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 Chapter 3265 Bait

After hundreds of cavalry guards left the station in Nigeria, Wu Shutong also left by car accompanied by Yuan Chengze.

However, Wu Shutong drove in the opposite direction of the cavalry guards, heading towards Abuja, the capital of Nigeria.


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The reason for going to Abuja was that Wu Shutong felt that hundreds of cavalry guards were now playing their cards openly and must have been exposed. He took advantage of the opportunity of the cavalry guards to attract the other party's attention and took a detour from Abuja to Morocco, which must be much safer. 

But Wu Shutong never dreamed that the vehicle he was riding in had been captured by the vending machine from the moment he left the oil field, and also entered the scope of key monitoring by Ai.

It takes at least six or seven hours to drive from the oil field to Abuja. It was already morning when he arrived. Wu Shutong began to arrange for the emergency evacuation of the Right Army Governor's Office on the road.

According to the normal working procedures of the Governor's Office, it must have the basic conditions of one main and two backups, that is, one main station and two backup stations. In the event of an accident, it can be directly switched to the backup station.


Not every member of the Right Army Governor's Office knows about the backup station. Those who know about the backup station are basically the real senior officials and confidants of the Right Army Governor's Office. In other words, they are the Wu family's own people.

Even Yuan Chengze doesn't know where the two backup stations are now.

The reason for strict confidentiality is to prevent internal problems.

At present, the backup stations of the Right Army Governor's Office are in Spain and Lithuania, the former is close to the Strait of Gibraltar, and the latter is in the heart of the Baltic Sea.

Once the emergency rotation is initiated, all work of the Right Army Governor's Office will be temporarily stopped, and then the senior officials who know the backup station branch will organise everyone to set off immediately, but will not tell them where to go and how to get there until they arrive at the new station.

Wu Shutong only took a look at the map and decided to move the Right Army Governor's Office to Lithuania. The reason is that the place is the farthest from Morocco, a place of trouble. On the contrary, Spain is separated from Casablanca in Morocco by the Strait of Gibraltar. A small speedboat can drive there in an hour, which is equivalent to sticking a pole to the fire.

But on second thought, it seemed that choosing Lithuania was not very appropriate. When the time comes to report to the King, the King will know his motive for choosing Lithuania at a glance.

Helplessly, he could only give up Lithuania and notify the confidants of the Wu family to immediately prepare to move the entire Right Army Governor's Office to Spain.

At the same time, Wu Tianlin also reported Wu Shutong's decision to Wu Feiyan, and told Wu Feiyan: "King, Shutong decided to go to Morocco to redeem himself and vowed to find clues about the enemy."

Wu Feiyan raised her eyebrows and said: "Since he is going, notify the three elders to get ready and set off for Morocco tomorrow."

Wu Tianlin asked her: "King, didn't you ask the three elders to wait for news in Nigeria? Why send them out at this time?"

Wu Feiyan said: "A few hundred Cavalry Guards and Tiger Guards may not be able to attract the other side. The other side just defeated us once in Morocco. I think They would not take risks just to kill some Cavalry Guards and Tiger Guards, but it would be different if Wu Shutong went there. He was the Grand Commander of the Right Army Commander's Office. If the other party knew he was there, they would probably not be able to hold back and attack him. Letting the three elders follow him secretly would not only give them a chance to kill the enemy with one blow, but also protect Wu Shutong's safety. "

Wu Tianlin knew that the British Lord was planning to use Wu Shutong as bait. In this situation, the other party had won a great victory in the first battle, so they naturally had no intention of fighting again. Unless a very valuable target appeared, they would want to pursue victory. In this way, Wu Shutong was indeed a good bait.

Moreover, with the three elders secretly guarding him, Wu Shutong would not be in any danger, so Wu Tianlin immediately said: "The British Lord is wise! I will pass the order to the three elders!"


When Wu Shutong arrived at Abuja Airport, he did not know that before he got off the car, the vehicle he was riding had been exposed to the monitoring range of a large number of vending machines at Abuja Airport.

In order to get to Casablanca as soon as possible, Wu Shutong ordered someone to rent a business jet in advance and wait at the Abuja Airport. It was already morning when he arrived at the airport. He got out of the car and went directly through the VIP channel with Yuan Chengze to the VIP terminal for a security check.

At this time in Abuja Airport, even if there was not one vending machine every three steps, there was at least one vending machine every thirty metres.

The monitoring equipment in these vending machines used wide-angle ultra-high-definition lenses, which basically achieved a 180-degree shooting angle. In addition, they were all placed against the wall, so there was no monitoring blind spot. Wu Shutong was within the monitoring range from the time he got off the car to the boarding gate.

At this moment, Charlie and the others also arrived at the food factory before dawn.

Li Yalin and other cavalry guards and death soldiers had been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing Li Yalin, Charlie asked him, "Inspector Li, is everything going well here?"

"It's going well!" Li Yalin introduced, "Mr. Wade, these death squads and cavalry guards are very disciplined. No sound can be heard from outside, and no flaws can be seen. I have deployed secret sentries around, and no suspicious persons have been found approaching."

"Okay." Charlie nodded and said, "We will start to evacuate gradually from tonight. In order to avoid any more trouble, we will try to evacuate all of them from Morocco within five days."

Li Yalin said, "Five days should be no problem, but Mr. Wade, the AI ​​just gave an early warning. It used our vending machine to capture two suspicious persons who detoured from their base in Nigeria to Abuja and boarded a business jet from Abuja to Casablanca."

Charlie asked curiously, "Didn't the Nigerian Cavalry Guards fly directly from Lagos to Casablanca? These two people chose to go far away instead of near, probably because they didn't want to be discovered by us, right?"

Li Yalin nodded and said, "That's my guess."

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone, opened the high-definition facial photos of Wu Shutong and Yuan Chengze taken at the Abuja airport, and said, "Look, these are the two people."

Charlie took it and looked at it, then he handed it to Song Ruyu beside him and asked her, "Miss Song, do you know these two people?"

Song Ruyu took a closer look and said in surprise, "These...these two are the Grand Commander and Lieutenant General Yuan of the Right Army Commander's Office..."

When Charlie heard that it was the Grand Commander, he immediately became interested and said, "Tell me in detail."

Song Ruyu pointed to Wu Shutong in the photo and explained, "This is the Grand Commander Wu Shutong, and the other is Lieutenant General Yuan Chengze of the Right Army Commander's Office. Yuan Chengze is the confidant of the Grand Commander."

Charlie said in surprise, "This Wu Shutong actually came to Morocco in person. It seems that he wants to supervise the army on the spot."

Song Ruyu said, "Mr. Wade made such a big fuss, the Grand Commander will definitely not escape the blame. Coming here in person to supervise the army at this time can be regarded as showing his loyalty to the Lord."

Charlie nodded, looked through some pictures selected by AI, and said in surprise, "Strange, why is this person's left hand always hidden in his sleeve?"

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