Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 5001 to 5100 Charlie Wade Story

 Chinese Super hero  Novel Chapter 5001

Ito Takehiko and Tanaka Koichi, are walking on the trails of the park
wearing masks.
The two started at a normal speed of walking, But before they took a few steps, they unconsciously walked faster and faster, And in the end, it was like a race walk, leaving Charlie and Nanako behind.


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Nanako, who was wearing a kimono, ignored the surprised eyes of passers-by,
Walked beside Charlie unhurriedly, looked at the backs of her father and Tanaka,
And said with a smile, “Mr. Wade, Oduosang, and Tanaka-san seem to be competing.”
“Really?” Seeing the two of them walking further and further away, Charlie
couldn’t help but laugh,
“Could it be that they walked faster than anyone else?”
“It should be.” Nanako pursed her lips and said,
“You Looking at Oduosang, he can’t wait to jump one step at a time.”
After speaking, she tried a few steps on the spot, each time she took one
leg first,
And then jumped up slightly after taking a step, so she had a cheerful
rhythm step by step.
Charlie looked at her figure, and couldn’t help but tease:
“We call this kind of walking a squat.”
Nanako Ito turned around and asked Charlie curiously,
“Is it the one who’s not going to squat for long? Are you not jumping?”
Charlie sneered: “Yes, but what you said is a bit unlucky.”
Nanako stuck out her tongue, smiled brightly, and said,
“With Mr. Wade, every time I have good luck, It won’t be unlucky.”
After speaking, she asked him, “By the way, Mr. Wade,”
“Every time you see me, you have to help me or help my family solve
problems, it must be annoying.
“…” Charlie smiled and said, “How could that be, why are you asking that?”
Nanako said seriously, “I just need your help every time,”
“And I feel very embarrassed for you helping me a lot. …”
Charlie looked at her and said with a smile,
“Don’t be sorry, after all, I always found you for help.”
Nanako was stunned for a while, then smiled sweetly, tilted her head, and
“It seems to be the case.. … The first time you rescued me was at home in
Kyoto, and it snowed heavily that day.”
Saying that she stopped, looked up at the leaves blown by the breeze,
Turned back to Charlie, and asked him “Mr. Wade, do I look good?”
Charlie replied without hesitation, “Of course, you look good.”
Nanako asked again, “If I wear this outfit, will it look a little inconsistent in
this kind of place?”
Charlie thought about it. After thinking about it, he smiled:
“I don’t think there is a conflict, but it’s a bit of a mix and match.”
Nanako nodded and said with a smile: “Actually, I have rarely worn a
kimono to go out,”
“and there is only one situation, I will come out wearing a kimono…”
Charlie asked her curiously, “What is the specific situation?”
Nanako smiled mysteriously, then she changed the subject and said with a
longing look:
“Mr. Wade, I have imagined four kinds of pictures of meeting you.”
“Among them, what I am looking forward to most is to be able to walk with
you in the snow on a snowy night in Kyoto.”
“Fortunately, this wish was fulfilled last year.”
Charlie asked again: “What about the other three?”
“The other three…” Nanako admired the trees in New York at night and
“The second is when the cherry blossoms in Hirosaki Park are in full
“Wearing the kimono walk under the cherry tree together with you,”
“But it’s a pity that the cherry blossoms blooms in March, April at the latest,
and now it has passed…”
Charlie didn’t know what happened to him, and then he blurted out:
“It doesn’t matter, you missed this year there is next year.”
After speaking, he realized that he had said the wrong thing.
Chapter 5002
However, it was too late to realize the mistake at this time.
When Nanako heard his words, she turned back to look at him excitedly,
and asked with wide eyes,
“Mr. Wade! Are you really willing to accompany me to enjoy the cherry
blossoms next year?”
Charlie nodded subconsciously when he saw her expression of
anticipation: “Yes.”
Nanako was so excited that she couldn’t add any more, and said with
“That’s great! I will definitely show you the best cherry blossoms in Japan!”
Charlie saw that his words had already been released, he simply no longer
And said directly and straightforwardly:
“What are the other two, I will try to help you achieve it next year.”
“Really?!” Charlie’s arm, softly said: “I want to walk with Mr. Wade on the
coast of southern Hunan in midsummer,”
“And then enjoy the autumn leaves of Hokkaido with Mr. Wade…”
Charlie couldn’t help but ask her with a smile:
“Winter snow Night, cherry blossoms in spring, seaside in summer, and red
leaves in autumn, right?”
“Yes! “Nanako nodded heavily, stared at him with big eyes,
And asked in anticipation, “Mr. Wade, is it alright?”
Charlie asked her, “Why is it all in Japan? Cherry blossoms, sea, and red
leaves are also available in China too,”
“And as long as you choose the right time and place, the scenery may not
be worse than Japan.”
I know…” Nanako said seriously: “The reason why I think of these places is
not because,”
“I think arrogantly that cherry blossoms, seaside, and red leaves are only
the best in Japan…”
“It is just the heavy snow in Kyoto, the cherry blossoms in Hirosaki, the
seaside in Shonan and the red leaves in Hokkaido have all left a deep
impression on me.”
“When I go to these places and enjoy these sceneries in the corresponding
“I made a wish in my heart and I hope to relive these sceneries with my
loved ones in the future…”
“This is like a small wish and obsession in my heart…”
Said, Nanako hurriedly said: “But if Mr. Wade wants to take me to
appreciate these beautiful sceneries in China, I have no opinion! “
There are many women who have confessed to Charlie,
But Nanako Ito’s confession always gives him a different feeling.
Other people’s confessions made him subconsciously want to decline,
Or to divert the topic, but Nanako’s confessions always made him want to
respond in the depths of his heart.
Therefore, when she mentioned that she had made a wish to relive these
sceneries with her beloved,
Charlie could not find any reason to refuse.
So, he said very confidently:
“It doesn’t matter, since it’s what you think, just follow what you want.”
When Nanako heard the answer, she was happy, and her eyes were a little
She grabbed Charlie’s arm and said again:
“By the way, Mr. Wade, I said just now that there is only one situation for
me to wear a kimono to go out,”
“That is when the cherry blossoms are blooming,”
“I wear a kimono to go out to enjoy the cherry blossoms.”
“If you come next spring to Japan, I will still wear this outfit to accompany
you to enjoy the blossoms!”
Charlie nodded and said with a smile,
“I have to state in advance that I won’t be wearing any traditional
Nanako smiled and said, “I understand. , if I want to marry a Chinese
person in the future,”
“I won’t let my husband wear our traditional costumes,”
“Traditions are just about yourself, it is not about forcing others.”
She said, something suddenly occurred to her, and she continued.
She smiled and said, “Actually, if I marry a Chinese in the future,”
“Then I would prefer to marry in traditional Chinese clothing!”
“Do you think I will look good in those dragon and phoenix gowns or
Charlie nodded: “It will definitely look good.”
Nanako blurted out excitedly after thinking of something,
“Then that’s it, Mr. Wade, you come to Japan next spring,”
“And I will accompany you to enjoy the cherry blossoms in Xiuhe!”
Chapter 5003
“Wear Xiuhe to accompany me to enjoy the cherry blossoms?”
Charlie heard Nanako’s words, and couldn’t help but feel a longing in his
Nanako dressed in red Xiuhe, and matched with pink and white cherry
blossoms in the sky,
Although he hasn’t seen the picture, it will definitely be beautiful if he thinks
about it.
So, he said to her: “If that’s the case, then next spring, I must come to
Nanako said happily: “Really? Then we can make a deal!”
“Next spring, I will be in Japan. Waiting for you!”
The two reached an agreement, Nanako was in such a good mood that she
couldn’t describe it in words,
She couldn’t help holding Charlie’s arm, and took the initiative to clasp his
fingers tightly,
And said softly beside him, “Mr. Wade, I really am so happy today.”
Today was Oduosang’s birthday. I didn’t expect that I would be able to
come to New York to meet you.”
“More importantly, Oduosang has returned to normal. This means a lot to
him… ..”
Saying that she complained: “You don’t know what this stubborn old man
looks like at home,”
“He pulls a face every day, I never see him smiling, and often sighs, I know
him too well.”
“He was strong all his life, and suddenly he has fallen to the point where he
needs to be taken care of even in his daily life.”
“The gap in his heart will be very large, so big that it is unimaginable for
ordinary people,”
“And it is very likely that he will not be able to get out of this life.”
“It is you who gave him a new life. If it weren’t for you, he might have been
depressed until the moment of his death…”
Having said that, she looked at him, while clenching her hand tightly,
And said very seriously, “Mr. Wade, thank you! Thank you for giving such
precious medicine to Ou Duosang.”
“In the past, a single Rejuvenation Pill could be auctioned for hundreds of
billions of dollars.”

“This time, if the medicine you gave to Oduosang is auctioned,”
“I am afraid the price would not be higher than that of the Rejuvenation Pill.
But not low right?”
Charlie smiled and said, “If the medicinal pills are put in an auction,”
“They will naturally fetch a very high price,”
“But I will most likely not hold medicinal pill auctions in the future.”
Nanako was curious. She asked, “Why? Wasn’t the last auction very
Charlie sighed: “The world in my eyes now and the world in my eyes at the
auction have changed a lot.”
After speaking, he continued: “During the auction, I felt that in this world.”
“The competitors are nothing more than three top families, including my
grandfather’s family.”
“However, I realized some time ago that in this world, there are actually
some competitions that I don’t know,”
“Or even know nothing about. Some of them Opponents,”
“The strength of these competitors may be much stronger than those of the
top families.”
Then, he briefly told her what happened to his grandparents some time
After Nanako heard this, she was speechless in shock.
She couldn’t help but sigh: “Mr. Wade, it is not unusual to have a family of
hundreds of years.”
“Although there have been various turmoils all over the world in the past
few hundred years,”
“Japan has a geographical advantage, so there is basically no domestic
“So in Japan, almost every ninja family has a history of hundreds of years,
and many old names have a long history…”
“But to be honest, I have never heard of a family or organization,”
“That can continue to grow and develop in this almost top-secret way for
hundreds of years…”
After speaking, Nanako said again:
“Mr. Wade, those dead men you just mentioned must have been firmly
controlled by this organization for hundreds of years,”
“And for hundreds of years, these dead men have not figured out the
specific situation of the organization,”
“And even do not even know where they live on weekdays.”
“This is extremely strong control, in order to achieve this control,”
“The gap between the levels must be large enough to be possible…”
Chapter 5004
Speaking of which, Nanako said with a solemn expression:
“These dead men give me the feeling, just like monkeys kept in zoos by
“Apart from surviving according to the requirements of the people in
“They have no ability to resist their own destiny, but the problem is that
these dead people are not monkeys,”
“But living creatures. This also means that the organization behind it is
much higher than normal people,”
“And it may not be in the same realm as us.”
Charlie nodded and said with emotion: “I also felt like a frog in the bottom of
the well because of this incident,”
“So now I look back at the Rejuvenation Pill auction, which is somewhat
“I should have kept this Rejuvenation Pill highly confidential, so it shouldn’t
be put up for auction.”
Nanako pondered for a moment, then said seriously:
“Mr. Wade, in my consistent understanding, strength and fame are almost
complementary to each other.”
“It’s like putting a cast iron teapot on a charcoal fire.”
“The hotter the fire, the higher the temperature of the water.”
Under this basic logic, as long as the fire is hot enough,”
“The water in the teapot can be dried and even pot melted.”
“When we see the teapot being melted by the fire,”
“We will not feel that this matter is beyond our understanding.”
Speaking of which, she changed the subject and said:
“However, this mysterious organization has now subverted this basic logic,”
“According to what you said, their strength should be very strong, but their
popularity is almost zero.”
“It’s like the fire in the stove has been burning red,”
“But the water in the teapot is still cold and biting.”
“It seems a bit bizarre, but it is also bizarre that proves,”
“That the strength of this organization is beyond my normal cognition.”
Charlie nodded and sighed: “I have the same idea as you, so in my
subconscious mind,”
“The strength of this organization should be much stronger than the three
major families I know,”
“But how much stronger is still a mystery.”
Nanako suddenly looked up at him and said subconsciously,
“Mr. Wade… Actually, …Actually, in my eyes, you used to be like this…”
“When I didn’t know you, your strength was so powerful that it was
completely beyond my cognition,”
“But had never heard of you. I asked people to investigate your
“And I found out that you are just the son-in-law of a small family in Aurous
“Which makes you even more incredible for me.”
“If you hadn’t taken the initiative to show your strength in front of me,”
“I might have never guessed in my life that such a powerful live-in
“Was hidden in a small local family in Aurous Hill.”
Speaking of which, she asked him, “Mr. Wade, would you be the one in my
eyes at that time?”
“Like the mysterious organization in your eyes now?”
“It may be hidden in a corner that you didn’t pay attention to before,”
“And no one knows how powerful they are until they show their strength.”
Charlie suddenly raised his eyebrows.
He felt that what Nanako said was very reasonable, and even gave him a
new idea.
He has always wanted to know the origin of that mysterious organization,
But as Nanako said, there must be many people who want to find out what
he is like,
Just as they want to understand that mysterious organization.
In other words, this mysterious organization is likely to hide in an
inconspicuous corner with an inconspicuous identity,
Just like he lives with the Willson family…
Chapter 5005
Ito Yuhiko and Tanaka Koichi jogged in Central Park for nearly half an hour,
And they still haven’t had enough of running.
If it wasn’t for the time to start the birthday party,
The two would probably be able to run to the second half of the night in one
On the way back, Ito Yuhiko was very happy, wiping the sweat with his
And said to Tanaka Koichi: “Tanaka, I didn’t enjoy running just now.”
“I will come out for a morning run at six o’clock tomorrow morning,”
“And will run three laps around the Park!”
Tanaka Koichi immediately said respectfully, “Same as your lord.”
Nanako couldn’t help but remind:
“Odosan, just recovered, so don’t exercise too vigorously.”
Ito Takehiko waved his hand and said seriously, “Follow Mr. Wade’s
“After returning to Japan, I can’t go out for a run so casually,”
“And while no one in the United States knows me, I try to walk and run as
much as possible,”
“And when I go back, I still have to pretend to be a disabled person for
everyone to see.”
When Nanako heard this, she nodded lightly in understanding but did not
insist any longer.
However, she suddenly remembered something, and said expectantly,
“Odosan, since you like the feeling that no one knows you, let’s stay in New
York for a while.”
“Okay!” Ito Takehiko agreed almost without hesitation, and said with a
“Once I go back to Japan, I could only live a secluded life.”
“Thinking about it, I was really unwilling.”
“It would be nice if I could spend a few more days in the United States at
Nanako thought. She was also very happy. She actually wanted to spend
more time in New York.
After all, Charlie is here, so she could spend more time with him if she
So, she couldn’t help but ask Charlie:
“Mr. Wade, how long are you going to stay in New York?”
Nanako’s question made Charlie not know how to respond for a while.
In fact, what he wants to do has basically been done.
He has dealt with Georgina and most of her accomplices,
As well as the entire criminal group behind her.
Moreover, the escaped Phaedra has been closely monitored by the people
of the Cataclysmic Front.
As long as she is brought back, his mother-in-law will be able to clear her
name and restore her freedom.
The reason why the people in Cataclysmic Front did not immediately
capture Phaedra, Was because Charlie wanted to rescue Duncan first,
And then cure Ito Yuhiko, Tanaka Koichi, and Roma.

Now, Duncan has been reunited with his family, and the two masters and
servants, Ito Yuhiko and Tanaka Koichi, are also alive and kicking, and now Roma is the only one missing.

And more than an hour later, she will also land in New York, So it stands to reason that in the morning tomorrow, He can ask the people from the Cataclysmic Front to bring Phaedra to New York.

As long as this woman is brought to justice, his mother-in-law would be
released from prison.

However, seeing Nanako intending to stay in New York for a few days, He felt a little reluctant in his heart, and said, “I should stay in New York for two or three days,”

“And when I get mother-in-law’s affairs done, I will be back to Providence.”
Nanako nodded and said without hesitation, “Then we will stay in New York
for a few more days,”
“And we will return when Mr. Wade leaves New York.”

“Okay.” Charlie readily agreed.

When the four returned to the hotel, a sumptuous banquet had been prepared in Charlie’s presidential suite.
Since it was Takehiko Ito’s birthday and Charlie made the arrangements,
So he prepared the banquet. Thus Issac, Orvel, and Ruoli were not
arranged to attend the banquet.
Moreover, Ruoli’s mother Roma was about to land in New York in less than
an hour.
At this time, her mind was already on her mother.
At the dinner table, Ito Takehiko sat on Charlie’s right hand,
Nanako sat on Charlie’s left, and Emi Ito and Tanaka Hiroichi sat opposite
each other.
There were only five people in total, so they seemed relatively relaxed.
Ito Yuhiko filled the wine glasses for Charlie and himself,
And then brought Tanaka Hiroshi with him, and said to Charlie respectfully,
“Mr. Wade, please give Tanaka and me a chance, and let us both toast to
Charlie nodded slightly, picked up the glass, and said:
“Mr. Ito, with this glass of wine, I wish you a happy 50th birthday.”
Chapter 5006
Ito Yuhiko said flattered: “Mr. Wade, you are so polite!”
“With birthday is really I have had the most unforgettable birthday in the
past so many years,”
“And everything is thanks to your generosity!”
After speaking, he said a little ashamedly:
“Mr. Wade, you have always asked me to make a wish before,”
“And I am still a little reluctant. Now It seems that it is really a frog at the
bottom of the well,”
“Please forgive me about that!”
Charlie politely said: “Mr. Ito is serious, most people will not believe in the
regeneration of severed limbs,”
“You are not involved in this matter. Hope is also a normal reaction,”
“I can understand it, so you don’t have to mind.”
With that, Charlie pointed at the wine glass and smiled:
“I have already said a lot of polite words, from now on,”
“Let this banquet return to its original state.”
“So Happy Birthday, Mr. Ito, I will say it first as a respect.”
Ito Yuhiko saw that Charlie wanted to turn the story of reshaping pill,
So he said very interestingly: “Thank you, Mr. Wade!”
At the same time.
A Gulfstream business jet belonging to the Su family was flying at high
speed over the United States.
The plane was only an hour away from New York at this time.
The eldest son of the Su family, Zynn, slept all the way in the bedroom
inside the plane.
Approaching the destination, he finally woke up and walked out of the
At this time, Roma was sitting by the window, staring out the window in a
Zynn looked at her profile, and couldn’t help feeling a little throbbing in his
In fact, Roma is very beautiful.
Years of practicing martial arts make her look younger than other women of
the same age,
And it also keeps her figure very slim, so she looks like she is in her early
However, her only regret is her empty right sleeve.
Recently, Zynn, who divorced his original wife has been under house arrest
at Charlie’s orders.
However, despite being under house arrest, Roma still took great care of
He has no restrictions on all other freedoms except that he could not go
And Roma also took care of him in every possible way, which made his life
a lot more comfortable.
For a long time before this, Zynn’s life was a bit chaotic.
He was like the urinal of the old man. He was kicked and thrown by the old
Fortunately, Roma gave him a safe, secure, and warm place to stay, which
made him feel a lot more secure recently.
Although the present Zynn has long lost the prestige and power of Su’s
elder son,
This bland and stable life still gives him a lot of comfort.
However, his relationship with Roma did not get any closer because of this
“house arrest”.
During this period of time, Zynn was very moved by Roma’s care,
And his heart unavoidably rekindled some feelings for her,
And he had also found several opportunities to express his feelings to her
in private.
But what made him helpless was that she didn’t give him a positive
response every time.
He thought it was her who was disappointed with him,
And since the two of them had been on the spur of the moment for many
It was very likely that she had no feelings for him.
But what he didn’t know was that in fact, she had only loved him all her life,
and she still does.
After all, when she was still ignorant, she began to follow Zynn to protect
him day and night,
And her feelings for him have long been ingrained.
Later, she raised her daughter alone, and her feelings for him have not
diminished in all these years.
However, Roma has always been very inferior in front of Zynn.
Back then, she was inferior because of the distinction between superiors
and inferiors;
but now she is inferior because of my physical disability.
She felt that although Zynn was no longer as high and high-spirited as he
was back then,
He was still the eldest son of the Su family. How could such a man come
together with a woman with a broken arm?
Therefore, even though Zynn expressed his emotional position during this
Roma never dared to give him any positive response.
She felt that she was not worthy of him at all.
When Charlie takes back his house arrest in the future,
He will definitely be able to find a woman who is better than her and more
suitable for him than herself.
She was pregnant with his child back then, but when this incident
She had already delayed him once, and now how can she delay him a
second time.
However, how could she have imagined that Charlie had already set a
hidden task for Zynn that no one knew about?
The key to whether Zynn can get out of the ‘house arrest’ is whether she
and Zynn can come together.
Chapter 5007
Zynn, who was in a complicated mood, hesitated and sat opposite Roma.
Seeing him coming, she smiled slightly, and asked him,
“How did you sleep?”
“It’s good,” Zynn responded, looked out the window, then looked at her,
And asked, “Why didn’t you come in and have a rest?”
Roma was slightly stunned. The Gulfstream plane only had one bedroom
Although Zynn had said at the beginning that the two could rest in the
bedroom together,
She still felt a little inappropriate.
Zynn was afraid of her misunderstanding. At that time,
He especially emphasized that he had no other intentions,
But the journey was long, and the two could share the big bed in the
bedroom equally,
So that both of them could rest while traveling.
Roma didn’t make a decision, just let Zynn rest first, but she herself sat
outside for more than ten hours.
Hearing Zynn’s question, Roma said somewhat unnaturally:
“I’m a martial artist, I’m not tired at all,”
“And I don’t want to disturb your rest, so I’ll just look at the scenery
Zynn muttered and said: “Flying all the way from night to night, there is no
scenery to see.”
Roma smiled unnaturally, and then deliberately changed the subject and
“I don’t know why Mr. Wade suddenly asked us to come to the United
I asked Ruoli, but she didn’t tell me clearly,
She only said that there may be a great good thing, and asked me to move
with you as soon as possible.”
Zynn muttered with some resentment: “What can be good about Charlie?”
“Since the day I knew him, I haven’t encountered anything good…”
Roma looked at him and said seriously: “Eldest young master, you still
need to adjust your attitude toward Mr. Wade,”
“With the Su family and Changying Wade back then.”
“The grievances from before and what Su family did at Waderest in
collusion with Cataclysmic Front, he has shown too much restraint already.”
Roma has always maintained a secret from Zynn.
The original title, even if the He family is no longer attached to the Su
And even if Zynn becomes the object of her house arrest, she still calls him
the eldest young master.
In her view, this title is respect for him, but in Zynn’s view, this title is
somewhat distant.
However, he also knew that what she said was the truth.
In the disputes between the rich and powerful families, once one party had
the intention to kill,
It would definitely be a life-and-death situation.
But Charlie can still give the old and young of the Su family a way to
And it is true that he has done his best.
At this time, Roma added: “Eldest young master, don’t forget,”
“Mr. Wade not only spared the Su family, but he also saved the lives of the
eldest young master,”
“The eldest young lady, and Ruoli in Japan. If it weren’t for him, it might
have been over.”
Zynn’s expression froze, then he sighed, and said sincerely:
“You’re right, I’m actually very grateful to Charlie,”
“But I’m just a little stubborn in front of you, after all, you’re not an outsider,”
“If I really want to meet him, I will definitely be polite.”
Roma couldn’t help feeling a little touched when she heard that she was
not an outsider.
During this time, she could also see the gradual changes in Zynn’s attitude
toward her,
And sometimes she could even feel some kind of tenderness.
But she never dared to give any response. In addition to her inferiority
She also felt that Zynn’s current situation was at a low point in his life.
Under such circumstances, it was easy for a man to lower his anger and
He originally has for people and things and have a good impression.
However, once this kind of man’s life begins to bottom out,
His anger will continue to rise as the situation rises.
Chapter 5008
At that time, those people and things that originally attracted him,
At the trough period will definitely make him repulse, even disgusted.
Roma has loved Zynn for many years and raised Ruoli by herself.
She has long been accustomed to being alone at the emotional level,
So she does not want to have an emotional entanglement with Zynn in the
trough of his life.
Maybe one day Charlie is in a good mood, or if Zhiyu and Ruoli can say a
few more good words for Zynn in front of Charlie,
Then Charlie may forgive his punishment and at that time,
He will definitely be impatient to leave Aurous Hill and regain his own life.
After all, the Su family is now in hands of Zhiyu alone, and when Zynn is
Zhiyu will definitely ensure that her biological father is safe,
And she may even hand over some of the business of the Su family to
Zynn again.
At that time, he will usher in rebirth, and he will surely find another half who
truly meets his requirements.
So, she adjusted her mentality and said to him very seriously:
“Eldest young master, the opportunity to meet Mr. Wade is a rare
“You must try your best to make a good impression on him by saying good
things, maybe he will open up to you.”
Zynn saw that her expression and tone were a little distant,
And couldn’t help saying: “Roma, it’s just the two of us here,”
“You don’t need to take one bite of this and one bite of another.”
“And you don’t need to call me this eldest young master…”
Roma said, “But I have always called you that way for so many years.”
Zynn nodded and laughed at himself: “That’s all in the past,”
“The old man was in charge of Su When I was the master of the Su family,”
“I was naturally the eldest young master of the Su family,”
“But now the old man feeds giraffes in Madagascar,”
“And I am under house arrest in Aurous Hill, what kind of eldest master…”
Roma smiled slightly, with a bit of respect, and said:
“The He family has been working for the Su family since my father’s
“And I have worked by your side for many years, eldest young master.”
“These titles I have long been accustomed to, and they can be changed if
they are said to be changed.”
“But if I don’t respect your title enough, you will definitely blame me.”
Zynn knew very well that when Roma said these things,
She didn’t really have such concerns, she just didn’t want to accept his
He had not experienced a wall like this once or twice in this period of time.
At this time, seeing Roma defending herself without a retraction,
He felt a little resentful, but he did not give up.
During this period of time, he also thought about it.
After so many years of guarding his wife, the woman he once loved deeply,
In the end, it was still nothing to draw water from the bamboo basket.
For things like feelings, if it wasn’t for love and wishes,
Both of them would be in his heart.
With having each other like there no matter how good they are mutually,
there is no real meaning.
And when he thinks of Roma’s dedication for him over the years, Zynn
firmly believes in this woman’s feelings for him,
And on the other hand, looking back on the past so many years,
He gradually feels that Roma is actually the most suitable woman for him.
Although she is a disabled person, Zynn knows in his heart that Roma’s
disability came from saving his life,
So in his eyes, there is no resistance to Roma’s disability.
The current Zynn, after going through so much pain and struggle,
Has lost the ambition and desire for wealth and status.
He just wants to be able to live a peaceful and good life, and finally, he is a
real prodigal son.
Therefore, even though he has been euphemistically rejected many times,
he is still not discouraged.
He felt that, anyway, Charlie arranged for himself and Roma this
one-on-one house arrest situation,
So that he would have more time in the future, so he could fight for it slowly
and with patience.
In his opinion, Roma has waited for him for so many years, so what if he
waited for her for a few years?
Chapter 5009
The plane slid across the night sky of New York and landed steadily at JFK
Airport in a whistling.
Ruoli has been waiting here anxiously for a long time.
Since seeing Yuhiko Ito and Hiroshi Tanaka regenerating their severed
limbs with her own eyes,
She can’t wait for her mother’s plane to land one minute earlier.
After Roma and Zynn passed through the customs together,
Ruoli saw the two walking out of the passage, so she hurriedly greeted
them and shouted excitedly,
Roma hugged Ruoli and asked with a smile, “How long have you been
waiting here?”
Ruoli hurriedly said, “I just came here.”
Roma nodded and whispered, “Go and say hello to your father.”
Ruoli glanced at Zynn, who was not far away.
Although she was a little embarrassed, he said respectfully, “Hello, Mr. Su!”
“Don’t call me Mr. Su in the future.”
After speaking, Zynn also said a little embarrassedly:
“You… if you don’t dislike it… you can call me dad… …”
After speaking, he also felt that he was quite shameless, and quickly
“You are just like Zhiyu. You don’t need to call me Mr. Su again. .”
Ruoli looked at her mother subconsciously, and when she saw that she
smiled at her.
She gathered up her courage and said softly, “Dad…”
“Okay…Okay… Zynn was immediately overjoyed, and quickly said:
“Ruoli, you don’t know, your mother has been talking to me about you these
“Saying that you were afraid that you got into trouble in the United States
“And you would get into trouble again when you are here this time.”

Listening to Zynn Ruoli comforted: “Mom, with Mr. Wade here, you don’t
have to worry.”
Roma smiled slightly and said, “I’m not really worried, it’s your father who is
worried in his heart,”
“And I told him that with Mr. Wade is here and he will definitely ensure your
“But he may have some personal feelings towards Mr. Wade,”
“So he has never been so comfortable. I’m so relieved.”
Seeing Roma revealing his shortcomings, Zynn could only sneer and say to
“Dad is not suspicious of Mr. Wade, Dad is mainly worried about your
Ruoli naturally understands Zynn’s mentality, she can understand more or
less, so he said:
“Dad, Mr. Wade has great powers. As long as I am by his side,”
“I will be the safest. You and Mom can rest assured in the future.”
Zynn saw Ruoli’s expression of admiration when she mentioned Charlie,
He couldn’t help sighing in his heart: “What exactly do I, owe Changying…”
“My wife liked him for so many years and I can’t bear it,”
“But my two daughters are in love with his son, what the fcuk? What’s
wrong here?!”
Ruoli saw that her father was a little absent-minded and had a complicated
So she couldn’t help asking him, “Dad, what’s wrong with you?”
Zynn came back to his senses, waved his hand, and said,
“It’s okay, I have a day traveling. I didn’t go out, and I didn’t quite get used
to it.”
Ruoli knew that Charlie had made an order to her mother and grandfather,
And without his permission, Zynn should not be allowed to leave the villa
for half a step.
According to Charlie’s arrangement, it is estimated that Dad was really
bored for too long during this time.
Roma looked at Ruoli in surprise at this time, and blurted out,
“Ruoli… Has your cultivation level improved again? Why can’t Mom see
your realm?”
Because Charlie gave the He family pills,
So Roma’s cultivation base had been upgraded to a three-star warrior
some time ago.
Ruoli’s cultivation base was also three-star before she came,
So Roma could see what Ruoli’s cultivation base was originally.
However, seeing her this time, she found that she could not see through
Ruoli’s cultivation,
So she guessed that she had improved.
Ruoli nodded earnestly and said, “Thanks to Mr. Wade, my cultivation has
made some progress.”
Roma immediately said excitedly: “That’s great! In addition to your
“We have another four-star warrior in the He family!”
“It’s really gratifying! If your grandfather finds out, he must be very happy!”
Ruoli pursed her lips and said seriously:
“Mom, I’m already a five-star warrior now…”
“Five-star?!” Roma was stunned and asked subconsciously:
“Ruoli, it has not been long since Mom separated from you,”
“How could you be promoted two levels in a row,”
“And become a five-star warrior?! This…is this too fast?!”
Ruoli said sternly: “Mr. Wade intended to promote,”
“That’s why he helped me break through to the realm of a five-star warrior.”
“My God…” Roma couldn’t help but exclaim:
“You know Mr. Wade, this is really your good fortune! I can’t even dream of
“The He family can even produce a five-star warrior…”
“I am afraid that if the ancestors of the He family were alive,”
“They did not dare to expect the He family to reach such a high level!”
Ruoli couldn’t help but sigh: “Yeah. …My biggest wish in the past was,”
“To have the opportunity to break through to a three-star warrior in this life,
but I didn’t expect it to be five-star now…”
Chapter 5010
Zynn on the side couldn’t help feeling for his daughter.
He was relieved, and then he couldn’t help but ask her:
“By the way, Ruoli, your mother told me, you said that Charlie let us come
to New York, it is a good thing, right?
“Yes!” Ruoli couldn’t hold back and said excitedly:
“The good thing I said was about my mother,”
“And it is definitely a good thing I didn’t even dare to think about!”
After speaking, she suddenly became anxious and quickly said:
“Dad, Mom, let’s go quickly, Mr. Wade is waiting for you at the hotel!”
Zynn hurriedly asked: “Ruoli, what is the good thing, tell us first!”
Ruoli said without hesitation: “This matter is completely beyond the
imagination of normal people.”
“Even if I say it now, you won’t believe it, so hurry up and let’s see Mr.
Wade first!”
Although Zynn and Roma were a little puzzled, seeing that Ruoli was
unwilling to reveal it,
They stopped asking more and followed her to the Hotel.
At this time, Charlie had just had a drink with Ito Yuhiko and Tanaka
And after the two were dizzy, they were arranged to rest first.
Nanako originally thought about drinking tea and chatting with Charlie on
the terrace of the presidential suite facing Central Park,
But after learning that Ruoli’s parents were arriving soon,
She dismissed the idea directly. She went back to the room that Charlie
had arranged for her early.
Soon, Issac came to report to Charlie: “Master, Miss Ruoli is back,”
“Ms. He and Zynn from the Su family are also here. I asked Orvel to take
them to the prepared suite.”
Charlie nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll go right now.”
After that, Charlie walked quickly to the luxury suite prepared in advance.
Ruoli, Roma, and Zynn had also arrived at the room at this time.
Seeing Charlie coming in, Roma quickly said respectfully, “Mr. Wade!”
Charlie smiled and nodded at her, and said,
“Ms. He, calling you from a long way in such a hurry I did not delay your
other arrangements, right?”
“Roma waved her hands hastily and said, “How could it be, Mr. Wade, the
He family will always follow your orders,”
“No matter what time or place, as long as you give your order,”
“The He family will come over as soon as possible!”
Charlie nodded lightly.
At this time, Zynn on the side said somewhat submissively: “Hello Mr.
Charlie looked at him and asked him with a smile, “How has Mr. Su been
doing recently?”
“It’s all good!” Zynn said without hesitation, “Thank you, Mr. Wade, for
raising your hand,”
“So that I can have the opportunity to live a peaceful and stable life like I
am now.”
Charlie smiled and asked again: “Is there any dissatisfaction? Feel free to
say anything.”
Zynn shook his head like a rattle, and said repeatedly, “No, no! Absolutely
Charlie nodded slightly, and asked him again, “By the way,”
“Do you have any contact with Elder Mr. Su?”
“He is in Madagascar now. How’s it going for him?”
Zynn laughed with some schadenfreude, and replied, “From what the old
man says in Madagascar…”
“The whole thing is pretty good… It is said that a large piece of land was
“They have raised a lot of wild animals unique to Africa,”
“And he also said that he plans to build a horse farm for a few days and
raise some horses to play with.”
Charlie smiled: “That’s good, if you have the opportunity to help me bring
take it to him.”
Zynn laughed twice, thinking to himself: “The old man complains about that
shitty place he is living in every day,”
“And I don’t know how many times he has scolded you.”
However, he said respectfully: “Sure, definitely!”
Charlie turned to look at Roma, and said seriously,
“Ms. He, I’m asking you to come here this time, mainly because there is a
new medicine, and I want you to try it for me.”
Roma heard this, and combined with her daughter, she said earlier that
there was a big good thing,
And she thought that Charlie was going to give her medicine pills to
improve her cultivation,
So she hurriedly said: “Thank you so much, Mr. Wade, I don’t know how to
thank you!
Charlie smiled and said, “Ms. He doesn’t have to be so polite, it doesn’t
Roma glanced at her empty right sleeve, and said seriously,
“Mr. Wade, you don’t need to waste the medicinal pills on me.”
“In this case, even if the cultivation level is improved, compared with the
warriors of the same rank,”
“The combat power is a lot worse. The lack of an arm not only loses a
quarter of the combat power,”
“But more importantly, the physical coordination will always be improved.”
“But in an uncoordinated state, in actual combat, it is difficult to exert
enough attack power.”
“If you use that elixir on me, it will be a waste…”
Ruoli on the side said quickly: “Mom, the medicine that Mr. Wade is asking
you to try,”
“It is specifically designed to solve your situation! Don’t refuse, just agree!”
Roma didn’t know what Ruoli’s words meant, and thought to herself:
“The lack of the right arm is a shortcoming that I can’t make up for at all.”
“What solution can Mr. Wade have to solve my situation? Maybe let my
right arm grow back?”
Ruoli saw her mother’s doubts, she wanted to tell the truth,
But she was afraid that after her mother found out, her emotions would
fluctuate greatly due to doubts,
Excitement or tension, so she said: “Mom, don’t hesitate, just agree to it!”
Roma said embarrassedly: “It’s not that Mom doesn’t want to obey,”
“It’s just that Mom doesn’t want Mr. Wade to waste medicinal pills…”
Charlie smiled at this time He said, “Ms. He, believe me,”
“This medicinal pill will not be wasted unless it is not used on you.”
Then, he took out a pill, handed it to Ruoli’s hand, and said,
“Ms. Ruoli, take Ms. He to the bathroom, and after she has soaked in the
mud, give her the pill.”
Ruoli took the pill, and was so excited that tears burst into her eyes,
She said gratefully: “Thank you, Mr. Wade!”
After saying that, she looked at Roma and said with a bit of excitement,
“Mom! Come and try the medicine with me!”
Chapter 5011
Just when Ruoli couldn’t wait to arrange for her mother to go to the
And prepare her to take the reshaping pill, Zynn in the living room of the
suite looked at Charlie and asked tentatively,
“Mr. Wade, can I ask you something?”
Charlie said indifferently: “Mr. Su, just say it, don’t be so polite.”
Zynn didn’t know what to do, and said with a smirk:
“I want to request something, can you give me a day of freedom tomorrow,
even for half a day?”
Zynn knew very well that although he also followed Roma to New York,
But he was essentially under house arrest by Charlie.
Charlie listened to his request and asked him curiously:
“What does Mr. Su want to do with one day’s free time?”
“You can talk about it first. If it is reasonable, this matter is not negotiable.”
Zynn looked a little embarrassed all of a sudden, he hesitated for a
Then gathered up his courage and said, “I want to buy a gift for Ruoli’s
“If conditions permit, I will invite her out for dinner.”
Charlie heard this and immediately got interested, he looked at Zynn and
asked straight to the point:
“I take the liberty to ask, do you plan to go further with Ms. He?”
Zynn quickly explained with a flustered expression:
“Mr. Wade, don’t get me wrong. I don’t have any unreasonable thoughts,”
“And I definitely don’t want to use this method to influence your punishment
on me.”
“I make this request based on my personal feelings.”
Speaking of this, he couldn’t help but sigh. Sighing with emotion he said:
“Mr. Wade, in fact, during this period of time in Aurous Hill,”
“I have seriously reflected on myself, I have really failed in my life,”
“I have chosen for myself an opponent that I will never be able to defeat,”
“And I have chosen for myself a woman I can never influence,”
“I thought I had stood at the top of many families in the country,”
“But I didn’t expect that my three children were repeatedly in crisis…”
At this moment, he looked in the direction of the bathroom with shame and
“Also, I let a woman who loves me silently sacrifice for me for so many
“And every time I think of it, I feel ashamed… ..”
When Charlie heard this, he nodded slightly, and his attitude toward Zynn
could not help but change.
In Charlie’s eyes, there are two kinds of enemies,
One is the one who must die because of the heinous crime,
And the other is the one who can be rescued before it is necessary for him
to die.
If the Su family was really the mastermind behind the death of their parents
back then,
Charlie would definitely let all the Su family involved be buried with his
Fortunately, the Su family did not actually participate, so there is still a
chance for rescue.
So, he pretended to sigh: “Ms. He has indeed paid a lot for you, not only
“But even Ruoli has paid a lot for you and the Su family, and she has been
betrayed by the Su family many times.”
Zynn said ashamedly: “You’re right… The previous Su family members
were too indifferent, including me…”
After speaking, he couldn’t help but said sincerely:
“So I have been thinking, I hope there will be a chance to make up for the
mother and daughter.”
Charlie asked curiously, “How do you plan to make up for it?”
Zynn hesitated again and again, but still said what he thought, as he looked
at Charlie very resolutely:
“Mr. Wade, to tell you the truth, I want to buy a ring tomorrow,”
“Call a high-end restaurant, invite Ruoli’s mother to have dinner together,
and then propose to her at the dinner… …”
Chapter 5012
“Proposal?” Charlie frowned slightly, looked at him, and said seriously,
“You are the eldest son of the Su family. Although Ms. He gave birth to
Ruoli for you,”
“Her status is closely related to that of her. You are 108,000 miles away,”
“Not to mention, she is still a disabled person, of course,”
“I don’t mean to discriminate against disabled people,”
“Just want to ask if you have carefully considered the gap between the two
of you?”
Zynn saw Charlie frown and said some doubtful words, thinking that Charlie
was questioning him,
So he said without thinking, “Mr. Wade, you don’t have to doubt my
“I really want to talk to her and walk hand in hand for the rest of her life,”
“I know she always has me in her heart, and I hope so in my own heart
during this time,”
“And you can rest assured that I want to marry her, not for the so-called
“If she agrees to marry me, I am willing to continue to be under house
arrest in Aurous Hill in the future,”
“You only need to give me one day of freedom, after this day of freedom,”
“I will continue to obey all your previous arrangements.”
After speaking, Zynn was very serious as he said:
“As for the gap you just mentioned, it no longer exists in my eyes,”
“I am not the eldest young master of the Su family, nor the heir of the
“And her arm is missing because she lost it to save my life.”
“I owe her what she lost, so to say that there is a real gap,”
“It is also the gap between her high and my low, it is me and her, the gap is
108,000 miles.”
Seeing Zynn’s sincerity, Charlie knew all of what he said came from the
bottom of his heart,
And he suddenly felt a little emotional in his heart.
In fact, from a certain point of view, Charlie also had some sympathy for
If nothing else, he loved Liona so much for so many years,
But he couldn’t exchange Liona’s sincerity, which is really embarrassing.
In addition, the old man Su is a strong man and his methods are vicious.
Zynn has always been suppressed. At a critical moment, he was driven to
Australia by the old man.
Even his daughter was betrayed by the old man.
If he can really get together with Roma and live the rest of his life in a
down-to-earth way,
He is willing to end his punishment and even send his own blessings.
However, Charlie couldn’t help reminding him:
“Mr. Su, every successful man will reflect and criticize himself when he is in
“When Zhu Yuanzhang was in trouble, he also cooked porridge from
“He regarded it as the best soup of his life, but the problem is that some
people can truly reflect,”
“And even if they succeed in the future, they can remember the lessons,”
“But some people’s reflection will only stay in the trough.”
“If you regain your freedom and regain control of hundreds of billions of
wealth in the future,”
“Will you still stick to your current decision?”
Zynn sneered and said, “What hundreds of billions of wealth? But it’s just a
passing glimpse.”
“The Su family used to have mansions all over the world.”
“I have lived in many villas, manors, and even castles, but to tell the truth,”
“I have never lived in Aurous Hill during this period of time.”
“For a while, I no longer have to rack my brains to express myself, no
longer care about what my father thinks of me,”
“No longer worry about intrigue between brothers, you fight with me,”
“And I no longer need to worry about knowing whether or not Zhiyu’s
mother is my wife.”
“But thinking of other men behind my back…”
“Besides, there is Ruoli’s mother’s meticulous and considerate care every
“I don’t know how easy life is, with what young people often say today.”
“Just a word, this is the happiness of lying down…”
Chapter 5013
Speaking of which, Zynn looked at Charlie and said solemnly,
“Mr. Wade, I know what you are worried about, it is definitely not me that
you are worried about.”
“I will regret it in the future, but worried that she will regret it in the future.”
“Will it make Ruoli’s mother sad and let Ruoli disappoint me?”
“I promise you on my personality today, from now on until I die,”
“I will live up to the wishes of mother and daughter, and I promise Mr. Wade
to do my best!”
Zynn’s words were sincere.
Charlie could also see that he was able to tell all of this to him after much
And it is not difficult to hear from his words that he has indeed seen the
situation through now,
And he is no longer interested in taking charge of the Su family and the
trillions of properties of the family.
For him now, how to make up for a woman who has loved him for many
years and dedicated herself a lot,
How to be a good husband and a father, has become the most important
thing in his life planning.
Seeing this, Charlie’s frowning brows finally stretched out.
He glanced at Zynn, and immediately said with a serious expression:
“If you really want to propose marriage, you don’t have to wait until
tomorrow, because tomorrow, things will change qualitatively.”
Zynn was very surprised and asked inexplicably:
“Mr. Wade, what do you mean by qualitative change?”
Charlie said seriously: “If you really decide to propose marriage,”
“Start preparing now, and wait until the bathroom door opens and Ms. He
walks out of it.”
“You go up immediately, kneel on one knee and propose to her. Trust me,
this is your best chance.”
The qualitative change that Charlie just said was,
Actually the remodeling pill he handed over to Ruoli just now.
It is estimated that Ruoli should be in the bathroom now,
Helping her mother, to prepare before taking the medicine.
From now on, in another 20 to 30 minutes, when Roma packs up and walks
out of the bathroom,
She will completely become a normal person, and her broken right arm will
grow back intact.
If Zynn waited until tomorrow night to propose again,
Then there would be a sense of seeing Roma recovering and him
proposing marriage.
Therefore, out of consideration for him,
Charlie hoped that he could be ready immediately and propose marriage as
soon as Roma comes out.
In this way, Zynn has a chance to get what he wants, and Ruoli will
definitely be very pleased.
For Roma, it is a double happiness.
As long as Roma nodded, everyone would be happy tonight.
Zynn didn’t understand why Charlie had to prepare himself immediately
and said nervously:
“That…Mr. Wade…you ask me to start preparing now, I really don’t know
what to do…”
“I originally wanted to pick a diamond ring tomorrow,”
“And then choose a decent suit, but now there’s no time…”
Charlie smiled: “It’s not too late. There are several luxury brands on the first
floor of the hotel,”
“Including a Cartier jewelry, and several men’s clothing brands.”
“I will let Mr. Chen take you down to pick things now.”
“As for the flowers, I will also ask him to help arrange them. 20 minutes are
enough to get ready.”
Almost all the top luxury five-star hotels have their own small commercial
Attracting first-line brands in the luxury industry,
Which is convenient for high-end customers to shop nearby.
So, whether it is a diamond ring or a suit, you can find it here.
Zynn didn’t expect Charlie to arrange it for him at once,
But the time was suddenly pushed in front of him, he couldn’t help getting
And he hesitated and said, “This…isn’t it a bit too sudden? I’m not mentally
prepared yet…”
Charlie asked him, “In addition to the diamond ring and flowers,”
“What preparations do you need to make for a marriage proposal?”
“This…” Zynn said for a while. Somewhere at a loss for words, not sure
how to answer.
Charlie said impatiently: “Okay, don’t scoff, I’ll let Mr. Chen take you down
After that, he picked up the phone and called Issac over.
Chapter 5014
As soon as Issac entered the room, Charlie said to him,
“Mr. Chen, take Mr. Su to Cartier on the first floor of the hotel to choose a
“A decent suit, and ask the housekeeping department to prepare a bouquet
of fresh roses for delivery.”
Although Issac was a little surprised, he still said very simply: “Okay young
After speaking, he made a gesture to Zynn: “Please, Mr. Su.”
Although Zynn felt a little like rushing a duck to the shelves,
But at this moment, the ink was no longer there,
And he hurriedly followed Issac out of the room.
At this moment. Ruoli’s thoughts were all on her mother alone.
On the hanger in the bathroom, there is a short-sleeved dress that she
prepared for her mother in advance.
This dress was specially selected for her mother.
Unlike Takehiko Ito, Roma’s right arm has been broken for more than 20
So she has never seen her mother wear any kind of short-sleeved clothes
since the day she could remember.
Even in the hottest summer, her mother will wear a long-sleeved top and
occasionally a skirt,
And the upper body must also be long-sleeved.
Ruoli had never seen her mother with healthy limbs,
But she guessed that if her mother changed into the feminine dress she
chose, she would be dazzling.
At this time, Roma did not realize that this skirt was bought for her.
With the help of Ruoli, she took off her clothes one by one,
While looking at the light green dress with elegant floral arrangements, she
said with a smile,
“Ruoli, this dress is so beautiful, you usually look like a tomboy every day,”
“Why are you willing to wear a skirt this time?”
Roma didn’t realize it. This dress was actually bought by her daughter for
In her impression, Ruoli almost never wore a skirt because of her martial
arts practice.
At this time, Ruoli took the skirt off the hanger, gestured in front of her, and
asked with a smile,
“Mom, do you think it looks good?”
Roma nodded lightly, and said, “It looks good. Yes, it just feels a little
“Not suitable for girls in your early twenties, but suitable for women in their
thirties and forties.”
Ruoli giggled and said: “Your vision is quite accurate!”
“I also think this skirt is not suitable for a girl like me.”
Roma said with a doting smile: “You are in your twenties,”
“But no longer a little girl, many girls as old as you are now mothers.”
Ruoli stuck out her tongue and said coquettishly,
“Mom, in front of you, I will always be a little girl.”
Roma touching Ruoli’s face, sighed: “Mom really didn’t expect that my
Ruoli could become a five-star warrior.”
“You can have this opportunity today, which is definitely the happiest thing
in my life!”
“Ruoli raised her arm and gently touched the back of her mother’s hand,
Her eyes were red, and she said firmly: “Mom, there will be something
more happier later,”
“Since I was five years old, the one thing I asked for every birthday. My that
wish will soon come true!”
Ruoli, a child, was most distressed by her mother’s broken right arm.
Therefore, since she was sensible, she made a wish on her birthday every
And she silently made the same wish, that is, she hoped that her mother
could recover and become a normal person.
Although she always knew that this wish was impossible to achieve, she
kept making this wish year after year.
It was also from when she was five years old that when her mother asked
her what she wished,
She would only smile and say one word: confidentiality.
Therefore, Roma suddenly heard that her daughter had made the same
wish for more than ten years in a row,
And asked in surprise: “Ruoli, what kind of wish is it, that can make you
make it for so many years?!”
Ruoli smiled mysteriously, took her mother to the bathtub, and urged,
“Mom, you lie down in the bathtub first,”
“And all the questions you want to know tonight will be answered soon!”
Chapter 5015
Roma didn’t know why her daughter let her lie down in the bathtub,
But she didn’t ask more when she saw that her daughter was looking
forward to something.
After she soaked the body below the neck in the bathtub,
Ruoli took out the reshaping pill and instructed:
“Mom, Mr. Wade said that you will fall asleep after taking the pill,”
“But you don’t have to worry, I will be watching over you all the time!”
After saying that, she put the pill into Roma’s mouth.
Roma smiled at her daughter, and before she had time to speak,
She felt that her mind went blank for a while, and she lost consciousness.
Seeing that her mother had lost consciousness, Ruoli stood motionless in
front of the bathtub,
Looking forward to the moment when the miracle will happen.
At the same time, Issac took Zynn and found a high-end diamond ring
worth 1.3 million US dollars in Cartier’s store.
This is already the best diamond ring that can be bought in this store, but in
Zynn’s eyes, it is still a little petty.
He couldn’t help but ask the young saleswoman:
“Is there only one that’s this big? Is there something bigger and purer?”
The saleswoman said nervously, “Sir… This is already the best diamond
ring in our store,”
“And this diamond ring is not usually in our store. According to the
company’s requirements,”
“It is on tour in many stores in New York. It just arrived at this store this
“If it came yesterday, the best diamond ring in our store is actually less than
a fraction of this one…”
Zynn looked at the exaggerated diamond ring and said with disgust:
“But this really isn’t big enough, and the color isn’t rare enough.”
“I’m planning to propose, so I can’t figure it out…”
The saleswoman was stunned and couldn’t help asking:
“Sir…..I do not know what kind of diamond ring is big enough and rare
enough in your eyes?”
Zynn thought for a while, and said casually: “It should be a rare blue
“Pink diamond, or red diamond? The price is at least five million US dollars,
at least not worth it…”
The saleswoman could not tell whether Zynn was telling the truth or joking,
But her professionalism still drove her to explain patiently:
“I’m sorry, sir, we generally don’t put these kinds of diamonds in the store
for retail sale.”
“Yes, most of them are specially customized for VIP customers, and some
are even put up for auction.”
For Issac, Zynn’s words were not unusual, after all, it was the first young
master of the Su family,
With a diamond ring worth millions of dollars. It is certainly out of his sight.
However, Issac also knew that the time did not allow him to be too
So he reminded in a low voice, “Mr. Su, our time is limited, and the options
in the store are also limited.”
“A ring that you are completely satisfied with, I am afraid it is not possible to
get it here,”
“Why don’t we buy this one first, and then go to see the suit, don’t delay the
Zynn sighed, nodded, and said, “Okay then. I want this one.”
After he finished speaking, he looked at the saleswoman and said,
“Please help me with the checkout, the ring will not need to be packaged, I
will take it directly.”

The saleswoman was stunned and asked in a low voice.
“Sir… Do you really want to buy this ring? It’s $1.3 million…”
Zynn hummed, took out his wallet, and took out An Amex Centurion black.
And the gold card was handed to the saleswoman and said,
“Hurry up and swipe the card, I have something else to do.”
After seeing this card, the saleswoman realized that the man in front of her
was not joking.
The big guy on the board hurriedly said respectfully:
“Sir, wait a moment, I’ll settle the bill for you…”
Soon, Zynn signed his name on the bill and put the $1.3 million diamond
ring into his pocket.
Afterward, he chose a ready-to-wear suit in Armani that could barely fit in.
Chapter 5016
Although this suit was already expensive for ordinary people, it still made
Zynn quite dissatisfied.
For a rich man of his level, it is an insult to wear ready-made clothes made
in any brand store.
Under normal circumstances, it should be the top clothing masters of these
Who come to the door in person and measure the size for him.
It is completely tailored according to his figure, such a suit can really be
But at the moment, the conditions are indeed limited, and Zynn is no longer
After choosing the clothes, he put them on directly and put the diamond
ring in the pocket of the new suit.
Only then did they rush back to the housekeeping department with Issac.
The staff of the hotel also brought up the ninety-nine roses that were
In Chinese custom, ninety-nine means forever, and for love, it is an
excellent meaning.
Fortunately, the flowers prepared by the hotel concierge are all well-known
top varieties,
And each flower is very fresh, delicate, and flawless.
At this time, Roma’s eyelashes trembled slightly in the bathtub.
After Ruoli, who had never left for half a step, found out,
She knew that her mother would wake up soon,
So she couldn’t wait to go around to the right side of the bathtub,
Gently stretched out her hand, followed her mother’s right shoulder, and
searched all the way into the mud.
Originally, Roma’s right shoulder was downward, and it was a vertically
downward and uneven wound.
Although her arm was cut off by the roots, due to the irregularity of the scar,
The entire wound was like tree bark, with its irregular lines and folds.
Roma usually wears long sleeves, so almost no one can see the wound of
her broken arm except Ruoli.
And Ruoli, who has been careful about her mother,
Often touched her mother’s wound when she slept with her as a child,
And asked her with concern whether it hurt or not, so she is very familiar
with her mother’s wound.
But when she touched down her mother’s right shoulder, the vertical
section like a cliff did not appear.
What she felt in her hand was her mother’s round and full shoulders.
At this time, Ruoli’s hands were shaking uncontrollably.
Then, she continued down the right shoulder,
And she touched her mother’s upper arm, elbow, and forearm.
In the end, it was her mother’s right hand that she had never seen, let
alone touched!
At this moment, Ruoli burst into tears!
Since she was sensible, her birthday wish every year was to hope that her
mother could become a normal person.
Although she knew that this kind of wish would never come true,
She still couldn’t help but use the most precious wishing opportunity of the
year to make this wish.
But who would have thought that the most impossible wish could actually
become a reality?
Excited, Ruoli intertwined her fingers with her mother’s right hand,
Lifted her right hand from the mud, and clasped her mother’s right hand
tightly with both hands.
At this time, as if Roma had just woken up from general anesthesia,
Her vision gradually became clear from blurred.
When she saw Ruoli in front of her, she asked lovingly,
“Ruoli, why are you crying?”
Ruoli held her mother’s hand tightly, her tears kept flowing uncontrollably,
And she choked up at the same time and said: “I cry because I am
Roma didn’t notice her right hand being held tightly by her.
She was without an arm for more than 20 years and was completely
accustomed to living without a right arm,
So she saw the daughter cry with none stop tears,
And subconsciously raised her left hand, trying to help Ruoli dry her tears.
But just when her left hand was about to touch Ruoli’s face,
She suddenly stayed on the spot as if struck by lightning.
Because she suddenly discovered that in addition to her left hand,
Chapter 5017
Roma also saw three hands within her line of sight.
The two belong to her daughter Ruoli, and the other is held tightly by her…
Roma only felt horrified and had a chill on her back!
She didn’t know whose hand her daughter was holding, and she even felt
like she was in a nightmare.
Terrified, she couldn’t help but ask: “Ruoli…you…the hand you are holding
Roma’s expression suddenly froze when she asked this.
She originally wanted to ask her daughter who the hand she was holding
belonged to.
However, at this moment, she suddenly felt that a nerve that had
disappeared for many years was suddenly affected,
And a feeling of being clenched was returned.
That feeling came from her right hand that had been cut off for more than
20 years!
Roma is different from Ito Takehiko. Ito Takehiko just lost his legs.
He has been a normal person for nearly fifty years.
The sudden loss of his legs made it extremely difficult for him to adapt.
But Roma has also been a disabled person without a right arm for half of
the past fifty years.
For such a long time, she has long been used to the feeling that her right
arm is empty.
Now, her right arm suddenly returned, and she couldn’t get used to it for a
However, when she was asked to subconsciously control her right arm,
She could clearly feel the clear feedback from all the nervous systems in
her right arm.
That feeling was extremely real!
She looked at Ruoli terrified and asked,
“Ruoli…this…what’s going on here…am I gone mad?!”
Ruoli hurriedly explained: “Mom Don’t be nervous! You are not insane,”
“This is all thanks to Mr. Wade’s remodeling pill, which can regenerate
severed limbs!”
“Before you came, Ito Takehiko of the Ito family relied on Mr. Wade’s
remodeling pill,”
“Both of the amputated legs have completely recovered!”
Roma was horrified when she heard Ruoli’s words, but her reason had
already made her make an accurate judgment.
She has seen the miraculous effects of Charlie’s pills,
Which can make a martial artist use a stick of incense to cross the sky that
can’t be crossed for decades.
Having seen this kind of miracle, and now that the severed limb is
Although she is also extremely shocked, she will not question its
After confirming that all this was a reality, Roma was so excited that she
couldn’t add more.
She looked at her right hand and murmured, “Since the moment my arm
was cut off,”
“I never thought that there would be a day when I could recover… …”
Ruoli took her mother’s right hand and choked:
“Mom, didn’t you ask me what I wished for my birthday before?”
“This was my wish… But I never thought that it would actually come true…”
Roma was moved to tears when she heard this.
The mother-daughter two have a very deep relationship,
And since they have been dependent on each other since childhood,
This relationship is much deeper than that of ordinary mothers and
And Roma’s broken arm is a very special existence for the mother and
From a practical point of view, if Roma hadn’t broken this arm, Ruoli would
never have been born in this world.
Therefore, although the mother has lived with a disability for more than 20
She was willing to have this broken arm in her heart, but her daughter was
ashamed because of this.
How could she not know what her mother was thinking?
However, when she thought that she was exchanged by her mother with an
She was full of guilt towards her mother.
But now, a reshaping pill given by Charlie completely untied Ruoli’s knot,
And also made up for Roma’s shortcomings for more than 20 years.
Chapter 5018
For a time, the mother and daughter were extremely relieved, and both
were crying pear flowers with rain.
What the two of them didn’t know was that Zynn, who had put on a suit,
Was already pacing back and forth in the living room nervously.
A large bouquet of bright roses was in his hands, and the diamond ring,
Which he was not very satisfied with, was also lying quietly in the lined
pocket of his suit.
He had never proposed to a woman in his life, so he was inevitably
When he married Liona, it was not because he proposed to her,
But because Liona took the initiative to find him after Changying got
Put forward several requirements for marrying him, and said that as long as
he could agree,
She would do it. marry him immediately.
At that time, Zynn did not hesitate, and immediately agreed in full,
And then the parents of both parties met, urgently set the wedding date,
and hurriedly completed the wedding.
Due to the fast pace, there was no chance for Zynn to formally propose.
At this moment, while pacing back and forth, he silently recites the lines to
propose marriage in his mind,
And at the same time, he also keeps an eye on the time on the watch.
Seeing that the mother and daughter had been in for half an hour,
He couldn’t help asking Charlie anxiously: “Mr. Wade, why haven’t they
come out yet?”
Charlie smiled slightly: “It should be soon, are you ready?”
It’s done…” Zynn replied without confidence, then wiped the sweat on his
And asked him a little helplessly: “Mr. Wade, please tell me,”
“The proposal is to kneel on one knee. Right? Give flowers or rings first?”
Charlie shook his head and said, “I don’t know either.”
Zynn asked subconsciously, “Why don’t you know…Aren’t you married?”
Charlie said lightly: “When I got married, it was basically an arranged
“My wife’s grandfather was the sole leader and arranged the marriage, so
there was no marriage proposal process.”
After speaking, Charlie asked him, “Did you and Auntie not propose
marriage back then?”
Zynn embarrassedly smiled and said: “You are in an arranged marriage, I
was in a contract marriage, and we are half a catty…”
Charlie nodded understandingly, and said with a smile:
“I think, to propose marriage, the first step is to do the ‘begging’ step,”
“So it must be necessary to kneel on one knee first, and then take out the
“Ask the other party if she is willing to marry you, if the other party nods,”
“You put the ring on the other party, and then give her the flower,”
“If the other party refuses, you should stand up as a gentleman and
prepare to leave.”
Zynn hearing this became even more nervous, and couldn’t help asking:
“What if she leaves and refuses me for a while…”
“I will be under residential surveillance by her in the future. It’s too
Charlie said with a smile: “I think Ms. He has not been married for so many
“And she is raising Ruoli by herself, and even after Ruoli becomes an
“She sent Ruoli a gift. Coming to your side to protect you, it can be seen
that your weight in her heart is very high.”
“In other words, she should love you deeply.”
“If you propose to a person who loves you deeply, you can still be rejected.”
“Then you have to find the reason from within yourself.”
Zynn couldn’t help but nodded as if to cheer himself up, and muttered:
“Mr. Wade you’re right… So, as long as I sincerely propose to Roma,”
“To show her what I think in my heart, she should not reject me,”
“Not to mention that if Ruoli is by her side, she should not reject me…”
After speaking, he quickly looked at Charlie, begging: “Mr. Wade, can I ask
you one thing?”
Charlie said lightly: “You say it.”
Zynn said sincerely: “If Ruoli’s mother promises me, I hope you will allow
“We will hold a simple ceremony and a few tables of banquets in the villa in
Aurous Hill,”
“And then let Zhiyu and Ruoli come together!”
Charlie smiled and said, “If Ms. He promised you today, then wait for me to
come back.”
“There will definitely be a grand wedding for you at Shangri-La in Aurous
“At that time, everyone in the Su family can come to participate if they
“Including Mr. Su who is far away in Madagascar, and Zhifei who is on the
Chapter 5019
Zynn was so shocked by Charlie’s words that he was speechless.
He really didn’t expect that Charlie would promise to hold a grand wedding
for him.
In fact, the reason why he begged Charlie just now was that after Roma
agrees to his proposal,
Charlie would allow him to hold a small ceremony and banquet in the villa
where he was under house arrest,
Just because he didn’t want to owe Roma a wedding.
But he also knew his current situation. Charlie was very kind to him by
letting the He family put him under house arrest.
Although he lost his freedom to go out under house arrest in Aurous Hill,
His other freedoms were not restricted in that villa.
He uses mobile phones, computers, the Internet and TV, and can contact
anyone he wants to contact,
And Roma also takes good care of his food and clothing.
Despite the previous behavior of the Su family being a dog in the
Cataclysmic Front, and attacking Wade family,
Zynn is already very grateful to Charlie for his lenient treatment of himself
and other family members.
In this case, as long as Charlie could promise him to hold a small wedding
in the villa, he would be very satisfied.
But how could he have thought that Charlie would give him such a big
At this moment, all Zynn’s inner dissatisfaction with Charlie dissipated in an
And the only thing left was gratitude.
He tried to calm down his emotions, bowed deeply to Charlie, and said to
him with red eyes:
“Mr. Wade, thank you…Thank you very much!”
“Thank you for repaying your grievances with virtue, I thank you so much!”
Charlie smiled lightly, pointed behind him, and reminded:
“Ms. He should be out soon, you should do the business as soon as
For Zynn, Charlie can no longer speak of hatred.
Since he can sincerely propose to Roma now, it is enough to prove that this
person has lost his way.

What’s more, Charlie admires Roma’s single-mindedness and dedication to
this relationship,
So Charlie naturally hopes that this love reaches a conclusion eventually.
Moreover, Charlie has also made up his mind. After the wedding time is
He will tell Ruoli in advance to let her plan a honeymoon trip for her
And then use it as a gift for the two at the wedding,
And she will also be there at the same time.
At that time, it will officially be announced that Zynn’s house arrest is lifted
and he is completely freed.
At this time, Zynn didn’t realize that Charlie had even bigger surprises
waiting for him.
Immediately afterward, there was a sound of a latch popping from the
bathroom door,
And Zynn’s whole body was instantly shaken, and he hurried to the
bathroom door to get ready.
In the bathroom, Roma had put on a dress that her daughter had bought in
Her white and flawless arms were directly exposed to the air, and she
looked very young and confident.
Ruoli opened the door and walked out with her mother,
When she suddenly saw her father, standing outside the door in a suit,
And at Zynn’s feet, there was a large bouquet of roses.
At this time, Ruoli didn’t think that her father was going to propose to her
She thought that her father knew from Charlie that her mother was about to
return to normal,
So he prepared flowers to celebrate.
At this time, Roma did not expect that Zynn would be waiting at the door,
And was a little surprised for a while? As for Zynn, due to being overly
He didn’t realize that Roma had undergone tremendous changes at this
The moment he saw her, Zynn’s nervous mind went blank for a while,
And then he remembered the steps that Charlie told him before, and his
heart slammed,
And he immediately fell to one knee on the ground.
The moment Zynn knelt down, Ruoli instantly realized her father’s true
And covered her mouth in disbelief.
And Roma seemed to be aware of Zynn’s intentions.
She, who had just regained her former self-confidence, was so nervous
that she couldn’t add more.
After all, in her opinion, she has been a servant of the Su family for so
many years,
And is not worthy of a man like Zynn, not to mention that she has been a
disabled person for more than 20 years,
And subconsciously feels that the gap between her and him has long been
the difference between clouds and mud,
And even if it is a dream, she dares not have any arrogance.
However, seeing Zynn in a neat suit suddenly kneeling in front of her on
one knee,
Roma was so panicked that her heart was beating wildly, and she even lost
her breath.
Zynn kept his head down. After kneeling on one knee,
He fished for the ring box from the inner pocket of his suit.
Chapter 5020
Afterward, he held the ring box with one hand, opened the ring with the
Looked up at Roma’s face with almost no trace of the years,
And said very emotionally: “Roma… for so many years,”
“I let you raise Ruo by yourself. It’s really hard for you…”
Roma’s tears kept flowing, but she just shook her head subconsciously and
said softly:
“It’s not hard… it’s not hard at all… ..”
Zynn’s brain was confused, and as soon as he opened his mouth,
He found that he seemed to be in the wrong direction,
The ring box was already opened, shouldn’t he propose first?
Thinking of this, he didn’t know how to talk about the marriage proposal for
a while,
So he could only bite the bullet and say, “That… I mean…”
“I haven’t been able to be a father for so many years. The responsibility…”
“Made Ruoli suffer a lot of hardships and grievances…”
Ruoli saw that her father was in a mess, and while moved,
She couldn’t help but choked and reminded: “Dad… What’s the point you
want to say?”
“The ring in your hand should be prepared for Mom, right?”
Zynn sincerely said: “Roma, I have really wronged you for so many
“Today in front of Ruoli, I want to ask if you would like to marry me.”
“If you are willing, for the rest of my life, I will I must do my best to make
you two happy…”
Although Roma had realized what Zynn was going to do before,
She was still shocked when he asked if she wanted to marry him. She was
For her, marrying Zynn was something she didn’t even dare to think about.
Strictly speaking, Roma never thought that she would marry Zynn in this
In addition to the huge difference between the identities of the two,
More importantly, since she had a relationship with him more than 20 years
She has always been very ashamed of her involvement in the marriage of
Zynn and Liona.
In the following twenty years, she hardly ever met Zynn again.
Even though the entire He family was serving the Su family,
And even the adult Ruoli was sent to Zynn’s side,
Roma stayed in Mocheng and never set foot in the Su family again.
So, now Zynn suddenly proposed to her, and she didn’t know what to do for
a while,
So she was stunned and didn’t move at all.
Ruoli on the side hurriedly urged: “Mom, what’s wrong with you? Dad is still
kneeling on the ground!”
Roma came back to her senses and said in a panic,
“Eldest young master…I…I… I don’t know what to say…”
Zynn knew very well what Roma was worried about, and he said seriously:
“Roma, let’s stop worrying about what happened in the past, even without
“My original marriage was not happy, not to mention that I am no longer the
eldest young master of the Su family,”
“And there is no gap between you and me in terms of status.”
“Right now, I just want to live with you in a down-to-earth way.”
“After the rest of my life, I will give Ruoli a complete home.”
“Nothing else matters. If you think the Su family will make you
“I can give up all my rights and interests in the Su family.”
“Now I don’t ask for anything, just ask you can promise me!”
Ruoli couldn’t help but persuade him: “Mom, just promise Dad,”
“Dad and Aunt Du have already divorced, and you have always had him in
your heart for so many years,”
“Now Dad is proposing to you. , what are you hesitating about?”
“If you can become husband and wife, I will have a home in the true
Roma heard this, her psychological defense line loosened a lot.
Ruoli grew up in a single-parent environment since she was a child.
Although the He family loves her very much, she still cannot make up for
the lack of her father’s role.
Before the Su family did not provoke Charlie,
Roma even knew very well that Zynn would never publicly admit Ruoli as a
daughter in his life.
But now, he is kneeling in front of him, and while proposing to himself,
He longs to give his daughter a complete home.
At this moment, all of Roma’s concerns disappeared.
She said to Zynn with tears: “I promise you…”
Zynn immediately asked excitedly: “Really?! Roma, you really You
promised to marry me?”
Roma didn’t say anything, just looked at Zynn and nodded heavily.
Although this man whom she had loved for half her life was much older
than her before,
And lost the heroic spirit of those days, she was still the most attractive one
in her mind.
Before, she would always control her heart and restrain her emotions
toward him.
But at this moment, her eyes were full of affection.
Chapter 5021
Ruoli, who was beside him, was also very relieved,
And hurriedly urged: “Dad, please bring the ring to Mom!”
“Oh, yes!” Zynn came back to his senses and quickly took the ring out of
the jewelry box.
And Roma didn’t get used to her right arm being recovered at all,
So she handed over her left hand subconsciously.
Zynn held Roma’s palm lightly, and when he was about to put the ring on
Ruoli reminded him again: “Dad! Men are on the left and women are on the
“The ring should be worn on the ring finger of mother’s right hand!”
Zynn’s mind was completely blank at this time, and he had to rely on his
daughter’s instructions,
So when he heard this, he said without thinking: “Oh, right, I forgot about
Roma came back to her senses, not too skilled, she handed her right hand
to Zynn.
Zynn was nervous and just wanted to put the ring on her quickly,
So he didn’t notice anything unusual.
When he held the ring and carefully put it on Roma’s right ring finger,
He suddenly realized that something was wrong.
He stared at Roma’s right hand for a long time, followed it all the way up,
And found that the entire arm was actually grown on Roma’s right shoulder!
At this second, he subconsciously looked at Roma and asked in horror,
“Roma…this…what’s going on?!”
Because of the nervousness, Zynn, who was a little confused,
Has only just found out that Roma, who lost her right arm for more than 20
Actually, become a normal person with healthy arms!
At this moment, he also thought that Roma was wearing some kind of
advanced prosthesis.
So he subconsciously said: “This…Where is this prosthesis made?
This…this is too real!”
Roma said gratefully: “This is not a prosthetic… ….”
“It was Mr. Wade who gave me an elixir, and after taking it, the arm that
was missing grew back…”
“What?!” Zynn asked dumbfoundedly, “It grew back?! How is this possible?”
Ruoli on the side reminded: “Dad, you have seen Mr. Wade’s magical
powers on Waderest Mountain,”
“So we can’t use our limited common sense to measure his ability.”
Zynn’s expression froze for a moment, and he immediately remembered
what he saw on Waderest Mountain that day.
The unbelievably powerful of Joseph was also defeated in a single blow in
front of Charlie.
And the second of the four war commanders of the Cataclysmic Front also
died easily.
Charlie’s strength and ability are indeed beyond his understanding.
Therefore, it seems that there is nothing incomprehensible about being
To come up with an elixir that can regenerate a severed limb.
Thinking of this, he couldn’t help sighing: “I didn’t expect our family to be
blessed by Mr. Wade…”
Roma nodded lightly and said, “Young master, please get up first, I want to
thank Mr. Wade!”
“Yes, yes!” Zynn was completely convinced, he quickly picked up the roses,
Handed it to Roma, and said seriously, “Let’s go thank Mr. Wade
Charlie, who was in the living room, heard the conversation between the
three people,
And without waiting for them to come out, he immediately stood up and
said loudly,
“The three of you can have a good chat, I’ll go back to the room first.”
Has already stepped out.
Ruoli hurriedly chased out, and Charlie was already out the door.
After hesitating for a second or two, she chased out the door and shouted
at Charlie’s back,
“Mr. Wade…”
Charlie turned around, glanced at Ruoli, and said,
“Don’t do anything. I said you will accompany them back tomorrow.”
“I believe your grandfather and the others will be very happy to know the
good news.”
“Why don’t you go back and give them a surprise? Besides, when I return
to China,”
“I will hold a wedding for your parents. If this daughter has any ideas,”
“She can find a wedding company in advance to start communication.”
Ruoli was very moved, and quickly asked, “Mr. Wade, can I stay here and
wait for your dispatch?”
“When you are here there must be many places where people need to be
Charlie waved his hand and said, “You don’t have to stay here,”
“Go back to accompany your parents, from today onwards,”
“You will be considered the only child of the family of three.”
After speaking, he said again: “Oh, by the way, go to my place to sleep at
“There are many rooms, you can choose anyone and give them both a little
private space.”
She stuck out her tongue, closed the door directly,
Ran towards Charlie lightly, and said with a smile,
“I don’t think I should stay as a light bulb… “
Chapter 5022
One night, many people stayed up all night because of their happiness.
Ito Yuhiko was lying on the bed of the hotel at this time,
While he was pedaling his ‘air bike’ into the air, while looking at the
chandelier with silly joy.
He liked the feeling of regaining his legs so much, if he wasn’t afraid of his
daughter’s anger,
He would have wanted to go out and run three laps around New York.
The same goes for Tanaka Koichi.
He didn’t lie on the bed for less than five minutes,
And he couldn’t help but get down and walk around a few times,
And then put his legs on the table to look carefully and touch them
Roma didn’t have much chance to experience the feeling of having her
right hand again,
Because Zynn couldn’t wait to carry her to the bedroom.
After more than 20 years, the two relived the passion of the year.
As for Duncan, who was the first to take Reshaping Dan,
He returned to his home in Houston with his wife, daughter, and son-in-law
on the private jet of An family.
Since Stella endorsed him, his image in the eyes of his family is
comparable to that of a superhero.
In their early years, his wife and daughter lived with him in New York.
At that time, he devoted himself to work and seldom asked about his wife
and children.
And because of his identity as a policeman, he is quite strict with his wife
and daughter on weekdays,
And the atmosphere at home has been very depressing without knowing it.
Later, his relationship with his family became tenser and tenser.
When his daughter was in college, she deliberately gave up the school in
New York and chose to study in Houston,
In order to stay away from him so that she could breathe a sigh of relief.
The wife also took the opportunity to choose to accompany her daughter to
study in Houston,
And began to separate from him in fact. But fortunately, the two sides have
only been separated for a long time,
And it has not risen to the point of needing a divorce.
Duncan’s daughter is not very good at her studies. She was rebellious
when she was young,
And her father is a resolute detective who is more strict than ordinary
Therefore, although her rebelliousness is struggling, she has never had a
chance to emerge.
Although Duncan has lived in the United States for most of his life, He is a
downright Chinese-style parent.
The way he treats his daughter’s education can be summed up in the
‘excessive intervention and strict restraint’.
And because of the high pressure he brought, his daughter turned from
rebellious to a relatively decadent school-weary mentality.
Because of this, the relationship between father and daughter has never
been eased.
Duncan’s income before retirement was almost $400,000 to $500,000 a
Although this income level is not low, it also firmly welds his family’s social
stratum to the middle class.
His daughter got married last year to a young Chinese man who graduated
from a prestigious university and worked for NASA.
Although his son-in-law is somewhat talented, he is too high-spirited.
In addition, he is not valued very much in NASA, and he is even
marginalized and thus a bit depressed.
Duncan understands his son-in-law quite a bit.
He is a professional in aerospace and has excellent education and skills.
However, because of his unrelated background, he has been suppressed
where he works.
After returning home, Duncan left his family in the living room and said with
“It’s hard to come back, let’s have a meeting with everyone first.”
His wife, daughter, and son-in-law agreed without hesitation and sat on
both sides of Duncan.
Duncan took out the $10 million check given by Stella from his arms and
“As for this money, my current idea is to leave it all to the baby in Paula’s
womb and make a family trust.
The daughter hurriedly said: “Dad, the child has not yet been born, you
don’t have to think so long for him…”
Duncan said solemnly: “This is something I must consider because I did not
think too much about you before.”
“That’s why our family is so alienated, and besides, I didn’t do it for you, but
for your children and his future children…”
Speaking, he sighed: “I have more contact with your Uncle An and his
And I understand the truth. The reason why the rich in the West can keep
getting rich is that their asset inheritance pays more attention to contracts,
not blind inheritance.
So starting from the baby in your womb, we will also make a family trust,
And invest all ten million dollars into it. Before the child turns eighteen,
All this money will be used for the lowest-risk investment.
At the age of eight, it should be at least doubled.”
Duncan’s son-in-law couldn’t help but said at this time:
“Dad… there is something, I have been looking for a chance to tell you on
the way back. But don’t be mad at me…”
Duncan looked at his son-in-law, nodded, and said, “Stephen, you can talk
about it.”
The son-in-law hesitated for a moment, and then said bravely,
“When I was in the Anbang Building, Mr. Marsshal An talked to me,”
“And he said that the An family was willing to take out 100 million US
dollars to make a trust for Paula’s children and me,”
“On the condition that if the child in Paula’s womb was a boy, we would give
him the surname Li,”
“If it’s a girl, you can choose the surname Li, or wait for a boy to be born
and let the boy’s surname Li…”
Duncan and his wife and daughter were both surprised.
Duncan was even more guilty. He didn’t expect that Marshal would tell his
son-in-law about this in private, and quickly said:
“Stephen, don’t be angry, your uncle An told you this, mainly because you,
Grandpa An is a bit of an old feudal person.”
“Don’t take it to your heart, let alone blame him…”
“No…” The son-in-law said awkwardly:
“Dad…I… ….I’ve…I’ve made my own…promise…”
Chapter 5023
“You agreed?!”
Duncan was surprised and excited when he heard his son-in-law’s answer.
Although he said that Mr. An was an old feudalist, he was actually told by
Mr. An for a long time.
He knows that the old feudalism should be criticized to some extent,
But he also agrees with the logic of Mr. An, that is: the surname needs to
be inherited.
Whether it is a man or a woman, as long as there are descendants of the
Then this line will surely be passed down. However, once there is a break
in the middle,
This vein will completely withdraw from the stage of history within a few
Therefore, if the son-in-law promised to give his daughter’s child the
surname Li,
Then his family’s surname could continue to be passed down.
Because of this, he was very excited when he heard that his son-in-law had
However, he didn’t expect that his son-in-law, a talented man who had
always regarded himself very highly,
Would be so easily persuaded by Marshal.
The son-in-law also seemed a little ashamed at this time.
He explained embarrassingly: “Dad, it’s not that I have no prospects…”
“It’s just that the conditions offered by the An family were too tempting…”
“Even if I work hard all my life, I can’t leave it to future generations. It is so
much money…”
The son-in-law at this time was just eager to give himself the reason for
compromising with money.
But he didn’t realize that his compromise was the result Duncan was most
looking forward to.
However, in order to wash away his shame on his dignity, he continued to
“Dad, what Uncle An said is almost the same as what you said just now,”
“What he means is, first take 100 million US dollars as a trust, and the trust
is operated by An family’s trust company,”
“And because An family’s trust company is backed by the resources of the
entire An family,”
“Their income is much stronger than that of most trust companies on the
“So at least about 8% a year yield, as long as I fulfill my promise,”
“After 18 years, this trust can be conditionally lifted!”
After speaking, the son-in-law continued with a little bit of excitement:
“Dad, I probably used a quick calculation in my heart.”
“If Under the condition that an 8% rate of return can be guaranteed every
year, and calculated according to compound interest,”
“Then after 18 years, the child will become an adult,”
“And the money will be changed from 100 million US dollars to a full 400
million US dollars!”
Speaking of this, the son-in-law is even more emotional and excited, he
couldn’t hold back his emotions, and blurted out:
“Dad, Mom, Paula! What is the concept of 400 million US dollars!”
“Even if we don’t move the 400 million US dollars principal,”
“We will continue to calculate it according to the 8% rate of return every
“Then the annual interest is 32 million dollars!”
“32 million dollars! And there are so many every year!”
“No matter how serious inflation is in the future,”
“32 million US dollars will definitely be enough for a family’s daily expenses
for a year!”
“At that time, we can give our children the best living standard,”
“The top educational resources, let them become the top group of people in
“This is a step-by-step class leap!”
“Also, in addition to our annual interest income of 32 million US dollars,”
“This principle of 100 million US dollars is immovable. In this case,”
“As long as the An family Trust Company that we rely on does not go
bankrupt, we can continue at an interest rate of 8%!”
“But what if the trust company goes bankrupt? The law has long stipulated
that the trust company’s own assets,”
“And the client’s trust property is completely separated.”
“Even if he goes bankrupt, it is impossible to liquidate our money during
“We only need to change a trust company, just transfer the rights.”
“In other words, as long as the United States is still there,”
“Our money will always be there! This is the eternal preservation of assets
and the eternal prosperity of the family!”
Chapter 5024
The excited son-in-law, when he came to this point, his heart beat faster
and his breath was short.
His whole face was flushed and sweat was pouring down, his eyes
widened to the extreme involuntarily, and all the blood vessels were faintly
Duncan was a little dumbfounded when he heard it.
He couldn’t help but ask: “100 million US dollars…can it have such a large
amount of energy?!”
The son-in-law nodded his head without thinking:
“That’s right! Dad! 100 million US dollars is such big energy!”
After speaking, he added: “Of course, the most important point here is that
An family can guarantee us an annual net profit rate of 8%.”
“Uncle An said that if the market environment declines, the net profit rate
cannot reach 8%,”
“And there may even be losses. An family will also make up 8% of the net
profit for our trust.”
“For example, under normal circumstances, 100 million US dollars will add
8 million in the first year.”
“But if the market environment is not good this year, and only 90 million is
left of the 100 million,”
“An family will give 18 million to ensure that our trust has 108 million
“Yes! We don’t have to worry about loss at all when the An family endorses
“We just need to wait for the trust income to be lifted after 18 years!”
Duncan’s wife and daughter were already dumbfounded, but Duncan said
“Stephen, this money. Is it not too much? How can our family,”
“How can we take so many benefits from others? This is really
Duncan was not lying.
After listening to his son-in-law finish the calculation,
He realized that his family is not just giving him a sum of money, he is
giving an indefinite and eternal promise.
As long as An family still exists, it will guarantee the interests of the trust.
This means that the An family has issued a long-term meal ticket to the Li
And the denomination of this meal ticket is still very high.
Therefore, although he expected that his son-in-law would agree to
Marshal’s request,
When he heard this, he also felt that the affection was too heavy, and he
couldn’t bear it.
But his son-in-law saw that he was a little hesitant, and said nervously:
“Dad! Don’t forget about it, Dad! This is a great opportunity for our family to
jump into the dragon gate.
If you miss it, you will regret it in your life!”
Having said that, he hurriedly winked at his wife Paula and blurted out,
“Paula, hurry up and persuade Dad!”
Paula was also frightened by this number, but she was not the same as her
Duncan has been a policeman all his life, and he has long looked down on
life and death,
So he doesn’t really care about money at all.
Otherwise, based on his relationship with An family,
He could quit his job as a police officer at any time in the past few decades
of his life and go to them for a bite to eat.
And An family will definitely give him excellent treatment.
With An family’s behavior and economic strength, maybe Duncan would
have been now worth billions of dollars.
But Paula is different.
Paula’s living conditions and the living environment from childhood to
adulthood can barely reach the level of the American middle class,
But there are too many middle classes in the United States.
Moreover, Paula studied and lived in a capitalist society since she was a
It’s just that she knew before that she yearned for the return,
But it was impossible to have the opportunity to achieve it.
But now, she suddenly realized that a rare opportunity is in front of her and
within reach.
So she hurriedly said: “Dad… Even if it is for the sake of the children, you
must accept it.”
“If we have this trust, Stephen and I can have more children.”
“In this case, our family will all of a sudden, will be prosperous.”
Stephen couldn’t help but blurted out: “Yes, yes! We must have more
“And these children can all be surnamed Li, I agree with my hands and
have no opinion!”
Chapter 5025
Originally, Duncan admired his son-in-law very much, but he always felt
that this boy had the energy to not be overwhelmed,
Not afraid of being poor, and not to admit defeat or bow his head.
To put it simply, he felt that his son-in-law was very similar to him, and even
had a shadow of himself.
It is precisely because of this, and Duncan has no son himself, so he treats
this son-in-law as a son sincerely.
But the performance of his son-in-law at this moment made him realize
that, as a detective who has read countless people,
His views on his son-in-law are one-sided, wrong, and naive.
He used to think that he was the kind of noble character who was rich and
could not be pr0miscuous,
But now it seems that he is just a bit high starting point for “pr0stitution”.
And this starting point, in the past, neither himself nor his son-in-law could
touch it at all.
It is as if a person never knows if he is afraid of heights if he has never
been there.
Some people are shouting that they are not afraid of the sky, but maybe
their legs will become weak at a certain height.
At this moment, Duncan suddenly despised him. However, after thinking
about it,
He felt that he was not the same? Although the boy didn’t impress him, but
about the so-called surname and bloodline inheritance, didn’t he impress
Both he and his son-in-law have betrayed their own loftiness,
But one is kneeling in front of money and the other is kneeling in front of
Stephen didn’t know what Duncan was thinking, but when he saw that his
expression was cloudy and sunny for a while,
The whole person couldn’t help but feel a little worried, and couldn’t help
“Dad, can you do it, you have something to say!”
Duncan hesitated for a moment, sighed, waved his hand, and said, “Forget
it, just do as you said!”
“Really?!” Duncan nodded heavily and said,
“This is your grandfather An’s heart, but it is really too heavy.”
“I will find a way to pay it back slowly in the future!”
Excitedly clenched fists. Immediately afterward, the two rushed over
Hugging Duncan from left to right, and their excited expressions were
beyond words.
On the other hand, Duncan’s wife Julie’s expression has not changed from
beginning to end.
At this time, Duncan’s daughter suddenly remembered something and
“Dad…then…that 10 million from Miss Fei…what are your plans for it?”
As soon as these words came out of Paula’s mouth, Stephen on the side
also immediately looked at Duncan,
And blurted out subconsciously: “Yes, Dad, do you have a plan now for the
10 million yuan?”
The billions of dollars are to be placed in a family trust, and the trust must
be conditionally lifted when the first child turns 18.
That is to say, even if Duncan has already agreed, they must wait 18 years
for the golden mountain of 100 million US dollars to achieve a huge leap in
No matter whether it is a luxury house, a luxury car, or a luxurious
upper-class life,
All of them have to wait eighteen years. If you count the child’s expected
due date of eight months,
Rounding up equals to 19 years. However, the $10 million check given by
Stella is different.
This is not a conditional family trust, but a real cash check.
Just take this check to any bank in the United States and it can be
exchanged for $10 million in cash.
Duncan listened to them asking about the 10 million, and couldn’t help but
“Actually, my original idea was to put the money in the trust,”
“But the trust I checked did not have such a high annualized return of 8%.”
“Calculated with an annualized income of about %, it will be almost 20
million after 18 years,”
“And then starting from the 19th year, the interest can be taken out every
“Part of which is used as the child’s education fund, and part as the child’s
living allowance, etc.”
“After the child gets married, you can withdraw one million US dollars at
one time.”
“If you have more than two children, you can divide the two million US
dollars equally,”
“And the rest will continue to be placed in the trust…”
As he said this, his daughter said hurriedly: “Dad…you can’t put this money
into the trust anymore…”
“In that case, we will put all the money in 18 years before we can withdraw
“From now on, we will still have many uncertainties in the next 18 years.”
“For example, if you move to Houston to live with us in the future,”
“And the child will be born in our house, we will always have to change it.”
Chapter 5026
Paula continued: “For the older ones, Stephen and I don’t have to live in an
apartment in the city.”
“We can come and live with you. In this case, you can also help us take
care of our children,”
“And if there are more children, we may have to invite nannies,”
“There is still a lot of money needed to purchase all kinds of hardware…”
Duncan looked at the woman and asked her, “Paula, how do you mean to
arrange ten million?”
Paula thought for a while, opened her mouth, and said,
“Dad, that’s what I think, let’s take a million dollars to exchange for a
“We can change to a villa that is closer to the city, bigger, newer, better,”
“And then we can change the rest of the house. Upgrade the hardware,”
“Such as food and clothing expenses, cars, and home appliances,”
“And the rest will be put into more flexible financial management first,”
“And if necessary, you can withdraw at any time.”
Stephen couldn’t help but agree: “Yes, Dad, I think this is more flexible.”
“With this money to support, we can choose a better private hospital for
Paula to give birth,”
“So that her prenatal check-up during pregnancy can be more comfortable
and convenient.”
Duncan hesitated for a moment, sighed, and said, “Well, as you said,”
“$1 million to buy a house, $500,000 to upgrade the family expenses, and
another $500,000 as a reserve for flexible withdrawals.”
“As for the remaining 8 million, all of them will be handed over to your
“How to arrange the specific arrangements is not counted by the three of
us, your mother has the final say.”
Paula couldn’t help but ask: “Dad, we only get the total amount.”
“Two million is it a little less… Why don’t you take three million first…”
Duncan waved his hand: “I have made up my mind, what should I do first?”
“If you both feel there is another place to use the money next, go and apply
for it with your mother.”

After speaking, he looked at his wife and asked her,
“Julie, do you think this is okay?” Julie was stunned for a moment before
When she came to her senses, she smiled and said,
“Duncan, if you want my opinion, you don’t give me this money,”
“Isn’t it a total of 8 million? Just put it in the trust, just get a short-term trust,”
“From now on, in the future For 18 years, take out 1/18 of it every year,”
“Until it is fully taken out after 18 years. As for how to use the money, we
have the final say.”
Duncan couldn’t help but be a little confused, but he soon understood,
The wife also found that the child took money a little too seriously,
And didn’t want to be the money manager directly.
So, he sighed softly and said, “Okay, just do it like this.”
After speaking, he said, “Oh, by the way, if we want to buy a house,”
“Let’s do it as soon as possible. I will go to another place in a few days,”
“I want to do something for the old man and Miss Fei.”
Julie hurriedly asked: “What’s the matter? Is it dangerous?”
Duncan smiled and said, “Don’t worry, it’s just to investigate something,”
“There is nothing dangerous, you know that the old man has a grandson
who they have been unable to find,”
“He wants me to help him find the grandson, it’s just looking for someone,
there’s no risk.”
Julie breathed a sigh of relief, looking at her daughter and son-in-law,
Who were so excited that they couldn’t control it and kept winking at each
She sighed silently. With a sigh, she stood up and said,
“Okay, Duncan, it’s getting late, let the children go back first, and we both
have an early rest.”
The daughter and son-in-law didn’t think much about it,
And the two of them still had a lot to talk about in private,
So they agreed without thinking. After saying goodbye, they quickly drove
back to their apartment in the city.
Seeing that Duncan was a little absent-minded and lonely,
Julie couldn’t help asking softly, “What’s wrong? Are you disappointed?”
Duncan smiled bitterly: “A little bit… a little bit.”
“I’m disappointed, but I think it’s understandable, so I’m more entangled.”
Julie nodded and said seriously: “Duncan, never test human nature, human
nature is like this real world.”
Speaking of this, she changed the subject and said seriously: “But even the
universe has boundaries!”
Chapter 5027
When Yuhiko Ito and Koichi Tanaka were running in Central Park wearing
Ruoli and her parents, after saying goodbye to Charlie thankfully,
Went to the airport and took a flight back to Aurous Hill.
Charlie stayed in New York for two more days.
After spending two days with Ito Nanako and other members of the Ito
Ito Nanako also reluctantly said goodbye to Charlie, and the family set off
for Japan.
After Ito Nanako left, Charlie gave Cataclysmic Front an order to bring back
Who had handed over the contraband to Elaine.
Phaedra’s real name is Sivana Yan. In recent years, she has been with her
head and followed Georgina to go offline.
This person’s main task is to pretend to be a female entrepreneur under the
false identity of Phaedra Zong,
And bring contraband to those who are going out of the country and hand it
over to that mule selected by Georgina.
Although this woman did not kill anyone with her own hands,
But she followed Georgina and gave her help and did harm many innocent
If it is reasonable, she should also be dead.
However, considering that she is now the key to Elaine’s release from
The people at Cataclysmic Front left her alone.
As for her companion who was also full of evil,
She was killed by the soldiers of Cataclysmic Front and thrown into the
desert near Las Vegas.
At the same time, the Cataclysmic Front officers also possessed the
identity information of Phaedra’s domestic family,
So they used this as a bargaining chip to ask her to take the initiative to
confess all her crimes to the police,
Otherwise, not only would they kill her, but also let her family pay the price.
Phaedra, who knew that she could not escape, did not dare to disobey the
demands of the Cataclysmic Front Palace.
She knew that if she confessed to the police,
Although she would never be able to get out of prison again in her life, she
could at least save a dog’s life.
Therefore, at the moment, she has no second choice at all.
When Phaedra was brought back to New York and surrendered to the New
York police,
She was at the Bedford Hills Correctional Institution on the outskirts of New
York City,
And it was time for the inmates to have lunch.
According to the regulations of the Institution, before lunch starts,
The early warning will conduct a roll call for each cell. After the roll call,
The door of the cell will open and everyone will go to the restaurant in an
orderly manner.
After eating in the restaurant, everyone will then go to the playground to let
the wind out,
Return to the cell after the wind blowing, and count the number of people
After confirming that it is correct, close the door and wait for the afternoon
At this moment, Elaine didn’t know that her good days had already begun
Right now, the number of people in her cell has just been counted,
But even though everyone else has already started to line up,
Elaine is still lying lazily on the bed, leisurely reading a book with her legs
The prison guard who counted the number of people turned a blind eye to
Elaine’s behavior.
After confirming that no one had escaped from the cell,
The prison guard said loudly: “Now you can go to the restaurant to eat!”
After speaking, she came to Elaine and said attentively:
“Sister, today the kitchen made pasta with bolognese sauce and shrimp
“I asked the chef to prepare you a marinade with tomatoes and eggs.”
“If you need it, just go to the restaurant and find her directly.”
The main reason why this prison guard is acting so good to Elaine is
because the warden has specific orders to take care of her.
As well as she knew the former prison guard was reduced to a prisoner just
because she offended Elaine.
Therefore, every prison guard at the Institution knows that Elaine has a
very strong background,
So they are very respectful when they see her.
Chapter 5028
The reason why the warden took care of Elaine was mainly that Elaine was
the person Stella named her to take care of.
Stella’s influence in New York is extraordinary, and it is by no means
comparable to a small warden.
Therefore, for the warden, Elaine is a perfect opportunity for her to cling to
the upper class,
So no matter what she doesn’t want to miss it either.
It is precisely because of this that the prison guards in the entire Institution
are even more afraid of Elaine.
And Elaine is not only authoritative in front of the prison guards,
Because the combat effectiveness of the three Cataclysmic Front Temple
soldiers is really overwhelming,
The thorns, almost all of them have been cut several times.
Now it all stopped, and no one dared to be in prison for the slightest bit.
With the support of these three people, Elaine has long since become the
veritable number one person and even gave herself a nickname, Bedford
Hill Ghost.
At this time, Elaine looked at the prison guard, slowly put down the
magazine reading in her hand,
And said with some dissatisfaction: “These magazines sent in the past few
days are too boring,”
“The story inside is rotten and vulgar, and there’s no nutrition at all,”
“So can’t you show me a few books of “Zhiyin”?”
“Ziyin?” The prison guard is a native Chinese-American, so she doesn’t
even know what “Ziyin” is.
So she asked nervously: “Sister Ma, what do you mean by “Zhiyin”?”
Elaine said arrogantly: “Zhiyin” is a very deep and literary book.
“These magazines are my favorite literary publications for so many years.”
“If it wasn’t for the prejudice against our writers,”
“The authors of “Zhiyin” would have won the Nobel Prize for Literature!”
The prison guard said embarrassedly: “Sister Ma, the Nobel Prize is not
awarded by us, but mainly by the Swedes…”
Elaine frowned and asked, “Really? Why don’t I know?”
The prison guard quickly introduced: “Because Nobel was a Swede…he
donated the money to give out the Nobel Prize.”
Elaine realized that she had missed out, and immediately snorted coldly
and said:
“So what? What about Sweden and Switzerland? Isn’t it all controlled by
you Americans?”
The prison guard hurriedly said: “Sister Ma, this Nobel… It really has
nothing to do with the United States. …”
Elaine said impatiently: “Oh, I won’t talk nonsense with you anymore,”
“Hurry up and find a way to get me a batch of “Friends” to have a look.”
The prison guard had to respectfully say: “Okay, Sister Ma, I’ll go and find a
solution for you now!”
Elaine snorted and waved her hand: “Okay, you can go out.”
The prison guard nodded quickly and said: ” Okay, Sister Ma, then I’ll go
out first.”
After the prison guard left, a group of attentive female prisoners gathered
around and said,
“Sister Ma, how was your rest?”
“Sister, let’s accompany you to dinner!”
Elaine hummed and sat up slowly from the bed, she stretched lazily.
Later, she saw the obedient Chloe in the crowd.
That Chloe, the prison tyrant in the previous cell, has been trying every
means to impress Elaine,
But unfortunately, in this cell, she has completely become Elaine’s venting
Seeing Chloe, Elaine waved to her impatiently and said,
“Come on, Chloe, I have something to do with you.”
Chloe suddenly trembled nervously, and quickly asked respectfully:
“Ms. Ma, what’s the matter?”
Elaine asked coldly, “I can’t call you if I’m fine?”
Chloe kept shaking her head and said, “Yes, of course,”
“You can call me, I am at your disposal 24 hours a day…”
Elaine snorted in disdain and said sharply: “You and Jessica don’t go to
dinner today,”
“Stay here and take everyone’s dirty clothes and clean them up,”
“If you have left one, I’ll slap you fifty times!!”
Chloe said in horror: “I…I just washed everyone yesterday.”
“The changed sheets, quilts, and pillowcases have been washed until
twelve o’clock at night, can we take it easy…”
Elaine threw the reading in her hand directly on Chloe’s face, instantly
smashing half of her face flushed,
And then said coldly: “If you dare to bargain with him, I will give you
everyone’s pant!es and br@s in the future.”
Chapter 5029
Elaine’s icy voice made Chloe and Jessica pale in fright.
In recent days, their lives have been like hell.
What the two of them did to Elaine before, combined with Elaine’s stubborn
It is doomed that the two of them will not have a good end.
And Elaine also started beating and torturing the two of them,
And gradually turned into the extreme humiliation and enslavement of the
two of them.
She won’t let them eat, find them all kinds of work, and watch them work
Without a moment’s breath, this is Elaine’s favorite thing to do.
For example, when the weather is hot, she likes to go barefoot in the cell,
So the two of them have to take turns to wipe the floor at least five times a
If the soles of her feet get dirty after walking in the cell for a day,
Then the two of them will not want to sleep that night.
When others are sleeping, they have to kneel on the ground and wipe the
floor all night.
Right now, Elaine asked the two of them to wash dirty clothes,
And neither of them dared to have any disobedience, so they could only
accept it silently with tears.
Seeing that the two of them began to honestly collect the sheets and quilts
that every one replaced,
Elaine sneered with satisfaction, then stood up and greeted the people
around her: “Let’s go, let’s eat!”
The others quickly followed. Surrounded her and walked out of the cell.
Along the way, no matter who she meets, no matter what the identity, age,
or skin color of the other party,
They will almost always greet Elaine respectfully saying “Hello Sister
This feeling of responding to all kinds of calls made Elaine extremely
satisfied and extremely inflated,
And the whole person was a little flirtatious.
When they came to the restaurant, the people who were queuing for dinner
immediately consciously moved away from left and right.
The woman who was originally in the first line immediately said respectfully,
“Sister Elaine, please you first!”
Elaine hummed and took a step. Walking up, looking at one of the staff
members, she asked,
“Is the tomato and egg marinade I wanted ready?”
The staff immediately nodded and said, “Sister Elaine it is ready.”
With that, she took out a heat preservation box from under the dining table,
Which was filled with scrambled eggs with tomatoes made in Chinese
Elaine nodded with satisfaction. This is what she specifically asked the
prison guards to arrange for her.
Eating the meals provided by the prison every day really makes her feel a
little bored.
In addition, they eat too much meat, sugar, and oil.
So much that she now misses the light and simple food of tomato and egg
Elaine winked at another prisoner beside her, and the other party
immediately understood,
And hurried forward to take the insulation box, and then asked Elaine:
“Sister Elaine, where else do you want to eat?”
Elaine said lightly: “Just prepare a bit of everything and bring it over.”
“Okay!” The prisoner nodded respectfully, and then, together with another
Put all kinds of food on the plate, and followed Elaine to Elaine’s royal
palace dining table.
This dining table is by the window, with the best and most comfortable view.
Ever since Elaine became a ghost at the Bedford Hills Correctional
She has made a rule that she can only use this table in the future.
Originally, almost every day there would be quarrels and even conflicts
between prisoners for this table,
But since she became the boss here, everyone will consciously stay away
from this table to avoid angering her.
After all, Elaine not only has three extremely capable sidekicks,
But more importantly, from the prison guards to the warden,
They must give her face. It can be said that she is all in all here.
She came to her favorite table and sat down.
Chapter 5030
The attendants on both sides hurriedly put the plates and lunch boxes in
front of her.
A staff member also quickly brought a glass of iced Coke and said
“Sister Elaine, this is sugar-free cola, you can drink it with confidence
without worrying about blood sugar.”
Elaine hummed with satisfaction, took a sip of the cola,
And immediately felt a refreshing comfort in this hot summer.
She couldn’t help but sigh in her heart: “This person is also strange.”
“I never want to drink Coke when I see it outside, but here,”
“Drinking a sip of iced Coke can be so satisfying.”
Thinking happily, the previous prison guard was in a hurry.
Running to her dining table, she said with joy,
“Sister Elaine, Sister Elaine! There is good news, Sister Elaine!”
Seeing her excited face, Elaine suddenly thumped, and couldn’t help but
blurted out and asked,
“What good news made you so excited.”
The prison guard hurriedly explained: “Sister Elaine, your lawyer is here!”
“My lawyer?!” Elaine’s expression instantly froze, and she exclaimed:
“Is that James White? What is he doing here?!”
The prison guard said excitedly,
“He came to meet you, saying that there is great news to convey to you.”
Elaine was stunned frowned and said: “Could it be… Did he clear my
The prison guard said without hesitation: “It should be,”
“Otherwise how can it be called good news?! Sister Elaine, congratulations
to you,”
“You will be able to clear your suspicions and regain your freedom soon!”
Elaine’s expression was a bit depressed, and she thought to herself:
“But I don’t want to recover my freedom now…”
“If I recover now Now that I am free, how can I be a ghost in Bedford
The prison guard saw that Elaine was a little lost, and couldn’t help
“Sister Elaine, the lawyer is waiting in the interview room now, do you want
to go now?”
After speaking, she hurriedly said: “Sister Elaine, why don’t you eat first,”
“It’s the same thing before you go after you’ve eaten enough,”
“Just let the lawyer wait in the meeting room for a while.”
Elaine felt a little bit in her heart. Unsteady, what is going on,
She has to see James White before she can eat know.
So, she stood up and said, “Take me to see him first, otherwise I really
can’t eat!”
With that, she followed the prison guard to the interview room of the
correctional institution.
At this point, New York’s most famous criminal lawyer, James White, was
already waiting here.
Seeing Elaine come in, he immediately stood up and said with great
“Hello, Ms. Ma, we meet again.”
Elaine nodded absently, and then asked him:
“What did you come to see me for? Is something wrong?”
James said with a smile: “Ms. Ma, I came here to tell you good news,”
“The woman who handed you the contraband at the airport has finally been
brought to justice!”
“What?!” Elaine blurted out and asked, “Are you talking about Phaedra?”
James explained: “That woman’s real name is not Phaedra, her name is…”
Elaine put it down impatiently and waved her hand, interrupted him, and
“I don’t care what her name is, I just want to know what the state of the
matter is now.”
James thought that Elaine couldn’t wait to go out, so he looked excited
“According to my informant in the NYPD, the woman has confessed to the
police what she did,”
“And the police can now basically confirm that you are innocent,”
“But the police still need to go further with some legal process, and when
it’s over,”
“You’ll be issued a certificate that you really didn’t know anything about it,”
“And then a document will be sent to Bedford Hills Correctional Institution,
and then you’ll be free .”
When Elaine heard this, she quickly asked, “Then when will they let me
James looked at the time and replied, “I’m afraid it’s a bit late today, but
tomorrow will be fine!
“Ah?!” Elaine blurted out with a look of disappointment:
“Then what… can’t we let them slow down for a few more days?”
Chapter 5031
Elaine’s words made James stunned on the spot.
He subconsciously asked: “Ms. Ma, what do you mean by a few days’
Elaine said angrily: “A few days later is the literal meaning,”
“Just let them be a few days later, don’t be so anxious!”
James’ whole person was instantly embarrassed.
He really couldn’t understand why Elaine made such a strange request.
Confused, he couldn’t help but ask: “Ms. Ma, I’m a little confused,”
“Don’t you want me to get you out of here as soon as possible? Why don’t
you want to go out now?”
Elaine said seriously: “To tell you the truth, I have fallen in love with this
“The people here are very friendly, and I have made a lot of friends here.”
“I’m not an American, and I’ll be returning to China in a while.”
In fact, Elaine has no real friends here at all,
And some are just flatterers from all over the world.
These people are respectful and flattering to her every day, and even make
her feel like a queen.
It is not easy for ordinary people to experience this kind of feeling.
After all, the free world has always been a place where there are people
outside the world,
And it is difficult to find the feeling of being self-reliant.
But in a small environment like a prison, it is relatively easy to implement.
So Elaine also knew very well that if she left Bedford Hills Correctional
She would never be able to find this kind of self-serving experience.
James was also a little confused at this time.
He really couldn’t figure out why Elaine fell in love with this ghost place.
So, he said embarrassedly: “Ms. Ma, this matter is not up to you and me
“In this matter, it all depends on the efficiency of the police.”
If they are efficient enough, you will be released soon.”
“Of course, if their efficiency is slow enough, maybe you can stay here for a
few more days.”
Elaine suddenly thought of something, and quickly said to him:
“By the way, aren’t you invited by my son-in-law’s client?”
“Then can you ask my son-in-law’s client to help me clear the way with the
“So that they don’t let me out for the time being,”
“Wait another 10 days or so, and let me out in another ten days!”
Because the case is almost closed, Elaine’s situation is equivalent to taking
a reassurance pill.
Although she had been very comfortable here before,
She was somewhat worried, what if she couldn’t get out by herself?
Prison life is fun, and it’s fun to be a ghost in Bedford Hills, but it’s all based
on experiencing life.
If she really can’t get out, so that this kind of life becomes normal, then she
can’t stand it.
But now she can be completely relieved, Phaedra has surrendered,
And her grievances have been washed away, so she can leave whenever
she wants.
That being the case, she would prefer to stay at ease for a few more days.
James was a little embarrassed at this time, but he had a goal of not
disappointing customers,
So he immediately agreed and said, “Ms. Ma, don’t worry, I will help you
with this matter!”
Elaine breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Then don’t forget, I’m waiting for
your good news.”

The first thing James left Bedford Hill Correctional Institution,
He immediately took out his mobile phone and called Douglas, the old man
of the Fei family.
On the phone, he reported Elaine’s strange performance to Douglas one by
And Douglas hurriedly conveyed Elaine’s demands to Charlie word for
When Charlie was on the phone and heard Mr. Fei say,
That Elaine didn’t want to leave the prison for the time being, he himself felt
He really didn’t expect that his mother-in-law would be addicted to
squatting in prison.
It seemed that she had a really good life at the Institution.
At this time, Douglas on the other end of the phone said respectfully,
“Mr. Wade, it’s not too difficult to keep your mother-in-law in Correctional
“I can call friends from the judicial department to say hello.”
Chapter 5032
Charlie said without thinking at this time:
“Forget it, don’t bother, let’s arrange for her out of prison tomorrow.”
In fact, Charlie didn’t want to let Elaine out so early.
After all, he doesn’t really look forward to see her face every day.
However, he also has to consider the feelings of his wife.
He has been away from Providence for some time. During this time,
His wife goes to school and lives alone, and she has to worry about Elaine
in prison.
Life is a bit torturous for her.
Although she was 100% sure that he could bring Elaine out at any time,
In her view, even if she was more sure of what he said, she would still feel
After all, from her point of view, her mother was framed this time and
stabbed out a big basket,
And she might be sentenced to life imprisonment for the slightest
So she could not reassure herself completely before her mother was
released from prison.
Charlie didn’t want Claire to continue to worry,
So he planned to let Elaine come out tomorrow, and then take her to
So that Claire could feel at ease as soon as possible.
Right now, at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility.
Since Elaine met James White, her mood has become uneasy.
When she returned to the restaurant, she lost her appetite even for the
tomato and egg braised noodles.
When a group of people saw that she was in a state of dismay,
They hurriedly asked, “Sister Elaine, what’s wrong with you? Did something
Elaine shook her head dejectedly and said,
“It’s nothing, you don’t have to worry about it.”
Elaine didn’t want to tell them that she might be leaving soon.
In that case, it is estimated that many of them will celebrate with the crown.
Even inmates in other cells will celebrate the departure.
Therefore, Elaine decided not to say a word,
And let every second she stayed in the Bedford Hills Correctional Institution
be fearful.
However, in order to ensure that she could stay in prison for a few more
She used the public phone in the playground to call Charlie when she was
out for fresh air.
After Charlie connected, Elaine hurriedly said on the other end of the
“Good son-in-law, it’s Mom!”
Charlie said politely: “Mom, how are you doing these two days?”
Elaine said repeatedly: “All fine. Good, very good,”
“I called you just to tell you don’t worry about Mom, I am okay inside.”
Charlie snorted and said, “That’s good, by the way, Mom,”
“I heard about the suspect who lied to you. The person has been caught, I
believe you will be out soon.”
Elaine hurriedly said: “Good son-in-law, I am calling to talk about this
“Can you help Mom to tell your client and let them find a relationship,”
“Don’t let me come out so early, I don’t want to come out now…”
Charlie pretended to be curious and asked, “Mom, what’s wrong with you?”
“It’s hard to get a chance to regain your freedom. Now, why don’t you want
to come out?”
Elaine said hesitantly: “That… the thing is that mom made some friends in
“And I’m quite speculative with these people. I want to talk to them every
“So I want to stay for a few more days! Charlie, I don’t care! You must help
Mom find a way!”
Charlie said vaguely: “Okay, then I’ll give it a try, but I’m not sure it will
Elaine reminded: “It must be done! If you can’t help your mother,”
“She will give the prison guard a big mouth immediately so that they could
lock me up again!”
Charlie smiled helplessly: “Okay. Okay, I’ll help you think of a way to make
you satisfied.”
“It’s almost the same!”
Elaine hung up the phone contentedly after receiving Charlie’s promise.
However, Charlie didn’t have any idea of helping Elaine get her wish.
He directly sent a voice message to Joseph, which read:
“Joseph, all the people you arranged for the Bedford Hills Correctional
Institution can be evacuated,”
“And find a way to let them complete their evacuation tomorrow at noon.”
Joseph immediately replied with a message:
“Okay, Mr. Wade, your subordinate will make arrangements!”
Chapter 5033
Charlie knew Elaine very well every move of her in prison
He is very aware of her acting style and thinking logic.
Now that she has fallen in love with Bedford Hills Correctional Institution,
And liked the feeling of being intimidating there and being a ghost,
Then if she doesn’t take his request seriously, she should let her be.
She will be released from prison tomorrow, so she should definitely be
In this way, whenever she thinks about her wonderful life in there, she will
definitely criticize him later.
So the best way is to let herself decide to leave that place.
Don’t look at how happy she is now, but it’s not difficult for her to decide to
leave by herself,
As long as the three female soldiers are evacuated,
She will definitely change immediately, like crazy, and want to come out
Elaine doesn’t know what kind of routine her good son-in-law has prepared
to deal with her.
In order to ensure that Charlie could keep her in Bedford Hill Correctional
After dinner, she was going to call him again to inquire about the progress
of the matter.
On the playground, the Chinese prison guard saw Elaine and said very
“Sister Elaine, what are you doing in such a hurry?”
Elaine said worriedly: “Oh, the lawyer was here at noon today. Wasn’t he?”
“Told me that my case has been settled and that I will be released
“Really?!” The prison guard said in surprise: “Congratulations to you,”
“Sister Elaine, you will be free soon.”
Elaine waved his hand: “To tell the truth, I don’t want to go out yet,”
“So I’m going to call my son-in-law and ask him to say hello to the boss of
the New York police system,”
“And let me stay here longer. a few more days.”
The prison guard asked in surprise: “Sister Elaine, why are you doing this?”
“Everyone here wants to go out early, why do you want to stay for a few
more days?”
“This kind of opportunity to experience life, I also want to know more
“Feel more about life in American prisons, and introduce myself to my
friends when I go back in the future.”
Although the prison guard didn’t understand, she still said with a very polite
“Sister Elaine, I think you are here to experience the hardships of the
American people…”
As she spoke, she suddenly remembered something and said quickly,
“Publishing books is very popular here, not only by simple writers,”
“But also by some writers with special experience also like to publish
“You shouldn’t be accumulating materials for your own writing, right?”
Elaine’s eyes lit up, and she said, “Oh, this is a good reason, this…”
Thinking of it, she hurriedly said to the prison guard:
“I won’t tell you first, I’ll go and call my son-in-law!”
On the phone, she asked him, “Good son-in-law, how is the work that Mom
asked you to do?”
She thought of the flash of inspiration just now, and said to him,
“By the way, good son-in-law, Mom wants to stay here for a few more
“Not just for fun and making friends, but Mom also wants to go back and be
able to write a book or something,”
“Such as “The Days I Was in Prison in the United States”,”
“To expose the darkness in American prisons, maybe it will be a hit!”
Chapter 5034
Charlie was stunned, Elaine writing a book?
To reveal the darkness in American prisons? Seems like she’s the darkest
one at Bedford Hill Correctional Facility right now?
However, he didn’t say anything, just smiled slightly, and said in a very
determined tone:
“Mom, don’t worry, I have already greeted my client,”
“And he said that he will definitely help you clear the relationship,”
“So that If you don’t want to, the New York police wouldn’t let you out so
“Okay!” Elaine burst into a smile when she heard this.
For her now, the flowery world outside is still a little unremarkable,
And she feels more satisfied with the dominance of Bedford Hills
Correctional Institution.
So, she said happily: “It’s still my good son-in-law who has the ability!”
“It’s amazing to be able to find a relationship so in New York!”
Charlie laughed and said casually: “It’s a coincidence,”
“There just happens to be a client. Otherwise, I couldn’t help you much
Elaine said with a smile: “Oh, okay, it’s good to be able to help!”
“Good son-in-law, then mom won’t keep you busy,”
“You help mom Say hello to Claire and tell her not to worry,”
“And also, you don’t have to wait in New York all the time,”
“Go back to accompany her first, and Mom will come out in ten days and a
“Okay.” Charlie opened his mouth and said,
“I’ll tell Claire in a while, so you don’t have to worry about it.”
After hanging up the phone, Elaine was overjoyed.
She happily hung up the phone, and when she turned her head,
She bumped into a woman’s back. The woman turned her back in anger
When she saw Elaine, she immediately bowed respectfully and said “Sister
Seeing her shivering nervously, Elaine couldn’t help sneering, and said
“I am in a good mood now, so I am letting you go this time.”
After speaking, she turned her face and walked away swaggeringly.
On the playground, everyone who saw her still respectfully greeted her,
which made her mood even better.
But she still doesn’t know that all this is about to usher in a drastic change
The next day.
The first thing Elaine did after getting up was to vent on Chloe and Jessica.
Seeing that the two of them were still sleeping on the bed,
She immediately went to the bathroom to bring out a basin of cold water,
And poured half of the water on Chloe’s body.
She poured the remaining half of the basin onto Jessica, who was curled
up on the other bed.
Jessica also screamed in fright, and then jumped up from the bed.
Seeing Elaine standing in front of her with an empty basin,
The two wet people dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.
Elaine looked at Chloe and asked coldly,
“What do you think I’m doing? Why don’t you get up and work!”
Chloe cried and said, “We did laundry until the early hours of the morning,”
“And we just fell asleep three or four hours ago. Can you still let us live for
an hour?”
Elaine said contemptuously: “It’s already cheap for you to sleep for three or
four hours!”
“Get up quickly and wipe the floor for me, if there is dust on my feet, look if I
won’t kill you!”
Elaine has a deep hatred for Chloe.
In her opinion, even her mother-in-law was not as pure evil as Chloe.
Chapter 5035
In addition, Elaine herself is a character that must be punished.
Now that she has become the boss here, she will naturally retaliate on
Chloe dared to be angry but didn’t dare to speak,
So she could only get up quickly, and with Jessica, went to the bathroom to
change into clean clothes,
So she began to kneel on the ground and wiped the floor with all her might.
After everyone moved freely in the cell for a while,
The prison guards came over and began to roll the call.
After the name was called, the prison guard suddenly said, “Evelin Chen,
Shaniya Wang, Anika Luo,”
“You three come back after dinner to prepare, and pack your personal
“And you can go through the formalities for getting out of prison before
noon today.”
As soon as this came out, Elaine’s expression suddenly became extremely
The three names that the prison guard called were the three female
soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front,
who were Elaine’s biggest supporters at this Institution?
It is precisely because of the unparalleled combat effectiveness of these
three people,
That no one dared to provoke Elaine here.
As for those former prison bosses, who had tried to challenge Elaine’s
They were all taught a good lesson by these three.
Later, all those who were unconvinced were beaten and feared,
And Elaine became a well-deserved Bedford Mountain ghost.
However, she never thought that the three big backers who supported her,
To become the Bedford mountain ghosts would suddenly be released from
Nervous, she immediately asked, “What’s the matter?! They…they are
going out now?”
The prison guard smiled, nodded, and said,
“The defendant in their case has been withdrawn, and it can be done today.
They will be free again.”
As she said that, she looked at Elaine and said with a smile,
“By the way, Sister Elaine, I asked the kitchen to prepare soy milk fritters
for you. You can try it later.”
Elaine stayed on the spot. What soy milk fritters, she is so scared that her
face is blue and white now.
The three female soldiers were also a little surprised.
Because the order they received before was to protect Elaine at the
Bedford Hill Correctional Institution.
Therefore, in their opinion, only when Elaine is released from prison first
will it be their turn.
But they never imagined that they would be released from prison in front of
The three of them are also very clear that they have helped her during this
And established absolute prestige in the Bedford Hill Correctional
But at the same time, they have also made countless enemies.
Because the three of them were by Elaine’s side 24 hours a day,
Those who were beaten naturally did not dare to make trouble.
However, if the three of them are released from prison first and only Elaine
is left,
Then will she not be beaten to death by these vengeful people?
No one else will say it, just Chloe, who is in the same cell, will probably kill
Elaine was also trembling with fright at the moment.
She never dreamed that the transition from heaven to hell would come so
When Chloe, who was kneeling on the ground and mopping the floor,
Heard this, the whole person immediately cheered up.
She knew very well that Elaine’s protective umbrella here mainly came
from two aspects,
And the first to bear the brunt were these three women who were
particularly capable of hitting.
The second is the special care that the prison guards gave her.
And what really troubled Chloe was the three women living in the same
Chloe hated Elaine for a long time. When she heard that the three women
are going to be released from prison,
The first thing that came to her mind was to wait for the three women to
And after everyone had finished she will beat Elaine to death.
Chapter 5036
As for what would happen after Elaine tells the prison guards,
Chloe had completely ignored it at this time.
During this period of time, she was tortured by Elaine in an inhuman form,
And she just wanted to work hard for her.
The reason why she has been restrained is that she knew that with these
three women, it is useless to try her best.
But after waiting for the three women to leave, the desperate opportunity
At this time, Elaine was in a panic and fear filled her heart,
And she also gave Chloe a look. When she saw that Chloe was secretly
aiming at her with extremely vicious eyes,
Elaine only felt a chill in her back.
At this time, she could not wait to slap herself a hundred times on her big
She pondered nervously in her heart: “Dmn…isn’t this a finished calf?”
“It’s not…If I knew that the three of them would be released today,”
“Yesterday I would ask Charlie to Hurry up and get me out of prison today!”
“It’s good now… Charlie has already greeted his friends and helped me to
stay here for a few more days,”
“Then when the three of them leave, am I going to die here?”
At this time, the three female warriors of the Cataclysmic Front were also a
little worried.
Among them, Evelin, the leader, couldn’t help but said to Elaine:
“Sister Elaine, we are leaving, you must take care of yourself!”
Elaine was about to cry, and she held Evelin’s hand tremblingly, cried, and
“Evelin, Evelin, you can’t leave me here, Evelin! If you leave like this, what
will I do, Evelin…”
“Chloe and Jessica, these two b!tches, can’t wait to strip me alive?”
“There are others in other cells… They must all want to kill me…”
Evelin helplessly said: “Sister Elaine, I… I don’t know how I can go out so
“I thought I had to go out later than you… When we leave, You must take
good care of yourself,”
“Or you should hurry up and find a way to get out as soon as possible…”
Elaine choked and said, “It’s too late to say anything…”
“Even if I want to go out, I have to call my son-in-law first,”
“And ask my son-in-law to quickly think of a way, but you all leave before
noon today.”
“Even if my son-in-law can get me out in the afternoon,”
“I’m afraid I won’t survive the period from noon to the afternoon…”
After speaking, she looked at Evelin and said expectantly:
“Evelin Why don’t you hurry up and do something! Go out and hit a prison
“Or beat a few prisoners in front of the guard, so you can be locked up
Evelin was stunned, then shook her head and said: “Sister Elaine…”
“The judicial system doesn’t work that way. Even if I beat the prison guards
“It wouldn’t just keep me in jail, they would definitely notify the police first.”
“I get caught, and then the police will charge me to the court,”
“And then the court sentences me to come in before that I couldn’t come
“Then when I come in, it is estimated that it will be two days later… “
Ah?!” Elaine was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan,
And kept spinning in circles. She cried and muttered in her mouth:
“It’s finished, it’s finished, this time I’m really finished!”
Speaking, she suddenly came back to her senses and said nervously:
“No, I have to hurry up and call my good son-in-law and let him quickly find
a way to save me…”
Evelin comforted her and said:
” Sister Elaine, don’t worry first if you want to make a phone call,”
“You have to wait for the wind time, or go to a meal first!”
Elaine said in a panic: “I have the heart to die now, how can I still have the
mood to eat…”
After she finished speaking, she mumbled to herself with tears in her eyes,
“My good son-in-law, it’s up to you whether Mom can get out alive…”
“You can and you must find a way to save your mother…”
Chapter 5037
When Elaine was in a state of despair, while she was absent-mindedly
grabbing breakfast in the restaurant,
The news that the three powerful inmates were about to be released from
Had already spread throughout the Bedford Hills Correctional Institution.
Everyone knew that the reason why Elaine was able to make a kingdom
here was mainly,
Because she had three women who were powerful enough to be perverted.
Now, these three women are suddenly going to be released from prison,
This means that Elaine will completely lose her asylum!
As a result, many people who were suppressed, humiliated by Elaine,
And even cleaned up by the three females, began to ignite the flame of
revenge in their hearts.
Everyone was looking forward to repairing Elaine after the three people
To see if she was still the so-called Bedford Mountain ghost.
Because of this, throughout breakfast time,
Elaine could always feel the eyes and threats from all directions.
The flustered Elaine, after breakfast, went to the playground to grab a
public phone as soon as possible,
Got the phone, and called Charlie immediately.
After receiving Elaine’s call, Charlie didn’t find it strange at all,
And asked with a smile, “Mom, why did you call me so early?”
“I have already done everything you asked me to do yesterday,”
“And it is expected that the New York police will be there after a week,”
You will regain your freedom. During this time, you can have a good time in
there with your new friends,”
“And by the way, you can also accumulate some materials for the book you
want to write.”
Elaine suppressed the fear in her heart and blurted out:
“Good son-in-law, about that…you better let them release me quickly, I
don’t want to stay here…”
Charlie pretended to be surprised and asked, “Mom, why did you suddenly
think about it again?”
“I just said hello to them, I’m afraid it won’t change anymore…”
When Elaine heard this, she was even more frightened,
And even her voice was a little nervous and pleaded:
“Good son-in-law, please help me to find a way to get my mother out as
soon as possible,”
“It is best to let your mother get out of here before noon today.”
“I really don’t want to stay here for a minute!”
Charlie asked inexplicably: “Mom, what’s wrong with you?”
“Actually, I think your motivation for writing a book yesterday was really
“When your book is finished and published in China at that time,”
“We will also be able to let people see the unknown side of the United
States, and maybe even win an award!”
Elaine saw that Charlie actually believed her nonsense remarks and it
made her feel extremely annoyed,
But she didn’t dare to let him know the truth, so she could only bite the
bullet and say;
“You also know about Mom’s situation, how can someone like me be able
to write books?”
“Ah! If it’s not well written, wouldn’t it make people laugh…”
After speaking, she couldn’t wait to ask: “Good son-in-law,”
“Can you get Mom out today? I can’t stay any longer! Please help Mom!”
Charlie pretended to be surprised and asked,
“Mom, what happened to you? Did you get bullied inside?”
Elaine wanted to follow Charlie’s words, tell him that she was indeed bullied
in prison,
She believes this will make Charlie pay attention and get her out quickly.
But after thinking about it, in the future, she still wants to rely on the stalks
of the Bedford Mountain Ghost to brag to others.
If she now admits that she was bullied in prison,
How can she tell others vividly about her time in the future?
The legendary experience of the Bradford Hill Correctional Institution?
Thinking of this, she could only quickly explain: “Mom mainly misses you,”
“And I dreamed of Claire last night, so I thought that I would call you when I
had a meal early this morning.”
“It’s better to go out early, go out early and see Claire sooner…”
Chapter 5038
Charlie thought for a moment, and said with some embarrassment:
“Mom, I will definitely help you with this matter, but I don’t know if it can be
“Sure, if you can’t come out today, you will work hard and persevere,”
“And I will try my best to let you come out tomorrow or the day after.”
Elaine said nervously: “Good son-in-law, can you be in a hurry, not
tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!”
“Think of a way to see how I can go out today…”
Charlie snorted and said, “I call my friends and wait for my news first.”
Elaine hurriedly said: “Good son-in-law,”
“Then I will call you at noon! You must help Mom find a relationship!”
“Okay.” Charlie deliberately trying to make her nervous, he reminded her:
“Mom, I’m still saying that, you just told me yesterday that you don’t want to
come out for the time being,”
“But now you suddenly are telling me that you want to come out today,”
“I really don’t know about it. Can’t give a 100% guarantee.”
Elaine was extremely annoyed at this time, but she also knew that her
request was too sudden,
And it might be really difficult for Charlie to fish her out before noon,
After all, from now on there are only four hours left for lunch.
Thinking of the urgency of time, Elaine’s heart immediately became uneasy,
But now she can only tell Charlie: “Good son-in-law, you must do your
After speaking, she thought to herself: “If he still does it at noon I’m not
“I’ll call him again during the lunch break, and then I won’t care about my
“Crying and begging him to let him find a way to take me away…”
Hanging up the phone, she walked through the playground in a panic,
Looking for the three females. This time, no one of the other prisoners
encountered by passing by called her Sister Elaine respectfully.
Everyone looked at her with a smile that was not a smile.
It’s because the three ladies haven’t been released from prison,
So everyone doesn’t dare to directly trouble Elaine.
At this time, Elaine came to the three and said worriedly:
“You haven’t left yet, the eyes of these people looking at me are not quite
right, if you leave, what should I do?
Evelin, the leader of the three, quickly suggested to her:
“Sister Elaine, then you have to find a way to get out!”
“It’s difficult for the prison guards to guarantee your safety 100% here,”
“Not to mention that Chloe and Jessica are eyeing you.”
Elaine nodded again and again: “I’ve already called my son-in-law,”
“But I don’t know if he can get me out as soon as possible…”
After speaking, she asked Evelin: “Evelin, can you teach me?”
“A little self-defense, in case anyone troubles me, I at least have the ability
to protect myself.”
Evelin said embarrassedly: “Sister Elaine, I can teach you,”
“But it is impossible for you to learn it in one day…and even if you learn it,”
“It’s hard for you to take advantage of Chloe and Jessica at your age.”
“Then what to do…” Elaine was extremely flustered, and then she suddenly
thought of something,
And quickly said to Evelin: “Evelin, why don’t you do this!”
“Don’t you guys want to go back and start packing your personal
belongings later?”
“Why don’t you take this opportunity and find an excuse?”
“I’ll give them an excuse to repair them!”
“It’s better to break their legs so that they can’t do anything to me!”
Evelin was stunned, if Elaine made this request yesterday,
She must do it immediately without saying a word, after all, this is the task
given to her by the Supreme Commander.
However, things are different now.
Joseph had told them a long time ago that under normal circumstances,
They would protect Elaine at the Institution until she is released from
prison, and they had to obey her.
But if they are released early, the signal would mean an emergency
termination of the mission.
And once the mission is terminated urgently, they must no longer actively
interfere with Elaine’s situation!
So Evelin said embarrassedly: “I’m sorry, Sister Elaine,”
“Although we got along very well during this time, we are not your
“Not to mention, we are finally going to be released.”
“In this case, we cannot cause trouble, so from now on, you’re on your
Chapter 5039
With Evelin’s words, Elaine fell into a cold ice cellar.
She was not in the mood to bother her if her request was too much.
She only knew that Evelin, who had been covering her at the Institution,
was no longer concerned with her life.
The uneasy Elaine sat alone on the bed,
Watching Evelin and the two pack their personal belongings, she panicked
and was afraid.
Staying up until noon in anxiety, the prison guard came to the cell again.
After the roll call was over, she said to Evelin and the others,
“Have you three packed your things? Your lawyers have arrived.”
“Now you can go through the formalities with me and prepare to be
released from prison.”
Evelin nodded. She opened her mouth and said,
“We’ve all packed up, and we can leave now.”
“Okay.” The prison guard said, “Come with me.”
After that, she took Evelin and the two and started to leave.
At this time, Elaine hurriedly asked:
“Is there any news about me? When will you let me out?”
The prison guard asked in surprise, “Sister Elaine,”
“Don’t you have to wait a few more days to get out of prison?”
Elaine blurted out: “I’ve already called my son-in-law and asked him to get
me out today,”
“Haven’t you received the news?”
The female prison guard shook her head and said, “I haven’t received any
news yet.”
“Today it is only three of them getting released from prison in your cell, and
no one else.”
Elaine immediately became nervous and blurted out,
“Stephene, please say hello to your warden and tell them my case has
been overturned,”
“And the person who framed me has also been caught, can you release me
“This…” The female prison guard said embarrassedly,
“Sister Elaine, it’s not up to us to let people go, it’s up to the police or the
“Or you can go to the playground after the meal later. Call your son-in-law
to ask?”
Elaine could only nod her head uneasily, and at the same time she made
up her mind,
That when she goes out later for fresh air, she must call Charlie as soon as
And let him rescue her, if it was really impossible,
At least she had to let the prison guards put her in the solitary cell,
Otherwise, she might really be beaten to death.
Afterward, the prison guards took away the three,
While the others began to line up at the restaurant.
The three had just left, and Chloe, who had been suppressed by Elaine
Walked up to her, gritted her teeth, and whispered: “You are dead!”
Elaine said in a panic. : “Don’t be too arrogant! My son-in-law is very
Chloe sneered: “So what? Can he come in to protect you? If not, then I will
kill you first!”
She said again: “Don’t worry, everything you did to me,”
“I will get it back tenfold! I’d rather be locked up here for the rest of my life!”
Elaine’s legs can not help but be a little weak.
And the former prison guard Jessica also stepped forward and said with
“Your son-in-law caused me to lose my job and go to prison, and you
tortured me for so many days,”
“This afternoon. When you get to the cell, I’m going to break your legs,”
“And let you lick the floor clean with your mouth!”
Chloe looked at Jessica and said with a smile,
“Jessica, you can only break her one leg.”
Jessica asked inexplicably: “Why?! I’m willing to break both her legs!”
Chapter 5040
Chloe sneered: “Because you want to leave the other leg for me!”
Jessica smiled and said, “I want to save one for you,”
“But I’m worried that when we go to the playground after lunch,”
“The people in the other cells will not be able to control themselves and
beat her to death first!”
“Also…” Chloe looked at Elaine and sneered: “You still don’t know if you
can go back to the cell alive,”
“Those people who have been bullied by you in other cells,”
“I’m afraid they are all waiting now to teach you a lesson!”
When Elaine heard this, her whole body softened and she almost fell to the
She can’t wait to find a place to hide immediately,
But she is queuing up to go to the restaurant. There is nowhere to escape
except this way.
Even if she wants to go to the playground to call Charlie for help,
She has to wait until lunch is over, because only After lunch,
They, the prisoners and suspects, can enter the playground.
However, going to the playground also means great danger.
Because there are often violent incidents on the playground.
At Bedford Hills Correctional Institution, people in the same cell usually
resolve disputes in the cell,
But people in different cells can only have the opportunity to do it when
they are in the playground.
The reason why Elaine was able to become the ghost of Bedford Mountain
was because,
When she used to let out the air almost every day,
She would ask Evelin and the others to teach the people in other cells a
Naturally, she became the eldest sister of the entire Bedford Hills
Correctional Institution.
However, this also means that she has made countless enemies here.
Now that she has lost her shelter, she might be beaten to death when she
is released later.
Elaine’s heart was already extremely desperate, for fear that she would
have to explain it here today.
Following the line to the restaurant, all the prisoners in the restaurant knew
that Elaine had lost his backing.
For a time, many people looked at her with hostility in their eyes,
And many people even wished they would rush up to beat her right now.
And those who usually follow her in front of and behind the horse have kept
a distance from her at this time.
They used to come to the restaurant to eat, and there were people who
especially served her plates,
But now there is not even a person who dares to sit with her. All are gone.
Many people are watching her, wanting to confirm whether she still has a
And Elaine also knows that it is extremely important for her to find a group
to join in.
If anyone is willing to help at this time, take them in, maybe she can have
more security.
Elaine held the dinner plate, looked around for a long time,
And saw a few Chinese compatriots who had been very flattering to her
These compatriots originally lived in the cell next to hers.
Elaine and they had nothing to do with each other, but after Elaine became
a ghost in Bedford Hills,
One day, when they were out in the air, they found her and said tearfully
that there was a woman in their cell.
She as the head of the cell always bullied them, hoping that Elaine could
help out,
So that the other party would stop bullying them.
In order to let Elaine take action, when they begged her for help,
They even knelt in a row in front of her.
Elaine was at the stage of extreme expansion at the time.
Seeing that the other party was so respectful to her,
And another compatriot was being bullied, and she immediately agreed.
She directly asked Evelin and beat the cell leader so hard that the cell
leader was still lying in the infirmary.
And these few Chinese compatriots, because of Elaine’s protection,
Turned over and became the new boss in their cell.
After that, these people would gather around Elaine to greet her every day,
When they were eating and venturing out. It was so respectful.
Therefore, at the moment, she thought to herself, since she owes this other
party a big favor,
They have to lend a helping hand and help her at this time,
And at least they have to protect her from being beaten when she is out for
fresh air.
So, she took the dinner plate and walked towards these people.
However, when she just arrived in front of the other party and was about to
sit on an empty seat next to them,
One of them immediately put her leg on the empty seat and said
indifferently, “There is someone here!”
Chapter 5041
Elaine subconsciously said: “Monica, isn’t this free?”
After speaking, she quickly said to the woman:
“Monica, for the sake of sister who helped you before,”
“I beg you to help me this time, as long as You can protect your sister,”
“And let me go to the playground to call my son-in-law later!”
The woman called Monica hummed and stood up suddenly,
Elaine thought that the other party got up to let her sit Next,
She was about to open her mouth to thank her,
But she didn’t expect that the other party suddenly grabbed the plate in her
And directly took the plate with the meal, and threw it into the trash can
next to her!
Just when Elaine looked surprised and wanted to ask the other party why
she did this,
Monica said coldly: “Elaine, I have long disliked you because there are a
few who can fight.”
“You, you don’t look like a goddamn float, and you still act like my mother,”
“Who the hell are you to get me as far as you want!”
Elaine never dreamed that the person who used to wag her tail in front of
her and begged for pity,
And then followed her with respect and sadness, will now turn into this
She couldn’t get over her anger and blurted out,
“Monica, you can’t be so unconscionable,”
“How did I do when you guys knelt in front of me and cried and begged me
to help you get ahead?”
“Now I need your help. Do you still have a conscience?”
The woman called Monica gave Elaine an ugly look, and said coldly,
“Don’t give me your face, right? No more. Don’t blame me for being rude to
Elaine was very indignant and couldn’t help but grit her teeth:
“You have to be rude to me, I have helped you so much, do you still want to
hit me?!”
An angry rebuke attracted the attention of many people in the prison.
Many people know that these few Chinese female prisoners have been
with Elaine all the time,
So many people who want to do something for Elaine are also observing
the performance of these women,
To see if they will be able to do it.
Monica also saw that everyone around her was paying attention to them.
She didn’t want these people to mistakenly think that she would help Elaine
to get ahead,
So her face darkened, she slapped Elaine in the face with a flick of her
hand, and scolded loudly:
“Dmn, you’re so shameless! Get out of here! No more of this nonsense!”
Elaine never dreamed that this woman who used to cry in front of her and
begged for help…
Would raise her hand and slap her when she needed help the most.
She covered her face, tears were already swirling in her eyes, she choked
and asked:
“Monica, even if I didn’t help you before, you should at least give me a
hand for the sake of my compatriots?”
“Even if you don’t Give me a hand, there’s no need to get into trouble at
this time, right?!”
Monica said impatiently: “Who the hell is your compatriot, I have an
American passport!”
“Unlike you, you don’t even have a fcuking green card. You still have a
tourist visa!”
“You…” Elaine only felt that the whole person’s heart was cold to the
She really did not expect that the people she helped would become so
Desperate and collapsed, Elaine’s tears flowed uncontrollably like a broken
She thought that she was heartless enough, but she didn’t expect to
encounter a more shameless existence than herself.
At this moment, she realized how ridiculous she was before.
And those who were respectful to her before did not really fear or respect
her at all.
In the end, she is the real joke.
When Monica saw Elaine burst into tears in front of her,
She couldn’t help but said fiercely: “If you want to cry, get out and cry,”
“Don’t fcuking cry in front of me, otherwise don’t say those people are going
to kill you,”
“I don’t care. It will make me feel better!”
Elaine felt resentment in her heart, but she could only turn around silently,
And hid in a corner of the restaurant alone.
At this time, a Chinese woman who was a few years younger than her took
the initiative to sit in front of her,
Chapter 5042
And at the same time handed a fried chicken leg in front of her, and said,
“In this kind of place, no one can believe it, especially when you go out.”
“You have to be more vigilant when you are outside.”
Elaine said aggrievedly: “I really didn’t expect these people to be so
The woman smiled and said lightly: “What is this… This is nothing, your
stay here has been too short,”
“If you stay longer, you can encounter anything.”
After speaking, she asked Elaine, “Do you know how I got in?”
Elaine shook her head, blankly. Ask: “How did you get in?”
The woman laughed and said, “Because of selling hairy crabs…”
Elaine asked inexplicably, “How can you sell hairy crabs and get to prison?”
The woman shook her head and said, “You don’t know that hairy crabs are
an invasive species,”
“In this part of the United States. Selling hairy crabs here is essentially
Elaine asked in surprise: “You still sell and you break the law?”
The woman smiled bitterly: “In the past, everyone sold it secretly,”
“And all of them were sold to the Chinese. You know, we Chinese love to
eat hairy crabs,”
“Especially when people in the United States miss the bite of their
“So we find some channels to import a batch of crabs. Coming here, on the
one hand,”
“You can make some money, and on the other hand, you can help your
compatriots get back the feeling of hometown,”
“And this kind of business is carried out in private, only in the Chinese
circle, and it has always been safe… .”
Elaine hurriedly asked: “Since it’s been safe all the time, why is there still
an accident?”
The woman sighed: “I bought a batch of hairy crabs some time ago.”
“Because the quality was good and the price was not too expensive, they
sold very well and quickly,”
“A Chinese man heard about it and drove a long distance to buy it,”
“But it was sold out by the time he came.”
“He was so angry that he called the police, and the police immediately
arrested me.
Elaine was stunned and blurted out: “How can such a thing happen?!”
“Yeah.” The woman laughed at herself and said, “So like I told you just
“You must always be vigilant, don’t trust anyone.”
After speaking, she lowered her voice and said seriously: “When you
helped them in their earlier,”
“I wanted to find an opportunity to remind you, but I haven’t spoken to you.”
“Individuals are not bullied like they told you. In fact, they have always
wanted to compete with that woman for the position of the cell boss,”
“But because the number of people was a little different, and the methods
are not as ruthless,”
“They are always being bullied. The other party suppressed them and
never got their wish.”
“Later, when they saw that they couldn’t beat the other party,”
“They ran to ask you for help. You directly let that woman be maimed, and
they became the boss.”
Elaine heard this. She trembled, gritted her teeth, and said:
“Dmn, these people are so good at acting! They knelt in front of me and
“And said that that woman has been bullying them and didn’t even treat
them as human beings,”
“I thought they were really bullied, I thought they were pitiful to help
The woman on the opposite side smiled slightly and said,
“There are basically not many poor people who can come here,”
“And most of them deserve what they deserve! You should take it as a
“And you must polish your eyes up when looking at people in the future.”
Elaine was angry and regretful in her heart, but now she knew that regret
had no meaning,
So she asked the woman, “Why did you tell me this?”
The woman said lightly, “I think you are not bad. Just a little crazy,”
“But at least there is a little conscience, otherwise it is impossible to help
them for no reason, so I thought of reminding you.”
Elaine suddenly felt ashamed, and couldn’t help but choked:
“I should have known them earlier. So shameless, even if they die in front
of me, I won’t reach out!”
Saying that she lamented: “I knew it would be like this,”
“I shouldn’t have been so high profile.”
“I don’t know how many people want to kill me, I’m really afraid I won’t
survive today…”
Chapter 5043
Elaine endured a long twenty minutes in darkness and fear.
As the twenty minutes passed, Elaine rushed to the public phone on the
side of the playground.
Seeing her desperately running, many prisoners watched with cold eyes.
Although many of them were eager to teach her a lesson, they were just
starting to let loose.
There were many prison guards staring around, and they didn’t dare for a
while to immediately act on her.
According to the practice of the prison guards at Bedford Hills Correctional
In the first fifteen minutes and the last fifteen minutes of the one-hour
release time,
It is necessary to focus on this group of prisoners,
Because according to their consistent experience,
The most frequent node of escape from prison is,
In the middle of the prisoner’s journey through the different areas.
From the cell to the restaurant, from the restaurant to the playground,
And from the workplace to the cell, these processes are generally the
high-incidence stage of prison escapes.
It often happens that there are 20 people just now, but they pass through a
certain area.
Note that there are only nineteen left.
Therefore, after they escorted the prisoners to the playground,
And before they are ready to bring the prisoners back to the cell from the
The prison guards spend fifteen minutes to count the number of people,
And observe whether there is any abnormality in numbers.
As for the middle half an hour, it is the prisoner’s free time.
In prison, fights are almost impossible to avoid.
Therefore, for managers, it is also a very important control method to set
aside a little time,
Every day for prisoners to resolve conflicts.
If the prisoners are not given the opportunity to resolve their conflicts for a
long time,
And let the prisoners squeeze out their dissatisfaction with hatred, it is often
easy to cause big troubles.
If they are given the opportunity to have a meal with their bare hands every
day, then basically nothing big would happen.
In the past few days, Elaine has used this half-hour of vacuum time,
To continuously establish her prestige and make herself the ghost in
Bedford Mountain.
Right now, her biggest wish is to make a call to Charlie before the half-hour
vacuum time,
And let him find a way to save her no matter what.
After running all the way, she was the first to pick up the public phone,
And then dial Charlie with trembling hands.
As soon as the call got through, she couldn’t care less about losing face,
And cried and said, “Good son-in-law, when are you going to get Mom out!”
Charlie said on the other end of the phone, “Mom,”
“I have asked someone to say hello, today You must be released before
the evening.”
When Elaine heard this, she blurted out: “Ah?! We have to wait until the
“Good son-in-law, Mom is telling you the truth, I can wait at most ten
minutes now.”
“If you don’t think of a way to save Mom, Mom may die here.”
Charlie actually knew everything about her,
But at this time he still pretended to be surprised and asked,
“Mom, what happened? Aren’t you very happy in prison?”
Now, Elaine is no longer just trying to save face, she choked and said to
“My good son-in-law, the reason why I didn’t want to be so fast some time
“Was because I met a few Chinese friends inside. They not only have a
good relationship with me,”
“But they were also very good at fighting. With them covering me,”
“I was very comfortable here…” Speaking of this, Elaine lamented:
“But…but I never dreamed that they would be released this morning.”
“Now they have been released from prison, but the people they offended
before are waiting to get revenge on me!”
“If you don’t get your mom out quickly, those people will probably beat me
to death!”
Charlie exclaimed, “Mom, you shouldn’t be in a gang in prison anymore.
Elaine said angrily: “That’s almost what it means… Good son-in-law,”
“Can you help me and save me right away… I am begging you.”
“Now! The situation is so urgent, Mom really can’t wait any longer!”
Chapter 5044
Charlie sighed and said, “Mom, this is America after all, and I’m not familiar
with things here,”
“So it’s really not that easy to operate, and I’m also entrusting others to
“So there will definitely be delays in efficiency… ..”
After speaking, he said again: “Mom, let’s see, I’ll rush over now,”
“Call my client on the way, see if he can help find a way,”
“And try to release you as soon as possible. When the time comes,”
“I will pick you up directly, and let’s go back to Providence together!”
In fact, Charlie himself had already arrived at the Bedford Hill Correctional
Institution at this time.
Along with him, there was Douglas from the Fei family.
The two were standing in the warden’s office at this time,
Overlooking the entire prison playground from a height.
Elaine was so anxious in front of the public phone at the moment that
Charlie had a panoramic view.
For him, if he wanted to get her out, with just one sentence,
Douglas could make the warden release her immediately within ten
But for Charlie, it was really too cheap for Elaine.
She is a person who always remembers what to eat and not to fight.
If there is little benefit, she will completely lose her normal judgment.
Even if it is licking blood with the tip of a knife or taking food from a tiger’s
As long as she is allowed to taste the benefits, she will become braver and
The more you do it, the more addictive it becomes.
Just like this time at Bedford Hills Correctional Institution, if she has food
and knows how to advance and retreat,
If she knows how to take it as soon as possible, then the first time James
White finds her,
She should be ready to be released from prison and quickly leave that
place of right and wrong.
However, because she was greedy for her unique influence here,
She took the initiative to request a delay in her release from prison.
In Charlie’s opinion, it was outrageously stupid.
If he doesn’t take this opportunity to teach her a lesson,
Then she will not have a long memory next time.
Therefore, he has planned a whole set of reality shows for her in advance,
But now it is only just entering the warm-up stage.
Now he is embarrassed on the phone, but it is to make Elaine more
Even more regretful, and to teach her a complete lesson.
Elaine is indeed very regretful, but it is too late to say anything now,
She can only pin all her hopes on him, and choked:
“Good son-in-law, it must be as soon as possible, otherwise,”
“You can only wait to collect mom’s corpse…”
As soon as she finished speaking, a black shadow appeared in front of
Elaine’s eyes,
And then the phone in her hand was snatched away.
Before she came back to her senses, the other party had hung up the
Then kicked her in the stomach, and she flew far away, and said cursingly,
“This is a public phone, not your home. Why is it taking you so long!”
Elaine fell to the ground with a hoot, only to see clearly when she got up,
The one who kicked her, it turned out to be Monica.
Elaine was a little angry, and blurted out: “Monica! You are going too far!”
“I’m calling my family, what does it have to do with you?!”
The woman called Monica Zhang smiled and said coldly:
“We have a relationship! Don’t we?”
She said this and stared at her through gritted teeth, and scolded:
“Do you know that I thought you could cover me, so I asked you for help,”
“I gave Mandy a hard lesson in our cell, but now? Your backers are gone,”
“And now a lot of people are waiting to teach you,”
“Have you ever thought that when Mandy comes back from the infirmary,
What should we do?!”
“That Mandy, she’s been detained for two or three years, and there are
quite a few good inmates.”
“Those people didn’t dare to help her against me before because they were
afraid of you.”
“The people around me, now that they are out of prison, when Mandy
comes back,”
“She will definitely call her fellow inmates to seek revenge on me,”
“And I am afraid my end will be miserable!”
Chapter 5045
Saying that she stepped on Elaine’s chest and shouted angrily:
“You fcuking made me miserable! I’ll let you make it clear in front of
everyone in a while,”
“It’s not me who told you to teach Mandy, it’s you who watch Mandy
“It’s not pleasing to the eye! If you say it honestly,”
“I’ll let you go, otherwise, I’ll break your dog’s legs!”
For Monica, what she is most worried about now is self-protection.
Once the injured Mandy comes back, she will definitely seek revenge,
And she, who lost her backer, is not her opponent at all,
So the only thing she can do now is to distance herself from it.
Right now she is in the release stage, everyone is watching from the
And even can’t wait to do something to Elaine later.
If she beats Elaine violently in front of everyone at this time,
It would be equivalent to telling everyone with practical actions that she has
nothing to do with Elaine.
If she forces Elaine to take the blame in public again, then her risk will be
greatly reduced.
She really can’t wait for Mandy to come, and kneel down and beg her for
mercy, maybe she can escape this disaster.
It was only at this moment that Elaine understood how sinister the human
heart can be.
She had a rare bit of backbone, and scolded her through gritted teeth:
“Monica, you fcuking want your mother to take the blame for you,”
“You are just dreaming! You were the one who knelt in front of me and
begged me to help you solve that Mandy,”
“If you want me to take the blame for you in front of everyone, let me tell
you, there is no door!”
Monica didn’t expect that Elaine would dare to expose her own bottom line
in public,
And suddenly became angry and kicked Elaine again.
Pointed at her and scolded: “You are courting death yourself, don’t blame
me for being ruthless!”
After that, she winked at the two beside her, and said loudly: “Beat her to
In addition The two were still a little worried at this time,
And one of them whispered: “Monica, it’s not good to do it at this time,”
“Let’s wait for a while, or if we are seen by the prison guards, we will be in
Monica scolded in a low voice: “Dmn, are you out of your mind!”
“The problem now is not the prison guards at all?”
“Now we must let everyone see how we taught Elaine, otherwise in case
she goes back before Mandy comes back.”
“What should I do if she gets out of prison? When Mandy has nowhere to
take revenge,”
“We will definitely be blamed! If we can help her teach Elaine a hard lesson
in the presence of everyone,”
“When she comes back, We can tell her that we have already avenged

The other two suddenly came to their senses, so without saying a word,
They rushed up and started punching and kicking Elaine.
In the upstairs office, Charlie saw that she was suddenly beaten by several
oriental-looking women,
And asked Evelin next to him in surprise:
“Who are those women? Why did they attack my mother-in-law?”
With a surprised face, she said, “Mr. Wade, these women are all people
your mother-in-law helped.”
“They were bullied a lot here before. Later, your mother-in-law instructed,”
“Us to take action and help them solve the boss of their cell.”
“And let them take the other’s place.”
Charlie frowned and said, “That is to say, my mother-in-law was kind to
them, right?”
“Yes!” Evelin nodded without hesitation, and said,
“Before whenever it’s time to eat and let out the air, they always follow your
“To the front and back, very attentive, and I don’t know why they suddenly
attacked her this time.”
Charlie nodded and said coldly, “No matter what the reason is,”
“It’s definitely the case. It’s a favor and avenging, so let’s start Plan B.”
When Douglas on the side heard this, he immediately said to the warden,
The warden agreed without hesitation, and immediately took out the
walkie-talkie and ordered a few times.
And Charlie turned around and said to the female soldiers of Cataclysmic
“You also follow the alternative plan, and teach a good lesson to these
ungrateful ba5tards!”
The three immediately said, “Subordinates obey!”
After saying that, she immediately turned around and walked out.
Chapter 5046
At this moment, the alarm sounded loudly in the playground,
And several prison guards rushed out of the door and ran all the way to
Who was being surrounded and beaten, and directly controlled by the three
who were beating her.
Monica didn’t panic at all at this time. She knew that when she was fighting
at this time,
The prison guards would definitely not ignore it. However, in her opinion,
It didn’t matter even if she was locked up by the prison guards.
After all, she beat Elaine in public because she wanted to express her
So, she tried her best to break free from the prison guard who was hugging
Rushed to Elaine’s side, and stomped her foot on the calf of her right leg.
Elaine had broken her right leg several times,
But now she is not completely agile. She was suddenly stomped on by
Only to hear a click, and instantly felt a sharp pain,
The whole person collapsed and shouted: “Ah… …my leg…my leg! It’s
broken again!”
Monica watched Elaine rolling on the ground with her broken leg,
And scolded deliberately in a loud voice: “Listen you b!tch! I gave you this
kick for Mandy!”
“Don’t forget that Mandy’s leg was interrupted by you!”
“Then I’ll break your leg to avenge her! This is called Blood debt is paid for
by blood!”
Elaine rolled on the ground in pain and couldn’t help shouting to several
prison guards:
“My leg…my leg is broken again! Please take me to the hospital.”
“Come on! Don’t let me stay here any longer! Please!”
For Elaine, the pain was secondary, the most important thing was that she
had to quickly find a way to leave the Bedford Hills Correctional Institution,
If it really doesn’t work, go to the hospital to delay,
Maybe Charlie will be able to let the prison release her at night.
At this moment, the female prison guard suddenly ran over and said out of
“Sister Elaine, you have been released!”
Elaine even forgot the pain and subconsciously heard this.
“Really?! I am really released?!”
“Yes!” The prison guard had already started to execute according to
Charlie’s plan B,
So she said without hesitation: “The relationship your son-in-law is looking
for has already called our warden,”
“And the warden asked me to arrange for you to be released immediately!”
“Great!” Elaine almost cried with joy.
Although she was beaten by the three and even broke her leg,
But now that she is to be released, it means that she has stopped her
losses in time!
She originally thought that if she couldn’t get out at noon,
She was afraid that she would be beaten for half her life.
So, she blurted out and choked: “Quick… let me out… I don’t want any
personal belongings,”
“I just ask you to let me out immediately…”
The prison guard immediately said, “Don’t worry, Sister Elaine,”
“You can go through the formalities with me now.”
“I’ll call an ambulance for you first and take you to the hospital for
“Okay, okay!” Elaine was excited. With tears in her eyes, she quickly said,
“Please, send me there now, I don’t want to stay here for a minute…”
The prison guard asked her, “Sister Elaine, are you sure you want to get
out of prison?”
“Don’t want to stay in Bedford Hill Correctional Institution anymore, right?”
“Yes, yes!” Elaine nodded like an oil drilling machine, choked up: “No more,
no more!”
Just after finishing speaking, another prison guard walked in with three
women in custody.
Elaine took a closer look, and suddenly her jaw dropped.
Because these three women are none other than Evelin and her friends
who were taken away before lunch and released.
She ignored the pain and asked in astonishment: “Evelin…you…why are
you back?”
Evelin said helplessly, “Don’t mention Sister Elaine, the plaintiff gave up
“The lawsuit was withdrawn, saying that we had to discuss the conditions
with our lawyers,”
“There is no way, we have to continue to be detained here…”
As she spoke, she looked at Elaine and asked in surprise: “Sister Elaine,
what happened to you?”
Elaine was full of grievances and had nowhere to vent.
She pointed at Monica and the other two of them and cried,
“They beat me…I helped them so much, and they beat me to death…”
When Evelin heard this, she immediately gritted her teeth and said,
“Sister Elaine, don’t worry, we will definitely teach these ba5tards who will
pay for what they did!”
Chapter 5046
At this moment, the alarm sounded loudly in the playground,
And several prison guards rushed out of the door and ran all the way to
Who was being surrounded and beaten, and directly controlled by the three
who were beating her.
Monica didn’t panic at all at this time. She knew that when she was fighting
at this time,
The prison guards would definitely not ignore it. However, in her opinion,
It didn’t matter even if she was locked up by the prison guards.
After all, she beat Elaine in public because she wanted to express her
So, she tried her best to break free from the prison guard who was hugging
Rushed to Elaine’s side, and stomped her foot on the calf of her right leg.
Elaine had broken her right leg several times,
But now she is not completely agile. She was suddenly stomped on by
Only to hear a click, and instantly felt a sharp pain,
The whole person collapsed and shouted: “Ah… …my leg…my leg! It’s
broken again!”
Monica watched Elaine rolling on the ground with her broken leg,
And scolded deliberately in a loud voice: “Listen you b!tch! I gave you this
kick for Mandy!”
“Don’t forget that Mandy’s leg was interrupted by you!”
“Then I’ll break your leg to avenge her! This is called Blood debt is paid for
by blood!”
Elaine rolled on the ground in pain and couldn’t help shouting to several
prison guards:
“My leg…my leg is broken again! Please take me to the hospital.”
“Come on! Don’t let me stay here any longer! Please!”
For Elaine, the pain was secondary, the most important thing was that she
had to quickly find a way to leave the Bedford Hills Correctional Institution,
If it really doesn’t work, go to the hospital to delay,
Maybe Charlie will be able to let the prison release her at night.
At this moment, the female prison guard suddenly ran over and said out of
“Sister Elaine, you have been released!”
Elaine even forgot the pain and subconsciously heard this.
“Really?! I am really released?!”
“Yes!” The prison guard had already started to execute according to
Charlie’s plan B,
So she said without hesitation: “The relationship your son-in-law is looking
for has already called our warden,”
“And the warden asked me to arrange for you to be released immediately!”
“Great!” Elaine almost cried with joy.
Although she was beaten by the three and even broke her leg,
But now that she is to be released, it means that she has stopped her
losses in time!
She originally thought that if she couldn’t get out at noon,
She was afraid that she would be beaten for half her life.
So, she blurted out and choked: “Quick… let me out… I don’t want any
personal belongings,”
“I just ask you to let me out immediately…”
The prison guard immediately said, “Don’t worry, Sister Elaine,”
“You can go through the formalities with me now.”
“I’ll call an ambulance for you first and take you to the hospital for
“Okay, okay!” Elaine was excited. With tears in her eyes, she quickly said,
“Please, send me there now, I don’t want to stay here for a minute…”
The prison guard asked her, “Sister Elaine, are you sure you want to get
out of prison?”
“Don’t want to stay in Bedford Hill Correctional Institution anymore, right?”
“Yes, yes!” Elaine nodded like an oil drilling machine, choked up: “No more,
no more!”
Just after finishing speaking, another prison guard walked in with three
women in custody.
Elaine took a closer look, and suddenly her jaw dropped.
Because these three women are none other than Evelin and her friends
who were taken away before lunch and released.
She ignored the pain and asked in astonishment: “Evelin…you…why are
you back?”
Evelin said helplessly, “Don’t mention Sister Elaine, the plaintiff gave up
“The lawsuit was withdrawn, saying that we had to discuss the conditions
with our lawyers,”
“There is no way, we have to continue to be detained here…”
As she spoke, she looked at Elaine and asked in surprise: “Sister Elaine,
what happened to you?”
Elaine was full of grievances and had nowhere to vent.
She pointed at Monica and the other two of them and cried,
“They beat me…I helped them so much, and they beat me to death…”
When Evelin heard this, she immediately gritted her teeth and said,
“Sister Elaine, don’t worry, we will definitely teach these ba5tards who will
pay for what they did!”
Chapter 5047
Monica, who just beat Elaine, had never dreamed that the three of them,
Who had just been released from prison, would come back!
At this moment, she was completely frightened!
She has seen the strength of these three people. As long as they are here,
No one at the Bedford Hills Correctional Institution will be able to overturn
the sky.
Even if Mandy comes back, she can’t be their opponent…
This means that the act of hitting Elaine is simply going to be a disaster!
Terrified, she quickly knelt on the ground with a thud, and said tearfully,
“Sister Lan, I’m sorry, Sister Lan, I really didn’t mean it…I…I was
completely blind. Sister Lan…”
Elaine hated the woman, gritted her teeth, and said,
“You fcuking have the face to say that you didn’t mean it!”
“I have lived so this long, and I have never seen a person with such a face!”
After speaking, she looked at Evelin and choked:
“Evelin, you must avenge me, and you can’t let her go!”
Evelin said without thinking: “Sister Lan, don’t worry, what I hate the most in
my life,”
“Is a rubbish that doubles down on both sides and repays kindness and
“If I don’t break all three of their legs, I won’t be named Evelin!”
Monica was so frightened that her face was pale, she knelt on the ground
and kept slapping herself while crying:
“Sister Lan ……Please forgive me, Sister Lan…I was wrong, Sister
Lan…Just forgive me this time…”
Monica’s two servants were also extremely frightened at this time,
And they all knelt on the ground and kept begging for mercy.
At this time, the three of them also regretted the original.
They thought that Elaine lost power, but they never thought that they would
turn over so quickly.
Those who were watching the excitement on the playground,
And even those who were waiting to attack Elaine were dumbfounded at
this time.
While they resented that Elaine’s backer had returned,
They were also glad in their hearts. Fortunately, they held back and did not
rush to do it,
Otherwise, they would definitely be hammered to death by these three
Elaine was naturally furious in her heart,
And she wished she could break the legs of these women with her own
But when she thought that she had to go to the doctor immediately,
She could only explain to Evelin: “Evelin, don’t let them go!”
“As long as they are still here for a day, don’t let them feel better!”
Evelin did not hesitate and said: “Don’t worry, Sister Lan!”
After speaking, she deliberately asked:
“Sister Lan, are you… going to be released from prison?”
“Ah? Me?” At this moment, Elaine suddenly hesitated.
When Evelin and the others were away, she wanted to leave ten thousand
Wishing to grow a pair of wings and fly directly out of this purgatory.
However, now that Evelin is back,
She feels a little sad about leaving Bedford Hills Correctional Institution.
After all, she experienced the pinnacle of her life here.
That feeling of being alone made her very high.
At this time, Charlie looked at his mother-in-law from a distance from a
And was a little curious in his heart. He wondered whether his
mother-in-law could have a long memory.
If she sees Evelin coming back and decides to stay out of prison, for the
time being, it will be hopeless.
After a bit of ideological struggle, Elaine said with difficulty:
“Yeah, Evelin…I…I’m going to be released from prison…”
Evelin smiled and nodded and said: “Sister Lan, you can rest assured that
you are released from prison.”

“I will help you teach a lesson to these sgums.”
“If you still have someone who needs to be taught a lesson,”
“Just tell me the name of the person and I will solve it!”
When Elaine heard this, she nodded vigorously and blurted out:
“Evelin, after you return to the cell, you must teach a lesson to Chloe and
“You just left at noon, these two ba5tards turned against me, you must not
let them go!”
Chapter 5048
Evelin solemnly promised: “Sister Lan, don’t worry,”
“As long as we are here for one day, they will not have a good life!”
At this time, The prison guard on the side said to Elaine: “Sister Lan,”
“I think you should go to the infirmary with me first,”
“And let the doctor check whether your injury is serious!”
Elaine felt the pain in her right leg and couldn’t bear it.
She choked and said, “Is it serious, my leg seems to be broken again…”
After speaking, Elaine asked her quickly,
“Can you take me to the hospital? Give me my mobile phone by the way,”
“I want to call my son-in-law…”
The prison guard said, “Your son-in-law has already came and is waiting
outside to pick you up from prison.”
“Really?” Elaine said with great relief:
“Quick, take me out to meet him!”
The prison guard hurriedly found a colleague,
And the two carried Elaine away from the playground together.
What made her extremely gratified was that before she could go far,
She heard the tragic wailing from Monica and the others behind her.
Listening to the screams of those people, her mood was a little relieved.
At this time, Charlie was already waiting in the family meeting area of
Bedford Hill Correctional Institution.
Soon, Elaine, with a bruised nose and a swollen face,
Was carried by the prison guard into a wheelchair and pushed out.
The moment she saw Charlie, Elaine burst into tears and said,
“Good son-in-law, your mother’s leg is broken again. , what can I do…”
Charlie shook his head helplessly.
He didn’t expect that those women would be so ruthless when they hit
However, this is indeed Elaine’s own fault.
If she knows how to accept it when she sees it,
And go out happily when she is ready to release her for the first time,
This situation could have been naturally avoided.
So, Charlie could only say: “Mom, then I’ll take you to the hospital first!”
“We have to look at your legs as soon as possible, so as not to leave any
When Elaine heard this, she nodded quickly and said,
“Yes Right, let’s go to the hospital, I have broken my leg too many times,”
“If I don’t recover well, I will be in trouble in the future if I become lame…”
Charlie then asked the prison guard to help him and put Elaine in the car,
He drove to the New York City area.
At the same time, he did not forget to take out his mobile phone and send a
message to Douglas,
Asking him for the location of Fei’s hospital, and planning to send Elaine
there for a simple treatment.
At this time, Elaine was sitting in the back seat, crying and saying,
“Good son-in-law, Mom really regrets this! If I knew there would be today,”
“I could just come out of prison in a hurry yesterday.”
“My legs won’t be able to go down in a month or two… My life is so hard!”
Charlie asked inexplicably, “Mom, is this prison so comfortable? You didn’t
want to come out.”
Elaine said angrily: “Didn’t Mom tell you the truth on the phone,”
“The main reason was that I met a few girls who were particularly good at
“And they covered me, No one dared to provoke me in Bedford Hills,”
“And anyone who saw me would respectfully call me Sister Elaine, it was
more enjoyable…”
Charlie sneered and said seriously:
“Mom, do you know what kind of person can make money from the
Elaine shook her head and asked curiously, “Is it me?”
“No.” Charlie said lightly, “It’s the one who knows how to stop profits in
“Only people can make money from casinos. As long as you are still in
“You must understand a truth. Money in casinos is not money, but a pile of
worthless plastic chips.”
“Only the plastic chips you win can be exchanged for If you choose to
continue to stay in the casino,”
“You may end up losing all the chips in your hand, and even losing all the
money you have come in.”
Chapter 5049
After speaking, Charlie said again: “It’s the same for you,”
“You have someone covering you in Bedford Hill, and after a few days no
one dares to be addicted,”
“This is the net profit, at this time, once the opportunity is suitable,”
“You must quickly stop the profit and put your money in your pocket,”
“Otherwise, it is very likely that you will spit it out with the profit.”
Elaine was stunned for a moment, and said angrily:
“Good son-in-law, you are right. Ah! Mom didn’t understand this truth!”
“I should have understood this truth earlier, I would have been running
around outside now…”
Charlie didn’t care about her awakening at this time.
He just pondered in his heart that if she was like this now,
If he took her back to Providence, Claire would definitely feel distressed
when she meets her.
Moreover, Elaine’s leg is broken again, and most of her self-care ability has
been lost.
If she is taken back, who will take care of her daily life?
Claire still has to attend classes, and it is inconvenient to take care of her
by himself,
So the best way is to let her stay in New York for treatment.
However, there are still two problems, one is how to make Elaine willingly
stay in New York,
And the other is how to explain this to his wife.
But the top priority is to send Elaine to the hospital for treatment first.
Although she has a leg injury, half a blood-scattering pill can make her
But he still feels that it is somewhat wasteful to use the pill on Elaine.
So, he drove her to the Fei family’s private hospital.
Because Douglas had greeted them in advance, the hospital was waiting in
full force.
As soon as Elaine arrived, she was carefully lifted out of the car by several
And then pushed to the orthopedic treatment room in a wheelchair.
A group of orthopedic specialists surrounded Elaine and used all kinds of
professional means to treat her,
Which made Elaine regain the feeling of being a ghost in Bedford Hill
Correctional Institution.
After the doctor’s diagnosis, although Elaine’s right leg has a certain
It is not too serious and does not require surgical treatment,
But still needs to be immobilized in a plaster cast,
Combined with drug treatment and self-cultivation.
Later, in order to allow Elaine to rest better,
They directly arranged her in the best ward,
And its interior luxury was much more upscale than a suite in a luxury hotel.
Several nurses gently moved Elaine onto the hospital bed and adjusted it to
the most comfortable angle for her,
And then one of the nurses said to Elaine:
“Ms. Ma, wait a moment, I’ll get you some fruit.”
“And snacks, you need to replenish your stamina first.”
“Okay! It’s really hard for you!”
Elaine’s condition improved a lot because of the use of the analgesic pump.
In addition, lying on the comfortable hospital bed, she finally regained her
The nurse said respectfully, “Ms. Ma, you are welcome, this is what I
should do.”
After the nurse went out, Elaine couldn’t help but sigh to Charlie,
Looking at the luxurious surroundings, “Good son-in-law.”
“The hardware conditions of this hospital are also very good.”
“This ward must be at least 100 square meters, right?”
“Such a luxurious ward cannot cost less than a thousand dollars a day?!”
Charlie smiled: “Mom, this hospital is my client’s.”
“He has already said that your treatment here will not cost you a penny,”
“And you will definitely be provided with the best doctors, nurses, and
“No money?!” Elaine was stunned, and blurted out:
“Mom, it’s really cool not to spend a penny to live in such a big ward!”
Just after speaking, the nurse knocked on the door and came in,
Bringing a very beautiful fruit plate and dessert.
She put all the food on the small table in front of Elaine, and said
“Ms. Ma, please have some fruit snacks first,”
“And I want to introduce to you that the screen at the head of your bed is
actually a touch screen.”
“There is an ordering interface, where you can choose the meal you like,”
“And we will deliver it to you as soon as possible.”
Elaine said in surprise: “Mom, so considerate?”
“Let me see what you all have. Is it delicious!”
Chapter 5050
Then, Elaine clicked on the ordering interface and exclaimed,
“Chinese, French, Japanese, Italian… Oh my God, you have so many
“These menus are not even in general hotels. So many varieties?”
The nurse nodded and said, “We have many Michelin restaurants that we
cooperate with.”
“Generally, after you choose, the restaurant will deliver your order within an
“So you should place your order a little in advance to avoid the long waiting
Elaine asked quickly: “Why isn’t there a price on this?”
“I don’t dare to order it without a price.”
“If this meal costs several thousand dollars, wouldn’t the family be
The nurse explained: “Ms. Ma, you are now in the top VIP ward of our
“Which is generally used internally by our president’s family members,”
“So you don’t need to pay for everything when you live here.”
My god, it’s free??” Elaine asked in surprise and delight:
“Then are there any desserts, drinks, perfumes, or skin care spas on it, are
these also free?!”
“Yes.” The nurse nodded and said: “All the services that can be provided
are free.”
“You can order whatever you like. If there is something that is not suitable
for your current physical condition,”
“We will give you professional advice.”
Elaine was extremely excited. She said,
“Okay, okay, then I’ll study it carefully later!”
The nurse bowed slightly and said, “Then you can ring the bell whenever
you need something,”
“And I’ll be on standby at the nurse center next door to you.”
After the nurse left the ward, she looked at Charlie, and said with
“You have to be my good son-in-law! That’s why you have such great
“In such a good place, you don’t need to spend money on seeing a doctor
and being hospitalized,”
“And you don’t need to spend money on food and drink.”
“If there is no time limit, I can live here until my 80th birthday!”
After speaking, she hesitated for a moment and asked experimentally:
“Good son-in-law, do you think Mom can live here and rest well?”
“Recuperate, I won’t go to Providence for the time being.”
Charlie didn’t expect that Elaine would offer to not return to Providence,”
“So he agreed without hesitation: “Actually, I also think it would be better for
you to stay here.”
“Better because there are the best doctors and nurses here who can give
you the best treatment and care 24 hours a day,”
“Much more convenient than going to Providence, after all,”
“No one in Providence can take care of you 24/7.”
Elaine nodded again and again, and said seriously:
“Anyway, you don’t need to spend money here, and there are people
waiting for everything,”
“Such a big advantage, don’t take it for nothing!”
After speaking, she said again: “Oh, yes, Claire’s course is estimated to
have only a week left,”
“And then you will definitely be leaving from New York.”
“In my opinion, it is better for me to live here alone. While recuperating,”
“You go to Providence to accompany Claire first, and after she graduates,”
“The two of you will come to New York to pick me up, and we will go back
Charlie nodded and said, “This arrangement is quite good.”
“Yes, but the only problem is that Claire has always been worried about
“We have to let her know that you are out of prison before she can relax,”
“And we can’t let her know that your leg is injured. Otherwise,”
“She will definitely want to come to New York to see you.”
“It’s easy!” Elaine said without hesitation: “I will call her in a while and say
that I have been released from prison,”
“And then met a very close prisoner in prison friend,”
“My inmate invited me to stay in New York for a few days,”
“So I won’t go back yet, when you come from Providence to New York, I will
tell her the truth.”
Charlie felt that Elaine’s this idea was good.
So he said, “Okay, if that’s the case, then you can call her.”
Elaine took out her mobile phone, charged it for a while and turned it on,
then immediately Call Claire.
Claire had just returned to the hotel from school at this time,
And suddenly saw her mother’s mobile number calling her,
The whole person was startled at first, and then she realized that her
mother was probably out of prison,
So she immediately answered the phone, Excitedly asked: “Mom, is that
Elaine quickly said: “It’s mom, Claire!”
“I want to tell you good news, I have been released from prison!”
Chapter 5051
When Elaine said that she had been released from prison,
Claire immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said excitedly,
“Mom, where are you now? Has Charlie contacted you?”
Elaine hurriedly said: “Charlie is right in front of me,”
“And he let me out because of the relationship he helped me find.”
Claire was very happy, and said quickly, “Mom, then hurry back with
“Well, you don’t know how worried I was about you during this time!”
Elaine pursed her lips and said embarrassedly:
“That… Claire… Mom doesn’t want to come to Providence,”
“That place is really boring, why not I stayed in New York for a few days,”
“And I just met a friend in prison, and we came out on the same day,”
“And she invited me to stay in New York for a few days.”
Claire refused almost without hesitation after hearing this:
“Mom, don’t trust people outside. How did you get into the prison, haven’t
you figured it out?”
“Those people outside don’t really want to be friends with you,”
“They only get close when they have plans for you!”
Elaine explained: “Oh no, Claire, the friend your mother met in prison is a
very real person.”
“Like your mother, she was in prison after being framed by gangsters.”
Saying that Elaine moved out of the story of the compatriot she met in the
prison, and sighed:
“Do you know how this sister got into the prison?”
“You may not believe it because she sold hairy crabs to the Chinese in
“And the result was a stupid dog couldn’t buy it, he turned around and
reported it to police,”
“And as a result, she was sent to prison!”
“How can you say that there are such bad people in this world?”
Claire, however, didn’t understand, but she still said worriedly:
“Mom, you finally got out of prison, I really worry that you are alone in New
“Or you should listen to me and come back with Charlie. Come to
Elaine said firmly: “Oh, Claire! Do you want to believe it?”
“There is absolutely no problem with seeing people this time.”
“Just I will be careful. What else can your mother do now to be deceived?”
After speaking, Elaine was afraid that Claire would not agree, so she
stubbornly said:
“Anyway, I have already promised my sister that I will have a good time in
New York for a few days!”
Claire said helplessly. : “Mom, then give Charlie the phone!”
“Okay.” Elaine hurriedly handed the phone to Charlie, then winked at him.
Charlie answered the phone and said, “Hello, wife.”
Claire on the other end of the phone asked,
“Husband, have you seen the friend Mom is talking about? Is she reliable?”
He can only say casually: “I have seen her, she’s quite reliable,”
“I also asked customers to help me in New York. Mom must be fine here,
you can rest assured.”
Hearing Charlie’s words, Claire was relieved and said helplessly:
“Okay, with mom’s character, as long as it’s something she decides,”
“Even eight horses can’t pull it back. Since you think it’s reliable, then I
won’t argue with her. “…”
After speaking, Claire said again: “Husband,”
“This time is really too hard for you, thank you for your troubles for mom!”
Charlie smiled slightly and said softly:
“Wife, do you still need to be so polite to me?”
“Besides, your mother is mom-in-law, this is my duty.”
Claire hummed softly and asked him,
“Husband, So when are you going to come back?”
Charlie thought to himself, his current mission in New York was completed,
And it was time to go back to accompany Claire, so he said,
“I’ll come back later, a few hours’ drive away. I’ll be there.”
Claire reminded: “By the way, husband, don’t forget to thank your
“They must have been worrying about helping us these days.”
“Why don’t you invite them to dinner in the evening,”
“If they have enough time, wait for it. We will drive back after dinner,”
“If we don’t have enough time, it’s fine to come back early tomorrow
“We can’t let others think we’ve been disrespectful.”
Charlie didn’t plan to invite Douglas to dinner,
But since Claire said so, he planned to explain it to Orvel and Issac first,
And let them stay at Shangri-La in New York for the time being.
So, he said to her: “Good wife, then I’ll make arrangements and come back
as soon as possible.”
He hung up the phone and said to Elaine, “Mom, you are staying here
these few days.”
“Take a good rest, I’ll go meet the client, and then go back to accompany
“Go, go!” Elaine said with a smile: “Mom will definitely be taken care of
“You and Claire, don’t worry about Mom!”
Charlie naturally didn’t worry about Elaine.
The treatment given to her by Douglas’s hospital is basically the highest
That only core members of the Fei family can enjoy.
Elaine recuperating here will definitely make her feel that her broken leg is
worth the money.
Chapter 5052
So, Charlie said goodbye to Elaine and prepared to go to Shangri-La Hotel.
But just as he got into the car, he suddenly received a call.
To his surprise, the caller turned out to be Duncan,
Who had just returned home to reunite with his family two days ago.
Charlie answered the phone and asked curiously, “Why did Inspector Li call
me at this time?”
“Shouldn’t you be with your family in Houston?”
Duncan sneered and said, “Master Wade, I’m in New York, and I’ve made
an appointment.”
“The evening flight is going to the Middle East to Syria,”
“So I want to ask if you are still in New York if you are still in New York,”
“I would like to meet you and chat face-to-face.”
Charlie was a little surprised, he did not plan to let Duncan,
So quickly into the work of investigating that mysterious organization.
After all, he is also a person who has been shut out of the gate of hell for a
At this time, he would definitely prefer to spend more time with his family.
Therefore, Charlie gave him at least a week to reunite with his family.
But it was full of calculations, and it was only two or three days ago that
Duncan had already arrived in New York.
However, Charlie didn’t ask too much on the phone,
But said very readily: “If that’s the case, let’s meet at Shangri-La.”
Duncan said without hesitation: “Okay, Young Master Wade,”
“Then I’ll do it now. Rush over to see you!”
Twenty minutes later.
Charlie arrived at Shangri-La first.
When he first arrived in the presidential suite, Orvel quickly came to report:
“Master Wade, that Inspector Li is here.”
Charlie nodded: “Let him come in.”
Orvel hurriedly put Duncan in casual clothes to come in.
When he saw Charlie, Duncan bowed his hands to him respectfully,
And said respectfully, “Master Wade, we meet again!”
Charlie smiled slightly, pointed to the sofa in front of him, and said,
“Inspector Li, please take a seat. Didn’t I leave you more than a week to
reunite with your family in Houston?”
“Why are you ready to go to Syria so soon?”

Duncan laughed at himself and sighed: “My daughter and son-in-law are
busy watching cars and houses every day,”
“And have no time to accompany me. I don’t want to continue to waste time
in Houston,”
“I plan to go to Syria first, meet the live mouth you caught last time, and
learn about the details.”
Charlie saw Duncan’s expression was a little lonely, smiled knowingly, and
“Inspector Li, people have seven emotions and six desires, and material
desire is one of the most important ones.”
“People work hard to make money and want a better life,”
“And material desire accounts for at least more than half of them.”
“Young people pursue material desire and enjoy life.”
“This is also not a bad case. It’s not a bad thing, you don’t need to be too
“Yes…” Duncan sighed and nodded helplessly,
He also knew that Charlie was right, but he was still a little disappointed.
Charlie persuaded him, then changed the subject and asked, “Inspector Li,
have you thought about where you want to start investigating that
mysterious organization this time?”
“According to the confession I got before, this mysterious organization’s
information protection is extremely strict, and it is not easy to find their
Duncan said seriously: “I have thought about this issue carefully these
“And they have hidden the relevant clues very well, whether it is the dead
or the living.”
“Basically, your aunt’s family has not left any clues that have any
substantial relationship with this mysterious organization.”
“As you told me, those dead men have worked for this organization for
hundreds of years,”
“But they don’t even know where they are. I don’t know anywhere,”
“This kind of secrecy method can be said to be unheard of…”
After speaking, Duncan added: “However, I think we can narrow it down a
little bit from a large scale,”
“Such as finding a way to investigate first, that group of dead soldiers
Which of the seven continents they are stationed in,”
“And which state it is. Then get it locked, and then find a way to further
refine it.”
Charlie sighed: “It’s probably not that simple to determine which of the
seven continents they are in.”
“After all, these dead men have been in darkness for so many years, and
they haven’t found any clues themselves.”
Duncan said confidently: “As long as the job you caught is high enough,”
“And your memory is good enough, then I have a chance. Lock the
approximate area with him.”
After speaking, he further explained: “Master Wade, no matter how hidden
they are hidden in,”
“They will not be able to get rid of the impact of major geological disasters,”
“If an earthquake occurs, they will definitely have the relevant departments
also have clear records of every detectable earthquake that has occurred in
this world.”
“So, the question now is, they must remember how many earthquakes they
can feel have occurred,”
“The problem is, they don’t have an accurate timeline, and they don’t have
outside information to back it up.”
After speaking, he took out a printed document from his bag, handed it to
Charlie, and said,
“Master Wade, this is the major natural disasters that have occurred around
the world in the past 20 years based on the statistics I have collected in the
past two days.”
“Among them, serious tsunamis, earthquakes, and typhoons are the main
ones. If you can roughly match the memory of the other party,”
“Then every memory of his will become a coordinate. As long as there are
enough coordinates, it can help me find their approximate location.”
Charlie asked tentatively: “Is it like the so-called communication base
station positioning?”
“Yes!” Duncan nodded heavily and said, “That’s what it means! Each time it
corresponds to the last major disaster,”
“It can reduce them to a certain extent. If they can correspond to the
tsunami in Indonesia,”
“It means that the area they are in is within the coverage of the Indonesian
“If they can also correspond to the tsunami in Japan in the last 11 years,
then they are in the area of two The overlapping part of the coverage of the
second tsunami,”
“So the more clues you find, the more accurate the positioning will be.”
Charlie couldn’t help but admire: “Detective Li is indeed a well-known
detective in the United States,”
“And this method can be thought of by you. It seems that you find out their
specific whereabouts, it should only be a matter of time!”
Chapter 5053
Charlie once felt that finding the specific address of the dead men would be
as difficult as going to the sky.
The reason is that the mysterious organization controls the dead men
extremely tightly,
Preventing them from perceiving the exact time, nor allowing them to
perceive the light,
Temperature, sound, and the changing seasons of the outside world.
Therefore, May 47 doesn’t even know which of the seven continents he
lives in,
Let alone whether he is in the tropics or the frigid zone.
Even the only living mouth can’t come up with any substantive clues,
And it is even more impossible for outsiders to find this place.
However, Duncan accurately found clues that the mysterious organization
could not control.
Earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons are all powerful natural phenomena.
If a strong bunker can still isolate typhoons and tsunamis,
Then no matter how strong the bunker is, it is impossible to isolate the
strong shock caused by the earthquake.
Those who are imprisoned in the dark, or in some kind of underground
May not perceive the sunlight, the stars, the real sound, and the
temperature of the outside world,
But when the earthquake comes, no matter how deep they are.
Underground or in a cave, they will definitely feel something.
Moreover, violent earthquakes are not common. If they have occurred,
A very accurate timeline can be judged. In this way, as long as the clues
are relatively consistent,
There is a high probability that they can correspond.
However, Duncan was not overly optimistic, he said to Charlie with a
dignified expression:
“Master Wade, the job you mentioned is the only clue that can be found so
far that is related to that mysterious organization,”
“If I can successfully find their station, it is possible to find the clues of the
mysterious organization behind it,”
“But if I can’t find their station, or if they have already evacuated this group
of dead soldiers when I find them,”
“Then I am afraid the clues will be completely cut off.”
“After all, last time The mission of that group of dead men was a complete
“Maybe the mysterious organization will move all the dead men to other
places out of caution.”
Charlie nodded and said seriously: “I think there is a high probability that
they will not evacuate.”
“Think about it, why did they spend so much energy to hide this station,”
“And even tried their best to block the perception of these dead men?”
“It’s because of this. The site selection, construction, and maintenance of
the station take a long time and cost,”
“And it cannot be easily replaced, so they must ensure that the dead
soldiers who are sent out on the mission know nothing about the place
where they live,”
“So that even if they failed and were captured, they couldn’t provide the
actual information about the station.”
Duncan nodded: “If that’s the case, it would be the best,”
“The station of the dead must be closely guarded by the core members of
this organization,”
“As long as you can find this station,”
“You can follow the vines and find the veins of this mysterious
After speaking, he looked up at Charlie and asked, “Master Wade,”
“Based on my years of experience in the police,”
“I have concluded an eternal truth. , that is: contact is always mutual.”
Charlie said lightly: “Inspector Li may wish to talk about it.”
Duncan said: “If you watch too many police and bandit movies,”
“It will make people feel that the police always seem to be completely
unaware of the criminals.”
“However, the criminals of that kind are relatively low-level.”
“A considerable number of high-IQ criminals have a very sensitive sense of
“We have just found his clues and also When he didn’t lock his identity,”
“He had already discovered us, and when we tried to dig deeper into the
“The other party had already disappeared. The organization you mentioned
is extremely powerful.”
“When the time comes, it is very likely that they will find me too.”
“Also, this is not the police catching criminals,”
“Generally, the worst result is that people run away and are not caught.”
Chapter 5053
Charlie once felt that finding the specific address of the dead men would be
as difficult as going to the sky.
The reason is that the mysterious organization controls the dead men
extremely tightly,
Preventing them from perceiving the exact time, nor allowing them to
perceive the light,
Temperature, sound, and the changing seasons of the outside world.
Therefore, May 47 doesn’t even know which of the seven continents he
lives in,
Let alone whether he is in the tropics or the frigid zone.
Even the only living mouth can’t come up with any substantive clues,
And it is even more impossible for outsiders to find this place.
However, Duncan accurately found clues that the mysterious organization
could not control.
Earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons are all powerful natural phenomena.
If a strong bunker can still isolate typhoons and tsunamis,
Then no matter how strong the bunker is, it is impossible to isolate the
strong shock caused by the earthquake.
Those who are imprisoned in the dark, or in some kind of underground
May not perceive the sunlight, the stars, the real sound, and the
temperature of the outside world,
But when the earthquake comes, no matter how deep they are.
Underground or in a cave, they will definitely feel something.
Moreover, violent earthquakes are not common. If they have occurred,
A very accurate timeline can be judged. In this way, as long as the clues
are relatively consistent,
There is a high probability that they can correspond.
However, Duncan was not overly optimistic, he said to Charlie with a
dignified expression:
“Master Wade, the job you mentioned is the only clue that can be found so
far that is related to that mysterious organization,”
“If I can successfully find their station, it is possible to find the clues of the
mysterious organization behind it,”
“But if I can’t find their station, or if they have already evacuated this group
of dead soldiers when I find them,”
“Then I am afraid the clues will be completely cut off.”
“After all, last time The mission of that group of dead men was a complete
“Maybe the mysterious organization will move all the dead men to other
places out of caution.”
Charlie nodded and said seriously: “I think there is a high probability that
they will not evacuate.”
“Think about it, why did they spend so much energy to hide this station,”
“And even tried their best to block the perception of these dead men?”
“It’s because of this. The site selection, construction, and maintenance of
the station take a long time and cost,”
“And it cannot be easily replaced, so they must ensure that the dead
soldiers who are sent out on the mission know nothing about the place
where they live,”
“So that even if they failed and were captured, they couldn’t provide the
actual information about the station.”
Duncan nodded: “If that’s the case, it would be the best,”
“The station of the dead must be closely guarded by the core members of
this organization,”
“As long as you can find this station,”
“You can follow the vines and find the veins of this mysterious
After speaking, he looked up at Charlie and asked, “Master Wade,”
“Based on my years of experience in the police,”
“I have concluded an eternal truth. , that is: contact is always mutual.”
Charlie said lightly: “Inspector Li may wish to talk about it.”
Duncan said: “If you watch too many police and bandit movies,”
“It will make people feel that the police always seem to be completely
unaware of the criminals.”
“However, the criminals of that kind are relatively low-level.”
“A considerable number of high-IQ criminals have a very sensitive sense of
“We have just found his clues and also When he didn’t lock his identity,”
“He had already discovered us, and when we tried to dig deeper into the
“The other party had already disappeared. The organization you mentioned
is extremely powerful.”
“When the time comes, it is very likely that they will find me too.”
“Also, this is not the police catching criminals,”
“Generally, the worst result is that people run away and are not caught.”
Chapter 5054
Duncan continued: “However, this mysterious organization is stronger than
“It’s too much, maybe even stronger than you, and once we come into
contact with them,”
“The situation is likely to get out of hand, and we may even be exposed to
Speaking of this, Duncan said with a dignified expression: “Master Wade,”
“I’m not telling you this because I’m afraid of death or retreating, after all,
you saved my life,”
“And it is thanks to you that my wife, children, and grandchildren are alive
“It doesn’t matter if I die, I just hope that you can prepare in advance to
protect yourself on the one hand,”
“And on the other hand, if possible, please try to protect my family as much
as possible.”
Charlie was silent for a moment, and said solemnly:
“Detective Li, what you need to do now is to work with May 47, using your
professional skills,”
“The natural disaster data in your hand, and the memory of May 47, in a
state of no contact,”
“First put the location of the other party and lock it,”
“If you really need to get in touch, I will go out in person without you taking
Duncan quickly explained: “Master Wade, I’m not afraid of taking risks…”
Charlie nodded: “I know, I too I don’t doubt your courage, but as you said,
contact is mutual.”
“To be cautious, if you really need to make contact,”
“It is definitely more secure for me to contact than you,”
“So you just do the preliminary investigation and about the rest let me
Duncan’s purpose was to remind Charlie to be careful and cautious again.
Seeing that Charlie had accepted his suggestion, Duncan was relieved and
“Master Wade, since this is the case, then I have nothing to worry about,”
“And I will let you know as soon as I make progress.”
When Charlie drove back to Providence, Duncan took a Virgin Atlantic flight
to Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, via London.
After a twelve-hour flight, after the plane landed in Beirut,
Joseph personally used a helicopter to take him to Cataclysmic Front’s
base in Syria.
Due to the extremely abundant funds for the infrastructure construction of
the Front,
The current base already has a prototype of a large scale.
A large number of workers from all over the Middle East are working on this
huge construction site 24 hours a day,
And the various high-end heavy machinery used in the construction of the
base can only be seen in developed countries.
When Duncan saw several Liebherr 750-ton all-terrain cranes hoisting wind
turbines around the base, he was stunned.
He subconsciously asked Joseph: “Master Wan…”
“Are these wind turbines also owned by Cataclysmic Front?!”
Joseph nodded and said with a smile, “The power source of the
Cataclysmic Front is diverse.”
“There are several types, and wind power generation is only one of them.”
“On the mountain not far away, we have already built a large number of
photovoltaic power generation systems.”
“We use photovoltaic power during the day and wind power at night.”
“There is not enough official supply from Syria.”
“They will invest in the construction of large-scale energy storage base
“In addition, more than 80% of the oil in Syria is not in their hands,”
“And the Syrian government will not get a dime,”
“So they plan to give us a mining license. We can explore and extract oil by
“And then invest in building an oil refinery and oil power plant.”
Duncan was shocked and blurted out: “This battle is too big…”
Joseph said lightly: “Mr. Wade arranged it, he asked me to build it into a
permanent base,”
“So the infrastructure must be well-prepared, and Mr. Wade gave tens of
billions of dollars in funding,”
“So we plan to invest more funds and take money Change the time.”
Duncan couldn’t help but admire: “Young Master Wade is really generous in
his work.”
“If this base is completely built, maybe it will be able to compete with that
mysterious organization.”

After speaking, he quickly asked: “By the way, Master Wan,”
“Where is the job that Young Master Wade talked about now?”
Joseph said, “May 47 is in the core area with the highest level of
“Inspector Li, please come with me!”
Chapter 5055
Under the leadership of Joseph, Duncan came to the core area of the
Cataclysmic Front.
The so-called core area is a four-square-kilometer central area at the very
center of the Cataclysmic Front base.
Although the base has not yet been completed, a high wall has been
erected in the core area,
And inside the high wall, there are a large number of frame buildings of
different heights.
These framed buildings are all modular building units purchased by
Cataclysmic Front.
After rapid assembly, they can be put into use in the shortest time.
However, these buildings are only a temporary transition.
Once the Base is completed, these buildings will be gradually demolished
and eliminated.
Joseph brought Duncan to a six-story building.
The interior of the building, the rapid renovation has ended.
Although the construction site is still in full swing outside,
There were basically no traces of construction inside.
A few minutes later, on the top floor of the building, Duncan saw May 47
who had lost his limbs.
During this period of time, May 47 became the tactical guide of the
Cataclysmic Front.
Although he lost his hands and feet, he still taught all the formations he had
mastered when he was a dead soldier,
And let the soldiers of Cataclysmic Front give him a quick look.
It seems to have opened the door to a new world and has mastered many
unprecedented flexible tactics.
In order to study how to decipher the tactics of these dead soldiers,
Joseph also arranged for several senior officials of Cataclysmic Front to
The methods of restraining the dead soldiers’ tactics together with May 47.
In order to ensure that the secrets of May 47 are not leaked,
Only the high-level officials of Cataclysmic Front are qualified to set foot in
this building,
And May 47 himself never leaves this building for half a step.
At this time, May 47 was discussing tactics with several instructors in
Cataclysmic Front.
Joseph invited the others out, then invited Duncan to come in and said to
May 47,
“Mr. 47, Mr. Wade’s invitation Detective Li is here,”
“He is here to investigate the mysterious organization behind you,”
“I hope you can cooperate with Detective Li and explain everything you
know to him.”
Seeing Duncan on May 47, the whole person was as horrified as if he had
seen a ghost!
He hadn’t heard of Duncan’s name, nor did he know his origin and
But he remembered Duncan’s face, and when he went to assassinate the
An family,
When the elevator door opened, the first thing he saw was this man’s face
in front of him.
At the time, he was even the first person to shoot.
Therefore, he knew very well how many shots Duncan was shot at that
And he could conclude that Duncan had no chance of surviving at all.
Because of this, when he saw Duncan’s familiar and unfamiliar face, he
panicked to the extreme.
Duncan also knew that this person was the culprit who almost killed him in
the first place,
But he didn’t get angry, just smiled slightly:
“Looking at your surprised appearance, you should still remember me,
May 47 was frightened, and couldn’t help but said: “This…how is this
“At that time…that person at that time…is that you?!”
Duncan smiled indifferently and said: “If the person you’re talking about is
the one,”
“Who was beaten into a hornet’s nest by you at the elevator door, then I
can tell you in person that it’s me.”
“But…but it’s not logical….”
May 47 said suspiciously, “You were shot so many times, your body died at
that time,”
“And it was obviously impossible to revive…”
Duncan nodded, and earnestly said: “I was going to die,”
“But I was lucky to have Mr. Wade, so I came back to life.”
“Mr. Wade…” May 47 suddenly remembered Charlie’s shocking strength,
And how he could still break the poison that had been comforting him for
more than 30 years with a snap of his fingers,
And then he thought of how Duncan had been shot to the end at that time,
And he was even more impressed with Charlie.
So, he said very ashamedly: “Detective Li, I have done many bad things at
the beginning, please forgive me…”
Duncan nodded and said indifferently:
“You were also acting on orders, which is understandable.”
Chapter 5056
May 47 breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said:
“Inspector Li, no matter what questions you have,”
“As long as I know, I will say everything.”
May 47 has long hated the organization that controls his own destiny.
To the core, he even looked forward to Charlie finding the resident of his
own line of dead men,
And helping him saving his wife, children, and family by the way, so he
naturally cooperated with Duncan.
Duncan nodded, and without too much nonsense, he went straight to the
point and said:
“The most urgent task now is to find a way to find out the location of your
station on the map.
Before that, I don’t know if you have any valuable clues to follow that you
can share?”
May 47 shook his head and said, “To tell you the truth, Detective Li,”
“I have been thinking about this issue for a while,”
“But the organization was too cautious and didn’t let me leave any valuable
Duncan smiled slightly, took out the list of major natural disasters that he
had sorted out,
And asked him, “Mr. 47, how old are you this year?”
May 47 hurriedly said: “Going back to Detective Li,”
“I will arrive at the age of thirty-six this year or between the ages of
Duncan asked curiously, “How did you calculate your age?”
May 47 explained: “There is a secretly recorded ‘calendar’ inside the dead
“I have roughly recorded the time of my own work and rest,”
“But since there is no absolute reference standard, there are still some
Duncan nodded and said, “Then let’s count it according to the age of
Thirty-five years of major natural disasters have been sorted out,”
“And while looking at the entry, he asked:
“From your birth to the last time you left the station, has your station moved
or changed?”
“No.” May 47 replied: “The place where I was born is an underground
“That I don’t know where or how deep it is. I haven’t migrated for so many
Duncan asked again: “Then in your memory, have there ever been a very
strong disaster? earthquake?”
“Big earthquake?” May 47 thought about it and said,
“There has been a relatively strong earthquake, but it has been many
“Many years?” Duncan asked again: “How many years are many years?”
May 47 frowned and thought for a moment, then said,
“It’s about twenty years, but my timeline may deviate from reality to a
certain extent.”
“The difference between positive and negative is within two years.”
Duncan nodded and stretched out his hand to take the 2008 China, Japan
in 2011, and several items closer to the timeline were crossed out, and then
he said:
“In this case, you can exclude the surrounding areas of Japan, as well as
the central and southwestern parts of China.”
After speaking, he saw the entry for Indonesia in 2004 and asked:
“Does the earthquake in your memory feel strong?”
May 47 said without hesitation: “It was very strong,”
“And even brought a lot of damage to our station at that time,”
“Some people were injured, and some people even died.”
Duncan’s eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: “That might be the Indonesian
tsunami in 2004.”
He took out the map, found the epicenter of the Indonesian tsunami on it,
and muttered:
“The epicenter at that time, In western Indonesia, the earthquake was felt in
many countries and regions,”
“But the earthquake in your area was relatively strong, and it should be
around the Indian Ocean, and it may even be in Indonesia.”
“However, in 2003, Hokkaido, Japan, and the Solomon Islands had a
magnitude of 7. For the above earthquakes, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake
also occurred in Pakistan in 2005,”
“And your timeline is not precise enough, so there may be some deviations
Having said that, he looked at May 47 and asked, “Then this earthquake,
do you have any other clues?”
“Other clues?” May 47 was silent for a moment, then shook his head and
“There are no clues, although the earthquake was scary,”
“But after all, no one died, so we did not take it too much to our heart.”
Duncan looked at the map and asked, “If the earthquake you are talking
about is the tsunami in Indonesia,”
“You live underground. Have there been any flooding accidents after the
“Water penetration…” May 47 pondered for a moment, suddenly
remembered something, and blurted out:
“There was indeed a water penetration accident at that time,”
“And the entire station was filled with at least 20 cm thick water. The water
was taken away.”
When Duncan heard this, he couldn’t help asking him excitedly: “Was the
water salty?”
Chapter 5057
“It’s too clear, after all, it’s been too long, but in my impression,”
“It seems that after that time, there were some white residues on the
ground and clothes,”
“Could it be the salt from the seawater?”
Duncan nodded and said: “The probability is Salt if this is the case,”
“Then what you experienced at the time should be the Indonesian tsunami.”
“The reason why the flood occurred was that the earthquake at that time
triggered a tsunami,”
“And many surrounding countries were affected, including your residence.”
Speaking, Duncan circled two areas on the map and said,
“So it seems that your station may be in the western part of South East
“Or it may be in the eastern part of Southeast Asia.”
Then, Duncan saw a few more One entry, he muttered:
“The epicenter of the Indonesian tsunami has also had earthquakes in
recent years,”
“But the magnitude was not high. Did you feel the tremor?”
May 47 shook his head and said, “I can’t guarantee this.”
“I haven’t felt the tremor for many years, but I can guarantee that I didn’t
notice any obvious tremor.”
Duncan nodded: “In this case, it means that your station should be at the
relative edge of the 2004 Indonesian tsunami.”
“And it’s basically outside the influence range of the subsequent
earthquakes nearby,”
“In this case, it is probably equivalent to locking the area between the ninth
ring and the tenth ring on a huge target paper,”
“Which is already a big breakthrough.”
As he said that, he drew a few circles on the map, and finally marked the
middle of the two outer circles with a red marker,
And said, “Although these parts are also very large, fortunately, most of
them are in the ocean,”
“And you said that your station felt the earthquake in 2004,”
“And there was also water penetration, which proves that your station must
be not far from the coastline,”
“It should be in a certain coastal area within this ring or some island!”
Looking at the circle on the map, May 47 said with a complicated
“For so many years and so many people, we have been trying to figure out
where we are, but no one knows…”
Speaking of which, May 47 suddenly shed two lines of hot tears,
Letting the tears slide down his face, staring at the not-so-small ring area
and choking:
“Detective Li… Thank you… …”
Duncan waved his hand and said, “Don’t rush to thank me now, even this
ring area is very large.”
“It’s actually very difficult to do a carpet search here, and before I came,”
“I have also discussed this matter with Young Master Wade.”
“I think it is not suitable to actually go to these areas to search for your
“We discuss these issues on paper, at least not revealing any clues,”
“But once we think If we go to this area to find the other party,”
“We must be prepared to be discovered by the other party.”
After speaking, Duncan added: “So, the best way at present is to find a
breakthrough point on paper together,”
“Preferably through the cooperation and analysis between us,”
“We can narrow the target range to a small enough size,”
“And then let Young Master Wade contact them personally.”
May 47 nodded in understanding, and sighed: “The strength of the
organization is indeed very strong.”
“It is likely to lead to disasters, and we have not been able to get rid of their
rule for so many years,”
“And we don’t even know their true colors. It might be much bigger.”
Duncan said, “It’s really embarrassing that you haven’t escaped the
“Of this organization for so many years and so many generations.”
After speaking, he looked at May 47 and said seriously,
“I think If you want to get rid of the shackles of this century-old tree,”
“Then Young Master Wade is definitely your only chance,”
“Only he can save you dead men and give you back your freedom.”
“Yes!” Nodding, he said with anticipation:
“My biggest dream now is to be able to reunite with my wife and children
“I’m afraid this dream can only be realized by Mr. Wade…”
As he said that, he asked Duncan, “Inspector Li, what else can you do to
make our location more detailed?”
“If you need me to provide clues, I will share everything!”
Chapter 5058
Duncan looked at May 47 and asked:
“Do you always fly out to perform missions?”
May 47 nodded and said, “Yes! Every time we fly.”
Duncan asked, “What state were you in midway?”
“In a coma.” May 47 said truthfully: “When we are about to go out on a
“We will first take drugs that make people deeply coma, and then wake up
and be there.”
Duncan asked again: “Then how do you make sure that you take a plane
every time you go out?”
May 47 explained: “Every time I have a mission,”
“I ask my wife to help me calculate the time. Although our time is not very
“The error is not too big when the time axis is relatively short;”
“Every time I go on a mission, the time I can’t grasp is the round-trip
“I can accurately record the time when I perform the mission in the middle,”
“So every time I go back, I check the time with my wife,”
“And use the time she recorded to reduce the time.”
“The time to do the task recorded in my middle is the time spent on the
round trip.”
“Generally speaking, whether we go to any place in the world to perform
the task,”
“The time spent on the round trip will not exceed six or seven days. At this
speed, only the plane can do it.”
Duncan nodded lightly and said, “It won’t take more than six or seven
“Which means that your turnover efficiency is very high,”
“And even the airport you depart from is likely to be near your station.”
After speaking, Duncan remembered something and blurted out:
“Next, we can take two steps. On the one hand, we can find a more
complete map,”
“Including satellite cloud images, and find all the islands and airports in the
ring area,”
“And then take each ten-kilometer area around the airport to locate the key
investigation targets;”
“As for the other hand, start with your transportation!”
May 47 hurriedly asked, “How do you start with the transportation?”
Duncan said: “Although you are flying on a mission,”
“You didn’t go through customs when you entered the United States, right,”
“Because when you woke up, you had already arrived in the United States
and completed the entry.”
“Yes.” May 47 Nodding his head, he said, “Every time we perform a
“We haven’t gone through the customs, and we have already arrived at the
place when we open our eyes.”
Duncan continued: “I don’t know about other countries, but the United
States has attached great importance to aviation safety since 9/11.”
“Therefore, it is impossible for the plane you take to enter the United States
“When entering the United States, you must go through customs.”
“Therefore, they must have chosen a certain country to be the springboard
“First, they will fly the plane to the springboard country,”
“And then immediately arrange for you to sneak across the border by land.”
“The entry line is completed.”
After a pause, Duncan asked again, “Have you been to the United States
May 47 nodded and said, “I went once a few years ago when I went to Los
Duncan continued to ask: “The trip to Los Angeles was the same as the trip
to New York,”
“Where you woke up and went back and forth within six or seven days,
May 47 nodded, “Yes.”
Duncan smiled slightly and said: “You must have been smuggled to enter
the United States,”
“And there are only two ways to smuggle, either by sea or by land,”
“But if it is by sea, it is impossible to achieve a round-trip time of no more
than six or seven days,”
“So I feel that you must be the first to fly by plane.”
“The springboard country, and then smuggled into the USA by land.”
Then, Duncan added: “The United States has only two neighboring
countries, Mexico and Canada.”
“If it travels by land, it must be one of these two countries, but Canada’s
aviation control is also very strict.”
“So if your plane chooses Canada as the springboard country, you can’t get
around the process of going through the customs,”
“But the situation in Mexico is different. Mexico is relatively more chaotic.”
“A plane avoids customs and directly landed somewhere in Mexico. The
possibility should still be very large.”
“I can basically confirm that your station is in the coastal areas or islands of
western or Eastern South Asia or eastern Southeast Asia,”
“Not far from the airport, and if you are going to the United States to
perform a mission,”
“The plane should first fly to Mexico, and then transfer you by land to New
“And the organization must have another group of people stationed there in
“I think Mexico should have the leads I want.”
Chapter 5059
After listening to Duncan’s analysis, May 47 quickly asked:
“Inspector Li, what do you mean, when we go to the United States to
perform a mission,”
“The plane will land first in Mexico, and then we move into the United
States by land?”
“Yes.” Duncan nodded and said, “This is the most reliable way for me,”
“Other methods are too difficult since they use planes To transport you,”
“You must have a landing site, and neither the United States nor Canada,”
“Can allow them to bypass customs and enter quietly, and only Mexico has
this condition.”
May 47 asked in confusion: “The plane enters Mexico, what does it mean?”
“Don’t you need to go through customs?”
Duncan explained: “There are two customs to enter the aircraft,”
“One is air traffic control, the other is customs, air traffic control is to control
the aircraft before the plane lands,”
“And the customs is to control the passengers and goods after the plane
“In the world, no one can completely hide the whereabouts of the plane,”
“Unless he is dead because the current density of civil airliners is too high,”
“The flight must be arranged and dispatched by air traffic control,”
“Otherwise it is very likely to have a collision, so I speculate,”
“The plane that sent you at the beginning must be a normally registered
“And applied for a route in compliance with the regulations.”
After speaking, Duncan added: “But the advantage of them choosing
Mexico is that after the plane lands,”
“They have to get to Mexico. It must be much easier than the United
“And Canada to transport your soldiers out of the customs.”
May 47 nodded lightly and asked Duncan, “Inspector Li, what are you going
to do next?”
“You just said that the plane can’t hide its whereabouts, so start the
investigation from the plane?”
“Yes.” Duncan said: “From the day you arrive in New York, push it forward
three to five days,”
“And put all those entering Mexico in the past few days.”
“All the planes you have taken are sorted out, the one you are taking
should be in it,”
“And the rest is how to screen, which should be a lot of work.”
Joseph, who had not spoken for a long time, opened his mouth and said:
“Inspector Li, from your position in the ring, flying to any place in Mexico is
at least 16,000 kilometers,”
“And most of the planes can’t fly that far,”
“Do you think they fly directly to Mexico or do they have a stopover in the
middle for supplies?”
Duncan said with a serious expression: “It tends to fly directly, for them, the
stopover adds extra cost.”
“Landing is not only a waste of time but also a great risk.”
“If you think about it, even if you are a strong martial arts master,”
“Once you put them all into a plane, there is still a risk of being taken away
by someone.”
“Just imagine, If the plane is shot down during takeoff and landing, what
kind of expert can survive the crash?”
Joseph only felt a chill on his back and said, “If the plane really crashed,”
“The speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour, coupled with the weight of
more than 100 tons and dozens of tons of fuel,”
“I am afraid that no matter how strong the martial arts master is, it is
impossible to survive.”
After speaking, Joseph added: “The plane that can fly such a long distance
is basically the same.”
“It is an ultra-long-range passenger plane among large passenger planes.”
“Under normal circumstances, some passenger planes can fly more than
16,000 kilometers,”
“Which are also the ultra-long-distance models of Boeing 777 and Airbus
“If Inspector Li thinks that they will land first in Mexico,”
“Let’s take out the planes that entered Mexico at that time,”
“And focus on checking these ultra-long-range passenger planes,”
“Which should be able to rule out most of the flight information.”
“If the eligible flight information is from the information you drew just now.”
“Those who take off in or near the ring area are the key suspects.”
Duncan’s eyes lit up, and he said, “This clue is very valuable and can save
a lot of trouble.”
Joseph said, “Then I’ll do it here. Let someone check the Mexican aircraft
entry records during that time!”
Duncan said quickly: “Master Wan, it is not difficult to investigate the aircraft
entry records,”
“But can you ensure that your investigation channels are 100% secure?”
“Don’t worry.” Joseph nodded and said, “The information channels of
Cataclysmic Front are of a very high level of confidentiality.”
“Besides, we have many firewalls, so Detective Li can rest assured.”
Duncan nodded lightly and instructed: “By the way, Master Wan,”
“I also need to sort out the information of all incoming cargo planes.”
“No problem.”
Chapter 5060
Soon there was a dense document In the hands of Joseph.
This document records the information of all flights entering Mexico in the
five days before the New York incident.
Since the vast majority of inbound flights are small and medium-sized
“Aircraft with a range of more than 15,000 kilometers are only a minority,”
“So after sorting out, there are less than 100 sorties in total.
And among the flights with less than 100 sorties,
Passenger planes accounted for 80%, and cargo planes accounted for
However, since the location of the circle drawn by Duncan is probably in
South Asia and Southeast Asia,
There are no direct passenger planes between these places and Mexico.
During these five days, there was only one cargo plane taking off from
Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka.
The model of this cargo plane is exactly the Boeing 777 ultra-long-range
passenger plane mentioned by Joseph just now.
It can be seen from the entry information that the plane took off from
On the fourth night before the incident in New York.
After a 20-hour flight, it arrived at the border city of Monterrey in Mexico in
the early morning two days before the incident.
And landed at Monterey International Airport.
The entry information also shows that in the entry application for this plane,
The goods filled in are tea and coffee beans, which are specialty products
of Sri Lanka.
After seeing this information, Duncan said excitedly,
“There is a high probability that this is the plane!”
Joseph also agreed: “This aircraft is a Boeing 777-200LR,”
“Which is Boeing’s longest-range aircraft. It is not impossible to fly 20,000
kilometers with a moderate modification,”
“And cargo aircraft converted from passenger aircraft are very common,”
“But it stands to reason. , It should not be modified with ultra-long-range
passenger aircraft.”
“Because ultra-long-range passenger aircraft has added more fuel reserve
“The available commercial load is not large. Using this kind of aircraft to
convert to a freighter does not care about the load,”
“But only about the efficiency. This kind of aircraft can basically fly directly
to any two airports on the earth.”
Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, then said,
“Inspector Li, this plane seems to be prepared for global maneuvering,”
“Combined with that mysterious organization. The characteristics of the
previous behavior,”
“I think your series of inferences, including this result, are correct! It is the
target we are looking for!”
Duncan nodded: “I also think it is it!”
Joseph couldn’t help but admire: “Inspector Li, you are really amazing!”
“You can lock the plane used by the other party in such a short period of
“I’m afraid this mysterious organization would never have imagined that
they would be exposed so quickly!”
Duncan said seriously: “The main reason is May 47. With him here,”
“He can gradually help me identify clues and help me to conduct
“This organization definitely did not expect that some of their dead men
would survive,”
“And they would not believe that the dead men could help leak some useful
key information,”
“It is even more unexpected that someone will find their plane.”
“If there is no information on May 47, we would even think that these dead
people are all from the United States.”
“And, normally, even if someone is investigating suddenly”
“The dozens of dead people who appeared in the United States would
never have thought that this was related to a regular cargo plane flying
from Sri Lanka to Mexico.”
“They never thought that we could use the earthquake information of the
past so many years to locate the approximate location of the dead people,
so as to narrow the scope a little bit.”
Joseph sighed: “Information is important, but your ability to extract
information from limited information,”
“And keep narrowing the scope is the key to finding clues, so you are called
the best detective. It’s not unreasonable!”
Duncan smiled humbly, then pointed to the cargo plane’s registration
number and company, and said,
“By the way, Master Wan, the plane’s registration number starts with 9V.”
“If I remember correctly, this is the registration of a Singapore aircraft.
number, so this aircraft must be registered in Singapore,”
“And the company that it belongs to is YT-Airlines. Please check where the
company is registered and the company’s public information,”
“Since it is a normal registered company. Then the public information
should be relatively easy to find.”
“Okay!” Joseph also had a feeling that he could see the moonlight through
the fog,
And he couldn’t hide his excitement and said:
“Inspector Li wait a moment, I’ll use it now. Check it out on my computer!”
After that, Joseph opened his laptop and searched for the company
registered as YT-Airlines on Singapore’s corporate information query
The information shows that this company is registered in Singapore and is
an aviation logistics company named Yuantai International Express in
The company has a total of three shareholders, all of whom are Chinese,
And there are six registered cargo planes under the company’s name,
All of which are ultra-long-range versions of the Boeing 777.
After Joseph found out the information, he said to Duncan,
“Inspector Li, if you find these three shareholders, will you be able to dig
out clues about the mysterious organization?”
Duncan said solemnly: “I think among these three, every shareholder
should have a false identity.”
“It is impossible for such a cautious organization to leave any substantive
clues related to people in this link.”
“The reason why a company must be registered and every aircraft must be
registered is also their last resort.”
“For this reason, aviation safety is a major issue that most countries in the
world attach great importance to,”
“If there are no complete procedures, their planes will not be able to fly at
Joseph asked him: “Then what should we do next? ?”
Duncan thought for a while and said, “I met Young Master Wade before I
“And he and I both felt that we should not have direct contact with each
other during the investigation process,”
“So as to avoid exposure in advance, so I’d better report it to him. See what
he thinks!”
Chapter 5061
At this time, Charlie had returned to Providence.
Claire went to class on time as usual, while he stayed alone in the hotel,
waiting for news from Duncan.
Although Charlie saved Duncan’s life like a savior, he admired Duncan in
his heart.
He admires his meticulous thinking and meticulousness,
And he thinks this man can find breakthroughs in places that others can’t
think of.
It is his ability that has created his reputation as a detective.
And his idea of trying to use the clues of huge natural disasters to gradually
locate where the dead soldiers are located is indeed very practical in
Charlie’s view.
Therefore, he believes that after Duncan went to Syria to see May 47,
It would not take long. The clues will gradually become clear.
Duncan didn’t let Charlie down either. He made a phone call to him, which
lifted Charlie’s spirit.
After answering the call, Charlie asked him the first sentence: “Inspector Li,
what’s the outcome?”
Duncan hurriedly said, “Young Master Wade, we have analyzed some
clues now,”
“But what to do in the future is still up to you to decide.”
Having said that, he reported to Charlie in detail what he had analyzed and
investigated together with May 47 and Joseph.
Charlie didn’t expect that Duncan would sort out so many valuable clues so
First of all, it is the location of the May 47 and other dead men.
At present, it can be determined that the high probability is in South Asia,
Especially the southeastern coast of Sri Lanka,
And the islands in the surrounding waters of Sri Lanka. It’s very accurate.
If they really want to find it in this range, it shouldn’t be difficult.
Secondly, it is the Yuantai International Express Company registered in
In Charlie’s view, the function of this company is most likely to transport the
soldiers for this mysterious organization;
In addition, there is a very key clue, which is the six Boeing ultra-long-range
aircraft registered under the name of Yuantai International Express.
Having mastered the registration numbers of these six planes,
Theoretically, he has mastered the transfer of the dead of this mysterious
After reporting this, Duncan said to Charlie:
“Master Wade, there are two directions for in-depth investigation at the
“One is to find the dead man’s station in the currently locked area,”
“And then monitor the person in charge of the dead man’s station,”
“And then go all the way. Follow the clues and find the real core members
of the mysterious organization;”
“The other is to find out the actual controllers of Yuantai International
Express first, and monitor them closely;”
“I personally feel that this Yuantai Express has a high probability of linking
your Aunt who committed suicide by taking poison,”
“She was the white glove of this mysterious organization in the outside
“Most likely they are members of this mysterious organization’s periphery,”
“Or another kind of death squad that is higher than the May 47 dead men,”
“Looking up from their line, you should be able to find clues about the
Charlie thought for a moment, then said, “Inspector Li, there is no need to
investigate these two directions for the time being,”
“This organization can exist for hundreds of years.”
“It must have built multiple firewalls long ago,”
“Once there is a problem with any one of the firewalls,”
“All connections can be immediately disconnected, leaving almost no
Having said that, Charlie added: “In contrast, We don’t have any firewalls
“As you said before, once there is substantial contact, the contact must be
“At that time, as long as the other party grasps a few clues,”
“They will be able to check all the people around me.”
“It’s clear to me that I’m not afraid of death, and besides, I have enough
self-protection ability,”
“But I can’t make sure that everyone around me will not be in danger.”
Duncan couldn’t help but ask, “Master Wade, then What should we do
“Can’t just stop like this? Then it will be difficult to make new progress…”
Charlie smiled and said, “Detective Li, we have another direction. You can
go deeper.”
Duncan asked subconsciously, “What direction?”
Charlie said, “Keep an eye on the six planes under the name of Yuantai

After speaking, Charlie said again:
“They would never have dreamed that this express company and these six
planes have been exposed.”
“This is the biggest advantage in our hands.”
“As long as they don’t notice the exposure, this Six planes will continue to
serve this organization,”
“And since aviation information is public, every time they move planes in
the future,”
Chapter 5062
Charlie continued: “No matter how well they cover it up, they will be
exposed in front of us;”
“What we have to do is to be strict. Monitor the movements of these six
“Once their planes move, it means that they are definitely moving
personnel or materials;”
“So record the time and place of each plane’s departure, and then track the
destination of the plane.”
Duncan said immediately: “No problem, Young Master Wade,”
“I will closely monitor the movements of these six planes.”
“Once they move, I will notify you as soon as possible!”
Charlie smiled slightly: “Let Joseph arrange for the monitoring.”
“Let’s do this, you are responsible for commanding the rear,”
“Analyzing the collected information by the way, and sorting out valuable
clues from all the information.”
“Okay!” Duncan said without hesitation: “I will be cooperating closely with
Mr. Wan!”
“Okay,” Charlie said with a satisfied smile:
“Then it’s hard work for Inspector Li to stay in Syria for a few more days,”
“And let Joseph prepare a bedroom and an office for you.”
Then Joseph’s voice came from the other end of the phone:
“Mr. Wade, rest assured, your subordinates have made arrangements!”
“I have also asked the intelligence personnel to pay close attention to these
“According to the latest flight records of these six aircraft,”
“They are currently located in Singapore and the capital of Sri Lanka,
“the Mexican border city of Monterrey, the Nigerian port city of Lagos,”
“The Cyprus port city of Larnaca, and the Brazilian port city of Natal.”
Charlie frowned slightly, and with his memory of the world map, he said:
“Sri Lanka in South Asia, Mexico in North America, Nigeria in West Africa,
Cyprus in Southern Europe,”
“Brazil in South America, Singapore in the throat of Southeast Asia…”
Speaking of this, he added: “Except for Singapore, which is a developed
“The remaining five countries are all developing countries.”
“It should be that these countries have more loopholes in the overall
management and control.”
“It can be drilled, and these locations are scattered all over the world,”
“Either they have their dead soldiers stationed near these places,”
“Or they are deliberately scattered so that they can make maneuver
dispatches on a global scale anytime, anywhere.”
Immediately afterward, he asked and answered himself:
“But at present, the possibility of the former is not very high.”
“After all, when they sent May 47 to the United States,”
“They flew from Sri Lanka to Mexico. If they have dead people near
Mexico, they should not be far away.”
Joseph said: “Mr. Wade, I will let people keep an eye on these six planes,”
“And if there is any movement, I will report to you as soon as possible!”
“Okay.” Charlie said with a smile: “Keep an eye on them,”
“Let me know as soon as you have a clear move,”
“If I have a convenient time and place, I can go and give them some
Joseph exclaimed, “Mr. Wade, didn’t you say that you won’t have actual
contact for the time being?!
Charlie smiled slightly and said, “I hope Detective Li will maintain a
non-contact unilateral investigation,”
“And not have any substantive contact with the other party during the
investigation process.”
“As for me, I am not going to investigate them. I’m going to surprise them.”
Hearing this, May 47 said in a panic, “Wade…Mr. Wade…”
“I can assure you that almost all the dead are not those who are willing to
sacrifice their lives for them…”
“I also ask you to look at their tragic fate…give them a chance to live…”
Charlie said lightly: “May 47, if I meet a dead man like you,”
“I can give them a chance, but the premise is that they must be able to be
used by me.”
May 47 blurted out: “Mr. Wade, don’t worry if you are willing to give the
dead man a chance.”
“The opportunity to take revenge on the organization,”
“I believe that any dead soldier will not refuse to serve you!”
“If you can rescue them from the shackles of hundreds of years,”
“Even if they die generously for you, they will never have half a minute of
“Okay.” Charlie said cheerfully, “If that’s the case, then I can give them a
As soon as he finished speaking, Joseph blurted out to Charlie,
“Mr. Wade, I just received news that one of the Boeing 777,”
“After applying for four hours, took off from Larnaca Airport in Cyprus.”
Charlie blurted out: “Can you see the destination they applied for?”
Joseph said: “The destination is the second-largest city in Norway, Bergen!”
Chapter 5063
Hearing the word “Norway”, the first person that came to Charlie’s mind
was Helena,
Who had just been crowned the new queen.
So, he asked Joseph:
“How far is Bergen from Oslo?”
Joseph replied, “About 400 kilometers.”
Charlie heard this and felt a little relieved.
Four hundred kilometers, it seems that the target of the mysterious
organization’s operation,
This time should have nothing to do with Helena.
Immediately, he said: “Since it is flying from Cyprus,
“It is highly likely that it has nothing to do with the location of May 47.”
“It may be another batch of dead soldiers.”
After speaking, Charlie asked Joseph: “Joseph,”
“How long does it take for a Boeing 777 to fly from Cyprus to Bergen?”
Joseph hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, wait a moment, I will check the map.”
After that, he checked the computer for a while, and said,
“Mr. Wade, the distance of the flight route is about 4,000 kilometers,”
“Including take-off and landing, the whole journey is estimated to take
nearly five hours.”
“Five hours.” Charlie nodded and muttered,
“What if I fly from New York to the Norway capital of Oslo?”
Joseph marked the distance on the map and said,
“Mr. Wade, it is about 6,000 kilometers, and the civil aviation flight takes
seven and a half hours.”
Charlie said lightly: “6,000 kilometers if you let the Concorde fly,”
“It will be two and a half hours. If you take a helicopter from Oslo City in an
hour and a half,”
“You will be able to reach Bergen in an hour and a half…”
“It seems that there is still plenty of time.”
Joseph exclaimed: “Mr. Wade, you are here. Are you planning to go to
Northern Europe?”
Charlie smiled and said: “Yes, I plan to meet them, but just to be cautious,”
“I plan to use the Concorde airliner to fly to Oslo,”
“And then transfer by helicopter to Bergen, but my speed is faster,”
“And I will definitely reach Bergen one step earlier than them.”
Joseph hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, their plane will take off in four hours,”
“And Cyprus and Syria are in a straight line. The distance is only more than
300 kilometers.”
“If your subordinates fly over from Syria, they will not be much farther than
“It is better for me to rush over now and arrive in Oslo in advance to join
you and help you.”
Charlie thought for a while and said: “Joseph if the other party is still acting
like last time in New York,”
“They will first put the dead men in a coma, and then smuggle them to
Northern Europe,”
“Which means that in addition to the people on the plane.”
“There must be support in Northern Europe, so you must not start off by
stunning snakes.”
After that, Charlie said again: “However, if you really make a move at that
“You really need someone to clean up the battlefield, so let’s take 20 elite
“Immediately prepare to take off and fly directly to Oslo first.”
“After you arrive in Oslo City, immediately disperse and hide on the spot
and wait for my order.”
“If I need you to deal with the aftermath, I will contact you at that time.”
“If I do not contact you, You two will just stay in Oslo City for two days,”
“And then you will be evacuated one after another.”
Joseph said respectfully immediately:
“Okay, Mr. Wade, I will arrange it and leave immediately!”
In Charlie’s opinion, since it happened to catch up with the other party’s
Then they must go to explore the truth.
Although it is impossible for this mysterious organization and the express
company under their command to know that they have been exposed,
For the sake of prudence, Charlie still intends to use Oslo City to hide the
itinerary and clues.
Chapter 5064
After all, there will be records of plane flights and personal entry.
Although it is impossible for the other party to know that they have been
Once the number of damages is too much, they will definitely notice the
If they turn around at that time, they will carefully investigate the relevant
Before and after each mission failure, and then follow the clues to find the
If there is a person as meticulous as Duncan in the opponent’s camp,
It is very likely that the clues will be focused on him.
Therefore, out of prudence, Charlie planned to ask Helena,
Who was already firmly seated as the Queen, to do a favor
Helena, the queen, and the royal family behind her are only the mascots of
the Norway people,
But the royal family is the royal family after all.
Even if the monarchy is already constitutional, the royal family still has
some privileges.
Therefore, Charlie planned to fly himself and the soldiers of the
Cataclysmic Front to Oslo City first,
And let Helena use the royal channel to send him to Bergen quietly,
And if necessary, send Joseph and Others along too.
In this way, all the official records of everyone going from Oslo to Bergen
can be hidden,
And the clues can be completely disconnected. This should not be difficult
for Helena.
So, Charlie hung up the phone and called Helena again.
At this moment, Helena, just got out of a special school accompanied by
the royal housekeeper and got into her own car.
Recently, she has been working hard to increase her exposure in front of
So she frequently organizes and participates in various charitable activities.
Today’s activity is to go to a special school to visit the disabled children
Helena, who had just finished the activity, was sitting a little tired in the
royal car.
She was thinking of taking the opportunity to close her eyes and rest for a
When the personal mobile phone in her handbag suddenly vibrated.
She took out her mobile phone and found that it was Charlie who called.
Her exhaustion was instantly swept away,
And her expression immediately became a little bit expectant and
She pressed the answer button and said with some excitement: “Hello, Mr.
“Helena.” Charlie asked with a smile, “Did the call bother you at this time?”
Helena quickly said: “How could it be, Mr. Wade!”
“It’s not a nuisance you can call at any time!”
“That’s good.” Charlie went straight to the point:
“Helena, I’m calling because I want to ask you for help.”
Helena said without hesitation, “Mr. Wade, please tell me.”
Charlie asked her, “If I fly directly to Oslo City tonight,”
“Can you arrange a helicopter to take me to Bergen without leaving any
Helena asked in surprise: “Mr. Wade, are you coming to Oslo City?”
Charlie snorted and said: “The main thing is to go to Bergen,”
“But I need to turn around in Oslo City, but I can’t leave any traces that can
be verified.”
Helena immediately said without thinking: “The royal family there in Bergen
has a palace,”
“And I happen to be going to Bergen to attend a charity event.”
“If you fly to Bergen with me, there will never be any traces left,”
“Not even the helicopter I take has any flight records.”
Charlie didn’t expect Helena to be going to Bergen,
So he asked her, “When are you leaving?”
Helena replied, “I can do it any time, as long as I can reach Bergen
After that, she asked him, “Mr. Wade, when will you arrive in Oslo?”
Charlie looked at the time and said, “I will take off from Providence in about
three hours,”
“And arrive in Oslo in two and a half hours.”
Helena said: “It’s almost ten o’clock in the evening of Oslo City time,”
“And I will wait for you here! If you are not in a hurry to come to Bergen
“You can spend one night in the palace first, If we are in a hurry, we can fly
over by helicopter overnight.”
Charlie immediately said, “Then we are going straight over!”
Chapter 5065
Because the Concorde was fast, and the flight requested by the other
party’s plane took off four hours later,
Charlie guessed that they were intentionally waiting until late at night.
To arrive in Bergen late, so he left immediately without any rush.
He asked Orvel and Issac to transfer from New York to Providence with the
Concorde passenger plane,
While waiting at Providence Airport.
As for himself, he waited until Claire came back from school,
And then told her that he was going to New York tonight on the grounds
There was an accident at the New York client’s construction site and he
invited him to take a look at Feng Shui temporarily.
Claire didn’t want him to be so tired, but Charlie told her that,
The other party had used a lot of connections to save her mother from
So he owed the other party a big favor and had to pay it back, Claire only
reluctantly agreed.
Afterward, he said goodbye to her and drove to Airport alone.
At this time, Providence Airport was already shrouded in a crimson sunset.
In the airport, the Wade family’s Concorde, as well as Orvel and Issac,
have been waiting here for a long time.
After Charlie boarded the plane, Issac immediately stepped forward and
“Master Wade, we have already talked to the tower, we can take off at any
Charlie nodded and said, “Let’s take off directly.”
Issac Immediately went to inform the pilot, Orvel asked Charlie curiously:
“Master Wade, what are we going to do in Northern Europe?”
Charlie smiled casually: “Going to meet some bad people.”
Orvel smiled, took out a scalpel with a soft plastic case from his sleeve,
And said with a serious face, “You said earlier that I haven’t been with you
“And there are fewer human body calligraphy works in the Western world,”
“So before coming today, I especially found a handy creative tool, I wonder
if it can come in handy?”
Charlie laughed dumbly, and said, “I don’t really know if it can come in
“But since you have all the tools with you, then wait until Northern Europe
to see,”
“As long as there is a chance, I will let you make good use of it.”
Orvel nodded cheerfully: “That’s good, that’s good!”
Soon, the plane took off above the runway and flew towards Oslo, 6,000
kilometers away.
When the Boeing 777 of Yuantai International Express was still flying over
Charlie’s Concorde landed smoothly at Oslo City International Airport.
At this moment, the royal motorcade of the royal family was already waiting
inside the airport.
Since the royal family had already reported to the airport and customs,
Charlie and others were taken directly from the airport as royal VIPs and
headed for the Nordic Palace.
At this time in Oslo, it was late at night and early morning.
On the way from the airport to the palace, there were few vehicles and the
speed was fast.
Empress Helena, who was dressed up, was already waiting anxiously in
the palace at this time.
And her grandmother, the old queen who had just abdicated,
Saw Helena pacing in the same place, her expression mixed with
Nervousness and anxiety, she couldn’t help but say:
“Helena, what are you talking about Charlie? Haven’t changed your mind
“Change?” Helena suddenly stopped and said to the old queen with a
serious face:
“Grandma, my thoughts on Charlie will never change in my life.”
The queen pursed her lips, hesitated for a moment, and then said,
“Helena, you must know very well in your heart that it is difficult for you and
Charlie to get together,”
“Not only that he is married, but you are also now the Queen of a state,”
“Your future husband can only be a European royal family member or a
clan aristocrat,”
“Otherwise, the hearts of the people will not accept it.”
Helena said firmly: “Grandma, I expressed my position on this matter a long
time ago,”
“If I really am fortunate to be with Charlie,”
“Even if the people regard me as a sinner, I am willing.”
The old queen asked helplessly, “Don’t you care about the image of the
royal family?”
Helena shook her head and said firmly: “I have already made two plans for
my future.”
“If I can get together with Charlie, then I can give up the throne or even give
up my royal status at any time.”
“If I can’t get together with Charlie, then I will be single for the rest of my
“And I will do my best for my people.”
“If you are really single for the rest of your life,”
“Who will inherit the Nordic throne in the future?” Old Queen asked.
Helena smiled and said, “It’s okay, when that time comes,”
“I will go to another country and borrow a prince or princess to succeed to
the throne.”
The old queen said seriously: “That is the last resort, because in that case,”
“The Nordic royal family will not be surnamed Iliad!”
As she spoke, she was anxious and blurted out: “By the way, Helena,”
“You didn’t say before that if Charlie is willing, you are willing to give him a
son. Is it?”
Helena’s face instantly turned red, and she said evasively:
“Grandma…you…what are you doing with this…”
Chapter 5066
The old queen said seriously: ” This is a good opportunity! No matter
whether he has a wife,”
“Or whether he wants to be with you or not, first find a way to conceive his
“And then tell the outside world that you are sick and need to cultivate for a
period of time.”
“After the child, you will return to the public eye again,”
“And then tell everyone that you have a serious illness and have just
“As for your child, we can secretly keep him in the palace until he needs to
go to school.”
“Give him a fake identity, arrange for him to study abroad,”
“And when you are old and need an heir, put him in front of the public,”
“And frankly say that this child is the one you raised during the period of
“Give the child a legal and public identity, and then establish him as the heir
to the throne!”
“Grandma…” Helena said shyly, “What the hell are you talking about…”
The old queen stepped forward, took Helena’s hand, and said seriously:
“Helena, it is about the continuation of the royal family and the Iliad family.”
“In this case, don’t just think about being shy, you must get pregnant first!”
After speaking, she said very seriously: “Look, although Charlie is married,”
“He has no children. If you can conceive his child,”
“It will also be a huge boost to the relationship between the two of you.”
“Not only will there be a continuation of the bloodline,”
“But also a common crystallization with Charlie, this way,”
“The relationship between the two of you will definitely be further
Helena’s eyes were flashing with luster, but she was still ashamed.
Repeatedly said: “Grandma…you are so crazy…I’m still young,”
“Far from the stage where I have to get married or have children…”
The old queen clenched tightly. With her hand, she said solemnly,
“Helena, the sooner you plan this matter, the better!”
Helena quickly waved her hand and said, “Grandma… I’ll talk about this
later… .”
The old queen wanted to say something, but the butler ran in at this time
and said,
“Your Majesty, the convoy is here!”
Helena heard this and said with joy, “I’ll go and see!”
The first time she ran out in person to welcome Charlie’s arrival.
Although it is summer, the night in Oslo City is still a little cool,
But Helena is wearing a shoulder-length western court dress,
As beautiful as a perfect and noble tulip.
Seeing Charlie getting out of the car, the queen temperament that Helena
had gradually cultivated recently disappeared,
Replaced by a girl who was just beginning to love, excited and restless
when she saw her sweetheart.
She carried her skirt and ran towards Charlie,
The royal housekeeper subconsciously wanted to follow but found that he
couldn’t catch up with her at all.
The old queen’s legs were not so neat. She walked out in a leisurely
While watching the figure of Helena galloping away. She shook her head
helplessly and sighed softly.
Helena flew to Charlie, her deep eyes were full of joy, and said excitedly,
“Mr. Wade, long time no see!”
Charlie smiled and said politely, “Long time no see.”

The old queen also walked forward at this time, and said to Charlie very
respectfully, “Hello, Mr. Wade!”
Charlie looked at the old queen, nodded lightly, and asked with a smile,
“Ms. Iliad, you are still in good health recently. right?”
Seeing that Charlie cared so much about herself, the old queen said
“Thanks to the rejuvenation pill you gave me, I’m in very good health now!”
Charlie smiled: “That’s good.”
Helena on the side quickly said: “Mr. Wade, the helicopter is ready.”
“Didn’t you say on the phone that you want to fly directly to Bergen, should
we leave now?”
“Okay!” Charlie nodded without hesitation, and then said to Helena:
“Later Cataclysmic Front’s Joseph Wan will bring a group of soldiers to
Oslo City,”
“Please help me prepare an additional heavy helicopter,”
“If necessary, when the time comes. Also, send them to Bergen.”
“No problem!” Helena agreed without hesitation, and said,
“Mr. Wade, time is urgent, or we should leave first,”
“And let the housekeeper help to implement this matter.”
Charlie nodded. He turned his head, looked at the old queen beside him,
and said seriously:
“Ms. Iliad, I will come back to see you when I finish my work.”
The old queen said quickly: “Okay, Mr. Wade, I will wait for you!”
Soon, Charlie took Orvel, Issac, and Helena into a large helicopter.
The pilot skillfully operated the helicopter to take off, and then flew towards
On the helicopter, Charlie looked at the night view of Oslo City outside the
And asked Helena beside him: “By the way, Helena, you said that you have
a charity event in Bergen tomorrow,”
“What time is it, and do you need me to support you?”
Helena said embarrassedly: “This…this…To tell you the truth, Mr. Wade, in
“I…Actually, I don’t have any charity activities in Bergen, that’s why I say
“I mainly wanted to accompany you to visit Bergen, I am the Queen after
“If you have anything I can help you with, I can also help you deal with it in
Charlie was slightly taken aback, Helena saw this, and quickly explained:
“I didn’t mean to lie to you, I originally wanted to really arrange a charity
event, but…”
“But I’m worried that you will need me tomorrow. The place to help, if I
really do charity activities,”
“I may not be able to respond to your needs at any time, so…so please
don’t be angry…”
Charlie came back to his senses, smiled, and: “I’m not angry, I just didn’t
expect it, thank you, Helena.”
Chapter 5067
Finally, after nearly two hours of flight,
The helicopter slowly landed at the palace of the royal family in Bergen.
The palace of the royal family is located in the suburbs and occupies a
large area.
However, due to the decline of the royal family in recent years,
And Congress has been cutting the royal family’s budget,
The palace also appears to be a bit of a failure due to the lack of repairs.
The royal family’s own financial situation is not optimistic.
Although the assets have more than one billion euros, most of them are
discounts on real estate,
And these real estates, the royal family cannot sell for a lifetime.
For example, they are in the capital city of Oslo.
That palace and the palace in Bergen are valuable, but once they sell their
ancestral property,
They will definitely be spurned by the people.
It’s as if the English royal family turned their heads and sold their
Buckingham Palace, which is bound to cause an uproar.
After the helicopter landed, Charlie could feel the shortage here.
There are only a few staff on duty in the huge palace and in the square in
the center of the palace,
The stone paved floor has many damaged parts that have not been
What is even more outrageous is that even the street lamps that illuminate
the surrounding area,
Are not more than three. One part is not bright.
Helena did not expect that this palace is now so dilapidated.
Since she lost her support in the royal family, she has not been to this
palace for many years.
Seeing such a dilapidated scene, she was a little embarrassed for a while,
So she could only say to Charlie a little ashamed: “I’m sorry, Mr. Wade,”
“It’s been a long time here. It’s in disrepair and the state of maintenance is
not very good, please don’t mind.”
After Helena just finished her enthronement ceremony,
The butler mentioned the situation of this palace to her,
Hoping that the family would allocate 10 million euros to this palace to
make repairs.
But Helena rejected the other party’s proposal in order to reduce the
expenses of the royal family.
At that time, she even hoped to take out the funds and do more activities,
And publicity to enhance the influence of the royal family.
But she never thought that one day this palace would have an intersection
with Charlie.
If she knew there would be today, even if she broke a penny in half,
She would have to squeeze some budget to repair the palace, at least not
make it look so shabby.
Charlie also saw that Helena was a little embarrassed, so he smiled and
“I think this place is very good, it has Nordic local characteristics,
And it looks like a real historical building, unlike those tourist attractions,
Which are all modern Although the antique buildings are magnificent, they
feel a little nondescript.”
Helena nodded lightly and introduced: “This place has a history of more
than 300 years.”
“Although it has undergone many repairs, the overall framework,”
“And most of the structures have not changed, and the last large-scale
repairs should date back to 1980.”
After speaking, she said with some emotion:
“But I haven’t been here for many years. I haven’t been here since my
father died.”
Charlie nodded, seeing that there were still two or three hours before the
other party landed,”
“He smiled and said to her, “It’s still early, why don’t you show me around?
“Alright!” Helena agreed without hesitation and smiled:
“Although I haven’t been here for many years, I still have a very deep
memory of this place.”
Just as Charlie accompanied Helena, he visited this place.
At the time of the Boeing 777 of Yuantai International Express was crossing
the sky over Finland,
And it was almost 1,300 kilometers away from Bergen.
Joseph and the twenty soldiers he had carefully selected had already
landed in Oslo at this time,
And the first thing he did after landing was to send the trajectory of the
plane Yuantai Express to Charlie.
Charlie also kept his composure until the other party had only an hour’s
flight left,
And temporarily said goodbye to Helena, dressed in black, and drove to
Bergen Airport alone.
According to Duncan’s analysis, the last time they went to New York to
carry out the mission of this mysterious organization,
They were first transported to Mexico by YuanTai International Express in
the form of freight,
And then smuggled into the United States from Mexico by land.
Therefore, Charlie and Duncan both felt that the other party’s real
destination this time should not be Bergen,
And most likely it was just a springboard for their mission this time.
It is very likely that they will also transport the dead to Bergen by freight,
And then switch to other channels to transport the dead men to other cities,
or directly out of Northern Europe.
Therefore, Charlie’s plan was to sneak into Bergen International Airport
before the plane landed,
Keep an eye on the plane, the people and goods unloaded by the plane,
And see where their destination is and what their goals are. And who is it.
Although Bergen is the second largest city in Norway, after all, the
population is only a few hundred thousand,
So the scale of Bergen International Airport is not large.
The airport is built near the sea, the runway is in the north-south direction,
The terminal building is located in the center of the airport,
And the maintenance and logistics areas are on one side of the terminal
Since it is one of the EU countries, and Bergen’s international flights are
almost all within the EU,
The customs management is relatively loose, and international flights
landing here,
Whether passenger or cargo planes have almost no strict entry screening.
The airport has only three normal access paths, one is the terminal building
for normal passengers,
The other is the staff channel for internal employees, and the other is the
professional entrance and exit for goods.
The security situation of the airport is also very streamlined.
Most of the entire airport is surrounded by iron fences.
The steel blade barbed wire and security monitoring equipment are the
main security measures here.
Chapter 5068
As for the security personnel, the overall scale is not large, and the patrols
are not very active.
In most cases, security is in the monitoring room staring at the monitoring
and security equipment,
And if there is a situation, they will immediately rush to deal with it.
However, because security equipment is becoming more and more
Even if there are no personnel patrolling, basically no one can pass the
monitoring of this equipment silently,
So the airport has almost never had an illegal intrusion.
Even if there are occasional people who try to enter the airport through the
peripheral security measures,
They are accurately identified by the security equipment.
Often, the security personnel are alerted as soon as they approach, and
when they arrive,
The people are often still On the iron fence, finding a way to break through
the sharp-bladed barbed wire.
Therefore, even if there are ordinary people who want to sneak into the
There is no possibility of success at all. Of course, this was before meeting
For Charlie, this kind of iron fence more than three meters high is useless
at all.
He only needs to climb up gently to jump over the iron fence and avoid the
security monitoring equipment on both sides.
So, 20 minutes before the plane landed, Charlie easily blended into the
Waiting for the arrival of the Boeing 777 on the side of the dark runway.
Since it was already more than two o’clock in the morning, the entire airport
had fallen into silence.
Charlie was wearing wireless headphones at this time,
And via headphones, he was communicating in real-time with Joseph and
At this time, Joseph told Charlie: “Mr. Wade, according to the entry and exit
information of the airport,”
“The entry and exit of passenger flights have ended tonight, and the rest
are all cargo flights,”
“And they will enter the port within the next three hours.”
“There are only seven cargo planes, and the time interval is very long.”
“The next flight to land is the Boeing 777 of Yuantai International Express.”
Charlie replied in a low voice: “Before the plane lands, let’s check the
information again.”
Okay, Mr. Wade.” Five minutes later, Charlie could already see a
slow-moving spot of light in the southern sky.
He cross-compared with Joseph, and according to the flight trajectory, it
was undoubtedly the plane.
Then, the spot of light got closer and lower.
However, the plane adjusted its direction before landing,
Flew from the south side of the airport to the north side of the airport,
And landed against the wind from the north side of the runway after fifteen
Charlie’s eyes kept staring at the plane. After it landed,
He turned on the reverse thruster, and then quickly reduced the speed to
the taxiing speed.
Then, under the guidance of the guide car, it got off the track and taxied all
the way to the cargo yard on the south side of the airport.
At the same time, Charlie followed the plane all the way, traversing quickly
in the darkness.
A few minutes later, the plane came to a standstill on the open tarmac
outside the cargo yard.
Several stevedores have been driving loading and unloading trucks and
transport vehicles, waiting here in advance.
After the door of the cargo plane is opened, these stevedores lift to the side
of the cabin through the lifting and unloading truck,
And after opening the door, they begin to unload a group of goods that
have been boarded with pallets one by one from the cabin.
Since the transportation of the freighter adopts a modular method,
All the goods are packed according to the board. Generally speaking, it is a
special aluminum plate of three meters one by two meters four.
The whole board is transported to the interior of the engine room for fixing,
And the whole board is unloaded to improve the loading and unloading
efficiency when unloading.
The plane quickly unloaded four pallets, and each pallet was nearly full,
with no apparent abnormality.
Charlie said in a low voice, “At the moment, the cargo unloaded from the
plane is all normal, and I don’t see anything extraordinary.”
Joseph couldn’t help but ask, “Mr. Wade, could the dead man be hidden in
the cargo?”
After Charlie released some spiritual energy to investigate, he said with
“There is no one in these cargoes, at least none of them have been
unloaded yet.”
As he spoke, Charlie frowned suddenly. Wrinkled up, he couldn’t help
muttering: “It’s a little strange.”
What made Charlie feel strange was that in order to unload these pallets,
The following stevedores actually took turns,
Whenever a pallet was unloaded Down, they have to change someone to
go up.
Generally speaking, skilled work should be a reasonable division of labor,
Special control equipment responsible for operating equipment,
Special handling responsible for handling, and special transportation
responsible for transportation.
This kind of behavior of everyone taking turns and going to the cabin to
transport the pallets one by one is very strange.
Charlie immediately relied on the pervasive perception ability of aura and
found the clue.
It turned out that there were eight people hidden in the cargo compartment
of the plane at this time!
It’s just that these eight people have been hiding at the end of the cabin of
dozens of meters,
And it is impossible for the outside world to see them.
Moreover, every staff member who goes up to carry the pallet will
exchange with a person in the cabin
After entering the cabin. He hides in the cabin himself,
And the person who replaces him comes out and pushes out a new board
of goods.
Charlie also immediately understood their routine, as they replaced these
staff with their own people.
The staff who were replaced were hidden in the plane,
And those who were replaced could use their identities to leave the airport
in a grand manner without leaving any record of entry.
What’s even weirder is that after careful observation,
Charlie found that although people did exchange inside,
The people who went in and the people who came out were dressed and
even looked exactly the same.
After more careful investigation, he discovered that the people who were
swapped out,
Had very realistic silicone masks stuck to their faces!
It is also through this realistic silicone mask that they have almost the same
facial features as those of the staff,
And the naked eye can hardly see any difference.
Seeing this, Charlie thought to himself:
“Could it be that the staff at these airports are also members of that
mysterious organization?”
Soon, the last mysterious person who was replaced gave Charlie an
answer with practical actions.
Immediately after completing the swap with the last staff member, he pulled
a dagger from his cuff.
Immediately afterward, his right hand waved suddenly,
And the eight staff members who were replaced were instantly blocked by
Chapter 5069
In a matter of seconds, the eight people were neutralized.
As the eight stevedores were killed, the killer who turned into a stevedore
walked out of the cabin calmly.
After coming out, he skillfully locked the huge hatch and took the elevator
down to the ground.
After rendezvous with his seven companions who had come down ahead of
The eight of them turned into stevedores and drove away the transport
That had just filled with pallets in an orderly manner.
At this time, the pilot in the Boeing 777 had already started to apply to the
tower for takeoff,
Requesting to take off immediately and return to Cyprus.
Since the original flight plan of the plane was to return immediately after
The tower did not have any doubts and let it go directly, so the plane
restarted the engine,
Carried eight corpses, and taxied toward the end of the runway,
And soon rose into the air and disappeared. in the darkness.
At the same time, the eight fake stevedores skillfully drove the transport
vehicle to the designated entry point,
After completing the stealing, and then struttingly walked towards the exit.
At this time, Charlie, who was hiding in the dark, was very puzzled.
He didn’t understand why each of the eight people sent by the mysterious
organization to perform the mission was in a state of sobriety and freedom.
If according to what May 47 said, in order to prevent the dead from
remembering the location of the station when entering and leaving the
The organization will use drugs to make them completely unconscious
before letting them go out to perform the task.
However, this rule obviously does not apply to these eight people.
Could it be that these eight people are not dead men?
From the basic logic, since the mysterious organization is not worried about
these people remembering the location,
It proves that the status and importance of these people in this organization
is higher than that of the dead men.
And since this mysterious organization did not guard against these eight
people on these issues,
Then they did not need to borrow Bergen as a springboard,
Which also meant that Bergen was the destination of their trip.
As for the eight stevedores who were just killed, they definitely did not die
Because they themselves were cooperating with these eight people to hide
their identities.

In Charlie’s view, these eight people should have only temporarily helped
the eight killers enter the country.
After they return from their missions, they will be exchanged out,
And then they will be able to complete all this without knowing it. And leave
no clues.
So, he immediately instructed Joseph to find a way to investigate the eight
Who were on duty at the airport tonight, check their details, and see where
they came from.
After instructing Joseph, he immediately followed the eight people and left
the cargo yard of the airport.
Along the way, he found that apart from these eight fake stevedores,
No other workers could be seen at the airport, and no one checked or
stopped these eight people from leaving.
The eight people successfully walked out of the freight yard.
At this moment, a pure electric-driven van was parked outside the freight
One of them walked to the left front of the truck, reached out, and touched
the top of the tires.
He took the car keys, and then he gave the other seven people a wink, and
the other seven immediately understood.
The man who got the key directly opened the door of the cab and sat in,
While the other sat in the co-pilot. As for the remaining six,
He directly opened the rear cargo door and they jumped in one by one.
Immediately afterward, the man in the cab hung up the forward gear,
Stepped on the accelerator, and the truck body shook slightly as the wheels
But none of these eight people knew that at the moment when the body
shook slightly,
Charlie, dressed in black, landed on the roof of the van like a fallen leaf.
No one noticed anything abnormal. The driver stepped on the accelerator,
And the motor-driven truck only made a slight motor rotation sound and
quickly drove out.
After the car left the airport, it did not drive in the direction of the city,
But went all the way to the southwest and entered the suburbs south of
Due to the long and narrow terrain, most of the land is within the Arctic
So the agricultural strength is relatively weak.
However, Bergen is located in the southern part,
The weather is relatively mild and the terrain is relatively flat,
So most of the suburbs here are farms of a certain size.
The degree of agricultural modernization in the West is relatively high,
So there are few relatively concentrated communities on the outskirts of
And because the farms cover a relatively large area, the households here
are also relatively scattered,
It is like one household is only tens of kilometers away from the next.
Charlie, who was lying on the roof of the car, looked at the surrounding
environment and became more and more puzzled.
This mysterious organization sent eight killers from thousands of miles
And even killed eight airport stevedores, but they drove their cars to such a
large and sparsely populated countryside.
What would their goal be?
At this time, the speed of the truck suddenly slowed down a lot, and the
lights of the vehicle suddenly turned off.
Since the pure electric car does not have the roar of the engine,
The biggest noise when it is driving is the tire noise generated by the tires
and the road surface,
As well as the low-volume whistle when the motor rotates at high speed.
Once the speed of the vehicle is reduced, the tire noise and the whistle of
the motor will also decrease rapidly,
So the pure electric truck with the lights turned off at this time is almost as
silent as a ghost on this quiet night road.
Chapter 5070
Charlie suddenly became more energetic, these people were suddenly so
There was only one possibility, and that was getting closer and closer to the
At this time, he heard the man sitting on the co-pilot in the cab say,
“There are still two kilometers to go, stop first and let the brothers start
getting the equipment!”
The truck stopped immediately on the side of the road,
And then the two got out of the cab at the same time and ran quickly to the
rear of the truck.
The driver tapped the tailgate lightly with his fingertips, and the tailgate
immediately opened from the inside.
The six people in the cargo box had already changed into a full set of
combat equipment at this time.
Body armor, helmets, and firearms were almost the same as the equipment
they carried when May 47 attacked Charlie’s grandfather and
grandmother’s family.
After the two jumped into the cargo box, the others immediately handed the
prepared equipment to them and quickly helped them put it on.
After the two were armed to the teeth, the man who was sitting in the
co-pilot said in a very serious tone:
“Everyone, two by two, check each other’s equipment, there must be no
The others responded immediately, and then there was a sound of clips
being inserted and guns being loaded from the cargo box.
After the inspection of everyone’s equipment was completed, the person in
the lead said,
“I will finally reiterate the mission requirements to everyone.
The British Lord’s requirement is that except for the target,
Which must be captured and taken away alive, everyone else will be killed,
And none of them will be left behind! You understand?”
The other seven said without hesitation: “Understood!”
The man said seriously: “Today is our great luck! This time we have to
catch the survivors.”
“It is said that the British Lord has been searching for the goal for decades!”
“The Lord didn’t get the exact news of the other party until today,”
“And he assigned this important task to our cavalry guards.”
“We must go all out and never let him down!”
“This is our cavalry guard’s revival in front of the lord this is a great
The other seven looked stunned, and each of them said with excitement:
“Don’t worry, Commander, we will do our best and never let the Lord down!”
“Okay!” The man smiled boldly and said, “Brothers, make your
achievements tonight!”
After speaking, he looked at the driver and said, “Si, according to the plan,
the car will be parked here temporarily.”
“You can sneak over with us. If The mission is progressing smoothly, you
can come back and drive in the middle.”
The driver said without hesitation: “Okay commander! I understand!”
The commander nodded and said loudly: “Okay! Get off!”
Following his order, the tailgate of the cargo box opened, and eight killers in
black clothes,
Armed with black guns and wearing black masks, were silent.
Jumped out of the car, and then quickly disappeared into the farmland by
the roadside,
Moving towards the target fast but with silent movement.
Charlie was lying on the top of the truck, staring at the figures of the eight
Ready to come with a mantis to catch cicadas, with an oriole behind.
At this time, Joseph’s voice came from the earphone: “Mr. Wade, my
subordinates have investigated the identity information of the eight
stevedores on duty,”
“And the information shows that these eight people are all genuine Nordic
native citizens.”
“And the historical files are very clean, not like someone with a mysterious
identity and unknown origin.”
“Also, their bank accounts, this afternoon, suddenly received one million
euros in cash from an American company.”
“The time to make money is only an hour earlier than the time when this
plane applied for the Bergen route.”
“I suspect that they were temporarily bought by huge sums of money, so
they cooperated with these people.”
After speaking, Joseph added: “By the way, Mr. Wade, the American
company that pays them is a company controlled by your younger aunt’s
Charlie was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and couldn’t help
“It seems that my younger aunt’s line, they are not afraid of being exposed
at all,”
“And if they dare to remit such a blatant remittance, there is a high
probability that all risks have been isolated,”
“And I am afraid that this line will not be able to find any valuable
information in the future.”
Joseph said: “The same is what I think Mr. Wade.”
Charlie said: “According to the timeline, this mysterious organization should
have temporarily bought these eight stevedores earlier today,”
“And then within four hours before takeoff, based on the facial features of
these eight people,”
“Made an inverted mask made of silicone material, and then let the eight
killers enter quietly in this way.”
“And these eight stevedores originally wanted to play a game with them,”
“And then easily earned huge sums of money, Unexpectedly, although this
organization is willing to spend money,”
“It will not leave any survivors at all, and the huge sum of one million euros
in each person’s account is only earned and not spent.”
Having said this, Charlie couldn’t help but sigh: “This organization is really
meticulous in its work.”
“The plane when they came has just taken off again, and the information it
left at Bergen Airport is after the eight people unloaded the cargo.”
“It took off and returned normally, and it took off before the eight people
“So on the surface, there would be no suspicion. Even if the eight people
are finally found missing,”
“No one would suspect the plane.”
At this time, Duncan’s voice came, and he said:
“Master Wade, the cargo plane of Yuantai International Express in Nigeria,”
“Has just applied for a flight route that will take off in 20 minutes from
Lagos, Nigeria. Fly to Gothenburg, Sweden.”
Charlie frowned and asked: “Sweden should be next to Norway, right?”
“Yes!” Duncan said, “Gothenburg is about 600 kilometers away from your
current location.”
Charlie asked again: ” How long does it take for the plane to fly from
Nigeria to Sweden?”
Duncan said: “It looks like more than seven hours.”
Charlie nodded: “It seems that after these eight people have finished their
They will go all the way to Gothenburg, Sweden, with another plane.”
After that, Charlie smiled slightly and said jokingly:
“It seems that this plane is going to fly for nothing!”
Chapter 5071
In the earphone, Joseph said to Charlie:
“Mr. Wade, can you be sure that the plane flying to Sweden is to pick up
“Not to send another group of people to Sweden to perform other tasks?”
“I’m afraid they may still be some other missions for them in Swede.”
Charlie said: “I heard their conversation just now, they are not here to kill
people this time,”
“But to take back some target people who are important to the
“So they must have a safe enough. Moreover, in order to avoid exposure,”
“The plane in which they came has already returned,”
“So I speculate that the plane that flew to Sweden is here to pick them up.”
After speaking, Charlie added: “Also, Land traffic between EU countries
has no border controls,”
“And the convenience of driving is as simple as driving between two
provinces in the country.”
“However, although in every country, law enforcement agencies serve their
own countries.”
“So once they arrive in Sweden, it will bring a lot of difficulties to the
investigation of the Nordic police,”
“And leaving the country from Sweden is a very perfect choice.”
From the call of the other party just now, as well as the sequence of the two
Charlie probably clarified this. Eight people on this mission.
They flew all the way to Norway to capture someone who was extremely
important to the organization.
The route they arranged was to enter Norway and leave via Sweden.
After they complete the stealing from Bergen and capture the target,
They will drive more than 600 kilometers to Sweden and take a flight from
Just another Boeing 777 took off from Nigeria, and when the plane landed
in Sweden,
These people should be able to make it to Sweden.
Joseph said at this time: “Mr. Wade, your subordinate feels that we still
have a window of seven or eight hours to make the rapid deployment.”
“If we send people to Sweden now, we will keep an eye on the one from
Nigeria to Sweden.”
“The planes should be able to figure out their specific context,”
“Maybe they can follow the clues and find the specific location of one of
their bases!”
Charlie smiled slightly, stared at the eight killers sneaking in the dark, and
“It’s not necessary to go to their bases for now, and now the clues of these
six planes are a huge advantage for us,”
“As long as we don’t fight this idea of six planes, don’t follow these six
planes to their base,”
“They won’t realize that it’s the six planes that have a problem.”
Charlie knew very well that even if he took these eight killers in Bergen and
kill them,
Joseph can continue to make a fuss on that plane.
After all, as long as it flies out, even if it can’t receive anyone,
It will definitely go back. Maybe it can really find some information.
However, Charlie did not plan to do anything about the six Boeing 777s of
Yuantai International Express for the time being.
He said to Joseph: “In my opinion, these six Boeing 777s are equivalent to
six telephone lines that the enemy has already exposed but still doesn’t
know about.”
“It’s like the communication code was deciphered by the enemy during the
“Realizing that the communication password has been deciphered, we will
continue to use this password,”
“So that we can find out the specific actions of the other party without any
contact with them,”
“As long as we can ensure accurate strikes every time, they won’t realize
which link went wrong.”
Chapter 5072
Duncan also agreed at this time: “I agree with Young Master Wade,”
“There is really no need to take the initiative to attack now.”
“The previous time in New York, Young Master Wade had already given this
organization a big loss,”
“And it just so happened that Young Master Wade did not get any news in
advance through any channels, so they will also seek truth from facts.”
“The reason for the last failure was not because of the early exposure, but
because of the opponent being too strong;”
“If Young Master Wade can repeat his old tricks this time, it will only make
the managers of this organization suspect that their strength has not kept
up with the development of the outside world,”
“But they will never make them think that their transportation channels have
been exposed.”
“We can still use the clues of these six planes to continue to snipe them
accurately in the future!”
“Come a few more times, I am afraid they will make them doubt their lives!”
Charlie smiled: “Detective Li and I have thought of it together,”
“Now I just want to follow this clue and seize the opportunity to teach them
a few more lessons.”
“Once they frequently encounter the failure of the group destruction,”
“They will not only doubt their life but will also lack self-confidence and be
constrained for a long time in the future.”
Said Here, Charlie’s expression froze, and said coldly: “Although I have
never seen their so-called boss,”
“But from the description of May 47, it is not difficult to analyze this person’s
“This person must be extremely confident and conceited.”
“And because his strength is indeed strong enough, he should rarely suffer
“So before meeting him, I want this extremely conceited person to be
forced to realize an eternal truth,”
“That is, there are people outside people, and there are heavens outside
Psychological warfare has always been a point that Charlie attached great
importance to.
In the earliest days, in front of Zhou Tianhao and his wife,
He completely flattened the entire Tianhao Building Materials Group, in
order to completely destroy their hearts.
Asking Orvel to engrave on the foreheads of Liu Guang and Liu Ming and
his son is also a means of mentally killing people.
And his arrogant aunt Cynthia, whose eyes were higher than the top,
Was also smoothed out by him in the urban village.
Right now, although he still lacks an understanding of this mysterious
He has made up his mind to play with this organization slowly,
First, let the controllers behind this organization collapse, and then
completely flatten this organization!
At this time, the eight killers with guns and live ammunition were still
sneaking on foot in the dark.
The speed of these people’s attacks was fast enough, and they hardly
made any sound.
It can be seen that the strength of these people is quite impressive.
If the weapons aside, their personal strength is obviously much stronger
than that of May 47 and the others.
Although they are not practicing martial arts, their strength is not inferior to
that of six-star warriors.
Charlie followed them several hundred meters away and followed them up
a relatively gentle hill.
After climbing to the top of the hill,
A set of two-story country villas with lights appeared on the side of the road
about a kilometer ahead.
With his superior vision and extraordinary ability,
Charlie could already see a few American pickup trucks parked in the yard
in front of the country villa,
And several figures were constantly moving various kinds of luggage items
from the villa. It all seems a little rushed.
At the same time, the eight killers also gradually slowed down.
After they communicated with gestures, the eight people split into two
Three of them stayed in place, and the other five quickly circled around to
the other side of the villa.
Side, planning to attack from left to right.
The people outside the villa who were busy moving things,
Didn’t know anything about the enemy who was already close at hand.
An old man with an Asian face was standing outside the door at this time,
Instructing everyone to load different items into different vehicles,
Chapter 5073
And at the same time urging with a serious expression: “Everyone faster,
we must start before dawn!”
At this time, there was still more than an hour left before dawn.
The old man looked at the time, anxiously returned to the villa,
Knocked lightly on the door of the study on the first floor, and said
respectfully, “Miss.”
A very young, even a little immature girl’s voice came from inside: “Come
The old man said respectfully, “Miss!”
After speaking, he gently opened the door.
Although this villa looks like a western detached house as a whole, the
interior decoration is very Chinese antique.
In the study room, a young girl with a very beautiful appearance,
And shatterable skin is sitting in front of a set of top desks, holding a
yellowed ancient book and reading it.
The little girl is extremely delicate, not to mention her facial features can’t
be faulted,
Even her slender and curved eyelashes are perfect.
And she is wearing a Chinese-style crepe embroidered skirt,
With a set of exquisite cloud shoulders embroidered with auspicious clouds
in all directions,
Which has a full classical charm. It can be seen that she should be a fan of
Hanfu culture.
As the old man entered the door, the girl put down the book in her hand,
Looked at the old man and asked, “Have you packed everything?”
“Miss, not yet. But it should be fine to set off before dawn.”
The girl looked a little depressed and sighed:
“Why don’t you bring that blue and white porcelain, I’m ashamed to say,”
“If it wasn’t for my obsession with these things, we wouldn’t be in danger of
leaking… …”
The old man smiled slightly and said, “Miss, they are all your favorites,”
“And it won’t take long to pack them up, so it won’t delay the time you set.”
“Okay…” The girl nodded lightly, With a bit of melancholy, she said,
“I really don’t want to be here. I’m afraid I won’t have a chance to come
The old man quickly comforted: “Miss, when you settle down in a new
“The old will definitely help you. You can build a new farm, and if you like it,”
“It’s fine to reproduce the look of this place one by one.”
“Okay.” The girl smiled slightly and said, “Then next time I will try raising a
few Jersey cows.”
“I feel that the cows are small, naive, and very cute.”
The old man nodded and smiled: “Okay! Wait! When you arrive in the
Russian Far East,”
“Then we will definitely raise some of the best Jersey cows for you!”
The girl smiled: “I just don’t know if the climate is suitable there.”
The old man smiled and said: “It should be no problem, wait for winter to
“Just keep the cattle indoors, as long as you have the fodder ready.”
“Okay.” The girl nodded and said, “I’ve been restless for the past two days,”
“I’ll make another divination.”
So she opened the drawer of the desk and took out nine different copper
coins from it.
Afterward, she divided the nine copper coins into three rows on the table,
And then grabbed the first one in the first row, the second one in the
second row,
And the third one in the third row with her slender hand.
Then, she closed her eyes again, muttering something in her mouth,
And threw the three copper coins on the table.
The girl opened her eyes, saw the three coins, and exclaimed,
“The doom I calculated the day before has already come…”
The old man exclaimed, “So soon?!”
The girl nodded, without speaking, her brows dignified looking at the six
copper coins left before.
At this time, the previous nine coins had just been taken away by the girl on
the diagonal line,
From the upper left to the lower right, and the remaining six coins showed
two triangles at the lower left and upper right.
Chapter 5074
She grabbed the three copper coins at the bottom left,
And hurriedly threw them on the table. She said with an even more horrified
“The blood in the hexagram is extremely bloody, and there must be a killing
Speaking of this, she couldn’t help muttering: “That’s not right…”
“I started a hexagram last night. Although the hexagram indicated that I
would be doomed, it was a near miss…”
After that, she quickly grabbed the remaining three copper coins and threw
them on the table.
However, due to nervousness, one of the three copper coins slipped from
the table to the ground due to excessive force.
After the girl saw the two coins on the table, she was about to get up to see
clearly what was on the ground.
Suddenly, someone outside screamed and shouted: “Quick! There is a
Immediately afterward, they heard the sound of bullets venting,
And the sound of being shot in all directions.
The old man’s expression suddenly froze, and he blurted out:
“Miss…they’re here…”
The girl’s expression couldn’t help but be extremely horrified.
She was about to see the last copper coin, but the old man had already
pulled out a pistol from his waist.
He stepped back to stand in front of her, and said with a stern expression:
“Miss, don’t worry, as long as this old servant is still alive, I will do my best
to protect you!”
As soon as he finished speaking, he heard footsteps approaching, and
many bullets even hit the wall of the study.
Immediately afterward, the door of the study was suddenly kicked open,
And several men in black with carbines rushed in quickly.
Without hesitation, the old man immediately shot at the man in charge,
But the man in charge easily dodged the bullet fired by the opponent’s
Then rushed forward, grabbed the wrist of the old man holding the gun, and
made the old man unable to move.
Immediately afterward, a cruel smile appeared on the face of the man in
the lead,
And the other hand suddenly took out a dagger from nowhere,
Raising his hand and preparing to cut off the old man’s arm at the root.
The girl hurriedly said loudly: “You can take whatever you want, just don’t
touch my grandfather!”
The man at the head looked at the girl with a sneer and said,
“Sorry little girl, we are not here to rob, we are here to take the two of you
The girl’s expression flashed a trace of panic, but she pretended to be calm
and said:
“We are just ordinary people, we don’t have much money or wealth,”
“Kidnapping us will not bring you any benefits…”
The head man smiled and said, “Little girl, when I came in just now,”
“I found out that the bowls you feed the cats are Yuan blue and white from
the official kiln.”
“The blue and white porcelain in this house alone is worth at least a few
hundred million dollars.”
“Do you really think that I don’t know anything and will be played around by
you, a hairy girl?”
The girl said without hesitation: “Since you know the goods,”
“Then take all the blue and white porcelain, just let me and My grandfather
The leader said coldly, “Don’t worry, I won’t kill you,”
“Because the order I received is to take you two back alive!”
The old man hurriedly said after hearing this: “Okay! Then I’ll go with you.”
“My granddaughter is still young, so you should raise your hand and let her
The headed man smiled disdainfully: “Old man, everyone outside is dead,”
“What qualifications do you have? Negotiate terms with me?”
After that, his expression instantly changed to a look of respect, and he
said reverently:
“The British Lord has his destiny, and you two are asked to live to see him!”
“Remember, this is an honor for both of you. Even me, I have no chance to
see the true face of the lord!”
Speaking of which, he suddenly couldn’t hide his excited smile and said,
“But this time, thanks to the two of you, maybe I will stand up.”
“After the miracle, I also have the opportunity to meet the lord!”
At this moment, a stern voice suddenly came from outside the door:
“I’m sorry, you don’t have this chance!”

Chapter 5075
Charlie’s words shocked the ten people in the study.
The lead man turned around and saw Charlie alone at the door of the
He frowned and asked, “Who are you?”
“Me?” Charlie snorted and said,
“I am someone who can’t be offended. If all eight of you combined.”
The man was stunned for a moment, then smiled contemptuously:
“What a joke! Don’t be afraid to back down before you talk big,”
“Just because you are only one person, you want to fight against the eight
of us,”
“You know where I come from?”
Charlie smiled and nodded: “I know, aren’t you the commander of some
cavalry guards?”
“Don’t say eight of you, what if there are eighty?”
That person didn’t expect Charlie to know him In addition to being
His expression became extremely gloomy, and he said in a cold voice full
of murderous intent,
“Boy, you are really courting death!”
After that, he immediately picked up the gun and was about to pull the
trigger at Charlie.
Charlie didn’t hide at all, and suddenly a cold light flashed in his hand,
And then he heard the crisp sound of the other party pulling the trigger,
But strangely, no one heard the gunshot except for the click.
The man in the lead was also stunned.
He subconsciously looked down at the assault rifle in his hand,
And found that the gun in his hand was not dysfunctional, but for some
reason, it just couldn’t shoot the bullet.
So, he subconsciously wanted to pull the bolt again,
But what he didn’t expect was that he just pulled it,
And the top cover of the entire assault rifle was suddenly pulled down!
He was horrified, thinking that something was wrong with the gun.
At this moment, one of his subordinates seemed to have seen the devil,
Pointed to the gun in his hand, and stammered: “Comm… commander…
your gun… …”
The lead man took a closer look, and he was so frightened that he was
instantly blown away!
He suddenly found that his gun was not as simple as tearing off the cover.
Started from the center of the muzzle, it was cut open!
Not only was the barrel cut in half, but even the bullet that was loaded in
the chamber was cut into a plane,
Just like a textbook, revealing the 5.56mm caliber cross-section,
Which could Clearly show all the structures, warheads, eggshells,
gunpowder, and primers.
He was completely frightened, looked up at Charlie subconsciously,
And asked with a trembling voice, “You… how did you do it…”
Charlie shot the soul-piercing blade. He was calm and said with a smile:
“Well, that’s what it is.”
The man frowned and blurted out, “How can a mere shell cut off an assault
Rifle made of steel!”
“Don’t believe it?” Charlie raised his eyebrows, smiled playfully, and said,
“It seems that the old saying is right, this man really can’t cry without seeing
the coffin!”
Suddenly cold, he said sharply, “Since you don’t believe me, I’ll let you try
As soon as the words fell, a cold light flashed in Charlie’s hand again.
This time, before the man in the lead, could react,
He saw the other half of the assault rifle in his hand fall from the air.
Just when he was wondering how Charlie did it,
He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his right shoulder.
He instinctively looked at the sore spot, only to realize that there was only a
bowl-sized wound left there!
The wound was neat and completely on a plane,
And the flesh and bones were clearly visible, and a lot of blood spurted out!
His whole brain was dizzy, and he quickly looked at the ground,
Only to realize that it was not just half an assault rifle that fell just now,
But a half-assault rifle, along with his entire right arm!
“Ah!!” The severe pain made him almost collapse, and he looked at Charlie
as if he saw a ghost.
After experiencing extreme fear for about three seconds, he suddenly
“Quick! Quickly kill him! Quickly kill him!!”
Chapter 5076
The other seven people also came back to their senses in an instant,
And they instinctively wanted to shoot with their guns.
Charlie looked around for a while with sharp eyes,
And the chilling air suddenly erupted, and the whole person shouted: “Who
This shout made the seven people suddenly scared,
And the assault rifles in their hands seemed to be heavier than thousands
of pounds, it is impossible to lift it up at all!
The man at the head was already desperate, and broke down and scolded:
“You ba5tards who are greedy for life and fear of death! Do you think he
can let you go?!”
Everyone was so scared that they dared not speak.
Because they all know that if Charlie can cut off the commander’s assault
Cut off his arm, he can cut off their heads.
Therefore, in order to avoid the tragic situation where the head is in a
different place,
No one dared to take the risk of pointing the gun at Charlie at this time.
Charlie glanced at the seven people, and scolded coldly: “Put down the
guns for me!”
When the seven people heard this,
They hurriedly threw the guns out and threw them on the ground.
The lead man was completely desperate at this time.
He knew that once these seven people handed over their guns, he would
have no chance to come back.
So, he looked at the seven people with despair and said,
“You people who are greedy for life and afraid of death,”
“Don’t forget, even if you can survive today, once the seven days are up,”
“You won’t have the medicine to last your life. You will still burst and die!”
Charlie sneered: “Do you cavalry guards, like the dead, have to take
antidote on a regular basis?”
The man in the lead looked at Charlie and said with a miserable smile:
“Since you know dead Soldiers, so it seems that the group of dead soldiers
in New York were also killed in your hands?”
Charlie smiled: “It seems that you are not stupid.”
After speaking, Charlie asked him: “How much do you know about this
The lead man said coldly, “I don’t know much, but even so, I won’t tell you
Charlie smiled and asked him, “You really don’t plan to tell me?”
“That’s natural!” The lead man snorted coldly: “I am loyal to the Lord, and I
will never betray him…”
Before Charlie could finish his words,
He suddenly rushed forward and grabbed him His upper and lower jaws
slammed with force,
Only to hear a click, something seemed to shatter in his mouth, and then,
his whole body twitched violently.
Charlie guessed right. Although this person is not a dead man,
He still has dentures full of venom in his mouth.
At a critical moment, as long as the dentures are crushed,
The venom will flow into the abdomen along the mouth, causing them to die
However, the difference this time is that Charlie actually helped him bite the
denture directly.
Seeing that he was already showing signs of poisoning,
Charlie sneered disdainfully: “Be loyal to your lord, don’t rush to reincarnate
when you get there,”
“Maybe it won’t be long before I will send him down to see you,”
“Then you will be there. You can continue to saddle for him.”
After speaking, Charlie suddenly realized something and sighed:
“Oh, sorry, I forgot that you haven’t seen the lord, even if I send him off, you
may not be able to. Recognize him.”
At this moment, he said helplessly:
“Well, then I will let someone engrave the word lord on his forehead so that
you can recognize him!”
The boss of the men’s eyes widened, staring at Charlie closely,
Even in his dreams, he couldn’t understand why Charlie was so confident
that he could kill their boss!
Feeling that the venom had reached his internal organs,
He said in a very disintegrating tone: “You…you…you just…why…”
“Why not… …don’t… don’t ask me again…you…you ask me
again…again… I just…I’ll tell you…”
Charlie said disdainfully: “I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you,”
“You haven’t even seen the face of the lord, and you have to carry dentures
full of poison in your mouth,”
“When you come out to perform tasks, you can see from these two points.”
“Come on out, you are just trash in this organization,”
“I don’t think the seven people next to you know less than you, and after
you die, I can still ask them!”
Chapter 5077
Charlie’s remarks full of jokes and ridicule made the commander fill with
He held on to the last bit of strength, gritted his teeth, and said,
“Lord… Lord will definitely avenge me!”
Charlie snorted and said disdainfully, “I can see that for you and the dead
men alike,”
“There is also a deadly drug in the body that periodically attacks,”
“And if there is no antidote within a week, there is no doubt that you will die,
The commander heard this, his eyes were full of horror.
He didn’t know how Charlie could see the toxins hidden in his body.
Charlie ignored his horror, but continued to sneer:
“There is no essential difference between you and the dead men,”
“They are all donkeys for the Lord, and the only thing you are better than
the dead men,”
“Is that you don’t need to be blindfolded by a black cloth like the dead
Speaking of which, Charlie suddenly remembered something, and said with
a smile,
“If I guessed correctly, you or your parents should have climbed up from the
dead men’s class. Yes, right?”
“Because of your more dedicated performance, the Lord gave you a
“Gave you a so-called cavalry guard title, so that you can take off the black
“That covers your eyes, you or your fathers were deeply moved and
encouraged by this,”
“Thinking that they had completed the leap of class, but in fact,”
“You are still tightly controlled by this organization,”
“You have no other freedom except to perform the tasks they gave you,”
“You can only continue to work hard, Try to achieve the next class leap,
“Let me guess, you may become a so-called guide if you move up the
“And then you may have a chance to get a real society.”
After being in contact with Duncan for a period of time, Charlie’s logical
analysis ability has also improved a lot.
Before tonight, he only knew how the May 47 dead men worked.
But at that time, May 47 said that there are only two ways for those dead
men who are in darkness to get rid of their fate, either die or work hard to
climb up.
No shrewd manager will choose a flat management method.
He will definitely plan a long ascending ladder for the people who work hard
for his subordinates,
And then let them climb up by gritting their teeth.
Just like those big Internet companies, some are from P1 to P14, some are
from T1 to T17, and some are from M1 to M9.
Therefore, even the deadliest at the bottom will definitely have an
ascending channel.
Tonight, from the conversations of these people, he learned about the new
title of the cavalry guards.
Combined with their main mission, they also have deadly toxins in their
And deadly fangs in their mouths. He can infer that they are actually no
better than the dead men.
How much stronger? As for the word “guide”, Charlie also heard it from
May 47.
Although he was not sure whether his aunt who had committed suicide by
taking poison was a guide,
It could be logically inferred that the guide should live in real society.
For example, the guide of this mysterious organization in New York must
live somewhere in New York,
And have a reasonable and legal identity, as well as relatively strong local
Only in this way can they have the qualifications of a qualified guide.
It’s like going out on a trip and finding a local who is familiar with the local
area to arrange reception.
At this time, the commander heard Charlie’s series of analyses.
Chapter 5078
Although the whole person was speechless, his eyes were full of shock and
fear when he looked at Charlie.
He didn’t expect that this man had figured out their organization’s external
He really wanted to know who he was and how he mastered such deep
However, he ultimately failed to do so.
Because of his life, after a painful struggle with his expression, it came to
an end.
Charlie threw his body aside without the slightest pity,
Then looked at the remaining seven people, and said coldly:
“I believe, you guys are shouting that you are willing to give everything for
the Lord,”
“But in your heart, You should be full of hatred for him that you have never
seen before,”
“Like the group of dead men, right?”
When Charlie said this, the expressions of the seven people were very
Hatred is natural.
Moreover, it is a deep-seated hatred, a deep hatred in the sea of blood!
Their ancestors, for over a hundred years, could only be reduced to the
killers supported by this organization,
And lived a life without seeing the light of day every day.
Although they later took a step up through hard work,
The unforgettable hatred was not enough. How could it be forgotten?
Charlie continued at this time: “I’m giving you a chance now,
Not a chance to live, but a chance to take revenge!
As long as you can find your way back and tell me everything you know, I’m
“I promise you that I will definitely avenge your companions and your
The seven people suddenly froze when they heard this.
And Charlie’s super strength made them understand that today’s seven
people are bound to die.
If they can help him fulfill the promise of destroying the organization before
they die,
It will be considered as a sacrifice for all the dead,
As well as the current dead and themselves. The descendants have done a
great deed for the future!
Thinking of this, one of them knelt on the ground with a thud, and choked
“Just ask what you want to know, sir, and you will know everything and I will
say everything!”
Seeing this, the other six immediately knelt down with him and shouted
loudly and said:
“I’m sure I know everything and I have everything to say!”
Charlie nodded and asked, “The first question, where exactly is your
The person who knelt down first said, “Our base, it is near the Cyprus port
city of Limassol, in a copper mine called Candice.”
“Copper mine?” Charlie frowned and continued to ask:
“Is this copper mine operated by your organization? Tell me about the
specific situation inside!”
The man quickly said, “The copper mine is operated by cavalry. Yes, there
are more than 200 cavalry guards.”
“The copper mine is closed and managed. These 200 people live and train
“In addition, the bottom of the copper mine is only a few hundred meters
“There are more than 800 dead people and their families living there.”
Charlie asked again, “Then your main task is to guard these dead people?”
“Yes.” The man said without hesitation: “Guarding and managing the dead
is our main job,”
“But we are usually ordered to go out to perform tasks.”
“In today’s situation, it is a sudden incident. We are required to organize the
eight best personnel to come over immediately,”
“Before, that we also made a mold for ourselves to make us look like
stevedores when we arrived.”
Chapter 5079
Charlie continued to ask, “What is the goal of your mission this time?”
The man turned around and pointed not far away.
The nervous look of one old and one young person hurriedly said:
“Our mission goal is to take the two of them alive to Sweden, where there
will be a plane waiting for us.”
Charlie asked: “After arriving in Sweden? Where is a destination?”
“The next destination?”
The man was slightly startled, and quickly waved his hand and said:
“We don’t know this at all, even before our departure,”
“We didn’t know where we were flying. Where is the destination,”
“They didn’t tell us the specific requirements of our mission until after we
got on the plane and the plane took off.”
Then, he added: “As for the arrangements after arriving in Sweden,”
“We will not even know what to do. I don’t even know if we can get on that
plane after we arrive in Sweden.”
“After all, these two are meant to meet the lord and he is unpredictable.”
“It is impossible for us to know his location.”
“It is very likely that the plane takes the two of them away,”
“And we will find a way to return to Cyprus by ourselves.”
Charlie frowned slightly when he heard this, and asked,
“Isn’t the plane that sent you usually not under your control?”
“My intelligence shows that This plane is stationed in Cyprus most of the
The man nodded and said truthfully: “That plane is indeed stationed in
“But that plane is not managed by our cavalry guards,”
“And all planes are owned by the ‘postman’ Jurisdiction.”
“Postman?” Charlie asked curiously: “Is it another type of work like the
“Yes!” The man hurriedly said:
“We and the dead men we manage, all personnel transfers are determined
by the above.”
“After the above decision, the task details will be handed over to the
“The postman will then notify us. For example, the dead man goes out to
perform the mission.”
“After the mission is over, the postman will send the survivors back to us.”
Charlie probably understood the operation mode of the other party, and he
said with a solemn expression:
“You said that you cavalry guards, most of your responsibilities are
equivalent to prison guards.”
“Yes.” The man said in agreement: “Most of our jobs are similar to prison
“And we are also prison guards in reform-through-labor prisons,”
“And usually supervise the dead men’s mining operations in there.”
Charlie asked in surprise: ” Is the copper mine still producing?”
“Yes.” The man explained:
“The copper mine was purchased from the Cypriot government through
legal procedures and with legal funds;”
“Because this is a copper mine that has been in production for many
“The organization cannot allow it to go out of business,”
“Because it would definitely arouse suspicion from the outside world,”
“So after the organization bought the copper mine,”
“It announced that it had invested 500 million US dollars to upgrade and
expand the copper mine;”
Chapter 5080
At the bottom of the copper mine, there is an area for us and the dead to
live and train.
At the same time, the copper mine also retains several working surfaces,”
“And the dead and their families take turns to work on weekdays to ensure
the normal production of the copper mine.”
“In the outside world. It seems that there are more than 200 employees in
our copper mine,”
“But in fact, more than 200 of us do not work,”
“And the people who are really responsible for the mining work are the
dead men living below and their families;”
“We need to ensure that more than 100 people are responsible for the
mining work every day,”
“So that our production capacity can reach normal standards, and the
outside world will not be suspicious.”
Charlie frowned: “But you are still detaining more than 1,000 dead men and
their Family members,”
“There are at least a few thousand people on this scale,”
“And so many people have to rely on imports for their food and drink
“If you import a large amount of food materials that exceed the needs of
your more than 200 people for a long time,”
“Won’t the outside world be suspicious?”
“No. Yes.” The man further explained:
“The copper mine we are in is located on the coast and has its own wharf.”
“All material dispatches are transported by sea,”
“And the copper ore dug out is also normally sent out by sea;”
“And our copper ore is packaged and sold to our copper smelter in Turkey,”
“And that copper smelter is also an organized enterprise,”
“So every time they send a ship to transport copper ore,”
“They will bring a large amount of food supplies in;”
“What’s more, a small country like Cyprus with a poor economy has a lot of
chaotic internal management,”
“And a lot of corruption, so we bribed the customs of Cyprus and will not
conduct any inspections,”
“On incoming and outgoing ships. , so that ensures we have plenty of
supplies to bring in quietly.”
Charlie didn’t expect that this organization could even form a closed loop
for the sale of copper ore.
While amazed, he asked him, “Do you know the name of the copper
smelter in Turkey?”
“Yes!” The man said without hesitation: ” The name of the copper smelter is
“Okay.” Charlie nodded lightly, thinking to himself:
“I have mastered the copper mine in Cyprus and the copper smelter in
“And the clues about this mysterious organization. It’s a bit more improved.”
Immediately, he asked again: “Besides these, what other information do
you know about this organization?”
The man thought for a moment and said, “To tell you the truth,”
“Our information channels are also not very good.”
“On the surface, we are much freer than the dead,”
“But we are actually more like prisoners held on the ground.”
“The organization has strict rules, and we are not allowed to go out without
“Usually, there are supervisors stationed in the copper mine.”
“So we spend most of the time in the copper mine, and occasionally go out
to perform tasks.”
Charlie nodded slightly, and then looked behind the seven people,
The old and the young who were especially nervous.
He saw that the girl was only seventeen or eighteen years old,
So he put his eyes on the old man and said,
“Gentleman, may I ask, what is your relationship with this organization?”
“Why do they want to take you away?”
Chapter 5081
Suddenly being questioned by Charlie, the old man seemed very nervous
for a while.
He hesitated, not knowing what to do or what to say,
So he could only subconsciously look up at the beautiful girl beside him.
Seeing this, the girl hurriedly said, “Grandpa…”
“It’s all over now, you should tell the truth to this gentleman!”
“I…” The old man didn’t expect the girl to be saying that, he doesn’t know
what to do for a while.

After all, he was just a servant beside the young lady,
And the young lady called him a grandfather in public,
But he could understand that, he could hear the meaning of the young
lady’s words,
That he wanted to pretend to be a grandfather and granddaughter.
However, the young lady suddenly wants to tell him the truth, which makes
him confused.
Because I don’t know how to tell the truth.
Before the old man showed his timidity, the girl hurriedly took the lead and
said to Charlie,
“Gentleman, my grandfather is still a little undecided, so let me explain it to
Charlie did not see that the girl and the strangeness between the old men,
Seeing that the girl was willing to tell the reason,
He nodded and said: “Little girl, please tell me.”
The girl couldn’t help but pursed her lips and smiled, and then said:
“Actually, the reason why these people want to arrest My grandfather and
“Is because the person behind them wants a treasure left by my father.”
“Treasure?” Charlie couldn’t help frowning when he heard this, and asked
in surprise,
“What treasure is worth that much that it arouses the interest of this
so-called lord?”
Although Charlie didn’t know who the Lord was, or how strong the Lord
He could still get a glimpse of him with his little understanding of the
In his opinion, the comprehensive strength of this mysterious organization
must be higher than himself,
And even the An family will be played by them.
Therefore, Charlie speculated that the strength of this mysterious
organization would not be,
Inferior to that of the Routhschild family, which currently ranks first in the
It is even possible, much stronger than the Routhschilds.
It was because he knew that the other party was very powerful,
So he couldn’t understand how such a high-ranking person would grab
something from these two.
Seeing that Charlie had some doubts,
The girl took out a sachet the size of a palm from her close-fitting clothes
for a moment.
Then, with her slender, white, and tender hands,
She took out an inconspicuous bronze ring from the sachet.
And the moment the ring was taken out of the sachet, Charlie felt a very
rare, yet very familiar feeling.
This made him immediately realize that this little ring was actually a magic
Just like his own Thunderbolt Order and Soul Piercing Blade!
This is also the first time that he has seen a real magic weapon in the
hands of others!
He thought that this girl also had the same spiritual energy as himself,
So he subconsciously divided some spiritual energy and quietly checked
the girl.
However, after some investigation, he did not find any trace of spiritual
energy from this girl.
That is to say, this girl has absolutely no spiritual energy,
And it is impossible for him to be the same person as her in terms of
So, he couldn’t help but ask her: “Little girl, what is the origin of this ring?”
The girl said faintly, “My father left this ring to me.”
Charlie asked again, “Then did your father tell you what’s so special about
this ring?”
“No.” The girl said seriously, “My father just said that this ring is
“So I must take good care of it and not let it fall into the hands of rogues
Chapter 5082
After that, the girl lowered her head and pondered for a moment,
Then suddenly raised her head to look at Charlie, and said in a firm tone,
“Sir, if you can let my grandpa and me live today, I would like to give you
this ring,”
“Anyway, with this thing in my hands I can’t do anything, and it always
brings disaster.”
“After giving it to you, my grandfather and I will find a safe place to live in
“And we won’t have to be bothered by this kind of harassment again.”
Then, the old man, he stared at the girl with wide eyes and told her not to
be so impulsive with his eyes.
But the girl gave a wry smile and said to him: “Grandpa, this thing,”
“We can’t protect it, not only will we not be able to protect it,”
“But it will likely be taken away by the bad guys.”
After speaking, she said firmly: ” It’s not In this way,”
“It’s better to give it to this gentleman! I think this gentleman has a good
“And he will not let it go astray, and this gentleman is very powerful,”
“And he will definitely be able to protect this ring well! “
Charlie asked her curiously:
“Little girl, since your father told you that you must not let it fall into the
hands of wicked people,”
“Aren’t you afraid that I am a wicked person?”
“Not afraid.” The girl shook her head and said seriously,
“I believe you are definitely not here for this.”
“The ring came, and you appeared at the juncture, although I dare not say
that you are all for saving me and grandpa,”
“But I believe that at least part of the reason,”
“So I can be sure that you are definitely not a bad person.”
Charlie smiled noncommittally, and then looked at the ring in her hand.
To tell the truth, he really had some yearning for this ring.
After all, this was the first time he had seen a magic weapon in the hands
of others,
So he wanted to know what special effects this magic weapon had.
So, he said to the girl: “Okay! I promise you!”
After that, he changed his words and said,
“But before I promise you, I have one more thing to explain to you.”
The girl hurriedly said: “Sir, please speak!”
Charlie said lightly: “That is after tonight, you may forget what happened
just now,”
“If you find out that the ring your father left you and let you keep it properly
is lost,”
“Maybe you will live amidst the guilt and self-blame, do you think you’re
okay with this?”
The girl was startled slightly, then nodded and said,
“I’m fine! If this ring is still on me,”
“Then my grandpa and I may not be like this next time. Having bad luck.”
“Okay.” Seeing that she agreed, Charlie said very cheerfully, “Then we
have a deal.”
The girl nodded, and immediately tossed her jade hand,
And the ring swirled in a circle from the air.
It crossed a graceful curve and landed in front of Charlie.
Charlie reached out and grabbed the ring in the palm of his hand,
And then a little bit of spiritual energy entered, wanting to see what the
mystery of the ring was.
However, after the spiritual energy entered the body of the ring,
It was like a stone sinking into the sea, and it all disappeared in an instant.
Charlie’s brows couldn’t help frowning, and he thought to himself:
“What kind of formation is there? Why does the aura enter, but the ring
doesn’t respond?”
Thinking of this, he didn’t show any sound,
And allowed a bit more spiritual energy to enter into it.
And this time, the small ring suddenly made a humming sound that was as
crisp and sweet as the sound of a sword.
Aside from this buzzing reputation, though, the ring itself hasn’t changed.
Chapter 5083
Charlie frowned, feeling that there must be some mystery hidden in this
But he might not have time to study it now, so he put the ring in his pocket.
And that girl, at the moment when she heard the buzzing sound,
Those eyes that were still a little distressed were instantly replaced,
By a kind of excitement that was difficult to suppress…
Charlie didn’t notice the change in the girl’s eyes.
After he took the ring, he looked at the seven cavalry guards again and
“Does your lord just want you to snatch this ring?”
The man who kept answering Charlie’s questions said respectfully:
“To tell you the truth, we don’t know this either.”
“The order we received was to take them both to Sweden,”
“And we didn’t reveal any details of the rest to us. .”
Charlie nodded, looked at the girl again, and when his eyes met,
He put a trace of spiritual energy into her mind, gave her a psychological
suggestion to answer his question truthfully,
And then asked her: “Little girl, how much do you know about their
Charlie didn’t fully believe in this girl,
So in order to make sure he didn’t miss any clues,
He planned to use psychological hints to cover everything the girl knew to
come out.
Although it’s a little immoral to use psychological hints directly,
But the stakes are very important, and Charlie can’t care so much at this
Moreover, Charlie had given the girl a vaccination just now,
And planned to erase the memory of tonight from the girl’s mind after all
this was over.
Therefore, she will definitely not remember what happened by his own
psychological suggestion.
After the girl was psychologically hinted by him,
She shook her head slightly, and said seriously:
“I don’t know much about this organization, these are the disasters my
father caused at the beginning,”
“Neither my grandfather nor I are very clear,”
“I only know that they have been trying to find out where my grandfather
and I are, and grab this ring from our hands…”
Charlie couldn’t help but feel disappointed when he heard this.
These cavalry guards didn’t know any valuable deep clues, and this girl
didn’t know either.
It seems that if he wants to get more clues about this organization,
He will have to slowly peel off the cocoon in the future.
Thinking of this, he looked at the girl and asked, “What does your father
The girl replied, “My father used to be a martial artist,”
“But he got this ring from nowhere, so he started to be hunted down by that
“And in the end, he was not spared and died under the hands of that
Charlie pointed and nodded, then looked at the seven cavalry guards, and
“If I can give you a chance to survive,”
“And at the same time give you a chance to take revenge, would you all be
loyal to me?!”
The leader of the seven men from the sect said with a wry smile:
“Sir…you are a person with great supernatural powers.”
“If we can really survive, we are naturally willing to be loyal to you,”
“And we are willing to shed blood for you.”
“However, all seven of us have bodies that are highly poisonous.”
“If we don’t go back to take the antidote,”
“We will all die from the poison within a week.”
“Even if we want to be loyal to you, there is no chance at all…”
Charlie said lightly: “As long as you are willing to be loyal to me,”
“I will naturally have a way to solve the poison in your body,”
“So that you will no longer be threatened and troubled by toxins from now
The leading man said without hesitation:
“Sir! If you can really solve the poison in our body,”
“We are willing to be loyal to you for the rest of our lives,”
“If there is any disobedience, we will surely die without a place to be
The other six also expressed their opinions with great excitement at this
Chapter 5084
Charlie can feel the excitement and sincerity of these people.
It seems that although they have gotten rid of their identities as dead men,
Their hatred for the organization is no less than that of the dead men who
are still struggling at the bottom.
So, he said lightly: “In the next few hours,”
“Your organization will probably not send people to Norway.”
“You can use this time to go to Oslo City, the capital of Norway, as soon as
“And arrive at the highest peak in Oslo.”
“At the top of the mountain, I will let someone pick you up there.”
Charlie was not familiar with Oslo, and he didn’t want these people to
gather in the city,”
So he came up with the idea of the highest peak there,
Regardless of whether these seven men of the Cavalry Guard go.
For Joseph, it should not be difficult to find the highest peak in Oslo.
At that time, he can directly ask Joseph to go to the highest peak in Oslo,
To pick up these seven people and bring them directly back to Syria.
When the seven people heard this, there was almost no hesitation.
The person in the lead said, “Sir, when do you want us to leave?”
Charlie said lightly, “Let’s start now, and remember to deal with all the clues
on the way.”
The man in the lead said excitedly:
“Don’t worry, sir, we will definitely not leave any traces!”
“Yes.” Charlie nodded, and instructed: “In that case, hurry up and set off.”
“Okay!” The man accompanied by other six stood up,
And after the seven bowed deeply to Charlie, he said,
“Sir, then we will set off first and go to the highest peak in Oslo to wait for
your next instructions!”
Soon, The seven people who were pardoned by Charlie quickly left the
country house and drove the truck they arrived in Oslo.
Charlie looked at the old man and the girl in front of him, and said lightly:
“You two, I want to make some adjustments to your memory,”
“You will wake up in ten minutes, and then you will forget everything that
happened tonight,”
“I hope you don’t think much about it so much,”
“Hurry up and leave Norway and find the safest place to stay.”
The girl and the old agreed without hesitation,
The girl looked at Charlie with a different look in her eyes and said,
“My name is Maria Lin, what is your name?”
Charlie said casually: “Little girl,”
“What is my name, you don’t need to ask, after all, you won’t remember me
She looked at Charlie and said firmly and seriously
“I don’t remember, I don’t remember, but at least I can remember it for a
certain period of time.”
After speaking, she looked at Charlie and asked,
“Since I will forget it soon, what worries do you have, sir?”
Charlie hesitated for a moment, then didn’t think much, and said frankly:
“My name is Charlie Wade.”
“Charlie Wade…” The girl repeated, nodded lightly, and asked curiously:
The girl smiled slightly and said to Charlie,
“Mr. Wade, I will try my best to remember your kindness.”
“If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely repay it.”
Charlie waved his hand gently and said indifferently:
“No need, I saved you and your grandfather, you gave me a ring,”
“And we have settled between us. I hope you two will be safe in the future.”
After that, he waved his hand, a little spiritual energy entered into the body
of the two.
The old man lost consciousness almost instantly, and Maria closed her
eyes immediately.
Seeing that the two had lost consciousness, Charlie wiped their memories
with aura,
Then walked out of the country house alone, left the place quickly, and
returned to Helena’s palace in Bergen.
Ten minutes after he left, the old man woke up first.
Seeing the mess in front of him and an unfamiliar corpse, he turned pale in
When he saw the young lady lying unconscious on the desk,
He rushed forward and shouted nervously, “Miss!”
Maria suddenly opened her eyes. Opening her eyes, she looked at the old
Smiled slightly, and said, “You are awake.”
The old man said in a panic, “Miss, I… I seem to have a problem with my
“I remember that you asked me to arrange someone. Pack up and leave
Norway quickly,”
“But I don’t know why I fell into a coma, and… and I feel like I’m missing a
part of my memory…”
Maria nodded and said lightly, “I feel that the memory is missing.”
“It’s missing because someone erased your memory.”
The old man was dumbfounded and blurted out, “Can someone really
erase someone else’s memory?”
Maria sighed and sighed, “Yeah, he also wanted to take mine too.”
Speaking of this, she suddenly smiled and said, “Tsk tsk…but it’s a pity, he
Chapter 5085
the old man heard Maria’s words and quickly asked:
“Miss, does that person know that he failed?”
Maria shook her head: “Of course, he doesn’t know, otherwise, How could
he let us go so easily?”
The old man heard this and couldn’t help but sigh:
“It seems that no matter how superb the methods are, they are of no use to
you, miss.”
Maria sighed in a lonely sigh, and said sadly,
“Father left it to me. I don’t have many skills, but this is one of them.”
After that, she said to the old man, “Go and pack your things.”
“Except for the necessary things, you don’t need anything else.”
The old man nodded respectfully, turned, and left the study.
After the old man left, Maria took out a small wooden spiritual tablet from
the drawer of the desk,
With eight characters written on it: the spiritual seat of my late father,
Maria scrutinized this spiritual seat carefully and whispered:
“Father, your daughter is unfilial, the ring you gave me with your desperate
efforts is given to someone else by your daughter,”
“It’s not because your daughter doesn’t want to protect it, it’s really limited,”
“If it weren’t for today. That Charlie suddenly appeared, and your daughter
was afraid that it had already fallen into the hands of the thief.”
“I don’t think that Charlie looks like a bad person, and he has great
supernatural powers.”
“The ring in his hand should be able to play a real effect.”
Saying that, Maria said again: “By the way, father, Charlie and we have the
same enemy,”
“And it seems that he is still in the dark. Maybe in the future,”
“He will be able to kill our common enemy and fulfill your last wish for you!”
Immediately, Maria fell into silence.
She couldn’t help recalling that the ring once made a sword cry in Charlie’s
And the sword cry was clear and melodious, which was fascinating.
After thinking about this, she secretly made a decision,
And then put the spiritual position and the nine copper coins on the table
into her backpack, and walked out of the study.
Outside the villa, the old man was packing his things.
He dragged some unnecessary things out of one of the cars, and finally
sorted out two large boxes.
After Maria came out, the old man hurriedly stepped forward and asked,
“Miss, do you still have your blue and white porcelain?”
Maria hesitated for a moment, then sighed softly,
“Let’s take it, after all, if it stays here, maybe It will be ruined by people who
don’t understand.”
After speaking, she added: “Take all the blue and white porcelain that has
been packaged,”
“And donate to the museum after returning to China.”
The old man asked in surprise: “Miss, Aren’t you going to the Russian Far
“We have a stable and safe industry there, and going there, it’s easier to
find than going back to China.”
Maria shook her head and said lightly, “I won’t go to Russia,”
“I’ll go to China to find this Charlie Wade, he must be very interesting.”
The old man couldn’t help but said: “Miss, huge China has a population of
1.4 billion,”
“Where are we going to find Mr. Wade you mentioned?!”
Maria said: “Mr. Wade’s Mandarin is very good, his words are round, and
his pronunciation is accurate.”
“There is almost no trace of an accent. So I guess that he is most likely
from the north,”
“And most likely he is from Eastcliff or several provinces and cities around
“Then let’s fly to Eastcliff first, and look for clues there.”
“Okay!” The old man nodded: “Then going to Eastcliff!”
Charlie returned to Bergen Airport and retrieved the car and returned to
Helena’s palace according to the original road.
All the way, his mind has been on that strange ring.
Therefore, he held the steering wheel in his left hand,
And held the ring in his right hand, constantly rubbing it in his hand,
And constantly releasing a little spiritual energy into it,
Trying to figure out the real purpose of this thing.
Chapter 5086
There is a strong mutual attraction between this ring and spiritual energy,
But the strange thing is that the spiritual energy did not get any actual
transformation after entering it,
Which made Charlie very surprised.
According to the law of conservation of energy,
Energy is a kind of existence that can neither appear out of thin air nor
disappear out of thin air.
It is like putting a pot of hot water outdoors, even if it finally cools down,
The heat does not disappear out of thin air but is released into nature
through the air and other objects.
It’s just that the heat of a basin of water is a little insignificant to the whole
of nature.
But no matter how small it is, it is real.
However, the spiritual energy that Charlie entered into the ring one after
another disappeared,
Like a stone sinking into the sea, he received no response.
He finds it more and more strange. In his opinion, the principle of a magic
weapon is equivalent to an electrical appliance,
Except that the magic weapon needs to be driven by aura,
And the electrical appliance needs to be driven by electricity.
When electricity is delivered to a water heater, it will be converted into heat
When electricity is delivered to a motor, it will be converted into kinetic
When electricity is delivered to a light bulb, it will be converted into light
When electricity is delivered to an electrolysis device, it will be converted
into chemical energy.
It’s like sending an aura to the Thunder Command, which can be
transformed into thunder and lightning that falls from the sky,
And transporting the aura to the soul-piercing blade, which can be
transformed into an indestructible blade,
But this ring swallowed so much of its own aura, but only transformed a
A ring, making a sound similar to the sound of swords, is also very strange
in itself.
This kind of phenomenon is strange as if the electric fan is powered on,
The blades of the electric fan do not rotate, and no wind is generated,
But it makes a blowing sound out of thin air, which cannot be explained.
While Charlie wondered, like a red-eyed gambler who kept throwing chips
at the gaming table,
He kept sending spiritual energy into the ring.
Until half of the spiritual energy in the body was drained,
He still couldn’t get any feedback other than Om’s reputation.
He was a little annoyed.
Before reaching the destination, he simply took out a Cultivation Pill,
Pinched it together with the ring on his fingertips, and then gritted his teeth,
Forcibly transporting almost 90% of the spiritual energy in his body into the
He felt that he had input most of the spiritual energy into it,
And this ghost had to give him a little bit of different feedback.
But what he didn’t expect was that the ring was still like a black hole of
spiritual energy.
After swallowing so much of his spiritual energy, there was still no change.
Charlie was helpless. In order to make up for the lack of spiritual energy in
his body,
He could only throw a Cultivation Pill into his mouth.
When the surging spiritual energy spread rapidly, he crossed the
half-spiritual energy into the ring again,
But the result was still extremely disappointing to him.
At a certain moment, he couldn’t wait to quickly take out another Cultivation
Pill and fight to the end with this pit ring.
But reason finally triumphed over his impulses.
Cultivation Pill is very precious, and there is no need to put them one after
another for such a pitiful ring.
In this situation, it is the most sensible choice to stop loss in time.
So, he could only put the ring back in his pocket angrily.
Although he couldn’t figure out the magic of this ring,
It subconsciously told him that it was definitely not simple.
You know, this is something that even the mysterious lord can’t wait to get,
And even that kinds of high-level people are thinking about getting this
This proves that this thing must have some kind of value that he doesn’t
know yet!
Chapter 5087
Therefore, this ring must be kept well, and it may be of great use in the
What’s more, this thing has swallowed more than one Cultivation Pill’s
spiritual energy.
With such a large investment, he must find an opportunity to let it spit out
even the profit!
Putting away the ring, Charlie continued to drive.
And he also silently reviewed what happened today in his heart.
There was nothing special about the eight cavalry guards,
But the girl named Maria Lin always gave him a vague sense of mystery.
Although he used psychological hints about her,
And there were no loopholes in what she said, Charlie still felt that
something was not right.
However, after thinking about it, he couldn’t figure out what was wrong.
At this time, a picture suddenly flashed in his mind.
That was the desk in front of Maria at that time.
On the desk, there were nine copper coins.
And the nine copper coins seemed to be a complicated divination image.
Thinking of this, Charlie suddenly thought of the contents of the Book of
Changes, gossip and divination in the
“Nine Profound Heavenly Scriptures”.
Among them, in the Six Yao Bagua, there is a method of using three
copper coins for divination.
Therefore, Charlie could understand three copper coins, but he couldn’t
figure out nine coins.
After all, this was not even recorded in the Nine Profound Heaven
Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but took out his mobile phone and called
Lai Qinghua,
A geomantic physicist far away in the United States.
Lai Qinghua is the one the strongest in the Book of Changes among
Charlie’s acquaintances,
So Charlie intends to ask him about the number of ways to understand nine
copper coins.
Soon, the phone was connected.
Due to the jet lag, Lai Qinghua, who was in Los Angeles, had just finished
After receiving Charlie’s call, he said very excitedly and respectfully,
“Master Wade!”
Charlie said politely: “Mr. Lai, I take the liberty to interrupt, there is
something I want to ask you.”
Lai Qinghua hurriedly said: “Young Master Wade, it is absolutely not
inappropriate to ask for advice.”
“If you have any questions, you can ask at any time!”
Charlie was no longer polite, and went straight to the topic:
“Mr. Lai, you have been divination and fortune-telling for many years,”
“Have you ever seen someone use nine copper coins for fortune telling?”
“Nine copper coins?” Lai Qinghua exclaimed: “If it is six lines of gossip
Even if it is three copper coins,”
“It contains a lot of information. If you want to see the hexagrams quickly
and accurately,”
“You need a strong memory and mental arithmetic talent. If you use nine
copper coins,”
“Then every three copper coins are one. Groups, these are three groups of
“And each of the three groups of hexagrams is a whole, and can form a
deeper and more detailed hexagram…”
“So, if you use nine copper coins, it will be divided into four Combining
hexagrams to calculate hexagrams,”
“This amount of computation is equivalent to raising the difficulty of
guessing a 2-digit password to 12 digits.”
“This technique is at the top of the I Ching gossip, and it has a nickname
called “Jianshen Gua”.”
“That is to say, those who can calculate this kind of hexagram have an
excellent understanding of the I Ching gossip.”
Speaking of which, Lai Qinghua sighed again: “However, the Jinshen
hexagram has been lost,”
“And I heard about it from my grandfather when I was young, but I have
never seen anyone who can really do it.”
Charlie wondered, “But I have seen people make a hexagram with nine
copper coins,”
“And the hexagram looks different. It’s not like throwing it away at will, does
that person really have such ability?”
“This…” Lai Qinghua said, “I haven’t seen the hexagram you mentioned,”
“So I can’t confirm whether that person really has the ability,”
“But Judging from the experience below, it is indeed unlikely, and the
probability of coincidence is higher.”
Charlie felt even more strange when he heard this.
That Maria, the ring that she gave, and the hexagram that she posed all
seemed a little out of place.
But if according to Lai Qinghua’s words, as a girl,
It should be impossible for her to grasp the content of the “Nine Profound
Heavenly Scriptures”,
Which is not even recorded in the “Nine Profound Heavenly Scriptures”.
Thinking of this, he couldn’t help thinking to himself:
“I don’t know where Maria and her parents and grandfather came from?”
“If there is a chance to see her again in the future, I must find a way to find
He said to Lai Qinghua, “Thank you, Mr. Lai, I ‘ll think about it myself.”
Chapter 5088
When Charlie arrived at the palace, the sky was getting brighter.
Bergen Airport also started its own busy day.
Whether it is passenger or cargo, all work is going on in an orderly
“And no one realizes that eight of their colleagues died here at this airport.
The eight stevedores were originally on night shifts, and they worked one
day off and one day of work.
They worked from yesterday until the early hours of this morning,
And they would rest until tomorrow afternoon to come back to work,
So they won’t see these eight people here, and no one will show suspicion.
As for the family members of these eight people,
These eight people had already greeted them when they were alive,
Claiming that they had some goods to pick up and would go home later, so
the family members did not notice any abnormality.
At this moment, on a farm on the southern outskirts of Bergen, many
corpses lay in the house and have long since died.
A sign was hung outside the farm gate with a line of words written in
English on it: This is a real estate transaction.
There will not be many people passing by this kind of place.
Once someone passes by and sees this sign, they will no longer have any
interest in this farm.
If the mysterious organization no longer sends people to find out,
Then it will be possible to wait for exposure here,
At least until the corpses are severely decomposed and the smell extends
for hundreds of meters.
But this will take at least five to seven days.
So, this will buy Maria enough time to escape from northern Europe.
The seven cavalry guards, after the starry night, also rushed to the highest
mountain in Oslo after sunrise.
The highest peak in Oslo is not even 500 meters above sea level.
Joseph successfully collected these people and temporarily hid them in
Oslo, waiting for Charlie’s next instructions.
As for Charlie.
After returning to the palace, he was extremely depressed.
After all, he put in a Cultivation Pill for that ring,
And he couldn’t say that he didn’t even hear a single sound, he could only
say that he really only heard a few sounds.
Although he is not a stingy person, but Cultivation Pill is really precious,
So it is so wasted, the more he thinks about it, the more it hurts.
In order to wait for Charlie to come back, Helena stayed up all night.
She couldn’t help thinking of the conversation with her grandma in her
mind, and her mind was very confused.
She knew that in her current situation, the best outcome was to get
pregnant with Charlie’s child as soon as possible.
However, she also knew that Charlie was not only married,
But also had countless suitors around him, so he had no feelings for her at
Under such circumstances, how can he be willing to do something with
Therefore, every time she thinks of this, Helena wants to give up this
unrealistic idea several times.
However, when she thought about the current situation of herself and the
entire royal family,
She really couldn’t think of a better solution.
Moreover, Helena knew very well that her grandmother had not been open
and honest with her before.
Grandma kept saying that if she had no children, she might go to another
European royal family to borrow a king or queen in the future.
But Helena knew in her heart that once she really had no children,
After she died, the Nordic government and the Nordic people would
definitely invite her cousin Olivia back to inherit the lineage.
If Olivia has children, her children will most likely become Nordic kings or
queens in the future.
That way, the throne is back in the hands of Olivia and her descendants.
This is definitely something Helena would rather die than see.
With the help of Charlie, she finally got the queen’s seat from Olivia.
If the throne is to be taken back by Olivia’s descendants after her death,
She would rather let the entire Nordic royal family completely withdraw from
the history stage.
The chaotic thoughts and the tangled reality made Helena exhausted
physically and mentally.
She even had some regrets, regretted coming back from China, and
regretted taking the throne of the queen.
If he had chosen to stay in China, she might have been closer to Charlie,
And she would not have to worry about the royal family.
When she is not the queen, she actually has an inextricable relationship
with Charlie.
She has long realized that it is not the queen’s seat that she is attached to.
What she is really attached to is Charlie standing in front of her That feeling
of the sword making way for itself.
Just then, she heard the sound of an engine from far.
She quickly got up and went to the window, and when she saw the car
driven by Charlie is back to the palace,
She rushed out the door and walked downstairs quickly.
When she arrived downstairs, Charlie just stopped the car.

Seeing Charlie getting out of the car, Helena hurriedly stepped forward and
said respectfully,
“Mr. Wade, why have you been out for so long… I’ve been very worried…”
Charlie said with a slight smile: “It’s a little more complicated than I thought,
but fortunately it was resolved smoothly.”
Helena breathed a sigh of relief and quickly asked,
“Mr. Wade, you haven’t eaten for so long, must you be hungry? I’ll let the
chef Prepare breakfast for you!”
Charlie shook his head tiredly, and said casually,
“I don’t have the appetite to eat, so please arrange a room for me and let
me sleep first!”
Chapter 5089
In fact, for Charlie, sleep has long been optional.
Even if he doesn’t sleep all the time, his body doesn’t feel tired.
However, just now he poured a lot of spiritual energy into the ring,
And even if he ate a Cultivation Pill, he could not fully replenish it.
Such a rapid consumption of spiritual energy really made his body feel a
little tired.
Seeing Charlie’s tired face, Helena quickly said, “Mr. Wade, please come
with me.”
Because the palace was in disrepair, there were only a few rooms available
for occupancy at any time.
She took him to her bedroom in this palace.
When Charlie first arrived here, he didn’t know the internal structure and
distribution of this palace,
And because of his rare physical fatigue, he followed Helena to the
This is the largest bedroom in the palace. More precisely, it should be a
large suite.
Pushing the door in, it is a meeting room with a Nordic style and antique
Every piece of furniture, ornament, even floors, and chandeliers here has a
history of at least more than a hundred years.
Although the classical beauty of northern Europe is very artistic,
But after all, it is old and poorly maintained, and the room has a musty
smell that is difficult to remove.
Helena stayed in this suite for half a night, and was used to the smell,
But after going out and coming back, the smell became very obvious again.
She couldn’t help frowning slightly, and said apologetically,
“Sorry, Mr. Wade, there is a musty smell in the room.”
“Besides the age, it may also be related to the rainy weather here in
Charlie smiled casually: “It’s okay, it’s already good.”
Helena bowed slightly, pointed to the bedroom inside, and said to him,
“Mr. Wade, the bedroom is inside, you can rest for a while!”
“Okay.” Charlie nodded and said, “You don’t have to worry about me.”
“I’ll take a moment and think about something. If I don’t get up before noon,
please ask someone to wake me up.”
“Okay!” Helena nodded respectfully and agreed, then pursed her lips
And said to him, “Mr. Wade, I will help you tidy up the bed.”
“The bed in this bedroom has not been tidied up, and it is a little messy.”
Charlie was a little surprised, and he didn’t have time.
Asked, Helena hurriedly stepped into the bedroom first.
Charlie followed her to the bedroom, only to find that on the large bed,
The quilt had been lifted halfway, and the mattress was slightly wrinkled,
Clearly showing that someone had slept in it.
Moreover, there is a faint fragrance in this room, exactly the same as the
perfume on Helena.
This made him unable to ask her, “Is this your bedroom?”
Helena blushed with shame, and said hesitantly,
“I’m sorry, Mr. Wade, most of the rooms here have been dusty for too long.
It’s not suitable for entertaining guests, only this room is reasonable,”
“So you have to rest here. Please don’t mind…”
Charlie shook his head and said, “I don’t mind, it’s just that I sleep here.”
“Doesn’t it mean that the dove occupies the magpie’s nest, and it will also
affect your rest.”
“No, no.” Helena waved her hand without hesitation and said,
“I’ve woken up, you can rest, I’ll sit on the sofa outside for a while.”
When Charlie heard that, he didn’t insist anymore.
No one could have imagined that someone like Helena,
Who attracted the attention of the whole world and was sought after by all
the nobles,
Was like a personal maid, willing to clean up her bed for Charlie.
She never thought about what to do or not to do as a queen.
She only knew that in the face of Charlie,
She could put down all the pride and restraint of an empress and be willing
to do anything for him.
Chapter 5090
Moreover, at this moment, when Helena thought that Charlie was about to
sleep in the bed she had just slept in,
Her restless heart was both happy and ashamed.
After Helena helped Charlie clean up the bed, she said respectfully,
“Mr. Wade, please rest first. If you have any needs, please let me know at
any time.”
“Okay, thank you.” Charlie smiled After nodding and thanking her, he
watched her exit the room.
Afterward, he took a shower in the bathroom in the room,
Took off his clothes tiredly, and placed them neatly on the bench at the end
of the bed.
Except for his und3rwear, he only held the ring in the palm of his hand.
Immediately afterward, he lay on the bed that was still warm and smelled of
Thinking that this body temperature and fragrance all came from the
graceful and moving Helena,
Charlie couldn’t help but feel weird at a certain moment.
However, when he thought of the pitiful ring in his hand again,
He couldn’t help but feel a little pain in his heart.
He put the ring on his fingertips and kept turning it around,
Hesitating again and again, but still couldn’t help pouring a bit of spiritual
energy into it.
As a result, it was still the same as usual, except that the ring made a
buzzing sound,
As if to tell him that his heart had been received, and there was no other
Charlie was a little annoyed again.
Did you deceive yourself with a ring?
How can this ghastly thing be as shameless as those deceptive
slaughtering plates on the Internet,
And deceptive online gambling? How can there be such a person who
keeps asking,
But is so stingy that it doesn’t give anything in return?
Even those slaughtering pigs who lie next to an electric baton in northern
Myanmar while trembling and pretending to be a beauty,
Or a rich second-generation deceiver on the Internet with their fingers,
At least when they cheat for money, they will be extremely concerned about
their targets and ask for help.
In contrast, the professional ethics of this ring is not as good as that of
However, Charlie couldn’t help but feel a little overwhelmed.
He thought to himself, “Could it be the wrong way for me to open the ring?”
Thinking of this, he immediately put the ring on his left middle finger,
And then poured a little spiritual energy into it,
Wanting to see if this thing had to be worn on the finger to trigger it.
However, even though he had put the ring on his finger, the ring was still as
shameless as ever.
Seeing that a lot of spiritual energy was taken away again, Charlie was
really annoyed.
But when he thought that he has put so much spiritual energy into it, it is
really a shame to just give up.
After all, what he is facing is a ring, not the kind of insatiable online
Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and continued to comfort himself:
“Maybe it’s the wrong finger I am wearing? Let’s try again with another
Since the ring couldn’t fit into his thumb, Charlie put it on the other eight
Tried it all over again.
After the test, the whole person’s mentality of anger completely collapsed.
This ghost is really just like those pig-killers, eating without spitting bones.
The purpose of the pig killer is to drain every penny of the victim’s money,
And the purpose of this ring may be to drain every penny of his spiritual
At this point, Charlie’s heart was stunned.
At this time, the spiritual energy in his body has been consumed by more
than 90% again,
The whole person is very tired, and his heart is especially decadent.
He is like a gambler who has come to his senses.
After waking up, he realizes that he has lost too much in this scam.
At this moment, Charlie wanted to take another Cultivation Pill,
But then he thought about it if he took another Cultivation Pill,
How would it be different from those victims who fell into the scam?
What you need to do now is to stop your losses in time, and don’t have any
illusions about this ring!
Thinking of this, the exhausted Charlie took off the ring, held it in his hand,
And no longer poured any spiritual energy into it.
At the same time, he couldn’t help thinking of that Maria Lin.
He felt that this girl seemed extremely difficult.
Not to mention whether there are any unknown secrets in this ring,
Just the fact that she can decide to give this ring to him in an instant.
That is enough to see that her courage in doing things is very ordinary.
Chapter 5091
Moreover, if the nine copper coins that he saw were indeed hexagrams,
Then the girl’s accomplishments in the I Ching gossip would have even
beat Lai Qinghua by a large margin.
Lai Qinghua is at the top of the top in I Ching gossip and Feng Shui
It is no exaggeration to say that he is an Einstein in the field of divination
and Feng Shui.
If such a great figure at the top level is really left behind by a little girl like
Then Maria will be so strong that she is simply not a human being.
It seemed that she could only solve this series of riddles herself.
After the great consumption of spiritual energy and the constant thinking in
his mind,
Charlie felt that his body was getting more and more tired,
Just like an ordinary person who had stayed up for three days and three
And the whole person was already at the critical point of falling asleep.
So, he slowly closed his eyes unknowingly and fell asleep completely.
About half an hour later.
When he was fast asleep, Helena, who had been fidgeting in the living
Suddenly stood up from the sofa after a long and fierce psychological
She took out her mobile phone in a panic,
Found the date record of her last period, and then searched the Internet for
an ovulation calculator.
When she entered the start and end times of her last period,
As well as her average time between periods, the small software popped
up a pink love sign for her with a line of words on it:
“Congratulations on your current period.”
“During the ovulation period, this is the best time to start giving birth to a
new life!”
Seeing this line of words, Helena’s expression first became a little
“And then she became extremely determined as if she had made a major
Afterward, she took a deep breath, and with an uneasy heart,
She walked to the bedroom door and gently pushed it open the door.
At this time, Charlie was lying on the bed, sleeping like a baby.
Helena looked at him who was sleeping and after a moment of silence,
She simply turned her heart away, slowly stretched out her snow-white
Wrapped them behind her, and opened the long zipper on the back of her
As the zipper opened, her stunning back was almost completely exposed to
the air.
Then, the whole long skirt slid down from her tender shoulders,
And instantly fell on her slender and s3xy ankles…
Charlie, who has not experienced such a deep sleep as today.
He was completely unaware of Helena’s arrival and her series of actions.
At this time, Helena was extremely nervous, and even the rhythm of her
breathing was completely chaotic.
The courage of the backbone just now has been exhausted when taking
this step until now.
At the moment when the long dress fell on her feet,
Helena seemed to have been immobilized, and stood motionless and
looked at Charlie for five minutes.
She needs to keep encouraging herself so that she can take a brave step
The weather in Bergen is cloudy and rainy,
And even the midday temperature in midsummer will not make people feel
Not to mention that it is only early summer, and the temperature in the early
morning is even a little cool.
She stood on the spot and soon felt that her body was a little stiff from the
She felt that her skin exposed to the air had dense goosebumps, and her
body shivered uncontrollably.
At this moment, she gritted her teeth, put her hands behind her again,
And untied the hooks behind her upper body und3rwear.
Immediately afterward, the last strand of soft cl0th was also removed from
her body.
At this time, her body only felt even more chilled, so she no longer
And shiveringly lifted the quilt on the other side of Charlie’s body and
crawled in decisively.
At this time, Charlie’s body was scorching hot in the bed.
That body full of masculinity is emitting a steady stream of heat.
After Helena got into the quilt, she felt a warm feeling,
And the coldness of her body was instantly relieved a lot.
At this time, she could no longer be shy, and her first thought was to hug
Charlie tightly,
And try to make the body and skin of the two people have more and closer
So as to quickly warm her own body and skin. Already a little cold body.
At this time, Charlie still showed no sign of waking up.
The moment Helena hugged him, she was ready for him to wake up
After all, his strength is unbelievable, and it is impossible for him not to
notice her bold behavior.
Chapter 5092
Moreover, Helena was even ready to confess to him the moment he woke
But what she didn’t expect was that Charlie next to her didn’t move.
She hugg3d him subconsciously, but he still didn’t respond.
She was a little stunned for a while.
She didn’t know whether Charlie really hadn’t woken up,
Or whether he had woken up but was still pretending to be asleep on
She carefully looked at his profile, looked at his eyelashes that trembled
with his breathing,
And listening to his breathing and heartbeat, she realized that he was really
For a moment, Helena couldn’t help but burst into laughter.
She really did not expect that, a man who was almost indistinguishable
from a god in her own eyes,
Actually had a side like a baby, sleeping so sweetly, and being so
At this moment, for the first time, she also found some kind of intimacy with
So, she still hugged him tightly, stared at his profile at the same time,
And said softly, “Charlie… Do you know how much I love you in my heart?”
“If I have that I am lucky to be with you, let alone giving up the title of
“Even if I die immediately, I don’t think I will have any hesitation…”
Speaking of this, she suddenly smiled at herself: “If you hear these words,”
“You will definitely think that this woman must be lying?”
“After all, in the eyes of others, I am obviously addicted to power,”
“The biggest dream is to one day be able to wait for the Queen’s throne
and let the world look up…”
Helena said, her eyes suddenly became red, and sighed: “You know, in
“I never thought that I would do it in my life. What is the queen, the reason
why I crossed the ocean,”
“To marry the Wade family is not because I am greedy for glory and
“I just wanted to sell my happiness in exchange for my mother’s safety.”
“If I refuse to marry Morgan, my mother would definitely have evaporated.”
“At that time, I could only save her life by obeying the arrangement of the
“However, in the eyes of many people, including your cousin Morgan,”
“I was just a person for the sake of prosperity and wealth.”
“Crossing the ocean and trying to cling to his poor royal family,”
“I believe you must have thought so when we met for the first time, right?”
Speaking of which, her voice had become a little choked:
“As for ascending the throne and becoming a new Queen, this is not what I
“You helped me to stand out and solve Olivia’s threat. My biggest dream at
the time was to be able to rescue my mother,”
“And then I wanted to go to China to settle together, even if you don’t have
me in your heart,”
“I’d like to live around you, but I didn’t expect that you would let grandma
give me the throne…”
With a sigh, she looked at him With a bitter expression and said,
“Do you know that I may be forced by you to be the most famous single
woman in the world?”
“If I don’t have the chance to be with you in my life, I’m destined to be alone
“If I’m just an ordinary woman living in a corner of the world,”
“It doesn’t matter if I die alone, but you pushed me to the highly anticipated
position of the Queen…”
“Do you want me to end up being a single old woman who lives alone in the
“The whole world will laugh at me, and these unscrupulous media will
definitely create a lot of fake news about me;”
“They will say that I am indifferent, they will say that I am gay,”
“And they will even frame me as having an affair with others.”
“At that time, all kinds of negative fake news will fly all over the sky,”
“And as the Queen, in order not to fall into a more and more dark situation,”
“I can only choose to be silent, it’s so long for a lifetime, you say, how do
you compensate me?”
Speaking of this, she suddenly stood up and lay beside him,
Her clear eyes staring at Charlie all the time. , with a serious expression,
And even whispered with a bit of pleading: “Charlie, I don’t expect anything
to be possible with you in this life,”
“I just want you to give me a child, a child that belongs to both of us,”
“My family, who has no successor, will need someone who has the same
blood to inherit the lineage in the future,”
“And my life is too long, I also want to have someone to accompany…”
At this time, Charlie was still in a deep sleep,
He didn’t realize Helena’s arrival at all, let alone what she said in his ear.
At the same time, Helena was already deeply in love.
She took the initiative to lean towards Charlie, and her lips gently k!ssed
She was instantly immersed in this k!ss, unable to extricate herself,
And the impulse was like an invisible big hand, desperately pushing her to
continue to step forward.
But at this moment, she looked at Charlie’s handsome and decent face,
But was always sleeping, and suddenly felt a little depressed.
She looked at him and asked him softly,
“If you wake up now and see me like this, you will be very disappointed…”
Chapter 5093
Helena’s voice was soft and sad.
However, Charlie, who was sleeping soundly in front of her, still didn’t
At this time, he was almost completely cut off from the outside world.
Seeing that he didn’t respond in the slightest,
Helena’s sadness in her heart was suddenly magnified rapidly.
The tears she shed when she looked at Charlie were already on the line.
She stroked his face lightly, choking with sobs in a low voice:
“I can see that from the first day I met you, you have been keeping a
distance from me.”
“In your heart, I must be a very realistic, very profit-seeking,”
“Even for a woman who will do anything for her superior…”
“If I just have s3x with you without you knowing anything,”
“And at the same time I am lucky enough to conceive your child, must you
look down on me even more?”
“Even, you may be full of discrimination and prejudice against our child
because you look down on me…”
“If I fail to conceive your child, then you may look down on me.”
“You will stay away from me in this life, and I will never see you again,
Having said that, she wiped away her tears and said firmly:
“No…I will not deepen this feeling for you again. An opportunity for a wrong
“Absolutely not! Life is still early, I will definitely use an aboveboard method
to let you change your wrong perception of me,”
“And let you know that, except for my mother, The only thing I really care
about in this world is you!”
After that, she bent down again, k!ssed his lips lightly, and curled up in his
arms like a kitten.
Hiding in Charlie’s arms, she couldn’t help laughing out loud, and said,
“I want to hold you and sleep for an hour. Promise me,”
“Don’t wake up for this hour, so that I can wake up decently and go out of
After finishing speaking, she put her face on Charlie’s heart, and slowly
closed her eyes.

At this moment, she felt that she was the happiest woman in the world.
However, the only regret is that because she was afraid that he would wake
up earlier than herself,
Helena didn’t dare to let herself fall asleep completely.
Although she was full of happiness, she was somewhat cautious and
In Charlie’s arms, she fell asleep for nearly an hour, half dreaming and half
This hour is the most satisfying hour since she was an adult.
Seeing that the wall clock on the wall had already pointed to the position of
nine o’clock,
She got off the bed softly, put on her cl0thes gently,
And then tidied up the half of the bed she had slept on, and cautiously
pinched away the hair that fell on Charlie’s arms.
After doing all this, she stared at him, k!ssed him again uncontrollably,
Then reluctantly walked out of the room, and closed the door carefully
It was almost noon when Charlie slowly opened his eyes.
He felt that he had experienced the longest but most peaceful sleep since
he had memory.
Although this sleep did not significantly replenish his aura, it did greatly
improve his spirit.
He slowly got up from the bed, stretched his arms wantonly, and stretched
his body,
And suddenly felt that there was a very familiar fragrance on his body.
This smell is the same as the fragrance on Helena’s body.
Although he had smelled this fragrance when he first entered this room and
even when he was lying on the bed,
He clearly felt that the fragrance on his body now was even stronger than
when he was lying on this bed.
He also knew very well in his heart that things like fragrance are constantly
being worn out,
And now the smell is stronger than before,
Which only means that this smell has been replenished in the middle of his
Thinking of this, Charlie subconsciously stretched his hand into the quilt on
the other side of the bed,
And could clearly feel that there was still a slight residual warmth,
In the quilt on the other side where no one was sleeping.
At this moment, he suddenly realized something.
Chapter 5094
Charlie lifted the quilt subconsciously, looked down at his underw3ar,
And was slightly relieved when he found that it was still in good condition.
At this time, he had already realized that Helena must have come when he
was asleep and slept next to me.
The scent on his body, as well as the residual temperature in the bed on
the other side, pointed the evidence to her.
Charlie didn’t understand why she sneaked into his bed when he was
But after some consideration, he decided to pretend he didn’t know
anything about it.
In his view, doing this is the best solution. On the one hand,
It can alleviate the embarrassment between the two and on the other hand,
It can prevent this matter from continuing to have any further
After making up his mind, he got up from the bed.
At this time, there is still very little spiritual energy left in the body.
Since the aura that can be absorbed by nature is extremely scarce,
If you want to supplement it by absorbing aura from nature,
It may be difficult to return to the previous state in a year or so,
So he took out another Cultivation Pill to be on the safe side to quickly
replenish the consumed aura first.
So, he sat cross-legged on the carpet, took out a Pill from his pocket,
And put it in his mouth with great distress.
In an instant, the elixir turned into a rich aura, which continuously gathered
in the body.
However, what surprised him was that the aura in his body could be fully
replenished with a single Cultivation Pill.
However, after yesterday’s frequent and rapid consumption and
replenishment of spiritual energy,
The Cultivation Pill that he just took had only replenished 80% of his
spiritual energy.
Charlie thought to himself: “It seems that frequent extreme states are not a
bad thing,”
“Just like athletes can gradually surpass themselves in high-intensity
“I can also pass through this high-intensity state To increase the upper
“If the upper limit of aura in the body can be doubled, the overall strength
will also be greatly increased!”
Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but feel melancholic.
After all, the Cultivation Pill was too precious, once it was exhausted and
no new pills could be replenished,
It would be very difficult for him to replenish his aura.
This is also doomed that he cannot frequently use this extreme state to
continuously increase his upper limit.
Afterward, he stood up, walked into the bathroom in the bedroom, and took
a shower.
When he came out of the bedroom with wet hair, Helena was taking a nap
on the sofa in the living room.
Hearing Charlie’s movement, she quickly opened her eyes, and seeing
Charlie had come out, she felt nervous for a while.
In order not to be seen by him, she hurriedly asked Charlie respectfully:
“Mr. Wade, did you sleep well?”
Charlie saw that Helena’s cheeks were already flushed just as she spoke,
And her heart became more firm in her speculation.
However, he still decided to pretend to be stupid to make this matter turn
over smoothly,
So he said casually: “I slept very well, I haven’t slept so well for a long
Helena was indeed relieved when she heard Charlie’s words.
She hurriedly said: “It’s already noon now, you must be hungry,”
“Do you want to go to the dining room to have something?”
“Okay.” Charlie nodded and said: “If you have no other arrangements,”
“It’s time for me to go back to the United States.”
Helena suddenly said with some reluctance:
“Mr. Wade, are you in such a hurry to go back?”
“You arrived in the early morning, and you haven’t stayed for ten hours.”
Charlie smiled slightly, and said casually:
“My wife is alone in the United States, and I want to go back to accompany
her as soon as possible,”
“Not to mention that everything here has been settled,”
“And I have to withdraw as soon as possible to avoid long nights and
Chapter 5095
Helena heard Charlie mentioning that he wanted to go back to accompany
his wife,
And a bit of envy and loneliness appeared unconsciously in her expression.
Recalling what she did just now, she couldn’t help feeling a little ashamed.
However, she was also thankful in her heart that she hadn’t done anything
too outrageous,
Otherwise, she might be self-defeating and completely ruin all possibilities
with him.
Thinking of this, although she was reluctant to let him leave so soon,
She still nodded very simply and said: “Mr. Wade,”
“Let’s go downstairs for dinner first, I will arrange the helicopter to get
“And we will return to Oslo after dinner.”
“Okay.” Charlie nodded slightly and walked out of the room with her.
When he was beside her, Charlie smelled the special fragrance from her
body again,
Which was the same as when he woke up.
However, he still decided to pretend to be stupid to the end,
And let this matter remain in the hearts of the two of them.
Later, he and Helena came to the dining together, remembering the failure
of this palace, he said:
“By the way, Helena, let the Wade family’s team responsible for the global
Shangri-La hotel project,
Come to help to repair this palace. All the expenses will be borne by the
Wade family.”
Helena shook her head quickly when she heard this, and said,
“Mr. Wade, how can this work…It is the family’s own palace,”
“No matter what, you can’t afford to repair it. Expenses and the royal family
is not really penniless.”
“The main reason is that there are many places where money is needed
“I want to prioritize. In the early stage, the money will be used to improve
the reputation,”
“And the influence of the royal family. The palace is not very useful. There
is no need to repair it immediately.”
Charlie waved his hand and said: “After all, you and the Wade family had a
“And it is reasonable for the Wade family to help you,”
“And the Shangri-La Hotel of the Wade family has not yet opened in
“This opportunity allows the Wade family to enter the Nordic market,”
“Invest in hotels in several important cities in Norway,”
“And help the royal family repair their palaces.”
Helena said at a loss: “But…but…”
Charlie said calmly: “There is no need to say anything but,”
“I will ask someone to discuss specific matters with you later.”
Helena Seeing Charlie’s insistence, she had no choice but to nod slightly,
Gratefully: “Thank you, Mr. Wade…”
Charlie smiled slightly, and said again: “By the way, there may be some
dangerous factors during this period,”
“Although there is a high probability that it will not have anything to do with
“But just to be on the safe side, I will ask Joseph to leave a few soldiers,”
“With European faces to serve as your bodyguards.”
“Be prepared, and you should try not to be outside of Oslo recently.”
“Make public appearances, especially in a short period of time, and don’t
come to Bergen again.”
Helena nodded lightly, and said, “I’ll always follow Mr. Wade’s orders.”
At the same time, a Boeing 777 landed at Sweden’s Gothenburg
International Airport.
The plane took off from Nigeria and arrived in Gothenburg after more than
seven hours of flying.
According to the application received by the civil aviation department,
The plane belonging to Singapore Yuantai International Express took off
from Nigeria empty,
And came to Gothenburg to volunteer to help charities in Nigeria.
In the hands of humanitarian organizations, they received a batch of
charitable supplies.
Chapter 5096
This batch of charitable materials includes food, medicine, clothing,
And some water purification devices, all of which are very scarce items.
At this moment, this batch of goods is still waiting in line to pass through
the airport security check,
And the person responsible for sending this batch of goods through the
security check is a member of this humanitarian organization.
And this humanitarian organization is well-known in Sweden and even the
On the surface, they are a non-profit humanitarian and charitable
organization, but in fact,
Its real background is that the mysterious organization that Charlie is
investigating is planted in Sweden,
And even in the whole of Europe.
Usually, this humanitarian organization actively organizes charitable
Calling on people to pay attention to the third world, environmental
protection, and global warming,
But once the organization needs it, this organization can immediately
respond quickly in central Norway,
Covering the four northern countries of Europe, Estonia, Latvia, and
Lithuania are across the sea from Sweden.
Unlike other espionage and non-governmental organizations, which are
extremely low-key,
This humanitarian organization usually has a high-profile style of work.
Not only does it often use the media to hype itself,
It even launched a god-making movement in the field of environmental
And the reason why this organization acts so high-profile, even extremely
It is to be able to achieve sufficient deterrence in the area covered by their
This kind of deterrence will not only make the big companies of these
countries shy away from them,
But even the governments and functional departments of these countries
are quite afraid of them.
This is the benefit of standing on the moral high ground.
With this moral aura, they can use morality as a weapon to attack anyone
they want to attack.
If they want a certain company to shut down,
They will organize a large number of people to rush to the door of the
company to protest.
If they want the government to pass or reject a certain bill,
They will organize a group of people to march on the street.
In short, as long as the three words “Guardian of Morality” are written on
the forehead,
Basically, everything will be beneficial.
It is precisely because of this special aura that they have extraordinary
convenience in Europe.
According to the usual tactics of this organization, if certain prohibited items
need to be transported by air,
This organization is used under the guise of charitable goods,
And then especially Choose a more urgent time window to request the
airport and customs to release it quickly.
With this method, there are almost no problems.
Therefore, according to their plan, after the Cavalry guards successfully
captured Maria,
They would hand over her and her personal servants to the linker of this
humanitarian organization,
And the linker would hide them in charity supplies and quickly pass through
customs, and ship them to the plane.
After the plane landed, the captain immediately reported to his superior
through a special channel:
“The postman has arrived in Gothenburg, when will the goods arrive?”
In the special encrypted communication channel, a man’s serious voice
“Something went wrong, they were supposed to change vehicles at the
border between Norway and Sweden four hours ago,”
“And continue to meet you in Gothenburg, but they haven’t shown up yet.”
The captain exclaimed and blurted out: “The group is missing?!”
The other party said: “It seems so.” The captain subconsciously asked:
“This…is this the same as the black swan incident in New York?!”
The dead man in New York the entire army was wiped out and they
“Which was defined by the organization as a rare black swan event.”
“Almost all members knew about the defeat, and the Lord had internally
asked everyone to learn from this black swan event lesson.
Hearing this, the person on the other end of the phone said coldly:
“It’s not sure yet, but I want to remind you not to speculate.”
Chapter 5097
The captain was stunned, and quickly ended the topic, saying solemnly:
“Then if they didn’t show up at the border, so what should I do here?”
“Should I continue to wait, or request to return immediately?”
“The loading time given to me by the airport is only three hours.”
“If I can’t take off after three hours, I’m afraid the original deployment will be
“Wait.” The other party said firmly:
“The Lord has an order. You wait for the Cavalry guards in Gothenburg for
three hours.”
“If you don’t see anyone for three hours, start plan B.”
The captain said without thinking: “Wait for three hours, follow orders!”
At this moment.
In the car park outside the cargo area of Gothenburg Airport.
The head of a humanitarian organization is sitting in the co-pilot of a truck
waiting anxiously.
This time, a total of three truckloads of supplies were destined for Nigeria.
According to the original schedule, they should have driven the person to
the airport in a special transport vehicle at this time,
And then they had to take them into the airport together,
And then urged the customs to quickly release the target person to the
In order to ensure that the person can be successfully sent through
customs this time,
The person in charge of the humanitarian organization specially called their
trump card,
A renowned star, and prepared to take her with him to ensure that this
mission can go smoothly.
However, until now, they have not received any information.
After waiting for another half an hour, there was still no news, and the
above only asked them to continue waiting.

The person in charge had no choice but to sit on the truck and watch the
time go by little.
At this time, the driver of the truck behind jumped out of the car, knocked
on the door of the co-pilot, and asked respectfully: “Master, can I come up
and talk?”
on the bed.
The driver below hurriedly climbed into the co-pilot seat,
And respectfully said to the person in charge:
“Master, Lolita said that she doesn’t want to wait any longer…”
“What do you mean?” The person in charge frowned and asked: “What do
you mean she doesn’t want to wait any longer?!”
The driver said helplessly, “She asked me to tell you that she made an
appointment with her friends this afternoon to go to the hair and spa.”
“Dmn it!” The person in charge was furious and cursed:
“How dare she talk to me like that?!”
“Did she become a star and not know her name?!”
The driver said awkwardly: “Master, you know her behavior style, she is
typical of what she thinks of,”
“And she doesn’t know the actual situation of our humanitarian
“And she thinks she is the spiritual leader of this organization…”
The person in charge gritted his teeth: “Go and tell her that you have to
wait here for three hours no matter what,”
“And tell her that I donated materials to Nigeria this time.”
“I invited a lot of media to give her a detailed report.”
The driver said dumbfounded: “Master, I have already told her about this,
but she didn’t pay attention to it at all.”
“She said that the only European media she liked before was the BBC, but
since Brexit,”
“There is no one in the whole of Europe she can look up to.”
“If CNN and BBC come to interview, she can barely give some face, and
she won’t talk about anything else…”
“Who the h3ll does she think she is? If we hadn’t paid for her, packaged
“And operated her behind her back, she would just be cutting classes every
“Didn’t understand sh!t, and couldn’t even pass a fcuking casting of a street
“Now that she is a bit famous, she even played big games with me,”
“Don’t you really know how much she weighs?!”
The driver said helplessly: “Master, the most urgent thing now is to let her
“Otherwise if she really walks away We have nothing to do…”
The person in charge pondered angrily for a long time, and then said in a
cold voice:
“Tell her, as long as she cooperates well today, I will give her a Hermes
Himalaya afterward.”
Okay!” The driver nodded, turned around and got out of the car, and
returned to his car.
Chapter 5098
On the co-pilot, a girl with a somewhat ferocious expression was holding
her mobile phone and playing a game in battle royale mode.
At this time, she was actively killing in the game.
Seeing the driver coming up, she raised her eyelids,
Stared at the phone again, and smelled: “Is it settled? I’m leaving in fifteen
The driver hurriedly said: “The president said that today’s event is very
important and meaningful…”
The girl interrupted him directly, and said coldly:
“I am passionate about environmental protection, not charity.”
“This kind of activity itself is not the type I like,”
“If you ask me to protest against Asians using chopsticks, Europeans flying
on planes,”
“And Americans driving cars, I can be more patient.”
Speaking of this, she looked arrogant and said:
“What’s more, besides Nigerians, who else will pay attention to helping
“With this time, I might as well go to the United Nations Climate Change
Conference to organize protests.”
“My father said that the media all over the world will pay attention to the
news of the United Nations and developed countries,”
“And the news of third world countries like Nigeria will never make the
headlines of the Western world.”
The driver was dumbfounded, and at the same time, he was extremely
However, the matter is so important that he can only patiently say:
“The president said, as long as you cooperate well, he will give you a
Hermes Himalayan.”
She immediately moved her eyes away from the phone screen and stared
at the driver.
Surprised and asked: “Really?! Hermes Himalayan crocodile skin? You are
not lying to me, are you?”
The driver assured: “Of course, I am not lying to you! The president always
keeps his word.”
The girl immediately changed With a bad attitude, she said with a smile:
“Then you tell him, as long as he does what he says, I am willing to wait
until night!”
Just as everyone was anxiously waiting for the cavalry guard to land,
A plane flew from the Nordic capital. Took off from the airport and go to
Joseph has already brought his own men and the seven Cavalry guards
who took refuge in him and returned to the base in Syria.
Soon, another half an hour passed, and there was still no news from the
Seeing that the scheduled time had been exceeded,
The person in charge picked up the satellite phone and called his upline.
And his upline, and the pilot’s upline, are the same person.
The person answered the phone and asked in a cold tone: “What’s the
The person in charge hurriedly said: “Master Viscount, I’m running out of
time here,”
“I’m afraid I can’t wait too long, the pilot has a three-hour time window,”
“But my time window is only one and a half hours, and according to the
fastest speed of the airport process,”
“I have to leave at least one and a half hours to go through the security
check and loading process,”
“Otherwise it will affect the departure time of the plane!
“The man who was the viscount was also very anxious, and blurted out:
“Five hours ago, when the cavalry guards didn’t show up at the docking
“The higher-ups had already sent a connector to Bergen to investigate.”
“There should be news soon. If there is no Everyone stay put until the latest
order is issued!”
Meanwhile. An old Volvo off-road vehicle drove from Sweden, after several
hours of trekking,
It stopped in front of the country house where Maria lived before.
The window of the driver’s cab was put down, and a man sat in the driver’s
cab, carefully observing the villa.
Although it is already afternoon, there is no movement in this villa,
And there is no sign of anyone working on the surrounding farms.
He took out the satellite phone and said to the phone:
“Master Viscount, I don’t see anyone here, there are still a few cars parked
outside the door,”
“It seems that there are traces of hastily cleaned, do you need me to go in
and have a look?”
The viscount’s voice came from the other end of the phone:
“Put on the camera, and the Lord can see the real-time video!”
“Okay!” The man immediately took out a portable camera from the armrest
box and pinned the camera to his shirt On the outside of the left pocket,
After turning on the phone, he asked respectfully:
“Master Viscount, can you see the real-time video over there?”
The other party said coldly: “Yes, you can go in and have a look right now!”
Chapter 5099
The man in the Volvo driver’s seat, after wearing the real-time transmission
Pushed the door and got out of the car.
After confirming that there were no people or vehicles passing by,
He used the lock-picking tool to skillfully pry open the door.
In fact, the house Maria lives in has, in addition to the ordinary door lock,
A hidden deadbolt was hidden on the top and bottom of the door frame,
And a whole set of Internet of Things control systems has been upgraded
for the door lock.
Under normal circumstances, whether she was sleeping or going out,
She would use her mobile phone to lock the hidden deadbolt.
This kind of door lock can only be unlocked through the Internet,
Even the best locksmith can’t break it.
However, when she and her personal servants evacuated this time,
They intentionally did not open the hidden bolt,
Which made it easy for this person to slip into the room.
At the same time, in many corners of the world,
The lord of the mysterious organization, and the four earls who are second
only to the hero in power,
All are watching the real-time transmission in front of the screen.
When the man entered the room, the corpses of Maria’s bodyguards
suddenly appeared on the ground.
The man didn’t seem surprised to see so many corpses.
Instead, he approached and reported: “It seems that there was a gun battle
But these corpses are not Cavalry guards, they should be the other party’s
As he spoke, he followed the traces all the way to the study,
And found another corpse on the floor of the study.
He immediately stepped forward, and when he saw the face of the corpse,
He was startled for a moment, and blurted out: “It’s the commander of the
Cavalry guards!”
The voice of the viscount immediately came from the earphone:
“Check whether he is dead or not!” How did he die!”
The man immediately bent down, checked the commander’s eyelids
And the corpse spots on his neck and hands, and said, “He should have
died of poisoning…”
As he spoke, he opened the commander’s teeth and found the crushed
fangs in his mouth,
And immediately added: “It seems that the commander committed suicide
by crushing his fangs.”
The viscount immediately Asked: “Where are the other Cavalry guards?!”
Eight Cavalry guards were dispatched this time. Why did he die alone?!
Where are the others?”
The man at the scene looked around, then went out and searched the
entire villa,
But unfortunately, no clues of Cavalry guards members were found at the
So, the man asked, “Master Viscount, is there anything else you need me
to do?”
Before the Viscount could speak, a voice that had been processed by a
voice changer,
And had a horribly low voice coming from the earphone:
“Return to Study room! Take a look on the desk!”
The man was startled by the voice.
It was the first time he heard such a cold voice, which made people feel a
little creepy.
However, the next moment he realized that this voice was probably the
mysterious lord!
He suddenly became tense, and stammered, “Okay… okay… I… I’ll go
right away…”
After finishing speaking, he hurriedly stumbled back to the study.
When he came to the quaint desk, he suddenly found that there was a pair
of calligraphy written with a brush on the desk.
He looked down and found that there were only eight characters in this
calligraphy work:
“The ring has been abandoned, and it is useless to chase after it.”
Chapter 5100
He didn’t know what kind of message these eight characters conveyed,
Nor did he know what the ring mentioned in it was. What does it mean,
But he also happens to be a calligraphy lover, so he can see that the brush
calligraphy is imitating the cursive script of calligrapher Wang Xizhi,
And the writing is round and beautiful, and at the same time vigorous and
Where every stroke Can be called impeccable.
If such eight characters are used in today’s calligraphy world,
They will definitely “be the top-notch”!
The only thing that doesn’t match the painting style is that at the end of the
eight characters,
There is actually a smiling face drawn with a brush.
Although the lines of this smiling face are simple, they are very vivid,
And it is even obvious that there is a bit of contempt in that smile.
Just when he was immersed in the impeccability of these eight characters,
The low voice that had been changed suddenly came from the earphones,
And he seemed to growl very angrily: “What a h3ll! Dmn it! Dmn it!”
After finishing, He roared furiously: “Blow it up for me!”
The man was a little surprised, and subconsciously asked: “Blow it up?
Blow up what?”
Just after he finished speaking, the portable camera hanging on his left
chest suddenly exploded. There was a violent explosion!
With a bang, the impact of the high explosives shattered the entire desk
into pieces,
And the calligraphy written on the rice paper was instantly burned to ashes
by the high temperature generated by the explosion.
And the man who came to investigate, before he could figure out what was
going on,
He felt a sudden sharp pain in his heart, and he flew upside down and died
His death was horrific, the explosives blew a big hole in his heart,
And his face also maintained an expression of extreme fear.
He did not know until he died that he would die in the hands of the portable
video camera he wears with him.
The structure of this portable camera is very ingenious.
At least half of the internal volume is used to fill high explosives,
And a miniature detonator is installed in the explosives.
The remote control only needs to use the original communication network,
And the camera’s built-in Lithium battery just can control the detonator to
detonate at any time.
The reason why this kind of equipment was developed and assigned,
To members of the organization is to kill people and destroy corpses when
At this time, the camera after the explosion caused flames in many places
in the room.
The entire interior of the camera is made of flammable materials.
After the special plastic shell is burned at high temperature,
It will form a viscous object with high viscosity like asphalt,
And its flame can last for a long time.
At this time, the damaged desks, wooden floors, and curtains made of
chemical fibers,
All were stained by the sticky matter produced during the explosion,
And the sticky matter carried flames, so the fire quickly intensified.
A few minutes later, a raging fire was already ignited in the study,
And the flames gushed out from the study, and then completely ignited the
entire villa.
When the neighbors saw that the house was on fire, the fire was
completely out of control.
Someone called the fire alarm, but this place was relatively remote,
And it took the fire engine nearly half an hour to arrive.
When the fire engine arrived at the scene, the scene was Almost burned to
And because the main frame of the house here is a wooden structure,
When the fire burned to the later stage, the whole villa collapsed instantly
and became a ruin.
The firefighters at the scene began to inspect the scene after the open fire
was extinguished,
But they did not expect to find many charred bodies among the ruins.


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