Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3173 update || Chapter 6593 & 6594 || Chapter 3173: A Gentleman Dies for His Friend | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3173: A Gentleman Dies for His Friend

Xiao Liu willingly gave up his position, which made President Pei and his wife feel relieved at the same time.

The other vice presidents at the scene were also relieved instantly.

They were also afraid that President Pei would ask one of them to make room for Jacob Wilson. Although everyone disliked Jacob Wilson, no one wanted to offend him publicly when they thought that Orval Hong was behind him. If one of them really had to give up his position, no matter who it was, they would not dare to refuse.

Seeing that the matter had been temporarily resolved, President Pei could not help but give a thumbs up to his wife under the table.

It must be said that his wife's plan was indeed comprehensive. With Xiao Liu's words, they could just make a job adjustment tomorrow and let Jacob Wilson come back to work, and the thorny problem would be solved.

At this time, President Pei's wife deliberately said, "Why don't we all toast Xiao Liu together! This time, it's all thanks to him!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" President Pei came back to his senses, immediately picked up the wine glass and stood up, saying to everyone, "Come on, everyone, let's toast Xiao Liu together, thank Xiao Liu for his active contribution this time, and I also hope that everyone can remember Xiao Liu's favour. Since it is a favour, everyone must repay it in the future!"

As soon as President Pei said this, Xiao Liu suddenly felt an impulse to die for his friend.

He felt that President Pei was really a good person. He was promoted by him. Now that he asked him to go down, he actually had nothing to say, but he didn't expect President Pei to give him a face like this. In front of so many people, he said it so thoroughly, which touched him deeply.

Others also knew that Xiao Liu's initiative to give up his seat this time really helped everyone solve a problem, and it was natural for everyone to remember him as a favour.

So, everyone started to agree, and in their words, they all praised Xiao Liu and promised to repay him in the future.

Xiao Liu's eyes were red with emotion, and he stood up with his glass raised, saying loudly: "Thank you, President Pei, my sister-in-law, and all the leaders for your care. I, Liu Haitao, have no way to repay you, so I'll drink first to show my respect!" 

After that, he raised his head and drank all the white wine in the glass.

Others did not hesitate at all and drank it all at the same time. The atmosphere was very friendly and warm.

At this time, someone suddenly asked, "By the way, Chairman Pei, if we let Jacob Wilson come back to work, will the people below have any objections? What if they get upset again or complain? It will be very troublesome, right?"

Before Chairman Pei could say anything, his wife Huang Qiuyun said, "Don't worry, although the previous incident with Jacob Wilson was indeed a scandal, it has not risen to the level of a criminal case, let alone a civil dispute, and it was only Zhang Ermao's one-sided statement. Without official intervention in such matters, those rumours will always be rumours. Anyone who goes to sue with unfounded rumours will never win."

Huang Qiuyun said, "Let's take the currently popular practice of keeping a mistress as an example. If Jacob Wilson was exposed to have a mistress outside, and there was solid evidence, and his original wife also found the association to ask for justice, then the association would definitely fire him, but if only a woman came out and said that Jacob Wilson had a mistress, without any other evidence, and even his original wife did not admit it, then in this case, no one would do anything to Jacob Wilson. "

Huang Qiuyun said this, and she also wanted to remind the others present, just in case someone was upset and ran to report Jacob Wilson, and finally caused trouble for President Pei. After all, in her opinion, once Jacob Wilson returned to the Calligraphy and Painting Association, someone would talk about Jacob Wilson's return, and the first person to bear the pressure would be her husband, and she would try her best to prevent such a thing from happening. 

When the others heard her words, they felt that what she said was indeed reasonable. Once they subconsciously agreed with Huang Qiuyun's point of view and felt that complaining about Jacob Wilson would have no effect, they would completely cut off the little flame in their subconscious.

The group reached a consensus, and the atmosphere soon became warm, and everyone toasted and exchanged cups, drinking very happily.

President Pei has a good alcohol tolerance, but he deliberately controlled himself tonight and didn't really drink enough. However, in the second half of the drinking party, he deliberately pretended to have reached his limit. He leaned on the table for a while, and then rubbed his temples pretending to have a headache. Even his wife was fooled by him. She poured him warm water and patted his back, showing her concern.

Seeing that President Pei seemed to have drunk too much, everyone stopped toasting him. Instead, after the others shared the remaining wine, they ended the drinking party early on the grounds that President Pei was not feeling well.

Everyone sent the drunk President Pei out, sent him to the passenger seat, watched his wife drive away, and then went back to their own homes and mothers.

After the car drove a few hundred meters, President Pei, who was originally slumped in the passenger seat, sat up straight and said to Huang Qiuyun beside him: "Wife, turn right ahead."

Huang Qiuyun was startled by his sudden words and asked in surprise: "Old Pei, didn't you drink too much?"

"Not much." President Pei said: "This is not my capacity. If you want me to drink more, you have to drink at least half a catty of Moutai." 

Huang Qiuyun shook her head helplessly: "All the people at the table tonight are your subordinates. Do you still have to hide your capacity? If you don't want to drink, just say you don't want to drink. Who can force you to drink?"

Chairman Pei said, "Oh, you don't understand. Today I have to show that I get along well with them. Of course, I can't act like a leader. If I just do whatever they want, it will look like I'm not approachable enough, and they won't really treat me as their big brother."

As he spoke, Chairman Pei saw that they were approaching the intersection, so he said, "Turn right quickly and go to Thomson Villa. I have to go see Jacob Wilson."

Huang Qiuyun suddenly realised, and while turning right, she asked him, "You're keeping the amount, are you planning to go see Jacob Wilson?"

"Yes." President Pei sighed and said depressedly: "I don't know how much he hates me these days. We will see each other every day in the future. Shouldn't the relationship be eased? Now that his position as director is vacated, I told him in person to show my sincerity."

Huang Qiuyun asked hurriedly: "Are we going to his house to visit him? we haven't prepared anything. It's not appropriate to go empty-handed, right?"

President Pei said: "It's too late to prepare anything so late. Besides, it's not appropriate to go to someone else's house as a guest just after drinking. I was thinking that when I get to Tomson Yipin, I will call Jacob Wilson to invite him out, apologise to him outside and chat for a few words, then tell him the result of today, and let him report back to the association early tomorrow morning."

Huang Qiuyun asked again: "Do you think he can forgive you?"

President Pei waved his hand: "No matter who it is, no one will forgive this kind of thing. What I can do is to try my best to make up for it, which can also be regarded as a little easing of the conflict. He will definitely still hate me in his heart. But I have shown my sincerity to make up for it, and I believe that things will get better. "

At this point, President Pei sighed helplessly: "Hey! If I can't satisfy Jacob Wilson, I think I will have to work in the Calligraphy and Painting Association until I retire. In the future, I will have to see Jacob Wilson every day. This relationship still needs to be repaired. "

Huang Qiuyun nodded gently and said, "If there is a chance, you still have to strive for a step further. You can't make much money if you work in this position until retirement, and your retirement treatment will not be much higher. Look at Lao Qin, who used to be your old superior. He has made a lot of money for so many years. Now that he has retired, his treatment is also terrifyingly high. His children and grandchildren are like stars supporting the moon. They don't know how moisturised they are every day. And you see that they don't have to queue up to register when they have a headache or fever. If they encounter a designated hospital that can't be cured, their doctors will help to arrange experts from the tertiary hospitals for consultation, and he doesn't have to spend a penny. If you can retire at his level, your son will definitely wish you to live to be a hundred years old!"

"Yes..." President Pei also agreed and said, "At my age, I still have some chances, but I don't know how long I will be delayed because of Jacob Wilson this time. It's okay to delay it for three or two years in the Calligraphy and Painting Association, but if it's delayed for more than five years, I will have no chance at all."

Huang Qiuyun comforted, "It's okay, everything depends on human efforts, let's take it slowly!"


Tomson villa at this time.

When Jacob Wilson returned home, he lay lazily on the sofa, fiddling with his mobile phone alone.

He has been paying attention to his WeChat, wanting to see if President Pei and other colleagues from the Calligraphy and Painting Association will contact him. In his opinion, after all, his son-in-law has said hello to Master Orval Hong, and Master Orval Hong will make an effort at that time, maybe he will really have a chance to go back.

Once the internal discussion decides to let him go back, someone will definitely contact him and inform him.

So he waited eagerly, hoping to get good news.

This state is very similar to a girl who breaks up with her boyfriend out of anger and looks forward to her boyfriend sending messages to ask for reconciliation all day long.

Elaine didn't stay in the living room for long, because she had done a lot of shopping in Dubai this time, and the floor tiles from Dubai Trade were almost patinated on her soles. She couldn't wait to take her things back to her room and put them in order bit by bit, and then enjoy them to her heart's content.

Charlie didn't rush back to his room, but sat down opposite Jacob Wilson, brewed a pot of tea, poured a cup for himself and Jacob Wilson, and said, "Dad, don't be depressed alone, come and have a cup of tea."

Jacob Wilson nodded, put his phone next to the teacup, and didn't lock the screen. He drank while glancing at the phone screen with his peripheral vision.

Seeing this, Charlie deliberately asked him: "Dad, you are always staring at your phone, are you waiting for some information?"

Jacob Wilson shook his head and denied: "No, no, I just check it out. I have developed a habit of checking my phone when I have nothing to do."

As he was talking, a familiar avatar suddenly popped up in the WeChat message list, and the content he sent could be seen behind it: "Elder Wilson, I'm sorry to bother you so late, are you home?"

Jacob Wilson's eyes lit up, and he quickly put down his teacup, picked up his phone, and deliberately asked him back on WeChat: "What's the matter?"

President Pei quickly replied him: "Elder Wilson, there is something I want to explain to you in person, and I also have good news to tell you in person. I'm already at the gate of your community. If it's convenient for you, please come out and let's talk in person?"


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