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 Chapter 3262 This is a deliberate provocation to me!

At this moment, Wu Feiyan was in seclusion in her own dojo.

Her dojo was at the deepest part of this Antarctic island, more than 300 meters below sea level, surrounded by cold rocks. Wu Feiyan chose to build the base of the Poqing Society near such a remote Antarctic Circle, on the one hand, because it was more hidden and safe, and on the other hand, because the environment here was more suitable for cultivation.

In recent years, Wu Feiyan has rarely been in seclusion for a long time. Each time she was in seclusion, it was as short as a few days or as long as a few months. Unlike the three elders, the seclusion time was measured in years.

The reason why Wu Feiyan did not stay in seclusion for a long time was not because she was worried that the development of the Poqing Society would be out of her control, but as she grew older, it became more and more difficult for her to calm down and concentrate on cultivation. Four hundred years had passed in the blink of an eye, and she had not found the recipe for the Baizhuan Qianhui Pill. It seemed that there were still a hundred years left, but if she really used it for cultivation, it could be said to be fleeting.

The older Wu Feiyan got, the more she felt that life sometimes conformed to the so-called conservation of energy.

Although the cultivators live longer, the time they spend feeling the world and truly enjoying life is not much better than that of an ordinary person who died in his sixties or seventies. It is even possible that they are not as good as them.

In the past four hundred years, she has spent at least three hundred years in cultivation. The rest of the time was either used to find Lin Wan'er or to develop the Poqing Society. The time to enjoy life was almost zero.

Looking back now, the best time in life was actually the time when she and her senior brother Lin Zhulu were practising in the Shiwan Mountains.

At that time, Master Meng Changsheng did not often ask about their affairs. Most of the time, after several days of retreat, he would take half an hour to check their progress and give a few pointers, and then he would stay in retreat for several days.

Therefore, during that period of time, it was almost a world for the two of them.

Wu Feiyan enjoyed the feeling of being able to live in a corner with her beloved while the outside world was in chaos. It would double her happiness.

In addition, the experience of cultivation also brought her great expectations and excitement, which was equivalent to adding a powerful buff to her happiness.

However, that wonderful feeling completely collapsed when she stabbed Lin Zhulu with her sword. Since then, life has lost happiness, and what is left is only twisted desire.

Wu Feiyan, who was in retreat at this time, did not focus on cultivation, but wanted to calm herself down here and think about the next life plan.

Four hundred years passed in the blink of an eye. She knew very well that she had entered the twilight of her life. She originally hoped to get the Baizhuan Qianhui Pill and continue for another five hundred years, but after going to the Shiwan Mountains last time, she realised that her master Meng Changsheng did not really pass away. What she had been pursuing for hundreds of years might just be a small step in the huge chess game set up by her master.

In this way, the hope of continuing for another five hundred years became increasingly slim.

She just didn't understand what tricks her master was playing when he hid in the Shiwan Mountains for four hundred years.

When she was racking her brains and couldn't figure it out, she felt someone approaching above the dojo hundreds of metres deep in her consciousness. The person was Wu Tianlin.

Wu Tianlin came to the top of the dojo, where there was a heavy stone door.

Entering the stone door was the first barrier to enter Wu Feiyan's dojo.

Inside the stone door, there was Wu Feiyan's formation for protection, and then there was a vertical well more than 200 meters deep. At the bottom of the vertical well, there was another stone door. Behind this stone door was where Wu Feiyan practised in seclusion.

Wu Tianlin stopped in front of the first stone door above and said respectfully through the stone door: "Master Ying, I have something important to report!"

Wu Feiyan frowned slightly, then stood up and walked out of the dojo. The heavy stone door below was easily pushed open by the spiritual energy, and then she stood in the well. With a thought, she quickly soared into the air and arrived above the wellhead in the blink of an eye.

Then, the stone door above was pushed open to both sides, and Wu Feiyan stepped out. Looking at Wu Tianlin who was sweating coldly, she asked in a cold voice: "What happened?"

Wu Tianlin calmed down and said in a heavy tone: "Lord Ying, Shutong called. Something happened to the death squad station in Morocco. It's all... all destroyed..."

Wu Feiyan was shocked: "Morocco?!"

Wu Tianlin nodded: "It is indeed Morocco. I have seen the video. The station has been completely destroyed."

Wu Feiyan said angrily: "It must be that guy again! He didn't go to Nigeria?!"

"No." Wu Tianlin said, "I asked Shu Tong. The three elders have been paying attention to the situation around Nigeria these days. They have not found anyone who controls spiritual energy. I think the other party should have seen through our intentions, so they deliberately avoided Nigeria and chose Morocco."

Wu Feiyan's face was ashen, and a murderous aura burst out of her body. She said sternly, "This person saw that Nigeria was a trap and deliberately chose Morocco, which is not far away. This is deliberately provoking me! Do it for me to see!"

In this situation, Wu Tianlin did not dare to say good things to comfort Wu Feiyan, but said very seriously, "My Lord, to be honest, I think so too. This person is much stronger than we expected. Not only is his individual strength strong, his overall strength is also very strong. He can see that the situation we set up is nothing, but he can find our other base, which is really incredible. I don’t even know how many of our bases he has information on!"

Wu Feiyan gritted her teeth and said, "You are right, I underestimated him! I originally thought that the base in Cyprus was exposed because it fell into his hands when the Cavalry Guards went to capture Lin Wan'er last time, but those Cavalry Guards must not know any information about other bases. Now it seems that he must have other channels to obtain information!"

Wu Tianlin hurriedly said, "Lord Ying, I have two more things to report."

Wu Feiyan said coldly, " Speak!"

Wu Tianlin said: "The first thing is that Song Ruyu, the deputy minister, is also in Morocco and her life or death is unknown now;"

Wu Feiyan trembled all over, her expression was horrified, but she forced herself to calm down and said: "What about the second thing?"

Wu Tianlin said: "Shu Tong just reminded his subordinates on the phone that if that person had already paid attention to Nigeria, then the base in Nigeria must have been exposed. Now Shu Tong and the three elders are there, and they will most likely be targeted by the other party. So Shu Tong wants to ask you, what should he and the three elders do now?"

Wu Feiyan said with a dark face: "Wu Shutong, this waste, not only lost the base in Morocco, but also Song Ruyu was also lost. Song Ruyu is very talented. If she is well trained, maybe the three elders will become the four in the future. Now her life or death is uncertain. Even if she is alive, it will be difficult to find her! He has brought such a big loss to me and the Po Qing Society. Let him stay in Nigeria for the rest of his life and don’t go anywhere else!"

Wu Tianlin hurriedly said, "Lord Ying, I dare to say something for Shutong. There are no real monks under Shutong. Even if he knew that the other party wanted to attack Morocco, he would be powerless to stop it. His real mistake was that he shouldn’t have let Song Ruyu go. But in the final analysis, there was no procedural problem for him to send Song Ruyu there. Since Song Ruyu is the assistant of the Right Army Governor's Office, it is normal for him to carry out the mission."

Wu Tianlin then said, "If you let him stay in Nigeria, the Right Army Governor's Office will lose a garrison and a deputy, and their Grand Governor will never come back. These successive blows will make the Right Army Governor's Office lose morale, and more problems may arise at that time. Please think twice!"

Wu Feiyan fell into deep thought.

She knew that what Wu Tianlin said made sense. Although she was angry with Wu Shutong, the problem did not occur because of Wu Shutong. The most urgent task now is how to withdraw people from Nigeria. The three elders cannot stay outside all the time, but if their whereabouts are exposed, there will inevitably be great hidden dangers in the future.

Thinking of this, she said in a cold voice: "Pass my order. Since Nigeria has been exposed, send the Nigerian Cavalry Guards to Morocco. The garrison in Morocco is located in the hinterland, not close to the coastline. It is not so easy for more than 10,000 people to withdraw. Let them carpet search Morocco and dig three feet into the ground to find their clues!"

Wu Tianlin immediately said: "Okay, Lord Ying, I will notify them right away!"

Wu Feiyan said again: "Also, pass the message to the three elders and ask them to leave Nigeria immediately, but remember not to fly directly back to Argentina. It is best to go to the neighbouring country by land first, and then return separately after several trips. Warn them to always be vigilant and not be followed."

"Okay! I understand!"

Wu Feiyan continued: "As for Wu Shutong, you tell the three elders to cut off his left hand for me as a warning, and then tell him to move the garrison of the Right Army Governor's Office immediately, and don't let anyone follow the clues to find him!"


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