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 Chapter 3254 Evacuation Begins

As soon as Yin Xiaoyang said this, everyone was shocked.


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They originally thought that Charlie must be a higher-up of the Po Qing Society.

But who would have thought that Yin Xiaoyang would say that Charlie gave everyone a chance to get rid of the Po Qing Society.

This huge psychological contrast made them completely at a loss as to how to deal with it.

Seeing everyone stunned, Charlie said, "Everyone, I know that you have been imprisoned and enslaved by the Po Qing Society for generations, and have become killers of the Po Qing Society for generations. I have the ability to remove the poison in your body and provide you and your family with a safe place to stay, so that you will never be oppressed by the Po Qing Society again. I have only one condition, that is, you must unconditionally help me defeat the Po Qing Society. Once the Po Qing Society is eradicated by me, you and your family and descendants can regain your freedom. At that time, you can go anywhere, and I will not stop you."

Everyone was still full of disbelief.

They and their ancestors have been firmly controlled by the Poqing Society for hundreds of years. In these hundreds of years, it's not that no one has tried to fight or escape, but the strange poison in their bodies is like a curse that can never be shaken off, and no one has the ability to remove it.

And now, a strange man suddenly said that he could help them remove this curse, and their first feeling was disbelief.

Seeing that everyone was quite doubtful, Charlie didn't say much nonsense, and said to Yin Xiaoyang: "Commander Yin, give me the water."

"Yes!" Yin Xiaoyang immediately handed the large bottle of pure water he brought to Charlie, and then without waiting for Charlie's order, he began to distribute paper cups to the standing dead soldiers.

Charlie added some pills into the bottle, and after the pills melted, he immediately walked to the dead soldier in the first row and poured him a small half cup.

Then, he poured equal amounts for these dead soldiers one by one.

These dead soldiers didn't understand, but Charlie didn't say anything, and the commander Qian Qiwu didn't move, so everyone held the water cup and didn't move.

Charlie returned to the front of the crowd and said, "Everyone, time is running out, and there is no point in saying more. After everyone drinks the water in the cup, they will naturally understand everything. If you believe me, then take a step forward. If you still don't believe me, take a step back."

Seeing Charlie's straightforward words, Qian Qiwu did not delay and immediately said, "Thank you for your care, Mr. Wade!"

After that, he raised his head and drank the water in the cup.

For Qian Qiwu, he has had no freedom since birth. He is just a slave who is at the mercy of others. Although he doesn't know where Charlie came from, he thinks that no one will try to murder a worthless slave like himself, so there is nothing to worry about.

After drinking the colourless and tasteless water, Qian Qiwu almost immediately felt the changes in his body.

The poison is in the meridians and Dantian, just like the originally white walls are covered with foul-smelling mud. The mud is everywhere and disgusting.

But after drinking this glass of water, the mud was immediately washed away, leaving no trace!

At this moment, he finally realised that Charlie did not exaggerate at all. He really gave everyone a chance to get rid of the Poqing Society and break the shackles of a hundred years!

The brothers around him also had the same feeling as him at this moment. The poison in their bodies was completely cleared, which made them ecstatic. Many people even burst into tears uncontrollably.

Qian Qiwu was the first to come back to his senses, looked at Charlie, took a big step forward, then knelt on one knee, clasped his hands in front of him, and said loudly: "I am willing to die for you, sir!"

Everyone immediately stepped forward and knelt on one knee like Qian Qiwu, saying in unison: "I am willing to die for you, sir!"

Charlie nodded and said: "Since you all have no other meaning, then I will start to formulate an evacuation plan. All of you must follow my plan and there must be no mistakes!"

Qian Qiwu said loudly: "Everything is subject to your instructions!"

Charlie said: "Okay! Here is my evacuation plan. First of all, starting tonight, all the dead soldiers and their families will begin to evacuate one after another. This distance is nearly 100 kilometres. In order to conceal their tracks, all the dead soldiers will start a forced march tonight. The requirement for the forced march is to complete this 100-kilometer journey within at least six hours. You are all warriors, and this marching intensity should be no problem for you, right?"

Qian Qiwu said without hesitation: "No problem! We will reach our destination within six hours!"

"Okay." Charlie nodded and said, "If there are family members among you who can keep up physically, they will go with you. If not, don't worry, I will arrange vehicles to transport them later."

After that, he looked at the time and continued, "It is ten o'clock in the evening now. Time is short. I will give you an hour to prepare. You go back and tell all your comrades and everyone's relatives about the whole thing, and let them prepare to leave. Then divide everyone into three groups. After an hour, the first group of death warriors and family members who can keep up with the forced march will set off first. After an hour and a half, the second group will set off. Two hours later, the third group will set off. The third group must arrive at the destination before dawn, otherwise there will be a risk of exposure. Do you understand?"

Everyone They all said in unison: "We understand!"

Charlie said again: "This evacuation is to allow you to completely get rid of the Poqing Society and the previous life of imprisonment and slavery, so you must tell everyone that all personal belongings, as long as they are not necessities, should be left without as much as possible. No items should be left behind during the march. Each group of teams must have a team to explore the way ahead and a team to finish the march. The traces of the march must be erased in time and no clues should be left. Do you understand?"

Everyone answered in unison again: "We understand!"

Charlie nodded and continued: "The evacuation of the entire base is divided into three steps. The first step is to complete the evacuation to the transfer station within three days; the second step is to complete the evacuation from the transfer station to the seaport; the third step is to complete the evacuation of thousands of kilometres at sea;"

"You are now in the inland of Morocco. You can only evacuate from here to the transitional transit station in three days. It will take at least one month to move from the transit station to a safe area, of which twenty days will be at sea. Once you leave clues during the evacuation, the Po Qing Society will most likely pursue you all the way. Once they catch up, everyone will face a catastrophe;"

"Therefore, during the entire evacuation process, you must follow the existing management system and control all your subordinates in place. Make sure that everyone strictly abides by discipline!"

Qian Qiwu immediately said respectfully: "Please rest assured, sir, I will strictly instruct all the responsible persons not to leave any clues during the evacuation!"

After that, Qian Qiwu hesitated for a moment and asked: "Sir, I have a question. I dare to ask you to explain it!"

Charlie said: "You say."

Qian Qiwu asked hurriedly: "When can you detoxify the other dead soldiers and their families?"

Charlie said: "You don't have to worry about those comrades and their families. After the first phase of the evacuation is completed in three days, I will concentrate on detoxifying everyone at the transit station. "

Qian Qiwu immediately said gratefully: "On behalf of all my comrades and relatives, I kneel down to thank you for your great kindness!"

Charlie nodded and said in a rather serious expression: "Hurry up and prepare. The elevator can only carry a limited number of people each time. Let the first batch of brothers start to move out as soon as possible!"

Qian Qiwu said hurriedly: "Sir, I and other comrades have never left the station soberly in our lives. Except for the destination of the mission, I don’t know what the outside of the mine looks like. On the march, can you arrange a few people to guide us?"

Charlie smiled and said, "Don't worry about this, I will definitely arrange it."

After that, he looked at Yin Xiaoyang on the side and said, "Commander Yin, I will tell you the coordinates of the transfer station later. You choose a few smart brothers from the Cavalry Guards and let them lead the way for these brothers. I will also arrange people to meet them in advance."

Yin Xiaoyang said respectfully: "Don't worry, Mr. Wade, I will make arrangements!"


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