Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3901 to 4000 Charlie Wade Story

 Chapter 3901

At this moment, Noah, not knowing whether he was angry or sad, turned around by himself and silently went back to his room with his crutches.

Although old Mrs. Willson’s heart is very upset, but at the moment there is nothing else to do, can only be forced to accept the reality of Horiyah back.


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After all, she still has to rely on Wendy to support her, and offending her at this time is definitely not a wise move.

Wendy saw that the matter had been successfully resolved, and was finally relieved, holding Horiyah and saying, “Mom, get up, let’s go home.”

Horiyah cried and nodded her head, with a face of the afterlife.

She also really has no way back, otherwise, she does not want to come back to see Mrs. Willson’s face.

Nowadays, her biggest wish is to have a place to shelter from the wind and rain, or at least not to worry about three meals a day.

Returning to Aurous Hill, to Tomson Villa, was the best choice for her at this stage.

Moreover, she is glad that her daughter, who has never been motivated and never worked, now has a career of her own.

And her career is developing quite smoothly, so she really doesn’t have to worry about her life when she returns.

Completely relieved, she was about to follow Wendy into the door, suddenly remembered something, and turned around, came to Elaine car, said with a grateful face:

“Elaine, for just now really thank you, many things in the past I have been wrong, but please do not see me in that way, I am here to apologize to you ……”


After saying that, Horiyah immediately gave Elaine a bow.

Elaine was immediately confused by Horiyah’s humble attitude, a time also a bit caught off guard, awkwardly said:

“Look at you, yelling in front of me for half a lifetime, suddenly talk so kindly, it is almost to me whole will not be ……”

Horiyah sighed, said in a low voice: “Before I was not thinking properly, always thinking to fight you in front of the old lady for the favor, to press your second family head,”

“Now I think, in front of that lady such heartless people, what favor to fight, a lifetime of obedience to her, in the end in her eyes, not even a dog worth.”

Elaine suddenly felt deeply, very agreeable said: “I tell you Horiyah, you’re really right! That dead old woman herself is a wolf heart and dog lung thing!”

“If you cut your own flesh for her to eat, she will not think of your goodness, but rather wipe her mouth after eating, by the way, you think your meat is too wood!”

Horiyah nodded and said seriously, “Anyway, I really understand this time, from now on even if she is dead, I will not shed a single tear!”

Elaine sneered: “If she dies, not only will I not shed a tear, but I will buy a few firecrackers and celebrate!”

Jacob heard this, coughed twice, and reminded, “Elaine …… you almost got

it …… you know you are talking about my mother ……”

Elaine glared at him and said angrily, “If you think you are close to your mother, then you move in at night!”

Jacob said in a jarring voice: “Why should I move over ……”


Elaine said, “You move over to serve your mother! Don’t you want to be a filial son?”

Jacob immediately had the sense to shut his mouth.

He also figured out that if Elaine is a gunpowder barrel, the old lady is the best fuse, guaranteed to explode at the slightest point.

Therefore, they still do not owe the childlike, take the initiative to find this trouble.

At this time, from the side Wendy also came forward, attitude is very respectful and said: “Second Aunt …… before I also had a lot of ignorance,

but please do not be angry with me, in the future if you want, our two families can also be more close.”

Chapter 3902

Elaine did not expect that Wendy’s attitude towards her was actually quite respectful, and her mood became better and better, nodding her head and saying,

“In the future, I will find your mother to play, we sisters-in-law are of one mind, well angry with that dead old woman!”

Saying that Elaine with a mysterious face whispered to Horiyah and said: “I tell you Horiyah, to this dead old woman, you should not be submissive!”

“You just used to be too submissive to her, too tolerant, she used to be bullish we had nothing to say, after all, she was the head of the family,”

“But now she still thinks she is still the head of the Willson family? Those days are long gone!”

“She has nothing now, and she is also older, she can’t beat you, she can’t scold you, what else do you have to be afraid of?”

“If you kneel down to her, it’s simply a brain short circuit!”


“If I were you, I would have rushed in as soon as I got back, and if she dared to stop me, I would have kicked her from upstairs to downstairs!”

Speaking of this, she emotionally got more and more excited and said through clenched teeth:

“So you should not balk at her in the future! If she dares to give you a scowl again, you can just scold her back! If she dares to talk back, just hit her!”

Horiyah was inspired and nodded her head, “You’re right! I was just too afraid of her! Fear of psychological shadows! But now, she’s just an old woman who can’t even feed herself,”

“So what’s the big deal? Besides, this villa is not hers, but Regnar Wu’s. If he lets her live here, she can only live here, and if he doesn’t let her, she’ll have to get out immediately!”


Elaine nodded and said, “Just have it in your mind, if there is such a thing in the future, you can just whack her!”

Horiyah clenched her fist and said with a firm face, “Okay! You wait! If she dares to recruit me in the future, I will hammer her!”

Wendy saw that her mother was already confused by Elaine and could not wait to rush in and beat up her grandmother, so she knew that she could not let these two women continue to talk, otherwise the situation would definitely get out of hand.

So she said, “Mom, let’s hurry up and go in. You can find a vacant room first, then clean it up and settle in, then go say hello to brother.”

“Okay.” In her heart, Horiyah also missed her son.

She hadn’t seen him for a long time, and she didn’t know how her son, now a days, had recovered.

So, she then hurriedly said politely to Elaine, “Elaine, then I will go in first, let’s talk some other time!”


Elaine was still a bit impatient, but she didn’t stay any longer and said, “Okay, hurry up and go in!”

Horiyah went into the villa with her daughter.

Elaine looked at the door for a while, then sat back in the car and said with a gloating face: “Horiyah is really a rebel, this will have that dead old woman suffer!”

Jacob helplessly said: “Aiya …… you talked to her like that why this is

necessary …… if later she really fought with mother and beats her up good,

I am a son, do not also have to contribute money to the effort?”

“You dare!” Elaine sternly said: “If this dead old woman has a shortage, you are not allowed to spend a penny!”

After saying that, she immediately waved her hand and said, “Hurry up and drive, I’m want to go out for a ride!”

Jacob started the car and moved forward without delay.

The two sets of villas regained their tranquility.

On the second-floor terrace of villa A05, Charlie and Claire watched Jacob’s Rolls-Royce, gradually disappearing around the corner.

Claire rubbed her temples and said helplessly, “Eldest aunt came back, I’m afraid it’s going to be chicken and dog again in the future ……”

Charlie laughed: “It’s okay, I see Horiyah’s attitude towards mom is quite friendly, even a little flattering.”

“Yes ……” Claire pursed her lips and said despondently, “What I am most

worried about now is that mom and she will mix together again ……”

“In case the two of them unite against grandmother again, then there will certainly be no peace in the future ……”


Chapter 3903

Charlie smiled faintly and said, “I think you do not have to worry about this, your mother is right, the old lady now has no money and no power,”

“In all aspects, it is impossible to be Horiyah’s rival, the old lady’s days in the future I am afraid will be more and more miserable.”

Claire sighed and lamented, “Eldest uncle and their family and grandmother, when will it be better…..”

Charlie said casually: “Wife, you do not need to worry about their family, at least they will certainly not look for us to trouble us again, if they want to fight within the nest, let them fight.”

Claire nodded with a despondent expression and turned around with Charlie to go back to the room.


At night, Claire was already asleep, while Charlie was still lying in bed, thinking about how he should deal with that Zhan Feier.

Although he knew that she was here for the Rejuvenation Pill, Charlie had not found her true identity yet, so he was more or less unsure.

Because, he hadn’t confirmed whether this Zhan Feier, to him and his family around him, was a threat or not.

If she just wants to establish a better personal relationship with him and try to mediate through this relationship, then although this person has a deep heart, but at least there is nothing aggressive, and naturally there is no danger.

However, if she sees him as a channel to obtain the Rejuvenation Pill, and will even try to get it from him at all costs, then her threat to his family will become very great.


After all, she has a six-star martial artist by her side.

Looking at the entire Aurous Hill, no one was a match for that six-star martial artist except for himself.

Even for those commanders of the Front left behind by Joseph, the strongest, was only a five-star commander, or a five-star martial artist.

In the martial path, the gap between each level is an insurmountable chasm, so in front of a six-star martial artist, a five-star martial artist has no chance of winning.

Therefore, he felt that before determining whether Zhan Feier was an enemy or a friend, the first task was to find a way to control the six-star martial artist beside her.

This Zhan Feier does not like to start with the people around him? Then I will start with the people around her!

As long as the six-star martial artist’s threat is neutralized, Zhan Feier, even if she is an enemy, is not enough to be feared.

When the time comes, since she wanted to play this cat and mouse game, then he could continue to play with her as well.

So, he sent a message to Leon, asking him to find out the information of all the people who accompanied Zhan Feier when she entered the country.

As for how to confirm her true identity, he decided to try out that intelligence system of the Cataclysmic Front after he got the information.


Meanwhile, the Shangri-La Hotel in Aurous Hill.

Smith, who had lost ten pounds in a few days, walked into the hotel door in a disheveled manner.


These days have not been able to meet with Liang, so that his whole personality is devastated.

The son’s follow-up JX Renewing pill has become less and less, and then can not get the medicine, his son will face the situation of stopping the medicine.

Smith naturally does not want his son to stop taking the medicine, so he called Liang one day after another, and even sent a number of emails online to the official mailbox of JX Pharmaceuticals.

All in a humble tone, requesting a meeting with Liang, but all the messages sank into the sea, and no one took him up on it.

The head of the intelligence department was equally anxious.

He was unable to find any information about the missing intelligence officers, but there were many more who disappeared right under his nose.

There is no choice but to temporarily call off all agent activities.

Smith tonight was originally intended to go to the JX Pharmaceuticals to try his luck again, but also to let Liang see his sincerity.

But unexpectedly, Stella’s assistant suddenly called him. The Fei family Miss has something to see him for.

Smith did not dare to offend Stella, so he could only hang up the phone and then immediately came to the appointment.

When he arrived at the door of the presidential suite where Stella was, her personal bodyguard, Tony, was standing motionless outside the door.

Chapter 3904


Smith walked up to him, gave a smile, and said, “Hello, I’m here to see Miss Fei.”


Tony just looked him up and down, then nodded and said, “Miss is waiting for you inside, please come in.”

After saying that, he turned around and pushed open the door of the room.

Smith was surprised and asked, “Don’t you want to do a body search or a security check or something?”

“No need.” Tony said blandly, “I know you don’t have any weapons on you.”

Smith shrugged his shoulders: “Okay, then I’m going in.”

After saying that, he walked straight in.

At this time, in the presidential suite, which has nearly 100 square meters of living room, Martina is sitting on the sofa flipping through the information.

She saw Smith come in, hurriedly said: “Mr. Smith please sit for a moment, the lady is changing clothes.”

“Okay ……” Smith nodded, sat down on a single sofa, and asked with some

curiosity, “Miss Chen, I wonder what Miss Fei has asked me to do here?”

Martina said, “Madam wants to inquire with you about a person, and this person may also be the someone you are looking for.”

“Is that so?” Smith was surprised and asked, “Who is it?”

Martina said, “The lady will naturally tell you later.”

“Okay.” Smith nodded and was guilty of muttering in his heart.

At that moment, Stella, who was wearing a white dress with a sarong draped over her shoulder, came out of the inner room and, seeing Smith sitting in the living room, said casually, “Mr. Smith is here.”

Smith hurriedly stood up and said very respectfully, “Hello, Miss Fei!”


Stella nodded and said casually, “Please sit down, no need to be so polite.”

Only then did Smith sat back down again.

Stella sat down opposite him and asked with interest, “By the way Mr. Smith, how are things going for you?”

Smith said awkwardly, “There is little progress …… JX Pharmaceutical’s Liang

has been reluctant to see me.”

Stella nodded and asked him, “That JX Renewing Pill, is the medicinal effect really magical?”

“Fantastic!” Smith spoke without thinking: “This drug against cancer is like pouring boiled aluminum water into an ant’s nest, where the rain comes, the ants are not left behind.”

Stella asked him, “Can it cure cancer completely?”

Smith said: “We have not yet seen the real cancer patients cured by this drug, but in accordance with the drug power data we now have,”

“If continued to take this drug, it will be able to continue to kill cancer cells in the body, and the drug will not have the slightest reduction in effectiveness with the increase in the usage,”

“So according to our known model projection, as long as the drug is enough, the patients will definitely be able to heal.”

Speaking of this, Smith sighed: “I can say this, if this drug is officially launched and not limited in supply, then all the previous cancer treatments in the world will become a thing of the past, because there is no drug or any kind of treatment, better than it!”

Stella was shocked and asked, “What about the market space of this drug? How big can it be?”


Smith thought about it and said seriously, “The annual global cost for cancer treatment is about six to eight hundred billion dollars, of which drugs account for more than two hundred billion dollars,”

“If the JX Renewing Pill is supplied in unlimited quantities, it will achieve a monopoly of at least half of the market share, and the remaining half, patients who should not be able to afford this Pill can only be forced to choose the previous treatment options.”

Stella could not help but think: “If that’s the case, then I’m afraid that JX Pharmaceutical’s annual net profit will break through a hundred billion dollars.”

“If a company whose annual profit exceeds one hundred billion dollars goes public, then the market value of that company, will be at least ten times the annual profit, that’s one trillion dollars ……”

“Moreover, if JX Pharmaceutical’s concept is new enough and its monopoly position is solid enough, the market value will continue to climb, and maybe it will surpass Apple and become the world’s highest market value company ……”

Thinking of this, she was curious about whether Charlie was the owner behind JX Pharmaceuticals or not.

So, she took the tablet computer from Martina’s hand, opened the photo of Charlie intercepted from the car recorder, handed it to Smith, and asked,

“Mr. Smith, the director of JX Pharmaceuticals, who met with you, is this the person?”

Chapter 3905

The first time Smith saw the photo, he immediately recognized Charlie.

He exclaimed with some excitement, “That’s him he’s the director of JX Pharmaceuticals Wade!”


After saying that, he couldn’t wait to ask: “Miss Fei, how did you get this director Wade’s photo, do you know him? Can you help me to introduce, please!”

At this moment, Smith felt as if he was about to drown when he finally grabbed a straw again.

Not being able to see Liang, not being able to get the JX Renewing Pill, his entire emotions were almost on the verge of collapse.


He also tried to find a way to find this director Wade, after all, in his impression, this director Wade seems to be quite useful.

Because, in the beginning, the batch of JX Renewing Pills, it was this director Wade who gave them to him.

However, when Charlie met him that day, he did not leave any identity information.

Therefore, Smith did not even know what Charlie’s name was, let alone how he could find him.

Now when he saw that Stella had Charlie’s photo, he was naturally excited.

The first time he saw him, he thought, “It’s true what I expected, that Charlie, not only is Master Wade who is admired by everyone in Aurous Hill,”

“But he is also the actual owner of the Rejuvenation Pill! On top of that, he is even the owner behind the scenes of JX Pharmaceutical!”

Thinking about this, Stella also could not help but calculate Charlie’s strength and value.

The Rejuvenation Pill, one is worth ten billion dollars, no one knows how much he has.


The JX pharmaceuticals, now there are two commonly used drugs with potential sales explosion.

JX rejuvenation pill is a miracle in the medical field, if you can really maximize production capacity, JX pharmaceuticals market value can easily break trillion dollars is an easy target.

According to this trend, Charlie alone has the opportunity to become the fourth after the world’s three top families.

The more this is the case, the more Stella can’t figure it out.

She couldn’t help but sigh in her heart, “I really don’t understand, Charlie has such great strength, why does he have to resign himself to this tiny Aurous Hill City?”

“Moreover, he is willing to be a superfluous son-in-law in a small, unheard of, down-and-out family, could it be that his wife really has some kind of remarkable magic power?

At the time when Stella was thinking, Smith saw that she did not speak for a long time, and could not wait to ask:

“Miss Fei, this Mr. Wade is a matter of my son’s life, if you know any clues, please can you also ask for a couple of ……”

Stella came back to her senses, looked at him, and spoke, “Mr. Smith, you are the head of the FDA, so if I am correct, you came to Aurous Hill to find JX Pharmaceuticals,”

“It should not just be as simple as asking for medicine for your son, right?”

Smith said truthfully: “Miss Fei, this time, in addition to asking for medicine, I also hope to negotiate with JX Pharmaceuticals to enter the U.S. market for the sales of JX Renewing Pills, for domestic cancer patients to get this special drug!”


“Miss Fei, please help, help me to make an appointment with this Mr. Wade ……”

Stella quite helplessly said: “Mr. Smith, at the moment I myself have very important things to ask him, and have not found the doorway, so in this matter, I may not be able to help you.”

When Smith heard this, he couldn’t help but ask, “Miss Fei, do you also want to ask him for the JX Renewing Pill?”

Stella thought for a moment, nodded, and said, “Sort of.”

Smith sighed and said in a somewhat depressed mood, “If even Miss Fei is having a hard time finding the door, then I’m afraid it will be even harder for me ……”

Stella nodded and said, “In this matter, let’s work together, if I can find the doorway and solve my own claims, I will definitely find a way to help you fight for the JX Recycle Pills.”

Chapter 3906

Smith heard these words, his heart suddenly relaxed a little, and quickly said gratefully, “Then thank you, Miss Fei!”

Stella blandly said, “Mr. Smith, no need to be so polite, but out of this door, anyone in Aurous Hill asks you if you know me, you must deny it, understand?”

Smith did not know what Stella’s intention was, but still immediately nodded and said, “Don’t worry, Miss Fei, from now on, I don’t know you.”

Stella nodded slightly.

Not many people knew about her true identity, and even fewer in Aurous Hill.


Other than her own entourage, the only person who knew about it was this Smith.

Therefore, she naturally hopes that he can keep the secret, which must not become a breakthrough for others to investigate her identity.

However, she did not know that Charlie had already started to investigate her identity.


The next morning, Leon sent Charlie all the information left behind when Stella’s group entered the country.

In addition to the identity information of Stella’s Zhan Feier, Charlie also identified the information of the six-star martial artist, who left information named Wagner, also a French Chinese.

Charlie also knows very well that Wagner’s identity is absolutely also fake.

The only thing that was real was the facial information left behind when entering the country.

Subsequently, Charlie sent the information given to him by Leon to Joseph, and at the same time gave him an order.

“Joseph, help me put a reward in your intelligence system for clues related to this woman.”

Joseph immediately opened the information and asked in surprise: “Mr. Wade, isn’t your information here already very complete?”

“And it is already very detailed, not only the personal identity information is well documented, even her entry information in China is all clear.”

Charlie said: “I suspect that this woman has another identity, this Zhan Feier is just a fake for her.”


Saying that, Charlie added: “This woman has a personal bodyguard beside her, a six-star martial artist, the one called Wagner.”

“Six-star martial artist?!” Joseph was surprised and said, “I’ve never heard of any six-star martial artist working as a bodyguard for someone ……”

Charlie asked him, “Other than the Front, do you know of a large number of six-star martial artists?”

“Not many.” Joseph said seriously: “Although there are many martial arts families overseas, but six-star martial artists are rare,”

“Generally if they can reach this level, basically have opened a sect, even those top families can only entertain them as guests, very few who can keep a six-star martial artist around as a bodyguard …… “

“I estimate that the Chinese family, can have this strength, is also the United States An family, as well as the remaining two or three top hidden rich families of the Chinese origin.”

Charlie asked him, “Other than the An family, do you know the other top Chinese families?”

Joseph said, “The Sun family and the Fei family in the United States, as well as the Feng family in Canada, these three families are very strong.”

Saying that, Joseph added: “Since this Zhan Feier departed from the United States, then I guess it’s either the Sun family or the Fei family.”

Charlie asked him, “Is your intelligence network absolutely reliable? If you send this Zhan Feier’s information to your informants, will they reveal the clues to each other?”

“No.” Joseph said, “Although these informants are all connected to us online, we have their information and family members’ information, no one dares to backtrack.”


“That’s good.” Charlie nodded with satisfaction and said, “Then help me release her information, and reward five million dollars to anyone who can provide information about her true identity! Make sure to find it out for me!”

Chapter 3907

After Charlie instructed Joseph to search for information about Stella within the intelligence network, he himself gave her a call.

At this time, Stella was also waiting for Charlie’s initiative to contact her.

Because, yesterday, in order to show goodwill to Charlie, she not only sent his father-in-law Jacob a Rolls Royce Cullinan.

But also had someone give his wife a large order of tens of millions of dollars, according to common sense, Charlie would at least call to be polite.

So, she immediately picked up the phone and said with a smile, “Why is Mr. Wade calling me so early?”

Charlie laughed: “Miss Zhan, yesterday I said, feng shui reading is not much trouble, you do not have to spend anything, but how come you also gave my father-in-law a Cullinan? It makes me really embarrassed.”

Charlie said so, but also only to be polite, in fact, he was not half embarrassed.

Stella said with a smile: “Mr. Wade, you are too polite, you are a famous feng shui master in Aurous Hill,”

“I invited you to see feng shui, there is no reason not to pay, in case I set a precedent for favors here, and then affect your future business, then I would be more embarrassed.”

“You also said, this is the exchange of courtesy, there is a friendship, I would like to be friends with a master like you, Mr. Wade!”


Charlie laughed and said, “You are right, in that case, then I will not be polite to you, Miss Zhan.”

Speaking here, he turned his words and said, “However, I still hope that Miss Zhan can give me an opportunity to treat you to a meal, I wonder if it’s convenient for you now?”

When Stella heard this, her heart was naturally overjoyed, and she said almost without thinking, “It’s an honor to have Mr. Wade invite me for dinner, I’m naturally convenient at any time.”

Charlie laughed: “That’s good, let’s do it this evening then, I’ll text you the location when I’ve determined it.”

Stella readily agreed and smiled, “Okay! Then I’ll wait for Mr. Wade’s message.”

Charlie said, “Then I’ll see you tonight!”

“Okay, see you tonight.”

After hanging up the phone, Charlie immediately called Orvel and asked, “Orvel, can you find a farmhouse for me around Aurous Hill?”

Orvel was surprised and asked, “Master Wade, what are you looking for in a farmhouse?”

Charlie casually said, “I plan to invite guests to dinner.”

“Master! The diamond box is always reserved for you!”

Charlie laughed: “I still have some other things to do, your place is not suitable.”

Charlie then said: “The place should not be too big, preferably a little out of the way, the car can be parked directly into the courtyard, near there should be no monitoring.”


Orvel thought about it and said, “A little brother just the other day got an iron pot goose stew, his place is quite in line with your requirements, and the food tastes good.”

Charlie then said, “Okay, then you can tell him directly, do not receive other guests tonight, reserve the place for me.”

“Okay!” Orvel was busy saying, “Then I’ll make the arrangements.”

Charlie added: “Right Orvel, prepare an elegant room in the kennel, and prepare a business car to wait near the farmhouse, and pick up someone for me tonight.”

“Okay, Master Wade!”

When Charlie hung up the phone and came downstairs to the living room, Elaine had already made breakfast and brought it to the table.

Claire was helping to prepare the dishes, and when she saw Charlie coming down, she smiled and said, “Husband time to eat, have a seat.”

“Okay!” Charlie smiled and responded, and was about to sit down when he saw Jacob walking down from upstairs wearing a suit.

Claire was surprised and asked, “Dad, why are you dressed so formally today?”

Chapter 3908

Jacob reached out to adjust his tie and said with a smile, “After all, I have a Rolls Royce Cullinan, so I have to dress up a bit, otherwise people will think I’m a driver.”

Claire helplessly said, “Dad, you do not forget that the Rolls-Royce you drive is someone else’s gift to Charlie …… Why don’t you ask him if he needs to use that car?”


Jacob awkwardly touched his nose and hastily asked Charlie: “Good son-in-law, do you …… you want to use the car?”

“If you want to use it, dad will leave this car for you ……”

Saying that he added: “Good son-in-law, but if you do not use it for the time being, then Dad will drive it for the time being,”

“When you want to use it, tell me in advance, I will leave the car to you, absolutely no delay in your use!”

Charlie smiled faintly and said casually, “Dad, you can rest assured to drive it, I do not want to drive that car, if convenient, you drive back that BMW 530 for me to occasionally take a walk.”

Jacob heard this, immediately overjoyed, said: “Good son-in-law, in that case, then let Dad drive, when you want to experience a Rolls Royce, then Dad will be your driver!”

After that, he hurriedly said, “The BMW 530 is parked underneath the Painting and Calligraphy Association, why don’t I arrange for someone from the Association to send it back to you when I arrive?”

“Okay.” Charlie laughed: “It just so happens that I have a dinner appointment tonight and need a car.”

Claire asked Charlie: “Honey, you’re eating out tonight?”

“Yes.” Charlie nodded and said, “I have an appointment with a friend.”

“Okay.” Claire knew that Charlie has more friends now, so she didn’t think much about it.

He asked her, “Claire, have you considered whether you want to take on that Miss Zhan’s decoration project?”

Claire nodded gently and said seriously, “I’ve thought about it, I’m going to take this project and do the best I can with my heart and soul!”


“I will try to get a good ranking in the National Interior Design Competition!”

Saying that, she busily said, “Honey, I still decided not to charge that Miss Zhan’s design fee, so you won’t have to owe her a favor.”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “It’s okay, it’s good that you have decided, I support you 100%.”

Claire said, “I plan to meet with that Miss Chen today to talk about it, it would be better if the design fee part could also be converted into the decoration budget!”

Charlie knew that his wife had always wanted to make some achievements in the field of design.

And, the achievements that can be put out in this field are works and awards.

However, she has not been able to find a suitable opportunity for her to show off her skills.

Now there is such a great opportunity in front of her, she must be hard to refuse.

At this time, Elaine walked to the table with the soup pot and asked curiously, “Claire, what did you just say about the design fee not being wanted?”

Claire busily said, “Nothing, just chatting with Charlie.”

Elaine nodded, reminded: “I can tell you, out of business, what acquaintances face do not give! Some acquaintances, how do you give him face, even if you pay him back,”

“He thinks you earned him a lot of money, so no matter who is looking for you, you should earn how much you deserve, not a penny cheaper!”


Charlie said with a smile at this time, “Mom, the matter of Claire, let’s not get an idea for her, let her make her own decision.”

Elaine still wanted to say something, but hesitated for a moment, but swallowed back the words that came to her lips.

She knew in her heart that in this family, Charlie is really the head of the family, if she did not want to end up as miserable as Horiyah next door, she had to listen to Charlie’s ……

So, she immediately changed her tone and said: “Good son-in-law is right! Claire, you make your own decision, no matter what, mom will support you!”

By the afternoon, the intelligence system of the Cataclysmic Front had not yet fed back any useful information.

However, Charlie had already decided that no matter who this Zhan Feier really was, he would first control the six-star martial artist beside her tonight.

Chapter 3909

At five o’clock in the afternoon, he forwarded the address sent by Orvel to Stella.

After that, he drove the BMW 530 that his father-in-law had sent earlier and went to the farmhouse in the countryside.

Stella was dressing up at the hotel at this time.

She changed into a pure hand-sewn white Hermes high-fashion dress, coiled her long hair elegantly at the back of her head, and fixed the coiled long hair with a black hairpin, then took a pair of flawless pearl earrings and put them on carefully.

Her clothes are modern, but the accessories are simple, and they don’t stand out on her body, but are surprisingly coordinated.


After simply applying a little powder, Stella’s face became more than a notch higher than when she was usually plain.

After packing up, she received the address from Charlie.

The address is a farmhouse, she was a bit stunned, a time did not come back to mind.

The original thought was that Charlie will choose the Classic Mansion, but did not expect, he would choose a farmhouse located in the suburbs of the city.

Moreover, it is really the kind of farmhouse restaurant opened in a farmhouse.

Because the address has been written: the restaurant named Cooking Master’s Pot.

Charlie in addition to sending her the address, but also added a text message: “Miss Fei, you stayed in France for a long time, used to eating French food, probably have not eaten in a domestic cuisine restaurant,”

“This iron pot stewed goose taste especially great, I went over to pick a goose stew, and when you arrive, it is estimated that you can eat it fresh.”

Stella grew up, has never eaten iron pot stew, completely can not imagine, this kind of farmhouse restaurant, in the end, what is like, and the so-called iron pot stew, in the end, what is it like.

So she hurriedly took out her phone and searched for pictures of the iron pot stew.

When she saw the picture of a crowd of people sitting around a brick-built earthen stove and eating from a huge black iron pot, she was dumbfounded.

She never thought that Charlie would invite her to such a place to eat.


Couldn’t figure out whether he was too stingy or too casual.

Otherwise, as a gentleman, he should always choose a restaurant with a little bit of style, right?

However, she also knew that since it was Charlie who invited her to dinner, she definitely couldn’t let him change the place.


So, she had to pick up her phone and call her personal bodyguard, Tony Luo.

Once the call came through, she instructed, “Mr. Luo, please arrange for your men to prepare a car, I have to go out in ten minutes.”

Tony asked, “Miss, who’s with you?”

Stella said, “Just you and me.”

Tony asked her, “Isn’t Miss Chen coming with you?”

Stella said, “She is outside talking to Charlie’s wife about the contract, and she also has to take her to the villa in Water Cloud to measure the house, so I guess it should be very late.”

“Understood.” Tony immediately said, “Please wait for a moment, I will inform you when the car is ready.”


Chapter 3910

After hanging up the phone, Stella’s mood was very pleasant, and she even had a vague feeling of cheering.

She felt that the fact that Charlie had taken the initiative to invite her to dinner was proof that her favor offensive had played a practical role.


And what she had to do now was to do everything possible to get closer to Charlie before the auction started.

In this way, the Rejuvenation Pill that grandfather wanted would have double insurance.

If it can’t be won at the auction, at least she can still try to mediate with Charlie through personal friendship.

Thinking of this, she was in a much more relaxed mood.

Even, deep inside her heart, she had begun to fantasize uncontrollably.

She imagined that at the auction, grandfather had missed the Rejuvenation Pill, and just when he was stifling his heart and deeply resentful, she bought one directly from Charlie through her personal friendship with him.

At that time, he was the savior in grandpa’s eyes.

Although Stella also felt a little shame for such thoughts, but once she thought of her family.

Only by such an opportunity, to fight a beautiful turnaround in the Fei family, so those clouds of shame in her heart suddenly dissipated.

She knew very well in her heart that fighting for power in the Fei family is like fighting for the kingdom in the royal family.

In order to achieve the goal, it is not surprising to use any means.

Five minutes later.

A knock sounded on the door, and Tony’s voice came from outside the door, “Miss, the car is ready.”

“Okay, I’m coming.”


Stella picked up a limited edition Hermes Himalayan platinum bag with a black and white gradient color that complemented this long dress on her.

Standing in front of the dressing mirror at the door, Stella surveyed herself in the mirror and shook her head helplessly, thinking in her heart,

“I should have known not to wear this outfit, dressed like this to eat iron pot stew, always feel like a clown ……”

With a light sigh, she opened the door to her room.

The six-star martial artist Tony was already waiting outside the door.

Seeing her come out, he immediately said respectfully, “Miss, it’s time to go.”

“Okay.” Stella nodded and went to the hotel lobby with him.

Her bulletproof Cadillac sedan of the same model as the President of the United States of America was already parked in front of the lobby.

And one of her men handed the car keys to Tony, and then pulled open the back door for Stella.

After Stella got in, Tony came to the driver’s side and unlocked the central control of the vehicle while asking, “Miss, where are we going?”

Stella said, “Put this address in the navigation, it seems to be on the side of some 104 national highway.”

Tony frowned and said, “Village? It sounds like a suburb, why are you going to such a place, Miss?”

Stella said, “Charlie said he wanted to invite me to dinner, and the place was chosen there.”


After Tony entered the address into the navigation and found the location, he was surprised and said,

“This place is nearly 30 kilometers away from the city, it’s too remote, how could that Charlie choose this place? Is there something fishy here?”

Stella was silent for a moment and whispered, “I don’t think so, I’ve met with this Charlie just once, does Mr. Luo think I’ve exposed any clues?”

Tony thought about it and said, “I didn’t go in with you yesterday, so I can’t say specifically if you have exposed any clues or if there is anything you have missed.”

Stella thought carefully for a moment and said, “It seems that there is nothing to say, I have been quite cautious.”

Tony suddenly thought of something and said seriously, “Miss, in fact, I have a clue.”

Stella asked curiously, “What does Mr. Luo mean by that?”

Tony said with a straight face, “If that Charlie is above me in strength, he should be able to tell that I am a six-star martial artist, in that case, he will definitely suspect your identity,”

“Miss, because, with your Zhan Feier’s identity background, it is impossible to have a six-star martial artist close to protect you.”

Stella asked somewhat nervously, “Mr. Luo, do you think that Charlie’s strength, would be above yours?”

Tony said very seriously, “A six-star martial artist in his twenties, I haven’t heard of one, but just because I haven’t heard of one, doesn’t mean there isn’t one!”

Chapter 3911


Tony’s words made Stella’s eyebrows lock.


It wasn’t that Tony was being alarmist, he had just broken through his sixth meridian last year and officially became a six-star martial artist.

With his current strength, he was a hanging chad inside a six-star martial artist.

Therefore, as long as Charlie’s strength reaches the level of a six-star martial artist, then the odds are that he is going to be stronger than him, and seeing through his cultivation will be easy.

However, although he did not dare to say too much, but seeing that Stella seemed a bit worried, after thinking for a moment, he still said to her,

“Miss, I personally think that the possibility of Charlie being a six-star martial artist, or even a higher level martial artist is very small, so you do not need to worry too much.”

Stella asked, “And what makes Mr. Luo say that?”

Tony said, “The domestic peace and prosperity, so the folk of martial arts has been finding little opportunity to develop over the years.”

“The powerful martial arts experts are basically overseas, and Charlie is a native of Aurous Hill,”

“The possibility of him being a martial arts expert is even lower, at present, the strongest I know in the country is only four stars, whether there is a five-star martial artist is still an unknown thing.”

Stella nodded gently and said, “I vaguely feel that this person is too mysterious, and there are many places that people can not see and think,”

“But think he is unlikely to be a martial arts master at a young age, not to mention that he has to study feng shui and run a pharmaceutical factory ……”


“Even if he is stronger, it is impossible to become a martial arts master in his twenties under such circumstances, it seems that I have overthought ……”

The youngest six-star martial artist that I know of was around thirty-five years old. Thirty-two years, daily martial arts practice time, conservative estimates are more than fourteen hours.”

Stella marveled: “Fourteen hours a day to practice martial arts, the rest of the time to remove eating and sleeping, basically, nothing left for other things……”

“Right.” Tony nodded and said, “Those who really want to achieve something in the martial path, basically have to do their best, and must avoid the world to cultivate,”

“Otherwise there are too many kinds of interference around, it is difficult to improve quickly, and that Charlie does everything, and his energy is so scattered, even if he is really a martial artist, it is difficult to build anything.”

Saying that he continued: “But if you are really worried, I can arrange a few more people to come over to support, to ensure that nothing goes wrong.”

Hearing this, Stella’s doubts were basically dispelled and she waved her hand and said,

“Forget it, it makes sense for me to bring a driver when someone invites me to dinner, but if I take a group of people there, the other party will definitely think more about it, so it’s not appropriate.”

Tony nodded and didn’t say anything more.

The Cadillac drove out of the city and drove along the aisle for another twenty minutes, finally arriving at the address that Charlie had mentioned.

Just as the car arrived at the door, a young man commanded, “Park the car into the courtyard, Master Wade has arrived!”


Stella looked inside and saw a BMW 530 parked in the courtyard.

She couldn’t help but think: “This Charlie is really low-key to the extreme, their family currently has three cars, this BMW 530 is the worst, and as a result, this car has really come into his hands ……”

Tony didn’t think much about it at this time, and directly drove the car into the farmhouse and parked it together with Charlie’s BMW.

Tony got out of the car and paid careful attention to the farmhouse.

The farmhouse was medium in size, with a courtyard of more than 100 square feet, and in addition to a kitchen, there were several boxes that had been converted into brick houses.

However, only one of these compartments was lit.

Chapter 3912

Although Tony did not have an aura, but after all, he was a six-star martial artist, so he closed his eyes slightly.

And with the flow of air, he was able to determine the distribution of the people in the farmhouse through his powerful perception.

At this time, in addition to the young man directing the parking in the courtyard, there were three people busy in the kitchen, and there was one person sitting in the lighted box, while the other rooms were empty.

He also slightly expanded the range of perception, the courtyard around a few dozen meters, there seems to be no sign of other people hiding.

Moreover, from the rhythm and strength of these people’s breathing, it was clear that these people were ordinary people who had not even entered the door of martial arts.

From this, he also came to a basic judgment that in this courtyard, there was no ambush.


Then, he said to Stella, “Miss, you can get off now.”

Hearing these words, Stella nodded gently, and her slightly knitted brow was relaxed.

She knew that Tony was very strong and could even detect the enemies hidden behind several walls by sensing others’ breathing and heartbeats.

So, as long as he told himself that he could get off, it proved that there was nothing unusual about this place.

It’s just that the environment of this place really makes her a little bit hard to say.

The buildings of the farmhouse were all a bit dilapidated, and although they were renovated, you could tell that they had a long history.

As soon as you get out of the car, you can smell a stench wafting through the yard, and only after a closer look could you find that in the corner of the yard, there were more than a dozen large, fat geese in captivity.

Disturbed by the sound of the car engine, a dozen geese in the nest constantly fluttering wings, issued a loud chirping sound.

Stella looked at the snow-white geese, and then look at their own set of the same snow-white Hermes Handcrafted High Definition dress, could not help but sigh, feeling that in front of this group of geese, they are the clown.

At the same time, she also in the heart said: “The environment here is so poor, how to eat the meal later, the key to this is still Charlie invited me to dinner here, if I sit down it is just to look not to eat, just follow the rituals……”

When she was distressed about the environment here, the lighted compartment door was pushed open, wearing a pure white T-shirt, a pair of washed white jeans Charlie came out of the door.


He looked at Stella and smiled warmly, “Hey, Miss Zhan is here, please come in, please come in!”

Stella saw Charlie’s simple and casual dress, and for the first time in her heart, she felt a little ashamed of herself.

Charlie dressed like this, in this kind of place, seems to be no contradiction, and with his handsome appearance, sunny smile, gives people an inexplicable good feeling.

But Stella then looks at themselves, feel like their own dress today, like an overdressed clown, with everything around them seems out of place.

Charlie also did not expect that Stella was dressed so formally, even quite a feeling of attending a top dinner party, could not help but praise:

“Miss Zhan is dressed beautifully today!”

Hearing this, Stella’s heart was, even more, a bit groundless.

Originally, she has always been quite confident but did not expect that in this suburban farmhouse, for the first time she felt a strong sense of shortness and unease.

She said somewhat awkwardly, “Sorry Mr. Wade, the choice of clothes today is really a bit inappropriate, let you laugh.”

Charlie smiled and said, “Why? It’s because I chose the place with some lack of consideration, so please don’t take offense, Miss Zhan.”

Hearing this, Stella’s rushed mood was instantly relieved.

Charlie looked at her with a faint smile and said, “Miss Zhan, please come in, the goose is almost stewed!”

Seeing Charlie’s invitation, Stella had no choice but to walk towards the door of the box.


Chapter 3913

At this time, Charlie looked at Tony and warmly invited him, “Brother driver, why don’t you come in and eat something together? There’s no one else here!”

Tony shook his head and politely said, “Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Wade, as the driver, it’s better for me to wait outside.”

Charlie borrowed the slope and nodded his head, “In that case, I’ll be sorry for the greeting.”

Tony was busy saying, “You’re welcome, Mr. Wade!”

Charlie smiled faintly and went into the box with Stella.

It was said to be a private room, but it was actually an ordinary brick room.

The area of the room is not large, the inside is relatively empty, just against the wall facing the door, built a four-square earthen stove.

The stove below the fire is burning all the firewood, the flame is burning very vigorously.

So that the top of the large iron pot, although covered with a wooden lid is constantly bubbling outward with water vapor.

The room is filled with a strong smell of meat.

Don’t know why, as soon as Stella smelled this strong meat aroma with spicy flavor, her mouth began to secrete saliva uncontrollably.

She took out a small bottle of mineral water from the bag, gently took a sip to cover the embarrassment.


At the same time, she wondered in her mind: “This goose meat smells really too fragrant, but the rice cooked in this kind of place, will really be delicious?”

While she was in doubt, Charlie pointed to one of the chairs, said to Stella:

“Miss Zhan, please sit down! I don’t know if the food here is to your taste,”

“I originally wanted to find a high-end Western restaurant, but I heard people say that French food is the Rolls-Royce of Western food,”

“So I guess you grew up in France of Chinese descent, eating Western food in a place like Aurous Hill, must taste like chewing wax,”

“So simply I wanted you to try the local specialties, I hope you don’t mind, if you don’t like it, just say so, let’s go to the city now It’s still time to change the restaurant.”

Charlie made a burst of nonsense so that Stella’s heartfelt a bit more touched.

She thought that Charlie was really well thought out, but did not know that he was just making up his mind.

He had not looked for where to eat western food in Aurous Hill, and he was not prepared to take her to any other restaurant.

However, Stella did not expect that Charlie was just playing along, and when she was touched, she smiled slightly and said politely,

“Mr. Wade is too polite, I actually want to try some local specialties that I have not tried before.”

Charlie nodded and smiled, “That’s just right, this is a local specialty.”

With that, he reached out and lifted the lid off the pot, and as a large cloud of water vapor rolled and surged up to the ceiling, a stronger smell of meat came out.


Stella also saw what was boiling in the pot, it was a pot of goose meat that had been colored with sauce, constantly rolling, in addition to some fatty and lean thick five flowers.

Growing up in the United States, Stella rarely eats pork, the two types of meat she eats most often are beef and chicken.

And in chicken, she only eats low-calorie chicken breast, the only pork she will eat in life is processed bacon, so she has almost no taste for this kind of fatty pancetta.

However, when she saw that big piece of pork rolling in the pot, she actually wanted to taste what this pork would actually taste like.

Seeing that she was a bit dumbfounded, Charlie gave her a piece of goose meat and put it on the plate in front of her, saying with a smile,

“I was afraid that a lady like you would be concerned about her image when eating goose meat,”

“So I specially asked the cook to chop the meat into small pieces, so you can try how it tastes first.”

Saying that, Charlie hurriedly explained again, “Oh yes, I haven’t used these chopsticks, don’t mind.”

Chapter 3914

“No, no.” Stella hurriedly shook her head for a while, seeing Charlie so active for his own dishes, the heart can not help but some girl-like shyness.

Charlie at this time clipped another piece of pancetta, put it on her plate, said: “pancetta stew out of the goose is delicious, pancetta itself is more delicious, try it.”

“In addition, there is also the dried beans stewed in here is also great, this kind of dish, you absolutely can not eat in France!”


Stella saw the small plate in front of her being piled up with food by Charlie, her heart was both shy and touched.

She rarely ate alone with boys, so this feeling of being thoughtfully taken care of by the opposite s3x was the first time.

So, she blushingly nodded and said, “Mr. Wade you don’t have to serve me dishes, you yourself have not eaten a bite until now ……”

Charlie smilingly said, “No hurry, I think if I use these chopsticks, I will not be able to give you dishes!”

Said that and gave her a piece of goose meat with skin and said: “In fact, eating goose, it is best to eat this meat with skin and it is most fragrant, you quickly taste it!”

Stella nodded, carefully put this piece of meat to the mouth and gently blew it, and with thin lips carefully tested the temperature, and only then put into the mouth gently chew up.

This taste does not matter, Stella’s eyes suddenly glazed over, she felt that the rich aroma filled her mouth and taste buds.

This wood-fired iron pot stewed for a long time out of the aroma, she had never tasted in the United States, immediately she was amazed by the sky.

Then, she couldn’t wait to try the pancetta that Charlie gave her, and the feeling of melting in her mouth, fatty but not greasy, overturned her perception of pork.

However, what surprised her most was the inconspicuous dried bean curd in the pot.

Because, she really can’t imagine why the original crisp bean curd, will become this although very soft but very tough texture, and delicious.

Charlie also did not expect that the woman who came back from a foreign country, eat up the iron pot stewed goose, her speed was good, so he


hurriedly called the cook again, using cornmeal in the pot to paste a circle of corn cakes.

Did not expect that it was this simple coarse grain cake, but once again refreshed Stella’s perception, so that she praised.

Charlie while enthusiastically brought Stella to eat, while looking at the time, it is already 7:30 pm, although there are curtains inside, but also can be seen outside the sky has darkened.

Charlie felt that right now, it was almost the best time to make a move on that six-star martial artist in the courtyard.

He planned to use the excuse of going to the toilet to leave the box, go directly to the courtyard, control the six-star martial artist with the fastest speed, and then have Orvel directly load him into the car and take him away.

So, he sent a text message to Orvel and asked him to drive over now.

Orvel was waiting at the roadside two kilometers away with two of his men at this time.

When he received Charlie’s text message, he immediately instructed his men in the driver’s seat, “Drive, let’s go there now!”

His men immediately put the car in gear and drove it out.

Just when Charlie was planning to find an excuse to go out, his cell phone suddenly received a call from Joseph.

At this moment, Charlie’s eyebrows knitted slightly, and he thought in his heart that it must be because Joseph’s intelligence network had already gotten the news.

So, he directly picked up the phone and naturally said to Stella, “Miss Zhan, I’m going out to take a call.”


Stella did not doubt it, nodded, and said, “Mr. Wade, please make yourself comfortable.”

Charlie took the phone and went out to the courtyard.

This time, Stella’s driver and bodyguard, Tony, was still standing motionless at the door of the Cadillac.

Charlie glanced at Tony, he knew very well that with Tony’s status as a six-star martial artist, as long as he picked up the phone, Tony would definitely be able to hear Joseph’s voice and what he said on the phone.

However, Charlie still nodded at Tony very calmly, then directly pressed the answer button and said indifferently, “Joseph, have you got any results on the matter you were asked to investigate?”

Chapter 3915

When Charlie said this, Tony did not feel anything unusual.

However, because Stella was paying extra attention to Charlie, she also kept his ears open, ready to listen to his conversation with the other party to see if she could hear any useful information.

At this time, Charlie glanced at Tony, and when the four eyes met, he held the phone in one hand and raised his other hand at him.

Tony didn’t think much about it and subconsciously nodded back as a greeting.

At this time, Charlie had already walked over in his direction.

At the same time, he took out a cigarette from his pocket with his right hand and made a gesture to put it in his mouth.

Smoking a cigarette while answering the phone is a common thing for many people, so Tony wasn’t surprised at all.


However, what he didn’t know was that Charlie didn’t smoke at all, and the box of cigarettes in his pocket was also something that Charlie had asked Orvel’s minion for before they came.

At this time, the caller, Joseph, opened his mouth and said, “Mr. Wade, the intelligence network has exact information back, that Zhan Feier you want to check, real name is Stella Fei, a lady of Fei family……”


Every word that Joseph said fell clearly into the ears of six-star martial artist Tony.

When he heard the two words, Stella Fei, his entire pupils instantly shrank violently!

Immediately afterward, he looked at Charlie with a look of complete hostility and killing aura!

But even at this moment, he didn’t realize how dangerous Charlie would be to him.

He just didn’t expect that Charlie would have the channels to find out his boss’s identity!

This also meant that both himself and the young lady had been exposed, and the young lady in the room could be in danger at any moment!

Thinking of this, he stared at Charlie and questioned, “What the hell are you talking?!”

Charlie laughed: “I haven’t even questioned you yet, and you’re questioning me?”

“I, do not change my name, unlike Miss Fei sitting inside, who has deliberately put on a vest.”

Tony immediately said, “Miss doesn’t have any malice towards you! There is also a reason for using another identity!”


Charlie nodded and laughed: “I didn’t say she has any malicious intent towards me either, what are you so nervous about?”

Saying that, Charlie said to Joseph on the phone, “Joseph, I still have something to do, I’ll hang up first.”

Joseph said, “Mr. Wade, there is a person named Tony Luo beside Stella, a six-star martial artist!”

Charlie laughed, “I know, he is right in front of me.”

Joseph on the other end of the phone faintly froze, and then laughed:

“Sorry Mr. Wade, it was your subordinate who was overthinking!”

After saying that, he immediately said, “Mr. Wade, since you have something to do, then your subordinate will not bother you anymore!”

The conversation between the two people was naturally overheard by Tony, who couldn’t hide his nervousness as he asked Charlie:

“Able to find out the identity of Miss, and also to find out that I am a six-star martial artist, what exactly are you?”

Charlie laughed: “You’re such a nagging person, I told you, my name is Charlie Wade!”

Tony frowned and said: “I don’t care who you really are, I’m going to take Miss out of here now, as for the issue of Miss hiding her identity,”

“She will naturally explain it to you personally later, now please get out of the way!”

Charlie laughed: “What if I don’t let you?”

Tony clenched his fist, his joints crackled, and said coldly: “There are no martial arts masters around here, and the few in the kitchen are just like you, they are all ordinary people,”


“If I want to go in, you can’t stop me at all, the reason why I ask you to move aside is that I don’t want to hurt you, don’t be insensitive!”

“Do not know how to lift up?” Charlie lightly laughed and said playfully, “It’s been a long time since anyone has said these two words to me …… suddenly, I am a bit nostalgic!”

Chapter 3916

Tony gritted his teeth and said, “Do you think I’m joking with you?! Since you have such a powerful intelligence network, aren’t you clear about what strength a six-star martial artist is?”

Charlie nodded and laughed: “The strength of a six-star martial artist, I know, I’m not going to hide it from you,”

“A six-star martial artist just like you, I killed two of them with a stone the other day.”

When he said this, Charlie also did not forget to extend his right hand and gesture a scissors hand shape.

Hearing this, Tony’s entire body had been completely enraged!

He didn’t believe that Charlie could kill two six-star martial artists with his own hands, and he killed them by smashing them with stones, this was simply a travesty of the world!

So, he stared at him and said in a cold voice: “Mr. Wade, I didn’t want to hurt you, but you’ve angered me with your words several times,”

“Since that’s the case, don’t blame me for not being polite! I will use my fists to show you what a six-star martial artist is!”

After saying that, he almost didn’t think twice about gathering his true qi into his fists and legs, and fiercely rushed directly towards Charlie!


However, Tony didn’t really want to kill Charlie, he just wanted to teach him a lesson, to show him the strength of a six-star martial artist!

Tony’s body rushed towards Charlie like a speedy truck, in his opinion, even if he didn’t swing his fist, just hit Charlie with his body, it would be enough to kill him in half.

But what he didn’t expect in his dreams was that Charlie didn’t have any intention to dodge at all.

He just lazily stretched out an arm and said indifferently, “A six-star martial artist, in my place, is no different from a dead dog!”

Feeling humiliated, Tony gritted his teeth and roared, “You seek death idiot!”

After saying that, his body exploded with even more power and rushed straight towards Charlie!

However, at the moment he was about to rush towards Charlie, he suddenly felt as if he was instantly sucked out of all his strength.

And his whole body was like a grain of sand falling into the desert, not making any waves at all!

When he saw clearly, he was horrified to find that what was in front of him at that moment was Charlie’s right hand!

This made his whole person was struck by lightning!

Because he couldn’t believe that Charlie just stretched out one hand and blocked his whole body completely, and even used one hand to remove all his force!

All the force he had brewed just now seemed to sink into the sea at this moment, and the huge impact was instantly removed without a trace!

At this moment, Tony’s worldview was completely turned upside down!


It was at this moment that he finally realized the difference between himself and Charlie, it was like a difference between clouds and mud!

He looked at Charlie with incomparable horror and asked with difficulty, “How do you …… you …… how do you have such a powerful strength …… what kind of person are you!”

Charlie raised his eyebrows and laughed: “You’ve asked this question three times.”

Tony subconsciously asked, “What kind of cultivation level do you have ……

you are at the end?!”

“I’ve never seen anyone, less than thirty years old, whose strength can surpass that of a six-star martial artist ……”

Charlie asked him curiously, “Then have you heard of the Joseph Wan?”

“Joseph Wan?” Tony said offhandedly, “I’ve heard of it, the Supreme Commander of the Cataclysmic Front and an eight-star martial artist!”

Charlie smiled and asked, “Then do you know how old he is?”

Tony shook his head: “This person is very mysterious, no one knows his specific information ……”

Speaking of this, he suddenly came back to his senses and asked in horror,

“You …… the person you just called, is Joseph?”

Charlie nodded and laughed: “Yes, it is him, but he is not yet thirty years old.”

Saying that, Charlie added: “Also, I am also less than thirty years old, so it seems that your insight is a little shallow!”


Chapter 3917

Tony’s body was stunned, finally realizing what it meant to say that there were people outside of his view, and there were heavens outside of heaven.

He had always thought that Joseph must be at least forty or fifty years old to be able to have the strength of an eight-star martial artist.

And run such a huge organization as the Cataclysmic Front, but he never thought that he would be less than thirty years old.

Moreover, what he didn’t expect was that Joseph, as the master of the Cataclysmic Front, would call himself a subordinate in front of Charlie!

Could it be that this Charlie in front of him was the true master of the Cataclysmic Front?!

At the time when Tony’s three views were turned upside down and his heart was greatly shocked, a business car drove to the entrance of the farmhouse.

As soon as the car was parked, the electric door in the back row opened directly, followed by Orvel walking down from the car and waiting quietly at the door.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the car.

So, he subconsciously wanted to loudly report to Stella inside the box.

But he did not expect that his voice was completely stuck in his throat and could not come out.

He stared at Charlie in fear, wondering what method he had used to keep himself from making a sound.

At this time, Charlie smiled lightly and patted his shoulder, and instantly a few auras were transferred in, sealing Tony’s consciousness firmly in his body just like he had sealed Walter’s consciousness.


Subsequently, he looked at his eyes and said, “You do not need to be afraid, I will not take your life for the time being,”

“Just need to work hard to change your place to rest and live, in addition to the conditions there are not very good, you still need to overcome them.”

With that, he pointed to Orvel’s business car and said to Tony, “Here, go up yourself.”

Tony found that he was now completely unable to control his body, and his whole body was even more terrified to the extreme, not knowing exactly how Charlie had done it!

When he realized that his body was completely uncontrollable as he turned around and walked towards the business car, his entire person was immediately thrown into extreme despair.

Because he had already realized that he had completely lost control of his body, and his body, to his surprise, was being manipulated by Charlie’s orders.

Therefore, he could only watch as he got into that business car.

When Orvel saw Tony, he stared in surprise, then trotted all the way to Charlie’s side and whispered, “Master Wade, I’ve seen this man before!”

Charlie asked curiously, “Where did you see him?”

Orvel said: “The other day there was such a group of people, directly came to Mansion chartered a month of gold boxes,”

“A handful of more than ten million to pay for meals, come over to eat two meals every day, one of them was him!”

Charlie slightly stunned, can not help but frown, expression somewhat playful said:


“It seems that this is a long time to keep an eye on me …… this woman

does have something ……”

After saying that, he immediately said to Orvel: “You hurry up and take the person back, remember never to come under any surveillance.”

Orvel nodded and said: “Master Wade don’t worry, the cameras in the vicinity, I arranged for people to destroy, I will let the car to drive in the direction of the city,”

“Go twenty kilometers away down the road, there is a car waiting there, and there is no camera nearby,”

“Then I will take people to change the car, directly go back to the highway, not through the 104 national highway As for this car, will always go south, along the 104 national highway all the way down to next town.”

Speaking here, Orvel confidently said: “In this way, even if others want to look for the cars passing through the 104 National Road today, it is not possible to check the head of every car.”

Charlie nodded with satisfaction and laughed: “Not bad, Orvel, you are getting more and more detailed.”

Orvel laughed: “Hey Master Wade, in fact, I am not good at this kind of thing, but Issac taught me a lot, he played this as a connoisseur!”

Charlie nodded, Issac in terms of the brain, naturally better than Orvel, but Orvel contact with him more, the ear has really improved a lot.

Then, he spoke: “All right, since you’ve made all the arrangements, hurry up.”

Orvel waved his hand at Charlie and said respectfully, “Master Wade, I’ll go then.”

Charlie nodded: “Go on.”


Chapter 3918

Orvel hurriedly got into the car and commanded his minion to hurry up and drive away.

Seeing that Tony was taken away, Charlie did not delay, turned around, and went back to the box.

At this time, Stella was in the box, completely unaware of what was happening outside.

After all, this is located next to the national highway, the vehicles whistling back and forth, the noise is great, from time to time past an overloaded truck.

And even the whole ground will follow the vibration.

So, Stella also simply can not hear the other movements outside.

After Charlie came back, he smilingly said to Stella: “Sorry, Miss Zhan, just a little matter, let you wait.”

Stella said: “Mr. Wade, you don’t have to be so polite, are you done with your matter?”

Charlie nodded and casually said, “Finished, the client is consulting a little feng shui matters, explained to him and it is almost done.”

Charlie acted too sincere, so Stella did not have the slightest doubt.

So, she said with a smile, “Right Mr. Wade, I don’t know if your wife has told you that the villa I bought has been fully entrusted to her to design and decorate.”

Charlie nodded and said, “She told me about this, she personally is very happy because she has never taken such a good project.”


Saying that, Charlie politely said, “I also want to thank Miss Zhan, for entrusting such a big project, into her hands.”

“Where.” Stella was busy saying, “Mr. Wade helped me read the feng shui and didn’t take a penny, I’m also returning the favor, you must not be polite with me.”

Charlie smiled faintly and said with a sincere face, “Since Miss Zhan is so kind, then if there is any need for me in Aurous Hill in the future, please don’t be polite to me!”

Hearing Charlie’s words, Stella’s big eyes couldn’t help but flash brightly with excitement.

She had deliberately approached him, just to accumulate some personal friendship and favors with him.

Only then could she possibly, one day in the future, have the cheek to beg him to sell her a rejuvenation pill.

The words of Charlie just now gave her a great deal of confidence.

She believed that as long as she kept up her efforts and continued to get closer to him before the auction started.

Then the matter of the Pill is really a sure thing!

Excited to the point that she couldn’t help but pick up the water cup and said to Charlie, “Mr. Wade, I’ll make a toast to you with water instead of wine!”

Charlie nodded and smiled, also lifted his glass of water and clinked it slightly with her, and said politely, “Come, come, Miss Zhan, eat some more meat!”

After saying that, he used his own chopsticks and gave her a few pieces by hand.


Seeing that the chopsticks were used by Charlie, Stella was slightly stunned, her heart could not help but have a few accelerated, and said with a red face,

“Thank you, Mr. Wade!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Don’t be polite, make sure you eat well!”

Twenty minutes later, Stella finally put down the chopsticks, while gently wiping her lips with a tissue, while softly saying,

“Mr. Wade, I’m full …… This is probably the most filling meal I’ve had in my

entire life ……”

Charlie laughed: “It’s best if you like to eat, I’ll take you to eat some other local specialties when I have the chance later.”

Stella followed his words and said, “That’s great! I’ve never been to Aurous Hill before, I don’t know anything about the local specialties here,”

“If I have Mr. Wade to lead me, I can definitely take a lot less detours!”

Charlie nodded and smiled, “Then in two days, I’ll take you to have a meal of the most famous cuisine in the Yangtze River Valley!”

Saying that he deliberately said casually: “Just in time, I have a friend who runs a restaurant, the main focus is Huaiyang cuisine,”

“In Aurous Hill it is quite famous, called Classic House, I will talk to him later, let him prepare a table!”


Chapter 3919

As soon as she heard the words Classic Mansion, Stella felt a big headache.

She thought to herself, “This Classic Mansion’s food is certainly good, but not good for too long, one can not stand to eat there every day ……”

“Moreover, I am already considered an acquaintance in the Classic Mansion these days, if I were to be known by Charlie again, I might even think more about it, definitely a disadvantage without a benefit.”

Thinking of this, she then smiled and said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, I have been to the Classic Mansion, the food is indeed very good, but eating there is a little too much waste,”

“I wonder if you have other more grounded options? Like this farmhouse meal today, I think it’s very good ……”

Charlie asked in surprise: “You’ve been to Classic Mansion? Oops, I should have known I’d say hello and let the boss there give you a free bill.”

Saying that, Charlie added: “So, I’ll give a call to the owner of Classic Mansion in a while, no matter when you go, Miss Zhan, let him give you a free bill!”

Stella said: “How can you be so kind! They have opened for business, how can they let people eat free of charge, Mr. Wade must not be so polite ……”

Charlie originally is not polite, he just treats Stella as a little mouse, now teasing her a little, waiting to see her helpless look.

So, he then smiled and said, “In that case, then I’ll go back and find a restaurant with more local characteristics, and then take Miss Zhan to taste some.”

Stella nodded repeatedly, smiled, and said, “I am not familiar with the places in Aurous Hill, and I only have you as a friend,”


“So I am grateful to Mr. Wade for taking care of me during this period of time!”

Charlie laughed: “Okay, okay, I’ll arrange it!”

Saying that, Charlie looked at the time and faintly smiled: “Miss Zhan, it’s not early, why don’t we stop here today?”

“Okay!” Stella nodded and smiled, “Thank you Mr. Wade for your hospitality today!”

“You’re welcome!” Charlie smiled and stood up, seeing that Stella also got up and took her handbag, so he went to the door first, opened the compartment door, and smiled: “Please, Miss Zhan.”

Stella slightly bowed and nodded her head to say thank you, and then stepped out of the box.

By now, it was completely dark outside the door, and although there was a wall lamp on in the courtyard, the light was still very dim.

As soon as Stella went out, she subconsciously looked for the figure of Tony, but unexpectedly, Tony was not standing by the car as usual.

She was surprised and thought, “Where is Mr. Luo? In the past, he always waited by the car, why is he missing today? Is he resting in the car?”

Thinking of this, she immediately stepped towards the Cadillac.

But when she reached the window, she leaned down to take a look and found that the car was empty and there was no figure inside.

So she hurriedly looked around again and saw no figure of Tony in the whole farmhouse.

This made her heart a little panic.


She then anxiously took out her cell phone and tried to call him, but the phone prompted that she couldn’t get through.

This made her panic instantly, and she continued to try to make a call while turning around in the same place in a hurry.

Charlie pretended to be surprised and asked, “Miss Zhan, what’s wrong with you?”

Stella subconsciously blurted out, “My …… my driver is missing ……”

“Missing?” Charlie said in surprise: “A big living person, how can you say missing?”

“When I came out to answer the phone just now, I also said hello to him ……”

After saying that, he hurriedly added: “Could it be that he went to the toilet?”

Chapter 3920

Stella expression can not hide the panic and said: “But his cell phone also can not be reached …… his phone is always reachable, no matter what,”

“And his cautious style of work will never disappear without telling me, so …… So I suspect that he is likely to be in some kind of trouble ……”

Charlie said casually, “What if it’s when he went to the toilet, the phone accidentally fell into the pit?”

Stella faintly froze, then immediately shook her head and said, “Impossible

…… With his skills, he definitely would not make such a low-level mistake ……”

In Stella’s opinion, for a six-star martial artist, the reaction ability and body speed are too much stronger than normal people, it is completely impossible that the phone would accidentally fall into the pit.


Charlie saw her nervousness, so he went up to her and said with a comforting serious tone: “I see that your driver is very stable, standing is meticulous, look like a practitioner,”

“Such people should not have anything! Besides, the security of our Aurous Hill is always very good, he is a big living person, it is impossible to have any accidents, do not worry!”

Stella’s anxiety was not relieved by Charlie’s comfort.

Because she knew very well in her heart that Tony was a six-star martial artist with superb strength.

It was reasonable to say that no one in the whole of China could find an existence whose strength could surpass his.

Therefore, it was almost impossible for him to have any accidents.

But now, it was this person who couldn’t possibly have any accidents that had disappeared inexplicably, which instantly gave her a strong sense of crisis’

Making her feel as if she was firmly wrapped by an incomparably powerful, yet completely invisible and untouchable whirlpool.

Charlie was still engrossed in acting at this time, he ran to the kitchen door and knocked, and when the door opened, he immediately asked the chef inside,

“Did any of you see the man standing in the courtyard just now?”

The chef shook his head and said, “Master Wade, I have not been out……”

Charlie asked again, “What about the little brother who greeted us at the door when we came?”

The chef was busy saying, “He has already left, you and your guests came not long ago, he went back first,”



“Because today the master has instructed us not to receive other guests, just to serve you this table, so he had nothing to do, so he left first.”

“Strange ……” Charlie muttered: “A big living man standing there, when did

he leave and where did he go that no one knows?”

The chef shook his head vigorously and said offhandedly, “We really don’t know ……”

Charlie asked again, “So you have monitoring here?”

The chef shook his head again, smiled twice, then said: “No monitoring Master Wade sorry……”

“You also know, our boss is under the hand of the fifth master, we usually entertain here, are also the people on the road,”

“In order to avoid trouble, there is no monitoring… …”

Charlie helplessly sighed and said, “Okay then, I’ll think of another way.”

After that, he turned to the nervous Stella and said, “Miss Fei, why don’t I wait with you for a while longer, if we still can’t contact him, we’ll go to the police.”

Although Stella’s heart was apprehensive, but at this time she could not think of any solution at all, so she said to him:

“Thank you, Mr. Wade, I’ll send a message to the others first to say ……”

Martina, who was measuring the room with Claire, was also scared out of her wits when she heard that Tony could be missing,”

“So she hurriedly coordinated to instruct the others to hurry up and search for clues.

Tony’s disappearance meant a complete loss of security for them.


And they know very well, if this place in Aurous Hill, with the ability to make Tony vaporized existence, then the other side if you want to make Stella along with their entourage also vaporized, simply as easy as moving a finger on the hand!

Chapter 3921

As time passed by, Stella became more and more nervous and panicked.

She had not heard from Tony for a long time, and even her phone had not been able to reach him, so she hurriedly sent a message to her grandfather, Douglas, reporting the sudden situation to him.

At the moment, the matter is more difficult than Stella’s ability and the strength of others around her, she can only seek guidance and help from her grandfather.

At this moment, Douglas was half lying in bed, the maids around him were serving him, eating the special nutritious breakfast spoon by spoon.

Recently, his health had been deteriorating.

After getting up every day, he didn’t even have the strength to go out for a walk, and even sitting motionlessly was very exhausting.

Therefore, he can only rest in bed the majority of the time.

His health care team, two days ago, just finished giving him a comprehensive physical condition assessment.

The experts believe that his life has entered the end stage of natural aging, and the time left can no longer be calculated by years.

Therefore, at the moment, he is looking forward to only two things.

One is good news for his granddaughter, Stella.


The other was that he would be able to win the Rejuvenation Pill at the auction at the end of the month!

Now that he suddenly received a message from Stella, he could not help but feel a little excited.

He hurriedly picked up his phone with a trembling hand and tapped the text message open with his own hands.

However, when he saw the content, his whole body was struck by lightning, and his phone couldn’t be controlled, it slipped from his hand!

“Tony has actually disappeared …… this …… how is this possible ……”

Douglas was horrified, so he immediately said to the servant beside him, “Quick! Quickly go get Master Yuan!”

Soon, a middle-aged man wearing a black Tang suit and black cloth shoes stepped into the room.

This middle-aged man looked about forty years old and walked not fast, but as if he was carrying a gust of wind.

This person is the personal bodyguard who has been beside Douglas for many years, Karl Yuan.

Karl’s actual age this year, already sixty-six.

Twenty-six years ago, he was ordered by his master to enter the world to protect Douglas, because he was brave and resourceful, and helped Douglas greatly, he was respected by Douglas as Master Yuan.

In the past twenty-six years, because of the energy used to protect and assist Douglas, the speed of cultivation has slowed down a lot.

And Tony is his fellow disciple.


According to the requirements of the division, Karl was scheduled to serve the Fei family for thirty years,”

“And after four years will return to the division for closed-door cultivation.

Therefore, the division sent Tony several years ago to prepare to take over his class.

Tony originally spent most of his time protecting Douglas’s eldest son, Stella’s eldest uncle.

But this time Stella was ordered to go to China to look for clues to the Rejuvenation Pill, so Douglas specially asked Tony to protect her all the way.

However, Tony disappeared for no apparent reason when he arrived in Aurous Hill just a few days ago.

However, Karl did not know what had happened to Tony at this time. He went to Douglas’s bedside, bowed slightly, and asked,

“Elder Fei called me here so early, what are your orders?”

Douglas said, “Master Yuan, Stella just sent a message that Tony is missing! She suspects that he has met with an untimely death!”

Chapter 3922

“What?!” Karl was instantly stunned and said, “That’s not possible! Tony is a six-star martial artist,”

“His strength is so strong that he has no rival in the martial arts field in China, how could he have met an untimely death there!”

Douglas said, “Stella’s words are true, she just met someone for dinner, and in one meal, when she came out, there was no trace of Tony,”


“And the phone is out of service, what else could it be if it was not an accident?”

Karl faintly froze, then frowned tightly, whispered: “in order to Tony’s character, one will not leave without a reason, two will not lose contact for no reason,”

“Two situations at the same time, I’m afraid that really met with an unpredictable …… this matter, it really seems very tricky ……”

Douglas blurted out, “Master Yuan, have you ever heard that China has strength more than home into the experts?”

“Never heard of it.” Karl spoke: “As far as I know, there is not even a five-star martial artist in China, not to mention that if, as Miss Stella said,”

“She was in the box just a wall away, but never heard any movement of the fight,”

“This proves that if this matter is really the way we fear, the strength of the mastermind behind the scenes is far more than Tony!”

He further said with a gloomy expression: “Want to kill or kidnap Tony quietly, even I can not do it! Because even if Tony’s strength is not as strong as mine,”

“He can still fight me for at least a few dozen rounds, and if the two of us were to go all out against each other,”

“The noise would be so loud that it could be heard from several kilometers away.”

Karl’s analysis made Douglas startled, he opened his mouth and asked, “Master Yuan, in your opinion, if someone could really kill or kidnap Tony silently, what level of strength would this person be?”


“What level ……” Karl’s eyelids trembled lightly and he spoke seriously:

“Within the Ming realm, I’m afraid it’s difficult to do, so the other party’s strength is at least in the Dark realm!”

“Dark realm ……” Douglas murmured: “Yuan master did not say, dark realm

experts, has not been in the world for at least ten years ……”

“Yes ……” Karl nodded and said in a deep voice: “More than ten years ago,

the family master had said in a letter, the only few Dark Realm expert’s whereabouts have been unknown, and there is no news to this day.”

Douglas asked, “Then the disappearance of Tony, could it be related to the dark realm experts?”

Karl face full of serious color, said: “Not without this possibility …… just I can

not figure out, even if there really is a dark realm expert in Aurous Hill,”

“And how would the family get into it? Tony went to Aurous Hill only a few days ago, did he offend someone?”

After that, he hurriedly said to Douglas, “Elder Fei, please ask Miss Stella if she has offended anyone in Aurous Hill these days,”

“I believe that even if there are Dark Realm experts, they will not make a move against a junior for no reason unless there is some kind of trouble or misunderstanding!”

Douglas nodded and said, “I’ll ask Stella!”



In the farmhouse on the side of National Highway 104 in Aurous Hill, Stella still had been waiting for news from Tony.


Tony’s phone number was still unreachable, and Martina was bringing hackers, trying to figure out how to decipher the surrounding surveillance video.

So there were no valuable clues back.

Charlie saw that Stella seemed to be a bit indecisive, so he asked her tentatively, “Miss Zhan, do you want me to accompany you to the police?”

Stella shook her head and said, “Mr. Luo has only been missing for less than half an hour, and he’s an adult with full mobility,”

“So I guess the police won’t put a lot of effort into an adult who has only been missing for half an hour.”

Charlie nodded slightly and sighed, “It also makes sense, if you go and tell the police officers that a big old man has been missing for half an hour,”

“I’m afraid that you will be treated as a brain-damaged who makes fun of the police officers ……”

Stella sighed and was about to speak when her phone suddenly received a text message from her grandfather.

She just clicked on the text message, she heard Charlie actually repeat most of the text message: “Miss Zhan, did you offend someone?”

And the text message from grandfather read, “Stella, did you offend someone in Aurous Hill?”

Chapter 3923

Stella was completely confused at this point.

She thought she hadn’t offended anyone since she came to Aurous Hill, and she hadn’t exposed her identity to the public.


What’s more, if Tony was really killed or kidnapped, the other party’s strength was so high that it was even beyond imagination, how could she have messed with such a big figure.

At a certain moment, she looked up at Charlie and suddenly thought in her heart, “All this, could it be Charlie who did it?!”

However, when she saw Charlie’s sincere face, she couldn’t help but think in her heart,

“How could it be Charlie …… First of all, not to mention that he is really nice

as a person, and he has no motive to lay hands on me……”

“What’s more, he is so young, how can his strength be above Mr. Luo?”

“Moreover, he ate with me the whole time and only went out to answer a phone call,”

“If he could solve Mr. Luo with the effort of answering a phone call and didn’t make any noise, wouldn’t his strength be unbelievable?”

After thinking about it, Stella still took the initiative to completely rule out Charlie’s suspicion.

So, she said to Charlie, “Mr. Wade, I’m new here, and have always been a good boy, I really don’t know who I’ve offended ……”

Charlie nodded and said seriously, “I guess so, like Miss Zhan such a knowledgeable and polite beauty, how could she have offended someone.”

Saying that, he said: “Right Miss Zhan, said it could be that your driver himself offended someone?”

“Maybe he has an enemy in Aurous Hill, and that enemy bumped into him, maybe!”

Stella shook her head and said, “Mr. Luo has been serving our family for some years, and as far as I know,”


“He hasn’t been back to China for at least twenty years, so it’s unlikely that he has enemies in Aurous Hill.”

Charlie smacked his lips and said with a frown, “That’s really strange ……”

“Miss Zhan, I think this place seems a little dangerous, or we should go back first!”

“You do not want to call the police now does not matter, get back to the hotel first then think about other ways to find a little clue,”

“If there is no news by tomorrow, I will accompany you to the police!”

Stella also felt that it was not safe to stay here, so she looked at Charlie, said with a pleading face:

“Mr. Wade, I do not have the car keys, I can not drive, can you take me back to the hotel?”

Charlie did not think twice and quickly agreed: “Of course, no problem! Get in!”

Saying that, he immediately pulled open the door of the BMW 530 passenger side and said to Stella, “Miss Fei, please!”

Stella said gratefully, “Thank you, Mr. Wade!”

Saying that she leaned down and sat in the car.

Charlie also hurriedly returned to the driver’s seat, started the car, quickly left the farmhouse, and drove quickly towards the city.

At this moment, the business car carrying Orvel and Tony has stopped in the middle of nowhere on the outskirts of Aurous Hill City.

Where there were no people and no surveillance cameras, most suitable for doing something unseen.


When the business car pulled over, an inconspicuous black Honda Accord came out of the woods next to it.

This car is very common in the city, retaining a large number of people, drive to where no one will take a look.

When he saw the Accord coming, Orvel immediately pulled open the door and pulled Tony out of the business car with his own hands.

Then ordered someone to open the trunk of the Accord and stuffed Tony into it.

Chapter 3924

After that, Orvel sat in the back seat, lowered the window, and said to the driver of the business car,

“You guys go on to Suhang, find a nightclub to have some fun, and then find a high-class bathing center to take a bath and sleep.”

The driver smiled and asked, “Master, are we going to have a meat bath or a vegetarian bath?”

Orvel grinned and cursed, “Da*n! I don’t care if you wash meat or vegetarian, you can wash as you like,”

“If you have any special fetish, find a few men to wash together I don’t care about you.”

He said he pulled out his wallet from his pocket, bulging wallet, not much cash, but all kinds of bank cards.

Interestingly, each of the bank card, with a series of numbers on a sticky note, some are 10, there are 20, 30 or even 50, 100.

Orvel directly pulled out a bank card pushing the number 30, threw it from the window into the cab of the commercial vehicle, and said,


“This card contains 500,000, the password is 5-0-0-0-0-0-0, take it and spend it, the rest is divided equally.”

Orvel always carries at least a few million worth of bank cards, these cards do not belong to him.

But the password of each card, corresponds to the amount of this card, for three hundred thousand cards, the password is 3 and five 0, for five hundred thousand cards, the password 5 and five 0.

The reason for carrying so many such cards is to make it more convenient to give money, directly a card is thrown over the solution, more convenient than cash, safer than transferring money.

The minion got the card and said excitedly, “Thank you, Master!”

Orvel instructed: “By the way, tomorrow do not rush back, have a solid sleep until natural awakening, and then find a shopping mall, do some shopping, and then drive back in the evening.”

The minion hurriedly said, “Don’t worry, I will follow your instructions!”

Orvel nodded and said to the driver of the Accord, “Go directly to the highway back to the kennel.”

The driver hurriedly said, “Yes, Master.”

Then with a kick of the gas pedal, the car immediately leaped out.


Since the traffic was much smoother at night, Charlie only took about twenty minutes to deliver Stella to Hotel.

The car parked in the hotel lobby, and the service porter was just about to open the door when he saw that it was Charlie sitting inside and immediately said respectfully, “Greetings, Master Wade!”


Charlie nodded and said to the porter, “Tell your General Manager to send more people to protect Miss Zhan’s safety.”

The porter hastily agreed and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll give feedback right away!”

Only then was Charlie satisfied and said to Stella on the passenger side, “Miss Zhan, do you want me to take you in?”

Stella was busy saying, “Don’t bother Mr. Wade, I’ll just go up myself ……”

Charlie nodded and said comfortingly, “You don’t have to worry too much about what just happened,”

“I believe that in broad daylight and clear sky, that driver of yours can’t be lost, maybe he’ll be back tomorrow.”

Stella felt that Charlie simply did not know the seriousness of the matter, so he had this wonderful fantasy.

And in Stella’s own opinion, the possibility of Tony coming back by himself was almost zero!

However, she still said to Charlie with great gratitude, “Thank you, Mr. Wade, then I will borrow your good advice!”

Chapter 3925

Charlie nodded and said, “Miss Zhan, don’t be polite to me, you are not familiar with the place,”

“If there is something difficult to do, you must say hello to me, although I am not a local snake in Aurous Hill,”

“But at least I have some roots, I should be able to help you!”


Charlie’s attitude gave Stella great comfort, so that her panicked heart and nervous emotions have a great relief.

She looked at Charlie and said from the bottom of her heart, “Mr. Wade, it’s fortunate that you’re here! I’m really thankful!”

Charlie waved his hand and said in the spirit of his face, “Miss Zhan, we are all friends, it would be too much to say thank you all the time!”

Stella was lame by Charlie’s attitude.

At this moment, she only felt that Charlie was simply the spring breeze on earth, and was also very warm and sincere to her.

Looking at Charlie’s sincere eyes, Stella’s heart even began to feel guilty for having been deceiving Charlie.

For a moment, she had an impulse to confess everything to him.

However, when she thought of it, her grandfather was still waiting for the Rejuvenation Pill to renew his life, so she could only suppress this impulse, hard.

In her heart, she thought, “If grandpa can win the Rejuvenation Pill at the auction, then I will definitely confess to Mr. Wade and ask for his forgiveness at the first time ……”

And at this moment, Charlie saw Stella looking at him in a dazed, so he opened his mouth and asked, “Miss Zhan, what’s wrong with you?”

Stella came back to her senses and hastily covered up, “Oh, nothing …… Mr.

Wade, I’ll go up first ……”

“Okay!” Charlie nodded and once again instructed, “Always remember, when you encounter a problem you must call me!”

“Okay!” Stella said thanks again, and only then reluctantly got out of the car.


After waving goodbye to him and watching him drive away, she quickly rushed back to her presidential suite.

On her way to the presidential suite, she had already called Martina and others to inform them of the meeting in her room.

When she returned to her room, except for Tony, all the members of her entourage were sitting in the small conference room of the presidential suite.

Everyone’s expressions carried a lingering look of tension and gravity.

As soon as Stella came in, everyone hurriedly stood up and looked at her respectfully, shouting a respectful hello to Miss.

Stella nodded, then asked straight to the point: “How are the things you have been asked to investigate? Are there any clues?”

Martina said, “Miss, I asked the hacker to retrieve the road monitoring system of Aurous Hill,”

“But unfortunately, the monitoring power supply system in the area where you are today has a problem, and their staff is restoring it overnight, so there is no valuable monitoring video left.”

Stella said offhandedly, “How could it be such a coincidence? The surveillance in that area is out of order?”

Martina said helplessly, “We can’t tell now whether this is a coincidence or someone did it deliberately.”

Stella said with a black face: “It must be man-made! Otherwise it can’t be such a coincidence!”

Martina said, “Miss, it’s hard for us to find any direct clues right now, and since the other party is more powerful than Mr. Luo,”

“They definitely won’t let us check him out easily ……”


She said, “Miss, what I am most worried about now is your safety, Mr. Luo is missing, your safety is no longer guaranteed,”

“Why don’t you go back to America first, we will stay here and continue our investigation.”

“No!” Stella said, “If I go back now, this time I will have come to Aurous Hill for nothing!”

“Not only did I come for nothing, but I also got Mr. Luo involved ……”

Martina said worriedly, “Miss, if Mr. Luo is missing, the other party’s real target is probably you! If that happens, he will definitely go after you next!

Chapter 3926

Stella shook her head and said seriously, “If he wanted to make a move on me, I wouldn’t be here right now.”

Martina asked, “Miss, according to you, the other party came for Mr. Luo?”

Stella murmured, “It may not necessarily be directed at Mr. Luo, but I feel that I won’t be in any danger in a short time,”

“I think since the other party is so strong and has spared me, then he probably sensed that Mr. Luo’s strength is not bad and thinks that he is a threat in Aurous Hill, that’s why he made a move against him ……”

Martina said in disbelief, “But this is too strange …… Although Mr. Luo’s

strength is very strong, he has never struck in Aurous Hill,”

“And he is a bodyguard, not an assassin, and he is not an active threat to others, so why would the other party strike at him?”

Stella pursed her lips and said, “That’s what I’m trying to figure out now ……”


As she was talking, her cell phone suddenly rang.

The person who called was her grandfather, Douglas.

Stella hurriedly picked up the phone and walked inside to the bedroom, and only after arriving in the bedroom did she press the answer button and respectfully said, “Grandpa.”

Douglas asked in a very anxious tone, “Stella, where are you now?”

Stella said, “I’ve already returned to the hotel.”

Douglas asked again, “Is there still no news from Tony?”

“No.” Stella said, “Martina arranged for the hacking team to hack into the traffic surveillance, but there are no valuable clues,”

“It seems that the other party is prepared, not only very strong, but also very strong anti-reconnaissance awareness.”

Douglas hurriedly said, “I just communicated with Karl, Karl’s meaning is that the other party’s strength is likely to have reached the Dark Realm,”

“Not to mention Tony, even he is not an opponent, so Karl’s meaning is that you’d better hurry back to avoid danger!”

Stella refused, “Grandpa, I want to stay! I’ve only managed to get closer to the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill in Aurous Hill,”

“If I leave at this time, won’t I be throwing away all my previous achievements?”

Douglas sighed, “Then you can’t risk your own safety!”

Stella said, “Grandpa, if the other party is really a Dark Realm expert and has already set eyes on me, it would be impossible for me to go back even if I wanted to,”


“But since the other party hasn’t made a move against me yet, it proves that the other party is not hostile to me yet, or the hostility is not strong yet.”

If I leave now, the situation in Aurous Hill will be like looking at flowers in a fog, and I won’t be able to understand the reality.”

“I can at least explore the truth for you.”

In fact, there was another layer of Stella’s mind that she did not say.

That is, in her subconscious, she still wants to have more contact with Charlie, to get more understanding.

Therefore, in her heart, she was ten thousand times reluctant to leave.

When Douglas heard this, his heart sighed with emotion.

He did not expect that Stella would pay so much attention to his own affairs, which really touched him.

So, he thought for a moment and spoke, “Stella, if you really want to stay in Aurous Hill, I will let Master Yuan come over to protect your safety.”

Stella said, “Grandpa, don’t let Master Yuan come over! In case the other party is really a Dark Realm expert,”

“It is very likely that they are very hostile to all other martial artists in Aurous Hill. And the other party’s strength is so high,”

“There is no chance of winning even if Master Yuan comes, it is better for me to stay here by myself and slowly look for clues,”


“In this way, I can also continue to draw closer to the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill, killing two birds with one stone.”


Douglas hesitated for a moment and said with a long sigh, “Stella, then in this matter, I’m counting on you!”

“If there is anything that you need grandpa’s help with, just say so!”

Chapter 3927

Charlie, who was in the opposite mood from Stella, was on his way home.

After controlling Tony, he felt much more relaxed, since that Stella still wanted to continue hiding her identity, Charlie could continue playing with her as well.

However, in order to find out her background, he made a phone call to Joseph, in which he asked him, “Joseph, do you have any details about Stella?”

Joseph said, “Mr. Wade, the information I have so far shows that Stella is the young lady of the Fei family in North America,”

“And this Fei family is a powerful Chinese family there, although its strength is not as strong as the An family, it is still stronger than the Li family in Hong Kong Island and the Su family in China.”

“Fei family founder, the current head of the family named Douglas Fei, now more than ninety, it is said that the health condition is not too good, it is estimated that almost to the day of the end.”

Charlie heard here, suddenly realized, in his heart secretly thought: “No wonder this Stella has been trying to get close to me and my family, the reason is here ……”

He had seen Douglas’s name from the auction’s registration list, and combined with the feedback from Joseph, it was not difficult to speculate that Douglas must have known that his time was running out,”

“So he couldn’t wait to get a Rejuvenation Pill, and he should have been worried that there would be an accident at the auction,”


“So he sent Stella to the country in advance, looking for clues to the Rejuvenation Pill from other ways, so that it could also play a double insurance effect.

After thinking about this, Charlie asked Joseph: “What is the status of this Stella in the Fei family?”

Joseph explained: “This Stella is the granddaughter of Douglas, but she is the youngest among the grandchildren of the Fei family,”

“The oldest brother and sister of the same generation with her, the oldest is already over fifty, while she is only in her early twenties,”

“It is said that she is more favored in the Fei family, and is the most favored granddaughter of Master Fei.”

Charlie asked him, “Stella’s father, what is his rank in the Fei family generation of sons?”

Joseph said, “Her father, like her, is the youngest in his generation.”

Charlie smiled faintly: “No wonder so hard, her father’s generation must not have much status in the family,”

“The old man is also relatively old, maybe one day he will pass away, at this time if you do not work hard, more in front of the old man to get some benefits, when he is gone, it will be directly divided out.”

“Yes.” Joseph sighed: “This is where all the big families are not exempt, after the new family head takes office, he will definitely do a round of purging of his siblings,”

“And when he gets old, such things will happen again to his children.”

Charlie said right, and asked, “Joseph, about this Stella, can there be any more detailed information about her?”


Joseph said: “Mr. Wade, Stella’s information is not much, her life history is mainly two parts, one from the age of six until last year,”

“Most of the energy is basically put in the academic, in the study of a genius, academic, only 22 years old, and already got a doctorate at Stanford,”

“The other is that she has been in contact with business management since she was a teenager.”

“And that she has been in contact with business management since she was a teenager, Douglas has given her several projects with a market value of over 100 million dollars to practice, and the results are said to be very good.”

Charlie did not expect that Stella was a Stanford graduate.

Stanford is his mother’s alma mater, so by calculation, this girl and his mother are also from the same school.

Chapter 3928

However, this did not make Charlie have a few more good feelings towards her, he did not like her cleverness in this kind of mechanism.

Although he had a bit of admiration, but did not like her.

In his opinion, it would be better for her to back out because of tonight’s incident and hurry back to the United States at dawn tomorrow, so as to save herself from trouble.

As for that Tony, of course, he will not kill him, the big deal is to erase his memory, and then find an opportunity to sneak him to a country in Southeast Asia, so that he can find his own way back.

In this way, this matter will not have any direct connection with him.



At the same time, the hotel,

Stella put a bathtub of hot water for herself, after washing her body in the hot water, forcing herself to relax both physically and mentally, and then replayed in her mind all the things that happened tonight.

Tonight’s events, in addition to her shock and fear, also vaguely make her feel a little weird.

She always wondered what kind of person could have targeted Tony so precisely.

Moreover, the other party was so crisp and sharp, not leaving any clues.

She had also suspected Charlie in her heart.

But her mind would always be wrapped up in what Tony had said before.

She always felt that although Charlie was mysterious, he should not be so powerful.

She remembered again what Grandpa had said on the phone, and Karl speculated that the opponent Tony had encountered should be a Dark Realm expert.

An expert of the Ming Realm Great Perfection Realm was unheard of, and a Dark Realm expert who was one big level higher than the Ming Realm as a whole was even rarer in the world.

This makes Stella can’t help but impressed, she subconsciously while fiddling with the water in the bathtub, while muttering:

“I really can’t imagine that a city that can only be ranked tenth in China will hide a dark realm expert ……”

“And this city in addition to dark realm experts, there is also master Wade who can take out the Rejuvenation Pill …… little Aurous Hill, is really a

crouching tiger hidden dragon ……”


Thinking of this, Stella’s mind, suddenly flashed out a thought.

She frowned and chanted softly, “The matter of Charlie having the Rejuvenation Pill, through the clues obtained from various directions,”

“Basically it can already be confirmed, this pill can not only bring back the dead but also make a person twenty years younger,”

“If it really has such an effect, then it proves that this pill itself, has a very powerful energy ……”

“Mr. Luo said that the reason why martial artists can have physical qualities that far exceed those of ordinary people is because they have mastered an energy that ordinary people can’t master, the true qi!”

“And the energy contained in Charlie’s Rejuvenation Pill, no matter what, can’t be worse than a martial artist’s true qi, right?”

“After all, there are many martial artists in this world, but the Rejuvenation Pill, however, is only available to Charlie!”

“Although the energy of the Rejuvenation Pill and the true qi of a martial artist may not be the same thing,”

“It is difficult to compare who is better and who is worse, but in terms of rarity, the energy of the Rejuvenation Pill is much rarer and more precious than the true qi of a martial artist!”

“Hiring a six-star martial artist is only tens of millions of dollars a year or at most $100 million, but to buy a rejuvenation pill, at least tens of billions of dollars,”

“From here you can also see that the energy of the rejuvenation pill is worth more.”

“Since this is the case …… then Charlie grasps the energy of higher value,

why does he himself have no strength? Isn’t this …… a bit strange?”


She remembered that Tony had told her that martial artists, realm an inch higher is an inch stronger, people with high cultivation can see through at a glance exactly what stage people with lower cultivation than themselves are at,”

“So he could see that Charlie did not have any cultivation on him, and could even say that he was not a martial artist at all.

Chapter 3929

At first, Stella also did not doubt this statement, after all, there are specialties in the art, since Charlie is a Feng Shui master, it is difficult to have any achievements in the martial path.

However, now look back and analyze this matter, will feel that the logic of which there is a bug, that is, a logical loophole, the loophole is…”

“Since Charlie mastered the Rejuvenation Pill such a powerful energy-containing pills, and how is it possible that there is no half of the body cultivation?

This is like, a person’s family has a mountain of gold and silver, but the bank account is not as strange!

As she continued to follow this line of thought, she became more and more alarmed.

She sat up from the bathtub all of a sudden, panicking and exclaiming in a low voice: “Mr. Luo is a six-star martial artist,”

“If he can’t see any cultivation on Charlie, then only two possibilities exist, either Charlie has no cultivation at all, or he must be above a six-star martial artist!”

“Moreover, if it’s above a six-star martial artist, then it may not be a seven-star martial artist, but up to the top!”


“If Mr. Luo was really killed or controlled by him, then his cultivation level, as Master Yuan said, has reached the Dark Realm!”

“And! The place where we ate today was also chosen by him, deliberately chosen in such a remote place, was it really just to let me taste the local specialties?”

“Coincidentally, the only thing that went wrong with the surveillance video around the place he chose was that he didn’t find any valuable clues!”

“Moreover, the whole meal, Charlie was not always with me, in the middle of which he went out to answer the phone! If he was a Dark Realm expert,”

“The time he spent answering the phone would have been enough for him to make a move on Mr. Luo!”

Thinking of this, Stella felt her heartbeat suddenly accelerated by more than double, the strength of her heartbeat was so strong that it even shook her chest with a sharp pain!

In her heart, she knew very well that if her guess was right, it would prove that everything Charlie had shown in front of her was a show, or even a deliberate attempt to confuse herself.

Stella immediately panicked.

There is only one possibility for Charlie to act in front of her, that is, he recognized her and knew her true motives, so he wanted to give her a trick.

Stella also knew that if she was really recognized by Charlie, it would prove that her mission to Aurous Hill this time was a complete failure.

Moreover, not only did her plan to find the Rejuvenation Pill fail, but even if Charlie knew her true identity.

It was likely that he would also be involved in Grandpa’s plan to attend the auction normally.


If that were to happen, wouldn’t she become a sinner in her grandfather’s eyes?

Thinking of this, Stella was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

What she was most afraid of now was that Charlie had not only detected her motives, but also discovered her identity as Stella Fei.

If that were the case, she would be completely powerless to return.

If Charlie only perceived her motive, but did not find out her true identity, then there is still a silver lining to this matter.

After all, she and grandpa originally intended to use a double insurance approach, even if she blocked this path.

At least it would not affect grandpa to come to the auction normally.

As long as Charlie does not know her true identity, she will not follow her grandfather to attend the auction, so she can isolate the risk.

Chapter 3930

When she thought of this, she immediately picked up her cell phone and called her grandfather. As soon as the call was connected, she hurriedly said,

“Grandpa, I am now at risk of being exposed, so from now on, until the end of the auction,”

“I will not contact you anymore, and you do not need to contact me. I will not participate this time.”

Douglas was shocked and asked, “What’s going on? Did something unexpected happen again?”


“No.” Stella said truthfully, “I am afraid that I have been exposed in front of the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill, I now suspect that he is behind Mr. Luo’s disappearance,”

“If that is the case, I have probably offended him, if he knows about my relationship with you, I am afraid that it will affect your participation in the auction.”

Douglas said offhandedly, “Are you sure? Could that person have the strength of the Dark Realm?!”

Stella said, “I don’t have any direct evidence, but analyzing down, he is the most likely, so I think it’s better to be cautious, no matter what, we can’t influence you to bid for the Rejuvenation Pill.”

After thinking about it, Douglas said, “Stella, I think you should come back as soon as possible,”

“Since you should have the risk and possibility of being exposed, there is no practical meaning to stay in Aurous Hill, but it will also increase the risk.”

After saying that, Douglas said, “You come back first, when the auction is held, I will ask Master Yuan to accompany me, then we will go to Aurous Hill to participate in the auction openly and honestly,”

“And I am afraid that other people who attend the auction will also bring some martial arts experts as their attendants, even if he is powerful, he can’t make a move on these attendants, right?”

Stella said, “If the mastermind behind the auction is really him, he certainly will not make a move against the people who attend the auction,”

“That would be like smashing his own signboard, why don’t you let Master Yuan accompany you over then.”

Douglas asked, “What about you? When will you be back?”


Stella thought for a moment and said, “I’d rather not come back first.”


Douglas asked, “Stella, what are you doing there now? It’s very dangerous!”

Stella explained, “Grandpa, from what I’ve learned about this person in the past few days, he is an extremely low-key person.”

“So he will definitely not appear in person at this auction. waste a good opportunity for nothing!”

Douglas persuaded, “Stella, the other party has probably figured you out by now, what good chance can you have by staying there?”

Stella seriously said, “Grandpa, if he didn’t make a move against me, it proves that he doesn’t hate me that much in his heart,”

“Maybe he just wants to let me back out through this matter, so I don’t think I will be in any danger.”

Speaking here, Stella gave a slight beating, and continued, “I think he is at most a little discontent with me now,”

“Or some antipathy, as long as I can in the next time, through my way, let him reduce his discontent and antipathy towards me,”

“Then I still have a chance in this line.”

Immediately after that, Stella said in a sincere tone, “Grandpa, just leave me alone and let me operate on my own!”

Stella was not trying to be a hero.

After carefully analyzing the many elements involved, she came to the conclusion that it was unlikely that Charlie would make a move against her.

In her heart, she thought, “If Charlie really reached the strength of the Dark Realm and really wanted my life,”


“Then he didn’t have to make such a hassle at all, he could just make a move on me and solve the problem once and for all.”

“But since he didn’t do that, and he also chose to play along with me, and even took me to the suburbs for dinner without too much trouble,”

“And even didn’t turn against me after settling Mr. Luo, it proves that he really didn’t want to do anything to me!”

“Perhaps, he just wants me to be sensible and go away by myself ……”

Thinking of this, Stella’s heart, too, unconsciously surged with a strong desire to win.

The more Charlie wants her to go, the more she does not want to go!

What’s more, right now is the last chance to show themselves in front of grandpa, if this time again she does not seize, then the future of their own family, there is absolutely no day to turn around!

So, she gave herself a pep talk in her heart: “People say that the rich and powerful are in danger, this time I must seize the opportunity!”

Chapter 3931

When Stella wrapped her delicate figure into a bathrobe and came out of the bathroom, she immediately called her assistant Martina and ordered,

“Martina, come to my room for a moment.”

Martina immediately replied respectfully, “Miss, wait a moment, I’ll be right over.”

A few moments later, Stella heard the sound of the doorbell coming from the door.

So, she got up and opened the door.


As soon as Martina entered, she respectfully asked, “Miss, what are your orders for me?”

Stella’s face no longer had the nervousness and worry on it, she let Martina sit down on the sofa and asked her without delay,

“Martina, how did it go with Claire today?”

Martina said, “The contract has been signed, Ms. Willson insisted on not charging the design fee and wanted to transfer the five million design fee to the decoration cost,”

“And said that if not, then she would not take this order, I couldn’t convince her, so I agreed.”

Stella could not help but frown and asked in surprise, “Why did she refuse the design fee? 5 million is not a small amount, as far as I know, she should not have much money.”

Martina explained, “Ms. Willson means that she feels that she is still far from the level of a senior designer,”

“So she feels very grateful that you have chosen her to do this project, and she also hopes that through this project, she will be able to participate in the domestic interior design competition.”

After a pause, Martina added: “To put it bluntly, Ms. Willson wants to make this villa of yours a classic case of her personal interior design, which is why she refused the five million design fee.”

Stella nodded and smiled, “It seems that this Claire is very career-minded, she definitely wants to be in the interior design field and make some visibility.”

“Right.” Martina also agreed and said, “The biggest feeling I got from my contact with Ms. Willson is that this woman is very simple-minded,”


“Not too good at hiding things, and does want to run her career a little better.”

Stella nodded slightly and said, “How about this, tomorrow morning you go to her company, say I want to see her, and hope to talk to her face to face about my design needs for this house.”

Martina said, “Miss, if you want to see her tomorrow, wouldn’t it be quicker for me to make an appointment with her directly and have her come here to see you first thing in the morning?”

“No.” Stella decisively refused: “If you tell her now, then Charlie will know, I don’t want him to know about this,”

“At least before Claire comes, I don’t want him to know, so you go directly to Claire’s company tomorrow, first talk to her about the construction cycle,”

“Then I will call you, then temporarily ask her to meet, in this way, she will probably not tell Charlie.”

“This way, she probably won’t tell him, and you can also follow her around all the time to see if she contacts him or not.”

Only then did Martina suddenly realize, and hurriedly said, “Okay Miss, then I will go to her company directly tomorrow!”

“Mm!” Stella nodded and said, “Martina, I have one more thing that I need you to work hard and overtime to finish tonight.”

Martina said, “Miss, you can order anything.”

Stella said, “After you go back to your room, immediately ask people in the United States to look up the best living interior designers in the world,”

“I want a list of the top 20 designers in the world! Especially focus on the list of female designers!”


Chapter 3932


Martina was slightly stunned, then immediately understood her motive, and quickly asked, “Miss, do you want to prepare some common topics with Ms. Willson in advance for tomorrow’s meeting with her?”

“More than that.” Stella seriously said, “After you pull out the Top20 list, and then ask the PR team in the United States to confirm the appearance fees of these 20 people,”

“Then no matter which one of these 20 people Claire admires, you have to make sure that you can invite this person over here, and also make sure that after this person comes, she will cooperate with me to do whatever I say!”

Martina said without hesitation, “Miss, don’t worry, I will do it tonight overtime!”

Stella nodded and instructed, “First, prepare the list and information and send it to me, I want to get familiar with it in advance.”

Martina said respectfully, “Yes, Miss, I’ll prepare it for you as soon as possible, do you have any other orders?”

Stella waved her hand and said, “Nothing else, you go to work!”


Although Stella is not a core figure in the Fei family, but because of the blessing of the old man, her authority in the family is not small.

She has the right to deploy all kinds of information channels of the family, and if she wanted any information.

The information channels of the Fei family would definitely give priority to serve her.


Therefore, Martina quickly sent the list of the top 20 interior designers recognized worldwide, as well as the detailed information of each of them to Stella.

She read the list word by word on her tablet for several hours until 4:30 am, when she finally finished reading it, set an alarm for 8:00 am, and went to sleep peacefully.

At eight o’clock in the morning, after she got up, she immediately confirmed with Martina.

Claire’s company works at eight in the morning, so Martina was already ready to go out.

Stella also simply ate some breakfast sent into the room, and then began to wash and do make-up, put on delicate makeup for herself.

And changed into a celebrity style beige seven-point sleeve blouse with a medium-length h!p skirt of the same color.

This dress is not ostentatious, but because Stella figure and temperament are excellent, so gives people a noble and competent visual effect.

At this moment, Claire just arrived at her company and sat in her office.

Just after reaching the office, she immediately opened the computer and continued the work she did not finish last night.

What she has to do now is to draw out the structure and specific parameters of Stella’s house in the drawing software.

And also to confirm where the parts of the building design can be demolished and changed, and where it cannot be moved.

After doing this, she can start to produce the first version of the design sketch.


Of course, before making the sketch, she has one more very important thing, that is, she has to touch base with the A party about the design requirements.

In Claire’s view, a designer’s greatest professionalism is not to design a magnificent or whimsical space, but to respect the needs of the client.

It’s like a certain incident that exploded on the internet some time ago, where a grandfather living in the countryside took out millions of dollars to ask a designer to design and build a set of two-storey houses.

But the designer had to make the grandfather’s house, which was already in the countryside, into a more purely rural style.

Even if the designer wants to use a project to highlight his strength, it must be based on absolute respect for the needs of the party.

Otherwise, it becomes the use of other people’s houses and other people’s money, to complete their own preferences and ambitions, in this industry will certainly be despised.

Therefore, Claire felt that she had to meet with that Miss Zhan to understand her design needs before she made the draft.

At this moment, a young female designer from her company knocked on her office door and said, “Sister Claire, Miss Chen from the party of the Water Cloud Villa project is here, saying she is looking for you for something.”

Claire said, “Quickly invite her in!”

Chapter 3933

Soon, Martina arrived at Claire’s office under the leadership of the female designer.

Claire also got up and walked out from behind her desk to greet her, and said with a smile, “Miss Chen, why are you here so early?”


Martina smiled and said, “Mr. Willson, I came here to confirm our construction period with you, our lady wants to know how long it will take for us to move in.”

Claire said with some difficulty: “Miss Chen, we are still in the communication stage of this project,”

“I do not know how much time we need to find a balance point in the communication, and I do not know how many versions of the design sketches are needed to satisfy your Miss Zhan, so I can not give you an exact time point yet.”

Claire said, “However, I think this matter in two steps, the first step is that we need to first remove the original decoration,”

“This will be faster, the house situation I will also understand more, I estimate that the fastest case, a week can be all the interior soft and hard furnishings all removed.”

“If we can finalize the design as soon as possible, the subsequent construction time is also better to control.”

Martina then followed her words and asked, “Mr. Willson, if the design is finalized, how long will it take from the day the design is finalized to the end of construction?”

Claire said with some difficulty, “To be honest, Miss Chen, I can’t guarantee you this now because we don’t know how difficult the finalized design will be to construct,”

“And if the construction is very difficult, then the construction period will definitely be longer.”

“Moreover, I can not be sure what kind of specific requirements for the construction materials of this villa, I have done interior design for some customers before,”


“Some customers will specify the use of a certain material of a certain country, you say, for example, someone like the natural marble imported from Italy,”

“The stone at least half a year in advance booking, in order not to delay the decoration, if the soft furnishings selection of imported furniture the words, it is the same thing.”

“So, there are too many factors that can influence the construction time, it is really impossible to give you an accurate time immediately,”

“Such a large villa, someone can be installed within a year, someone needs five years to complete the installation, the span is also very large.”

When Martina heard this, she said with a smile, “It seems that this decoration is indeed a very troublesome thing, and I see that you do seem to have to hurry up and meet with our lady,”

“Because I am not quite sure what specific needs our lady has, this will have to be you and her face to face to talk properly.”

“Right!” Claire also nodded in agreement and said, “I was just thinking about this matter, it would be best if I could meet with your lady,”

“As soon as possible to understand her needs face to face, so that I can also prepare the first version of the design sketch.”

Martina’s heart suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief.

She was still thinking about how she could talk to Claire without showing her face and naturally about the topic of letting her meet with the young lady.

She didn’t expect that once a few words were spoken, Claire would take the initiative to raise this demand.

In this way, one can completely use the slope to get down.


So, she hurriedly said, “In that case, then Mr. Willson, please wait a moment, I will call our lady now and see what her schedule is.”

Claire busily said, “No problem!”

Martina immediately took out her cell phone and called Stella.

Stella was waiting for her message in her room, and when the call came, she quickly picked up and asked in a pretentious manner, “Martina, is something wrong?”

“She said she wanted to meet with you as soon as possible to talk about your design needs so that she could give you design sketches, what time would be convenient for you?”

Chapter 3934

Stella said casually, “I don’t have any plans in the morning, so why don’t you bring Mr. Willson here now?”

Martina said, “Okay, wait a moment, I’ll ask Ms. Willson.”

After saying that, she looked up at Claire and asked, “Ms. Willson, our lady said she has time now,”

“And she is staying at the Shangri-La Hotel, which is not far from here, so if you have nothing to do, we can go there now.”

Claire said without thinking, “I have no problem, let’s go there directly.”

“OK!” Martina laughed, “It just so happens that I’m driving here, why don’t Mr. Willson take my car?”

“Okay!” Claire readily agreed, then immediately picked up a notepad from the table, and put her tablet computer into her bag, and followed Martina out of the company.


Because before taking this single, Claire had already consulted Charlie, so she did not need to report everything to him after taking this single.

Especially in the field of decoration, it is a common occurrence to meet with the Party A.

Sometimes it makes sense to deal with the Party A all the time, so Claire did not think much about it.

Martina drove Claire to Shangri-La, looking for various topics to chat with her along the way.

And at the same time, she was constantly watching her, noting whether she used her cell phone to contact others or send text messages.

However, Claire herself is not a person who has to hold her cell phone every day, plus there was Martina chatting on the way, so she put her cell phone in her bag and never took it out from the beginning to the end.

This side let Martina reassure a lot.

When the car arrived at Shangri-La, she took Claire to the presidential suite where Stella was.

This was the first time that Claire met Stella.

Just at the first meeting, Claire was shocked by the natural and powerful aura of the other party.

Stella’s appearance is naturally impeccable, but what makes Claire more amazed is that she has a sense of dignity that is everywhere in her body.

This feeling seems to be quite bullsh!t, but when she is really face to face with this kind of people, the heart will unconsciously sprout a thought, that is, this person’s origin, must be very illustrious.

Likewise, Stella also felt that Claire and her usual contact with the same s3x friends have a very different.


Stella’s usual social circle is mostly top celebrities, everyone is similar in terms of family and education.

So they get along with each other and have the unique atmosphere and feeling of high circles throwing them in a sea of tens of thousands of people.

They can still accurately judge the taste of the same kind.

But she couldn’t see from Claire’s body the kind of aura that the top elite class should have.

Moreover, Stella found that Claire had a visible nervousness in front of her.

At this moment, Claire is indeed a bit nervous.

From the moment she knew that she had prepared $50 million for the renovation of Stella’s villa, she always felt that with her own ability and popularity, she should not correspond to such a big renovation project at all.

Although she eventually took the project down, but deep inside, there is still a feeling that she is always climbing up the ladder.

Now that she has met the golden master, there is naturally a nervousness inside that is difficult to restrain.

Stella took her involuntary micro-expression in her eyes, but very generously took the initiative to extend her hand and said with a smile,

“Hello, Mr. Willson, I’ve heard a lot about you!”

Chapter 3935


Stella suddenly took the initiative to say hello, which immediately made Claire somewhat flattered.


She hurriedly said humbly, “Miss Zhan you are really too polite, I am just an ordinary person, how can I have any fame to speak of ……”

Stella laughed, “I always hear Martina talk about you, she speaks highly of you.”

Saying that, she hurriedly greeted Claire to the meeting area and said with a smile, “Ms. Willson, let’s sit down and talk.”

“Good.” Claire nodded and followed Stella to the meeting area to sit down.

As soon as she sat down, Stella casually ordered Martina, “Martina, go prepare two cups of coffee.”

After saying that, she asked Claire, “What kind of coffee would Ms. Willson like to drink?”

“I only have a capsule coffee machine here, so please don’t take offense if I am a little bit slow.”

Claire hurriedly waved her hand and said, “Miss Zhan, you don’t have to go to such trouble, I don’t drink anything ……”

Stella nodded slightly, and then smiled and said to Martina, “Martina, go prepare two lattes, and by the way, pour Ms. Willson a cup of warm water.”

Claire still wanted to politely decline, but Stella did not wait for her to open her mouth, then went straight to the point and said,

“Ms. Willson, Martina said you want to discuss your design needs with me, and I’ve been thinking about meeting with you, so let’s get right to it!”

Claire had to nod and said, “Okay Ms. Zhan, you wait a moment.”

With that, she took out her notepad and neutral pen and asked Stella, “Miss Zhan, do you have any personal preference for the overall design style of this villa?”


Stella pondered for a moment and smiled, “I don’t really have any ideas about this, and would prefer to hear Ms. Willson’s opinions and suggestions.”

Claire nodded and said, “Ms. Zhan, I have thought carefully over the past two days, the area of your villa is relatively large, and your personal budget is very sufficient,”

“So I personally recommend the most popular luxury style in Europe and the United States these years, plus you are relatively young,”

“The overall can also adopt a more bold color system, using the French and Italian pre-modernism, the style is more inclined to Kelly West.”

“Kelly West?” Stella raised her eyebrows and smiled, curiously inquiring, “Ms. Willson is more partial to the design style of Kelly West?”

Claire said with an adoring face, “I’m not going to hide it from you, Ms. Zhan, Kelly West is my personal favorite designer,”

“There is no one, I’ve been following her design works for ten years, every design plan is ingenious and amazing!”

Stella smiled and nodded, before last night, she didn’t even know what Kelly West did.

However, after last night’s update, she was impressed by the name Kelly West.

Because, this Kelly West, is now recognized all over the world, the world’s top female designer, known as the Queen of Design,

This person is most adept at the design of interior spaces, has taken over several design projects all over the world are perfect, and has always been the darling of the fashion world.

She is the top stream in the field of interior design today, as long as she designed the work, will certainly become a global well-known pop.


But also become the object of thousands of fans, a number of high-end luxury hotels around the world because of the use of her design, business is so good that a room is difficult to find all year round.

Because she had done her homework in advance, Stella said with a smile, “I really didn’t expect that Ms. Willson would be so fond of Kelly West, I wonder if Ms. Willson has any personal acquaintance with her?”

Chapter 3936

Claire said awkwardly, “Ms. Zhan is joking, Ms. West is the most admired idol of female designers around the world, I am just a pupil in this field,”

“How can I have any chance to cross paths with her …… I’m just her avid fan


Stella winked at Claire and said, “Ms. Willson, to be honest, I have a good personal relationship with Kelly West, if you want to get to know her, I can help you make a connection.”

“What?!” When Claire heard this, her whole body was dumbfounded and exclaimed, “Ms. Zhan, you …… You are not joking with me, right?”

“You …… Do you really know Kelly West? That Kelly West who is known as

Interior Design Queen?”

Stella laughed, “How could I joke with you like that, I do have a very good personal relationship with her, and I just extended an invitation to her two days ago to come to China some time to see and play.”

Claire suddenly became excited and hastily inquired, “Miss Zhan, then Ms. West she …… has she agreed?”

“Agreed.” Stella said with a smile, “She is already coordinating the time and said she will come over as soon as possible,”

“It just so happens that she has not been to China and is very interested in it.”


Claire asked her with a longing face, “Miss Zhan …… I have an unrequited

request, I don’t know if you can ……”

Stella looked at her and smiled, “Ms. Willson, do you want to meet Kelly?”

“Yes!” Claire did not expect that Stella had instantly said what she wanted in her heart, and asked excitedly and apprehensively, “Ms. Fei, is it possible?”

“Of course!” Stella agreed without hesitation and smiled, “It just so happens that I am not too familiar with Aurous Hill,”

“After she comes, I am afraid that I will not be able to do the job of a guide, not to mention her,”

“I myself desperately need a guide to show me more about the customs of Aurous Hill, so if Ms. Willson is willing, then the three of us can move together on a regular basis.”

When Claire heard these words, her whole body was already excited to the point of trembling a little.

This is different from the mentality of going to see Sara’s concert, she likes Sara, more based on her musical works, and likes her from the perspective of appreciation.

But she likes Kelly West based on her extreme admiration for her in the professional field.

Therefore, she was more excited to meet Kelly than to see Sara’s concert, and she was looking forward to it.

So, almost without thinking, she asked offhandedly, “Miss Zhan …… Can I really be a guide for you and Ms. West?!”

Stella said with a serious face, “Being a guide is secondary, being a friend is the most important thing.”


When Claire heard this, she was even more excited to the point of no additional, and her heart was overflowing with gratitude for Stella.

However, she suddenly thought of a question and couldn’t help but feel puzzled and asked Stella: “Miss Zhan, since you know Ms. West and have such a good personal relationship,”

“Why did you choose me to do the decoration design for your villa? Ms. West’s strength is countless times stronger than mine, in front of her, I’m afraid I can’t even be considered as a class actor ……”

Stella shook her head seriously and said, “Ms. Willson, you must not be so presumptuous, Kelly naturally has her powerful place,”

“But it does not mean that you are not as good as her in all aspects.”

After that, Stella added: “In fact, after listening to your general advice on a direction,”

“I wanted to tell you about a situation that I overlooked before and didn’t give you feedback in time, and you just happened to mention Kelly, so the topic got sidetracked.”

Claire said, “What is the situation?”

Chapter 3937

Stella said, “The reason why I bought this house is not mainly for my own residence, but for my grandfather to live more conveniently when he will come back to Aurous Hill to retire.”

Saying that, she added: “Therefore, the decoration of the house, certainly can’t adopt the very fashionable style of Kelly, the old man certainly can’t accept it.”

“And as you know, the older people like my grandfather is, the older he is, the more nostalgic and obsessed he is with his homeland and traditional culture,”


“So I would prefer that the villa be decorated with more of our unique traditional style.”

“It would be even better if it could incorporate some of the local style and characteristics of Aurous Hill.”

“And this demand of mine can’t be satisfied by Kelly in any way.”

When she heard Stella’s words, Claire finally came to a realization.

She had never seen Stella before, and she had only spoken to her assistant Martina about the decoration of the house.

So she did not know what Stella’s intention was in buying this villa.

But now that she heard Stella say so, she immediately understood in her heart.

So, she hurriedly said: “Miss Zhan you are right, the elderly actually prefer Chinese style more, Western modernist style is concerned about the mix and match of various materials,”

“But Chinese style pays most attention to woodwork, like my father is particularly obsessed with the old Chinese furniture, at home there is a set of yellow pear sofa, he has to polish seven or eight times a day, he likes it very much.”

“Right!” Stella also seems to have found a soulmate, said: “My grandfather is also the same! Likes rosewood, likes mahogany, likes huanghuali and incense,”

“And also especially likes traditional Chinese cultural games, it seems that the bones can’t be forgotten anywhere.”

“Yes.” Claire nodded very seriously, and then sighed: “Before I thought that your villa is mainly for self-occupation, so the rough scheme I thought in my head was basically a more modern and younger style,”


“But now I basically understand your needs, your villa, if all adopt Chinese decoration, should also be very atmospheric!”

“And Chinese decoration should show simple atmosphere at the same time, low-key and calm, the elderly will also like it.”

Stella said approvingly, “That’s right, simple and atmospheric, low-key and calm, that’s my requirement for the villa design, Ms. Willson’s summary is really too precise.”

She smiled slightly and said, “You see, for this kind of requirement, only local designers in China can understand and put these requirements into practice,”

“Foreign designers can’t even understand them, so it’s definitely not feasible for them to handle the design. style, then I really want to be scolded to death by my grandfather!”

Claire nodded and said, “Miss Zhan don’t worry, I will do my best to give you a set of sketches according to the Chinese style,”

“Then you can see if the general direction and style can satisfy you, if so, I will continue to deepen, if not, I will modify it as soon as possible.”

“Good!” Stella nodded without hesitation and smiled, “Martina showed me some of Ms. Willson’s design works, I personally appreciate them very much, so I also believe that Ms. Willson’s strength will not let me down!”

Claire said awkwardly, “My design works, most of them are some very small projects, they really can’t make it to the stage here with you ……”

Stella seriously said, “As the saying goes, small is big, small projects are also very important, so I believe you.”

Saying that Stella raised her eyebrows at her again and said with a big meaning, “By the way Ms. Willson, if you really like Kelly,”


“When she comes, make sure to seize the opportunity to ask her more about the design style she is good at, it will definitely help you a lot.”

“Yes!” As soon as Stella mentioned Kelly, Claire’s mood surged up again.

So, she asked Stella with some impatience, “Miss Fei, at the risk of asking, when do you plan to invite Ms. West to Aurous Hill?”

Stella smiled, “Then of course the sooner the better.”

After saying that, she looked at Martina and said, “Martina, I still have to entertain Ms. Willson, please call Kelly for me first and ask her to come over as soon as possible if she has time.”

Chapter 3938

Martina had already admired her own lady’s free play of the ceiling to the point of admiration.

No one knew the real situation better than her. In fact, before last night, Stella didn’t even know Kelly West.

However, just because she had studied her homework in advance last night, she is now talking with Claire about Kelly West, and it is completely at her fingertips.

The good thing is that she had asked the public relations department of the Fei family to contact Kelly West in advance yesterday.

And Kelly West has done interior design for many wealthy people around the world and can be called the royal designer of the top tycoons.

So she also likes to make friends with powerful people.

Moreover, the level of the Fei family is completely different from those rich people whose names can be found on the Forbes list.


Like this top family, the ordinary people outside have no way to know, only those who can reach a certain segment.

Only those who know the existence of a behemoth like the Fei family.

Kelly West learned that the Fei family’s first lady is interested in befriending her, naturally.

She did not hesitate to agree, and gave a promise last night, as long as Stella needs her, say the word she will drop all the work in hand and immediately fly over to see her.

This is the use of money.

Just like those ordinary people dream to see a star, it is likely that a netizen to come up with a few million appearance fee, the star will personally fly over to celebrate the netizen’s birthday and sing for them.

This, too, is the use of money.

So, Martina immediately went back to her room and made a phone call to Kelly West.

As soon as the phone call came through, she spoke directly: “Hello Miss West, this is Miss Fei’s assistant Martina Chen.”

As soon as Kelly heard this, she said respectfully, “Hello, Miss Chen! May I ask what is Miss Fei’s requirement?”

Martina said, “Our lady would like to invite you to come to China, what time is convenient for you?”

Kelly said without hesitation, “I’m available anytime, it’s okay for me to leave now!”

Martina then said, “Then how about this, you will leave in twelve hours and arrive in Aurous Hill at this time tomorrow, what do you think?”


“No problem!” Kelly said without thinking, “Please tell Miss Fei that I will make preparations and arrive in Aurous Hill in 24 hours!”

Martina instructed again, “Our lady needs to cooperate, in front of others, must pretend to know her long time ago and have a good personal relationship, this you must remember well, do not make a mess.”

“Please rest assured!” Kelly said firmly: “Miss Chen only need to tell me, what are the specific need for me to remember,”

“And also if you want to pretend to know with Miss Fei long ago, then is it necessary to make up a little story,”

“If Miss Chen you have there already made up a tableau, please send me a copy, I will make myself familiar with it in advance.”

Martina then said, “Don’t worry about this, I will write the text as soon as possible and send it to you by email, you can get familiar with it during the twelve hours you fly to China!”

“No problem!” Kelly immediately said, “I will send my email address to you later, and please give me a reply when you receive it.”


Soon, Kelly sent an email address to Martina, who replied with an OK and immediately went back to Stella’s presidential suite.

Once she entered the living room, she smiled and said to Stella, “Miss, I have already communicated with Ms. West, she was in a very happy mood when she heard that you invited her to China,”

“And she also said that she would come over at the fastest time, and she expected to arrive at Aurous Hill at this time tomorrow.”

When Claire heard this, her whole body was already dumbfounded!


She did not expect that Kelly West, as the top lady of the whole interior design field, would directly decide to come to Aurous Hill under a single phone call from Stella’s assistant, which indeed made her a bit unbelievable.

After all, Kelly West was Claire’s biggest idol, and Claire never thought that she would have the chance to meet her.

However, Stella’s assistant made a phone call and her dream was about to come true!

Chapter 3939

When Claire left the hotel, her mind was still buzzing.

She really couldn’t believe that Miss Zhan’s ability was so great, that with a single phone call, she had asked her idol to Aurous Hill, and she was also invited to be her company throughout.

To Claire, this was a moment even happier than winning the lottery.

Claire’s excitement and thrill were reserved from the morning until the evening, and even when she returned home, she still wore a smile that she couldn’t help.

Charlie saw that she had been smiling since she entered the door, so he couldn’t help but ask:

“Wife, what happened? Why so happy, can’t close your mouth with a smile ……”

Claire hurriedly went forward and said happily: “Honey, something happened today that made me especially excited!”

Charlie curiously asked, “What is it that made you excited like this.”

Claire said excitedly: “My idol, the queen in the field of interior design, Kelly West, is coming to Aurous Hill tomorrow!


Charlie had heard Claire talk about this Kelly West and knew a little bit about her.

But he didn’t expect that this idol, whom Claire had always dreamed of meeting, would suddenly come to Aurous Hill.

So, he couldn’t help but ask: “How do you know she’s coming to Aurous Hill tomorrow? Is she going to attend some event?”

“No.” Claire hurriedly shook her head and said excitedly, “She’s coming to Aurous Hill this time, just to have fun, and I’ll be her guide the whole time!”

Charlie was even more surprised and asked, “How did you become her guide? You shouldn’t know each other either.”

Claire said excitedly, “It was Miss Zhan who asked her to come.”

Saying that, she couldn’t help but praise, “Miss Zhan’s connections are really very impressive,”

“I didn’t expect that she and Kelly West were still good friends, and with one phone call Kelly West decided to fly over!”

Speaking of this, Claire hugged Charlie’s arm and said while shaking it, “Tomorrow I will be able to meet my idol,”

“I don’t know if I can learn some design experience and skills from her in these few days, I’m so happy!”

Hearing the two words Miss Zhan, Charlie understood what was going on.

In his heart, he thought, “It seems that this Miss Fei is still not dead, he originally thought that after her bodyguard disappeared.

She would probably leave Aurous Hill as soon as possible out of fear.


But to his surprise, not only did she not leave, but she even looked for an entry point from via his wife.”

Thinking of this, he then asked Claire, “Wife, you went to see that Miss Zhan today?”

“Yes!” Claire nodded and explained, “In the morning, Miss Zhan’s assistant came to the company and asked me if I had time to meet with her to talk about the design needs,”

“It just so happened that I also wanted to hurry up and meet with her once, so I went to the hotel to meet her.”

Charlie casually asked, “Did she ask you which designer you liked, so you said the name of that Kerry West?”

“No.” Claire busily said, “Originally I wanted to introduce Miss Zhan to Kelly West’s design style to see if she liked a similar feel,”

“But I didn’t expect that once she heard me talk about Kelly West, she told me that they actually knew each other very well, and I didn’t expect such a coincidence …… “

Chapter 3940

Charlie heard this, then probably guessed the way Stella play.

In his heart, he thought, “This matter, with a glance can be seen that it is not at all a coincidence.”

“There are so many famous designers all over the world, where is there such a coincidence that the one that the wife likes happens to be Stella’s best friend?”

“This probability is much lower than buying a lottery ticket.”

“Only a silly girl like the wife would be fooled by such a scam ……”


“Stella must have prepared in advance, no matter which designer’s name the wife said, she would say that it was her good friend.”

Thinking of this, he also could not help but have a few admiration for Stella.

Don’t look at this woman’s young age, looking for key points she is really powerful.

In just a few days after coming to Aurous Hill, she locked him as the owner of the Rejuvenation pill.

With a little bit of small investment, his father-in-law was wound up, and then accurately found his wife in the field of design.

She has not had the opportunity to show her fists till this pain point, indeed very unusual.

Moreover, Charlie felt that Stella’s courage was also really remarkable.

Knowing that there must be hidden experts in Aurous Hill, but also to stay here and not leave. So it can be seen that this woman is not young, skills are really not small, and also very heavy heart.

The more this happens, the more Charlie feels that this woman Stella is very troublesome.

However, the good thing is that it is not very threatening, and he saw his wife so happy, and he did not want his wife’s ultimate wish to be disappointed.

So he temporarily put off the idea of forcing Stella away.

In addition, he is also very interested in seeing, what new ways this clever girl can come up with.



The next morning, Claire got up and washed up as soon as the alarm clock went off. According to her, Stella would personally drive to pick her up later, and then the two of them would go to the airport together.

After having breakfast, Claire received a phone call from Stella, who, at this time, had already arrived at the entrance of the villa.

Claire couldn’t finish her meal and couldn’t wait to leave, so Elaine couldn’t help but say,

“Claire, what are you doing in such a hurry this early in the morning? What’s so important that you are in such a hurry?”

Claire couldn’t hide her excitement and said, “Oh mom, my idol is coming to Aurous Hill, I have to go to the airport to pick her up!”

Elaine bristled, “Is it that Sara Gu again? Didn’t she just have a concert here some time ago?”

“Mom, it’s not her ……” Claire hurriedly explained: “The one who is coming

today is the lighthouse of my career path, the female interior designer I admire the most!”

Saying that, she couldn’t wait to say, “Mom, I won’t talk to you anymore, a friend is waiting for me outside.”

Charlie stood up at this time and said, “Claire, let me walk you out.”

Claire knew that Charlie and Stella had met long ago, so she didn’t feel any problem, and agreed without thinking.

Charlie and Claire walked out of the villa together, and the Cadillac that Stella had taken earlier was parked by the roadside at the gate.

Seeing the two of them come out, the door of the Cadillac driver’s seat opened, Stella stepped down from it.


Chapter 3941

Stella looked at Charlie with a slight smile and politely said, “Good morning Mr. Wade.”

Charlie nodded and smiled, “Good morning, Miss Zhan.”

Saying that, he asked her, “Miss Zhan when did you get this car back?”

Stella busily said, “I got it back yesterday, and it just happened to have a spare key.”

Charlie nodded and said, “I heard Claire say that she was going to pick up by a friend of yours with you?”

“Right.” Stella said with a smile, “The designer Ms. Willson likes happens to be a good friend of mine,”

“So I invited her to come to Aurous Hill for a few days, and by the way, I also let Ms. Willson get in touch with her more, which might help her in her future career.”

Charlie smiled faintly and said, “Then I will thank Miss Zhan for Claire.”

“You must not be so polite, Mr. Wade.” Stella was busy saying, “This is all what I should do, after all, you have done me a great favor.”

Charlie thought to himself, “I didn’t do you any big favor, but I’m afraid you want me to do you any big favor ……”

However, on the surface, Charlie did not yet have a half-hearted look of being ashamed, instead, he said with a calm face,

“In that case, it will be hard for Miss Zhan to take more trouble.”

Nine o’clock in the morning, Aurous Hill Airport.


A middle-aged woman with blonde hair and blue eyes and a tall figure walked out with big steps.

This woman’s appearance was considered very beautiful, but the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes could tell that she was no longer young.

She is Kelly West, who is already in her fifties.

However, because she is a designer, her dress is very fashionable, if you do not look closely, you will think she is only in her early thirties.

When Kelly came out of the airport, Claire recognized her at a glance, but Stella, yesterday, reading her information a little head, did not react at once.

However, Kelly recognized Stella first, so she waved at her with great enthusiasm and shouted happily, “Stella! I’m here!”

Stella came back to her senses and recognized her as well, so she said with fake excitement as well, “Kelly! You’re finally here!”

As she spoke, Kelly had arrived in front of the two.

Claire was on the side like an elementary school student, excited and didn’t dare to interrupt.

While Stella was the first to pull her to her body and said to Kelly, “Kelly, this is Ms. Claire Willson that I told you on the phone, she is very fond of you!”

As soon as she heard the word Ms. Willson, Kelly instantly understood, and keeping her mission in mind, she hurriedly said to Claire,

“Hello Ms. Willson, I heard from Stella that you are also a designer, it’s so nice to come to China and meet a fellow designer, and such a beautiful young beauty!”

Claire did not expect that Kelly, whom she had not dared to greet, would be so enthusiastic to greet herself first.


And was immediately a little flattered, so she hurriedly said, “Hello Ms. ……

West, I have admired you for a long time, it’s a pleasure to meet you!”

Kelly as soon as Claire swept, said with a smile: “Do not be so polite! You are Stella’s good friend, that is my good friend!”

Stella said to Claire with a smile at this time, “I told you Kelly is very enthusiastic, right? She is not as haughty as the usual famous designers.”

Kelly nodded and said to Claire in a very friendly manner, “We are both designers, we must have a more common language,”

“So you must not be so formal in front of me, just treat me as your best friend. that might bring more inspiration to each other.”

Chapter 3942

Kelly’s words really excited Claire, so she hurriedly said, “Ms. West, please don’t worry, I am a native of Aurous Hill, I am very familiar with the city,”

“I heard that it is your first time coming to China, I will definitely let you experience the culture and customs of China as much as possible!”

Kelly smiled slightly and could not help but say with some emotion, “Actually, I came to China once twenty-eight years ago, but that time I went to Eastcliff.”

When Stella heard this, she was a little annoyed in her heart. The feedback that Kelly gave to Martina was that she had never been to China.

And she had told Claire the same thing, so why did she suddenly change her mind again?

So, while Claire was still asking this question, Stella asked in mock surprise, “Kelly, didn’t you always tell me that you had never been to China?”

Only then did Kelly realize that she could not help but say the wrong thing, so she hurriedly explained,


“Actually, when I first came to China thirty years ago, I was entrusted by someone to come here to design her newlywed mansion,”

“And the other party was one of the most important people in my life. I’ve been claiming to the outside world that I have not been to China.”

Speaking of this, Kelly couldn’t help but sigh lightly and said from the bottom of her heart,

“That noble person is like a life coach to me, if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be able to have these achievements today.”

Hearing this, Stella could not help but ask with some curiosity, “Kelly, twenty-eight years ago in China, it should still be very traditional, right?”

“At that time, it is surprising that someone from the United States asked you to come to China to do private house design? This person must have been too avant-garde, right?”

“Right.” Kelly said with a few moments of admiration on her expression, “That noble person of mine, although she is Chinese, actually grew up in the United States since she was a child,”

“And later married a young master of a big family in Eastcliff, so she moved from New York to Eastcliff.”

Stella frowned slightly and said, “You said she grew up living in the United States and asked you to come to China to do the private house design,”

“And you were not allowed to reveal it to the public, is she very famous in the United States?”

Kelly West looked at Stella in surprise, not expecting this Fei family to be so perceptive and find the key point at once.

So, she smiled slightly, nodded, and said, “In fact, thirty years ago, her fame in American high society was very, very big,”


“And even now there are many people who talk about her with respect.”

Hearing this, Stella was even more curious and asked her, “If that’s true, then maybe I’ve heard of her, what’s her name, is it convenient to tell me?”

Kelly thought about it and laughed softly, “She has been away for many years, it’s not inconvenient.”

Saying, Kelly put away the smile, looked with nostalgia, with admiration, and with a bit sadness said:

“Her name is Margaret An, thirty years ago, she was called the investment queen of Silicon Valley,”

“I do not know if you have heard of it, if not, it is not strange, after all, she has been gone for almost twenty years,”

“When you were just born, she has already left America.”

Hearing the words Margaret An, Stella was dumbfounded!

She exclaimed, “Margaret An…… how could I not know Margaret An, she is

our ……”

Speaking of this, she gave a slight beating and hurriedly added: “She is the pride of countless hearts!”

In fact, Stella instinctively wanted to say that Margaret is the idol of all Stanford alumni.

The spiritual leader who inspires all Stanford alumni to strive for excellence, and is a totem-like existence at Stanford.

No one at Stanford doesn’t know Margaret, even though she passed away 20 years ago, her mark is still everywhere at Stanford.


She is the highest-ranked female alumna in the Stanford Hall of Fame and has supported a large number of startup projects.

These are like eagles at Stanford and in Silicon Valley, many of which have now grown into international Internet and technology behemoths.

At Stanford, there is a road named after her, a building named after her, and a scholarship fund.

At the same time, she is also recognized by all Chinese alumni of the institute.

Although Stella had never met Margaret, she had heard too much about her since she was a child.

Therefore, when she was very young, she regarded Margaret as the biggest idol in her life.

And the reason why she got into Stanford was because of the influence of this name.

When she arrived at Stanford and learned more about her, she was not only amazed but she was also surprised.

Deep in her heart, she even felt that if her future achievements could be one-third of Margaret’s, then she would have not lived her life in vain.

However, she never thought that this interior designer she met for the first time would be an old acquaintance of Margaret!

Therefore, she stood in the same place as if she were a wooden chicken, her heart was already overwhelmed.

And at this time, Claire was standing in a daze too.

This was the first time in her life that she heard Margaret’s name.


She didn’t know what these words represented behind, let alone how these words were inextricably linked to her.

She just felt that this name, as beautiful as a poem ……

Chapter 3943

Kelly didn’t expect that Stella, who was so young, would be impressed by Margaret as well.

Moreover, looking at her, she seemed to admire Margaret.

This made her heart feel a sense of relief, and she couldn’t help but sigh:

“It’s great that so many people still remember her after so many years ……”

Stella nodded and hurriedly asked after her, “Kelly, how did you get to know Margaret?”

Kelly said with a nostalgic look, “When I first entered the design circle, it didn’t go well, although I was doing high-end private house design,”

“But high-end users were very dismissive of me as a fledgling designer, and in American society in those days, women were discriminated against in many jobs, and the design industry was naturally no exception ……”

Speaking of this, she sighed lightly, full of gratitude, “I was frugal, took out five thousand dollars, opened my first solo design show in Brooklyn, New York,”

“But that design show almost no one asked for, the occasional visitor who came in, usually walked out shaking their heads, until Margaret, who happened to be passing by at the time, walked in ……”

“And then what?” Stella was impatient to pursue: “And then she gave you a chance, didn’t she?”


Kelly smiled heartily and continued, “I think she gave me a whole new world

…… After that, she not only gave me a top luxury house in Manhattan to do the full project design,”

“But even brought me directly into Manhattan’s high society, recommending me to everyone around her,”

“And since then, I have inexplicably caught fire, and before the first full project design was completed, I had already become a hot private house designer in Manhattan ……”

Stella could not help but sigh: “No one can be so selfless to share the top resources with a stranger, this kind of heart is indeed remarkable,”

“No wonder so many companies in Silicon Valley are doing stronger and stronger under her investment, this kind of people who fully carry the sedan chair for others, often to achieve the greatest success ……”

Kelly said with immense approval, “She was indeed a very selfless person, especially to newcomers, had been very caring,”

“If she feels that you are indeed a capable and talented person, then she would never sit back and watch your ability and talent be buried and let you down.”

Claire, who was on the side, had already listened with fascination by now.

Although she did not have much social experience, she had never met a person like Margaret An.

In her opinion, this woman whom she had never seen before, or even just heard of for the first time, seemed to exude an endless personality charm.

But when she thought of it, just now Kelly said that Margaret had passed away for twenty years, she couldn’t help but ask,

“May I ask …… why this Ms. An passed away so early?”


“Not sure.” Kelly shook her head and said, “I only know that at that time her family claimed that she died in an accident, for what exactly, it is unknown.”

Stella said very seriously at this time: “Margaret’s death, I once heard my grandfather talk about it as if the reason behind it is extremely complex,”

“So complex that even he kept it a secret, I actually asked him several times, he warned me very seriously not to explore,”

“And said don’t you see that An family in the world is ranked in the top three families, but in front of this matter, also did not do any struggle.”

Kelly smiled helplessly and spoke, “Let’s not talk about these heavy topics, doesn’t Ms. Willson still want to show us around Aurous Hill?”

“Yes.” Stella also hurriedly changed the topic and said to Claire, “Claire, the two of us can follow you during this next period of time!”

Claire hurriedly said, “I’ve already planned it all out, why don’t we leave now?”


Claire took Stella and Kelly around Aurous Hill for a whole day, and her feet were all worn out with blisters, but she was still full of energy.

Not only because Kelly was her idol, but also because along the way, she heard a lot about the legendary experiences of Margaret.

After hearing more, Claire even felt that, if she continued to listen, she was afraid to change her idol from Kelly to Margaret, who had died twenty years ago.

But she was unaware that this legendary woman was her husband’s mother.

When she returned home, she just sat on the sofa, she was already tired and sore.


Chapter 3944

Charlie saw her take off her socks and rubbed several blisters on her feet, so he could not help but say with some heartache,

“Honey, what have you been doing all day? Why have you rubbed so many blisters?”

Claire smiled shamefacedly and said, “I was silly today, I forgot to wear sneakers, and took them along to several attractions and walked more than 20,000 steps ……”

Saying that she giggled: “It’s okay, tomorrow change into sneakers and I will certainly be much better!”

Charlie asked offhandedly, “Your feet are like this, tomorrow still going out?”

Claire nodded and said seriously, “Of course, I want to go! Honey you do not know, following Miss Zhan and Ms. West, really can learn a lot of things,”

“I feel that I and they are not a world of people, they talked a lot of things, I have not even heard of.”

Charlie helplessly asked: “Wife, now is the information age, everything spreads fast, even if you have never eaten pork, have not seen a pig run ah?”

Claire said seriously: “Honey, they talk about a lot of things about the American high society, I have never heard of,”

“I used to think that the richest person in the United States is Bill Gates, but listen to them talk to know that the really rich people simply do not show,”

“If they do, Bill Gates’ assets in the United States, may not even rank in the top 10.”


Charlie laughed: “This is not a very normal thing? Not to mention the top billionaires, even Noah and Horiyah, dare not let Mrs. Willson know how much money they had in their pocket,”

“But all have the ability to hide their wealth, certainly do their best to hide their wealth, as for those Forbes list,”

“The reason why the list is out, mainly because most of them are listed companies or even multiple owners of listed companies, listed companies must disclose financial data in accordance with regulations, so the number of shares held by one is clear.”

“This is ……” Claire spat out her tongue and said, “Maybe I’ve never paid

attention to this before,”

“So my perception is still stuck in the news and newspapers from 10 years ago, and after hearing them out,”

“I realized It seems that this world is far more complicated than I thought!”

Charlie smiled faintly, said approvingly: “I’m afraid the complexity of this world is more than most people imagine,”

“But for ordinary people like us, knowing too much also has little meaning, what we really have to do is to run our own lives well,”

“the rest, at most, as the after-dinner talk, chat to relieve the boredom and nothing more.”

Said, Charlie said: “wife you sit for a while, I go to get you a basin of warm water bubble feet, help relieve your fatigue and blisters.”

The words are so said, but Charlie also knows that soaking the feet is just treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

So he intends to use some spiritual energy to help her completely in the name of soaking the feet.


Claire smiled cheekily and said, “Thank you, husband! This foot of mine is really ruined, I can only trouble my husband to help ……”

Charlie laughed: “This is nothing, you wait obediently.”

After saying that, Charlie came to the bathroom, brought a basin of warm water to her, seeped a little aura into the water.

Came back and put the basin under her feet, said to her, “Come on wife, put your feet in and soak for a while.”

Claire nodded and shyly said, “Thank you, husband!”

Charlie smiled with a doting face: “Since when are you so polite with your husband.”

Saying that, he said with some heartache: “You do not care too much about that Kelly and do not care about the stories they say that have little to do with us, we are ordinary people, just live your life well.”

Claire nodded very seriously and said, “In fact, I have always been so admonished, this kind of words to listen to, do not go too deep into them, not to mention too much into ……”

Speaking of this, Claire expression got very serious and she said: “However, today I heard them talking about a previously unheard of thing, about a particularly powerful woman,”

“After listening to her deeds, I really was deeply shocked! Instantly feel like a small person with no big ambition, compared to this kind of radiant people, simply too insignificant ……”

Charlie smilingly asked, “What strong woman so powerful that my wife is beginning to doubt herself?”

Claire said seriously: “This strong woman named Margaret An, a Chinese American, husband have you heard of her story?”


Chapter 3945

When Charlie heard his mother’s name, that too from the mouth of his wife Claire, his whole person as if cast a body spell, standing still.

At this moment, his consciousness also seems to have lost contact with his body, and his heart also turned up waves of shock.

Emotions have also lost control, very urgently asked: “What did they say to you about her?

Claire saw him so excited, amazed asked: “Husband, you are so excited to know that …… Have you also heard of this person?”

Claire’s question made Charlie’s throat stuck in his throat all of a sudden.

In the past, she had also asked him several times about his parents’ situation.

Charlie could not bear to lie about the death of his parents, so he told her truthfully that his parents had died in an accident when he was eight years old.

However, although he could not bear to lie about this matter, but also did have reservations, for example, he never told her, his parents’ names and their past.

So, Claire always felt that Charlie might have lost his parents earlier, so he himself had somewhat forgotten many of his parents’ memories and information.

Moreover, she is not Stella, she does not have Stella’s brain, nor does she have Stella’s strength, so she never had any suspicions after hearing Charlie talk about his parents’ past.

So, she also did not pursue further details.


However, Charlie’s reaction to the name Margaret, did make Claire a little surprised, she realized in her heart: “Charlie if he had not heard of this person Margaret,”

“There is no way to have such an excited reaction, but this person’s name, and only today I heard for the first time, how did he know about her?”


Charlie also finally realized at this time that he had just acted improperly.

So, he explained to Claire: “When I went to Eastcliff to see the feng shui of Miss Gu’s family,”

“I once heard Miss Gu’s parents mention this person, as if they knew Margaret and had a good relationship, so I was a little surprised to hear you mention her as well.”

Claire immediately felt that this statement of Charlie was very reasonable, so the mind did not move the idea of doubt, so she nodded and said, “So it is like that ……”

Charlie then asked, “Honey, about this Ms. Margaret, what did they both talk to you about? I am also curious about her, can you also tell me about it?”

Claire thought about it and said, “They said a lot of stories about Margaret, my idol Kelly back in the day, and was even pushed up by her ……”

Claire then heard today, about the content of Margaret, all roughly told once.

Only then did Charlie know that it turned out that long before his own mother knew his father, had already known Kelly.

It was only today that he learned that the villa he had lived in during his childhood in Eastcliff was actually the wedding house that Kelly personally came to China to design for his mother.


It’s a pity that that house is now long gone, having been refurbished by the Wade family, and has been completely erased from the traces of that year.

Thinking of this, Charlie could not help but sigh with emotion in his heart, and even regretted a little, regretting that he had given up the old mansion where his parents had lived in Aurous Hill to Liona at the auction.

At this time, Claire very sadly said: “Just did not expect that such an excellent strong woman died young ……”

“And listen to the meaning of their two words, as if the cause of Margaret’s death, there is another fishy look ……”

Charlie heard here, his heart seemed to be a heavy hammer, could not help but ask: “What fishy? They two people, know something inside?”

Claire shook her head and said, “Ms. West knows nothing, she said she only knows that Margaret died in China, and her mother’s family claimed that it was an accident,”

“But Miss Zhan said that her grandfather seems to be secretive about this matter, but also said that the hidden feelings behind this matter, even Margaret’s mother’s family did not dare to pursue.”

Charlie’s heart alarmed, quickly asked again: “That Miss Zhan did not say something more specific?”

“No.” Claire shook her head: “I heard Miss Zhan’s meaning, her grandfather seems to not want her to ask too much,”

“I feel that her grandfather may know something, afraid to implicate her, so do not let her ask more.”

Charlie’s heart vaguely jumped with some excitement.

Over the years, he had always wanted to know the real reason for his parent’s death but never found any actual clues.


Originally, he thought that the Su family must have been behind his parents’ death.

But after he came into contact with the Su family, he gradually overturned this idea, because the Su family could not possibly be a match for his parents.

And then he suspected that these were inextricably linked to the Ruthschild family, but now he still hasn’t found any valuable clues.

So, all this that Claire said today immediately gave Charlie great hope.

He felt that if he could find a way to get Stella’s grandfather to talk, then this matter, there is a real chance of uncovering the truth!

Thinking of this, he immediately made a decision in his heart, when Douglas Fei comes to Aurous Hill, no matter what it means, we must force him to talk!”

“Even if it takes away his divine sense, give him strong psychological implication, but also must make him open his mouth to tell all the inside story he knows!

At the same time, Charlie’s heart, the expectation of the Rejuvenation Pill auction, has surpassed everything at the moment!

As for Stella, who wants to play curve to save the country let her play, Charlie now no longer cares what she wants to do,

The only thing that he cares, is to let her grandfather Douglas hurry up and come over to his place and turf!


Chapter 3946


A few days later.


After these few days of getting acquainted, Claire and Stella, and Kelly have become more and more familiar with each other, and have even begun to breed a real friendship.

Stella was once very spiteful about the way she concealed her true identity and used Claire.

And had even thought of confessing to Claire at the first opportunity after the auction was over and her grandfather got the Rejuvenation Pill.

Of course, she knew very well in her heart that even if she confessed, she could not sell Charlie, otherwise she would really have offended him to death.

At the same time, the day of the Rejuvenation Pill auction is gradually drawing near.

Shangri-La, too, has finally reached the point in time when all tenants must check out.

Today at twelve noon, all guests must check out, then, Shangri-La will be officially closed by the management, no more external guests entertained.

During this time, it will be fully prepared for the auction of the Rejuvenation Pill.

At this time, Issac became more and more nervous.

Because this time to participate in the auction of the rich and powerful, the value of the sum of more than a few trillion dollars.

When they stay in Shangri-La but also use the spot to participate in the auction, so he is in charge the security pressure on him will be heavy.

The reason is that if these tycoons come and go in a low-profile manner, Shangri-La naturally completes the task explained by Charlie successfully.


But if one of these tycoons had an incident at Shangri-La, it would affect the reputation of the entire Wade family.

Fortunately, Joseph sent a number of Cataclysmic Front experts from overseas, led by Walter himself, to take charge of the security of the entire auction, only to let Issac breathe a sigh of relief.

After the security work was basically assured, Issac began to grasp the service preparations in an intensive manner.

The hotel rooms were all cleaned and cleaned in the deepest way, the mattresses, carpets, and bedding were all replaced with new ones.

And any faulty furniture and appliances were not repaired but were directly replaced with new ones.

Everything was done to make the auction impeccable.

Because the specific site of the Rejuvenation Pill auction has not yet been disclosed to the public.

So when these tycoons arrived in Aurous Hill one after another on the day of the report, it was necessary for Shangri-La to send a convoy to receive them one by one from the airport to the hotel.

And because of the large number of people coming, Issac asked Charlie for instructions: “Young master, I plan to draw forty Rolls-Royce Phantom from the country, at a time to put eight as a group,”

“Form into five concierge fleet, then, these five concierge fleet will be responsible for the transfer guests to participate in the auction transfer work.

Let them go back and forth between the hotel and the airport, absolute in a high-end atmosphere, what do you think?”

Charlie nodded and said lightly: “The fleet is definitely necessary, five fleets should be enough to run back and forth.”


Speaking of this, Charlie turned his words and said, “But the Rolls Royce Phantom is not necessary, let’s replace it with something else.”

Issac asked, “What do you suggest, young master?”

Charlie said lightly: “This time, most of those who came are foreign friends, we as the host, we must use our local products, so let’s use all red flags!”

Chapter 3947

The class of Red Flag cars is certainly not as good as Rolls Royce.

But in Charlie’s eyes, Red Flag can be the representative of the most domestic car brand in China, there is no other.

Therefore, it is also the best choice in his mind.

Issac obeyed Charlie’s words, so he immediately spoke,

“Okay young master, I will coordinate the resources and make sure all the vehicles are in place within two days.”

Charlie nodded and instructed, “Don’t forget to raise the room price, during the Rejuvenation Pill auction,”

“The price of the rooms at Shangri-La should be at least a hundred times more, and don’t give a single cent discount.”

“Okay,” Issac said with a smile, “Young master don’t worry, this I have arranged,”

“This time the listed price of the hotel room not only rose more than a hundred times,”

“But also to add 20% service fee, 20% security fee, and 20% event organization fee,”


“Anyway, it is all tricky to set up a name, specifically to pit them a sum.”

Hearing this, Charlie smiled and said, “By the way, charge them another 1 million RMB each for transportation, after all,”

“We have to spend money to set up the fleet.”

Issac knew that mass-produced Red Flag cars were not really expensive.

The best ones were only 500,000 to 600,000, and the cost of a fleet of eight cars was only four to five million.

The four or five million worth fleet, the airport trip to pick up guests, a million transportation fees, this may be the world’s most profitable business.

However, he knew very well in his heart that the two hundred people who are coming to the Rejuvenation Pill auction would not care about such a small extra cost.

Even though the majority of these people knew very well that they would probably not be able to get the Rejuvenation Pill,”

“They still wanted to come to the site to see it, and spending a few million for this was nothing to them at all, so they could just consider it as a trip.

After explaining this, Charlie stood up and said to Issac:

“I’ll leave the rest to you. On the day of the auction, you must conduct strict security checks on everyone who enters the venue,”

“And never allow anyone to bring any camera and recording equipment into the venue.”

Issac hurriedly said, “Young master don’t worry, I’ve made all the arrangements,”


“When the time comes, I will put 4 sets of security equipment on the site, open two security channels,”

“Each channel to do two security checks, absolutely more stringent than the security checks of flying,”

“These people who come to the auction, no matter who, don’t even want to bring in a watch.”

Charlie nodded, his mind suddenly illuminated with a flash of light, said: “I say, it is better to ask them for figure data now,”

“In advance to give them a unified custom clothing, and then to this batch of clothing numbered, starting from 1, all the way to 200!

“These clothes, just all in accordance with the design of sportswear, the upper body uniform a T-shirt, the bottom uniform sports pants”

These clothing should not contain any metal parts, and on the day of the auction, they must change into our uniform clothing provided by the metal detection door,”

“The principle is that no one is allowed to carry any equipment containing metal,”

“If there are medical devices, also must be strictly confirmed, never Give anyone the opportunity to exploit the loopholes.”

Issac immediately agreed and said, “Okay young master, I’ll arrange it and have them customize the clothes in the fastest time possible.”

Saying that, he added: “This is a saving, and it doesn’t cost much, our next province, Suhang, is basically one of the largest clothing production bases in the country.”

Charlie laughed: “Okay, this matter will be arranged by you, and since we have already provided them with uniform clothing,”


“It is natural to charge an additional cost of clothing, just like the uniform fee for making school uniforms.”

Issac busy asking, “Young master, I estimate that the cost of clothing will not exceed two hundred dollars,”

“How much do you think this costume fee should be charged at the standard?”

Chapter 3948

Charlie thought about it and said casually: “You do this, go find a graphic designer, let him design a Logo, a design into a golden elixir,”

“Plus these big three words – The Rejuvenation Pill, The Rejuvenation Pill clothing packaged into a brand,”

“Say this is the new luxury goods, the world limited to 200 sets, each set priced at 1.5 million!”

Issac almost gushed out a mouthful of old blood.

A total of two hundred people, limited to two hundred sets, and do not know what kind of limited edition this is.

Moreover, this price is really a blackout of the sky, the profit margin is as high as 99.99% ……

Charlie this time like a serious person said: “Mr. Chen look, usually this group of people, wearing an LV,”

“Carrying a Hermes feel like a cow, a piece of clothing printed with the LV logo is not moving tens of thousands of dollars,”

“A Hermes bag is even more expensive out of this world, since we all love face, then our this Rejuvenation Pill clothing is the best luxury,”


“A set of sportswear for one and a half million, can Hermes be compared?”

Issac was sweating like crazy.

He knew that his young master sometimes has a black heart, but he did not expect it to be so black ……

If this gets out, people will say that Shangri-La doesn’t even want its face.

However, he also knows Charlie’s style of action, although his heart is extremely shocked, but still very quick to say:

“Young master do not worry, I will do it.”

Charlie nodded with satisfaction and said, “In the future, these fee amounts,”

“In the annual Rejuvenation Pill auction must be levied, as usual, this money from the sale of clothing every year,”

“Help me donate to schools in poor areas, make free winter and summer uniforms for the children there, as many as you can, as for the annual transportation that part of the cost,”

“Donate it all to the elementary school in the mountains, equip them with buses and drivers, as many as you can. As much as you can.”

The school uniforms, what we have to do is to take the goods from the factory at the lowest price, and then send them directly to the students,”

“The school buses, the same, first investigate the approximate needs of the mountain schools, and then purchase different vehicles according to the different needs,”

“Then set up a management company, this company will pay for all the drivers’ salaries and insurance,”


“And the normal cost of use will also be paid by the company, but the finance must do a good job of auditing, and no one will be allowed to insert a bar in this.”

Issac did not expect that Charlie would donate all the 500 million cash he will have at his hand in one year with a casual remark, and he would also donate every year after that.

So he immediately said respectfully, “Okay young master, I will definitely do my best to ensure that your order falls into place item by item.”

Charlie nodded, stretched his back, and spoke,

“Okay, I’ll go first, when these buyers start arriving one after another, keep an eye on that Douglas for me, if he arrives, notify me at the first opportunity.”

“Okay Young Master!”

When Charlie left Issac’s office, Stella, as well as her entourage were preparing to check out of the room and leave to move on to the International Hotel.

Her assistant Martina was confirming for her that there were no missing items in the room while saying to Stella,

“Miss, the Golden International Hotel side has been arranged, it’s also a presidential suite, we can move there directly.”

Stella nodded slightly and asked her, “Okay, confirm with grandpa’s secretary the exact time he will come to China?”

Martina nodded and said, “I have already confirmed with Secretary Shen, the auction will start in five days,”

“Grandpa will depart and fly over on the third day and arrive on the fourth day.”


Stella said with a grave expression, “Tell grandpa’s secretary to arrange for him to come over a day earlier.”

Stella said, “Miss, the master’s itinerary is set by Secretary Shen, temporary change of plans, Secretary Chen will not agree for the safety of the master ……”

Stella said directly: “Tell him that this is my intention, I arranged so, naturally I have my reasons.”

Stella said cautiously, “Miss, at the risk of asking, what are your plans? Do you need my help?”

Stella sighed and said, “I want to take grandpa along and have a meal with Charlie ……”

Chapter 3949

Hearing these words from Stella, Martina said nervously, “Miss, if you bring Master and Charlie to dinner together, won’t you expose your own identity?”

“That wouldn’t be the case.” Stella said, “I plan to invite Claire first, then I will let her help invite Charlie,”

“Then I will bring grandpa there directly and introduce them at the dinner table.”

Martina couldn’t help but ask, “Then how will you introduce your relationship with Master to Charlie?”

Stella said, “This is simple, just say that grandpa is my distant grandfather,”

“After all, the Zhan family and the Fei family are originally related, there will be no loopholes in terms of reasonableness.”

Martina was puzzled and asked, “Miss, I don’t quite understand, why do you want to arrange a meeting between the master and Charlie?”


“Originally this matter is two sets of plans, and the two sets of plans are well shielded and do not interfere with each other,”

“Why do you want to take the initiative to lift this shield?”

Stella sighed: “This matter always feels difficult, even with two sets of programs may not guarantee success,”

“Let grandpa meet Charlie before the auction, but also to add another new program,”

“Perhaps after the first two sets of programs have failed, grandpa can get what he wants from Charlie himself.”

“Okay ……” Martina nodded helplessly, she knew very well the reason why

Stella attached so much importance to this matter.

Nowadays, Stella’s wings are not yet abundant, her father has little status in the family.

And Stella’s greatest fear is that the old man will leave too early.

Therefore, she could only pin her hopes on the Rejuvenation Pill.

At this time, an attendant knocked on the door and spoke,

“Miss, the hotel is urging to check out, the check-out procedure must be done at 12 o’clock.”

“Okay.” Stella answered and spoke, “This will go down.”

When she came out of the room, outside the door, in addition to her entourage, there was also Kelly, who had been here for many days.

Kelly had been staying at Shangri-La for the past few days, but today she was also changing to the Aurous Hill International Hotel along with Stella.


Seeing Stella come out, Kelly called out with a respectful face, “Miss Fei.”

Stella nodded and spoke, “Kelly, it’s hard for you to stay in Aurous Hill for a few more days, and then return to the United States after this week.”

Kelly agreed without hesitation and said, “Okay Miss Fei.”

Stella said with satisfaction, “Please don’t worry, Miss Kelly, after this matter is over, I will definitely not treat you badly.”

Kelly said with a smile, “Miss Fei is very kind, it is my honor to help.”

Stella smiled faintly, nodded gently, and said, “Let’s go, go check out of the room.”

Afterward, the group left the guest room area and went to the hotel lobby.

At that moment, Issac happened to see Charlie out of his office and the two were walking quickly through the lobby.

Stella saw Charlie at a glance, this scene was the same as the first time she saw him.

Except that at that time, Charlie came in together with Issac, and this time, he went out together.

When she saw Charlie here at this time, she didn’t feel surprised at all.

Although she also knew that the Rejuvenation Pill auction would soon begin.

And Charlie, as the owner of the pill, could be said to be the biggest boss behind this auction.

Therefore, it naturally made sense for him to appear at Shangri-La at this time.


Thus, Stella shouted, “Mr. Wade!”

Charlie heard the voice and knew it was Stella without turning around.

Chapter 3950

So he stopped in his tracks, turned to look at her, and said with a smile, “It’s Miss Fei, what are you doing here?”

Stella shrugged her shoulders and casually said, “I’m preparing to check out

…… Shangri-La won’t let me renew my stay today, so I can only move to another hotel.”

Charlie nodded gently and asked, “Miss Fei should have already found a place to live, right?”

Stella nodded and said, “I found it, at the Aurous Hill International Hotel.”

Charlie smiled and said, “That’s good.”

After saying that, he looked at the time and said, “Miss Fei, I have something to do, so I won’t talk to you anymore.”

Stella said with great understanding, “Mr. Wade has something to do, so go ahead and get busy.”

With that, she changed the topic and said, “Mr. Wade, if you have time some other day, I’ll invite you and Claire to have dinner together.”

“After all, we have known each other for many days, and we have not thanked you properly for the help you and Claire have given us.”

When Charlie heard this, he immediately decided in his heart that Stella must have something fishy.

So, he didn’t reject her directly, but nodded and smiled, “Sure, but I might be busy these days, so why don’t we wait for next week.”


The Rejuvenation Pill auction was this Sunday.

Charlie deliberately said next week, just to see how Stella would react.

Sure enough, when Stella heard this, she couldn’t help but feel a little anxious in her heart, and quickly asked,

“Mr. Wade, I may have to leave Aurous Hill for a while next week,”

“I don’t know if it’s convenient for you to make an appointment for this week?”

Charlie shook his head slightly and said apologetically, “Sorry Miss Fei, I may not be able to find the time in these few days,”

“Why don’t I arrange it when you return to Aurous Hill next time?”

Hearing this, Stella knew that it would be difficult to rely on her own ability to get Charlie out for a meal before the auction.

So, she put her hope in Claire’s.

She wants to turn around and try again through Claire to see if there is a turnaround.

If it is really not possible, let Claire and grandfather first have an acquaintance, at least they can also have a favor via her.

So, she smiled and said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, since you are busy recently,”

“I won’t bother you much, let’s meet again when you are done with this period.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded and smiled, and said, “Miss Fei, I still have something to do, so I’ll leave first.”

“Okay, goodbye Mr. Wade.”


Seeing Charlie leave, Stella was helpless and had more than a little bit of reluctance.

The auction was only a few days away, and she was like a student who was about to face the final exam.

The exam date was gradually approaching, and there was no certainty in her mind.

So she could only think of every way to do more preparation before the exam.

So, she then looked at Kelly and spoke, “Kelly, work hard on Claire, put in more effort, if you can, I want her to owe you a big favor, I wonder if you have any good ideas?”

Kelly thought about it and spoke, “Miss Fei, I see that Claire is very obsessed with design,”

“I think it is possible to find a breakthrough from that.”

Saying that, she added, “It just so happens that I have been invited to lead a yearly graphic and interior design master class at the Rhode Island School of Design starting at the end of the month, and I can work out a spot for her.”

Stella didn’t know much about the design field, so she asked her, “Does this master class carry a lot of value?”

Kelly nodded and said, “Besides me, this master class has quite a few top designers in the design field,”

“It is considered a top-level professor team in the field, so it has a very high gold content.”

“And this master class is normally only for young designers who have outstanding performance in the world,”


“and have a record of winning awards, and there are only fifty places in total,”

“So it is always very tight, and the applications received each year are at least five thousand people, and the acceptance rate is still less than one percent.”

Stella hurriedly asked her, “Do you think Claire is interested in this master class?”

Kelly smiled slightly and said, “Claire has asked me privately about the master class, and she is very interested in it,”

“But she knows that she is not up to the standards of the master class.”

Chapter 3951

Kelly said the master class, is in the world’s top design field school the Rhode Island School of Design.

But also in the entire interior design field, the top skills advanced training class is known as the cradle of the world’s top designers.

Anyone who can join in. Basically are very powerful entrepreneurs, or very promising young entrepreneurs.

And this kind of place in addition to access to the industry’s top knowledge, technology, and academia, but also lets you able to step in place, access to the tip of the industry’s pyramid.

Once you have access to it, you are connected to the most cutting-edge resources in the industry.

The master class at Rhode Island School of Design is much more difficult to enter than Lakeside University.

Before Lakeside University was discontinued, it was screening about fifty entrepreneurs in China every year.


However, Rhode Island School of Design’s master class. Each year, only fifty people are selected from around the world.

Moreover, because this master class is from the host institute to the teaching professor, basically all are from the West.

So every year, there is a very serious resource bias towards developed countries in terms of enrollment.

Among the fifty places, at least thirty-five are allocated to these designers, leaving not even ten places for places like Africa and Asia.

Therefore, if you look at the whole of China, the maximum number of designers who can go to this master class every year is not more than three.

Claire has long been fascinated by this master class but never expected to have the opportunity to attend it herself.

She knew that Kelly was the lead designer of this master class.

So she was in admiration and fascination and consulted her to learn more about the details of the master class.

She thought it would be a great honor to be selected for one of the masterclasses ten years later.

Kelly also knew that with Claire’s current qualifications, she might not be selected for the master class even after another ten years.

However, as the leader of the master class, she has the right to approve a special quota and this year’s quota. It just so happens that it has not been used yet.

If this quota is given to Claire, it would definitely enable Claire to reach the sky in the field of design, in one step in the country.


Stella also felt that. This was a very good entry point, and in these last five days, before the auction started, she had to go all out to accumulate favors on Claire to add hope for herself.

So, she immediately said to Kelly, “I’ll give it to you. I’ll give Claire a call and ask her to have lunch together. You can mention this to her and see if she is interested.”

Kelly smiled slightly and said, “Don’t worry, Miss Fei, Claire’s interest is definitely very high. This is one of the ultimate dreams of every designer.”

“Moreover, in all the years of the master class, there are very few designers who can attend the master class in their 20s.”

“If Claire comes to participate, then she will be the first Asian master class participant under the age of thirty, and this title alone will make her famous in the Chinese design circle.”

“Good!” Stella nodded, and with a bit of excitement in her expression, she spoke, “Kelly. If you help me to do this, the Fei family will definitely not treat you badly,”

“In the next year. Fei family in the global scope of more than three hundred hotels, at least about a hundred will start redecoration, then I will give all the hotel design to your studio!”

Although Kelly is a top designer. The annual income is at least ten million dollars, but in the end, she is still far from being a real billionaire.

If Stella really gives all the design work for more than 100 hotels to her studio, then her net profit would be at least 40 to 50 million, and just this one bill would cover three years.


Chapter 3952


At this time, Claire was preparing to eat lunch at the company.


Because the company’s official business is growing, so she generally will not toss home to eat at noon.

She is mostly eating take-out in the company. At least for her to save more than an hour of work time.

At this moment, she was about to pick up her phone to order food when she received a call from Stella.

So, she picked up the phone and said with a smile, “What’s the order from Miss Zhan?”

Stella said, “Sister Claire, I told you a long time ago. Don’t be so formal.”

Claire laughed: “It’s not working time, you’re my friend in life, but you’re my party at work, I must be polite to the party.”

Stella laughed helplessly, “It’s already 12 o’clock, is it still working time? Your company doesn’t have a lunch break?”

Claire explained, “Other employees have a lunch break, we have an hour and a half lunch break, but I don’t care. Except for eating, all other time is working time.”

Stella couldn’t help but laugh, “In that case, then Ms. Willson, as the Party A, I have to take up your lunchtime.”

Claire smiled and said, “No problem, I don’t know what Party A has ordered?”

Stella said, “Here on this side of Shangri-La we can’t stay any longer from now on.”

“Kelly and I are going to switch to the International Hotel, and are now preparing to go there, so I’m calling to ask if you’ve eaten. If you haven’t eaten, we can eat together at the International Hotel.”


“No problem.” Claire said without hesitation, “It’s not far from the International Hotel,”

“It should be faster than you going there from Shangri-La. How about this, I’ll go over and book a private box now,”

“I’ll be the host today, you guys can’t grab the bill from me.”

“Okay!” Stella said with a smile, “Then we’ll listen to Mr. Willson’s arrangement at noon!”

After Claire hung up the phone, she hurriedly took the car keys and went out to the Aurous Hill International Hotel.

In the past few days, she had gotten along very well with Stella and Kelly, and deep down, she already regarded them as good friends.

Claire has never been very good at socializing, she didn’t have many friends when she was in school.

And after she entered society, she was so busy with her work that she rarely met people with the right temperament.

Although Stella is a few years younger than Claire, but her personality is quick and crisp.

Sometimes, Claire will even feel that this little girl’s emotional intelligence, and even social experience, are much stronger than her own, and getting along with her, also very pleasant.

As for Kelly. Not everyone can have the opportunity to meet face to face with the biggest idol in their life.

And even be friends with their idol, Claire cherished this opportunity.

Soon, she arrived at the Aurous Hill International Hotel and booked a private room in the hotel’s catering department to wait for them.


In order to prevent them from grabbing the bill from her, Claire also prepaid 10,000 yuan meal price in advance at the cashier of the catering department.

And instructed the waiter, no matter how much the final meal bill is, he must come to her.

And Stella and Kelly. The two of them also came to the catering department to meet with Claire for the first time after the check-in procedure.

Once the three of them met and exchanged pleasantries, Stella asked Claire straight to the point:

“Claire, from the end of this month to the end of next month, is it convenient for you to leave Aurous Hill for a month or so?”

“Leaving Aurous Hill?!”

Chapter 3953

Claire heard Stella’s question and asked with an unbelievable face, “Why do you want me to leave Aurous Hill?”

Stella smiled and said, “Because Kelly and I want to invite you to go abroad for a while.”

“Go abroad? And still for a month?” When Claire heard this, she quickly waved her hand and said awkwardly,

“I don’t have that much free time, the company has to be managed, the family also has to be taken care of,”

“If I go out for three or five days, I can still squeeze out this time by gritting my teeth, a month is too long, it’s simply not possible……”

Stella said with a serious face: “Sister Claire, have you not heard people often say? Time is like a woman’s prize, squeeze it or have it ……”


Claire some sweat, touched her forehead, helplessly said: “A month is indeed too long, not to mention the time,”

“Even if I have free time I do not want to leave home for so long.”

Stella was busy teasing, “Sister Claire, I think you can’t let go of your husband, right?”

Claire pretty face is now red, she shyly said: “Not to say that there must be something untrue, I am mainly with him and we have not been separated for so long,”

“The past also when he went out of town to see feng shui, we would be separated for a few days,”

“But only a few days, not more than a week, so you want me to leave him for a month, I really dare not think …… “

Stella said with a smile, “So that’s how it is …… I understand ……”

Claire nodded and said, “Sorry Zhan, I’ll go out with you guys later if I have the chance.”

Stella willow-like eyebrows gently raised, smiled, and asked, “Sister Claire, it can be seen that you and Mr. Wade really have a very good relationship,”

“Can not leave him for so long ……”

Speaking here, Stella turned her words and asked with a smile, “However, Sister Claire,”

“If you are allowed to go to the United States to attend the master class at Rhode Island School of Design, then would you be willing to leave your husband for a month?”

Claire said casually, “Of course, I’d be willing to do that! If I can really go to the Rhode Island School of Design master class,”


“Then I can leave my company, and then go back and ask my husband for a favor, so that he will agree to let me go to ……”

Stella smiled and nodded, and then looked at Kelly beside her and smiled, “Kelly, do you have anything to say?”

Kelly looked at Claire with a smile on her face and spoke, “Claire, since you have said so, then I think that you can ask for a good favor with your husband in a while.”

Claire was still a little surprised and asked in confusion, “Ms. Kelly, what do you mean by that, how come I didn’t understand ……”

Kelly pulled out her own phone, and the screen of her phone showed an a web page.

She pointed to the information column on this web page and spoke, “Claire, this is the information submission backstage for the special approval quota for the Rhode Island School of Design master class,”

“I only have one special approval quota each year as well, as long as you are sure your time is okay, then I will enter your name and other information into and submit it to the Rhode Island School of Design,”

“As long as I submit it, you will become this year’s official student of the master class!”

“Ah?!” Claire whole person listened dumbfounded, subconsciously asked:

“This …… Is this true? Ms. Kelly, you ……”

“You really intend to recommend me to attend this year’s master class?”

“That’s right.” Kelly said with a smile, “We are already good friends, and I can also see that you truly love the career of a designer,”

“And you have said before that you are very eager for the master class at Rhode Island School of Design,”


“And since I have this privilege, I certainly hope to help you realize this wish.”

Chapter 3954

Claire could not hide her excitement but was a little nervous, “Kelly ……

Compared to those other students who attended the master class,”

“My personal qualifications are really too unimpressive. With this level of mine, going to such a high-end master class will definitely bring you criticism, right ……”

“Criticism?” Kelly said disdainfully: “Originally the Rhode Island School of Design gave me the authority to approve the quota, this authority by my personal decision,”

“I can give it to whoever I want, not to mention your qualifications are not deep enough, even if a completely uneducated designer,”

“As long as I fill out her information, push her to the Rhode Island School of Design, then this person can participate in the master class openly and no one will say one word about it!”

Saying that, Kelly looked at Claire and said seriously, “Claire, you should not have so much mental burden,”

“Now is exactly such an opportunity, right in front of you, as long as you nod your head, this opportunity is yours.”

Claire pursed her lips, feeling difficult to open her mouth, and asked: “Kelly …… What you said …… Is it true?”

At this moment, Claire, deep inside, still can not believe all this.

Kelly’s tone is unusually firm and said: “Of course it’s true! Stella and I both feel that you must be a very potential designer in the future,”


“Only lacking sufficient opportunities and accumulation of qualifications, and this is a good time to accumulate qualifications,”

“If you grasp it, becoming a top designer in the future is by no means an empty talk; but if you can’t grasp it,”

“Then even if there are more opportunities in the future, I am afraid that it will be difficult to become a top.”

Speaking of this, Kelly seriously said, “Claire, listen to me, to this time the master class, you must go!”

Stella also hurriedly encouraged from the side, “Yes, Claire, you must seize this opportunity!”

“Just take out a month or so to go to the United States, your future design career will benefit greatly in the next few decades, you must not refuse!”

If you are worried about the progress of the renovation of my villa, I tell you, you don’t have to,”

“It doesn’t matter to me if the villa is renovated a month or two later, I can wait.”

Claire’s heart at this moment was also completely moved by the two people.

She naturally wanted to grasp such a good opportunity, but there were three concerns in her heart.

One was that she would be away from Aurous Hill for too long and could not let go of her husband and family.

The second is that she could not rest assured about her company, and the third is that her qualification is really limited and she is afraid of being treated as a foreigner if she goes there.


But Kelly’s words made her dispel her lack of confidence in her qualifications, and the rest is her family and the company.

The company is good because the business is now on track, she can stop taking on new projects for the time being.

The rest is the husband and parents.

Thinking of husband and parents, in fact, Claire’s heart has only the husband ‘Charlie.’

After all, she and him have been married for so long, have not been separated for such a long time.

Moreover, not only she has to be separated from Charlie for a month, but she also has to be separated by ten thousand miles.

This makes Claire’s heart even more full of reluctance.

What’s more, she had never been to the United States, and her heart is full of strangeness to that country across the ocean.

After thinking about it, she said to Stella and Kelly: “Thank you both for your kindness, I will definitely consider this matter carefully,”

“But please give me some time to go home and discuss it with my husband ……”

Stella did not hesitate to say, “No problem, go back and talk to Mr. Wade properly, I believe he should support you.”

Saying that, Stella raised an eyebrow and said with a smile, “Right Claire, you can have a good talk with Mr. Wade, let him accompany you over to the USA!”


Chapter 3955


Stella’s words immediately made Claire’s eyes light up.

She suddenly thought, “Charlie usually has nothing important to do in Aurous Hill,”

“it’s just to help some acquaintances look at feng shui, it shouldn’t be very important ……”

“If I ask him to come with me to the United States with me, he will definitely have plenty of time in terms of ……”

“In this way, I wouldn’t have to worry about being separated from him for too long ……”

Then, Claire thought of her parents and secretly thought, “Dad happens to be going to Korea soon for exchange activities,”

“Mom’s legs and feet are almost well, she should have no problem at home, and with mom’s kind of personality,”

“She should be happier to live alone at home in such a big house.”

Thinking of this, she felt that letting her husband go to the United States with her was definitely the best solution to this matter.

So, she couldn’t hold down her excitement and asked Kelly,

“Ms. Kelly, may I ask, does Rhode Island School of Design have any requirements for accommodation?”

“If my husband is willing to come with me, and the school does not require that I live on campus,”

“Then can I find a place to live off-campus with my husband?”

Kelly smiled, “Normally, the school provides dormitories, and they are single apartments in very good conditions,”


“but if you live as two people, it is more or less crowded, and if you want to live off-campus, the school will not interfere in any way.”

On the other side Stella hurriedly said, “Sister Claire, if Mr. Wade is willing to accompany you, you might as well stay off-campus in a hotel to be more convenient,”

“And Rhode Island School of Design is very close to New York, it just so happens that at the end of the month to go to New York for a period of time,”

“Then I will only need to drive more than three hours to you to find you and see you.”

Claire was already very excited at this point and couldn’t help but say,

“Then I’ll go home tonight and discuss it with my husband, I don’t know if he’ll agree yet ……”

Stella said with a smile, “Mr. Wade loves you so much, he will definitely agree!”

Claire’s pretty face flushed and nodded shyly.


The matter of the master class at Rhode Island School of Design made Claire a bit soul-crushing throughout the afternoon.

She couldn’t wait to call Charlie several times and ask his opinion directly on the phone.

But once she thought of the significance of this matter, so she felt vague that she should tell him in person.

So she kept her excited heart in check until she got off work at night and returned home to Tomson One.


When she arrived home, Charlie was having tea with Jacob, in the living room.

She first greeted Charlie and Jacob, and then instinctively thought that Elaine must be cooking in the kitchen, so she went to the kitchen to take a look.

But what she didn’t expect was that there was no sign of Elaine in the kitchen.

This made her surprised and she ran out and asked, “Dad, Charlie, where is mom?”

Jacob grunted twice and casually said, “Your mother went to out with Horiyah.”

“Ah?!” Claire said dumbfounded: “When did mother go to play with Horiyah?”

Jacob smiled, “It’s just that last time when Wendy brought Horiyah back,”

“Your mother had a fight with your grandmother in front of her house.”

“Since that time, the two sisters-in-law seem to have resolved two or three decades of conflicts, the two first chatted on WeChat for a few days,”

“It seems that your mother gave Horiyah tips to teach her how to deal with your grandmother, the two so far, they have become good friends ……”

Chapter 3956

Speaking of which, Jacob smacked his lips and said,

“Tsk …… The two of them have become good friends, you say you can not

stand it?

Claire helplessly shook his head and laughed:


“Although it sounds strange, but this is also a good thing,”

“Mom usually have few friends, and her legs have been injured one after another, almost did not go out for most of the year,”

“If you play with Horiyah to a piece, it can also be considered to relieve boredom.”

Jacob lamented, “Oh, so it is said, but I always feel that after the two of them become good friends, your grandmother she will suffer,”

“You say your grandmother is an old woman of 80 or 90 years old, and no money and no power, now how to deal with the two of them ……”

Claire spread her hands and sighed: “This is not something we can worry about,”

“Grandmother this person, is really a little too much to say and do things in the past, if she has a hard time, we can not help her anything.”

Jacob nodded, said casually: “This is ……”

After saying that, he took the initiative to pick up the teapot, refilled a cup of tea for Charlie, and said with an attentive face,

“Good son-in-law, tell me a little bit more about feng shui divination, I Ching Bagua,”

“The best kind, don’t have to study it for too long, but can learn it now.”

Claire asked curiously, “Dad, why have you started to study feng shui?”

Jacob laughed: “Hey, hey, hey, this is not soon to go to South Korea to engage in exchanges!”

“Most of Korea’s traditional culture is learned from our country, their national flag is not our eight trigrams changed?”


“So I represent our Aurous Hill cultural sector, to Korea that can not show weakness,”

“So I want to learn some knowledge, and when we get to Korea, meet the representatives,”

“I will directly point to their venues and then make comments so that when they see me, they have to say ‘Mr. Willson is awesome!”

Claire did not expect that dad dragged Charlie with gossip, but actually for the sake of going to Korea to make a splash.

So, she helplessly said, “Dad, this kind of traditional academics need a long time to learn to accumulate,”

“You are so clinical to hold the Buddha’s feet, wait until there, may not only not show face, but also seems to be a quack!”

Jacob said, “That’s why I have to talk to Charlie! I am not professional, but Charlie is professional after all!”

“When the time comes, he directly will give me the standard answer, and I memorized it, right?”

Charlie said awkwardly: “Dad, if you want the standard answer, at least give me the test questions,”

“I do not even know the title, you asked me to give the answer, how can I give it?”

“Want test questions, right ……”

Jacob said while pulling out his phone and opening a pdf format of the introduction information from it.

Afterward, he handed the phone to Charlie’s face and said seriously,


“Good son-in-law, take a look, this is the introduction of the main venue where they have this cultural exchange over there,”

“There are very detailed pictures as well as floor plans on it, see if you can pick out a little fault for them from feng shui.”

After that, he took out an A4 paper folded three times from his pocket, and after opening it,”

“It was a picture of a man in his fifties with a defeated top and a short introduction.

He also handed this A4 paper to Charlie, spoke:

“Good son-in-law, this idiot is the other side’s in charge of this cultural exchange, give a look at his face,”

“By the way, then use his birth date to calculate a trigram, to see if this idiot has any blood or something,”

“If so, how to crack, then see how I show my hand in front of him! “

Chapter 3957

After listening to Jacob’s words, the whole person suddenly cried and laughed.

He could only patiently explain to Jacob: “Dad, it is very difficult to calculate the face by looking at the photo,”

“Because the face is not just the facial features and appearance, but the whole person’s facial three-dimensional image,”

“Only then can we really see what a person’s face behind the face actually represents?”


Jacob asked, “The so-called face reading, is not to look at the other person’s face, you can know the person’s general fortune?”

“Look how clear this photo is. It’s the official published ID photo.”

Charlie helplessly asked, “Dad, we do not say anything else, you have heard people say something like a certain person’s seal is black,”

“There will be a bloodbath, but look at this buddy’s photo, the flash hit his face, more white than the white race,”

“Even if the seal is black, it is not at all visible, so relying on photos to see the face is not reliable.”

Jacob resentfully said, “I heard that this idiot is quite powerful,”

“So I want to show my hand in front of him, so look again no chance.”

After that, he hurriedly said, “Good son-in-law, you quickly give a look if they have any problems with that venue.”

“Can not read the face, at least can look at the venue’s feng shui, right?”

Charlie can do nothing, nodded, and said, “Okay, you wait for me to study.”

Claire opened her mouth at this time and asked,

“Dad. Did mom say when she would be back, what are we going to eat tonight?”

Jacob said, “Your mom didn’t say when she would be back, so why don’t the three of us order a take-out for the night?”

As he talked, he could not help but complain:

“Elaine this stinking b!tch is really, out to play, even not coming back to cook, it is too much ……”


As soon as the words left his mouth, he heard the door being pushed open, and Elaine’s angry voice came,

“Jacob! Who are you calling a stinking b!tch?!”

Jacob saw that Elaine had arrived, and with Horiyah behind her, he said angrily,

“You still know how to come back, our family is waiting for you with a hungry stomach!”

Elaine scolded with annoyance: “Jacob, you are too lazy to give birth to maggots,”

“My legs are not well, I have been cooking at home for so many days,”

“Today I went out, you can not move your hands?

Jacob was about to speak, Horiyah behind him also said with unparalleled approval: “Yes, Jacob! It’s not sister-in-law’s fault!”

“It’s not easy for her, you don’t take good care of her, but you still want her to serve you?”

Jacob said with a puff of anger,

“I just let her cook a meal, and it’s not just for me, it’s mainly for my daughter and son-in-law,”

“You don’t know, she cooks at home. My son-in-law gives her money every month!”

Horiyah coldly snorted: “Since it is Charlie who pays, it is him who has to pick the problems,”

“You are just a dabbler in the end, how do you have the nerve to accuse Elaine here?”


Elaine immediately felt that she had met her soulmate,

“Telling from the bottom of heart, these Willson’s men are hard to serve one by one!”

“This Jacob is hard to serve, and that Noah is no better! What a nest of snakes and rats!”

Horiyah nodded her head and said excitedly, “Elaine, you are so right!”

“What kind of fate do you think we have, to have such a pair of brothers! It’s really bad luck!”

Jacob’s face was red with dislike. But all of a sudden could not find any suitable reason to refute.

After all, Horiyah was right, the money was given by Charlie, and it was not his turn to blame. So this wave is indeed a deficit.

Chapter 3958

Right now Jacob also knows that he has that ability, and these two shrews cursing against each other? This is simply a matter of no chance of winning.

So, he said resentfully, “The money is indeed from my son-in-law. Of course,”

“It’s fine if you don’t cook for me, but isn’t it too much for you to not even cook for your son-in-law?”

Elaine bristled, “If my good son-in-law thought I was going too far, he would have told me directly,”

“Which doesn’t need you to chatter here, really the emperor is not anxious!”

Jacob was furious and said, “Elaine, what kind of bullshit analogy is that?”


“I have a son-in-law relationship with Charlie,”

“If we really put it in ancient times. How can I use such words as the emperor is not anxious and the eunuch is anxious?”

Elaine looked at Horiyah and smiled b!tchily, “Sister-in-law, see. Just said a couple of words and then how anxious he is!”

Horiyah brushed aside her mouth and said disdainfully,

“Isn’t that the nature of all the men in the Willson family?”

“Slow to act, quick to react, small in ability, big in temper!”

Elaine clapped her hands and said excitedly,

“Sister-in-law, you’re so right! Every word is so true. Every word is in like from my heart!”

Jacob felt his face rolling, immediately stood up, and said to Claire,

“Claire, you guys order take-out to eat, no need to order for me.”

Claire asked, “Dad, why are you going?”

Jacob was angry and resentful, “I’m full of anger, so I’ll go back to the house and lie down to take a break.”

Claire had no choice but to say to Elaine, “Mom, please don’t say anything.”

Horiyah saw that Claire could not stand with it, so she immediately said to Elaine,

“Yes, Elaine, Claire is right, just say the right thing. There’s no need to keep saying that, just be forgiving!”

Elaine also knows how to use the slope to get down, said in a loud voice:


“Sister-in-law, I’m definitely giving you face!”

After that, she waved her hand and said, “All right,”

“Jacob, the old man, don’t sulk at every turn, I won’t talk about you anymore, okay?”

Jacob froze on the spot. Neither leave nor stay, just feel the whole person wants to cry.

Horiyah spoke at this time: “Elaine, there is nothing to do, I’ll leave now, let’s meet again some other time!”

Elaine hurriedly said: “Do not change the day, just tomorrow, tomorrow afternoon you come home to me,”

“I will take you to our family villa in the Champs-Elysees Spa, we go there to do a spa treatment, by the way, eat a meal, and then back!”

When Horiyah heard this, she said excitedly, “Mom, I would say that Elaine you are lucky.”

“I didn’t even know you had a villa at the Champs-Elysees Spa!”

“The villa there, it is said that money can not buy it!”

Elaine smiled and said, “Who let my daughter find a good son-in-law for me!”

Horiyah looked at Charlie and said with some humility, “Charlie …… look

around, or you have the most ability ……”

Charlie casually returned: “Not need to talk about it.”

Horiyah had heard her daughter Wendy say, what she can have today, all because of Charlie help.


So afraid to say the wrong thing in front of Charlie, so she said to Elaine:

“Elaine. Then you can call me on WeChat if you’re sure you want to go tomorrow!”


“Good, then I’ll wait for your letter!”

Horiyah finished speaking and left with great joy.

Elaine entered the living room and stretched out with a smile,

“No wonder old Mrs. Willson has always liked Horiyah, it turns out that Horiyah really has a way to shoot the horse’s a55.”

“She is able to shoot you in three or two words very comfortable, and you do not feel that she is hypocritical.”

“This afternoon let her shoot for me, ah, too on the head ……”

Claire helplessly shook her head, remembered that she still had business to say.

So she raised the volume a few points, a serious face spoke:

“Charlie, Dad, Mom, I have a very important thing that I want to discuss with you!”

Chapter 3959

Charlie saw Claire’s tone was very solemn, so he opened his mouth and said, “Wife, what is it that you can say.”

Claire looked at her three closest family members and spoke,


“I have the opportunity to go to the United States to attend a master class at the Rhode Island School of Design,”

“But it takes more than a month before and after the class ……”

“What master class?” Elaine asked with a surprised face, “What is it for?”

Claire just wanted to explain, aside from Charlie then said to Elaine: “Mom, Rhode Island School of Design master class, is one that Claire aspires to go to the most, it is the best design school in the world.”

Claire didn’t expect that her husband would remember her dream so clearly, so she couldn’t help but feel a surge of emotion in her heart.

At this time, Charlie asked her again, “Claire, I remember hearing you talk about it before,”

“It seems that the threshold for enrolling in this master class is very high, how did you manage to get it?”

Claire busily said, “It was Kelly who helped me get it done, she is the main person in charge of this year’s master class,”

“So she has a specially approved quota in her hand, and she has the right to give this quota to anyone.”

Charlie was a little curious and asked, “Claire, it is reasonable to say that the gold content of this quota is still very high,”

“You just met her not long ago, how come she gave it to you so readily?”

Claire said with a little embarrassment, “I’m not really sure, she and Miss Zhan asked me to have dinner together today,”

“And at the dinner table, they asked if I would like to leave Aurous Hill for a while,”


“I didn’t know what they meant at first, but later they said they wanted to introduce me to this master class.”

She continued with some doubts: “These days, although I get along quite well with them, but to be honest,”

“I really do not understand why Kelly gave me this place …… I heard that

this place can be sold at least two or three million dollars,”

“Because many designers want to rely on this master class to gild the lily, so the value of it is particularly recognized.”

Charlie nodded, his heart already had an answer, this is definitely not the intention of that Kelly, it is definitely the intention of Stella.

Thinking of this, Charlie also somewhat admired Stella’s resilient will, her six-star martial artist had disappeared.

But still had the courage to stay in Aurous Hill to continue to find a breakthrough through his wife, this determination is also really extraordinary.

So, he asked Claire, “Wife, how do you consider this matter?”

Claire slightly hesitant looked at Charlie heartily and said:

“Husband …… I actually want to go …… after all, such an opportunity is too


“If this time I do not seize the words, may not have a similar chance in this life.”

Charlie nodded understandingly, but also could not help but sigh: “I know you have been very fascinated by this master class,”

“But to speak from the heart, the United States is indeed too far away, and you go is more than a month, it is also really too long.”


She said, “Well! I also think so, I feel that it is too far away from home is also too long, that’s why I wanted to discuss it with you.”

Said it, she looked at him with an expectant face, and her voice was also somewhat petulant: “Husband …… can you accompany me to USA?”

Charlie was slightly stunned and asked, “Claire, you want me to accompany you to this master class in the United States?”

“Yes ……” she nodded gently and said with a pleading face, “If you let me

go to the United States alone for so long,”

“I have no idea in my own heart, and …… and ……”

Chapter 3960

Claire even said two and, shyly lowered her head and said softly, “And I can’t stay away from you for such a long time ……”

After saying that, she looked at him, and excitedly said:

“But if you can accompany me, there is not a problem, we can short rent a house near the school,”

“Or directly live in a hotel, except for class time, I may have to temporarily separate from you,”

“The other time we can accompany each other! Of course, the main thing is that you stay with me!”

Charlie could see the expectation in his wife’s eyes, and he knew very well that this was one of his wife’s biggest dreams.

And he, as a husband, should spare no effort to support it.

So, he asked her: “Wife, when will this master class of yours start?”


Claire replied, “If you are sure to go to it, then you have to report to the school at the end of the month,”

“And the course officially starts on May 1st and ends on May 31st.”

Saying that, she added: “However, after the course ends on May 31, there is a three-day stay, and when the stay is over, you can leave school.”

Hearing this, Charlie could not help but sigh with relief.

Going to the United States for more than a month, although a long time, but the good thing is that the time is at the end of the month.

By then, the auction will have ended, he just has nothing on hand, so he also can relax a little.

In addition to the Wade family in the country, it is the Emgrand Group, JX Pharmaceuticals, and matters related to ISU Shipping.

But the good thing is that these companies have someone to help him take care of, the Wade family side also has the old man personally sitting in the town, no need of Charlie’s efforts, to run the affairs.

What’s more, there is Cataclysmic Front sitting behind him, even if there is any accident and change in the middle, it can also respond in time and quickly solve.

In this way, his time is also relatively more relaxed.

Accompany Claire to the United States for a month or so, it is not impossible, just as in the past to enjoy the world of two people.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said to her,

“If you want to go, then I have no problem,”

“And the time is more convenient for me, so I can accompany you there.”


“Really?!” Hearing this, Claire asked with evil incredulity, “Honey, are you really willing to accompany me to America?”

Charlie nodded with a smile and said seriously, “Of course, when has hubby ever lied to you?”

Claire’s whole body suddenly jumped into Charlie’s arms with excitement and said, “Great husband! Thank you!”

Elaine said anxiously, “Claire, your father is going to Korea in a couple of days, I don’t know when he will come back,”

“If you also go to America with Charlie, won’t I be left alone at home?”

Claire said with an apologetic face, “Mom, I really want to go to the master class in this world too much,”

“so I’ll be sorry for you to live alone at home during this period of time.”

Elaine immediately cried and said, “Claire, mom’s legs are still not fully healed, so it’s not convenient to do anything,”

“If you all leave, in case I meet with any accidents, who will help me then?”

“To put it bluntly, if one day the elevator at home breaks down and traps me inside,”

“I will not be able to respond to the call of the day and the call of the ground,”

“Will there be only one way to die? Can you really bear to let Mom face so many unknown dangers alone?”

Claire at this time ashamedly said, “I’m sorry mom, it’s because I did not think thoroughly enough ……”

Claire thought she had found a good solution, so she asked,


“Mom, are you willing to go to America with us? Anyway, it’s only a month or so in total, you can think of it as a vacation.”

Chapter 3961

When Elaine heard this, she immediately came to life, raised her eyebrows and said with a smile,

“Hey! You really don’t say, I have never been to the United States until now, this is a good opportunity to go out and see!”

Said Elaine happily clapped her hands and said, “Good, good! Let’s make a deal, I’ll go with you!”

Because of the leg injury, Elaine seldom went out this time, so it has long been a bit suffocating.

It just so happens that at this time Claire said something about going to the United States.

Elaine’s first thought after hearing it was that she must follow out to see the world.

Moreover, she knows that Charlie is now making easy money, and she doesn’t want to miss this good opportunity to go out with him, so maybe he can buy something for her.

Once Claire heard her mother say that she wanted to follow along, her heart was suddenly a little difficult.

She felt that it would be the best solution for just Charlie to accompany her, and if she takes her mother along, the situation would be really a bit awkward.

So she advised Elaine, “Mom, I think you’d better rest at home, the United States is a long way away,”


“It’s not easy to go there, besides, you don’t have any friends there, it’s easy to get bored.”

Elaine did not hesitate to say: “Will I be bored, but I have to wait until I go first, I’m bored to death at home this time, you can not let me stay at home alone.”

Claire immediately ran out of ideas, can only look at Charlie with a helpless face, does not know if he has any good way to make the mother dispel this idea.

Charlie wants Elaine to give up.

So, he said with reasoning, “Mom, Claire is going to the United States this time to attend master classes and school for further study,”

“So it will probably be very busy at that time, in case she can’t take care of you, won’t it be boring for you to stay there?”

“It’s okay.” Elaine said without thinking, “It doesn’t matter if you can’t take care of me,”

“If you can’t take care of me, I’ll go out by myself, I’ve never been to America anyway, I’m sure I’ll feel new everywhere.”

Speaking of which, Elaine’s whole face is already in a state of longing, excitedly said:

“When we were young, it was the hottest stage to go abroad, at that time the TV was broadcasting”

“‘Eastcliff people in New York’, young people dreamed of having the opportunity to go out to have a look,”

“I was dreaming of going to the United States, wanting to see the Statue of Liberty with my own eyes,”


“And then look at the Hollywood Walk of Fame but in so many years have not had the opportunity to go out,”

“This time, finally have the opportunity and it feels like dream come true!”

Charlie thought: “You have a dream come true, but what about me and Claire? If you really go along, then the two of us will not be destroyed by you?”

Thinking of this, he immediately said: “Mom, I speak from the heart, your leg is still not well, really need to recuperate,”

“Can not run around and toss, if so early to go to the United States, playing around in the mountains, it may affect your recovery, leaving after-effects.”

Saying that, he smiled faintly and said, “In my opinion, you might as well stay in Aurous Hill, rest and recuperate,”

“It just so happens that you have a good relationship with Horiyah now, so you can let her accompany you more.”

Elaine said almost without thinking, “No! When you all leave, leaving me alone at home, I live alone in such a big house, I will be scared to death!”

Charlie said, “Mom, I will leave you 500,000 pocket money before I leave,”

“We are gone for a month or so, you can do whatever you want in Aurous Hill,”

“Nothing to ask Horiyah to accompany you to go out shopping, beauty, and then do SPA,”

“Is it not more comfortable than following us to the United States to run around?”

Elaine once heard Charlie said to give her 500,000 pocket money, immediately excitedly asked:


“Good son-in-law, you …… you really want to give Mom 500,000? You

wouldn’t be deliberately lying to mom and making fun of her, right?”

Chapter 3962

Charlie knew that money was definitely much better for Elaine than any Statue of Liberty.

Seeing that she had really left the American dream behind, he said with a smile,

“Mom, when have I ever made fun of you? You can rest assured that as long as you recuperate well in Aurous Hill,”

“I will definitely cash in the 500,000 at the first time!”

Elaine immediately said with great enthusiasm, “Good son-in-law! Then we have a deal! You can’t renege on anything you say!”

Charlie laughed: “Don’t worry, I won’t renege, I’ll definitely give you the money before I go to America with Claire!”

“Okay!” Elaine said without hesitation, “In that case, then I will not follow you all that far to the United States!”

Charlie finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the nak3d eye could see that his wife, who was on the side, was also in a much more relaxed mood at this moment.

As if a hanging heart had finally been released.

Claire said to Charlie with a relaxed face:

“Honey, since this is the case, then I will give Kelly a clear answer and tell her that I will attend this master class.”


Charlie nodded and smiled, “Give her a letter back, then hurry up and confirm the itinerary, I’ll arrange the time, and book the air tickets.”

Claire nodded repeatedly and said excitedly, “I’m going to give her a call!”

After saying that, she immediately took the phone and ran out of the house joyfully, and went to the courtyard.

A few minutes later, she came back incomparably excited and said to


“Honey, I’ve already confirmed with Kelly, we can leave at the end of the month on the 28th!”

Hearing the 28th, Charlie breathed a sigh of relief, the auction was scheduled for the 25th, just enough to leave himself a few days to wrap up.

So, he said without thinking, “Okay, then I’ll book the ticket for the 28th, and by the way, book the hotel near the Rhode Island School of Design,”

“And we’ll leave on time on the 28th of this month.”

“Great!” Claire happily spun in place and said excitedly, “Then I’ll start packing both of our luggage tomorrow!”


In fact, in his heart, Charlie was more or less resistant to the matter of going to the United States.

This is mainly because, his grandfather’s family is rooted in the United States, and the family is large.

He was afraid that after he arrived in the United States, will be known by his grandfather’s family.


Charlie and grandpa’s family does not have any grudges, just because, when the mother decided to marry his father.

Her family showed conflict, which is why he feels more distant from them.

Therefore, he remembered that he met with his grandparents a total of only a handful of times.

Later, his parents died, Charlie was hidden in the Aurous Hill orphanage by his father’s loyalists.

He and his grandparents completely cut off contact, and now, nearly twenty years.

Therefore, he was even more distant from his grandparents’ family in his heart and did not want to disturb their lives.

However, since going to Rhode Island School of Design is his wife’s ideal in life, he could only choose to go with her in order to make her wish come true.

In his opinion, if this time to the United States, can not have any interactions with grandparents family, naturally it is the best.

However, if the two sides inevitably have to produce some encounter, then when the time comes, they can only be polite and only pleasantries.

The only thing to note is not to let his wife know.

Charlie is used to being alone, although not social phobia, but most social activities, itself has some resistance.

If only between relatives for the sake of pleasantries, for him will be very uncomfortable, would rather not have any dealings.

Better than everyone pretending to be polite and giving fake pleasantries to each other.


Moreover, Charlie also has self-awareness.

He feels that he and his grandparents are already alienated.

Not to mention that after so many years, Mom is also long gone, grandparents to him are also distant.

Chapter 3963

After Charlie and Claire settled on accompanying her to the United States.

Claire also immediately gave a clear reply to Kelly.

The efficiency of Kelly is also very high indeed, and quickly reported Claire’s relevant information to the Rhode Island School of Design.

Because it was daytime in the United States, the school responded quickly and immediately sent the electronic version of the master class invitation to Claire’s email address.

The moment Claire saw the invitation letter, she was so excited that she almost shed tears.

She really didn’t expect that what was originally one of her biggest goals in life would be so easy to achieve.

In the excitement, she couldn’t help but say to Charlie: “Honey, they are so good to me because of you, right?”

Charlie did not expect his wife to suddenly ask such a question without a reason, so he smiled and asked,

“Honey, why do you suddenly ask that?”

Claire said seriously: “Doris of the Emgrand Group, Warnia of the Song Group,”



“And now this Zhan Feier, all take special care of me,”

“The first two not only gave me the project to do but also offered very generous conditions,”

“The latter is the same, so big villa, so high budget, it is enough to hire first-class designers, but she chose to give me the whole project,”

“Knowing that I adore Kelly, and also invited her directly from the United States ……”

Speaking of this, Claire added:

“I believe that the reason why Kelly would give me such a precious spot is definitely because of Miss Zhan’s face ……”

“Miss Zhan wouldn’t treat me so well for no reason, it must be because of you, right?”

Charlie laughed: “Maybe it’s because I helped people read their feng shui and they felt they owed me a favor, so they intended to thank me.”

Claire couldn’t help but ask: “But you usually only charge a few million for reading feng shui,”

“Miss Zhan has already given Dad a Rolls Royce, so by this calculation,”

“He favor has long been repaid, why would they still want to take such good care of me?”

Claire suddenly remembered something and subconsciously said,

“Honey, Miss Zhan should have other things to ask you, right?”

“I remember you told me that the things she begged you for were too big?”


“If that were the case, would it be difficult for you if I took her project and accepted this master class slot?”

Charlie smiled faintly and said, “Wife, you don’t need to worry about this matter, I will take care of it myself.”

Claire couldn’t help but ask: “Honey, then do you think I should treat Miss Zhan to a meal to show my appreciation?”

Charlie waved his hand and said, “No, for now, tell her that I’ve been busy lately,”

“So when I’m done with this period, we’ll invite her for a meal together.”

Claire nodded and said, “Okay, then I’ll tell her on WeChat.”

A few moments later, Aurous Hill International Hotel.

Stella saw the text message from Claire and couldn’t hold down the excitement in her heart at once, exclaiming excitedly, “Great!”

Martina on the side hurriedly asked, “Miss, what good thing is it that has made you so excited?”

Stella said, “Sister Claire sent me a WeChat, she said her husband wants to invite me for a meal,”

“But he is busy lately, so he has to wait until after these few days.”

Chapter 3964

Martina nodded and busily said, “What Charlie means is I should wait until after the auction is over, right?”

“Right.” Stella could not hide her excitement and said,


“Since he can say such words, it proves that my efforts for such a long time have not been in vain!”

“Charlie must feel in his heart that he owes me a favor, that’s why he wants to treat me to dinner!”

Martina said with some concern, “Miss, what if he just wants to invite you for a meal?”

Stella shook her head and said seriously, “Martina you remember, in most cases,”

“The more people in high places, the less they like to take advantage of others,”

“When the favors you give him accumulate into more, he will definitely return this favor to you in something.”

Saying that she continued: “In Stanford, there is a special class,”

“It is to teach those business executives how to be vigilant and respond to commercial bribery,”

“There are many classic cases, commercial bribery of the party,”

“Using almost the same case, is to constantly give each other in various ways but never mention their needs,”

“When the other side of the heart of the sense of indebtedness to a certain degree,”

“As long as he asked, the other party will go to desperate measures for him.”

Martina nodded thoughtfully, and a moment later asked Stella:

“Miss, do you still plan to let the master have a meal with him?”


“No, I won’t first.” Stella busily said, “Since Charlie has said that he will treat me to dinner after he is free,”

“Then let grandpa come over according to the normal time node,”

“And if he fails to win the Rejuvenation Pill at the auction, I will bring him along to meet Charlie.”


Two days later.

From four o’clock in the morning, Aurous Hill Airport had its busiest day since its inauguration.

If it was usual, the number of passenger and cargo planes,”

“As well as business planes landing and taking off at the Airport, was only about 800 times a day, of which the number of take-offs and landings were almost equal.

But today, there were nearly 300 more landings than usual.

From the early morning, a large number of private planes started to land one after another one after another.

These private planes, without exception, all came to Aurous Hill to participate in the Rejuvenation Pill Auction.

According to the requirements of the auction organizer, these bidders must arrive in Aurous Hill within today.

Moreover, according to the requirements, from the time they landed until the end of the auction.

They had to listen to the arrangements of the organizer.


And any violation of the requirements would be considered as giving up the right to bid for the Pill.

Therefore, after landing at Airport, these top tycoons could only wait for further arrangements from the organizer in the same place.

At ten o’clock in the morning, nearly one hundred private planes have landed, filling up almost all the parking spaces at the Airport.

There were even some private planes that had to transfer to other airports in the surrounding cities for temporary parking.

After the passengers disembarked because of the lack of parking conditions.

At this time, a Boeing 747 modified private jet was flying rapidly towards Aurous Hill at a height of 10,000 meters.

Less than 1,000 kilometers away from Aurous Hill.

The interior of the huge cabin had been transformed into a mobile air villa.

And in the extremely luxurious parlor at the front of the plane, two old men were sitting.

Both hair and beard have turned pure white, however, one of them looks old and strong.

While the other, it is obvious that the essence and physical condition, have become very poor.

These two people are Douglas and Lai Qinghua, who flew all the way from the United States.

Since Qinghua was invited by Charlie to attend the Rejuvenation Pill Auction as a VIP.


And Douglas had also successfully obtained the qualification to attend the Auction.

Qinghua simply followed Douglas’s private plane and flew all the way to Aurous Hill.

Chapter 3965

At this time, the service personnel walked to the meeting room and said respectfully,

“Master and Mr. Lai, our plane will land at Aurous Hill Airport in about ninety minutes.”

“Good ……” Douglas nodded gently, then looked at Qinghua and asked


“Brother Lai, I wonder if you can draw up a fortune for me to see if I can succeed in getting the Rejuvenation Pill this time or not?”

Qinghua couldn’t help but laugh, “Old Fei, in fact, before we left, I already drew a trigram.”

Douglas asked, “Brother Lai, I wonder how the trigram is? Is it good or bad?”

Qinghua sighed lightly and lamented, “Maybe I’m not good enough,”

“I see this matter, like looking at flowers by a fog, and like looking at the moon in the water.”

Douglas listened, could not help but mutter:

“I asked you to tell my fortune, you give me the whole two lines of lyrics count what kind of thing ……”

“Foolish!” Qinghua gave a low whine, with standing eyebrows asked him:


“This is just two idioms, how to be written into the song after I say it becomes the lyrics?”

Douglas hurriedly said, “Brother Lai! That’s not what I meant!” “I mean, can you work hard and explain it to me more clearly.” Qinghua shook his head helplessly and said,

“The literal meaning is already very clear, just can’t really see, can’t understand,”

“And this matter has complicated internal causes, too many external causes, great variables,”

“The form may be changing every minute and second, already far beyond my ability.”

Hearing this, Douglas could not help but rub his temples and sighed, “If you can’t see through it, I may not be able to understand it.” Saying that, he looked out the window and sighed softly,

“Hey, it’s been a long time since I’ve been back ……”

Qinghua glanced out the window and asked him, “Douglas, your ancestors are from Huizhou, right?”

“Yes.” Douglas nodded and said, “A native Huizhou person.” Qinghua sighed: “Your ancestors were Huizhou merchants,” “No wonder your business has been so successful in this life.”

After that, Qinghua looked at him and said, “Douglas, you and I are not young, let me ask you a question, don’t feel abrupt.”


Douglas said, “Brother Lai, please ask.”

Qinghua nodded slightly and asked, “Have you ever considered how to deal with your affairs after death?”

“Should you rest in the United States for a long time or return to your roots?”

Douglas laughed and sighed,

“I have been thinking about this matter since 20 to 30 years ago, but there is no result even now.”

Said, Douglas a slight meal, and said: “My parents died early, they are buried with their ancestors in Huizhou ancestral graves,”

“According to reason, I have been floating outside most of my life,”

“Should return to my roots after death, just come back to be buried with their parents ……”

Then, Douglas lamented:

“But, I have been with my parents for eighty years, after all, I can not remember their appearance,”

“So if I return to my roots in the future, I am afraid that people over there will be more or less uncomfortable,”

“Besides, if I return to my roots, if the children and grandchildren want to pay their respects to me, it will become a problem,”

“I am mostly with them in this life If there is really a soul after death,”

“Then I would prefer to be closer to my children and grandchildren so that I can continue to accompany them.”


Qinghua smiled faintly and said seriously,

“Douglas, don’t overestimate the extent of your own needs in your children and grandchildren when you’re older,”

“Sometimes it’s just wishful thinking on the part of us old bones.”

After saying that, Qinghua smiled and said lightly, “Sometimes I feel like I am still needed by many people, but in reality, I am just a burden to society.”

Douglas laughed, “This is not the same for me and you.”

“You Lai family members saw through the fate of heaven early on, so you are instead a bit thin-skinned towards your bloodline relatives,”

“While I have taught my children since they were young that bloodline trumps everything in many cases, including their own lives.”

“Let’s hope so!” Qinghua smiled noncommittally and did not comment too much more.

Chapter 3966

Douglas seemed to have a lot of emotions in his heart at this time.

And after sighing, he leaned back on the comfortable sofa seat and looked out the window without saying a word.

Ninety minutes later, the Boeing 747 was finally landed at Aurous Hill Airport.

The moment the plane landed, the normal impact between the landing gear and the ground made Douglas’s heart beat wildly for a while.

And the health care doctor hurriedly helped him with all kinds of soothing before he was a little more comfortable.


Douglas knows very well in his heart that his body has reached the final stage.

If on this trip to Aurous Hill does not get the Rejuvenation Pill, then with his body condition, perhaps there is no way to leave this city alive.

So, victory or defeat, it is only a matter of time.

He looked out the window and prayed in his heart that he would get what he wanted this time.

After the plane landed, it was guided by a ground guidance vehicle and taxied to a hangar rented by Issac.

After the plane stopped, the cabin door opened.

One of Issac’s men took the lift escalator directly to the door of the plane.

As the cabin door was opened by the attendant, Issac’s man, standing directly at the door of the cabin, asked coldly,

“Is this the plane Mr. Douglas Fei is on?”

One of the attendants said with some annoyance,

“Hey, pay attention to the way you speak, our master’s name is not something you can call straight!”

Issac’s man said disdainfully, “What master’s name, your master is not my master,”

“I only recognize the name of the person who applied here,”

“You’d better go and tell him to bring our electronic invitation letter and his ID out to be verified by our staff!”


The accompanying officer did not expect the young man to speak so rudely, so he coldly questioned,

“Kid, what kind of attitude are you talking with?” “Do you know who you are talking to?”

Issac’s man sneered, “I don’t know who I’m talking to, and I’m too lazy to know,”

“I only know that if you refuse to obey the arrangement,”

“Or if your efficiency is too slow, I will report directly to my leader, and if your master’s participation is disqualified at that time,”

“Don’t blame me for not reminding you in advance!”

When Douglas’s entourage heard these words, he was scared to the point of cold sweat.

He really didn’t expect that a small staff member could be so tough.

And the matter was so important that it was beyond his control.

So he could only say honestly: “You little brother, don’t be angry,”

“I didn’t think about what I said just now, so don’t be so mean to me!”

At this time, Douglas also came to the cabin door with the help of two health care doctors.

He looked at the young staff and said with an apologetic face,

“Sorry, little brother, this butler of mine has a bit of a rotten temper, don’t be angry with him.”

Issac’s man looked at Douglas and asked, “Who are you?”


Douglas said, “My surname is Fei, my full name is Douglas Fei.”

Issac’s men nodded and said expressionlessly, “From now on, you must obey our arrangements and management in everything!”

“Have your captain roll out of the hangar in ten minutes and take off to transfer to the Penghu Airport”

“In the next city, there are no more parking spaces here,”

“You need to give up the hangar in ten minutes, I still have to receive the next attendee here.”

Douglas hurriedly said respectfully, “Little brother, don’t worry,”

“I’ll arrange for them to take off early and hurry up to give up the hangar.”

At this moment, Douglas’s entourage had a somewhat embarrassed expression and hurriedly said,

“We have two bulletproof cars in this modified belly cargo hold, unloading them may be troublesome, can you give us an extra half hour of grace?”

Issac’s men said coldly,

“We have a unified fleet of vehicles to pick up and drop off, you don’t need to prepare any vehicles.”

After that, he pointed to the corner of the hangar, a few suggested plastic stools as well as a table, and spoke to Douglas:

“Mr. Douglas, from now on, your internal code name is 035, please bring your ID card and report to the staff over there!”

Chapter 3967


People do business, it is all about being a nice guest.


As the saying goes, the customer is God.

Open for business, we must think of every way to serve customers comfortably.

Only then, to ensure that business is booming.

But Charlie does not like to play this way.

His Rejuvenation Pill deal, the world’s only copy, so no matter how good or bad the attitude.

This group of rich people are still rushing to get it.

Since this is the case, he naturally does not want to give them a good face.

This group of top tycoons, usually are surrounded by those bottomless kneeling to spoil minions.

These service staff no matter how attentive to serve them will never make them feel stunning.

Instead of this, it is better to do the opposite, not only not to kneel to them, but also to step on them.

To let these top tycoons, who are usually high up in the world.

Experience the feeling of being dominated by others and being yelled at by others, instead of making efforts to impress them.

Therefore, these staff members, under the training of Issac, although inwardly they were very vain to these rich people.

Who came to Aurous Hill for more than one billion RMB, but their faces did not give them any half face.

The rude is rude, the reprimand is reprimanded.


Douglas also did not expect that he had come a long way to attend the auction of the Rejuvenation Pill.

The Pill had not yet been seen, but first gained an unusual code of 035.

However, he did not dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction and could only say with a smile,

“Little brother, you have not informed me of the specific itinerary for the auction, may I ask what the next specific arrangements are?”

The staff member said impatiently, “Didn’t I just tell you? You just need to go over to our staff to report and obey our staff’s arrangements,”

“No need to ask about other things!”

No one dared to talk to him like this after Douglas turned forty, and at this moment, being treated like this, he was irritated in his heart.

But he also knew that if he was begging for help on someone else’s turf, he had to learn to bow down, so he could only nod and say,

“Fine, fine, then I’ll go report to work.”

At this time, Karl Yuan, Douglas’s personal bodyguard, accompanied Qinghua as he stepped off the plane.

Seeing that the staff treated Douglas with some slackness, Karl said in a cold voice, “Little brother, Mr. Fei is over 90 years old,”

“Even if you don’t look at his social status, just as a junior, you should give him enough respect!”

The staff frowned and said, “I was ordered to explain to all the people who came to Aurous Hill to participate in the auction,”

“The specific process of participating in the auction,”


“Our President Chen also specifically explained to me, no matter how big the other party is,”

“We must treat each other equally, and do not need to look at anyone’s face, you do not pay me, why are you here to teach me to do things?”

Karl did not expect that a young man would dare to talk to him like that and was about to get angry.

But Qinghua patted his shoulder and laughed: “Karl, this little brother is also acting under orders, you do not need to get angry.”

When Karl saw that Qinghua had come out to speak, he had no choice but to respectfully say,

“I’m sorry, Mr. Lai, it’s my lack of determination that made you look at me like that.”

Qinghua waved his hand gently and smiled without saying anything.

The staff member looked at Qinghua and asked him, “Are you also here for the auction?”

Qinghua nodded his head and smiled, saying, “That’s right.”

The staff member picked up the roster and asked, “What is your name? Let me check.”

Qinghua smiled slightly and said, “My surname is Lai, my full name is Qinghua.”

Chapter 3968

As soon as the staff member heard the words Lai Qinghua, his original somewhat condescending attitude immediately became respectful.

He hurriedly bowed and said offhandedly, “Greetings, Mr. Lai!”


“Our President has already explained that you, as one of our VIPs, do not need to register here,”

“So please get in the car later, our fleet will give you priority to the hotel,”

“And there will be special service personnel at the hotel to handle the relevant check-in procedures for you.”

Qinghua did not expect that this arrogant young man would have such a humble attitude towards himself.

And immediately realized that this must have been explained by Charlie in advance, and his heart could not help but be a little more grateful to him.

Although Charlie’s age was much younger than his, but in his opinion, from the point of view of fate, Charlie was the supreme existence.

Although he was already over a hundred years old, but it was only right to bow and curtsy when he saw Charlie.

However, he did not expect that Charlie could deliberately instruct others to take care of his old bones, his heart was somewhat flattered.

After that, he pointed at Douglas and said to the staff, “Little brother, this is my friend,”

“I want to go to the hotel with him after he finishes the check-in procedure, I wonder if it’s okay?”

The staff member, “Mr. Lai, you are a VIP, and VIPs and other bidders participating in the auction won’t live in the same building,”

“So you don’t have to wait for him to join you.”

Qinghua smiled and said, “It’s not in the way, the two of us are good friends, even if we don’t live together, I’ll wait for him to go together.”


“Okay.” The staff hurriedly said, “Mr. Lai, please move to the car first and wait, there are still a lot of formalities to be done on his side,”

“And he still has to collect his clothes afterward.”

Douglas, who was on the side, asked in surprise, “Receive clothes? What clothes?”

The staff immediately regained a cold face and said, “Mr. Chen ordered uniform clothing for the bidders,”

“Before the height and weight data have been confirmed with you?”

“After the registration is completed later, you will be issued two sets of custom-made clothing,”

“And in the following days, until the end of the auction, you must wear the uniform clothing provided by us.”

Douglas was depressed, but he still didn’t dare to make any comments.

So he could only sigh resentfully and went to the registration reception point for registration with the help of the butler.

The hardware of this registration and reception point was too poor.

In addition to a desk, there are only two square plastic stools placed in front of the desk.

In contrast, a few staff behind the desk, sitting in the kind of office chair with backrest, although not of any class.

But compared to the front two plastic stools, they are too much better.

Douglas with some annoyance, a trillionaire, but to sit on a plastic stool, honestly handed his passport to a few young people, waiting for the registration.


One of the young people, holding Douglas’s passport, compared with Douglas’s face.

Repeatedly checked several times, fearing that the situation of the person’s evidence is not the same.

After checking and confirming that it was him, one of the young men said, “035, your accommodation in Aurous Hill will be arranged by us,”

“But you need to bear the cost of the room, the specific room type, and the corresponding price,”

“You need to go to the hotel and a special staff will introduce it to you, understand?”

Douglas felt a taste of going to prison, helplessly nodded gently, and said, “Okay, I understand.”

Then, the staff took out two brand-new sportswear sets.

Each with the three Arabic numerals “035” printed on the plastic bag.

He pushed these two sets of sportswear to Douglas and said,

“These are your clothes, a total of two sets, the hotel will provide you with a clothing cleaning service every day,”

“Two sets of clothes is enough for your daily replacement, but the cleaning service is an additional charge.”

Douglas sighed and nodded, “I see.”

The staff glanced at Douglas’s side butler as well as Karl and said,

“Each participant in the auction, from the day of check-in until the end of the auction,”


“Only one person is allowed to accompany you, and no one can be changed in between,”

“So you should consider clearly in advance who you are going to bring to check-in,”

“And after you have decided, you can directly take him to leave together with the car later on,”

“And the others had better with the plane to go to the airport, or leave the airport, solve their own accommodation problems.”

Chapter 3969

Douglas did not expect the other party to have so many rules and regulations, and so demanding, he could only helplessly look at Karl, and said,

“Master Yuan, these few days will be hard for you to join me!”

Karl hurriedly arched his hand and said, “You’re welcome, old man Fei, this is my duty!”

When Douglas got into the red flag car prepared by Issac and departed for downtown Aurous Hill.

He was in a boring mood and sat in the back row on the left seat without saying a word.

On his right-hand side, sitting is Qinghua, who is over 100 years old.

Seeing that Douglas was in a bad mood, he smiled and asked him, “Douglas, I see that you don’t seem to be very happy.”

“I can’t be happy ……”


Douglas said resentfully, “I’m not going to lie to you, Brother Lai, I’ve been irritable since I got off the plane!”

Qinghua smiled slightly and reminded,

“Douglas, as the saying goes, you should try to be calm if you are here.”

Douglas reluctantly nodded, then couldn’t help but touch and look at the car, full of disgust that couldn’t be concealed.

Qinghua saw that he must not be very adaptable to this kind of C-class car of several hundred thousand.

After all, the price of this whole car, may not be as good as Douglas’s usual travel with a car seat.

So, he smiled and said to him, “Douglas, don’t underestimate this car, this is the red flag.”

Douglas said with a smile on his face, “I know it’s a red flag, but this is the first time I’ve sat in it.”

Qinghua said seriously, “Red Flag is the first brand of the Republic, the founder of China’s automobile industry,”

“And the leader’s car for decades, it means a lot to the locals here.

Douglas then said, “In that case, the organizer of this auction should be quite patriotic.”

“Yes.” Qinghua nodded and said, “One should respect a patriot because he will not stand in the wrong position before the great right and wrong.”

Douglas did not speak, his brows slightly knitted in thought.

By the time the convoy arrived at Shangri-La, the entire Hotel was under martial law.


Apart from the Shangri-La’s own motorcade which can enter and exit, all other miscellaneous people are prohibited to enter.

However, the lobby of the hotel was bustling with people.

The bidders, who were sent over one after another, were checking in one by one.

However, what made them collapse is that the accommodation price here is simply expensive to the extreme.

A total of three nights of stay, even the most common standard room, the price is more than a million.

Everyone knows that this is the organizers deliberately taking the opportunity to rip them off.

For these people, money is not important, but being knocked around like this, psychologically there is really unacceptable.

When Douglas saw on the price list, the presidential suite for three days actually cost six million, his heart also could not help but curse.

But he still restrained the impulse to explode and said to the receptionist who managed his check-in, “I want the presidential suite.”

The other party immediately replied, “Sorry, the presidential suite has been booked by No. 016, you can see other room types.”

Douglas didn’t know who number 016 really was, but since the room was gone, he had to settle for the second-best and took a luxury suite for two million.

In contrast, Qinghua was treated much better, he was directly arranged into the executive luxury suite in the executive building as a VIP.

Which was the second only to the presidential suite in the entire Shangri-La, and still the fee was totally free.


The first thing that Douglas did after checking in and coming to the room was to immediately make a phone call to Stella.

As soon as the phone call came through, she asked on the other end of the line, “Grandpa, have you finished checking in?”

Douglas let out a sound and said,

“It’s done, you guessed right, they really arranged all the bidders to Shangri-La, I think this is definitely the venue for the auction.”

Chapter 3970

Stella said, “Grandpa, I’m in a special situation, so I won’t meet with you for the next two days,”

“But I’ll continue to think of ways to continue to mediate with every one of the Rejuvenation Pill outside.”

Douglas asked, “How is it going now?”

Stella said truthfully, “I dare not say I have absolute certainty, but at least there has been a certain breakthrough,”

“The other party wants to invite me to dinner after the auction, if you fail to get the Rejuvenation Pill at the auction, I will take you to see him then.”

“Good.” Douglas sighed with relief and exclaimed, “Stella, you really worked hard this time! You’ve been running around for so long for this matter.”

Stella said, “Grandpa, I should have done this.”

Douglas sighed and said, “I hope this auction will go well so that when the auction is over, you can return to New York with me.”

Stella smiled and said, “Grandpa, I believe you will win the auction.”



Just when a large number of top tycoons kept moving into Shangri-La.

Charlie was dragged by Claire and arrived at the busiest shopping center in Aurous Hill.

Since she had received an invitation to the Rhode Island School of Design master class, she had always felt, in her heart, that she owed a huge favor to Kelly.

Today it happened that there were not many things going on in the company, so she dragged Charlie to the market with her.

Intending to pick a gift for Kelly.

Charlie asked Claire: “Honey, have you thought of something to give her?”

Claire nodded repeatedly and said, “I have already thought about it, I plan to give her a Hermes handbag,”

“I have seen her interview before, it is said that she personally likes Hermes very much and has a hobby of collecting Hermes bags,”

“Since this is the case, then I might as well throw my hat in the ring and give her one, it will also show my sincerity.”

Claire said: “No, husband, I have saved a lot of savings recently, let me do it myself, otherwise, I will not feel good about it.”

Charlie did not insist too much, and smiled: “Then you should do what you can later, do not buy too expensive gifts.”

Claire smiled sweetly and said, “I have already looked at the official website, there is a bag named Birkin series,”


“Nowadays the best sales, the price is not too expensive, if you do not choose very rare materials and workmanship, it is probably more than 100,000.”

Charlie nodded slightly and said, “A bag at this price is already good.”

Subsequently, the two arrived at the entrance of Hermes’ store, and at this time, outside the store, there was already a long line of several dozen people.

According to the staff outside the door, this is because there are too many customers in the store, and their store is a one-to-one sales service.

And now all the sales are taking customers, so the store will start to limit the flow.

The two people waited outside the door for half an hour in order to get in line to enter the store.

Half an hour later, the security guard outside the door said to Charlie and Claire who were at the front of the line,

“Please come inside, our guide will come to serve you right away.”

As he was saying that, a young man with a warm smile on his face walked towards the two of them with quick steps.

When they met, the man introduced himself:

“Good afternoon, my name is Vivian, I’m your guide, I don’t know what you want to see?”

Claire said without thinking: “Hello, I want to buy a 30cm Birkin bag, I wonder if it’s in stock?”

The guide said with a smile: “Haha, the lady really has an eye, our family’s Birkin series has always been a super best-seller,”


“The number of users who have registered reservations is very large, but the number of arrivals per issue is very small,”

“So if you want to get the bag as soon as possible, you may have to buy more things in our store,”

“Take the membership level up, and then the greater the chance of winning!”

Claire heard this, with a surprised face asked: “Can’t directly buy the bag according to the counter price?”

The guide put away his smile all of a sudden and said in a tone with a bit of sarcasm:

“Lady it should be your first time to Hermes shopping, right? In our store, there is no bag that is sold at the counter price,”

“More or less, you have to buy some other accessories, otherwise, it is impossible to sell to you.”

Claire then came back to her senses and asked, “Need to buy some other accessories? This is what the internet says about matching goods, right?”

The guide rightfully said, “Yes, now if you want to buy Hermes bags, this is the rule, no matter which country you are in.”

Claire asked tentatively, “Then I want to buy a Burkinabe 30, how much money do I need to match the goods?”

The guide said contemptuously, “The 30 cm Birkin bag has always been super popular,”

“You are not sure to get the bag even if you match the goods,”

“Of course, the more you match the goods, the higher the priority, the greater the probability of getting the bag,”


“Whether you can get the bag depends on whether your rank and priority can rush to the front.”

Charlie does not quite like the guide this hidden set, recalling the last time to buy Hermes for his wife as well as his father-in-law.

That guide said a straightforward allotment of 500,000 specific numbers, although Charlie is very upset about this way of allotment.

But compared to that, he still prefers a little more direct.

So, he opened his mouth and said to the shopper:

“Don’t beat around the bush, just tell me directly, buy a Burkinabé 30, how much do we need to match the goods?”


Chapter 3971

Seeing Charlie directly up to ask the amount for the goods, the sales slightly gave a contemptuous smile and said:

“Sir, I have just said, this bag is too sought-after, so you must first accumulate consumption amount in our store,”

“When the consumption amount exceeds the other customers waiting in line for the bag, we will naturally give you this bag.”

Charlie grunted and said,

“What if I have allocated hundreds of thousands of dollars of goods and you still tell me there is no such bag? Then wouldn’t I be a big ingrate?”

The sales expression was a little nervous for a moment, but quickly returned to normal, and said with a girlish smile,

“Sir, if you have matched the goods, but still can not buy the bag,”


“Then the only possibility is that someone has matched the goods more than you.”

Charlie laughed: “This is a completely dark box operation,”

“Whether there is someone to allocate more goods than me,”

“Completely rely on your mouth to say, and will not show me any data, how can I believe you?”

Sales see Charlie aggressive, think he is eighty percent penniless, no money to run for fun, so sneered and said:

“Sorry sir, this is our rules, no matter how much you match the goods, you have to follow our rules set,”

“So if you want to buy this bag, you have to accumulate a certain amount of spending,”

“Otherwise, please look at other brands that do not need to match the goods of the brand.”

Most of the luxury brands’ sales have a great understanding of consumer minds.

They not only have strong observation skills but also understand customer psychology very well.

What’s more, many of them don’t have the basic modesty that a salesman should have.

For example, this Birkin 30 handbag that Claire wants to buy, the allotment quotes across the country range from more than 100,000 to hundreds of thousands.

The reason why there is such a large span is because some salespeople, always thinking to maximize the benefits.


If it is more familiar with their relationship and has been pleasing them, give gifts and give rebates to old customers.

They will give a definite amount of allocation, as long as the customer with enough goods of this amount, he can sell him a package that he wants.

However, once they meet unfamiliar guests, many sales will be in line with the principle of pitting one against one and treating other parties as monkeies.

Some time ago, in a famous top luxury shopping mall store, there was a consumer once pulled a banner protest.

Because he was fooled by sales with more than 200,000 goods.

The results of the purchase order, sales told him to give the package.

To put it bluntly, it is the sales who played with the consumer like a monkey.

The reason why sales do this is because not all products in luxury stores are popular and sought after.

For example, the brand’s bags are very popular and have a very high price premium, but their other accessories are really ugly and expensive.

A sarong priced thousands of dollars, a belt, or even tens of thousands of dollars.

And sometimes a colorful jacket can be sold to 70,000, 80,000, or even more than 100,000.

Such goods are placed in the store, almost difficult to sell, belong to the absolute stagnant goods.

So, the store will have to rely on this kind of allocation of goods in order to bring these slow-selling goods together to sell.


And for sales, the commission for selling hot items is very low, if not non-existent.

But the commission for selling lagging items is very high.

That’s why they will try their best to get consumers to allocate more goods and even do some cheating.

Although Claire does not know much about these luxury brand schemes.

But at this moment she also figured out the flavor of it and felt that the sale was probably not good, so she said to Charlie:

“Honey, why don’t we change the store and take a look.”

Chapter 3972

Charlie shook his head and laughed: “You also know that people like this brand,”

“If you send other brands, others may not like it at all, in that case, it is better not to send any.”

Saying that, he patted the back of her hand and said with a smile, “Don’t worry, leave it to your husband.”

Then, he looked at that sales, smiled slightly, and said,

“Okay, seeing as your boss is going to be my customer soon, I should also take care of his business.”

The boss of theirs that Charlie was talking about was Bernard Elnor, who had just taken this brand into his pocket.

This godfather of luxury goods is now the owner of more than half of the world’s luxury brands and is worth more than a trillion RMB.


Interestingly, this old man also just arrived in Aurous Hill today.

The person who spent a lot of money to take down the presidential suite of Shangri-La is him.

However, sales could not expect that their boss, as Charlie said in his mouth, was actually the biggest big brother above their brand.

He also thought that the boss that Charlie said was their store manager.

As soon as he heard Charlie’s words, he guessed that Charlie must be bluffing.

Before a lot of people came to the store to buy things, moving to say they know their store manager, or know their regional manager.

Just to get allocate fewer goods, but the vast majority of people who say such things are liars.

So, he said with some disdain:

“Sorry, our store manager has long said, who mentions his name is not enough unless he personally comes out to receive,”

“You say you know our store manager, do you want me to call him over, you talk face to face?”

After Charlie heard this, he was dumbfounded.

It seems that this segment of people, even if they dress more human, they can still only mingle in the low segment.

This salesman actually thought that the “boss” he said was their store manager, it is clear that this person’s pattern is really small and pitiful.

So Charlie waved his hand and said with a smile:


“No need, no need, I’m not talking about your store manager.”

Saying that he also did not bother to continue to say more, so he waved his hand and said casually:

“Come, first give me a million goods, all pick up the batch of your store can not sell to me!”

The salesman was stunned when he heard Charlie say he wanted to match one million goods, and subconsciously asked,

“Sir, you’re not deliberately making fun of me, are you?”

In fact, the market price of this bag is around 200,000.

As long as you don’t encounter a particularly pitiful sale.

Even a raw customer who has never bought anything in this store can get one as long as he can match it up to two hundred thousand.

But Charlie came up and said he wanted to match one million goods, which is indeed too much beyond the market price.

In other words, even if this gang of sales wanted to pit people, they would not dare to pit to such a high amount.

When Charlie saw that he was dumbfounded, he smiled and said,

“I don’t have the leisure time to bring my wife here to make fun of you,”

“I can allocate enough goods for one million, but I only have one request,”

“You take out the bag I want and settle it together with the one million goods.”

The salesman was a little excited and said, “Wait a minute, I’ll go get it ready!”


After saying that, he waved his orchid finger and ran into the back of the warehouse excitedly.

Claire spoke at this time: “Husband, you are crazy, buy a hundred thousand bags,”

“With a million goods …… this …… this is also too expensive some ……”

Charlie mysteriously smiled and spoke: “Wife, I’m not crazy, just want to grasp this good opportunity to make money,”

“You can rest assured that every penny I allocate today is an investment,”

“Before tonight, I will be able to earn back with interest.”

Claire looked puzzled and couldn’t figure out what exactly Charlie meant when he said he could earn it all back with interest.

Chapter 3973

However, Claire knew Charlie’s routine very well, and since he said so, it was definitely not an empty talk.

So, she couldn’t help but ask Charlie: “Husband, that salesperson, wouldn’t deliberately pit us in this matter, right?”

Charlie skimmed a smile:

“A big old man, with a girly name Vivian, you think this kind of person, can have this courage?”

When Claire heard this, she couldn’t help but purse her lips and snicker as well.

She also knows that there are many very feminine men in the fashion world.


And this has become more and more common in recent years, so she doesn’t think there’s anything abnormal about it.

However, a man who gave himself a feminine name, this kind of thing is really quite rare.

At this time, the male salesman named Vivian is in the warehouse looking for items.

Those items backlogged for many years and which have not been sold out of the old inventory.

Some, even seven or eight years ago when the store opened inventory, until now has not been able to sell.

Soon, he collected all these stocks into three large boxes and strained to carry these three boxes out one after another.

He placed these three big boxes neatly in front of Charlie.

And his attitude took on a bit of respect, saying with a smile,

“Sir, take a look, here is a total of more than 996,000 goods,”

“You don’t need to match up to one million, these are enough.”

Charlie nodded with a smile and said with a laugh,

“I didn’t expect you to give me a discount of a few thousand, how can you be so kind?”

The salesman thought Charlie was saying the opposite and said awkwardly:

“Sir, if you think these goods are too much, in fact, you can also remove some of them,”

“Or I will take off about 200,000 for you, what do you think?”


Charlie hurriedly waved his hand: “Don’t! Don’t! No need!”

Saying that he casually turned over the goods inside and found that many of the goods were covered with thick dust on top of the bags.

So he said smilingly:

“I came here today to plunder antiques, so many good things, I certainly can not miss, wrap up all for me,”

“In addition to the bag I want, bring it over, I will pay the bill together.”

The salesman hurriedly said, “I’m really sorry, just now I only cared about taking these things,”

“The Burkinabe 30 really didn’t bring it, you wait a moment, I’m going to get it for you!”

After that, he hurried back to the warehouse, touched out an orange square cardboard box.

Then in front of Charlie and Claire, carefully opened the box, and then took out a handbag in the dust bag, handed it to Charlie, said attentively:

“Sir, look, this is the most popular gray this year, it is the most sought-after color in this series,”

“If you really put that box If you really buy that box together with the goods, this bag is yours.”

Charlie nodded and asked Claire: “Wife, is this one okay?”

Claire was still a little unsure and asked Charlie: “Honey, is what …… you just

said true?”

Charlie knew that Claire was asking about the matter that he said he could make money with the goods, so he smiled with a serious face and said,


“Honey, don’t worry, I am sure of this matter.”

After saying that, he asked Claire once again: “Honey, this bag you see, are you satisfied?”

Claire nodded gently and said, “The bag is quite good ……”

Charlie nodded, interrupted her, and said, “It’s enough that the bag is quite good, you don’t have to worry about the other things.”

Said, he immediately said to that sales: “Come, with me to check out!”

Chapter 3974

The salesman was a little too excited all of a sudden, and his hands were trembling for a moment.

He really didn’t expect that he had met a super big account today.

In the past, those rich people, although buying a thousand dollars, but each one is also very shrewd.

When they are allowed to allocate goods, they will also try to suppress the amount of goods allocated.

And they also have some requirements for the goods allocated, to be those goods that are still in good circulation.

The bottom of the box of old goods is absolutely no one willing to buy.

Otherwise, these things are not likely to be idle for years.

In this store the longer the goods are idle, the higher the percentage of commission.

So, Charlie, today bought from him nearly a million worth of stalled goods.


Until next month’s payroll, his personal commission will almost touch 300,000.

To earn 300,000 in just a few minutes was simply unimaginable to him.

So, he immediately changed into an extremely flattering face, respectfully said:

“Sir, because we have more goods, we need to go to the front desk to count them one by one, please sit here,”

“I will get you two bottles of sparkling water first, you and the lady wait a moment after the count is finished,”

“I will come with the POS machine and the list of goods to confirm the credit card with you. “

Charlie laughed: “I’ve been in for so long, you finally have the state a salesman should have.”

The salesman knew that Charlie was being sarcastic.

But for the sake of money, this sarcasm was nothing to him.

So he said with a smile: “Sir, I’m really sorry, just now my attitude may be a little not friendly enough,”

“But you can rest assured that from now on you are our store’s senior VIP,”

“Later you can add my WeChat, in the future you need any style of bag,”

“You can tell me in advance, I will help you find! If you come to the store, please tell me in advance,”

“I will directly reserve a parking space for you at the entrance, and you do not need to queue up again like today.”


Charlie did not bother to talk to him, smiled faintly, and ordered:

“Okay, hurry up and go to type out the list, take the POS machine to me to swipe the card,”

“I have more things to do, time is precious.”

The salesman nodded his head and said respectfully, “Wait a minute, sir, I’ll go and do it for you.”

Ten minutes later, the salesman came over with a POS machine and a large list of goods at a trot.

When he came to Charlie’s side, he knelt on one knee beside him and said very respectfully:

“Sir, take a look, your allotment is a total of 996,520 yuan, this package is 16,888 yuan, 1,165,408 yuan,”

“You can confirm the details and amount, if there is no problem, you can swipe your card.”

Charlie said casually, “There is no need to confirm, just swipe the card.”

Saying that, he took out a bank card and handed it over.

“Okay!” The salesman was excited and took the bank card with both hands respectfully and hurriedly entered the amount on the POS machine.

After swiping the card, Charlie entered the password, and then the POS machine zipping and ringing, a card voucher was printed.

Once this voucher is typed, it proves that the transaction has been successfully completed.

At this moment, the salesman was even more excited with a red face and said with extreme flattery,


“Sir, you are really the most generous customer I have ever seen!”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded and casually laughed: “In order to buy a bag of more than 100,000, with nearly one million goods, such an ingrate,”

“I guess I am the only one in the country.”

The sales secretly thought: “You are right …… such a big ingrate, I guess in

the whole world it is only you.”

However, how dare he say such words out loud?

So he could only say with a smile: “Sir, I think you have taste and pursuit of rich people like you,”

“You spend money on the pursuit of enjoyment, the pursuit of quality, absolutely will not put this little thing on the heart,”

“And you can rest assured that from now on, as long as you buy a bag from me, I will definitely give you the lowest allotment!”

Charlie blandly said: “Okay, you don’t need to pat me on the back here, wrap up all these goods for me and ask two people to help me put them in the car!”

Chapter 3975

Hearing Charlie’s order, the salesperson said in a hurry, “Yes sir, you wait a moment, I’ll call a few colleagues to help me!”

After saying that, he hurriedly accompanied several colleagues, each carrying several huge bags, and followed Charlie and Claire to leave together.

After putting all the things into the back of the car, the sales hastily asked



“Sir, please add me on WeChat, we can communicate for anything in the future.”

Charlie waved his hand: “No need, I won’t come back to your store in the future.”

After saying that, he ignored the stunned sales and said to Claire, “Wife, let’s go.”

Claire nodded gently and got into the passenger seat.

Charlie then started the car and directly left the mall.

After the car drove out, Claire couldn’t help but ask Charlie:

“Honey, you just said that all these things you bought from the distribution can make money, is it true?”

“Of course it’s true.” Charlie laughed: “When has hubby ever lied to you?”

After saying that, he asked Claire, “Honey, where are you going now? Are you going to the company or are you going to find that Kelly?”

Claire thought about it and said, “I’ve picked out a gift for Kelly, but I haven’t thought of a gift for Miss Zhan.”

“Miss Zhan seems to be a lady from a big family, so I guess she can’t even look at luxury items like this, so I haven’t thought of what I should give her.”

Charlie said with a smile: “You don’t have to worry about this, didn’t I already say so?”

“After a few days, I will invite her to dinner, I will find a way to return her favor.”

Claire said with a sad face, “I think, Miss Zhan has helped me so much, if we just invite her for a meal, I will feel sorry for her.”


Charlie nodded and smiled, “Don’t worry wife, hubby has it in his heart, with me around, you don’t have to worry about this matter.”

“Okay ……” Claire nodded and said gratefully, “Thank you, hubby …… For all

these things thanks to you ……”

Charlie laughed: “Isn’t that what a husband should do as his share of work?”

Saying that, he added: “You should send the gift for Kelly today first, and about Miss Zhan, you do not need to worry about.”

Claire asked, “Honey, then if I go to deliver the gift to Kelly now,”

“Miss Zhan will not be uncomfortable in her heart after seeing it, right?”

“No.” Charlie laughed: “You also said, she looks like a big family’s young lady, how will she care about this stuff,”

“Besides, if you don’t give her something, she will be down to earth in her heart, on the contrary, if you give her something, she will be uncomfortable.”

Charlie is well aware of Stella’s favor offensive, what she wants is nothing more than to impress him with all kinds of favors.

Or make him feel that she can’t grind her face.

If Claire really gave her a gift at this time, he is afraid that she would collapse on the spot, because that would mean that all her efforts were in vain.

But if Claire only gave Kelly a gift, but not her, she must know that Claire owes her this favor, and Charlie already intends to pay it back for her.

In fact, Charlie had to admit that Stella was indeed a bit level.


This kind of constantly sending favors scheme, he can see through at a glance, but really to this point, he was really embarrassed not to make any response.

Chapter 3976

Because that would make Charlie’s wife feel indebted in her heart.

So, he already has a rough plan in his heart, as long as Stella does not have any bad intentions towards his wife.

And her grandfather Douglas does not get the Rejuvenation Pill at the Pill auction, then he will send her half a Blood Dissipation Heart Saving Pill.

Half a blood dispersal heart pills at least can let her grandfather live more for a year or two.

This will not only return the favor for Claire but also allow Douglas to live for two more years.

Which will enable him to fight more and more in the Rejuvenation Pill auction in the next two years.

Claire was a little dumbfounded by Charlie’s words, but out of trust in him, she did not have any doubts.

So, she then said to Charlie, “Honey, then you can send me to the International Hotel,”

“Where both Kelly and Miss Zhan live, and I will give this gift to Kelly.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded and smiled, “I’ll drop you at the International Hotel, and I’ll go take care of this batch of allotments.”


After sending Claire off, Charlie immediately drove to Shangri-La.


On the way to Shangri-La, he called his father-in-law, Jacob, and just after he got through, he asked him,

“Dad, can you still contact that Ervin Zhang who specializes in selling antiques on the antique street?”

Jacob said resentfully, “Don’t mention that name, after I received some good things, I looked for him several times, he played missing with me,”

“And then even changed his cell phone number, I heard that this grandson is still doing business in the antique street,”

“Whole world can find him, but I can’t find him, it’s really fcuking strange.”

Charlie could not help but dumbfounded laugh, teasing: “Then I guess Ervin is deliberately avoiding you.”

Jacob asked rhetorically, “Then why do you think he’s avoiding me? I have not seldom provided him with good things.”

Charlie said, you bought a pair of rags, Ervin still had to spend a lot of money to collect it from you, one way or another, he cheat to earn the money, almost all into your pocket.

But he did not say more, then said with a smile: “I guess this man cannot understand, I will find others to inquire about it.”

Jacob asked curiously, “Charlie, why are you looking for Ervin?”

Charlie said casually, “Oh, a friend wanted to buy some antiques, so I thought of him.”

Jacob said, “Ervin doesn’t have anything good in his hand, why don’t you ask your friend to go to Antique Hall to buy it, the stuff there is still more upscale.”

“Okay.” Charlie casually agreed and said, “Then I’ll talk to him to go, hang up first dad.”


After hanging up Jacob’s phone, Charlie called Orvel again.

As soon as the call came through, he instructed, “Orvel, have your little brother go to the antique street and find a guy named Ervin Zhang for me,”

“Tell him I’m looking for him and have him come to Shangri-La to meet me with all his counterfeit antiques.”

Orvel did not understand what Charlie’s intention was, but he immediately agreed and said, “Okay, Master Wade, wait a moment, I’ll have someone go find it.”

Orvel’s men were in all walks of life and in all corners of Aurous Hill, and the profitable market like the antique street was not without his men’s involvement.

Therefore, Orvel made a phone call, the head of the special antique street immediately went to the street and found Ervin who was setting up a stall.

Ervin is not afraid of anyone in Aurous Hill, only Jacob, so when he saw the head of the antique street coming.

Not only was he not afraid, but also went forward and greeted warmly:

“How come Brother Kui has time to come to my stall?”

Chapter 3977

The man known as Brother Kui, full name Derrick Kui, is one of the four underdogs of Orvel that is Abner’s men.

His territory is the area of the antique street, like Ervin like to pit small traders, usually have to rely on Derrick’s cover, so as not to be beaten.

Derrick looked at Ervin and asked, “Ervin, let me ask you, do you know Master Charlie Wade?”

“Master Wade?” Ervin’s neck shrank, and the first image came to his mind.


So, he hurriedly asked, “Brother Kui, you …… you know Grandmaster


Derrick arched his hand and said, “Master Wade is my big brother’s big brother – Master Orvel, are very respectful of the character,”

“I am such a small role, although I am a divine friend with Master Wade for a long time, but have not yet had the opportunity to get acquainted with him.”

Ervin heard the words “divine friendship for a long time”, a moment did not hold back, laugh out loud, let out a: “Pfft.”

Derrick saw this, a slap to his head, cursing: “What the fcuk are you laughing at! Does it matter if I worship Master Wade?”

Ervin said: “Brother Kui, you worship Master Wade certainly no problem, the word “divine friendship” is not appropriate here,”

“Divine friendship applies to two people with similar status, position, and style of dealing with ……”

Derrick heard this, said hurriedly: “Okay, okay, you do not need to say, in addition, to worship Master Wade, the rest did not say anything!”

Saying that he looked at Ervin, spoke: “But Ervin you old boy can! How dare you know Master Wade!”

“Just now Master Wade instructed the Master Orvel to send someone to look for you, saying that he was looking for you for something!”

Ervin was surprised and asked, “Master Wade wants to see me? Brother Kui, you’re not joking with me, right?”

Derrick cursed and said, “I’ve got nothing better to do than to joke with you!”


Saying that, Derrick pointed to the pile of fake antiques on his stall and urged, “Hurry up and pack up all your things and bring them with you,”

“I’ll take you to Master Wade!”

Ervin said hastily and attentively: “Okay, okay, Brother Kui, you wait a moment, I’ll pack!”

Soon, Ervin will bring his own pile of fake antiques, followed by Derrick non-stop rushed to Shangri-La.

The car had just arrived at the entrance of Shangri-La when it was stopped by the experts of the Cataclysmic Front.

Orvel immediately went forward to communicate before Ervin was brought in.

Even though Charlie had personally said that he was looking for Ervin for something.

The soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front still gave Ervin, as well as all the things he carried with him, a very exhaustive security check to make sure he didn’t have any problems before letting Orvel take him in.

Ervin is usually a small trader begging for food in the antique street, not much ability, and not much strength.

The antique street met Derrick, have to nod and bow, a fawning face, and now see Orvel, a big brother, more nervous even can not walk.

Orvel saw that he was stumbling, so he couldn’t help but urge: “I say, old brother, you should hurry up, what are you dawdling about?”

Ervin hurriedly ran a few steps faster, nervously asked: “Master Orvel Master Orvel …… I, admire you for a long time, never had the opportunity to meet

you ……”


Orvel waved his hand and said, “You know Master Wade, more useful than knowing me,”

“You do not worry, after today I will say hello to Abner, let his little brother in the antique street to take care of you.”

Ervin heard this, immediately excited beyond words, and quickly bowed and said, “Thank you very much, Master Orvel!”

Orvel said, “Don’t thank me, you have to thank Master Wade, I’m looking at Master Wade’s face.”

“Yes, yes, yes!” Ervin hurriedly said, “Thank you, Master Wade! Thank you too, Master Orvel!

Chapter 3978


After saying that, Ervin hurriedly asked, “Master Orvel, what does Master Wade want from me? I’ve been doing my job honestly lately,”

“And I haven’t done any more deceitful deeds ……”

Orvel urged: “Master Wade looking for you is a good thing, you hurry to go with me to understand!”

Ervin was relieved, the heart is not nervous, even walking is much lighter.

He followed Orvel to Issac’s office, and as soon as he entered, he saw Charlie sitting on the sofa, so he immediately said flatteringly,

“Master Wade, it’s been a long time, Master Wade, how are you doing?”

Charlie laughed: “Ervin, I heard my father-in-law say that he tried to find you several times but couldn’t find you, I thought you were no longer in Aurous Hill.”


Ervin embarrassed and a little scared said, “Master Wade, not I deliberately avoid your father-in-law, but your father-in-law is really not suitable for antiques,”

“Since that time I spent 500,000 yuan to buy him a fake object, he immediately on the head, not only self-confidence burst but also blindly buy everywhere,”

“To be honest, who took a brush painting an Olympic Games Fuwa, lie to him that it is the real Tang Bohu, I think he will buy it without doubt ……”

Speaking of which, Ervin hurriedly said: “That’s why I deliberately avoid him, is to hope that he can quit this business early ……”

Immediately after, Ervin said with a face of admiration: “I heard that your father-in-law is now the executive vice president of the Calligraphy and Painting Association,”

“I say is this not much stronger than running to the antique street every day?”

Charlie laughed, nodded slightly, and said, “Yes, Ervin, your ability to speak well has not diminished at all.”

Ervin wiped his sweat and said modestly: “Master Wade you praise, compared to you, I am just a clown who makes a living by cheating foreign tourists, not even a fa.rt ……”

Charlie waved his hand: “All right, you should not be presumptuous, three hundred and sixty trades, all trades have their own successes.”

Saying that, Charlie asked: “Ervin, remember that you are very well-informed, so I ask you, do you know what big event we have in Aurous Hill in the next few days?”

Ervin said, “Master Wade, I heard some rumors earlier, but because I couldn’t confirm them, I didn’t take them too seriously,”


“But after seeing you here today, I’m probably sure it’s true.”

Speaking of this, Ervin cautiously asked Charlie: “Master Wade, are you asking about the Rejuvenation Pill auction?”

“That’s right.” Charlie nodded and asked with a smile, “Do you also know about the Rejuvenation Pill?”

Ervin hurriedly arched his hand and said, “Master Wade! Back when the Song family’s old man celebrated his birthday, I had heard about the magic of the Rejuvenation Pill,”

“And later on, when the Song family’s Miss Warnia celebrated her birthday, Li Tailai had also won a Rejuvenation Pill at the Song family’s auction,”

“And I had heard about this, and at that time I knew that this must be your handiwork,”

“Master Wade, after all, in this world, you are the only one who has such divine ability!”

Charlie said with a smile: “Since you know about the auction, then I will not hide it from you,”

“Later, come with me to cheat an old man, the two of us together to play a double act, the way I act, you follow me with it, understand?”

Ervin asked, “Master Wade, do you have any script or something for me to read first?”

“No.” Charlie waved his hand, “After you come along, just watch my road improvisation.”

Ervin is very nervous said: “Master Wade …… this …… this improvisation ……

I’m afraid I might play bad, spoil your big event!”

Charlie laughed: “Ervin, with your cleverness, this little thing is certainly not a problem,”


“You will take out your antique street cheating 70% of the power, the matter is basically done!”

Chapter 3979

When Ervin heard this, his heart suddenly relaxed a lot.

He has no other skills, improvisation, the ability to speak out of turn, or very sophisticated.

After all, in their line of work, relying on the brain and mouth is essential.

Sometimes encounter less intelligent tourists, with the twist of words, you can cheat the other side of some money and put it into pockets.

But sometimes if you meet more intelligent tourists, Ervin’s ability to fool generally can also be successfully taken.

So, he immediately confidently said to Charlie: “Master Wade, you can rest assured that I must take out my life’s work ……”

“Oh no …… I must take out all my skills to help you get this thing done! “

Charlie nodded and asked him, “The things you were told to bring, you brought them all, right?”

Ervin hurriedly pointed to a large bag of things he brought, said attentively:

“Master Wade don’t worry, I’m making a living, all the things are here.”

Charlie stood up and said with a smile, “Okay, take all your things and follow me.”

At this moment, Bernard Enlor, who is in his seventies, is sitting on the sofa of the presidential suite in Shangri-La and sulking.

Although he was the richest man in the world on the Forbes list, but he is not generous.


Staying in the presidential suite of Shangri-La, the three-day room cost is six million, this kind of behavior clearly swings a big knife to rip off customers, so Bernard is very annoyed.

In the presidential suite of this level of settings, the door price under normal circumstances will not exceed 20,000 to 30,000 a day.

And occasionally discounted, the price will only be lower a few thousand.

So, the price of the room in these three days has almost doubled a hundred times.

Bernard can responsibly say that that is definitely the most expensive presidential suite in the world, there is no one like it.

Just because he was ripped off too much money, this old man sat on the sofa and kept complaining to his butler:

“In this kind of small place, the presidential suite of a five-star hotel, how dare to sell so expensive,”

“The top presidential suite of the seven-star yacht hotel in Dubai, the price is less than a tenth of his, and the presidential suite there is much better than here, both in terms of area and decoration ……”

The butler said with a helpless face: “Sir, do you still not understand their ways?”

“It’s just to take advantage of everyone’s enthusiasm for this rejuvenating elixir to desperately make a fortune!”

“Not just the price of rooms is so expensive, washing clothes once are charged 10,000 euros, it can be considered to be the medieval bandits and robbers, but also not as ruthless as their hands.”

Bernard nodded gently and said with an unhappy face, “For the sake of the rejuvenation pills, we can only put up with it for a while.”


The butler asked, “Sir, this Rejuvenation Pill, is it really that amazing?”

“Of course.” Bernard said seriously: “The Nordic royal family has made public the entire medical history of the old empress in high society,”

“The old empress was poisoned for a long time, the toxin content in her body has been very high, the head of my medical team evaluated all the medical records very carefully, and believes that in that case,”

“Even if the world’s best medical team was concentrated here, it was impossible to save her, but she only took a small part of the rejuvenation elixir,”

“The toxins in the body were completely removed, and the body function also had a very obvious improvement, this is very remarkable!”

Chapter 3980

Bernard said with a fascinated face, “A small part of the rejuvenating elixir has such a powerful effect, I can’t imagine what kind of miraculous effect a whole pill would bring ……”

The butler nodded gently and said, “Since the Nordic royal family has already made public the old queen’s medical history,”

“I’m afraid that the entire European high society is very eager for the rejuvenation elixir,”

“And the auction the day after tomorrow, I’m afraid that the competition will be extremely fierce.”

Bernard coughed a few times and said weakly, “I can’t care about that much anymore, the two lobectomies have already made my health quality decline seriously,”

“If it goes on like this, I may not live more than five years, so this time, I am determined to win this Pill!”


“The organizer’s arrangement this time is also very cunning, they will first divide one Elixir into four, and auction these four portions of the pill on the spot first.”

“And also let the successful bidder take it on the spot, then, I will have the opportunity to witness the actual effect of this Elixir,”

“If a quarter can have an obvious effect, then I can bid more confidently for the final piece of the Pill!”

Bernard suffered from early-stage lung cancer several years ago, and because it was discovered early, the doctor performed a lobectomy on him, removing one of his five lung lobes.

But what he didn’t expect was that just two years later, he found a lung tumor again, so on the advice of his doctor, he had a second lobectomy.

Now, although the tumor in his body has been completely removed, he has also lost two lung lobes, which has greatly reduced his physical condition.

Moreover, he has to worry about the return of cancer cells, after all, it has already recurred once.

And if it comes again, he may not be able to use the radical treatment of resection again, and can only choose palliative treatment, in which case, his life expectancy will also be greatly reduced.

So this time, the rejuvenation pill is imperative for him.

Just then, the doorbell suddenly rang in the room.

Bernard’s butler immediately got up and came to the door to open it a bit.

At this moment, outside the door stood two males, one tall and one short.

The tall one was Charlie, and the short one was Ervin.


When the butler saw that Charlie was also not wearing a waiter’s outfit, he was a little surprised and asked, “May I ask who you are?”

Charlie said indifferently, “I am the business director of the auction organizer, and I need to come over to communicate with Mr. Elnor about some matters.”

The butler asked with some suspicion, “How do you prove that you are a staff member? Do you have the relevant documents?”

Charlie laughed: “You must have seen when you came here, the whole Shangri-La is now under strict security, it is impossible to get in if you are not an internal staff member,”

“And I am not going to hide it from you, I came here this time, on behalf of our boss, there are very important matters that must be communicated with Mr. Elnor in advance,”

“Otherwise it will affect Mr. Elnor’s participation in the auction the day after tomorrow. “

When the butler heard Charlie say this, the wariness in his heart dissipated quite a bit.

They did see the security of the hotel when they came, every traveler who came in had to check their luggage.

Do a full set of security checks and registration, it was indeed very strict, if they were not staff, it was impossible to mix in.

So he opened the door and brought the two inside, while introducing to Bernard on the sofa, “Sir, these two are the staff of the auction, saying that they have important things to talk to you about.”

Bernard nodded gently, and seeing the two people, Charlie and Ervin, one with his head held high and his expression bland, and the other more or less nervous, he guessed that the taller i.e. Charlie must be the one in charge of the two.


So, he then looked at Charlie and spoke, “You gentleman, please tell us what you have.”

Chapter 3981

Charlie looked at Bernard and smiled faintly, “Mr. Elnor, our boss asked me to come over to recommend some Chinese antique artifacts to you,”

“See what you are more interested in, and you will definitely be given a certain discount on the price.”

Bernard did not expect that the two people who came were actually here to sell things, so he asked with a surprised face, “What do you mean? You guys still do door-to-door sales?”

Charlie nodded and smiled and said, “That’s right, and it’s for you alone especially provided private custom door-to-door sales.”

After saying that, Charlie waved at Ervin beside him and said, “Come, Ervin, take out all your treasured goodies and show them to Mr. Elnor!”

Ervin hurriedly spread out his big bag on the ground.

Ervin usually sets a stall with a large piece of a tablecloth, with a large pile of fragmented things.

If the wind and rain, or meet the buyer to come to settle accounts, directly grab the four corners of the tablecloth, fling on the shoulder, carrying it while on the run.

And, after the wind has passed, the package is thrown to the ground, immediately start the business.

Absolutely counted as home travel, stall to put down the necessary good things.

Bernard did not expect that he would come all the way to attend such a high-profile auction of the Rejuvenation Pill.


Only to encounter such a low door-to-door sales pitch.

He pointed at Ervin’s floor of rags and said with a frown, “What is all this garbage ……”

Charlie laughed: “It’s all valuable antique literature.”

“What?!” Bernard immediately pointed to a bronze wine bottle and questioned: “This bronze cup, the foot of the cup are knocked to pieces, you look carefully, it is all plastic!”

Ervin looked down, immediately panicked, and quickly whispered to Charlie:

“Master Wade …… this …… batch of goods is not very good quality, I guess

this guy is just with some brain, and we accidentally knocked it ……”

After saying that, he asked Charlie: “Master Wade, this old man is fine enough, now it is revealed what to do ……”

Ervin came out to cheat, the most fear is to reveal on the spot or be caught on the spot.

The purchase and sale is about buying and selling, all the work is used for the consumer before the bill.

So in his perception, before the purchase order is absolutely final can not make any mistakes, once the mistake, it is the complete loss of the customer.

However, Charlie did not care about this.

He said directly to Ervin: “Don’t say anything first, let me deal with it.”

After saying that, Charlie directly picked up the plastic imitation bronze wine bottle and introduced it to Bernard very seriously:

“Mr. Elnor, this is a one-to-one replica of the wine bottle according to the culture of our Chinese Shang Dynasty bronze ware.”


“Therefore, we can only sell these one-to-one replicas to your foreign friends.”

Saying that, he pointed to the missing corner and explained, “Look, the reason why we use plastic as raw material is to respond to energy saving and environmental protection as well as the concept of carbon neutral and carbon peak which is now hot all over the world,”

“Looking at the plastic seems to be worthless, but it is made of biodegradable material, no pollution to the environment, it is absolutely green crafts.”

Said here, Charlie continued: “This product under normal circumstances, we are to sell for 18 million, but as you can see, this has now become a residual product, so I give you a certain discount, 17.88 million!”

After hearing this, Ervin was so scared that his bladder sphincter tightened and he almost couldn’t squeeze out a bubble of urine.

He looked at Charlie’s expression as if he was struck by lightning as frightened.

Chapter 3982

At this time Bernard was scared to death in his heart, could not help but secretly think:

“Master Wade this is to engage in what …… this broken thing into the price

of not a dollar eight, he is selling it for 18 million …… this …… this is not to

rip people off, this is to lynch them……”

Bernard expression is also like a dog, annoyed to shake hands and said:

“Okay, okay, I beg you not to insult my intelligence, you leave my room, in addition take away this garbage, I do not need it at all!”

“Don’t need?” Charlie’s expression suddenly cold, sneered and said,


“Then I’m really sorry Mr. Elnor, if you don’t buy these goods from us, then you are disqualified from participating in this auction.”

“What?!” Bernard angrily questioned, “I have already passed your registration audit, and I have already paid the registration fee,”

“In addition I have also paid this 6 million room fee, what qualification do you have to disqualify me from the auction?”

Charlie said with a matter-of-fact face, “Because you didn’t match the goods’ allotment!”

“Allotment?!” When Bernard heard this word, he was petrified, and only after a few moments did he come back to his senses and roared,

“It’s the first time I’ve heard of an auction with goods! It’s simply ridiculous!”

Charlie laughed: “If you go to your store to buy a bag and need to match the goods, don’t you need to come to us to buy the Rejuvenation Pill?”

Saying that, he took out his own consumption voucher and sneered: “Here, look, to buy a bag of more than 100,000 yuan in your store,”

“We have to compulsorily match a million goods, and the goods matched are all those junk that can’t be sold for several years and are covered with dust,”

“Our boss is also learning from now on, fully learning from Mr. Elnor’s business strategy.”

Bernard took a look at the shopping list, and his face changed to an ugly look.

Allocation of goods is the unspoken rule of the luxury industry, Bernard has long been familiar with this unspoken rule and even relied on this rule to earn a lot of money.


But he did not expect that today, it would be Charlie with the same set of counter-attacks.

Moreover, this shopping list shows the allocation of goods is really too dumb.

A bag, but with six times the selling price of goods, this is really heartless.

So, he said with an embarrassed face: “This …… this …… as far as I know ……

normal allotment amount is just a little bit a few times higher than the public price,”

“More than 100,000 RMB bag, allotment 200,000 is enough, I’m not sure why here it is an allotment of million …… maybe it is the store’s own

behavior ……”

Charlie waved his hand: “You do not need to explain so much, now our boss only gives you two choices:”

“You must complete the allotment if you want to participate in the auction of the Rejuvenation pills,”

“Otherwise, we will now arrange for you to check out, and all the fees you paid, we will refund you every penny!”

Bernard said in a hurry: “Only the luxury industry has the rule of allotment, and the luxury industry allotment is also helpless,”

“The price of many things is not speculated by our brand side, but by the speculators outside,”

“For example, the watch, Patek Philippe’s Nautilus, the public price ten years ago was less than 20,000 euros,”

“But now the circulation price on the market is more than 60,000 Euros, multiplied several times, and the brand’s production is also limited,”


“So it can only fill the gap between the nominal price and the actual selling price through the allocation of goods, this is a very normal situation!

Chapter 3983

Charlie smiled and asked: “Why a piece of nautilus of several hundred thousand dollars is considered a sought-after item and must be allotted,”

“What about our Rejuvenation Pill? Two hundred top tycoons can only grab two pills in total,”

“So isn’t it much more sought-after than the nautilus? Is it not only natural that it needs to be allotted like the nautilus, but even more strictly?”

I ……”

Bernard was speechless all of a sudden.

If it is according to this logic that odd goods can be dispensed, it is necessary to dispense the goods, the return of the pill needs to be dispensed which is indeed a natural thing.

Bernard could not find any reason to refute it at once.

When he was at a loss as to what to do, the butler at the side suddenly said, “Gentleman! It’s true that your rejuvenation pills are more valuable!”

“But this is an auction! If you had a fixed price for the Elixir, then we would have accepted your request for a match on top of that price,”

“But this auction is supposed to be for the highest bidder, so why should the auction have to match additional goods?”

When Bernard heard this, he immediately lit up and said loudly, “Yes! This is an auction! I haven’t heard of anyone who has to allocate additional goods for an auction!”


Charlie skimmed his mouth and laughed: “Then you really think too much, I’m not asking you to directly allocate goods for the Rejuvenation pill,”

“After all, you have not yet shot the Rejuvenation pill, I’m asking you to allocate goods for the qualification to participate in the Rejuvenation pill auction,”

“If you reach our allocation standard, then you can participate in the auction,”

“If you can not reach this allocation standard, then I’m sorry. Turn right out of the door and please leave.”

Bernard’s expression was extremely ugly and he said, “You are simply robbers!”

Charlie rhetorically asked, “Did we rob you? We are working on the principle of voluntary cooperation,”

“Exactly the same as your store’s allocation rules, if you are willing to allocate goods,”

“You can participate in the auction, if you are not willing to cooperate, then you can not participate.”

Speaking here, Charlie said again in a cold voice: “Rules, I have made it very clear, now give you two minutes to consider,”

“If you still refuse to match, I will now let the security to cooperate with you to check out,”

“In addition, I will directly arrange a convoy to send you to the airport.”

Bernard now finally understood that he was being targeted and retaliated against.

Just because of his own store’s dispensing rules, the boss behind this auction was now going to use this to set him up.


However, he did not have any way to retort.

Because, his store has such a rule.

As long as the popular models have to match the goods, if you do not match the goods, you just can not get.

Without this allotment policy, how could he sit in the position of the world’s richest man, although only for a while?

Thinking of this, he could only nod resentfully, pointing at the plastic imitation bronze wine bottle, and asked in a depressed voice:

“Is it that after I buy this, this matter will be over?”

Chapter 3984

Charlie shook his head: “How is that possible? Don’t you see that I took a big bag?”

Said, and pointed to one of the fake amber, spoke: “Look at this, the Cretaceous period formed amber, see, there is a big scorpion inside!”

“Such a complete scorpion, dripping in a piece of amber, this is very rare, I will sell it to you for 80 million, not too much, right?”

Bernard cracked up and blurted out, “This …… is a fake! A three-year-old

child can see that this is a fake!!!”

“What’s wrong with fake?” Charlie justifiably asked him: “Fake can not be taken out and sold to you?”

“I ……” Bernard this time is really broken, said: “You simply say it straight,

how much extra money you need to force me to pay to be satisfied?”


Charlie said with a displeased face: “You say this I do not like to hear. We opened the door to do business, it is all about your feelings and my wishes,”

“I think you yourself have to be willing to cooperate, I will match you, if you are not willing, I will not force you, this is the same as the rules of your store.”

Bernard nodded in dismay and said helplessly, “Okay, I’m the one who is not strict enough in my speech, so, you just say a price, how much do I need to match the goods before this matter can end?”

Charlie smiled faintly, looked at Ervin, and asked, “Ervin, what other good things do you have here, hurry up and introduce them to Mr. Elnor.”

Ervin usually cheats countless people, but at this time this play by Charlie stunned him beyond his imagination, hesitated for half a day, but also do not know where to start.

Charlie shook his head, and smoothly picked out a four-square white thing from the pile and asked him, “Ervin, what is this?”

Ervin said awkwardly: “This …… this …… this …… this ……”

Charlie saw his face not confident, immediately loudly reprimanded: “What are you hesitant for? Be confident, say it out loud, what is this!”

Ervin said stiffly: “Back to Master Wade, this is the heirloom jade seal!”

“Bullish!” Charlie thumbs up at him, sighing, turned to Bernard, and said, “Mr. Elnor, you just heard, this thing is called the heirloom jade seal,”

“The legend is the Qin Shi Huang, ordered Li Si carved it and it is one of the most precious cultural relics in China,”

“The significance is very much, I estimate not less than three to five hundred million and is certainly not down.”


Speaking of this, Charlie waved his hand, seriously: “But it should not be too expensive, the appreciation of this thing is very large, maybe not two years to double, when we may also find you to buy it back.”

The words just fell, Charlie hurriedly said: “Of course, I said ‘possible’, because we are not committed to buying back.”

Saying that, he added: “Also, as I said earlier, this heirloom jade seal, is a legendary thing,”

“Since it is legendary, there is naturally no way to distinguish the authenticity, so we do not promise to guarantee the authenticity either.”

Bernard smiled miserably and asked Charlie: “You gentleman …… you can

earn my money, but you don’t have to insult my intelligence, right?”

Charlie said very seriously: “How can you say that? We do business, it is all about good faith, as the saying goes, honesty!”

“Since I want to sell you this thing, I must explain the situation to you clearly, otherwise in case of disputes, it is not good for you and me,”

“So you must approve this thing, make sure that this thing is okay, and you buy it willingly and will not back out before I will sell it to you.”

Bernard completely collapsed.

He sort of understood Charlie’s path.

Not only did he want to sell this pile of junk to him at an extremely high price, but he also wanted him to act willingly, and even wanted him to show that he believed that this thing was real,”

“Which was the same as completely giving up the right to maintain the rights after the sale, wasn’t this just a way to get rid of everything while trying to make money?


Thinking of this, he questioned angrily: “Is this how your boss does business? I can understand even if you let me allocate goods out of revenge,”

“But do you still want me to allocate hundreds of millions of dollars of goods?”

“What’s even more outrageous is that your stuff is all fake! My store has never sold counterfeit goods even if the requirements are high!”

Charlie’s face was dark, immediately shoved the heirloom jade seal into Ervin’s arms and said,

“Ervin, since this old man doesn’t believe that our stuff is real, then we can’t sell this stuff to him no matter what, you put all these things away, let’s go!”

Bernard was dumbfounded, he didn’t expect Charlie to run over to his intelligence with a flurry of insults, and the result is that this guy even flipped out first.

Just when he hadn’t come back to his senses, Charlie took out his cell phone and called Issac directly.

There Issac has been waiting for a long time, so instantly picked the call and Charlie said: “Mr. Chen, 016 refused to allocate,”

“Let the security guards clear them out, and let the first in line alternate take his place!”

Chapter 3985

Bernard did not expect that Charlie would say that and flip out immediately.

He did not dare to joke about the auction qualification, although he was sitting on a family fortune of more than a trillion.

But once there is no life to enjoy, these family fortunes can be said to be worthless.


So, he was almost instantly abashed, and hurriedly changed his face to a low voice and pleaded:

“Gentleman don’t get angry, let’s talk about it!”

“Please tell your General Manager that I am willing to match the goods!”

After that, he stretched out his trembling hand, pointed at the heirloom jade seal in Ervin’s arms, and said through clenched teeth,

“Isn’t that the heirloom jade seal? I’ll buy it!”

Charlie grunted and said, “You just buy an heirloom jade seal, it may not be enough……”

Bernard’s heart twitched, clenched his fist, and asked in a trembling voice, “Then …… then what else do you want me to buy?!”

After saying that, he glanced at Ervin’s bulging bag of fake goods, and hurriedly said,

“How about I buy that bronze wine bottle just now too! That’s always okay, right?”

Charlie shook his head, pulled out his own sales list from the noon dispensing in the store, and spoke:

“Look for yourself, our boss has dispensed dozens of items, big and small,”

“In your store, and now you are only dispensing two items with us,”

“That’s really a bit unjustified, isn’t it?”

Bernard blurted out, “But …… but in that list of yours, all the allotted goods

add up to just one million RMB!”


“This …… one of this heirloom jade seal is three or four hundred million,

already exceeded hundreds of times from the amount,” “You can’t be so cruel even if you are revenge ……”

Charlie said seriously: “We are all business people, pay attention to the courtesy of exchange, you have to say that this courtesy is revenge,”

“It is a little meaningless, I just said, we do not do forced selling of things, if you are not happy, we can not do business.”

“I’m sorry, it’s all my fault ……” Bernard was completely afraid.

He knew that the allocation of several hundred million or more than a billion RMB was a small matter,”

“The most terrible thing was, in case of the auction, with a price of more than ten billion dollars.

They successfully auctioned the Rejuvenation Pill.

The organizer suddenly asked him to allocate the goods again on the spot, that would be really astronomical!

So, he hurriedly bowed his hand to Charlie and said:

“Gentleman, just now it was my improper use of words, please do not take it to heart ……”

“You just tell me directly, in the end, I need to match how much goods,”

“Match which goods, as long as within my affordability, I will not say one more word!”

He said, he also said with some pleading: “In addition, please also help me to tell your boss, say that I expressed my most sincere apologies to him,”


“From now on, any one of my brands, any one of the goods,” “I will arrange for people to prepare two copies to your boss,” “Even if the same model has dozens of different colors,”

“I will also arrange for people to send two copies of each color to him!” “I only ask him to be generous and let me off the hook in the future.” Charlie said indifferently:

“Later things will be discussed later, let’s talk about the matter of your distribution.”

Saying that, he waved his hand at Ervin and instructed,

“Ervin, you bring out both the heirloom jade seal and the bronze wine bottle for Mr. Elnor.”

“Okay.” Ervin nodded hastily and diligently brought out the two fake artifacts and placed them on the table.

Charlie then added: “Look again at what other good things you have in there, and match a few more to Mr. Elnor.”

Ervin hurriedly opened the package, searched for a moment from inside,” “Searched out a painting scroll, then handed it to Charlie and said, “Master Wade, this is something good, open it and take a look.” Charlie smoothly took the scroll, and once it was in his hand.

He could feel that it was made of old rice paper, definitely a modern painting.


Subsequently, he opened the painting slowly, saw the full picture, and was astonished.

Chapter 3986

This …… is actually a pair of world classic paintings – Mona Lisa.

And, it was the Mona Lisa in the style of Chinese national painting!

Bernard saw this and wanted to die.

In his opinion, this is no longer as simple as insulting the intelligence, right?

Charlie himself was dumbfounded and looked up at Ervin, his eyes were full of questions.

Subsequently, Charlie gave him a wink, which means:

This broken thing, I really do not know how to blow, or you do it yourself.

Although Ervin was scared by Charlie’s astronomical figures, but at least he is also an old crook who has reigned in the antique street for many years.

And has a lot of experience in the real world, so he quickly adapted to this kind of routine.

So he laughed and said to Bernard:

“Mr. Elnor, this painting that I am introducing to you today is enough to shock the whole painting world of East and West!”

After saying that, he narrated,

“Everyone knows that the Mona Lisa was created by Leonardo da Vinci in the year 1503 AD,”

“But let me tell you, this painting is actually not an original by da Vinci,”


“But by a great painter named Zhao Mengfu (fÇ”) in the late Song and early Yuan dynasties of China.”

Before the words were said, he pointed to the painting in Charlie’s hand and said seriously,

“Here, this is the one in Master Wade’s hand!”

“And the one painted by Leonardo da Vinci was copied and modified and created twice according to this one, to put it bluntly, it was copied.”

Bernard, tearless, blurted out,

“How is this possible? Leonardo da Vinci is the master I admire most,”

“And his Mona Lisa is a masterpiece for the ages, how can it be copied!”

Ervin’s face is blank, said seriously: “You see, this touches your cognitive blind spot, right!”

“Let me tell you, this painting, created by Mr. Zhao Mengfu at the order of Khan Kublai of the Yuan Dynasty,”

“Was probably created at the end of 1275 A.D.”

More than two hundred years before Leonardo da Vinci, so it’s clear who copied who didn’t, isn’t it?”

“What a load of nonsense!” Bernard said with some annoyance,

“This is never possible! And look for yourself, the woman in your painting is also a Western face!”

“How could there be a woman with a western face in China at that time?”

“What do you have to say about such a big bug?”


Ervin, not the slightest bit panic, with a smile, hurriedly said:

“So you have to patiently listen to me to finish the situation!”

“In 1275 AD, a major event with far-reaching implications occurred in the history of the world, do you know what it is?”

Bernard said in exasperation, “I don’t know!”

Ervin said very seriously: “Mr. Elnor, I’m not saying, you can’t just focus on making money,”

“You have to read more and understand history once in a while.”

After saying that, ignoring Bernard’s expression of almost vomiting blood, said with a profound face:

“Let me tell you, the year 1275 AD is the time when the famous Western traveler Marco Polo arrived in China!”

After saying that, Ervin looked at Bernard and asked,

“You should know the Travels of Marco Polo, right?”

Bernard was getting mad and said through clenched teeth,

“I know! But what does this have to do with the Mona Lisa!”

Ervin shook his head and sighed, “What an uninformed person.”

He said, before continuing to explain,

“I tell you, at that time Marco Polo went through a lot of hardships and came to the capital of Yuan”

“In the summer of 1275, and was warmly received by Kublai the Great Han.”


“In order to promote cultural exchanges between the East and the West,”

“Kublai ordered the then famous painter Zhao Mengfu to show Marco Polo and his party the high skills of Chinese painting.”

“At that time, Marco Polo happened to have a lady-in-waiting by his side, named Mona Lisa!”

“Mr. Zhao Mengfu created this painting with this maid as his model!”

“The whole creation took half a year, from the summer of 1275, until the winter of 1275, when it was given a final stroke.”

Speaking of this, Ervin could not help but sigh:

“At that time, Kublai gave this painting to Marco Polo, who really treasured it and kept it with him,”

“Knowing that he would take it back to the West. Unfortunately,”

“Marco Polo went to prison after returning to the West because of the turmoil, and the painting was lost in the turmoil.”

“Two hundred years later, the painting passed into the hands of Leonardo da Vinci, who was inspired by it”

“And imitated it day and night for more than ten years before creating the version of the Mona Lisa known to the world!”

“And after his painting was completed, he gave this Mona Lisa made by Zhao Mengfu to his subordinate to burn it.”

“His subordinate could not bear to see such a masterpiece fall,”

“So he quietly gave it to his own relatives, which allowed this painting to be passed down!”


Speaking of this, Ervin looked at Bernard and seriously asked, “Mr. Elnor, now you understand, right?”

Chapter 3987

Bernard looked at Ervin’s serious face, and at a certain moment, he was almost about to be successfully brainwashed by him.

He looked at Ervin, and then looked at the Mona Lisa in Charlie’s hand, and repeated several times, his brain had been in a trance for a few moments.

Charlie also knows that Ervin is talking nonsense, but really did not expect him to make such a big set of a hundred and one stories.

The heart of the old boy can not help but have some admiration.

Other than that, his bullsh!t kung fu is definitely considered to be first class.

However, Bernard soon came back to his senses, knowing that this must be Ervin’s haphazardly made-up story.

First of all, not to mention whether this story is likely to be true, even if it is true, this group of people can not take this painting to themselves.

From the plastic imitation bronze wine bottle just now, he can tell that the two people in front of him only want to pit him for his money.

And will never let themselves take advantage of the half.

So, he arched his hand at Ervin and said with a pained face, “Gentleman, I admire your eloquence, and I won’t say anything about the rest.”

After saying that, he looked at Charlie again and spoke, “Sir, please quote a price for this painting ……!”

Charlie nodded and said seriously, “That allegedly copied Mona Lisa is now hanging in the Louvre collection in France,”


“Although it is impossible to put it up for auction, but I estimate that if it is put up for sale, it can be sold for at least one billion dollars.”

Bernard heard this, the whole person’s heart stuttered.

He cursed in his heart, “If you dare to ask such a high price for this piece of crap,”

“I would rather not participate in the auction of the Rejuvenation Pill than never accept such an allocation model from you!”

Immediately after that, he heard Charlie say with a smile: “This painting in my hand, why don’t I let you pick up a leak, this painting,”

“And that heirloom jade seal and that bronze wine bottle, three things together in a package, two billion RMB you take!

After hearing this, Bernard’s jaw dropped.

Two billion?

He couldn’t understand what kind of person would be so evil that he would ask for two billion for these pieces of junk!

So, he immediately said: “Two billion is a bit too much! Tens of millions or even a hundred million is not enough to make up for the loss of a million allocation?”

“Even if I am allowed to allocate one hundred million, it’s already doubled a hundred times!”

Saying that, he gritted his teeth and said, “If you guys are so shameless, then I really would rather give up this auction than accept such an excessive request from you!”

“Never mind.” Charlie faintly said: “For Rejuvenation Pill auction there are rich people participating, one more or less won’t matter,”


“Just like those bags in your store, there are rich people who will rush to allocate money to buy goods.

Those who are not willing to spend money to allocate goods, go away, we never care.”

Saying that, Charlie added: “Mr. Elnor, there is something I have to remind you,”

“If you refuse to allocate goods this time and withdraw from the auction,”

“Then you will be banned for life for future auctions, you’d better think it over.”

Bernard was instantly scared after hearing this and said,

“Sir, even if you want to allocate the goods, there is no need to ask for two billion, right? Can it be a little less?”

Chapter 3988

Charlie looked at him and said coldly:

“Sorry Mr. Elnor, there is no room for you to bargain here, you have so many luxury stores all over the world,”

“You don’t know how much wealth you have collected every year by distributing goods, 100 billion may say less,”

“Now let you take out one billion, and you are not happy?”

“In that case, I think you don’t need to participate in this auction, keep your money and go back where you came from!”

Although Bernard’s heart was full of anger at this moment, deep inside, he had actually conceded.


He himself is the ancestor of the distribution industry, relying on the distribution of this trick, he has earned tens of billions of dollars.

Therefore, he understands that the reason why merchants have the courage to ask consumers to assign goods is,”

“Because they have absolute confidence in their own goods.

Once they know that consumers are willing to get the goods at any cost.

They have enough courage to ask consumers to make allotments.

A bag of more than 100,000 yuan to match 200,000 yuan of goods.

A watch of more than 200,000 yuan to match 400,000 or 500,000 yuan of goods.

These are accurate to pinpoint the psychology of consumers, so ruthlessly slaughter them on a wave.

Now, he is begging for the rejuvenating pills, let him match goods for this, he can only grit his teeth and accept.

After all, when you come out to mingle, you always have to pay back.

Thinking of this, he had to nod his head and agree, saying to Charlie, “Okay! Two billion on two billion!”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction and said indifferently,

“Later, Mr. Issac from Shangri-La will give you the public account here.”

“You can just arrange for the finance to pay the money directly.”

“Okay.” Bernard nodded dismally and said with forced anger, “I will arrange the payment as soon as possible ……”


Charlie smiled faintly and said, “Mr. Elnor, in the future,”

“It is better to do business more generously, at what price things are set,”

“Sell them at that price, don’t always think of earning extra profits by starvation marketing and the allocation system,”

“In the words of sages, doing too much of this kind of immoral thing is detrimental to yin virtue, which is bad for future generations.”

Bernard questioned indignantly, “Aren’t you guys the same?”

Charlie laughed: “Our boss has said that this money you allotted, once it hits Shangri-La’s account,”

“He will not take a penny and will donate it all to the nutrition improvement program for rural compulsory education students,”

“So, unlike you, he is doing a good deed and you are doing a vice deed,”

“In the words of ancient people, he is robbing the rich to help the poor. “

Bernard was surprised and asked, “What does this nutrition program do?”

Charlie said lightly:

“It is a poverty alleviation program established only for all students who are receiving compulsory education,”

“According to the standard of four yuan per day, to provide meal subsidies for more than twenty million rural school students nationwide,”

“According to each rural poor area children a four yuan lunch per day,”

“The two hundred million yuan can solve the lunch of one million four hundred thousand children in poor rural areas for a whole year, which is a great merit.”


Speaking of this, Charlie added: “But this merit has nothing to do with you,”

“Unless you also take the initiative to donate another two billion.”

“I …… I also have to donate?!”

Bernard at this time wants to die, he is now most afraid that after Charlie forced him to match the goods, but also forced him to donate.

Charlie saw his face panic, snorted, and said,

“Mr. Elnor need not be so afraid if you yourself are not willing to donate,”

“We will not force you to donate, after all, a melon twisted by force is not sweet.”

Bernard finally sighed with relief.

One of the things he disliked most in his life was making donations.

Chapter 3989

In Bernard’s opinion, the money is his own hard-earned, how to spend it out is his choice, and just can not donate it.

Promising to allot two billion is already a huge loss, so he doesn’t want to pay one more cent.

But this two billion is also enough to make his body meat pain for a long time!

Seeing Bernard pay money to concede, Charlie was satisfied and said to him,

“Mr. Elnor, the matter of dispensing goods will end for the time being,”

“But our boss still has one more thing to instruct you.”


Bernard said in a hurry: “Please say ……”

Charlie said indifferently: “The distribution list that I just showed you,” “You must keep it absolutely confidential and not let anyone know.” Bernard said without thinking, “Don’t worry about this,”

“I will definitely not disclose it to the public.” “That’s good.” Charlie smiled faintly and said,

“Right, there is one more thing that I need your help for.”

Bernard hurriedly asked, “What else do I have to do, just give me an order!”

Charlie casually said, “Our boss doesn’t like your store in Aurous Hill very much,”

“He means, let you arrange to withdraw the store as soon as possible,” “From the original store, don’t keep a single person,”

“All open up, especially the commission distribution, don’t send a single penny.”

Bernard himself hates this store to the bone, hearing this naturally did not hesitate to agree, off the record said:

“Please do not worry, I will close the store today, and all the people in the store out!”

“Good.” Charlie nodded in satisfaction and smiled,

“In that case, then you keep these valuable antiques, we’ll leave first.”


Saying that, Charlie stuffed the three things into his arms, and then took Ervin and left the presidential suite together.

Once out of the room door, Ervin could not help but say with a big breath, “Wade …… Master Wade …… You are really too cruel ……”

“I wouldn’t dare to ask for $200,000 for that piece of junk in the antique street,”

“But you asked for $2 billion from that old man just now”

“…… This must be almost tens of millions of times the profit ……” .

Charlie laughed: “Ervin, today you performed well, don’t worry,”

“I won’t treat you badly, I will ask Issac to prepare two million cash for you later.”

When Ervin heard this, he quickly waved his hand and said, “Master Wade, that’s not what I meant ……”

“How much money you earn is your ability, I do not have eyes ……”

Charlie said, “This is a little bit of my heart, after all, can not let you help for nothing.”

Ervin hastily refused:

“Master Wade, this is just a handful for me, and the purchase price of those items is also very cheap,”

“I just came over to help you put on a show, how can I ask for your money?”


Charlie blandly smiled: “Ervin, I am giving you take it, there is no need to be polite with me.”

Ervin said offhandedly, “Master Wade, if you really want to give it to me, then please help me donate it too!”

Charlie couldn’t help but impressed with Ervin and laughed: “Ervin, think carefully, it’s not two hundred dollars, it’s two million!” Ervin said with certainty, “Yes Master Wade, I have thought it over,” “You have even donated two billion, what is this two million of mine?” Seeing his firm attitude, Charlie nodded and said,

“Good, I didn’t expect you, Ervin, to have this consciousness, don’t worry,” “I will personally take out another two million and donate it in your name.” Ervin said excitedly, “Then thank you so much, Master Wade!”

Chapter 3990 

Charlie thought of Ervin’s nonesense just now, there are indeed a few levels, so he asked him,

“Ervin, you cheat in the antique street, how much money can you earn in a year?”

Ervin said awkwardly: “To be honest with you, Master Wade, my income is very unstable, sometimes a month not a single major sale,”

“But sometimes, sell a large single, a few months do not have to work again.”

“Just saw the Chinese version of the Mona Lisa, I gave 500 yuan a price,”


“Looking for students of the Academy of Fine Arts painting,”

“In general I opened the price in the antique street are more than 80,000, if the sale of such a pair,”

“I usually don’t have to work for two months at the stall, mainly because of fear of people looking for me.”

Charlie asked him, “If others come to the door, how do you generally deal with them?”

Ervin smiled twice and explained, “If found, it is certainly to return the money,”

“I generally just see people under the dish,”

“I can afford to carry with him to the end, anyway, my basic principle of doing business in the antique street, is never to return the money.”

Charlie asked: “And if you can’t afford to mess with it?”

Ervin scratched his head and laughed: “If I can’t afford to mess with, my first choice is usually to run,”

“If I can run away, naturally everything is fine, if you can’t run away, you will honestly pay for the matter.”

Charlie nodded and laughed:

“So, you are not able to pocket every single, how much money can you earn in a year?”

Ervin in the heart made a calculation, said with a smile:

“All kinds of circumstances are counted, I can generally get a year, four or five hundred thousand bar.”


Charlie nodded and said, “Let’s do it, Ervin, give you a base salary of 800,000 a year,”

“After you do not go to the antique store to pit people,”

“Clean up your heart and follow Orvel, everything at his command.”

Ervin heard these words, immediately stunned dumbfounded.

He never dreamed that Charlie would let him stay and work by Master Orvel’s side.

Shocked, he couldn’t help but open his mouth and ask:

“Master Wade …… I …… I’m just a nobody, why would you think of letting

me work with the Master Orvel?”

Charlie laughed: “Orvel is brave and fierce, but his resourcefulness is still lacking,”

“If he can have a person like you by his side to be his dog-headed advisor,”

“It will definitely be a good thing for him.”

Charlie really appreciates certain advantages in Ervin, this guy although of low origin, but definitely can be considered to be well-informed.

And most importantly, the reaction speed is very fast, the ability to adapt to the situation is much better than the average person.

Such a person, if placed in the antique street, cheating a few hundred thousand a years to earn money, indeed a bit of a waste.

So, he then looked at Ervin and asked:

“Do you want to think about it? Give me a clear answer after considering.”


“No need to consider!” Ervin hurriedly said,

“Master Wade, I am willing to follow you and Master Orvel to serve as a dog and horse!”

For Ervin, it was not easy to make a living in the antique street.

He not only has to deliberately design various traps to deceive people.

But also to be on the alert for others to come to the door.

In addition, he is not liked in the antique street, many peers look at him unfavorably, being ostracized, being demolished is also a common thing for him.

So he has been looking forward to the opportunity to hunt a reliable dock, at least to make his future life better.

Charlie nodded in satisfaction and said,

“In this way, I’ll give Orvel a call, find him later.”

But he never dreamed that Charlie would let him go directly to talk to Master Orvel.

If he followed Master Orvel, he wouldn’t dare to walk around in Aurous Hill.

But absolutely no one would dare to mess with him!

Thinking of this, Ervin excitedly nodded and bowed repeatedly repeating under his breath,

“Okay Master Wade! Thank you, Master Wade!”

Chapter 3991


For Ervin these years to make a living is not easy in Aurous Hill.


After all, he is doing some unseemly hooks, often being whisked away as a dog, every now and then would even receive a fat beating, life is not a bed of roses for him.

The reason for this is that there is no one to cover him as his backer.

Ervin also did not want to play good relations with the people on the road, especially this Derrick Kui, who is responsible for the antique street.

However, in the eyes of Derrick, he is an unworthy charlatan.

Not to mention that Derrick does not put him in the eyes, even his minions do not take him seriously.

So, without Charlie to pull him a hand, even Derrick, such a role, he is far too high to climb.

But now it’s good, now Charlie let him follow Orvel as a master, which is equivalent to pulling him up several positions!

Other than that, from today, he is also considered to be Orvel’s direct subordinate.

And Abner is considered to be the same teacher, directly higher than his own previously unaffordable Derrick is also a level.

Because of this profound awareness, Ervin’s heart to Charlie is extremely grateful.

Charlie looked at him and admonished, “Ervin, after following Orvel, do not go to the antique street to engage in these deceptive things,”

“Although Orvel is still a Taoist, but his business has now been transformed clean, you do not go there and then move the crooked brain.”

Ervin hurriedly took a stand and said, “Mr. Wade don’t worry, I will follow your teachings and never touch these unclean things again!”


Charlie nodded, felt that Ervin’s words sounded fine, but carefully pondered and a little uncomfortable.

On second thought, he just pitched two billion from Bernard Elnor, Ervin compared to himself, that is not a small witch against a big witch.

That is a small chicken to see the Tyrannosaurus rex.

However, the good thing is that Charlie did not intend to take the money from Elnor for himself.

But intended to donate all this money to charity, so that he was much more comfortable in his heart.

Then, Charlie called Orvel and asked him, “Orvel, where are you?”

Orvel: “Master Wade, I’m at the Classic Mansion, what are your orders?”

Charlie then said, “I have found someone for you, since you are in Classic Mansion, I will have him come over there to look for you later.”

Orvel was surprised and asked, “You found a master for me? Master Wade, who is this master teacher?!”

Charlie smiled and asked, “Ervin Zhang of the antique street, do you know him?”

Orvel was stunned and spoke, “I know, Master Wade, are you planning to make him my subordinate?”

At this moment, Ervin beside Charlie looked nervous, afraid that Orvel was discontented with him or simply did not look at him.

Charlie said with certainty: “That’s right, I see Ervin is very resourceful, do things also quite a set, just to partner with you,”

“In the handling of certain issues, to give you some new inspiration.”


Orvel said smilingly: “I have heard of this old ghost very much, but have not much contact,”

“Since you have said so, Master Wade, then this boy must have some outstanding features!”

After saying that, he immediately laughed: “Master Wade, you directly let him come to me, I will have a good chat with him.”

“Mm.” Charlie then said, “I’ll have him come over now.”

After saying that, Charlie hung up the phone, then said to Ervin: “I’ve already said hello to Orvel, you have to go directly to Classic Mansion to find him now,”

“And follow him at the beginning of this period of time to understand his current business pulse,”

“Think more and research more, and see if there are any more unique ideas of your own.”

Chapter 3992

Ervin gratefully bowed repeatedly and said, “Thank you, Master Wade! I will definitely dive down and follow Master Orvel to study and research properly!”

“Thank you, Master Wade, for your kindness, I will never forget it!”

Charlie laughed and scolded: “Okay, don’t linger here, hurry up and go.”

Ervin eyes red, could not help but flow two tears, then hurriedly wiped away with the sleeve, sighed:

“Master Wade you do not know, these years I have been like a fatherless orphan,”


“Not to mention in the antique street, everywhere I have to nod and bow to others, in the final analysis, is because I do not have a backer,”

“But anyone who is sitting on the ground in Aurous Hill, anyone can bully, anyone can squeeze them ……”

“I really did not expect that I can still follow Master Orvel, follow you in this life ……”

Here, he could not help but wipe a tear, and then said seriously:

“Master Wade, saying this seems to me that this person is too a chicken hair out of breath!”

“Anyway, you can rest assured that I will not let you and Master Orvel down in the future!”

Charlie nodded and said, “Having a backer is naturally a good thing, but you must also remember the days when you did not have a backer,”

“Because you have a backer, in turn, do not oppress other people of poor origin,”

“Do not let yourself become like those who you disgusted in the first place.”

Ervin nodded repeatedly and said humbly, “Master Wade don’t worry, I understand this ten thousand times!”

Charlie saw that he spoke from the bottom of his heart, smiled faintly, and said, “All right, go now.”

Ervin bowed ninety degrees to Charlie and said gratefully, “Thank you, Master Wade, then I’ll leave and see Master Orvel first!”


With an excited heart, Ervin took a taxi to Classic Mansion.


As excited as he was, there was the male salesman named Vivian in the Hermes store.

Just now, the store manager, in the presence of all the colleagues, accounted for his sales commission for this single day.

A total of nine hundred and ninety-six thousand allotments, his commission is 298,000.

This single not only broke the record for the highest amount of goods allocated in the store but also broke the record for the highest commission in the store.

Vivian is naturally thrilled, without thinking, immediately took out his cell phone, called a friend in a used car dealership sales, intended to buy a long-awaited used Porsche 718 sports car from him.

This sports car, although the cheapest Porsche sports car, price is only a few hundred thousand yuan.

But in most of the fashionable young people’s groups, is a very noble existence.

Especially in the streets at midnight, open the moment of the convertible top, so that many young people feel the distinctive atmosphere of dignity.

Therefore, this car, in some seaside cities, is definitely the most in-demand in car rental agencies.

Vivian, who is a top luxury brand employee, has always prided himself on being at the forefront of fashion.

And he has been friends with many noblewomen and big spenders, and what he wants most is to drive a Porsche 718 of his own.

To buy a new Porsche 718, including options, it will cost about 700,000 to 800,000, not counting the purchase tax of tens of thousands.


Which is really hard for Vivian to afford.


Although his income as a counter salesperson is not low, it is difficult to save money every month because he likes to spend a lot of money during the week.

He found a two-year-old used 718 with color and configuration that met his requirements, and the price was in the low 600,000s.

Vivian himself had almost 100,000 yuan in savings, and he figured that once the commission of nearly 300,000 was issued next month, he could put down half of the down payment and take the Porsche 718 home.

Chapter 3993

After his friend from the used car dealership got on the phone, he hurriedly asked, “Erick, has the red 718 in your store sold yet?”

The person on the other end said, “No, it’s not sold, but there’s already a customer ready to order it.”

Vivian asked anxiously, “When did they order it? Have they paid yet?”

The other party said, “It seems they paid 10,000 yuan intention deposit, said it will be fixed within today.”

Vivian heard this, immediately relieved, busy said: “Since it is the intention deposit, it is fine! Erick, do not sell him this car, sell it to me, I want it!”

When the other party heard that Vivian wanted to buy the 718, he subconsciously said,

“You’re going to get a lot of money! 600,000, with a down payment of at least 300,000 and first-year insurance of more than 10,000.

I’m not saying, where are you going to get that much money?”


Vivian laughed and said, “Oh, who are you looking down on?”

“I’m telling you, I got a big order today, and I’ll get 300,000 commission on the 15th payday next month!”

“Crap!” The other party exclaimed: “Really? What big order, 300,000 commission? I’ve been working hard selling used cars, and I only get about 10,000 to 80,000 a month.”

“If your store is so profitable, I’ll come to your store for an interview someday!”

Vivian smiled smugly and said, “Oh, you think our store is for anyone who wants to get in, huh?”

“We only recruit a few people each year, but there are hundreds of competitors, and the pass rate is not even one percent!”

“Moreover, we serve high-end customers, the store’s requirements for us are very high, not only on the image of temperament requirements,”

“But also requires education and English language skills, I think the English alone will keep you out!

“Da*m!” The other party said resentfully, “Isn’t it just selling clothes and shoes at the station counter?”

“Why are there so many fcuking requirements? My mom didn’t even graduate from elementary school and worked in the old department store until she retired!”

Vivian said with a smile: “The department store sells those junk, can compare with our kind?”

“A pair of shoes in our store starts at seven to eight thousand, a scarf is three to five thousand, just take a bag out, more expensive than a row of goods in the old department store!”


“Hey, I’m serious with you, you can find a way to keep the car for me first, I will definitely come to pick it up on time on the 15th of next month!”

The other party thought about it and said, “After all, people have given money to the car company, you want me to keep the car at this time,”

“I am not good at it, the boss will certainly not agree.”

Vivian asked him, “Didn’t you say he only paid 10,000 yuan intention money? It’s not a deposit, and the stingy one paid 10,000, so maybe he’ll back out later.

The other party heard this, immediately put down his heart, said:

“If you want to mention the car in good faith, you will give the dealership a 100,000 yuan deposit,”

“Receive the deposit I immediately drive the car from the showroom to the back of the warehouse, my other colleagues can not sell,”

“The 15th of next month you come to pick up the car, I will then talk with the boss, let him send you some things.”

Vivian wondered: “How to pay a deposit of that amount, 20,000 can not do?”

“20,000 ……” said the other party awkwardly: “If you come to pick up the car

tomorrow and the next day, 20,000 deposit is really no problem,”

“The key is that you have to stay until the 15th of next month, so long, 20,000 yuan our boss may not be willing to keep it for you.”

“Why?” Vivian was a bit indignant and said out of the blue, “Since I paid the deposit, I definitely want to pick up the car,”

“He is still afraid that I will not buy it? Even if I don’t buy it, I gave him 20,000 yuan, if I don’t buy it, the money will be his, what else is he not willing to do?”


The other side helplessly said: “Hey, you do not know the way inside the used car, each car in our showroom is our boss real money back,”

“The cost of capital is very high, not to mention, on the collection of cars this five or six hundred thousand funds,”

“A day bridge fees at least several hundred, and so you twenty days, the cost of capital will be more than 20,000, no matter who it is sold to the same is sold so much money.”

“More money, for the boss, of course, the sooner you get out the more cost-effective.”

Chapter 3994

Saying that Erick continued, “Receiving your 100,000 deposit, on the one hand, how much blood can be given back to the dealership,”

“On the other hand, you know, the boss has a gambling nature, you under the chip more,”

“He naturally wants to gamble and if you are not able to pay the final payment,”

“He has a chance to earn your 100,000 yuan, these two aspects together, he is certainly willing to wait for your twenty days.”

Vivian probably understood the reason for this, thinking for a moment, then said:

“Okay! One hundred thousand, then one hundred thousand!”

“Anyway, I have already made a single performance, commission will definitely be issued next month, you give me an account number, I will transfer the money.”


The other side very kindly reminded: “buddy have to remind you a word, you have to be sure that you can pick up the car on the 15th of next month,”

“Otherwise, in case you breach the contract, the 100,000 yuan will be wasted.”

Vivian thought about it and asked tentatively,

“Can you give me a grace period until the 20th of next month so that in case there is any unexpected situation,”

“I will have time to react, and sometimes our group finance will be a day or two late to pay the salary.”

“That’s no problem.” The other party said readily, “One hundred thousand yuan deposit, I can stand for you until the last day of the next month.”

Vivian sighed with relief and smiled, “That would be great, and it would definitely be foolproof.”

The other party said: “So, I will give you the company account of the car dealership, you pay first, and then record a video,”

“The video must say clearly, you voluntarily pay 100,000 deposit to reserve the car, the final payment will be made before the 31st of next month to pick up the car,”

“I will send you a copy of the text, and the car’s frame number, engine number, you record the video when you read it on the line. “

Vivian was surprised and asked: “So simple? I don’t have to come to your store to sign?”

The other party laughed: “Nowadays, it’s basically a video contract, even banks and securities companies are asking customers to record their own videos,”


“So it’s simple and convenient, and there’s no risk, both parties’ interests can be guaranteed.”

“Good.” Vivian agreed and said, “Then send me the specific copy, and I’ll record a video for you.”

Soon, the other party sent him a set of copywriting.

He took a break and ran to the mother and baby room in the mall to record a video of the entire copy.

Not only that, but he also followed the other party’s request to show his identity document during the video recording process.

The text is very clear, he is willing to deliver 100,000 yuan to the dealership to reserve the Porsche 718.

The remaining 200,000 before the end of next month to pay as the final payment, while in the store after the insurance is considered compliance.

The liability for breach of contract is also very simple if he is unable to pay the final payment for the car within the deadline.

The 100,000 yuan will be paid to the dealership as liquidated damages.

As the video clarifies the two responsible parties, but also the car’s frame number, so it already has the legal effect.

He then sent the video to the other party, who confirmed that there was no problem and gave him the car dealership’s account number.

He immediately opened his cell phone bank and transferred the 100,000 yuan in his card.

Since the video signing was centered around the $100,000 breach of contract.


The agreement was considered to be completely in effect after he credited the $100,000 to the other party’s account.

Subsequently, he took a look at his bank card balance and found that there were only six thousand left on the card, his heart was more or less empty.

However, once he thought that he would be able to harvest 300,000 commission next month and get his most desired Porsche 718 immediately afterward, he became exhilarated again.

He knew that from this moment on, he would have to count the days, and the 15th of next month is the big day in his life.

He will be happy to receive his first car in life, that too a Porsche sports car that he has long desired!

He even began to fantasize about driving his new sports car back to his neighborhood.

The kind of neighborhood with the envy of the eyes of the neighbors eddying around the feeling.

At this time, his phone suddenly received a WeChat, sent by his store manager, the store manager in the voice message questioned:

“Vivian, where have you been during working hours?”

“I haven’t seen your shadow for so long! Hurry back, something has happened!”

Chapter 3995

It was the first time Vivian had seen the manager so nonchalant.

In his impression, this store manager is extremely capable, often able to play those rich people and rich women around.


Not only to make them obediently out of their pockets but also to make them grateful.

Therefore, in Vivian’s eyes, the store manager is his idol and life goal.

Since Vivian entered the store, his three views have changed radically.

If he hadn’t come to work in the luxury store.

He would never have dreamed that those rich people who usually bossed the ordinary people and had their noses to the sky.

They would cater to and please the salesmen who sold things in the luxury store.

If not to work in a luxury store, Vivian would not know that in this store.

No matter you are a big boss, or a rich wife, or a young woman with a monthly income of more than a million, you have to look at the salesman’s face when you come.

Want the best-selling bag? Sorry, if you will not talk, will not beg, to your answer is always nonchalant: Sorry, this section is not available.

In this absolute seller’s market, you are rich and so what?

Previously, the salesman to know these rich people was a matter of pride, but now the world has changed.

Many so-called celebrities and noblewomen, know the counter salespeople and it is a matter of pride for them.

They not only have to go to great lengths to pull the relationship with sales, to help sales performance,

Every now and then also to stuff some red envelopes.


Invite them for a meal, or send some expensive gifts, in order to maintain their relationship with the counter sales girls and boys.

The most disgusting thing is that many so-called celebrities and noblewomen are proud to share their experiences.

Their experiences of befriending and even kneeling to those salesmen and saleswomen on the online platform, which is really magical to the extreme.

So, Vivian is extremely passionate about his job, but also because of this job he is extremely complacent.

And his biggest goal is to one day, he can also be mixed into a store manager.

Once he becomes a store manager, all the best-selling models in the store can basically be in his hands.

And by then, the rich people of the city will have to come over and kneel to him.

The more so, the more he also wondered what had happened that could make the store manager nervous like this.

So he hurriedly ran out of the mall’s mother and baby room, and as soon as he went out, he saw two anxious-looking women standing in front of the door.

Each of them still holding a wailing baby in her arms.

The two mothers were waiting at the door of the mother and baby room to breastfeed their children.

And when they saw that the mother and baby room was in use, they thought there were other mothers breastfeeding their children.

But when the door opened, a man came out from inside with a strong perfume smell and some enchanting dress.


This made them a little angry, one of the mothers angrily rebuked: “What’s wrong with you people? What are you doing in the mother and baby room when you have nothing better to do?”

Vivian waved his orchid finger disdainfully and said, “What do you care? Who are you?”

The mother angrily scolded, “Look at this! This is a mother and baby room! This is for moms and babies, who are you to occupy it?”

Vivian said arrogantly with his nose in the air, “You think it’s a big deal if you have a baby?”

“Does having a baby mean that everyone else has to give in to you? Who gave you this problem?”

“Why don’t you just stay at home and don’t cause trouble for society?

The mother was so angry that she saw a work tag on his chest and immediately went up to him and said,

“Which store are you from? I’m going to file a complaint against you at your store!”

When Vivian heard this, he was so scared that he ran away.

And this guy did not dare to run to his own store, but first ran in the opposite direction out of the mall, and then from outside made a large circle before returning to his own store.

The mother, who was holding her child, was unable to chase him and had to let him escape.

Back at the store, Vivian was out of breath and hadn’t had time to catch his breath.


Chapter 3996


When Vivian saw all his colleagues crying as if they had lost a million dollars.

Especially the store manager, the red eyes are just dropping tears.

So he hurriedly went forward and asked, “Store manager, what’s wrong with you? What happened?”

The store manager looked at him and angrily went forward and kicked him to the ground, cursing furiously,

“Vivian! You fcuk!ng son of a b!tch! I’ve been hurt by you this time!”

Other colleagues saw him back, one by one also immediately became angry,

Several male colleagues rushed up like crazy on him with a burst of punches and kicks.

They shouted, “Da*n it, Vivian! You fcuk!ng screwed the whole store! I’ll beat you to death!”

“Sh!t, I’m going to knock all of this punk’s dog teeth out! Beat the sh!t out of him!”

A few female colleagues were also not willing to show their weakness, and they wanted to scratch him twice on the face.

One of them shouted hysterically, “Vivian, you’ve ruined my career! I’ll fight with you!”

Vivian was confused by a series of punches and kicks, covering his head and rolling on the ground while shouting:

“Oh my God, help! Why are you hitting me?”

“What did I do to you or did I piss you off?”


The store manager got down, pulled him by the collar, and smashed him in the face.

Causing his nose to bleed from both nostrils, cursing,

“How dare you ask! French headquarters just sent an email!”

“Just because you fcuk!ng recklessly raise the allotment,”

“The headquarters in the whole group informed our stores for our lack of professional ethics,”

“Touching the group’s red line, fired us on the spot!”

“And even the store is required to close immediately, ready to wait for the group to send someone to inventory goods,”

“Reconciliation of accounts after the official withdrawal of the store!”

“Half of the world’s luxury brands are in the hands of the group,”

“And now we have been informed by the whole group that no luxury store will hire us again!”

“All of us have been killed by you!”

Vivian was completely dumbfounded and said, “Store manager,”

“I was wronged! I didn’t ask him to match so much for today’s order, he wanted to match so much himself. ……”

The store manager punched him hard in the face again and cursed,

“You’re still fcuk!ng tough!”

“You’re the one who’s fcuk!ng money-minded! That bag has never exceeded 300,000 in our store!”


“If you really have some fcuk!ng sense,”

“Why don’t you make it clear to the customer and tell him that he only needs to match 300,000?

“I ……” Vivian momentarily froze, a moment before stammering: “I …… I

thought it was just right to make more money ……”

“And this was his own will, I would not say anything to go against the money right……”

He remembered the Porsche and asked nervously,

“By the way, manager …… group fired us, how about my commission this


“Is the separation procedures directly to me, or wait until next month and this month’s salary together?”

The store manager never dreamed that Vivian would say such a sentence out of his mouth.

This immediately made him furious, gritting his teeth and cursing:

“You’re really fcuk!ng into money!”

“We were fired! We are fired without a penny of compensation!”

“And the group said, we caused the brand extremely serious damage,”

“To the group caused immeasurable huge losses, so they reserve the right to sue us!”

“We might even have to pay the group back!”

Vivian was struck by lightning, and his eyes went black and he almost passed out.


Thanks to a female colleague who came up and splashed a glass of ice water directly on his face, he woke up again at once.

In this instant, he cried out: “How could this happen?”

“If the commission is not issued to me, how can I get the car next month……”

“I just put a deposit of 100,000 yuan, if I can not get the car next month, my 100,000 yuan will be wasted!”

“I have been saving for so long to save this 100,000 yuan, this is all my hard-earned money!

“At this time, still thinking about the car ……”

The store manager was angry with him, no longer have the motivation to continue to beat him.

A hand threw him back to the ground, coldly said: “Vivian, you are really hopeless!”

“Tomorrow the group will send someone over to us for dismissal procedures,”

“From now on, the store will no longer be open, you go back to think about what to do in the future!”

A male colleague said indignantly, “Store manager, how can you let this son of a b!tch off so easily!”

Chapter 3997


The store manager sighed and pointed to Vivian, whose face was covered in blood.


And asked the man, “He’s already like this, what’s the use of beating him to death?”

“Beat him to death, the group is not likely to give up on our punishment,”

“Our first foot out of the store, the next foot in jail!”

The crowd was speechless.

They really hated Vivian, but as the store manager said, even if they beat him to death now, what would be the point?

Thinking of this, the crowd was like a deflated ball, each one hanging their heads and faces full of pain.

The store manager sighed and said, “All right, let’s go home from work first,”

“And I’ll notify everyone to come and do the formalities when the people sent by the group arrive tomorrow.”

Several female sales left in tears.

A few male sales although some hard to be satisfied, but one after another have also left.

Vivian sat on the ground with a bloodied face, his mind still thinking about his commission and his Porsche 718.

A thought suddenly flashed through his mind,

And he immediately took out his cell phone and called his friend who worked at the car dealership.

Once the call went through, he hurriedly asked the other party,

“Erick, I don’t want that car anymore, can you return the 100,000 yuan to me?”

The other party heard this, suddenly said off the record:

“Are you out of your mind? The car you reserved is in the storage room sealed,”

“Just waiting for you to pick up the car next month,”

“You tell me at this time you do not want, are you kidding with me?”

“No ……” Vivian said in a hurry:

“Erick, it’s a long story, I mainly have a situation with next month’s commission,”

“If not, I won’t get the money, if I can’t get the money, how can I get the car? Ah?”

“Sh!t!” The other party cursed and said, “Didn’t you just swear that there would be no problem?”

Vivian helplessly said: “I also did not expect this ah ……”

“Now the money 80% is not in hand, so please help, help me to return this car!

The other party smacked his lips: “Boy, I can’t help you in this matter anymore……”

The other side said:

“Your money is paid to our car dealership account, and you have just signed a video,”


“I forwarded your video to our boss, our boss combined with your transfer records.”

“Before I agreed to give you this car left,”

“If you want to return the car now, even if it is a breach of contract.”

“According to the contract content, the 100,000 yuan doesn’t belong to you.”

When Vivian heard this, he was so anxious that he cried.

He choked with tears and said: “Erick, you must help me ……”

“Not only the 300,000 commission is gone, but even the job is also lost,” “The future is so uncertain! And my only savings all gave you as a deposit,” “If this money is not returned to me, I will be penniless……”

The other party said with difficulty:

“I can understand what you said, but I really can not help you……”

“Before you bought it, I repeatedly asked, if you were sure about the money coming to hand,”

“I was afraid that you have such a situation, but now it is like this,” “Not even an hour later you have to default ……” Vivian wailed: “Erick, please help me beg your boss,”

“Tell him I am so poor, that 100,000 yuan refund to me……”

“I also did not delay him too long, as you said before and after not even an hour.”


The other side smiled and said, “Vivian, I’ll be honest with you,”

“Our boss likes to earn the most is this money,”

“Whenever there is a customer like you after the deposit, he would like to burn incense and worship Buddha,”

“Praying that something happened to your family, and then only could default,”

“So he can pick up a breach of contract for nothing.”

Here, the other party lowered his voice and said carefully:

“He is a master of eating people without spitting bones,”

“The pit is that you can not get any money, but also want to swell the face of the fat people, he will never do that.”

Vivian’s whole mind is like falling into the ice cellar, crumbling asked:

“Then what should I do …… you teach me ah …… I am now really desperate


The other party hesitated for a moment and said,

“Vivian, why don’t you find a way to get some money together and try to take the car away before the end of the month,”

“The 718 is a very sought-after car on the market, so the value retention rate is still very high,”

“You take the car away first, and then sell it, at most a loss of ten or twenty thousand.”

“Really?!” Vivian heard this, desperate eyes, a trace of expectation flashed, and asked:


“Just a loss of ten or twenty thousand and can sell it?”

Chapter 3998

Erick said with certainty: “Sure! Step back, if it is really bad to sell, you can lower the price a little more,”

“A loss of 20,000 to 30,000 will definitely be taken away, that is better than you lose 100,000 yuan.”

Vivian said with some concern:

“The car will be taken away at least 220,000, right? I have no place to borrow so much money!”

The other side thought, said: “If you really can’t raise money,”

“I can recommend you a special money to others over the bridge of the big brother,”

“His hands are more abundant with funds if you use,”

“The interest rate is five thousandths of a day, low consumption ten days,”

“Anyway, you just borrow money to cross a bridge, thpaybackof the money to take the car away,”

“On the other side sell the car and pay back.”

Vivian asked, “Erick, what do you mean by ten days of low interest?” The other side explained: “You are not going to borrow 220,000,”

“The daily interest rate of five thousandths, a day interest is more than a thousand yuan,”


“The minimum consumption is ten days, if you use the money for more than ten days,”

“Then the actual interest generated to pay,”

“If you use the money for less than ten days, it does not matter how long, all pay according to ten days.”

Vivian said in horror, “Then the interest alone will be more than 10,000!”

“Sell the car and then lose 20,000 to 30,000, in this way will I not lose more than 40,000?”

The other party said helplessly: “That is better than you lose 100,000, right?”

“Now you can’t get out of the whole body,”

“The most important thing is to stop the loss in time!”

Vivian faintly froze, thinking that his friend was right, the most important thing is to stop the loss in time.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said, “Erick, please help me contact the big brother today,”

“I want to hurry up to pick up the car, and then hurry to resell it, to get as much of my money back as possible ……”

The other side said, “No problem, I’ll give you an address and phone number, you will go directly to him, mention my name,”

“It is estimated that on the interest can give you a 20% discount.”

Vivian said gratefully, “Thank you so much, Erick!”

“Don’t be polite.” The other party said: “We are all brothers, I must pull you a hand!”


“Contact information and address I will send you on WeChat,” “You hurry to go over, and strive to pick up the car earlier,” “I will also find someone to help you cash out the car earlier.” “Okay!” Vivian said: “Then I’m going over there!”

Vivian hung up the phone, hard to get up from the ground.

can not care to say hello to the store manager, then directly went out of the mall.

He stopped a taxi then rushed to the address that Erick sent to him.

And at this time Erick hung up the phone and said to a man in front of him with a face full of flesh flattering:

“Boss, the kid took the bait!”

“Good!” The boss laughed and said, “I’ll say hello to my brother too,”

“Hurry up and lure him to sign the loan contract, and then let him take the car away!”

Erick also said with a smug face: “I have long seen that Vivian is interested in our 718,”

“And I have thought of luring him in,”

“But I always thought that this pu55y does not have much money,”

“So I could not lure him in, but I did not expect him to come to the door himself.”

The boss nodded and laughed: “When he borrowed money from my brother and took the car away with a loan,”


“He would find that the 718 had a major accident and is put together front and back,”

“No one would want it even if he lowered the price to 300,000!”

“This car is in his hands every extra day smashed, will generate more than a thousand extra interest,”

“Not to mention the 100,000 he can not get back, the remaining 200,000 bridge payments,”

“And 300,000 car loans, enough to drag him down!”

“By then the interest on both ends, plus the various fees we hide in the contract,”

“At least 70,000 to 80,000 a month interest, if it takes him two or three months, absolutely tossed him half dead!”

Saying that the boss asked: “Erick, you have to be sure that this kid can afford to pay back the money!”

“Don’t fcuk!ng turn around this forced simply broken, then I think the most will be the car back,”

“Earn from him the 100,000 yuan deposit, that’s not much fun.”

Erick said: “Boss, this pu55y’s dad, and mom have a 100 square foot house in the city, worth not less than two million,”

“Just let him carry the loan, then he will have to let his parents sell the house to save him!”

“Good!” The boss smiled happily, lit a cigarette, and said with a smile,

“As long as the family has assets that can be sold.”


After saying that, he threw a cigarette to Erick and laughed:

“When he is eaten up, no matter how much I get, you will have ten points of commission!”


The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3999

Killing pig dishes are common in all walks of life.

But the most common is to set up a game between acquaintances.

Moreover, acquaintances are often the most daring to kill.

The second-hand car market is extremely watery, and the more you trust your friends, the easier it is to be pitted.

The Porsche 718 in Wang Dalong’s Xiang Dynasty was previously used for rent in Yazhou, Nanhai. It was a water truck in Southaven. After the renovation, it was bought by Yazhou car rental at a low price. Renting out has recovered the cost in more than a year.

Half a year ago, the car was rented to two young people who had just obtained a driver’s license in Yazhou. The two young people had a major accident while driving while drunk. One of them was killed on the spot, the other was seriously injured, and the vehicle was almost scrapped.

Then, the car was picked up by the owner of the car dealership in Aurous Hill at a very low price, and then a section of the front body was welded in Chentian, Guangdong Province, and finally brought to Aurous Hill after being refurbished.

However, because of the poor condition of this car, anyone who knows a little bit can see the tricks at a glance, so the Porsche market is so good that this car has never been sold.

Unexpectedly, this big hole made Wang Dalong step in.


He rushed to sign a short-term loan agreement that was full of pitfalls, and then hurriedly ran to the dealership to pick up the car with the money he had just loaned out.

His friend Rishi prepared a grand car-lifting ceremony for him. This sports car, which had been soaked in water, had an accident, and died, was neatly cleaned up by him, and it was also tied with a big red flower, which looked extraordinarily handsome. .

At this time, Wang Dalong was not in the mood to admire this long-loved sports car. He felt terribly painful when he thought that he might lose 30,000 to 40,000 when he changed hands.

At this time, his friend Rishi took him to the office, handed him a thick contract, and urged him in a low voice: “Dalong, hurry up and sign the contract first. I have a colleague from another city who is looking for 718. The source of the car, and in a hurry, if you take the car away, I will arrange for him to look for you to see the car. Then you will add 10,000 yuan to the price. I guess he will definitely ask for it, so that your interest will be paid. Earn it!”

Upon hearing this, Wang Dalong asked in surprise: “Really Rishi?!”

“Can I still be cheaper?” Rishi winked at him and whispered: “You keep your voice down, don’t let our boss hear, or you will definitely scold me.”

Wang Dalong said hurriedly, “Okay! Rishi, thank you so much for this!”

“What are you polite with me?” Rishi turned the contract directly to the last page, pointed to the signature area and said to him: “You sign quickly, and I will take you to pick up the car after signing!”



Ten minutes later, Wang Dalong finally mentioned the Porsche 718 he was thinking of.


Rishi gave him a grand car-lifting ceremony, and beauty sales gave him a bunch of flowers.

Later, Rishi confessed to him: “Dalong, you drive the car away first, and I will contact that counterpart from other places later and let him see you in the car.”

Wang Dalong immediately pushed aside the clouds and mist to see the blue sky. He was so excited that he just forgot about the matter of losing his job.

Afterwards, he thought, he had paid the bridge payment for ten days at a time. If the car was sold as soon as it was mentioned, it would really be a loss.


So, he hurriedly said to Rishi: “Rishi, can you let your friend from outside of town come to see the car a day or two late? I just got this car, and it makes me rare and hot…”

Rishi smiled and said, “Okay, no problem. Recently, there is no similar source of cars on the market. He is definitely willing to wait two more days. You can drive the car away for practical use, and I will follow up over there.”

“Great!” Wang Dalong said gratefully and excitedly: “Then I will drive the car away first, and you will ask him to contact me in two days! After the car leaves, I will treat you to a big meal. !”


The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 4000

Rishi waved his hand and said with a serious face: “Invite me to dinner, you don’t have to, it’s not easy for you!”

Five minutes later, Wang Dalong, with the ultimate gratitude to his friends, drove the coveted Porsche 718 and left the car shop.

At this moment, he still doesn’t know what nightmare will be waiting for him after this car.

I don’t even know that he will not only lose his only 100,000 yuan, but also a loan shark. In the end, he can only rely on his parents to sell the house to save him ashore.

at the same time.

Fei Kexin, who lives in Aurous Hill International Hotel, has just sent Claire out with Kelly West.

After the three women had lunch together, they chatted again and again in Fei Kexin’s room for an afternoon. It was not until dark that Claire left unwillingly.

After watching Claire take a taxi and leave, Kelly West asked Fei Kexin in surprise: “Ms. Fei, I only gave Claire the master class quota because of your face. She is not stupid. , You should be able to see this relationship, why did you only prepare a gift for me, but not for you?”

Fei Kexin said with a smile: “Fortunately, she didn’t prepare it for me. If she really prepared a gift for me, then all my hard work would be lost.”


Kelly West was puzzled.

She asked tentatively: “Miss Fei, what do you mean by this? I don’t quite understand…”

Fei Kexin said seriously: “This kind of thing, I don’t understand in a few words. China is a society of personal affection. Except for its immediate family, almost all other social relations are promoted by human affection. As the saying goes, people respect me. I respect others, this is very different from the interpersonal society in Europe and America.”

Speaking of this, she paused slightly, and then said: “Friendly reminder, the best way to get along with chaina people is to let her owe you the favor.”

Kelly West nodded her head seemingly, and she was more and more admired at Fei Kexin, who was much younger than herself.

Immediately, Fei Kexin returned to her room and called grandpa Jian.

As soon as the phone was connected, she asked with concern: “Grandpa, are you still used to everything in Shangri-La?”

Jian sighed and said, “Adapting to a fart, it feels like being in jail.”

Fei Kexin asked incomprehensibly: “Why does Grandpa say that?”

Jian vomited: “The staff said, until the auction ends, no one is allowed to leave the hotel, and no one is even allowed to leave his room without authorization. If you want to leave the room, you must first report to them and inform them that you want to leave the hotel. The reason for leaving the room must be approved by them. Leaving the room without approval is regarded as a serious violation. One warning and two deprivation of the qualification to participate in the auction…”


Fei Kexin asked in surprise: “The management is so strict?!”

“Yes!” Jian said angrily: “Eating and drinking are all served directly into the room by the service staff, and the food delivery person has to take care of the clothes I wear. I have to wear the clothes they send, or even I violated discipline. I wanted to go for a walk downstairs after eating, but they didn’t allow it, saying that a walk was not a necessary part of it, and I didn’t approve it.”

Fei Kexin sighed helplessly, and comforted: “Grandpa, after all, this is a seller’s market. There are so many people like you, so you don’t need to care too much.”

Jian sighed and said indignantly: “You don’t know how dark this place is! They wouldn’t let me go for a walk, but they said they could send me a treadmill to the room, but they offered a treadmill service. Fei, you actually want me 680,000 yuan!”


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