxue.

This is not Charlie stinging, but this kind of inner strength mental method, like a student‟s textbook, different grades correspond to different grades of textbooks.

If a person is about to enter the elementary school from pre-kindergarten, the best way is to study the textbooks for the first semester of the first grade.

If at this time, all the textbooks for the entire 9-year compulsory education were thrown to her, it would make her lose her priority, interest, and patience.

Therefore, Charlie‟s idea is to give her the first layer of “Four Elephant Palm” first and let her enter the door of the internal family boxing first. If she practices well and makes rapid progress, then he will give her the second layer. she was ready for that.

For Aoxue, the mentality of “Four Elephant Palms” almost opened the door to a new world in her cognition.

She carefully looked at the whole set of mental methods and said falteringly: “Master Charlie, I…I don‟t seem to understand…There are so many names of acupuncture points and meridians. What does that mean?”

Charlie smiled slightly and explained: “The biggest difference between the inner boxing and the outer boxing is that there is an extra qi from the inside.”

After that, he said earnestly: “As the so-called internal practice, one breath, external muscles, and bones, the most important thing in the internal family boxing is the qi in the body.”

Aoxue hurriedly asked him: “Then how can I take a breath inside? I can‟t perceive the existence of those acupuncture points and meridians…”

Charlie smiled and said: “Ordinary people can‟t perceive it. It‟s not that one doesn‟t have this ability, but that one can master how to perceive meridians and acupuncture points.”

After that, Charlie asked her: “Have you ever heard of a stunt or acrobatic performance called ventriloquism?”

Aoxue hurriedly asked, “Vanus? Is it the way to speak with your stomach without moving your mouth?”

Charlie nodded: “Yes! That‟s it!”

Aoxue hurriedly said: “When I was young, my father took me to a ventriloquism show in a circus. The performer held a doll in his hand, and then he could talk to his own doll.

When he talked, he would talk to ordinary people. Just open his mouth to say, but when he needs a doll to speak, he will close his mouth. In abdominal language, it felt quite magical…”

Charlie smiled and said: “In fact, abdominal language does not mean really speaking with the belly, but after he learns to master the breath, he presses the breath down into the abdominal cavity and then uses the breath in the abdominal cavity to drive the vocal cords to produce sound. Mouth and tongue not moving at all.”

Aoxue exclaimed: “Ah?! This is too difficult, right?”

Charlie smiled and said: “We ordinary people will definitely think that this kind of thing seems to be difficult because when we speak, we can‟t feel where the so-called breath is, but after you study and practice breath for a period of time, then you can master the breath.”

“At that time, you can naturally control your breath to sink into the abdominal cavity, or sink into the core!”

Chapter 2339

Listening to Charlie‟s metaphor, Aoxue seemed to understand a little bit.

She asked curiously: “Master Charlie, as long as I practice hard, can I feel the presence of breath and guide the breath to move in my body?”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “Yeah! Don‟t you think how profound this thing is?

Just like ordinary people singing, open your mouth and sing, and professional singers can control their breath and use their own Part of the body which comes to participate in the resonance of the voice when singing.”

“Some singers can resonate in the head cavity, while others resonate in the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity. In fact, it is not something mysterious at all. As long as you find the right and appropriate method and practice hard, you can rewind and unwind freely.”

Aoxue said with excitement, “Thank you, Master Charlie! I will practice hard and never let Master Charlie down!”

Charlie smiled with satisfaction, nodded, and said: “You must practice well. If you can practice the inner boxing technique to a certain level, then it is possible that in the future you will also be a master of the school itself.”

Aoxue stuck out her tongue and said seriously: “I dare not expect to start a school. As long as I cannot let Master Charlie disappoint, it will be my greatest satisfaction!”

Charlie nodded and said: “Okay if you have this determination, this thing would not be effective in a day or two, let alone the internal martial arts, even if you are a ventriloquism performer, it may take a year or two to practice. Getting started, so you have to be calm, don‟t rush, don‟t be impatient.”

Aoxue immediately promised: “Master Charlie, don‟t worry, I will control my emotions, fight steadily, and never be impatient!”

Charlie smiled and said, “That would be the best!”

After that, Charlie began to help Aoxue and gradually familiarized her with the mental skills of “Four Elephant Palms.”

After five o‟clock in the afternoon, Qin Gang ran over to Charlie and said, “Master Charlie, Issac, Mr. Issac, and Orvel are here and are drinking tea in the living room.

Would you like to come out and sit?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Okay, I‟ll come over in a while.”

After finishing speaking, he said to Aoxue: “Aoxue, you have already practiced for the afternoon, you can just stop here today.”

Aoxue was sweaty and tired at this time, so she nodded and said, “Okay Master Charlie, then you go have tea first, I will go back to the room and take a shower before coming down.

Charlie nodded, and then went to the living room with Qin Gang.

In the living room, Issac and Orvel just sat down.

When Charlie came in, the two immediately stood up and respectfully said: “Hello Master Charlie!”

Both Issac and Orvel knew Charlie‟s identity and knew that he was the young master of the Wade family. In private, they called him young master, but as long as there were other people around, their title to Charlie would be changed to Master Charlie…

Charlie nodded lightly with the two of them and smiled: “You two talked early enough.

Did you come here together?”

Orvel smiled at this time: “Master Charlie, I happened to be working near the hotel of Mr. Issac, so I made an appointment with him and came over together.”

Charlie smiled slightly and said: “By the way, Orvel, I have handed over Benjamin‟s Shangmei etiquette company to my wife‟s cousin. Do you know this?”

Chapter 2340

Orvel hurriedly nodded and said, “Master Charlie, I know about this. Abner that ba$tard has already told me. I slapped him twenty times as punishment for helping Benjamin to abuse people. I have warned him. If he dares to participate in anything that pushes the good into a pr0stitution, I will abolish him!”

Charlie nodded and said seriously: “From now on, I will say hello to your brothers in the underground world. Everyone will eat together and work in unison, but there must be some morals. P0rn, gambling, and drugs are a red line and you must not touch it. No matter how much money, you can‟t touch!”

Orvel hurriedly said: “Master Charlie, don‟t worry about this. I have already told my subordinates. This time I heard about what Benjamin did in the etiquette company. I also told my subordinates especially. Whoever dares to engage in this kind of stuff under my nose, I will definitely not forgive him!”

Charlie was satisfied and said: “By the way, my wife‟s cousin, what etiquette needs you usually have, you can take care of her business, but don‟t be too exaggerated. Wendy used to have a flamboyant personality. I‟m afraid she will be overwhelmed after gaining power.”

Orvel nodded, “Okay Master Charlie, I‟ll see to it!”

After finishing speaking, he also asked with some doubts: “Master Charlie, haven‟t you and your sister-in-law always been very troubled? I remember that she seemed to have a bad attitude towards you before, and she was awkward with you when she followed Fredman Xiao. Why did you take care of her?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Knowing mistakes can make corrections. It‟s great to be good.

But if they never consider reforming lustful self, I will save them for their lives and let them reform in Changbai Mountain.”

After listening to Orvel, he nodded gently and exclaimed: “Master Charlie, you are always open and face anyone who has offended you before and give them a chance to reform. Orvel admires your heart. !”

Issac couldn‟t help but sighed: “Yeah, Master Charlie, as someone else, with your strength, when facing these dregs, I‟m afraid I will just kill him.”

Charlie shook his head: “If a person is not guilty of death, but wants to punish him with death, that would be too much force.”

“The beggars gang Nanshan‟s gang has lost all their consciences. They really deserve to die, but Regnar is certainly not guilty of death punishment, this is what I think.

“Yongzheng, Changming, and the son, although arrogant and defiant, they did not commit any capital crimes. If I kill them, how will I convince others in the future?”

Having said that, Charlie sighed slightly and said sincerely: “I hope that my strength will continue to improve, and I also hope that my lineup will get stronger and stronger.

Since I want to expand my lineup, I must be clear about rewards and punishments and be served by virtue. People, otherwise, how can we make everyone willing to use themselves for me?”

Orvel clasped his fists and said with emotion: “Master Charlie is right, Orvel has been taught!”

As he was talking, Qin Gang brought in Wei‟s Pharmaceuticals, now Wei Liang, the general manager of Jiu Xuan Pharmaceuticals.

Before Wei Liang arrived, he respectfully clasped his fists and said, “Hello, Master Charlie!”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “We are talking about the Wei family, you are here.”

Wei Liang asked curiously: “Master Charlie, are you talking about the Wei family? What are you discussing, if I may know?”

Charlie said lightly: “It‟s just chatting, talking about your father and your half-brother. I said that the reason why the two of them were sent to Changbai Mountain was mainly that they should not die.”

Wei Liang couldn‟t help but nodded and said, “Master Charlie, you are a loving and righteous person. My father has always looked down upon my mother‟s birthplace and the Changbai Mountain where I grew up. You let him go to Changbai Mountain for the rest of his life. For him, it is the best punishment!”

Charlie nodded slightly, and then said, “By the way, Wei Liang, I haven‟t spared any time recently to ask you, what is the sales volume of Jiuxuanweisan during this time?” 

Chapter 2341

Hearing that Charlie asked about Jiuxuanweisan, Liang Wei immediately became excited and blurted out: “Master Wade, Jiuxuanweisan has now occupied the entire Japanese, Korean and Southeast Asian markets. After we have incorporated Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, Kobayashi‟s original Many production lines are now fully operational and are fully producing Jiuxuanweisan. Except for Asia, we are now hoarding goods and are preparing to enter the European and American markets next month!”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction, and asked with a smile: “The European and American markets should have been resistant to Oriental herbal medicine? Are you confident?”

“Yes!” Liang Wei said without hesitation: “Although Europe and the United States are the birthplaces of Western medicine, Europe and the United States are also the main forces in alcohol consumption. The top 20 countries in per capita alcohol consumption are all European countries. And in several countries in Australia and South America, the annual per capita alcohol consumption is more than ten liters! This is the first echelon with the highest per capita alcohol consumption.”

“Then the second echelon represented by the United States, Canada, Japan, and South Korea, the annual per capita alcohol consumption is about seven or eight liters.”

“Because of the high alcohol consumption in these countries, the proportion of stomach and liver diseases is also very large. Jiuxuanweisan has no toxic side effects, is extremely convenient to take, and has a quick effect. It has a very good protective and repair effect on the stomach. Once the drug is on the market, the first wave of users will be those who drink alcohol.”

“Once we gain a reputation among these user groups, we will soon sweep across Europe and America!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “In this case, we can start with restaurants, bars, and hotels, and then send a local push team to do free trials at the entrances of bars and restaurants in major European and American cities. Be less controllable and make sure that they can feel the effect, but the effect cannot be maintained for a long time. In this way, after several rounds of promotion, we can immediately absorb these long-term drinkers and they can become our diehard users.”

When Liang heard this, he hurriedly said, “Master Wade, your method is really good!

Start with the group that needs Jiuxuan weisan most. It hits their pain points and makes them inseparable from Jiuxuan weisan, and even Jiuxuan weisan is regarded as a magical medicine. In that case, our reputation will immediately rise!”

Having said that, Liang quickly said, “I will call a meeting of management staff tomorrow to quickly decide on a detailed plan for ground-level promotion in the European and American markets!”

Charlie nodded with satisfaction and smiled: “European and American economies are relatively developed. The price of Jiuxuanweisan must keep up. In my opinion, it‟s priced at 800 per box. This method is used by shark pharmaceutical companies. The sky-high prices of medicines are used to make more dents in our money. Those special medicines cost tens of thousands a month when they come to this country. In the future, we need to reverse this trend.”

Liang smiled and said, “Master Wade, I think it‟s okay to set a higher price, but the key is that we have to find a way to prevent them from buying at the Huaxia market, and then go to the European and American markets to sell! In this case, the major portion of the money will be collected by the dealers.”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “This is simple. In any country, the Jiuxuanweisan in the future must be purchased in limited quantities. One person with a valid certificate one month at most one box can be purchased. The source of goods must be strictly controlled. That means to prevent the collocation of goods is to learn from the tobacco industry. All medicines must have a corresponding regional code when they leave the factory. At the same time, they must be checked regularly to ensure that there will be no collocation of goods between regions or between countries. The condition of the items must not compromise.”

Liang hurriedly said, “Okay Master Wade, I have written it all down!”

Charlie added: “In addition, we must strictly supervise dealers and sign clear contracts.

Anyone who dares to stock up the items and sells them at super-high prices will immediately see a cancellation of his dealer certificate and let him pay a large amount of damage money. If he pays, he will go bankrupt in a lawsuit!” 

Chapter 2342

“In short, there must be no such thing as a price-raising situation like Moutai med! The official retail price of a bottle of Moutai is 1499, but ordinary people have no chance to buy it at this price, and when the dealer sells out, it costs at least two thousand. On July 8th, it‟s even higher during the New Year and holidays. Isn‟t this just showing that consumers are pitted?”

Liang immediately stated: “Master Wade, don‟t worry, I will strictly prevent similar things from happening to Jiuxuan weisan! If any dealer dares to stock up and raise the price, I will immediately disqualify him and pursue legal action responsibly. We will never Tolerate!”

Charlie nodded with satisfaction, and said: “After the Jiuxuan weisan Dispersion is fully deployed in the European and American markets, the alcohol industry in Europe and the United States will surely usher in rapid development.”

Liang agreed and said, “Yes! Many drinkers in Europe and the United States are highly dependent on alcohol. If Jiuxuanweisan goes on the market, it is equivalent to reducing the damage caused by alcohol to their bodies. Drinking too much alcohol, especially the stomach, is the least of the effects. Comfortable, Jiuxuanweisan just solved their problem easily.”

Having said that, Liang couldn‟t help sighing: “Master Wade, it would be better if we could launch a liver-protecting product along the way! Nourishing the stomach and protecting the liver, this is simply an essential medicine for European and American drinkers!”

Charlie smiled and said, “You will first push Jiuxuan weisan to the European and American markets. After a while, I will come out with a prescription for liver protection tablets. Then we will focus on nourishing the stomach and protecting the liver!”

Isaac smiled and said, “Master Wade, if you sell the pill you refined, the market will be even bigger! You don‟t need a rejuvenating pill, as long as the blood-saving pill before. 

If you dilute the effect of the medicine to 10%, it is estimated that it will be sold out like hotcakes!”

Charlie nodded slightly, and said, “If this medicine is really sold, the sales volume will certainly be good, but this medicine cannot be mass-produced through normal pharmaceutical equipment, so the production capacity cannot be increased, and there are no mass sales production conditions.”

“So…” Isaac said with some regret: “Nowadays, many drugs on the market have a little effect on prolonging life, but they have been fired to a very high price by those rich people. The Angong Niuhuang Pill produced in the decade has now been fired to more than one hundred thousand pills, but in fact, this medicine only cures heat and detoxification, high fever convulsions, and stroke coma. It doesn‟t possibly prolong life, but everyone thinks this thing as something amazing, so the price is very high.” 

Charlie nodded and laughed: “The medicine is mainly in small quantities. In addition, some of the raw materials are coming from the protected wild animals and are no longer allowed to be used. So it seems to be a rare commodity, but in terms of effect, there is nothing left. Not allowed.”

As he was talking, the Qin family ran over quickly and said, “Master, Mr. Song family, and Miss Warnia are here!”

Qin Gang hurriedly stood up and said to Charlie, “Master Wade, President Issac, Orvel, please be seated, I will go out to meet Mr. Song and Miss Song.”

Chapter 2343

Since Tianming Song and Honor Song‟s murder plans plotted against Warnia were revealed, and they were thrown into the diamond mine in Sierra Leone, Africa by Charlie, Warnia‟s position in the Song family has been unprecedented compared to before. Due to further consolidation of power.

In the past, it was only Elder Song who sincerely supported her. Now, no one in the entire Song family dared to disobey her.

The main reason was that Warnia had Charlie‟s strong support. Even Tianming and Honor failed to bring Warnia down. The other Song family members knew themselves and did not dare to move similar thoughts in their minds.

After all, if you want to bring down Warnia, you must first bring down Charlie.

Otherwise, the fate of Tianming and Honor is a lesson for others.

In the past few days, although Father Song often feels sorry for the siblings in the family, when he thinks that Warnia is safe, Tianming and Honor have also recovered a dog‟s life, he is relieved a lot.

For Warnia, the happiest thing today is to see Charlie again.

Since she returned to the Song family and took home the lord position again, she has never had a chance to see him again. Not only is Charlie involved in many affairs every day, she is also very busy with her own.

With the help of Charlie, the Song family negotiated cooperation with Nippon Steel, and they obtained very favorable terms. So Warnia was ready to strike while the iron was hot, quickly settle all matters related to the cooperation, and then fully promote the project. So this period of time has been devoted to that task at hand. 

At this moment, the thought of seeing Charlie soon made Warnia‟s mood a bit uncontrollable, exuding excitement.

For this reason, she was specially dressed up today, not only wearing her favorite clothes but also bringing the diamond bracelet that her mother left to her before her death. 

This string of diamond bracelets was lost and recovered by Charlie after helping her to break the Feng Shui dilemma.

This bracelet was originally seen by Warnia as a memorial left by her mother.

But now, it has another meaning in her mind: it is the beginning of the intersection between her and Charlie and their lives.

At this time, Qin Gang greeted them quickly, and said very politely: “Oh, Mr. Song and Miss Warnia, I‟m so honored to welcome you from here!”

Mr. Song hurriedly said, “Why Mr. Qin should be so polite? It is actually our honor to come to see you at your house. Thank you for receiving us.” Qin Gang said hurriedly, “My pleasure! Come in!” Warnia asked at this moment: “Mr. Qin, is Master Wade here?”

Qin Gang smiled. Said: “Master Wade has arrived, and is chatting with President Isaac, President Wei, and Orvel.”

Warnia nodded gently, feeling even more excited.

As Qin Gang came to the living room, Charlie saw the Song family patriarch and grand progeny coming in, so he stood up, smiled, and greeted the two of them: “Father Song, Miss Song.”

While talking, Warnia came closer and Charlie looked at her. , Could not help but sigh in his heart: “Warnia is indeed a superb beauty. After being so meticulously dressed, her temperament is not lost to anyone.”

Father Song stepped up to the front and said respectfully: “Master Wade! thank you for hosting a banquet. The old man is really grateful!”

Charlie said with a smile: “You don‟t have to be so polite, come here, please sit down.”

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly ordered Orvel: “Orvel, please serve Mr. Song and Miss Song some tea.”

Orvel said hurriedly: “OK Master Wade!” After speaking, he quickly took out two more teacups and filled them with tea.

Chapter 2344

Warnia subconsciously sat beside Charlie.

When Orvel handed her the teacup, and when she reached out to pick it up, Charlie also saw the diamond necklace on her wrist, and he couldn‟t help feeling a little sigh.

Speaking of the acquaintance with Warnia, it was Orvel that was the matchmaking man.

It was he who begged himself to show Warnia feng shui, and he met Warnia.

After sitting down, Warnia said to Charlie: “Master Wade, when Nanako was videoing with me today, she asked me to say hello to you.”

Charlie asked curiously: “Oh? Did you video chat today?”

Warnia smiled and said: “I basically talk to her on video call every day, she sent me a puppy as you know it, so she says she is worried about it and wants to see the status.”

Charlie gently Nodded, and smiled: “Aoxue also said that she wants to wait for your dog to grow up and give birth to a puppy for her.”

Warnia smiled and said, “Yes, she told me about it, and I happened to chat with Nanako today. She said that she would be coming to China in a few days. You can then pick it up and give it to Aoxue. In fact, I would personally like to share this good news with her, Is she here?”

Qin Gang who was sitting there hurriedly said: “Miss Song, Aoxue just finished training, and went upstairs to take a shower and change clothes, she will be here in a moment.”

Charlie asked somewhat surprised: “Nanako is coming to China in some time?”

“Yes.” Warnia nodded and said. “Nanako is a huge fan of Gu Qiuyi, the famous star of China. As she is having a concert in Aurous Hill, she wants to come and have some fun here. I have already told her that she is welcomed here and can stay at my house.”

Charlie and other people were stunned and asked in surprise, “Nanako likes Gu Qiuyi?!


“Really.” Warnia said seriously: “Gu Qiuyi is not only well-known in China, but also has many fans in rest of Asia, the Chinese community around the world, and even in the European and American regions she has a fan base. She is very admired by Japanese girls because of her beauty. Many Japanese girls imitate her dressing, collocation, and

makeup styles, and there are so many fans!”

After that, she explained: “Actually, I am also very interested in Gu Qiuyi, so the two of

us plan to go over and watch the concert together.”

Charlie felt his head exploding just by thinking about this prospect. What would happen

at that time?

“My wife is going to see Gu Qiuyi‟s concert, Elsa is also going to see Gu Qiuyi‟s concert,

Warnia is going, and even Ito Nanako is going…this…what is going on here? What the


At this time, Qin Aoxue changed into a very temperamental dress and walked over. She

heard Charlie and Warnia talking about Gu Qiuyi, and hurriedly asked with great

concern: “Master Wade, sister Warnia, you are talking about Gu Qiuyi‟s concert?”

Warnia nodded and smiled: “Aoxue, do you like Gu Qiuyi too?”

Qin Aoxue said without hesitation: “Who doesn‟t like her! I bought all the tickets, and I

plan to go with my classmates. What…”

After speaking, she asked again: “Sister Warnia, are you going too?”

Warnia smiled and said, “I‟ll go too. Ito Nanako who just happened to send me the dog

wants to see me too. So, I‟ve made an appointment to go together.”

“Ah!” Qin Aoxue exclaimed: “Ito Nanako is also coming to Aurous Hill to watch the


“Yes.” Warnia nodded and said, “There is still good news to tell you. I told Nanako that

you like puppies. She said that when she comes to China this time, she would bring you

a brother or sister of Xiaoyou to give it to you.”

“Ah? Really?!” Qin Aoxue heard this. ,

Her expression was pleasantly surprised at first but soon became very embarrassed…

She stammered and said: “Sister Warnia, I fought against Nanako Ito and hurt her, so

would that not be embarrassing? To accept the dog from her…”

Warnia laughed and said seriously: “Nanako knows that you will definitely think about

this, so she specifically asked me to tell you, she said, the game is just the game, and

what happens during the game, just stay on the field, Aoxue Don‟t bring the events of

the game into your life, she said she still hopes to become friends with you!”

chapter 2345

When Aoxue heard that Nanako Ito wanted to make friends with her, she was overjoyed.

She couldn‟t hide her excitement and blurted out and asked, “Sister Warnia, is what you

said is true?”

Warnia smiled and said, “Of course it is true, can I lie to you?”

Aoxue couldn‟t help sighing. Actually, I really want to be friends with her. I admired her

very much before, and although I don‟t have much contact with her, I can feel that she

must be a very nice and cool person.”

Warnia lightly clicked Nodded, and said in agreement: “Nanako is indeed a very nice girl,

very friendly, and very humble.”

Aoxue said more or less guilty: “In fact, her strength was originally far above me. The

reason she would lose to me because I took the pill that Master Wade gave me. I feel

really ashamed to think about it…” Warnia said with a smile: “It‟s okay, Master Wade

gave you the pill, this is completely your luck and chance, there‟s nothing to be

ashamed of.”

Charlie also said at this time: “Aoxue, your sister Warnia is right, everyone has their own

chances, and these opportunities will never be shared. Yours, like Ito Nanako, you don‟t

know if she has learned some fighting skills from Japan‟s top ninjas, so what is there to

be ashamed of such a thing?”

Aoxue nodded gently, so she said very seriously: “Master Wade, I understand…” At this

time, the subordinate stepped forward to announce that Tailai Li, the richest man in

Haicheng, had arrived.

This time, Tailai Li did not let Charlie‟s little friend Zhao Hao drive, mainly because he felt

that Charlie is a man with great supernatural powers after all. He invites him to dinner,

and he must be more religious. If he still lets his good brother be Driver, more or less it

will be inappropriate.

Immediately afterward, Solomon Wang came, Tianqi and Xiaozhao Chen, the old man,

and grandson followed closely behind.

Since it was not the time for dinner, everyone was seated one after another, chatting

while drinking tea, and the atmosphere was particularly harmonious.

Each of these people respected and revered Charlie very much, and they had a relatively

good relationship with each other as well, so the room was buzzing with conversations.

Seeing that the invited guests were seated one by one, Charlie couldn‟t help but think of

Dorris. Don‟t know why Dorris hasn‟t appeared yet. On the phone before, she had clearly

confirmed that she would come.

Charlie was wondering whether to call Dorris, but after another thought, Dorris may be

busy with some things at first. If she finishes dealing with the things at hand, she will

naturally come over; if she hasn‟t finished dealing with them, there is no need for her to

rush. Just urge her to let her do her own thing at ease.

At this time, Dorris was with her mother in the intensive care unit of the People‟s


Seeing that the mother had eaten the meal, the nurse also put a nutrient solution on the

father. Dorris breathed a sigh of relief and said to her mother: “Mom, I have a meal in

the evening, which is organized by my boss, so I have to go there first, but I will be back

as soon as possible.”

Mom Leithina said hurriedly, “Dorris, you have been tossing enough these days. Now

that you have a meal, you can have a good meal, chat with your boss and colleagues,

relax, don‟t hurry back, your mom is here. I‟m afraid that your heart has been tight these

days, it‟s time to get out of it for a while.”

Dorris smiled slightly and said: “Don‟t worry about me, I can adjust to it.”

Chapter 2346

After that, she picked up the hanging coat and said to Leithina, “Mom, if there is nothing

wrong, I will leave now.”

Leithina nodded and said, “Drive slow on the road. Pay attention to safety.”

“Okay mom, I will.”

Dorris said goodbye to her mother and came out of the ward. Seeing that there was

enough time, she went to the office of Director Chen of the Department of Nephrology.

Now, there are only ten hours left before the deadline Walter gave her. The only gleam

of hope that Dorris has is in Director Chen. She doesn‟t know whether Director Chen can

initiate the relationship and help find the right source of the kidney. It is time to confirm

one last time.

Dorris came to the office door and knocked on the door, and heard Director Chen inside

say: “Please come in.” Then she pushed the door in.

As soon as she walked in, she said with some regret: “Dr. Chen, I‟m so sorry to disturb

you again.”

Director Chen said hurriedly, “Don‟t be so polite, Dorris, please sit down.”

Dorris said, “Dr. Chen, I… I can‟t sit down. I just have something to go out for. I came

over to ask you, is there any chance for the kidney source?”

Director Chen sighed and said, “I‟ve already talked to many of my classmates. The old

classmates are now basically the directors of the nephrology department of the top

tertiary hospitals across the country. There are many related resources. They have

agreed to help, but they can‟t guarantee whether they can find it. It‟s just luck.”

Dorris Nodded lightly, then lowered her voice a few minutes, and said seriously: “That…

Director Chen… If you or your classmates can help solve the kidney problem, I

personally would like to take it. Give three million as a thank you token. If you can solve

it by yourself, all three million will be given to you; if your classmates help to solve it,

then I will give you three million, and an extra two million for your hard work…… Please

pay more attention…”

Upon hearing this, Director Chen hurriedly said: “Ms. Dorris, I admit that some doctors

do accept red envelopes from patients‟ family members, but I have never done anything

like this in my medical experience for so many years. Don‟t worry, in your father‟s case, I

will do my best to help. As for the hard work, you don‟t need to mention it again.”

Dorris realized that what she said just now really offended Director Chen‟s medical

ethics, and hurriedly said apologetically: “Director Chen, I‟m so sorry…I was too anxious,

so I made the move. Please don‟t mind…”

Director Chen nodded and said, “Ms. Dorris, your feelings like this are common, in such

cases. It‟s understandable. We usually operate on patients and their family members will

come to stuff red envelopes in our pockets. If we don‟t accept them, they will feel as if

we don‟t care about operating on their relatives…”

“So, I usually encounter this in a different way, I will accept the red envelope before the

operation, and then quietly ask the nurse to hand it over to the hospital‟s finances. After

the operation is over, we will directly charge the money to the patient‟s account. When

the patient goes through the discharge procedures, The money will be returned to the

family, so that the family can rest assured during the operation time at least.”

Dorris felt ashamed and said: “Director Chen, I‟m really sorry, I was abrupt…”

Director Chen smiled. Waved his hand: “It‟s okay, I won‟t take it to heart. As for the

kidney source, you can rest assured, I will definitely go all out.”

“OK.” Dorris nodded and said, “Then Director Chen, I won‟t take your time anymore. I‟m

disturbing your work. If you have any progress, please contact me at any time.”

Director Chen nodded and said, ” Okay, I will call you if I have any news.”

At this moment, someone suddenly opened the door in a panic and said: “Director

Chen, important news! The examination of patients in Ward No. 1 finally has a clear


Chapter 2347

Doris heard that it was bed 1, she immediately realized that he was talking about her

father, so she blurted out and asked: “Hello, may I ask about the patient in ward 1.”

What was the result of the test?”

The man looked at Doris hesitantly, then at Director Chen, not knowing whether he

should continue.

Director Chen hurriedly urged: “What is the result, just say it, don‟t dawdle!”

The person hurriedly said: “That‟s it. The laboratory first found out from the blood of the

patient in ward 1. Excessive mercury, and then sent the blood sample to the laboratory

of the judicial department for further inspection of toxic substances. The result was a

large amount of mercury dichloride‟ detected in the sample!”

“What?!” Director Chen exclaimed: “Dichloride Mercury?! Determined to be mercury


“Yes!” the person hurriedly said: “The police suspected that someone had poisoned

them, so they are ready to file a case. It is estimated that they will come soon.”

Doris was shocked and blurted out. Said: “Director Chen, what is mercury dichloride?!”

Director Chen explained: “Mercury dichloride is a highly toxic inorganic substance. This

substance is extremely toxic. It takes only one milligram per kilogram of body weight. It

can reach the semi-lethal dose! An 80 kg adult male-only needs 80 milligrams!”

Doris asked: “What is the semi-lethal dose?!”

Director Chen said: “The semi-lethal dose is the medical and chemical toxicity

monitoring standard. For example, if a hundred mice are used for the toxicity test of

mercury dichloride, when the oral administration exceeds one milligram per kilogram for

a specified period of time, fifty mice will die. This amount is called a semi-lethal dose. “

Doris exclaimed: “This kind of substance only needs tens of milligrams to kill people?!”

Director Chen nodded and said with a grimace: “This kind of thing is extremely toxic,

especially to the kidneys. It‟s like paraquat is extremely harmful to the lungs, there is

almost no cure…”

Doris suddenly became nervous and blurted out: “Why would my father take such toxic

substances? No one in our family has ever been exposed to such highly toxic


Director Chen said seriously: “Since the police are all to file a case for investigation, it is

very likely that someone deliberately poisoned him!”

“Poisoned?!” Doris said in confusion: “My father has been teaching and educating

people for most of his life. The whole world is full of peaches and plums, and he has

received countless honors. Personality and teacher ethics are both impeccable, so have

never made enemies with others. Who will do such a bad hand against him?!”

Director Chen hurriedly said: “Doris, this kind of thing is useless to ponder on just by

speculation. I would suggest you rely on the police to investigate deeply to find the

murderer behind the scenes!” As he said, the door of the office was pushed open, and

several police officers in police uniforms walked in with solemn expressions.

One of the middle-aged men with the Chinese character‟s face walked in front, came

directly in front of Director Chen, and said: “Hello, I am Ruslen, the deputy captain of the

Aurous Hill Criminal Police Brigade. We received a report from the Inspection Division of

your unit and now suspect that it is expensive. A patient named Simmon Wang in the

hospital is very likely to be poisoned. Is it convenient for us to see Simmon‟s family?”

Director Chen immediately pointed to Doris and said, “Captain Ruslen, this is Doris,

Simmon‟s daughter. Madam.”

Ruslen was a little surprised, and immediately put away his surprised expression, and

said seriously: “Hello Ms. Doris, this is Ruslen, how is your father‟s situation now?”

Doris hurriedly said: “Captain Ruslen, My father is in very bad condition now. His kidneys

are failing rapidly in a short period of time, and his life is in danger… Please be sure to

find out the murderer who poisoned my father!”

Chapter 2348

Ruslen nodded very seriously, and said: “Ms. Doris, can you please help us in this regard,

does your father have any enemies in ordinary terms? Or is there anything with him?

Has anyone ever had a financial dispute with him?”

Doris shook her head and said, “My father has been conscientious in teaching and

educating people for so many years. He is also very willing to help others at work. No

one has ever had any conflicts.”

Ruslen asked again: “Then has your father eaten any weird food recently, or come into

contact with something weird?”

Doris continued to shook her head: “It seems that it hasn‟t happened. Everything was

normal before he became ill…”

Ruslen then asked: “Do you usually live with your father?”

Doris nodded: “Yes, we live together.”

Ruslen continued to ask: “Then beside you and your father, who else lives with you? ? “

Doris said:”Me, my father and mother, the three of us live together. ” “

Captain nodded, paused, and asked: “any servant who works at your house?”

“No”, Doris said, “I want to find a nanny for them, but my parents have lived

independently all their lives, and they are not used to being served by others. In

addition, they are now in their 50s and can take care of themselves, so they have never

looked for a nanny.”

Ruslen asked, “Neither you nor your mother has any problems with your bodies?”

Doris shook her head: “No.”

Ruslen nodded and said, “You are a family of three living together, and you and your

mother don‟t have any problems, so basically it can be inferred that it‟s not the food or

water in your home.”

While talking, he asked again: “Ms. Doris, I need you to recall carefully. During the

period before your father showed signs of illness in his body, did he go out for dinner

alone or with his friends?”

Doris thought about it carefully and said seriously: “Neither. Before my father had

physical problems, he had been reading at home because of the winter vacation, and he

had hardly gone out, so he never went out with others.”

Ruslen couldn‟t help frowning: “That is really strange. According to the test data, your

father has a large amount of mercury dichloride in his body. This highly toxic substance

can enter the body through the mouth and nose. , It may also enter the body through

the skin.”

“But our experts speculate that such a large toxic dose may take a long time if it

depends on the skin alone, so the most likely entry is through the mouth and nose, and

oral administration is the most likely way into the body. But, as you mentioned situation,

your father is unlikely to be exposed at home to contaminated food and water.

Nevertheless, he has not been out for a meal or drink… “

“Well, It might be a little tricky to figure out where he was poisoned!”

Chapter 2347

Doris heard that it was bed 1, she immediately realized that he was talking about her

father, so she blurted out and asked: “Hello, may I ask about the patient in ward 1.”

What was the result of the test?”

The man looked at Doris hesitantly, then at Director Chen, not knowing whether he

should continue.

Director Chen hurriedly urged: “What is the result, just say it, don‟t dawdle!”

The person hurriedly said: “That‟s it. The laboratory first found out from the blood of the

patient in ward 1. Excessive mercury, and then sent the blood sample to the laboratory

of the judicial department for further inspection of toxic substances. The result was a

large amount of mercury dichloride‟ detected in the sample!”

“What?!” Director Chen exclaimed: “Dichloride Mercury?! Determined to be mercury


“Yes!” the person hurriedly said: “The police suspected that someone had poisoned

them, so they are ready to file a case. It is estimated that they will come soon.”

Doris was shocked and blurted out. Said: “Director Chen, what is mercury dichloride?!”

Director Chen explained: “Mercury dichloride is a highly toxic inorganic substance. This

substance is extremely toxic. It takes only one milligram per kilogram of body weight. It

can reach the semi-lethal dose! An 80 kg adult male-only needs 80 milligrams!”

Doris asked: “What is the semi-lethal dose?!”

Director Chen said: “The semi-lethal dose is the medical and chemical toxicity

monitoring standard. For example, if a hundred mice are used for the toxicity test of

mercury dichloride, when the oral administration exceeds one milligram per kilogram for

a specified period of time, fifty mice will die. This amount is called a semi-lethal dose. “

Doris exclaimed: “This kind of substance only needs tens of milligrams to kill people?!”

Director Chen nodded and said with a grimace: “This kind of thing is extremely toxic,

especially to the kidneys. It‟s like paraquat is extremely harmful to the lungs, there is

almost no cure…”

Doris suddenly became nervous and blurted out: “Why would my father take such toxic

substances? No one in our family has ever been exposed to such highly toxic


Director Chen said seriously: “Since the police are all to file a case for investigation, it is

very likely that someone deliberately poisoned him!”

“Poisoned?!” Doris said in confusion: “My father has been teaching and educating

people for most of his life. The whole world is full of peaches and plums, and he has

received countless honors. Personality and teacher ethics are both impeccable, so have

never made enemies with others. Who will do such a bad hand against him?!”

Director Chen hurriedly said: “Doris, this kind of thing is useless to ponder on just by

speculation. I would suggest you rely on the police to investigate deeply to find the

murderer behind the scenes!” As he said, the door of the office was pushed open, and

several police officers in police uniforms walked in with solemn expressions.

One of the middle-aged men with the Chinese character‟s face walked in front, came

directly in front of Director Chen, and said: “Hello, I am Ruslen, the deputy captain of the

Aurous Hill Criminal Police Brigade. We received a report from the Inspection Division of

your unit and now suspect that it is expensive. A patient named Simmon Wang in the

hospital is very likely to be poisoned. Is it convenient for us to see Simmon‟s family?”

Director Chen immediately pointed to Doris and said, “Captain Ruslen, this is Doris,

Simmon‟s daughter. Madam.”

Ruslen was a little surprised, and immediately put away his surprised expression, and

said seriously: “Hello Ms. Doris, this is Ruslen, how is your father‟s situation now?”

Doris hurriedly said: “Captain Ruslen, My father is in very bad condition now. His kidneys

are failing rapidly in a short period of time, and his life is in danger… Please be sure to

find out the murderer who poisoned my father!”

Chapter 2348

Ruslen nodded very seriously, and said: “Ms. Doris, can you please help us in this regard,

does your father have any enemies in ordinary terms? Or is there anything with him?

Has anyone ever had a financial dispute with him?”

Doris shook her head and said, “My father has been conscientious in teaching and

educating people for so many years. He is also very willing to help others at work. No

one has ever had any conflicts.”

Ruslen asked again: “Then has your father eaten any weird food recently, or come into

contact with something weird?”

Doris continued to shook her head: “It seems that it hasn‟t happened. Everything was

normal before he became ill…”

Ruslen then asked: “Do you usually live with your father?”

Doris nodded: “Yes, we live together.”

Ruslen continued to ask: “Then beside you and your father, who else lives with you? ? “

Doris said:”Me, my father and mother, the three of us live together. ” “

Captain nodded, paused, and asked: “any servant who works at your house?”

“No”, Doris said, “I want to find a nanny for them, but my parents have lived

independently all their lives, and they are not used to being served by others. In

addition, they are now in their 50s and can take care of themselves, so they have never

looked for a nanny.”

Ruslen asked, “Neither you nor your mother has any problems with your bodies?”

Doris shook her head: “No.”

Ruslen nodded and said, “You are a family of three living together, and you and your

mother don‟t have any problems, so basically it can be inferred that it‟s not the food or

water in your home.”

While talking, he asked again: “Ms. Doris, I need you to recall carefully. During the

period before your father showed signs of illness in his body, did he go out for dinner

alone or with his friends?”

Doris thought about it carefully and said seriously: “Neither. Before my father had

physical problems, he had been reading at home because of the winter vacation, and he

had hardly gone out, so he never went out with others.”

Ruslen couldn‟t help frowning: “That is really strange. According to the test data, your

father has a large amount of mercury dichloride in his body. This highly toxic substance

can enter the body through the mouth and nose. , It may also enter the body through

the skin.”

“But our experts speculate that such a large toxic dose may take a long time if it

depends on the skin alone, so the most likely entry is through the mouth and nose, and

oral administration is the most likely way into the body. But, as you mentioned situation,

your father is unlikely to be exposed at home to contaminated food and water.

Nevertheless, he has not been out for a meal or drink… “

“Well, It might be a little tricky to figure out where he was poisoned!”

Chapter 2349

Doris at this time, heard Ruslen‟s words, was very nervous, and hurriedly asked: “Captain

Ruslen, based on your experience, did my father accidentally come into contact with this

or highly toxic substance, or is it more likely that he was given this secretly?”

“Not sure.” Ruslen explained earnestly: “The situation and clues we have now are indeed

too limited, basically none. What very useful clues can help us determine the direction.”

After that, he asked again: “By the way, Ms. Doris, can your father in his current state

accept inquiries? If we ask him directly about some things, we may be able to get more

useful clues.”

Doris shook her head and sighed: “He has been in a deep coma for these two days…”

Ruslen hesitated for a moment, then slapped his lips, and said, “Hey… …. How about


“Since you just said that your father barely went out for a while before he became ill,

then I guess he is more likely to be poisoned at home!”

“It‟s just, too plausible. Possibly through food and drink poisoning.”

“If it is convenient for you, can you let us go to your home to collect clues? If we can

find highly toxic substances in your home, then there is a way to continue to trace the


“We need to be professional after the criminal investigators come to investigate, there

may be more valuable discoveries.” When Doris heard this, she almost said without

hesitation: “No problem! Anytime, when would it be more convenient for you, you can

pay a visit?”

Ruslen Immediately said: “The matter is urgent. If possible, let‟s go over now!”

Doris hurriedly said: “No problem! Then I will take a few people over now.”

After speaking, she turned her head to look at Director Chen with a pleading expression.

Said: “Director Chen, my mother has been very nervous these days, so don‟t tell her

about this.”

Director Chen nodded immediately: “No problem, Ms. Doris, don‟t worry, I will keep this

strictly confidential from your mother.”

“Okay, thank you, Director Chen!”

Doris thanked Director Chen and then looked at Ruslen. She opened his mouth and

said: “Captain Ruslen, then I will take you to my house now?”

“Okay. ” Ruslen nodded and said: “It‟s not too late, let‟s go over now!”

Fifteen minutes later.

Doris brought a few police officers and a few technicians from the Criminal Investigation

Division to her cottage.

Doris‟s family is relatively well-off, her parents‟ income is very high, and her own income

is not low, so the family has a small villa with more than 300 square meters and three

floors with a yard in Aurous Hill.

The decoration style of the villa is very elegant traditional Chinese decoration. The

furniture and appliances in the home are also top-quality goods. At first glance, it is a

family who pursues the quality of life in the best way possible.

The police officers put on shoe covers, gloves, and used various professional

instruments to conduct careful technical inspections throughout the home.

At this time, Doris was completely occupied by the poisoning of her father, because this

matter was so serious that her brain had already unconsciously left Mr. Charlie‟s meal


Now she just wants to find out, what is the cause of her father‟s poisoning, is it an

accident, or someone maliciously activity she and mother are unaware of!

And at Qin Gang‟s home at this moment.

It was dinner time, and when Doris got late, Qin Gang came to Charlie and asked in a

low voice: “Master Wade, Ms. Doris, has not come yet, do you think we should start or

wait for her?”

Charlie said to himself, she has not come yet, there must be something more important

than this. If He called her at this time, even if he didn‟t intend on urging her, in her

opinion, she might feel uneasy. There must be some urgency.

Chapter 2350

As her boss, once he calls her, it will definitely bring some pressure to her. It is not

appropriate if it affects her to do important things. Leaving her own business to please

the boss.

So he said to Qin Gang, “It‟s okay, let‟s start without her.”

Anyway, for Charlie, organizing the dinner today is secondary, and giving everyone a

reward is the most important thing.

If Doris can‟t come tonight because of something, there is no need to rush her, he will

just give her the pill in private when he has the opportunity.

As soon as Qin Gang heard this, he hurriedly said to everyone: “Come on, you guys, it is

time for food, let‟s move to the dining hall, our banquet tonight is about to begin.”

Then everyone followed Qin Gang to the dining hall. The chef of Qin‟s family was

already in the dining hall. Sixteen cold dishes were placed on his table.

Mr. Song said with a smile, “Mr. Qin, there are almost 16 cold cuts. This is a bit too

expensive, right?”

Qin Gang hurriedly said: “How come Mr. Song, all of you are guests of Qin. Today it is

not me, but Master Wade. The banquet must be done in accordance with the highest


Old Song nodded and smiled: “Thank you Qin Gang and Master Wade for your


Charlie smiled. Said: “Mr. Song doesn‟t have to be so polite, please

sit down !” Everyone sat down, and Qin Gang immediately sent someone to get a few

bottles of collection-grade Moutai.

After everyone had poured a glass of wine, Charlie picked up his own glass and said very

seriously: “Thank you all for your appreciation today, and thank you, Mr. Qin, for helping

me with all this, I will toast to everyone!”

Everyone heard this. Then, they picked up their wine glasses and stood up, and Mr.

Tianqi hurriedly said, “Master Wade! All of us here have been favored by you. Why are

you and us so polite?”

Charlie laughed: “Okay. Let‟s not say much if you‟re polite, everyone did this cup


Everyone at the dinner table said together: “It‟s done!”

Then, Charlie filled himself with wine and said: “During the Chinese New Year, everyone

is really spending a bit. To be honest, I feel a little bit in my heart. I don‟t want to.” After

speaking, Charlie said again: “However, I will not say more, so I hope you will not be

polite to me in the matter that needs the attention.”

Everyone nodded, and some people were already excited…

The difference between them and Doris is that they all received Charlie‟s gift of

medicine, and they went to Charlie‟s house together to pay New Year‟s greetings during

the New Year.

As for Doris, she had never received the elixir distributed by Charlie, and she did not go

with Charlie at the time for New Year‟s greetings, so she didn‟t even know what Charlie‟s

purpose was for a treat today.

If she knew that Charlie would take out the Blood Relief Heart Relief Pill that can cure all

diseases. And today he would give it to everyone, then she would definitely not miss this


Because as long as she got a pill of blood to save the heart, her father‟s condition could

be completely cured.

Charlie left the seat temporarily at this time and took the pill he had prepared from the

car, and the one he had prepared for Doris was put into his pocket.

Afterward, he took these pills and returned to the dinner table, took out the boxes

containing the pills one by one, and said earnestly: “Everyone, these are some bloodsaving heart-saving pills that I have recently made from the materials provided by Qin.

This kind of pill can, not say immortality, but at least it can cure all diseases and treat

serious injuries. I hope everyone will take good care of it and take it out at critical


Everyone was happy when they saw Charlie take out the pill. In fact, they were moving

with excitement.

Without saying anything, Orvel stood up and walked around the chair, knelt on his

knees piously, and said excitedly: “Great Master Wade, thank you for the medicine!”

When everyone saw this, without exception, they all got up. Knelt down in front of

Charlie, and said in unison: “Great Master Wade, thank you for the medicine!”

Chapter 2351

For Charlie, making the Blood Rescue Pill is just ordinary, not a big deal.

However, others, can‟t say this thing. Although it can prolong life, but at least it has a

life-saving effect at the most critical moment which is more important.

With it, it is equivalent to saving one life at a critical moment.

Warnia is the best example.

If it hadn‟t been for a pill that she carried close to her body, the moment she fell from a

cliff in Japan, she would have disappeared like everyone else in a foreign country.

Therefore, deep in the hearts of everyone present, they were so excited that there was

nothing to add.

Charlie distributed the pill one by one, and then said to everyone: “Everyone collect the

medicine, let‟s continue to eat.” Then everyone cautiously put the wooden box

containing the pill into their pockets, got up, and returned to their seats.

After the meal, the guests enjoyed themselves.

Until nine o‟clock in the evening, when the meal was over, Doris still did not contact


Charlie drove away from Qin Gang‟s villa, and then took out his mobile phone, ready to

call Doris, and asked her if she had any trouble.

At this moment, Doris was at home, anxiously awaiting the results of police criminal


More than a dozen professional criminal investigators have come to the house to

conduct a carpet inspection of the entire house, but the source of the poisoning is still

not found.

At this moment, the phone in Doris‟s pocket suddenly rang.

She was taken aback by the ringing of the phone, and immediately took out her mobile

phone and realized that Charlie was calling. Then she remembered that she also

promised Charlie that she would go to the dinner he organized in the evening!

However, looking at the time on the phone again, it is already nine o‟clock in the


She was stunned by the time, and she thought to herself: “Why is it nine o‟clock all of a

sudden?! Oh, she completely forgot about the time…She let the young master‟s

invitation go, the young master will not blame her Right?”

Thinking of this, she quickly connected to the phone and said in a very sorry tone:

“Master…I‟m really sorry, I…I have something in my house, I forgot the time… …I‟m


Charlie heard the nervousness in her voice, and said: “It‟s okay, I didn‟t call to reprimand

you or something, I mainly wanted to ask what happened to you, do you need

something? any help?”

Doris said hurriedly: “Master, I don‟t have much need of help, but I encountered some

unexpected incidents at home, I have been dealing with it right now, but I was so busy

that I forgot the time…”

Charlie Seriously said: “If you need help with anything, you must not be polite to me,

just open your mouth and say it.”

At this moment, Doris was moved in her heart and suddenly remembered the revival pill.

“One rejuvenating pill is enough to solve all the problems faced by my father…”

“However, the value of the rejuvenating pill is too expensive…”

“I tried to get it at every turn. One billion, how can I afford it?”

“Since I can‟t afford it, should I ask the young master for one?”

“How can I open this mouth?”

Thinking of this, she felt depressed. , Stubbornly said: “Thank you for your kindness,

Master, I can handle it by myself, but I couldn‟t make the appointment for your meal. I‟m

really sorry…”

Charlie said in a convenient way: “It doesn‟t matter about the meal is. For family matters,

we will have another dinner for another day.”

Chapter 2352

Doris gratefully said: “Thank you so much, Master!”

Charlie smiled indifferently, “It‟s okay, don‟t be so polite with me.”

When it came to this, Charlie wanted her to be busy first with the affair at hand. so that

he should not delay her handling of family affairs. But at this moment, when he heard

from Doris‟s phone, a man‟s voice suddenly came out: “Ms. Doris, we found out The

source of your father‟s poison!”

At this time, Doris was still holding the cell phone, but when she heard this, she had

completely forgotten that she was still on the phone with Charlie, and she blurted out

and asked nervously: “Officer Ruslen, where is the source of the poisoning you


Officer Ruslen held a heavy book in his latex-gloved hand and said: “Our criminal

investigators found that every piece of the page in this book contains mercury


“Moreover, we found that this book is very new and many. It is estimated that your

father has read this book more frequently recently.”

“He usually reads this book. In this book, the mercury dichloride smeared on his hands

will continue to be contaminated, a small part of which will be directly absorbed

through the skin, and some may be eaten up reaching stomach with the food when he

took food in.”

“The old generation has a bad habit we can say. Every time they want to turn the page,

they wet their fingers by licking it with the tongue, don‟t know if your father has such a


Doris gently nodded her head, opening: “My father does have this habit of reading

books… I also said before that it is not hygienic to read books like that, but he has long

been used to it, so this problem has never been corrected… …”

Officer Ruslen nodded and said: “That‟s right, I think the excessive mercury dichloride in

your father‟s body comes from this book!”

Doris was struck by lightning immediately, and she blurted out: “Officer Ruslen, is it

possible someone deliberately poisoned my dad?!”

Officer Ruslen nodded and said: “From the painting process in the book, mercury

dichloride is in a very fine powder form, completely spread on the paper, so it is almost

colorless and tasteless. , It‟s also difficult to identify, so it can be speculated that this is

absolutely artificial, and the other party is very cautious and has a strong sense of antireconnaissance!”

Doris said angrily: “My father has taught and educated people throughout his life, and

has never offended anyone. , Who would do such a bad thing to him!”

Officer Ruslen hurriedly asked her: “Do you know how this book came about?”

Doris nodded hurriedly and said, “This book was received by my father before the

Chinese New Year. It was sent by the courier.”

Officer Ruslen was overjoyed and asked, “Who is the sender?!”

Doris shook her head and said, “The courier at the time did not fill in the sender‟s

information, but it was in it. It brought a note. The person who wrote the note claimed

to be a student my dad had taught before. He said that he stumbled across this book

abroad and knew that my dad would like it, so he bought it and gave it to him. “

Officer Ruslen frowned and asked: “Without the sender‟s information, did you ever

doubt it?”

Doris sighed and rebuked herself: “My dad has been teaching and educating people for

half his life, and the students who have taught don‟t count it. Many students often mail

some books to him, including books published by themselves, or some unknown they

found in foreign countries. My father also mails some books he has read to his

students… “

You also know that books are the most common gifts given to each other by academics,

so we really didn‟t take it too seriously…”

The Officer frowned and asked: “Do you have the Express package?”

Doris shook her head: “My mother cleans those things once a day.”

Officer Ruslen asked again: “What courier company was at that time used by the sender,

do you remember?”

Doris thought for a while and said, “It seems to be a copy. The postal international

express, sent from Greece.”

When Officer Ruslen heard this, he sighed, and said: “It seems that we can‟t find a


Doris hurriedly asked: “Why?”

Officer Ruslen explained: “If it is really sent from Greece When entering the customs, it

will be detected by the customs. The customs inspection methods are much stricter than

ours. Many people who are clever and want to cross-border drug trafficking through

similar methods will be detected by the customs. Therefore, this kind of poison is

smeared. It‟s impossible to deliver books to your home…”

After that, Officer Ruslen said seriously: “I speculate that the international express

delivery is fake, and the delivery person must also be fake. The murderer is not abroad,

but at home. ! It is very likely to be in Aurous Hill!”

Chapter 2353

“It‟s in Aurous Hill?!” When Doris heard this, she couldn‟t help gritting her teeth!

Immediately, she said angrily and coldly: “This person is doing everything possible to

harm my father. I don‟t know what the intention is! Officer Ruslen, please find a way to

get this person to justice!”

Officer Ruslen nodded and said seriously: “This kind of criminal case involving murder is

an absolute major and important case. We will do our best to solve it quickly!”

He sighed as he said, “Hey, but because there are too few clues at present, I have no

time frame to assure you.”

Doris nodded gently, and said: “I understand this…”

Officer Ruslen said again: “By the way, Ms. Doris, please help me recall the time first.

When did you receive this express delivery? Let‟s adjust the surveillance videos around

that time period and find out the person delivering the courier first!”

Doris thought for a while and said, “I was very busy at work during the time before the

Chinese New Year. I‟m not sure, wait for me, I‟ll call my mother and ask her if she



Doris immediately picked her cell phone to her eyes and was about to call her mother.

Charlie‟s phone hasn‟t been hung up, and the number in the column of talk time is still

increasing, which proves that he is still on the phone.

She felt tight, picked it up hurriedly, and said to Charlie: “I‟m sorry, young master, it was

a little urgent just now, so…”

Charlie had already heard the whole part of her conversation with Officer Ruslen at this

time, so He spoke in an unquestionable tone, and said: “Doris, tell me the address of

your home!”

Doris said hurriedly and nervously: “Master, it‟s my family affair, I still don‟t want to

trouble you… “

Charlie said coldly: “Tell me the address, I‟m on my way now!”

Doris heard Charlie‟s tone, it was very harsh and was immediately suppressed by his

aura, so she had to whisper: “My house…My house is in the second phase of Sector F

Villa 11…”

Charlie nodded and said, “I know this community is not too far away from me. I will be

there in ten minutes!”

Hearing that Charlie was coming, Doris felt a little nervous.

She knew Charlie‟s status was honorable, and she really didn‟t want to trouble Charlie

with her own affairs.

However, she could not help but think again that Charlie is a figure with hands and eyes

open to the sky after all. He is not only the young master of the Wade family but also

the master Wade who is highly regarded by the upper class of Aurous Hill. If he is willing

to help, the probability and efficiency of detecting the murderer‟s attempt should be


Thinking of this, she no longer struggled too much, and decisively agreed: “OK master,

I‟ll be waiting for you at the door!” After

hanging up the phone, Doris called her mother who was in the hospital again.

After confirming the time when her father received the book with her mother, the police

began to check from the surveillance video to see if they could lock the person who

delivered the courier. If they can find this person, they can find the person behind the


At the same time, Officer Ruslen also advised Doris not to live at home in the near

future. After all, this has risen to the height of a criminal case, and the other party‟s

methods are concealed.

Doris accepted Officer Ruslen‟s suggestion and planned to move directly to the hospital

tonight, and guard her father in the hospital with her mother.

At the same time, Officer Ruslen also promised to send a few plainclothes police officers

to secretly deploy control in the hospital to prevent the murderer from acting on their


After the technical staff of the Criminal Investigation Division collected the evidence,

Officer Ruslen prepared to lead the team to evacuate.

Chapter 2354

They have already obtained the evidence, the next thing to do is to search for clues, so

they are not going to continue to spend time in Doris‟s villa.

Before leaving, Officer Ruslen said to Doris: “Ms. Doris, I suggest you leave home now

and go to the People‟s Hospital.”

Doris nodded and said seriously: “Thank you Officer Ruslen, I‟ll just pack up and drive

over. “

Officer replied: ” All right, I will return to the team, organize a task force meeting here at

the same time investigate any progress, I will be the first to inform you, but you and

your mother can help us by recalling some useful details, If there are any new clues,

please inform me in time.”

Doris said sincerely: “No problem! Excuse me, Officer Ruslen!” After repeated thanks,

Doris sent the group of policemen out.

Several police cars roared away.

Before Doris could move, Charlie drove the BMW five series of Mr. Jacob, his old father

in law‟s, to Doris‟s door.

Charlie saw Doris at the door, so he parked the car in front of her.

Just stopped the car, then pushed out the door, Charlie‟s face was anxious. He asked:

“Doris, why didn‟t you tell me about your father‟s poisoning incident???”

Seeing Mr. Wade‟s appearance so anxious, Doris was deeply moved.

Looking at Charlie‟s handsome face, Doris felt a little more at ease, but also a little bit

more of the kind of grievances peculiar to little women made its way to her heart.

She has always been in the image of a strong woman in front of others, and her

performance is also very strong, but deep down, she still can‟t escape the essence of a

young woman.

In the face of such a major tribulation and change, she was holding on alone, already

reaching her limit.

She also desires to have a strong and powerful shoulder, so that she can rely on, even if

it only allows her to have a moment of relaxation, it can also bring great comfort to her

in time of need.

Therefore, at the moment when she saw Charlie appear in front of her, Doris just wanted

to hold him and cry.

However, the trace of reason left in Doris‟s heart is constantly admonishing herself:

“No…absolutely not, he is my boss…and he is the young master of Wade Family, how

can I Go up and hug him…”

Doris put aside the absurd idea in her mind, and said in a low voice with red eyes,

“Master my father has been in the hospital since the Chinese New Year due to renal failure. We thought it has to do with the transplant that he had a couple of years ago.

But today I came to know that he was poisoned by Mercury Dicholoride, and it was done deliberately…”

Charlie asked her: “Then how is your father‟s condition now?”

Doris choked up: “He is in a very poor condition now. The doctor said that the window for a kidney transplant is at most fifteen days, but he happens to have RH-negative blood. It is very difficult to match the blood type. In a short period of time, the possibility of finding the source of the kidney is very slim…”

Charlie nodded and said without hesitation: “Get in the car, let‟s go to the People‟s Hospital. I am coming with you!”

Doris said hurriedly: ” Master…How embarrassed to trouble you about this matter…”

Charlie said with a serious expression: “Doris, your father is poisoned, it‟s not time to feel embarrassed, it is not normal kidney failure!”

“The doctor told you today. He has a window period of fifteen days, and tomorrow is likely to become ten days, even five days!”

“In such a short period of time, if you hope to find a suitable kidney source, the possibility is not very slim, but It‟s almost impossible!”

Chapter 2355

When Doris heard this, she lowered her head unconsciously.

At this moment, she couldn‟t help feeling in her heart: “The young master is wrong, that‟s how the father‟s situation is…every day is rapidly deteriorating, and there is no hope at all…”

“The only glimmer of hope is the successfully matched kidney source that Walter found in the United States…”

“However, Walter‟s condition is simply a great insult to her personality and character…”

“However, if I am not willing to accept his terms, I must be prepared for my father to die at any time…”

Thinking of this, Doris‟s eyes were sore, tears burst out in an instant, dripping uncontrollably on the cold concrete floor.

Subsequently, Doris‟s negative emotions accumulated for many days exploded in an instant, and slowly squatted on the ground, crying with her headache she just could not stop.

Seeing that Doris, who has always been strong, was sobbing silently at this moment, his heart couldn‟t help but feel a little distressed, and he thought to himself: “She must have reached the point where she is desperate, and her emotions cannot collapse like this… “

Thinking of this, he squatted in front of Doris, patted her shoulder gently, and said seriously: “Doris, it doesn‟t matter if you can‟t find the source of the kidney. I have a better way to save your father than to find the source of the kidney. Come, it will save the old man the pain of getting a knife on the operating table.”

When Doris heard this, she couldn‟t help but raised her head, looked at Charlie in amazement, choked up, and said, “Master… are you telling the truth…”

“Of course it is true.” Charlie nodded, stretched out his hand and opened the co-pilot‟s car door, and said to Doris: “Get in the car! Let‟s go to the hospital and get your dad‟s body cured first, and then thoroughly check who it is that Poisoned your father!”

When Doris recovered, Charlie had already opened the front seat door and gently pushed her on the back towards the car door.

Doris recalled what he had said a moment ago, and asked with a face full of disbelief: “Master…you…do you really have a way to cure my father??”

Charlie nodded, looked at her red eyes, and said seriously: “Since I have said it, it must be possible!”

Doris subconsciously said, “But…but…but the doctors say that kidney failure is irreversible…”

Charlie said word by word: “If the doctor can‟t reverse it, it doesn‟t mean that Charlie can‟t.”

As he said, Charlie took out the pill that was originally prepared for Doris from his pocket and said: “This medicine was originally prepared for you to take it, and you will take it to your father when you get to the hospital. Ensure that he is given this pill, the medicine will cure the disease!”

Doris was shocked and stunned: “Young…Master, you said that this medicine… was originally prepared for me? Did you already know about my father?”

Charlie shook his head and said, “The main reason why I organized a dinner today is to thank you all for visiting my house during the Chinese New Year and paying my gratitude. That‟s why I prepared a blood-saving and heart-saving treatment for everyone. Pill, although this medicine is not as effective as a rejuvenating pill, it is enough to treat your father‟s illness.”

When Doris heard this, the whole person was still a little bit in a dream.

She subconsciously asked: “Master…this medicine…can really cure my father?”

Charlie said, “If he can be cured or not, you‟ll know when you get to the hospital. Get in the car!”

Although Doris couldn‟t be 100% sure whether Charlie‟s pill could cure her father, she was very excited at this time, nodded hurriedly, and sat in the car under Charlie‟s urging.

Subsequently, Charlie started the car and drove quickly to Aurous Hill People‟s Hospital.

Chapter 2356

At the same time, Walter, who was in the Aurous Hill International Hotel, received a call from his subordinates.

As soon as the other party came up, he said hurriedly: “Boss, I heard a person from Aurous Hill Police say that the police have found a book containing mercury dichloride from Doris‟s house! Now a special team has been set up and it has started to trace the clues of the book!”

“What?!” Walter exclaimed and blurted out: “How can the Aurous Hill police be so fast?”

The other party said: “We didn‟t expect that their efficiency would be so high.”

Walter hesitated for a moment and said, “When you pretended to be a courier to deliver the express, did you leave any clues?”

The man thought for a while and said, “There should be none. The car that delivered the courier was not a licensed car. It is impossible to find clues. The disguised courier was also wearing a mask and should not be found.”

Walter furrowed his brows, his expression gloomy, and his huge hooked nose made him look a little bit harsher.

He thought for a moment, then said: “Immediately kill the guy who went there acting as the courier!”

The other party was obviously taken aback, and only a moment later said in a bit of horror: “Old…Boss…David usually performs well and is very clever. There is no need to treat him for such a thing. He won‟t be exposed, he is still very safe…”

“Is it necessary?” Walter said coldly, “Do you fu*king understand criminal investigation?

He is the only person exposed to the police at the moment, even if he wears a mask? Do you think wearing a mask is absolutely safe? Yet?”

“A person has ears, nose, mouth, and eyebrows on his face. The mask can only cover his mouth and nose! The police can still monitor his basic face shape, eyes, eyebrows, and ears through surveillance video! They can clearly see his body shape, his height, His hairstyle, and his walking posture!”

“If Doris‟s surveillance videotape radio microphone is at the door of Doris‟s house, the police can still grasp his voice characteristics! With so many clues exposed, do you still think he is very safe?”

When the other party heard this, the nervous voice immediately trembled: “Yes…sorry boss…I…I…I didn‟t think… …. Didn‟t think of this…so serious…”

Walter gritted his teeth and said: “You tell that little David, and you say that I have prepared for him a million in cash, and then ask him to take that away quickly, and then you will drive him away from Aurous Hill with someone in the middle. Get rid of him!”

As he said, Walter hurriedly ordered: “Remember to use the method of poisoning and

never spill blood. If you get blood everywhere, it will be difficult to deal with the scene

of the crime!”

The other party hurriedly asked: “Boss, what should I do with the corpse? How about

throwing it directly into the river? If the river is more than 100 meters deep, there is a

high probability that it will not be found!”

Walter said contemptuously: “Stupid! No matter how deep the river water is, there are

undercurrents at the bottom of the river. Undercurrents will wash things downstream

from the bottom of the river. Once the corpse reaches the shallow water area

downstream, it is likely to be washed away. Going ashore! Otherwise, how do you think

those Shen Jiang‟s bodies were discovered?”

Hearing this, the other party hurriedly asked: “Boss, do you have any good ideas?”

Walter thought for a while and said coldly: “So, you go find an anchor used on a

speedboat, tie the corpse with an iron chain, hang the anchor, and throw it into the river

with the anchor, the anchor It would be like a fixed boat, fixing the body in the sand on

the bottom of the river, it is difficult for the undercurrent to take him away.”

The other party hurriedly agreed and blurted out: “OK boss! I‟ll do it now!”

Walter hung up the phone, and a man with a dark face-paced in front of the window,

cursing in a low voice: “Damn! I really didn‟t expect that the Aurous Hill police could be

so fast…Doris, it seems I have to push you again. Can you take it!”

Having said that, he immediately picked up his cell phone and dialed his phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Walter immediately said in a cold voice: “Prepare

the car immediately! We are going to the Aurous Hill People‟s Hospital in five minutes!”

Chapter 2357

Aurous Hill International Hotel is located in the city center, closer to Aurous Hill People‟s

Hospital than Doris‟s villa locality.

Therefore, when Walter got into Rolls Royce and set off for the hospital, Charlie and

Doris had just walked halfway.

When Charlie parked the car and walked into the inpatient building of the People‟s

Hospital with Doris, Walter‟s car also followed into the parking lot.

Doris was excited and nervous at the same time, and she would not consciously turn

into a run after taking two steps. Charlie also speeded up and followed her all the way

to the door of the ward.

Pushing the door and entering, Doris‟s mother Leithina was lying in front of the bed to


Although Leithina was only in her fifties, she was very tired at this time.

Her mental state seemed to be indistinguishable from an old lady in her sixties or


Hearing the sound of the two entering the door, Leithina raised her head. Seeing that it

was her daughter Doris and a man she did not know, she was a little surprised and

asked, “Doris, who is this?”

Doris subconsciously wanted to say that Charlie is her boss, but Charlie took the lead at

this time and said with a smile: “Hello Auntie, my name is Charlie, I am Doris‟s friend!”

Leithina nodded hurriedly, and said politely: “Oh, hello, Mr. Charlie…”

Seeing that Charlie did not want to reveal his identity as the chairman of the Emgrand

Group, Doris hurriedly said to her mother: “Mom! Charlie has a miraculous medicine that

can cure all diseases. Dad can be saved this time!”

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the ward was pushed open.

Walter sneered as he walked in, “Which magic stick said he has a magic medicine that

can cure all diseases? You have created money into a regular hospital, so brave!”

Seeing Walter coming in, Doris‟s face immediately became very ugly.

She glared at Walter and said coldly: “You are not welcome here! Please go out!”

Walter smiled with interest, and said, “Doris, how come your temper will go up at


After that, he paced to Doris, smiled disdainfully, and said: “Haha, Doris, you are turning

so fast now because you got the cure for all diseases. The magic drug?! In our United

States, there are often some Huaxia magic sticks cheating money in Chinatown, but as

long as they are caught by the federal police, without exception, they will all be sent to

jail! But here it seems they have an exception? “

Speaking of this, he couldn‟t help but look at Charlie, looked up and down at him for a

moment, and asked Doris with a smile, “Is this the magic stick? It looks like he is

younger than most of the magic sticks I have seen!”

Seeing Walt‟s arrogant appearance, Charlie couldn‟t help but frown.

He saw Walter for the first time, and he didn‟t know the relationship and entanglement

between Doris and Walter.

Even Doris‟s father was seriously ill and was hospitalized. He had heard about it not long

ago, so he was a little confused about the sudden emergence of Walter in front of him,

and he didn‟t know the origin of this blond foreigner.

When Doris heard that Walter described Charlie as a sacred stick, she immediately

scolded angrily: “Walter, don‟t rant here! This is the master Charlie Wade who everyone

knows in Aurous Hill! Not the so-called sacred stick in your mouth! “

Walter curled his lips and said disdainfully: “Don‟t all of you in this place want to be

masters of some kind? What qigong masters, metaphysics masters, fengshui masters,

there are masters everywhere, in my opinion, they are all f*cking liars! “

Charlie was already a little upset at this time, so he said: “I advise you to respect and

think it before you speak. This is my city, not your backyard.”

Walter looked at Charlie and said contemptuously: “Boy, I don‟t want to talk too much

nonsense with you. I‟m here to talk to Doris about her father. People who have nothing

to do with her can get away as soon as possible!”

Chapter 2358

Charlie sneered and said: “You have a big tone, what on earth is it that gives you the

confidence to speak out here?”

Walter sneered with an arrogant look: “My name is Walter Hogwitz, your magic stick,

have you heard of the famous Hogwitz family in America?”

Charlie smiled indifferently: “Sorry, I have never heard of the Witz family that you are

talking about.”

Walter said coldly: “I‟m telling you! The Hogwitz family is a well-known large real estate

developer in the United States. Its business not only covers the United States, but also

has large industries in Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, and France. King‟s

Manhattan, New York, has a building named after the Hogwitz family!”

Charlie curled his lips and smiled: “You have a building in Manhattan, New York, so you

dare to come to this place to show that off. Did you carry that building on your back?”

Walter frowned upon hearing this.

He could hear that the meaning of Charlie‟s words was to ridicule his mansion in

Manhattan, New York, which would not work well in China.

So he shouted coldly: “Boy, although the building can‟t be moved, the dollars in my

account can be circulated around the world anytime and anywhere. This is called hard

currency and hard power, understand?”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “When you say this, I will understand.”

After speaking, Charlie couldn‟t help asking curiously: “I don‟t know how much you

Hogwitz family are worth in total?”

Walter snorted coldly: “That‟s naturally over ten billion!”

As he said, Walter waved his hand in disgust, and muttered: “I don‟t understand what I

am doing with you, a god stick!”

Immediately afterward, he directly looked at Doris on the side and went straight to the

subject: “Doris, I don‟t want to talk too much nonsense with you. I have said many things

countless times, and my mouth is full of cocoons.”

“I‟ll say it again for the last time. It‟s uncle‟s kidney problem. Do you want to agree to my


“If you don‟t agree, the kidney source can‟t be retained!”

Doris subconsciously asked: “Didn‟t you tell me to answer you in 24 hours? It‟s just a

long time before I reach that point!”

Walter smiled and said: “Sorry, the French suddenly added 50,000 US dollars to the

donor in order to grab this kidney source!”

“Now the donor has been a little shaken, and he wants me to settle it down with him as

soon as possible.”

“Otherwise, he will sell it directly to the French, so you have to give me a clear answer

now. yes or no!”

Charlie asked Doris at this time: “Doris, what‟s going on?”

Doris replied: “Master Wade, this Walter is a classmate who was studying in the United

States with me. He helped my dad find a successful kidney source in the United States,

but the requirement is…”

When talking about this, Doris suddenly became stammered.

Walter‟s terms were so shameless that she couldn‟t even describe them in words.

At this time, Walter sneered: “My request is very simple, let Doris be my lover for ten

years! Give me a few children! Why? Do you have an opinion about this?”

Chapter 2359

In fact, Walter still has a lot of business requirements for Doris, and even wants her to

help him hollow out the Emgrand Group.

It‟s just that Walter didn‟t say this in front of Charlie.

However, Walter had reservations, but it still made Charlie angry and unbearable.

He grabbed Walter by the collar and slapped him with his other hand!

This slap made Walter dizzy, not only half of his face swelled up, but even the corners of

his mouth and nostrils began to bleed continuously.

He was so dizzy that he could hardly stand still, Charlie said coldly at this moment,

“Remember, any woman is not something you can insult casually!”

He covered his side face in pain, and cursed angrily: “As$hole! Do you dare to hit me?!

No one ever dared to raise their hand on me in my entire life! You b@stard dare to hit

me in the face!”

Charlie sneered, raised his hand and slapped him fiercely once again. Seeing that his

face was swollen into a symmetrical shape and looked like a pig‟s head, he said coldly:

“Your parents never taught you. Do you have to learn how to behave with your tail

caught in someone else‟s territory?”

Walter was beaten up, and his heart was already extremely angry.

At the same time, he regretted it very much.

He felt that he was carrying a bodyguard on this trip, but because he came to see Doris,

he didn‟t let the bodyguard come upstairs. Otherwise, how could he be hit by someone

like Charlie?

Walter himself is a tall man and occasionally exercises fitness. The punching force is

much greater than that of an average adult. In addition, he is angry at this time, and he

subconsciously waved his hands to fight back.

He raised his fist and hit Charlie‟s nose.

He has always been insidious, and the tactic he planned in his heart was to smash

Charlie‟s nose with one punch!

Once the bridge of the nose is broken, the severe pain will make the receiver unable to

open their eyes, and the combat effectiveness will drop rapidly!

Immediately afterward, he can directly kick the vital parts below him, completely

abolishing all his fighting power!

Walter‟s trick is the most detrimental in street fighting. He hits the opponent‟s nose with

his forehead first and then takes advantage of his lack of preparation to take the key. It

often allows people to turn defeat into victory at an absolute disadvantageous time.

However, Walter didn‟t know what terrible strength the seemingly gentle and even thin

man in front of him had!

Walter slammed a punch, thinking that he was already determined to win.

But he thought about it, this punch went out, and when Charlie was about to face the

impact, he was suddenly caught by a big hand!

This big hand is so powerful that he suddenly slams a punch, instantly removing all the


Not only that, but he can‟t even let his fists go forward!

Walter was shocked, and hurriedly wanted to pull his fists back, but in the next second,

he discovered that the opponent‟s strength was so great that he could not shake these

big hands with all his strength!

It feels like an ant is pressed at the fingertips of a giant, completely without any ability

to resist.

In Walter‟s opinion, this almost violates the common sense of physics!

In his opinion, even if the opponent is very strong, he can‟t break away from the

opponent‟s restraint at all, but if he uses all the strength to pull, the opponent‟s arm

must at least move with it?

Even if the opponent is a world champion, it is impossible to get rid of violently,

ensuring that his arm is almost motionless.

Only at this moment did Walter realize that he was in trouble!

With such a weird skill, even if the bodyguard follows him up, it is of no use!

So, he immediately put on an extremely flattering expression, and confessed: “Mr. Wade

I am really sorry! I have just arrived, but I don‟t know the rules, and I hope you don‟t

have acquaintance with me…”

Chapter 2360

Charlie grabbed his fist tightly, and asked with a sneer: “What? If you can‟t beat me, you

will admit defeat? This is what you call the Hogwitz family style?

Walter thought that Charlie would dare to humiliate his family, naturally, he was

extremely angry.

However, he knew very well that the disparity in strength between himself and Charlie

was too great, and only by recognizing counsel could he minimize the loss.

As for the lost face, it doesn‟t matter much, the big deal is when you find the

opportunity to get it back a thousand times, a temporary setback is nothing!

Thinking of this, he immediately laughed and said, “Mr. Wade, as you say, the Hogwitz

family does have some strength in the United States, but this is China, Aurous Hill, and it

is not my turn to be wild here… ..”

After finishing speaking, he pretended to be pious and pleaded: “Mr. Wade, please see

that I am the first offender and have already been slapped by you. Just forgive me this


Seeing his face swollen into a pig‟s head, Charlie coldly snorted: “You don‟t even realize

what your biggest mistake is! So, in my opinion, your superficial apology is just nothing

more than the skill of getting out of trouble, there is no real intention in it!”

Walter‟s scared face turned pale, and he blurted out: “Mr. Wade, you really

misunderstood me…I…I know that I am wrong, and I say that with all my intentions. I


Charlie sneered, and then suddenly twisted his right hand, and Walter‟s wrist broke at

the sound of a click.

Walter screamed in pain immediately, and almost collapsed and shouted: “My hand!

You…why did you treat me this way! I have already submitted to you!”

Charlie looked at him and said coldly: “The person you should apologize to most is not

me, but Doris! You threatened her with your kidney source to achieve your shameful

nasty goals. Have you ever thought about it? Want to apologize to her?!”

As soon as Walter heard this, he hurriedly looked at Doris on the side and blurted out:

“Doris…I was wrong! I really knew it was wrong! Please don‟t be angry with me, and help

me with Mr. Wade. Please…please…”

At this moment, Doris felt more or less compassionate.

Although she knew that Walter was a nasty person, in her opinion, Walter‟s nastiness

was only his own wishful thinking, and she did not agree with him, nor was she

intimidated by him.

And looking at the current Walter, he had been beaten badly enough, and even one of

his wrists was broken, which is almost the same.

So she said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, let him go, after all, I have nothing to lose.”

Charlie nodded.

He also didn‟t want to be familiar with Walter anymore.

The descendant of an American real estate developer, worth tens of billions of dollars,

will not be ignored by the government itself, not to mention this is still in Aurous Hill.

Therefore, as long as this Walter rolls farther from now on, he doesn‟t bother to be

angry with him.

So, he stared at Walter and warned word by word: “From now on, don‟t let me see you

again, and don‟t let Doris see you again, understand?”

When Walter heard this, he immediately felt the granting of amnesty!

He looked at Charlie and nodded like garlic and said: “Mr. Wade, don‟t worry, I will

definitely not appear in front of you and Doris in the future…”

When he said this, Walter thought in his heart: “Okay, you little thing named Wade, you

fucking dare to beat me, and you dare to break my wrist. If I don‟t kill you, my name is

not Walter!”

Charlie didn‟t bother to listen to his nonsense at this time, loosened his hand, and said

disdainfully: “Hurry up! Get out of here, now!

Walter nodded again and again: “Yes, yes…I‟ll get out of here! Now get out of…”

With that, he turned around and walked out.

At this moment, Charlie frowned slightly, and suddenly called him sternly: “Wait a

moment! I have a question for you!”

Chapter 2361

Walter thought he could get away with it, but he didn‟t expect Charlie to ask him

questions at this time.

So, he was taken aback, turned his head hurriedly, and asked with a smile, “Mr.

Wade…what else do you have to order?”

Charlie looked at him and smiled: “It‟s not a matter of importance. Just to ask you


Walter breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said, “Mr. Wade, just ask!”

Charlie nodded slightly and smiled and asked, “Mercury dichloride, do you know what it


Walter snorted in his heart and replied with pretending surprise on his face: “No…I don‟t

know…What is mercury dichloride?” At the moment of speaking, Walter suddenly had a

sudden heart drop!

With excellent psychological quality, he made his expression not much obvious.

However, Charlie still noticed the imperceptible stiffness and panic on his face.

Almost at this moment, Charlie concluded that Walter must be inseparable from the

poisoning of Doris‟s father!

Therefore, Charlie‟s expression became gloomy at this moment. He grabbed Walter by

the collar and sternly shouted: “If you tell the truth, I will let you die a little bit faster!”

Walter shook his head, again and again, blurting out his innocence. Said: “Mr.

Wade…you…are you making a mistake? I don‟t understand what mercury dichloride is,

why did you catch me again because of this… ….”

Doris was also shocked.

Just now, when Charlie asked Walt suddenly if she knew what mercury dichloride was,

she felt a little bit in her heart.

She was shocked because she had never thought that her father would be killed by


Because she had always preconceived that Walter appeared after her father was

seriously ill, trying to take advantage of the fire, but she didn‟t think about it, Walter was

actually the initiator of her father‟s serious illness.

So at that moment, she looked at Walter without blinking, hoping to see if he was lying.

However, Walter‟s expression management ability is still very strong, so that Doris really

did not see anything abnormal from his face.

Therefore, at this moment, she even doubted whether Charlie had made a mistake.

However, Charlie was not bewitched by Walter‟s innocent expression at all.

He stared at Walter‟s eyes and said coldly: “I‟ll give you one last chance. If you still don‟t

tell the truth, what awaits you next maybe the eighteen layers of hell you never thought

about before! “

Walter swallowed hard, crying, and said, “Mr. Wade, I really don‟t understand what you

are talking about! I didn‟t learn chemistry, and I don‟t understand what mercury

dichloride is. I know carbon dioxide. ……”

Charlie nodded lightly and sneered: “Okay, you choose everything yourself. You don‟t

have to regret it in the future.”

After that, he immediately put his hand in Walter‟s pocket. He took out his Apple mobile

phone and sneered: “Come on, stretch your face over and let me unlock it. Let me see if

there is any shameful deed in your phone or you are clean as you say!”

Walter was frightened, and blurted out: “You cannot invade other‟s privacy at your will! I

have the right to let a lawyer sue you!”

Charlie pretended to be surprised and said, “Oh, when I hit you just now, you didn‟t say

that you want a lawyer to sue me? Now as I talk about the Phone, you want a lawyer to

sue me? Is there really something shameful on your phone?”

“No…absolutely nothing!” Walter said in a panic: “In my phone, there are all The trade

secrets of the Hogwitz family and they are of great importance. If you read it, Mr. Wade,

if it leaks out, it will definitely bring great economic losses to the family… “

Chapter 2362

Charlie smiled and said: “It‟s okay if it really causes economic losses, the big deal is that

you will be with me here. I am already contented with my own money? For one thing, I

Wade never lack money.”

Walter wanted to find an excuse to refuse, but Charlie had already pointed the front

camera of his phone at him.

I have to say that facial recognition on mobile phones is really easy to use.

Even though Walter‟s cheeks were swollen, the phone immediately unlocked through

reading his iris on the face.

Once the phone is open, it is easy to navigate through the app usage and find out what

he has been up to recently.

Though the phone language is English, Charlie can still manage to navigate through it.

Although he did not go to university, he received top-notch international education

when he was young. Like current international schools, he has grown up in a

multilingual environment since he was young.

In particular, Charlie‟s mother is of Chinese American descent, and English is one of her

mother tongues, and she has received top aristocratic education since she was a child.

She was not only proficient in English and Chinese but also had a deep experience in

Japanese, French, and Spanish.

In China, it seems very rare for a person to speak multiple languages. This is mainly

because China itself is not an immigrant country. Most of the population of more than

one billion speaks more or less that same language that is Chinese.

The United States is different.

The United States itself is an immigrant country. There are many English-speaking

Europeans and many Chinese-speaking Chinese. Because it is very close to Mexico, there

are many Spanish speakers as well.

In addition, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam in Asia, Germany, France, and Italy in Europe have had a large number of immigrants to the United States for settlement in the past two hundred years.

The biggest advantage of living in such an environment is being able to come into contact with cultures and languages from all over the world.

Therefore, Charlie also benefited a lot from his mother, and it laid for him a good

language foundation since he was a child.

Turning on Walter‟s cell phone, Charlie‟s first thing is to read SMS and WeChat.

Although it is all in English, it seems that it is effortless.

Walter‟s entire face was ashen as hell. He almost desperately said: “You can‟t read my

information record! This is illegal!”

Charlie said coldly while looking through it, “Close your mouth, otherwise, I will cut off

your other hand too!”

Walter looked terrified.

He has no idea what to do now.

If he just shuts up, Charlie will definitely find evidence of poisoning Doris‟s father from

the chat records; but, if he doesn‟t shut up, what will be the result?

At most, Charlie would break his hand again, and then wait for Charlie to turn over the


Thinking of this, he regretted it very much and wailed in his heart: “I‟m such a f*cking

looser. Why should I come to the hospital at this time…why… that too without my

bodyguards! If I don‟t come tonight, I might not encounter this b@stard! If I didn‟t meet

this b@stard, I won‟t be tortured so badly!

For him, this torture is even nothing. If they find out that he ordered someone else to

poison Doris‟s father and get the evidence. His career will be finished. The police will

catch him and prosecute him for homicide.

In this case, he will have to spend the next whole decade behind the bars. This is

something unacceptable for him.

Chapter 2363

Just when Walter was panicking, he just received a WeChat message on his mobile


The person who sent the WeChat had a Chinese nickname, named A Song.

From the list, It could be seen that what Song had sent was a picture, so Charlie opened

the message of Song directly.

It doesn‟t matter if you look at it, the photo that Song sent is actually a corpse with

foam at the mouth!

At this time, the corpse was lying crookedly on a seat in a car. He stared very wide and

his expression was very hideous. At first sight, it seemed he had died of poison.

Just when Charlie was surprised, A Song sent another message with a sentence written

in English, to the effect: Boss, the man has been killed, I will sink him to Shen Jiang later,

don‟t worry, this clue is definitely Completely broken! “

Charlie immediately flipped through the chat records of A Song and Walter. The chat

records of the two did not have a long conversation. Most of them were “finished”,

“coming soon”, “come here soon.” “, “Well done.” and other such short sentences.

It seems that the two people don‟t usually use WeChat to communicate very often.

However, Charlie soon discovered that in the chat records of the two, Walter actually

sent it to Song in Chinese. The words were: Mercury dichloride!

And, shortly afterward, Walter sent another one in English: “Remember this term, don‟t

make a mistake!” As soon as he saw this word, Charlie‟s pupils shrank suddenly!

Immediately, he stared at Walter and asked harshly: “Who is this A Song? Why did you

ask him to remember mercury dichloride? !” When Doris heard this word, her eyes

widened, and she hurriedly walked to Charlie to check.

Seeing that the words “mercury dichloride” appeared in the chat history between Walter

and Song, Doris immediately understood what is going on. She questioned Walter

angrily: “Walter! I have no grievances with you, and have been classmates for many

years, why did you harm my father?!”

Walter trembled in fright, and said stupidly: “I……. I don‟t have… I really don‟t…”

Charlie opened the photo of the corpse that Song had just sent, handed it to Walter,

and asked: “I will give you one last time. The last opportunity, explain exactly what you

are doing, otherwise, you will never want to go back to the United States alive in your


Walter looked at the photo, and the whole person was struck by lightning!

A Song‟s WeChat message was sent after Charlie took his phone away, so he saw this

photo for the first time at this time.

He recognized the corpse in the photo at a glance, the subordinate who pretended to

be a courier and delivered the courier to Doris‟s house!

It seems that A Song quickly executed his order and directly tricked his subordinate to

poison him in the car… At this moment, cold sweat was gushing out of his pores, and his

heart was already panicked to the extreme.

He was worried that his poisoning of Doris‟s father would be revealed, but then, even if

it was revealed, at least Doris‟s father was not dead. The Chinese judicial organs would

convict him. How long the sentence could be? Short sentences maybe.

However, this subordinate is dead!

Chapter 2363

He instructed A Song to kill that person himself, so he can‟t escape this intentional


After all, in Chinese law, anyone who abets others to commit a crime must be punished

as the principal offender!

He instigated his men to kill someone, even if he didn‟t do it himself, once he goes to

court, it would be at least life imprisonment!

If the crime of poisoning Doris‟s father is added, maybe he will be sentenced to a

suspended death sentence…

Thinking of this, he suddenly collapsed, knelt on the ground with a puff, and said, “I‟m

sorry, it‟s all me.” I was confused for a while, I didn‟t mean it…I didn‟t mean it…”

Charlie slapped his face and asked: “You instructed your subordinates to kill and say you

didn‟t mean it. Are you fucking kidding me?!”

Walter covered his face and cried and said, “I…I‟m just a ghost…I wanted to possess

Doris, and I want Doris to leave Emgrand Group resign, then join to help me expand our

family‟s business in China. I wanted her to steal the Emgrand Group‟s business secrets

and help me gain a foothold in China as soon as possible…so…so I just made the move

and wanted to force her to submit…”

When Doris heard this, the whole person was angry!

Doris, who has always been very educated, couldn‟t control herself at this moment. She

slapped Walter angrily and rebuked him hysterically: “Why?! Why did you do this?! My

father‟s life, is it that cheap for you? Your bargaining chip to develop your career and

satisfy your animality? Why are you so vicious?! Tell me, why!!!”

Doris‟s mother heard this, and her blood pressure soared, she shivered and rebuked: ”

You…you beast!!! You pay back my husband‟s life!!!” After she finished speaking, she

only felt dizzy in her brain, and she lost consciousness and fell straight to the ground.

Doris‟s face was shocked, and she blurted out subconsciously and shouted: “Mom!”

Charlie hurriedly held Doris‟s mother, and then checked her breath and found that it was

just an insufficiency of blood supply to the brain caused by her anger. Life was in

danger, so he gently helped her to lie down on the sofa.

At this moment, Walter covered his face and cried bitterly: “Doris, I beg you to forgive

me this time, I can call the staff in the United States immediately and ask them to

perform kidney removal surgery on the donor. tomorrow morning send over to the

uncle for transplant …… “

” I can give you 10 million dollars as compensation if ten million is not enough, then

twenty million …… ” said Walter crying again and again and begging: “Doris, please, give

me a chance! Please, don‟t hand me over to the police! “

At this time, Walter is not afraid of Charlie, as much as of the police.

He felt that Charlie would beat him up, but his real trouble was the judicial department.

After all, he‟s not from China, and he doesn‟t have many personal connections in China.

If he is arrested by the police and prosecuted, he would be sentenced to a suspended

death sentence.

Walter still has some understanding of Chinese laws. Once sentenced to death with a

suspended death sentence, even if he is actively reformed in prison, he will never think

of coming out of it for at least twenty years.

He is the eldest son of tens of billions of dollars family, living a life of the most top, most

extravagant, most wanton, most presumptuous dude, if he were to go to prison for

more than 20 years, it would be more painful than killing him!

When Doris heard his pleading, she suddenly trembled with anger!

She stared at Walter hard and screamed coldly: “I tell you, Walter! In any case, I will not

let you escape the law! Wait, I will call the police and get you arrested!”

Walter was so frightened that he cried and wailed: “No Doris…I beg you Doris…Don‟t

hand me over to the police! Even if you don‟t want to forgive me, you must consider

uncle‟s life! If I really get caught, who will find you the kidney source?! Who will save

your father‟s life?! As a daughter, you can‟t just watch your father die?!”

Chapter 2365

Facing Walter‟s dying struggle, Charlie said calmly: “Walter, don‟t worry, Doris‟s father

would not die without your kidney source!”

Walter kept on shaking his head, he said confidently: “Impossible, absolutely impossible!

RH-negative kidney source is very difficult to find, without my kidney source, he can

only wait to die!”

After finishing, he knelt in front of Doris, crying Said: “Doris, I beg you, as long as you

are willing to let me go and don‟t hand me over to the police, I can give you 100 million

dollars! Please, don‟t hand me over to the police. Otherwise, my whole life will be over…”

Doris was about to refuse, and Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Walter, don‟t worry, I

will never hand you over to the police!”

Walter thought His promise of 100 million U.S. dollars worked, and he hurriedly said,

“Mr. Wade, as long as you let me leave Aurous Hill, I will pay you 100 million U.S. dollars

immediately after I arrive in the United States!”

Charlie waved his hand: “Friend, Don‟t get me wrong, what I said is that I won‟t hand you

over to the police, but it doesn‟t mean that I will let you go. These are two different


Walter looked at Charlie in panic, blurted out: “Then you… …. What do you want…”

Charlie smiled: “Don‟t worry, what I want, you will know soon.”

After that, Charlie grabbed his collar. Sternly asked: “I ask you, how many people did you

bring to the People‟s Hospital this time? Say one less or one more, and I‟ll let someone

remove your arm!”

Walter shivered with fright, and quickly said: “Lian The driver brought bodyguards, a

total of five people…”

Charlie continued to ask: “Where are these people? Where are they?”

Walter said honestly: “They…they are all at the entrance of the lobby downstairs. In the

car, there are two cars in total, one is a Rolls-Royce and the other is a Buick Business…”

Charlie nodded, immediately pulled a group on WeChat, brought in Issac and Orvel, and

then started a group voice chat.

After the two received them, they immediately connected and asked in their voices:

“Master, what do you want?”

Charlie said seriously: “Mr. Issac, Orvel, immediately send your most elite subordinates

to help me grabbed all of Walter Hogwitz‟s men, and don‟t keep any of them!”

After that, Charlie said again: “Oh, yes, he has his men in Aurous Hill People‟s Hospital,

just outside the lobby of the inpatient department. In the car, a Rolls Royce and a Buick

Commercial, there are five people in total. You quietly send someone over and bring

them all to me!”

Issac asked in surprise: “Master, why are you conflicting with Walter?”

Charlie asked him:” do you know Walter? Have you met him?”

“No, but I know this person.” “Issac explains:” Hogwarts family, although not in the

United States‟ top family, but still Some people are famous from this lineage, so people

like Walter come to Aurous Hill, and they will be observed.”

“Observed?” Charlie asked curiously: “Did you send someone to follow this piece?”

“Yes!” Issac said: “The task given to me by the Wade family is to control the entire

Aurous Hill situation. Not only do I need to clean up and grasp some of the internal

conditions of Aurous Hill, but also know the external conditions. Once some people with

background come to Aurous Hill, I will make a record of their activities. “

Charlie asked him: “Is this Hogwitz family a real big shot?” Issac thought for a while and

said seriously: “Speaking of this Hogwitz family, the backing is not very big, right now?..


He continued to explain: “All the assets of the Hogwitz family add up to about 10 billion

U.S. dollars. They are not even in the top two hundred in the United States, but they

have some Special background.”

Charlie asked, “What special background?”

Issac explained: “The Hogwitz family and the Rothschild family are more or less related.”


Charlie couldn‟t help but move when he heard the Rothschild family.

He knew that the highest moment of his father‟s life was to lead the Wade family and

several other families to fight against the economic aggression of the Rothschild family.

That time, he caused the Rothschild family to suffer a lot of property damage and face


Chapter 2366

Therefore, Charlie also suspects that the death of his parents may be related to the


Because of this, when he heard that Walter and Rothschild‟s family having some

relationship, he can not help but sigh in his heart: “I did not expect the first time I met

with the Rothschilds, even coming so fast.”

So Charlie curiously asked Issac: “The Hogwitz family, and the Rothschild family, what

kind of relative relationship is there currently?”

Issac introduced: “At most, it is as distant relatives… After all, the Rothschild family has

been in development for so many years. There are tens of thousands of people in their

own family named Rothschild. Besides, there are even more relatives with foreign


“In other words, Walter‟s. Grandma is a member of the Rothschild family, but his

grandma‟s line is not the core of the Rothschild family, at most, it is equivalent to a gege

in the Qing Dynasty, and it is also very important among the relatives of the emperor.

The kind of marginalized style.”

Charlie smiled slightly: “I understand…”

Rothschild‟s name is almost unknown in this part of the world.

Such a superfamily with a history of hundreds of years, its personnel scale is no less than

that of the Qing Dynasty‟s relatives and Baqizi brothers in China.

Within such a family, there must be many branches, and there is a clear primary and

secondary relationship between these branches.

Just like Charlie‟s family.

The line of Mr. Wade‟s Zhongquan Wade is only the mainline of the entire Wade Family

and the core line of the Wade Family.

As for the branches that cannot be counted across the country, they are all branches

without exception.

Some branches are Zhongquan Wade‟s own brothers, so the relationship is a little


However, some branches and Zhongquan Wade‟s blood relationship is distant, and

naturally, they would not have a deep relationship with Zhongquan Wade‟s family.

This kind of branch that can‟t be beaten by eight poles, although the name is Wade, is

too low for the Wade family.

The Rothschild family must be the same.

There may even be more branches than the Wade Family.

Walter‟s grandmother, although a member of the Rothschild family, is in a very distant

line when considered in importance. She speaks lightly and has no sense of existence.

Otherwise, it is impossible for her to marry the Hogwitz family for decades, and the

assets of the Hogwitz family are only about 10 billion US dollars.

Issac said immediately: “No problem, Master, I will make arrangements!”

Orvel asked: “Master, what should happen to this group of people after we catch them?”

Charlie ordered: “All his subordinates will be locked up to be fed by raise dogs. Take

them to the field, vacate the largest dog cage, strip them naked, and lock them


“OK young master.” Orvel said hurriedly, “I‟ll tell the dog farm to hurry up and prepare.”

Charlie said again: “Oh right, Orvel, prepare a smaller dog cage, I have another use for


Orvel immediately agreed and blurted out: “Master, don‟t worry, I will arrange it


Charlie continued: “By the way, Mr. Issac, I still have one more thing for you to do.” Issac

hurriedly said: “Master, please tell me .”

Charlie said, “You will prepare a complete set of kidney dialysis equipment for me. ,

Send the whole set of equipment to Orvel‟s kennel.

In addition, do you have a trustworthy nephrologist in your contact circle? If you have,

please refer one to me.”

“Dialysis equipment?” Issac hurriedly asked, “Master, Is there any kidney failure among

Walter‟s men?”

Charlie glanced at Walter and sneered: “Not yet, but there will be soon!”

Chapter 2367

“There will be soon?!”

Walter on the side, found himself dumbfounded and whispered…

Then, he was very puzzled: “What will be fcking soon? This person Charlie, and his words

simply are inexplicable…I fcking hate such people the most, everything they like to say is

vague and unclear.

Not sure …” Just when he hadn‟t figured out what Charlie meant.

Charlie said to Issac again: “Also, Mr. Issac, think of a way to get me a little mercury

dichloride, it is a very useful thing.” As soon as Charlie said this, Walter was struck by


“Ah?! Why does this Wade want mercury dichloride for?!”

“Also, why has he ordered the people to prepare dialysis equipment for?!”

“Also! He just asked someone to prepare dialysis equipment, and what did he say

immediately after? There will be a transplant soon? What is going to happen there?”

“Now, he has asked someone to prepare mercury dichloride again, this…Isn‟t this meant

to be for me?!” And at this point, Walter felt that the whole body was about to collapse.

He knelt on the ground and crawled in front of Charlie, crying and said, “Mr. Wade,

please don‟t play with me. If you are not satisfied with the US$100 million, I can add

another 100 million for you, please. Raise your hand high, let me be free…”

Charlie waved his hand and said with a serious face: “Walter, we have an old saying in

China that says, according to the way of human beings, you can still treat others‟ body!”

“You are an American, and you may know very little about Chinese culture. Isn‟t this just

an opportunity for you to practice it yourself? first hand?”

Walter went crazy and cried again and said even with more desperation, “I don‟t want to

practice! I don‟t want to practice! Mr. Wade, please give me a way out. No matter how

much money you need, just say a word, no matter how much money. I am willing to

give. Please don‟t fix me, I‟m still young…”

Charlie smiled and said: “Then I really want to congratulate you. I like to mention that

kidney failure at such a young age could be fatal, but you can rest assured that I will

keep you connected to the dialysis machine 24 hours a day to ensure that you don‟t


Charlie said coldly, “Compared to what you did, I am acting so kind. Am I not?”

Walter wailed in fright: “Mr. Wade, I beg you to forgive me or let me call my dad, and I

will ask him how much money he can give you if he does more than he can. How much

is it that would be enough for you?”

Charlie smiled and shook his head, and said indifferently: “You don‟t have to daydream.

From now on, you have completely disappeared in his world, and he can no longer find

anything about you. Any clues, in the future, you will lie down in the cage of the kennel,

eat what dog eats, drink what that dog drinks, and get dialysis if you need dialysis on

the spot!”

After that, Charlie added: “And you can rest assured, compared to your nasty methods, I

am much softer than you. You only know that poisoning people, regardless of

treatment, and no matter how long the person who was poisoned by you can live, you

can be regarded as a bandit that kills or buries.”

But, after all, we are still civilized people. The way we civilized people do things is that

since we control the killing, we have to control the burying. Not only will I give you free

treatment, but I will also provide you with food and housing. Most importantly, I at least

guaranteed you that you will not die in the next ten years!”

After Walter listened to these words, the whole person‟s spirit and emotions completely


He has been a dude for more than 20 years. Although he has harmed many people, he

has never experienced any suffering himself, he has always had his way out no matter

what he did.

Right now, Charlie has already pronounced his future, and his future is to stay in a dark

dog cage and survive on dialysis. He cannot even imagine such a thing even in his worst


Such punishment, for him, is far more terrifying than hell or dying…

He never dreamed that Charlie would be such a cruel character.

Chapter 2368

Only then did he realize how much trouble he had caused in the past!

So he looked at Doris, he saw in her, his last resort. Thus he begged her crying and

wailing: “Doris! Please hand me over to the police! I accept all the legal sanctions and I

am ready for a just trial, please Doris! Have some pity on me! After all, I am your class

fellow. Doris! Please!”

Walter knew very well in his mind. Although it is terrible to go to jail, at least he can go

to jail in good health.

If he really falls into Charlie‟s hands and leaves his fate to him, it is all torture and terrible

agony ahead. Not only will he suffer from various diseases, but he may even die in the

kennel in the end.

So in comparison, going to jail is really too humane.

Charlie sneered and ridiculed: “Walter, you have become so fast. You were begging

Doris to ask her not to hand you over to the police. How come a few minutes later, you

start begging her to hand you over to the police?”

Walter cried out and said, “Mr. Wade…Mr. Wade, please call 110 and let the police take

me away. I am a criminal, criminals should accept the sanctions of the law, so don‟t

bother yourself with giving me justice…”

Then he looked at Doris again, crying and begging: “Doris…please say something, help

me beg Mr. Wade, Doris…I kowtow to you…”

Before the words were over, Walter went desperately to the ground and kowtow to the

floor. Banging his head over and over on the ground.

Doris didn‟t say a word at this time.

Charlie just said that he should use his own way to treat his body. Although the

methods are a bit terrible, it is the best end for people like Walter.

After all, Charlie still planned to keep him alive, but when he planned to kill her father,

he didn‟t plan to do have any kind of mercy!

If she would not agree to his dirty demands, he would definitely not lend a helping hand

to her father!

In the end, in the case of her Dad, death was the only end!

Therefore, Doris knew very well in her heart that at this time she must not have any

kindness towards this criminal. She must control the women‟s urges of sympathy and

emotional weakness!

Therefore, she said coldly to Walter: “I‟m sorry Walter, you are not worthy of my

sympathy for this rubbish! You have created your own fate, and you are all responsible

for it!”

Walter was extremely desperate and cried: “Doris, I know I was wrong, I beg you to give

me a chance to make up for my mistakes and reform myself…”

“Otherwise, even if you tortured me to death, your father wouldn‟t be able to turn back


“Everyone is an adult. Since the incident has happened, we should carefully negotiate

the follow-up solutions and remedies. This is much more realistic than investigating the

fault alone!”

Charlie said coldly before Doris could speak. Walter, from now on, if you say one more

word without my permission, then I will extend the ten-year deadline for you with one

more year!”

Hearing this, Walter was frightened and dared not say even one word more.

Charlie ignored him but continued to say to Issac: “Mr. Issac, I want you to use all your

available relationships. In the past three days, all the surveillance videos of Walter

captured in the city must be taken from the surveillance system. Delete it completely, I

want other people to be unable to find his whereabouts by any means! Even if the

Rothschilds come in person, they must not find any clues that bring them to him!”

Issac said without hesitation: “Master Don‟t worry, I will completely erase him from the

monitoring records! Even if it is the king of heaven, the great master himself, it will not

be possible to find out any whereabouts and clues pointing towards him!”

Charlie smiled satisfied and said: ” Okay, I leave these matters to you and Mr. Orvel.

Hurry up and move your men. After you get it done, let me know. I will send Walter to

you downstairs. You will take him and his men to the kennel together. It is time for


Chapter 2369

Issac and Orvel moved extremely fast.

Within a quarter of an hour, all of Walter‟s men in Aurous Hill, including the A Song who

was about to throw the body, were controlled by the two of them.

For Aurous Hill People‟s Hospital, Issac came in person.

His men took their guns directly and surrounded the two cars under Walter‟s use. As

soon as the guns were aimed at the five men, all of them immediately surrendered, and

obediently let themselves grabbed by the men sent for the job.

Immediately afterward, all five people were taken into a modified minibus.

And their Rolls Royce and Buick Commercial were driven away by Orvel‟s men.

These two cards will be sent directly to a car recycling factory tonight, where they will be

disassembled, squeezed into a pile of scrap iron, and thrown into a chain steel furnace.

In other words, after tonight, it would be impossible to find the whereabouts of these

two cars.

Afterward, Issac called Charlie and respectfully said: “Master, the five people downstairs

in the hospital are all under control, where are you? I‟ll send someone over and take that

Walter away!”

Charlie said: “Come directly to the No. 1 intensive care unit of the Nephrology


“OK master!”

Walter, who had not dared to speak anymore, burst into tears when he heard Charlie‟s

call with Issac.

He really didn‟t expect that he would fall into such a trap and see a tragic end.

He thought he was the Raptor crossing the river and coming to Aurous Hill to swim

freely, so he naturally didn‟t put Doris in his eyes, but wanted to take the opportunity to

secure her as a plaything, and then drain her use-value.

However, who could have predicted that there are people like Charlie with hands, eyes,

and harsh methods in a small place like Aurous Hill.

Walter regretted it very much, but regret could not solve any problems. From the day he

decided to poison Doris‟s father, his fate was already doomed.

Soon, Issac took people to the ward.

The moment Walter saw Issac, he seemed to have seen a ghost!

Just now, Charlie and Issac only made a voice call on WeChat. Walt only knew that

Charlie was communicating with his subordinates, but Walter didn‟t know who his

subordinates were.

However, when he saw Issac, his whole body was instantly struck by lightning!

“Issac…Mr. Issac?!” Walter blurted out subconsciously: “You… why are you here?”

When Walter first came to Aurous Hill, out of basic etiquette, he took the initiative to

visit Issac.

The reason why he came to visit Issac was that he knew that Issac was the spokesperson

of the Wade family in Aurous Hill. It can be said that he is the person with the strongest

background in the city. When he first arrived, he naturally wanted to be familiar with the

man calling shots.

However, the two met only at that time.

In Walter‟s cognition, Issac represents the pinnacle of Aurous Hill‟s influence, but he

never dreamed that Issac would appear here.

Issac looked at Walter, smiled playfully, and said: “Walter when you saw me last time,

didn‟t you say that you have admired the Wade family for a long time? The man in front

of you is the young master of the Wade family!”

“What?!” Walter felt his heart being run over by a heavy-loaded train in turn!

“I unexpectedly angered the Wade Family‟s, Young Master?!”

“What kind of idiot am I that would anger Young Master Wade Family?!”

Chapter 2370

“The Wade Family‟s strength is at least dozens of times stronger than the Hogwitz


Thinking of this, Walter really realized how sad and ridiculous he was and how foolish at

the same time.

He thought when he came to Aurous Hill that he could do whatever he wanted as long

as he avoided Issac, but he didn‟t expect that he would provoke the Wade Family‟s

young master all at once, let alone Issac!

So, while he kept beating his face vigorously, he cried and said, “Master Wade, I have no

eyes and I didn‟t think I would offend you. I didn‟t know that Doris was your friend. If I

knew it, beat me to death. I won‟t have any attempts against her…”

Charlie smiled and asked him: “Do you know that Emgrand Group is also my industry?”

“Ah?!” Walter‟s eyes widened, and he blurted out: “This…this…I really don‟t know about

this, Master Wade…if I knew, you can tell, do I look so courageous, I would not dare to

have any evil thoughts about the Emgrand Group…”

Before Walter came, he specifically checked the background of the Emgrand Group.

However, because the company was bought by the Wade family as a gift to Charlie, it

was not included in the Wade family‟s own assets.

He checked, but didn‟t understand the background, he thought it was just a real estate

company in the province.

In addition, he wanted to quickly gain a foothold in China, and even quickly achieve

profitability, and Doris happened to be the vice-chairman of the Emgrand Group, so he

started with cultivating Doris to make his idea come true.

He always felt that as long as Doris could be controlled by him, he would not only be

able to possess Doris, but also draw a part of the blood from the Emgrand Group in

order to quickly improve his strength.

But he didn‟t even think that the company he wanted to suck blood was actually Wade

Family and Master Wade‟s property!

This is like a mouse, thinking about the tiger‟s food carelessly, it is simply seeking a dead

end, no chance of survival!

Issac glanced at Walter at this time, with a bit of pity in his eyes, and thought in his

heart: “This Walter can be regarded as a handsome, and talented person, plus the family

is also a wealthy business class. The future is limitless for such a progeny.

“But, what is not good for him, he provoked the young master. Isn‟t this rushing to fly

more than 10,000 kilometers from the United States to die?”

Immediately, Issac looked at Charlie and asked respectfully: “Master, shall I take him

away now?”

Charlie nodded: “Take him away.”

Walter was frightened and limp, and blurted out, “Master Wade, please let me go,

Master Wade! My grandma is from the Rothschild family. You should have heard of the

Rothschild family, right? In the list of Top-notch families, rich and in all countries, and

the entire economic and energy lifeline of Europe and America are in the hands of the

Rothschild family!”

“If you let me go, I can help you get online with the Rothschild family, and let you

cooperate with them. This is good for you and you can get fortunes in days, that you

dreamed in years!”

Charlie sneered when he heard it, “I‟m sorry, I‟m not interested in working with the

Rothschild family.”

Seeing that the attempts were unsuccessful, Walter was dying to struggle and said: “If

you really insist on locking me up for inhumane torture, once the Rothschilds know

about it, have you considered the consequences?”

“Although my last name is not Rothschild, I, nevertheless, have a quarter of my blood

from the Rothschild family. Rothschild will not allow anyone to treat offspring with their

blood in this way!”

“By then, they will not let you go! They will only make you die worse!”

When Issac heard this, he slapped Walter angrily, and said coldly: “Are you looking for

death? When your death is approaching, you dare to speak rashly to the young master,

believe it or not, I will cut your tongue?!”

Charlie waved his hand to interrupt Issac at this time, and said calmly: “Mr. Issac, let him

say what he wants to say.”

Walter yelled in panic, “I‟m done! You‟d better consider carefully whether you really

want to offend the entire Rothschild family because of me!”

Charlie nodded, smiled, and said playfully: “To tell you the truth, I am not afraid to

offend the Rothschild family, because even if they don‟t come to me, I will find them

sooner or later!”

Speaking of this, Charlie paused slightly, and said in a firm and domineering tone: “I still

have a blood debt, and I have to pay for it with the Rothschild family slowly!”

Chapter 2371

Desperate Walter was dragged out of the hospital by Issac‟s men.

After he was taken away, all the video surveillance records about him were completely

erased by Issac‟s men.

In this way, no one can find the video data of him in Aurous Hill, and it is even more

impossible to find the trajectory of his activities.

After Walter‟s family finds out that he is missing, they will come to Aurous Hill to search

again, and they will find that this person is as if he has evaporated.

Before leaving, Charlie talked to Issac and asked him to arrange for professionals to give

Walt‟s favorite mercury dichloride to him. After he becomes ill like Doris‟s father, he will

immediately put him on dialysis equipment.

This is the so-called rule of the human body.

For some demons with extremely corrupt character, this method can bring them real


Doris watched Charlie determine Walter‟s fate in such a delightful way with her own

eyes, and was very moved.

During this time, she witnessed the whole process of her father‟s illness, further

deterioration, and unconsciousness.

She can vividly remember the pain her father suffered.

So, after learning that all this turned out to be the poisoning of Walter behind her back,

she naturally hated Walter.

If Walter was just arrested, sentenced, and jailed, she would feel that it was too cheap

for such a vile person.

As for Charlie‟s handling method, if she herself, she would not dare to think about it,

and she would not be able to realize it.

So the gratitude she felt to Charlie had already shot to an unparalleled level.

So, after Issac took the people out of the ward, Doris closed the door, and the moment

she turned around, she immediately knelt in front of Charlie, choked up, and said,

“Master, thank you so much for this… …If it weren‟t for you, I might never know, all of

this turned out to be Walter behind the scenes; if it weren‟t for you, I might never be

able to help my father get justice…”

Charlie hurriedly reached out he helped her up and said seriously: “It‟s just a matter of

my left hand, don‟t be so polite, this person, Walter, is vicious and sinister, so I am not

only helping you but also treating the people they way they deserve.”

Doris sighed, choked up, and said: “I didn‟t, I really didn‟t expect that for so many years

of classmates, Walter would be able to do such nasty things…”

Then, she wiped away her tears, looked at her unconscious mother on the sofa, and

asked: “Master, my Mom, she is not okay.”

Charlie smiled slightly and said: “Auntie is only temporarily unconscious, wipe her face

with a cool wet towel and she should wake up.”

Then he said to Doris again: “Wake up the aunt first and then give the uncle the

medicine. This should heal uncle as soon as he takes the medicine so that you and the

aunt will be completely relieved.”

Doris was extremely excited, and said quickly: “OK master, give it to me…” After that,

Doris ran into the bathroom quickly.

Soon, she took a wet towel and ran out of the bathroom.

She strode to the sofa and carefully wiped her mother‟s cheek with the wet towel. After

a while, she saw her mother‟s eyelashes move slightly, and then she opened her eyes.

“Doris…” The first thing Leithina opened her eyes was angrily asking: “Where is that

Walter? He killed your dad. Don‟t let him go!”

Doris looked at her. Charlie glanced at her and said hurriedly to Leithina: “Mom, Walter

has already been arrested. It is estimated that he will stay in prison for a lifetime!”

Leithina said angrily: “He killed my husband like this, but it‟s too cheap to put him in jail.

If your dad can‟t be saved him, he should pay your dad with his own life!”

Then, she remembered what her husband was poisoned. She couldn‟t control her tears

anymore for the suffering and the pain he had suffered, hid her face, and wept bitterly.

Doris hurriedly persuaded: “Mom, don‟t worry too much. Mr. Wade found a kind of elixir

for Dad, and his Kidney can heal after taking it!”

“What?” Leithina exclaimed, “Just by taking the medicine. Can your dad‟s kidney be

cured? This… how is this possible… Didn‟t the doctor say that kidney failure is almost


Chapter 2372

Charlie said at this time: “Auntie, for most doctors, kidney failure is indeed irreversible,

but our ancestors still saved good prescriptions, and the treatment is not so very


“Really?!” Leithina couldn‟t help feeling excited, choked up, and said: “Then Mr. Wade

will take action and save my husband… He has taught and educated people all his life,

doing good and accumulating virtue. He has never done anything bad, and he shouldn‟t

end up like this…”

After she finished speaking, she looked at Doris next to her, grabbed Doris‟s hand, and

cried, “He used it for more than 20 years. Raising Doris into a talent, he hasn‟t seen Doris

put on a wedding dress, to marry, to have children. He has not enjoyed the family

happiness of three generations…If he just leaves like this, it would be a godless world, so


Charlie nodded at this time and said solemnly: “Auntie, don‟t worry, as long as uncle

takes the medicine I prepared, he will definitely be cured.”

With that, he hurriedly ordered Doris: “Doris, it should not be too late, find a cup and fill

half of it with warm water, put the pill I gave you in the warm water to dissolve, and then

feed it to uncle!”

When Doris heard this, she nodded hurriedly, subconsciously said: “Okay… Young…”

When the

young master‟s words almost blurted out, Doris realized that her mother did not know

Charlie‟s true identity, so she hurriedly changed her words: “Okay. Yes, Mr. Wade, thank

you, I‟ll get it right now!”

After Doris finished speaking, she hurried to the coffee table and boiled a little warm

water with an electric kettle. After filling half a cup, she took out the red sandalwood

box that Charlie gave from his pocket.

As soon as the wooden box was opened, an inconspicuous pill was placed in it.

However, although the pills were not very eye-catching after the box was opened, the

refreshing smell of medicine overflowed all at once and quickly filled the entire ward.

This is the blood-saving heart-saving pill refined by Charlie.

Leithina also smelled the scent of the medicine, and for a while, she felt that she was

more energetic, so she couldn‟t help but exclaimed: “The scent of this medicine is too

good! The taste must be much better than the traditional medicine I have been exposed

to! It seems to smell so great, it made me feels much more comfortable!”

Doris felt the same way.

When she smelled the scent of the medicine, it felt like a stuffy nose, and suddenly she

smelled a strong menthol, and the feeling could even rise instantly.

At this moment, Doris firmly believed in her heart that this medicine could definitely

save her father.

Afterward, she put the pill into the water in accordance with Charlie‟s instructions.

Just when she was about to find a disposable chopstick to stir, a magical scene


This blood-dissipating heart-saving pill immediately dissolved into the water at a very

fast speed as soon as it entered the water, and it melted completely in just two or three


Moreover, the melted warm water did not become completely cloudy but was in a

translucent state like brown sugar water.

Although the color of the water has become darker, it can still be clearly seen that there

is no trace of impurities in it.

This made Doris stunned because she had taken traditional medicine many times,

especially Chinese medicine granules.

In her impression, almost all traditional herbal medicines cannot be completely

dissolved in water. No matter how hot the water is used, no matter how vigorously it is

stirred, there will be a little bit of fine medicine residue in the cup at the end of the


However, this medicine is completely dissolved in water instantly without stirring. It can

be seen that this medicine is so pure that it contains almost no impurities!

Surprised, she looked at Charlie and asked, “Is it enough to feed this glass of water to

my father?”

Charlie nodded, “Yes, if the uncle is in a coma, but if you help him up, more water can

still be fed in.”

“Okay!” Doris immediately took the cup into the ward inside, and her mother Leithina

hurriedly followed.

The two of them helped Mr. Simmon, who was unconscious, up, and then Doris poured

the warm water of the pill in the cup and poured it into his mouth little by little…

This led to a magical scene of cognition…

Chapter 2373

liquid medicine was fed halfway to Doris‟s father. The mother and daughter were

shocked to discover that Simmon‟s pale, paper-like face suddenly changed a little

becoming rosy.

This is what traditional medicine calls the color of blood!

When the human blood is strong enough, the complexion will be ruddy and shiny. Once

the blood is insufficient, it will become white or sallow.

Why are terminally ill patients almost pale, even their lips are not even half bloody, it is

because the blood in the body has already been exhausted.

This is the case with Doris‟s father.

Extremely severe kidney failure has long put his life on the line.

His complete body, like a plant on the verge of dying, withered to the extreme.

However, just after the medicine was taken in, his body began to undergo earth-shaking


In the eyes of the mother and daughter, this scene is like watching a documentary on a

TV station or say a miracle unfolding in front of their eyes.

In some documentaries, in order to witness nature from the depression of all things in

winter to the recovery of the earth in spring, a video camera was used deliberately to

take time-lapse photography, filming a forest from the beginning of winter to the

blooming of spring flowers, and then played with increased speed.

In this way, the audience can see the whole process of the recovery of all things in

nature in a few seconds!

At that moment, everyone will be shocked by the extraordinary craftsmanship of nature.

The mother and daughter at this time witnessed such a miracle!

Doris‟s father, Simmon, has undergone a radical change in a very short time.

After his skin became rosy and shiny, his breathing became much stronger. It can be

seen from the monitor next to him that his blood pressure, which was originally very

low, began to rise rapidly in a short time!

After a while, Simmon slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, the mother and daughter burst into tears with excitement!

Doris laughed and cried and asked with concern: “Dad! How are you feeling, Dad!”

Leithina also cried with joy and asked, “Sim, are you feeling better?”

Simmon‟s brain still didn‟t react properly. , Hurriedly asked them: “How long did I


Leithina hurriedly said, “How long have you slept…You have been in a deep coma for

several days!”

“Ah?” Simmon exclaimed: ” I‟ve been in a coma for so long?! Why don‟t I feel at all? It

just feels like I slept for a long time…”

Doris hurriedly asked him, “Dad, how are you feeling now?”

Simmon thought. I thought, I sat upright and moved my limbs, and said in surprise: “It

feels pretty good! It doesn‟t seem uncomfortable at all. Has the hospital found the

source of my kidneys?”

“No.” Leithina blurted out: “We have never been able to find the source of your kidney.

Thanks to Doris‟s friend who brought you a magical medicine, you woke up!”

Simmon exclaimed, “The magical medicine?! What kind of magical medicine?” Knowing

how to explain it, he hurriedly said: “Oh, don‟t ask so much. You are not a traditional

medicine doctor. How can you understand this magic medicine? Just hurry up to thank

Mr. Wade!”

Simmon raised his head. Seeing Charlie standing next to him, he hurriedly said

gratefully: “Mr. Wade, thank you so much for saving my life!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Uncle don‟t be so polite. I and Doris are good friends. .

a little effort from me, nothing else “

Leithina help exclaimed:” Sim, I see your skin color has got better than before. Your

physical condition has greatly improved, we should call a doctor to check it!”

Standing at the side of Doris, Charlie asked in a low voice: “It does not matter if the

doctor comes to see it.”

Chapter 2374

Charlie nodded and smiled: “It doesn‟t matter at all, anyhow, let the doctor come over

for a systematic examination.”

Doris hurriedly asked in a low voice, “What should we say if the doctor asks about

medicine? after all, in the eyes of the doctor, my dad‟s kidney failure is almost

irreversible …… „

Charlie said with a smile: “Never mind, people‟s hospital, doctors would have seen more

medical miracle.”

Secondly, Old Jacob, Charlie‟s father-in-law, was hit by a car into a paraplegic position

and he entered the hospital. All the doctors announced that he could only lie on the bed

for the rest of his life, and he could no longer feel any more under his neck, let alone

move freely.

However, he cured him with a blood-saving heart-saving pill, allowing him to be alive

and kicking on the spot.

At the time, this was also considered a medical miracle. But the credit was given to a

genius doctor at the time. Who was a great healer in the eyes of the people?

Not only, no one was questioned, but the doctor was later troubled by Kobayashi

Ichairo. At that time, Kobayashi wanted a prescription desperately.

Soon, Leithina ran over with Director Chen who was there for the night shift.

As soon as Director Chen entered the door, he found Simmon sitting on the hospital

bed with a ruddy complexion, and he was shocked and dumbfounded.

“Professor Simmon, why… why are you sitting up?!”

Simmon said with a smile: “Director Chen, my daughter‟s friend gave me a magical

medicine. I feel very good. Don‟t Speak of sitting up, if it weren‟t for so many tubes,

wires, and monitor clips, I think I could get out of bed and play a broadcastable


“Oh my God!” Director Chen blurted out, “How is this possible? What? Your kidney

failure has reached the end stage, and it can only be continued for the time being with

dialysis equipment. How can it be done all at once?”

He said, he ran over immediately and carefully checked Simmon‟s physical indicators.

It doesn‟t matter if you look at it, the more you look at it, the more scared!

He muttered in amazement: “Heart rate is up, blood pressure is up, blood oxygen index

is up…”

“The electrocardiogram is also normal…”

He pushed incredulously. Looking at Simmon with glasses, he said, “Professor Simmon

Wang, let‟s shake hands. See if you can squeeze it hard so that I can feel your current

muscle state.”

“Okay.” Simmon immediately stretched out his hand and shook it with Director Chen. A

bit of strength.

“Oh!” Director Chen felt the strength in Simmon‟s hand and exclaimed: “You can do

muscular strength! This is really amazing. You have been in bed for so many days and

you lost weight quickly, and it was accompanied by more serious problems. Your

muscles atrophy, but now there is still such amount of strength, it is incredible!”

Simmon was surprised: “Director Chen, is this strength still great?”

Director Chen blurted out: “This is all right! You want it! I know that many patients with

end-stage renal failure cannot hold hands even as a five or six-year-old child can!”

Simmon was surprised for a moment, and said with an excited smile: “Director Chen! I

didn‟t use my full strength just now… …”

“What?!” Director Chen blurted out: “I haven‟t used all my strength? Then you can feel it

with all my strength.”

Simmon nodded, his hands gradually increased, and Director Chen still looked shocked

at first. , But immediately afterward, his expression gradually became a little ugly.

Then, he suddenly yelled, “It‟s okay! It hurts! It hurts!”

Simmon quickly let go, with an apologetic expression: “I‟m sorry, Director Chen, got

carried away…”

“It‟s okay .” It‟s okay…” Director Chen shook his hand, and quickly rubbed it with his

other hand, blurting out: “You are really incredible! I‟m a few years younger than you,

and your hand is more powerful than mine, which is still big! So far, all your indicators

are normal. What a miracle!”

As he said, he hurriedly said: “Professor, wait a minute, I‟ll let the nurse come over to

draw your blood, and take the time to check your blood creatinine. If your blood

creatinine is also normal, then that means you are completely cured!”

Chapter 2375

Serum creatinine is an important indicator for judging the degree of kidney damage.

The higher the blood creatinine value, the higher the degree of kidney damage.

For a normal adult, the value of blood creatinine is generally within 133. Exceeding this

value indicates that the kidney has been damaged.

Once the value exceeds 450, it can be assessed as renal failure, if it exceeds 700, it is

basically in the category of uremia.

And Mr. Simmon‟s blood monitoring at noon today showed that his blood creatinine

index has reached more than 1,500!

Therefore, he wants to know if he is really getting better now, or even healed, the blood

creatinine index is the most important reference standard.

Soon, the nurse rushed over.

Seeing Mr. Simmon‟s sudden energetic appearance, the nurse was shocked to speak. It

took a long while to recover after Director Chen‟s reminder, and quickly collected

Simmon‟s blood.

The blood was rushed to the laboratory for testing, and the results took 20 minutes at

the earliest.

Just as everyone was waiting for the blood result, Simmon clutched his stomach and

asked his wife Leithina awkwardly: “My wife, do you have anything to eat? I suddenly

feel so hungry…I am hungry. My stomach is making sounds…”

Leithina wiped her tears and choked sob: “You have been in a coma these days, and

your stomach is also showing signs of exhaustion. The doctor said that even the nasal

feeding method of intubating the esophagus from the nose is not suitable, so it has

always been maintained by infusion of nutrients. I didn‟t prepare anything to eat…”

Doris hurriedly said: “Dad, what do you want to eat, I will bring it from outside for you!”

After finishing speaking, she hurriedly asked Director Chen: “Director Chen, what does

my dad need to avoid now?”

Director Chen said: “Your dad has been eating no food these days, and his body

consumed a lot of time under this condition. It is still necessary to quickly supplement

nutrients and calories, but he cannot eat spicy food.”

Simmon hurriedly said, “Doctor Chen, can I have some roast duck buns? It would be

even better if I could have a bowl of duck blood soup!”

If people in Aurous Hill select ten favorite foods, duck blood soup and roast duck buns

will definitely be on the list.

Duck blood vermicelli is made by boiling duck blood, duck intestines, duck liver, and


The roast duck bun is similar to the Eastcliff roast duck method, but the roast duck is

used as the stuffing of buns and wrapped in the buns.

Simmon was a native of Aurous Hill, so he thought of these when he thought of eating


After listening, Director Chen nodded and said with a smile: “These are all okay, but

duck blood soup must be without chili peppers.”

Doris hurriedly said: “Then I will bring it right away!”

Charlie on the side said: “Doris, I will go with you.”

Doris knew that if she left, Charlie would stay here alone to face her parents, more or

less embarrassed, so she said: “Then let‟s go together…”

Just when Charlie was about to leave with Doris, Doris‟s mother Leithina hurriedly said:

“Oh, Doris, Wade is a distinguished guest and a great benefactor of our family. Don‟t let

Wade run around while you buy things. , There is a restaurant on the opposite side. You

can buy it directly and let Wade rest here for a while, just to have a few words with your


When Doris saw this posture, her heart suddenly became nervous.

She knows her mother too well.

In the past two years, she has been getting older and older, and her mother has been

urging her to find a partner to marry and have children.

After all, in the eyes of older generations, women who are over twenty-five years old

have to hurry up to get married. At this time, career and school are not more important

than marriage.

But Doris has been busy working in recent years. The rapid rise of the Emgrand Group

before has a lot to do with her going all out.

It is precisely because of her career that Doris is already twenty-eight years old, but she

still has no relationship with anyone, which makes her parents very anxious.

Chapter 2376

Before, her parents didn‟t find some suitable men for her. Simmon even wanted to

introduce a protégé of his own to her, but she didn‟t even manage to take the

opportunity to meet or have a meal.

Right now, Doris found that her mother seemed to have a very good impression of

Charlie. Now that she wants to leave Charlie, she must want to ask Charlie some

personal information, or maybe even want to test her relationship with him, by the way,

embarrassing her and Charlie.

So she hurriedly said: “Mom… Charlie is a young man, and there is a generation gap

with you. If you can‟t let us go together, don‟t embarrass!”

Leithina hurriedly said: “Look at what you said, although your dad and I are a little older,

we also know a lot about young people, OK?”

Charlie smiled and said at this time: “It doesn‟t matter Doris, you go shopping, don‟t

delay uncle‟s urge for eating any longer. I will chat with my uncle and aunt for a while.”

Doris was very embarrassed. She was afraid that her mother would talk nonsense or

inquire nonsense things from Charlie, but Charlie himself had said that he would stay

with her parents, and she had no way to continue to force him.

In desperation, she had no choice but to say to Charlie: “Then trouble you to stay here

with my parents, and I will be back right away.”

As she said, she remembered something, and hurriedly asked: “It‟s so late, are you

anxious to go home? It won‟t delay you too much, right?”

Charlie waved his hand: “If something is wrong, I can leave any time.”

Doris nodded: “Then I will go first.”

After finishing speaking, she asked her mother Leithina: “Mom, don‟t talk to Charlie, I

will be back soon!”

Leithina waved her hand and said, “Oh, don‟t worry, what can mom talk to others about?

Just chat a few words, don‟t worry about it, go ahead!”

Doris had no choice but to leave the ward nervously.

As soon as Doris walked away, Leithina looked at Charlie with a smile, and asked, “Wade,

how old are you this year?”

Leithina had a very good impression of Charlie.

Not only because Charlie helped her family with a big favor and saved her husband, but

also because of his handsome appearance and talent. Seeing that he is a talented man

and goes well with her daughter Doris, she thought of it as an exceptionally good

match, he is indeed a suitable person to be a son-in-law.

Charlie didn‟t know what Leithina was thinking about. When he saw her asking the

question, he hurriedly replied with a smile: “Auntie, you don‟t need to be so polite. Just

call me Charlie. I will be 27 years old soon.”

Leithina nodded, smiled, and said: “Then aunt will not be polite to you!”

After that, Leithina asked: “Charlie, what do you do?”

“I…” Charlie was really stopped by Leithina all at once.

“What kind of work am I doing? hmm. I used to do house chores full time like a woman.

But now Mother Elaine has taken over most of it…”

“But now her leg is broken, I have to help more or less…”

“In the final analysis, I am now considered to have got rid of the status of a full-time

woman like a man at home, so for my current occupation you can call me a private


“Well… it‟s almost a private entrepreneur. After all, there is an Emgrand Group and a

JiuXuan Pharmaceutical.”

Thinking of this, Charlie said with a smile: “Auntie, I now own two small companies, so I

am a self-employed entrepreneur.”

When Leithina heard this, she smiled and said: “The self-employed are also very good!

Although the self-employed may not earn so much, they are relatively free! For you

young people, earning more and less is not the best. The most important thing is

happiness and freedom!”

As she said that, she couldn‟t help sighing, and said: “I always said to Doris, don‟t have

such a strong entrepreneurial spirit, you can live a wonderful life with more money, and

there is no need to make yourself so tired every day, but this child just doesn‟t listen…”

Speaking of this, Leithina looked at Charlie and said seriously: “Charlie, in the future, you

have to help Auntie to persuade her, let her take advantage of her young age, good

relationship skills, and her ability to travel around the world. Isn‟t this better than

making money by holding your head down? Isn‟t it?”

Chapter 2377

Charlie didn‟t get to Leithina‟s point for a while, but he was more or less embarrassed

when he heard that.

After all, Doris is his own employee.

Although the Emgrand Group is his own, the entire Emgrand Group‟s operations,

management, and development are almost entirely handled by Doris alone.

In contrast, he is a hand-off shopkeeper.

If it is true that Doris quits her job to fall in love and travel around the world according

to what Leithina said, it would be tantamount to leaving the Emgrand Group behind.

From his heart, naturally, he didn‟t want this situation, after all, who would let his

capable person not do business and run around the world.

However, he was also very clear in his heart that it was chatting with Doris‟s parents

anyway, so just follow their words and talk down. It‟s no mistake.

So, he smiled and said: “Auntie, what you said is very reasonable, in fact, when you are

young, you should go out to experience the world and enjoy life…”

When Leithina heard Charlie say this, she immediately nodded with a smile and said,

“Yeah! It seems that you and Auntie have the same ideas. When you look back, you can

help Auntie to persuade Doris. Anyway, you are also a self-employed person. Yes, selfemployed people have relatively free time. After she quits her job or takes a long

vacation, you two can go on a trip together.”

“Me?” Charlie was stunned, and couldn‟t help but smile: “Auntie, my time is not as free

as you think, there are still many things…”

Leithina waved her hand and said earnestly: “Listen to your aunt‟s advice, if you at this

age, if you don‟t enjoy life well, and you will get married and have children in the future,

then you will really be tired to death!”

After speaking, Leithina couldn‟t help feeling: “My husband and I had been wanting and

tired from the time I was pregnant with Doris. At that time, I thought that it would be

easier for us to live our way once the child is born, but later we realized that the lie got

much harder after her birth.”

“Later, we thought, it would be nice to wait for the child to go to kindergarten, but we

really waited for her to go to kindergarten and found that things were more


“Not only to pick up and drop off her every day, but also to pay attention to her

comprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical, and artistic faculties. After

class, she had to learn musical instruments, dance, and calligraphy. Every day he rode a

bicycle to take her to class with teachers from Aurous Hill;

“When you enter elementary school, you must not only pay attention to hobbies but

also pay attention to your children‟s learning. Then there are small promotion, junior

high, high school entrance examination…There is no time period in which it is really

easy. …..”

Sitting in the hospital bed, Simmon couldn‟t help but sigh: “Yes! From the time I was

pregnant with the child until the child was admitted to college, this is really real life. It

has been a lot of hard work over the past ten or twenty years. “

Leithina couldn‟t help sighing: “So, you young people must enjoy life while you are


“The best golden years of a person‟s life is the ten years from 20 to 30!”

“In these ten years, you have a relatively complete outlook on the world, outlook on life

and values, and the ability to distinguish right from wrong. You have even achieved

financial independence to a certain extent. You have finally begun to break away from

the control of your parents and experience adult free life……”

“If you don‟t grasp it well or enjoy it in the next ten years, you will definitely regret it in

the future!”

Charlie nodded in agreement. When he was young, he also had a lot of fantasies.

The education of his parents has never done anything to help him grow up or hope his

son will become a dragon.

When he was young, his mother would always tell him: life is short and the world is big. I

hope you can be a happy person, a person who can travel all over the world and

eventually reap happiness and live up to this life.

If those accidents don‟t happen, the Wade Family‟s financial resources were enough to

support Charlie‟s economic freedom from childhood to age, and enough to support him

to pursue his dreams when he was in his twenties.

And Charlie has never put money in his eyes, so after he reaches adulthood, he will not

get involved in family fights.

In that case, he is likely to be indulged in traveling the world every day.

Chapter 2378

Maybe to conquer Mount Everest, maybe go skiing in the Alps, go on vacation in France,

go to Antarctica, or go diving in Tahiti.

But it was the accident that changed his life trajectory drastically.

Originally, he was the world‟s top rich child, within a population of six or seven billion in

the world, and no more than one hundred people who can reincarnate so well.

However, after eight years of age, he became the poorest and most miserable orphan.

Compared with other orphans, he has had a harder life.

This is because he not only had no father and no mother like other orphans but also

lived in an orphanage like other orphans.

In his young heart, he still had to endure the pain of the murder of his parents, endure

the unshakable hatred, and endure the huge gap from heaven to hell.

In a blink of an eye, nineteen years have passed.

The little boy who stood crying to death at the entrance of the orphanage has now

grown into a 27-year-old adult man.

As Leithina said, the best age in life is in the ten years from 20 to 30. However, for

Charlie, seven years have passed out of golden ten years.

Charlie couldn‟t help asking himself: “I have not had any chance of enjoying life in the

past seven years. What will happen to the next three years? If the feuds of my parents

have not been reported in these three years, then my golden ten years will pass. ……”

At this point, Charlie felt a little lost in his heart.

However, he never resented the past nineteen years of life.

Although in these nineteen years, the first fifteen years were lonely and helpless, and the

next three years suffered all kinds of cynicism, it can be said that he has tasted all the

hardships in the world.

Leithina thought that after a few words of her own, Charlie seemed to be a little

confused. Deep down he couldn‟t help asking herself: “Did I accidentally say something

wrong? Why does this man feel like he is worried now?”

Just she was thinking about it, Doris ran back out of breath.

Holding two plastic bags in her hand, she was still gasping for breath and said with

some difficulty: “Dad…Mom…I…I bought The meal. It is ready. Hurry… eat it…”

Leithina saw her daughter babbling and hurriedly asked: “Doris, what‟s wrong with you?”

Doris hurriedly said: “Nothing, I just ran a little faster just now. I feel a little bit off breath,

so I just need to rest for a while…”

Simmon couldn‟t help but said distressedly: “Oh, what are you doing so fast? Walk

slowly, just buy slowly, not need to hurry.”

Doris said unnaturally, “Dad, aren‟t you hungry? You have not been eating for so long, I

am afraid that you will lose your body from starvation…”

In fact, Doris was ashamed, to tell the truth.

The reason she ran so fast was that she was afraid that her parents would say something

that shouldn‟t be said to Charlie.

That‟s why she deliberately ran faster, trying to compress the time that her parents and

Charlie spend alone.

At this moment, the little nurse also rushed in and blurted out in surprise, “Director

Chen! The patient‟s blood came out, and the blood creatinine is only 45!”

Chapter 2379


Hearing this value, Director Chen was completely confused.

From 1500 to 45? Isn‟t this amazing?

Doris‟s family of three is more sensitive to this data.

After all, as early as a few years ago, Doris‟s father had already suffered from uremia.

This family of three has been treated for a long time.

They are very clear about the numerical range of blood creatinine, and each different

range represents what kind of state the kidney is in. They are even more clear.

The relatively broad normal value of blood creatinine is between 40-130.

So, when they heard the number 45, the family of three burst into tears with excitement!

Doris remembered something, and then asked Director Chen: “Hello Director Chen, I

seem to remember the value of 45. For normal people, is it not more or less low?”

What Doris said is wrong. The value of 45 is almost at the minimum, so it is actually a bit

low for most normal people.

Generally speaking, the blood creatinine index of adult men is mostly in the range of 70

to 80 to 100.

Director Chen couldn‟t hide his excitement and said, “This is actually normal. Your father

fell ill during this period, he lost weight very quickly, his body became very weak, and

there was also a certain degree of malnutrition. In this case, blood creatinine will

definitely be low. I guess your father will be able to maintain the best value of around 70

or 80 after a few days of recuperation!”

Doris‟s suddenly relaxed a lot, she hurriedly asked: “Director Chen, is my father‟s current

situation healed?”

Director Chen nodded and said confidently: “Healed! It must be healed! This is simply


Doris was so excited that she turned to look at Charlie, her eyes flushed.

She has many words of gratitude to say, but it feels like a stalk on her lips.

This is because, in her opinion, this kind of life-saving kindness is too great. If she always

thanked him, she would appear to be very insincere, not even religious enough.

Although Leithina knew that her husband should have recovered, she hadn‟t been fully

corroborated before. Now the blood creatinine results have come out, completely

dispelling all the doubts in her heart, and she couldn‟t help but burst into tears.

Immediately, she looked at Charlie, and suddenly knelt in front of Charlie, and said

gratefully: “Mr. Wade…thank you…I really appreciate you…I don‟t have words to express

my gratitude…”

Seeing this, Charlie hurriedly stepped forward to help her up, and said: “Oh, auntie, what

are you doing? Get up…”

Leithina choked up at this moment: “I feel that your kindness is too heavy for our family,

and I really don‟t know how to thank you…”

Speaking of this, Leithina sighed: “Mr. Wade, I am not a fool. The medicine you gave us

has such a magical effect. If it is sold to those top rich people, it will be priceless, not to

mention tens of millions. It is hundreds of millions, and it is very worthwhile for those

rich people whose lives are hanging by a thread.”

Although Leithina is not a university professor, yet, she is also a age seasonged


Chapter 2380

The advantage of an intellectual is that although she may not really understand medical

matters, she has a more accurate knowledge and judgment on many things than

ordinary people.

Doris stepped forward to help her mother, crying and said: “Mom, don‟t worry, Charlie

saved my father, and I will repay him as a cow and a horse…”

Leithina nodded lightly and choked up: “Mr. Wade, you will be our great benefactor

from now on…”

Mr. Simmon on the hospital bed couldn‟t help but flushed his eyes and said seriously:

“Mr. Wade, you saved this old life. If you have any use of uncle in the future, please

never ever hesitate. My heart and soul will not hesitate. I owe my life to you !”

Charlie smiled helplessly, shook his head lightly, and said seriously: “Uncle and aunt are

serious. Doris is my friend. It‟s just friends helping each other. Doris usually doesn‟t help

me less. It‟s kind of repaying for her favor.”

When Doris heard this, she was deeply moved.

She knew what Charlie meant, and she definitely felt that she didn‟t bother to help him

take care of the Emgrand Group.

However, she was very clear in her heart: “It is my job to take care of the Emgrand

Group, and it is my job…”

“I have taken the young master‟s salary and have to serve the Emgrand Group. This is

justified, so it‟s not that I helped the young master at all.”

“Furthermore, the young master doubled my salary just after he took over the Emgrand

Group. I work hard for him. Isn‟t it right…”

Just when she was ashamed, Director Chen, who was always talking on the side, plucked

up the courage to ask, “You little brother, can I ask you a question?”

Charlie nodded and said, “Director Chen, please.”

Director Chen hurriedly asked: “I want to dare to ask, what kind of medicine did you give

Professor? Of course, if there are any secrets involved and cannot be said, I understand

it 100%!

Charlie smiled slightly: “It‟s not a secret. It‟s just that I asked for this medicine from the

genius doctor Tianqi. It is said that the genius doctor Tianqi is not the creator of this

magic medicine. His old forfathers accidentally got a small amount of ancient stock. The

medicinal secret passed down by the doctors was originally very small, I happen to be

luck to find a small part of it.”

When Director Chen heard this, he suddenly realized that he patted his thigh and said

with emotion: “I remember! Last time he was in our hospital, there was a patient with

high paraplegia, just because he took the magical medicine brought by Tianqi, he

instantly recovered. It is said that the medicine used for the ancient gods at that time

was the ancient traditonal medicine whose prescriptions were lost. I never thought that

this medicine is so magical that it could not only cure high paraplegia, but also cure the

irreversible acute renal failure in the eyes of modern medicine…. ..”

Having said this, he couldn‟t help but feel sorry for a while, and said in a rather

melancholy manner: “Our ancestors left so many magical things, but it‟s a pity that we

don‟t even have the ability to store them well. If this magic medicine, if it can be

rediscovered and reproduced, it is really the gospel to the people of the world…”

Charlie nodded and smiled, without speaking any more.

Director Chen checked the time and said, “Oh, it‟s almost eleven o‟clock. I have to go to

other wards for rounds first, so I won‟t bother too much.”

Doris hurriedly sent Director Chen out. After she came back in, Charlie also said, “Uncle,

aunt, Doris, it‟s really late, I have to go back first.”

Leithina hurriedly said: “Oh, Mr. Wade, why so anxious, let‟s sit a little longer!”

Doris on the side was afraid that her mother would show too much enthusiasm for

Charlie, so she hurriedly said, “Mom, this is a hospital ward, not home. How can anyone

stay in the ward for a so long?”

After speaking, she hurriedly said: “Furthermore, Dad is completely healed now. Let‟s go

home quickly. The hospital feels too depressing for me during this period. I don‟t want

to stay here for a minute. .”

When Leithina heard this, she had to say to Charlie with some regret: “Mr. Wade, I will

not keep you today. Tomorrow I will cook a big meal at home, thank you very much, you

must come!”

Chapter 2381

Charlie thought that Leithina suddenly wanted to invite him to her house for dinner.

Thinking of finding an excuse to decline, Leithina waited for him to speak and hurriedly

said: “It happens to be Saturday tomorrow, Doris will not go to work. She can help me at

home and make more dishes.”

Simmon on the hospital bed also spoke in agreement: “Yeah, Mr. Wade, come home to

have a meal, just take it as an act of thank you from us.”

However, Simmon is far from knowing that Charlie had actually been to his house


Seeing that both Leithina and Simmon said so, Charlie was somewhat embarrassed.

He didn‟t really want to agree to the meal, but he felt it was difficult to refuse at their


Just when he was a little bit hard to get off the topic, Doris hurriedly said: “Mom, I have

something to do tomorrow. The company has to work overtime, some other day?”

“Ah? You will work overtime tomorrow?” Leithina was very dissatisfied and said, “Why do

I have to work overtime on weekends?”

In fact, Doris didn‟t really want to work overtime, but she saw that her parents might

have a good impression of Charlie, and guessed that her parents might want to take

advantage of the opportunity to invite Charlie to dinner to learn more about him.

Therefore, she also guessed that her parents must not know that Charlie is now married,

otherwise, they would certainly not be so direct.

So, she planned to postpone the matter of inviting Charlie to eat at home, and then

clarify the words with her parents. Even if Charlie‟s true identity cannot be told to them,

at least she must let them know that Charlie already has a wife. As her husband, let them

stop thinking about it.

Thinking of this, she said very seriously: “Mom, I really have something to do tomorrow,

not only tomorrow but also a lot of things the day after tomorrow. It is really busy lately,

or let‟s not make an appointment this week, next week Look at the time, we will see

about it again?”

Leithina heard what she said, and knew there was no way to continue. What she wanted

was Charlie to come to the house to have dinner with their family of three, but if her

daughter had something to do, she and her husband invited Charlie to eat at home,

more or less It‟s also strange.

So she had no choice but to say: “Well, then I will not ask Mr. Wade to come to eat at

home this week. Next week, depending on your work situation, let‟s make an early

decision and try to invite Mr. Wade to come home for dinner. “

After she finished speaking, she looked at Charlie again, and said with an apologetic

expression: “Mr. Wade, I‟m so sorry, so let‟s make an appointment next week. What do

you think?”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “Auntie, I can do it.”

Leithina hurriedly said to Doris again: “Doris, you won‟t be allowed to work overtime on

weekends next week!”

Doris said embarrassingly: “I don‟t have the final say whether to work overtime or not. If

there is really something important for me to do this week, I can‟t just leave it behind!”

Leithina said with some dissatisfaction: “You are too hard every day, why does your boss

arrange so much work for you? Isn‟t this squeezing employees?”

When Charlie heard this, he felt a little embarrassed.

After all, he is the boss who squeezed employees in Leithina‟s words.

Charlie said at this time: “Uncle and Aunt, it‟s getting late, I won‟t bother you much.”

Leithina knew that she was wasting a lot of time for Charlie, and hurriedly said, “Okay

Mr. Wade, Auntie will let you go, and let Doris send you to the parking lot.”

Charlie smiled and said, “No need Auntie, I can just go by myself.”

Doris hurriedly said: “Charlie, or… I will send you off!”

Charlie waved his hand: “After Doris, you don‟t send me off. Stay here to accompany my

uncle and aunt. In addition, if the uncle is going to be discharged tonight, you have to

hurry up and finish the discharge procedures. “

Hearing this, Doris did not insist anymore.

She was very grateful and said to Charlie: “Thank you so much for what happened


Charlie waved his hand: “Don‟t be so polite, you can stay, I‟m leaving.”

Chapter 2382

Doris sent Charlie to the door, seeing Charlie leave, only then returned to the ward.

As soon as she entered the ward, Leithina hurried over, took Doris‟s hand, and asked

with concern: “Doris, what is the relationship between that Mr. Wade and you?”

Doris hurriedly said: “It‟s just an ordinary friendship.”

“Ordinary friend?” Leithina hurriedly asked her when he heard this, “Then you have a

good impression of Mr. Wade in that respect?”

Doris said in a panic: “Ah? I…I don‟t have one!”

Leithina shook her head, and said with a face of disbelief: “you‟re cheating with your

mother? I can tell at a glance. You must have a good impression of Mr. Wade!”

Doris suddenly didn‟t know how to answer.

She naturally had a good impression of Charlie in her heart, and she also had a deep


Especially this time, Charlie not only helped her punish Walter who poisoned her father,

he even saved her father‟s life with a precious magic medicine.

This made her feel good about Charlie to an unprecedented height.

However, she was very clear in her heart: “Charlie is a dignified young master of the

Wade family, and an Emgrand group alone is worth more than 100 billion. How can this

be possible with him?”

“Not to mention, he is already married, and even his wife and her deal with work


Thinking of this, Doris still didn‟t understand more or less: “Why did Charlie marry that

girl? She has been in contact with her several times, and she looks really beautiful, but

the real ability to do things is actually not outstanding… …”

“If Charlie hadn‟t been helping her secretly, she wouldn‟t have been able to get the

cooperation of the Emgrand Group for her family Group…”

“Even the design studio she started her own business, the overall strength is not topnotch, if it follows the normal process, her studio will not be able to get any project from

the Emgrand Group, not even capable of bidding for the Emgrand Group Project


“However, it is precisely because Charlie spoils her that he builds bridges for her and

paves the way…”

“Furthermore, her family conditions are not very good either. When the Group was at its

peak, it was just a very trivial and third-rate family…”

“and so……”

“In terms of ability, she herself is no worse than Charlie‟s wife;”

“On family, even in terms of the family…”

“Even in terms of looks, I dare not say that she is inseparable from her, but at least it is

not much worse…”

“It‟s a pity that Charlie chose that girl, a girl who is not so brilliant. This is pure luck. She

may not have this opportunity in her life…”

Thinking of this, Doris couldn‟t help feeling a little melancholy.

At this time, Leithina said earnestly: “Doris, mom really thinks that you and Mr. Wade are

really a good match, and Mr. Wade, the young man, is really good. People are so

concerned about our family‟s affairs. he is also interesting to you, plus you are also

interested in him, can‟t you follow the flow of the boat and focus on development?”

When Doris heard her mother‟s words, she was a little embarrassed, she blurted out:

“Oh mom, what do you think… Charlie is already married!”

“Ah?!” Leithina immediately exclaimed when she heard this answer, and asked in

disbelief: “You said Mr. Wade is married?! Really?!”

Doris said helplessly: “Of course it is true…Can I lie to you about this kind of thing?”

Suddenly, Leithina became very sorry, and said with a sigh, “Hey, why do you think these

good boys are all married…”

Chapter 2383

Hearing her mother‟s emotion, Doris was also very melancholic in her heart.

In her heart, she was full of affection for Charlie.

But unfortunately, she knew that she almost had no chance.

The only thing that can be done is to work well in the Emgrand Group and take the

Emgrand Group to a higher level, in order to return Charlie‟s kindness to her, and at the

same time to relax her deep feelings for Charlie.

When the mother saw the daughter being silent, of course, she felt very distressed. She

gently took Doris‟s hand and said seriously: “Good girl, mom used to urge you to get

married earlier, but now, mom understands that some things are wrong. It‟s difficult to

get it done, so you will work and live according to your own ideas in the future, and

Mom will no longer point fingers at your life and work.”

Simmon on the side could not help but sigh: “Doris, your mother is right! We used to

look at your own problems from the perspective of our thinking. This kind of perspective

does lack respect for you, and nosy in your own affairs. You are the master of your own

destiny, your parents will never interfere again…”

When Doris heard this, she was grateful.

There is always a lack of generation gap between children and their parents, and there

are various misunderstandings that develop over a period of time.

But in fact, this generation gap and misunderstanding arise not because of material

things or money, but because of a lack of understanding between the two generations.

Parents lack understanding of their children, and children do the same with their


Just like the current parents, most of them hope that their children can be admitted to a

good university, find a decent and profitable job, and then settle down in a city as large

as possible, and have a smooth life.

But they never know, nor try to find what their children want.

Maybe their children don‟t want to be admitted to a good university, they just want to

pursue their hobbies;

Maybe they don‟t want to make a lot of money in big cities, they just want to travel

around the world with their own ideals.

Maybe they don‟t want this life to be too smooth so that the smoothness is a little flat.

Maybe they just hope to feel the magnificence of so many lives in their only one life.

It‟s like, many times, parents will look for a partner with very good overall conditions for

their children. In their eyes, the child can marry such an object, and it will be absolutely

safe and carefree for a lifetime.

However, children do not pursue stability and carefreeness at all as they thought. What

they pursue is a vigorous and unforgettable love.

This is why, all the great books on love in ancient and modern China and abroad, almost

all have a tragic core of rebelling against their parents for love, and ultimately choosing

to die in love.

Romeo and Juliet in the West are such a story, and Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai in

China are also the same.

Therefore, this misunderstanding between parents and children is not a phenomenon

unique to modern society but almost runs through the entire history of human


Doris has always felt that her parents do not understand her enough, that they do not

understand her ambitions, nor do they understand her feelings.

They feel that she has no need to do her best for the work, and even they take it as a

hurdle and delay in her private life.

They also feel she should find a boyfriend who can understand all aspects as soon as

possible, get married and have children as soon as possible, and settle in her life.

Once upon a time, Doris felt distressed because of the urging of marriage at home.

Chapter 2384

At that time, her greatest wish was for her parents to understand her one day.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, this wish has finally come true!

Thinking of this, Doris‟s eyes were flushed and her nose was sore that she almost burst

into tears.

In order to prevent her parents from crying, Doris hurriedly said to the two of them:

“Dad and Mom, you two will wait for me for a while, I will go through the discharge

procedures now, let‟s go home at the earliest!”


Just when Doris went through the discharge procedures for her father, Issac and Orvel

had already captured Doris‟s American classmate, Walter Hogwitz, the eldest son of the

American Hogwitz family, and all of his men as well. All of them were in the kennel.

Orvel, the kennel owner, not only raises the fighting dogs but also handles a lot of gray

things. So from the time of construction, a lot of thought was spent on the building of

this place.

First of all, Orvel‟s kennel farm was built in a relatively remote suburban area, which was

originally large and sparsely populated. In order to further eliminate future problems,

Orvel also registered an agricultural technology company. All the cultivated land around

a large factory was rented.

Orvel rented this cultivated land to cover the place from people‟s eyes and ears, so in

order not to make people doubt, he also specially selected a section of cultivated land

around this establishment for horse raising.

In this way, the kennel is safer and it will not attract the attention of outsiders and law


Not only in the periphery, special attention is also paid to internal safety as well. Inside

the kennel, the security equipment is the more complete, modern, and best one.

The fence of the kennel does not seem to be high. From the outside, there is no

mention of high-voltage power grids and Tribulus. It does not seem to be a very

important place.

However, on the inside of the wall, there is a high-voltage power grid one meter wide

across ninety degrees.

For those locked in it, the high-voltage power grid is just above their heads, and it is

impossible to climb up, so there is no way to escape.

Inside the kennel, there is a huge row of kennels. These kennels are all steel-welded iron

cages with only a very strong iron fence.

The locks of each iron fence doors are not ordinary mechanical locks, but three solid

lines of defense composed of mechanical locks, fingerprint locks, and remote

electromagnetic locks.

Therefore, whether it is a terribly lethal fighting dog or a martial arts master with very

strong personal strength, if he or it is really locked in, there is basically no chance of


All of Walter‟s men were placed in one of the iron cages, while Walter enjoyed a very

different treatment, and could enjoy a single iron cage.

And the outside of this iron cage is connected with a set of equipment dedicated to

dialysis. Because it is the iron cage, all kinds of pipelines can easily pass through without

preventing Walter from receiving dialysis in the cage.

At this time, Walter is being dragged into the iron cage by Orvel‟s men like a dog, he is

still yelling in despair: “You can‟t do this to me. I am the eldest son of the Hogwitz

family, I‟m the progeny of Rothschild. Relative of the German family!”

A black-clothed man beside him snorted coldly and cursed: “What kind of shit you are,

whatever that family is, in China, no foreign family has any place! You treat this place

like your backyard. You come as you like, leave as you like? Who do you think you are?”

Having said that, he grabbed Walter by the collar, broke open Walter‟s mouth forcefully,

and poured a bottle of liquid directly into his mouth. Then, despite Walter‟s struggle, he

directly covered his mouth and waited for him to take all the liquid medicine. Swallow it,

then let go.

Walter coughed a few times and questioned in horror: “You…what did you give me a


Standing outside the cage, Issac sneered and said: “Don‟t you like secretly poisoning

others with mercury dichloride? Why can‟t you taste your favorite thing?”

Chapter 2385

“Mercury dichloride?!”

Walter‟s face turned pale when he heard this!

He knelt on the ground with a thump, and kept kowtow to Issac, crying and said, “I

know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, please, please let the doctor come and

wash my stomach, later It‟s going to be too late…”

“I‟ll have your stomach lavage?” Issac sneered: “Walter, do you know you are afraid now?

When you hurt others, why didn‟t you think about their situation? When it comes to

yourself, you are scared and want to admit counsel? Do you really think that admitting

counsel can solve the problem? I tell you, it‟s impossible!”

Walter collapsed and desperately cried out: “I beg you to bring Mr. Wade on a phone

call, I say that I really knew I was wrong. I am willing to be a cow and a horse for him in

this life, as long as he can spare my life.”

Issac said disdainfully: “You think you have this qualification?”

“Yes!” Orvel curled his lips in disdain, and said coldly: “Just this kind of dog stuff, don‟t

talk about being a cow or a horse for the young master, even if you give me like a dog, I

f*cking can‟t look down on it! What are you!”

Walter didn‟t want to give up, crying bitterly: “Please help me tell Mr. Wade! As long as

he can agree to let the doctor give me gastric lavage, even if he leaves me I‟m willing to

stay here for a lifetime, too! It‟s really not good. I‟m willing to stay here for the rest of

my life, doing labor to reform myself and repay my sins…”

As soon as Walter said this, he was cleaning another place not far away. The man in the

iron cage said coldly, “Hey! You young Yankee are a shit! You have offended Mr. Wade

and hope that Mr. Wade can let you go? You are just a fool! And, if the master Orvel

allows, I don‟t want you to see breathing anymore!”

It was Ichiro Kobayashi‟s younger brother, Jiro.

Since he was sent by Charlie to raise a dog here, he dreamed that he would be able to

escape from this place one day.

However, Orvel‟s kennel farm is extremely guarded. He will definitely not be able to

escape if he wants to. Therefore, he wants to leave here and only two possibilities


“The first possibility to leave this place is that his brother Ichiro made a mistake and was

given up by Charlie, which will make Charlie take the initiative to use the brother to

replace him out…”

“But, I still remember my brother clearly. The extremely flattering look of Charlie,

coupled with the fact that I was doing his negative teaching materials in this kennel, I

think my brother should walk on thin ice now and never make any mistake…”

“So, there is only the second possibility left!”

“That is, Charlie, is willing to take the initiative to let me go!”

“But this possibility is almost negligible, almost zero…”

“After all, I raise a dog every day. Work hard, very low status, not even as good as the

dog here, even Orvel rarely has the opportunity to see, let alone seen by Charlie?”

“Because of this, I do my work every day and work hard. The job is to hope that the

people under Orvel‟s hands can see my efforts, and then report my performance to

Orvel truthfully…”

“Now, Orvel has finally come to the kennel personally. How could I Jiro let it go for such

a good opportunity to show loyalty!”

Orvel didn‟t expect that Jiro, who was working in the kennel, would reprimand Walter

with outrage.

However, after a while, he understood Jiro‟s motives.

Chapter 2386

So he smiled and said: “Jiro, your consciousness has improved very fast recently.”

Jiro hurried to Orvel‟s front, bowed suddenly at 90 degrees, and said loudly: “Mr. Orvel!

Thanks! Thanks for your recognition of Jiro, I will definitely continue to work hard!”

Orvel nodded in satisfaction and smiled: “Jiro, seeing that you have performed well

recently, I will talk to the Chef and ask him to add a chicken wing to your meal every

day. !”

When Jiro heard this, he hurriedly smiled and pleaded: “Great master, you just ask the

chef to add a chicken leg for me? I work a lot every day, eat less food, and always have a

little nutrition.

“Bad” Orvel looked at Jiro‟s skinny appearance, and smiled: “Jiro, you are quite good at


Jiro explained hurriedly, “Lord, I just feel that I can‟t get enough food every day. I don‟t

mean to bargain with you. Don‟t get me wrong.”

Orvel nodded and smiled: “Okay, I know, so let‟s see, for your hard work recently, I let

the chef give you every day a chicken wing. He will add an extra chicken leg every

Monday and every Thursday!” When

Jiro heard this, he bowed in excitement: “Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord! Thank you,

Mr. Charlie, just saying that Jiro will work hard at the kennel!”

Orvel smiled and said, “Okay, since you are so sensible, I have the opportunity to meet

Mr. Wade, and I will definitely speak a sentence for you in front of him.”

Jiro was excited immediately, he kept bowing, nodded, and said: “Jiro thankes you, my


Orvel turned his face at this time, looked at Walter, who was pale, and sneered: “Walter,

You have also heard that my kennel does not need your garbage to help me work, so

you can live here steadily and get ready for daily dialysis!”

Walter collapsed and cried: “Lord Orvel! Please call Mr. Wade. I am also the eldest

master of the Hogwitz family, with family assets exceeding 10 billion U.S. dollars, plus I

am more than one meter tall. I keep all year-round fitness, you leave me here to do

miscellaneous work, would I not be better than that thin and short Japanese?”

Orvel smirked: “Walter, what do you think your Hogwitz family, assets are more than 10

billion? a very fast conjecture? I tell you, that open mouth thin and short Japanese, was

the president of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. before coming here. Do you know

the Kobayashi Pharmaceutical assets worth? “

Speaking At this, Orvel paused and said coldly: “I‟m telling you! The Kobayashi family‟s

assets are more than 30 billion U.S. dollars, that is three times that of your Hogwarts


Walter was shocked when he heard this. , Murmured: “That Japanese, is it the former

chairman of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Jiro Kobayashi?!”

“Yes! It‟s Jiro!” Orvel said and continued mockingly: “Look. Look, Jiro has three times the

family assets of yours, and he‟s just a servant who feeds and shovels dog shit every day

in my place. Do you want to stay here to do coolies work with rubbish existence of

yourself? Take a picture of yourself, are you the f*cking worthy?”

Walter was speechless, and his heart was desperately muttered: “I didn‟t expect that in

Lord Orvel‟s kennel, there is actually a great man. The second young master of the

pharmaceutical industry”

“The situation of the Kobayashi family is completely different from the Hogwitz family.

The Kobayashi family itself has only two offspring, the eldest son Ichiro, and the second

son Jiro, with an average of 30 billion in assets.”

“And our Hogwitz family members are too f*cking capable of giving birth. My siblings,

cousins, and cousins add up to nearly 20 people and 10 billion U.S. dollars in assets are

the total. I don‟t have much to share at all.”

“So, compared to Jiro, I‟m a thousand miles away.”

“Even he raises a dog here, and I don‟t really have any chance?!”

Chapter 2387

The mercury dichloride poured into Walter‟s mouth quickly took effect, and Walter felt

more discomfort and pain.

He knew that this must be the cause of the rapid deterioration of the kidneys!

It wasn‟t until this moment that Walt really realized how much trouble he had caused to


He always felt that with his identity, status, and family background, he could walk

sideways in any corner of the world.

After all, relative to the ten billion dollars of family property, most things in this world

seem too cheap to him.

When he was in the United States, he rarely caused trouble, but even if it really cost a

human life, he could spend a few million dollars at most and it would not cause him any

trouble at all.

If the poisoning of Mr. Simmon was in the United States, once the East Window incident

happened, he would only need to spend a few hundred thousand dollars, and he could

immediately arrange a scapegoat.

Even if the whole world knows, how is it that he is instructing behind?

He can find a strong enough relationship in the judicial department of the United States

to put all the crimes on a scapegoat, and never let himself get into any trouble.

However, the bad is bad, and he actually offended Charlie this time.

Since Charlie is offended, it can‟t be solved with money!

In just a few hours, Walter went from a strong young man to a terminally ill patient who

had almost lost all mobility and could only lie on the floor and howl.

The doctor arranged by Issac in advance has been following up on Walter‟s physical

condition. He will measure his blood creatinine every half an hour.

In half an hour, Walter‟s blood creatinine value went from 75 at the beginning to two

hundred, five hundred, eight hundred, one thousand, and even soon exceeded one

thousand five hundred.

This number represents that Walter‟s kidney has been completely damaged.

Subsequently, the doctor immediately put him on the dialysis equipment.

Dialysis equipment, to put it bluntly, is a mechanical kidney manufactured artificially.

When one‟s own kidneys lose their function, they use such equipment to replace the

kidneys for complete detoxification and filtration tasks.

Therefore, when the dialysis equipment was activated, Walter‟s life was saved.

However, although his life was saved, he could not get rid of the dialysis equipment



At the same time, New York, USA.

In a skyscraper in Manhattan, a white man in his fifties is walking anxiously back and

forth in his office.

He is Walter‟s father, Steve Hogwitz.

It was already three o‟clock in the afternoon in New York, and Steve started contacting

Walter at nine o‟clock in the morning. Until now, he has not been able to contact his


Fearing that Walter would encounter any accidents in China, he contacted Walter‟s

entourage, but these people were all missing without exception.

Several other family executives who followed Walter to Aurous Hill could still be

contacted, but they had no idea where Walter went after the evening.

In order to determine Walter‟s whereabouts, these executives immediately called the

Aurous Hill police, but the Aurous Hill police did not find any trace of him either.

This person is as if the world has evaporated.

After Steve got the feedback, he immediately realized that the situation was very bad.

He pressed the phone on his desk, and sternly ordered: “Arrange the plane immediately,

I‟m going to China!”


The next day.

Aurous Hill in the early morning looked no different from usual.

Chapter 2388

More than a dozen people, including Walter, have disappeared. For Aurous Hill, which

has a population of nearly 10 million, it is impossible to make any waves.

Charlie slept very steadily this night, and Elaine was responsible for breakfast, so he was

still asleep at this time.

At the same time, Liona alone drove from the father‟s mansion to the door of

Changying‟s former residence.

Since coming to Aurous Hill, Liona would dream of Changying every night.

Especially last night, she dreamed that she became Changying‟s wife, that Changying

took her away from Eastcliff and came to Aurous Hill, and she also dreamed that she

would stay with Changying in the yard that was about to be auctioned. A happy life with

the husband as his wife!

It was because of this dream that she couldn‟t help but want to come to this old yard

again to take a look.

Liona parked the car outside, pushed open the dilapidated iron gate of the courtyard,

and walked in.

At this moment, she was thinking about Changying‟s shadow, and she didn‟t even notice

that someone was in a secret place, taking pictures of her with a camera.

Ten minutes later, Eastcliff, Wade family.

Zhongquan was excited to call a meeting with his three sons.

The boss Changkong, the old son Changyun, and the old Changjun were notified and

immediately got out of bed and hurried to Zhongquan‟s study.

Zhongquan looked at his three sleepy sons and said with excitement, “I let you over

here so early because I have found another good way to attack the Su family!”

Changkong asked in surprise, “Dad! Is there any good way?”

Zhongquan smiled mysteriously, picked up a tablet, opened a photo, handed it to the

three of them, and smiled: “Watch it for yourself!”

Changkong and his two younger brothers immediately leaned over to watch them


This is a picture of a woman, and it can be seen that the photographer used a telephoto

lens and took it secretly from a relatively far away position.

Later, Changkong was the first to recognize this woman and exclaimed: “This… isn‟t this

Zynn Su‟s wife, Liona?”

Old Changyun hurriedly agreed: “It‟s really her! Dad, what do you want someone to do

to take pictures of Liona?”

Zhongquan sneered: “This time the Su family‟s reputation has been greatly affected by

Ruoli‟s affairs. The old fox Chengfeng even betrayed his son Zynn for his own

reputation, and Zynn also fled to Australia in panic. If we can add fuel to the fire, they

will be even more uncomfortable!”

Changkong asked in a puzzled way: “Dad, what does this have to do with Liona? I heard

the rumor that Liona is planning to divorce Zynn.”

Zhongquan smiled and said, “Do you know where Liona is now?”

The three sons shook their heads involuntarily.

They have always regarded the Su family as a major enemy, but they have not paid too much attention to Liona, the Su family‟s daughter-in-law.

Seeing all three sons, Zhongquan smiled indifferently, and said, “Liona is in Aurous Hill now!”

“Aurous Hill?” Changkong asked in surprise: “Is there anything weird about her presence

in Aurous Hill?”

Zhongquan pointed to the photo on the tablet and asked him, “Don‟t you know where

this photo was taken?”

Changkong looked at the dilapidated little yard in the photo seriously, and said blankly,

“Dad, isn‟t this just a broken yard? Is there anything special?”

Zhongquan sighed lightly, and said with a little melancholy: “This dilapidated little yard

is where Chang Ying lived in Aurous Hill.”

Changkong and the three brothers suddenly realized.

Changkong was the first to react and sighed: “Liona went to Changying‟s former

residence. Is it because she still has feelings for Changying?”

“Yeah!” Zhongquan nodded and said, “In my opinion, it must be so!”

Changkong smacked his lips: “Tsk tsk…this Liona is really infatuated with Chang Ying!

She ran so far to Aurous Hill just to take a look at Chang Ying‟s old residence.”

Zhongquan sighed: “Not only that, the yard Chang Ying lived in will be auctioned off

soon. Liona also signed up and will participate in the auction on Monday!”

Having said that, Zhongquan sneered and said: “This is a good opportunity for us to

attack the Su family! As long as we get people to send out this photo, and at the same

time, Liona‟s feelings for Changying are not enough, and she even wants to buy the old

house of Changying. The message is also spread, and the last bit of face from the Su

family will be gone!”

Chapter 2389

This weekend, Eastcliff‟s upper class once again exploded with a blockbuster.

Liona, the wife of Su‟s son Zynn, went to Aurous Hill without divorcing him!

Moreover, she went to Aurous Hill to cherish the memory of Changying Wade, who had

been dead for nearly 20 years!

What is even more amazing is that Liona is going to participate in the judicial auction

next Monday to bid for the old house where Changying lived!

Is it because she wants to see things and think about people who once lived there? !

Could it be that she loved Changying so deeply? !

Otherwise, how could she still love Changying so humbly after so many years?

Moreover, from the photos taken by Liona, she was very sad. When the telephoto

camera captured her beautiful and moving face, it even caught two lines of tears.

You know, Liona was a well know figure in Eastcliff back then. From these practices of

Liona, people in Eastcliff‟s upper class immediately understood one thing.

That is: It turns out that Liona has been obsessed with Changying for so many years,

even though she has been married to Zynn for more than 20 years and gave birth to a

son and a daughter for Zynn!

Suddenly, the entire upper-class society of Eastcliff was full of discussions.

On the one hand, people marveled that Liona was so affectionate for Changying;

On the one hand, they laughed at Zynn. For so many years, he has not been able to win

Liona‟s, true love. In Liona‟s mind, he can‟t even compare to a dead man who has been

dead for twenty years!

The Su family, who was ridiculed and mocked by the whole world because of the

incident of betraying Ruoli, suddenly added a new huge joke!

In Eastcliff‟s mansion, Chengfeng threw several precious porcelains in anger!

After a ding-ding and crackling of the ceramics, he roared angrily: “This Liona actually

ran to Aurous Hill at this time to go to the place where the dead man Changying lived,

and she shed tears fakely. , To remember him just to beat our Su family in the face!”

Zynn Su is not in the country, so the next generation representative of the Su family has

become his younger brother Shoude. At this time, Shoude said with a furious

expression: “Dad! This woman Liona is really too much, she doesn‟t think of us. My

brother has married her for so many years, and he still hasn‟t raised this white-eyed


“Now when our Su family is on the cusp of the storm, she has done such a shameless

thing to add insult to our injuries, I think she just deliberately wanted to make our family

face sweeping!

Shouxin Su also immediately agreed: “Yes, Dad! I really didn‟t think that my sister-in-law

could do such an unconventional thing! After all, my eldest brother and she are still


Shouli Su hurriedly said: “Dad! Sister-in-law‟s visit to Changying‟s former residence is

actually not the most serious. The most serious thing is that if Sister-in-law really buys

Changying‟s former residence, then we will be really embarrassed!”

“Yes! Shoude only then reacted and cursed impatiently: “Damn! That b!tch! Even if she

divorced my eldest brother, she ran to buy the place where Changying had lived. What

the hell did that mean? Could it be that a person who has been dead for 20 years is

stronger than my elder brother? Even if my eldest brother doesn‟t help, he can‟t be

worse than a damn ghost, right? “

Shoude‟s words not only scolded his sister-in-law Liona, but also scolded his elder

brother Zynn.

The implication of his words was to let the old man know that his eldest brother is trash,

a trash that can‟t subdue his own woman, or even a trash that can‟t be compared to a

dead person!

Father Su can naturally hear the overtones in Shoude‟s words.

What‟s worse is that he actually agreed with Shoude‟s words from the bottom of his


In the past 50 years, he has never been so angry with his eldest son!

Chapter 2390

In his opinion, the Su family has fallen into this situation today, and Zynn should bear

most of the responsibility!

Therefore, in his eyes, Zynn was not only not a qualified family heir, but also not even a

qualified blood heir.

The so-called family successor is the one who will inherit the entire Su family in the

future and become the helm of the Su family;

As for the so-called bloodline successors, the requirements are naturally much broader.

As long as they are from the Su family, they are all the bloodline successors of the Su


The current old man Su thinks that Zynn is not only qualified to be the helm of the Su

family, but also not qualified to inherit the blood of the Su family!

So, he said in an angry cold voice: “Shoude! Call your elder brother! Ask him to prevent

Liona from participating in the judicial auction next Monday! I will never allow this

woman to make the Su family the laughing stock in the entire China!”

When Shoude heard this, his heart was already happy, and he said solemnly: “Dad, don‟t

worry! I‟ll call Big Brother!”

After that, Shoude took out his cell phone and prepared to dial.

Elder Su on the side said coldly: “Turn on the PA! I want to hear what this b@stard will


Shoude was overjoyed, and when he was too busy he beat his elder brother Zynn.

Zynn at this time did not know what happened in Eastcliff.

He received a call from Shoude, and his heart was immediately full of disgust.

Although he is not in Eastcliff these days, he can accurately imagine how his younger

brother will corrupt his image when he is not by his father‟s side.

At this critical moment, it is equivalent to that the ancient emperor was already

dissatisfied with the prince and wanted to dethrone the prince. When the other princes

were excited, they would be determined to perform well, and at the same time

desperately put the prince down.

In the face of huge interests, brotherhood is nothing, not even a fart.

Therefore, he was irritated and even bothered to answer Shoude‟s call.

Shoude called again, and when not answered, he immediately said to the old man:

“Dad…Big brother, he won‟t answer the phone, I don‟t know what he is doing…”

“Trash! What a trash!” Old Su angrily shouted, “I asked him to go to Australia to avoid

the limelight. Except for this, he has nothing to do, so he can‟t answer the phone!

Continue to call!”


Shoude immediately hit Zynn again.

Zynn in Australia was so annoyed by the ringing of his phone that he wanted to simply

shut it down, but after another thought, he suddenly realized: “Now the old man is not

satisfied with me. If I don‟t answer Shoude‟s call again, he runs to the old man. If he sues

me in front of you, it would be more than worthwhile!”

Thinking of this, he immediately pressed the answer button and asked in a cold voice,

“What‟s the matter?”

Shoude said immediately: “Brother! Such a big thing has happened in China, why don‟t

you keep answering the phone!”

Zynn didn‟t think of his younger brother, and he criticized himself as soon as he came

up, so he asked dissatisfiedly: “Have I now been sent to Australia to avoid the limelight.

Do domestic matters still have anything to do with me? Domestic Shouldn‟t it be yours

to solve?”

When the old man Su on the phone heard this, his face suddenly pulled down, but he

didn‟t make any noise and instead made a silent gesture to Shoude, which means don‟t

let Zynn on the other end of the phone know. He was also listening on the phone.

Shoude immediately understood, and hurriedly said: “Big brother! Sister-in-law ran to

Aurous Hill, ran to Changying‟s former residence, and was still in tears at Changying‟s

former residence. These were all photographed by the paparazzi and exposed! And the

sister-in-law also signed up for Monday‟s judicial auction, she is going to buy

Changying‟s former residence! Our Su family‟s faces are all lost by this stinky lady!”

Chapter 2391


Zynn was so angry that he almost ran away immediately, and he cursed with great

anger: “This Liona is really stubborn! She doesn‟t take me seriously!”

“Yes, big brother!” Shoude immediately added to his jealousy: “Sister-in-law and you are

still not divorced after all. At this time, openly remembering a man who has been dead

for 20 years, and he is still a man from the Wade family, is too much! “

Zynn gritted his teeth and said, “Shoude, this is a matter between me and her, so you

don‟t need to point me here!”

In Zynn‟s heart, although he had a lot of dissatisfaction with Liona, he was still able to

see right and wrong in his heart. Shoude was talking on the phone at this time, and he

was kind of peaceful! On the one hand, he want to irritate him, on the other hand, he

wants to provoke the relationship between him and Liona!

Therefore, he naturally didn‟t have a good tone for Shoude.

Shoude sighed deliberately at this time and said: “Hey! Big brother! Sister-in-law is your

wife, you have to think of a way! At the very least, you have to persuade her not to bid

for Changying‟s old house, so we least can retain a face…”

Zynn said coldly: “Shoude, I don‟t need you to teach me to do things!”

Shoude hurriedly said: “Brother, don‟t be emotional now, after all, it is not between you

and sister-in-law, but between our entire Su family and sister-in-law!”

“After all, she is your wife, and she is not just your wife, she is also the Su family‟s

daughter-in-law, she is now acting recklessly, and it is not just you alone, but the face of

our entire Su family!”

Zynn exploded as soon as he heard this, and yelled, “Shoude! You don‟t f#cking tag me

here! What is the Su family today? You know better than me!”

Zynn said this, but the implication was that it was not his wife Liona that he should

blame, but his father Chengfeng!

The reason why the whole thing can reach this point is that Chengfeng alone caused it!

Had it not been for his cleverness and his mastery? Zynn wanted to betray Ruoli? The

matter that Ruoli was his illegitimate daughter would not be exposed.

What really pushed the Su family into the abyss was the betrayal of Ruoli, and he was

also forced to come out and take the blame. The culprit behind this was Chengfeng!

Moreover, in Zynn‟s heart, although he was very dissatisfied with Liona, he still had some

understanding of what she had done deep in his heart.

After all, he knew in his heart that the whole thing was that he made a mistake first.

he had been hiding the illegitimate daughter outside for more than 20 years. It is

impossible for any woman to forgive him, not to mention Liona, a woman who does not

tolerate any sand in her eyes and has a naturally strong personality.

Moreover, Liona likes Changying‟s things. She knew more than 20 years ago that she

wanted to go to Aurous Hill to Changying. He was afraid that it had been in her mind for

more than 20 years, and she hadn‟t been in the past 20 years to that place. Going there

proves that Liona respects him from the bottom of her heart.

The reason why she doesn‟t care about his feelings anymore is that he has made a

mistake first.

Therefore, under this premise, he hated his father far more than hated Liona.

However, Shoude didn‟t care about this.

He just wanted to get down and cash the opportunity.

So he opened his mouth and said: “Big Brother! What do you mean by this? Don‟t you

think that the Su family situation today? It is not of your making?”

Zynn heard him ask, and immediately exploded, and blurted out: “What the hell do I

have to do with it? Was I going to give up Ruoli? Did I collude with the Self-Defense

Force to kill Ruoli?”

On the phone side, the old man Chengfeng‟s expression was already very ugly.

Chapter 2392

Shoude was very happy, but he questioned unhinged: “Big brother, what do you mean?

Do you think all this is Dad‟s responsibility? Let me tell you! Dad does everything for our

Su family! It‟s to wipe the butt of the eldest son who has an illegitimate daughter

outside! If you didn‟t mess around with Ruoli‟s mother, how could we have the situation

like this?!”

Zynn‟s anger exploded, and shouted angrily: “F@ck your mother!”

Shoude was also angry and scolded: “My mother is your mother!”

Zynn was speechless when he heard this.

And Old Man Su‟s face was already black and green.

Shoude continued to provoke at this time: “Big Brother! I didn‟t call to fight with you,

and I don‟t want to fight with you, I want to persuade you to recognize the reality!”

Zynn asked angrily: “Recognize what reality?”

Shoude said coldly: “The first reality I want to persuade you to recognize is that sister-inlaw doesn‟t even have our Su family in her eyes!”

Having said that, Shoude continued to be aggressive: “The second reality I want to

persuade you to recognize is that the sister-in-law has been married to you for more

than 20 years, and she doesn‟t even think of you as her own husband! To use the terms

of young people nowadays, You are just a spare tire in her eyes! It is the spare tire that

she can‟t get Changying, so she chooses next!”

Shoude‟s words deeply hurt Zynn‟s heart!

This is actually the most fragile place in his heart over the past two decades.

He knew that he was Liona‟s spare tire, that he was Changying‟s replacement, and for

more than 20 years, he had not been able to truly replace Changying!

However, his uncontrollable love for Liona kept him deceiving himself and others.

Now, the fig leaf was unrelentingly by Shoude, and he was ashamed to the extreme!

He cursed with extreme resentment on the phone: “Shoude! If you f@cking talk

nonsense, I want your life!”

Shoude didn‟t speak, he actually enjoyed Zynn‟s anger and depravity now.

He knew that the more Zynn lost his reason at this moment, the lighter his weight in

front of the old man.

If he can keep him in this state, it won‟t be long before the old man will never want to

see him again.

Shoude didn‟t speak, but the old man Su couldn‟t stand it anymore!

His entire body trembled, and he gritted his teeth and shouted: “Bast@rd! For a woman

who doesn‟t love you at all and doesn‟t care about your face, even if you say such things

to your hand-foot brothers, you are not human!”

Zynn was struck by lightning instantly on the other side of the phone!

He really didn‟t think that the old man was by the phone!

He only understood now that he had been led by Shoude‟s nose since he was on the


Shoude provoked his anger step by step, tempted him step by step, and pushed him

into the pit he dug!

So he could only hurriedly explain: “Dad! I didn‟t mean that I was just angry just now…”

“Don‟t say it!” Chengfeng screamed, and said: “No matter what method you use, I must

prevent Liona from participating in next Monday‟s judicial auction! The face of my Su

family will never allow her to be compromised!”

Chapter 2393

In the eyes of Chengfeng, his reputation, the face of the Su family can be thrown to

ditch only by himself, but no one else has this privilege!

The decision to betray Ruoli was made by him. Although he finally forced Zynn to come

out, but the reputation of the Su family was lost because of him. Instead of doing any

self-examination, he only allowed the state officials to set fire to them. Let the people

light up the lamps.

Even if Liona still did not divorce Zynn, the marriage between her and Zynn was such

that Zynn derailed first. They cannot say she just wanted to buy the old house where

Changying lived, even if she also was with Zynn at that time, the Su family absolutely did

not qualify to accuse her.

However, in the eyes of Mr. Su, he did not think so.

He felt that although his son had derailed first, Liona, as the daughter-in-law of the Su

family, would definitely not do anything that would damage the face of the family.

Now, Liona went to Aurous Hill to cherish Changying‟s memory, and even bid for

Changying‟s former residence. In Chengfeng‟s view, this was definitely reaching out to

hit the face of Su‟s family!

So, in any case, he wants her completely dispel this idea!

Zynn was also helpless at this time.

He knew Liona too well and knew that he had no way to persuade her to turn around,

but he didn‟t dare to directly disobey the old man‟s meaning, so he had no choice but

to agree and said, “Dad, I will talk to Liona on the phone. I will persuade her to dispel

this idea…”

With that said, Zynn added: “If you still don‟t listen to my advice, then I don‟t have any


Chengfeng shouted coldly: “When you call her, you must tell her clearly that this is not

only what you mean, but also what I mean. If she doesn‟t put you, as the husband in her

eyes, she must at least do it for me. What kind of reputation the father-in-law can carry

after this act of her!”

Zynn had to agree and said: “I know Dad, I will tell her.”

Chengfeng snorted coldly: “Do this as soon as possible!”

After speaking, he immediately hung up the phone.

Zynn heard the busy tone on the phone, feeling very upset.

He remained silent for about five minutes before unlocking the phone and calling Liona,

who was far away in Aurous Hill.

Liona saw Zynn‟s call. Although she didn‟t want to answer the call, she still pressed the

answer button and asked, “Is there anything wrong?”

Zynn hesitated for a moment and then said: “Liona, Dad called me just now. He was very

unhappy about your trip to Aurous Hill.”

Liona asked, “Why is he unhappy when I come to Aurous Hill?”

Zynn said in a cold voice, “Aren‟t you asking knowingly? Do you know that the entire

Eastcliff City knows about your visit to Aurous Hill? They all know that you have gone to

Aurous Hill to cherish Changying‟s memory, and they also know that you want to buy

Changying‟s residence his Old mansion!”

Liona said indifferently: “Where I want to go is my freedom, and what I want to buy is

also my freedom. Whom I want to cherish in my heart, whom I want to hate is my

choice. Let alone the entire Eastcliff City knows it, even if entire China knows it? I have a

clear conscience.”

“You…” Zynn asked angrily, “Can‟t you think about dad while taking such an action?

How will he face it when someone mentions his daughter-in-law remembering another

man in front of him?”

Liona asked him neither humble nor overbearing: “Zynn, do you think about it for my

dad? When someone mentions his son-in-law in front of him, there is a 20-year-old

illegitimate daughter outside, what is he supposed to say? What kind of mood he will be


Zynn was speechless immediately.

He knew that it was impossible for him to convince Liona on this issue, because what he

did was a hundred times, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times worse than


So, he was silent for a long time and sighed: “Hey! Liona, I didn‟t want to call you about

this, mainly because dad was very angry and called me, so that I have to persuade you

to give up anyway the participation in the judicial auction next Monday. You know Dad

very well. To avoid unnecessary trouble, I advise you not to participate.”

After hearing this, Liona said earnestly: “Zynn, I ask you to take care of the husband and

wife matter. Authorize your lawyer to proceed with the divorce procedure. After the

divorce, your Su family no longer needs to worry about what I want to do. What you do

has nothing to do with your Su family.”

Zynn said decisively: “I will not agree to the divorce for the time being. I will talk about it

when I return to China.”

Liona said calmly: “Well…In that case, please don‟t call me again. When you are willing to

get a divorce, please contact my lawyer directly.”

After saying this, Liona directly hung up.

Chapter 2394

Zynn was once again hanging on the other side of the phone.

At this time, he was extremely angry in his heart.

He directly slammed the phone to the ground, smashed to pieces, and yelled: “Liona! I

just don‟t understand, what is so good about Changying?! Let you remember him for so

many years! Don‟t you Forget, he never had never chosen you from start to finish! He

has been giving up on you, and he has given up on you until his death!”

Just as he was furious, the servant quickly walked over with a mobile phone and said

carefully, “Master…Master‟s phone…”

Zynn realized that he had already smashed the phone.

He had to take the call from the servant, suppressed his anger, and said, “Dad, what do

you want?”

Chengfeng asked coldly, “Why can‟t I get through on the phone?”

Zynn had to lie: “There was a problem with my phone and it turned off automatically.”

Chengfeng didn‟t look into it anymore, but eagerly asked him: “Have you communicated

with Liona?”

Zynn hurriedly said: “I talked to her.”

Chengfeng asked: “What did she say?”

Zynn said helplessly: “Dad, I‟m sorry, Liona is very dissatisfied with my cheating on her

back, so she won‟t listen to what I say now.”

Chengfeng was immediately furious, and gritted his teeth and cursed: “Waste! What a

waste! A waste that even can‟t control a woman!”

After speaking, he once again rudely hung up the phone!

This was Zynn‟s third call that was hung up in just ten minutes.

He has been out of anger!

At the moment when he was almost about to smash the phone in his hand, his whole

figure was suddenly taken aback, and then suddenly relaxed.

He threw the phone to the servant, got up, walked up the stairs, and returned to his


On the way upstairs, he murmured: “Liona, the old man is far away from me, who can

speak well. Since you don‟t want to give him a face, I don‟t care about anything in the



At this moment, Eastcliff Su‟s family.

Chengfeng was equally angry.

Liona insisted on participating in the judicial auction next Monday, which made him very


However, he is also very clear in his heart that in this situation, he hopes to persuade

Liona, fearing that it is not useful at all.

At this moment, Shoude said, “Dad, maybe let‟s find some relationship and let Aurous

Hill cancel this auction!”

“Canceled?” Chengfeng asked him back: “Can it be canceled for a while, can it be

canceled for a lifetime? Now Eastcliff is talking about it everywhere, and many people

are paying attention to this auction. If people know that we are using this to prevent

Liona from buying this old house they will even laugh more!”

Shoude asked anxiously, “Dad, what should I do? The auction will start the day after


Chengfeng nodded and said coldly: “Let‟s clarify the relationship secretly, and move this

auction from the Internet to physical. I‟d like to see if she can really afford to go and

participate in the auction!”

Shoude blurted out: “Dad, this can‟t be done! What if she does go? In my opinion, she

will go!”

Chengfeng‟s eyes flashed fiercely, and he sneered: “If she really doesn‟t know how to

cooperate, then don‟t blame me for being cruel, you should be very clear about how

Princess Diana died?”

Chapter 2395

“Princess Diana??!”

Shoude thought of the bizarre fate of the legendary princess, his expression was

immediately shocked, he instantly understood what his father meant, and exclaimed:

“Dad, you…are you kidding me?”

Chengfeng said with a grim expression: “It‟s about the reputation of the Su family, so I

can‟t tolerate the slightest joke. In any case, I cannot let the reputation of the Su family

be destroyed in the hands of a woman!”

Speaking of this, Chengfeng gritted his teeth and said coldly: “Although the Su family is

not a European royal family, the importance of our reputation is no less than that of the

European royal nobles! If anyone dares to insult the family‟s reputation, don‟t blame my

ruthlessness. In order to defend the reputation of the family, I can do everything!”

Shoude nodded gently.

He knew that whether it was a royal family, aristocrat, or a top family, the importance of

their reputation was almost above everything.

The father wants to take a step in advance to retreat Liona and letting the auction go

offline, which is equivalent to letting Liona consider it carefully. If she dares to

participate directly in the auction unscrupulously, then the family would do anything,

even if it has to be merciless!

Sometimes, just to force the other party to make a bigger decision.

It‟s like a confrontation between two people. One of them can‟t bear the pain of a killer

for the time being and is unwilling to let the other side go. They often go the other way

and hand the other a knife directly.

If the other party really doesn‟t know how to lift up and picks up the knife, it is

tantamount to helping oneself make the final decision.

Chengfeng wants to move the auction from online to offline, and this is the purpose.


The old housekeeper with Liona in Aurous Hill soon received the message that the

auction would be changed to an offline location, and hurriedly reported the situation to


She was surprised and asked: “Haven‟t the similar auctions been put online for the past

two years? Why did you move back online again this time?”

The old butler shook his head and said, “Second Miss, I am not very clear about this. I

asked about it. It seems that offline public auctions are more transparent.”

Liona didn‟t want to think too much, she hesitated for a moment, and said, “Let‟s go

offline. Are the time and place set?”

“It‟s set!” The old butler hurriedly said: “Monday at 10 o‟clock in the morning, in the

auction hall of Treasures Pavilion!”

“Treasures Pavilion?” Liona asked curiously: “What is the background of this Treasures


The old butler introduced: “This Treasure Pavilion is a cooperative club under our Aurous

Hill Cultural and Sports Association. It mainly sells various antiques and organizes and

undertakes various auctions. The boss is called Bao Fugui.”

Liona counted and nodded, and said, “In this case, I will go directly to the Treasures

Pavilion to participate in the auction on Monday morning.”

The old butler hurriedly said: “Second lady, in the light of the next, you‟d better not go


Liona asked in surprise: “Why?”

The old housekeeper coughed embarrassingly and explained: “Cough cough…Second

Miss, the matter of your coming to Aurous Hill has already been upset people in

Eastcliff. If you want to participate in this auction in person, it will surely cause even

greater controversy at that time…”

Liona smiled indifferently and said seriously: “The so-called dispute is nothing more than

to say that I and Zynn still have no divorce. Although I have no divorce with him, I have

been married to him for more than 20 years, and I have never had any relationship with

anyone else. He‟s got close to me, even if it‟s verbal ambiguity, but in contrast, Zynn

keeps saying that he loves me, but he still had an illegitimate daughter outside long

ago. Why is his approach allowed, mine? Will this not cause more controversy?”

The old housekeeper said helplessly: “Second young lady, although the society has

already emphasized equality between men and women, there are some things that are

naturally different between men and women. In the moral philosophy of upper-class

society, it is always men who get bothered about such affairs. It‟s not surprising that

many original partners even turned a blind eye to this for their tolerance.”

Chapter 2396

As he said this, he continued: “Do you remember that there was a well-known director

who was not clear with others. Not only was his wife not angry, but publicly said that her

own man took advantage? In front of the people and in public opinion, you will be

scolded to death!”

Liona smiled slightly, and said, “Uncle, you are more worried. I just want to buy the

house where the tassels lived. This is also a kind of memory for him in my heart. Other

than that, I have never had any scandals with other men, and there will be no actual

relationship with other men. If the outside world can‟t even tolerate this, then I don‟t

need their tolerance, I don‟t care about what they say.”

The old butler said anxiously: “Second Miss, I didn‟t mean that…I mean, you want to buy

this house completely without problems, but the current situation is a bit special after


“You and Zynn are still not divorced, so I feel that you don‟t have to go to this auction in


“Why don‟t I help you find a third party who has nothing to do with the vacation? Let

them take this house back on your behalf…”

“After they buy it, they will not transfer the property for the time being. When the storm

passes, or after you and Zynn divorce, it will be transferred in your name. This will not

make you uncomfortable.”

Liona waved her hand and said seriously: “Uncle, I miss Changying and it is not wrong in

itself, so I am not afraid of the shadow leaning when I am upright.”

“However, if I am not wrong. If I am afraid of what people say about it, and secretly ask

someone to help me participate in the auction. Once it is passed out, others would think

I was the one with a guilty conscience.”

The old butler sighed, “Second Miss! I want to know what I should not say, but I have to

say it! The Su family has always been very hostile. You have also seen what happened

some time ago. They even have their own family fixed for things. The flesh and blood

can be sold, which proves that this family has almost no morals at all. If you insist on

participating in this auction, you will certainly offend them…”

Liona frowned slightly and said in a puzzled way: “I just don‟t understand. Zynn carried

the illegitimate daughter raised for 20 years on his back, and still dignifiedly brought up

this daughter under my nose for several years. How come no one thinks the Su family

offended me?”

The old butler hurriedly said: “Second Miss…many things are not as we imagined…In the

upper class, men and women are indeed very different, and you can‟t do that.

Consciously ignore…”

Liona smiled slightly: “Uncle, you don‟t need to persuade me. I have decided. If you

don‟t arrange it for me, I will arrange it myself. In short, I must go to this auction, and I

must go generously! “

The old butler hesitated for a long time before finally sighing helplessly: “Well, second

lady, I‟ll make arrangements…”


At the same time, Tomson Villa.

Charlie also received a call from Issac.

Issac said on the phone, “Master, the auction on Monday is changed to offline.”

“Oh?” Charlie asked in surprise: “Why did they change to offline?”

Issac said: “I have inquired about it, and even dragged the informant from Eastcliff to

help with the investigation. The information returned seems to be the Su family‟s


“The Su Family?!” Charlie couldn‟t help frowning, “Why did the Su Family interfere in this


“I don‟t know about this…” Issac said truthfully, “I still don‟t know the motives of the Su

family, but you should keep a low profile, Master.”

After speaking, Issac hurriedly added: “The main reason is that this house is too

sensitive. It is an old house where your parents lived. Once anyone competes for this

house, it will prove to have a certain relationship with your parents. I am afraid that the

Su family will find your existence by this. Once the family finds you, they would not

hesitate to harm you, but your identity will definitely not be hidden…”

Charlie said in agreement: “What you said is wrong, where will the buying on Monday


Issac said: “The Treasure pavilion is where you and Hong Kong‟s so-called metaphysical

master Mr. Jinghai bid for clams.”

Charlie suddenly realized and said: “I see, so let me remember that there is a VIP box in

Treasures Pavilion. You ask Bao Fugui to prepare one for me. Then let your driver go to

the scene to help me participate in the auction. I will be in the box and secretly observe

the proceedings.”

Chapter 2397

Bao Fugui heard Issac‟s words that Charlie was going to attend the auction at his

Treasure Pavilion, and he was immediately excited.

He immediately prepared the largest and best box, and at the same time, he specifically

called Charlie.

As soon as the call was connected, he respectfully said: “Master Wade, you are rich and

the best in town. I heard that you are coming to the auction on Monday morning, so I

specially reserved the best box for you!”

Charlie said indifferently, “Mr. Bao Fugui yes I am interested, but this time I must not

disclose my identity, let alone the information that I am going to participate in the


Bao Fugui said without hesitation: “Master Wade, don‟t worry, I will personally take

charge of the security work tomorrow. The auction site will prevent any undisciplined

people from entering. Media reporters are not allowed to be within 100 meters of the

treasure pavilion. At that time, you can go directly through the internal passage without

revealing your identity during the whole process.”

Charlie said with satisfaction: “Very good, then pavilion master will work hard tomorrow

I assume.”

“Yes! Yes!” Bao Fugui said flatly, “It is an honor to be able to serve Master Wade!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Mr, Bao Fugui, then I will see you tomorrow.”

“Okay, Master Wade, see you tomorrow!”

After hanging up the phone, Bao Fugui was still more or less puzzled, and he couldn‟t

help but secretly wondered: “I really don‟t understand why Master Wade is coming to

Treasures Pavilion to participate in this judicial auction.”

“In my Treasure Pavilion, many large-scale auctions are held throughout the year, many

of which are rare and exotic treasures, but it seems that Master Wade has basically not

participated in it.”

“The auction this time is just a very ordinary judicial auction. The auction items are only

some assets that have been seized by the court. Among them, are second-hand cars and

second-hand houses, which are simply not influential or important in any sense… “

“It is impossible for such an auction to attract any high-level people to participate, but

why is it attracting an important figure like Master Wade to present himself?

“The lot in this auction seems to have nothing valuable. The most valuable is an old

second-hand villa with a starting price of 6 million and an estimated market price of not

more than 8 million. Master Wade lives at Tomson, such a real estate is simply

impossible to appreciate…”

Although Bao Fugui was puzzled, he was still very excited when he thought of having

more contact with Charlie on Monday.

During this period of time, he rarely heard that the famous figures in Aurous Hill had all

been gifted by Charlie. It is said that the pill that Charlie gave them had the miraculous

effect of resurrection.

Therefore, he felt that if he also had a chance to get more cordial relationships with

Charlie, he might also have a chance to get a magic medicine that could bring back the



Monday morning.

After Charlie finished washing up and dressed neatly, he took a taxi to the Treasure

Pavilion by himself.

This auction itself has nothing of value, so there are no waves in Aurous Hill, and there

are not many people paying attention.

However, Eastcliff, thousands of kilometers away, has countless pairs of eyes staring at

this auction.

These people have only one focus, and that is the eldest daughter-in-law of the Su

family, and the wife of Zynn, named Liona.

One thing everyone cares about is whether Liona will visit this auction in person today

or not.

Chapter 2398

Some people think that Liona will not appear because they think that the Su family will

definitely put pressure on Liona about this matter. In any case, they cannot let her lose

the face of the Su family.

But some people think that since Liona has gone to Aurous Hill, visited Mr. Changying‟s

former residence, and even signed up to participate in this auction, she will definitely

come because of her personality, even if it‟s a knife in the sky, she will definitely present

herself for the auction.

Therefore, the good people even opened a betting handicap in Eastcliff and started the

betting game on whether Liona would appear or not.

Du‟s old house at this moment.

Liona is also ready.

She had already decided that she had to be present at this auction, so even though the

Su family had great opinions on this, she was determined to set off.

Zhifei and Zhiyu, two brothers and sisters, stood by the door of Liona‟s room early in the

morning. When the door of her room opened, the brothers and sisters immediately saw

the very formal mother.

Zhifei was immediately anxious, and blurted out: “Mom! Are you really going to

participate in that auction?”

Liona nodded slightly and said, “I have already signed up, so how can I not go?”

Zhiyu said anxiously, “Mom! You can‟t go! My friend told me that all people in Eastcliff

are paying attention to you now. They said that if you do go, Su‟s family will be

completely stunned. There will be no face for them to show, the reputation will be


Liona said seriously: “The Su family‟s face is not determined by me. It is the Su family‟s

own decision. The actions of your grandfather and your father are the key to the Su

family‟s present state.”

Zhiyu said eagerly: “Mom, I understand what you mean, but the current situation is that

the previous events of the Su family are irreparable, but if you can give up participating

in this auction now, The family can finally save a bit of face…”

Liona looked at Zhiyu and said very seriously: “Zhiyu, Mom never cares about anyone‟s

opinion of me, including this matter, so anyone can think so, but you can‟t, you know


Zhiyu shook her head subconsciously.

Then she asked, “Mom, why can‟t I?”

Liona said very seriously: “The reason why they think I should save the last face for the

Su family is that they think I am a married woman.”

“They feel that as a married woman, at all times, the interests of her husband‟s family

must be the top priority.”

“My husband has a lover outside, so I must not make a big noise. On the contrary, I

must show everyone the peace of the world so that everyone knows that I always put

my husband‟s reputation as the most important thing in my eyes. , Such a woman, is

called the best, the traditional.”

“But, in my opinion, such a woman is too sad! Why should I wrong myself and cater to

others? Why should I wrong myself and perfect others‟ life at the cost of my own

happiness? Is it because I am a woman?”

Speaking of this, Liona looked at Zhiyu and said solemnly: “Zhiyu, mom never wants you

to marry a rich and powerful husband. Mom only hopes that you will always If you can

maintain your own dignity, must never become the kind of woman who takes the socalled overall situation as important, otherwise, you will never be happy in your life!”

Zhiyu was struck by lightning at this moment.

She looked at her mother‟s resolute eyes, and suddenly a stormy sea turned up in her


She couldn‟t help but wonder: “Why would I say that to my mother? Will I ask myself the

same when something like this happens to me in the future? Zhiyu, Zhiyu, why are you

so stupid? ……”

Thinking of this, she couldn‟t help clenching her fists, gritted her teeth, and said, “Mom!

Since you must go, I will come with you!”

Chapter 2399

In the last second, Zhiyu thought about the face of the Su family.

However, at this second Zhiyu suddenly realized: “Although I belong to the Su family, I

am also a woman. If today, when my mother encounters this kind of problem, I cannot

stand firmly with her. If I marry someone and encounter the same thing in the future, no

one will stand by my side!”

“This matter, from the root cause, is not a matter of the face of the Su family, but a

matter of principle!”

“This question of principle is really about what is right and what is wrong. Right is right

and wrong is wrong. You can‟t ask the woman to accept it just because it‟s the man who

is wrong! Just asking the woman to wrong herself for the sake of the man‟s face does

not stand to logic!”

“So, today, I must accompany my mother to participate in this auction!”

Zhifei felt helpless when he saw this.

As the eldest son of the Su family, he can actually distinguish the pros and cons.

From the perspective of the Su family, he felt that his mother should not participate in

such an auction at this time, because the overall situation of the family was the most


But after hearing so much from his mother and sister, he suddenly realized that he could

not just stand from the perspective of the family and ignore his mother totally.

So he sighed and said: “Mom, I will accompany you too.”

Liona smiled comfortably, and said seriously: “If you think I am wrong, don‟t stay with

me, just let the Zhiyu accompany me.”

Zhifei hurriedly asked: “Mom, why don‟t you let me accompany you?”

Liona said very solemnly: “You are the eldest grandson of the Su family, so don‟t cause

trouble to yourself at this time.”

Zhifei hurriedly said: “But Zhiyu she…”

Liona waved her hand: “You are different from Zhiyu.”

Zhifei was actually very clear.

He is the eldest son and grandson, and in the future, he will try his best to inherit the Su


If he really makes a big mistake in the eyes of Grandpa, then he would have completely

lost the opportunity to inherit the family realm in the future.

And he himself is far from being as open-minded as Zhiyu.

Zhiyu can be indifferent to the Su family‟s assets, power, and inheritance rights, but

Zhifei can‟t do this yet.

At this time, the old butler also offered words of comfort and said: “Little young master,

just listen to the second lady‟s advice, don‟t follow them to the auction.

Zhifei hesitated again and again, but nodded helplessly, and said: “Mom, then I… Then I

will stay…”

After speaking, Zhifei lowered his head in shame.

He knew that although his mother took the initiative not to let him go, he was still

persuaded after all.

Liona seemed to have seen what he was thinking, and said, “I know, let the driver take

you to the airport. I have arranged the plane and will take off at ten o‟clock to take you

back to Eastcliff.”

“Ah?!” Zhifei exclaimed: “Mom, I…I don‟t want to go back to Eastcliff…”

Liona said seriously: “Even if you don‟t want to go back, you have to go back. At ten

o‟clock, I will participate in the auction. You set off for Eastcliff. This is also your attitude

to the Su family.

Zhifei immediately became anxious and blurted out: “What kind of attitude?! Do I want

to make them feel that I deliberately parted ways with you?”

“Yes.” Liona nodded and said without concealment: “That‟s what mom means my child.

What mom wants to do is mom‟s own business. It has nothing to do with you. You don‟t

have to stand by my side. You must not be implicated because of me. Go back now, just

to give a statement to the outside world and a statement to your grandfather, so as to

minimize the influence of mom on you, and it will not have any substantial influence on

the relationship between the mother and son. To minimize the damage, why not do it


Zhifei blurted out: “But I don‟t want to express this attitude!”

Liona sighed helplessly and smiled: “You need to be a little mature too.”

With that, she looked at the old housekeeper and said, “Uncle, you can send Zhifei to

the airport for me.”

The old butler nodded without hesitation: “OK second lady.”

Zhifei hurriedly said, “Mom, I still have a business to do in Aurous Hill.”

Chapter 2400

Liona smiled slightly: “It doesn‟t matter, even if your plane goes back at ten o‟clock, you

can fly back in the afternoon. The most important thing is to let others see your


After speaking, Liona asked again: “Do you know what is at stake? You have already said

it very clearly. You are a smart boy. Don‟t let mom repeat it from the beginning.”

Zhifei pursed his lips and nodded helplessly: “Okay mom, I‟ll just go and clean up briefly

and go to the airport with Uncle.”


Twenty minutes later, two black cars drove out of Du‟s old house.

One of them went to Treasures Pavilion in the city, and the other went out of the city to

Aurous Hill International Airport.

In the first car, Liona and Zhiyu, mother and daughter were sitting.

The appearance of the mother and daughter are very similar, and they can be regarded

as beautiful women.

At that time, Liona was known as the first beauty of Eastcliff, and it can be said that she

was the object of countless high-ranking officials and nobles talk.

It‟s a pity that even though Liona has the appearance of being overwhelming, she still

lost to Charlie‟s mother.

Zhiyu is very young, so although she doesn‟t look as mature as Liona, the eyebrows are

a bit more heroic than Liona‟s.

On the way to the auction, the mother and daughter sat side by side, Liona looked out the window, her thoughts flying.

She unconsciously thought of Changying, and she unconsciously thought of Changying‟s old house, and then unconsciously thought of the young man she saw in the old house that day.

“He must be Changying‟s son…otherwise it is impossible to look so similar to Changying… It‟s just that she hasn‟t found any information about him for the past two days. She doesn‟t know if he will come today. It is the auctions of the property which could interest him as well?”

At the same time, inside the Treasures Pavilion.

Charlie, wearing a disposable mask, walked into the auction venue with Bao Fugui‟s enthusiastic company.

Although the auction was about to begin in half an hour, Bao Fugui insisted that everyone who participated in the auction was blocked outside the Treasure Pavilion.

In his words, the reason why he did this was mainly because he was worried that Charlie's identity would be seen.

Therefore, after Charlie entered the box, he will let others in.

Since there are many boxes in the treasure pavilion, Charlie asked him: “Mr. Bao Fugui, is there anyone else booking the boxes today?”

“Yes.” Bao Fugui hurriedly said: “There is a person surnamed Wang who wants to reserve a box, but I am afraid that other people in the boxes on both sides will affect your interest, so I did not agree. What I said to the outside is, the importance of the auction is not high enough, so the box is not open for appointment. Except you, everyone else is sitting in the outside lobby.”

Charlie nodded gently, and said, “Thanks for your hard work, I think the time is almost up, you should let other people come in and participating in the auction.”

“OK Master Charlie!” Bao Fugui bowed to Charlie and hurriedly turned and left the box.

After a while, the bidders who participated in this judicial auction began to enter the venue one after another.

Charlie was sitting in the one-way glass box, so he didn‟t worry that other people would see him.

He carefully observed everyone who came in and found that most of them were dressed very ordinarily. It seemed that the participants of this judicial auction were mostly ordinary working-class people.

At this moment, he suddenly saw two familiar women walking side by side.

The two women seemed to be about the same age, the older one was full of charm, and the younger one was equally beautiful.

If you don‟t know, you must think that these two women are sisters.

But Charlie recognized the two at a glance.

He recognized that the younger woman was Zhiyu who he had accidentally rescued in Japan.

As for the older woman, it was the woman he saw in his parents‟ old home, Liona!

Charlie looked at the two beautiful figures and couldn‟t help sighing in a low voice: “Unexpectedly, this Liona really came to participate in the auction…”


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