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 Chapter 3246 Where did you drink?

Although Charlie was confident, Yin Xiaoyang was somewhat worried. He could not help but ask Charlie: "Sir, how do you plan to deal with Song Chenshi? Her strength is unfathomable. If you need, I can organise the strongest brothers in the Cavalry Guard to kill her together!"

Charlie said: "Since she is a senior official in the Right Army Governor's Office, she is still useful to me. I can't just kill her."

\After that, Charlie asked: "What is the organisational structure of your Cavalry Guard?"

Yin Xiaoyang said: "The Cavalry Guard is divided into three battalions, nine flags, and twenty-seven teams. Each of the three battalions has a chief captain and a deputy chief captain. Each flag has a chief captain and a deputy chief captain. Each team has a captain and a deputy captain. "

Then, Yin Xiaoyang continued to introduce: "Among the three battalions, the first battalion is responsible for mining, the second battalion is responsible for production, and the third battalion is responsible for logistics and security. The brothers you saw on the platform when you came are the brothers of the third battalion. They are mainly responsible for patrol and security. In addition, they are also responsible for transportation and loading and unloading. In addition, there are many brothers in the third battalion who are working overtime to rush to build a watchtower. This is also a requirement issued by the superiors, and we need to strengthen our defence. "

Charlie nodded and said, "Gather all the leaders of the third battalion and the nine flags. I will go to meet Song Qianshi first. After I deal with her, I will bring her to see you. "

Yin Xiaoyang asked hurriedly: "Sir, do you not need the help of me and the brothers?"

"No need." Charlie said calmly, "Her strength is indeed good, but she is not a threat to me."

Yin Xiaoyang clasped his hands and said respectfully, "There are more than 10,000 people here, and everything depends on you, sir!"

Charlie nodded slightly, and then said, "Drive to your office building."

"Yes, sir!"

Yin Xiaoyang agreed and drove back immediately. 

When the car arrived at the downstairs of the office building, Charlie used his spiritual energy to isolate the space inside the car and said to Yin Xiaoyang, "You call them to the meeting room, but don't tell them anything about me before I show up."

Yin Xiaoyang immediately said, "I understand!"

After that, he said to Charlie, "Sir, I will take you to see the deputy minister Song first!"

Charlie waved his hand, "No need, I know where she is."

After that, Charlie withdrew his spiritual energy, pushed the door and got out of the car.

At this time, there were not many cavalry guards in the office building. Since the production was non-stop for 24 hours, except for a few people who were resting in the dormitory area, most of the rest were at the forefront of the work. Only a few responsible persons were waiting in their offices.

Song Chenshi was in the office on the fifth floor at this time. Her office was divided into two rooms, the inner and outer rooms, each of which was nearly 100 square metres in size and luxuriously decorated.

The outer room was mainly used for office and reception, while the inner room was a place for living, resting, and practising meditation. It was also equipped with a complete toilet and bathroom. During the few days that Song Chenshi came to Duke Mining, she worked and lived here.

This office was originally prepared for special envoys. Every time a special envoy came, he would stay here for a few days. It was the best room in the entire Duke Mining, so Yin Xiaoyang naturally arranged Song Chenshi here.

Song Chenshi's real name was Song Ruyu. She just turned 24 this year. She was the first cultivator of the Song family in hundreds of years and the greatest hope of the Song family in hundreds of years.

The fate of the Song family has been bound to the Wu family for hundreds of years, and the fortunes and disasters depended on each other.

At first, they had a daughter who married into the Wu family and gave birth to offspring for the Wu family. Later, the PoQing Society grew stronger and stronger, and the Wu family had more and more secrets. Wu Feiyan asked the Wu family to develop the family of marriage into a collateral family so that it could be permanently tied to the Wu family.

Wu Feiyan's method of binding these collateral families was also very direct, that is, poisoning.

As long as the collateral families were honestly attached to the Wu family, they could get a steady stream of antidotes, as well as money, power and status. But if they dared to disobey the Wu family, the only outcome would be the extermination of the entire family.

The reason why Wu Feiyan wanted to bind these collateral families was that as her life got longer and longer, the Wu family had more and more secrets, and in the future, the Wu family would become less and less suitable for casual marriages with other families from outside. 

The Wu family was Wu Feiyan's mother's family, and Wu Feiyan could not let the Wu family's incense be affected, so she instructed the Wu family to develop many collateral families like the Song family into breeding machines for the Wu family.

According to Wu Feiyan's requirements, the girls of the Wu family must not marry and must serve the Wu family for life, and the boys of the Wu family can only marry suitable girls from the collateral family. 

For hundreds of years, the biggest task of the Song family has been to continuously send girls of the right age to the Wu family to marry with the descendants of the Wu family. 

Since the two families have been multiplying synchronously for hundreds of years, the gene tree has long been branched out, so the blood relationship between the descendants of the Song family and the women outside the family and the descendants of the Wu family has long been negligible, far beyond the scope of close relatives marrying, so that the normal continuation of the Wu family's genes can be ensured.

In order to ensure that the Wu family is provided with girls with good genes, the men of the Song family need to find excellent Chinese women in the outside world to give birth to offspring;

and in order to protect family secrets, the men of the Song family are often top scumbags.

They will use fake identities to talk about love and marriage with suitable women in the outside world, and one day after the other party gives birth to their children, they will disappear with the children.

If it is a boy, he will be brought back to be trained as the new generation of the Song family;

if it is a girl, she will be trained completely according to the preferences of the Wu family. If she can be selected by the Wu family and married to a man of high status in the Wu family after she grows up, she can bring more wealth and opportunities to their family. If she cannot be selected by a man of high status in the Wu family, she will inevitably marry those male descendants who are not valued or even despised in the Wu family.     

After all, even if they are male wastes in the Wu family, they are still members of the Wu family. The Wu family cannot let them be bachelors for their whole lives. Even if they have no future, they must at least have a family and offspring to give an explanation to their parents or even grandparents.     

In order to keep the secrets of the Wu family, they can only marry women from collateral families.     

Therefore, in collateral families like the Song family, almost more than 80% of the eligible women will be selected by the Wu family layer by layer.     

Due to the huge disparity in power between the two families, girls who married into the Wu family had almost no status. It was normal for them to be despised by their husbands, and it was common for them to be wronged. In serious cases, they would even be killed by their husbands. But even so, their family members did not dare to have any doubts or dissatisfaction. After all, their lifeblood was in the hands of the Wu family.     

And those girls who were lucky enough not to be chosen by the Wu family, the Song family would not allow them to leave the family and marry and start a family, because they had to stay in the Song family, guard the secrets of the Song family and the Wu family for hundreds of years, and be tools for their whole lives. 

Song Ruyu was the only cultivator in the Song family for hundreds of years. It could even be said that she was the only one from all the collateral families combined, so she carried the hope of the entire Song family.

Song Ruyu knew the power of the Poqing Society and the Yingzhu, and with the influence of the family, she did not dare to have any rebellious thoughts against the Poqing Society. She only knew that if she wanted to change the fate of her family, there was only one way, which was to continuously improve her strength and constantly let herself play a more important role in the Poqing Society.

Once her strength could be seen by the Yingzhu, the Song family would definitely be able to get more preferential treatment, and maybe one day, there would be a chance to get rid of the fate of a reproductive machine.

Based on this heavy responsibility, Song Yuru was loyal to the Poqing Society, and only hoped to have more opportunities to make meritorious contributions to accumulate more capital for herself.

This time, the Governor's Office allowed her to be responsible for the blood transfer work of the entire garrison alone, which was also a manifestation of greater trust in her. She thought to herself: "As long as I make no mistakes in this mission and complete it smoothly and on time, the Governor's Office will definitely give me more and more important tasks in the future. At that time, it will be a good opportunity for me, Song Ruyu, to make achievements!"

Just when Song Ruyu was looking forward to the future in her heart, she suddenly heard someone knocking on the door, disrupting her hopeful thoughts.

She came to her senses and asked in a cold and disgusted voice: "What's the matter?"

Outside the door, Charlie said: "Chen Shi Song, the commander asked his subordinates to pass on a message."

"Pass on a message?" Song Ruyu said disdainfully: "He is just a commander. He didn't come to see me in person when he had something to do, but sent someone to pass on a message. He is really so arrogant!"

Charlie hurriedly said: "Chen Shi Song, there is some problem with the goods, and they may not be completed on time. Commander Yin dare not delay and has summoned all the thousand households and flag chiefs to study countermeasures. He really dared not withdraw and delay the progress, so he asked his subordinates to report to you."

"What did you say?" When Song Ruyu heard Charlie say that there was a problem with the goods and even affected the progress, she was immediately furious.

As soon as she thought about it, her spiritual energy sensed that Yin Xiaoyang was indeed in this office building, and that many leaders of the Cavalry Guards were gathering towards him, so she immediately used her spiritual energy to open the door instantly, looked at Charlie outside the door, and said coldly: "Tell me clearly what the problem is! If anything happens that affects the progress, I will chop off the head of the first person in charge first!"

Although Song Ruyu is young, she has regarded human life as worthless since she was a child.

This is not because she was born cold and ruthless, but she knows very well that the Wu family has always regarded the lives of the Song family as worthless.

From childhood to adulthood, she accidentally heard about the murder of women from the Song family who married into the Wu family, and there were no less than five times.

These people were her elders, and the reasons why they were killed by the Wu family were also very far-fetched. Some were because they could not give birth to boys, some because of accidental miscarriages, some were simply disgusted by their husbands, and some were even just because they were greedy and ate more food, which caused their figures to be out of shape.

Contrary to the fact that the Song family was treated as worthless by the Wu family, the Song family also disdained the women they found outside, and even treated them worse than the Wu family treated the women of the Song family.

Song Ruyu's eldest brother had entered the world a few years ago to disguise himself and find a suitable woman to reproduce. He first had a child with a woman, and the woman found out that the eldest brother had a family in another city, so the eldest brother killed her to silence her.

The woman didn't even have time to accuse the eldest brother of a single word before she was shot to death by the eldest brother. The reason was very simple. The eldest brother and the Song family could not take any risks. They originally intended to find an opportunity to disappear with the child after the woman gave birth and before the child turned one year old. Since they were discovered, they would just kill her directly to eliminate future troubles.

Song Ruyu was influenced by such an environment, and killing people had long lost any psychological burden for her. These Cavalry Guards were far inferior to the status of the Song family. They were just a group of slaves raised by the Poqing Society. Naturally, she didn't care about the lives of these people. Once someone provoked her or affected her, she would just kill them!

Seeing her murderous look, Charlie was quite surprised. Such a young face, such an extraordinary appearance and dress, coupled with such a majestic and bloody murderous look, was indeed quite shocking.

Seeing that Charlie did not answer her question within three seconds, Song Ruyu's tone immediately became more serious. She stared at Charlie and said sternly, "If you don't speak quickly, I will chop off your head and ask Yin myself!"

Charlie was speechless. Looking at Song Ruyu's murderous expression, he chuckled and said, "Little girl, where did you drink tonight? You are so drunk that you want to chop off my head?"


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