Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 5101 to 5170 Charlie Wade Story

Chinese Super hero  Novel Chapter 5101

For a while, the Bergen police were shocked and immediately sealed off the scene, ready to investigate.


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However, although this case has just happened, It is already destined to be a no-nonsense case,  Because of the registered identities of the people who died here and those who used to live with false identities!

At the same time, on a heavy-duty container ship that has already left Norway and headed for Vladivostok, Russia, Maria is in a cabin that has been carefully remodeled like a hotel suite, And her servant is standing respectfully beside her.

In front of her, there was a huge monitor, And the frozen picture on the monitor was the appearance of her study being ignited by a raging fire.

This picture was captured and transmitted through the pinhole camera hidden in the wall directly in front of her desk.

She manipulated the progress bar with a smile on her face, And went back to a few minutes ago in the video.

When she saw the camera on the man’s chest suddenly exploded, She couldn’t help but chuckled and said, “It’s boring, I’m getting angry from embarrassment.”

The servant on the side Couldn’t help but ask:

“Miss, do you think they will believe it?”

Maria smiled narrowly, and said casually:
“Anyway, what I’m telling is the truth, they will, believe it or not, I don’t care.”

Seeing Maria so calm, the servant couldn’t help but feel a little more admiration in his heart.

She asked him this time: “By the way, how long will it take to get to Vladivostok?”

The servant replied: “Miss, we will take the Arctic sea route.”

“At the speed of this ship, it will take about 25 days.”

“Too slow. “Maria said lightly: “I’m going to disembark at Murmansk and take a plane to Eastcliff.”

After that, she asked the servant: “Can I reach Murmansk in four days?”

The servant hurriedly said: “It should be possible.”

“Yes, but Miss, are you going to China in such a hurry?”

“Yes!” Maria nodded firmly, and said seriously:

“I can’t wait to find that Charlie Wade as soon as possible,”

“There must be a lot of secrets and interesting things about this person.”

As she spoke, she pulled the progress bar and went back to the moment when Charlie appeared in her study, Looked at him in the picture, and muttered curiously:

“Tell me, why did he appear in my office in such a timely manner?”

Charlie appeared to leave the video, but Maria had actually watched it many times on the way.

She didn’t shy away from her most trusted servant, So although the servant’s memory was erased by Charlie, Through the playback of the surveillance video, he still figured out the whole story.

The servant thought for a while and said, “Miss, I can’t remember the situation at that time,”

“But I guess from the video recording, I don’t think he knew anything about your situation, miss.”

“He should be chasing after them when he appeared in Bergen.”

“Those Cavalry guards passed by, and he wanted to fix them,”

“I guess he should have a blood feud with that organization.”

Maria nodded and said with emotion: “This should be the most likely one.

It’s kind of a guess.”

The servant couldn’t help asking her: “Miss, where do you think he will send these Cavalry guards?”

Maria was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly:

“I was also thinking about this question, he said at the time,”

“Let these Cavalry guards go to Austria Meeting his people on the highest mountain in Sucheng,”

“If it wasn’t an emergency and there was no one available at the time,”

“I really wanted to go and have a look.”

The servant couldn’t help muttering: “I just don’t know,”

“His strength is not as good as compared with that organization.”

Chapter 5102

Maria didn’t speak but picked up the commander of Cavalry guards guard’s

assault rifle.

That was cut in half by Charlie’s soul-piercing blade from her hand.

Her fingers stroked the section cut that was so neat that there was almost

no burr, and she murmured:

“I don’t know his overall strength, but his personal strength is really strong.”

“Maybe cutting a gun like this, I think his aura has already achieved a little


“If he can go further in the future, the future must be limitless.”

The servant asked her: “Miss when it comes to this gun, you have put so

much value.”

“The antique calligraphy and paintings were not brought out, so why did

you bring out this gun?”

Maria said calmly: “You have also seen what happened just now,”

“Their people disappeared while chasing me, then they will definitely send

someone over to check;”

“Before they saw this gun, they wouldn’t have thought about how the

Cavalry guards missed it.”

“They might think that the Cavalry guards were just not prepared enough

and were dealt with by the people around me;”

“However, if they see this gun… then the situation will be different!”

“In this world, there are only a handful of people who can do this,”

“As long as they see this gun, they will realize that they have a strong

enemy, and this strong enemy has an aura.”

“There are very few people with aura. In that case,”

“Once this Charlie Wade reveals his strength, the opponent will

immediately target him,”

“Which will bring him a lot of trouble.”

The servant couldn’t help but sigh: “He’s so powerful, why didn’t he expect


Maria smiled and said: “Strength is strength, but the real combat

experience should not be rich enough,”

“Otherwise, I won’t let me get away under his nose.”

At the same time.

Gothenburg, Sweden.

Since they had already obtained the video data of the Bergen scene,

And saw the eight characters written by Maria herself,

The mysterious organization behind it immediately realized that this

mission had completely failed,

And Maria must have escaped long ago.

Although the Lord was furious, he could only order an early end to this

mission that had completely failed.

So, the head of the team who was waiting for Cavalry guards outside the

gate of Gothenburg Airport received a call from the Viscount.

On the phone, the other party said in a dejected tone:

“Don’t wait any longer, let’s start delivering the goods to the customs now,

and let it take off normally.”

The person in charge exclaimed: “Master Viscount, what happened to the

Cavalry guards?”

The viscount said in a cold tone: “The eight Cavalry guards have been

wiped out,”

“And the target has already escaped. The Lord has terminated the plan.”

It really didn’t occur to him to be defeated in this small place in Norway.

However, he knows the rules of the organization,

There are multiple sets of preparatory plans for everything,

Success has a successful follow-up plan, and failure has a failed follow-up


According to the current situation, although Cavalry guards encountered

problems and failed to reach Gothenburg,

But in order not to reveal his identity and the pilot,

The air transportation task that should be completed still needs to be


A plane that has been waiting for a long time, carrying these materials back

to Nigeria,

In order to prevent someone from finding out the problem through the

abnormal empty load of the plane after checking this line.

However, now that the mission of Cavalry guards has failed,

The target person he was originally responsible for transshipment naturally

no longer exists,

So there is no need for the celebrity Lolita.

So, he immediately sent a message to his subordinates, the content was

only three words: Let Lolita go!

The driver who said all the good things to Lolita at the last second,

After receiving this message, immediately said to her with a dark face:

“Okay, didn’t you make an appointment with your friends? You can go back


“What?” The girl suddenly asked angrily, “Why do you want me to go back


“Didn’t you agree to give me a Hermes Himalayan after I finish today’s


The driver said coldly: “What you said just now is correct.”

“Media reporters are not interested in matters related to Nigeria,”

“So they didn’t come here. The original interview was canceled, and you

are no longer needed here.”

The girl said angrily: “Whether you need it or not is your problem.”

“I don’t care if you need it or not. Since you promised me,”

“You must fulfill it! If I can’t get my Hermes Himalayas,”

“Then I will wait here. Until I see my Himalaya!”

Chapter 5103

“Do you still want a Himalayas?”

The driver snorted coldly and said contemptuously:

“If you want to daydream, get out of the car and go home to do it.”

Lolita said angrily: “Obviously you promised me, so why go back on your


The driver said angrily: “We have conditions after you have completed the


“And now the matter has turned yellow, I don’t need you to do it,


Lolita curled her lips and said coldly: “Then I don’t care, anyway,”

“If you promise me, you must honor it, otherwise I will never end this matter

with you!”

The driver was about to speak, at this time,”

“The car in front had already started its engine, and slowly pulled out of the

parking lot,”

“Preparing to enter the cargo area of the airport.

The driver knew in his heart that this was to quickly send the materials

transported by these three trucks to the Boeing 777,

As it could be transported back to Nigeria on time,

So that no clues would be left on this line.

So, he also started the car, and then said to Lolita: “Get out of the car, don’t

delay my business.”

“I won’t get off!” Lolita said with a grim expression:

“Let me get out of the car, how dare you! Do you not know what my identity


“If you want me to get out of the car, you can tell me when to give me my


The driver jumped out of the truck in a rage, walked around to the

passenger door,

And opened the door directly, and then lifted her out of the car like a


Then threw her on the ground roughly, and said coldly:

“If you want the Himalayas, go back to your dad!”

“Say one more word of nonsense, be careful that I will abolish your father

first tonight!”

After that, he ignored her, turned around, and got in the truck,

Started the vehicle and left the parking lot.

Lolita didn’t expect that the other party would become so vicious all of a


And she lost her previous aura in an instant,

And she was so scared that she didn’t dare to say a word.

She is still young, and although she has been pushed to the fore by this

humanitarian organization for a few years,

She just speaks and acts according to the requirements of the book,

Without knowing the underlying reasons and stakes.

She only knows that as long as she does what they ask,

She and her family can get a good material foundation,

And even be able to use this to enter the upper class.

But she didn’t know the real origin of this humanitarian organization.

Some time ago, when her global reputation was pushed to the peak,

She also had the idea of leaving this humanitarian organization and starting

her own business.

After all, in her opinion, she is now a well-known figure in the world,

Has countless fans, and has even been received by many heads of state

and praised by them for her work.

There is absolutely no need for a higher-level organization to control her.

However, when she mentioned this idea to her father,

She was severely reprimanded by him.

Although Lolita was dissatisfied, she did not dare to confront him directly.

However, now that she has encountered such rough treatment,

In her opinion, it is a good opportunity to break up with the other party!

So, she immediately took out her mobile phone and called her father.

As soon as the phone was connected, she cried and said,

“Dad! I want to break with them! Never have anything to do with them


Her father asked in surprise, “Who are you talking about? What


Lolita said angrily, “It’s not the human rights organization you contacted!”

“They don’t respect me at all, they asked me to come over to stand for

them today,”

“And promised to give me a Himalayan handbag from Hermes.”

“Suddenly broke the contract and kicked me out of the car!”

As she said that, she continued aggrieved: “Dad! From today on, I must

draw a clear line with these people.”

“From now on, I will be on my own. I want to Nothing to do with them


Lolita thought that what she said would make her father feel sorry for her,

And he will support the decision she just made,

But she never dreamed that her father on the other end of the phone

suddenly would become furious!

He yelled through the phone: “Lolita, are you crazy?”

“Do you know how you and our family got here today?”

Lolita blurted out subconsciously: “Of course, I worked hard to get it!”

“I put aside school classes every day, and worked on projects.”

“If it weren’t for my hard work, how could our family be where it is today?”

When Lolita’s father heard this, he immediately scolded: “Shut up!

If they weren’t working behind the scenes, even if you dropped out of

school at a young age,”

“And went to work for brands like that no one would have let you in their


“You have to remember! You can have what you are today, all because of

them tailoring various marketing scripts for you in the back,”

“And the media that report on you are also secretly spending money to


“Moreover, they worked in-depth with the media from various countries,”

“To formulate a series of directions for you!”

“Don’t forget, do you think you can become famous all over the world that


Chapter 5104

Lolita was a little speechless by her father, and she came back to her

senses after a while.

She said dissatisfiedly: “Even if they support me, so what?”

“I am now a world-renowned star. My influence lies here.”

“I can create a lot of value without any help from them!”

Lolita’s father scolded angrily: “Is there something wrong with your brain?”

“Have you ever thought that when you were picked up by them,”

“You were just a child early ten years old. Completely follow their

instructions like a marionette.”

“They must have a lot of relevant evidence in their hands.”

“Once you fall out with them, they will immediately reveal all your actual


“By then, you will be ruined! I and Your mother’s dream of being in the

upper class will also be shattered!”

“Our whole family will be beaten back to the original shape, and even fall to

the bottom!”

In fact, Lolita’s father did not say a word.

Although he didn’t know the specific background of this humanitarian


He knew that the methods of this organization were very vicious.

If he really went against them, he might be killed one day.

Lolita was also taken aback by her father’s words at this time.

She was simple-minded, but she didn’t expect that she had already held

countless handles in the other party’s hands.

If the other party really exposes these details, then she will definitely lose

her reputation and never recover.

The extremely dejected Lolita finally got up silently from the ground,

Patted the dust off her body, took out a mask from her pocket,

Put it on, walked to the side of the road, and stopped a taxi.

The reason why she wears a mask is that she has been calling for

environmental protection,”

“And even called on people all over the world not to drive cars.”

“According to her point of view, driving is a crime, not to mention taking a


“If she is caught taking a taxi, it will break her reputation.

When Lolita left the airport depressed, the shipment was passing through


Since there is nothing abnormal about these goods, and they are all

charitable goods,

The clearance speed of the customs is also very fast.

So, the Boeing 777 finally returned to Nigeria at the scheduled time, loaded

with a plane full of cargo.

At the same time, on a certain island in this world,

A cathedral-like stone building stands majestically on the rock of the island.

What the outside world doesn’t know is that this magnificent castle is

actually just the tip of the iceberg.

Under the castle, the entire island has been completely hollowed out,

And the scale of the internal buildings is more than a hundred times larger

than the ground.

At this time, in the central hall of the castle, a luxuriously dressed man in

his forties knelt on one knee,

Looked at the empty throne in front of him, and said respectfully:

“My lord! The plane has been withdrawn to Nigeria.”

“The other seven famous cavalry guards, there is no clue yet about them.”

In the huge lobby, the cold and deep voice like a machine immediately


“Keep looking! Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must find


The man raised his fists with his hands above his head, and said


“Your subordinates obey!”

The Lord’s voice came again: “Maria must have left Norway, and you

immediately send people to infiltrate Mongolia,”

“The Russian Far East, Alaska, Canada’s Yukon, and Nunavut.”

“She was almost caught this time, and there is a high probability that she

will flee to these sparsely populated countries and regions, and maybe she

will come and wait for a rabbit!”

The man was slightly startled, and said nervously:

“My lord! I have a question, Dare to ask for your answer!”

The Lord said lightly: “Speak!”

The man hurriedly said: “My Lord, in a short period of time, we have

suffered successive failures.”

“The assassination of An’s family in New York was so carefully planned,”

“And in the end, none of the so many dead soldiers came back, not even a

single body was found.”

“It was the same when we went to Norway this time.”

“The eight knight guards were all top masters. Except for the command and

envoy who died of taking poison,”

“The whereabouts of all others are unknown. Do you think there is any

connection behind these two incidents?”

“Connection?” The Lord asked coldly, “Do you think someone is secretly

killing us?”

The man said, “I just think these two things are too strange.”

“We have definite information on these two things. Whether it is An family

or Maria,”

“Neither of them has the strength to resist us,”

“But the result of the matter is that this loss is unbelievable.”

The Lord said lightly: “The An family is a top family in the open world,”

“And they can be regarded as public figures to a certain extent,”

“But Maria is a little fox hiding everywhere. She might have no chance to

have any contact with the outside world on weekdays.”

“This time I was able to find her news because she just couldn’t hold back.”

“She bought a piece of blue and white porcelain in an antique shop in

Norway and revealed her identity.”

“So I think there shouldn’t be any direct connection between them.”

The man nodded and praised: “My lord, you are the best way,”

“Just use some blue and white porcelain to catch Maria out!”

He quickly asked again: “Shall we buy another batch of top-notch blue and

white porcelain,”

“And put them in antique shops all over the world, waiting for Maria to take

the bait?”

“No need.” The Lord said coldly: “Maria is the most cunning fox she can

never fall into the same trap twice,”

“No matter how good the blue and white porcelain is, it is impossible to lure

her out now!”

Chapter 5105

At this time, the man asked respectfully:

“My lord, how credible do you think the words left by Maria are?”

The Lord was silent for a moment, He said coldly:

“Her personality is similar to her father’s. Although she is resourceful and

even very wise,”

“She seldom engages in any conspiracy, so I believe what she wrote.”

“And Maria must be very clear in her heart that lying at this time is


“Even if I see these words, even if I believe that she is not lying,”

“But until I find the ring, I can’t give up hunting her down.”

After all, even if the ring is not on her body, she must know the

whereabouts of it,”

“So she wrote these words, not to confuse me, but to irritate me!”

The man couldn’t help but said: “My lord! If Maria didn’t lie,”

“Does that mean that she has abandoned the ring somewhere in Norway?”

The Lord said: “Although the ring is of no use to her,”

“It has far-reaching significance, and she will never throw it away just to

save her life.”

Then the man said again: “Could it be stored in a bank safe?”

“A ring, if it is stored in a bank safe with other things, generally does not

attract much attention.”

“The confidentiality of a bank safe is extremely high,”

“And identity verification is done using fingerprints, irises, and other

biological proofs,”

“So she can store the ring with a false identity and then take it out

whenever she needs it.”

“It’s impossible.” The Lord said flatly: “Maria is far more cunning and

calculating than you can imagine.”

“She has already thought of everything you can think of.”

“The bank safe seems to be hidden and inconspicuous, but in fact, it is not

safe at all.”

“If I think, My force can open all the bank safes in Norway overnight,”

“To see what happened, how could she take such a risk.”

The man said with some doubt: “My lord, according to what you said,”

“The ring is indeed not in her hands, but she didn’t throw it away at will,”

“So there must be a very proper way of keeping it.”

“Then, where do you think this ring went? Or in other words,”

“What kind of method is she using to keep it remotely?”

The Lord was silent for a few seconds, and said calmly:

“I don’t know what you are talking about. The only thing I can be sure of at

present is that,”

“Although the ring is not in Maria’s possession, she is our only clue so far,”

“So you must do your best to go ahead and find her for me!”

After that, he paused slightly, and continued:

“This time, let Victor come out of the mountain in person, and you send him

to come to see me immediately!”

Victor Chang is the head of the four earls.

The titles of each of these four earls were bestowed by the Lord.

The four of them have followed the Lord for many years,

And have made great contributions to the development of the forces under

his command.

Victor, in addition to ranking first among the four earls,

Is also the most powerful existence among the four,

And he is the veritable number-two figure in the entire organization.

And this man himself is the loyal and brave man who ranks last among the

four earls.

Within this organization, his contribution is not as good as that of the top

three earls,

But because of his absolute loyalty to the lord,

He was awarded the title of Loyal and Brave, and he is often sent by the

lord for missions

In Loyal’s view, ordering Victor to track down Maria really felt like killing a

chicken with a butcher’s knife.

However, he dared not have any doubts about the decision of the lord,

So he said without thinking: “My lord, this subordinate will pass on the

orders to Victor.”

A few minutes later.

A middle-aged man in a Taoist robe and a fairy-like character strode into

the main hall with elegant steps.

As soon as he entered, he knelt on the ground on one knee,

Saluted the empty throne, and then said respectfully:

“My lord, Loyal said, you have something to summon your subordinates,

what orders do you have?”

The deep voice of the Lord came: “Victor, I will give you five years to find

Maria’s whereabouts.”

“During these five years, I don’t care where you go or what method you


“I will give you whatever you want.”

“You don’t need my consent to make any decisions,”

“I just want you to bring her alive to see me within five years, can you do


Victor was slightly startled, and immediately clasped his hands together

and loudly said:

“Since the Lord is willing to entrust this task to his subordinates,”

“Then the subordinates must go all out to bring Maria back as soon as


“Five hundred million U.S. dollars will be used as a fund, and after the

matter is completed,”

“I will give you five Youth Pills as a reward!”

Victor was very pleasantly surprised when he heard the words Youth Pill:

“Subordinate, thank you! Lord!”

After saying that, he immediately bent down and thanked him heavily.

Afterward, he raised his head and asked respectfully:

“My lord, you know Maria best, so, regarding her whereabouts,”

“Do you have any clues or suggestions that you can give to your


The Lord said flatly, “I know her well.”

“I also know her father, but they all did things that I didn’t expect.”

“Maybe my understanding of them is too solid so that I fell into a vicious

circle of making mistakes again and again,”

“So Victor still doesn’t want to Ask me for advice,”

“Do it all according to your own intuition, maybe it will be miraculous.”

“Okay, Lord!” Victor nodded heavily.

Chapter 5106

The lord asked curiously: “I don’t know. Does Victor have any plans?”

“Victor cupped his hands and said

, “Go back to the Lord, I plan to visit China!”

The Lord asked in surprise, “Do you think Maria will return to China?”

Victor laughed, smiled, and said, “I don’t think so,”

“I just subconsciously think that it is more likely.

“Now! Don’t delay for a moment!”

Victor said without hesitation: “This subordinate obeys orders!”

At the same time.

Charlie, Orvel, and Issac took Helena’s royal helicopter and arrived directly

at Oslo Airport.

Because they are distinguished guests of the royal family,

Charlie and the others don’t even need to go to the customs in person,

As long as they hand over their passports to the royal family’s butler, they

can complete the customs clearance.

The helicopter landed directly in front of the hangar of Charlie’s Concorde,

And he was the first to jump off the helicopter.

Afterward, he said to Helena: “Helena, you don’t need to get down,”

“Just let the pilot take off and go back.”

Helena shook her head with reluctance and said,

“Mr. Wade, I’d better take you to the plane, anyway,”

“The VIP movement is already here in advance, and no one else will see


Charlie saw her insistence, so he had to extend a hand to her, and helped

her off the helicopter.

In the hangar at this time, the Concorde has been prepared.

The captain and other crew members are waiting below the plane.

Helena accompanied Charlie into the hangar, and he told her:

“You must pay attention to safety during the recent period.”

“If you find anything unusual, please notify me as soon as possible.”

Helena nodded lightly, her eyes blushing and teary at the same time.

She knew that she says goodbye to him today, and she doesn’t know when

she would see him again in the future.

Moreover, she also knew that among so many women who loved Charlie

deeply, she was the most special one.

Everyone else has a free body and doesn’t need to be outside the world’s

opinions and evaluations,

But she is the only one who still bears the halo of a royal family.

It’s not so much a halo as a shackle.

Because of this shackle, leaving Norway and going to any place in the


She has to rise to the level of diplomacy and politics.

If she wants to leave Norway to meet Charlie, it is simply a dream, and

there is no chance at all.

So if she really wants to build a relationship with Charlie,

And want to communicate and get along with him normally,

The only chance is for Charlie to come to Norway to find her.

However, with her and even Charlie’s behavior style,

He would definitely not come to Norway to meet her unless it was


Thinking of this, Helena felt sad and reluctant, so she looked at Charlie,

choked up softly, and said:

“Mr. Wade, if you have time, you must come to Norway again. If you can’t

come, don’t forget me… ….”

Seeing that her tears were streaming out uncontrollably,

Charlie couldn’t help feeling a little distressed when he recalled what he

noticed in her boudoir this morning.

However, although there were outsiders here, there were many people

after all.

Not only Orvel and Issac were there, but also the crew and the royal


Therefore, Charlie could only comfort and say:

“Helena, if there is a chance, I will definitely come again. So you must take

care of yourself.”

Hearing Charlie’s words, Helena’s heart suddenly warmed, showing a rare

joy, and nodded again and again:

“Mr. Wade, as long as you tell me that you are coming to Norway at any

time, I will definitely wait for you!”

Charlie nodded slightly, and said: “Okay, we’re boarding the plane.”

Helena nodded with tears in her eyes, at this moment,

She really wanted to hug Charlie gently, and then gently press her face

against his chest for three to five seconds.

However, she also knew that under such circumstances, she simply

couldn’t do such behavior.

So, she could only keep a distance of half a meter from him and said:

“Mr. Wade, then I wish you a safe journey!”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded, and said again: “Take care, goodbye.”


Charlie boarded the Concorde under the watchful eye of Helena.

The captain and crew were also quickly in place and ready for takeoff.

At this time, Helena and her party hadn’t left yet,

They just retreated to a safe distance, as if they planned to watch Charlie’s

plane leave first.

At this time, the captain came to Charlie and said:

“Master, we will take off in ten minutes and we are expected to arrive in

Providence within three hours.”

Then he said: “It is now 3 pm Nordic time It’s nine o’clock in the morning in

New York time,”

“And it should be no problem to land before twelve noon in New York time.”

Charlie waved his hand and asked with a smile,

“It shouldn’t take long to fly to Syria from here, right?”

The captain thought for a while, and said: “The route distance should be

more than 3,000 kilometers to less than 4,000 kilometers.”

“At our flying speed, it will only take two hours including take-off and


“Okay.” Charlie nodded, and waved his hand, Smiling:

“Then let’s fly directly to Damascus.”

The captain was stunned, and subconsciously asked: “Fly to Syria?”

Charlie nodded and said: “Yes, fly to Syria.”

The soldiers of the Front returned to Syria ahead of schedule.

Charlie hadn’t relieved the poison in the bodies of these seven people yet.

Besides, he also wanted to meet Duncan, Abren, and others too.

Chapter 5107

Two hours after going to the Middle East,

Charlie’s Concorde landed in Damascus, the capital of Syria.

Joseph and several core members of Cataclysmic Front were already

waiting at the airport.

When Charlie got off the plane, Joseph hurriedly stepped forward and said


“Mr. Wade, my subordinates thought you would go directly to the United

States from Norway,”

“I didn’t expect you to make a special detour to come to Syria so far,”

“And the preparations were a bit hasty. If I had known that you were


“Your subordinates would have made arrangements as soon as possible.”

Charlie said with a smile:

“The seven people you brought back still have enough deadly poison in

their bodies.”

“If they are not relieved, these seven people will die within a few days.”

After finishing speaking, Charlie asked him, “Have those seven people

settled down?”

“They’re settled.” Joseph said: “In order to avoid any accidents,”

“I left Walter behind and asked him to take a few five-star generals to guard

those people.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded and said, “The situation of these people is different

from that of May 47.”

“When they were in Bergen, they already confessed to me something

related to that mysterious organization.”

“Later, you call Inspector Li and May 47 together,”

“And then dig deeper into the clues to see if there is any New discovery.”

Joseph immediately said respectfully: “Okay, Mr. Wade,”

“When we arrive at the base, the subordinate will arrange it immediately.”

Afterward, Joseph asked again: “By the way, Mr. Wade, how long do you

plan to stay in Syria this time?”

“Would you like your subordinates to arrange accommodation for you in


“No.” Charlie said with a smile, “I’m here to deal with business,”

“And I’ll go back to the United States after a casual visit,”

“And I just took this opportunity to meet the old acquaintances.”

Joseph said: “Mr. Wade, there are quite a few of your old acquaintances


“Commander Hamid happens to be at the base.”

“He has been talking about you, but I haven’t told him that you are coming.”

Charlie asked curiously: “Why has he come to the base of Cataclysmic


Joseph explained: “He has been here more frequently recently.”

“In addition to cooperation and exchanges, he mainly wants to learn some

experience from Cataclysmic Front.”

“Although we started the overall construction of infrastructure relatively


“Our infrastructure scale and propulsion efficiency are much higher than


Then, Joseph said again: “Mr. Wade, let’s set off now, this time you have to

work hard to land in Damascus,”

“If you come back in two months, we will put into use our own runway,”

“And there is no need to transit in Damascus, just land directly on the

runway of the base.”

Charlie nodded, and asked him curiously:

“The plane bypasses the customs and lands directly at the base,”

“What is the attitude of the authorities?”

Joseph explained: “The subordinate has already said hello.”

“If it’s just people entering and leaving the country,”

“Damascus basically turns a blind eye and closes one eye.”

“There is no need to go through customs.”

Speaking of this, Joseph added: “Actually, the current situation here is still

very complicated.”

“Damascus can’t manage all borders at all. In the past,”

“The entry and exit of opposition personnel and materials was like a game,”

“So now Damascus basically doesn’t care. Besides, Damascus, the whole

side here is very friendly to us.”

“After all, we are here to mediate the struggle between the two forces in the


“It is rare for everyone to cease-fire now.”

“Everyone wants to not attack each other. Many things are just a formality; “

“In addition, there is a more important point.”

“Damascus is very clear that we only want to find a place to live in Syria,”

“And we don’t want to seek any benefits from Syria.”

“Unlike other countries, they only see the oil resources here.”

“So they are more willing to maintain this kind of cooperative relationship

with us.”

“That’s good.” Charlie was relieved when he heard this.

Once an organization like Cataclysmic Front wants to become bigger and


It will not be welcomed no matter which country it is in.

Now that it can take root in Syria,

It can be regarded as a solution to the urgent need for development and


It is precisely because of the complicated internal situation here that,

It gave Cataclysmic Front a chance to develop with peace of mind.

However, Charlie was also very clear in his heart.

It is not a long-term solution to live under the fence.

In the future, we must find a way to actually buy a piece of land so that,

Cataclysmic Front can build a permanent base without any worries.

Afterward, Charlie, Joseph, and others boarded the helicopter of the

Cataclysmic Fronta together.

The five helicopters took off almost at the same time and flew towards the

Cataclysmic Front base.

After an hour’s flight, the helicopters arrived over the base.

It can be seen from the air that the base of Cataclysmic Front is currently a

huge construction site,

Full of buildings under construction and dusty transport vehicles.

On the east side of the base, there is an airstrip that has already taken


Seeing the construction of the entire base in full swing, Charlie couldn’t

help feeling relieved.

The Cataclysmic Fronta is currently his most powerful strike force besides


And it will have a very important effect on every step he takes in the future,

Especially in the contest with that mysterious organization, which has

far-reaching significance.

Therefore, he hopes that the strength of Cataclysmic Front will continue to

grow and improve,

And his goal for the first stage of the development of Cataclysmic Front’s

overall strength,

Is to be able to compete with all the dead soldiers of that mysterious


As for the mysterious lord, Charlie planned to keep it to himself.

The helicopter landed slowly in the core area in the center of the base.

On the south side of the core area, there is a cubic building.

This building is about 20 meters high. At the bottom is a huge hollow that is

transparent from north to south,

And a track that is much narrower than normal train tracks passes through


It can be seen from the opening that inside the building is a huge lifting

device made of steel frames,

With a steel cable as thick as a baby’s arm hanging in the middle.

Chapter 5108

Joseph introduced to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, this is the main shaft of the

underground fortification.

Its current vertical depth is about 120 meters. The first phase of the

underground fortification is currently excavating horizontally at this depth.

The set of lifting devices is the cage, and equipment, personnel, and

excavated rocks basically come in and out from here.”

As he said that, he pointed to another similar cubic building in the distance,

and introduced:

“That one is the auxiliary well of the underground fortification,”

“The depth is the same as the main well,”

“And it is mainly responsible for ventilation and drainage of all underground

working surfaces.”

Charlie nodded, and said: “The current spy satellites and drones are too


“And the ground facilities can’t even escape Google’s satellites,”

“So the underground fortifications will be the most important thing in the


Joseph immediately said: “Mr. Wade can rest assured that more than 65%

of the current infrastructure budget is allocated to underground


“The future underground fortifications will not only meet the needs of all

personnel’s life and material storage,”

“But also shoulder most of the daily training needs.”

“At the same time, we will build a safe energy storage and backup energy

system underground,”

“Which is enough to deal with most emergencies.”

While speaking, the lifting device under the cubic building lifted a huge

square steel cage up.

Interestingly, this steel cage has two layers,

The upper layer is for people, and the lower layer is for a rail mine car.

After the steel cage came to a complete stop, more than a dozen men

wearing helmets,

Standing on the upper floor came out of it and walked from the second floor

to the first floor.

The workers waiting on the first floor walked directly into the steel cage on

the bottom floor,

Fixed the traction rope on the mine car filled with gravel,

And then pulled the mine car along the track to the loading and unloading

yard hundreds of meters away.

At the other end, workers pushed an empty mine car into the steel cage.

Subsequently, the entire steel cage was lowered into the ground again.

After watching the whole process, Charlie couldn’t help frowning and said,

“Joseph, relying on this kind of cage to transport people and materials

straight up and down,”

“Isn’t the turnover efficiency too low? This time, at most dozens of people,

can go up and down,”

“Or a few tons of goods.” Even if it takes a few minutes,”

“The efficiency is still a drop in the bucket in an emergency.”

Joseph hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, you are right. The current two shafts are

actually configurations,”

“During the construction stage. It’s only in the initial stage,”

“So we use these two shafts for underground construction;”

“However, in the next step, we will build a hub building covering an area of

more than 100,000 square meters on the west side of the airport runway,”

“And then directly excavate a double lane for vehicles to enter and exit from

the first floor of the hub building Inclined shaft;”

“The inclined shaft will lead directly from the ground of the building to the

underground fortifications,”

“Just like a tunnel with a relatively steep slope.”

“Once completed, all personnel, vehicles, and equipment will drive up and

down from here,”

“And the overall turnover speed will increase geometrically. There is no

difference from the ground.”

Charlie nodded: “How many workers are working in the mine at the same


Joseph said: “We are now speeding up the progress regardless of cost,”

“So all types of work in the mine are counted,”

“And there are those who work at the same time are five or six hundred


Charlie asked again: “By the way,”

“Where are those Sicilian mafia that were brought back from Canada


Joseph smiled and said: “The gang of the Sicilian mafia is currently

incorporated into the excavation team and specially built underground


“Our normal construction team works in three shifts a day with an

eight-hour work system,”

“But these mafia teams work in two shifts a day with a 12-hour work


“Gang of ba5tards who are full of criminals,”

“So we don’t pay much attention to labor laws for them, as long as we don’t

tire them to death.”

Charlie couldn’t help laughing and said: “After all,”

“There are more than 800 or so, who murder, set fire, bully and dominate

the market.”

“They don’t feel tired after working for 24 hours,”

“And working underground for twelve hours is definitely not a problem for


After finishing speaking, Charlie asked again:

“By the way, what about those Four Dragons disciples?”

Joseph laughed: “Mr. Wade, the boat that the disciples of the Four Dragons

are on hasn’t arrived yet.”

Charlie laughed dumbfounded.

It is indeed a long way from Hong Kong. If it takes more than 20 days, it will

definitely not be possible.

At this moment, the double-layered cage was lifted up again,

And as soon as the iron fence on the upper floor was opened,

Hamid, who was wearing a red helmet, walked out from inside

accompanied by several soldiers from the Cataclysmic Front.

Charlie recognized him at a glance, and shouted from afar: “Commander


Hamid shyly looked at Charlie following the sound of his increasingly

bloated belly.

Seeing that it was Charlie who was greeting him, he was overjoyed and


“Oh, Mr. Wade, Brother Wade!” After finishing speaking, he took a few

quick steps and ran towards Charlie.

Quickly running in front of Charlie, Hamid held Charlie’s hand happily while

panting heavily, and asked excitedly,

“Brother Wade, when did you come?”

“Just arrived.” Charlie smiled slightly, looked at his swollen belly, and


“Brother, you have gained a lot of weight recently, and it seems that your

life is quite comfortable.”

Hamid smiled, cupped his hands, and said, “Thank you, brother.”

“Ah! Now that there is no war, besides sleeping, we eat every day, not to

mention eating well,”

“And sleeping soundly, so the weight will naturally come up.”

After speaking, he turned and pointed to the main well behind him, and said

with envy:

“Brother, your underground fortifications are so awesome!”

“The alleys are three to four meters high.”

“Compared with yours, my underground fortifications are just rat holes!”

Charlie laughed and said to him: “Don’t worry, brother,”

“When the construction here is almost done, I will let Joseph arrange and

upgrade it for you.”

When Hamid heard this, his excited hands shook, and he asked excitedly:

“Brother, are you serious?”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “Of course, when did I tell a lie?”

Then, he said again: “You just saw those hard-working Sicilian elites down

there didn’t you?”

“Sicilian elites?” Hamid asked curiously: “You mean the Canadian mafia

working below?”

“Yes.” Charlie nodded and said with a smile:

“These people will also join you for help at that time!”

Chapter 5109

Hamid’s gratitude to Charlie has long been like a torrential river,

And it is like the Yellow River flooding out of control.

If it weren’t for Charlie, he would have been taken away by the Cataclysmic

Front and the government army.

Not to mention that Charlie also cured his leg which had been lame for


And gave him a lot of funds to strengthen his defense.

Now, with the Cataclysmic Front mediating in the middle,

It gave him a good opportunity for peaceful development.

But what he didn’t expect was that even so,

Charlie still treated him without asking for anything and was still very


With the current specifications of Cataclysmic Front’s underground


Even if it is displayed on a small scale in its own base,

It is difficult to implement without a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars.

For Hamid, this is something that he can’t even think about.

And Charlie agreed to help him build it for free without even thinking about


This generosity moved Hamid even more. So, he held Charlie’s hand and

said firmly:

“Brother Wade, Allah above is my witness, in the Middle East in the future,”

“If you need me to do anything, just say a word, and I will risk my life. And I

must go all out!”

Charlie nodded and smiled, and said, “With your words, my brother, our

efforts are worth it.”

For Charlie, Hamid is a friend, but also a comrade-in-arms.

As long as Hamid can firmly stand friendly with himself,

He can continue to maintain the tripartite balance in Syria,

Which will be of great benefit to the stable development of the Cataclysmic


Therefore, in order to prevent Hamid from stretching his hips too much in

this three-party balanced situation,

He needs to be given the assistance he needs,

And the assistance he does not even dare to think about must be given.

Therefore, he said to Joseph: “Joseph, after the first phase of our project is


“We will first design an upgrade plan for Commander Hamid’s base,”

“And then start the first phase of the project at his base.”

“All the costs will be borne by Cataclysmic Front.”

Joseph said without hesitation: “Okay, Mr. Wade, I understand.”

Charlie nodded slightly, and said to Hamid: “Brother, this time I can’t stay

here for too long,”

“I’m going back in a few hours, there are still a lot of things to deal with


“So I won’t talk to you about the past,”

“When I come next time, let’s find time to get together again.”

Hamid was a little bit reluctant he said: “Brother Wade, you came all the


“And you only stay for a few hours? At least give me one day to come to

your brother’s place,”

“To take a look and inspect the inspection work. There are great changes in

our place now. Thanks to you!”

Charlie said with a smile: “I will definitely visit next time, this time I really

can’t spare extra time.”

Seeing this, Hamid nodded and said: “Okay, since you are in a hurry,”

“Then your brother won’t waste your time, you get busy first, let’s get

together next time.”

Then, he pointed to his overalls and said,

“I’m going to change my clothes, and I’ll go back first after changing.”

“Okay ” Charlie nodded, shook hands with him again, and said, “Then see


Hamid said very simply: “Okay, bro, go get busy, don’t worry about me


The two waved goodbye, and Charlie and Joseph walked into the main

building in the core area of the base.

Walking into the building, Charlie said to Joseph:

“Joseph, arrange a conference room with the highest level of


“Call Inspector Li, May 47, and the seven cavalry guards you brought back,

Also bring them here.”

“Okay, Mr. Wade!” Joseph immediately took Charlie to a windowless

meeting room,”

“And then asked Duncan and May 47 to come over first.

Duncan didn’t expect Charlie to come to Syria, and asked in surprise,

“Master Wade, why did you come here in person?”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Inspector Li, I just came over from


“And I brought some members of the mysterious organization over.”

“This time there are more people, and they are not dead, they are one level

higher than dead men.”

“It’s not dead men,” Duncan asked in surprise:

“What level is that? What is the responsibility in the organization?”

Charlie explained: “They are called Xiaoqiwei internally,”

“And they are responsible for guarding the dead.” May 47, who was

sitting in a wheelchair, After listening, he was surprised and said:

“Cavalry Guards? Is it the Cavalry Guards who are in charge of guarding


Charlie shook his head and said, “According to Inspector Li’s analysis,”

“Your station should be near Sri Lanka, but these Cavalry Guards’ station is

in Cyprus,”

“Thousands of kilometers away, and the Persian Gulf and the entire Middle

East are separated in the middle.”

“Cyprus?!” Duncan exclaimed after hearing this:

“Master Wade, Cyprus is to the west of Syria, the closest to Syria.”

“The coastline is less than 200 kilometers.”

“Yes.” Charlie nodded and said, “Their base is a copper mine in the coastal

area of Cyprus,”

“And it is said that there is also a copper smelter in Turkey.”

“The ores produced by the copper mine are basically exported to copper

smelters in Turkey,”

“And a closed loop is formed inside, making it even more difficult for the

outside world to pry into the secrets.”

Chapter 5110

Joseph said a little excitedly: “Mr. Wade since we are so close,”

“Why don’t you make a good plan, and all the members of the Front will be

dispatched to wipe out their residence!”

Ever since Charlie extrajudicially spared his life,

He was able to preserve even his parents’ bones.

After his cultivation was blessed by misfortune and stepped into the


Joseph couldn’t wait to make contributions to Charlie.

As a person, he didn’t have too many twists and turns in his stomach.

If you owe someone, you will think about giving it back.

If you owe someone a favor, you will also think about repaying it.

Originally, he thought that Charlie would be lenient to him and incorporated

the entire Cataclysmic Front,

So he would squeeze the value of the Front as much as possible,

And even make the entire Front have to work for it.

However, he never dreamed that after Charlie incorporated Cataclysmic


Not only did the members of Cataclysmic Front seldom take risks for him,

But he even continued to send various resources and help to the


Moreover, its handwriting is only big, completely beyond Joseph’s


Among other things, the base in front of him is Joseph’s biggest dream for

many years.

However, although he has been in a war-torn country for many years,

He has never found a chance to get the local officials to allow Cataclysmic

Front to the station in its territory.

But Charlie did it easily.

In addition, he also helped Cataclysmic Front to open up armed escort and

armed security,

Two clean businesses with high returns, low risks, and completely legal.

Not only that, but he also continues to provide financial support.

With the current scale alone, in the next ten or twenty years,

Cataclysmic Front will not be able to spend all the flowers lying around.

Therefore, during this period of time, Joseph’s desire to contribute to

Charlie has become even more urgent.

He originally thought that the kindness he and Cataclysmic Front owed

Charlie was immeasurable,

But who would have thought that Charlie in Mexico poured everyone a cup

of celebration wine,

Which actually improved everyone’s cultivation base!

Ever since he came back from Mexico, Joseph really dreamed of charging

into the battle for Charlie and killing the enemy before the battle.

So, after hearing from him that he had mastered the exact address of a

mysterious organization’s residence,

He couldn’t wait to unplug this residence for Charlie!

But Charlie waved his hand at this time, and said seriously:

“A copper mine guarded by hundreds of cavalry guards may have a very

strong defense force,”

“Not to mention the intricate underground fortifications. If you go in rashly,

you will definitely be caught by the other party.”

“In this case, it is almost impossible for us to wipe out the opponent without

revealing any clues,”

“And there are thousands of dead men and relatives of thousands of dead

men inside.”

“Next, it is also a big hidden danger.”

May 47 on the side also nodded and said: “Mr. Wade is right, the dead man

and their family members have to take the antidote of the organization


“So even if they hate the organization for generations,”

“Once the organization encounters trouble, they will still subconsciously go

up and do their best;”

As he said, he said again: “For the dead, the organization will give us the

antidote only if we work hard for the organization,”

“Otherwise once the organization finds out that we are not loyal enough, we

will be punished.”

“They will kill our relatives first, and let us see them killed with our own


“And then publicly execute us as a punishment;”

“Only if you try your best, you will have a chance to survive, even if you die,

your family will be treated kindly.”

“So, if Master Wan intends to attack this garrison, these dead men will

resist desperately at the first moment.”

Hearing this, Joseph realized how impulsive he was just now.

Embarrassed, he said to Charlie very apologetically: “I’m sorry, Mr. Wade,”

“It’s your subordinates who didn’t think carefully, please forgive me!”

“You were not there at the time, so it is understandable that you do not

know the actual situation of these dead men.”

He said, “Bring those seven guards here and let them introduce themselves

to us.

Check out the situation at the station.”

“Your orders!”

Soon, seven Cavalry Guards were brought in.

These seven people have been very anxious since the journey because

they knew very well that the poison in their bodies would explode in six


And if they didn’t get the antidote within six days, all of them would die.

However, Charlie promised to detoxify their bodies at the beginning,

But before they saw Charlie again, Joseph took them to Syria, so they felt

even more uneasy.

The moment they walked into this conference room and saw Charlie, the

seven talents finally seemed to see a savior.

So, after seeing Charlie, the leader immediately said excitedly: “Sir… you

are also here!”

Charlie nodded slightly, pointed to a row of empty seats in front of him,

And smiled as he said: “Sit down first, there are some situations that I need

to understand with you in depth.”

“No problem!” The man quickly agreed, but his expression was still a little


He was afraid that Charlie didn’t intend to detoxify them at all,

But first squeezed out all the information they knew in the past few days,

And then left them to fend for themselves.

Charlie could also see the worry and apprehension in their expressions,

So he smiled slightly, went up and patted their shoulders one by one, and

then said,

“Are you worried that I won’t detoxify you as I promised?”

Seven People looked at each other in blank dismay, but no one dared to


The leader mustered up his courage and nodded,

And only then did the others dare to nod lightly along with him.

Charlie smiled playfully, and said,

“It’s normal to be worried, but don’t worry now, the poison in your body has

been cured!”

Chapter 5111

For these Cavalry guards, the poison in their bodies is a shackle that

imprisons them for a lifetime and can never be broken.

But for Charlie, it only takes a little spiritual energy to completely remove

the poison in their bodies.

Therefore, when he patted their shoulders one by one just now,

He had already used spiritual energy to remove the poison from their

bodies one by one.

At this time, the seven people heard Charlie say that the poison in their

bodies had been cured.

They were surprised at first, and then they closed their eyes and felt it


Sure enough, the power that had gathered in the dantian before was gone!

The poison in their body is not an ordinary highly toxic substance,

But the energy cannot be controlled by the body.

This energy is like a time bomb in their body, counting down on a cycle of

seven days.

Once the seven days are up, this energy will completely destroy their

meridians and internal organs.

And the so-called antidote is not able to remove the toxin,

But just taking it once can reset the countdown time of the seven days.

It is precisely because of this that they can clearly feel at this moment,

That the toxin in their bodies has completely disappeared.

This made several people look shocked for a moment.

They really couldn’t figure out when the toxin that they could feel just now

disappeared at this moment.

The head’s mind turned relatively quickly.

He remembered that Charlie had patted him on the shoulder just now, so

he asked subconsciously:

“Could it be… Could it be that you patted us just now,”

“And you helped us to cure the poison?”

Charlie nodded slightly.

The man asked in amazement: “There is no cure for this kind of poison,

you… how did you do it?!”

Charlie said with a smile: “The reason why there is no cure is that the

poison left in your body is not a real poison,”

“But an energy that you cannot control, since you cannot control it, you

must be controlled by it.”

The expressions of the seven people were both surprised and happy,

And at the same time, they were more in awe of Charlie.

Although his words were few, they revealed a hierarchical relationship.

The strength of these Cavalry guards is weaker than the energy in their


That has been controlling them, and this energy is weaker than Charlie’s


Therefore, for them, Charlie is the most powerful ceiling in all their cognition

at this stage.

The leader stood up from the chair, took a step back,

Walked around the chair, knelt down on one knee in front of Charlie, and

said respectfully:

“Thank you for saving my life, sir!”

The other six people immediately got up, backed up, and got down

Kneeling, and said in unison:

“Thank you, sir, for saving our lives.”

Charlie nodded slightly, and said to several people:

“Sit down and talk about your understanding of the organization,”

“And see if you can provide some valuable information.”

The man immediately nodded and said: “Don’t worry, for everything I know

I will talk endlessly!”

Charlie looked at Duncan and said, “Inspector Li, do you have any


Duncan said without hesitation: “I have a lot of questions.”

Charlie nodded: “Then you can ask.”

“Okay.” Duncan immediately picked up his notepad,

And he had already listed the conversations Charlie had with several

people just now.

There is a question that he wants to know.

The first few questions were actually asked by Charlie when he was in


Such as their identities, intelligence, the location of the resident, and some

specific information about the resident.

These seven people naturally said everything they knew in one go.

Duncan listened carefully, and after they finished introducing the basic


He asked, “What is the organizational structure in Cyprus, you knights?”

The leader explained: “There are two hundred and seventy-one Cavalry

guards, divided into three banners,”

“Left, middle, and right, with ninety people in each banner,”

“And three battalions in each banner, thirty people in each battalion.”

“Each battalion is divided into three teams, each team has ten people, and

there is a commander.”

“Below are the banner commanders of the three banners, the battalion

commanders of the nine battalions,”

“And the captains of the twenty-seven teams. The battalion commander of

the first battalion of Commander.”

He continued to introduce: “Besides, there is a Commissioner and five

personal guards next to the Commissioner, but they are another He is a

member of the system, and his status is much higher than ours.”

Duncan asked him: “What is the official position of the Commissioner?”

The man replied: “Commissioner is the highest commander of the entire


“In charge of all the people in the station. The power of life and death.”

Duncan frowned and asked: “Commissioner, Commander, Cavalry guards,”

“These functional titles of yours seem to be very old, what is their origin?”

The man explained: “They all come from the Ming Dynasty military system

of China.”

Duncan blurted out: “This organization of yours has continued from the

Ming Dynasty to today, right?”

Chapter 5112

The man said: “To tell you the truth, only the dead soldiers who were

manipulated and enslaved can be traced back.”

“It has a history of at least 300 years, so the time when the organization

was founded is likely to be during the Ming Dynasty,”

“But I am only speculating on this, and I am not too clear about the specific


Duncan couldn’t help taking a breath, and then he settled down and asked


“Then do you have the identity information of this Commissioner?”

“No.” The man shook his head and said: “The internal structure of the

garrison is extremely strict.”

“But it is still the object of the organization’s enslavement,”

“And everything is done according to orders every day, and I don’t know the

specific identity of Commissioner.”

Duncan pursed his lips, and asked: “If we divide according to strength,”

“Commissioner, Commissioner Which group is the most powerful, the

bodyguards, the Cavalry guards, and the dead soldiers?”

The man thought for a while, and said: “We have never seen

Commissioner and his personal guards attack,”

“But our strength is generally stronger than that of the dead because we

stand out from the dead.”

Duncan asked: “Do you Cavalry guards often perform missions?”

The man replied: “The Cavalry guards only perform emergency missions.”

Then, he further introduced: “Normal missions are usually performed by

dead men,”

“And we will select them in advance. The dead soldiers who performed the


“And then put them into a deep coma before they set off,”

“And then hand them over to the postman to transport them to the place

where the mission was performed.”

“We Cavalry guards will be in charge.”

Duncan asked again: “Then please describe to me all the details of the

mission you received this time.”

The man thought for a while and said in a straightforward manner:

“Temporary mission was received only hours ago, the Commissioner gave

the commander the pictures of eight Nordic people,”

“And the commander selected seven of us according to the physical

characteristics of the eight people in the photos.”

“After makeup in the copper mine, He led the team and we flew to Bergen.”

Duncan suddenly felt a little tricky.

He said to Charlie: “Master Wade, the structure of this organization is strict,

and the information isolation between each layer is very good.”

“Even for a Cavalry guard, all the inside information he knows is limited to

their station to station.”

“Some deceptive business, but almost nothing else, so if you look at it this


“If you want to know more in-depth information, you have to find the


Charlie nodded, and said: “The Commissioner may not know how much

valuable information.”

Duncan suddenly remembered something, and quickly asked Charlie:

“Master Wade, you just said that the poison in their bodies needs to be

taken regularly to delay the onset, right?”

Charlie nodded slightly: “That’s right.”

Duncan asked May 47: “May 47, you dead men living near Sri Lanka also

need to take medicine regularly, right?”

May 47 nodded truthfully and said: “Yes, Inspector Li.”

Duncan then looked at the commander of Cavalry guards and asked him:

“How do you get the medicine you take every week?”

“There are a large number of them in the copper mine. Is it a reserve, or

will someone come to deliver it every once in a while?”

The man hurriedly said: “The medicine is delivered regularly, and it is all

transported by the freighter between us and Turkey,”

“And the large number of supplies we need are also delivered through the

channel of the freighter.”

Duncan nodded and murmured: “In other words, if there is a way to cut off

the supply of antidote,”

“Then all the dead soldiers and all the Cavalry guards in the entire station

will not survive seven days. Right?”

The man’s back turned cold, and he said subconsciously:

“In theory, this is the case, but you can’t do this!”

Duncan looked at him, and said lightly: “I just raised this possibility.”

Said After that, he looked at Charlie and said seriously:

“Master Wade, if you want to get rid of this station, it is definitely a good

way to cut off the supply of antidote,”

“And once the supply of antidote is successfully cut off, you can enter the In

a state of encircling a point to fight for aid,”

“It is like a sniper on the battlefield, instead of killing the wounded,”

“He uses the wounded to attract rescuers from the other side,”

“And then kills all the people who come to rescue one by one.”

Joseph heard this, and couldn’t help but excitedly said: “Waiting for help!

Inspector Li’s method is great!”

After that, he quickly said to Charlie:

“Mr. Wade there is a seven-day deadline, and after those seven days, the

station may disappear by itself.”

May 47 said in horror, “Mr. Wade, think twice! Once this is done,”

“Thousands of dead men and their families may die without burial. This is

the land of the organization!”

“Yes…” the commander Cavalry guards also said in a panic:

“Most of the dead soldiers and Cavalry guards are forced to work for the


“If their antidote supply is really broken, none of them will survive, this…

this is… too cruel for them…”

After finishing speaking, he looked at Charlie and begged:

“Sir, please see that we are all forced to do nothing, please give us, our

relatives and friends a way to survive…”

Charlie didn’t speak, and after thinking for a while,

He opened his mouth and said: “Although the method of cutting off the

antidote is useful,”

“It is really not humane. Once it succeeds, thousands of lives will cease to


Speaking of this, Charlie suddenly looked at May 47 and these Cavalry

guards, he asked seriously:

“If one day, you find that after you take the antidote given by the


“The poison in your body is not delayed, but suddenly completely

eliminated. What would your reaction be?”

Chapter 5113

Hearing the words of Charlie, the seven cavalry guards and May 47 sitting

on the other side were stunned!

They didn’t know why Charlie would suddenly ask such a question,

But the expressions of these eight people were a little excited at this time.

May 47 was the first to speak, clenched his fists, and said sharply:

“Mr. Wade, if what you said is true, we dead soldiers will definitely organize

to break out of the siege!”

“Even if we die, we will die under the sun!”

The person heading Cavalry Guard also subconsciously said:

“That’s right, Mr. Wade… If this really happens,”

“Cavalry Guards will definitely take the opportunity to fight to the death!”

May 47 sighed: “To all the dead soldiers Generally speaking,”

“The shackles of the organization are mainly the poison in the body and

their own family members.”

“Once the trouble of the poison is solved, the dead soldiers will be able to

use their own strength to desperately defend the safety of their relatives,”

“And have the opportunity to lead their family members to escape.”

“My God, this is the biggest dream of every dead warrior for dozens of

generations of ancestors,”

“And once given the chance, every dead warrior will go all out for this


May 47’s words made the other Cavalry Guards agree and show empathy.

Like these dead men, they all longed for the day when they could

completely break away,

From the control of this mysterious organization.

The reason why he never stood up against the organization was mainly

that the poison in his body was powerless to resist.

It’s not like none of their predecessors have done this before,

But whether they resist or escape, the maximum lifespan of each of them

after escaping is only seven days.

Therefore, this kind of thing has no chance of success at all, over time, no

one is willing to do it.

But if what Charlie said really happened, and the poison in their bodies was

suddenly completely eliminated,

They would stand up and resist to the end like dead soldiers.

After seeing the attitudes of several people, Charlie nodded in satisfaction

and asked,

“Does Commissioner need to take antidote regularly?”

“I’ve never heard of it.” The leader of the Cavalry Guards said:

“Commissioner is mysterious and keeps a low profile.”

“We have no way of knowing whether he will take the antidote like us.”

Charlie asked again: “Then every time After the antidote is delivered,”

“How is it distributed to you and all the dead men?”

The man explained: “Every time the antidote is delivered,”

“The Commissioner will personally connect with the postman who is

responsible for delivering the antidote.”

“Ten pieces form a letter, wrapped in waterproof wax paper,”

“And then sealed with special wax and seals. Every time the antidote is


“The Commissioner will personally check the packaging of each letter.”

“After asking the question, give these antidotes to his bodyguards,”

“And then his bodyguards will personally distribute them to us, cavalry


He continued: “When the antidotes are distributed, we according to the

system , line up to receive the antidote,”

“And after receiving the antidote, we must take the antidote immediately,”

“And we must not take the antidote away quietly.”

“Together with them, we distribute the antidote to the dead man and their

family members.”

“The overall process is basically the same.”

“The dead man and his relatives must also complete the medication under

our supervision.”

“In this way, the whole process of taking the medicine at one time is

considered complete.”

Duncan on the side couldn’t help asking: “I have a question to ask,”

“Since you can only live for 7 days without the antidote,”

“Why do they supervise you to take the antidote? How about going on?”

“Is there anyone who deliberately refuses to take the antidote they gave


The man smiled wryly, and said: “Whether it is us or the dead, we have

always thought about resisting,”

“Although it shows that we know that we have no ability to fight with them.”

“The whole organization fights, but there are still some flukes, so in the


“Many dead soldiers deliberately did not take the antidote,”

“Left the antidote for many people to one person, and then tried to help that

person escape from the station.”

“Hoping to exchange help from the outside world by asking for help and

exposing the inside story of the entire organization,”

“But all failed without exception, but because of this kind of thing


“The organization’s requirement is that someone must supervise when

taking the medicine.”

Hearing this, Charlie said, “That is to say, the antidote given to you has a

special anti-counterfeiting method,”

“But only one person, Commissioner, will know the specific method of


“So after the antidote is delivered, he will be responsible for the


“He comes to connect and verify the authenticity, and after confirming that

there is no problem,”

“They will be issued to the Cavalry Guards first, followed by the dead and

their families.”

“Yes.” The man nodded and said: “The whole process is actually very


Chapter 5114

Charlie asked again: “In your impression, what are the anti-counterfeiting

features of the antidote?

“Every letter of medicine is opened in front of us and handed out to us,”

“But the wax used to seal the wax paper is reheated every time.”

“The pattern on it no longer exists, so I don’t know what the sealant looks

like on the original medicine seal.”

Charlie nodded lightly, and said: “In this way, they want to steal the sky and

change the day without showing anything.”

“And then cheated the Commissioner, it should be impossible.”

“If I find a link in the middle to change the medicine, it will inevitably destroy

the original anti-counterfeiting mark to a certain extent,”

“And wait for the Commissioner to get the medicine. He will realize

something is wrong immediately.”

“Yes.” The man agreed: “We don’t know how many anti-counterfeit marks

will be on the medicine seal,”

“It may be more than just wax seals, as long as there is a slight negligence,

they will know.”

“Hearing this, Duncan couldn’t help saying with regret:

“If you can really detoxify the body of these more than a thousand dead

soldiers and more than two hundred Cavalry Guards,”

“Even if you don’t take them for your own use , once they escape,”

“It will be enough for this organization to drink a pot, thousands of people


“And they can’t be caught, and they will definitely be in chaos.”

Charlie couldn’t help laughing: “Actually, it doesn’t matter to the

organization even if all these thousand people run away.”

“After all, this is just one of their many dead soldiers’ camps.”

“Even if they are all uprooted, it won’t hurt. If one or two people ran away,”

“In order to keep the station, they would definitely pursue it desperately,”

“So as not to leak the secret, but once the entire station ran away,”

“The station would be of no value to them. It’s fine to just give up the

station, for them, it’s no trouble.”

Charlie said again: “It’s like the United States has so many military bases

around the world,”

“If any of them are taken over by others, For the United States, apart from

making the White House tense,”

“Angry, and painful, it will not bring any real harm to the overall national


Duncan was slightly startled, then nodded and said:

“Master Wade is right, The power of this organization is beyond

imagination, and the escape of a mere resident may not be a big deal.”

Charlie smiled playfully, and said casually: “Since there is no way to hide it

from Commissioner,”

“Then just turn him into one of our own. , In this way, we can truly realize


The leader Cavalry Guards asked puzzledly: “Mr. Wade, how do you plan

to realize this idea?”

“The Commissioner is the chief official of the border organization in the


“Even has the power of life and death, how can such a person become one

of your own?”

Charlie smiled and said lightly: “You don’t have to worry about this, as long

as I see him, I can make him obey me.”

Using spiritual energy to brainwash a person is Charlie’s tried and tested


If he can brainwash the Commissioner of Cyprus, let him become his own


And then take advantage of the opportunity to detoxify the body of all the

dead soldiers and Cavalry Guards,

Then he can let these dead soldiers and Cavalry Guards join his command,

And at the same time Let them continue to stay in Cyprus,

And become a puppet Commissioner, and continue to act as normal for the


In this way, not only can they disintegrate one of their stations,

But they can even place an eye under their noses.

Once the organization has a mission to Cyprus, they can know it


Thinking of this, Charlie asked them: “If the dead warriors and the Cavalry

Guards are really eager to break the shackles as you said,”

“I can give them this chance at that time, but the premise is that they must

swear allegiance to me and join us. Cataclysmic Front,”

“If they agree, they will stay in the station after detoxification and prepare

for the complete destruction of the organization, do you think they will


May 47 said without hesitation: “Don’t worry, Mr. Wade, I believe that

among all the dead No one will refuse!”

The leader of the Cavalry Guards said with some concern: “Mr. Wade, to

tell you the truth,”

“In the team of Cavalry Guards, there are already some people who have

the idea of continuing to climb up.”

“Their hearts, are very close to the organization, and only want to make

contributions to the organization so that they can go to a higher level.”

“If these people are not eliminated, I am afraid that bad things will happen

in the future.”

Charlie nodded and said calmly: “These are good Solve it, when the time

comes, you only need to do a little trick to get these people to show up.”

He then asked, “When will they deliver the medicine next time?”

“Four days later.” The leader of the guards said: “Under normal

circumstances, we will take the next round of antidote five days later.”

“The medicine will usually arrive the night before taking the medicine.”

“The next day they just concentrate on taking the medicine.”

Charlie asked: “The medicine, like other supplies, is shipped from Turkey,


“That’s right.” The other party nodded and said:

“Other living supplies will also arrive in Cyprus along with the transport

ship. “

“Okay.” Charlie smiled slightly: “I will go there alone in four days.”

Then, he looked at Joseph again, and said: “Joseph, you should prepare in

the next few days.”

“Lead people to wait for my news on the high seas, and once I solve the

problem, you will lead people to the land and take over

the copper mine with me.”

Joseph said without hesitation: “Okay, Mr. Wade, your subordinates will

definitely do their best. go!”

Charlie nodded and said: “I need a few days to prepare the antidote for

thousands of people.”

“After four days, I will fly directly to Beirut.”

“Joseph will prepare a small boat for me in advance. I will be alone to cross

the sea to meet them!”

Chapter 5115

Hearing that Charlie wanted to act on his own, Joseph quickly said:

“Mr. Wade It’s risky, why don’t you let your subordinates choose a few elite

soldiers and go with you!”

Charlie waved his hand and said seriously:

“The success rate of this kind of thing is the greatest only when one person


“And even if it fails, one person can do it alone.”

“If I can escape completely, once there are more people, the chance of

being exposed will be greatly increased.”

“Not only must I ensure that this matter is as successful as possible,”

“But I must also ensure that if this matter fails, no clues will be left as much

as possible. …”

Duncan also agreed at this time and said: “I support Young Master Wade’s

point of view.”

“Based on my experience as a police officer for so many years,”

“Most of the major cases that have not been solved in the true sense are

cases involving a single suspect.”

“As long as the person’s professionalism is high enough and his strength is

strong enough,”

“He will be able to accomplish his goal in a leisurely manner without leaving

any valuable clues for the police.”

“The chances of usable clues will increase exponentially.”

Speaking of this, Duncan said again: “To use an appropriate analogy,”

“The murderers behind the double-digit serial murders of the victims are

almost without exception a one person.”

Hearing this, Joseph could only nod his head and said,

“If that’s the case, then the subordinates should make preparations in


“Whenever Mr. Wade needs the Cataclysmic Front and the subordinates

must furbish it as soon as possible!”

Charlie nodded, and said with a smile: “I really have something that you

need to prepare in Beirut in advance.”

Then, Charlie said seriously: “Joseph, on the day of the operation,”

“You should bring May 47 and these seven Cavalry Guards and wait for me

on the high seas.”

“Once I succeed, you take them all to the copper mine.”

“If you want to make those Cavalry Guards and dead soldiers surrender


“You need a few of them to show up and speak.”

Joseph said without hesitation: “Alright Mr. Wade, I will arrange a cruise

ship in advance,”

“And will be waiting for your news on the high seas.”

Charlie nodded, looked at May 47 and the other seven Cavalry Guards,

and said,

“When the time comes, I will have to work hard for you all.”

“If this matter can be successful, I need you to manage this for me


All eight agreed without thinking.

Charlie’s bold and radical plan made them all very excited.

If the disappearance of the poison in their bodies broke the shackles that

the organization had shrouded them for many years,

Then following Charlie to take down the entire resident is the first step to

launch a counterattack against the organization.

Afterward, he asked the people:

“Everyone, can you describe to me what the antidote this organization

usually takes for you?”

May 47 took the lead and said, “We take round pills with a diameter of

About one centimeter,”

“The color is dark brown, and the surface has a certain luster.”

Several other Cavalry Guards also nodded, and the leader said: “We take

the same.”

Charlie frowned, took out a blood-scattering heart-saving pill came,

And asked, “Does it look similar to this?”

May 47 nodded: “Basically, it is very similar, but the color of your pill seems

to be better.”

Charlie said thoughtfully:

“It seems that the antidote they give you is also made using traditional

medical techniques.”

Chapter 5116

Duncan thought of something at the moment and said:

“By the way, I have a question, You just said that the antidote will be taken

after five days,”

“But the antidote will be sent to your station after four days.”

“Don’t the managers of the organization worry that if something goes wrong

during the transportation,”

“The antidote will not be delivered in time? Will it not kill everyone?”

The leader of the Cavalry Guards shook his head and said,

“This is just a daily transportation process. Under normal circumstances,”

“The antidote is delivered one day in advance. As long as there is no


“It will not affect the time of taking the medicine. , It doesn’t matter if there is

an accident,”

“Commissioner has enough reserves for more than two months,”

“But these reserves will only be used in emergencies.”

As he said that, he continued: “A few years ago, for some unknown


“The antidote did not come for three consecutive weeks.”

“Those three weeks were solved by relying on the reserves of


“But in the fourth week, the follow-up antidote was delivered.”

Duncan hurriedly asked: “Do you know why there was no antidote for three


The man replied: “It’s not clear.”

Duncan asked again: “For these three weeks, was the material

transportation between you and Turkey terminated?”

“No.” The man said: “The material transportation between us and Turkey is

very stable,”

“And the freighter basically goes once a week.”

Duncan nodded lightly, He opened his mouth and said:

“Since the connection with Turkey is normal, your antidote should not be

processed in Turkey.”

“Turkey should also be a transit. The problem is the line from the previous

station to Turkey.”

“It should be the one.” The man said helplessly:

“We only know a little bit about many things, and don’t understand the deep


Duncan looked at Charlie and said seriously: “Master Wade,”

“If your plan can be successfully achieved this time, then I suggest that you

must find an opportunity to follow the vine and take down the copper

smelter in Turkey.”

“The hierarchy of this organization is too strict,”

“And the information blockade is also very strict.”

“Judging from this trend, I speculate that the resident Commissioner may

not know too much,”

“And if they go up a level, they should be the copper smelter in Turkey, and

the copper smelter must know more.”

Charlie clicked nodded and said in agreement: “Inspector Li’s analysis is

very reasonable.”

“The copper smelter should be the highest-level existence in this

organization that we know so far.”

Duncan said again: “Besides, the clue of the antidote is also Very


“May 47 was stationed near Sri Lanka, and these Cavalry Guards stationed

in Cyprus,”

“But the antidote they took were all of the same specifications,”

“Which was most likely processed by a processing factory,”

“And the antidote was processed here After batch processing in the


“It will be distributed from here to the world.”

“If this is the case, then the distribution path of the antidote is an important

clue to connect the entire organization!”

Duncan’s words made Charlie’s eyes light up.

The biggest impression this organization gave him was the clear division of

internal levels.

And the extreme blocking of clues and information.

Moreover, many of the stations basically operate independently,

And are very secretive in themselves. Even if the stations are exposed,

They will not reveal accurate clues about the organization.

However, as Duncan said, if the antidote is produced intensively by this


Then as long as he follows the clues of the antidote upward,

He will be able to find the specific location where the antidote was

produced by the organization.

In addition, the antidote is of great significance to the organization.

Once the production site of the antidote is found, it is not far from finding

the core of the organization.

Originally, Charlie’s attitude towards this mysterious organization was to

keep restraint as much as possible,

And only make precise sniper attacks on the global dispatch of its six


However, after learning about the situation of the other party’s residence in


He suddenly discovered that the management model of the dead man’s

residence seemed to be unbreakable,

Chapter 5117

But it actually left him a breakthrough point.

As long as he can quietly control the Commissioner of Cyprus,

And then detoxify all the dead soldiers and Cavalry Guards in Cyprus from

the toxins that occur regularly in the body,

He can directly destroy the mysterious organization without bloodshed or

even alarming this mysterious organization.

The entire slain garrison is in the bag.

Moreover, the whole thing is very feasible.

First of all, it is not difficult for him to make an antidote.

If he wants to remove the severe poison in these people, he only needs a

small amount of spiritual energy to achieve it.

A batch of quick-acting pills can ensure that these dead men can break free

from the shackles of the poison immediately after taking the medicine.

Secondly, it is not difficult to infiltrate the iron barrel-like copper mine,

Because this iron barrel has a gap, and that is the freighter that shuttles

between it and Turkey.

As Cavalry Guards said, in order to ensure that they will not be seen by the

outside world,

They have been ensuring the stable output of copper mines,

And they have also set up a copper smelter in Turkey to digest the copper

ore at fixed points.

Copper mines have stable output and fixed sales channels.

Whether it is goods or funds, the direction and route of flow are very clear.

As a result, no abnormalities can be seen from the outside world.

In fact, if it is only to ensure the normal output of copper mines,

It is not necessary for the organization to establish a copper smelter in

Turkey alone.

After all, the copper ore produced by the mine itself does not contain any


And no matter who it is sold to, it has no effect in theory.

But the fundamental purpose of this organization supporting a copper

smelter in Turkey.

This is to ensure that the material needs within the copper mine can be fully


Since the number of people in this copper mine is only a few hundred


But the number of people living inside it is as high as several thousand.

If the living materials needed by thousands of people are directly

purchased from Cyprus,

It will be so huge The quantitative discrepancy will inevitably arouse local


This is doomed, they must have a safe channel to carry out the silent

supply of materials inside the mine.

At this time, the copper smelter in Turkey played a huge role.

On the surface, they used shipping to transport the copper ore produced by

the mine to Turkey.

But in fact, the most important thing is that the ships that came to transport

copper ore quietly carried a large number of living materials to Cyprus,

First quietly transported all the supplies to the inside of the copper mine,

And then pretended to produce copper from the copper mine. The ore is

shipped back to Turkey.

It just made use of the shipping channel for copper mine transportation,

And at the same time, quietly replenished the interior of the copper mine.

It seems that the copper smelter imports the ore produced by the copper

mine and generates income for the copper mine,

But in fact, the core role of the copper smelter is just a deceptive supporting

facility of the mine.

One has to say that this way of building the plank road in the open and

keeping the warehouse in the dark is indeed very ingenious.

For Charlie, as long as he can seize the opportunity and touch the cargo

ship delivering supplies to Cyprus,

He can infiltrate all the way until he meets the Commissioner face to face.

And once he was given such an opportunity, he would be confident enough

to control that Commissioner.

However, Charlie also has two plans.

If all goes well, the entire garrison will naturally be taken down without


But it doesn’t matter if he can’t control that Commissioner,

He can kill him quietly, and then distribute the antidote to all the dead

soldiers and Cavalry Guards,

And don’t care about the rest, let these dead warriors and Cavalry Guards

play freely,

Chapter 5118

And when thousands of people suddenly escape from control,

It is definitely enough for this organization to drink a pot.

Moreover, Charlie acts alone for both plans,

So he was absolutely sure that he would not leave any clues,

And no matter whether he succeeded or failed,

He would not let that mysterious organization find him by following the


Afterward, Charlie, Joseph, and Duncan worked out a more detailed action


After the plan was formulated, Charlie planned to leave for the United

States and use the remaining few days to prepare well.

However, before leaving, he specially asked Joseph to take him to meet

brother Abren who specializes in communications.

At present, Cataclysmic Front has prepared an independent two-story

building for Abren,

Which is specially used for his research.

Although Abren arrived in Syria only a few days ago,

His overall state has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Not only does his spirit, complexion, and mood look much better, but he

also seems to be much younger.

Seeing Charlie, Abren was very pleasantly surprised, and said excitedly:

“Mr. Wade, why did you come to Syria?

“Are you used to the place?”

Abren said with a satisfied face: “Since I came here,”

“I feel refreshed every day, but the only regret is that the work still needs to

wait for the equipment to be in place,”

“So I can’t start it directly for a while.”

Saying that he said again: “I made a list of equipment and Mr. Joseph has

arranged for the purchase without any discount.”

“What I want are basically the world’s top civil communication-related


“After arriving in Syria one after another, I plan to first build an encrypted

communication system that can cover the entire base,”

“And in the process, design an encryption algorithm, which can be

synchronized after the satellite goes into space.”

Charlie asked curiously: “Brother, when will our own satellite be able to go

to the sky?”

Abren explained: “Recently, the people under Cataclysmic Front are sent to

several world companies,

Through a shell company registered in the offshore area.

Well-known communication companies order communication satellites,

But the current satellites are not ready-made and need to be scheduled.

After the satellites are off the production line, we will first ship them to


“I will make some modifications to the satellites and then deliver them to a

commercial launch company to launch them,”

“But the research and development of the algorithm and the transformation

of the satellite require a lot of work,”

“And it may take a year or two at the earliest.”

Charlie asked him: “Brother, It must be difficult for you to complete the work


“So why not recruit more people to help you do things,”

“If you can build a satellite communication team, the efficiency will definitely

be greatly improved.”

Abren said helplessly: “I have thought about this too, But it is not easy to


“I contacted some old colleagues and old subordinates.”

“When they heard that they were going to work in Syria, they were a little


“Moreover, the workplace is inside the base.”

“I am also worried that outsiders will come in and cause the risk of leaks.”

Charlie nodded and said: “We don’t lack money, what we lack is time,”

“So in my opinion, it is better to do this.”

“We first establish or simply acquire a communication company with a

sufficient foundation in the United States,”

“And then let this team In the United States, do research and development

according to your requirements,”

“And you will coordinate as a whole. In addition, we can use companies in

the United States as reserves.”

“During the operation of this team, if we find trustworthy talents, we can

gradually absorb them into Syria.”

Speaking of this, Charlie paused slightly, and then said:

“In addition, brother, you don’t have to worry about these people not

wanting to come to Syria,”

“As long as you can give enough money, you will definitely be able to

impress them!”

Chapter 5119

“Acquisition of a company?”

Abren was taken aback by Charlie’s words and said:

“Mr. Wade, if you want to acquire a communication company with sufficient


“The cost is at least one billion US dollars, the investment will be too high,”

“I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve profitability…”

Charlie shook his head and said: “Profit is not the most important thing,”

“How to solve our urgent needs now? That’s the most important thing.”

Then, Charlie said again: “Our biggest pain point right now is time urgency,”

“Not to mention a year or a month, even a day or an hour,”

“We must try our best to fight for it, time is far more important than money.”

Charlie paused for a moment, and continued: “If you want to develop faster

than ordinary people,”

“You must change the thinking mode that only solves the immediate


“If there is no one, or you cannot recruit people,”

“If you still stay In terms of how to solve the problem of recruiting people,”

“It is basically difficult to achieve great things;”

“The prerequisite for doing great things is that the structure must be large


“When those big companies face the same problem,”

“They will not think about how to build a new team, and then to develop a


“The first solution they will think of is to directly buy suitable products on the


Then, Charlie said: “Elon Musk will not waste precious time to build a


“It is the most economical for him to directly buy Twitter.”

“In fact, it is the same for us. If we need to recruit employees one by one,”

“There are too many variables in it. Even if you expect to solve the problem

in two years,”

“Once there is a change in personnel, this time will become indefinitely.”

“First of all, the recruitment cycle will definitely be longer than expected.”

“The original plan is to recruit enough manpower in three months.”

“It may actually take at least half a year or even longer;”

“Secondly, the stability of personnel is insufficient.”

“The team recruited in a few months will take at least a few months to


“But once the newcomers who have been trained with painstaking efforts

suddenly want to leave,”

“The time of these months may be wasted, Even recruiting and training,”

“Half a year of hard work wasted, and we have no other choice but to start

the process all over again.”

“Also, the stability of employees is not enough.”

“The premise of stability is that they have enough.”

“Even if we have the ability to deal with their work, we need to invest in

unknown trial and error costs.”

“If we choose the wrong person, everything will have to be started all over


“In this way, even in three years, we may not be able to achieve what we


“Besides, it is always important to do things in one go.”

“If you stumble and stumble at the beginning, the loss of energy and

confidence will be beyond imagination.”

“It will be difficult to become bigger and stronger.”

Speaking of this, Charlie looked at Abren and said earnestly:

“Brother, although you are high-spirited now, if you really encounter various

difficulties in the early personnel stage,”

“After one or two years, you yourself will not have the strength you have


Abren After pondering for a moment nodded lightly and sighed:

“You are right, the energy and confidence are getting less and less,”

“Until the end of the consumption, the whole person is slumped. In the past,

I resigned from my first job. I still don’t think it’s a big deal, after all,”

“I have real talents and learning, and it’s definitely not difficult to find a job,”

“But I didn’t expect that I bumped into the wall again and again,”

“And in the end, all my fighting spirit was wiped out…”

Chapter 5120

Speaking of this, Abren suddenly froze on the spot and murmured:

“That’s how it was, from an arrogant communication expert to a sailor who

was willing to go to Mexico to work as a coolie…”

Charlie slightly With a smile, asked,

“Brother, which company did you have the job with the highest salary?”

Abren hurriedly said, “It’s an old American communication company.”

Charlie asked again: “how much is the current market value of that


Abren thought for a while, and said: “A few years ago, the company was

very prosperous.”

“When the market value was the highest, it exceeded tens of billions of


“However, as the bubble continued to burst and the performance continued

to decline.”

“When I was fired, the market value should only be more than one billion.”

Charlie nodded and asked him: “How is the foundation of this company?”

Abren said: “The foundation of software and hardware technology is very


“But the reason why it has gone downhill these years is mainly that the

market direction has not been found.”

“Yes, the person in charge misjudged the development direction of the

communication market,”

“And then gradually killed his own to-C end business,”

“And then turned to rely on his old capital to provide hardware equipment

and technical support for other communication companies.”

Charlie said pleasantly: “That’s just right for us. If its business is doing well

and its market value is high,”

“It will be difficult for us to take it down, and after we take it down,”

“The to-C business will also involve us a lot. experience,”

“But now that it specializes in hardware equipment and technical support,”

“Isn’t it just suitable to serve us? After all, we are not pursuing a new

communication company in the world,”

“We just hope to establish our own communication network as soon as


Abren nodded and said: “If it is combined with our situation, it is indeed

very suitable.”

“We can use many technologies of this company directly,”

“And almost all the rest of this company are scientific researchers.”

“Although the market is a mess, But research and development capabilities

should not be underestimated.”

Charlie said without hesitation: “That’s it! Brother, pack up and come back

to the United States with me immediately!”

Abren said in surprise: “Back to the United States? Mr. Wade,”

“It’s been a few days, and nothing has been sorted out…”

Charlie said: “It is more important to buy your old company as soon as


“After you arrive in the United States, you can go directly to the company’s

boss and talk about acquisitions.”

“Didn’t you say that its market value is probably in the early billion dollars?”

“As long as he is willing to sell, I can pay up to two billion dollars.”

“As for how much can be negotiated, it depends on your ability, brother.”

Abren was dumbfounded, and blurted out: “Mr. Wade…do you really want

to buy that company?”

“Yes.” Charlie nodded firmly, and said: “Buy it, and let it design the satellite

for us.”

“Since it has ready-made technology, it should be able to design the

satellite in a few months, right?”

“And then It will take a few months to produce, and it will be launched in the

first half of next year.”

Abren said excitedly: “It doesn’t take so long!”

“That company itself is developing communication satellites for many large


“And both technology and supply chain is important. It is complete.”

“If we can successfully acquire them,”

“We only need to make some customized adjustments on the original basis

before they can be put into use.”

“Within three months at the earliest, we can develop our own according to

our needs. Communication satellite.”

As he spoke, Abren said again: “If we reserve a launch quota with a

commercial launch company now,”

“Our own satellite will be in orbit as soon as this autumn or winter!

Charlie heard this without hesitation and said: “Good! Great!”

“Brother, you are going back to the United States with me this time,”

“You must overcome all difficulties and take this company down!”

Chapter 5121

A few hours after crossing the Mediterranean, Charlie and Abren returned

to the United States.

The plane first landed in Providence, and after Charlie got off the plane,

It immediately took off again, carrying Abren, Orvel, and Issac to Silicon


The reason why Orvel and Issac were allowed to accompany Abren was

mainly to protect his personal safety.

After all, it was to discuss a billion-dollar business,

And it was not sure whether Georgina had other unknowns in the United

States before.

With the two of them as companions, Charlie is relatively relieved.

He got off the plane alone and drove back to the hotel.

In the next few days, he asked Stella to help deliver a batch of medicinal


And while Claire was in class during the day, he refined a new batch of

Blood Dispersing and Heart Saving Pill.

Afterward, he mixed one Cultivation Pill and two Rejuvenating Pills into it,

And mixed it with a lot of medicinal materials mainly for physical fitness,

And fused thousands of pills that contained enough medicinal power and a

little spiritual energy.

The medicinal effect of this kind of elixir is not as good as that of Blood

Dispersing and Heart Saving Pill,

But it can easily dissolve the poison in the bodies of those dead soldiers

and Cavalry guards,

And help them completely break the shackles passed down from

generation to generation for hundreds of years.

In addition to preparing the antidote, Charlie also made two sets of action

plans for himself.

The preferred solution is to look for opportunities at sea to sneak into the

freighter carrying the antidote,

Seize the line of drug delivery, find a way to obtain a higher level of secrets

about this organization,

And then look for opportunities to drop the antidote;

The alternative best plan is to find a way to sneak into the copper mine,

Wait for the Commissioner to get the antidote, and then quietly attack him.

The advantage of the former is not only the ability to get in touch with

higher-level personnel,

But also a step earlier in time. In this way, if this plan fails,

The latter can also be used, but if the latter is the preferred plan,

There are basically no suitable alternatives.

As for how to quietly board a moving freighter,

He also thought of a feasible plan, and informed Joseph of his request in


So that he could prepare for himself in advance.

Four days later.

Charlie said goodbye to Claire for the time-tested reason of “showing

customers Feng Shui”.

Carrying a black waterproof backpack, he took the Concorde airliner and

took off directly from Providence to Beirut

Beirut is located on the westernmost side of the Middle East and on the

easternmost coast of the entire Mediterranean Sea.

The city faces Cyprus across the sea, and the shortest distance is only two

hundred kilometers.

When Charlie arrived in Beirut, it was already dark,

And Joseph was already waiting here to welcome him.

The first time he saw Charlie, he reported to him:

“Mr. Wade, those seven cavalry guards, as well as May 47, have already

arranged to board the ship in advance.

After crossing the Suez Canal, the first destination is Cyprus,

So I used a helicopter to send people on board at the Suez Canal in


And they will arrive at Limassol, the largest port in Cyprus later today.”

Charlie nodded, and asked him: “Their copper mine is in Limassol, right?

“It has its own wharf.”

Charlie asked again: “Have you found out where the ship delivering the

supplies departed from Turkey?”

“I figured it out.” Joseph said: “According to the sales data of the copper


“The copper ore they produce is sold to a copper smelter in Hatay

Province, Turkey.”

“On the surface, in order to reduce transportation costs,”

“The copper smelter purchased an 8,000-ton freighter for the purpose of

transporting copper from Cyprus.”

“For ore, their shipping route is also very fixed, that is, from Iskenderun Port

in Hatay Province, Turkey,”

“To Limassol Copper Mine’s own port, the whole journey is about 210

nautical miles,”

“Almost 390 nautical miles. Ten kilometers.”

Chapter 5122

Charlie asked him: “Have you mastered the movement of this ship?”

“I have.” Joseph explained: “Their registration information is very formal,”

“So the information of the ships can also be found.”

“It just so happens that ISU Shipping also has ships passing through the

east of Cyprus to Turkey,”

“And there are also returning ships. We have been monitoring the

navigation radar data of these ships,”

“And found the position information of this ship on the navigation radar.”

“It’s almost halfway, and we will arrive in Limassol in more than three


“Okay.” Charlie nodded slightly, and asked again: “Is the speedboat

prepared for me ready?”

“Ready.” Joseph Said: “According to your orders,”

“A speedboat equipped with six Mercury outboard motors has been


“With a maximum speed of 120 kilometers per hour.”

Charlie immediately said: “Take me there now!”

Joseph drove Charlie to an uninhabited coastline.

At this time, a large modified pickup was parked on the beach.

The rear of the pickup was facing the direction of the sea,

And a six- to seven-meter-long thing wrapped in a black tarpaulin was

attached to the back with a trailer.

Joseph lifted the tarpaulin, and a streamlined speedboat came into view.

Immediately, Joseph asked Charlie: “Mr. Wade, do you want your

subordinates to go with you?”

Charlie waved his hand: “I can go by myself. You can take the helicopter,”

“To board the ship to meet other people later. Listen to my orders on the


Joseph nodded, took out a backpack from the cabin, and said to Charlie:

“Mr. Wade, everything you want me to prepare is ready, and the satellite

communicator is also inside. “

“Okay!” Charlie jumped on the boat, familiarized himself with the operation

of this speedboat,

And said to Joseph, “Joseph, go and dump the boat into the sea.”

“Okay, Mr. Wade!”

Joseph drove the pickup truck and slowly dumped the tugboat frame

behind it into the sea.

As the speedboat entered the water, the entire ship floated.

Charlie started the engine, and the voice of Joseph came from the

communicator, saying:

“Mr. Wade, you can reach the route of the ship by driving 130 kilometers

according to the 320 directions.”

“If there is no problem, you should be able to arrive at the designated

location half an hour earlier.”

“Okay,” Charlie said to Joseph through the communicator:

“Joseph, see you in Cyprus.” After that, he controlled the speedboat into

the sea,

And then 180 meters above the sea. Turned at a high speed and sailed into

the vast Mediterranean Sea.

After more than an hour, Charlie had already arrived at the designated

location on the route map.

After he stopped the speedboat about one nautical mile off the course,

He opened the package Joseph had prepared for him and took out a

waterproof black night suit from it.

Afterward, he changed into night clothes, turned off the engine of the


And even turned off the navigation radar on the ship.

In the satellite communicator, the voice of Joseph came at this time:

“Mr. Wade, that ship is less than twenty nautical miles away from you.”

“We will monitor its position in real-time and report to you in time.”

About two Ten minutes later, Charlie could already see the lights of the

freighter on the sea level.

After confirming with Joseph that this ship was exactly the one he was

looking for,

He carried his waterproof backpack, locked the buckle in the middle of the

two straps,

And stared at the ship that was getting closer and closer.

When the opponent was less than two nautical miles away from him,

Charlie used a soul-piercing blade to cut off the speedboat decisively.

When the speedboat sank into the sea, he injected spiritual energy into his


And used the spiritual energy to completely blow water under his feet while

standing above water.

Immediately afterward, he galloped towards the moving freighter like

walking on flat ground!

Chapter 5123

At this time, this freighter with less than 10,000 tons is sailing at full speed

on the sea.

The noise and ups and downs of the ship’s sailing made them completely

unaware that on their left side,

Above the sea, a black shadow was rushing towards them quickly.

And this black shadow is Charlie.

Because of the aura, at this moment, under his feet,

It was like stepping on two invisible air cushions,

And the soles of his feet were about ten centimeters away from the water


Every time he stepped on the waves, there would be a splash of water

under his feet.

If it was in the daytime, not only would it be very eye-catching,

But once it was seen by others, their jaws might drop in shock.

However, the sea surface was pitch black at this time, and he was dressed

in black,

Making him look like a ghost. Even enemies with a keen sense of smell

didn’t notice anything unusual.

As the distance from the ship got closer,

Charlie could even see a few sentries with live ammunition standing on the

deck and the fence of the bridge.

Like most freighters, although the tonnage of this freighter is not very large,

The structure is also that the cargo warehouse is at the front and middle of

the ship, and the entire bridge is at the stern.

The bridge building is the superstructure of the freighter,

Where the wheelhouse that controls the operation of the ship and the living

areas of the crew are all concentrated.

At this time, there were six sentinels on board, two of them were at the


Two were on both sides of the ship in the middle, and two were on the

outer platform of the highest level of the bridge.

Since there were no other ships visible to the naked eye in the nearby


These sentries were somewhat relaxed, but they just stood routinely,

And the two at the stern even got together and smoked.

Charlie thought about it and chose to board the ship at the stern.

Although most of the other party’s personnel were concentrated here,

The environment here was the noisiest because the engines and propellers

of the entire ship were also at the stern.

Even if the opponent has martial arts masters, he is not afraid that the

opponent will notice it.

The two sentinels smoking at the stern did not notice that the black shadow

approached the hull under their noses,

Jumped up from the sea, and climbed directly to the left side of the bridge.

After Charlie searched with spiritual energy,

He found that there were fifteen people in the entire four-story bridge


In addition to the two sentinels on the top floor, there are three other people

in the cockpit.

Of the remaining ten people, eight are on the third floor and two are on the

second floor.

In addition, there were four other people in the engine room below the


Charlie speculated that the three people in the cockpit and the four people

in the engine room,

Should all be staff responsible for the operation of the ship.

The captain may be one of the three people in the cockpit,

But the highest commander on this ship must be not listed here.

As for the real commander, it should be among the ten people on the

second and third floors.

Therefore, he concentrated his aura on the second and third floors,

And conducted a more detailed investigation on these ten people.

It didn’t matter, he immediately found that the eight people on the second


Were distributed in four small rooms, and one room for two felt like a crew


The room where the two people lived on the third floor was much larger,

And the area of one room was equivalent to three crew quarters.

What Charlie didn’t expect was that the two people on the third floor were

clinging to each 0ther at this moment,

Doing intense movements profusely sweating.

Charlie thought to himself: “Take a boat on a mission, and you can still do

things on the boat.”

“I think the supreme commander of this boat must be one of them!”

So he jumped in from the railing on the third floor and sneaked into the


The three-story rest area in the bridge building.

The area inside the bridge building is very large.

On the third floor, besides the large room where two people are having a

good time,

There is also a large meeting room, a dining room, and a bathroom.

Charlie skipped these few empty rooms, and when he came to the door of

the innermost room,

The two people inside had just finished fighting.

At this time, he heard a rustle of cl0thes being put on inside,

And then he heard a man smile and say: “Wait for me, I’ll go to the cockpit

to take a look.”

The other person didn’t speak but heard the crooked k!ssing sound of the


And then there was a sound of footsteps approaching the door from far to


Charlie held the Soul Piercing Blade in the palm of his right hand and

waited for it.

The moment the door opened inward, he saw a middle-aged man flashing

out from the door.

Before the other party could react, Charlie rushed in at an extremely fast


Strangled the opponent’s neck with his left hand, and then closed the door

with his foot.

The opponent’s strength is already at the Great Perfection of the Ming


And seeing Charlie subdue him in an instant, he subconsciously wants to

attack with both hands.

However, before he could react, Charlie directly sealed the consciousness

of the man in front of him with a trace of aura,

Making him unable to control his body at all,

Before the man figured out what happened, his consciousness was

completely imprisoned,

His body stood still, and he couldn’t even move his eyelids.

After this person is settled, Charlie intends to do the same,

And then control the woman inside, and then come to interrogate him.

At this time, because there was a nearly two-meter-long corridor inside the

door of the room,

The woman in the room didn’t know what happened.

But when Charlie stepped into the room, he suddenly found that the person

sitting by the bed,

And arranging his clothes at this time turned out to be an old man in his

fifties or sixties!

Seeing a man in black break into the room, the old man was startled,

And he reached out to grab the pistol by the bedside!

What Charlie didn’t expect was that the old man’s movements were

extremely fast,

And he held the pistol in his right hand in an instant.

However, although his speed is fast, it is far from Charlie’s!

Chapter 5124

Charlie saw that he was holding the gun in his hand,

His right hand shook suddenly, and a soul-piercing blade shot out instantly!

With a click, the old man’s pistol was cut off from the side.

The old man was startled by the severed pistol, and his pupils shrank


He was about to attack Charlie directly,

But he didn’t expect Charlie to appear in front of him suddenly and grabbed

his neck.

The old man was not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

He grabbed Charlie’s wrist with both hands and tried his best to resist


Charlie didn’t hide, but gathered his spiritual energy on his wrist,

Strangled his neck tightly, and said with a sneer,

“I thought the guy from the Ming Realm outside was the strongest here,”

“But I didn’t expect you to be a master of the third level of the dark realm!”

“Come, let me see how capable you are!”

Among the ranks of warriors, except for the level of the light realm,”

“Which is divided according to the number of meridians opened,”

“The dark realm, the transformation realm, and the master realm, are

divided into one to nine levels or heavens.

Joseph, who just stepped into the dark realm,

Is still at the most basic level of the first level of the dark realm.

However, this old guy has already reached the third level of darkness.

With his strength, if Joseph were in front of him today,

He would definitely not be able to survive three moves.

And the old man didn’t expect that Charlie’s strength was so strong,

That he had no ability to resist at all in front of him,

So he struggled and asked, “You… who are you?!”

Charlie didn’t answer his question, just sneered, and said sarcastically:

“You don’t care who I am, but you, at such an old age, have a special


The old man’s expression was suddenly extremely shocked, and he asked


“You. …You…You are so young, how can you tell that I am a dark realm?”

“Are you also a dark master!”

Charlie smiled and said: “In my eyes, the dark realm is not a master.”

Speaking, he searched his dantian with spiritual energy, frowned, and said:

“You have been in the dark, and there is still poison in your body.

The old man asked him dumbfounded: “You… how did you see it?!”

Charlie frowned even tighter, and said in a cold voice:

“Not only can I see that there is a poison in your body,”

“But I can also see that the poison in your body is different from those dead

soldiers and guards.”

“The poison in your body is more violent.”

After all, Charlie stared at him, and said sharply:

“I’ll give you a chance, to tell the truth. If you can’t grasp it, then I will use

my method.”

The old man calmed down a little, looked at Charlie, and asked Said:

“If I’m not mistaken, your Excellency should have killed all the Cavalry

Guards in Bergen, Norway?”

Charlie asked with great interest: “Why,”

“You have already guessed that someone killed all the Cavalry Guards?”

The old man shook his head, and said: “The higher-ups think that the

Nordic side had planned and set a trap in advance,”

“But seeing your strength, and hearing your mention of dead soldiers and

Cavalry Guards,”

“I guessed that it should be related to you.” “

As he said that, the old man continued: “Some time ago in New York,”

“We had dozens of dead men disappear, presumably it has something to

do with your Excellency?”

Charlie looked at the old man, raised his eyebrows, and said:

“It seems that you are very smart,”

The old man sneered: “It’s not smart, it’s just that I have always doubted

these two things.”

“When I saw you today, I felt a sudden enlightenment. Your power is


“Which coincides with these two things. They completely match.”

Speaking of this, the old man asked Charlie: “Your Excellency suddenly

appeared here,”

“The target should not be my old bones, but the place I am going to?”

Charlie also nodded calmly, and said: “That’s right since you are a smart


“Let’s open the skylight and speak frankly. What do I ask and what do you


“Don’t hide anything. Otherwise, I have ten thousand ways to make your

life worse than death.”

The old man bit Holding the false teeth in his mouth, he said with a firm


“I know that your strength is far superior to mine, and it is easy to kill me,”

“But if you want me to tell the truth, you must promise that you will spare

my life,”

“Otherwise, I will crush your fangs and kill myself now!”

Charlie smiled, and said playfully: “Critting your fangs?”

“Some of you dead soldiers in New York had done this before,”

“But even if he gnawed his fangs, I could still protect him.” He didn’t die.”

The old man chuckled and said, “Your Excellency also said just now that

the poison in my body is different from theirs.”

“Your Excellency is right, it is indeed different, and not only the poison in my

body is different,”

“Even the poison in my fangs is different.”

“It’s different, once the venom in my mouth is crushed, not the gods can

save me.”

Charlie asked him with a smile: “Is it really so powerful?

“Try it, but if I die, you won’t get any information.”

Charlie sighed, shook his head, and said: “You old ba5tard, not only


“But also overconfident, you think I have no other way to let you Open your


The old man thought he had grasped Charlie, so he said with a deadpan


“Before you do anything, I want to remind you that I am the only

Commissioner on this ship.”

“If you want to know, only I have a deep understanding of the situation in

Cyprus and Turkey, and only I can answer for you;”

Speaking of this, he snorted and said arrogantly: “If I die, the branch of the

organization in Turkey will immediately cut off all connections with the

Cyprus copper mine.”

“Contact and start the self-destruction of the copper mine, in that case,”

“Everyone in the entire Cyprus copper mine will die without a place to


“At that time, the clues that you have worked so hard to trace will be

completely broken!”

Charlie raised his eyebrows, smiled, and said: “You are really good at


The old man sneered and said: “Everything I said is true, if you don’t

believe it, then try me!”

“Okay, then let’s try it.” After Charlie finished speaking, he sneered, and a

wave of spiritual energy entered the old man’s brain from his hands,

And then he said in an orderly tone: “From now on, your mission is to obey

my words without any reservations, do you understand? ?”

The old man’s expression froze for a moment, and his eyes were a little


“But his tone became extremely firm. He looked at Charlie and said word

by word: “I understand!”

Chapter 5125

After the old man was given a psychological hint by Charlie,

Charlie went straight in and asked, “What is your name, and what is your

status in the organization?”

The old man said humbly: “My name is Reverend Duan,”

“And serve as a commissioner in the Right Army Governor’s office.”

“Right Army Governor’s office?” Charlie frowned and asked him,

“What kind of institution is this Right Army Governor’s office?”

Reverend replied respectfully: Following the system of the Ming Dynasty,”

“The Lord established the Command of the Five Armies, which are the

Command of the Central Army,”

“The Command of the Left Army, the Command of the Right Army, the

Command of the Front Army, and the Command of the Rear Army.”

“After hundreds of years of development, now each and every governor’s

Office is responsible for organizing specific affairs in a continent.”

“According to the Chinese tradition of sitting north to south, Asia is at the


“Europe is at the right, America is at the left, and Oceania is at the front.”

“Although Africa is also on the left, due to strategic significance It’s not very

important, so it’s listed as the last.”

Charlie was horrified when he heard it, he had expected that this

mysterious organization would be a powerful behemoth,

But after listening to Reverend’s introduction, he realized that,

The power of this organization has truly covered the whole world.

Covering the whole world is a capability that is currently not available to all

the top chaebols.

The Routhschild family has been cultivating for so many years,

But they have only solidified their foundation in Europe and North America.

As for the other continents, they have at most penetrated some capital,

And it is difficult to expand their real influence to other continents.

As for the Saudi royal family, let alone, their power is basically concentrated

in the Middle East,

And they can’t even affect East Asia.

An family, which ranks third, has a relatively smaller sphere of influence,

Almost all of these are concentrated in the United States.

Thinking of this, he looked at Reverend and asked the question that had

been on his mind for a long time:

“What is the name of your organization?”

Reverend said, “The organization is called the Warrior’s Den and it exists

for more than 400 years.”

Charlie knew from May 47 that this organization was at least With a history

of two to three hundred years,

He was not very surprised to learn that this organization had been

established for more than four hundred years,

So he asked, “Is your military governor’s office located in Turkey?”

“No.” Reverend shook his head and said: “To be on the safe side,”

“The governor’s office of the right army is rotated in various European


“And the country is changed every three years. Now the governor’s office

has been rotated to Italy.”

Chapter 5126

Charlie asked again: “What are the details in Italy?” Do you know the


“I don’t know.” Reverend shook his head and said,

“Although I am the commissioner of the Governor’s Office in Turkey,”

“I have been on standby in Turkey for so many years since I left the Warrior


Charlie asked him: “What is the Warrior Camp?”

Reverend explained: “The Warrior Camp is a place within the organization

that specializes in cultivating high-level warriors.”

“Only warriors who have opened up all eight meridians have the

opportunity to enter the Warrior Camp for further studies.”

Charlie nodded, and said lightly: “Give me an in-depth introduction to this

Warrior Camp.”

Reverend said: “The Warrior Camp rates each person based on their

strength and aptitude.”

“There are four levels in total. If you can stay in the Warrior camp for ten


“You will have to leave the camp after ten years to accept other


“If you can reach the C level, you can stay in the Warrior camp for 20


“If you can reach the B level, you can After staying in the Warrior camp for

30 years,”

“If you can reach Grade A, you can stay for 40 years or even longer.”

“I was designated as Grade A and C at that time, and I stayed in Warrior

Camp for a full 20 years.”

Charlie asked: “Joining the Warrior Camp, what are the benefits for you?”

Reverend explained: “There are many benefits to joining the Warrior


“The first is to join the Warrior Camp. After the Warrior camp,”

“There are masters of the transformation realm as the instructors to teach

them in person,”

“And they can get complete martial arts exercises, and again,”

“Medicinal materials that can improve the cultivation and strengthen the


“Although some people have opened up all eight meridians,”

“They can’t reach the realm of greatest perfection in their entire lives.”

“The realm of the Great Perfection, let alone the chance to step into the

Dark Realm,”

“But as long as you join the Warrior Camp, even if you are only rated as a


“I can still achieve a breakthrough within ten years and become a master of

the Dark Realm.”

“I will wait in the Warrior Camp After twenty years,”

“I have broken through from an eight-star warrior to the third level of


“Which is something I could never have imagined before.”

“The reason why a warrior like me is willing to join the organization is

because of this opportunity.”

Charlie Unexpectedly, there are still people in this organization.

“Where is this Warrior camp?” Charlie asked.

“I don’t know where the Warrior Camp is. When I went to the Warrior


“I was taken there in a coma. When I left, I was brought out in a coma.”

“Moreover, the camp of the Warrior camp was no different from the camp of

the dead.”

“They were all underground buildings, and it could even be called an

underground city.”

“And we students of the Warrior camp all lived in the bottom of this

underground city,”

“I have been in Warrior Camp for twenty years, and I had never seen the

sun, nor the moon.”

Chapter 5127

Charlie asked with some horror: “The sun has not been seen for twenty


“And the dead have no choice. It’s understandable, you who have the right

to choose,”

“And you find that there is a dark life there, wouldn’t you resist or run


“How could that be?” Reverend blurted out without thinking,

“Twenty years in the Warrior Camp, almost snapped your fingers.”

“They pass in a flash, every minute and every second was extremely


“During the twenty years there, I broke through from an eight-star warrior to

the Great Perfection of the Bright Realm,”

“And then from the Great Perfection of the Bright Realm to the First Layer

of Dark Realm.”

“It’s the second heaven, the third heaven, I have lived for eighty-five years,”

“And the twenty years in the Warrior camp are the most fulfilling twenty

years of my life!”

Charlie didn’t expect that Reverend looked only in his early sixties,

But In fact, he was already eighty-five years old.

However, the Reverend is a master of the dark realm after all,

And the natural lifespan of masters of the dark realm is more than 120 to

30 years old,

So it is reasonable for him to look younger than his actual age.

At this time, Reverend mentioned the Warrior Camp, and said with regret:

“I am still regretting that my cultivation speed in the Warrior Camp did not

meet the promotion standards of the Camp.”

“In ten years, if I could break through to the fourth level of darkness,”

“Then I could stay for another ten years, or even longer…”

Charlie suddenly realized.

Not everyone is as lucky as they are, able to quickly master the aura,

And directly gain a stronger strength that surpasses warriors.

And the vast majority of warriors, in order to achieve improvement of their

cultivation base,

Have been practicing non-stop for decades.

For such people, the excellent training opportunity of Warrior Camp is

tailor-made for them.

Not only can it provide them with various resources, but more importantly,

It can allow them to practice for decades without distraction.

Without even being disturbed by day and night.

For those martial idiots whose minds are mostly on cultivation,

To have such an opportunity, not only will they not hate and repel them,

But it will not be exchanged for a thousand dollars.

Thinking of this, Charlie suddenly remembered Duncan’s method of using

earthquakes to locate the May 47 garrison,

So he asked Reverend, “Did you experience an earthquake or tsunami

during the 20 years you were in Warrior Camp?”

“Earthquake? Tsunami ?” Reverend shook his head:

“I have no impression… In Warrior Camp, we spent most of our time


“And paid little attention to the things around us, so we don’t have any

relevant memories.”

Chapter 5128

Hearing this, Charlie, couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.

He naturally knew that Reverend had been psychologically hinted by him,

And there was absolutely no way he could hide anything.

But Reverend has no impression of the earthquake and tsunami.

It may be that his place has never experienced an earthquake or tsunami,

But it may also be that he has experienced it but he does not remember it.

After all, he is different from May Four Seven.

Every day when May 47 was in the dead man’s station,

He was trying to find a way to confirm the information from the outside


Or trying to find a way to record the time, and he was always thinking about

how to escape.

Therefore, May 47 will be very sensitive to any disturbance in the

surrounding environment.

But Reverend joined the Warrior Camp completely voluntarily,

And he had no idea of escaping from birth at all.

He even regretted that he could not stay in the Warrior Camp for another

ten years.

Pays too much attention to the surroundings.

In desperation, Charlie asked him again:

“How many warriors like you are there in the entire Warrior camp?”

Reverend thought for a while, and said: “During the 20 years I was there,”

“There were more than 30 people one after another.”

“At most about twenty people at the same time.”

Charlie frowned and asked: “That is to say,”

“Warrior Camp has trained at least dozens of dark realm masters.”

“Yes.” Reverend nodded: “There are at least forty or fifty.”

Charlie was surprised by this strong reserve of the organization,

e asked in surprise: “Since there are so many masters of the dark realm in

breaking the clearing,”

“Why didn’t any of the people sent in these two missions reach the dark


Reverend explained: “Although there are many masters in the dark realm,”

“At least half of them have been incorporated into the Miracle Battalion.”

“It is said that they will be arranged to serve at the core base of the


“Some of the rest will be incorporated into Uniform Guards,

And some will be assigned to the Five Armies In the Command’s Office,”

“On average, there are only a few dark masters in each Command’s


“And each Command’s Office will try to keep the dark realm masters by his

side as personal bodyguards,”

“Only one or two people are designated as commissioners,”

“And they go out to perform various tasks like me, so in general, dark-world

experts are not enough.”

Charlie was shocked when he heard this, knowing that this organization is

very powerful,

But he didn’t expect to be stronger than himself. Stronger than imagined.

Immediately, he regained his composure and asked Reverend:

“Then what is the organization of Uniform Guards?”

Reverend said: “Although Uniform Guards does not serve by the Lord’s


“They are directly dispatched by the Lord. After they leave Warrior Camp,”

“They will use other identities They were assigned to all over the world, but

I don’t know more about it.”

Reverend said, “As for the time in New York,”

“It was mainly because the target of the assassination had a great influence

in the United States,”

“And that mission was to destroy the other party.”

“Once successful, this matter would have inevitably cause a huge

sensation all over the world,”

Chapter 5129

Reverend continued: “Therefore, in order to avoid exposure,”

“The organization did not send martial arts masters when encountering

such things that will attract global attention.”

“So it was decided to send out the dead men;”

“Although the strength of the dead fighters is not as good as that of the

masters of the dark realm,”

“Due to the development of thermal weapons, they also have their own

special tactics,”

“And they can basically have the actual combat ability no less than that of

martial arts masters.”

“Easily interfere with the public’s sight, let the public spontaneously define

the murderer as a killer,”

“Mercenary, or some extremists with weapons.”

Speaking, Reverend said again: “As for the time in Norway,”

“It was indeed quite sudden. The information was obtained suddenly,”

“And there was only a few hours of preparation time before departure.”

“It happened that we had a plane in Cyprus at that time,”

“So the organization sent Cavalry guards there went there in disguise;”

“Moreover, the information obtained by the organization is also somewhat


“The information was sent by an entourage next to the target person.”

“He said in the information that the strongest among them is only a five-star

warrior level,”

“And there is only one person, the strength of the eight Cavalry guards,”

“Even the eight five-star warriors cannot be their opponents,”

“Plus the enemy was in the open and we were in the dark, it is impossible

to fail,”

“So they are sent there, unexpectedly, one died and seven disappeared…”

Charlie thought of Maria, and thought of the ring she gave him, and asked


“How much do you know about that time in Norway? Do you know where

she came from?”

Reverend shook his head and said, “I don’t know what she is. As for the

time in Norway,”

“I only know that it was the person whom the Lord called for.”

“This is the first time I have encountered it in the many years since I joined

the organization.”

“As for the others, I just don’t know…”

Reverend’s explanation made Charlie even more confused about Maria’s


He even regretted it a little.

He regretted letting her and her grandfather go directly.

Although in his opinion, he had already used psychological hints,

And the grandfather and grandson must have nothing to hide from him,

But at that time, time was short and he didn’t have enough time and

opportunity to ask more questions.

But it’s too late to regret it now,

So he can only ask for as much valuable content as possible from


So, Charlie looked at Reverend and continued to interrogate him:

“Do you know why your lord wanted to arrest her? Is it for her, or for

something on her?”

Reverend shook his head: “I don’t know about this matter, even my

superiors in Turkey don’t know about it.”

“We only know that it is a god-sent opportunity to assign that mission,”

“To the Governor’s office of the Right Army. Unfortunately, it failed in the


Charlie knew that Reverend couldn’t lie, so he asked him,

“Do you know where the headquarters of the Warriors’ Den is?”

“I don’t know.” Reverend shook his head and said,

“I have never been to the headquarters at all, I have only been to the

Warriors Camp,”

“But I don’t know where the Warriors Camp is.”

After that, Reverend continued: “I don’t even know the exact location of the

Governor’s office of the Right Army in Italy.”

“The isolation of information is very strict,”

“And people of any level can only know what they can know,”

“And it is impossible for us to know the secrets of a little bit higher.”

Chapter 5130

Charlie couldn’t help but feel a little dizzy, it seems that this Warriors’ Den,

Has an internal organizational structure that is too clear,

And the internal confidentiality system is too strict.

Reverend is already regarded as the middle and high level of the entire

Warriors’ Den.

He doesn’t know where the headquarters is, and he doesn’t know where

the branch he belongs to.

After a moment of silence, Charlie continued to ask him: “What is your plan

and deployment in Turkey?”

Reverend replied: “Turkey is a supply chain specially built for the Cyprus


“The purpose is to protect the Cyprus base. Normal operation, by importing

copper ore produced by the Cyprus base,”

“To ensure the concealment of the Cyprus base, and at the same time

provide it,”

“With the funds required for operation through reasonable and legal import


“In addition, we will also use copper ore. There are 2,000 tons of materials

on this ship,”

“Which will be secretly sent to the Cyprus base.”

Charlie asked again: “Among the two thousand tons of materials you


“What are the details? What do you have here?”

Reverend replied: “There are about 300 tons of various food and


“As well as a large amount of weapons and ammunition,”

“Clothing and daily necessities, and various living materials needed by the


“As well as consumables for air and water purification equipment.”

“In addition, there are nearly 500 tons of diesel.”

Charlie asked him: “Diesel still needed to be shipped so far from Turkey?”

Reverend explained: “The outside world thinks that there are only a few

hundred people working and living in the copper mine,”

“But in fact, There are three to four thousand people,”

“Not only the cost of materials is huge, but also the energy consumption is

very large.”

“The living electricity consumption of the three to four thousand people

under the mine alone is very large.”

“If all the electricity is purchased from the national grid of Cyprus,”

“The energy consumption will be much higher than a copper mine of the

same scale,”

“And once someone who is interested in checking the data in this area can

detect it,”

“The organization will be exposed.”

Reverend said again: “Because it is necessary to fill in For the energy

consumption of these three to four thousand people,”

“We have sent them four large diesel generator sets from Turkey.”

“Their daily electricity consumption is all met by diesel power generation.”

“However, if a copper mine consumes too much diesel, it will make people

doubt it,”

“So we provide all the diesel they need, and after the ship docks,”

“There is a special pipeline connecting the copper mine,”

“And the diesel is delivered directly through the pipeline.”

Charlie couldn’t help but wonder how meticulous the organization was

when he heard this.

He felt a little admiration.

Generally speaking, the larger the organization, the harder it is to keep in

mind the details.

However, with such a huge scale, the Warriors’ Den can handle all kinds of

details very well,

Which is really remarkable.

It is easy to see the clues of such things as energy consumption once they

are targeted by interested people.

Often, the police analyze the electricity consumption data of residential


And find that the electricity consumption of a certain household is several

times higher,

Than that of other neighbors of the same type of household.

And that kind of three-bedroom house uses the water and natural gas of

more than ten or twenty people a month.

Once this abnormality is discovered, it is likely to be a den of an MLM


Therefore, if this copper mine does not want to expose any clues,

Then all its energy consumption publicly purchased materials,

And even the garbage it discharges must meet the scale of 300 people so

that no one will find abnormalities.

Otherwise, once any indicator is abnormal, it may be noticed by potential


Chapter 5131

This also made Charlie realize that many of his previous operations

actually lacked similar details.

Whether it was the Rejuvenation Pill Auction or JX Pharmaceutical,

Which is well-known around the world during this period,

They were actually a bit high-profile. Now, once it is cleared,

It will be followed, and it is only a matter of time before it is found out.

At this time, Reverend said again: “By the way,”

“Among the materials, I brought this time, there is also an antidote for


Charlie asked him, “Is the antidote produced in Turkey?”

“No” Reverend shook his head and said,

“The antidote is sent to Turkey by the organization, but I don’t know where

it is sent from.”

Charlie frowned and asked: “Is there a fixed delivery time for the antidote to


“No.” Reverend explained: “The time for the organization to give the

antidote is random every time.”

“Sometimes it is not delivered until the day before it is almost used up,”

“But sometimes it is suddenly delivered one or two months in advance.”

“When it is delivered, it is unpredictable at all, and there is no pattern,”

“It just suddenly informs us that the antidote has been delivered to a certain


“And we are asked to get it ourselves, probably to prevent us from catching

the pattern.”

After a pause, Reverend said again: “In addition, the quantity delivered is

different each time,”

“Sometimes for one month, sometimes for three months,”

“And these antidotes are delivered with a special safe,”

“We have to apply to the organization to open the safe every time before

delivering medicine to the base,”

“And we can only open the safe after the organization authorizes it.”

Charlie asked in surprise: “Is the safe connected to the internet?”

“Yes.” Reverend nodded. When the organization authorizes, we can take

the antidote from inside,”

“And the safe has its own identification function,”

“Which can accurately record how many antidotes we take out,”

“And we can only take a fixed amount of antidote each time,”

“One more will not work Otherwise, once the organization realizes that

things are out of control,”

“It will immediately start to self-destruct.”

Reverend said, “Not only our safe but also the safe in the hands of the

governor of the Cyprus base.”

“There is an emergency antidote reserve, but you also need to apply for

authorization from the organization to open it.”

“Once there is a change, the organization will immediately stop the supply

of antidote,”

“And destroy the antidote stored in the safe. In this way, at most one week,

Everyone in this base will die.”

Charlie asked with some doubts: “If such an important thing is moved to via

the internet,”

“If it is hacked, wouldn’t it be all over?”

“No.” Reverend shook his head Dao: “The organization is not using the

public Internet,”

“But its own satellite communication network, and it is not an ordinary

civilian communication.”

“It is a military communication satellite bought from senior Soviet officials,”

“Through special channels when the Soviet Union disintegrated.”

“Military communication Satellite?” Charlie asked in shock: “Can this be


Reverend explained: “Under normal circumstances, no, no matter how rich

individuals and companies are,”

“They can’t buy military satellites. But it was a special period of time.”

“The entire Soviet defense system was in chaos.”

“The distribution of time was also muddled and there were a lot of bad


“At that time, a large part of Ukraine’s heavy weapons were sold.”

“Even the Tu-160 bomber and even nuclear bombs were almost sold, let

alone a lot of satellites in the sky.”

“At that time, no one would notice that there were a few satellites missing,”

“And as long as they did something a little bit, other people would not know

that these satellites were theirs.”

Chapter 5132

Reverend said again: “This batch of satellites has extremely high security


“And the communication code has been reset, so even the person who

designed it cannot crack the current communication content.”

“The possibility of being cracked is almost non-existent, but it also has

certain drawbacks.”

“The disadvantage is that the satellite is a bit old,”

“And it is still an old generation of narrow-band mobile communication


“The transmission rate is relatively slow, so it can only transmit text and

byte commands,”

“Such as monitoring the status of safes in various places.”

“Under normal circumstances, safes only need to Just send a command of

a few bytes to the satellite at regular intervals.”

“If there is an exception, the command is only a few bytes,”

“And the same is true for activating the self-destruct device.”

“There is no problem at all with this small data transmission.”

“In addition, it can satisfy very few users to use this system for voice calls

at critical moments,”

“But it cannot satisfy video signal transmission.”

Charlie nodded and said: “That is to say,”

“Even if the base in Cyprus may have surveillance equipment installed,”

“The organization can’t check it in real-time, right?”

“Yes.” Reverend said: “The monitoring equipment in Cyprus is stored


“And every time I come here, I will bring back a copy of the surveillance

video from the past week,”

“But this data will not be connected to the Internet,”

“And will only be stored in Turkey. Every once in a while,”

“All the data will be handed over to the Military Command.”

“As for whether the Military Command will hand over these data to the


Charlie couldn’t help laughing and said,

“Seeing how old you are, I didn’t expect you to not know a lot about this.”

Reverend respectfully said: “These were all systematically trained when I

was in Warriors Camp.”

Charlie asked him with interest: “Then let me ask you,”

“As far as you know, has your self-destruct device ever been activated?”

“It has been activated,” Reverend said without hesitation:

“Almost twenty years ago, a base was activated by the organization

because of a major failure.”

“One day, the Commissioner was notified temporarily that there was no

need to deliver the medicine,”

“And at the same time, the Commissioner was informed that there was

some accident on the other side,”

“And he was asked to wait for half a day.”

“If the Commissioner hadn’t delivered it in the early morning of the next


“The organization would authorize him to open Safe, and activate the

stored antidote.”

“And then?” Charlie frowned and asked,

“The organization has been using lies to delay them until they are about to

die from poison,”

“And then activate the self-destruct?”

“Yes!” Reverend nodded heavily, and said with a shocked expression:

“The organization did not send anyone to deliver the medicine,”

“And destroyed the spare antidote at the last one.”

“There were more than 5,000 people in the base including the

commissioner, Cavalry Guards, dead men, and their families.”

“All the people were poisoned and died, and no one was spared.”

Charlie asked him: “How do you know so clearly?”

Reverend explained: “This is the information that the organization

declassified internally.”

“The reason why it was declassified at that time was to warn all bases,”

“About the consequences of a major failure.”

Charlie suddenly thought of something, and blurted out:

“You just said that the major failure was twenty years ago?!”

“Yes!” Reverend nodded: “It was twenty years ago, I remember it very


Charlie’s expression was horrified, his parents were killed in Aurous Hill

twenty years ago!

The timing is so coincident, it can’t be just a coincidence, right?

Is there any connection between the death of the parents and what

Reverend said?!

Chapter 5133

At this point, Charlie’s pupils constricted, and immediately asked Reverend:

“What happened twenty years ago that could make your Lord,”

“To execute thousands of people directly?!”

Reverend shook his head blankly: “I don’t know the specific reason…”

“I only know that the Lord was furious at their failure at that time, so he

killed them. …”

Charlie raised his eyebrows, and asked in a cold voice:

“Then do you know where they failed?”

Reverend shook his head and said, “I don’t know either…”

Charlie thought of what Reverend said just now.

He thought that the one in charge of Asian affairs in the Warriors’ Den was

the Military Commander’s Office, so he asked him:

“Which one was the one that experienced that failure?”

“Is it the Chinese Military Commander’s Office?”

Reverend shook his head and said, “I don’t know,”

“But it’s basically certain that it’s not the Governor’s Office of the Right


As he spoke, he continued, “Actually, how many copper mines like the

Cyprus Copper Mine are there in the whole world?”

“I don’t know at all, or even I don’t know, how many bases there are under

the Commander’s Office of the Right Army where I am.”

“This information is completely isolated from the inside.”

“I only know that there is also the Governor’s Office of the Left Army and

the Central Army The Governor’s Office,”

“The Former Military Governor’s Office, and the Rear Military Commander’s


“But I don’t know who is in charge of the other four military governor’s


“And what the specific scale is…”

Hearing this, Charlie’s heart sank again.

He was not sure whether the failure that Reverend said 20 years ago was

related to the death of his parents.

It seems that if he wants to find out more information,

He can only hope to find a higher level of this Warroirs’ Den.

So, Charlie asked again: “What kind of organization structure do you have

in Turkey?”

Reverend replied, “The highest officer of the Right Army Governorate is the

left and right governors,”

“And there are four governors under their command, which can be

understood as deputy governors,”

“Each deputy governor is responsible for a closed-loop system,”

“And this line of Turkey and Cyprus is one of the closed loops.”

Charlie asked, “Then who is your vice-governor of this closed loop?”

Reverend said, “It’s Ramos Zhang, Zhang’s deputy governor.”

Charlie asked again, “This Ramos, is he a martial artist?”


“What cultivation level?”

“Dark realm fifth level.”

Charlie was slightly startled in his heart and asked with a frown,

“This closed loop of yours, besides the copper refinery in Turkey,”

“And the copper mine in Cyprus, what other industries are there?”

“Many.” Reverend replied, “There are also natural gas companies,”

“Large farms and shipyards in Turkey, in addition to that,”

“There are also some garment processing factories, stone processing


“Basically in all walks of life, the overall market value is about eighty billion

dollars or so.”

In Turkey, with a total market value of eighty billion dollars,

It can already be called a super business empire,

And this is only the industry under the responsibility of a deputy governor of

one of the five military governorates under the command of the Warriors


If it is a deputy governor in an economically developed Western Europe,

Then he is responsible for the closed loop, perhaps the market value

exceeds hundreds of billions of dollars.

In this way, the strength of the assets of a right Governor,

I am afraid that it has easily exceeded the Wade family.

Charlie suddenly remembered something and hastily asked:

“What is the public identity of your vice governor, in the Den? Will it be

disguised as a business tycoon?”

“No.” Reverend shook his head and said, “The official position of the deputy

governor is the governor’s colleague,”

“And below that, there is the governor’s commander (qiān), and then there

is a special envoy or commissioner like me,”

“And from the special envoy on up, there is absolutely no well-known

identity in the community,”

“And generally very low-profile, my public identity in Turkey,”

“It is the quality inspector of this copper refinery, responsible for checking

the quality inspection of all copper ore in the factory,”

“So it is only in name. That’s why I came to Cyprus with the ship in name


“While our deputy governor’s public identity is the accountant of the copper


“Accountant?!” Charlie frowned and spoke, “In that case, the head of the

copper refinery,”

“In this closed loop of yours, has an even lower status instead?”

“Right.” Reverend nodded, “The chairman is just pretending, as for the

heads of the other industries,”

“They are all just spokesmen arranged within the Warriors Den,”

“And many of them are the sons of the Cavalry Guards.”

Charlie asked him, “The heirs of the Cavalry Guards?”

“Right.” Reverend added: “Below this closed loop of ours, there are at least

fifty enterprises.”

Charlie asked curiously, “Since you guys are so focused on secrecy, these

fifty-odd enterprises,”

“How do you manage them to ensure that you don’t leak secrets?”

“It can’t be that all the employees of these fifty enterprises are your own

people, right?”

Chapter 5134

Reverend shook his head and said, “Most of the enterprises have no

explicit relationship with each other,”

“As well as with the vice governor, moreover, each enterprise is not all our


“We don’t have that many grassroots personnel,”

“But the people openly in charge of each enterprise are all descendants of

the Cavalry Guards.”

“The descendants of the Cavalry Guards?” Charlie pursued,

“Why are they descendants of the Cavalry Guards?”

Reverend replied, “Because the Cavalry Guards were all promoted up from

the dead soldiers who performed well and even had merits,”

“So the Warriors Den, in order to make these Cavalry Guards feel more

superior psychologically,”

“Compared to the dead soldiers, especially allowed them to let their third


“Break away from the Cavalry Guards’ identity after every three children

they had.”

“Leaving the identity of Cavalry Guards means that this offspring can grow

up without practicing martial arts,”

“But receive formal education within the Warriors Den from a young age,”

“And it is the basic education where the person is, such as Turkey is four

years of elementary school,”

“Four years of middle school, and four years of high school,”

“That child’s elementary and middle school content, are learned within the

Warriors Den,”

“After getting legal status in high school, in Turkey Local public high school


“And then the normal examination for university, after graduating from


“They can directly go through the channels of social recruitment into our

closed-loop enterprise work,”

“And gradually be trained to become the successor of different enterprises.”

Charlie asked him, “Why are they sent out to study only in high school?”

Reverend replied: “Children who are too young lack self-restraint,”

“Let them go to social schools to study, it is easy to speak more mistakes,”

“So there will first be internal education for them while teaching them,”

“While their parents constantly give them to strengthen the sense of


“After the children began to go out to high school, they will start to give

them drugs,”

“So that they also have a strong poison in their bodies in order to ensure


The first is that they do not need to practice martial arts hard,”

“The other is that they do not need to take the antidote once a week, but

once every six months,”

“Just like me, and if they study well and do have real talent,”

“After taking over the business in the future, they can be white-collar elite,”

“Or even well-known entrepreneurs in a society where living conditions are

much better than those of the Cavalry Guards.”

When Charlie heard this, he couldn’t help but realize it.

In this way, it seemed that his aunt, as well as her family, should not be

considered high-end members in the Warriors Den,

And most likely they were also the descendants of Cavalry Guards,

Only that they had the opportunity to live a normal life in the real world.

Thinking of this, Charlie asked Reverend: “During your years in the

Warriors Den,”

“Have you ever heard of the Warriors Den sending people into society and

then deliberately letting that person get close to a particular person and

marry them,”

“Making them become undercover agents planted by the Warriors Den on

the other side?”

“I have heard of it.” Reverend nodded and said, “This kind of thing is very


“After the children of the Cavalry Guards are sent into society,”

“The Warriors Den will set up a point system for them,”

“As long as they create contributions for the Warriors Den to be able to

increase the points,”

“The greater the contribution, the more points;”

“If the points can reach a certain level, then they will be able to use the

points to bail one of their family members out of the Cavalry Guards;”

“If they continue to make significant contributions, then they can even bail

out all their loved ones,”

“Once their family is bailed out, then their family members don’t have to do


“They can regain their freedom to a certain extent, as long as they don’t

threaten the safety of the Warriors Den,”

“They can go wherever they want and do whatever they want,”

“But the poison in their body can’t be solved, they can only take the

antidote from once a week, upgraded to once every six months.”

“If the contribution is big enough, they can even redeem themselves, and

after the redemption,”

“The Society will give them a generous amount of money to let them and

their families take care of themselves,”

“But it’s still the same premise, not to threaten the safety of the Society

while taking the medicine regularly.”

Here, Reverend added: “Because of this mechanism in place,”

“Every Cavalry Guard will try to have three children or even multiples of


“And every child sent to study will be instilled with a great sense of

responsibility by their parents and older siblings from an early age,”

“So that they realize from an early age that they are responsible for

changing the fate of the whole family,”

“So that almost all of these children are academic talent,”

“As soon as they enter society is the elite class, these people marry

high-ups only,”

“Maybe which billionaire’s offspring are from the Cavalry Guards you don’t


“However, the descendants of these Cavalry Guards in the Warriors’ Den,

there is a special term, called a scholar.”

Charlie couldn’t help but laugh dumbly and asked him,

“It’s the ancient scholar who took the imperial examination?”

“Right.” Reverend said, “The ancients said that no one asked under the

window for ten years,”

“And once you become famous, the world knows, whether it is the ancient


“Or the scholar of the Warriors Den, they are all trying desperately to

change their lives and achieve class crossing by studying and taking


Charlie nodded gently, thinking: “I originally thought that my uncle’s better

half must have been a Cavalry Guard offspring,”

“But according to him, the probability is of a ‘scholar’,”

“The probability is to study hard for more than ten years,”

“Carrying the mission of rescuing the whole family, was arranged into a

certain university to approach uncle……”

“Moreover, she could successfully marry into the An family,”

“Enough to prove that she is definitely at the top of the group of ‘scholar’.”

Thinking of this, Charlie also could not help but have some chills on his


Although the Warriors Den is not known, but in fact has already laid its own

forces everywhere in the world,

And has long since completed the penetration of high society.

God knows how many of those global tycoons on the Forbes rich list are

actually the other half of this organization’s “scholar” only.

Moreover, even if a “scholar” is married to the world’s richest man,

The Warriors Den can still achieve absolute control over her through the

poison in her body and her family,

As well as the antidote in their own hands.

Moreover, this control chain has formed a closed loop, flawless, and

unbreakable ……

Chapter 5135

At this time, Charlie, in his heart can not help but think of his own third aunt,

who he did not know.

And in his mind, he could not help but rely on the clues provided by


As well as his own imagination outlined the tragic life of that woman.

During her teenage years as well as her youth,

It is likely that she had been studying hard in order to change the fate of her

entire family.

Her father had probably experienced the tragedy of the dead soldiers


So he must have instilled in her at a very young age the belief in studying

hard to save the whole family.

And she must have lived up to his expectations by getting into a top

university with her hard work.

At this time, because she excelled in her studies and was also very good


The Warriors Den gave her the difficult and significant task of preparing to

approach his uncle, Martel An.

Duncan once told Charlie about the process of his aunt’s acquaintance with

his uncle.

Back then, uncle was in his second year of his master’s degree at Harvard


While he had just entered Harvard for his master’s degree.

The two met over a clichéd drama of a hero saving a woman, while uncle,

Through his contact with her, was surprised to find that this woman catered

to all his requirements for the opposite s3x,

Both internally and externally.

The An family and Duncan, too, because of speculation, the young aunt

was probably,

At that time, a secret informer was deliberately planted by the enemy on

the young uncle’s side.

But according to Duncan, after the death of his aunt,

This matter is only a speculation that has no way to be confirmed.

However, now one can be sure that their speculation is 100% accurate.

Although his uncle was twenty-two or three years old when she met my


It is likely that she had been trying to become the kind of woman that his

uncle would have liked,

And even become obsessed with when she was fifteen or sixteen years


It took years of preparation for her to fall in love at first sight with her uncle

at Harvard University.

The naive uncle thought he had found the one,

But what he didn’t know was that it was all just an elaborate play around


He has been with this woman for nearly twenty years,

This woman gave birth to two daughters, a family of four seemingly


But he never dreamed that this woman with him for twenty years,

From the day he saw her, her mouth has always been filled with highly toxic


The husband who has been with her for twenty years,

Having two biological daughters, has not been able to stop her from selling

her life for the Warriors Den.

On the day of Sara’s New York concert, this woman acted as an inside


Cooperating with the dead soldiers of the Warriors Den to exterminate the

entire An family.

Only, Charlie did not know if this woman and her two daughters,

Were on the Warriors Den’s kill list in the first place.

If they were also on, then wonder if this uncle was clear in her own mind.

However, from the last moment, she decided to bite her teeth and choose

to commit suicide,

Her heart, even to death, did not escape the control of the Warriors Den.

And her suicide is likely to protect her family members who are still

controlled by the Warriors Den.

This, too, is where Charlie feels that the Warriors Den is the most powerful.

Just when Charlie was feeling emotional in his heart,

Someone knocked on the door and said respectfully outside the door,

“Lord Envoy, in half an hour, our ship will be docking.”

Charlie sensed that this person was not a martial arts expert,

So he said to Reverend in a very low voice, “Send him away.”

Reverend nodded and spoke, “All right, I know, you go to work.”

“As you wish!” The other party answered, turned around, and left the floor.

Charlie then asked Reverend, “These people on the ship, are they all your


“No.” Reverend shook his head: “The bodyguards on this ship are all

Turkish Cavalry Guards,”

“As for these crew members, they are all some peripheral members,”

“Only responsible for sailing the ship, they don’t know anything about the


Chapter 5136

Charlie pointed to the man standing motionless in the corridor inside the

door and asked him, “What is he?”

Reverend said, “He is my second-in-command.”

Charlie frowned and asked, “Your deputy, do you still have to meet your

needs in that area normally?”

Reverend replied, “He wanted to join the Battalion, but to join the Battalion,”

“He needed a recommendation from someone who had been trained in the


“So that’s why I used that as a condition and asked him to satisfy my ……”

Charlie stretched out a hand to interrupt him,

“All right, you don’t have to say anything.”

Reverend immediately closed his mouth.

Charlie then asked, “In a moment, do you have any way to let me mix with

you into the copper mine?”

Reverend said without thinking, “This is simple, you just need to wrap up in

a black robe with me.”

“Black robe?”

“Right.” Reverend stood up, took off two black robes from the hanger

behind the door, and said to him:

“Because I am a special envoy, my true face, only my superiors and my

deputies can see,”

“In front of the rest of the organization, I am wrapped in robes to not let

anyone see any features.”

Charlie nodded and asked, “The head of the Cyprus Copper Mine, has he

seen your true face?”

“No.” Reverend shook his head and said, “If you want to go in,”

“Later you just need to disembark the ship wrapped in black robes like me,”

“And after we disembark, the Cavalry Guards of the copper mine will pick

us up.”

Charlie asked again, “Then when will you return?”

“Tomorrow.” Reverend said, “After the ship docks, the Cavalry Guards on

this ship will gather all the crew members into the engine room and not

allow them to see the outside world,”

“Then the Cavalry Guards of the copper mine will start unloading,”

“After unloading all the supplies, they will also start loading the copper ore,”

“And after it’s full tomorrow morning, we will depart back.”

Charlie asked him, “What about you?”

Reverend explained, “I will stay at the copper mine tonight,”

“Supervise the Cavalry Guards to take their medicine,”

“And then supervise the dead soldiers to take their medicine,”

“After making sure that everyone is taking their medicine properly, it will be

almost dawn.”

“Good.” Charlie nodded and said, “Then I’ll go in with you!”

After saying that, he asked, “Where is the antidote you brought?”

Reverend pointed to the closet in the corner of the room and said,

“The antidote is in the cabinet.”

Charlie nodded and said, “Take it out for me.”

“Okay!” Reverend immediately went to the closet,

Carried out a heavy backpack from it, and placed it in front of Charlie.

Charlie opened the backpack and found that it was packed in four square

boxes like chalk boxes, with more than thirty boxes.

He took out one box from it and found that the top lid of the box had a

circular emblem printed with fire lacquer,

The emblem pattern was very complicated,

And one could vaguely see that the totem as a whole presented a “WD”


He directly opened the box, and found that the inside is as thick and thin

length of the index finger,

With kraft paper rolled out of the cylinder.

And the cylinder of the upper and lower two seals, also have a fire lacquer


He tore the kraft paper and saw ten small pills wrapped in it.

He put the pills under his nose and sniffed them,

And found that the antidote was similar to the antidote he had configured.

The antidote configured by himself, the vast majority of which are some

nourishing ordinary herbs,

The real detoxification effect is only a very small part.

And this antidote is the same.

Most herbs are effective in strengthening the body,

While the part that really works is a composition that has been refined by a

special method.

Charlie immediately recognized that this ingredient contained an extremely

small amount of spiritual qi,

Although it was only minimal, he could still clearly sense the presence of

spiritual qi.

This made his expression awe-inspiring,

It seems that the person who refined this antidote, like himself, can grasp

spiritual qi!

Chapter 5137

The aura in the antidote is minimal, which allows Charlie to conclude that,

The person who made the elixir must also be proficient in the aura,

But he is unable to guess the other party’s cultivation through the elixir.

After all, the potency of this antidote is really a bit too low,

Charlie felt that its greatest use is not to be able to suppress the poison in

the body of the person taking it,

But seems to be just to send a signal for the poison in his body to not rush

to attack first for the time being.

As he looked at these antidotes, he couldn’t help but speculate in his heart


If the Warriors Den had ten dead soldier bases around the world,

Then together with the dead soldiers, the families of the dead soldiers,

And the Cavalry guards, there would be at least tens of thousands of


In addition, there are also “scholars”, “guides”, “special envoys”, and

“governors” scattered around the world.

The company’s staff is also a part of the “Uniform Guards”, “Speedy

Transport Company” and various other supporting personnel.

It is roughly estimated that there are at least 100,000 people under his

command, or even more.

The vast majority of these more than 100,000 men have to take one

antidote every week,

This means that the daily output of the Warriors Den will be 10,000 to

20,000 or more antidotes.

With such a large demand, it is impossible to let the master of aura in

charge of the experts,

Otherwise, it is the same as the strongest of the small group of people,

Pressed in the manufacture of antidote sweatshops, is a really big material

with small use.

Therefore, Charlie estimated that the Warriors Den should have a sizeable

elixir processing base,

The lord, or those under his command who mastered the aura,

After refining the core elixir, to the processing base with a specific recipe for


At present, Charlie can find clues, basically have strong independence,

It is difficult to find an actual clue in Cyprus, with the organization’s higher

levels of connection.

But now it seems that the only thing that runs through all the links of the

Warriors Den,

It is the production and transportation of the antidote.

The antidote is a real and actual link that will connect all the external

organizational structures to it with the transportation route of the antidote,

And if he can find the output path of the antidote sent all the way down, he

can find this elixir processing base.

This elixir processing base is not an independent existence isolated from

the headquarters of the Den or the senior management,

Because the antidote it produces must have an elixir with spiritual energy

as the core raw material,

So there must be an input path of spiritual energy elixir upstream of it.

Once he can find this input path, he may be able to follow the vine all the

way to the real core of the Warriors Den.

Having made up his mind, Charlie then asked Reverend:

“You just said that the time and place for the antidote to arrive in Turkey are


Tell me specifically what the process is for you to receive the antidote.”

Reverend said respectfully, “Generally, without any warning,”

“We will receive a coordinate and a six-digit return code sent via satellite


“The coordinate may be anywhere in Turkey, and we will rush over to

receive it immediately after receiving the address.”

Saying that, Reverend added, “They usually choose a wilderness ridge to

place the safe,”

“And since the coordinates are accurate to the meter after we arrive at the

designated coordinates,”

“We can soon find the location of the safe as long as we try to dig on the

flat ground.”

“Wilderness ridge?” Charlie couldn’t help but frown.

It seems that this gang’s process is indeed very meticulous,

The kind of place in the wilderness, there is no monitoring equipment,

And the other party first randomly chooses the location, so it is impossible

to do it in advance to lay control.

And when the other party calmly placed the antidote,

There is still enough time to clean up all the clues, and then inform the

other party of this coordination.

It is even possible that the other party may plant multiple safes in Turkey at


Only to announce the coordinates of one of the safes at intervals down the


In this way, it would be even more difficult to trace this line.

Then, Charlie asked, “Every time you guys go over to receive the safe

deposit boxes,”

“Do you find any traces left behind when they placed the safe deposit


“No.” Reverend shook his head: “I also paid special attention to this,”

“But every time I received the antidote, I did not find any traces,”

“No footprints, nor wheel marks, nor they had special treatment when they


“Or they had buried the safe long enough, the wind and sun naturally

covered the traces they left, or maybe both. “

Charlie could not help but smacked his lips and asked him,

“What about after finding it? To give them feedback?”

Reverend said, “The safe has a password input area, but this area is not

used to open the safe door,”

“But to send a return receipt to the organization,”

“As long as the correct return code is entered, the organization will be able

to confirm that we have received it safely.”

Hearing this, Charlie did not know for a while, what kind of method he

should use to catch this clue of the other party’s antidote.

At this time, the ship emitted a very piercing whistle,

While the speed of the ship also slowed down a lot,

Which made him realize that the ship was about to dock.

So, he immediately threw the antidote brought by Reverend back into the

closet and wrapped up in one of the black robes,

Then he said to Reverend, “I will disguise myself as your deputy and go to

the copper mine with you,”

“The way you handed over the pills to them before, is how you hand over it

again this time.”

Reverend nodded without thinking: “Yes, sir!”

After saying that, he also took a black robe, skillfully put on the body, and

use a large hat to cover the whole head completely.

Charlie also followed the example of the black robe with the hood. Now his

head was covered.

He found that the black robe’s cap is very wide, and the cap part of the

fabric is light sand,

Even if the cap will cover the whole face, it does not hinder vision.

Subsequently, Charlie and Reverend came to the door, looked at the

martial artist who was standing still like a wooden board,

And said in a cold voice: “Listen, if anyone other than the two of us dares to

enter this room, kill without amnesty!”

The other party was immediately controlled by Charlie’s psychological


And immediately nodded respectfully and said, “The subordinate follows



Chapter 5138

When the two of them stepped out of the room, the outside had already

started to get busy.

Most of the Cavalry guards responsible for the guard have returned to the

bridge building,

After the ship stops, they will take all the crew into the engine room,

So that these crew members do not spy on any clues.

And the ship, at this time, was only a kilometer or two away from the pier.

Charlie and Reverend walked directly out of the bridge building and came

on top of the deck.

On the deck, two crew members and two Cavalry guards were standing on

the port side of the ship,

Waiting for the cable to be thrown to finish docking.

And Charlie has been able to see ahead of this modest dock,

At this time is brightly lit, and multiple trucks, loading and unloading trucks,

at this time are on standby.

In addition, Charlie also saw several small cars, it should be waiting to

meet Reverend’s convoy.

The cargo ship was about to dock when it started to reverse thrust,

And then the sailing speed quickly dropped and leaned sideways to the


After the ship stopped, Reverend took the lead and went all the way down

from the inner deck spiral ladder,

While the hatch below had been opened by two crew members.

At the same time, the crane next to the cargo ship has begun to move

slowly, it seems to be to start unloading the cargo.

As Charlie let Reverend follow the previous handover in the normal way,

So at this time, Reverend is completely into his usual rhythm of docking.

When he stepped out of the hatch, there were already a number of men

waiting outside,

And when they saw Reverend and Charlie walking down,

The man at the head immediately said to Reverend respectfully, “Lord

Envoy, you …… have worked hard all the way!”

Charlie could hear that this person’s tone carried nervousness and


Looking at the other people around him, each one was also nervous.

Charlie surmised that he should be apprehensive because of that failure in

Bergen a few days ago.

After all, Maria was the person that Lord personally named,

And as a result, their people failed to complete this arduous task.

And now it happened to be the time to deliver the antidote,

They were afraid that Lord would repeat the tactics he used twenty years

ago and put everyone in this base of theirs, to death.

In the face of several people’s respect and apprehension,

Reverend just gave a faint nasal hmm, did not even look at that person,

And walked straight toward the three small cars.

The head of the men hurriedly ran a few steps, rushed to the middle of the

Mercedes-Benz car,

Help Reverend pull open the door, and then help Charlie to open the

passenger door.

A black-robed Reverend took the lead in the back row of the car,

And Charlie also followed in the passenger seat.

Afterward, the greeting people quickly got into the front and back cars,

And the convoy quickly left the pier and drove to the copper mine, which

was only about a kilometer away from the pier.

The convoy went around the dock and in the blink of an eye drove to the

main gate of the copper mine,

The automatic gate opened in advance, allowing the three cars to drive

straight in without slowing down.

This copper mine, the outside looks somewhat similar to the base of the

Cataclysmic Front, but on a much smaller scale.

Although the interior of the mine looked like nothing unusual,

Charlie still found many hidden secret posts and fire points.

It was clear that the place was very well-guarded.

The caravan drove directly to an office building style building to stop,

And at this time, downstairs has more than one person waiting here.

The middle-aged man at the head was well-dressed, quite a big

businessman’s style.

Next to the middle-aged man, stood a young man wearing glasses,

The young man is thin and tall, looks bookish very thick, a glance,

Giving the first impression, it is like the middle-aged man’s assistant or


However, Charlie found that the middle-aged man actually has little


Not even a martial artist, but this bookish young man is a dark realm


But the level is relatively low, only the dark realm two heavens.

In combination with the previous confession of Reverend,

It is estimated that this middle-aged man should be the ostensible manager

of this copper mine,

While the assistant young man beside him is probably the real controller of

this place,

The festival ambassador in the mouth of the Cavalry guards.

Behind this young man, there were several other martial arts experts,

But the strongest of these remaining people was only an old man of the

Ming realm of great perfection.

However, the expressions of these people right now, all with a few

moments of trepidation,

Are also on edge for the last failure.

After the car was parked, the assistant-like young man took the lead and

respectfully pulled open the car door for Charlie and Reverend.

As soon as Reverend got out of the car, the well-dressed man came

forward and said respectfully,

“Lord Special Envoy, you have worked hard!”

The young man in the First level of the Dark Realm also bowed slightly and

said reverently,

“Lord Envoy, you have worked hard!”

The people behind him bowed in unison and shouted, “Lord Envoy has

worked hard!”

Reverend just raised his hand and said indifferently, “Let’s go in and talk.”

“Okay! This way, please!” The young man hurriedly made a respectful

gesture of invitation,

Then took a few quick steps to lead the way.

Reverend followed closely behind, while the middle-aged man followed him

and said,

“Lord Envoy, our operation report for the recent period has been written,

please take the time to look over it later.”

Reverend gave a hint and didn’t say much, this cold attitude made the

middle-aged man even more nervous.

Charlie followed behind Reverend and took in the performance of these


Seeing the fearful appearance of these people, his heart relaxed instead.

This is the perfect time to turn them around!


Chapter 5139

Charlie guessed correctly.

When he arrived at the top floor together with Reverend,

The middle-aged man brought the two into his office.

Along with them, there was also that young man of the Dark Realm Two


As well as those several Ming Realm experts.

The moment the door closed, the young man took the first step to


Suddenly bent his knees and knelt on the ground, kowtowed heavily,

And choked and said, “Lord Envoy, please have mercy and save our 3,700

people here!”

The others immediately followed the young man and knelt down, choking,

“Lord Envoy, please have mercy!”

Reverend was caught a bit off guard.

Charlie had given him the mental implication to meet with these people

according to his past practice.

However, these people suddenly kneeling in front of him and begging him

for mercy,

Made him a bit at a loss of what to do all of a sudden.

Now Reverend is more like a machine that executes orders,

If the order is recorded in his system, he is able to execute it immediately,

But if it is not recorded, he will enter a state of a program error.

This is also the biggest drawback of mental suggestion.

Charlie could see that Reverend was a bit down, so he opened his mouth

and asked,

“Are you guys worried that the great Lord will punish you with the same

means he used to punish others twenty years ago?”

As soon as Charlie’s words came out, several people were instantly filled

with horror!

They did not expect that the attendant who followed the envoy without

saying a word would take the initiative to speak.

Moreover, the moment he opened his mouth, he spoke the fear in their


Several people looked at each other, then the young man suddenly realized


And crawled towards Charlie on his knees, choking and saying,

“Please forgive my eyes for not being able to penetrate Lord Envoy’s

identity early!”

As soon as the others saw this, they also immediately realized that,

They had crawled on their knees in front of Charlie and begged with great

devotion, “Please forgive Lord Envoy!”

Charlie was slightly stunned, then he quickly came back to his senses and

thought in his heart,

“It seems that this group of people is treating me as a real envoy.”

The Warriors Den’s internal information is tightly isolated,

And it likes to release smoke bombs to the outside world, just like

Reverend said,

In those enterprises controlled by the Warriors Den,

The apparent chairman is usually not the real person in charge,

And the person in charge is probably just an insignificant assistant or

accountant beside the chairman.

Just like this copper mine, when outside, it seems that the middle-aged

man is the person in charge here,

And the young man is his side secretary, but once in this office,

The young man immediately became the leader among them, and

everyone is looking to him.

So, right now this young man, it seems, also mistakenly thought that he,

The special envoy’s assistant is probably the real special envoy.

Seeing these people kneeling in front of him and begging, Charlie smiled

faintly and asked,

“If the Lord really decides to kill all of you here,”

“Then do you dare to resist to your death before you die?”

When several people heard these words, their entire bodies trembled

uncontrollably as they were horrified.

The young man at the head of the group said out of fear,

“Lord Envoy, the gods are above, this matter is my fault,”

“I have failed to meet the trust and expectation of the great lord,”

“Even if Lord told me to die immediately, I will not complain!

The others also immediately said: “Willing to die for the Lord!”

Charlie grunted and said with contempt, “The others want to kill all of you,”

“But instead of having a sense of resistance, you kneel on the ground like

lackeys to show your loyalty,”

“Don’t you have any bloodlust?”

Hearing Charlie’s questioning, the crowd was even more scared out of their


They thought that Charlie was deliberately testing them,

How dare they show any disobedience at such a time, and they all kept

kowtowing in fear.

And the young man at the head of the group even choked and said:

“Lord envoy, such a treacherous thing, I really dare not even think about it


Charlie looked at his terrified expression, can see that this person’s heart is

indeed full of fear,

There is no half of the intention to resist.

However, thinking back carefully on the identity of these people, Charlie did

not feel surprised.

After all, according to Reverend, except for the dead soldiers, Cavalry

guards, and their families,

Most of the other members of the Warriors Den joined voluntarily.

Especially those martial artists who longed to be able to break through their

cultivation quickly,

They joined the Warriors Den in order to achieve a leap in cultivation,

So there was no bitter hatred between them and the Warriors Den.

The young man in front of him, whose cultivation level is not low,

Is also a sect leader, responsible for the operation and management of the

entire Deadman Base,

So guess his rank is not low.

Even, he is probably also trained at the Warriors Camp.

This kind of person, in addition to obeying the words of the Warriors Den,

might even be grateful.

Therefore, from the depths of their hearts, they would not want to confront

the organization.

Thinking of this, Charlie lost interest in fighting against these people,

He looked at them and said indifferently, “Lord was indeed very shocked by

the failure,”

“But Lord also knows that the responsibility for this failure does not lie with


“So you do not need to worry too much.”

Chapter 5140

When they heard this, they breathed a long sigh of relief.

The young man at the head said gratefully, “Thank you, Lord, for your


“And thank you, envoy, for your kindness! We will be brave after knowing

the shame,”

“And we will bow and die for the organization!”

Charlie nodded, stretched out his hand, patted him on the shoulder,

With a trace of aura into the other party’s brain, Charlie said blandly:

“Very well, but from now on, what I say, you will do, do you understand?”

The young man’s eyes stagnated, and then said without thinking,


The few people behind him were still a bit confused at this point,

Wondering why this envoy would say such words to the sect leader.

After all, in the Warriors Den, the Lord was the only supreme being,

No one was allowed to disobey, not to mention the following,

But the words of this envoy lord seemed to be trying to cultivate his own

beloved within the organization.

Charlie saw several people hesitate, deliberately sneered, and asked:

“What? A few of you are not willing to serve me like him?”

The middle-aged man said without thinking, “I only follow Lord’s lead!”

Charlie smiled and nodded, saying lightly, “You are indeed loyal!”

“Seeing that you are so loyal to Lord, I can also rest assured.”

Charlie’s words made several people slightly relieved,

Thinking that he was just testing their loyalty to the organization.

Charlie walked up to several people at this time, stretched out his hand,

and shook hands with them individually,”

“And only after each person’s brain had been fed with his own aura,

He cleared his throat and said in a stern voice to several people,

“From now on, your only mission is to serve me, do you understand?”

“Understood!” Several people had already been completely psychologically

implied by Charlie at this time,

One by one, they respectfully agreed to do so.

After controlling these people, Charlie began to prepare for the execution of

his plan.

Through his understanding of the Warriors Den, he could conclude that the

dead soldiers,

As well as their families were inevitably filled with hatred for the Warriors

Den deep inside.

Therefore, as long as he could cure the severe poison in their bodies, they

would definitely be turned back by him.

However, the group of Cavalry guards, relatively speaking, should be more


Because although the Cavalry guards were also born as dead soldiers,

But after all, some Cavalry guards had already obtained relatively free


And had entered the promotion ladder tailor-made for them by the Warriors


So there must be people in this group who had already inclined their hearts

to the Warriors Den.

And decided to make a big career in the organization by their own efforts.

So, Charlie came up with an idea to hoe the traitors.

He planned to have these managers call the people in charge of the

Cavalry Guard

At all levels to come here first and have them take their medicine here.

After they have taken the medicine, then give them a chance to talk directly

with their own “special envoy” without making a sound.

Charlie brought the antidote, as long as these Cavalry guards take,

The body of the poison can be instantly disintegrated, at that time,

If anyone after taking the medicine, keeps their secrets, silent to leave,

It is inevitable to Warriors Den will have reservations.

However, if anyone comes to tell a secret to him immediately after taking

the medicine,

Then this person’s heart must have fully fallen to the Warriors Den.

Through such means, although he cannot determine whether those who

have reservations are really at odds with the Warriors Den,

He can at least screen out the traitors in the Cavalry Guard first.

So, he asked the sectional ambassador, “How many people are in charge

of the Cavalry Guard at all levels?”

Without thinking, the sectional ambassador said, “There is one


“Three banner commanders, nine battalion commanders, and twenty-seven

captains in the Cavalry Guard.”

After saying that, he added: “However, the last mission lost a commanding


“A battalion commander and two captains who are missing.”

Charlie nodded and said indifferently, “Divide the remaining into three


“Bring the ones in one group here first, prepare a room for them next door,

and let them take their medicine there.”

The sectional ambassador immediately said respectfully, “Your

subordinates will arrange this!”

Charlie gave a hmph and instructed, “After you bring the people here, come

and find me here.”

“Okay lord envoy!”


Waited for about a few minutes.

The sect ambassador hurriedly returned and respectfully said to Charlie,

“Lord Envoy, the first group of twelve people has arrived, please come to

the meeting room!”

Charlie nodded, wrapped in his black robe, and led by the sectional

ambassador to the large conference room next door.

At this moment in the conference room, there were already twelve

apprehensive middle-aged men sitting there.

These men were all the heads of the Cavalry Guard at all levels.

When Charlie stepped in, all of these people had very nervous


Charlie walked up to the top of the conference table,

Looked at the twelve Cavalry Guards, and said indifferently,

“Gentlemen, thanks to the benevolence of the Lord, a new antidote is been

given to all the Cavalry Guards,”

“And the reason I called you all here today is that I hope you can try this

new medicine first.”

Upon hearing the new antidote, the expressions of all the people were


At this moment, they were all very surprised in their hearts.

Because, in their memory, they had never heard of the organization

replacing a new drug.

Charlie continued at this time: “Recently the storm clouds have changed


“I think you all have heard about it, the Cavalry Guard will face more

difficult tasks in the future,”

“So your previous seven-day medicine effect has obviously been somewhat


“So Lord has prepared a new antidote for you,”

“The new medicine’s effect will be extended from seven days to fifteen


Once the twelve people heard this, the doubts in their hearts were instantly


Charlie took out the antidote he had prepared and said indifferently:

“All of you will take the medicine here this time, after taking the medicine,”

“I will interview all of you one by one in the next room, at that time,”

“You need to tell me the truthfulness of your feelings about taking the


“I will record all your narratives and present them to Lord when I return!”

Chapter 5141

Hearing Charlie’s words, these twelve people then dispelled their doubts,

while still having some vague excitement.

Originally, the antidote was to be taken once every seven days,

But now it was about to be extended to fifteen days,

To them, this was definitely a good thing to celebrate.

When Charlie saw that the twelve people had already jumped up and


He took out the twelve antidotes and handed them to them one by one,

saying indifferently,

“In five minutes, you will meet me in the next office one by one in the order

in which the pills are given out.”

After saying that, he added: “By the way, Lord attaches great importance to

this new antidote,”

“So if you have any different feelings from the previous antidote during the


“You must give me detailed feedback, and if there are any significant


“I will definitely claim credit for you to Lord!”

All of them nodded respectfully, then looked at each other,

Picked up the antidote together and put it into their mouths.

Charlie did not stay where he was but came out of the meeting room

directly while closing the door behind him.

In a few dozen seconds, these Cavalry guards would realize that this


Would completely eliminate the severe poison in their bodies.

At that time, whether they chose to conceal it or choose to inform on,

It would depend on each of their inner inclination towards the Warriors Den.

Just as Charlie returned to the office next door, the twelve people in the

conference room,

Immediately noticed that something was wrong.

One of them was the first to open his eyes and exclaimed in a low voice:

“Gentlemen, why do I feel that the severe poison in my body has

disappeared? Could it be my illusion?!”

Another person immediately said, “Mine has also disappeared,”

“….. is indeed gone, it should not be an illusion!”

“Me too!” Another person said excitedly, “Gentlemen, could it be that this

new antidote has some kind of bug?

“It must be!” A man with short hair sitting in the middle said with

unconcealed excitement,

“No matter what kind of bug he has, now that this antidote has lifted the

severe poison from our bodies,”

“Does this mean that we no longer have to be forced to listen to the

organization’s control?”

The man sitting next to him hurriedly asked, “You’re not thinking of

betraying the organization, are you?”

“If the organization catches us, I’m afraid we’ll be worse than dead!”

The short-haired man who spoke earlier immediately retorted,

“What are you afraid of? As long as we don’t talk nonsense and tell the


“That there is nothing unusual about the antidote, he will definitely give the

antidote to others as well!”

After a pause, the man added: “Don’t forget, we have more than two

hundred Cavalry guards,”

“Hundreds more family members in the family area, plus thousands of dead

soldiers below the copper mine!”

“If the severe poison in everyone’s body can be completely lifted,”

“Neither the commissioner nor the guards around him can be a match for

so many of us,”

“And even if we add that special envoy to the mix, it can’t be stronger than


“At that time, we can completely control them and then occupy the entire

copper mine!”

Immediately, one of them asked, “What is the significance of occupying the

entire copper mine for us?”

“Once the organization knows that this place is out of control,”

“They will definitely send people to besiege us!”

“What’s the fear of a siege? The short-haired man gazed like a torch and

said in a cold voice:

“Don’t forget that they used to control us by the antidote and the severe

poison in our bodies!”

“Do you guys think I didn’t want to resist them for so many years?”

“I am willing to give my life to resist them, only that they simply don’t give

us the chance to duel head-on,”

“And as soon as they stop the supply of the antidote,”

“In seven days at most, all of us will definitely die!”

Chapter 5142

Speaking of this, he said with a firm expression:

“As soon as the poison in everyone’s body is solved,”

“Then we will organize everyone to ask their opinions if they are willing to

resist the organization,”

“Then we will use this as a stronghold and fight the organization to the


“If they tend to escape from the organization’s control,”

“Then we will leave Cyprus overnight and flee for a global scattering!”

“There are so many people fleeing at once, even if the organization wants

to hunt them down,”

“I’m afraid it’s difficult to chase them over,”

“As long as everyone escapes to be able to remain as anonymous as


“I believe that there must be some people who can survive and live freely!”

After that, he looked around at the crowd and said impassionedly,

“Think about it, our ancestors fought their way from the dead to the


“And have not been able to regain their freedom for hundreds of years,”

“And this bug in the new antidote is our best chance,”

“And it’s a great opportunity that will be fleeting!”

“Once they find out about the bug, then we don’t stand a chance!”

“Do you all really want our children and grandchildren to be forever

shackled by this unbreakable poison as well?

The short-haired man’s words caused the crowd around him to leap

forward a bit.

One of them clenched his fist and said with clenched teeth:

“If we don’t seize this opportunity, our future generations will be controlled

by this poison for hundreds of years!”

“Since this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, we have to seize it no matter


After saying that, he looked at the short-haired man and said firmly,

“Just say the word on how to do it, my brother, this life, from now on is at

your command!”

“Yes, the Right flag chief, we all listen to your command!”

The others have also taken a stand at one time or another.

The short-haired man said with relief, “Good! Since we are all willing to put

up a fight,”

“Then we will first set a plan, the top priority right now,”

“Is absolutely not to let that envoy know that there is a problem with this


‘So later when he finds us a separate meeting, we must unify the caliber,”

“Say that no problems were found as well as any abnormalities,”

“So that he will definitely let the next batch of people come over to test the


“What we have to do is to seize the time before they are brought here,”

“It is to tell them about these situations before, so that they are also the

same as us, do not reveal any clues!”

Saying that he gave a slight beating, and continued:

“In addition, I guess that envoy can not always be here,”

“Waiting for all of us Cavalry Guards to test the medicine,”

“And after the Cavalry Guards more than thirty people in charge at all levels

to test the medicine,”

“He will definitely distribute the medicine to us,”

“So that we can give our respective men to distribute the medicine,”

“So after we go back, we have to tell the respective men in advance. “

The people immediately nodded and said, “No problem! We all listen to


The short-haired man added: “Later on, while the other two groups are

testing the medicine one after another,”

“I have to go down to the mine to meet with a few elders of the dead

soldiers and tell them about this,”

“So that they can fight alongside us! We are all from the dead soldiers,”

‘They have not even had the chance to see the sunlight so far,”

“I believe that this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, they will definitely grasp it

with all their might!”

According to his plan, everyone would first take care of the other 20-odd

Cavalry guards,”

“Then split up to take care of the other Cavalry guards under their

respective command,”

“And finally mobilize the dead soldiers, so that it would be effortless to take

the entire copper mine.

However, these people did not know that all the contents of their discussion

had entered Charlie’s ears word by word.

The corner of his mouth wiped a smile of appreciation,

Chapter 5143

This person’s courage and strategy, are clearly superior to several other


And more importantly, his hatred for the Warriors Den did not decrease,

Because he became a Cavalry Guards, his bloody nature is still there.

At this time, his heart for the subsequent arrangements after the occupation

of this copper mine has been somewhat clear.

Soon, the first Cavalry guard who got the antidote from Charlie’s hand

stepped to the office door.

He knocked on the door and said respectfully,

“The Right flag chief of the Cavalry Guard requests to see Lord Special


Charlie gave a hmph and said indifferently, “Come in!”

Then, the door of the room was gently pushed open and a middle-aged

blond man stepped into the office.

Back when he first saw the twelve people, Charlie had noticed him,

He looked more like a western face, but had a few Asian features, thought

he should be a mixed race.

Wrapped in black robes, Charlie was sitting behind a wide solid wood desk,

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, and asked, “Did you take

the antidote?”

The middle-aged man hurriedly said, “Back to Lord Envoy, it has been


Charlie nodded slightly and asked,

“How do you feel? Did you find anything unusual?”

The middle-aged man said without thinking, “I feel fine, I didn’t find any


“And I can obviously feel that after taking the medicine this time,”

“The suppression of the toxins in my body is a bit stronger,”

“So I think it shouldn’t be a problem to last for fifteen days.”

“Good.” Charlie nodded and smiled playfully, then asked:

“By the way, in the Cavalry guard, what position do you hold?”

The man immediately said, “Back to Lord Envoy,”

“This subordinate is the right flag chief among the three banners of the

Cavalry Guard,”

“And oversees the entire right banner.”

“Right flag chief.” Charlie repeated and asked curiously, “What is your


The man said: “Back to the envoy, the subordinate’s lineage has been

difficult to verify,”

“According to what I know, there are Chinese, Japanese, British, German,

Russian, and several South American countries’ lineage,”

“My earliest ancestors are Chinese, but from a hundred years ago,”

“The dead added many other races, so the lineage has become more and

more confusing.”

Charlie was secretly surprised in his heart,

It seemed that after so many years of development of the Warriors Den,

The bloodlines of the dead soldiers had diversified long ago.

Then, he waved his hand to that person and said,

“Alright, go down first and let the next person in.”

The man said respectfully, “Your subordinate follows orders!”

Soon, a second person knocked on the door of the room:

“The chief of the Cavalry internazionale seeks to see the envoy!”

Charlie said, “Come in,” and the man hurriedly stepped into the office.

He closed the door, came in front of Charlie, and said respectfully,

“Greetings, Lord Special Envoy!”

After saying that, he looked at the special envoy and others who were

standing motionless around him,

And bowed to the commanding officer respectfully, “Greetings, Lord special


Charlie opened his mouth and asked him, “Have you taken the antidote?”

The man said, “Back to the envoy, I have taken the antidote!”

After saying that, he hurriedly lowered his voice and said in a flattering


“Lord envoy, I have two important things to report to you!”

Charlie raised his eyebrows and said indifferently, “You can say what


The man hurriedly said, “The first thing is, there is something wrong with

this medicine!”

Charlie asked curiously, “What’s wrong with the medicine?”

The man explained: “Back to Lord Envoy,”

“After taking this new antidote, all the toxins in my body have disappeared!”

Chapter 5144

Charlie pretended to be surprised and chided: “What nonsense,”

“The new antidote is specially prepared by Lord for you personally,”

“In order to be able to extend the interval between each dose,”

“So that you can complete more difficult tasks,”

“Its effect is to make the time of toxin attack in your body from 7 days to 15


“How can it make all your toxins disappear?”

The man said with an anxious face: “Oh, Lord Envoy, everything I said is

the truth,”

“Not only the toxin in my body disappeared, but the other 11 people’s toxins

also no longer exist!”

This involves the second thing that I want to report to you.”

“Just now, the Right flag chief Leroy Li has called on us to seize control of

the copper mine,”

“And even wants us to work against the organization.”

Charlie slightly paused for a moment, then curiously asked:

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Didn’t you ever think about breaking away from the organization’s


When that person heard this, he thought that Charlie was deliberately

testing his loyalty,

And immediately turned pale with fear, and hurriedly waved his hand to


“Please be clear, Lord Envoy, I am loyal to the organization,”

“I have no desire to betray! In addition, I was able to reach this post step by

step to today, to become the chief of the flag here,”

“All the opportunity is given by the organization, I would rather die than

betray the organization!”

Charlie smiled and said, “They all say that although the Cavalry Guards

and the dead soldiers are obedient to the organization,”

“They are full of hatred towards the organization,”

“And are always thinking of breaking away from the organization’s control.”

Now it seems that this is not true.

The man immediately took a step forward, bowed ninety degrees,

Put his hands on his head, and respectfully said,

“Lord Envoy, the fact that I am here today is the result of the joint efforts of

my ancestors,”

“So how can I fail them for so many generations and so many years.”

Charlie laughed: “Haha! You are indeed a moldable talent!”

“This is a new poison specially prepared by Lord to test your loyalty.”

“At first glance, this poison seems to have completely lifted the toxin in your


“But in reality, he only let the toxin hide temporarily,”

“So as to test which of you has a mutinous intention towards the


‘And who has a loyalty towards the organization!”

The man’s expression was horrified but soon replaced by an uncontrollable

excitement and thrill.

He could not hide his joy and said out of the blue,

“I was just wondering, with Lord’s holy wisdom, how could he have

formulated such a southward antidote,”

“But I never thought that Lord would be so wise!”

Charlie nodded and said indifferently: “I’m not going to hide it from you,”

“Lord has always known that the vast majority of you Cavalry Guards as

well as dead soldiers lack loyalty to him,”

“And are even full of hatred, he moved this idea, and not to find out those

traitors who intend to mutiny,”

“But through this means, to dig out a moldable talent like you! “

The first time I saw you, I was able to get to the top of the list.

The man was overjoyed and knelt on the ground with a poof and


“Thank you for the promotion, Lord Envoy!”

Charlie stretched out his hand to signal him to get up,

And then continued to set him up again, smiling and asking,

“According to your understanding, how many other people like you,”

“Are truly loyal to the organization in the Cavalry Guard?”

The man thought for a moment and spoke, “There aren’t many people I can


“But at the very least, there are a dozen! They are all loyal to the


“And they all hope to make themselves, as well as their families,”

“More valued by the organization through their own efforts.”

“Good!” Charlie nodded and admonished, “After you go out from here,”

“Don’t let the other eleven people see any clues,”

“Then you go to the people you think will definitely not betray the


“And quietly tell them the truth about the antidote,”

“And ask them to hold the towel in their left hand when they take the

medicine later,”

“So that I can recognize it at a glance, and remember not to let any word


The man did not think twice and said, “Don’t worry lord envoy, I’ll go do it!”

Chapter 5145

The third person to enter the office was the short-haired man,

Whoo had mobilized the other Cavalry guards to take advantage of the

opportunity to resist.

When he said at the door, “The Cavalry Left Banner Chief requests to see

the Special Envoy,”

Charlie recognized his voice.

So, from the moment he entered the door, Charlie was watching his every


This man was about forty years old, although he had a popular face,

But there was an unconcealed heroic spirit between his eyebrows.

When he saw Charlie, he bowed slightly and said in a routine manner,

“Lord Envoy, the new antidote you gave me has been tried and no

abnormality was found.”

Charlie smiled faintly and asked him, “What is your name?”

The short-haired man did not know why Charlie asked his name,

And while he was puzzled, he could only answer truthfully,

“In reply to Lord Envoy, this subordinate’s name is Leroy Li.”

Charlie asked again, “I remember that the dead soldiers are all named by

their numbers,”

“You must be a dead soldier who has been promoted all the way up, why

do you have a name?”

The short-haired man immediately said without condescension,

“It is true that this subordinate was named by number in the Dead Soldier


“But my ancestor passed down his surname and name,”

“Which was allowed in the Dead Soldier Camp, from generation to


Charlie nodded, suddenly his hand moved and the black hat of the robe fell

back, revealing his true face empty.

Leroy was a little surprised, he did not know, why the envoy had to reveal

his true face,

After all, this was never encountered in the past.

Moreover, he was a bit surprised by Charlie’s age.

As early as when Charlie gave them the antidote just now,

He knew that the envoy had changed this time, no longer the old man with

the old voice from before,

But a new person who sounded younger.

But he didn’t have any suspicions about it, after all,

The envoy was not at the same level as him at all,

And the personnel changes of the envoy would not greet them, the dead


But when he found out that Charlie was so young, his whole heart couldn’t

help but be apprehensive.

Because in his opinion, if Charlie can become a special envoy at such a

young age, then his strength must be very strong.

And to have superb strength at such a young age also proved that,

This person was exceptionally gifted and absolutely extraordinary.

Therefore, he was very worried in his heart that he would be seen by


On top of that, Charlie’s sudden act of showing his true face also made him

a little more nervous in his heart.

This kind of situation, which had never been seen before,

Made him conclude in his heart that this young envoy was definitely not

very human.

At this time, Charlie looked at him and said with a smile on his face,

“Leroy, let me ask you, is there really nothing abnormal about this


Leroy’s heart was in a panic, but he still did his best to maintain his

composure and said with certainty,

“Back to the envoy, there is really no abnormality.”

Charlie smiled and asked him, “I see, this is a unified statement that you

have discussed, right?”

Leroy was shocked, but still forced himself to calm down and played dumb,

“Lord envoy, this subordinate does not understand what you mean ……”

Charlie blandly said, “Leroy, the severe poison in your body has completely

disappeared, am I right?!”

Hearing these words, Leroy’s entire body was struck by lightning.

He looked at Charlie with horror and fear, looking at his slightly lazy and

casual smile,

He suddenly realized that what happened in the next conference room just

now seemed to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in his eyes,

But now that he looked at it again, it seemed to be a cat-and-mouse game

that this envoy was playing with him on purpose.

It seems that everything has long been under his control.

Even, all this may be he deliberately teased him and other Cavalry Guards.

In desperation, Leroy still tried to make a final struggle,

He shook his head and said to Charlie: “Lord envoy, please forgive this

subordinate’s stupidity,”

“The situation you mentioned, this subordinate did not perceive ……”

Charlie stood up at this time, paced up and down to Leroy, smiled blandly,

“All right, no need to act with me, the antidote you took was prepared by my

own hands,”

“I know better than you what effects these few pills have.”

“What?!” Leroy stared at Charlie with wide eyes and a face full of horror,

subconsciously asking,

“Lord Envoy …… you …… you said this antidote …… was prepared by

your own hands?!”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “That’s right, I prepared it with my

own hands,”

“And it is not the kind of antidote that you took before,”

“Which can make your body poison delay the onset,”

“But the antidote that can make your body poison disappear completely, in

the true sense of the word.”

Leroy looked at Charlie and asked in confusion, “Lord Envoy ……”

“You …… are doing this for? With this subordinate’s understanding of the


“The organization has always acted extremely cautiously and would never

take such a risk ……”

Chapter 5146

Charlie nodded and said frankly: “You’re right, it’s impossible for the

Warriors Den,”

“To come up with this kind of real antidote, and even if they could, they

would never do it.”

Leroy subconsciously asked, “Then why are you ……”

Charlie looked at him and laughed: “Because I’m not a special envoy at all,”

“And I’m not a member of the Warriors Den, but an enemy of the Warriors


Leroy was shocked and said offhandedly, “This …… how is this possible


After saying that, he couldn’t help but look at the envoy standing on both

sides as well as the envoy’s personal guards,

And couldn’t help but ask Charlie: “Could it be that they are all your people

as well?!”

Charlie waved his hand: “They are not, I came here by myself tonight,”

“They are just controlled by me with a psychological suggestion.”

After saying that, he said to Leroy: “By the way, I came today and brought

several thousand antidotes that can completely release the toxins in your


“Which can completely free all your Cavalry guards and all your dead


“From the grip of the severe poison in the bodies.”

“In addition, I have heard what you just talked to them in the next room,”

“Although courage is commendable, but the strategy is still a little short!”

“If you people choose to stay here and hold on to this copper mine,”

“It’s only a matter of time before the Warriors Den will attack and kill all of


“If you people escape, then the Warriors Den will definitely kill you one by


“Without leaving any future problems, it’s also just a matter of time!

“Only, the latter lingered a little longer than the former.”

Leroy was silent for a moment, looked at Charlie, and opened his mouth to


“Then I dare to ask, you came here today with the antidote, can you give us

people a third choice?!”

“Of course!” Charlie looked at him, nodded approvingly, and said aloud,

“I came here today to do three things! One is to control the special envoy,”

“As well as the envoy here without bloodshed, as you can see, which I

have already done.”

Saying that Charlie gave a slight beating and continued,

“As for the second thing, it is to remove all the toxins from all of you without

the Warriors Den noticing,”

“But the premise is that none of you can escape and must stay here to

cooperate with me,”

“And follow my orders anytime and anywhere.”

“And the third thing is for you all to stay here and cooperate with me both


“And outside after the poison is removed, in preparation for the complete

annihilation of the Warriors Den!”

Leroy frowned, then said with a serious face: “Since you want to be the

enemy of the Warriors Den,”

“You and we have a common enemy, are our comrades, and you are willing

to lift the poison in our bodies,”

“Then you are our benefactor, as long as you can no longer control us like

the Warriors Den,”

“I, Leroy Li, am willing to follow your lead!”

Charlie blandly said: “Since I brought the antidote that can completely lift

the poison in your bodies,”

“I naturally won’t use such underhanded means to control you to work for

me as the Warriors Den did.”

“What I need is for you to work together with me as comrades in arms to

uproot the Warriors Den,”

“And I promise you that after the Warriors Den is eradicated, all of you will

be completely free,”

“At that time, where you want to go and what you want to do is your


“And I, Charlie Wade, will never interfere!”

Hearing these words, Leroy’s whole body was already a bit excited!

Charlie’s words unleashed three huge surprises for him.

The first surprise was that they could all be completely relieved of the

poison in their bodies,”

“And would no longer be shackled by it for the rest of their lives!

The second surprise was that Charlie shared a common goal with them,

Which was to eradicate the Warriors Den, originally he never thought he

was capable of uprooting the Warriors Den,

But Charlie’s profoundness made him subconsciously feel that by following


The chances of success would be infinitely greater!

As for the third surprise, it was the promise of freedom that Charlie gave


This was the key to changing the miserable fate of these people for

hundreds of years!

All of their ancestors, all of them longed for a free body.

But after so many years, countless people gave their lives for the Warriors


And were even killed by the organization itself, but none of them gained

freedom in the true sense.

Some of the guards and their “scholar” descendants have indeed gained

relative freedom by working for the Warriors Den,

But as long as the poison remains intact, freedom remains firmly in the

hands of the Warriors Den.

A bird in a cage has no freedom, and a parrot with a chain around its ankle

has no freedom either.

Therefore, the latter kind of conditional freedom has also been Leroy


If he had the chance, he would be more willing to fight to the death against

the Warriors Den,

Even if he died in the end, it would be a good death.

However, although he had such a mind, he was not a reckless man,

And he knew very well that if he just went against the Warriors Den

regardless of everything,

It would basically be to send him to his death for nothing.

Until a few minutes ago, Charlie’s antidote, let him ignite the confidence to

fight to the death.

And after Charlie said his true purpose, his confidence is a few points more

points up!

At this thought, without thinking, he knelt down on one knee,

Clasped his hands together, and said devoutly, “If you can keep your


“I, Leroy Li, swear by the name of all my ancestors that I will follow you until

the Warriors Den completely disappears from this world!”

Then he suddenly changed his mind and said, “No! I will follow you to the

end of my life and serve you,”

“As long as you can give my descendants freedom, I will be able to smile

and have no regrets in this life!”

Charlie nodded and said indifferently, “I will naturally keep my promise,”

“Not only to you but also to all the dead soldiers and Cavalry Guards who

are controlled by the Warriors Den.

Chapter 5147

Charlie’s promise made Leroy’s heart stir and surged.

He knelt on the ground, looking up at Charlie with blood in his eyes,

And asked excitedly, “Sir, what should I do next, please let me know!”

Charlie’s gaze was like a torch, and he said in a loud voice:

“I have already controlled all the fighters and important personnel here,”

“And you, the Cavalry Guards, are the ones who have the highest say


Leroy said with an astonished expression, “Sir, please forgive me,”

“The Cavalry Guards have been suffering from the Warriors Den for a long


“But they have not had the chance to break away from their control,”

“Now that you have given us a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,”

“I believe that all the Cavalry Guards will definitely follow your footsteps and

do the bidding to defeat the Warriors Den! “

Charlie shook his head and said indifferently,

“You have courage, strategy, and backbone,”

“But it seems that you are still lacking a few points of understanding of

human nature.”

Saying that, Charlie said with a cold expression, “You don’t know, that flag

chief just now,”

“He has told me the real situation of the antidote, as well as your plan word

for word,”

“Compared to fighting against the Warriors Den, or dying,”

“He would prefer to stay in the Warriors Den, and work his way up.”

Leroy’s eyes widened and he blurted out, “Sir …… is this …… true?!”

“Of course.” Charlie nodded and informed him of the conversation,

That he had with that middle banner chief just now.

After hearing this, Leroy immediately became furious and said through

clenched teeth,

“This damned man, how dare he try to betray the entire Cavalry Guard!”

“I must kill him with my own hands!”

Charlie said indifferently, “There must be a few people like him in the

Cavalry Guard!”

With a slight beating, Charlie added: “According to him,”

“There are at least a dozen people he can identify, and those who are


“Or temporarily wavering but will choose to betray the Cavalry Guard,”

“At the critical moment, the add up to not be underestimated!”

“Now I want all of you Guards and all dead soldiers to unite,”

“And pretend that nothing has happened, and become a steel knife inside

the Warriors Den!”

“But, to achieve this goal, you must make sure that no traitors exist within

you people!”

“Otherwise, once one of you tries to inform the outside world,”

“It may bring you all a death sentence!”

Leroy said without thinking, “Sir, don’t worry,”

“I will immediately bring someone to arrest him and force him to reveal the

names of all the others,”

“So that all these people will be eliminated!”

Charlie waved his hand: “So far it is also very inappropriate,”

“Because this matter is likely to have a leak of fish, I have arranged this


“He does not know my true identity, and he also believed my words,”

“I have asked him to secretly mobilize those who are like-minded with him,”

“I believe that those people will also help him to bring in other wavering


“At that time they will hold the towel in their left hand,”

“All you have to do is explain the situation to the people you absolutely


“And when I go to issue medicine for all the Cavalry later,”

“You will use my dropping the cup as a signal to arrest,”

“All the people who hold the towel in their left hand!”

Hearing this, Leroy immediately said with a convinced face, “Good idea,


“With your method, it is surprising that we can catch all of these people,

without leaving a single one!”

After saying that, he suddenly remembered something and hurriedly asked

Charlie again,

“Right sir, what are you going to do with this gang?”

Charlie asked him, “Do you have any good ideas?”

Chapter 5148

Leroy said with a firm expression, “I think, these people ignore the tragic


“And bitter hatred of their ancestors, only care about their own interests,”

“And even go so far as to betray their comrades who fought side by side,”

“Their hearts should be put to death!”

“What is the difference between these people and the traitor Wu Sangui,”

“Who let the Warriors Den into the country and even killed the Southern

Ming Emperor Yongli with his own hands?

Charlie did not expect that when Leroy mentioned traitors, he was thinking

of Wu Sangui from hundreds of years ago.

However, he quickly understood the reason for it.

The ancestors of these Cavalry Guards, there should be many of them

were Southern Ming people,

Southern Ming was the last dynasty of Han people, for the Han people at

that time,

Wu Sangui was the most traitorous traitor in this world.

Not only did he put the Warriors Den into the country for his own glory and


Taking away the rivers and mountains of the Han people,

But he even acted as a pawn for the Warriors Den,

Committing many unforgivable crimes against his own countrymen and


What is even more outrageous is that this man, who was originally a

minister of the Ming Dynasty,

Personally captured the last emperor of the Southern Ming Dynasty,

Emperor Yongli,

And killed him with his own hands after surrendering to the Warriors Den,

An act of regicide that is not uncommon in the 5,000 years of Chinese


Therefore, this person can almost be counted among the Han Chinese’s

biggest traitors.

However, at this time, Charlie waved his hand to Leroy and said,

“Although I agree with your evaluation of these people,”

“I do not agree with your punishment of these people.”

Leroy asked, “Sir, what do you think is wrong?”

Charlie said lightly: “It is always easy to kill, but most of the time,”

“Killing is a lack of sufficient justice, you are after all only a group,”

“Not a sound society, you want to kill them, firstly, it is impossible to rely


“Secondly, it may not be able to fully convince the public,”

“In case your behavior gives others a ‘those who go against me die! ‘


“Then for the others, what is the difference with being controlled by the

Warriors Den?”

Leroy froze and asked him, “Sir, what do you mean then?”

Charlie said indifferently: “Once today’s goal is achieved, you are in a

practical sense out of the control of the Warriors Den,”

“And I am not your new master, but only reached a fair agreement with


“The content of this agreement is that I provide you with the antidote,”

“You fight against the Warriors Den with me,”

“Once the Warriors Den is eradicated, this agreement will be naturally


“Therefore, while your general direction during the survival phase of this


“You will have to follow the agreement with me,”

“But within you, you will need to establish a credible internal order,”

“And any internal matters should be able to convince the public when

making decisions.”

Speaking here, Charlie paused and continued, “Once this credible internal

order is established,”

“This set of order is equivalent to your internal basic law,”

“The behavior of all people, are subject to this set of basic law,”

“And you have to ensure the fairness of this set of laws,”

“To ensure that it applies to each and every one of you;”

“As for those who intend to betray the Cavalry Guard,”

“They should be punished with this set of basic laws after it is established,”

“That way they can be convinced in the true sense.”

At this point, Charlie looked at Leroy and said in a serious tone,

“If you really want to kill them, it must be everyone’s intention to kill, not just


Leroy remained silent for a long time, with a grateful face said:

“Sir, your meaning, subordinate understands!”

Charlie hmmm, faintly said: “you go down first to prepare, find you

completely trustworthy people,”

“Tell them these situations, let them be prepared, for the people behind,”

“I still have to meet one by one, to see if there are still the same people as

that flag carrier,”

“If there is, I will also let them hold a towel in the left hand to facilitate the


“Then you will lead people to deal with them!”

Chapter 5149

After Leroy left the office, Charlie did not let the next person come in


But took out his cell phone and sent a message to Joseph,

Asking him to land immediately according to the original plan and wait

around at the back side of the copper mine.

At this time, Joseph had already brought the elites of the Cataclysmic


As well as those seven Cavalry guards, five-four-seven and others, to the

Cyprus coastline by boat.

According to Charlie’s orders, they moored at a location less than ten

kilometers from the coastline and waited.

And in the two hours that followed, Charlie did as he had shared,

And interviewed the remaining Cavalry Guards’ heads of various ranks.

This also allowed him to test out four more treacherous people one after

another who,

Like Shane Ma, intended to rat on the organization in exchange for its


And Charlie continued to use the same rhetoric he used when he snubbed


Making them think they had taken great credit and sending them off to

develop their own underlings,

Making sure that all of their people, at a later stage of public dosing,

Held a towel in their left hand so that Charlie could identify them.

At this moment, more than two hundred Cavalry guards, have invariably

divided into two camps.

Those who were willing to follow Leroy and others to fight against the

Warriors Den,

And for freedom were ready to take over the entire copper mine.

However, there were still some Cavalry guards who could not wait to prove

their sincerity in this “test”.

They were all gathered in Shane’s office, and Shane couldn’t hide his


As he told them what had happened before and then said with great


“Today, thanks to my cleverness, I found something strange in the


“And only then did I inadvertently pass Lord’s test,”

“In case I had a brain fever and was like Leroy and the others,”

“Who wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to leave the control of

the organization.”

“I’m afraid we’ll all be finished!”

These people who were chosen by Shane were just as eager as he was to

climb higher,

And higher in the organization, so after hearing what had happened, they

were all both grateful and excited.

In their opinion, to successfully pass the test of the Lord was a huge

opportunity in itself,

And by seizing this opportunity, everyone would definitely be able to

receive the organization’s commendation.

So, a group of people excitedly expressed their loyalty to Shane,

And one of them said excitedly, “Lieutenant Banner Chief, oh no, the future

Lord Commander,”

“When you soar to greatness in the future, don’t forget us, your loyal men!”

Shane laughed and patted his chest, “Don’t worry, brothers, we will seize

this opportunity today,”

“And the important positions of the entire Cavalry Guard will definitely be


“Important positions are not assumed, certainly give priority to us loyal

subjects who have passed the test,”

“By then, we can all overall go further!”

Once the people heard this, they were even more excited,

And each of them already started to calculate in their hearts,

Calculating what kind of huge rewards they could reap after this test.

At this time, the chairman’s voice came out from the radio:

“Attention all Cavalry guards, gather at the staff auditorium in ten minutes,”

“The special envoy will distribute the latest antidote for everyone!”

When Shane heard the broadcast, he stood up excitedly and said


“Brothers, the time has come to build a career! Everyone, go back and take

a towel,”

“And hold it in your left hand, after the Lord Special Envoy sees it,”

“He will know that we are all absolutely loyal to the organization!

Someone asked him, “Brother Ma, is it not a bit strange for us to hold a

towel in our hands,”

“In case others ask, how should we answer?”

Shane said casually: “What do they do if someone asks, say the weather is


“Have a towel to wipe sweat, as for them to believe you do not care,

anyway it is just a towel, what can they guess?”

Chapter 5150

After all, even if they take the antidote, the poison in their bodies will not

really be lifted,”

“And when the envoy speaks the truth, they will still have to behave?”

“At that time, even if they know that we have already shown our heart to the


“So what? In any case, they will either be executed or put under our

command, so what are you afraid of?”

The man immediately realized and said, “Brother Ma is wise!”

“It seems that today is really a good opportunity for our brothers to soar to

great heights!”

“Everything depends on Brother Ma’s guidance, and we will definitely listen

to your orders in the future!”

Shane nodded in satisfaction and said smilingly:

“With these words from my brothers, it is not in vain.”

“Everyone hurry back to prepare towels, we will see you in the staff



Just when all the Cavalry guards started to prepare to go to the staff


Joseph and his group had successfully landed and quietly went around the

back side of the copper mine.

Charlie ordered the special envoy, Reverend, and the two sectional


To personally go to meet them and bring the group directly to the office


Except for Joseph, the others stayed in the conference room for the time


While Joseph, accompanied by Reverend, stepped into the office where

Charlie was.

After entering the office, Joseph respectfully bowed slightly to Charlie and


“Mr. Wade, all the subordinates have arrived and are waiting for your

further instructions.”

Charlie nodded and said, “I have asked the Cavalry guards to gather in the


“According to the plan, we will first uncover the traitors within the Cavalry


“And then hold a mobilization meeting for them, at that time,”

“You will take those seven Cavalry guards and listen to my orders in the


Joseph said without thinking, “Okay Mr. Wade, this subordinate


After saying that, he clasped his fist towards Charlie and subconsciously


At the few people standing motionless in the room.

This look does not matter, he looked at one of the middle-aged and elderly,

Greatly shocked out of breath: “Master? Why are you here?!”

The one he called Master was one of the guards beside the sectional


Charlie previously did not pay much attention to this person,

After all, this person’s cultivation is only in the Ming realm, so Charlie also

did not take it to heart.

However, he did not expect that this person would be the master of Joseph.

He frowned and asked, “Joseph, this person, is he really your master?”

“Yes!” Joseph subconsciously nodded and said, “He is my ideal master

Jackson Qiu……”

After saying that, he looked at the middle-aged old man and said


“Master, don’t you recognize me?! I’m Joseph!”

Charlie said indifferently, “His mind is now under my control.”

Joseph’s entire body was suddenly stunned and asked offhandedly,

“Mr. Wade, my master he …… he also joined that organization?!”

Charlie nodded and smiled sarcastically,

“Joined, but it seems that his status is somewhat low, and he can’t even

speak here.”

After saying that, Charlie looked at Jackson and ordered, “You, come here!”

When Jackson heard Charlie’s order, he hurriedly walked to the front.

Charlie looked at him, waved his hand in front of him,

And then withdrew the aura controlling him.

The moment Jackson regained his senses, he stared at Charlie with a face

full of horror and questioned offhandedly,

“What exactly did you …… do to me?!”

Charlie pointed to Joseph beside him and asked, “Do you still know this


Only then did Jackson look at Joseph, and the whole person was even

more stunned!

He looked at Joseph for a long time before he asked in shock:

“You …… you are Joseph Wan?!”

Joseph knelt down on one knee and said respectfully,

“Master, it is precisely your disciple Joseph!”

Jackson subconsciously asked, “What cultivation level are you …… now?”

“Why can’t I see your cultivation level? Could it be that ……”

“Could it be that you have exceeded the Ming Realm Great Perfection?!”

Joseph looked at Charlie and said truthfully, “Back to the master,”

“This disciple is fortunate enough to be brought up by Mr. Wade and has

now crossed over to the Dark Realm!”

“What?!” Although Jackson had subconsciously realized that this would be

the case,

He was still shocked when he heard Joseph say it himself.

His eyes widened as he subconsciously said, “This …… is simply


“I have been stuck in the Ming realm for nearly thirty years without being

able to break through,”

“You and I have only been separated for a year, how can you break through

the Ming realm,”

“From an eight-star martial artist all the way to the Ming realm and cross

into the Dark realm?

Joseph respectfully said, “Master, I just said that it was all thanks to Mr.

Wade who gave me the chance.”

After saying that, he couldn’t help but ask,

“Master, weren’t you going to travel in the clouds? Why are you here?!”

Jackson had already realized that the mysterious young man in front of


Who was called Mr. Wade by Joseph, must be an expert with heavenly


And that he had just been controlled by him in a daze,

Which showed that his tactics were already infinitely higher than his own.

Hearing that he had given his disciple Joseph a heavenly chance,

He couldn’t help but ask respectfully, “Mr. Wade, I wonder what your

identity is?”

Charlie said indifferently, “You are not qualified to ask about my identity


After saying that, Charlie asked in a cold voice: “You haven’t answered the

question that Joseph just asked you.”

Jackson was shaken and said: “I entered the world to find a chance to

break through to the Ming realm,”

“And by chance, I met the sect leader here in North Africa, and when he

saw that my cultivation had reached the Ming realm,”

“He persuaded me to join the Warriors Den, and promised that after three

years of service in the Warriors Den,”

“He would recommend me to join the Warrior Camp.”

“To join the Warriors Den to take a special poison, and need to take the

antidote for life to save life ……”

Joseph was surprised and asked, “Master, what kind of organization is the

Warrior camp?”

Jackson explained, “The Warrior Camp is the base for cultivating the Dark

Realm experts of the Warriors Den,”

“Every martial artist who has reached the full circle of the Bright Realm can

successfully break through,”

“And step into the Dark Realm after joining the Warrior Camp ……”

Joseph couldn’t help but say, “Master, according to what your disciple

currently knows about this organization,”

“This organization with a history of several hundred years seems to be very


“Why would you join such an organization to work for them?”

Jackson sighed with a sigh, “Because I wanted a breakthrough! Once upon

a time,”

“I was also the most popular genius martial artist, in my thirties,”

“I made great progress, cultivating to the Ming realm, but who would have

thought that I would be stuck in the Ming realm for thirty years……”

“In the past thirty years, I have been thinking about breaking through to the

last level,”

“But how easy is it to break through to this big realm, so many years I have

not been able to do what I want ……”

Said, Jackson said: “Warriors Den will promise to let me break through to

the dark realm,”

“At that moment I did not have any hesitation, immediately agreed to them,”

“For me, my biggest goal in life was to be able to step into the dark realm,”

“This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, how could I not grasp …… “

Speaking of which, he couldn’t help but ask Joseph: “Joseph, why are you

doing here?!”

“Could it be that the Cataclysmic Front has become enemies with the

Warriors Den?”

Joseph arched his hands towards Charlie and respectfully said,

“Back to Master, disciple and tens of thousands of troops of the

Cataclysmic Front have sworn their loyalty to Mr. Wade,”

“And the reason why disciple is here is that Mr. Wade wants to completely

eradicate the Warriors Den that you are talking about!”

Jackson subconsciously looked at Charlie and said frankly:

“Young brother, although I have joined the Warriors Den for only one year,”

“But as a leopard in the tube, a glimpse to know the whole panther,”

“The strength of the Warriors Den is too much stronger than the

Cataclysmic Front,”

“The entire Warriors Den alone has nearly a hundred Dark Realm experts,”

“And there are even said to be Masters of the Realm of Transformation,”

“This strength is not the Cataclysmic Front can shake,”

“Let the Cataclysmic Front fight against the Warriors Den, like an ant

shaking a tree, it will be unbearable!

Hearing this, Charlie smiled faintly and said indifferently:

“Even if it is a huge tree, so what? I will cut off all its branches and buds

one by one,”

“And then uproot it and trample it under my feet!”

Chapter 5151

Charlie’s words shocked Jackson, but also made his heart, at this moment,

have mixed feelings.

For one thing, he couldn’t figure out why this young man would have such


To intervene to challenge the immense Warriors Den.

Secondly, he couldn’t understand why the same person had different lives,

He and Joseph were both martial arts geniuses,

And their cultivation before the age of thirty was not only overwhelming but

even seen as astounding.

The fact that he could cultivate into an eight-star martial artist before the

age of thirty,

In the original world of martial artists what he knew, was a complete

phoenix’s hair,

And it was hard to pick one out of ten thousand.

Therefore, when he decided to enter the world and search for a

breakthrough more than a year ago,

He had sighed and lamented for Joseph’s future.

At that time, he thought that although Joseph’s cultivation was smooth until

he was thirty years old,

He was after all under his own tutelage, and the way he cultivated martial


And his own method were exactly the same,

So he was bound to face the embarrassing situation of not being able to

make a breakthrough for thirty years in the future.

When he decided to travel in the world, Jackson also told Joseph about his


And he even comforted him and promised him that once he found a chance

to break through to the Dark Realm,

He would definitely come back to help him.

However, who would have thought that when he had made up his mind to

take the initiative to join the Warriors Den,

Waiting for the opportunity to enter the Warrior Camp and preparing to

spend at least ten years seeking a breakthrough in the Camp,

His own disciple, Joseph, had already made it to the Dark Realm in one


This huge psychological gap made Jackson’s heart very uncomfortable,

And even when facing Joseph, he couldn’t help but feel a bit ashamed.

The feeling of a master being overtaken by his disciple really made him

have mixed feelings.

Joseph also saw the despondency on his master’s face, and immediately

said offhandedly:

“Master, Mr. Wade is truly a person with great power,”

“And is the head of the Wade family in China, I believe that with Young

Master Wade’s strength and potential,”

“Eradicating the Warriors Den in the future is definitely not a problem!”

“And he is generous, repaying grievances with virtue,”

“And convincing people with virtue! I broke all my meridians at first,”

“But Young Master Wade helped me to repair them completely,”

“And in one incense stick, I was able to cross the Ming realm to the fullest.

Jackson’s expression was extremely complicated.

He also knew that joining the Warriors Den was the next best thing,

And if he hadn’t been unable to break through for decades,

He wouldn’t have been willing to suffer such humiliation even if he was

beaten to death.

Other than that, when he was in the Cataclysmic Front,

Although he was not the real speaker, he was the master that everyone


And his prestige was even higher than that of Joseph.

But after joining the Warriors Den, he was just a lackey of the Warriors


His status, but is just a guard beside the commissioner,

It seems as if there has been considered under one person,

Above thousands of people, but in fact, he has no command over the

Cavalry guard, as well as the dead soldiers.

And he doesn’t have any men either, he’s just at the side of the festival

ambassador to be called upon.

Not to mention that now, he had somehow become a prisoner of the person

in front of him.

Thinking of this, he also did not think twice to kneel down on one knee,

Clasped his hands to Charlie and said respectfully,

“Mr. Wade, if you do not mind, my name is Jackson Qiu, and I would like to

be by your side with humbleness!”

Chapter 5152

Charlie nodded slightly and asked him,

“What were the conditions you negotiated with that governor?”

“Did he promise you how long it would take for you to become a Dark

Realm expert?”

Jackson said truthfully: “Mr. Wade, the condition I negotiated with the

governor was to stay with him for three years,”

“And if I performed well within three years,”

“I could be recommended to join the Warrior Den, and if I joined the Warrior


“I could break through to a Dark Realm expert within ten years.”

Charlie smiled faintly: “That’s thirteen years.”

“Right!” Jackson nodded: “It will take thirteen years at the soonest.”

Charlie looked at him and said seriously, “As long as you work for me


“Within one year, I will let you enter the First level of the Dark Realm!”

“One year?!” Jackson’s eyes widened and he exclaimed, “Mr. Wade, are

you serious?”

Charlie asked him in return, “Do you think I need to lie to you?”

Jackson said with a terrified expression, “Sorry Mr. Wade, I am not

doubting you ……”

“I just …… can’t believe that I can break through to the Dark Realm in such

a short time… …”

Charlie looked at him, reached out his hand and pointed at Joseph, and

said blandly,

“You are Joseph’s master, in private, he has to respect you and honor you,”

“But after you join my command, stay here and help me control this copper


“Joseph is your direct superior, listen to his command and report to him in

everything, can you do that?”

Jackson said piously, “Mr. Wade, I will follow all your instructions!”

Charlie nodded and said to Joseph: “Joseph, Syria, and Cyprus are only

two hundred kilometers away from the Mediterranean Sea,”

“So it’s convenient to come from the base of the Cataclysmic Front,”

“So from now on you choose a small team from the Cataclysmic Front to be

based here,”

“To make sure that everything is under control here, and contact you in time

if there is any movement.”

Charlie and Jackson only met for the first time, so, to him, Charlie can not

be considered trustworthy.

Just through the selflessness of himself then to Joseph in past,

To presume that this person’s nature will never be bad.

However, whether it can assume great use, but also to observe a period of

time to know.

Therefore, it is certainly not possible for him to give all the affairs of this

place to him alone.

For a person like Joseph who comes from a mercenary background,

This kind of relationship he can handle very well in itself.

In the military, there is always some role similar to the old squad leader,

When the new recruits, under him, taught and cared for, but as time goes


The old squad leader may still be the same old squad leader, but the new

recruits of that year,

May have become a senior officer in the military, in private,

The old squad leader is the old squad leader is always worthy of respect,

But in public, subordinates are subordinates, and with other subordinates,

there is no difference.

This situation is very common in the armies of all countries, and in the

mercenaries as well.

So, Joseph said without thinking, “Don’t worry, Mr. Wade, your subordinate

will be safe and proper!”

After saying that, he remembered one thing and hurriedly asked Charlie:

“Mr. Wade, I have one thing I don’t understand, I don’t know if I can ask you

to solve the problem?”

Charlie nodded: “Go ahead.”

Joseph said, “If you take all the Cavalry guards and dead soldiers here

under your command,”

“How can I ensure the stable operation of this place while the Warriors Den

will not find any clues?”

Charlie smiled and did not answer his question, but said aloud,

“It’s almost time, let’s go meet those Cavalry guards first,”

“When all their problems are solved, you will know the answer to this


At this moment.

More than two hundred Cavalry guards wearing copper mine uniforms,

Have arrived at the copper mine’s staff auditorium one after another.

Chapter 5153

This staff auditorium, a building that had existed since the original purchase

of the copper mine by the Warriors Den,

Was built in the 1980s and was mainly used for meetings,

Festivals and ceremonies for the employees of the copper mine.

After the Warriors Den took over, it allowed all the Cavalry guards to act as

employees of the mine,

And most of the Cavalry guards’ families to act as logistics, so the mine

was superficially run quite well.

Even the occasional local government officials came to inspect the

inspection but did not notice any abnormalities.

At this time, these Cavalry guards came to the staff auditorium,

Giving the impression that the copper mine is going to hold a mobilization

meeting or summary meeting.

However, if you stand on the sidelines, you will soon find a problem, that is,

Among these uniformly dressed employees, there are more than 20 people

holding a towel in their left hand.

And these people with towels have been vaguely excited in their hearts,

Because they feel that after tonight, each of them has the opportunity to go

to the next level.

In addition to the vague throbbing excitement,

These people have also been keeping an eye on the others around them,

And are always ready to be asked for a towel.

However, what made them feel strange was that none of them came to ask

about such an abrupt performance with a towel in hand.

Each person having a towel in hand, when seeing another person with no

towel in hand,

There will be little eye contact with each other.

But for those who did not take the towel, it seems that they did not even

look at their towels.

These people were a bit puzzled and did not understand why the others

were so insightful,

All the way over, these people did not seem to be interested.

What they didn’t know was that these people had actually been given

orders to pretend,

To be oblivious to their strange behavior on the surface,

And later just wait for the envoy to drop his cup as a signal to deal with all

these people around them, with towels in hand!

The Cavalry guards soon arrived.

After counting their respective men, the three banner chiefs made their

respective reports to the chairman.

It was a pity that only the Cavalry Guards, who had made up their minds to

break with the Warriors Den,

Knew that this chairman had become a puppet.

At this time, the chairman walked to the front of the stage and said in a loud


“All Cavalry guards listen to the order to welcome the special envoy!”

Every Cavalry guard on the stage, at this time, shouted with emotion,

“Greet the envoy!”

The men with towels in their hands were excited because they were

thinking of the immediate success of their work.

The other Cavalry guards were excited because they wanted to be free,

From the control of the Warriors Den and realize the greatest dream of their


Both sides had their own thoughts and were looking forward to the

appearance of the envoy.

At this moment, Charlie, who was dressed in a black robe but did not use a

hat to cover his face,

Stepped onto the stage under everyone’s gaze.

The puppet chairman respectfully took a few steps back, leaving the middle

seat for Charlie.

Looking at the “special envoy” showing his true face for the first time,

No one felt anything unusual among the Cavalry guards who were divided

into two camps on the stage.

After all, both sides have their own set of understanding of Charlie’s

behavior of revealing his true face.

Charlie was standing on the stage, looking down at the two hundred people


And said with a smile on his face: “Gentlemen, I believe that today is an

extraordinary day for all of you,”

“A day to remember! It’s also a day to build a successful career!”

The two parties on the stage, because they each have their own thoughts,

So when they heard these words, they were all more excited in their hearts.

Shane, who was holding the towel in his hand, and his colleagues who

were holding the towel,

Each of them subconsciously held the towel in their hands tighter,

As if what they were holding was not a towel but a ticket to the next glory

and fortune.

But they ignored the Cavalry guards around them who did not hold the


Have begun to quietly gaze at them with the afterglow, ready to make a

move on them.

Chapter 5154

Charlie on the stage smiled faintly and spoke:

“Today, I have good news to tell you all, Lord has prepared a new antidote

for you,”

“This new antidote can make the severe poison in your body,”

“From seven days of attack time, extended to fifteen days,”

“I hope you can build a successful career for Lord in the future!”

After saying that, he waved his right hand and said in a loud voice,

“Come on, give medicine and wine!”

Hearing these words, Reverend, Jackson, and the sectarians immediately

went forward and started to distribute antidotes for everyone,”

“While arranging for several senior members of the Cavalry to bring out the

white wine,”

“And wine cups prepared in advance and pour a cup for each of them.

Among them, Shane was particularly attentive and handed the first cup of

wine to Charlie’s hand.

In his opinion, after today, he will become the commander of this place,

And leap to become the chief of Cavalry Guards,

So he will inevitably have to meet with the “special envoy” more often in the


So it is best to pay more compliments.

Charlie took the wine cup and said with deep meaning: “Do well, I’ll see


Shane was trembling with excitement and said respectfully,

“Don’t worry, Lord Envoy! Your subordinates are ready to be loyal to you! I

will not let you down!”

Charlie said with a smile as he held his glass of wine,

“No, not for me, but for the Lord!”

Shane nodded his head like garlic and hurriedly changed his mouth,

“You are right! This subordinate will do his duty for the great Lord!”

After saying that, Shane was afraid that the others would see the clues,

So he hurriedly said, “Lord Envoy, if you have no other orders, I will return

to my team first.”

Charlie looked at the towel wrapped around his wrist,

Nodded slightly, and smiled blandly, “You go.”

After all the Cavalry guards had picked up their cups and the guards who

had not taken the medicine had received the new antidote,

Charlie then spoke, “Gentlemen, by taking this antidote, the poison in your

bodies will completely disappear,”

“And from now on, no one will be able to continue to control your lives by

such underhanded means!”

A group of Cavalry guards who did not take the towel shouted loudly in


And then they swallowed the antidote they just got without hesitation.

A group of people, including Shane, ridiculed these fools in their hearts,

Especially Shane, who gloated in his heart and thought,

“What a bunch of fcuking idiots, you believe in such things?”

“How could Lord let you lose control? The envoy is just playing a trick on


However, he suddenly thumped in his heart and said,

“The backbone of these fools has been aroused, and now the crowd is in

an uproar,”

“I don’t know how the envoy will end it. In case this group of people really

wants to defect from the organization,”

“We are 20 people, but also not their opponent ah ……”

“More do not know if the envoy Lord is saying the truth, can make them tie

their hands?”

Just when he was tense and doubtful in his heart,

Those Cavalry guards around him, have felt the disappearance of the

poison in their bodies, one ecstasy incomparable.

And Shane’s men, who were holding the antidote, did not know whether

they should take it or not.

At this time, we heard Charlie say aloud: “Gentlemen, I think what I am

going to do tonight,”

“You already know in your hearts, I will not say more,”

“Today I drink this wine with you, vow to eradicate the Warriors Den,


The Cavalry guards shouted with excitement,

“Eradicate the root of the society and put an end to the trouble forever!”

When Shane heard this, his whole body trembled in fear, and he thought to


“The envoy is too into the drama, he dares to say such treacherous words


Unlike him and his men, at this time those Cavalry guards who had taken

the antidote,

Their eyes were staring hotly at the wine cup in their hands, waiting for

Charlie’s final signal!

Just when Shane felt frightened by Charlie’s “treason”,

Charlie suddenly tilted his head and drank all the white wine in the cup,

Then slammed the cup to the ground and said loudly, “All the soldiers listen

to the order!

A group of Cavalry guards roared sternly, “The subordinates are here to


Charlie smiled at the corners of his mouth, waved his hand, and said aloud,

“Do it!”

Chapter 5155

Hearing Charlie order to make a move, Shane was first stunned.

One of the thoughts in his mind was: “Do it? What kind of action?”

“The envoy is not asking us to kill more than 200 of them with 20 people,


“This is clearly an impossible task!”

The other Cavalry guards who had towels in their hands like him were also


“Not knowing what exactly Charlie meant by doing something.

But at that moment, those Cavalry guards around him suddenly moved!

Leroy, who was the left banner commander, and another banner

commander attacked Shane in an instant,

And before Shane had time to react, both his arms were grabbed by the

two men in a deadly grip.

Before he had time to react, both of his arms were grabbed by the two of


He was shaken and asked, “What do you two want?”

“In front of the special envoy, do you still want to rebel?!”

Leroy said coldly, “Shane, do you really think that today is an auspicious

day for you to soar to greatness?”

Shane was controlled by the two men and could not break free at all,

While those Cavalry guards who were following him,

And holding the towel in their left hands were all instantly subdued by the

others around them one by one.

After all, the difference in numbers between the two sides was too great,

Shane and his men simply had no room to resist.

Seeing that his men were all wiped out in an instant,

Shane did not realize that it was the envoy who was in trouble,

He thought that the Cavalry guards thought that the poison in their bodies

had been cured,

And under Leroy’s leadership, they intended to mutiny directly.

So, he looked at Charlie with a face full of fear and said offhandedly,

“Lord Envoy, you quickly tell them the truth!”

“Quickly tell them that what they are taking is not the antidote at all!”

“They dare to betray the organization, sooner or later,”

“They will be cleaned up by the organization! You should tell them quickly!”

Charlie smiled faintly and said indifferently, “Shane, in fact, I am not a

special envoy at all,”

“The medicine I gave you is the antidote that can completely remove the

poison in your body,”

“And I originally intended to give all of you a chance to fight for freedom,”

“But unexpectedly, you chose to betray your ancestors, betray your


“Since this path was chosen by you, you have to bear the consequences


When Shane heard Charlie’s words, his whole body was struck by


And he subconsciously blurted out, “You …… are not Lord Special Envoy?”

“Then who the h3ll are you ……? Why impersonate Lord Special Envoy to

come here?!”

Charlie looked at him, and then looked at the more than two hundred

Cavalry guards below,

Smiled and said, “Let me introduce myself, my name is Charlie Wade, and

from today onwards,”

“I will temporarily become the supreme commander here,”

“Together with all of you Cavalry guards who are unwilling to confront the

Warriors Den,”

“And fight the Warriors Den to the end!”

A crowd of people on the stage was already excited,

And they all raised their arms together and shouted, “Fight to the end! Fight

to the end!”

Charlie nodded, reached out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet for the


Then raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

At this time, Joseph led the seven Cavalry guards who had surrendered to

Charlie in Norway and stepped up.

When the Cavalry guards on the stage saw these seven people, they

couldn’t help but let out a gasp!

They originally thought that the eight people who were sent on the mission,

The last time had all been killed, but unexpectedly, there were still seven

people who survived.

So, suddenly meeting, they were naturally shocked to no additional.

Chapter 5156

Charlie pointed at the seven people and said aloud:

“These seven people, who were once your fellow soldiers,”

“Had decided to pledge their allegiance to me in Norway some time ago,”

“And now I am bringing them back so that they can return to the Cavalry

Guard and go to fight alongside you!”

Those seven people were also excited at this time.

To be able to come back was something that was previously unthinkable.

What’s more, right now, Charlie already had complete control of the

situation here.

Not only were they able to return, but they were even able to reunite with

their loved ones here!

This was definitely the best outcome for them.

Charlie then said: “I announce that from today, all the Cavalry guards will

be reorganized,”

“With Leroy Li as the commander of the Cavalry guards,”

“The right banner commander will remain unchanged, the left banner

commander and the middle banner commander,”

“Leroy will nominate five people each, and then you will vote internally,”

“To choose the person with the highest number of votes from the five

people to serve!”

“In addition, the Cavalry Guard from today, to set up a cabinet,”

“The maximum number of the cabinet is eleven people, in addition to the


“Left, center, and right banner chiefs, the other seven people,”

“By secret ballot elected by all members, in the future,”

“All internal affairs of the Cavalry Guard, in principle, by the cabinet to


“Can get at least six votes out of eleven people can be implemented within

the Cavalry Guard!”

The crowd did not expect that Charlie would really let them form internal


Their hearts are naturally excited.

And Charlie pointed to Joseph, said indifferently:

“This is Joseph Wan, the master of the Cataclysmic Front,”

“In the future, he will be in charge of the affairs here on my behalf.”

“But don’t worry, as long as it doesn’t affect our cooperation and position,”

“Joseph will not abuse his veto power.”

The crowd naturally did not have any comments on this,

After all, they are now considered Charlie’s subordinates,

Military discipline in the military, military orders like a mountain,

Any affairs of subordinates, strictly speaking, require the approval of


Not to mention that Charlie has given them considerable autonomy,

Which has fully demonstrated respect for them.

Then, Charlie continued, “Right now, the first matter that needs to be

decided internally”

“By you is about how these traitors should be handled.”

Immediately, someone from the Cavalry guards below shouted, “Kill them,


Immediately after that, someone else also immediately echoed, “Yes! Kill


Soon, many more people shouted slogans in excitement, wanting to kill all

these traitors.

But Charlie said very seriously: “It is not suitable to make a decision in the

heat of the moment,”

“I give you three days to form a cabinet, and then give you three days to

discuss the treatment of these people,”

“I hope you can calm down and discuss the punishment of these people.”

“At that moment whatever decision you make, I will respect your opinions.”

In Charlie’s opinion, if the Cavalry guards were not stopped,

None of these twenty people would survive.

However, if he really let them kill all these twenty people,

He felt that it is somewhat overkill.

Therefore, it is better to let them calm down and then discuss this issue


When they will not interfere with their judgment,

If they finally decide to put all these people to death, then they also respect

their opinions.

After hearing these words of Charlie, Leroy said respectfully,

“Mr. Wade, don’t worry, your subordinate understands!”

The others also said in a loud voice, “Your subordinates understand!”

Charlie nodded slightly and said to Leroy,

“First, arrange for them to be escorted down under strict supervision,”

“And you take me down to the copper mine to meet the dead soldiers!”

Chapter 5157

The mining location of this copper mine was located underground at a

depth of about five hundred meters or so.

Charlie let Leroy, as well as the people under his control,

Lead the crowd together and take the elevated cage to the dead man’s


As they made their way down, Leroy introduced the specifics of this copper

mine to Charlie.

After decades of continuous development, the interior of this copper mine

had become extremely intricate and complex.

It consists of a total of three parts, the first was the normal mining part of

the copper mine,

Including the tunnel and mining surface; the second, the part where the

dead soldiers and their relatives lived;

And the third is the part where all the supplies and equipment were stored.

From the mouth of the shaft down to the very bottom,

In fact, just down to the working face of the copper mine.

After going down, it can be seen that this is a very standard medium-sized

copper mine,

All the facilities and equipment are required for production, no

abnormalities can be seen at all.

Led by Leroy, Charlie walked out of the cage, looked at the deep mine


And curiously asked, “Where do the dead soldiers and their relatives

usually live?”

Leroy hurriedly said, “Back to Mr. Wade, this plane at an altitude of minus

five hundred meters,”

“Is all the working surface of the copper mine, the area where the dead

men live,”

“You have to go in through a hidden dark tunnel in front and take another

lift cage to go down another hundred meters.”

Charlie nodded and asked him, “Why is no one working here now?”

Leroy answered: “Because today is the time to take the medicine,”

“So the dead soldiers have to be driven away early back to the living area

of minus six hundred meters as ordered,”

“So that they can wait there for the antidote to be delivered and take the

medicine together.”

Saying that he added: “Under normal circumstances,”

“Only the dead soldiers working in the copper mine and the families of the

dead soldiers,”

“Are qualified to come to this level as miners,”

“Others have been staying in that level below and only have the


“To come out when they are selected to go on a mission.”

Charlie asked, “How do you usually manage these dead soldiers who act

as miners?”

Leroy said: “There are a total of three teams of miners, each team about a

hundred people,”

“Working in three shifts, the specific management method is the same as

the United States prison management work,”

“With each shift up, there will be a special group of Cavalry guards

responsible for this shift in advance of the count below,”

“And then personally bring them up to work, and the Cavalry guards above

will also be on time to count the number of their own management shift,”

“To determine the number of shifts with the change of shift.”

“After making sure that there is no difference between the number of

people on duty and the shift change,”

“They will hand over with another team that comes to hand over the shift,”

“And after the number is verified correctly, send all the people of this shift


“And count the number once more after reaching the layer below,”

“And after confirming that it is correct, the miners of this shift will go back to


“And the Cavalry guards who are responsible for supervising them will also

go back to rest.”

Charlie asked him, “Is there any extra pay for the dead soldiers who act as

miners and their families?”

“No.” Leroy shook his head, “According to the organization’s requirements,”

“We will only select those dead soldiers and their families who are not

strong enough to perform labor,”

“And will not give any additional compensation.”

Charlie nodded gently.

At this moment, Leroy had already led him and the others to a room that

said power distribution room.

After entering the room, the first thing that jumped into the eyes was the

well-organized circuit equipment,

But as Leroy operated a set of power distribution cabinets on the wall for a


Immediately after that, the whole wall suddenly opened slowly inward.

Charlie was able to see from the side of the door frame, the door disguised

as a wall,

The thickness of almost nearly one meter, and both sides are very thick

steel plate reinforcement,

Not to mention martial arts experts, even for ordinary heavy firepower, it is

impossible to blow this wall open.

Chapter 5158

Behind this wall, there is a large machine room,

Which is actually a heavy elevator equipment and operation room,

In the machine room below, is a large lift cage.

Leroy led the crowd up to the cage, using his iris to start the cage,

Then the cage will take the crowd, and continue to the depths of minus six

hundred meters altitude drop.

In the process of the cage downward running, Leroy said to Charlie:

“Mr. Wade, all the safety equipment here is one-way, just now the hidden


“As well as this lift cage, only we can operate from the outside, in addition,”

“After the cage goes to the bottom, there is a door that opens from the


“Also only we can open from the outside. “

Charlie asked him: “This should be the only access to the outside world

from the dead man’s quarters, right?”

“That’s right.” Leroy nodded and said: “the dead can only rely on a passage

in and out,”

“But their premises and a large number of steel ventilation ducts,

But the thickest internal diameter of those ducts is only eleven


“People simply can not get out, so they also have no possibility of escape,”

“Even if they can open the door underneath, it is impossible to climb up this

100-meter-high shaft,”

“Even if the climb up, the cage is always tightly blocked at the mouth of the


“They simply can not get out, so this place has been put into use for so

many years,”

“There has not been a breakout situation.”

Saying that Leroy continued: “Of course, this has to do with the poison in

their bodies,”

“Even if they go through a lot of trouble to escape from here,”

“Without the antidote, within a week is certain death.”

Charlie nodded, in his heart sighed a little more at the living environment of

the dead soldiers.

In this underground six hundred meters, for years and months without

seeing the sun,

This kind of living must be tormenting for them.

As May 47 said, many dead soldiers’ children were born here,

And from birth to the time he started working for the organization at the age

of twenty,

He didn’t even have the chance to see the sunlight during the twenty years

in between.

Thinking about this, how to solve the life of these dead soldiers,

And the families of the dead soldiers in the future, it becomes a relatively

tricky problem.

Charlie naturally did not want to continue to let them live in the six hundred

meters deep underground,

But this copper mine in the eyes of the outside world is the size of a few

hundred people,

So if he gets these people to the ground, the buildings on the ground can

not carry so many people at all.

At this point, the cage has come all the way to the very bottom.

After walking out of the cage, there is a transition area of about 40 square


The so-called transition area, the back end connected to the cage,

The front end is connected to the last gate where the dead men are kept.

Leroy took out a key from his pocket, inserted the key into the lock hole,

And then went through the pupil comparison,

And then heard a click from the gate, followed by a slow opening outward.

And the moment this iron door opened, Charlie was a little disoriented by

the sight in front of him.

What appeared in front of him was an underground square of at least tens

of thousands of square meters,

The height of the square was at least fifteen meters, every ten meters or


There was thick weight-bearing pillar support,

And the lights on the top, the whole square illuminated like daylight!

The passage in front of Charlie was not at the bottom of the square,

But in the middle of the vertical side of the square.

When he stepped out, in front of him was a round and outward poking


Which was seven or eight meters from the ground, and seven or eight

meters from the top.

When he stepped on the platform, seven or eight meters from his feet on

the ground of the square,

There were thousands of people standing neatly and uniformly.

At this time, thousands of people suddenly all knelt down on one knee

And shouted respectfully under their breath, “Welcome Lord Special


Chapter 5159

At this moment, the dead soldiers who knelt down to greet the envoy,

As well as their families did not know that the man in black robes in front of

them was not the envoy they thought he was.

According to the rules, on the day of the antidote distribution,

All the dead soldiers and their relatives have to line up in advance,

In this tens of thousands of square meters hall and kneel down to greet the

envoy the moment they see him.

When Charlie saw so many people kneeling down,

He was shocked by the sight in front of him for a while.

This area of tens of thousands of square meters, more than ten meters

high underground world,

With those huge support pillars, has been the top of the bright as


Making this space a magnificent ancient palace sense of sight,

Plus thousands of people kneeling in unison, the same mouth to say the

same sentence,

The echo makes the entire underground space tremble.

Charlie looked at these people, and could not help but frown,

Asked in a loud voice: “Did they force you to kneel,”

“Or did you take the initiative to kneel?”

With one sentence, all the dead soldiers were asked with horrified faces.

This was the first time they had heard the envoy say something other than

the established lines.

The so-called established lines were just to thank the lord for giving the


And everyone should do their best to serve him, and so on and so forth.

Therefore, in their impression, the envoy was more like a human repeater,

Who only had two things to do every time he came over,

One was to supervise the cavalry guards to give medicine to the dead


And the other thing was to repeat the nonsense, That the dead soldiers would not believe or care about at all.

And Charlie suddenly and coldly said such a sentence, really let their hearts feel shocked,

They can not understand this envoy in the end, how dare to speak so, and even came to a “they”.

Who are they? Are they not the Warriors Den?

But isn’t the envoy himself also a member of the Warriors Den?

Then he should have said “we”, not “they”!

Just when everyone was confused, Charlie asked again,

“Who is the commander among you? Stand up and speak!”

A middle-aged man in the center of the first row slowly stood up and said in

a loud voice:

“I am thirty-nine zero, the person in charge here.”

Charlie grunted and asked him, “Answer the question I asked just now,” “Did they force you to kneel here to greet the envoy,” “Or did you take the initiative to kneel?”

Thirty-Nine Zero looked around and said with a somewhat apprehensive expression, "Lord Envoy, it has always been a tradition for us to kneel here to greet you,”

“And the antidote is given by the lord, so why are you suddenly asking such a question?”

Charlie laughed and said, “Kicking the can down the road, right?”

Thirty-Nine Zero hurriedly bowed and said, “This subordinate does not dare!”

“Your subordinate is not representing myself, but these three to four

thousand men,”

“Women and children behind me, so naturally I don’t dare to speak


Charlie nodded approvingly, thirty-nine zero seems to be somewhat clever,

In the uncertainty of their own origin, not to speak too slowly,

And not to show too heartfelt to the Warriors Den,

But instead of Charlie’s problem, to the definition of “tradition”,

So that can be considered into the attack, and retreat can be defended.

Charlie also did not make it too difficult for him,

But slowly took off his black robe, to show his true face to the crowd.

This action made all the dead soldiers and their families dumbfounded.

They had never seen the true face of any of the envoys before,

Because according to the rules of the Warriors Den, the dead soldiers

could only meet with specific cavalry guards,

And other than that, they were not allowed to meet face-to-face with

anyone else in this organization.

Chapter 5160

The reason for this is also mainly because of the special status of the dead


Once they go out, they are all going on important missions,

And it is necessary to stop them from recognizing any of the members of

the Warriors Den while they are on their missions.

Therefore, every envoy came here with a black robe and covered his face

with a black cap.

But this time, Charlie suddenly broke this long-standing rule,

Which made all the dead soldiers involuntarily tense up.

Charlie saw the people’s horrified expressions and panic, so he lightly


“To tell you the truth, I am not a special envoy of the Warriors Den,”

“The real special envoy has been controlled by me, now,”

“All the cavalry guards have sworn allegiance to me, and I fight together

against the entire Warriors Den with them,”

“So I came here to ask you, are you willing to be like them,”

“To fight together with me? Fight side by side with me?”

When Charlie said this, the whole hall was in an uproar!

No one expected that things would be this much unexpected!

At this moment thirty-nine zero said: “Even if they get the antidote from the

real envoy,”

“It will only allow them to live for one more week,”

“So even if they want to fight alongside him, they are afraid they won’t be

able to survive.”

Thirty-Nine Zero’s words caused all the dead soldiers who were in shock to

be dismayed for a moment.

Everyone knew that Thirty-Nine Zero was right.

Once they didn’t have the antidote, they would soon die of poison,

And even if they wanted to fight the Warriors Den to the death,

They wouldn’t be able to wait until the day they killed the enemy in front of

the battle.

At this moment, Charlie looked at thirty-nine zero and a group of dead

soldiers and asked curiously,

“Are you willing to be controlled by the Warriors Den for life and all eternity,”

“Or are you willing to fight with them to the death?”

Thirty-nine Zero blurted out, “We are naturally willing to fight to the death,”

“But how can we have such an opportunity? For hundreds of years,”

“The dead are firmly controlled by the organization,”

“Not to mention hundreds of years of living places are comparable to a

heavenly prison,”

“The poison in the body alone, it is destined that we simply can not resist,”

“Not to mention resist the Warriors Den,”

“We do not even have the ability to resist the cavalry Guard and escape

from here ……”

Charlie smiled and asked aloud, “If I can completely cure the poison in your


“Are you willing to fight them to the death?”

Thirty-nine zero said without thinking, “If the master can really solve the

poison in our body,”

“Thirty-nine zero is willing to follow master for the rest of this life and serve

his progeny in life and his ancestors after death!”

Charlie nodded slightly, looked around for a while, and asked,

“What about the others? Are you willing?”

The crowd of people looked at each other for a while.

If what Charlie said was true, they would naturally be willing to do so.

However, at this time, they could not believe the “if” Charlie said.

Because, so many years, so many people, have been trying to fight,

The poison in their bodies, but no one has ever succeeded.

In the minds of the dead, the poison, like a lifetime can not break free of the

invisible shackles,

It is like gravity on its own, there is no ability to fight it,

And they can not hope that it can completely disappear.

Therefore, everyone faced with Charlie’s bold words at this time, for a time

did not know how to answer.

At this time, someone whispered below,

“Could this be a ploy used by the organization to test our hearts?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone else echoed them and began

to whisper below.

Even thirty-nine-zero heard this, his expression could not help but exude


He was also somewhat unable to distinguish whether Charlie was an

enemy or a friend.

At this time, Charlie took out an antidote, looked at Thirty-Nine Zero,

And said indifferently, “Since you were the first to take a stand, let’s have

you set an example for them.”

After saying that, he threw the antidote at Thirty-Nine Zero and said in a

loud voice:

“Take this antidote and it will completely remove the poison in your body,”

“Whether you have enough guts to try it or not, you decide for yourself!”

Thirty-Nine Zero reached out and grabbed the antidote thrown at him,”

“And after just a glance, he said without thinking,

“Master you should be the first outsider to find this place in hundreds of


“Based on this alone, I, Thirty Nine Zero, believe in you!”

After saying that, without hesitation, he immediately put the antidote into his


Chapter 5161

From the time he could remember, his father made him understand through

practical action,

That the fate of the dead men was so difficult, but each generation was still

living strong and reproducing offspring,

With the sole purpose of hoping that his own bloodline would finally be able

to break,

The shackles of the Warriors Den one day in the future and truly win


And there are several mountains in front of this goal,

And the first mountain that needs to be crossed is the poison that comes on

regularly in the body.

For this kind of poison, there is really no reason to speak.

No matter how hard so many dead soldiers and so many generations have


They have no way to dissolve this bizarre poison.

Although Thirty-Nine Zero had never forgotten his father’s sage advice,

He knew very well in his heart that this was simply beyond his ability to


He had even placed his hopes, on his own son, or even his future son’s


Just like the psychology of generations of dead soldiers:

Although he could not break the shackles, but his son,

His future son must have a chance, as long as they can achieve this wish

in the future,

Then he will be able to smile at the nine springs.

He never thought that when he swallowed the antidote given by Charlie,

He could feel a special power spreading rapidly toward his body,

And then it fused with the poison in his body.

Immediately after, the antidote and the poison seemed to have some kind

of chemical reaction,

And both disappeared without a trace.

If the poison was originally a flesh and blood body can not resist the iron


Then the antidote, like a strong acid that specializes in dissolving the iron


But has no effect on the flesh and blood body, directly melting the lock to


At this time, all the dead soldiers and their relatives, eyes are staring at

thirty-nine zero.

The large scene was almost silent, everyone was holding their breath,

Anxiously waiting for the feedback from thirty-nine zero.

After ten seconds, thirty-nine zero, who had been like casting a fixation,

Suddenly had two lines of hot tears gushing from the corners of his closed


In this wide and long hall, you can even hear the sound of his tears

dropping to the ground one by one.

Chapter 5162

At this time, Thirty-Nine Zero suddenly opened his eyes,

Looked at Charlie with tears in his eyes, and did not say a word,

But respectfully bowed deeply to him, and he bowed long.

In this instant, all the dead soldiers and their relatives understood.

Charlie’s antidote must have solved the poison in his body,

Otherwise, he would never have suddenly given such a big salute of


And at this time, thirty-nine zero worship on the ground,

The body has been unable to control the violent trembling.

Charlie looked at him and asked aloud, “Thirty-nine zero, how do you feel?”

Thirty-nine zero slowly raised his head, fully excited but more grateful.

At this time he respectfully said: “Back to the sir …… under ……”

“Under the skin of this body…… there is no trace of the poison ……”

Once these words came out, thousands of people around fell in shock,

The color of excitement on everyone’s face is already overflowing.

Thirty-nine-zero looked back at the dead soldiers,

And families on both sides and the people behind them,

Turned back to Charlie, hands clasped fists raised above his head,


“Sir! You are the one who has the great power!”

“We dead soldiers have been enslaved by the Warriors Den for hundreds of


“For hundreds of years without seeing the light of day,”

“Our life is worse than death, please help us out of the sea of suffering,”

“We are willing to follow you for the rest of our lives!”

After saying this, he bowed down again!

The crowd immediately followed suit, shouting:

“We will serve you for the rest of our lives and follow your lead!”

The chanting of thousands of people made the whole underground facility

feel a little trembling.

Charlie could hear that their voices were filled with extreme urgency and


Getting rid of the shackles of the Warriors Den was, for each of them,

The greatest wish of their lives,

As well as the generations of ancestors over the centuries.

Now, this wish of more than a dozen generations finally had the chance to

come true.

Charlie looked at the crowd’s determined and exuberant appearance,

He couldn’t help but splash a pot of cold water and said,

“If you serve me, you will necessarily have to be enemies with the Warriors


“Although you are now controlled by the Warriors Den,”

“At least you can still survive here if you are enemies with the Warriors


“Maybe you will all face danger to your lives, so have you thought it over?”

Chapter 5163

All in unison replied: “We are ready!”

After all, the dead soldiers were successfully detoxified and gradually

calmed down,

Charlie walked down the stone steps and came to the square.

Thousands of people looked at him, thankful and formerly kowtowed on

their knees.

The leader, Thirty-nine, choked up and said, “On behalf of all the dead

soldiers and their relatives,”

“I thank you Master for your great kindness!”

Others also like him, kneeling on the ground, respectfully shouted,

“Thankful for the great benevolence of you sir!”

Charlie looked at the thousands of people kneeling on the ground and said


“Get up, from now on, you are no longer slaves, there is no need to perform


After saying that, without waiting for the others to respond,

He said to thirty-nine zero who was kneeling respectfully at the front,

“Show me the place where you live.”

Thirty-nine zero said respectfully, “This subordinate obeys!”

After saying that, he stood up and pointed to the back of the square and


“Sir, the area where the dead soldiers live is at the back of the square,

please follow me!”

Charlie nodded and followed him, crossing the large square.

As he walked, Thirty Nine Zero introduced to him that the square was

basically where,

The dead soldiers trained except for when the antidote was given out,

Whether it was close combat or a firearms shooting, it was all done in this


After crossing the square, there is a corridor nearly five meters wide and

thirty meters long,

Through the corridor, it is the living area of the dead soldiers.

The living area is more like an underground town,

Where the streets are planned horizontally and vertically,

Like cutting tofu, and are precisely divided into several square areas.

In each square area, there are eight rooms of more than ten square


As well as a common kitchen, and common bathroom.

The domestic water for the entire living area is taken from the groundwater

in the copper mine,

Which is then filtered and purified by the purification equipment and

transported here.

The domestic wastewater is directly treated together with the production

sewage of the copper mine,

And is often secretly discharged to the sea at night,

So it has not been detected by the outside world as any abnormality.

The air in the entire underground space relies on the air exchange

equipment in the copper mine,

This ensures that the air indicators are still up to standard in this several

hundred meters deep underground.

Here, there is one and only one energy source, that is, electricity,

Including the daily life of the dead soldiers using electricity.

The ceilings of the public areas are all covered with full-spectrum lights,

Illuminating all the public areas as bright as daylight.

Thirty-nine zero introduced to Charlie: “Here we can not see the sun, moon,

and stars,”

“We all rely on lights to simulate, as long as the wake-up bell rings,”

“All lights will also be lit at the same time, for us, this starts the daytime,”

“The night curfew time lights out bell rings, all the lights outside are turned

off, for us, it enters the night time. “

Saying that he sighed and added: “Like me, who went out on a mission,”

“At least know what the sun, moon, and stars are like,”

“But my wife, as well as other women, and those children who did not have

the opportunity to go out on a mission,”

“So far have not even really seen the sun and moon.”

Hearing this, Charlie also could not help but feel sympathy and regret the

fate of these dead soldiers.

A person, from birth to death, could possibly have never seen the sun,

If this was said out loud, I’m afraid no one would believe it.

Thinking of this, Charlie couldn’t help but say to Thirty-Nine Zero,

“My plan is to take down the dead soldiers’ quarters quietly,”

“And let everyone change their banners quietly so that the Warriors Den

won’t notice anything unusual in a short time,”

“But this also means that the entire quarters will remain largely


Thirty-nine zero heard the meaning of Charlie’s words and quickly said,

“Sir, don’t worry, we have persevered through so many generations, we can

naturally continue to persevere now!”

Charlie nodded and said seriously, “After all, this is the scale of several

thousand people,”

“On the ground, there are only a few hundred people,”

“It is unlikely to transfer everyone to live on the ground,”

“And if the number of people surges too much at once,”

“It will also trigger suspicion and speculation from the outside world.”

Chapter 5164

Speaking of this, Charlie turned his words and continued,

“However, from today, the channel between the dead and the ground will

remain unobstructed,”

“You do a good job of internal coordination, every day in multiple periods,”

“You can let some people go to the ground, to feel the real day and night, to

feel the real sun, moon, and stars.”

Hearing this, Thirty-Nine Zero was thrilled beyond words and said


“Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!”

“I’m satisfied to let the children go out to see the real world and breathe

fresh air!”

Charlie laughed: “All of you can go out, just for the time being,”

“You still have to lie down, so the overall people still have to continue to

endure and aggravate for a period of time,”

“But don’t worry, in terms of daily food, clothing, housing, and


“I will have people upgrade the treatment of the dead men as much as


“The children if they need to receive a normal education,”

“I can also have people to coordinate for you to fit the education of children

of all ages.”

“If you have any needs, you can also mention them to me, and I will try to

solve them if I can.”

“The children’s education is basically limited to literacy and the sporadic

basic knowledge we have,”

“But we, even if we have the opportunity to go out, we all go on missions,”

“And time is short, and someone is always secretly watching,”

“So we don’t have the opportunity to contact with any systematic


“Even want to get a map of the world to show the children we are not able

to achieve ……”

Charlie nodded and said with understanding, “These problems,”

“I will have people solve all of them in the shortest possible time.”

After saying that, Charlie asked thirty-nine zero:

“By the way, how do you usually solve medical problems?”

Thirty-nine zero explained: “We have a medical team of ten people,”

“The members of this medical team, are selected from the young girls to be

trained by the Warriors Den,”

“But they mainly learn about maternity, to ensure that the entire resident

pregnant women’s birth and infant care.”

Charlie couldn’t help but ask: “If someone has a major illness, how will it

generally be handled?”

Thirty-nine Zero thought about it and spoke, “We don’t seem to have

encountered any major illnesses,”

“Because our bodies will always be in a relatively healthy state because of

the antidote we take every week,”

“And this antidote will improve our physical quality, allowing us to grow


So it suddenly dawned on Charlie.

In the beginning, those dead soldiers of May Four Seven, although they

were not real martial artists,

But their physical quality was no less than martial artists,

Coupled with modern weapons, and well-thought-out tactics,

Making their real level of actual combat very high,

Even eight-star martial artists were not their opponents.

It is thought that the reason for their strong physical quality is because of

the regular use of this antidote.

Thirty-nine zero then said: “Although the antidote can make our physical

quality greatly improved,”

“But it seems to have a very significant impact on our per capita life


“Long-term use of the antidote, resulting in our average life expectancy, will

not exceed sixty years,”

“There are records, the oldest one dead soldiers, lived to fifty-eight years


“Most in the upper and lower fifties basically died without illness.”

Charlie nodded: “That kind of medicine is not relying on the power of the

medicine to improve your physical quality,”

“It only accelerates the burning of your own vital energy, so that you can

explode greater potential,”

“From a sense of a short time, the strength is indeed a great improvement,”

“But in reality, it is overdrawn subsequent life.”

Saying that, Charlie asked him, “How old are you this year?”

Thirty-nine zero respectfully said,

“I am forty-five years old.”

Saying that he couldn’t help but let out a light sigh and said


“I guess I only have ten years to live,”

“I hope that within these ten years, I can follow you to eradicate the

Warriors Den!”

Charlie looked at him and said seriously, “Don’t worry, it won’t take that long

to eradicate the Warriors Den,”

“And you won’t live to be only 50 or 60 years old,”

“Now that the poison in your body has been solved,”

“I will make your per capita life expectancy on par with normal people.”

Knowing that Charlie was by no means a liar,

Thirty-Nine Zero said with immense gratitude, “Thank you, sir, for your

rejuvenating grace!”

After saying that, he knelt down on one knee to show his devotion.

Charlie saw him kneel on one knee and laughed helplessly.

He had just said that he was not allowed to kneel down and salute,

So he changed from kneeling on both knees to kneeling on one knee.

Charlie shook his head, one hand to help him up, looked at the time, and


“I think it’s almost dawn, you go and let all the underage children get ready,

they can witness the first sunrise in their lives!

Chapter 5165

“Enjoying the sunrise?!”

Thirty-nine zero stunned, and at the same time full of excitement asked:

“Sir is this really happening?!”

Charlie nodded: “I just said, in the future, I will make sure that the dead


“Can take turns to go to the ground at any time of the day,”

“Right now this first time, prioritize those children who have never seen the

sun, moon, and stars.”

Thirty-nine zero was excited, but suddenly remembered something and

asked Charlie:

“Sir, at this time it is still dark outside?”

“Yes.” Charlie said, “In another half hour, it will be light.”

Thirty-nine Zero looked at the dense lights on the ceiling and sighed,

“It seems that our day and night inside are diametrically opposed to the


Charlie smiled faintly: “They don’t want you to calculate the dates in real


“So naturally they will invert and distort the time in here with reality.”

After saying that, Charlie added: “But you don’t have to worry,”

“From today onwards, the day and night here will be the same as outside,”

“I will have someone prepare clocks for you,”

“And from now on your dates and times will be completely synchronized

with real life.”

Thirty-nine zero gratefully and respectfully said, “Thank you, sir!”

Charlie said, “By the way, there is another task for you.”

Thirty-nine Zero said, “Sir, please give the orders!”

Charlie seriously said, “Starting tomorrow, you have to divide your people,

into three groups,”

“The number of people in each group will be about a thousand,”

“And then from each group, select one hundred and thirty laborers to


“To participate in the daily production mining of copper mines.”

Saying that Charlie turned around and said to Leroy,

The Cavalry guard who was following behind him,

“For the sake of fairness, for the Cavalry guard, it is also the same,”

“Let the three banners within the left center and right select about twenty

laborers each,”

“And participate in the work together with the laborers selected by the dead


Leroy said without thinking, “Sir, don’t worry, I will do it later!”

Charlie instructed again, “The work adopts an eight-hour time period,”

“Three-shift work system with one-off, so this requires that when the

internal people are selected,”

“At least one more shift has to be selected so that the shifts within each

group are rotated,”

“To ensure that everyone gets a good rest.”

“No problem!” Leroy said, “The production scale of this copper mine is not

that big,”

“There are only a hundred people who started working at the same time,”

“The dead soldiers and Cavalry guards combined are almost four thousand


“It’s still easy to deal with this amount of work.”

Chapter 5166

Charlie nodded and said, “We let them participate in the work, not to exploit

their labor,”

“But to maintain the normal operation of this copper mine,”

“Not to let the Warriors Den notice any abnormalities,”

“So you two tell all the laborers involved in the work,”

“As long as they participate in the labor, I will settle their salaries,”

“According to double the normal treatment of mine workers in Cyprus,”

“When the time comes to use the dollar settlement.”

Leroy and Thirty-Nine Zero looked at each other, and Leroy said,

“Sir, money is not necessary …… you have helped us so much,”

“You are our great benefactor, how can we take your money again,”

“And the ore produced by this copper mine is given to the Warriors Den,”

“The settlement money also can not enter your pocket,”

“It is not the same as you purely throw money?”

“Yes ……” thirty-nine zero also hurriedly echoed:

“Sir, we can not let you throw money, secondly,”

“The money for us is of no use at all,”

“If you give us that money it is like a pile of waste paper,”

“It is better for you to keep this money,”

“And also for the future eradication of the Warriors Den……”

Charlie waved his hand and said very firmly:

“Labor must be paid, this is the development of mankind to date,”

“One of the several unchanging truths, this money you can save,”

“Can also use it to buy some of your favorite things,”

“But as thirty-nine zero just said, for security reasons,”

“Certainly not let everyone take the money to go out and spend freely,”

“But I will let people give a list of commonly used goods,”

“Then send the list to everyone, if you need,”

“Let the Cataclysmic Front be responsible for purchasing,”

“And then use hidden means to transport it here, and hand it to everyone,”

“What I can promise is that the Cataclysmic Front will never earn any

difference in price.”

Leroy and Thirty-Nine Zero were both a bit stunned.

They didn’t expect that Charlie would intend to use the Cataclysmic Front,”

“To help them with their simple shopping problems, which obviously

sounded a bit too much.”

However, when they thought that they would really be able to purchase

various things,”

“From the outside world for themselves and their families with the money,”

“By earning from the daily work, they could not help but look forward to it.

Especially thirty-nine zero, he does not have as much freedom as Leroy,”

“After all, Leroy was already the flag commander of the Cavalry Guards,”

“Although the flag commander is also not paid,”

“But at least they live above ground, the knowledge of the world is much


Thirty-nine zero had to let his son understand that the earth is a sphere,

And continued to explain to him for several years of time.

However, his son had not yet gone out on a mission,

And had never seen the outside world, and Thirty-Nine Zero himself could

not even get a globe,

So there were no reasonable ways to make his son understand this

simplest of truths.

Once the kind of model Charlie said was implemented,

He earned money, even only a few dollars,

He can buy a globe to explain to his son what the world really looks like.

Chapter 5167

All the children’s eyes, at this time, were attracted by that soaring golden


As the arc of the rising sun became larger and larger,

Ten thousand feet of golden light dyed the entire sky, along with the entire

sea, getting golden.

The sky is full of haze, and the sea is sparkling!

With this rising sun, the skyline light is slightly distorted,

It looks, like more than a few dreamy feelings.

Children, as well as those parents who take care of young children, are

looking frozen.

Even if the light has become more and more blinding,

But no one wants to blink their eyelids.

Those mothers of young children, and those who are still in adolescence,

Subconsciously with their best buddies held tightly together,

They alone or in groups of three or five have been unable to control the


Now the scene in front of them is the first time they have been living


And they are racking their brains to think about the past years,

But also simply can not think of a reason to explain this feeling.

Soon, the round golden sun has completely broken out of the sea level,

Looking at the world, bathed in the first sunlight.

For the hundreds of millions of ordinary people living in this time zone,

This is just a normal and ordinary day.

But for these seven hundred children, this moment is the brand new

beginning of their lives!

Charlie looked at the hundreds of young faces illuminated by the sunlight in

front of him,

And said to Leroy, Thirty Nine Zero, and Joseph beside him,

“Before today, their lives were a long eternal night;”

“After today, they have a real light!”

After saying that, he suddenly made a decision and said in a stern voice,

“From today on, don’t let these children practice martial arts anymore!”

“If anyone really wants to learn,”

“It’s not too late to learn after they reach the age of eighteen!”

Thirty-nine zero subconsciously said, “Sir,”

“If they wait until they are eighteen before they start learning martial arts,”

“I think it will be too late ……”

“Late?” Charlie coldly snorted: “If you really want to learn, any day is not


“If you do not let them practice martial arts it is to make their childhood

what it really should be like,”

“This was something designed for them by Warriors Den based on their

own interests.”

“Besides, if our generation can eradicate the Warriors Den,”

“What need is there for these children to learn martial arts?”

“Instead of practicing martial arts, they should get out of here,”

“Settle down with their parents in a peaceful and stable country,”

“Study hard, get into a good university, study a profession they are

interested in,”

“And then find a job that will allow them to start a family and create their

own value in society!”

“This, for them, is the best choice!”

Chapter 5168

Thirty-nine Zero then realized that his thinking was still stuck in the

previous mode.

Before Charlie appeared, the only thing the dead soldiers could do,

Was to improve their abilities as much as possible,

To become Cavalry guards as much as possible,

And after becoming Cavalry guards, to have more children to ensure that

their offspring had a “scholar”,

So as to get away from the life of fighting and killing.

However, the situation has changed.

These children, do not need to work hard to become a “scholar”.

As long as they can go with Charlie, will completely eradicate the Warriors


Their children, all can become real scholar!

Thinking of this, thirty-nine said with more than tears,

“Thank you, sir, for your great kindness, your generosity is immense,”

“The dead soldiers will never forget it!”

Charlie patted his shoulder, turned to Joseph, and said,

“Joseph, from the Cataclysmic Front, find a few female warriors with higher


“Let them come here regularly to teach the children,”

“They will use regular teaching materials, in addition to preparing a set of

projection equipment down there,”

“Every day to show the children some films that can let them quickly

understand the world, understand the history and the present.”

Saying that he continued: “Right, there is the Internet, move a network

cable in,”

“Prepare some computers, so that the children know what is the Internet,”

“But the Internet for the time being can not let the children themselves on

the hands,”

“After all, we must be careful not to accidentally leak information, or else

the Warriors Den will find.”

Joseph said without thinking,

“Mr. Wade don’t worry, I will arrange all of them properly!”

Charlie nodded gently and said to Thirty-Nine Zero,

“In another twenty minutes, take the children down first,”

“Then come to the meeting room, we will have a meeting together.”

Thirty-nine Zero immediately said respectfully, “Yes sir!”

Charlie didn’t talk anymore, but took Joseph and the others and came to

the conference room first.

Right now, the sky is already blue, and the supplies that the ship had

delivered to the copper mine last night had been quietly transported long

before dawn,

And now the loading of copper ore was being carried out at the pier,

And once the loading was finished,

It was time for Reverend, as the special envoy, to return to the ship.

Charlie needs to smooth out all the links and solve all the hidden problems

before this,

Only in this way can he ensure that after Reverend leaves, he will not

reveal anything in Turkey.

As for how to make Reverend not reveal the clues, Charlie also has a new

idea of his own.

In the past, the reason he did not use psychological suggestions too often,

This is because it has a very serious drawback, once the target person is in

a controlled state,

His behavior, and reaction will seem a little slow,

And a discerning eye can see at a glance that something is wrong.

Chapter 5169

Reverend’s situation was the same.

Even more tricky.

The main reason is that these middle and high-level members in the

Warriors Den are not weak.

The masters of the dark realm already see all directions and listen to all


If Reverend shows too many abnormalities, once he arrives in Turkey,

When he meets his superiors, he will definitely be seen.

Therefore, Charlie planned to play tricks.

So, he called Reverend and asked, “Reverend,”

“Let me ask you, besides you and your assistant, are there any other people

from Turkey who came here?”

“No.” Reverend Shaking his head said respectfully:

“I am a permanent special envoy, mainly responsible for the transport of

materials between the two points.”

Charlie asked again: “There will be no one with a higher rank than you

coming here to check the situation?”

Reverend shook his head and said: “In order to avoid exposing the senior


“The organization’s consistent attitude is to contact with one person and

one line,”

“And no other executives will be sent to participate in this process.”

“That’s good.” Charlie was more at ease in his heart, and asked him:

“As long as you tell your superiors that everything is normal here,”

“They will also accept it. They won’t be too suspicious, right?”

Reverend nodded and said, “Normally, that’s the case,”

“But I still need to combine some of the surveillance videos here.”

“Before I leave, I will take the surveillance hard drive back to them,”

“And let them Copy the video from the hard disk and analyze it.”

Charlie asked him: “Who will analyze it?”

Reverend said: “There should be a dedicated security team in charge for

this purpose.”

Charlie turned to Joseph: “Joseph, can the surveillance video be tampered


Joseph nodded and said: “It’s too simple, my team can modify the

surveillance video frame by frame,”

“And make sure that the other party does not see any clues.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded slightly, then turned to Leroy and said,

“Copy out the monitoring before this morning and let him take it away,”

“And after Joseph’s team deals with it later, Reverend will take it away.”

Leroy hurriedly said: “Okay sir!”

Charlie asked Reverend again: “If you tell your superior that everything is

normal here,”

“And the surveillance video shows nothing abnormal,”

“Will your superior still ask you for more information? Details?”

“No.” Reverend shook his head and said, “He also has very little

communication with me,”

“And we rarely see each other.”

“If I say that everything is normal, he will report that to the superior.”

With that said, Reverend further explained: “Inside the organization,”

“Due to the high toxicity in the body and the fact that everyone needs an


“The organization has never had any deviation in its control over us,”

“So the organization has always focused on preventing The outside world

from spying on the secrets of the Warriors Den,”

“But they are not too worried that there will be traitors inside the Warriors


“After all, everyone’s life is in the hands of the Warriors Den,”

“And no one will go against it, even if it is to go out to execute a mission no

one will dare to escape,”

“After all, not only their own lives are in the hands of the organization,”

“But also the lives of their family members.”

Charlie nodded, it seems that Warriors Den is very confident with their


“And they don’t think there is any anyone who can crack the antidote.”

Thinking of this, there was only one last thing left for him to do,

Which was to give Reverend a new “psychological suggestion”.

This new “psychological suggestion” is more complex, powerful, and skillful.

This will be his trump card to solve the last problem.

Thinking of this, he called Reverend to the office,

And when there were only two people in the office, he sent more aura into

his body.

Afterward, Charlie stared at Reverend, and said in a cold voice:

“Reverend, remember! From now on, as long as you get off the boat and

enter the premises of this copper mine,”

“You will remember me and meet me.”

“Remember that I am your only master, and then you stay here honestly,”

“And after my people make all the preparations,”

“You will return to the freighter as if nothing happened, do you


Reverend nodded without hesitation and said: “Subordinate understand!”

Chapter 5170

Charlie changed the subject, and said again: “However, once you get on the


“You will temporarily forget me as a person, and that I am your only


“And forget that I just gave you a psychological suggestion,”

“And in your subconscious mind, you only need to firmly believe in one

thing, that is:”

“You have completed all the work in the copper mine,”

“And firmly believe that everything inside the copper mine is going well

without any abnormalities!”

“Except for this point Other than that, you follow your true nature in


“Be the special envoy when you should be the special envoy,”

“Practice your martial arts when you should practice your martial arts,”

“Play with your male fav0rite when you should play, you act as the original,

and it is what it is! Can you understand me?”

Charlie’s words made Reverend feel a little short-circuited.

However, after a few seconds, he figured out the content of Charlie’s hint.

In fact, Charlie just wanted to give him a hint, a trigger condition.

When Reverend was not here, Charlie didn’t need him to be used by him,

Nor did he need him to keep thinking that he was his master.

What Charlie needs is that when Reverend is not here, he is still himself.

He doesn’t remember that he has any master, nor does he remember that

he was given psychological hints,

So as to ensure that he has no influence in front of other people.

And once he got off the boat and in the copper mines, the real strong cues

kicked in.

In this way, it can be ensured that Reverend will become a tool man as soon

as he arrives here,

And when he leaves this place, he can return to normal and be himself.

The only difference is that in the deepest part of his subconscious,

Charlie gave him a hidden hint, firmly believing that there is nothing

abnormal here.

This order is extremely simple, and it doesn’t require Reverend to think

about it,

Nor does he need to deal with any other variables for it.

Therefore, the impact of this deep psychological suggestion on Reverend

will also be reduced to a limit.

What’s more, Charlie also specifically hinted that he should follow his true


So that it would be more difficult for others to see the clues.

However, apart from Reverend, Charlie also controlled his favorite on the

boat last night.

Right now, the same psychological hint needs to be given to that man as


So, he said to Reverend, “Go to the boat and bring your male pet over. I

have something to tell him.”

“Okay.” Reverend nodded without thinking, and then immediately opened

the door and went out.

Just after Reverend left, Charlie called Joseph, Leroy, 390, 547, and Joseph’s

master Jackson to the office.

After everyone came in, Charlie said: “Everyone, I have already solved

Reverend’s problem.”

“In the future, as long as he is still a special envoy, he can temporarily avoid

the monitoring of the Warriors Den.”

“However, once this matter changes, I am afraid that this base will be in


“And everyone will have to evacuate from Cyprus immediately before the

Warriors Den has mobilized enough troops to attack.”

Leroy asked respectfully: “Sir, all of us add up to more than four thousand,”

“If we really need to evacuate, where can we evacuate to?”

Charlie smiled slightly and said with relief: “Don’t worry about this,”

“The Cataclysmic Front is on the other side of this coast in Syria and is

building a base that can accommodate 100,000 people.”

“If necessary, I will ask him to transfer everyone to Syria.”

Joseph said at this time: “Don’t worry, everyone, Cataclysmic Front

maneuvers from Syria,”

“And the response speed is much faster than Warriors Den maneuvers from

other places.”

“Moreover, judging from the current global mobility of the Warriors Den,”

“The number of dead soldiers they can mobilize around the world in a

single day cannot exceed 2,000.”

Joseph said this with confidence.

The strength of the Warriors Den is indeed very strong, and its influence

spreads all over the world.

However, if they really want to concentrate their efforts on doing big


They are definitely not as good as Cataclysmic Front in this regard.

Even if it is a country whose military strength ranks above the middle in the


It is impossible to deploy tens of thousands of people around the world in a

short period of time,

And there are tens of thousands of soldiers under the command of

Cataclysmic Front,

And most of them are concentrated around Syria.

Therefore, in the Middle East, the Cataclysmic Front really doesn’t have to

be afraid of breaking the Warriors Den.

Joseph’s words made Leroy, 390 and others breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, they all have families and have just seen the dawn of changing

their destiny.

Under such circumstances, they naturally want to see More hope, see a

greater success rate.

If there is Cataclysmic Front behind it as support, then everyone can

completely rest assured and stick to it here.

Charlie said at this time: “Everyone must be clear about one thing.”

“No matter how well we can hide it now, this base will be exposed sooner

or later,”

“But the exposure is not terrible. As long as we are fully prepared,”

“We can definitely avoid unnecessary casualties.”

Then, Charlie said again: “Listen well, once something happens to


“We will immediately evacuate everyone, but before evacuating,”

“You must completely destroy this base for me. I want Warriors Den to

watch their hard work go to waste!”

The value of this copper mine is not high, but the value of the underground

project under the copper mine,

Which is specially designed for dead soldiers, is immeasurable.

The construction cost of the entire underground project alone is estimated

to start at one billion US dollars,

And when various hardware equipment is included, the cost is even more


The most important thing is that it takes a lot of time to quietly build such

an underground project,

And it may not be completed in eight or ten years.

This is the most distressing thing for the Warriors Den.

Leroy said: “Sir, with your permission, we can lay a blasting point

underground in advance.”

“Once needed, we only need to fill the blasting point with high explosives

to blow up the entire underground fortification.”

“Once the underground is destroyed, there will be a huge subsidence area

on the ground, and the entire copper mine will have almost no rescue


Chapter 5161

From the time he could remember, his father made him understand through

practical action,

That the fate of the dead men was so difficult, but each generation was still

living strong and reproducing offspring,

With the sole purpose of hoping that his own bloodline would finally be able

to break,

The shackles of the Warriors Den one day in the future and truly win


And there are several mountains in front of this goal,

And the first mountain that needs to be crossed is the poison that comes on

regularly in the body.

For this kind of poison, there is really no reason to speak.

No matter how hard so many dead soldiers and so many generations have


They have no way to dissolve this bizarre poison.

Although Thirty-Nine Zero had never forgotten his father’s sage advice,

He knew very well in his heart that this was simply beyond his ability to


He had even placed his hopes, on his own son, or even his future son’s


Just like the psychology of generations of dead soldiers:

Although he could not break the shackles, but his son,

His future son must have a chance, as long as they can achieve this wish

in the future,

Then he will be able to smile at the nine springs.

He never thought that when he swallowed the antidote given by Charlie,

He could feel a special power spreading rapidly toward his body,

And then it fused with the poison in his body.

Immediately after, the antidote and the poison seemed to have some kind

of chemical reaction,

And both disappeared without a trace.

If the poison was originally a flesh and blood body can not resist the iron


Then the antidote, like a strong acid that specializes in dissolving the iron


But has no effect on the flesh and blood body, directly melting the lock to


At this time, all the dead soldiers and their relatives, eyes are staring at

thirty-nine zero.

The large scene was almost silent, everyone was holding their breath,

Anxiously waiting for the feedback from thirty-nine zero.

After ten seconds, thirty-nine zero, who had been like casting a fixation,

Suddenly had two lines of hot tears gushing from the corners of his closed


In this wide and long hall, you can even hear the sound of his tears

dropping to the ground one by one.

Chapter 5162

At this time, Thirty-Nine Zero suddenly opened his eyes,

Looked at Charlie with tears in his eyes, and did not say a word,

But respectfully bowed deeply to him, and he bowed long.

In this instant, all the dead soldiers and their relatives understood.

Charlie’s antidote must have solved the poison in his body,

Otherwise, he would never have suddenly given such a big salute of


And at this time, thirty-nine zero worship on the ground,

The body has been unable to control the violent trembling.

Charlie looked at him and asked aloud, “Thirty-nine zero, how do you feel?”

Thirty-nine zero slowly raised his head, fully excited but more grateful.

At this time he respectfully said: “Back to the sir …… under ……”

“Under the skin of this body…… there is no trace of the poison ……”

Once these words came out, thousands of people around fell in shock,

The color of excitement on everyone’s face is already overflowing.

Thirty-nine-zero looked back at the dead soldiers,

And families on both sides and the people behind them,

Turned back to Charlie, hands clasped fists raised above his head,


“Sir! You are the one who has the great power!”

“We dead soldiers have been enslaved by the Warriors Den for hundreds of


“For hundreds of years without seeing the light of day,”

“Our life is worse than death, please help us out of the sea of suffering,”

“We are willing to follow you for the rest of our lives!”

After saying this, he bowed down again!

The crowd immediately followed suit, shouting:

“We will serve you for the rest of our lives and follow your lead!”

The chanting of thousands of people made the whole underground facility

feel a little trembling.

Charlie could hear that their voices were filled with extreme urgency and


Getting rid of the shackles of the Warriors Den was, for each of them,

The greatest wish of their lives,

As well as the generations of ancestors over the centuries.

Now, this wish of more than a dozen generations finally had the chance to

come true.

Charlie looked at the crowd’s determined and exuberant appearance,

He couldn’t help but splash a pot of cold water and said,

“If you serve me, you will necessarily have to be enemies with the Warriors


“Although you are now controlled by the Warriors Den,”

“At least you can still survive here if you are enemies with the Warriors


“Maybe you will all face danger to your lives, so have you thought it over?”

Chapter 5163

All in unison replied: “We are ready!”

After all, the dead soldiers were successfully detoxified and gradually

calmed down,

Charlie walked down the stone steps and came to the square.

Thousands of people looked at him, thankful and formerly kowtowed on

their knees.

The leader, Thirty-nine, choked up and said, “On behalf of all the dead

soldiers and their relatives,”

“I thank you Master for your great kindness!”

Others also like him, kneeling on the ground, respectfully shouted,

“Thankful for the great benevolence of you sir!”

Charlie looked at the thousands of people kneeling on the ground and said


“Get up, from now on, you are no longer slaves, there is no need to perform


After saying that, without waiting for the others to respond,

He said to thirty-nine zero who was kneeling respectfully at the front,

“Show me the place where you live.”

Thirty-nine zero said respectfully, “This subordinate obeys!”

After saying that, he stood up and pointed to the back of the square and


“Sir, the area where the dead soldiers live is at the back of the square,

please follow me!”

Charlie nodded and followed him, crossing the large square.

As he walked, Thirty Nine Zero introduced to him that the square was

basically where,

The dead soldiers trained except for when the antidote was given out,

Whether it was close combat or a firearms shooting, it was all done in this


After crossing the square, there is a corridor nearly five meters wide and

thirty meters long,

Through the corridor, it is the living area of the dead soldiers.

The living area is more like an underground town,

Where the streets are planned horizontally and vertically,

Like cutting tofu, and are precisely divided into several square areas.

In each square area, there are eight rooms of more than ten square


As well as a common kitchen, and common bathroom.

The domestic water for the entire living area is taken from the groundwater

in the copper mine,

Which is then filtered and purified by the purification equipment and

transported here.

The domestic wastewater is directly treated together with the production

sewage of the copper mine,

And is often secretly discharged to the sea at night,

So it has not been detected by the outside world as any abnormality.

The air in the entire underground space relies on the air exchange

equipment in the copper mine,

This ensures that the air indicators are still up to standard in this several

hundred meters deep underground.

Here, there is one and only one energy source, that is, electricity,

Including the daily life of the dead soldiers using electricity.

The ceilings of the public areas are all covered with full-spectrum lights,

Illuminating all the public areas as bright as daylight.

Thirty-nine zero introduced to Charlie: “Here we can not see the sun, moon,

and stars,”

“We all rely on lights to simulate, as long as the wake-up bell rings,”

“All lights will also be lit at the same time, for us, this starts the daytime,”

“The night curfew time lights out bell rings, all the lights outside are turned

off, for us, it enters the night time. “

Saying that he sighed and added: “Like me, who went out on a mission,”

“At least know what the sun, moon, and stars are like,”

“But my wife, as well as other women, and those children who did not have

the opportunity to go out on a mission,”

“So far have not even really seen the sun and moon.”

Hearing this, Charlie also could not help but feel sympathy and regret the

fate of these dead soldiers.

A person, from birth to death, could possibly have never seen the sun,

If this was said out loud, I’m afraid no one would believe it.

Thinking of this, Charlie couldn’t help but say to Thirty-Nine Zero,

“My plan is to take down the dead soldiers’ quarters quietly,”

“And let everyone change their banners quietly so that the Warriors Den

won’t notice anything unusual in a short time,”

“But this also means that the entire quarters will remain largely


Thirty-nine zero heard the meaning of Charlie’s words and quickly said,

“Sir, don’t worry, we have persevered through so many generations, we can

naturally continue to persevere now!”

Charlie nodded and said seriously, “After all, this is the scale of several

thousand people,”

“On the ground, there are only a few hundred people,”

“It is unlikely to transfer everyone to live on the ground,”

“And if the number of people surges too much at once,”

“It will also trigger suspicion and speculation from the outside world.”

Chapter 5164

Speaking of this, Charlie turned his words and continued,

“However, from today, the channel between the dead and the ground will

remain unobstructed,”

“You do a good job of internal coordination, every day in multiple periods,”

“You can let some people go to the ground, to feel the real day and night, to

feel the real sun, moon, and stars.”

Hearing this, Thirty-Nine Zero was thrilled beyond words and said


“Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!”

“I’m satisfied to let the children go out to see the real world and breathe

fresh air!”

Charlie laughed: “All of you can go out, just for the time being,”

“You still have to lie down, so the overall people still have to continue to

endure and aggravate for a period of time,”

“But don’t worry, in terms of daily food, clothing, housing, and


“I will have people upgrade the treatment of the dead men as much as


“The children if they need to receive a normal education,”

“I can also have people to coordinate for you to fit the education of children

of all ages.”

“If you have any needs, you can also mention them to me, and I will try to

solve them if I can.”

“The children’s education is basically limited to literacy and the sporadic

basic knowledge we have,”

“But we, even if we have the opportunity to go out, we all go on missions,”

“And time is short, and someone is always secretly watching,”

“So we don’t have the opportunity to contact with any systematic


“Even want to get a map of the world to show the children we are not able

to achieve ……”

Charlie nodded and said with understanding, “These problems,”

“I will have people solve all of them in the shortest possible time.”

After saying that, Charlie asked thirty-nine zero:

“By the way, how do you usually solve medical problems?”

Thirty-nine zero explained: “We have a medical team of ten people,”

“The members of this medical team, are selected from the young girls to be

trained by the Warriors Den,”

“But they mainly learn about maternity, to ensure that the entire resident

pregnant women’s birth and infant care.”

Charlie couldn’t help but ask: “If someone has a major illness, how will it

generally be handled?”

Thirty-nine Zero thought about it and spoke, “We don’t seem to have

encountered any major illnesses,”

“Because our bodies will always be in a relatively healthy state because of

the antidote we take every week,”

“And this antidote will improve our physical quality, allowing us to grow


So it suddenly dawned on Charlie.

In the beginning, those dead soldiers of May Four Seven, although they

were not real martial artists,

But their physical quality was no less than martial artists,

Coupled with modern weapons, and well-thought-out tactics,

Making their real level of actual combat very high,

Even eight-star martial artists were not their opponents.

It is thought that the reason for their strong physical quality is because of

the regular use of this antidote.

Thirty-nine zero then said: “Although the antidote can make our physical

quality greatly improved,”

“But it seems to have a very significant impact on our per capita life


“Long-term use of the antidote, resulting in our average life expectancy, will

not exceed sixty years,”

“There are records, the oldest one dead soldiers, lived to fifty-eight years


“Most in the upper and lower fifties basically died without illness.”

Charlie nodded: “That kind of medicine is not relying on the power of the

medicine to improve your physical quality,”

“It only accelerates the burning of your own vital energy, so that you can

explode greater potential,”

“From a sense of a short time, the strength is indeed a great improvement,”

“But in reality, it is overdrawn subsequent life.”

Saying that, Charlie asked him, “How old are you this year?”

Thirty-nine zero respectfully said,

“I am forty-five years old.”

Saying that he couldn’t help but let out a light sigh and said


“I guess I only have ten years to live,”

“I hope that within these ten years, I can follow you to eradicate the

Warriors Den!”

Charlie looked at him and said seriously, “Don’t worry, it won’t take that long

to eradicate the Warriors Den,”

“And you won’t live to be only 50 or 60 years old,”

“Now that the poison in your body has been solved,”

“I will make your per capita life expectancy on par with normal people.”

Knowing that Charlie was by no means a liar,

Thirty-Nine Zero said with immense gratitude, “Thank you, sir, for your

rejuvenating grace!”

After saying that, he knelt down on one knee to show his devotion.

Charlie saw him kneel on one knee and laughed helplessly.

He had just said that he was not allowed to kneel down and salute,

So he changed from kneeling on both knees to kneeling on one knee.

Charlie shook his head, one hand to help him up, looked at the time, and


“I think it’s almost dawn, you go and let all the underage children get ready,

they can witness the first sunrise in their lives!

Chapter 5165

“Enjoying the sunrise?!”

Thirty-nine zero stunned, and at the same time full of excitement asked:

“Sir is this really happening?!”

Charlie nodded: “I just said, in the future, I will make sure that the dead


“Can take turns to go to the ground at any time of the day,”

“Right now this first time, prioritize those children who have never seen the

sun, moon, and stars.”

Thirty-nine zero was excited, but suddenly remembered something and

asked Charlie:

“Sir, at this time it is still dark outside?”

“Yes.” Charlie said, “In another half hour, it will be light.”

Thirty-nine Zero looked at the dense lights on the ceiling and sighed,

“It seems that our day and night inside are diametrically opposed to the


Charlie smiled faintly: “They don’t want you to calculate the dates in real


“So naturally they will invert and distort the time in here with reality.”

After saying that, Charlie added: “But you don’t have to worry,”

“From today onwards, the day and night here will be the same as outside,”

“I will have someone prepare clocks for you,”

“And from now on your dates and times will be completely synchronized

with real life.”

Thirty-nine zero gratefully and respectfully said, “Thank you, sir!”

Charlie said, “By the way, there is another task for you.”

Thirty-nine Zero said, “Sir, please give the orders!”

Charlie seriously said, “Starting tomorrow, you have to divide your people,

into three groups,”

“The number of people in each group will be about a thousand,”

“And then from each group, select one hundred and thirty laborers to


“To participate in the daily production mining of copper mines.”

Saying that Charlie turned around and said to Leroy,

The Cavalry guard who was following behind him,

“For the sake of fairness, for the Cavalry guard, it is also the same,”

“Let the three banners within the left center and right select about twenty

laborers each,”

“And participate in the work together with the laborers selected by the dead


Leroy said without thinking, “Sir, don’t worry, I will do it later!”

Charlie instructed again, “The work adopts an eight-hour time period,”

“Three-shift work system with one-off, so this requires that when the

internal people are selected,”

“At least one more shift has to be selected so that the shifts within each

group are rotated,”

“To ensure that everyone gets a good rest.”

“No problem!” Leroy said, “The production scale of this copper mine is not

that big,”

“There are only a hundred people who started working at the same time,”

“The dead soldiers and Cavalry guards combined are almost four thousand


“It’s still easy to deal with this amount of work.”

Chapter 5166

Charlie nodded and said, “We let them participate in the work, not to exploit

their labor,”

“But to maintain the normal operation of this copper mine,”

“Not to let the Warriors Den notice any abnormalities,”

“So you two tell all the laborers involved in the work,”

“As long as they participate in the labor, I will settle their salaries,”

“According to double the normal treatment of mine workers in Cyprus,”

“When the time comes to use the dollar settlement.”

Leroy and Thirty-Nine Zero looked at each other, and Leroy said,

“Sir, money is not necessary …… you have helped us so much,”

“You are our great benefactor, how can we take your money again,”

“And the ore produced by this copper mine is given to the Warriors Den,”

“The settlement money also can not enter your pocket,”

“It is not the same as you purely throw money?”

“Yes ……” thirty-nine zero also hurriedly echoed:

“Sir, we can not let you throw money, secondly,”

“The money for us is of no use at all,”

“If you give us that money it is like a pile of waste paper,”

“It is better for you to keep this money,”

“And also for the future eradication of the Warriors Den……”

Charlie waved his hand and said very firmly:

“Labor must be paid, this is the development of mankind to date,”

“One of the several unchanging truths, this money you can save,”

“Can also use it to buy some of your favorite things,”

“But as thirty-nine zero just said, for security reasons,”

“Certainly not let everyone take the money to go out and spend freely,”

“But I will let people give a list of commonly used goods,”

“Then send the list to everyone, if you need,”

“Let the Cataclysmic Front be responsible for purchasing,”

“And then use hidden means to transport it here, and hand it to everyone,”

“What I can promise is that the Cataclysmic Front will never earn any

difference in price.”

Leroy and Thirty-Nine Zero were both a bit stunned.

They didn’t expect that Charlie would intend to use the Cataclysmic Front,”

“To help them with their simple shopping problems, which obviously

sounded a bit too much.”

However, when they thought that they would really be able to purchase

various things,”

“From the outside world for themselves and their families with the money,”

“By earning from the daily work, they could not help but look forward to it.

Especially thirty-nine zero, he does not have as much freedom as Leroy,”

“After all, Leroy was already the flag commander of the Cavalry Guards,”

“Although the flag commander is also not paid,”

“But at least they live above ground, the knowledge of the world is much


Thirty-nine zero had to let his son understand that the earth is a sphere,

And continued to explain to him for several years of time.

However, his son had not yet gone out on a mission,

And had never seen the outside world, and Thirty-Nine Zero himself could

not even get a globe,

So there were no reasonable ways to make his son understand this

simplest of truths.

Once the kind of model Charlie said was implemented,

He earned money, even only a few dollars,

He can buy a globe to explain to his son what the world really looks like.

Chapter 5167

All the children’s eyes, at this time, were attracted by that soaring golden


As the arc of the rising sun became larger and larger,

Ten thousand feet of golden light dyed the entire sky, along with the entire

sea, getting golden.

The sky is full of haze, and the sea is sparkling!

With this rising sun, the skyline light is slightly distorted,

It looks, like more than a few dreamy feelings.

Children, as well as those parents who take care of young children, are

looking frozen.

Even if the light has become more and more blinding,

But no one wants to blink their eyelids.

Those mothers of young children, and those who are still in adolescence,

Subconsciously with their best buddies held tightly together,

They alone or in groups of three or five have been unable to control the


Now the scene in front of them is the first time they have been living


And they are racking their brains to think about the past years,

But also simply can not think of a reason to explain this feeling.

Soon, the round golden sun has completely broken out of the sea level,

Looking at the world, bathed in the first sunlight.

For the hundreds of millions of ordinary people living in this time zone,

This is just a normal and ordinary day.

But for these seven hundred children, this moment is the brand new

beginning of their lives!

Charlie looked at the hundreds of young faces illuminated by the sunlight in

front of him,

And said to Leroy, Thirty Nine Zero, and Joseph beside him,

“Before today, their lives were a long eternal night;”

“After today, they have a real light!”

After saying that, he suddenly made a decision and said in a stern voice,

“From today on, don’t let these children practice martial arts anymore!”

“If anyone really wants to learn,”

“It’s not too late to learn after they reach the age of eighteen!”

Thirty-nine zero subconsciously said, “Sir,”

“If they wait until they are eighteen before they start learning martial arts,”

“I think it will be too late ……”

“Late?” Charlie coldly snorted: “If you really want to learn, any day is not


“If you do not let them practice martial arts it is to make their childhood

what it really should be like,”

“This was something designed for them by Warriors Den based on their

own interests.”

“Besides, if our generation can eradicate the Warriors Den,”

“What need is there for these children to learn martial arts?”

“Instead of practicing martial arts, they should get out of here,”

“Settle down with their parents in a peaceful and stable country,”

“Study hard, get into a good university, study a profession they are

interested in,”

“And then find a job that will allow them to start a family and create their

own value in society!”

“This, for them, is the best choice!”

Chapter 5168

Thirty-nine Zero then realized that his thinking was still stuck in the

previous mode.

Before Charlie appeared, the only thing the dead soldiers could do,

Was to improve their abilities as much as possible,

To become Cavalry guards as much as possible,

And after becoming Cavalry guards, to have more children to ensure that

their offspring had a “scholar”,

So as to get away from the life of fighting and killing.

However, the situation has changed.

These children, do not need to work hard to become a “scholar”.

As long as they can go with Charlie, will completely eradicate the Warriors


Their children, all can become real scholar!

Thinking of this, thirty-nine said with more than tears,

“Thank you, sir, for your great kindness, your generosity is immense,”

“The dead soldiers will never forget it!”

Charlie patted his shoulder, turned to Joseph, and said,

“Joseph, from the Cataclysmic Front, find a few female warriors with higher


“Let them come here regularly to teach the children,”

“They will use regular teaching materials, in addition to preparing a set of

projection equipment down there,”

“Every day to show the children some films that can let them quickly

understand the world, understand the history and the present.”

Saying that he continued: “Right, there is the Internet, move a network

cable in,”

“Prepare some computers, so that the children know what is the Internet,”

“But the Internet for the time being can not let the children themselves on

the hands,”

“After all, we must be careful not to accidentally leak information, or else

the Warriors Den will find.”

Joseph said without thinking,

“Mr. Wade don’t worry, I will arrange all of them properly!”

Charlie nodded gently and said to Thirty-Nine Zero,

“In another twenty minutes, take the children down first,”

“Then come to the meeting room, we will have a meeting together.”

Thirty-nine Zero immediately said respectfully, “Yes sir!”

Charlie didn’t talk anymore, but took Joseph and the others and came to

the conference room first.

Right now, the sky is already blue, and the supplies that the ship had

delivered to the copper mine last night had been quietly transported long

before dawn,

And now the loading of copper ore was being carried out at the pier,

And once the loading was finished,

It was time for Reverend, as the special envoy, to return to the ship.

Charlie needs to smooth out all the links and solve all the hidden problems

before this,

Only in this way can he ensure that after Reverend leaves, he will not

reveal anything in Turkey.

As for how to make Reverend not reveal the clues, Charlie also has a new

idea of his own.

In the past, the reason he did not use psychological suggestions too often,

This is because it has a very serious drawback, once the target person is in

a controlled state,

His behavior, and reaction will seem a little slow,

And a discerning eye can see at a glance that something is wrong.

Chapter 5169

Reverend’s situation was the same.

Even more tricky.

The main reason is that these middle and high-level members in the

Warriors Den are not weak.

The masters of the dark realm already see all directions and listen to all


If Reverend shows too many abnormalities, once he arrives in Turkey,

When he meets his superiors, he will definitely be seen.

Therefore, Charlie planned to play tricks.

So, he called Reverend and asked, “Reverend,”

“Let me ask you, besides you and your assistant, are there any other people

from Turkey who came here?”

“No.” Reverend Shaking his head said respectfully:

“I am a permanent special envoy, mainly responsible for the transport of

materials between the two points.”

Charlie asked again: “There will be no one with a higher rank than you

coming here to check the situation?”

Reverend shook his head and said: “In order to avoid exposing the senior


“The organization’s consistent attitude is to contact with one person and

one line,”

“And no other executives will be sent to participate in this process.”

“That’s good.” Charlie was more at ease in his heart, and asked him:

“As long as you tell your superiors that everything is normal here,”

“They will also accept it. They won’t be too suspicious, right?”

Reverend nodded and said, “Normally, that’s the case,”

“But I still need to combine some of the surveillance videos here.”

“Before I leave, I will take the surveillance hard drive back to them,”

“And let them Copy the video from the hard disk and analyze it.”

Charlie asked him: “Who will analyze it?”

Reverend said: “There should be a dedicated security team in charge for

this purpose.”

Charlie turned to Joseph: “Joseph, can the surveillance video be tampered


Joseph nodded and said: “It’s too simple, my team can modify the

surveillance video frame by frame,”

“And make sure that the other party does not see any clues.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded slightly, then turned to Leroy and said,

“Copy out the monitoring before this morning and let him take it away,”

“And after Joseph’s team deals with it later, Reverend will take it away.”

Leroy hurriedly said: “Okay sir!”

Charlie asked Reverend again: “If you tell your superior that everything is

normal here,”

“And the surveillance video shows nothing abnormal,”

“Will your superior still ask you for more information? Details?”

“No.” Reverend shook his head and said, “He also has very little

communication with me,”

“And we rarely see each other.”

“If I say that everything is normal, he will report that to the superior.”

With that said, Reverend further explained: “Inside the organization,”

“Due to the high toxicity in the body and the fact that everyone needs an


“The organization has never had any deviation in its control over us,”

“So the organization has always focused on preventing The outside world

from spying on the secrets of the Warriors Den,”

“But they are not too worried that there will be traitors inside the Warriors


“After all, everyone’s life is in the hands of the Warriors Den,”

“And no one will go against it, even if it is to go out to execute a mission no

one will dare to escape,”

“After all, not only their own lives are in the hands of the organization,”

“But also the lives of their family members.”

Charlie nodded, it seems that Warriors Den is very confident with their


“And they don’t think there is any anyone who can crack the antidote.”

Thinking of this, there was only one last thing left for him to do,

Which was to give Reverend a new “psychological suggestion”.

This new “psychological suggestion” is more complex, powerful, and skillful.

This will be his trump card to solve the last problem.

Thinking of this, he called Reverend to the office,

And when there were only two people in the office, he sent more aura into

his body.

Afterward, Charlie stared at Reverend, and said in a cold voice:

“Reverend, remember! From now on, as long as you get off the boat and

enter the premises of this copper mine,”

“You will remember me and meet me.”

“Remember that I am your only master, and then you stay here honestly,”

“And after my people make all the preparations,”

“You will return to the freighter as if nothing happened, do you


Reverend nodded without hesitation and said: “Subordinate understand!”

Chapter 5170
Charlie changed the subject, and said again: “However, once you get on the


“You will temporarily forget me as a person, and that I am your only


“And forget that I just gave you a psychological suggestion,”

“And in your subconscious mind, you only need to firmly believe in one

thing, that is:”

“You have completed all the work in the copper mine,”

“And firmly believe that everything inside the copper mine is going well

without any abnormalities!”

“Except for this point Other than that, you follow your true nature in


“Be the special envoy when you should be the special envoy,”

“Practice your martial arts when you should practice your martial arts,”

“Play with your male fav0rite when you should play, you act as the original,

and it is what it is! Can you understand me?”

Charlie’s words made Reverend feel a little short-circuited.

However, after a few seconds, he figured out the content of Charlie’s hint.

In fact, Charlie just wanted to give him a hint, a trigger condition.

When Reverend was not here, Charlie didn’t need him to be used by him,

Nor did he need him to keep thinking that he was his master.

What Charlie needs is that when Reverend is not here, he is still himself.

He doesn’t remember that he has any master, nor does he remember that

he was given psychological hints,

So as to ensure that he has no influence in front of other people.

And once he got off the boat and in the copper mines, the real strong cues

kicked in.

In this way, it can be ensured that Reverend will become a tool man as soon

as he arrives here,

And when he leaves this place, he can return to normal and be himself.

The only difference is that in the deepest part of his subconscious,

Charlie gave him a hidden hint, firmly believing that there is nothing

abnormal here.

This order is extremely simple, and it doesn’t require Reverend to think

about it,

Nor does he need to deal with any other variables for it.

Therefore, the impact of this deep psychological suggestion on Reverend

will also be reduced to a limit.

What’s more, Charlie also specifically hinted that he should follow his true


So that it would be more difficult for others to see the clues.

However, apart from Reverend, Charlie also controlled his favorite on the

boat last night.

Right now, the same psychological hint needs to be given to that man as


So, he said to Reverend, “Go to the boat and bring your male pet over. I

have something to tell him.”

“Okay.” Reverend nodded without thinking, and then immediately opened

the door and went out.

Just after Reverend left, Charlie called Joseph, Leroy, 390, 547, and Joseph’s

master Jackson to the office.

After everyone came in, Charlie said: “Everyone, I have already solved

Reverend’s problem.”

“In the future, as long as he is still a special envoy, he can temporarily avoid

the monitoring of the Warriors Den.”

“However, once this matter changes, I am afraid that this base will be in


“And everyone will have to evacuate from Cyprus immediately before the

Warriors Den has mobilized enough troops to attack.”

Leroy asked respectfully: “Sir, all of us add up to more than four thousand,”

“If we really need to evacuate, where can we evacuate to?”

Charlie smiled slightly and said with relief: “Don’t worry about this,”

“The Cataclysmic Front is on the other side of this coast in Syria and is

building a base that can accommodate 100,000 people.”

“If necessary, I will ask him to transfer everyone to Syria.”

Joseph said at this time: “Don’t worry, everyone, Cataclysmic Front maneuvers from Syria,”

“And the response speed is much faster than Warriors Den maneuvers from

other places.”

“Moreover, judging from the current global mobility of the Warriors Den,”

“The number of dead soldiers they can mobilize around the world in a

single day cannot exceed 2,000.”

Joseph said this with confidence.

The strength of the Warriors Den is indeed very strong, and its influence

spreads all over the world.

However, if they really want to concentrate their efforts on doing big


They are definitely not as good as Cataclysmic Front in this regard.

Even if it is a country whose military strength ranks above the middle in the


It is impossible to deploy tens of thousands of people around the world in a

short period of time,

And there are tens of thousands of soldiers under the command of

Cataclysmic Front,

And most of them are concentrated around Syria.

Therefore, in the Middle East, the Cataclysmic Front really doesn’t have to

be afraid of breaking the Warriors Den.

Joseph’s words made Leroy, 390 and others breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, they all have families and have just seen the dawn of changing

their destiny.

Under such circumstances, they naturally want to see More hope, see a

greater success rate.

If there is Cataclysmic Front behind it as support, then everyone can

completely rest assured and stick to it here.

Charlie said at this time: “Everyone must be clear about one thing.”

“No matter how well we can hide it now, this base will be exposed sooner

or later,”

“But the exposure is not terrible. As long as we are fully prepared,”

“We can definitely avoid unnecessary casualties.”

Then, Charlie said again: “Listen well, once something happens to


“We will immediately evacuate everyone, but before evacuating,”

“You must completely destroy this base for me. I want Warriors Den to

watch their hard work go to waste!”

The value of this copper mine is not high, but the value of the underground

project under the copper mine,

Which is specially designed for dead soldiers, is immeasurable.

The construction cost of the entire underground project alone is estimated to start at one billion US dollars,

And when various hardware equipment is included, the cost is even more astronomical.

The most important thing is that it takes a lot of time to quietly build such an underground project, And it may not be completed in eight or ten years.

This is the most distressing thing for the Warriors Den.

Leroy said: “Sir, with your permission, we can lay a blasting point underground in advance.”

“Once needed, we only need to fill the blasting point with high explosives to blow up the entire underground fortification.”

“Once the underground is destroyed, there will be a huge subsidence area on the ground, and the entire copper mine will have almost no rescue value.”


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