Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3601 to 3700 Charlie Wade Story

Chapter 3601

At this moment.

Charlie and Helena arrived at the Queen’s ward on the top floor of the ancient castle.

The guards at the door originally wanted to stop, but after asking Olivia for instructions, they immediately let them go.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the old woman on the bed, which is a dying old woman who has been tortured by illness for a long time, and has already lost the aura and majesty of an empress.

Helena looked at Charlie with expectation and asked him, “Mr. Wade, can you cure my grandmother and make her wake up?”

Charlie said indifferently, “As long as she still has a breath, I can definitely cure her.”

Saying that he walked to the bed, put his hand on the old woman’s pulse, a trace of spiritual energy quietly crossed into her body.

A few moments later, Charlie’s brow gradually tightened and he spoke, “Lady, I guess you should be the loneliest person in this world now, right?”

As soon as Charlie said this, he felt the old lady’s fingers twitching slightly.

Helena asked in confusion, “Charlie …… what do you mean by that?”

Charlie shook his head and sighed: “Your grandmother is still conscious, if I’m not wrong, she should be able to hear us now.”

“What?” Helena exclaimed, “Grandma, she can hear us? Then why has he been unconscious?”

Charlie said seriously, “What is unconscious is only her body, not her mind, it’s just that she can’t control her body.”

Saying that, he deliberately lamented in a very regretful tone, “Why I say your grandmother is the loneliest person in this world is because no one knows that she is still conscious, no one knows that she has only lost control of her body ……”

“Right now, she is permanently trapped inside her body, if she can regain control of her body, she will be able to be awake in the true sense.”

“Otherwise, she will have to live forever inside her closed brain, unable to have any communication with anyone, until her body is declared dead.”

“This kind of thing is not alarmist, there are a considerable number of vegetative people, in fact, not brain dead, on the contrary, their brain is completely fine,”

“They just lose control of the body, this kind of person, is the loneliest in the world, their brains are clear about everything, but can not express, can not move, can only be like the living dead lying here ……”

“Some lucky, after living in a coma for a few years, there is a chance for them to be able to wake up, but some people, may lie in a hospital bed for decades can not wake up, until the body dies ……”

Charlie said here, then see the eyes tightly closed Queen, two lines of tears flowing from the corners of the eyes, but she still can not control herself to open her eyes.

Helena was already in tears by now and choked, “Mr. Wade, please save my grandmother …… don’t let her suffer this inhuman torture again ……”

Charlie sighed: “Save her, naturally she can be saved …… but ……”

As Charlie spoke, he felt that the old lady was desperately trying to wiggle her fingers.

It’s a pity that her intention is strong but her strength is weak, although she tried with all her might, but the amplitude of her finger twitching is only a few millimeters.

Seeing this, Charlie thought in his heart: “This old lady’s desire to live is indeed very strong, since this is the case, then it might as well stimulate her again.”

Chapter 3602

At this time, Helena wanted to say something but stopped, hurriedly asked him: “Mr. Wade, since you have a way, please save my grandmother no matter what, I will act as a cow and a horse in this life to repay your kindness ……”

Charlie spoke: “I do have an ancient divine medicine that can cure your grandmother, but this medicine is too precious, even just a little bit is worth a fortune, to be honest, for an old woman of this age, using this medicine is really a bit uneconomical.”

Helena was a little stunned for a moment, she did not understand, Charlie clearly promised to save her grandmother and help her to become the queen, why now it is as if he regrets it.

But at this time, Charlie suddenly turned to look at the unconscious empress on the bed and spoke,

“Old lady, I do have a way to bring you back to consciousness, and I also have a way to let you live for two, three, or even five or ten more years, however, you must agree to a few conditions, I wonder if you agree?”

When he said this, he could feel that the old lady’s intention to try to control her finger was even stronger.

So, Charlie continued, “This way, I will first let you temporarily regain control of your finger, then I will tell you my conditions one by one,”

“If you can accept it, you will raise one finger, if not, you will raise two fingers.”

Saying that, he sent a trace of spiritual energy, into the empress, so that she could temporarily control her fingers.

After that, he then said, “You can now try to control your right index finger and middle finger.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, he saw the Queen’s two fingers move up and down a few times.

Helena looked dumbfounded and exclaimed, “Grandma can really hear what we say?”

Charlie nodded and spoke, “That’s why I said she must be lonely.”

Saying that, he looked at the empress and asked, “My first condition is that after you wake up, you have to immediately announce your abdication, pass the empress’s throne to Helena,”

“And at the same time, you have to try your best to help her sit on the empress’s throne, if you agree, I can guarantee that you can live for at least five more years, do you accept?”

The Queen’s right index finger, immediately raised high. 

According to Charlie’s previous agreement, by raising one finger, the empress agreed to this condition.

Charlie nodded in satisfaction and said, “Good, my second condition is that you must expel your son Richard and granddaughter Olivia’s family,”

“All of them from the royal family, and at the same time, any punishment I impose on them, you must accept and cooperate unconditionally, can you accept it?”

As soon as Charlie’s words fell, the empress once again raised her right index finger high!

Previously, Olivia had been in this ward and let off harsh words to Helena, even admitting that the Queen’s bad condition today was related to her, but Olivia did not know that the Queen actually heard it all.

Therefore, the empress has now long been disappointed in her to the extreme, and even hate her to the bone.

Hearing this request from Charlie, naturally, there was no hesitation.

Seeing this, Helena hurriedly said, “Mr. Wade! Grandma has already agreed to your conditions, can you save her now?”

Charlie nodded without panic, took out a rejuvenation pill from his pocket, and then divided it into two.

Subsequently, he handed half of it to Helena and spoke, “Take this half pill, and all your illnesses will be cured.”

Helena looked at the half of the rejuvenation pill with an unbelievable face! 

Her illness could not be cured by many top doctors.

Even the most powerful modern medicine in this world could not cure her persistent illness.

However, Charlie said that this half pill could cure her, her instinct was disbelief.

However, she had full confidence in Charlie’s strength.

Therefore, she immediately took the pill and said gratefully, “Mr. Wade, thank you for saving my life!”

After saying that, she put the pill directly into her mouth. 

The rejuvenation elixir melted in her mouth, and immediately afterward, Helena felt that her entire body was wrapped in an indescribable warmth, an experience that was marvelous to the extreme.

And at this time, Charlie took the rest of the rejuvenation pill divided it into two, put one of them into the Queen’s mouth.

The medicinal effect quickly worked in the Queen’s dying body, like a dry tree growing young leaves, renewed life!

Soon, the empress felt her control over her body gradually restored, she subconsciously tried to open her eyes, this is her coma for so many days, tried countless times but as many times failed to move.

And this time, the idea just arrived, the eyes opened a slit smoothly!

Immediately after, the strong blinding light from the eye slit entered into her eyes, which made her eyes which only were in the darkness of time become filled with tears.

Chapter 3603

The Queen, who regained her body’s manipulative power, tried to open her eyes several times but failed due to the stimulation of the bright light.

Seeing this, Helena hurried forward and asked with concern, “Grandma, how are you feeling?”

The Queen spoke with difficulty: “Helena …… I …… I’m fine …… just …… it’s just that …… my eyes can’t adapt to the bright light for the time being ……”

Helena immediately choked with excitement: “Grandma you wait a moment, I will go to turn off the main lights!”

After saying that, she immediately got up and turned off all ward’s headlights, leaving only the softer light in the corner.

Only then did the queen finally open her eyes, and immediately afterward, her vision gradually returned and she saw Helena’s face clearly.

At this moment, the empress could not help but choke up:

“Helena …… all these years your grandmother was bad …… if I had known Olivia is such a vicious person, I would have never given her the succession to the throne!”

Helena exclaimed, “Grandma, you know all about it?”

The Queen nodded in pain: “I heard what you and Olivia talked about in the ward earlier ……”

Saying that, she looked at Helena with heartache and choked, “Helena, for so many years, you have suffered!”

The empress naturally knew what Helena had suffered all these years by heart.

But in the years before she became seriously ill, she had been very dissatisfied with Helena’s concealment of her health condition, so she was very prejudiced against her.

Therefore, she then placed the future of the entire royal family on Olivia.

Even though she knew that Helena had suffered a lot in the royal family over the years, she chose to turn a blind eye to it.

But how could she have imagined that now, the one who has harmed her is Olivia.

One whom she valued the most, and the one who has brought people to rescue her is Helena, who has been deprived of her heirship.

Hearing the Queen’s words, Helena’s tears broke, choking: “Grandma, I suffered a little aggravation that is nothing, but Olivia she not only control you,”

“But also kidnapped my mother, using my mother as a threat, forcing me to marry the Russian oligarch Aman Ramovich ……”

“I still do not know where she hid my mother ……”

The queen gritted her teeth and said in a stern voice: “Don’t worry, I will definitely get justice for you and your mother!”

After saying that, she looked towards Charlie standing not far away and said gratefully, “This is Mr. Wade, right! Thank you for saving me ……”

Charlie said indifferently: “I saved you because of your granddaughter Helena, so you must remember what you promised me before and never go back on your word.”

The Queen said without hesitation, “Mr. Wade don’t worry, tomorrow I will announce my abdication to all my titles of the throne and give the Queen’s seat to Helena!”

“At that time, I will personally preside over Helena’s coronation ceremony!”

After a pause, the empress gritted her teeth and said, “As for Olivia, I will make sure that she is duly punished!”

Chapter 3604

Charlie nodded, shook a quarter of the remaining rejuvenation pills in his hand, and said indifferently:

“The medicine I just gave you can extend your life for another two to three years,”

“If you take this part of the pills in my hand too, your life can also be extended for another three to five years on top of the two to three years,”

“If you can keep your promise, then come to me in China after two years, I will give this part of the pills.”

Hearing this, the queen was overjoyed and said offhandedly, “Don’t worry, Mr. Wade, I will keep my promise!”

Charlie took out another complete rejuvenation pill from his pocket and said with a smile, “As for this complete pill, if you take it, it can increase your life span by at least twenty years,”

“And if you keep cooperating, I can also consider giving you some more when the time comes, so that you can live to over one hundred and ten years old, with no problems at all.”

“One hundred and ten years of age?!” The queen mumbled a dumbfounded repetition, she really couldn’t believe that this ordinary pill had such a powerful effect.

However, once she thought of her personal experience just now, she threw all her doubts into the clouds.

At this moment, she thought to herself: “This pill is really amazing! I just took a quarter of it and woke up completely, if I could take a whole one, the effect must be even more miraculous!”

Thinking of this, she said respectfully, “Don’t worry, Mr. Wade, from today onwards, I will definitely fully assist Helena and fully cooperate with Mr. Wade’s request!”

Only those who had come back from the dead knew how valuable life was.

For this aged Empress, this was exactly the case.

She had already experienced the feeling of near-death once, experienced that long darkness and loneliness, so, to her now, living was more important than anything else.

What money, power, dignity, in front of a healthy life and survival, are worthless.

So what if the Queen’s throne was hers? She was in a coma and on the verge of death.

Now she would rather not have the title of empress, or even any royal title, as long as it allows her to live a long and healthy life, even if she is the most ordinary little old lady she is also willing 10,000 times.

So, now she immediately has the next most important goal in life, which is to strive to be able to get more magical pills from Charlie’s hands!

“How is living another two or three years enough!”

“Say what you want to live for another twenty to thirty years!”

After a few minutes, the empress gradually recovered control of her body, and also felt that her physical condition had indeed improved a lot compared to before she fell ill this time.

She was able to sit up from the bed by herself after just a few minutes of simple adaptation, and even tried to complete the action of standing up from the ground.

At this moment, the empress was excited deep inside, while her entire vitality gradually recovered a lot.

Just because she had personally experienced the miraculous effect of the Pill, the empress had already worshipped Charlie like a god in her heart.

In order to satisfy him, the empress hastily asked respectfully, “Mr. Wade, what are your instructions regarding the punishment of Olivia’s family?”

Charlie said indifferently, “I want you to use the royal family’s energy to expel Olivia from the royal family, and at the same time make them face the law, preferably set a life sentence without parole!”

At first, when she heard Charlie say life imprisonment, the empress still felt some vague intolerance in her heart, after all, none of the royal family members had been sentenced for so many years, let alone life imprisonment.

However, when she thought that Olivia had mutilated her step by step to this point, and even tried to manipulate her life and death, her heart also became angrier.

And spoke in an unkind tone: “Helena, you go and call the head of the Royal Guard over, it’s time to settle the score with Olivia!”

Charlie smiled faintly and said, “Don’t bother, Olivia should come over soon on her own initiative.”

Helena looked at the time and found that Charlie had just given Olivia half an hour to think about it, and now twenty minutes had passed.

So she opened her mouth and asked, “Mr. Wade if Olivia agrees to your request, will you be lenient with her?”

Charlie waved his hand, “Don’t worry, there is no way she would agree to my request, I believe she would be more willing to take me out than to honestly give me five billion euros.”

Chapter 3605

Charlie became an orphan at the age of eight, so for many years in society, he has no less experience of the cruelty and darkness of society.

He knows very well that in the real world, the two words “money first”, for many people, has always been an unchanging truth.

Therefore, when he demanded five billion euros from William and Olivia, he did not expect these people to agree.

The reason why he left them half an hour to consider is to force them to move to kill.

And he deliberately chose this time to save the Queen, in order to also force William and Olivia to a dead end.

If they decide to accept his conditions, honestly come up willing to gamble and give up, then he will look at the face of five billion euros, more or less will be a little bit lenient to them.

But if they decide to kill him, then in front of the Queen, they will definitely come out and even will attempt to kill together with the queen.

In that case, they are pushing themselves into the abyss of eternal destruction with their own hands.

The empress did not know the specific situation, hearing Charlie’s words, asked with a shocked face: “Mr. Wade, why did Olivia make a move against you? What is this all about?”

Charlie was about to open his mouth, suddenly heard around there are intensive footsteps are coming rapidly from far to near, face wiped a smile, faintly said: “They have come, why not let Olivia tell you the reason herself.”

At this time, Helena and the Queen did not hear the sound of footsteps, the two expressions are a little puzzled.

A moment later, the sound of footsteps became louder and louder, and after the queen and Helena heard it, they were both full of shock.

At this time, the door of the ward was kicked open, followed by a dozen people in black rushed in aggressively!

But when they came in and saw the queen standing on the floor, who did not look sick at all, they were all dumbfounded.

At this time, Olivia also quickly rushed into the room, as soon as she opened her mouth, she coldly commanded: “Tie up that man!”

The words just fell, suddenly saw the empress standing with Charlie, the whole person felt like a lightning strike, subconsciously blurted out: “Gra Grand …… grandmother?

Followed by Richard as well as George and William, the father and son, also saw the rosy-cheeked, with a healthy elderly queen, shocked to speechlessness.

A few seconds later, Richard came back to his senses and subconsciously said, “Mom …… you …… how did you wake up?!”

The Queen coldly questioned: “What? I woke up, you are surprised? Or do you simply do not want me to wake up?”

Richard hurriedly explained, “Mom …… how can you think so …… I am your son, these days you were in a coma, I was looking forward to you waking up early …… all the time.”

Olivia also reacted, although the heart is extremely annoyed with the Queen waking up, but the mouth still pretended to be excited, said, “Grandma! You don’t know how much Daddy and I have been worried about you during this time …… we have been afraid that you would never wake up again ……”

The queen’s eyes sharp as a knife, staring at Olivia’s eyes, her voice cold, “Olivia, stop acting, so many days, do you think I was really in a coma? In fact, I know everything that happened around me, and I remember every word that everyone said around me!”

Olivia’s face was instantly pale!

Chapter 3606

She really didn’t expect that the old lady was conscious all the time when she was lying on the bed!

In that case, every word she had said to Helena before had been heard by her clearly ……

Thinking of this, Olivia hurriedly and nervously explained: “Grandma, listen to my explanation, many things are actually misunderstandings.

Some of the things I said to Helena, in fact, are deliberately scaring her, trying to force her to exchange for the interests of the royal family only, not the truth ……”

The queen said with contempt: “Olivia, I have already been cheated by you once, and nearly died in your hands, do you think I will still believe what you are saying now?”

Olivia was instantly nervous.

She really didn’t expect that the old lady would wake up at this juncture, and she didn’t know what to do for a while.

At this time, Charlie looked at her with a smile on his face and asked, “Olivia, what about what I just said, how have you considered? I am a person with really limited patience, if you guys don’t give me a solution, then don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

Olivia didn’t expect that she had led people to surround Charlie, but he still dared to talk to her like this at this time, so she gritted her teeth and looked at him, and said in a cold voice:

“Surnamed Wade! You repeatedly provoke me, do you really think I am made of clay? Let me tell you, this is my territory, not yours! Believe it or not, I can have these people kill you at any time!”

Charlie laughed and did not get angry, but raised his eyebrows and asked, “Seeing how arrogant you are, you should be planning to renege on your debt, right?”

“Rely on the debt?!” Olivia sneered, “Charlie! Don’t forget that this is my territory, in my territory, everything is what I say,”

“I say that between me and you, and between William and you, there is no debt at all, do you dare to say a word of no in front of me?”

Charlie laughed: “There is nothing yet that I dare not do, today I put my words here, if you two really decide to renege on the debt, I will definitely make your life worse than death.”

Olivia said with murderous intent in her eyes, “Charlie! You people always say that a fierce dragon can’t cross the river, since you have repeatedly spilled your guts in front of me, then don’t blame me for being ungracious to you!”

After saying that, she immediately yelled to the men in black around her, “Arrest this man and throw him out of the window to death!”

As soon as Olivia’s words fell, a group of black-clothed men approached Charlie in unison.

Charlie’s face was full of smiles at this time, not putting these black-clothed people in his eyes in the slightest.

The empress beside him, at this time, was greatly enraged and angrily rebuked offhandedly: “Olivia! Mr. Wade is my life-saver, how dare you be rude to him!”

Although these men in black were all Olivia’s men, they had always served the royal family and had great respect for the empress, and when they heard such a rebuke from the empress, they all immediately stopped and did not dare to move forward.

Olivia saw this, immediately gritted her teeth, and roared: “You ignore this dead old woman! She is no longer the Queen! I am! Do you all want to take the blame for disobeying orders?”

These men in black didn’t know what to do for a while.

Although they had always obeyed Olivia’s orders, they did not dare to directly disobey the Queen’s orders.

Seeing this, William yelled at the side, “What are you still standing there for? Don’t forget who your boss is! As long as you can finish this Wade, I can give you each one million euros, no! It’s two million euros each!”

William’s words tilted the scales in the hearts of these men in black.

Two million euros absolutely can let them achieve financial freedom, no one will give up such a good opportunity to become rich!

So, a group of black-clothed men immediately charged towards Charlie.

The Queen didn’t expect that her orders would have no effect on the gang of black-clothed men, so she angrily roared, “Olivia! If you insist on hurting Mr. Wade, I will not spare you! When the time comes, I will make you accept the sanction of the law!”

Olivia was slightly stunned, and then her expression immediately became hideous as she coldly said, “I originally just wanted to kill Charlie, but now it seems that you are forcing me to take out this old thing like you along with you!”

After saying that, she sneered and said with a face full of murderous aura, “Fine! You old thing should have died a long time ago anyway! Why don’t you go on the road of death together with this man!”

Chapter 3607

For Olivia, now can only go one way to the black.

Otherwise, not only Charlie here will have to be given billions of dollars in compensation, the Queen’s side, she will have to neutralize her if she doesn’t want to go to jail!

Now she only wants to take out Charlie and the Queen!

As long as the two of them are resolved, not only can they save money, the position of the Queen can also be successfully inherited!

The empress did not expect that her granddaughter would openly try to kill her in front of so many people, so she roared in anger: “Olivia! How dare you kill the monarch! Do you know that the crime of regicide is the most serious crime?

Olivia was no longer afraid of the identity of the empress and said coldly, “What is the crime of regicide, as long as I kill you, I am the monarch!”

Helena blurted out, “Olivia! As your sister, I advise you to stop before you make a big mistake! Seek leniency from Grandma and Mr. Wade, otherwise, your life will be over!”

As if hearing a big joke, Olivia said with contempt, “Helena, you don’t really think that with just the two of them, you can still turn the tables today, do you?”

Helena said coldly, “Aren’t you afraid of the Royal Guards?”

Olivia laughed with a sinister expression, “So you still think that the Royal Guard can come to your rescue, huh?”

“Let me tell you, Helena, all the soldiers of the Royal Guard have been transferred to the first floor, and this ward has been soundproofed, no matter what happens here, they can’t possibly hear it!”

Although Olivia had her own group of dead soldiers, she was not in control of the entire royal family.

Especially the Royal Guard that guarded the palace.

The Royal Guard’s allegiance is to the Queen, but also to the Nordic law, they are soldiers trained by the state and specially arranged to guard the palace.

Therefore, even if Olivia has great ability, it is impossible to buy them all.

However, as long as one can solve the problem within this ward, one does not have to worry about the royal guards.

So, Olivia said victoriously to Helena: “My good sister, about your downfall, I have also arranged for you! Don’t worry, we are sisters, I can’t let you die just for nothing!”

“After all, Aman Ramovich has been very obsessed with your body! After I take care of them, I will spare your life, send you to him in a package and let him keep you in St. Petersburg for the rest of your life as his plaything!

When he’s tired of playing with you, then let him kill you!”

Olivia sneered, “Oh yes, I’m sure he’ll be furious at the beating he gave Aman Ramovich just now.

Helena was shocked by Olivia’s viciousness, and Olivia, who had lost her patience, yelled at the group of black-clad men, “What are you still standing there for? Why don’t you do it quickly! Kill that Wade first!”

The Queen said angrily, “I am the Nordic Queen! I want to see who dares to touch me!”

The men in black were hesitating when William immediately shouted from the back, “Whoever can kill this old b!tch, I’ll give him an extra 20 million euros! Whoever can kill Charlie, I will give one hundred million!”

Originally, these men in black were still somewhat afraid of the Queen’s identity, but when they heard these words, all they could think about was money!

Immediately afterward, a man in black roared, took out a dagger, and rushed towards Charlie.

Chapter 3608

At this moment, in his eyes, Charlie is 100 million euros in cash!

As long as he killed Charlie, the money is enough for him and his family to live out their lives in glory and fortune!

The others also snapped awake at this moment, many of them went straight to Charlie, and a few chose to strike directly at the queen because they were closer to her!

The queen did not expect this group of people to really dare to make a move on her, for a time scared, does not know what to do.

At this time, Helena on her side immediately pulled her behind herself.

The Queen never dreamed that her eldest granddaughter, who had been sick, could stand in front of her at the critical moment, and her expression did not look the least bit frightened, and while her heart was touched, she was also very appreciative of Helena’s courage in the face of danger.

But she does not know that the reason why Helena is not afraid of danger is that she knows the strength of Charlie!

The four battle commanders of the Cataclysmic Front couldn’t even last a single round under Charlie!

With his unparalleled strength, how could these men in black hurt him!

But Olivia and William and the others did not know Charlie’s ability.

They have killing red-eyes at this time, only think, today this thing will be solved forever, kill Charlie and the Queen and end it all!

When the time comes to throw the dirty water of adultery with Helena on Charlie, and then put the Queen’s body temporarily into the freezer, and then in a few days declare that the Queen died of natural causes, the outside world will have absolutely no suspicion.

As for Helena, the witness, after she fell into Aman Ramovich’s plaything, there is no chance for her to see the light of day in this life, so Olivia is not worried that she will leak out today’s events.

When Olivia saw that Charlie was surrounded by people in black and thought that she had won, a black shadow suddenly flew out from the crowd!

The first person in black with a dagger rushed towards Charlie, at this time has broken his hands, and Charlie directly threw him out of the crowd!

Immediately afterward, a different frequency occurred!

One after another, the men in black wailed and flew out from the center of the crowd, each one without exception had his hands broken!

After only ten seconds, all the men in black fell to the ground in agony, their hands are broken, making an unbearable cry!

And Charlie was still standing in place with an arrogant face, not even half a crease in his clothes.

These black-clothed people, the combined strength, can not match a four-star martial artist.

So, in front of Charlie, they were no different from a group of vegetables and chickens.

Olivia as well as William and the others, seeing this situation, were all dumbfounded with fear!

None of them had thought that Charlie’s strength was so powerful!

A dozen well-trained black-clothed men were completely useless in front of him!

The first time William came back to his senses, he turned around and wanted to run out, but before he could run out the door.

He felt his collar being grabbed, and before he could look back, his whole body was thrown out, hitting the wall heavily and rolling down to the ground.

At this time, Charlie had already closed the ward door, looked at Olivia as well as the others, and smiled blandly, “Olivia, do you think I’m counting the flip now?”

Olivia looked at Charlie’s playful look, scared face pale, trembling voice, she asked, “You …… what the h3ll are you …… how could …… How can you have such a strong strength?!”

Charlie sneered and questioned, “Didn’t I introduce myself to you at the airport? What, did you forget my name so quickly?”

Olivia said in fear: “No …… did not forget ……”

Charlie coldly snorted: “Say, what is my name?”

Olivia inwardly fearful to the extreme, panic, said: “Charlie …… Wade ……”

Charlie once again pursued the question, “Who is called Charlie Wade?”

Olivia subconsciously blurted out, “You …… your name is Charlie Wade ……”

Charlie stared at her and said in a cold voice: “Louder, I can’t hear you! 

Who is called Charlie Wade?”

Olivia’s heart and soul were still, but she could only stiffen her head, raise her voice a few points, and said loudly with a face full of fear: “Your ……

name is Charlie Wade!”

Chapter 3609

At this moment, Olivia was already scared out of her wits.

In the face of Charlie, the moment she called out his name herself, she felt that the whole person had completely collapsed.

Under Charlie’s pressure, she subconsciously kneeled down in front of him with her legs weak and choked,

“Mr. Wade …… it was my mistake …… I had bad thoughts because of money, please spare me and please give me a chance to make up for my mistakes!”

Olivia’s father Richard, at this time also realized that the momentum has gone, hurriedly also kneeled on the ground, begging: “Mr. Wade, Olivia is young, easy to do things impulsively, you do not see eye to eye with her ……”

William’s father George also hurried forward at this time, with a pleading face said: “Mr. Wade, you said before five billion euros, we are willing to accept!”

“Our Ruthschild family is willing to take out four billion euros! We only beg you to give us a higher hand!”

Charlie smiled, looked at Richard, and asked him, “They offered four billion, so the remaining one billion, it’s up to you?”

“I …… I ……” Richard was instantly nervous and didn’t know what to do. 

Before a few minutes, one billion euros he gritted his teeth or can get out, that is because Olivia before was basically equal to the uncrowned queen of Northern Europe.

Just waiting for the current queen’s death and would be able to smoothly crowned, so basically, she could control the entire royal family’s financial power.

But now, the queen has awakened, this situation, whether Richard himself or Olivia, are no longer likely to have the right to mobilize the royal funds, so this time let Richard take a billion euros out, simply it is a foolish dream.

After thinking about it, Richard could only say stiffly: “Mr. Wade …… our family’s assets, cash and various real estate combined, about 500 million euros, if you do not mind, I am willing to give all the assets to you as a compensation!”

Charlie grunted and said, “Then this is only four and a half billion huh, not enough.”

After saying that, he looked at George and asked with a smile, “Old Joe, how about you burden a little more?”

George almost collapsed, said with a bitter face, “Mr. Wade …… four billion euros, is already our limit …… our cash supply simply is not so much.”

“To put together four billion euros we also have to wait for the stock market to open tomorrow, the hands of a large number of shares will be sold in full before it is possible to collect together enough ……”

Charlie shook his head, said indifferently: “You two are a community of interests, one glory, one loss, I can spare you a life if the money is enough, otherwise, tonight you will be directly caught as the regicide killers on the spot and will be killed.”

“Tomorrow the Queen will announce to the public, saying that you joined forces tonight to conspire against the Queen to kill her! By then, the pictures of your deaths here will be made public, and then the whole world will think you deserve it!”

When George heard these words, his heart fluttered violently!

He didn’t expect that Charlie had actually laid down his killing heart on himself!

Moreover, he also believed that Charlie did have the strength to kill them all at any time.

What’s more, even if he really killed them, according to the reason he said just now, the world would definitely not suspect.

After all, they did lead people into the Queen’s ward today, if Charlie really killed them, and then claim that they were killed on the spot because of the regicide plot, the logic is tight.

Even if the Ruthschild family knew about it, they would not suspect it.

In that case, Charlie can kill them without taking any risk ……

Thinking of this, George looked at the empress and cried and begged, “Your Majesty, you are the ruler of the country, to maintain the national legal system, send us to court, you can’t let him kill us please ……”

When the empress heard this, she said without hesitation, “My life was saved by Mr. Wade, and I will follow his orders. If he wants to let you go, I will personally send you out of the palace immediately;”

“But if Mr. Wade wants to kill you, I will immediately follow Mr. Wade’s words and announce your crime of regicide and rebellion!”

The empress knew very well in her heart that how long she could live in the future depended on Charlie, so at such a time, she naturally had to be obedient to him.

Chapter 3610

As soon as George heard these words, his body was soaked with cold sweat!

He really did not expect that the queen would show such an attitude! 

If this were the case, then he and his son would probably die here today ……

Thinking of this, he hurriedly begged: “Mr. Wade, don’t be anxious, the remaining 500 million euros, I’ll think of a way, I’ll make it up to you as soon as possible ……”

Charlie nodded: “If you have this attitude, then we can move on to the next conversation.”

George was slightly relieved and asked, “Mr. Wade, if 4.5 billion euros is given to you on time, can you let me and William leave?”

Charlie laughed: “Then you may be thinking a little too much, what I can promise you is that if four and a half billion euros are taken out, I will spare you and William from death,”

“But we have an old saying in China, the death penalty can be forgiven, the living penalty is hard to forgive, so what punishment you will receive next is all at my disposal.”

Saying that, he added: “Oh yes, and your wife, her next situation, will be the same as yours.”

George said in a panic: “Mr. Wade …… 4.5 billion euros to you, you still can’t let us go free?”

Charlie nodded and said blandly: “If you continue to dwell on this issue, that four and a half billion euros may have to become nine billion!”

Once George heard this, he immediately shut his mouth.

Even though he had ten thousand resentments and anger in his heart, he did not dare to raise it in front of Charlie at this time.

Olivia heard that George and William, the father and son have a chance to live, right now their own future is still uncertain, life and death are not clear,”

“So they cautiously asked: “Wade …… Mr. Wade …… do not know if you can also let me and my father a way out then ……”

Charlie looked at her and said in a cold voice: “I can give you a chance to live, let your father honestly take out 500 million euros, and at the same time you must also send Helena’s mother back intact, do these two things well, I can also spare you from death!”

Olivia hurriedly said, “Helena’s mother is being held in a nearby farmhouse, I have arranged a few people to keep an eye on her there, and I can have her sent here at any time!”

When Helena heard this, she asked offhandedly, “Olivia, did you make things difficult for my mother?”

Olivia was busy saying, “I didn’t give her much trouble except for having her locked up ……”

Helena was slightly relieved, subconsciously wanted to open her mouth to ask her to bring her back.

But once she thought of Charlie was around, so she didn’t say anything more, because she knew that he would help her bring her mother back safely.

Charlie also did not let her down, and immediately said to Olivia: “You inform your men now, and have them send the people back immediately!”

“Okay ……” Olivia hurriedly took out her cell phone, made a call in hands-free mode, and said, “Send Helena’s mother back to the palace, immediately, immediately!”

The other party immediately said, “Don’t worry, Your Highness, we’ll be there in 20 minutes!”

Olivia hung up the phone, looked at Charlie with bated breath, and said nervously, “Mr. Wade, she will be sent back in a moment ……”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction and said lightly: “How about this, I’ll give you an account number, you first arrange for someone to call the money, when the money arrives, we’ll move on to the next conversation.”

George’s eyes flickered and said, “Mr. Wade don’t worry, you give me the account number.”

“I will first arrange someone to play 2.5 billion euros, the remaining 2 billion, when the stock market opens tomorrow morning, I can play it!”

Chapter 3611

When he said this, George thought in his heart that if Charlie wanted to put him under control, the destination of this money was the key to his family’s search for his whereabouts.

If Ruthschild’s core family could notice this matter, then it would be easy to find Charlie’s head through the direction of this huge sum of money.

However, he did not expect, Charlie to make a phone call to Leon, opened his mouth, and said: “Housekeeper Leon, let Joseph give me a collection account, preferably one that can quickly launder the money!”

“Their Cataclysmic Front has been in the gray area for so many years, this skill should still be there!”

George never dreamed that Charlie intended to let the Cataclysmic Front collect this money!

Cataclysmic Front are all outlaws, and all operate across the war-torn areas, even for the Ruthschild’s core family, it is impossible to do anything to them.

After all, what rich people are most afraid of, is the outlaws.

The Ruthschild’s core family, even if they know that their family is missing, and half of the family’s funds have gone into the pockets of the Cataclysmic Front.

It is absolutely impossible to help them, to save themselves from the trouble of the Cataclysmic Front, they won’t even ask.

Thinking of this, George was at a loss.

It seems that today, it is really going to be Charlie pinched to death.

However, what shocked him, even more, was still to come.

On the phone, Leon spoke: “Young master, do you want me to give the phone number to Joseph, you can ask him directly, I’m afraid that I will be missing something in the middle of delivering this message.”

Charlie said with a bland expression and casual tone, “Well, then you can give him the phone.”

The surrounding people heard the tone of Charlie’s speech and had a question in their hearts, didn’t the Wade family just get half-eaten by the Cataclysmic Front?”

“Even if the Cataclysmic Front was going to make money off the Wade family in the future, it couldn’t possibly allow Charlie to treat them so casually, right?

Just when they were puzzled, Charlie smiled faintly and directly turned on the speaker of his phone.

At this moment, Joseph picked up the phone and said respectfully, “Mr. Wade, what are your orders?”

When these words came out, everyone at the scene was struck by lightning!

No one had expected that the famous head of the Cataclysmic Front, Joseph Wan, would treat Charlie so respectfully.

George exclaimed in his heart, “This …… is the Cataclysmic Front annexing the Wade Family, or is the Wade Family annexing the Cataclysmic Front? Why is Joseph treating Charlie so respectfully and politely?”

Olivier was also baffled and thought, “Didn’t Joseph have a deep hatred with the Wade Family? Even if the Wade family lost half of its assets to him, he shouldn’t be so lowly to the Wade family, right?”

Just when everyone was amazed, Charlie lightly spoke, “I have a sum of money that I need to find a reliable channel to wash out, the money is from a third-order family in Ruthschild,”

“The demand is for the money to be credited from their account to your Front’s account, and then you will wash it and take it out to me, can you do it?”

“We have opened a large number of secure accounts in Switzerland and several offshore countries and regions, these accounts are theoretically not monitored by any country or individual,”

“As long as the money is credited into these accounts, whether it is in dollars or euros, yen or RMB, we can get the money out within a few seconds.”

“We can disperse the money to tens of bank accounts in dozens of countries all over the world within a few dozen seconds, and within a minute we can make the money go around the world before flowing into our dollar accounts, which can be absolutely untraceable!”

After listening, Charlie said with satisfaction, “That’s great, you have your men send me all these accounts immediately, I’ll have people transfer money into them one after another.”

“Okay, Mr. Wade!” Joseph asked again, “Right Mr. Wade, this fund you want to wash, roughly how big is it?”

Charlie casually said, “Five billion euros.”

When Joseph heard this, his whole body froze.

Chapter 3612

Although Joseph was also a person worth more than ten billion dollars, but

once he heard that Charlie had a sum of five billion euros in cash to be

credited, it still took him by surprise.

To know that Charlie’s departure from China to Northern Europe has not

taken more than 24 hours, in such a short period of time he has 5 billion

euros in cash, this is more than robbery, an unbelievable one.

But how did Joseph know that Charlie’s money was robbed?

Charlie saw that he did not say anything, so he opened his mouth and

asked, “What’s wrong, do you have difficulty with 5 billion euros?”

“No difficulty!” Joseph did not hesitate to say: “Mr. Wade don’t worry, I will

definitely wash out every cent of this money for you, you just tell me what

currency you want.”

Charlie laughed: “Of course I want dollars! This money I want to use to buy

a ship!”

Joseph said, “No problem, Mr. Wade, don’t forget to give me a collection

account, when the time comes, I will convert all this money into dollars and

remit it to this account.”

Charlie smiled and said, “Don’t give this money to me, I will ask the Ito

family for a collection account later, after you launder the money directly to

the Ito family, my ocean shipping company is operated by the Ito family and

Zhiyu together,”

“You can directly give it to the Ito family in the form of capital injection, help

me remit it to the ISU shipping group’s account.”

Joseph said, “No problem! You ask the Ito family for an account number,

and I’ll take care of the rest!”

Charlie gave a hint, and then hung up the phone.

At this time, George and William, father and son, as well as Richard and

Olivia, father and daughter, were already frozen on the spot like they had

been struck by lightning.

Hearing the conversation between Charlie and Joseph, they all penetrated

a shocking secret: Cataclysmic Front had definitely submitted to Charlie,

and Joseph was definitely one of Charlie’s men now! Otherwise, there was

no way Joseph would be so respectful to him!

Thinking of this, several people were extremely scared!

Only now did they understand that Charlie had been pretending to be a pig

and eating by a tiger all along!

When he came, everyone thought that the Wade family had been bitten off

half of its life by the Cataclysmic Front, and that the scenery was no longer


But who would have thought that the truth of the matter would have such a

big super reversal!

Not only did the Wade family not lose any family assets, on the contrary,

Charlie even took the entire Cataclysmic Front into his pocket!

This was like a tiger with wings for the Wade family!

At this moment, William wanted to smack himself to death.

Who he mess with, but Charlie!

With Charlie’s current strength, even if ten of himself, a hundred of himself,

it is impossible to be his opponent ……

Even his own family, in front of the Wade family is just a little trash!

At this time, Charlie ignored the shock of the gang and called Nanako


On the other end of the phone, she said excitedly and with respect, “Mr.

Charlie, are you in Northern Europe right now? Why are you calling me all

of a sudden?”

Charlie smiled: “Nanako, I have a sum of money that I want to inject into

ISU Shipping, so I’d like you to give me a bank account number of the Ito


“I’ll give you this money and you can inject it into the Shipping for me.”

Nanako said without hesitation, “No problem, Mr. Charlie wait a moment, I

will send you the account information.”

“Good.” Charlie said, “I still have to call Miss Su, I’ll talk to you later.”


At this time, everyone in front of him was even more shocked and


Who would have thought that even the famous Ito family of Japan was

respectful and obedient to Charlie!

And at this time, Charlie called Zhiyu Su.

She picked up the phone and said with the same respect, “Grace, do you

have any orders for me at this time?”

Charlie let out a sound and said, “Zhiyu, I want to inject capital to expand

the ISU shipping, this business is a partnership between the two of us, so I

want to ask if you are willing to continue to inject capital.”

Zhiyu said without thinking, “If the Grace asks me to inject capital, then I

will inject capital!”

Chapter 3613

Right now, Chengfeng is still kneeling on Waderest Mountain, so for the

time being, he has not officially handed over the position of Su family to


However, this matter is already on the board, so when Zhiyu heard that

Charlie was going to inject capital into ISU Shipping, she immediately

decided to inject capital together with him.

Hearing that Zhiyu agreed, Charlie said, “In this way, I will first inject 5.1

billion euros through the Ito family, and it just so happens that my

shareholding ratio is also 51%,”

“As for your side, you will inject 4.9 billion euros, so that our shareholding

ratio does not need to be adjusted.”

“No problem!” Zhiyu agreed without hesitation and said respectfully,

“Grace, if ISU Shipping does another 10 billion euros of capital injection, it

will definitely be able to become the world’s top shipping company!”

Charlie gave a sound and said, “When the money arrives, we should spend

it on the edge of the blade, you communicate with Melba to see how the

money will be used.”

“Okay!” Zhiyu said, “Tomorrow after I sign the relevant documents with

grandpa, will immediately rush back to Aurous Hill to discuss this matter

with Melba.”

“Mm.” Charlie said lightly: “After you officially inherit the Su family, must pull

out the thorns within the Su family one by one, especially your uncles and

aunts, and their children,”

“You suddenly ascend to the throne, they must be very dissatisfied, you

must try in the shortest possible time to make them honestly accept if one

dares to sing against you, drive them out of the Su family without wasting a


Zhiyu said respectfully, “Don’t worry, Grace, I understand!”

Charlie then said, “Let’s do this first, I’ll talk about the specific matters in

person when I return.”

When Charlie hung up Zhiyu’s phone, these people around him were

already in admiration.

From his conversation, they could also hear that this Zhiyu was about to

inherit the Su family and become the head of the family.

And her attitude towards him was surprisingly so respectful.

This shows that Charlie’s strength right now is already terrifying!

Only now did William and Olivia realize what kind of a person they had


Charlie may not have any roots in the West, but in the East, with his

strength and connections, there are few rivals!

At this time, he looked at the panicked crowd, turned to the Queen, and

said, “Inform the Royal Guard, first of all, these two people are under

control, do not allow them to contact the outside world,”

“And at the same time, you personally announced to the public that these

two people have been arrested because of the intention of regicide and

rebellion, tomorrow’s wedding is canceled.”

The queen said without thinking, “Yes, Mr. Wade, I’ll do it!”

Helena was busy saying, “Then I will go and inform the Royal Guard!”

Chapter 3614

At this time, William’s father George asked nervously, “Mr. Wade …… I can

arrange someone to start transferring money here, and I will definitely

transfer the 4.5 billion euros tomorrow morning, please be magnanimous

and spare us ……”

Charlie said indifferently: “I said, I can spare your lives, but can not let you

go free,”

“Your family tomorrow after the money transfer, will depart for Syria, I have

friends there with a little power, they will be able to take care of you very


When George heard this, he almost collapsed and cried out, “Mr. Wade, I’d

rather serve my time in a prison in Northern Europe than go to a place like

Syria! Please give me a higher hand!”

Charlie said in a cold voice: “I am now giving you a single-choice question,

and there is only one option, if you talk nonsense anymore, I will break your

legs before sending you there!”

George immediately did not dare to say more, but his heart had completely

collapsed, a person wiping tears while whimpering and sobbing.

Richard asked in a panic: “Wade …… Mr. Wade …… can we stay in

Northern Europe for the sake of us being at least members of the royal

family ……”

“Impossible.” Charlie said blandly: “In two days Helena will inherit the

throne, before that, you will be stripped of your royal status and then exiled

overseas, in this life, you shall not return to Northern Europe!”

When Olivia heard that Helena was going to inherit the throne, she felt

hatred and anger, so she hurriedly said to the Queen: “Grandma, we can’t

give the throne to Helena, no matter what!”

“She has a serious heart condition! I’m afraid she won’t live more than a

few years before she dies! And if she has no children, so the throne will

probably be inherited by one of her nephews or other sons.”

The Queen said coldly, “Mr. Wade can even save me, let alone Helena.

With him around, Helena will live a long life! In the future, her children and

grandchildren will inherit the throne!”

After saying that, the queen coldly snorted, “Olivia, you should care about

yourself! Mr. Wade has just said that you will be stripped of your royal

status and exiled overseas! As for where you’ll be exiled to, it’s up to him to


Olivia looked at Charlie and pleaded, “Mr. Wade …… I don’t want anything

else, I just want to stay in Northern Europe …… please be merciful ……”

Charlie laughed: “originally did intend to let you stay in Northern Europe,

sentenced you to a life sentence without parole, so that you live the rest of

your life in prison,”

“I heard that the country here is very high welfare, living in prison is similar

to living in a hotel, I think you will not be too painful ……”

Speaking of which, he turned his words and said in a cold voice: “But you

are really some self-imposed, even you want to kill me, so now the

arrangements for you also need the appropriate adjustment.”

Olivia choked: “Mr. Wade …… in northern Europe, life imprisonment is

already the most severe sentence …… before there was a sociopathic

gunman, who killed dozens of people,”

“Even he only got sentenced to life imprisonment …… Could it be that

sentencing me to life imprisonment is not enough to satisfy Mr. Wade?”

Charlie smiled faintly: “Compared to life imprisonment, I prefer to let you

leave Northern Europe.”

Saying that, he added: “By the way, there is a word called life with hard

labor, I wonder if you have heard of it?”

Olivia shook her head in fear.

She had not heard of the term life with hard labor but vaguely felt very bad.

Charlie laughed at this time: “Your Nordic welfare is too high, somewhat

illogical, why should a criminal not only have good food and shelter in

prison but also do not have to create any value, is not this a waste of

taxpayers’ money?”

“Therefore, it is the most reasonable and fair way to let guilty people like

you to create value with your labor, and then use the value you create to

meet your food, drink, and shelter.”

Saying that, he thought for a moment, and then said: “Right, the old master

of the Chinese Su family will soon go to Madagascar as the landlord, when

I let him buy a few hundred acres of sugar cane land, and then a few

hundred acres of cotton land.”

“Now, you and your parents, and these people who work for you, will go

together to Madagascar to cut sugar cane, and pick cotton!”

“Cut sugar cane, pick cotton?!” When Olivia heard this, she was so dizzy

that she almost passed out on the spot.

And her father Richard is also about to collapse, crying, “Mr. Wade ……

cutting sugar cane, picking cotton, this is the work that the black slaves did

back then ah …… what you say can not be so tormented us ……”

Chapter 3615

In Charlie’s opinion, Madagascar, is an excellent country to carry out life

with hard labor.

First of all, that place he is sending them to in the country is extremely

underdeveloped economically, the conditions are extremely poor, so for

Olivia’s gang, itself has a very good disciplinary significance.

Secondly, the more a place is an underdeveloped economy, the more

human labor is needed, and labor is also mostly agricultural work, sugar

cane, cotton, all need a lot of human picking, the workload is large enough

for this group of people to experience the joy of labor.

When the time comes, let Zhiyu buy for Chengfeng even more land for

planting sugar cane cotton, and all the farm work, it is all given to these

people to do.

Olivia was about to collapse at this point.

She was originally very high-minded, has always felt that she will soon

become the queen of the people, so proud to the extreme.

But she never dreamed that Charlie would send her to Madagascar, to cut

sugar cane and pick cotton there!

This is something that only the poor people will do, let her, the princess to

do these, how can she accept ……

So she broke down and cried, and begged, “Mr. Wade, I really don’t want to

go to Madagascar …… please sell me to Aman Ramovich, he will be willing

to pay you a sum of money, how can it be much more cost-effective than

sending me to Madagascar ……”

Olivia originally did not like Amanramovic, a dirtbag, but now, he has

become the meat and potatoes in her eyes.

She thought to herself, “Amanramovich has always wanted to marry a

woman of royal origin, since he is willing to marry Helena, he must also be

willing to marry me ……”

“He is even willing to pay hundreds of millions of euros for Helena, so he

must also be willing to pay the same price for me, in that case, I can at

least go to Russia to be a broad wife ……”

Just when she thought that Charlie would definitely agree to her proposal,

he sneered and asked her, “I remember that you seem to despise that

Aman Ramovich, why are you now actively rushing to marry him?”

Olivia hurriedly explained, “I am also trying to create more income for you,

Mr. Wade …… If you want, you can totally earn several hundred million

euros from him!”

Charlie laughed: “I think you are thinking too much, how can I let you follow

Aman to Russia to enjoy the happiness?”

“Since I said I want you to reform, I must put you in the place where you

are most needed, and I see that right now, there is no place that needs you

more than a farm in some corner of Madagascar!”

Olivia cried bitterly and begged, “Mr. Wade …… I’m such a weak woman,

even if I go to Madagascar, I can’t play any role, you might as well let me

earn a good income for you, I beg you ……”

Charlie gave a deaf ear to her pleading words, he has made up his mind,

so that Olivia’s group of people can not leave Madagascar for life.

At this time, Helena swarmed with dozens of royal guards.

Knowing that someone was going to kill the queen, these royal guards

were highly nervous, loaded with bullets, rushed all the way up.

Seeing that the empress had awakened, the head of the royal guard was

surprised and said, “Your …… Majesty, you have awakened!”

The queen nodded slightly and said, “Bruno, control all these people, guard

them closely, do not let anyone go!”

The chief, named Bruno, immediately said in a loud voice: “Your Majesty,

don’t worry, I will not let any of them escape!”

“Good.” The Queen nodded with a tired face and waved her hand: “All right,

take all these people down! Lock them up in the underground wine cellar!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Chapter 3616

The loaded royal guards immediately arrested all of William’s family as well

as Olivia’s family, along with those black-clothed men who had been

invalidated by Charlie.

Even William, who had already gone back to his room to rest, and Olivia’s

mother, were also arrested by the royal guards separately and escorted to

the underground wine cellar for detention together.

Soon, Olivia’s men sent Helena’s mother back.

They took Helena’s mother into the palace and were immediately arrested

by the royal guards.

When Helena saw her mother, who had lost a lot of weight, she ran over

and hugged her mother in agony.

Seeing this, the queen sighed softly and respectfully asked Charlie: “Mr.

Wade, these people who were just arrested, are they also disposed of the

same as Olivia and the others?”

“Right.” Charlie nodded and said indifferently, “Put them in the wine cellar

first, and after some days, they will depart for Madagascar together with

their masters.”

Saying that, Charlie also instructed the empress, “Before they depart for

Madagascar, make sure to seize the opportunity to eliminate all of Olivia’s

other underlings who have not been arrested yet, so as to ensure the

safety of the future royal family.”

The Queen said respectfully, “Thank you Mr. Wade for reminding me, I will

have the Royal Guard investigate closely at every level!”

“Mm.” Charlie nodded, and looked at the time, spoke: “The time is also not

early, you’d better release the news to the outside world as soon as

possible, on the one hand, Olivia and other people’s crimes to the public,”

“On the other hand, also to announce the re-designation of Helena as the

heir to the throne, but also to announce the time of your abdication, at this

time it is better early than late, you arrange as soon as possible.”

The queen did not hesitate to say: “Mr. Wade do not worry, I will record a

video later, through the local news media, as well as online platforms,

officially announced to the public!”

She further said, “Right Mr. Wade, the coronation of the new Empress,

according to the Nordic regulations, to be held by the Archbishop in the


“Because the process of the ceremony is tedious and complex, so at least

also need two or three days of preparation, so the fastest abdication time,

I’m afraid it will be three days later ……”

Charlie nodded and said indifferently, “Then let’s set it in three days!”

Half an hour later.

When the local people were ready to go to sleep, all the mainstream media

temporarily inserted important news piece in their broadcast.

The news broadcast was the video that the Queen had just recorded in the


The Queen in the video, looks, and condition much better, also changed

into the exclusive royal dress.

And the video began, the queen personally told the cause and effect of her

own murder by Olivia and William’s family, all the details of what happened

tonight, removing the details of the role played by Charlie.

When the video was played here, all the people in front of the TV as well as

cell phone screens, were extremely angry.

Because how could they have thought that the original dignified-looking

heir to the throne, Princess Olivia, would be so treacherous!

Immediately afterward, the queen publicly announced in the video that she

would permanently abolish Olivia’s status as the heir to the throne and

expel her family from the royal family.

In addition, the Queen also solemnly announced that the heir to the throne

of the Nordic Kingdom, has now changed from Olivia to Princess Helena.

At the same time, she also announced that she will formally abdicate in

three days, when her abdication ceremony will be held in the largest church

in the capital, as well as the coronation ceremony of Helena as new

empress will be held too!

With this, all dust will settle in the royal family of the Nordic Kingdom!

Chapter 3617

When the empress officially announced to the public that she would pass

the throne to Helena, Charlie had already moved to return.

The purpose of his visit to Northern Europe was to put Helena on the

throne, and now this purpose had been successfully achieved.

In addition to that, he would also receive an additional five billion euros in

cash, which could be said to be far beyond the original expectations.

Therefore, he felt that he had no need to stay there at this moment, so he

might as well return to China overnight.

However, at this time, Helena, was accompanying her mother in the

infirmary, because when they met, Helena’s mother was a little too

emotional and cried several times until her emotions got out of control.

So the royal doctors immediately brought her to the medical room for a

detailed examination.

After the examination, the doctor determined her physical condition, in

addition to malnutrition, there is a serious neurological disorder.

According to the doctor’s speculation, the main reason for the neurasthenia

was the fear of these days.

She had been worried about Helena’s situation, and later after she was

imprisoned by Olivia, she was also worried that she and her daughter

would not have the chance to meet again in the future, so she was mentally


After Charlie decided to leave, he said to the empress, “Since things have

all been settled, then I will not continue to stay here.

Please also ask the empress to keep a close watch on William as well as

Olivia and the two families, tomorrow I will arrange someone to come here

to pick them up.”

The queen hurriedly stayed and said, “Mr. Wade, it’s already late at night,

you might as well rest in the palace for the night and leave tomorrow.”

Charlie waved his hand and said, “I can rest briefly on the way back, I will

not stay here to waste time, there are still many things waiting for me to

deal with in China.”

The Queen said regretfully, “Mr. Wade, I actually want to keep you in the

palace for a few more days, to attend Helena’s coronation ceremony then,

I’m sure she is also looking forward to you being there to witness her

ascend to the throne ……”

Charlie smiled faintly and said, “For your royal coronation ceremony, I an

outsider will not participate, not to mention that as an Asian face, if I appear

at the coronation ceremony of the Nordic royal family, itself will also attract


“In the future, I also hope to have more business cooperation with the royal

family, if the Nordic public found out in advance, then I am afraid that there

will be many negative comments, will not it be in vain to add trouble.”

Seeing that Charlie’s mind was already made up, the Queen could only say

respectfully, “Since Mr. Wade has already decided, then I can’t force, I will

arrange a royal convoy to escort you to the airport.”

Charlie nodded and said, “Then I will trouble you.”

The Queen hurriedly greeted the head of the Royal Guard over and

ordered, “Hurry up and have the convoy get ready, and also go and inform

Princess Helena that Mr. Wade is leaving, and tell her to come and see him


Charlie did not want to disturb Helena’s reunion with her mother, but after

all, he was leaving, so it would be a bit unkind not to say hello in person, so

he did not say much.

Soon, Helena walked in with a pale woman in her arm, and as soon as she

saw Charlie, she said anxiously, “Mr. Wade …… how come you’re leaving

so soon? You have just landed but a few hours ago, at least rest a little

before leaving ……”

Charlie faintly smiled: “Waderest things you have seen with your own eyes,

there are still many things waiting for me to wrap up.”

Helena thought that at this moment before the Waderest, not only kneeling

in front of the Cataclysmic Front nearly a hundred people as well as those

direct relatives of the Wade family, and even those Wade family side

branches may have also rushed back.

She thought Charlie must go back to preside over the big picture.

Thinking of this, even though she had a million reluctance in her heart, but

also had to say softly: “Mr. Wade affairs are numerous, I will not say much


After saying that, she hurriedly took the woman beside her and said to

Charlie, “Mr. Wade, my mother is very grateful to you, and when she heard

that you were leaving, she had to come to thank you personally ……”

At this moment, the woman beside Helena, with a respectful face, bowed

deeply to Charlie and said gratefully,

“Mr. Wade, thank you for saving my life and the life of Helena’s…… also

thank you for giving Helena a chance to inherit the throne ……”

Chapter 3618

Although Helena’s throne was given by the empress, but in the eyes of

Helena’s mother and daughter, this throne was actually given by Charlie.

If not for Charlie, the empress would not have been able to give the throne

to Helena even if she was not on the verge of death.

When the empress heard this, although her heart was a little dissatisfied,

but at this time it was also very clear that she would soon hand over all the


From now on, her life goal is not the pursuit of any royal power

consolidation, nor the pursuit of any empress majesty, but the real pursuit

of living a few more years.

Therefore, she quickly put her heart’s dissatisfaction behind her, in her

heart thought, only Charlie’s magical oriental secret medicine is my desire.

Charlie at this time also did not polite, although he has not said, but also

really need to Helena’s heart to bear in mind, this throne is his to Helena.

So, he then said to Helena’s mother, “Lady Iliad, there is no need to be

polite, helping Helena inherit the throne is a promise I gave to her, so

naturally, I have to do my best to honor it.”

Helena then said, “Mr. Wade, do you have time to come to the coronation

ceremony in three days?”

Charlie laughed: “I have just told the Queen about this, and I personally

don’t want to be too high profile, so I won’t come to your coronation


Saying that, he took out the quarter of the rejuvenating pill and handed it to

Helena in front of the empress, saying with a smile, “This part of the pill,

take it as my congratulatory gift to you, congratulating you in advance on

your succession to the throne.”

Seeing Charlie’s quarter of this rejuvenating pill, the Queen’s eyes had

sunk in and could not be pulled out.

She had just personally experienced the miracle of this elixir, so she

couldn’t wait to take another portion to further enhance her physical


However, she did not expect that Charlie would give this elixir to Helena.

However, she could not help but be a little excited in her heart, because if

this medicine was in Charlie’s hands, if he did not nod, she would not be

able to get her hands on it.

But if this medicine was in Helena’s hands, the possibility of getting it for

herself would naturally be much more.

Helena was also a bit puzzled at this time, and she thought to herself: “Why

did Mr. Wade give me this quarter of a pill? Right now I have almost no

roots in the royal family, around in addition to mother, a person can be


“This elixir to me, I am afraid that I simply can not keep…… in case the

grandmother moved a crooked mind, what should I do …… “

Just when Helena was at a loss for words, Charlie said with a smile, “Ms.

Iliad’s physical condition is indeed very poor, I see that she should be less

than fifty years old,”

“Her hair is already half white, mental state is also much worse than people

of the same age, if all rely on slow recuperation, I’m afraid a year and a half

is difficult to recover.”

“And you, three days later will be officially crowned Queen, at the

coronation ceremony, your mother’s state if too bad, will also cause outside


“Therefore, this part of the rejuvenating pill, give it to your mother to recover

her body!”

The empress, who had already started to hit this Pill, heard Charlie’s

words, and her whole body was instantly stunned, and a strong loss surged

up inside.

She didn’t expect that although Charlie had given Helena the Pill, he had

directly specified that she should give this to her mother.

In that case, afraid that she and this part of the Pill would have no destiny.

Charlie naturally took the Queen’s emotional shift in his eyes.

The reason why he waved a false shot was to see if the empress coveted

this part of the Pill, and if so, to give her a warning by the way.

He wanted to let her know that this thing, the rejuvenation elixir, he would

only take it out for Helena’s sake.

Therefore, if she wants to continue to get the next dose, she must honestly

do a good job of transferring power, and must not be smart enough to leave

any backhand.

Otherwise, in case the old lady has a temporary change of heart, or after

Helena’s ascension to the throne, is still not willing to release the power,

Helena completely empty, then Helena even if she becomes the Queen,

but also just a puppet.

He or she made a trip to put Helena on the throne in order to let her grasp

the real power of the royal family and use the influence of the family to help

him or she expand business in Europe.

Chapter 3619

If Helena was hollowed out by the current empress, then she would not be

able to play any substantial role even in this position.

In addition to using this part of the Pill to give the current empress a

wake-up call, Charlie also wanted to make Helena more grateful to himself.

He not only cured her illness, but also saved her mother, and even helped

her clear the obstacles to inherit the Queen’s throne.

In addition to that, he even took out the precious rejuvenation pills to help

her mother regulate her body.

So many kindnesses laid out here, he believes Helena will certainly keep in

mind in the future.

And Charlie did not guess Helena’s heart wrong, at this moment, her

gratitude to him can no longer be described in words.

She had only one thing in mind at this time, and that was to do her best to

repay Charlie’s kindness to her.

Even if she had to let her liver and brain to the ground, she would not

hesitate to do so.

The extremely moved Helena, a pair of blue eyes unblinkingly stared at

Charlie, her voice choked up and said,

“Mr. Wade …… you are as kind to me as a mountain, in this life and in this

life, Helena’s heart will always worship you as the honor!”

Charlie nodded slightly and smiled blandly: “Give the medicine to your


“Okay!” Helena dried her tears and immediately put the quarter of the

rejuvenation pills into her mother’s hand and said excitedly, “Mom, you

quickly take this medicine,”

“This medicine is the divine medicine brought by Mr. Wade, Grandma woke

up from her deep coma by the magic of it!”

Helena’s mother looked incredulous and asked her offhand, “Is this

medicine really so miraculous?”

Helena nodded her head repeatedly and said excitedly, “I saw it with my

own eyes, this medicine is really amazing! Just hurry up and eat it and you

will know!”

The Queen’s heart was dripping blood at this moment.

She was even praying deep inside, praying that Helena’s mother would not

eat this part of the rejuvenating Pill, so that she could still find a way to get

this part of the pill when Charlie leaves.

But at that moment, Helena’s mother took the Pill and without hesitation,

she put it into her mouth!

In this instant, the queen’s heart immediately became extremely lost.

And Helena’s mother, at this moment, immediately underwent a huge

change that was visible to the nak3d eye!

First of all, her complexion, quickly from the original pale and feeble, turned

into full of spirit, rosy and lustrous.

Secondly, her half-head of white hair, surprisingly, with the speed visible to

the nak3d eye, re-turned into bright brown hair.

What is even more incredible is that even the corners of her eyes and

some wrinkles on her face, also in a short time quickly faded, and even a

large part of the wrinkles directly disappeared!

The entire queen looked dumbfounded!

She really didn’t expect that Charlie’s rejuvenation pills could not only save

lives, but even return a person to youth!

Seeing Helena’s mother as if she was more than ten years younger, she

was extremely envious in her heart.

In fact, a quarter of the rejuvenating Pill was far from such a powerful

effect, but Helena’s mother had indeed had a very difficult time recently.

So the whole person had some signs of rapid aging, and someone who

was not yet fifty in her forties looked as if she was almost sixty years old.

And this quarter of rejuvenation pill, let her state after returning to the actual

age should be, and then on top of that a few years younger, so it looks as if

is directly younger by more than a dozen years in general.

Although Helena’s mother did not have a mirror, she also immediately felt

the great changes within her body, and she said with immense joy, “This

…… medicine is just too amazing ……”

“I feel that my body has not only been completely restored, but even better

than the state it was in a few years ago ……”

Helena also witnessed the great change in her mother and was moved to

tears, crying, “Mom …… you have suffered all these years ……”

Helena’s mother laughed lightly and said, “Don’t talk about that, now isn’t it

all bitter and sweet?”

Chapter 3620

At this time, Helena turned around and took down an exquisite mirror from

a century-old side table, ran back and held it up in front of her mother, and

said excitedly, “Mom, look! Not only has your body been restored, but you

also look much younger!”

Helena’s mother looked at herself in the mirror with an incredulous face,

and then she couldn’t help but shed two lines of hot tears.

Since her husband’s death, she has been worried about her daughter’s

health every day, and at the same time, she has to face all kinds of

ostracism from the royal family.

So she has no energy to dress herself and protect her skin condition like

other noblewomen, so she aged at a speed visible to the nak3d eye almost

every day.

In the last two years, she did not even dare to look in the mirror, because

every day she felt that she had aged a few more points, and already had

the face of an old woman.

But she did not expect that in such a short time, her whole body looks back

to the early forties, hair, skin, and the whole person’s tone, have greatly

improved, just like riding in a time machine, fast back to a few years ago!

For a woman, looks and temperament, is really too important, so she

subconsciously looked at Charlie, legs involuntarily kneeling on the ground,

gratefully said: “Mr. Wade, thank you for giving me a new life …! Thank


Charlie blandly said, “You are overstating it, it’s just a hand up, it’s not that


Helena’s mother choked up and said, “You may not know how much all this

really means to a woman …… In a way, this makes me more grateful than

saving my life ……”

The queen on the side was envious, and at the same time thought of the

promise Charlie had given her before, and thought to herself, “Charlie said

that he would give me a part of the rejuvenation pills after two years.”

“But this part of the rejuvenation pills had already been eaten by Helena’s

mother, and I don’t know if he has any extra pills in his hand …… in case

there are no more, then won’t my wish come to nothing?”

Thinking of this, she plucked up courage and respectfully asked Charlie:

“Mr. Wade …… you said before that you would let me come to you in two

years, I wonder if you will still have the rejuvenating Pill then?”

Charlie raised his eyebrows and smiled, smoothly pulled out a handful of

dark pills from his pocket, casually laughed: “Here, look for yourself!”

When the empress took a look, her whole jaw dropped!

Only to see that in Charlie’s hand, there were nearly ten pills!

Only, she didn’t know that half of them were rejuvenating Pills and half

were Cultivation Pills.

To someone like her who didn’t know, these pills didn’t seem too far apart.

Therefore, she then directly looked at all these pills as rejuvenating pills.

Seeing that Charlie had so many of them, she was naturally excited, and if

she could, she could not wait to rush up and grab one from Charlie’s hand

and eat it.

But she also knew that she did not have such strength, even if the entire

royal family was counted, in front of Charlie was only a hair on the cake.

So, whether or not she can get this rejuvenating Pill depends entirely on

Charlie’s mood.

Thinking of this, she did not care about euphemisms, and directly

respectfully stated, “Mr. Wade, please rest assured that I will do my best to

help Helena take the reins!”

Chapter 3621

Seeing that the empress was now leaving even basic euphemisms behind,

Charlie knew that she had been completely taken by the Rejuvenating Pill.

With the previous near-death experience, this pill would definitely become

her only pursuit for the rest of her life.

So, Charlie would no longer have to worry that she would have any small

thoughts about Helena.

Three days after the handover of the throne, she would definitely do as she

said and help Helena take the reins with all her might.

Then, Charlie said to the empress as well as Helena: “If the Ruthschild

family comes to you for people, or seeks your good offices to negotiate


“Make sure not to easily inform them of the whereabouts of the William

family, and contact me in time.”

The Queen immediately took a stand and said, “Mr. Wade don’t worry, if the

Ruthschilds come looking for me, I will directly use public opinion to

suppress them,”

“Their family’s intention to plot against me, the evidence is clear, once

exposed, the impact on the Ruthschild family must be very big!”

Saying that she added: “In fact, for the core family of Ruthschild, the family

reputation is very important, in the early years they did a lot of evil in the

financial market,”

“In several wars, it has also seen a great enrichment so that their reputation

in Europe and the United States is relatively poor,”

“Since World War II, the core family of Ruthschild has been actively

repairing the family reputation, like William such third Order family,

committing such a big thing, the core family will definitely not bail them out.”

“Good.” Charlie nodded and smiled with a playful expression, “I’m not afraid

that they’ll come looking for them, but I’m afraid that they won’t.”

Saying that he instructed, “If they are willing to look, when the time comes,

give them a little information through other channels,”

“So that they know that the Williams family may be in Syria, in this way, if

they can still go to Syria to look for people it would be better,”

“In that kind of extra-legal land, Ruthschild has nothing to do, they may go

there and take back the bodies, there is almost no chance of winning.”

Although the Ruthschild family is very strong, but after all, it is in the

Western peaceful world, to Syria, Ruthschild simply can not turn any


After all, in a place like the Middle East, even the U.S. military can face

uncertain times, let alone a family like Ruthschild.

Hamid’s base is now solid, even the Cataclysmic Front can not go down,

Ruthschild even has less chance.

This is also the fundamental reason why he wanted to send the Williams

family to Syria, with Hamid guarding, absolutely nothing can go wrong.

The Queen heard Charlie’s words and was frightened with a jolt.

“I originally thought that Charlie might also be worried about the Ruthschild

family looking for him ……”

“But now, why do I feel that things seem to be the complete opposite of

what I imagined?”

“He looks as if he is quite looking forward to the Ruthschild family coming

over, and even gives me the feeling that the William family is like the bait

he threw to Syria and laid in order to lure the Ruthschild family ……”

Thinking of this, the Queen’s heart is also very surprised, she really does

not understand, why Charlie wants to go after the Ruthschild family?

Not waiting for the empress to think about it, Charlie opened his mouth and

said, “It’s almost time, I should go.”

After saying that, he looked at Helena and said indifferently, “Helena, I wish

you in advance to inherit the throne and become the new empress of the

Nordic Kingdom, and I also hope that you will carry forward the Nordic royal

family to great heights.”

Helena nodded gratefully and said, “Thank you, Mr. Wade ……”

After saying that, she hurriedly said, “Mr. Wade, if you don’t mind, please let

me take you to the airport!”

Chapter 3622

After saying that, Helena looked at him with an expectant face, afraid that

he would refuse.

Because she knew very well in her heart that once he left today, it would

not be that easy to see him again in the future.

Because, three days later she will inherit the throne, then, she is the

empress of the Nordic Kingdom.

The nominal supreme leader of Northern Europe, then, no matter where

she goes, represents the royal family, they almost no longer have any

private space.

In the country, to go around to visit people for condolences, to raise the

national support and support for the royal family.

In foreign countries, the Queen is also basically on a diplomatic level to a

country on a state visit.

Even if she simply wants to go to China to see Charlie, visit him, it is

absolutely impossible.

Because as the Queen, as long as she decides to leave the country, the

Nordic government will definitely inform the destination country, the

corresponding bodyguards, assistants, butlers will also definitely

accompany her on the trip.

At that time, if Charlie does not come to see her, she may not have the

opportunity to see Charlie in this life.

Therefore, this journey of Charlie to the airport could possibly be the last

time she spent with him.

Charlie saw that Helena had said so, naturally, it was not good to refuse, so

he smiled and said, “Words are too much, if you are willing, it will be hard

for you to accompany me on the trip.”

Helena immediately sighed with relief and said excitedly like a young girl,

“Thank you Mr. Wade!”

The empress took Helena’s performance in her eyes, and in her heart, she

already understood Helena’s mind, secretly thinking, “Helena should be

moved by this Charlie ……”

“And even if she just wants to go and send him off, she has to stoop to the

level of request …… Looking at her like this, she should like Charlie very

much ……”

Thinking of this, the empress deep inside could not help but feel some


This was because she knew very well in her heart that Helena’s feelings for

Charlie were not destined to have any results.

In fact, out of her desire for the Rejuvenating Pill, she hoped very much that

Helena could come together with Charlie.

In this way, Charlie would be her own granddaughter’s son-in-law, and with

this relationship, the chances of obtaining the Rejuvenating Pill would

naturally be greater.

However, she was also very clear about Helena’s future life trajectory.

When she inherits the throne in the future, her future fate will already be


Because according to the Nordic tradition, as well as the will of the people,

her future other half could only be a member of the royal family of another

European country or a member of a top European family.

Moreover, the other party’s lineage, must be the authentic white, can never

be other ethnic groups.

This is not to talk about racial discrimination, mainly because each country

has its own nationalism, all want to maintain the pure blood of their own


After all, after she inherits the throne, her children will be the future Nordic

Crown Prince, if her children are mixed Eurasian, it is the same as the royal

lineage at once lost half.

Therefore, the public is not acceptable in any way.

Just like Japan, which also has an emperor, could not allow the emperor to

marry a European woman and then have a child of mixed Japanese and

European blood as the emperor’s son.

Therefore, the empress knows very well in her heart that Helena’s future

with Charlie is no longer possible.

In fact, in Helena’s heart, she knew all about these situations.

Although her contact time with Charlie was warm, but the impact Charlie

brought to her was too great.

Charlie didn’t just save her and her mother’s life so simply, but more

importantly, he showed Helena how powerful a man’s strength could really


So, she was like a young girl in a martial arts novel, who first saw a great

warrior, and in just a few moments, her heart was captured by the unrivaled

aura of the other side.

If she could, she would even be willing to give up the position of empress

for the sake of Charlie.

After all, her mother was now safe, and she could not be the empress at all,

or even leave the royal family and move to live in China.

However, she also knows that Charlie has long had a family, and there are

many confidantes, in his heart.

She is afraid that she is only an insignificant passenger, even if she is

willing to give up the throne for him, he may not be willing to keep her

around himself……

Chapter 3623

The Nordic royal family’s motorcade sped along the highway late at night.

The Concorde was ready for takeoff and could take off as soon as Charlie

arrived at the airport.

At this moment, it was one o’clock in the morning in Nordic time and seven

o’clock in the morning in Eastcliff time.

If things go well, Charlie would arrive in Eastcliff at noon Eastcliff time, and

after landing, he would go to Waderest first to dispose of those members of

the Wade family’s sideline who had deserted the battle.

In the car, Helena was sitting beside Charlie.

At this time, she, deep inside is tangled, she sometimes looks at Charlie,

sometimes looks out the window at the night of Northern Europe.

Sometimes vermilion lips lightly purse, and sometimes can not help but use

the white shellfish teeth lightly bite the lower lip.

Hesitating, again and again, she finally spoke softly: “Mr. Wade, in fact,

Northern Europe is too small compared to China, the population is not even

a third of this city of Eastcliff ……”

Charlie laughed: “Small is a bit small, but it will soon become your kingdom,

you are still very young, you are at least going to reign for fifty years, there

are so many things that can be done, it is still worth looking forward to.”

Helena gave a bitter smile and said seriously, “Mr. Wade, I’m not going to

lie to you, in fact …… actually I’m not interested in the throne, not much


Saying that she looked at him, eyes red, said: “Mr. Wade, in fact, my

greatest hope is not to inherit the throne, but to be able to give my mother a

stable life,”

“You exiled Olivia overseas, mother’s safety is already guaranteed, whether

I can become the empress or not, it is no longer important to me ……”

Charlie slightly got surprised and ask her: “Three days to inherit the throne,

how can you suddenly beat a retreat at this time?”

Helena pursed her lips and paused awkwardly for a long time before saying

stiffly, “Mr. Wade, I think I may not be able to fill the role of empress.”

“In the role of the empress, sacrifice, and compromise, it is too much, and

…… and I am not Olivia kind of person who can be ruthless ……”

Charlie thought Helena was simply nervous, so he spoke out to comfort:

“To be the empress, naturally not so easy, but also not as difficult as you


“After all, you are going to Northern Europe, the symbolic significance is far

greater than the actual rule, and there are not so many decisions need to

be made by you,”

“Even if you do not do so well, it will not affect the actual development of

your country, so you just need to maintain the contact with the people,

show your love of the people, that is more than enough.”

Helena whispered: “Actually …… actually I am thinking …… that since

grandmother is so obedient to you now, you can totally let her be the

empress for a few more years first, so that I can also have some more

preparation time ……”

Charlie looked at her and spoke, “Helena, if you want to really have your

own life, right now is the opportunity you must seize.”

“The temporary inability to adapt, but only a transition, if you can’t even

cope with this transition, then when you encounter an enemy like Olivia in

the future, how should you cope?”

Helena was speechless for a moment.

The reason why she beat a retreat at this time was because, as the convoy

was getting closer and closer to the airport, her separation from Charlie

was also getting closer and closer, and sooner.

The more this happened, the more clearly she can be sure that she does

not want to say goodbye to him this time.

She did not want her life to end here with Charlie’s intersection.

Just like two intersecting straight lines, only at the only point of intersection,

then they go their separate ways, further and further apart.

She wanted to make the straight line of her destiny change direction at the

intersection point where she met Charlie.

Preferably from this point onwards, to tightly wind up his straight line, so

that in the future life, they have their own company.

However, these kinds of words have been blocked in her throat, several

times called out, but she was forced to suppress back.

It is not that she did not dare to confess to him, but she was afraid of being

rejected by him.

If this suspense is retained, there is at least a ray of hope to look forward to

in the future.

Chapter 3624

Charlie, however, did not know the real reason why she backed out of the


He looked at her and said with feeling: “In fact, a year or so ago, I and you,

as of yesterday were the same, at the lowest point of life,”

“At that time, the Wade family suddenly approached me, to give me a group

with a market value of a hundred billion, while giving me ten billion cash, at

that time, I also had retreated ……”

Helena nodded gently and said softly, “I heard Morgan talk about it, he was

angry every time he mentioned this matter ……”

“Yes ……” Charlie smiled lightly, “He must be very angry, otherwise it would

not be possible to be hostile to me.”

Helena looked at him and asked, “Mr. Wade, how did you later convince

yourself to accept these gifts from the Wade family?”

Charlie mocked himself, “I was penniless, my life-saving benefactor was

waiting for money to cure her illness, and my wife had been bullied in the


“Even if I had some poor boy ambition, reality simply did not allow me to


Saying that, he sighed lightly, and lamented: “I thought at that time, even if

not for myself, even for the sake of the life-saving benefactor and my wife, I

still have to accept the Wade family’s gift,”

“So I took over that group, and with the Wade family’s ten billion cash, to

pay the life-saving benefactor’s medical bills, and then step by step to

today, I can have today, thanks to the Wade family’s initial gift.”

Helena said seriously: “Mr. Wade, the Wade family only gave you a group

and ten billion cash, but your current strength is far beyond this asset, so I

think, with or without this gift from the Wade family, you would be able to


“It really may not be.” Charlie shook his head and said seriously: “Helena,

fate, sometimes this thing is very magical and very subtle,”

“Although I can not see the fate of the way in the end, then I think, the fate

of every person in this world, there are thousands of inextricable links

between, as the so-called hair and move the whole body… …”

“Have you thought about it, your usual insignificant decision, there may be

subtle changes in your own, or change the life of others?”

Helena said blankly: “Mr. Wade, I don’t know much about fate and destiny


Charlie said blandly: “If you see a person crossing the road and being hit by

a cab, you can try to push forward the life trajectory of the person who was

hit and killed, and the driver of the accident forward ten seconds, ten

minutes, ten hours, or ten days.”

Helena asked, “Mr. Wade, what does it mean to push the life trajectory


Charlie blandly said, “It’s what both of them were doing before the incident.”

After a pause, he added: “It’s possible that ten seconds before the

accident, you happened to pass by the roadside and that driver was

distracted because he was attracted by your beauty, thus triggering that car


“It’s also possible that ten minutes before, you took a taxi with another

person, and that driver chose to stop in front of you just because he saw

that you were prettier,”

“And after you got in, you made him drive the car near the place of the

accident, and that’s why he had that car accident.”

“There is also the possibility that ten hours ago, you uploaded a video of

yourself in the short video platform, this pedestrian’s friend saw it, and

forwarded this video to him, and after he watched it,”

“He thought you were beautiful, so his mind kept thinking about you, even

when crossing the road, his mind was still thinking about that short video of

you, and that’s what caused him to be distracted and hit by the car.”

Speaking of this, Charlie shrugged his shoulders, said: “This is what I say

fate is, but the actual situation may be far more complicated than I said


“For example, if I had not taken the money from the Wade family, I simply

could not afford to buy a BMW car to my wife, if I had not bought that car,

my father-in-law would not have used that car,”

“If he had not used that car, he would not have asked me to be his driver,

let me drive him to see an expensive antique vase ……”

Speaking of which, Charlie shook his head and smiled, naturally omitting

the incidental acquisition of the “Nine Heavenly Scriptures” and continued,

“Without this, you and I would not have crossed paths in this life, much less

at this moment, sitting in the same car.”

In his opinion, fate is so magical.

Everything, all in the netherworld influence each other, who does not know

their own decision, what impact will it bring for the future.

Helena naturally did not understand the relationship behind Charlie’s


She said with a bewildered expression, “Mr. Wade, I don’t understand why

you want to link your fate with a BMW car or even an antique vase ……”

Charlie smiled faintly and said, “You only need to know that without that

BMW, without that antique vase, it would be enough that we would never

have met in this life.”

Helena was confused, but looked at Charlie with some shame and plucked

up the courage to ask him, “Mr. Wade, each of the three analogies you just

made seems to have triggered that car accident because of my looks ……

Do you really think I’m pretty?”

Charlie did not think much about it, said casually: “You’re very beautiful,

whether from the aesthetics of Westerners or from the aesthetics of

Easterners, you should be considered very beautiful.”

Helena turned sideways and stared closely at Charlie from a close

distance, a pair of large eyes rippled in the night, plucked up the courage to

ask him softly:

“Mr. Wade …… If …… you really think I’m beautiful, then are you ……

willing to …… k!ss me?”

Chapter 3625

Charlie was dismayed by Helena’s sudden question.

He didn’t understand why, when he sincerely talked to her about fate, she

suddenly made this ridiculous request.

He subconsciously asked, “This …… doesn’t seem to be next to the topic

we are talking about, right?”

Helena winked wryly and smiled, followed by her body suddenly leaning

forward and placing her red l!ps, k!ssing Charlie tightly on his mouth.

Immediately after, her teeth lightly bite the lower lip, somewhat bashful she

said: “Wade if there was no that BMW car and that antique vase, we would

not meet at all,”

“I will not be saved by you, will not fall in love with you in such a short time,

not to mention the k!ss just now, and my first k!ss will not be taken away by

you, so Mr. Wade you are right, fate is really amazing, I understand! I totally


Charlie was speechless for a moment.

He didn’t expect Helena to wind herself up with the logic of fate he talked


He didn’t dare to stay with the sweetness at the tip of his lips, shook his

head helplessly, and spoke, “Although your behavior is not quite

appropriate, I have to admit that your basic logic is right.”

Helena avoided his eyes, blushing with a faint smile, and spoke, “It seems I

have to thank the BMW car, if not for it, I might not have had the chance to

meet my beloved in this life.”

Charlie said helplessly, “I’m already married.”

Helena nodded: “I know, so what?”

Charlie hmmed and said, “So you don’t need to invest any feelings in me,

we just met for just two or three days, the odds are that you are grateful for

my help to you, and may not really like it.”

“Not true.” Helena said firmly, “I know myself, I know that I really like it, and

in no way am I overwhelmed by feelings of gratitude.”

Charlie laughed blandly: “How can feelings be cultivated in a day or two?

Maybe in a few days, you’ll come back to your senses and realize that you

were just impulsive.”

“Not true!” Helena again denied: “If you do not like people, get along with a

lifetime will not like them, and if you like people, sometimes may only need

a look back and that is enough,”

“You flirt with “Romeo and Juliet” Olivia, but you should know, “Romeo and

Juliet” was also love at first sight, the two from meeting to fall in love,

married, and then Romeo fled, Juliet faked death, and finally the two died,

and this all took a total of only five days.”

After saying that, she looked at Charlie and said with a red face, “If we

were the same as Romeo and Juliet, then we knew each other for three

days and should have gotten married by now.”

Charlie coughed awkwardly twice and spoke, “That’s a drama after all, not


Helena said stubbornly: “The fact that drama can be regarded as a classic

for hundreds of years proves that it comes from life and is above life,

otherwise, how would people regard it as a classic?”

“And the modern classic movie Titanic! That ship departed from England on

April 10, April 14 hit the iceberg, but this is a short five days, Jack and Rose

will meet to fall in love and to the world apart,”

“If we are the same as them, should have been in the car for the first time

in this intimate contact!”

Charlie did not expect that Helena would suddenly become somewhat

aggressive in order to refute his words.

He could only helplessly digress and said, “Look, ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is a

total of five days, and ‘Titanic’ is also five days, which should be a kind of

convention for Western playwrights, not to be taken seriously.”

Chapter 3626

Helena looked at Charlie and said incomparably serious: “I don’t know if

these two stories are true, but I know that the story that I fell in love with

you in just a few days is true.”

Saying that, she asked him again, “Mr. Wade, yesterday at Waderest

Mountain, so many of your confidantes, despite the danger to their lives,

went up to the Mountain to help you,”

“Did they all fall in love with you after a long time? Is it possible that none of

them fell in love with you in just a few days, like I did?”

Charlie was speechless for a moment.

Among his confidants, except for Sara, who he had known since childhood,

the others, Warnia Song, who he had known for the longest time, was

actually just over a year.

The time to know Nanako, Zhiyu, and Ruoli, is actually even shorter.

Helena saw Charlie silent, said emotionally: “Mr. Wade, the reason why I

retreated from the battlefield, not really afraid to be the queen, just afraid

that after being the queen, there is no chance to meet you again ……”

“Instead of this, I would rather not be this queen, rather take my mother to

live in China, so at least still Can be closer to you!”

Charlie put away his previous attitude of playing cool, looked at her, said

seriously: “People have many ambitious goals in this life, feelings are at

best only one of them, you should put more energy on how to revitalize the

Nordic royal family,”

“Just like my biggest goal now, is no longer to live a good life with my wife,

but to inherit my father’s legacy, the Wade family to flourish.”

Saying that, he asked her, “If I’m not wrong, when your father was alive, he

would have wanted you to inherit the family, right?”

As soon as Charlie said this, Helena’s psychological defenses instantly

broke and tears rolled down her eyes.

She thought of her ill-fated father.

In order to be able to inherit the throne and achieve the highest goal of a

member of the royal family, he went out of his way to hide her congenital

disease for twenty years.

In his view, he would be considered to have completed his life even if she

could be the queen for one day.

And now, she herself was only three days away from the consummation he

had in mind.

Thinking of this, she also finally understood that the Charlie in front of her,

also long ago did not put the love of children in the first place.

Shame and loss were caught in the mix, causing Helena to burst into tears.

She looked at him, and while shedding tears, nodded her head and said,

“Mr. Wade, I understand …… You can rest assured that I will inherit my

father’s legacy and carry the royal family forward just like you ……”

Charlie nodded and spoke, “Helena, you just said that I have so many

confidantes, but fundamentally speaking, each of them is different from me,

but only you and I are one of a kind.”

Saying that, he said with a serious expression, “We all once raised in the

great family, but then suffered a lot like ordinary people;

We were all once extremely sheltered by our parents, while watching them

die with hatred; and now, we are all carrying the banner left by our father,

ready to rush up to the position that our father failed to rush up before ……”

Charlie said here, a slight pause, looking at her, said seriously: “The only

difference between the two of us is that I am ready to charge, as the saying

goes, although millions of people, I go on!”

“No matter what block it is in front of me, no matter how many people, I will

carry this flag left by my father, will never retreat another step!”

“You, on the other hand, still seem to be cowering in front of the line,

hesitant about whether you should charge or not!”

Seeing the righteousness in Charlie’s eyes, Helena’s heart lit up with the

same scorching flame.

She wiped away her tears and said loudly to him, “Mr. Wade, I have

decided! I want to carry my father’s banner as you did! Like you said,

although millions of people, I will go on!”

Charlie nodded with a smile on his face, extended his hand to Helena, and

smiled, “Helena, now we are comrades!”

Helena subconsciously stretched out her hand, shook hands with Charlie,

and then asked with a red face, “Comrade, what about what I like about


Chapter 3627

“Liking me?”

Charlie faintly froze and casually said, “The matter of liking me is put aside,

for the time being, it’s not too late to talk about it after you have first

secured the throne.”

Helena couldn’t help but ask, “Mr. Wade, this matter of liking you, is it

directly related to the matter of the throne?”

Charlie nodded and said indifferently, “Of course there is a relationship, I

am a person who does not like weak people, even those red-headed

friends of mine that you mentioned just now.”

“They are mostly the heads of the families of the major clans, we all hold

certain resources and connections, there is still a lot of cooperation that can

be carried out between each other.”

Hearing this, Helena immediately understood Charlie’s meaning in her

heart and secretly thought,

“Mr. Wade is so strong and has just become the head of the Wade family, if

I don’t sit on the throne, I’m afraid I won’t even be qualified to be his friend


Thinking of this, she immediately said firmly and unswervingly, “Mr. Wade

don’t worry, I will definitely sit firmly on the position of the empress, let the

strength of the royal family continue to rise!”

Charlie makes friends, actually does not care about each other’s strength,

and even many of his friends also rely on him to help.

The reason why he said this to Helena, on the one hand, is to cope with her

confession first, on the other hand, is also to hope that she can go all out to

revitalize the Nordic royal family.

As for this childish love, completely unnecessary to worry too much, at

least, for now, he does not need to worry about it.

So, he nodded with satisfaction and spoke: “There are ten countries in the

whole of Europe with royal families, except for the royal family of Great

Britain, the presence of the other is not strong,”

“Especially outside Europe, if you can operate the Nordic royal family into

the royal family of Great Britain as everyone knows, then this influence

alone, can bring a lot of unexpected benefits for the Nordic royal family.”

Helena sighed: “Other countries’ royal families, and Great Britain’s really

can not be compared, the Queen of Great Britain reigned for decades, in

the global arena she has got a strong reputation, and Great Britain itself is

a country that is strong,”

“In the past, it was known as the Sunset Empire, even recently, their

prince’s wedding, it was a headline globally, compared to it, our Nordic

royal family is too much worse.”

Charlie laughed: “Great Britain is indeed a strong country, but the royal

family in recent years, has been in a negative spotlight constantly,

popularity among the people is also declining. Nevertheless, if you become

the second most popular royal family after the British, it is not bad.”

Helena nodded gently and said seriously, “I will try my best.”

Charlie added: “When I go back, I will also try to facilitate the cooperation

between the Wade family and Northern Europe in various fields, especially

some basic livelihood areas that the people are more concerned about,”

“So that it is also counted as the Northern European royal family helping

Northern Europe to do investment attraction.”

Helena hurriedly asked, “Mr. Wade, if the royal family cooperates with the

Wade family, then won’t we have a chance to meet again?”

Charlie said indifferently, “Of course.”

Helena said with some concern, “I’m afraid that after I ascend the throne, I

won’t be able to come to China casually.”

Charlie nodded slightly, “By then, when the cooperation goes smoothly, if

time allows, I might come over as well.”

Although Charlie did not explicitly promise that he would definitely come,

Helena nodded her head repeatedly with joy and said excitedly, “That

would be really great!”

After saying that, she couldn’t help but sigh, “I’m suddenly so happy in my

heart! It’s been a long time since I’ve had this kind of happy feeling in all

these recent years ……”

Three days later, she will become the Iliad Queen of Northern Europe, at

that time, she will no longer be able to go to China as an individual.

Much less to Charlie, the only possibility is that he will come to Northern

Europe to see her.

At that time, he could still visit the palace as a royal guest, just like this


However, originally Helena felt that Charlie would not come to Northern

Europe again, but now since he said he might come, she was already very

satisfied in her heart.

Chapter 3628

At this moment, the motorcade quickly drove into the airport and arrived at

the hangar where the Concorde was parked.

When the convoy stopped next to the plane, Charlie said to Helena, “Okay,

let’s send it here, I’m leaving.”

Helena said with a reluctant face, “Mr. Wade, let me get off and see you


Charlie shook his head and said seriously, “No need to get off, after all, this

is also considered a public place, you will soon ascend to the throne and

become the queen,”

“At this time if others see you here, it is ultimately not very good to explain.”

Helena hesitated for a moment but still nodded, her voice choked with a

few words of advice: “Mr. Wade, then you take care of yourself!”

Charlie smiled faintly and said, “You too, you have my phone, if you need

help, call me directly.”

Helena’s eyes were red as she said, “I know, Mr. Wade, thank you!”

“You’re welcome.” Charlie smiled and nodded, pushed open the car door,

and walked up to the Concorde with big steps.

After boarding the plane, he sat down on the spacious sofa seat in the

passenger cabin, and through the porthole window, he could see Helena

still sitting in the car, looking up at him.

At this time, Helena, eyes already filled with tears, several times nearly

could not control crying out.

But when she found out that Charlie was also looking at her, she still

resisted the urge to cry, quietly wiped away her tears, smiled, and waved at


Charlie also gave her a slight nod of greeting. His heart for Helena, is more

or less filled with sympathy.

If not born in the emperor’s family, Helena may not have experienced the

previous trials and tribulations and pains in her life.

However, Charlie also knew very well in his heart that if you want to wear a

crown, you must bear its weight.

So he could only wish in his heart that Helena could grasp this

once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and become an outstanding empress.

At this moment, the steward of the Wade family crew came to Charlie’s side

and said respectfully, “Young Master, we’re ready for takeoff, do you think

we should launch now?”

Charlie nodded and said, “Push out.”

“Okay young master.” The flight attendant bowed respectfully before turning

back to the cockpit and informing the two pilots of Charlie’s decision.

Immediately afterward, the plane’s engine began to start.

At this time, the tractor dragged the front wheels of the plane and slowly

towed it out of the hangar.

Helena’s eyes followed the plane until it left the hangar and headed for the


At this point, Helena’s tears finally came to her eyes.

Charlie left, leaving the throne of Northern Europe to her.

But in her heart, she wanted to give up this throne for him.

Only, unfortunately, between giving up the throne, and getting Charlie, is

not an equal sign.

Thinking of this, she asked the driver to drive the car out of the hangar and

then drove the car along the internal road at the edge of the airport, to the

end of the runway.

At that moment, the Concorde in which Charlie was boarded took off from

the end of the runway and flew towards the east.

Charlie, who was on the plane, did not know that Helena was watching his

plane from the end of the runway below.

He was about to take a short break when he received a call from Nanako

and spoke, “Master Charlie, three billion euros have been credited to our

account one after another.”

Charlie asked her, “Do you know who is calling respectively?”

Nanako said, “The funds were transferred from many overseas accounts”

“I see.” Charlie laughed: “It is estimated that there will be two billion euros

coming in tomorrow, and then I will put 100 million euros equivalent in

dollars into your account, and together we will invest in ISU Shipping!”

Chapter 3629

When Charlie returned to China in the Nordic night, the members of the

Wade family’s side branches, who were previously scattered by the fall of

the tree, were returning to Eastcliff one after another with apprehensive


Heading to Waderest Mountain with the rising sun, ready to collect their

sins from the Cataclysmic Front.

Because the Cataclysmic Front announced to the public that they had

gotten the roster of the Wade family’s ancestral festival and demanded that

all the people on the roster must come back, so these members of the

sideline could only return to Eastcliff in disgrace.

When they fled overnight earlier, they didn’t think there was anything wrong

with leaving Eastcliff overnight.

Because in their eyes, they were just members of the sideline of the Wade

family and should not be implicated in the hatred between the Cataclysmic

Front and the Wade family.

However, in Charlie’s eyes, each of these side members relied on the

Wade family resources to survive and develop, and some had even

followed the Wade family for decades to eat meat.

At this critical moment, this group of people not only do not have half of the

same family love, but even the basic lips service is also disregarded, simply

worse than strangers.

Since they are heartless and unrighteous in the first place, then they should

not blame him for being ruthless in the second.

At this moment, these members of the Wade family’s sideline all were

disheveled and dejected, not knowing what fate awaited them next.

After all, the prestige of the Cataclysmic Front is so widespread that no one

would dare to offend such a top mercenary organization.

It was just after dawn in Eastcliff, and many members of the Wade family’s

sideline had already rushed back to the bottom of Waderest Mountain.

However, at this time, there was no one from the Cataclysmic Front sitting

at the bottom of the Waderest Mountain.

Because all the members of the Cataclysmic Front were still kneeling in

front of the Waderest Mountain and the ancestral graves of the Wade


At this time, at the bottom of the Waderest Mountain, are Leon and his old

comrades of the Changying’s old army.

When they saw Leon, someone immediately went up and asked, “Steward

Leon, where are the people from the Cataclysmic Front? Are they going to

let us go up?”

Leon’s expression was disgusted and his tone was cold as he said,

“Supreme Commander of the Cataclysmic Front, Joseph Wan, has already

instructed you to all kneel and wait at the foot of the mountain when you


The man hurriedly asked, “Butler Leon, what exactly does it mean for the

Cataclysmic Front to ask us to come back?”

Leon said expressionlessly, “I don’t know this, the Supreme Commander’s

meaning is to let you all kneel first, exactly what to do, you’ll know when he


Another person was depressed and said, “Butler Leon, why would the

Cataclysmic Front must call us back huh?”

“We have nothing to do with them, we have no grudge against them, why

do they not even let us go? Is it because we are also surnamed, Wade?”

Leon said disdainfully, “Milton Wade, when are you thinking of clearing up

your relationship with the Wade family?”

“Last month, when you came here to beg Master to give you new business,

you said that you would follow him for the rest of your life and help him with

his problems.

The representative of the Wade family named Milton Wade said

discontentedly, “Leon, you are a lackey of the Wade family, why are you

pretending with me here?”

“I know, don’t you just want to mock me for betraying the Wade Family? I

did betray the Wade Family, how about you? You are now standing under

the Waderest Mountain, delivering a message to us for the Cataclysmic


“Have you also betrayed the Wade Family and become a lackey of the

Cataclysmic Front?”

Leon sneered, “Whose lackey I am has nothing to do with you, but the most

important thing now is that you have to listen to whatever I say now.”

“If you don’t kneel down honestly on the spot within three seconds, then I’ll

have someone break your legs!”

Chapter 3630

Milton cursed angrily, “Grass! Leon, what the fcuk are you pretending to be

here huh? You’re the one who has no conscience, Changying treated you

like a mountain back then,”

“But now you’ve turned around and become a dog for the Cataclysmic

Front, Changying is now buried on Waderest Mountain, aren’t you afraid

that he will know?”

Leon immediately shouted angrily, “Someone, slap his mouth!”

As soon as the words left his mouth, the former members of Changying

immediately rushed forward, grabbed Milton, and shot him right and left in

the face.

Milton was furious and cursed, “You …… minions, how dare you hit me?”

Leon said in a cold voice: “Three seconds are up, scrap his legs for me!”

Hearing these words, the many Wade family’s sidelines instantly looked

aghast, no one had expected that Leon would have such big guts.

At this time, Leon’s men had already put Milton down on the ground, and

one of them took a golf club and swung it so hard that the metal at the head

of the club smashed directly on Milton’s right knee, instantly smashing his

knee to pieces!

Milton wailed in pain, the whole person rolled on the ground, gnashing his

teeth and cursing: “Leon! I …… I have to fcuking kill you!”

Leon said in a cold voice: “From now on, say one more word and I’ll have

someone smash your other knee as well!”

Once Leon’s words came out, Milton immediately held back the pain and

anger and kept his mouth shut.

The others were also shocked, basically, they were already sure in their

hearts that Leon must have completely defected to the Cataclysmic Front.

Otherwise, how could he have the guts to break the leg of Milton, a

member of the Wade family’s sideline!

At this moment, Leon looked at the crowd and warned in a cold voice:

“Listen up, all of you! Everyone must kneel honestly and immediately!

Otherwise, they will end up just like Milton!”

When the others saw this, they could only fall to their knees one after


And everyone’s heart became more apprehensive, everyone wanted to

know what the Cataclysmic Front was going to do to them.

Immediately after that, more and more Wade family sidelines came, and

when they came, they were immediately asked to kneel on the ground just

like the other Wade family sidelines.

By nine o’clock in the morning, more than seven hundred members of the

Wade family had all arrived at Waderest Mountain.

At the foot of the Waderest Mountain, the scene of more than seven

hundred people kneeling in one piece was particularly spectacular.

What they do not know is that at this time, the Waderest mountain, a crow

also pressed its knees.

Joseph since yesterday, has been devoutly kneeling here, not half


Seeing that the kneeling time had already completed and it has been 24

hours, he did not immediately get up, but opened his mouth and asked

Leon’s subordinates around him,

“You gentlemen, please ask Mr. Leon’s, whether Mr. Wade has any new

instructions for us.”

Leon’s subordinate immediately contacted Leon before opening his mouth

and saying to Joseph, “The young master has not arrived in China yet,

there are no new instructions at the moment.”

“Okay.” Joseph nodded gently, slowly stood up, and spoke, “All the people

of the Front listen to orders!”

A group of men and women immediately said respectfully, “Your

subordinates are here!”

Joseph said with a firm face, “All of you take the list of the ancestor worship

ceremony and follow me down the mountain immediately!”

“According to Mr. Wade’s instructions, we must make the people kneeling

under the mountain willingly give half of their family assets to Cataclysmic


“But you must remember not to reveal any information related to Mr. Wade,

got it?”

All the people of the Cataclysmic Front immediately shouted, “Understood!”

Joseph nodded in satisfaction and said in a stern voice, “Good! Let’s go

down the mountain!”

Chapter 3631

When Joseph led the personnel of the Cataclysmic Front and walked down

from the Waderest Mountain with great strides, the members of the Wade

Family’s side branches who were kneeling on the ground were already

scared to death by now.

They knew nothing about what had happened on Waderest Mountain

yesterday, only that the Wade Family had bowed to the Cataclysmic Front

and had taken out half of their family assets as compensation.

And now, the Cataclysmic Front had turned its guns on them.

In their opinion, the Front was going to strike at their property too.

At this moment, Joseph’s face was expressionless as he walked in the

forefront, followed by nearly a hundred core personnel of Cataclysmic


Every time Joseph came closer, the hearts of the members of the Wade

family’s side branches would become more frightened and nervous.

Until Joseph stood in front of these people, many of them were already

trembling with fear.

He looked at the group of people, looked around for a while, then asked in

a cold voice, “Do you know why you were told to come back?”

A group of people lowered their heads nervously, and no one dared to


Seeing this, Joseph added: “What I detest most in my life is the disloyal

and unfilial people!”

“You are all members of the Wade family, and you are all blood relatives,

but when the Wade family is in trouble, you are the first to scurry away,”

“Can you afford the help and promotion that the Wade family has given you

over the years?”

When the members of the Wade family’s sideline heard this, they were all

full of incomprehension.

They really couldn’t understand how Joseph could be here, questioning

why they were betraying the Wade Family.

Many of them secretly thought in their hearts that the reason why they

betrayed the Wade Family was that they didn’t want to and didn’t dare to be

enemies with Joseph. Such a simple reason, didn’t he understand?”

At this moment, Milton Wade, who had one of his legs broken, said with a

flattering face,

“Supreme Commander Wan! We are not disloyal or unrighteous, it’s just

that we know the prestige of the Cataclysmic Front and you, and we revere

it in our hearts,”

“But who would have thought that the Wade Family would go against you,

so we could only choose to stay away from ……”

Joseph sneered, “You are the first one I’ve met who can talk about holding

his head and scurrying away so justifiably.”

Milton hurriedly said, “Supreme Commander Wan! I am also cowed by your

and Cataclysmic Front’s majesty, that’s why I didn’t want to have any

involvement with the Wade family in this matter ……”

Saying that, he added: “Moreover, back then, Changying did hurt your

parents, it is only natural for you to seek justice from the Wade family in this

matter if we stand with the Wade family, won’t we be an enemy of you and


Joseph looked at him with a smiling face and asked, “Then according to

this meaning of yours, I have to thank you instead.”

Milton hurriedly shook his head and said, “You have spoken too highly,

Supreme Commander Wan, I would be grateful if you just don’t blame me


Other members of the Wade family’s side lineage also agreed, and

someone spoke up and said,

“Yes, Supreme Commander Wan, it is the Wade family’s original family that

has a grudge against you.”

“It really has nothing to do with us side lineage, I also beg you to be noble

to us, don’t involve us too ……”

The others also hurriedly echoed: “Supreme Commander Wan! Now that

you’ve made the Wade family submit, you’ve gotten your revenge, so why

bother with us, little people?”

Chapter 3632

As Joseph listened to the pleas of these Wade family members, Joseph

said with a cold expression, “In my eyes, you and the Wade family are on

the same genealogy.”

“So naturally you are family, and since you are family, you must also take

responsibility for the mistakes of the Wade family.”

Saying that, Joseph said in a cold voice, “Don’t say I didn’t give you guys a


“As long as you, like the Wade family, obediently take out half of your

assets, I will no longer pursue this matter! Otherwise, I will make his whole

family pay a painful price!”

As soon as these words came out from Joseph, there was a sound of

wailing from the scene.

Take out half of the family fortune, this is simply ruthless!

The skin is just a thin layer, but Joseph is going to split it in half in the


The group of people kept begging, and Milton even choked up and said,

“Supreme Commander Wan, we are just the sideline of the Wade family,

you can’t treat us like you treat the Wade family’s original family!”

“As far as I know, the Wade family’s original family only took out half of its

assets, how can you ask us with the same conditions ……”

Milton’s words immediately triggered the resonance of the others.

They realized that they were ordered to return to Waderest by the

Cataclysmic Front today, fearing that there must be nothing good, but they

didn’t expect the appetite of the Cataclysmic Front to be so big!

Asking them to take out half of their assets was simply more frightening to

them than taking their lives.

These side families, all of them have been developing in their respective

fields for decades.

And it was only with great difficulty that they have saved up their fortune

today, and suddenly they have to take out half, no one can accept it.

I have seen the family tree of the Wade family, in addition to the 700 people

who came to the ancestral ceremony, the other descendants of each of

your families are also clearly recorded in the family tree.”

“If any family does not cooperate honestly, then do not blame me for being


As soon as these branches of the Wade family heard these words, they fell

into deep despair.

They were very clear about the strength of the Cataclysmic Front, and this

kind of top mercenary group with tens of thousands of people under their

command, if they really wanted to mess with them, it would be as easy as

just moving a hand to a fly.

If they didn’t cooperate, they might die one day.

Moreover, even the Wade family, whose strength far exceeds theirs, has

obediently given in, how can they have the courage to fight to the end?

After all, all these side families combined, the strength is not as strong as

the Wade family, and the difference between the Front and them is even

greater than the sky.

When Joseph saw that these people were all pale with fear, he knew that

they basically did not dare to disobey, so he said aloud:

“Next, my men will follow the roster, and each of you will be contacted

separately. I must get the money to my overseas account!”

“If you cooperate, Cataclysmic Front and you will be fine in the future, but if

you refuse to obey, you will be the enemy of Cataclysmic Front from now


When the people heard this, they were desperate and at the same time,

they had basically made a decision to compromise.

Money can be earned again, but life is lost, everything is lost.

Moreover, the Wade family genealogy is in the hands of Joseph. If he

wants, he can completely cut off any of their branches from their


Milton at this point desperately pleaded: “Supreme Commander Wan…… I

have saved some money from my little family business, every penny is my

hard-earned money, I beg you to raise your hand, at least do not take so


Joseph nodded and said in a cold voice: “Since every penny of yours is

hard-earned money, then of course I can also not want any of it.”

Milton heard these words, his heart excited to the point where he was

about to thank, he saw Joseph turn around at this time and instructed the

soldiers beside him.

“Find out the information of this person’s entire family, no matter what

method you use, within a year, I want their family to be completely extinct!”

Chapter 3633

The sudden and vicious words of Joseph made Milton tremble with fear.

He did not expect that Joseph would be so ruthless that he would make his

family completely extinct with one sentence.

Moreover, he did not doubt Joseph’s attitude in the slightest, after all, this

man is the Supreme Commander of the Cataclysmic Front, and in front of

so many people as well as the Wade family, he was certainly not just


What’s more, all of his identity information, family member information, all

of them are recorded in detail on the Wade family genealogy, can’t even

run away.

Thinking of this, he immediately said in an incomparably frightened voice:

“Supreme Commander Wan, I am willing to cooperate! Give up half of the

family fortune! I beg you to be merciful……”

Joseph coldly snorted and questioned,

“What? Now you know you are afraid? Didn’t you just say that your family’s

assets are all your hard-earned money? I thought you really had the

backbone to die to defend the family assets!”

Milton choked and said, “Just now is my brain confused, Supreme

Commander must not take it to heart, in fact, money is something outside

the body, even if I am confused, this truth is also understood ……”

Joseph expressionlessly said: “If you think you understand, then I will give

you another opportunity, if you actively cooperate with a good grasp, the

Cataclysmic Front will no longer pursue,”

“From now on well water does not offend river water, but if you dare to play

small mind with me, beware of my face at any time!

Milton’s whole body immediately made a flinch, and he quickly said:

“Supreme Commander Wan do not worry …… even if I have ten thousand

guts, I will never dare to play small thoughts with you ……”

Joseph ignored him, but spoke to everyone and said,

“If you want to be safe and sound, honestly transfer half of your respective

family assets to the overseas account of the Cataclysmic Front,”

“As long as you spend money to eliminate the disaster, I will also abide by

the promise of the Cataclysmic Front and will not pursue the matter.”

At this point, all the people took a stand and expressed their willingness to

accept the demands of the Cataclysmic Front.

Joseph turned his words and said in a stern tone, “But don’t think of fooling

me, Joseph Wan and my Cataclysmic Front!”

“After collecting the money, we will also arrange for professional financial

auditors to evaluate each of your family assets,”

“And if it is found that someone has paid an amount that is less than half of

their assets, they must then compensate the difference three times!”

Once these words came out, the faces of every branch of the Wade family

were written with sorrow.

They originally thought that they could completely conceal the actual

situation of their family’s assets to a certain extent.

If the assets were ten billion, they could completely lie and claim that there

were only two or three billion, and then take out a billion or so to settle the


However, if according to Joseph’s statement, even if they give more than a

billion to save their life and reputation, when the auditors of the Cataclysmic

Front assess the true size of the family’s assets.

And find that they have given less than three billion, they will demand to

pay three times the compensation, then the compensation alone will be 10


Chapter 3634

At this moment, Milton said with trepidation: “The net worth of my family is

about eight billion, but the cash stocks that I can call on only add up to

about two billion, how should I deal with this situation?”

Joseph said coldly: “If this is the case, first convert all the stocks into cash.”

“And then all the calculated cash to the designated account of the

Cataclysmic Front, when you return, immediately sell a part of other assets,

the remaining two billion to pay in place!”

Milton choked and said, “Lord Wan, I’m not going to lie to you, many of our

industries are long-term investments, some projects are successive

investments for many years, investing a lot of money before finally starting

to see returns,”

“If we sell at this time, it is like killing the chicken to get the eggs, the loss to

us is very heavy……”

These words of Milton triggered the resonance of other members of the

Wade family’s side lineage.

They were already willing to take out half of their assets at this point, but if

it was this kind of killing the chicken to get the eggs, the loss to them would

be greater than taking out half of their assets.

Joseph at this time also can not decide, if it is only to complete the task

given by Charlie, then he does not care about the three seven twenty-one.

All the people should be sold to sell, kill the chicken to get the eggs, and so


If he is asking to sell the chicken to get the eggs also have to take out the

eggs to hand over half.

However, he is still unclear, what is Charlie’s attitude towards these

clansmen, so he can not be sure of the scale, so he said:

“You first give a clear account of your own assets, the cash is less than

half, the first cash payment in place, the remaining part, we will give you a

solution later.”

The people had no choice but to agree to it.

Then, the people of the Cataclysmic Front began to register these Wade

family side branches in batches.

First asking about each person’s specific assets as well as the cash

situation, and after the registration was completed, they were asked to pay

all the cash first.

When this part of the funds started to be remitted to the account of the

Cataclysmic Front, the Concorde that Charlie was boarding, finally landed

at the city Airport.

As soon as he landed, Leon picked him up and took him to Waderest.

On the way, he gave Charlie a brief report on the situation of Waderest, and

also reported the problem that Joseph couldn’t decide, asking,

“Young master, when I came, Joseph asked me to ask you about those

who have less than half of the family’s assets in cash, and most of the

assets are in the physical industry as well as fixed assets, how exactly

should they be handed over to Front?”

Charlie lightly said: “Treat those who admit their mistakes and admit their

punishment with a good attitude, of course, can not be forced too tightly,

can first collect part of the cash, as for the rest of that part, let them pay in


Speaking here, Charlie slightly paused, and said, “This according to

normal, installment payment is certainly to pay interest,”

“But, namely, all the Wade family, I also give them a little face, installment

payment will not charge them interest, but with the same bank, plus a

certain percentage of the handling fee.”

“For example, the other party owes us one billion, it can be divided into one

year twelve installments, or three years thirty-six, five years sixty

installments to pay,”

“As for the handling fee, just charge them six thousandths per installment,

that is, six million per installment.”

Leon was shocked and exclaimed, “Young master, if we go by this ratio, the

commission for one installment will be six thousandths, and the total

commission for 60 installments will be 36%! Ten billion principal, the fee is

360 million, is it not too high ……”

Charlie laughed: “Bank credit card installment payment is not

six-thousandths of a percent per installment? I also did not charge more,

just to the bank on par.”

Leon was busy saying, “Young master, if you say so, but this interest ……

oh no, this fee percentage is actually still very high …… I’m afraid they

simply can’t hold up such a high fee ……”

Charlie a treacherous businessman looked at him, and said seriously: “Can

not hold up does not matter, I can give them another option,”

“The money owed, according to a certain concession, converted into their

business corresponding equity,”

“For example, his business is worth five billion, but also owes us one billion,

normally, the one billion converted into equity is 20%, but because they

owe us money, I Do not charge him installment fees,”

“How must receive a cash discount ratio, so how must give us an 80%

discount on the total valuation, so that the five billion enterprises, an 80%

discount even if he has four billion, one billion debt converted into equity is


Chapter 3635

For these treacherous Wade family sidelines, Charlie has long thought of a

full set of treatment plan for them, and the reason he rushed back from

Northern Europe without stopping is to solve all these sideline branches in

one step.

When Leon heard Charlie’s series of plans, he was shocked and felt

extraordinarily relieved at the same time.

Although he is not a member of the Wade family, but seeing that the Wade

family’s sideline, which usually relies on the Wade family’s help, had fled in

the night at the moment of the family’s life and death.

He was also extraordinarily angry, Charlie wanted to teach them a lesson,

Leon also agreed with both hands.

However, Leon did not expect that Charlie actually would hit so hard,

according to this situation, is really going to cut off half of the family

property of the Wade family.

Seeing Leon’s complicated expression, Charlie asked him, “Housekeeper

Leon, do you think I’ve been too hard on them?”

Leon thought for a moment and spoke, “Back to the young master, if we

talk about the strength of the punishment alone, it is indeed a bit harsh,

after all, it is half of the family fortune, it is hard for any person to accept


To say this, Leon with a slight beating, and said: “However, I think, young

master you doing so is also justified, itself their assets, almost a great part

is coming from relying on the Wade family.”

“Since they betrayed your trust at the critical moment, for the Wade family

to take back part of their assets is also justified, take this part of their

assets over, the Wade family is getting an excellent Supplement.”

Charlie smiled lightly and said seriously, “Butler Leon, in fact, I am

punishing them this time, not really for the assets in their hands.”

“I mainly think that the loyalty of these people to the Wade family is too low,

so low that it is outrageous, so I must take this opportunity to fix it properly

with a heavy hand.”

Speaking of this, he said with a serious expression: “This time, I have to let

them understand that they take up the bowl of rice of Wade family, like

those ancient feudal kings, have enough sense of loyalty to the king!”

“Who dares to play with me to pick up the bowl to eat, put down the

chopsticks and curse mother for that set, I will make him pay a painful


Leon nodded with deep understanding and sighed: “Master is too indulgent

to these side branches, always think that they are loyal enough to the

Wade family, so not less to give them a share of the profits,”

“But in the end, that is the illusion of peace and prosperity, the real thing

happens, they immediately show their nature, they really need to be

properly restrained.”

Charlie said lightly: “They are like the ancient emperor raised in the various

fiefdoms of the vassal king, want to do a good job a qualified vassal king,

you must have the basic consciousness to eat the ruler’s salary, share the

ruler’s worries,”

“But also to grasp the scale of proportion, not to threaten the ruling position

of the monarch, not to mention the monarch need to beat a retreat, so

these family sidelines, really need to set the rules.”

Saying that, Charlie added: “Each of their situations is similar, cash can

only account for up to 20% of all assets, and even for some branches the

cash reserves are less than 10% of the total assets,”

“Even if all the cash is handed over, there is still a great distance from the

50% I require, so this time I will let the Cataclysmic Front first, forcing them

to sign an installment agreement and then use this agreement to bind them


“However, I won’t force them to death, as long as they hand over their cash

assets and sign an installment agreement as I ask, the Wade family can

still give them some of their resources and let them continue to follow the

Wade family to make money.”

“At that time, their efforts to follow the family to make money, in essence, is

also trying to pay back the debt to me, so that as they bleed, we give them

a blood transfusion,”

“And then the blood transfusion back, so comes the cycle, so that they can

not leave us at the same time, but also can never be strong, only in this

way, in order to fundamentally hold them in the palm of death.”

Leon heard this, with a face of admiration he exclaimed: “Young master,

your move is indeed very high! In this way, these side branches will no

longer be defeated children who only reach out to the family, force them

hard, but also let them start to do something for the family!”

“That’s right.” Charlie sneered: “This time, to put it bluntly, is to take the

opportunity to cut the clan, the strength of these clan kings down, so that in

the future, their days will be very difficult, but for our good days, it is just


Chapter 3636

Just as Charlie was about to arrive at Waderest, a group of Joseph’s men

had already taken more than two hundred billion RMB in cash from the

hands of more than seven hundred Wade family’s side branches.

However, this was still only one-fifth of all the net assets of the Wade

family’s side branches.

According to the statistics, the assets of all the Wade family branches

combined were almost one trillion.

In this way, almost all of the Wade family’s side branches had taken out all

of their cash, but still owed at least 30% of the personal assets to the

Cataclysmic Front.

Just when these people didn’t know what to do with this remaining portion,

Joseph had already received Charlie’s instructions and spoke,

“I see that you all still have a big gap in cash, how do you plan to pay this

remaining portion next?”

The crowd was instantly silent.

No one dared to take him up on his words, because everyone knew that

there was only one way left, and that was to sell assets to raise money to

save their lives.

Selling assets is easy to say, but it is the most uneconomical way.

Because, if they go out with all the assets for sale, have to lower their own

price, a big discount to be made to be able to quickly sell.

It may take a month to sell a property with a market value of $10 million at

$10 million, but if you want to liquidate it in one day, you have to press the

price to at least nine hundred, or even eight million to make it possible.

The assets will be discounted, but not the debt, so in this way, they will lose

much more than the original 50%!

Moreover, what’s even worse about selling assets is that it would seriously

damage their original income structure.

Take Milton Wade, for example, he has a building materials enterprise that

is very famous in the country.

And most of the various construction materials it produces are directly

supplied to the Wade family’s real estate projects as well as production

bases in the country.

This enterprise relies on the help and support of the Wade family, now

annual sales have exceeded ten billion, net profit also is more than a

billion, it can be said to be a hen laying golden eggs.

But now if forced to sell, then not only the price of the assets sold will be

greatly reduced, Milton himself will completely lose this source of revenue,

this is tantamount to killing the chicken to get the eggs.

Everyone else’s situation is not far off, no one can get that much cash to

pay out to the Cataclysmic Front, and no one wants to sell their core assets

at a low price.

Joseph took in the performance of these people and knew in his heart that

what they feared most was forcing them to sell their assets to make up for

the compensation.

So he spoke, “You guys don’t say I don’t leave you alive, now, all the funds

you owe can be paid in installments with a period of one to five years.”

Once they heard that they could pay in installments, everyone breathed a

huge sigh of relief.

The fact that they could pay in installments meant that they did not need to

sell their assets and could use their assets to earn money to slowly pay off

their debts so that it would not hurt their bones.

But no one expected that Joseph followed up with, “However, the

installments are not free of charge! For each installment, you must pay

six-thousandths of the total amount as the service fee for the installment!”

Joseph’s words immediately caused a commotion among the more than

700 side members of the Wade family!

Chapter 3637

Although these side members of the Wade family were not top

entrepreneurs, they were still much smarter than those mindless

youngsters who could use credit card installments.

Those brainless youngsters thought that paying in installments was a very

cost-effective thing to do, but they didn’t know that the bank had thoroughly

eaten into their psychology.

The interest rate for each installment is six thousandths. It seems that ten

thousand dollars is divided into twelve installments.

It’s only an extra sixty dollars a month, but twelve installments a year is

seven hundred and twenty dollars! That’s not any less of money to ignore.

That’s a 7.2% APR for a year’s installment relative to the principal of

$10,000! That’s also a good example.

This is just a rough calculation. You should know that $10,000 is not paid

back once a year, but in 12 monthly installments.

The principal amount is decreasing in each installment, but the interest rate

is fixed once. With a principal of $10,000, the actual interest rate is even

more than 13% if you calculate it this way!

This interest rate is a huge profit in the financial market.

Every one of these Wade family members has a very good relationship with

banks and capital. If they really want to take out a loan, they can easily get

a large loan with an actual annualized interest rate of less than 5%.

With this installment plan given by Joseph, one can’t help but cuss him out

for being black-hearted.

Therefore, some people said, “Master …… After all my cash is given out,

there is still 2 billion. Please allow me to have one day. Only one day to

take this 2 billion by way of a mortgage and put it into your account!”

The others echoed, “Yes, just give us one day to get the mortgage! Please

give me a little more time!”

Joseph said coldly, “Grace and power are out of the question. Each of you

must make up all the money owed within one hour, or you must sign an

installment agreement!”

These members of the Wade family’s sideline suddenly frowned.

At this moment, Milton blurted out. “Master, I am willing to pay in


The crowd did not expect Milton to be the first to give in and was about to


Only to hear Milton continue to say.” I want to divide all the money owed

into two installments. Within two months, I will make up all the money.”

When the others heard this, they immediately slapped their thighs.

They had just been shocked by the six thousand installment fee, but they

had forgotten that they could choose the minimum number of installments.

If you split it into two installments, you only need to pay two

six-thousandths, which adds up to 1.2%.

This makes it much more comfortable, naturally.

So, a group of people began to actively express their views.

Joseph couldn’t help but frown, guessing in his mind the intentions of these

people. They must have wanted to first try to install as little as possible, and

then grab the money to fill this loophole of installment payment.

In this way, they can get rid of the high-interest rate trap of installment


However, Joseph did not know exactly how to define it at this time, and

Charlie did not tell him how to deal with the specific number of installments

on the road to installment payment.

Just when he didn’t know how to define it, he only heard a familiar voice

say loudly.

“Master, I suggest you still give a fixed percentage of installment payments.

Anyone who cannot pay in cash and chooses to pay in installments should

choose at least six installments. Ten installments, uncapped!”

Chapter 3638

Everyone immediately looked at the sound, only to see Charlie already

striding over accompanied by Leon.

These side members of the Wade family recognized Charlie, and someone

suddenly shouted.” Da*n Charlie! What did you say? What the h3ll do you

mean? Will you join forces with others to deceive your family?”

“Grass! I never thought that you, as Changying’s son, would become

someone else’s lackey!”

“Charlie! Are you a damn3d Wade family member! Even your own family is

pitted, what kind of a thing are you!”

It was no wonder that the members of the Wade family’s side line were so


Originally, they wanted to settle it in two or three installments. That way, the

interest would not be much.

But as soon as Charlie opened his mouth, he suggested that Joseph starts

with the 60th installment, which was simply killing people.

The interest rate for the first installment was six thousandths, and the

interest rate for the 60th installment was thirty-six percent! What kind of

concept is this?

According to the method of reducing the principal, the actual interest rate is

more than 100% after the conversion of these sixty installments! This

means that the interest rate of these sixty installments is impossible for

them to pay like that.

Therefore, naturally, they would not have a good attitude towards Charlie.

At this point, all the Wade family members treated him as a traitor to the

Wade family.

In addition, they had been kneeling here since early in the morning, and

Charlie, the great as a traitor of the Wade family, plus they had been

kneeling here since early in the morning.

And Charlie, who was the first son and grandson of the Wade family, had

strutted over and even shouted that he wanted to cut meat from them, so

they naturally did not have any good attitude.

When Joseph saw that these people dared to scold Charlie, he immediately

became furious and was about to order his men to slap their faces.

However, Charlie shook his head slightly and said indifferently, “Master

Wan does not need to pay attention to the filthy words of this bunch of

villains, let them sign the agreement for the 60th installment first.”

Knowing that Charlie was trying to put on a show, Joseph nodded his head

cooperatively and said, “You are right, in that case, I will order someone to

prepare the contract!”

Charlie said: “Master Wan need not be so troublesome, now electronic

contracts as long as the compliance of electronic signatures, and paper

contracts have the same legal effect, I happen to know a barrister back in

the United States,”

“Why not I ask him to make a model contract out, then only need to fill out

the information of the second party, an electronic signature can take effect,

save time and effort, and also it is environmental friendly!”

When the members of the Wade family’s side branches heard these words,

they all exploded with anger.

Milton couldn’t help but curse angrily, “Charlie! You …… you beast!

Especially helping outsiders to pit your own people, you are simply

heartless and worse than a beast!”

Charlie sneered, “Who is one of my own? Are you worthy?”

Milton gritted his teeth and said, “We are all descendants of the Wade

family! What are we if not your own people?”

Other members of the Wade family were also filled with righteous

indignation, some scolded Charlie for being shameless, others scolded him

for recognizing a thief as his father, in short, these members of the Wade

family were already mad at him.

Charlie did not take these insults seriously, and also asked with a bland

face: “You say I betrayed my own people, since you are my own people,

then what did you run the night before last?”

Charlie’s words, asked the more than 700 people present and they froze on

the spot, they do not know how to respond.

Charlie then asked rhetorically:

“If you are my own people, why did you all ignore the ancestral ceremony,

ignore the love of the Wade family, and even ignore the fact that someone

wanted to snatch the ancestral tomb of the Wade family,”

“And more than 700 people ran away in one night? I’m just fcuking letting

out more than seven hundred pigs in Eastcliff City, they can’t all run out of

Eastcliff before one night!”

“On the contrary, you shameless people, you all run faster than dogs!”

“All of you ran out of Eastcliff in one night, and the fastest ones even took a

fcuking plane out of China in one night!”

“Let me ask you when you ran away overnight, why didn’t you think we

were your own people?”

Chapter 3639

Charlie’s rhetorical question left Milton speechless.

Other people who were just now filled with righteous indignation, at this

moment also instantly wilted down.

In their hearts, they knew very well that when they fled the day before


They had completely disregarded their clan’s feelings and did not want to

be dragged down by the Wade family at all.

So at this time Charlie in front of Joseph pitted them, they can only break

their teeth and swallow in the stomach.

However, they were already hating Charlie madly in their hearts.

Seeing the expressions of this group of fellow clansmen, all as if they

wanted to eat him.

Charlie did not feel awkward at all but instead had a happy face, and even

more so, the group was so angry that they vomited blood.

Many people even in the depths of their hearts secretly calculate, when this

matter wind past, must find a way to teach him a good lesson!

At this time, Joseph opened his mouth to take a stand: “I think the 60

installment payment is a very good choice, this way, you guys won’t have to

have too much financial pressure!”

He did not hesitate to wave his hand and said,

“In that case, all of you will sign a 60-phase installment contract, and the

contract will be signed electronically, which is convenient and fast! It’s

settled, hurry up and land!”

The members of the Wade family’s side lineage who were present were

suddenly wailing.

Sixty installments, with an actual interest rate close to 100%, so that what

was actually handed over to the Cataclysmic Front, in the end, would not

be 50% of the assets, but at least 70%!

The only good thing is that a large part of this is paid in installments,

although the interest rate is very high.

But the time given is also more generous, which is equivalent to making

money while paying off the bill.

In this way, within the next 5 years, they are basically helping the

Cataclysmic Front to make money, and there is absolutely no hope of

turning it over in a short time.

Milton looked at Joseph and couldn’t help but lament, “Master Wan, why do

you have to make us sign another contract? Even if there is no contract, we

still don’t dare to rely on Cataclysmic Front’s account!”

Milton’s words were actually asked in the heart of Joseph.

He also wondered in his heart, since Charlie wanted Cataclysmic Front to

do this kind of unseen thing, then he could just give it all to Cataclysmic


And if Cataclysmic Front came out to ask for money, these people would

definitely not dare not pay.

But the strange thing is, Charlie, let Cataclysmic Front to do this kind of

bullying, but also had to let them sign an agreement, which makes Joseph

more or less confused.

Charlie could also see that Joseph’s puzzlement, so he spoke:

“Master Wan, in the future, their debts will have to be continuously repaid

for five years, and during these five years, it is easy for various changes to


Saying that, Charlie added: “If there is no contract, all of this would have to

be personally collected by Cataclysmic Front.”

“While with a contract, in addition to Cataclysmic Front personally collecting

the debt, it can also be collected through legal means, so that both hands

can be caught together.”

Subsequently, Charlie looked at the members of this group of Wade

family’s side branches and spoke,

“I am worried that they will be poorly run in the next few years, thus unable

to continue paying this installment, and when they break the pot, there is

nothing that the Cataclysmic Front can do.”

“In addition, I am also worried that they will quietly transfer their assets to

escape and run away,”

“If they really run away, I am afraid that it will be really difficult for

Cataclysmic Front to solve them for a while.”

“However, if there is a contract, as long as they have any wind, you can

defend the rights and interests of the Cataclysmic Front through legal


“Then you can directly submit the contract to the court and apply for

freezing all their assets so that they can’t take a single penny away!”

“Not only that, when the time comes, you can also apply to the court for

enforcement, when all their assets will be directly seized for auction, and

then get the money back to the Cataclysmic Front.”

“It is often said that there is no harm in being prepared, in this way, we can

basically ensure that nothing will go wrong.”

Chapter 3640

The members of the Wade family’s side branches all turned pale.

They did not expect that Charlie would calculate them in such a way, with

these demands of his, he hardly gave the members of the Wade family’s

side branches any way to live.

Once they signed this agreement, they signed a harsh deed of betrayal and

naturally had no hope of turning over in the future!

Only then did Joseph understand that Charlie was much more

comprehensive than himself, so he said without hesitation, “No problem,

let’s do as you say.”

Charlie added: “Since it’s a contract, there must be a legal recipient

subject, in that case, it’s not suitable for Cataclysmic Front to come out,”

“So the best way is to use a domestic enterprise as the recipient, and let

them directly pay the money to the account of this domestic enterprise.”

Saying that Charlie seemed to remember something and added: “By the

way, it just so happens that I have an Emgrand Group in Aurous Hill,”

“So if Supreme Commander Wan does not mind, he can completely use

the Emgrand Group as this recipient body and have them all pay the

money to the Emgrand Group account.”

Immediately, Joseph understood Charlie’s meaning.

So, he nodded along with the water and spoke,

“In that case, then let’s use your Emgrand Group as the payee, and let the

money be paid to the Group’s account first, and then pay to Cataclysmic

Front through other means.”

Charlie immediately said, “This is of course best!”

Saying that he added: “Since we are using the Emgrand Group as the

payee, then there must be a debt contract between the Emgrand Group

and these Wade family side families”

“Which is why I suggested that you have them sign an electronic

agreement, to ensure the legality of it all, so that when they go to court in

the future, they will have enough certainty!”

These side members of the Wade family, at this time, could not wait to strip

Charlie alive.

Because this guy, not only handed Joseph the knife to slaughter his own

relatives but also told him from where the knife is the sharpest, the most

accurate, the most ruthless.

For a while, everyone saw Charlie as an enemy of heaven and earth and

kept thinking in their hearts how to retaliate against him in the future and

make him pay a painful price.

At this time, Charlie directly called Meiqing’s son Paul.

In the phone call, he told Paul in detail the needs of the contract, but he did

not mention more details and did not even mention the Wade family and

the Cataclysmic Front.

But only asked Paul to follow his own needs and hurry up to produce an

electronic version of the contract.

Paul has been a lawyer for many years, basically, for all kinds of contracts,

he has a very strict model.

After knowing all of Charlie’s needs, he modified the contract template with

certain changes and then sent the contract to Charlie.

After Charlie got the contract in his hand, he read it once and found that

there were no problems or bugs in it, then he handed it over to Joseph.

When he got the contract, he immediately started to ask all the branches of

the Wade family to sign the agreement.

These Wade family branches dared not refuse, so they finished signing the

agreement electronically, and the first party in the agreement was Charlie’s

Emgrand Group.

Charlie’s Emgrand Group, at once, had a debt of more than 300 billion

RMB, the size of which exceeded the market value of the entire Group.

According to the contract, the 300 billion was divided into five years and 60


So for every month in the next five years, these members of the Wade

family’s sideline will pay Charlie 5 billion RMB for the principal and 1.8

billion RMB for the installment fee.

And this money, whether it is thunder or lightning, overcast or sunny, will

pay for the next five years!

Chapter 3641

Just as Charlie took care of all the installment agreements for the side

branches of the Wade family, the William Rothschild family also smashed

the pots and pans to pay the rest of the funds in place.

In just one ancestral ceremony, Charlie grew five billion euros in cash, two

hundred billion RMB in cash, and debt with a principal amount of over three

hundred billion RMB and five-year interest of over two hundred billion.

He finally understood why many emperors in history were particularly fond

of exploiting the various vassal kings, and even often the various vassal

kings were arrested and beheaded, mainly because these vassal kings

were mobile vaults, fat and oily.

If they were loyal to the sovereign, then everything was fine, but if they did

not even have the basic idea of loyalty to the sovereign, then what else to

wait for if not to raid their homes?

If he didn’t raid their homes and cut their strength in time, it’s possible that

they’d hit on the idea of the throne sometime.

After accompanying Charlie for half a day, seeing that the dust had now

settled, Joseph came to him and asked in a low voice in his ear, “Mr. Wade,

when are you going to tell them the truth?”

Charlie casually said, “There is no hurry, the matter is not finished yet, you

can later ask all of them to start from the foot of Waderest Mountain, three

steps and one kowtow for them to climb up the Mountain, I will wait for

them up there.”

Joseph said, “Mr. Wade, it will take at least half a day to climb up from here,

I’m afraid it will be dark by the time they climb up, why don’t you go back

and rest first, I’ll pick you up when they are done.”

Charlie shook his head, said blandly: “No need, I will wait for them on the

mountain, they climb up this time, I also happen to accompany my parents,

when they climb up, I will reveal the mystery.”

Saying that, he added: “Joseph, you don’t need to stay in Waderest

Mountain, first go to find a good cemetery for your parents, as soon as

possible, let the two be buried in peace, this side just to leave some

manpower is fine.”

Although he was convinced and willing, he still felt very guilty about his

parents because their coffins were also on Waderest Mountain.

Originally thought of as soon as possible to let his parents into the ground,

but Charlie did not say few words, he also did not dare to speak.

Now that Charlie took the initiative to say it, he was naturally very grateful

in his heart.

So, he was moved to say: “Thank you, Mr. Wade, then I will go down to the

mountain to take care of my parents’ affairs, if there is any need, you can

always instruct the men of the Cataclysmic Front, or call me directly, I will

definitely come over as fast as possible!”

Charlie smiled faintly and said, “No need, you go ahead and go about your

business, this time you took the chance to raise your parents’ coffin out,

disturbing the two old people’s peace, indeed too rash, re-enter the earth in

peace, or a good job, is also a kind of compensation.”

Joseph was ashamed and nodded his head repeatedly.

He did not know his own rashness and unfilial behavior would come to

such a point, his heart has long regretted countless times, now only want to

do their best to make amends, so hearing Charlie’s words, his heart is even

more ashamed, and hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade you are right, subordinate

will definitely do it properly.”

Charlie nodded slightly and said, “You don’t have to worry about this side of

things, later on, tell the Wade family people that I will decide everything on

the Waderest Mountain, and then you can go first.”

Joseph was busy saying, “Your subordinate will do it!”

While Charlie and Joseph were whispering, the seven hundred or so

members of the Wade family’s side line had been apprehensively and

quietly gauging the two.

At this moment, what they were thinking in their hearts was that Charlie

must have been slandering to Joseph, not knowing what bad he was

holding back again.

In their opinion, he has been as abominable as the traitor back then.

Chapter 3642

At this time, Joseph came to the crowd, said in a loud voice: “Listen to me,

all of you, all matters here are left to Charlie’s full discretion, you have to

listen to his orders, not half disobedience! If not, I will definitely not spare


When Joseph said this, the Wade family people almost collapsed on the


Originally, they had thought that Charlie had just surrendered to the

Cataclysmic Front and become its lackey, but they had never expected that

Joseph would take him so seriously.

While they were dumbfounded, Charlie walked up to Joseph’s side and


“You sons of the Wade family, at this critical moment, have disregarded the

safety of the family and the ancestors buried in the ancestral tomb. Climb

up Waderest Mountain! Go to the ancestors buried in the mountain to


As soon as Charlie’s words were spoken, more than seven hundred

members of the Wade family’s side lineage wailed!

They had already taken out almost all the cash and signed an installment

treaty that could be called a contract of betrayal, so it could be said that

they had lost most of their fortune.

But even so, they have not yet been able to pass this hurdle, and now

Charlie even let them three steps to worship on Waderest, is it not to torture

them to death?

Although Waderest Mountain has been thoroughly developed by the Wade

family, from the foot of the mountain to the tomb on the mountain also has

a flat concrete road, but all the way up the mountain, there are also three to

five kilometers of travel.

Three steps worship, almost two meters less than three meters to kowtow a

head, so the calculation, at least more than a thousand heads to go up.

Three steps a worship process is tedious, a little nimble movement, a

minute can be completed two or three times, so the calculation says five or

six hours to go up.

If Joseph made this order, they did not dare to put a fa.rt, certainly without

saying a word to start kowtowing all the way up the climb.

But when these words came out from Charlie’s mouth, the members of the

Wade family’s side line were all furious.

Someone directly cursed angrily: “Charlie! Don’t you fcuking bully us too

much! We don’t even take a p!ss to see what you are! You are no different

from a traitor!”

Some people had bad intentions and deliberately wanted to provoke the

conflict between Charlie and Joseph, so they accused,

“Charlie! Your father, Changying, was the culprit of the death of Lord Wan’s

parents! Even if he raised 100,000 dogs, it’s not your turn to bark here!”

Someone even shamelessly blurted out, “Yes! Lord Wan! You can’t listen to

the slanderous words of this despicable person!”

“The Wade family is your father’s enemy! He even asked us to kneel down

and worship the ancestor of the Wade family in front of you.

As Joseph listened to these people’s words, he was shocked and thought,

“I had a vague feeling that Mr. Wade was a little too cruel to these people,”

“But now I realize that these people deserve what they get. If it were me,

seeing their faces like this, I would really have the heart to kill them!”

Thinking of this, Joseph was furious and immediately shouted coldly, “How

dare you! I have just said that I will leave everything here to Mr. Wade’s

discretion! How dare you disobey orders?”

The people trembled in fear.

Chapter 3643

Joseph instructed the soldiers around him, “Take out those who insulted Mr.

Wade, and give them a hundred slaps each! No! Five hundred slaps!”

This was also the key to the success of the Cataclysmic Front.

He had been grateful to Charlie for being compassionate about his parents’

need to be buried in the ground, and then, seeing the shameless faces of

the Wade family’s side members, he was already extremely angry.

It was because of his anger that he inattentively blurted out the words “Mr.

Wade” and said it twice in a row.

This makes these Wade family side members, smacking out the

extraordinary taste.

If the Wade family had completely given up resistance and surrendered to

the Cataclysmic Front, it would not be incomprehensible for Joseph to

accept Charlie as his lapdog.

However, Joseph suddenly referred to Charlie as Mr. Wade, which seemed

a bit wrong.

However, before they could be too surprised, many men of Cataclysmic

Front rushed into the crowd and dragged out the people who had just

spoken shamelessly.

Immediately after, there was the sound of firecrackers like slapping one

after another throughout the valley.

The Cataclysmic Front members are all martial arts experts, and their arm

strength is almost as strong as, or even stronger than, an adult tiger.

Really if a slap did not hold, I’m afraid it is possible to let the other side lose

a life.

Although Charlie is very dissatisfied with these members of the Wade

family side, but did not want to take their lives.

So, he opened his mouth to stop, “All right, there is no need to beat


He just lightly opened his mouth and said these words, and one by one,

those members of the Cataclysmic Front stopped the movements of their


This scene, moreover, surprised the gang of Wade family side line


If just now Joseph respectfully called out “Mr. Wade” to Charlie, they were a

bit confused, but the performance of these few members of the

Cataclysmic Front, who obeyed Charlie, was enough to make them fall


Almost every member of the Wade family’s side lineage asked themselves

a question that hit them straight in the soul: Why did Joseph, as well as the

members of the Cataclysmic Front, treat Charlie with such respect?

Was it just because the Wade family had given up half of its assets to the

Cataclysmic Front?

That didn’t seem very realistic.

I’ve never heard of any aggressor who, after having succeeded in his

invasion, treated his victim with respect.

Generally speaking, but all aggressors are bottomless and have no


They will first make the first step request to the victim, and if the victim

complies, they are unlikely to give up, only to possibly intensify the second

step request, the third step request, until all the value of the victim is

squeezed dry.

Even if he has a high reputation, and after the Wade family took out half of

the assets, he did what he said he would do and stopped making things

difficult for the Wade family, but it definitely did not rise to the level of such

respect for the Wade family.

So, they all want to know, behind this, what kind of hidden agenda is there

from the people?

Chapter 3644

At this time, Charlie looked at these jaw-dropping Wade family members,

cleared his throat, and opened his mouth,

“What I originally thought was to let you know the truth after you climbed all

the way to the top of the mountain on your knees,”

“But since you are all suspicious one by one, then I will simply stop

pretending and show my cards.”

More than seven hundred members of the Wade family’s side lineage were

all awe-struck, staring at Charlie with unblinking eyes, waiting for his next


However, before Charlie could speak, Joseph, who was at the side, knelt

down on one knee with a face of shame, and said incomparably, “Your

subordinate just now was impulsive and did not control my mouth, so

please punish me, Mr. Wade!”


“What the h3ll?!”

“Joseph actually knelt down for Charlie?

“Did he just call himself a subordinate? What does he mean? Did the

Cataclysmic Front submit to Charlie?!”

The people of the Wade family below exploded in a flash.

None of them had expected that things would go in this direction now.

This was simply a direction of development that they had least expected.

This feeling, as if you drop a brick from a hundred-meter high building, you

thought it might hit people, cars, animals, or flowers, but you dare to think

that this brick it not only did not fall but directly subvert the gravity to fly

upwards, all the way out of the atmosphere?

This group of Wade family side members, at this time, are feeling this.

Shock has long been insufficient to describe their state of mind, they have

begun to feel that this world is ridiculous to the extreme, so ridiculous that it

is full of magic.

Everyone was afraid of Joseph before they fled in haste, who the hell would

have thought that Joseph would become Charlie’s henchman?

At this time, Charlie unconcernedly waved his hand to Joseph and said

blandly: “It’s okay, there’s always a showdown coming, it’s just sooner or


After saying that, he looked at the seven hundred or so members of the

Wade family’s side lineage and coldly questioned, “Do you think that the

Wade family is bound to fail in front of the Cataclysmic Front?”

No one dared to respond from the more than seven hundred people below.

He asked again, “Do you think that the Wade Family is doomed this time,

so you can’t wait to get rid of the Wade Family name?”

More than seven hundred people looked flustered, and no one dared to

speak up.

Charlie asked again, “Do you think, against this own wings have long been

hard, even if the Wade family this time completely finished, will not affect

your future?”

More than seven hundred people, many people have begun to panic and

wipe the cold sweat on their foreheads.

At this time, Charlie sneered, his expression carrying full contempt, and

said sternly,

“You short-sighted, rat-eyed verticals, have you ever thought that I, Charlie,

can not only save the Wade Family from distress but even take the

Cataclysmic Front under my command?!”

The crowd was frightened by Charlie’s rebuke, and their bodies trembled.

Only then did they realize what they had missed.

If they had not run away and held on to Waderest Mountain with the Wade

Family, then every one of them would have been a meritorious servant.

But none of them looked after the Wade family, and none of them took into

account the relationship between the same clan as well as the kindness of

the family, and all of them ran away with their heads in their hands.

Now, it’s time for Charlie to settle accounts after the fall!

Charlie sees this group of people face panic, but they did not dare to say

half a word, full of contempt he said:

“Now, I am the Wade family head, and you clansmen, also let me realize,

what is called the human heart!”

“In the beginning, the Wade family helped you and supported you, but it

was completely raising a tiger as a problem!”

When the crowd heard that Charlie was already the head of the Wade

family, they were all even more shocked and speechless.

In their hearts, many people had already started to curse themselves for

being a complete and utter fool.

Thought he was avoiding a monstrous catastrophe, but did not expect to

avoid, a splendid fortune!

Charlie continued at this point: “As the saying goes, the vertical son is not

enough with the plot! Such a critical moment like you have no responsibility

for the trash.”

“I should borrow the hands of others, quick to kill you all! But I was so naive

as to think about my clan wanted to save your lives and your family’s

chance of survival.

Joseph immediately clasped his fist and said, “Mr. Wade! Just one word

from you, I guarantee with my life that none of these 700 people will walk

out of Waderest Mountain alive!”

“And this charge, Cataclysmic Front is also willing to take all the blame for


Chapter 3645

When Charlie put forward his recommendation, this group of Wade family

side members, still felt that he was simply shameless to the extreme.

However, after Joseph sang along with him, they were all scared almost to

the ground again.

The words of Joseph made them understand one basic truth, that is: if

Charlie ruthlessly wants a life of one of them, Joseph will definitely let him

have it.

Moreover, for a mercenary organization like the Cataclysmic Front, which

has its roots overseas, they had no concept of law at all, so they could not

do anything to them if they ran to war-torn areas.

So, the gang didn’t know who started first, and they all knelt on the ground

while kowtowing and begging.

“Charlie …… the fact is that we are worse than pigs and dogs, please give

us another chance, from now on we must be loyal to the Wade family, even

if the sky collapses, we will not run away again ……”

“Charlie …… how you set us off, we are willing to admit guilt and admit


“Just please, for the sake of the fact that all of us are the same clan, spare

us a dog’s life, in the future, we will work hard for the Wade family to

redeem ourselves!”

“Yes, Charlie …… after all, we are all of the same tribe, originally born from

the same root, why are we too anxious to fry each other?”

“Even if we were wrong, we were just timid and afraid of life and death,

never wanted to harm the Wade family’s heart, beg you to forgive us this


Charlie saw the tearful appearance of this crowd, said with a cold


“Since you are all of the same clan, it is not impossible to not spare your


“But you must first climb up the Waderest Mountain from here three steps

and one kowtow,”

“After your confession to the ancestors of the Wade family, I will then

consider whether to give you a break!”

Saying that, he said: “Listen to me, for the first 50% who go up there first, I

will not punish you more for the time being, but the 50% who are left

behind, go up and then kneel for 24 hours!”

Once these words came out, a member of the Wade family side line said

excitedly, “I’ll climb! I’ll crawl!”

After saying that, he immediately kowtowed in the direction of Waderest,

then stood up, took three big steps, flung himself on his knees, and

kowtowed again.

Others saw this, one by one, they also scrambled to say.

“I also kowtow!”

“I’ll do it too!”

In a flash, everyone went crazy, kneeling all the way towards Waderest with

three steps and a kowtow.

Charlie asked the members of the Cataclysmic Front to keep an eye on

these people to prevent them from being sneaky, and then he himself

ignored these people and stepped up to the Mountain alone.

At this moment on the Waderest Mountain, the Wade family’s gang was still

kneeling honestly.

Seeing Charlie coming back, each one of them looked with fear and awe in

their eyes.

All of them were thinking, what has delayed his return? Where has he

gone? But seeing him coming, Old man hurried to welcome him, almost


Chapter 3646

Elder Wade asked: “Charlie, things are still going well over in Northern

Europe, right?”

“I have seen the news, the Nordic Queen has officially announced the

abolition of that Olivia’s succession to the throne, and at the same time

announced to pass the throne to Helena in three days.”

Charlie nodded and said indifferently, “The Nordic side has been taken care

of, after Helena ascends to the throne, the Wade family will officially start

business cooperation with the Nordic royal family”

“At that time, I will send a business team all the way over to meet with her.”

Elder Wade said with a look of admiration, “Charlie, to make the Nordic

throne change hands in such a short period of time,”

“To make the entire Nordic royal family’s pattern change drastically, I’m

happy that only you can do it in the world!”

Charlie did not take the old man’s horse’s a55 seriously, but said with a

bland face: “The Northern European royal family will be the Wade family’s

future bridgehead into Europe,”

“So the relevant cooperation must be quickly promoted, to grasp the

ground, there must not be any mistakes, and this we will not just send an

all professional managers team,”

“But to show importance and sincerity we will have to include some Wade

family direct members, so it is time to choose suitable people to go over.”

Elder Wade nodded his head: “That’s natural! Charlie, this matter, do you

think you should go personally, or I go on your behalf?”

Charlie thought about it and spoke, “Helena is a young girl, after all, I’m

afraid there will be some generation gap in communication with you.”

Kneeling in the crowd, Cynthia hurriedly volunteered,

“Charlie! Why don’t you let me go? I am familiar with Helena, and you

asked me to kneel here for three days, I have two more days to finish!”

Charlie looked at the fawning Cynthia and frowned slightly.

He naturally knew her intentions, it is only to grasp the time to please


In addition to also grasp the time to have a seat in the future Wade family

dominanted by him.

However, he really couldn’t have a good feeling about her.

Although this time she behaved quite well, but he also does not intend to

give her a chance so early.

Just at this moment, he saw Laila, the youngest aunt beside Elder Wade,

so he spoke: “Youngest aunt, why don’t we work hard for you to lead a trip,

you and Helena should also know each other.”

“I?” Laila with some bottomless surprise said: “Charlie, I for many years

have spent most of the time with husband and children,”

“I rarely got involved in business activities, such a big thing, I’m afraid I will

drag the leg if I ……”

Charlie said seriously: “I let you go over, just on behalf of the Wade family

to show a little sincerity, the specific details of cooperation, when the time

will be completed by our professional managers’ team,”

“And the royal side will certainly also have their professional managers

team to dock with our side, although Helena is the Queen, but the real

business it may just shoot the board, the details are not involved,”

“So when the time comes you will be responsible for exchanging feelings

with her, and the rest will be left to the professional management team of

both sides to complete.”

Only when Laila heard this, she finally put her heart down and nodded,

“OK! Then I will take a trip with the team.”

Charlie smiled faintly and said, “Then it will be hard for aunt.”

Cynthia at this time lost her face, originally thought that she was the most

suitable, after all, even if she married for many years has not been idle.

She has almost always participated in various business activities, in the

Wade family’s affairs she is not less involved, she can be said to be more


But, this time, she did not expect Charlie to give this opportunity to her

sister who rarely has had any business experience.

And kneeling next to Cynthia, Morgan’s expression was even more ugly.

In his heart at this moment, he was simply depressed to death: “Da*n it!

Helena was originally my fiancee! Now she’s about to become the Nordic


“If my marriage contract with her was still in place, wouldn’t I be the Duke of

the Nordic Kingdom now?”

“Da*n …… had I known that Charlie was so capable, I would have kneeled

down to lick him even if he had grabbed my fcuking head, how could I

sneer at him right away …… really fcuking blinded my dog eyes!”

Morgan’s father Andrew is even more depressed to the extreme, thinking in

his heart: “Originally almost married the Nordic empress as a

daughter-in-law, the result is that now the daughter-in-law ran away.”

“Not to mention that I fcuking have to be here to observe mourning for three

years if this is not the day of the dog then what is!”

Chapter 3647

Let alone Andrew and Morgan.

Every member of the Wade family kneeling here has regrets in their hearts

at this time.

If they had known that Charlie was so capable, they would not have

offended him even if they had died.

Let alone quietly buying mourning clothes and planning to surrender to


Now they are like those traitors after the victory of the war. One by one, in

addition to doused in regret, they are more groundless and incompetent.

At this moment, behind the Wade family lines, there were two people


These two people are the father and son, Chengfeng and Zynn of the Su


Originally, the Cataclysmic Front members after kneeling for a full day and

night departed down the mountain, they had also started at the same time,

but Chengfeng and Zynn continue to kneel and must kneel until Charlie


At this time, when the two heard him even talk about putting Helena on the

throne of the Nordic Queen, their hearts are shocked beyond measure.

Charlie’s eyes also glanced at the two of them and opened his mouth to

ask: “Chengfeng, Zynn, why are you two still here?”

Chengfeng hurriedly said, “Back to Young Master Wade …… you didn’t

come, how dare we leave ……”

Charlie smiled and casually said, “All right, you two people do not need to

play here, hurry back to prepare for the departure, each will go to the future


Saying that, Charlie thought of Olivia, spoke: “Right Chengfeng, I found a

group of long workers for your future estate in Madagascar, which includes

the three families members of Princess Olivia of the Nordic royal family.”

“When the time comes, they will be treated as former black slaves, planting

cotton and cutting sugar cane and other things.”

Chengfeng could not help but shiver, thinking: “This Olivia is not only the

princess of the Nordic royal family, but also the previous heir to the throne,

her father is also the prince of the Nordic royal family,”

“Get their family to the future of my estate as a long laborer? Charlie this

guy is also a little too careless about the dignity of the royal family, right


Although the heart thinks so, but his mouth still promised down, said

gratefully: “Young Master Wade, everything for your sake ……”

Charlie lightly said: “You go to Madagascar, must give me a good

operation, later I may still have people to send to you.”

Chengfeng’s heart panicked, can not help but ask himself: “I fcuking go to

Madagascar this time, in the end, is to be the landlord’s, or to be Charlie’s

warden ……”

Panicked, he still did not hesitate to say:

“Young master Wade do not worry, I will certainly run the Madagascar

industry well, before leaving I will communicate well with Zhiyu again, the

details, and then properly matters will be dealt properly.”

Charlie said casually: “Hurry up, I have a large number of people waiting to

be arranged over in Northern Europe.”

Chengfeng hurriedly said respectfully, “Yes, Young Master Wade! I will

definitely hurry up!”

Charlie nodded slightly, then said, “All right, from now on, the rest of

Waderest is the Wade family’s business, you guys can go.”

After saying that, he looked at a few of the Cataclysmic Front members and


“A few of you escort the two of them and go to Shangri-La to find Zhiyu, so

that they can do all the things they promised to do.”

Several members of the Cataclysmic Front immediately arched their hands

and said, “Okay Mr. Wade, your subordinates will do as we are told!”

Seeing that both Chengfeng and Zynn were taken away, Charlie looked at

the Wade family kneeling in front of him, then he turned to Elder Wade and


“I’ll go to my parents’ graves for a while, when the gang at the bottom of the

mountain kowtows all the way up, let them kneel here first.”

Elder Wade did not hesitate to say, “No problem Charlie, you go, I’ll deal

with the things here.”

Charlie nodded and walked alone through several rows of tombstones.

Chapter 3648

Walking for a while he finally stepped in front of his parents’ tomb and

slowly knelt down.

Gazing at his parents’ photos, Charlie’s heart was filled with emotions, he

couldn’t help but say softly,

“Dad, your son is now the head of the Wade family, back then if grandpa

had passed the headship to you earlier,”

“I think you and mom wouldn’t have left your hometown for Aurous Hill,

much less incurred the scourge of killing yourself ……”

“Mom and Dad, you two please rest assured that your son will definitely

find the murderer who killed you two back then, I will avenge you two!”

Speaking of this, he looked at the portrait of his father’s handsome face,

choked: “Dad …… I know you always wanted to carry forward the Wade

family, let the Wade family stand at the top of the world.”

“Now, your son has decided to carry your banner, one day, I will let the

Wade family become the top of this world. One day, I will make the Wade

family the top family in the world!”

After that, Charlie looked at his mother’s portrait and said ashamedly:

“Mom …… they all advised me that I should go and meet my grandparents,

I believe you must also want me to go and see them, but I really have little

contact with my grandparents,”

“And now that you are also gone, I really do not know how to face them

both, so this matter may not be possible for the time being, please can you

forgive ……”

Subsequently, he bent down and kowtowed three heads in front of his

parents’ tombstone.

Immediately after that, he said, “Dad, Mom, your son will keep you two

company today, tomorrow I may have to return to Aurous Hill,”

“Right now your son is not ready to disclose the identity, it is not

appropriate to stay here for a long time, but in the future, I will often take

the time to come over to see you ……”

“When your son formally discloses the identity to the world in the future,

your son will definitely bring you two’s daughters-in-law over together, so

that you two can see your son’s other half, so that you two are more at


At this point, Charlie’s heart is full of melancholy, tears also silently slipped


In the following hours, he did not speak again but silently kneeled long in

front of his parents’ spirit, without saying a word.

The Wade family could only see his back from below.

And no one knew that the man who had just subdued the Cataclysmic

Front and completely changed the pattern of the Nordic royal family with his

own power had already burst into tears in front of his parents’ grave.

A few hours later, most of the members of the Wade family’s side lineage

came all the way to the bottom of the pagoda on the hill on their knees.

Seeing a group of first cousins also kneeling here, each one was a little


Before they could figure out why the first family members of the Wade

family were also kneeling on the ground.

They were chided by the members of the Cataclysmic Front to kneel down


As more and more people came up, the bottom of the Waderest pagoda

was almost full of people kneeling.

At this time, the sky is getting darker, the golden sunset spread over the

entire Waderest Mountain so that these white jade carved tombstones look

particularly eye-catching.

The sky’s sunset reflected on Charlie’s back, everyone watched with rapt

attention, waiting for his next instruction.

Only, this back kneeling there, has not moved for several hours, as if

carved permanently to the ground.

Just as the sky reflected fiery red fire clouds, Charlie slowly rose, looked

back, watched the Wade family people kneeling a piece, slowly walked

down from the tomb.

The core members of the Wade family, as well as the members of the side

lines all turned their eyes to him, the vast majority of them acting very

apprehensive, except for Elder Wade and Laila, whose expressions carried

full anticipation.

Charlie came to stand in front of the crowd, looked around for a long time,

said in a cold voice: “From today, the Wade family ancestral ritual will be

commemorated from once every twelve years to once a year!”

“All forms can be simplified, but all people must come to Waderest in

person on the day of Qingming Festival to pay respect to the ancestors, no

one can be absent!”

“In addition, all members of the Wade family must come to Eastcliff every

three months.”

“This is for a debriefing meeting to report in detail to the head of the family

on the business situation in the past three months, and no one is allowed to

be absent! Do you all understand?!”

In Charlie’s opinion, these side clans of the Wade family only came over to

pay their respects once every twelve years, this frequency was really too


And because of this, they could not talk about any loyalty to the Wade

family at all, and the Wade family had no actual control over them.

However, from now on, all this must be completely changed.

Having them come to the ancestral rituals every year and report every

three months is to strengthen the Wade family’s control over them as the

main family.

If the Wade family is compared to a feudal dynasty, what Charlie wants to

do now is to strengthen centralized power, weaken local decentralization,

and hold these scattered vassal kings, in his hands!

Chapter 3649

No one expected that Charlie would change the ancestor worship

ceremony, which was once every 12 years, directly to once a year.

You know, although the ancestral festival is very meaningful, but itself is

also a laborious thing.

So, there was an older member of the side branch in the crowd who said:

“Charlie …… ancestor ceremony once every 12 years is the rule set by the

old ancestors, you want to change it to once a year.”

“It is too frequent, right? I personally think, we so frequently disturb the

ancestor’s peace, which may not be a good thing! In case the old ancestors

are displeased, then this is a great disrespect to them!”

Charlie looked at him and said in a cold voice: “It’s because it used to be

once every twelve years, so you guys with the surname Wade have long

forgotten the old ancestor to the clouds!”

“When people said they were going to dig up your ancestors’ graves, you

all fled Eastcliff in the night! Is that how you respect your ancestors?

That old man suddenly blushed and hurriedly shut his mouth.

When Charlie saw that he didn’t speak, he questioned, “Why don’t you

speak? Weren’t you quite capable of talking just now?”

After saying that, Charlie pointed to the ancestral tomb of the Wade family

behind him and asked him in a cold voice:

“Come, in front of the old ancestor, you explain to the old ancestor properly,

how exactly did you respect them?”

The old man was ashamed and said, “I …… I was wrong ……”

Charlie said in a cold voice: “Don’t tell me! Come out and tell the old

ancestor yourself!”

The old man could only walk out from the crowd, facing more than a

hundred Wade family ancestors’ graves, and said in shame:

“Wade family ancestors above, the unworthy grandson was wrong! I hope

the ancestors will forgive me!”

Charlie coldly snorted, ignoring the old man, and continued to address the

more than seven hundred Wade Family side branches in front of him,

sternly saying,

“Don’t think that you are Wade Family side branches, and that I, the head

of the main family, am bullying you by making demands of you!”

After saying that, he pointed at his immediate uncles and cousins and

others who were kneeling on one side, and said in a cold voice:

“Open your eyes and take a good look at these kneeling around you! All of

them are members of the Wade family!”

“Here are my own eldest uncle, my second uncle, my aunt, and my

cousins, who have made mistakes and still have to kneel here for three

days and three nights for me!”

As soon as those words came out, Andrew and other members of the

Wade family’s original family, one by one, lowered their heads in shame,

while the seven hundred or so members of the side branches, one by one,

were dumbfounded!

Only then did they realize that Charlie’s iron blood was not just for them,

the outsiders.

He had dealt with his own family even more ruthlessly than he had with


Charlie continued to speak shockingly at this point: “And I might as well tell

you that most of them, from now on, will have to stay at Waderest Mountain

for the next three years to observe mourning for the old ancestor!”

“In the next three years, even if a knife falls from the sky, they are not

allowed to leave half a step!”

“Even if anyone is seriously ill and needs to stay in the ICU, I will build the

ICU for him right here!”

This group of Wade family side members heard this, they begin to feel fear,

just now thought Charlie let their family kneel here for three days and three

nights is already very cruel, they did not expect that the punishment was

even more ruthless!

Chapter 3650

At this moment, Charlie with cold eyes looking at them, continued: “So you

all listen to me, from now on, if any of you dare to betray the family, or let

the family suffer losses, then one of you count one, must end up worse

than them!”

Seeing this, no one dared to raise any objections to the ancestor worship


The reason why Charlie wanted to hold the Ancestor Ritual once a year

was to continuously strengthen their loyalty to the Wade Family through a

faster frequency.

And at the same time make them understand the master-subordinate

relationship between the Wade Family and them.

So that they would have loyalty thoughts in their hearts, and then

strengthen the Wade Family’s control over them.

At this time, a young man spoke up and said, “I can understand that the

ancestor worship ceremony is held once a year, but why do we have to

come to Eastcliff every three months to report on our duties?”

Charlie asked him rhetorically, “You are taking the resources and earning

the money of the Wade family, and I ask you to come to Eastcliff every

three months for debriefing, do you have any other opinions?”

The young man busily said, “Our family moved overseas a long time ago,

and gradually shifted the focus of our business over the years, and

currently the business we run overseas has nothing to do with the Wade

family anymore.”

Charlie nodded his head and asked him, “What is your name?”

The young man replied, “My name is Aron Wade.”

Charlie nodded slightly and said, “Good, let me ask you, what business

does your family run overseas now?”

Aron busily said, “We produce and sell Chinese furniture for the whole of

Europe, mainly for Chinese customers, and our production place in


Charlie frowned and asked, “Why do you produce Chinese furniture in


Aron replied, “Mainly because Romania has a very high production of wood

and their labor costs are relatively cheap.”

Charlie asked again, “Then how many workers do you have in Romania?

What is the annual output value?”

Aron thought about it and said, “We have about 10,000 employees there,

with an annual output of about two billion euros and a net profit of about


Charlie nodded and said, “In that case, you have a net profit of 400 million

euros a year from this business alone.”

“Yes.” Aron said, “A few years ago our production base was still in China,

and I was the one who suggested my family moved the production base to


Charlie asked him, “The production base was placed in China, why did you

suggest moving to Romania?”

Aron explained with some pride, “Originally we produced in China and sold

in Europe, although the logistics cost was much higher, but because the

domestic labor is relatively cheap, so the overall profit margin is even a little

higher than now,”

“But I had a hunch five years ago that the EU will definitely continue to

raise tariffs and other taxes on foreign products in the future, in that case,

our products in the European market will lose all advantages.”

“And then the profit margin will also decline significantly, and I really did not

guess wrong, since three years ago, the EU has been increasing the tariffs

on imported furniture, and so far has increased by at least 40%!”

Charlie nodded and said, “After you moved your business there, you will be

able to avoid this tariff policy of Europe’s foreign countries, right?”

“That’s right!” Aron explained, “When we moved our production base to

Romania, we also re-registered a company there, which is equivalent to

turning our products into local goods production,”

“And because Romania also joined the European Union, the whole

European market gives great preferential policies to Romanian products, so

that we also effectively enjoy benefits of this preference.”

“With lower tax costs, our prices can be lower, which also allows us to have

more sales, so the overall profit margin is also considerable,”

“Compared to those other companies that have been producing Chinese

furniture at home and selling it to Europe, each of them has suffered heavy


Charlie smiled and said, “It seems that you are quite good at business.”

Aron said confidently, “That’s for sure, I finished my bachelor’s degree at

Yale University at the age of twenty and my MBA in two years, and I have

been involved in the operation of the family business since I was eighteen,”

“I dare not say I am a genius in business, but I am definitely much better

than most entrepreneurs who talk on paper.”

Charlie nodded slightly and smiled, spoke: “In that case, then you do not

need to go back this time, stay in China to give me a hand, by the way, I

also will test you to see whether you are what you say!”

Chapter 3651

Once Charlie’s words came out, Aron’s body trembled with fear.

The reason why he said this to Charlie was to let him understand that his

family’s current business was not dependent on the Wade family, nor did he

need any resources or help from the Wade family, so he would not need to

come to China every three months to give him a report.

But Aron never thought that after saying so much, Charlie would directly

ask him to stay in China to help him.

He instantly regretted that he wanted to slap himself dozens of times!

Then, he hurriedly cried and said, “Mr. Wade …… you must not take what I

just said seriously, because those are all my blowing……”

Charlie’s expression was bland as he asked, “Oh? Is that so?”

Aron hurriedly nodded his head like a garlic pounding.

And at this time a middle-aged male beside Aron, at this time with a

nervous face opened his mouth and said, “Charlie …… I am Aron’s father

Elmer Wade, and your father is a cousin of mine,”

“This son of mine is born to brag, completely ‘a bottle does not ring, half a

bottle bang’ stupid, I do not know how many times I scolded him, let him

outside do not blindly brag, but this child just does not listen ……”

Saying that, he quickly compensated with a smile and said, “You are now

the head of the Wade family, don’t be stringent with this kind of bragging

little kid ……”

Charlie nodded gently and said, “Oh …… talked for half a day it turned out

to be all blowing ah ……”

Elmer gave a slap on Aron’s head, angrily shouted: “ba5tard thing, still do

not hurry to apologize to the family head!”

Aron received a slap, also can not see half aggrieved, but instead said with

an apprehensive face: “Mr. Wade …… it is my fault, I should not have

bragged in front of you …… also please …… never see eye to eye with me


Charlie waved his hand and said casually: “Hey, people are not frivolous in

vain, who does not love to brag when they are young? This little thing, I

certainly will not take it to heart.”

Aron breathed a sigh of relief and said with gratitude, “Thank you, Mr.

Wade, for your generosity! Thank you Mr. Wade for being magnanimous!!!”

Charlie nodded, then looked at Elmer again and asked, “I have a question

to ask.”

Elmer hurriedly and humbly said: “Family head you have a question feel

free to ask, talk about nothing to ask for advice, we are just a small fly, how

can we afford to talk so ……”

Charlie smiled and said, “This is the case, I want to know just now Aron

said these things, is it true or false?”

“Did he completely fictionalized for me a series of things that did not

happen at all, or did he impose on his own head things that actually

happened but had nothing to do with him?”

Elmer stumbled a bit, stammered, and said, “This …… this …… is not to

say that it did not happen at all ……”

Charlie saw his incoherent look, so he asked straight to the point: “I just

want to know, five years ago unpredictable, the enterprise moved from

China to Romania, did it really happened?”

“Yes, yes!” Elmer hastily nodded his head and admitted.

He knew very well in his heart that there was no way to hide things, Charlie

could know the development path of all his family’s industries with just a

little investigation, there was no way to hide it.

Chapter 3652

Charlie then asked, “Then I want to know, the person who made that

decision 5 years ago, if it wasn’t Aron, then who was it?”

Elmer suddenly became more nervous and stumbled, “Yes …… is ……”

“What yes?” Charlie frowned and questioned in a cold voice, “Is it so hard

to name a person?”

Elmer saw that Charlie was somewhat dissatisfied and hurriedly said stiffly,

“It’s me …… it’s me …… it’s me who made that decision ……”

Aron looked at his father at this time, a face of worry and fear, but also with

full guilt.

Charlie looked at Elmer and seriously asked, “Was it really you?”

Elmer nodded his head repeatedly and said through clenched teeth, “It’s

really …… really me ……”

“That’s fine.” Charlie opened his mouth and said, “Since it is you, then you

stay, this family is now a hundred wastes to be revived, it is a critical

moment that needs to use people,”

“And those sons of this family, the next three years basically have to be in

mourning here, so it is the time I need you side branches to make more

contributions to this family.”

When Aron heard this, he immediately protested, “Mr. Wade! Although we

all have the surname Wade, we have long since become independent, and

our family has our own affairs, so how can we leave our own family affairs

aside and run to serve our family at such a time?”

“Besides, we ourselves are a small business, unlike our family which is so

big, if we delay our own family’s affairs again, won’t it be more difficult in

the future?”

He said, he hurriedly looked at the people around him, fanning the flames,

and said, “Everyone says whether what I just said is reasonable?”

“The family is already a large family with over a trillion dollars in assets, and

just now we were forced to take out half of our family fortune, and it also

took the Front under its command,”

“So our strength is much stronger than our side lines combined, so how

can it come back to rob our side lines of manpower?”

The others were also more or less discontented in their hearts.

Aron’s words really caught the core point that incited them.

This core point is that the Wade family’s core family is rich and powerful,

extorting so much money from everyone, forcing everyone to sign the

installment agreement, and now they still want to rob people directly from

other families, which is indeed a bit unjustified.

But although they are dissatisfied in their hearts, but after all, Charlie did

not force them to produce people, so at this time, none of them dared to

help, everyone lowered their heads and did not say a word.

Aron was anxious, said: “Everyone says something! More or less give a

reason can you?”

The crowd still did not answer.

Charlie then looked at Aron, said with a smile: “You are young, but you

have a lot of ideas, and the skills are indeed there.”

Speaking of this, Charlie turned his words and added: “But you have

overlooked a very important thing, skill is not even a fa.rt in front of

absolute power.”

Aron was seen through Charlie’s mind, and the whole person immediately


Charlie continued at this time, “I don’t care if your family’s current business

has anything to do with the Wade family, I just want to know, where did the

funds for your family’s start come from, and was it from the Wade family?”

The father and son duo did not dare to answer for a while.

Elder Wade spoke up at this time: “Charlie, the Elmer family, when they

were first separated from the Republic of China, was in the furniture

business, and when they were separated,”

“The Wade family gave 200,000 present foreigners, which took up 30% of

the shares in their business, and the Wade family also introduced them to

many businesses.”

“Later, when the new China was established, Elmer’s father took the

opportunity to play a little smart, he used his own composition which was

not good, wanted to reverse the impression of the local people on them,”

“So the original private enterprise, took the initiative to donate to the local

commune, but in fact really donated only one-tenth, but when he reported

to the Wade family, only to say that it was all donated.”

“Later, he fell silent for two years to start a new stove, the factory opened

up again, but because of the change of name, the family’s that 30% of the

shares also naturally do not count, these families know, just did not look


Charlie heard here, sneered, and said, “Heard it? If I really go back to the

old accounts, none of you can withstand the investigation.”

Elmer and Aron, father and son, were all nervous, lowering their heads and

not daring to speak.

Charlie then looked at Aron, coldly said: “Let you stay to the family to share

the worries, contribute, on the one hand, is to let you return the family’s

support and help to you,”

“On the other hand, is also to give you a good opportunity to get

preferential treatment for your own family!”

“If you are honest and do your best to contribute to our family for two years,

your family may be able to get a discount on the monthly installment fee of

six thousandths;”

“If you perform very well, I will give you a wave of my hand, all forgiveness

is also possible!”

“But if you still dare to play smart with this family, then you are incorrigible!”

“In that case, let your family also come to Waderest Mountain to observe

mourning for three years!”

Chapter 3653

Since the moment Charlie decided to carry his father’s banner, he was not

prepared to be polite to any of those surnamed Wade.

Because he knows very well in his heart that these people, although they

are all family, but more like enemies.

Being an emperor is easy, being an emperor it is too difficult.

Once you become an emperor and also want to be a successful emperor,

you must discard the ties of family members.

From the moment of ascending the throne, there is no longer father and

son, no longer mother and son, no longer grandfather and grandson, no

longer brothers and sisters.

There is only the king and his subjects!

One is a king!

Then ten thousand people are subjects!

So, naturally, Charlie would not be polite to these members of the Wade


In the final analysis, just one sentence.

What’s yours is mine, what’s mine is still mine!

He saw Aron, a young man with a clear head and unique vision, so he

moved to keep him in the Wade family’s mind.

In the future to cooperate with Helena, to open the door to the European

market through the Nordic royal family, will need a person who knows

Europe very well to be his think tank.

It just so happens that Aron’s family has been developing in Europe for

many years, and even moved their businesses there, so they must know a

lot about European policies.

Since this is the case, then sorry, this person, is wanted by Charlie.

However, now his father Elmer came out to cover the bag, Charlie although

can see through, but also not good to directly poke through, so said to


“Each of you from the Wade family back then to split out, are with the Wade

family’s money, with the Wade family’s resources to you are here today,”

“The result is you are not only ungrateful, but also you left behind the main

family and the Wade family ancestors,”

“Now I let you stay in the main family to contribute, for you, this is also a

good opportunity to redeem yourselves, you have to grasp!”

“Otherwise, I will not be polite, when the time comes to implicate the wife

and children, as well as your family’s original estate, then do not blame me

for not warning.”

Elmer knew he was in the wrong, he nodded and said, “What the family

head says is …… we must take advantage of it ……”

After saying that, he said with some uncertainty: “Family master, but my

ability is limited, if something is not done properly in the future, or not to

your liking, you must not blame ……”

At this time, Elmer has thought very clearly, if he can let him stay in the

Wade family, it is also a good thing, because although his son Aron is

inexperienced, but the control of business and business ability is indeed far

above himself.

The family’s industry, these years constantly reformed and upgraded,

whether it is shifting positions, or changing the face, or upgrading the

production process, almost behind every step it is Aron behind it, so he

stays, replaces him to go back to preside over the big picture, there is no

loss to his family.

Aron also realized at this time, he was just a little too talkative.

Better to stay idle and pretend nothing acting like a pu55y in front of

Charlie, or else his dad or he himself may have to stay with Charlie here in

the country……

Chapter 3654

At this moment, he was tempted to take the initiative to explain clearly, so

that his father can go back, he could stay, but also to avoid his father being

punished for himself.

But when he thinks of it, his family’s business is now at a critical stage of

the rise, and although he has not yet officially taken over as chairman.

But in fact has functionally fully assumed the duties of the chairman, it can

be said that the entire family business depends on him.

He then resisted the idea of confessing again.

Can only look at his father with tears, said seriously: “Dad, the family has

me, you can rest assured ……”

Elmer also nodded repeatedly and instructed, “I stay in the main family to

serve the main family, when the time comes, the chairman’s seat will be

taken over by you ……”

Speaking of this, Elmer sighed and lamented, “Just you are now so young

and inexperienced, so rushed to catch the duck on the shelf, I do worry that

you will not run it well ……”

Aron hurried to follow his father’s words down: “Dad …… you do not worry,

I will do my best to do, dare not say to lead the group to soar, at least do

my best to keep the family business, and so you come back to take charge

of the big picture ……”

Elmer sighed: “Hey! For the main family service, is my duty, so at the

moment except for forcing you to grow up quickly, there is no other way!”

Charlie could not help but frown, thinking in his heart: “You two are still here

with me acting on? It is quite good.”

Thinking of this, he cleared his throat and said to Elmer: “It is indeed too

risky to risk handing over such a large family business to a hairy boy,”

“Although the main family needs your efforts, but it must not be for you to

give up your original family property, in this way, it would seem that I am too

selfish as the family head.”

Once Elmer and Aron heard this, they were overjoyed and thought that

Charlie was going to change his mind.

Elmer did not dare to show it, but also intended to play another wave to

stabilize, so hurriedly said: “Family head, at such a time, even if we are

asked to sacrifice a small family, to protect everyone, we can understand


Charlie waved his hand and spoke, “This is still not appropriate.”

Saying that, he suddenly brightened up and said offhandedly, “I do have a

good way!”

Elmer asked, “Family head, what is your good idea?”

Charlie pointed at the kneeling Andrew in the crowd and said, “My uncle

Andrew, the eldest son of the Wade family, has superb abilities, why not let

him run your family business for you,”

“You and your son stay in the country to work for the family, with my uncle,

maybe in two or three years, your family business will become the world’s

top 500, aren’t you in the furniture business? Give my uncle three years’

time, he will absolutely let your market value exceeds the Swedish IKEA.”

Andrew himself was a little embarrassed to hear it.

“I have so much ability? Damn listening to him I almost believe ……”

However, at the thought of being able to leave Waderest, or even leave the

country, without having to observe mourning at Waderest for three years,

he was very excited and immediately said, “Charlie, thank you for your trust

in me! I will definitely do my best!”

Charlie nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Aron and said seriously,

“Aron, your father is old and has been out of the country for many years, I

am worried that he will not be able to adapt to the water, so why don’t you

just stay and take care of his diet and living.”

A sentence, let Aron’s expression instantly frozen ……

He did not expect that his father had easily plucked him out of it, Charlie

circled around and pulled him in again.

Just when he was depressed to the core and didn’t know how to answer,

Charlie said again, “As for this piece of your family business, you can leave

it to my eldest uncle as much as you can, he will definitely help you run it


“Think about it, as long as you serve in the main family for a few years, you

will be able to harvest a Fortune 500 company after you return, is this not

the same as picking up for nothing?”

Chapter 3655

Elmer and Aron have the heart to die.

Elmer cursed in his heart: “If Andrew is really so capable, why didn’t you

reappoint him and put him to us? This kind of big pitiful goods to really go in

charge of our family business, in less than three years our family will have

to go bankrupt ……”

Aron is also depressed to the extreme, thinking: “Although Dad is not a top

entrepreneur, but at least it is also so many years of work down, full of

experience and also very stable and solid,”

“Even if they do not like to reform and innovation, at least the family

business can also hold down the current scale …… but If you change that

Andrew in the past, he will not be able to completely destroy our family?”

Thinking of this, Aron hurriedly said, “Family head …… our kind of small

business, how can we bother Uncle Andrew this great personality!”

“Let him manage that small factory of ours, it’s just like an anti-aircraft gun

hitting a mosquito, it’s really too wasteful ……”

Charlie did not care waving his hand, very openly said: “Nothing, not a bit

of waste, our family has this condition!”

Aron was about to collapse.

He finally understood that Charlie was the master of acting.

Himself and dad are not even a in front of him.

Originally, he and his father still wanted to act out so that they could change

themselves out and back to continue to run the family business.

Did not expect that this person Charlie with three or two words, not only set

him back again, but also put their family in a position where they can not

afford to mess with.

Elmer is also depressed to the extreme, he now has no idea how to end.

Even, even the opportunity to take the initiative to let the son stay is very


Because once that happened, it would be like admitting that he had just lied

to Charlie.

They are the ones who wear the sin in front of the Wade family, and as a

result, they are still playing small with Charlie at this time, and if he catches

the blame, then there is really no chance at all.

Andrew at this time was excited.

He saw Aron still wanted to refuse, and quickly spoke: “Charlie, this matter

you do not need to consult the two of them, I see that they also have a debt

to our Wade family,”

“Embarrassed to bother again, but I have always been a good talker,

trouble is a little trouble, but I am willing to work, absolutely there will be no


Morgan was so envious that he begged, “Charlie, my father is not well, can

I also go to take care of his food and living?”

Charlie ignored him and turned to Elmer and Aron, smiling and asking,

“How about this, I’m the head of the family, I still do things with respect,

right? Your own dear eldest uncle is sent to help you guys, what kind of

selfless spirit must this be?”

Elder Wade listened on the side, couldn’t help but reach out and wipe his

face, thinking that Charlie was really too damaging, so damaging that he,

the former head of the family, could not even face up.

He knew better than anyone what kind of person his eldest son was.

The level of Andrew, in the Wade family, is a complete drag.

If the Wade family is a speeding train, then Andrew is one of the carriages

that can neither carry passengers, nor pull cargo.

The goods follow the Wade family train, in addition to increasing the fuel

consumption of the train, reducing the speed of the train, no half positive


Usually, in the Wade family, serious events have a team of professional

managers and a number of think tanks around the world responsible for the

operation, he only needs to symbolically sign the decision book, and then

take the highest salary and dividends of the entire Wade family.

This family’s furniture business, a year can have a few hundred million

euros of profit, but with Andrew in normal circumstances, a year of dry

flowers will have to spend so much.

And Andrew spends money in a very wasteful manner.

If he goes abroad to visit a trip, first have to buy a set of the best villa in the

area as a palace, according to his words, he is not used to living in any

hotel, or prefer to live at home, so buy a house is the best choice.

Chapter 3656

Moreover, according to Andrew buying a house itself is also an investment

to use as an excuse.

However, normal people buy a house, which is indeed an investment, but

he Andrew to buy a house is completely pay IQ tax.

50 million villa, comes with 20 million decoration, can turnkey, sell him 100

million, he also thinks it is a good deal.

And the villa bought, need to buy a variety of items, including a variety of

daily necessities as well as cars, yachts, and even helicopters.

In addition, it also requires a lot of human and material resources to

maintain, to ensure that you can go to live at any time, and always have a

maid to provide services.

So this one hundred million to buy the villa, buy a car, to buy a yacht, to buy

a helicopter, may have to smash in tens of millions.

Then these thing’s depreciation costs are amazingly high, a year’s

depreciation is 10 million easily, and the entire villa and a variety of

equipment maintenance costs also have to be in tens of millions, plus staff

wages, it is absolutely astronomical.

In other words, a villa left untouched, a year will have to throw in 20 million.

If he makes two trips a year, the cost of this will increase again.

Five years later, the original value of $70 million villa may indeed go up, up

to 100 million, or even 100 million.

But the five years into the maintenance costs, depreciation costs, at least

more than 100 million.

When buying a hundred million, smashed more than a hundred million, and

finally can only sell it for a hundred million, this can be considered a


Before because the Wade family has a lot of money, so he spent a few

hundred million or even a dozen million a year by various means, while in

the Wade family it is not a big deal, so the old man also did not bother to


But now if you let him go to the Aron’s family business management, it is

the same as a pig to a group of ants as the boss of the family.

The pig can not be a good boss first put aside, the group of ants work hard

to get that little food, even if they do not eat a bite, may not be able to feed


Elmer on the level of Andrew did also understand, at this moment afraid

Andrew really will go to his family, so many years of accumulated family

assets all will be consumed, so also cared not to be blamed by Charlie,

kneeling on the ground repeatedly repented:

“I was wrong, family head …… I confess to you …… our family these years

has always been run by my son Aron making all decisions!”

“Just now I lied to you because I still have a selfish heart and want my son

to go back to preside over the big picture …… I now know that I was wrong

…… please punish me…… “

Aron also frightened face pale, said off: “Family master …… beg you to let

my father go back to run the family industry, I will stay in the country, do my

best to contribute to the main family!”

Charlie’s expression instantly became cold and incomparable, sternly

reprimanded: “You really have a lot of nerve! You fled in the night first, and

now you don’t know how to repent, but you are still lying here!”

“It seems that you, the side branches, really don’t take the main family

seriously in your hearts!”

When Elmer heard this, he shivered in fear and hurriedly pleaded, “Family

master …… I was just confused for a moment, I didn’t take the main family

seriously …… After all, we, the side branches, are all here today because

of the main family ……”

Charlie coldly snorted, looked at the crowd, and said in a loud voice: “The

previous peaceful prosperity has covered up too many problems and too

much dirt in the Wade family!”

“If not for this calamity, I would have thought that the Wade family was

really prosperous and thriving! Now it seems that it is all just a false


Speaking here, Charlie cleared his throat and continued, “From now on,

these problems must be completely resolved!”

“No matter whether your business is still related to the Wade family,

everyone must put the interests of the main family in the first place!”

“If you perform well, your original business with the Wade family can

continue, and the Wade family’s new industry, the future will also give you

some space to participate, my purpose is nothing more than six words, I

promote you, you embrace me!”

“But if you continue to do what you want, then I will not only cut off all

business between the main family and you,”

“But also from the main family giving you assistance for so many years,

support is all clear, according to the way interest is paid by the interest for

compensation, if you refuse to admit, I have ways to clean you up!”

“Any of you who have objections, you can raise them now!”

Hearing these words, the crowd’s expressions were immediately

awe-inspiring, and they hastily took a stand to behave properly in the


When Charlie saw that no one had any objection, he continued, “Well,

since you are all willing to choose to perform well, there is a difficult matter

at hand that requires your collective efforts to share the worries of the


All eyes looked at Charlie, wondering what the tricky thing he is going to


Charlie said lightly at this time: “Wade family’s underlings are also like you,

as soon as they saw Cataclysmic Front attacking the door, they ran away


“After the main family’s underlings are not available, the rumor is afraid to

be laughed off.”

“So, before the end of this month, each of your family, must be from the

immediate family, select two young descendants to serve the main family!

To fill up the gap of underlings for me first!”

Chapter 3657

In Charlie’s eyes, these side families were second-class citizens compared

to the main family.

Plus with the black history of ingratitude and injustice, so in the future, it

would be even more impossible to treat them as human beings and equals.

Let them, each family, bring out two young descendants to come to the

Wade family as subordinates, this is to let them know that their mission, is

to serve the main family.

When more than seven hundred members of the Wade family’s side line

heard this, although their hearts were full of grievances, but with the

previous experience of Aron’s family, no one dared to say a word of no at

this time.

Seeing that the people did not dare to oppose, Charlie said, “Since you all

have no opinion, then this matter is settled.”

After saying that, he took the roster of this ancestor ceremony and said,

“This has the information of every branch of the Wade family, as well as the

list of representatives who will come here to participate in the ancestor


“Within a week, all families must submit the information of the selected

young descendants. “

Everyone looked at Charlie with bated breath, not knowing how harsh his

requirements would be.

Only to see him cleared his throat and said in a cold voice: “First, it must be

a direct relative of the Wade family line,”

“None of you should think of taking an outsider or a relative to fool me, the

person who comes must be surnamed Wade, and must be the first son and

grandson of each of your families!”

How dare people speak, they can only nod and agree.

Charlie said again, “Second, must be a university degree or above;”

“Third, the age range between twenty-two and thirty-five years old, more

than thirty-five years old, none of them are allowed!”

“And not all female family members can be sent, of the two in each family,

at least one male must be guaranteed.”

Some people’s expressions changed slightly.

When they first heard that they were going to send people over to the main

family as servants, they thought that it would be better to send two girls


“After all, they were all very patriarchal and generally wanted to train their

male children to be successors, which would not be willing to send their

own children and grandchildren over to be servants.

But Charlie’s words, for this group of people, are very hard to bear.

Some of the family’s female children are fine, but the male children can be


A total of two or three young grandchildren, meet the educational and age

conditions, either still pursuing a master’s degree, or already in the position

to receive training.

This time out to the Wade family as a servant, both from the practical point

of view, or from the psychological point of view, it is difficult for them to


At this point, Charlie continued: “Fourth, all to the main family service, two

years a rotation, after the expiration of two years can leave the main family,

return to their own family.

But you must send the next batch of people over three months in advance,

while they work with the previous batch of people to hand over, to ensure

that all positions can be seamlessly integrated, otherwise, there is a

mistake, only you are asked.”

When the people heard this, their expressions were much more bitter than

a bitter melon.

In their opinion, Charlie’s requirements for them were already considered

harsh to the extreme.

Moreover, behind this, there was a vague feeling of ancient pledges.

It was like every vassal king, who had to send a son to the capital as a


Once they thought of this layer, it was even harder for them to accept.

However, difficult to accept also can not help.

Chapter 3658

Charlie is now playing with them, it is the diplomatic level of power politics.

This not only sets economic sanctions, but also the threat of force and

force to combat, and even control their internal affairs.

Economic sanctions since needless to say, only a very few families in this

can be like Aron’s family, basically no longer rely on the Wade family, most

of the other family business to rely on the Wade family to carry forward their


And these people are now all cash sucked dry by the Front, and signed a

five-year installment agreement, the economic lifeline has been held in the

hands of Charlie.

The force level, needless to say, Front is the best fist of Charlie right now,

pointing to where to hit, this alone is enough to scare this gang of side


As for the control of the internal affairs, it is completely up to Charlie’s mind,

who disobeys, Charlie can completely abolish the disobedient family head,

and then support an obedient up from within.

These members of the side line also saw Charlie’s intentions, but they

simply do not have the strength to confront him, so they were forced to


Seeing that all of them had no objections, Charlie opened his mouth and

said, “Since you all have no opinions, then we will push forward as I said,”

“Within a week, report the list and information to Ms. Cynthia Wade for

review, and the subsequent personnel reports and work docking will also

have Ms. Cynthia responsible for docking.”

As soon as Cynthia heard Charlie mention her name, she immediately said

excitedly, “Don’t worry, I will do the things you have explained!”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction and said in a cold voice: “All of you listen to

me, everything in this matter is subject to Ms. Cynthia’s decision,”

“Ms. Cynthia reports directly to me, if any of you do not cooperate or

respond negatively, I will not forgive him lightly!”

The crowd’s expressions were awe-inspiring, and although their hearts

were painful, they could only express their willingness to actively


As for Cynthia, at this moment, she was already excited badly.

Originally, when she saw Charlie’s cold face, she felt hairy all over, but now

when she looked at it, she felt so cute.

This is also because Charlie did treat her with a few preferential treatments

these two days.

Previously, it was the matter of mourning that allowed her to be exempted,

only needing to kneel for three full days at the tomb.

And now, such an important job was given to her to take charge of, which

immediately made her feel that she had been reused by Charlie.

At the same time, it also made her sigh in her heart, “It seems that all those

hardships she suffered at his hands were not in vain ……”

In fact, what Cynthia did not know was that it was not that Charlie intended

to reuse her, but that he understood her mentality very well.

Charlie knew that this aunt of his was bent on getting a firm foothold in the

Wade family and was always looking for opportunities to perform.

And she is impatient, big-tempered, and always very high posture, to say

that to do serious things, she may not have any ability and skill.

But to say that let her to be a supervisor, to torture people, to move some

eggs and bones things, then she is absolutely the most suitable candidate.

On her old princess temper, once the attack, the average person simply

can not stand.

So, give this matter to Cynthia to take charge, the follow-up is definitely

enough for this group of side families to drink a pot, and those sent to

works, do not want to sneak in the future.

Charlie then spoke: “Right, in order to prevent the people you submit up,

Ms. Cynthia side can not see, so you can simply submit all the members of

their own families meet my requirements above information to her, she will

choose from the best.”

Once Charlie’s words came out, the heads of these side families, one by

one, wanted to cry.

Originally, they thought they only need to select people according to

Charlie’s requirements on the line, there is basically no pressure on the

family’s male children, just choose a less popular one and send over.

However, now Charlie asked them to submit all of them to Cynthia

screening, which would be a problem because Cynthia will certainly choose

the best in the selection of merit.

In that case, she is likely to choose the original successor of their family,

which they can not stand this situation?

However, although these people are not willing to accept, but there are

some people who have been excited hard, these people are basically all in

their respective families can not rank first in the descendants.

But once the first is selected to serve the main family, then they will have

more than a few opportunities to make a name for themselves.

Charlie naturally sees these people and their expressions, a few happy a

few sad faces, but he did not bother to pay attention to them.

He commanded a member of Front: “You guys the first half of this group of

people, let them go back to their families, let each find their mother;”

“As for the second half, let them kneel in front of the ancestors of the Wade

family until this time tomorrow, and then let them get out!”

Chapter 3659

Except for Elmer and Aron who did not dare to move, the remaining half of

the members of the side line were driven down Waderest Mountain by the

soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front.

The remaining half could only kneel here honestly for 24 hours.

Elmer and Aron, who were originally in the half that went up the mountain

first, now seeing that Charlie was willing to let those who went up the

mountain first go.

Aron hurriedly asked him, “Family head …… I wonder if you can be noble

and let my father go back?”

Charlie said in a cold voice: “Yes, you and your father kneel here for three

days, after three days your father can leave and you go to the Aurous Hill

Emgrand Group to report to the Doris Wang.”

Once Aron heard this, he was overjoyed and quickly said gratefully, “Thank

you, family head …… Thank you ……”

Elmer also breathed a sigh of relief and said gratefully, “Thank you for the

family head’s magnanimity ……”

Kneeling on the ground Andrew saw this, immediately anxious, quickly

asked, “Charlie …… that …… what about me? Didn’t we agree …… to let

me go to take over their family’s estate? I am all ready!”

Charlie lightly said: “This is not another change of mind? You don’t need to

go, stay here to properly observe mourning for the old ancestor.”

Andrew suddenly despaired to the extreme, originally thought there was a

chance to escape from the sea of suffering, but unexpectedly it was an

empty joy.

On the side, Morgan is even more on the verge of collapse, he originally

dreamed, hoping that his father can go to take over the Aron family’s


Hee also will follow his father to leave Waderest, did not expect it was a

pipe dream.

So, without waiting for Andrew to say anything, Morgan said reluctantly:

“Charlie …… what you say can not let this Elmer back, he was born to

rebel, you still let him go back, it is not the same as letting the tiger return to

the mountain?”

“We have to keep him and his son to be safe and sound!”

When Elmer and Aron, father and son heard this, they both wanted to

come up and beat Morgan to death.

They have seen bad ones but never seen such bad ones.

Charlie easily forgave the father and the son just acted on the scene, did

not expect Morgan this time to speak such words, this is not even fallen

stone, this is a fcuking murder to kill the heart!

Aron angrily rebuked: “Morgan! Our family has never offended you, you are

too vicious!”

Morgan didn’t care about this, he only knew that only if Charlie left Elmer

behind, his father could be free.

Only after his father is free could he leave Waderest.

So, he pointed at Aron, excitedly said to Charlie: “Charlie, good brother,

you listen to my advice, this pair of father and son have wolf ambitions.”

“You must be careful, neither one can be let go, otherwise the future will

become a big problem!

Aron was so angry that his body trembled, if not for Charlie here, he really

wanted to rush up and hit him.

Charlie said with a smile: “Morgan, don’t you just want to leave Waderest

Mountain? If you want to, just say so, there is no need to use me as a gun,

am I as stupid as you think?”

Morgan’s expression was instantly embarrassed to the extreme, and he

didn’t know how to respond for a while.

Hearing these words, Aron looked at Charlie with immense gratitude and

said with gratitude, “Thank you for the clear view, family head!”

Chapter 3660

Charlie waved his hand, looked at Morgan again, and opened his mouth to

ask: “Morgan, tell me the truth, do you want to leave Waderest Mountain?”

Morgan was startled and quickly waved his hand: “No …… I don’t want to


Charlie laughed: “Look at you, not honest at all, that’s what I don’t like

about you, that mouth, cannot speak a word of truth from one day to the


Saying that, Charlie said in a serious manner: “If you want to leave you to

say it straight, as long as you say it straight, I’ll give you a chance.”

“It just so happens that I have a matter at hand that needs someone, if you

say it straight, I’ll give you a chance to deal with this matter.”

Morgan immediately brightened up, and could not hide his excitement, and

said, “I say I say …… I’ll be honest …… I really don’t want to stay at

Waderest ……”

“Charlie …… beg you to give me a chance! Whatever you let me do, I’m

willing, as long as you don’t let me go to Madagascar to cut sugar cane


Charlie nodded and smiled, “How can I let you go to Madagascar, how can

you say that you are also surnamed Wade, I can’t let the Wade family go to

work for the Su family to contribute.”

Saying that, Charlie faintly smiled, “I want you to go to Northern Europe this


As soon as Morgan heard the word Northern Europe, he not only sighed

with relief, but also said with great excitement, “Go to Northern Europe? I

will go, I will go!”

“What do you want me to do in Scandinavia, just give me an order, I will do

my best!”

At this moment, Morgan’s heart was already extremely excited, and he

couldn’t help but think with ecstasy: “Charlie asked me to go to Northern

Europe, he must want me to represent the Wade family and strengthen the

cooperation with the Northern European royal family!”

“Moreover, Helena has also been my fiancée, and will soon be enthroned

as the Queen, if I can win back Helena’s heart and marry her, then I will

become the link between the Wade family and the royal family of Northern


“Then I can also be a duke! Not only will I benefit from this, but the Wade

family will benefit greatly! It seems that Charlie has really played a good

game of chess!”

Thinking of this, he already thought of Charlie as a new parent, and quickly

fawned and said, “Charlie …… Oh no! Family head! Do not worry! I will do

my best to win back Helena’s heart after I arrive in Northern Europe!”

“I will never fail to meet your and the Wade family’s hopes for me.”

Charlie froze, could not help but laugh: “Then you may be thinking too

much, I am sending you to Northern Europe, not for you to pursue Helena,

and she will soon ascend to the throne to become the empress, you think

with your toes also know that she can not look at you.”

“Ah?” Morgan’s heart was half cold as he asked, “Then why do you want

me to go there?”

“Is it to start cooperation with the Nordic royal family as the representative

of the Wade family? But didn’t you give this mission to Second Aunt


Charlie laughed: “Of course it’s not for you to be the representative of the

Wade family, the main reason is that there are still three people there that

need to be disposed of as soon as possible,”

“So you go to Northern Europe with the Cataclysmic Front members and

send those three people to Syria.”

“Ah? To Syria?!” Once Morgan heard this, the whole person almost

collapsed and said offhandedly, “Then I would rather stay in Waderest than

go to a place like Syria ……”

Although the conditions in Waderest are a bit tough, but at least it’s safe.

And also can stay with dad and other relatives.

Syria is a place where the conditions are 10,000 times tougher than in

Waderest, and there is war everywhere, so who wants to go to a place

where there is nothing to do?

It would be better to honestly observe the mourning of the old ancestor in


However, Charlie did not give him the opportunity to give feedback.

He questioned in a cold voice: “Morgan, do you think I am discussing with


Morgan saw that Charlie was moved to anger and cried and pleaded,

“Charlie …… oh no …… Family head …… I… …I really don’t know you let

me go to Syria …… my father has only one son, if I die in Syria, my father’s

line will be extinct ah ……”

Charlie said indifferently: “Do not worry, with the soldiers of the Cataclysmic

Front, you can not die, not to mention that I have connections over there,

will absolutely guarantee your safety.”

Saying that, Charlie warned again, “But you’d better not talk any more

nonsense, otherwise, I might make you stay in Syria for the rest of your


Seeing this, Morgan quickly nodded his head like a garlic and said, “I’ll go!

I’ll go! Whenever you say, I will go!”

Charlie ignored him and turned to a five-star general of the Cataclysmic

Front and said,

“Choose four of your men and take Morgan with you on the Concorde to

Northern Europe, and send the three people I mentioned to Hamid.”

The five-star war general said respectfully, “Your subordinate understands!”

Chapter 3661

When Charlie finished solving everything, by now it was already late.

And the brightly lit Waderest Mountain, densely kneeling hundreds of


Charlie turned back to look at his parents’ tomb not far away and stared for

a long time before he sighed lightly and said to Elder Wade: “Grandpa

since things are almost done, I’ll go back to Aurous Hill tomorrow.”

Elder Wade said, “Charlie, you are now the head of the Wade family, I do

not advise you to stay in Eastcliff and settle down,”

“But this time at least stay a few more days, I will work with you to sort out

all the affairs of the family, and then introduce the family’s team of

managers to you, they will be answerable to you.”

Charlie said, “The Wade family has a lot of business, it is not realistic to

have these managers prepare all the information immediately, and even if

they are ready, they will definitely not be able to connect clearly in a while,”

“You tell them to prepare the information and materials for the connection

from tomorrow, and I will come back in a few days.”

Elder Wade felt that Charlie’s words were reasonable, not to mention the

Wade family’s large industry, even if it was a company with tens of millions

of assets, all kinds of operational information could not be prepared in a

day or two.

So, he nodded and said, “Okay, then I will instruct them to start preparing

later, and then you will come to Eastcliff to dock with them.”

Charlie answered and said, “I will go to Shangri-La later to meet with Su’s

family again, and return to Aurous Hill tomorrow morning.”

Elder Wade did not continue to stay, so he said, “Charlie, when you go

back this time, leave the private plane that Philip sent you in Eastcliff,”

“From now on, the Concorde of the family will be your special plane, the

speed of that plane is fast, and it is more convenient no matter where you


Charlie waved his hand and said indifferently, “No need, Eastcliff is not that

far from Aurous Hill in the first place, and the ordinary plane tales only two


“Although the Concorde is fast, but flying this distance, including takeoff

and landing time, it also takes an hour, in fact, not much faster, more

importantly, the Concorde is the only one in the country,”

“If you fly to a small place like Aurous Hill, it is a little too conspicuous, so

better put it in Eastcliff for the time being.”

Hearing this, Elder Wade nodded gently and said, “Grandpa will temporarily

place it in Eastcliff for you, if there are any matters and requests, you can

order at any time!”

“Okay.” Charlie withdrew his gaze from his parents’ tomb, his eyes slightly

closed for a moment, and spoke, “Alright, Leon prepare the car, let’s go

down the mountain this time.”

Leon said respectfully, “Young master wait a moment, I’ll go and prepare it.”

Before leaving Waderest Mountain, Charlie instructed the remaining

members of the Front, “In the next few days, you have to keep a strict

guard on Waderest Mountain, except for the Wade family members and

Leon, no one else is allowed to come up Waderest Mountain.”

One of the five-star battle commanders immediately said respectfully,

“Don’t worry, Mr. Wade, your subordinates will guard strictly and never let

any idle people go up the mountain!”

Charlie nodded and added: “Also keep a close eye on the Wade family

members who are kneeling on Waderest Mountain to repent, make sure

they kneel for the time I require.”

“Your subordinate understands!”

Charlie nodded with satisfaction and said, “Turn around and tell your

Supreme Commander for me that after he buries his parents, leave a group

of members to guard the Waderest Mountain and the Wade family,”

“The rest, bring them all to the Shangri-La Hotel in Aurous Hill to find Issac,

he will arrange everything, I will be waiting for him in Aurous Hill then.”

“Okay Mr. Wade, your subordinate will definitely relay your words word for

word to the Supreme Commander ……”


Chapter 3662

A few minutes later.

Charlie sat in the Rolls Royce driven by Leon and sped all the way towards

the Shangri-La Hotel in Eastcliff.

And at this time the Shangri-La, Chengfeng, and Zynn, are each signing

the relevant legal documents.

What Chengfeng was signing was to transfer all the control, decision, and

beneficiary rights of the Su Group to Zhiyu.

Zynn, on the other hand, signed the divorce agreement with Liona, officially

dissolving his marriage with her.

When Charlie arrived, the father and son had just finished signing all the

relevant documents.

Several professional lawyers, at this time, were doing a final check to

ensure that everything was free of any loopholes.

Zynn at this time was a lost soul, after all, loved Liona for so many years,

now is really completely ended the relationship, so his heart is extra sad.

Although Liona can not see any happy look, but can be seen, her whole

person has been as relieved.

The previous Liona, the frown always seems to carry a few faint sadness,

sometimes makes people feel that she may be a little sickly.

But now that sickly state has been swept away, replaced by an

unprecedented sense of relief.

As for Chengfeng, while lamenting the handing over of the Su family’s

throne, he could not help but always remind Zhiyu:

“Zhiyu …… you must not forget to help me buy more land in Madagascar

…… the larger the area the better, it is best to dig a moat directly around,

directly isolated from the locals.”

“Oh yes, let the entire estate of the underlings or servants as well as

bodyguards, it is best to let me take them from the country, the local people

certainly can not meet my requirements.”

Chengfeng, who lost the opportunity to retire in the Maldives, now only

wants to ensure his safety and living conditions in Madagascar as much as


Zhiyu naturally has no opinion.

Although she has a lot of dissatisfaction with her grandfather, but in the

end, blood is thicker than water.

Moreover, grandpa left this time, afraid that it is difficult to come back in the

future, they naturally want to ensure his living conditions in Madagascar.

So, she nodded and said: “Grandpa, don’t worry, don’t you want to take

housekeeper Su over? I will give them a satisfactory salary and also give

them a settlement fee.”

“As for your earlier comment that the larger the manor the better, as long as

your Excellency allows, I will also try to do it for you,”

“But the amount of such a project is really a bit too large, and it will take at

least two or three years to complete it all, until it is completed, you may still

have to be over there.”

Chengfeng said: “Zhiyu, your grandfather has long thought, all from scratch

is certainly not realistic, we can first go to the local, the best manor house

they can buy, and then around the manor villa and then extend the

expansion, so that both can not be delayed, what you say?”

Zhiyu hesitated for a moment and said, “I personally have no opinion, but I

still have to ask Grace for advice, if he is okay with it, I am also okay with


Chengfeng, anxious, slapped his thigh and blurted out, “Oops! Charlie just

let me go to Madagascar, not let me come back, other things he will not

ask, you just as soon as possible arrange for people to go over for me to do


“In a place like Madagascar, get a few hundred hectares of the estate, it is

estimated that even 100 million dollars can not be used.”

Zhiyu still insisted: “Then I also have to say hello to Grace, can not directly

make a decision.”

Charlie walked into the room at this time and said lightly, “Miss Su, let’s do

everything according to Master Su’s request, after all, Madagascar will be

his second homeland in the future, the material conditions cannot be too


Speaking of this, he added: “What’s more, I might send some laborers to

him regularly in the future, the bigger the place, the more convenient.”

Chapter 3663

Charlie’s appearance made Zhiyu’s eyes suddenly brighten up.

She looked at him in surprise and said offhandedly, “You’re here,

benefactor ……”

Charlie nodded, and Chengfeng, who was beside him, also said excitedly

and incomparably, “Mr. Wade …… thank you for your generosity ……”

Charlie waved his hand indifferently.

He was not magnanimous to Chengfeng, but Chengfeng had already

honestly handed over the Su family’s headship, so he would no longer

have any threat to him from now on.

And after Zhiyu inherited the Su family, his old and new grudges with the

Su family would also be written off, so there was no need for him to

continue to make things difficult for Chengfeng in this matter.

So, he said to Chengfeng: “After Master Su arrives in Madagascar, what

you do there, in principle, I will not interfere in any way, as long as you do

not do anything wrong, I will not disturb your life there.”

Chengfeng was amused and bowed, “Thank you, Mr. Wade! Thank you,

Mr. Wade!”

Charlie looked at Zhiyu and said, “Miss Su, you should hurry in the next two

days to choose the person who will follow the old man to Madagascar, and

send two real estate agents there to buy the manor that meets the old

man’s requirements.

Zhiyu said without a second thought, “Okay, Your Excellency, I will start

these two things this evening.”

Charlie nodded gently, then said to Chengfeng: “Old master, you go to such

a faraway place alone, without a family member around you must also be

relatively painful, your second son Shoude is still detained by me in Aurous


“When your side is all ready, take your second son along with you, I require

the same for him as you, without my permission, shall not leave

Madagascar, moreover Can not return to the country.”

Once Chengfeng heard that Charlie was going to release Shoude to go

with him, his mood instantly got much better.

As Charlie said, it must be a painful feeling to go to Madagascar alone, with

no relatives except the underlings, and if his second son could go with him,

it would be a good thing for him and for himself.

So, he said with immense gratitude, “Thank you Mr. Wade for your

generosity, I thank you for Shoude!”

Charlie nodded and said to Zynn, “He’s family is still waiting for you, tonight

you will stay in a room with Master He, and tomorrow morning, you will

drive back to Aurous Hill with them.”

Previously, when the He family escorted Zynn and Walter to Eastcliff in

secret, they drove all the way here.

And Ruoli, because of her special status, and her mother, Roma, who

rushed to Eastcliff overnight, also chose to drive, so they also had to drive

back this time, so Charlie intended to also let Zynn go with them.

Zynn did not have any resistance to the He family, on the contrary, he was

really relieved when he knew that he would be under the surveillance of the

He family in the future, so there was even less dissatisfaction at this time,

and said honestly, “Okay Mr. Wade, I understand.”

Charlie turned to have someone greet Orvel and had Orvel bring Zynn to

Elder He’s room.

After that, he said to Chengfeng: “Old man, you have a good attitude today,

since that’s the case, then I will give you more freedom, you can go back to

the Su family tonight, tomorrow just in time to convene a family meeting,

the matter of Miss Su becoming the head of the Su family, officially

announced to the outside world,”

“In the period before departure, you can move freely in Eastcliff, but can not

leave Eastcliff. But you can’t play missing, do you understand?”

Once Chengfeng heard Charlie say that he could go home to rest for two

days, his heart was immediately grateful and choked up, “Mr. Wade, thank

you for opening up to my old bones …… Su is grateful ……”

Chapter 3664

Chengfeng was oppressed by Charlie’s strong aura for two days, and

kneeling in the Waderest mountain overnight, the whole person has not

known how many times to collapse, now Charlie is a little lenient to him, his

heart can not help but start to be grateful.

Charlie waved his hand and said to him, “Okay, words of gratitude do not

need to say, just remember it in your heart, you hurry back, it happens that

these two days also gather the manpower which in future will go to

Madagascar with you.”

“Okay okay ……” Chengfeng nodded his head like garlic and said, “Then I’ll

go back first! If you have any orders, Mr. Wade, directly let Zhiyu convey

them to me, I will definitely do as I am told!”

Charlie nodded and said to Leon, “Leon, please drive it.”

Leon immediately said respectfully, “Okay young master.”

After saying that, he also made an inviting gesture to Chengfeng: “Master

Su, this way please.”

Chengfeng thanked him profusely and followed Leon out of the hotel room.

In the room, only Liona and Zhiyu’s mother and daughter were left at this


Charlie was about to talk to Zhiyu about the capital increase for ISU

Shipping, and by the way, about the next idea of ISU Shipping’s

development to Europe, but Liona spoke up at this time, “Charlie, you are

going back to Aurous Hill tomorrow morning, right?”

Charlie nodded: “Yes, Auntie, first thing in the morning.”

Liona asked somewhat unkindly, “Then can auntie go back with you in your


At this time, Liona has made Aurous Hill the first choice for her future life.

The small house where Charlie’s parents used to live has been repaired by

her, and for her, living there is the best place to live.

Charlie knew about Liona’s feelings for his father, and admired her

long-standing love and courage to love and hate, so he said without


“No problem, you can stay at the hotel with Zhiyu at night, and I’ll have

someone send you to the airport first thing tomorrow morning.”

Liona smiled faintly and said, “I won’t stay here, I’m going home to see my

parents, I’ll come to the airport tomorrow morning by myself.”

Zhiyu asked, “Mom, you’re going to Grandpa’s house? Then I’ll go too.”

Liona smiled, “You don’t have to go with me, your grandfather is going to

hold a family meeting tomorrow, you as the new family head must attend

then, it will be hard for Charlie to take you back to Su family first.”

After saying that, she looked at Charlie again and requested, “Charlie, it will

be hard for you to send Zhiyu a little later.”

Charlie nodded and said, “No problem Auntie, I still have something to talk

with Miss Su, after we finish talking I will send her back to Su’s house

safely, don’t worry.”

Liona nodded and smiled, “That’s good, then I’ll leave her to you.”

Charlie then said, “Then tomorrow morning at eight o’clock, I’ll see you at

the airport.”

Liona smiled and said, “Okay, see you at the airport.”

Seeing that her mother had left, Zhiyu looked a little uneasy.

When there were many people, in front of Charlie, she was not

uncomfortable, but now, herself and Charlie alone in a room, she only felt

that her heart rate was accelerating, the sound of her heart beating could

even be heard directly and clearly.

Yesterday, Charlie on Waderest Mountain, one person conquered the

whole army, Zhiyu on the side was standing and saw it clearly.

The original she has long been deeply in love with Charlie, but did not

expect that after yesterday, her heart for Charlie’s love has long been deep

in the marrow, full of heart and brain almost all full of him.

At this time and with Charlie alone, naturally is the heartbeat accelerated,

unable to extricate themselves.

So, she blushingly looked at this Charlie, softly asked: “Grace …… you

…… you find me what else for?”

Charlie smoothly said: “Oh, it is the matter of the ISU shipping, and so on

your side after the completion of the capital injection, I intend to expand the

fleet in addition to the last plan, and then to Europe to invest in a few ports,

it happens that Helena will soon ascend to the throne,”

“After she ascends to the throne, we will be her first project to attract

investment to Northern Europe, directly from Northern Europe to the entire

European radiation, you see how?”

Zhiyu blushed, pursed her lips, looking at Charlie’s angular face, shyly said,

“I …… I all listen to Grace ……”

Chapter 3665

Charlie did not realize that Zhiyu’s entire existence was already completely

occupied by the love and shyness in her heart.

At this time, she does not have the mental state to talk about business

cooperation with him, because even if he asked her to give up the entire Su

family now, she would not hesitate to agree.

So, at this time, she, where there is still her own opinion, naturally it will be

what all what Charlie wants to do.

He who knows these, helplessly laughed: “You have to understand, the two

of us are in a partnership business,”

“The idea here is to consider things together, you can not just listen and

agree to everything I say, because I am not a professional manager.”

“I have no idea about the specific business, I can only put forward ideas,

and then you and Melba must get together to discuss the feasibility and

landing way.”

Zhiyu said shamefacedly, “It does not matter …… I believe in the ability of

the benefactor, as long as the direction is set by you, I will never be wrong


Charlie felt a burst of the head, spoke: “You do not have any opinions to

express? After all, you have 49% of the shares of this company, can’t you

say what is what?”

Zhiyu did not hesitate to answer: “Well …… what the benefactor said is

what I……”

Charlie speechless for half a time, helplessly said: “How about this, you first

go back to consider, if you really have no opinion, turn around and get in

touch with Melba, to see her opinion, if everyone is okay, then we will

advance with the plan.”

Zhiyu nodded, big eyes shining brightly, and said, “All listen to the

benefactor’s ……”

Charlie had nothing to say, smiled and said, “Okay, that’s how it’s initially

decided, I’ll send you back to the Su family first, in the next two days you

first run through the various businesses of the Su family,”

“This is to ensure a smooth transition with your grandfather, the matter of

the ISU shipping, wait for you to finish this period of time, then we can talk.”

Zhiyu was delighted and said, “Then I will come to Aurous Hill in a few


“Okay.” Charlie did not think much about it and said, “Then let’s meet in

Aurous Hill then.”

Zhiyu nodded and asked him curiously, “Grace, now that you have taken

over the Wade family and become the head of the Wade family, aren’t you

planning to return to Eastcliff to develop?”

Charlie blandly said, “For the time being, I have no such intention.”

She looked a little disappointed, but soon recovered as before and said

with a smile, “In fact, it’s good to be in Aurous Hill, it’s not far from Eastcliff,

it’s close to Zhonghai,”

“It’s in the middle of two super cities, and there’s a direct high-speed

railway, even if you live in Aurous Hill, it won’t affect the business promotion

and I can stay with mom.”

When she said this, she took a heartily sneaked a glanced at Charlie.

In fact, her real heart is not all about accompanying her mother.

More, she wanted to be closer to him.

Otherwise, she was in Eastcliff for a long time, Charlie was in Aurous Hill

for a long time, the two did not have much chance to meet, with her

infatuation for him, she would definitely go crazy.

Therefore, the excuse to accompany her mother, half of the time in Aurous

Hill, for her, is the best solution at the moment.

Hearing that she wanted to spend more time with her mother, Charlie

naturally did not have half a doubt, but only said with some sighs,

“Eastcliff to Aurous Hill is not far away, not close, it doesn’t really feel like

commuting once in a while, but if you have to go back and forth once or

twice a week, it might be really exhausting.”

Chapter 3666

Zhiyu said with a smile, “It’s okay after I officially become the head of the

Su family, it is reasonable to give myself a private plane,”

“Then every Thursday night, after busy work with computers and

information, I will fly directly from the Su Group roof to the airport by

helicopter, fly to Aurous Hill, in the plane rest for two hours, or deal with

official business,”

“And soon arrive in Aurous Hill, at the night in Aurous Hill there will not be a

traffic jam, drive for less than half an hour to get to mom.”

She seriously calculated: “So I will be able to stay in Aurous Hill from

Thursday night until early Monday morning, Monday it will be a little harder,

get up earlier, five o’clock to go out,”

“Before six o’clock can take off back to Eastcliff, eight o’clock after landing

on the helicopter directly to Su Group, not delayed, nine o’clock to work


Charlie could not help but stammer after hearing this and sighed: “Your

schedule is a bit too full.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Zhiyu said firmly: “I am in particularly good health now,

this little thing does not matter.”

After that, she looked at Charlie bashfully, with a pleading tone, and said in

a delicate voice: “Grace, besides my mother, I only have one friend in

Aurous Hill, so if I look for you to play, you can’t refuse me.”

Charlie nodded and casually agreed, laughing, “As long as time allows,

there is definitely no problem.”

“That’s good!”

After getting the answer she wanted most, Zhiyu finally breathed a sigh of


Charlie looked at the time and spoke, “It’s getting late, I’ll send you back to

Su’s house first.”

Zhiyu asked, “Is Grace going back to Wade’s house at night?”

“No.” Charlie said lightly, “I’ll go back to my uncle’s house, I feel more

comfortable there.”

Zhiyu remembered Sara and the marriage contract between Charlie and

her, and nodded with a sudden realization.

Charlie asked Issac to prepare a car for him, then he drove alone and

drove Zhiyu to the Su family villa.

On the way, she quietly looked at the side of Charlie’s face and wanted to

say something several times, but finally held back.

Only when Charlie drove the car to the Su family villa outside the door and

parked it, Zhiyu opened her mouth and said, “Thank you for what happened

between my parents ……, if it wasn’t for you, my dad would definitely not

have agreed to divorce my mom ……”

Charlie asked her, “You want your parents to divorce?”

“Mm.” Zhiyu nodded and said, “Both of them are not living so happily, this

kind of marriage is in name only, instead of lingering on, it’s better to end it

before it’s too late.”

As she said she could not help but sigh: “My father must have lived so

many years especially suffocating, his wife and his own bed, always love

another person, this is with any other man, I’m afraid it is difficult to accept


Charlie nodded a little embarrassed, if from a completely objective point of

view to evaluate, he would also feel that the marriage between Zhiyu’s

parents, her mother was at fault in the first place.

But the man that her mother loved deeply was his own father, so this made

Charlie uncertain how to evaluate.

At this time, Zhiyu looked at Charlie, saw him from the sideways face, the

moment the four eyes met, she hurriedly turned her head, looking at the

front of the car, said softly:

“In fact, my mother for so over the years, it is not easy to live, after all,

accompanied by the other half, not the one she really loves, even if there is

no resentment in the heart, must also be inevitably disappointed ……”

She plucked up the courage to look at Charlie, seriously: “In fact, in the

past, I could not quite understand Mom’s approach, the heart will also feel

that she failed Dad, even if the two of them had words before they got

married, I also think Mom should not be so stingy with Dad in love ……”

The words to this, Zhiyu gently lowered her eyelids, quietly said: “But since

I met you, grace, I can understand mom more and more …… she must

have been the same back then, as I am now, inexorably in love with a man

who could not ask for more ……”

Chapter 3667

Charlie coughed twice: “Ahem …… is it a bit hasty to say such things now


Zhiyu shook her head, looked at Charlie, and said seriously: “Things are

indeed like this, but I will not be the same as my mother, if I were her

instead, I would rather not marry anyone for the rest of my life than marry a

man I do not love.”

After saying that, she stared at Charlie, the small cheeks on both sides of

her face puffed up slightly, and said seriously, “Charlie! If I become a big old

leftover girl in the future, or even end up alone, don’t doubt it, it must be

because of you!”

Zhiyu said this, did not wait for Charlie to make any response, then

panicked to push open the car door, grab the door, and went out.

The words just now have consumed all her courage.

So she didn’t dare to stay by Charlie’s side, because she was afraid she

wouldn’t be able to control herself, hugging him and crying, questioning

why he got married so early, and questioning why he appeared in her life

so late.

So, she fled as if to leave him, did not say goodbye, without looking back

directly rushed into the Su family villa.

Charlie looked at her slender back, his heart was more or less unpleasant.

The more he sees the unhappiness of her mother’s life, the more he does

not want Zhiyu to rush to her mistakes.

Fate should not play such a trick on this mother and daughter, let them both

fall into almost the same circle.

However, fate is something that sometimes jokes around with love.

It not only gave the mother and daughter similar life trajectories but even let

them fall in love with a father and son respectively.

Looking at Zhiyu’s back disappeared, Charlie sighed despondently.

He did not know how he should deal with Zhiyu’s feelings for him.

But he really does not want her, as she just said, to choose to die alone.

Although it is still too early to say this, but Zhiyu, this girl, slender and thin

body, contains a strong determination and energy.

Since she said so, it is likely that she will do so.

However, for Charlie right now there is no way to change her decision, so

he can only console himself, Zhiyu is still very young after all, the future

may change her mind with the increase in life experience.

And at the same time, she does not think so.

Her heart is firmly determined, for one thing, that is: even if she lives to a

hundred years old, it is impossible to meet anyone better than Charlie,

someone more attractive.

This man appeared in her life at the time of her first love, the appearance is

the peak, in this life, it is impossible for anyone to surpass.


At this time, the Gu family, the lights are bright.

Philip knew that Charlie had returned from Northern Europe, and also knew

that he would definitely come to his home after dealing with the matter

above Waderest.

Therefore, he had people prepare a sumptuous dinner table early, and then

ordered people to put all the dishes in the high-end insulation drawer,

waiting for Charlie’s return.

By the time Charlie drove back to the Gu family, it was already past ten

o’clock at night.

Sara heard a car drive into the yard, excitedly ran out of the house first,

Philip and Lenan followed closely behind.

Charlie stopped the car and was hugged by Sara just as he got out, she

said excitedly, “Charlie, you’re finally back!”

Philip also smiled; “Charlie, the matters on Waderest Mountain, should all

be almost taken care of, right?”

Charlie nodded and said respectfully, “Uncle, several things have been

handled mostly well.”

Chapter 3668

Philip laughed: “Wade family since needless to say, I do not need to go to

Waderest, can guess that the gang of side branches must have been

cleaned up by you,”

“Su family matters have long been stable, the Nordic matter, the news has

reported, the Nordic empress suddenly healed from critical illness, in the

Western countries it has sparked a huge buzz,”

“I know at first glance must be your handiwork! Only you have this kind of

uncanny ability to bring back the dead!”

Charlie laughed: “It was just a little bit of rejuvenation pills.”

Philip laughed: “I have a deep understanding of how miraculous that

rejuvenation pill of yours is, the more people who have died once, the more

they are afraid of death, the more they can understand the preciousness of

life, in front of life, assets, power, status, titles, are all false.”

Saying that, Philip asked, “How did you deal with the Cataclysmic Front?”

Charlie then said, “I told Joseph to go and bury his parents first, and when

he is done with his family affairs, he will come to Aurous Hill to find me.”

“Good!” Philip nodded and sighed, “Cataclysmic Front is a sharp sword, if

you can take this sharp sword under your command, it will definitely be the

icing on the cake and a tiger with wings in the future!”

Saying that, Philip also seriously reminded: “But Charlie, how to use the

Cataclysmic Front, is a big problem, after all, their identity is special,”

“And tens of thousands of people under the command, a little careless

handling, it is likely to bring you unnecessary trouble, so do you have any

specific plans for the next step?”

Charlie replied, “The vast majority of the mercenaries of the Cataclysmic

Front are from overseas, and I do not intend to let them come to the

country in the future,”

“So my intention is to let them have a stable and reliable place to land

overseas first, and not to roam around in various war-torn places like


“The best thing is to choose a base for them, let them put down roots, and

also change their business strategy, before they were purely doing

mercenaries, you give more money to help whoever works, there is no

concept of right and wrong, so they have done good things and bad things.”

“In the future, I want to set a tone for them, a tone that at least cannot go

against any sovereign country in the world, that is to say, they can only

accept legal employment from sovereign countries in the future,”

“And at the same time, they must not be enemies of any sovereign country,

that is to say, if a country hires them to attack another country, such a thing

can never be agreed to.”

“Unless it is a country that hires them to clear the illegal armed forces, in

this way, they can also have a good relationship with the mainstream


Philip nodded his head very seriously and said, “That’s right! Although this

is a world of the weak and the strong, the basic logic still follows the legal

reasoning, and cooperating with sovereign countries will stand up in legal


Saying that, Philip added: “But Charlie, I think you’d better transform the

Cataclysmic Front a little more thoroughly.”

Charlie was busy asking, “Uncle, what good advice do you have?”

Philip was just about to speak when Lenan on the side couldn’t help but

say, “Hey, you two don’t just chat in the courtyard, the meal has been set

up, let’s go in and talk while eating!”

Sara was still clinging to Charlie’s arm and said in a delicate voice: “Yes,

Dad! I’ve been hungry for a long time, I’m waiting for Charlie to come back

and eat together.”

“Yes, yes, yes!” Philip laughed, “Charlie, let’s go in and talk while we eat!”

With that, the four of them moved to the villa dining room and took their

seats at the dining table.

Charlie just sat down, he couldn’t wait to ask Philip: “Uncle, what good

ideas and suggestions do you have about the Front?”

Philip seriously said, “I am thinking that if it is Cataclysmic Front alone, then

it naturally does the mercenary set, because that set is the most profitable

and can develop and grow the most.”

Saying that, Philip made a turn of phrase, and said seriously: “But Charlie

you should know, your current low profile and hibernation is only temporary,

since you want to carry forward the Wade family, one day you are

personally moving from behind the curtain to the stage!”

“When that day comes, everyone’s eyes all over the world will be focused

on you, there will be a large group of people who can’t wait to dig up your

so-called black history,”

“Especially your enemies, they will definitely not let go of any opportunity to

frame and attack you in front of the whole world!”

“If the Front remains a mercenary organization at that time, and you as the

true head of the Front, you will be responsible for all the blood debts it has


“And once others know about this relationship, you will definitely be

rejected by the mainstream society as well.”

“And once you are rejected by the mainstream society, that affects not only

your reputation, but likewise the reputation of the Wade family.”

“Therefore, my suggestion is that you should let the Cataclysmic Front

achieve complete bleaching and transformation as soon as possible, and

make sure that the Front is reasonable and legal all over the world!”

“Otherwise, if you take in the Cataclysmic Front today, you’ll be planting a

mine for yourself!”

Chapter 3669

Philip’s words made Charlie instantly alerted.

The identity and situation of the Cataclysmic Front are indeed special, in

the mainstream world, mercenary organizations like this will always be

given a gray tone.

If the people have to choose a label between good and bad, then every

mercenary organization is undoubtedly worse in the minds of the masses.

Right now, the outside world does not know about his incorporation of the

Cataclysmic Front, but this matter cannot remain a secret forever, and

there will definitely be a day when it will be known.

When the time came, people’s disgust for the mercenary organization

would be imposed on him as well.

Thus, Charlie hurriedly asked Philip for advice, “Uncle, do you have any

good advice regarding this?”

Philip smiled faintly and said seriously, “I have an idea, it may not be good

or mature, and it will require certain sacrifices if it really lands.”

“Whether it is feasible or not depends on your trade-off, if you don’t mind,

then I will probably tell you about it.”

Charlie nodded and said humbly, “Uncle, your life experience and personal

ability are too much better than mine, I believe your solution must also be

much better than what I can think of!”

Philip laughed: “No need to pat the horse’s a55, I’ll talk to you about my


“In my opinion, the greatest value of the Cataclysmic Front lies in its

combat power, if the combat power is used in the field of mercenaries,

naturally the income is higher, but also face the problem I just said.”

“That is, the social repercussions and poor public reputation, since this is

the case, it may be worth changing the future business strategy of the

Cataclysmic Front, so that it still relies on its own.”

“But on the one hand, to your own words, let them only cooperate with

sovereign countries, stand in enough justice, enough legal perspective.”

“On the other hand, I think we can try to wade into the international security

field, international security has developed rapidly over the years, and the

reputation in the hearts of the people is very positive!”

“International security?” Charlie asked: “Uncle you say international

security, what is the main field?”

Philip laughed: “You now want to vigorously develop ocean shipping, which

is one of the main areas of international security!”

“Now Somalia and other areas have rampant piracy, although many

countries have escort fleets, but after all, the demand for international

logistics is too large, it is impossible to guarantee every ship in place, so

international security in this area is very popular;”

“Generally through the piracy area of the merchant ships, will hire several

international security personnel, this international security personnel are

responsible for protecting the ship safely through the piracy area,”

“Encounter pirates boarding the ship can also be counterattacked, for the

shipowners and shipping companies, this has gradually evolved into just

demand industry;”

“Cataclysmic Front is strong, if a few thousand people are deployed

specifically involved in this field, with their strength, this is certainly not a

problem, and you now have ISU shipping, the future can also largely meet

their related needs.”

Speaking of this, Philip added: “I will reveal to you a little more, now the

global economic development of the top countries, are actively cooperating

with the third world countries, especially infrastructure;”

“To some backward areas in Asia, Africa and Latin America to undertake

infrastructure construction companies, now there are already a lot, and will

be more and more in the future!”

“Their roads, railroads, communications, power transmission grids and

even water conservancy construction basically depend on overseas

enterprises, and their poor economic development and poor security, the

safety of the employees of these overseas enterprises in the local area will

be difficult to be guaranteed.”

“At such times, international security personnel are also needed for

effective protection, not only to protect the safety of overseas employees,

but also to protect the progress of local projects.”

“The public on both sides of this international security are very favorable, in

our words, that is, a solid mass base!”

Chapter 3670

“So many third world countries around the world, so many infrastructure

projects, the demand for international security must also be huge.”

“If this project is carried out, at least another few thousand or even nearly

ten thousand Cataclysmic Front soldiers can be used for the

transformation, in this way, within a few years, the Cataclysmic Front will be

able to complete the complete transformation.”

“If in these few years, the Front can accumulate a large number of

successful cases, such as successfully repelling pirates, successfully

repelling thugs or even illegal armed forces, repeatedly defending and

saving the lives and property safety of the people as well as foreign-related


“Then Cataclysmic Front’s reputation will definitely become an international

security company with a strong mass base as well as mass reputation!”

The words from Philip gave a slight beat, a mysterious smile came to his

face and he continued: “If you still need the Cataclysmic Front for you to do

something unseen, be sure to remove this group of people from the

Cataclysmic Front in advance,”

“So that you and the Front, will not have any negative impact, if people

catch traces of the pursuit, directly bite the dead not to admit that there is

no tangible evidence who can do anything to you?”

Charlie heard this, already has some heart pounding.

At the same time, he also realized that the huge gap between himself and

Philip, such a veteran entrepreneur.

Philip’s big picture, control of details, and the sense of worry in times of

peace and danger, are accumulated and cultivated by years of practical

experience and are also lacking in young people like himself.

He said this series of solutions, can be said to be able to completely solve

the root of the Cataclysmic Front’s attributes and transform it.

As long as it is properly managed, it will definitely allow the Cataclysmic

Front to successfully transition from a gray attribute mercenary organization

to a white attribute, and even be praised by the outside world as an

international security enterprise.

This is the complete and utter whitewash!

Thinking of this, Charlie said with great gratitude, “Uncle, your suggestion is

too good, when Joseph arrives in Aurous Hill, I will tell him about your plan,

so that he can follow these steps you said to move forward quickly, and

strive to complete the transition in a short time!”

Philip laughed: “These are just some personal words, as long as they are

useful to you!”

Charlie sighed: “It’s really too useful! Thank you, Uncle!”

Philip laughed: “Why are you so polite to me? If there is any use for my old

bones in the future, just ask.”

Charlie nodded and sighed: “I was worried about the tens of thousands of

soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front, there are still more than 10,000 captured

soldiers of the Front in the Middle East,”

“When the time comes, we must first let the other side release all these

people, but after releasing them, how to settle so many people is also a

very difficult problem.”

“But your suggestion just now is really good, I can first divide the soldiers

into three parts, one part continues to be mercenaries, but to be reasonable

and legal, another part goes to do international security for ocean


“First let them cooperate with the ISU shipping, after hitting the popularity

will naturally have many counterparts looking for them, and the remaining

part, specialize in specific security for third world projects.”

Philip smiled: “I have many friends, in many third world countries

undertaking infrastructure projects, I think they must be in need of security

personnel, tomorrow I will call one by one to ask, to see if their demand is


Philip said: “By the way, if you do this kind of security work, you have to let

Joseph find a way to solve the problem of the local legal gun permit, as

expatriates, never hold a gun without a permit,”

“The vast majority of countries and regions are very sensitive to firearms, if

not handled properly, then the white will become black!”

Hearing Philip’s reminder, Charlie immediately nodded and said, “Uncle,

don’t worry, since the decision to transformation, then everything has to be

reasonable and legal, this is something I will clearly explain to Joseph.”

Chapter 3671

Saying that, Charlie added: “And with my current understanding of the

Front, most of their soldiers are martial artists, even without thermal

weapons, their combat power is definitely not inferior, and it is certainly not

a problem to deal with ordinary armed men.”

Philip smiled faintly and said, “That would be perfect, as long as we can

ensure that it is reasonable and legal, this matter will definitely be able to

operate for a long time, and if we can completely clear our name, it would

be a great thing for the organization!”

Charlie nodded, lifted his glass, and said respectfully, “Come, Uncle, I’ll

drink to you! Thank you for designing a bright path for the Cataclysmic


“Where where where!” Philip lifted his glass and said seriously, “Your uncle

just hopes that when you lead the Wade family and stand at the top of the

world in the future,”

“You won’t have an uncountable black history like those who are extremely

rich as well as those who are on top, there are too few top tycoons these

days who can guarantee a clean history!”

Saying that, he sighed: “Other than that, let’s say that our domestic, some

people rely on the sale of counterfeit goods, sold to become the richest in

the open; some people rely on piracy and plagiarism to make money every


“Some people rely on rogue software to become industry leaders, and

others rely on the embezzlement of public assets to become billionaires,

those who rely on their wives, rely on their fathers-in-law to engage in

speculation and even empty glove people, there are countless!”

Charlie smiled to himself and said, “Uncle, if you put it that way, my history

may not really be glorious, the second of a family, is still locked up in

Aurous Hill.”

“That’s not the same.” Philip blurted out, “I’ve heard you talk about that

family, if they hadn’t coveted your elixir, naturally they wouldn’t have

caused the big trouble,”

“Since they were at fault, you did it all for a good reason! So you don’t need

to have any psychological burden!”

Charlie smiled awkwardly and added: “I went to Northern Europe this time

and knocked another four and a half billion euros from a side branch of the

Ruthschild family.”

The three members of the Gu family listened with jaws dropped, four and a

half billion euros, even in the Gu family’s view, is a huge amount of money,

Charlie can actually knock out so much money from the Ruthschild family,

simply unbelievable.

Philip asked nervously, “Charlie, how did you get in touch with the

Ruthschild family so early, this is not a good thing for you, although the

Wade family is very strong now, but compared to the Ruthschild family, that

is still a hundred thousand miles ……”

Charlie busy said, “But just a side branch family, and I did a relatively dry,

will not leave any clues, as for that money is washed into the hands of the

Ito family through the overseas channels of the Cataclysmic Front, I did not

get my hands on it.”

Saying that Charlie then explained the beginning and end of his conflict

with William’s family in the Nordic Palace to the three people.

However, about his use of aura to control that lotus officer, Charlie did not

speak so clearly but only said that he was proficient in some hypnotism.

After listening to it, Sara exclaimed, excitedly said: “Charlie this thing done

is really so relieved! That what William Ruthschild still want to pit my

Charlie’s money, simply looking for death! He deserves to be sent to Syria

to experience life!”

Philip also breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, “Since the incident

happened inside the palace and everyone else is under control, there’s

basically nothing to worry about.”

Lenan on the side asked, “Right Charlie, that Aman Ramovich, there will

not be any risk from him, right?”

Charlie shook his head and said, “During the gambling game and the

follow-up he was not there, he is completely unaware of what happened.”

Lenan put down her heart and nodded: “That’s good.”

At this meal, both Charlie and Philip were very happy.

The two drank at the dinner table until midnight, before ending the drinking

party with impatience at the request of Lenan and Sara.

Sara sent Charlie to the guest room, because she knew that he had to

return to Aurous Hill in the morning, she insisted on driving him in the


Charlie readily agreed to do so.

Chapter 3672

This night, he did not sleep much.

All he could think about was himself and the future of the Wade family.

In addition to the current industries of the Wade family, he was looking

forward to his ISU Shipping and JX Pharmaceutical.

If these two industries can be bigger and stronger, any one of them will

have the opportunity to create trillions of dollars.

The majority of the world’s logistics, needless to say, rely on shipping, the

future development space will only grow.

As for JX Pharmaceutical, Charlie has a large number of excellent

prescriptions, just one from the “JX Wisan”, which can also become a

global best-selling drug.

What is more valuable is that other pharmaceutical companies, such as the

United States Pfizer, Novartis, France Mercer, etc., the research and

development costs of a random drug will be billions of dollars.

And it takes several years, and the success rate is not high, so their sales,

most of them have to be used to fill the cost of research and development,

but Charlie does not have to spend a penny for research and development.

What remains is the Cataclysmic Front, which he has just taken under his


As soon as possible to let this group of people successfully whitewash,

became his immediate priority.

Philip’s words gave him great inspiration.

This kind of armed organization, whether to continue to be mercenaries or

to divert part of the energy to do international security, must have a

relatively loose and free core base.

This base, not only has to meet the daily life and training of the members of

the Cataclysmic Front but also has to be used to store important equipment

and materials of the Cataclysmic Front.

However, the vast majority of countries and regions are unlikely to allow

tens of thousands of armed personnel to be stationed in their countries, so

how to choose a site, it becomes a very difficult problem.

When the Front was looking for a stable base, so it was willing to serve

Syria without pay, and then lost a lot of money at the hands of Hamid as

well as Charlie.

When Charlie thought of this, he suddenly brightened up.

Syria, indeed, is a good choice, and can even be said to be the best choice

at the moment.

Not only because the local situation is turbulent, but also because there is

still a local man Hamid in his hand, the Front and Hamid, to some extent,

can also form a complementary.

As for the official side, to promote it, should not be too difficult.

After all, if it cooperates with the official, it can bring a lot of benefits to the


On the one hand, the Cataclysmic Front has a strong fighting force that can

help the official maintain stability.

On the other hand, it could also help the official train soldiers.

Even, it can also pay the official a considerable amount of land rental fees.

Anyway, the Cataclysmic Front is not short of money.

Moreover, Syria’s geographical location is not bad.

It is itself on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, just closer to the

Suez Canal, the choke point of shipping.

And through the Suez Canal, and then through the Red Sea, is the

pirate-infested Gulf of Aden.

Suez Canal is a necessary route for shipping from Asia to Western Europe,

so if you want to carry out shipping security in the future, the main

battlefield is in the Gulf of Aden area.

Cataclysmic Front if in Syria to prepare a headquarters base, with the Gulf

of Aden can be shortened to more than two thousand kilometers straight

line distance.

Although it sounds a bit far, but in the often tens of thousands of kilometers

of shipping route, this distance is considered close.

If we can rely on this headquarters base, and then go to the Gulf of Aden

around the establishment of a forward position, then, through this forward

position to the way of merchant ships for escort services, it will be more


Therefore, Charlie felt that the most important thing at the moment is how

to prompt the Cataclysmic Front to reach cooperation with Syria!

Chapter 3673

The next morning, Charlie said goodbye to Philip and Lenan, and Sara

drove him to the airport.

The roads in Eastcliff were very smooth in the early morning, but Sara

intentionally drove the car slowly, letting one car after another pass in front

of her without caring.

The reason for driving so slowly is that she really can’t let Charlie leave.

He also guessed her mind, so did not rush.

While driving absentmindedly, Sara said to him: “Right, Charlie, will you still

come to Eastcliff sometime later?”

He thought about it and replied, “After the professional management team

on the Wade family side prepares the reporting materials, I will meet them,

but I’m not sure if I will come to Eastcliff, or maybe let them come to Aurous

Hill to report to me.”

Sara said quietly, “I may be very busy in April, there are several domestic

concerts to promote, and then from next month, I have to start the overseas

tour of concerts, there may be a long time when I am not in the country


Charlie asked her, “How many concerts are on the tour?”

Sara said, “Currently it’s fifteen shows, but it’s still increasing.”

Charlie asked in disbelief, “How is it still increasing?”

Sara spat out her tongue and helplessly said, “The number of overseas

fans is a lot, because it is the last farewell concert, many fans are jointly

requesting for more cities to hold,”

“The agency discussed with me and said that everything depends on my

intention, I can’t refuse the request of so many fans, so I added a few more

stops on the tour in Europe and America.”

She added: “By the way, there is also a show in Northern Europe, it will be

until June.”

Charlie laughed: “Then we’ll have to ask Helena to support you then!”

Sara said: “No, no, she will soon be crowned queen, it is not appropriate for

to go to the concert.”

“What’s inappropriate about it.” Charlie laughed: “Do not the princes of

Britain often take their wives and children to the ball game?”

“Helena is young to succeed the throne, if she puts up the queen’s frame

so early, it is not conducive to solidifying the mass base at the bottom, the

best way is to go deeper into the people and strive for positive exposure as

much as possible,”

“So that when she is 50 or 60 years old, she can be an empress that the

people love and embrace.”

Hearing this, Sara couldn’t help but laugh: “Charlie, when I hear you say

this, how come it feels like you’re not asking Helena to support me, but

asking Helena to rub my nose in the heat ……”

She hurriedly and explained: “I am joking, you must not take it seriously, I

am not the kind that calculates people.”

Charlie laughed: “Originally this is the meaning, like the prince of Britain,

although also loved by most of the people, but far less than soccer and the

stars, as fanatical pursuit by fans, he went to the game, in fact, is to win the

goodwill of these fanatical fans, to put it bluntly, is also rubbing the heat.”

Sara nodded and asked him, “Charlie, that Helena, should like you a lot,


Charlie was surprised and asked, “Why do you say that?”

Sara seriously said, “You saved her life, and also saved her mother, and

even helped her reclaim the throne, which is equal to fishing her up from

the Marianas Trench and sending her to Mount Everest, as long as she is a

normal woman, I’m afraid she will fall in love with you ……”

Charlie said awkwardly, “That’s her freedom ……”

Chapter 3674

Sara glanced at him and said quietly, “This time the Wade family ancestral

festival, those of your confidantes. They were a lot ……”

Charlie said vaguely, “They are friends …… ordinary friends ……”

Sara’s face beamed with yes I believe you ghost kind of expression: “I

declare in advance, I am not jealous, whoever in the future want to be your

woman, or be jealous, they can sooner or later sour themselves to death.”

Charlie sweated for a while, hurriedly changed the subject, and asked her,

“Right Sara, when are you going overseas?”

Sara saw him change the subject, and did not continue to aggressively, so

followed his words:

“The beginning of next month, first to Canada, Vancouver, Montreal,

Toronto and Ottawa, and then from Canada to the south to the United


“The first stop is New York, then from the East Coast to the west, Chicago,

Houston, and then to the West Coast, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Probably tour North America for about a month, and then go to Europe

after that.”

After saying that, she looked at Charlie with bewildered eyes and said with

an aggrieved face, “Charlie, once I start my overseas tour, I may not see

you for two or three months ……”

Charlie said comfortingly, “It’s important for you to work, besides it’s a

farewell concert, after this tour, you will be able to stay in Eastcliff.”

Sara nodded and said, “After officially quitting the entertainment industry, I

will have to go to Gu’s Group to take over.”

After saying that, she looked at Charlie and said with a smile, “Charlie, I

have already thought about it, after I take over, I will first invest in several

projects in Aurous Hill, then I will run to Aurous Hill for three days, will you

welcome me then?”

Charlie laughed: “Okay, as long as you are willing, you’re definitely


Sara said: “Then we can say so, when the time comes, you do not dislike

me because I go old, moreover, not allowed to avoid seeing me.”

“Okay ……” Charlie only had to agree to it.

Sara satisfied, drove all the way to the airport hangar, Philip’s gifted

Charlie’s private plane is parked here, next door to the Concorde

passenger plane has taken off again to Northern Europe.

This time back to Aurous Hill, in addition to Liona who is to go back with

Charlie’s, Orvel and Issac also ran over to take the plane back.

When Charlie arrived at the airport, they had been there for half a day.

Liona was standing next to the boarding car with a small suitcase, while

Orvel and Issac were standing at the door of the hangar quietly smoking.

A staff member kindly reminded, “You two, in the hangar area it is strictly

prohibited to smoke and fire ……”

Orvel disdainfully waved his hand: “The two big engines on the plane do

not need the ignition to go? It is fine, what problem these two broken

cigarette butts can have?”

The staff said awkwardly, “Sir, this is not a nature ah ……”

Orvel smacked his lips and said, “Tsk …… I say if you have a tendency to

it? Turn your face away and pretend you didn’t see it. Won’t that work?”

Issac stuffed his cigarette into his half-drunk mineral water bottle, patted

Orvel’s shoulder, and spoke, “All right, don’t make it difficult for others, put

out the cigarette.”

Although Orvel was a little upset, but did not say anything, the cigarette

was also thrown in.

At this time, Charlie came to the hangar door by car, the two saw Charlie

coming, hurriedly stood up straight, respectfully waiting.

As soon as the car was stable, Orvel hurriedly went forward, pulled open

the passenger door, and respectfully said to Charlie, “Young Master, you’re


Charlie frowned and said, “Orvel, don’t you always call me Master Wade?

Why did you change your title?”

Chapter 3675

Orvel said, “Young master, you are now the head of the Wade family and

the new master of the Cataclysmic Front, if you look around the world, who

can compete with you? With this honorable status of yours now, how can I

call you Master Wade again ……”

Charlie waved his hand: “Don’t, what honorable or not, you should still call

me Master Wade, I still prefer this title compared to ‘Wade Family Master’

or ‘Wade Family Young Master’.”

Orvel was still a bit embarrassed, felt that this was neglecting Charlie, but

Issac is much smarter than Orvel, respectfully said,

“Master Wade, the plane is ready, ready to take off at any time, in addition,

Ms. Du has also arrived, I just asked her to get on the plane first to rest,

she said nothing, said she had to wait for you to come before getting on the


Charlie nodded and pointed to Issac and said to Orvel: “See, Mr. Issac is

much better than you.”

Orvel smiled awkwardly: “Master Wade is right, I am such a big old man,

how can I be compared with Mr. Issac, Mr. Issac’s brain works faster than

the aircraft engine!”

Charlie saw Orvel ridiculing Issac, could not help but smile, remembering

Philip’s advice about the Cataclysmic Front, he said with feeling: “Orvel,

you also need to take some time to do more self-improvement,”

“In the future, those matters on the road, I think you should not be in charge

of yourself, all divided to the four subordinates under you, let them be fully


Orvel did not hesitate to agree and said, “Master Wade, what you say I will

do, I will go back to the meeting with them and give them all those things.”

After saying that, Orvel only asked somewhat awkwardly, “Right Master

Wade …… If I handed over all the matters, what will I do afterward?”

The reason why Charlie kept Orvel around was because of his loyalty to


Even if you do not know what you are going to do next, what you can do,

but also first promised your request, which is far more sincere than ordinary


The same thing, if it were anyone else, the other party would probably first

ask what they want to do next, and then weigh the benefits and losses

before finally making a decision.

But Orvel is truly obedient to him.

Let’s do whatever is to do, as for the rest, do it first and see what happens


So, Charlie seriously said to Orvel: “Next I intend to let the Wade family in

Aurous Hill to increase some investment, the construction of Aurous Hill

into the Wade family’s second home base,”

“Then there will certainly be a lot of big projects started one after another,

then I will find you a job, to ensure that you earn more than before, and

also earn more cleaner this time!”

When Orvel heard this, he immediately said with immense gratitude:

“Master Wade …… thank you for the promotion! Orvel is grateful!”

Charlie waved his hand and instructed, “Words of gratitude need not

always be on your lips, just do your job properly.”

“Yes! Master Wade!”

Charlie looked at Issac again, and saw that Issac’s face was not half

unhappy and jealous after hearing that he had given Orvel a promise, and

his heart recognized Issac’s nature a little more.

So, he said to Issac: “Mr. Issac, in the future, the business of the Wade

family in Aurous Hill will be handed over to you, and you should expand

your team.

Issac nodded his head very calmly and said, “Master Wade don’t worry, I

will definitely expand the size of the team and improve the level of the team

as soon as possible.”

Charlie nodded gently, and then said to Sara, “Sara, you can drop me here,

go back and tell Uncle and Auntie on my behalf that I will see them at home

next time I come to Eastcliff.”

Sara said with a reluctant face, “Charlie, why don’t you board the plane

first, I’ll wait for your plane to take off before I leave.”

Charlie laughed: “Maybe we’ll meet again in a few days, don’t make it look

like we’re parting, I’ll be relieved to see you drive away with my own eyes.”

Sara gently nodded: “Okay then, wish you a good trip, give me a word

when you arrive.”

“Okay.” Charlie smiled faintly, “Go back quickly.”

Only then did Sara reluctantly leave.

Chapter 3676

If Orvel and Issac weren’t here, she would have had to be with him for a

while, k!ssing and hugging him before she could let him go back.

Charlie saw Sara drive away from the hangar, then turned around and

came to the front of the boarding stairs.

Liona’s hands holding the trolley case standing in place, smiling at Charlie,

she said: “Taking me back to Aurous Hill does not give you any trouble,


Charlie said: “Why not, Auntie, come, I’ll help you carry your luggage.”

Saying that, Charlie already took the luggage from her hand, and then

made an invitation gesture to her, respectfully saying, “Auntie, please go


Liona still wanted to push back, but seeing Charlie’s sincere attitude, she

couldn’t afford to be polite anymore, so she said softly, “Thank you!”

With that, she went on the plane first.

Charlie followed with her suitcase, and Orvel and Issac also followed

behind him on the plane.

After asking Charlie whether to take off immediately and receiving a

positive answer, the crew closed the cabin door.

Charlie invited Liona to sit on the sofa in the meeting area of the business

jet, while Orvel and Issac sat on the seats on the side.

When the plane slowly rolled out, Charlie said to her, “Auntie, these two

people next to me are my friends, the older one is called Orvel, and the

younger one is called Issac, they have strong connections and

relationships in Aurous Hill,”

“If you need any help in Aurous Hill, you can contact them directly, of

course, you can also contact me directly, just don’t let my wife know.”

Orvel said: “Ms. Du, I am Orvel, in the future, if you have any needs in

Aurous Hill, just say a word!”

Issac also hurriedly said, “Ms. Du, I am Issac, anything you need in Aurous

Hill in the future, just ask.”

Liona nodded gratefully and said, “Thank you!”

After saying that, she looked at Charlie curiously and asked, “You still don’t

plan to confess your identity to Claire when you go back this time?”

Because of the renovation of Charlie’s parents’ set of the old mansion,

Liona became Claire’s client, and she knew that Claire knew nothing about

Charlie’s true identity.

Hearing Liona ask about his wife, Charlie said awkwardly, “I haven’t

thought of where to start, after all, she knows nothing about these things,

and I’m afraid that if I were to confess my identity, I wouldn’t be able to say

it for three days and nights.”

In fact, what came to Charlie’s mind was a remark Claire had

unintentionally made at the time.

At that time, she jokingly said that if he was really the young master of any

top family, then she would divorce him at the first opportunity.

Charlie knows Claire’s character, she said jokingly, but said generally will

do, does look soft nature, but the bones are very stubborn.

Charlie has been married to her for four years, and still knows her

character very well.

Moreover, now confess to Claire these, will only add to the trouble, he just

took over the Wade family, there are many things to slowly sort out.

The Cataclysmic Front side is still in dire need of transformation, this time

to say nothing can not start a fire in the backyard again.

Liona smiled faintly and said, “Some times, the more lies are delayed, the

bigger they are, if you had informed Claire of your identity at first, it would

not have been too difficult for her to accept it.”

Charlie nodded and said with emotion, “Before the Wade family came to

me, I did not confess my life to anyone.”

“After the Wade family came to me, I felt that the death of my parents had

not yet come to light, and there were still many dangers hidden in the dark,

so I kept it hidden from her.”

Here, Charlie said: “In fact, I do not know who killed my mom and dad, I do

not know if I can still find their killers in this life, not to mention whether I am

their opponent, so if I can keep it hidden from her, I feel more relaxed.”

Hearing Charlie mention his parents, Liona’s expression could not help but

be somewhat dark, and she was silent for a long time before she spoke,

“Charlie, make sure you do your best to avenge your parents!”

“If there is anything I can do, tell me, I will definitely do my best!”

Chapter 3677

The flight time from Eastcliff to Aurous Hill is just under two hours.

When the plane landed in Aurous Hill, the time was only 10:00 am.

Knowing that Claire was definitely not at home, so Charlie did not have the

intention to go home immediately but had Issac’s men send Liona back to

the old mansion and then went to Shangri-La with Issac and Orvel.

Today’s Shangri-La seemed to be a lot colder than before, which was a big

contrast to the scene that it had always been full of doors.

Charlie came to Issac’s office, sat down and asked him: “Right Mr. Issac,

how come Shangri-La is not as lively as before today? I’ve been here so

many times, today is the coldest time.”

Issac said helplessly: “I heard from the people under the hand yesterday,

not only today, in fact, in the past few days, the business of the Shangri-La

has a very substantial decline.”

“In the city, many companies have signed a hospitality agreement with us

before, our hotel as their fixed business hospitality hotel, but before the

Cataclysmic Front announced their intentions for Wade family in Eastcliff,

they all have terminated cooperation.”

After that, Issac added: “After you conquered the Cataclysmic Front, it was

declared that the Wade family had compromised with the Cataclysmic


“And the news that the Wade family had been conquered by the

Cataclysmic Front was all over the market these two days, so the business

of Shangri-La also dropped sharply.”

After a pause, he explained: “In fact, our five-star hotels, more than half of

the business relies on public cooperation.”

“Some cooperation agreements with travel agencies, those who have

business hospitality, meeting needs of the company is on one hand,”

“As for going out to live in a five-star hotel for casual customers, in fact,

there are still not so many, these companies are now staying away from


“These companies have now drawn a line, the source of customers has

been reduced by more than half, naturally it seems very cold.”

Charlie listened and could not help but laugh: “These companies are really

realistic. …… Even such a small cooperation has to be canceled, the

contract spirit of these people is really too thin.”

Issac nodded and said, “Master Wade you do not know ……”

Charlie interrupted him with a hand and said seriously:

“Mr. Issac, when you call me Young Master Wade, I am always very out of

play, just like Orvel called me Young Master Wade out of play, why don’t

you call me young master, you have known me for so long you have always

called me so, I am also used to it.”

Issac laughed: “To be honest young master, I call you Master Wade is also

really a bit awkward ……”

Saying that, he hurriedly went back to the main topic, seriously: “Young

master you do not know, before our Aurous Hill many local enterprises,

wanted to get close to me, so as to signed a hospitality agreement with us.”

“But in fact, the consumption level of our hotel is still very high, many

enterprises are also considered to grit their teeth to reach up to barely


“You take for example a business, if you use a fast business hotel for

hospitality, a year is only a hundred or two hundred thousand, but replaced

by our five-star hotel, a year at least six or seven hundred thousand

bottom, for them, the pressure is still quite big.”

“Now they feel that the Wade family is declining, they must also feel no

need to spend so much extra money to please me.”

Charlie nodded and said indifferently, “Since that’s the case, why not take

half of the hotel’s rooms off the sales end?”

Chapter 3678

Saying that, Charlie added: “From now on, stop selling all of the executive

building of Shangri-La and leave the whole building, I have other uses for


“Okay.” Issac nodded without hesitation and said, “Then I will inform the

management in a moment and immediately take down these rooms in all


Charlie gave a hmph and said, “When Joseph arrives, let the people from

Cataclysmic Front stay there first, and also leave a suite for Ruoli, and

vacate twenty more rooms for me to do business hospitality,”

“And let those professional managers from the Wade Family come to

Aurous Hill to report to me regularly in the future.”

“Okay young master.” Issac busily said, “I will immediately coordinate to

replace all the staff of the administration building with my people, and at the

same time strengthen the security management to strictly prevent outsiders

from entering.”

“Mm.” Charlie nodded and added: “When Joseph comes, I will ask him to

draw a five-star commander from Cataclysmic Front and another thirty

well-trained men to come over, then let them form a flexible and mobile

security team here in the city under your command,”

“The team under your hands, loyalty is enough but combat power is still a

bit weak, with their supplement, the overall strength will see a qualitative


Issac respectfully said, “Yes, young master! When the time comes, I will

also take this opportunity to have the people of the Cataclysmic Front help

us cultivate some more talents out!”

At this time, there was a knock at the door as well as a young woman’s

voice: “Mr. Issac, Mr. Qin of the Qin family, and Mr. White of the White

family want to see you.”

Issac said with some surprise, “How come Qin Gang and Solmon White are

looking for you at this time?”

After saying that, he looked at Charlie and opened his mouth to ask:

“Young master, do you think you want to meet them?”

“Sure.” Charlie nodded and said, “People have come looking for us, how

can we avoid them.”

Issac was busy saying to the female secretary at the door, “Bring the

people here.”

“Okay, Mr. Issac.”

A few moments later, the female secretary went and returned, and with her,

there were two people, Qin Gang and Solmon White.

As soon as they entered, they saw Charlie and Orvel both sitting on the

sofa, and they couldn’t help but be surprised.

Qin Gang asked, “Master Wade, you are here too?”

Charlie laughed: “I heard that something happened to Mr. Issac’s old boss,

so as soon as he came back, I also rushed over to take a look.”

Qin Gang and Solmon suddenly realized.

In fact, the two of them were also here for this purpose.

They had heard that something big had happened to the Wade family, and

Issac was not in Aurous Hill, so they thought that he must have gone to

Eastcliff too.

The two of them are of the same mind.

Chapter 3679

When they first entered the Shangri-La, they could see that the hotel’s

business was much worse than before, and they knew the general

situation, so Solmon said,

“Mr. Issac, the reason we came here is to strengthen cooperation with


I’ve developed two properties in the suburbs, and they sold well in less than

a month, so I’m thinking of having an owners’ appreciation party, and then

we’ll have a banquet, a program, and a lottery.

Qin Gang on the side also said with a smile: “Our Qin family this year,

thanks to the blessing of Master Wade, the supply of herbs has set a

record, in the past, we were rushing to the country’s various herbal origins

to collect drugs,”

“This year I intend to directly in Aurous Hill to organize a herbal exchange,

let the herbal suppliers with samples, with prices come to Aurous Hill for

live exchange,”

“If we find the material suitable, we sign on the spot, unsuitable, I reimburse

them for the return trip. I will reimburse their return travel expenses, food,

and accommodation, when the time comes, the reception of this aspect, I

have to bother you to help arrange it!”

Seeing this attitude of the two, Charlie’s heart felt a bit more appreciation.

Other people were avoiding Shangri-La at this time, but they were rushing

to deliver business, so it could be seen that the two of them did treat Issac

as a friend.

So, Charlie smiled faintly and said: “Mr. Issac, since everyone is so

supportive of you, let me help you too! Leave me your banquet hall for two

days, I want to hold an auction!”

Issac asked, “Master Wade …… what are you planning to auction?”

Charlie laughed: “I will go back and say hello to Warnia, let the Song family

Antique Hall take out part of the collection to support the scene, as for

myself ……”

Charlie said here, smiled self-deprecatingly, and said, “I have nothing

valuable on my body, I can take out, I’m afraid that only the Rejuvenating

pills, at most then casually refine a few amulets, to see who is willing to be

the big head!”

As soon as they heard that Charlie was going to auction the Rejuvenating

Pill, everyone present took a breath backward in shock.

Issac subconsciously said: “Master Wade, the last time you shot the

Rejuvenating Pill at the Song family, the sale price reached a high price of

two billion, and that time you were improvising, those really big tycoons

outside simply did not know, so it was Tailai with the two billion ……”

The first thing you need to do is to do a proper auction and do a good job of

promoting the event in advance, attracting all the top tycoons, then even if

it’s five billion, it’s not a problem!

Qin Gang on the side also said, “Yes, Master Wade! Your Rejuvenating Pill

has long been famous in the rich and powerful circles in the south, since

Tailai took the Rejuvenating Pill, his whole body has become nearly 20

years younger,”

“A person in his fifties looks as if he is in his thirties, he is alive and well!

People also say that he has not less tossed between men and women this

time that thing, just the female celebrities, he has seven or eight fingers


“Now do not know how many rich people dream of Rejuvenating pill! If this

news gets out, it is estimated that the country’s rich people will come

running to Aurous Hill!”

Charlie faintly said: “I want this effect, many people feel that Aurous Hill can

not be on stage, then I let this group of top tycoons rush to Aurous Hill!”

“Many people are now thinking of drawing a line with the Wade family, so I

will let them come into Shangri-La to participate in this auction!”

Saying that, Charlie added: “This auction, the core lots are three, the finale

is a Rejuvenating Pill, followed by a Rejuvenating Pill divided into four, each

separate auction, then three amulets, the rest, let Warnia randomly choose

some Antique Hall’s collection in, to support the scene.”

Solmon heard this, said with regret: “Hey …… last time in the Song family

auction back for Rejuvenating Pills, I did not have that strength to compete

with Mr. Li, this auction, I think I just smashed pots and pans can not be

shot back to Rejuvenating Pills ……”

He said, he hurriedly asked Charlie: “Master Wade, what is the effect of the

talisman you made? If it is suitable, I will go to the auction to auction off one

even if I have to fight with my family’s money!”

Charlie laughed: “The talisman is only to ward off evil spirits and disasters,

change the feng shui fortune, it is certainly not as beneficial as the

Rejuvenating Pill to prolong life.”

Chapter 3680

Solmon slapped his thigh: “Can drive away evil and avoid disasters, but

also can change the feng shui fortune, buy daily wear, maybe business can

be more and more prosperous! When the time comes, I must find a way to

shoot a back!”

Charlie waved his hand: “Auction, is to earn money from outsiders, you do

not need to participate, the amulet is simple,”

“I make a few more, when the time is there I will send you one, as for the

Rejuvenating pills, you do not have to spend a sky-high price to shoot,

when the time is right, I will give you some.”

When Qin Gang and Solmon heard this, they were both incredibly grateful.

Both of them were fortunate enough to have been given the Blood

Dispersing Heart Saving Pill by Charlie, and that effect had already

benefited them immensely, and they were even more excited about the

Rejuvenating Pill.

However, they also know their actual situation, the two families in Aurous

Hill are barely at the level of tens of billions worth of families, and most of

the funds are pressed into various real estate and enterprises.

To really say to take billions of cash out to buy the Rejuvenating Pill, they

simply do not have the strength.

Now although Charlie did not say that death will definitely give them, but

since Charlie has this statement, it proves that the chances are great.

So they are also very clear, from now on they just need to behave well in

front of him, do their best to work for him, then Charlie will definitely not

treat them badly.

At this moment, Issac hurriedly asked: “Young master, then this auction,

when do you want to set it to start?”

Charlie asked him, “How long will it take to prepare for the preliminary


Issac said: “Like Christie’s, Sotheby’s and other large auction houses, it

usually takes at least half a year to prepare for a major auction, they

generally have two major auctions a year,”

“And during this half year, at least four months are spent preparing various

lots, just like a talent show, several rounds of screening are needed to

select the lots that will eventually appear at the auction.”

After a pause, Issac added: “In addition, in the case of all the lots have

been determined, but also at least two months of preparation time, because

they need a long time to a little bit of publicity paving,”

“But also printing auction brochures, to all customers, key customers to

shoot customer representatives to introduce in person, so that each knows

what good things this auction has. What is the collection value of each of

these things etc”

Charlie waved his hand: “Half a year is too long, this time we pull the pace

a little faster, now is the beginning of April, the auction will be set in late

April, this time using word-of-mouth communication, only in the elites of this

group of upper-class society to promote it.”

“This auction, the number of people attending the auction on-site only up to

two hundred spots, not a person more!”

“In addition also do not allow telephone commission bidding, all those who

want to participate in this auction, must come to Aurous Hill! They must sit

in the ballroom of the Shangri-La Hotel and bid in person!”

“Moreover, no matter who finally gets this Rejuvenating Pill, they must take

it on the spot in public and are never allowed to take it away!”

When the crowd heard this, they were even more shocked, and Qin Gang

asked, “Master Wade, why must it be taken in public and not allowed to

take away? This seems not very humane ah ……”

Charlie laughed: “Of course this kind of thing can not be humane, ordinary

people to buy an affordable Maotai wine is as difficult as the sky, not to

mention my Rejuvenating pill?”

Saying that, Charlie added: “Must be taken in public, can ensure that any

rich people want to return to the Rejuvenating Pills must personally come,”

“Even if it is a European empress who wants it, also have to personally

come to Aurous Hill to participate in the auction!”

“In addition, it can also ensure that the effect of the Rejuvenating Pill is

witnessed by those other 199 people!”

Charlie gave a slight beating and asked with a raised eyebrow, “Think

about it, there will be a rich man who will get the first quarter of the

Rejuvenating Pill first,”

“Once he takes it on the spot, what kind of frenzy will the remaining 199

people fall into for the next three copies of the Rejuvenating Pill, as well as

the whole Rejuvenating Pill?”

Hearing Charlie explain this, one by one, the others seemed to have

already seen the madness of killing each other at the auction.

After all, to those super-rich people who were poor in terms of health and

had only money left, a rejuvenation pill that could return them their youth,

prolong their life, and dispel their illnesses and pains was definitely the item

that would drive them the craziest in this world.

At that time, the price of the Rejuvenating Pill would easily be pushed up to

the clouds!

Issac was very excited and said offhandedly, “Master Wade, as long as this

auction is held successfully, then after the auction, the fame of the

Rejuvenating Pill will definitely be known worldwide!”

Charlie nodded and smiled, “What I want is for it to be known worldwide! As

long as this auction meets my expectations, it can be held continuously

from now on!”

“In the future, I may take out one or two or even three or four rejuvenation

pills every year for the auction, by then, I want this little Aurous Hill to

become a holy place where the world’s rich and powerful will flock to and


Chapter 3681

To the rich, the attractiveness of the Rejuvenating Pill definitely exceeded

any other item in this world.

However, for such a long time before, Charlie had never treated the

Rejuvenating Pill as a commodity.

The only time he auctioned it was because Kevin was too pretentious at

Warnia’s birthday party, so Charlie took out a Pill to smack him in the face.

As for the other rejuvenation pills, he basically took them as favors and

gave them to his friends and relatives.

However, the current Charlie, his mentality has changed from before.

Before, his desire to make money was not urgent, and he never thought

about how much money he wanted to make or to what kind of height he

wanted to go.

However, now he has become the head of the Wade family and vowed to

carry the family forward, so right now he has to consider how to turn all his

resources into benefits as well as gain influence as much as possible.

It just so happens that he has been rooted in Aurous Hill for many years,

and now he also hopes that this city can assume the burden of the second

center of the Wade family.

So by putting the Rejuvenating Pill to the auction, not only can he make a

big profit, but he can also raise the influence of Aurous Hill up, which is

definitely a two-fold victory.

At this moment, Issac respectfully asked Charlie: “Master Wade, when the

time comes, how should we put these two hundred places in the auction?”

Charlie smiled, “Find a technical team and develop an official APP

software, and let them sign up at that time.”

Issac asked again, “Then in case there are many people signing up, how

should we select them? First come, first served or?”

Charlie waved his hand: “How can such a fair and just rule as first-come,

first-served appear in our APP? We open the door to do business, of

course, everything is money-oriented!”

Issac was confused: “Master Wade, then your meaning ……”

Charlie smiled: “Our APP, in theory, will be something anyone can

download, but, if you want to sign up, I have two requirements:”

“First, must accept our capital verification of them, only people with actual

assets greater than ten billion RMB are eligible to participate;”

Once these words came out, the crowd’s expressions were all appalled

beyond belief.

Ten billion for an entry ticket? This threshold is too high! Even for the top

high-end clubs in China now, the threshold for entry is only about one


Not waiting for them to recover from the shock, Charlie said: “Secondly, on

this basis, we will select two hundred final bidding places from the highest

to lowest with the actual amount of capital verification!”

Saying that, he explained: “That is to say, our ranking is not in order, not

first come first served, is a simple and rough measure of everyone’s


“Whoever has the most money, can be at the top, who has no money, or

who is not rich enough, can not be ranked in the top two hundred, then

sorry, I do not welcome him here.”

The crowd was dumbfounded, Issac subconsciously said, “Master Wade

…… more than ten billion rich people, in the country we can not find two

hundred ah ……”

Charlie laughed: “Who said it is limited to China? I will find some people

from overseas to help promote the publicity, I believe that those overseas

tycoons will also flock to the city.”

When he said this, Charlie thought of two suitable candidates.

One, is the old feng shui master Qinghua, he is highly respected in the

United States Chinese circles, including Dan Mai, a group of Chinese

Americans, dreamed of understanding.

Qinghua, in the end, thought of how to achieve twenty years of youth, once

the auction wind is released and Qinghua says clearly that he ate this

rejuvenation pill to rejuvenate, North America’s rich people will fly over the

same night.

Another is the Nordic Queen.

Chapter 3682

Tomorrow is Helena’s enthronement ceremony when the entire European

royalty and top tycoons will go to Northern Europe to participate in this

enthronement ceremony.

As long as the old lady shows up in front of these European tycoons, the

rejuvenation pills are bound to make huge waves in the hearts of these


At that time, the little Aurous Hill, I’m afraid, will become the center of

attention of the world’s rich and powerful.

Speaking of this, Charlie said: “Mr. Issac, now many people do not want to

draw a clear line with Shangri-La? Then when the time comes, you will

announce to the public that all those who come to the auction must stay at

Shangri-La before they can enter!”

“At that time, the price of your Shangri-La can be directly hundred times the

original price! Previously a thousand a night, into a night of 100,000,

previously a night of 10,000, into a night of a million!”

“Don’t they all want to hide away from Shangri-La? Let’s show them how

the top tycoons grab a room at Shangri-La!”

Hearing this, Issac said excitedly, “That’s really great! Two or three days will

be enough to do a year’s turnover ……”

Charlie laughed: “I hope that through this auction, we can make the soft

power of Aurous Hill get a huge boost!”

“There is nothing unique about Silicon Valley in the United States, isn’t it

because there are more Internet companies, so it gradually became

famous worldwide?”

“Las Vegas was originally a desert, but after the gaming industry rose, it

also became a globally famous gambling city in a very short time.”

“This proves that if a city wants to develop, it does not necessarily need a

unique geographical location and natural resources, as long as it can

choose the right field and put out its soft power in this field, it will definitely

be able to develop.”

Speaking of this, Charlie arrogantly said, “I dare not say I can make Aurous

Hill a top prosperous metropolis,”

“But I can definitely make Aurous Hill a long-life capital that the world’s top

tycoons are rushing to!”

“At that time, I believe Aurous Hill’s economic development will also usher

in a huge takeoff!”


In order to promote the plan of the auction as soon as possible, Charlie

called Warnia and told her about the idea of the auction.

Warnia was extraordinarily excited after hearing it, because she knew very

well that this was also a very good promotion for the Song family’s The

Auction Hall.

Now there are many companies doing antique painting and calligraphy

collection auctions, but not many are able to make an impact.

Christie’s and Sotheby’s are globally famous as long as they have strong

connections and influence in the upstream and downstream.

Upstream, that is, the source of antique paintings and calligraphy, many

good things are now in the hands of individual collectors.

If they want to take part of the collection out of the auction to realize, the

first thought is the two big auction houses, so the two big auction houses of

the so-called sources are countless times stronger than the general auction


As for the downstream, those who are willing to spend a lot of money from

the auction house to bid on the collection of wealthy people, in general,

only choose the high-profile, safe, and secure and consider the good name

of the auction house.

Therefore, big auction houses like Christie’s and Sotheby’s can meet the

upstream and downstream demand for it.

So they can also form a strong business closed loop, the more people trust

them, the more good things to their auction, those buyers are more willing

to choose them.

Over time, it is almost impossible for other brands to compete with them.

The Song family handles a lot of collectibles every year, but because they

do not have a strong influence, so both the acquisition price and the sale

price, can not reach the best state, and very often with the money can not

receive good things.

With this auction, Charlie is willing to take The Auction Hall together with

the organization, that the brand influence of The Auction Hall, is a very big


Maybe after one or two auctions, The Auction Hall’s influence can be on

par with Christie’s and Sotheby’s. Therefore, Warnia did not hesitate to take

part in the auction.

Therefore, she not only agreed without hesitation, but also promised

Charlie that she would definitely take out the best collection to help Charlie

to hold up the scene of this auction!

The inspiration triggered by the auction made Charlie exhilarated.

After he left Shangri-La, he didn’t go home, but went directly to the

Emgrand Group to find Doris.

Chapter 3683

At this moment, in his heart, there was a longer-term plan.

He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to strengthen the Wade

family’s business layout in Aurous Hill.

As long as he operated this auction smoothly, the attention of Aurous Hill

would definitely rise rapidly, and at that time, the commercial value of the

would also climb rapidly.

At that time, the land price will rise, the price of housing will rise, foreign

investment will rise, and the overall consumption power and economic

development level will also rise.

Therefore, if the layout is done well in advance, it will definitely enable the

Wade family to seize this opportunity to take off!

Therefore, he was ready to raise funds immediately and hoard land in the

city like crazy, and also make more investments in high-end service

industries in the city as well.

Just like the United States Las Vegas, it is not only casinos, high-end

hotels, nightclubs, restaurants are countless.

With Casino money, these high-end supporting industries can also follow a

big profit.

As for real estate, it goes without saying.

Charlie even feels that they can develop a top villa area in Aurous Hill, the

external sales price can be several times the market price or even a dozen

times, a set of five hundred million, property fees from 50 million a year.

Don’t think it can’t be sold, it can be sold!

Because, as long as he puts out an extra Rejuvenating Pill, held an internal

auction, only open to this group of owners, then these villas he will not

worry about selling.

In a word, as long as the value of the Rejuvenating Pill is publicized with all

efforts, it can have a continuous boost to the economy of Aurous Hill and

the Wade family’s industry!

When he came to Emgrand Group, Charlie directly took the chairman’s

elevator to the floor where Doris was.

As soon as Doris’s secretary saw Charlie coming, she hurriedly said

respectfully, “Hello, young master, are you looking for Vice-Chairman


Charlie nodded and asked her, “Is your Vice Director in?”

“Yes.” The secretary spoke, “But Vice Director is meeting with guests, why

don’t you wait in the parlor for a moment, I’ll go and tell her.”

“Okay.” Charlie said lightly, “Tell her not to rush, finish the matter at hand


“Okay Young Master.”

Charlie followed the female secretary to the meeting room next to Doris’s

office, and just as he reached the door, the female secretary pushed open

the door and said to him, “Young master, you can sit for a moment, I’ll go

and talk to Vice Director.”

“Okay.” Charlie casually answered.

Just after he finished speaking, at this time the door of the next room

opened, and he suddenly heard a familiar voice from inside: “Vice Director

Young, you stay here, I’ll just go by myself.”

Charlie immediately recognized this voice, it was his wife Claire.

At this moment, Doris said with a smile, “Ms. Willson, you don’t have to be

so polite, I’ll send you to the elevator.”

Immediately after that, Charlie saw his wife Claire walking out of Doris’s


Seeing the side of Claire’s face, he hurriedly entered the parlor with a flash,

and then closed the door immediately after.

And Claire just afterglow saw a figure flash into the next room, and then

fixed her eyes to see, only to see Doris’s secretary with a dismayed face

standing in the doorway of the next room, surprised at the door and asked:

“Young master …… you …… you all right?”

Chapter 3684

Charlie did not answer, because he was afraid that even if he deliberately

changed his voice, it would be heard by Claire.

Doris just happened to come out behind Claire at this time, as soon as she

heard her secretary mention the word young master, she hurriedly asked,

“Silvia, what’s going on?”

The secretary was busy saying, “Vice director, the young master is here, he

said he is looking for you for something, but ……”

Doris hurriedly waved her hand at her and said, “Okay I know, you go

ahead and get busy, I’ll go see the young master after sending off Ms.


Although the secretary felt that Doris’s attitude was a bit strange, but her

professionalism made her ask nothing and immediately said dryly, “Okay

Vice Director, then I’ll go and get busy first.”

After saying that, she turned around and left.

Doris sighed with relief, adjusted her state, and said to Claire, “Ms. Willson,

let’s go first.”

Claire asked her in a low voice with some curiosity, “Ms. Doris, the young

master that Silvia mentioned just now should be the chairman of your

Emgrand Group, right?”

Doris could only nod and say, “That’s right, it’s our chairman.”

Claire asked again, “I seem to have heard someone talk about it before, he

seems to be the young master of a big family in Eastcliff?”

“Right.” Doris laughed: “But our young master is relatively low-key, there is

not much news about him in the outside world.”

Claire gently nodded, before, she was very curious about the actual identity

of the chairman of the Empire Group.

After the Empire Group helped her several times, and even signed a

cooperation agreement with her, she even sometimes had an illusion,

always felt that this chairman of the Empire Group, seemed to have some

kind of mysterious relationship with her husband Charlie.

However, whenever she had this thought, she quickly denied herself this


After all, she knows Charlie’s origin very well, he has been an orphan since

childhood, his life can be said to be very poor, it is impossible to have any

overlap with the young master of the great families of Eastcliff.

But she suddenly felt in her heart: “Just now I glimpsed the figure, physical

outline including height, seems to be very similar to my husband ……”

In doubt, Claire can not help but comfort herself: “Claire ah Claire, you

really think too much, just now that figure is very similar to Charlie, but what

can that explain? You’d better not catch the wind here.”

So thinking of this, she did not continue to speculate more, but opened her

mouth and said to Doris: “Young vice director, since the chairman is here,

you do not need to send me off, I can go by myself.”

Doris smiled and said, “I’d better walk you to the elevator.”

After saying that, she made an invitation gesture and said, “Ms. Willson,


Claire had no choice but to step outside, and when she passed by the

meeting room, she paused for a moment, curious about the chairman of the

Emgrand Group inside.

After all, it’s been so long, no one in the outside world knows who the

chairman of the largest enterprise in Aurous Hill, the Empire Group, really


Claire also wants to know the true identity of the chairman, or rather, wants

to see what this low-profile person is really like.

When Doris saw her stop her figure, she hurriedly asked, “What’s wrong

with you, Ms. Willson?”

Claire came back to her senses and busily said, “Oh, nothing …… Let’s go


Doris was relieved in her heart, and only then did she come to the elevator

together with Claire.

She did not dare to make any mistakes, so she saw with her own eyes that

Claire got on the elevator, and the elevator had started to run down.

Then finally relieved, turned to call her secretary and explained: “From now

on, no one is allowed to come up to this floor, you hear me?”

The secretary hurriedly said, “Yes, I understand, I will guard the entrance of

the elevator, you can rest assured.”

“Good.” Doris nodded in satisfaction and hurriedly went to the meeting


At this moment, Charlie could not help but have palpitations in the

conference room.

Just now, if Claire had come out a second earlier, he would have had

nowhere to hide within that corridor.

If it was a head-on collision, even if Doris and her secretary would not say

anything, there was no way to explain this to Claire.

Obviously, he had gone to Eastcliff to see the feng shui of a client, how

come he returned to Aurous Hill without saying anything, and he also came

directly to Emgrand Group to look for Doris?

So, Charlie’s heart is extraordinarily glad that fortunately, she didn’t find out!

Chapter 3685

Just then, Doris knocked on the door outside the meeting room, “Young

master, please move to my office.”

Charlie opened the door and asked, “Has Claire left?”

Doris nodded and said, “Young lady has already gone down, don’t worry.”

“Good.” Charlie breathed a sigh of relief and went to her office, while asking

her, “What did she come to see you about?”

Doris replied, “It’s about the progress of the Imperial Hotel project, the

second phase of the project undertaken by Madam has been completed,

and our supervisor will organize the acceptance in the next two days.”

Charlie asked, “That side is still doing well, right?”

Doris nodded: “She did a very good job, the quality of the project,

construction progress better than we expected.”

“And as for the Emgrand’s group, over the years, this is the most ethical

B-party cooperation, construction materials and other aspects are not any

jerry-built, this is definitely the industry benchmark.”

Charlie said happy, “That’s good.”

Doris opened her mouth at this time and asked, “Right young master, when

did you come back from Eastcliff?”

Charlie said, “This morning.”

Doris nodded and said with some shame: “After I heard about the matter of

Cataclysmic Front, I originally planned to come to Eastcliff, but then I

thought that I was a woman,”

“So I was afraid that not only would I not be able to help, but I would also

cause trouble for you, so I stayed in Aurous Hill to make sure that

everything was running as usual in Emgrand Group, so please don’t take

offense, young master.”

“How can it be.” Charlie smiled faintly and said seriously:

“You are right to do so, if, for every bit of wind and grass, everyone starts to

leave their respective positions to help me, putting a lot of things into a

deadlock, it’s a waste of time. Matters like Cataclysmic Front, for me, is


Doris was busy saying, “That’s good …… I always felt that young master

you must have a way to solve this crisis!”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “It’s a crisis but it’s more of an opportunity, I

have now officially become the head of the Wade family, and the

Cataclysmic Front has also pledged its allegiance to me, next is the time to

let go and do something big!”

Doris’s expression was shocked, but soon returned to normal and said

seriously, “Young master, with you sitting in the Wade family, I believe we

will soon be able to usher in a new breakthrough!”

Charlie said, “Speaking of new breakthroughs, I just went to Shangri-La

and talked to Mr. Issac and the others, and just happened to have a bit of

new inspiration,”

“So I came over to find you immediately afterward, there are some things I

need to discuss with you.”

Doris nodded gently and asked curiously, “Young master, what new

inspiration have you got?”

Charlie then told her in detail about his idea about the auction.

After listening to it, Doris said with an excited face: “Young master, if you

can really attract all the world’s rich people, then Aurous Hill’s development

will be able to enter the fast lane immediately!”

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Aurous Hill, and for the

Emgrand Group as well!”

“We must seize this first opportunity and make a good layout in the city

before the auction really comes.”

Charlie agreed and said, “I share your view, I came to you for this matter as


Saying that, he asked her, “How much money does Emgrand Group have

available now?”

Chapter 3686

Doris busily said, “At present, our available funds are about 13 billion up

and down, but we can still borrow at least 40 billion from the bank at any

time, and the total capital plate can code to about 50 billion.”

Charlie nodded and said, “I’ll transfer 100 billion cash from the Wade family

to you, and I’ll personally inject another 50 billion to make up 200 billion


“Then you use the fastest speed to buy as much prime land or land with

development prospects as you can in Aurous Hill!”

Doris exclaimed: “Young master, invest two hundred billion in one breath?

This plate will not be a little too big ……”

Charlie faintly smiled: “Since we want to grasp the first opportunity, the

larger the scale of funds naturally the better, otherwise it simply can not eat

the meat, at most, two mouthfuls of soup.”

Saying that, Charlie said: “In the future, I am going to gradually make

Aurous Hill a longevity capital, in addition to the Rejuvenation Pill auction, I

also plan to engage in several longevity communities and supporting

high-end business services,”

“The threshold of longevity communities must be set infinitely high, so high

that almost every owner has to be a famous and wealthy person on the

Forbes list”

“By then, as long as they live in I can give them a certain percentage of

Rejuvenation pills on a regular basis, for this group of people, one

Rejuvenation pill to a large bucket of water, and distribute a cup to each of

them, it is enough for them to rush.”

Doris instantly understood his meaning and busily said, “Young master, I

have here a detailed map of all the plots of land to be developed in Aurous

Hill, you might as well look over it and see which plot of land is more

interesting to you.”


Doris immediately turned on the interactive screen in the office, and then

opened a special map of Aurous Hill.

On this map, the city of Aurous Hill is dotted with various green areas of

different sizes and scales.

She pointed at these green areas on the map and said to him, “Young

master, all the green plots on the map are plots of land to be developed

and available for sale,”

“There are relatively few of them in the urban area and the area is relatively

small, but from the new development area all the way to the suburbs, the

supply of land is obviously much better.”

Charlie nodded, pointing to the urban areas with several plots of land said,

“Near the city center, these pieces can be taken down as much as possible

to me,”

“And must pay attention to the highest possible use of bank leverage, the

maximum available funds on hand plate, I and the Wade family will give

you a total of 150 billion cash injection,”

“You should strive to play at least three times the leverage effect, from the

bank to take 450 billion cash out.”

Doris said somewhat nervously, “Young master, if so, then our debt will be

more than 350 billion, if we count the original bank loans of the Group in

the development projects, it will be more than 400 billion ……”

“Now the real estate market has been less than prosperous, and the policy

orders do not allow speculation, we are in this situation, but still make such

a high debt ratio is not a little dangerous?”

Charlie laughed: “First of all, the first point, we are not doing ordinary

conventional residential development, to do is also to do ultra-high

premium luxury homes,”

“So we will not go to inflate the price of ordinary housing in Aurous Hill, and

will not affect the trend of the ordinary housing market in the city;”

“Secondly, I let you take these downtown plots, in the future to completely

use as high-end commercial support, we are now under construction of the

Imperial Hotel which is one of them,”

“Then also get a top clubhouse, better than the Song family’s brilliant

clubhouse but also several grades higher on the high-end, one should not

go in without spending a one hundred thousand or eight million out of the


“In addition, also to get a high-end shopping mall, where Chanel, Hermes,

Louis Vuitton and even Lamborghini Ferrari those top brands, all to be

introduced into,”

“If I attract all those rich people to Aurous Hill, must let them find options to

spend money like dirt.”

“Finally, the third point, as long as those rich people are attracted over, our

project will definitely not lose money, and even make a big profit!”

Speaking of this, Charlie said with confidence: “What we want to do, is the

world’s highest premium real estate projects, and we do not pit the poor,

not the average rich, only the world’s richest a small group of people!”

“Let them willingly purchase assets in Aurous Hill at a premium of ten times

or even a hundred times, and willingly become part of my plan!”

Chapter 3687

After hearing Charlie’s plan, Doris nodded and said, “Young master, I

understand what you mean, when the time comes, I will have someone

come up with a professional business plan,”

“And even go find an internationally renowned design studio to help us

roughly design a blueprint that will definitely start from the highest and most

grand direction.”

“Mm.” Charlie said: “This matter will be left to you to take charge, my

requirements are three,”

“The first is must be fast; the second is must be good; the third is must be


“Do you understand the Dubai Mall? It is the world’s largest shopping

center, I want to get their kind of feeling, but more high-end, more refined

than them.”

“Understood!” Doris immediately said, “I will immediately start to do this.”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction and added: “Other than that, it’s the matter of

high-end communities.”

After saying that, he zoomed out the map and found the vicinity of the

airport, then immediately saw several pieces of land connected together at

a location less than ten kilometers away from the airport in a straight line.

And this piece of land just happens to be near the airport highway, so he

said to Doris: “I think this area is good, close to the airport, and next to the


“Although it is a different direction from the urban area, but the traffic should

be more convenient, those rich and powerful people who come by plane

can quickly arrive after getting off the plane, this is very convenient.”

Doris said: “These pieces of land are not much developed, the price should

be relatively cheap, as for the traffic, because the surrounding has not been

much development, so the highway is not set up here for the time being,”

“But we can communicate with the city and the traffic department, try to get

them to build a new highway entrance and exit for us here,”

“If not, we can spend money to donate to build one, this is a little

transformation on the basis of the original highway, it does not cost too

much money.”

Charlie nodded, and asked her: “Then there is no suitable place to make a

golf course nearby? It is best to develop it together with the golf course,

with equestrian grounds, and then it will be directly next to our high-end


Doris seriously said, “Young master, a large amount of land around here is

idle, usually there are not many people and enterprises over there to

develop, the golf course is certainly not a problem.”

“That’s good.” Charlie nodded and said, “Then you start today, the first talk

to the bank about the loan, I will also arrange from the Wade family to

transfer money to the Emgrand group, you take the time to prepare the

funds out, first in one breath we can take all the land!”

Doris also extraordinarily excited, said: “Young master do not worry, I will

do my best!”

Charlie satisfied with a smile, and said: “Right, tomorrow and the day after

tomorrow, a kid named Aron Wade will come over to report to you, that kid

should still have two brushes, you will take him along for the project.”

“Aron Wade?” Doris asked, “Is he from the Wade family?”

“Yes.” Charlie lightly said: “This young man is from a side branch of Wade

family, but he came to be your subordinate,”

“You do not have to give him a good face, just treat him as a donkey pulling

the coal to mill, forcing him to bring out the level and ability of his stomach!”

Although Doris didn’t know who Aron was, but looking at Charlie’s

meaning, she also guessed that Aron was probably punished by Charlie.

That’s why he was arranged to come to Emgrand Group, so she nodded

and said, “Young master, don’t worry, I will squeeze out all his value!”

Afterward, Charlie and Doris carefully studied the current situation of the

land to be developed in Aurous Hill together, and divided out all the parcels

of land of interest before Charlie left the Emgrand Group.

When he came out from the building, the lights were already on the

outside, and the traffic was busy, bustling, and very lively.

However, the people walking around, not like Eastcliff not everyone is very


Chapter 3688

In Aurous Hill, because the pressure of life is not so great, the pace of life is

not so fast, so you can see that people still have a few leisurely and relaxed


However, these people come and go, except for Charlie, no one knows that

the city of Aurous Hill, will soon become the object of the world’s attention.

At that time, this economic development has been pulling crotch, ready to

take off!


Charlie saw that it was getting late, so he incidentally bought ten

one-kilogram gold bricks from the nearby gold store.

After the gold bricks were bought, he took a cab directly from the entrance

of the gold store and returned to Tomson.

The reason why he bought the gold bricks was because he knew that his

mother-in-law, Elaine, is definitely looking forward to bringing her some gifts

after his return.

However, Charlie now really does not have extra time to pick a gift, so

simply buy a few gold bricks, when he says directly that they are gifted by a

customer, her mouth will be distorted.

When the time comes to give her a piece as a gift, let her take it to play.

In this way, he does not have to worry about her selling the gold brick to


If placed in the previous Elaine, certainly not say anything, tomorrow

morning with the gold brick in hand she would be out to sell it.

And before she goes out, she would probably have to go to his and Claire’s

room to steal the remaining gold bricks to sell them together.

But now she is really more honest, and her legs are not so convenient,

want to go out to sell gold bricks is not very realistic.

What’s more, she also has to prevent herself from having to check

occasionally on a whim, so getting the gold bricks can only be honestly put


Give her a very valuable item also can not take it out to realize the gift, but

can take her mind on hold.

When Charlie returned to Tomson with the four gold bricks, he just entered

the gate and saw his wife Claire walking out of the garage in the courtyard.

She had just driven back and parked her car, and when she saw Charlie

pushing the door into the courtyard, she said joyfully, “Honey, you’re back!”

Charlie looked at her and said in a very doting tone, “Back, have you

missed me these days?”

“Of course I did!” Claire is not shy at all, happy to run over and jump into

Charlie’s arms, full of joy but with a few complaints, said:

“Why did you come back without telling me in advance, I could have come

to the airport to pick you up!”

Charlie laughed: “I knew you must be particularly busy at work, I did not

want to torment you to come so far to pick me up, I took a car myself and

came back!

Claire said seriously: “What’s so hard about picking you up, but you, all the

way back by plane, have to queue up for a taxi, how tired will you be!”

“Not tired.” Charlie said casually: “I am so physically fit, this little thing is


Claire helplessly said: “You said earlier, you are at home to cook and wait

for me to come back, you go out these days, mom does not cook properly.”

“All day all night confused, even just now she called me to say that she

doesn’t want to cook and asked me to order food.”

Charlie smiled and said, “It’s good to order a meal, order me one by the


Claire nodded and said, “You go to the room first to rest and relax!”

Claire swiped the fingerprint lock, and as soon as she entered the door, she

heard Elaine’s lazy and reproachful voice: “Claire, what took you so long?

I’ve been hungry, just waiting for you to come home and order dinner. ……”

At this time, in the living room sofa lying down, did not even look back, she

knows it must be Claire who is back.

Claire helplessly said: “Mom, you are too lazy these days, no need for you

to do housework, you can at least order a meal for yourself when you are

hungry. ……”

Elaine impatiently said, “I’m most annoyed with ordering, either I don’t want

to eat this or that, or I want to eat this or that, or you order it, I’ll just wait

and eat it ……”

Claire sighed and said, “Mom, Charlie is back, let him say what he wants to


Claire’s words fell, then heard the movement in the living room: “Oh dear,

my good son-in-law is back?”

After that, the sound of someone jumping on crutches could be heard.

Immediately after that, Elaine ran over with one hand on crutches, jumping

all the way.

And once she saw Charlie, she immediately smiled fawningly and said: “My

good son-in-law is back, why didn’t you tell mom, so mom could cook for

you something delicious!”

After saying that, she immediately continued, “Good son-in-law you take a

rest first, mom will go to the kitchen to see what can be made!”

Chapter 3689

Once Claire saw her mother’s positive and flattering appearance in front of

Charlie, she immediately had a helpless face and couldn’t help but mutter:

“Mom …… how come once Charlie came back, you got in the spirit?”

Elaine busily said: “Nonsense! I’m not in the mood, I’m just going crazy

these days, I’m holding my energy all over my body, waiting for my good

son-in-law to come back and cook for him a good meal!”

Claire sighed, “There’s not even an egg in the kitchen, what are you going

to cook for Charlie?”

“Ah? Is that so?” Elaine was surprised and asked, “Are there no dishes in

the fridge either?”

Claire rolled her eyes, “There were only two small cabbages left, so I asked

Dad to make noodles in the morning.”

Elaine cursed in anger: “This man, why should he eat the cabbages I

bought it, how outrageous!”

Claire rubbed her temples: “Mom …… that cabbage was almost rotten ……

Dad said if you don’t eat it, it will rot ……”

Elaine hurried to change the subject: “Forget it, let’s order, Claire, you hurry

to see what is delicious!”

After saying that, and with a smile to Charlie she said: “Charlie, you went

out for several days, you must be exhausted, right, come, hurry to the sofa

to rest!”

Claire felt the difference, and although she was a little helpless, she didn’t

bother to argue with her mother, so she took out her phone, opened the

takeaway app, and started looking for food.

Elaine hurriedly greeted Charlie to sit down on the sofa, and asked for tea

and water, Charlie several times said he’s not in a mood. She was unwilling

to give up, went on crutches to brew a cup for him.

After handing the brewed tea to him, she smiled and asked, “Charlie, how

about going to Eastcliff this time? Did everything go well?”

“Pretty smooth.” Charlie replied casually.

Elaine was busy asking, “Hey, you should have made a lot of money this

time too!”

Charlie casually said, “The employer this time, had hand a little tight, so he

did not pay.”

“Huh?” Elaine heard this, immediately filled with righteous indignation:

“What kind of person is this? If you don’t have money, don’t ask people to

work! He gave you work and he did not pay, this is too much!”

Charlie laughed: “He didn’t pay, but I got something in return.”

Elaine’s eyes that had just dimmed suddenly brightened up again and

asked, “Good son-in-law, tell me how the employer paid off the bill?”

Charlie casually opened the handbag he was carrying and took out a gold

brick from it first.

Elaine saw the golden brick and said with surprise: “Oh my God! Goldbrick!

It says 1,000… Oh my God, 1,000 grams!”

Saying that, she quickly came back to her senses and said offhandedly,

“The price of gold seems to be around four hundred, so this piece is only

400,000 ah ……”

Charlie then took out another piece, stacked with the previous one, and

said, “It’s not like he only gave one piece.”

Elaine clapped her hands happily: “Oops! There’s more!”

Chapter 3690

Charlie took out another piece, Elaine was even more excited: “Oh my

God, three pieces!”

Immediately after ……

“Oops, four pieces ……”

“Mom, there’s more, huh? This is the fifth piece, right ……”

Every time Charlie took out a gold brick, Elaine was dancing with

excitement, that look like the old goblin who finally waited for the meat of

the monk.

After Charlie took out all ten gold bricks and formed them into two rows,

Elaine stared at the pile of gold bricks with wide eyes and asked excitedly,

“Good son-in-law, is there more?”

“No more.” Charlie said indifferently, “A total of ten pieces were given,

estimated to be worth about four million.”

“Holy cow!” Elaine happily exclaimed: “If you want to say this 4 million

alone, it seems to be moderate, not too little, but not too much ……”

The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a gold brick and say,

“But if you want to replace the 4 million with gold, it’s really quite a shock!

This gold glittering look, but also too festive!”

Charlie nodded and said, “I originally wanted to exchange it for cash and

bring it back, but then I thought, there is no reserve of precious metals at

home, so I might as well treat these ten gold bricks as savings at home, it

can also carry through the inflation.”

Elaine nodded repeatedly and said with approval, “That’s right! Now

housing prices are not going up, stocks are falling like dogs, and the price

of gold is relatively firm!”

Saying that, somewhat embarrassed to look at Charlie, laughing she said:

“Good son-in-law, you see mom has never played with gold bricks in her

life, this thing shiny and heavy, feel quite good, why don’t you give me a

piece, so that I can play with it when I have nothing to do?”

Claire listened to it with laughter and said: “Mom, you see you have nothing

to do with the gold plate ……”

Elaine said with a righteous face: “Have not heard people say? All things

can be coiled! This big gold brick, nothing to hold in your hand as a

dumbbell can also strengthen the body!”

Charlie immediately laughed: “Mom you are right, you can hold it as a

dumbbell for fun!”

Once Elaine heard this, she happily hugged the gold brick in her arms and

said happily, “Thank you, my good son-in-law!”

Claire said: “Mom, this is the reward for Charlie, you should not take it just

like that ……”

Elaine discontentedly muttered, “Claire, this is a gift from Charlie to Mom, it

is Charlie’s heart, why are you always spoiling the fun here ……”

Claire seriously said, “I’m not spoiling the fun, I’m afraid you’ll do something

demonic again ……”

Charlie persuaded Claire on the side: “Okay, Claire, Mom likes it, so let her

take it to play, you do not worry.”

Elaine, holding the gold brick, said to Claire: “Claire, Charlie is fine with it,

you should not nag here.”

After saying that, her eyes turned, looking at Charlie, smiling and said:

“Charlie ah …… my good son-in-law …… that …… mother has to discuss

a matter with you?”

Charlie to Elaine’s routine, has long been familiar with, he did not wait for

her to showdown, then directly asked her: “Mom, you want to say that only

one dumbbell is not convenient, there must be two, one in each hand for

appropriate exercise?”

Elaine slapped her thigh and said excitedly, “Good son-in-law, you still

understand me best! You say this dumbbell, it is not a pair right?”

“One in each hand so alternating up and down is called fitness, I only have

one, maybe after a while one arm will be thick, one arm thin ……”

Charlie nodded, directly picked up another gold brick, to her arms, said

readily: “Come! Take this away! Both of them! All for you!”

Chapter 3691

Elaine was overjoyed, one gold brick in one hand, happily sitting on the

sofa like a non-invertible person swaying left and right.

When Claire saw her like this, she was helpless, and finally, she could only

remind her, “Mom! You can’t sell this gold brick secretly!”

Elaine was busy agreeing and said, “Don’t worry, I won’t sell it!”

Claire let out a long sigh and said to Charlie, “Honey, I suggest you go to

the bank tomorrow to rent a safe deposit box and put all these gold bars in

the bank, it’s not very safe to put them at home after all.”

Elaine got angry and said discontentedly, “Claire, you’ve been insinuating

me here all night, is your mother so unreliable in your eyes?”

“Charlie these gold bars in the house, I can still steal what is it?”

Claire said: “Mom, I do not mean …… I think so many gold bars in the

house, in case of theft, it is not safe ……”

After saying that, she added: “Your two pieces, I suggest you also deposit it

in the bank, if you really want to work out, tomorrow I will buy you a pair of

ladies dumbbells.”

“I don’t!” Elaine hugged the two gold bricks and muttered, “I’m going to use

them and put them under my pillow at night when I go to sleep!”

At this time, Charlie gave a wink to Claire and said, “Okay, Claire, Mom

likes what she likes, so don’t worry about it!”

That night, Elaine’s hands never left the two gold bricks that Charlie gave


And because the Imperial Hotel project has entered a critical stage, Claire

has been very busy these days.

When Charlie came back, he took the initiative to take up the job of driving

her to and from work again.

The next morning, he sent her to the construction site of the Imperial Hotel,

and then received a phone call from Issac.

On the phone, Issac told him that Joseph had already brought nearly 100

members of the Cataclysmic Front to the Shangri-La Hotel.

After hearing this, Charlie asked Issac, “Mr. Issac, has the administration

building been cleared?”

Issac busily said, “Back to Young Master, it was emptied overnight last

night, and the original occupants were compensated with double rooms for

free, and they were arranged to other buildings.”

“That’s good.” Charlie was satisfied and instructed, “In this way, you tell

Joseph and the others to wait for me in the report room of the

administration building first, I’ll come over there.”

“Okay Young Master!”

The executive building of Shangri-La, which itself was for large business

banquets as well as high-end business meetings, not only had a large

number of high-end rooms, but also a huge report hall as well as numerous

meeting rooms.

Among them, the size of the lecture hall was enough to support an indoor

conference of one or two thousand people.

Charlie asked Issac to empty the administrative building, which was

intended to be used as the headquarters base of the Cataclysmic Front in

China in the future.

Driving to Shangri-La, Issac was already waiting outside the lobby, and

when he saw Charlie coming, he personally opened the car door for him

and led him to the report hall of the administration building.

At this moment, nearly a hundred members of the TCataclysmic Front were

sitting neatly inside, each with an expression of complete steadfastness.

Issac pushed the door of the report hall open, and when Charlie stepped in,

Joseph immediately stood up reflexively.

Immediately after that, the remaining nearly one hundred members also

stood up, looking at Charlie who entered with great strides in awe.

When Charlie arrived in front of them, Joseph took the lead and knelt down

on one knee, clasped his hands and raised his fist above his head, saying


“Mr. Wade, I am leading the eighty-eight members of the Cataclysmic Front

to listen to your orders in Aurous Hill!”

The other members behind him also knelt on one knee and said in unison,

“At your service, Mr. Wade!”

Chapter 3692

The only two who did not kneel down on one knee were the white-clothed

Tiger King Harmen, who had already been invalidated by Charlie, and the

Green-eyed Wolf King Walter, whose consciousness had been sealed by


Charlie nodded in satisfaction, reached out to help Joseph up, and said,

“All of you brothers don’t need to perform this big salute, get up.”

As Joseph got up, the others also stood up one after another.

Charlie looked at Joseph and asked him, “How is the aftermath of your

parents being handled?”

Joseph said to Charlie with a grateful face, “Mr. Wade, thanks to your noble

hand, the coffins of my parents were reburied yesterday in a cemetery in

the west mountain of Eastcliff, thank you for your concern!”

Charlie nodded slightly and said seriously: “Since your parents have been

reburied, don’t toss them again in the future, and remember to pay respects

at their graves every year.”

Speaking here, Charlie sighed, with some melancholy said: “In fact, my

situation is very similar to yours, the past nearly 20 years, I was not able to

go back to my parents’ graves to pay respects because of the identity


“These 20 years I have been very ashamed and self-reproaching, I believe

that this feeling you also have a personal experience, I hope you can try to

make up for it in the future. “

Joseph nodded repeatedly and said ashamedly, “What Mr. Wade said is

true, when I was overseas these years, whenever there was a Qingming

Festival and the anniversary of my parent’s death,”

“I suffered a lot and blamed myself, so I will definitely not make the same

mistake again in the future.”

Charlie gave a hmph and asked him, “Have the members of the

Cataclysmic Front that I sent to Northern Europe returned yet?”

“Not yet.” Joseph was busy saying, “They have safely delivered those three

to Syria Hamid an hour ago, and should have started their return journey by


“Good.” Charlie said, “Since we are talking about Syria, I have an idea that

I want to exchange with you.”

Joseph said without hesitation, “Mr. Wade, whatever you have to do, you

don’t need to consult your subordinates, no matter what kind of decision

you make, your subordinates will obey 100%!”

Charlie waved his hand: “This matter concerns the future development of

the Cataclysmic Front, so I not only need to consult you, but also the other

Cataclysmic Front members.”

Saying that, Charlie added: “What I want to talk to you about is the question

of which direction the Cataclysmic Front should go next.”

Joseph immediately said respectfully, “Please speak, Mr. Wade, your

subordinates are listening!”

Charlie nodded and said seriously: “Cataclysmic Front has long been

mixed with the world’s war-torn countries and regions, fighting the war to

seek more money, not caring for right and wrong,”

“for so many years will inevitably have some aiding and abetting behavior,

so although the Front’s reputation outside is not a good one.”

Speaking of this, Charlie gave a slight beating and continued, “Now, your

Cataclysmic Front has all come under my banner, the road ahead is long,

and I do not want to see you being spurned by the world in the future,”

“So I hope that the Cataclysmic Front can complete the transformation as

soon as possible and gradually clean up itself.”

Joseph said without hesitation, “Mr. Wade, what you said, I have also had

similar ideas for a long time, but there are many members under the

command of Cataclysmic Front,”

“and the expenses are huge, with my ability, I have never thought of how to

lead everyone to smooth transformation, I wonder what good ideas you

have, Mr. Wade?”

Charlie said seriously: “My current idea is divided into three directions, the

first, is to abandon all the crooked ways, to do reasonable and legal justice


“the second, is engaged in shipping security, to ensure the safe passage of

merchant ships in pirate-ridden areas;”

“the third, is engaged in team project security, developed countries as well

as developing countries in the third world infrastructure projects to provide

overall security services.”

Saying that, Charlie gave the summary of last night’s discussion with Philip

regarding several directions, one by one to the crowd.

Among them, the second point of shipping security in particular was the

main one.

It was because Charlie intended to find a way to let the Cataclysmic Front

establish a base in Syria, using Syria as the main backbone to support their

future work of escorting shipping in the Gulf of Aden.

Once they heard that they would be transformed to defend global merchant

ships and the infrastructure projects of various countries in the third world

in the future, the members of the Cataclysmic Front were also vaguely


This kind of work was not only reasonable and legal, but even had a very

positive effect on society, which was a huge difference from the previous

business direction of the Cataclysmic Front.

Joseph was also excited, he had always wanted to have the Cataclysmic

Front whitewashed, but had never found a direction, but after hearing

Charlie’s words, he felt a bright light.

So, he hurriedly asked Charlie: “Mr. Wade, the reputation of Cataclysmic

Front before was really not very good, do you think if we transform to do

shipping security as well as project security, the customers can buy it?”

Charlie laughed: “ISU Shipping has already received an injection of ten

billion euros, and will then become the world’s top shipping company, at

that time, I will give all the shipping security work to the Front,”

“As long as you can take this opportunity to make a name for yourself in the

Gulf of Aden, customers are absolutely willing to accept your protection.”

“As for the security of the third world infrastructure projects, I have asked

an elder to help connect, according to him, overseas demand in this area is

very much, by then I’m afraid you Cataclysmic Front will be too busy!”

Chapter 3693

When Charlie first mentioned the idea of the transformation of the

Cataclysmic Front, deep down in his heart, Joseph was in favor of it with

both hands.

Only, the only thing he was worried about in his heart was the profitability

after the transformation.

He was not looking to make money now, but there were still tens of

thousands of members in the Cataclysmic Front that needed to be fed.

And the expenses of this group of people were extremely high, so if the

transformed Cataclysmic Front could not reach a break-even, it would be

difficult for him to give an explanation to the members of the Front.

However, after listening to Charlie’s description of the future, he

immediately had confidence in his heart.

So, he asked Charlie: “Mr. Wade, do you have any knowledge of the pay

situation of these two types of international security behind you?”

“I would like to measure the approximate income fluctuation of the Front in

the future.”

Charlie then said, “I’m not very clear about the details, I’ll consult now.”

Saying that he immediately took out his cell phone and called Melba first.

Melba originally had a deep understanding of international shipping, and

now that she had started to manage ISU Shipping, she knew the details of

the shipping market well.

When the call was answered, Melba asked with excitement, “Mr. Wade,

have you returned to Aurous Hill?”

“I’m back.” Charlie asked her, “Melba, I’m calling to consult with you, are

you clear about the current international security salary in the shipping


Melba explained, “If it is in the Gulf of Aden, generally a merchant ship

needs to have three to five international security personnel,”

“The helicopter of the security company will send the international security

personnel directly to the ship when the ship is about to enter the Gulf of


“And then leave the ship by helicopter after it passes the Gulf of Aden

safely and smoothly,”

“The whole process will only take a few days, and the charge is generally at

Two hundred thousand dollars up and down.”

“Two hundred thousand dollars?” Charlie was surprised and said, “Is it that


Melba said, “Mr. Wade, this is already the quotation at the beginning of the

year, now the international security price is higher than before, the same

service, probably now to the likes of three hundred thousand dollars give or


“The reason for such a large increase is mainly because from last year to

now, the price of international shipping has been rising like crazy,”

“Rising to a price that has repeatedly set records.”

“A standard container from our southeastern coastal ports in China, to the

United States Los Angeles port freight, from the previous charge of

thousand dollars, in a straight line soared to nearly 20,000 dollars.”

“A large cargo ship with a capacity of more than 10,000 standard

containers, a fully loaded transport freight in one or two hundred million

dollars, the capacity of more than 20,000 containers,”

“A run back the cost of the ship, shipowners have long been earning crazy,

so they are also willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to ensure


Chapter 3694

Charlie asked again, “Now that the Gulf of Aden side, the piracy activity is


“Frequent.” Melba explained: “The pirates there have not stopped, the

hotter the shipping market, the more active they are,”

“They hijack a merchant ship, will detain the ship and ask for ransom from

the shipowner, usually at least a few million dollars to start from,”

“And sometimes even to tens of millions of dollars, the shipowner does not

dare not give, and waste of time, wasting a trip to the transport Money, may

lose is tens of millions of dollars or even hundreds of millions of dollars of

freight income is additional,”

“So now the shipowners give great importance to international security,

almost large merchant ships will spend this money like water.”

“By the way, after the incorporation of the Su family shipping group, we

have begun to send ships normally, our own ships, will also buy

international security services.”

When Charlie heard this, he asked, “Do you know anything about the

current international security companies? Where are their bases usually


Melba said, “Right now there are at least three hundred security companies

in the global shipping market, of course, the highest demand for armed

escorts in the Gulf of Aden, so everyone is setting up coastal bases in the

Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea coast,”

“Some will even buy an old ship for transformation, transformed it into a

sea base capable of landing and taking off helicopters, now the whole

market is mostly in the hands of the British, followed by the Americans,

relatively few in Asia,”

“And in terms of price, the Western escort companies are a bit more

expensive than the Eastern ones, and their market acceptance is higher.”

“I understand.” Charlie nodded and said, “Melba, you send me the

information of all our ships at this stage.”

At this moment, Charlie had already made up his mind in his heart to let

Cataclysmic Front strongly cut into the market of an armed escort, since

the British could take more than half of the share, the Chinese could

naturally do the same.

Since he had made up his mind to do it, he had to grasp it with both hands

on the ground and at sea.

On the one hand, he wanted Joseph to find a way to establish bases on the

coast of Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and other countries.

And on the other hand, he also had to prepare for the sea bases, so he

intended to give all the information of the ships of ISU Shipping to Joseph,

so that he could select the most suitable ones from them for transformation.

After hanging up the phone, Charlie gave feedback to him about the

situation he got from Melba.

After listening, Joseph immediately said: “Mr. Wade, we can start this

business almost immediately, our soldiers, whether it is the level of training

or combat strength and weaponry, are much stronger than those ordinary

international security options,”

“So we can handle this kind of work with ease, and we have better channel

relations in the Middle East, in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman The

establishment of one or two forward bases of hundreds of people along the

coast should not be a problem.”

Charlie nodded: “Then it is very good, you immediately began to prepare

these forward bases, I will provide you with a freighter as a mobile base at


“In this case, can soon be officially launched! When the time comes, we will

start with the merchant ships of ISU Shipping!”

Chapter 3695

After a pause, Charlie added: “As for the work of providing armed security

in high-risk areas overseas, compared to armed escort should be easier,”

“As long as you find the employer, you can send a certain number of

soldiers over according to the employer’s needs,”

“I believe that the combat power of Cataclysmic Front, in that kind of third

world countries, is certainly not a problem, and no additional training is


“So you divide ahead of time to prepare for the transformation to be a

soldier in this field, and once you receive the project, send people over


Joseph said with some excitement, “Mr. Wade don’t worry, your

subordinates immediately start to arrange, within two weeks to solve all the

preparation work!”

“Good!” Charlie said with satisfaction, “As for the more than 10,000

captives you have in Syria, I will find a way to mediate to get them to

release them,”

“In addition, I also intend to help you seek to prepare a 10,000-strong rear

base in Syria.”

The moment Joseph heard this, he was even more excited, and even his

voice trembled a bit as he asked incredulously,

“Mr. Wade …… you …… can really make them release the captives, and

you can also make them allow us to prepare a rear base?”

Charlie nodded and said seriously, “You need the place, they need

protection and help, this kind of thing, it is just a matter of both sides taking

what they need, as long as the conditions can be negotiated, there is

nothing impossible.”

After hearing Charlie’s words, Joseph couldn’t help but ask, “Mr. Wade,

how are you going to talk to them about this matter? I am worried that they

no longer believe in the Cataclysmic Front now ……”

Previously, when Charlie was in Syria to negotiate with the government

forces on behalf of Hamid, he put a label on the Cataclysmic Front for

intending to be a parasite inside Syria.

So the Syrian side hated the Cataclysmic Front to the bone, otherwise, they

wouldn’t have arrested all those 15,000 Cataclysmic Front members.

Charlie, however, does not feel that this is a problem, blandly said: “As long

as the other party’s psychological expectations, the probability can be


“After all, there is no permanent enemy in this world, everything also

depends on the size of the interests involved.”

Said, Charlie added: “Now, the situation on their side has changed a lot,

like Hamid such opposition armed, now the defense are in a straight line,”

“Not to mention them, even your Cataclysmic Front, in the absence of

super heavy weapons, trying to bring down Hamid is also a fool’s dream.”

“Moreover, the other opposition armies have now started to follow suit and

imitate Hamid’s way,”

“Starting to dig deep and accumulate food, strengthening their internal

defenses while building large permanent fortifications to store large

amounts of supplies and ammunition.”

“So the future can be predicted is that the government side has no way to

take the opposition,”

“But the opposition side, also can not afford to leave the strong fortress,

outside the offensive war, so next they will definitely enter a mutual balance

of each other can do nothing to each other.”

Speaking here, Charlie continued with a serious face: “In this state of

mutual checks and balances, the government forces are relatively insecure,

after all, they can not cower in the mountain fortifications,”

“But also to hold on to the capital, to hold on to the major cities and

transportation choke points, and these places are easy to attack and

difficult to defend,”

“so they will certainly be surrounded by insecurity for a long time, the more

so, the more they will need some extra security.”

Joseph asked him, “Mr. Wade, what you mean is that Cataclysmic Front will

provide some security protection for the government troops in exchange for

their land use rights?”

“Right.” Charlie nodded and said, “If they have this need, then they can

completely provide us with a piece of land, we will use it as a base and

vigorously develop and construct it, and also sign an agreement with them

that if they are attacked, we will fully help them fight against the enemy, in

this way, it will also be a guarantee for them.”

Chapter 3696

Saying that, Charlie added: “The recent incident in Afghanistan shocked

the whole world, I think they must be very nervous in their hearts.”

There was a regime change in Afghanistan some time ago, and the

opposition has officially unified the whole territory, with this kind of previous

experience, the pressure on the Syrian side’s defense must be very high.

Therefore, in this situation, it would definitely be beneficial to them if they

cooperated with the Cataclysmic Front.

Joseph naturally knew the situation in Afghanistan very well, and nodded

his head repeatedly,

“Like you said, I also think that Syria is in dire need of a greater sense of

security, and if we talk to them properly, the base matter should be

negotiated with positive results.”

Saying that, Joseph said with incomparable emotion, “In these recent

years, your subordinate has been trying to find a suitable place for

Cataclysmic Front to put down roots, only to try for so many years and not

realize this wish ……”

Charlie smiled faintly and spoke, “Then this time we will try to help you

guys to solve this problem.”

All the members of the Cataclysmic Front were all excited.

They had been longing for a rear base for a long time, only that due to their

special nature, their many attempts had ended in failure, and the vast

majority of countries and regions, no matter what, could not accept them to

build their base in their homeland.

Therefore, even though they already have tens of thousands of people,

they still have to scatter their soldiers all over the place, and if they are

expelled in one place, they must immediately move to the next place to

settle temporarily.

If they could have a fixed base, it would be the same as having a home for


Charlie spoke at this time: “Right Joseph, I think you can go to the Gulf of

Aden tomorrow first, to determine the situation of the forward base,”

“But also with your core team to do a specific division of the overall team,

as for the Syrian side, when I am busy with the matter at hand, I will

personally go there and talk to them, you can join me at that time.”

Joseph immediately said respectfully, “Your subordinate obeys the orders!”

Charlie added: “Before you go, pick one of the five-star commanders, and

give him a dozen or twenty stronger men, and let them be based in Aurous

Hill in the future.”

“Okay Mr. Wade, I will make the arrangements before I leave!”

At this time, Charlie received a document from Melba, the document listed

all the information and photos of all the ships of ISU Shipping, in addition to

the new ships that ISU Shipping had ordered, as well as the information of

the second-hand ships acquired from other companies.

Charlie handed the phone to Joseph and spoke, “Look at the specific

information of these ships and choose one that is suitable as a sea base.”

After checking it carefully, he said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, there is a

30,000-ton bulk carrier that I think is very suitable, the deck is flat and large

enough to park at least six helicopters,”

“The interior is full of large cargo bins, and it is relatively easy to transform,

with a little modification, it can at least meet the accommodation of several

hundred people,”

“And with a 30,000-ton Carrying weight, can also carry a sufficient amount

of fuel supplies and ammunition, to deal with those pirates, this is more

than enough.”

Charlie laughed: “This is the longest in the hands of the ISU shipping, the

smallest load of a cargo ship, the above has been standard three years

after the phase-out of dismantling, you still chose such a ship, is trying to

save me money?”

Joseph busy said: “Mr. Wade, saving money is only part of the reason, the

main thing is that we really do not need to occupy a larger and better cargo


“30,000 tons are actually a bit of a waste, to deal with pirates, I think if the

ship is smaller it does not matter.”

Charlie nodded and said seriously, “This ship is not only for you to use as a

sea base, when you start to undertake security work in high-risk areas in

the future, the transport of personnel and supplies, can also use this ship to

complete those tasks.”

He further reminded: “You should try to be prepared, by then, in addition to

helicopters, and then with a few high-performance speedboats, pirates use

the boat that is not large, but fast, mobile, you have to set some effective

response strategies.”

Wan Joseph solemnly said: “Mr. Wade rest assured, then we will develop a

complete mode of operation, the merchant ships armed escort, sea base,

coastal base, and rear base through the best way to integrate,”

“Then never let any of the cargo ships escorted by the Cataclysmic Front

encounter any danger!”

Charlie laughed: “I absolutely believe in the strength of the Cataclysmic


“By then I expect you to encounter pirates a few more times and fight a few

beautiful maritime defense battles, at that time, the business will keep

coming to your door!”

Chapter 3697

The blueprint that Charlie painted for the Cataclysmic Front made Joseph

extraordinarily excited.

He did not have any hesitation and immediately made an allocation to his


In addition to leaving some of his elites based in the city and at Charlie’s

disposal, he himself planned to lead the others back to the Middle East


Intending to use his connections to prepare several forward bases in the

Gulf of Aden first.

The forward base does not need a large area and high investment,

generally speaking, can accommodate a few dozen people to temporarily

rest and standby.

And at the same time can store some equipment and supplies and parking

helicopters and speedboats, this is completely sufficient.

The scale, at best, is the volume of a seaside villa, and the requirements

for conditions are not as high as villas.

The speed of preparation and construction, if you can find a ready-made

house, almost immediately can be put into use.

And now in the armed escort market, most of the business is concentrated

in the Gulf of Aden.

Many overseas security companies in the Gulf of Aden are building their

own forward and transit bases.

There are even special companies in the Gulf of Aden waters to provide

transit ships, used to help different security companies in the form of transit


The entire armed escort industry has been very mature, in this model, the

Cataclysmic Front will be free from the preliminary preparatory work to

expand the market.

Now cut in, by virtue of the Cataclysmic Front’s powerful single strength,

will certainly be able to quickly establish a firm foothold.

So, he said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, if you have no other requirements here,

for the time being, I will first lead people to the Middle East and hurry up to

get the plan on the ground!”

Charlie nodded and asked, “When do you plan to leave?”

Joseph was busy saying, “The sooner the better!”

Seeing that he was full of energy, Charlie didn’t hold back much and said,

“If you are sure of your destination, I will arrange for an official plane to

apply for a route now and send you there directly.”

Joseph also knew that time was money, so he did not hesitate to say, “Then

thank you, Mr. Wade, for your help in making the arrangements!”

“Your subordinate intends to go to Yemen first, after all, Yemen has the

longest coastline in the Gulf of Aden and is most suitable for preparing

forward bases,”

“And I also have some local connections available.”

“Good.” Charlie immediately said, “Then I’ll have the crew apply for a route

to send you to Yemen.”

Joseph nodded, turned around, and looked at Harmen who was sitting on

the chair, and Walter whose eyes were hollow and godless, hesitated again

and again, but still said to Charlie:

“Mr. Wade, I dare to say, there is another unrequited request, I hope Mr.

Wade can agree ……”

Charlie lightly asked, “You are talking about your two battle commanders,


Out of four battle commanders of the Cataclysmic Front, two died in

Charlie’s hands, and the other two became invalids.

This was a great blow to the fighting power of the Front.

“I beg you to spare the two of them for the sake of the loyalty sworn to you

by the entire Cataclysmic Front,”

“And I guarantee with my head that they will be obedient to you and do

their best to serve you in the future!”

Harmen sat down on the chair at this time, choking with difficulty: “Wade

…… Mr. Wade …… subordinates will definitely be ready for you to go

through the fire, at all times! Please give your subordinates a chance!”

Chapter 3698

Although Walter could not say a word, but in his heart, hopes the same

from Charlie, only hoping to get rid of this feeling of the living dead as soon

as possible, and ready to prove in front of Charlie his value.

Charlie nodded slightly at this time and spoke, “Since the Cataclysmic

Front has already given its loyalty to me, I naturally cannot let the two of

them live worse than death.”

After saying that, Charlie said to Walter, “Walter, come here.”

Hearing Charlie’s order, Walter’s body immediately came forward on reflex.

Charlie looked into Walter’s eyes and said indifferently, “I sealed your

consciousness because you were too arrogant and domineering in the

Middle East, thinking that with more than 10,000 soldiers under your

command, you were already invincible,”

“So you not only buried yourself, but also sent all the 10,000 soldiers under

your command to the prison of the other side,”

“I hope you have learned your lesson during this time, otherwise, in the

future, you leading soldiers in the Cataclysmic Front, sooner or later you

will make the same mistakes again!”

Although Walter could not say anything, deep inside he was already

ashamed to the core.

In the beginning, it was because he despised Charlie that caused 15,000 of

his soldiers to be captured.

He had been extremely ashamed in his heart, and now that he was

mentioned by Charlie, he was even more ashamed, but he was completely

unable to make any substantial response.

Charlie did not say more, reached out his hand, with a finger on the top of

his head gently pointing, originally sealed consciousness aura was

withdrawn, instantly restored Walter’s freedom.

This was the first time Walter realized that the feeling of breathing on his

own was so wonderful.

The control of consciousness over his body returned instantly, even making

him unable to adapt at once.

He moved his fingers slightly clumsily, and immediately afterward, he could

not control the tears like a spring.

He looked at Charlie and took the initiative to kneel down on both knees,

kowtowing to the ground with one head and choked up, “Mr. Wade, thank

you for your kindness, from now on, I will follow your lead and do my best

to be loyal to you!”

Charlie nodded and said, “Now is a critical time for the transformation of the

Cataclysmic Front, I hope you can properly assist your Supreme

Commander and help the Cataclysmic Front complete this strategic

transformation as soon as possible.”

Walter said without hesitation, “Please rest assured, Mr. Wade, your

subordinates will do their best!”

Charlie said blandly, “It’s okay, get up.”

Only then did Walter get up and stand behind Joseph.

Charlie then looked at the paralyzed Harmen, stepped in front of him, and

said indifferently,

“Harmen, you brought a coffin to the Wade family mansion, and repeatedly

said that you wanted to bury my parents to the ground, and also killed my

family guards.

Harmen, full of tears, choked, “Mr. Wade you say that …… your

subordinate knows that the crime deserves death …… you kept

subordinate’s life until now, this is already an extrajudicial grace ……”

Charlie nodded and said, “Now it is the time to use people in the

Cataclysmic Front.”

“Since Walter has regained his freedom, I will not punish you too much,

spare you once and see your future performance.”

Harmen was excited and said gratefully, “Don’t worry, Mr. Wade! This life of

your subordinate will be yours in the future!”

Charlie gave a sound and reminded: “But you have to remember, you and

Walter made the same mistake, you are too confident, confident that you

are already unmatched, or the Cataclysmic Front is already unmatched,”

“But in fact, this world is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and

you do not know how many, even I do not dare to arrogantly think that I am


“So you must in the future learn a lesson, remember not to be as arrogant

as before.”

Harmen and Walter spoke almost simultaneously, “Thank you, Mr. Wade,

for your kindness! Your subordinates understand!”

Seeing that Harmen was sincerely repentant, Charlie nodded in satisfaction

and took out a Rejuvenating Pill from his pocket, then divided the it in two

and handed half of it to Walter and said, “You put this half pill into Harmen’s

mouth, and his injuries will soon be healed.”

Everyone, including Joseph, was dumbfounded when they heard Charlie’s


Chapter 3699

Previously on Waderest Mountain, Charlie had used his spiritual aura to

repair Joseph’s meridians.

At that time, Joseph understood in his heart that Charlie was the one with

great divine ability.

At the same time, he also understood that the energy system in Charlie’s

body was already very different from the energy system of a martial artist.

Because of this, he could use that higher energy to repair Joseph’s already

irreversibly broken meridians.

The other Cataclysmic Front members probably guessed this logic, so they

all thought that Charlie should treat Harmen in the same way that he

treated Joseph last time.

However, no one expected that this time, Charlie would take out a pill to

treat Harmen.

Moreover, this pill was actually only half a pill.

Everyone was asking themselves a question in their hearts: what kind of

medicine is it that only needed only in half to heal a six-star martial artist

who was seriously injured?

Although Walter was also amazed, he still followed Charlie’s instructions

and stuffed that half of the Rejuvenating Pill into Harmen’s mouth.

To Harmen’s surprise, although the pill was solid, it melted in his mouth, not

a trace of it could be found, and completely turned into a warm stream

flowing down his throat all the way to his abdomen.

Immediately after that, the medicinal power began to spread rapidly to his


Subsequently, his originally unconscious limbs, began to itch and heat up,

and even vaguely some cramps, he subconsciously wanted to straighten

his legs to fight the cramps, did not expect a little force on the legs, the

person stood up from the seat!

This scene completely shocked all the Cataclysmic Front generals.

No one expected that all the pills Charlie took out would have such

powerful effects.

Harmen was even more shocked, subconsciously moved his limbs and

found that they had completely recovered, couldn’t help but exclaim: “I ……

I …… actually recovered all my …… meridians too ……”

Joseph was filled with horror!

He couldn’t help but marvel in his heart: “I thought Mr. Wade had mastered

a higher level of mysterious energy,”

“But I didn’t expect that even the pills that he casually took out would have

such unimaginable energy, this …… is simply too strong ……”

Harmen was also shocked to the core at this moment, and thinking back to

his own self-important and arrogant appearance in front of Charlie.

He was even more ashamed in his heart.

At this moment, he finally realized that the gap between himself and

Charlie, is like the light of a firefly and the glory of the white moon.

Charlie can spare his life, and even heal his injuries instantly, this is already

a great gift to him!

So, he hurriedly kneeled on the ground, repentantly said: “Mr. Wade, you

forgave your subordinate regardless of past suspicions, and also helped to

heal my injuries,”

“Your subordinate is grateful, from today, if this subordinate has half a

disloyalty and disrespect to Mr. Wade, I would like to die without a burial


Charlie nodded and said indifferently, “You should indeed be grateful to me,

because this half rejuvenation pill that I just gave you will fetch at least

several billion RMB at the upcoming auction in the near future!”

Charlie’s light-hearted words made the members of the Cataclysmic Front

present feel like they were struck by lightning!

Even Joseph was scared silly.

Chapter 3700

Half a pill is worth at least several billion RMB?

At first, Joseph thought it was a bit unlikely.

But when he thought about the miraculous effect of that Pill, what were


If it was him who was seriously injured and destroyed his cultivation, he

would be willing to spend even billions of dollars, not to mention billions of


And what made him even more grateful was that Charlie was willing to give

this multi-billion dollar pill to Harmen at his leisure.

He gave it to Harmen, who had been ordered by himself to bring more than

a hundred coffins to kill the Wade family manor!

What kind of heart must it be?

In the eyes of Joseph and the other generals of the Cataclysmic Front, the

sages spoken of by the ancestors are no better than this!

Harmen at this time is filled with incomparable gratitude, a kowtow, mouth

choked: “Thank you Mr. Wade for your kindness …… thank you Mr. Wade

for your kindness ……”

For Charlie, since he refined the Cultivation pill, a little bit of spiritual energy

is no longer a big deal, he only needs to reach out and use a small portion

of spiritual energy in his body, and with a handful of efforts will be able to

cure Harmen.

However, he chose to choose the Rejuvenating Pill.

This is because, in the eyes of others, a hand-raising is always an

unquantifiable indicator.

The other party would belittle the kindness because it is too easy for them

to do it.

So, since you want to invite people to buy hearts, you have to quantify the


Half a Rejuvenating Pill, to him, is not even a

But in no time, a Rejuvenating Pill will surely set a record of over ten billion

dollars in the auction.

Therefore, even if the generals of the Cataclysmic Front did not understand

the preciousness of it now, once the auction is over, they would definitely

realize the true value of this Pill.

Only then can they know how heavy this kindness of his really is!

At this moment, Charlie looked at the crowd, said with a serious

expression: “As long as you serve me wholeheartedly, I will also regard you

as friends, as brothers and sisters, so what if it is a billions worth of spiritual

medicine? I am willing to use it on you.”

After saying that, he gave a slight beating and said, “I know that your

Cataclysmic Front must have mastered a relatively high-quality martial arts

internal skill method, otherwise your overall strength would not be so high,”

“However, from the strength of your Supreme Commander, I can see that

the internal skill method you practice is not optimal in the field of martial


“Otherwise he would not have been in the bright realm, he would not have

remained unabled in the Bright Realm, unable to go to the next level.”

“When I have some time to spare, I will select a better and more complete

internal martial arts method and give it to your Supreme Commander, then

all of you will have a higher ceiling for your cultivation, and the overall

strength of the Cataclysmic Front will be able to go to the next level.”

Hearing these words, Joseph was inwardly shocked.

Although he was already an eight-star martial artist, but if you really look at

it from the perspective of the martial path, he was just not even graduated

from elementary school.

The next dark realm, the realm of transformation, and the realm of

patriarchs are equivalent to middle school, high school, and college.

As a primary school student in the martial arts realm, his biggest dream all

along, besides avenging his parents, was to be able to break through the

Bright Realm and enter the Dark Realm.

Only, this wish was not only not achieved by him, but even his preaching

benefactor also did not achieve it either.

His benefactor, before traveling the world, once bared his heart to Joseph.

For him, to be able to enter the dark realm was the highest pursuit of this


He did not hesitate even if he had to hear the path and die at night.

Everything, only to step into that dream of a higher realm.

Since then, Joseph also regarded the Dark Realm as the ultimate goal of

his martial path.

And in his opinion, Charlie’s strength is not only above the Bright Realm,

but even above the Dark Realm as well as the Transformation, and even

the Patriarch Realm.

Therefore, when Charlie said that the internal martial arts techniques they

cultivated were not optimal, and that he had been unable to go to the next

level, he immediately had a feeling of being ashamed of himself.

And Charlie’s last words made his heart become incomparably frenzied all

of a sudden.

He didn’t expect that Charlie would be willing to give the Front a better

internal energy technique to help them improve their strength, wouldn’t that

mean that he would even have a chance to enter the Dark Realm in the



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