Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2942 update | Chapter 6131 & 6132 Chapter 2942 The civet cat exchanges for the prince | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

  Chapter 2942 The civet cat exchanges for the prince 

After listening to what Zhou Liangyun said, Charlie said without thinking, "Uncle Zhou, let's go out and talk slowly!" "

No..." Zhou Liangyun shook his head and said firmly, "Master, You and I can chat here."

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As he said that, he pointed at Bruce Weinstein who looked dull behind Charlie, and said, "He is the only one who will come here recently. Since he is already under your control, we will be here in a short time. It must be absolutely safe. I have something I want to explain to you as soon as possible."

Charlie hesitated for a moment and nodded lightly, "Okay! I'll help you heal your body first, and then you can tell me slowly. ."

After saying that, he put his fingers on Zhou Liangyun's veins, and a little bit of spiritual energy entered his body, which completely restored his physical condition in an instant and greatly improved it.

Zhou Liangyun felt the earth-shaking changes in himself and said with surprise, "It seems that you have mastered the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures", young master. If your father's spirit in heaven knows this news, he will be very happy!" 

Because Zhou Liangyun's body has been greatly improved

Charlie asked Bruce Weinstein to guard outside the room, and he and Zhou Liangyun simply sat on the floor.

Zhou Liangyun first said, "Master, what do you want to know? Just ask, and I will answer whatever I know."

Charlie said, "Uncle Zhou, let's start with your situation. What is the grudge between you and the Rothschild family?" What's going on?"

Zhou Liangyun sighed and said, "Our Zhou family's main business in the West these years is the antique business, and we focus on Oriental antiques. We are somewhat famous in the niche field of Oriental antiques. This is the premise of the whole thing; " 

"So a few months ago, people from the Rothschild family came to me privately and offered a very high price. They wanted me to help them restore an oriental antique, one for each. The Sifang Baozhuang of China's Tang Dynasty exists in unofficial historical records but has never really appeared."

Charlie asked curiously, "Baozhuang?"

"Yes." Zhou Liangyun explained, "Baozhuang is a general term for a type of ancient handicrafts with certain characteristics. It is similar to a miniature pagoda. There are similar antique cultural relics in all dynasties. The most famous one at this stage is probably the Song Dynasty Pearl Relic Tower, but that tower is mainly of religious significance. Although similar in shape to the Rothschild family, this square treasure house of the Tang Dynasty, it is very different. "

As he spoke, Zhou Liangyun added, "In the early years, I collected a lot of Chinese antiques that were scattered overseas, including some documents and materials from various dynasties. There have been records in ancient books. At that time, Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty believed in Buddhism and the Book of Changes. Zang went to India to learn Buddhist scriptures, and also summoned the Zhouyi masters from all over the country to deduce the national destiny in Chang'an City. In order to ensure the stability of the Tang Dynasty, he ordered the best craftsmen in Chang'an City at that time to build a square treasure tower and put this treasure. The building was placed in the dragon veins of the Tang Dynasty to ensure the stability of the Tang Dynasty."

Charlie asked curiously at this time, "Could it be that this square treasure building is a magical artifact from Zhouyi Feng Shui? "

That's right. " "Zhou Liangyun nodded and said, "The unofficial history I saw records that when Huang Chao raised his army, he was fortunately assisted by a Zhouyi master who broke the dragon veins of the Tang Dynasty and took out the four treasure pillars from the dragon veins. However, Huang Chao did not have an emperor. Even if he had the Sifang Baozhuang, he could not escape the fate of failure, so the Sifang Baozhuang later fell into the hands of Zhu Wen. It was a pity that Zhu Wen did not have any capable people who were proficient in the Book of Changes around him, so the Sifang Baozhuang could not do anything in his hands. It exerted its true effect. Since then, the whereabouts of the Sifang Baozhuang have been unknown and their whereabouts are unknown. "

Speaking of this, Zhou Liangyun paused for a moment and continued, "When the Sifang Baozhuang came out again, it was in the hands of Nurhachi hundreds of years later. According to legend, Nurhaci brought the Sifang Baozhuan to Liaodong, and Nurhachi's queen was blessed by the Sifang Baozhuang. The take-off of the national fortune coincided with the decline of the Ming Dynasty, and the later Jin Dynasty continued to grow stronger. By the time of Huang Taiji, the country was called the Qing Dynasty, and finally successfully entered the customs and seized the country and the country;" 

Charlie couldn't help but ask him, "If you say so, these four treasures If the building was in the hands of the Qing royal family, it must be a national treasure. How did it fall into the hands of the Rothschild family? "

Zhou Liangyun sighed and said, "In 1840, the British government launched the Opium War in China and mobilized the whole country to dump opium into China and the entire Southeast Asia. After forcing the Qing government to open the country, the Rothschild family took over the opium business. 

Later, they almost controlled the opium business in China and Southeast Asia. From that time on, the Rothschild family began to transport large amounts of opium to China while also transporting China’s gold and silver. , tea, and various precious antiques were transported back to Europe from China;” “

This kind of plundering reached its peak during the Eight-Nation Alliance period. The combined armies of the eight countries, Britain, the United States, France, Germany, Russia, Japan, Austria, and Italy, They burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil in East Cliff, and countless national treasures of China were stolen or destroyed by them. The two biggest directions of the national treasures stolen were the British government and the Rothschild family." 

At this point, Zhou Liangyun complained with some indignation, "Today, there are more than 20,000 Chinese cultural relics in the British Museum, which were basically looted from China during that period. Compared with the British Museum, the Chinese cultural relics in the hands of the Rothschild family are... It's just a lot more. I've always heard about this before, but I didn't expect that the legendary Sifang Baozhuang was also in their hands! "

As he spoke, Zhou Liangyun added, "According to historical records, the Four Directions Treasure Tower is the most important geomantic treasure that can protect the country and the people. Your father and I have both studied the Feng Shui of the Book of Changes in depth. According to the records of the Book of Changes, if you want to build this kind of important weapon for the country, The ultimate treasure of Feng Shui requires the blessing of countless Zhouyi masters and countless efforts to complete it. However, the power of these four-sided treasures in Feng Shui will gradually weaken over time. By the end of the Qing Dynasty, its magic power was no longer enough to protect the Qing Dynasty. "

However, this square treasure building has been in the hands of the Rothschild family for at least a hundred years, and their family has flourished and stood out among the others for so many years. I am afraid that it is closely related to this square treasure building;" 

Over time, many cracks appeared in the Sifang Baozhu itself, and the Rothschild family found me, hoping that I could help them restore this cultural relic. They most likely thought that I could not recognize the Sifang Baozhu. After all, there was no information about the Sifang Baozhu on the market. But they didn’t expect that I had come into contact with unofficial historical documents about the Sifang Baozhuang, so when I saw the actual object, I recognized this national treasure. In order to confirm my speculation, I secretly made a carbon 14 dating of it. identification can indeed prove that it comes from the Tang Dynasty;"

"After confirming the identity of the Sifang Baozhuang, I checked the news about the Rothschild family during that time and found that they had indeed experienced many minor setbacks in the past few months. There was even a their grandson died in an accident. I guessed that this must be related to the cracks in the Sifang Baozhuang, so I deliberately told the Rothschild family that the Sifangbaozhuang had been around for too long and its materials had deteriorated very seriously, and it was not like the Song Dynasty. The pearl relics are so exquisite and have religious value. The overall value is not too high. I advise them to keep them statically and not to repair them forcibly." "

However, the Rothschild family is willing to spend tens of millions of dollars for me to restore them. It, so I pretended to be excited about the money and agreed, and told them that the restoration would take a long time, at least a few months. The Rothschild family left this square treasure building to me, but every day there were people came to check on the progress of the restoration, and I also discovered that they had been secretly monitoring me during that period;" "

While I was restoring the Sifang Palace, I felt more and more that this thing should not be left in the Rothschild family's audience, because This itself is a cultural relic of China, and almost all Chinese people do not know the Sifang Baozhuang, or even know its existence, but it is probably the most significant of all the national treasures lost in China’s century-long history of humiliation since the Opium War. It's important. I have been working hard to send Chinese cultural relics scattered in the West back to China for so many years. If I don't send back this square treasure building, I'm afraid I will not die in peace in my life..." 

"So, I took advantage of a few months, During the restoration time, I made a fake Sifang Baozhu one by one, played a trick of civet cat for prince, and then secretly hid the real Sifang Baozhu and waited for the opportunity to transport it out of the United States;" 

"But I thought it was fake. After giving the fake Sifang Baozhu to the Rothschild family, I could at least fool them for a while and win me a chance to transfer. But I didn't expect that after they took the fake Sifang Baozhu back, they immediately did a carbon 14 test. After realizing that my belongings had been swapped, they wanted to take me away secretly as soon as possible. Fortunately, I guarded against them. When they came to the door, I took the initiative to call the police and surrendered. After the police intervened, the Rothschild family could not take me secretly, so I was sent to Brooklyn Prison..."

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