Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3253 update || Chapter 6753 & 6754 || Chapter 3253 Shared Fate | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

  Chapter 3253: Shared Fate

When all the Cavalry Guards immediately began to work overtime for mining and production, Charlie brought Song Ruyu, under the leadership of Yin Xiaoyang, to the underground mine where thousands of dead soldiers and their families were imprisoned.


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This underground mine has three openings in total. The original design was that two were used to mine and transport phosphate ore to the surface, and the other was specifically used to ventilate the entire underground mine.

Now, the ventilation openings of the mine have been completely blocked by iron fences as thick as arms to ensure that only ventilation can be used, and no one can escape from here.

In addition, the two mine exits originally designed to transport phosphate ore are all firmly blocked with heavy iron doors. The Cavalry Guards of the Third Battalion have special people guarding here, and the control of the elevator is also in the hands of the Cavalry Guards. When the gate is closed and the elevator is closed, the dead soldiers below cannot escape at all.

Moreover, although the Death Soldiers and the Cavalry Guards are equivalent to prisoners and prison guards respectively, their fates are actually the same. The Death Soldiers cannot leave the mine without permission, while the Cavalry Guards only have a few kilometres more activity radius than them. With the mining area of ​​Duke Mining as the boundary, none of them can leave this shackle at will.

Because of this, the Death Soldiers will not try to escape at all, because it is useless to escape. Once the antidote expires, they will surely die.

The three of them came to the entrance, and Yin Xiaoyang directly said to the Cavalry Guards guarding here: "Open the elevator, we want to go down."

The Cavalry Guards obeyed his orders and naturally did not dare to neglect them. They immediately opened the door and then supplied electricity to the elevator.

The lights inside the elevator came on, and Yin Xiaoyang immediately said to Charlie and Song Ruyu: "Mr. Wade, Miss Song, please come in!"

Charlie nodded and entered the elevator first, followed by Song Ruyu. Yin Xiaoyang entered last and pressed a button on the signal machine. The Cavalry Guards who received the signal immediately started the elevator and quickly descended to the bottom of the mine.

As the elevator was descending rapidly, Yin Xiaoyang asked Charlie, "Mr. Wade, do I need to gather all the dead soldiers and their families here later?"

Charlie said, "You gather the leaders of the dead soldiers first. I will explain the situation to them first, and then let them gather everyone together. Let them explain it to their comrades and families in person. This will be more convincing, and I don't have time to detoxify everyone today. I can only detoxify the leaders at all levels first, let them trust me, and then let them organise everyone to evacuate first. After evacuating to a safe place, I will detoxify others."

After that, Charlie asked him, "When was the last time everyone took the medicine?"

Yin Xiaoyang immediately said, "To reply, Mr. Wade, everyone just took the antidote the day before yesterday, so there is still plenty of time."

Charlie nodded. The head said: "Okay, enough time."

The elevator travelled for about a minute. After reaching the bottom of the mine, a man came up immediately. Seeing that it was Yin Xiaoyang, he immediately said respectfully: "Commander Yin, why did you come down in person?"

Yin Xiaoyang said: "There are some important matters to communicate with you. Please summon your commander and all the thousand households and flag chiefs to the front hall for discussion." 

The dead soldier immediately said: "Commander Yin, please move to the front hall for a while. I will go to inform the commander now!"

Passing through the tunnel of the mine, the three came to the front hall of the dead soldier's station. This was originally a working face in a phosphate mine area. After the Poqing Society took over, it was transformed here and transformed into a must-go road to enter the station. This working face was supported and reinforced.

Now, this has become the venue for the dead soldiers to hold meetings, and it is also the place where the Cavalry Guard assigns tasks to the dead soldiers.

The front hall is brightly lit at this time. The huge space is designed like an ancient government office. There is a flat open space in the middle, and three imperial chairs are placed in front.

At this time, there were also two death warriors guarding the front hall. When they saw Yin Xiaoyang coming, they immediately stepped forward and said respectfully: "I am honoured to meet Commander Yin!"

Yin Xiaoyang nodded and said to the two men: "I have called a meeting of your commanders and leaders at all levels. You can leave first."

The two men immediately said in unison: "As you command!"

After that, they immediately turned around and left.

Charlie saw that these death warriors respected Yin Xiaoyang from the bottom of their hearts, and their eyes were full of respect rather than fear, so he asked him curiously: "Do you have a good relationship with these death warriors?"

Yin Xiaoyang introduced to Charlie: "Mr. Wade, we, the Cavalry Guards, do have a good relationship with the death warriors. Although we are ordered to guard them here, I have repeatedly emphasised to all the brothers of the Cavalry Guards that no one should exploit, bully, or make things difficult for the death warriors and their families. After all, we are all connected by the same fate and should sympathise with each other. These death warriors can also... They understand our situation, and we are also doing our best to provide them with some help and convenience, so everyone gets along very well. "

Charlie nodded and sighed: "In the society outside, the food chain has long been formed between the classes, and exploitation and oppression are mostly passed down layer by layer. Many people who have been wronged by the upper class will vent their anger on the people below. It is not easy for you to realise that the dead soldiers and the cavalry guards are connected by the same fate and help each other. "

Song Ruyu, who was standing aside, couldn't help but feel a little hot on her face when she heard Charlie's words.

She found that she was actually one of the "many people" mentioned by Charlie. The Song family had been controlled and oppressed by the PoQing Society for hundreds of years, but after coming to Duke Mining, she had no sympathy and compassion for the cavalry guards of Duke Mining. On the contrary, she was more harsh on them, and even killed innocent people indiscriminately. Now that she thinks about it, she is really ashamed.

Soon, in the alley behind the front hall, there was a uniform sound of running in a line.

A middle-aged strong man with a beard led more than 20 people to run quickly.

Most of these people have Asian faces, but there are also a few from other races. These people were abducted by the Po Qing Society many years ago and forced to become death warriors. So their descendants also became death warriors and received a unified Chinese education.

A group of people came quickly to the three people. The leader looked at Charlie in surprise, and then said loudly: "I am Qian Qiwu, the subordinate, and I meet the Lord Assistant and the Commander!"

Charlie looked at Song Ruyu and asked her: "Have you been here before?"

Song Ruyu nodded and said truthfully: "Mr. Wade, I came here the day before yesterday to distribute the antidote to them."

After that, she explained: "Originally, this should have been done by the special envoy. I came here to supervise the major change, so I didn't let the special envoy come."

Charlie nodded lightly. At this time, Yin Xiaoyang on the side looked at Charlie and asked: "Mr. Wade, do you think I can introduce you to the brothers?"

Charlie said: "Okay, you introduce them."

Seeing that Song Ruyu and Yin Xiaoyang were respectful to the young man around them, the group of assassins became a little nervous for a moment.

Originally, the highest-ranking official they could meet here was the special envoy. They felt something was fishy when they met the assistant envoy two days ago. They didn't expect that two days later, another person who could make the assistant envoy be so respectful came. Everyone was even a little curious, wondering whether Charlie was the lieutenant general of the Po Qing Society, or even the commander-in-chief.

At this time, Yin Xiaoyang said: "Everyone, Mr. Wade next to me has brought you an opportunity to completely get rid of the Poqing Society with your family. I wonder if you are willing to accept it?"


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