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 Chapter 3072 Murphy’s Law

 "What a fool!"


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When Jacob Wilson heard Charlie's words, he was immediately frightened to death.

He blurted out very nervously and asked: "Charlie... Your Aunt Han will go directly to my house to send an invitation to invite me, right? If Elaine knew that your Aunt Han returned to China, I kept it secret from her for so long, she would have to follow me desperately!"

Charlie had already seen through Jacob Wilson, and he would never be able to escape Elaine's shadow and clutches in his life, so he shook his head and said, "I have no way of knowing whether they will invite you or not. If you are afraid, you can tell Aunt Han then that you are not invited to the wedding and you don’t want to go."

Jacob Wilson sighed and said, "This is just a delaying measure. Even if I don’t know this time, I may tell you when in the future. I said it, in fact, many of our classmates know about your Aunt Han’s return to China. You also went to the party at that time, but everyone has no interaction or contact with Elaine, so Elaine never knew about it.”

Charlie smiled and said: “The time when aunt Han returns to China is also very sensitive. If I remember correctly, when she returned to China, it happened to be the days when my mother was deceived by the pyramid scheme and disappeared."

Elaine stole Charlie's bank card and put it inside All the money was transferred to herself, and she was imprisoned and tortured.

However, Elaine never dared to tell anyone the specific experience of that time, so she could only excuse it as a pyramid scheme.

At that time, when Elaine was being bullied and tortured in prison, Han Meiqing happened to return to China. Jacob Wilson was extremely happy at the time. His biggest dream was to make Elaine disappear completely.

If Elaine knew that Han Meiqing returned to China at that time, and Jacob Wilson didn't look for her at all at that time, but went to pick up Han Meiqing in person and invited Han Meiqing to his house for dinner, it would probably really risk her life with Jacob Wilson.

The reason why Charlie reminded Jacob Wilson was to let him wake up as soon as possible. Since he couldn't get rid of Elaine, he should stop worrying about others, otherwise he would be looking for life and death all day long, and he didn't dare to tell Elaine and Claire that he would eventually have to. When he complained to Charlie, Charlie was too lazy to be his tree hole.

As soon as Charlie mentioned this matter, Jacob Wilson became even more panicked and quickly asked Charlie: "Good son-in-law, you have to give Dad some advice on this matter. That woman Elaine is a psycho. What if she knows this?". she will be so angry that it was not impossible to sneak into my room one night and stab me! It’s not like you don’t know how ruthless that woman is when she punishes her enemies. My mother, my elder brother, Qian Hongyan, who wouldn’t be affected by it? Is she going to die?"

Charlie said: "I can't help with this matter. It's okay if mom doesn't receive the news. If there is news, the most I can do is try to persuade her while she is holding the knife."

Saying that, Charlie said again: "Let's do this, Dad, you might as well stop coming to the University for the Elderly in the future. You should take the initiative to draw a clear line with Aunt Han and concentrate on your calligraphy and painting association. What if Mom knows that Aunt Han is back?" I'll try my best to help you hide the fact that you picked her up and invited her to dinner at home. In this way, if mom finds out, you can just stare and say that the two of you have nothing to do with each other, let alone have any personal contact. At least There is still room for mediation."

Jacob Wilson sighed and said, "What if she finds out about the exchange in South Korea?"

Charlie smiled and said, "Just tell the truth, just say that Aunt Han is with her boyfriend. My friend Professor He went to an exchange program together. The old couple going to South Korea for exchange is equivalent to Aurous Hill City inviting them to travel at their own expense. You are just a light bulb that is just trying to make money. In this way, my mother will feel better. Anyway, she has no way to check the two people in the family. When did we get together?"

After hearing this, Jacob Wilson felt very uncomfortable, but he could only say helplessly: "It seems there is no other good way..." 

After saying that, he quickly asked Charlie: "Okay Son-in-law, if you can stop going out to pick up jobs recently, don't go out. If your mother goes crazy one day, you can help me stop it."

Charlie readily agreed and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Claire will be back in two days. With us here, even if mom finds out, you won't be in any serious trouble. Anyway, you will be considered a cheater at most." 

After saying that, Charlie reminded again: "But If mom comes up to you and hits you twice or grabs you twice, just endure it and endure the calm for a while."

Jacob Wilson was extremely depressed and said in annoyance: "What the hell is this! If I had known this was the case, I would have It's better to go to court directly and divorce her openly! In that case, I will definitely be able to make things right with your Aunt Han, and then it will be his turn to be He Yuanjiang!"

Charlie said ruthlessly: "Dad, you are wrong to think so. If you file for divorce in court, do you know what mom will do?"

Jacob Wilson snorted coldly: "It's nothing more than beating me, scolding me, and driving me out of the house. It doesn't matter if I leave the house, the house is yours anyway. Elaine and I don’t have any common property. At worst, I will just live outside.”

After that, he said regretfully: “Hey! I should have made up my mind to make this decision earlier! As a vice president, my income makes sense. Meiqing also has some wealth, so why can't I live with her happily? Now it's better. If she makes a mistake, she will regret it forever!"

Charlie shook his head and said, "Dad, you think too simply. Mom can make that row The fact that the cuckold is always hanging on the balcony shows that she is by no means a person who can change things easily;"

"If you stay and fly together with Aunt Han, she will definitely go to where you work to yell and curse, and go to Aunt Han's place to yell and curse. No matter what the facts are, she will definitely describe you as a modern Chen Shimei who abandoned his wife, describing Aunt Han as a vixen who seduces other people's husbands and destroys other people's families;" "

And she will definitely go to the community where you live to curse day and night, and maybe she will go to the building where you and Aunt Han live. She pretended to jump from the roof of the building, attracting people from the whole community, as well as the fire department, police, and TV stations. Did you forget that she was cursing people in the whole community at home before? She threatened to take a knife to the door of someone's house and cut her wrists to commit suicide. If you go to the other person's house through the crack in the other person's door, and you are so open to swearing at strangers, why don't you just risk your life with you?"

Jacob Wilson's face turned pale when he heard this, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

Charlie added: "Also, now that short videos are so developed, many blind people like to follow the trend and set the pace. When the time comes, another wave of people will add fuel to the fire online, and maybe you two will be shouted at by everyone on the entire Internet. By that time, you will be criticized anywhere in the country, let alone in Aurous Hill. She will never give up until you two are completely ruined in Aurous Hill. By then, you and Aunt Han will only be ruined. she can't even live a good day."

Jacob Wilson was in despair. Charlie's descriptions instantly created a full sense of picture in his mind, making him feel as if he had experienced it himself.

And then, he suddenly let out a sigh of relief, and seemed to think about it, and sighed: "Damn it, to be honest, I was just afraid that she would come with me and fight to the death, so I didn't dare to fight her in court. Litigation and divorce..."

What Charlie said was not alarmist.

Elaine's acting style is erratic, sometimes strong and sometimes weak.

When she was strong, she could ride on her aunt Changmin Wade and slap her face hard, and become the ghost of Bedford Mountain.

When she was weak, she could have her legs broken by Mrs. Wilson and Wendy wilson, and Can't even sleep peacefully in prison. .

But once this matter gets involved with Han Meiqing, she will definitely turn into the African honey badger Flathead, looking down on life and death and going to death.

If Jacob Wilson could bravely take this step, he would definitely find a way to help him and prevent Elaine from causing trouble for him and Han Meiqing.

But Han Meiqing gave Jacob Wilson a chance, but Jacob Wilson didn't use it.

So Jacob Wilson's best choice now is to figure it out as soon as possible, and figure out that it is impossible for him to get together with Han Meiqing. As long as he figures this out, he will feel much better.

Jacob Wilson's character has always been very timid and stable, so when he was frightened by Charlie, he suddenly sobered up a lot.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh: "There is a time in life, but there is no time in life. Don't force it. I couldn't get together with your Aunt Han more than thirty years ago. It seems reasonable that I can't get together now." Now I just pray that Elaine doesn’t know about it, and if she does, she won’t make any trouble. If she really comes to the Calligraphy and Painting Association to cause trouble, I, the vice president, will have no face, shame!"

Charlie nodded. With a smile, he said: "Don't worry, Claire will be back soon. If she finds out, Claire and I will persuade her together, and it will probably end soon."

After saying that, Charlie reminded again: "But dad, you are on your own You must be careful to keep a distance from Aunt Han in the future and don't have too many interactions with her. Otherwise, even if Aunt Han marries Professor He, it won't stop your mother from thinking that you still have her in your heart and that you are mentally cheating. There are times when you feel uncomfortable."

Jacob Wilson said without thinking: "Don't worry, I will never come to the University for the Elderly!"

After saying that, he folded his hands on his chest and said with an annoyed look: "It turned out that this was the case. I don't plan to come because I don't want to come. I won't be excited enough to see your Aunt Han when I come."

Seeing that he had really given up from the bottom of his heart, Charlie couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

For him, he didn't want to see Jacob sighing all day long, and he didn't want Jacob to still miss Han Meiqing and turn into an old licking dog to cause trouble for the couple.

The best solution is that no one interferes with the other. The couple lives a sweet life, and Jacob continues to go to his calligraphy and painting association to make up for his work, so that he can relax a lot and don't have to worry about a fire in the backyard.

At this time, Jacob asked Charlie with some anxiety: "Good son-in-law, tell me, what is the probability that your mother will know about this?" 

Charlie said lightly: "According to Murphy's law, bad things will happen sooner or later."

Then, Charlie said again: "This matter is a leftover bomb. The core of the problem is how to minimize the lethality of the explosion. So remember what I just said. Once the matter is exposed, you must do everything possible. To reduce the impact."

Charlie also didn't want Elaine to make all the noise, and if she was embarrassed, he and Claire wouldn't be able to get it on their faces either.

Jacob Wilson nodded like a fool: "Good son-in-law, I will listen to you!"

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