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 Chapter 3236 Infiltration Plan

At this time, most of the employees in the port railway freight station had already gone off work. Except for the workers working in the loading and unloading yard, there were basically no people in other places.

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In the night, Charlie and Li Yalin, led by the person in charge, came to a section of rails not far from the unloading station. Later, after the train from Duke Mining was unhooked, the locomotive would stop nearby for the night.

Charlie planned to wait for the driver to stop the car here, then control the driver, and then get in the car to check the driving record.

Soon, the whistle of the train was heard in the distance, and a few minutes later, a freight train loaded with phosphate slowly entered the station.


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The dispatching instructions came from the hand-held radio carried by the person in charge, and then the track automatically changed tracks and led the train to the target platform.

Railway staff and dozens of employees responsible for loading and unloading were already waiting here. The train had just stopped, and the railway staff was responsible for unhooking the locomotive, and the loading and unloading workers had begun to transport the phosphate in the carriage out.

Then, under the guidance of the dispatcher, the locomotive drove the locomotive to the designated parking place.

Charlie had already used his spiritual energy to investigate. There was only one driver on the train. He had no cultivation and was not a warrior. He was probably not a member of the Poqing Society.

When the train stopped and turned off, the driver pushed open the door and backed up carefully from the high ladder. 

He had already stepped on the last step and could get off by jumping to the side. At this moment, he suddenly felt someone patting his trouser legs from behind. He was startled and looked back to see an Asian man looking at him.

He was angry and thought the other party was playing a prank. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt his mind go blank. Then, he saw the Asian man making a climbing gesture to him, and the whole person climbed up uncontrollably.

Li Yalin shouted in French from behind, and the other party immediately reopened the door and entered the train's cab.

Charlie and Li Yalin followed and entered the cab. Then Li Yalin ordered him in French to open today's driving record.

The man immediately powered on the locomotive again, clicked on a square LCD screen on the side, and opened all the driving record videos for today.

Li Yalin asked for a moment, and then said to Charlie: "Mr. Wade, he made a total of four trips today, and the last trip went to Duke Mining. Their Moroccan National Railway has equipped Duke Mining with a batch of freight cars. Generally, after Duke Mining loads the goods, they tow the empty cars over and then transport the fully loaded cars away, so that the driver does not have to wait for loading. He arrived at Duke Mining three hours ago, hung the car, confirmed the number of carriages and seals, and left."

As he said, he asked the other party to open a video on the screen. After dragging the progress bar, the other party stepped aside and respectfully made a gesture of invitation to Li Yalin.

In the picture, it was the picture of the train about to enter the Duke Mining loading yard.

From a distance, Duke Mining is located in a vast yellow-white plain. Where the train passes, there are Duke Mining's phosphate mining areas on both sides, and a large number of engineering machinery are running at high speed in the mining area.

What is a bit strange is that in the huge phosphate mining area in the picture, many workers are building and welding iron towers that are at least 20 to 30 metres high. The overall structure of the iron tower is similar to that of a high-voltage line tower, except that a platform for people to stand is welded in the middle and upper part. From the size of the workers in the video, it can be inferred that at least seven or eight people can stand on it at the same time. There are at least a dozen iron towers like this in the entire mining area, and several are under construction.

Li Yalin paused the screen, pointed at these iron towers, and said to Charlie: "Mr. Wade, these iron towers should be used for warning. It seems that they are indeed strengthening security now."

Charlie nodded and said: "The terrain there is very flat, and it is all phosphate mining area. There are no high-rise buildings outside. The height of this iron tower is enough to observe far away. If it is equipped with professional security equipment, it is really not easy to break in. Moreover, from the video, the mining area is still some distance away from the core location of Duke Mining."

"Yes." Li Yalin said, "I checked the information on Skyline. According to the scale, they have pushed the mining area to at least six kilometres in all directions over the years. Because the mining area is getting farther and farther, they have now built several conveyor belts to transport the mined ore to the refinery. If they really penetrate from the periphery, it will be very difficult to penetrate such a long distance."

Charlie nodded slightly and asked Li Yalin to continue playing. The train in the video was getting closer and closer to the refinery. The entire refinery looked like a prison, surrounded by high concrete walls. There were caltrops and high-voltage wires hanging above the walls. Although the rails led directly to the inside of the refinery, there was also a thick iron fence door at the entrance of the rails.

It can be seen from the video that there were many people waiting outside the iron gate. When the train slowly drove to the front, several people did not open the iron gate. Instead, someone boarded the front of the train and talked to the driver for a few words. Then he asked the people below to open the door and ride with the driver into the factory area.

The entire factory area is like a huge T-shaped, with the production area on top and three train tracks and two semi-enclosed platforms for loading goods on the bottom.

Among the three tracks, the main line passes through the middle of the two platforms, and on the other side of the two platforms are two arrival and departure lines.

In the picture, a freight train has been parked on the left arrival and departure line, and the vehicle in the video passes the switch and stops on the right arrival and departure line.

At this time, there are many staff members on the right platform. They are still transporting the produced phosphate to the platform. These goods are waiting for the empty carriages transported by the train. As soon as the train arrives, they will start loading the empty carriages.

However, Charlie and Li Yalin can see the purpose of their doing this. These loaders are strong and look like martial artists. They are busy on the platform when the train enters the station. I think the real purpose is to keep an eye on the trains entering the station at all times to prevent enemies from attacking.

After the train in the video came to a complete stop, it uncoupled and began to change direction. It then towed the train, which was already loaded with goods, from the other side to the departure line. The whole process did not take too long. There were always nearly a hundred staff members of various types on the platforms on both sides of Duke Mining.

After that, the locomotive completed the change of direction via the main line, and after waiting for about ten minutes, it drove away from the factory.

After watching the video, Charlie couldn't help but sigh: "This Duke Mining is now as solid as a rock, especially the core factory area, which is built like a prison. There is such an open buffer area outside. It is very difficult to get in quietly. The only chance may be the train."

Li Yalin nodded, asked the driver a few words, and said to Charlie: "The driver said that the reason why Duke Mining is as heavily guarded as a prison is mainly because they have had many vicious cases in the past few years. Someone once sneaked into the factory area and killed their two financial personnel and robbed millions of dollars. Someone else sneaked into the factory area and stole precision equipment worth millions of dollars. Phosphates are often stolen. These cases later became unsolved cases. Duke Mining was very dissatisfied with the local police's handling of the case, so it reinforced itself."

Charlie smiled and said, "This sounds like a self-written and self-directed self-torture plan. Blind reinforcement will arouse suspicion, but artificially concocting a few serious cases in advance can go with the flow and make the reinforcement defence reasonable and legal."

"Yes." Li Yalin nodded and said, "I also think they are asking for trouble."

Then he said, "Mr. Wade, this place is already impregnable. Now they have expanded the defence to the periphery and will soon install high-tech equipment. Once these things are in place, I am afraid it will be difficult to get in."

 Charlie touched his chin and thought, "Time is tight. We must get in before their new equipment is put into use."

After that, he pointed at the Duke Mining staff on the platform and said, "Inspector Li, I need a set of work clothes that are exactly the same as theirs. Is there any way to get them? In addition, we need to find a way to delay the delivery time of their batch of goods tomorrow. It is best to wait until the evening before driving. Then I will go inside on the delivery train." 

When Li Yalin heard that Charlie wanted the same work clothes as them, he hurriedly asked, "Mr. Wade, are you planning to hide in the freight car to sneak in?"

"Yes." Charlie said, "I will follow the fully loaded train in. Even if they have thermal imaging or life detectors, they can't penetrate the metal carriages and the full load of goods inside. In this way, as long as the door is not opened and people don't come in, they won't notice my presence. Even if they do, it doesn't matter. There are dozens of them on the platform. Tomorrow's train will have twenty carriages. At that time, only three or four people will come in from each carriage to unload the goods. At that time, I can find the right time to control them, and then blend in and become one of them. By then, everyone will wear the same clothes and be busy with their own things. In addition, it's still late. On the platform, there is one more person like me, so I shouldn't be noticed. "

Li Yalin felt that although the method Charlie said was feasible, the risk factor was not low, so he quickly asked him: "Mr. Wade, if you are discovered inside, will it be dangerous?" "

Charlie said: "As long as they don't have something like a close-in defence gun, no one can stop me. I hid in the train not because I was afraid of them, but because I didn't want to be discovered by them in advance. If I was discovered after entering, I could stop the loss immediately and kill a bloody way out at any time. "

Li Yalin was relieved when he heard this and said: "Since Mr. Wade is sure, I will cooperate with him to the fullest."

After that, he carefully identified the clothes of the workers in the video and said: "These should be ordinary anti-static labour protection clothing, which should be available on the market, but their clothes should be customised, and there are Duke Mining Logos on the front and back of the clothes. This may not be easy to solve. "

"It doesn't matter. "Charlie said: "Just find me the same clothes and shoes, and I will find someone to change a set as soon as possible. "


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