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 Chapter 3231 New Discovery

"Any discovery?"

Charlie was delighted when he heard this, and asked her quickly: "Did Inspector Li tell you what the discovery was? Have you confirmed that a new death squad base has been found?"

"Yes!" Lin Wan'er nodded and said: "Inspector Li said that AI has locked onto a phosphate mine in Morocco, and said that after you return, we will discuss the details with you in person."

Charlie thought for a moment and asked her: "If I remember correctly, Morocco should be an African country, right?"

"Yes, sir." Lin Wan'er said, "Morocco is in the northwest of Africa, across the sea from the Iberian Peninsula where Spain and Portugal are located. This country is rich in phosphate, accounting for about 70% of the world's reserves."

Charlie nodded slightly and said, "Since this country is rich in phosphate, there should be many phosphate mines in the country. The Qing Dynasty will station its death squad there, which is relatively hidden. It seems that it is almost certain."

Lin Wan'er asked him, "Sir, since it is a serious matter, let's hurry back now."

Charlie said, "Don't worry, don't you still want to see the aurora? I also want to see if there will be any other changes in the aurora tonight. If there is no other abnormality, let's drive back overnight."

Lin Wan'er nodded slightly: "I will listen to your arrangements."

Before it got dark, Charlie and Lin Wan'er drove out together and had a simple meal. After returning, he couldn't wait to continue meditating and practicing spiritual energy with hand seals.

After continuous practice last night, Charlie was already very familiar with this set of hand seals, and he was able to operate it with ease.

After a few hours, the spiritual energy in his body had increased significantly, which made him more confident in this set of hand seals. He continued to meditate and practice until night, when the aurora appeared again.

Charlie and Lin Wan'er went out together, walked over a hill, and came to the place closest to the aurora.

The two stood under the aurora for a long time. The aurora in the sky swayed slowly like waves, but the strange scene yesterday did not happen again.

After waiting for a long time without seeing anything unusual, Charlie said to Lin Wan'er, "Miss Lin, I guess this aurora won't give me any new clues. Let's pack up and go back to Osu City."

"Okay." Lin Wan'er agreed and said, "Sir, let me drive on the way back. While I drive, you can concentrate on meditating and practicing in the car."

Charlie asked hurriedly, "It's amost a dozen hours' drive, can you do it?"

"No problem." Lin Wan'er smiled and said, "Although my physical fitness is not as strong as that of a cultivator, it is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people. Driving for more than ten hours in a row is no problem for me. You can rest assured, sir."

Charlie thought so too, so he nodded and said, "Okay, then Miss Lin, please drive this long distance."

To Charlie, he is now like a loser who has just mastered the way to make a fortune. Seeing that he has finally found a track to make money, he can't wait to run on this track without stopping for a moment.

What's more, Lin Wan'er is not an ordinary girl. She has lived for three or four hundred years and can even fly a helicopter, so a long-distance trip is not a problem for her. "

So, on the way back, Lin Wan'er was responsible for driving, and Charlie sat in the back seat to continue practicing.

When the two were about to arrive at Osu City, the overall spiritual energy in Charlie's body had increased by nearly 20%. He said to Lin Wan'er beside him: "Since this handprint can continuously generate spiritual energy, when I go back, I will try every possible way and at all costs to stimulate the hidden function of the ring.

Since he passed by the AI ​​model factory when he came here, Charlie called Li Yalin, who happened to be here, so Charlie went straight there.

When they met, Li Yalin couldn't wait to say to Charlie: "The model has locked on to a target with a very high degree of suspicion. According to the model's own words, it can basically be confirmed by 99.99%."

Charlie said, "Then I'll have to trouble Inspector Li to give a brief introduction of what the AI ​​model has discovered this time and its logic of thinking."

Li Yalin immediately turned on the monitor, clicked on some photos, and opened a satellite image of an area, and said to Charlie, "Mr. Wade, this mining area is located in the central mining area of ​​Morocco, which is one of the four major phosphate mining areas in Morocco."

Charlie asked him, "How many companies are there mining phosphates in this mining area?"

Li Yalin replied, "Mr. Wade, according to our investigation, there are a total of 8 mining companies in this mining area."

As he said that, he clicked on a satellite image, which clearly showed that in this almost desert-like mining area, there were many mining companies scattered around. Even through the AI-enhanced satellite images, you can see the general situation of vehicles and personnel operating in the mining area.

Li Yalin pointed to one of the areas and said to Charlie, "Mr. Wade, this is a phosphate mining company that AI seriously suspects. The name of this company is Duke Mining. This company has been established for 35 years. In the past 35 years, its scale has expanded several times."

Charlie nodded and asked him, "Why did AI determine that it was the base of the Poqing Society's death soldiers?"

Li Yalin said, "First, AI ran a long list and searched for about 80,000 companies around the world that were capable of bearing the requirements of the Poqing Society's death soldiers. Then, combined with a large amount of massive data and Skyline's information, it conducted a multi-faceted system analysis."

After speaking, Li Yalin paused slightly and opened the second picture, and said to Charlie, "Mr. Wade, AI found that this company meets our judgement of the death soldiers' base in all aspects, and this company also has In order to solve the problem of high energy consumption, they applied for a licence for wind power investment ten years ago and built six wind turbines in the mining area. In addition, they quietly renovated all the roofs ten years ago and replaced them with photovoltaic panels. They thought that it was because their energy gap was relatively large, but this place was not as rich in oil as Nigeria and could be used to generate electricity at any time, so they thought of wind and solar energy. "

Charlie said, "These factors sound like suspicions, but it is not certain that the other party is really the base of the Qing Society's death squad. "

Li Yalin smiled and said, "So the most critical information is here. The Moroccan government banned the underground mining of phosphate mines 20 years ago. All the underground mining shafts and equipment were scrapped and sealed for large-scale surface mining, that is, underground mines were transformed into open-pit mines. "

"However, in the satellite data of the past fifteen years, this mining company was photographed entering a large transport convoy at least a dozen times, and the convoy was photographed transporting a large amount of materials. The unloading area was at the entrance of the underground mine that should have been abandoned long ago. In addition, the skyline also captured several trucks carrying a large amount of waste such as earth from the old underground mine to the open-pit mine area for dumping."

Li Yalin said, "If the other party is still secretly using underground mines for mining, then it is absolutely impossible to dump the mined phosphate ore back into the open-pit mine. This is completely a waste of effort;"

"And AI has analysed that due to the advancement of technology and the development of industrial and mining equipment, shallow mining is higher than underground mining in terms of mining difficulty, mining cost and mining efficiency. Now if we continue to mine from underground, it will only be laborious and thankless, so most of the mines have closed the previous underground mines;"

    "From the pictures on the skyline, we can see that the underground mines of other mines have not been activated in the past few years. Only Duke Mining has this one. After analysing the satellite data, AI concluded that the Poqing Society transformed this mine and used its underground facilities that should have been completely sealed as a base for death soldiers. This base is still being expanded, so waste such as rocks and earth are constantly being transported out of it. Those convoys filled with supplies must be transporting supplies to the base!"


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