Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2938 update | Chapter 6123 & 6124 Chapter 2938 It’s really hopeless | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2938 It’s really hopeless 

Hearing that Bruce Weinstein wanted ice cubes, Camilla, who reacted a little faster, quickly said to the girl next to her, “Thalia, there is someone ready at the bar in the suite. A nice bottle of champagne is placed in the ice bucket. Go and get the bucket!"

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The girl came to her senses and ran out of the bedroom quickly without any delay.

After a clanging sound came, the girl ran over carrying an iron bucket filled with ice cubes.

Camilla quickly took the iron bucket from her hand, squatted down and handed it to Bruce Weinstein's crotch. Bruce Weinstein originally wanted to stuff it directly, but the situation really didn't allow it, so he had no choice but to pour all the ice cubes between his legs.

He originally thought that these ice cubes would definitely calm him down, but he did not expect that the ice cubes would be of no use to him at all. The severe pain and extreme swelling were not relieved by the ice cubes.

Bruce Weinstein's expression became more and more painful and distorted. The unprecedented pain caused him to completely collapse and he collapsed on the ground and cried.

At this moment, there was no trace of the majestic warden in him. He looked exactly like a little girl who had soiled her skirt and was sitting in a muddy puddle crying.

Camilla subconsciously asked him, "Mr. Warden, haven't you felt any relief yet?"

Bruce Weinstein cried and shook his head repeatedly, saying desperately, "Help me think of a way, I really can't hold on anymore." ..." 

Camilla was also very flustered and said nervously, "But I really can't think of any good way..."

As she said that, Camilla subconsciously "How about I call 911 for help!"

"No!" Bruce Weinstein blurted out subconsciously, "You must not call 911. If you call 911, I am finished and so are you!"

Bruce Weinstein It is very clear that I am the warden of the federal prison after all, and I am also a member of the Rothschild family. If I cause such a big scandal here tonight and the outside world and the Rothschild family know about it, then my future is completely ruined.

People will never allow a man who nearly blew himself up while trying to have a double affair to continue serving as the warden of a federal prison.

And the Rothschild family will definitely no longer trust and reuse himself, and will definitely abandon him.

After thinking about it, he could only endure the severe pain and said, "Go...go to my pocket...get my mobile phone, I want to make a call...find someone to help..." 

"Okay..." Camilla said Hearing that he wanted to find someone for help, he relaxed a little and quickly went to get his phone back.

At this time, the person Bruce Weinstein thought of for help was not the Charlie he had just met today, but a friend of his who was an attending physician at a nearby hospital.

As soon as the call was connected, he asked impatiently, "Mark, where are you?!"

A middle-aged man's voice came over the phone, "I'm on duty at the hospital, what's wrong?"

Bruce Weinstein said quickly, "There is a very serious situation now, and you may be the only one who can save my life!"

Mark asked in surprise, "Bruce, what's wrong with you? Are you injured?"

Bruce Weinstein choked, "It's much more serious than being injured, only you can save my life now..."

Mark realized the seriousness of the problem and quickly said, "Where are you? I'll go find you now!"

Bruce Weinstein knew, Mark. Although he is the attending physician, in his current situation, he is probably helpless when he is alone and cannot carry a lot of professional equipment, so the best and safest way now is to go to the hospital to find him.

So, he warned, "Mark, listen to me carefully. I need you to prepare a completely private treatment room now. You must not let a second doctor come into contact with me. You now Just prepare, I will rush over to find you now!"

Mark asked quickly, "Then you tell me the general situation first, so that I can make targeted preparations to avoid wasting time!"

Bruce Weinstein looked struggling. After a moment, he still mustered up the courage to say, "It's my little brother... it... it's at least two or three times bigger than usual, maybe... I feel like it's about to die..." "

Holy shit!" Mark asked subconsciously "Did you take some medicine randomly?"

"I didn't..." Bruce Weinstein blurted out, "I didn't take anything, and it suddenly seemed like it was possessed. I feel like it was blown away now." The balloon is so extreme that it might burst at any time!"

"Shit!" Mark cursed and said hurriedly, "Come to the hospital quickly and I'll prepare the clinic. If it's really two or three times bigger like you said, Maybe he's going to die! You have to hurry up, the sooner the better!"

Bruce Weinstein was so frightened that he trembled all over and blurted out, "I...I'll be there right away!"

After that, he threw the phone aside. , looked at Camilla and the other girl, and blurted out, "Quickly, help me get dressed and drive me to Manhattan Hospital!"

Camilla subconsciously said, "Warden, you... your current situation, I'm afraid I can't put on your pants anymore..."

Bruce Weinstein glanced down, feeling desperate inside.

With the posture in front of me, it was impossible to put on pants, unless I directly bought a pair of overalls.

Camilla suddenly had an idea and said quickly, "Warden, how about I get you a bathrobe!"

"Okay!" Bruce Weinstein agreed without hesitation and blurted out, "Go quickly, hurry up Go get it for me!"

A few minutes later, two Miss Worlds wearing sunglasses and masks, one on the left and one on the right, struggled to support Bruce Weinstein, who was hastily wrapped in a bathrobe, and the three of them hurriedly walked out of the room.

Bruce Weinstein's severe pain at the moment had no relief, and he had to walk, so every time he opened his legs, he would feel unprecedented torture, as if countless needles were desperately piercing him.

But he also knew very well that in this situation, no matter how painful it was, he had to endure it, and he must not be pretentious. Otherwise, he would most likely faint here due to the continuous severe pain. If he lost consciousness, these two women would Try not to take responsibility or anger Gustavo, and you will definitely call 911 to find emergency personnel as soon as possible. In that case, even if you barely save your dog's life, you will have no shame in staying in the United States in the future.

At this moment, Bruce Weinstein burst out with unprecedented strong willpower, endured the severe pain, and came to the underground garage with the two Miss Worlds.

Camila got into Bruce Weinstein's car and drove to Manhattan Hospital under his direction.

Ten minutes later, the car finally stopped in front of Manhattan Hospital.

Bruce Weinstein’s good friend Mark was also ready at this time, pushing a wheelchair alone and waiting at the door.

Seeing Bruce Weinstein's car approaching, he hurriedly pushed his wheelchair and ran over to open the door.

At this moment, Bruce Weinstein was curled up on the passenger seat, twitching violently in pain and retching. Mark didn't expect the situation to be so serious, so he quickly took him out of the passenger seat.

He saw the outline of Bruce Weinstein through the bathrobe and was stunned for a moment. He subconsciously asked, "Bruce, are you sure this is not a prank?"

Bruce Weinstein broke down and shouted, "Mark, today It's not April Fool's Day, and I'm not in the mood to play a prank on you with my little brother. For God's sake, can you take me to the hospital and find a treatment room to treat me?" 

Mark came back to his senses. Come on, he quickly said, "Bruce, I didn't mean that, I just think... I just think this is too scary..."

As he said that, he quickly pushed the wheelchair and ran towards the inside of the hospital.

Three minutes later, when Mark actually saw Bruce Weinstein's injured area, he felt as if he had seen a ghost and muttered, "This... this is impossible to save..." 

Bruce Weinstein He blurted out, "Are you fcuking guaranteed? You said you couldn't keep it, but you are guaranteed!

" Looking at the weirdly high value, he couldn't help but say, "With your blood pressure so high, did you secretly install a pump somewhere in your body and send all the blood there?" 

Bruce Weinstein said angrily, "I'm not here to listen to your talk show, Mark! Do something!"

Mark wiped his cold sweat, took out some prepared injections, and said, "I'll inject you with some relief drugs first." Is it effective? I’ll do an angiogram on you later to see if any part of the body has formed a blood clot."

As he said that, he opened the injection pillow and tentatively asked Bruce Weinstein, "Can you bear the injection?"

Bruce Weinstein kicked his feet hard on the ground and said hurriedly, "it is inserting needles every second, so hurry up!" 

Mark nodded and quickly injected him with several potions. Unexpectedly, Bruce Weinstein ·Weinstein’s whole body was in pain with veins popping out, as if an alien would burst out of his stomach in the next second.

Mark quickly asked him, "Bruce, how do you feel?"

Bruce Weinstein gritted his teeth and said, "It hurts even more now!"

Mark wiped his sweat and warned him, "You have to endure it no matter how painful it is. I have to give it to you first." You finish the examination."

Bruce Weinstein nodded desperately, suppressing the urge to open the window and jump out, and asked Mark to do several examinations for him.

After several examinations, Mark said doubtfully, "There is no blood clot, nothing special. This is too weird."

After that, he looked at Bruce Weinstein and said seriously, "At the moment, it seems that it won't happen for a while." It may be possible to find out the cause, but your current situation is indeed very special. Such high-intensity congestion cannot be controlled, and your tissue already shows signs of hypoxia and necrosis. If it is not cut off as soon as possible, it may cause systemic Severe sepsis can be life-threatening..."

Bruce Weinstein was so angry that he yelled, "Mark, I want you to find a way to cure it and find a way to make him return to normal.You don’t have to cut it off as soon as it comes up! Hasn't your hospital ever encountered such a situation?

Mark said seriously, "Bruce, you have to trust my medical experience. If it's just an ordinary long-term congestion, we have many ways to intervene. But your situation is different. This color means that the tissue has been necrotic. " Well, it’s impossible to save necrotic tissue, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many amputees. "

As he said, Mark added, "Professional doctors can actually judge the quality of the tissue at a glance, and whether amputation is necessary for treatment and intervention. Many patients are unwilling to accept the reality of needing amputation, so we give them the best treatment at the beginning. When amputation is recommended, they generally don’t believe it. Many people will even drag their stumps around among major hospitals, trying to find a miracle. But in this case, almost 90% of patients When he persisted until the end, he had no choice but to accept amputation. "

Bruce Weinstein quickly asked, "What about the remaining 10? Did you experience a medical miracle?

"Medical miracle? " "Mark shook his head. "The remaining 10 were unwilling to have their limbs amputated, and they really died in the end. 

Bruce Weinstein asked desperately, "I don't want it... I can't accept it... Even if you chop off one of my legs, you might as well chop it off for me!" 

Mark said helplessly, "As far as the current situation is concerned, I really have no other good solution. How about I contact relevant experts?" "

As he said, Mark reminded you, "But I want to make it clear to you in advance. At this time, most experts have gone home from work. Even if I can find someone willing to help you with treatment, he will come here. It's not going too fast, so would you mind letting me take a video? Let them consult with you via video.

Bruce Weinstein covered his face and blurted out, "Hurry up and shoot! " The more carefully you take the photo, the better! "

Mark quickly took out his mobile phone, took a video and sent it to the experts he knew in the related field.

Soon, he received replies from these experts one after another.

Without exception, every expert replied with the same two parts.

Chapter 1 Part of the content is their amazement at the video content, because none of them have seen this kind of disease in their lives;

and the second part of the content is that almost everyone feels that there should be no other option except surgical removal.

Everyone, Mark even let Bruce Weinstein see his reply, which made Bruce Weinstein even more desperate. He never dreamed that he just came out to meet Miss World for a while, but he hadn’t tasted the taste of Miss World yet. He was about to become a eunuch.

Bruce Weinstein was so broken that he would rather die than choose amputation. Mark had no choice but to say to him, "Generally speaking, tissue necrosis does not occur immediately. Normally speaking, tissue necrosis does not occur immediately." You still have about 24 hours to think about it. When the tissue starts to fester, you will have to make a decision, but I can tell you responsibly that there is really no hope. "

As he spoke, he sighed sincerely, "I used to think that men must be tough, but today it seems that being tough is not a good thing..."

Bruce Weinstein suddenly thought of what Charlie said to him today. Those words.

He also said that men are scary if they are not hard, but it is even more scary if they are too hard.

At this time, Bruce Weinstein's eyes lit up, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, and he whispered, "That man named Wade said that." It's all true. Is there a way to cure this? ! "



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