Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2935 update | Chapter 6117 & 6118 Chapter 2935 Real Man | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

Chapter 2935 Real Man

The reception room of Brooklyn Prison is not strictly in the office area or the prison area, but is a transitional part between the two.

Because it is a transitional part, the reception room is not far from the prison area. Once you exit the iron gate and walk down a corridor for tens of meters to the end, the rooms on both sides are the reception rooms.

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However, there are three levels of reception rooms in Brooklyn Prison.

The ordinary reception room is shared by all prisoners. There are at least ten or twenty reception tables in a reception room. The prisoners' family members or lawyers come here to meet.

When meeting in this kind of reception room, there are constantly other prisoners and family members nearby, and there are also prison guards watching. Physical contact and the passing of items are not allowed, which is relatively less free.

Those with a slightly more special status can get a relatively secluded small private reception room. This kind of reception room is. There are no other prisoners or family members, and there is only one prison guard to supervise, so the freedom is relatively better. 

However, there is also a rather elegant living room. The living room not only has a sofa and TV, but also some snacks and drinks. What’s even more rare is that this room has also undergone special Acoustic treatment, very soundproof, and no monitoring facilities.

The most important thing is that when meeting here, the prison guards will not come in to interfere. Some of the items carried by the visitors, as long as they can pass the prison security inspection, can be handed over to the prisoners. Use this as a room for couples to visit and do some actual couple activities. Also completely uninhibited.

Every time the warden met with Gustavo, he would choose this reception room to ensure absolute privacy.

When Charlie and Gustavo were brought to the door of the reception room, he could already feel that someone was sitting inside.

The prison guard opened the door, and a middle-aged man wearing a suit and gold-rimmed glasses, who was very elegant and very in line with the image of the American upper class, was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed and a cigar in his mouth.

Seeing Gustavo come in, the man stood up quickly and said with a very gentlemanly smile, "Mr. Sanchez, please come in!"

Gustavo walked in with Charlie, and the prison guard outside closed the door tightly.

At this time, Bruce Weinstein looked at Charlie next to Gustavo, smiled and said, "This must be Mr. Sanchez's friend, right? 

Hello! My name is Bruce Weinstein, and I am the warden of Brooklyn Prison. Chief."

Charlie also smiled back and said, "Hello, Mr. Warden, I am an old friend of Mr. Sanchez. My surname is Wade. I was imprisoned here for illegal immigration this time. I will treat you well in the future. Take care of me."

Bruce Weinstein said with a smile, "Illegal immigration is not a big deal. I think Mr. Wade will not stay with us for long, but don't worry, since Mr. Wade is a friend of Mr. Sanchez, as long as you stay here For one day, they are all VIPs of our Brooklyn Prison. I will definitely tell the people below to give Mr. Wade full care. If Mr. Wade has any needs, you can also ask me." 

Gustavo said at this time "I won't hide it from you Bruce, but Mr. Wade came to see you just to let you get to know Mr. Wade in the future. If there is any need, you must give him enough convenience here." 

Bruce Weinstein said with a smile, "This It's such a small thing, Mr. Sanchez, you can just say hello, so why bother coming over to meet me?"

Gustavo smiled and said, "To make friends, of course you have to meet first."

Then, he said to Bruce Wei Weinstein said, "By the way, Bruce, this good friend of mine is a very amazing miracle doctor. He is good at treating any disease. No matter what problem you have in your body, he can help you."

Bruce Weinstein looked at Charlie , snorted, "I didn't realize that Mr. Wade was so young, but he was actually a miracle doctor. I wonder which medical school Mr. Wade graduated from?"

Charlie waved his hand, "I am not from an academic background, I have been studying the ancestral traditions of my family since I was a child. Acupuncture therapy, I am best at treating men’s problems. Not strong enough, not hard enough, not long enough, not soft enough are all my areas of expertise.”

Bruce Weinstein couldn’t bear to leave smiled and said, "Mr. Wade, the first three are not enough, I can understand it, but what does the fourth one mean? Does anyone still think that they are not soft enough? As a person A real man, who would think he is too tough?"

Charlie smiled and said, "You don't understand this, Mr. Warden, it's scary if a man is not tough, but it's even scarier if he is too tough. There are some very special things that you have never encountered. When you encounter it, you will know how painful the situation I am talking about is."

Bruce Weinstein only felt at this moment that Charlie should be the kind of barefoot doctor who specializes in deceiving people. He claims to be highly intellectual. It is impossible for molecules and elites to have any interest in this kind of pseudo-scientific stuff.

So, he smiled and said perfunctorily, "Then I can only hope that I will never encounter such a weird situation, otherwise I will have to trouble Mr. Wade to help me treat it." 

Charlie also nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, I also hope that you will never encounter it, but if you are unfortunate enough to encounter it, then I am afraid that only I can cure it."

Gustavo saw that the two of them were talking about male abilities, so he raised his eyebrows and said Bruce Weinstein said, "By the way, Bruce, the two beauties I have arranged for you tonight are both very beautiful Latin American beauties. Both of them are over 58 feet tall. If you look at it, except for their legs, Breasts, perfect! I hope my arrangements tonight will not disappoint you!"

Bruce Weinstein was obviously very excited and couldn't hide his excitement and said, "Mr. Gustavo is so polite, even you The beauty who has been praised by everyone must be a first-class beauty. How could I be disappointed? Maybe this will be the happiest night in my life." 

The two men who regard women as their lives smiled at each other. it is more than words.

At this time, Charlie quietly transferred a spiritual energy into Bruce Weinstein's body. This spiritual energy was not to wash his brain, nor to give him any psychological hints, nor to make him impotent.

On the contrary, Charlie's aura will give him extraordinary and powerful assistance when he does that kind of thing.

If you compare a man's ability to pedaling a bicycle, no matter how powerful he is, he cannot pedal the bicycle with the power of a motorcycle.

There are even times when I can't pedal anymore and I have to secretly take two pills. It feels like a professional rider sneaking a micro electric motor into his bicycle to cheat during a competition. It's effective, but not much.

But Charlie's aura is equivalent to directly installing an aerospace engine with a thrust of tens of tons on Bruce Weinstein's bicycle.

If a bicycle cannot be pedaled normally, the worst it can be is that it will collapse and stop pedaling.

Although it is embarrassing, it will not kill anyone; but once the bicycle is pushed to extreme speed by a huge thrust and cannot stop, although it is not embarrassing, it will not be fatal. But people will really die.

The reason why Marven did not directly give Bruce Weinstein a psychological hint and ask him to take him directly to his office, or even take him to the underground space under his office, is because Bruce Weinstein is a member of the Rothschild family. He is a very sensitive person, and his office is the only entrance and exit to the underground space. Even a person as big as Gustavo has never entered his office. If he gave him a psychological suggestion and asked him to directly If you take it to his office yourself, others will definitely be surprised.

The last thing Charlie wants is to attract attention from others, especially the attention of the Rothschild family.

Therefore, in Charlie's opinion, the best way is to first let this real man, Bruce Weinstein, have a huge unspeakable secret, so that when he is desperate, he can take the initiative to find a way to meet him as low-key as possible. Ask yourself for help.

In that way, Bruce Weinstein himself will do all the avoidance work in advance, and when he meets him again, there will be no risk of being noticed by others.

Since Bruce Weinstein is going to ride this bicycle tonight, as long as he takes the first kick, it is equivalent to pressing the start button for the aerospace engine he left for him.

By then, he will be desperate and must come back to beg for help.


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