Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3070 update | Chapter 6387 & 6388 Chapter 3070 Overtaking on a curve | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3070 Overtaking on a curve

When Jacob Wilson came to his senses, tears were already streaming down his face.


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The student opposite him thought he was unwell and asked him again: "Vice President Wilson, would you like me to help you call your family and ask your lover to pick you up?"

Jacob Wilson's mind instantly Elaine's sharp and mean face appeared, and she trembled with fright. He quickly wiped away her tears and stammered: "No... don't bother... I... I just got something in my eyes..."

That person obviously not believing his poor excuse, he quickly said with concern: "Vice President Wilson, why don't you give your family a call, or can I call a driver to take you back?" 

"No, no, no" Jacob Wilson He quickly waved his hand and said, "I'll call my son-in-law and ask him to pick me up. He just returned to Aurous Hill and should be fine."

After that, he quickly took out his mobile phone and called Charlie.

Just a few minutes ago, Charlie had just left the coffee shop and was about to send He Yuanjiang to the car first.

Seeing He Yuanjiang walking straight towards a domestic new energy vehicle, he asked with some confusion: "Uncle He, it seems that you didn't drive this kind of car before, right?" "

This car is newly bought." He Yuanjiang said with a smile: "I gave lectures to students at school. The students talked about finance, carbon neutrality, new energy and supply chain. Some time ago, they did a topic about overtaking domestic new energy vehicles in corners. In order to learn more about it, I simply changed to a domestic new energy vehicle, it can be regarded as supporting the domestic car manufacturing industry with practical actions."

Charlie nodded and said: "I met my grandfather and two uncles a few days ago. The An family is also investing in the new energy field in China. The first layout is Power lithium batteries, they are still very optimistic about new energy."

He Yuanjiang's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "Power batteries are a good track. Although it is a little late to enter the game now, it is the core of the new energy industry, new energy vehicles. The most expensive component is the power battery, so whoever can get the most cost-effective battery will be able to build the most cost-effective car. I believe that Anjia’s strength and vision will not only focus on the power battery. , they will start with power batteries first, and the final goal must be vehicle manufacturing. After all, the upstream industry of the automobile industry is too hard, with heavy asset models and low profit margins. It is better to make an overall plan to have a better chance."

Charlie asked curiously : "Uncle He, are you very optimistic about the new energy industry?"

He Yuanjiang nodded and smiled: "Of course I am, this is the best example of overtaking in a corner. The old industrial power has accumulated in the field of internal combustion engines for too many years and formed its own technology. Barriers and their own positioning comfort zone, latecomers can only imitate him all the way, but have no chance to surpass him on his track. In this case, they can only find a way to change to a new gameplay that they have not started to pay attention to. This new gameplay is developed slowly, and when it develops to a certain level, you can attack his base and force him to change from being in the lead to chasing you on your track. This will subvert all their previous advantages. "

Speaking of this, He Yuanjiang said again: "Have you ever studied how Apple headphones use one product to overtake others?"

Charlie shook his head: "No."

He Yuanjiang said: "For so many years, established headphone manufacturers have been advocating dynamic coils, sound quality, cables, and all kinds of data and technologies that ordinary people don’t understand. If Apple competes with them within their standards, there is no chance at all;” “

But Apple directly made True wireless earphones with independent ears that can automatically connect when you open the cover, automatically switch when you put them on the ears, automatically pause when you take them off, and automatically charge when you put them back. As for the sound quality or not, it doesn't matter at all. Other brands are not studying it. Sound quality? I won’t talk to you about sound quality. I want to work on aspects other than sound quality that you haven’t paid attention to, and then I will compete with you. This is overtaking in a corner;” “

Look at the current headphone market. Already completely dominated by Apple headphones and their imitators, it can be said responsibly that the hundreds of years of development of traditional wired headphones have been completely overturned. I believe that new energy vehicles will one day subvert the entire automotive industry. "

Speaking, He Yuanjiang added: "Of course, it is still too early to talk about these. After all, new energy vehicles are not yet mainstream, but precisely because they have not become mainstream yet, there are opportunities for entrepreneurs. Once they are squeezed out, Fuel vehicles have become the mainstream, which means that the dragon slayer will eventually become the evil dragon. Many people have begun to study the next new track. AnJia comes in now. Although he has not taken the lead, it is still not too late."

Charlie asked again: "There are too many domestic new energy brands now. Do you think there are still opportunities for vehicle manufacturing?"

"Of course there are." He Yuanjiang said seriously: "There are indeed many new energy brands now, and many of them are struggling on the line of life and death, there are many people who died, but the automobile market is so big, and new energy only accounts for a small part of it. This proves that the future of new energy is still promising, and now it is entering the manufacturing of new energy vehicles. If competitors aim Regarding other new energy brands, the pattern is indeed a bit small. The pattern should be enlarged to compete with those traditional fuel vehicle manufacturers. If the global sales of Toyota, Honda and South Korea's Hyundai can be cut in half, then that will be the real Big Mac."

As he spoke, He Yuanjiang thought of something and said, "Charlie, actually you can also study this field. You are not short of money or resources, and you have the shipping channel of Ys Shipping. If you make cars There will be a lot of room for development in the industry, and this industry is very fulfilling. If one day the streets are full of cars made by you, you will feel very proud."

Charlie smiled and said: "I'll tell you the truth. Speaking of Uncle He, I don’t have a high degree of education, and I don’t know much about cars. If you really ask me to do this, I’d be completely blind.”

After saying that, Charlie added: “But I very much agree with your point of view, the new energy market is a trend, and its proportion will definitely be higher and higher in the future. If you are interested, I can introduce you to my uncle and uncle. If you want to give it a try, I can also do it as your investor." 

He Yuanjiang waved his hands quickly and laughed at himself: "I'm just an old scholar who studies finance. Let me say, I can talk about it all day and all night, but let me put it into practice, I guess I'm not as good as you. "

Charlie shook his head and said: "Sometimes, what is needed to be an industry is not necessarily professional skills, but strategic vision. No matter how strong the technology is, choosing the wrong direction will only lead to a dead end. If Anjia wants to make complete vehicles, he must Let them learn from you. It would be even better if you could join!"

He Yuanjiang said with a smile: "It's okay to join, but I have done quite detailed research on the domestic new energy market after returning to China. If they are interested, I can do it on a voluntary basis. I'm a consultant. Let me talk to them about some of my ideas. Maybe it can be of some help to them."

Charlie hurriedly said: "That's great! Let's do this. After you and Aunt Han finish the wedding, I will find an opportunity to arrange it, let's meet together and have a good chat."

"No problem." He Yuanjiang agreed readily, and then said: "Charlie, I will go to the University for the Elderly to pick up your Aunt Han first, and we will find time to talk later!"

"Okay!" Charlie nodded, and after watching He Yuanjiang leave, he couldn't help but have the idea of ​​poaching He Yuanjiang away from the university.

When I started Yis Shipping, I wanted to recruit him to be the person in charge, but he seemed to have no interest in shipping at that time and was focused on school.

But after talking to him today, Charlie discovered that he is very passionate about new energy vehicles. If real money is used to set up a stage in the new energy field, and then he is invited to participate, he Most likely won't refuse.

After making up his mind, Charlie decided to seize the time to ask his uncle and uncle to come over and meet He Yuanjiang after his wedding.

At this moment, he suddenly received a call from Jacob Wilson.

He pressed the answer button and said, "Dad, are you okay?"

Jacob Wilson's voice was hoarse and decadent and said, "Where are you, my dear son-in-law?"

Charlie said, "I'm having a cup of coffee with my friends outside to talk about something. Do you have something to do with me?"

Jacob Wilson said: "Good son-in-law, if it's convenient for you, come to the University for the Elderly to pick me up. I'm so worried that I want to find someone to talk to..."

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