Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3261 update || Chapter 6769 & 6770 || Chapter 3261 Too passive!…! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3261 Too passive!

At this time, Duke Mining was engulfed in flames.

When Dong Mingchao received an order from Sun Tongzhi to go in and find the whereabouts of Song Qianshi, he was stunned for three seconds.

Looking at the raging fire, he murmured, "How the hell do I get in?"

As he was speaking, the huge steel structure of the refinery was severely deformed due to high-temperature fatigue of the metal, and then it collapsed with a loud bang. A huge sound wave came over, and the fire in the factory was briefly suppressed by the collapsed roof, and then it quickly rose into the air, and the flames burned higher than the original factory.

Dong Mingchao hesitated again and again, and could only shoot a video to reply to Sun Tongzhi: "Mr. Tongzhi, it's not that I don't want to go in, the key is that the fire is too big, and I can't get close at all!"

The situation was passed on by Sun Tongzhi and reported to the Grand Commander Wu Shutong.

Wu Shutong saw the fire and knew that it was a pipe dream to go in and find someone. The crematorium's incinerator was probably not as hot as Duke Mining's. The most urgent thing now was to report the situation to the Lord. As for Song Ruyu, he could only wish for good luck.

But when he thought of such a big problem under his rule, Wu Shutong was very timid. If he was really punished, he didn't know how to punish him.

However, he knew in his heart that he had to report truthfully no matter how scared he was, otherwise he would be charged with another crime of delaying military intelligence.

So he could only pick up his phone and call the chief steward of the Lord, Wu Tianlin.

Wu Tianlin, who was more than a hundred years old, had been with Wu Feiyan for nearly a hundred years. He knew Po Qing Society and Wu Feiyan very well. He knew that starting tonight, the Right Army Governor's Office would take the lead in changing blood, and now the three elders were also on the territory of the Right Army Governor's Office. It must be no good for the Grand Governor Wu Shutong to call him at this time.

Wu Tianlin, who had a bad feeling, Asked him as soon as the call was connected: "Shutong, what happened?"

"Grandfather..." Wu Shutong cried with a choked voice, and said: "It's over, Grandfather, there is a problem with the death squad station under your grandson's command, almost the same as the one in Cyprus..."

Wu Tianlin is the eldest son of the Wu family.

Wu Feiyan brought him to her side, led him to enlightenment, guaranteed his longevity, and cultivated him as a confidant, but Wu Tianlin also lost the right to reproduce.

Although he is not a eunuch, Wu Feiyan does not allow him to marry and have children. This is the price he has to pay for Wu Feiyan's training.

With Wu Feiyan as an example, Wu Tianlin has no interest in mundane things such as marrying and having children. It is better to follow Wu Feiyan and seek immortality. If Wu Feiyan dies of old age and he is still alive, he can inherit the Poqing Society and become the next leader.

Wu Shutong and other descendants of the Wu family are actually the bloodline left by Wu Tianlin's younger brothers.

It is natural to call him grandpa.

Hearing that something happened in the garrison, Wu Tianlin immediately asked: "That man is moving again?! Didn't he go to Nigeria?!"

"No!" Wu Shutong said very aggrievedly: "The mysterious man seems to have seen through our thoughts. He has not come to Nigeria for such a long time. Although the three elders are in seclusion, they take turns to use spiritual energy to explore the surroundings almost every hour. They have never found any cultivators coming. Just now, your grandson received news that the Moroccan death camp has been destroyed, and even Song Ruyu is missing..."

Wu Tianlin exclaimed: "What did you say?! Song Ruyu is also there?! Isn't she in the governor's mansion?! How could she be there? !”

Wu Shutong explained, “Your grandson wanted her to go out and see the world and gain some experience. I thought it was just a formality, but I didn’t expect to encounter such a thing…”

 Wu Tianlin paced back and forth in the room anxiously, and said angrily and hatefully, “You…you are confused! Song Ruyu’s talent is rare among millions of people. The Lord has long wanted to bring her to her side to train her, but the Lord has not been able to take care of her for some time, so she asked you to temporarily settle her in the Governor’s Mansion. How could you send her out? !”

“I…” Wu Shutong didn’t know how to explain for a moment.

Arranging Song Ruyu to Duke Mining was, completely, to get close to Song Ruyu and pamper her like his own niece. He thought she must be bored in the Governor’s Mansion all day long. She only had the identity of a deputy, but she could not find the kind of existence that everyone bowed to, so he took the initiative to arrange her to Morocco for a stroll. 

It was said to be a mission, but in fact it was just to let her take a vacation and find a sense of superiority.

I thought that with her ability, it would be easy for her to carry out such a mission in Morocco, but who would have thought that such a thing would happen.

It felt like a boss wanted to please his top salesperson and arranged for her to go on a trip at public expense, but she didn't expect that she would have a plane crash. This feeling made him regret it.

But it was useless to regret now. The thing had already happened. The only thing he could do was to ask the British Lord for instructions. If the British Lord punished him, he would accept it quickly to avoid penalty interest if he delayed for too long. If the British Lord had any other instructions, he would do it quickly, maybe he would have a chance to make up for his mistakes.

Wu Tianlin was also a little panicked. He whispered, "Shutong, the Lord Ying is very confident about the layout of Nigeria. She has been waiting for the good news of the three elders' victory in recent days. If she knew that all the plans had been seen through by the enemy, and that the enemy had stolen another base, and even lost the genius Song Ruyu, she would definitely be furious..."

Wu Shutong was even more panicked and asked quickly, "Then what should I do, Grandpa... I... I really can't do it! I have been in Nigeria these days and dare not leave, but you also know the strength of my subordinates. There are not many real cultivators, and their strength levels are relatively low. The mysterious man is powerful, and the four earls can't do anything to him. I don't have anyone who can match him. No matter which base he goes to outside Nigeria, The ending is the same... "

Wu Tianlin asked him: "The garrison under your command should strictly implement the confidentiality plan and not disclose any clues to the outside world. Why did he find it? This alone can cure you of serious negligence!"

Wu Shutong cried and said: "Grandpa, this... this can't be blamed on me... That person has great magical powers. No matter how careful I am, I can't hide it from him!"

As he said, he asked in panic: "By the way, Grandpa... If the other party knew that Nigeria was a trap a long time ago, then... Then would he have been secretly monitoring this place? ! The three elders are here now. If they are targeted, then... Wouldn't it be endless trouble? ! "

Wu Tianlin's heart skipped a beat and he blurted out: "It's bad! This might be too passive! You wait, I'll go and ask the Lord of England!"


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