Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3252 update || Chapter 6751 & 6752 || Chapter 3252 United We Stand | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3252: United We Stand

Charlie Wade's calm words immediately stirred up waves among the crowd.

Yin Xiaoyang had just told them about the big blood exchange. At this moment, everyone hated the Poqing Association to the core. Suddenly, a stranger appeared and said that they would be given a chance to escape from the control of the Poqing Association. Except for Yin Xiaoyang, everyone else's faces were full of disbelief.

After all, escaping from the control of Po Qing Society is more than just escaping from here.

The most important thing is that the strange poison in everyone's body must be eliminated, otherwise, even if they successfully escape, they will inevitably die violently within a few days.

At this time, Yin Xiaoyang said: "Gentlemen, the reason why I have called you all together is to discuss the big plan with this gentleman. He goes deep into this place regardless of the danger and wants to take all of us away from this place together with the dead soldiers. And he will remove the strange poison from our bodies. In this way, you will no longer be enslaved by the Po Qing Society, let alone separated from your family. I wonder if you will respond with me? "

When everyone heard this, they immediately became excited.

One of them stood up and said loudly: "Commander Yin! All the brothers have followed you all the way. As long as you say a word, I, Li Jianghe, will obey you unconditionally no matter what you do!"

Another person also said: "Commander Yin, as long as you can keep our family safe, you will not hesitate to make me, Han Zhengguang, miserable!"

As everyone expressed their opinions, Charlie Wade could also see that these heroic guards did not care about their own life or death. Almost all of them only cared about their families. As long as they could ensure the safety of their families, they would die immediately without any hesitation.

Seeing that everyone had expressed their attitude, Yin Xiaoyang immediately said to Charlie Wade: "Sir, from now on, all the brothers and I will obey your command."

Everyone immediately said in unison: "Everything follows Sir's command!"

Charlie Wade nodded and said: "My surname is Wade, you can call me Mr. Wade, because in three days the big blood exchange is about to begin, we must move everyone from here in an orderly manner within three days, because this place will continue to operation and continue to provide finished phosphates for the Moore trade, so next, all the Cavalry Guards responsible for production need to work at full capacity to accelerate production. At the same time, I will first evacuate all the dead soldiers and their families here, and secondly, evacuate all the Cavalry Guard’s family members, and the Cavalry Guards, will be the last to evacuate. The whole process must be intensive and orderly. The most important thing is your cooperation, so it requires a reasonable division of labour from Commander Yin and the complete cooperation of everyone here. "

After that, he took out a Rejuvenation Pill and a Peiyuan Pill, and then took a bottle of drinking water from the corner of the conference room. He took a little from the two pills, then put them into the water, and then said to Song Ruyu who was beside him. Said: "Bring me some water glasses."

Song Ruyu immediately turned around and fetched some disposable water cups. Charlie Wade poured the drinking water mixed with the elixir into the cups respectively. Only half a cup was poured into each cup. Then he said to Yin Xiaoyang and others: "Take this cup of water." Drink it and the poison in your body will be lifted.”

Everyone passed the water cup around doubtfully and drank it all under the leadership of Yin Xiaoyang.

Immediately afterwards, everyone immediately felt that the sharp and strange poison mixed with the true energy in the body quickly disintegrated in a very short period of time.

Instead, there is a very surging and natural energy.

Strictly speaking, the poison that Wu Feiyan prepared for the dead soldiers and the Cavalry Guards was an uncontrolled mixture of true energy and spiritual energy, with true energy accounting for the majority and only a small amount of spiritual energy mixed in.

When this mixture of true energy and spiritual energy is in their bodies, it can improve their actual combat capabilities, but the true energy itself is also a time bomb. If the antidote cannot be taken on time, the true energy will attack their meridians and internal organs. Let them die instantly.

Charlie Wade's elixir contains pure Qi and a little spiritual energy. After taking it, the two will work together on the uncontrolled Qi, completely disintegrating them.

That uncontrollable energy had long since become a shackle that imprisoned their souls and bodies. They could feel the existence of that shackle all the time, so when the shackles instantly collapsed, they immediately realised that The shackles that had been in the body since birth finally disappeared completely at this moment.

For a time, everyone was ecstatic, and many people even hugged each other and cried.

They, and their ancestors, have the greatest wish in their lives to break this shackle.

It's a pity that because the poison is mixed with a little spiritual energy, warriors like them cannot break it through their own strength. Only by using stronger spiritual energy can the poison be offset.

Although Charlie Wade's strength is much worse than Wu Feiyan, the number of people Wu Feiyan needs to control is too large. In order to save spiritual energy, he only left a small amount of spiritual energy in the bodies of these knights and dead soldiers. For Charlie Wade, detoxifying them is not too difficult.

Yin Xiaoyang was extremely excited. He was originally a little doubtful about whether Charlie Wade could detoxify them, but now after personal experience, he has no worries at all.

So, he took the lead and walked up to Charlie Wade, knelt down on one knee, cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Wade's great kindness will be unforgettable by my subordinates!"

Others immediately stepped forward and knelt on one knee.

Charlie Wade said: "Time is running out. Please seize the time and lead your men to speed up production. Commander Yin will come with me to meet the dead soldiers here."

Yin Xiaoyang immediately said: "Okay Mr. Wade."

After that, he said to the others: "Tell the brothers, do your best to produce more mine. Han Qianhu, you transfer all the brothers from the third battalion to the mining area to support, first help the first battalion with mining, and then help the second battalion with production!"

Han Qianhu, Han Zhengguang, who just expressed his loyalty to Charlie Wade, is the Qianhu of the Third Battalion and the No. 1 officer of the Third Battalion. In Duke Mining, the Third Battalion is mainly responsible for security, transportation, loading and unloading, and maintenance. Support work, his men and horses are flexible. Recently, his manpower has been mainly busy building watchtowers in the mining area and subsequent installation of monitoring equipment.

However, all these tasks can be stopped completely now, allowing him to allocate manpower to support the mining area. If everyone increases their work intensity, the mining work in the next three days can be completed within 24 hours.

In this way, in the next 24 hours, you can focus on the production of the refinery. As long as the refinery can produce all the production capacity for the next three days in the next 48 hours, then the vast majority of Cavalry guards can be withdrawn on day after tomorrow. All the guards were withdrawn, leaving only Han Zhengguang with a loading and unloading team to load the last truck of phosphate and complete the docking delivery with the Moroccan National Railway.

Han Qianhu immediately said: "Commander Yin, don't worry, my subordinates will personally lead the brothers from the third battalion to the mining area to provide support!"

Yin Xiaoyang nodded and said loudly: "From now on, all brothers must unite and go all out. Whether our family and future generations can escape the fate of hundreds of years of imprisonment depends on the next three days!"


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