Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3071 update | Chapter 6389 & 6390 Chapter 3071 The good days are coming to an end! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3071 The good days are coming to an end! 

Hearing what Jacob Wilson said, Charlie guessed that he should already know about Han Meiqing's intention to marry He Yuanjiang.


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So, Charlie said: "Dad, I happen to be not far away. Let's go over now and meet at the door."

Jacob Wilson choked up and said: "Okay, then I won't drive and go to the door to wait for you, good son-in-law." Hurry up!"

"Okay." Charlie agreed, but still deliberately delayed for a few minutes after hanging up the phone.

After all, He Yuanjiang had just left, and he was also on his way to pick up Han Meiqing from the University for the Elderly. If he went there now, the four of them might bump into each other at the school gate, which would be even more embarrassing.

Charlie is not afraid of embarrassment, he is afraid that his father-in-law will be further irritated.

 After deliberately delaying for a while, Charlie drove to the University for the Elderly.

And when he was going to the University for the Elderly, Han Meiqing was waiting for He Yuanjiang on the roadside in front of the University for the Elderly.

Jacob Wilson also left the University for the Elderly in despair at this time, but when he saw Han Meiqing standing on the roadside from a distance, he subconsciously stopped.

At this moment, he was extremely lacking in self-confidence. In fact, he had always had this self-knowledge and knew that there was no slight difference between him and He Yuanjiang.

He Yuanjiang is a true senior intellectual. He is highly educated and knowledgeable. Not only did he make great achievements in the financial field back then, he is now a professor in Aurous Hill and has a high social status.

Moreover, He Yuanjiang is taller, better built, and handsome than me. He is even more eloquent than me. He can speak English, Korean, and Spanish easily. The most important thing is that he is also versatile and can dance, can play musical instruments, and can sing better than the average person, but in front of him, I am nothing.

Therefore, Jacob Wilson could only rely on one thing to regain his confidence in front of He Yuanjiang, that is, Han Meiqing loved himself, not He Yuanjiang.

Sometimes, he would even feel complacent about it. So what if you, He Yuanjiang, are better and better than me? The woman you like doesn't like you, but has liked me for more than thirty years. Things like relationships are so unreasonable.

But now?

The only advantage he had to save face was gone, and was even taken away by the other party and became his advantage, which made him feel even more inferior.

Therefore, when he saw Han Meiqing waiting for He Yuanjiang from a distance, his first reaction was to quickly turn away, find a thick French plane tree, and use the trunk to block his face.

Soon, He Yuanjiang drove his domestic new energy vehicle to the roadside.

Jacob Wilson hid behind the tree, furtively revealing one eye to look at it from a distance, and couldn't help but murmur to himself: "Damn, you have the nerve to come out in such a broken car. The key is that you don't even have a glass film on it. His surname is He." Are you so confident? If it were me, I wouldn't be able to lift the front of this car!"

While complaining in a low voice, Han Meiqing had already sat in the passenger seat of He Yuanjiang with a smile on her face.

Then, a scene happened that made Jacob Wilson collapse. Han Meiqing and He Yuanjiang involuntarily approached each other, and then kissed across the armrest of the car.

In fact, the two middle-aged and elderly lovers are usually relatively reserved. After being together, they have rarely been so intimate outside.

But things are really different today.

Because from now on, they will actually start preparing for their wedding, which is another new milestone in their relationship.

Moreover, Han Meiqing was very moved by He Yuanjiang's actions.

After returning to China, Han Meiqing met many middle-aged and elderly people at the University for the Elderly, and also saw some middle-aged and elderly people falling in love. In her opinion, middle-aged and elderly people in China rarely get married when they fall in love, and more often each of them sets their own conditions. Listed out, both parties negotiate amicably, just like business cooperation negotiations. If possible, they will become partners directly. However, for the sake of themselves and their children, they will rarely choose to get married or hold a wedding;

The situation in the United States is also quite special. Most Westerners are more cautious about marriage. Many people have been together for many years and have several children, but they are still boyfriend and girlfriend. They are together and have children together. Raising does not necessarily mean marriage. When many people actually enter the marriage hall, they already have several children.

It is precisely because of this environment that when old people in the West fall in love, they often just fall in love, and at most they develop into cohabitation, and very few get married.

But He Yuanjiang acted like a young man in love, inviting her to travel, preparing a proposal ceremony at the beach without telling her, and kneeling down to propose with a ring. These actions moved Han Meiqing and gave her an unprecedented sense of security.

Now, He Yuanjiang has taken a big step forward in the wedding of the two of them, and has set the wedding date in just one week, which makes her even more happy. The kiss is also the best portrayal of the two people's mood at this time.

However, Jacob Wilson, who was crying from the bottom of his heart and peeping from a distance, made him even more depressed.

After the two kissed for a few seconds, their faces were filled with happy and bright smiles, and then He Yuanjiang drove away happily.

When Jacob Wilson saw the car disappearing around the corner, his heart collapsed and despaired. He slid to the ground with his back against the sycamore tree. His tears kept flowing like a bursting dam. He was so angry that he even subconsciously slammed towards the ground. He punched it a few times, but luckily it was on dirt, otherwise his fingers would have been injured.

At this time, the familiar voice came again: "Vice President Wilson, what's wrong with you?! Why are you crying again? Has your son-in-law come to pick you up?"

Jacob Wilson, who was looking down in tears, looked up and saw again It was the blind b@stard who was even more furious.

He quickly wiped away his tears and waved his hands and said, "I'm fine. I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'm just not feeling well."

The man was so busy that he asked again, "What about your son-in-law? Why hasn't he arrived yet?"

Jacob Wilson He said: "Already coming this way."

As he said that, Charlie had already driven to the gate of the University for the Elderly.

When he didn't see Jacob Wilson on the roadside at the door, he directly took the direction and drove the car into the courtyard of the University for the Elderly.

When the car happened to pass by the sycamore tree, Charlie saw his father-in-law sitting slumped on the ground.

So he quickly braked the car to a stop, opened the door and walked over.

Seeing that his face was full of tears and his expression was uglier than being beaten by Elaine, Charlie asked with concern: "Dad, are you okay? Why are you sitting here?"

Charlie asked knowingly, but also to make his performance more real.

When Jacob Wilson saw Charlie, the grievances in his heart instantly found an outlet. Uncontrollably, they immediately turned into tears, which burst out of his eyes in an instant.

Before Jacob Wilson could speak, the enthusiastic student quickly said to Charlie: "You are Vice President Wilson's son-in-law, right? Vice President Wilson doesn't know what's going on right now. Just what he saw made him cry twice." Hey, I guess he is feeling unwell. You should take Vice President Wilson to the hospital quickly!"

Charlie pretended to be surprised and asked: "Dad, what's going on? Why are you still crying? What is the matter? Are you comfortable? I'll take you to the hospital for a checkup!"

Jacob Wilson gave the man a depressed look, gritted his teeth and said, "Zhao Xubin, thank you!"

The man didn't realize that what Jacob Wilson said was irony, and said with a shy face: "Vice President Wilson, look at what you said, why are you so polite to me? How about I accompany you to the hospital and help you?" Make a call or something."

"No, no, no." Jacob Wilson felt that this man was like a god of plague, and said quickly: "My son-in-law can just accompany me, I won't bother you."

After saying that, he quickly stretched out his arm to Charlie He said: "Good son-in-law, please help me, I can't get up." Charlie stretched out his hand to help him up. After thanking Zhao Xubin, he helped Jacob Wilson get into the passenger seat.

Only then did Jacob Wilson discover that Charlie was driving a Rolls-Royce, and it was a more expensive Rolls-Royce Phantom.

So he asked in surprise: "Good son-in-law, where did you get this car?"

This car was arranged by Sister Xian for Charlie when Charlie left Purple Mountain Villa, and Charlie drove it back to Thomson Villa. It's a first-class product, so it’s also available today.

So Charlie said to him: "One of my clients lent me the car. You came to me for something urgent, so I brought his car over."

After saying that, Charlie said again: "Dad, you are really good at it, you’re crying like this, and you still care about the car, what’s going on? Your friend said you’ve been crying for a while?”

When Jacob Wilson heard this, he cursed angrily: “That Zhao Xubin, he’s in his fifties He's a person, but he doesn't have any fcuking eyesight. He's a fcuking idiot! The more he annoys him, the more he nags and nags in front of him. He really deserves to be scolded!"

Charlie asked him: " Dad, what are you bothering about?"

Jacob Wilson's face instantly became extremely depressed. He sighed and choked: "Charlie... your Aunt Han... is getting married..."

"Getting married?" Charlie was curious. asked: "With Professor He?"

"Yes!" Jacob Wilson gritted his teeth and cursed: "It's that bastard named He!"

Charlie shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "It's going to rain, and my mother wants her family, who can take care of it? Besides, they are already together, so getting married is normal, right?"

Jacob Wilson asked angrily: "Why should he?! Your Aunt Han has clearly been in love with me for more than thirty years!"

Charlie nodded and said in a calm tone: "But you have been married to my mother for more than thirty years."

Jacob Wilson seemed to have been stepped on, and said angrily: "I was in a drunken mess back then... Bah, bah, bah!  That was because that I was raped by Elaine after being drunk!"

Charlie asked back: "Dad, what's the use of talking about this now? Even if you talked about what happened more than 30 years ago, it wouldn't delay the marriage of other people's lovers. Dependents.”

After saying that, Charlie said again: "Dad, when you are alive, you must look forward. Just because Aunt Han loved you more than thirty years ago does not mean that she will still love you now. It is her own freedom to love who she want. You can't force it."

"I..." Jacob Wilson argued with a red face and a thick neck: "When your Aunt Han just returned to China, you also went with me to pick her up. Can't you see that she has old feelings for me?"

Charlie Nodding: "I can tell."

After saying that, his tone changed, and he raised his eyebrows and said: "But that is also the past tense."

After saying that, Charlie added: "There is a joke that I don't know if you have heard of, it talks about a man who would give five yuan to the beggar at the door every day when he went out. As time went by, the beggar felt that it was only natural that he should give himself five yuan every day. One day, the man left without giving him the money, and he was still angry. The beggar went up to stop him and asked why he didn't give him the money. The man had to say, I used the money to buy a gift for my wife. As a result, the beggar was very angry and asked him again: Why did you buy a gift for your wife in my money?"

At this point, Charlie paused slightly and then said: "So you see, Aunt Han has loved you for more than thirty years, but that is also her business. Her love can be given to you, but it does not have to be Give it to you. One day when she decides to give it to someone else, you have no right to interfere, not even the right to question."

Jacob Wilson felt humiliated and asked angrily: "Charlie, do you think so too? Am I not worthy of Han Meiqing?"

Charlie drove with one hand, raised the other hand to wave, and said calmly: "No, no, dad, let me be honest, what you have to consider now is not whether you deserve it or not. Regarding Aunt Han, after all, Aunt Han is about to marry Professor He. Even if you are worthy of her, if she doesn't choose you, what can you do?"

Jacob Wilson asked hurriedly: "Then you mean to let me While their wedding hasn't happened yet, why don't you quickly try to save it?"

Charlie had no choice but to blurt out: "What can we save at this time? What you have to consider now is what if your mother knows that Aunt Han is going to get married. What to do! As far as I know, you have never told mother about Aunt Han’s return to China. Now if the news of Aunt Han’s marriage reaches her ears, she will definitely find out who Aunt Han is based on her character When she came back and what you are doing when she came back, if you let her know that Aunt Han is at the University for the Elderly, and has had many interactions with you, and even went to Korea for exchanges together, then your good days will come to an end!"

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  1. My goodness! Translators, please double read and analyze the construction of your English statements. The words you used are conflicting with the other words in your statements. words and statements are contradictory to one another and make the statement vague. I have just to make and assumption on what is being stated. Please check the pronouns you use. To give you an example, in the last paragraph, Charlie is talking about Elaine, his mother-in-law. But the sentence stated is what if, "your mother". It should be, " my mother-in-law." Those are two different phrases. There are other errors in the previous Chapters. There are so many redundant phrases also. You keep on repeating the phrases in two successions. A simple example: "my country and my country," "my uncle and my uncle, " " his strength is strong," What???, and many many more. Don't translate literally. I am sorry but I hope you will improve the translations.


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