Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3264 update || Chapter 6775 & 6776 || Chapter 3264 Steady Progress…! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3264 Steady Progress

After cutting off Wu Shutong's left hand, the Great Elder Wu Bolin picked up Wu Shutong's severed hand from the ground and said, "We still have to continue to retreat here and wait for the next order from the Lord. If the Lord gives you a chance to make up for your mistakes, you must seize it and never let the Lord down again."

Wu Shutong could only nod heavily and said, "Please rest assured, Great Elder, I will do my best!"

After that, he whispered, "Thank you, Great Elder, for showing mercy..."

Wu Shutong knew very well that the Great Elder had been quite good to him. He didn't feel any pain when his left hand was cut off. This was all thanks to the Great Elder's protection with spiritual energy. Otherwise, the severe pain at the moment of cutting off and the subsequent pain of wound healing would definitely be very unbearable.

Wu Bolin has been in Nigeria these days. He also knows that Wu Shutong is a bit wronged in this blame, but he can't say such words, so he said: "We are all Wu family members, there is no need to thank. The three of us will continue to retreat here, take care of yourself."

"Retreat here?!" Wu Shutong asked in surprise: "The mysterious man bypassed this place, so won't the three elders go back?"

Wu Bolin said lightly: "The British Lord ordered us to continue to retreat here, so we naturally can't leave a step."

After hearing this, Wu Shutong was even more confused. He didn't understand why the British Lord didn't let the three elders leave. If they were not transferred, wouldn't it be better to let them go to Morocco to find the whereabouts of the enemy and find an opportunity to kill the enemy with one blow?

However, Wu Bolin had already said that this was the order of the British Lord, so he didn't dare to ask in detail, so he respectfully said: "Then I will see the three elders off."

"No need." Wu Bolin waved his hand, turned around and walked out.

When he was about to reach the door, he said calmly without looking back: "I will burn your severed hand with real fire later, don't worry about it."

After that, he walked out.

Only Wu Shutong and Yuan Chengze were left in the room.

Seeing Wu Shutong's left wrist had been cut off, Yuan Chengze knelt on one knee and said with fear and trepidation: "I am not doing my job well, please punish me!"

A good subordinate must learn to take the blame for the boss who promoted him.

Even if he can't do it, he must take the responsibility on himself by talking.

Yuan Chengze knew that the Grand Admiral was paying for the failure of the British Lord's decision this time, so he naturally had to make the Grand Admiral feel better.

Sure enough, seeing Yuan Chengze kneeling on the ground to apologise, Wu Shutong's mood eased a little. Then he sighed and said, "Get up. The Lord ordered the three elders to stay here. She must have other orders. From now on, you and I will have to fight to the death. Otherwise, what will be cut off next time will not be the wrist, but the neck!"

Yuan Chengze clasped his hands and said very respectfully, "Please rest assured, Commander-in-Chief, I will do my best!"

As soon as Yuan Chengze finished speaking, Wu Shutong received a call from Wu Tianlin.

On the phone, Wu Tianlin repeated the task Wu Feiyan had given him and told him, "Shutong, this is a good opportunity for you to redeem yourself. Morocco is not big, but it is not small either. The possibility of more than 10,000 people wanting to get out immediately without being discovered is almost zero, so those people should still be in Morocco. Immediately send all the cavalry Guards in Nigeria and all the Tiger Guards of the Tiger Guard Camp of your Right Army Governor's Office. Even if you have to dig three feet into the ground, you must find clues so that you can find their clues. Immediately notify the three elders, and they will rush over in the shortest time and kill the Lord's biggest worry on the spot. At that time, you will have made a great contribution!"

Wu Shutong immediately said, "Grandpa, don't worry. Shutong will do his best this time. Not only will all the Tiger Guards be sent over, but Lieutenant General Yuan and I will also set off immediately to Morocco to take command!" 

Wu Tianlin told him, "Hurry up and notify all members of the Right Army Governor's Office to evacuate Naples immediately and activate the backup address. In any case, there can be no other losses. Do you understand?"

"I understand!" Wu Shutong said, and hesitantly asked: "Grandpa... I... I want to ask you a question in private..."

Wu Tianlin said: "Go ahead."

Wu Shutong looked at the wound on his left wrist and asked him: "My hand... Is there any chance to grow back?"

Wu Tianlin was silent for a moment, and then said: "I once heard the British Lord mention a pill called Reshaping Pill, which can restore a person's body and regrow broken limbs, but I have only heard of it and never seen it."

Wu Shutong was immediately excited when he heard about this pill, and said repeatedly: "Thank you, Grandpa! Thank you, Grandpa!"

He knew in his heart that it was basically impossible to make such a powerful elixir with his strength, but since the British Lord mentioned this pill, it was likely that she could make it.

If he performed well in the future and made great achievements, the British Lord might reward him with a Reshaping Pill, and then he would be able to return to normal.

After hanging up Wu Tianlin's phone with many thanks, Wu Shutong immediately said to Yuan Chengze: "The British Lord has ordered that all the Cavalry Guards here be transferred to Morocco. You should contact Sun Tongzhi immediately and ask him to send all the Tiger Guards to Morocco. We need to find out their clues in Morocco!"

Yuan Chengze said respectfully: "Grand Commander, wait a moment, I will notify them right away!"


At this moment, Charlie had already met Joseph Wan and others.

In the dark night, everyone rushed all the way to the food factory, trying to arrive before dawn.

On the way, Charlie received a call from Li Yalin. On the phone, he said to Charlie: "Mr. Wade, the vending machines we set up in Nigeria have captured a large-scale personnel movement in the Nigerian oil fields. At least hundreds of people are driving to the airport."

Charlie asked curiously: "So many people? The Cavalry Guards over there are at most a few hundred people, are they all out?"

"It should be." Li Yalin said: "The local airline temporarily added two charter flights, the route has been applied for, and it will take off in an hour and a half, and the destination is Casablanca."

Charlie smiled and said: "It seems that Wu Feiyan is a little anxious this time. She sent so many Cavalry Guards in a short period of time, probably to find out our whereabouts."

"Yes." Li Yalin said, "After they arrive, they will definitely start looking for clues from Duke Mining, but the Moroccan police will definitely arrive before them and start investigating. With the local police around, it won't be too smooth for them. It will take at least 10 days or half a month to cover the food factory area. By that time, we would have left from here."

Li Yalin said, "Besides, AI has left some fake clues in the monitoring system of the Casablanca Port. If those clues can mislead them, then their investigation direction will be completely different from our actual location. I'm afraid that in the end, it will be a waste of time."

Charlie said, "Don't be too confident in everything, and don't take it lightly. We should not be nervous or relaxed, and we should proceed steadily according to our established plan."


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