Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2201 to 2300 Charlie Wade Story

Chapter 2201

When Nanako heard this, she asked in surprise: “Charlie! what kind of gift are you going to give him?”

Charlie smiled and said: “Presumably he is still anxious to get answers. Angry because he doesn‟t understand why Ruoli disappeared and why she was dropped by someone?”

Nanako said: “This is indeed the case. Dad said that my uncle is under a lot of pressure now because it is difficult to do this kind of critical task. The main reason is that the expectations of the people are too high. If you do it well, everyone will be happy, but if you fail, it‟s very likely to make you suffer and face the anger of the people.”

Charlie agreed and said: “Yes, this kind of thing is a double-edged sword. If you don‟t use it well, you will hurt yourself.”

After speaking, Charlie said with a smile: “But, the gift I give him can make him turn this double-edged sword into a single-edged sword!”

Nanako asked in amazement: “Charlie, what do you mean by this? A double-edged sword becoming a single-edged sword?”

“Right.” Charlie said with a smile: “In other words, with my gift, he doesn‟t have to worry about harming himself if this sword is not used well.”

Nanako hurriedly said, “Charlie, what exactly is this great gift you are talking about?”

Charlie smiled and said: “You tell him that the reason why Ruoli was dropped is that the Su family and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces are working in collusion against the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.”

“Ah?!” Nanako‟s voice was extremely surprised: “Charlie, what you said is true?! The Su family, really colluded with the Self-Defense Forces?”

Charlie asked her: “When did I lie to you?”

Nanako hurriedly explained: “Charlie, I didn‟t mean that… I just thought… this thing is too subversive! How can the Self-Defense Force, as part of the army, be so absurd?”

Charlie smiled and said, “There could be a thousand interpretations. The reason why the Su family and the Self-Defense Forces fly and stalk each other is not for profit! The main reason is that the Su family‟s energy is too large to cover the sky, you tell Your dad‟s friend, let him focus on breakthroughs from the Self-Defense Forces, and he will definitely make significant progress.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “As long as your uncle can find real evidence of collusion between the Self-Defense Forces and the Su family, even if there is no way to capture Ruoli back, you can still fight a beautiful turnaround on behalf of the Metropolitan Police Department. Up!”

Nanako also knew very well that before Charlie didn‟t tell her about this, the key point of this matter was whether her uncle could smoothly arrest Ruoli. 

But now, the key point of this matter has immediately changed.

As long as the uncle finds absolute evidence that it is indeed the Su family and the Self Defense Force that replaced Ruoli, the Metropolitan Police Department can instantly get rid of all responsibilities, and all the problems will be dumped to the Su family and the Self-Defense Force!

Thinking of this, Nanako hurriedly said with joy: “Charlie, then I will inform my uncle first, thank you for this great gift! As long as the trouble is solved, I will ask uncle to Thank you, Charlie! I will ask him to thank you personally!”

Charlie smiled and said: “You don‟t have to be so polite, as long as I come to Japan in the future, or if there is anything I need, you will help me I know, so there is nothing to be polite about.”

Nanako blurted out: “Charlie, don‟t worry! My uncle has always been very affectionate and righteous. If he can come back with Charlie‟s help this time, he will definitely remember Charlie‟s kindness!”

Charlie smiled and said: “Then I will reveal a little more information. You must ask him to check the Maritime Self-Defense Force that went to sea last night. The inner ghost must be out of this group of people. Everyone catches them all for a sudden trial, and they will definitely find a breakthrough!”

Nanako thought for a moment and said: “The level of the Self-Defense Force is higher than that of the Metropolitan Police Department. If you arrest people directly, it may be difficult to push, and the Self-Defense Force will definitely interfere.”

Chapter 2202

Charlie smiled and said, “Isn‟t he from the homeland security department? As far as I know, homeland security is the most important thing for any country. Therefore, people in the homeland security department must be higher than the military. He can ask his former colleagues or leaders to help, and the Homeland Security Department will come forward to arrest people in the Self-Defense Force. I believe the Self-Defense Force has absolutely no guts to interfere.”

After a pause, Charlie said again: “After the homeland security department catches people, they can be handed over to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department for interrogation. No matter how many people are caught, they will all be isolated and interrogated separately. Find the key clue!”

Nanako couldn‟t help exclaiming: “Charlie, your method is really great! I will tell him now! Thank you on behalf of my uncle!”

Charlie smiled and said: “Okay, you can tell him quickly, I‟m just waiting to see this great show of tide reversal!”

Charlie only revealed to Nanako that the Su family colluded with the Self-Defense Forces and exchanged for Ruoli, but did not tell her that the whole thing was that the Su family and the Self-Defense Forces played the game together. On the surface, it was a release, but it was actually a left-hand Invert of these inside stories.

This is mainly because these words do not have much meaning when they come out of his mouth.

Moreover, the more clues you give, the easier it is to interfere with the opponent‟s concentration.

Therefore, he only talked about the secret trade between the Su family and the Self Defense Forces, and the rest, let the uncle of Nanako, follow the clues he gave, go indepth, and let him dig out the background. That would be more lethal.


At this moment.

Eastcliff, Su Family Mansion.

Ruoli and the accompanying crew members hadn‟t heard any news for so long, making Chengfeng Su anxious.

Zynn Su was also worried about this matter.

It‟s just that Zynn didn‟t know the inside story of the whole thing.

He thought that the Su family had an accident while rescuing Ruoli.

So he asked Chengfeng a little anxiously: “Dad, what the hell is going on? Don‟t our people want to take Ruoli back to China by the waterway? Why suddenly there is no news, and only the ship is the one left by the Japanese. The guard intercepted, where did Ruoli go?”

Chengfeng said depressedly: “How do I know? I know as much about the whole thing as you do. You ask me, how can I answer you?”

Zynn saw his father‟s tone a little irritated and hurriedly apologized: “Dad, calm down, and I am not targeting you… It‟s just that this fact is too weird. My heart is always hanging. This should not go wrong”

Chengfeng said coldly: “I have sent someone to Japan to investigate this matter. Once there is any news, I will communicate it to you as soon as possible.”

Zynn sighed worriedly, and said, “Dad, who did you communicate with, in the Japanese Self-Defense Force? How about giving me contact information and I will call him to see if there are any missed clues.”

As soon as Chengfeng heard this, he became frustrated, and said to him: “May I give you your contact information? The grandson of the Japanese Self-Defense Force now thinks I‟ve played with him and is chasing after me asking me to give him an explanation. Call him, wouldn‟t master‟s overall plan become clear to the whole world?”

Thinking of this, he said with a dark face: “I said, I have sent someone to investigate, and news will be sent to you simultaneously. Do you have any comments on my arrangements?”

Chapter 2203

Seeing his father a little angry, Zynn hurriedly stood up, bowed, and said, “Dad, calm down your anger, I didn‟t mean that, I am just worried about Ruoli… Anyway, Ruoli is my flesh, She is currently unsure of her life and death, her whereabouts are unknown, I am indeed too anxious…”

Elder Cheng looked at him coldly, and said word by word: “Zynn, to do big things, you must have the strong heart of a lion and not change your face, and the disappearance of an illegitimate girl will make you panic like this? So what? If I die today, can you still manage the Su family?!”

As soon as Zynn heard this, his whole person was instantly worried!

He murmured in his heart: “The old man started to doubt my heart and my ability. This is not a good sign!”

“If I show too much concern about Ruoli on this matter and behave too nervously, the old man will definitely think that I am weak and not strong enough to be promoted to the position of Su Family Patriarch…”

“If it is because of Ruoli‟s matter that affects the old man‟s judgment of the successor, then it is really not worth the gain…”

Thinking of this, Zynn said with an awe-inspiring expression: “Dad! Don‟t worry! No matter how this matter turns out, I will never let it affect me!”

Old man Su looked at him suspiciously, and said coldly: “Will it affect you? It‟s not your mouth that has the final say, but my old man‟s eyes have the final say!”

Zynn hurriedly said: “Dad, you are right! I will show you with practical actions!”

Elder Su gave a hum and waved his hand: “Okay, you can go now.”

Zynn respectfully said: “Good dad, I‟ll go out first…”

Chengfeng coldly reminded: “If Ruoli is still alive, then I believe she will contact you. If she contacts you, you must tell me the first!”

Zynn said without hesitation: “Dad, don‟t worry, if she contacts me, I will report to you as soon as possible!”

Chengfeng gave a hum and waved his hand: “Go.”

Zynn quickly turned around and hurriedly left Old Su‟s study. At this time, Zynn‟s back was already wet with cold sweat.

After living in a rich family for a long time, he increasingly felt that the rich family is no different from the ancient palace dwelling families.

The lord of the wealthy family in the ancient days would be a king and his heir would be the prince below.

Although he has been appointed by the old man as the “prince” who will inherit the Su family in the future, he still holds the power, and he must always be cautious and walking on thin ice!

Otherwise, it is very likely that he might say something wrong and provoke the lord‟s anger upon himself, then he will mercilessly be dismissed!

There are so many princes who were deposed because of their words and demeanor who rebelled against the Lord in ancient times!

World history is full of such events. A wise man must learn from history and correct his course.

Chapter 2204

Falling from grace for the prince was not the only worry. There are historical proofs when the princes had to the fact trial, house arrests, and face the death penalty for defying an order from their kings.

Zynn was also worried that if he caused the old man‟s dissatisfaction because of Ruoli‟s affairs, and if the old man abolished him, his loss would be extremely heavy, and most of his life‟s efforts would be wasted.

Thinking of this, Zynn decided that regarding Ruoli, he must control his emotions as much as possible in front of the old man, and must not let the old man have any dissatisfaction with him!

The daughter is important, but the position of the Su Family Patriarch is even more important.

What‟s more, this daughter is still his illegitimate daughter!


Here, the old man Su rushed into Zynn and made a fire, and he was more or less worried.

In fact, the main reason why he got angry with Zynn was mainly to hide his guilty conscience.

After all, he made the decision to betray Ruoli.

The old man had already settled an account. The crimes committed by Ruoli in Japan are extremely heinous. He really wants to buy the relevant personnel to release her. Not to mention the huge cost, it is easy to offend the Japanese government.

Therefore, he planned to cooperate with the Japanese Self-Defense Force, get Ruoli out by himself, and then let the Self-Defense Force capture her back and sell the SelfDefense Force a favor.

After all, the Japanese Self-Defense Force still has a lot of energy in the Japanese government. As long as it has a good relationship with the Self-Defense Force, it will be very convenient to develop in Japan in the future and cooperate with the Japanese government.

However, the old man never dreamed that such a big change would happen to the original seamless plan.

Ruoli‟s disappearance put him in a dilemma now.

On the one hand, he did not know how to explain to the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and how to eliminate the indignation of the Japanese people towards the Su family; 

On the other hand, he didn‟t know whether Ruoli was dead or alive. If she was still alive, would she already be cognizant to his doings in secret? What if she knew about it and retaliate in the future?

While he was irritable, his most trusted subordinate hurried over and said in a low voice: “Master, Masaji Honda of the Japanese Self-Defense Force has called again. He has given us 24 hours. If we don‟t handover Ruoli to them in the next 24 hours the one billion dollar deposit we gave them will not come back…”

“Also, Masaji Honda is very angry now. He thinks we are playing with them on purpose, so he said, if we don‟t hand over Ruoli, then he will assume we are his enemies, and this will not end up well for us”

Elder Su sighed and cursed very annoyed: “Damn! Where did Ruoli go? A breathing person, she can‟t disappear out of thin air!”

The subordinate hurriedly said, “Now all the police in Japan are looking for the whereabouts of Ruoli. The Self-Defense Forces are also investigating all passing ships at sea. If Ruoli is still in Japan, it is only a matter of time before she is found; She has already left Japan, so she must have left Japan by water. Based on the time since her disappearance, she should have returned to China.”

Elder Su frowned tightly and said coldly: “If it‟s the former, it‟s okay, but if it‟s the latter, it will be troublesome! She has no reason not to contact Su‟s family when she returns to China unless she already knows the truth. ! In that case, we will face trouble in the future!”

After that, he immediately ordered: “Immediately send someone to monitor the He family. If Ruoli returns to China, if she does not contact us, she will definitely contact her family and closely monitor all the He family‟s movements. Report any disturbances to me immediately!”

Chapter 2205

At this moment, Tokyo, Japan.

Forty-eight-year-old Suzuki Tomohisa was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office where he had just taken office, unable to do anything.

He is the new director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Prior to this, he was a middle-level senior in the Homeland Security Department. He was very well-known in the Homeland Security Department because he was very good at investigating and had a very hard wrist.

This time, Ruoli was found to have dropped the package, and the whole of Japan was shocked. The Japanese government was overwhelmed by this, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department became a target of public criticism.

There is really no way, the Japanese government can only let Suzuki Tomohisa take orders.

However, Suzuki Tomohisa didn‟t want to take this mess either.

As a wise man, he generally stays away from such cases that shock the whole country.

Because cracking such a case is certainly very advantageous, but if you fail, you will definitely disappoint the people of the whole country.

For so many years, Suzuki Tomohisa has relied on a steady and slow fight, a little bit of experience, success stories, and his own reputation.

Therefore, he likes to take on tasks that are not so challenging and difficult.

He didn‟t want to interfere with such a challenging and difficult task.

Because, it was hard for him to rely on a steady fight until today, and he can continue to maintain this style until retirement.

In that case, he will be able to retreat and reap the admiration of the people across the country.

Now this extremely difficult task, being able to complete it will certainly make him leap a big step forward.

But if it is not done, it will also waste the reputation and status that he has gained over the years.

It is like a gambler who has won a lot of money and plans to leave the game with the money after playing a few cards.

However, at this moment, the dealer asked him to bet on Stud and put in all the money he had won so far.

Only fools are willing to do such things.

But Suzuki Tomohisa couldn‟t help it.

After all, he works in the national security department. After all, he is a national civil servant. What the Japanese government wants him to do, he has no room for bargaining at all.

Now, it is a foreign woman he has never met that determines the future trajectory of his life.

And he only knew that this woman was called Ruoli, who was the main murderer of the Matsumoto family. As long as he could catch her, he would be well-known throughout Japan; but if he could not catch her, he would disappoint the whole nation. He will be a sinner in the eyes of the Japanese people.

As for where is Ruoli? Is she still alive? He has no clues at all.

He stretched on the chair and said, even if I can‟t find Ruoli, I must at least find out how she got away under everyone‟s eyes.

Now that the double has been poisoned and died, and several people responsible for her transportation have also disappeared for no reason. The Metropolitan Police Department could not find any valuable clues.

Just when he scratched his scalp and didn‟t know where to start, his deputy pushed in and said embarrassingly: “Mr. Suzuki, there are many media reporters outside. Not only our domestic NHK and Asahi Shimbun but also there are many top overseas media including BBC and CNN, they all want to interview you…”

“Interview me?” Suzuki Tomohisa said with a black face, “I just took office, what can I do for an interview?”

The deputy said: “They want to know the progress of Ruoli‟s disappearance case…”

Chapter 2206

Suzuki angrily said: “Can you help me tell them that there is no progress on this matter.

If there is any substantial progress, then I will definitely announce it to the national and even the world media through the press conference.”

The deputy nodded: “Okay Mr. Suzuki, I can definitely do that!”

Tomohisa stopped him and said, “Oh yes, from now on, no media reporters are allowed to enter the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department without invitation or permission!”

“Okay, roger sir!”

After the deputy went out, Tomohisa rubbed his temples distractedly and said to himself: “Hey…As long as you are in danger, you have never had any good things! This case has such a great influence. Not only the people of the whole country are paying attention, but even overseas media are interested. If you don‟t handle it well, your reputation may be ruined. It‟s f*cking tricky!”

As he was thinking about it, the phone rang suddenly.

Hearing the ringing of the cell phone, his scalp suddenly numbed, and his veins jumped.

What he is most afraid of now is answering the phone, not just that various media outlets try their best to find out his mobile phone and want to interview him over the phone.

There are many leaders of government departments who are constantly asking about the progress of the investigation of the entire case.

He is troubled by it.

When he looks at the screen of her mobile phone, he realized that it was the daughter of his good brother, Nanako.

The Suzuki family and the Ito family were originally family friends.

He and Yuhiko Ito have been close friends since they were young, and they also attended the same university. Although they are not brothers, they are not anything less than the brothers.

Therefore, Nanako seemed to him as his half daughter.

Seeing that it was Nanako‟s phone call, his irritable mood was greatly relieved. He got on the phone and squeezed a little smile, and asked: “Nanako, dear what makes you call me, is everything all right?”

Nanako hurriedly said: “Uncle Suzuki everything is good, don‟t worry. Uncle, I heard that you have recently been transferred to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department to investigate the case of Ruoli‟s disappearance?”

“Yes.” Tomohisa asked, “Have you heard of it?”

“Yes…” Nanako said, “Uncle Suzuki, have you found any useful clues?”

Tomo Suzuki sighed: “There is no clue so far, this Ruoli is almost as if she has evaporated.”

Nanako hesitated for a moment and said: “Uncle Suzuki, I have a very good friend. When I called him just now, he revealed a little clue to me, so I called you quickly. it might be of great help.”

As soon as Tomo Suzuki heard this, he immediately asked excitedly: “Nanako, what you said is true? Who is your friend? What clue did he give you?”

Nanako solemnly said: “Uncle Suzuki, I‟m sorry about the identity of my friend, I can‟t tell you.”

While speaking, Nanako said again: “As for the clue he gave me…he told me that the reason why Ruoli was silently transferred is not because of Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. It is linked to the Su family and the Self-Defense Force.”

“The Self-Defense Force?” Tomo Suzuki asked in amazement: “Is the Self-Defense Force also involved in this matter?”

“Right.” Nanako said: “My friend said that it was the Su family and the Self-Defense Forces who united and sacked Ruoli, and then deliberately dumped the pot to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.”

Tomohisa hurriedly asked: “Then what is your informant‟s intention? Do they want to rescue that Ruoli back to Su‟s house?”

“No.,” Nanako said: “Their purpose is to throw Ruoli‟s scapegoat to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, and then the Self-Defense Force will capture Ruoli back at sea and take all the credit.”

“What?!” Tomo Suzuki was dumbfounded, and blurted out: “Nanako…you…what you said…is true?!”

Nanako said seriously: “This is what my friend told me. I believe him. He said that if you want to seize this clue, you can use your relationship with the national security department to take the boats in the Japanese sea that patrolled at Tokyo Port yesterday.

All the members of the Self-Defense Forces should be taken away for quarantine review, there should be a breakthrough!

Chapter 2207

Nanako‟s words overturned all Tomo Suzuki‟s guesses and inferences about the whole matter.

He never dreamed that the Self-Defense Forces could also get involved in this kind of thing, and a strong wave of anger hit his heart immediately!

Immediately, Tomohisa gritted his teeth and said: “Nanako, thank you and your friends for reminding me. I will definitely bring all the relevant persons responsible for the trial as soon as possible!”

Nanako smiled and said, “Uncle Suzuki, I hope this clue can help you.” 

Tomo Suzuki said confidently: “Nanako, if this clue is true, then it really helped me a lot!”

After that, Tomo Suzuki hurriedly said: “Nanako, I have to make arrangements for arrest!”

“Good Uncle Suzuki!”

Tomohisa hung up the phone and immediately contacted his old leader of the Homeland Security Department.

The clues provided by Nanako are of great importance. If the Self-Defense Forces really participate in the removal of Ruoli, this is not only a national scandal but also a major homeland security incident, so it must be thoroughly investigated.

The leaders of Japan‟s homeland security department also paid great attention to this matter after hearing about it, and almost immediately sent a very high-level homeland security expert to fully cooperate with Tomo Suzuki to conduct a thorough investigation of this matter.

The relevant person in charge of the Self-Defense Force at this time does not know that he has been exposed.

They are constantly putting pressure on the Su family, forcing them to hand over Ruoli.

Now the people of the whole country are paying attention to this case. As long as the Self-Defense Forces can arrest Ruoli and bring her to justice, they can make a great contribution.

However, even if the Su family is unwilling to hand over Ruoli, it does not matter. After that, this matter has the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department‟s back.

In short, the Self-Defense Force feels that although what they did this time is not a successful big deal, it is definitely a deal that will not lose money.

However, they did not expect that the Nation‟s Home Land Security Department & the Metropolitan Police Department had already targeted them!

An invisible big net has been slowly spreading towards part of the high-level Self Defense Forces!

At this time, Charlie had just returned home.

Pushing the door and entering, he heard the dining room is very lively.

Claire was chatting with people. Hearing the movement of the door opened, she came out to check. When she saw that Charlie had returned, she exclaimed with joy, “Husband! Why did you come back without saying hello or making a sound?

Charlie smiled and said: “I didn‟t just finish my business, because a customer was in Japan and said that he was going to come back by private jet, so I just took a ride back.”

Claire nodded, stepped forward to hold his hand, and said with a smile: “Husband, it takes two or three hours for you to fly from Japan. Surely you didn‟t eat at noon?”

Charlie smiled and said, “No, I came home as soon as I‟m done.”

Claire smiled and said, “Then you came back just right. Elsa just came back from Eastcliff today. I asked her to come to eat at home. We just opened the red wine, so we can eat together!”

With that, she took Charlie and walked into the dining room.

In the dining room, Elsa was chatting with Jacob and Elaine. When Claire came in holding Charlie‟s hand, her expression immediately turned into that of surprise!

She went back to Eastcliff for a few days during the Chinese New Year holiday and missed Charlie for a few days, so she couldn‟t wait as soon as she got off the plane this morning and came here to visit Claire with gifts.

Said to come to see Claire, but what she wanted was to see Charlie.

Chapter 2208

However, it was discovered after arrival that Charlie was not at home.

It turns out that Charlie went to Japan a few days ago because of an emergency, and has not returned.

This made Elsa feel a little bit lost, and the originally high mood instantly dimmed a lot.

Just half an hour ago, Claire‟s family left her at home for lunch. She was still a bit hesitant, thinking that Charlie was not at home. At this time, staying at Claire‟s home for lunch was a waste of time without Charlie. But now she feels, she took a good decision.

She wanted to say that she would just wait for the next visit, but couldn‟t hold back Claire‟s enthusiasm, she had no choice but to agree.

Nevertheless, she really didn‟t expect that Charlie would come back before eating this meal!

Therefore, at this moment, Elsa looked at Charlie with a hint of excitement.

Jacob and Elaine were naturally very happy to see Charlie returned.

Jacob‟s calligraphy and painting association is resting these days. He faces Elaine at home every day, and he is almost annoyed to death. Seeing Charlie‟s come back, he is naturally very happy.

As for Elaine, she was even happier. When she saw Charlie, she said happily: “Oh my good son-in-law, you can be counted as coming back after so many days, don‟t you know how much mom missed you these days?”

As she said, her eyes couldn‟t help but look at Charlie‟s hand.

When Charlie went to other places recently, he always brought her all kinds of high-end gifts back, so she also looked forward to what gifts Charlie would bring to her this time.

However, Charlie had empty hands at this time, and it didn‟t look like he had prepared a gift.

Elaine was somewhat disappointed in her heart, but she was too embarrassed to show it.

After that, her current attitude towards Charlie had changed drastically from before.

She felt that Charlie was an out-and-out good son-in-law.

Even if Charlie didn‟t bring her a gift this time, she was not upset except for a little disappointment.

At this time, Charlie also realized that when he came back in a hurry and didn‟t prepare a small gift for Elaine, Elaine would definitely feel a little lost.

So he walked up to Elaine, sat down beside her, and said with a smile: “Mom, I‟m so sorry. This time I wanted to buy some gifts for you from Japan to bring back, but suddenly a friend wanted to take a private jet home. When the plane returned to China, I temporarily took him downwind, so I didn‟t have time to buy gifts.”

Elaine hurriedly waved her hand: “Oh, my son-in-law, I am already very happy if you have the mom in your heart. As for gifts, there is no need to buy them every time!”

Charlie nodded and smiled casually: “Mom, I will transfer you 200,000 on PayPal later. Take it and buy something, it‟s just a little bit of care for you!”

When Elaine heard this, she asked with excitement: “Oh my god, my son-in-law! What you said is true?!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Can there be fakes? Mom, wait a moment, I will transfer the money.”

After that, he took out his mobile phone and directly transferred 200,000 cash to Elaine via PayPal.

Elaine received the PayPal push and opened it. It was Charlie who gave her 200,000, so she clicked to receive it excitedly, clapped her hands happily, and smiled: “Oh! What a life of my Elaine! I found a good son-in-law!”

Jacob on the side shook his head repeatedly and said to Charlie: “Good son-in-law, in the future, give your mother a little less money. If she has a little money, she will suffer. You know that since she broke her leg again, until now, How many things have you bought online? A room is almost filled with her stuff!”

Elaine glared at him and scolded, “Jacob, take care of your mouth and don‟t spit out stinky bullsh!t, what‟s the matter with you! I think you are jealous of my son-in-law being so kind to me!”

Jacob said angrily: “You just speak bullsh!t!”

Elaine curled her lips and said: “What‟s wrong? I speak bullsh!t? I bullsh!t where is your mouth calling or something?”

Jacob‟s angry old face flushed, and he snorted coldly, “I really don‟t bother to take care of the words coming out of your mouth. such a vulgar woman!”

Chapter 2209

Seeing that Jacob and Elaine were about to choke again, Claire hurriedly came out to complete the game: “Oh, Mom, Dad, don‟t you always choke up when you talk? Charlie just came back, and Elsa is here, don‟t make a joke of yourself…”

Jacob looked at Elaine and snorted coldly, “I don‟t know you as much as you look at the face of a girl!”

Elaine said disdainfully: “Look at what you said, it‟s like I want to be familiar with you.”

After that, Elaine turned her head to the side and stopped looking at Jacob.

At this time, Elsa said to Claire in embarrassment: “By the way, Claire, Qiuyi Gu will come to Aurous Hill for a concert next month. Let‟s go and watch it together?”

Claire hurriedly smiled and said, “Charlie said he wants to accompany me. He knew Qiuyi and said that he could get tickets for the front row.”

Elsa looked at Charlie in shock and asked: “Charlie, do you know Qiuyi?!”

Charlie nodded: “Yes, Miss Gu is one of my clients. I have helped her see in some

matters before.”

Elsa blurted out: “Mom, it‟s so good?! Then you must be familiar with Miss Gu, can you

help me find a ticket for the front row? I will pay you twice!”

Having said that, Elsa was afraid that Charlie would not agree, and clasped her hands

together and pleaded: “Charlie, like Claire, I have liked Qiuyi for a long time. I especially

want to sit in the first row and watch her concert…”

Speaking of this, Elsa sighed and said: “But her concert front-row tickets are too difficult

to get. As long as she opens the concert, the rich second generation from all over the

country will swarm like flies, and they will grab all the good seats. I have tried several

times without success, so I can only ask for your help…”

Charlie couldn‟t help feeling big when he heard this.

He first promised Qiuyi that he would go to her concert, and then he promised his wife

Claire that he would take her to Qiuyi‟s concert.

Claire was his wife, and Qiuyi was his fiancee who had been married since she was a

child. Taking his wife to see his fiancee‟s concert was very uncomfortable in itself. He

didn‟t expect Elsa to join in the fun at this time!

Elsa liked Charlie‟s things, Charlie had known this for a long time.

And he also knows that Elsa has a fiery personality and courage. When she was in the

hot spring with him and his wife, she dared to run to him while his wife was asleep and

confessed. If she was there at Qiuyi‟s concert, it would not be right. One can‟t know how

messy it will be…

So Charlie said embarrassedly: “Elsa, I‟m really sorry, I may not be able to help you with

this matter, because I have already greeted Miss Gu, and Miss Gu said that at most two

tickets can be arranged for me. .”

“As you know, the relationship between me and Miss Gu is nothing but the client

relationship between Party A and Party B. It is very hard even to get just two tickets. I

really don‟t want to feel embarrassed by asking for someone more… ….”

When Elsa heard this, she didn‟t have much doubt in her heart.

She thought to herself: “Qiuyi‟s concert tickets are always hard to find, and the seats in

the front row are hard to change.”

“Charlie just helped Qiuyi. It is indeed very rare that people can promise him two tickets for the front row. No matter how much he asks, it seems that Charlie is a little careless. I can‟t let Charlie looked down upon me to get tickets!”

Thinking of this, she hurriedly said: “Then I will think of ways myself. If I can‟t get the tickets for the front row, I will be satisfied when I get a ticket for the first five rows.”

Charlie was also slightly relieved when he heard this.

He felt that if he couldn‟t prevent Elsa from going to the concert, it would be a good thing for Elsa to sit a little further away from him and his wife.

At least, he can be less stressed when the time comes.

Charlie knew very well that if she asked Qiuyi for three tickets, she would definitely not refuse, and she would definitely give three consecutive seats.

Chapter 2210

What if Elsa had to sit next to him?

So, if he can‟t agree to her request, let her find a way to get the tickets. The best situation is that she can‟t get the first-row seat, but step back and say, if she gets the first row Seat, as long as she doesn‟t sit next to him, he has nothing to worry about.

At this time, Elsa said to Claire again: “Claire, do you want to go shopping together in the afternoon?”

Claire glanced at Charlie and whispered in her ear: “Elsa, I don‟t want to go shopping. I will go to work in two days. Charlie has just returned from a few days after going out. I want to stay with him.”

Elsa was shocked.

She could see that when Claire said this, it was entirely from the heart.

This made Elsa realize that Claire, who has always been less sensitive to feelings, might have truly fallen in love with Charlie.

This made her very sad.

She used to feel that Claire married Charlie only under the pressure of her grandfather.

From an emotional point of view, she definitely did not love Charlie.

In that case, digging a corner by yourself will feel at ease.

However, if the girlfriend really fell in love with Charlie, wouldn‟t they both be happy?

If that were the case, it would indeed seem a bit immoral to grab love with a sword.

At this moment, Elsa wondered if she would give up pursuing Charlie.

If she gave up pursuing Charlie, there would be no need for her to stay in Aurous Hill.

After that, the chairman of the Emgrand Group has not shown up yet, and Elsa‟s family has also given up the idea of letting her catch this line.

This time Elsa went back to the New Year, and the Dong family hoped that she would quit her job at Emgrand Group and return to Eastcliff for development.

But Elsa said she didn‟t want to resign because she didn‟t want to give up Charlie.

But at this moment, Elsa felt a little shaken in her heart.

At a certain moment, she even felt that she might as well leave Aurous Hill and return to Eastcliff to develop well.

In this case, not only can keep a girlfriend‟s relationship with Claire but also her career

and relationship will not be delayed.

After that, no matter how much energy she puts into Charlie, it is difficult to get the

return she wants. In the end, it is very likely that her feelings will be exhausted.

However, thinking of Charlie, Elsa‟s strong feeling of admiration could not be restrained

at all.

She felt that if she gave up Charlie, she might not find a man who could make her heart

move like him in her entire life.

After thinking about it, Elsa decided: “I want to stay in Aurous Hill and continue to fight!”

“If Charlie is willing to accept me, then even if I am cast aside by the people of the

world, I will never hesitate!”

“However, if one day it is confirmed that I don‟t stand a chance, then I will completely

withdraw, return to Eastcliff without hesitation, and never see Charlie again!”

Chapter 2211

At the same time, Eastcliff Su‟s family.

Although Ruoli‟s disappearance made Chengfeng Su and Zynn Su worried, it did not

affect Zhiyu Su and Zhifei‟s mood at all.

The two of them didn‟t know Ruoli‟s true identity, they just regarded her as a servant in

the family. In addition, Ruoli had always been Zynn‟s bodyguard and had little contact

with other siblings, so the pair The siblings naturally didn‟t care much about her affairs.

Right now, the two brothers and sisters are in Zhiyu‟s study, each looking at the

computer, looking at the monitoring screenshots compiled by the person under their


These screenshots are full of young male yellow faces.

They were all Su‟s staff, and according to Zhiyu‟s request, they were intercepted from

surveillance videos of major airports in Japan some time ago.

What the siblings have to do is to constantly look through these screenshots, trying to

find Charlie‟s figure.

Unfortunately, there were too many surveillance videos at the time, and the number of

passengers at several major airports in a few days exceeded several million.

It is indeed not an easy task to find Charlie from these millions of people.

The two had been checking the screenshots of these surveillance videos for several days,

but they still couldn‟t find Charlie.

The glamorous Zhiyu stayed in front of the computer day and night for several days, her

eyes were bloodshot, dry, and unbearable, but she continued to fight while dripping eye


Because Zhifei had promised her sister in advance that she would try her best to help

her find her benefactor, so she didn‟t dare to slack off and kept looking around day and


Seeing that the surveillance video screenshots of nearly a million people have been

filtered, but Charlie‟s figure is still not found, Zhifei more or less retreats and said to

Zhiyu with a tired face: “Zhiyu, it is really not easy to find this way. , I don‟t know how

long would that take.”

Zhiyu looked through the screenshots and said solemnly: “There are more than three

million people who still need to be identified. Out of almost one million. It‟s a quarter of

the completion. I believe that these three million people After reading all of them, you

will be able to find clues to your benefactor!

Zhifei sighed and said, “Zhiyu, don‟t try too hard. Look at your eyes, they are red like a

rabbit. Take a break and you can try later!”

Zhiyu said: “I‟m not tired at all. If you are tired, you can rest for ten minutes.”

“Ten minutes?!” Zhifei said embarrassingly, “Sister, don‟t call Zhiyu, change your name to

the owl! If I continue to look for it, I will be blind!”

Zhiyu said angrily in her voice: “Then you don‟t need to find it, I will find it myself!”

Zhifei hurriedly explained: “I didn‟t mean that, I just want to rest for a while.”

As he said, he hurriedly got up, poured two cups of tea, handed Zhiyu a cup, and smiled:

“Take a cup of tea and rest for a few minutes. There is also a break between classes. You

can‟t work hard continuously?”

Zhiyu took a sip from his teacup and said, “These videos are dead and people are alive.

If we don‟t find clues to Benevolence as soon as possible, what if there is a new change

in Benevolence‟s trajectory? What if we finally find a clue and then follow the trail to find

it, but the benefactor is no longer there?”

Chapter 2212

Speaking of this, Zhiyu continued with a little tiredness: “The point is, the only one who

has really met your benefactor is the two of us, so only the two of us can do this kind of

identification work.”

Zhifei nodded helplessly: “You‟re right, let‟s hurry up and try to find the clue of that man

as soon as possible!”

After that, Zhifei remembered something and said: “By the way, Zhiyu, I‟m going to

Aurous Hill in two days. Would you like to come along?”

Zhiyu asked curiously: “What are you going to do in Aurous Hill?”

Zhifei said embarrassedly: “I‟ve already discussed naming and cooperation with Qiuyi‟s

concert. Her first concert of the year will be held in Aurous Hill on the second day of the

lunar calendar. I didn‟t promise her before. Aurous Hill Charity donated 10 million, so I

also want to go there in advance. Not only will this 10 million be arranged in place, but

also the major welfare homes, orphanages, and other charities in Aurous Hill City will

benefit as well. According to the actual needs of these institutions, another 20 million

donations will be given to them.”

Having said that, Zhifei continued with a just and awe-inspiring look: “Since it is doing

charity, of course, we must go!”

Zhiyu smiled unkindly and said, “Hehe, it turned out to pursue Qiuyi! No wonder you are

so active!”

Zhifei hurriedly denied: “Don‟t talk nonsense. I‟m doing charity work. Besides, Qiuyi

won‟t go there. I go by myself. How can you say that I am pursuing Qiuyi!”

Zhiyu curled her lips and said: “Oh, you are still being serious with me, I don‟t know you

yet? You just want to make this thing a little more beautiful in advance, and let Qiuyi

look at me by then? promise to donate 10 million. As a result of donating 30 million,

Qiuyi will definitely think that you are a person with a strong sense of social

responsibility, and then have a better opinion of you, I guess right?”

Zhifei said embarrassingly: “You are the smartest, I can‟t hide anything from your insight,


Zhiyu nodded and smiled: “Just admit it.”

Zhifei sighed and said, “Zhiyu, the ancestors have something I don‟t know if you have

heard of it?”

Zhiyu blurted out: “Sell less, speak straight!”

Zhifei said earnestly: “The ancestors said that if you see it through, you can‟t tell it. This

is the highest state of a smart person.”

Zhiyu said disdainfully: “You don‟t need to reach the highest state to talk, the general

state is enough.”

“You girl!” Zhifei sneered angrily, and immediately changed the subject and asked: “Hey,

I‟ll just ask you if you want to go? If you want to go, let‟s go together. It just happens

that I‟m not familiar with Aurous Hill.”

Zhiyu shook her head: “No, I will not go anywhere until I find this person!”

Zhifei hurriedly persuaded: “Oh, Zhiyu, you can accompany me. This thing could be

done from anywhere, anyplace, you can take your laptop out on the road, at the

concert, at the airport anywhere. You just don‟t need to camp in the bedroom for


Zhiyu said uninterestedly: “Then I don‟t want to go either. You are going to lay the

foundation for the pursuit of Qiuyi. What am I going to do?”

Zhifei asked her back: “You don‟t want to go out to get some air? How dignified the

atmosphere is at home these past two days. Dad and grandpa have been black all day

long, and you still can‟t feel it? Take this opportunity to go out quietly for a few days. Is

it okay?”

Zhiyu hesitated for a moment, and then nodded gently: “That‟s what I said, then you can

arrange it, just to go out and relax.”

Chapter 2213

In fact, even if Zhifei didn‟t say anything, Zhiyu, who was extremely intelligent, had

already noticed the recent abnormality in the family atmosphere.

In addition to the news from Japan, all the news airing about Ruoli. She knew that the Su

family stabbed a big man in Japan for saving Ruoli.

However, what she didn‟t quite understand was why dad had to put so much effort into


It stands to reason that Ruoli is nothing but a subordinate of the Su family.

If something goes wrong, the Su family only needs to give her family a generous

pension according to the agreement, and then it is enough to pay the relocation

allowance monthly.

There was no need at all. For the sake of a servant, she was taken out of the hands of

the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department.

How high the cost behind this is, you can figure it out with a little brainstorming, at least

a hundred times more than the pension and settlement allowance, which is not

worthwhile at all.

But Zhifei took the initiative to speak: “Zhiyu, Dad, and Grandpa made such a big

movement in order to save Ruoli, what do you think they are doing?”

Zhiyu shook her head: “I don‟t know this, but Dad and Grandpa must have their


Zhifei said: “But I think about it, I always feel that this matter is not cost-effective, and

Ruoli can‟t help the Su family make money. It is completely meaningless to invest such a

large price to save her!”

Zhiyu shrugged her shoulders and said with a smile: “I can‟t figure it out, so I just don‟t

think about it anymore.”

Zhifei thought for a while and said, “Do they want to use this to increase people‟s loyalty

to the Su family?”

Zhiyu shook her head and said, “More than fifty people were arrested together. Only

one Ruoli was saved. The people must feel unbalanced in their hearts, and they don‟t

know what to think!”

“Yes.” Zhifei sighed and said: “I can‟t figure it out, I can‟t figure it out…”

Zhiyu said: “Okay, this is not something we should worry about. Let‟s hurry up and find

your benefactor! The family is now in short supply of top masters. If we can find the

benefactor and let the benefactor help the Su family, It will certainly alleviate the family‟s

immediate urgency to a great extent.”

Zhifei nodded: “You are right! Benefactor‟s strength, I am afraid that ten or eight Ruoli

will not be able to catch up. If he can stay in the Su family to work, it will definitely be a

great achievement!”


Tokyo, Japan.

Within one noon, the Metropolitan Police Department and the Homeland Security

Department jointly captured all the Maritime Self-Defense members who were patrolling

near Tokyo Bay on the night of Ruoli‟s disappearance and separated them for individual

surprise interrogations.

Within the country, the department with the highest authority and priority is the

homeland security department.

Because for a country, nothing is more important than homeland security.

So when Homeland Security comes out to do something, everyone must stand aside.

Just like America.

The well-known functional departments in the United States are the FBI and CIA and


FBI is the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, which is subordinate to the judicial

department. Generally speaking, it is responsible for major domestic cases and cases

that span multiple places, especially multiple states and counties;

CIA is the Central Intelligence Agency, responsible for collecting all kinds of intelligence

on foreign governments, companies, and terrorists;

FBI and CIA are very common in film and television dramas, so they can basically be

familiar all over the world, but not many people know about the NSA.

NSA is the National Security Agency of the United States, the largest intelligence agency

of the US government, and the organization that employs the most computer experts,

mathematics experts, and linguists in the world. Although they do not often appear in

the public eye, their priority in doing things has no match.

Chapter 2214

The same goes for the Japanese Homeland Security Department.

If the Homeland Security Department arrests members of the Self-Defense Force for

interrogation on the grounds of threatening national security, even the top commander

of the Self-Defense Force has no right to stop or interrogate.

And all the members of the Self-Defense Forces are also very clear that once they get

involved with the Homeland Security Department, there is no good thing to do, and

they will have to be skinned if they survive.

Therefore, people in the Self-Defense Force have a natural fear of the Homeland

Security Department.

It is precisely because of the reputation of the Homeland Security Department that

among these self-defense team members who were arrested for surprise interrogation,

several people with insufficient psychological strength soon began to show their feet.

Moreover, the people in the homeland security department are almost all the elite of a


This group of people is not only extremely capable but also has been performing

various secret tasks. Even in peaceful times, the people in the homeland security

department are all battle-tested and best fighters.

These Self-Defense Force soldiers with little actual combat experience were as simple

and weak as elementary school students in front of them.

Therefore, the Department of Homeland Security seized the few self-defense team

members who were not good enough to attack and quickly opened a breakthrough.

A few hours later, the context of the entire incident has been sorted out by the

Department of Homeland Security.

What made Tomo Suzuki very excited was that Nanako was right. The Self-Defense

Forces did collude with the Su family from China. During the transfer of Ruoli.

Not only that, their cheapest operation was to deliberately fix the Tokyo Metropolitan

Police Department. When Ruoli was handed over to the Police Department for escort,

dropped her, and transferred all the responsibilities to them. The video hall suffered a

huge grievance.

And their motives for uniting with foreign forces and substituting domestic key criminals

turned out to want to let go, seek credit for themselves, and get the social attention!

This irritated Tomo Suzuki!

In his opinion, this act of the Self-Defense Force is simply like a thief who burned his

house and then put out the bear child who sought praise from the parents!

After clarifying this matter, the Department of Homeland Security immediately

convened the cabinet and held an emergency meeting with the cabinet to discuss


The Cabinet was also shocked by this incident!

No one ever thought that there should be such stupid high-level collusion in the SelfDefense Force, who did nothing for a little merit and recklessness, causing great losses

to the country!

As a result, the Cabinet immediately worked with the Department of Homeland Security

to formulate a set of solutions urgently.

First, secretly arrest all SDF executives involved in this matter, and immediately make the

case public, expounding in detail all the causes and consequences of the Su family‟s

conspiracy with the SDF, as well as the fact that the Su family‟s rescue is fake and the act

is unlawful!

Second, the Su family must be required to deliver Ruoli to the Tokyo Metropolitan

Police Department within 24 hours, otherwise, all businesses of the Su family in Japan

will be permanently blocked, and the Su family‟s immediate family members will always

be restricted from entering the country!

That night.

The three SDF executives involved in the case were arrested in their respective homes.

These three people were awarded the posts of Self-Defense Forces and the Japanese

government for successfully arresting Ruoli and others at Osaka Airport.

But now, these three people have all been reduced to prisoners endangering homeland


At the same time, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and the national security

department officially issued an announcement to the world.

A tsunami directed at the Su family screamed at this moment!

Chapter 2215

late at night.


Zynn returned to his home unconcealed.

At this moment, his mood is very complicated and he is in a state of utter confusion.

Just this evening, Ruoli‟s biological mother, Yingxiu He, came to the Su Group to meet


As soon as the two met, Yingxiu anxiously asked him the whereabouts of Ruoli.

However, Zynn didn‟t know how to answer.

Because he didn‟t know where Ruoli went.

She vanished as if the world had evaporated, leaving no clues.

Yingxiu, who was missing an arm, knelt down to Zynn crying, hoping that he could

accept that Ruoli was his biological daughter, and did everything possible to find her


Zynn agreed.

Ruoli is his biological daughter. This is supported by the results of DNA. Moreover,

Yingxiu had a life-saving grace for him back then. The reason why Yingxiu lost an arm is

entirely to save him.

Therefore, whether it is for the face of his own daughter or the face of the savior, Zynn

cannot hide it but agree.

However, his heart was blocked.

Because he encountered such a thing for the first time.

For the first time, there is no clue to that person‟s whereabouts.

After that, the Su Family‟s hands and eyes were open to the sky. In the past, as long as

they wanted to check, there was no clue that they couldn‟t find it.

But this time, the Su family was at loss.

Therefore, Zynn was also very worried about Ruoli‟s current situation.

What he was afraid of was not that he could not find Ruoli, he was afraid that Ruoli was

probably no longer alive.

Therefore, when he returned home, he always felt very heavy.

Yes. The moment Zynn opened the bedroom door, a glamorous middle-aged woman

walked out of the bathroom.

This woman had just removed her makeup and took a shower. Her long hair was

wrapped in a hair-drying cap. Although she had removed her makeup, her skin was still

very smooth and clean. She looked like natural beauty and was a lady who was normally

well maintained.

This woman is Zynn‟s lifelong love, his wife, Liona Du.

The Du family is very strong in Yenching. Although it may be a bit worse than the Su

family in terms of assets, it is actually not much worse in terms of background, status,

contacts, and overall strength.

On a special level, it was even stronger than the Su Family.

After all, money is not the only measure of strength in any place in the world.

Liona was one of the most respected celebrities in Eastcliff.

Her family background made her almost the dream lover of all the rich second

generations of Eastcliff.

Zynn is one of them.

Liona has given birth to children and over fifty years old, but she still maintains the same

charm as a young woman in their thirties.

Seeing Zynn coming back, Liona said distressedly: “Why come back so late today? Are

you tired?”

Zynn grinned reluctantly and said, “It‟s okay, I‟m not tired. There have been a lot of

happenings in the past two days.

Chapter 2216

Liona counted and nodded. Since she married Zynn, she has not cared about Zynn‟s


Because she felt that she didn‟t need to interfere with men‟s affairs.

Therefore, she never asked Zynn about the details of his work.

Seeing that Zynn was very tired, she said, “Change your clothes first, I‟ll put some water

for you, take a good bath, turn lights off when you go to bed, and you won‟t wake up at


Zynn was moved in his heart and hurriedly said, “My wife, you don‟t need to worry

about me, I can just do that myself.”

Liona said: “I just used the water in the bathtub. It will take a long time to warm the

water. You should change your clothes and rest for a while.”

Zynn smiled and said, “It‟s okay, I‟ll just use your washed water to soak for a while.”

Liona said with some embarrassment, “How can that be! The soaped water is not clean,

you wait, I will refill the tub.”

“No need.” Zynn smiled, and went into the bathroom immediately, undressing, and said:

“How can my wife‟s bathwater be dirty! Leave it, I‟ll go in for a while!”

Seeing that he took off his clothes, Liona reluctantly shook her head and said: “That‟s

fine, soak for a while. If the water gets cold, I‟ll warm it again. I‟ll am going to bed to

read a book.”

Zynn hurriedly smiled and said: “Okay!”

Liona left the bathroom, closed the door behind, and then lay on the comfortable and

luxurious bed. Then she took a book called Anna Karenina from the bedside.

This is a literary masterpiece by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. It is about the tragedy of

Anna Karenina‟s pursuit of love.

Liona has read this book countless times, and she has memorized many passages

verbatim, but she still picks it up and reads it every now and then.

Sometimes, she felt that she was a bit like the heroine of this book to some extent.

Although she was born a noble, although she was an elegant and charming elder lady in

the eyes of others, she never got the love she really wanted.

Her husband, like Anna‟s husband, is obsessed with his career. Although he loves her

deeply, she feels a kind of boring frustration because of his excessive rigidity.

She can only find comfort in life from her children.

The subtle thing is that Anna met her true love in a lifeless married life.

But he is quite the opposite.

It was after encountering true love, but unable to get true love, that she joined hands

with Zynn into the married life.

Anna finally dies by committing suicide. Although Liona did not have any thoughts of

suicide, since the day she married Zynn, she knew that the love in her life was dead.

After flipping through a few pages casually, Liona couldn‟t help but imagine the figure

of the man in her mind.

For more than twenty years, the figure of that man has never left her thoughts.

Almost every night, she fell asleep thinking of the man‟s figure.

And that man is the love of her life, Changying Wade.

Thinking of Changying, she involuntarily reached out and picked up her mobile phone.

After the phone was unlocked, she opened the browser on the phone and entered a

very complicated web address in the address bar.

This URL is actually a web album.

After logging into the account and password, she clicked to confirm and entered her

private photo album.

This private photo album was registered by Liona herself more than ten years ago. She

converted all the photos of herself and Changying, as well as all the photos of

Changying she could find, into an electronic version and transferred them to this photo


Only she knows the account number and password. As long as she has the opportunity,

she will open this album every day for a while, and then silently exit and delete all access


At this moment, she opened the photo album, and when the handsome face of

Changying appeared on the screen of the phone, tears of Liona‟s two lines burst out


She looked at Changying‟s photo, rubbed her face with fingertips, and whispered:

“Changying, you have been away for so many years, why can‟t I forget you…”

Chapter 2217

Liona really loves Changying.

Unlike Charlie‟s mother, Changying and Charlie‟s mother met when they were studying

abroad, and Liona really grew up with Changying‟s childhood sweethearts.

Both are children of a large family in Eastcliff locality and had studied in the same school

since childhood.

They go to the best kindergarten, the best elementary school, the best junior high

school, and the best high school in Eastcliff.

Therefore, the faces of Liona and Changying from different periods can be found in

several graduation photos.

Changying excelled since he was a child, and Liona felt that he especially liked playing

with her when he was in elementary school.

When she arrived in junior high school, Liona realized that she fell in love with


Since then, her thoughts on Changying have not changed, and she has never concealed

her love for him.

When Changying ran on the court, she will definitely cheer beside him;

When Changying played the guitar and sang on the stage, she would definitely applaud

from below;

So, soon, the children of the big family in 49 cities, everyone knew that Liona liked


Coincidentally, the Du family and the Wade family have been very close.

The old man of the Du family and the old man of the Wade family were friends for a


Back then, the two elderly people discovered that Liona liked Changying, almost


The parents of the two families were all trying their best to bring the two together.

Liona couldn‟t wait to marry Changying and become his wife.

But Changying alone did not agree.

He said that he had always regarded Liona as his own sister, so how could he have

children with her.

Elder Wade couldn‟t persuade him with his life and death, and slapped him on the face,

calling him a b@stard, which delayed Liona for so many years.

Changying‟s face hadn‟t been swollen before he had gone abroad.

Liona did not say a word, packed up her bags, and ran after him to the United States.

Unexpectedly, Changying met Charlie‟s mother in the United States and became his true


However, Liona still did not give up.

She persisted until the night before Changying‟s wedding.

That night, she was still expecting a miracle to happen.

Looking forward to Changying, being able to be part of his home, imagining to wake

him up the next morning.

However, Changying did not appear in the end.

Later, Changying got married.

He and his wife led the Wade Family to accept the marriage. The elders praised them for

being a couple of gods and immortals, but Liona washed away her pining with tears

every night.

She always felt that she was the woman who loved Changying the most in this world.

Unfortunately, Changying didn‟t choose to be with her in the end.

Back then, Changying chose his later wife without hesitation, Liona almost cried out all

the tears.

However, she wiped away her tears and continued to love Changying deeply, like White

sawn, looking through the clear autumn water, waiting for him to change his mind.

Unfortunately, Changying did not look back in the end.

When Changying got married, she calmly accepted all this, and then equally calmly

accepted Zynn‟s crazy pursuit for several years.

When Changying passed away, she cried again. That time, she was even sent to the

hospital overnight because of excessive depression.

It‟s just that the Su family didn‟t tell anyone about it, not even Liona‟s family members.

Zynn didn‟t say it because he was afraid and took it as a shame, his wife weeping for

another man.

He couldn‟t let people know that his wife, his beloved wife, was crying so badly that she

almost died, crying at the death of another man.

For a long time after that, Zynn had been taking care of her with all his heart. He didn‟t

complain about Liona because he knew it was unnecessary.

Since Changying was dead, Changying would no longer threaten the relationship

between the two afterward, so why bother to blame Liona for this?

However, what he didn‟t expect was that a few years ago, a satellite TV station in a

southern province launched a program called “I‟m a Singer”. Liona, who has always liked

music, kept in front of the TV every week. So he watched several episodes with Liona.

Chapter 2218

In each episode, he will discuss with Liona who sings better and who adapts it well. The

two watched them with gusto and enjoyed it well.

Until one day, a female singer named Huwa sang a cover of “I Can‟t Live Without You”.

When Liona heard the song, her emotions collapsed again, and she covered her face,

crying to death in front of the TV.

The lyrics of that song are still fresh in Zynn‟s memory.

It goes like this:

“You melted me with open arms,

You rubbed me with your fingertips,

You instigated the situation to take me away,

You made waves and abandoned me…

We are too unfair,

Love and hate are all controlled by you.

But today, I cannot live without you.

Whether you love me or not…”

Huwa‟s voice is excellent, and when the song reaches the most emotional part, it is

simply heartbreaking.

At that time, Zynn saw Liona crying out of control and stretched out his hand to

embrace her, but he never dreamed that Liona would not let him hold her. She cried and

listened to the entire song, and then locked herself in the bedroom. Cried for more than

an hour.

Zynn was in an extremely bad mood at the time.

Because he knew very well that the reason Liona cried like that while listening to the

song was entirely because of Changying, who had been dead for more than ten years!

The lyrics of this song fit Liona‟s feelings for Changying too much.

Liona‟s heart was melted by Changying, crushed by Changying, swept away by

Changying, and abandoned by Changying!

Liona‟s love is completely controlled by Changying alone!

No matter whether he loved her or not, Liona can‟t do without him. Even if he physically

and spatially leaves her, he never left her heart!

At that moment, Zynn couldn‟t help but burst into tears.

He didn‟t understand, what magic power does Changying have? When he was alive, he

would let his wife die in love. After more than ten years of death, he can still let his wife

die in love?

It was also at that moment that Zynn hated Changying more, hated him even more than

when Changying was alive!

He even wanted to scrape his grave and thwart him!

For Liona, she had only loved one person in her life, and that person was Changying.

As for Zynn, it was just a step she found for herself after Changying got married.

At that time, everyone was amazed by Changying‟s wedding of the century, and at the

same time expressed pity for Liona.

The strong Liona did not want to be looked down upon, so she agreed to Zynn‟s pursuit.

However, she didn‟t love Zynn from beginning to end.

Although after she got married, she has always been a wife and a daughter, abide by the

woman‟s way, and has never done anything that counts to transgression.

But she still doesn‟t love Zynn.

She didn‟t love him on the wedding day.

Today, more than 20 years have after marriage, and she still doesn‟t love.

It‟s not that Liona is cold and ruthless, but that if you don‟t love, it‟s not possible to


At this time, looking at Changying‟s photos and thinking about that year, Liona

unconsciously shed two more tears.

She put on the Bluetooth headset and played the song “Can‟t live without You” again.

Thinking of the song, she murmured in her heart: “Changying, the has been truly unfair

to two of us. I have loved you for nearly forty years. Why were you reluctant to give me

a chance from beginning to end? “

“Back then, if you gave me a chance, I would not be worse as I am today…”

“Back then, if you gave me a chance, you wouldn‟t have died so young…”

The song just happened to be sung to the point of emotion, Liona thought of this, tears

have already burst the bank, overflowing, uncontrollably…

And at this moment, her mobile phone suddenly received multiple notifications in

succession. The most striking one was: “Japan‟s National Security Agency issued an

announcement: The Su family‟s shocking scandal is out!

Chapter 2219

As the eldest daughter-in-law of the Su family, Liona‟s first reaction after seeing this

post was to quickly click to see what happened.

Although she rarely talks about her husband and the Su family, she is also a member of

the Su family. After all and has heard many things about the family recently.

Her son and daughter were kidnapped and almost got killed in Japan. This incident left

her with lingering fears, but it also made her a little bit more concerned about the

situation in Japan.

She also knew about Ruoli‟s extermination of the Matsumoto family. Although she also

felt that this matter was a bit too much, Zynn was very angry at the time. When giving

this order, she was extremely determined and there was no room for negotiation.

Afterward, Ruoli and a large group of Su family masters were all captured by the SelfDefense Forces. Liona also knew that this incident had a great impact on the Su family,

and even greatly weakened its overall strength. Zynn was unable to do anything every

day, and Liona was in sight.

However, she did not know Zynn‟s plan to rescue Ruoli.

So, when she saw this post, she was also very curious.

After clicking on it, she discovered that the announcement issued by the Japanese

National Security Agency stated that after the Su family instructed and murdered

dozens of the Matsumoto family‟s family, all of the Su family‟s men were captured by

the Self-Defense Forces stationed in Osaka. Ruoli also fell into their hands, but what she

did not expect was that the Su family unexpectedly united with the high-rank officials of

the Self-Defense Force and picked Ruoli from the Metropolitan Police Department,

which eventually led to her disappearance and now Ruoli‟s whereabouts are unknown.

In response, the Japanese Homeland Security Bureau made a solemn protest to the Su

family, demanding that Ruoli must return to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department

as soon as possible, otherwise the Su family will be blocked throughout Japan and will

never be sanctioned. The ultimatum is for the next twenty-four hours.

Seeing this, Liona was shocked, but she couldn‟t help being surprised. She said to

herself: “Why do you invest so much cost and energy for Ruoli? And at the risk of

offending the entire Japanese government and all Japanese citizens? This is not in line

with her husband‟s style of doing business. Not only her husband but also father-in-law

Chengfeng is not the one who can make this kind of decision!”

In an utter surprise, in a state of dumbfoundedness, she continued reading.

The announcement also stated: “Actually, the Su family didn‟t really want to rescue

Ruoli. They only regarded Ruoli as a bargaining chip for acting and the exchange of

rights. On the one hand, they hoped that after they rescued Ruoli, they could sell her to

the Self-Defense Forces to claim credit, and at the same time, it was hoped that through

this scene, Ruoli‟s mother‟s family could be appeased. After that, Ruoli‟s mother

Yingxiu‟s He family was one of China‟s four major martial arts families. Who wants to be

actively involved with them…”

Liona was stunned when she read this!

“Ruoli, is Yingxiu‟s child?! Why have I never heard of this?!”

Liona naturally knew Yingxiu.

After that, Yingxiu had always been Zynn‟s bodyguard before.

Later, Yingxiu was injured and amputated while rescuing Chengfeng, and then she left

the Su family.

“But when did Yingxiu gave birth to a daughter? And why did she send her daughter to

Su‟s house to be Zynn‟s bodyguard?”

“Moreover, why is Yingxiu‟s daughter named Su?!”

Liona looked back again, the next paragraph was the shocking scandal that really made

her stunned!

In this passage it is written in clear words, Ruoli is the illegitimate daughter of Zynn‟s

derailment with Yingxiu, and Yingxiu concealed her life experience and sent the child to

the Su family!

When she saw this passage, Liona was almost thunderous!

Although there is no actual evidence to support this passage, the woman‟s instinct

continues to tell her that everything she read above is true!

She never dreamed that her husband, who she thought loved and was loyal to her so

much, would betray her!

Moreover, he betrayed himself twenty years ago!

Not only that, he actually has an illegitimate daughter outside!

Chapter 2220

What‟s even more hateful is that in recent years, his illegitimate daughter has been

living in and around Su‟s house as a bodyguard!

This made her feel a total betrayal, and a kind of cold spread from head to toe!

She desperately controlled the trembling hand and continued to look down. In the

follow-up content, even the National Security Agency of Japan felt that the Su family

was simply inferior!

For-profit, even the lives of their daughters and granddaughters can be sold! It is

extremely vicious, snake-hearted!

When Liona saw this, her scalp was numb.

She saw the wedding photo of herself and Zynn on the wall, recalling her marriage life

for so many years, feeling nauseous.

But in an instant, she felt relieved again.

So she got out of bed silently, took out a suitcase from the cloakroom, and put some

clothes in it.

Silently packed her suitcase, and changed herself into the clothes she went out, Liona

did not hesitate to pull up the suitcase and was ready to go out.

At this time, the bathroom door just opened.

Zynn, who came out wrapped in a bath towel, suddenly saw Liona pulling her suitcase to

go out, and asked in amazement: “My wife, where are you going so late?”

Liona looked at him blankly and calmly said: “Zynn, let‟s get a divorce.”

Zynn was struck by lightning, and he blurted out nervously and asked, “What‟s wrong

with my wife? Which one are you singing? What wrong did I do to you?”

Liona looked directly into his eyes and asked faintly: “Zynn, for the sake of the husband

and wife for so many years, I will ask your questions next. Please answer the truth and

don‟t lie to me. Can you do that?”

Although Zynn was a little guilty, he still resolutely said, “My wife, just ask, I must answer

truthfully, okay?”

Liona went straight to the topic: “Okay, then I ask you, is Ruoli the illegitimate daughter

of you and Yingxiu?”

Zynn‟s whole heart suddenly shattered and collapsed!

He never dreamed that Liona would ask such a question, it turned out to be the only

guilty secret deep in his heart!

He is suddenly panicked.

He didn‟t know how to answer at this time.

deny? With Liona‟s character, since she asked, she must be very convinced of this

matter. It is difficult for her to believe if he simply denies it, but it may disappoint her

even more;

If you cannot deny it, you can only admit it.

However, once he admits it, she will take it seriously, and it has been more than 20 years

since this incident. If you know that your significant other has been cheating for so long,

and you have an illegitimate daughter, he‟s afraid she will be extremely angry……

At that time, Liona will definitely turn away without hesitation…

Just when Zynn‟s connection between mind and body completely cut off, and he didn‟t

know what to do, Liona sighed and smiled slightly: “Okay, it‟s not difficult for you. Let‟s

get a divorce. Let‟s get away from each other and relax.”

Zynn‟s whole body suddenly collapsed, he knelt on the ground with a puff, holding

Liona‟s thighs in both hands, and choked nervously: “My wife, I was wrong! Wife! I was

also confused at that time. I didn‟t expect Yingxiu to have her after that. Please, forgive

me this time, my wife! I can‟t lose you, my wife!”

Chapter 2221

Seeing Zynn kneeling on the ground and crying, Liona immediately stepped back

subconsciously, freed his hands from her body, and said seriously: “Zynn, you

understand my personality. When I promised to marry you, I made a deal with you.

Three gentlemen‟s covenants, do you remember?”

Zynn‟s red eyes dropped down and his head nodded slightly: “Remember…I remember!

I remember every word! Wife, I am really confused for a while, please, forgive me this

time, just this time?”

Liona said with a serious expression: “Zynn, I hope you first talk about what the three

gentlemen‟s covenants are.”

Zynn‟s heart suddenly hurt, and he trembled: “The first clause of the gentleman‟s

covenant, no matter what time or situation, as long as…as long as…”

Liona asked, “Just what?”

Zynn long sighed: “Hey! As long as… as long as Changying is willing to come back and

accept you, I must divorce you unconditionally and never entangle with you!”

Liona nodded and asked him: “What about the second one?”

Zynn said: “The second article, I must not prevent you from meeting Changying as a

normal friend after marriage.”

Liona asked again: “What about the third one?”

“The third…” Zynn murmured: “The third is that you marry me not for love, but to have a

stable family, so either of us needs to abide by morals. The bottom line is that I cannot

be ambiguous with other opposite sex during the marriage relationship, or even have

actual relationships. If I change my mind, I must inform the other party in advance and

break up peacefully…”

Liona gave a hum and said calmly: “Since you remember it, there is no need for me to

repeat it. I will go back to my mother‟s house today, and tomorrow morning the two of

us will go through the divorce procedures. You will have to print a divorce agreement

tonight. Both of our children are grown-ups, and there will be no custody issues

involved. As for the property of this family, I don‟t want a penny, so let‟s just do it.”

After that, Liona turned and left.

Zynn hurriedly knelt in front of her, grabbed her suitcase, cried, and said, “My wife, you

don‟t know the specifics of what happened back then…”

“Yingxiu…Yingxiu, she almost lost her arm back then to save me. I wanted to make up

for her sacrifice, but she…but she said she had a crush on me for many years and just

wanted to leave without regret……”

“I…I was also moved and impulsive at the time, so…so it happened with her once…”

“I swear to heaven, I, Zynn, only betrayed you once, the only time…”

“Please look at the face of our husband and wife for more than 20 years, please look at

the face of our sons and daughters, forgive me this time! I beg you…”

Liona said seriously: “Zynn, there are many ways to thank someone for repaying, why do

you have to choose the one that betrays your marriage?”

Zynn cried and said, “Wife…I…I was confused for a while…”

Liona waved her hand: “It doesn‟t matter whether you are confused or not, what matters

is that you have made your choice. Now that you have made a choice, then dare to act!”

After that, Liona said very solemnly: “If the two of us can simply divorce tomorrow, we

would still be friends even if we are not husband and wife in the future; but if you don‟t

want to break up peacefully, then I can only ask The court and file for divorce, and you

know that the divorce case is going to be heard. You are also a person of good faith.

There is no need to make things so ugly, right?”

Zynn looked at Liona, crying, and choked up and asked: “My wife, what do you want me

to do so that you can forgive me? As long as you tell me, I will do my best! !”

Liona smiled slightly: “Zynn, I‟m sorry, I really can‟t forgive you.”

Zynn‟s mind was numb and body trembling, and he asked her: “My wife, you and I have

been married for more than 20 years, how could you be so unfeeling?”

Chapter 2222

Liona asked him, “Zynn, do you know why I loved Changying so much?”

Zynn‟s face suddenly startled.

He looked at Liona and asked in a hoarse voice: “Why?”

Liona laughed bitterly, and said in a painful voice: “When Chang Ying was about to get

married, I also ran to confess to him as Yingxiu confessed to you…”

“I even thought about giving my body to him. Even, I even had the same reason as


“I said to him at the time: Long Ying, I have loved you for so many years without any

results. If you really don‟t love me and don‟t want to give me a result, then don‟t let me

leave the last regret… …”

“I also said: Chang Ying, for a woman, the most precious thing is her own chastity. The

reason why this chastity is precious is that every woman wants to leave it to the man she

loves the most, and I hope to Leave my chastity to you…”

At this point, Liona‟s voice also choked up. She looked at Zynn and said in a crying

voice: “However, the biggest difference between Changying and you is that Changying

refused, without hesitation at the time! Because he said, he absolutely can‟t ruin my

future!!! For this alone, you will never be compared to him, there is no comparison!!!”

Zynn heard this and said nothing.

He felt his face hot for a while, so hot that he couldn‟t even open his eyes.

Liona sighed when she saw that he was not talking, and said: “Zynn, a couple if they

can‟t get together they will never be happy.”

Zynn couldn‟t help crying.

He wanted to say a few more words. Admitting his mistake and asking for forgiveness,

and then think of a way to beg and retain Liona.

However, when Liona said just now that she had begged Changying just like Yingxiu

begged to him, but Changying refused her, he really had no face to excuse himself.

And he also knows very well that it is useless to excuse, since Liona has decided, she will

definitely not look back…

Just as he didn‟t know what to do, a hurried knock on the door came, and the butler

said angrily outside the door: “Master, the Old master asked you to come right away,

saying that there are more important things to take care of, so you must come ASAP!”

Zynn was a little horrified. He had been taking a shower, and his wife would divorce him

after the shower, so he didn‟t know that the Su family had been pushed to the forefront

of the storm because of the announcement of the Japanese National Security Agency.

He actually doesn‟t want to go anywhere now. He just wants to do his best to keep his

wife from leaving. However, his father‟s majesty is not something he can disobey, and

his father has asked the housekeeper to call him urgent, there must be something. It‟s

the father who will definitely be angry.

Thinking of this, he could only shout to the housekeeper through the door: “Okay, leave,

I‟ll get dressed and come over!”


After the steward left, Zynn looked at Liona and pleaded: “Wife, when I come back, can

we have a chat?”

Liona shook her head and said: “There is nothing to talk between us anymore, you

should go to the old man now!”

After that, she took advantage of Zynn‟s occupied and fuzzy mind, pulled up the

suitcase, and pushed the door, and walked out…

Chapter 2223

Seeing Liona‟s resolute and her leaving without looking back, Zynn was so painful that

he almost suffocated.

He had known for a long time that Liona did not actually love him.

He had already known that the person Liona had always loved was actually Changying.

Moreover, Liona sometimes underestimated Zynn‟s skill.

Although he never interfered with Liona‟s privacy on the surface, in fact, he knew

everything about Liona‟s behavior secretly.

Many years ago, after the mobile phone started to have the wifi networking function,

Zynn allowed top Internet hackers to closely monitor his wifi network.

Liona‟s mobile phone, when connected to the wifi, which software and which websites

she visited after connecting to the wifi, he can use the tools provided by the hacker to

carry out comprehensive monitoring.

Therefore, he also knows that Liona has quietly visited the web album website almost

every day when he is not around for so many years.

In order to know what secret she was hiding in the web album, he even asked his

subordinates to use a company shell outside to directly acquire the operating company

of the web album.

Acquiring this company would naturally control all user data on the company servers.

Including what the user uploaded and browsed here, he can see clearly in the database.

Therefore, he already knew that Liona would go to that online photo album every day to

see some photos of her with Changying or Changying‟s solo photos.

This has always been huge torture for Zynn.

He couldn‟t accept the beloved wife around him was always thinking about other men.

Even if that man is already dead!

How could it be that if he worked so hard to please and impress her, it was not

important to her, yet she valued a dead person more?

Because of this, he has always hated Changying.

Even if Changying had passed away many years ago, he still hated him to the extreme,

and he hasn‟t weakened in the slightest for so many years.

However, Zynn has always used the words “she‟s mine” to hypnotize himself.

He thought, what if Liona loves Changying deeply? Hasn‟t she married him now? Didn‟t

she give birth to his two children?

So, in the final analysis, he is Liona‟s man and her only man, which is already an absolute


However, now Liona resolutely left him and instantly destroyed his “she‟s mine”

mentality without leaving any residue.

Although the hatred in his heart was overwhelming at this time, when he thought that

the old man still had important things waiting for him to pass, he could only temporarily

calm his mind, wiped his tears, pounced his face with cold water, and wrapped his

pajamas. Hurry to the old man‟s study.

Chengfeng‟s study room is larger than the living room of an ordinary villa.

To put it bluntly, this is Chengfeng‟s chamber.

Like the imperial library of the ancient emperor, Chengfeng not only reads books here,

cultivates his body, but also regards it as the core brain of the entire Su family.

He often discusses important matters of the Su family with his sons and core members

in the study. Many decisions that affect the Su family and even the business community

of the whole country originate from this room.

Right now, Grandpa Su had summoned all the second-generation descendants of the

entire Su family.

In addition to Zynn, there are Shoude Su, Shouren Su, Shouyi Su, Shouli, Shouzhi Su,

and Shouxin Su.

Chengfeng has five sons and two daughters, which represent the five characteristics of

Virtue, Ren, Righteousness, Courtesy, Wisdom, and Belief.

Because of entanglement with Liona, Zynn came last.

Chapter 2224

As soon as he came in, he found that in the entire study, his father and six younger

siblings were all flustered.

This made him feel a little bit uncomfortable in his heart.

In his impression, his father had been calm and composed for many years. It was always

the case that the temperament of any sort collapsed before his appearance. How could

he panic like this today?

Moreover, he also found that the eyes of the younger brothers and sisters around him

looked very strange at this time.

Their eyes are nervous, fearful, sympathetic, and even compassionate.

So he asked nervously, “Dad, what happened?”

Chengfeng raised his head to look at him, and asked with some guilty conscience: “Did

you not see the news feed?”

Zynn looked down at his pajamas and said embarrassingly: “What notifications? I was

taking a shower just now. After washing, the housekeeper said that you were looking for

me, so I hurried over and didn‟t even get my phone… .”

Chengfeng sighed with a complicated expression, and said: “Zynn, there are some

things, you have to understand me more, I sit in this position, I really want to take the

overall situation into account, not too concerned about the love of my children!”

Zynn was a little surprised.

He didn‟t quite understand why the old man suddenly said such a thing.

Moreover, the old man‟s tone seemed a bit of admitting his mistake and begging for


You know, the old man has always treated his children and grandchildren extremely


At the family meeting, Zhiyuan, Shouxin‟s son, was satisfied with his father‟s dozens of

slaps and almost fainted because he talked nonsense in front of the old man and made

him unhappy.

This shows that it is impossible for the old man to admit his mistakes to his


But today, why did he say this?!

Chengfeng, the elder of the Su family, did not admit his fault to his children and

grandchildren in his life.

He has always been extremely strong and has the style of an ancient emperor.

In the eyes of ancient emperors, the appearance and his own power were the most

important, and his children would never be the first.

It was the same in his eyes.

The foundation of the Su family and his unshakable position as the head of the Patriarch

was the most important things in his eyes.

In front of these, what do children and grandchildren count?

However, this time, he never dreamed that the National Security Agency of Japan would

actually find out his affairs with the top Self-Defense Forces!

They even found out that Ruoli‟s true identity was Zynn‟s illegitimate daughter and his

own granddaughter!

Now, people across the country know that Chengfeng is a tortoise b@stard who can

sacrifice the lives of his grandchildren for his own benefit at any time!

These children in front of me don‟t know how to think of themselves.

After that, if any father or grandfather does such a thing, his children and grandchildren

will be very disappointed, and even stay away from him.

Therefore, Mr. Su knew very well in his heart: “This incident must have caused me to be

cast aside by the world, and the Su family has suffered heavy losses in all aspects. If I

don‟t deal with the internal influence of the family properly, my Patriarchy will probably

be Immediately challenged and I will lose all prestige! Even the Su family may be


“At the moment, it is the most critical moment for the Su family! Therefore, I must try

my best to calm Zynn‟s mentality first, otherwise, in case he knows that I betrayed his

biological daughter, and he cannot be on any level. If he understands and tolerates me a

little bit more, then he is likely to take the lead against me in anger. If that happens,

family trouble will be too great!”

“As long as I can hold him steady, everyone else can hold it!”

Chapter 2225

Zynn at this time hadn‟t figured out what major incident had happened.

So he looked at Old Man Su and asked, “Dad, what‟s the matter?”

Elder Su sighed lightly and said grimly: “Hey…It‟s Ruoli…”

Zynn hurriedly asked: “Have you found Ruoli‟s whereabouts?!”

Elder Su shook his head: “Not yet… keep the faith, about Ruoli, Dad must apologize to

you…I hope you can forgive Dad…”

Zynn did not expect that the old man would apologize to him, and hurriedly said: “Dad,

what are you doing… Just tell me if you have anything to do. If you leave this thing, even

if it fails in the end, I will not blame it on you……”

Zynn also felt that the old man did not spare any effort to save Ruoli.

However, this matter itself is indeed very difficult, and the incident occurred in Japan,

and it is beyond the reach of Su family. If there is an accident in the rescue process that

causes the rescue to fail or even Ruoli‟s unfortunate death, it is indeed possible.


At this time, the old man Su sighed: “Hey…I am always confused about this matter!

Rescue if Ruoli has committed a felony in Japan, it is fundamentally difficult. It is not a

problem that money can solve…”

As he said, his eyes were a little red, and he choked with shame: “Zynn, I know it is

difficult to save Ruoli, so we reached a secret agreement with the top of the SelfDefense Force…”

Zynn was startled, and blurted out: “Agreement?! What agreement?! How did you reach

an agreement with the Self-Defense Forces? Ruoli and the other fifty-plus masters were

all caught by the Self-Defense Force!”

Mr. Su lamented: “Hey, our deals are also based on the principle of maximizing profits,

so I wanted to play a play with the Self-Defense Forces. On the one hand, the SelfDefense Forces can make outstanding achievements in front of Japanese society and let

us establish a relationship with the Self-Defense Forces. A good cooperative

relationship, on the other hand, can also stabilize the Su family. After that, everything is

for the benefit of the Su family…”

Zynn was stunned: “Dad, what do you mean by this? Did you just make a scene when

you said you wanted to save Ruoli?!”

Elder Su said with great pain: “I also have constraints!”

Zynn tried his best to control his emotions and said: “You have been talking about news

feeds before, what kind of news feeds are they?!”

Elder Su gave his second child Shoude a wink. Shoude immediately handed the phone

to Zynn and said: “Brother, first read this article.”

Zynn took the phone and read carefully every word.

After he finished reading this article, Zynn almost went away!

“This old guy used my biological daughter as a bargaining chip to please the SelfDefense Forces! Is this man still half-human?”

“No wonder, Liona knew about Ruoli! No wonder she suddenly wanted to divorce me! It

turns out that all this was dug up by the Japanese National Security Agency!”

Thinking of the fact that his wife Liona resolutely ran away from home and divorced him

because of Ruoli‟s matter just now, combined with this thunderbolt news, Zynn‟s mind

was a little untenable.

He glared at Old Man Su, and angrily rebuked: “If Ruoli is your granddaughter! How can

you do this?! Do you know, because of what you did, Liona and I are divorced! Why are

you doing this? Why?”

Elder Su said earnestly: “Zynn! Even if I didn‟t do this, we won‟t be able to save Ruoli!”

Zynn gritted his teeth and asked: “It‟s impossible to save Ruoli, so do you have to take

Ruoli out to act? Did you have to use Ruoli out to please the Self-Defense Forces?!”

Seeing that Zynn‟s attitude was very bad, Old Man Su couldn‟t help frowning slightly,

and said in a cold tone, “I said, I did this for the benefit of the Su family!”

Zynn couldn‟t control his anger, and sternly shouted: “The interests of the Su family?! Is

it OK to sacrifice my daughter‟s life for the interests of the Su family?!”

Chapter 2226

Elder Su said coldly: “Don‟t forget, she is just an illegitimate daughter with a shameless


Zynn angrily said: “What about the illegitimate daughter? The illegitimate daughter is

also my daughter, Zynn‟s daughter!”

Father Su was equally angry and asked him: “What? Are you questioning my decision?!

Are you going to settle accounts with me?!”

Zynn gritted his teeth and said: “Because of you, my biological daughter is missing, and

my wife is going to divorce me!”

Elder Su said coldly: “Don‟t think that I hurt Ruoli, you are the one who really hurt her!”

“If you didn‟t let her destroy the Matsumoto family, how could the Japanese

government hate her to the bone?”

“Your biological daughter became the number one felon in Japan because of your


“With all the crimes you made her commit, according to Japanese law, she must not

escape her death!”

“So you have to remember, you are the cause! You are the cause! Not me!”

Zynn heard this, his whole expression was like lightning strikes, and in an instant, he

became extremely ashamed.

Mr. Su was right.

If he hadn‟t had to destroy the Matsumoto family at that time, Ruoli would never end up

like that!

Therefore, when he heard this, the anger in his heart instantly faded away because of

shame and self-blame.

Seeing the prospect of a comeback, Mr. Su immediately pursued the victory, and said

sharply: “So, even if I didn‟t do this, Ruoli will never survive! How can you say that I killed

her? Even if she didn‟t survive in the end, mainly The person responsible is also you, not


“On the contrary, it was precisely because I made such a show that Ruoli had a chance

to survive!”

“You know, her whereabouts are unknown now! This proves that she is neither in the

hands of the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department nor the Self-Defense Forces.

Maybe she can really find a chance to survive!”

Zynn‟s was extremely depressed.

He also knew that for Ruoli‟s crimes, in the Japanese judicial system, there is bound to

be the only possibility of the death penalty. The father is right. If Ruoli really died, most

of the responsibility lies with him.

At this time, the old man Su continued coldly: “As for Liona, if she wants to divorce you,

please divorce!”

“Unlike us, the Du family is in a high position and pays great attention to the face. The

fact that you have an illegitimate daughter is exposed. Even if Liona does not divorce

you, the Du family will definitely force her to follow suit for the sake of face. You are left

with no option.”

“Anyway, the Du family‟s historical mission to the Su family has been completed, and we

won‟t have any needs for them in the future. Divorce is not a bad thing.”

Zynn said desperately: “But my feelings for Liona come from the bottom of my heart…”

“I know.” Old Su snorted coldly, and said, “Do you know, why I‟m most dissatisfied with


Zynn shook his head blankly.

Elder Su sternly reprimanded: “The thing I am most dissatisfied with is that you are too

humble when facing Liona! The dignified Su family man, how can you be so humble to a


Chapter 2227

Faced with his father‟s reprimand, Zynn said with an expression of pain, “Dad, isn‟t that

the way things are like? Because of feelings? One party is always more involved than the

other, and Liona has been steadfast in the years she has been with me. In comparison, I

have let her down…”

Chengfeng waved his hand with a somewhat impatient expression, and said, “Liona,

don‟t talk about her anymore. Now is not the time to discuss the love of your children.

The most important thing now is how to deal with our next affairs. the big trouble!”

“Yes, big brother!” The second child, Shoude, said with a sad face: “We are really

stabbing the hornet‟s nest now. The whole of Japan is angry about the Su family, and

the domestic people also think that we are ruthless and unjust, and the Internet is all

against us. Remarks, as soon as the stock market opens tomorrow, the stock prices of

our listed companies will definitely plummet, and then our losses will be incalculable!

The third child Shouren blurted out: “Also, now even our own people will probably be

chilled by Ruoli‟s affairs. The children don‟t know if they have heard of this. If they do,

I‟m afraid they will think more in their hearts…”

Chengfeng said with a black face: “Go back and make it clear with your children! The

reason why I want to use Ruoli to cooperate with the Self-Defense Forces is that, on the

one hand, Ruoli is not a dignified blood relative, but the result of a shameless private

affair. Having a daughter, on the other hand, is also because Ruoli herself is bound to

die, so let your children not think about it! Don‟t discuss this matter within the family.

Offenders will be sent directly to South America to stay for three years!”

When everyone heard this, their expressions were stunned.

The old man must feel that this incident is very embarrassing. As the trader behind him,

once the incident is exposed, he must feel unable to lookup.

As a result, everyone tacitly remained silent, no one spoke or even nodded.

This is where the Su family‟s sons are smart.

They all know that the old man pays great attention to his own face and majesty, so

once he feels that this incident is a scandal he does not want others to mention it again,

then he simply doesn‟t even answer the right things and treat it as nothing.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Mr. Su‟s face eased a little, and he said: “I‟m planning a

few things now, and you will listen to me!”

Everyone stepped forward and respectfully said: “Dad, say it!”

Elder Su said in a cold voice: “First, from now on, contact all the media that we can

contact and pay a big price for them to delete the report!”

“Second, contact all social media, platforms, and apps, and ask them to delete the Su‟s

incident from all the hot search lists and delete negative content!”

“Thirdly, let the navy dispatch the rumors, claiming that this incident is all a competitor‟s

fiction, and Ruoli is not a descendant of the Su family at all! Anyone who dares to

spread rumors on the Internet or other media platforms must bear corresponding legal

responsibilities! “

Everyone nodded.

Elder Su sighed: “With the current situation, our Su family can only conduct PR stunts.”

“As long as PR stunts are done well, it‟s not impossible to turn against the wind.”

“Of course, the headwind can only come back to the domestic public opinion. The

Japanese people and the government now hate the Su family. No matter how the Su

family is washed clean, it is impossible to wash it in Japan. You will definitely not want to

make money from the Japanese in the future. And in the future, Japan will definitely

report to the revivalists in all aspects…”

Chapter 2228

Zynn forced himself to temporarily put Liona and Ruoli‟s affairs behind him, and asked,

“Dad, do you have any estimate of how much loss this incident will bring us?”

Chengfeng sighed: “For the time being, it‟s not good to say that Japan is the largest

market in all of Asia besides our Chinese homeland. This alone will cause incalculable

losses now and in the future. !”

“Moreover, Japanese companies have been deployed overseas for many years, and they

have had a great impact. Whether it is the US or European markets, they are deeply

involved. If they really want to attack Su‟s home overseas, all our future overseas

expansion will be greatly affected!”

The second child Shoude asked: “Dad, can‟t we remedy the relationship with the

Japanese government?”

“Remedy?” Chengfeng smiled bitterly: “How to remedy it? If we can find Ruoli and then

return her to the Japanese judicial department, we can more or less recover it, but now

that Ruoli‟s whereabouts are unknown, what can we do? ?”

Shoude hurriedly said: “Then find a way to find Ruoli! At that time, hand Ruoli to the

Japanese judicial department, attach a sincere and open letter of apology, and if

possible, compensate for this. There should be a way!”

Chengfeng waved his hand: “Even if we lose money, we have nowhere to do it. The

Matsumoto family has been wiped out. Even if we want to compensate their relatives

with a sum of money, we must be able to find relatives! Then it will be even more

touching. It hurts the nerves of the Japanese people!”

When everyone heard this, they all agreed.

This matter is indeed different from ordinary criminal cases.

In ordinary criminal cases, as long as the family of the deceased is actively compensated

and is allowed to voluntarily issue a letter of understanding, a certain degree of lenient

treatment can be obtained from the law and public opinion.

However, Ruoli left the entire family of the Matsumoto family dead, and even the son of

Matsumoto Ryoto who had changed his surname with his ex-wife wasn‟t spared. The

Matsumoto family was dead, so how could any relatives come?

Therefore, even if the Su family wanted compensation, no one could be compensated.

Shoude said with an anguished look: “In this case, let‟s prepare with both hands. On the

one hand, we should quickly do PR stunts, on the other hand, we should quickly find

Ruoli‟s whereabouts!”

After that, he looked at Zynn with regret and said seriously: “Big brother! Don‟t blame

the younger brother for saying this, you said that this whole thing was done by you, if

you didn‟t If you mess with Xiuying, there won‟t be such a tricky illegitimate girl like


Zynn saw that his second child suddenly attacked him, frowned, and said coldly:

“Shoude, it happened 20 years ago. You still take it out and make a fuss in front of your

father and other younger siblings. , What is it?”

Shoude didn‟t expect that his eldest brother was so sharp, he could see his thoughts all

at once, and in the presence of his father and younger siblings, he first gave himself a

moral kidnapping.

He himself wanted to make use of the topic in front of the old man, and transfer the

responsibility for this matter to Zynn. In this way, it is equivalent to helping Dad transfer

the responsibility, and he also splashed the eldest brother in front of Dad. A pot of dirty


However, Zynn‟s mind was really fast, and he poured the dirty water back all at once.

So he immediately said again: “Big brother is right, Ruoli is in her early twenties, and it

doesn‟t make much sense to talk about it, but let‟s just talk about the present! Just say

that Zhifei and Zhiyu were kidnapped the other day, as long as you calmed down a little

bit, didn‟t get angry, and let Ruoli leave spare the Matsumoto family, this matter would

not be where it is today! In the final analysis, it is still your trouble!”

Chapter 2229

Shoude had prepared a set of combo punches.

His plan was to first attack Zynn with the first punch, unable to control his lower body,

mess around, and cause subsequent troubles;

Following the second punch, he attacked Zynn for being too cruel. He had to destroy

the crowd, and the result was such a disaster.

This first punch slammed into the air, but the second punch hit Zynn‟s face firmly.

Several other children of the Su family, upon hearing this, immediately showed their


After that, these things in Japan have nothing to do with them, and now they are also

implicated, and they are all caused by Zynn alone.

Zynn‟s expression suddenly became very ugly.

The order to destroy Matsumoto‟s family was indeed given to Ruoli.

However, there is one thing he dare not say.

At that time, the old man had instructed himself, and his intention at the time was to

punish the murderer severely.

Had it not been for the old man to set the tone, he might not have dared to give Ruoli

the order to kill that family.

But Zynn couldn‟t say this, nor did he dare to say it.

He also knew that as far as the matter of destroying the Matsumoto family was

concerned, on the one hand, it was indeed ordered from him, on the other hand, he was

indeed impulsive at the time.

At the time of the incident, Zynn learned that the kidnapping of his children turned out

to be Mrs. Matsumoto, and Mrs. Matsumoto making that almost killed Zhiyu and Zhifei.

Zynn felt angry and unbearable.

Matsumoto wanted to kill his sons and daughters, which in his opinion was an act of


If you just killed Mr. Matsumoto, you wouldn‟t be able to express the bad breath in your


Moreover, Matsumoto‟s methods at the time were indeed very sinister and vicious!

If he only killed him, the other members of the Matsumoto clan would definitely avenge

him, and would definitely use more sinister tricks against him.

Therefore, he decided to let Ruoli lead the Su family master to destroy the Matsumoto


However, who knew that after Ruoli killed the Matsumoto family, she could not escape!

If she had escaped, there would be no evidence of this matter. Even if the whole of

Japan thinks that the Matsumoto family was the one who destroyed the family, it

doesn‟t matter. There is no evidence. What the hell would they say?

However, the bad dishes are there. Ruoli and other Su family masters were directly made

dumplings by the Self-Defense Force when they fled from Japan…

This immediately pushed the whole thing into an abyss that Zynn could not control.

Now, Shoude attacked him with this incident, and he didn‟t know how to respond.

Seeing that his elder brother Li lost no more words, Shoude immediately realized that

he had hit the seven inches of his eldest brother, so he hurriedly pursued the victory and


“Big Brother! We also expect you to lead us and lead the entire Su family to create new

brilliance in the future, but if you can‟t control your own temperament and character,

the Su family is afraid that it will suffer a big loss in your hands in the future!”

“Don‟t blame me for speaking straight as a brother. I also want our Su family to be

better in the future! As the future leader of the Su family, you must be able to hear

different voices, so that our younger brothers and sisters, also Can better assist you,


When Shoude‟s words came out, Zynn‟s face turned green!

Chapter 2230

He is a wise man, so he knows exactly how much murderous intent is contained in these

seemingly heart-warming words.

He gritted his teeth in his heart secretly: “Shoude, Shoude! You f*cking filth found the

right chance to cause me more trouble!”

“Although I am also responsible for the whole thing, it is not me who has brought the

Su family to this gloomy situation now, it is the old man! But, Shoude, this b@stard in

front of everyone, throws all the pot to me, he is forcing me to carry this pot!”

“If I speak more, then I will become the sinner of all this;”

“But if I don‟t want to say it, the old man doesn‟t know what to think, he will definitely

hate me very much!”

“Furthermore, the b@stard Shoude repeatedly mentioned in front of the old man that I

was the future helm of the Su family and said that he would better assist me. Isn‟t this

damn murder?!”

“The old man is still alive! And the old man is still firmly in control of the entire Su

family! Shoude repeatedly said in front of him that I am the helm of the future, he is

trying to make the old man hate me!”

“Since ancient times, the long-lived emperor has always been on the prince‟s guard!

Because in his opinion, the prince is always coveting his throne and his power, so the

prince must always be looking forward to his death!”

“Deep down in my old man‟s heart, he must have the same guard against me too!”

“Now being mentioned by Shoude, the old man‟s guard against me will definitely

become stronger!”

“Not only that! Shoude‟s act like this is tantamount to helping the old man secretly


“Originally, the old man was the b@stard who used the life of his granddaughter to

exchange benefits regardless of blood relationship!”

“But, being bitten by Shoude so violently, the responsibility came to me! The old man

must be very satisfied with Shoude‟s operation! This is damned!”

Sure enough, as Zynn expected.

After Shoude said this, Old Su‟s face immediately looked much better.

He thought to himself: “Such a big pot always has to be carried by someone. As the

saying goes, a dead friend is not a resource lost. Since Shoude has simply dumped the

pot to Zynn, he‟s happy too!”

So he said coldly: “Zynn! What do you think of what Shou De said?”

Zynn‟s desire to commit murder is gone.

“What do I think? What the fck can I say? My actual opinion is that Shoude is totally

bull$hit! But can I say that? Can I fcking say it?”

“If I f*cking say that Shoude is bullsh!ting, doesn‟t it mean that I still want to throw the

pot on you old man again? With your old man‟s temperament, can I have a good life in

the future?”

Thinking of this, Zynn sighed in his heart: “Hey! Say a thousand things, and in the end,

you have to smash your teeth and swallow them!”

So he said with a look of ashamedness: “Dad, I accept what Shoude said. This is indeed

my fault. I did not do it right. Don‟t worry. I will take this as a lesson and actively correct

it in the future. !”

Chengfeng suddenly felt that the breath blocked in his chest disappeared in an instant.

Sure enough, people don‟t want to go back to their backs. People who are close to each

other will shake the pot. It‟s like a child is sick. The husband complains that his wife

didn‟t take good care of him. The wife complained that the old lady didn‟t care about it.

The wife complained about the time wasted by putting on make-up and changing

clothes, and the wife complained that the old public car was too slow to grind.

Anyway, as long as you can give it to others, even if it is for your son, it is a great thing

to celebrate.

So, he nodded gently and said in a serious tone: “As the son of Su‟s family, you are too

impulsive to do things. You should really polish the edges and corners of your mind and


As he said, he cleared his throat and continued: “Ahem, let‟s do it! From now on, until

this matter is completely resolved, you should stop appearing in the public and go

quietly to Australia for a while. Let‟s wait until the limelight passes and the things get


Chapter 2231

Hearing about the old man‟s arrangement, Zynn almost puked out a mouthful of thick


“Obviously it was the old man who did a lot of f*cking planning and did a lot of things,

but in the end, I am supposed to go to Australia to avoid the limelight? What the hell is


Thinking of this, he hurriedly said: “Dad, you don‟t want me to appear in the public view

for the time being. I accept it completely, but there is no need to sent me to Australia?

There are still a lot of things in the group, and I have to go to Liona. Find a way to

mediate, to save my marriage!”

Elder Su said coldly: “If you stay here, the paparazzi will keep watching your every move,

and don‟t forget, now I don‟t know how many families are waiting to take the

opportunity to drink our blood and eat our meat, getting you will be their breakthrough


“So, in my opinion, you still need to go to Australia to avoid it. Don‟t we have a seaside

villa in Queensland? Just go there and relax. I will help you sort out the things here.”

Zynn almost collapsed.

He murmured angrily in his heart: “Sending me to Australia at this crucial time. It is clear

that I can be used as a scapegoat to face all the bullets. If I don‟t go, this old man will be

the culprit in the eyes of the outside world. He is the one who betrayed his

granddaughter. If I run away, I don‟t know how this group of people will play tricks

behind my back.”

“Moreover, I am now the executive vice-chairman and the second-in-command of the

group. If I leave, who will take my job? Could it be Shoude? If Shoude, this b@stard

takes my job, wait until I come back. When the time came, the executive vice-chairman

will belong to him, so would I be emptied?!”

Just as Zynn tried his brains to decline the arrangement of the father, Chengfeng directly

said: “Shoude, you will help your brother arrange the plane. Let him set off tonight. His

work in the group will be determined in the future. You take care of it for the time


When Shoude heard this, his heart was so excited that he almost cheered it loud.

However, he still suppressed the excitement in his heart, and respectfully said: “Don‟t

worry, Dad, I will arrange the plane!”

Zynn begged: “Dad, even if you let me go, please give me two days, at least let me have

a good chat with Liona!”

Chengfeng waved his hand: “There is nothing to talk about. Based on what I know about

Liona, she can‟t remarry you, so you might as well cut the mess and divorce her!”

“I…” Zynn‟s voice was almost crying.

If you really have to go, there will be too much delay.

Not only the wife‟s business but also the heir status of the group is in the doldrums. He

also wanted to find out Ruoli‟s whereabouts. After that, it‟s his own flesh and blood.

Now it‟s hard to tell, he always has to find a way to find out. What if she is still alive?

If he finds her out on his own, then he can also find a way to secretly arrange a

destination for her, let her go to a certain corner of the world, and live incognito


But if someone else in the Su family finds her, or the Japanese find her, then she will

definitely die!

Seeing that he was unwilling to agree, Chengfeng immediately reprimanded: “What are

you thinking? Won‟t you even abide by my arrangement?”

Upon hearing this, Zynn immediately realized that he had no room for mediation. In

order not to completely offend the old man, he could only gently nod his head and said:

“OK Dad, I will listen to you, tonight I”ll go.”

Chengfeng nodded in satisfaction and waved his hand: “Okay, go back and clean up, say

goodbye to Zhifei and Zhiyu, and leave in an hour.”


Just when Zynn was called away by the housekeeper, Zhifei and Zhiyu were still in their

study, looking at the computer screen.

After their mother, Liona, left, she drove back to her family‟s home and called the


On the phone, Liona told them about Ruoli very calmly. Both Zhifei and Zhiyu were

shocked by the news.

Chapter 2232

I am afraid that for any young man in his twenties, it is difficult to accept this reality

immediately when he suddenly hears that his father actually has an illegitimate


Especially Zhiyu.

Like her mother Liona, she has a serious emotional sense of chastity.

Although she has never been in a relationship so far, if such a thing happens to her, she

will definitely divorce her husband resolutely like her mother did, without any hesitation.

Therefore, although she will find it difficult to accept this reality for a while, she

unconditionally supports all her mother‟s decisions.

At this point, Zhifei is more or less machismo.

He felt that a man like his father was almost unlikely to be loyal to marriage for a


Men who are wealthy to the extreme seldom are satisfied with only one heterosexual

partner, so it is actually normal to get into bed with women outside.

After all, he grew up in the upper-class circle, and in this circle, he has seen many men

on occasions.

There are illegitimate children and illegitimate daughters, and it‟s a common practice in

this circle.

The most powerful person he has ever seen is a billionaire who engages in using the

Internet. He found a lot of women and gave birth to a lot of children with them, and

showed that off on social networking sites.

So, in contrast, if Dad had just had a one-night stand with his bodyguard and gave birth

to a daughter, Zhifei felt that Dad was already in this circle, relatively low-key and


In fact, women in this circle have long been used to such things.

Of course, he did not say this to his mother and sister, because he understands their

characters. If he washes speaks his mind this time, he is afraid that they will scold him.

Zhiyu was very angry inside.

She felt the same for her mother at this time. If she met such a husband, she would

definitely leave him without hesitation. So she said to Liona with difficulty covering her

anger on the phone, “Mom, I support. You divorced dad! He made this kind of mistake

and kept it hidden for so long. This incident is absolutely unforgivable! When I see him, I

must ask him face to face!”

Liona is not as passionate as her group but simply said indifferently: “Zhiyu, I told you

this because you and your brother are both grown-ups. You have the right to know

these things, but this is a matter between us. You don‟t need to confront your dad again

because of this.”

“In addition, after I divorced your dad, you two can choose to continue living in Su‟s

house, you can also choose to live in your grandmother‟s house, or you can go out and

live by yourself, Mom has no objection.”

“In the future, if there is any family gathering at Grandpa‟s or Grandpa‟s house, you

should all participate as usual, but your father and I will no longer attend each other‟s

family meetings, and everything else will remain the same.”

Zhiyu said unwillingly: “Mom! Why do you have to confront the woman who gave birth

to her for this matter? To seduce someone else‟s husband and have the face to give

birth to a child, this woman is too much!”

“No need.” Liona said calmly: “She is also a poor person. I have nothing to blame her,

and you shouldn‟t go to her to confront her. Feelings are all personal choices, and there

is no right or wrong.”

Zhiyu asked with a choked voice, “Mom, what are your plans next?”

Liona smiled and said: “I have no plans. When your dad comprehends this fully, he will

divorce quickly. If he takes time, I will divorce and go out to relax. If he doesn‟t respond

for a while, then I won‟t spend time with him, go out first.”

Zhiyu hurriedly said, “Mom, where do you want to go to relax?”

Liona smiled slightly and said two words: “Aurous Hill!”

Chapter 2233

Liona‟s idea of going to Aurous Hill has been buried in her heart for nearly two decades.

Since the death of Changying and his wife, she wanted to go to Aurous Hill to take a

look. After that, that was the place where Changying spent his last days.

As a woman who has loved him for most of her life, she especially hopes to go to

Aurous Hill for a walk, see, and live for a while, trying to find traces of Changying‟s

existence in Aurous Hill.

However, as a woman who has been married, as a married woman, her moral values

have always reminded her that she should not go to Aurous Hill because that is indeed

unfair to her husband.

Going quietly to Wade‟s grave to pay respect to Changying is already what Liona feels

most guilty about Zynn in her heart. If she goes to Aurous Hill again, it would have been

really inappropriate.

But now, she has no moral constraints.

Zynn‟s mind derailed first and he had broken the gentleman agreement between her and himself. In that case, she no longer has to be bound by any reason. It is time to realize her wish to visit Aurous Hill.

When Zhiyu heard her mother said that she was going to Aurous Hill, she immediately asked happily: “Mom! brother and I are just planning to go to Aurous Hill! let‟s go together!”

Liona asked curiously: “What are you going to do in Aurous Hill? Why didn‟t you listen to me?”

Zhifei hurriedly said: “Mom, I am going to Aurous Hill because of the company‟s business needs. It happens to say that I will take Zhiyu around. If you are also coming, then I will arrange a plane and hotel reservation!”

Liona smiled and said: “You don‟t need to arrange a hotel. Your grandfather has an old house in Aurous Hill. It has been taken care of for these years. Let‟s live there when we go.”

Zhiyu asked in surprise: “Mom, grandpa still has a house in Aurous Hill. Why have I never heard of it?”

Liona smiled and said: “Your dad is a little apprehensive about Aurous Hill, so I haven‟t taken you to Aurous Hill for so many years, so naturally you don‟t know about the house.”

Having said that, Liona introduced: “Your grandfather‟s ancient house in Aurous Hill is very impressive. It is next to the presidential palace. That house has existed since ancient times, it survived through successive dynasties and until the country became the Republic of China. Over the years, all the people who lived there were big figures. In the 1970s, your grandfather spent a lot of money to buy it, and occasionally he and your grandma live there for a few days.”

When Zhifei heard that his father was a little apprehensive about Aurous Hill, he instantly remembered the past.

He had heard of some things back then, knowing that Changying, his mother‟s favorite back then, died in Aurous Hill.

Therefore, his heart suddenly became a little tangled.

At this time, Zhiyu on the side said without hesitation: “Mom, why don‟t you go to Grandpa‟s house to have a good rest tonight, let‟s go to Aurous Hill early tomorrow morning!”

Liona said: “Okay, you two should not talk to your dad about me and him. This is a matter between the two of us. No matter what, it will only affect the relationship between me and him, me and you, or him. You two must not be affected in any way, understand?”

Zhifei and Zhiyu returned in unison: “Understood mom…”

Liona said with satisfaction: “Okay, I‟m at your grandmother‟s house, so I‟ll spend some

time here.”

Chapter 2234

Zhiyu hurriedly said: “Mom, then you have a good rest tonight, I will call you tomorrow


“It is good.”

Zhiyu hung up the phone, and Zhifei on the side said with some worry: “Zhiyu, Dad has

been a little worried about Aurous Hill. If we go to Aurous Hill with Mom at this time,

will he be very angry?”

Zhiyu snorted coldly: “What about getting angry? He had an illegitimate daughter

outside, and he took her home grandiosely and put her under the eyes of our family.

How could he not think that we would have a family of three? Are you angry?”

After a pause, Zhiyu said angrily: “Seriously, I still want to confront him face-to-face! We

should go to Aurous Hill, the three of us, to give him a signal. To let him know that all

this was his fault!”

Zhifei said awkwardly: “Hurt, this kind of thing, how can we as children say something…”

As he was talking, Zhifei continued: “There are so many top rich people in this world.

Some of these people don‟t indulge in extramarital affairs. Dad was just confused at that

time. Among these people, he is still can be considered to be a very good one.”

Zhiyu asked with a very serious expression: “How can you say that? Can a rich person be

disloyal to marriage?”

Zhifei hurriedly said: “Oh, I didn‟t mean that. I just said that I don‟t think our dad‟s plot is

very bad. If he admits his mistakes and regrets sincerely, he can be forgiven. Mom will

resolutely follow for a divorce, is it a bit ill-considered? After all, the relationship

between them as husband and wife has been for more than 20 years, plus we two

children, can‟t we give our dad a chance?”

Zhiyu said earnestly: “You have a typical sc*mbag thinking! When it gets bigger, the

three views are not right! I ask you if you get married in the future and your wife cheats

on your back, can you forgive her?”

“I…” Zhifei said awkwardly: “It‟s not like that. After all, men cheating and women

cheating, it is not the same thing…”

“Why isn‟t it the same thing?” Zhiyu said with some irritation: “Do you feel that there is a matter of inferiority between men and women? A man can be forgiven if a man cheats, but a woman can‟t be? Zhifei! I just realized for the first time in so many years, that you are so politically incorrect!”

“I tell you! If you make this kind of mistake in the future, even if your wife forgives you, I won‟t forgive you! Then I will call you a sc*mbag!”

Zhifei was scolded by Zhiyu, and said with an embarrassing expression: “Oh my aunt, your mouth is too bad, I didn‟t do anything, why would you become a sc*mbag?”

Zhiyu said coldly: “This kind of thinking is a typical sc*mbag thinking! I think it‟s great to have two bags of money, so you can mess around outside?”

“If you really want to do this, then you don‟t want to pursue Qiuyi. After that, Qiuyi is also a lady of everybody. Your sc*mbag thinking is simply not worthy of her!”

“I suggest you, from the entertainment industry, find a female celebrity who is all about money and wants to marry a rich family for power and status!”

“At that time, you will make a good impression with others in advance: you give her enough money and provide her with a good enough life, and she must not interfere with your other affairs, such as being outside with any woman. a win-win for everyone?”

When Zhifei heard this, his face was gloomy, and said, “Am I wrong…”

After speaking, he quickly turned away from the subject and said: “By the way, I will arrange the plane soon and we will fly to Aurous Hill together tomorrow morning!”

Zhiyu saw that he wanted to change the subject and immediately said aggressively: “Zhifei! Respecting women and respecting your partner is a compulsory course and a basic moral principle for every man. If you become a sc*mbag in the future, I will never call you my brother!”

Chapter 2235

This night, the entire Eastcliff was shaken.

The Su family caused a catastrophe in Japan and was named and targeted by the Japanese National Security Agency, which dealt a huge blow to the reputation and influence of the Su family.

At the same time, other Eastcliff families, headed by the Wade family, also started gearing up.

The Su family now has lost a large number of masters and offended the overseas investors. In the future, the Su family will have to tighten up and behave like a principled family. Meanwhile, other families have the opportunity to cannibalize the power of the Su family.

Zhongquan was particularly excited about this.

He felt that this was God‟s blessing.

Wade‟s second spring is finally coming!

So he summoned all his children except Cynthia and immediately formulated a threeyear plan.

From now on, in the next three years, the Wade family will attack the Su family in an allround way like the Su family organized the Anti-Wade Alliance back then!

Not only must we pull the Su family down from the altar, but we must also take our own strength to the next level, leave the Su family far behind, and regain the title of the nation‟s No. 1 family.

However, Mr. Wade did not immediately start to do it but chose the day of the declaration of war at this year‟s Ancestors Remembrance Ceremony.

He couldn‟t hide his excitement and said to all his children: “This time the ancestor worship ceremony will bring the Wade Family branches across the country to Waderest Mountain!”

“At that time, I will use the most solemn ancestor worship ceremony to make all Wade‟s progeny realize that the Wade family is a large family with an orderly inheritance, a superfamily that was once brilliant! Let all the members bring the highest honor !”

“By then, it will be an unprecedented moment of unity among the Wade family!”

“By then, at the ancestor worship ceremony, on the grounds below the mountain, I will order all the family members to work together to defeat the Su Family, and ask the Su Family to severely punish Zynn, the leader of the Anti-Wade Alliance!”

“The moment when the Wade Family is up and down with the same enemy, it is the best time for us to fully fight the Su Family!”

When the eldest child Jacob Wade heard this, he was the most excited, and said with vigor in his voice: “Dad! At that time, we will also have an anti-Su alliance! We must knock down the assets of the Su family by half! Let them directly fall out. The sequence of the three major families of Eastcliff!”

Elder Wade sneered: “In Eastcliff, there are many families that have hatred against the Su family. Among them, we have the deepest hatred, followed by the Gu family. If we raise the banner of dealing with the Su family, the Gu family will definitely follow! “

“The most important thing now is to let Charlie Wade and Qiuyi from the Gu family get married soon!”

“Once the two of them get married, the Gu family will definitely help the Wade family without hesitation! At that time, the Su family will be unable to parry and let us slaughter them at will!”

Jacob Wade asked, “Dad, didn‟t you still say before if you want Charlie to try, can you get Zhiyu from the Su family?”

Elder Wade waved his hand and chuckled coldly: “I thought that the Su family was overwhelming us in all aspects after all. We just couldn‟t beat them, so it‟s better to change your mind and let Charlie pursue that Zhiyu. ……”

“But who would have thought that the Su family would encounter Waterloo one after another in Japan? Their vitality is now severely injured. We can go directly to a full-scale war with them, and how can we marry their girl with Charlie?”

Speaking of this, Old Man Wade laughed a few times and said loudly: “Hahaha, God pened your eyes! God opened your eyes!”

The old Sanye Changyun on the side asked, “Dad, what if Charlie doesn‟t want to marry

Gu‟s girl?”

Elder Wade smiled unpredictably: “Charlie will also come to the ancestor worship

ceremony. At that time, I will announce the plan of revenge against the Su family in

front of all the children of the family, and then announce Charlie and Gu‟s union as a

way to strengthen our overall power in order to slam the Su family underfoot. He is part

of this family, he knows how they have inflicted wounds upon us, I believe he will not


Chapter 2236

Eastcliff, Du‟s family.

Before Liona got home, her parents and brothers and sisters knew about the scandal in

the Su family, and they also knew that Zynn had an illegitimate daughter outside.

Therefore, when she hadn‟t come back, the other brothers and sisters of the Du family

rushed back one after another at the call of Mr. Du.

Mrs. Du and Mrs. Du were very much aware of Liona‟s temperament. They knew that as

long as Liona knew about this, she would definitely return to her family‟s home

immediately. So they didn‟t call Liona or let others call Liona. They gathered together

and waited for her to return.

When Liona‟s car drove into the Du‟s mansion, her parents and several siblings greeted

her one after another.

Liona saw the whole family appear in front of her, and she was immediately moved to

no avail.

Unlike other business families, the Du family has held high positions for generations, so

money has never been something worth mentioning to the Du family.

Because they don‟t care about money, there is no intrigue between Du‟s brothers and


Among the descendants of the Du family, some have inherited the mantle of Mr. Du in the system and have excellent career prospects; some are devoted to studying their own majors in the top universities or scientific research institutes; some people rarely hear about it. Although the Confucian merchants have a net worth of hundreds of billions, they never show off.

As for Liona and several of her sisters, they all have their own emotional destinations.

Under the education of Mrs. Du from a young age, the women of the Du family did not have a strong sense of professionalism. On the contrary, all of them were experts in family management, and each of them had the fine virtues of a traditional woman.

As soon as Liona got off the car, Mrs. Du stepped forward, holding her hand distressedly, and whispered: “Liona, you are wronged.”

Liona smiled slightly and said, “Mom, don‟t say that, I don‟t feel wronged at all.”

Old man Du on the side said, “Liona, our family hasn‟t gotten together for some time. I‟ll let someone burn a charcoal fire. Later, we will have a copper pot-cuisine with the family!”

One of the favorite delicacies of the older generations of Eastcliff people is copper potcuisine.

Different from hot pots in other places with induction cookers or gas stoves, the older Eastcliff people must use copper pots with hollow interiors and charcoal to cook meat in copper pots. This is also the way to eat from the palace.

In the severe cold of Eastcliff in winter, it is a wonderful treat to eat elite cuisine while guarding the copper pot.

The five generations of Du‟s family were all native Eastcliff people, and naturally, they loved this copper pot-cuisine.

It‟s just that these years, the children have their own families, and each family is in a different situation. Although everyone often comes back to visit the elderly, it is really not easy to get together.

Therefore, the old man immediately became addicted, thinking about the family‟s enjoyment and a good meal, otherwise, if everyone came to comfort Liona, it might be counterproductive.

Sure enough, when the children heard that they were going to eat copper pot-cuisine, they didn‟t care that it was almost late at night, they were all excited.

Lionamei, the sixth oldest, was Liona‟s little sister. She immediately stepped forward with excitement and took Liona‟s arm, and smiled and said, “Second sister, I just have been idle these days. I want to stay at my parents‟ house. How many days will my sister stay with me?”

Liona smiled and said: “Tonight is okay, but tomorrow is not. I want to go to Aurous Hill tomorrow.”

“What?!” Everyone looked at Liona in surprise.

The old man Elijah Du asked, “Liona, do you go to Aurous Hill to grow a tassel?”

Liona checked her head and said frankly: “Yes, Dad, I always wanted to go before, but I couldn‟t help it. Now I don‟t have any restrictions, so I want to go there soon, but I have a wish.”

Elijah looked a bit lonely and said sincerely: “Changying…Changying…I failed to make Changying my son-in-law. It‟s the biggest regret of my life…”

Chapter 2237

Elijah sighed, making the expressions of everyone at the scene somewhat regretful.

Mrs. Du hurriedly pinched his waist, and whispered: “You guys, you really don‟t open the old pot or lift the one we have just prepared, saying this she hurried the kids to go in and get ready to eat!”

Elijah sighed: “Oh, Liona is so big. She sees a lot of things better than us. What I say is also from my heart, there is no need to be cautious about norms.”

Liona nodded and said seriously: “Mom, I‟m really not angry or uncomfortable about this at least this time, so you don‟t need to be too sensitive.”

Old Mrs. Du looked surprised: “Liona, Zynn has been hiding it from you for so many years, are you not angry at all?”

Liona said earnestly: “I am not angry, but feel relieved.”

Elijah smiled and said: “Good thing! It is good to be free! To be honest, for so many years, Dad has always felt that you are unhappy. Now that you can come out, Dad is happy for you!”

Liona nodded seriously and smiled slightly: “Thank you, Dad!”

Elijah laughed and beckoned hurriedly: “Walk around, eat elite cuisine! Your three brothers will accompany me for two drinks for a while!”

As the son of Du‟s family, Renel nodded without hesitation and said: “Good dad! Our three brothers will accompany you for a few drinks tonight!”

Lionaping, Liona‟s sister Lionaping, also said with a busy smile: “Dad, is there any red wine at home? We three sisters will also accompany you to drink some!”

The sixth child Lionamei smiled and said, “That‟s great, Dad, my eldest sister, and my second sister will accompany you!”

Elijah was immediately happy and smiled heartily: “Okay! Your three sisters did not return on New Year‟s Eve, so we will treat it as the New Year today!”

Lionamei hurriedly said: “Dad, we want to come with you during the Chinese New Year, but you can‟t let anything…”

Elijah said seriously: “You are married to the Shen family and you are the daughter-inlaw of the Shen family. You should spend the New Year with your in-laws. The same is true for your two sisters. This is the rule. All three of your brothers will accompany me and your mother for the New Year. If your three sisters also come, they will say that the old man Du is ignorant and only thinks about his own home.”

Lionamei hurriedly said: “I know Dad, I‟ll talk to Silong Shen, and I‟ll be back with you next New Year‟s Eve.”

Elijah smiled and said: “Let‟s talk about it then, look at Willson Shen‟s meaning, if he is unwilling, don‟t force it.”

Afterward, Du‟s three sons and three daughters strolled to the dining room with a pair of elderly people.

In the dining room at this time, the chef at home has put a beautiful brass pot on the table. In the middle of the pot, there is a green flame of charcoal, and a pot of clear soup is boiled outside. The table is already full of fresh cuts, All kinds of lamb.

Eastcliff people are very particular about eating mutton. Basically, they don‟t eat mutton rolls prepared by machines in hot pot restaurants. They eat pure and fresh hand-cut mutton.

Hand-cut mutton is very particular. According to different parts, mutton has various names, such as upper brain meat, tenderloin, large three-pronged, small three-pronged, and cucumber strips.

Different meats have different cutting methods, different sizes, and thicknesses, and there are many sayings.

The Du family seldom show off their wealth and live a life of the extravagant and wasteful elite, but they are very particular people, they are not about pomp and price, but about taste and essence.

Take food as an example, the Du family‟s mouths are more than one.

The fried oil cake at the entrance will not be greasy for a family for ten years, but once they change to poorer craftsmanship, even if the difference is minimal, they will find it difficult to swallow.

Mr. Du has no bad habits all his life, he just loves to smoke.

Chapter 2238

He especially likes to smoke a cigarette produced by a cigarette factory in southern Yunnan.

After the old man smoked for twenty years, the cigarette factory‟s technology and production line improved, the formula was upgraded, and the cigarette paper and filter material were changed.

Everyone felt that the improved product was more exquisite and higher-grade than before, and the taste was not much worse, but Mr. Du just felt that the taste was not right and couldn‟t adapt.

Later, because of this, he even fell ill.

When the old man‟s subordinates heard that the old man was sick and hospitalized, they made a special trip to visit him.

When they asked about the cause, they learned that the old man turned out to be suffering from the taste of the cigarettes he had smoked for 20 years, so they simply made a phone call and asked the cigarette factory to reopen the old production line that had been dismantled and ready to be scrapped, just for the old man. People who produce the original cigarettes can be regarded as curing the old man‟s heart disease.

However, the old man also felt guilty for using the privilege. He specifically asked his second son, Lionayang, to run to the cigarette factory, verified all the costs of reopening the cigarette factory‟s production line, and then paid for it all out of his own pocket. This is regarded as accepting the privilege with peace of mind. 

In fact, the children of the Du family have inherited the father‟s exquisiteness.

The more exquisite, the more refined you live.

Therefore, the family not only has high academic qualifications and strong abilities but also inherits the traditional virtues of gentleness, courtesy, frugality, and concession.

At this time, the Du family was sitting around the table, eating the elite cuisine and drinking wine. The eight of them had a lively chat, and they all seemed to be in a very good mood.

At first, everyone was worried that Liona‟s mood would be lower.

Unexpectedly, Liona‟s whole state is extremely relaxed and comfortable.

Everyone around here is close relatives, and they can see that her ease and comfort is not the result of the performance, so they are completely relieved. 

The old couple is in a particularly good mood. In the past few years, the six children have started a family one after another. No matter which one they look at individually, they all have a very good, even impeccable, but they have always loved Liona.

This is mainly because they have always known that Liona has loved Changying for so many years to no avail. Later, after Changying‟s wedding, she decided to marry Zynn, which was really impulsive and outrageous.

The night before Liona‟s marriage, she held the old lady and cried all night, while her sister Lionaping and Lionamei were with them, and they felt distressed.

At that time, Liona wanted to persuade her to repent of her marriage because she felt sorry for her, but she did not agree with her life and death.

After so many years of marriage, although Zynn is very fond of Liona, only Liona‟s family can tell that she has always been unhappy.

Especially after Changying‟s accidental death, she became even more taciturn, and even started to eat less and lost interest in religious ceremonies, and became a commoner at home.

But now, everyone can see that Liona is really relieved. 

The old man Elijah remembered that Liona was going to Aurous Hill, so he asked, “Liona, how long do you plan to stay in Aurous Hill this time?”

Liona thought for a while and said, “Dad, how long will I stay? I don‟t know now, just stay and see.

Elijah asked again: “Who will accompany you?”

Liona said: “Zhifei and Zhiyu are with me.”

Elijah nodded: “The old house in Aurous Hill has been very well maintained. You have not been there for many years. You can live there for a few days. If there is nothing wrong with your mother, I will also go to Aurous Hill in two days. In a few days, Eastcliff will be too dry in winter, and your mother had said that she wanted to go to Jiangnan for a few days.”

Chapter 2239

When the entire Du family was enjoying themselves, Zynn had simply packed his luggage and was ready to leave for Australia.

What happened this time made him very passive, and the old man made it clear that he temporarily avoid the limelight, and he could only do it honestly.

Before leaving, he called Zhifei and asked: “Zhifei, you and your sister, come to my


Zhifei was so busy that he said, “OK dad, we‟ll come over.”

After speaking, he hung up the phone and said to Zhiyu: “Zhiyu, dad wants us in the


Zhiyu said angrily: “Go by yourself, I don‟t want to see him!”

Zhiyu would still find it difficult to accept that her father betrayed her mother and had

an illegitimate daughter who was only one year younger than herself, so she was very

reluctant to see Zynn at this time.

Zhifei helplessly persuades: “Zhiyu, in matters between parents, we are children, so we

should not participate too much. You can‟t cut off your dad because of the small

mistakes made more than 20 years ago. Father-daughter relationship?”

Zhiyu said seriously: “I don‟t want to sever the relationship with him, but I don‟t want to

see him now. Go and see him yourself.”

Zhifei asked awkwardly: “Then I will see Dad later, if Dad asks you, what would I say?”

Zhiyu blurted out without hesitation: “Then tell him directly, I don‟t want to see him


Seeing that Zhiyu was not joking, Zhifei sighed helplessly and said, “Well, I am going


Immediately, Zhifei stood up and stepped out of Zhiyu‟s study.

The Su family villa covers a huge area, and the whole is more like a castle. Although the

family lives together, they live in different areas of the villa.

Zhifei went downstairs to his father Zynn‟s study. After knocking on the door and

entering, he saw Zynn with a sad face and smoke, as if he was ten years old suddenly.

Seeing Zhifei coming in, Zynn asked in surprise, “Where is your sister?”

Zhifei said awkwardly: “Zhiyu is a bit…a bit…”

Zynn gave a wry smile and asked, “Zhiyu must be very angry with me, right?”

Zhifei sneered and said: “She is a comparison axis. In fact, this kind of thing should have

been taken care of…”

Zynn sighed and said, “Hey, After that, I failed your mother and your brother and sister.”

Zhifei hurriedly said: “Dad, don‟t say that…Isn‟t it saying that there is nothing right or

wrong about feelings, and you don‟t have to blame yourself too much…”

Zynn waved his hand: “There is nothing right or wrong about who you like and who you

don‟t like, but after getting married, you really have to be responsible for your marriage

and your spouse. This is because I did not do it right. Knowing that Liona is angry with

me is justified. .”

After speaking, he said again: “Zhifei, I call you here, mainly to tell you something. Your

grandfather asked me to go to Australia to avoid the limelight. I will leave tonight. I may

not be able to come back in a short time.”

“Going to Australia?!” Zhifei asked in surprise: “Dad, why did Grandpa ask you to go to

Australia at this time? Why are you leaving so hastily? Even if this is a big mess, there is

no need to go to Australia, right? “

Zynn smiled bitterly: “This incident is a scandal between me and your grandfather. Your

grandfather asked me to go to Australia. Naturally, he regarded me as the person who

was behind the scenes and also asked me to divert the media attention. After I leave,

they will definitely leak the news that I ran overnight to Australia, and the media will

definitely focus their energy on me.”

Chapter 2240

Zhifei said angrily: “Dad! Grandpa did too much in this matter, right? He betrayed Ruoli.

If it is really broken, he is an old fox who can betray his granddaughter. He now quickly

found a way to solve the immediate crisis, but also to throw you out as a target, this is

not justified!”

Zynn waved his hand and said seriously: “Such words if you talk about it here, don‟t

repeat them when you leave this room. Your grandpa‟s temperament is like…”

“In his eyes, personal interests must be taken care of first in everything. In the face of

personal interests, anything can be sacrificed.”

“He can sell Ruoli to the Self-Defense Force today. Who knows if he will sell one of us to

a certain interest group tomorrow? So when you are by his side, remember the words:

Companion with you, like a tiger! “

Zhifei nodded gently.

Zynn said: “By the way, Zhifei, after I am gone, during this period of time, you and Zhiyu

will accompany your mother, and also help me apologize to her, say a few more good

things, and have to trouble you by the way. Help me pay more attention to your mother,

see what she does, where she goes, who she meets, and let me know.”

After speaking, he quickly explained: “Don‟t think too much, I don‟t mean to let you help

me monitor your mother. The main reason is that I want to try to save my marriage with

your mother, so I have to ask you to help.”

Zhifei nodded: “Dad, I understand, don‟t worry.”

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly said: “By the way, Mom said that she will go to

Aurous Hill tomorrow, and Zhiyu and I will also go…”

“To Aurous Hill?!” Zynn asked, “What is your mother going to Aurous Hill for?”

Zhifei hesitated and said: “Um… Maybe Mom wants to relax, I don‟t know the details…”

Zynn‟s expression was very ugly.

He knew very well why Liona wants to go to Aurous Hill.

He gritted his teeth and thought to himself: “Aurous Hill, is where Changying died back


“She has been lingering for Changying over the years. The idea of going to Aurous Hill

definitely doesn‟t exist for one or two days!”

“Here just said to divorce me, then she is going to Aurous Hill immediately, Liona, you

are too much! In your eyes, do you have a little respect for me?!”

“Today, it just broke out that I had an illegitimate daughter out of marriage. Tomorrow

Liona will go to Aurous Hill to miss Changying. If this is becomes known, where will I put

my old face!”

Thinking of this, Zynn hated her very much.

Zhifei saw that Zynn‟s expression was very ugly. Knowing that he had said something

wrong, Zhifei hurriedly changed the subject: “When will you leave, Dad? I‟ll see you off.”

Zynn forcibly calmed his mind, retracted his thoughts, and said to Zhifei: “I have to set

off in ten minutes. This time I was arranged by your grandfather to go to Australia. Your

second uncle is often behind the scenes. I am not here. You and Zhiyu must be careful

of him.”

“Second Uncle?” Zhifei frowned and asked, “He always obeyed you, why did he get into

trouble with you at this time?”

Zynn sneered: “Since ancient times, no matter how many princes the emperor has, he

will only choose a prince to succeed the grand prince. In order for the prince to succeed,

he will greatly weaken the strength of other sons and ensure that they are unable to

rebel. Your second uncle wants to be the prince, naturally, he will do his best to deal

with me.”

Zhifei gritted his teeth: “The second uncle is polite to you and us on weekdays, and

welcomes us with a smile. I didn‟t expect that this time would suddenly turn around!

Zynn smiled bitterly and said: “Your second uncle is a typical smiling fox, with a knife

hidden in his smile and a sword in his mouth. This time I was negligent. He seized the

opportunity to cheat me. After I come back, I will make him pay!”

Chapter 2241

As the father and son were talking, Zynn‟s cell phone rang.

The screen showed that it was his second brother, Shoude, who was calling.

Thinking of Shoude‟s downfall at a critical moment, Zynn was full of hatred, and his

mood would naturally not be good.

He directly pressed the speaker and asked in a cold voice: “What‟s the matter?”

Shoude smiled and said, “Brother, the car is ready and the plane is ready. It‟s time to

take you to the airport.”

Zynn gritted his teeth and said coldly: “Okay, I will say a few words to Zhifei, and I will

come down in a while.”

Shoude hurriedly said: “Brother, don‟t delay any longer, the old man is still waiting for

me to report back. What he meant is that you must go as soon as possible, the sooner

the better.”

Zynn could only hold back his anger and said, “Okay, I‟ll be there in five minutes!”

“Good brother.” Shoude smiled: “I‟ll be waiting for you at the door, and I‟ll take you to

the airport in person!”

Zynn didn‟t speak anymore and directly hung up the phone.

Then he looked at Zhifei and said with profound meaning: “Be with your mother more

these days. If she has anything to do, report to me in time.”

Zhifei naturally hoped that his parents would be able to reunite, so he nodded very

seriously and said, “Don‟t worry, Dad, I know.”

Zynn nodded, stood up, dragged the suitcase, and said, “Okay, I‟m leaving.”

Zhifei hurriedly asked, “Dad, when will you be back?”

Zynn shook his head and said, “It depends on what your grandpa thinks. I don‟t know


After that, Zynn waved his hand: “Don‟t say anything.”

Immediately afterward, he took the box and walked out the door.

Zhifei hurriedly took the first step, took the box from him, and said, “Dad, I‟ll take you to

the airport!”

Zynn said, “No, you must stay here.”

At this time, in the huge villa courtyard, a Lexus LM commercial vehicle was already

waiting in the courtyard.

Toyota Alfa itself is already the top commercial vehicle in China. This new Lexus LM is

one level higher than Alfa.

Shoude stood outside the car door, looking at Zynn who stepped out with a smile on his


With a few meters away, Shoude hurriedly greeted him and said with a cordial smile:

“Oh, brother, please get in the car, let‟s set off!”

Zynn said coldly: “I am the one who is leaving, what are you anxious for?”

Shoude was not angry, and said with a smile: “Oh, big brother, I am doing this for you?

The old man urged me strictly. If you move a little slower, he must be upset again!”

Zynn was very angry. He wanted to give Shoude a bad face, but he didn‟t expect that

Shoude would use his father as a shield for everything. When he said this, he just shook

his face, if he says something bad at this time about the old man, this person will take it

directly, a spiced-up version at least.

In desperation, Zynn could only hold back his anger, and said: “Since Dad ordered it,

then move quickly!”

After that, he asked the driver to take the suitcase from Zhifei and put it in the back of

the commercial vehicle, and said to Zhifei: “Zhifei, take care of your mother and your


Zhifei hurriedly said: “I know Dad, don‟t worry…”

Zynn didn‟t say a word, stepped into the back of the commercial car, waved to Zhifei,

motioned him to go back.

Shoude smiled and sat beside Zynn, and said to Zhifei: “If you are done, go back and

rest. I will send your dad on the plane.”

After speaking, he told the driver: “Okay, drive quickly!”

Chapter 2242

The driver immediately started the car and left.

Zhifei was very disappointed when he saw the commercial vehicle leaving the villa yard.

Tonight is almost more difficult than the night when he and Zhiyu were kidnapped.

At that time, he and Zhiyu were only facing danger to their lives.

But tonight, he experienced a series of changes such as his father‟s expose of an

illegitimate daughter, his parents‟ relationship changed, his father lost power instantly

was sent to Australia.

He was not only worried about his parents‟ feelings, worried about his father‟s future

but also worried about his own future.

Before tonight, my father was the next heir to the entire Su family.

And he is naturally the heir to the next generation.

However, the changes tonight have changed everything.

Father has lost his father‟s favor and trust.

If he loses his power and fails to recover, his future will be gloomy.

If I let your second uncle Shoude be the heir, I wouldn‟t even have a chance!

The worried Zhifei returned to his sister‟s study in despair. At this time, Zhiyu was still

checking the photos of male passengers at the Japanese airport in front of the


Seeing Zhifei coming back, Zhiyu glanced at him and asked a little angrily: “What is Dad

looking for? Did he make excuses to clean himself up?”

“No…” Zhifei sighed, “Hey! Dad was driven to Australia by Grandpa!”

“What?!” Zhiyu blurted out in shock: “Dad was driven to Australia? When did this


“Just now.” Zhifei said sadly: “Dad packed his luggage and set off. The second uncle

took him to the airport.”

Zhiyu asked very puzzledly: “Why did Grandpa drive Dad to Australia?! From the

beginning to the end, the relationship with Dad is nothing more than Ruoli‟s

relationship with him. Exposing an illegitimate daughter is not a big deal, grandpa, why

is this?”

Zhifei said, “Dad said, Grandpa, wants him to take the blame.”

Zhiyu‟s heart suddenly stunned, and she blurted out: “It‟s awful, awful, this is awful… Dad

is going to leave, grandpa must have all the shit basins on him… …”

After that, Zhiyu said nervously: “I think, grandpa might declare to the public that the

decision to betray Ruoli was made by her dad! That way, he will be able to get rid of the

infamy of betraying his granddaughter. Dad is going to be burdened with the black pot

of betraying his own daughter!”

Zhifei said helplessly: “There is no other way…Grandpa asked Dad to leave tonight, and

Dad can‟t help but leave…”

Zhiyu looked at Zhifei and said seriously: “Brother…The Su family may be changing the

sky now…”

Zhifei asked: “You feel it too?”

Zhiyu nodded solemnly and said: “Brother, I don‟t care about money or power. Anyway,

I‟m a girl, and I can‟t inherit much property, but you are different. It‟s our dad this time If

you can‟t stand up again, then you will be over in the future…”

Zhifei covered his face, and said sadly: “But what can I do? I can see that Grandpa is

eager to shake the pot now, and the best person to stop that is our dad…”

“Furthermore, the pot of betrayal of his own daughter is too cruel. Once this charge is

confirmed to our dad, then in the eyes of outsiders, our dad will have an extremely

ruthless image, and the impact must be extremely bad. Just using this point, Grandpa

would never let him inherit the position of Su Family Patriarch…”

Having said this, Zhifei sighed faintly: “Oh…In the family, maybe from now on, he won‟t

be able to get up again…”

Zhiyu‟s beautiful eyebrows wrinkled tightly. She clenched her neat little white teeth, and

resolutely said: “No! We must help our dad get back the position of an heir!”

Zhifei blurted out and asked: “How to grab it?!”

Zhiyu said coldly: “Don‟t ask first. Tomorrow we will go to Aurous Hill with mom, and

stay away from this place of right and wrong for the time being. I have my own way how

to help Dad regain all this!”

Chapter 2243

After half an hour.

A Boeing 747 transformed private jet launched from Eastcliff Airport.

This aircraft of the same model as the U.S. Presidential Air Force One, with a typical

three-level cockpit layout, can be fully loaded with up to 467 passengers.

But now, on the entire plane, apart from the crew, there is only one passenger, and this

passenger is Zynn.

The flight distance from Eastcliff to Queensland, Australia is about 9,000 kilometers.

It is impossible for ordinary small and medium private planes to fly directly on such long


Only a large passenger aircraft such as the 747 with a range of more than 10,000

kilometers can complete a direct flight.

At this time, Zynn was very depressed on the plane.

Looking outside the window, the brightly lit night view of Eastcliff is getting bullsh!ttier,

and his mood is getting heavier.

Just less than twenty minutes after the plane took off, someone sent a set of photos to

the mailboxes of reporters from major media in Eastcliff.

This set of photos was taken from a long-distance sneak shot of Zynn, rushing to the

airport, going through security, and boarding the plane.

Because it was at night, the photo was a little blurry and there was some noise, but the

photographer was just right so that people can recognize the person in the photo at a

glance, that is, Zynn.

In addition to sending these photos to reporters, the sneak shots also revealed gossip to

reporters. The news stated:

“The truth about Ruoli‟s incident is that Elder Su did not participate in the whole affair. It

was Ruoli‟s biological father, Zynn, who conspired with the Self-Defense Force to betray


The other party also said: “The reason why Zynn wants Ruoli to die is that he does not

want Ruoli to be exposed as his illegitimate daughter! He wants this secret to fall into

the sea forever!”

The other party even broke a story, saying: “After the incident was revealed, Liona,

Zynn‟s original wife, immediately returned to her natal family and unswervingly wanted

to divorce Zynn, and Zynn left Eastcliff overnight and went to Australia. In fact, he was

afraid that the things that he was behind the scenes would be revealed! That‟s why he

escaped avoiding the limelight overnight and asked his father Chengfeng to stay in

Eastcliff to bail him out.”

The media got this clue and immediately regarded it as explosive news, so they

broadcast it in the first place!

As soon as the news appeared, it immediately caused a shock of public opinion!

Previously, the Japanese National Security Agency said that Chengfeng, the old man of

the Su family, betrayed Ruoli.

In contrast, to the domestic people, it is Zynn who betrayed Ruoli‟s, which sounds more


The reasons are as follows.

The first point is that Ruoli is the illegitimate daughter of Zynn. Zynn wants to defend his

reputation, his personal settings, and his marriage. Therefore, he would not want to see

Ruoli‟s identity exposed. Therefore, he killed her. This is the fundamental motive;

The second point is that the order to destroy the Matsumoto family to Ruoli in Japan

was given by Zynn. This shows that Zynn‟s methods are extremely cruel and vicious, and

can be described as inhumane. Therefore, he wanted to kill her. If you silent the mouth

that knows secrets, that

s better;

The third point is that Zynn must have a ghost in his heart. Otherwise, it is impossible to

set off for Australia without hesitation the night after the incident. This run proves that

he definitely has a big problem!

With the continuous spread of news articles, Zynn immediately became the most inferior

person in the hearts of the people across the country.

It was he who ordered the killing of dozens of elder and children of the Matsumoto

family, it was he who pushed his own daughter into the fire pit with his own hands, and

it was he who fled in embarrassment with his tail sandwiched in the first place!

As a result, there was a wave of a crusade against Zynn on the Internet!

It‟s just that Zynn was still on the plane at this time and didn‟t know what was

happening behind him.

Chapter 2244


At the same time, the study of Chengfeng, the father of Su.

Shoude graciously took a tablet computer, presented media reports and netizen

comments to Chengfeng one by one, and said with a smile: “Dad, in this way, everyone

will no longer rely on Ruoli‟s affairs. The old man‟s head is up again.”

Elder Su nodded in satisfaction, and at the same time, he was completely relieved.

The older people are, the more they cherish feathers, especially for people like Mr. Su.

He was wise for a lifetime, even the goal and life idol in the minds of countless people.

Seeing the age when he is about to retire if Ruoli is really overturned in the gutter, then

his fame will not be guaranteed.

Therefore, deep down in his heart, he is extremely eager to shake this black pot out, and

the cleaner he shakes, the better.

It‟s just that before that, he hadn‟t figured out what method he should use to

completely shake the pot.

After that, what he did was exposed by the National Security Agency of Japan, and all

they exposed were facts. He couldn‟t argue with anything, and couldn‟t refute it at all.

However, he really did not expect that the head of his second son, Shoude, was so


He originally planned to send the eldest son Zynn to Australia first, and then give the

eldest son Zynn all the matter of destroying the Matsumoto family.

As for uniting with the Self-Defense Forces to betray Ruoli, the old man himself did not

expect that he would really get out.

However, what Shoude did is really beautiful!

He had someone secretly took photos of Zynn boarding the plane and then sent an

anonymous manuscript to the media.

Immediately afterward, he successfully dumped all the black pots on Zynn!

His trick is to be regarded as a textbook level!

Among them, the clue chain is clear and the story logic is complete. Although most of

them are fabricated, they appear to be justified and convincing.

Elder Su was very happy, After that, his fame was finally completely preserved, which

was more important than anything else.

He didn‟t want to end up with infamy at his age and be cast aside by others after his


So now he is really happy and relaxed.

However, he was not good to praise Shoude directly, so he said with some emotion:

“Hey! in this matter, I wronged and needed to be defended!”

Upon hearing this, Shoude hurriedly sighed: “Yes, Dad, brother made terrible mistakes in

this matter…”

As he said that, he turned around and said seriously: “Dad! But then again, we Su family,

anyone can lose face, but you can‟t!”

“Your old man is the mainstay of the Su family, the backbone of the seven brothers and

sisters, and the grandfather emperor who has inherited the genealogy in the hearts of

all the descendants of the Su family. You must never leave a stain like Ruoli in your life! “

“So, for the sake of your fame, for your glorious image, eldest brother will share the

worries for you, that is also right!”

Shoude‟s words directly touched Chengfeng‟s heart!

He could no longer hold back the joy deep in his heart immediately. While stroking his

beard, he smiled and said, “Shoude, you are right! You made a great contribution to this

matter today, and I will do it for you in my heart. Write it down!”

Chapter 2245

The news about Zynn suddenly dominated all the media headlines.

Zhiyu and Zhifei were very angry about this. Zhifei even went to his grandfather several

times to question the cause, but Zhiyu stopped him.

Zhiyu knew very well that it was grandpa, deliberately trying to protect himself and

sacrifice his dad, so going to confront him now would only make him angry.

Instead of this, it‟s better not to say a word honestly and even go to Aurous Hill with

mother as planned early tomorrow morning.

As for how to help Dad come back, Zhiyu had her own plan in mind.

It‟s just that now she has to wait patiently for the opportunity.

At the same time, the He family evacuated all the masters in the Su family overnight.

The Patriarch Luther He, Ruoli‟s grandfather, directly ordered internally that the children

of the He family must not do anything for the Su family until the Su family gave a clear


At the same time, he also called Chengfeng and asked the Su family to give him a clear


Chengfeng promised, but in reality, he didn‟t pay attention to him at all.

At the moment he just wants to keep his reputation. As for whether Luther will turn his

face with him, he doesn‟t care at all.

After all, after his cooperation with the Self-Defense Forces was exposed, he knew that

no matter if this matter was carried out by himself or Zynn, the He family could no

longer serve the Su family.

That being the case, why continue to waste energy on the He family.

This night.

Ruoli, who was under residential surveillance at the Issac Hotel, did not know what was

happening outside.

She was lying on the soft and luxurious big bed in the hotel, tossing and turning, and

everything in her mind was Charlie‟s figure.

She couldn‟t figure out why this man had such a strong strength.

Even more, can‟t figure out why this man saved her life.

“After that, I rushed to kill him at the time. Instead of retaliating against me, he saved

my life. Is this what people mean to retaliate with virtue?”

“Thinking about it, that man is really extraordinary”

Early the next morning.

A private jet landed in the peaceful ancient city of Aurous Hill.

This plane is the private plane of Renel, the son of Du‟s family.

Liona did not want to take the Su family‟s plane anymore, so her eldest brother Renel

sent her his own plane.

After the plane stopped, Liona, who was nervous, walked down the spiral staircase,

accompanied by a pair of children.

In her heart, she has been thinking about Aurous Hill for nearly twenty years.

For twenty years, she would sleep with Changying‟s name silently every day. When she

thought of Changying, she couldn‟t help thinking of Aurous Hill.

Changying is the love of her life.

Back then, Changying died in Aurous Hill, but now she finally has the opportunity to

come to cherish her memory, and it is naturally difficult to calm down in her heart.

As soon as a family of three arrived at the arrival hall of the airport, a middle-aged man

respectfully greeted her and said, “Miss, you must be exhausted.”

Chapter 2246

It was an old housekeeper from the Du family in Aurous Hill.

Liona met him when he was still young. In the past two decades, the old housekeeper

has been taking care of the old house in Aurous Hill. Liona also married the Su family, so

the two have never met again.

However, Liona recognized him at a glance, and said respectfully: “Uncle White, long


After finishing speaking, she hurriedly instructed the pair of children next to her: “zhifei,

Zhiye, hurry up and meet Grandpa White.”

Zhifei and Zhiyu hurriedly said respectfully: “Hello, Grandpa White!”

The old butler hurriedly bowed to thank her, and then flattered Liona said: “I didn‟t

expect the second lady to remember me.”

Liona smiled and said: “Why won‟t I remember, you used to be in charge of the house

next to Prince Gong‟s Mansion in Eastcliff. Later, after the father donated the house to

the national museum, you came to Aurous Hill.”

The old butler nodded repeatedly and said with emotion: “After I came to Aurous Hill, I

went back to Eastcliff twice a year to report to my master, but every time I went in a

hurry, I hurried back after the report, so I never saw you again. “

As he said, he couldn‟t help sighing: “Oh, the second lady, you haven‟t been to Aurous

Hill for more than 20 years, right? I remember that before you got married, you would

come to visit the old lady every year, and then you didn‟t come back much. “

Liona nodded and said, “I haven‟t been here since Changying passed away in Aurous


The old housekeeper was startled when he heard the words, and he couldn‟t help but

sighed: “You said Young Master Chang Ying was such as talent.”

Liona asked him: “By the way, Uncle White, you were in Aurous Hill before Changying‟s

accident. Do you know anything about that year?”

The old housekeeper said with a grimace: “When Mr. Chang Ying came to Aurous Hill,

the master told me that he said that Mr. Chang Ying was coming. Maybe there was

some conflict with his family, plus the Eastcliff side. he was under a lot of pressure, so he

came to Aurous Hill to relax. He asked me to find Mr. Changying, invited his family of

three to live in the old house for a few days, and asked me to tell Mr. Changying that if

he wanted, their family of three could stay in the old house, treat the old house as your

own home”

Liona asked quickly: “Then what then? Did they come here?”

The old butler shook his head and said, “Young Master Changying came here by himself,

but he just visited and asked me to thank him, but he didn‟t agree to stay.”

Liona asked again: “Then did he say anything?”

The old butler thought for a moment and said: “At that time, Young Master Chang Ying

said that he also encountered something and did not want to cause trouble to the Du

family, so he thanked him and left.

Liona nodded in a sense of disappointment, with melancholy for a while.

At this time, the old butler was busy and said again: “By the way, Miss, let‟s stop talking

here. The car is waiting outside. Let‟s go home first!”

Liona nodded and said, “OK Uncle White, let‟s go home first.”

Outside the airport, three cars are parked side by side.

Liona said to Zhifei and Zhiyu: “Zhifei, Zhiyu, sit in the back car, I‟ll sit in the middle car,

and chat with your grandfather White by the way.”

The brothers and sisters naturally agreed to come down and board the last red flag.

The old housekeeper opened the back row of the red-flag car in the middle for Liona,

and after Liona got in, he got into the co-pilot.

As the convoy left the airport, Liona asked the old butler: “Uncle White, I want to ask you


The old butler hurriedly said, “Second Miss, just ask!”

Liona said: “Uncle White, I heard people say that Changying came to Aurous Hill with his

wife and children. Since he didn‟t want to live in our old house, where did he live in the


The old housekeeper explained: “Young Master Changying also likes the old mansion

very much. At that time, he asked me to help him find it, so I asked a friend to find him a

slightly remote old mansion.”

“The house used to be the mansion of a great military ruler, but after escaping, it was

handed over to others to take care of. After a long time, the house was abandoned.”

“But Mr. Chang Ying liked it very much, so he rented it and renovated it himself.”

Liona suddenly said with excitement, “Uncle White, can you take me to see it?”

Chapter 2247

At this time, Charlie, just pushing his electric bike, came out of the gate of Tomson‟s


Claire‟s company has ended the Spring Festival holiday and officially went to work, and

his father-in-law Jacob has also begun to reinvest in the affairs of the Calligraphy and

Painting Association.

In the morning, Elaine, who was on crutches, made breakfast. After Jacob and Claire

finished their meal, they drove a BMW to their business. Charlie cleaned the house and

prepared to go out to buy some meat and eggs.

The small vegetable garden at home can provide the vegetables and fruits that most

families need, but meat and eggs are still available at the vegetable market.

Charlie rode out and did not rush to set off. Instead, he parked the car on the side of the

road in the Tomson Villa area, resting his feet on the ground, and took out his mobile

phone to call Issac.

Charlie read all the scandals that broke out in the Su family last night.

The direction of public opinion condemned Chengfeng from the beginning and then

turned the spearhead to direct Zynn. Charlie could tell at a glance that this was

Chengfeng‟s self-protection trick.

It seems that there are already conflicts in the Su family now, which is very exciting good

news for Charlie.

Although he is still not sure whether the murderer of his parents was the Su family, he

must make the Su family pay a huge price because of the fact that the Su family had

formed an anti-leaf alliance.

Now that the Su family began to disintegrate internally, for him, it was naturally an

excellent situation.

Next, how to make the Su Family disintegrate more thoroughly and make the Su Family

go bullsh!ther and bullsh!ther on the road of unrest is what Charlie is most concerned

about right now.

In his view, Ruoli is definitely a nuclear weapon that can further disintegrate the Su


As soon as the phone call to Issac was answered, he asked, “Mr. Issac, how are Ruoli and

the others now?”

Issac hurriedly said: “Back to the young master, I just sent someone breakfast. According

to the food delivery person, they are all in good condition.”

Charlie asked again: “After breaking their connection with the outside world, they didn‟t

have any awkwardness, did they?”

“No.” Issac laughed: “The crew members are still afraid that others will know that they

are back. Even if they give them a mobile phone, they dare not call outside.”

Charlie asked, “What about Ruoli? How is the state?”

Issac said: “According to her subordinates, she has nothing to be dissatisfied with, but

she asked about you.”

Charlie asked curiously: “Oh? What did she ask about me?”

Issac smiled and said, “She asks when you will be there, and she wants to discuss

something with you.”

“Yeah.” Charlie checked the time. It is only 9:30 in the morning. As long as he can buy

the meat and come back at 11, he won‟t delay Elaine cooking lunch, so he said: “Well, let

me Go by in a while.”

“OK young master.” Issac said respectfully: “Should I drive to pick you up?”

“No, I‟ll ride a battery car, it‟s easy.”

Charlie didn‟t actually have a good impression of Ruoli.

Although this woman is very beautiful and has a very hot body, her heart is also very


If he hadn‟t guessed it by himself, she was the illegitimate daughter of Zynn, and he

would never save her life.

She was kept alive just to make the Su family sick.

After that, it is very easy to kill a general of the Su family, but it is not so easy to create a

deadly enemy for the Su family.

If you can let Ruoli, like yourself, treat the Su family as enemies, it will definitely add a lot

of trouble in the future.

Chapter 2248

This is Charlie‟s purpose for keeping Ruoli alive.

He planned to send Ruoli back to Eastcliff when the time was right.

Immediately, he put away the phone, turned the accelerator of the battery car, the little

machine made a buzzing sound, and quickly rushed out.

After leaving the Tomson community, Charlie turned right by bicycle and was about to

go to Issac‟s hotel. He heard a familiar voice behind him shouting with some

nervousness: “Brother-in-law!”

Charlie turned his head subconsciously and saw a familiar woman beckoning to him on

the sidewalk behind him.

“Wendy?” Charlie was very puzzled when he saw the woman clearly.

It‟s not a day or two since my family and Mrs. Willson‟s family turned their faces. For so

long, the family has been in the same situation.

Not to mention that they will not say hello when you meet. If the mother-in-law Elaine

sees her family on the terrace of the villa, she couldn‟t wait to scold him for an hour to

relieve her hatred.

So, he didn‟t quite understand, what did Wendy mean?

Moreover, why is she willing to call him brother-in-law? Didn‟t she call him trash before?

Thinking of this, he frowned and asked: “Are you okay?”

Wendy hurried two steps to Charlie, and said with a bit of shame: “Brother-in-law, why

are you going there?”

Charlie said coldly: “I‟m going to buy vegetables, why?”

Wendy bit her lip lightly, and asked anxiously: “Brother-in-law, can you take me to the

Pearl River Regency? It‟s not far from here. An electric bike can be there in 20 minutes…


Charlie looked at her up and down, and saw that she was dressed very formally, with

light makeup, and said with a sneer: “You dignified Miss Willson, riding on my electric

bike is too cheap? Why? Why? Same, then I will start to rinse the car first?”

Wendy immediately lowered her head ashamed, when she heard this.

At this moment, what she thought of was the situation when she was sitting in Gerald

White‟s Bentley car when she saw Charlie downstairs in the Emgrand Group.

“At that time, Charlie rode this electric bike…”

“At that time, she didn‟t put Charlie in her eyes at all. She always felt that he was a

complete worthless man, so she really didn‟t look down on him with half-eyeballs even.”

“But, who could have imagined that today, more than half a year later, Charlie became

the master of Aurous Hill, but she was reduced to being a courtesy lady who wanted to

support the family for two hundred yuan a day?”

“Moreover, in order to save some money to feed her grandma, dad, and brother, she

was even reluctant to take the bus or take a taxi…”

Thinking of this, she plucked up the courage and said in a very humble manner:

“Brother-in-law…Don‟t make fun of me. Our family is in such a downturn now. I am still a

little Miss of Willson family. …..”

After finishing speaking, she raised her head and looked at Charlie with red eyes, and

said guiltily: “Brother-in-law… the previous things were all my bad and I was wrong. I

shouldn‟t have look down on you. I shouldn‟t have put the fight against you and Claire

everywhere. Life has taught me too many lessons. I am also deeply aware of my

mistakes. I hope that you can live without regard to the villains and stop following me

with the negative memories from the past…”

When Wendy said this, Charlie was somewhat surprised.

He really didn‟t expect Wendy to say such a thing.

What he didn‟t expect was that when Wendy said this, her tone and attitude were very


He could see that Wendy‟s words were from the bottom of the heart, not just talking.

Seeing Wendy sincerely apologized and realizing that she was wrong, Charlie‟s attitude

eased a little, and said lightly: “Knowing that a mistake can be corrected, there is no way

better to be good. If you really realize that you did a mistake in the first place, it is not

too late to wake up now. “

Chapter 2249

Hearing what Charlie said, Wendy nodded in a hurry, even her voice choked up, and said

seriously: “Brother-in-law, you are right…I now…I am awake now…… I am no longer the

old lady who had a high-level eye, unlearned, and a dog-eyed little girl…”

Then, she opened the zipper of the down jacket a little bit, revealing the blue etiquette

uniform inside, and said: “Brother-in-law, look, I have started doing a job by myself now,

and I will be a welcome guest in the newly opened Red Woods community. ……”

Charlie asked curiously: “How did you become a welcoming guest? If I remember

correctly, you are a college student anyway, isn‟t it better to find any job than to be a

welcoming guest?”

Wendy whispered in a very ashamed voice: “This…brother-in-law…to tell you, my dad

and my elder brother were beaten to be useless people because of their plot against my

second aunt. Now I can only lie in bed and can‟t do anything. My grandmother is too

old and lost weight. The stimulation of my second aunt has not been relieved, so I can‟t

go out to find a job. I can only make money. To support a family…”

Speaking of this, Wendy sobbed a few times and choked: “But…but I can‟t find those

good jobs, because such jobs pay a month later, but my Dad, my brother and my

grandma, the three of them are still waiting at home, I will make money and go back to

fill their stomachs…”

“So… so I can only find a job like this that can pay me daily…”

Charlie nodded lightly.

When she and her old husband went to the supermarket to make purchases a year ago,

he saw Mrs. Willson who helped customers pull plastic bags in the supermarket.

At that time he knew that the Willson family was exhausted.

In the past, they leaned on Regnar, and they could be considered well-off.

But later Noah Willson and Harold got into a catastrophe and tied Cynthia and Elaine

together, and Regnar also completely offended Cynthia.

In the end, Regnar learned of his identity as the young master of the Wade family, so he

could only kneel to him and seek a way to survive.

Now that Regnar has become Orvel‟s licking dog, it is naturally impossible to give the

Willson family any chance.

Had it not been for that, he still wanted to leave the Willson family one last escape, the

Willson family would have been swept out by Regnar.

However, Charlie didn‟t feel sorry for them if he left this back path for them.

He felt that since ancient times, the sages have concluded that the wicked have their

own truths.

Therefore, instead of letting them get out of Tomson, it is better to let them feel the

deep water in Tomson.

Therefore, Regnar only looked for a relationship and released Gina Jones and the others

in advance.

Charlie had already figured out Mrs. Willson clearly. He knew that if Mrs. Willson saw

Gina and the three of them want to live in a villa with him, she would do everything

possible to drive Gina away. This would offend Gina to death, as predicted.

Originally, Gina and the three were still grateful to Mrs. Willson. If Mrs. Willson treated

them well, they would definitely go all out to give back the favor to Mrs. Willson.

In that case, with the help of three big and haughty village women, Mrs. Willson‟s family

can at least have enough to eat.

However, Charlie just determined that Mrs. Willson would not choose this path.

Therefore, he deliberately let Old Lady Willson experience the feeling of shooting herself

in the foot.

The original help turned into an enemy, which definitely make Old Lady Willson


And Mrs. Willson did not disappoint him.

Now, it is obvious that Mrs. Willson has been struggling to feed a family of four alone,

so Wendy can only carry the burden of supporting it.

Chapter 2250

Charlie looked at Wendy in front of him. Although his impression of her was slightly

changed, he did not sympathize with her.

Immediately, he spoke faintly: “Red Woods is not far from here. If you take a car, the

starting price is almost the same.”

Wendy hurriedly said: “Brother-in-law…I can‟t think to split my money in half now. I can‟t

bear to take the bus, let alone take a taxi…”

As she said, she pointed to the high heels under her feet and said: “I was going to walk

straight over, so that I can save some money. I just saw you passing by here, so I

mustered up the courage to apologize to you. By the way, can you give me a ride…”

In fact, Wendy now has a good impression of Charlie.

Since the day before the Chinese New Year, when many big figures in Aurous Hill came

to pay Charlie New Year‟s greetings, she realized that she had made a huge mistake

when she looked down on Charlie.

She also realized that the current Charlie is no longer comparable to the old Charlie.

Moreover, he has always been very good at Claire, and Wendy also sees it.

Therefore, her current view of Charlie has changed drastically from before.

When she came out today, She just saw Charlie riding a bike passing by, so she

mustered up the courage to call him.

But Charlie really couldn‟t give Wendy a good impression, so he said, “I still have

something to do. I can‟t take you there I am not going along with the Pearl River


Although Wendy felt lost in her heart, she did not continue to entangle herher. She

nodded very refreshingly and said, “Brother-in-law, it‟s okay, if you have anything to do,

please do it first. I‟ll just go over myself.”

Seeing that she was still wearing high heels, she couldn‟t get there in less than 40

minutes. He felt a little sympathetic, so he said: “Well, let‟s add a PayPal account, and I

will transfer some money to you. “

Wendy subconsciously said, “No need, brother-in-law…I can‟t ask for your money…”

Charlie said calmly: “You just call me brother-in-law, sincerely, I should help you, not to

mention that you met me, and if you meet your sister, she will definitely help you too.”

Claire has always been kind and doesn‟t like to hold grudges. If she was shown the

appearance of Wendy, she would definitely help.

When Wendy heard this, she was touched and ashamed, and choked up, “Brother-inlaw, I used to be so cruel to you, you are still willing to help me… I am… I am… “

Speaking of this, Wendy couldn‟t help crying.

Today, she really understood what it means to repay grievances with virtue.

Like others, she has offended others before, so it is easier for him to pay her back with

the same coin.

However, instead of ridiculing and mocking her, Charlie was willing to help, which really

surprised her.

Charlie said at this time: “Okay, don‟t cry, don‟t shirk, hurry up and add a PayPal, I have

something to take care of, I have to go.”

Wendy was so busy that she nodded her head again and again, but when she reached

into her pocket, she realized that she didn‟t have a mobile phone…

Her mobile phone was taken away by Regnar‟s people a long time ago.

So, she said nervously, “Brother-in-law…that…I…I…I don‟t have a mobile phone…”

Chapter 2251

“You don‟t have a cell phone?!”

Charlie felt very unbelievable about Wendy‟s words.

These days, even the aunts who set up street stalls have smartphones, and Wendy, a

young and fashionable girl, does not even have a mobile phone. This is indeed a bit


Wendy saw Charlie‟s face full of shock, and the whole person was even more

embarrassed, and she kept saying: “Brother-in-law…I…I…My phone was previously… ..

was taken away by Regnar…”

Wendy said, lowering her head in shame.

After these words, she really felt that she couldn‟t hold her face at all.

The entire Willson family is indeed at an end.

She can‟t even use a mobile phone, this is what it is like to be poor…

When Charlie heard this, he suddenly understood.

After Regnar returned, he hated the Willson family deeply. He knew that he had not

dealt with the Willson family, so naturally he was going to come down hard.

In fact, this kind of thing is not good, if he says hello to Regnar, Regnar will definitely

restore their previous living standards, and even continue to invest in the Willson family

to bring the family back to life.

After that, it only takes tens of millions to revitalize the Willson family. Although Regnar

has lost most of his fortune, After that, the lean camel is bigger than a horse, and a little

leaking out of his fingers is enough for the Willson family to eat and drink.

However, Charlie did not intend to do this.

Today, the Willson family is definitely on their own account, especially the old lady and

Noah Willson, who has been deliberately fighting against Charlie and his family.

Therefore, they must be punished.

Thinking of this, Charlie made up his mind to give Wendy a little favor at most, which

was a reward for her to know how to return, sincerely apologize to him, and call him


Charlie has always been a clear-cut person.

As long as the crime was not a capital crime, a certain amount of forgiveness can be

granted on the basis of serious repentance.

For example, Regnar‟s family, although Wu Qi is a sc*mbag, in the final analysis, the

crime is not to die. Although Regnar and his eldest son Roger are domineering, they

also did not commit a capital crime.

Therefore, the three of them, although there are many hardships, have survived to the


However, Regnar‟s brother-in-law Xue Nanshan has done all bad things and lost his

conscience. This kind of person can say nothing to keep him, even if he decides to do

good for a lifetime, he cannot keep him, and is already unforgivable.

At this time, Charlie flipped through his pockets, found a fifty banknote, handed it to

Wendy, and said, “Well, take a taxi.”

Wendy hesitated a bit, wondering whether she should take the fifty yuan.

Although it was only fifty yuan, for her, it was a lot of money and it could play a big role.

Her current workday is only two hundred yuan. In addition to food, she has to buy some

basic medicine for Noah and Harold.

In fact, after these two people are removed, each person needs at least tens of

thousands of treatment fees to recover quickly, but because they can‟t pay, they can

only rely on a little bit of physical treatment, and the recovery speed is slow.

Coupled with the lack of nutrition, the current situation of the two people is such that

they may not really be able to get out of bed and walk after a year.

Therefore, Wendy also hopes to make as much money as possible, even if it is only a few

dozen yuan more, at least she can buy half a pound of meat for her father and brother,

or buy two big bones to make soup and drink.

So, she bowed to Charlie and said sincerely: “Thank you, brother-in-law…I am indeed

short of money now, so I won‟t be polite to you…”

After that, she took the fifty yuan with both hands.

Charlie nodded, and said: “Take a taxi, you can get it for ten yuan.”

Although Wendy was a little bit reluctant, since Charlie had said so, she did not dare to

disobey, and quickly said: “OK brother-in-law, thank you, brother-in-law!”

Charlie gave a hum and asked her: “When do you get off work?”

Wendy whispered softly: “Customers who visit the house usually start from 10 o‟clock in

the morning and go to more than 7 o‟clock, so we don‟t get off work until 7:30.”

Charlie nodded and said: “Okay, then hurry up and go, I‟m leaving too.”

Chapter 2252

Wendy hurriedly bowed again and said, “Brother-in-law, slow down, pay attention to

safety on the road.”

“Well, time to go.”

Charlie waved his hand, pressed the accelerator of the battery car, and left quickly.

Wendy looked at Charlie‟s back and was filled with emotion.

At this moment, what she hopes most is not how much money she will make or the

favor of the rich.

What she hopes most is to be able to sit in the back seat of Charlie‟s battery car.

Because she felt that the back seat must look very easy and comfortable to sit in.


Charlie rode a battery car to Issac‟s hotel.

Issac had already waited at the door in person.

Seeing Charlie riding over, he hurriedly stepped forward and said, “Oh, master, your

status is really not suitable for riding this kind of electric bike anymore. Why didn‟t you

drive the car Solomon White gave you before? You don‟t like supercars. Do you?”

Charlie nodded: “That kind of car is not practical, and it is indeed too arrogant. As long

as it is driven out, I will be chased by everyone, to watch and take pictures. I don‟t like

such a high-profile feeling.”

Issac hurriedly said: “Then I should arrange a low-key luxury car for you? What do you

think of Phaeton?”

Charlie waved his hand: “No, I‟m used to riding an electric bike. Aurous Hill is not too

big. In such a small area in the city, I can run with an electric bike. However, I haven‟t

recharged these days. Yes, you will arrange for someone to charge this for me later.”

With that, he parked the electric bike at the door and urged: “Come, take me to see


Issac hurriedly said to a valet parking boy next to him: “Quickly park Mr. Wade‟s electric

bike, wipe the inside and out of the car, and then recharge it.”

“OK President Issac!”

The little boy responded and hurried over to push the electric bike away.

Charlie and Issac stepped into the hotel, and Issac took him directly to the top floor of

the hotel.

The top floor of the hotel is the administrative zone, which is specially prepared for big

bosses and big people.

The characteristic of the administrative zone is that the area is relatively independent,

and when the hotel is designed, several administrative areas have been built on the

administrative floor. Each administrative floor has only one entrance, one elevator room,

and one stairwell, between other administrative floors. Thickened reinforced concrete

walls are used as a partition.

This is not only safer and more private but also more convenient for security personnel

to carry out their work.

Otherwise, if it is an ordinary floor, there are several elevators, several sets of stairs, and

air corridors connected, the route all complicated, and it is not easy for the big people

to live in for reasons of security.

Ruoli and others were placed in one of the administrative areas, and Issac also arranged

a lot of confidants to guard here to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

At this time, Ruoli was wearing a corset and sports underwear sent by the waitress. In

the living area of the room, she was running and exercising for internal strength training.

For martial arts masters like her, talent is far from enough, and daily practice is also


Only with ten or twenty years of hard work without slack it can be possible to become a

martial artist.

However, Ruoli now feels that she has never been able to settle down and concentrate

on training.

Because, as long as she tried to sink her heart, she couldn‟t help but think of Charlie in

her mind.

Just when she couldn‟t find the feeling, the doorbell rang.

At this moment, she intuitively felt that Charlie might be here, and she was suddenly


Afterward, she rushed to the door in two steps and opened it directly.

When she saw Charlie standing outside the door, she couldn‟t help but smile and

blurted out: “Mr. Wade, you are finally here!”

After speaking, she suddenly realized that she was wearing only sports underwear, and

her entire neck and chest were covered with sweat. She screamed in fright and blurted

out: “Oh! Mr. Wade, wait a moment!”

As soon as the voice fell, she quickly closed the door…

Chapter 2253

Charlie actually hadn‟t had time to see Ruoli‟s perfect figure and curve clearly before she

closed the door.

At this time, Ruoli was ashamed and impatient, she quickly found a bathrobe and put it

on, then blushed and ran back to open the door.

Facing Charlie, her face was already red as if there were two sunrise clouds, and she said

shyly: “I‟m sorry Mr. Wade, just now I…I just opened the door too abruptly… “

Although Ruoli is a cruel martial arts master, emotionally, she is still a virgin who has

never been tempted by the opposite s3x.

Therefore, when facing Charlie, her embarrassment made her look like a martial arts


Charlie was somewhat embarrassed at this time.

Ruoli is the same as Qin Aoxue, the little pepper of the Qin family because they have

received professional training all the year-round, so both of them have excellent figures.

Therefore, although the incident happened suddenly and hastily, it really feasted his


It‟s just that Qin Aoxue didn‟t have the natural cold temperament of Ruoli.

To put it bluntly, after getting acquainted with Qin Aoxue, she is like the little girl next

door that all men like.

But Ruoli had absolutely no such temperament.

It wasn‟t because she was somewhat cramped in front of Charlie. In fact, her image in

front of people always carried the taste of being far-sighted and not indecent and even

brought a cold and dangerous feeling to most men.

After slightly adjusting his mentality, Charlie asked Ruoli: “Are you satisfied with your

stay here?”

Ruoli hurriedly said: “Very satisfied…I heard that this is the best hotel in Aurous Hill, but I

didn‟t expect Mr. Wade to be so polite…”

Charlie waved his hand: “It doesn‟t make any trouble. After all, Mr. Issac is in charge of

this hotel. Letting him arrange a few rooms is not a matter of great effort.”

Ruoli realized that Charlie was still standing at the door, so she hurriedly moved away,

made a gesture of inviting, and said, “Mr. Wade, please come in and sit down!”

Charlie nodded and stepped into the room.

Because it was a luxurious executive suite, Ruoli directly invited Charlie to sit on the sofa in the living room.

As soon as Charlie sat down, she hurriedly used the tea from the hotel room to make a cup of tea and handed it to him, and said respectfully: “Mr. Wade, please have some tea.”

Charlie smiled slightly, thanked her, and then said: “Ms. Su I don‟t know if you watch


“No.” Ruoli stroked the hair between the temples with a somewhat unnatural expression

and stammered: “My… last night… last night actually…… I haven‟t slept well. I only fell

asleep in the early morning. Then I woke up and did a training session. Then you


Charlie nodded and said, “I will probably tell you about it. Yesterday the National

Security Agency of Japan issued a notice in which it disclosed your grandfather

Chengfeng‟s activities with the Self-Defense Forces.”

Ruoli said with a bit of resentment: “He is not my grandfather…I don‟t have such a


Charlie said: “I can understand your mood.”

Chapter 2254

Ruoli said embarrassedly: “I‟m sorry Mr. Wade, I shouldn‟t interrupt you, you may


Charlie said: “But not long after, the media discovered that your father Zynn flew to

Australia overnight. Then the media changed the direction of the wind, saying that it

was not your grandfather Chengfeng who betrayed you, but your father Zynn. Saying

that he betrayed you to silence your mouth and to bury the secret that you were his

illegitimate daughter forever.”

Ruoli looked pale and said, “This…this is not… impossible…”

Charlie asked her: “Then which one do you believe more?”

Ruoli thought about it for a few minutes before she said: “Mr. Wade, I believe that

Chengfeng betrayed me.”

Charlie looked at her with interest and asked, “Oh? Why?”

Ruoli said earnestly: “I have been by my father‟s side for several years. Although he has

very fierce workmanship, he has a deep affection for his close relatives. He is very

concerned about Zhifei and Zhiyu and knows me. After knowing my true identity, he was

also very concerned about me. I think he wouldn‟t kill me. If he really wants to kill me, he

shouldn‟t leave me in Su‟s house after knowing I am his daughter.”

After that, she analyzed: “Chengfeng is a very legendary successful businessman of the

older generation from the outside world. He is kind and warm, but in fact, he is a very

ruthless person.”

“Moreover, his heart is cruel, regardless of who it is, as long as the interests align, he will

not let it go! Even his grandson is the same!”

“So, I think Chengfeng is more likely to betray me!”

Charlie nodded in agreement and said: “My views are the same as you. Although I don‟t

know how the father and son are, from the sequence of events and the logic behind it, it

is possible that the mastermind is Chengfeng. Even bigger, Zynn went to Australia

overnight. In fact, it was a mobile target that helped Chengfeng attract firepower. It was

also a mobile target that could only be hit, could not counterattack, and could not

return the fire of words.”

Ruoli could not help sighing: “Chengfeng has always been in control of the Su family‟s

power. Although my father is the eldest son and a quasi-heir, he has no real rights in the

Su family. He is responsible and obliged to report to Chengfeng.”

“My father didn‟t dare to cultivate his own power at all, because Chengfeng was

extremely sensitive to this matter. If my father cultivated his own power under his nose,

he would be very angry and might even directly deprive him of his power. Heir‟s power.”

“So, no matter how you look at this matter from any aspect, Chengfeng must be behind

the scenes…”

Speaking of this, Ruoli said with a dim expression: “However, I don‟t know whether my

father participated in it, and how much he did. He knew it from the beginning to end, or

he didn‟t. Or he did know with no objection to it…”

Charlie asked her: “What are your plans, next?”

Ruoli hurriedly said: “I have no plans of my own, when you rescued me, I had said at that

time, I‟ll follow whatever you instruct.”

Charlie nodded and asked her: “If one day, I want you to help me deal with the Su

family, would you like to do it?”

Ruoli said without hesitation: “I am willing to deal with the Su family! From my mother

to me, I have been working hard to serve the family, and even ready to sacrifice for them

at all times, but they have been so unsympathetic towards us, this hatred, I must repay


Charlie nodded: “If you say so.”

Ruoli hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, you let me deal with the Su family, Chengfeng, and

other family members. I have no objection, and I can‟t ask for it, but I don‟t want to deal

with my father and my half-brothers and sisters. Except for the three of them, anyone

with the surname Su is an enemy in my eyes!”

Chapter 2255

Ruoli was unwilling to attack her biological father and her half-brother and sister. Not

only was Charlie not unhappy, but he was relieved.

In fact, if a person can really attack her brothers and sisters, or even her biological

father, Charlie must have a strong guard against such people.

Because in his opinion, no matter how bad a person is, he cannot be without humanity.

If a person is true without humanity, even if he obeys his own words today, he will still

be able to stab in the heart of anyone directly tomorrow.

Therefore, in his opinion, although Ruoli has destroyed the Matsumoto family, she is still

not inhuman.

The reason for the act of exterminating that line was to execute the order.

Just like a soldier, no matter what order his superior commander gives him, he, as a

qualified soldier, must obey.

Otherwise, he is not a qualified soldier.

So Charlie didn‟t have any opinion on this, and he said, “We two have a deep hatred

with the Su family. You hate Chengfeng, and I hate Zynn. You need Chengfeng to give

you an explanation, and I also need Zynn to give me an explanation, so the two of us

have to work together as hard as possible when facing the Su family.”

Ruoli hesitated for a moment, and asked, “Mr. Wade, do you hate my father because of

the anti-wade Alliance back then?”

Charlie nodded and said coldly: “Back then, Zynn held high the banner of the Anti-Wade

Alliance and organized a group of people to target my father with all their strength.

Although I still don‟t know how strong he has a hand in my father‟s death, how big his

role in the Anti-Wade Alliance. But for the association with the words „anti-wade

Alliance‟ alone, he is my enemy!”

Ruoli asked again: “Mr. Wade, would you kill my father because of the anti-wade

Alliance back then?”

Charlie thought for a few seconds and said with a serious face: “If Zynn‟s anti-wade

alliance was not the direct murderer of my parents, or did not directly participate in the

murder of my parents, then I would not kill Zynn. I will punish him reasonably based on

his actual crimes.”

Speaking of this, Charlie‟s expression flashed coldly, and he sternly said: “However, if he

has a unshirkable responsibility for the death of my parents, then I must take his

miserable life and use his head above the neck to pay homage to my parents!”

Ruoli nodded gently.

Although she prayed a thousand times to let Charlie and Zynn not meet on the


But she also knew very well in her heart that she didn‟t have the ability to control this

matter, let alone the qualifications to control it.

Not only was Charlie much stronger than himself, but Charlie even saved her life, and

she was not qualified to intervene in any decision to avenge his parent‟s murder.

Therefore, she could only pray silently in her heart, praying for her father Zynn, and

never be the culprit who killed Charlie‟s parents.

Otherwise, with Charlie‟s strength, it would be easy to kill him.

Thinking of this, Ruoli looked at Charlie and thought over and over again, but still asked,

“Mr. Wade, when can I contact my mother?”

Charlie said: “It‟s not possible for the time being. Wait a minute. The main reason is that

your current identity is too sensitive. News about you is raging throughout Asia. The

Japanese government is also eager to arrest you and convict you. if the news that you

are still alive leaks out, I wouldn‟t be able to keep you.”

After that, Charlie said again: “I suggest you wait patiently. When the time is right, I will

let you contact your mother.”

Ruoli nodded gently, and said respectfully: “Okay Mr. Wade, Ruoli will do everything you


Charlie gave a hum, and said: “These days, you will have a good rest here.”

Ruoli hurriedly said, “OK Mr. Wade.”

Charlie thought of something and asked curiously: “Oh, yes, when I just came in, I saw

you as if you were training?”

Ruoli remembered how she was wearing only sports tube tops and sports shorts, and

she nodded in embarrassment, and said, “Mr. Wade, I usually practice every day.”

Charlie asked curiously: “You martial arts masters, what do you usually practice when

you practice?”

Ruoli replied truthfully: “Every morning, I practice the special techniques that passed

down my family.”

Charlie asked curiously: “Is it unique to the He family?”

Because Wade has the inheritance of martial arts, Charlie learned from his father when

he was young.

Chapter 2256

However, what she doing, called Wing Chun, is just a set of relatively ordinary boxing

techniques and martial arts, not internal boxing.

In comparison, the ranks of Charlie‟s technique are Neijiaquan which is generally higherend than ordinary boxing.

Because ordinary boxing is actually a kind of fighting technique. Whether it is Chinese

Wing Chun, Japanese Karate, Korean Taekwondo, they are all fighting skills, but those

who created these skills have their own ways of looking at problems. Different, so the

fighting skills created are also different.

But Neijiaquan is unique.

The main practice of Neijiaquan is not physical skills, but the cultivation of internal


Thus dominated by internal strength exercises.

In contrast, Neijiaquan is much more advanced than ordinary boxing, and its overall

strength is also stronger.

It is precisely because of practicing internal boxing all the year round that Ruoli can

surpass most of her peers and become a leader.

However, the whole set of Xingyiquan she practiced was a thousand miles away from

Charlie‟s Nine Profound Heaven Classics.

Charlie wanted to mention it to her a little bit, so he said, “Miss Ruoli, I want to give you

a pulse. I don‟t know if it is convenient?”

Ruoli said without hesitation: “Of course, Mr. Wade, please!”

After that, she handed her right hand to Charlie.

Charlie‟s fingertips lightly placed on Ruoli‟s veins, a trace of spiritual energy passed

through the veins and into Ruoli‟s body.

The spiritual energy wandered through her body, and Charlie immediately discovered

that Ruoli‟s eight channels of the odd meridian in her body had only opened up two


The two channels of Ren and Du are actually the collective name of two channels.

The Ren and Du channels are part of the eight channels of the odd meridian.

There are eight odd meridians and eight channels, namely Ren, Du, Chong, Band, Yin

Qiao, Yang Qiao, Yin Wei, and Yang Wei.

The reason they are said to be the eight meridians of the odd meridian is mainly that,

for most people, these eight meridians are naturally unconnected.

The traditional Chinese martial arts and Taoist training methods are all about practicing


This energy is stored in the body and sinks in the core. When it moves, it passes through

the eight meridians.

Therefore, whether or not the eight channels of the odd meridian are opened up and

how much is connected directly relates to the person‟s strength.

To put it bluntly, if a person is an internal combustion engine, then the gas in the core is

the fuel when the internal combustion engine is running.

The Qijing Bamai is the eight pipelines that supply fuel to the internal combustion

engine. If none of the eight pipelines are opened, then this person is a completely

ordinary person.

If one or two of these eight are connected, this person‟s strength can rise by a large


If you get through the eight points, you will almost reach the pinnacle of internal


Ruoli has only opened up the two channels of Ren and Du, and there are still six

channels left. If she can get another one, his strength can be doubled.

It‟s a pity that it is impossible to get through the eight meridians of the energy meridian

in a traditional practice.

Taking the Xingyiquan of the He family as an example, for hundreds of years, only one

ancestor of the He family has opened up four of the eight channels of the odd meridian.

For the rest, the best will only get through three.

In the current He family, only Ruoli‟s grandfather Luther can open up the three

meridians. In the forty years after he opened up the three meridians, the He family has

never made a second one.

More, in fact, only one can get through in a lifetime.

Chapter 2257

Ruoli is only in her early twenties this year and has already opened up the two lines of

Ren and Du.

This is already a top-notch feat among the young people of the Ren family and other

major martial arts families.

Moreover, Ruoli did not dare to hope that she could get through the third meridian.

Her biggest wish now is to strive to make her two lines of Ren and Du more smooth.

Because there are multiple dimensions in the measurement of the internal masters.

How many odd meridians and eight meridians are connected is just one of them.

The second of these is to see whose meridians are more smooth.

Just like Ruoli, she got through the Ren channel at the age of 15 and the Du channel at

the age of 20.

According to the judging standards of people in martial arts, the unobstructed degree

of the eight channels of the odd meridian, from one to ten, is divided into ten percent.

Ruoli first opened up the Ren Vessel, so her Ren Vessel‟s smoothness has reached 40%;

However, it didn‟t take long for her to get through the Du Vessel, and the current

smoothness of the Du Vessel has not exceeded 20%.

After investigating Ruoli‟s cultivation level, Charlie couldn‟t help feeling a little bit


If you didn‟t get the Nine Profound Heavenly Sutras, relying on the Wing Chun boxing

you learned when you were young, let alone getting through the Ren Du Channel, even

the Ren Channel would not be able to get through.

In that case, in front of Ruoli, he was as weak as a vegetable chicken.

But just because he had obtained the Nine Profound Heaven Scriptures, mastered the

use of aura, and supplemented with a lot of rejuvenation pills to improve his strength,

his current strength not only crushes the warriors who have broken through the two

channels of Ren Du, even a strange script A martial arts master who has all eight

meridians is not qualified to fight him.

After that, compared to internal energy, Aura is simply a crushing dimensionality

reduction blow.

It is like the absolute advantage of hot weapons over cold weapons.

Charlie had the intention to mention Ruoli a little bit, so he used that ray of spiritual

energy to directly increase Ruoli‟s Ren Vessel from 40% to 100%.

Ruoli at this time had already clearly felt the difference.

This feeling is very obvious to her.

Before it was as if she had been in a bad cold, her nose was mostly blocked, and it was

very difficult to breathe.

But now, her breathing becomes very smooth in an instant, and she feels that compared

to before, it is simply one place at a time!

She looked at Charlie in shock, and blurted out: “Young Mr. Wade, what have you done

to me? How come my Ren Vessel is instantly accessible”

Charlie smiled indifferently, and said: “I saw that your Ren Vessel was not smooth

enough, so I helped you through it.”


Ruoli was shocked as if struck by lightning!

As a person who has been practicing martial arts for more than ten years, she is very

aware of the importance of meridian patency.

People in martial arts pay the most attention to opening up the number of meridians,

and they have been smooth. The two are horizontal and vertical, and one is


Because the Ren channel is the first channel of the eight meridians and the foundation

of martial art, whether and to what extent the next seven meridians can be opened

depends almost entirely on how strong the foundation laid by the Ren channel is.

Therefore, she has always hoped to increase the smoothness of the Ren Vessel to

another level.

Even if it only increased from 40% to 50%, it would have been a remarkable


But she couldn‟t think of it. Charlie only gave her own pulse for such a short time, and

then quietly increased the smoothness of her pulse from 40% to 100%!

For people in martial arts, one meridian can reach ten percent smoothness, which means

that this meridian has become fully functional.

Meridian, in the realm of martial arts, is a realm that only exists in legends!

According to the genealogy records, even the ancestor of the He family who opened up

the four meridians did not achieve success in his Ren Channel, but only reached the

realm of 80%.

Now, Charlie helped Ruoli raise the Ren Vessel to 100%, which is simply helping her

strengthen the foundation of martial arts more than twice!

Chapter 2258

This not only makes her current strength take a big step forward but also makes her

future martial arts journey much smoother!

With the great Ren as the foundation, her martial arts will be more effective in the


Ruoli was extremely excited, but also shocked in her heart!

“Young Mr. Wade just gave me a pulse lightly, and he can bring such a huge

improvement to my cultivation base. How strong is his strength?!”

“Ren core is tantamount to hitting the foundation of martial arts to the extreme. This is

something that I can‟t even think of in this life, and it is also an achievement that all

martial arts people can never achieve in a lifetime.

“However, in Mr. Wade‟s hands, it‟s just as easy as moving your fingers.”

“This is nothing short of gold”

“However, this kind of supernatural power is nothing more than easy in Mr. Wade‟s


“How powerful is Mr. Wade to achieve such an incredible level?!”

“It seems that my previous knowledge of Mr. Wade is far from enough”

“Before, I thought he should be more powerful, but today I know that his strength is far

more than that! Even, it is far beyond the scope of what I can imagine.”

Thinking of this, she felt more fortunate in her acquaintance with Charlie.

Although the first half of this acquaintance was not pleasant, since Charlie rescued her,

this man has been using practical actions to subvert her worldview.

If it weren‟t for knowing Charlie, it would be impossible for her to have such good luck!

Immediately, she knelt on the ground with a thud, and choked with emotion: “Mr. Wade,

your great kindness, please accept it.”

After speaking, she leaned down and knocked her head heavily.

Charlie said calmly: “It‟s just a matter of raising your hand, and you don‟t have to give

this big gift.”

Ruoli said solemnly: “Young Mr. Wade, the good fortune you gave Ruoli, many martial

arts practitioners can hardly achieve for in a lifetime, this kind of grace, I cannot forget


Charlie smiled faintly: “Spend time to improve the smoothness of the Du Vessel, and

then try to get through the Chong Vessel, this is the most important thing for you at the

moment. If you can‟t go out during this time, you should practice in the hotel.”

Ruoli hurriedly said: “OK Young Mr. Wade, I will definitely go all out and try not to let

you down!”

Charlie nodded, stood up, and said: “Okay, you continue to practice, I will leave.”

Ruoli asked subconsciously, “Mr. Wade, you are leaving now?”

Charlie hummed and said casually: “I have to buy some food and go home to cook. If I

linger for a while, it will delay my wife‟s lunch.”

Ruoli was shocked in the ecstasy, and at the same time filled with disappointment, she

blurted out and asked, “Mr. Wade, are you married?!”

Charlie nodded: “I have been married for four years.”

Ruoli was shocked and said: “The Wade family is also the second-largest family in the

country. How come I have never heard of the Wade family son‟s wedding”

Charlie laughed: “I, the Wade family son, have lived outside for 19 years. The Wade

family only came to me a year ago. Before that, I had been married and joined a local

family in Aurous Hill. Becoming a live-in son-in-law.”


Ruoli felt that her views were completely subverted by Charlie again.

“I heard about the disappearance of Changying‟s son in Eastcliff.”

“But I can‟t even imagine that among people like Young Mr. Wade, Dragon and Phoenix

would actually be the son-in-law in Aurous Hill!”

“Not to mention that he is a descendant of the Wade family, the only son of the famous

Changying, and that his outstanding attainments in martial arts are enough to attract all

martial arts people!”

“Don‟t look at those martial arts masters, who are usually respected by major families. If

Mr. Wade, a top master with great magical powers, is willing to start a cult, countless

martial arts masters will definitely squeeze their heads and worship at his door,

wholeheartedly serving him. “

“So, as long as he wants, he can be the object of admiration anytime.”

“Why would such a man who can endure the sky be willing to be a live-in son-in-law in

Aurous Hill?!”

Chapter 2259

Just when Ruoli was so excited about the good fortune that Charlie sent to her, and at

the same time he came out to be a live-in son-in-law, Charlie said indifferently: “If you

have any needs, directly talk to Issac. , He will help you, and I will now.”

Ruoli said quickly: “Young Mr. Wade, I will see you off!”

Ruoli sent Charlie to the door of the room, and Charlie said: “You may return.”

Ruoli nodded respectfully, bowed deeply, and said gratefully: “Mr. Wade, thank you!”

Charlie smiled slightly: “Don‟t worry about it.”

Having said that, he immediately left.

Seeing Charlie‟s back figure out of his administrative district, Ruoli felt a panic in her


She closed the door and murmured involuntarily: “Mr. Wade really has great magical

powers. My mother and grandpa have taken me to practice hard for so many years, and

they have never given me such good luck. Even grandpa himself has not been able to

take his Ren reached the core, but, in front of Mr. Wade, all of this seems to be

effortless. If it were not for Mr. Wade‟s help, she would not have reached such a realm in

this life…”

Thinking of this, Ruoli‟s eyes were already full of tears.

The He family are all martial fanatics.

Their greatest pursuit is martial arts in life.

Ruoli‟s grandfather‟s greatest wish is to one day open up the four meridians and

revitalize the glory of the He family.

It‟s a pity that he is now in his old age, and he still can‟t find a way to breakthrough.

Over the years, as he grew older, his strength has been somewhat uncontrollable in

decline, and there is no hope for a breakthrough.

Originally, Ruoli‟s mother, Yingxiu, was the most promising descendant of the He family.

At a young age, she was infinitely close to breaking through the third meridian.

At that time, her grandfather concluded that Yingxiu would surely achieve a

breakthrough within five years, becoming the first person in the He family to break

through the three meridians before the age of thirty in nearly a hundred years.

But it is a pity that at the most critical stage, she was seriously injured to save Zynn. The

most serious thing is that she broke an arm for Zynn.

In martial arts novels, there are often one-armed heroes, such as the one-armed god Ni,

Princess Changping, and the magical sculpture hero Yang Guo.

But After that, they are all martial arts works, and they cannot be true.

The real masters of the inner family don‟t have the ability to fly over the wall and fight

bulls in the air. What they rely on is external and internal hard work.

No matter how the inner strength of the inner masters is trained, the real transformation

into the lethality against the enemy depends on the limbs.

One of the limbs is missing, and the strength is directly lost by a quarter.

This still does not consider coordination.

In fact, if a person loses one arm, the ability of the other arm will be greatly

compromised due to a lack of coordination.

Therefore, even though Yingxiu is a martial arts genius, her talent can never make up for

her body‟s shortcomings, so her strength has no room for improvement over the years.

It can be said that the revitalization hope of the entire He family rests on Ruoli.

Although her surname was Su, the He family never regarded her as an outsider.

She is of the He family‟s flesh and blood, grew up in the He family and practiced the He

family‟s Xingyi Quan, so she is the progeny of the He family.

When Yingxiu gave birth to Ruoli in October, the first thought of the head of the He

family, Luther, was that the child was born with the surname He.

Anyway, she is the illegitimate daughter of Zynn, and the He family was not going to let

Zynn know about this. Naturally, it was reasonable to lend her their surname.

However, Yingxiu insisted that her surname must be Su.

The reason is that Yingxiu‟s feelings towards Zynn in her heart.

She felt that even if she quietly gave birth to Zynn‟s child, she was not going to tell

Zynn, but out of respect for Zynn, she still wanted the child to follow his surname Su.

Yingxiu‟s father, Luther, couldn‟t help but compromise her.

However, Luther also made a request that Ruoli could not have the surname He, but if

she gave birth to a boy in the future, he must have a surname He.

Chapter 2260

Yingxiu agreed. She felt that in the future, Ruoli must be recruited. After that, He‟s family

is not a waiting generation, and it is not difficult to recruit a son-in-law.

From these things, it can be seen that the He family attaches great importance to Ruoli,

which is not difficult to explain, why Ruoli also desires to allow the He family to rise

again in the martial arts.

Especially this time the Su family fell into trouble, and Ruoli lost all confidence and

affection for the Su family.

She had already made a plan in her heart. When the turmoil of this incident passed and

when she could return to the He family, she would immediately change her surname to

He and try her best to help the lintel of the He family!

At the same time, she also intends to persuade Grandpa to let the whole He family be

loyal to Charlie, not only to repay this great favor but also to have a better good fortune

in the future.


At this moment.

Charlie left the hotel administrative area, and Issac was waiting at the door.

Seeing Charlie coming, he hurried forward and said respectfully: “Master, how was your

talk to Miss Su?”

Charlie said calmly: “The talk was pretty good. She will stay in the hotel during this time.

You will take care of her and other people for me. But it‟s the point I said before. Don‟t

let them contact the outside world, only allow them to watch TV and answer calls from

the service staff.”

Issac nodded hurriedly and said: “Master, don‟t worry, I will arrange it.”

With that, he hurriedly handed a rectangular packing box to Charlie, and said, “Master,

this is the new phone you asked me to buy.”

Before Charlie entered Ruoli‟s room and left, he had instructed Issac to arrange for

someone to buy a new mobile phone, so Issac asked someone to buy the latest topmatched iPhone.

The reason why Charlie asked Issac to arrange for someone to buy a mobile phone was

mainly that he wanted to go to the Pearl River Woods where Wendy worked and give

her this mobile phone when he returned.

Then, transfer some money to her PayPal or Alipay to make her life less embarrassing

for some time in the future.

This is his consistent principle of being a man. People respect him and he respects


Wendy looked down on him for so many years, so Charlie didn‟t have any softness or

tenderness towards her before.

But now that she has sincerely admitted her mistakes and called him her brother-in-law

sincerely, then he naturally has to express himself.

If you respect and obey me, I will let you benefit from it. This is the key quality of

becoming a master.

And those who respect him, obey him, and he does not benefit you, they will never

achieve true success.

Some bosses, even if they have thousands of possessions, can hardly escape a word.

Even if relatives, friends, and subordinate staff treat him respectfully and work hard for

him, he is still reluctant to give the benefits he deserves.

There are also some bosses who like to do things like hiding all the birds, crossing the

river, and demolishing bridges.

Such a person will sooner or later lose the support of everyone, lose the help of his

confidant, and become a lonely person.

Once deficient in morals and helplessness, naturally there is no chance to become a


Those well-known entrepreneurs who are really big, without exception, all follow the law

of “those who follow me prosper”.

Only in this way can we gain the support of others and make our own career bigger and


This is the essence of the five words “those who follow me prosper”.

At this time, Charlie got the cellphone and said to Issac, “Okay, Mr. Issac, I‟m leaving.”

Issac blurted out: “Master, I will take you down!”

Charlie said lightly: “No, you go and do your job, don‟t worry about me.”

Issac hurriedly smiled and said, “I just want to go down, and come along.”

Charlie nodded, did not say more…

Chapter 2261

Charlie left the hotel, rode on his little e-car, and ran for the Pearl River Woods first.

This community has just opened, and recently it has been advertising and promoting

sales everywhere in Aurous Hill, so Charlie also heard about it.

If you change it to a few years ago, any newly opened community will be sold out by

crazy citizens and speculators in a very short time.

However, recently real estate brokers are not doing well, and many new communities

are experiencing slow sales, so these developers have begun to do everything possible

to promote sales.

Wendy originally wanted to apply for a real estate sales job, but because the salary for

this job would not be settled until the next month, so she had to go back and work as a

temporary etiquette lady in an etiquette company.

To put it plainly, the etiquette company is a human intermediary company.

Like housekeeping agencies, they signed a large number of girls who wanted to be

courtesy ladies, and then set different prices according to the external conditions of

each girl and then took the information of these girls to match with Party A.

For example, if a clubhouse opens for a celebration, if twenty slender, beautiful, and

temperamental ladies are needed, they will directly talk to the etiquette company.

The etiquette company takes the profile photos of the etiquette, let Party A choose,

after the selection, negotiate the price, and then arrange the schedule and time with the


Generally speaking, the cost of Party A to the etiquette company is, on average, an

etiquette lady, ranging from 400 to 800 per day.

However, these etiquette companies will take half or more from the middle and give the

etiquette ladies 200 to 400 compensation.

Although Wendy is not as pretty as Claire, she is definitely a beauty, with a good figure

and good temperament. In Party A, she can get 800 stalls.

Correspondingly, the etiquette company should also give her 400 a days remuneration.

However, the person in charge of the etiquette company realized that Wendy was short

of money, so he deliberately lowered her price, only willing to give her two hundred

yuan a day.

Wendy felt that the three relatives in the family were waiting to eat and take medicine,

and they couldn‟t cut off their cash income every day, so even if she was exploited a

little bit harder, she could only accept it with anger.

At this time, she was wearing a blue cheongsam-style lady etiquette uniform, standing

at the door of the Red Woods sales office to welcome guests.

The current season is still the first month, the temperature is very low, and the uniform

she wears is very thin, and her calf wearing only silk stockings is exposed underneath.

After standing at the door for less than half an hour, her body has become stiff from the


However, in order to make money, she did not dare to have any complaints, she could

only clench her teeth and persist.

At this time, she had been standing at the door for more than an hour. She was

trembling with cold, her face was pale and her lips were blue, but she still forced herself

to keep the sign of the lady of manners smiling, nodding and bowing to every customer

who entered the sales office. Say hello.

At this time, a woman in a mink fur coat came out from the sales office and said to

Wendy: “Girl, today President Liu ordered that all our hostesses must sign an exclusive

guarantee agreement with the company, while there are no customers. Come to see the

room, you sign the agreement with me.”

The woman‟s name was Mia Chen, who was the site supervisor of Wendy‟s etiquette

company and the second in command of the company.

Wendy asked respectfully, “Sister Mia, what does the exclusive guarantee agreement


Mia said arrogantly: “The exclusive guarantee agreement means that from now on, you

can only cooperate with our etiquette service company exclusively, and you cannot have

any form of business dealings with other etiquette companies. Otherwise, the company

has the right to request You compensate.”

Chapter 2262

Wendy asked again: “Isn‟t it an exclusive guarantee agreement? What does the

guarantee mean other than exclusive cooperation with our company?”

Mia explained: “The guarantee means that you have to guarantee a minimum of 28

events for the company in a month. If due to your personal reasons, the number of

events in the month does not meet the requirements, the company will also ask you to

Compensation, or deduct part of your labor costs.”

Wendy asked, “Will the company benefit from signing this agreement?”

“Benefits?” Mia curled her lips: “The good thing is that as long as you follow the

company‟s requirements and have at least 28 activities per month, the company will give

you a basic salary of 5,000 yuan.”

When Wendy heard this, she said with joy: “Sister Mia, what do you mean is that in

addition to the 200 yuan for each event, the company also gives a basic salary of 5,000


“Yes.” Mia nodded and said: “This is a contract specially prepared by the company for

employees. Most people don‟t have this opportunity.”

After that, she handed the agreement to Wendy and urged: “Come, sign, and handprint

quickly, and I will take it back to the company and report it to Mr. Liu when I‟m done.”

Wendy was overjoyed. If there are 28 activities in a month, the activity fee alone will be

5,000 yuan, plus a basic salary of 5,000 yuan, which is more than 10,000 yuan!

She hadn‟t looked down upon her with a monthly salary of over 10,000 before, but now,

a monthly salary of over 10,000 is of great significance to her.

With this income, the family no longer has to go hungry. Moreover, as long as the

money is used for living expenses, as long as they don‟t buy things randomly, the family

can definitely eat well, and the recovery speed of the father and brother‟s body must be

a lot faster.

She was overjoyed and didn‟t think much about it. She probably looked at the contract

and saw that the basic salary of 5,000 yuan per month was indeed written, so she

relieved herself and immediately signed her name, and then covered it with the ink pad

that Mia handed over. Made her own handprints.

After receiving the contract, Mia smiled triumphantly and said, “Oh, Wendy, you are

welcome to become the exclusive contract artist of our Shangmei etiquette company.

You must work hard in the future!”

Wendy said excitedly: “Sister Mia you can rest assured, I will definitely work harder!”

Mia hummed, and said, “Okay, I‟ll go back to the company first. After you are off work,

you can sign with your team leader to go back.”

Wendy hurriedly asked: “Sister Mia, are you still here this afternoon?”

Mia waved her hand: “I won‟t come here. The company has taken over etiquette work in

several other buildings today. I will go to inspect the site this afternoon.”

Wendy has worked with this company for a few days, knowing that Mia is the person

responsible for on-site payment of salaries. At the end of every day, she takes cash to

settle the settlement for everyone, so when she heard that she would not come in the

afternoon, she hurriedly asked: “Sister Mia, do you find the team leader to settle today‟s

expenses after getting off work?”

Mia looked surprised: “The cost? What is the cost?”

Wendy hurriedly said, “That‟s the etiquette expenses for today…two hundred yuan…”

Mia looked at Wendy and said with contempt: “I said Wendy, did you not wake up?

What dreams are you doing here?”

Wendy said nervously, “Sister Mia, I…what‟s wrong with me?”

Mia shook the contract in her hand and said coldly: “Wendy, the contract is clearly

written. The company will give you a basic salary of 5,000 yuan and pack your 28

activities per month. All your remuneration is in these five thousand are included in the

monthly salary. What do you want me to pay for today‟s etiquette? Doing a job and

asking for money twice, why do you think so? Are you so beautiful?”

Chapter 2263

When Wendy heard Mia‟s words, she asked in surprise: “Sister Mia, didn‟t you just say

that? The money for the activities separate and the basic salary is not included in it!”

Mia curled her lips and said: “What you think is really beautiful! I tell you, Mr. Liu said

that in the future, all etiquette ladies must settle monthly, so starting from today, you

will work for the company steadily, as long as you are full Twenty-eight activities, you

will receive a basic salary of five thousand on the 15th of next month!”

Wendy‟s expression suddenly became embarrassed, and she said: “Sister Mia, one event

is 200, and 28 events should be five thousand and six. The company uses five thousand

yuan to pack it. That means I will give the company three for nothing every month.


After that, she said very embarrassedly: “I‟m relatively tight lately, I can‟t accept this kind

of cooperation method of monthly settlement, or I won‟t sign it…”

“Huh? No sign?” Mia sneered: “Wendy, do you think that Miss Etiquette‟s wings

hardened after a few days of work?”

Wendy shook her head and said religiously: “Sister Mia, I didn‟t mean that, I think this

cooperation method is really not suitable for me…”

Mia snorted and said seriously: “Wendy, let me tell you that you have signed the

contract. If you want to break the contract at this time, you must bear the responsibility

for the breach of contract!”

Wendy realized that she had been deceived, so she hurriedly asked: “What is the

responsibility for the breach of contract?”

Mia raised the contract in her hand and sneered: “This is clearly written in black and

white. You have signed a contract with the company voluntarily. If you voluntarily breach

the contract, you will have to pay the company a penalty of 500,000 yuan. Otherwise,

the company has the right to sue you in court!”

As soon as Wendy heard this, she felt a little frustrated and hurriedly pleaded: “Sister

Mia, I rely on two hundred yuan to support my family every day. Please, there are two

patients who are paralyzed in bed at my house. Kindly void that contract…”

“Void?” Mia sarcastically said: “What is your dream? You can also make this contract

void. First, bring 500,000 yuan in a penalty!”

Wendy said: “Sister Mia if I get 500,000 yuan, I won‟t come to do this job…”

“Yo!” Mia scoffed and said with a mockery: “Listening to tone, it seems that you think

this job is shameful?”

Wendy hurriedly shook her head: “I didn‟t mean that I just wanted to say, I really can‟t

spend that much money…”

Mia roared fiercely: “You fcking slt can‟t get the liquidated damages and still haunt me

here? If you can‟t get the liquidated damages, you can work honestly with me! The

contract period for this contract is three years. In three years and thirty-six months, you

have to do 28 games every month, otherwise, one less game and one thousand

deductions until all deductions are made!”

“What?!” Wendy cried anxiously, and blurted out: “Aren‟t you cheating? It‟s less than two

hundred yuan for one game. If you lose one game, you will deduct one thousand. If I do

it in a month Twenty-three games, five games are missing, then you want to deduct all

my five thousand dollars?”

Mia glared at Wendy and said with a smile: “You should be fortunate that the contract is

only deducted and you are not compensated. If you are allowed to compensate, you will

lose all your earned money!”

Wendy blurted out: “It‟s too evil of you! I won‟t do it! I won‟t honor the contract!”

“Not fulfilled?” Mia sneered: “If you don‟t fulfill it, then follow me back to the company

and give the company an IOU of 500,000!”

Wendy was anxious and asked: “Why?!”

“Why?” Mia curled her lips in disdain, turned around, and rushed to a golden cup car at

the door to beckoned. In the car, four strong men came out of the car and directly

surrounded Wendy.

Mia scolded the brawny men: “Take her into the car and get her back to the company! I

don‟t believe it anymore. I can‟t stop her from being a rebel!”

“Okay Sister Mia!” One of the strong men immediately responded, and even if he led

someone to the front, he grabbed Wendy‟s arm tightly, and yelled: “Honestly follow us

in the car, otherwise you will not feel better! “

Chapter 2264

“I‟m not going!” Wendy blurted out, “You are committing a crime in broad daylight! I

want to call the police to arrest you!”

“Call the police?” Mia came up and slapped Wendy, and yelled, “You f*cking think you

can bluff me by calling the police? Tell you, there are so many ways for me to see you

with a cheap hoof! I have a million ways to do it. I can get you killed !”

Wendy blurted out: “You are too bullying! Now it‟s a society under the rule of law! How

can you be allowed to be so nonsense!”

Mia sneered and said: “What about bullying you? What I am doing is bullying? I tell you,

President Liu is the number one person on Aurous Hill Road. If you dare to be smart, it‟s

not just you who will feel the heat, at the end, your family will not have anything to eat!”

She said, “Wendy, don‟t blame me for not reminding you, don‟t say anything else, just

the contract you signed and drew in my hand. The price of ten thousand is sold to a

debt collection agency. When the time comes, people from the collection agency will

come to your house every day to block you and force you to pay back the money. Paint,

no matter where you go to work, they will go to the place where you work and beat you

to death.

Mia‟s etiquette company was originally built by a gray group in Aurous Hill.

Their mode of operation is to first use normal cooperation to lure the little girls in, then

trick them into signing a sales agreement, and then use the sales agreement to firmly

control them.

Plain looks generally become their coolies, with the lowest remuneration, helping them

to be polite ladies everywhere, desperately squeezing, and some even run three or four

activities a day.

And those who look better are basically forced to go to KTV to be a princess or lady,

and some are even forced to go on the road of the dust.

Mia feels that Wendy‟s appearance is indeed excellent. If she is controlled and sent to

high-end clubs, she can create at least 50,000 or 60,000 benefits in a month, which is

definitely a cash cow.

She was also worried that there would be many dreams in the night, so she hurriedly

said to those people: “Quickly, get her in the car!”

Several strong men immediately grabbed Wendy and dragged her into the car.

Wendy‟s scared soul was not possessed, and she blurted out, “Help! it is a Kidnapping!”

Some passers-by heard it and looked over immediately.

Mia hurriedly said loudly: “Don‟t get me wrong, we are Aurous Hill Shangmei etiquette

company, a formal enterprise!”

“This girl is one of our employees. Some time ago, her parents had a car accident. Our

boss kindly lent her 500,000 yuan to see a doctor. In the end, she did well and quietly

took the money to gamble!”

“Don‟t talk about losing all the money, and abandoning her parents in the hospital

regardless. We are going to take her to the hospital to see her dying parents and see if

we can reawaken her conscience!”

When everyone heard this, they didn‟t know who to believe.

At this time, Mia whispered to those people: “Get in the car!”

Those people immediately pulled Wendy out of the car door, and she was about to push

her into the car.

Wendy was frightened at this time, and her heart was desperate. She knew in her heart

that once she got in the car, she would be on the thief ship, and she might not be able

to get off in her life…

Just when she was desperate and didn‟t know what to do, she suddenly heard a familiar

voice whispering coldly: “Let her go!”

Chapter 2265

With this roar, Wendy and others including Mia immediately followed the sound


At this moment, they saw Charlie riding his electric bike, quickly approaching everyone.

Immediately, Charlie stopped the electric bike and did not get out of the car. He put his

legs on the sides of the electric bike and said in a cold voice, “Let her come to me.”

When Mia saw that Charlie was driving an electric bike, her expression immediately

became extremely disdainful, and sarcastically said: “Who should you be? a hero to save

China? It turns out to be a damn sc*mbag!”

After she finished speaking, she gave a cold snort and snorted: “Smelly filth, I tell you,

don‟t be nosy here, otherwise, I will make you unable to eat!”

Seeing Charlie‟s sudden appearance, Wendy immediately felt a strong sense of security,

and hurriedly cried out: “Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, please help me, brother-inlaw…”

When Mia heard this, she couldn‟t help but sneered: “Oh, you are her brother-in-law,

what‟s the matter? Want to redeem her?”

Charlie smiled and asked her, “How do you call this lady? I don‟t know where my sisterin-law has offended you?”

Mia curled her lips: “You are not worthy of knowing my name. As for how your sister-inlaw has offended me, you don‟t need to know so clearly. You only need to know one

thing. Your sister-in-law owes me five hundred thousand, if you pay the money, I will let

her go now; if you don‟t pay, then I will take her away!”

Wendy hurriedly said aggrieved: “Brother-in-law, I don‟t owe them money at all. They

lied to me to sign a contract. The contract came with a penalty of 500,000 yuan. This is

completely a contract fraud… ..”

Charlie waved his hand: “Ok, Wendy, don‟t talk, I‟ll talk to this young lady.”

After that, he looked at Mia with a smile, and said, “Beauty, isn‟t it half a million? This

matter is really easy to solve. Otherwise, you can give me a card number or your Alipay

now. Account, I will send you 500,000 immediately.”

Mia frowned and looked at Charlie, and said coldly: “Cut, what the hell? You don‟t even

have a decent car to drive, can you give me half a million?”

Charlie didn‟t get angry, so he took out his mobile phone and smiled: “In this way, you can open your Alipay now, and I will transfer the money to you now. If the money arrives, you will release the person directly; if the money does not arrive, you can do whatever you like.”

Mia started to hesitate at this time.

She thought to herself: “Looking at his stupid look, he doesn‟t seem to be bragging. If

he can really put out 500,000, this is an excellent deal. Even if I bring Wendy back and

force her to work for me. , She can be squeezed for tens of thousands of dollars a

month at most. If he wants to squeeze out 500,000, it will take at least half a year or

even longer for Wendy to earn for the company…”

“Now that this idiot is willing to spend half a million to settle this matter, wouldn‟t I just

make half a million for nothing in one morning?”

Thinking of this, she immediately said to Charlie: “Since you really have the intention to

settle this matter for her, then I will give you a chance, but don‟t blame me for not

reminding you in advance. If you dare to play with me, Not only will I take your sister-inlaw away today, even you will not end well!”

Charlie smiled and said: “Don‟t worry, you have so many people here, how dare I play a

trick on you?”

Mia snorted and immediately took out her mobile phone and opened her Alipay.

Charlie casually scanned the QR code for receiving payments, and then immediately fill

in an amount of 500,000 in the transfer column.

Because the amount is relatively large, Alipay requires full name verification, so Charlie

smiled and said to Mia: “Beauty, it won‟t work if you don‟t tell me your name this time.

The transfer needs to be verified.”

Mia shrugged her shoulders and said arrogantly: “My name is Mia, my last name is


Chapter 2266

Charlie nodded, entered her name on it, and then clicked to confirm. After Alipay‟s face

recognition passed, a prompt popped up immediately indicating that the transfer was


Mia‟s hand shook, and a prompt popped up immediately: “Charlie transfers 500,000

yuan to you!”

When she saw this message, the whole person was surprised that there was nothing to

add, and she was excited secretly: “Mom! This money is too smooth! I have never made

such good money in my life! President Benjamin If I know it, I must be rewarded at least

100,000 yuan!”

Excited, Mia couldn‟t help but glanced at Charlie and smiled: “I didn‟t expect that Mr.

Charlie would be quite generous. In order to help your sister-in-law, you can use your

fingers to pay 500,000.”

Charlie laughed and said, “It‟s not the same, I‟m just a little rag, and it‟s not easy to work

hard to get a lot of money. If it wasn‟t because she was my sister-in-law, I wouldn‟t be

so happy.”

Wendy saw that Charlie really gave half a million yuan, and immediately cried and said,

“Brother-in-law…you can‟t just give them the money…They are just a bunch of bandits…


Mia immediately scolded: “Wendy, pay attention to your words. Our contract is written

in black and white, and you have also handprinted it yourself. Now I am using this

money to act according to the contract. Why is it a robbery?”

Wendy trembled with anger, and said angrily: “Are you not a robber? You know yourself!

The contract itself is fraudulent!”

Charlie said at this moment: “Oh, Wendy, stop talking nonsense.”

Wendy didn‟t expect Charlie to agree to the compensation so easily and choked up:

“Brother-in-law…I know you make money easy, but you can‟t dole it out to them so


Charlie laughed and said, “How can this be called cheaper for them?”

When Mia heard this, she immediately echoed: “That‟s right, how can it be cheaper for

us? Follow the rules, the money itself is what you should pay to the company! Or Mr.

Wade knows the law, you girl knows bullsh!t!”

Charlie turned his face at this time and said to Mia: “Miss Mia, you have misunderstood

what I meant.”

Mia frowned: “What do you mean?”

Charlie smiled and said: “The money I gave you was indeed not for you in vain. I

borrowed this money from you, with an interest of 500,000 per minute. Now two

minutes have passed. You should pay me back with the interest. 1500000.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “Oh, yes, I suggest you hurry up, it will be three

minutes right away, and then it will be two million.”

Mia gritted her teeth immediately and cursed: “Are you f*cking crazy? Playing this game

with Mia? Do you think you can get what you wish for? Really damn mentally retarded!”

After that, she waved to the strong men around her, and said coldly, “Get him!”

What Mia thought was: “The 500,000 yuan has already arrived at her Alipay. She

naturally doesn‟t have the need to continue talking to this guy. She can just leave. He is

riding an electric bike. What can he do to her? If he dares to follow her Pretend to be

forced, she can deal with him on the spot!”

Upon hearing this, several strong men immediately pushed Wendy aside, preparing to

get in the car and leave.

Charlie pointed at Mia at this time and said coldly: “Others can leave, you have to stay,

Miss Mia, when will you pay back the money, and then can you leave.”

As soon as Mia heard this, she immediately scolded: “Damn, don‟t give me a face! Come

here, give me a fight!”

Chapter 2267

The strong men around Mia had already been gearing up.

Their company, which specializes in gray areas, wants to make money entirely on


Mia‟s performance depends entirely on how many little girls she deceived, and then how

much value she squeezed from these little girls.

The performance of their thugs depends on how many times they move their hands


In layman‟s terms, if there is no chance to do it for a month, they can only get a basic


But if there are fights every day this month, they can get at least tens of thousands of


They have seen this business today. Mia already has 500,000 in Alipay. If they try to

teach the mentally retarded guy in front of them, they will have at least 20,000 or 30,000

of the 500,000.

Therefore, as soon as they heard Mia‟s order, they immediately stepped toward Charlie

and pressed them, and each of them was going to take action.

Charlie smiled lightly on his face.

Not to mention a few thugs, even a few martial arts masters like Ruoli are not enough in

front of him.

So, he directly greeted them with a smile.

Kicked one with a bang, knocked another with a bang, and then lifted a strong man with

both hands, and threw him lightly with both arms, and threw the two of them off the

roadside and planted dwarf pine trees. In the green belt, they fell unconscious.

When the two remaining people saw that Charlie was acting like cutting melons and

vegetables, and he easily eliminated their 4 companions, and they were so scared that

they turned around and flee.

But before they turned around, Charlie grabbed the back of their necks directly, and

then, they all turned into two parabolas and flew into the green belt on the side of the


Mia looked silly.

She never dreamed that this hanging wire riding an electric bike could be so powerful.

This kind of strength is even more powerful than those famous red sticks on the road!

At this time, Mia realized that she was making trouble today.

So, she hurriedly said with a smile, “Mr. Wade, I‟m really sorry. I didn‟t know that this girl

offended you. Don‟t mind. I will transfer the 500,000 yuan back to you!”

Charlie smiled and said: “Don‟t, six minutes have passed, the principal is 500,000, and

the interest is 3 million. You have to give me 3.5 million in total.”

Mia cried and said, “Mr. Wade, you kidding… the total is only half a million. You have to

charge half a million in interest for a minute. There is no such ruthlessness in ancient

and modern China and foreign countries…”

Charlie smiled and asked her: “Why, haven‟t you seen it?”

Mia shook her head and said, “Mr. Wade, such a high-interest rate, I really haven‟t even

heard of it…”

Charlie nodded: “Okay, not only have you heard of it now, but you have also seen it with

your own eyes. I advise you to stop talking nonsense, otherwise, it will soon increase by


Mia wiped her cold sweat, and said awkwardly, “Mr. Wade, don‟t make fun of me. You

are also working for the company. Although you gave me the money, I still have to give

it to our boss. I am a part-time worker. , How can I get so much money to pay you…”

Charlie said calmly: “Then you can call your boss over, but don‟t blame me for not

reminding you in advance. If your boss takes 20 minutes to come over, the interest will

increase by another 10 million.”

When Mia heard Charlie say that she should call her boss, she was overjoyed.

The reason why she pleaded for mercy to Charlie was that she couldn‟t deal with him


Chapter 2268

But since he asked himself to call the boss, she could call the boss over and let the boss

solve the matter.

Thinking of this, she immediately said diligently: “Then wait a minute, I will call our


After speaking, she quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

As soon as the phone was connected, Mia said anxiously: “Mr. Benjamin, help me, Mr.

Benjamin, I have some trouble at Pearl River Woods…”

Mr. Benjamin Liu on the phone used to be a local b@stard. He was a bit famous. But

then he lost his eyes because he went to gamble in other places.

His right hand was maimed, and he couldn‟t continue to mix in the underworld where

the weak and the strong were eating, so he gathered a group of people and set up an

etiquette company.

The reason why he chose to work in the etiquette company is that the etiquette ladies

contacted by the company are all girls with a little bit of beauty but no background.

After that, all the ceremonial ladies who have come to do work for a few hundred a day,

what power background can the family have? After being bullied, naturally, no one can

stand for them.

Because of this, Benjamin has been engaged in pr0st!tution business in recent years.

He was on the phone, and after hearing Mia‟s story, he suddenly jumped into a rage.

“Damn, some people dare to grab Benjamin‟s money! Wait, I‟ll bring someone over


Mia reminded vaguely: “Mr. Benjamin, then you must be fully prepared…”

Benjamin immediately smiled and said, “Don‟t worry, it happens that Brother Abner is

drinking tea here, I will bring Brother Abner and come there!”

Mia asked excitedly: “Brother Abner is in our company?”

“Yes.” Benjamin sneered: “The little Di who signed last week was spotted by Brother

Abner when he was working at KTV yesterday. Brother Abner wanted to take her, so he

came to say hello to me. I confiscated Brother Abner‟s Money, so he owes me a favor,

just let him help me on this matter.”

Mia was so excited that she hurriedly said: “Okay President Benjamin, then come here


Benjamin smiled and said: “Okay, tell him I will be there soon, ten minutes at most!”

Mia hung up the phone and looked at Charlie with full pride.

She knew in her heart that once Abner came to help, Charlie would be finished.

“Abner‟s is a common name, who doesn‟t know in the underground world of Aurous


“He is one of the four heavenly kings! There are at least a few thousand brothers under

him. Although this guy with the surname Wade can beat, he won‟t have hands to beat

after that! I‟m just waiting to see you being cut by Bro Abner‟s men. Disabled!”

However, although she was very proud in her heart, she did not dare to pretend to be

forceful in front of Charlie. Instead, she said very politely: “Mr. Wade, our boss said, he‟s

coming here in a while, you wait a moment, don‟t be anxious…”

Charlie smiled and said: “I‟m not in a hurry. It is your boss who should be anxious. After

all, this minute is 500,000 yuan. If he lingers for a while, he might be ruined.”

Mia chuckled and cursed in her heart: “fck! You idiot really take yourself too seriously,

don’t you? Five hundred thousand a minute, you fcking dare to think about it, wait until

you are dying. I see how you pretend!”

Wendy on the side was a little worried and whispered to Charlie: “Brother-in-law, their

company boss is a gangster. Maybe he will bring a lot of people over, let‟s leave!”

Charlie waved his hand, his face was serious, and said: “How can I leave now? If I leave,

what if her boss can‟t find me?”

“You know if this money is delayed for a day, do you know how much the boss will pay

me? One minute is five hundred thousand, one hour is thirty million, twenty or forty

hours is seven hundred and twenty million. There are principles, you can‟t be so

cheating, you know?”

When Mia heard this, she lowered her head, covered her face with her hand, and said in

her heart: “Emma, from which haystack did this guy jump out? That mouth is really

bragging… .”

Chapter 2269

She was patient and waited for fifteen minutes on the spot.

Fifteen minutes later, a Mercedes-Benz S-Class finally drove to the parking lot at the

entrance of Red Woods.

Following the s-class sedan, there were two 11-seater vans. At this time, the two vans

were full of people holding machetes.

The direction of the vehicle was coming from right behind Charlie‟s back. Benjamin in

the car saw Mia, and then immediately realized that the man sitting in the electric bike

in front of Mia with his back to him should be the yelling guy.

He was very disdainful and secretly murmured: “A sling riding an electric bike, dare you

f*cking pretend to be my equal? It just happens to be itchy hands today, so I will

practice with you!”

However, when he thought of Mia‟s words that this filth brought down his six younger

brothers alone, he felt a little drumming in his heart.

He thought to himself: “What if this guy is really good at hitting, what if he does it


Thinking of this, he was so busy looking at Bro Abner next to him and said flatly:

“Brother Abner, you will have to work hard today. You can help me out. Since the

beating, my hands are not that good, no one on the road recognizes me and don‟t give

me face anymore. Unlike you, who has become one of the four heavenly kings, no one

in Aurous Hill can give you face…”

Bro Abner was very proud of this wave of praise, and said with a smile: “Benjamin, it‟s

just a small fry, dare to look down on you, it is equivalent to look down on me, wait a

while brother, I will make a show for you!”

After speaking, the driver stopped the car beside Charlie.

Bro Abner pushed the door directly and got out of the car, staring at the back of

Charlie‟s head, and cursed coldly: “Let me see which one hates his life, dare to offend my

brother Benjamin!”

At this time, more than twenty younger brothers stood behind Bro Abner.

Several of them belonged to Benjamin, but most of them belonged to him.

When Mia saw that Benjamin had really brought Bro Abner over, she became excited

and jumped and smiled at Charlie: “Mr. Wade, your f*cking dead today! You are waiting

to be chopped into meat and sauce by Brother Abner!”

Wendy said nervously, “Brother-in-law…they are so many…”

Charlie curled his lips and said lightly: “What‟s the use of more people?”

Bro Abner didn‟t recognize Charlie‟s voice, so he said furiously: “Boy, you are very

arrogant! Even you don‟t look at Bro Abner, I think you are bored with life and crooked!”

Charlie turned around slowly at this time, looked at Bro Abner, and said with a smile:

“Oh, it turned out to be Brother Abner, why? Bring so many brothers, are you going to

kill me?”

Bro Abner saw Charlie‟s smiling face, and his soul frightened suddenly!

He never dreamed that the filth that Benjamin brought him to help teach would turn out

to be Master Charlie, whom his boss Orvel highly respected!

“This… isn‟t this a fcking fcking dog? Isn‟t this…”

Bro Abner cried out in his heart, and his legs became weak involuntarily.

Immediately afterward, he knelt on the ground with a plop in the eyes to everyone‟s

surprise and choked up: “Mr. Wade…I really didn‟t expect it to be you here….Please sir

forgive me, I‟m such a stupid dog…”

Benjamin was stupified and blurted out, “Brother Abner…you…why do you kneel down

for this filthy rag? What kind of thing is he!”

As soon as Bro Abner heard this, he suddenly became angry!

He struggled to stand up, stepped forward to Benjamin, rounded his arms, and slapped

his face severely!

With a snap, Benjamin was beaten back several steps, his whole body was already dizzy,

his eyes were seeing stars.

Chapter 2270

He covered his face and asked in amazement: “Brother Abner, you…what are you hitting

me for? Punch that filthy rag!”

Bro Abner‟s whole body was shivering, and he stammered: “You…you‟re so fcking

looking for death! You dare to say that Mr. Wade is a stinky rag! I think you are really

fcking tired of your life!”

After speaking, he immediately shouted to all his men: “Damn, hold him down for me

and beat him to death!”

Although most of Bro Abner‟s younger brothers had never seen Charlie, they had heard

of the name.

After that, this is the benefactor that Orvel talks about all day long, and Orvel is the

godfather of the entire Aurous Hill underground world. It can be said that his benefactor

is the benefactor of all members of the underground world in Aurous Hill.

This Benjamin provokes him and it is not good. He has to provoke Mr. Wade. Isn‟t this

just playing a lantern in the toilet and seeking death?

As a result, these little brothers immediately rushed forward and pressed Benjamin to

the ground, which was a violent beating.

Benjamin was beaten up and screamed, crying and wailing: “Brother Abner, forgive me,

Brother Abner, I don‟t know this Mr. Wade is your friend. If I knew it, I wouldn‟t have a

conflict with Mr. Wade. Please forgive me!”

“Forgive you?” Bro Abner was anxious, and he blurted out without thinking: “fck you

uncle, I fcking spared you, who the fck spared me? If Mr. Wade blames it, I fcking eat If

you can‟t, you have to go around. Even if Mr. Wade doesn‟t blame me, if this matter

reaches the fifth master‟s ears, the fifth master will destroy me! You b@stard hurt me,

you know?!

Benjamin cried and said, “Brother Abner, forgive me, I really know I am wrong…”

After speaking, he looked at Charlie again, crying and begging: “Mr. Wade, please

forgive me, Mr. Wade!”

Charlie smiled indifferently and said to Bro Abner: “Okay, let your people stop first.”

As soon as Bro Abner heard this, he blurted out and shouted: “Stop the f*ck, Mr. Wade

is about to speak!”

A large group of people were surrounding Benjamin on the ground and kicked fiercely.

Hearing this, he quickly closed his hands and backed two steps, standing still on the


Benjamin was beaten to bloody blood, and his face was swollen into a big pig‟s head.

Mia on the side was already frightened and looked at Benjamin blankly, not knowing

what to do.

At this time, Bro Abner hurriedly bowed, and said to Charlie respectfully: “Mr. Wade,

please tell me what to do…”

Charlie nodded, and said to Bro Abner: “My little horse, it‟s not that I told you to kill, in

civilized society, don‟t beat and kill at every turn, how bad is it for ordinary citizens to

see the impact?”

Bro Abner was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly slapped himself in the face, and

said with shame, “Mr. Wade, you are right to criticize! It is my low quality that has

embarrassed the people of Aurous Hill…”

Charlie said indifferently, “It‟s fine now.”

After speaking, he looked at Benjamin and said with a smile: “Benjamin from Shangmei

etiquette company is always, right?”

With blood still hanging on the corner of Benjamin‟s mouth, he said weakly: “It‟s me…it‟s

me…Mr. Wade, it‟s me who was wrong, I didn‟t know you, and offended you. Please

forgive me…”

Charlie waved his hand and said seriously: “Oh! There is no right or wrong in the adult

world, and some are just benefits.”

After that, he pointed to Mia, who was pale and said with a smile: “Look, I have told your

President before you came, I lent your company 500,000 yuan before about 30 minutes.

I have made an appointment with Ms. Mia. The interest rate is 500,000 yuan per minute.

After 30 minutes, the interest rate is 15 million yuan. Together with the capital, the total

is 15.5 million yuan. See when the settlement will be made. a bit much?”

Benjamin‟s whole body shuddered, and he blurted out: “Mr. Wade…Mr.

Wade…you…your interest is too high…for a minute Five hundred thousand, don‟t you

want my life…”

Charlie smiled and said: “Look, your company made a fortune on the overlord clause;

and a person like me, makes money on foreign loans. You have your ability to make a

fortune, and I also have my way of making money. Those who deal must respect each

other, of course.”

Chapter 2271

It was the first time Benjamin met someone like Charlie.

No fights, no scolding, and a smile on his face, he looks more civilized than anyone, but

a mouth is to eat human bones.

Fifteen and five million? How can he get so much money?

Regardless of whether he has opened a ceremonial company, he is forced to buy and

sell all the time to make good pr0st!tution, and he does not make less money, but like

him, the more money he makes, the more he spends.

Originally, these people who have been in the gray world all have a natural instinct to

have wine and to get drunk and to have money and spend it more.

Therefore, although Benjamin usually makes a lot of money, he does spend a lot of it


He can make at least a few million in a year, but he can‟t hold back his spending money

and extravagance, so he will have at most 1.8 million in his hands at the end of the year.

All of Benjamin‟s savings totaled only three or four million yuan. At this time, Charlie

asked him to return 15.5 million yuan as soon as he opened his mouth. He couldn‟t get

so much money even if he sold his kidneys.

So, he cried and pleaded, “Mr. Wade, let me tell you the truth, I really don‟t have so

much money…”

As soon as Bro Abner heard this, he kicked him up and scolded: “f*ck! Don‟t you want

your life? Mr. Wade gave you a solution to the problem, but you are still crying here? Do

I have to take you? Are you satisfied with death?”

Benjamin trembled: “No… Brother Abner, I really don‟t cry poor, I really can‟t afford that

much money…”

Bro Abner scolded: “Can‟t you pay? If you don‟t pay, I will scrap your legs!”

Benjamin shook his whole body in fright. He immediately glared at Mia and cursed

angrily: “It‟s all to blame for you, a bitch, who keeps out and makes trouble for master all

day long!”

After that, he said to Charlie again: “Mr. Wade, this Mia handles all matters related to the

Overlord Clause. You have to find her to settle the accounts!”

When Mia heard this, her whole body was frightened, and she hurriedly said: “Benjamin!

You are too shameless? These things are all your ideas. I am just a subordinate who runs

errands for you and help you out. You blame it all on me this time, do you still have a


After finishing speaking, she hurriedly said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, this Shangmei

etiquette company was built by Benjamin. I used to be the lady who accompanied him

to KTV. He accepted me as a lover and said that he would take me to make money.

That‟s why I was tricked into this business. Strictly speaking, I am a victim just like


“f*ck your mother!” Benjamin blurted out: “Mia, you don‟t pretend to be white lotus

flowers here, what the hell are you, who doesn‟t know on Aurous Hill Road about your


“Don‟t you f*cking sell it out?!”

“It doesn‟t matter if you sell it out. When you see your mother making money, you want

to stand on your own. You jumped out and wanted to dig the corner of the previous

mother Sang. You committed a big taboo!”

“People threatened to use sulfuric acid to destroy your face and drive you to

desperation. Then you ran over and begged me to protect you and beg me to take you

out of that circle!”

“If it weren‟t for me, you would have been disfigured a long time ago! You even ran out

to bite me back then, do you still have a conscience?”

Mia said in a panic: “You… don‟t talk nonsense, these are all fabricated by you!”

Charlie shouted coldly at this time: “Shut up all of you!”

Mia shrank her neck in fright and immediately closed her mouth.

Charlie glared at her and said coldly: “Miss Mia, it doesn‟t make any sense to pass it in a

hurry. When I and Benjamin finally settle the account, I will naturally give you a clear


Mia hurriedly knelt down in fright and begged: “Mr. Wade, I…I was really forced…please

see that I am a woman. Have some mercy…”

Chapter 2272

Bro Abner, who was on the side, heard this and walked up directly, slapped her on the

face severely.

Before Mia recovered from the beating, he pulled Mia by the hair, dragged her to

Benjamin‟s face, kicked her down beside Benjamin, and said coldly: “You f*cking pretty

good. If you have the ability, you dare to play moral kidnapping with Mr. Wade? Mr.

Wade is a real dragon on earth. Under normal circumstances, I don‟t beat women, but I,

Bro Abner, am not so particular! No matter how damn bull$hit, I‟ll ruin your face now. !”

Mia was so scared that she didn‟t dare to speak anymore.

She really wanted to play a moral kidnapping for Charlie, first to highlight the point that

she was a female so that Charlie could not do anything to her.

But she didn‟t expect that Charlie really didn‟t do anything to her, but Bro Abner didn‟t

take it at all…

At this time, Bro Abner looked at Charlie and said respectfully: “Mr. Wade, how to clean

up these two b@stards, just give your orders!”

Charlie said lightly: “First come one by one, let‟s talk about what they owe me money


Benjamin has realized at this time that this matter is basically impossible to be in his


If he doesn‟t hurriedly pray for Charlie‟s forgiveness, he doesn‟t how much he will suffer


So he hurriedly said respectfully: “Mr. Wade, I have a total of more than 3.7 million

deposits. I will give you all of it. I only ask you to raise your hand and forgive me this


Mia on the side also hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, I…I also have more than 700,000

deposits, and I am willing to pay you all, please let me go…”

Charlie waved his hand: “You two add up to less than five million, but this difference is a

bit far? You see, this moment has delayed you for several minutes, and the benefits will

soon exceed 20 million, so I advise you to pay all the money as soon as possible,

otherwise, the interest has been running here, and for you, the pressure to pay the

money will definitely increase.”

As soon as Benjamin heard this, he immediately cried and said: “Mr. Wade…I really don‟t

have that much money… You just stripped me alive, and I can‟t get 20 million. Come out,

please raise your hands high…”

Mia also cried and said, “Yeah, Mr. Wade, I really don‟t have that much money…More

than 700,000 yuan is all my belongings…”

Charlie smiled and said: “When you pitted those girls, they must have begged you to

raise your hands high? Did you raise them?”

The two dared not speak anymore.

In the past, when they pit little girls, they didn‟t care about their life or death.

If you don‟t have money, you will be honest.

The two of them would even force the company‟s contracted courtesy lady to

accompany them for wine and sleep for money.

At that time, they ignored anyone‟s plea.

Seeing that they both stopped talking, Charlie sneered, and said, “Given that the money

you owe me has exceeded 20 million, which is far beyond your actual repayment ability,

you will have to give me other ways for the part that is not enough. Get it back!”

Benjamin tremblingly asked: “Wade…Mr. Wade, how do you want it?”

Charlie sneered: “People say that you spend money to eliminate disasters. Since you

can‟t pay, you have to suffer a little bit!”

Bro Abner on the side suddenly felt that he instantly got Charlie‟s point!

In the past, when Charlie dealt with Liu Guang, Liu Ming, father, and son, and several

masters in the Wu family, what Charlie liked most was to engrave on each‟s forehead!

So he immediately said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade! Just tell me, what words would you like to

engrave on their foreheads, I have a knife!”

Chapter 2273

As soon as Benjamin and Mia heard that Charlie likes to engrave on people‟s foreheads,

they immediately thought of Liu Guang and Liu Ming, the father, and son who everyone

in Aurous Hill knew about!

The father and son were a sensation in the city and even the whole country.

First, Liu Ming was engraved with the words “poor hang” on his forehead because he

offended a mysterious big man.

Then Liu Guang, Liu Ming‟s old son, wanted to avenge Liu Ming, but he also offended

the mysterious big man, so the four characters of „Son of poor father‟ were carved on his


This is not over yet.

What really made the father and son famous throughout the country was actually the

cross-talk about the Wu family that they said together.

The cross-talk they said by the father and son completely offended the Wu family. There

are rumors. In fact, they did not dare to offend the Wu family at all. The reason why they

recorded such a cross-talk was completely coerced.

It was not clear to everyone before that he was threatened by someone who dared to

offend the Wu family. Now, Benjamin figured it out. It turned out that it was Mr. Wade

that both Liu Guang and Liu Ming had offended.

Now, Liu Guang and Liu Ming‟s fate, he is is afraid that it will be his turn.

As soon as he thought of this, Benjamin felt an inexplicable pain in his forehead.

It was as if someone had carved words on his forehead with a knife already. He just

imagined the words being carved on his forehead. He could hear his own shouts and


Yet, he could see a smudged smiling Mr. Wade hovering over him. Instructing the men

about the cuts and edges of the words.

Even in the imagination, this seemed unbearable. Getting the words erected on the

forehead. How would he face the people in the future?

After losing his face in the underworld, people already have stopped respecting him.

How come he could ever stand up in front of anyone?

He knows no life outside of this wretched world. Would he be able to live a single day

without it? At best he will be serving under a local boss. Just to live and have a day‟s


What wrong did he do to have a fate like this? There must be a way to escape this fate.

There must be another way to compensate. He must beg the big man. Ask for his

forgiveness. Plead for it.

Chapter 2274

Just when he was at a loss, Charlie on the side said to Bro Abner: “Forget the lettering.

The mistakes these two people made are not to look down on people, but to bully the

people and force the good girls to be prostitutes. A solution equal to their work must be


Bro Abner hurriedly asked respectfully: “Mr. Wade, how do you want to solve these two

people? As long as you say something, I will make arrangements, I just need your

orders, that‟s all. I will satisfy you with my work!”

Charlie nodded and asked him, “Do you have any KTV nightclubs under your hands?”

Bro Abner blurted out without hesitation: “Mr. Wade, this is what we have eaten our

food from. It is our way of living! KTV nightclub, Orvel assigned to my hand, there are


Charlie said: “Okay, then let this Mia go to the bar to accompany the bar. Doesn‟t she

like to force the little girl to accompany the wine at night? Just now she was about to

force my sister-in-law to accompany the wine to strange nasty men, so just let her taste

this. It‟s kind of like, don‟t give her a penny from the money she earns, when her wage

adds up to five million, at that moment she will be able to get free!”

As soon as Mia heard this, she was so frightened that she collapsed instantly. She knelt

on the ground and cried and said, “Mr. Wade, please forgive me this time for the sake of

my confusion. With my kind of beauty, I can hardly earn three to four hundred yuan, five

million yuan at most when I go to ktv to accompany a drink…How long do I have to earn

to be free one day? This is not possible in a single lifetime…

Charlie said coldly: “Why? You knew you were uncomfortable when you were on your

own. Then when you forced others to accompany you, why didn‟t you consider the

feelings of others? I will let you learn the lesson that what you don‟t want to do, do not

impose that on others. You have done this to so many innocent girls. It is time for you to

learn this lesson the hard way.”

Mia cried and said, “Mr. Wade…I did do a lot of wrong things before, but…but I have

some restraint. Generally speaking, I‟m a fool at best. Hundreds of thousands, how could

you pit me five million? This is so much. I can‟t possibly earn this amount of money.

Please don‟t ruin my life. I will do anything, please let me go this time. I will never ever

trouble anyone in my life again…”

Charlie said calmly: “If you think 5 million is too much, then we can adjust it to 10

million. If you think 10 million is too much, then we can adjust it to 20 million. About

you not treating someone badly ever again. Don‟t worry you will never get a chance to

do it, even if your heart wants it sometimes. This is my promise to you.”

Mia almost collapsed when she heard this…

She cried with blood in her heart: “This Charlie is too ruthless!”

He doesn‟t seem to take my wailing to heart. It seems useless to waste time persuading


Charlie knew that the sudden angelic turning of bad people need not be trusted. Such

behavior is shown when they are compelled to. At best they are insincere and will get

back to their usual doings once the pressure is released.

Chapter 2275

“One opening is five million. If she really does what he says, she will at least accompany

the strange men for the next ten years with wine in KTV for nothing!”

“Isn‟t this like killing me?!” She thought in her mind.

Seeing Mia not speaking, Charlie said coldly: “Since you don‟t agree, then I will directly

increase the price for you. I will increase the price to 10 million at the beginning. At that

time, Bro Abner and Orvel will stare at you together, not earning enough. 10 million,

even if it‟s the king of heaven, I don‟t want to save you! I‟ll give you three seconds to

think about it!”

After that, Charlie started the countdown directly.

“three two……”

Just when Charlie was about to count to “one”, Mia no longer dared to bargain. She

cried and said, “Mr. Wade, I promise, I promise…”

After that, when thinking of her own destiny, she was about to cry in despair like those

girls who were forced to KTV by herself.

At this time, Charlie looked at Benjamin, smiled indifferently, and said: “Mr. Benjamin,

Ms. Mia has already made arrangements here, and it is time for you to arrange a way


Benjamin secretly thought desperately in his heart: “This Mia is so miserable. She must

have nothing good to eat. If I don‟t think of a solution, wouldn‟t it be the same with my


Thinking of this, he squatted his head hurriedly and desperately, begging: “Mr. Wade, in

the future, I am willing to work for you and be a cow and a horse. I only ask you to

forgive me this time…please… …”

Charlie waved his hand: “Don‟t tell me it‟s useless. When you two were embarrassing

and entrapping innocent women, why didn‟t you think of forgiving them once?”

Speaking of this, Charlie sneered: “Since Mia is going to KTV to accompany men, then

you should go to KTV to be the tortoise. Just like her, when you earn five million, only

then you will be free. The two of you can be regarded as double-staying and doubleflying, and no one has abandoned anyone.”

“Being a turtle?!” Benjamin‟s face turned pale when he heard this word.

Gui Gong was a man who did groceries in a brothel in ancient times. To put it bluntly, he

couldn‟t even count as the security guard of the nursing home.

Generally speaking, the dirtiest, tiring, and most indiscriminate work done by Mr.

Tortoise, put in modern KTV, is the role of handing toilet paper to the guests who have

washed their hands at the toilet door, which can be said to be in the entire KTV….

Thinking of this, Benjamin burst into tears and choked up: “Mr. Wade, leave me like a

dog by your side. No matter what you order in the future, I won‟t have any delay. Please

don‟t send me to KTV to become a tortoise… I am also on the road for some time.

People on Aurous Hill Road know more or less, and KTV is the most frequented by the

people I know and worked with. I couldn‟t face them when I bump into them there.”

Charlie smiled and said, “What are you afraid of? When you become a tortoise in the

future, put a small tray next to the KTV sink with a few banknotes in it, and then ask the

guests to consume when you hand over tissues. Are you not? Have you ever been mixed

up on the road? There are many acquaintances and a lot of friends. Everyone will take

care of your business and give you more tips when you see that you are the tortoise.

Maybe you make five million faster than Mia.”

“I…I…” Benjamin just wanted to hit his head to death on the concrete floor.

He cried desperately in his heart: “Think of himself, Benjamin. On Aurous Hill Road, he is

the number one person in size and body. Although he is not as good as Bro Abner, it is

at least the upper-middle tier!”

“Now, let me be the No. 1 person in KTV to be the tortoise, wouldn‟t it be completely

reduced to the laughing stock of the entire Aurous Hill Road?!”

“Besides, when I used to be arrogant and domineering, I made a lot of enemies!”

“If I met this in KTV in the future, and they found me nodding and bowing at the door of

the toilet and handing a tissue to a guest, wouldn‟t I be beaten like a dead dog?!”

Chapter 2276

Bro Abner saw Benjamin not saying a word for a long time, so he stepped forward and

kicked him angrily, and cursed: “You dirt! You are a dog who doesn‟t know how to lift

up. Mr. Wade has given you a way to survive. You fcking don’t hurry up and thank him.

Really wait until you are sent to the kennel to feed the dogs, you fcking cry without tears!”

When Benjamin heard this, he shivered in shock!

Who doesn‟t know about Orvel‟s dog farm?

It is said that there are dozens or even hundreds of fierce purebred fighting dogs.

Others say that Orvel has thrown his enemies into the kennel to feed the dogs.

If he is really sent to the kennel, let alone dead, even a single piece of his body will not

escape the trap.

Thinking of this, Benjamin was desperate deep in his heart.

To be honest, let him be the tortoise, to some extent, it would be better to kill him.

But, if you really give an option for him to die, he doesn‟t have the courage, to accept

such a fate.

He choked in his heart and sighed: “Although the tortoise is ashamed and his life is

bleak, it is better to die than to live.”

“You really want to hit me to death here, and I feel terrified in my heart.”

“Moreover, Mr. Wade in front of me is not something I can contend with.”

“Even Orvel treats him respectfully. I am a kind of very low stuff, and I can only be

regarded as a broken fish in front of him. Now he is willing to spare my life and let me

go to KTV to be a turtle father. Now, if I don‟t respond quickly, if he changes his mind,

then I really have to regret it.”

Therefore, Benjamin quickly choked with gratitude and said: “Mr. Wade, thank you for

not killing me. I must follow your instructions to be an honest tortoise in KTV, and work

hard to make money and return your interest.”

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly said: “By the way, Mr. Wade, give me an account. I

will first transfer all the three million I have on hand to you and the remaining five

million will be given back gradually”

Seeing that this guy accepted his punishment, Charlie nodded in satisfaction and said

coldly: “The money you make is all the hard-earned money pitted from those little girls.

It is earned without conscience. If I take your money, it means that I have also become a

member of that group exploiting the girls.”

Benjamin was overjoyed when he heard that Charlie didn‟t want to take his money.

It doesn‟t matter if you are a turtle father, as long as you can save more than three

million deposits, you can at least live a well-off life!

But before he was happy, Charlie said to Wendy: “Wendy, I have a task for you.”

Wendy has been by the side, watching Charlie move his mouth to determine the future

fate of Benjamin and Mia, the respect for him in her heart has reached a point where

there is nothing to add, and the look in her eyes is like seeing a god.

Now that Charlie said that she was going to give her a task, she was flattered and said

excitedly: “Brother-in-law, if you have anything you want, Wendy will definitely go all


Charlie nodded and said, “From today, I want you to take over the Shangmei etiquette

company. You will be responsible for this company. As for the company‟s shares, let

Benjamin transfer all of it to your name today.”

“Ah?!” Wendy said in surprise: “Brother-in-law, you are giving me Shangmei? But I don‟t

know how to run a company.”

Chapter 2277

Charlie said seriously: “As long as you are serious, responsible, and considerate to your

conscience while doing things, it doesn‟t matter if you don‟t do well.”

After speaking, he said again: “I will let them both transfer all their deposits to

Shangmei‟s account. As for how to use the money, after you take over the company, you

must sign all of the company‟s labor clauses are reconsidered, and unlawful conditions

in the contracts are removed, and then the money is distributed to them as

compensation according to the number of years they have been forced to sign

contracts. The distribution rules must be fair and reasonable!”

When Wendy heard this, she almost nodded and said, “OK brother-in-law, I will share

this money with them fairly and reasonably!”

“Very good.” Charlie nodded and said with satisfaction: “After you compensate them for

the money, you should make it clear to them that you will be in charge of the company

next, including the company‟s subsequent operations, sharing, payment, and other

processes. All will be open and transparent. If they are willing to continue to be courtesy

ladies, then continue to cooperate with the company and sign equal employment

contracts! As long as you implement these points well, I believe they will not refuse.”

“In this way, after you take over this company, you will have a stable team, and then take

some etiquette work, I believe the company will definitely be profitable.”

Wendy heard this and said very seriously: “Brother-in-law, you are right. As long as we

sign an equality agreement with everyone, everyone will be very willing to sign with the


Speaking of this, she continued with some empathy: “After that, it‟s really hard to be a

hostess on your own. Every morning you have to spend a long time washing, making up,

and dressing, and then an event is often from morning till night. Therefore, it is

impossible to talk about cooperation and expand relations everywhere during other

times of the day.”

“For those of us who are courtesy ladies, the best way to cooperate is to have a reliable

company to help us undertake activities everywhere, and then make reasonable

arrangements, scheduling, and overall planning for us.”

“In this way, everyone would also be willing to let the company take draws from their

own labor remuneration. Employees and the company cooperate with each other and

get what they need so that they can do better and better.”

During this time, Wendy had a hard life.

The hard work is because she has changed from a lady who never touched the sun with

her fingers and never came out to make money, to a laborer who travels every day to

ask for a living.

It is precisely because of her actual participation in labor that she has learned about an

industry and discovered the problems at the grass-root level.

After she worked as a lady of etiquette for a while, she also figured out the ups and

downs of the lady of etiquette.

At this moment, she thought to herself: “The little girls who are like me as a courtesy

lady are all unreliable and helpless low-level girls, earning rewards by hard work every

day. Since everyone has chosen this line, They are all prepared to endure hardships and

suffer fatigue, so they are not afraid of hardship or tiredness.”

“But what we are afraid of is to meet an unreliable company and work for it.”

“Like Benjamin‟s Shangmei etiquette company, the work arranged for everyone is very

heavy, but the compensation is very small.”

“It‟s fine to give very little. Benjamin and Mia are still not satisfied. They want to further

squeeze the surplus-value of our little girls, so they use various overlord clauses and

contract traps to entrap us, and even force us to make money. Pushing us into the fire


“If we can find a reliable company, the company and employees will support each other,

no one will complain.”

“It‟s a pity that the group of Miss Etiquette is indeed too weak and too easy to be

bullied! So most of the bosses in this industry are greedy, like Benjamin, are never

satisfied, and do everything possible to exploit us little girls who have no background.”

“So, as long as we are still in this industry, we can only jump from this pit and into that


“But now my brother-in-law gave me a chance to run an etiquette company. If I do it

hard and work hard, let alone how much money I can make, at least I can ensure that

the girls who work with me will not be bullied and will no longer be desperately

squeezed from the company‟s side to extract surplus value.

Thinking of this, Wendy‟s heart began to feel a little passionate.

She looked at Charlie with admiration and firm eyes and said confidently: “Brother-inlaw, thank you for giving me this opportunity. I will definitely try my best to not let you


Chapter 2278

Charlie has known Wendy for so long, and for the first time today, he can see this

expression on Wendy‟s face that she is determined to do a good job.

She didn‟t really have this kind of energy before.

In the past, she was young, impetuous, ostentatious, and disliked the poor and loved the


But now she, after experiencing some hardships in life, has a lot of calmness.

This point made Charlie a little relieved.

The Willson family is certainly hateful, but these people are all blood relatives of his wife


Therefore, this is also the real reason why Charlie has not engaged them to death.

Otherwise, with the patience of the Willson family, he doesn‟t know how many deaths

have taken place.

Now that Wendy has the determination to correct evil and return to righteousness, he

might as well give her a chance.

However, given the opportunity, he can‟t completely let her decide the company affairs


So Charlie said to Wendy: “After you take over the Shangmei etiquette company,

remember to not forget your original intentions, and don‟t let the company make a little

money and let people drift away.”

Wendy nodded repeatedly and said firmly: “Brother-in-law, don‟t worry, I will definitely

remember your way of enlightenment and teachings…”

Charlie gave a hum and continued: “After Benjamin and Mia‟s money is paid to the

company‟s account, you leave half a million in the account as operating funds, and you

receive 10,000 yuan a month for the basic company, and then find another one.

Accounting management, every month I will let people come over to check the accounts

to see if you use public funds for private purposes.”

Wendy said without hesitation: “Brother-in-law, I will never do any small actions. You

can supervise me at all times. If you find that I have done something wrong, please

chase me away at any time!”

Charlie nodded and said: “In addition, if you buy three domestically-made commercial

vehicles for the company, you will buy the 10-seater and 13-seater domesticallyproduced vehicles, which are cost-effective, and the brand-new price should be around

100,000. Then recruit three drivers to take the girls out to run activities, so that no

matter whether it is windy, rainy, or severely cold and hot, the girls will be less exposed

to environmental conditions. Since you came from this step, you should be more

sympathetic to them. Hard work is the key here.”

Wendy‟s tears became a moving thread.

Although she has been a talented lady of etiquette for a short time, she has tasted

enough of her hard work.

Real estates in some suburbs are far away and inconvenient for public transportation. It

may take more than an hour to go back and forth before getting some transport, but

the taxi is too expensive, and the income from participating in the activity may not be

enough for the taxi fare.

In addition, the weather is very cold now, and it is very late at dawn, so she sometimes

has to go out after five o‟clock, and only she knows how hard it is.

If the company can be equipped with a transport car and drivers are hired to take

everyone to the event, it will be a very practical and good benefit for every lady of


Therefore, Charlie‟s ability to take this into consideration really moved her heart.

Benjamin on the side listened to Charlie‟s simple words with his own ears, his company

was handed over to others, and he collapsed deep in his heart.

Although he felt resentful in his heart, he didn‟t even dare to let go of a bullsh!t at this


He now wants to understand it. The next thing he has to do is to transfer all the money

to the company, then hand over the company to others, and then go to KTV to become

the tortoise.

Chapter 2279

If the tortoise thing works well, he still has a chance to regain his freedom soon.

Otherwise, he may really have to work for a lifetime in KTV.

He can‟t be in his 60s or 70s, with gray hair, still handing out toilet paper to male

customers at the toilet door? That‟s too damn bad.

At this time, Bro Abner on the side saw Benjamin‟s face with a dead father‟s depression

and felt a little sympathetic in his heart.

Thinking of this, he sighed in his heart: “Although Benjamin almost caused me a

catastrophe today, he is still a friend of mine. He has always respected me without

saying anything, and he has arranged for my favorite girl, I still owe him a favor…”

“And just now, to protect myself, I immediately beat him up and threatened to abolish

him. Thinking about it now, it‟s true that the damn thing is a bit sad in the heart. If this is

spread outside, the people outside they will say that Bro Abner is not kind, and if

something happens, I betray my friends…

“Furthermore, Mr. Wade‟s whole person is indeed too bad. Let Benjamin go to KTV to be

the tortoise. This is equivalent to letting a company leader with an annual salary of one

million go to clean the toilet. The people on the road love face. Who can do this? Can I

bear it…”

At this point, Bro Abner took advantage of Charlie‟s talking to Wendy at this time, so he

leaned in front of Benjamin and said in a low voice: “Hey, Benjamin, don‟t feel too

depressed in your heart. If you can have this ending today, it is already burning. The

fragrance is high…”

Hearing this, Benjamin burst into tears, and he stood up with the urge to cry, choked up,

and asked, “Brother Abner…I‟m here for the f*ck, I still burn the incense ?”

Bro Abner nodded earnestly and said: “Don‟t say you are a small boss who is doing evil

all day long, forcing his good for pr0st!tution. Before, there was a boss whose company

was valued at more than one billion and was about to be listed on the GEM. No one has

ever done your job. This kind of conscientious business is because I was blinded and

pretended to be forced by Mr. Wade, and now he f*cks carrying cement at the

construction site! Mr. Wade can say, when will it be carried for 20 years, and when will it

be finished! Tell me who is worse than him?”

Benjamin was taken aback.

Bro Abner continued: “So, just think about it, is it when the tortoise is light in KTV for ten

years or is it going to the construction site to carry cement for twenty years?”

“Sleeping day…”

As soon as Benjamin heard this, he quickly wiped away his tears, and choked up: “If you

say this, you should be more comfortable as the turtle father…”

“Still!” Bro Abner sighed, “So let me say, you are good! It doesn‟t matter if the money is

gone, there is still life, arms, and legs, and there are so many people who have offended

Mr. Wade before. There are really few people who can end up like you, just that is not

enough? What else do you want?”

Benjamin nodded as if smashing garlic: “Brother Abner, you are right…I…I…hey…I


Bro Abner nodded lightly and continued: “For this matter, blame your c0ncub!ne, sh!t,

it‟s not good for her to offend Mr. Wade, isn‟t this a rush to die?”

Benjamin gritted his teeth and nodded.

When it comes to Mia, he really hates her!

So he gritted his teeth and cursed in his heart: “Mia, you are more than defeated if you

fail to succeed! If you knew you would cause such a disaster for me, had I not slept with

you and sent to accompany others in KTV, this day would not come to me…”

“Hey, it‟s a pity that there is no such thing as early knowing‟ in everything. After that,

there is no turning back in life. Even if you are angry and dissatisfied, don‟t you still have

to go to KTV to work at night?”

Thinking of this, he looked at Bro Abner and pleaded with tears: “Brother Abner, in the

future, your brother will be doing a job with your place. You must cover me a little bit…”

Bro Abner turned his back to Charlie, quietly patted his chest, and said seriously:

“Benjamin, don‟t worry, brother will take care of you quietly!”

Chapter 2280

Bro Abner knew very well in his heart that Charlie sent Benjamin to KTV to be the

tortoise, which was a punishment for him. If he helped and followed him upright, it

would be equivalent to opposing Charlie.

He must have no such guts.

Therefore, the solution he can think of is to take care of Benjamin a little, and only a

little, quietly and appropriately in the future.

For example, if he goes to the bathroom in KTV and meets him handing a tissue at the

door, he won‟t‟ give five if can give ten, he won‟t give ten if he can give twenty or more.

Even if it is above fifty, if Charlie feels that he is obviously generating income for

Benjamin, he might find himself in trouble again.

Charlie has set up the operation direction of the etiquette company with Wendy, and

said to Bro Abner: “Little Abner, you take Wendy and Benjamin to handle the company

transfer in the afternoon, and supervise Benjamin and Mia to transfer the money to the

company account.”

Bro Abner quickly nodded and bowed his waist and said, “Mr. Wade, don‟t worry, it‟s all

over to me!”

Charlie nodded, looked at Bro Abner, and said coldly: “I won‟t settle accounts with you

for today‟s affairs. In the future, you should be alert to yourself. Don‟t think that you are

the number one person in Aurous Hill and help others regardless of cause and effect. If

you fight, kill, and I come to know that you dare to do this kind of abuse, I will let you

go to be the tortoise with Benjamin, do you understand?”

Bro Abner trembled in fright and blurted out: “Mr. Wade, don‟t worry about it. If I do this

kind of thing again, I will meet you!”

Charlie snorted coldly: “You have to do your duty in the underground world. Bars, KTV,

and nightclubs are more serious ways to make money. Don‟t bully the market, bully men

and women, otherwise, I will teach you and Orvel together!”

Bro Abner hurriedly bowed and said: “Mr. Wade, what you have taught is something I

must keep it in mind next…

Charlie ignored him, turned around and said to Wendy, “Wendy, just do what I ask, take

over the company, do things well, and behave well, don‟t let me down!”

Wendy choked with tears and said: “Good brother-in-law…I will definitely go all out…”

Charlie nodded: “Okay, do it well, I will inquire about the situation in a few days, and I

will leave first.”

Wendy said gratefully: “Brother-in-law, take care…”

Bro Abner hurried to the side and bowed and said, “Mr. Wade, take care!”

Charlie was ready to leave. Thinking of something, he took out the cloth bag for grocery

shopping from the basket of the electric bike and then took out a brand new unopened

iPhone from the cloth bag.

He handed the mobile phone to Wendy and said, “The mobile phone is for you. In

modern society, people cannot do many things without a mobile phone, and you are

about to be the boss of the company, and you need a mobile phone. Business and

communication with the team.”

Wendy never dreamed that Charlie even bought her a mobile phone, which really

moved her to the extreme.

“Charlie gave her money to ride in the car in the morning and saw her being bullied just

now and helped her out. Does it all happened by chance…”

“But this phone… it‟s not easy to say so!”

“He knew that I didn‟t have a mobile phone, so he wanted to give me a mobile phone,

so he bought it! It was bought specifically for me!”

At this moment, Wendy was moved with nothing to add.

Chapter 2281

She looked at Charlie, and she felt like a lump in her throat. She wanted to talk, but

couldn‟t say anything.

Seeing her completely stunned, Charlie didn‟t tell her anymore, he just put the phone

into her hand, and said to Bro Abner, “Little Abner, if you need to use etiquette for your

friends and partners in the future, remember to take care of the business of Wendy

Company, understand?”

Without saying anything, Bro Abner immediately said boldly: “Mr. Wade, don‟t worry

after Miss Wendy opens, I will definitely help her publicize! I think Bro Abner is more or

less thin on Aurous Hill Road, and my friends will definitely do it. Give me the face and

ensure that Ms. Wendy‟s etiquette company is too busy for business!”

After speaking, he hurriedly said: “By the way, Mr. Wade, tomorrow is the anniversary

celebration of the opening of several KTV under my own proprietary. It happens we

need a group of etiquette ladies, I will ask Miss Wendy to help!”

Charlie asked him with interest: “Oh? What a coincidence? Tomorrow is the opening

anniversary celebration?”

“Yeah!” Bro Abner smiled, “Why don‟t you say that Mr. Wade is a real dragon on earth,

no matter who is okay, you will be around you in secret!”

Charlie knew that he had deliberately flattered him to please him, but he didn‟t say

much, and instead said to Wendy, “Wendy, tomorrow you must arrange all the activities

of Bro Abner here. The first business of your new company, strive to be a good start!”

Wendy nodded hurriedly and said, “Brother-in-law, don‟t worry, I will arrange it!”

Charlie gave a hum, and said to Bro Abner: “You people on the road are rough at work,

and the overall quality is not good. Tomorrow, the lady of etiquette will come over. You

must take care of their mouths, hands, and feet, and don‟t provoke any moles do miss

manners, do you understand?”

Bro Abner said immediately: “Mr. Wade, don‟t worry, whoever the hell dares to make a

wrong idea to Miss Wendy‟s person, I f*cking castrate him immediately!”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction, and said to Wendy again: “Oh yes Wendy, I have one

more thing to tell you.”

Wendy hurriedly said, “Brother-in-law, tell me!”

Charlie said seriously: “Don‟t tell anyone about this matter today, including your

grandma, your parents, and your brother, including your sister Claire, do you


“Huh?” Wendy asked in surprise: “Brother-in-law, why can‟t I? You have helped me so

much. Grandma, Dad, and older brother will be very grateful to you…”

Charlie said indifferently: “I don‟t need them to be grateful, nor do I need their flattery,

and I am not helping you to make you feel good about me, but because you are indeed

better than before and are sincerely calling me brother-in-law, you Respect me a bit, I

respect you evenly, nothing more.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “As for your grandma, your father, and Harold, I don‟t

want to have any unnecessary involvement with them. In the beginning, it is better to

have more things than less, so only you know this. I know, if you reveal it to them, then I

can only stop all this, do you understand?”

When Wendy heard this, although she felt a little disappointed, she nodded honestly

and said: “OK brother-in-law, I know, don‟t worry, I won‟t talk about this to anyone… “

Charlie looked at Bro Abner again and said coldly: “You are the same. You keep tightlipped. If anyone dares to say that Wendy is my sister-in-law, I dare to say that I brought

this company from Benjamin. Then I will send him to the kennel to experience!”

Bro Abner and the others all looked tense and hurriedly agreed.

Charlie was satisfied, and said: “Okay, so be it, I‟ll go now.”

After speaking, Charlie turned the throttle, and the little e-car quickly jumped out.

Seeing him leaving, Wendy was so busy shouting from behind: “Goodbye brother-inlaw! Thank you, brother-in-law!”

Chapter 2282

Leaving the Pearl River Woods, Charlie hurried to the vegetable market.

Time has been delayed a lot, and if he doesn‟t hurry to buy the vegetables back, the wife

won‟t be able to eat breakfast when she comes home from get off work.

Although Aurous Hill is an ancient city, its modern atmosphere is getting stronger and

stronger. The destruction, demolition, and modification of the old city‟s buildings have

basically become the style of modern urban high-rise buildings.

Many traditional crafts and markets in the past have gradually been replaced by various

tall shops and general supermarkets.

In the early years, there were many shavers on the side of the road, and the shave skills

were very good, and two or three yuan could be used to sit on the side of the road and


But now, it has long since disappeared.

Instead, there are various exquisite and high-end beauty salons. Those Tony teachers

who are not very skilled and whose hair is not even full, cut someone‟s hair at random,

starting with one or two hundred yuan, occasionally When encountering unscrupulous

merchants, customers will be fooled into applying for a card, cutting their heads and

being cheated for thousands of yuan.

In the past, there were many horse-drawn carts and donkey carts on the roadside. Uncle

farmers in the country picked vegetables from the fields in the morning and drove them

to the city to sell them. Vegetables and fruits were fresh and cheap.

However, animal-drawn carts are not allowed to enter the city in recent years, and even

traditional vegetable markets have become fewer and fewer so that most people can

only go to the supermarket to buy food.

The quality of the vegetables in the supermarket is not very good, but the price is

surprisingly expensive. It costs more than ten yuan to buy cabbage.

This also caused this ancient city to gradually lose the scent of traditional life.

In fact, Charlie usually doesn‟t like going to the supermarket to buy groceries, so he

always feels less interesting.

Therefore, he often goes to a protected old residential area in the old city where there is

a very lively vegetable market.

The reason why he likes to go to that old residential area is not only because it is more

grounded, but also because there is another reason hidden in Charlie‟s heart.

In the past, when he and his parents first arrived in Aurous Hill, the parents particularly

liked the characteristics of Aurous Hill Old Town.

There are many old-fashioned buildings left over from the Ming and Qing Dynasties and

the Republic of China. This architectural style is very different from the north, and

parents liked it very much.

Because of their passion for traditional culture, his parents rented an old house in the

old town. After the renovation, the family lived in a very comfortable place.

Later, when his parents had an accident, Charlie entered the orphanage. He would often

sneak out with his friends Zhao Hao and Li Xiaofen to take a look at the old town.

At that time, Zhao Hao and Li Xiaofen thought Charlie was playful and wanted to sneak

out to play.

But what they didn‟t know was that Charlie actually just missed his parents.

After his parents had an accident that year, the house was rented out for a few years,

changing batches of tenants.

Later, the house was bought by people who invested in real estate, waiting for the

demolition to appreciate.

Later, the house and the nearby old buildings were classified as a historical building

protection area. Demolition and rebuilding were prohibited, so the house was left vacant

for a long time.

Charlie also quietly inquired about it. It is said that the person who invested in this

house was the initiator of a real estate speculation group in Wencheng. Although this

old house cannot be realized after being smashed in his hands, it is nothing to him. , So

this house is in the dilapidated in this condition since then.

Later, the speculator was caught in a lawsuit because he was involved in illegal fundraising and the house was sealed up by the court.

Two or three years ago, there were rumors that it was going to be auctioned, but

because the person involved in the case was relatively large, the case has not been

finalized in the past two years, so he has never entered the foreclosure process.

The market where Charlie went to buy vegetables was not far from this old house, so he

planned to stop by and take a look.

On the way Charlie was riding his bike, a Rolls Royce had stopped in front of this

mottled old house.

In Rolls-Royce‟s co-pilot, an elderly man walked down. This person was the old butler of

Eastcliff‟s Du family in Aurous Hill.

Chapter 2283

After getting off the car, the old housekeeper opened the door of the rear seat with

agility, and respectfully said to the woman sitting in the car: “Miss, we are here.”

The woman sitting in the car is Liona.

After she got off the plane, she took a pair of children and accompanied the old

housekeeper to Du‟s house. After she settled the room and luggage, she hurriedly asked

the old housekeeper to take her to see where Changying had lived before he died.

As for the brothers and sisters Zhifei and Zhiyu, they have their own plans.

Zhifei went to the orphanage to discuss donations, while Zhiyu held the laptop and

continued to look for Charlie from the thousands of portraits.

Liona was also happy. After that, she came to the house where Changying, who she

loved all her life, lived in before his death. It was more or less inappropriate to bring a

pair of children.

Liona was extremely nervous at this time.

Although she knew Changying had been dead for many years, she still felt a strong

sense of tension when she came here.

It‟s like the years when she loved Changying when she was young. Whenever she saw

him or was about to see him, she couldn‟t control the rapid heartbeat and shortness of


With a beating heart in her arms, Liona got out of the car, and across the courtyard wall,

she looked at this small southern courtyard.

The stone wall of the courtyard is very short, and there are many hollow shapes made of

blue bricks in the middle so that people can easily see the situation in the courtyard.

At this time, the yard was full of withered weeds and fallen leaves from the trees. The

osmanthus trees in the yard had already withered into dry wood because they were left


On the wall of the main building, there are large dead creepers.

At this time, the entire small courtyard looks incomparably broken, but Liona can

imagine that if it is well maintained, the courtyard must be lush with the grass and green

trees in the courtyard when it is rainy in spring and summer. The scenery must be


Moreover, although the courtyard is not large, it can be seen that although the

courtyard is not large, the architecture is very sophisticated.

Blue bricks are used for walls, blue tiles are used for roofing, and bluestones are used to

pave roads.

The summer in the south is humid. If it rains, the green bricks and blue stones must be

covered with moss.

The moss itself has a very natural sense of old age. For those who do not like it, the

moss is dense, slippery, and feels somewhat disgusting.

But for those who like Eastern ancient culture, this is a very poetic and attractive


Whether it grows in the yard or grows on the fence, pond, or bonsai, there is a different

kind of exquisiteness and quietness.

Therefore, moss has always been very popular among literati and ink scholars.

At this moment, in the eyes of Liona, this dilapidated courtyard has restored the scene

and charm of Changying when he lived.

In her mind, even the young and handsome Changying was playing with his children in

this yard.

After seeing it, Liona felt that Changying was really in this yard, and the little boy who

couldn‟t see her face, his son, was circling around him non-stop.

Immediately afterward, the dilapidated and closed-door inside opened, and a woman

with a dignified and beautiful appearance, a tall figure, and an apron still worn around

her waist came out from the inside.

The woman smiled and greeted the father and son to enter the house for dinner. The

scene of a family of three harmonicas playing and singing is really enviable.

Liona, who was caught in conjecture, looked at it carefully and saw the woman‟s face


The woman in her imagination is not Changying‟s original wife, but Liona herself!

Chapter 2284

Liona just involuntarily substituted himself into Changying‟s wife in her mind and

instantly felt that her eyes were filled with tears.

She wanted to bear the tears back, but she didn‟t think that it was because she couldn‟t

control it that big tears gushed from her eyes and slid over the face that had almost no

wrinkles and did not show any age at all.

The old butler on the side looked at it and sighed silently.

“Hey…in the entire capital, who doesn‟t know that the second lady of the Du family has

loved Changying for many years…”

“It‟s just that, who knows that Changying passed away nearly 20 years ago, and the

second young lady still has such a deep feeling for him…”

As the so-called sentimental hatred since ancient times, this hatred will never end.

In ancient Chinese, the word hate is more regrettable.

People who are infatuated often leave only regrets and this regret will never stop.

This is the case for Liona.

People who have never experienced deep-rooted love cannot understand one person

and their obsession with another person.

Once you have obsessions, even if they are ten years or twenty years apart, even if they

are thousands of miles apart, even if the sky is different, even if there is a gap of


This is the case for Liona.

She had long wanted to forget Changying, and had long wanted to live her life steadily.

However, the obsession in her heart has not allowed that.

That obsession is like a weed growing in her heart.

With this weed, no other plants can be planted any more.

Sometimes, she felt that this wild grass had been deserted, and even felt that it had

been burned to ashes.

She doesn‟t know when, suddenly a spring breeze blew her heart, and this weed grew

back again.

That obsession is also like a thorn in the heart.

Sometimes she doesn‟t feel the pain anymore, she thinks the thorn is gone.

But she will always inadvertently be hurt by this thorn.

Therefore, Liona also wanted to understand later.

This obsession has already deepened into the bone marrow.

“Changying, since I have been there, why should I deliberately forget you?”

“Since I have always loved you deeply, let you always grow in the place in my heart that

belongs to you…”

“Whenever I think of you in the past, I would feel guilty and guilt towards Zynn. Now I

am relieved. From now on, I can think of you openly, miss you openly, and no longer

have to feel guilty for anyone… ….”

At this point, Liona also felt a lot easier, in fact relieved.

She wiped away her tears and asked the old housekeeper: “Uncle White, who owns this

house now?”

The old butler pointed to the seal on the iron fence door next to him and said: “Miss Hui

Er, this house has been sealed by the court.”

“Sealed?” Liona frowned, and hurriedly asked: “What‟s the matter? Can you inquire

about it?”

The old housekeeper nodded and said, “I have been in Aurous Hill for so many years,

and in departments have some connections. Let me call and ask.”

Liona nodded hurriedly, and urged: “Then you fight quickly, I want to find out as soon as

possible, and also help me ask if I can open the seal and go in and see.”

The old housekeeper quickly took out his cell phone and made a call.

After some inquiries, he hurriedly reported to Liona: “Second Miss, the owner of this

house is in jail, because of the illegal fund-raising lawsuit, all the properties under his

name have been sealed up, but his case has been tried for more than two years outside.

The sentence is about to be pronounced. After the sentence is pronounced, the house

will naturally enter the judicial auction process.”

Chapter 2285

When Liona heard this, she became excited and blurted out: “Help me pay attention to

it. I want to take pictures of this house!”

The old butler nodded and said: “This house occupies a small area and cannot be

demolished in the future. It is considered a low-quality asset that cannot be circulated,

and it should be easy to take pictures at that time.”

“Okay.” Liona said firmly: “No matter how much it costs, we have to take pictures of this


After speaking, she hurriedly asked: “Uncle White, did you say hello to someone from

the judiciary? Can I go in and see?”

“Yes.” The old housekeeper hurriedly said: “Just now I talked on the phone that they will

come over for asset registration and evaluation in just two days. They have to collect

materials and prepare for the next judicial auction, so we can break it first. Open the seal

and lock the door in.”

Liona said anxiously: “Then think of a way and get the lock open!”

The old housekeeper nodded, and said to the driver and bodyguard beside him:

“Willson Liu, see if you can break the door.”

The bodyguard hurried forward and pulled the seal off first, then looked at the door

lock, and smiled: “Housekeeper White, this lock is about to rust. You can kick it away

with one kick.”

Liona said hurriedly: “Don‟t kick! I‟m afraid you will kick down the door and the door will

break, see if you can pry the lock open…”

The bodyguard took a closer look and said, “Second Miss, the lock cylinder inside has

been rusted to death. I‟m afraid that even if I take the key, I can‟t open it. I can only

break the lock.”

Liona nodded and said: “Open the lock but try not to damage the iron door. If I buy it in

the future, I want to keep it as it is.”

“Okay.” The bodyguard hurriedly agreed, and then took out a dark dagger from his

waist, put the sharp tip of the dagger into the lock slot, and then pried it hard to pry the

tongue open.

The door opened, and the lock broke because of the rust, but fortunately, the door was

not damaged.

Liona couldn‟t restrain the excitement in her heart, pushed the doorstep by step, and

walked in.

In the overgrown yard, there is still a swing made of iron frame and chain, but this swing

has been too old and it has been rusty.

However, this yard, which is everywhere in the eyes of others, is incomparable warmth in

Liona‟s eyes.

At this time, an electric bike came to the front.

When Charlie was still some distance from the door, he was a little surprised to see a

Rolls Royce parked at the door.

He often visits this old house. The old house has always been sealed and no one cares

about it. How can there be visitors today?

Surprised, he went to the gate and looked inside.

In the yard, three people were facing their backs, among them a woman, an old man,

and a mature man.

Charlie was even more puzzled, and thought to himself: “Is this old house sold? It

shouldn‟t. He heard that it has been in a state of being sealed up, and it hasn‟t started

the judicial auction process. How can they sell it silently?”

“But, what exactly do these people do? Why did they ignore the court seal and broke

the door directly?”

Charlie was a little angry.

Because, After that, this is the old house where he lived with his parents.

If the homeowner came, he would naturally not say anything.

But these people are not homeowners at first glance.

They not only tore the seal but also broke the door lock.

This kind of behavior, in his opinion, is indeed excessive!

So he planned to ask clearly if they have nothing to do with this house, he‟ll let them go


Just thinking about it, Liona suddenly turned around and glanced at the door.

As she turned around her eyes met Charlie‟s eyes.

At this moment, Liona felt a sudden gust of rain in the depths of her soul, and she was


Chapter 2286

Charlie and his father Changying are quite similar in appearance.

After all, the father and son are an era away, and there is a big gap between their

hairstyles and clothes. If Charlie changes into his father‟s style, the similarity may reach

the point of being a true copy.

Therefore, the moment Liona saw him, it was as if she was struck by lightning as if she

had seen something unbelievable.

She was almost stunned, and apart from shock, she was completely at a loss.

She didn‟t even know if she had hallucinations because she missed Changying too


Otherwise, how could there be a man so similar to Changying?

Moreover, when Changying died, he was only in his early thirties.

The time period when Liona and Changying had the most contact was before

Changying‟s marriage, from after Changying‟s marriage to Changying‟s death, the

interaction between the two was not that much.

Therefore, what Liona remembers most about Changying are the years when he was 20

to 25 years old.

It happened to be about the same age as Charlie now, relatively more consistent.

It was precisely because of this that she had the feeling that she was a world away, as if

Changying, who was in his twenties, appeared in front of her again.

Almost at this moment, Liona‟s tears burst again.

The tears made Charlie in her eyes blurred immediately, so she subconsciously wiped off

the tears, and looked again, Charlie was still there.

At this moment, Liona felt terrified in her heart.

She began to feel that the „Changying‟ is really in front of her, or the man who looked

like Changying seemed to exist.

Charlie was also a little surprised.

Because he didn‟t quite understand why the woman in the yard looked at him with such

strange eyes.

He didn‟t even understand why this woman couldn‟t help but burst into tears when she

looked at him.

At this moment, he immediately felt that things didn‟t seem right.

In other words, 80% of this woman has something to do with her father.

Liona had some illusory conjectures in her heart, but Charlie did not.

He calmly and realistically analyzed everything in front of him, quickly calculating all the

clues in his mind.

“First of all, this woman will come to the place where her parents lived before death. The

high probability is that she has some kind of relationship with my parents. Among them,

it is most likely to be related to my father!”

“Secondly, this woman looked at me with so much shock, so excited eyes, and even

tears bursting into her face. There is a high probability that she regards me as my


“So, who is this woman?”

Just when Charlie was puzzled, Liona looked at him and subconsciously shouted in a low

voice in order to determine whether it was a dream or reality in front of her: “Mr.


As soon as the word Changying came out, the old butler hurriedly turned around and

looked over.

Chapter 2287

Charlie felt his eyelids jump wildly, he immediately turned his head without thinking,

twisted the accelerator of the electric bike, and left quickly.

Seeing Charlie disappear, Liona hurried to chase outside, but when she came out,

Charlie was gone.

She stood at the door in a daze, looked around anxiously, and murmured, “Did I have


After she finished speaking, she hurriedly turned her head and asked the old butler who

was following her: “Uncle White, did you see a young man who looks particularly like a


Although the old butler only glanced at Charlie, he still said with great certainty:

“Second Miss, I did see a young man riding an electric bike just now. He really looks like

Mr. Wade!”

As soon as Liona heard this, she was so excited that she was a little trembling when she

spoke, and said, “Yes…Yes….Since you saw Uncle White, it proves that I didn‟t. It‟s real,

no, hallucinations appeared in my mind…”

As she said, she couldn‟t help but mutter: “Why? How could there be two people who

look like this in this world? And that young man looks like he is in his 20s… How can it

look so similar to Old Wade?”

The old butler sighed softly: “The world is very big. It is normal to have two people who

look very similar but have no actual relationship.”

Liona nodded: “Uncle White, you are right. The world is so big and there are so many

people. It is indeed normal to have two very similar people occasionally…”

Speaking of this, Liona couldn‟t hide her excitement and blurted out: “But! But even if

someone really looks like Mr. Wade, he shouldn‟t be here! Where is this? This is the

former residence of Chang Wade! He has nothing to do with Chang Wade, is that too


When the old butler heard this, he couldn‟t help frowning.

He also admitted that Liona made a lot of sense.

It is not too strange for someone to look like Changying, but if he appears at the door

of Changying‟s former residence, it would be a coincidence! Even, the coincidence is

almost weird!

At this moment, a clue suddenly popped into his mind, and he blurted out: “Second

Miss, I remember! Mr. Wade, he…seems to have a son!”

Liona nodded and said, “Yes! Chang Wade did have a son, but when his son was born, I

was thinking about wrongs, and Zynn had always had a big opinion on Changying, so I

was basically with the Wade family. I lost contact with him, so I have not seen his son…”

While speaking, she murmured again: “However, after Changying and Sister An died

unexpectedly, their son disappeared. It seems that they have never heard of finding


The old butler said with excitement: “Then this is right! Mr. Wade and Ms. An‟s accident

happened in Aurous Hill, and their son also disappeared in Aurous Hill. The young man

just now looked like Mr. Wade. Come on, that young man has a high probability of

being Mr. Wade‟s son!”

Liona‟s tears burst again, and she said distressedly: “If it was Chang Wade‟s son, he

should be only eight years old when Chang Wade passed away. If he hasn‟t returned to

Wade‟s house for so many years, it‟s really not enough. I know how I got here…”

The old housekeeper said with emotion: “I saw him riding a dilapidated electric bike. It

shouldn‟t be too good to live here…”

Liona nodded, looked at the old butler, and pleaded: “Uncle White, help me find a way,

and be sure to find him out! I can be regarded as his father‟s old friend After that. If he

does not live well, then I would like you to help him!”

The old butler thought for a moment, and said seriously: “Second Miss, forgive me if this

child has a level of life at the bottom, then his ability, vision, and education level should

not be too strong…”

“Furthermore, I guess he will have a relatively hard time with a high probability now.”

“If you let him know your identity, if he wants to get rich overnight and want to rely on

your relief for a long time, maybe he will come to you…”

“There is a good saying, it is easy to ask God to give it away. Before you help him, you

must think carefully…”

Liona sighed and said, “Don‟t worry about these, if you can find him, I won‟t talk to him

too much…”

She said, “I am planning to give him a sum of money, so I‟ll say that I owed his father a

debt back then, so I paid him all the debts at once with a profit, so give him 50 million!

As for what he will be like after he has these fifty million, it all depends on his own good


“Okay!” Seeing that she had a relatively safe plan, the old butler relaxed and said, “Then

I will ask someone to inquire!”

Chapter 2288

At the same time, Charlie had already escaped hundreds of meters by bike.

In order not to be found by Liona, he didn‟t even buy any vegetables, so he rushed

directly to the home.

On the way, he called Issac, and as soon as he came up he ordered: “Mr. Issac, someone

went to the old house where my parents lived today. Please help me find out who it is!”

Issac asked in surprise: “Master, did you go to the old house today?”

“Yes!” Charlie said: “I saw a woman there. She looked at me and called my father‟s name.

I want you to help me find out her identity, and check if this person is an enemy or a

friend. , Have any intersection with my father.”

“OK!” Issac said without hesitation: “I will investigate now!”

Charlie said again: “By the way, there is one more thing you need to do for me.”

Issac hurriedly said, “Master, you say!”

Charlie said: “Check what the situation of the owner of the old house is now, when will

his case be pronounced, and when will the house be put up for auction? I want to buy

this house!”

“Okay young master, I‟ll check it out!”

Afterward, Charlie randomly found a supermarket near the community, and he was

ready to go home after buying the stuff. As soon as he left the supermarket, Issac called.

“Master, both things have results!”

Charlie gave a hum, and said, “Tell me one by one!”

Issac hurriedly said, “It is the second lady of Eastcliff Du‟s family, Liona, who went to your

parents‟ former residence today.”

Charlie frowned and asked, “The Du Family? Liona? What is it?”

Issac said: “This Liona is the wife of Zynn.”

“What?” Charlie asked in amazement: “Mrs. Zynn? Zhifei, Zhiyu‟s biological mother?”

“That‟s right.” Issac said: “It‟s Zhifei and Zhiyu‟s mother. She came to Aurous Hill this


Charlie asked, “Then why did she come to my parents‟ former residence? She knew my


Issac explained: “You may not know this thing. In fact, this Liona has always liked your

father, but your father did not choose her back then.”

Charlie was surprised, but also somewhat embarrassed.

Zynn‟s wife likes your father, which is indeed a bit unexpected.

Charlie thought that Ruoli was the illegitimate daughter of Zynn. It was exposed by the

Japanese media last night. Liona came to Aurous Hill today and went to the former

residence of his parents. Is this really a bit too impatient? If Zynn knew, he would be so

angry that he would vomit blood.

Issac said: “Master, there is news about the house.”

Charlie said hurriedly: “Say it!”

Issac explained: “In the case of the homeowner, the final judgment will be pronounced

in these two days. The amount of money involved in the illegal fundraising was very

large, and the fund chain was broken and he was unable to repay at all. Therefore, in

addition to the sentence, it is likely to be confiscated All the assets are used to

compensate the victimized investors, so once the judgment is pronounced, the house

will immediately enter the judicial auction process. If it goes smoothly, the auction may

start within a week!”

When Charlie heard this, his heart was overjoyed, and he hurriedly said, “You will sign up

for me. I will go to the auction at that time. In any case, I have to buy this house back!”

Issac said: “OK master, this matter is on me!”

Charlie said, “Let‟s do this first. You helped me keep an eye on that Liona. Since she

knows my father, she will probably guess my identity. My identity cannot be revealed,

for now, so try not to let her find me.”

Chapter 2289

“OK master!”

After hanging up the phone, Charlie couldn‟t help but feel a headache.

He found that there seemed to be a strong and strange magnetic field between himself

and the Su family.

Although he has been waiting for the opportunity to ask the Su family to question the

anti-wade alliance and make the Su family pay the price for the anti-wade alliance,

during this period of time, before he went to the Su family to settle accounts, he had

various encounters with the Su family.

First, accidentally rescued two descendants of the Su family in Japan, namely Zhifei and

Zhiyu, but when Charlie rescued them, he didn‟t know that they were the children of


Then in the Tokyo hospital, he passed by Zynn again, but Charlie at that time didn‟t

know that the man close at hand was Zynn.

Otherwise, with Charlie‟s temper, even if he doesn‟t kill Zynn on the spot, at least he

would have confronted him, then remember his appearance and settle accounts with

him slowly;

Immediately after, what Charlie didn‟t expect was that when he came back from Japan

this time, he accidentally saved Ruoli, the killer of the Su family, but what was more

damn ridiculous was that after saving her, Charlie found out that this girl is Zynn‟s

illegitimate daughter!

At this point, Charlie had saved Zynn, one son, two daughters, and three children once!

The key point is that these three people are all one mother‟s children!

One after another, because of chance and coincidence, saved the enemy‟s child. For

Charlie, this kind of fate made him feel powerless to complain.

At the end, who would have thought that he wanted to take a look at the old house today, but he met Zynn‟s wife, Zhifei, and Zhiyu‟s mother Liona!

What‟s more ridiculous is that Liona seems to have loved his father for many years…

Thinking of this, Charlie was already as big as a fight, and couldn‟t help but exhale a sullen breath, cursing inwardly: “What the f*ck are these things!”

Therefore, he secretly vowed in his heart that when he confronts Zynn in the future, he will not only make him pay for the anti-wade Alliance but also make him pay the price for saving his three children!


At the same time, Liona was also looking for Charlie by any means.

However, she knew very little about Charlie‟s situation, so she didn‟t know how to


Although the old housekeeper has been in Aurous Hill for many years, because the Du family is considered to be in a high position After that, and his daily style is low-key and cautious, he, as the representative of the Du family in Aurous Hill, is relatively restrained.

Although he also knows many local high-level officials, he rarely pays attention to things in the market, so he can only ask people for a while, starting with Changying‟s car accident that year, and let‟s take a look at what happened after Changying‟s car accident. The list of orphans accepted by the orphanage, as well as the local adoption records registered at the time, tried to find relevant clues about Charlie.

As far as the contacts in Aurous Hill are concerned, although he has a solid foundation, he is still far behind Issac.

As the spokesperson of the Wade family in Aurous Hill, Issac‟s most important task is to establish a solid foundation in Aurous Hill. Therefore, Issac‟s contacts in Aurous Hill have always been very high-profile and direct, and it has been developed in all directions, far ahead of the old housekeeper of the Du family.

Therefore, when the old housekeeper started investigating Charlie related clues, he had already received the news and then reported to Charlie.

When Charlie heard that they had to start with the orphanage and adoption records, he immediately felt relieved.

Normally, there is nothing wrong in this direction.

But the point is that this line was cut off as early as when his parents had just passed away.

Old Tang cut off all his clues, and even the orphanage where he lived at the time was

operated by his people secretly, so no matter how the outside world checked it, they

couldn‟t find any results.

Now, Liona wanted to start from here to find himself, only idiotic dreams.

Chapter 2290

After leaving Charlie‟s parents‟ former residence, Liona was a little bit lost.

On the one hand, it was because she missed Changying, and on the other hand, it was

because she saw Charlie just now, and felt that he and Changying looked similar, which

brought back many memories of her youth.

When returning to Du‟s mansion in Aurous Hill, the servant had already prepared a

sumptuous lunch.

Zhifei had just returned from donating money to the orphanage. When Liona was back,

he hurriedly asked her, “Mom, where did you go this morning?”

Liona recovered from her chaotic thoughts, but still said absent-mindedly: “Oh, I didn‟t

go anywhere, I let Uncle White take me around.”

At this moment, a maid walked in and said respectfully: “Second Miss, the meal is ready.”

Liona nodded and said to Zhifei: “Go and ask your sister to come out for dinner, what is this girl doing? Recently, she has shut herself in the room all the time. It‟s weird.”

“Hurt…” Zhifei smiled and said: “Zhiyu has always wanted to find our benefactor, the young man who saved our lives in Japan.”

Liona suddenly realized, and hurriedly asked: “Are there any clues?”

Zhifei shook his head and sighed helplessly. “Finding a needle in a haystack is so easy to find. I haven‟t figured out whether he is a local Chinese or an overseas Chinese. I don‟t know whether he is in Japan. Still at home or somewhere else.”

Liona said earnestly: “This person saved the lives of both of you. If it weren‟t for him, you would have suffered an accident. With such great kindness, I really want to find a chance to repay him…” 

After that, she asked, “What clues do you have about this benefactor? You might as well tell me, and I will help you figure out a solution.

Zhifei spread out his palms and sighed softly, “Hey, we don‟t actually have any clues.

Even when we met him, we probably know what he looks like. Other than that, there are

no valuable clues.”

Liona asked: “Would you like to send a reward to the outside world? Just say that you

want to find the original savior and thank him personally. If they see him, let them

contact us.”

Zhifei said: “This method has been considered by Zhiyu, but she said that the probability

is not high. She said that the benefactor should be a very good person and should not

be short of money. Even if he sees a reward, I am afraid that he will not follow us.”

Liona nodded in agreement, and said, “That‟s what I said, if he really wanted money, he

should have opened his mouth when he saved you, or leave contact information. Now

only based on the memory of seeing him, you want to get him out of the crowd. It was

really too difficult for him to find out.”

Zhifei said helplessly: “I also advised Zhiyu, but she still doesn‟t want to give up.”

As he said, he shook his head and said, “Mom, I‟ll ask Zhiyu to come out for dinner.”

“Well, go ahead.”

Soon, Zhiyu, who was wearing pajamas at home, walked out of the room unwillingly at

Zhifei‟s urging.

When she came out, she was still holding an iPad in her hand, and the fingers of the

other hand slid quickly on it, constantly flipping through the faces on it.

When she came to the restaurant, Zhiyu‟s attention was still focused on the iPad screen,

and Liona asked: “Zhiyu, I heard your brother said that you are looking for a benefactor.

Is there any progress?”

Chapter 2291

Zhiyu said without looking up: “There is no progress. I haven‟t found him in the videos


Liona said earnestly: “Some things depend on fate. If fate is not there, no matter how

you try it, it‟s useless; if it‟s fate, if you don‟t go to him, he will appear in front of you.”

Zhiyu said without hesitation: “I don‟t want to give the initiative to things to fate. It‟s too

unreliable. There are so many people in the world. Except for the neighbors at my

doorstep, two people who have met by chance in a foreign country. People, the chance

of meeting again by chance is almost zero. If I don‟t take the initiative to find him, I‟m

afraid I won‟t find him in this lifetime.”

After that, Zhiyu said in a sad tone: “Human memory itself is not that good. No one can

remember it. Many things have to be remembered more clearly by repetitively

deepening the memory, just like memorizing texts when they were young. same……”

“In the few days that I just returned from Japan, the appearance of my benefactor was

quite clear in my mind, but after so many days, his appearance has become increasingly

blurred, although I have always wanted to Memories can deepen the impression, but in

fact, it still doesn‟t work. I‟m afraid I‟ll forget what he looks like after a while…”

Speaking of this, Zhiyu raised her head, looked at Liona and Zhifei, and asked:

“Mom…Brother…Have you two ever felt this way? Want to remember what a person

looks like, but the easier it is to forget?”

Zhifei thought for a while, and said, “Also, if you see it often, you can‟t forget it. It‟s this

kind of person who has only seen it once. It won‟t take long, and I really can‟t think of a

specific look There is only a vague outline left.”

Liona also nodded and said, “Zhiyu was right just now. People‟s memory has to be

deepened to keep it in mind.”

When she said this, what came to her mind was Changying.

She loved Changying so much in her life, but in the nearly twenty years since

Changying‟s death, if it weren‟t for looking at the photos of Changying when he was

young, Changying would gradually blur in her mind.

Thinking of this, she sighed inwardly, and immediately asked Zhiyu: “Zhiyu, can you

describe to your mom, what does your benefactor look like?”

Zhiyu thought for a while, and said, “One word is handsome; two words are very

handsome, three words are very very handsome, and four words are cool and very


Liona couldn‟t help laughing: “Is there such an exaggeration as you said?”

Zhiyu said seriously: “Mom, I‟m really not exaggerating at all. He looks very handsome,

not only handsome but also cool!”

As she said, Zhiyu put her chin on and said with an idiot look: “At that time, Iga Kaminori

brought a bunch of ninjas to kill him, but he killed them in three or two strokes. Shinobu

was scared to death at the time and asked tremblingly who he was. Guess what he


Liona shook her head and asked, “What did he say?”

Zhiyu stood up, Charlie, the imitator at the time, said with a cold face: “He said, I am

your father and want your life!”

Liona smiled and said, “This person is quite arrogant.”

“More than arrogance!” Zhiyu said seriously: “It is simply arrogant! I, Zhiyu, grew up so

big, and I have never seen such an arrogant person! I didn‟t put those Japanese ninjas

who kill people without blinking in my eyes. Killing them is like cutting melons and

vegetables, it was really amazing!”

As she said, she continued a little annoyed: “The point is, this guy doesn‟t have a good

face with me and my brother. I wanted to borrow a cell phone to call Dad. This guy said

nothing about personal belongings. Borrow it, it‟s so stinky!”

Liona smiled and said: “People must be guarding themself, and they don‟t want you to

know their mobile phone number and then trace their identity.”

“Yes!” Zhiyu said in a loud voice, “I think so! He is a very good person, and he doesn‟t

leave any clues! Before he left, I told him goodbye in the rivers and lakes, and he even

said to me that he would never see me again. Now that I think about it, I‟m still very

angry! It‟s really hurting my self-esteem! So I have to find him and ask him face to face,

didn‟t you coaxingly saying that you won‟t see me again? How do you feel when you see

this lady again?”

Chapter 2292

Zhiyu said: “I want to go back and find a master to do some calculations and see if he

can give me some hints.”

Zhifei couldn‟t help laughing: “Didn‟t you just finish saying that you didn‟t believe this?”

Zhiyu said earnestly: “There is no other good way, it‟s better to give it a try.”

After that, she asked Liona: “Mom, is there any famous master in Eastcliff? Don‟t you

always go to the temple to worship Buddha and donate incense money? Do you know

any good monks?”

Liona said seriously: “Don‟t talk nonsense, the eminent monks are practicing Buddhism,

and fortune-telling is a matter of Taoism!”

Zhiyu hurriedly asked: “Then do you know a capable Taoist master? I‟ll go and beg him

to have a look!”

Liona thought for a while and said, “I really don‟t know this. I haven‟t asked someone to

start divination for many years. The last time I asked someone to start divination, it was

about the same age as you.”

As she said, she couldn‟t help but think of Changying, and she couldn‟t help but sigh.

Afterward, she said to Zhiyu: “Yes, I heard that the Wade family built their ancestral

tomb some time ago and specially invited Lai‟s heir from the Lai family from the United

States. Your grandfather and Lai Lao also have some personal relationships, you If you

really think of a hexagram, you can ask your grandfather to ask if Mr. Lai is still in


“Mr. Lai?” Zhiyu frowned and asked: “Why haven‟t I heard of him? Is he good?”

Liona said: “Mr. Lai is the heir of Lai Buyi, a master. He should be the most powerful

master in the world today.

Zhiyu exclaimed: “What a sin?! Then I‟ll call Grandpa and ask!”

After speaking, she quickly took out her mobile phone and called Grandpa Elijah.

As soon as the phone call connected “Grandpa, my mother said you know a Master Lai

who is proficient in five elements and foretelling?”

Elijah asked in surprise: “Zhiyu, what do you want to do with this?”

Zhiyu blurted out: “Grandpa, I want to find my savior, but there has been no progress, so I want to find a master to see if I can get a breakthrough.”

Elijah said: “Master Lai has already returned to the United States some time ago.”

“Ah? went back?” Zhiyu said very disappointedly: “When did he go back?”

Elijah said: “It didn‟t take long. He went back just a year ago. After he came to China, he

stayed in Yeling Mountain for more than three years. He should have wanted to go back

a long time ago.”

Zhiyu said with great regret: “It‟s so unfortunate…what should I do…Grandpa, do you

know other masters?”

Elijah said: “Masters I know a lot, but the only person who can truly be called the word

“Master” is Master Lai.”

After speaking, he said again: “In this way, let me ask Master Lai for you, and if he wants

to, he can directly help you out.”

Zhiyu asked in surprise: “Grandpa, would you really?”

Elijah smiled and said, “Can Grandpa lie to you? The main reason is that Master Lai is old

and has a weird temper. If he is willing to help this, I dare not promise you.”

Chapter 2293

Zhiyu hurriedly said: “It‟s okay, it‟s okay, just ask for me.”

Then she asked: “By the way, Grandpa, if he is willing to help, am I going to the United

States again?”

“No need.” Elijah said: “Master Lai has great magical powers. If he agrees, I will give him

your birth date and tell him about the things you want to ask. It should be fine.”

Zhiyu said in amazement: “So amazing”

Elijah laughed and said: “Foretelling is the supreme wisdom of ancestors. It is said that

its magical features have only been understood by modern people.”

Then, he said, “It‟s midnight in the U.S., and I‟m not very good at contacting Master Lai.

Or you can wait patiently. When it‟s evening here, in the U.S. it will be morning. then I‟ll

make a phone call.”

Zhiyu hurriedly said, “Grandpa, then please, don‟t forget hun!”


At this moment, Charlie hurried home and prepared lunch.

Although Elaine has her legs broken, she still insisted on crutches and came to him in

the kitchen.

As he was busy preparing the food, Elaine said with a shame on her face: “Good son-inlaw, Mom should have cooked for you, but Mom‟s legs are not convenient!”

Charlie smiled slightly: “Mom, don‟t be so polite, anyway, I don‟t have anything to do.

It‟s okay to do housework.”

With that, he said to Elaine: “Mom, Claire, and Dad should be coming soon too. I will

cook another tomato and egg soup. When they come back, we can have dinner.”

Elaine hurriedly said: “That‟s really hard work for you, my son-in-law, mom will wash the

tomatoes for you!”

Charlie served the best food, Claire and Jacob also drove home one after another.

When Claire came back, she said to Charlie with some excitement: “Husband, today,

Doris, deputy director of the Emgrand Group, called me and said that the six-star hotel

under construction in the Emgrand Group is about to start the overall operation. The

design of the interior decoration is in tender!”

“Really?” Charlie asked pretendingly in surprise: “This project should be a lot, right?”

Claire said excitedly: “It‟s not just too big, it‟s simply too big… The Emgrand Group‟s sixstar hotel project has been launched since last year, with an investment of 2 billion. Now

that the main body construction has come to an end, it is time to finalize the internal

decoration plan, and then when the main body construction is over, the internal hard

and soft installation will begin!”

Having said that, Claire went on to introduce: “The entire hotel budget of 2 billion, half

of which is used to buy land and infrastructure, and the other half is almost entirely used

for post-renovation, including at least 300 million for hard decoration, soft decoration,

and various top furniture. The purchases of, bedding, sanitary ware, and electrical

appliances are about six or seven billion. Now those senior executives of domestic bigname home furnishings, sanitary wares, and decorative building materials have come to

Aurous Hill and are preparing to participate in the subsequent bidding!”

Charlie smiled and asked, “Then how much budget does Emgrand Group earmarked for

the decoration design?”

Claire said: “The quotation for this kind of commercial decoration design is generally

around 300 per square meter. The six-star hotel of the Emgrand Group has a total

business area of 130,000 square meters. Some repetitive designs in the same room type

are removed. , The design engineering volume is at least seventy to eighty thousand

square meters, and the decoration design alone costs twenty to thirty million!”

When Elaine on the side heard this, she was surprised and said: “Oh my! Claire! Are you

kidding me?! Just engage in decoration and give 20 to 30 million design fees?!”

Claire nodded and said seriously: “It‟s not a joke, this price is still relatively low. If it is a

large design company or a well-known designer, the price will be even higher. The

design cost per square meter will cost at least 800!”

Chapter 2294

Hearing this, Elaine couldn‟t help exclaiming: “Oh my! A design cost of 800 to 1,000 per

square meter, wouldn‟t it cost 50 or 60 million? This is too big!”

Claire smiled and said, “What‟s so big about this? Some internationally renowned

designers have to charge hundreds of millions for the exterior design of a building!”

Elaine touched her chest and hurriedly asked her: “Good girl, are you planning to take

this project?”

Claire said earnestly: “Of course I want to take it, but my studio is not that big at the

moment. When taking on such a project, I am afraid that it will not be able to compete

with the opponent when bidding, and there is too much preparatory work. If you do,

you have to put your heart and soul into it now and prepare for bidding…”

With that, Claire couldn‟t help sighing again, and said, “Hey, the scale of the company is

still quite large After that. I am afraid I can‟t digest such a large project.”

Elaine asked in surprise: “Isn‟t design just about moving the computer? What can‟t be


Claire said: “It‟s not as simple as you think. With a business area of more than 100,000

square meters, there are more than a dozen room types that require a whole house

design, several restaurants of various types, and leisure and entertainment. The overall

design volume is very large for the part, the administrative office part and the security,

and fire protection planning.”

“It‟s like making an animated film. The ordinary people think that it‟s just to find a group

of people to draw? But in fact, one-second picture requires 20 pictures, one and a half

hour‟s animated film, at least Tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of

pictures, require hundreds of people to do a good job for several years.”

With that, Claire said again: “Our studio has not many people. Even if we can follow such

a big project, we can‟t finish it by ourselves. We have to subcontract to other design

studios to do it together. Ten designers, it took more than half a year to finish…”

“And this is only the first stage. When the construction starts, we have to follow up the

whole process. The construction period is at least one year, so the overall follow-up will

take one and a half years.”

“Dozens of designers, within a year and a half, the annual salary of a good designer is

hundreds of thousands more, and the average salary is at least 200,000, so the salary

cost alone has to be tens of millions!”

Elaine blurted out in surprise: “My God! The salary alone is tens of millions? Is this too


Claire said earnestly: “This is the way it is done originally. I am still conservatively

estimating. If the construction period is longer and the plan is revised more, the overall

time cost and labor cost will increase.”

Charlie on the side asked curiously: “My wife, what are you going to do? Do you want to

fight for it?”

Claire nodded and said, “Although the strength of my studio is not strong, I still want to

try it out. If I can take this project down, I can merge it with it while working on it. A few

small design teams, in that case, when this project is completed, my studio will be able

to improve at least two orders of magnitude and reach a medium-sized scale!”

After that, she said with some worry: “However, my studio is really small. There are so

many companies bidding this time, so I really don‟t know for sure.”

Charlie smiled and said: “My wife, if you are interested, just don‟t let it go. If it is done, it

will be an excellent opportunity. If it is not done, we will have no actual loss. It is nothing

more than a waste of energy. What do you think?”

“Yes…” Claire nodded lightly and said: “I just want to try hard, so starting from today, I

will lead the team to work overtime and make proposals, make bids, and make

preparations. This bidding!”

With that, she said with some emotion: “But I heard that many design companies are

looking for relationships with people everywhere in order to get this big order, and

there are even people who want to give money and kickbacks to the senior executives

of the Emgrand Group. I don‟t know. Will the Emgrand Group engage in black-box

operations at that time…”

Charlie smiled and said: “How can a large group like the Emgrand Group with a market

value of over 100 billion engage in black-box operations on tens of millions of design


Chapter 2295

But even though he said that Charlie had already made up his mind at this time, to say

hello to Doris, and to give this project to Claire quietly.

The Emgrand Group was originally his own industry. Since his wife is so interested in this

project, he naturally wants to give her a chance to practice.

Therefore, he said to Claire: “Claire, you don‟t have to think about it so much now, just

concentrate on preparing, I believe you can do it!”

“Yeah!” Claire also nodded very firmly, and said, “I will definitely work hard! Try to get

this big project down!”

After lunch, when Claire went to the company, Charlie went back to the room and called


As soon as the phone was connected, Doris said: “Master, you are calling for your wife‟s

bidding, right?”

Charlie smiled and said, “You guessed it.”

Doris said hurriedly: “Master, originally, I wanted to entrust the design project of our

hotel decoration directly to the wife‟s company, but I was also worried that if the project

was passed directly, she would doubt in her heart, so I told her this, In fact, I intend to

start a bidding meeting so that her company can obtain this project through internal

bidding, which seems more natural.

Charlie praised: “Doris, you have done a good job of this matter, and you have

considered it comprehensively. I also called to tell you about this matter. My idea is the

same as you. Let Claire participate in the bidding normally. , And then the group directly

decides on her studio, so that she can feel that she has got it with her own hard work.”

Doris promised: “Master, don‟t worry, I will arrange these.”

Charlie asked her: “When does the group plan to officially start bidding?”

Doris said: “We plan to give a rough draft within one week and start bidding in one


“Okay, I‟ll leave this to you.”

After hanging up Doris‟s call, Charlie thought that there was nothing important in the

afternoon, so he didn‟t plan to go out again.

Thinking of the New Year, he promised everyone who came to the home to give gifts to

prepare some pills in return for everyone, so he planned to take advantage of this free

time to refine the pills.

He called Qin Gang, Qin Gang answered the phone and asked respectfully, “Mr. Wade,

what do you want?”

Charlie said: “Ms. Qin, you help me prepare some medicinal materials and bring them to

my home in the afternoon.”

When Qin Gang heard Charlie say this, he immediately realized that Charlie should be

planning to refine medicinal materials, so he said excitedly: “Mr. Wade, what medicinal

materials do you need, even if you tell me, let me prepare them immediately I‟d better

send it to you!”

Charlie said: “In this way, I will post your recipe on WeChat in a while.”

Qin Gang said without hesitation: “No problem, Mr. Wade, you send me the list, and I

will let Aoxue send it to you when it‟s ready!”

Chapter 2296

“That‟s good!” Aoxue smiled sweetly, and hurriedly passed the medicine box in her hand

and the red sandalwood box to Charlie, and introduced: “Master Charlie, the box

contains all the medicinal materials you need this time. I have prepared it for you. There

is also this red sandalwood box. Inside is top-quality purple ginseng that is more than

four hundred years old. My dad said that he got it by accident, and said that this purple

ginseng must be there for you Great use, so I brought it for you…”

Charlie was a little surprised and said, “The best purple ginseng more than four hundred

years old? Where did your dad get such a good thing?”

Aoxue spits out her tongue: “I don‟t know about this. He usually has many channels for

receiving the medicine. Many drug dealers and farmers in the south and north of the

country specially supply him. If there are some top-quality medicinal materials, he‟ll will

be the first to have his hands on. It is estimated that the drug dealer received it and sent

it over.”

Charlie nodded and thought to himself: “I ate more than half of the 30 rejuvenation pills

that I refined last time. The remaining points, sold, and given away are basically

consumed. It‟s almost there. I originally thought that there would be a chance to refine it

a bit more, but I also knew that the best purple ginseng that was more than three

hundred years old was hard to find, so I never found a chance to refine it. I didn‟t expect

Qin Gang to send Aoxue over with such a surprise. …..”

In fact, although Charlie did not have the best purple ginseng for three hundred years,

he did have thousand-year-old snow ginseng handed down by his mother‟s family that

Liang Wei had sent.

The value of Thousand-Year Snow Ginseng is much higher than that of 300-year-old

purple ginseng. If that kind of medicinal material is used to refine rejuvenating pills, it is

indeed an overkill and violent.

According to the records in the “Nine Profound Sky Classics”, Thousand-Year Snow

Ginseng has far more uses than 300-year-old Purple Ginseng!

Thinking of this, he took a closer look at the top-quality purple ginseng brought by

Aoxue, and couldn‟t help but sighed: “The quality of this top-quality purple ginseng is

better than the one I bought at the auction before. ! Your father should have spent a lot

of money, right? Such an expensive gift is indeed a little shameful to receive…”

Aoxue hurriedly said: “Master Charlie, you must not say that. With your kindness to our

Qin family, let alone purple ginseng, even if we give you all the assets of the Qin family,

it should not be enough!”

Charlie laughed and said jokingly: “You are really so humble and I do feel bad about it.

The Qin family has worked so hard for generations to build such a family business. You

gave me everything as soon as you opened your mouth?”

As he said, he put away his joking tone, and said seriously: “Okay, I will accept this

purple ginseng, you help me thank your father, and also tell him, wait for me to use this

best purple ginseng to make a pill Come, I‟ll share one with him.”

Aoxue was very excited when she heard this, and quickly bowed: “Thank you, Master


Charlie smiled slightly and said calmly: “You shouldn‟t be so polite.”

After speaking, he said to her: “Aoxue, come in and sit for a while, I will make you a cup

of tea.”

Aoxue subconsciously wanted to agree, but after another thought, she asked with some

worry: “Master Charlie, is your wife at home? Will she be unhappy if she sees me coming


Charlie smiled and said: “Why? She is a good person at first, and her hospitality was very

enthusiastic. If she was at home now, she would definitely invite you in herself.”

Aoxue asked in surprise: “Is your wife not at home?”

“Not here.” Charlie said casually: “Her company is relatively busy and has already

resumed work. Only my mother-in-law is at home.”

Aoxue hurriedly said, “Then I won‟t be able to come in. If your mother-in-law

misunderstands it, it will cause you trouble.”

Charlie smiled and said, “No, no, my mother-in-law suffered some injuries on her leg,

and now she basically is takes a nap in the room every afternoon, and she won‟t go

downstairs even if she wakes up.”

Aoxue was relieved now, chuckled, and said, “Then I will cheekily ask for a cup of tea

made by Master Charlie!”

Charlie flashed over, made a please gesture, and said, “Come in!”

Chapter 2297

Seeing Charlie‟s sincere invitation, Aoxue nodded and happily followed Charlie into the


After entering the house, Charlie invited Aoxue to sit on the sofa in the living room, then

took out the tea set and made a pot of tea for her.

Aoxue carefully held Charlie‟s tea, and said, “By the way, Master Charlie, I went to see

sister Warnia two days ago!”

“Oh?” Charlie asked curiously: “Did you go to her company or to her house?”

“Go to her house.” Aoxue said: “I am worried that sister Warnia will be in a bad mood

after experiencing so many things, so I went to see her at her house.”

Charlie nodded, remembering that since the Song family‟s crisis was resolved and

Warnia regained her position as the heir of the Song family, he hadn‟t had time to see

her again, so she asked Aoxue, “How is Warnia‟s current state?”

Aoxue tilted her head and said, “Sister Warnia is in good condition.”

As she said, she remembered something and hurriedly said: “By the way, Master Charlie,

sister Warnia has an Akita dog at home. It is very pure and cute. I think there is no good

Akita in Aurous Hill. She Say your friend gave her?”

“Yes.” Charlie said with a smile: “When I was in Japan a few days ago, I took her to live

with a Japanese friend. The Japanese friend raised a lot of Akita dogs. Seeing Warnia

liked it, gave her one. only one.”

Aoxue‟s eyes were full of envy, and she said, “Sister Warnia‟s Akita is called Xiaoyou. It‟s

a girl. I‟ve already told her that when Xiaoyou grows up, she will give birth to a litter of

puppies. Give me one!”

Charlie smiled and said: “Then you have to wait at least a year.”

Aoxue said: “It‟s okay, one year will pass soon.”

Then, she asked Charlie again: “By the way, Master Charlie, do you have time in the next

few days?”

Charlie asked curiously: “What‟s the matter?”

Aoxue said with some embarrassment: “That‟s it… Since the last time I won Ito Nanako

and won the championship, I have been practicing hard at home, but I always feel that

my progress is slow. A senior coach teaches hand-by-hand, so if you have time, I would

like to invite you to come to my house and give me some guidance by the way. I don‟t

know… Master Charlie, it‟s not convenient for you… …”

Charlie thought for a while and said with a smile: “This is a trivial matter, so let‟s do it.

After I finish the medicine, I naturally invite everyone to sit and have a meal together,

and give the medicine to everyone by the way. I will bother you when that happens. Dad

prepares a banquet at home and invites everyone to come to your house for a small

gathering. I will come there a few hours in advance and give you guidance.”

When Aoxue heard this, she said excitedly: “That‟s really great Master Charlie! In that

case, I will tell my dad when I go back, let him prepare the best banquet at home!”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “By the way, do you know who sent sister Warnia‟s


Aoxue shook her head: “Sister Warnia said it was your friend, but didn‟t say who it was.”

Charlie smiled and said, “It‟s Ito Nanako who you won in the game.”

“Ah?!” Aoxue exclaimed and blurted out: “Is it her?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Yes, it‟s her.”

Aoxue hurriedly asked: “Master Charlie, how is Ito Nanako‟s injury? Last time, I didn‟t

control the effectiveness of the pills you gave me very well, so I injured her by a miss,

and I don‟t know how she is recovering… …”

After speaking, Aoxue sighed with some guilt: “Actually…In fact, Nanako‟s strength has

always been much stronger than me, and the champion of that competition should have

been her. I am completely dependent on Master Charlie‟s help. Medicine has improved

the strength in a short period of time. Although winning the game, it is not honorable to


Charlie waved his hand: “Aoxue, in fact, there is nothing glamorous and disgraceful. The

competition is compared to your own strength and how well everyone controls the

rules. Although part of your strength is improved by the elixir, it also depends on your

personal strength, and you have completely passed the doping test of the competition,

which proves that you have not taken any prohibited substances in the competition, so

all this is in compliance with the rules of the competition.”

After all, Charlie said again: “It‟s like the black technology that swimmers used to

participate in competitions-shark skin bionic swimsuit.”

“This kind of bionic high-tech swimsuit can greatly reduce the resistance of swimmers in

the water. American swimmers including Phelps, in just one month, rely on the shark

swimsuit to break With 14 world records, Phelps won more than 20 Olympic gold

medals alone.”

“Of course, the help of this kind of swimsuit is indispensable, but none of the rules of

the game at the time explicitly prohibited this kind of swimsuit, so people can get the

gold medal with peace of mind, there is nothing disgraceful.”

Aoxue nodded lightly, and said, “I understand what you mean…”

Charlie smiled slightly: “The game is played by the rules, so you don‟t need to have any

psychological burden in this regard. Not only can you not have a psychological burden,

you will continue to participate in such international competitions and strive for more

glory for your country!”

Aoxue hurriedly said: “OK Master Charlie, Aoxue will definitely go all out and win more

championships in the future!”

With that said, Aoxue looked at the time, and said shyly: “Master Charlie, you must have

something else this afternoon, I won‟t bother you much, don‟t forget the good things

you just said… .”

Charlie nodded and said, “Don‟t worry, I will contact your father after refining the


Aoxue nodded, stood up and said respectfully: “Master Charlie, then you stay, Aoxue will

leave first!”

Charlie also stood up and said: “I will send you off.”

Chapter 2298

Sending Aoxue out of the house and watching her leave, Charlie took the medicinal

materials she brought back to the bedroom on the second floor of himself and Claire.

The medicinal materials Aoxue sent were enough for him to refine a batch of healing

pills and a batch of rejuvenating pills.

The pill to heal injuries is no longer useful for him, but this kind of medicine does have a

great effect on ordinary people. Warnia suffered an accident in Japan at that time, and it

was the pill that saved her life.

As for the Rejuvenation Pill, Charlie also plans to make another batch, one of which will

be given to Qin Gang, and the rest can be reserved for emergencies.

In one afternoon, Charlie refined ordinary healing pills and 30 rejuvenating pills each.

Seeing these newly refined pills, Charlie suddenly thought of Elaine, his mother-in-law.

In fact, with a small trauma like her broken leg, at most a quarter of a healing pill can

make her jump alive.

And in his hand, there are as many as thirty.

Count it down, enough to break her leg 120 times.

At this moment, Charlie also hesitated whether to reward her with some medicine dregs

so that she could recover earlier.

But after another thought, he immediately dismissed the idea, and muttered: “Forget it,

she is not worthy!”


When Charlie was refining the pill, Elijah, who was far away in Eastcliff, called Qinghua

who was on the other side of the ocean.

Qinghua is nearly a hundred years old, but because of taking special Pills, his body is still

very healthy.

He usually wakes up at five o‟clock in the morning and does a set of martial arts

practises to achieve the goal of strengthening his body.

After punching, he will go to his study and use three old coins to simply give himself a


Divination with three ancient coins is the most commonly used method of six lines and

eight trigrams.

Unlike most masters, Qinghua‟s three ancient coins are almost all treasures of ancient


The biggest one is the priceless Warring States Three Kongbu.

The remaining two are the extremely rare Taixia Zhenxing in the world.

Many people who have played with ancient coins for a lifetime may not have the

opportunity to see one of them.

Just as he finished a hexagram and was comprehending the hexagrams represented by

the few copper coins in front of him, Elijah called.

Qinghua answered the phone and smiled slightly and said, “I was wondering why the

hexagrams of today appear to be from old people, and the inner image seems to be

separated by thousands of mountains and rivers. I didn‟t expect your call to come.”

Elijah sighed: “Master Qinghua really has a brilliant plan, I admire it!”

Qinghua smiled and said, “Elijah, you don‟t have to slap on the horse like this between

you and me. What makes you find me so early?”

Elijah hurriedly said: “Master Qinghua, this is the case. I have a granddaughter who has

always wanted to find her savior, but after looking for him for a long time, she still found

nothing, so I would like to ask you to help me and give her some hints. I don‟t know if it

is convenient.”

Qinghua smiled and said: “You granddaughter knows how to pay for Entuo. If so, give

me her birth date and tell me the general clues about her being saved. Let me take a


Elijah hurriedly informed Qinghua about Zhiyu‟s birth date and the time and passage of

her and Zhifei‟s kidnapping in Japan.

Qinghua muttered to himself: “The incident happened in Japan, Japan is east of China,

and the East is the place of the blue dragon in terms of FengShui…”

With that said, Qinghua pinched and decided, then grabbed the old money on the table,

closed his eyes, shook it in the palm of his hand for a moment, and then threw it out.

It didn‟t matter if he looked at it, his brows immediately frowned, and he said: “Strange!

Elijah, there is a sign of looking for a dragon in the hexagram of your granddaughter!”

“Looking for a dragon?!” Elijah asked in surprise: “Master Qinghua, what do you mean

by finding a dragon?”

Qinghua said sternly: “Looking is searching for, and the dragon is the real dragon. This

hexagram shows that the person your granddaughter is looking for has a very strong life

and is extremely difficult!”

Chapter 2299

Elijah was surprised when he heard this, but he couldn‟t help but be overjoyed.

He couldn‟t help laughing: “Master Qinghua, this person is said to be able to kill many

top ninjas in Japan on his own. His strength is indeed extraordinary, and his life is

harder. It should be normal too?”

Qinghua said very solemnly: “Elijah, there are many people with hard fate, let alone

anything else, but all the widows of Coff have fate as hard as iron, but the fate of a real

dragon is extremely rare. In ancient times, I dare not say that I would be able to achieve

the Ninth Five-Year Lord, at least he must be a prince and general, an extraordinary


Elijah was silent for a moment, and said seriously: “Master Qinghua, my granddaughter

really wants to find this person, I wonder if you can give me a hint?”

Qinghua sighed: “This person‟s fate is superior to me, I can‟t see through…”

Elijah exclaimed: “Master Qinghua, there is a fate you can‟t see through?!”

Qinghua smiled bitterly and said in earnest: “The fate is like ancient official titles. Since

ancient times, officials at a higher level have crushed people to death, and at a higher

level of self, I cannot see through it anyway. “

Elijah asked in surprise: “If you can‟t see through, how do you know that he has the

destiny of a real dragon?”

Qinghua laughed and said: “My fate is the python. In the law of fengshui fate, the

python is second only to the dragon. Therefore, above me, only it is dragon. It is like the

prime minister can surpass him. On the head, there is only the Ninth-Five Supreme, as

long as it is the fate that I can‟t see through, it must be the fate of the true dragon.

As he said, he recalled Charlie‟s appearance in his mind, and said with full respect in his

tone: “I was fortunate to have met a man who was destined by a true dragon. I don‟t

know how good this person your granddaughter met is, but it won‟t be bad if you want


Qinghua has always been full of respect for Charlie.

At the beginning, he calculated that his time limit was approaching, and at the same

time, he calculated that the East had the opportunity to continue his life, so he agreed

to Zhongquan Wade‟s request to go to Eastcliff to find a geomantic treasure for the

Wade family.

It was also when he arrived at Wade‟s house that he realized that Charlie was in the

situation of the‟dragon‟.

At that time, Charlie was at the lowest point of life and destiny, and his fate was not

comparable to him.

Therefore, he can count Charlie‟s fortune.

After he broke the predicament of that level, Charlie‟s fate soared, and from that

moment on, he could no longer see Charlie‟s fate.

Right now, he couldn‟t figure out who Zhiyu was looking for, so he could also conclude

that the person Zhiyu was looking for was the fate of the real dragon.

Elijah sighed helplessly when he heard this, and said, “So it seems that if my

granddaughter wants to find this person, I am afraid it will take more work!”

Qinghua said solemnly: “Elijah, I don‟t recommend that your granddaughter keep


Elijah asked in surprise: “Why? Master Qinghua, what do you mean?”

Qinghua said earnestly: “The hexagram shows that your granddaughter is in conflict

with the life she is looking for, and the other person is most powerful. It is like a bicycle

and a heavy-duty train running at high speed. If the two do not collide, they will

naturally be in peace, but if they do collide, the bicycle will definitely have no chance of


When Elijah heard this, he couldn‟t help taking a breath.

He has great trust in Qinghua.

So he hurriedly said: “Master Qinghua, thank you for your reminder. I will call my

granddaughter and ask her not to look for him anymore.”

Chapter 2300

Qinghua hummed and said seriously: “It is time to let her stop, otherwise it will be like a

moth to the fire, and it will be her who will be hurt in the end.

Elijah repeatedly thanked him, then hung up the phone in a hurry, and then made a

video call to Zhiyu.

The reason why he wants to make a video call is because he knows the video call, and

after the other party picks up, he will directly use the speaker by default. In this case, not

only Zhiyu can hear what he wants to say, but his daughter Liona and grandson Zhifei

can also hear it.

What Elijah feared was that Zhiyu doesn‟t not believe in divination and fortune-telling. If

he clearly told her that there were tigers in the mountains, she would probably not

retreat, but would rather go to mountian base.

Therefore, he wanted to solemnly inform them of this in front of Liona, even if he could

not persuade Zhiyu, there would be Liona and Zhifei.

It was dinner time. Zhiyu was indeed having dinner with her mother and brother. When

she received a video call from her grandfather, she was suddenly delighted, thinking

that the divination had already had a result, so she immediately pressed the pick button.

The video was connected, Elijah smiled and asked: “Zhiyu, what are you doing?”

Zhiyu hurriedly said, “I‟m about to eat, Grandpa, how about you?”

Elijah smiled and said, “I have finished eating.”

After speaking, he asked, “Where are your mother and your brother?”

Zhiyu immediately switched the camera, took pictures of her mother and brother, and

said: “Mom and brother are here, by the way, grandpa, have you let the master help


Elijah nodded and said, “I did.”

Zhiyu couldn‟t hide her excitement and asked: “Really? Does the master give any clear


Elijah hesitated for a moment, then sighed softly, and said: “Darling, Master Qinghua

helped you with a trigram, but the trigram shows that the person you are looking for

has a very high life and a very hard life, so even Master Qinghua can‟t see through any

clues related to him.”

“Ah?” Zhiyu said in disappointment: “Grandpa, didn‟t you say that Master Qinghua is

very good? Why can‟t he find any clues?”

Elijah explained: “It‟s not that he can‟t find clues, or he can‟t see through. Even with

Master Qinghua, the fate is lower than the person you are looking for.”

Zhiyu said annoyedly: “I think that Master Qinghua just can‟t find any clues, so he made

up a reason to justify it.”

Liona hurriedly said: “Know the fish, don‟t be rude!”

Zhiyu blurted out: “Mom, isn‟t what I‟m telling you the truth? Master Qinghua said if he

found it, he said he could find it, and if he didn‟t find it, he said he could not find it.

Excuses to hide your incompetence?”

Zhifei on the side opened his mouth and said, “Zhiyu, don‟t be so extreme. If you are

really a liar, he will definitely not tell you one thing. He will only tell you something

ambiguous or baseless. .”

“For example, if you are looking for someone, he may tell you in a word that the person

you are looking for is in the northwest, and then you can find the rest by yourself. As for

whether you can find it, it has nothing to do with him.”

“And since Master Qinghua can directly say that he can‟t see through, then I believe this

is definitely not an excuse.”

Although Zhiyu didn‟t believe in this, but at this time she didn‟t want to argue with her

family too much, so she said angrily: “Since even Master Qinghua can‟t see through,

then I‟ll just rely on myself to find it slowly!”

Elijah hurriedly said at this time: “Zhiyu, if you listen to Grandpa‟s advice, stop looking

for this person.”


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