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 Chapter 3175: Safe in Pocket

The moment Jacob Wilson agreed to come back, President Pei almost cried.

He had waited for so long just for Jacob Wilson's words. As long as Jacob Wilson showed his willingness to go back, he would have passed this hurdle.

As for whether he could be promoted in the future, he no longer dared to hope for it. Now he was very satisfied to be able to keep the position of the president of the Calligraphy and Painting Association safely.

So, he excitedly shook Jacob Wilson's hand, and said with emotion: "That's great, Jacob! After you come back, we two brothers will still fight side by side. Don't worry, I will find opportunities and ways to promote you little by little."

Jacob Wilson had lost his basic trust in him, so he said indifferently: "Whether I will be promoted or not, let's not talk about it now."

After that, Jacob Wilson deliberately pretended to be cool, so he pointed to the magnificent gate of Tomson Yipin behind him, and sighed: "Well, in fact, it can be seen that with my family situation and my age, there is really no need for me to work hard. The reason why I went to work in the Calligraphy and Painting Association is because I like it. I will do this job if I am happy, and I will not do it if I am not happy. As for what position I will be in the future, it doesn't matter. No matter how high the position is, I may not be able to afford a house in Tomson Villa."

When Jacob Wilson said this, he was actually very insecure.

Although the house in Tomson Viila is indeed very expensive, he knows that this house is not bought by himself or his son-in-law, but by his son-in-law who cheated others by looking at Feng Shui.

People always say that people who live in Tomson villa are either rich or noble, but Jacob Wilson knows very well that his family is not really rich and noble. It was just by chance that he got here and became the owner. What he wants to do now is to establish his rich and noble personality in front of President Pei, so that he knows that he is not very interested in this job.

President Pei does not know the true depth of Jacob Wilson. After hearing what he said, and thinking that he really lives in a big villa in the Tomson villa community, he believes 90% of what he said.

Then he couldn't help but complain in his heart: "Jacob Wilson lives in a villa worth 100 or 200 million yuan, how could he really take a job in the Calligraphy and Painting Association seriously? And I played tricks on him, damn it!"

Thinking of this, he immediately said to Jacob Wilson: "Jacob, I understand what you mean. It's really unfair for someone like you to be in the Calligraphy and Painting Association. You can choose the Calligraphy and Painting Association, you must really love it, but with your conditions, why bother to accompany us old losers to throw dirt..."

As he said, he sighed and said very seriously: "Jacob, you Don't worry, I will do my best to make you happy and cheerful in our Calligraphy and Painting Association in the future, and there will definitely be no more such shitty things!"

Jacob Wilson didn't expect that he would pretend to be so good. It seems that this Tomson villa community is indeed very convincing, so he said to President Pei: "President Pei, you have touched my heart this time. I went to the Calligraphy and Painting Association just for fun, not for making money or for development; if I am happy, let alone not making money, I am willing to pay money; if I am not happy, even if you give me double the salary, I will not look down on it. "

"Yes, yes, yes." President Pei nodded repeatedly in agreement and said: "In fact, Jacob, I have seen it a long time ago. You came to the Calligraphy and Painting Association just for fun. With your family conditions, how could you possibly look down on the trivial things in the Calligraphy and Painting Association. "

Then he added: "But Jacob, brother, I'm telling you the truth, sometimes you can't just have this kind of playful mentality. After all, we are an association. If you treat everything as a game, many things will not be rigorous. In the association, once you are not rigorous, it is easy for others to catch you. Look at what you did with Zhang Ermao this time. I can see that you are also a true person. You are unhappy with that Zhou guy, so you just messed with him for fun. But once this kind of thing is exposed, it will indeed affect your development in the association."

Jacob Wilson also knew that what President Pei said was indeed reasonable, and he defined himself as a true person, which made him feel comfortable. Not a few, so he nodded and said, "It is true that I was a little impulsive. I will definitely not make this mistake again in the future."

President Pei patted him on the shoulder and said, "Jacob, let's stop here and let it go. In the future, we will still be good friends in the association. I will always remember your affairs. If you don't trust me, then you just have to wait and see my actual actions."

Although Jacob Wilson was still angry and no longer trusted President Pei, he nodded very tactfully at this time and said, "Okay, since President Pei said so, then I will definitely believe you."

"Okay!" President Pei said with a smile: "It's quite cold outside, I won't keep you for too long. That's all. See when it's convenient for you. If you don't have anything to do recently and want to come back to work early, then come to the association tomorrow morning. I've arranged everything. If you feel that you haven't rested enough and want to rest for a few more days, it doesn't matter. You rest first. When you want to come, call me and I'll arrange it."

Jacob Wilson was almost going crazy these days in the UAE. It was not easy to get a chance to return to the Calligraphy and Painting Association. He didn't want to let this matter go on for a long time. It's safer to quickly complete the procedures and get the position of director in his pocket.

Thinking of this, Jacob Wilson said: "President Pei, I went out to play for so many days some time ago, and I've rested enough. I'll report to the association tomorrow."

President Pei said happily: "Okay! It's best to report tomorrow. Let's quickly settle this matter."

"Okay." Jacob Wilson said: "Then see you at the association tomorrow morning. It's getting late. You should go back and rest early."

"Okay!" President Pei nodded and said, "Then it's settled! See you tomorrow!"

The two said goodbye at the gate of the community. Jacob Wilson turned around and walked home happily. President Pei was also happy and returned to the car with a sense of relief. As soon as he got in the car, he said to his wife, "It's done! Jacob Wilson agreed to come back and will be back tomorrow!"

Huang Qiuyun also breathed a sigh of relief and said with emotion, "That's great. Now the stone in my heart has fallen."

After that, Huang Qiuyun said again, "Husband, in fact, I have thought about this matter carefully. You have a chance to be promoted. This opportunity lies with Jacob Wilson. As long as you can get along with him again, there will definitely be opportunities in the future."

President Pei sighed and said, "Hey, I won't think about these things now. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Let's take care of these things first. When Jacob Wilson comes back tomorrow, the people below will probably gossip again. They dare not say it openly, but I don't know how they will ridicule me behind my back!"


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