Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 4801 to 4900 Charlie Wade Story

 Chinese Super hero  Novel Chapter 4801


Dawson heard this, his expression was extremely embarrassed,  

He knelt on the ground with a thud, and choked with tears: 

“Dad, I was the one who lost my mind, I almost made a big mistake, please punish the old bones!”

Douglas waved his hand and said indifferently: “Even Mr. Wade said that you should do things well,”


“So I won’t repeat it, everything from the past, as long as you really want to turn it over,”


“As long as you serve the Fei family wholeheartedly, I believe Stella will not treat you badly!”


Dawson immediately knocked his head to the ground, choked up,


“Dad, thank you for your generosity, as your son, in the future I will do my best for the Fei family till my death!”


The next day, it is the day when Elaine returns to China.


Charlie specially brought her to buy various specialties and gifts of 20,000 to 30,000 dollars in New York.


Although he didn’t say anything, he just thought it was for Elaine’s hard work to help Claire in the United States this time.


At five o’clock in the afternoon, Charlie and Claire sent Elaine to JFK Airport in New York.


Because he bought the first class cabin, Elaine did not rush to go through the registration procedures,


But said to Charlie and Claire: “Claire, good son-in-law, you two don’t have to work hard to see me off in and watch me go through the security check.”


“Now, the friend introduced by Sister Chen happened to be on the same flight back with me.”


“She told me on WeChat just now that there is a first-class lounge at the airport.”


“She asked me to wait for her there for a while, and then we will go in and check in together.”


Claire didn’t think much of it, thinking that after all,


Her mother has to fly for more than ten hours to have a companion on the road, even if it was just a chat, it would be much easier.


However, Claire remembered that Sister Chen and her slightly weird family members at that moment,


So she quickly instructed: “Mom, it’s okay to fly with others, but you must be careful,”


“Don’t be too quick to trust others, especially don’t trust others to deal with your money and stocks,”


“And don’t lend money to others, do you understand?”


Elaine said with a smile: “Oh, just the melons, Who cares, the family is very rich.”


After speaking, she was afraid of Claire’s ramble, so she quickly said:


“But don’t worry, your mother is not an idiot,”


“I have been traveling all over the world for so many years, when have I suffered losses?”


Claire’s expression was a little embarrassed, and she thought: “Why have you not suffered less losses in these years…” However, seeing that they were about to separate,


Claire didn’t want to say anything more, so she said:


“Mom, pay more attention on the road, and you must also pay attention to rest,”


“Don’t chat with others for a long time, you will have jet lag after you return to China,”


“And it will be very painful to get home if you don’t have a good rest all the way.”


“Oh, don’t worry!” Elaine said with a smile: “Mom can definitely take care of herself,”


“You can rest assured, and my good son-in-law, you don’t have to worry about me too much,”


“You can stay here at ease. Mom is waiting for you to come back home!”


Charlie nodded lightly and said with a smile, “Okay Mom, remember to tell us when you get on the plane.”


“Okay!” Elaine readily agreed.


The car quickly drove to the departure level gate of the airport.


Chapter 4802


Since Elaine did not let Charlie and Claire to send her in,


Charlie parked the car directly on the side of the road.


After helping Elaine to take out the luggage, he went with Claire and watched her push her suitcase into the airport entrance.


When Elaine was about to enter the door, she waved at Charlie and Claire, and shouted loudly,


“Claire, Charlie, hurry up and go back!”


Seeing that her mother was leaving for China alone, Claire suddenly felt a little nervous.



Sad and reluctant, tears flowed uncontrollably, and waved and choked:


“Mom, leave us a message before getting on the plane!”


“Okay, don’t worry!”


Elaine said, facing the two waved their hands, and then walked into the airport smartly.


At this time, she didn’t know what was waiting for her next.


She entered the airport, and did not rush to the security check,


But found the first-class lounge according to Phaedra’s instructions.


She had just sat in for less than ten minutes when a very extravagantly dressed woman walked in with a suitcase and a handbag.


Elaine recognized this woman at a glance with the avatar on WeChat and the photos in the circle of friends,


And it was her new friend, Phaedra Zong.


So, she was a little nervous, but also a little excited and waved at her, and said with a smile:


“Oh, hello Ms. Zong, I’m Elaine Ma! Good luck to meet you!”


When Phaedra saw Elaine, she couldn’t help but say with some surprise:


“Oh, Elaine, we finally meet! You’ve been waiting here for a long time, I’m really sorry.”


“Before coming to the airport, I was still in a meeting.”


“You don’t know how many things I have to do all day long, it really makes my head big.”


Elaine said with a smile: “A strong woman like you must be very busy at ordinary times.”


She came to her side and sat down and said with a smile:


“Elaine, you are Sister Chen’s friend, that is, my friend, don’t be so polite,” “To be honest, usually in the company, everyone talks to me like this,” “And I finally made new friends, but don’t use this word again.”


Elaine really did not expect that this Phaedra is so rich,


She can still be so approachable, without any pretense, it really is not something ordinary people can do.


She couldn’t help but sigh in her heart: “Alas, mother, people say that the richer this person is,”


“The higher the quality will be. I didn’t believe it before, but now I believe it a little bit!”


“Just look at her words and behaviors, it’s not something ordinary people can do.”


“It’s a great honor for me to be able to make friends with such a person!”


Thinking so in her heart, Elaine quickly smiled and said:


“Okay, since you say so, then I will not follow the ways of others,” “After all, we are all friends, and it is always you, you, too, too obvious.”


“Yes.” Phaedra smiled slightly and sighed: “Oh, to be honest, I still feel a little bit.”


“It’s a pity that we met for the first time, and we were so lucky to be able to return to China on the same day.”


“I really should let you go back together on my private jet,”


“So that the two of us could have a good chat and talk on the way…”


“But things just didn’t work like this coincidentally, the more I think about it, the more depressed I get.”


Elaine hurriedly said: “Oh, what is this, don’t think about it like that,”


“We will have a chance in the future, maybe the next time we come to the United States,”


“We will be able to get on your private jet.”


Phaedra said with a smile: “Well after we arrive in Hong Kong,”


“You can refund the ticket for the next journey and spend a few days there with me.”


“My plane should be there in a few days and then I will personally take you to Aurous Hill!”


Elaine was overjoyed, but quickly said politely:


“Oh, why are you embarrassing me, it’s too much trouble for you,”


“The flight from Hong Kong to Aurous Hill is two or three hours, I’ll just take the plane by myself.”


Phaedra waved her hand: “You don’t need to worry about this.” “When you arrive in Hong Kong, that’s my site. I am your host.” “As the guest, you can just follow my arrangements.”


“It just so happens that I haven’t been to Aurous Hill before.”


When Elaine heard this, she was no longer polite to Phaedra, but said with a smile:


“If you arrive in Aurous Hill, I will definitely drive you around!”


“I don’t have a private jet but I still have a Rolls-Royce Cullinan,” “And I will definitely pull the card up for you!”


Chapter 4803


Before Phaedra came, she also heard from Myren about Elaine’s situation.


Knowing that she lived in a Tomson first-class and drives a Rolls-Royce in Aurous Hill, she was not too surprised.


She smiled and said to Elaine: “Don’t you think that a car like Cullinan is a little too big for us women?”


“I rarely drive when I go out, and I always let the driver drive the nanny car.”


“Sitting in the middle row is much more comfortable and worry-free than driving by yourself.”


Elaine said enviously: “We don’t have a full-time driver or a nanny car in our family,”


“Otherwise I would also experience the feeling of a female boss.”


Phaedra said with a smile, “Isn’t that simple? If you don’t have a nanny car,” “I’ll send you one after a while. You know, Lexus LM300.”


“I ordered three from a parallel import car dealer some time ago.”


“I wanted to keep one for my parents, but now they plan to settle in the United States and are not coming back,”


“And there is nowhere to deal with the car when it arrives next month, so I’ll just give it to you.”


Elaine was overjoyed and blurted out: “LM300…is it?!”


“Yes.” Phaedra nodded and said with a smile: “It is said on the Internet that this is an unjust kind of car,”


“But I think it’s okay, anyway, the extra money is just to buy a platoon,”


“And the extra 1.8 million is not too much. To be honest, if it doesn’t increase the price,”


“There are people with money who won’t buy it.”


“How can they get noodles if they don’t increase the price?”


“If they can increase the price by 3 million, it is the best.”


“In that case, as long as you drive to the street, others will know that this is the luxury of 5 million.”


Elaine admired her heart, and thought to herself,


“I think this is the way of life of the rich.”


“They don’t look for cost-effectiveness, sometimes, it is the worth of the item they consider…”


Immediately, she couldn’t help but secretly said: “This Phaedra is too generous, right?”


“As soon as she opens her mouth, she will give out a Raelfa.”


“The car is priced at 3 million yuan. At that time, should I keep it for myself, or sell it quietly?”


At this time, Phaedra said casually: “Parallel import cars always go to the port for customs declaration and then come in.”


“At that time, I will directly ask the car dealer to declare the customs and send it to Aurous Hill,”


“And you can get the car in your city without any hassle.”


Elaine said quickly: “Oh…I…how can I accept such an expensive gift from you…”


Phaedra said with a smile: “The car It’s all booked, and when it arrives, it will be idle.”


“You don’t have to be polite to me. If I don’t drive the car, it will be a complete waste.”


“If I want it to be not troublesome enough, it’s best to give it to you.”


Elaine was extremely excited, and quickly said with a smile: “Oh, thank you so much!”


“You’re welcome.” Phaedra smiled slightly. Looking at the time, she deliberately said:


“Oh, we are almost going to check in. There is also a first-class lounge inside.”


“It’s the same as going to the lounge after check-in.”


Elaine said quickly and without thinking: “Okay, Then let’s go to check-in now.”


After speaking, she stood up, picked up her suitcases and handbags, And prepared to leave the lounge with Phaedra.


At this time, Phaedra was already a little nervous in her heart.


Because she is about to implement the plan she has carefully prepared for a long time.


So, while slowly packing her things, she quietly tapped three times on a black plastic box in her pocket.


This plastic box is actually a one-way communication device with a built-in carrier SIM card.


From the moment she entered the door, her accomplice have been in the car in the parking lot,


Listening to the progress inside with her mobile phone.


And she tapped three times, which was the signal to close the net.


When her accomplice received the agreed three taps, they immediately called Phaedra’s cell phone.


Chapter 4804


At this time, Phaedra was pretending to be packing her luggage and handbag.


When the phone rang, when she saw the two words of Secretary Qin displayed in the address book,


She deliberately pretended not to read it, so she opened it directly.


After getting hands-free, she put the phone aside and said,


“Secretary Qin, I’ll be boarding the plane soon.”


“If you have anything to do, just wait until I’m on board.”


The other party’s voice said very hastily, “Miss, the old lady has an accident!”


Phaedra suddenly became nervous and quickly asked:


“What’s the situation? What happened to mom?”


The other party hurriedly said: “The old lady was riding with the young master today,”


“I don’t know what happened. The horse was startled and kicked the old lady.”


“She passed out and she is just sent to the hospital.”


“The doctor said that the situation is a little serious.”


Phaedra said anxiously: “What’s going on? ……How can mom get kicked by


a horse?”


“What are the housekeepers for? What does the manager of the horse farm do?”


“Immediately ask the manager of the horse farm to pack his things and get out!”


“Take that horse out and slaughter it! It can kick mom today, and it might throw my son off tomorrow!”


The other party said hesitantly: “Miss… that horse, Master spent more than eight million dollars from Turkmenistan.”



“It is like buying a BMW with sweat and blood. Wouldn’t it be too hasty to kill like this…”


Phaedra said coldly, “If I ask you to kill it, kill it, you can’t tame it.”


“No matter how good the horse is, I don’t want it! This is the price of its mistakes!”


Elaine on the side was dumbfounded, and couldn’t help but muttered in her heart:


“The sweaty BMW bought for more than eight million dollars is going to be slaughtered because of kicking.”


“It just kicked the old lady and it is rounded up just for that!” “As expected, I still don’t understand the world of the rich…”


At this time, the secretary on the other end of the phone could only say helplessly:


“Okay eldest lady, then I’ll arrange someone to do it later,”


“But the situation on the old lady’s side is not optimistic, do you want to come and have a look?”


Phaedra said helplessly: “That’s definitely going to be a visit.. ….”


“I’ve already passed the security check if you were half an hour late, there’s really no way…”


After speaking, she quickly said: “I’ll come back now, see you at the hospital!”


The other party immediately said respectfully: “Okay, Miss, see you at the hospital!”


After hanging up, Phaedra said to Elaine with great annoyance:


“Elaine, I’m so sorry. mom was kicked by a horse.”


“I have to go to the hospital to see her. I’m sure I won’t be able to leave today.”


Elaine couldn’t help but feel a little regretful. With this long-distance flight, She got closer to the female local tycoon in front of her.


But she didn’t expect that she could not leave because of the sudden incident.


Elaine’s mind suddenly turned, and she said quickly: “Oh, Phaedra,”


“If the old lady is injured so badly, you must have a look.”


“Otherwise, I won’t leave today, I’ll go to the hospital with you.”


“Have a look at the old lady, when the old lady is all right, let’s go back to China together!”


In fact, Elaine didn’t really care about the old lady who had never met.


Not to mention Phaedra’s mother, even her own mother, she didn’t bother to ask,


And seldom returned to her parent’s home for so many years.


The reason why Elaine said this was mainly because she doesn’t want to waste her next trip to Hong Kong.


After all, she was still waiting to spend a few days at Phaedra’s mansion there.


If Phaedra doesn’t leave today, wouldn’t her plan be in vain?


Phaedra didn’t expect that Elaine would ask to go to the hospital with her instead of leaving.


But where did she go to the hospital, she just wanted to quickly find a suitable excuse to lure her to take the bait,


While quickly smearing oil on the soles of her feet and slipping away.


So, she said to Elaine very seriously: “Elaine, in my suitcase, there are many things that Sister Chen brought for her parents,”


“Some tonics, and some special effect medicine that cannot be bought in China.”


“I also promised Sister Chen to help her take them to Hong Kong today.” “It just so happened that her younger brother is working in Hong Kong.” “He was going to go back to the Mainland the day before yesterday,” “But he stayed back for two days for these things.”


“If I can’t deliver things to them today, I will delay their business…”


Chapter 4805


Elaine quickly asked: “What should I do? Can’t you leave?”


Phaedra nodded and said hurriedly: “I can’t leave today, but you can go back first.”


“I’ll go to the hospital today to settle mom’s matter.”


“As she was kicked by a horse, her body will indeed suffer a little, but it shouldn’t be a big problem.”


“I will be able to go back tomorrow as soon as possible.”


After speaking, Phaedra said again: “So Elaine, you fly over by yourself first today, and by the way,”


“Do me a favor and take Sister Chen’s things over there.”


“I will arrange for my housekeeper in Hong Kong to pick you up at the airport,”


“Let him take you to my villa in Shi Xun Dao first, and then,”


“I will let Sister Chen’s brother to come over to the villa to find you to get things,”


“Then you can directly just give him this suitcase, then you will wait for me at the villa, and I will be there tomorrow.”


The reason why Elaine said to go to the hospital with Phaedra was that,


She was afraid that her trip to Hong Kong would be in vain,


But since Phaedra said so, which means that she can go to her villa in Hong Kong first,


And the big deal is to wait for her for a day.


Elaine actually didn’t want to go to the hospital to see an old lady who she had never met before.


For her, this suggestion was meant to kill two birds with one stone without delaying the other.


So, she nodded and said cheerfully, “Okay, then I’ll go to Hong Kong with the things to wait for you!”


When Phaedra saw that Elaine was hooked, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled and said,


“That’s really hard for you, Elaine, you can check in all your luggage later,”


“And I’ll let the driver pick you up at the airport after you get there.”


“The driver will help you with your luggage, so you don’t have to be too tired.”


“In addition, I will ask the driver to arrange the best spa massage therapist in Hong Kong to wait in advance at the villa.”


“After you arrive at the villa, they will give you a full-body spa for you to relax.”


When Elaine heard this, she immediately smiled and sighed:


“Oh, Phaedra, you are so thoughtful in your arrangements, in fact, you don’t need to go to such troubles.”


Phaedra said seriously: “I don’t like this. You have helped me so much, how can I neglect you!”


She patted Elaine on the shoulder and said with a smile,


“When you arrive in Hong Kong, enjoy it first,”


“I will let the housekeeper arrange for you to stay in my room in the evening.”


“My room has a Hästens mattress worth more than 1 million yuan,”


“Which is almost the best one can buy in this world. You must experience it well.”


“Okay. great!” Elaine listened to the whole details with intent, and said quickly:


“Then it is settled, I will go to Hong Kong to wait for you first!”


“Okay!” Phaedra nodded and said: “Mom’s situation over there is urgent, I will go first,”


“And I will push your phone number and WeChat to my housekeeper over there, and he will arrange it in advance.”


Elaine said immediately: “No problem!”


Phaedra handing her suitcase to Elaine said gratefully:


“Elaine, I leave these things to you!”


Elaine said with a smile: “Don’t worry, wrap it on me!”


Phaedra was relieved as she nodded, and then quickly left the lounge.


After she left, Elaine laboriously dragged the two large boxes and walked out slowly.


After Phaedra quickly left the airport, she immediately got into a car waiting on the side of the road.


The driver of the car was the accomplice who had been listening to her conversation with Elaine on the other end of the phone.


After Phaedra got into the car, he started the car and asked with a smile,


“The one surnamed Ma took the bait?”


“Of course.” Phaedra smiled and said, “As long as I go out, there are few mules that can’t be dealt with. “


The man smacked his lips and said, “How many goods is she carrying this time?”


Chapter 4806


Phaedra said, “More than 5,000 grams are the latest high-end goods,”


“Which are very popular with high-end customers. As long as she can get them through.”


“We can definitely make a lot of money.”


The man asked again: “How much can you share with us?”


Phaedra thought about it and said, “As long as I succeed in getting Elaine to take the goods,”


“Whether it is successful or not, there will be 5,000.”


“The hard work of US dollars, if she successfully takes the goods,” “There will be about 20,000 to 30,000 US dollars.”


“Very good!” The man said with a smile: “After this is done, let’s go to Las Vegas.”


“Just relax and have some fun, dmn, I have been thinking this lately,” “The hard-earned money was basically spit to the casino this year,”


“And in the second half of the year, I have to let the casino spit it back to me!”


Phaedra said: “You can go to Las Vegas, but don’t just focus on gambling when you get there.”


“Generally, there are too many bad gamblers in that kind of place.” “You have to find a way to fool a few people to go to Mexico.” Phaedra sighed: “I heard that Sister Myren’s side is doing very well.” “There will soon be a successful match going to Mexico for surgery,”


“And an old man will return to China in two days. She will make a lot of money this month.”


The man asked curiously: “How much will she make?”


Phaedra said: “It’s not bad, it depends on whether you can match it or not.”


“If you have a suitable customer, it is possible to have tens of millions of dollars,”


“And maybe even more. I estimate that Sister Mei can earn at least 100,000 for this order!”


“Fcuk!” The man’s eyes got a little red, and he blurted out:


“Dmn, you can earn 100,000 US dollars by cheating one person?!”


“With this business, who the fcuk would go to the airport to deliver mules every day!”


“The airports all over the United States are changing, and I’m tired of running!”


Phaedra said seriously: “When we go to Las Vegas next time,”


“Let’s explore the resources in this area and see if we can get one or two orders!”


The man sighed: “I want to go to Las Vegas.”


“We have to wait for that Elaine to successfully arrive in Hong Kong…”


Phaedra said lightly: “Whether it is successful or not, we will know tomorrow night at the latest.”


After speaking, she took out her mobile phone and made a call.


The phone was quickly connected, and Phaedra asked, “Has Elaine checked her luggage?”


The woman on the other end of the phone, who was pretending to be a passenger,


Was resting next to the check-in counter of the airline where Elaine took the flight.


She seemed to be playing with her mobile phone,


But she was actually watching the check-in counter, waiting for Elaine to appear.


Just half a minute ago, she saw Elaine dragging two suitcases, so she kept following her movements.


For their group, there are two hurdles to pass through to deceive an amateur to help them carry contraband,


One is the border inspection at the departure point, and the other is the border inspection at the destination.


And she stayed here to watch, just to ensure that Elaine arranged the consignment of their goods with her own eyes.


After all, they are also worried about encountering a situation.


They have had this kind of thing before. Seeing that the other party handed over the suitcase,


The mule was greedy and left the airport with the suitcase.


The interface person at the destination waited for the plane to arrive and no one was there.


And finally turned around to check, only to know that it was hacked.


Therefore, since then, Phaedra and others have changed their ways.


They have tried their best to portray themselves as the top rich,


Promising mules various benefits, in order to try to dispel the other party’s idea of running away with the goods.


As long as she watched Elaine hand over the luggage to the teller for check-in,


It was impossible for Elaine to take the luggage back.



The rest was to pray that the border inspector would not find the contraband…


That they had carefully hidden when checking the luggage.


At this time, Elaine had already arrived at the VIP counter of the first class cabin.


She handed over her passport. After the check-in service staff retrieved the ticket information,


He immediately asked respectfully, “Ms. Ma, I have a question.” “How many pieces of luggage need to be checked in?”


Elaine pointed to the two large boxes, and said lightly, “Both of them must be checked in.”


Chapter 4807


The security screening process for checked baggage at the airport is not, The same as the security screening process for carry-on baggage.


The carry-on luggage is carried by the guest through the security check, While the checked luggage is sent to a special place for security check,


Through the conveyor belt after the check-in and check-in procedures are completed.


At this time, Elaine had no idea what was going to happen next.


After she checked both suitcases, she took her boarding pass and swaggered to the security checkpoint.


And the woman who was watching her nearby, after seeing her check-in,


And her suitcase being sent away by the conveyor belt,


Was relieved and immediately stood up and walked out of the airport.


Elaine carried her Hermes, leisurely came to the VIP security check channel,


And immediately enjoyed the warm service of the staff after showing the first-class boarding pass.


While others were still queuing up for the security check,


She quickly completed the security check, and then found a nearby first-class lounge to rest.


At the same time, the two suitcases she checked in were queuing up to pass through the security check machines at the airport one by one.


During this process, if no abnormality is found,


The flight to which the passenger is taken will be released directly.


Once any abnormality is found in the luggage,


The border inspection personnel of the customs will immediately open the luggage for inspection.


Generally speaking, the contraband that is carefully hidden is basically well concealed.


In addition, the risk while leaving the country is far less than that of entering the country,


So this link will be relatively relaxed, and criminals at least have a 50% chance of winning,


And they can successfully pass the exit security check.


However, the entry security check after landing will be much stricter,


Because many countries and regions have strict entry standards,


And some countries do not even allow any fresh fruit,


Even if the fruit brought by the passengers on the plane is not finished when they land,


If there is one apple left, if it is found by the border inspection, it will also be punished heavily.


Therefore, the biggest test is actually in the entry link.


In this link, the odds of winning will plummet to only about 30%.


Combined with the 50% in the first stage, the overall pass rate is actually around 15%.


It is precisely because the success rate is very low that the price of this new type of contraband, in East Asia is surprisingly high.


The price per gram is as high as more than 2,000 US dollars. It is an exclusive product for the super-rich.


As long as Elaine can successfully land in Hong Kong this time and pass the border inspection,


The contraband she is carrying will be worth more than ten million US dollars.


At this time, she was sitting in the luxurious first-class lounge,


Drinking coffee while taking pictures and posting in the circle of friends.


Her accompanying text was: “I’m about to leave for my home country,”


“And I’m still a little reluctant to leave as my friend’s private jet is being maintained by Gulfstream and now I have to travel First Class.”


After editing the circle of friends, she did not forget to specifically block her own family of three.


After posting on the Moments, she leisurely sent a video call to Claire.


At this time, Charlie and Claire had already driven out of New York and started to return to Providence.


Claire, who was sitting as the co-pilot, connected the call and asked: “Mom, have you boarded the plane?”


“Not yet,” Elaine said with a smile:


“I’ll have to wait for a while to board the plane, I’m in the first-class lounge!”


Claire reminded: “Then you must pay attention to the time.”


“Don’t affect the boarding. The boarding will start half an hour before the departure time.”


“Go early to save yourself from rushing on your way later.”


Chapter 4808


Elaine said disdainfully: “Cut that Claire, what are you afraid of,”


“I’m a distinguished first-class passenger if I don’t board the plane,”


“They wouldn’t dare to take off, besides, they will definitely call my name on the radio,”


“Remind me to get on the plane, and it’s not too late to leave at that time.”


Claire said helplessly: “Mom if it can be solved in an orderly manner ten or twenty minutes in advance, so why to bother others?”


Elaine hummed and said, “Silly girl, do you know that we spent this amount of money on the plane ticket?”


“Otherwise, why is our plane ticket several times more expensive than others? It’s all right to cause him trouble.”


Claire only felt a big head.


Sometimes, she feels that she and her mother are people from two different worlds,


And she can’t find the same communication frequency at all.


Moreover, she also knew that her mother had a very weird mind.


Once her decision maker came up with a certain plan, no one else could say anything to change her decision.


So Claire didn’t say more, just reminded: “Then you get on the plane,”


“And you must tell me before the plane takes off, so I can rest assured.”


Elaine said with a smile: “Okay, okay, I know, you don’t have to worry about it,”


“Tell my good son-in-law, you must pay attention to safety when driving, I will hang up first.”


After speaking, she hung up the video directly.


After the video hung up, she immediately went to check the Moments she just posted, which made her angry again.


Like the circle of friends posted on the private jet last time, no one liked her at all.


Elaine couldn’t help scolding and muttering:


“These people just can’t see that others are doing better than them! It’s boring, really boring!”


Just as she was talking, someone in the circle of friends suddenly gave a like.


When Elaine saw it, she almost didn’t lower her anger.


Because the person who likes it is Horiyah.


With so many WeChat friends, Horiyah’s likes are the least valuable in Elaine’s eyes.


While depressed, Horiyah suddenly sent a video call,


And Elaine couldn’t help but have a big head.


At this moment, she even wanted to hang up the video directly.


However, she quickly thought about it: “Anyway,”


“If you don’t pretend to be unhappy about this today, it’s the same as whoever pretends.”


So, she pressed the answer button, looked at Horiyah at the other end of the video,


And said with a fake smile, “Oh Horiyah, what are you doing?”


Horiyah hurriedly said: “Sister, I just got up. I saw in your circle of friends you are coming back to China?”


“So I made a video call to greet you.”


Elaine asked in surprise: “It’s almost night, you just got up?”


Horiyah hurriedly said: “Hey, Sister, you are really a noble person who forgets things a lot.”


“You forgot that the time is different. It’s still morning here!”


Elaine suddenly realized, nodded, and murmured: “How could I forget about this…”


“No wonder no one in the circle of friends gave me a thumbs up, everyone must be sleeping…”


Horiyah said with a flattering smile: “Sister, when are you flying? When are you arriving in Aurous Hill?”


Elaine said proudly: “The plane takes off in about an hour, but I won’t come back to Aurous Hill yet.”


“Ah?” Horiyah couldn’t hide her disappointment and asked her,


“Where are you going if you don’t come back to Aurous Hill?”


Elaine said very proudly: “The air ticket that Charlie booked for me happened to be a first-class flight to Hong Kong,”


“And I will stop by to visit Hong Kong for a few days.”


“It happened that I have a good sister who kept inviting me to Hong Kong to visit her.”


“Staying in Shi Xundao’s villa for a few days is really a kind of hospitality.”


Horiyah said enviously, “Oh, my mother, Sister! It has to be you! Everyone knows you!”


“You are a good sister, the one who has a private jet as you said in your circle of friends, right?”


“Yes.” Elaine was held in the mouth by Horiyah, and her mood immediately became a lot, and she said with a smile:


“They are really powerful, worth billions of dollars,”


“I heard that it is the same as our domestic beverages. Your Majesty is still a distant relative!”


Chapter 4809


Having said that, Elaine was already a little complacent, and couldn’t help showing off:


“Hey, do you know how rich my friend is, they bought three LM300 in one go,”


“And said she will give me one when the time comes!”


“LM300?” Horiyah asked in confusion: “What is LM300?”


Elaine blurted out: “It’s the Lexus Bread King, you know, the most expensive van in the world!”


“The domestic price is more than three million!”


Horiyah was dumbfounded: “More than three million yuan to buy a van?!”


“If you spend so much money on that thing, is it not a lot of money?”


“You know nothing.” Elaine curled her lips and said contemptuously:


“You have a typical poor man’s thinking, you can’t understand why the rich spend hundreds of millions of dollars to buy a private jet,”


“So you certainly can’t understand why they spend more than three million to buy one Van,”


“There are only seven words in the world of the rich, not the best, but the most expensive!”


After a pause, she said again: “Besides, what is a car worth three million yuan for them?”


“When people’s worth of billions of dollars are deposited in the bank, and the interest per day is more than this amount!”


“It’s amazing…” Horiyah couldn’t help but ask:


“Sister, how can you know such a rich friend, who is worth billions of dollars, that’s not equal to tens of billions of RMB!”


Elaine said with a smile: “It’s a friend I met in the United States.”


“There are many Chinese and overseas Chinese here in the United States,”



“So I met a few friends who are more speculative.”


Horiyah couldn’t help but sigh: “Oh! You not only see the world after you have to go out the door.”


“Sister, you can meet such a wealthy person when you go to the United States.”


“The vision and connections of this high society are opened all at once! “


“That’s it!” Elaine said proudly: “If you don’t say that people go to high places and water flows to low places,”


“I will really go out and see the world more in the future.”


Horiyah complimented: “Sister is right! The gap between us is getting bigger and bigger…”


With that said, Horiyah changed the topic and quickly asked:


“Oh, that’s right, Sister, when you come back, take me to Chow Tai Fook if you have time?”


“You didn’t promise me when you bought Bulgari that you will buy me a Chow Tai Fook to wear…”


Elaine smiled contemptuously, and she knew that Horiyah must mention this.


She even knew that Horiyah made this video call, but in fact, it was only for this purpose.


So she said casually: “Oh, don’t worry, what I promised will be done.”


For Elaine, as long as she leaves the United States and sells the goddess dream that Charlie gave her,


It will bring at least 300,000 to 400,000 yuan.


Isn’t it more than enough to buy a Chow Tai Fook necklace for Horiyah?


Thinking of this, she suddenly realized that she didn’t even have to wait until she returned to Aurous Hill to sell it.


She could sell it immediately after arriving in Hong Kong.


After she made up her mind, she said to Horiyah very aggressively:


“Well, Horiyah, you don’t have to wait for me to come back to Aurous Hill.”


“I’m going to Hong Kong this time, go directly to Chow Tai Fook in Hong Kong. Just buy one for you and take it home.”


When Horiyah heard this, she immediately said excitedly:


“Really?! That’s really great! Thank you so much, Sister!”


Elaine hummed and said, “Okay, I’ll hang up if I have nothing else, rest for a while, and board the plane right away.”


Horiyah hung up the video thankfully, Elaine locked her phone, and sneered:


“Horiyah, Horiyah, a Chow Tai Fook has made you think about it for so long, you are really worthless!”


While muttering, several American police officers with different skin tones and loaded guns suddenly rushed into the VIP lounge.


One of the Chinese female police officers looked around the lounge for a while,


And immediately locked Elaine, then walked quickly to her, and asked coldly, “Are you Elaine Ma?”


Elaine was a little surprised by the sudden police presence.


She looked at the policewoman with a surprised look on her face and asked, “It’s me, what’s wrong?”


Chapter 4810


The policewoman continued to ask, “I’ll check your personal information with you.”


“You are Elaine Ma from Aurous Hill, China.”


“This time you’re taking Cathay Pacific flight CX845 from New York to Hong Kong, right?”


“That’s right…” Elaine was even more puzzled and asked, “Is there any problem with my flight?”


The female police officer said coldly, “There is no problem with the flight,”


“But there is a problem with your luggage! Please come with us to assist in the investigation.”


Elaine hurriedly said: “What can be wrong with my luggage? In addition to personal clothes,”


“There are some local specialties of New York, and I didn’t put anything like lithium batteries in it…”


The policewoman snorted coldly: “Don’t make useless quibbles.”


“There are other passengers here. In order not to affect the flight of others,” “Please take the initiative to come with me.”


As she spoke, she took out the handcuffs from her waist and warned: “Listen carefully to what I say, you have the right to remain silent,” “Otherwise everything you say may be used as evidence against you,” “And you have the right to ask a lawyer for assistance.”


“Show up at your trial, and if you can’t afford it, we’ll assign one to you, do you understand these rights?”


Elaine immediately panicked and blurted out, shouting: “What are you doing!”


“I am a distinguished first-class passenger!”


“Who gave you the courage to come here to arrest me? Besides, what law did I break?!”


The policewoman said coldly: “Elaine, as a Chinese, I kindly warn you that this is the United States!”


“Don’t try any form of resistance here, or you will definitely suffer!”


Elaine said angrily: “Don’t fcuk me with this, the old lady sits upright and walks right!”


“Wherever I go, I am not afraid of the police, let alone the United States,”


“What if it is the United Nations?! Don’t bluff me here!”


The policewoman obviously lost her patience. She took out her handcuffs and said sharply:


Elaine! I now ask you to turn around and put your hands behind your back.”


“You must not resist or run away, otherwise my colleagues may use the equipment on you,”


“Including but not limited to Taser guns, you’d better cooperate!”


Seeing that many people were watching, Elaine suddenly felt that her face as a first-class distinguished guest was instantly lost.


In anger she went crazy all of a sudden, causing her to pinch from her waist up and yelled:


“I tell you, don’t do this useless thing with me! I spent so much money on the first-class ticket,”


“Not for the birds of your gang to annoy me!”


“I am about to board the plane and return to China, so stay away from the sensible ones, and don’t delay my itinerary!”


Seeing Elaine’s stubbornness, the policewoman shook her head helplessly,


And said to the two male policemen beside her, “Take her away!”


The two policemen listened to Elaine’s call for a long time.


Although they didn’t know what she was talking about,


They could see that her attitude was very arrogant, and they had been secretly preparing to start.


Now that the policewoman said this, she knew that she had given up communication,


So the two rushed forward immediately, one of them grabbed Elaine,


And one hugged and threw her on the wool carpet in the first-class lounge.


Elaine dropped like a dog and gnawed sh!t.


Another policeman rushed forward, grabbed her hair with one hand, and pulled it back with force.


Elaine screamed in pain, but she didn’t care at all and fell to the ground.


Another colleague of his immediately put Elaine’s hands behind her back with force,


And then handcuffed her tightly.


Elaine screamed in pain, shouting hoarsely:


“Killing me! The police are killing me! Come on, help!”


The policeman who held down Elaine with one knee blurted out angrily,


“Hey! You shut the fcuk up!”


Elaine is someone who has gone to college anyway.


She could hear that the policeman was scolding her and asked her to shut herself up, and she was immediately angry!


She gritted her teeth and scolded: “You let me shut up, I gritted my teeth and I can bear you,”


“But you still fcuking with me here?! Who are you against!”


“Listen to your mother! I’m your mother! How dare you! Clean your mouth and talk to me!”

Chapter 4811

Although the policeman could not understand Chinese, He could still understand the English mixed in Elaine’s Chinese and English.

He didn’t expect Elaine actually said that she is his mother, And immediately became angry, and deliberately increased a bit of strength on his knees, pressing hard on Elaine.

Elaine only felt a sharp pain in her body, she could hardly breathe because of the pressure, And then she heard a click, a sharper pain hit, and a rib was broken by the policeman!

At this moment, Elaine burst into a cold sweat in pain, crying and shouting: “My rib is broken! My rib is broken! Help, I’m dying of pain…”

As she said that, she looked at the policewoman and blurted out: “Hurry up and stop him, or I will be crushed to death by him!”

“Is this how you treat first-class passengers?!”

The policewoman said coldly, “This is the first time I have met a drug dealer like you.”

“Do you think that buying a first-class ticket means you have judicial immunity?!”

Elaine was stunned and asked her, “What… what drug dealer?!”

The policewoman sneered: “Still acting stupid here,”

“Our customs officers found more than 180 ounces of new synthetic contraband,”

“That is equivalent to more than 5,000 grams, in one of your checked suitcases, do you know?”

“These high-level contrabands are enough for you to go to jail in the United States and maybe death?!”

“What?!” Elaine was frightened for a moment, and blurted out: 

“This… how is this possible? I am a law-abiding citizen!”

“How can there be contraband in my suitcase? I have never seen that Kind

of thing!”

“I don’t even know what that kind of thing looks like!”

After she finished speaking, she suddenly thought of Phaedra, and her brain burst with a buzz.

This time, she finally woke up from her big dream and clearly realized what kind of trap she had fallen into.

So she broke down and blurted out: “I… I’m wronged! I was framed and used!”

“It was that b!tch named Phaedra who lied to me,”

“You must investigate to the end and return my innocence!”

Only at this moment did she realize what a shocking scam she had fallen into.

She knew that her luggage was packed by herself, she knows what is in it, And she had not opened it during the whole process, so there was absolutely no contraband.

Since the police said that contraband was found in one of the two suitcases she checked in with, It must be the suitcase that Phaedra asked her to help take back to Hong Kong!

Thinking of this, she suddenly realized that Phaedra is not a successful female entrepreneur at all, Nor is she a distant relative of a beverage king, She is a complete liar! She worked so hard to deceive her and help her take the contraband out of the country!

Moreover, the police have already said that more than 5,000 grams of

contraband are found in the suitcase.

There is no doubt that if it was in China, it would be enough to sentence her

to death.

She was extremely regretful and frightened, crying to the policewoman,

“Comrade American police… I was really deceived by a woman named

Phaedra Zong,”

“Who asked me to take her suitcase to Hong Kong.”

“I have absolutely no idea what’s in this suitcase,”

“I’m innocent! You can definitely call the shots for me!”

The policewoman sneered and said, “How much did the other party

promise you,”

“And how dare you help others to carry luggage across borders?”

Elaine hurriedly said: “I didn’t want a penny, it’s just for helping friends…”

When she said this, Elaine was actually very guilty.

She knew very well in her heart that the reason why she promised


To help with luggage was simply because Phaedra said that she would give her a Lexus LM300 when she comes back,

And she would also take her to spend a few days in Hong Kong.

Chapter 4812

However, Elaine felt that these were all verbal promises anyway,

And that she had never received a penny from the woman, so it was

impossible for the police to find evidence.

The female police officer glanced at Elaine with a little pity,

And then, together with her colleagues, took her to their police station next

to the airport terminal.

Because Elaine was willing to break a rib, she was crying and screaming all

the way,

Hoping to get treatment first, but the policewoman said:

“It’s just a broken rib, there is no need to go to the hospital,”

“Our health care doctor will come to you in a while.”

“Do a simple fix and then take some oral anti-inflammatory drugs.”

Elaine cried and said, “You are too lacking in humanitarianism, aren’t you?!”

“I’m going to sue you! Oh no! I’m going to sue you, I’m going to sue you,”

“And until you won’t pay me ten or twenty million dollars. I’m not finished

with you!”

Speaking, Elaine remembered one thing and deliberately said loudly:

“A few years ago, a Vietnamese-American was forcibly expelled on your


“And the Internet said that he finally won 140 million US dollars!”

The policewoman said lightly: “First of all, the incident you mentioned was a

dispute between an airline and a passenger,”

“And what you are experiencing now is a criminal case in which the

American police arrested a transnational drug dealer.”

“Given that, you were arrested and had the intention to resist,”

“Law enforcement officers have the right to use force to arrest you;”

“Secondly, the whole process of our law enforcement is captured by body


“If you have any objection to our law enforcement, you can question your


“I believe your lawyer will give you the answer at that time.”

Seeing that her ribs were broken, Elaine couldn’t scare the policewoman,

And realized that this matter must be very serious.

So her tone softened all of a sudden, and she choked and asked,

“Comrade police… I’m really innocent… How can I prove my innocence?”

The other party said indifferently: “If you want to prove your innocence, the

only way is to arrest the other party,”

“And the other party must admit that you do not know anything,”

“So as to prove your innocence. Otherwise, there is no way to prove your


“After all, these contraband items were found in your checked luggage,”

“If you can’t prove your ignorance, then you can’t clear your suspicions!”

Elaine panicked and quickly said: “I have a chat record with her.”

“She has been hanging out with me all the time. The chat record can prove

my innocence!”

The policewoman shook her head: “If you can unilaterally prove your

innocence based on the chat record,”

“Then it’s too simple. In the future, all drug dealers will concoct a chat


“And then swagger over to take the plane. If successful, they will make a lot

of money.”

“If they fail, they will take out the chat records and say they are innocent,”

“So they don’t have to take any risks?”

“Do you think there are so many loopholes in the law for you to drill?”

When Elaine heard this, she immediately said eagerly: “Then why are you

still standing here?”

“Take the time to catch that Phaedra!!! She just left the airport and must

have not gone too far,”

“And if she runs away for a while. She won’t leave New York!”

“As long as you can catch her and interrogate her strictly, I will be able to

prove my innocence!”

The female police officer said coldly: “We don’t need you to direct how the

police handle the case.”

“Now we have to make a complete statement for you.”

“If you have a lawyer, we can help you notify the lawyer.”

“If you don’t have one, we will give one to you.”

Elaine blurted out: “I want to call my family, I want to call my daughter and


Seeing that Elaine wanted to contact her family, the policewoman nodded:

“Okay, you have the right to contact your family and ask your family to

arrange a criminal lawyer for you.”

Chapter 4813

After that, the policewoman took out Elaine’s mobile phone, handed it to

her, and said,

“Remember you can only call your family or your lawyer. Make your choice

and plead guilty!”

Elaine cried and said, “Don’t you understand people’s words?!”

“I already told you, I was wronged, and I was harmed by others. Where can

I get some accomplices?!”


The policewoman said indifferently: “Whether you were wronged or not,

And whether you were victimized or not, it’s not you who has the final say,”

“Nor is it me who has the final say. When the trial begins, everything will be

subject to the judge’s verdict.”

Elaine glanced at the policewoman angrily, then immediately picked up the

phone and called Claire.

Claire received the call, and the first sentence after the call was to ask


“Mom, have you boarded the plane?”

As soon as Elaine heard her daughter’s voice, the grievances and fears in

her heart erupted instantly,

And she cried out loudly: “Claire…my good daughter…”

“You must save your mother, or your mother will die in America…”

Claire suddenly became nervous and quickly asked, “Mom, what’s wrong

with you?!”

Elaine cried and said, “It’s the friend that Sister Chen introduced to me.”

“She asked me to carry for her a piece of luggage to Hong Kong.”

“As a result, before I got on the plane, the police arrested me and said


“A large amount of contraband was found, said to be more than 5,000


“Now they have arrested me and crushed one of my ribs…”

“Now they want me to hurry up and notify the lawyer… What should I do…”

Saying that, she cried helplessly: “Claire, tell Charlie quickly,”

“And ask him to find a good and reliable lawyer for your mother,”

“And you can’t let her go to jail in the United States!”

“What?!” Claire felt dazed, and suddenly became distracted, looked at

Charlie quickly, and said terribly,

“Husband… Mom she… She is caught by the police…”

“The police said that they found a lot of contraband in her luggage.”

“And she even broke a rib… What can I do…”

In fact, Charlie had already heard what Elaine said on the phone.

At this moment, he immediately recalled that before,

It seemed that something was wrong with Sister Chen’s family.

Now, it seems that her family is just an actor who cooperated with her


The characters of successful people and enthusiastic overseas Chinese

were nothing more than characters created to deceive compatriots.

And the fundamental reason why Sister Chen has always been very


…about Elaine was that she wants to use her to transport contraband to

Hong Kong.

Claire was already panicking at this time. She couldn’t help shedding tears

and asked Charlie:

“Husband…what should I do now…The police said they would ask Mom to

hire a lawyer, or they would assign one…”

Charlie nodded and said, “Tell mom not to talk nonsense inside.”

“I’ll ask my client in the United States for help and arrange for an

experienced lawyer to go there.”

Claire hurriedly asked: “Husband, are your clients in New York specialized

in this area?”

“Do they have the resources in this area?”

Charlie said seriously: “Don’t worry, she is still a bit powerful in New York.”

“It should be no problem to arrange a good lawyer.”

“It must be much stronger than the public lawyer arranged by the police.”

Claire hurriedly said: “Then you quickly call your client and ask her to help


“Mom said that the police told her that if this matter can’t be cleared of


“I am afraid she will be sentenced to life imprisonment. “

Charlie said very calmly: “This kind of thing can’t be rushed, you just need

to remember one thing,”

“It’s definitely impossible for Mom herself, knowing that it’s contraband and

carrying it on purpose,”

“So as long as you can prove this, you can prove it she is innocent, so

there is no criminal consequence for her.”

Chapter 4814

When Elaine on the other end of the phone heard Charlie’s words,

She cried and said, “Good son-in-law, it is exactly what you said,”

“But the key is that if they can’t catch them, I’ll be dead without proof…”

Charlie said, “Mom, you don’t have to worry or be afraid,”

“This matter will definitely be resolved satisfactorily, but it may be a little


‘And you will have to be patient during this time.”

Elaine cried and asked: “Save me, good son-in-law! Mom is so scared!”

‘If this is not done, Mom will be imprisoned for life…”

“I have been in the detention center, it’s too scary… “

Charlie said seriously: “Don’t worry, Mom, I promise you will not be

sentenced to life imprisonment.”

“This matter will be resolved before Claire graduates, and you will be able

to return to China with us.”

Elaine hurriedly asked, “Good son-in-law, are you telling the truth?”

“It’s only half a month that Claire graduates and returns to China…”

Charlie hummed and said, “Don’t worry, I will definitely do what I say!”

Hearing Charlie’s firm tone, Elaine’s nerves tense due to fear finally eased

a little.

She cried and said, “Good son-in-law, Mom will depend on you for the rest

of her life..”

“You…you must not break your promise…”

Charlie said indifferently: “Mom, after this incident, I hope you can have a

long memory.”

“Never trust others casually, and don’t just think about petty cheap things

every day,”

“Or you will end up suffering a big loss because of it.”

On the other end of the phone, Elaine nodded and choked like garlic:

“Don’t worry… As long as I can regain my freedom this time,”

“Even if you put gold and silver in front of Mom, your Mom will never be

greedy. …”

Thinking of this, she recalled that she was arrested by the police for

stealing Charlie’s bank card.

She had already learned a lesson once, how can she be fooled this time…

How could Charlie’s card be worth tens of billions?

In the same way, how could someone who just met give her a car for

millions of dollars?

Her car, and inviting her to go to her villa for a vacation?

“Why can’t she have a long memory for such an obvious impossibility…”

Charlie also heard Elaine’s remorse, so he said lightly:

“Mom, don’t tell them anything first, I will arrange a lawyer within an hour,”

‘And let the lawyer come over to help you solve this matter.”

“Okay, okay!” Elaine heard Charlie say that he would be able to get a

lawyer to come over within an hour, and said quickly,

“It has to be my good son-in-law, who can have such a strong influence in

New York in a place where the emperor is far away! “

The policewoman beside her said at this time: “Okay, the call time is up,

give me your phone.”

Elaine had no choice but to nod, and when she was about to hand over the


She didn’t forget to say loudly, “Good son-in-law! Mom is counting on you!!”

The phone was then hung up by the policewoman.

On this side, Claire cried and asked Charlie, “Husband, what are you going

to do next…”

Charlie said lightly: “I’ll take you back to Providence first, tomorrow is


‘And you still have classes, so you can take your classes at school these

few days.”

‘I’ll come to New York to solve the matter on Mom’s side. .”

Claire choked and said, “In this situation?”

“I’m not in the mood for class… Let’s turn around and go back to New


Charlie said very seriously: “Claire, let me tell the truth, listen to me.”

Claire hurriedly said, “Husband, you say it…”

Charlie said with a serious expression: “You can’t help mother with this


“And if you follow me in New York, it can’t have any positive effect other

than causing trouble.”

After a pause, he said again: “Instead of doing this,”

“You might as well go back to Providence and focus on taking care of your


‘When I go back to New York alone, I can really let go of my hands and feet

to solve this matter,”

“Otherwise, If I fail to work hard on this matter, Mom will probably spend her

whole life in prison in the United States!”

Chapter 4815

For Charlie, it is not difficult to solve this matter, but it is by no means easy

to solve it satisfactorily.

The crime that Elaine is now suspected of is a felony among felonies in any

country and region in this world.

And, because of the sheer amount of contraband, she was carrying,

It is punishable by death in many countries.

If in this matter he can catch all the black actors behind the scenes,

Then Elaine can truly and legitimately be cleared of suspicion,

Otherwise, he can only use special means to get her out of prison.

But in that case, Elaine is equivalent to having an international criminal

record on her back,

And it will be really troublesome in the future.

In order to solve such a group of criminals who specialize in harming


Some extraordinary means must be used. If Claire keeps following,

Not only will he be tied, but he will also devote extra energy to take care of

her and protect her.

So for him, the best solution is to let Claire stay in Providence alone and

solve Elaine’s problem in New York.

Moreover, Providence has always had female guards from Front on call at

all times,

So he doesn’t have to worry about Claire’s personal safety at all.

Claire couldn’t help but feel a little scared when she heard Charlie’s words.

Not only was she afraid that her mother would be trapped in the prison and

could not get out in the future,

But she was also afraid that if she followed Charlie, it would really affect his

plan to rescue her mother.

After thinking about it, in order to ensure that her mother can escape safely,

Claire had no choice but to nod and choked: “That’s Okay… Then I’ll wait

for your news in Providence…”

Saying that she looked at him and said pitifully,

“Husband, for my mother I have to ask you… I beg you to save her…”

Charlie nodded and said softly, “Wife, don’t worry, Mom will be fine with


After speaking, he instructed again: “Wife, don’t tell anyone about this,”

“Not even Dad. If Dad asks, you can say that she went out with a tour

group recently,”

“But I think Dad wouldn’t ask about her situation,”

“And he probably wouldn’t even think about it as he is busy doing

exchanges in South Korea.”

Claire also knew the specific situation of her parent’s relationship,

So he sighed helplessly, and said, “Dad really can’t count on him.”

“He went there and not communicating this time, maybe there is that Aunt


“The two of them had a relationship earlier. The story, and then the


Charlie hurriedly said: “Okay, now is not the time to discuss them.”

“The most urgent task now is to find a way to get Mom out of this matter.”

“Yes…” Claire nodded hurriedly and said, “Husband, hurry up and ask your

friend for help,”

“Let the lawyer go over and take a look…”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded, took out his mobile phone, and called Douglas Fei.

The reason why he didn’t call Stella was that his wife is by his side,

And he always felt that more things were better than fewer things.

Douglas didn’t expect that Charlie would call him.

He was a little flattered and answered the phone, and asked,

“Mr. Wade, do you have anything to say to me?”

Charlie said politely, “Mr. Fei, I need your help as I have encountered


Douglas hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, please say it! As long as I can do it, I

must do it!”

Charlie said briefly: “My mother-in-law was used by a group of people.”

“Without knowing it, she was found out of the customs at JFK Airport in

New York with contraband,”

“And now she has been arrested by the police over there.”

“I need you to help me find the best criminal lawyer in New York and have

him rush over within an hour to find out.”

Hearing this, Douglas was stunned.

He really couldn’t imagine who would provoke Charlie’s head without fear

of death.

Chapter 4816

However, he quickly regained his senses and said very seriously:

“Don’t worry, Mr. Wade, I’ll let the best law firm send the best criminal

lawyer there!”

Charlie said with a gloomy expression: “One more thing, my mother-in-law

said that her rib was broken by the police.”

“I think that since it is a civilized society now, even the worst criminals

should be tried by the court.”

“Rather than facing the abuse of lynching by police, what’s more, my

mother-in-law was used by others.”

“Even if the matter has not been investigated, she is only a suspect and

should not be treated like this,”

“So I hope that the lawyer you arranged can help her get justice.”

When Douglas heard this, he immediately assured:

“Don’t worry, Mr. Wade, I will definitely handle this matter for you!”

Charlie hummed and said, “Then I will thank Mr. Fei in advance!”

Douglas said with some trepidation: “Mr. Wade, don’t be so polite with me.”

“It’s an honor to be able to share your worries with you!”

Charlie said indifferently: “I won’t say more if you are asking me not to be


“I have to take my wife to Providence first, and then return to New York,”

“It will take at least four or five hours, so I have to trouble Mr. Fei to arrange

a helicopter,”

“I’ll send you a location later, you can ask the helicopter to pick me up

directly at the location,”

“Take my wife back to Providence first, and then take me back to New


“No problem! I’ll make arrangements here!”

Claire couldn’t hear Douglas’s voice on the other end of the phone,

But just listening to what her husband said, she couldn’t help being a little


When Charlie hung up the phone, she hurriedly asked, “Husband… Who

were you talking to…”

“Not only can he find the best criminal lawyer in New York,”

“But he can also send a helicopter to pick us up?!”

Charlie said with a smile: “This old gentleman has always wanted to ask

me to adjust Feng Shui for his old house,”

“But I haven’t agreed to him yet. It’s not like this happened,”

“So I’d to ask him for help first, it’s a big deal.”

“After the matter is over, I will show him Feng Shui for free.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “As for lawyers and helicopters,”

“It’s really nothing. In places like the United States, the best lawyers are in

law firms.”

“They will serve whoever has the money. My client is really strong.”

“So, it’s definitely not a problem to find a lawyer, and helicopters are even

less important in the United States.”

“Many rich people have their own helicopters and fly around every day,

which is not a big deal.”

Claire nodded lightly and sighed: “With someone like this to help, the

success rate of things can be expected to be higher…”

Charlie smiled slightly and comforted: “Don’t worry, about this matter.”

“I guarantee that mom will suffer a little at most, and there will be nothing


“And it is also a good thing for her to suffer a little.”

“With her character, if not given a lesson, maybe she can bring the atomic

bomb into the airport next time.”

“Hey…” Claire sighed and said helplessly: “Her character is really not

suitable for going out,”

“And it is easy to get into trouble when she goes out…”

“If this time there is a safe past, it would be good for her to learn a lesson.


Charlie nodded and comforted: “Wife, just be careful, your husband will be

able to get Mom out safely.”

“You know me. When did I promise something I couldn’t do?”

What Charlie said made Claire a lot firmer in her heart.

She looked at him, nodded solemnly, and said sincerely, “Husband… I’ll

leave everything to you…”

Chapter 4817

Charlie found an open place to stop the car,

And after sending the location to Douglas, he continued to appease Claire.

After Claire’s mood stabilized a lot, the helicopter arranged by Douglas also

arrived too.

The person who came was Douglas’s housekeeper.

After the helicopter stopped, he opened the cabin door and got out, and

said respectfully to Charlie:

“Mr. Wade, our master ordered the helicopter to take you and your wife

back to Providence,”

“And I will drive your car for you. Are you going to New York or


Charlie thought about leaving the car to Claire, maybe she still needed

something to move around,”

“So he said to Douglas’s housekeeper: “Help me bring my luggage to the

helicopter first,”

“And then help me drive the car to the Hilton in Providence, just give the

key to the front desk.”

“Okay!” The housekeeper nodded, and quickly and,

One of his subordinates took the luggage out of Charlie’s trunk and sent it

to the helicopter.

Charlie immediately took Claire to the helicopter,

The helicopter restarted, and after taking off, it roared towards Providence.

More than half an hour later, the helicopter stopped directly on the helipad

on the roof of the Hilton Hotel.

Charlie took Claire back to the presidential suite first,

And told her not to worry or run around alone.

Claire knew that at such a time, what she had to do was to try not to cause

Charlie any trouble,

So she agreed without hesitation.


After Claire was settled, Charlie returned to the roof and rushed back to

New York by helicopter.

When Charlie started to rush back to New York,

James White, the most authoritative chief criminal lawyer of the Cravath

law firm,

And the most authoritative chief criminal lawyer in the United States,

Hurried to JFK International Airport with his two assistants.

This lawyer has always been the number one enemy of the police.

The reason is mainly that his business ability is too strong,

So strong that sometimes even if there is sufficient evidence to prove that

the suspect is guilty,

He can dig out a piece from the details of the police handling of the case,

And let the police beat their chest and feet. Thus making all the police’s

efforts in vain.

There are times when he lets convicted murderers swagger out of court.

Whenever this happened, the police would hate him to the core.

However, this is the power granted to the suspect by American law.

Once his lawyer seizes the loophole, even if the whole world knows that he

is guilty,

It will not prevent him from being acquitted.

It is precisely because of this that James has almost become the best

lawyer for the rich and wicked to clear their crimes.

And his legal fees have also risen, and his appearance fee should start at

least one million dollars.

If it is a long-lasting big lawsuit, the proceeds may exceed ten million


Because James has repeatedly embarrassed the New York police,

The policemen gave him a nickname and privately called him Mad Dog


At this time, the police officers who arrested Elaine agreed that this woman

must be an unlucky person to be used.

However, they are also very clear that according to the law,

As long as the real behind-the-scenes mastermind cannot be caught,

Even if she is really being used, it will be difficult to prove her innocent,

And the final result will definitely be sentenced.

Chapter 4818

Moreover, these police officers also despised the strength behind Elaine.

They always felt that such an exaggerated shrew, and a foreigner,

Could not have a strong background in the United States.

So, they only left two Chinese police officers to take notes for Elaine in the

interrogation room,

While the others ordered a bunch of coffee, French fries, fried chicken, and


And ate supper in the lobby of the police station.

Everyone is very happy at this moment because they have successfully

cracked a very important case of smuggling contraband,

And the latest type of synthetic contraband is involved, worth over 10


They have reported the case to the New York City Police Department as

soon as possible,

And the chief of police called them to congratulate them,

And said that they should hurry up to get the transcript,

And then report the matter to the media, and then let the media come over

to interview one more time. Wheel, good report.

This is a good opportunity for the police officers of the airport police station

to show their faces.

So everyone is very excited at the moment, even if some people have

arrived at the end of getting off work,

They still decide to stay here and celebrate with everyone.

Among them, there is the policeman who crushed Elaine’s ribs. His name is

Jimmy Wayne.

He was eating a slice of pizza at this time, and said with a sarcastic


“This woman is probably going to be finished this time. When her transcript

is clear,”

“We will report it to the New York City Police Department. According to her

confession to arrest her upline,”

“The time in between is enough for her upline to run to the moon,”

‘These people have long been experienced, repeat offenders,”

“And they will definitely not be able to catch any of them by then.”

Another policeman said with a smile: “This woman is involved in up to five

kilograms of contraband,”

“And the judge will definitely not allow bail. If we can’t catch the culprit,”

“She will definitely be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. She’ll

never go out again.”

A previous colleague who followed him said to Jimmy Wayne:

“Jimmy, you were too ruthless just now, this woman is old enough, in case

you break a few of her ribs, it may be fatal.”

Jimmy said cursingly, “That b!tch claims to be my mom, and I’ve restrained

myself without punching the sh!t out of her!”

The man said seriously: “In the future, you should try to control it as much

as possible.”

“You know about Minneapolis. In this case, it’s better to be cautious,”

“And you have to be careful, in case her lawyer finds out, You will most

likely be sued at that time.”

“Sh!t.” Jimmy said disdainfully: “I don’t think this woman can do anything at


“She is a Chinese, and she can’t hire any great lawyers in New York.”

“If it is those assigned public welfare Lawyers, I have 10,000 ways to shut

them up.”

As he spoke, he said proudly: “Teach you an experience, this kind of

person likes to make himself very strong as soon as he comes up,”

“And tries to shock the other person as soon as he comes up, but in fact,”

“The more you deal with this kind of person, The more you have to be

tough enough,”

“You even have to find a chance to use some violent means.”

“As long as you let her know that she kicked the iron plate,”

“She will immediately become more honest than a pug!”

“Next time you give her a little face, she will wag her tail attentively at you!”

The crowd burst into laughter.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man who was a

little fat walked in with a smile on his face,

And said loudly as soon as he entered the door:

“Guys, my wife and I just ordered a battle at the steakhouse.”

“Axe steak, before I can eat it, I heard that you have solved a big case, you

have done a good job!”

When everyone saw the sub-bureau coming, they all became elated.

One of them asked, “Director, when will you arrange a celebration dinner

for us?”

The sub-chief smiled and said,

“I’ll congratulate you after the city police station informs the media and

reporters come to interview!”

The crowd immediately cheered.

The branch chief asked, “Where is the suspect now?”

Jimmy said quickly: “Director, the suspect is giving notes in the

interrogation room.”

The sub-commander nodded and was about to speak when he suddenly

heard a harsh screeching sound of brakes.

Everyone followed the sound and saw a black Mercedes-Benz Maybach

limousine suddenly stop at the door of the police station.

A policeman near the door raised his eyebrows, whistled, and blurted out


“Guys, it seems that a big man has arrived!”

Chapter 4819

The sub-commander looked out the door at this time, and when he saw

Maybach, stopped at the door.

He immediately stood up straight, and while sorting his clothes, he said

with a smile,

“Are the leaders of the city police here? Or maybe the councilor is here?”

“Guys, get your clothes sorted, and as soon as the big shots arrive,”

“Maybe the media reporters will be there too!”

Everyone was immediately excited, and one of them said quickly,

“Quick, quick, clean up the food on the table, don’t let the media take


The people inside were excited and busy.

The co-pilot of the Maybach outside also got down at this time, a young

man in a suit.

After he got out of the car, he hurriedly walked to the back row and opened

the rear door.

Immediately afterward, a middle-aged man with gray hair,

A tall and straight body and a grim face stepped out of the car.

When everyone in the police station saw him, they were dumbfounded.

One of them said in a panic, “Holy Sh!t! It’s Mad Dog White!”

When everyone recognized the famous mad dog White, they suddenly

became nervous.

The branch chief immediately frowned and said,

“What is this son of a b!tch Mad Dog White doing here?!”

“Yeah…” Jimmy Wayne was also a little puzzled, and couldn’t help but say:

“This ba5tard only serves the richest people, why did he come to us?”

The policeman who persuaded Jimmy to restrain himself in the future

frowned and said,

“Jimmy, Mad Dog White, isn’t that the lawyer hired by this woman inside?”

Jimmy said contemptuously: “Just for her can you hire Mad Dog White?!”

“Someone who can hire Mad Dog White at least ranks in the top 100

among the rich in New York,”

“What is the concept of being in the top 100 in New York?”

“Don’t even think about the worth of more than ten billion US dollars!”

“Is that stupid woman in there worthy of hiring the mad dog White?”

Just after finishing speaking, the young man in a suit outside had pushed

open the door of the police station.

The powerful James White stepped in, adjusted his tie with one hand, and

said coldly,

“Which of you is the person in charge? I want to see my client, Ms. Elaine


As soon as these words came out, all the police officers on the scene took

a deep breath!

Jimmy was dumbfounded. He never dreamed that the mad dog White,

Who had been on the line with the New York police countless times by


And who had beaten the New York police so helplessly, was really Elaine’s


At this moment, he was so frightened that his whole body was soaked in a

cold sweat,

And his legs were almost paralyzed.

Everyone here knows that he broke Elaine’s rib by himself.

Once this falls into Mad Dog White’s hands, his future may be ruined!

Even if it doesn’t work well, he may face jail time!

The sub-director was also stunned at this time.

He had listened to the report of his subordinates before he came.

The person who was arrested this time was just a Chinese tourist to the

United States.

She entered the United States on a tourist visa about a week ago.

For such a person, how could it be possible to get Mad Dog White as an


However, he was not allowed to think too much, because the mad dog

White was extremely aggressive,

Not to mention a little shrimp-like him, even the chief of the New York City

Police Department,

Has always been passive in front of him.

So, the branch chief immediately stepped forward and said,

“I am the person in charge here, let me introduce myself, my name is…”

Chapter 4820

Before the director could say his name, James said coldly,

“I don’t need to know your name, I just need to see my client, right away!”

“Okay, okay…” The sub-director nodded quickly and said to his


“Quick, take lawyer White to see the suspect!”

The subordinate did not dare to delay, and immediately said, “Mr. White,

please come with me.”

James walked to the interrogation room with his assistant.

As soon as the police opened the door, James immediately said to the two

police officers in charge of the interrogation:

“Hey, the interrogation is over. I want to communicate with my client

privately, please leave.”

The two police officers in charge of the interrogation recognized James at



The two were too shocked to speak. The colleague who opened the door

quickly said,

“Come out quickly and let Mr. White talk to his client in private.”

The two nodded quickly, picked up the transcript, and ran out the door.

James said to the policeman next to him: “My client doesn’t understand

American law,”

“Plus she doesn’t speak the language, and she hasn’t seen her lawyer,”

“So if your transcript has any threatening or inducing elements,”

“It’s better to invalidate it. Don’t let me catch anything,”

“Otherwise, I will definitely challenge it in court!”

Several people suddenly felt a little pressure.

To all the police, James is like the most critical marking teacher behind an


Sometimes you think you have answered flawlessly, but in his hands,”

“You can still find some small problems and that will be used to reject all

your efforts.

Therefore, several people were also very nervous at this time,

Especially Elaine has a broken rib. When James came, he immediately

made this matter extremely passive.

Elaine also vaguely heard that this hard-spoken man should be the lawyer

that her good son-in-law found for her.

She suddenly felt that she had met a savior, so she cried out excitedly, and

said loudly:

“Help, lawyer, police officer hit me and broke my ribs!”

When the two Chinese police officers heard this, they immediately broke

down in a cold sweat.

In order to cater to a top Chinese family like the Fei family, James has long

learned fluent Chinese.

So when he heard this, his expression immediately became extremely

angry, and he roared coldly:

“You hurt my client, which itself is a serious violation of the law and the

police’s law enforcement regulations,”

“But even so, you guys didn’t send my client to the doctor in time,”

“And instead continued to harshly interrogate my severely injured client


“This is simply inhumane! I want to check your law enforcement recorder at

the time,”

“And immediately report to your superior unit for suing!”

All the police officers present panicked.

The fact that the suspect was injured was not easy to explain.

After all, Elaine did not attack the police, nor did she make huge efforts to

resist the law.

Jimmy had already subdued her at that time, but he deliberately crushed

her ribs after subduing her.

This is obviously subjective and intentional. No matter how you wash it, you

can’t wash it clean.

Jimmy was outside the door at this time, and he was trembling with panic,

When he heard James’s high-pitched questioning inside.

The little policeman has a serious disparity in the status of the big lawyer,

Not to mention that he himself has made mistakes first.

At this time, he was completely indifferent and didn’t know what to do.

The sub-director did not dare to make a big deal of the matter at this time,

and hurriedly said:

“Mr. White, this lady was injured mainly because of some friction in the

process of law enforcement,”

“And our people checked her injury and thought there is nothing serious.”

“Just need to take some oral medicine later…”

James asked in a cold voice: “Any of you qualified to practice medicine?

Including you, the distinguished Director!”

“This…” The branch chief said embarrassedly:

“We are all police officers, not qualified to practice medicine…”

Chapter 4821

James said sharply: “Without the qualifications to practice medicine, why

do you think my client’s injury is not serious?!”

“Are your eyes all medical CT scans?”

“What if my client has internal bleeding or internal organs rupture? Can you

take this responsibility?!”

All the policemen looked at each other, not knowing how to respond.

At this time, James continued: “You have violently enforced the law,”

“Flouted the law, endangered life, which simply refreshed my

understanding of your department!”

After speaking, he changed the subject and said more severely:

“Because my client is a yellow race, I ask you to show your previous cases

of dealing with other suspects who were injured.”

“If I find that you are only targeting my client and not giving medical


“Then I have reason to suspect that you are suspected of racial

discrimination against people of color!”


At this time, the sub-director had 10,000 grass and mud horses galloping

past in his heart.

“What the hell is this situation, how can this mad dog White raise the level

of racial discrimination in just two sentences?!”

In the United States, what the police are most afraid of is the word “racial


Once you reach the level of these two words, things will immediately rise to

the most serious level.

Not to mention that the police officer involved will be expelled from the

police force,

And even his own sub-chief may be severely punished.

If mass incidents are triggered again, then he can only take the blame and


So he quickly explained to James: “Mr. White, this matter has nothing to do

with racial discrimination.

“The most important reason is that the facts of this case are really serious,”

“And my subordinates are eager to investigate the whole situation.”

“The ins and outs of this incident, and catch the mastermind as soon as


Saying that, he smiled and said, “You also know that as long as we catch

the mastermind behind the scenes as soon as possible,”

“We can clear your client’s suspicions as soon as possible. After all, we

also believe…”

James reached out a hand to interrupt him, and said coldly:

“It is your duty to investigate the real black hand of the incident,”

“And it is my job to clear my client of suspicion.”

“So you don’t need to be self-proclaimed, and I’m talking about racism now,

so don’t digress here.”

After speaking, James’s volume increased a little and continued:

“What I need to know is, in the cases, you have handled in the past three


“In how many cases were the suspects injured when they were arrested;”

“Secondly, I need to know how many of the suspects who were injured,”

“When they were arrested and sent to the doctor in time,”

“And how many were not sent to the doctor in time like my client:”

“Finally, I need to know how many of the people who were sent to the

doctor in time were white people?”

“How many people of color were there? And of those people who were not

sent to the doctor in time,”

“How many people were white people? How many people of color account


“You must give me this data as soon as possible, otherwise,”

“I will immediately protest to the city police station and inform the


“Who are most concerned about racial discrimination!”

“God dmn it…” The branch chief only felt his liver tremble.

“Sure enough, it’s Mad Dog White! There’s no reason he can’t find it…”

There is a division chief in his district, and he is not numbered in the entire

New York police system.

Because in the whole of New York, there are only one or two hundred

bureaus of different sizes,

And he is only one or two percent of them.

But James is different.

James is one of the top criminal lawyers in New York, bar none.

It’s the whole pyramid of criminal lawyers in New York.

Therefore, in front of James, this small airport sub-director is no match at


Just when the sub-chief had no idea what to do, a police officer ran over

and said breathlessly:

“Chief, there is news from the city police department,”

“People from CNN and the New York Times will come for an interview


“The city bureau chief will also come!”

Chapter 4822

The head of the branch was buzzing, and James sneered:

“I was thinking just now, should I notify some of my friends in the media


“This matter will be exposed, but since you have notified the media,”

“That would be better, and let the media reporters come to expose,”

“How you violated the law, violated humanity, and racially discriminated!”

In fact, James was ordered not only to help Elaine clear her name,

But also a very important task, which is to control this matter as much as


And his influence, especially, try not to let Elaine’s name and image appear

in any media as much as possible.

This is what Charlie meant.

After all, she is not only Elaine, she is also Charlie’s mother-in-law.

Even if this matter is resolved in the end,

Charlie does not want others to know that his mother-in-law was involved in

such a ridiculous scam.

On the one hand, he really can’t afford to lose this person;

On the other hand, in case this matter becomes too big,

Elaine becomes well-known at the international level,

And as her son-in-law, he might be dug up by those who care.

Therefore, Charlie’s request is to solve it in a low-key manner, and not to

make too much action.

The reason why James said that is to attack instead of defending.

A person like him knows that he can never let his opponent know his true


Once his opponent knows that he does not want this matter to be exposed,

Then the opponent will definitely use this matter to test his bottom line.

So instead of doing this, it is better to counterattack and defend,

And take the initiative to ask for this matter to be exposed.

James’s method really worked, when the sub-director heard this, he

hurriedly pleaded:

“Mr. White, don’t be angry, there must be some misunderstanding in this


“We will do our best to solve it, otherwise what do you think,”

“We will first arrange for your client to go to the hospital for treatment,”

“And as for the interrogation and transcripts, we will put it away later to


“The safety of your client’s life, physical and mental health.”

James sneered: “This is a bit inappropriate, isn’t it? So the media are

looking forward to it,”

“Don’t you let them see the client? I hope that people in the United States

can see,”

“Through the media my client being attacked by you what it is like to get

arrested with a broken rib!”

The branch chief said with a sad face:

“Mr. White, you can’t say that, our people have never hit your client…”

James asked: “Then how did my client’s rib break?”

“If you don’t want this matter to make a big splash in front of the media,”

“It’s not impossible, but you must promise me a few conditions!”

The branch chief said with sincerity: “Mr. White, please speak!”

James said coldly: “First of all, you must immediately provide a multi-angle

bodyguard video.”

“I want to see the bodyguard video of every policeman on the scene!”

“No problem, no problem!” The sub-director agreed without hesitation.

Once the matter becomes a big one, the contents of the recorder will not

only be handed over to James,

But may even be exposed by TV stations.

Therefore, in this case, how dare he refuse James’s request?

James continued: “In addition, the data I just asked you to show, that is,”

“The cases you have handled in the same situation in recent years,”

“You must give it to my assistant before ten o’clock tonight!”

“Okay…” Although the sub-director was reluctant, he could only grit his

teeth and agree at this time.

He is very aware of the strength of James, who is dealing with high society

every day,

And is very familiar with those media tycoons.

Once he wants to make a fuss about racial discrimination, then this matter

will not escape no matter what,

And whether those cases are given or not will not affect the hat of racial


So for now, he can only stabilize James first, as long as he promises not to

announce it to the media for the time being,

Then there is still a way to mediate this matter.

James looked at Elaine at this time, and said very respectfully in Chinese:

“Ms. Elaine, I’m sorry, I’m late, and you have been treated badly!”

Chapter 4823

From the time she was arrested no one has given Elaine a good face.

Injury and fear have caused a great negative impact on her body and mind.

Seeing James talking to her so respectfully now, she burst into tears with


While crying, she said with an extreme grievance:

“They not only beat me and scolded me, but also threatened me and

treated me badly…”

“I have told them many times that I was deceived, and I didn’t know the

belongings in the suitcase at all.”

“What’s in it, but they’re still very impatient with me,”

“Like I’m a criminal… It’s really too much…”

Hearing this, the sub-director on the side froze, and immediately


“You ba5tards! Why didn’t you send Ms. Ma to the hospital in time?!”

“Why did you interrogate her when you knew she was injured? ?!”

“In addition, why did she get an injury, who did it? Come out and tell me


The crowd was so nervous that they didn’t know how to answer,

So they could only look at Jimmy Wayne who was on the side.

Seeing this, Jimmy Wayne could only come forward in a panic, and said


“Director… yes… I accidentally crushed Ms. Ma’s ribs…”

“At that time she was resisting, It’s to carry out the mission…”

James said sharply at this time: “You look very strong, and my client is just

a weak old lady.”

“Your weight is at least twice my client’s weight.”

“I believe that if you just want to subdue my client,”

“It’s so easy, there’s no need to crush her ribs at all!”

Jimmy Wayne’s cold sweat flowed down his cheeks instantly,

And he didn’t know how to justify himself in the face of James’s


James didn’t look at him again at this time, but looked at the branch chief

on the side, and said coldly:

“Before you submit the evidence to my assistant, I hope you can suspend

this person for investigation,”

“My client’s body has suffered so much damage and suffered all kinds of

unequal treatment,”

“Including racial discrimination. He will definitely be more passive by then.”

As soon as the sub-director heard this, he immediately knew what

happened today.

If Jimmy Wayne is not thrown out, James would not be able to let it go.

And even if Jimmy Wayne is thrown out as a scapegoat, with James’s

usual style of acting,

This matter can’t be revealed, at most, it can be a little buffer.

However, as long as it can be buffered, it is somewhat beneficial.

So he could only turn around and look at Jimmy Wayne, who was terrified

beside him, and said coldly,

“Mr. Wayne, hand over your police ID and gun, I suspend your duty for


“Whether you can you resume your original post or whether to face legal


“We have to wait for the results of the investigation to decide!”

Jimmy Wayne knew that he was doomed today, so he could only nod


Took off his ID and gun, then looked at Elaine, and said pleadingly:

“Ms. Ma, just now I was just impatient,”

“I really didn’t mean to hurt you, and I hope you can forgive me this time.”

Without waiting for Elaine to speak, James on the side said coldly:

“In three seconds, if you don’t disappear from my eyes,”

“I will immediately arrange for other colleagues to come and sue you!”

Jimmy Wayne’s face was pale with fright, and he could only leave the

police station first.

After Jimmy Wayne left, the sub-director hurriedly looked at James with a

flattering face and said,

“Mr. White, then I will arrange someone to send Ms. Ma to the doctor first,”

“And I will communicate with my superior on the media side.”

“Just ask them not to notify the media for a while. Let’s keep silent on the

media side.”

“As you know, there are too many things about racial discrimination right


“And all kinds of protests have been going on all the time.”

“At such a time, we need to stop adding chaos to the general environment,

what do you think?”

Chapter 4824

James glanced at the bureau chief and said lightly:

“If you can give my client enough humanitarian treatment,”

“I can temporarily not notify the media about this matter,”

“But I reserve the right to notify the media.”

When the sub-director heard this, the whole person finally breathed a sigh

of relief and said quickly:

“If this is the case, then we will immediately arrange for Ms. Ma to go to the


James said blankly: “You don’t need to arrange for medical treatment.”

“The hospital you arranged is not worthy of Ms. Ma’s distinguished status.”

“I will arrange for Ms. Ma to go to the best private hospital in New York for


The branch chief said embarrassedly, “Mr. White,”

“Our police department doesn’t have such a high budget and arranges


“To go to top private hospitals for medical treatment…”

James snorted disdainfully and said lightly:

“You do not need to worry about all the expenses for Ms. Ma’s medical

treatment, it is all borne by my client.”

The head of the branch was nervous for a while, and thought to himself,

“According to what Mad Dog White said, he should have been entrusted by

others to help Elaine get off the crime,”

“And his client must be a rich and powerful local tycoon.”

“Is there really a very powerful person behind her?”

Thinking of this, he felt even more uneasy in his heart,

So he could only sneer and say: “Mr. White, according to the regulations,”

“Even if you arrange for Ms. Ma to go to another hospital,”

“We must send police officers to accompany you.”

“You also know that Ms. Ma is now a criminal suspect in the legal sense

and we cannot let her out of our sight.”

James said coldly: “I don’t need you to remind me of this most basic legal

common sense,”

“But you police officers, as defenders of the fairness and justice of the law,”

“Openly flout the provisions of the law and the sanctity of human rights. It is

extremely disappointing!”


The branch chief’s face turned red and white, and he said embarrassingly,

“Mr. White’s criticism is very right, and I will definitely urge my subordinates

to get rid of these previous bad habits!”

James ignored him, looked at Elaine, and said softly in Chinese:

“Ms. Ma, I will take you to the hospital later,”

“And I will arrange the best single ward for you at the hospital.”

“It will definitely give you a therapeutic environment comparable to a

five-star hotel.”

When Elaine heard this, she was relieved and said quickly, “Oh, thank you

so much, Mr. Lawyer!”

James said very seriously: “Ms. Ma, I will be your personal lawyer and your

personal assistant from now on,”

“So you don’t have to be so polite to me.”

Elaine did not expect that James, who was able to scare the entire police

station to pale face, is so polite to her.

She couldn’t help sighing in her heart:

“I really didn’t expect my good son-in-law, Charlie, to be so powerful.”

“Even in New York, he can have such a strong network,”

“And it was arranged for me with just one phone call.”

“It seems that I have such a powerful lawyer this time. I should be able to

get out…”

At this time, James continued: “By the way, Ms. Ma, after you arrive at the


“Your personal freedom may be restricted to the ward,”

“Because the police will follow us there, and I hope you don’t mind.”

Elaine said without hesitation: “I don’t mind, of course I don’t mind!”

“As long as I don’t stay in this kind of place, I can do anything!”

When Elaine went to the hospital accompanied by James, Charlie was on

his way to New York.

James reported the situation to Douglas in a timely manner,

And Douglas reported the situation to Charlie immediately.

According to James, he can apply for Elaine for one to two days of hospital

treatment at most,

But after the hospital treatment is over, Elaine must attend the preliminary


Chapter 4825

Before the trial, the judge will make a ruling on whether,

Elaine can be released on bail based on the general circumstances of the


If bail is available, the judge will give a bail amount,

And as long as the money is available, the person can temporarily restore


However, according to James, the amount of contraband involved in

Elaine’s case is too large,

So bail is basically impossible.

This means that after the court session, Elaine will be temporarily detained

in the detention center.

Similar to China, the United States also has two kinds of institutions:

Jail and prison. Although they both mean prison in translation,

The former is actually more similar to China’s detention center,

Which is used to temporarily detain suspects with lesser crimes or who

have not yet been sentenced.

And the latter is the real prison for convicted criminals.

It is the former that Elaine will be detained.

In order not to make Charlie worry too much, Douglas also promised him


He could quietly fish Elaine out of it first through a special channel.

Even if Charlie needs it, he can directly send Elaine back to China, and he

can completely settle the matter here.

However, Charlie declined his kindness.

On the one hand, Charlie didn’t want his wife to feel that his ability was too


On the other hand, he also hoped that Elaine would go in and have a good


The last time she entered the detention center,

Elaine remembered that you can’t just steal other people’s things,

Especially other people’s bank cards, but the experience of entering the

detention center only taught her this lesson,

And did not let her realize the danger of this world did not make her

completely cut off her greed.

Although Charlie didn’t know how Elaine was fooled this time,

Based on his understanding of his mother-in-law,

He knew very well that the other party must have promised her some kind

of benefit,

So it would have let her to lower her guard.

So in Charlie’s view, it is absolutely right and proper to teach her a lesson.

But he also knew very well that Elaine’s mistake this time was slightly


Than the last time, she stole his bank card and tried to transfer all the

money to his bank card.

Therefore, she has been taught that she must not suffer too much inwardly.

It is estimated that the prisoners in the detention center are all suspects,

Who has murdered and set fire and are waiting to be sentenced?

In this case, with Elaine’s arrogant articulation and weak body, it may cause

her trouble.

So, he called Joseph and said,

“Joseph, something happened to my mother-in-law, and she might enter

the New York detention center in a day or two.”

“You need to find a way to arrange for a few female soldiers to enter in


“So that they can take care of her when she’s in there.”

Joseph knew what Charlie’s mother-in-law was, so when he heard this, he

immediately asked,

“Mr. Wade, do you want your subordinates to take good care of her,”

“Or take care of her badly? If so, then I can unknowingly…”

“Don’t!” Charlie hurriedly interrupted him and said seriously,

“Of course I’m talking about taking care of her for the better, where did you

think you went?”

Joseph quickly apologized: “I’m sorry, Mr. Wade, it’s your subordinate’s


“Don’t worry, your subordinate will arrange for someone to enter in


“And absolutely ensure that your mother-in-law will not be bullied in the

slightest after entering.”

Charlie instructed: “If someone bullies her after she goes in,”

“Don’t let your soldiers intervene too early.”

“If you intervene too early, it will look a little fake and illogical,”

“You can let her suffer first and then intervene on the grounds of


Joseph said without hesitation: “Mr. Wade, don’t worry, your subordinates

will make arrangements.”

Charlie said again: “There is one more thing.”

Joseph respectfully said, “Mr. Wade, please speak.”

Chapter 4826

Charlie said seriously: “You help me investigate in Providence, a Chinese

named Myren Chen,”

“Who looks like she is in her fifties, this person should be using a fake


“But she actually used this fake identity, in Providence Widdens she lived,”

“So she will definitely leave clues, so I need you to help me find out,”

“The current whereabouts of this person as soon as possible.”

After speaking, he instructed again: “Also, their gang should also have a

contact person here in New York.”

“You can find a way to investigate the surveillance at the airport,”

“And then see who was on the street with my mother-in-law and find a


“Find out her whereabouts, and it’s best to catch people directly.”

“No problem!” Joseph said without hesitation:

“Don’t worry, Mr. Wade, leave everything to your subordinates!”

Charlie knew very well in his heart that Myren would definitely find a way to

monitor Elaine’s every move.

Elaine was arrested now, and she had already lost contact with her,

So she would be alert and realize that Elaine had an accident.

In this case, they will be evacuated from the place where they originally

lived in the shortest possible time.

Therefore, it is very unlikely that she wants to go to Providence to find

Myren now,

And the people in Cataclysmic Front can only find her through the clues

she left.

As for Elaine’s contact person in New York, no matter whether Elaine had

an accident or not,

She would flee the scene of the crime as soon as possible,

So the possibility of catching them immediately is very slim.

Therefore, this matter as a whole cannot be rushed.

It can only be done by trying to find a way to arrest them while ensuring

that Elaine will not have any major incidents in it.

When all the clues are revealed by the Cataclysmic Front,

And then the culprits are brought to justice one by one,

Elaine’s suspicion will naturally be cleared away, and at that time, she will

be able to regain her freedom.

At this moment.

A Ford pickup was quickly driving away from Providence towards Seattle.

Sitting in the car were Myren and her four so-called family members.

The driver was Jimmy Man, who played Myren’s son.

And Myren, who was sitting in the co-pilot at this time, scolded angrily:

“This Elaine’s luck is too damn bad, I thought that even if she had an


“It must have happened after she arrived in Hong Kong.”

“Dmn, I didn’t expect that such an idiot would have an accident without

even leaving the United States!”

Jimmy Man said embarrassedly: “Auntie, to be honest,”

“I have always thought that this Elaine is unreliable, not that she will eat


“I just thought this b!tch is so fcuking fluffy, like the people,”

“Who is in bad luck have a natural magnetic field in their bodies.”

Myren asked with a cold face, “What natural magnetic field?”

Jimmy Man blurted out: “It’s the kind of magnetic field that is prone to


“For example, if 10,000 people are walking on the street,”

“And a brick falls from the sky, the probability of hitting all the other 9,999

people is 50%,”

“And the remaining 50% % probability is to hit her.”

Myren shouted sharply: “Did I fcking use you here? What the hell did you


“Elaine came over for dinner last time, why didn’t you say anything after

she left?”

“Oh, I fcking know now, where are you waiting? When I was getting hit and

killed by a car while walking,”

“You fcking say I knew you were going to be hit by a car.”

“Will I will be not able to bring you back to life? What’s the point of talking


Seeing Myren’s anger, Jimmy Man shrank his neck quickly:

“I’m sorry, Auntie…I…I didn’t mean to…”

Myren didn’t even bother to look at him, she took out her mobile phone,

Took out the card, and then threw the phone out of the window.

Afterward, she said to Jimmy Man: “Drive forward another 20 kilometers,

and then turn to the south.”

He asked in surprise: “Auntie, aren’t you going to Seattle to avoid the

limelight? What are you doing going south?”

Myren said coldly: “I’m going to Mexico, Elaine’s matter is stale,”

“And in Sister Zhou’s son’s matter, we must not make any mistakes!”

Chapter 4827

When Charlie rushed back to New York, it was already night.

Since Stella kindly invited him to stay in Fei’s house before he arrived,

Charlie agreed.

Even if he goes to the hotel temporarily, there are many inconveniences.

It is relatively convenient to stay in Fei’s house temporarily.

When the helicopter arrived home, the Fei family came out neatly to greet

him again.

It was still led by Douglas and Stella, waiting for his visit again.

As soon as they met, Douglas stepped forward with the help of Stella, and

said very respectfully,

“Mr. Wade, the banquet has already been prepared,”

“I think you would not have been able to eat tossed about again and again,”

“Why don’t we go for eating first? How would you like to dine in a dining


Charlie hasn’t eaten since he dropped Elaine off in the afternoon.

As soon as Mr. Fei reminded him, he felt a little hungry, so he nodded and


“Thank you Mr. Fei for being so thoughtful, then I will be disrespectful.”

Douglas said quickly: “Mr. Wade, you are too polite, this is what we should


After speaking, he said to Charlie again: “By the way, Mr. Wade,”

“If you want to be quiet, then I and Stella will accompany you. What do you


“Okay.” Charlie nodded and said, “It’s better if there are fewer people,”

“Let’s eat simple, and don’t need to be too complicated.”

Douglas nodded slightly and said respectfully, “Mr. Wade, please come


The other Fei family watched the three of them enter the villa on the spot,

And then they dispersed silently one by one,

While Charlie, accompanied by Douglas and Stella came to the dining

room of the main villa.

At this time, there was a sumptuous feast in the dining room.

After Douglas invited Charlie to take a seat, he said respectfully,

“Mr. Wade, I have consulted a lawyer about your mother-in-law’s affairs.”

“It means that if you can catch the mastermind behind the scenes,”

“Then this matter can be solved very easily.”

“The Fei family is considered a powerful force in New York.”

“Do you want me to send someone to investigate and catch the

mastermind as soon as possible?”

Charlie smiled slightly and said: “I have already instructed Joseph to solve

this matter,”

“So you don’t have to worry about it, Mr. Fei.”

Douglas suddenly realized, and quickly said:

“If Mr. Wan comes out, then this matter must be solved better, and I can

rest assured.”

Charlie nodded, remembered something, and asked him, “Mr. Fei, as far as

you know,”

“Is it common to dupe your own countrymen in the United States these


Douglas smiled awkwardly and said seriously: “A lot, why not much,”

“In fact, this kind of thing has always been common…”

Having said that, he said again: “Of course, it’s not just our Chinese

compatriots who are in this situation.”

“In fact, people from all countries are similar.”

After a pause, he explained: “You also know that because the United

States is a country of immigrants,”

“The population here is very complex, there are many ethnic minorities,”

“And these ethnic minorities, due to new arrivals and language barriers,

often will show two extremes;”

“One extreme is that they are very close to their compatriots.”

“Everyone they are twisted together to take care of each other, advance

and retreat together, and be extremely united.”

“This is how Chinatown and Koreatown were built.”

“Of course, there are also many gangs composed of ethnic minorities. It is

for this reason that it is growing;”

“The other extreme is that some very individual people, in order to take root

in the United States,”

“Choose to do things that harm others and benefit themselves, but because

of the language barrier,”

“The unfamiliar environment and the strong dragons do not overwhelm the

locals and snakes,”

“They only can start from their compatriots nearby,”

“So there is a small group of people who take advantage of their low

vigilance towards their compatriots and specifically choose their

compatriots to start.”

“This kind of person has a crooked mind in itself. You ask him to cheat


“But he can’t even speak a sentence of complete English apart from

scolding others.”

“Even if he wants to cheat others, he does not have the strength.”

“I mean to say that he has no place to use his crooked mind,”

“He will definitely not turn his back on it, he can only find an outlet for his

crooked mind,”

“And in this case, his compatriots are the easiest outlet in his eyes;”

“In the United States, if an Italian, African, or Eastern European person dies

mysteriously or suffers a murder,”

“There is a high probability that the murderer will be their compatriot.”

“This kind of thing is not uncommon, especially among people of color.”

“Living in a slum, it is no exaggeration to say that if there are no gunshots

in such a place at night,”

“The residents will not be able to sleep.”

Chapter 4828

When Charlie heard this, he nodded slightly.

He felt that what Douglas analyzed was very fair.

There are good and bad people everywhere.


Although there are sgums like Myren among the Chinese who are harming

their compatriots,

But there must be many who must take care of each other and help each

other more.

Just like Hogan, even if he was in deep distress in New York,

He organized with other Chinese to help those Chinese children who have

lost their families.

Thinking of this, Charlie said with a grim expression:

“The vast majority of Chinese are able to unite overseas,”

“But it is these black sheep who choose to hurt their compatriots. Don’t

know how many have been deceived.”

Douglas nodded and said: “By the way, Mr. Wade, I asked a lawyer to help

me retrieve the precedents of similar cases in recent years.”

“In the end, most of the similar cases they did not find the mastermind

behind them.”

“All unwitting transporters were eventually sentenced, and among those


“There were not only Chinese, but also Japanese, Koreans, and people

from other countries.”

“There should be a very large crime organization behind this.”

Charlie asked him, “Didn’t the police find out the mastermind behind it?”

Douglas smiled helplessly, and said: “Generally, in this kind of organization,

the internal risk isolation is very well done,”

“It is equivalent to making multiple fire doors. If the fire is blocked,”

“They will re-develop the peripheral downline. If they can’t stop it,”

“They will close the second fire door until it can be blocked.”

“Therefore, they have lost some peripheral members for so long.”

“Not only did the core members not face any threats,”

“But instead they accumulated a huge amount of wealth and resources,

and their strength became even stronger.”

Charlie nodded and said coldly: “That is to say, the core members of this

organization have a large number of scapegoats.”

“Every time an accident occurs, it is only necessary to drag a group of

people out to face the thunder.”

“Yes.” Douglas said: “This is the drawback of the law under certain


At the legal level, a case can basically be closed as long as the process

can be completed,”

“And it can finally be logically self-consistent.”

“Now, just like your mother-in-law, if you hand it over to the police for


“Maybe after a few docking people are caught, these couples will take all

the guilt by themselves.”

“Moreover, they have already set up a complete set of arguments and

evidence chains,”

“To perfectly prove to the police and judges that the truth is as they said,

you can believe it, or you can believe it;”

“In this case, even if you know that they have black hands behind the


“As long as they bite and don’t let go, it will be difficult for you to continue

the investigation.”

“After the victim goes to prison, and this matter is over when the limelight


“Their behind-the-scenes mastermind will continue to replace a new batch

of people to continue to run the business.”

Charlie frowned and asked, “Is the efficiency of the police so inefficient?

Can’t even fight a criminal gang?”

Douglas said with a wry smile: “If they really want to fight, they will definitely

be able to fight cleanly,”

“But the reason they can’t fight cleanly is that here they like to play


“And they don’t want to fight cleanly at all.”

After a pause, Douglas said again: “In this country, guns are an upright


“And some things that are banned in other countries can be freely traded


“And even prisons are a kind of private business. not to mention the fact

that the police are supported by taxpayers,”

“And the reason why taxpayers can accept the high cost of police is that

the crime rate is too high,”

“There are many ethnic minorities and it is very messy;”

“Moreover, the huge gap between the rich and the poor will bring many

unstable factors,”

“Coupled with the proliferation of guns, and a large number of immigrants

and illegal immigrants,”

“So it greatly reduces the cost of crime for criminals,”

“And at the same time greatly increases their crime success rate;”

“The bigger the environment is, the easier it is for those ethnic minorities to

choose to make a living by committing crimes,”

“And more and more ethnic minorities who choose to commit crimes will

naturally form gangs.”

“This is the reason for the birth of gangs in American society.”

“The root causes of the gang problem will never be solved without

addressing these factors at the root.”

“Moreover, the more chaotic the environment, the more the middle class

needs the police to protect their personal and property safety,”

“So they can accept high tax rates and accept that the police consume a lot

of taxpayers’ funds;”

“But once the crime rate drops, the first thought of these savvy middle class


“Since the security is so good, why do I need so many police officers?”

“These police officers are fed and clothed with my money, If the money they

spend can be saved,”

“The roads to and from getting off work can be better repaired,”

“The medical insurance reform can be made more humane, and why not

even save this tax,”

“So that the family income can be increased in disguise…”

Having said this, Douglas smiled and said: “So in this land, guns and gangs

are indispensable, and they will never be eliminated.”

When Charlie heard this, he nodded solemnly.

He didn’t know much about the United States, but Douglas’s analysis made

him understand the underlying logic.

So, he said, “Since we cannot solely rely on police, then I’ll deal with it.”

“I don’t care how many gangs there are, but this gang that specializes in

harassing compatriots, I must uproot it!”

Chapter 4829

The efficiency of the Cataclysmic Front’s investigation is very high.

After only one night, they had a clear idea of what happened.

Joseph called Charlie and reported in detail: “Mr. Wade, according to my

subordinate’s investigation,”

“The Chinese woman who has been in the relationship with your


“In the Providence, Chinese Rampage is not called Myren Chen, but her

name is Georgina Mei.”

“Georgina Mei?” Charlie frowned and asked, “What is the origin of this


Joseph said: “This Georgina, who came to the United States illegally alone

more than 20 years ago,”

“Originally hoped to work in the United States to earn money,”

“Build a house for her two sons back home and get them married,”

“She used all the savings while transferring from China to the USA.”

“After arriving here, she changed her name to Hazel Huang,”

“And worked as a nanny for Chinese families in the local Chinatown.”

“The reason why she used a pseudonym is that the smuggler who

transported her to the United States told her,”

“That as she is living illegally in the United States, no one should know her

true identity.”

“It’s possible to get a green card with your real identity again,”

“But if someone finds out that you are an illegal immigrant, it will be difficult

to get a green card again.”

After speaking, Joseph said again: “Georgina found someone in Chinatown

to make a fake domestic ID card,”

“Under the pseudonym Hazel Huang.”

Charlie asked him, “Then how did this woman change from a nanny to a


Joseph said: “Mr. Wade, the specific reason is still under investigation,”

“Because she has been in the United States for more than 20 years,”

“And most of the time she was in the United States as an illegal immigrant.”

“The experience requires an in-depth investigation, but there is a clue that

Georgina’s first employer came to the United States.”

“In the third year of Georgina’s arrival here, they encountered a fire,”

“And out of the family of four three died. Mother and her younger son,”

“Who was less than one year old, are missing, we suspect that Georgina

should have set the fire,”

“And the child was taken away by her, most likely sold by her.”

Hearing this, Charlie asked coldly, “Did the police not investigate and detect

such a big thing?”

Joseph said: “The irresponsible police conducted a preliminary

investigation after the fire,”

“And determined that the cause of the fire was that the male owner smoked

in the living room and lit the sofa,”

“Which caused the fire in the living room. It was an accident.”

“As for the missing child, the police have not given a clear statement.”

“I looked through the relevant files. At that time, a neighbor provided clues

to the police,”

“Claiming that there had always been a nanny named Hazel in the

employer’s house.”

“After the fire, the nanny and the one-year-old child were missing, so she

seems to be involved for sure;”

“However, after the police at that time made the confession,”

“They did not conduct an in-depth investigation into the matter on the

grounds that,”

“No traces of arson were found in the fire and no property was lost at the


“As for the so-called Hazel, because there was no image data about her at

that time,”

“The police who handled the case at that time just put such a name in the

police system,”

“And asked the police to assist in the investigation of an Asian woman

named Hazel Huang. But this had no context;”

“In the following 20 years, several states in the United States have indeed

encountered Asian women named Hazel,”

“But after an investigation by the local police, they found that the time,”

“When these people came to the United States did not match the timeline

of the incident. So it’s over.”

Charlie asked him, “How did you find out that this woman, who used a fake

identity of Hazel back then, is the current Georgina?”

Joseph said: “Mr. Wade, I found the outdoor surveillance video of


“Repaired a high-definition photo of Georgina, and put it on the information

network of Cataclysmic Front,”

“And one of them provided us with information.”

“The informant is the smuggler who brought Georgina to the United States,”

“And he has kept the identity information of all the stowaways over the


Chapter 4830

Charlie asked again, “Then what is Georgina’s real identity now?”

Joseph explained: “Her real identity is a self-employed person who

obtained a U.S. green card through investment immigration.”

“Around 2010, she passed the EB-5 investment immigration program in the

United States,”

“And was in a regional center approved by the U.S. Immigration Service.”

“She invested one million dollars and officially got the U.S. green card.”

Charlie said coldly: “An illegal immigrant who smuggled into the United

States to work as a nanny,”

“She can actually spend one million US dollars for investment immigration.”

“Over the years, I have no idea how much black money she has made by

using this way of duping people!”

After speaking, Charlie asked again,

“Joseph, have you investigated the situation of this Georgina’s family?”

“Yes!” Joseph replied immediately: “Because she immigrated to the United

States alone,”

“Which is relatively rare, so I especially investigated the family and found

that all of her family members are currently living in China,”

“And the family is still in contact. They set up an import and export trading


“Showing that it is doing import and export trade between China and the

United States,”

“But the company actually has no business, just an empty shell.”

After speaking, Joseph added: “However, the living conditions of her two

sons are very good,”

“Each of them has tens of millions or even close to 100 million in assets,”

“And the family is prosperous, and the two sons have a total of eight


“According to my informant investigation,”

“Her family’s money comes from their private exchange of currency.”

Charlie said, “Explain in detail.”

Joseph introduced: “That is, what Georgina needs is to exchange the

dollars she earned in the United States for Yuan,”

“And some people in China want to exchange Yuan for dollars,”

“So they trade privately, in the domestic market.”

“The exchanger hands over the equivalent Chinese currency to Georgina’s


“And Georgina hands the equivalent US dollars to the other’s relatives in

the United States.”

“She has used this method to send at least 30 million US dollars home over

the years.”

“Thirty million dollars…” Charlie said coldly, “The thirty million dollars,”

“I don’t know how many people were trapped by her behind all this.”

Charlie paused for a moment and instructed: “Joseph, organize enough

evidence chains,”

“And report them to the domestic police in a timely manner.”

“Georgina’s family helps Georgina to hide, conceal and even use her illegal

income abroad.”

“This definitely constitutes money laundering. It’s a crime, and when the

time comes,”

“All the evidence chains will be taken out. All her illegal gains should be


“Isn’t this woman trying to make black money to spend on her family?”

“I want to make all her efforts for more than 20 years go to waste for


“Okay!” Joseph said without hesitation, “Don’t worry, Mr. Wade, your

subordinates will make arrangements!”

At this moment, Georgina just woke up in the car.

Jason and Jimmy took turns driving overnight, and only drove 1,000


Now they are more than 2,000 kilometers away from the US-Mexico border.

According to Georgina’s plan, she asked the two to drive all the way to El

Paso, Texas, and then from here into Mexico by land.

Georgina, who had been rocking in the car all night, was still somewhat in a

trance because she had not slept well.

She suddenly recalled when she first came to America.

In the first two years of her arrival in the United States,

Although she used a fake identity, she was really conscientious.

Although the money she made at that time was far from being rich in the

United States,

Since she was a nanny, her employer covered the board and lodging,

So almost all the money she earned was sent back home,

Not only did she quickly pay off the time she smuggled.

The foreign money also greatly improved the poor living conditions of the


But as she stayed in the United States for longer, she was subtly influenced

by the materialistic society around her.

Gradually, she began to feel dissatisfied with the treatment of illegal


In Chinatown at the time, there were two different situations for Chinese


One is a nanny with legal status in the United States or one with a legal

green card,

While the other are illegal immigrants in the United States like Georgina.

The price of the former is generally half or higher than that of the latter.

Sometimes, when the nanny met with each other, everyone talks about

their situation

Georgina would mostly complain about her meager salary.

She always felt that the nature of her work was exactly the same as that of


And she didn’t cheat at all, so why should her salary be only 60% of others’

or even lower?

Chapter 4831

Therefore, Georgina gradually developed resentment towards her

employer’s family,

And always felt that the other party was deliberately bullying and

oppressing her,

A poor woman who abandoned her husband and left her hometown.

However, she ignored a very simple reality.

The reason why her employer took the risk of taking care of her as an

illegal immigrant…


Was because the price of illegal immigrants is relatively low.

Considering their own limited conditions, employers have to make such a


If the price of two people is the same, all employers will not consider the


Most illegal immigrants can also understand this truth, but Georgina didn’t

think so.

She didn’t realize the natural gap between herself and the legal nanny,

She just kept accumulating her own resentment in her heart, and even

gradually raised hatred.

In the third year of her arrival in the United States, a fire broke out in her

employer’s house.

This killed three people in the family, a young couple in their thirties and

their eldest daughter,

Who was five years old. Their youngest son, who was under a year old at

the time, was missing in the fire.

The fire came from Georgina’s hands.

After she set fire, she took the infant to another city.

She entrusted a middleman to sell the child to a Chinese couple for

$30,000 in their 40s who had been unable to have a child.

At that time, this transaction far exceeded the local market price, and the

buyer was once persuaded by the high price.

But Georgina was very smart.

She could see the couple’s desperate hope for a child,

And also saw that the one-year-old baby was somewhat similar to the man,

So she described the child’s appearance to the couple based on the child’s

facial features,

Saying that the child when grows up, he must be very similar to the man.

In addition, the astute Georgina also hit the most moving pain point:

Because they look alike, as long as they take the child to live in another


When the child grows up, no one will doubt that the child is not theirs,

Even if they take him back to his hometown in China in three or five years,

No one will doubt it if they say it is their own child.

Moreover, she also told the couple that, unlike the adopted child,

The child she brought is not yet one year old and will never have any

memory of the original parents when he grows up.

In Georgina’s words, as long as you buy this child, the family will be passed

on in one step.

So, the persuaded couple bought the child for $30,000, while Georgina got


At the time, the money was more than what she earned as a nanny for two


Since then, she has embarked on the evil road of “making quick money”.

In the early years, she assumed various identities and specially selected

Chinese families with babies.

Later, with the popularity of the Internet, many Chinese families did not

dare to hire illegal immigrants as babysitters,

So Georgina changed her career and started other businesses.

Until she caught up with the current line.

Over the years, she has made more and more money.

Her two sons live in large villas and drive luxury cars.

Her eight grandchildren are also healthy and sensible.

The whole family is prosperous and happy.

Because she has been away from home for too long and has many


She is more and more eager to return to China to reunite with them soon.

In her own words, even if they are bad people, they should retire to take

care of themselves.

And she is now more and more eager to retire one day.

But she is also very clear in her heart that neither of her two sons is the

material for success,

And they have no real skills other than spending money and playing with


And her husband, who is only a farmer, has not lived with her for 20 years.

And have nothing in common.

In the final analysis, the whole family, a husband, two sons,

Two daughters-in-law and eight grandchildren have no ability to make


And rely on her income in the United States to enjoy a good life.

Once she retires, the whole family will enter a stage of sitting and eating.

So for Georgina, how to accumulate more money as soon as possible

before retirement has become her most anxious thing now.

Originally, she thought that after the success of Elaine’s carriage,

Plus a large order from Mexico, she could earn at least 200,000 US dollars,

And she could get one step closer to her success.

But unexpectedly, this happened to Elaine.

So, to avoid the limelight for a while and to ensure that business in Mexico

is not affected,

She decided to go there in person.

Chapter 4832

After the business in Mexico is done, Georgina will have to come back with

another identity.

At that time, Myren will no longer exist in the Chinese circle.

Thinking back on this, she couldn’t help sighing softly, and at the same time

made up her mind and said in her heart:

“After returning from Mexico this time, I will try my best to make a fortune

from him by changing my identity again,”

“After that, I will leave the United States and never come back! “

As she said that, she took out her mobile phone and found pictures of her


And her faith in making money suddenly became firmer.

At this time, her eldest son suddenly called her, and after the call,

He asked flatteringly on the other end of the phone, “Mom, are you up yet?”

Georgina said lightly: “Even if I didn’t get up, I was woken up by your phone


“If you have something to say, just tell me.”

The eldest son smiled and said quickly,

“Mom, do you remember Brother Sun next door to our hometown?”

“Well.” Georgina asked him, “What happened to him?”

The eldest son smiled hesitantly and said,

“That… he didn’t do much… just… just…”

Georgina said coldly: “If you have something to say, let it come out.”

“If you don’t know how to let it go, I will hang up first.”

The eldest son hurriedly said: “Don’t, don’t, don’t hang up, Mom, I’ll tell you

the truth,”

“I made the belly of his daughter bigger. It’s been more than three months.”

“I told him to give his daughter 100,000 yuan and let her go for the


“But she is unwilling to let go of the child. She wants to give birth to the

child now,”

“And asks me for 1 million yuan for the miscarriage.”

“I am not asking you for a favor. I plan to give her 200,000 yuan so that she

can drop the child. “

Georgina angrily said, “Is it our family’s seed?”

“Yeah…” The eldest son explained quickly: “It’s not that Brother Sun called

during the Chinese New Year and asked me to arrange an internship for his

daughter in a big city.”

“I thought they were all old neighbors, and so was his daughter.”

“I watched her grow up, and I knew the bottom line, so I got her to be an

executive in my friend’s company…”

Speaking of this, the eldest son said again: “She was unfamiliar in this

place alone.”

“I thought that her father is also my big brother. I always have to take care

of her. It happened once and for all…”

As he said that, he did not forget to add: “It is indeed our family’s


Georgina said indifferently: “It’s our family’s seed, there’s no reason to

destroy it!”

“I’ve worked so hard to make money in the United States,”

“Just to make our family flourish and expand! You let it live, I’ll give her a


The eldest son was overjoyed and quickly said: “Mom, you can’t let brother

and the others know about this.”

“If it gets to my wife, the family will be turned upside down…”

Georgina said lightly, “I know, don’t worry.”

After speaking, she said again: “Have you thought about how to tell her

father about this?”

“You are more than ten years older than his daughter. If he knows, he must

start messing around, right?”

The eldest son explained: “Actually, Brother Sun already knows that the

one million miscarriage fee is what he wants,”

“And he didn’t make it difficult for me. Anyway, this matter is her own wish,”

“And it’s not that I used force. Even if he’s not happy, he can’t do anything

to me.”

Georgina sneered: “He’s not happy? His daughter is pregnant with your


“I think he’ll wake up laughing from a dream! Maybe he planned this, and

I’ve seen his family clearly. “

The eldest son said helplessly: “I don’t know if he planned it or not…”

Georgina snorted and said, “I’ll give you $50,000 when I turn around.”

“You give her the money and tell her to raise the baby with peace of mind,”

“Give birth to the baby, and do a paternity test after the baby is born, as

long as it’s your seed.”

“I will definitely give her the rest of the money.”

After speaking, Georgina couldn’t help but sigh again and said,

“You and your brother have 8 children, I didn’t get the opportunity to see

them growing.”

“When this child is born, I should retire and come back, and I will help you

to raise it. “

The eldest son hurriedly said: “Mom, I can’t take this child home after birth.”

“My wife knows that she will make a mess with me.”

“She dares!” Georgina said coldly, “She eats, wears, uses, spends, sits,

and lives with me.”

“If she doesn’t have any self-awareness, let her get out as soon as

possible. “

The eldest son said embarrassedly, “Mom, even if she doesn’t dare to

make trouble with me in front of you,”

“She will definitely make trouble with me in private. It won’t be enough to

bother me by then!”

Georgina snorted disdainfully: “As long as she dares to make trouble with


“You will divorce her immediately, and if she leaves, find another girl,”

“Maybe she will give you two more children. Your mother’s face will be

stronger in her whole life?”

Chapter 4833

Georgina’s words gave her eldest son great encouragement.

He was on the other end of the phone, and couldn’t hide his excitement

and said,

“Mom, if you say this, then I’m really relieved!”

Georgina snorted coldly and said, “I tell you, don’t mess around outside in

the future,”

“Especially don’t mess with girls like this one of the Sun family, their level is

too low!”

Her son asked quickly: “Mom, what do you mean by this level too low

thing? I don’t understand!”

She reprimanded: “I’ll let you learn more English, learn English,”

“I’ve been here for more than 20 years, you can’t even understand what

level is, what a fcking waste!”

Her son laughed and said: “Mom, people say that Yin is prosperous and

Yang is declining.”

“You alone in our family hold most of the sky, so naturally you are the


Georgina was complimented by her eldest son, and her mood eased a lot,

and she asked,

“If I remember correctly when I came back to hometown to worship

ancestors a few years ago,”

“I saw that girl from the Sun family. She didn’t seem to have graduated from

junior high school,”

“So she is now working in the factory?”

“Yes.” Her son said casually: “She worked outside a few years ago, but she

seemed to go home and talk about matchmaking afterward.”

“She didn’t get along with the few boys in the village,”

“So she said that she wanted to go out to work, and her father found me… “

Georgina snorted, and said, “In the future, we have to keep a distance from

their family.”

“After the child is born, we will cut off contact with them.”

“If you are looking for a woman outside in the future, you should set your

sights a little higher,”

“And at least find a young woman who has graduated from college! This

will give you two more children!”

Her son said angrily: “Mom…college graduates are smart, how can they

look down on someone like me…”

Georgina sneered disdainfully: “What about graduating from university?”

“How much money can you earn a month after graduating from university?”

“How many lifetimes can you struggle to drive a luxury car and live in a villa

after graduating from university?”

“They are successful people, and they really have this great opportunity,

and it is too late for them to be happy!”

Her son sneered twice: “But I’m a little old at this age,”

“How can a girl like an old man in his thirties like me.”

Georgina hummed and said: “Look at those female stars,”

“They can earn tens of millions or even hundreds of millions a year by


“But there are still many of them who choose to marry a man older than

their father, why?”

“Isn’t it because the old men are richer than them?”

She further said lightly: “Your mom has been here for so many years,”

“And I have long understood that no matter what shortcomings a man has,

he can use the money to make up for it,”

“Whether he is old, ugly, short, or under-educated,”

“All these are not a problem at all if you have money, but only having no

money is the problem.”


“Without money, what is the use of being handsome? Girls are dazzled by

love at first,”

“And may even be willing to starve for a day or two.”

“But can’t get along like that for years, so after a year or two,”

“She will understand that it is useless to look good, and only money is the

last word.”

Her son smiled: “I know Mom, when you come back, let’s join hands to run

the yellow-faced woman away first,”

“And then look for a young and beautiful college student.”

“Yeah.” Georgina nodded and said, “Okay, I still have something to do,”

“I won’t talk anymore, about the $50,000 thing, you can contact me

privately to see if someone wants to exchange currency.”

“If so, I will be able to trade in a few days after I finish my work.”

Her son said excitedly: “Okay mom, I’ll contact you then!”

Georgina hung up the phone, and Jason, who was driving, said with a


“Sister Mei, are you going to hug another grandson again? How many are

there? Nine?”

Georgina gave a rare smile, nodded, and said, “Yes, nine.”

Chapter 4834

Jason asked in surprise: “Sister Mei, do you like children so much?”

“If I were you and my two sons had eight or nine children, I’m afraid my

brain would explode.”

Georgina waved her hand: “You don’t understand.”

As she said that, she turned to look at Jimmy and Helma who were sitting

in the back row, and said,

“Listen carefully, doing our line of work is the most detrimental to the good

fortune and future generations,”

“So if you have the conditions, it is necessary to have more children.”

“If God wants a person to cut off offspring, the fewer children you have, the

harder it is to fight fate.”

“But if there are enough children, if retribution comes and falls on future


“Children If there are too many, maybe there will be one or two fish that slip

through the net.”

Jason was dumbfounded, and said embarrassingly, “Sister Mei, it’s not as

evil as you said…”

Georgina said blankly: “Is it so evil, I don’t know, people say that eggs can’t

be put in the same basket,”

“But the key question is, you can’t have only one egg,”

“If you have enough eggs, for god, it will be very tiring to smash one by


“Besides, he will be numb if he smashes more and more, maybe he will

stop when it is enough.”

Hearing this, the other three were horrified.

They dared not imagine that the so-called eggs in Georgina’s mouth were

actually referring to her own children and grandchildren.

The translation is that if god wants to collect her children and


It will be very tiring for the gods to collect them one by one.

Georgina didn’t take the three people’s shock into her eyes at this time, and

just asked lightly,

“How long will it take to get to the border?”

Jason said: “Even if you drive non-stop,”

“It will take at least 30 hours, why don’t we find a city to fly over there?”

“No.” Georgina waved her hand: “What I hate the most is flying.”

“Except for returning home, I almost never fly.”

Jason hurriedly asked: “Sister Mei, are you afraid that the plane is not


Georgina shook her head: “I know that the plane is very safe,”

“At least it is much safer than taking a car, but that is for ordinary people.”

“For us, the plane is a big sealed cage. Once we get in if the police are

there for us. There’s no chance of running.”

Jason nodded suddenly, and asked her again:

“Sister Mei, you have been making money for your family for so many


“It’s almost time to go back to take care of your life, right?”

Georgina said indifferently: “Let’s do it by the end of the year,”

“And I’ll leave by the end of the year. After so many years of hard work,”

“It is indeed time to go back and enjoy some time with the family.”

Jason sighed: “Sister Mei, you are married, and the ancestral grave is


“You don’t have to do anything, just enjoy the happiness in the country!”

Georgina sneered: “My husband is just a piece of trash waiting to die.”

“If both sons and grandchildren had changed their surnames to me,”

“I would have kicked him out of the house long ago, how could he have the

opportunity to enjoy this luxury.”

Saying that, she looked at Jason and asked him, “By the way, when are

you going to go back?”

Jason sneered and said, “I’m still early… I’ve earned a lot less than you in

these years.”

“I want to worry about food and clothing in the future, and I have to work

hard for a few more years.”

Georgina snorted and said with some anticipation:

“I have been traveling around the United States these years, and I have no

fixed place to live.”

“Going back and enjoying the joy of living in my own home, surrounded by

children and grandchildren is the real life”

What Georgina didn’t know was that the Cataclysmic Front had already

sent all the information,

That had been given to the local police back in China.

At this moment, the police are ready to close the net.

When her eldest son came out of his villa and was about to get into the

newly bought Mercedes-Benz G,

A group of police suddenly rushed in.

Chapter 4835

The first police officer held the arrest warrant and said to Georgina’s eldest


“Hayden Mei! You are now officially arrested by the police on suspicion of

money laundering!”

Hayden, who weighs more than 200 pounds, never dreamed that the police

would come to his door one day.

He has always felt that her mother is a person with great ability.

She has a way to make a lot of money in the United States,

And she only needs to exchange her US dollars for Chinese coins here,

and then they enjoy prosperity and wealth.

As for whether his mother’s money came from the right way,

And whether it was illegal to exchange foreign currency in private, he didn’t

bother to worry about it.

So, he asked the police with a surprised look:

“What do you mean? Why suspected of money laundering? What money

did I launder?”

The police said coldly: “We have sufficient evidence to prove that all the

assets owned by you and your brother,”

“Are illegal gains obtained through illegal currency exchange!”

“And we also have evidence to prove that you are laundering money for an

overseas criminal organization!”

“What?” Hayden said with a look of disdain:

“Every penny of our family is earned by my mother’s hard work.”

“How can it become illegal income in your mouth?”

The policeman frowned and asked him, “Don’t you know anything about the


Hayden immediately said loudly: “Why don’t you understand? I’m a

law-abiding citizen!”

“I don’t gamble, cheat, steal, or rob, why do you say I’m breaking the law?!”

Knowing that they couldn’t communicate with him, the officer said to his


“Take the person away! Also, go in to see if Hector Mei and Patrick Zhang

are there,”

“Arrest them too and bring them for trial!”

Several policemen rushed into the villa quickly and within five minutes,

They brought out the bewildered Hector and the shivering Patrick.

Patrick is Georgina’s husband. When he was very poor, Georgina went to

the United States with others,

And he pulled two children back at home.

Later, Georgina made a lot of money and despised him more and more,

So she forced him to change the surnames of the two children from Zhang

to Mei.

Patrick was useless and poor all his life. At that time, he had just lived a

prosperous life with Georgina.

He deeply felt the benefits of being rich, so he didn’t want to go back to

living in poverty no matter what,

So in order to live a little easier, he agreed to Georgina’s seemingly

excessive orders.

Over the years, although Patrick and Georgina’s marriage has already

existed in name only,

But the wealth he earned with her has also passed the addiction of rich


He drives a BMW X7 when he goes out and in on weekdays.

Some middle-aged women of the same age or a few years younger than

him hang out together,

And he is usually complimented and served by those middle-aged women,

and his life is not uncomfortable.

The more so indulging, the more nervous he becomes to see the police.

Patrick’s two daughters-in-law were shocked and frightened when they saw


Their husbands and father-in-law were arrested by the police,

And hurriedly chased them out to inquire about the situation.

The eldest daughter-in-law was a bit savage, and regardless of the nursing

child in her arms,

She sat down on the ground and scoffed:

“Why do you come to our house to arrest us?”

“Do you feel unhappy when you see that our family is doing well? Tell me,

who asked you to come?!”

The leading police officer said coldly: “I warn you, the three of them are all

criminal suspects now,”

“And we will take them away for investigation.”

“You’d better not interfere with our law enforcement,”

“otherwise you will be obstructing public affairs, and you will be held legally

responsible for that!”

The eldest daughter-in-law was unrelenting, crying and saying, “Don’t bully


“A woman who doesn’t know anything! Today you want to hit me in my face

and take my family away!”

Chapter 4836

The leading police officer said with a serious expression:

“I tell you, the three of them are now suspected of money laundering, and

according to the evidence we have,”

“They are involved in a very high amount of money transfer and the case is

very serious.”

“According to the criminal law, they will be sentenced to at least 5 years

imprisonment for not more than ten years!”

“Not only that, all the deposits, cash, houses, and cars in their names,”

“According to the evidence we have, are all illegally obtained, without


“And we will seize these assets in accordance with the law.”

“If the illegal income is transferred at this stage to you and their other family


“According to the provisions of the Criminal Law, it belongs to knowingly

concealing or transferring the proceeds of crime,”

“And shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three

years, short-term detention or control!”

“If the circumstances are serious, you will be sentenced,”

“To fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than

seven years!”

“So I warn you, you must cooperate honestly with our investigation!

Otherwise, you will harm yourself!”

As soon as the eldest daughter-in-law heard that she might be sentenced

to imprisonment, she was terrified.

The second daughter-in-law has a weak personality.

When she heard this, she was paralyzed on the ground in fright.

At this time, the eldest daughter-in-law also lost the aggressive energy she

had just now,

And hurriedly cried and asked the police: “Then what should we do now…”

“You have arrested all the elders of our family, and our orphans and widows

are not limited to wait and die?”


The police immediately said: “Don’t worry, I will immediately notify your

community neighborhood committee and pay attention to your situation,”

“If you have any needs in life, the neighborhood committee will definitely

help you solve it,”

“But I still say that you must first Know what is legal and what is illegal,”

“You already have three criminal suspects in your family, so don’t push

yourself down the road of breaking the law!”

After that, the police immediately waved to the people around him: “Close

the team!”

Everyone responded immediately and took the father and son into three

police cars to the police station.

Seeing multiple police cars roaring away,

The second daughter-in-law was crying so hard that she quickly asked the

eldest daughter-in-law,

“Sister-in-law… What can we do now…”

The eldest daughter-in-law was also frightened and murmured,

“I don’t know either… I’ve grown up so much, and it’s the first time I’ve

talked to the police so much…”

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The second daughter-in-law hurriedly said, “Sister-in-law, hurry up and give

mom a call,”

“We have to let her make up her mind about this…”

The eldest daughter-in-law came back to her senses and said quickly,

“You are right, we should hurry up and call Mom, I will call her now! “

After saying that, she immediately took out her mobile phone and called


The mobile phone Georgina kept close to her body was used exclusively by

her to communicate with her family members,

And only her family members knew this mobile phone number.

She thought it was another call from her eldest son,

But when she looked down, she found that the caller was actually the

eldest daughter-in-law,

And she couldn’t help frowning immediately.

She had never liked her eldest daughter-in-law very much.

She felt that this woman was pungent, strong, and even a little stupid.

However, she was also pregnant with a son at the time,

And she was eager to hold her grandson, so she acquiesced to the


But her dissatisfaction with her in her heart continued to increase as she

transferred more and more money.

Just now, she wanted her eldest son to change his wife,

It was not just the talk. She really had this plan,

But she never spared her hands to interfere in this matter before.

And she originally planned that after she retired and returned to China,

The first thing she would do was to drive this eldest daughter-in-law away.

Now, when she saw her calling, she instinctively thought that,

This girl must have overheard what she said to her son. Now she is calling

to ask her for help.

So, Georgina answered the phone and asked in a very unfriendly tone:

“Why are you calling me so early? Don’t you know it’s early in the morning


The eldest daughter-in-law cried and said, “Mom… something terrible

happened to our family…”

“Hayden, Hector, and Dad are all taken away by the police!”

Chapter 4837

“What?!” At this moment, Georgina only felt five thunders hit her head.

She quickly asked, “Why did the police arrest them? Did they say why?”

At this moment, she kept praying to god in her heart that,

Her husband and her two sons should be taken away by the police

because of gambling, visiting pr0stitutes, or for something else.

It doesn’t matter if they are taken away by the police because of murder.

But shouldn’t do it for money laundering!

Because killing people is nothing but a no-brainer!

Two sons, one husband, it doesn’t matter which one is sentenced to death,

Or all three are sentenced to death with reprieve, anyway, there will be a

day to come out sooner or later.

But once it’s because of money laundering, it’s really over!

That means that all the assets she has worked hard for so many years will

be seized according to law!

Then half of her life’s efforts will really vanish in an instant!

Just when she kept praying for god’s blessing in her heart,

The eldest daughter-in-law said something that was like a bolt from the


“The police said that they seemed to be involved in some kind of money

laundering crime…”

“They also said they would seize all property, including houses and cars…

Mom, what should we do…”

Georgina felt as if her soul had been taken away, and she collapsed on the


She was terrified and slapped her face hysterically as she muttered,

“Wake up… this is a nightmare… Must be a nightmare…”

However, the pain of the slap on the face was very clear, and it didn’t feel

like a dream at all.

Her heart became more and more desperate, and her whole person was

like a walking corpse.

On the other end of the phone, the eldest daughter-in-law cried


“Mom… think of a way, Mom! We have you as our hope now… Come back

and clear the situation for them…”

“Clear them out?!” Georgina screamed and blurted out:

“I have been away from home for more than 20 years,”

“And I have only returned less than ten times in the past 20 years.”

“I am blocked, what can I do to clear the relationship?”

“Ah?!” The eldest daughter-in-law on the other end of the phone collapsed

and cried,

“If they are sentenced to ten or eight years, what will happen to us


Georgina thought of something and blurted out: “Listen to me now,”

“Hurry up and transfer all the valuable things in the family,”

“And find a way to go to the bank to withdraw the deposits!”

“Ah?!” The eldest daughter-in-law blurted out: “I don’t dare!”

“The police told me that if I get money out of the house now, it’s a violation

of the law,”

“And I’ll be imprisoned when they find out! I can’t go to jail. I have four


Georgina angrily said: “The police are all scaring you, what are you afraid


“I tell you, if the money is seized, don’t mention the villa you live in,”

“The luxury car you drive, or even the milk powder for your four children.”

“There will be no money or tuition left! Are you taking your children to the


“I…I…” the eldest daughter-in-law cried and said,

“They will have to leave for us a house to live in?! They can’t just drive us


Georgina gritted her teeth and said, “Let me tell you if it is a crime of money


“There will be nothing left in this family!”

“If you don’t want to live a poor life from now on, then do as I say!”

The daughter-in-law blurted out: “I don’t dare…I dare not do it even if you

kill me…”

As she spoke, she quickly said, “The second son’s wife is right in front of


“Why don’t you talk to her and see if she dares.”

Chapter 4838

The second daughter-in-law on the side of the phone blurted out without


“You don’t dare, I don’t even dare!”

As she said that, she cried and said: “The police will seal up whatever they

want to seal up.”

“For so many years, apart from taking care of children at home,”

“I have never done anything against the law, so the police will definitely not

be able to arrest me too. “

Hearing this, the eldest daughter-in-law also echoed: “Yes, yes… We are

two women,”

“And we can’t do anything except giving birth, nurse a child, and take care

of a child,”

“And we have never done anything wrong, the police. It definitely won’t do

anything to us!”

When Georgina heard this, her anger surged deep inside her heart,

And she wanted to rush back immediately and hack the two

daughters-in-law to death.

She clenched her back molars tightly, and said in a hysterical cold voice:

“My Mei family has raised you for so many years, but I never thought that I

would end up raising two white-eyed wolves!”

“If you two don’t do as I say, wait for me to return to China. You are the first

people I clean up!”

The second daughter-in-law turned pale with fright at this moment.

Although she didn’t know what her mother-in-law had been doing in the

United States for so many years,

Every time she saw her mother-in-law, she felt that this woman was very


And at first glance she did not seem a good person, so hearing what she


She was naturally very scared, so she whispered to her eldest


“Sister-in-law…this…how can I do this…”

The eldest daughter-in-law was also very flustered at this moment.

Although she was savage, she also knew that she was not even a in

front of her mother-in-law.

However, she quickly wanted to understand one thing, so she blurted out:

“Mom, I just wanted to understand! Hector and Hyden are both money

laundering criminals,”

“And the money is all earned by you… Are you doing something outside? Is

it illegal?”

“If nothing else, the money you earned must not have come from the wrong

way, right?”

“If it came from the right way, how could the police come to the house to

arrest people?!”

Georgina was originally feeling murderous, but when she heard this, her

whole heart instantly fell to the bottom.

What she was worried about just now was the wealth that she had earned

over the years,

But she ignored one thing. The reason why her husband and two sons

went in is that,

What she had done in the United States had been exposed.

If this is the case, then she may not be able to return home in this life.

Otherwise, she is likely to be arrested by the domestic police as soon as

she gets off the plane.

Thinking of this, she suddenly fell into deep despair, hung up the phone


And then turned off the only remaining mobile phone.

Others in the car probably understood what happened at Georgina’s house,

and they were all nervous.

Jason summoned his courage and asked, “Sister Mei, what happened at


Georgina said in despair, “Pull over to the side… Hurry up and pull over!”

Jason hurriedly parked the car on the side of the road.

At this time, she pushed open the car door and stumbled down.

Just after running less than two meters away, she vomited violently with a


And spit out all the food residues in her stomach.

Jason hurried forward, patted her back, and said to Jimmy, “Bring a bottle

of water here!”

Jimmy immediately took a bottle of water from the car, unscrewed it,

And handed it to Georgina, saying nervously, “Aunt Mei, hurry up and rinse

your mouth…”

Georgina vomited uncontrollably and even vomited out her bile, her face

was as pale as paper,

Like a terminally ill patient who was about to die.

She took the water handed over by Jimmy, just took a sip, and then

coughed violently.

Chapter 4839

The water mixed with bile and rushed all the way down the trachea to the

nasal cavity.

It was an indescribable pain. Georgina murmured to herself: “No… nothing


Saying that, because of the resentment in her heart,

She threw the bottle full of water far away, and roared in despair and


“Why! Why is this happening? That’s half my life’s hard work!!!”

Although the ancestors of China have long warned that money is

something outside the body,

In fact, many people value money more than life.

A heinous person like Georgina has already put her life and death aside for

a long time.

For her, her biggest pursuit is to make more money so that her family can

pass on.

If in the future, her descendants can become the second and third

generations of wealth,

And continue to be prosperous, that would be the ultimate goal of her life

for her.

Her ultimate goal in life is not for any single descendant to get rich,

But in enabling the entire family to complete the change of fate.

To put it bluntly, it means sacrificing herself and making generations happy.

Therefore, if she were to be killed at this moment and her family would not

be affected in any way,

She would never have any hesitation.

But now, this matter has developed in the direction she least wants to see.

It was these foundations that she had worked so hard for that fell apart in

an instant.

She feels that the death of a person without spending money is not only a


But a symbol of success, because in the big families in the United States,

They have passed down wealth for hundreds of years, without exception,

died and the money was not spent.

On the streets, those homeless people who can’t even sleep in tents,

And can only curl up under bridges are all typical “they are alive, money is

gone” without exception.

Therefore, when all her efforts are in vain and all her foundations are


For her, it is the real tragedy on earth, the real disaster!

At this moment, she was distraught. After she threw up everything in her

stomach that she could vomit,

She fell on the grass by the roadside, hugging her head and crying.

The other three did not expect that this female demon, who they do not

know how many people she had killed,

Would sit on the side of the road so helplessly and cry.

At a certain moment, Jason felt somewhat in a trance.

He originally thought that a person with a hard heart like Georgina,

Who put her life and death aside at the same time would be fearless in this


Unexpectedly, she was not afraid of death, but she was most afraid of


However, in Jason’s heart, a sense of pleasure flooded unconsciously at

this moment.

He has long criticized her.

On the one hand, this woman has absolute control over their small group,

and she has never shown a good face to them.

On the other hand, it is because this woman earns far more than him.

Sometimes, watching others make money is more uncomfortable than

losing money yourself.

I would rather lose 100 by myself than see others earn 10,000.

This is the case with him.

Although he is also earning money in the United States alone,

His wife, children, and grandchildren all rely on him to support him in China,

but his family is not rich.

Over the years, the cash he has given to his family in total is estimated to

be around 10 million RMB.

In his opinion, this amount of wealth is enough for the family to live,

But it will not be as leaky as Georgina’s, so although Georgina’s family is

arrested, his family must be safe.

Chapter 4840

Thinking of this, Jason felt even more proud, and couldn’t help laughing


“Georgina, Georgina, you fcking have it today! You usually scold me like a

dog every day,”

“But it ruins the prestige of you stinky b!tch. Why don’t you have the

arrogance you used to have any more?”

“I don’t think you are too old, I want to take you up here and fulfill my

phys!cal needs.”

“You fcuking look down on me, why aren’t you chattering anymore?”

Moreover, he felt that he had always been jealous that Georgina made

more money.

But now, her assets are instantly cleared,

And he has achieved the overtake of Georgina in an instant, and it is a

rolling overtake.

Jason, who was smug in his heart, comforted Georgina hypocritically and


“Sister Mei, as the saying goes, money is something outside your body.”

“If the domestic police seize it, it is better to work hard in the United States

for a few more years!”

“There must be a chance to make a comeback!”

Georgina’s eyes were empty, and she choked in a dazed and decadent


“It’s easy for you to say, my hard work for more than 20 years has been

cleared up in one go!”

“This means that everything I’ve done before is in vain! It will take at least

another 20 years to get the lost money back.”

“How can I still have so many 20 years?! I am already over 50 this year,”

“And I should have retired and returned to China to take care of my life!”

“But now there is nothing left, even my husband and sons have been


“If I knew this, I might as well have stayed in the country and didn’t come


As she said that, she slapped her mouth and roared emotionally:

“I have worked hard for more than 20 years to the end, but it was nothing

but a basket of water…”

“More than 20 years! Where the hell am I? What the hell is going on!”

Jimmy on the side hurriedly advised: “Aunt Mei, don’t be impulsive!”

“We still have a business to do, and your top priority now is to hurry up and

make more money,”

“Otherwise your husband and sons will come out in the future,”

“And if you don’t have money, you can’t make a comeback!”

Jason also nodded and said,

“Yeah, Sister Mei, for money laundering, the maximum sentence is ten

years, right?”

“If they perform better and reduce the sentence, they will only be in their


“And less than fifty when they come out, it’s not too bad!”

“Besides, you have eight, oh no, nine grandchildren, if you don’t cheer up,

what will they do in the future…”

When Georgina heard this, she suddenly came back to her senses and


“Yes… I have to make money… I have to make more money…”

“If I can make enough money, I will immigrate to Southeast Asia.”

“Go there and take over the children and grandchildren step by step…”

Saying that, she hurriedly stood up and urged, “Get in the car,”

“Get in the car quickly! We have to get to Mexico as soon as possible!”

Jason nodded hurriedly and was about to help Georgina to get back to the

car, but his cell phone suddenly rang.

He subconsciously took out his mobile phone from his pocket,

And saw that it was his daughter-in-law who was calling. At this moment,

his heart came to his throat.

He didn’t dare to answer the phone, but murmured:

“Why did my daughter-in-law call… this… this… something must have


Georgina’s pupils shrank suddenly, and she blurted out, “There must be

something wrong!”

Jason panicked all of a sudden, pressed the answer shiveringly, and

blurted out,

“Hai… Haiying…you…why are you calling at this time…”

Before he could finish speaking, the daughter-in-law on the other end of the

phone burst into tears and said helplessly:

“Dad… Mom and Trevor are arrested by the police. The police said they

are suspected of money laundering…”

“They also said that the family Assets will be seized… What can I do…

“Can you come back as soon as possible and think of a way… I really don’t

know what to do by myself…”

Jason, who was still laughing at Georgina in his heart, only felt that his

eyes were dark,

And he lost consciousness in an instant and fell straight towards the


Chapter 4841

Jason, who had been quietly smugged in his heart about Georgina’s fate at

the last second,

Collapsed and lost consciousness in an instant because he couldn’t stand

the sudden blow.

Jimmy hurriedly helped Jason, who was unconscious and fell to the

ground, to get up.

While pinching the person, he said helplessly:

“Uncle, didn’t you think clearly when you persuaded Aunt Mei just now?”

“What’s the matter? It won’t work when it comes to yourself…”

Seeing that Jason was unconscious, Georgina’s mood seemed to have

eased a little in despair.

It’s like when a person falls into an abyss and is desperate, suddenly

another acquaintance jumps down.

This gave her some consolation in her heart.

So, she opened her mouth and said to Jimmy, “What’s the use of pressing

him so hard?”

“You can’t wake him up even if you pull the front teeth off, so hurry up and

pour some water on him!”

Jimmy looked at Helma, who was beside him, and blurted out,

“Go get water from the car, what are you doing here!”

Helma on the side was also in a hurry,

And hurried back to the car to get a bottle of water and handed it to Jimmy.

Jimmy poured water on Jason’s head and face, which then woke Jason

from the coma.

As soon as Jason opened his eyes, he cried out in grief:

“god don’t have eyes! You are killing me!”

Georgina glanced at him and said coldly, “I won’t speak any more


“The most important thing right now is to make money first, and let the rest


Saying that Georgina didn’t wait for him to respond, and said to Jimmy,

“You will drive and let him rest in the back.”

Jimmy nodded hurriedly, then helped Jason up and said,

“Uncle, I’ll help you to sit in the car.”

Jason got into the car in despair, and then Jimmy got into the driving seat,

And started the car to continue driving towards the US-Mexico border.

After the car drove out, Georgina in the co-pilot said coldly,

“The more I think about this, the more I feel that something is not right.”

Jimmy asked her, “Aunt Mei, what are you saying is not right?”

Georgina said, “If it’s just my family that’s in trouble,”

“Then it’s possible that a large number of unidentified assets have attracted

the attention of the police,”

“But Xu’s house is thousands of kilometers away from my house,”

“And it makes no sense that his family has an accident too.”

“I suspect that there is some kind of inevitable connection behind the

situation of the two families.”

Jason, who was sitting in the back row, blurted out,

“Sister Mei, are you saying that the police in China already know our true



For the Front, if they can find information about Georgina,

They will naturally find out the background of Jason as well.

Jason is actually not his real name.

His original name was Kaiden Xu, and unlike Georgina,

He was tricked into northern Myanmar to commit fraud a few years ago in

order to make a living.

However, because of his love of drinking all year round, his brain reaction

speed is a little slow,

His mouth is stupid, and because he is not very skilled in business,

He did not make any money in northern Myanmar and was almost cut off

his waist.

In the original words of the boss in northern Myanmar at that time,

Such waste not only can’t create any value but also wastes food.

Only by cutting his waist can the cost be recovered.

At that time, he happened to know Jimmy, who just turned 20 and couldn’t

survive in northern Myanmar.

They were afraid that one day their waists would be cut off,

So they worked hard to escape from the devil’s cave and came out.

After escaping, the two did not dare to return to China,

So they found a way there and smuggled to the United States.

Different from Georgina, she smuggled herself by paying money to the

smugglers to bring her over.

Chapter 4842

But Kaiden and Jimmy were penniless when they ran out,

So in order to escape, they had to sign a usury agreement with the

black-hearted snakehead.

The cost of smuggling from northern Myanmar to the United States is

15,000 U.S. dollars, paid in installments,

With principal and interest, and a total of 30,000 U.S. dollars in the

smuggler’s head.

The snakehead was not afraid of them running away at all,

Because he did not take them directly to the United States, but to Mexico


Anyway, as long as you get on the smuggler’s boat,

Just like the slaves in old times, life and death are beyond your control.

Those who are obedient can live until the boat docks,

While those who are disobedient have stones tied directly to their feet,

And are thrown into the sea on the spot to sink to the bottom.

The two managed to escape with great difficulty,

And they dared not to obey, so they followed the boat all the way to Mexico.

After disembarking in Mexico, the two were forced to stuff several packs of

contraband into their rectums there,

And then traveled from Mexico to the United States with the fake identities

provided by the smugglers.

According to the price of the snake head, a discount of 3,000 US dollars for

one shipment was fixed.

And only by following the instructions honestly and earning money to pay

off their debts, they were able to regain their freedom.

Otherwise, the gangs who cooperate with the smugglers could have made

them go to the wilderness at any time.

The two were helpless and could only do as they were told.

In two months, he ran back and forth ten times before he regained his


At that time, it was Georgina who was in charge of arranging for them to

enter and leave the border and pick up the goods on the US side.

She had already made a few names at that time,

And met an Asian elder who specialized in dumping contraband from

Mexico to the United States and around the world.

Since then, she has become a “carrier” who specializes in helping the other

party to transport goods.

Later, she waited for the two after they paid off the debt they owed to

Snakehead, she then simply incorporated them both.

Although Georgina did all kinds of evil to the outside world,

She also knew the importance of team stability, so when the three followed

her, she did not treat them badly.

Kaiden works relatively hard, and he has made some orders himself,

So he has earned at least two or three million US dollars in these years.

Jimmy is young and is not easy to fool into middle-aged and elderly people,

So his income is relatively low, but even so, he has earned millions of

dollars over the years.

As for Helma, who played his wife, she was recruited by Georgina just a

few years ago,

Because she was the most marginal in the team and didn’t make much


At this time, Kaiden was even more flustered.

He is afraid that not only his assets will be seized,

But even criminal evidence may be grasped by the domestic police.

If that’s the case, it’s impossible for him to go back home again in this life.

So, he asked Georgina in a panic: “Sister Mei, you said that we have never

committed any crimes in China,”

“And we have not been going back very much recently. How could the

police find us?”

Georgina said in a dignified and cold voice: “It’s not necessarily that the

domestic police found us,”

“And as you said just now, we have never broken the law in China,”

“And those who were tricked by us to take goods back to China also don’t

know our real identities at all,”

“So in the eyes of the domestic police, we are transparent people.”

Kaiden couldn’t help but ask, “Sister Mei, what do you think is going on


“Why did the domestic police find our family so precisely?”

Georgina said with a stern expression:

“I think this matter must have been reported to China by someone from the

United States!”

“Report from the United States?!” Kaiden blurted out:

“We didn’t offend anyone in the United States! Besides, Sister Mei,”

“I’ve known you for so many years, and I don’t know anything about your

family situation.”

“It is estimated that you are not very clear about mine,”

“Now, who can provide our information to the domestic police so


Georgina shook her head and said with a very gloomy expression:

“I don’t know about this either, but I always have an intuition…”

Kaiden hurriedly asked, “What intuition?”

Georgina said, “I think this matter has something to do with that Elaine!”

Chapter 4843


When Kaiden heard this, the whole person was stunned.

Immediately, he asked incredulously: “Sister Mei, do you mean that Elaine

reported us?!”

“She… she doesn’t know our true identities!”

Georgina said with a serious expression:

“I think that the accident with our family is inseparable from the arrest of


“Maybe it’s because of her, but if you ask me to show substantive evidence,

I have no clue.”

Jimmy on the side said quickly: “Aunt Mei, I think that Elaine is an old

hanging silk.”

“She can’t be so easily fooled, she must not have any great ability.”

Helma also echoed: “Yes, Aunt Mei, Elaine doesn’t look like someone with

real skills.”

Georgina said coldly, “Do you remember her son-in-law?”

“Remember him.” Jimmy said, “Isn’t that the kid named Wade, what was his

full name Wade, Charlie Wade?”

“Yes, it’s him!” Georgina nodded heavily and said coldly,

“Thinking about it now, I think that kid seemed unusual!”

Helma tilted her head to think for a moment, then said,

“Auntie, aside from being handsome, there doesn’t seem to be anything

unusual about that kid, right?”

Georgina said with a solemn expression: “I can’t tell you the specifics, it’s

just an intuition.”

As she said that, she suddenly remembered something,

Took out the mobile phone she used to keep in touch with her family, and

quickly flipped through something.

After looking at it for a long time, she said with a puzzled expression,

“Strange…how come there is no movement at all…”

Jimmy asked curiously, “Nothing at all, Auntie, what are you talking about?”

Georgina blurted out: “Elaine’s arrest has not been reported by any media

so far.

This time she was arrested carrying more than five kilograms of goods,”

“Which is a big case wherever it is placed, and there are so many news

stories in New York.”

“In the media, this kind of thing will be reported as soon as possible, but

why can’t I find any news reports at all?”

Jimmy hurriedly asked, “Auntie, what keywords did you search with?”

Georgina said: “I searched for the keywords of JFK airport, seized, and


“But all I found are previous news, and there is even a report in which less

than 50 grams of contraband was found.”

“If 50 grams are worth reporting, why not five kilograms?”

Jimmy frowned and murmured: “It’s really a bit strange to say that…”

“According to the customs and the police’s personalities,”

“If such a big case is found, one would wish the whole world would know

about it.”

Georgina said very seriously: “This matter must have been suppressed


“And I think the manipulator behind the scenes should have something to

do with Elaine!”

After speaking, Georgina said again: “I understand Elaine’s situation.”

“As you said, she is just an old hanging silk, she can’t have any real skills,”

“And she is stupid to teeth, so the biggest suspect is her unassuming


“fcuk…” Jimmy smacked his lips and blurted out,

“Should we tell the above and let them check the kid with the surname


Georgina shook her head and said, “If he is really behind the scenes, then

his strength is absolutely terrifying.”

“You must know that he can not only suppress such big news in the United


“But also can find out my and Kaiden’s family’s situation and report to the


“Moreover, there is a very important premise here, that is,”

“He must have full details of the real identities of me and Kaiden,”

“So this means he could find out our family members through our real


“And he could do that in a short period of time.”

“Finding the true identities of the two of us, the energy behind this, may be

far beyond our knowledge…”

Chapter 4844

Jimmy suddenly remembered something at this time, and suddenly said:

“That’s not right, Auntie! If Elaine’s son-in-law really has such a strong


“Then Elaine can’t be fooled by us. With her character, her son-in-law is not

like her.”

“If he is really so powerful, her tail would have been up in the sky long ago,”

“And it would have been impossible to trick her at all.”

Georgina said very firmly: “This can only show one thing, that is,”

“The idiot Elaine has no idea what kind of person her son-in-law is!”

When Kaiden heard this, he blurted out: “If only there was a chance to tie

up that Elaine!”

“I don’t care what her son-in-law came from if she doesn’t spit out the

money to be seized in my house,”

“I will slap the fcuk out of her and stab her to death!”

Georgina said coldly: “Kaiden, I advise you to stop dreaming.”

“If her son-in-law wants to get her out of prison, he must want to catch us.”

“That kid was able to find out our identities so quickly,”

“We will have to be very fortunate in the future to stay out of his claws…”

“Ah?!” Jimmy’s face turned pale with fright, and he blurted out,

“Auntie, what should we do now?!”

Georgina blurted out, “It seems that I was right in choosing to go to


“Let’s flee to Mexico as soon as possible. That is the most convenient place

for us to hide”

“After we get there, let’s think about countermeasures later!”

At this moment.

New York’s highest-end private hospital.

Elaine just woke up on the soft bed in the luxury single ward.

Although she has a broken rib, fortunately, the problem was not serious.”

“The doctor gave her oral and topical drugs, which helped her minimize the

pain, so the physical pain was almost negligible.

However, unlike the body, Elaine’s spirit was tortured all night.

She slept last night and had many dreams. Although each dream was


Each of them ended with her being sentenced to death by the court.

That night, she didn’t know how many times she woke up,

Let alone how many times she cried while hugging the pillow.

Although Charlie found her a very strong lawyer,

She was still afraid that she would not be able to clear her name.

At this time, there were many police officers standing guard outside the

ward door.

In order to prevent her from escaping, they stayed here overnight.

The Chinese female doctor specially arranged by the hospital for Elaine

just came over to round the room.

After police officers moved the door away, the doctor knocked on the door

lightly, and then pushed the door open.

Seeing that Elaine was awake, she asked very politely,

“Ms. Ma, how are you feeling now? Did you sleep well last night?”

Elaine’s eyes were red, tears kept dripping down, and she choked:

“Last night… I don’t know how many times I was sentenced to death in my

dreams… Doctor… I am really tricked…”

The doctor said helplessly: “Ms. Ma, I really believe in your innocence,”

“But I’m just a doctor after all, and the judge has the final say on such


After speaking, the doctor asked again, “What would you like to eat for


“If you have anything you want to eat,”

“You can tell me, and I will arrange for the logistics staff to prepare it.”

Elaine hurriedly asked, “Then is there anything I need to avoid in my diet?”

The doctor shook her head and said, “Your attending doctor said that your

injury is not a big problem,”

“And your diet will be based on your own preferences.”

Elaine said quickly: “Then I want to eat some sea cucumber, preferably

some simmered ginseng with millet.”

“People say that sea cucumber nourishes the body.”

“It seems that those who play football eat sea cucumber every day!”

Chapter 4845

The doctor nodded and said: “No problem, our hospital may not have this

kind of thing,”

“But I will arrange for someone to go to the Chinese restaurant to buy it for

you later.”

Elaine quickly asked again: “For this… I don’t need to spend my own

money, right?”

“No.” The doctor said earnestly, “You don’t need to bear any of the

expenses here.”

“Your lawyer has already signed the bill for you.”

When Elaine heard this, she couldn’t help but get excited and said quickly,

“Then please let them cook me another lobster porridge.”

“No problem.” The doctor agreed without hesitation.

Elaine remembered something, and hurriedly asked the doctor:

“By the way, can you give me proof of serious injury and let me live here


The doctor shook her head and said seriously,

“Ms. Ma, your injury has stabilized. According to the police’s request, you

will be discharged at noon.”


Elaine seemed to have heard the cruelest words in the world, and blurted


“Why did you let me out of the hospital so quickly?!”

“If I am discharged from the hospital, wouldn’t I have to go to the detention


The doctor said apologetically, “I’m sorry, Ms. Ma, your arrangements after

you are discharged from the hospital,”

“I really don’t know about it. You will have to ask the police.”

Elaine cried and said: “Doctor, it shouldn’t be difficult for you to give me a

certificate of serious injury, right?”

“You should help me to give me one, my old bones really can’t stand the

tossing of the detention center.”

The doctor said helplessly: “Ms. Ma, this kind of thing cannot be faked in

the United States.”

“If I issue you such a certificate, the police will definitely ask other doctors

to review it.”

“If my certificate is found to be false. Then I will never be qualified to

practice medicine again in my life.”

Elaine hurriedly said: “What you said is just a matter of probability,”

“It may not really happen, you should have pity on me and help these old


“I have been to the detention center before, and I broke a leg,”

“I don’t know what kind of environment it is in there,”

“If you let me in again, I might really be bullied to death…”

The doctor shook her head repeatedly and blurted out,

“I’m sorry, Ms. Ma, this is a matter of principle, and I really can’t help you.”

Elaine gritted her teeth and blurted out: “Doctor if you can’t, you can just

break one of my ribs.”

“If I break two ribs, you can’t drive me away from the hospital, right?”

The doctor said embarrassedly: “Ms. Ma if I really do this, it’ll not just be a

matter of revoking my medical qualifications.”

“Maybe I’ll go ahead before you, and the two of us may be able to be

inmates in prison. .”

After speaking, she immediately changed the topic and said,

“By the way, Ms. Ma, you want to eat millet, ginseng, and lobster porridge

for breakfast, right?”

“I’ll make arrangements now, you wait a moment.”

After saying this, the doctor turned around and left the ward without waiting

for Elaine to speak.

When Elaine was in despair, James White, the top criminal lawyer in New


Knocked on the door and walked in. Seeing her, he asked with a smile,

“Ms. Ma, did you rest well last night?”

When Elaine saw the lawyer coming in, she immediately rekindled hope,

and quickly asked,

“Lawyer White, I heard the doctor say that I will be discharged from the

hospital at noon today. What’s going on?”

James explained: “The police reviewed your medical records this morning

and met with your attending doctor.”

“According to your doctor’s feedback, the police believe that you no longer

need to stay in the hospital for treatment.”

“So you will be discharged from the hospital at noon today.”

Elaine blurted out: “Do I have to go to the detention center after leaving the


“I don’t want to go to the detention center!”

James said seriously: “Ms. Ma, I understand your feelings very well,”

“But first of all, you need to know what kind of case you are suspected of,

carrying more than 5 kilograms of contraband out of the country,”

Chapter 4846

“If this crime is confirmed, you will never be out in your life.”

“Although I have the confidence to help you clear your name in such a

serious case,”

“You also need to have an accurate understanding in your heart.”

“If you don’t even want to enter the detention center,”

“I can only say that you think a little bit too much, or think a little too



When Elaine heard this, she quickly complimented: “Lawyer White,”

“You didn’t even dare to scold a lot of police yesterday by yourself?”

“At first glance, you are a top lawyer with great skills, you can help me.

Think about it…”

James said solemnly: “Ms. Ma, I will do my best to help you clear your


“But what you just said, I really can’t do anything about it,”

“I have already seen your examining magistrate, the other party’s order

was not to be released on bail,”

“So you must go to the detention center for a period of time,”

“And how long you will stay depends on how long the police take to catch

Myren Chen and Phaedra Zong.”

Elaine suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley, and choked out:

“If they can’t catch them all the time, won’t I be able to get out for the rest of

my life?”

James explained: “If they can’t catch them, I will do my best to defend your


“But it may take a little longer, please understand this.”

Seeing that James hadn’t loosened at all,

Elaine knew that she would inevitably enter the detention center today, and

her heart was full of despair.

In the last experience, she was really afraid of places like the detention


Especially this time she was in a foreign country where she was unfamiliar

with the United States,

So she felt even more apprehensive about the detention center here.

But she never dreamed that if Charlie wanted to, he could have James help

her get a diagnosis certificate and let her stay in the hospital all the time.

If Georgina can be caught as soon as possible,

She may not have to wait until entering the detention center to be

completely cleared of suspicion.

But Charlie felt that in that case, she would definitely not learn a lesson.

That’s why he specifically asked Douglas to tell James not to let Elaine stay

in the hospital for too long,

And send her to the detention center today.

At this time, James saw Elaine’s expression of despair, so he comforted


“Ms. Ma, your son-in-law is helping you find the people and solve the case

as soon as possible,”

“So you don’t have to worry too much, you will stay in the detention center

for ten to 15 days, you should be out.”

Elaine knew that he had no other choice but to wait, so she nodded lightly.

Although she was reluctant in her heart, she could only accept her fate at

this moment.

Seeing that she was in a very low mood, James said again:

“Ms. Ma, after you are in prison, I will arrange for our staff to deposit

enough funds in your prison account so that you can save money in your

prison account.”

“Inside, you can buy whatever you need, you can call your family when it’s

time for release,”

“And then you can call your daughter and son-in-law.”

Hearing that it is possible to call the outside world, Elaine’s mood eased a


Since her arrest, she has missed her daughter and son-in-law very much,

But apart from a phone call with them at the beginning, she has never had

a chance to get in touch with the two of them.

So, she said to James with a sad face: “Lawyer White,”

“Please tell my son-in-law that he must do it as soon as possible,”

“It’s up to him whether my old bones can return to China alive… …”

James nodded and said seriously: “Ms. Ma, don’t worry,”

“My mobile phone is with the police at the door. I will contact your

son-in-law when I get it back.”

Having said that, James added: “By the way, Ms. Ma, remember to have a

good lunch at the hospital at noon.”

“After lunch, the police will take you directly to the detention center.”

“I still have a lot of related work to deal with, so at that time I’m not coming.”

Elaine hurriedly asked, “Lawyer White, which prison will I be sent to?”

James replied: “Ms. Ma, at the orders of the judge,”

“You will be sent to Bedford Hills Correctional Facility in upstate New York.”

Elaine asked: “Is the correctional institution less serious than a prison?”

“No.” James explained: “Although the name is a correctional institution,”

“It is actually the only women’s prison in New York dedicated to felons and

suspected felons…”

Chapter 4847


When Elaine heard this word, the whole person was shocked and said


“Lawyer White, can you think of a way to walk through the back door and

change me to a detention center,”

“An old lady like me who is helpless, how am I going to fight those serious


“Then I won’t be beaten to death in there…”

James said helplessly: “Sorry, Ms. Ma, this is the operating rule of the New

York judicial system.”

“Judging from the crimes you are currently suspected of,”

“The Bedford Hills Correctional Institution is the only place you are currently


“This is not something that I can affect. I am a lawyer,”

“And I have to do things within the framework allowed by the law, not

undermine it.”

Elaine suddenly panicked and asked, “Lawyer White, is there a prison boss

in prisons here?”

“It’s the kind of person who is the biggest in the prison and bullies anyone

she catches.”

“This…” James said embarrassedly: “As far as I know, there should be

such a phenomenon in prisons in any country and any place,”

“But you don’t have to worry too much. Under normal circumstances,”

“As long as you don’t go Provoking those prison bullies, they will not have

any conflicts with people of your age,”

“And after you enter, you can call me if you have any problems, and I will

arrange for someone to solve it.”

Hearing what James said, Elaine was slightly relieved.

Thinking of what happened to her in the detention center last time, she

thought to herself:

“Last time, it was mainly because there were two enemies, and the boss

there bullied me!”

“If it weren’t for their two ba5tards, that b!tch wouldn’t necessarily take the

initiative to trouble me!”

“When I get to this American detention center, I will try my best to keep a

low profile.”

“It shouldn’t be a problem if I think about it carefully.”

At this time, James looked at the time and said,

“Ms. Ma, I have things to deal with, so I’ll leave first.”

“When you arrive at Bedford Hill, if you need anything, please call me at

any time.”

“Okay.” Elaine nodded hastily.

James reminded again: “By the way, Ms. Ma, don’t forget to have a good


“As far as I know, because the parliament has been reducing the prison


“The food in the prison is really not good, and even if you have money, it is

not anything good to buy in there.”

Elaine hurriedly said: “I see… I have to ask the hospital to prepare a full

meal for me at noon!”


After enjoying a sumptuous lunch comparable to a full-fledged Manchurian


Elaine was taken out of the hospital by the police.

As she is suspected of transporting up to five kilograms of contraband,

She will be sent to Bedford Hills Correctional Facility in Westchester

County, upstate New York, as ordered by the judge.

This is the only women’s prison in New York dedicated to felons or

suspected felons.

In this prison, nearly 1,000 prisoners are detained.

From murder and arson to robbery and drug trafficking, the prisoners here

are more vicious than the last.

After Elaine was taken to the prison, she first handed in her personal


and then completed a series of prison inspections at the order of the prison


And then obtained her serial number in this prison: Prisoner No. 1024.

In the end, at the order of the prison guards,

She changed into prison clothes and was led into the prison area by the


Elaine, who has entered the palace for the second time, although she is in

a foreign country,

She is familiar with this series of procedures.

At this moment, what she was thinking about was what kind of inmates she

would meet.

Last time. Those few days were like hell for her.

Chapter 4848

This time, Elaine only hoped that she could meet a few normal people.

Following several prison guards into the cell, the guard took her directly to

Cell No. 12.

After arriving at the door, the prison guard yelled at the inside through the

thick iron gate:

“Everyone stand up and assemble immediately!”

Elaine stepped on her feet and looked in, only to see the No. 12 cell,

Which was at least hundreds of square meters in size,

And the entire cell was symmetrically divided into left and right sides by a

low wall about one meter high.

The side is a semi-open space constructed with low walls.

In this semi-open space, there is a small single bed on the left and right.

At this time, the prisoners inside were resting,

Some were lying on the bed, and some were sitting at the head of the bed

and talking to others.

Hearing a loud roar from the prison guard,

The group slowly got up and lined up in the inner part of the middle


The prison guard did not rush to open the door at this time,

But counted the number of people from outside and confirmed that

everyone had lined up.

Then he said on the walkie-talkie: “Open door 12.”

As soon as the voice fell, the heavy iron fence door opened automatically.

The two prison guards walked in first with batons, while the other two

guards held Elaine and followed behind.

After entering, Elaine was directly brought to the front of a group of female

prisoners by the prison guards.

And this group of female prisoners of different skin colors,

Ranging in age from 18, 19 to 50 or 60 years old, were looking at her with

contempt or provocation.

In their eyes, this yellow-race woman in her fifties,

At first, glance looks like an unlucky person who can be easily bullied.

The prison guard pointed at Elaine at this time and said to the crowd:

“She is No. 1024, and she will live in this prison from now on.”

Elaine bit the bullet, waved to everyone, and said with a forced smile,


The female prisoners present did not pay any attention to her.

On the contrary, many people looked at her with great interest,

And there seemed to be some ulterior motives in their eyes, which made

her somewhat nervous.

One of the prison guards pointed to an empty bed and said to Elaine:

“1024, you will sleep in this bed in the future!”

She nodded quickly.

The guards didn’t talk too much.

After simply settling down Elaine, they turned around and left the cell


As soon as the prison guards left, a red-haired, white woman in her thirties

came to Elaine with her shoulders in her arms,

And asked contemptuously, “Hey, new here, let me know why you came


“Ah?” Elaine was slightly startled and said hesitantly: “I…I am


Seeing that Elaine was murmuring and not talking about the main point,

The woman immediately reprimanded: “I tell you, I am the biggest in this


“What I ask, you answer; what I say, you do, otherwise, be careful that I

punch your sh!t out!”

Elaine shivered in fright, and quickly said, “I… I was carrying contraband…”

The woman frowned and asked her, “Carrying contraband? How much?”

Elaine said quickly: “It was five kilograms…”

“Fcuk!” The woman said in surprise:

“Five kilograms?! Are you sure you aren’t playing with me?”

Elaine hurriedly said, “I don’t dare… I’m telling the truth…”

The woman looked Elaine up and down for a while and asked, “Are you a

drug dealer?”

Elaine quickly shook her head: “I…I’m not…”

The woman asked again: “Then you work for a drug dealer? Or a gang


Chapter 4849

Elaine was afraid that the other party would misunderstand her,

And hurriedly shook her head again: “No, no… I’m innocent…”

“I was tricked into taking the luggage on the plane, and I was caught in a


When the woman heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief,

Looked at her with a contemptuous smile, and slapped her in the face,

Causing her to see gold stars in her eyes.

Elaine screamed, and was about to ask her why she beat her when she

heard the woman say,

“I thought you were a great person, but it turns out that you are a stupid pig

who was tricked into being a mule!”

Elaine completely misunderstood the logic of survival in these prisons.

Here, if you are really innocent, other prisoners will bully you to death;

But if you are a felon, and you are a felon with a background,

Then other prisoners here, not to mention that they must confess to you as

their ancestor,

At least they know that you are not easy to mess with, so try to stay away

from you as much as possible.

If Elaine admits that she is a drug dealer, these people will definitely stay

away from her.

After all, in the United States, drug dealers are synonymous with outlaws,

And drug dealers never act alone, behind them is a ruthless,

armed-to-the-teeth organization.

However, Elaine was afraid that others would really misunderstand her as a

drug dealer,

So she shook out the truth when she was nervous.

This is equivalent to personally pressing her position in this cell to the floor.

That’s why, when the red-haired woman heard what she said, she slapped

her in the face without thinking.

And the red-haired woman was not satisfied when she slapped Elaine,

She strode forward, stared at Elaine, and said seriously:

“Tell you, in my place, if you want to suffer less, just be obedient.”

“Ask your family to put more money in your account,”

“I have a lot to buy, but there is not enough money in the account,”

“This is your chance to show, that if your family has enough money for you,

you are here to suffer less.”

After that, she remembered something, grabbed Elaine’s collar, and


“Oh, by the way, a friendly reminder, Jessica, the prison guard in charge of

this cell,”

“They cost forty dollars a pack, all American SPirit brand Cigarettes,”

“But her cigarettes cannot be purchased through your account in prison.”

“You need to notify your family outside and hand over the cash to her

before she can bring them in.”

Elaine said nervously: “I…I don’t smoke…”

The red-haired woman sneered, and slapped her in the face again,


“Idiot, you don’t force me to slap you! Starting tomorrow,”

“You will ask Jessica to give me an American Spirit brand cigarettes,


“It’s three packs! These sisters and I have had some tobacco shortages


“You better get to know each other, otherwise, I must make you look good! “

Elaine suddenly said with a sad face: “I am just locked in, and I haven’t had

a chance to contact my family.”

“Where can I get you a cigarette!”

“Then I don’t care!” The red-haired woman said coldly:

“In short, before tomorrow night, if I don’t see an American spirit, then I will

kill you!”

After speaking, she warned again: “Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that if

you dare to seek a prison warning,”

“I will insert the sharpened toothbrush handle into your throat.”

“If you don’t believe it, you will wait and see!”

Elaine was so frightened that she burst into tears.

At this time, a young Chinese woman stepped forward and whispered:

“Auntie, this red-haired woman is named Chloe, and she has been here for

five years.”

“The famous prison boss, not only our cell has her many followers,”

“But there are also many people in other cells who don’t mess with her,”

“You better not provoke her, otherwise you will be miserable.”

Chapter 4850

When Elaine saw her compatriot, she immediately cried and said,

“She is too unreasonable. Why did she slap me? I didn’t provoke her…”

The red-haired woman Chloe was upset when she heard Elaine crying,

grabbed her hair,

Slapped her with the other hand, and said coldly:

“Let me hear you cry again, I will put your mouth ripped!”

Elaine really did not expect that the women’s prison here was so dark.

Just a few minutes after entering, she was slapped three big deep pockets

in a row.

Seeing that Elaine’s face was swollen into a pig’s head, Chloe smiled


“Remember, today is just to teach you a little lesson.”

“If I don’t see smoke tomorrow, you will be at your own risk!”

Saying that, she instructed a woman behind her, “Jenny, go and pick up a

basin of water!”

The woman named Jenny immediately ran to the bathroom, and soon

came back with a basin full of water.

Chloe looked at Elaine and said coldly,

“Sorry, you can only sleep on the floor today.”

After saying that, she gave Jenny a wink.

Jenny is not a good thing either, she looked at Elaine playfully and poured

a basin of water on her bed.

This time, not only the bedding that she just received is soaked with water,

But even the pillows and mattresses are useless.

Elaine didn’t dare to speak, let alone resist,

So she could only submissively look at her dripping bed, with regret in her


Naturally, what she hates is that this Chloe deceived people too much,

And what she regrets is that she played bad cards with her own good


She choked up in her heart and thought: “I really regret my death…”

“If I hadn’t been fooled by the two b!thhes, I would have flown back to my

country now!”

“I could have sold my necklace, and I don’t have to live this uncomfortable

life now…”

“How could I end up in a prison here? And I have to be bullied by these

prison bullies… “

At this time, Chloe looked at Elaine and sneered:

“I heard that you Chinese people are very fond of foot massage.”

“It happens that the soles of my feet are uncomfortable these two days.”

“Go get a pot of hot water and give me a good squeeze!”

Elaine said subconsciously, “I…I won’t…”

“No?” Chloe sneered, took a piece of toothpaste from the personal

belongings that Elaine had just received,

Opened the cover directly, pointed the toothpaste at Elaine’s mouth,

And squeezed in more than half of it in one go.

While Elaine tried to dodge, she tried to spit out the toothpaste,

But Chloe beckoned to Jenny beside her.


Jenny immediately called the other two and skillfully pressed Elaine on the

wet single bed,

And then One person pressed her shoulders tightly, making her unable to


While the other person tightly covered her mouth, making her mouth full of

toothpaste and unable to spit it out.

Chloe and her subordinates were already well acquainted with this kind of

pranking method.

Elaine was tightly covering her mouth and could only barely breathe

through her nose,

But because her mouth was full of toothpaste, the taste was spicy and she

choked quickly.

She couldn’t stop coughing, but this cough didn’t matter,

A part of the toothpaste mixed with saliva was sprayed out of her nostrils,

Burning the entire upper respiratory tract, making it extremely painful.

At this moment, Chloe smiled cruelly and said sternly:

“If you are sensible, swallow the toothpaste in your mouth,”

“Otherwise, I will go to the toilet to get something to feed you!”

When Elaine heard this, she was so frightened that she lost her mind.

She ignored the spicy and jerky toothpaste, so she could only grit her teeth,

And swallow the toothpaste in her mouth little by little.

Elaine, who ate most of the toothpaste, felt burning pain in her entire

esophagus and stomach, and she couldn’t stop her tears.

She couldn’t help wailing in her heart: “How can this red-haired devil be so

much worse!”

“She’s just a devil! You fcuking wait for me, you will fall into my hands in the


“I will torture you ten times, a hundred times!”

Chapter 4851

Elaine collapsed when she heard it, but she dared not speak for a while.

Seeing that the whole prison was watching her and laughing, no one

wanted to speak for her,

So he could only grit her teeth and nod.

Although she was resentful in her heart,

Facing this woman, she did not dare to have any disobedience at all.

After all, when people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads,

Not to mention that she is in a foreign country, and the feeling of being

helpless is even stronger.

Fortunately, she can bend and stretch.

Seeing that she can’t offend this Chloe, she can only resign.

Seeing that she had swallowed all the toothpaste in her mouth, Chloe

smiled contemptuously,

And asked coldly, “Did this toothpaste help you recall just now?”

“How should you give someone a foot massage?”

Elaine quickly nodded her head like garlic and said,

“I remembered, I remembered…”

Chloe snorted, “Since you remember, why don’t you go get a basin of water

to wash my feet?”

“I’ll break your legs if you drag on!”

When Elaine heard that she was going to break her legs,

She was so frightened that she quickly picked up the basin and said, “I’ll

go, I’ll go!”

While speaking she trotted all the way and brought a basin of hot water

from the bathroom.

Seeing Elaine’s obedient appearance, Chloe knew in her heart that this

newcomer was shocked by her fully.

She has been at Bedford Hills Correctional Institution for a long time,

And she knows very well that here, the law of the weak is the most basic

way of survival.

For a prison boss like Chloe, if she wants to secure her position,

She must deal with every newcomer who comes in.

Be sure to defeat all her will on the first day the newcomer arrives, and

make her an obedient dog.

Only in this way can she ensure that there will be no second small team in

this cell.

The only way to ensure that the position of the boss is not threatened.

And every newcomer, if she wants to be alone in this cell,

She must have strong fists and courage.

Just like Elaine, if she dares to fight against Chloe on the first day she

comes in,

Under Chloe’s provocation, she will fight against her first,

Even if her head is beaten with blood, just grit her teeth and don’t bow her


Chloe will never come to trouble her again, and will even change her

strategy immediately,

From high-intensity oppression at the beginning to winning over and

extending a hand of friendship.

But if she is trampled underfoot on the first day, then as long as she is still

in this prison in the future,

She will never be able to turn over in front of Chloe.

Because, for a wicked person like Chloe, the more cowardly and

submissive people are,

The more they will be bullied and oppressed crazily by her.

At the moment, Elaine doesn’t know that in Chloe’s eyes, she has become

a target of wanton abuse.

She originally wanted to use her actions to please Chloe,

But she didn’t know that she has more torture awaiting her.

Although Elaine has never washed others’ feet in her life,

She used to go to beauty salons to enjoy various treatments,

Among which foot massage is basically a must-have item,

Chapter 4852

So Elaine followed her example based on her previous memory and soak

Chloe’s feet.

Seeing Elaine’s obedient appearance, Chloe was in a good mood. While

enjoying Elaine’s service,

She said with a smile: “After you finish it for me, remember to do it for my

good sisters too,”

“Whatever you do for me, you do it for them, and if you dare to slack off,”

“You will go to sleep in the toilet tonight!” As soon as Chloe finished


Seven or eight people came out of the crowd, and Elaine collapsed.

If she squeezes one person’s feet for half an hour and seven or eight

people come down,

She will be busy till the afternoon.

Not to mention how long it takes, she will have to exhaust herself half to


So, she could only ask in a pleading tone: “Chloe… Can I do half of it


“And the other half tomorrow… I’m getting old, and I can’t bear it…”

Chloe pulled her foot out of the warm water, kicked Elaine’s chest, and said


“Old woman, you have to figure out when you are here,”

“What I said, you have to obey, otherwise If you don’t,”

“I have 10,000 ways to kill you, do you understand?!”

Elaine had broken a rib and was kicked like this,

Although Chloe didn’t kick the broken rib,

The pain was associated with and made her tears flow.

Elaine couldn’t help but look at the other inmates, hoping that someone

could do justice for her,

Or plead to Chloe for her, but she didn’t expect that the entire prison area,

Including the one who spoke to her just now, even that Chinese girl who

helped her translate was also a spectator,

So she could only nod her head with choked sobs,

And cried and said, “I understand… I understand…”

Chloe snorted and looked at the time.

She opened her mouth and said, “There are just four hours left for dinner.”

“In these four hours, you don’t have to do anything, just give us a few


Elaine understands that in front of this woman she has no qualification to

negotiate conditions.

And there is no possibility of gaining sympathy.

In order to avoid more torture, she can only obey her words.

Not daring to disobey, she could only grit her teeth and nodded.

Even an experienced technician in a pedicure shop can’t beat the clock for

four hours at a stretch,

Let alone a novice like Elaine.

Within half an hour, she was so tired that her hands cramped and her back

was sore.

But Chloe didn’t give her any chance to breathe.

On the contrary, she beat and kicked her repeatedly because Elaine

became weaker,

And the tears of Elaine’s torment treatment never stopped from the


Four hours later, Elaine was so tired that she was in severe pain,

And her hands and arms were so painful that she couldn’t even lift them up.

Just when she was halfway through pinching the last person,

The prison guard came over and knocked on the fence door, and shouted


“Get ready for dinner, everyone line up immediately!”

Everyone stood up and lined up, and Elaine finally stopped.

But because she squatted for too long, she couldn’t even stand up now.

The iron fence door opened, and a female prison guard stepped forward to

count the number of people.

Seeing that Elaine was still squatting on the ground, she immediately

stepped forward and scolded:

“1024, line up immediately! If you don’t enter the line within three seconds,

You won’t eat at night!”

Elaine could only use all her strength while crying,

She gritted her teeth and insisted on standing up, walking into the queue

with difficult steps.

Afterward, the entire prison area, led by the prison guards, went to the

restaurant to eat.

Chapter 4853

Elaine could only lag behind from a distance because her legs were sore

and numb.

On this road, every step she took was extremely difficult, but she could only


The prison guard also deliberately slowed down at this time, and came to


And whispered: “1024, is your family rich?”

Elaine was stunned for a while and did not dare to speak.

The female prison guard smiled and said, “Your lawyer has deposited ten

thousand dollars in your prison account,”

“And you can use your ID card to buy things in the store.”

After speaking, the prison guard lowered her voice and said:

“By the way, let me introduce myself, I am Jessica, if your family wants to

buy cigarettes,”

“Remember to contact me, the American spirit, one thousand dollars


“One thousand?!” Elaine asked subconsciously: “Didn’t Chloe say four

hundred dollars a piece?”

Jessica smiled and said indifferently: “Four hundred dollars was yesterday’s


“And today’s price is one thousand dollars. If you want to buy it,”

“Just call your family and ask them to contact my sister, otherwise,”

“I can’t guarantee what that Chloe will do to you at night!”

Elaine knew that this place was full of snakes and rats,

And now was not the time to reason with this prison guard,

So he quickly asked her, “Can I call home now?”

“Okay.” Jessica said lightly: “After dinner, it’s time to let go.”

“You can use your ID card to call your family at that time.”

As she spoke, she quietly stuffed a note into Elaine’s hand and lowered her

voice, and said:

“This is my sister’s phone number.”

“If you want to buy cigarettes, contact her.”

When she heard that she could call her family, Elaine was so excited that

she couldn’t add more.

She can’t wait to call Charlie right now, crying and letting him do everything

possible to save her.

However, if she wants to call home,

She has to wait until dinner time is over and everyone is out on the


So she could only follow the army to the restaurant.

In the restaurant, she could only hold the dinner plate as her hands were

too weak,

And then reluctantly took the dinner plate to an unoccupied corner.

When she sat down, Chloe appeared out of nowhere and sat opposite her

with a dinner plate.

And her party members, that is, the other prisoners who had just enjoyed

Elaine’s pedicure service,

Also swarmed over and surrounded Elaine.

Elaine was a little panicked and hurriedly asked Chloe, “Are you okay?”

Chloe looked at her, smiled, raised her eyebrows, and asked,

“I heard from Jessica that your family is rich, they deposited 10,000 at one

time in your account here?”

Elaine could only say with a promise: “I…my son-in-law is so filial…he…”

“He was sure that I would be wronged here,”

“So…that’s why he asked the lawyer…to give some more money…”

Chloe nodded and said with a smile: “Since Your family is so rich,”

“Then I may have to adjust the conditions I offer today.”

Elaine asked nervously: “You…how do you want to adjust…”

Chloe smiled and said: “It’s nothing, it’s nothing more than changing one

cigarette a day to two a day.”

“This shouldn’t be a big deal for your family, right?”

Elaine said with a painful face: “You……You said before that Jessica sells

cigarettes for four hundred dollars,”

“But she just told me that one cost one thousand dollars…”

Chloe was not surprised at all, and said with a smile:

“$1,000 is nothing to you, two is only $2,000, but if you spend that $2,000,”

“I can assure you that no one will bully you here.”

When Elaine heard this, she quickly asked, “Is what you said true?”

Chapter 4854

“Of course,” Chloe said with a smile:

“As long as you can get your family to buy two cigarettes from Jessica a


“What happened to you today will never happen again,”

“And my sisters and I will never be the same. Not only won’t bully you but

will cover you!”

Elaine heard this, slightly relieved.

$2,000 a day, converted into Yuan, is indeed not a small sum,

But she believes in her son-in-law’s ability to make money.

After all, Charlie usually goes out to show others Feng Shui,

And he can earn several million Yuan casually, which is hundreds of

thousands in US dollars,

Which is enough for her to live a long, peaceful life in prison.

Thinking of this, she quickly said to Chloe: “Okay! As long as you can fulfill

your promise,”

“I will call my son-in-law after dinner!”

“Okay!” Chloe nodded feeling satisfied.

She has been here for so long, and she has never met such a financially

capable inmate.

Originally, as long as she asked someone to buy a cigarette from Jessica,

She would get fifty dollars in addition to a cigarette.


And just now, Jessica told her in private that if Elaine’s family could buy

cigarettes from her,

At a price of one thousand dollars, she would get three hundred dollars in

addition to the cigarettes.

Even though Bedford Hills Correctional Institution is a women’s prison,

Cigarettes and tampons are absolute hard currency here.

As long as you have these two things, you can get everything you want in


As for the dollars she got from Jessica, Chloe had Jessica deposited into

her jail account.

Although she doesn’t need to spend much money in prison,

It is actually the safest way to store the money in the prison account,

Because when she is released from prison in the future,

The account balance can be refunded and exchanged for cash.

In the past, Jessica could get two or three thousand dollars a month,

But now that Elaine came, it is like getting a cash cow.

Two cigarettes a day not only guarantees that she can get all the things she

needs in prison,

But also makes a net profit of $600, so that’s 12,000 a month.

Therefore, she decided to change her strategy for Elaine and try her best to

squeeze more money from her.

Afterward, Elaine used her right hand, which was trembling even more than

a Parkinson’s patient,

To reluctantly deal with a few mouthfuls of food,

And then hurriedly followed the large army to the venue to get some wind.

The place is a playground in the middle of the prison, surrounded by high

walls and buildings,

About half the size of a football field. Almost a thousand prisoners are

crowded here at this time.

On the edge of the playground, there are prisoner-dedicated small shops

and a row of card pay phones.

Elaine immediately came to the public phone

And waited in line for a long time before finally lining up for a phone,

Inserting her ID card, she immediately called Charlie.

At such a time, she knew that it was useless to call her daughter,

And the only one who could save her was her wonderful son-in-law.

At this moment, Charlie had just finished dinner at Fei’s house.

Joseph’s subordinates are still following the clues of Georgina and


And in the prison, the Cataclysmic Front has already arranged three female


It’s just that they are not currently in the same cell as Elaine.

The phone suddenly prompted a local call from New York,

And Charlie guessed almost instantly that it was his mother-in-law,

Who was calling from prison, so he pressed the answer button, and asked

in a confused manner:

“Hello, Who is it?”

On the other end of the phone, Elaine’s sobbing voice came:

“Good son-in-law…it’s me, good son-in-law…”

“Your Mom is so miserable in prison….You must save me…”

Chapter 4855

The one-hour-long fresh air time soon ended.

All prisoners lined up to return to their cells under the supervision of prison


Elaine trembled and returned to the cell with her fellow inmates.

After arriving in the cell, she felt even more uneasy in her heart.

She didn’t know Charlie’s relationship, how long it would take to get the

money for cigarettes to Jessica’s sister,

And she didn’t know if Chloe would stop bullying her.

After returning to the cell, she silently came to her bed,

But her bed was still wet, let alone sleeping, she couldn’t even sit on it.

At this time, Chloe came to the bed opposite Elaine with a smile on her


After sitting down, she looked up at the submissive Elaine, and said with a


“1024, the prison guard said that she has received the money from your

family to buy cigarettes.”

After hearing this, Elaine suddenly let out a long sigh of relief,

And quickly said respectfully: “Since the money has been received, then…”

“Can you stop bullying me in the future…”

Chloe said solemnly: “1024, what you said is a little wrong, I’m not bullying


“I just taught you the basic rules of survival in this cell.”

Elaine nodded quickly and said, “Yes yes yes …”

Chloe smiled slightly and continued: “1024, I was sloppy about some things


“I also chatted with Jessica just now. Recently, I want to bring some other

prisoners into the room.”

“Collect them one by one, and then I will be the strongest of the entire

Bedford Hills Correctional Institution.”

Elaine didn’t understand a little, didn’t know that Chloe said she was


And then said that she was going to be the strongest woman in this prison.

Strong and sloppy, what do these two things that don’t match up have to do

with each other,

What exactly does she want to express?

Chloe said again at this time: “If you want to recruit other people,”

“You have to provide certain benefits, and here, cigarettes are the best

hard currency,”

“So if I want to become the strongest sister of Bedford Hill Correctional

Institution want to be so big,”

“I will naturally need more cigarettes, in this case, two cigarettes a day will

naturally not be enough.”

Only then did Elaine understand what Chloe meant by being sloppy.

It turned out that the price was a bit sloppy.

At this time, she was extremely angry in her heart.

She had never seen someone as shameless as Chloe.

Even her mother-in-law couldn’t be so shameless to the point where she

made progress over and over again,

And she always overthrew what she said.

One a day, two a day, three a day, and four a day, if she did as she said,

It would cost four thousand dollars a day, which is definitely an

astronomical figure!

Although Elaine didn’t know the consumption level in the United States, she

thought to herself:

“This ba5tard red-haired devil, her face is whiter than a wall,”

“But her heart is darker than a ghost! Four thousand dollars a day,”

“More than one hundred thousand dollars a month.”

“Outside, with more than 100,000 dollars I can find a killer to kill her!”

Chloe frowned when she saw that Elaine did not agree immediately,

And immediately put away the smiling face just now, raised her hand, and

slapped her in the face.

And shouted angrily: “I asked you something, why didn’t you answer?! Are

you courting death?”

Elaine’s face was full of unbearable pain, but when this slap came over,

The pain almost exploded in place. Tears of grievance came out of her

eyes again,

And she could only cry and say: “Don’t…”

“I’ll call my son-in-law tomorrow and ask him to buy four cigarettes from


Chloe snorted, looked at Elaine, and said contemptuously:

“You are really a b!tch, couldn’t you promise me earlier?”

“You have to be slapped before agreeing, I am letting it go for today.”

“But if you dare to hesitate in front of me next time,”

“Even if you finally agree, I will beat you to the death, do you hear me?”

Chapter 4856

Elaine was even more frightened when she heard this. Trembling all over.

Listening to Chloe, four cigarettes a day is not the upper limit,

And from this red-haired devil, she does not know what more stringent

conditions will be waiting for him.

But Elaine can’t think about it anymore.

She is afraid that Chloe would turn her face again, so she could only cry

and nod again and again:

“I heard, I heard…” This made Chloe satisfied.

She stood up, reached out and grabbed Elaine’s collar, stared into her

eyes, and said coldly,

“Remember me! In this place, I am the queen! If I let you stand, you have to


“If I make you kneel, you have to kneel! Even if I make you eat sh!t,”

“You have to open your mouth and swallow it for me! As long as you want

to live,”

“You must unconditionally obey all my orders!”

“Otherwise, I can make you feel you are better off dead! Do you


Elaine nodded hurriedly: “Understand…Understand…”

Chloe hummed and continued: “There used to be a newcomer just like


“She only obeyed me on the surface, but I was always dissatisfied in my


“Later, when she was sleeping, I stabbed her eyes with a toothbrush.”

“If you don’t respect me from your heart, the next person to be blinded will

be you!”

Elaine was so frightened that she couldn’t stop shaking, and she couldn’t

even speak.

At this time, Chloe was actually overjoyed in her heart.

However, she is well versed in the way of PUA, and she is very clear that at

this time,

She must not give Elaine a good face, but must strike while the iron is hot,

And continue to brutally and intensely oppress and destroy her will.

Only by completely defeating Elaine’s will, can she be willing to obey all her


Right now, Elaine was forced to obey her orders only because of her force,

which was far from what Chloe wanted.

Therefore, she did not intend to really let go, because of submission.

She planned to slowly turn Elaine into her own dog, a loyal dog in the

coming days.

At this time, a prison guard came to the door of the cell and said, “Everyone

line up immediately!”

Chloe looked at the door and saw that several prison guards brought three

prisoners to the door of the cell.

She couldn’t help frowning, because she found that there was no Jessica

among the prison guards who came.

It stands to reason that a new person was arranged into this cell,

And it should be Jessica who brings someone over. For some reason,

Jessica did not come.

However, she didn’t have time to think too much.

Although she was the uncompromising boss in this cell,

She still had to be honest in the face of the prison guards,

Otherwise, she might be imprisoned or sentenced to a longer term.

After everyone lined up, the prison guard opened the iron door of the cell,

And then walked in with three young women with Asian faces.

The three Asian women all looked a little thin, and they all looked very


And they didn’t look like they were going to be fighting hard.

Chloe’s mouth couldn’t help but smile.

In her opinion, these three people are the three cash cows sent to her.

Their family may not be as rich as Elaine’s family,

But seeing that the three of them are well-maintained with their hair and


She can guess that the living conditions of the three of them are definitely

not bad.

In her experience, from such a person she can extort hundreds of dollars a

day, and it shouldn’t be a problem.

At this time, the leading prison guard opened her mouth and said to the

three new girls:

“You will be in this cell from now on. Beds 33, 34, and 35 are yours.”

“The three of you will share it among yourself.”

One of the girls, while nodding, she said casually, “Then I’ll sleep in bed

number 33.”

After speaking, she said to the one girl on the right,

“You sleep in bed number 34, and let Wenwen sleep in bed number 35.”

The other two simultaneously nodded.

The prison guard said to the other prisoners:

“No more rounds tonight, you get along well and don’t have any conflicts.”

When Chloe heard this, her heart was stunned, and she thought proudly:

“I think this should be what Jessica asked them to bring to me.”

“If there is no room round tonight, then I can take care of these three

newcomers. It’s a cash cow!”

Chapter 4857

The prison guard at this time. After sending the three young girls over,

turned and left the cell.

Chloe was in a good mood and winked at her subordinates.

Eight or nine people gathered around them and surrounded the three girls.

Chloe looked at the girl who arranged beds for the other two, and asked

with a smile,

“New here, tell everyone, why did you three come in?”

The girl looked up at Chloe, Indifferently said:

“Why did we come in, does it have anything to do with you?”

“Dmn.” Chloe snorted coldly and scolded:

“You’re so fcuking tough, what is this place? You don’t know who I am?”

The girl said disdainfully: “I know this is a prison, but I don’t know who you


“And I don’t want to know, you don’t have to tell me, so please stay away

from me.”

Chloe was furious, In a cold voice:

“So arrogant in my place, I think you are tired of living!”

Elaine, who was on the side, knew what was going to happen and quickly

reminded kindly:

“Oh girl, don’t you confront Chloe, she is the boss of this cell,”

“If you mess with them, you will be in trouble in the future…”

The young girl glanced at Elaine outside the crowd and smiled slightly.

Nodded and said:

“Auntie, thank you for your reminder, but don’t worry,”

“I won’t take this kind of garbage into my eyes.”

When Elaine heard this, she quickly reminded:

“Oh girl, you can’t say that. It will be fatal!”

At this time, Chloe also understood the communication between Elaine,

And the other party through the Chinese woman next to her,

And she couldn’t help wrinkling when she heard that the other party didn’t

take her seriously at all.

She frowned, stared at the girl, and sneered:

“It seems that you are the eldest of the three?”

The girl glanced at Chloe and said lightly, “No, I’m just their leader.”

“Leader?” Chloe sarcastically said, “You’re in jail, so what are you talking

about leadership?”

“I tell you there’s only one leader in this place, and that’s me! Chloe


The young girl didn’t seem to have put Chloe in her eyes,

She just chuckled and said indifferently:

“It has nothing to do with us who you want to lead or who you want to be.”

“I advise you not to trouble us, otherwise, don’t blame me for not having let

you know in advance.”

“Dmn!” Chloe didn’t expect that the young girl didn’t take her seriously,

So her anger surged, and she roared coldly, “In my territory, you’re a little

too arrogant!”

“I will now give you a chance to atone for your sins, kneel down and

kowtow three times for me,”

“And then notify your family members outside to buy six sticks of American

Spirit cigarettes,”

“From the person, I designate every day, otherwise, I will make your life

more miserable than death!”

The young girl’s eyes suddenly changed from harmless human’s to that of

an animal’s and murderous eyes,

She stared at Chloe, and said word by word: “I only kneel to heaven and

earth, ancestors, parents, and benefactors,”

“What you deserve to make me kneel down for you?”

“Dmn it!” Chloe had never been confronted like this before, and

immediately became furious.

She knows very well that her subordinates are watching at this moment.

Whenever she encounters a newcomer like Elaine and tortures her to the


She is also consolidating her majesty and dignity in the minds of these


So, seeing that this young girl was so disrespectful to her,

She immediately raised her arm and slapped her with all her strength.

In her opinion, these three girls are very young, and they don’t look strong.

In this cell, she has eight core subordinates, and there are at least ten other

people who follow her lead,

So this case, as long as she takes the lead and others swarm up,

She can immediately beat these three girls to half-death!

Chapter 4858

Just when Chole slammed aggressively, she never dreamed that the girl,

Who seemed motionless would suddenly exert force at the last moment!

For a moment, Chloe felt that the right hand that she had hit with,

All her strength in it suddenly stagnated in mid-air.

She hurried to look, only to find that a hand suddenly stretched out from


And grabbed her wrist firmly, making her unable to move.

Chloe’s first reaction was anger.

She didn’t expect that when she was going to slap the girl,

The girl dared to reach out to stop her.

Just when she tried to pull her hand back,

She realized that her hand seemed to be welded to the air,

And no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t move it.

This time, Chloe was a little flustered.

She weighs nearly 200 pounds and is very strong.

If it is a one-on-one battle, there are few opponents in this prison.

But the thin girl in front of her was able to crush her in such a way,

Which made her suddenly have a bad feeling in her heart.

At this moment, the young girl looked at her and said coldly,

“You are courting death yourself, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

After that, she grabbed Chloe’s right wrist and suddenly bent it upwards.

With just a click, Chloe’s wrist turned upward at a creepy angle formed!

The severe pain made Chloe wail suddenly.

She never imagined that this thin girl would break her wrist without any


So she subconsciously shouted at her subordinates:

“Hit her! Beat her to the death! Kill her!”

The subordinates did not return to their senses to think carefully about the

strength gap,

And they saw that the boss suffered a loss.

Hearing the boss’s instructions, their brains became hot, and they rushed

toward the young girl.

But the girl was not afraid at all. Instead, she exchanged glances with the

other two companions,

And the three of them rushed toward the group of women.

Immediately afterward, the sound of punching to the flesh,

And the wailing of despair and pain was heard incessantly.

After a few seconds, Chloe’s subordinates were all like chopping melons

and vegetables,

And they were knocked to the ground by the three of them, and everyone

was seriously injured!

On the other hand, looking at the three girls,

The three formed a triangular formation back-to-back,

And everyone was in a starting position ready to attack,

Not to mention any injuries, and even their hairstyles were not messy.

The young girl at the head looked around for a while, and said coldly,

“Who else is not convinced, you can come up and try again!”

Seeing that the three of them were so powerful,

All immediately retreated to the base of the wall.

They weren’t fools either. At this time, it was obvious that Chloe was cold.

Therefore, the most important thing at this time is to draw a clear line with


And don’t let these crazy girls think that they are with Chloe.

Chloe herself was also frightened.

She really did not expect that these three girls who looked very thin were all

top fighters.

Although she and her subordinates looked huge, in front of these three


They were like elementary school students, and they had no fighting power

at all.

Chapter 4859

She knew that she had no chance of turning over today,

And she was definitely able to bend and stretch, and was very aware of

current affairs,

So she immediately knelt on the ground with a thud, and said reverently:

“I’m sorry! I’m really sorry! I was blind just now. I accidentally offended the

three of you,”

“And I beg you to forgive me for my transgressions…”

“In the future at Bedford Hills Correctional Institution, I, Chloe Johnson,”

“Will be the dog of the three! If the three have any orders, I must be the first

to rush to the front!”

No one would have thought that Chloe, who was all-powerful in this cell,

Would take the initiative to kneel down for the newcomer so quickly,

And even directly wagged her tail and begged for pity, saying that she was

the other party’s dog.

In fact, for a wicked person like Chloe, because she usually abuses other

people too much,

She is even more afraid of being abused by others.

It can also be said that this kind of person is actually the most spineless


When encountering the weak, she is more vicious than anyone,

But when encountering the strong, she can be more flattering than anyone.

Now she has fully recognized the form, she knows that she has no status in

this matter,

So she does not bother and has no nostalgia for her former boss status.

Now she just wants to protect herself as much as possible.

The first goal to achieve is to never offend the three people in front of her


And the second goal to achieve is to find a way to become the confidant of

the three of them.

In this way, at least she can continue to oppress other people in the cell.

However, the girl in front of her sneered and said,

“I’m sorry, I never keep a dog, and even if I did, I wouldn’t keep a rubbish

dog like you!”

When Chloe heard this, her face was pale and nervous.

She has already lowered her dignity so much,

Begging the other party to forgive and the other party rejecting her so


This is by no means a good sign for her.

So, she hurriedly put the severed hand in her heart,

And said devoutly: “If Your Excellency doubt my loyalty,”

“I will swear to God that I will be willing to obey all your orders in this life,”

“And if I don’t I shall face God’s punishment!”

The girl sneered: “I’m sorry, I’m an atheist, I don’t believe in a god.”

When Chloe heard this, she quickly said:

“In short, Your Excellency, as long as you believe in my sincerity,”

“In the future, I Will follow your every instruction…”

“Oh.” The young girl smiled and said, “Isn’t this going back to the topic just



“I’ve already told you, I don’t want to have a dog.”

Chloe was suddenly caught in a dilemma, she wanted to please this girl

who can fight,”

“But the opponent is like an impregnable wall, so she can’t find any

breakthrough point at all.

Just when she didn’t know what to do, Elaine, who was not far away,

Suddenly had an idea and quickly stepped forward and said,

“Girl! You are new here, and you definitely need someone,”

“Who understands the situation here to help you deal with various

problems? “

Speaking, she patted her chest and said seriously:

“Girl, if you don’t dislike it, how about you look at me?”

The Chinese girl who had been acting as a Chinese translator for Chloe,

Saw Elaine at this time as she volunteered and said immediately,

“Don’t believe her, she just entered this cell yesterday.”

“In contrast, I have been in this cell for more than half a year,”

“And I have a better understanding of the situation here!”

“If you need to know about this, or need someone to fight, I’m the most


The young girl glanced at her, smiled disdainfully, and said coldly:

“I don’t want to know who you are, I don’t want to know about any one of


“And furthermore I don’t want to know what rules you guys used to have


“In a word, from now on, there’s only one rule here:”

“If any of you displease me, I’ll beat you to the death until I’m satisfied!”

Chapter 4860

When the girl saw that the other party was talking so hard,

She was like a deflated ball, and she honestly lowered her head and didn’t

dare to speak.

Elaine was also a little disappointed at this time.

She wanted to find a chance to get close to the other party,

But she didn’t expect the other party to ignore everyone so much.

But she can also understand that, after all, people are so powerful,

It is easier to teach someone a lesson than to teach a dog.

If she has this kind of strength, she will not take other people in the eyes.

But what Elaine didn’t expect was that the Asian girl looked at her at this


Smiled very kindly, and immediately said seriously:

“Auntie, among so many people just now, we can see that you must be a

good person,”

“And we are compatriots since you respect us one foot,”

“Then we will naturally respect you ten feet!”

After saying that, she looked around for a while, pointed to the people in

the cell, and said to Elaine:

“In the future, all this garbage will be handed over to you to manage,”

“You can directly order them if you have any requirements,”

“If they have any disobedience, I will definitely give them a good life


Elaine was stunned, she for the first time heard others say that she is a

good person,

But what really surprised her was not this, but the fact that the other party

asked her to manage all!

She suppressed the excitement deep in her heart and asked in a trembling


“Girl… What did you just say? You said that these people are all handed

over to me to manage?!”

“Yes.” The girl smiled lightly and said:

“In the future, you will treat them as your dogs.”

“If the dog is disobedient or dares to grin at you,”

“You can tell me that I will break all her teeth off.”

“If it doesn’t work, I’ll interrupt her hands and feet!”

After Elaine heard this, her whole body was already shaking with


She pointed to Chloe, who was kneeling on the ground, and asked


“Girl…if I want to hit this red-haired devil…”

“You…you won’t stop me. Are you following me?”

“Stopping you?” The girl smiled slightly, raised her hand, and slapped

Chloe’s face fiercely,

Seeing the whole person leaning over and falling heavily on the ground.

This slap made Chloe’s eyes twitch into gold stars,

And the severe pain made tears burst out of her eyes.

However, this girl did not have any pity, she then stepped forward,

Stepped on Chloe’s chest, pointed at her, and said to Elaine:

“Auntie, if you want to fight this kind of thing, you can fight anytime,

anywhere, 24/7!”

“When I first came in, I saw that this b!tch was upset.”

“I thought that she must stay away, but I didn’t expect that she would dare

to take the initiative to provoke me.”

“Forget it, she wants me to buy cigarettes for her, I think she owes it


After speaking, she slapped Chloe’s face hard, and said coldly:

“You just said what’s going on? Asking my family to find someone you

designated outside and buy you American spirits?”

“No, no…that’s not what I meant…”

For Chloe at this time, the bowels of regret are all green.

If she knew it was like this, even if she killed her, she would not come to

provoke this thin girl.

At this time, she completely ignored the pain like a burst face,

She shook her head in fright, and said submissively,

“I was just joking, don’t take it seriously…”

The Asian girl ignored her, and looked at Elaine and asked,

“Auntie, don’t you want to hit her? Why haven’t you done it yet?”

“Could it be that you are soft-hearted?”

Suddenly Elaine exploded, and she exclaimed excitedly:

“What? I’m soft-hearted?! I can be soft-hearted to anyone,”

“And I can’t be soft-hearted to this stinky b!tch!”

After that, she spit in the palm of her hand while coming forward!

Immediately, rubbed her hands together vigorously, and scolded through

gritted teeth

“Grandma’s! If I don’t kill this b!tch today, my mother would be a fcuking


Chapter 4861

Elaine has never been a good person.

And she’s not a good person for sure.

Just now, she subconsciously reminded this Chinese girl not to offend


If her humanity is a light bulb, the flash just now may be the only time this

light bulb has been lit in decades.

But it was a coincidence that the three fighters in Cataclysmic Front had

been thinking about,

What method to use, quietly, naturally to help Elaine to support and vent

their anger?

Unexpectedly, this flash full of human brilliance gave them a good

opportunity to use the topic to play.

And after that flash, Elaine’s heart was completely shrouded in hatred.

The only thing she wants to do now is to beat Chloe hard and beat her to

death, to beat the sh!t out of her.

So, after she roared, she quickly rushed to Chloe,

The more she looked at Chloe’s swollen face like a pig’s head, the angrier

she became.

So she raised her foot without thinking, kicked hard, and kicked Chloe’s

face hard.

This time, a large footprint was directly printed on Chloe’s face,

And at the same time, the bridge of Chloe’s nose was also broken,

And the two nostrils suddenly started to bleed.

And Elaine didn’t feel the resentment at all, she rode on Chloe’s face,

Just like when she rode on Cynthia’s body in the beauty salon, gnashing

her teeth and scolding:

“Dare to bully me, beat and scold me, and force me to do this to you.”

“So many people massaging feet, I will beat you to death, you ba5tard!”

After speaking, she was like crazy, her arms were rounded and she bowed

left and right.

For a while, the entire cell was filled with echoes of Elaine slapping Chloe.

Because the slaps were too dense, the echoes generated by the walls of

the room didn’t even have time to respond,

And finally, countless echoes were superimposed together,

Creating a sense of sight as if setting off firecrackers in the cell.

Chloe has long since lost the arrogance of the former devil.

She was beaten and screamed, crying and saying:

“I was wrong, I was wrong, please stop beating and spare me.”

Forgive you?” Elaine punched her in the face angrily and scolded her:

“Was I kidding with you when I talked of my mother?”

“I tell you, this is just an appetizer! Today I will let you go!”

After she finished speaking, she pulled Chloe’s hair down and scolded in

her mouth,

“You red-haired devil, I have long seen that your red hair is not pleasing to

the eye,”

“You see I will give you a bald one!”

Chloe only felt a burst of pain in the scalp,

And then watched Elaine continue to stretch out her hands to both sides

roughly pulling her red hair.

She was so frightened that she cried and said

“Don’t pull my hair, please don’t pull my hair…”

Elaine had already moved her hand, the place turned into a bald spot like a

ghost shaving her head,

And scolded her while gnashing her teeth: “You are afraid now?”

“Why didn’t I see that you were so cowardly when you bullied me?”

“Dmn, today I will kill you? With peach blossoms all over your face, you

don’t know why the flowers are so red!”

When Chloe was knocked to the ground by the fighters of the Cataclysmic


She was not as helpless and fearful as she is now.

At this time, Elaine has completely become a crazy killing machine.

Chloe only felt that if Elaine was allowed to fight like this,

Her life would be lost in her hands, so she cried out loudly:

“Please Please let me go…I really know I’m wrong…I really won’t bully

anyone anymore…”

Elaine only felt that her screaming was so annoying,

Chapter 4862

So Elaine held the pile of hair that she had pulled down directly into her


Formed a ball, stuffed it all into Chloe’s mouth, and then gritted her teeth

and said:

“You m0therfcuker, forced me to eat toothpaste, right?”

“Then I will force you to eat your hair!”

“This is your own hair, so hurry up and swallow it for me!”

After speaking, she thought of something and said again:

“Dmn, just letting you eat your hair is too cheap for you!”

“I also have to let you taste the toothpaste!”

Just after speaking, the Chinese inmate who was in charge of the


Hurriedly went to the bathroom to get two tubes of toothpaste and came


Attentively she handed it to Elaine and said,

“Auntie, this is for you! If it’s not enough, I’ll go get another one for you!”

Elaine got angry when she saw the girl’s attentive look, took the toothpaste


And then slapped her on the face and scolded:

“When Chloe bullied me, why didn’t I see you being so diligent?!”

“It’s such a m0therfcuker, I am annoyed by the people like you the most,

leave me and go!”

The girl was slapped in the face, but at this time she dared not speak.

After all, the three newcomers have already said that in the future,

Elaine will have the final say on the people and affairs here.

Therefore, she is now equivalent to replacing Chloe’s position, so how can

she provoke her?

Moreover, behind Elaine, there are three of them who are strong in force as


And they are in an absolute strong position, so they can’t be provoked even


Seeing that Elaine was crazy and wanted to take revenge on her,

Chole knowing that eating toothpaste might not be able to satisfy this crazy


So she said sharply: “Don’t forget that this is a prison!”

“Torturing me like this today, the prison guards will come to the room


“When the time comes, I will give the prison a word!”

“The prison guard has a deep friendship with me, and you know it well!”

“I will definitely put you all in the confinement room one by one!”

“And I can ask the prison guard to help increase your sentence! And let you

cry without tears!”

After she finished speaking, she turned to look at the girl who helped Elaine

with toothpaste, and said coldly:

“And you! Don’t think that they have the final say now,”

“And you want to curry favor with them, have you ever thought that if they

are taken away tomorrow morning,”

“And you are still here, I will see what you will do then!”

The girl cried out in fright, and said quickly, “Chloe, I…I didn’t mean to, I…”

Elaine was also a little nervous all of a sudden,

She looked at the Cataclysmic Front soldier and said tremblingly:

“Girl, this Chloe has a good relationship with the prison guard.”

“If the prison guard comes to check the room tomorrow, it will be

troublesome then… What should I do… “…”

The soldier of the front, who was leading the others sneered:

“What’s the use of having a good relationship with the prison guard?”

“The prison guard is not the warden, maybe the guards who cooperated

with her will also be arrested!”

Just finished speaking, The cell door suddenly opened.

A prison guard walked to the door with a woman in a prison uniform.

The prison guard was uncharacteristic this time.

Instead of letting the prisoners in the cell line up,

She pushed the woman in the prison uniform directly, and then closed the

door to leave.

Chloe didn’t care to see who was coming, so she hurriedly cried for help:

“Help! Help! They’re going to kill me, help me!”

The prison guard turned a deaf ear to her cry and pushed the woman in

prison uniform in after they came,

They turned and disappeared.

Chapter 4863

At this time, Chloe suddenly found that the new prisoner seemed familiar.

She narrowed her swollen eyes and took a closer look.

She was shocked and blurted out, “Jie…Jessica?! You…how did you get

locked in?!”

Jessica was a little shocked when she saw Chloe

being beaten into a pig’s head. She couldn’t help but blurt out:

“You… What’s wrong with you?!”

She even thought of Jessica as her savior,

But in a blink of an eye, Jessica became a prisoner,

And her heart was desperate at this time, as she blurted out:

“Don’t worry about me for now, talk about it first. What’s the matter with


Jessica said in anguish: “It’s not because I cooperated with you to sell

cigarettes at a high price…”

“That dmn 1024, her family took a million dollars in cash and took out my

sister in one breath.”

“I bought 1,000 cigarettes there. My sister just collected the cigarettes and

was taken by the FBI.”

“I was arrested by the FBI before I got off work…”

“What did you say?”

Chloe exclaimed and blurted out:

“1024’s family bought a thousand cigarettes ? ! Didn’t we agree to buy two


Jessica gritted her teeth and said,

“I did buy two at first, and then I bought a thousand in one go.”

Chloe immediately asked: “Why didn’t you tell me about this? Di you want

to take that money for yourself?!”

Jessica cursed: “Stop fcuking here!” By then the time to let the wind out has

passed, how can I tell you?”

“I was going to make money first and tell you about it tomorrow,”

“But I would be arrested by the FBI soon after!”

Chloe asked again: “Then…then what charges did they arrest you on?”

Jessica said sullenly: “I am now suspected of taking bribes,”

“Using power for personal gain and extortion…”

Chloe asked in horror: “You are suspected of extortion, this… has nothing

to do with me, right?”

Jessica smiled bitterly and said, “Chloe, don’t forget, you came up with the

idea of extortion,”

“And these people, including 1024, were also coerced by you, so they went

to court at that time.”

“I am only an accomplice, you are the principal!”

“What did you say?” “Chloe only felt a whirlwind.

She is also a veteran in prison. After seeing all kinds of prisoners here,

She has mastered more than half of the US Federal Criminal Code without

any teacher.

As long as she listens to the other party’s description of the crime,

She will know what kind of crime she should be convicted of and how long

the sentence will be.

And extortion of more than 1 million US dollars has almost reached the

maximum penalty for the crime of extortion.

As the principal offender, coupled with the previous sentence, wouldn’t that

mean she has to be in jail for long?

Thinking of this, she was in despair. She looked at Elaine and cried and


“You… Who are you… Since your family is so powerful,”

“Why were you arrested here for carrying contraband?”

“No… Since your family is so powerful, why do you still carry contraband?!”

“You… are you not cheating?! Are you seriously ill?!”

Elaine thought of this, she was also aggrieved and uncomfortable, and

thought to herself:

“Damn, my son-in-law is so good, and can find such a great relationship in

New York,”

“But as his mother-in-law, I can still be beaten by that Myren,”

“And that Phaedra playing around in circles, and I really stumbled,”

“And the more I think about it, the angrier I get!”

Thinking that Chloe had said that she was cheating,

Elaine suddenly became even angrier, raised her hand, and continued to

slam Chloe with the bow left and right.

Scolded angrily: “What kind of thing are you, you dare to mock your

grandma here, I tell you, I was framed!”

Chloe was beaten and almost fainted, seeing Elaine beaten after such a

long day,

She didn’t even want to stop and rest her hands, and suddenly cried and


“Grandma, please forgive me… If you beat me again, you will really kill


Elaine slapped her again: “Dmn! Grandma is something that you can call

me here?”

Chapter 4864

Chloe’s entire face was beaten into a pig’s head, so painful it was,

But in the face of her pleading, not only did Elaine not soften at all,

Even the others cellmates, and even Chloe’s former confidants all secretly


In fact, they have suffered from Chloe for a long time.

Most of the inmates are extremely dissatisfied with Chloe’s wanton

oppression of others on weekdays,

And most of them have also been scolded and beaten by her.

The leader fell into the pitiful appearance in front of them,

And they finally felt the thrill of getting great revenge!

At this time, Elaine was also tired.

Her two arms were already very sore.

Beating Chloe for so long was already considered a serious overdraft.

At this time, she felt that her arms were almost no longer her own.

It was really unbearable, but whether there was any relief in her heart,

Elaine gritted her teeth and said to the group of inmates:

“You all line up for me, just like the prison guards do their rounds!”

Everyone knew that Elaine was talking here.

The people involved did not dare to disobey each and every one of them,

And hurriedly stood in order according to the queue of the prison guards

during the rounds.

The female prisoners who were taught by the fighters of the Cataclysmic

Front also supported each other and lined up hard.

They all wanted to draw a clear line with Chloe at this moment, so as not to

be implicated by her in the future.


At this time, Jessica, the prison guard who had just been arrested, was a

little uneasy.

Although she didn’t know the previous situation, she could clearly see the

current situation.

Even a fool can see that Chloe has lost control of this place, and is

replaced by Elaine who was extorted by Chloe.

And she also recognized Chloe’s confidants.

Seeing that they were all injured to varying degrees at the moment,

She guessed that the three newcomers must have subverted Chloe’s rule


In addition to being nervous, she also quickly stood in the queue, daring not

to say any nonsense.

Seeing that everyone had lined up, Elaine rushed to the front of this group

of people.

She first kicked Chloe’s previous subordinates one by one with her feet,

Kicking them again and again, and scolded:

“You ba5tards, one by one, all helped that Chloe to bully me,”

“Do you think that I don’t hold grudges?!”

Everyone was kicked by Elaine in turn, and none of them dared to speak,

so they could only resist.

Elaine kicked all the way over, and when she stood in front of Jessica,

She scolded with incomparable resentment: “You don’t fcuking act as a

prison guard,”

“You have to mess with the prisoners inside! You really wanted to rob me of

my money, do you think I am that playable?”

After that, she kicked Jessica hard, kicking her back several steps.

But Jessica also dared not speak out, so she could only say respectfully:

“Ma’am… These are all Chloe’s ideas… If you want revenge, you have to

seek revenge from her!”

Elaine said coldly: “Do you think I’ll let her go?”

As she spoke, she looked at the other inmates and said sharply,

“Listen to me, everyone will give me a hundred slaps on Chloe,”

“If one doesn’t, I’ll let others beat her to death!”

When everyone heard this, no one dared to refute Elaine even a word.

Besides, most people are dissatisfied with Chloe, but they can only

succumb to her lewd power all the time.

But it’s different now, Chloe has completely lost power, and it’s a good time

to have revenge!

So, several women took the lead and rushed toward Chloe.

When these people arrived in front of Chloe, regardless of her pleading

eyes and unstoppable crying,

They stretched their arms and twitched hard.

Chloe had completely collapsed, and she burst into tears:

“Forgive my life… Please forgive me… I really can’t take it anymore, please

let me go…”

Elaine looked at Chloe’s mouth full of blood. With a tragic appearance,

She curled her lips in disdain:

“Let me go? Where did you drink fake wine, why are you talking


“There’s still more! Don’t think about going to bed tonight,”

“These thirty or so people are waiting for you to massage your feet!”

“I’m going to let you massage feet until tomorrow!”

Chapter 4865

Chloe didn’t even have a chance to beg Elaine for mercy,

And more than 30 people slapped her in the face one after another.

In the late stage, Chloe’s whole body was already spinning.

She didn’t know how many times she fell into a coma and was woken up by a

loud slap.

And Elaine stood aside, like supervising workers, supervising every prisoner

who beat Chloe.

Whenever anyone slaps lightly, Elaine gives a kick.

In her words: “You ba5tards, you were bullied so badly by her at ordinary


“And now you finally have a chance to turn around, why are you still


“This one just now doesn’t count, show me a better slap!”

But in Elaine’s view, this kind of stroke is absolutely not allowed.

As a result, these females, on the one hand, out of revenge on Chloe,

On the other hand, did not dare to offend Elaine, so they became more and

more ruthless.

So many people lined up, and Chloe even showed signs of a concussion.

But Elaine still didn’t reduce the hatred.

Don’t look at her, it’s only just one day, but on this day,

She has already felt the huge malice and cruelty of Chloe.

Therefore, Elaine secretly decided in his heart that she must not be

half-hearted and soft-hearted towards this devil.

As long as she is in prison, she must let herself live rather than die.

So, after everyone slapped Chloe on the face, Elaine walked up to her,

Who had changed beyond recognition, and scolded coldly,

“Chloe, you have been here for so long, you didn’t expect today’s treatment?”

With that said, Elaine sneered and continued:

“As they say: don’t look at yourself having a lot of fun today,”

“Be careful to pull the list in the future, it’s only a matter of time before the

people liquidate a ruffian like you!”

Elaine saw Chloe’s sluggish expression, and immediately pointed at the

Chinese girl,

Who was standing on the wall, and said coldly: “Why are you still standing

there, translate for her!”

The girl was also confused and asked quickly: “Auntie… What are you

saying? Pull the paper list?”

Elaine scolded: “Pull the list! The crime settlement list!”

“Do you fcuking think you’re going to the toilet?”

“Haven’t seen “Little Soldiers” “Zhang Ga”, you don’t even know such a classic

line, are you still from China?!”

The girl said submissively: “I…I am Chinese…”

“But I was born and raised in the United States. …..I am an American


Elaine said angrily: “How did your parents act, don’t they give you a cultural


The girl shook her head and said softly: “They are busy making money every

day, and don’t care about me…”

Elaine snorted coldly: “I tell you, no matter where you go, you should know

your culture,”

The girl nodded hurriedly and said, “Auntie, you are right in your criticism…”

“I will keep this in mind in the future and learn more about Chinese culture…”

Elaine glanced at her, she didn’t say anything more.

She pointed at Chloe and urged, “Hurry up, translate and tell her!”

The girl didn’t dare to delay and quickly translated Elaine’s words.

Chloe’s tears had dried up, and she slumped on the ground, shaking and

crumbling like a tumbler.

But she heard that Elaine was going to liquidate her,

For fear that Elaine would not be satisfied by now, so she cried vaguely and


“Please forgive me this time… The mistakes I made in the past,”

“Now I’ve paid it back ten times and a hundred times… I really don’t dare in

the future…”

Elaine sneered: “Now you know how to beg for mercy? It’s no use I’ll tell you!”

“Come on, get up quickly, take the basin to the toilet to fetch water for me to

wash my feet,”

“Starting today, till I am going out of prison,”

“You have to wash and massage everyone’s feet every day!”

Chapter 4866

Chloe didn’t dare to delay, insisted on getting up, and stumbled to the


At this time, Elaine sat on the bed opposite her, pointed at the prisoners who

she had washed feet of, and said coldly,

“You guys, don’t think that there is nothing to do with you here.”

“Your grandmother Elaine has never washed anyone’s feet in her life, do you

think you can enjoy it here?”

Several people were trembling with fright, and one of the Mexican prisoners

knelt on the ground with a thud,”

“Pleading with sincerity: ” I’m sorry Ms. Ma…I…I was bewitched by Chloe


“As long as I am here I will obey Ms. Ma for all orders, please forgive me for

what I did before…”

Seeing her kneeling down, the others were afraid of falling behind, so they all

brushed together. Kneel down.

The gap between the two single beds was not large,

So these people kneeled side by side in two rows, and they were barely


Sitting on the single bed, Elaine suddenly felt like she was sitting on Wu

Zetian’s dragon chair.

Looking around, all his civil and military officials kneeling.

The strong sense of satisfaction made her excited,

And she suddenly understood why these people in the prison liked to be the


It turns out that being the boss is really cool!

This kind of pleasure in making others surrender to you and,

It can make you more than one class higher than others in personality.

This is not something you can experience with money.

At this moment, Elaine’s vanity was greatly satisfied.

She suddenly wanted to test the loyalty of this group of people,

So she stretched and said, “I feel uncomfortable since I came here, if only I

could get a full body massage!”

As soon as she finished speaking, the Mexican girl quickly stood up,

Walked up to her diligently, and said flatteringly,

“Ms. Ma, I have learned Japanese Masaki before, if you don’t dislike it,”

“Let me give you a massage. Elaine raised her eyebrows and said with a


Then let you try it.”

The girl hurriedly went around to another compartment, climbed onto the bed

that was back to back with Elaine in the other compartment,

And then reached out her hand to massage Elaine’s neck,

Elaine didn’t expect that this woman really with two strokes,

And the place where she presses it is very comfortable, so she smiled and


“It’s not bad, it seems that you really learned a few tricks.”

The girl quickly said: “Actually, my major is to do spas.”

“Before I came in, I always did spas for guests in five-star hotels.”

Elaine asked curiously: “Since you were in a five-star hotel,”

“Why did you come here after work? What happened?”

The woman sighed and explained, “I stole a watch from the guest,”

“But I didn’t expect that watch to be worth half a million dollars… …”

“The worst thing is that I didn’t have time to sell my watch,”

“And I was caught by the police before I got off work…”

Elaine smiled and subconsciously said in a high-spirited, educational tone:

“You can’t be greedy, what should be yours is yours,”

“Don’t stretch out your hand if it’s not yours.”

“As the saying goes, don’t stretch out your hand, you will be caught if you

stretch out too far.”

After speaking, Elaine recalled her time when she stole Charlie’s bank card,

She couldn’t help shivering, and said uncomfortably,

“Oh, not only is my neck uncomfortable, but my whole body is


Several people kneeling in front of her Hearing this, one by one hurried up

without thinking.

Soon, Elaine’s two arms and two legs were contracted by a prisoner


The other two could not be divided, so one massaged Elaine’s scalp,

And the other helped her rub her temples on both sides.

The seven people massaged her at the same time,

And Elaine felt so comfortable that the pores all over her body were opened,

And she couldn’t help humming the tune of the serf who turned over.

At this time, Chloe came over with a pot and said respectfully,

“Ms. Ma, I’ll soak your feet first, and massage while soaking…”

Chapter 4867

Elaine opened her eyelids and slanted. She glanced at her and said coldly,

“You fcuking kneel and massage your mother!”

As Elaine turned over completely at the prison Institute and began to enjoy

preferential treatment.

Charlie, who was in the Fei family, received a document from Joseph.

Thanks to the powerful intelligence channels of the Cataclysmic Front,

This document contains almost all the crimes that Georgina has committed in

the United States for so many years.

There are more than 30 pages of information printed out,

And it took Charlie more than an hour to read it all.

And when he read these materials, he got very angry!

He did not expect that this woman was in the United States and committed

countless crimes against so many people.

Over the years, there have been at least thirty people who died directly or

indirectly in her hands,

Which can be traced back to their actual identities.

There are many people who are completely missing after coming into contact

with her.

And like Elaine, there are countless people who have been thrown into prison

by her.

However, Cataclysmic Front has not yet grasped the trace of her.

Because this woman has not appeared in any public places since she left


And it appears that as if she has evaporated.

Charlie speculated that although Georgina was on the run, she would

definitely not just wash her hands.

Because her family has now been arrested and all assets have been seized,

she must be unwilling to give up in this situation.

Therefore, even if she is currently on the run,

This vicious woman will definitely find a way to continue doing bad things and

earn illegal benefits.

So, Charlie called Joseph.

As soon as the call was made, he said, “Joseph, I have read all the

information you sent.”

Joseph said very embarrassedly: “Sorry, Mr. Wade, we don’t have any clues

about Georgina’s whereabouts yet,”

“But don’t worry, I have notified all the informants in Cataclysmic Front in the

United States,”

“As long as we find her whereabouts. The trail will definitely grasp the trend


Charlie said, “I suspect that this woman will commit crimes again soon,”

“And now I should find a way to follow the clues.”

Joseph said helplessly: “The vast majority of cities here in the US have not

achieved 100% monitoring coverage,”

“Not to mention the urban-rural fringes and the transportation network

extending in all directions,”

“And the most terrible thing is that more than 90% of their expressways are


“No toll booth also means that there is no system to record and count the

vehicles driving on the highway,”

“So it is difficult for us to capture their movements after they left Providence.”

Charlie thought for a while and said: ” Although Georgina and the others have


“Their goals are still there! As long as they don’t stop completely, we can find


After speaking, Charlie said again: “Joseph, immediately send people from


“Investigate all the social records of this woman during her time of using the

pseudonym Myren Chen.”

“I want to know which Chinese and ethnic Chinese she has had in-depth

contact with.”

“As long as she has in-depth contact with people,”

“They are likely to be her goals. We can learn from her.”

“If you start with the target, maybe you can find her whereabouts.”

Joseph hurriedly said: “Okay, Mr. Wade, your subordinate will do it now!”

An hour later.

Charlie received a call from Joseph.

On the phone, Joseph said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, our people have

investigated in Providence,”

“And found that she has maintained close contact with at least six local

Chinese people,”

“But since your mother-in-law had an accident, after that, her contact with

these people was cut off.”

Charlie asked, “What are the identities of these six people? What


Joseph said: “Basically, they are similar to your mother-in-law.”

“They all came to the United States to visit relatives.”

“Four of them have already booked their flight tickets to return to China and

will return in the next few months.”

“However, there is an old lady who immigrated earlier,”

“And Georgina has the most call records with her among these 6 people.”

“An old lady?” Charlie asked curiously,

“Is the old lady also the target of their shipment of contraband?”

Joseph said: “This is not certain.”

Chapter 4868

Charlie said: “It is very simple to be sure, you can investigate this old lady’s

flight records,”

“In the airline in recent years to see if she often returns to China,”

“Find out what was the most recent time of her travel to China?”

“Okay!” Joseph said immediately: “Wait a moment Mr. Wade,”

“I’ll let the hackers retrieve the information from the loopholes in the civil

aviation system.”

With that, Joseph gave some instructions to the people around him.

In less than a minute, he said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, I have already checked it


“It’s a little strange, this old lady has not been back to China for at least 20


“And it has been 20 years that she has never been on a plane at all.”

“Strange…” Charlie frowned and said, “A person who has not been on a plane

for 20 years,”

“And is still an old lady, what is her value to Georgina?”

“I too don’t know…” Joseph hurriedly said:

“I will send someone to approach this old lady immediately and investigate her

situation carefully.”

Charlie said, “Don’t bother, you can help me look at this old lady’s condition,

family composition.”

Joseph said: “Mr. Wade, I have information here, the old lady’s name is Abigail


She is seventy-three years old, she has only one son,

He is forty this year, her son was a student in the early years,

And later she immigrated to the United States and brought him over from

China 20 years ago,

But the old lady came by herself, and her husband should be gone.”

Charlie asked again, “Have you found the address of their home?”

“Look Find out what level of community their location is in Providence.”

Joseph replied later: “Mr. Wade, where the old lady lives,”

“In Providence is a relatively run-down community without considerable

Chinese population.”


Charlie couldn’t help being a little surprised, thinking about it:

“This matter is a bit strange, it stands to reason that this old lady’s family

conditions should be very ordinary,”

“And it is estimated that there are no immediate family members in the


“And it is impossible to return to China, what is Georgina’s purpose in

approaching her?”

I too don’t understand this…” Joseph said: “I also found the surveillance video

of the old lady.”

“She is still working in a Chinese restaurant, at such an old age.”

“It should be very difficult for her family to be in this situation.”

Charlie frowned and continued to ask, “What about her son? Since her son

was a student before,”

“He must have graduated from a famous university, so his income can’t be too

low, right?”

Joseph explained: “Her son’s situation is rather miserable.”

“In the early years, he did have a good income. He worked as a technical

director in a multinational company,”

“But since 35 years old, he was fired, and then looked for a job, and his

income continued to decline.”

“He has been unemployed for more than a year now, and his family’s

mortgage has been suspended for a few months.”

“Now the bank is about to repossess the house. He sold a commercial vehicle

that has traveled 100,000 miles a few days ago.”

“Now it can be said that he is useless, and can’t figure out why the top

students who graduated from famous universities can get along so badly.”

Charlie said lightly: “This kind of situation is still very common in big


“For some big companies, because the employees have been working for too

long and their qualifications are too old,”

“Their salary is surprisingly high, and because they are old, their body is


“And they have a family to worry about, they can’t work hard, and their

learning ability is not comparable.”

“For these big companies, if they replace these middle-aged people with

young people,”

“Not only can the cost be greatly reduced, but the new young people,”

“Are also full of energy and can be squeezed desperately for more than ten


Saying that he added: “Once such middle-aged people are fired, the salary

level will avalanche when they are re-employed.”

“Young people will get higher salary the more they change jobs,”

“While most middle-aged people will get lower salary as they change jobs.”

Joseph agreed and sighed: “Indeed the system is too cruel.”

With that said, Joseph remembered something and said quickly:

“Oh, by the way, I checked the civil aviation system just now,”

“This Abigail’s son has booked a ticket to Mexico the day after tomorrow,

maybe he is going to work in Mexico. …”

Charlie was even more surprised: “Going to work in Mexico?”

“That place is not as good as the United States, why would he go to work


“This is not clear. …” Joseph said: “I also found his medical examination

record from last week.”

“It was done in the hospital in Providence.”

“The registration of the medical examination project is the entry medical

examination, which should be done to find a job.”

Charlie hummed and didn’t think much about it at first.

However, he suddenly remembered something and said,

“Joseph, the information you gave me just now shows that many of the


“Who have been in contact with Georgina have disappeared and their

whereabouts are unknown, right?”

“Yes.” Joseph said: “These people are registered as missing in the police

system, and none of them have been found.”

Charlie frowned and suddenly said, “Check these missing people and look at

their files.”

“Does it show where they disappeared, and it is important to check whether

they have been to Mexico before they disappeared!”

Chapter 4869

Due to the limited time and too many intelligence clues to be verified,

Joseph’s subordinates only found the missing status of these people in the

US police system,

When they inquired about these missing persons.

However, they did not go further to check the specific details,

About their disappearance and the location of their disappearance.

However, Charlie was keenly aware of the difference,

And always felt that it was not normal for Abigail’s son to go to Mexico at

this time.

Therefore, he subconsciously felt that those who were missing,

And whose whereabouts were unknown were most likely related to Mexico.

Joseph’s efficiency is also very fast. In a very short period of time,

He read the case files of these missing persons in detail,

And then said to Charlie in astonishment: “Mr. Wade, these people… are

really missing in Mexico.”

Charlie’s eyes lit up, and he quickly asked,

“Look at where they all went missing in Mexico,”

“And who was the last person they came into contact with?

Joseph hurriedly said: “I need to check the report files of these people after

they disappeared,”

“And take a look at the confession records provided by their family


“Good. “Charlie urged: “Find a few more people to go through it together, I’ll

wait for your news!”

“Subordinates obey!”

Joseph hung up Charlie’s phone, and then brought a number of

Cataclysmic Front intelligence analysts,

To conduct a detailed review of dozens of people’s files.

In the end, they came to a conclusion that almost all The missing persons

are all related to Mexico,

And without exception, all of them disappeared in the port city of Mexico.

What is even more coincidental is that the information fed back to the

police by their family members said,

That the reason why they went to Mexico was that they applied for


According to their responses, they all came into contact with a very capable


And under the recommendation of the other party, they chose the

profession of seafarers.

Because the Chinese-American told the families that seafarers work very


And they may spend half a year or even more than half a year wandering at


Unable to communicate with their family.

It is also said that after some people are assigned to fishing boats, they go

to sea for more than a year.

The family had already prepared the psychological construction before the

missing person left,

So when they could not contact the missing person for half a year or even a


They didn’t feel anything unusual at all.

When the time goes far beyond expectations and makes them feel that

something is wrong,

It has often been at least a year, or even a year and a half.

At this time, when these family members went to the contact person for a


The other party is no longer in contact.

The family realized that something was wrong, and when they went to the

police to report the case,

It had already missed the best detection window.

Chapter 4870

Moreover, since the victims were all missing in Mexico,

Even if the police wanted to get to the bottom of it and dig deeper, they

were simply not enough.

Because it is different from most other countries.

As Homicide is common and populated by a large number of armed

criminal groups.

In this place, the number of members of the criminal group is even larger,

Then the number of troops and police in the whole country,

And they are almost all armed to the teeth, and the government and the

police have no way to take them on.

Not only that, criminal groups have publicly kidnapped and assassinated

politicians countless times in the country,

And have long infiltrated the military and political system,

So in Mexico, criminal groups are at the top of the food chain.

Whether it is the police and military in their own country,

Or the police and FBI in the United States and Canada, they cannot get

into their eyes.

Because no one can control them. Unless it is a larger criminal group.

Therefore, these Americans disappeared in Mexico, and it was difficult for

the American police to investigate deeply, so they basically became

unsolved cases in the end.

When Joseph reported this information to Charlie, Charlie couldn’t help

muttering to himself:

“Strange, if they trick people into going to Mexico, and then let them return

to the United States from Mexico with contraband,

“It is understandable, but after they deceived people to Mexico,”

“They disappeared directly, which is a bit strange,”

“What value can they create for them by deceiving these people into


Joseph said, “Mr. Wade I didn’t understand it for a while, and I found a


“All these people who disappeared have a family situation very similar to

Abigail’s son.”

“They are the kind of people whose individuals and families are about to go


“Or have already gone bankrupt, and these people who are deceived to go

there are all poor.”

“Well…” Charlie said with a solemn expression: “Mexico is already


“And the labor cost in that kind of place should be very low.”

“They trick people into working as free labor, which seems to be more than

the gain.”

“Yes.” Joseph also agreed: “However you look at the logic of this,”

“It is difficult to be self-consistent, and it is a gang of mercenaries,

“But they chose a group of victims who have no profit.”

Charlie said lightly, “If you want to know what tricks they are playing, the

best way is to go to Mexico in person.”

He then asked Joseph: “Abigail’s son, where is he going to Mexico?”

Joseph said: “Tijuana, Mexico, this city is a border city in Mexico, very close

to Los Angeles.”

Charlie smiled and said. : “His plane is from the day after tomorrow, right?”

“Yes.” Joseph said, “The morning flight the day after tomorrow.”

Charlie looked at the time and said, “Then it’s more than 30 hours away

from takeoff now.”

“Now, the plane should be open for check-in.”

“Check if Abigail’s son has checked in and if the seat next to him has been

selected by other people?”

“If not, buy me a ticket and choose that seat for me.”

Joseph asked in astonishment: “Mr. Wade, what are you doing?”

Charlie smiled and said, “If you don’t enter the tiger’s den, you won’t get the

tiger’s son.”

“Since you don’t understand why they want to deceive people to Mexico,”

“Then, of course, we have to go deep into the tiger’s den and find out.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “Help me forge a set of identity


“Just use all the identity information of that Abigail’s son, and then replace

the photos with mine,”

“Then send someone to wait at the airport in Tijuana.”

“When I get off the plane with that Abigail’s son, you pretend to be

Georgina’s person,”

“Pick him up first, and then I pretend to be him and go with the people,”

“Who are there for him and touch the connector over there.”

Chapter 4871

Joseph said subconsciously: “Mr. Wade if you want to find out,”

“Why don’t you ask your subordinates to go to Mexico on your behalf!”

Charlie said lightly: “No, You also have your mission.”

Joseph hurriedly said: “Please instruct Mr. Wade!”


Charlie said: “You immediately send a hundred elite soldiers from

Cataclysmic Front to Mexico,”

“And be ready to respond at any time there, I think Georgina is inseparable

from the criminal group there,”

“And she is likely to flee to Mexico, in this case, prepare in advance and

take her and her backers away!”

Hearing Charlie’s order, Joseph said without hesitation:

“Mr. Wade, rest assured, your subordinates will immediately dispatch elite

soldiers to Mexico,”

“And then as long as Mr. Wade gave an order we’ll be ready for action!”

“Okay!” Charlie said with full majesty, “Tell the soldiers below after this is


“I will help them. Remember the first achievement! When the celebration

banquet will be held in Mexico,”

“I will make all of them go a step further!”

Charlie had the intention to continue to improve the overall strength of the

Cataclysmic Front,

And now he has raised a lot of funds, and the next thing to do is to improve

the combat effectiveness of the Cataclysmic Front’s soldiers.

Right now, the best solution is to help them improve their cultivation.

For most soldiers, it is not necessary to use a whole Blood Rescue Pill,

Even a third or a quarter of the Pill can make their strength even further.

Or add some Cultivation Pill, the powerful spiritual energy will help them

open up more meridians.

Therefore, he intends to use medicinal herbs to make some wines that can

improve the cultivation of warriors,

After this operation. At that time, he can’t help celebrating their

achievements and making them even stronger.

When Joseph heard this, he also guessed Charlie’s intentions.

He was very excited, and said repeatedly, “Don’t worry, Mr. Wade, your

subordinates will do their best!”

Charlie hummed and asked again, “By the way, How is my mother-in-law in

the prison?”

Joseph immediately said: “For your mother-in-law, we have already done

what you ordered,”

“And with our female soldiers there, it is impossible for anyone to dare to

offend her.”

Charlie sighed and said lightly: “Now I don’t worry about her being bullied

by others,”

“I am worried about whether she will bully others recklessly,”

“If she bullies those who have provoked her It doesn’t matter,”

“I’m afraid that she will use the backing in there to be a bad blessing to


With that said, he instructed: “You have someone to pay attention to her,

don’t let her go too far.”

“Okay!” Joseph said respectfully: “Don’t worry, Mr. Wade, I will arrange

everything in the prison.”

“That’s good.” Charlie smiled and said, “Then let’s meet in Mexico the day

after tomorrow.”

Joseph said with some concern: “Mr. Wade, your subordinate is worried

about something…”

Charlie said: “You say it.”

Joseph said respectfully: “Mr. Wade, this time you are planning to go to

Mexico and pretend to be Abigail’s son,”

“But the subordinates think that this may not work, in case the contact


“On the Mexican side has already obtained his information in advance,”

“I am afraid that they can see at a glance that your identity is fake,”

“In that case, the follow-up plan we will not be able to continue…”

Charlie smiled and said: “I can’t be sure about this right now, so let’s just

take a bet.”

“You can bet that their matchmaker only knows Abigail’s son’s name and

doesn’t know his appearance,”

“Or can bet that their matchmaker is more face-blind to Asians.”

“He can’t see any clues, let me get through…”

Having said that, Charlie put away his smile and said seriously:

“It doesn’t matter if they really see through me at a glance,”

“I have other ways to make sure the plan can be carried out smoothly.”

For Charlie, it was not the first time going deep behind enemy lines.

When he went to Hamid’s base in Syria alone, as an East Asian face,

Almost anyone who saw him in that place would be extremely alert.

Chapter 4872

However, Charlie still relied on strong psychological cues to enter and exit

freely in that heavily guarded base.

Therefore, he felt that when he got off the plane in Mexico,

If the docking person found out that he was a fake,

He would give him a psychological suggestion to make him believe it


After all, Charlie’s real purpose was to use the docking person to bring

himself to the other side’s base camp in Mexico.

Only when he got to the other party’s base camp could he find out who

Georgina’s backer in Mexico was,

And what tricks and deeds she was up to in Mexico.

In the meantime.

Bedford Hills Correctional Institution.

After Elaine enjoyed the whole body massage of seven or eight people, she

felt so comfortable.

It’s just that the domineering Chloe was miserable.

According to Elaine’s order, she began massaging the feet of everyone in

the cell.

Until the prison lights turned off, only four or five people were treated by


Seeing that she was about to go to sleep, Elaine said to Chloe in a cold


“You will massage until tomorrow morning. If you dare to be lazy, I will kill


Chloe nodded while crying, and choked: “I know… I will not be lazy…”

Elaine snorted, then pointed to her wet bed, and said coldly,

“This is all your Masterpiece, you will sleep in this bed in the future, and I

will sleep in yours.”

Chloe didn’t dare to say more, and quickly said: “Okay, Ms. Ma, I will follow

your orders…”

Elaine thought the bed was wet and felt a little unhappy.

Pointing at the former Chloe’s women, he said coldly,

“You people, pour water on all your beds tonight before sleeping,

And sleep every night from now on. Pour two pots of water before, and

then give me three days of sleep!”

After speaking, she looked at Chloe again and said coldly,

“You will also give me a well-watered bed from tomorrow,”

“You will sleep for three days, while Chole will give you ten days of sleep!”

The crowd trembled in fright.

Although the weather is hot now, but sleeping in a soaked bed, shouldn’t it

make people uncomfortable.

Moreover, they have to sleep for three days in a row.

If they sleep during these three days, they will get rheumatism all over their


Chloe even collapsed. Three days for others, ten days for her.

What is the concept of ten days, and then she will not be paralyzed in bed?

Thinking of this, she quickly begged for mercy with snot and tears:

“Ms. Ma, I’m already so miserable, please let me go…”

“If you let me sleep for another ten days in that bed,”

“I’m afraid I won’t be able to get out of bed in the future!”

Elaine exaggeratedly snorted and said disdainfully: “Oh! How come you are


“Yet you are afraid that you won’t be able to get out of bed?”

“Why did you do that to me then? Weren’t you afraid that I won’t be able to

get out of bed?”

Then, Elaine said coldly: “Don’t do what you don’t want to do to others!”

“It’s all your own idea, so for me, it’s just a matter of treating people in their

own way,”

“And at the end of the day, thank you for your own creativity, otherwise,”

“If you let me think about it for a week, I can’t think of such a way of

torturing people.”

When Chloe heard this, she burst into tears.

Elaine had a face, and said coldly: “Cry? I’ll add more time to cry!”

“Fifteen days if ten days are not enough, thirty days if fifteen days are not

enough! I see how long you can cry!”

Chloe hearing this, quickly suppressed the crying, reached out her hand to

wipe away the tears, and choked:

“I…I don’t cry anymore…”

Elaine laughed and asked her, “Chloe, You know what it’s like to be bullied

this time, right?”

Chloe’s eyes were full of tears, and she nodded her head aggrievedly: “I


Elaine smiled and said: “Remember this advice from your grandmother,

whoever insults people, people will always humiliate them!”

Chapter 4873

This night, Chloe can only go back and forth between the bathroom and

every single bed.

According to Elaine’s order, she must do a foot massage for at least half an

hour for every prisoner.

This means not just a sleepless night tonight, even if it’s daytime tomorrow,

It doesn’t seem like she will be able to relax for a moment.

As for her former minions, they were forced to toss and turn on the wet


They didn’t dare to lie in one position for too long,

Because their bodies simply couldn’t be in contact with the wet bed for a

long time,

Because after a while, the body in contact with the bed would become cold,

biting, and painful.

Therefore, the only thing they can do is to keep rolling on the bed,

Like a sausage on a sausage rack, constantly rotating and baking.

Surprisingly, Elaine, who finally turned over to be the master, didn’t even

fall asleep.

Early the next morning.

She, who had not slept all night, seemed more energetic than anyone in

the cell.

When she got up from the bed, Chloe was still trying her best to massage

the inmates’ feet.

At this time, she had already realized what Elaine felt,

When she was so tired that her arms were about to break.

And that night, she finally understood what it was like to be bullied and

bullied wantonly.

This night, she was so tired that she was about to collapse countless times,

And subconsciously she had to stop the movements of her hands.

But when she thought that Elaine was a person who would retaliate,

And she could retaliate tenfold or a hundredfold,

She subconsciously didn’t dare to have any more lazy thoughts.

Elaine stretched and walked to Chloe’s side, staring at her for a while

without saying a word.

Seeing Elaine approaching, Chloe was shocked and scared,

But after looking at her from the corner of her eye,

She hurriedly lowered her head and continued massaging the inmates’ feet

with some unease.

It’s just that Chloe’s arms are really sore and swollen now,

And every time she exerts a force, the pain is piercing,

And the speed and strength are unconsciously much slower.

At this time, Elaine suddenly raised her foot and kicked her to the ground

with one foot.

Then Chole heard the scolding in a cold voice: “Damn, move faster! What

are you dawdling about here?”

Chloe cried and said: “My… my arms and hands really don’t have much


Elaine said contemptuously: “You deserve this! You forced your grandma to

massage your feet.”

“What, why didn’t you think about your grandmother who is in her fifties,”

“Where did the strength in her arms and hands come from?”

After speaking, Elaine became angrier, pointed at her, and cursed:

“To a 5lut like you, I have to be worse and crueler than you b!tch,”

“Otherwise you won’t be able to learn well in your fcuking life!”

Chloe really regretted it, but it was too late now.

Throughout the day, she spent almost all of the rest of the time massaging

the inmates’ feet,

Except to go out to eat and have fresh air.

On this day, Elaine lived a refreshing day.

Except for the three female warriors in Front, almost everyone else

surrounded Elaine and continued to show their hospitality.

For the first time, Elaine had a good impression of the prison.

This condescending and respected feeling made her very satisfied in her


So, all day, she didn’t even call her family.

Originally, she planned to make at least three calls a day to urge her

son-in-law, to rescue her quickly.

But today, she felt that there was no need to go out too early.

It’s much more refreshing than going out to experience the feeling of being

in a hurry.

The next morning.

Stella drove by himself and sent Charlie to New York Airport.

Knowing that he was going to Mexico, Stella was somewhat worried.

She originally wanted to go with him, but Charlie did not agree.

For him, it is much better to have no one around to help him.

In the case of someone helping, he has to take care of that other person


Which is not better than being alone.

What’s more, when he goes to Mexico by himself this time,

He planned to go deep into the tiger’s den. By the way, he would pretend to

be a pig to eat a tiger,

And taking Stella with him, he would definitely be not comfortable.

Stella didn’t know what Charlie was going to do when he goes to Mexico at


Hearing that Charlie was going to replace a potential victim in the other

party’s death trap,

She knew that if she followed, in addition to dragging him, she will not have

any positive effect.

So, she could only give up.

Chapter 4874

The car stopped at the entrance of the airport, and Charlie said to Stella:

“You have a special status, so don’t get out of the car.”

Stella hurriedly said, “Then Mr. Wade, you must pay attention to safety!”

Charlie tapped lightly and nodded, and after saying goodbye to her,

He pushed the door and got out of the car.

Then he took out a small suitcase from the trunk and walked into the airport

without looking back.

This suitcase contains some new daily clothes that he bought yesterday.

He didn’t know what was waiting for him in Mexico,

But this time he was going to pretend to be a person who was unprepared

for danger,

And he was going away, so naturally, he had to carry some personal


After coming to the counter to exchange the boarding pass,

Charlie went through the security check alone and arrived at the

designated boarding gate early.

Because he bought economy class this time,

He could only find a vacant seat at the boarding gate and wait for the target

to appear while waiting for boarding.

Ten minutes later, a middle-aged Asian man in his 40s hurried over.

Charlie recognized the other party at a glance, he was Abigail’s son, Abren


Like Charlie, Abren carried a 20-inch suitcase with him,

But he had one more bulging shoulder bag than Charlie.

Abren, who is in his 40s, looks a little old, not only has his hair gray,

But also has a lot more wrinkles on his face than his peers.

From the state of the whole person, it can be seen that he should be at the

lowest point in his life.

At this point, there were only five minutes left before boarding,

And there were already some impatient passengers lining up at the

boarding gate.

Abren also dragged his suitcases and lined up at the back of the queue.

Seeing this, Charlie immediately stood up, pulled his suitcase and lined up

behind Abren.

Afterwards, he pretended to be curious and asked him in Chinese, “Are you

from China?”

“No.” Abren shook his head, and said to Charlie very seriously:

“I am a Chinese-American and have been living here for many years.”

Charlie frowned slightly, it seemed that Abren was not friendly,

So he asked curiously, “Did you immigrate here for work?”

Abren tidied up the collar of his shirt, with a bit of pride on his face and


“I’m a public student, but because of my outstanding grades,”

“They gave me a good opportunity to get a green card directly, so I chose

to stay in the United States.”

Charlie nodded.

In fact, Charlie has read all of Abren’s information,

And the reason for asking again is that he wants to take the opportunity to

get acquainted with him,

And by the way, he also took the opportunity to learn about this person’s

character in the chat.

Charlie saw that he was very concerned about nationality on the one hand,

And on the other hand, he talked about his status as a public student back

then and was very proud,

And he couldn’t help but feel a little disgusted in his heart.

In fact, he doesn’t like this kind of person very much.

There are indeed many graduates of famous universities in China, as well

as those who study abroad at public expense, and finally, choose to stay


It is said that there are tens of thousands of Tsinghua graduates who

choose to stay in Silicon Valley in the United States.

Of course, the matter of going and staying is all voluntary,

But Abren’s situation is very different from other people.

After all, he is a public student who came to study abroad at the expense of

the country.

So he should have returned after he had achieved something,

But he chose to stay. This kind of behavior is not moral in terms of


So it is difficult for Charlie to have a good impression of him.

Therefore, after a few words, he felt he didn’t like him.

However, he did not get too emotional, but deliberately complimented the

other party:

“The gold content of public students is said to be very high, you are really


Hearing Charlie’s praise, Abren’s face was full of pride.


But his attitude towards Charlie was a lot more friendly, and he said with a


“In our time, the requirements for public students were really high, and

there were only a few places in a school.”

Charlie nodded, Curiously asked: “By the way, what are you going to do in


“Are you going to go on a business trip?”

Abren’s expression froze for a moment, and then he said unnaturally: “I… .

I am going to work…”

Chapter 4875

Abren mentioned his work, and his expression was obviously a little


To be precise, he, who was originally proud of his status as a public


Suddenly felt a little inferior when he mentioned going to work in Mexico.

Charlie was keenly aware of his changes.

Combined with the fact that he had been changing jobs for many years in a


And his income was getting lower and lower, and then he was simply

unemployed for more than a year,

He could guess that he was definitely forced to go to Mexico this time. A

helpless choice of life.

So he sighed lightly and said, “Looking at your appearance, brother,”

“It must be a helpless move to go to work in Mexico.”

“I am actually the same as you. I don’t want to go to Mexico but I have to.”

Abren asked him curiously: “What are you going to do in Mexico?”

Charlie said casually, “I don’t know what to do when I go there,”

“But my visa in the United States is about to expire.”

“I originally wanted to hack it first, but recently the immigration bureau has

investigated illegal activities.”

“The immigration investigation is tight, and one of my uncles was deported

back some time ago,”

“So I thought about leaving the United States before the visa expires.”

Abren asked in confusion: “Can’t make it in the United States, return to


“Although the domestic environment is not as good as that of the United

States, it is much better than that of Mexico.”

Charlie said a little embarrassedly: “To be honest, I came out because I

couldn’t stay in the country any longer.”

“I owe a lot of money in China, and if I go back now, maybe I will be


When Abren heard this, he smiled and said, “Did you borrow money to run


“Ah.. ….” Charlie sneered, and said embarrassingly, “I borrowed a bit too


“Plus the management is not good, the deficit is a bit big, and I can’t pay it


“So I can only come out first to avoid the limelight.”

Charlie asked curiously: “Brother since you were a public student back

then, you must be a high-end talent.”

“Why do you still go to a place like Mexico? Compared with the United

States, it is one day at a time.”

Abren said with a somewhat desolate expression: “No, I’m getting older, in

a place like the United States,”

“Before the age of 35 to 40, if you haven’t achieved financial freedom,”

“Then there is a high probability that you will be eliminated by the system,”

“Even if you have work experience. What can you do with richness?”

“Young people’s salary is one-fourth or even one-fifth of your salary, and

they dare to work hard.”

“One person is not as good as you, and two people together are better than

you, right?”

After speaking, Abren sighed again: “If you are an IT person like us,”

“There will always be new technologies coming out,”

“And us the older employees are not capable of learning new technologies

than the young people are.”

Charlie nodded, pretending to be curious, and asked, “Since my brother

works in IT,”

“I am afraid that you will not develop even if you go to a place like Mexico.

Is it true? Changed industry?”

Abren sighed, waved his hand, and said, “Oh, forget it, it’s nothing more

than a meal, not to mention it.”

Charlie saw that he didn’t want to say it, so he didn’t ask any more

questions for a while.

The flight had already started boarding, and the two of them passed

through the gate,

One after the other and walked towards the cabin.

Abren chose a seat by the window for himself. The seat number was 39A.

He walked in front of Charlie. After arriving at the seat,

He stopped and stuffed his suitcase and shoulder bag into the luggage

compartment before crowding into his seat.

And Charlie took the boarding pass and pretended to check the seat


And couldn’t help but mutter: “39B, where is this 39B…”

After speaking, he suddenly raised his head and glanced at Abren,

pretending to be surprised:

“Oh, brother, fate! My seat is next to yours!”

Chapter 4876

“Really?” Abren was also obviously a little surprised.

He was a compatriot. When he was lining up to board the plane just now,

They were one after the other. He didn’t expect that after getting on the


The seats of the two were actually next to each other as well.

That’s kind of a fate.

Therefore, Abren rarely showed a sincere smile, and said quickly:

“Oh, this is really fate! Come, come, sit down!”

Charlie nodded, and after putting the suitcase away, he sat next to Abren

and said with a smile,

“It seems that some will be chatting on this trip.”

Abren also let go of his original defense against Charlie, and asked him


“By the way, brother, when you go to Mexico this time, do you have any

acquaintances there?”

Charlie smiled casually: “There is no acquaintance, I just go around and

see if there is anything suitable.”

“What can I do, if I get some work, I’ll do it, if don’t then will go back to


Abren asked curiously, “Aren’t you afraid that the creditor will find you when

you go back?”

Charlie waved his hand: “China has gone too far, where is the loess?”

“Find a new place to settle down first, maybe there is still a chance to make

a comeback,”

“When the debt is repaid, maybe I can return home.”

After speaking, he looked at Abren and asked again: “Yes Brother,”

“What exactly are you doing in Mexico? Is there any way to introduce it to

your brother?”

“Me?” Abren sighed and laughed at himself:

“How can I have anyway, as long as there was a way,”

“Bro, I won’t leave my wife and children and go to that ghost place in


After speaking, Abren lowered his voice and said to Charlie,

“I tell you what I mean, this place where I am going, It’s an extrajudicial


“Why did the president spend so much money building a wall on the border


“Didn’t he just want to control the illegal immigration and drug smuggling

over there?”

‘Who with their sane minds will come here?”

Charlie nodded and asked curiously, “Brother, you have been talking about

this for a long time,”

“And you have not said what you are going to do.”

Abren no longer covered it up, and said seriously,

“I really don’t. To tell the truth, brother, I am going to become a seafarer.”

“Seafarer?” Charlie asked curiously, “Are you sailing on a ship?”

“Yes.” Abren nodded and said, “It was a friend of my mother who

introduced it to me,”

“It is said that the salary and treatment are quite good,”

“And you can get tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of

dollars a year, but it is a little hard work.”

Charlie frowned slightly, wondering what was Georgina’s purpose behind

using the guise of a sailor to deceive Abren was.

But at least one thing is certain, a ruthless person like Georgina can never

just trick Abren into becoming a seaman.

Charlie kept his face and said, “Brother, you are a top student anyway.”

“Going to sea to be a crew member is a bit inferior. Instead, to be honest,”

“You might as well return to China to develop. The speed of domestic

development is so fast,”

“You will definitely be able to find a good job there.”

Abren was startled, then sighed: “It’s not that I didn’t think about it,”

“But sometimes I can’t keep my face down. My relatives, friends, and

former classmates,”

“All know that I immigrated to the United States early, and I also took my

old mother.”

“People back home are not only envious but admired our growth here.”

“If I go back to China to develop at this time, then I don’t know what they

will say behind my back…”

Charlie smiled slightly when he heard this, indifferently Said:

“Brother, don’t think that I’m younger than you, but it’s not a big deal,”

“I see it better than you, you should only care about the wife, children, and


“Make sure they have eaten and are clothed, now if you want to support

your family,”

“Why should you care about these matters? Can you save your face by

going to Mexico as a crew member?”

Chapter 4877

Abren said with an embarrassed expression: “To tell you the truth, brother, I

have always felt guilty for so many years,”

“I always missed home, it made me what I am but it was also that I couldn’t

stand the temptation to come out of there,”

“And I failed the trust. If I could become a big man, like a Fortune 500

entrepreneur or executive,”

“I would also like to carry money and clothes to my hometown, and donate

some money to my old alma mater,”

“And set up a scholarship fund to help those students…”

Speaking of which, Abren’s eyes reddened and he said sadly:

“The key is that I am not up to my expectations!”

“Now that I am a failure, I don’t want to go back and be a burden there.”

Going to see Abren’s face full of shame, Charlie’s impression of him has

changed a little.

Originally thought he was just an egoist who was greedy for glory and


But looking at it now, he still had some conscience in his heart.

And Abren himself has not said these heartfelt words to anyone over the


He didn’t really think that he had a great fate with Charlie,

And he could let him speak the deepest hidden words in his heart.

He just kept these words in his heart for too long,

And he never spits it out, as he didn’t find a suitable person to talk to.

So Charlie comforted him and said: “The place of birth is always tolerant to

its children.”

“In China, after all so many people like you have gone back, and are doing


He continued, “As many people move to other countries for higher

education and study, but not all of them return.”

After a pause, Charlie said again: “It’s like transporting a piece of ice in a

foam box.”

“No matter how tightly you wrap the ice, it will definitely melt away part of it

during transportation,”

“But that doesn’t matter. For those who transport ice, as long as there is ice


“When they reach their destination, then these efforts are of practical


Abren was slightly startled, then nodded slightly, and said in his mouth:

“Actually, we were attracted by the colorful world here at that time.”

“We always felt that the stage here is bigger and we could better play


“In fact, I didn’t really forget the motherland, but I was full of energy.”

“If it’s good, I will go back to serve the motherland a hundred times, a

thousand times,”

“Times takes away our energies and arrogance gradually goes away too,

there are so many like me who will just disappear…”

Speaking of which, Abren said with tears in his eyes:

“I really want to serve my homeland! But now I can’t even feed my own


“She is in her 70s and still has to work in a restaurant to make money.”

‘To subsidize the family, I have read books for so many years, learned so

many techniques,”

“And wrote so many codes, but in the end, I have to support my family by

being a seafarer,”

“How can I have the face to return?”

Charlie asked him: “Do you understand? This seafarer’s job?”

Abren shook his head and said, “I only know the general workflow,”

“But I don’t know the specific working methods. It’s probably just doing

chores on the ship.”

“The most important thing is to work hard, and I can’t go home for a year

and a half.”

Charlie asked again: “Then do you think you are suitable to be a seaman?”

Abren shook his head again: “To be honest, I am a communication

technology man.”

“Yes, you have to ask me how to locate the freighter, how to avoid


“And how to communicate with the land through satellite. I can tell you one,

two, or three ways,”

“But you made me a seaman, I am really confused, I even have a bit of

idea of the basics of a ship.”

“I don’t even know the structure, and I don’t even know if I will get seasick

after getting on the boat.”

After speaking, Abren said with emotion: “But there is no way, for the sake

of life.”

Charlie and Abren chatted for a long time, and he understood more about

Abren’s past.

Chapter 4878

Abren used to be a gifted boy.

When others just got high school textbooks, he had already been admitted

to a key university.

While others were preparing for the college entrance examination, he had

already gone abroad as a public student.

Those young people at that time, before coming to the United States, had

unwilling hearts.

At that time, it coincided with the golden age of the rapid development of

Silicon Valley,

And the Internet changing the world. Abren saw that like him, Zhang


Who also studied in the United States, returned to China, and founded


He also saw Li Yanhong, who also studied in the United States, and

returned to Congress to founded Baidu.

He also saw many seniors and juniors who stayed in the United States for


In the process of the explosive development of the Internet, one by one

they became rich.

Some became presidents of listed companies, worth over 100 million US


While others became business partners.

Some rang the bell on the Nasdaq and be worth tens of millions of dollars


He also saw many who studied finance. After graduation, they entered Wall

Street investment banks.

After graduation, they received hundreds of thousands or even millions of

high salaries.

What’s even more awesome is that they all hold tens of millions or even

over a venture capital fund of 100 million dollars,

Sometimes at a meal, they decide on an investment project of more than

millions of dollars.

Afterward, he also saw many outstanding men who, with the capital of

American venture capital,

Returned to China to invest in a large number of star companies that will

become famous in China in the future,

Not only helping those companies become the world’s top,

But also helping their own investment banks have made huge profits,

And they have also gained fame and fortune one by one,

And some are even regarded as the best investors, publishing books and

biography, and become famous.

What he saw and heard deeply stimulated Abren.

He didn’t want to go back to work as a state-owned enterprise employee or

a civil servant after finishing his studies in the United States step by step.

He also wanted to be the same as those people. own companies, or invest

in a group of great companies.

However, in any industry, the channel for top talents is very narrow.

Over the years, millions of foreign students who are at the elite level have

not even a few hundred who can truly become the best.

Because in any era, a top talent must have the right time and place,

And it is definitely not a person who works hard and will be able to climb to

the top.

This is the case with Abren.

He stayed in the United States with a dream, but reality kept waving the big

stick at him.

In the first few years of studying here, he still had ideals in his heart,

But it didn’t take long for him to start running around for a living and

gradually became ordinary.

As Abren and Charlie talked more and more, and as he confided more and


His whole person, don’t know when it started, became full of tears.

Seeing that the plane was about to land, Charlie handed him a tissue and


“Brother, Mexico is not for you. When the plane lands, buy a ticket and go


Abren shook his head and said, “What am I going to do? My wife, my


“They are waiting for me to support them, the car has been sold,”

“And the house will have to be sold if it goes on like this.”

He said with a firm face: “I can earn tens of thousands of dollars a year as

a seaman,”

“And I can solve the family’s problems. There is an economic problem, so I

must grit my teeth and persevere.”

Seeing his determined expression, Charlie suddenly felt that his previous

plan seemed to need some adjustments.

He originally planned to let the people of Cataclysmic Front take away

Abren ahead of time,

Find a place to lock him up, and then let him go free after he has

investigated the whole thing,

And uprooted Georgina and the people behind her.

At that time, where he wanted to go and what he wants to do, it has nothing

to do with him.

After all, he may have saved his life, which can be regarded as his lucky


But now Charlie suddenly found that facing this middle-aged man who was

almost desperate for life,

And trying to struggle in a desperate situation, doing so only broke the little

hope he had for life right now.

When he returns to the United States after a false alarm,

His old mother would continue to work in the restaurant,

While his wife and children will have no life. Even their sheltered house

might be taken away by the bank.

Therefore, instead of this, it is better to take Abren with him.

Whatever awaits him ahead, let him experience it for himself.

Perhaps, after all the dust settles, this experience will enable this confused

and pitiful middle-aged man to find his way back.

Chapter 4879

Charlie, who decided to take Abren with him, immediately thought about

the next rhetoric,

And two possible corresponding plans for himself.

He planned to ask him to join him as a seaman first.

If Abren did not agree, he would let the people from the Cataclysmic Front

follow him,

All the way after he got off the plane to find the other party’s lair.

If Abren agrees, then he will see whether Geogrina’s contact person


If the contact person agrees, then he can follow Abren smoothly and enter

the opponent’s zone.

But if the other party does not agree, then the first plan is used,

And Abren is used as bait and followed quietly.

So he pretended to be improvised and said to Abren: “Brother,”

“I have nothing to do here anyway, can you introduce me as well, and I can

become a seaman with you.”

Abren also felt that this man had nothing to do. The young man was quite

able to chat,

So he said cheerfully: “Okay, but what I said doesn’t count.”

“After I got off the plane and see the person who is there to pick me up,”

“I will ask if they are recruiting people. , if they are, you can come with you.”

“Okay.” Charlie smiled and said, “Thank you, brother.”

Abren waved his hand: “You’re welcome, by the way, Abren Lang.”

Soon, the plane landed smoothly. During the taxiing phase,

Charlie canceled the flight mode of the mobile phone and sent Joseph a

message with only these words:

The plan has changed, I am going to play it by the ear.

Afterward, when the plane stopped, he and Abren got off with their


When lining up to go to the customs, Charlie asked Abren:

“Brother, will someone come to pick you up later, or do you have to go by



“Someone will pick me up.” Abren said, “My mother’s friend told me before


“This place is about 100 kilometers away from the port of Ensenada.

“I don’t know the place well, and I could have had a hard time,”

“So she asked the other side and the shipping company sent a car to pick

me up from the airport.”

After speaking, Abren added: “After we meet him later,”

“I will ask him if they are still recruiting people.”

“If they do, we will join him together.”

“Okay.” Charlie said with a smile: “I’ll ask you to say more good things at

that moment, brother.”

Abren hurriedly said, “You’re welcome, don’t be polite, but it’s just an effort,”

“And I myself I don’t have much ability,”

“It’s not up to me to decide whether it works or not, it depends on others.”

Afterward, the two went through customs with their respective passports.

Since neither of them had checked luggage,

They went straight to the airport exit as soon as they got out of customs.

At this time, many people at the exit of the airport picked up people coming

out of the plane with name cards,

Most of them were written in English or Spanish, so Chinese name cards

are very easy to find here.

Soon, Abren saw a young Chinese man holding a sign with his name on it,

So he quickly said to Charlie, “It’s there, let’s go!”

After speaking, the two trotted over.

When he came to the other party, Abren waved at the other party and


“Hello, I am Abren Lang!”

The young man saw Abren, cautiously took out his mobile phone from his


Opened a photo and checked it up and down. After confirming that it was


He realized that there was another young Chinese man beside him.

He pointed at Charlie and asked him cautiously, “Who is this person? Is he

with you?”

Chapter 4880

Abren accompanied him. He smiled and said, “This young brother’s name

is Charlie Wade.”

“He is a compatriot I met on the plane. We were seated next to each other.”

“He owes some money in China and can’t run away. He doesn’t know what

to do when he comes to Mexico.”

“He heard that I came to be a seaman, and he wanted to give it a try,”

“But we didn’t know whether you would still recruit people here.”

Charlie on the side said quickly: “I can bear hardships, work hard, and bear

no complaints,”

“No matter how hard or how tired I am. I can do the job.”

The young man couldn’t help frowning, and then said,

“Wait for me, I’ll call the boss and ask.”

After speaking, he took his mobile phone and walked a long way.

After confirming that no one was around, he took out his phone and made a


As soon as the call was made, a man’s voice came from the other end and


“Have you received the man?”

“Yes.” The young man said respectfully, “The man surnamed Lang just got

off the plane.”

The other party asked again, “Check it out. Do you have the identity


“Does it match the information provided by Georgina?” The young man

hurriedly said,

“I’ve checked it, and it’s really him.”

“Come on then, be careful on the road, don’t let him find any clues.”

The young man lowered his voice and said, “Uncle Ma, I have to tell you

about the situation here,”

“That Abren met another person who came to Mexico on the plane with


“A young Chinese Huaxia, the two of them were sitting next to each other

on the plane,”

“So they might have chatted speculatively. That kid doesn’t have a fixed


“So he wanted to join Abren to become a seaman.”

‘He was asking if I was still recruiting people. What do you think of this

situation? What to do?”

The other party was silent for a moment, then said solemnly:

“That young man already knew Abren, and he also saw you.”

“In case Abren goes missing in the future,”

“The police in the United States will find him based on the seat clues on the


“He will definitely confess about you, as long as he remembers what you

look like,”

“The police will be able to draw a portrait of you, and you will be in trouble.”

“Dmn…” The young man cursed in a low voice, and then gritted his teeth:

“Fcuk, it’s better to take this kid over there, and check him to see if he has

any useful value.”

“I think he is young and strong, and he should be able to sell for a good


“Won’t this kill two birds with one stone?”

The man on the other end of the phone asked cautiously,

“Do you think there is something wrong with that kid? Could it be an

undercover agent in plain clothes?”

“This…” The young man said hesitantly, “It shouldn’t be…”

“It stands to reason that no one should not be able to follow our line,”

“Not to mention that this kid is from China, he is not an American.”

The other party said, “Never believe what others say, an agent will never

tell you that he is an agent.”

“There are so many Chinese police officers in the United States.”

“Just send a young man here, pretending to be from China, for us it is hard

to tell if we don’t check carefully.”

“What should I do then?” The young man said,

“As you said, he has already seen me, and I can’t let him go no matter if he

is a spy or not… ..”

The other party thought for a while and said, “So, you have to find a reason

to look at his passport to see if he is from China.”

“If he really has a domestic passport, then he must not be from the United


The young man said subconsciously: “Isn’t it an easy way to forge


“We don’t know how many fake passports we have to get all day long…”

“If he is a real spy, which he could be? Can’t he get a passport like this?”

Chapter 4881

The other party smiled and said, “You’re stupid, don’t you look at his

customs clearance record?”

“That fake passport can deceive us, but not the customs.”

“Look at the stamp on the entry record in Mexico above. Is it covered


“Let’s see if his previous trip from China to the United States is the most


“If it is, it proves that he is definitely not a spy, then you can bring him over

with confidence and boldness,”

“And I will arrange for someone to respond, as soon as people come,”

“Press and shut them down, isn’t this a big blessing sent to the door?”

“Huh!” The young man suddenly relaxed a lot, and said with a smile:

“Uncle Ma, let’s not say you are an old man, in every situation it has to be


At this time, the young man finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After hanging up the phone happily, he turned around and walked toward

Charlie and Abren.

The young man at this time didn’t know that the whole process of his phone


And report to the above was heard by Charlie clearly.

On the one hand, Charlie marveled at the vigilance of this organization,

But on the other hand, he couldn’t help sighing that in the face of absolute


Such careful planning and careful actions seemed meaningless.

They are so cautious, but from now on, no matter how smart and cautious

they are,

They will not be able to escape the end of being destroyed by him.

The young man didn’t know the disaster was coming, he thought Abren

was just a lucky buy one get one free package,

He smiled back to the two of them, and said to Charlie with a smile,

“Your luck is really good, we usually recruit people very through a strict


“Not only do you have to submit documents in advance, but you also have

to go through a strict medical examination to have the possibility of coming


“However, this time our ship is going to sea soon, and there is just one

manpower shortage.”

“If you are interested, you can come for an interview with me. There are no

problems and you can go to work.”

Charlie pretended to be excited and asked, “Then how much is our

seaman’s monthly salary?”

The young man smiled and said, “It’s five to six thousand dollars a month,”

“It depends on the details. Your performance and the efficiency of

completing the mission at sea.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded cheerfully and said, “It sounds good, let’s do it first!”

The young man nodded and said, “Let’s go quickly, from here to the port of


“There are still about 100 kilometers to go.”

The two readily agreed, so they led the young man to the parking lot

outside the airport.

The three of them came to a Chevrolet pickup. On the main driver, a

Mexican man was already sitting.

The young man pulled away from the co-pilot, turned to Charlie and Abren,

and said,

“This is our company’s car, and the driver is the bodyguard of our

company’s general manager.”

“It is not very peaceful here, so we have to rely on the bodyguard.”

Don’t look at his face. He doesn’t look like a good person, but he’s actually

a very enthusiastic old man.”

The Mexican man looked at the two with a smile on his face,

Then patted his bulging waist and said a word in Spanish with a smile.

The young man on the side translated: “He said you are welcome to


“And he has a Glock 17 in his pocket to keep us safe.”

Charlie smiled and nodded, and Abren on the side didn’t feel anything


Then quickly said: “Tell him it is his hard work.”

The young man smiled slightly, greeted each other in Spanish,

And said to the two, “You two sit in the back row.”

Charlie and Abren were one Left and right got in the car and sat in the back


And then the man drove out of the airport.

In the car, the young man turned his face to Charlie and Abren and said,

“You’d better call your home now or send a message to report safety,”

“Because the infrastructure on that side is not very good,”

“We will leave the city and go out in a while. On the way to Ensenada, there

is basically no signal.”

Abren didn’t realize he was duped and quickly took out his mobile phone to

call home to report safety.

Chapter 4882

Seeing that Charlie didn’t call, the young man couldn’t help but ask him,

“Dude, why don’t you tell your family?”

Charlie smiled and said, “I didn’t dare to tell anyone when I came to


“For people like me, the most taboo thing is to contact family members,”

“It is easy to get in trouble, so better don’t talk about it.”

When the young man heard this, he smiled and nodded, and didn’t speak


The reason why he asked Charlie and Abren to call home first is that his

car is equipped with a signal shielding device.

Once the car leaves the city, he will open the shielding device to prevent,

The signal base station from recording the movement trajectory of the two

mobile phones.

Because all mobile phone communication depends on the base station on

the ground,

And a large number of ground base stations overlap each other,

Forming a communication range with almost no dead ends in the city,

The mobile phone will automatically adapt to the one with the strongest and

best signal among multiple base stations.

Then establish a connection to it. When the mobile phone is constantly

moving across regions,

The phone will search for the base station with the best signal all the way,

And constantly switch between multiple base stations. In this way,

The base station will also record the access information of this device.

If you want to use a mobile phone to track a person’s movement trajectory,

You only need to call up the access time and specific information about his

mobile phone and the base station,

And you can lock a relatively accurate route map in a relatively accurate


In this way, the specific location of the criminals’ lair will be exposed.

Therefore, this young man just deliberately falsely claimed that Mexico’s

infrastructure is not good,

In order to pave the way for the next signal blocking.

With this early vaccination, when the two find out that the mobile phone has

no signal,

They will definitely not feel anything abnormal.

After the pickup left the airport, it went all the way south.

When the car drove about ten kilometers away,

The young man quietly reached out and touched under the passenger seat,

and turned on a hidden switch inside.

This switch is the power switch of the signal shielding device.

After pressing it, all signals within five meters around the car will be

completely blocked,

Not only can’t answer calls but even satellite signals also can’t be received.

Abren chatted with Charlie all the way, and at the same time chatted with

his wife on WeChat on his mobile phone,

But while chatting, the mobile phone signal suddenly became out of


He was a little surprised, and subconsciously said: “Oh, there is no Internet

so soon…”

The young man laughed casually: “Oh, this is so normal in Mexico.”

“In a place like this, as long as you go out of the city, your mobile phone

basically has no signal.”

Abren nodded lightly, then put the phone down, looked at the desolate

desert-like landscape outside the window,

And asked Charlie, “Brother, did you feel the difference when you came

from the United States to Mexico?”

“Look outside here. In the wilderness, it is not much different from the

noman’s land.”

Charlie smiled: “I am actually very adaptable. You let me live in the

presidential suite of a five-star hotel today.”

“I don’t feel excited, you let me set up a tent in the wilderness tomorrow,

and I don’t feel uncomfortable.”

Abren said with a smile: “You have a good personality, and your personality

is a standard optimist,”

“Wherever you are going you can adapt as quickly as possible.”

“Yes.” Charlie nodded and said with a smile, “I’ve been here for so many


“I can’t say I’m well-informed, but at least I can be flattered and humiliated.”

Abren gave a thumbs up and praised, “If only I could be as free and easy

as you.”

As he spoke, his eyes glanced into the distance,

When he saw something vaguely in the distant wilderness. His brows were

suddenly wrinkled.

Immediately, he subconsciously picked up the phone and fiddled with it,

His expression became more dignified, and even a little nervous.

Charlie noticed Abren’s change from the corner of his eye.

He also saw Abren carefully looking at the Mexican who was driving,

And he couldn’t help thinking: “This man, shouldn’t he have found


Thinking like this, Abren picked up the phone, pressed it on it for a while,

Handed it to Charlie, and said with a smile,

“Brother, let me show you the picture of my son, he looks so handsome.”

Charlie looked down. There were no photos at all on the screen of the

mobile phone he handed over, but a line of words:

“Brother, there is something wrong with this man! We may have been


Chapter 4883

Charlie was surprised when he saw the text on Abren’s phone.

He did not expect Abren could see the problem so quickly.

So, he took the phone, typed on it quietly, and said with a smile,

“Oh, brother, your son doesn’t look like you at all, he’s much more

handsome than you!”

He typed a line on it: “Brother, what’s the problem?”

Then he handed the phone back to Abren.

Abren took over the phone at this time and said with a smile:

“My son looks like his mother, I tell you, don’t look at me I am not very


“My wife is so beautiful, wait a minute, let me find you pictures of us when

we were young!”

As he said, he typed on his mobile phone and muttered:

“Oh, there are too many pictures on my mobile phone,”

“20,000 to 30,000, and it’s really a little hard to find them.”

After a while, he handed the phone to Charlie and said,

“Here, look, this is the photo of us when we got married,”

“There was no concept of photoshop, no retouching of pictures,”

“Or any beauty cams at that time.”

Charlie took the phone and read a large paragraph written on it:

“Brother, the guy driving said that there is no mobile phone signal here,”

“But I just saw a pole in the wilderness about a kilometer or two away.”

“The signal tower, although it looks vague, but I am a communication

engineer myself.”

“I can recognize the signal tower at a glance.”

“It stands to reason that even if the old base station equipment is only one

or two kilometers away.”

“The signal is out, especially if there is no obstruction for dozens of

kilometers here,”

“It is even more impossible for the signal to not cover this range, so I think

this must be wrong!”

Charlie couldn’t help but admire Abren when he saw this,

But he didn’t want him to see it all and get nervous early,

So as not to startle the snake, so he said:

“You don’t need to say it, my sister-in-law was really beautiful when she

was young!”

After saying that, he typed a line on his hand: “Will the signal tower be


“This kind of thing? It’s normal for the signal tower to fall into disrepair,


Abren took over the phone, and while typing, he said,

“By the way, I have a young daughter who looks a lot like my wife.”

“I’ll show you a photo of her too.”

While speaking, he typed another line of words:

“I thought so at first, but I just checked the navigation software and found

that the navigation software can’t even find satellite signals,”

“Which is even weirder! Even if the infrastructure is poor, even if the signal

from that tower is indeed broken,”

“But the satellites in the sky are not broken. GPS has more than 24

satellites working on six orbital planes at the same time.”

“Even if Mexico is unmanned, it can still receive satellite signals,”

“But on my mobile phone, I have already searched. There is no satellite

signal anymore,”

“Which proves that there must be some kind of shielding device on the car,”

“Which can shield the communication and the satellite signal at the same


Charlie couldn’t help sighing when he saw this: “As expected, there is a

specialization in the art industry,”

“The shield installed by the other party just touched the professional field of


“A talent in the communication field, so he could feel something wrong all of

a sudden,”

But he could also see that Abren is definitely a smart person.

Charlie was afraid that he would act rashly, then he replied on his mobile


“Brother, don’t act rashly, let’s take a look.”

Chapter 4884

Abren was in a hurry, and he found a reason to show him his mobile phone

and replied on it:

“Brother, you can’t drag it on! For the two of us, it may be too late to find a

way to escape now,”

“If we wait for the right place, we can only be slaughtered by others!”

Charlie replied: “We can’t jump out of the car to escape, right?”

“The speed of the car is so fast that jumping out will definitely kill us,”

“Let alone driving a car. That old man has a gun on his body,”

“Even if we jumped out of the car and don’t fall to death,”

“If he came up and shot us, we would definitely be dead.”

Abren replied, “But when we get to their territory,”

“We won’t have a chance. Ah! Ain’t it going to be slaughtered at that time?”

Charlie replied: “We are both poor and have nothing,”

“They are definitely not trying to make money and kill us,”

“Maybe they are planning to trick us into free labor on the ship.”

“Maybe, in that case, as long as the two of us are obedient, our survival

should not be a problem.”

“If we run away now, we will most likely die in Mexico.”

“Although I said where the loess is not buried, I don’t want to be buried in

this place…”

When Abren saw Charlie’s reply, he instantly fell into a struggle.

He knew that what Charlie said was probably right.

In this situation, if they want to escape, they can only fight to the death.

However, at the end of a desperate fight, there is a high probability of


After all, the other party is prepared, and he has a gun on his body.

If he shoots at a disagreement, he and Charlie will definitely be abandoned

dead in the wilderness.

After all, Abren has stayed in the United States for so many years,

And has a relatively good understanding of the situation in Mexico.

This place is full of armed criminal groups. The number of armed criminals

is more than the number of police and army combined.

In this place, it is easier for criminal groups to kill people than to steal

bicycles on the street,

Let alone ordinary people being killed the rich, politicians,

And high-ranking officials are often kidnapped and assassinated every now

and then.

In the eyes of the police, the death of two foreign tourists,

In such a place is less worth mentioning than the loss of two bicycles at the

entrance of an Internet cafe.

Thinking of this, although Abren was very nervous, he did not dare to act


He felt that what Charlie just said was somewhat reasonable.

As the two are too poor, it doesn’t make any sense for the other party to

take his own life.

If they still think about kidnapping them and asking their family for ransom,

it’s even more impossible.

His family is now absolutely negative, and to put it bluntly,

The money his wife could come up with is not enough for them to drive this

pickup truck and pick them up at the airport.

Therefore, Abren felt that Charlie’s analysis should be correct,

And they most likely wanted to deceive them to come over and work hard.

If that is the case, although it may be dark, at least their lives will be


As the saying goes, it is better to live than die.

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you will not be afraid of

running out of firewood.

Thinking of this, he was already resigned to his fate,

And the thought of dying and struggling just now was completely dispelled,

And then he typed on the mobile phone, and it said:

“I’m really sorry, brother, it’s me who has troubled you. …”

Charlie was not nervous at all, and replied on his mobile phone:

“Where is it, I took the initiative to come,”

“And if there are any consequences, it has nothing to do with you, brother.”

Chapter 4885

Then, Charlie made up again. One sentence: “Brother, if you come here,

you will be at peace.”

“Fortunately, we can still be friends with each other.”

“It’s a blessing or a curse. We will know when we get there.”

Abren really did not expect that Charlie’s comparison as his brother,

Who is ten years younger, is so calm when he sees problems.

Under the influence of Charlie, Abren’s heart was not as nervous as before.

But he couldn’t be as open-minded as Charlie, so after deleting all the text,

He looked out the window alone, feeling guilty and flustered…

The pickup truck they embarked on, did not go to the port city called

Ensenada as scheduled.

That place is just a guise for a fool.

In fact, they drove to the edge of a coastal fishing village northwest of


There are still more than ten or twenty kilometers away from Ensenada.

Before the pickup truck drove into the fishing village, the driver kept staring

at the rearview mirror,

Looking left and right, for fear of being followed,

So he deliberately slowed down to see if the car behind him slowed down.

Soon, he found that as his speed slowed down, the cars behind him caught

up one after another,

And none of them slowed down because of his own deceleration.

According to his superficial anti-tracking common sense,

He was basically sure that no one or a vehicle was following him.

Then he felt relieved and turned the car into the fishing village.

It’s just that he didn’t know that since they left the airport,

There were more than a dozen vehicles following one after another in the


Taken turns, these dozen cars were all very cautious, and he didn’t see any


While he was slowing down, the vehicle in charge of tracking this section of

the distance passed him directly,

Without slowing down in order not to attract his attention.

And about a mile behind, which is about 1,600 meters,

There is actually a spare car that has been out of sight all the time,

Blindly following all the way through the radio command of the continuous

relay vehicle in front.

Since the spare car was always out of sight of the other party,

There was no need to replace it frequently, so Joseph took this car as his

command car.

After hearing that the vehicle slowed down, the car stopped directly behind

a mile away,

And then the Cataclysmic Front soldiers in the vehicle immediately

released a high-end aerial photography drone.

This kind of civilian aerial photography drone gave a big loss to the

Cataclysmic Front in Syria.

Before that, they couldn’t believe that a drone costing no more than $1,000,

Could silently take aerial photos 500 meters above their heads, giving the

user a panoramic view of all their movements.

Since Cataclysmic Front was brought under Charlie’s command, it has

purchased at least 10,000 civilian aerial photography drones of different


Some of which can even be folded into pockets, and can take off within a

minute if necessary.

At this time, they flew a cracked drone directly behind them.

This cracked quad-rotor drone can break the original factory’s 500-meter

ascent limit,

And it can easily fly even if it is two or three kilometers.

Moreover, the enhanced battery can provide it with at least 50 minutes of

flight endurance,

And more than an hour and a half of airborne capability,

And the speed of the drone can reach more than 60 kilometers per hour.

Therefore, after the drone took off, it took just over a minute to lock the

pickup truck that Charlie was riding in on the screen.

Afterward, the soldier in charge of the aerial photography immediately

reported to Joseph:

“Supreme Commander, the target position has been locked,”

“And they have entered the fishing village on the right side of the road



Joseph nodded and said lightly: “It seems that their nest in this place, send

out the coordinates,”

“Let everyone rush to the fishing village a mile away from the location to


“Secretly encircle the village, and prepare to give them an oriole to follow

according to Mr. Wade’s plan!”

On the other side.

Chapter 4886

Seeing that bodyguard drove the car into the dilapidated fishing village,

Charlie pretended to be curious and asked the young man in the co-pilot:

“Hey buddy, aren’t we going to that Ensenada?”

“What are we doing in this dilapidated village?”

The young man said casually: “Our car is running out of gas,”

“There is smuggled oil in this fishing village, and the price is cheap,”

“Let’s fill up the gas here and continue on our way,”

“Now it’s not too far from Ensenada. It’s not a long way,”

“And it takes 20 minutes after refueling for a distance of more than ten


After he finished speaking, he stretched his waist and said casually:

“Oh, I played cards with a few people until it was past three o’clock at


“Now I am fcking sleepy. After dropping you off I’ll be able to get some


After saying that, the pickup truck drove into a small rural courtyard.

Charlie looked at Abren on the side, seeing that he was getting more and

more flustered, he smiled and said,

“Brother, don’t be so nervous, it’s just to get the gas, it’s alright.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the pickup truck was in the yard,

As soon as it stopped, seven or eight burly men walked out of the brick

houses around the yard.

Without exception, these people were all locals with similar totems tattooed

on their bodies.

With the pointy-toed shoes and a key to hold a pistol in both hands.

Seeing these people rushing around, Abren asked nervously: “What are

they going to do?!”

“What?” The young man in the passenger seat smiled and took out from

under the seat a pistol,

Pointing the muzzle of the gun at Abren, then at Charlie, he said coldly,

“Fcukers get out of the car honestly. If you fcuking dare to run around, I will

shoot you to death!”

Just finished speaking, The burly men outside reached out and opened the

two rear doors.

Afterward, each of them pointed guns at Charlie and Abren in the car,

shouting something in an angry tone.

It’s just that Charlie can’t understand Spanish,

And has absolutely no idea what they are babbling about.

He just thinks that these guys are so fcuking annoying.

He hurriedly put his head in his hands and shouted loudly,

“Speak up if you have something to say, don’t shoot, don’t shoot, don’t you

just want money?”

“I have more than 1,000 dollars in my pocket, you can take it all!”

“If it still doesn’t work, then I’ll give you the suitcase too!”

The young man roared coldly,

“What are you talking about? Asking you to get off the car, you don’t


Charlie said hurriedly, “I hear you. I understand I understand.”

After speaking, he stepped out of the car.

As soon as he got out of the car, two burly men held him on the left and the


And then tied his wrists behind him with a nylon cable tie about one

centimeter wide.

This kind of nylon cable tie is very strong.

Under normal circumstances, if a person’s hands and wrists are tied in this


Even if he breaks the cable tie into the flesh, until the bone is strangled, it is

impossible to break it.

And the buckle of this kind of cable tie is one-way,

It will only get tighter and tighter, but there will never be any looseness,

So these criminal groups especially like to use this kind of thing to restrain

the victim.

In their experience, no one has ever been able to break free from this type

of tie.

After Charlie’s hands were tied, Abren was also dragged directly from the

car by two big men.

Abren also tried to struggle,

But the other party directly pressed him to the ground and fastened his

hands with cable ties.

Abren ate a mouthful of dirt, vomited several times in a row, and said


“Bah, bah, what are you doing?! You kidnapping a bankrupt poor ba5tard

like me,”

“I am completely useless, there is no use at all of me other than wasting


The young man stepped forward, squatted on the ground,

Patted Abren’s face with the barrel of his gun, and said with a smile,

“Brother, you may feel that you have no use. But for us, in fact, you are

very useful!”

Chapter 4887

Baffled Charlie and Abren were coerced by the opponent with a gun,

And brought directly into one of the brick houses.

Once inside, there is no furniture, just a sinking staircase with bright lights.

The two were taken to the ground by a group of gangsters with live

ammunition, which turned out to be unique.

The entire underground part is divided into two areas by a corridor.

On the left, there is a prison cell with an iron fence gate,

And seven or eight people are still locked in it.

On the right, it is tightly covered by a nearly ten-meter-long white curtain.

One couldn’t see what is going on behind the curtains.

However, the whole underground part is filled with the smell of disinfectant,

Which is very strong and even choking. In addition,

The sound of the ventilator and the operation of the ECG monitor can be


Charlie immediately realized that this should be a simple operating room.

And he could feel that behind the white curtain, there were two very weak

patients who were in a deep coma.

At this time, at the other end of the corridor, a yellow-skinned middle-aged

man in his fifties walked down.

The man walked down quickly and walked across the corridor to the crowd.

He first glanced at Abren, and then looked at Charlie, Who was on the side,

asked the young man,

“Nathan, has the identity of this person been verified?”

“Verified.” The young man called Nathan quickly said with a diligent smile:

“Uncle Ma, This kid is a fcuking unlucky guy who came from China.

He happened to be sitting with Abren on the plane.

The two chatted all the way, and the chat was very speculative.

He planned to follow Abren to Mexico as a seaman, and then he’s here.”

Uncle Ma nodded lightly, looked Charlie up and down, and said with a


“Don’t say it, this kid looks strong and young,”

“If we can find a suitable receiver, he will definitely sell for a good price.”

After speaking, he said to Nathan, “Let Hardik come down and have a


“Okay, Uncle Ma, wait a moment,” Nathan responded quickly,

And then trotted all the way to the outside.

Charlie looked at uncle Ma at this time, and asked nervously,

“Who are you? What are you tying us here for?”

Looking at Charlie, he said with a smile: “I heard a persuasion, some things

don’t need to be known too early,”

“It is too early to know, for you, it has no other effect except adding to your


“You just stay here and you will know what we have to do to you in a few


After he finished speaking, he looked at Abren, who was beside him,

And said with a smile, “Your name is Abren Lang, right? I will call you later.

It will be kinder like this.”

Abren asked nervously: “You… who are you?”

Uncle Ma said with a smile: “My surname is Ma, my full name is Carson,”

“You are staying here and this place is under my control, so you as well are

under my control.”

Just as he was talking, Nathan brought back a dark-skinned South Asian


With myopia glasses and a white coat, who looked like a doctor.

He walked up to several people and asked in English,

“Which one is the donor for the acquired surgery?”

Nathan, who was on the side, pointed to Abren and said, “This is the one.”

The doctor looked at Lang carefully, nodded, and said,

“He seems to be in good shape. In the past two days, he must have eaten

a low-sugar diet,”

“He must eat less but more frequently, and don’t give him any drugs.”

Abren’s face paled in fright, and he blurted out:

“What are you doing? Are you going to cut off one of my kidneys?!”

Chapter 4888

Nathan smiled and said coldly, “I really want to cut one of your kidneys,”

“But so far I haven’t found a patient who can match yours successfully.”

“Otherwise, you can earn two, or even three times more money for one


When Abren heard this, he became even more nervous and quickly asked,

“What are you doing?”

The doctor looked at Abren and said with a smile:

“For the sake of the operation the day after tomorrow, you should not know

many things so early.”

Uncle Ma said to Nathan at this time: “Oh, by the way, there is something I

haven’t had time to inform you about.”

“A Canadian uremia patient has been successfully matched with Mr. Lang.”

“The other party is willing to pay $200,000 for a kidney.”

“I offered him $600,000 for two kidneys. For a uremia patient,”

“The opportunity for a double kidney transplant is very rare.”

Nathan was overjoyed when he heard this, and blurted out, “Did he agree?”

“For sure, he will agree, and if he agrees, we will have the surgery together

the day after tomorrow.”

Doctor Hardik blurted out: “Mr. Ma, I have three surgeries the day after


“And I have to go back to the United States after the surgery,”

“If I add another one double kidney transplant,”

“It is estimated that it will be in the second half of the night…”

Uncle Ma said with a smile: “It’s all right, Dr. Hardik, you have to work


“Then I will add $5,000 to you for the operation and wait until the operation

is over.”

“After that, let Nathan take you to the airport.”

Hearing this, Hardik rolled his round and even protruding eyes a few times,

Then shook his head and said, “Since Mr. Ma said so, then I’ll work harder

to make it successful.”

Abren had already vaguely understood what the other party was doing at

this time,

And he didn’t know what the other party wanted to take from him the day

after tomorrow,

But now he even said that he would do a double kidney transplant for the

matching type.

If he really cut off his two kidneys, wouldn’t he die?

Thinking of this, he said in fear,

“Aren’t you afraid of being arrested for doing such a depraved thing?!”

Nathan smiled and said, “Where the hell is your conscience, killing you is a

conscience thing.”

“Do you know that when you die, you can save at least two people,”

“Maybe one more person can see again, people say that saving one life is

better than building a seven-level pagoda,”

“We kill one, save two, two minus one equals one,”

“Does this mean that we saved a life in vain? The merit is immeasurable!”

Abren was trembling with fright, and blurted out: “What are you going to do

to me?!”

Nathan looked at Uncle Ma who was beside him and asked,

“Uncle Ma, can you tell him about this?”

Uncle Ma looked at Abren and smiled cruelly: “To tell you the truth,”

“I have a heart attack patient, you have successfully matched with him.”

“He will come to Mexico for surgery the day after tomorrow and will have

your heart replaced.”

“If the Canadian client agrees, he will also come and replace your two

kidneys the day after tomorrow.”

“And because there is no need to match the type of cornea transplanted,”

“We may find another patient who needs corneal transplantation from

tonight to tomorrow.”

Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting the story  ( ).

Abren was frightened to the ground, and for a while, he felt like a

thunderclap, and he didn’t know what to do.

At this moment, Nathan looked at him, raised his eyebrows cheerfully, and


“Brother, look what had said, you are very useful!”

Abren collapsed instantly, he knelt on the ground with a thud, crying and

begging he said:

“I beg you to let me go. I have an old mother and young kids,”

“And my family is waiting for me to support them.”

“If you kill me, my mother, wife, and children will be all on the road…”

Nathan said with a smile, “I’ve worked so hard to deceive you here, how

can I let you go?”

Chapter 4889

After speaking, he turned his face and said to Charlie,

“Hey, it’s also interesting, how do you say it?”

“Oh right, if there is a way to heaven, you don’t go, and there is no door to

hell, you break in.”

“You say you are lucky, but there is really no one else! Hahahaha!”

Charlie was not afraid at all at this time.

He looked at Nathan and asked curiously, “What are you going to do with


Nathan looked at Charlie disdainfully at this time, and said lightly,

“Don’t worry, I will ask someone to draw blood from you later,”

“And then take your blood type and other related information.”

“The information will be posted on the Internet, and once a patient matches


“I will negotiate the price with the other party,”

“And after the negotiation, you can just wait for the operating table.”

Doctor Hardik on the side said quickly: “Damn, I almost forgot.”

“There are still two lying on the operating table.”

After speaking, he quickly stretched out his hand and pulled open the white

curtain beside him,

And as expected by Charlie, it was a simple operating room with two

operating tables.

On the two operating tables, there is a person lying on each side.

The doctor ran over to see the situation between the two, and said to Uncle


“Mr. Ma, the guest’s condition is almost stable, and can be sent to


“Okay.” Uncle Ma nodded and waved, Several men immediately stepped


Moved the man to the mobile hospital bed, and carried him out.

Uncle Ma then looked at another unconscious man lying on the operating


And asked the doctor, “How is this guy?”

Hardik looked at him, shook his head, and said, “Not very good, too weak.”

“I guess he won’t live for a few days.”

After speaking, he asked Uncle Ma, “Have you found a buyer for the rest of

the body?”

Uncle Ma shook his head and said, “I haven’t been able to match.”

After that, Uncle Ma said, “No need. Leave him alone, let him stay here,”

“And I will have someone pull him out and bury him in the middle of the


Hardik said, “Then today’s work is over, and I will go to bed.”

Uncle Ma instructed: “Remember there are two surgeries tomorrow, don’t

get up too late.”

Hardik nodded quickly, then yawned and left.

Nathan shouted from behind, “Hey, Hardik, we haven’t collected blood for

this kid yet!”

Hardik turned around and said, “Let’s pick it up tomorrow morning.”

“After picking it, take it to Ensenada for testing. If we draw it now, it won’t be

fresh for testing tomorrow.”

When Nathan heard this, he didn’t say much, but looked at Charlie and

said playfully:

“Have a good rest tonight, there are two surgeries tomorrow, just to let you

see the world.”

Charlie looked at him and asked, “You said just now that I can sell for a

good price.”

“Then I want to know how much I can sell for?”

Nathan frowned and looked at him, and asked in surprise: “Boy, aren’t you


Charlie smiled casually: “If I’m afraid is there a use for it?”

“If I say I’m afraid then you can let me go? If you can’t, then why should I

be afraid?”

“Oh dmn…” Nathan couldn’t help looking up and down at Charlie,

Raised his eyebrows and said, “I don’t see that you’re pretty good. Bring

the seeds.”

Charlie smiled lightly and said, “You haven’t told me yet, how much can I

sell for?”

Before Nathan could speak, Uncle Ma stepped forward, frowned, and said,

“Boy, what the hell are you talking about? Who are you?”

Charlie smiled and said, “If I tell you now that I am someone you can’t

afford to offend,”

“Wouldn’t you think I’m too pretentious?”

“Bull5hit…” Nathan was a little angry and blurted out scolding:

“You’re so fcuking fat! Believe it or not,”

“I’ll give it to you now, let’s see how fat you are?!”

Chapter 4890

Carson stopped him and pulled him behind staring at Charlie with lifeless

eyes, and asked,

“Boy, if you have any way of coming, just report to your family quickly,”

“If we can discuss four, five, or six between us, today’s matter is not a


“You can’t turn battles into jade and silk.”

After speaking, Uncle Ma looked at Charlie with a cold and vicious

expression, and continued:

“If you can’t tell me anything, then I have a way to make your life worse

than death.”

Charlie asked curiously, “What can you do? Come on I want to listen.”

Uncle Ma’s expression became more sullen, and he gritted his teeth:

“Do you believe it or not? When the surgery is on, I will tell them not to give

you anesthesia,”

“And then let you experience what it means to be cut by a thousand


Charlie nodded and said with admiration: “This is good, this is good, this

has a good idea!”

After speaking, he looked at the doctor on the side, and asked curiously,

“Hardik, right, are you the chief surgeon here?”

He smiled too naturally, and said,

“I’m the only one in charge of the operation, and I don’t care about the


“Okay.” Charlie nodded and smiled, and said seriously,

“You can do it, you can make a big difference.”

Nathan didn’t understand what was going on looked at Uncle Ma and


“Uncle Ma, this kid scared and stupid? Why do I feel like he’s lost his


Uncle Ma was also a little confused.

In order to be cautious, he looked at Nathan and asked,

“Did you pay attention when you came were you followed by others?”

“How is it possible?” Nathan said very seriously:

“I’ve been looking around all the way. In the rearview mirror, no car has

been following us,”

“And no car has behaved abnormally or behaved suspiciously, and before

coming in,”

“We confirmed that there are no other vehicles in the line of sight.”

Uncle Ma gently tapped and nodded, then looked at Charlie, and asked


“Boy, I really want to know, why are you not afraid at all? Are you not afraid

of death?”

Charlie smiled and said, “I am afraid of death.”

Uncle Ma asked with a frown: “Afraid of death, are you still pretending to be


Charlie said lightly: “I’m afraid of death, but not of you, you can’t kill me.”

Uncle Ma suddenly pulled out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at


Asked in a cold voice; “Tell me, what’s your background?”

Charlie deliberately changed into a Hong Kong-Taiwan accent, and said


“Hey, you are really a locomotive, you have already asked me a lot of the

same questions.”

At this time, Nathan said to Uncle Ma: “Uncle Ma, why don’t you ignore


“I guess this boy is scared to death and deliberately wants to provoke you

so that you can shoot him to death,”

“Don’t be impulsive. If you shoot, at least one million dollars will be gone.”

Uncle Ma nodded and said coldly: “It is estimated that there is some kind of

stress response,”

“Regardless of him, you put them both Lock them up first and strengthen

your alert tonight,”

“If there is any trouble, report it to me immediately.”

Nathan said hurriedly: “Okay, don’t worry, Uncle Ma!”

Uncle Ma hummed, turned around, and was about to leave, Charlie at this

time, suddenly sneered and said,

“I thought you had some great deeds in Mexico, and after a long time,”

“It turned out that all you did was this kind of filthy things that didn’t come to

the table,”

“And you even made this kind of money. You are not afraid of retribution

coming soon!”

Uncle Ma turned his head and stared at Charlie vigilantly, and asked him,

“What do you mean?”

Charlie smiled slightly, and then asked him, “You shouldn’t have contacted

Georgina recently?”

“Fcuk!” Uncle Ma and Nathan were shocked when they heard this.

They both took out their guns and aimed at Charlie. Nathan blurted out and


“Say, what the h3ll are you doing? Where did you hear the name

Georgina? Are you an undercover agent?”

Uncle Ma felt that Charlie was unlikely to be an undercover, so he pulled

the trigger slightly,

A bit nervous he stared at Charlie viciously and asked coldly:

“Brother, we don’t need to speak secretly, which way are you on the road?

How do you know Georgina?”

Chapter 4891

When the investigation turned into friendly overtures, Charlie smiled


And said lightly: “Not only do I know Georgina, but I also had a meal with


“In Providence, she goes by the pseudonym Myren,”

“And there is another person named Kaiden Xu beside her, who acts as a

couple with her, am I right?”

Hearing Charlie’s words, not only that Carson’s expression was horrified,

but even Abren was dumbfounded.

He didn’t know who Georgina was, but he knew Myren!

It was Myren who told his mother that in Mexico a company was recruiting

seamen, and the perks were very good.

His mother was very grateful to her for a time,

Thinking that her help saved the whole family.

But who would have thought that this woman would be so vicious and want

to dig out his heart and sell it!

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but ask Charlie:

“Brother…you…how did you know Myren?! Did you also get tricked by


Charlie smiled contemptuously and smiled and said lightly,

“Brother, with just the weight of Myren, it is impossible to deceive me.”

Seeing Charlie’s disdain, Carson suddenly felt a little more flustered.

He felt that since Charlie already knew Georgina’s true identity,

But still dared to enter the Tiger’s Den alone,

It was enough to see that this person must have had another move.

So he couldn’t help but ask: “Brother, I think you are very brave,”

“You are not an ordinary person, I think you don’t sell anything,”

“Just directly explain the way, if we are on the same road, I will never treat

you badly!”

Charlie sneered and said, “It’s just your business, to be honest, I really

despise it.”

“You try your best to deceive those people with financial difficulties, and

then kill them to get their organs.”

“This kind of practice is much more disgusting than those beggar gangs

who mutilate children.”

“To say things that are disrespectful is to be shameless.”

“I have been in the limelight for so many years, how can I be on the same

path with you?”

Carson was even more flustered in his heart.

He found that after Charlie said Georgina’s name, there was no trace of

fear from beginning to end,

And his eyes were full of ridicule and contempt.

If he did not have absolute strong confidence, it would be absolutely

impossible to say that the feeling is so well-founded.

Thinking of this, Carson broke out in a cold sweat.

Originally, he was ruthless and wanted to pull the trigger,

And kill this man with one shot, but now he can’t pull the trigger no matter


He couldn’t hide his nervousness and asked Charlie:

“Brother, what are you going to do? Since you know what business we are


“You should know that we are a bunch of murderers who don’t blink while

taking lives,”

“Even if you are really big, but on this one-third acre land in Mexico,

“I’m not necessarily afraid of you.”

Charlie smiled and said, “I think most of the people here are Mexicans,”

“And it would be difficult for you, a Chinese, to be the boss here. Is your

boss not here?”

Carson nodded and said sternly: “Our boss has multiple lines of business,”

“This is just one of them, I’m not talented, I’m the person in charge of this

line of business,”

“You have contacted Georgina who is one of my downlines in the U.S.,”

“I have several downlines in the U.S. and Canada, who specialize in

delivering supplies for me.”

Charlie nodded slightly, and said, “I have some big business, I want to talk

to your boss,”

“You can call him and let him come over, I’ll wait for him here.”

Chapter 4892

Carson frowned and said cautiously, “Brother, if you don’t reveal your


“It’s impossible for me to inform our boss.”

“Yes, our boss is in the top ten among the criminal bosses in Mexico.”

“If you want him to come to see you, you have to show the identity that can

invite him.”

Charlie smiled disdainfully, and then quietly he broke the tie on his wrist.

Immediately afterward, he put his skills into his pocket very calmly,

And took out the black gold card that was limited to a dozen in the world

and only a few in China.

It was only at this time that everyone realized and got horrified,

And had no time to think about how Charlie did it, Charlie had already

gently shaken the black gold card in his hand.

Afterward, he threw the card directly to Carson, and sneered:

“Come on, open your dog eyes and show me clearly, do you recognize this


Carson stretched out his hand in a panic, took the card,

And then he took a closer look and was shocked!

Although he has never seen the black gold card of Citibank, he has already

heard about it.

He couldn’t help thinking in his heart: “Dmn, this black gold card is limited

to only a few dozen in the world.”

“If you can get this kind of card, let’s not say how much money is in the


“But the assets must exceed 10 billion US dollars! “

What is the concept of 10 billion dollars in a backcountry like Mexico?”

“It’s too much of a goddam concept!”

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but lowered his head and carefully

observed the card.

The workmanship of this card is extremely exquisite,

Whether it is texture or touch, he has never seen it on a card in his life.

The slightly frosted relief on the surface of the black gold card is as

exquisite as a work of art.

In the lower-left corner of the card, there are English letters protruding with

steel stamps,

Which are the capitalized letters of Charlie’s name.

At this moment, Carson exclaimed in his heart:

“This is the real thing!”

In the next second, Carson’s hands trembled involuntarily.

Carson is also a trainer. Regardless of his age, his skills are much better

than those of his peers.

This guy can hold down the AK47 with one hand,

But now he can’t hold a bank card that weighs only a few grams.

At this time, he was looking at Charlie, and his eyes were full of awe and


He couldn’t help trembling and asked: “Brother…oh no…Mr. Wade…”

“I don’t know…I don’t know…you All of a sudden, what brought you here…

what’s your job…”

Carson is not a stupefied fool.

When he saw this card, he knew that Charlie must be extremely powerful,

And even his assets should be more than 10 billion US dollars.

And at this moment, he no longer feels that he has any initiative at this


Because he knows very well that a person with worth like Charlie,

If he dares to use his true identity and take his own flesh and blood to try

the risk,

Then in his eyes, there is absolutely no threat to this risk.

The reason why Charlie dared to use his real name to contact this group of

people is that on the one hand,

He is not afraid of retaliation from these people, because, in his opinion,

one of these people will die!

On the other hand, he knew that Georgina definitely had no connection with


Since Georgina escaped from Providence, she has cut off all contact with

her accomplices.

This is the old fox’s way of self-protection. In a short time,

Even Cataclysmic Front can’t find her whereabouts, which is enough to

prove that,

She is so cautious, so even if she uses her real name,

She doesn’t have to worry that this organization will communicate with her

after she reappears.

Seeing Carson’s panicked face, Charlie sarcastically said,

“Look at how scared you are like a bird. With a gun in your hand,”

“And so many dogs around you, isn’t it enough to give you courage?”

Chapter 4893

Hearing Charlie’s words, Carson and Nathan next to him became more


Seeing that Carson’s cold sweat had left on his forehead, Charlie smiled

slightly and said,

“Okay, let’s be honest with you, I’m short of some people like you,”

“Who specialize in dirty work. You’re a just a sgumbag,”

“So I came here to investigate and see how much you have.”

After Charlie said this, the two of them were already sweating down their


Carson swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and asked subconsciously,

“Mr. Wade, you…you came to Mexico by yourself just to inspect us?”

Charlie asked him back, “Whoever told you I was alone ?”

When the two heard this, their expressions became even more nervous.

At this time, Charlie pointed to Abren beside him, and said lightly:

“Didn’t we two come together?”

Carson was stunned, and then the whole person stood on the spot and

trembled uncontrollably.

Charlie didn’t mention Abren, but when he mentioned this name, Carson

felt even more flustered.

Because he had already obtained the information about Abren, he could

conclude that Abren was kept in the dark.

However, Charlie was able to come with him, and he still met him on the


Which proves that Charlie had already figured out their plan,

And knew that they were going to attack Abren, so he deliberately

approached the target and came here with him.

Thinking of this, he was extremely frightened.

Only then did he understand why others always say that,

High-end hunters always appear in the eyes and the way of real prey.

It seems that he has picked up a big bargain for nothing,

But he did not expect that all this is under the control of others.

It can even be said that this is the result that others really want.

It reminded him of the way Africans catch wasps.

They will first take a piece of meat to make the greedy wasps think they

have found their prey and then take it away,

But they don’t know that when the hunter is biting the piece of meat, he

hangs a light feather on himself.

In this way, hunters will follow the feather to find the wasp’s nest,

Remove them one by one, they will kill the adult wasps,

And throw the pupae from the hive into a pot to boil and fry.

In short, once the hunters track the nest, it means the overturning of the

entire nest is inevitable.

He couldn’t help asking Charlie: “Mr. Wade, you… do you want to

incorporate us?”

Charlie said lightly: “It depends on your strength and sincerity,”

“So you’d better involve your boss, just make a call and ask him to come

and talk to me.”

Carson thought for a moment, then said respectfully,

“Mr. Wade, wait a moment, I’ll go up and call our boss.”

Charlie said coldly, “You need to go up to make a call? Just call here.”

Carson quickly explained: “Mr. Wade, you don’t know, there is a signal

blocker here,”

“And the mobile phone can’t make calls. I want to go up and use the

landline to call our boss.”

Charlie waved his hand gently and urged, “Be quick, go and come back


“Okay!” Carson nodded and gave Nathan a quick wink, and the two hurried

out together.

After reaching the ground, Nathan couldn’t help but ask Carson:

“Uncle Ma… this… what’s the origin of this kid…”

Carson slapped him in the face and cursed angrily,

“No matter what his origin is, you brought him here!”

“If this guy is not good, you will be blamed if the boss doesn’t kill him.”

“This can’t be blamed on me, Uncle Ma…” Nathan said with a sad face:

“I reported it to you at the time, and you too agreed, how can you throw the

blame on me at this time?”

Carson said coldly, “You don’t need to tell me this nonsense now,”

“The top priority now is to quickly report the situation to the boss.”

Nathan hurriedly said again: “Carson, do you think this kid is really big? Is

his card real?”

Chapter 4894

Carson said seriously: “It must be real, and the thing doesn’t feel like a fake

when you touch it.”

“It’s something that can be faked, and this kid knows our details and even

our movements,”

“So he must have already investigated our situation.”

Nathan asked nervously, “He can’t be a sliver, right?”

“Can’t…” Carson waved his hand: “How could he play such a trick?”

“This kid looks like he has gone through a lot of wind and waves.”

“There are so many of us and so many guns. But he doesn’t fear at all.”

“Falling down the wind, it even scared me to the point of swaying my legs,”

“Do you think this is the psychological quality that one can have?”

After speaking, Carson looked around and said,

“I seriously doubt this man now. We have been secretly surrounded, but we

can’t see it.”

Nathan became more and more nervous when he heard that, he looked

around and said,

“By the way, Uncle Ma, did you see how he broke the tie just now?”

“I didn’t even see it clearly…then it’s so strong, even a cow can’t break

free, like that right?”

Carson said blankly, “I don’t know about this either, anyway, this person is

extremely rich,”

“He is extremely confident and extremely courageous.”

“It’s definitely not easy, and it’s definitely not something you and I can


“Maybe he really wants to include the entire ‘Crazy Juarez’, if that’s the

case, maybe it’s a good opportunity…”

Saying that he continued: “Even if he is really bad, we don’t want to touch

him, let the boss come and decide for himself.”

“It makes sense…” Nathan wiped his sweat and said,

“Let the boss do it. Let him decide, this is so fcuking weird…”

The real boss behind Georgina is this criminal group called ‘Crazy Juarez’

entrenched in northern Mexico.

The reason why such a second middle school name is given is that the

boss of this criminal group is named Juarez.

Different from the low-key and introverted character of Chinese people,

Westerners especially like to put their name in the enterprise,

Whether it is a Boeing aircraft or a Dyson vacuum cleaner, the founder’s

own name is used.

In China, this kind of thing is rare.

But in the West, it is common almost everywhere.

Therefore, even a criminal group must use the name of the boss as the

name of the entire group.

And this criminal group named Crazy Juarez, the power in Mexico, is not

even in the top five.

But the evil they have done is no less than that of other criminal groups


In order to make as much money as possible, this group does almost all


Manufacturing, smuggling, and selling contraband are just one of them.

Kidnapping, extortion, and assassination are also their business scope.

The reselling of human organs is a large business for this gang.

Moreover, what is even more outrageous is that this criminal group is not

just selling organs, for the sake of profit,

They deceive the lower class people who are struggling to survive in the

United States and Canada.

They try their best to deceive them to Mexico, take their organs, and finally

destroy the corpse.

Because there are too many criminal groups and there are too many


Neither the police in the country nor the police in the United States and

Canada can do anything about them.

As a result, their business of reselling organs has almost become a

low-risk, high-reward business without capital investment.

They have been doing this kind of business for many years,

And each year profit has increased compared to the previous year,

And they have done this for so many years without any trouble.

At this time, Juarez himself was with his hot girlfriend,

And having fun at the underground casino in Ensenada.

He was lucky tonight, and he killed the Quartet in the casino, winning a full


Just when he was having a good time, his subordinate Carson Ma called.

He was about to open the cards at this time.

Looking at the buzzing mobile phone on the gambling table,

He couldn’t help but feel a little irritated, so he answered the phone and

asked in a cold voice,

“Why are you calling so late?! Or you know that I am gambling money. Is


Carson said quickly: “Boss, something happened in the operating room,

and we have a big man at our door…”

Chapter 4895

Crazy Juarez’s full name is Rafael Corona Juarez.

Coincidentally, the place where he was born is a northern border city of

Mexico, also called Juarez.

In this city, the largest criminal group in the country has always been active,

And this city has been ranked the city with the most violent crime in the

world for many years.

To say that this is the real version of Gotham is an insult to Gotham.

After all, Gotham has superheroes in addition to supervillains,

And here, there are only supervillains one worst than the other.

Juarez grew up in the city of the same name, and his parents,

Although not members of a criminal group were also working under the

criminal group to support their families.

His father, who had been driving a truck for a criminal group,

Sometimes pulled arms, sometimes drugs, and sometimes corpses.

His mother, on the other hand, had been working in the drug factory of the

criminal group,

Weighing and packing them, and even won the championship of many skill

competitions organized by the criminal group.

Under such immersion, Juarez had been obsessed with violent crime since

he was a child.

When he was twelve years old, a small leader of a local crime syndicate

gave him a gun,

A bicycle and fifty dollars in cash, so he rode his bicycle at the orders of the

other party,

Shot and killed an innocent man in the street.

Although the recoil of the pistol made his wrist hurt for several days,

In those few days, he was so excited that he couldn’t fall asleep every


Because of the scene of the other party’s brain bursting.

At that moment, he realized that he might have been born to do this.

He has been a gang member since then.

After nearly ten years of accumulation, he had also become a famous small

leader of the city.


After his boss was assassinated by a rival gang,

He escaped from the city with his men and restarted his new business in


After more than ten years of accumulation, his strength has become

stronger and stronger.

Now, he has been able to rank among the Top 10 in many criminal groups

in the country.

However, in this top 10, the principle of 28 is also vividly reflected.

The first and second criminal groups monopolize at least 80% of the profits.

Therefore, the gap between the top 10 cranes like Juarez and the first

place is even more different.

The largest criminal group has an annual profit of more than 10 billion US


But Juarez has been in the mix for so many years, and his total net worth is

a bit over 100 million.

When he listened to Carson’s report that someone found their operating

room with a black gold card, his whole body trembled.

This is a big guy with a net worth of more than 10 billion dollars!

No matter what he wanted, Juarez had to be nervous and he had to pay


Just when he was a little lost, the dealer urged:

“Mr. Juarez, it’s time for you to ask for a card.”

Juarez came back to his senses. He ignored the dealer and turned to the

phone and said to Carson on the other end:

“Carson, I will rush over now. You must treat this man well,”

“And don’t neglect your distinguished guests, otherwise I will not spare


Carson on the other end of the phone said quickly:

“Don’t worry, boss, I will definitely entertain Mr. Wade.”

After speaking, he did not forget to remind:

“Boss, don’t forget, bring as many brothers as possible, you come


Juarez hummed: “Of course!”

After that, he hung up the phone, put the card on the table, stood up hastily,

and turned to leave.

His girlfriend asked in surprise, “Raphael, where are you going?”

Juarez said: “I have important things to do,”

“You can continue to play here first, and I will leave you the chips.”

After that, he looked toward his four bodyguards and said,

“Carlos is going to drive, Eiji. Hector call everyone to get down


“And come to the operating room to gather, remember, everyone, must be

fully armed!”

Chapter 4896

The man named Hector asked in surprise:

“Boss, what’s so serious, why do you want all the brothers to rush over?”

Juarez said: “It may not be a bad thing, but it may not be a good thing,”

“And we will have to wait until we go to find out,”

“But whether it is good or bad, we must be fully prepared.”

From Juarez’s point of view, if this man is indeed a good opportunity for his


Then he must take good care of him, not only to let this man see his


But also to let this man see his strength.

And if this man is not good, he can carry his brothers with him,

And he can avoid danger as much as possible.

Crazy Juarez has a total of more than 200 direct members.

Most of these people are natives.

Here, the prevalence of guns is not inferior to that in the United States,

Especially for criminal groups. Not only everyone has guns,

But many also have standard equipment smuggled in at high prices from

the United States.

Therefore, the combat effectiveness of the members of Crazy Juarez is not

inferior to that of the military police.

When they received the boss’s order, they all took their equipment,

And quickly went to the small village where the operating room was


Juarez, who has been fighting on the streets for many years,

Has always required all members of Crazy Juarez to be able to drive and

have a car of their own.

The reason is to enhance the mobility of the entire group.

In his view, this is as important as the motorization of the modern army.

In addition, he also requires that all members have radios installed in their


At the same time, in order to ensure smooth radio communication,

He has set up multiple radio repeater stations within a 100-kilometer radius

of Ensenada.

So as to improve the coverage of radio communications range and

communication quality.

At this time, he was sitting in his bulletproof car, holding the hand

microphone of the car radio, and instructed:

“Everyone pay attention, no matter where you start from, do not enter the

village where the operating room is located without authorization!”

“First, second, The third team assembled at the eastern entrance of the


“And the fourth, fifth, and sixth teams assembled at the western entrance of

the village.”

“After everyone assembled, listen to my orders and use a pincer attack to

complete the encirclement of the operating room!”

“The team leaders receive it and immediately reply!”

Soon, the voices of many people came from the walkie-talkie: “First team


“The second team received.”

“The third team received…”

After the six team leaders all confirmed the order, Juarez continued:

“After you enter the operating room within a three-mile radius,”

“You must pay close attention to the environment around you.”

“Once you find suspicious people hiding, report to me as soon as possible.”

Juarez has experienced various variety of Rush, combat experiences.

In his opinion, regardless of whether the opponent has secretly deployed


The pincer offensive can best ensure the display of combat effectiveness.

If the enemy is in the center, the pincer attack can well encircle the enemy.

If the enemy is on the periphery after the two forces converge in the pincer


They can rely on the center point to defend against external enemies.

Juarez’s method is very efficient when facing ordinary criminal groups.

But he could not have imagined that what he had to face was precisely the

king of the mercenaries, the Cataclysmic Front.

According to the tactics planned by Charlie before,

The members of the Cataclysmic Front were to scatter and hide one or two

kilometers away from the village,

In order to wait for the other party to complete the assembly,

Then tighten the encirclement and put all the other party members in their


Moreover, these Cataclysmic Front members are all martial arts masters,

And their strength is much stronger than that of ordinary mercenaries.

Therefore, when they are hidden, these members of Crazy Juarez,

Even if they pass by them, will not notice any abnormality!

Chapter 4897

Just when Juarez’s men swarmed, Carson took Nathan back to the

operating room.

Carson put on a flattering expression all the way, walked towards Charlie


And quickly took out a box of domestic cigarettes from his pocket, walked

to Charlie, handed one,

And said respectfully “Mr. Wade, our boss is already on his way,”

“And he has ordered that I must entertain you, you smoke a cigarette first!”

Charlie waved his hand and said indifferently: ” No.”

“Ouch.” Carson quickly flattered and said: “It won’t be good,”

“It won’t be good! Cigarettes are not a good thing, don’t touch them if you


After speaking, he stretched out his hand and put the cigarette case in his

pocket, turned around, and said to Nathan:

“Go away, No one is allowed to smoke in front of Mr. Wade!”

Nathan nodded eagerly and said, “Okay, okay!”

After speaking, he turned around and chatted with the group of men in


Carson smiled and said to Charlie, “Mr. Wade, the environment here is too

bad, do you think we should go up and talk?”

“No need.” Charlie waved his hand slightly, and said lightly,

“I like this very much. The place is simple yet not simple. Look at your

operating room.”

“Although the burrow is small, it has all the internal organs.”

“It can be seen that these equipment are also very elegant.”

“The smell of disinfectant is so strong. I think you should pay attention to


Carson hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, I’ll tell you the truth,”

“I’m really insane when it comes to medicine, but the doctor just now is a bit

of a level.”

“Do you know what glorious deeds this kid has?”

Charlie shook his head. , asked: “What’s the story?”

Carson said: “When this kid was in India, he used various means to kidnap

five or six hundred people’s kidneys.”

“In the United States, as a result, he returned to the old business,”

“And now in the circle of North America, this kid can be regarded as a


Charlie couldn’t help smacking his lips, and said half-jokingly:

“Although this is really a trivial matter, I have to say that there is still


Carson laughed, nodded quickly, and said,

“You are right, talk to me. Compared with you, we have indeed some

indiscriminate activities that do not come to the table.”

“Under normal circumstances, the entire industry chain can only earn tens

of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars for one waist.”

“If you want to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars like you With a net

worth of 100 million,”

“I am afraid that it will cost more than 100,000 waists, and it is impossible to

achieve it in this life…”

Charlie pouted and asked him: “Who told you that I am worth 10 billion?

Ten billion, in my eyes, it’s not even a fa.rt.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “Let me tell you this, I acquired an

organization some time ago,”

“And in long-term and short-term, and I invested ten billion dollars.”

Carson looked at him in disbelief and blurted out:

“Mr. Wade…you…are you kidding me… in what kind of organization you

invested tens of billions of dollars?”

Charlie said casually, “I can’t tell you this right now,”

“But you don’t need to question the authenticity of this matter, because I

never make such a joke.”

Carson also knew that Charlie can have a black gold card, which proves

that he is really worth something,

And it is impossible to brag in front of a small person like himself.

So, he said respectfully: “Mr. Wade, thanks to your interest in our Crazy


“I believe that after you meet our boss, you will not be disappointed with


Charlie nodded and looked aside at Abren, who had never regained his


Immediately frowned and said to Carson, “I thought you had good


“Why didn’t you know that you cut the tie for my brother?”

Carson heard this, he came back to his senses in an instant.

Originally, he thought that Charlie was just coming to the door through


And he still thought that Charlie was a boss and he could not offend him,

Chapter 4898

But Abren was a donor who was about to undergo surgery,

And the two of them would definitely have nothing to do in the future.

But after hearing what Charlie said, he realized that Charlie was supposed

to protect this Abren,

So he slapped himself without thinking, and said angrily,

“Oh, Mr. Wade, I’m so sorry, I’m here to serve you. Now, I didn’t think of

your friend…it’s my fault!”

After speaking, he quickly said to Nathan, “Hurry up and release Mr. Lang!”

“Okay… ” Nathan didn’t dare to have any delay, hurriedly took out a folding

dagger from his waist,

And then cut off the tie on Abren’s hand.

Abren didn’t care to get used to the hands that had just recovered, he threw

himself on his knees in front of Charlie,

And cried and said, “Brother…oh no…Mr. Wade…please… Please save

my life,”

“Mr. Wade, I have the responsibility of old and young, I can’t just die in


Charlie stretched out his hand to help him up, smiled slightly, and said


“Brother don’t worry, you and I were destined to come to Mexico this time.”

“Now you have got my company, so you don’t need to worry about your


Abren was moved, and it was more about the rest of his life after the


It was easy, although he burst into tears, he still couldn’t hide his happiness

and said to Charlie,

“Thank you, Mr. Wade, thank you, Mr. Wade!”

Carson on the side hurriedly smiled and said,

“Don’t worry, Mr. Lang, since you are Mr. Wade’s friend, that is our honored

guest here,”

“The previous things were all misunderstandings,”

“Don’t take it to heart, I guarantee you will be safe after this time!”

Charlie asked curiously: “Carson, I want to know,”

“What are you going to do next to the person who is going to undergo


Carson smiled and said respectfully, “Mr. Wade, the other party’s deposit

has been paid,”

“And the family has agreed to pay the balance after going to the operating


“We will open his chest cavity, then wait another two hours to sew him up,”

“Then send the person back to the US and tell him that the operation is


“If he doesn’t feel well, it may be that his body is not yet adapting to the

new heart,”

“And there is still a possibility of a certain rejection reaction,”

“As long as he can go back to rest in peace for half a month, he can

basically recover.”

Charlie frowned and asked, “The other party gave you all the money,”

“Ran over and was stabbed in vain and then goes back? Isn’t this a bit too

much damage?”

Carson said seriously, “Mr. Wade, in this case, let’s open it up.”

“The chest cavity does not move at all, and it is very interesting to sew him

up again.”

“If we change other colleagues, maybe after opening his chest cavity,”

“Not only will he not be given a new heart, but he will also be able to move


“He has a kidney issue, this kind of thing is not made up by me, it is really

normal in our industry.”

Charlie nodded with a half-smiling smile.

Sure enough, they are a bunch of sgumbags and ba5tards with no morals

and no humanity.

It would be unreasonable to let these ba5tards continue to do bad things.

Thinking of this, Charlie looked at Carson and asked him,

“Why hasn’t your boss come yet? Is he too good at writing ink?”

Carson said quickly, “Don’t worry, Mr. Wade, our boss was gambling in the


“It’s a bit far, so it does take a little longer, but he should be there soon!”

At this moment, Juarez’s six teams have arrived at the entrance of the


One after another and assembled at the designated location.

Along the way, they were very cautiously observing the surrounding


But they did not find any abnormality.

And Juarez’s car, under the protection of three cars,

Drove to the east entrance of the village only after the six teams were in


Chapter 4899

After arriving, Juarez did not get out of the car, but said to one of his


“Hector, go and see first, remember to record the video of the whole


“After entering, let the shielding be turned off, and then post the video.”

“Show me the situation inside, if Carson and the others are controlled by

the other party,”

“Then this is a trap, we have to prepare in advance.”

The man called Hector nodded lightly,

Then, he took out his mobile phone, turned on the video, and walked in


Both the dark post and minion near the operating room knew Hector,

So when Hector appeared, they all greeted Hector on a routine basis.

Hector kept looking around, and at the same time carefully observed every


One person, after finding that there was nothing abnormal,

He opened his mouth and said to one of the little bosses who was

responsible for guarding the place:

“Turn off the shielding, I want to send a video to the boss.”

The man did not dare to delay and immediately turned off the signal

shielding device.

Hector immediately sent the video that had been taken to Juarez, who soon

sent an invitation for a video call.

After the video was connected, Juarez’s voice came, and he asked, “Where

is that surname Wade?”

Hector said, “I heard that he is in the underground operating room.”

Juarez instructed: “Go down. Check it out, don’t hang up on the video.”


Hector agreed, walked into the room where the basement entrance is, and

then walked straight down.

Juarez, on the other hand, is using his mobile phone in the car to carefully

observe the video footage sent back.

He wanted to confirm whether what appeared in the video was his


Fortunately, Charlie was indeed alone, so Juarez didn’t notice anything


At this time, Hector had come to the underground operating room,

And saw Charlie with a proud expression in front of Carson.

Carson also saw Hector at this time, and hurriedly said to Charlie,

“Mr. Wade, our boss’s personal bodyguard has arrived. I believe our boss

will be here soon!”

Hector came into the crowd at this time, and the camera of the mobile

phone is now facing Charlie,

And then he lowered his voice and said a few words in Carson’s ear.

After Carson also whispered a few words in his ear, Hector was relieved,

Then he smiled and nodded to Charlie as a gesture, then stepped back and

returned to the ground.

As soon as he returned to the ground, he reported to Juarez:

“Boss, nothing unusual was found here, there were only two unfamiliar


One was the donor who was scheduled to undergo surgery the day after


And the other was what Carson said. That billionaire.”

Juarez asked him, “Are all our brothers here?”

“All.” Hector said: “There is no sign of a fight at the scene, not even the

smell of gunpowder,”

“So there is definitely no problem.”

Juarez nodded and smiled:

“It seems that surnamed Wade is really brave, I will meet him in person in a


After speaking, Juarez used the car radio to issue an order:

“Everyone come with me. Teams 1 to 3 keep guard outside the operating


“And teams 4 to 6 on guard in the operating room. The bodyguards come

down with me to meet that boy.”

A confirmation reply from the squad leader soon came.

Immediately afterward, Juarez opened the car door and walked out.

Under the protection of bodyguards, he walked toward the operating room.

Just when Juarez thought that he had eliminated all threats and was


He never dreamed that in the high sky, the drone had already clearly

captured his movements.

When Joseph saw him appear, he realized that this person must be the

leader of the entire criminal organization.

So, according to Charlie’s orders, he instructed his subordinates:

“Everyone, pay attention, start shrinking the encirclement immediately,”

“Once the target enters the yard where Mr. Wade is, the five-minute

countdown will start immediately.”

“When the time is up, be sure to neutralize all enemies outside and leave

no one behind!”

Chapter 4900

A few minutes later, Juarez had come to the yard where the operating room


Because of Hector’s previous exploration, he was not worried at all,

And went straight down the stairs of the operating room.

When Carson saw Juarez walking down, he immediately said to Charlie


“Mr. Wade, our boss is here!”

After speaking, he hurried to Juarez and said in Spanish politely,

“Boss, Mr. Wade who came today is a great god of Wealth, we must seize

this opportunity!”

Juarez patted him on the shoulder without speaking, but walked directly to


With a smile, he said in Spanish,

“Mr. Wade, right, I’m Juarez, Rafael Juarez, you can call me Rafael.”


Charlie didn’t understand Spanish, but Carson was there to translate,

So there is no obstacle to communication with Juarez.

Charlie looked at Juarez from top to bottom and found that this Mexican

man was indeed very aggressive.

Although he was not tall, he was very strong. He wore a shiny thick gold

necklace around his neck,

Even on his teeth, he wore diamond-studded braces, with a very short inch


And a face full of flesh, it is not a good thing at first glance.

Charlie looked at him and smiled indifferently: “Mr. Juarez really made me


“After he came, he didn’t show up. Let a subordinate come in and made a

video call.”

“Your operation really made me lose my mind, thinking about it.”

Juarez knew that Charlie thought that he was too slow and that he was too


So he smiled and said, “I’m sorry, Mr. Wade,”

“It is always necessary to be cautious when meeting for the first time. “

After speaking, he quickly changed the subject and asked:

“Mr. Wade, I heard from Carson that you want to cooperate with our group.”

“I don’t know what kind of cooperation it is that you want with us?”

Charlie didn’t answer his question, but with a smile, he asked,

“How many people are there in your organization?”

Juarez immediately said, “We have more than 200 people.”

Charlie frowned slightly, and said lightly, “The more than 200 people seem

to be a little less.”

Juarez hurriedly said: “Although there are not many of us, almost everyone

is a strong fighter!”

Charlie asked curiously: “Did you bring them all over today?”

Juarez nodded and said:

“My people are all outside. If Mr. Wade is interested, I can take you up to

have a look.”

“No need.” Charlie said casually: “You people don’t need me to deal with

you myself.”

Juarez didn’t know the deep meaning of Charlie’s words, he patted his

chest and said to Charlie,

“If Mr. Wade intends to cooperate with us, I will take care of the following


“And I don’t need to deal with them myself.”

After that, he asked Charlie: “Mr. Wade, you haven’t said what kind of

cooperation you want to make with us?”

Charlie said casually: “I have a big project in Syria. Actually, there is a

shortage of people, but…”

As he got to this point, he deliberately paused, then took out his mobile

phone and checked the time.

Seeing that it is almost five minutes since Juarez came in,

He gradually put away the smile on his face and looked at him, and said in

a cold voice,

“Forget it, Syria is only suitable for those who can be spared the death


“And can’t escape the crime. It’s not very suitable for sgumbags like you

who should be cut into pieces.”

Carson was about to translate, but he was momentarily stunned.

After stopping, he couldn’t help looking at Charlie, frowned, and asked,

“Mr. Wade, what do you mean by that?”

Charlie sneered, looked at Juarez and the people around him, and said

lightly, and said in English:

“The meaning is simple, You’re all gonna die! Tonight!”



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