Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3801 to 3900 Charlie Wade Story

 Chapter 3801

Meanwhile, the pirate leader who hijacked the Prosper Wing waited for more than an hour at the base camp but did not get any response from the ISU shipping.


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ISU shipping’s this indifferent attitude, in his twenty years of piracy, this is the first time he has encountered.

Moreover, he has been a pirate for 20 years, the first time to grab a ship of such a large tonnage, the results were ignored by the owner of the ship, which immediately made him lose some patience.

He paced back and forth in his command, cursing under his breath: “This ISU shipping is not scared silly? If not, why hasn’t he responded to my request even now?”

A soldier with an AK-47 next to him spoke up, “Boss, I guess they want to stall for a while so they can bargain later.”

“For bargaining?” The pirate leader sneered disdainfully, “This is a big ship, nearly 20,000 containers loaded for Europe, there is no telling how much good stuff is inside, they can’t cut down the price! If they don’t pay, I’ll open all the 20,000 containers!”

The soldier said awkwardly, “Boss, our dock has only one crane, which can only lift one container at a time, how can we get all 20,000 containers down ……”

The pirate leader laughed: “This is not simple? When the time comes, we will open the boxes directly at sea!”

“The valuable things will stay and throw the boxes into the sea, and as for those that are not valuable, just throw the boxes into the sea along with the goods!”


The soldier said excitedly, “There are so many boxes, I don’t know if we can open any good things!”

The pirate leader sneered, “Don’t worry, there will be plenty of goodies, maybe even a batch of Porsche sports cars!”

Another soldier next to him said hurriedly, “Boss, that ship is going to Europe from China, Porsche is made in Europe, so the possibility of there being a Porsche on that ship is almost zero.”

The pirate leader slapped him across the face and cursed, “Idiot, did I tell you to talk too much? You’re the only one who knows more, aren’t you?”

The soldier who was slapped immediately took a few steps back and lowered his head with an aggrieved face.

At this time, the Prosper Wing, which was hijacked by his men, suddenly sent a message through the radio.

On the radio, an unfamiliar man spoke up and said, “Which one is Badr? Let him talk to me.”

The pirate leader was suddenly stunned and frowned, “Who is talking?!”

A communications soldier guarding the radio shook his head blankly and said, “It seems to be coming from that freighter that we kidnapped …… and it doesn’t sound like one of our people ……”

“Sh!t!” The pirate leader Badr instantly cursed in anger: “Are their brains eaten by dogs? Why did they reveal my name to the others?”

Saying that he already walked to the radio, reached out to pick up the intercom, and coldly questioned, “Is this the first time you guys kidnapped a ship? Why did you let a hostage talk to me directly?!”


A cold laugh came from the other end of the radio, and then the other side said with a full tone of pressure:

“I want to inform you that eight of your men have been controlled by the Cataclysmic Front, two of them have been killed by us because of their resistance,”

“and the remaining six, you must immediately take out six million dollars to get them back, otherwise, the consequences will be self-imposed!”

“What?!” Badr was dumbfounded, and then cursed, “Who the hell are you? How dare you make a move against my people, I think you are tired of living, right?

The other party coldly said, “I said, I am from the Cataclysmic Front, I know you are very backward, but you haven’t even heard of the Cataclysmic Front, right?”

Only then did Badr come back to his senses, and his heart suddenly shook.

He didn’t expect that the famous Cataclysmic Front in the mercenary world would have anything to do with the cargo ship he had hijacked.

And he subconsciously asked, “What does my business have to do with Cataclysmic Front?”

Chapter 3802

The other party said in a cold voice: “Cataclysmic Front has now officially started armed escort in the Gulf of Aden, if your people dare to lay hands on the cargo ship escorted by Cataclysmic Front, then we will never be soft!”

“D*mn it!” Badr has been in the business for twenty years, but has never been threatened by anyone, immediately angry, gritted his teeth and cursed: “I do not care if you are the Cataclysmic Front or any other mercenary organization,”


“The Gulf of Aden is my territory, I have been here for twenty years, no one dares to talk to me like this! If you don’t release my men, from now on, I will kill all the people on board as long as they are on the cargo ships escorted by your Cataclysmic Front!”

Badr was not afraid of the Cataclysmic Front.

That’s because he is a warlord in the Gulf of Aden, with his own team and his own base.

He has thousands of men, dozens of ships, every soldier is fully armed, in this area is already the ceiling level of existence, so he naturally does not put the Cataclysmic Front in the eyes.

He was not afraid of the North Russian convoy, not to mention the Cataclysmic Front. Two years ago, the North Russian convoy sank three of his speedboats, and since then, he has taken revenge on the North Russian merchant ships.

He is not really afraid except for his men encountering warships at sea.

The North Russian escorts are fighting so fiercely, but they can only go around in the high seas and dare not enter the territorial waters, so he thinks he has nothing to fear as long as he stays on the coastline.

At this moment, the soldier of Cataclysmic Front on the other end of the communication system spoke very seriously:

“I give you three seconds to retract what you just said and apologize for what you just said, otherwise, Cataclysmic Front will immediately declare war on you!”

“D*mn it!” Badr gritted his teeth and cursed, “You think I’m afraid of you? Just you wait! From now on, anyone who dares to hire you to escort them is asking for death!”


“I’m going to have a fcuking killing spree in the Gulf of Aden, as long as you dare to appear, I’ll kill all of you!”

“Good!” The Cataclysmic Front soldier said indifferently, “You will pay the price for what you just said.”

After saying that, he simply hung up the phone.

Badr’s eyes turned red with anger, clenched his fist, and cursed: “D*mn it! How dare a mercenary shout at me! In other places, you may still be a character, but in the Gulf of Aden, you’re not even a fcuking piece of sh!t!”

After that, he immediately said to his soldier, “Send a warning to all shipping companies around the world that if any ship dares to hire the Cataclysmic Front to escort them, I will kill them all!”

The soldier said with some concern, “Boss, there are tens of thousands of trained mercenaries in the Cataclysmic Front alone, isn’t it too impulsive to just declare war with them?”

Badr kicked him to the ground, then stepped forward and stepped on his face, pulled out his pistol and pointed it at his head, and roared, “What the fcuk are you talking about here? Are you in command or am I in command here?!”

The soldier’s face turned pale with fear and he hastily begged for mercy, “Boss …… it’s me who talked too much …… please forgive me, I’ll go and issue a warning now!”

Badr lifted his foot and stomped down hard on his chest, and then the sound of broken ribs was immediately heard.

The soldier rolled around in pain, while Badr looked at the others around him with a gloomy face and said, “You all think I’m out of my depth, that’s why I declared war with the Cataclysmic Front, right?”


The crowd instantly lowered their heads, and no one dared to look him in the eye head-on.

At this time, Badr coldly snorted and said with a contemptuous face, “You bunch of trash, you don’t know what strategy means!”

“If I’m afraid of him today, the news will spread, and the reputation of Cataclysmic Front as an armed escort in the Gulf of Aden will definitely be a hit,”

“And then all ship owners will rush to ask them to escort the ships. When we see the Cataclysmic Front, we go around?”

Chapter 3803

Seeing that none of the people dare to speak, Badr said coldly with arrogance:

“The reason why I want to officially declare war with the Cataclysmic Front,”

“And put out the word to kill all the ships that hire the Cataclysmic Front, in order to make all shipowners are respectful of the Cataclysmic Front away!”

“They are very powerful in the mercenary field, but in the Gulf of Aden, there is no place for them to play!”

“Even if they are powerful, they can’t sail a warship, so what do I have to fear?”

“As long as I can make the Cataclysmic Front unprofitable in the Gulf of Aden, their profit-oriented mercenaries will naturally withdraw of their own accord!”

Soon, the world of shipping, received very shocking news.

The pirate organization known as “Black Shark” has publicly issued a warning not to allow any shipping company to cooperate with the Cataclysmic Front in armed escort, otherwise, it will take extreme measures to retaliate.


Once this news came out, the entire shipping field is the first shock: He did not expect that such a powerful and famous mercenary organization, but also began to get involved in armed escort!

Moreover, listening to the news released by the Black Shark, it seems that the two sides have already formed a relationship.

Ten minutes later, Cataclysmic Front also officially released a short statement with only eight simple words: “We’ll go all out, let’s see who fares at the end!”

The entire shipping field was shocked.

It was the first time ever that a mercenary organization was involved in armed escort.

Moreover, the reputation of the Cataclysmic Front was really big.

Companies, ship owners, and practitioners in the shipping field can’t wait to see who will have the last laugh between these two parties.

At the same time, in the Gulf of Aden waters, the Prosper Wing is running at full power, towards the Red Sea.

And a few soldiers on board the Cataclysmic Front, has been six disarmed pirates, escorted to the deck.

Six pirates at this time did not realize that the catastrophe, on the contrary, they look defiant, one nuzzles, eyes, as if ready to rush up to fight with the soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front.

One of them said very arrogantly while holding his head in his hands, “If you have the sense, let us go immediately, otherwise, we will make you pay a more painful price!”


“It’s not that no convoy has ever captured us before, but none of them dared to do anything to us either!”

This pirate said, basically true.

In the Gulf of Aden, for those escort fleets, pirates are a very difficult problem.

The United Nations granted the right to the convoy is to protect the merchant fleet, so they are generally pirates is to drive away, rather than to kill them.

This also has a very embarrassing reason, if the fight is too aggressive, the pirates will retaliate to their merchant ships, the size of the convoy is, after all, limited, it is impossible to protect every merchant ship in time.

Moreover, if they had captured the pirates, and faced with no law enforcement powers, can not rely on the embarrassing situation.

After all, both for any of the countries that went to the Gulf of Aden escort, because far from home, so they have no law enforcement powers against the pirates in the Gulf of Aden.

Therefore, if they captured the pirates, the basic operation is to find a time to dock and release the people.

It is because of this that these pirates feel emboldened, not worried about what the soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front dare to do to them.

However, they underestimated the determination of the Cataclysmic Front.

Chapter 3804


When Joseph received orders from Charlie to carry out the armed escort, he had already conveyed Charlie’s words to everyone that since it was an armed escort, it must be fought with fame and style.


Therefore, they have long prepared all the preparations, but also to these pirates carefully prepared a special gift.

After driving these six pirates to the deck, the captain of this escort squad of the

Cataclysmic Front, then said to the six:

“In view of your boss’s unwillingness to pay ransom for you, we release you on the spot in the spirit of humanitarianism, hoping that you can reflect on yourselves and change your ways from this moment on!”

The pirate who had previously threatened them immediately laughed out loud and mocked, “I thought you had some great ability, but you still have to release us honestly?

The captain of the Cataclysmic Front smiled slightly and said, “If we don’t release you, should we keep you onboard to eat our food and drink our freshwater?”

“I tell you, our supplies will not be fed to you even if they are fed to dogs.”

Said, he greeted one of his men around him: “Put the lifeboat down, let them hurry up and get out!”

Several pirates looked at each other, their expressions were a little smug.

In their view, they are not only the master of the Gulf of Aden but also carry an aura that no one dares to mess with.

Every time they come out to rob merchant ships, failure to return, success in exchange for money to spend, even if caught, the other side has to honestly let them go, this almost invincible impression, so they become more and more inflated.

At this moment, the crane next to the ship’s side, immediately put a suspended lifeboat to the side of the ship.


The junior captain of the Cataclysmic Front said to the six men, “Hurry up and get up there!”

Six people bristled and one by one, they got on board.

The six pirates got on the ship, their hearts were completely relieved, and they looked at the Cataclysmic Front’s people’s expressions, vaguely with a haze and hostility, as if the heart is still very unconvinced.

They now have a very simple idea, as long as they leave, they will immediately drive this lifeboat, rush back to their home base, and wait for the next roll-up.

As for the matter of being captured, they simply do not care.

In the Gulf of Aden as pirates, who has not been captured? Only every time they are captured will be put back intact.

Cataclysmic Front’s junior captain looked at them and said indifferently, “I would have loved to put you on the spot, but based on humanitarianism, I’ll let you live ……”

He just said this, several pirates one by one pouted their mouths high, a face of disdain and contempt.

Every time they were captured and then released, the other has to say almost exactly the same thing, they have long since not taken it seriously.

In their view, the reason why they did not dare to kill them, is that they are afraid of reprisals from their organization.

In other words, it was obvious that they were afraid in their hearts, but they still had to pretend to let them go, which made them despise it very much in their hearts.


But at this moment, the junior captain of the Cataclysmic Front smiled oddly and spoke, “Using the old saying, we can be considered as not fighting, before you leave, I will fire my gun to send you off, just as a celebration.”

“Fire a gun to celebrate? Several pirates looked at each other, could not understand what the other side said the firing of a gun to celebrate? what does it mean? in the field of piracy, there seems to be no such rule.

And at that moment, that the Cataclysmic Front’s junior captain, raised the assault rifle in his hand, fired more than twenty shots at the lifeboat!

With the sound of gunfire, the group of pirates thought that the other party was deliberately trying to kill them, one scared in the lifeboat, clutching their heads, crying loudly.

However, when the gunfire stopped, they slowly opened their eyes, heart palpitations found that no one was shot!

Just when they were relieved, they suddenly found that the other side just this shuttle bullet, the bottom of the lifeboat got hit, with dozens of holes through the material, but also the lifeboat stern engine completely broken into scrap metal!

And that the Cataclysmic Front captain, with a shuttle of bullets after a full burst, said to the six pirates in a serious tone: “You go back, you must reform, to be a new man!”

The six pirates originally had a face of defiance, then instantly became extremely panicked, one of them panicked to the extreme shouted:

“D*mn! You son of a b!tch! You’re not firing a gun to send us off, you deliberately fcuking leaked the ship, and broke the engine, this is intended to kill us!”


Chapter 3805

The junior captain of the Cataclysmic Front said with a serious face: “What are you talking about? You came here to rob our escort ship, and we didn’t kill you,”

“We even gave you a lifeboat, and you say I’m trying to get you killed? You do not think, even if you six s(ums are sold, it is not worth this lifeboat!”

The pirate cried out in anger: “Then you do good in the end, at least leave an engine so that we can sail back to the base!”

The captain laughed and said, “It’s okay, I see your base, it’s only a hundred nautical miles, row it, and go back.”

“Row back ……” the pirate broke down, crying in protest: “Even if we do paddle back, it will take at least a few days! We have no food or water, how can we go back alive ……”

The captain asked with a surprised face: “You are not pirates? Pirates at sea are still afraid of no food and water? In the Gulf of Aden, the sail of merchant ships is too many, you can start robbing anytime!”

Hearing this, the pirates were full of despair.

Their weapons were seized, and even ropes to climb the cargo ship are gone, and the lifeboat without power is not even a boat,”

“It also full of holes, in this case, not to mention the hijacking of the cargo ship, even the breaking waves from the sides will be overturned.

At this time, the captain of the Cataclysmic Front said, “All right, it’s late, it’s time to get on the road.”

Saying that, he instructed his subordinates around him, “Release the lifeboats!”


Subordinates immediately start the lift, the lifeboat began to slowly descend from the side of the ship.

The pirates at this time, where there was the original arrogant attitude, now each crying and mourning, as if they were already dying.

The leader of the gang saw the lifeboat has been constantly put down, in panic shouted: “Brother, give us a little freshwater …… or we really can not hold on……”

The young captain lying on the ship’s side fence, said with a smile: “I think you should pray to God to give you a rain more realistic.”

The man looked around the sky, the entire sky over the Gulf of Aden can be said to be a clear blue sea, cloudless, according to this trend, in a week it may not rain.

At this point, the captain pulled out a pistol from his waist and fired several shots with great precision to hit the rope hanging from the lifeboat.

Immediately after, the rope broke, the entire lifeboat from the side of the ship hanging more than a few meters high, fell sharply, smashed into the sea.

With six people screaming like crazy, the whole lifeboat boomed, smashed heavily on the surface of the sea, the bullet holes previously pierced by the gun, because of the water pressure, started spraying a straight column of water.

These six people were also thrown to the ground, and some even fell into the sea.

Some of them fell into the sea and didn’t come back up, while the few people left on the ship, after desperately trying to stabilize it, began to desperately splash water outward with their hands.


And there were even people using their hands and feet to try to plug the 20-odd bullet holes in the bottom of the ship.

At this point, the junior captain of the Cataclysmic Front remembered something and asked his subordinate, “Oh yes, there are no life jackets in the boat, right?”

The other party replied, “Don’t worry, captain, there are life jackets, but they are all poked in advance, and they can’t blow up even if they are tired.”

Said the other side and continued, “In addition, those bottled water inside, we also in advance replaced them with seawater, as for the compressed cookies, we left a little, but the more you eat the more thirsty you get, it is estimated that there is better than not.”

The captain gave a thumbs up and exclaimed from the bottom of his heart, “Well done!”

As a matter of fact, when several people in the lifeboat saw that there was no hope of plugging the leak, the person in charge immediately shouted, “Look for the emergency box! This kind of lifeboat must have an emergency box! Maybe there are life jackets, food, and water!”

Chapter 3806

A group of people immediately found the emergency box hidden under the deck from the stern of the lifeboat.

They then rummaged around with great joy and found a dozen bottles of water, as well as a dozen packages of compressed cookies and several unblown life jackets.

Seeing these supplies, these people were immediately ecstatic!

They first grabbed a life jacket, and then immediately put it on their bodies, and began to blow through the mouth at the shoulder.


However, no matter how they blew, the life jackets on them did not change, just like a thin layer of plastic vest attached to their bodies.

When everyone was looking at each other, one person cursed in despair: “Fcuk, the life jackets are all torn up! Air is leaking everywhere!”

The man at the head of the group collapsed: “It seems that these beasts had planned ahead!”

Saying that, he looked at those bottled water and compressed cookies, lamented: “These people still have some last conscience, they left us some food and water, save some, maybe we can go back alive ……”

Said, he picked up a bottle of water intended to drink a sip, a gentle twist, found no damping at all, the heart thumped.

When he carefully took a sip with his mouth, he immediately threw the water into the sea, spitting while cursing: “Blah blah blah, fcuk! It’s seawater! What kind of devils are these people!”

Others do not believe in evil, and hurriedly open the rest of the water all one by one to taste, this taste does not matter, all of them suddenly more desperate took longer sips, the rest of the water is all bitter and salty seawater.

Several people were extremely angry, cursing under their breath when they looked down and realized that the cabin had been filled with a large amount of seawater, and if it continues like this, the ship will certainly sink.

So, they can only fight for their lives, with their hands to continuously throw the water in the cabin to the ship.

The leader of the pirate, at this time desperately splashed water, while crying, his mouth kept choking and cursing:


“Cataclysmic Front these damn3d ba5tards …… fcuking a little humanitarian spirit is not there! Do they not know that pirates are also humans! Pirates also have human rights!”

Opposite a pirate said off the cuff: “Everyone faster, or the ship will really sink!”

By now, the Prosper Wing was getting farther and farther away.

At first, everyone could still see the lifeboat, a few pirates frantically throwing water out of the action, but as the distance grew farther and farther, the lifeboat disappeared under the sea level.

The captain of the Cataclysmic Front at this time to the subordinate beside him ordered: “Post the video just taken to the Internet.”

“Yes, Captain!”

Soon, a video, then, exploded on the global video sites.

The video was released by the Cataclysmic Front, which recorded the whole process of the disposal of these pirates by the Cataclysmic Front just now.

The video was released and in less than an hour, and it was watched by more than 100 million netizens on the Internet, receiving millions of likes and hundreds of thousands of comments.

Although the practice of the Cataclysmic Front is somewhat cruel and even mixed with some black humor.

But the world’s netizens, in addition to a very small number of holy mothers in the comments section to protest the Cataclysmic Front inhumane practices, the vast majority are praising them for their approach!


These people have done a lot of evil, hijacking merchant ships all over the world all year round, and their attitude is so arrogant that they have long become the public enemy of all people worldwide.

Chapter 3807

However, due to some special reasons, no one has been able to clear them in a real sense.

Special political reasons accounted for a large part of this.

However, these were not problems for the Cataclysmic Front.

Because the Cataclysmic Front is a mercenary organization, international law can’t form a constraint on them, either.

To put it bluntly, mercenary organizations and pirate organizations, in the international arena, are typical of extra-legal fanatics.

The battle between two extra-legal fanatics is complete and utter hard!

Soon, as the video became a big hit, the Cataclysmic Front also became the object of enthusiastic pursuit by the global netizens.

Many people who previously had little or no feeling for mercenary organizations, and even some antipathy, were also ignited by the actions, and praised the Cataclysmic Front.

This instantly made the Front gain a large wave of passerby fans, and also made their reputation rise rapidly.

On the internet, there was even a collective joint name of many netizens.


They requested the Cataclysmic Front to completely wipe out these rampaging pirates, so that this group that should have disappeared in civilized society long ago, should completely retire from the stage of history.

In the past decades, the Gulf of Aden pirates repeatedly banned, and the Gulf of Aden as the choke point of sea transport, there is no other alternative, so the world has no way to take these pirates.

However, with the performance of the Cataclysmic Front today, so many people see hope.

Charlie originally thought that it would take at least one or two years for the Cataclysmic Front to gradually clear its name.

But today’s praise for the Cataclysmic Front on the Internet made him realize that it was actually very simple for the Cataclysmic Front to clear its name.

And all it needed was to find a villain who was unforgivable to be a stepping stone to step on his corpse to the top.

Now, there is a good opportunity in front of you.

As long as the initial battle between the Cataclysmic Front and the pirates fought beautifully, it is enough to make the reputation of the Cataclysmic Front skyrocket.

At this time, Badr, who was in the main camp, did not know that he had become the first stepping stone of the Cataclysmic Front.

When he saw that video released by the Front, he was instantly enraged.

He could not wait to immediately send all the speedboats to seek revenge on this cargo ship.


However, for pirates like them, trying to find a specific ship on the vast ocean was almost an impossible task.

Angry, he immediately asked his men to announce to the public that from now on, he would be at odds with the Cataclysmic Front, and at the same time, he also transferred his anger to the owner of the Prosper Wing.

He immediately issued a public statement, demanding the owner, that is, China’s ISU Shipping, to compensate him with $50 million in cash.

At the same time, he also made a fierce statement that ISU Shipping must permanently abandon the armed escort service of the Cataclysmic Front.

Otherwise, he will ambush all the ships of ISU Shipping in the Gulf of Aden and make them pay a painful price!

He even put out the word that any shipowner or any shipping company that dares to cooperate with the Cataclysmic Front in the future will be met with his endless retaliation.

Once this statement was issued, public opinion was in an uproar.

No one expected that a pirate leader could be so arrogant, not only to make enemies with the Cataclysmic Front, even to retaliate against a shipping company for this.

But to everyone’s surprise, ISU shipping did not put Badr in their eyes at all.

Chapter 3808

ISU even publicly announced that all the armed escort business of ISU Shipping had been exclusively entrusted to Cataclysmic Front, and every cargo ship of ISU Shipping passing through the Gulf of Aden would be provided with armed escort by Cataclysmic Front in the future.


This announcement also made the whole world appreciate the tough attitude of ISU Shipping.

Badr was furious and immediately called out that he would make ISU Shipping pay the most painful price and make them never set foot in the Gulf of Aden.

Just when Badr’s announcement was released, Joseph called Charlie and said, “Mr. Wade, I just saw the announcement issued by the pirate organization,”

“These people are used to roaming in the Gulf of Aden, they really do not know how to live, do you think we should behead him as soon as possible?”

Charlie said without thinking: “Of course! Not only should we carry out the beh3ading operation as soon as possible, but we must do it cleanly and beautifully!”

After receiving Charlie’s approval, Joseph immediately said, “Then I will have Walter lead a few five-star battle commanders to sneak in tonight and directly finish off that Badr!”

Walter’s strength in the Cataclysmic Front was second only to Joseph, so it was natural for him to lead the team to assassinate a pirate leader with the utmost ease.

So, Charlie then spoke: “After taking him out, Cataclysmic Front immediately announced to the public that this beh3ading operation is to maintain the safety of the Gulf of Aden shipping route,”

“If the pirates in the Gulf of Aden area continue to work against Cataclysmic Front, the Front will reserve the right to solve all threats by force.”

Saying that Charlie added: “Now the world’s shipowners, as well as shipping companies, are concerned about this conflict between the Cataclysmic Front and Badr, you must make all shipowners and shipping companies through this matter,”


“So that all shipowners and shipping companies have incomparable trust in the Cataclysmic Front, but also to make those pirate organizations understand one thing,”

“If they dare to go against the Cataclysmic Front, then they only have a dead end! Our ultimate goal is that as long as the cargo ships are escorted by the Cataclysmic Front,”

“No pirates will dare to get their hands on them, so that it can achieve absolute dominance in the field of an armed escort.”

Joseph asked: “Mr. Wade if so, these pirates are no longer a way to make money, I’m afraid that will be with us to the death of the fishnet,”

“The Cataclysmic Front is not afraid of these shrimp soldiers, but if they really take extreme measures to retaliate against merchant ships, I’m afraid that will cause other losses.”

Charlie laughed: “So what we want to do in the future is to be the overlord of armed escorts, not the monopolist of this industry.”

“In the Suez Canal every year the volume of cargo ships passing through are up and down 20,000, with a trip escort hundreds of thousands of dollars,”

“Just the armed escort market around the Gulf of Aden, tens of billions of dollars a year, such a large market, we can not eat all of it.”

“So, you have to make it clear to these ship owners as well as shipping companies, Cataclysmic Front can only cover at most 50% of the overall escort demand in the Gulf of Aden,”

“That is, this year 20,000 cargo ships, Cataclysmic Front only eat half, the rest of the more than one not to take.”


Speaking of this, Charlie smiled faintly and continued, “As for who the 10,000-ship quota for this year falls, let them bid for it themselves when the time comes,”

“If the previous price is $500,000 a time, then the gold content of the Cataclysmic Front’s escort is so great that it should be at least $700,000 to $800,000 a time to make sense.”

“If the bid is successful, naturally by the Cataclysmic Front escort, if the bid is not successful, then you can only go to other escort companies,”

“In this way, the Cataclysmic Front is also considered to leave a mouthful of rice for those pirates, as long as they do not come to the trouble of the Cataclysmic Front, the remaining 10,000 cargo ships, how they rob are their business.”

Charlie let Front do armed escort, one is to clean up, two is to allow it to continue to profit through proper channels.

Therefore, the Cataclysmic Front is not obliged to wipe out all the pirates in the entire Gulf of Aden.

Moreover, due to the special geographical location of the Gulf of Aden and the political environment.

The Cataclysmic Front is also impossible to attack any pirate organization in a big way.

The best way to use is to do the b3heading operation, and beh3ading can only form a strong deterrent to pirate organizations, but it is impossible to completely crush the pirate organization.

In Charlie’s view, the most favorable situation for the Cataclysmic Front, is through the powerful strength and a strong hand, so that all pirates fear the Cataclysmic Front, and then turn their attention to the other half of the cargo ship.


In this way, the Cataclysmic Front’s escort costs will not only be greatly reduced, but escort charges can also be in the competition of major shipping companies, rising ships.

At the same time, although those pirates do not dare to provoke the Cataclysmic Front, but they avoid it, still have a mouth to feed, which does not force them to fight with the Cataclysmic Front.

Joseph also immediately understood Charlie’s meaning, respectfully said: “I understand Mr. Wade, tonight after the settlement of Badr,”

“I will send someone to talk to these pirate organizations, as long as they do not go against the Cataclysmic Front, then give them a way to live, otherwise, k!ll them all!”

Chapter 3809

In order to maintain his image in the minds of his men and his position in the Gulf of Aden, Badr immediately gathered his men together and held a mobilization meeting.

Originally, the group of shrimp soldiers under him all looked a little apprehensive after hearing that the boss had declared war with the Cataclysmic Front.

They also knew their own weight, if they really had to fight with them, people like them would not have even the slightest chance of winning.

The other side is a long-standing top mercenary, but they even don’t have well-practiced marksmanship.

They will only hold an AK47 on the target blind blitz of the hanger-on pirates, this to really do with the Cataclysmic Front enemies, afraid of how to die, they do not know.


However, Badr can sit at the head of the pirate organization, more or less have two brushes, he did know the word to say to these members of the pirates. Use rhetoric, impassioned from evening until dark.

In order to stir up their deepest anger, he even took the initiative to use his own movie-watching projection equipment to play the video uploaded by the Cataclysmic Front on a loop to all his men, finally succeeding in igniting the anger of all his men.

So, he immediately incited: “If we do not drive the Cataclysmic Front out of the Gulf of Aden, then in the future our brothers, and even ourselves, may meet the same fate,”

“At that time, in our Gulf of Aden, there will be no room for us to survive! Are you guys willing to give up such a good deal as pirates, paddling a canoe to go to the sea to fish?”

A group of men immediately shouted no.

Because they have long been accustomed to piracy. Such fast money and little risk occupation, naturally they are not willing to find another way of life.

After all, in a place like Somalia, the difficulty of making money is much greater than going to sea to rob.

Once they revert back to farmers or fishermen, then they would rather hold a gun and go to the other side for a duel even to the death.

Seeing that his men’s fighting spirit was mobilized, Badr immediately gave an order and said in a loud voice: “Tonight, we will prepare our boats and weapons properly,”

“And tomorrow morning, we will attack with our whole army! Search the Gulf of Aden for the cargo ships of the ISU Shipping! No matter what, we must seize one!”


His second-in-command couldn’t help but say, “Boss, the soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front are extremely strong in single combat, I’m afraid it’s hard to achieve if we want to take down the cargo ship they are escorting!”

Badr said in a cold voice: “I know that the soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front are very strong in single combat, but the number of people they can allocate to each cargo ship is certainly not too many,”

“So our people, after finding the cargo ship of the ISU Shipping, do not act rashly, but immediately report the coordinates and address, and after the other speedboats go to reinforce, join forces to hijack this one cargo ship down!”

Saying that Badr continued: “If we do not put down the Front and ISU Shipping this time, then in the future the fame of the Front in the Gulf of Aden continues to rise,”

“It will only become more and more difficult so, we must first succeed in hijacking a cargo ship of the ISU Shipping no matter what, so that the reputation of the Front tank, while also making the ISU Shipping pay a huge price. “

The second leader hurriedly asked him, “Boss, what do you plan to do with the cargo ship of ISU Shipping?”

Badr said with a gloomy look on his face, “After we snatch the ship down, we will kill all the crew members on board along with the soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front and throw them into the sea!”

“We will also take a video of the whole thing and post it on the Internet. I want the whole world to know what will happen if they p!ss us off!”

After that, Badr said: “As for the hijacked ship, we will ask for 100 million dollars from the ISU Shipping Company to redeem it, and if they do not pay, we will unload the valuable things on board and sink the ship!”


Then, Badr continued: “If the ISU shipping company honestly handed over 100 million dollars, then give the brothers 30,000 each! Whoever takes the first credit in stealing the ship gets one hundred thousand!”

Thirty thousand dollars, for the pirates, is absolutely an astronomical figure.

They lick the blood every day, in fact, do not earn much money, the bulk of the pirate organization leaders and senior take, to their hands, but also a few times higher than the average local level.

Do not look a few times higher, in fact, each person is only earning a few thousand dollars a year.

So, when Badr gave the promise of $30,000, everyone’s heart was thrilled beyond measure.

So, the pirates began to prepare for the night, all will set out early the next morning to besiege the ISU Shipping freighter.


Chapter 3810

This night, Badr’s base, the crowd is boiling.

On the coastline, a large number of pirates are on their speedboats to carry out a full range of overhaul.

When the time came to four o’clock in the morning, the vast majority of pirates have gone to sleep, leaving only a small number of guards to watch and stand guard atop a few high towers around the base.

As their base camp has never been attacked, so the gang also has no sense of crisis, the soldiers are smoking cigarettes and chatting in twos and threes, just waiting for dawn after the shift to go back to rest.


However, they did not know that in the darkness of the sea, a number of heavily armed frogmen, armed with silent electric thrusters, were approaching the coastline.

These frogmen are the soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front.

The leader of the team was the second in command of the Front, Walter.

For Walter, let him assassinate an insignificant pirate leader, there is indeed a feeling of killing a chicken with a slaughter knife.

However, the thought that this is extremely important to the Front armed escort business, his heart also dare not have any discontent.

Therefore, he personally led his soldiers to infiltrate Badr’s base from the sea, just to give him a big surprise.

Under the cover of the sound of the waves and the night, eleven soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front landed very smoothly from a deserted shoal.

Immediately, they quickly infiltrated the base with their extremely keen body shape.

Walter divided the ten soldiers under him into two, five of them followed him to look for Badr, while the remaining five lurked on the shore, looking for opportunities to plant bombs on these pirates’ speedboats.

According to Joseph’s order, they were to quietly load all the speedboats under Badr with remote-controlled bombs and then detonate them after taking out Badr.

Blowing up these speedboats would not only allow Walter and his men to retreat easily but would also deal a huge blow to Badr’s armed forces.


In this way, whoever picks up a ready-made opportunity and becomes the new leader will have to spend a long time to re-form their own fleet.

Pirates rely on two tools to make a living, one is a boat, other is a gun.

If there are no ships, even if there are guns, there is no use for them.

This will not only make the next leader of the Cataclysmic Front fear, but also to kill the chicken to make an example for the monkey, so that the entire Gulf of Aden pirate organizations, all know the consequences of provoking the Cataclysmic Front.

At this time, Badr, is lying in the middle of two young girls sleeping deeply.

In this place, he is the emperor of the land, living an extremely extravagant life.

Just as he was sleeping, he suddenly heard someone heave a sound in his ear.

Immediately after that, his hair was yanked hard, pulling his whole body up from the bed.

Badr subconsciously opened his eyes and found himself being pulled by a strange man by the hair, he was scared and tried to shout, but the other party immediately shoved two pieces of women’s und3rwear roughly into his mouth, so he could not make any sound.

The man who grabbed him was none other than Walter, one of the two surviving great commanders of the Cataclysmic Front.

He looked at the terrified Badr, smiled slightly, and spoke, “Badr, on behalf of the Cataclysmic Front, I greet you!”

After saying that, he twisted Badr’s neck a hundred and eighty degrees with a slight force with one hand!


Badr only felt a sharp pain in his neck, and instantly saw the bed behind him.

Chapter 3811

On the bed, the two beautiful women who spent the night are still asleep.

Immediately after, he felt his eyes going black, the whole person instantly lost all consciousness!

In the Gulf of Aden reigning in the wind, Badr, never dreamed that he would be so easily be taken away.

And in Walter’s opinion, this kind of guy who can’t be on the stage, can die under his hands, is also considered lucky.

Afterward, Walter gently put his body back to the bed.

Badr’s body, still in a front-up position, but the entire face has been sunk into the pillow, revealing only the back of the head.

This kind of picture, against the odds with a bit of weirdness.

Walter took out a waterproof plastic cylinder from his bosom, and took out from it a set of handwritten brush characters written by Joseph, on which there were these words: “gods against gods, buddha against buddha.”

This piece of writing is the reminder left by the Front to the rest of the pirate organization.

Walter quietly retreated from the room at this time, greeted the men on guard outside the door, and went together to the beach where they had just landed.

The other five men have also been busy loading dozens of speedboats on the beach with remote-control bombs, just press the button, you can blow up all the ships of this gang of pirates.


One of the men, handed to Walter the remote detonation device, Walter looked at the brightly lit pirate base, gently pressed the detonation button.

A few seconds later, the pirate base on the coastline, suddenly felt a series of explosions, dozens of various types of speedboats, bursting into a huge fire, some even being blown up into mid-air.

With the sound of intensive explosions, the entire coastline is set ablaze.

These speedboats have just been filled with fuel by the pirates, were ready to leave early tomorrow morning to besiege the ISU shipping freighter,”

“Full of fuel was instantly ignited by the explosion, the fire seems to have formed a wall of fire on the coastline.

Also because of such a huge and dense explosion, so that the entire pirate base inside all the people were awakened.

A large group of pirates empty looking at those rolling and burning speedboats are frozen in fear when the morning.

Badr’s room, two sleeping young women were also awakened by the sound of the explosion, and then they both hurriedly tried to wake up the motionless Badr lying on the bed.

This push does not matter, one of the women instantly found that Badr’s body is lying on his back, but the head is completely opposite.

She was first amazed, then subconsciously pushed Badr, only to find that Badr’s body had cooled ……

This makes her scared and she immediately screamed, another woman who saw this scene is also scared out of her mind, stumbling to run out.


The second leader came running to report, saw the woman broke out like crazy, he asked: “Where is the boss?”

The woman said in fear: “Ba …… Badr he …… he …… he is dead ……”

“What did you say?!” The second leader was instantly struck by lightning, and after coming back to his senses, he hurriedly ran into the room, only to find that Badr had already had his neck snapped.

This scene frightened him to the point that a chill ran down his back.

He couldn’t help but mutter, “What’s going on …… what’s going on …… what the

hell is this …… person doing?”

Immediately after that, an answer suddenly flashed in his mind, “Could it be ……

Could it be the Cataclysmic Front?!”

So thinking, he suddenly saw, Badr’s hand, clutching a piece of paper, he hurriedly opened it and found what was written on it.

Although he is the second leader here, but also not literate.

However, he suddenly remembered that these words, he seems to have seen somewhere.

Chapter 3812

After thinking carefully, he remembered that the sentence structure was similar to the one in the statement released by the Cataclysmic Front during the day.

In this instant, he understood that it was all the work of the Cataclysmic Front!

Thinking of this, his back was instantly soaked with cold sweat!


He did not expect that they originally wanted to besiege the cargo ship of ISU Shipping and the escort of the Cataclysmic Front in the morning.

But the Cataclysmic Front moved significantly faster and did not even wait for the Taena vehicle, but actually killed them directly in their base camp!

And he did not expect that the strength of the Front is so strong that in this base of thousands of people, the boss was killed, which not even a single man noticed!

Badr had spent twenty years building this base, but in the end, he was snapped in his own base camp!

Moreover, the dozens of ships that Badr had accumulated over the past twenty years were blown up in a flash by the Cataclysmic Front!

All of his twenty years of hard work, along with himself, were destroyed in this one night!

The second leader immediately realized that since the Cataclysmic Front had this kind of ability, theoretically, it would be easy for them to kill anyone on their side!

He couldn’t help but take another look at Badr’s miserable state, and felt a chill run down his neck!

At this moment, the Cataclysmic Front had become a lingering nightmare in his mind.

Just then, a soldier rushed in and shouted, “Boss, it’s not good! Our oil tank was hit by a speedboat and caught fire, and now the fire is out of control!”

When the second leader heard this, his whole body instantly flinched.


Their oil tanks, which held nearly 100 tons of gasoline, were not far from the shoreline for the convenience of refueling the speedboats and were not protected by any special protection.

Although the boss is dead, but the organization still has to continue to maintain, so he immediately ordered: “Hurry up to put out the fire! Also, organize others to evacuate as soon as possible!”

At this point on the beach, the sky-rocketing fire made the entire beach as bright as daylight.

A large group of pirates running around the beach in a panic, someone to the sea to carry water to try to put out the fire, someone with a few kilograms of fire extinguishers in vain ran towards the blaze.

There are many afraid of death and had been running far away, afraid of being in flames and the possibility of an explosion at any time wave.

A few minutes later, the second leader organized nearly a hundred people, with all the fire extinguishing devices they could find, trying to put out the fire burning closer to the tank.

However, their base simply did not have a fire extinguishing device suitable for extinguishing fuel, so despite all their efforts, the fire still grew bigger and bigger.

In desperation, the second leader can only order everyone to quickly evacuate.

Immediately after, a large number of pirates quickly fled in all directions.

A number of vehicles parked in the vicinity taken by the pirates and drove away, for fear of receiving implications.

After a few minutes, the tank suddenly burst into huge flames, and a mushroom cloud rose up, followed by a devastating wave,


It is hundreds of times louder than a thunderbolt violent explosion, as well as the explosion generated by the strong gas wave!

Several rows of simple houses closest to the oil tanks, in this instant almost all were pushed down by the explosion wave!

Those who have only run a few hundred meters of pirates, one by one also by the explosion wave overturned on the ground, the scene is all a mess!

And Walter’s men, at this time, are in a distant shoal with a camera recording all this.

A violent blast wave came, several soldiers who are not strong enough, can not even stand firm in the aftermath of the explosion.

Walter is standing still, the powerful blast wave did not let his body to move a little.

Seeing the pirate base has been completely ruined, Walter said to the satisfaction of the others: “Okay, let’s withdraw!”

Immediately after, a group of people immediately changed into the frogman’s equipment, head into the sea, and disappeared.

Two hours later, another video exploded on the global network.

This video was the live video of the big explosion at Badr’s Base!

At the same time, there is more shocking news: Badr has been assassinated!

Chapter 3813


When the news of Badr’s death was confirmed, public opinion around the world was in an uproar!


No one expected that Badr would die so suddenly!

Just yesterday, he had vowed to take vengeance on the ISU Shipping Line and at the same time get the Cataclysmic Front out of the Gulf of Aden.

Just when many people thought that it would take a long time for the Cataclysmic Front to establish its prestige in the Gulf of Aden, and they were sweating for the ISU Line, Badr died in his own base that night!

Moreover, all the speedboats under his command exploded, and even the storage tanks in the base had a big explosion, the whole base can be said to be in a mess.

Although a series of explosions, did not bring a large number of casualties to the pirate organization, but let them lose all their ships overnight.

For this pirate organization, it was an absolute annihilation blow!

Without the speedboat, they have completely lost the ability to be pirates.

Although the Cataclysmic Front has not publicly admitted that they are responsible for this incident, but this video, and the previous video of the Cataclysmic Front “release” six pirates at sea, are from the same account.

So the global netizens do not need to guess, Badr must have been killed by them.

In an instant, the fame of the Cataclysmic Front reached its peak in the world.

For so many years, they only expelled pirates in the Gulf of Aden, but going directly to the pirate base camp, kill the pirate leader, this is the first.

The world’s netizens were shocked by the Cataclysmic Front’s uncompromising style of action, and in an instant, the Internet was flooded with praise for the Front from all over the world!


Nowadays, it has become a universal hero!

On the internet, the discussion about the Cataclysmic Front also became a popular topic on major websites.

Many media outlets are also covering this matter, almost all affirming its approach, although for the Cataclysmic Front this operation, more or less was illegal.

But because these gangs of pirates are really evil, so even the media are no longer considering the legal aspects of the problem.

Badr’s death made all the pirate organizations scared out of their souls in the Gulf.

In the past, they went to sea to rob if they could fight, if they could not fight, they ran, even if they were caught, they were certainly released back.

Moreover, there has never been any armed attack on their base camp.

For the pirate leader, he only needs to send his men and speedboats, can lie in the main camp in peace and security to make and money.

But now, such days are gone.

As soon as the Cataclysmic Front entered the Gulf of Aden, it completely overturned their previous way of playing and rules.

A disagreement and it directly touched the base camp to take out the pirate leader, but also blew the ships, so with this play of death, all the pirate leaders are scared.

Who are worried that one day they will also be in their sleep and the Cataclysmic Front will come to their bed.


Moreover, the strength of the Cataclysmic Front is too strong, they can not defend themselves against it.

What’s more, the Cataclysmic Front’s home base is not in the Gulf of Aden, they can only be passive in front of the Front, want to take the initiative to attack are not that strong.

For a time, the entire Gulf of Aden pirate organizations are on the edge.

Cataclysmic Front in the Gulf of Aden overnight rose to heights of fame, the entire armed escort situation opened instantly.

In order to take advantage of this perfect opening as soon as possible, Joseph immediately contacted Charlie, after reporting the situation to him, asked him: “Mr. Wade, what should we do next?”

Charlie instructed, “I think we should have a face-to-face talk with these pirate leaders in the Gulf, tell them our ambition and attitude for the region, and also let them know that the market demand of the Gulf of Aden escort,”

“Since Cataclysmic Front has decided to only eat half, then we have to make them be sensible and not to do anything against us in the future.”

Chapter 3814

Joseph immediately said, “Okay Mr. Wade, I will arrange it immediately.”

Charlie then said, “It is impossible to kill all the pirates in the Gulf of Aden, and we are not obliged to clean up the entire space,”

“As long as we can ensure the interests of the Cataclysmic Front and our escort clients, it is the best result for us,”

“So next, you have to deter these pirates first, and at the same time establish a channel of information interaction with these pirates.”


Said, Charlie further explained: “That is to say, you want these pirates in the future before making a move on any ship, must first go through this channel, to confirm whether the ship is with the Cataclysmic Front escort,”

“Such as indeed the Cataclysmic Front is responsible for escort, then they must immediately leave, if not the Cataclysmic Front escort, then the Cataclysmic Front will not ask what they want to do next.”

“And by establishing such a channel of interaction, they can avoid having other armed escort companies impersonating the Cataclysmic Front.”

Joseph asked, “Mr. Wade, in your opinion, what kind of form should this interaction channel take?”

“I am worried that if we establish a direct connection with the pirate organization, it will make the outside world have a negative opinion of us.”

“Right.” Charlie laughed: “If we have to feed the information of the ships we escort to this group of pirates every time, the outside world will think that we are deadly friends,”

“So we can’t let them contact with the Cataclysmic Front directly, that would also pull down the identity and forcing of the Front.”

Saying that, he added: “I looked at your intelligence network yesterday, this kind of online platform, I think it’s very good.”

“Front can directly build an escort website, put the introduction and price details of Front’s escort business on the website,”

“Except for ISU Shipping, if other shipping companies want to ask you to escort them, they can also submit their applications through this website.”

“At the same time, we will also publish on this website, real-time information of each Cataclysmic Front escorted ships,”


“Including the name of the ship, registration number, and photos, after the information is published, those pirates out of fear of the Cataclysmic Front, will definitely open their eyes before making a move,”

“As long as the Cataclysmic Front escorts cargo ships, they will definitely go as far as possible.”

Joseph immediately understood and spoke: “I understand Mr. Wade, I will have people set up the website as soon as possible, but also immediately send a representative to talk to these pirate leaders.”

Charlie said: “Joseph, our purpose now is not to take the initiative to cooperate with these pirates, or let these pirates take the initiative to cooperate with us,”

“But to set a set of rules of the Gulf of Aden game, forcing those pirates must play according to our rules, so although we have to talk to them,”

“But absolutely can not take the initiative to contact them, otherwise once people catch the handle, will think we are cooperating with the pirates.”

Saying that he further said: “You just need to let people first put out the news to the public, say that the Cataclysmic Front from now on officially undertake the Gulf of Aden escort services,”

“While leaving a mailbox as contact information, let those interested in cooperation with the shipowners first contact you,”

“I believe that after you put out this mailbox, those pirates will take the initiative to contact you, they must now be anxious to talk with the Cataclysmic Front.”

When Charlie said he wanted to develop a set of rules in the Gulf of Aden game, forcing those pirates to play strictly in accordance with this set of rules, Joseph thoroughly understood the pattern of Charlie’s work.


Becoming the one with the hardest fist in a region is not difficult, but the one with the hardest fist may not be able to make everyone do what he wants.

If he could become the rule-maker in a region and make everyone, whether they wanted to or not, have to act according to his rules, then this level was obviously a step higher.

So, he immediately said to Charlie respectfully, “Mr. Wade, I understand what you mean, I’ll go arrange it now!”


Chapter 3815

At the same time, the other pirates in the Gulf of Aden are all on edge, can not end the day with.

Almost all the heads of pirate organizations are coincidentally calling all the speedboats back.

Because they are afraid of which speedboat accidentally provoked the Cataclysmic Front, so this time, rather than stopping all the looting, never leave any hidden problems.

And when they recalled the speedboats, they didn’t even dare to leave the speedboats at the pier at the beach,

But used a tractor to tow them directly to the very center of the camp and protect them tightly, afraid that if they were not careful, they would be wiped out by the Cataclysmic Front.

Afterward, many chiefs quietly held a secret meeting to discuss the next countermeasures.


At the meeting, someone said, “In my opinion, during this period of time, we should not hijack the merchant ships for the time being, in case we accidentally provoke the Cataclysmic Front again, then we really have to suffer a disaster or even extinction!”

Someone helplessly lamented, “Then we can’t just sit around with all of our men and eat nothing!”

“In order to maintain the normal operation of the organization, we must continue to do our old jobs in the future!”

Another person said: “In this case, there is a very serious problem in front of us, we can do the old business, but absolutely not to provoke the Front again,”

“These people are too damn cruel, just because of such a small matter, directly to kill Badr, which is so brutal? This was not even a chance given!”

Someone asked rhetorically, “If we still eat this bowl of rice in the future, we are bound to continue to hijack merchant ships,”

“Of course I am willing to avoid this gang of fatalities, but the actual operation of how to avoid it?”

“I can’t ask my men to hijack a ship before asking if it’s a Cataclysmic Front escort, right?”

“What if everyone says it’s a Cataclysmic Front escort, then what the h3ll are we doing?”

The man who lamented before nodded and said, “This is a big problem, if the Cataclysmic Front really monopolizes all the escort business, then it is clear that we do not leave everyone alive,”

“Then I think we might as well fight with them! However, if the Cataclysmic Front did not monopolize this business, then we must have a way to verify which ships


are escorted by them, as long as the ships escorted by the Front, we stay away from them!”

The pirate leader who asked the question agreed: “So this matter, we have to find a way to get in touch with the Front,”

“First, to show our respect for them, and then strive to reach a non-aggression pact with them, in the future of the Cataclysmic Front escort ships, we do not touch it, right? What do you think?”

The pirate leader’s words immediately aroused the strong agreement of the crowd.

Faced with such a god-like existence, they all knew that they could not afford to provoke, so they all hoped that they could reach an appeasement policy with the Cataclysmic Front.

However, although the idea was agreed upon, how to contact the Cataclysmic Front became their biggest headache at the moment.

After all, the top mercenary organization like the Cataclysmic Front, not anyone who wants to contact can find the key person with a phone call.

And when these people do not know what to do, the Cataclysmic Front issued an announcement to the public.

From now on, the Cataclysmic Front Gulf’s in Aden escort service booking channel officially opened.

All who want to cooperate with the Cataclysmic Front, can leave a reservation email, and the Cataclysmic Front will get in touch.

At least through this mailbox, you can send a request for a face-to-face meeting, in case they agreed, will not there be room for good offices?


So, a number of pirate leaders immediately elected one of the highest levels of literacy, so that he can get in touch with the Front through this mailbox.

And ever since this mailbox was published, Joseph personally kept an eye on the movement of this mailbox.

He knew that this idea from Charlie was a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

Not only could he use it to see how interested the major shipping companies were in the escorts of the Cataclysmic Front, but he could also use it to establish contact with those pirates.

However, what he did not expect was that the mailbox had just been published, and in less than 10 minutes he received tens of thousands of emails.

Chapter 3816

These emails came from netizens all over the world, and they used different languages from all over the world to express almost the same meaning.

That is, to express support and gratitude to the actions of the Cataclysmic Front in the Gulf of Aden.

Joseph didn’t expect the enthusiasm of the global netizens to be so high, and seeing the speed at which the emails were coming in, he immediately gathered a team of dozens of people to help him quickly review the emails.

In addition to the tens of thousands of thank you letters, they screened out dozens of emails from shipping companies around the world.

These shipping companies, after identifying themselves, wanted to consult the details of the Cataclysmic Front escort, especially the cost and cooperation model.


Joseph had the contact information of these shipping companies counted out, and also had someone write back to them, informing them that Front will launch the price of escort services and model details in the near future, and will also notify all shipping companies at the first time.

An hour after the announcement was made, the thank you emails received by Cataclysmic Front had reached hundreds of thousands.

Among them, there was also an email from a person who claimed to be the leader of the “Puntland Guard” to the Cataclysmic Front.

In the email, the leader of the “Puntland Guard” expressed his full respect to Cataclysmic Front, and hoped to have the opportunity to represent all the pirate organizations in the Gulf of Aden, and meet with them for a direct talk.

Joseph then had someone reply to him with the coordinates of a small uninhabited island in the south of Oman and a time of 6 p.m. that day.

The other party immediately understood and wrote back again, indicating that he would arrive at the designated location on time.

Afterward, the Cataclysmic Front sent a five-star commander, with a few armed men, to the uninhabited island by helicopter from the temporary base in Oman.

When the leader of the Puntland Guard arrived at the uninhabited island by speedboat, several armed soldiers from the Cataclysmic Front had been waiting for a long time.

They thoroughly checked that the other party did not carry any recording devices before leading him to the depths of the uninhabited island and meeting the five-star commander of the Cataclysmic Front.

As soon as they met, the leader of the Ponteland Guard said very respectfully, “Hello sir, my name is Sheikh, I am the head of the Ponteland Guard ……”


The five-star battle commander of the Cataclysmic Front said expressionlessly, “I don’t care who you are, I just want to know, as a pirate, you dare to take the initiative to ask us to meet, what is the ulterior motive?”

Sheikh hurriedly said, “Cataclysmic Front’s prestige, I and the chiefs of other organizations, have always had great respect for,”

“And we also very welcome the Cataclysmic Front to the Gulf of Aden, the reason why we want to ask you to meet is that we want to have a friendly consultation with the Cataclysmic Front, to see how both of us can live together peacefully in the Gulf of Aden in the future ……”

The five-star battle commander said coldly, “We, the Cataclysmic Front, will not cooperate with pirate organizations like yours, in any form! You are not worthy yet!”

When Sheikh heard this, his heart instantly went cold.

If this was the attitude of the Cataclysmic Front, then it was really going to push them to the brink of extinction.

Just at this time, the five-star battle commander said again: “But I can tell you is that we have a lot of business, the number of ships coming and going in the Gulf of Aden is huge,”

“And the demand for escort is also very large, so we can only carry up to fifty to sixty percent of them, as long as you people from now on, do not make enemies with us, we can let you go!”

When Sheikh heard this, his heart that had been plucked cold instantly boiled up again!

He looked at the commander and asked with unbridled excitement, “Is what Your Excellency said true? As long as we don’t make enemies with the


Cataclysmic Front, can Your Excellency as well as the Cataclysmic Front really let us off the hook?!”

The five-star battle commander asked him back, “Do you think I have to joke with you?!”

Sheikh hurriedly accompanied him with a smile, “I don’t mean that …… I believe

that Your Excellency as well as the Cataclysmic Front are all about keeping their word and saying what they mean!”

He said, he remembered a very critical issue, and hurriedly said: “I wonder if your Excellency can inform us of the information of the ships escorted by the Cataclysmic Front in the future, so that we can also make a distinction, so as not to be mistaken ……”

The five-star battle commander said with a disgusted face: “Do you think that we, the Cataclysmic Front, will maintain some kind of communication and contact with you pirates?”

“Yes, yes, yes ……” Sheikh hurriedly said, “The Cataclysmic Front is a top

mercenary organization, of course, it doesn’t care to be in the company of us pirates ……”

After saying that, he said awkwardly, “But …… but if we can’t distinguish which

ship is escorted by the Cataclysmic Front, it’s not good to do timely avoidance in the future ……”

The five-star commander coldly said, “We will soon put a website online to put all our armed escort operations on the website, and also disclose the information of our escorted ships on the website.”

Hearing this, Sheikh said in an excited voice, “Great! That’s great! When the time comes, we will definitely pay attention to this website!”


“Make a strict distinction! Never interfere with any of the ships escorted by the Front! We will not infringe on each other!”

The five-star commander immediately chided coldly, “What non-aggression? Do you think I’m here today to negotiate terms and cooperation with you?”

“No, no ……” Sheikh explained in a panic: “I don’t mean that your Excellency

must not be angry …… how would the Cataclysmic Front cooperate with us

pirates ……”

“I mean, in order to show respect for the Cataclysmic Front, we will definitely respect the ships escorted by the Cataclysmic Front in the future!”

Chapter 3817

When Sheikh brought this news back, the entire pirate organization in the Gulf of Aden was completely relieved, and even had a feeling of survival after the robbery.

What they were most afraid of was that the Cataclysmic Front was going to drive them to extinction and completely cut off their financial routes.

But what they didn’t expect was that the Cataclysmic Front didn’t intend to completely monopolize the entire Gulf of Aden escort business.

In this way, it left them ample room for survival.

Everyone soon reached two points with joy, firstly: before the website of Cataclysmic Front escort is launched, all speedboats will be rested and no one is allowed to hijack merchant ships at sea so as not to offend Cataclysmic Front;

Secondly: after the website of Cataclysmic Front escort is launched, the website would be strictly used as an action guide and no one would touch any ship escorted by Cataclysmic Front.


Immediately after that, in the shipping industry’s shocking thing appeared.

The entire Gulf of Aden no longer sees any of the pirate speedboats cruising, pirates as if in an instant have collectively withdrawn from this place.

Charlie did not expect that the business of armed escort of the Cataclysmic Front, but carried out so smoothly.

According to this situation, going forward, the Cataclysmic Front in the Gulf of Aden can almost lie down to make money.

Under the premise that these pirates do not dare to provoke the Cataclysmic Front, the Front does not even need to really send escorts, just need to pay the escort fee for the ship’s information, published on their escort website, can lie down and collect money.

And those pirates will definitely not be stupid to come to the Cataclysmic Front and trouble them, after all, there are half other international security companies escorting merchant ships.

As for those international security companies, the pirates are simply not enough to fear, because the scale of some of them are only a few hundred armed personnel.

By no means like the Cataclysmic Front, can take out the head of a pirate organization at any time, the pirates are not afraid of them.

Of course, Charlie also does not suggest that the Cataclysmic Front really lying money, since the high lift to kill into the armed escort this field, it is natural to put the spirit of the face out.

Therefore, he still exhorted Joseph, escort work must not be sloppy and careless, and previously prepared to move to the sea base of the cargo ship once the transformation is completed, to regularly patrol the waters of the Gulf of Aden, and always remind those pirates to roll a little farther.


And in the Gulf of Aden temporarily calm down, Charlie is located in the Aurous Hill but began to dark currents.

In these two days, the Mayo Center in the United States is still continuing to release the treatment effects of JX Renewing Pills.

As the patient’s condition improved significantly each day, the world’s confidence in the JX Renewing Pill is growing.

This has also made countries around the world a little impatient for this medicine.

Especially after learning that the production of this medicine is not much, many of the world’s powerful and noble class also began to be excited about this medicine.

According to Orvel’s report, the number of foreigners arriving in Aurous Hill in the past two days was significantly higher than usual.

Several five-star hotels, which are usually rarely full, are now basically full.

Even the Shangri-La, where business was much cooler before, also has a lot of expatriates living in it.

And these people, most of them are for the JX Renewing pills.

Chapter 3818

Charlie as the originator of all this, but at this time completely did not focus on this matter.

What he was really concerned about was the Rejuvenating Pill auction that would soon be held.


From the relevant information on the Front’s intelligence network, it could be seen that the Rejuvenating Pill already had a certain influence among the top people in Europe and America.

Although it was not as well known as the JX Renewing Pills, it was much more significant than the JX Renewing Pills to those top powerful people.

Now many of the top powerful people in Europe and America were trying everything they could to inquire about the Rejuvenating Pill, but because it was too mysterious to them, they couldn’t find any substantial clues at all.

At this moment, Charlie was still confirming all the details with Issac and Warnia before the official launch of the Rejuvenating pill auction promotion.

Warnia had already prepared the other lots for the auction, and the entire auction process would be handled by her Antique Hall.

And Issac had already had people develop the registration as well as the capital verification platform for the auction, the hotel slot has also been completely reserved, and even the banquet hall had begun to enter the transformation process.

About the ballroom transformation, Charlie instructed him: “The day the auction begins, all the windows in the ballroom must be completely sealed, all internal surveillance cameras, monitoring room, must all disconnect the network to avoid hacking and theft of video information,”

“In addition, the monitoring room then given to the Front the responsible, which must ensure that all monitoring video is strictly confidential Do not leak a single bit!”

Issac immediately said: “Young master do not worry, this part of the work I will personally handle!”


Charlie nodded and said, “Also, when the time comes, around the banquet hall around 500 meters, no outsiders are allowed to approach, all participants in the auction, before entering the venue must undergo a full range of security checks,”

“They must ensure that no one carries any photography and recording equipment, once anyone is found to privately hide the relevant equipment, immediately deprive him of the right to participate in the auction, and expel them.”

Issac asked, “Young master, will you not allow them to bring their cell phones too? If the amount of our auction is too large, they will definitely need to use the phone to notify the finance staff to transfer money.”

Charlie said, “It doesn’t matter, you prepare a few old Nokia blue screen cell phones that can only receive and make phone calls on the spot, if the successful bidders need to make phone calls, they can use the phones we provide on the spot.”

Issac immediately nodded and said, “Okay young master, I will have people enclose the entire banquet hall at that time, leaving only one entrance and exit,”

“With the most sophisticated security screening equipment placed at the entrance, not allowing anyone to bring any metal objects in, to ensure that everything is foolproof.”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction and added: “I’ll call Joseph later, and have the Cataclysmic Front send some more people over when the auction is held.”

Issac asked him, “Young master, then when do we start the promotion?”

Charlie thought about it and spoke, “Tomorrow! Start releasing the news to the public, then go online on our website and start accepting applications.”


“Okay, master!” Issac said with some excitement, “If this news is released, I’m afraid that all the top tycoons in Europe and America will rush over, and maybe there will be some top hidden tycoons that are usually unheard of!”

Charlie laughed: “In the first year, there should still be some people who are skeptical and wait and see, and some of them may not come because they are ashamed, but when the auction is over in the first year,”

“And those who bid for the Rejuvenating Pill eat it in front of all the top tycoons, and let everyone see the efficacy of the Rejuvenating Pill with their own eyes, that will be the moment when they really have no doubt about the Pill.”

So, as long as this year’s auction is a success, next year’s auction will definitely force all the powerful people hiding in the shadows to come out,”

“And at that time, I’m afraid that the kings and queens of certain countries will personally come to bid for the Rejuvenating Pill!

Chapter 3819

Warnia heard Charlie say that the publicity and registration for the Rejuvenating Pill auction would be launched tomorrow, so she hurriedly said to him, “Master Wade, I have selected three candidate auctioneers for the auction, do you want to go through and screen them first?”

Charlie nodded and smiled, “Good, auctioneers are still very important to an auction, they must be chosen carefully.”

Warnia hastily took out her cell phone and fished out several videos from the album, playing them one by one for him, while introducing, “Master Wade, these three auctioneers are all very senior auctioneers of Antique Hall,”

“Although their qualifications and experience are not as good as those of Christie’s or Sotheby’s, but they are definitely the best in Aurous Hill.”


Charlie patiently watched the three videos shown by Warnia.

The three candidate auctioneers, two women, and one man, were all around forty years old, and their image, temperament, demeanor, and even voice could be considered medium to high, so any one of them should be able to do the job.

However, Charlie always felt that these three people seemed to be missing something.

After taking a look at Warnia in front of him, Charlie realized what these three people were missing.

What they lacked was Warnia’s temperament of a lady, a dignified lady.

As Warnia’s old friend, Charlie had always appreciated her temperament.

Although Warnia was not a young lady from a top family, her personal temperament was by no means inferior to any top celebrity.

If she could be the auctioneer for this auction, she would definitely be the most suitable candidate, bar none.

Thus, Charlie said to her, “Warnia, in my opinion, the auctioneer, no one is more suitable than you!”

“Me?” Warnia instantly said somewhat nervously, “Master Wade, I’ve never been an auctioneer……”

Charlie laughed: “It doesn’t matter if you haven’t done it before, anyway, there are at least almost twenty days before the auction, you can totally practice your auctioneer words and skills unannounced.”

Saying that Charlie added: “Warnia, there is no second candidate more suitable than you in the entire Aurous Hill, and you are the head of the Song family,”


“If you are the auctioneer of this auction, it will also allow the Song family to leave a deep impression on those top power elites present, and it will definitely be beneficial to the future development of your family.”

Warnia hesitated for a moment, nodded gently, and said offhandedly, “Since Master Wade has said so, then I will give it a try!”

After saying that, Warnia remembered something and asked, “Master Wade, will you come to the site then? Such a large bid, I’m afraid that I will not be able to control it well by then ……”

Charlie laughed: “I will be in the monitoring room to watch the live broadcast in real-time, the day of the auction you match a headset, I will communicate with you directly through the headset.”

Warnia breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said, “Then I’m relieved!”


At this moment.

Washington, D.C., United States of America.

Chapter 3820

In the research center provided by the military, multiple teams are still trying their best to use various metaphysical means to attack the formula of the JX Renewing Pill.

However, no matter how they try, the manufactured pills have no therapeutic effect on cancer cells.

Although just a few days had passed, Smith and Roger were on the verge of losing their patience.


This side of the reverse research and development is not much success, Rogers received the White House envoy brought, a special order from the highest level.

The order required Roger to take out ten boxes of JX Renewing pills and hand them over to the special envoy sent by the White House to be kept in the name of the highest level strategic materials, along with the nuclear bomb safe.

This immediately put Roger in an extremely difficult situation.

Smith took back the JX rejuvenation pills, a total of twenty boxes, one hundred and forty pills.

The remaining ones should be used for reverse research and development in addition to the four patients that the White House stuffed in earlier.

In itself is stretched to the limit.

Now, the special envoy even want to take ten boxes for strategic supplies, so that in their own hands almost not much left.

The first time saw this, was able to see that the patient had to eat every pill with his own eyes.

In this case, once the twenty boxes of JX Renewing Pills are used up, I’m afraid it won’t be that easy for us to get our hands on them again!”

The ambassador said seriously, “The top management asked me to set aside ten boxes as a strategic reserve for the same reason, what if our top management needs this medicine one day?”

Rogers said helplessly: “That can not take away so much at once, according to what continues, we can at most go on for a few more days, the drug will be gone ……”


The special envoy said without doubt: “Mr. Rogers, your side of the difficulties, you find your own way to overcome,”

“It is not possible, you can first terminate your clinical trials, so that you can save most of the JX rejuvenation pill.”

Although the White House has many great and powerful people, the special envoy only serves the highest level of the White House.

And those few patients who are participating in the trial are not relatives of the highest level, so the idea of the highest level is also very simple.

While this medicine is still available, the first priority for themselves is to keep a backhand, as for the relatives of others, it is only logical to give up under the circumstances of last resort.

Roger’s head was as big as a bucket for a while.

The ambassador did not bother to pay attention to his difficulties, coldly said:

“Mr. Rogers, because this drug is now the highest level of strategic materials,”

“So, if you do not immediately give me the drug, I am able to authorize the FBI, to arrest you in the name of threatening homeland security!”

Roger knew that the other party was not joking.

Once this thing is defined as the highest level, then it is about homeland security, if he disobeys the order, then his career is considered to have come to an end.

So, he did not dare to disobey the order brought by the envoy, and could only take out ten boxes from the remaining stock and give them to the envoy.


After the ambassador got the medicine, he immediately left the base by helicopter, and Rogers could only hurry to call the clinicians and ask them to stop the medicine of the other four patients from now on.

And as for Smith’s son Jimmy, he was given another box of medicine, and after he finished this box of medicine, if he could not get additional JX Renewing Pills, then his medicine would also be stopped.

This matter soon reached Smith’s ears.

When he heard about it, he immediately rushed into Roger’s office and yelled at him, “Roger! Didn’t you say you had four boxes of medication reserved for my son?”

“Why did the doctor just say that when he finished the last box of drugs, he would be ready to give him the regular chemotherapy drugs?

Roger said helplessly, “Smith, I do not want to break my word, but the special envoy from the White House just took ten boxes of the pills from me.”

“And now those ten boxes of medicine, have become the highest level of strategic supplies, what does this mean, I do not need to explain to you, right?”

When Smith heard this, he was like a deflated ball.

Rogers’ meaning he understood very well, in this situation, the two of them do not have any right to speak, can only obey orders.

Rogers sighed at this time and spoke, “Now we can only hope that Junpei, if he can reverse the development of the JX Renewing Pill in Aurous Hill, all the problems will be solved!”


Chapter 3821

Junpei Nakamura, of whom his bosses have high expectations, is not having a good time at the moment.

After settling down temporarily in Aurous Hill, he has been collecting environmental specimens of the city for the past two days.

This includes the air, soil, floating dust, and water, these all sources have all become the objects of his research.

He even made some river water, lake water, tap water, and even mountain spring water samples in the city, and took turns to conduct various researches in the villa.

However, as he studied and studied, he felt more and more that the environment of Aurous Hill was not only not outstanding, but also not as good as Washington.

The others in his team feel the same way.

Aurous Hill, this place, although the ancient capital of the six dynasties, but the environment is not really very good.

Although air pollution is not so serious, but also not good, and is a typical river valley landscape, surrounded by mountains on three sides.

One side of the river, nesting in the air naturally not too good.

In addition, the rapid pace of urban development, population, has inevitably reduced the vegetation and green space, the environmental pressure is also very large.

On the contrary, the United States doesn’t look at the population also has more than 300 million.


But the land area is not bad, compared with China, which is also considered typical of the vast land, population density is small, the pressure on the environment is naturally a lot smaller.

And the countries like the United States such other countries, decades ago began to move heavy polluting enterprises to foreign countries.

So that their environment could be protected with clean air, good water quality, and no land pollution.

It is because the environment of Aurous Hill is not as good as Washington in all aspects, so Junpei can not understand why JX Pharmaceuticals here, can produce such epoch-making drugs as JX Renewing pill.

Just when he was caught in the confusion, he received a phone call from Rogers.

As soon as the phone call came through, Rogers asked him, “Nakamura, any progress on your research in Aurous Hill?”

Junpei was busy saying, “Mr. Rogers, we don’t have any definite progress yet, please give us some more time!”

Rogers said offhandedly, “Now time is short, you have to find a way to speed up the progress a little!”

Junpei said somewhat feebly, “Mr. Rogers, we have analyzed the environmental situation of Aurous Hill in the past two days and found nothing special,”

“We have ordered a batch of raw materials from the local herbal supplier, and we will proceed to try out the product in the next two days to see if there will be any breakthrough.”

Saying that, Junpei added, “I plan to go to the vicinity of JX Pharmaceutical tomorrow and try to extract some environmental samples and come back to analyze them.”


“Good.” Rogers instructed, “Make sure to speed up, I will help you enlist the official plane in advance, and once you have the samples out there, have someone bring them back to Washington immediately!”



After Charlie fixed the details of the Rejuvenating Pill auction with Issac and Warnia, he asked Issac to drive him back to Tomson.

On the way back, Liang called Charlie and respectfully reported, “Master Wade, to report to you, in the last two days, there are many expatriates who want to meet me.”

Charlie smiled and asked him, “What kind of people are they?”

Liang explained: “Some of them are representatives from various countries and major pharmaceutical companies, they want to talk to us about the introduction of drugs,”

“Or drug agency cooperation, there are also some top tycoons’ spokesmen, want to buy some drugs from us privately,”

“Most of them have cancer patients in their families, and their budgets are very sufficient, look at the meaning should be free to pay our price.”

Saying that, Liang added: “At present, the countries that want to introduce JX Renewing pill, have nearly sent a hundred representatives to Aurous Hill.”

Charlie smiled faintly and said, “All those who are looking for you to talk about introducing or acting as an agent, all of them should be rejected directly,”

“As for those rich people who want to buy the medicine privately, you tell them, we will not open for the time being.”


Chapter 3822

Liang added: “Right, Master Wade, Smith from the United States also called, saying that the FDA wants to purchase a batch of JX Renewing pills at the previous price, or a little more upward price is even fine, do you think to give them some more?”

Charlie sneered: “The FDA wants to procure the JX Renewing pill, I’m afraid that their reverse research and development has encountered a bottleneck.”

Saying that, Charlie instructed, “Liang, from now on, except for the batch of JX Renewing Pills given to domestic patients for free, the rest must all be sealed up, no more must be sold, no matter what the price.”

Liang immediately said, “Okay Master Wade, then I will reply to them one by one.”

Charlie gave a hmph and asked him again, “Right Liang, did the people from the Cataclysmic Front find anything unusual near the JX Pharmaceutical?”

“Yes!” Liang said: “In the past two days, they have locked several suspicious subjects one after another, they had been secretly watching this side,”

“They said, according to the observation that those suspicious subjects should be well-trained agents, they are waiting for the time to be ripe, when the time comes, they will directly catch and secretly send the people to Orvel.”

“Okay.” Charlie instructed, “You should be careful recently, it is best to live inside JX Pharmaceutical, do not go anywhere for the time being.”

Liang hurriedly said, “Okay Master Wade!”


Early the next morning.


Junpei dressed as a morning runner and ran all the way from his residence to JX Pharmaceutical.

And just as he was on his way to JX Pharmaceutical, Warnia released the news to the public that Antique Hall would hold an auction in Aurous Hill in twenty days.

And at the same time, she also announced the information of the collections that would be put up for auction.

In addition to some celebrity paintings and calligraphy, antique porcelain, there was also an item called “Rejuvenation Pill”.

Antique Hall did not explain much about the “Rejuvenation Pill”, but only introduced it as an ancient miracle medicine with excellent medicinal effects.

When this news came out, it did not cause any ripples in Aurous Hill and at home.

Because the domestic public has long been accustomed to a variety of pills.

For example, the previous has been hotly speculated on the Angong Niuhuang pill, a price of hundreds of thousands.

For example, the recent global explosion of JX Renewing pills, even more priceless.

The public thought that this rejuvenation pill might be some kind of pill left over from many years ago, and might have more significance for collection than its medicinal value.

However, the very few who knew about the Rejuvenation Pill were not very shocked by the news.

For example, Qin Gang, Solomon, and even Tailai, who had procured a Rejuvenation Pill, all knew that this medicine was made by Master Charlie Wade.


And also knew that even Orvel had eaten a Rejuvenation Pill, and now Master Wade had taken out one or two Rejuvenation Pills to hold an auction, which was not big news to them.

However, this news was like a thunderstorm in the upper class society of Europe and America, which was 10,000 miles away, making everyone ecstatic!

Over the past few days, they had been hearing about the miraculous effects of the Rejuvenation Pill, and many people were asking around for news about it.

Among them was the American Chinese tycoon Douglas Fei.

Many days ago, Fei sent a team around the capital to inquire about the Rejuvenation Pill, but he had been unsuccessful.

Now that the news of the Rejuvenation Pill was suddenly released from Aurous Hill, Douglas did not hesitate and immediately had his private plane ready to fly to Aurous Hill at the first opportunity.

And at this time, Antique Hall released another news that shocked the world.

Antique Hall required that all those who wanted to participate in this auction must cooperate with the capital verification, and only buyers whose assets were determined to exceed ten billion RMB were eligible to register.

Moreover, registration does not mean that you can pass the audit!

Because it said, in the end, from the qualified applicants, the top two hundred people with the most funds will be selected.

Only these two hundred people are qualified to come to Aurous Hill for this auction!


Chapter 3823

This form of the auction has existed for hundreds of thousands of years around the world, and everyone has long been accustomed to it.

But an auction with such high requirements for participants is the first time everyone has heard of it!

Except for a few people who knew the value of the Rejuvenation Pill, everyone else felt that Antique Hall must be crazy and thought that it must have deliberately created this outrageous gimmick for a malicious hype.

Seeing that the internet was full of curses against Antique Hall, Charlie was relieved.

What he wanted was this kind of perception difference.

Let ordinary people treat it as a joke, and let the really rich people treat it as something special.

It is also this cognitive difference that makes the netizens wildly spray it with mud, and the registration platform only two hours online, the number of registrations exceeded 500 people!

The registration threshold for Antique Hall is ten billion RMB, which translates to roughly $1.6 billion.

It may sound like a lot, but in reality, just from the explicit data that can be counted, there are nearly three thousand wealthy people around the world who have assets over this amount.

In addition, there is no telling how many invisible tycoons who never announce their assets to the public.

Therefore, two hours to register five hundred people, Charlie is not surprised.


However, the family’s Elaine and Jacob, are so shocked.

Elaine saw the news push on the phone, almost without thinking, she cursed:

“This Antique Hall I think their brains are donkey kicked!”

“What a crap auction, even the registration threshold of 10 billion assets, this is not a bullsh!t? Who dares to be so arrogant in an auction?”

In his heart, Jacob had always had a shadow over Antique Hall.

In the beginning, he almost didn’t have a heart attack when he broke the vase at their store.

It was hard so he dumped the pot to Charlie and ran, but the result was that he was caught and slapped several times, how wretched he was at that time.

So, after he heard the news, he immediately said with an annoyed face: “What the fcuk Antique Hall, I think they are here to speculate!”

“I’ve been in the Aurous Hill antique industry for so many years, what level of Antique can I not know?”

“Not to mention the top auction houses like Christie’s and Sotheby’s, even Poly in China is hundreds of times better than it.”

Saying that Jacob very disdainful continued: “Sotheby’s, Christie’s auctions, never dare to make a big deal about what to engage in capital verification,”

“To say more than a million deposit can participate, it is mere Antique Hall, dare to set a threshold of 10 billion, is simply outrageous!”

Elaine nodded, squinted her eyes, and asked, “Eh, do you think it will be because there is something special about these rejuvenation pills?”


Jacob bristled: “What can be special about it? It is difficult to eat it can ascend to immortality?”

“I think ascending to heaven is more like it! Even if it’s Angong Niuhuang Pills, isn’t it only a few hundred thousand a piece?”

“I think they just want to hype! This Antique Hall has not made any noise for so many years, so I guess this time they want to use some dirty tricks to get some attention.”

Elaine agreed and said, “You’re right, I guess it’s just like the old netizen called some sister,”

“Who had the face to say that her IQ was unmatched in the first three hundred years and the next three hundred years, but now she ran abroad to do nail art for others?”

Jacob said laughingly, “I thought that Warnia really had much ability, but I didn’t expect her to come up with such low-level tricks, it’s really a big shock.”

Saying that, he asked Charlie: “Right Charlie, aren’t you quite familiar with Warnia? Previously, she partnered with someone famous to hold an auction and sent you an invitation.

Charlie said smilingly, “I don’t have any business dealings with Miss Song, so there’s no need for her to ask me for advice.”

Jacob said with a serious face: “Aren’t you Master Wade that these rich people in Aurous Hill talk about?”

“Before they make any decision, don’t they ask you to tell their fortune to see the feng shui or something?”

“I remember before who bought a house did not have to ask you to go over to see?”


Speaking of this, Jacob exclaimed and said offhandedly, “Crap …… Charlie ……

you’re not going to be a lightning storm, right?”

Elaine heard this, also nervous hurriedly asked: “good son-in-law, you really? Then in the future, there are still people who spend millions of dollars to ask you to see feng shui?”

Chapter 3824

Charlie saw two people and this nervous look, helplessly shook his head and laughed: “My main business is to look at feng shui, you know,”

“Looking at feng shui is basically to look at the physical, look at the ancestral tomb, look at the house, look at the office space, people like Warnia is to believe in me again, the specific business is not likely to look for me to discuss.”

Jacob smacked his lips, nodded, and said, “This is also ……”

He said he was too busy to ask: “Right Charlie, you go back to ask Warnia, this auction, in the end, is a hype gimmick, or really want to do something,”

“If really want to do it, see if you can find her to ask for an invitation or something, I will go to see, in fact, which fool will come to participate.”

Charlie said casually: “I guess it’s just a hype gimmick, Dad, you should not pay attention to it, but how is your calligraphy and painting association side recently?”

“Very good!” Jacob said enthusiastically: “Our calligraphy and painting association has become more and more influential in the city, and will soon join hands with the city to carry out a series of cultural promotional activities,”

“Our city and South Korea’s Daejeon is a friendly city, the city intends to have cultural exchange activities with Daejeon recently if this matter is decided, I will also travel. “


When Elaine heard this, she was immediately overjoyed and said, “Jacob, you want to go to Korea for exchange?”

Jacob thought that Elaine wanted to mock his lack of qualifications, so he subconsciously asked her in return, “What? Can’t I do it? I am at least the vice president of the association, the proper second in command!”

“Yes, yes, yes.” Elaine smilingly said: “You are now really successful, when the time comes, if you go to Korea, take me with you? I’ve never been abroad since I grew up!”

Jacob said, “Don’t you dare! I am representing the Painting and Calligraphy Association to engage in cultural exchange with the Koreans.”

“It’s a cultural exchange between people, what’s the matter with you? If you don’t know, they’ll think I’m deliberately taking my family on a publicly funded trip!”

When Elaine heard this, she said discontentedly, “Aren’t you the vice president? The second-in-command, out to engage in exchanges can not take your wife?”

Jacob said, “I can take you with me, but not with you! I’m not fcuking crazy ……”

But the mouth a bit serious said: “This exchange is not organized by our calligraphy and painting association, it is organized by the city,”

“From each cultural field will send two or three representatives, we form an exchange group together with a chartered plane to go over, no one can take their families.”

Charlie heard this, couldn’t help but ask him: “Right Dad, that senior college included too?”

Jacob said casually: “Yes, this time is mainly the cultural exchange of the middle-aged and elderly level.”


Charlie immediately understood, if the elderly university fellows are also going, then with Meiqing’s education, temperament, appearance, must also be the representative of the elderly university.

In this case, beat his old man to death, he could not take his mother-in-law along.

Elaine did not hear the hidden message in the conversation between the two, listening to Jacob say so, although with some resentment, but did not insist much.

Jacob stood up at this time and said, “It’s late, I have to go to the association.”

After saying that, he hurried out of the villa and drove away.

Elaine’s heart was not comfortable, always felt that she had disliked Jacob for half of her life, but did not expect that he was getting better and better now, the difference was like a big mountain pressed down at once.

She cautiously asked Charlie: “Good son-in-law, do you think Mom can also engage in some kind of elderly business?”

Charlie was slightly stunned, and then asked her, “Mom, what do you want to do for a career?”

Elaine sighed: “Hey, I can’t say, but I think your father is flourishing in the Painting and Calligraphy Association, I’ve been idle at home, it’s not a matter ……”

Charlie laughed: “Your leg has not been well.”

Elaine said: “It is almost ready …… I have been at home for too long, I want to

find something to do ……”


Charlie thought about it and said casually: “Why don’t you go square dancing when you have nothing to do?”

“I see a lot of old men and women dancing all day long can be very energetic, some teams have a unified costume, the old men and women inside look particularly spiritual.”

Elaine waved her hand: “Dancing is a pastime, but not as a career! Unless the city also has a square dance association, let me be a vice president or something ……”

Charlie smiled twice and said, “I really can’t say this, but you don’t hurry, wait until your legs are completely well and then study it.”

Saying that Charlie’s phone suddenly received a document from Warnia, and a message from her, the message read:

Master Wade, this document contains all the registration information so far, a total of seven hundred and forty people.

Charlie wanted to see who were the most famous people among the applicants so far, especially if there were any Rothschild family or mother’s family.

So, he immediately said to Elaine, “Mom, I have something to take care of, so I’ll go to my room first.”

Elaine said: “Good son-in-law, don’t go, think about it for mom, what can mom do? Mom can’t let Jacob be compared to!”

Charlie walked towards the stairs while coping, “Mom, don’t worry, I’ll give it a good thought later.”

Elaine asked anxiously behind him, “Good girl, when are your good days coming?”


Charlie said casually without looking back: “When your legs are better, I will definitely think of it for you!”

After saying that, he strode upstairs ……

Chapter 3825

When Charlie returned to his room, he immediately went through the list sent by Warnia and carefully went through it.

He found that among the hundreds of registrants, the vast majority were from the United States and Europe.

Among them, just from one country, the United States, there are more than 300 people signed up.

And from the names of the applicants, it can be seen that there are not only Americans but also many Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

Interestingly, most of the applicants from the United States are plutocrats and entrepreneurs.

And more than half of the European applicants, surprisingly, are the royal families and nobility of various countries.

Even the royal family of Northern Europe, all signed up for this auction.

And the person who signed up is the old queen who just abdicated.

Charlie couldn’t help but think: “I don’t know if the Nordic royal family’s assets add up to 10 billion RMB, even if they can barely make it, I’m afraid they won’t have a chance to bid at all, right?”


However, when he thought about it, the old queen who had just abdicated must be desperate for the Rejuvenating Pill, and even if she couldn’t get the whole Pill.

She would want to get a quarter of it, and even if she couldn’t even get a quarter of it, she could at least get close to him for a favor.

Maybe the old queen will come to claim credit and introduce herself one by one to the people she pulled in, and then ask him for a little rejuvenation pill in return.

So, this kind, even if not earned, but also can never lose money on the sale, the old queen naturally will not let go.

In addition to those who signed up from Europe and the United States, there were also a few domestic entrepreneurs who participated in the registration.

Among them, there were surprisingly two returning customers of the Rejuvenating Pill, namely Li Tailai and Philip Gu.

Philip, as his elder, had always been very concerned about himself, and this time, he signed up for the auction, definitely to support the event.

As for Tailai, maybe he was nostalgic about the Rejuvenating Pill after he missed one last time, so he wanted to see if he had a chance to get another one.

What Charlie didn’t expect was that his grandfather had also signed up.

In fact, Zhongquan had always known about the existence of the Rejuvenating Pill.

After all, when Philip was terminally ill, a Rejuvenating Pill made him more than ten years younger, and this incident shocked Elder Wade greatly.


He has always wanted to find an opportunity to ask Charlie for the Pill, if not, then use the Wade family’s family headship and Charlie in exchange for a Pill to eat.

But what he didn’t expect was that so many things happened one after another, and finally Charlie, with the help of the Cataclysmic Front, took away the position of the Wade family head directly.

This instantly made him lose the most valuable weight.

When he knew that Charlie was going to auction the Rejuvenating Pill in Aurous Hill, his first thought was to put his name in first.

When the time comes, if he can grab it, it is naturally the best.

If can’t grab it, it doesn’t matter, he can think of it as coming to support Charlie.

And by the way, you can also use practical action to give Charlie a wake-up call, so that he knows that his grandfather is also full of desire for the Rejuvenating Pill.

He felt that he was so old to come to the auction, maybe Charlie’s heart would be soft and he could give him one directly.

Chapter 3826

Charlie also guessed the purpose of the Elder Wade did so, but he was not prepared to give the old man back to the spring pills, at least now is not the time.

The most interesting thing about the whole list is that Charlie did not see the royal family of Britain in the list.

Previously, Charlie also saw the movement of the royal family of Britain from the intelligence network of the Cataclysmic Front.


It is said that after the Crown Prince returned to Britain, did not report the situation of the Rejuvenating Pill to the Queen truthfully.

The Queen was once very angry about this matter and is bent on getting this medicine.

However, why was the auction announced and the Queen did not come to register?

After thinking about it, Charlie thought that it might be because the requirement that he set that he had to take the Rejuvenating Pill on-site was somewhat unacceptable to the empress.

If the empress was really interested in the Rejuvenating Pill, then her only option was to come to the auction in person.

There were two hundred places in the auction, and each successful registration could bring one companion, which meant that there would be four hundred people at the auction site that day.

Moreover, these four hundred people are undoubtedly the wealthy and aristocrats from all over the world, so it would indeed be somewhat awkward for the Queen to make an appearance on such an occasion.

After all, the Queen has not yet abdicated and is the nominal monarch of Britain as well as several Commonwealth countries.

If such a famous head of a country, personally come to Aurous Hill to participate in the auction, if the word gets out.

It will indeed have some impact on her own, as well as the reputation of the entire royal family.


After reading the list, Charlie is also a little disappointed that he did not see from the list about the Rothschild family, and did not see his mother’s family, the Middle East Saudi Kingdom’s royal family, also did not appear.

Charlie’s heart can not help but be surprised, could it be that these three of the world’s top families, do not need to suffer for longevity?

Otherwise, why did they not come to this unprecedented auction?

Or maybe they are still waiting in the dark, for the time being, wanting to take a look at this auction first and then make a decision in the future?

While Charlie was wondering, Warnia called him and reported: “Master Wade, since the news of the auction was released, the Song Group has received many calls and emails, and many people have expressed their willingness to buy a Rejuvenating Pill privately at a price of more than ten billion RMB.”

“Including the royal family of Britain and an American group, the Fei Group, who The chairman said that he was willing to pay five billion dollars immediately to beg for a rejuvenation pill, the highest offer among all.”

Charlie lightly laughed and said: “Uniformly reply to them, say that this time the rejuvenation pills auction, Antique Hall is also commissioned by the mysterious owner, tell them that this auction will only have a total of two rejuvenation pills,”

“Then, will be four copies of a quarter of a pill, as well as a whole pill for auction, the other more than one, not to mention five billion dollars, even for fifty billion dollars it will not be sold.”

“No matter who wants these two rejuvenation pills, they must personally come to Aurous Hill to participate in the auction!”

Speaking of this, Charlie added: “By the way, you should also announce to the public that anyone bidding for the Rejuvenating Pills, he is only allowed to bid successfully once,”


“That is, if he first bids for a quarter of the pills, then the Rejuvenating Pills that follow, he is not eligible to participate.”

Warnia said respectfully, “Okay Master Wade, then I’ll have someone reply one by one.”

Saying that, Warnia added: “Master Wade, there is one more thing, many people have inquired in the registration system whether they can bring their entourage on the day of the auction, we don’t have a clear rule on this, how do you think we can reply?”

Chapter 3827

Charlie thought about it and said indifferently, “Since they want to bring, each person who has successfully registered can only bring at most one accompanying person.”

“Okay.” Warnia busily said, “Then I will also send them an announcement on the registration platform.”

Charlie remembered something and immediately instructed, “By the way, tell them that although everyone can bring one attendant, if they are bidding for the Rejuvenating Pill,”

“After the bid is successful, it cannot be taken by the attendant, but only by the person who signed up.”

Charlie was worried that some people who did not want to reveal their identity would borrow the loophole of the entourage to mix in and then instruct others to bid for the Rejuvenating Pill and take it themselves.

Therefore, all such loopholes should be closed in advance, never letting them have any chance to exploit the loopholes.


Warnia said respectfully on the other end of the phone, “Okay Master Wade, I will explain it clearly to them.”

Charlie gave a hint and added: “Our registration window is open for a total of 48 hours, after the time, it will be stopped, and within 48 hours after the registration is stopped, the final shortlist will be announced!”

At this moment, Douglas Fei, who was preparing to depart for China, suddenly received a phone call.

The caller was his youngest granddaughter and his most beloved grandchild, Stella Fei.

Stella is just twenty-two years old this year, more than seventy years different from Douglas

And Douglas’s oldest grandchildren are now over fifty years old.

Even his oldest great-grandson, even older than Stella a few years.

It is also because of Stella’s young age and seniority that she can be considered to have a good time in the Fei family.

In the eyes of Master Fei, his children, and grandchildren, Stella is the youngest jewel among them all.

Not only does her grandfather loves her, her uncles and aunts love her, but those cousins also dote on her.

In the eyes of the next generation of the Fei family, Stella is the youngest in the entire Fei family, and those younger generations, even if they are older than her or the same age as her, must treat her with respect.


In the Fei family, she has been receiving the best elite education, fifteen years old to start college, already under the guidance of the family, began to take the market value of more than 100 million companies to do the hands-on practice.

So looking young, but acting in a calm and sophisticated style, is not generally comparable to the same age.

Many days ago, she was entrusted by Douglas to lead a team to Eastcliff, looking for clues to the Rejuvenating Pill.

However, because he misjudged the direction at the beginning, Stella ran around Eastcliff for several days but did not find anything.

After hearing that Antique Hall was going to publicly auction the Rejuvenating Pill, she contacted the Song Group at once.

Even raising the offer from one billion dollars to five billion dollars at one point, but the Song Group did not relent at all.

So, she immediately called her grandfather and asked with concern, “Grandpa, are you moving now?”

Douglas couldn’t hide his excitement and said, “I’m on my way to the airport, I’ll be there soon, Stella, how is the situation on your side?”

She replied, “I’m on my way to Aurous Hill from Eastcliff, the plane will land in half an hour.”

She sighed and said, “Grandpa, in my opinion, you should not come to China for the time being.”

“Why?” Douglas frowned and asked, “Is there any situation?”


Chapter 3828

Stella said truthfully, “I have contacted the Song Group and raised the offer to five billion dollars in communication,”

“Hoping that they could convey this price to the consignor of the Rejuvenating Pill, and if he is willing, he can always deal at this price, but the Song Group refused.”

Douglas’s expression was astonished as he exclaimed, “Five billion dollars, and they’re not even moving?!”

“Yes ……” Stella said helplessly, “I can’t figure out what the h3ll they are thinking,

just a potion, even if it is powerful, it can’t be auctioned at such a terrible price of five billion dollars, right?”

“If I were the consignor, then instead of taking the risk of waiting for the auction to be held, it would be better for me to just take out the elixir for five billion dollars to get a crisp and steady deal.”

Douglas said with a grave expression, “If this rejuvenation elixir is really that great chance that your grandfather Lai got at the beginning,”

“The price of five billion dollars is not really high, if it really goes to the auction, it is normal for the price to shoot up to ten billion dollars ……”

Stella said in amazement: “It’s not possible, Grandpa! What is the concept of ten billion dollars …… can buy a Ford-class aircraft carrier!”

“What kind of person would spend that much money on a single elixir? Not to mention that the vast majority of people are afraid they don’t know what effect the ammunition actually has, including me.”

Douglas sighed and spoke, “Not to mention you, even I don’t know, what exactly is the effect of this rejuvenation elixir,”


“But I have a hunch that if there are no surprises, the final price of this item is bound to be over ten billion dollars.”

Saying that Douglas remembered something and said, “I see! No wonder the commissioner behind this rejuvenation pill is so confident!”

“He has already taken everyone into account! When the time comes, the Rejuvenating Pill will definitely fetch an extremely high price!”

Stella asked, “Grandpa, what do you mean by he’s counting everyone in, I don’t understand.”

Douglas said, “Think about it, why did they have to set a rule that the successful bidder would take the Rejuvenating Pill on the spot?”

Stella said: “I can understand this, they want to use this requirement to ensure that all the big shots can not send a spokesman, nor can telephone entrusted bidding, must be present in person;”

“Secondly, should want to ensure that this thing will not be taken out by people with the intention of secondary speculation;”

“Thirdly, must also be full of confidence in this medicine, want to let the other one hundred and ninety-nine bidders all of them have witnessed the efficacy of this medicine with their own eyes.”

“Yes!” Douglas sighed: “Your analysis is correct, but there is only one thing missing.”

Stella asked in confusion, “Grandpa, is there anything else I’ve missed?”

Douglas opened his mouth and said, “Think about it, that commissioner, why did he take out two rejuvenation pills? And, why aren’t the two sold together, or one by one, but one of them was split into four to sell?”


Stella hesitated for a moment on the other end of the phone, and then blurted out, “Grandpa, are you saying that he wanted to use the Rejuvenating Pill that is split into four parts to pave the way for the final Rejuvenating Pill?”

“That’s right!” Douglas said appreciatively, “Stella, you can see right through it, you really are the most promising person in my family!”

Stella’s emotions did not fluctuate in the slightest, calmly said, “Grandpa, you are too much, I still strive to be able to understand without your point in the future.”

She continued with some concern, “Grandpa, if that entrusted person really wants to use the four split Rejuvenating Pills to pave the way as you said, then there is no doubt that as long as everyone sees the first successful bidder, who takes the first Rejuvenating Pill,”

“Then each subsequent one, the price will be higher than the previous one, and each time the bidding ends, for the people behind, it is a huge upside,”

“Step by step, to the last whole Rejuvenating Pill, I’m afraid it will really shoot up to the sky!”

Douglas smiled helplessly: “In my opinion, $10 billion is not enough! Even if it doubles, triples, or quadruples, it may not be enough.”

Stella hesitated a little and asked him, “Grandpa, what is your psychological price?”

Douglas did not speak for a long time, and only after a long time did he seriously say, “I don’t have a psychological price, this elixir I am determined to get, just on this basis, the less money spent, the better.”

Speaking of this, Douglas could not help but sigh lightly and said, “Only I do not know yet, is there anyone like me, as ambitious for this elixir, if the other party’s strength is stronger than mine, then I will have to lose with it……”


Stella said in a gruff tone, “Grandpa I understand …… this way, you just don’t

rush to come over, I have already submitted the registration information to them, I think with our strength, we will definitely be able to enter the final list of 200 people.”

The company’s main business is the sale of products and services.

Chapter 3829

Douglas accepted his granddaughter’s advice and gave up the intention of going to Aurous Hill immediately.

He knew very well that since it was difficult to get the Song Group and the consignor behind it to relent before the auction.

There was no practical meaning for him to go to Aurous Hill now.

After all, he is old, his movement and living is not convenient, now going over, except for Stella to add to the chaos, can not lend any help.

It would be better to let her go to Aurous Hill and let go of his hands and feet to try, in case she really succeeds.

She can return to the United States directly with the Rejuvenating Pill, and if she does not succeed, he can go to Aurous Hill to participate in the auction at that time.

In this way, at least there are two preparations, and the chances of success are a bit greater.

Stella hung up her grandfather’s phone, and deep inside she also felt a lot of pressure.

She knew that her grandfather attached great importance to the Rejuvenating Pill, although she did not know what kind of medicinal effect this Pill had.


But from the supporting evidence obtained from Qinghua, the Rejuvenating Pill could prolong his life for at least a few years.

And grandpa is already more than ninety this year, if she does not seize this opportunity, life expectancy may be one or two years or even shorter, but if seizes this opportunity, living to a hundred years old is never a problem.

This also means that whether grandpa can live to 100 years old, all depends on whether he can get the Rejuvenating Pill.

But the real headache for Stella is that he does not have any clues about the entrusted person of the Rejuvenating Pill, so how to find him out becomes the most difficult problem at the moment.

But even if this problem can be solved, there is still a bigger challenge waiting.

The other side didn’t even put 5 billion dollars in their eyes, so how should they get her to produce a Rejuvenatinging Pill?

After thinking about it, she decided to put the breakthrough point on Antique Hall’s parent company, that is, the Song Group, first.

So she said to her assistant, “Martina, in these two days, I want you to help me find out all the information of the Song Group, as much as you can, and then print it all out and give it to me.”

The girl called Martina, named Martina was the personal assistant that Stella had trained.

Hearing Stella’s order, she immediately said respectfully, “Sure, Miss!”

Stella asked her again, “Has our accommodation problem in Aurous Hill been solved?”


Martina replied, “Back to Miss, I have booked the presidential suites and several luxury suites in the best three five-star hotels within the city of Aurous Hill,”

“I will give you the hotel information later, you can choose at your leisure.”

“Well done.”

Stella faintly praised a sentence and nodded in satisfaction.

This foolproof style of acting was the philosophy she had always instilled in her men.

To the Fei family, money was not money at all as long as it was not counted in hundred million dollars.

So when Stella went to Aurous Hill for business, she didn’t even need to worry about where to stay, her assistant had already booked all the rooms in the three five-star hotels in the city and paid for them in advance.

Chapter 3830

Although the room fees of two hotels were destined to go down the drain, these hundreds of thousands of dollars were not even a penny to the Fei family.

Spend these extra hundreds of thousands of dollars, in order to avoid the only choice of a hotel and if temporary have any unexpected situation, even if only one percent of the chance she could avoid it.

This is Stella’s style of action, including this time to China, although she only has less than ten people in the team and pulled two identical private planes from home.

These two planes, both brand new Boeing 787 airliners converted private aircraft, each has a factory price of nearly 300 million dollars, the total cost of nearly 500 million dollars after the completion of the transformation.


Under normal circumstances, the maximum commercial load of this aircraft is three hundred and thirty people, but Stella’s team of less than ten people currently occupies the two of them.

She and her subordinates flew in one of them, while the other was used as a shadow plane, accompanying them throughout the flight.

The same way as the President with two air force jets on duty, Stella takes this plane to where the other plane will follow.

If there is any problem with the plane she is on, she can take the other plane and continue flying without any problem.

If this plane did not have any accidents during her days in China, the other plane’s flight costs of more than ten million dollars would have been wasted.

However, Stella does not care in the slightest.

What she seeks is to solve the problem 100%.

Other than that, it didn’t matter.

After that, her assistant handed a flat white computer to her and said, “Miss, this is the information of the three hotels, please take a look at it.”

Stella nodded, took the tablet and slid it to look through it, whispered to herself, “Aurous Hill International Hotel …… Aurous Hill Shangri-La Hotel …… Aurous Hill

Hilton Hotel ……”

Stella frowned slightly, said: “look like all more general.”

Martina helplessly said, “Miss, Aurous Hill’s economic development is slightly lagging behind, compared to several first-tier cities in China,”


“The best local hotels are five-star, the only six-star hotel is still under construction, has not yet been completed.”

Stella expressionlessly hmmm: “Well …… forget it, that’s it, it doesn’t matter

which one we stay tonight, but we may have to stay in Aurous Hill for a long time this time,”

“So you wait for the plane to land, immediately communicate with these three hotels to see which hotel room can continuously stay for a month, I don’t want to change places in the middle.”

Martina immediately nodded and said, “Okay Miss, I know!”


Half an hour later, two Boeing 787 airliners landed on the two runways of Aurous Hill Airport at almost the same time.

Martina while arranging for her men to confirm the situation of the pick-up fleet, while calling the three hotels respectively, asking whether they could ensure that all room’s occupation could be extended for a month.

Stella usually stays in the best presidential suites when she travels, but most hotels only have one or two presidential suites, so if the presidential suites in any of the hotels are booked out in the next month, it will be difficult to guarantee Stella’s extended stay.

After a phone call, Martina immediately reported to Stella: “Miss, the three hotels, I have asked the situation, the room of the Aurous Hill International Hotel has no problem, can stay for a month,”

“But the Hilton Hotel presidential suite in the next Saturday there are reservations, it is said that the customer is a foreigner in Aurous Hill,”


“Married here, they are to use the hotel’s presidential suite as a matrimonial home, their manager said can help us coordinate with the customer,”

“But does not ensure that it will work, in addition to that Shangri-La Hotel, does not accept all reservations after fifteen days, so now we can book and only stay for fifteen days.”

After hearing this, Stella almost didn’t think twice and said, “Then don’t bother, just book the Aurous Hill International Hotel.”

“Okay, Miss.” Martina was busy saying, “Then I’ll call the hotel.”

Stella just nodded her head in acquiescence, but soon, a gloomy look appeared on her beautiful face.

She hurriedly called Martina and said, “Martina, wait a minute!”

Chapter 3831

Martina asked, “Miss, what else do you want?”

Stella frowned her good-looking eyebrows, narrowed her eyes, and asked rhetorically, “What hotel, will not accept the appointment after 15 days?”

“As far as I know, all the hotels, can’t wait to be able to sell their rooms until 10 years later, and a hotel that won’t allow reservations after 15 days is the first time I’ve heard of it.”

“Yes.” Martina nodded and said, “This mode of their operation is indeed a bit strange, I also asked them the reason, but their service desk said it was clearly ordered from above, they are only carrying out the orders of the hotel executives.”

Stella snorted coldly and said, “There must be a demon when things go wrong, what would make a hotel give up room sales?”


“There are still nineteen days left in the auction of the Rejuvenating Pill, the specific address has not been announced until now, and this Shangri-La will not accept reservations after fifteen days, there must be something fishy about it.”

In fact, Antique Hall has not yet announced the news of co-hosting an auction with Shangri-La.

This was also Charlie’s intention.

Some time ago, the outside world thought that the Wade family was half eaten up by the Cataclysmic Front, and many people intended to draw a line with the Wade family.

So the business of hundreds of Shangri-La hotels around the world were affected to a considerable extent.

Charlie was planning to take advantage of this auction this time to give those rich people a good smack in the face so that they had to stay at Shangri-La in order to attend the auction.

However, he did not intend to immediately announce the news, this is because if the auction venue is announced early, there will certainly be many people with a heart or malicious intent, stepping early into the auction venue.

It is possible that there will be people who are interested in the Rejuvenating Pill and want to do something about the venue.

Therefore, Charlie intends to put this suspense to the last to reveal, let those rich people who signed up for the auction, after arriving in Aurous Hill, the organizer Antique Hall, directly arranged for them to check-in at Shangri-La,”

“At that time, a night room is a million, 10 million, or 100 million, are free to open their own price.


Anyway, when the Shangri-La closed management in advance, if they do not live in, there is no opportunity to participate in the auction.

Moreover, this time, just can secretly prepare for the renovation of the Shangri-La ballroom, as well as security work, to ensure that nothing can go wrong.

But what Charlie did not expect is that his intention, but by a woman who has never met, perceived the difference.

Stella and Zhiyu are the same, both are the elite class carefully cultivated by the big family, but the only difference is that Stella began to carry out practical exercises in her teens.

While Zhiyu had been a student before being pushed to the high position of the Su family head by Charlie, and even originally intended to continue to go to the United States for further study.

Therefore, although the two are not very different in age and growing environment, but acting style as well as refinement, Stella is a great deal stronger than Zhiyu.

When she realized that something was not quite right at Shangri-La, she immediately surmised in her heart that Shangri-La and Antique Hall must have some kind of connection.

She was even 70% sure that Shangri-La was the actual venue of the Rejuvenating Pill auction.

So, she immediately asked Martina to book a room at Shangri-La, and then the group was escorted by a pickup team and went directly to Shangri-La.

At this time, the business of Shangri-La was still a bit depressed.

Although the entire executive building is closed to the public, the occupancy rate of the remaining half of the rooms is only about thirty percent.


For a hotel with an occupancy rate of more than 80% most of the time in previous years, it was simply colder than during the New Year.

Inside the hotel lobby, the number of the service staff was even more than the number of guests.

Chapter 3832

When Stella stepped into the hotel lobby, she also felt a little surprised, a five-star hotel, business is dismal in this way, it is really a little unexpected.

Just when she was standing in the middle of the empty lobby, looking around and wondering, two men quickly passed by her.

As she passed, she heard the younger man say, “Send those people to Orvel, as for the researcher, leave him alone, let him take his time to research.”

The older man nodded and said, “Yes, Master Wade.”

Immediately afterward, the young man called Master Wade asked, “Has Warnia arrived?”

The older man said, “Miss Song has arrived.”

As they spoke, the two men quickly left from Stella’s side.

When they passed by, Stella saw the side faces of the two men, and the first thought in her mind was, “This young guy is quite handsome.”

The two people who brushed past her were none other than Charlie and Issac.

Charlie happened to ask Warnia to come over to talk about the next details of the auction with her, and when he arrived at the entrance of the hotel, Warnia was already waiting at the door.


When they met, Issac first told him that those soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front who are deployed in JX Pharmaceutical.

Last night and at noon today, captured several agents who had infiltrated JX Pharmaceutical one after another, and these people are now under tight control, but have not been transferred yet.

At the same time, the Cataclysmic Front also found a man sneaking around JX Pharmaceuticals.

Although this man looked like Chinese because he had been photographed by Orvel’s minions when he first arrived in Aurous Hill and left customs.

Now that he was found in JX Pharmaceuticals, he was immediately put under close scrutiny.

According to reports, the man did not do much more than digging in the vicinity of JX Pharmaceuticals and collecting plant specimens, and did not infiltrate inside JX Pharmaceuticals.

Moreover, according to the investigation of the Cataclysmic Front, it was found that the man’s name was Nakamura Junpei, a Japanese-American microbiologist as well as a pharmacologist.

For those agents, Charlie’s request was naturally to send them to Orvel under strict supervision.

However, after learning that Junpei was a drug developer, Charlie was not prepared to have him captured as well.

On the contrary, he also asked Issac to give instructions to leave that guy alone and let him do whatever he wanted to do.

After all, Charlie also preferred them to waste a little more time and energy in the dead-end for their reverse R&D.


When Issac reported the situation, has been very careful, many places are used in vague terms, and did not dare to call Charlie’s young master outside.

But both did not expect, their conversation to be heard by someone.

What Stella heard was not much.

She only heard something about sending people to Orvel, who is Orvel, she does not know, Orvel where is his place, she also does not know.

However, she heard Charlie mention the word Warnia and immediately paid attention to it.

Because, she had a preliminary understanding of the Song Group before, and knew that the head of the Song Group, named Warnia.

Moreover, she heard the word Miss Song from Issac’s mouth. Combining the words “Warnia” and “Song”, she was immediately sure that these two people were talking about Warnia.

At this moment, she was puzzled and thought, “Could Warnia be at Shangri-La now? That really matches my previous speculation about Shangri-La! In this way, the possibility that the auction will be held at Shangri-La has risen from 70% to 99%!”

Whirlwind, she secretly speculated, “That young man, to call Warnia by her first name, and still ignore the surname and call her Warnia,”

“That proves that he has a very good relationship with her, and his social status is not at all inferior to Warnia, and may even be higher than her ……”

“Another person called him Master Wade …… but he is young and looks to be in

his twenties, that person is older than him, so why should he respectfully call him Master?”


“And …… who is that middle-aged man beside him? Why does it feel as if this

place is his home turf?”

Thinking of this, she immediately called over Martina and instructed in a low voice, “Martina, check the information of the person in charge of this hotel for me, preferably one with video data!”

Chapter 3833

When Stella checked in and stayed in the Shangri-La Presidential Suite, Charlie was working with Warnia and Issac to determine the details of the auction follow-up.

Right now, the most important thing for him is the security of Shangri-La at the time of auction.

After all, in the face of the value of the rejuvenation pills may exceed ten billion dollars at any time, the temptation is really too great, don’t know how many people secretly will move against it.

Moreover, when the time comes, almost all of the top tycoons will be present, in this case, it is necessary to ensure the personal safety of each.

Otherwise, in case something goes wrong, who else will dare to come to the auction in the future.

Therefore, Charlie asked the security system of Shangri-La, to be completed in the next fifteen days, with all the new rounds of upgrades.

At the same time, he also had to inform Joseph to send a large number of additional elite manpower from the Front to strictly ensure the security of Shangri-La before the auction started.


Although Issac was under a lot of pressure, he still assured Charlie very firmly, “Young master, don’t worry, I will do my best to ensure that the auction is foolproof!”

Charlie gently nodded and said, “This year, we will first strive to open the door, I have already been instructed to start preparing for the construction of a brand new auction center, when the auction center is completed, this auction will have a dedicated venue.”

The auction center, in addition to the pill auction, the other times, Antique Hall can use as they wish. Consider it as your own home turf.”

Warnia was surprised and happy, but at the same time a little nervous, “Master Wade, this auction has such a great influence in high society, all because of your Rejuvenating Pill,”

“Antique Hall can come out to host this auction, is already a great fortune for me, the future auction center, how dare I accept your favor ……”

The first time she saw this, she was able to get a new one.

This time to use Charlie’s Rejuvenating Pill, among the world’s richest wealthy class to make a name for herself, is already a dream she cannot dare to imagine the great opportunity,”

“And now Charlie to pull the Song Group on board long-term cooperation, the Song family is even more under a huge favor.

What’s more, a brand new auction center, investment of at least several billion to start with, Charlie only let them contribute 20%,”

“But the vast majority of the time this auction center by Antique Hall to use, this is a great advantage but it is like taking advantage of Charlie, thinking so she did not dare to accept.


Charlie saw that she did not know what to do, with a faint smile, said seriously: “Warnia, the auction center is not a big investment, back to the Rejuvenating’s fever you can see,”

“A year to shoot one or two, you can harvest from these top tycoons tens of billions of dollars, an auction center at most a few hundred million dollars to take care of, not even worth a quarter of the Rejuvenating pill,”

“So you don’t have to be so polite with me, we are going to have a long-term strategic cooperation in the future, don’t be detained by such a small matter.”

Warnia nodded gratefully and said seriously, “Master Wade, at that time, Antique Hall will be responsible for the daily operation of the auction center, and all the income from the operation will be handed over to Emgrand Group!”

“Don’t.” Charlie waved his hand: “The income generated from your operation, just share it normally according to the investment ratio, but if it is for your Antique Hall’s own use, don’t report the income.”

Seeing this, Warnia no longer insisted more, and said with love in her eyes, “Okay Master Wade, I understand!”

Only then did Charlie nod in satisfaction, and then asked her, “How is the registration situation now?”

Warnia busily said, “Master Wade, there are nearly seven hundred people signed up so far.”

Saying that, she opened a document on the tablet computer and handed it to Charlie, saying respectfully, “Master Wade, all the registration information is here, and we have already started to review the asset information they submitted.”

Charlie nodded slightly, and then looked through the registration information.


Among the seven hundred people who had signed up so far, the person whose data was available and who had the highest assets was Bernard Elnor, who was now ranked third in the world’s wealthy list.

Charlie said curiously, “Bernard Elnor, how come I’ve never heard of him?”

Chapter 3834

Warnia pursed her lips and snickered, flirting, “Master Wade, you don’t know Bernard Elnor, but your wife should know.”

“Is that so?” Charlie asked in disbelief, “Why do you say that?”

Warnia laughed: “Because this man, is the godfather of global luxury …… many

of France’s top luxury brands, are under his group’s name, the most famous is Lu Vuitton, which is commonly known as LV.”

Warnia said: “Moreover, he made many big moves some time ago, with great fanfare, a series of acquisitions of a number of French and Italian luxury brands, including the famous Emmaus,”

“Because of its near-monopoly in the field of luxury dominance, his value, also reached a staggering $ 170 billion, converted into RMB, has broken trillion.”

Charlie nodded and laughed: “So that’s how …… it seems that this old man is

known as a global friend of women!”

Saying that Charlie took a closer look at the information of this name, and found that he is now in his seventies, so he thinks he is also starting to worry about life extension.

In fact, since ancient times, the world’s top powerful people are like this.

People in their teens to their twenties and thirties are young and in a frivolous stage, unaware of the preciousness of time.


People in this age group are only concerned about the immediate future and not the long future.

That’s why some people are willing to sell a kidney for tens of thousands of dollars for a cell phone or sacrifice their health for a small profit, or even take the risk.

And the beginning of the twenties and thirties, to the fifties and sixties, for the vast majority of people, is really the stage of laying the foundation of a lifetime.

Especially for those top tycoons, these precious twenty or thirty years are the most flourishing time of their lives.

Almost all of the rich and powerful have achieved an exponential surge in assets at this age.

And as their careers become more and more successful, their personal wealth continues to rise, and their age continues to increase.

These rich people will naturally enter a “life” after success and old age, hoping that they can live longer and have more time to enjoy these remarkable achievements that they have created.

The more successful people are, the more so.

In ancient times, every emperor of China dreamed of a long life.

Put in modern times, almost every billionaire, too, is repeating the mistakes of ancient emperors, secretly investing huge sums of money to find ways to live forever.

The third-generation heir of the Rockefeller family, David Rockefeller, spent hundreds of millions of dollars, had six heart transplants and lived to the age of 101.


In addition, there are many other rich people who spend over hundreds of millions of dollars a year on cellular injections just to slow down the aging process.

Like Douglas, there are many other rich people who have invested billions of dollars in various scientific research projects.

So, right now, the rejuvenation pill is especially attractive to the rich and powerful over the age of seventy.

By spending money on a rejuvenation pill, all those past investments with uncertain results and the long wait can be completely omitted.

But it is also because of the different stages and different mentality that the world’s top billionaire, Amazon founder Bezos, and the second place Tesla founder Musk, did not sign up for this auction.

Charlie did not feel surprised by this, because these two people are not too old.

Bezos is older, but now not yet sixty years old, and Musk is also just over fifty.

These two people, in the field of entrepreneurship, are in their prime.

This age group, full of thought is to engage in money, do great things, there is no particular urgent need for longevity.

Chapter 3835

Moreover, these two people are both Internet-borne bigwigs, with avant-garde and radical ideas, and they are definitely skeptical or even negative about such things as rejuvenation pills, so they are unlikely to sign up for the auction.

However, Charlie felt that if he waited for another ten or twenty years, the two of them would definitely be eager for the Rejuvenating Pill.


Because in his opinion, no one can escape this law!

Charlie continued to look down.

On the list, there was another person named Douglas Fei, which attracted his attention.

For this man, the amount of assets registered at the time of registration was one hundred billion dollars, but this person’s information had never appeared on the Forbes list.

There are several other people in a similar situation to him.

These people, all of whom could not find their names in the Forbes list, and had little news on the Internet, but one by one, declared assets of around one hundred billion dollars.

Charlie vaguely felt that the actual assets of these people should be far more than one hundred billion dollars.

The reason why they are declared at one hundred billion dollars, it is estimated that they do not want to be too obvious, and want to lock a place firmly, so only a part of the assets will be taken out for capital verification.

What surprised Charlie the most, this list, but also appeared the figure of the British royal family!

He could not help but sigh: “I thought the British royal family would not come this time.”

Warnia laughed: “They just submitted their application a few minutes ago, and the one that signed up for the auction this time is not the Queen herself, but the Queen’s eldest grandson, Prince Arthur.”


Saying that, Warnia was also a bit surprised and puzzled, “His age is just around 40 years old, I wonder why he wants to come to the auction of the Rejuvenating Pill.”

This Prince Arthur, who had married a commoner princess in a high-profile manner a few years ago and was also the number two heir to the throne of Britain, had been a topic of great conversation and very high visibility for several years.

He suddenly signed up to participate in the auction, which indeed took Charlie a little by surprise.

However, Charlie quickly figured out the motive of the British royal family.

He said with a smile, “I think the British royal family must not have thought about coming to compete for the Rejuvenating Pill this year,”

“The reason why they let Prince Arthur sign up is probably that they want to send him over to see with their own eyes what kind of miraculous effects the Rejuvenating Pill has, to feel out the bottom first.”

After saying that he continued: “And to be honest, the British royal family’s funds, for a bid are enough, but really want to bid for the Rejuvenating pill, they simply do not have the strength.”

Charlie did not reject this kind of lively practice, because he knew very well in his heart that the majority of the seven hundred applicants should know that they did not have the strength to compete with the top tycoons.

But this still did not stop their enthusiasm to sign up.

Charlie estimated that the motive of these people should be to open their eyes and gain insight.


After Charlie looked at the list of the top 300, he said to Warnia, “Warnia, take my grandfather’s name, out of the list, there’s no need to rank him.”

Warnia asked busily, “Master Wade, are you not going to let your grandfather participate?”

Charlie smiled, “Not so much, definitely, for him, he can attend, I’ve left a few VIP seats at the site, so I’ll save one for him when the time comes.”

Chapter 3835

Moreover, these two people are both Internet-borne bigwigs, with avant-garde and radical ideas, and they are definitely skeptical or even negative about such things as rejuvenation pills, so they are unlikely to sign up for the auction.

However, Charlie felt that if he waited for another ten or twenty years, the two of them would definitely be eager for the Rejuvenating Pill.

Because in his opinion, no one can escape this law!

Charlie continued to look down.

On the list, there was another person named Douglas Fei, which attracted his attention.

For this man, the amount of assets registered at the time of registration was one hundred billion dollars, but this person’s information had never appeared on the Forbes list.

There are several other people in a similar situation to him.

These people, all of whom could not find their names in the Forbes list, and had little news on the Internet, but one by one, declared assets of around one hundred billion dollars.


Charlie vaguely felt that the actual assets of these people should be far more than one hundred billion dollars.

The reason why they are declared at one hundred billion dollars, it is estimated that they do not want to be too obvious, and want to lock a place firmly, so only a part of the assets will be taken out for capital verification.

What surprised Charlie the most, this list, but also appeared the figure of the British royal family!

He could not help but sigh: “I thought the British royal family would not come this time.”

Warnia laughed: “They just submitted their application a few minutes ago, and the one that signed up for the auction this time is not the Queen herself, but the Queen’s eldest grandson, Prince Arthur.”

Saying that, Warnia was also a bit surprised and puzzled, “His age is just around 40 years old, I wonder why he wants to come to the auction of the Rejuvenating Pill.”

This Prince Arthur, who had married a commoner princess in a high-profile manner a few years ago and was also the number two heir to the throne of Britain, had been a topic of great conversation and very high visibility for several years.

He suddenly signed up to participate in the auction, which indeed took Charlie a little by surprise.

However, Charlie quickly figured out the motive of the British royal family.

He said with a smile, “I think the British royal family must not have thought about coming to compete for the Rejuvenating Pill this year,”


“The reason why they let Prince Arthur sign up is probably that they want to send him over to see with their own eyes what kind of miraculous effects the Rejuvenating Pill has, to feel out the bottom first.”

After saying that he continued: “And to be honest, the British royal family’s funds, for a bid are enough, but really want to bid for the Rejuvenating pill, they simply do not have the strength.”

Charlie did not reject this kind of lively practice, because he knew very well in his heart that the majority of the seven hundred applicants should know that they did not have the strength to compete with the top tycoons.

But this still did not stop their enthusiasm to sign up.

Charlie estimated that the motive of these people should be to open their eyes and gain insight.

After Charlie looked at the list of the top 300, he said to Warnia, “Warnia, take my grandfather’s name, out of the list, there’s no need to rank him.”

Warnia asked busily, “Master Wade, are you not going to let your grandfather participate?”

Charlie smiled, “Not so much, definitely, for him, he can attend, I’ve left a few VIP seats at the site, so I’ll save one for him when the time comes.”

Chapter 3836

Speaking of this, Charlie gently lamented: “Recently many people have been somewhat contemptuous of the Wade family because of the matter of the Front, it’s time for them to have more respect for the Wade family.”

Warnia immediately said, “Okay Master Wade, then I’ll make the arrangements.”


Charlie asked again, “Right Warnia, I didn’t see any information about the Nordic Royal Family, what is their current ranking?”

Warnia said awkwardly, “Lady Eliza Iliad of the Nordic Royal Family is ranked sixth from the bottom of the list of seven hundred people.”

Eliza Iliad, the name of the former empress and Helena’s grandmother.

Charlie immediately pulled the list to the end, and immediately understood the embarrassment of the Nordic royal family.

Even if the old queen submitted all the proof of the Nordic royal family’s assets, converted into RMB is just over ten billion, which is just enough for the basic threshold of the registration qualification.

So in these seven hundred people, she is almost at the bottom of the existence.

Two hundred out of seven hundred people, according to this sort, she is definitely not qualified to come to this auction.

Seeing this, Charlie couldn’t help but lose his smile: “Hey, it seems that the Nordic royal family is indeed a bit lagging behind, with assets that are not even one-tenth of the British royal family.”

“Yes ……” Warnia said helplessly, “I always thought that the royal families in

Europe were very rich, I really didn’t expect this royal family to be so miserable ……”


In fact, far away in northern Europe, the old queen herself knows in her heart, the northern European royal family did not seize any development opportunities over the years, just little ancestral assets, indeed some can not be taken out.


To say that the ancestral property, she was well in the palace to converge it, the antiques and paintings are converted, it is estimated that there can be more than a few billion dollars.

However, those things are inherited in order, and there is no market, simply can not be valued, or once taken out, the world will know that the Nordic royal family began to sell their ancestral property.

Moreover, even if those assets are discounted, there is nothing substantial to help their ranking, two hundred out of seven hundred people.

Whether it is the sixth from the bottom, or the 16th from the bottom, or even the 60th from the bottom, basically, it is the same result.

In order to prevent losing, she specifically found Helena and pleaded, “Helena, when it’s convenient for you, can you call Charlie for Grandma and ask him if he can give me a place in the auction?”

Helena said with some difficulty, “Grandma, Mr. Wade has helped us so much, for this favor we have never had the opportunity to return to him, this kind of thing, how can I still have the heart to ask him for help again ……”

Helena’s mind, the old queen’s heart naturally clear.

Charlie has a rebuilding grace to Helena, turned her from a pawn used by the royal family to intermarry, directly into the new queen of Northern Europe, not only saving her, but also saving her mother.

Moreover, was Charlie not too kind to her, if not for his rejuvenation pills, I’m afraid she would have let Olivia die.

No matter how you look at it, their grandparents and grandchildren owe too much to Charlie, so if they ask for Charlie’s help again at this time, it’s really a bit cheeky.


Thinking of this, the old queen could not help but sigh: “This auction, I think there will be a lot of top big shots gathered in China, I happen to have abdicated now,”

“There is nothing sensitive in my identity, if I can have the opportunity to meet and expand the network resources for our Nordic royal family, it is also a good thing ……”

Helena looked at a sorrowful grandmother, the expression of the desire to speak and stop.

In her heart, she knew very well the old lady’s idea, just want to take this opportunity to go to Charlie to claim some credit, or go to him to sell a face in front of him, to see if there can be any unexpected harvest.

Although Helena was more grateful to Charlie than anyone else in her heart, but she also had her own bone pride.

And did not want her grandmother, like an elderly beggar, to appear in front of Charlie, that way, afraid that it would make Charlie look down on himself even more.

So, she then softly advised, “Grandma, for Mr. Wade’s auction this time, the threshold is indeed too high, we, the Nordic royal family, do not have the strength to do so,”

“And if we insist on moving up, it will also look like we are out of our depth, instead of that, we should keep a low profile.”

Saying that Helena added: “Now Mr. Wade’s sister-in-law is representing the Wade family, actively cooperating with the royal family, this is also a wonderful opportunity for the royal family,”


“Our energy now should be used to properly cooperate with the Wade family, as for the auction of the Rejuvenating Pill, I think it’s better not to go for the time being.”

The old queen wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, she held back.

No matter what Helena said, the yearning for the Rejuvenating Pill deep inside her heart could not be erased.

Only, Helena’s words were true in every sense, making her unable to refute them, so she could only accept them silently.

At this moment, she saw that the pupils of Helena’s stunning eyes were full of melancholy, so she couldn’t help but ask her, “Helena, do you miss Mr. Charlie?”

Chapter 3837

Hearing her grandmother’s question, Helena’s entire body was instantly stunned.

The shyness within her heart did not have the time to make her blush, and then she was immediately crushed by a deep sense of sadness completely.

Originally, she instinctively wanted to deny it.

But somehow, deep inside, she suddenly had a feeling of not being able to keep it, so she let out a light sigh and said quietly: “What can I do if I think of him? Since I ascended the throne, my identity has become extremely sensitive,”

“Where to go, who to see, what to say, what to do, are no longer my own decision, I dreamed of going to China to see him,”

“But I now have no way to bypass the diplomatic channels, he will not come here in a short time, I am afraid that I will not even see his face …… “


Speaking of which, Helena’s eyes have been filled with tears, and have even spilled out of the corners of her eyes.

She hurriedly turned her head, quietly wiped away the tears, and only then added: “Grandma, to be honest, the biggest reason why I wanted to be the empress was to save my mother,”

“And secondly, I wanted to take revenge on Olivia, now that mother is safe and sound, and Olivia has received the punishment she deserves, now the position of empress no longer has any meaning for me ……”

The old queen said: “Don’t think nonsense! The royal family now has no direct blood heirs to the throne! It’s impossible for you to abdicate the throne even if you want to!”

Helena looked at the old queen and subconsciously asked, “Grandma, do you still want to be the queen again?”

The old queen immediately waved her hand and said, “No! I don’t want to! Besides, there is no such thing in the world, obviously abdicated and re-enthroned, if that really happened, the royal family’s reputation will just ……”

Helena sighed and said sadly, “So when will there be a suitable heir to the throne?”

The old queen said awkwardly: “This depends on you …… our family is not

prosperous, you now do not even have a first heir to the throne, if you abdicate, then I can only go to other countries royal family to borrow a successor to ……”

Saying that the old queen with a straight face admonished: “Helena, if you want to get rid of the throne early, the best way is to hurry up and give birth to a child, and then set him up as the Crown Prince, and when he comes of age, you can abdicate the throne.”


“I ……” Helena expression like an angry little daughter-in-law, said sulkily: “If

Charlie is willing, I am willing to give him a son, then raised in the palace, and when he comes of age, he will inherit the throne!”

The old queen’s expression was stunned, and then she covered her forehead and sighed: “You …… you are crazy …… if you are unmarried and have children first, how can the royal family explain to the people of the country?”

Helena said seriously: “What’s wrong with that? As long as Charlie really is willing, by the time I get pregnant, I will personally go and tell the people clearly,”

“I will frankly tell everyone that I am willing to have a child for the man I love, this is my freedom, no one has the right to interfere.”

Speaking of which, she sighed in melancholy: “The only thing I’m afraid of in this matter is that Charlie would not agree,”

“If he agrees, even if I am laughed at by the whole world, so what, I simply do not care.”

“OK OK ……” the old queen while pressing her temples, sighing alas: “I think it is

better to be realistic, starting next year, in the royal families of each country, looking for a similar age marriage partner.”

“No.” Helena flatly refused without thinking: “I won’t get married unless I marry Charlie.”

Chapter 3838

The old queen asked her rhetorically: “Charlie has long been married, and you said yourself, he has more confidants than you can count,”

“Who have known him longer than you, this is the same as the royal succession, even if he is divorced, you are not the first in the line of succession,”


“Perhaps even ranked outside the tenth, this situation you still do not marry him, it is not clear that you want to be single for life?”

Helena said seriously: “It’s okay to be single for the rest of my life, it’s better than marrying someone I don’t love and having children for someone I don’t love.”

The old queen said with a sad face: “If you don’t get married when I die, the whole Nordic royal family will be left on to you! Have you ever seen such a miserable royal family ……”

Helena said seriously: “Grandma, if the royal family does not have a suitable successor, then the Nordic countries can completely after my death, abolish the royal family,”

“Change the constitutional monarchy to a presidential republic, as for us, hire on the line, why worry too much about the afterlife?”

The old queen let out a long sigh and said, “If the royal family is really forced to cancel because of the lack of successors, then I would rather you have a child with Charlie, unmarried!”

Helena smiled and said, “You see, Grandma, we have finally reached a consensus on this issue.”

“Yes, yes, yes ……” the old queen seemed to have given up resistance and said

quietly, “What you said is right, now the question is, how can you get pregnant with Charlie’s child?”

“If you get pregnant, when the time comes to give birth to a Eurasian hybrid, the royal bloodline is folded in half, and how do you explain to the people?”

Helena seriously said, “How to conceive, have to have the opportunity to meet Charlie first, as for the latter, have to wait until after conception.”


“Ai!” The old queen lamented: “I don’t care …… you take care of it yourself ……”

After saying that, remembering the auction, she couldn’t help but mutter to herself,

“It would be nice if I could have the opportunity to go to the auction of the Rejuvenating Pill, and by the way, I can also help you ask Charlie when he is free to come to Northern Europe ……”

Helena shook her head helplessly and was about to speak when her phone suddenly rang.

She looked down and saw that it was Charlie calling, and immediately said with excitement, “It is Charlie!”

“Is that so?” The old queen was also a bit excited and asked in a hurry, “Can you talk to him about the auction?”

Helena casually coped, “I’ll see what he wants to talk to me about first.”

With that, she stood up and pressed the answer button while walking to the window.

She didn’t really want her grandmother to hear the content of her conversation with him, so she avoided her slightly.

When she picked up the phone, she forced down the excitement deep inside and softly asked, “Mr. Wade, why are you calling me all of a sudden?”

Charlie casually laughed, “Oh, it’s nothing, I just saw the registration information for the Rejuvenating Pill Auction and found that the Nordic Royal Family had also signed up, so I just called to tell you.”

Helena said, “Sorry, Mr. Wade, my grandmother was the one who did the registration, and she didn’t discuss it with me beforehand.”


Chapter 3839

Charlie laughed: “It’s okay, I’m calling mainly to tell you that according to the normal approval process, the amount of assets of the Nordic royal family did not reach the first two hundred.”

“Yes ……” Helena said more or less awkwardly, “The Nordic royal family’s

financial strength is not considered strong, and it is estimated that it just meets the minimum threshold for registration, so there is definitely no way to enter the top two hundred.”

Charlie ummed and said: “If cannot enter the top two hundred, it does not matter, I left a few VIP seats at the site, when the time comes,”

“I will leave one for your grandmother, I will have someone send it to the palace at that time, let your grandmother pay attention to check the receipt.”

Helena did not expect that Charlie had called to arrange a VIP seat for her grandmother.

She knew that with that strength of the Nordic royal family, they couldn’t even get into the first two hundred of the registration, so what qualifications would they have to occupy the even rarer VIP seats.

Therefore, she said with some trepidation, “Mr. Wade …… will this make it too

difficult for you …… actually you don’t have to go to such troubles ……”

Charlie on the phone smiled lightly and said seriously, “Your grandmother helped me do a lot of publicity work,”

“I naturally want to show my gratitude, but it also depends on her old man’s mood, if she is willing to come it would be best, if she is not willing to toss so far, then I do not force it.”


Helena was busy saying, “No no …… not to hide from you Mr. Wade, my

grandmother was just talking to me about this matter,”

“She thinks that our Nordic royal family’s financial strength may be difficult to finally be selected,”

“But also very much wanted to go to the auction for a long time, in her heart, she was very frustrated, I believe that after she knows this matter, she will be very happy!”

Charlie laughed: “That would be great, you tell her about it, let her be happy too, as, for the invitation, I will have someone send it in a few days.”

“Okay!” Helena said joyfully, “Thank you, Mr. Wade!”

Charlie laughed: “It’s all a small thing, what’s the point of thanks.”

Helena subconsciously asked, “Mr. Wade, can I come then?”

Charlie was a little surprised and asked rhetorically, “Your identity should be rather sensitive, right?”

“Like your current status, going to other countries you should go through diplomatic channels, coming to the auction, I’m afraid it’s not very good in terms of process.”

Helena said in a somewhat frustrated voice: “In fact, I know I can’t go …… just

subconsciously want to ask ……”

Charlie laughed: “It does not matter, if this time the Rejuvenating Pill auction is held successfully, in the future when the time is ripe, I can come to Northern Europe to hold an auction there,”


“When the time comes, one can be held jointly with the Nordic royal family, then, you as the Queen of Northern Europe can attend as a VIP in an honorable manner.”

Helena wanted to go to the Rejuvenating Pill auction, not because she wanted to see what was different about the auction, but mainly because she wanted to meet him.

She didn’t know whether Charlie didn’t understand, or if he did understand and deliberately played dumb, and surprisingly the topic of conversation was about holding an auction in Northern Europe in the future.

Helplessly, she could only ask: “Mr. Wade, if you really want to hold an auction in Northern Europe, will you personally come here?”

Charlie said with great certainty: “Of course, for such a major event, I will definitely come over personally.”

Only then did Helena’s heart feel more comfortable, if that was the case, then she still had a chance to meet with Charlie.

So, she hurriedly said, “Mr. Wade, then this matter is agreed, you must not be too noble to forget ……”

“Don’t worry.” Charlie seriously said, “I will definitely honor this matter.”

“Good ……” Helena’s mood suddenly brightened up and she said with glee,

“Then I’ll wait for your good news in Northern Europe!”

Charlie agreed, and after the two exchanged a few more pleasantries, he said goodbye to her and hung up the phone.


Chapter 3840

Helena pressed her hands on the phone in front of her chest, her mood was incomparably joyful, the whole person which still has the previous beauty queen’s temperament, is completely a young girl with a lovely look.

The old queen hurried up and asked curiously, “Helena, is there something wrong with Charlie calling you?”

Helena said joyfully, “Grandma, Mr. Wade called to tell me that he has reserved a VIP seat for you at the auction.”

“Really?!” When the old Queen heard this, her entire body immediately cheered and asked her with unbridled excitement, “He really said that?!”

“Yes.” Helena nodded seriously and added, “Mr. Wade said that he will send the invitation over in a few days, and then you can go to the auction as a VIP.”

“Oh yes, Mr. Wade also said that he might come to Northern Europe in the future and join hands with our Northern European royal family to hold an auction for the Rejuvenating Pill here!”

The old queen was overjoyed and said with unbearable excitement, “Great, that’s wonderful! Even those tycoons worth hundreds of billions of dollars don’t have the chance to get a VIP status,”

“Charlie gives me a VIP seat, then this time our Nordic royal family will definitely impress many people!”

“If we can join forces to hold an auction for the Rejuvenating Pill in the future, then our Nordic royal family’s reputation will skyrocket by a tier all over the world!”

After saying that, she couldn’t help but sigh, “Hey! Mr. Wade is really giving me, an old woman, too much respect ……”


As soon as the words left her mouth, she hurriedly changed her tone again: “No! Mr. Wade must not do it for me, but for your face!”

“Helena, Mr. Wade must have you in his heart! Otherwise, how could he give us so many green lights!”

Helena heard these words, her heart was sweet, then very seriously instructed the old queen: “Grandma, although Mr. Wade gave you a VIP seat, but you have to know that we do not have the strength to compete for the Rejuvenating Pill,”

“When the time comes, you should mainly go to show up in the Rejuvenating Pill auction, do not follow the matter of involvement.”

The old queen nodded and said, “Don’t worry, I know in my heart that the money we have may not be enough for the starting price,”

“I won’t go to the auction to be embarrassed, I will go to see the world and expand my network by the way.”

“That’s good ……” Helena nodded, then said with excitement: “The auction is less

than 20 days away, I need to hurry up and prepare a gift for Mr. Wade,”

“When the time comes, grandmother, you will help me take it over! hand it to him!”


Meanwhile, inside the presidential suite of Shangri-La in Aurous Hill.

Stella had already gotten the information that Martina had found.

As the head of the Shangri-La in Aurous Hill, although Issac seldom showed up in public, but after being in Aurous Hill for so long, it was inevitable that he would leave behind some image materials.


What Martina found was the live photo of Issac donating to the Red Cross Society in Aurous Hill on behalf of the Shangri-La in the city.

When Stella saw the photo of Issac, she immediately confirmed that one of the two men who passed by in the lobby today was Issac.

She could not help but murmur, “Shangri-La, is the property of the Wade family from Eastcliff,”

“Generally speaking, every Shangri-La, should be the Wade family’s local bridgehead, or even base, so this man, must be the Wade family’s spokesman in Aurous Hill ……”

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

Martina said, “Miss, this Eastcliff Wade family was facing revenge from the mercenary organization Cataclysmic Front some time ago, and it is said that it took out half of the family’s assets directly to let the family go,”

“And the Wade family’s status has been declining recently, which is the main reason why the Wade family’s hotel business is so cold. I think that the master Wade you just said might be the feng shui gentleman that Issac found when he was sick.”

Stella nodded and said seriously, “I thought the same thing when I heard the name Master Wade, but there is a very strange place in this matter, that Master Wade, why would he meet with Issac and Warnia Song?”

“Combined with my previous speculation that the Shangri-La is most likely the location of the Rejuvenating Pill auction, could it be that the Aurous Hill Song family has cooperated with the Eastcliff Wade family?”

Martina agreed and said, “I think it’s very possible, although the Song family is very strong in Aurous Hill, but their size is only one to two hundred billion RMB,”


“Although the Wade family was robbed of half of the family assets by the Cataclysmic Front, but the strength is also much stronger than the Song family,”

“The Song family and the Wade family cooperation, there are benefits for both sides, the Song family can improve their status to a certain extent, and the Wade family can also to a certain extent recover their status after the loss.”

“Well …… makes sense ……,” Stella nodded slightly, but her willow-like eyebrows

still piled up cutely. Whirlwind, she remembered something and said to Martina:

“Right, I heard them also talk about someone named Orvel, you help me inquire, what kind of personality this is!”

Chapter 3841

In Aurous Hill, inquiring about Orvel is like inquiring about the Bonnano in New York, pulling a random person on the street, you can ask a four or five or six.

So, Martina quickly inquired about some information about Orvel, then immediately gave feedback to Stella:

“Miss, that Orvel I have inquired about, he is the head of the underground forces in Aurous Hill, a famous person,”

“Engaged in a number of industries, including a restaurant named Classic Mansion, which is one of the top restaurants in the city.”

Stella nodded, analyzed: “That master Wade, with Issac, casually said in a sentence to send people to Orvel, although I do not know what he wants to send, but him to say this in a tone that is respectful it can be seen that, that Orvel should also listen to his orders.”

Speaking of this, Stella could not help but feel: “If that Master Wade is just a feng shui gentleman, then is it not a bit strange that both Issac and Orvel are so respectful to him?”


Martina said, “It’s okay, Miss, have you forgotten how much respect the master has for that old man Lai? Every time he sees him, he is always respectful.”

Stella said seriously, “Grandpa Lai’s situation is different, he is a top feng shui master in Chinese circles, highly respected!”

“And his ancestral lineage is in order for dozens of generations, not to mention my grandfather, even the An family’s people are respectful when they see him.”

She said that and added: “But that Master Wade, looks like he’s only in his twenties, and not from any feng shui family, how can he have such a big face?”

Martina shrugged her shoulders: “Maybe he is young and talented.”

Speaking of this, Martina thought of something and said, “Miss, that Master Wade, could it be someone from the Wade family?”

“You said this possibility I have also considered.”

Stella opened her mouth and said, “But I don’t think it’s very likely if he’s from the Wade family, Issac shouldn’t give him such a strange title as Master Wade, it’s like you can’t call me Master Fei in a nonsensical way.”

Saying that, she also felt that she couldn’t be so absolute, so she said, “You’d better check the information of the Wade family, find out all the information of the younger generation of the Wade family and show it to me, see if it can correspond.”

Martina immediately said, “Then I’ll go do it right now!”

The information of the Wade family members was not easy to find, but it was not a difficult task for the Fei family.

Soon, Martina had all the information of the younger generation of the Wade family in hand and handed it to Stella.


Stella looked through the multiple profiles, including Morgan and Hawade, and there was indeed no connection to Master Wade she had seen, so she put the profiles aside and said indifferently,

“It seems that he is indeed not a member of the Wade family, he just happens to have the surname Wade.”

After a moment of silence, she frowned again and said, “I’m now wondering if this Master Wade, could he have something to do with the Rejuvenating Pill, the maker or marketer of the Rejuvenating Pill, could it be him.”

Martina said in surprise: “Miss, this should be unlikely …… that young man is

only in his twenties …… For a person in his twenties, it is unlikely that he can

afford to manipulate such a large plate,”

“And also attract hundreds of top tycoons to come over, not to mention, the rejuvenation Pill kind of thing, also does not look like young people will have.”

Stella agreed with Martina’s words and nodded, “I think the same as you, I always think that the person behind the Rejuvenating Pill should not be a young person.”

Saying that, she added: “However, that Master Wade can make Issac and Orvel treat him with such respect, I think he is also a bit capable, have you inquired about this person?”

“I did.” Martina said, “Unlike Orvel, Orvel’s name is known to the whole Aurous Hill, but Master Wade’s name, no one seems to know.”

“No one knows?” Stella was even more surprised and said offhandedly, “Issac even respects him, such a person, no one knows about him in Aurous Hill?”

“Indeed.” Martina said seriously, “The people we consulted to, said they had not heard of Master Wade’s name.”


Chapter 3842

In fact, Charlie had always acted in a very low profile.

Although there were many people in Aurous Hill who knew his name as Master Wade, but those people were basically his own people.

The only time that Charlie showed his face was at the dark magic Conference that led to the death of Jinghai, but most of those who came to the dark magic Conference were not local people in Aurous Hill.

What’s more, the strength that Charlie showed was so strong that those people kept their mouths shut about his deeds.

As for Orvel, Liang, Issac, and Qin Gang, if someone asked them to inquire about Charlie’s deeds, they would not reveal even half a word.

So, although Aurous Hill is Charlie’s home turf, but Aurous Hill knows him, knows him as “Master Wade”, really not many know him by the name Charlie.

This makes Stella even more puzzled.

Originally, she thought that Charlie should be a famous local feng shui master, so some local dignitaries have to give him some respect.

But now it seems that he is hardly known in the local area, which is really strange.

Stella frowned and said, “I always feel that something is wrong with this matter and that Master surnamed Wade is not quite right, but I can’t figure out where the problem lies for a while.”

Martina hurriedly comforted, “Miss, don’t worry too much, maybe that man is not really capable, and there may be no direct connection with the Rejuvenating Pill.”


Stella said very firmly: “Martina you remember, the old ancestors said that things out of the ordinary must have a demon,”

“This phrase is one of the gold standards for judging the problem, anything, if it violates common sense so that we can not see through,”

“Then there must be a place where they have not yet understood, once understood, the matter will naturally be able to see through.”

This is the experience that Stella summed up when she was very young.

When she was a child, she watched the magician perform magic, each magic trick looks so wonderful mysterious, so she could not figure out the reason for it.

If other children were directly exposed to this mysterious happening, they’d fall to worship the magician and believe it as true magic.

But for Stella, she always believed in one thing, the reason your mind cannot wrap around the process is not the magic of the magician but the fact that you have not seen through the mystery.

Therefore, she asked her family to invite a number of magicians to decipher the mystery of each magic trick for her on the spot.

With a lot of seemingly unimaginable, or even impossible to complete the magic, the mechanism, and mystery behind it one by one in front of her eyes revealed, she immediately found that all the doubts and shock were dissipated in that moment.

These childhood experiences have reinforced the basic direction and logic of her judgment of things.

Now Charlie, in front of her, was a magic trick, a magic trick that she had not yet penetrated the logic behind, so she could not wait to unveil the mystery behind this “magic trick” in her heart.


Martina thought for a moment and said, “Miss, I really can’t, I’ll arrange for the bodyguard accompanying me to quietly follow that Master Wade to see if we can find anything.”

“No way.” Stella immediately refused: “Before we know how much the other party really weighs, we can’t take any risks.”

After that, Stella said, “We just arrived in Aurous Hill, there are still nearly 20 days before the Rejuvenating Pill auction starts,”

“It’s better to play it safe and not to rush, I’ll first try to find out what the name of that Master Wade is.”

Martina said with some worry, “Miss, you only met Master Wade once, so I’m afraid it’s not easy to find out who his name is without letting people follow him.”

Stella nodded and said, “I thought of that.”

Saying that, she smiled slightly and said, “But the good thing is that there are still two clues, Issac and Orvel.”

Speaking of this, Stella then said, “You go to that Orvel’s Classic Mansion, ask him what the highest consumption there is, and then according to the highest standard book it for me for a month,”

“Every day afternoon, evening, we go to the Classic Mansion to eat, I believe there will be a harvest.”

“Okay, Miss!” Martina immediately said: “Miss do not worry, I will go to do it.”

Chapter 3843


Stella also instructed, “By the way, investigate whether there are any famous local top doctors in Aurous Hill, especially Chinese doctors!”


“I always feel that this inconspicuous place in Aurous Hill is already not remarkable,”

“But can also produce the Rejuvenating Pill, really weird!”

Martina immediately nodded and said, “Yes, Miss, I’ll have someone find out as soon as possible!”

Orvel recently had a very leisurely day, every day after going out for inspection, he returned to the top floor of Classic Mansion, drinking tea and listening to music, dashing and relaxed.

However, in the evening, Issac suddenly called him and said in a serious tone, “Orvel, your dog farm has to hurry up and get ready, it’s going to receive new goods tonight.”

Orvel was lying on a recliner, drinking tea with a purple sand pot in his hand, when he heard this, he sat up straight and asked, “How many goods will arrive tonight?”

Issac laughed: “No surprises, seven or eight, if there are more, it is estimated to break double figures!”

“Holy sh!t ……” Orvel exclaimed, “How come there are so many ……”

Issac helplessly said: “Hey, don’t mention it, these two days the outsiders sent agents to spy on JX pharmaceutical and they are coming wave after wave,”

“These seven or eight are also caught in JX pharmaceutical, there are dozens of day and night around the JX pharmaceutical, and now not yet down.”

Saying that, Issac further said: “With this batch of goods, you must be careful, these people are from the agents clan, well-trained, do not let them run away!”


“Run away?” Orvel’s heated smile, immediately said: “You can rest assured, someone who can run away from my dog farm has not been born!”

He said, he hurriedly added: “When the people are delivered, I will first have my men break both of their legs, and then send each of them a thirty pounds of pure iron dog chain, and then three large one-pound locks, so they can not even crawl!”

“Don’t.” Issac said, “The young master has said that the identity of these people is sensitive, long-term stay in your place is certainly not suitable, nor is it safe,”

“So the intention is to wait for the right time, when the ships are sent to Syria, these people will go to Syria where they have other uses.”

“Ah?” Orvel asked in surprise: “Sent to Syria? These people have special status, how to send them there?”

Issac laughed: “It just so happens that sometime later the young master will send a ship to Syria to send food, by the way, these people are packed and sent there, Hamid there now listen to the young master’s advice,”

“He will set up a special cave digging engineering team, the young master’s intention is to send these people to Hamid as diggers, it is also considered to be the best use,”

“If you break their legs they will not be able to do anything but eat, drink, and sh!t.”

When Orvel heard this, he said, “If I can’t break their legs, then the pressure on my security is really too great!”

“This is not one or two agents, but seven or eight or even dozens of agents, I am afraid that the people under my hands simply can not prevent them ……”

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing.


Issac laughed: “You are watching too many movies, the reality of the agents are also human, you really think they can go to heaven and earth and are omnipotent?”

The most important thing is to make sure that they are not hiding any tools and then put them inside. I do not believe that they can still chew your welded cages open?”

Then, Issac said: “You do not have so much psychological pressure, the movie on those villains are all retarded,”

“So the decent characters how can they escape, you really want to strip them nak3d welded to death in a large iron cage, and 100,000 007 piles upon them it is also impossible to escape!

Hearing this, Orvel breathed a sigh of relief and laughed: “This is a good idea! This makes me much better!”

“Master Wade instructed me to upgrade the dog farm last time, I am now working on the new cage, using 30 mm thick rebar, and is the inner and outer layers, tic-tac-toe stacked arrangement, the cage is really welded, even elephants can not escape!”

“That’s good.” Issac asked him: “Where are you?”

Orvel said, “I’m in Classic Mansion, I’m rushing to the dog farm now!”

“Good!” Issac said, “Then I’ll go there too, I’ll see you at the farm.”


Chapter 3844


Orvel hung up Issac’s phone, immediately stood up, took the car keys, and prepared to go to the dog farm.


At this time, the manager of Classic Mansion ran up quickly, panting, and said, “Master …… master, downstairs …… downstairs there is a big customer!”

Orvel frowned and asked, “What big patron?”

The manager was busy: “Someone wants to rent our diamond box, the package for a month!”

“What kind of person is that ……” Orvel asked in amazement: “Come to Classic

Mansion to eat for a month, sick, right?”

The manager is also very confused: “I also do not understand, the person came to ask how much our most expensive grade,”

“I gave her the price of a diamond box excluding drinks 200,000, she did not say a word, and is asking for noon and evening two meals, together is 60 meals! Twelve million!”

Orvel frowned and said, “Are you nuts? It can’t be a deliberate trick on you, right?”

“No ……” the manager said hurriedly: “The woman is fciking cool, I said the 

minimum of twelve million,”

“If really, I give her a discount, she directly sent cash to account of the Classic mansion total 15 million, said that we can raise the grade of dishes to mention ……”

The manager said with a look of credit: “Master, this is 15 million! We have never received such a large order since the opening of Classic Mansion!”

Orvel immediately said with annoyance, “Who the h3ll told you to charge? This diamond box, I usually have to use to entertain Master Wade, you are the manager here, you don’t have a number in mind?”


The manager then realized that he had done something wrong and said with shame: “I’m sorry, Master …… I just thought about a big order and forgot that

you wanted to entertain Master Wade. ……”

“I’ll go down and talk to her and have the finance refund the money back the way it was.”

Orvel snorted coldly and said, “Remember, from now on, the diamond box is reserved only for Master Wade, if Master Wade doesn’t come, it will remain empty for me, and no one else can use it even if they pay more money.

The manager immediately nodded his head in fear and said, “I know, Master! Don’t worry, there won’t be the next time!”

Only then did Orvel’s expression ease up a bit and said in a cold voice, “I have to go out, so hurry up and take care of things.”

After saying that, he directly pushed the door and took the elevator to go downstairs.

Orvel out of the Classic Mansion just passed the reception desk, saw a woman in a professional dress is standing next to the desk, thinking about what the little brother said just now, so subconsciously looked at each other more.

And this woman, it is Stella’s personal assistant, Martina.

Martina also saw Orvel at this time, because she had just checked Orvel’s information, she immediately recognized this middle-aged man of about 50 years old, wearing a Tang suit, with a large bald head.

At this time, the receptionist said respectfully, “You’re going out, Master Wu?”

Orvel gave a hint, nodded, and met Martina with two eyes, feeling that the woman looked at him with a slightly strange look.


However, Orvel did not think much about it, after all, time is short, Issac is still waiting for him, so he went straight out of the Classic Mansion, drove the car, and went straight to the dog farm.

And at this time, the manager of the Classic Mansion also hurriedly ran down the stairs and came directly to Martina, saying apologetically:

“Miss sorry, our boss said that the diamond box does not accept reservations, I will let the finance refund your money back!”

Martina was surprised and asked, “Why? You opened the door to do business, and I paid you a month’s fee in advance, why are you going back on the transaction?”

The manager said helplessly, “This is our boss’s intention, I’m really sorry!”

Martina asked, “Do you think the money is not enough? I can also give you a little more!”

The manager said, “Miss, it’s not about money, it’s our boss’s rule that diamond boxes don’t accept reservations, I can’t help it.”

Martina was a bit angry and questioned, “Then I can book a different box, right? Don’t you have any gold boxes?”

When the manager heard this, he said, “No problem with that!”

Martina could only say with a puffed-up voice: “Fine! Then I will book the golden box! You don’t have to refund the money, but prepare our meal at the level of the diamond box!”

Chapter 3844


Orvel hung up Issac’s phone, immediately stood up, took the car keys, and prepared to go to the dog farm.


At this time, the manager of Classic Mansion ran up quickly, panting, and said, “Master …… master, downstairs …… downstairs there is a big customer!”

Orvel frowned and asked, “What big patron?”

The manager was busy: “Someone wants to rent our diamond box, the package for a month!”

“What kind of person is that ……” Orvel asked in amazement: “Come to Classic

Mansion to eat for a month, sick, right?”

The manager is also very confused: “I also do not understand, the person came to ask how much our most expensive grade,”

“I gave her the price of a diamond box excluding drinks 200,000, she did not say a word, and is asking for noon and evening two meals, together is 60 meals! Twelve million!”

Orvel frowned and said, “Are you nuts? It can’t be a deliberate trick on you, right?”

“No ……” the manager said hurriedly: “The woman is fciking cool, I said the

minimum of twelve million,”

“If really, I give her a discount, she directly sent cash to account of the Classic mansion total 15 million, said that we can raise the grade of dishes to mention ……”

The manager said with a look of credit: “Master, this is 15 million! We have never received such a large order since the opening of Classic Mansion!”

Orvel immediately said with annoyance, “Who the h3ll told you to charge? This diamond box, I usually have to use to entertain Master Wade, you are the manager here, you don’t have a number in mind?”


The manager then realized that he had done something wrong and said with shame: “I’m sorry, Master …… I just thought about a big order and forgot that

you wanted to entertain Master Wade. ……”

“I’ll go down and talk to her and have the finance refund the money back the way it was.”

Orvel snorted coldly and said, “Remember, from now on, the diamond box is reserved only for Master Wade, if Master Wade doesn’t come, it will remain empty for me, and no one else can use it even if they pay more money.

The manager immediately nodded his head in fear and said, “I know, Master! Don’t worry, there won’t be the next time!”

Only then did Orvel’s expression ease up a bit and said in a cold voice, “I have to go out, so hurry up and take care of things.”

After saying that, he directly pushed the door and took the elevator to go downstairs.

Orvel out of the Classic Mansion just passed the reception desk, saw a woman in a professional dress is standing next to the desk, thinking about what the little brother said just now, so subconsciously looked at each other more.

And this woman, it is Stella’s personal assistant, Martina.

Martina also saw Orvel at this time, because she had just checked Orvel’s information, she immediately recognized this middle-aged man of about 50 years old, wearing a Tang suit, with a large bald head.

At this time, the receptionist said respectfully, “You’re going out, Master Wu?”

Orvel gave a hint, nodded, and met Martina with two eyes, feeling that the woman looked at him with a slightly strange look.


However, Orvel did not think much about it, after all, time is short, Issac is still waiting for him, so he went straight out of the Classic Mansion, drove the car, and went straight to the dog farm.

And at this time, the manager of the Classic Mansion also hurriedly ran down the stairs and came directly to Martina, saying apologetically:

“Miss sorry, our boss said that the diamond box does not accept reservations, I will let the finance refund your money back!”

Martina was surprised and asked, “Why? You opened the door to do business, and I paid you a month’s fee in advance, why are you going back on the transaction?”

The manager said helplessly, “This is our boss’s intention, I’m really sorry!”

Martina asked, “Do you think the money is not enough? I can also give you a little more!”

The manager said, “Miss, it’s not about money, it’s our boss’s rule that diamond boxes don’t accept reservations, I can’t help it.”

Martina was a bit angry and questioned, “Then I can book a different box, right? Don’t you have any gold boxes?”

When the manager heard this, he said, “No problem with that!”

Martina could only say with a puffed-up voice: “Fine! Then I will book the golden box! You don’t have to refund the money, but prepare our meal at the level of the diamond box!”


Chapter 3845

After Martina returned to Shangri-La, she reported the situation she encountered at the Classic Mansion to Stella.

After listening, Stella immediately said with certainty, “I guess their diamond box is reserved for an important guest, and it might be that Master Wade.”

Saying that, she smiled faintly, the whole person also relaxed, said: “This is better, maybe in a few days we can meet that master Wade.”

Martina spat out her tongue and sighed: “For that Master Wade, even a single order of more than ten million can be refused, this Master Wade’s importance for Orvel is too big!”

Stella gently nodded, pursed her lips, and said with interest, “I’m really getting curious about that Master Wade!”

Immediately, her eyes suddenly lit up and she said, “Martina, see if there are any villas in Aurous Hill near the mountains and water, buy one if you have one.”

Martina was surprised and asked, “Miss, why do you suddenly want to buy a villa in Aurous Hill?”

Stella laughed: “When the time comes, ask that master Wade to come over and give me a look at the feng shui!”

Martina suddenly realized, and asked, “Miss, what kind of villa do you want to buy? Do you want me to compile some information so that you can choose first?”

Stella waved her hand: “Just a villa, no need to go through all this trouble, just go and look at it and buy it if you like.


To Stella, buying a villa in a place like Aurous Hill could not cost more than 30 million dollars, so such a small project is not important to her and not worth her time.

Martina also knows the style of her boss, always grasping the big and letting go of the small, any small matter, she does not bother and worry about it, and she likes to delegate all the power to the people in charge.

So, she spoke up and said, “Okay Miss, I’ll go do this first thing tomorrow morning.”


This time the sky is getting darker in the city with the sunset.

Orvel’s dog farm is a busy place.

In the expansion of the dog farm, he adopted the way of sealing the top and digging the bottom, laying a steel roof on top of the entire farm.

While also using photovoltaic power panels to make a comprehensive layer of coverage, while the interior is unobtrusively dug out two full layers down.

In this way, not only to ensure that the scale of the dog farm multiplied but also to minimize the risk of exposure, in addition, also give the entire dog farm a strength more solid than gold.

If you are really locked in here, wanting to escape can be as difficult as climbing the sky.

Soon, two vans drove to the dog farm, followed by several Cataclysmic Front soldiers, from the first car, escorted down eleven agents.

These, all agents were captured by the soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front when they quietly infiltrated JX Pharmaceutical and tried to explore the secrets of the Renewing Pills.


They thought they were well trained and could be unnoticed, but in front of these masters of the Front, they had nowhere to hide.

When they were taken off the bus, they had no idea where they had arrived because they all had impervious black cloth bags over their heads.

Moreover, the hands of these agents were tied together very professionally with wide and thick nylon ties.

Chapter 3846

In order to prevent them from escaping, their hands were folded together, not only at the wrists and small arms with nylon ties fixed, five fingers of each hand were also tied together with five fingers of the other hand.

In this case, not to mention let them find their own quilting pins or blades to escape, even if the blades were placed in front of them, they could not pick them up.

When the soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front brought them all into the second floor of the dog breeding ground, the group did not know what kind of situation was waiting for them.

The people were brought to the solid cage, Orvel pulled off the black cloth bag covering their heads one by one, looking at more than ten men with different skin tones, he said in a cold voice:

“Since you are all agents, I think you should understand what I am about to say, I will introduce myself to you, my name is Master Orvel,”

“In this part of the land, I have never been afraid of anyone except Master Wade, you dogs are the same as the dogs I raised here, you must obediently obey my arrangements, otherwise, I have ways to make your lives worse than death!”

More than ten agents saw that they were in front of a huge iron cage, and all of them got nervous at once.


One of them shouted out loud, “We demand humanitarian treatment!”

Orvel went up to him and slapped him hard across the face, spitting and cursing, “Fcuk you, you fcuking came to my territory as a thief, trying to fcuking steal our stuff,”

“And still have the fcuking face to ask me for humanitarian treatment? I keep your lives because you are more or less useful in the future,”

“You do not kneel down to thank Master Wade to spare your lives, but still have the face to pull this egg with me?”

Saying that Orvel immediately said to his men: “Go, let the welder according to the previous iron hood for the Tibetan mastiff, also welded a hood for him on the spot, lock his pig head into the hood for me,”

“In three days he is not allowed to eat! If he dares to say one more word, you will directly sew up his dog mouth for me!”

Orvel’s fierceness immediately made the group of well-trained agents feel a little chill at their backs.

So all of them shut their mouths and waited anxiously for his next sentence.

They actually know very well that their own infiltration into JX Pharmaceuticals to steal core secrets is illegal, plus their own special identity,”

“If something happens, they will not be recognized by the West, so now they can only be slaughtered while hoping that their country could come to rescue them.

Soon, Orvel’s welders used a thin steel bar to weld a mask for the unlucky man, this thing to cover his head, an imitation of fencing athletes.

Orvel directly locked it with an extremely common three-ring lock, and said in a cold voice to the man: “Listen to me, if you dare to open this hood


yourself, I will let someone weld an iron coffin, weld it with you inside! Do you understand?”

When the man heard this, he hastened to grovel and said, “I understand, I understand!”

In a cold voice, Orvel instructed his men around him, “Take off all their clothes, leaving only one pair of pants for each of them, and then put them all in the cage!”

Many of his men immediately undressed the men, cut the nylon ties from their hands one by one, and pushed them into the cage.

Since there were soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front standing next to them, none of the agents dared to resist and could only get into the cage honestly.

Chapter 3847

Once inside the cage, the gang felt a wave of despair.

The cage is solid for human beings, thirty millimeters of rebar cross-welded, leaving only a square gap of ten centimeters on the side.

Just a little empty, at most you can put your arm out, such a strong cage, there is almost no possibility of violent crack.

After the gang was stuffed into the cage one by one, all their hopes were pinned on the iron door.

Most of these people are experts in opening locks, as long as the normal

mechanical structure of the lock, in their eyes are not too difficult, as long

as the time is ripe, quietly open the lock then will have a chance to escape.

However, just when they fantasized about how to crack the cell door, only to see a few of Orvel’s men, dragging the power cord and welding machine ran over, squatting at the door of the cell, against the iron door they heard a crackling.


For a while, the fire from the welding shot out in all directions.

This group of people instantly looked with an ashen face, the heart has been desperate to the extreme.

Iron door welded, then if they want to escape from here, there is almost no possibility except to chop themselves up first!

Orvel has a strong reckless aura, and this reckless aura of his, usually in front of people who have really gone through life and death, through big storms, is not scary, and even makes people feel a little ridiculous.

However, once he is in the right environment for him, this recklessness in his body, will explode out very powerful deterrent power.

At this moment, Orvel is standing in front of the iron cage of the dog farm, just like an African hyena standing in the endless savannah!

This is its home turf, on its home turf, even the king of all beasts, the lion, seeing his fierce appearance, will be tightened.

Because this thing looks inconspicuous, but the hands are really hard.

What about the lion, how about the hippopotamus, really just up African hyena who is not afraid, and can directly play the animal world’s most ruthless and cruel means, no one can stop him.

Don’t look at this group of agents usually not less experienced danger, and even not less caught and captured, but this is in the peace era.

The agents are generally captured between the countries of private political mediation, as for the captured agents, not only will not be tortured, but also enjoy better humanitarian treatment than ordinary prisoners.

However, they now face Orvel, what humanitarian treatment, what basic personality, it is all bullsh!t and will not give them a guarantee.


Said to weld a hood, immediately welded a hood, and then lock the head in, which leaves no doubt that if they continue to provoke him, he will really be welded into the coffin.

Moreover, in their lifetime, they have never sat in this kind of jail.

Once in the cell, the cell door was welded shut directly from the outside ……

At this time, Orvel with cold eyes watching the iron door which is completely welded shut, sneered, and ordered to the people around him:

“Listen to me, from now on, only give them one meal a day, the meal should be as low as possible, low-carbon water, and every hour, give them a cold shower, torture them to exhaustion,”

“So that they not only do not have the physical strength to escape, even if want escape! They will not even have the brainpower to escape!”

The minion immediately agreed in a loud voice, but a group of agents suddenly fell into the ice cell.

A cold shower every hour, now in April weather, they won’t die, but this is clearly to wear down their physical strength and will, and at the same time interrupt the consistency of their rest.

In this way, even basic sleep can not be guaranteed, even the iron man will collapse.

Issac spoke up at this time: “Orvel, you should learn from Stephen Chow and add some laxatives to the water for them.”

Orvel smiled heatedly, “Good idea, Mr. Issac!”

Chapter 3848


After saying that, Orvel immediately turned to the minions around and said, “You all heard what Mr. Issac said, put the laxative ready for me!”


The minion nodded his head: “Yes, Master!”

Only then did Orvel ask Issac again, “Mr. Issac, there are still goods to be sent over one after another?”

“Yes.” Issac nodded: “I guess those people will not rest, they will definitely feel into JX Pharmaceuticals to find out what is going on, then come as many as possible to catch.”

Orvel laughed: “Good! Then I will keep next to these two cages also empty, anyway, I have plenty of space here,”

“Previously I was afraid that the gang came with too much manpower and I was expecting some bad management, but now it seems that the management is certainly not too big a problem.”

The cages are welded strong, but when they are released, they will be cut open.”

Issac laughed: “That’s better, I’ll prepare some anesthetic needles for you to beat the bears, give them a shot through the cage, after all, down directly into the container, a truck pulled to the dock to load the ship, it will not take long to send them over to Hamid.”

Orvel breathed a sigh of relief and laughed, “That’s much better!”


At this moment.

It was early morning in Washington, USA.

In the military’s research and development base, Roger and Smith are two people sitting in the office smoking, and in front of them, there are also the military as well as the CIA executives.


Early this morning, the heads of their four departments had an emergency meeting, and the CIA reported to several others that agents were disappearing one after another.

While Roger reported to several others that there had been no progress in reverse drug development, and that the drugs sent back by Junpei were still ineffective.

Smith also informed the crowd of the bad news, he contacted JX Pharmaceuticals several times on behalf of the FDA, and even raised the price of the drug several times.

But JX Pharmaceuticals is unwilling to give them even one more box of JX Renewing Pills.

At this rate, within a few days, the five patients would have to stop taking the medicine.

The executive is also at a loss, he spoke with some irritation: “All of our agents who entered the interior of JX Pharmaceutical, without exception, all disappeared, all of these agents are well-trained top-notch,”

“But unexpectedly in a private pharmaceutical company their whereabouts unknown, I have temporarily called off the work of other agents,”

“It seems to be impossible in a short time It seems that it is impossible to get the confidential information related to JX Pills in a short time.”

The military representative was surprised and said, “Your agents are all very strong, so it’s okay that they didn’t get out, did they give us any useful information?”

“No.” The executive said, “It feels like that JX Pharmaceutical is like a black hole, people just go in, will be completely lost, several European agents are said to have disappeared too, no information.”

The military representative hurriedly asked, “So what’s your next plan?”


The executive said, “We still need to find a chance to understand the situation inside JX Pharmaceutical,”

“Not to mention whether we can find the confidential information of JX Renewing Pills, at least we need to find the specific whereabouts of our agents and then find a way to get them back.”

The military representative said with some concern, “I think this matter will be very tricky,”

“You sent agents to infiltrate a private enterprise to steal secrets, this matter is not on the table, if the other party refuses to release, then you can only eat this dumb loss.”

The executive sighed and said, “If it is not possible, then we can only send a representative to talk to the person in charge of JX Pharmaceuticals,”

“And privately negotiate a release condition, as long as both sides can reach a consensus, then our people will have a chance to go home.”

With that, he looked at Smith and asked offhandedly, “By the way Smith, don’t you plan to make another trip to China to talk to the head of JX Pharmaceuticals again?”

“Yes.” Smith nodded and said, “I do plan to make another trip and buy some more medicine back from them.”

The executive was busy saying, “Then I’ll go with you, and when I do, I’ll claim to be your assistant and make contact with the head of JX Pharmaceuticals first to get a feel for it.”

Smith said awkwardly, “I’m not sure if they’re willing to see me yet, if they’re not, I might have to go to that middleman of theirs to broker a meeting”

“To see if I can get one, if not, then I’ll have to return without any success.”

“It’s okay.” The executive spoke up and said, “Can we meet, let’s go to China first!”


Chapter 3849

The registration for the Rejuvenation Pill Auction closed soon.

Nearly a thousand tycoons from all over the world signed up, but in the end, only two hundred were able to make the cut.

After the registration deadline, Warnia began to arrange for her team to start the capital verification process.

If it was a tycoon ranked on Forbes, the latest value announced on Forbes’ list would be used directly, but if it was a tycoon who did not appear on Forbes, a series of tedious and elaborate capital verification processes had to be carried out.

As for Charlie’s side, also began to prepare for the auction, the Rejuvenation pills he doesn’t need to prepare, after all, is ready-made, needs to prepare, is only the initial promise of his own amulet.

The amulet is not difficult to make, but the function of this thing is relatively single.

Some can ward off evil, some can transit, some can avoid disasters, but almost no all-purpose amulet.

Moreover, according to the “Nine Profound Heavenly Scriptures”, such things as amulets, according to the material used to make them and the different levels of ability of the maker, the efficacy gap varies.

If it is a beginner who knows a bit of idea and the talisman seal, the talisman made is often only very weakly effective.

For example, for the amulet of transit, if the level is average, originally buying a lottery ticket can win five dollars, under the augmentation of the amulet, at most will win ten dollars.


However, if the person who made the talisman is very strong, then the original lottery ticket can win two dollars, perhaps a five million may also be possible.

Moreover, the efficacy of this thing is not like a stack of data, layer upon layer.

To put it more plainly, lottery prizes span a wide range of levels, the least five, then ten, two hundred, three thousand, hundreds of thousands, and even five million.

This amulet, which allows a person who wins five dollars to win ten, is because its greatest ability is to add five dollars to the original base, not to add a notch to the original base.

If a person’s own luck is already very good, itself can win 300,000 bonus, then even if he wears the amulet, it is impossible to win five million, because the difference is too big, far beyond the ability of the amulet itself.

So, if such a person wears a low-level amulet, then at most, he will first rely on his own luck and win the 300,000 prizes.

And after cashing out the prize, he will pick up five dollars at the entrance of the lottery center with the help of the amulet.

That’s all.

The same is true of the amulet for protection from disasters.

According to the “Nine Profound Heavenly Scriptures”, the precious jade can indeed, as folk say, help the master to block disasters, so in many folklore, the precious jade will be broken after blocking disasters for the master, and this is not empty talk.

Because the jade in a certain degree of quality, and worn by the owner for a certain number of years, it will naturally become a talisman to prevent disasters.


However, such a talisman, what kind of disaster can resist, also depends on the effectiveness of the talisman itself high or low.

If the efficacy is low, you may be able to avoid a little bit of head bleeding disaster after going out, but when it comes to car accidents, it may not work at all.

But if the efficacy is high enough, theoretically can be in critical moments to save lives.

Charlie rarely made amulets before, the main reason is to make amulets need to consume spiritual energy, and then his own spiritual energy is not enough, and it is difficult to replenish, so he never dared to waste too much spiritual energy on the amulet.

Only a few times such as to see in Qin Gang’s family had a bloodbath, he used the auction and Jinghai grabbed over the giant clams, made a thunderbolt order, a frightening talisman, as well as a sea spirit bead string that could calm the spirit and replenish the qi.

The thunderbolt order, he kept, while the talisman was given to Qin Gang, the string of sea spirit beads to his wife Claire.

And at the time that giant clams, the size of the incomparably large, advanced still have a lot left, Charlie has properly preserved.

Now, his spiritual energy with the help of the Cultivation Pill, more than a hundred times stronger than at the beginning.

So he also just take this opportunity to properly refine a few talismans, as well as make more useful talisman seals.

Charlie first used part of the giant clams to refine a few medium-level disaster-blocking talismans, with this talisman augmentation, ordinary people can at least avoid death.

However, this is limited to ordinary people.


Chapter 3850

Not to mention experts like himself who have an aura around, even for the stronger martial artists this amulet is not useful.

A few amulets are very easy to refine, Charlie made ten out in one breath, intended that two out of the auction, the rest will be given to the wife and distributed around friends.

After the refinement of the talisman, Charlie is ready to refine a stronger talisman seal for himself.

The previous thunderbolt order, although can call heavenly thunder, but if really encounter experts, I’m afraid it is difficult to make a killing blow before the enemy.

Therefore, Charlie plans to upgrade the Thunderbolt Order.

The original Thunderbolt Order was made of 10,000-year-old giant clams and lightning wood, but because his spiritual energy was less, so only a relatively simple layer of talisman seals was added.

Now, his spiritual energy is much stronger, so he can completely add multiple layers of symbols to this thunderbolt order to multiply its effectiveness.

So, he spent a lot of spiritual energy to superimpose the thunder-inducing talisman seal in the Thunderbolt Order to ten layers.

And also added the wind and rain-inducing talisman seals, after the great success, this Thunderbolt Order could not only induce stronger heavenly thunder, but also call the wind and rain.

Moreover, with the multi-layered talisman seals, the Thunderbolt Order can be used as strong or weak as one wishes, and can be put away freely.

When using it again, Charlie could stimulate only one layer, or multiple layers, or all the symbols according to his needs.


After the new Thunderbolt Order was finished, the whole thing had become more compact and transparent, somewhat like an iced jadeite, but seemed to be moister than jadeite, which made Charlie love it.

However, he also knows very well, this kind of thunderstorm order, usually can not be used indiscriminately, and as a last resort, more can not be used at full strength, otherwise, the movement is too big, afraid of a bad ending.

The idea of a thunderstorm order as long as it is stimulated, even if it is only the most basic layer of the talisman seal, it is also a thunderstorm, so Charlie began to think about whether to prepare a silent weapon for himself.

He is not a secret agent, nor a special forces soldier, he does not know how to use a gun and does not like to use a gun.

And usually fights with people, either with a thunderbolt order, or just rely on fists and feet, thinking about it, always feel the shortcomings of a secure means of attack.

Charlie could not help but recall those ninjas he met in Japan, these ninjas and himself is the opposite of the two extremes.

He is going out without any weapons, while the ninja, it is not even the throat can be loaded with weapons.

In addition to the useful shuriken, sleeve arrows, blow arrows, hand sword, there are various long knives and short blades, and even the tip of the shoe is stuffed with two daggers, they can be said to be armed to the teeth.

They are these weapons, Charlie most interested in, is the hand sword.

This kind of thing, and flying Daggers of the flying knife almost a meaning, the weapon is short and compact, easy to hide, when the strike, also can be unexpected.


So he followed this line of thought, in the “Nine Profound Heavenly Scriptures”, found a very suitable one for his own magic weapon, soul-piercing blade.

The soul-piercing blade and the thunderstorm order are the same kind of magic weapon.

The thunderbolt order is to use spiritual energy to stimulate the lightning talisman, the heavenly thunder from the sky, while the soul-piercing blade, is to use spiritual energy to stimulate its internal flying blade talisman, with spiritual energy into a silent invisible flying blade.

What Charlie values most is the soundless and invisible.

The reason why the thunderbolt order is not very popular is because this thing moves too much.

For Charlie, if the soul piercing blade is refined, if he encounters the four war kings of the Front again in provocation, there is no need to kick the stone, in the heart silently urged the soul piercing blade, it will be able to take his head from hundreds of meters away!

But all magic tools, the strength of its effectiveness are closely related to three aspects.

One, is the material used to refine the magic weapon.

The better the material, the more powerful the refined magic weapon, which is the same reason as the casting of swords, the better the steel used, the sharper and harder the sword.

Second, is the refiner’s own ability.

The stronger the aura, the higher the cultivation, the stronger the refined magic weapon, just like the gap between ordinary people and the master sword maker, it is insurmountable.


Chapter 3851

As for the third, naturally the user’s own strength.

All magic weapons, are by no means a perpetual motion machine that can be used infinitely.

Take the thunderbolt order, there are two kinds of such magic weapons, one is the refiner directly into the thunderbolt order, even people without cultivation, as long as they know the mantra, can also use it.

But in this way, how long and how many times can be used, depends entirely on the amount of spiritual energy contained in the thunderbolt order.

The same principle as the water gun, how much water can be bared, not on who uses it, but on how much water is stored inside.

There is another one, the refiner uses spiritual energy to refine the thunderstorm talisman seal into the inside of the thunderstorm order, and each time you use it, you must inject spiritual energy into it in order to stimulate it.

Now for Charlie, the spiritual energy in his body is already quite pure, so he planned to use the second way to refine the Soul Penetrating Blade.

In this way, this soul piercing blade could only be used by him, and no one else could inspire it.

However, the best material that Charlie had for refining right now was the remaining giant clams.

Other than that, there was no other choice.

So, he used part of the remaining giant clams to refine a soul piercing blade for himself.


He added ten layers of flying blade talisman to the soul piercing blade, so that the power of the blade is relatively more controllable.

After the soul piercing blade is refined, the whole is almost the same length as Claire’s lipstick, looks, like a flying knife carved out of shells, the whole body is giant clams that colorful pearlescent color, extremely exquisite.

No matter who sees it, will feel that this is just a small craft, no one will take it as a weapon.

In order to test how powerful this soul piercing blade is, Charlie drove alone to the Champs Elysees Spa, directly from the mid-mountain villa around to the back, after going over several mountains, to a leafy unoccupied valley.

In this valley, he just inspired a layer of flying blade talisman, it felt an invisible blade made of aura whistling out from the tip of the finger, instantly cut off the cypress tree as thick as a face basin in front of him!

See a dense tree was suddenly cut off diagonally, then the upper half of the trunk with dense branches collapsed, a moment, a large number of birds from the leaves of the tree flew up in fear, and a few scared squirrels also fled.

Charlie himself was surprised by the powerful force, however, this is not over!

After the blade cut the first cypress tree, continued backward, and then cut three trees, to the fifth tree, the power of the soul piercing blade reduced a lot, the trunk of the tree cut off half, which finally dissipated!

And in front of Charlie, four trees collapsed with a bang, the dense woods, suddenly empty a large area!

He looked at the scene in front of him, and looked at the harmless giant clams in his hand, muttered: “This thing, only one layer has such power, if it is ten layers, will not it cut dozens of trees in one breath?


He also wondered what effect the force of cutting down dozens of big trees in one breath would have if it was used on metals and rocks.

So, he immediately sought out a boulder as large as an adult elephant and, separated by a distance of several dozen meters, violently made a ten-layer soul piercing blade.

In this instant, he only felt as if 30% of the spiritual energy in his body had been drained away at once, followed by an incomparably powerful burst of spiritual energy blasting out in front of him!

A few moments later, the boulder, as if detonated by the explosives that opened the mountain, boom, completely shattered into countless broken stones flying in the sky!

A time, the collapse of the debris, dust filled the surrounding, simply covered the sky!

Charlie stood in place and endured a shower of debris that lasted for several seconds, each piece of debris carried a great force and cut Charlie’s clothes to rags!

Fortunately, his body through the aura, as well as a large number of rejuvenation pills to strengthen, has long been as strong as steel, otherwise it would really be smashed by just a blow to a good cause!

After the rain of debris smashed, Charlie gave a dumbfounded look at the original location of the boulder, before it was a huge one, but now, the place is empty.

And the mountain behind the boulder, also smashed out a width of about one meter, about three or four meters deep hole!

Charlie’s heart was greatly shocked, but also greatly pleased!

He couldn’t help but secretly sigh: “Joseph that kid is indeed a bit of luck, fortunately I went to the Waderest mountain before, didn’t think to refine such a soul piercing blade body,”


“Otherwise if in the Waderest mountain to give them such a blow, I’m afraid that he could have direclty disappeared along with his battle commanders and soldiers!”

Whirlwind, he also gave up the idea of continuing to try a ten-layer thunderstorm order.

With the effect of ten layers of soul piercing blade, ten layers of thunder order to draw down the heavenly thunder, afraid that the entire Aurous Hill people will be stunned.

Chapter 3852

With this thought, Charlie hurriedly put away the two spiritual talismans, and then quickly left the scene of the crime.

Back to the Champs-Elysees Spa Villa, he changed his clothes, and asked Issac to arrange for someone to send him a new suit, before leaving the Champs-Elysees and driving back to the city.

On the way, he received a phone call from Orvel. On the phone, Orvel said, “Master Wade, that Smith from America last time, came to me again, saying he wanted to spend another five million dollars, begging to meet Liang and you.”

“Again?” Charlie smiled and said casually, “Don’t pay any attention to him, let him go back to where he came from.”

Orvel immediately said, “Okay, then I’ll have someone kick him out.”

To Charlie, the first time he met Smith was to whet his appetite, or even the appetite.

Since his appetite had already been whetted, there was naturally no need for him to take care of him.



At this moment, Aurous Hill Classic Mansion.

Stella has already eaten in the golden box for two days and four meals.

Four meals, she did not wait for the master Wade who had a one-sided encounter to appear.

Waiting for two days did not consume her patience, but her appetite was a bit unbearable when she ate this full banquet for four days.

In order to maintain her figure and also to ensure her health, she usually pays great attention to her diet.

Although she is not a vegetarian, she has a very clear control over meat, she rarely eats red meat, and rarely eats raw seafood, and usually eats lower calorie chicken.

But in a place like Classic Mansion, chicken is one of the most unappealing ingredients, so the only thing on the table is the soup made from chicken, but this soup is usually used to cook those very expensive ingredients.

For example, shark’s fin, abalone, mushroom, which are highly respected high-end ingredients in Chinese cuisine.

But this is really hard for her to swallow, hundreds of thousands of dollars a table of the highest level of the Classic Mansion banquet, in her opinion, is a large table of poor quality protein, as well as a proper gout package.

She felt that if she continued to eat like this, she would sooner or later get anorexia.

So, she greeted the waitress in and asked her, “Hello, can you ask the backroom to make me a chicken salad? Just put some salad vegetables and white cooked chicken breast, and a little less salad dressing.”

The waiter said respectfully, “Sorry ma’am, we don’t have chicken salad, we have bluefin tuna with caviar salad, Australian lobster sashimi salad, foie


gras black truffle salad, and puffer fish sashimi salad, do you want to choose one from here?”

Stella only felt that her head was as big as a bucket, and the names of these ingredients made her feel sick to her stomach just hearing them.

So she said helplessly to the waiter, “Forget it, you go and get busy.”

After that, she stood up and said to Martina and the others, “You guys take your time, I’ll go out and see if there are any local snacks nearby.”

Martina said, “Miss, I’ll accompany you!”

Several female bodyguards also stood up and said with one voice, “Miss, we will accompany you!”

Stella waved her hand and said, “If we all leave before this table is even touched, how can we come back tomorrow? If the people here see it, they will definitely think it’s strange.”

After saying that, she said, “You don’t need to follow me, I’ll just go out by myself, it is safe, I will be fine.”

The others knew Stella’s temperament of saying one thing and hearing this, they didn’t say much and could only agree to it.

Stella went out of the box and walked to the entrance of Classic Mansion, just in time to see a few waiters stopping an American.

The American kept begging: “Please, please help me talk to Mr. Orvel again, I came all the way from the United States with full sincerity,”

“If Mr. Orvel can help me ask Mr. Wei to meet, I am willing to give him 10 million dollars! If you can’t, even if you can get a meeting with that Mr. Wade!”


When Stella heard the word Mr. Wade, she couldn’t help but frown slightly, muttering in her heart, “Mr. Wade, I wonder if there is any relationship with that Master Wade.”

“This person ran over from the United States, giving out $10 million to beg to see a person, this is also really unbelievable ……”

“Even to see Warren Buffett, it does not use so much as $10 million, that Mr. Wei and Mr. Wade, in the end, are they divine?”

Thinking, she could not help but have an extra look at Smith.

This instant, she suddenly felt that Smith was somehow familiar.

Smith, after all, was the head of the FDA, the general director of food and drug safety in the United States, and did have a certain popularity, so Stella quickly recognized him.

She immediately guessed his intention to come to China and thought, “Since he is the head of the FDA, he must be here for the Jiu Renewing Pills that have recently become a big hit.”

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but mutter in her heart, “Jiu Renewing Pills …… Rejuvenation Pill …… Master Wade …… Mr. Wade …… this, could there be any connection?”


Chapter 3853

At this time, the desperate Smith, still begging the waiter of the Classic Mansion, did not notice that Stella is standing not far away and looking at him.

Smith now only wants to see the people of JX Pharmaceutical, hurry to find a way to get a little JX Renewing pill, otherwise, his son will soon be without medicine.

However, the attendant of the Classic Mansion did not relent at all, and even put out the word, saying, “You gentleman, if you continue to be such a nuisance, we will have to call the police to deal with you!”

Smith saw that the other party’s attitude is firm, so he knew that today here stalking like this he will have no chance, so he had to speak:

“Please tell Mr. Orvel, say that I am going back to the hotel today, and will come back tomorrow to pay him a visit ……”

After saying that, Smith turned around ashenly and left the Classic Mansion on foot.

At this time, Smith’s heart was in turmoil and did not immediately take a taxi back to the hotel where he was staying, but along the road, walking slowly in the direction of the hotel.

Can not even see Orvel, more than that can not see Liang and Charlie. He has a gloomy mood and feels like he is a lost soul wandering on the road.

The CIA executive is still waiting for his news at the hotel, but if they can’t meet JX Pharmaceuticals, the mission will be aborted, and then the two can only return to Washington in the dust.

Just when he was at a loss, he suddenly heard someone say behind him, “Mr. Smith!”


Smith heard this, subconsciously turned back, and saw a wonderful Oriental beauty, is standing behind him.

He recognized her at once and said in surprise, “Miss Fei, why are you here?”

Smith naturally knew Stella.

Although the Fei family’s style of action in the United States is very low-key, like many Jewish families.

But Stella’s grandfather, Douglas these years has made some crazy investment in the field of medical drugs research and development team. In the pharmaceutical circles, his fame is great.

In the United States, there are many wealthy entrepreneurs, but very few of them are able to come up with the amount of money to invest in the field of medical drugs like Douglas.

Therefore, Douglas has a very oriental nickname in the field of medicine, the god of Wealth.

And Smith happens to be the head of the all-American pharmaceutical field, so he knows a lot of projects Douglas has invested in, and has even had a lot of contact with him, and has several meetings with Stella as well in this regard.

Now, suddenly seeing Stella in Aurous Hill, this makes Smith extra surprised, he did not expect Stella such hundreds of billions of dollars family’s first lady, will run into him in such a place.

Stella smiled and said to Smith, “I came to Aurous Hill to do some business, I didn’t expect Mr. Smith was also here, I don’t know what business Mr. Smith came to Aurous Hill for?”

Smith did not cover up, said frankly: “I came to China to see the person in charge of JX Pharmaceutical, to talk about the introduction of drugs.”


Stella was surprised and asked, “You want to see the head of JX Pharmaceuticals, why do you want to find that Orvel?”

“If my information is correct, he is just a leader in the underground world, so he should have nothing to do with JX Pharmaceuticals, right?”

Chapter 3854

Smith said truthfully: “Miss Fei does not know, JX Pharmaceutical’s Liang once brought the JX Renewing pills to the United States to take the initiative to find me, at that time he was through the public relations company to spend $50,000 to meet me.”

“But that time I was not aware of the mountain, offended him, now I came to beg him, he also deliberately let the Orvel come up as a middleman, I want to see him, only through the Orvel to make an appointment,”

“And a fee of $5 million for a meeting. If I want to see him, can only go through Orvel to ask, meet once to charge five million dollars in public relations fees.”

Stella recalled the conversation she heard just now and asked him, “I see that you were blocked by Orvel’s people at the door, is it because the other party is not willing to see you?”

“Yes……” Smith let out a long sigh and said, “Orvel said that the people of

JX Pharmaceuticals are not willing to meet me.”

Stella nodded and asked him again, “By the way Mr. Smith, just now you said you wanted to meet a Mr. Wade, can I ask, who is this Mr. Wade again?”

Smith said, “Mr. Wade is the head of operations of JX Pharmaceuticals, he is the one who makes all the decisions on the sales of medicines, last time he was the one who gave us twenty boxes of JX Renewing Pills.”

Stella asked him again, “This Mr. Wade you call, what is his full name?”


Smith thought about it and said with a frown, “I’ve met him just once, I don’t think he mentioned his full name last time we met.

Stella asked again, “What does this Mr. Wade look like? How old is he?”

Smith thought for a moment and said, “He is about twenty years old, right, taller, looks good, but you asked me to describe, I can not remember clearly, after all, only met once.”

Speaking of which, Smith remembered something and added: “By the way, this person is very strong, very young, but with him to talk about things, the sense of oppression is very strong.”

Stella nodded, her heart was already basically sure that with this Mr. Wade, the probability is the same Master Wade that she met.

Thinking of this, she asked Smith again, “Mr. Smith, did you come this time, just for the JX Renewing Pill?”

Smith did not know what Stella meant, but thinking that the CIA matter could not be exposed, he nodded and said, “Yes, I am here just for the JX Renewing Pills, why does Miss Fei ask?”

Stella paused slightly for a moment and asked him with a serious expression, “Mr. Smith, have you ever heard of the rejuvenation pill?”

Smith shook his head and asked in amazement, “What’s a rejuvenation pill? Is it also a medicine?”

“Sort of.” Stella said, “Rejuvenation Pill, it is said that eating one can get rid of 100 diseases, and it can even prolong one’s life for ten years, or even twenty years.”

“This ……” Smith said with his jaw dropped, “This kind of medicine ……

should not exist… …”


Stella smiled faintly and said frankly: “Whether it really exists, I’m not sure now, but there will be an auction in Aurous Hill in a few days when the Rejuvenation Pill will be up for sale”

Smith said awkwardly, “Miss Fei, if I remember correctly, you are a senior student of Stanford University, right?”

“I heard that you entered Stanford at the age of 15 and got your doctorate at the age of 21, right?”

Stella nodded and smiled to herself, “Mr. Smith, you are trying to say that I, as a Stanford graduate, shouldn’t believe in such things that defy scientific logic, right?”

“Yes ……” Smith said seriously, “I don’t believe that there is any medicine in

this world that can really do to get rid of all diseases,”

“Much less any medicine in this world that can prolong one’s life for ten or twenty years, if there is really such a thing. I’m afraid the whole world will go into a frenzy.”

Stella helplessly said, “To be honest, I do not believe in it, but there are many top tycoons who are convinced of it, including my grandfather.”

“Unfortunately, the auction mechanism of the Rejuvenation Pill, the degree of secrecy is too high, and there is no way to take it out of the auction,”

“So even if it really has such an effect, I am afraid that the outside world will not know, and even if the outside world knows, without real evidence, they will hear the same as you, will not believe.”

Smith silent for a moment, said: “Miss Fei, about the auction how to participate? Can I go to see it?”

“There is no chance.” Stella seriously said, “The registration has already closed, if Mr. Smith wants to participate, just wait for the next time!”


Chapter 3855

Smith was also piqued by Stella’s words and asked her, “Miss Fei, which auction house is holding this auction? I can try to find someone to run over there and see if there is any way to add a place.”

When Smith said this, he didn’t think there was anything wrong with it, he was after all the head of FDA, a standard upper class, elite person.

He knew a lot of people from all walks of life, and he could find some connections with several big internationally renowned auction houses.

However, Stella heard this, could not help but smile slightly and said seriously: “Mr. Smith, this auction of the Rejuvenation Pill is not ordinary,”

“It is a local antique company in Aurous Hill sponsored, the threshold for registration is extremely high, only people with the assets of more than ten billion yuan, are eligible to register,”

“I estimate that the probability of your contacts can not touch here.”

Smith was stunned and said offhand, “Ten billion RMB? This is too exaggerated, right?!”

Stella shook her head and said, “It’s not exaggerated at all, and there are so many applicants that if they are only worth ten billion, they don’t have a chance to get the final entry ticket.”

Smith said with a shocked face, “So many top tycoons believe in this miracle medicine that can cure all diseases and even increase life expectancy by more than ten years?”

Stella nodded slightly and said, “Yes, using an old saying, it is better to believe it than not to believe it.”

Smith smiled helplessly and said, “This kind of thing feels like it must be an elaborate scam.”


Stella, however, shrugged her shoulders and laughed, “I had some doubts before, but now I am more and more convinced instead, especially after meeting Mr. Smith.”

Smith asked in confusion, “What does Miss Fei mean by that?”

Stella smiled blandly and said, “It’s nothing, but I feel that many veins in my head have become clearer after meeting you.”

What Stella did not say was that she felt more and more that that Master Wade, as well as Mr. Wade in Smith’s mouth, was a very key figure.

In a place like Aurous Hill, it was already very bizarre that two unbelievable medicines, the JX Rejuvenation Pill as well as the Renewing Pill, could appear at the same time.

If the clues behind these two medicines point to two different people, it would be even more incredible.

But if the clues behind both medicines point to the same person, then this is much more reasonable.

Thinking about this, the clues in Stella’s mind became clearer and clearer, Song Group, JX Pharmaceutical, there must also be a common connection behind these two companies.

She had asked Martina to collect all the information about the Song Group, and now, it seems, there is another and that is JX Pharmaceuticals.

So, she said to Smith, “Mr. Smith, I have something to do, let’s talk some other time.”

Smith nodded and said respectfully, “Okay Miss Fei, please give my regards to your grandfather.”



After Stella said goodbye to Smith, she immediately made a call to Martina and asked her to immediately mobilize all the resources she could and collect all the relevant clues of JX Pharmaceutical at any cost.

In the night, Martina sorted out all the information she had collected and presented it to Stella.

Stella stayed up late to read all the information of the two enterprises, Song Group and JX Pharmaceutical, frowned and said,

“Warnia Song of Song Group lost her parents at an early age, the status in the Song family is not high, there is an elder uncle and a cousin above ……”

“Before, the Song Group had over a hundred billion assets, Warnia was responsible for a small Antique Hall ……”

“Before Antique Hall did not hold the Rejuvenation Pill auction, the entire business’s valuation was only a few hundred million,”

“In the Song Group this does not even account for one percent, so it can be seen that Warnia before in the Song family was not valued at all.”

“But even so, she still overpowered them both and became the successor of the Song Group at a young age ……”

Thining that Stella said: “Moreover, from these materials, can see, Song Group major middle and senior positions, there is no information about Warnia’s eldest uncle and her cousin,”

“Which proves that Warnia not only overpowered the two of them, and even completely squeezed out the two……”

Speaking of this, she couldn’t help but sigh: “I’m curious, how on earth did a young woman who lost her parents long ago and was somewhat on the fringes of the family manage to do all this ……”


Chapter 3856


Martina said, “I guess, this Warnia, should be the kind of means, extraordinary strong woman.”

Stella smacked her lips and said, “If that’s true, then this woman is not an ordinary strong woman, otherwise, how could she win the battle for the hundred billion family assets?”

Saying that, she added: “And JX Pharmaceutical! The predecessor of this enterprise in Aurous Hill was Wei Pharmaceutical, as well as Japan’s Kobayashi Pharmaceutical,”

“These two companies, the size of the gap is huge, Wei Pharmaceutical can be traced to the highest market value with a few billion yuan,”

“But Kobayashi Pharmaceutical peak market value of hundreds of billions of yuan, a hundred times more than Wei Pharmaceutical.”

“But this is such two different countries, different scale, the different focus of the pharmaceutical company, but completed the merger!”

“Moreover, after the merger, both of them are only minority shareholders, the majority shareholder is a very mysterious offshore company.

“These two pharmaceutical companies, both were family businesses, the founder of Wei Pharmaceutical was named Yongzheng Wei, and the founder of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical is named Kobayashi Masao.”

“And the current general manager of JX Pharmaceuticals, Liang Wei, is the illegitimate son of Yongzheng, the founder of Wei Pharmaceuticals,”

“before in Wei Pharmaceuticals, he had not even a proper position, only his half-brother Barena Wei’s driver and assistant.”

“From this, this Liang’s situation in the Wei family was much worse than Warnia’s previous situation in the Song family!”

“In the Wei family, it’s no longer a matter of him being unappreciated, but even receiving strong suppression and ostracism.”


“But, it is such a much oppressed illegitimate son, surprisingly, also last year successfully turned over to become the master, smoothly inherited the Wei pharmaceutical!”

“And, after Liang inherited Wei Pharmaceutical, Wei Pharmaceutical could not find Yongzheng, and Liang’s elder brother Barena’s information!”

“If I’m not wrong, this father and son have also been kicked out.”

“Warnia only kicked out her eldest uncle and cousin, her grandfather Song Jimo is still alive after all, took a step back, if her grandfather fully supports her, then it is not impossible for her to inherit the family head position.”

“But this Liang, however, kicked out his father and half-brother, who is the owner of Wei Pharmaceuticals,”

“So I wonder how he, an illegitimate son who can only serve as a servant to his brother at home, managed to make his father voluntarily step aside and give way? This is illogical!”

Hearing this, Martina couldn’t help but exclaim, “Miss, do you think that behind both of them, there could be a strong person helping them?”

Stella said firmly, “There must be!”

After saying that, she added: “Liang inherited Wei Pharmaceuticals, took the initiative to merge Wei Pharmaceuticals into JX Pharmaceuticals,”

“But JX Pharmaceuticals is only a shell that has just been registered for less than a year, that’s all,”

“The market value of more than 100 billion RMB Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, but also took the initiative to merge into JX Pharmaceuticals, this is even more incredible!”

Then, she turned out the information of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, pointing to the picture of Kobayashi Masanao on it, and said,


“This man, the founder of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, is also the former president of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, Kobayashi Masanao.”

“But this Kobayashi Masao died of poisoning some time ago, the rumor was that Kobayashi Ichiro had killed his father, and his brother Kobayashi Jiro even offered a huge reward to kill Kobayashi Ichiro to avenge his father.”

“However, Kobayashi Jiro soon disappeared, Ichiro regained control of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, and then merged Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals into JX Pharmaceuticals,”

“And Kobayashi Ichiro even gave up 90% of the shares of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals for this reason!”

Martina said with great suspicion: “When I saw this, I also found it too unbelievable, I really can’t figure out who would so simply give up 90% of the hundreds of billions of family assets like this?”


Chapter 3857

Stella put together a large pile of information in front of her and sighed, “I really didn’t expect that a small city like Aurous Hill would have so many fine things to think about ……”

After that, she added: “Whether it’s Warnia, Liang, or that Kobayashi Ichiro, behind them, there must be a person with an eye on the sky!”

Martina asked, “Miss, do you think that the person behind them, is also that Master Wade?”

Stella nodded and calmly said, “I think that in these few incidents, the traits of the mysterious person behind them all highly overlap, so it is likely that it is the same person.”

Saying that she picked up the financial statements of Wei’s Pharmaceuticals and said,

“Look, Wei’s Pharmaceuticals used to be a medium-sized pharmaceutical company, and the market was limited to within China,”

“Their financial statements can be seen, they sold some drugs, mostly with some thin profit, the profit margin was very low.”

After a pause, Stella continued, “Grandpa has invested a lot of money in the pharmaceutical field in the past few years,”

“I also have some research in this field, if a pharmaceutical company has a very low-profit margin, the biggest possibility is that they do not have any outstanding high-end products, Wei’s Pharmaceutical was one such company.”

Martina said with surprise: “Miss, if so, Wei’s Pharmaceutical does not have the ability to develop the JX Renewing Pills!”


“I’m afraid that even the world’s top pharmaceutical companies can hardly develop this kind of medicine, not to mention a mere Wei’s Pharmaceutical.”

“Yes.” Stella nodded appreciatively and said, “This is the key, Wei’s Pharmaceutical does not have the ability to develop the JX rejuvenation pill,”

“Not to mention the JX rejuvenation pill, even the JX stomach powder, it is impossible to develop for them.”

“I have used this medicine, it is definitely the best stomach medicine on the market.”

Martina asked, “Then the JX Stomach Powder and JX Rejuvenation Pill, could it be the technology of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical?”

“It’s also impossible.” Stella waved his hand and said, “Kobayashi Pharmaceutical used to have a fist product called Kobayashi Stomach Powder, which had the same positioning as JX Stomach Powder,”

“But the product power was more than one grade different. With the product power of JX Powder, as soon as JX Stomach Powder went on sale and it was fully distributed, Kobayashi Stomach Powder was not able to sell a single packet.”

Martina pursed her lips, then said, “In that case, JX Pharmaceutical’s technology, also from the mysterious people behind Wei’s Pharmaceutical and Kobayashi Pharmaceutical ……”

Stella nodded, with shellfish like teeth lightly biting the thin lower lip, smacked them then said,

“Warnia’s inheritance of the Song family has a mysterious person behind giving help, Wei’s illegitimate son turned over to become the master behind the same,”


“JX Pharmaceuticals also has a mysterious person behind the technical support, and Warnia’s Antique Hall can host the auction of the Rejuvenation Pill, there is a mysterious person behind it too.”

“So many mysterious people, it seems to me that they are all inextricably linked!”

“Moreover, whether it’s the JX Stomach Pill, or the JX Rejuvenation Pill, or the Renewing Pill, these three medicines are all ancient Chinese medicines,”

“And their medicinal effects are extraordinary in terms of their respective fields, so I think that these three medicines may also come from the same person’s hand.”

Chapter 3858

Martina remembered one thing and said, “Right Miss, you asked me to find the top famous doctors in Aurous Hill before, I mapped down on my side and found that there are at least thousands of Chinese doctors in Aurous Hill.”

Stella was surprised and asked, “So many?”

“Yes.” Martina said, “Among these thousands of people, 40% work in public hospitals, 30% work in private hospitals and clinics, and 30% open their own medical schools,”

“Among which the most famous is an old traditional doctor named Shi Tianqi, who opened a medical school called Relief House in Aurous Hill, and his business is very prosperous.”

“Shi Tianqi?” Stella seems to catch something, frowned and muttered: “I seem to have heard of this person, some years ago in the South China Sea there was a Chinese medicine summit,”

“My grandfather was very interested, so specially flew over to attend at that time, I did not go, but read some written information about the summit,”


“Which had this Tianqi’s introduction, this person in the field of Chinese medicine is indeed very famous. “

Martina asked, “Miss, then you say, we just analyzed the mysterious person, could it be him?

Stella frowned and couldn’t help but mutter, “I don’t think so ……”

Martina said, “But after all, it seems that he is the most likely, after all, he is a top Chinese doctor, paraplegia is also a difficult problem that can not be treated in Western medicine,”

“But in his place, it can be cured, such a person, the development of JX Stomach Powder, JX rejuvenation pills or Renewing pills, it is not impossible.”

Stella nodded and said, “At the moment, it does seem that Tianqi is the most likely, but for some reason, I feel that these things are more like the work of that Master Wade.”

Martina has a different opinion, she said, “Miss, is Chinese medicine not all about experience and seniority?”

“Tianqi is more than 80 years old and has been practicing medicine for more than 60 years,”

“So he is definitely considered highly respected in the field of Chinese medicine, and it is reasonable for such a person to develop good medicine.

Stella shook her head and said, “Tianqi’s background of practicing medicine for so many years is indeed excellent, but I always feel that a little demonic aura is missing.”

“Demonic aura?” Martina asked in surprise: “Miss, what do you mean by demonic aura……”

Stella said, “It is what I said before, ‘there must be a demon when things go wrong’ demonic aura, all of Tianqi’s experiences are watery and natural,”


“That is, the experience of a Chinese medicine national, in other words, the country can find at least ten other Chinese medicine nationals with similar resumes as him, why didn’t others??”

“In other words, there are at least ten other Chinese medicine practitioners with a similar resume, so why didn’t other people make the JX Renewing Pill or even the Rejuvenation Pill, but Tianqi did?”

Martina said, “Then Tianqi’s cure of a paraplegic should be considered as the demonic energy you mentioned, right?”

“Right.” Stella nodded: “Count, but the feeling to me seems to be not enough, and frankly speaking, although Chinese medicine is a very profound discipline,”

“but this line of work is full of fraud as well, as the name fishing generation is also countless,”

“There are often Chinese doctors claim to have cured all kinds of terminal diseases, but it turns out that the vast majority of people are deceitful.”

I want to know the details of the incident, including when it happened, where it happened, who the patient was,”

“And whether the patient had any public hospital records, and if so, find a way to retrieve all his medical records, including images, from the public hospital! “

Martina hurriedly agreed and said, “Yes Miss, I’ll get right on it.”

Stella nodded slightly and said with a serious expression, “If the matter of Tianqi curing the paraplegic patient is true, then this matter, most likely, is a breakthrough!”


Chapter 3859

After Jacob was injured by Junwei’s men, he was first taken to the Aurous Hill People’s Hospital by ambulance.

And Tianqi was also invited by Charlie, who personally came to Aurous Hill People’s Hospital, fed Jacob half of the blood dispersal heart saving pill.

Therefore, all the medical records of Jacob’s injury until he recovered were kept in the large medical record system of People’s Hospital.

Over the years, with the development of computers and the Internet, almost all hospitals have started to use electronic medical records,”

“This not only saves all patient information, the results of every examination, the medical records filled out by doctors and diagnostic certificates,”

“But more importantly, also save all the medical images of the patient, so that doctors can easily access them at any time.

However, this big medical record system, while convenient, also leaves a huge hidden danger, that is, information security cannot be absolutely guaranteed.

For a powerful family like the Fei family, they have a variety of special teams on hand at all times, including hacking teams.

Therefore, Martina immediately had people hack the major medical record systems of several public hospitals in the city overnight and then used the elimination method to find available clues under Stella’s instructions.

First, Stella had the hacker extract all the information of patients diagnosed with paraplegia.

Then, she had the hacker sift through the cases of these paraplegics to see if there were any records of healing and discharge.


Soon, a copy of the results was delivered to her.

In recent years, there were 1,300 patients diagnosed with paraplegia in Aurous Hill, of which a dozen were discharged from the hospital.

But the so-called recovery was mostly due to the fact that the patient’s spine was not completely damaged.

So after systematic treatment and recovery, such patients were gradually able to stand and walk slowly, and could not be considered completely cured.

The only person who was really cured and discharged from the hospital was Charlie’s father-in-law, Jacob.

Stella looked at Jacob’s hospital records, shocked, said: “This man, admitted to the hospital last summer because of a car accident, the admission CT results show that he had a complete spinal cord injury,”

“This is irreversible paraplegia, but his CT results that afternoon showed that his spinal cord injury has been completely recovered, this is simply unbelievable!”

Martina took a look and exclaimed: “Miss, the time when Jacob was hospitalized is very close to the time when Tianqi came to Aurous Hill to open Relief House,”

“There is at most a difference of half a month or so before and after! This person must have been cured by Tianqi!”

Stella nodded gently and said, “One day to completely cure the spinal cord injury, this simply can not be described by medical skills,”

“It seems that this Tianqi is really very powerful! The previous speculation may really be my wrong guess ……”


After saying that, she immediately said to Martina, “Martina, tomorrow no matter what, you have to get me his number, I want to go to Relief House to see him!”


Early the next morning.

Martina used 50,000 yuan to buy the number of Relief House from a patient.

Tianqi was getting older and could only see a few patients a day nowadays, so his number had been very much in demand.

Afterward, Stella, accompanied by Martina, went to the waiting area inside his clinic.

Chapter 3860

This morning Tianqi was seeing patients in the clinic, so his granddaughter Zhovia acted as his assistant, helping out in the front and back, and learning more about the consultation experience in the meantime.

When she first met Stella, Zhovia was amazed by her appearance. Although she had always been very confident in her own appearance, she was still somewhat ashamed of herself in front of Stella.

After checking the registration voucher in Stella’s hand, she arranged for her to be seated in the waiting area for the time being and said, “Please wait for a moment, I will come to inform you when it’s your turn later.”

Stella nodded and said politely, “Thank you for your hard work.”

“No problem.”

Stella waited in the waiting area for about an hour, and after Tianqi finished seeing the first three patients, Zhovia came over and said, “Madam, please follow me.”


Stella stood up and went into Tianqi’s consultation room with Martina.

Tianqi looked at the two and asked, “I wonder which one of you two wants to see the doctor?”

Stella said, “Hello, Dr. Shi, I’m not here today to see you, but I want to consult you for a relative of my family.”

Tianqi nodded and asked her, “What is wrong with this relative of yours?”

Stella sighed: “Doctor Shi, my relative had an accident some time ago, and the doctor diagnosed it as paraplegia,”

“We asked around and learned that you had cured a paraplegic patient last year, so I came all the way from Eastcliff to ask for your help!”

“Paraplegia ……” Tianqi shook his head helplessly when he heard this, and

sighed lightly,

“Since the opening of this clinic, almost every day people come to me for treatment of paraplegia, they, like you, heard about that case last year, and that’s why they found me ……”

The patient was not cured by my medical skills, but by coincidence.”

Stella was amazed and asked, “Coincidence? Why do you say that, Doctor Shi?”

Tianqi said seriously, “I cannot give you the details of this, so please forgive me, but what I can say is that the credit for curing that patient really does not lie with me, and if I were to treat the same patient again, I would not be able to do so.”

Stella hurriedly asked, “Doctor Shi, you say that the credit does not lie with you, but that patient’s paraplegia was indeed cured,”


“So are you saying that someone else was actually behind the cure of that patient, or are you saying that you cured that patient in the first place thanks to some kind of elixir?”

Tianqi glanced at Stella with some surprise and marveled in his heart, “I didn’t expect this girl to be able to catch the key points between lightning and fire, and to catch two of them in one go!”

“Behind this matter of healing, there is indeed another person, that person is Master Wade,”

“And, Jacob’s healing was indeed thanks to some kind of elixir, and that kind of medicine, is the divine medicine refined by Master Wade ……”

However, Tianqi is also very clear, this matter certainly he can not reveal more, so he said to Stella:

“Girl, this matter is inconvenient to say, if the right chance, perhaps your relatives can also be cured, but whether there is this chance, I do not know, everything also depends on the fate of chance.”

Stella hurriedly begged, “Dr. Shi, this relative of mine means very important to me indeed, I beg you to reveal some more clues to me ……”

Tianqi shook his head and said seriously, “Sorry girl, I can really only say so much, please forgive me.”

After saying that, he said to Zhovia, “Zhovia, refund the consultation fee to this girl.”

Zhovia immediately nodded and said, “Okay Grandpa.”

Stella welcomed the fact that it was no longer possible for Tianqi to ask for any key clues, so he hurriedly said,

“Thank you, Dr. Shi, I will go back and think of another way, so there is no need to refund the consultation fee.”


Chapter 3861

After saying that, she bowed slightly towards Tianqi and said, “Dr. Shi, I’ll leave you now!”

Stella took Martina out of Relief House, then directly into a nanny car on the roadside.

As soon as the car door closed, Stella immediately said categorically, “It seems that the this Jacob can be cured, should not be the credit of Tianqi,”

“Tianqi was just a tool to be introduced to play a cover, so there is still a mysterious person behind this matter.”

Martina could not help but ask: “Miss, is it really that Master Wade? Excluding Tianqi, I’m afraid he is the only one who is most suspicious.”

Stella nodded and said with some excitement, “The breakthrough point now should be in the body of Jacob!”

“He was injured and hospitalized, and the mystery man even brought out Tianqi to cover up, so he must be very close to him!”

Martina also said excitedly: “We have searched for a large circle, and finally locked a specific target! Then I’ll find someone to transfer the information of this man!”

“Good!” Stella’s gaze was like a torch, and instructed, “Make sure to transfer all the information of Jacob and all his relatives,”

“His and his relatives’ identity, education background, work history, and family background, etc.”

“Also remember, make sure to use the highest level of confidentiality one-way channel, never reveal any clues.”

The so-called one-way channel refers to the identity information transmission that can only be transmitted in one direction.


That is, you know the informant’s information, can receive information and intelligence back from the informant, but the informant does not know her information.

In this way, once the informant exposes his or her trail, the other party cannot find him or her through the informant, which is considered the safest way to obtain information.

Stella is very clear about the characteristics of the intelligence network, this thing is sometimes a double-edged sword, one can query the other party’s information in the intelligence network,”

“The other party may be placed in the intelligence network early warning alerts, once someone query their information, you can immediately receive the relevant feedback.

In that case, she was originally staying in the dark, while the other party is in the light.

But just because she used the intelligence network to look up the other party’s information, she instantly exposed her motives as well as her identity to the other party.

Therefore, she had to ensure absolute safety.

At this time, Charlie did not know that there was a woman who for the first time had combed through the layers of clues in Aurous Hill and peeled back the layers, finally focusing the clues on his father-in-law’s figure.

Moreover, the strength and means of the Fei family is more than a notch stronger than the Wade family.

Therefore, Stella’s investigation did not touch the alarm of the Wade family.

When Martina placed all the information of Jacob, as well as all the information of the surrounding relatives, in front of Stella, Stella took the lead in picking up Jacob’s family tree chart.


On this lineage chart, from the Willson family’s old man, then the old lady, and then the two families of Jacob and Noah, they were all listed very clearly.

After all, the Willson family is not a famous family, let alone a secret family, so their information can be easily found.

Stella swept through the names one by one, and when she saw Jacob’s daughter Claire, she immediately looked at the words noted next to Claire Willson: spouse Charlie Wade.

Seeing the name Charlie, Stella’s eyes immediately surfaced with a burst of excitement.

Ever since she came to Aurous Hill, she has been extremely sensitive to the word “Wade”.

And when she saw that Jacob’s son-in-law was named Charlie Wade, she almost immediately said with certainty: “It’s him! It must be him!”

Chapter 3862

After saying that, Stella immediately raised her head and asked Martina:

“Has this Charlie Wade’s information been transferred out?”

“Yes.” Martina said, “It’s in the pile of specific information at the back.”

“Good!” Stella immediately flipped out Charlie’s information, opened it, and immediately saw Charlie’s ID photo.

She immediately clenched her fists and said excitedly, “It’s really him!”

After saying that, she gently tapped her finger on Charlie’s photo avatar and murmured, “Hello Master Wade, finally we meet again!”

Then, she began to check Charlie’s official information, but after a cursory sweep, she was surprised and said,


“This Charlie, there is no information related to his family background?!”

“No parents, no grandparents, grandma and grandparents, not even any relatives, did he pop out of the cracks of a stone?”

Martina nodded and explained, “Miss, this person’s life is rather pitiful, the official information shows that he was abandoned at birth and then adopted by the Aurous Hill orphanage,”

“The management of the household register was also rather chaotic, so he was in the orphanage in a black state until he was eight years old, after eight years old, the orphanage unified a group of orphans to apply for a collective household register, and only then he was considered after the age of eight,”

“The orphanage unified a group of orphans to apply for a collective household, he is considered to have a household.”

This is where Leon was brilliant.

Charlie was actually eight years old before he entered the orphanage, and his household registration was not local to Aurous Hill.

In order to make Charlie absolutely safe, he had to give him a brand new identity, a local Aurous Hill identity, and one that would stand up to scrutiny, as well as one that would not be recognized in the future.

That’s why he made up Charlie’s background, so that his official information shows that he was abandoned by his parents after birth.

Could not find his biological parents, and was in an orphanage until he was eight years old when he was registered through the orphanage.

In this way, it’s basically a seamless process.

After all, many abandoned babies who cannot find their parents always end up with their own registry, and this operation is considered routine.


When Stella saw this, she did not have any doubts, but could not help but exclaim: “This person’s life is actually so tragic?”

“And I see that he seems to have dropped out of high school and only studied in college for a year until he got married, and he doesn’t have a degree.”

“Yes.” Martina also sighed: “It seems to be quite miserable, and after he got married, his household registration was moved out of the collective account of the orphanage”

“And into the family account of Jacob, if I guessed correctly, he should be the live-in son-in-law of the Willson family.”

“Live-in son-in-law?” Although Stella grew up in the United States, she was born and raised in a Chinese family after all, and she was still very familiar with many Chinese unique customs.

She couldn’t help but frown and mutter, “This Master Wade, he’s actually a live-in son-in-law? If he is really that capable, why did he go to be a live-in son-in-law?”

“Moreover, this Willson family, the strength seems to be very, very average ……”

In her impression, the status of a live-in son-in-law can be said to be a label of the lowest class in Chinese society.

Only the kind of people whose families are in difficulty, or whose family strength and status are too inferior to the woman’s, will give up their dignity and become a son-in-law.

After all, just being a live-in son-in-law means giving up a man’s face and even his original family of origin.

Moreover, many Chinese families that Stella knew had let their daughters recruit sons-in-laws because they had no sons or wanted to be more prosperous.


Even the children born have to take the surname of the woman’s family.

Because of these impressions, Stella is incomparably surprised, she really can’t understand, if Charlie is really very powerful, why get into a small family, as a live-in son-in-law?

Chapter 3863

Because she couldn’t figure it out, Stella’s eyebrows were locked and she didn’t speak for a long time, still thinking about the possibilities.

Martina saw her serious and sleepy expression, so she couldn’t help but ask:

“Miss, what do you think about this matter now?”

Stella sighed, staring at the pile of information in front of her while rubbing her temples with her slender and tender white jade hands while saying despondently,

“From this information, the entire Willson family, starting from Old Lady Willson, has one count, and adding up all their assets, it’s only around 100 million RMB.”

“But if this Charlie, is really the one I’m looking for as the entrusted with the Pill, then I’m afraid that just one of his pills is worth tens of billions of dollars!”

“In that case, Charlie’s strength is more than hundreds or thousands of times stronger than the Willson family, so how could he be the son-in-law of the Willson family?”

Speaking of this, she added: “By equal proportion, this is like a rich man worth nearly ten million dollars, into a poor man’s family,”

“Whose entire family assets do not even add up to ten thousand dollars, then I want to know, in the end, he went into the family, is it like helping the poor?”


“Yes oh ……” Martina also very agreeably nodded repeatedly: “If according

to this price gap, the whole Willson family has to feed Charlie as an ancestor, and how can we say Charlie is a live-in son-in-law? “

Saying that, she asked again, “Miss, could it be that we misjudged from the beginning?”

Stella pursed her lips, the bottom of her eyes suddenly burst out a touch of determination, said in a deep voice:

“We all the way from those side clues, a little focus to here, everything is right on, there should not be wrong!”

“Moreover, Jacob’s case is also here, he is indeed partially paralyzed due to complete spinal cord injury, but he was completely healed in less than a day, this kind of unprecedented medical miracle, also actually happened!”

“No matter if this Charlie is the person we are looking for or not, I can be sure that Jacob must have been cured by the one we are looking for!”

Speaking of this, Stella stood up, expression and eyes also more determined:

“This Jacob, personal history is very mediocre, basically there is no place to stand out, if not for the help of noble people he once paraplegia, the rest of his life can only be paralyzed in bed,”

“There is no possibility of recovery, and I looked through Jacob’s family and contacts, in addition to this Charlie, the background is mysterious, other people are as mediocre as Jacob, and it is impossible to help him in such a situation!”

Martina said: “Miss, this Charlie’s background is not mysterious at all, all his background is clear, compared to the Willson family, he is not even mediocre ……”

“No.” Stella seriously said, “Charlie’s life history before the age of eighteen is almost completely blank,”


“This shows that he did not go to formal elementary school, nor formal junior high school, nine years of compulsory education, were received in the orphanage,”

“This kind of resume, almost equal to blank, the more like this, the more I feel unfathomable.”

Speaking of which, she added: “As for why he wanted to join the Willson family, to be honest, I do not understand, but I think, he must have his reasons and justifications!”

Martina asked, “Miss, then can you be sure now that the person you are looking for, is this man?”

“I can be sure!” Stella said firmly: “If it’s not him, then it proves that I’m wrong from beginning to end, but if I’m right in one place from beginning to end, then it must be him!”

Speaking of which, she hurriedly picked up Jacob’s information and said, “This Jacob, is now the executive vice president of the Aurous Hill City Calligraphy and Painting Association,”

“Check the specifics of the Aurous Hill Calligraphy and Painting Association for me, I’ll see if I can find any breakthroughs from this old man!”


Jacob often leaves early and returns late in recent days.

The Aurous Hill Calligraphy and Painting Association, although nominally a professional civil organization, but in fact, also has half of the official nature.

On the whole, it is a semi-official, semi-civic people’s group.

If there is little official need, it is a small group of hobbyists gathering.

But if there is an official event, then it will represent the official attendance.


For this cultural exchange between Aurous Hill and Korean sister cities, the Painting and Calligraphy Association naturally became the official representative of friendship and the messenger of exchange.

Chapter 3864

Therefore, in order to ensure a successful and smooth exchange of activities, Jacob has been following the President of the Association these days.

This means, attending various talks and meetings in the city.

Although he was very busy, he has recently been very energetic.

He has been used to mediocrity in his life and has not done anything prestigious for 50 years.

Now, as the second-in-command of the Calligraphy and Painting Association, he attends various formal meetings and meets with various leaders and elites every day, giving him the illusion that he is also an elite.

This afternoon, representatives of the Calligraphy and Painting Association went to the city for another meeting.

This time to communicate the details of this Korean exchange with fellow members of the Music and Arts Association, the Writers’ Association, and the Senior Citizens’ University.

The meeting was attended by not only Jacob, who represented the Calligraphy and Painting Association, but also Meiqing, Jacob’s first love.

And Pollard, Charlie’s mother’s old classmate, and Melba’s father, who was present on behalf of the senior citizen university.

Meiqing and Pollard are both doctors who have returned from the United States.


Meiqing had been engaged in the legal industry in the United States for many years and is extremely experienced, while Pollard is an internationally renowned economics expert.

In contrast, Jacob is not so eye-catching.

Although he is the vice president of the Calligraphy and Painting Association, he knows a little bit about calligraphy and painting in this field.

To really give him a brush, he can’t write many good words, can’t make many good paintings, but is just an amateur ticket holder’s level.

When he first entered the calligraphy and painting association as an ordinary member have great water, now can climb to the executive vice president of the second position, but also all thanks to President Pei.

Since that last time, President Pei saw Orvel’s humility and respect for Jacob when he attached great importance to Jacob.

Now on some big public occasions, he will take the initiative to bring Jacob to see the world.

However, Jacob really has no real material, so if he really wants to make some comments in the field of painting and calligraphy, the professionals will know that he is a half-wit.

In order to prevent him from showing his fears and making a fool of himself, President Pei took him out to participate in activities and instructed him to listen more and talk less, so as not to say more and make more mistakes.

Jacob naturally also knows that his level is not very good, so once to this occasion, basically he does not express their views.

However, here, Meiqing and Pollard both shine.


In order to show the active self-improvement of the elderly in Aurous Hill in this exchange event in Korea, the two of them made a set of very professional lecture courseware together, which was extremely well done.

The vast majority of senior citizen universities in China are actually recreational centers for the elderly, where retired seniors go to learn calligraphy, painting, dancing and even tai chi.

Or to engage in recreational activities together, which is basically the whole concept of senior citizen universities.

However, Meiqing and Pollard both feel that since it is a university for the elderly, they still have to sort out some in-depth teaching courses.

So they both put a lot of effort into the university for the elderly and organized a group of elderly people with a high level of education to make several disciplines sound.

The whole meeting in addition to umming and ahhing he is basically just nodding repeatedly, the heart is really a bit tasty.

On the one hand, he felt inferior to his own level compared to Meiqing and Pollard, which had a huge gap.

On the other hand, he also felt that Meiqing and Pollard were working too closely and perfectly together, which made him feel jealous.

As the meeting was coming to an end, someone proposed that they all should get together for a meal in the evening, and Jacob thought that he would take the opportunity to have more contact with Meiqing over dinner.

But to his surprise, Meiqing said, “Professor Watt and I will not participate in the dinner, we have to go back to the senior college later, and there is an internal learning experience sharing session tonight.”

President Pei couldn’t help but praise, “Professor Han is so responsible!”


“We have to organize a sharing session in the evening, compared to your senior college, our Calligraphy and Painting Association is really a bit uninspired!”

Meiqing said modestly, “Don’t say that, President Pei, the nature of the senior citizens’ university is different from that of the Painting and Calligraphy Society.”

Jacob is also a bit resentful, Meiqing does not go to the dinner, then he is also not interested in eating with this group of old men, so he said:

“Meiqing, how about I drop you at the University, from there and my home just the same way.”

Meiqing smiled faintly and said politely, “No need Jacob, I came with Professor Watt today, he is driving, we will just go back together.”

“Oh ……” Jacob’s heart was even more lost, and he didn’t know how to

continue the conversation for a while.

At this time, President Pei’s cell phone rang, he went out to answer the phone, and soon rushed over, excitedly said to Jacob:

“Jacob, come! Let’s go back to the association! There is a great surprise waiting for us!”


Chapter 3865

Seeing President Pei so excited, although Jacob was curious, he still asked, “President Pei, what is it that makes you so happy?”

President Pei said with great excitement, “The secretary of the association called and said that an overseas Chinese, entrusted by the elders of the family, wants to donate eight pairs of works of the calligrapher Zheng Huo to our calligraphy and painting association!”

“Zheng Huo?” Jacob asked with a bewildered expression, “Is this person very famous?”

Hearing this, President Pei burst into tears and said, “Jacob …… told you a

long time ago that you are now the vice president of the Calligraphy and Painting Association,”

“It doesn’t matter if you are not talented in calligraphy and painting, but you must be able to name one, two, or three,”

“So you must read more books of ancient and modern calligraphy and painting works, but you just don’t listen. You do not know, in the future if you go out by yourself, it is easy to be asked by others in three or two words!”

Saying that he hurriedly explained, “Zheng Huo is one of the most famous calligraphers in the history of Aurous Hill, with the title of the first person in the Qing Dynasty clerical script,”

“Although in the history of so many top calligraphy masters, he is not so famous, but he is after all our local calligrapher, to our Aurous Hill Calligraphy and Painting Association he is still very significant!”

Jacob smiled awkwardly and said, “Oh oh oh, I remembered …… just now

you said in a hurry, I didn’t think about it for a while ……”

Jacob said so, but in fact, he has little to no understanding at all.


Pei President also did not take him seriously, with some excitement he said: “This is not the main thing, the main thing is that the overseas Chinese also said, she would like to promote our local history in the field of painting and calligraphy,”

“So she wants to fund us to set up a large exhibition of Aurous Hill history painting and calligraphy!”

“The work of our Aurous Hill dynasties in the field of painting and calligraphy are taken out, in a good exhibition, and she also promised to help us find some historical works of famous artists!”

Saying that, he patted Jacob’s shoulder and said excitedly, “If this exhibition is successful, our calligraphy and painting association will be famous!”

“Come on, let’s go back to the association and meet with this overseas Chinese.”

Jacob was not in a good mood, so he was not interested in this matter, what overseas Chinese, or the exhibition, it did not mean anything to him.

He only wanted to be able to fly with his Meiqing as soon as possible, or to break the thoughts of other men in her mind, especially that Pollard!

However, after all, he is the number two person in the Painting and Calligraphy Association, President Pei has said so, he certainly can not fall off the chain, so he can only agree to it, said: “Okay, then let’s go now!”

Coincidentally, Meiqing and Pollard also finished packing up the laptops they brought with them.

And seeing that Jacob and President Pei were leaving, Meiqing went forward and curiously asked, “Jacob, aren’t you going to the dinner?”

“No.” Jacob said, “There is an urgent matter in the association, so President Pei and I have to go back.”


Meiqing nodded and said, “It just so happens that Professor Watt and I are also ready to go, so let’s go out together.”

The four of them walked together to the parking lot, and Pollard’s car was parked close, so Meiqing said to Jacob and President Pei, “Jacob, President Pei, we’ll leave first, see you some other time.”

President Pei cheerfully said, “OK Professor Han, you and Professor Watt go first, our two cars are parked far away.”

“Okay.” Meiqing smiled faintly, and Professor Watt on the side also said bye to the two, then got into the car and started it to leave.

Watching the two drive away, President Pei couldn’t help but sigh: “Jacob, don’t you think, Professor Han and Professor Watt are quite a good match?”

Jacob’s eyes widened and he blurted out, “What’s so good about them? The guy named Watt is not good enough for Meiqing!”

President Pei said seriously: “Look at the two people, they are both talented, although they are almost 50, but look like 40 years old, also both returned from the United States,”

“There must be more common topics, and I heard that they are both widowed, this match simply can not be more perfect!”

Jacob’s heart is particularly unpleasant, can not help but feel depressed and muttered: “I think Pollard is a complete toad and want to eat swan meat!”

Chapter 3866

President Pei frowned and asked in surprise: “Everyone has a very good impression of Professor Watt, why are you so prejudiced against him?”

“The two of them are really the same kind of people, the male swan eats the female swan, the door is right to be a family, a good match!”


Jacob heard him say the male swan ate the female swan, the heart is nastier to die, in the heart can not help but curse:

“Old Pei what do you mean? What male swan eat female swan? So I, Jacob, am the toad, right?”

President Pei saw the annoyance in Jacob’s expression and exclaimed, “Jacob, you are not interested in Professor Han, are you?”

President Pei did not know the past of Jacob and Meiqing, but only knew that the two of them originally knew each other and were old classmates.

Moreover, Jacob had a family, which President Pei knew very well, so he had not thought about it.

However, now seeing Jacob who seems to be very annoyed with Meiqing and Pollard getting close, he immediately smacked out a little taste.

Jacob that really is a textbook-level old goose.

This kind of time is poked through the mind, how dare he admit it!

So he hurriedly waved his hand and said, “I didn’t President Pei, I just simply think that Pollard is not good enough for Meiqing.”

President Pei nodded and said in a serious voice: “Jacob, it’s best if you don’t think so! You have to know, our painting and calligraphy association, has half official nature,”

“We represent the face of the cultural field, and you are a man with a wife, if at this time to make some kind of scandal, or stepping on two boats, that is a style problem, I can not protect you!”

Jacob heard these words, his heart suddenly cooled half, in his mind immediately emerged Elaine’s face.

He could almost imagine what kind of intense reaction she would have if she knew that Meiqing had returned to China and gotten closer to him.


When the time comes, won’t it be a Mars collision!

Even if he wants to divorce with her, she has already made it clear that she won’t divorce him. Unilaterally, he cannot take a step to do so, thus separation from her is impossible.

According to the current regulations, in the absence of significant fault of both parties, the prosecution says that the people who want to divorce must first be separated for two years, otherwise, the court will decide not to divorce.

Moreover, if he really wants to separate from Elaine, these two years Elaine will torture him to death?

The thought of this, Jacob is nervous all over the body and feeling uncomfortable.

He has been suppressed by Elaine for so many years, and he has long had a strong mental fear of her.

Although he is a big man, and Elaine is just a shrew, but sometimes, the psychological shadow, or by years and years of suppression.

Even a big man is also easy to be in an absolutely passive position of vulnerability.

In reality, although most domestic violence is male to female violence, but there are a few domestic violence examples where there is female to male violence.

The male on female violence, mostly because men are naturally stronger than women, relies on the body to prevail over the other gender.

The female on male violence is mostly because the woman with their own way, give the man years and years of mental pressure.

Resulting in the male mentally getting accustomed to submissive behavior coming out of this suppression.


This is the case with Jacob.

He knew that Elaine was a stumbling block between himself and Meiqing, but still did not have the courage to kick her away.

Seeing him dazed in place, President Pei couldn’t help but ask him, “Jacob, what are you thinking about?”

Only then did Jacob come back to his senses and busily said, “Nothing, it is nothing.”

President Pei did not think much about it and instructed, “Hurry up, the guest is still waiting!”


Chapter 3867

Soon, President Pei and Jacob, each driving their own cars, returned to the Calligraphy and Painting Association back and forth.

At this time, Stella had been waiting here for a long time.

As soon as President Pei returned, the secretary brought him and Jacob to the meeting room and said to the waiting Stella,

“Miss Zhan, these two are President Pei of our Painting and Calligraphy Association and Vice President Willson!”

After saying that, she also introduced to the two, “President Pei, Vice President Willson, this is the French-Chinese I mentioned on the phone, Feier Zhan, Miss Zhan.”

Stella did not use her real identity for the sake of insurance.

But for her, she had completely legal and real identities in several countries, and this French-Chinese, Zhan Feier’s identity was just one of her many identities.

Stella took one more look at Jacob and was finally relieved that as long as she got in touch with Jacob, she would definitely have a chance to inquire about his son-in-law Charlie.

So, she stood up very politely and said with a smile, “Two presidents, I’ve heard a lot about you, finally I’ve met you both.”

President Pei did not expect that this guest was a beautiful young girl, after a slight dismay, he quickly smiled and said,

“Miss Zhan is really too polite, I heard that a Chinese wanted to donate calligraphy and painting, but I did not expect it to be from a young lady, was Miss Zhan from Aurous Hill before?”


Stella smiled faintly and shook her head, “Our family ancestors are from Aurous Hill, although the recent generations settled overseas, but the old people in the family still have very deep feelings for the city,”

“But the old people are old and not too convenient to come over, so they entrusted me to do a little contribution to the painting and calligraphy community in Aurous Hill.”

Saying that, she greeted Martina beside her and said, “Martina, quickly bring over the calligraphy and paintings prepared by the old man.”

Martina hurriedly stepped forward and brought over a wooden box made of golden silk nan wood, which was opened on the conference table, and eight scrolls were placed inside.

These eight scrolls were bought by Fei’s family from a collector in the United States last night and then sent to Aurous Hill overnight.

In order to, in line with the background of the story fabricated by Stella, so as to take the opportunity to hook up with Jacob.

However, President Pei and Jacob did not know that Stella played such a big show, in order to find an opportunity to approach the son-in-law of Jacob’s family, Charlie.

After that, Stella made an invitation gesture to President Pei and Jacob and said respectfully,

“Two presidents, these are the eight pieces of Zheng Zhou’s works that the old man at home asked me to bring back, please look at them.”

President Pei, naturally very excited, hastily took out a pair of white gloves from his pocket, went forward and carefully picked up one of the characters, gently spread it out on the table, while looking at it, praised,

“This is indeed Zheng Zhou’s real handwriting, and looking at the handwriting, it is a work left behind during Zheng Zhou’s prime, very well preserved, very precious!”


Stella nodded and said with a smile, “These eight pieces of Zheng Zhou’s works are a series of Zheng Zhou’s works, eight pieces of writing to praise the four seasons and four directions of Aurous Hill,”

“and all eight pieces of writing are perfectly preserved, which is very rare indeed!”

President Pei said excitedly, “These eight characters have an alias called Aurous Hill Eight Sighs! They have great significance to the history and customs of this city!”

“When I first came across calligraphy, I had heard of these eight characters, but I had only heard that they had gone overseas, but I never thought that I would be lucky enough to see them in Aurous Hill today!”

Saying that, he said to Jacob, “Jacob, come and take a look! This can be said to be the most famous local calligrapher in Aurous Hill,”

“And these eight characters can best represent the cultural history of Aurous Hill! Look at the strong and powerful strokes, but the subtleties are rounded and full of rhythm, simply wonderful!”

Chapter 3868

Jacob could not understand any calligraphy, he only knew that it looked quite neat, but it was still early to say that he could understand the essence of it.

So, he could only praise it indiscriminately: “It’s really good calligraphy! At first glance, it is the work of a great master, so remarkable!”

With one sentence, Jacob made Stella firmly believe that this old man was a big waterboy.

However, she was still very serious and said, “Vice President Willson is right, this is indeed a masterpiece,”


“Although it is not as good as Wang Xizhi’s top calligraphy, but in this part of Aurous Hill, it is definitely one of the best.”

Jacob came up to President Pei at this time and asked him in a casual manner, “President, how much can these eight pieces of calligraphy be worth?”

President Pei said seriously: “Zheng’s words compared to many top people, is not expensive, but in recent years,”

“he excellent works auction price is more than a million, and collection industry you know, the more sets of things, the more expensive,”

“And the more the number of single sets, the more expensive! So these eight words to really put up for auction, tens of millions it can bring in!”

Jacob secretly staggered, couldn’t help but take a look at Stella, thinking: “This girl’s family must be particularly rich, otherwise how could tens of millions of things can they donate?”

President Pei had already opened all eight words one by one and looked at them once, and the more he looked at them, the more delighted he was, and he couldn’t help but ask Stella:

“Miss Zhan, these eight words, are they really going to be donated to the Aurous Hill Calligraphy and Painting Association?”

Stella said without hesitation, “Of course! If President Pei is okay with it, I can sign the donation letter at any time and confirm the donation in writing!”

President Pei was extraordinarily excited and said in a trembling voice, “Hey! This is really thankful to you Miss Zhan! The return of the Eight Sighs of Aurous Hill to Aurous Hill must be a sensational event for the entire Aurous Hill painting and calligraphy community!”


“On behalf of the Calligraphy and Painting Association, as well as all the calligraphers, calligraphy, and painting enthusiasts in Aurous Hill, I would like to thank you for your generous donation!”

Stella said with a smile, “President Pei is too generous, these eight pieces of calligraphy are a token of appreciation from the old man in the family, I am just passing them on behalf of him.”

President Pei asked gratefully, “Miss Zhan, I don’t know what is the name of the old man in your family? I’ll go back and publicize it in the painting and calligraphy circles in Aurous Hill, so that everyone will remember his contribution to the cultural cause of this city!”

Stella seriously said, “President Pei, my grandfather is relatively low-key, about his identity, we do not want to reveal too much, but the old man in the family has always thought about the promotion and development of Aurous Hill history and culture,”

“So this time also authorized me to hold a local art exhibition in the city, this matter, also need to ask the two presidents to help arrange, as for the activities of the money, it is all sponsored,”

“When the exhibition begins, he will definitely be a good example. When the exhibition begins, he will definitely come to Aurous Hill to participate, then also have the opportunity to communicate with you two face to face.”

President Pei nodded and said seriously, “Then when the exhibition starts, we will see the old man again!”

After saying that, he asked tentatively, “Miss Zhan, I wonder what your family’s budget is for the art exhibition?”

Stella said casually, “Initially, let’s set it at 50 million RMB, if it’s not enough, we can add more!”

When President Pei heard the figure of fifty million, his whole body felt dizzy.


Most of the funds of the Painting and Calligraphy Association depended on the financial allocation from the higher level, but the annual allocation was only a few hundred million.

And when the annual funding was insufficient, President Pei would lead everyone to generate income to ensure the smooth operation of the Painting and Calligraphy Association.

Therefore, the tight life is used to, at first hearing an art exhibition on the budget of 50 million, at once simply can not adapt.

Chapter 3869

Jacob was very excited and couldn’t help but say to President Pei:

“President, with this 50 million, we can do a big job!”

“When the time comes, we can make a grand show, and let other art associations in Aurous Hill, including the senior college gang have a good look!”

Stella was pleased that the time was ripe, and hurriedly said, “Two presidents, why don’t I invite you to a casual dinner tonight, and let’s talk about the art exhibition while we eat?”

President Pei naturally agreed with great excitement, Jacob saw Pollard in the exchange meeting today, the heart is also on some fire.

Once heard of the opportunity to make a big thing, naturally, he is also very excited, so they also did not hesitate to agree to Stella’s invitation.

The two old men, who are more than a hundred years old, failed to see that the young girl in front of them, who is in her early twenties, is simply not drunk!

As soon as the matter of dinner was mentioned, President Pei immediately spoke up, “Miss Zhan, you are an honored guest of our Calligraphy and Painting Association, so today’s meal, I have to make the arrangements for it!”


Stella is very clear, polite, should not be polite when you must not.

For example, if someone else wants to invite you to dinner, if the other party is just polite, then ten million should also be polite.

And then politely refused, so that both sides have a step to get down, naturally is all happy.

However, if the other party does sincerely want to treat, there is no need to be too polite, and do not dwell on whether to grab the bill, just agree to give each other the greatest respect.

So, she said with a smile: “President Pei, since you have said so, then I naturally will not be polite with you! I’ll listen to your arrangements for the evening!”

President Pei patted his chest and said, “Don’t worry, I will arrange the best hotel in Aurous Hill for the night!”

With that, he looked at Jacob and said, “Jacob, you have a good relationship with Master Orvel of Classic Mansion, why don’t you book a private room for me there, and we will host a banquet for Miss Zhan tonight!”

Jacob naturally would not refuse this kind of thing, after all, Orvel is respectful to him, let Orvel arrange a private box is just a matter of words?

So, he immediately said, “Okay, President, I’ll call Orvel and tell him to prepare a good box for us!”

As soon as Stella heard the word Classic House, her head was as big as a bucket, and she hurriedly said, “Vice President Willson, don’t be in a hurry first!”

She said hurriedly said to President Pei: “President Pei, let’s not go to such a high-end hotel, just find a special restaurant to eat a home-cooked meal, to be honest,”


“This is my first time to Aurous Hill, I am not familiar with this city, and would like to understand the real life side of the city.”

Upon hearing this, President Pei immediately praised, “Miss Zhan is right! You are new to the city, and your ancestors went out from our Aurous Hill,”

“This is half of your hometown, since you have returned to your hometown, you must taste the most grounded taste of your hometown!”

He immediately said, “Let’s try the most authentic local dishes in Aurous Hill tonight!”

“Okay!” Stella hurriedly agreed.

Soon, President Pei drove the way and led everyone to a small, inconspicuous restaurant, which was small but had a really nice interior and did very good business.

If it wasn’t for President Pei’s call in advance, I’m afraid they wouldn’t even have a seat over here.

But the good thing is that President Pei here also has a few thin face, so people deliberately vacated a table of customers who had booked a box, leaving the box empty for President Pei.

President Pei took Jacob and Stella took Martina, the four of them sat down in the box and ordered some local dishes, then-President Pei asked Stella:

“Miss Zhan, I wonder how long you will stay in Aurous Hill this time? The art exhibition will be held next month at the earliest, because later this month we are going to Korea for cultural exchange, and it may take more than a week before we can return.

Chapter 3870


President Pei was worried that Stella was in a hurry, and if she couldn’t stay in China for too long, the art exhibition would have to speed up the pace.


But right now all the energy is on the cultural exchange, so afraid it’s hard to balance both.

Stella also knew what President Pei was worried about, and she had been waiting for him to ask herself this question.

So, she immediately followed President Pie’s words and said with a smile, “President Pie doesn’t need to be anxious, you and Vice President Willson are still focusing on the cultural exchange that you two are organizing,”

“As for the art exhibition, it can wait until you two come back from Korea, because I am going to stay in Aurous Hill for a long time.”

“Oh? Is that so?” President Pie said with surprise, “That’s really great! After all, an art exhibition with a budget of fifty million can be considered first-class in China in terms of scale,”

“And an art exhibition of this magnitude definitely requires more time and effort to prepare if it wants to be successful.”

“Yes!” Stella nodded and smiled, “I’m not going to hide it from you, President Pei, my grandfather actually wants to return to his roots in the future,”

“So I came to Aurous Hill this time to make a front stop for him, to get familiar with the situation here first, and then settle his residence, so that he can move back here with no worries.”

President Pei asked curiously, “This means that Miss Zhan is going to settle down in Aurous Hill?”

Stella nodded along and said, “That’s right, I just bought a villa in the past two days, but I haven’t had time to regulate it,”

“So I may have to find a reliable feng shui master to help me look at it first, and if there’s nothing wrong with feng shui, will there be any conflict with the old man.”


Jacob heard this, immediately brightened up, almost without hesitation off the excitement: “Miss Zhan, you want to find a feng shui master, then you really found the right person today!”

Stella and President Pei chatted so much, just to bring Jacob in, waiting for him to say this sentence!

So, she suppressed her inner excitement and asked, pretending to be surprised, “Vice President Willson, do you know feng shui?”

Jacob heatedly smiled and waved his hand: “I don’t know, but my son-in-law knows a lot!”

“He is a master who specializes in feng shui, and has very many clients in Aurous Hill and even all over the country, and all of them are big and wealthy clients like you, Miss Zhan!”

“Is that so?” Stella said with a surprised look on her face, “If that’s the case, that’s a great coincidence!”

Pei chairman on the side also could not help but echo: “Miss Zhan, Jacob is right, his son-in-law is indeed a feng shui master, just as mentioned Classic mansion’s Mr. Orvel respect his son-in-law,”

“You know Mr. Orvel is our Aurous Hill local dignified big shot, if his son-in-law does not have real talent, there is no way he could make someone like Master Orvel so convinced.”

Stella was so excited, at this moment she could conclude that Jacob’s son-in-law, Charlie, was Master Wade, and was the big man behind the healing of Jacob’s paraplegia!

In that case, it makes sense that Charlie has the Rejuvenation Pill!

Thinking of this, she hurriedly said, “Vice President Willson, then please help me speak to your son-in-law and ask him to try to take time out of his busy schedule to help me look at the feng shui of that villa!”


Jacob has always been good at saving face, so at this time, he was naturally very quick to take the responsibility and said,

“Don’t worry, Miss Zhan, my son-in-law has great respect for me, I will tell him when I get back, he will definitely agree!”

Jacob said, Jacob’s mind moved, and hurriedly asked: “By the way, Miss Zhan, the villa you bought, is it a new or second-hand house? Is it hardcover or rough?”

Stella gave Martina the full authority to do this, so she didn’t know what kind of villa she was buying, so she said to her without showing her face, “Martina, come and introduce it to Vice President Willson.”

Martina said, “Vice President Willson, the villa that our lady bought is a second-hand villa, in the suburbs, the interior is decorated, but the decoration is a bit old, you ask this, is this in feng shui need any precautions?”

Jacob laughed: “Not feng shui has any precautions, mainly because my daughter engaged in a design studio, mainly to do interior design,”

“I want to say that if Miss Zhan this villa needs decoration, you can find my daughter, she is very professional!”

Stella brightened up and said happily, “That’s great! I just want to tear down and redo all the interior decoration, so I don’t have to work hard to go out and search again!”

Chapter 3871

Jacob was oblivious to the fact that he had just inadvertently sold his daughter and son-in-law out of the whole thing.

On the contrary, he felt that he had done a great job today, and had gotten his daughter and son-in-law a single business each.


This can not be blamed on his stupidity, after all, he could not know that the so-called ‘Zhan Feier’ in front of him, the real identity is Stella, but also hundreds of billions of dollars of the top family’s first lady.

Moreover, he didn’t know that Zhan Feier had rushed to Aurous Hill before the Rejuvenation Pill auction, just to find Charlie.

As the meal proceeded, Stella was in a great mood.

In the subsequent meal, she did not mention feng shui and decoration, and everything she talked about was closely related to the art exhibition as if feng shui and decoration were really just a random topic to talk about.

After the meal, in the farewell, Jacob first can not resist, asked Stella: “Miss Zhan, you talked earlier about feng shui and decoration matters, sure do you need it?”

“If you’re sure, I will tell my daughter and son-in-law when I get home.”

“Sure!” Stella nodded with a smile and said seriously, “How about this Mr. Willson, you first help me make an appointment with your son-in-law, let him have time to help me look at the feng shui,”

“If the feng shui of this house is fine, I will then talk to your daughter about the subsequent decoration needs,”

“If this house has feng shui problems, then I will simply change the set, anyway, it is only a matter of tens of millions of dollars.”

Stella did not deliberately show off, deliberately Versailles, in Aurous Hill to buy a set of tens of millions, thousands of square feet of single-family houses,”

“In the eyes of the local people in Aurous Hill, almost to the head, but for Stella, just like ordinary people to the tourist attractions, casually buy a souvenir.


Moreover, Stella does not want to meet with Charlie, followed by Charlie’s wife, it is better to line up the couple first, if she can not break through Charlie from the front, then from his wife’s side take a detour.

Jacob also felt that people Stella said no problem, first look at the feng shui, if no problem with feng shui before decoration, this logic is reasonable, justified, and convincing.

So, he said with a smile, “Okay, okay, I’ll talk to my son-in-law later, and let him take the time to go and give you a look!”

Stella nodded hastily, handed Jacob a business card, and said with a smile, “Vice President Willson, this is my business card, if your son-in-law is okay with it, please ask him to contact me.”

Jacob said with a smile, “No problem, I’ll talk to him when I get home!”


Back home, Jacob was in a good mood, parked his car, and whistled all the way into the house.

Charlie, Claire, and Elaine had just eaten dinner, and when Elaine saw Jacob enter the house, she immediately beckoned him, “Jacob, come and put away the dining table!”

Jacob was stunned and said with a black face, “Why should I clean up the meal you three ate? Why don’t you clean up?”

Elaine glared at him and said angrily, “You are out so late, let you do some housework should I not?”

Saying that, Elaine with a dissatisfied face muttered: “all day and night in the outside of what the bullsh!t association, I have not seen you bring a few million home, what is the use if still not a waste?”

“And your level, outsiders do not know, I still can not know? In the old days, the idiom of “to fill up the number with a few” is a true reflection of you,”


“Just like you still have the courage to represent Aurous Hill to Korea for exchange? We’re lucky if you don’t disgrace Aurous Hill!”

Recently, Elaine’s mood has been a bit low.

The main reason for her low mood was that the last time Jacob told her about going to Korea for cultural exchange, made Elaine was somewhat jealous in her heart, and also somewhat inferior.

Chapter 3872

For so many years of marriage, she was the one who was always scolding Jacob, after all, for so many years, he could not do anything.

And was ostracized in the Willson family, so Elaine scolded him at all times, and it was all in the name of the division.

It is also because of Jacob’s lack of success that gave her the strength to keep criticizing him and mocking him.

But how could she have imagined that Jacob, who had spent most of his life doing nothing, would suddenly have a second spring in his old age?

Although Elaine mocked him that the painting and calligraphy association vice president is of little use, but in actuality, her heart actually knows very well.

This vice president actually has some weight.

This kind of cultural association of the top, body has a very special cultural aura, the city leaders have to give a few face.

However, Elaine in front of Jacob has had a strong lifetime, at this time he is doing something better, so she deliberately mocked him.

Jacob was originally upset by Elaine’s mockery, and was about to retort, when he heard her say that he was not up to par, that she was indiscriminate.


She immediately poked his innermost humility and sensitivity.

Today, in front of Pollard, Jacob has had such a feeling.

He also clearly realized that he really did not have any real ability, so it was hard to mix to be the executive vice president of the Painting and Calligraphy Association, but in the end, he was still a water product.

However, being so sarcastic by Elaine deeply stung his self-esteem, and he immediately retorted: “Do you think I am the vice president who eats rice? In this position, not only can I broaden my horizons, but also enhance my network!”

He added: “By the way, I met an overseas Chinese today, and she is a big tycoon! Her family donated tens of millions of dollars worth of paintings and calligraphy to our painting and calligraphy association,”

“And they are willing to sponsor 50 million dollars for us to open a local art exhibition in Aurous Hill! If we make such connections, we may be of great use in the future!”

Elaine said, “What are you bragging about, according to you, they donated 100 million to your painting and calligraphy society alone?”

“I don’t believe who would have nothing better to do than to donate money to your Painting and Calligraphy Society!”

Jacob blurted out, “What do you know? There are a lot of rich people in this world, many rich people donate and sponsor everywhere, what’s a little donation in the cultural field?”

With that, Jacob looked like he was taking credit and said, “By the way, because I met this overseas Chinese, I also got a business deal for Charlie and Claire!”

“If I didn’t join the Painting and Calligraphy Association, could I have such an opportunity?”


Elaine frowned and asked, “Doing business for Charlie and Claire? What kind of business?”

Charlie also looked surprised: “Yes dad, I don’t do business either.”

Jacob said to Charlie, “Good son-in-law, haven’t you been reading feng shui for people? The overseas Chinese I met today just bought a villa in Aurous Hill,”

“And when we were chatting over dinner, she happened to mention that she wanted to ask a feng shui master to take a look at it, and when I heard this,”

“I definitely had to help our own family members, after all, the water will not flow to the outsiders, so I recommended you to her.”

“You usually go to those rich people to see feng shui, each time you earn a couple of million?”

“This time, this overseas Chinese, also seems to be rich, when you directly quote her two or three million, I guess she will not hesitate to agree.”

When Elaine heard this, she was immediately delighted and said to Charlie: “Good son-in-law, this is a good deal, you don’t even have to go overseas, just slip around in our Aurous Hill, you can earn a few million!”

Charlie smiled, and for a while did not know how to answer the question.

Although he had been telling his family that he was going out to see feng shui for customers, in fact, he had not taken any similar orders, and that was all an excuse to go out of town.

Chapter 3873


Originally Charlie felt that his excuse was reasonable and seamless, but he did not expect that his old man Jacob had introduced him to a client now.


He did not care about the millions, but the key seems to be that he could not refuse, otherwise, in the future to use the excuse of reading feng shui, it is obviously a little unjustified.

So, he had to nod and say, “Okay dad, you give me her contact information, I’ll contact her tomorrow.”

Jacob handed over a business card and said, “Here, this is this Miss Zhan, you give her a call tomorrow and mention my name and she will know.”

Charlie got the business card and casually glanced at it and found that there was only a name and a string of numbers on it.

The name was Zhan Feier, and the phone number was a domestic phone number beginning with 159.

Moreover, this business card also emits a faint smell of ink, it seems to be just printed out.

He did not think much about it, took out his cell phone and took a picture of the business card, then returned it to Jacob.

He intends to contact this Zhan Feier tomorrow to give her a feng shui reading, so that this matter can be dealt with.

The next day, after Charlie had breakfast, Jacob reminded him, “Charlie, don’t forget to give Miss Zhan a call.”

Charlie nodded and said, “I’ll contact Miss Zhan after I drop Claire off at the office.”

Jacob said, “You don’t need to send Claire, I will drive her to the company later, just as I also need to go to the association early,”

“Let Claire leave the car for you, in case Miss Zhan is in a hurry, you can drive there directly.”


Claire also nodded and said, “Husband, this Miss Zhan has invested so much money in their painting and calligraphy association,”

“So she is also considered a valuable person of the painting and calligraphy association, so please pay more attention to this matter.”

Saying that: “You see if the workload is not too big, do not charge people money.”

When Elaine heard this, she said, “Claire, what are you talking about, brothers have to settle accounts, let alone strangers?”

After saying that, he hurriedly said to Charlie: “Good son-in-law, you do not listen to Claire, the money must be received, we do not do that for face even do not want the money silly thing!”

Charlie looked at Claire and said with a smile, “Don’t worry about your husband, I know what’s in your heart.”

Elaine said: “Good son-in-law, you can’t be stupid! We can’t have a problem with anyone but money!”

“And this is not a small amount, it can easily be millions!”

Charlie laughed, “Okay mom, I know, don’t worry.”

Saying that, Charlie quietly gave Claire a reassuring look.

It’s just a couple of million, and Charlie really doesn’t care about it, so there’s no harm in sending a favor along with the water.

After eating, Claire intended to leave in Jacob’s car, Charlie remembered the amulet he made before.

So he took out two of them and handed them to father and daughter and said, “Dad, Claire, this is the amulet that can keep you safe in and out, so you two should take one with you.”


Jacob asked curiously, “Amulets? Where did it come from? Why does it look like made out of shells?”

Charlie laughed: “It’s made of shellfish, it doesn’t really have any effect, it’s just for luck.”

Claire took this small and delicate amulet and said in awe, “This luster is so beautiful! I’m afraid that ordinary shells do not have such a good texture!”

Charlie laughed: “Who knows, it might be some kind of uncommon shell.”

Saying that, he hurriedly said, “You guys often drive out, so carrying it with you is considered to be prepared.”

Claire nodded and smiled, “I’ll put it on a string and hang it on my phone! It can also be a decorative item!”

Chapter 3874

“Okay.” Charlie laughed: “I should have known I would have put the string on for you guys first.”

Behind him, Elaine said with some dissatisfaction, “Good son-in-law, why don’t you give one of these amulets to mom!”

Charlie laughed: “Mom, this is to ensure the safety of entry and exit, you do not go out recently, with it, it is also a burden, I think it is better to get you two gold bricks the most real, but also as dumbbells fitness.”

Elaine, herself is not interested in what amulet, but found that Jacob and Claire have, she does not have, there is some imbalance in her heart.

Coupled with the fear that they are treated differently by Charlie, so only to complain with a sentence.

Once she heard Charlie say that he was willing to give her two more gold bricks, the original imbalance in her heart instantly dissipated.


Moreover, she even felt that the amulets must be wholesale from the small commodity market, to say not more than a few dollars a dozen dollars, which can compare to the value of two gold bricks.

This is a big profit!

So, she immediately clapped her hands happily and said: “Oh, that’s really good! Anyway, my legs are not yet well and I won’t go out for a while, so it’s a waste to give me the amulet of safety. Thank you, my good son-in-law!”

Claire, seeing her mother’s wealth-obsessed look, shook her head helplessly and carefully put away the amulet given by Charlie before she said softly to Charlie, “Honey, then Dad and I will leave first.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded and said to Jacob, “Dad, remember to take the amulet with you, don’t lose it.”

Jacob also put the amulet in his pocket, nodded, and said, “Hey, don’t worry, you can’t lose it!”

Father and daughter drove away, Charlie stood in the courtyard and made a phone call directly to Zhan Feier, also known as Stella.

Stella has been waiting for his call since last night, and didn’t even sleep much all night.

This cell phone number, she had her assistant Martina buy a new phone to install this card, because it is a new number, not many people know, so she heard the phone ring, she immediately got excited.

Charlie opened his mouth and asked, “Hello, is this Miss Zhan Feier?”

Hearing Charlie’s voice, Stella immediately concluded that this voice was the same voice she had heard when she first met Charlie at the hotel.

She immediately knew Charlie’s identity, but still pretended to be calm and asked, “May I ask who you are?”


Charlie then said, “Hello, my name is Charlie Wade, Jacob Willson is my father-in-law.”

Stella said with a sudden realization, “You are the master who reads feng shui, as Vice President Willson said, right?”

Charlie smiled slightly: “I can’t say master, I just know a little bit, I don’t know what specific needs Miss Zhan has for feng shui?”

Stella then said, “This is the case, I just bought a second-hand villa in Aurous Hill, I have not started redecorating yet, I want to ask Mr. Wade to help me see how the feng shui of this villa is.”

Charlie laughed: “If it is to see the feng shui of the house foundation, most people look at the feng shui first before buying a house,”

“Miss Zhan’s house has already been bought, if there are any problems with the feng shui of the house foundation, it may be more troublesome to change it.”

Stella laughed: “It does not matter, if the feng shui of this house does not work, then temporarily put it aside, when the time to bother Mr. Wade to help choose another set of feng shui it would be better.”

Charlie saw that the other party was indeed rich and generous, so he did not say more, so he asked her: “Miss Zhan what is the location of your villa? If you see what time is convenient, I will go over and show you.”

Stella said: “The villa is in the Water Cloud Villas, I don’t know if Mr. Wade has any impression, as for the time, I can go anytime, now is also not a problem.”

Charlie thought, he had nothing to do in the morning, so he might as well just get this done, so he said, “I know the Water Cloud Villa, why don’t I drive there now?”

“Good!” Stella hurriedly said: “Then I am also heading there, we will meet later at the entrance!”


“No problem, see you later.” The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

The water cloud Villa is on the edge of the suburban Aurous Hill Reservoir, a few dozen kilometers away from the city, slightly remote, Charlie had been to the water cloud Villa twice before.

Because Qin Gang’s villa is in this neighborhood, so he was familiar with the way, directly just drive out of town, and then drive in the direction of the water cloud Villa.

Chapter 3875

When Charlie arrived at the Water Cloud Villa, Stella had not yet arrived.

Charlie gave her a call and heard her say that there was still ten minutes to drive, so he simply waited at the entrance of the community.

Originally, he wanted to say hello to Qin Gang at his home, but thinking that there was not that much time, he decided not to bother.

Ten minutes later, a low-profile Cadillac sedan drove up to Charlie’s side.

The car just stopped, the rear door opened, a young woman, only in her early twenties, stepped out of the car.

Seeing Stella’s first glance, Charlie felt a little stunning, because this woman not only looks delicate, tall, and s3xy, the whole person gives a person’s temperament, there is a valiant posture.

Stella looked at Charlie, who was standing at the front of the car, and knew at a glance that this was the same Master Wade that she had seen at the hotel a few days ago

And at this moment, her heart was completely relieved as she walked up to Charlie and said with a smile, “You must be Mr. Wade, right?”

Charlie smiled faintly and said blandly, “Miss Zhan, right? I’m Charlie Wade.”


Stella took the initiative to extend her hand to Charlie and graciously said, “Hello Mr. Wade, I’m Zhan Feier.”

Charlie nodded and shook her hand gently before getting straight to the point and said, “Miss Zhan, let’s take a look at your villa now.”

“Okay!” Stella said with a smile, “Mr. Wade please.”

At this time, a man and a woman came down from the front row of the Cadillac, the man was Stella’s bodyguard, and the woman was her assistant Martina.

Martina spoke up at this time, “Miss, let’s accompany you inside.”

Stella waved her hand and said, “No, you two just wait for me in the car, I’ll go in with Mr. Wade.”

The bodyguard said, “Miss, the master instructed me to protect your safety outside at all times, I will go in with you, it will not affect you and Mr. Wade.”

Charlie took a look at the bodyguard, and with just one glance, he noticed that the bodyguard was actually a martial artist, and his strength was not small, he had already reached the strength of a six-star martial artist.

This makes Charlie can’t help but be a little surprised, thinking: “This Zhan Feier going out, there is a six-star martial artist bodyguard with her,”

“This is already the strength of the Front’s four battle commander level, according to the price of the Front before, any of the four battle commanders out of the mountain, the cost of a day must be tens of millions of dollars,”

“Zhan Feier can hire a six-star martial artist as a bodyguard, it seems, her family Strength must be extraordinary!”

The reason why she didn’t want her bodyguard to follow was that she didn’t think there would be any danger here.


And she thought that she was using another identity to get in touch with Charlie, after all, so she had to be very careful in this situation so as not to reveal her foot, so she should try not to bring others along.

So, she said in a tone of voice that left no doubt: “This city has very good security, and this daytime, and in this high-end community, there will certainly be no danger, you two do not need to say much, just wait for me in the car.”

After saying that, she didn’t wait for the two to respond and said directly to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, let’s go!”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded, and then entered the gate of Villa with Stella.

And Stella’s bodyguards and assistants really didn’t follow them anymore.

Chapter 3876

After entering the Villa, Stella took Charlie directly to the lake.

The biggest selling point of the Water Cloud Villa is that it is located halfway up the mountain and on the shore of the City Reservoir.

This place is surrounded by mountains and water, the environment and scenery are excellent, living here is definitely a paradise experience.

However, the only regret is that it is far from the city, really if the peak period in and out of the city, the traffic is more inconvenient.

Charlie came over this morning, is considered the reverse peak, but also better, if the evening after work, along the way more trouble waiting.

In the water cloud Villa, the most expensive building is immediately adjacent to the reservoir side of the villa, a total of only five, two of which were bought by Qin Gang, and cost a lot of money to build and transform into a set.


Seeing that the two were getting closer to the reservoir, Charlie said with a smile, “Miss Zhan bought the waterfront mansion, right?”

“Right.” Stella nodded and smiled, saying, “It is said that the best houses here are these ones facing the water, and I don’t know if there are any precautions in feng shui.”

In fact, after Martina bought a house here, she didn’t know the exact location at all, Martina reported to her, and she didn’t care very much.

However, after finally making an appointment with Charlie yesterday, she had Martina bring her over last night to familiarize herself with the interior of the Water Cloud Villa and the location as well.

Charlie at this moment blandly smiled: “In feng shui, the mountain is a symbol of power, while water is a symbol of wealth, depending on the mountain and water, in feng shui pay attention to water in the front,”

“The mountain in the back, in this way, it means that there is wealth in the front, the back of the mountain, naturally is the best choice.”

“Moreover, the pattern of the Water Cloud Villa is very good, the waterfront mansion in front of the water, just in front of the low and high trend, and sitting north facing south, full of light, is definitely a feng shui treasure.”

Speaking of this, Charlie could not help but laugh: “If I had known that Miss Zhan bought the waterfront mansion here, then I would not have had to come here at all, the feng shui would not have had any problems.”

Stella said with a smile: “How can it be. Mr. Wade, you are a feng shui master, you must have a lot of unique insights into feng shui,”

“I hope you can help me take a closer look to see my house in the internal and external structure and decoration, there is no room for further improvement,”

“I am not looking for prosperity, mainly because I hope that the elderly at home can be healthy and free from disasters.”


Charlie nodded and said, “For this we will indeed have to go in and take a look at it specifically.”

As she spoke, Stella led Charlie to the door of a familiar mansion, the very same mansion of Qin Gang’s family.

Before Charlie could ask her, she took out a magnetic card and swiped it at the access control outside the gate, and the gate automatically opened inward from both sides.

Charlie couldn’t help but stare and asked her, “Miss Zhan, did you buy this mansion?”

“Yes.” Stella nodded and asked curiously, “Mr. Wade is familiar with this mansion?”

Charlie was surprised in his heart, wondering why Qin Gang had actually sold this mansion, and he hadn’t heard any rumors about this matter.

However, he thought about it, Qin Gang is his friend, not his staff, it is impossible to sell a villa and say hello to himself.

So, he said to Stella without showing his voice: “I’ve heard of this mansion before, it is said to be two sets of single-family villas converted,”

“and it can be seen outside that the area and floor space of this villa is much larger than other villas.”

“Right.” Stella laughed: “Heard from the original owner, it is indeed two sets of mansions converted, I heard that it was bought early before, when there was not much control over the villa alteration and addition, but now it is not.”

Chapter 3877


Charlie nodded and smiled, said: “Now the management of the illegal construction and alteration of the management is very strict, and the development of technology is getting faster and faster,”


“The survey means also special, now the villa area, often engage in aerial photography mapping, there are illegal construction and alteration, aerial photography can be compared at once,”

“Once found, will be directly required to rectify, but these very early change However have long ago changed, long ago became an established fact, so it will no longer require rectification.”

Speaking of this, Charlie lamented, “Miss Zhan this villa, has been considered an orphan, now very few, and it will be difficult to have in the future.”

Stella nodded and said, “The house as a whole is not bad, but the two things that give me the most headache are too far and too old, it is said that this villa is more than 20 years old,”

“Although the original owner renovated it a few years ago, but still some age, if it is to be completely transformed, the amount of work is still very large.”

Saying that, she thought of something and asked curiously, “Mr. Wade, I heard Vice President Willson say that your wife is the one who does the renovation? I wonder if she is interested in taking over the renovation of this villa of mine?”

Stella mentioned his wife Claire, Charlie did not feel there was anything wrong.

After all, Jacob had told people all about the situation last night.

However, seeing that Stella has such a large mansion to renovate, Charlie immediately said to her: “My wife recently has more projects on hand, I guess it is already at full capacity,”

“And if you redecorate all here, the workload is too large, I guess she can not take it even if she wants to, when the time comes, Miss Zhan can look at other renovation companies.”


Stella gently nodded, smiled: “If I have the opportunity, I will go to your her company to see it, if she can take it then it is best, can not take it does not matter.”

Said, Stella afraid of Charlie’s heart, added: “Willson vice president yesterday have greeted with me, in this matter if I directly find someone else, I am afraid he would mind.”

In one sentence, Stella put the reason on Jacob’s body, and it was very natural and reasonable.

After all, it was Jacob who took the initiative to recommend Claire’s decoration company to Stella yesterday.

So it was only reasonable for Stella to meet with Claire on Jacob’s behalf and give priority to this project to Claire for cooperation.

Hearing this, Charlie’s heart is more or less worried.

He is worried about the energy of his wife.

He knew that Claire could not be idle, so he suggested that she start a business, but he did not expect that after starting the business, she became a workaholic, working almost all year round.

It was because he saw that she was too busy working that he did not want her to continue to take on new projects.

But as Stella said, she also had to give Jacob a face, so he still had to go and talk to Claire.

Charlie also knew in his heart that if Claire really wanted to take on this project, he could not oppose it.

So, he said helplessly, “Miss Zhan, let’s just take a look at the villa first.”

Stella nodded and gladly said, “Okay Mr. Wade, please come in.”


Once inside the villa, Charlie found that most of the Qin family’s furniture was still here, only that the more personal items had all completely disappeared.

While leading Charlie inside, Stella introduced to Charlie, “This furniture and appliances are basically left behind by the previous original owner,”

“But I plan to send them directly to the recycling company to have them all emptied, and then the original decoration will all be torn down and renovated.”

Chapter 3878

In fact, Stella did not care about this villa.

The reason why she bought this villa was that she guessed that Charlie might be a feng shui master, so she bought the villa first, leaving a convenient front to approach him.

So she originally did not intend to decorate and did not even intend to live in.

However, after knowing that Charlie’s wife Claire opened a decoration company, she moved to decorate, but not to live, take the opportunity to get acquainted with Claire.

After listening, Charlie said seriously: “Since Miss Zhan intends to completely redecorate, that actually now the internal feng shui is not so important,”

“The overall feng shui of the house is no problem, as for the internal future feng shui problems, you need to set your side after the design plan, and then according to the specific arrangements on the design plan, you need to make specific adjustments.”

Speaking of this, Charlie added: “However, since Miss Zhan is hoping that the elderly living here can be healthy, get rid of diseases and disasters, then I can give you some directions and suggestions.”


Stella was busy saying, “Mr. Wade, please speak.”

Charlie said seriously: “The best room for the elderly is chosen in a set of mansions of the Yannian position, and as far as possible, arranged on the first floor,”

“So that more grounded qi; room as far as possible to choose the east, and there should be windows, as the so-called purple qi east, beneficial to health qi;”

“In addition, the room must not be too large, because in feng shui, smaller rooms gather qi, otherwise the room too large, it will lose the energy of the occupants, and the room decoration, must be less natural stone.”

Stella asked, “Mr. Wade, I can probably understand everything else, but why do you want to use less stone?”

Charlie explained, “From feng shui, stone material word, and wealth is harmonious, the feng shui is naturally good, but the stone is cold Yin, not suitable for the bedroom, it will affect the body.”

Saying that he added: “The old ancestors had after all limited scientific backing, they can through feng shui, deduced that the stone has an impact on the body, but can not make a scientific explanation.”

“But I saw a report some time ago, saying that all natural stone is radioactive, and the radioactivity of the stone will produce a radioactive substance called radon gas,”

“Which is colorless and tasteless, confirmed by the World Health Organization, has a strong carcinogenic effect on the human body, and is one of the main culprits causing lung cancer,”

“Second only to cigarettes, more stone in the room, night and day with people here, it is like the release of chronic poison over the years,”


“The impact on the human body is nonstop, but most people do not know anything about it, even if they really have lung cancer, but also do not think that lung cancer is likely to be because of the natural stone at home.”

Speaking here, Charlie could not help but sigh: “So from here we can see that our old ancestors were indeed very wise, although they did not have scientific theories, and advanced technology,”

“But they were able to comprehend a set of ways to understand the universe through their remarkable ability, they were able to deduce the impact of natural stone on the body hundreds of thousands of years ago,”

“After hundreds of tof years later, scientists detected the culprit, and also confirmed that our old ancestors had extremely advanced judgment in this matter.”

Stella also couldn’t help but exclaim: “I usually focus on economics and management, I don’t know much about science and technology, and this is the first time I heard about radon gas,”

“But from what Mr. Wade said, the old ancestors did have extraordinary wisdom, which further proves that feng shui divination is not nonsense.”

Charlie said with a smile, “Miss Zhan is so young, it is reasonable to say that she should not care about feng shui.”

Stella shook her head very seriously and said, “I’ve actually always been very reverent of feng shui divination as well as I Ching Bagua, although I don’t know much about it,”

“But I really believe it, this may also be related to my childhood being influenced by my grandfather.”

Charlie nodded and laughed: “These years, the young people who believe in feng shui in China have become less and less.”


Speaking of this, Charlie added: “Miss Zhan, at present, can look at basically is so much, this set of mansion external feng shui excellent, internal a little attention, will certainly be able to smoothen it out.”

Stella nodded slightly and asked: “Mr. Wade, how do you charge for feng shui reading? Do I give you a check or is a direct transfer appropriate?”

Charlie waved his hand and said indifferently, “It’s not very troublesome, Miss Zhan doesn’t need to be so polite, besides, my father-in-law’s painting and calligraphy association also got a lot of help from you, so consider it a courtesy!”

Chapter 3879

Stella knows better than anyone that Charlie could not care about the millions of commission for feng shui reading.

After all, just one Pill could be worth tens of billions of RMB, or even tens of billions of dollars, not to mention the possibility that he is the owner behind JX Pharmaceuticals.

If that’s the case, JX Pharmaceutical’s annual net profit may be at the level of billions of dollars, for such a person, how could he care about a few million.

So, Stella also quickly guessed why he wanted to establish an image of a feng shui master in front of his family, since it was not for money, then there must be other reasons.

Most likely, it was to buy time and space for another layer of his identity.

So, she then said to him: “Mr. Wade, I don’t know how to repay such a big favor owed to you, but the future is long, I hope we can have more courtesy in the future!”

“If there is anything you need in the future, please don’t be polite to me, Mr. Wade!”


Charlie nodded slightly and smiled, “Miss Zhan, since there is nothing more to do here, let’s go back.”

Stella busily said, “Okay Mr. Wade.”

Subsequently, Charlie walked out of the Water Cloud Villa with Stella.

When they reached the entrance of the Villa, Stella asked, “Mr. Wade, do you have time at noon? Why don’t I treat you to a casual meal?”

Charlie smiled and politely declined, “No need, Miss Zhan, I have something to do later, let’s eat together some other day.”

Hearing this, Stella did not continue to fight and said with a smile, “Mr. Wade, I am definitely going to stay in Aurous Hill for a while anyway,”

“If I have the chance some other time, I will invite you and your wife to have dinner together.”

Charlie smiled politely, nodded, and said, “In that case, then I will leave first.”

Stella nodded and said, “Take care, Mr. Wade.”

After seeing Charlie get into the BMW and drive away, Stella then got into her Cadillac.

As soon as she got inside, she asked her driver and bodyguard, “Mr. Luo, did you see how strong that Charlie was just now?”

The person whom Stella called Mr. Luo was Stella’s personal bodyguard, Tony Luo.

Tony is 45 years old this year, but because his strength is very strong and his physical quality is far beyond normal people, he looked like a middle-aged man around 30 years old.


Tony has been with Stella for more than three years, although he is very strong, but to Stella, in addition to respect, there is admiration.

In Tony’s eyes, Stella is the most outstanding one in this generation of the Fei family, and following her side is an excellent choice for him.

At this moment, while starting the car, Tony said respectfully, “Back to Miss, I can’t tell the strength of that man, he is either not a martial artist or his strength is above me.”

Stella was surprised and said, “The possibility of being above you is very small, right?”

“After all, he’s only in his twenties, I haven’t heard of anyone who can become a six-star martial artist at the age of twenty or so.”

Tony said seriously, “After the cultivation level is high to a certain level, the age cannot be seen from the outside,”

“My master is seventy-eight years old this year, but he looks like he is only forty years old.”

Stella shook her head and said, “I’ve read all of Charlie’s information, he is really only in his twenties.”

After a little thought, Tony said, “Then it is more likely that he is not a martial artist, otherwise, once he enters the door of a martial artist,”

“I will be able to see through his cultivation level.”

Stella nodded gently and said, “Although this person is not very old, but he gives me a very mysterious feeling, it is very difficult to see through.”

Martina, who was sitting on the passenger side, said, “Miss, I just found a very interesting thing.”

Stella asked curiously, “What is it?”


Chapter 3880

Martina said, “Charlie drove that car, the car length, wheelbase, tire width, headlights configuration, are the top BMW,”

“I just compared, this car is last year’s top model BMW 760, but the sticker behind the car, that is BMW 520.”

Stella faintly froze, then laughed: “It seems that he really is not the usual low profile, driving a BMW to cover up.”

She remembered something and said to Martina: “Martina, use your phone to connect to the car recorder and find out if you have just captured Charlie’s appearance.”

Martina smiled and handed the phone to Stella, saying, “Miss, just now when you and Charlie went in, I have already directed the pictures from the car recorder, and I have selected some clearer shots, take a look.”

Stella said appreciatively, “You can do it, Martina, you are getting better and better.”

Martina smiled: “Miss, following you, the speed of progress is very fast.”

Stella smiled faintly and took the phone to look through it carefully.

Since it was Charlie who arrived first just now, and was waiting outside the car, the Cadillac captured very clear image data as it approached him, and the photos intercepted by Martina were also very clear.

Stella said with satisfaction, “I have to go see FDA’s Smith and show him these photos to see if that Director was this man when he was negotiating with JX Pharmaceutical at that time.”

Saying that, she said to Martina, “Martina, contact Smith for me, ask him to come out to meet, and say I have something I want to ask him face to face.”





Charlie was driving back on the way, and kept feeling what thing was not quite right.

In his mind, that driver of Stella’s suddenly came to his mind and it dawned on him.

What was not right was that this young woman was able to carry a six-star martial artist by her side.

This was almost the strongest bodyguard he had seen so far.

To be able to have a six-star martial artist to stay around as a bodyguard, from this perspective alone, the strength of the family behind this Zhan Feier was probably far above the Wade family.

If the Wade family can have a six-star martial artist pressure, when the Cataclysmic Front’s Harmen, would not dare to bring the coffin directly to the Wade family residence.

And there is a very important key point, that is, Zhan Feier is still very young, by no means the head of the family.

If even she can afford a six-star martial artist as a bodyguard, then the family mastered experts, it is not just a six-star martial artist so simple.

It is even possible to have more than one six-star martial artist, or even a higher-level martial artist.

According to the market price of the six-star martial artist of the Cataclysmic Front, at least 200 million dollars a year to start.

Moreover, the six-star martial artists of the Front are used to lead soldiers in wars as great generals, so it is impossible to accept employment alone, so it is even more unlikely to serve as bodyguards for people.


If a family keeps three or five six-star martial artists, the cost of that year might be more than a billion dollars.

This amount is an absolutely staggering astronomical figure, how many big families in the country are worth hundreds of billions of dollars, the net profit at the end of the year is not a billion dollars.

Take the Song Group, although it has a market value of a hundred billion, but the net profit of a year to the end, only three to five billion yuan, and this is still the case when the market is good.

If Warnia is allowed to hire a six-star martial artist, the cost of this one person may catch up with half of the net profit of the entire Song Group.

Thinking of this, he immediately called Joseph.

As soon as the phone was connected, Charlie directly instructed, “Joseph, check if there is a Chinese family with the surname Zhan in France, and by the way, check how strong this family is!”


Chapter 3881

Joseph’s efficiency was extremely fast.

He quickly replied to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, there is indeed a Chinese family with the surname of Zhan in France, the family strength is relatively average, and the total assets that can be counted are probably around ten billion euros.”

“Total assets are only ten billion euros?” Charlie was a little surprised and asked, “You didn’t miss any major projects, right?”

Joseph explained, “Mr. Wade, I can’t say that there are no omissions, but the overall deviation will not be too big.”

Hearing this, Charlie’s heart was even more puzzled.

This Zhan family, the total assets in the tens of billions of euros, converted down to less than 100 billion yuan, the calculation is not as good as the Song family.

So, he then felt that there was something fishy about this matter.

So, he gave Qin Gang a call.

Once the phone call came through, he heard Qin Gang’s surprised voice:

“Master Wade, why are you free to call me today?”

Charlie asked curiously, “Master Qin, your villa in Water Cloud zone is sold?”

Qin Gang on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned and asked in surprise, “Master Wade, how did you know about this?”

“It can’t be that Aoxue told you, right …… this girl, every day asked me to

keep the secret, I didn’t expect her to tell you directly herself ……”


Charlie laughed: “Aoxue did not tell me about this, it just so happens that the person who bought your villa, knows my father-in-law.”

“Is that so?” Qin Gang exclaimed, before laughing helplessly: “It seems that I was wrong about her.”

He said, “Master Wade, it’s like this, the villa in Water Cloud is really too far from the city, it’s not too convenient, so we live in a flat in the city most of the time,”

“A while ago, Aoxue said she wanted to live in Tomson One and be neighbors with you,”

“She especially cares about this matter, so we have been waiting for the right property to come out, it just so happens that a set of A03 came out some time ago, so we hurriedly bought it.”

Here, Qin just said: “Master Wade, you must not tell Aoxue that I told you all this! Otherwise, this girl will definitely be angry with me!”

Charlie asked curiously, “Master Qin, your business is getting bigger and bigger lately, even if you bought Tomson One,”

“There is no need to sell the Water Cloud Villa, right? It’s not like you’ve encountered any difficulties, right?”

Qin Gang said: “No, no, during this period of time, JX Pharmaceutical has given too many orders to us, which has made the Qin family’s medicinal herb business increase several times,”

“So that the family’s business is also getting bigger and bigger, only that I invested a large sum of money in Bozhou some time ago, so recently the funds on hand are a bit tight.”

Charlie frowned: “Bozhou? Seems to have not heard much about this place.”


Qin Gang explained: “Master Wade, Bozhou is our largest domestic herbal trading center and production base, but the city is relatively small, only a fourth-tier city, so not very famous.”

Charlie asked him, “You are investing there, are you investing in medicinal herbs?”

“Yes.” Qin Gang explained, “I’m not going to hide from you, Master Wade, now the volume of medicinal materials I handle is getting bigger and bigger, so I want to expand upstream a bit.”

Chapter 3882

After a pause, Qin Gang just added: “Some time ago I just bought a very large local Chinese medicine production base there,”

“And then invested another sum of money with the intention of expanding, to be honest, this step is a bit big, filling in basically all the activity funds on hand ……”

“But never thought that the housing list of Tomson One also came out at this juncture, because the funds on hand are not too abundant, so I sold the villa in the Water Cloud, anyway, that villa will probably be vacant in the future.”

Charlie then said: “Funds at hand are not abundant you tell me, can always support you in this regard. Can you manage the funds? If you can’t, I’ll fix you some now.”

Qin Gang was flattered and said, “Master Wade, with your words, I am very grateful, but right now there is no big problem with the funds,”

“Just now Liang also called me and said that he will settle the payment for the last batch of herbs immediately, once the money arrives, I will be back to normal.”


Charlie instructed, “Master Qin, in the future, if there are similar problems, contact me first.”

“Okay!” Qin Gang said excitedly, “I know Master Wade!”

Charlie asked him again, “By the way, when do you plan to move to Tomson One?”

Qin Gang said, “Aoxue is preparing this matter these days, the villa is decorated, nothing needs to be changed, just some furniture needs to be replaced,”

“It is estimated that this should be finished in a few days, Aoxue said that you will be invited to dinner at home, to give you a surprise, then you must pretend not to know all this ……”

Charlie said with a smile, “Okay, when the time comes, we must congratulate you.”

Saying that, Charlie thought of Zhan Feier, so he asked him, “By the way, Mr. Qin, the person who bought that villa Water Cloud, is she called Zhan Feier?”

Qin Gang said, “No, the person who bought the villa is a Chinese American surnamed Chen, named Martina Chen.”

Hearing the name Martina, Charlie guessed that she should be Zhan Feier’s assistant.

At this time, Qin just said: “However, the house is indeed finally transferred to the name of that Zhan Feier, but I did not see Zhan Feier in person, the transfer procedures are handled by Martina.”

Charlie was surprised, asked him off the cuff: “What? You have not seen Zhan Feier in person, has she not come to see the house?”


“No.” Qin Gang said, “It is that Martina came by herself, and had seen it once, and after seeing it that day, on the spot she bought it.”

Charlie asked, “Then she looked at the process of the house, did she take pictures and send them to others, or video call with others to let others see the house?”

“No.” Qin Gang said, “She looked at the day the agent brought, we agreed to meet directly in the villa, she came after I took her to see the house,”

“A simple introduction, and then she took the board, which I did not see her take photos, or recorded video, not to mention the phone or video call with others.”

Charlie heard this, his heart is even more amazed.

If according to Zhan Feier said, she bought this house for the family elderly back to live in Aurous Hill.

Moreover, from her performance, it can also be seen that she is very attached to this house, not only through his father-in-law Jacob she invited him over to see the feng shui, and even wanted to find his wife Claire to help her redecorate.

However, if Zhan Feier has not appeared from the selection of this house to the auction to buy, then her attitude towards this house, before and after the gap is also too obvious.

Chapter 3883

Before buying, she did not care at all, did not even look at it, and directly let her assistant make all the decisions.

After buying suddenly became extremely attentive, not only to confirm the feng shui problems, but even to invest heavily to redecorate, why is this?

Charlie thought about it, there is only one answer.


That is, Zhan Feier’s performance before buying this house, is her real attitude towards this house.

And her performance after buying the house is just a play that she deliberately acted on the basis of this house!

Thinking of this, Charlie frowned tightly and felt more and more that this girl seemed to have some bad intentions.

He even speculated that this girl had asked her assistant to buy Qin Gang’s villa, not for the old man to live in at all, but simply to get close to him.

If that is the case, then her funding of the Aurous Hill Calligraphy and Painting Association was probably just a front.

And her real purpose is most likely to get close to the old man, Jacob, and then through the old man’s relationship, using the feng shui reading as a reason to get close to him.

This makes Charlie’s heart immediately surged a strong sense of alarm.

From the time he received the ten billion from Tang Sihai and accepted the Emgrand Group, until now, he has been hiding his identity as much as possible, especially in front of his wife’s family.

The reason for this is that he does not want anyone to find them because of his true identity, especially his wife Claire.

And this year or so, he has been well hidden, although also made a lot of enemies, but in addition to his own arrogant and domineering aunt, there is really no one to focus on Claire.

However, this Zhan Feier broke this situation, she not only found Charlie, and even found Charlie’s father-in-law and wife.


This has undoubtedly touched Charlie’s scales, but also made him determined to dig out Zhan Feier’s true identity, and then return the favor by quietly lassoing her into his own pocket.

If she really dares to do anything threatening to those around him, then let her have no return!


Meanwhile, on the return highway, Stella can not hide the excitement to Martina said: “Martina, this afternoon go to meet that Claire for me, say I want to ask her to see the house in the water cloud,”

“Decoration budget of 30 million, the design fee accounted for 10%, if she is willing to undertake, I can give her all the decoration package.”

Martina could not help but ask: “Miss, you have already found that Charlie, and why waste time on Claire?”

Stella seriously said, “I’m doing all this to be prepared, in case grandpa can’t get the Rejuvenating Pill at the auction, then I still have a ray of hope here.”

Martina couldn’t help but say, “Miss, I think with the strength of the Fei family, the chances of grandpa taking the Pill at the auction are still very high.”

Stella shook her head and said, “To be honest, I don’t have any hope for the auction.”

Martina asked in confusion, “Why would you say that, Miss? Did you hear any rumors?”

“No.” Stella blandly said, “I just deduced the future trajectory of this matter based on my own perception,”

“And in my deduction, it would be difficult for grandpa to get that Rejuvenating Pill at the auction.”


Hearing this, Martina was dumbfounded, she could not figure out why Stella was so pessimistic about the auction, so she asked, “Ah? Why do you say that, Miss?”

Stella looked out the window, laughed lightly, and said, “I have my analysis model, but this model involves too wide and too many elements, it is not clear to say, so you should not ask.”

“Okay ……” Martina nodded helplessly and asked, “Miss, then what do you

think, how likely is it to get the Rejuvenating Pill from this Charlie?”

Chapter 3884

Stella shrugged her shoulders, spread her hands, and said, “Actually, I’m not sure about Charlie, this person is too bizarre and doesn’t make sense everywhere, so there’s no way to judge him with normal experience.”

Saying that, Stella sighed and said with increasingly determined eyes, “But if I do not want to know Charlie, I can only put all my hopes on the auction,”

“After knowing him, there is one more possibility, even if the second possibility is only 1% success rate, I will never give up! Because as long as there is a ray of hope, it is better than hanging on a tree to die!”

Then, Stella added: “If you smoothly get to know his wife, you will certainly be able to improve moderately on the basis of 1%, and if you have the opportunity to build a certain friendship base with them, the possibility will be further enhanced.”

Martina nodded and said, “Miss, if we include that Jacob, the success rate should be a bit higher, right?”

“Right.” Stella nodded and sighed, “What we need to do now is to make every effort to show goodwill to Charlie’s family members around him,”


“Only then can we fight for more chances of winning, otherwise, in a few years, we will be driven out of the Fei family and reduced to a side branch with no worth.”

The internal logic of the Fei family, as a Chinese family, is very similar to that of most Chinese families.

One of the cruelest is the succession struggle.

Although Stella was the most favored in the Fei family, it was mostly because the old man really loved her, and the others superficially favored her for the sake of the old man.

Stella is like in the ancient imperial palace, the emperor’s favorite county princess, with the emperor’s favor, in her not married, the emperor also did not die, she was in the palace, who have to look at her with wrong eyes.

But once the princess is married and the old emperor has died, her position in the palace will be greatly affected.

Unless the new emperor is her father, then she will become a princess, and her status will rise instead of fall.

However, in Stella’s opinion, grandfather has so many children, the most unlikely to succeed the family head is her father.

And now, grandfather Douglas is approaching the end of his life, if he can not get to the Rejuvenation pill, then Douglas cranes to die, it may be a matter of one or two years.

Her father is the youngest of the many siblings, the energy and strength accumulated are also the worst, once the old man died, her father will be the first to be cleaned out by the new head of the family.

Generally speaking, a large family, except for the lineage of the true successor to the family head, the rest will gradually be reduced to a side branch.


However, after the new head of the family, in order to stabilize the development of the family, will not immediately let go all the siblings in one go.

But will choose to pick the first weak presence, less useful siblings to clean out, the presence of stronger, more useful siblings will remain in the main family for the time being.

After that, the new head of the family will continue to give more benefits to the remaining siblings in exchange for their help in consolidating their position as head of the family.

As their position was consolidated, these siblings also got the part of the benefits they wanted, so they willingly left the main family and set up their own business.

The main family, after sacrificing some of their interests, also completely laid the foundation of the family head.

And then the whole family submerged itself in development, waiting for the next division of the family in a few decades.

Nowadays, the strongest voice in the Fei family is the eldest son’s family, that is, Stella’s eldest uncle.

This uncle is the first son born to the old man when he was eighteen years old.

He followed the old man all the way from the most bitter days, experienced the most, honed the most, and in the entire Fei family, apart from the old man, is also the most domineering on the people below.

In the future, he must be the one to succeed the Fei family’s head.

While, Stella’s father has not been able to impress the old man, and his role in the Fei family seems somewhat irrelevant.


If it wasn’t for the fact that Stella could brush up his presence in front of the old man, this family line would have been completely abandoned by the old man.

Because of this, Stella can basically conclude that once her grandfather died, she lost the blessing of the old man, then her family will be kicked out of the Fei family in the first place.

And she knows very well in her heart that even if she does have some ability, her eldest uncle will never use her, let alone give her any chance to grow.

Therefore, Stella now had to put on 120 percent of her spirit to help her grandfather get what he wanted and get this Rejuvenating Pill.

No one wants the old man to live a long life more than she does, because only then can she get another ten years or even a longer window of development for her and her family!


Chapter 3885

Charlie wanted to investigate Stella’s true identity as soon as possible, but this matter was not that easy.

So, after he went home, he asked Joseph, through the overseas connections of the Cataclysmic Front, to investigate the specific details of this identity of Zhan Feier.

Charlie originally thought that Zhan Feier’s identity must be false, but the result that Joseph returned was that with this name Zhan Feier, there was indeed a person in France.

At least, in the French civil registry system, one can find very detailed information about Zhan Feier’s civil registry.

France itself is a large immigration country, the management of the citizen’s registry information is very detailed.

Not only contains the birth, gender, education, and other basic information, but also detailed records of their parents’ occupation, income, and even religious beliefs.

The family has been rooted in France for many years and has diligently started from scratch, taking root in France step by step, and has now become a large business group with a market value of 10 billion euros.

In this information, even the name of the doctor responsible for the birth of Zhanfeier is clearly on record.

In addition, the information of the elementary school, secondary school, and university education are also available.

And it is impossible to see any suspicion in this identity.

This identity, in anyone’s view, I’m afraid can not pick any problems, but Charlie only caught a key point, and it is the six-star martial artist.


In Charlie’s eyes, Zhan Feier’s information, combined with that six-star martial artist, is like a wealthy man worth three billion dollars, bought a private yacht worth 1.5 billion.

Certainly affordable, but a little brainy rich people will not do such a stupid thing.

Moreover, such a stupid person can’t be a billionaire.

So, based on this alone, he was able to conclude that this Zhan Feier, there must be another identity that is more deeply hidden.

At the same time, Charlie was also thinking, this Zhan Feier deliberately coming close to him, as well as his family, what purpose is actually held.

In his opinion, the other party’s motive for approaching him is no more than four possibilities.

The first possibility, because of his identity as the young master of the Wade family.

The second possibility, because of his identity as Master Wade.

The third possibility, because of the JX Renewing Pill.

The fourth possibility, because of the Rejuvenation Pill.

However, to further confirm which of the above four Zhan Feier is, he must have more clues.

So, he asked Leon to help him and checked the entry records of this identity of Zhan Feier.

In the evening, Leon gave the results back to Charlie, and the content shocked him.


Because, according to the entry record, Zhan Feier, a French Chinese, did not enter China from France, her departure point was actually the United States.

Moreover, Zhan Feier’s city of entry was not Aurous Hill, but Eastcliff.

Stranger still, this Zhan Feier entry has been many days, before spending all the time in Eastcliff, she just arrived in Aurous Hill these days.

Although Leon’s feedback is very short, but many key points are very helpful to Charlie.

First, Zhan Feier travels from the United States to Eastcliff, making Charlie feel that her origin, is more likely to be an American.

Secondly, Zhan Feier’s first stop in China was Eastcliff, which helped Charlie rule out the possibility that she was running after his name, Master Wade.

Chapter 3886

Because, in Eastcliff, he is Young Master Wade, and only in Aurous Hill he is Master Wade.

If Zhan Feier was looking for Master Wade, she should have come directly to Aurous Hill.

Moreover, there is another key point, she has been in China for many days.

The time she entered the country was earlier than the time he asked Liang to take the JX Renewing Pills to the United States, and even earlier than the time Antique Hall announced the auction of the Rejuvenation Pill.

In this way, Charlie can again completely rule out the possibility that Zhan Feier is here for the JX Renewing Pills because when she entered China, the JX Renewing Pills had not yet been released.

And roughly speaking, it seems that the Rejuvenation Pill can also be ruled out.


But the reason that Charlie did not immediately rule out the Rejuvenation Pill as well was that the Pill had actually been available for a long time before the news of the auction was announced.

Elder Song, Li Tailai, Orvel, Lai Qinghua, Philip, and even the Old Empress of Northern Europe had all taken the Pill.

Perhaps Zhan Feier had already heard of this Pill before this auction!

Therefore, after Leon’s feedback, Charlie’s speculation on Zhan Feier’s true motives narrowed down to two possibilities.

The first, because of the identity of the young master of the Wade family.

The second, because of the Rejuvenation Pill.

Of these two possibilities, Charlie preferred the latter.

Because, although his identity as the young master of the Wade family was hidden very deeply, this identity, for many people, did not have any practical benefits.

Unless it was someone who had a grudge against the Wade family that would be interested in digging deeper into his identity as the Wade family’s young master.

For the vast majority of people, knowing that they were the Wade family’s young master would not be of any substantial benefit to them, much less the possibility of coming all the way to Aurous Hill just to gossip.

Therefore, Charlie began to focus on the Rejuvenation pills to find the reason.

He found that this Zhan Feier’s first stop in China was not Aurous Hill, but Eastcliff.

This proves that if she came for the Rejuvenation Pill, then the source of the information she got about the Pill must have something to do with Eastcliff.


And there are two people who have taken the Rejuvenation Pill in Eastcliff.

One is Qinghua, one is Philip Gu.

The possibility of Philip leaking the information is zero, and Lai Qinghua ……

When deducing to here, Charlie suddenly had a flash of light!

He thought of that he had asked Lai Qinghua many days ago to help spread the news of the Rejuvenation Pill in the circle of rich people in North America, so as to preheat the market first.

So, he immediately found his phone records with Lai, and the time of the call was only twenty hours before Zhan Feier arrived in Eastcliff.

And it would take at least twelve to thirteen hours for her to fly from the United States to Eastcliff.

Including the time to prepare the plane, the time to go to the airport through customs boarding, the whole process will take at least fifteen hours.

This means that, just after Qinghua spread the news, Zhan Feier immediately departed to China!

These two time points coincided so well that Charlie completely ruled out all other possibilities and firmly believed that Zhan Feier’s goal in approaching him was for the Rejuvenation Pill!

Chapter 3887

Realizing this, Charlie was even more surprised inside, he couldn’t figure out how on earth she had gradually focused the clues of the Rejuvenation Pill on him.

Because he knew very well that it was impossible for Qinghua to reveal his identity to the public.


Moreover, if Zhan Feier had known that the Rejuvenation Pill was related to him, she would have paved her way to Aurous Hill long ago.

And the reason she had delayed in Eastcliff for so long was precisely that she did not know in whose hands this pill was.

On top of that, Zhan Feier arrived in Aurous Hill just after Antique Hall had released the news of the Pill auction.

This means that before Zhan Feier came to Aurous Hill, she didn’t even know that the Rejuvenation Pill was related to him!

Thinking of this, Charlie couldn’t help but secretly sigh: “This Zhan Fei’er, what exactly did she use to find me out in just a few days?!”

Just when he was surprised by Zhan Feier’s ability, a loud honking sound rang out in the courtyard.

Soon, Charlie heard Elaine cursing loudly in the room on the third floor: “Who’s that, honking the horn in the neighborhood, what’s wrong with you?”

Downstairs, although the sound of honking stopped, Jacob’s voice immediately came, and he shouted, “Elaine, good son-in-law, come down and see my new car!”

As soon as the words left his mouth, the sound of Elaine’s footsteps came from upstairs, and she limped out of the terrace.

At this moment, Charlie, who was in the bedroom on the second floor, was also attracted by this movement, came to the window and looked down.

In the courtyard of the villa, Jacob was standing in front of a Rolls-Royce Cullinan, his face full of excitement and triumph.

And Elaine was standing on the third floor terrace, looking at Jacob standing in front of a huge SUV off-road vehicle she didn’t recognize in the courtyard downstairs, and asked in surprise, “Jacob, is this your new car?”


Jacob said smugly, “That’s right! Come down and take a look?”

Elaine said: “A broken jeep, what’s so beautiful, which is comparable to the BMW? You’re a loser, you didn’t sell your BMW and buy such a piece of crap, did you?”

In the eyes of Elaine, all SUVs and off-road vehicles are jeeps.

Even, in the eyes of all the middle-aged and elderly people who do not know much about cars, any kind of brand of SUVs and off-road vehicles can be collectively referred to as jeeps.

Jacob said with righteous indignation: “Elaine, Elaine, you really have long hair and short insight! How the hell can this be a Jeep!”

“This is a Rolls-Royce Cullinan! And it’s a BB version! Rolls-Royce, do you understand?”

Elaine was dumbfounded and said, “Oh my God, what kind of car do you think this is? Rolls-Royce?!”

Jacob pointed to the gold logo at the front of the car and said with a smug face, “Even if you don’t know anything about cars, can you not know about Rolls-Royce? Here, look at this little golden man, recognize it?”

Elaine blurted out, “Oh my! Isn’t Rolls-Royce a big car? When did this Jeep come out?”

“Again Jeep ……” Jacob said with contempt: “This is called SUV!

Elaine subconsciously asked: “The world’s most expensive? How expensive is it?”

Jacob hummed twice: “Humph, how expensive? I tell you, at least more than ten million!”

“Holy sh!t!” Elaine exclaimed: “More than ten million? That’s more than 10 million! My Mom, you stand still there and wait for me!”


After saying that, she limped, ran and jumped, and quickly took the elevator downstairs.

Charlie’s heart is also very surprised at the moment, Rolls-Royce Cullinan he knows, this kind of car even the ordinary version.

The landing is at least eight million up, the so-called BB version is even more expensive, not less than ten million really can not get down.

But what he couldn’t understand was that his old man, how could he afford to drive such an expensive car?

Chapter 3888

Jacob can not have much money ah, painting and calligraphy association that income, may not be enough for his own daily expenses, where did he get the money to buy a Cullinan?

Thinking of this, Charlie also hurried out of the room, downstairs to the courtyard.

At this time, Elaine is lying on the hood of this Rolls Royce Cullinan, close observation of the car in front of the little gold man.

While looking, she exclaimed with excitement: “My mother, really Rolls-Royce ah! I used to hear people say that just such a golden label, it will cost one or two hundred thousand …… Is this thing pure gold or not?”

The company’s main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem.

Who expected, at this time Jacob suddenly took out the key and pressed the lock button.

With a prompt, the little gold man suddenly sank to the inside of the hood.

Then, a metal cover slid over from the side, completely covering the original position of the little gold man.


Elaine was about to reach out to touch it when she saw that the little gold man had suddenly retracted into the hood and asked in surprise:

“Oh my God, this thing will hide? This is too amazing!”

Jacob sneered: “Look at your world-weary look, this little gold man is worth more than 200,000,”

“If at any time and anywhere so pestle, in case you meet such money-obsessed, money-obsessed guys, it will certainly break away!”

“So the design of Rolls-Royce is very deligent, in order to prevent people like you from sabotaging, as soon as the car is locked, the little gold figure will be automatically taken in!”

Elaine was ridiculed by Jacob for half a day, if put in the usual, she would have long been anxious, perhaps by now, Jacob’s face to gouge.

However, this time, she did not have a fit, instead, she looked at Jacob with a flattering face, extremely excited and extremely surprised, and asked,

“Jacob, where did you get this car? Is it a loan?”

Jacob said in a high and mighty voice: “That’s why I don’t like to listen to you when you talk, what do you mean by borrowed? This car is mine! Jacob’s!”

Saying that, he took out the driving license of this Cullinan from the car and threw it in front of Elaine, grinning:

“Come, look clearly, who is the name of the vehicle owner on the driving license of this vehicle!”

Elaine hastily turned over the driving license, and looked down at the back of the column of the owner, indeed wrote Jacob’s full name, she immediately exclaimed: “Oh my! Jacob! Really your? This …… what the hell

is going on? How can you afford such an expensive car?


Claire came back from work at this time and just walked into the courtyard, saw this Cullinan, and asked in surprise: “Dad, where did this …… Cullinan come from?”

Elaine rushed forward to pull her arm, excitedly said: “Daughter, this car is your father’s new replacement!”

“Ah?!” Claire was dumbfounded and said, “Mom …… do you know how

much this car costs? How can dad afford it ……”

Elaine immediately handed the driving license to Claire and said, “Look for yourself, it does say your father’s name on it!”

Claire took a glance at it and was also stunned, immediately, she asked Jacob: “Dad …… you …… you didn’t take out a loan to buy this car, did you?!”

Jacob smiled and asked her: “Good daughter, you really look up to your father, do you think your father can afford the down payment to buy this car?”

Claire nodded in a daze and muttered, “Also …… this car even if you take

out a loan to buy, the down payment must be three or four million, even if you sell your BMW 530, it is not enough for a tenth of the down payment ……”

Speaking of which, she hurriedly asked, “Dad, then where did you get this car from in the end?”

Jacob smiled, and turned to look at Charlie, said with a pleasing face:

“Charlie ah, my good son-in-law …… this matter today, Dad has to explain

to you properly ……”

Charlie saw Jacob this attitude, smiled faintly, his heart already had an answer.

In his opinion, Jacob this Rolls Royce Cullinan must be from Stella.


However, he deliberately pretended not to understand and asked, “Dad, what does this have to do with me?”

Jacob hurriedly came to Charlie, grabbed him, and said flatteringly, “Good son-in-law, this has a lot to do with you!”

“To be frank, this car, it is not a gift to me, it should be a gift to you!”


Chapter 3889

“Sent for Charlie?” Elaine heard this and felt even more puzzled: “Jacob, what do you mean by that?”

Jacob said: “It’s like this, good son-in-law, didn’t you read feng shui for Miss Zhan this morning?”

“She came to the calligraphy and painting association in the afternoon, said she wanted to thank you for the feng shui of the villa, your professional level is very recognized,”

“She originally wanted to give you a generous reward, but you insist that you do not want to receive anything so she felt sorry,”

“Then bought this car, on my name, directly to the calligraphy and painting association with a plate car, said it is from her heart, let me be sure to accept!”

Hearing this, Claire could not help but blame: “Dad, how can you take the decision to accept such an expensive gift for Charlie?”

Jacob said with an innocent face: “Claire, I did not want to accept, but she bought this car directly in my name, even if I do not accept, this car from the legal sense is mine, I am also riding a difficult tiger ……”

He said this, then hurriedly said to Charlie: “Good son-in-law, Dad really is not trying to make a decision for you,”

“The key is that people like Miss Zhan are really too ideal, she did not see you accept the money, so she directly in my name sent over the car,”

“And she also said, she doesn’t like to owe favors, if I do not accept this car, then she will no longer sponsor us to engage in cultural exhibition ……”

“So President Pei also strongly persuaded me to accept this car ……”


Claire said with some anger: “Dad, even if Miss Zhan left the car in your name, then you should at least give Charlie a call and ask his opinion! He didn’t even nod his head, how can you take the initiative?”

Jacob was accused by Claire, more or less can not hang his face, said: “Hey …… I …… I am not afraid of disappointing Miss Zhan’s good intentions ……”

“You also know, Miss Zhan is not only Charlie’s customer, but also our painting and calligraphy association’s valued ……”

Charlie at this time gave a faint smile, said: “OK Claire, Dad took this car as he was helpless, you should not blame him.”

When Jacob heard this, he has immediately felt it was like a great pardon and said excitedly, “Aiya! My good son-in-law! You are still the fairest and objective!”

After saying that, he cautiously asked, “Good son-in-law, what do you think I should do with this car ……?”

When he said this, Jacob was very nervous in his heart.

He was afraid that Charlie would ask him to return the car.

After all, he is also a person who loves face very much, and he likes this Rolls Royce Cullinan even more from his heart.

On his way back in this car just now, he found that almost everyone on the street would stare at this car, for a long time.

And when he drove this car on the street, not a single person dared to add his plug! Not a single person dares to honk behind him!

Unlike before, he drove his BMW 530, it was often maliciously plugged, especially those more expensive cars than him.


Plus these plugs were more relentless, many times almost rubbed his car, and finally, he took the initiative to concede, a foot brake to others to give way.

Moreover, Jacob’s nature itself is wilted, so drives slowly, not fast at all, so many times encountered those more impatient drivers who blamed him for driving slowly.

So honked in his back and even constantly flashing high beams.

What’s more, in the drop and flash, and finally drive over him and roll down the window, cursing him as a stinking idiot.

This makes Jacob feel as if all the drivers in this world are road rage sufferers.

Chapter 3890

However, when he drove this Rolls Royce Cullinan on the way back home from the Painting and Calligraphy Association, he found that all the drivers in this world seemed to have been cured of road rage all of a sudden!

As long as he hit the turn signal, the car behind him, even if it is a few dozen meters away from him, will immediately brake to let him change lanes first.

Because, no one dares to cut off with this kind of luxury car in the tens of millions.

In case of an inadvertent mishap they may own a full responsibility, the three insurance may be up to one or two million amount, simply not enough strength to pay.

So, this also allows Jacob’s vanity to be greatly satisfied.

Driving on the road, he felt that he became the king of the road, the kind of driving everywhere to give him the feeling that he had never experienced anywhere else in his life.


Because of this, although his mouth was asking Charlie what to do with the car, but his heart was silently praying, praying that he would let him keep the car.

As a result, before Charlie could say anything, Elaine said excitedly: “Good son-in-law! Since this car has entered our house, we can’t give it away anymore!”

After that, she stroked the golden waistline on Cullinan’s body and said pitifully, “I’ve never been in a Rolls Royce in my life!”

“You see, our family has lived in Tomson One for some time, although this villa is the best in the city, but our family’s car, in this community, is really not to take, here every day in and out,”

“There are millions of worth luxury cars, our two BMW five-series, combined are not as valuable as others half a car, now it is easy to have a luxury car with our villa, this is a class, say nothing we can not return it!”

Jacob, in a rare moment, agreed with Elaine’s words and immediately echoed: “Yes, good son-in-law! Your mother is right! Our family doesn’t lack anything, but a luxury car!”

In fact, Charlie always had two top-notch sports cars.

Those two cars were given by Qin Gang and Solmon, a Bugatti Hermes co-branded model and an Aston Martin One77.

However, these two cars because they are too eye-catching, and really are not very practical for these reasons, Charlie has not brought them home, they have been with Qin Gang for safekeeping.

The two cars have been in hand for so long, but also Claire’s that high school classmate Isabella used when she got married.

Since that wedding, these two cars are gathering dust.


Moreover, although Elaine and Jacob had seen the two cars, but Charlie told her at the time that they were borrowed, she did not have the slightest doubt.

However, Elaine’s heart but because of those two cars, sprouted their innermost dream of luxury cars.

Now, a Rolls-Royce Cullinan was delivered to her own yard, and it had been written with her husband’ Jacob’s name, then she could not let Charlie return this car by any means.

She even thought, if Charlie really want to return this car, then she simply will lie under the wheels of this car!

No matter who wants to return this car, let him drive over himself before!

Charlie saw the hotness in the eyes of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, however, he did not want to have too much to do with that Zhan Feier.

However, he thought about it, since this Zhan Feier has ghosts in her heart, he does not need to be polite with her.

So, he said to Jacob, “Since Dad and Mom both like this car, let’s keep it.”

As soon as they heard Charlie say that he wanted to keep the car, Jacob and Elaine were so excited that they almost shed tears!

Especially Elaine, excitedly clapping her hands, and then scolded Jacob: “Jacob! Hurry to open the car door, let me go in and feel! I’ve lived for so many years, but I’ve never been in a Rolls Royce!”

Chapter 3891


Jacob was also in a very good mood, so he hastily took out the car keys, pressed the unlock button, then pulled open the passenger door and said to Elaine solicitously,


“Come, come, please sit down, let you see what is called Rolls-Royce Starry Top!”

Elaine asked in surprise: “What is the Starry Top?”

Jacob waved his hand and said, “Oh, you’ll know if you go in and take a look!”

Elaine hurriedly climbed into the passenger side of the Rolls Royce, looked up, and exclaimed, “My goodness, there are so many stars inside this car!”

Jacob laughed: “Look, there’s a shooting star passing by every now and then!”

Elaine looked mesmerized and murmured, “Oh my God, it’s so beautiful! Why don’t I just sleep in the car tonight?”

After saying that, she suddenly sat up straight and said to Jacob, “Hurry up and get in the car, take me out for a drive!”

Jacob just drove all the way home from work and did not have enough car addiction, and was thinking of going out again later to have a good experience.

But he did not expect Elaine to take the lead in making the request.

So he agreed without a second thought and laughed: “Fine, fine, then I’ll take you out for a few laps!”

After saying that, he looked at Charlie and Claire and said offhandedly, “Claire, Charlie, you two also come up, let’s go out for a spin!”

Charlie shook his head: “Dad, we won’t go, you two go out, we won’t disturb you two.”

Claire also said, “Dad, you guys go, Charlie and I still have something to talk about.”


Once Jacob heard this, he no longer insisted and said with a smile, “Then I’ll go out with your mother first, call me if there’s anything.”

After saying that, he immediately got into the cab and pressed the start button of the car.

The 12-cylinder engine of the Rolls-Royce suddenly emitted a low roar, and Jacob asked Elaine, “Where are we going?”

Elaine blurted out, “First, we’ll go to your mother’s house!”

“My mom?!” Jacob said awkwardly, “Isn’t that right next door?”

“Yes!” Elaine sneered: “Just to drive the car to your mother’s house downstairs, let them stare with their dog eyes, take a good look,”

“That we are also a Rolls-Royce people! They do not know from where to pit the money before, buy a Bentley one that carries the cattle, this time I will give them a good eye!”

Jacob hurriedly placated: “All right, my mother is now living a miserable enough, you still stimulate her what ……”

“She’s miserable?” Elaine cursed furiously, “She is worse than me? The first time I broke my leg, it was thanks to her, have you forgotten?”

“Do you want me to tell you what happened at that time from beginning to end again, so that you, a heartless person, will not turn around and forget again?”

Jacob coughed twice and said helplessly, “OK, OK, OK, we are going, OK?”

After saying that, he started the car and drove out of the courtyard.

Only then did Claire let out a long sigh and said to Charlie, “Honey, do you really plan to keep this car?”


Chapter 3892

Charlie nodded and said casually, “Mom and Dad like it, so let them drive it for fun.”

Claire busy said: “They drive this car out is not appropriate …… is not too

open ……”

Charlie laughed: “Give them this opportunity to flaunt, all their hormones and energy will be outwardly vented,”

“But if they are not given this opportunity to flaunt, then all their hormones and energy will evolve into a wave of resentment,”

“Probably in the next year or two, or even longer, as soon as we return home, they will sigh at us and complain that we did not leave this car behind,”

“Instead of that, it would be better to take it painfully and let them be satisfied.”

Speaking of this, Charlie looked at Claire with a faint smile and asked with raised eyebrows, “Wife, what do you think?”

Claire heard this, helplessly shook her head, and lamented: “You’re right ……

to really return this car, I reckon they both can’t get over this thing in the next year or two ……”

Saying that with some worry she continued: “Husband, that Miss Zhan, her offer is also a little too generous …… you just this morning took the time to

give her a feng shui, she sent such an expensive car, it is not quite appropriate ……”

Charlie said casually, “There is nothing inappropriate, I didn’t ask for it.”

Claire hesitated for a moment and spoke: “This afternoon, a girl surnamed Chen came to the company to find me.


Saying that she came to make an appointment with me on behalf of that Miss Zhan to meet and talk about the renovation of the villa in Water Cloud ……”

“Oh?” Charlie asked with interest, “That Miss Zhan, is ready to find you to decorate the villa?”

Claire nodded: “It sounds like it should be like that”

Saying that, Claire pursed her lips and opened her mouth, “That Miss Chen gave me a rough idea of the budget, and it is said to cost fifty million to renovate that villa, and the design fee alone is a separate five million ……”

In the domestic home improvement market, users generally do not recognize the design fee.

Ordinary designers taking hundreds of RMB a square meter design fees, in most people’s view is complete robbery in general.

Therefore, most people looking for a decoration company to decorate will ask the decoration company to waive the design fee.

The majority of renovation companies also tow the line, they have long been giving design templates directly out to the customer to pick, basically even if the work is done.

The customer did not spend the design fee, but the effect seems to be satisfactory, so, over time, people are more reluctant to pay for the design.

This is also the current embarrassment of many domestic designers.

Claire has been doing decoration for a long time, most of the home improvement customers, very generous in decoration, but in the design fee are very petty.

Like Stella, directly and clearly taking out 10% as the design fee, such instances are almost few and far between.


Charlie heard also was slightly surprised, not surprised at the five million design fee is more or less, he was just surprised at Zhan Feier’s style of action.

This woman, although deliberately wanting to get close to him, but the actual operation is a variety of catering and pleasing.

She donated to the calligraphy and painting association and sponsored 50 million to engage in an art exhibition, sent Jacob a Rolls-Royce Cullinan, followed by his wife to send a large order of 50 million.

This gave Charlie the feeling that it was as if someone was secretly watching him, aiming a gun at him, but instead of a bullet, the gun fired candy.

Such a huge contrast made Charlie all a bit teary-eyed.

When Claire saw that he did not say anything, she asked him somewhat bottomlessly: “Husband, do you think this Miss Zhan, could it be that she also gave me such a big list because she was begging you? Just like she gave Dad a Cullinan ……”

Charlie nodded with a bland expression, “Yes.”

Claire asked, “Then is it appropriate for me to take her order? If it’s not appropriate, I’ll politely decline it.”

Charlie smiled slightly: “She is looking for you as normal cooperation between A and B. If you want to take it, you can take it, if you don’t want to take it, you can refuse it, no need to ask for my opinion.”

Claire said awkwardly: “But she gave this budget and this design cost, already can hire famous domestic famous interior designers, there is no need to come to me ……”

“The premium is too high, I’m afraid I will let you owe her a favor… …In case you originally did not want to help her, and finally had to help because of these trivial matters, then it is like I give you trouble.”


Charlie laughed: “Wife, you should not have such a psychological burden at all, that Zhan Feier wants to beg me for something too big, far from being solved by such a tiny bit of small sincerity.”

Chapter 3893

Charlie was already able to confirm that Zhan Feier’s motive for approaching him was definitely for the Rejuvenation Pill.

Therefore, under this premise, no matter how Zhan Feier sent a favor, he had no ripples in his heart.

Because, in front of the value of a Rejuvenation Pill, this favor of hers is not even a penny.

But Claire felt some trepidation and spoke, “Or I’d rather not take it ……”

Charlie saw that Claire seemed to be vaguely lost, so he opened his mouth and asked, “Wife, do you want to take this project in your heart?”

Claire hesitated again and again, but still gently nodded and said, “Yes ……”

After saying that, she hurriedly explained to him, “In fact, I am not mainly for making money, it is that her villa does have a very good frame foundation,”

“It is two villas in one, this kind of house type will not be available in Aurous Hill in the future, and her decoration budget is very high,”

“For the design is, the higher the budget, the more room to play, so that there is a chance to create a set of high standard interior decoration works ……”

Speaking of which, Claire looked at Charlie somewhat timidly and whispered, “Husband …… as an interior designer, the most important thing is to come up with very representative works,”


“If you can get an award for interior decoration with a representative work, it will be great, a great help to the individual designer, as well as the designer studio,”

“But I have not done any big independent design projects until now, so there is nothing to take to the competition ……”

Charlie nodded understandingly and asked her, “By the way wife, did you do the interior design of the six-star hotel of the Imperial Group?”

“No ……” Claire explained, “The overall design of the six-star hotel of the

Empire Group was done by a very famous design studio overseas,”

“Such a large project, it must be paired with a well-known designer to be the most reasonable, when Willson family is to take part of the interior decoration of the construction project,”

“Later I set up a studio, outsourcing some part of the project over, working in accordance with the demands of the people.”

Charlie smiled faintly: “I understand wife, you also want to have a completely manipulated design, and can make a masterpiece.”

“Yes ……” Claire nodded gently and said, “Honey, I have seen all the

drawings of that villa, it is indeed too suitable for designers to show their skills,”

“If you are afraid of owing others because of this matter, then I can not charge their design fees, and even the specific construction of the back”

“I do not directly handle, completely volunteer to take over this project, in this way, I do a good job with this project, and next year I can use this project to register for the National Interior Design Grand Prix ……”

After saying this, she looked up at Charlie and asked blearily, “Husband, do you think this is okay?”


Hearing this, Charlie already understood in his heart the real pursuit of Claire’s heart.

She was like a new director in the film and television industry, however, she had never really led a big production that could be taken to the next level.

Therefore, she can only play in other directors’ big productions, such as being an executive director or being a costume director.

Chapter 3894

The projects she leads herself are mostly like the small house where Liona’s parents lived, the overall project volume is relatively small, like a low budget film,”

“Although it is also a work, certainly can not participate in the various film festivals and film and television awards.

Now, Zhan Feier with a budget of 50 million, with the villa that Qin Gang had before.

It is like giving Claire enough budget and even giving her a very good cast, as long as she agrees, she can make it her first masterpiece.

Therefore, it was naturally very attractive to Claire.

Thinking of this, he immediately looked at her and said with a soft smile, “Wife, I just said that you don’t need to have any psychological burden,”

“Since you think this project is especially suitable for you to make a big show, then you should feel free to boldly follow it!”

Claire heard this, excitedly asked, “Really can you husband?”

Charlie nodded his head and said seriously, “Of course! I have always believed in your strength in design, but for such a long time in the Willson family is not valued,”


“Buried your talent and skills, since you want to develop deep in this field, then this villa of Zhan Feier is really a good opportunity for you to show your personal strength, I believe in your strength, go!”

Claire excitedly clenched her pink fist and said firmly, “Honey don’t worry, I will definitely give my best!”


At this time, Jacob had already followed Elaine’s instructions and drove the car to the door of the villa next door.

After the car was parked, she pointed to the roof of the car and said impatiently, “Jacob, open the sunroof, I want to stand out of the sunroof and shout at them!”

Jacob said casually, “This car doesn’t have a sunroof.”

Elaine’s eyes wide: “What? More than ten million dollars of car, but not a sunroof, this is too shabby, right? Your BMW 530 has a panoramic sunroof?”

Jacob pointed to the starry roof of the car and explained, “People choose the more expensive star roof, the top can not be opened, so there is no sunroof, between the star roof and sunroof can only choose one.”

Elaine said resentfully, “Then forget it, I’ll open the window!”

With that, she lowered the passenger window and shouted in the direction of Mrs. Willson’s bedroom, “Horiyah! Horiyah! Are you home Horiyah?”

Jacob was stunned and asked, “Didn’t Horiyah steal my mother’s money and run away some time ago? What are you calling her for?”

Elaine impatiently said: “You know nothing! Of course, there is salt to spread on their wounds!”

After saying that, she continued to shout, “Is Horiyah home?”


At this moment, Old Mrs. Willson had just finished serving Noah and Harold dinner.

Because Wendy’s income had been rising recently, the life of the family of four had finally improved greatly, from the previous inability to uncover the pot, to a truly well-off level step by step.

However, the fingers are slow to recover, and the two of them are not yet able to take care of themselves, so they still have to rely on the old lady to feed them spoon by spoon at home.

Harold had just eaten his fill and burped when he heard someone outside shouting his mother Horiyah’s name.

So, he subconsciously asked: “Dad, Grandma, did you hear that? It seems that someone is calling my mother’s name!”

Chapter 3895

Noah immediately said in exasperation, “Don’t mention your mother to me! I get angry when I think of her!”

As she was saying that, the sound of Elaine’s shouting came from outside again.

“Elaine?!” Noah heard this, immediately gritted his teeth in anger, and cursed: “Fcukin’ hell! I haven’t settled the score with her for the cuckold on the balcony yet, and she dares to provoke me! I’ll scold her!”

Noah was furious and cursed as he struggled to get up, reaching for his crutches, ready to rush up to the balcony to fight with Elaine.

Although old Mrs. Willson was also a bit annoyed, she hurriedly stopped Noah and said resentfully, “Elaine has really turned over a new leaf now, we can’t afford her, you’d better not go out!”

Harold heard this, also suddenly wilted down, declining sighed: “Yes Dad, did not you hear Wendy said, her current job was because of Charlie,”


“Our family relies on Wendy’s income to support the family, you offend Elaine at this time, our family will have to go to drink the northwest wind tomorrow ……”

Noah expression suddenly got ugly to the extreme, said with a black face: “There is one to say one, that Charlie did help Wendy, also helped us, considered to be kind to us,”

“Since he is Elaine’s son-in-law, that woman offended me before, I can not be bothered with her ……”

Speaking of this, Noah said with righteous indignation: “But now she ran to our downstairs shouting your mother’s name, this is not a fcuking slap in my face?”

“Their home and our home is not far away, when your mother stole your grandmother’s money and ran away,”

“Your grandmother also reported to the police, this thing she Elaine is not unaware of, this is not clearly looking for trouble?”

Harold said in a jarring voice: “It is such a thing, but even if we know it well, we can only pretend to be confused ah!”

“I don’t want to live the old days of lying in bed and starving to death again ……”

Noah also a little frustrated, a moment later waved his hand, a long sigh: “Hey! Forget it! Not with her general understanding, just as she is downstairs barking! Once she’s tired of barking, so it’s probably time to get lost!”

Old Mrs. Willson said approvingly, “Noah, you’ve finally made some progress from before! You’re a man who can bend and stretch, you’ve suffered too much before!”

At this time, Elaine downstairs exchange half a day, see no movement, so a bit annoyed:


“That dead old woman and Noah, Harold, this pair of turtle master and son must be at home! They are all shrinking turtles, none of them dare to come out to fight!”

Jacob shook his head and said, “Since they don’t dare to answer, then let’s go!”

“No way!” Elaine coldly snorted and said firmly, “If we leave at this time, they will think that I, Elaine, am only this capable!”

After saying that, she raised her voice a few points and shouted, “Noah? Noah? I know you are at home! Your legs, arms, and hands were all broken,”

“So where else can you go but to lie in bed? Don’t act like a shrinking turtle, you don’t even dare to say a word!”

Noah was so angry that he vomited blood, but he stood up with his crutches and was about to go to the balcony.

Old Mrs. Willson hurriedly got up to stop him, but she was too old and tired after serving the two men, so she couldn’t stop him for a while, so she could only follow him to the terrace.

Chapter 3896

Noah had just walked up to the terrace when he saw Elaine poking her head out of an SUV, so he cursed furiously,

“Elaine! Are you looking for trouble? I didn’t provoke you recently, what do you mean by coming downstairs and barking for half a day?”

Elaine brushed aside her mouth and said with contempt, “I’m looking for your wife Horiyah, where is she? Let her out! I just picked up a Les Rais ……

Cauliflower ……”


Words to the mouth, Elaine suddenly forgot what model this car is, so they turned back and asked Jacob: “This car is called the Cauliflower what else is it?”

Jacob rubbed his temples and said helplessly, “It’s Cullinan ……”

“Oh, right!” Elaine finished, hurriedly poked her head out again, and said to Noah: “I just brought up a Rolls Royce Cullinan, worth more than ten million!”

Noah stared at the Rolls-Royce Cullinan, and his body shook with anger.

The old lady Willson, who heard that the car was worth more than ten million, had her eyes sucked out by the car.

Noah forced his anger and asked in a cold voice: “If you pick up a car, just pick up a car, what are you showing off at our house for?”

Elaine said with a serious face: “Alas, alas, I am not showing off with you! I’m here to find your wife Horiyah!”

Saying that, she could not help but sigh, very emotionally, and said:

“Horiyah and I are sisters-in-law, we are both unlucky to become the daughter-in-law of the Willson family, so the two of us are considered the same sickness and pity ……”

Speaking of this, Elaine said sadly: “Hey! Sister-in-law is even worse than me! At such an old age, she is still pregnant and had a miscarriage,”

“It is really too harmful to her body, so I want to ask her to come out and go out for a ride in our new car, so that she can feel better too!”

Noah heard Elaine pretend to say so much, especially mentioned Horiyah pregnant miscarriage, immediately with angry fire, pointing at Elaine and cursed:


“Elaine you …… you …… you are such a b!tch! …… you know Horiyah has

long run away, but still fcuking come here to humiliate me …… I … I will

fucking smash your b!tch face.”

When Elaine saw that Noah was going to smash her with the cane, she was scared out of her mind in a cold sweat.

Not to mention whether he can hit her, this big car parked here, Noah can easily smash the cane in the car.

Elaine thought this is more than a ten million worth car, in case really smashed, the family has no money to repair?

The car is a 10 million dollar car, in case it is really broken, how can they afford to repair it?

The family has this luxury car, in case it is damaged, it is not crying without tears?

In the nick of time, Mrs. Willson hurriedly stepped forward, grabbed the arm, and shouted, “Noah, you can’t smash it! You can’t do that!”

“If you don’t think of yourself, you have to think of me and Harold! If you smash it, how can our family still live ……”

When Noah heard this, tears of humiliation flowed down his face and he choked up and said,

“Mom …… I don’t have to fight, but Elaine is really bullying us too much!”

Old Mrs. Willson grabbed her cane and said with grief, “Noah! Bear with the wind and waves for a while, and take a step back to open up the sky!”

Noah was silent for a moment, but finally, let out a long sigh and threw the cane to the ground.

Seeing that Old Lady Willson had stopped Noah, Elaine was relieved, and then she said to Old Lady Willson,


“Old lady, I have known you for almost thirty years, but you have finally done something good today!”

Old Mrs. Willson felt humiliated, but could only say to her, “Elaine, our family can’t afford you, I’m an old woman begging you, don’t come to make fun of our family again ……”

Elaine did not expect that old lady Willson, who had always been high-minded and arrogant.

And even vindictive, would take the initiative to bow down to her, which made her a bit stunned at once, making her speechless.

At this time, her afterglow saw two people walking head-on under the streetlight, subconsciously glanced over, surprised off the tongue:

“Oh my God, Horiyah? How did you …… you come back?!”

Noah did not see those two people, and heard Elaine mention Horiyah again at this time, the anger that was easily persuaded by old Mrs. Willson just now, burst out several times!

He cursed furiously, “Elaine! You really can’t change your fcuking ways! I! I’ll fight with you today!”

After saying that, he swung his other cane and was about to throw it out, but Mrs. Willson hurriedly held it in place and said loudly, “Noah! Impulsiveness is the devil!”

Elaine became anxious and pointed to the dodging figure not far away and said loudly, “Noah, take a good look! Horiyah is really back!”

Noah took a glance over, and immediately felt the blood all over his body like a well of oil, and it went straight to the sky with a roar.

He looked at the familiar figure and cursed furiously, “Da*n! Horiyah! You really have the fcuking face to come back!”


Chapter 3897

At this time, Jacob in the car also saw Horiyah who was following Wendy together.

After seeing the visitor, his jaw was about to fall on the ground, and said offhand:

“My day …… Elaine …… your broken mouth has not opened the Qixia

Temple lights? How come when you shout Horiyah, she suddenly emerged?!”

Elaine also dumbfounded, mumbled, “It shouldn’t be …… I haven’t even

been to the Qixia Temple for two or three years ……”

Jacob said awkwardly, “This is too evil for you …… I thought I was seeing a

ghost alive.”

Elaine fixed her mind and said, “You do not see Horiyah is walking with Wendy? Maybe it was Wendy who called her back.”

Jacob nodded gently and muttered, “That’s right, they are after all the real mother and daughter ……”

At this time, Noah’s roar on the terrace made Old Lady Willson couldn’t help but look in the direction of his finger.

With this look, indeed, they saw Horiyah at this time cowering behind Wendy, full of nervousness and fear.

To say that she hates Horiyah, Old Lady Willson is no worse than Noah.

In addition to cuckolding her son, bearing the wild seed of an outsider, and even infecting her son with a disease.

Old Mrs. Willson actually hated Horiyah most because she stole her own hard-earned 100 from the supermarket, as well as the $100 she asked for in compensation after being slapped in the entrance hall of Tomson One.


Two hundred is not much, but in the eyes of the old lady, Horiyah’s crime is enough to be shot eight times!

In her opinion, Horiyah can be forgiven for being with a man, but not for stealing money!

And, not stealing anyone’s money, but her hard-earned money!

So, Old Mrs. Willson immediately became furious and pointed at Horiyah downstairs and cursed loudly:

“Horiyah, you stole my money, and you still have the fcuking face to come back!”

“Get the hell out of my house and don’t ever dare to enter!”

Horiyah was crying and didn’t know how to plead, but Wendy spoke up and said, “Grandma, I told mom to come back!”

“I hope you can forgive her this time for the sake of her being my mother.”

“Don’t even think about it!” Old Mrs. Willson said without hesitation, “As long as I am still alive, she will never want to enter my house!”

With that, she immediately said to Noah, “Horiyah! Call the police now and tell them that the thief who stole two hundred of my hard-earned money is back!”

“Have the police officers come and arrest her! Sentence her to eight to ten years!”

Wendy hurriedly said: “Grandma! This matter to have the fault also have the fault, is never my mother’s fault alone,!”

“If you hadn’t been oppressing her and not even letting her eat, how could she have done such a thing!”


Old Mrs. Willson said with great emotion: “Wendy, think about it, why don’t I give this b!tch a meal? It’s because she has done a lot of things wrong to your father!”

“Not only has she wronged your father, but she has also wronged you and your brother, and she has even wronged me and the ancestors of our Willson family! She has disgraced our Willson family!”

Chapter 3898

As soon as Old Mrs. Willson said this, Noah echoed her words, “Wendy! Your grandmother is absolutely right, your mother has disgraced our whole family, and I’ve also been hurt by her!”

“She ran away before, that’s all, but now you bring her back, isn’t that just adding to our problems? Hurry up and tell her to go away and never come back!”

Wendy’s eyes turned red and she said, “Dad! Grandma! My grandmother passed away some time ago, and mom was ostracized by my uncle in her mother’s house, now she has no place to stay.

Horiyah on the side also could not help but cry out, she went downstairs, poofed on her knees, crying, and said, “Mom …… Noah …… before it was my bad,”

“I did not do my duty as a daughter-in-law, as a wife my obligations,”

Please, for the sake of raising children for the Willson family, give me a chance to reform myself …… please!”

Old Mrs. Willson said disgustedly, “As a woman, what’s wrong with marrying into our family and raising children for our family?”

“Isn’t this all your duty? Why do I hear you say this, as if you are also very meritorious?


Horiyah cried: “Mom …… I’m not saying I have any merit, but even if I don’t

have merit, I have been in the Willson family for so many years,”

“At least have a share of hard work, right? I have no hard work, at least have a share of fatigue, right?”

“After so many years, you can have feelings even if you raise a dog, why do you have to be so heartless to me!

Mrs. Willson sneered, “If I had a dog, would the dog steal my money? If I had a dog, would the dog give my son a cuckold?

Noah heard this, feeling all over the body scratching uncomfortable, spoke in a low voice: “Aiya mom …… your this …… your this metaphor? It is too

inappropriate ……”

Old Mrs. Willson gave Noah a white look and grunted, “What’s inappropriate? I’m not being rude!”

“In my eyes, Horiyah is worse than a dog! How dare she claim credit for having children with me? She deserves it!”

Elaine, who hadn’t said anything, was furious when she heard this and cursed, “You old woman, your words stink worse than f@rts!”

“Do you think it’s right for us women to give birth to and work hard for your Willson family?”

“Don’t forget that you are also a woman! When you were a daughter-in-law, if you had met a mother-in-law like you, you probably would have died before you could live to be thirty!”

Old Mrs. Willson coldly snorted, “Humph! I was lucky that my short-lived mother-in-law died early! When I was thirty, my mother-in-law had been dead for two years!”

Elaine immediately sneered, “Yes! I really envy you! Your life is really good! Unlike me and Horiyah, who is so miserable, not only did you meet a


mother-in-law who is so bad, but she is also an old woman who is immortal!”

Old Mrs. Willson was so angry that she spat blood and cursed, “Elaine ……

you …… what are you saying about me?”

Elaine coldly said: “I said you bad dripping sh!t! Bad dripping sh!t old immortal!”

“You …… you ……” Old Mrs. Willson was furious and pointed at Noah and

ordered with gritted teeth, “Horiyah! Quickly smash her to death!!!”

Noah’s expression was stunned, and his ears recalled what his mother had just said, so he opened his mouth and said,

“Mom, bear with the wind and waves for a while, and take a step back to broaden the sky, that’s what you just taught me!”

Old Mrs. Willson was furious: “There is also a saying that ‘endure a moment of peace and calmness, take a step back and become more and more angry’! You can back out of this today, but I can’t!”

With that, she reached out her hand and grabbed Noah’s cane, saying angrily, “You useless thing! Let go of my hand! I’ll smash her myself!”

Chapter 3899

Noah was not angry at this time, but hastened to protect the cane and said:

“Mom! It’s easy to smash her down, but it’s hard to pay for it!”

“The car is more than ten million, a casual smash will cost hundreds of thousands, how can we compensate?”

“Don’t blame me for not reminding you when you’re really arrested!”

Old Mrs. Willson’s face was suddenly blue and white, a time to ride the tiger, the frame on the spot, do not know what to do.


At this moment, Horiyah really didn’t expect that Elaine, who had been suppressed by herself for decades, could say a fair word for herself at this time.

She had been oppressed by all sides, her heart was full of gratitude to

Elaine, so she hurriedly said to her:

“Elaine, thank you for helping me to say a fair word, but you’d better hurry up and go, so as not to be implicated by me ……”

Hearing Horiyah’s thanks, Elaine was more or less stunned, but she spoke with a righteous face:

“Horiyah, to be honest, I’m not just speaking for you, but also for myself! This dead old woman has been bullying me for so many years,”

“I have long been displeased with her! I didn’t expect that we, as daughters-in-laws, were worse than dogs in her eyes, I really want to tear her mouth apart!”

Old Mrs. Willson was already furious, but Noah held on to the cane and wouldn’t give her a chance, so she had nowhere to vent her anger.

After several unsuccessful attempts, Mrs. Willson jumped to her feet and cursed, “Why is my life so miserable? People married into the family are daughters-in-law, but the two I married into the family are worse than dogs!”

After saying that, she looked at Wendy and said through clenched teeth, “Wendy! I don’t care about anything else! I only care about one thing, that is, Horiyah, this b!tch never should enter this family!”

Wendy was also a little angry and said, “Grandma! You shouldn’t always pick on other people’s mistakes, but occasionally you should check whether you have done anything wrong!”

After saying that, she looked at her father, Noah, and said, “Dad! You always blame mom for being wrong, but have you ever thought about the


fact that it was the two of you who came up with the idea to screw my second aunt?”

“And, in the end, only my mother was sent to the black coal kiln to suffer, you, who hid behind the command, nothing happened to you!”

“Speaking of which, it was also Mom who carried all the hardships alone!”

“In this case, you still think only to blame her, but why did not you think, to thank her for your suffering?

When Horiyah heard these words, all the aggression in her heart could no longer be tensed up, and all of it instantly burst out, kneeling on the ground and bawling.

Noah was speechless at this moment.

Although he had always blamed Horiyah, as if he hated her to the bone, but when his daughter Wendy said these words, he could not help but feel a little self-condemnation in his heart.

In fact, what Wendy said is very right, the two of them together came up with a bad idea of victimizing Elaine, but when it came to the real implementation, it was Horiyah alone in the front.

In the end, when they were punished by Charlie, Horiyah was the one who suffered, but he, Noah, stayed at home and did not have any problems at all.

So, for a time, also do not know what to say, but the hostility between the eyebrows, has been reduced a lot.

Wendy said at this time: “Mom is also very poor this time, when grandma was alive aunt and uncle squeezed her in any way, she could at least have a place to live, have a full meal!”


“But grandma is gone, she doesn’t even have a place to shelter from the rain, no matter what, she is the mother who gave birth to me and raised me, I can’t let her sleep on the streets!”

At this point, Wendy said in an unusually firm and strong manner, “Dad, Grandma! If you are willing to accept mom back, then let her live in the villa,”

“So that dad and brother will have one more person to take care of in the future, and your pressure can also be reduced a bit, grandma!”

“But if you are not willing to accept mom back, then I will pay for a separate house for mom outside, and I will take care of her food and drink in the future!”

“I spend the money I earn, no need to worry about you guys, you also have no right to interfere!”

Chapter 3900

At this point, Wendy slightly paused, expression serious reminded: “But I want to make it clear first! Our family’s expenses now rely on me alone to earn money, the company needs to develop, my salary can not be taken too high,”

“If I still need to rent a room for my mother outside, then the expenses will certainly be a large amount more!”

“In that case, the quality of life for all of us will be reduced, and I hope you will understand when the time comes! If you can’t understand, it doesn’t matter, just physically get over it.”

When old Mrs. Willson heard this, her eyes turned around several times in her sockets, and her brain was running even faster, carefully considering the pros and cons.


If they let Horiyah stay here, although her mood will be somewhat affected, but as Wendy said, there is an additional helper, but also in the prime of life helper.

In that case, the pressure of serving her son and grandson will naturally be reduced by a lot, or even by more than half.

And this is also the most cost-effective way to save money, do not have to go alone to Horiyah to rent a house, the family is just a matter of adding a pair of chopsticks, the cost increase is negligible.

However, if she doesn’t let Horiyah stay here, Wendy went out to rent a house for Horiyah, it would not be less than three thousand a month?

When the time comes to let Horiyah open a separate meal, the food costs will also increase a lot, it is not as simple as adding a pair of chopsticks.

The family income is a few thousand less a month, and the actual impact on life is still very big.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Willson resentfully said, “Horiyah, for Wendy’s sake, I’ll let you into the family this time, but you must be honest and sincere in the family in the future, got it?

Horiyah heard this, suddenly excited incoherent, nodded and said: “Thank you mom …… thank you, mom ……”

“I …… I know …… I will be honest in the future, I will take care of the

household properly!”

Noah sighed, did not say anything more, he has also been soft-hearted at this time, and heart for Horiyah’s previous encounter, but also more guilt.

On Wendy’s side finally, a stone fell to the ground.

In fact, she received a phone call from her mother two days ago.


After Horiyah’s mother died, her brother and sister-in-law couldn’t wait to kick her out, afraid that she would stay to compete for the ancestral property.

Horiyah driven out, nowhere to go, except to call her daughter for help, really can not think of other ways.

After all, she also knows that her mother-in-law hates her bones, her husband also hates her, and her son is seriously injured in bed,”

“Even if he wants to help her, he may not have any ability, so she can only pin her hopes on her daughter Wendy’s body.

Fortunately, she had Wendy’s number on her phone card, otherwise, she couldn’t have ever contacted.

Wendy also complained about her mother, not to mention the other, the family savings were emptied of this matter alone, she has been unable to get over it.

However, since Charlie helped her and let her take charge of Shangmei etiquette company, her outlook on life, worldview and values have changed dramatically.

She is no longer as vain as she was at the beginning, but obsessed with making money with her own hands, and she has a lot more patience and tolerance for many people and things around her.

As soon as she heard that her mother was now living in a place with no future, she let her mother return without any hesitation.

Because she felt that she could not sit back and let her mother suffer in any way.

Therefore, she also had two solutions in mind.

If dad and grandma can accept mom, then the family will live together, and those previous barriers will gradually dissipate with time in the future.


If they can’t accept mom, it doesn’t matter, she has the ability to give mom a stable life.

However, right now, grandma and dad can agree, in Wendy’s eyes, is the best solution.

Elaine watched Horiyah’s grateful and tearful appearance, and she couldn’t help but feel a little sorrowful in her heart.

She couldn’t help but think in her heart, “If I didn’t have my good son-in-law Charlie, my status in the Willson family would not be as good as Horiyah’s,”

“And I don’t know how much humiliation I would have to suffer from this old woman ……”



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