Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3501 to 3600 Charlie Wade Story

 Chapter 3501

Soon, several SUVs with Aurous Hill license plates drove all the way up from the bottom of the mountain.

Seeing that these cars are all hung with Aurous Hill license plates, Morgan immediately sneered in front of several people around him: “You see I am right, expect this kind of small place from the hangers-on, can play the role, sending us on the path of death is not fcuking enough!

The expressions of several people around are very agreeable, all feel that Charlie at this time, no matter where to bring help from, in front of the Cataclysmic Front, is a mantis.

Several SUVs stopped, the passenger seat of the first car, immediately jumped off a young woman wearing black practice clothes, long ponytail tied high behind her head.

When the Wade family saw this woman, their eyes immediately glared.

Not only because this woman is extremely beautiful and valiant, but also because this woman they have seen!

Because, this was the personal bodyguard who had been following Zynn, the son of the Su family, Ruoli!

Moreover, everyone knew what Ruoli had done in Japan some time ago.

Everyone even knew that she had been arrested in Japan and finally betrayed by Master Su, and her whereabouts were completely unknown.

In Eastcliff at that time, this matter could be said to be very sensational.

But how could they have imagined that she would appear on Waderest Mountain!

Morgan whole person dumbfounded said: “Su …… Ruoli is actually still alive?! 

In addition, how come? Could she be Charlie’s helper?”

Charlie also did not expect that Ruoli would come over.

He originally thought that when the He family came, it should be Elder He and the other He family children, with Zynn as well as Walter.

But never thought that Ruoli would also come.

When Ruoli saw Charlie, she immediately took a few quick steps to him, clasped her hands, and said, “Mr. Wade, I am here at your service!”


Charlie sighed and said, “If you appear here today, it will bring a lot of trouble if word gets out.”

Ruoli did not care and said, “Don’t care about that! My life was saved by Mr. Wade, at a time like this, naturally, I have to come with liver and brain for Mr. Wade!”

Charlie nodded gently and said indifferently, “After the matter of the Cataclysmic Front is resolved, I will tell everyone who saw you today that whoever dares to leak your information, I, Charlie, will never spare him.”

At this time, Roma and Luther and others, also came down from the car.

When the Wade family saw Luther, each of them was even more shocked.

“Elder He?!” Zhongquan exclaimed in shock and said, “How did you ……”

The He family was originally a martial arts family under the Su family, so Zhongquan naturally knew Luther.

A while ago everyone knew that the He family and the Su family, because of Ruoli’s matter, had some conflicts, and then the He family broke up completely with the Su family.

Immediately after that, news also came from the martial arts field that Luther had officially broken through to become a four-star martial artist, which really did cause a lot of shock in the country at first.

Many people wanted to recruit the He family, but Luther left Desert City and his whereabouts were unknown.

Zhongquan also did not expect that Luther would appear here. 

Luther clasped his fist to Elder Wade at this moment and spoke, “Good day, Elder Wade, I have come here, just like my granddaughter, to be at the disposal of Lord Wade!”

Chapter 3502

When the Wade family heard this, they were immediately overjoyed.

Although they knew that even Luther and the He family could not be the rivals of the Cataclysmic Front, at least the He family were all martial arts experts, which could more or less give them a certain sense of security.

In addition, the Wade family is also a bit puzzled in their hearts, this Luther, originally a Su family, how can be subdued by Charlie? Charlie and Su family, this is too far away, right?

At this time, Luther had already walked up to Charlie and said respectfully, “Mr. Wade, I have done everything you ordered without disgracing my mission!”

Charlie nodded slightly and asked him, “Where are those two people now?”

Luther immediately said, “In the back of the car! I have gagged them and also used a black cloth bag to cover their heads.”

“Good.” Charlie nodded and said, “Please ask Mr. He to arrange for someone to bring them out and escort them to my parents’ tomb first, so that they can kneel down respectfully.”

Saying that, Charlie also instructed, “In addition, don’t uncover the black cloth bag on their heads first, I want to keep this suspense until the last moment!”

“As ordered!”

Luther answered respectfully, and then immediately arranged for several He family members to bring Zynn, as well as Walter, down from an SUV in the back.

As the Wade family watched the He family bring out two men with black cloth bags on their heads from the car, they were all amazed. 

They did not know what the identity of these two men was, nor did they know why Charlie, at this time, brought two people who seemed to be captives to Waderest.

So, one by one, they looked at each other, do not know what these two people are, moreover, do not know Charlie gourd, at the end sold what medicine!


At the same time, Warnia and Mr. Song, as well as the Song family’s men brought, had already rendezvoused with Ito Yohiko, as well as Ito Nanako father and daughter.

Nearly a hundred people under the Song family, most of them are weak ordinary martial artists, and some of them are not even martial artists.

The Ito family’s strength, on the other hand, was clearly not ordinary.

They brought more than a hundred people, all of them are the top of the four ninja families of Japan’s experts.

Since the fall of the Takahashi family and Matsumoto family after the Tokyo chaos, all four ninja families have pledged their allegiance to the Ito family.

Only, this group of ninja until now do not know, today they have to face, exactly what.

Warnia asked Ito Nanako at this point: “Nanako, should we give Master Wade a call?”

Ito Nanako thought about it and seriously said, “No need, sister Warnia, I’m afraid that his character will refuse our help, so it’s better to go directly to Waderest!”

Saying that, she asked Warnia, “Sister Warnia, when will the car arrive?”

Warnia said, “I made an appointment with them yesterday to arrive at six twenty, I don’t know how it hasn’t come yet, I’ll make a phone call and ask.”

After that, she hurriedly took out her cell phone and called, asking, “This is Ms. Song, who ordered eight buses, may I ask why your bus hasn’t come yet?”

The other party said awkwardly on the phone, “I just heard about the matter between the Cataclysmic Front and the Wade family,”

“So I absolutely can’t leave for Waderest today! I’m really sorry, the deposit you paid will be returned to you in an original way after the finance goes to work.”

Warnia immediately became angry and said offhandedly, “How can you do business like this? Don’t you have the basic spirit of contract?”

The other party was not angry and said with a smile, “It’s not our fault, all the car rental companies in Eastcliff don’t dare to rent a car to Waderest at this time.”

Warnia said, “Then, you can send us to the distance of one kilometer away, right?”

The other party was not moved at all and said, “Sorry, we don’t want to get into this kind of trouble, please forgive me.”

Warnia was very angry, the Song family and the Ito family, more than two hundred people, now waiting for the departure, if you can not solve the problem of the car, walking past the yellow flowers are cold.

Helpless, Warnia immediately said: “so, I do not force you, you have the driver to send me the car, I will arrange my own driver to drive over, how much money to buy the car,”

“Or how much money to rent, your people also do not need to go to the Waderest mountain, and so after today, these cars are still yours!”

The other party exclaimed: “Eight cars nearly five million, you’re not fooling me, right?”

Warnia blurted out, “I’m not that boring! As long as you promise, I will transfer 2 million to you now, and I will transfer the remaining 3 million to you when the cars arrive!”

“Fine, fine!” As soon as the other party heard this, he agreed to do it almost without thinking.

Anyway, these cars have been driven for several years, the residual value is not even half of the original price, the big deal when the batch of cars nobody wants, anyway, used cars sold at the price of new cars, it is money rain.

And even if the Cataclysmic Front comes to the door, they have a reasonable argument, after all, they just rented the car to the guests, the guests themselves drove to wherever, and he has nothing to do.

Twenty minutes later, eight tourist buses finally arrived late, so the two families in eight cars moved to the Waderest mountain!

Chapter 3503

Seven o’clock sharp.

Wan Family Ancestral Tomb.

Joseph and all the commanders of the Cataclysmic Front had all changed into white mourning clothes made of coarse linen.

This funeral procession of a hundred people was ready to depart.

Chengfeng, who was drunk last night, also got up early and hurriedly arrived at the ancestral grave of the Wan family.

According to the original plan, he was to follow the funeral procession of Joseph up Waderest Mountain.

Today’s Chengfeng, deep inside, was already excited beyond endurance.

Just after arriving at the ancestral grave of the Wan family, he found Joseph, who was dressed in white mourning clothes, and sighed, “Joseph! What you did yesterday is not unknown among these great families in Eastcliff already!”

“No one expected that you would leave for twenty years and now you can stage a return of the king! If you trample the Wade family under your feet today, all the great families in Eastcliff will worship you in the future!”

Joseph said with an indifferent expression, “It’s already time to leave, I’ve asked someone to prepare your mourning clothes, hurry up and change and follow the team to leave!”

Chengfeng slightly embarrassed smile: “Joseph, look at my age, I am older than your parents, wearing mourning clothes is not appropriate ……”

Joseph coldly said, “Asked you to wear it and you wear it! Today for my parents’ funeral, everyone in my Cataclysmic Front wears mourning clothes, if you don’t wear it, get as far away as you can!”

Chengfeng really didn’t expect that this boy would speak to him without the slightest bit of politeness.

Although he was holding a fire in his heart, but at this time he definitely did not dare to brush his sleeves away.

Joseph solved the Wade family, for the Su family it is one less rival.

But in order for the Su family to go to the next level in the future, it is necessary to have a good relationship with him.

After all, with the powerful backstage of the Cataclysmic Front, one can rest easy.

Especially that mysterious expert hiding in Aurous Hill has always been a big problem for Chengfeng.

He knew that it was impossible to solve it by himself, and the only way was to put hope in Joseph.

So, he immediately said flatteringly, “You are right, after all, the deceased is the greatest, wearing mourning is also appropriate.”

After saying these words, Chengfeng himself felt a dryness on his face. 

He has never kneeled so much to anyone in his life, this is also a precedent.

Seeing that he had softened, Joseph nodded in satisfaction and said, “You have two minutes to change into your mourning clothes, we’re leaving!”

“Okay!” Chengfeng took the mourning clothes handed to him by Joseph’s men, and while putting them on himself, he said to Joseph:

“Joseph, after solving the Wade family, you must remember that you must find a way to find your uncle’s whereabouts, after a long delay, I am afraid that he is in bad luck.”

Joseph said with a solemn face: “Uncle is the great benefactor of my family, I will naturally do everything possible to for his safety, at the same time I will also find out the culprit behind the curtain, to help Uncle Su solve all future problems!”

After saying that, Joseph said, “After my parents are buried in Wanling Mountain today, I will go to the Middle East to solve the matter there,” 

“But I will leave Harmen behind and let him take people to Aurous Hill to investigate first, after I finish solving the matter in the Middle East, I will immediately come back and personally look for Uncle Su’s whereabouts!”

Chengfeng finally put his heart down and said joyfully, “Oh, that’s really great!”

As he spoke, he had already put the mourning clothes on his body.

At this moment, the funeral procession of Joseph had already been assembled.

He carried the fire bowl for burning paper for his parents, came to the front of the procession, and stared at the direction of Waderest for a long time in silence.

Harmen came forward and whispered in his ear, “Supreme Commander, the auspicious time has arrived!”

Chapter 3504

“Good!” Joseph roared and said loudly, “All the commanders of the Cataclysmic Front listen to the order!”

More than a hundred people immediately shouted in unison, “Please give the order, Supreme Commander!”

Joseph shouted, “Today, you will follow me to avenge my parents, God will kill God, Buddha will kill Buddha!”

The crowd also shouted in unison, “God will kill God, Buddha will kill Buddha!”

Joseph then shouted, “All of you, let’s go!!!”

After saying that, he put the fire pot in his hand and slammed it to the ground, and bang, black ash splashed everywhere.

Immediately afterward, eight five-star batttle commanders of the Cataclysmic Front, clad in sackcloth and mourning, lifted two coffins.

And more than a hundred experts of the Cataclysmic Front, in the sound of the suona class blowing, looking solemn and mournful, marching in a neat pace towards the Waderest Mountain!


At this moment, Waderest Mountain.

The Wade family members were staring at the hands on their respective watches.

The time left for them was already less than an hour.

Andrew became more and more restless, his eyes always secretly looking at the large pile of supplies prepared for the ancestral ceremony not far away.

Last night he asked his son to quietly sneak out to buy mourning clothes and are hidden in them, later if the situation is not right, they will go over to take out the clothes and put them on.

At this time, the old assistants of Changying at the bottom of Waderest Mountain sent another message, saying, “The Su family’s first wife and first lady are here, asking to come up the mountain to see the young master!”

The Wade family couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

They couldn’t figure out why Liona and Zhiyu had come here.

Charlie also didn’t expect that these two mothers and daughters were here, so he spoke, “Let them come up.”

Yamashita received the order and immediately let them go.

Soon, Zhiyu drove the car and drove her mother all the way up the mountain.

After the car stopped, she immediately got out and came to Charlie and said respectfully, “Your Excellency!”

Charlie was surprised and asked, “Why are you here?”

Zhiyu said, “I heard that you were in trouble, so I rushed over with my mom to help.”

Liona also walked up to Charlie and said respectfully, “Mr. Wade, I had some acquaintance with Arthur Wan and his wife and Joseph, so when he comes later, I should be able to say a few words, and I hope I can be of some help to you.”

Liona’s words made many Wade family members breathe a sigh of relief.

Because they all knew very well that back then, Arthur had relied on Zynn’s help to climb up a little.

Therefore, the Wan family had always been very respectful of Zynn.

And Liona and Zynn have not yet officially divorced, she is still the first wife of the Su family.

When Joseph acts, if Liona came out to plead, then she thinks he will definitely give Liona some face.

Elder Wade could not help but sigh at this time: “Liona! It’s hard for you to come all the way here for the Wade family!”

Liona said seriously, “Uncle, my life and Zhiyu’s life were saved by Mr. Wade, so I naturally have to do my best to help at a time like this.”

The other Wade family members were a bit puzzled, not expecting that Charlie had even saved Liona and Zhiyu.

But when thinking about it, it was in Aurous Hill that Liona and Zhiyu had an accident some time ago.

And Charlie has been in the development of Aurous Hill, is considered to be the head of Aurous Hill.

So, it makes sense to save the mother and daughter in Aurous Hill. 

When the Wade family breathed a sigh of relief, Charlie shook his head helplessly and said to Liona,

“Auntie, I appreciate your kindness, but when Joseph comes later, I don’t need you to plead for me, and you just don’t plead for him in turn, I’ll be very grateful!”

Chapter 3505

When the crowd heard Charlie‟s words, they all dropped their jaws in shock.

People came with good intentions to help him plead with Joseph, but Charlie still said wildly, this is not a self-defeating way?

Morgan almost hated Charlie, cursing in his heart: “This Charlie is really not pretending to die ah! Liona has come to help, and you are still pretending?


“According to your meaning, later you want to beat the sh!t out of Joseph, huh? She came to help you plead for mercy, and you tell her not to plead for Joseph, you are really a fcuking mudslide in the world of pretending!”

Not to mention Morgan, even Zhongquan, the old man, felt that Charlie was pretending too much.

In his heart, he could not help but sigh: “The first wife of the Su family has personally come over and is ready to plead for you, why can‟t you give a positive response?”

“Not only do not thank her, but also here with the stand, this if people are angry to throw away, no tears to cry ah!”

Hawade is also about to collapse, whispering to his father Changyun said, “Dad! Charlie this guy, really is the old king of the forced …… The front is almost fcuking in the city, Liona is here to help, even if he said „no‟ is enough to pretend,”

“But he can still say such words … … this world. . this world, for a second person, can not think of such a way to play hard to get, really fcuking god ……”

Changyun said with a black face, “God I can‟t believe, this is not a fcuking give face, do not know how to lift it?”

Behind Changyun, there is a young man of only 14 or 15 years old, he is Hawade‟s brother, named Herbert, he said at this time dumbfounded:

“This …… is clearly what we often say among classmates, „King of the King, King of Kings „ ah, even if it is death, are going to pretend to finish as the god, really remarkable!”

Changyun directly gave him a slap on the head, cursing: “Every day go to school in a human-like manner, and still go to the best Eton, you learn this? 

What the fcuk is this stuff!”

Herbert covered his head, not daring to answer.

At this moment, the other Wade family members also felt that Charlie was a bit shameless, and they were even afraid that Liona would get angry and leave.

But when Liona heard this, instead of getting angry, she really put her heart down.

She and Zhiyu both knew that Charlie was very powerful, but neither of them knew whether he would be able to defeat Joseph and the Cataclysmic Front. 

But now that they saw how confident Charlie was, they both believed that this was not Charlie‟s arrogance, but that Charlie did have complete certainty.

He did not intentionally reject Liona‟s good intentions, nor did he intentionally find discomfort for her.

He said this because he was really afraid that in a moment Liona would turn around and plead for Joseph.

After all, Joseph is the only bloodline of Zynn‟s old fellow, Arthur Wan and his wife are dead, if he really wants to kill Joseph here, who knows if Liona will feel sympathy and then plead for him?

If you really plead for mercy, the nature of this matter will completely change, originally came to help Charlie, but ended up coming to help Charlie‟s opponent, they will not it be very embarrassing then?

Therefore, Charlie felt that he had to say the words in front of her, as long as she did not plead for anyone later on.

When Liona heard this, she immediately understood in his heart that Charlie did not put Joseph in his eyes at all, while she had to come and plead for him, which was really a little bit looking down on him.

So, she hurriedly said, “Sorry Mr. Wade, it was my poor consideration.”

Charlie said, “Auntie, I don‟t mean anything else, I just hope you can remain neutral.”

Liona nodded: “Okay Mr. Wade, I‟ll write it down!”

Andrew hurriedly stepped forward and said, “Liona! He is young and vigorous, and he is not willing to bow down and give in at this time, but later on, if that Joseph really subdues us, you must say a few good words for us!”

Andrew‟s words were the common voice of the other Wade family members. 

Liona only smiled lightly and said, “Brother, you should have more trust in Mr. Wade, since he said so, I believe he is absolutely sure.”

Chapter 3506

Andrew stifled a sigh and said, “Hey! That’s because he lacks understanding of the Cataclysmic Front, otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for him to say such words!”

Charlie didn’t say anything, but just looked at the mountain without turning his eyes.

At this time, the mists gradually dispersed, and the scenery around Waderest Mountain gradually emerged.

It must be said that this is indeed a rare feng shui treasure, if you look at the whole country, can achieve this kind of feng shui pattern, almost rare.

This, is the old Mr. Lai Qinghua spent several years of effort to create the water bureau Feng Shui formation, it is also this Feng Shui formation, for Charlie broke the dragon trapped in the shallows of the Bureau.

Now, he will be here, stepping on the next new height of his life.

Destroying the Cataclysmic Front and becoming the Wade family head.

Just at this moment, eight buses suddenly drove down the mountain.

The Wade family people also saw these eight cars and suddenly got nervous.

Morgan’s voice trembled as he spoke, saying offhandedly, “The Cataclysmic Front is coming! The Cataclysmic Front is fcuking coming over!”

The other Wade family members also looked appalled.

Eight cars, signaling that at least two hundred people had come.

How could this …… be something that the Wade family could afford?

Zhongquan could not hide his nervousness at this time and asked Charlie: “Charlie …… Cataclysmic Front has come with so many people, are you really sure?”

Charlie could not help but frown at this time and spoke, “If it is really the people of the Cataclysmic Front, how come the coffins of Joseph’s parents are not seen?”

“This ……” Zhongquan said awkwardly: “Now is not the time to care about these small details ah!”

Charlie shook his head: “This is not a small detail, this is very important to me, Joseph threatened to pick up my parents’ graves, my parents will be thrown to the bone, just because of his words, I must also let him feel what is called digging his own grave!”

Zhongquan sweat dropped, listening to Charlie’s meaning, Charlie instead wanted to bruise Joseph’s parents?

Just when the Wade family was extremely dissatisfied with Charlie’s attitude, The people below sent a message to Leon through the intercom, “Housekeeper Leon, the ones coming are not Wan Long Hall,”

“They said they are Young Master Charlie’s friends and came here specifically to help Young Master, they are the Aurous Hill Song family, and the Japanese Ito family!”

Charlie instantly froze.

He really did not expect that the Song family and the Ito family would also rush over.

After all, his identity has never been made public in front of these people, how did they get wind of it?

Surprised, Charlie also knew that since they had come, his identity as a member of the Wade family could not be concealed anymore, so he instructed Leon, “Housekeeper Leon, these are indeed my friends, inform them to let them come up the mountain.”

When the Wade family heard this, they exploded!

Andrew couldn’t help but stare in disbelief, “What?! Those big carts of people down there are here to help?”

Changyun also wondered, “What is the Aurous Hill Song family doing? Also, how come there’s the Ito family from Japan? Is it the Ito family? They are the number one family in Japan right now!”

Hawade also froze and said: “Ito family’s current family head, is not that called Nanako Ito?

Herbert at this time a little excitedly said: “Brother! That Nanako, is our class of male students recognized as the number one beauty in Asia!”

Hawade gave him a white look and said, “Not only in your class, many people, including me, think so, right? Can you find a more beautiful woman than Nanako out in Asia?”

Herbert quietly pointed to Sara, Ruoli and Zhiyu, whispered, “Those three sisters are top beauty, although I can not say than Nanako beautiful, but I think also half a catty, not bad!”

“Grass ……” Hawade couldn’t help but quietly look at the three stunning beauties around Charlie, his heart was to be more difficult to bear. 

So, he subconsciously elbowed a handful at Morgan, whispered: “Brother, this is really fcuking bull5hit! How can a person like Charlie be so good with women? Wade family out of the matter, to help the surprisingly all big beautiful women, and also all fcuking running to him ……”

Morgan at this time is also measuring the three incomparable women, heard this, the inner jealousy to death, subconsciously said:

“I did not fcuking understand …… It seems that now in this society, money is no longer good, the more fcuking bragging people, the better the woman’s edge!”

After saying that, Morgan just remembered that he was slapped by Hawade yesterday, and the two of them also tore a game, so he saw Hawade’s face, his heart was angry, annoyed, and cursed: “Stinking idiot! Don’t fcuking talk to me! Get out!”

Chapter 3507

Hawade didn’t expect Morgan to suddenly open his mouth to insult him and said in anger: “Da*n are you sick? Like a mad dog, you bite whoever you catch!”

“I’m fcuking happy!” Morgan said in a cold voice: “Hawade, wait for me, if this thing can pass today, I can’t fcuking spare you!”

“Don’t forget, I’m the eldest son and grandson of the Wade family. Even if the Wade family kneels down and its assets shrink by half, I’m still the eldest son and grandson, you’re still separated from me by Charlie.

Hawade wanted to retort, but after thinking about it, he felt that what Morgan said seemed reasonable, so he couldn’t help but shrink his neck.

At this time, eight buses also drove to the mountain.

The good thing is that when Waderest was first built, a large open platform was made in the middle of the mountain, which is more than enough to park the eight buses.

After the buses stopped, the bus at the head of the row, from the first to come down was the Song family’s, old man.

After that, it was a black dress Warnia.

Warnia’s appearance once again stunned everyone.

Many of them knew Nanako, after all, she had fought and appeared on TV in China before, and was on fire out of the circle in Japan.

However, for Warnia, these Wade family members hardly had any knowledge.

No one expected that a woman from a small place in Aurous Hill could be so beautiful, with a remarkable and incomparable temperament.

Next to get off the car, several subordinates of the Ito family.

The first two subordinates each took a folding wheelchair and opened it immediately after getting off.

After that, several people helped Ito Yuhiko and Tanaka Koichi, who had lost their legs, to get off the car and put them carefully on the wheelchairs.

After they both sat down in the wheelchair, a silhouette came out of the car.

The woman was dressed in a black with white cherry blossom pattern kimono, long hair coiled on top of her head, not only her temperament is gentle and moving, her features are exquisite to impeccable.

Her appearance made everyone on the scene look a little lost.

She is the recognized Yamato Nadeshiko of all Japan, the current head of the Ito family, Nanako Ito!

Nanako’s appearance instantly shocked everyone beyond measure.

Morgan’s eyes were straightened.

He had seen photos of her on the news reports, but never dreamed that this woman would look so beautiful, much more beautiful than in the photos and videos!

This kind of beauty and temperament seen with his own eyes, simply like a fairy out of a painting, so that he felt a strong sense of unreality.

Hawade is also looking dumbfounded, deep inside the envy and jealousy, long ago could not be described in words.

At this time, from the back of these cars, one after another came down more than 200 people, many of them have a firm face, body shape, a look is a practitioner origin.

This makes the Wade family even more relieved.

It is said that the strength of str experts of the Front who came to the country is only about a hundred people, now, one after another to help Charlie, there are more than two hundred people, at least in the formation has a little support.

What’s more, there is still Liona, the first wife of the Su family, when the time can also go from the level of human kindness to let the other side of the net.

So it seems that the chances of surviving this calamity are a bit greater.

At this time, the Song family grandfather and grandson, the Ito family father and daughter, came together in front of Charlie.

The oldest one, Elder Song, spoke first: “Master Wade! I have heard that you are in some trouble, so I have come with the Ito family to do my small part for you!”

Yuhiko also said, “Mr. Wade! All the top ninja of the four great families of Japan are here, no matter what the other party is, they will fight with all their might!”

Yuhiko did not dare to mention the words “Cataclysmic Front” because he was afraid that the ninja’s morale would be affected after hearing that.

And once he said this, almost all of the Wade family members were shocked and excited!

Shocked, they did not expect that the Ito family Yuhiko’s both legs are broken, but still run to China to help Charlie!

More importantly, he also brought the best ninja in Japan.

The strength of the ninja, they had heard of, was basically similar to the domestic martial artists.

Although they did not know, the real strength of these ninjas, probably can equal a few stars martial artists, but one thing is certain is that every one of these ninjas is considered a martial artist.

The strength of more than a hundred ninjas, even if it is not as strong as the Front, is certainly not to be underestimated, it may really be able to fight with them.

Besides, isn’t there still the He family around?

Moreover, there is Ruoli, a long-lost expert, she was able to exterminate the Matsumoto family in Japan, the strength must also be not weak.

The strength of the Song family in Aurous Hill is also significant.

Chapter 3508

At this time, Nanako looked at Charlie, eyes deep, tone certain, even with a sense of the world as a return, spoke:

“Charlie Jun! Nanako is also ready to fight with all her might! No matter who wants to find trouble with you today, we will not agree!”

Morgan saw this is almost unbearable to die, cursing in his heart: “What the h3ll is this! Charlie at the end where the bully?”

“Where the h3ll is the bully!!! Even Japan’s recognized Yamato Nadeshiko, Japan’s national treasure the top beauty is full of love for him! How can people live?”

Hawade also collapsed, crying in his heart: “D*mn it! I’ve never seen so many top beauties at one time in my life, but so many of them look like they all like Charlie’s fans! Why! Why can’t there be one of me, Hawade, with so many beauties?”

The rest of the Wade family was also shocked by Nanako’s attitude.

But what shocked them the most was actually Charlie’s unbelievable connections.

Originally, they thought that Charlie had merely taken the Emgrand Group given by the old man as well as ten billion in cash.

In the end, in the hearts of most of them, he was just a hangman who couldn’t make it to the stage.

But who would have thought that when the Wade family was suffering such a calamity, and even the side branches of the family had all run away, so many people would come to Waderest to help Charlie!

Among them, there were not only the local families in Aurous Hill, but also the very famous He family in the field of martial arts, the trillionaire Gu family, and even the first wife and first lady of the Su family came too.

Not only that, the most unbelievable thing is that even the Ito family from Japan came with so many people.

Then look at the Wade family, not only did all the relatives run out, but not even a single friend came.

In front of Charlie, this kind of trash network of the Wade family is not even a fa.rt!

Zhongquan also really did not expect that Charlie would be able to manage such strong connections, and that so many people would be willing to risk their lives to help him.

This made Zhongquan not only shocked, but also a little ashamed.

He was ashamed that he had made friends for so many years, but he didn’t expect that no one would come to his aid at the critical moment.

Compared to Charlie, he is simply poor to the extreme!

And at this moment, Charlie’s heart, also very touched.

While being moved, he also said helplessly to Nanako, Warnia, and others, “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s just a small matter, I didn’t want to alarm you all, but I didn’t expect that you would have to come all the way here, I’m really sorry.”

Warnia hurriedly asked, “Master Wade, we usually receive a lot of favors from you, how can we stand by and do nothing in this situation ……”

Charlie couldn’t help but ask: “How did you guys guess my identity? Whose credit is it?”

Warnia spat out her tongue and pointed to Nanako Ito and said, “Nanako guessed it, but originally it was just a guess, then after it was corroborated by other things, we rushed over.”

Charlie suddenly came back to his senses and said offhandedly, “It was the phone call you made to me yesterday that helped you guys corroborate it, right? I think I told you on the phone that I was in Eastcliff reading feng shui for someone else.”

Warnia said awkwardly, “Yes …… Master Wade you must not be angry, I also did not mean to test you, just too curious about your identity, so it ……”

Nanako on the side was full of shame, and hurriedly said delicately, “Master Charlie, please don’t ever blame sister Warnia, it was all my idea, I asked her to do so ……”

Charlie smiled faintly and said seriously, “How could it be, all of you came this far for me, how could I have the intention of blaming.”

Nanako breathed a sigh of relief and was busy asking, “Master, today’s matter, are you sure about it?”

Charlie nodded and smiled, and spoke, “Of course, I never fight a battle that I am not sure of.”

Saying that, he looked at the Japanese ninjas and the Song family’s men standing in neat rows not far behind her, and said, “Nanako, let the ninjas you bring later not to make a move; Warnia, the same goes for your men over there! Just watch behind me silently.”

Warnia couldn’t help but say, “Master Wade …… you …… what are you doing ……”

Charlie laughed lightly: “If I even have to find helpers to deal with a mere Cataclysmic Front, then I still have such a face to be called Master Wade by you guys?”

At this time, the Wade family no longer knew what to say.

Morgan, Hawade, and the others, even the urge to sigh inwardly was gone.

What was the best thing to say? They felt that Charlie had already finished pretending in this world.

Still what a mere Cataclysmic Front ……

That tone of voice, as if the Cataclysmic Front is not a top mercenary organization, but a three-year-old child.

Zhongquan is also feeling a numbness of the scalp, he was really afraid that Charlie found these helpers when one of them did not help, so a just relaxed heart, and again became incomparable apprehension ……

The time came to 7:40 in the morning.

At the foot of the mountain that can only lead to the road to the Waderest mountain, has been able to see a funeral procession.

This team of about a hundred people, each dressed in white mourning clothes, the eight people at the head of the team also carried two coffins, is fast running towards the mountain!

Charlie saw this scene, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

“Joseph ah Joseph, you finally came"....

Chapter 3509

For this funeral procession of 100 people, the speed of marching is very fast.

Even if someone in front of the team carrying two coffins, the speed of the march is no different from the general march.

And this line of people is wearing the same tactical leather boots, walking quickly on the concrete, emitting a neat and uniform footsteps sound, resounding throughout the valley.

Among the team, there is an old man, at this time, who followed the team and kept walking fast, has long been tired and panting.

But the young people around him did not give him the opportunity to stop and catch his breath, but instead, he was constantly urged to continue to walk fast.

And even someone will push him when he is about to fall in line, or roughly pull his mourning clothes on the hemp rope, hood him to go forward.

This old man is Chengfeng.

At this time, the top of Waderest Mountain.

Charlie, as well as others, have seen the ever-approaching team.

In the early morning sunlight, everyone could see the two eye-catching black coffins, so everyone knew very well in their hearts that this group must be the Cataclysmic Front.

The Wade family was immediately like a great enemy, each of them fidgeted nervously.

Charlie, however, looked at the funeral procession at the foot of the mountain from afar, the corners of his mouth wiped over a cold smile.

At this moment, his heart secretly sighs: “Joseph, you finally came! Not only am I anxiously waiting for you, your commander Walter, and your Wan family’s benefactor Zynn, have also been waiting for you for many days!”

Once he thought this, Charlie said to Leon, “Housekeeper Leon, pass on my order to have the uncles at the bottom of the mountain give way to the procession, no one must disobey!”

“Yes!” Leon immediately informed the people below the mountain and told them to make sure to clear the way.

Although these people were indignant in their hearts, because it was Charlie’s order, all of them could only do as they were told.

So, they moved to both sides and gave way opening the road up the mountain.

The leader, Joseph, took a big step forward, and when he passed these people, he just glanced at them and saw that they didn’t block them.

So he didn’t look at them anymore and stepped towards the ancestral tomb of the Wade family halfway up the mountain!

The road up the mountain is part of the foundation project of the Wade family and has spent a lot of money to build the Waderest Mountain.

The whole road is wide and flat, even the lowest chassis supercar can easily drive up.

Therefore, for this line of people walking up the mountain is like walking on smooth ground.

Seven fifty-five o’clock.

Joseph led the Cataclysmic Front soldiers, aggressively after the last bend, directly to meet the Wade family ancestral tomb of the Chinese white jade pagoda!

This group of well-trained experts of the Front, each one is full of murderous aura, marching, like a ceremonial procession, each step is neat and powerful, the closer they get, the more shocking it is.

At this moment, he saw the Wade family two or three hundred people assembled here, but no one wearing mourning, immediately angry, the eyes have been full of killing intent.

Next to him, Harmen also saw that no one from the Wade family was wearing mourning and said in exasperation, “Supreme Commander, you left the Wade family a chance to live, but it seems they don’t want it!”

Joseph sneered: “It doesn’t matter, since they don’t want it, then today we will first pick up the bones of Changying from the grave, and then my parents will be buried in a big way! After today, we will kill all the Wade family members one by one!”

Chengfeng at this time has almost run off his legs, panting, said: “Jos …… Joseph …… Wade family this …… this is rather …… rather die than give in ah ……”

Joseph said disdainfully, “In that case, then all of them go to death!”

After saying that, he took the lead and stepped towards the pagoda of the ancestral tomb of the Wade family, while Charlie also stepped below the pagoda at this time.

The Wade family, except for Zhongquan and Charlie’s aunt Laila, did not dare to go too far, and all others tried to back up.

However, those who rushed to Charlie’s aid, one by one, stood by Charlie’s side, even a few girls, without a trace of fear.

Zhiyu recognized at a glance the other camp, the old man in mourning was none other than her own grandfather Chengfeng, and immediately asked in surprise: “Grandpa, you …… you are ……”

Chapter 3510

Chengfeng did not dream that his granddaughter was here!

And then look down at their own body wearing mourning clothes, he only felt a burst of old face hot, can not wait to open a crack into the ground.

When he was embarrassed, he suddenly saw Liona beside Zhiyu, and saw that she was also surprised, and at the same time with a few points of contempt, his face also got even hotter.

Chengfeng just wanted to avoid Liona’s eyes, but then he found another figure in the crowd that shocked him!

It was his other granddaughter, Zynn’s illegitimate daughter, Ruoli! 

At this moment, Chengfeng’s heart was in shock: “Ruoli is still alive ……”

“How come her mother is also here?”

“And Luther! D*mn, why did the He family come to help the Wade family?

Chengfeng’s heart was on fire, but after thinking about it, he thought in his heart, “So what if the He family? They are no match for the Cataclysmic Front!”

When Zhongquan saw Chengfeng at this moment, he was also very annoyed in his heart and couldn’t help but say, “Hey, so it’s brother Su! You are so old, who are you wearing mourning for? Is it possible that you have a new godfather at your age?”

Chengfeng’s face was hot and he said, “Zhongquan, you should care about yourself! After today, there is only one way for your family to die!”

“If you don’t wear mourning and kneel down to beg for mercy, your family’s ancestral grave will be ripped off!”

Zhongquan said sternly: “Chengfeng, you old dog! Buried up to the eyebrows and bones, but you still put on mourning! How shameless! I, Zhongquan, won’t be like you, wagging my tail in front of outsiders for the sake of profit!”

Chengfeng was furious: “All of you surnamed Wade are good, since you are all so powerful, then you should seek your own luck!”

At this moment, Joseph stepped forward and came to a stop three meters in front of Charlie.

He looked at Charlie and the others in front of him and said in a cold voice with gritted teeth, “Wade, yesterday I already sent word to you that if you want to live, you should wear mourning and kneel to greet my parents’ coffin today.”

“But to my surprise, none of you did it! It seems that all of you are not afraid of death!”

Charlie smiled lightly at this time: “I don’t know if others are afraid of death, I only know that I am not afraid!”

Most of the Wade family members were nervous as hell, Andrew even whispered to Morgan, “Quick! Quietly go and bring the mourning clothes over!”

Morgan nodded in a panic, backed up with his waist, took out two sets of linen mourning clothes from the pile of items for the ancestor worship ceremony, and then immediately tucked them into his arms like a thief.

What he didn’t expect was that Hawade also took out several sets of mourning clothes from a tin box containing incense, and also tucked them into his arms, like a pregnant woman.

Two people looked at each other, can see the surprise in each other’s eyes, also guessed each other’s intentions, then two people ignored each other, and turned their heads, and slipped into the crowd.

Immediately after, Andrew and Changyun family have mourning clothes tucked in their arms, waiting for the wrong time, immediately put on and surrender.

In front of him, Charlie did not answer Joseph’s words, but only looked him up and down to assess the overall strength of the man.

This was the first time he saw Joseph.

Have to say, this person is really full of murderous aura, in a look comes many years of practical combat practice out.

Moreover, his cultivation is very solid, and all eight channels had been opened.

In the field of martial arts, Joseph was indeed the strongest one Charlie had seen so far.

However, in Charlie’s eyes, even an eight-star martial artist like Joseph was still dogs.

Without aura, relying only on internal force, even if all eight channels are opened, and all of them to the tenth perfect realm, so what?

It is still difficult to escape the category of mortal and mundane bones.

Chapter 3511

According to the “Nine Profound Heaven Scriptures”, martial arts is actually only a small introduction to ancient Chinese martial arts.

The ancient martial arts is an extremely profound cultivation method, which contains many realms.

And even if all eight channels are complete, it still only belongs to the most elementary realm of ancient martial arts, the Ming realm.

Only by breaking through one more major realm can you enter the dark realm of ancient martial arts.

But after the dark realm, there is still the realm of transformation and the realm of patriarchs.

So, Joseph is just the one with the best academic performance in the kindergarten class.

But just go to the first grade to fish out a person, can crush him in all aspects.

Not to mention that there is middle school, high school, and even college. 

At this time, Joseph found Charlie sizing him up, and could not help but sizing up Charlie as well.

He saw that Charlie was just a frail scholar and did not seem to have any cultivation, so he could not help but be a little surprised:

“I am not hiding the slightest bit of killing energy at the moment, even ordinary martial artists would not dare to look at me, this kid has no cultivation, how come he still has so much guts? Is this the newborn calf that is not afraid of the tiger?”

Then, he looked at these people around Charlie and found that there were quite a few martial artists among them, and many others who were six or seven points similar to martial artists, and at the same time three or four points different.

Then, the corner of his mouth wiped over a smile and said in a cold voice: “I said how the Wade family people are so bold, it turns out that they have found helpers, I did not expect that there is a four-star martial artist in here,”

“And there are two foreign martial artists with the same strength as a four-star martial artist, if I am not wrong, it should be Japanese ninjas, right?!”

When Joseph said this, Luther’s face as well as Nanako’s face changed slightly.

Luther did not expect that the other party could tell his cultivation level at a glance!

And Nanako didn’t expect that Joseph could tell that the ones she brought were ninjas just using his eyes!

Moreover, he could see that there were two top ninjas among them.

This shows that Joseph’s strength is not just a little bit stronger than theirs.

However, Joseph did not expect that Charlie would faintly smile at this time and blandly said, “Sorry, you guessed wrong, to deal with a trash like you, there is no need to invite any helpers, they are all spectators that I invited here, waiting to see how you are abused!”

Everyone at the scene did not expect that Charlie would not be afraid at all when he met Joseph.

The Wade family people with mourning clothes, almost at the same time in the heart cursed Charlie, why he is opening the mouths of hell for them at this time.

Joseph is intending to kill them, and still, he dare to say such pretentious words, this really fcuking light into the toilet, fcuking looking for death to come ……

Even Elder Wade was all scared, his liver tremble, afraid that Charlie annoyed Joseph, the other side directly looked red-eyed with anger, if acted on them, then everything is finished.

And Joseph is furious.

He really did not expect that there was someone in the Wade family who dared to talk to him like that!

So, he asked in a cold voice: “Kid! You’re a bit too arrogant, if you don’t know how to write the word death, I can teach you!”

Charlie laughed: “No need, I can write the word death, I can carve your head for free later.”

After saying that, he asked in a loud voice, “Where is Orvel?”

Orvel immediately raised his hand and said in a loud voice: “Master Wade, I’m here!”

Charlie didn’t turn around, smiled at Joseph, and asked Orvel: “Do you have your knife with you?”

“Yes!” Orvel said in a loud voice: “Master Wade, is it that you want me to carve his head later?”

“That’s right!” Charlie nodded and laughed: “You’re still the most on top of things!”

“That’s for sure.” Orvel said with a smile, “Master Wade,  high and low I have also practiced this human calligraphy, I have experience!”

Joseph’s face, already a burst of iron blue.

His fists were clenched, he could not wait to rush up and kill Charlie immediately.

Just when he was almost on the verge of losing control, Harmen, who was on the side, pointed at Charlie and cursed in a cold voice, “Kid! It’s you again! Yesterday, you were the most arrogant! Now you dare to shout at our Supreme Commander! You’re really fcuking tired of living!”

Saying that, he gritted his teeth and said, “I said yesterday, if I don’t see you kneeling here in mourning today, I’ll be the first to kill you! Take your life!”

As soon as Harmen’s words fell, he was suddenly about to rush towards Charlie and turn on him.

However, at this time, Joseph suddenly pulled him, making him unable to move.

Immediately after that, he stared at Charlie and said expressionlessly, “Kid, I see you look familiar, which one of the Wade family are you? Who is your father?”

Charlie put away his smile and said in a cold voice, “My name is Charlie Wade! 

My father is Changying Wade!”

Chapter 3512

“Hiss ……,” Joseph gritted his teeth and took a long breath when he heard the two words Changying Wade!

Chengfeng on the side was also stunned!

Even in his wildest dreams, he never thought that Changying’s son would still be alive after so many years of disappearance and that he would return to the Wade family!

At this moment, Joseph looked at Charlie with a fierce smile on his face and said with a bit of excitement: “I said you look so familiar! It’s true that you look like changying!”

After saying that, he suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed long, with a bit of madness, and said, “Hahaha! The sky is really not to blame! I’ve been thinking, I’ve been thinking, changying has been dead for so many years,”

“How in the end I should take revenge on him! The best means I could think of was to dig out his coffin and bury him in his bones! But to my surprise, his son is still alive!”

Immediately after that, Joseph put away his smile and stared at Charlie like a dead man, coldly saying,

“Today, I’ll chop off your head in front of changying’s grave! I will let his soul in the eighteenth level of hell never rest and never be reborn!”

Charlie was angered by his words, but did not immediately show it, said indifferently: “Remember, villains usually die from talking too much!”

Harmen couldn’t stand it and said, “Charlie, you really don’t see the coffin and don’t shed a tear! To deal with trash like you, we don’t need our master to take action, I’ll kill you!”

Joseph sternly shouted, “You shut up! He is the son of my father’s enemy, I have to kill him with my own hands to relieve my hatred!”

Harmen said in a panic, “Supreme Commander, I am talking too much, please punish me!”

Joseph ignored him, but looked at Charlie and coldly said, “Don’t say I won’t give you a chance, in front of your parents and my parents, the two of us will have a good fight to see who is stronger than who!”

At this moment, Joseph was eager to kill Charlie on the spot in front of his parents’ coffin, in front of Charlie’s parents’ mausoleum!

Because, only this is the best and most perfect way to take revenge!

Only in this way, could he tell his parents that their son was stronger than changying’s son!

Only in this way could his parents’ spirits in heaven understand that they did not win against changying back then, but their son won against changying’s son!

This also means that his father finally won changying!

At the same time, it will also let changying’s spirit in heaven see clearly that his win twenty years ago is nothing, twenty years later, he will get it all back with interest!

Faced with the provocation of Joseph, Charlie snorted, pointed at Harmen, and said indifferently: “Let him come, I have a deal with him first, because he said yesterday that he would be the first to kill me today, and I also said, a deal is a deal!”

Joseph said in a cold voice, “What? Do you want to die under someone else’s hands? Let me tell you, I won’t let you get what you want!”

Charlie said contemptuously, “Don’t be so fcuking sentimental, I just don’t want to come up and bully you first, so pick a softer persimmon and pinch it first, you can watch from the side, when I’m done with him, then I’ll come back and clean you up!”

“Fcuk!” Joseph was simply furious!

He pointed at Charlie and cursed through gritted teeth, “You’re really fcuking eloquent! I’ve killed countless people over the years, and none of them have had a more cheap mouth than yours!”

The other commanders of the Cataclysmic Front were also going crazy with anger.

They had followed Supreme Commander Joseph for so many years, which outside world did not kneel down and beg for mercy when they heard the name, Joseph Wan?

This kid was the only one who cursed the Supreme Commander, this is a big fucking shame!

So, one person in the Front immediately stood out and arched his hand towards Joseph and said in a loud voice: “Supreme Commander! Please allow me to fight on your behalf and tear this ba5tard’s mouth apart!”

Without waiting for Joseph to speak, Charlie looked at him and cursed, “What are you? Get the hell out of here! I said that I have to honor my promise with this fool first!”

As he spoke, Charlie’s hand was already pointing at the white-clothed Tiger King Harmen.

Harmen knew that the stupid ba5tard in Charlie’s mouth was about him. 

At this moment he was really going to be angry and blind.

He looked at Joseph and said eagerly, “Supreme Commander! Let me go, I’ll tear him up!”

Joseph at this moment had a gloomy expression as he glanced at Charlie, then said to Harmen, “You can only tear his mouth, his life will be left to me!”

Hearing these words, Harmen immediately nodded and said, “Your subordinate follows orders!”

After saying that, he looked at Charlie and said with gritted teeth, “Kid! Come on! See how I’ll tear your mouth, up to behind your ears!”

Charlie looked at him disdainfully, then looked at Joseph and said in a cold voice:

“Wan, since it’s in front of the spirits of your parents and mine, let’s both set a rule, what do you think?”

Joseph looked at him and asked in a cold voice, “What rules do you want to set?”

Charlie laughed: “The rules are very simple, I will fight with this fool, no matter what I beat him into, you and your people can not help, let alone run!”

Joseph snorted, “Charlie ah Charlie, you are really interesting! Harmen is one of the four battle commanders under my command, his strength is a six-star martial artist, just by you, you still want to win him?”

Hearing this, Charlie just smiled lightly and said, “Four great battle commanders, six-star martial artist, it sounds quite bluffing.”

Saying that, Charlie asked with a playful smile, “But I heard that the most powerful of the four battle commanders under your command is called Walter Chen, you came to China this time, how come you didn’t bring him along with you?”

Chapter 3513

Hearing Charlie suddenly mentioning Walter, Joseph’s expression instantly became very ugly.

Walter was the second strongest in the Cataclysmic Front after Joseph, and had always been one of Joseph’s most valued commanders.

But such a number two person under one person and above ten thousand people unexpectedly suffered the most painful defeat in the Middle East since the establishment of the Cataclysmic Front.

Thousands of people were killed in action and more than 10,000 people were captured, which simply made the Cataclysmic Front lose face in the international arena.

Moreover, since then, Walter’s whereabouts have been unknown and untraceable.

No one knows whether he was captured, defected, or is dead.

And Joseph knew very well that since Charlie could say Walter’s name, it proved that he knew very well about the failure of the Cataclysmic Front in the Middle East before.

At this time, he deliberately mentioned it, naturally to make fun of him.

The annoyed Joseph said coldly, “Kid, don’t try to play fast and loose with your words here, not to mention Walter, even Harmen, you can’t possibly defeat him!”

After saying that, he looked at Harmen and said in a stern voice, “Harmen, tear his mouth apart!”

Harmen nodded and stepped forward and said coldly, “Kid, come on, let me see how capable you are to say such crazy words!”

After saying that, his fists shook violently, and the powerful internal force gathered on the fist surface, actually hit two deafening explosions out of thin air!

Not only that!

The fine rain scattered around his fists, and even emitted the sound of water droplets vaporizing at high temperatures as if a red-hot iron was thrown into the water!

The powerful internal force was like a highly radioactive magnetic field, causing the surrounding martial artists and ninjas to be shocked.

Although Harmen had not yet struck, the wind from his powerful internal force had already made the surrounding martial artists realize that the strength of this man was so high that it has far exceeded their imagination!

Luther looked dumbfounded and exclaimed in a low voice: “This man’s inner strength has become a miracle, he can form the astral wind between his hands and feet, and his inner strength is extremely pure! This …… is the terrifying strength of a six-star martial artist!”

Ruoli was also shocked and said offhandedly, “Grandfather! This person is so young, why can he reach the level of a six-star martial artist? If you look at the whole country, there is not even a six-star martial artist!”

Luther sighed: “Ruoli has no idea, the country is peaceful and prosperous, the culture of martial arts practice is getting weaker and weaker, the domestic martial arts masters have gone overseas decades ago.”

After saying that, Luther looked at Ruoli and said seriously, “Ruoli, you are so young to break through the three-star martial artist with the help of Mr. Wade, I think your future achievement must be above me! Reaching six stars may not be a dream!”

Ruoli said softly, “Six-star martial artist …… I …… dare not think about it ……” 

Luther gave her a look and said seriously, “I might not have dared to think about it before, but you have the creation given by Mr. Wade, and with Mr. Wade’s help, six stars may not be impossible ……”

After saying that, he looked at Ruoli and said in a serious tone, “Ruoli, after today, the He family will be led by you, seeing that the strength of the young people nowadays are as strong as this, this old bone of mine, I also need to close down and cultivate properly ……”

Ruoli did not expect that grandfather would suddenly hand over the leadership of the He family to her at such a time.

But what she didn’t know was that Luther had actually made up his mind to let her lead the He family the moment he saw her last night, learned that she was still alive, and learned of all the experiences during this period of time.

Because he clearly realized that Charlie is a person that the He family will not see in the next hundred years.

In the entire He family, Ruoli is the most benefited by Charlie.

As long as she does her best to follow Charlie’s side in the future, Charlie will never treat her poorly.

As for today’s crisis in the Cataclysmic Front, he believed that it was not a problem for Charlie at all.

Chapter 3514

At the same time.

Harmen, who was already prepared and intended to fight Charlie with all his might, saw that Charlie was unprepared and said with a cold smile, “Kid, why aren’t you mobilizing your internal force? Are you not going to resist?”

The most powerful point of a martial artist was having internal force, and with the enhancement of internal force, their body strength, agility, and striking strength would all increase geometrically.

It was because internal force was the martial artist’s origin power, so every martial artist had to transport internal force to their hands and feet before attacking in order to exert the strongest combat power.

However, Harmen did not know that Charlie did not need the so-called internal force at all.

At this moment, his body was filled with spiritual energy, and this kind of energy was an existence that martial artists could not even touch.

So, he yawned and said to Harmen, “You are really too inquisitive, if you want to fight, just fight, what are you yakking about in one sentence?”

“Grass!” Harmen was humiliated by Charlie in public, he was already extremely angry and said through clenched teeth,

“I’m fcuking kind enough to let you make the first move, but you still don’t fcuking appreciate it, since that’s the case, don’t blame me for not being merciful!”

As soon as the words left his mouth, Harmen immediately attacked Charlie! 

The strength of a six-star martial artist is not a cover, Harmen suddenly struck, his body was so fast that everyone on Charlie’s side could not even see it clearly.

Very fast speed with very strong strength, this punch even made a sound of breaking air, at first glance is fierce!

This is the power of the six-star martial artist, Luther, a four-star martial artist who only needs to look, from the depths of the heart can not help but be filled with despair.

The ninjas of the four great families, at this moment also completely frozen, just one action of Harmen, the strength displayed has exceeded them by more than one level!

Everyone immediately looked at Charlie, they wanted to know what kind of method Charlie was planning to use to deal with such a fierce attack.

However, beyond everyone’s expectations, Charlie did not move at all.

Even though he saw Harmen’s right fist, fiercely attacked Charlie’s chest.

The breaking sound of the heavy fist was like a whistling cannonball, causing everyone’s expression to tighten.

Seeing him exerting all his strength, Joseph was afraid that he would kill Charlie with one punch, so he subconsciously shouted, “Harmen, leave him a ……”

Joseph wanted to say leave him a life, but before he could say the word life, he was immediately stunned by the sight before him!

Only to see Harmen’s right fist had by now struck a full-force blow, and  suddenly stopped at a position less than twenty millimeters from Charlie’s chest.

Neither the people behind Harmen nor the people behind Charlie saw Harmen’s right fist, which had been tightly grasped by Charlie with one hand!

And at that moment, Harmen’s expression was already appalled!

On his fierce face, a three-year-old child-like astonishment and trepidation appeared.

He couldn’t understand why his full-strength strike would be so easily grabbed by Charlie.

And what was even more outrageous was that the moment he was grabbed, the force of thousands of pounds gathered on his arm disappeared out of thin air.

This feeling is like a person jumping from a height of 10,000 meters, as the acceleration of gravity becomes stronger and stronger, the speed and strength also become greater and greater.

However, just when the speed and strength reached the extreme, the whole person suddenly fell into weightlessness similar to that in space, the big difference between before and after is simply subverting common sense!

Everyone, including Joseph, were also shocked beyond addition!

Anyone can see that just now Harmen’s punch was a thousand pounds strong!

Joseph was even afraid that his punch would shatter all of Charlie’s internal organs!

However, this is comparable to the attack of Mars hitting the earth, but was silently dissipated by Charlie with a single lift of his hand, this …… this is simply unimaginable!

Everyone there still does not understand, why?!

Charlie’s contemptuous smile, to Harmen, he coldly shouted: “Waste! I see that you are also a big man, why are you still as weak as a snail? Hurry up and use all your mother’s strength for me! Come again!”

Chapter 3515

Who would have thought that such a change would happen on the spot?

Who would have thought that the full force of a six-star martial artist’s strike, in Charlie’s eyes, could only end up with such an unbelievable evaluation as “as weak as a woman”!

Harmen couldn’t even care about his anger.

He just stared dumbly at his own fist and muttered, “This …… is impossible …… this is never …… possible.”

Joseph was also confused.

Although he couldn’t figure out how exactly Charlie had done it, he had realized that this Charlie was in no way simple!

And at this time, the Wade family, as well as the people who had come to help Charlie, were equally shocked, but deep inside, they had already started to cheer!

A six-star martial artist, who couldn’t even do anything to Charlie, this proved that Charlie did have the strength!

Morgan at this time also does not care about his usual dissatisfaction with Charlie, whispered to Andrew, his father: “Charlie he …… he really knows martial arts? I see that this person can not touch him at all!”

Andrew nodded repeatedly, his expression had been much more relaxed, and spoke, “So it seems that this boy Charlie has some real skills!”

Saying that, Andrew hurriedly instructed in a low voice: “Observe again, if Charlie can really handle the Cataclysmic Front, hurry up and hide the mourning clothes, do not be discovered!”

Zhongquan was also very excited at this time, he looked at Charlie’s side face, his mind recalled Changying’s vigorous, cross-armed appearance back then, unconsciously, his eyes were already filled with tears.

He could not help but feel: “Back then, the Wade family did not dare to follow the Changying together, who was trying to fight a big, so he angrily left, and finally died in another city ……”

“This! For this nearly twenty years, my heart has been very remorseful ……”

“Now, seeing the way his son stood in front of the Wade family and the Wade family’s ancestral tomb, standing on his sword, made me see the shadow of Changying again ……”

“Perhaps, this also means that this old bone of mine will give way to him when the time comes ……”

At this moment, the other people of the Cataclysmic Front were also unable to understand the scene in front of them.

One of them, a black-skinned man, asked Joseph in a low voice: “Supreme Commander, the strength of the white-clothed Tiger King is still above me, and that strike he just made was indeed very impressive, how exactly did that guy across us defuse it?”

Joseph’s expression was grave.

How did he resolve it?

He did not know.

He only knew that Harmen this time was in danger!

And he had promised in front of his own parents, as well as the heavenly spirits of Charlie’s parents, that no one from the Cataclysmic Front could ever come forward to help.

This also meant that Harmen had to face Charlie alone.

So, he immediately yelled at Harmen, “Harmen! Make sure to go all out!”

Harmen’s expression almost twisted as he murmured in his heart, “I …… I just gave my all …… am I really allowed to fight him to the death?”

Charlie saw that Harmen had been dumbfounded and could not help but frown.

Immediately after, he suddenly raised his hand and slapped Harmen on the face, saying in a cold voice: “What the fcuk are you dumbfounded for? I told you to come again, didn’t you hear me?”

Harmen was dumbfounded by this slap.

Charlie didn’t use much strength, but the insult was extremely strong.

Chapter 3516

Harmen did not react at all and just let this slap come up, naturally, he was humiliated and indignant.

So, he took two steps back and roared in anger and shame, “I’ll kill you!!!”

After saying that, suddenly his body sank, his bones made crisp sounds one after another, and his internal strength suddenly boiled like a boiling pot, quickly running to both arms.

Seeing this situation, Joseph’s expression was immediately astonished.

He knew very well that Harmen was really desperate.

Because, what he was using now was the strongest move in his martial arts technique, the Divine Tiger Fist, the Divine Tiger Out of the Mountain.

The reason why Harmen was called the White Tiger King was because of the practice of the Divine Tiger Fist.

Among the Divine Tiger Fist, the most powerful attack was this Divine Tiger Out of the Mountain.

Its greatest feature was its ability to quickly raise one’s internal strength by at least fifty percent.

However, this technique was not something that could be used casually.

This is because this kind of drastic overdraft will bring strong repercussions to the user.

Lightly, the body would need many days to slowly repair, and during this repair process, the user could only exert half of their own strength.

In the heavy case, it will cause the user’s cultivation to drop, and it may even take a year or two to catch up with this part of cultivation.

Therefore, this move, the divine tiger out of the mountain, is Harmen’s lifesaving technique, unless it is life-threatening, must go all out to fight, otherwise will never easily use it.

At this time Harmen even directly used this move, it is clear that he has decided to fight with Charlie to the death!

Moreover, Joseph knew very well that the strength of Harmen’s move was so strong that even he did not dare to take it head-on, otherwise he would most likely be seriously injured.

If Harmen still couldn’t take Charlie with this move, then it was basically certain that Charlie’s strength was even higher than his own.

Then today, even if they kicked the real iron plate.

At this time Harmen is also regardless.

Charlie’s humiliation of him, has far exceeded his mental capacity.

Insulting him is just, and even directly slapped him, and in front of all the core members of the Cataclysmic Front, this face, he had to die to get back!

Charlie also felt the changes in his body within a short period of time, and found that the internal force in his body had increased tremendously in an instant.

However, Charlie remained unmoved.

Because, even if a mole is strong, it is still a mole.

At this moment, Harmen’s body bones were powerful internal force commitment suddenly soared, as if the whole person instantly swelled a body shape, even the body of mourning clothes were propped up countless mouths.

When everyone was dumbfounded, Harmen suddenly bowed his body, like a fierce tiger descending a mountain, and rushed towards Charlie!

Speed, strength, then the punch just now, much stronger!

The people behind Charlie, before they can regain their senses, they feel a strong wind wrapped in sand and soil blowing towards them.

The people have subconsciously closed their eyes, but even so, the tiny grains of sand hit the face, like a pain.

In the crowd to wait for the gust of wind to pass, ready to open their eyes to see what happened, they found that the repeat of the same scene just now.

Charlie once again grabbed the fist of Harmen.

And, this time, Charlie used only one hand to grab both of Harmen’s fists!

All these people behind Charlie did not see his action just now and did not know how exactly he did it.

But all of this, Joseph, as well as the commanders of Cataclysmic Front behind him, saw everything clearly.

Just now, Harmen’s fists came out like a fierce tiger and pounced on Charlie.

But to his surprise, his original thundering fists, in front of Charlie, were as powerless as a three-year-old child’s tender fists.

Charlie just easily fished, then grabbed both of his fists to a halt.

A second ago, Harmen was a fierce tiger hunting with all his might.

And a second later, he went from a predatory tiger to a pet cat whose master had a death grip on both front paws and could not move at all!

Charlie raised his eyes at this time and sneered: “I heard that you are called the White Tiger King, I thought you were really a tiger, never thought! You’re even worse than Hello Kitty, you’re really a waste of a waste!”

Chapter 3517

Hearing Charlie’s mockery made Harmen ashamed and indignant.

Seeing Charlie’s playful eyes, deep inside his heart, a strong sense of fear surged up again.

He subconsciously said, “This …… is impossible! Even an eight-star martial artist could not have defused my Fierce Tiger’s Mountain Strike so easily! How on earth did you do that?!”

Harmen’s words also asked the heartfelt words of everyone in the Cataclysmic Front, including Joseph.

Each and every one of them did not expect that Harmen’s full force strike would remain weak to the point of dregs in front of Charlie.

Their long-held worldview of martial arts was completely turned upside down, never dreaming that there would be such a powerful expert in this world.

At this time, Joseph has also sobered up and realized that his revenge plan, which he had carefully prepared for twenty years, might have been declared a failure before he had really struck.

In the face of Harmen’s move “fierce tiger out of the mountain”, Charlie’s performance, completely unable to see his true strength, in what height!

This is like weightlifting, when an athlete lifts the maximum weight he can bear, even a layman can see through his body state, his expression state, that he has tried his best.

If your opponent exceeds you in weight, also seems to have done his best, or has been very hard, close to the limit, then you can probably judge his actual height.

However, if your opponent only used one hand, he can easily lift your limit weight without changing his face.

Then you do not know where his limit really is, he may still be able to lift twice the weight with one hand, perhaps two hands can also lift four times, eight times, or even eighteen times the weight.

But because Harmen, as the reference standard, is too far behind him, so no one knows, how strong Charlie really is.

Charlie at this time sneered and said indifferently: “Weak as such a dog, still have the nerve to call the fierce tiger out of the mountain? It’s better to change the name and call it cockroach out of the hole!”

Joseph looked at Charlie with shock and horror, and had only one feeling in his heart, that he could not see the bottom.

Even Joseph’s benefactor, the ancestor of the entire Cataclysmic Front, had not reached such strength.

Because his benefactor, stagnated in the Ming realm Great Perfection realm for thirty years, had not been able to breakthrough.

For ordinary martial artists, breakthroughs in small realms are as difficult as the sky, not to mention such large realms.

To open the two veins, which in itself blocked the vast majority of martial artists, and to open four meridians or even five or six, is very few, eight-star martial artists are even rare.

And to leap from eight-star martial artist to become a Dark Realm expert, it is even more difficult.

However, to reach the strength shown by Charlie, it is at least possible to become a legendary Dark Realm expert.

Therefore, Joseph realized that Charlie’s strength, must have crossed into the Dark Realm, even if his own benefactor was here, he might not be his opponent.

What’s more, in order to find a breakthrough, his benefactor began to travel the world five years ago, and now where he is, even he is not sure. 

At this moment, although Harmen has been violently struggling to break free, but his fists are totally immobilized.

He looked at Charlie with a pair of terrified to the extreme eyes and asked with incomparable nervousness and apprehension, “What the h3ll are you …… you?!”

Charlie raised his eyes and blandly said, “I said, my name is Charlie, Charlie Wade.”

Chapter 3518

After saying that, Charlie smiled and asked him, “Harmen, haven’t you been yelling about killing me since yesterday? What, is this all your strength?”

Harmen was even more terrified, he was afraid that Charlie would immediately kill him, and subconsciously pleaded, “Mr. Wade! It’s because I’m not aware of Mount Tai! Please spare me once ……”

“Spare your life?” Charlie’s eyelids raised, coldly asked: “Those people you killed in the past, did you spare their lives? And you, who have you spared?”

Harmen’s expression suddenly froze.

He had killed countless people over the years.

With his strength, he had fought overseas for so many years and had hardly met any opponents who could compete with each other, so every time he went on an expedition, he was able to win with a crushing advantage.

And every time he won, the defeated party would also be as he is now, bitterly begging, but he never had a soft hand.

Now, the wind and water turn, it’s finally his turn to beg others to spare his life!

And Charlie, obviously not ready to let him go!

He looked at Harmen, the corners of his mouth suddenly rose a few points, revealing a playful and cruel smile.

Charlie’s sudden and strange smile made Harmen’s heart instantly seem to  all into an ice cave.

Although he didn’t know what Charlie wanted to do to him, he could realize that he was going to be finished!

Just then, Charlie’s right hand that grabbed Harmen’s fists suddenly reversed his wrist!

Immediately afterward, Harmen felt as if both of his arms were sent into a meat grinder with powerful horsepower.

Then, the two arms were twisted together like a twist!

The pain started from the wrists of both hands and spread all the way to the arms!

He could even feel his wrists break first, followed by his small arms, elbows, and shoulder joints ……

The pain that penetrated deep into the marrow of the soul was not terrible, what was even more terrible was that the pain seemed to carry a virus, which rapidly invaded his body and made all his inner strength disappear in this instant.

At this moment, Harmen’s heart surged with deep fear!

So, he could no longer hold back, his legs bent, he involuntarily kneeled on the ground, and shouted in despair: “Ah …… my hand …… my arm… …so painful ah!”

Charlie used facts to prove that the so-called experts, although strong, may really be afraid of pain.

Harmen has been practicing martial arts for so many years, but he has never experienced this kind of pain, having both arms twisted into twists alive.

In addition to the disappearance of internal force all over the body, the psychological and physical defenses are collapsing in an instant.

Therefore, he could only follow the direction of Charlie twisting his arms, subconsciously kneeling on the ground.

And the other people on the scene, seeing this scene, each and every one of them is like being struck by lightning!

Who would dare to believe that a strong six-star martial artist, not only was his full strength strike silently dissolved by Charlie, but even more outrageous, his arm was directly twisted into a twist by Charlie!

The fractured bone scraps pierced through the flesh in several locations, and blood gushed out along the wounds, which was shocking to the eyes!

Harmen’s pain was several times to faint, but the progression is again awakened by the intense pain, the mouth had to let out a pig-like howl, in an attempt to relieve the pain brought about by the violent impact.

At that moment, Charlie said in a cold voice: “In vain you have practiced martial arts for many years, but in the end, this is the basis for many evil deeds, today, I will do justice to heaven and abolish all your cultivation!”

As soon as the words left his mouth, Harmen felt that the six meridians in his body that had been opened were suddenly rushed in by an extremely powerful force!

This feeling was as if the magma in the earth’s crust was about to burst out of the crater, so powerful that it was simply unbearable!

In just an instant, he felt that all six of his meridians had been broken! 

Years of hard training to become a six-star martial artist, but in this instant, ashes, and dust!

“My meridians …… my meridians …… are just gone! It’s all gone just like that!”

Harmen muttered under his breath and suddenly let out a loud cry! 

All his psychological support completely collapsed in this instant!

Chapter 3519

Who would have thought that Charlie would break all of Harmen’s meridians at the same time as he broke his arms!

To be able to easily break all of Harmen’s meridians and destroy all of his cultivation without making a sound, was simply a crushing difference between a human and a mole.

At this moment, everyone in the Cataclysmic Front was in despair.

The people around Charlie, on the other hand, could not wait to cheer.

As for Chengfeng, who was draped in mourning, his whole body had collapsed, and his hands and feet were involuntarily shivering.

He really did not expect that the Wade family had such a powerful existence.

The Cataclysmic Front that he relied on, the Cataclysmic Front that he thought could absolutely crush Charlie completely, was not a match for him at all!

He suddenly thought that his two granddaughters, as well as his eldest daughter-in-law, had run to help Charlie, and his heart thumped: “Could it be …… could it be that this Charlie is the top expert who has been secretly targeting me?!”

Thinking of this, Chengfeng’s heart, more desperate to the extreme.

And at this time, Charlie looked at Harmen, who had completely collapsed, and asked with a smile, “What? The titled White Tiger King, how come you’ve conceded so quickly?”

In order to live, Harmen lost all his expert demeanor, he took the initiative to kneel on the ground and begged bitterly with tears in his voice:

“Mr. Wade, my arms are completely ruined, my meridians are also broken, now I’m a complete invalid, please please give me a hand, leave me a dog’s life!”

Harmen, who had broken down to the point of kneeling down and begging for mercy, made Joseph’s heart turn to ashes, and also made the other members of the Front shocked beyond belief.

Although Harmen was indignant beyond measure, he still wanted to live in his bones, and even if there was only a glimmer of hope for life, he was unwilling to give up.

Because, he knew Charlie’s strength, if he really wanted to kill him, it was as simple as moving his finger.

Harmen howled, his arms were twisted into a wretched mess, he could only use the strength of his waist and back to bow and kowtow, while kowtowing, while crying and begging: “Mr. Wade …… I was wrong …… I shouldn’t have spoken out against you …… much less provoked your majesty ……”

“But …… but I don’t want to die …… I really don’t want to die ……”

“Please, please, for the sake of I have become this useless, please be merciful, spare my life ……”

Charlie looked at him coldly, his voice steeply raised a few points, sternly questioned: “You just dared to be reckless in front of my parents’ spirit, do you really think I can spare your dog’s life if you kneel on the ground and kowtow to beg for mercy?”

Harmen cried out: “I know I’m wrong …… I really know I’m wrong ……”

Charlie gave a fierce slap over, coldly said: “Now you know you are wrong?

When you attacked the Wade family yesterday with a cigar in your mouth, weren’t you very arrogant? Didn’t you say you would be the first to kill me?”

Saying that, Charlie’s eyes flashed and said coldly, “Right, don’t you love smoking cigars? Then I’ll come and make you a cigar, so you can smoke it properly!”

After saying that, Charlie looked at Orvel and said offhandedly, “Orvel! Go get some yellow paper for the graves! Get some more!”

“Yes, Master Wade!” Orvel hurriedly took out several bundles of yellow paper to be burned at the grave from the pile of ancestor worship materials prepared by the Wade family.

Chapter 3520

Charlie brought a thick bundle, forcefully rolled it into the shape of a paper roll as thick as a mineral water bottle, and then directly stuffed one of them into Harmen’s mouth and said to Orvel:

“Come, Orvel! Serve this white-clothed tiger king to smoke a big cigar that I personally made for him!”

Orvel smiled heatedly and immediately took out a lighter and lit the other end of the paper roll, while lighting it, he sneered, “Mr. Tiger King, you are really fcuking lucky to be able to smoke a cigar made by Master himself, I guess you are the only one in the world.”

When he saw that the paper roll was thicker, he couldn’t light it, so he slapped Harmen in the face and said, “Damn it, why don’t you smoke it? If you don’t smoke, how the fcuk can I light it?”

Harmen’s mouth was stuffed with this paper roll, his heart was filled with shame and anger, but he could only obey and desperately smoke.

But the smoke produced by the burning of this yellow paper could not be compared with the flavorful Cuban cigar, and after the first puff, Harmen was choked by the smoke and coughed, and tears and snot gushed out at the same time.

Charlie glared at him and sneered, “Why did you lose your style of holding a cigar, spouting clouds, and talking in front of me yesterday?”

Harmen thought of his arrogant appearance yesterday and couldn’t help but shiver.

Charlie looked at his frightened look and continued, “Don’t forget, you also killed one of my family’s guards with cigar smoke! Even if it’s just one life for one life, I’ll kill you today!”

Speaking of this, Charlie gave a slight beating and continued, “Don’t you want to live? First finish smoking this big cigar, after that, I’ll consider whether to spare your life, but if you can’t finish, sorry, you’re the first one to die today!”

Hearing this, Harmen was desperate and wanted to do everything possible to survive.

So, he could only desperately try, hard to smoke the thick roll of yellow paper, the whole person was choked by the smoke almost collapsed.

However, he did not dare to slow down, and could only do his best to inhale the smoke into his body.

They all knew that Harmen loved Cuban cigars, but who would have thought that he would end up in this situation today?

When he finally finished the roll of yellow paper, his whole body was about to collapse and die.

And when it burned to the end, the yellow paper with fire, directly to his lips and around the mouth, burning a bunch of prairie blisters.

Finally survived Harmen, coyly looked at Charlie, softly asked: “Wade …… Mr. Wade …… I have all finished smoking, can spare my life?”

Charlie sneered: “Of course not! You want to live, definitely not so simple! Everything depends on my mood!”

Harmen completely collapsed, so he turned his head, like a child with tears streaming down his face, looking at Joseph, choking and begging, “Supreme Commander …… save me …… save me Supreme Commander ……”

Joseph’s heart at this time, also full of despair.

Never dreamed that today on the Waderest Mountain, will be such a situation.

He looked at Harmen’s painful and desperate appearance, and then associated with Charlie’s incomparably powerful strength, his heart was already dead ash.

He knew that his revenge was completely hopeless.

So, he swallowed and spoke with a respectful tone and a hoarse voice: “Charlie …… please let him go! If you let him go, we, the Cataclysmic Front, will immediately withdraw, and in this life and in this world, will no longer oppose the Wade family!”

As if he had heard a big joke, Charlie laughed: “Joseph Wan! Do you think that my Wade Family’s ancestral tomb is a place where you can come and go whenever you want?”

Joseph gritted his teeth and asked him, “Then what do you want?”

Charlie sneered, “What I want is to treat others the way they want to be treated!”

Joseph asked nervously, “What do you …… you mean?”

Charlie looked at the two coffins behind him and laughed: “Didn’t you threaten to bruise my parents to death? It just so happens that your parents coffins are right here, so work hard to experience your good idea!”

Chapter 3521

Charlie’s words caused Joseph’s expression to instantly flinch!

Immediately afterwards, he clenched his teeth and said in a cold voice:

“Charlie! Who gave you the guts! How dare you disrespect the spirits of my parents in heaven!”

Charlie sneered, “I didn’t expect that the so-called Supreme Commander of the Cataclysmic Front was nothing more than a double-labeled dog!”

After saying that, Charlie said, “You are the one who has been yelling and wanting to bury my parents’ bones, allowing you to disrespect my parents’ spirit in heaven, but not allowing me to return the favor by doing the same to others?”

“Why? Are you fcuking tougher than me? Or are you better than me?”

Joseph was at a loss as to how to reply.

He knew that he had brought up the matter of bruising the bones first.

But at that time, he really did not expect that the Wade Family would have such top experts.

He also thought that he was in a complete crushing position against the Wade family.

Now, this situation could only be described as lifting a stone and smashing his own feet.

Seeing that he didn’t know how to reply for a while, Charlie sneered, then kicked Harmen, who was kneeling on the ground, and said indifferently, “Come, you come to judge, if I raise the ashes of your Supreme Commander’s parents, is he to blame?”

Harmen did not dare to disobey Charlie, but also felt that his fate today is all thanks to Joseph, so he did not think twice and said: “He is to blame! If he did not have to cause these things, I would not have ended up in such a situation ……”

Charlie looked at Joseph and asked him, “Did you hear that? Even your men are saying that you are to blame!”

Joseph said with a black face and gritted teeth, “Charlie! If you insult my parents again, I will fight you to the death today! Although you are very strong, but I am not a vegetarian either!”

Charlie coldly snorted disdainfully and said, “Joseph, you are not qualified to fight me to the death! Don’t blame me for not giving you a chance, leave your parents’ coffins and I will let you all go, otherwise, one of you will have to die today!”

Joseph only felt the blood surge up, gritted his teeth and roared, “A man can be killed but not humiliated! Even if I die, I will never let you humiliate my parents!!!”

Charlie nodded and said indifferently: “Then I can wait until you die before I insult you, anyway, the result is the same, by the way, I tell you, I am the most vindictive person, how others want to treat me, I will pay back, even double!”

“If I’m in a bad mood, after I kill you, I’ll bury you and your parents together!”

At these words, a blond white man next to him said, “Supreme Commander!

I’ve put up with him for a long time! Let’s go together and kill him first! If not, let’s fight with him!”

At this moment, it was the Golden Hair Lion King, one of the four commanders of the Cataclysmic Front.

As soon as his words came out, many of the members of the Front who had been repressing immediately spoke out in agreement.

Many of them had received favors from Joseph, and were even Joseph’s disciples. Seeing Charlie humiliate him like this, they naturally could not accept it.

Charlie’s face was indifferent at this time, his toes casually kicked lightly on the ground, a stone was wrapped with powerful aura and quickly flew out at an extremely fast speed!

The next thing you know, the stone directly smashed the forehead of the golden-haired lion king, making a bloody hole through front and back!

In just an instant, the Golden-furred Lion King, one of the four battle commanders of the Cataclysmic Front, died on the spot!

Chapter 3522

Who would have thought that Charlie would suddenly strike with a deadly blow!

No one could have imagined that!

The Golden Lion King, who was a six-star martial artist like Harmen, was struck through the brain by a stone kicked by his opponent!

With this, those soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front who wanted to swarm and fight against Charlie subconsciously took a few steps back.

At the same time, the impulse to fight with Charlie in their hearts was also stunned in an instant by Charlie’s hand just now!

The gang was horrified in their hearts, they knew that since Charlie could kill the Golden Hair Lion King with a flip of his hand, then he could also kill any of them with the same method!

Joseph also completely froze!

At this moment, he finally realized what was the gap between himself and Charlie.

He knew that if Charlie made a move, he would probably not be able to survive a single move in his hands!

At this moment, Charlie, who had just killed one of them, looked at Harmen with a chagrined face and sighed,

“Hey, impulsive impulsive, I just said that you would be the first to kill you first today, but I didn’t expect that I wouldn’t be able to hold back for a while and let someone else steal your first position, you won’t blame me, right?”

Harmen was frightened out of his mind and said offhandedly, “No no …… absolutely no ……”

Charlie nodded, turned to look at the gang of Cataclysmic Front, each member of which was full of horror, said indifferently:

“Anyone who is not afraid of death, can take the initiative to come forward, I have long been ready to kill in front of my parents’ spirit today, even if you all kill, I Charlie will never blink!”

The killing intent in Charlie’s tone made the hearts of the gang of Cataclysmic Front, subconsciously surge in a panic.

At this time, Charlie toe hit the ground and a pebble bounced up, he grabbed the pebble, while playing with it in his hand, and while looking at the nearly a hundred Dragon Hall soldiers, he said indifferently:

“Today is my personal grudge with the Joseph, and you people have nothing to do with it, so, all of you must now step back, if not going back, death is your destiny!”

These people immediately panicked, the crowd looked at each other, for a time do not know whether to stand still, or take a step back.

After all, if they really took a step back at this time, it would also signify that they were completely clear of the camp with Joseph.

But among these people, many of them have deep feelings with Joseph, really let them stand in line at this time, they also can not bear it.

So, some of them immediately took a step back, but still nearly half of them chose to stand still.

And this group of people who stood still also had a fluke in mind.

Charlie only had a stone in his hand, and those who stood still, there were dozens of people, could he kill everyone with a stone?

Charlie saw this and smiled faintly.

In this regard, he was not surprised.

Then, he looked at a black man among these people and opened his mouth to ask him, “I heard that there is still a black-faced panther king in the Cataclysmic Front, if I guessed correctly, it should be you, right?”

That black man panicked a little at once and subconsciously said, “Yes …… it’s me ……”

Charlie nodded and said blandly: “Among the four battle commanders of your Cataclysmic Front, now you are the only one left intact, and you are still standing still, it seems that you also want to be my enemy?”

The black-faced Panther King was in a panic, and when he thought of the Golden Hair Lion King being pierced through the brain by a stone by Charlie just now.

He subconsciously took a step back and waved his hands repeatedly, “Mr. Wade, you misunderstood …… I don’t want to oppose you …… I’ll take a step back ……”

Charlie shook his head and said indifferently, “It’s late!”

Chapter 3523

This late sentence from Charlie, made the black-faced panther king’s soul scared!

He almost subconsciously took several steps backward one after another, then suddenly turned around and desperately tried to run down the mountain.

He had just seen the means of Charlie when he killed the Golden Hair Lion King.

A single stone could kill a six-star martial artist.

If he didn’t run, he was afraid that he would repeat the mistake of the Golden Hair Lion King.

However, he had just turned around and had not even taken two steps when he felt an instant pain in the back of his head, followed by the loss of all consciousness.

The black-faced panther king died a very crisp death, almost in a flash of lightning, so he did not suffer much pain.

However, in the eyes of the other soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front, the death of the black-faced leopard king was too miserable!

Charlie had used a pebble to directly pierce his brain.

What was even more tragic was that the pebble shot through the back of his head and blasted out of his front face, blasting a fist-sized bloody hole right in the middle of his entire head!

His nose was gone, and his eyeballs were squeezed out of his eye socket by the tremendous force of the pebbles!

In this instant, everyone in the Cataclysmic Front was completely shocked to death!

The four battle commanders of the Cataclysmic Front had already broken one in the Middle East, and now one had been destroyed and two had died!

At this point, all four battle commanders of the Front had fallen.

Among the remaining people, apart from Joseph, the strongest one was only a five-star commander, so how could they be Charlie’s opponent?

Charlie then looked at the group of panicked to the extreme members of the Cataclysmic Front, coldly said:

“Each of you has trained hard for many years to achieve today’s cultivation, if you do not want so many years of hard work to be ruined, then all of you give me a step back!

As soon as Charlie’s words fell, nearly a hundred people backed up almost without hesitation.

The only one who didn’t move was Joseph.

At this time, Joseph did not expect that the core layer of the Cataclysmic Front, which he had formed and built with his own hands, would fall apart like this.

At this time, Charlie looked at the eight commanders of the Cataclysmic Front who were carrying the coffin and said in a cold voice: “You guys, put the coffin down and take another step back!”

These eight men heard the words and immediately put the coffins of Joseph’s parents on the ground and honestly retreated backward.

In front of the formation of the Cataclysmic Front, at this time, only Joseph was left alone.

Charlie raised his eyes, looked at him, and asked him, “When you came to Waderest today with gongs and drums, did you ever think that things would turn into this?”

Joseph was disheveled and let out a miserable laugh: “The skill is inferior to others, there is nothing to say.”

Charlie sneered: “You may not know, in fact, I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

Joseph raised his head, looked at Charlie, and asked in confusion, “What do you mean by that?”

Charlie smiled and said, “I had someone bring two people to Eastcliff the night before last, these two people, you know, next, let you meet one by one.”

Chapter 3524

Just when Joseph didn’t know what exactly Charlie meant by these words, Charlie turned his head to look at Luther and spoke, “Mr. He, the younger guy kneeling in front of my parents’ grave, you can bring him here.”

“Okay, Mr. Wade!” Luther knew that the younger one Charlie was talking about was Walter Chen, who Charlie had brought back from the Middle East. 

So, he walked to Charlie’s parents’ spirit, pulled Walter, who was wearing a black cloth bag on his head, to Charlie’s side, and said respectfully, “Mr. Wade, the person is here.”

Charlie nodded, looked at Joseph, and asked him with a smile, “Supreme Commander Wan, do you know who this is?”

Joseph looked bewildered.

How would he know who this person with a black hood on his head really was?

He didn’t have a translucent eye either.

What’s more, Walter’s consciousness had long been sealed in it by Charlie, and Joseph couldn’t even feel the slightest ability of cultivation.

So, he looked at Charlie and opened his mouth to ask: “Who exactly is this person?”

Charlie sneered: “What? You can’t recognize your own right-hand man with his face masked?”

Joseph was even more confused.

Although Charlie had hinted that it was his right-hand man, he could not think of Walter at all.

Because, in the personal perception of all the commanders of the Cataclysmic Front, Walter was bound to be in the Middle East, and could not be in China.

When Charlie saw his face surprised, he sneered and ripped off the black cloth bag on Walter’s head.

When Joseph, as well as the other commanders of the Cataclysmic Front, saw Walter’s face, everyone’s expression immediately became appalled.

No one could believe that Walter, who had been missing for many days, would be in Charlie’s hands.

Joseph subconsciously asked, “Walter …… you …… how did you get here?!”

Walter at this time expression silent standing in place, like a fool pestle, eyes also in a state of the unfocused zone, as if he did not hear the voice of Joseph.

Joseph did not know what had happened to Walter, but seeing him so dazed, he also realized that things were probably a bit beyond his imagination, so he hurriedly asked again: “Walter! Don’t you recognize me?”

Walter still did not give any response.

Charlie smiled faintly at this time: “I forgot to tell you, Walter’s consciousness has been sealed inside his body by me, the current him is no longer the one you are familiar with, the current him is just a puppet of mine.”

Joseph and the other commanders of the Front were dumbfounded.

Sealing a person’s consciousness inside his body, such a thing was unheard of to them!

Joseph also did not believe that Charlie could have such a divine ability, such a tactic was simply unthinkable.

Seeing that they could not understand, Charlie pointed at Harmen who was kneeling on the ground, and said to Walter, “Smoke him for me!”

Without thinking, Walter rushed up, grabbed Harmen’s collar, and slapped him several times, causing Harmen to scream in agony.

Charlie nodded in satisfaction and said, “All right, stop.”

Only then did Walter stop moving and reentered Charlie’s side.

Joseph looked dumbfounded, completely confused as to what method Charlie had used to make Walter become like this now.

Seeing his puzzled face, Charlie gently patted Walter’s shoulder and laughed:

“Come, for the time being, give you the freedom to speak for a minute, say whatever you want to say out loud!”

Although Walter’s consciousness has been blocked, but he can still use all the senses of his body.

Everything that happened around him during this period of time he knew exactly, Joseph to lead the brothers to kill up the Waderest, this thing he also knew very well.

Even just now, he kneeled in front of Charlie’s parents’ spirit, not being able to see with his own eyes this scene that just happened, but he also guessed what just happened roughly through the sound.

However, his reception of external information is one-way, except for receiving external information from his physical senses, he could not control his body to make any reaction, even just blinking his eyelids.

At the moment when Charlie just tapped his shoulder, his consciousness finally became one with his body again, this long-lost feeling, like a vegetative person who had been sleeping for years, finally woke up, instantly brought him to tears.

Immediately afterward, he looked at Joseph, his emotions instantly collapsed, bawling and begging: “Supreme Commander …… please find a way to save me, or …… or kill me immediately…”

“This feeling of consciousness being imprisoned inside the body is even more terrifying and desperate than the eighteen levels of hell!!!”

“It’s really …… terrible! No! As! Death! Ah!!!”

Chapter 3525

The second expert of the Cataclysmic Front, the Greenwood Wolf King Walter Chen, in such a broken state and crying miserable appearance seemed to have hammered a heavy punch on the heart of everyone in the Cataclysmic Front!

Although they did not know what it was like to have their consciousness imprisoned in their bodies.

But seeing Walter’s current appearance caused their hearts to be terrified to the core of their being of this unknown taste.

No one dares to imagine, if such a thing happens to them, what kind of feeling they would be helpless and worse than death.

That really is to call the day not to answer, not to call the ground ……

It was also at this moment that deep inside their hearts, they were completely filled with hellish fear of Charlie.

Originally thought that three of the four war kings were destroyed in Charlie’s hands, and another one was destroyed in the Middle East.

But who would have thought that these four, it turns out, were destroyed in Charlie’s hands!

Joseph also panicked, he subconsciously asked Charlie: “The matter of Syria …… was done by you?!”

Charlie nodded his head and said very frankly: “Yes, I did it! The reason why Hamid was able to annihilate several thousand soldiers of you was all thanks to my guidance;”

“The reason why the government forces were able to capture more than ten thousand soldiers of you, was also all thanks to my help!”

At this moment, Joseph’s psychological defense line completely collapsed.

He finally understood that the revenge he had been preparing for twenty years was just a farce of hitting a stone with an egg.

Charlie’s power had far exceeded his perception!

Not to mention that he was not Charlie’s opponent, the entire Cataclysmic Front combined might not be Charlie’s opponent.

Joseph looked at Walter again, and seeing his tearful, desperate and fearful appearance, his heart was like passing through the time of his mother’s death.

Then, he looked at Charlie, holding back his inner humiliation, clasped his fist and begged, “Charlie! It’s me, Joseph, who is ignorant of Mount Tai! Please let Harmen and Walter go.”

“Let me take my parents’ coffins and leave, and from today onwards, Cataclysmic Front will leave China immediately and will never come back again!”

Charlie laughed coldly, “You want to negotiate with me even though you’re dying? What do you think you are?”

“Outside, you are the head of the Cataclysmic Frontal, but here, you are just a fcuking evil dog that is looking for death!”

Joseph’s expression was austere as he asked him, “Then what do you want to be satisfied with?”

Charlie smiled and blandly said, “Don’t rush, it’s not time for me to say the conditions, let me introduce you to another old acquaintance!”

Then, Charlie gave Luther another look.

Luther understood and went back to the spirit of Charlie’s parents and pulled Zynn Su, who was kneeling there, over as well.

Joseph did not know who this person was again, but he could be sure that this person must have a close relationship with himself!

After Zynn was brought to Charlie, Charlie looked at Joseph and asked him with a smile, “Joseph, before unlocking this old acquaintance of yours, I have something that I have not shared with you properly since you came to the mountain until now.”

“So we might as well run through this matter first.”

Joseph cautiously asked, “What is it?”

Chapter 3526

Charlie lightly said: “I heard that your father was a core member of the „Anti Wade Alliance‟ back then, bent on following the Su family‟s side, with them against my father, but my father never did anything against your father, this point, you can admit?”

Joseph said in a loud voice: “Back then again the futures market, it was your father who made a game to lure my father into a trap!”

“My father lost his entire family fortune! Because of this, he chose to commit suicide by jumping off a building! And because of his suicide, my mother took the medicine and killed herself! This is all thanks to your father!”

Charlie‟s expression grew cold and he said, “You‟re fcuking bull5hitting!”

“In the business world, everything changes rapidly! Your father was not capable, limited, and did not know himself!”

“Who the h3ll is to blame if he thought he was going to enter the futures market and try to compete with my father, only to have my father beat him legitimately and lose all his assets?”

“It‟s his own inability and limited level, what did it have to do with my father?”

Speaking of which, Charlie gave a slight beating and continued, “If your father just couldn‟t do it, so be it, the big deal is to go back to sleep and rise again.”

“But he had not even enough psychological strength, he had to run to the roof and jump down, this can also be blamed on my father?”

“And your mother! Your father committed suicide, but she left you behind and took the poison herself to die, does this have anything to do with my father?”

Joseph was not convinced and angrily blurted out, “This was all your father‟s conspiracy!”

Charlie stared at him and asked coldly: “According to you, you are as selfrighteous, narrow-minded, weak, limited, and unaware as your father was back then!”

“You even took the initiative to come to Waderest Mountain and shamelessly say that you wanted to raze my parent's graves! And now you are at the disadvantage and lose your life! Is this all a conspiracy by me?”

Joseph's expression instantly froze, Charlie's words hit his soul, making it impossible for him to refute!

Charlie looked at him and said coldly, “Joseph! You are the same today as your father was back then! All of them are to blame! Even if you die ten thousand times, you are still to blame!!!”

Joseph was already in tears at this point.

He knew that what Charlie said was right.

The current self, like his father back then, had taken the initiative to provoke a character he could not afford to provoke at all, and subsequently suffered a complete defeat.

And the so-called parental hatred was just a blind hatred that had been pent up deep inside his heart for many years as he had voiced his own injustice for his parents.

Just as his inner faith began to collapse, Charlie pointed at Zynn beside him and said in a cold voice, “Come, let you meet the great benefactor of your Wan family back then!”

Saying that, Charlie ripped off the black cloth bag that was covering Zynn‟s head.

In this instant, Joseph‟s whole body was struck by lightning!

He naturally recognized Zynn.

Although so many years had passed, but Zynn as an adult, appearance has not changed much, only a little older than before, so Joseph almost the first time he recognized him.

He subconsciously blurted out, “Su …… Uncle Su?!”

Chengfeng, the old man of the Su family, at this time is also completely confused, the eldest son missing for so long without any news, did not expect to be in the hands of Charlie!

Zynn at this time to see his father as well as Joseph, is also wide-eyed, want to say something, but the mouth is still plugged with a towel, so a word can not be sent out.

Charlie pulled the towel off his mouth, Zynn hurriedly said to Joseph: “Joseph, you‟re confused!”

Joseph was already in tears at this point and choked, “Uncle Su, it‟s really you …… For so many years, I have never forgotten your great kindness to the Wan family, but for so many years I did not get in touch with you for various reasons, so please forgive me ……”

Zynn was also red-eyed and choked, “What a time to say this ……”

Charlie then opened his mouth and said to Zynn: “Mr. Su, Arthur Wan was your man at the beginning, and no one knows more about the Anti-Wade Alliance than you.”

“So you say in front of Joseph what really happened back then, and who was actually responsible for the whole thing.”

Saying that, Charlie instructed another sentence: “You must start from objective facts! Do not deliberately cater to me, not to deliberately avoid your own responsibility, as long as what you say is indeed the objective truth, you say anything I will not pursue!”

“But if you dare to say half a word of falsehood, I will kill you in front of my parent's spirit wit

Chapter 3527

At this moment, Zynn let out a long sigh and said very seriously to Joseph:

“Joseph …… Charlie was right just now …… your parents’ death, indeed, had nothing to do with his father ……”

Joseph tearfully questioned, “Uncle Su, my father went against Changying Wade back then to defend you, and today his and my mother’s coffins are here, aren’t you afraid that they will be cold-hearted when you say that?”

Zynn helplessly lamented, “Even if I die today and go over there to see your parents, I would still say that.”

Words to this, Zynn with a slight beating, he added, “the year of the AntiWade Alliance, itself is an immoral existence,”

“Changying had always been decent, and this person was not only decent, the ability was extremely strong.”

“So much so that so many of our families have long been shrouded in his shadow ……”

“So, those of us who were not as good as him, in order to contain him, we set up the Anti-Wade Alliance, so from this point of view, we have been at fault in the first place ……”

“Moreover, back then, your father, in order to cater to me, was extremely attached to the matter of the Anti-Wade Alliance, always trying to find an opportunity to prove his ability by striking at Changying ……”

“It just so happens that those years foreign trade, as well as the entire international futures market fluctuations, were very large, food, crude oil, as well as a variety of precious metals were very turbulent, many people got overnight rich.”

“But also many people overnight went bankruptcy, your father thought he understood the international situation.”

“So he took the initiative to join the futures market, ready to snipe Changying, but the results was… he was simply not Changying’s opponent ……”

“Your father’s loss was up to eighty percent, Changying also called him to advise him to stop, but your father felt that he was deliberately forcing him to leave the field.”

“So in order to win, he even loaned a lot of money outside at high interest rates, and wanted to fight Changying to the death ……”

“The final result was that your father lost all his assets, while also owing billions in debt outside, he could not afford such a major defeat, so he chose to commit suicide ……”

Speaking of this, Zynn sighed lightly, and said, “As for your mother …… the reason why she took poison to commit suicide on the day of your father’s first seven days.”

“Because at that time the debt collectors in order to force your mother to pay back the money, had chased her to your father’s grave, billions of debts.”

“To be honest I could not do anything about it, and finally your mother was desperate before she chose to……”

Zynn paused slightly for a moment, looking at Joseph, sighing with emotion:

“Joseph, I as a witness, can say absolutely fair words, the death of your parents, really has nothing to do with Changying!”

“I blame your father for being too greedy and adventurous, even I am not Changying’s opponent, but he misjudged the situation and thought he could defeat Changying,”

“To say the least, he was just like you who think you can defeat Charlie today ……”

Speaking of this, Zynn said with an extremely painful and regretful expression, “Joseph, you could mix in overseas to be the Supreme Commander of the Cataclysmic Front,”

“This has been quite remarkable, why not properly continue to create your own career overseas?”

“Why should you be blinded by the so-called hatred and run back to your country to continue to fight with the Wade family, if you did not come back, how would you suffer this calamity ……”

Joseph had completely collapsed by now.

He kneeled on the ground with a poof.

Chapter 3528

Joseph cried out, “Every day for the past twenty years …… I have tried my best, the driving force that supports me is to come back to avenge my parents ……”

“But whoever thought that my father was defeated by Changying back then, and I am defeated by Changying’s son today ……”

“What’s even more ridiculous is that, according to what you just said, not only was Changying not my father’s enemy, but he also tried to persuade my father to return to the right path.”

“And it was my father who lost all of his strength and gambled, and even indirectly dragged my mother to her death ……”

The first time I saw this, I was in the middle of a fight. I really couldn’t understand! I’ve been overseas for twenty years to try my luck …… for what exactly ……”

“These twenty years, I dare not return home, dare not go to my parents’ graves to pay respects, every Qingming or their anniversary, I could only burn some paper money abroad, cry a bit as a tribute ……”

“The reason why I did not dare to come back for so many years was that I want to wait for myself to have the strength to win, for their blood revenge, a clean slate ……”

“But now, everything is surprisingly this situation again ……”

Joseph said this, raised his head, with red eyes as well as desperate eyes looking at Zynn, broke down and cried:

“I can not understand …… I really can not understand ah Uncle Su …… this feeling, as if I have lived all these twenty years in vain ……”

Zynn inwardly sad, also can’t help but tear up.

He could understand the multiple pains of Joseph.

The hatred back then, the failure now, and the misunderstanding behind this, were all tormenting him madly, making his life worse than death.

So, Zynn said comfortingly, “Joseph …… think about it, your parents’ death has long been a foregone conclusion, and your efforts in the past twenty years are not in vain.”

“I have also heard about the reputation of Cataclysmic Front, you have done very well, as long as you can clear up the misunderstanding with Mr. Wade, with the Wade family, and seek Mr. Wade’s forgiveness, your future is still unlimited!”

At this point, Zynn looked at Charlie and begged, “Mr. Wade, please forgive him for his shortsightedness and for all the suffering he has endured in the past 20 years!”

Charlie sneered: “If he is only here to seek justice for his parents, then after the matter is said, he can admit his wrongdoing and apologize to my parents, I can also let him go.”

Speaking of which, Charlie turned his words and said in a harsh and incomparable tone in a cold voice:

“But! He thinks he is the master of the Cataclysmic Front, thinks he has achieved something extraordinary.”

“His strength is unparalleled, he dares to say that he wants to bury my parents to the ground! I can never forgive him for this! I can only blame him for being too crazy!”

Upon hearing this, Joseph hurriedly asked him, “Mr. Wade, what exactly do you want to be satisfied with to let this matter go?”

Charlie said indifferently, “I said it! I want to return the favor of others with the way of others! It just so happens that he took the initiative to bring his parents’ coffin, so this is his own humiliation!”

Saying that, Charlie stared at Joseph with stern eyes and said word by word: “And I can put my words here now, no matter what I, Charlie, want to do, you, Joseph, can’t stop me!”

“If you are not convinced, you can compete with me first! If you lose, I won’t kill you, I’ll waste you and let you see with your own eyes how your parents were battered to death as you said before!”

Joseph’s body subconsciously shivered as he turned his head to look at his parents’ coffin, and then to Charlie, his heart was deadly gray.

A moment later, he suddenly clenched both fists and fiercely mobilized all the internal force in his body.

Just when the others thought that he was going to rush up and fight for his life with Charlie, Joseph shook off all eight of his meridians in a flash!

Immediately afterward, he spat out a large mouthful of blood and looked at Charlie, saying weakly,

“Mr. Wade, I have already cut all my meridians, from today onwards, I can only be a useless person with no power.

Chapter 3529

At this moment, the expressions of everyone at the scene were shocked and appalled.

No one had expected that Joseph, as an eight-star martial artist, would completely admit defeat by cutting his own meridians without even fighting Charlie!

Even Charlie himself was slightly amazed.

He had expected Joseph to fight to the death, but to his surprise, he had directly cut his own meridians.

At this moment, Joseph once again knocked his head hard on the ground and said in a loud voice: “A thousand mistakes, it is my fault alone, I beg Mr. Wade to arrange for my parents to be reburied,”

“And I also beg Mr. Wade to spare these men who have followed me in the battle for many years, as for myself, as long as you say a word, I would like to kowtow to death in front of you!”

To Joseph, he had long realized that he could not possibly be Charlie’s opponent, and these men of his could not possibly be Charlie’s opponent either.

Those helpers behind Charlie hadn’t even made a move yet, and his side had lost three Battle commanders, not to mention that his men were now scared out of their wits by this man.

And even if they still dared to fight Charlie to the death, they couldn’t possibly have any chance of winning.

The biggest possibility is that the whole army will be wiped out.

At that time, he and his men would not be spared, and his parents’ coffin would also fall into Charlie’s hands.

Therefore, Joseph decided to break his own meridians and kowtow to Charlie, just to save his parents’ coffins and also to leave the other members of Front stay alive.

As for his own life, he had already put it aside.

As long as he could satisfy Charlie and make him spare his parents and his other men, he would have no complaints if he died here.

Chengfeng almost fainted at this moment.

He still expected Joseph to become his solid backing in the future, but now, Joseph had already destroyed his own meridians and become a ruined man.

On Charlie’s side, many people felt that this scene was very exciting, but Liona’s expression was filled with a bit of intolerance.

She saw Joseph growing up, and seeing him now so miserable, her heart could not help but sympathize, and even hoped that Charlie would be able to let this go and not pursue the matter any further.

However, when she thought of Charlie before Joseph came up to Waderest Mountain, she told herself that she should not plead for him, so she didn’t know how to speak at once.

At this moment, Charlie expressionlessly looked at Joseph and said in a cold voice: “The reason you cut your own meridians is because you are too weak and want to ask for my forgiveness.”

“It seems to be quite courageous, but in fact, it is only a broken wrist strategy!

All you did was to save your parents’ corpse and coffin! I won’t buy your account!”

Upon hearing these words, Joseph’s whole body collapsed, and he bowed violently, knocking his head to the ground!

At this time, his forehead was already full of blood, and several large gouges were bleeding continuously, but even so, he still stood up and begged loudly, “Mr. Wade, please spare my parents!”

Charlie was still unmoved.

When he raised his head, blood was already flowing all over his face, and he continued to beg loudly, “Mr. Wade! Please, please give me a hand! Let my parents go!!!”

Charlie looked normal, not looking at the bloodied Joseph in the slightest.

After all, Joseph had previously threatened to bruise his parents, so even if he really died here, Charlie would not have the slightest sympathy.

Seeing this, Joseph once again made a fiercely knocked down, this time smashed full of blood almost gushing out, the mouth weak to the extreme said, “Mr. Wade …… please …… beg you …… please raise …… your hand …… spare …… spare my …… spare my …… parents ……”

Chapter 3530

Charlie’s expression is still as cold as ice, opened his mouth and asked, “Joseph, you still do not understand the situation, what makes you ask me to raise my hand? What makes me want to raise my hand to you?”

Joseph saw Charlie was not moved in the slightest, his heart was ashen, suddenly turned his head and looked at his parents’ coffin and bawled: “Dad …… mom …… son unfilial …… son sorry to you two, let you two go for so many years and still be implicated by your son …… sorry …… really sorry ……”

At this time, Liona’s nose was sour, really some of them can not see it anymore, immediately out of the crowd, looking at Charlie, pleading: “Charlie, for the sake of Joseph sincerely know the wrong, just forgive him this time ……”

When Joseph saw Liona, he immediately recognized her and was dumbfounded: “Du …… Auntie Du …… How come you are also here ……”

Liona looked at him with a sympathetic face and sighed: “Charlie saved me and Zhiyu before, we heard that you were coming up Waderest, worried that Charlie was in danger so we rushed over here overnight.”

“Originally wanted to come out of our way to beg you for a higher hand, but did not expect …… hey ……”

Joseph’s tears completely can not stop, said tragically: “Sorry Auntie …… for giving you trouble …… I do not ask Mr. Wade can let me go, only that he can let my parents go, a thousand mistakes.”

“It is my fault, I didn’t see right and wrong, and out of self-importance, I spoke wild words, will Mr. Wade spare my parents bones ……”

Speaking of this, Joseph lowered his head, choked to the point of some trembling said: “I also know, Mr. Wade how to treat me, I deserve it …… even if he wants to return the way of others, but also I am to blame for ……”

“But …… but I am really ashamed for my parents ……”

“So many years …… so many years I have not been able to come back to give them a kowtow and burn incense ……”

“Now I’ve finally come back, and I’ve disturbed their spirits, moved them out of the tomb, and now I’ve dragged them down to their bones after death ……”

“I …… I really can’t forgive myself …… even if I die, I can’t forgive myself ……” 

Zynn is in tears, turned around, and kneeled in front of Charlie, begging, “Mr. Wade, Joseph has already paid the price for his arrogance, just please lift up your hand and spare him this time!”

Zhiyu, who could not bear to look at this moment, said, “Dad! Mom! Today’s matter is a personal grudge between Grace and Joseph! And it was Joseph who provoked him in the first place, so don’t morally kidnap him here!”

Zhiyu has always been clear about right and wrong.

Right is right!

Wrong, is wrong!!!

If you do something wrong, you have to bear all the consequences!

You want to kowtow and beg for forgiveness after losing, why should others forgive you if you kowtow?

When Zhiyu said so, the expression on Liona’s face is even more confused, she lightly sighed, said: “Zhiyu, Joseph certainly has a fault, but he has already paid the price for his mistake ……”

Zhiyu nodded and said seriously, “It is true that the price has been paid, but whether the price paid is enough is not up to you and Dad, it is up to the Grace!”

Joseph also choked with despair at this point: “Uncle, Auntie, you two do not plead for me, everything I have today, is self-inflicted, can not blame anyone ……”

Charlie, who had not said anything, saw that Joseph had completely despaired, and then suddenly spoke faintly: “Joseph, whether to kill you and your men, or whether to bruise your parents, everything is in my thoughts!”

“I can reject you ironically and ruthlessly, or I can let you off with a net, but why should I do that?”

Joseph was still kneeling on the ground, his head was already broken and bleeding, and the coarse mourning clothes on his body were soaked with blood, which was unbearable, but he still endured the pain and blurted out, “If Mr. Wade can give me and my parents a higher hand, I, Joseph, swear to heaven and to the spirits of my parents in heaven! I will follow Mr. Wade in my life and work for him as a cow and a horse!”

“I will follow Mr. Wade all my life! Even if Mr. Wade asks me to jump off of Waderest Mountain, I will not complain!”

Those who had been scared out of their wits, seeing Joseph in such a miserable state, all of them were heartbroken.

One of them suddenly knelt on the ground, kowtowed to Charlie, raised his head, full of tears, and shouted: “I beg Mr. Wade to be kind to the parents of the Supreme Master, I, would like to be a cow and a horse for Mr. Wade in this life, to repay Mr. Wade’s great kindness!”

Immediately after that, another person knelt down and kowtowed, then shouted, “I am also willing!”

“I am also willing!”

There was even a female warrior of the Front who also knelt down and kowtowed and choked, “I am also willing!”

With these few people at the beginning, almost all of the other soldiers knelt down, and the sound of clear and vigorous kowtowing resounded throughout the entire Waderest Mountain!

Chapter 3531

These members of the Cataclysmic Front, although they were all very afraid of Charlie’s strength, but at this moment, they could not bear to see such a miserable and desperate appearance of Joseph.

After all, almost all of them had received favors from him, and could not sit back and do nothing with peace of mind.

What’s more, if Charlie hadn’t let go, not only would Joseph have no chance of escaping death, it would be difficult for his men to survive as well. 

Therefore, one after another, they all knelt on the ground, hoping to do more for Joseph, and came together to plead for Charlie’s forgiveness.

Seeing so many experts of the Cataclysmic Front all kneeling on the ground in

front of Charlie and kowtowing to him, Zhongquan’s heart was incomparably excited.

From this scene, he saw the hope of the rise of the Wade family, and, this rise, say not just at the domestic level, this can make the Wade family number one in the whole world.

On the opposite side of him, Chengfeng, who was standing alone in the place, had panicked to the extreme deep inside.

All the people of the Cataclysmic Front had all knelt down, and now, on this side of the camp, he was the only one still standing.

He didn’t know whether he should continue to stand here or hurry up and kneel down along with the people of the Cataclysmic Front.

It was certainly inappropriate for a person to stand alone.

However, asking him to kneel down for Charlie, this …… seemed even more inappropriate.

After all, he was the family head of the Su Family, and originally it was already humiliating to wear mourning for Joseph’s parents, now if he were to kneel down for Charlie again, wouldn’t that be even more humiliating?

Just when he didn’t know what to do, a member of the Cataclysmic Front beside him directly dragged him down to the ground.

Chengfeng fell headfirst and was just about to get up when he was slapped in the face by the man, cursing in a low voice:

“You old ba5tard! We all kneeled down to plead for the Lord of the Front, why don’t you kneel? Hurry up and kneel down for him!”

With this slap, Chengfeng’s face immediately swelled up, and the pain was excruciating.

Although he was 10,000 times angry in his heart, he didn’t dare to show anything.

After all, in this situation, he didn’t have any right to say anything at all, and he could only take it when others smacked him.

At this moment, all the soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front were staring at Charlie with eyes filled with tears, they were all waiting for his final response.

Charlie looked at Joseph’s miserable appearance and said indifferently, “So many people pleaded for you, I can see that they all sincerely support you,”

“But you brought them to Waderest Mountain to send them to their deaths because of your own selfish interests, don’t you, the so-called Supreme Commander, feel ashamed in your heart?”

Joseph choked with pain and said, “Ashamed …… I am now very ashamed, not only of in front of the brothers of the Cataclysmic Front, ashamed in front of my parents, but also of you, Mr. Wade, and your parents …… “

Said, he looked up to Zynn as well as Liona, choked: “Uncle, Aunt, I let you two plead for me, I also feel very ashamed ……”

Zynn let out a long sigh and did not speak.

At this moment, he did not know what to say in response to Joseph. 

Chapter 3532

Joseph immediately looked at Charlie, said seriously: “Mr. Wade, if you despise me, also do not need me to waste your time, then I can die to repent for the sin,”

“If I die here today, can make you satisfied, can make you calm down, then I am willing to die immediately, not to live even for a second!”

“And I am willing to die in the wilderness, let the insects and beasts gnaw, I only ask you, Mr. Wade, to give me a favorable hand, let my parents go back into the ground in peace!

Charlie frowned slightly, then looked at Luther and asked, “Mr. He, did you bring a knife when you went out today?”

Luther said respectfully, “Back to Mr. Wade, with one!”

After saying that, he took out a short, sharp blade from his waist and handed it to Charlie.

Charlie took the short blade, then threw it in front of Joseph, and said indifferently:

“Since you are a filial son, for sake of that, I promise you! After your death, I will not bury you or your parents’ remains or expose them to the wilderness,”

“Instead, I will repay your grievances with virtue and bury you and your parents together, so you can go on your way in peace!”

Hearing these words, a relaxed smile finally appeared on Joseph’s face, while he looked at Charlie, his expression also carried full gratitude.

Afterwards, he once again bent down and gave him a heavy kowtow.

This time, he bent down for a long time before pushing up his upper body and said with immense gratitude, “Thank you Mr. Wade for your great kindness and repaying your grievances with virtue.”

“This kindness of Mr. Wade, I, Joseph, cannot repay in this life, I would like to be a cow and a horse in my next life to repay Mr. Wade’s kindness!”

After saying that, he reached out and took the short blade in his hand.

Just as he was about to point the tip of the blade at his heart, intending to stab it hard, a group of men from Cataclysmic Front almost collapsed, and a large group of people cried out, “Supreme Commander! Don’t do it!”

Joseph looked back at his most loyal men and said with a smile, “Brothers and sisters, I am the one who has implicated you today, so please forgive me!”

“In addition, you remember, after my death, the Cataclysmic Front is automatically disbanded, all of you must not be enemies with Mr. Wade, or with the Wade family,”

“If you are still engaged in the mercenary industry, you must not enter China again in this life, can you remember?”

Hearing these words, all the people had already cried.

They knew that Joseph was ready to die, and this instruction was his final farewell!

Someone choked up and said, “Supreme Commander …… we can agree to everything else, but why don’t you let us enter China again? If we can’t enter China again, we won’t even have a chance to pay our respects to your grave!”

Joseph smiled lightly and said, “It is enough for the brothers to have this heart, whether they pay respects or not, it doesn’t matter.”

Mr. Wade is kind enough to let us reunite down there, so I can finally spend some time with my parents and make up for my regrets in the past 20 years. You don’t have to come all the way to see me.”

At this point in Joseph’s speech, nearly a hundred members of the Cataclysmic Front had already cried.

These top mercenaries, who normally kill without blinking, were all as fragile as a child of three or five years old.

They know that now the momentum of the Front has gone, the big picture has been decided, Joseph is already sure to die.

Joseph has even given Charlie’s order to kill himself as a great grace, which shows how completely the Cataclysmic Front has lost this time.

Now, no one can save Joseph’s life, because everyone’s life is in Charlie’s hands.

And Charlie, it looks like he is not prepared to let Joseph live at all.

Joseph smiled faintly and said to his men: “Ladies and gentlemen, our worlds are dividing after a long time. For a long time, you have worked hard with me, for many years! Today I am done with you all, so let’s say goodbye!”

After saying that, Joseph raised his short blade and thrust it at his heart.

Chapter 3533

Although Joseph’s meridians were destroyed, wielding a knife to kill himself was still more than enough for him.

He used all his strength in this slash, and it was fierce because he only wanted to use this slash to end his life simply and quickly.

The reason why he wanted to be crisp is because he didn’t want so many people to watch him twitch in place for a long time before he died a miserable death.

At this moment, he has long been ready to die.

And many soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front, also understand that all this has become a foregone conclusion, no one is able to return to the past.

But at the moment when the short blade in the hands of Joseph pierced his mourning clothes, cutting the skin of his chest and almost pierced his heart, Charlie’s toe kicked lightly, and an aura surged into the short blade from the tip of his foot.

Immediately after, just as Joseph actually stabbed the short blade towards his heart, the short blade suddenly turned into pieces in front of his chest, instantly cracked and dissipated in the air!

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded, and Joseph himself could not believe it!

He found that the short blade in his hand disappeared, and when he looked down, all that was left was some fine dust-like powder in the palm of his hands!

His entire brain did not react, why did the blade turn into powder with Charlie’s touch, secondly he doesn’t understand why Charlie at this time suddenly saved him.

He subconsciously raised his head, looking at a bemused Charlie, subconsciously asked: “Wade …… Mr. Wade …… you this is ……”

Charlie said indifferently: “Yesterday when Harmen came to the door, my grandfather had told him about a past event.”

Saying that, Charlie looked at Joseph and spoke, “Do you know what my father said back then when he heard that your father had jumped to his death?”

Joseph shook his head gently with a blank expression and said in a low voice: “I don’t know …… please Mr. Wade elaborate!”

Charlie turned to look in the direction of his parents’ tomb in the distance and said softly: “My father said that he did not kill Arthur, but Arthur died because of his own actions.”

“Even though he won over your father justly, but after hearing about your father’s death, he still felt guilty about it, the so-called compassionate people, said should be his kind of person.”

Joseph ashamed incomparable said: “Your father he …… indeed had the love and righteousness …… back then I was young, but also heard many rumors about him, many people mentioned him are very admired ……”

“Yes!” Charlie nodded, and then said lightly: “Joseph, you are considered very filial, but in my eyes, only a half filial son, do you know why?”

Joseph shook his head and said, “I would like to hear more about it ……”

Charlie said seriously: “Filial obedience, if only to understand the word to avenge their parents, or for their parents to die, is not a little one-sided, because you ignore the more important heritage!”

“We have a five-thousand-year-old history, if you have to condense it down, it is actually nothing more than the word heritage!”

“Inheritance, broken down to see, is the inheritance and transmission, in the end, each person should do to carry on, not letting everything you have now to nobody after yourself.”

“People say that they should inherit the philosophy and wisdom of the old ancestors for the past sage;”

“Ordinary people may not be able to reach the height of learning of the saints, at least to learn to have a teacher, to pass on the knowledge you learned from your teachers, your parents, and elders, and give it to your descendants;”

“Even if you can’t even learn to be a teacher, at the very least, you should continue to pass on the bloodline passed down to you by your parents, instead of breaking your own family’s descendants.”

Speaking of this, Charlie saw Joseph once again in tears, so then a slight beat, continued: “Think about it, you flow, not just your parents’ bloodline, but your parents two families, thousands of years all the way down the bloodline!”

“These bloodlines have survived countless wars and disasters, and now, they are going to be broken in your body. Do you think your parents will forgive you if you go to see them and accompany them like this?”

Hearing this, Joseph already sobbed, so ashamed that he did not even dare to look up.

Chapter 3534

Charlie noticed the change in his eyes and continued, “You have no children, if you die, what can you do even if you have these brothers?”

“When they are alive, because you have benefited them, they may still come to sweep at the graves of you and your parents, and when they die, their children have not even seen you before they will come a long way to sweep the graves of your family to pay tribute.”

“In this way, after a number of years, the grave of your family, becomes no different from a mass grave.”

“If there is land acquisition and development, natural and man-made disasters, your family’s ashes are not collected.”

“In that case, what’s the difference between that and bones being thrown to the ground?”

Hearing this, Joseph deeply lowered his head, his whole body trembled violently, and tears kept rolling and dripping on the ground.

He also wanted to live very much.

However, he was afraid that Charlie would not let him live, nor would he let his brothers live, plus to keep his parents’ decency and peace, he could only choose to die.

However, a thought suddenly surged in his heart, “Charlie just suddenly turned the short blade in my hand into pieces, could it be, could it be that he intended to spare my life?!”

However, soon, Joseph sighed in his heart, “I’m afraid I’m overthinking it, I’ve been so disrespectful to his parents, how could he spare my life? If I were in his place, then I would have killed myself long ago ……”

Charlie then went on to say, “Joseph, you should know that people inherently die, but try to be remembered after death in order to prove that they once existed in this world.”

“Those sages and martyrs, thousands of years after their death, are still remembered, this is the highest level of meaning for people to live one life;”

“Even if ordinary people cannot become sages and martyrs, they can at least leave their names on their family tree, so that their children and grandchildren can remember them,”

“Just like my Wade family, the family tree has been passed down for hundreds of years, and every ancestor has a name on the family tree, this is proof that they existed, and as long as my Wade family is prosperous, their names will never be forgotten!”

Speaking of this, Charlie looked at Joseph and said indifferently, “However, if you die today, your parents’ names, will also be buried in the earth with you!”

“Perhaps you, as the Lord of the Cataclysmic Front, will still be remembered for decades after your death, but who will remember your parents? They are just thrown into the long river of history, never to be remembered again, how sad is that?”

Joseph was extremely ashamed at this moment!

Originally, he was ready to die generously, but now he suddenly felt that if he died like this, he would not have the face to meet his parents and the ancestors of the Wan family after his death!

Charlie’s words, to him, is simply to kill the heart!

It made him suffer 10,000 times more than death!

Originally, he still felt that death was a kind of relief, a kind of self-redemption.

But now he realizes that death is not a relief, not redemption, but a shame to his parents and ancestors!

Because his death would make his parents, as well as his ancestors, completely disappear in the river of history!

It will also make the family, which has been through thousands of years of suffering, completely dissipate!

The entire family would have no evidence or meaning of existence left! 

Thinking of this, his heart was worse than death.

So he raised his head and looked at Charlie with his extremely red and swollen eyes, looking at him with great devotion, and loudly begged respectfully, “Mr. Wade! I am willing to give everything!”

“I only beg you to be generous and give me a chance to do my filial duty! I swear by my parents and the ancestors of the Wan family that I will do my utmost to serve Mr. Wade in this life, and I will not stop until I die!!!”

Charlie knew that if he was going to kill Joseph, he had to kill him cleanly, but if he didn’t kill him and wanted to take him as his own, he had to let him break and stand afterward!

After all, this person is the head of the Cataclysmic Front, a person in the overseas twenty years, can fight down such a size of the foundation, is definitely not an insignificant existence among the people.

If he just relies on strong pressure and coercion to subdue him, then the pride and disobedience in his bones must still be there, and after a number of years of lying in wait, he will definitely release his inner color and stand against him again.

Therefore, the best way is to break this person’s confidence to zilch!

Don’t you think you are very powerful? Then my strength can force you to break your own meridians without a fight!

Don’t you think that it doesn’t matter if you fail, that a single death can solve a thousand sorrows?

Then I’ll show you that death is the most painful, most remorseful, most defeated, most cowardly choice in this world!

When you are blocked with no way out, all your pride and self-confidence will be dissipated.

As the saying goes, a hundred refinements become steel! Repeatedly quenched, repeatedly hammered, repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt, before it can be made into a sharp blade!

So, Charlie waved his hand at Joseph and said indifferently: “It’s just that! I have just taken over the affairs of the Wade family, the future is really short of manpower,”

“Since you have such a heart, I can spare your life, give you a chance to fulfill your filial piety, but you and all of your Cataclysmic Front must be loyal to me!

In this life and in this world, you must not disobey any of my orders!”

After saying that, Charlie looked at Joseph and the soldiers behind him and asked in a stern voice, “Are you willing?”

Chapter 3535

Hearing that Charlie was willing to let him go, Joseph’s emotions, excited to the point of almost collapsing.

But he still resisted the urge to cry out in pain and shouted without hesitation, “Mr. Wade, I am willing!”

A group of soldiers from the Cataclysmic Front reacted and shouted excitedly at the same time, “We are also willing!”

In a flash, the response sounded like a mountainous roar!

Everyone else on the scene looked dumbfounded!

No one expected that Charlie would spare Joseph’s life and at the same time take the entire Cataclysmic Front under his command!

Many people didn’t understand why Charlie didn’t relent until the last moment when he had cut his veins and was ready to commit suicide.

And, before letting go, he also slammed Joseph’s decision to die a generous death.

In fact, what Charlie played was a typical psychological tactic.

The same bowl of rice, given when the opponent is hungry, and the opponent is dying of hunger, the effect is very different.

Moreover, the reason why Charlie slammed his decision to chose death was to destroy his last piece of confidence and dignity.

Because, at the moment of deciding to commit suicide, Joseph’s heart, was relieved, and even deep inside his heart, there must still be a sense of sadness of generosity to death.

If this sense of sadness is not completely knocked out of him, then he will still consider going to die as a kind of glory in the future.

In some respects, Joseph is very much like a Japanese samurai, a samurai who truly believes in the spirit of Bushido, and Don Giovanni has a similarity, regardless of his strength, the bones are proud and not afraid of death.

If a person is not afraid of death, you can easily defeat him, it is not so simple to convince him.

Because at any time he will think, although the strength of the old man can not accept a defeat, the big deal is taking a knife to cut open the belly, after the cut he can also fall from a celebrated reputation.

So, in this case, it is necessary to make him understand a core truth: do you think you are a great hero after cutting open the abdomen?

No, even if you disemboweled, you’re still a big douche!

Once he knows that even death can not solve the problem at hand, all his pride will completely collapse.

This is the fundamental reason why Charlie wanted to push him to the extreme.

Judging from the immediate effect, Charlie had already achieved his goal.

From now on, Joseph and his Cataclysmic Front would definitely be loyal and obedient to Charlie’s orders.

Charlie’s men and friends, each one of them had been excited to the extreme. 

Today was really the most unforgettable day for them in their lives.

This is no longer as simple as setting the ground to death, this is the ground to become a Buddha, the ground to become a saint, the ground to become a dragon!

Philip was so excited that he burst into tears. He looked at Changying’s tomb and murmured, “Brother Wade, your son has become a dragon today, and not only has he conquered the Cataclysmic Front, but he has also become the head of the Wade family in a short time.

Leon’s feelings were the same as Philip’s.

He was a loyal servant of Changying and had lived until now for this day, so his eyes were already full of tears without realizing it.

The Wade family, on the other hand, has mixed feelings at this time.

The joy is that a great crisis completely dissipated.

The worry is, Charlie just seems to be with a casual sentence, elated himself to the throne of Wade family?

Especially Andrew and others, they immediately smacked out a slightly different flavor from what Charlie had just said to Joseph.

The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers. Could …… be he wants to sit directly on the position of the Wade family head today?

But …… but the old man clearly let him take over the Wade family affairs, for the time being, when this crisis is passed, he has to return the power to the old man obediently ah! This son of a b!tch is ready to push the boat directly to the top?

Chapter 3536

The other Wade family members, also penetrated this layer of meaning, for a time, except for Laila, everyone’s heart was depressed to the extreme.

To Andrew, he would rather have Waderest be trampled by the Cataclysmic Front.

If the old man would rather die than give in, he would also rather have Joseph directly kill the old man, and then he himself, as the first in line heir of the Wade family, immediately announce his acceptance of all of Joseph’s conditions.

In this way, he could become the head of the shrunken by half Wade family.

But even if the Wade family shrinks by half, it is still in the top three in the country.

With the Wade family shrunken and himself on top, the deal felt worth it.

Because he thought the same as Charlie, the Wade family has been peaceful for so many years, the old man has been sitting at the head of the family for so many years.

If there is not a strong external force to break the structure of the family, it is difficult for others to influence the position of the old man.

However, the last thing he wants to see is this current situation.

Joseph cooled off, and as a result, Charlie came up.

And Charlie means so strong, he became the Wade family head, including Andrew other people, will instantly lose all the right to speak.

In the future, they will only be able to beg for food under the hands of Charlie!

Elder Wade’s heart was also a bit hard to bear at this time.

He was a human being, so how could he not know what Charlie meant by his words just now.

Now, Charlie returned to the Wade family, and defeated the Cataclysmic Front on the Waderest Mountain with his own strength.

At this time, Charlie wanted to take charge of the Wade family’s affairs and become the family head, no one dared to say a word, including him.

However, in just one sentence, he was directly pulled down, Zhongquan’s heart was naturally more or less depressed.

He thought sadly in his heart: “When Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin released his military power, he at least invited everyone to a meal and gave them a toast.”

“How come I am robbed of my position with a conversation with someone else? At least say hello to me directly also can……”

Zhongquan feels like he is at home to entertain his grandson who has been away from home for many years, told him to treat this place as his own home and not be polite.

But his grandson, in the blink of an eye, found a maid, said: “This is my own home from now on, the home is too big for me to manage, you stay and help me …… “

This feeling, indeed, is difficult for him to accept.

Although he has made up his mind to pass the Wade family to Charlie in the future, but he would prefer it to be in a gradual way.

He gradually reuses Charlie, gradually cultivates him, while himself releasing a little bit of power to him at the same time, and then a little bit to help him on the horse.

In this way, the transition of power is smooth and he can continue to sit steadily in the position of the Wade family head for a few more years.

However, Zhongquan also knows, Charlie, with such strength, simply does not need him to support the horse.

Sighing and lamenting as well as depressed and unhappy, but Zhongquan also gradually thought out of the box.

He knew that only Charlie could bring the Wade family to the top of the world.

In front of this goal, even if he continues to dominate the position of the family head, what is the point of it?

Rather, it is better to simply, let Charlie take over as soon as possible!

In this way, they can also win more goodwill from him!

After all, those ancient emperors who lived to abdicate, life was not so dashing, if he can make Charlie more favorable, in the future even if he can not take charge of the Wade family power, that high and low must also be a mascot like the existence of the number two person!

Thinking of this, Zhongquan’s heart finally comfortable a lot.

However, before his expression relaxed along with his mood, Andrew who had been quietly observing his father’s face, found that his father seemed a bit depressed and immediately knew that the old man must have an opinion about Charlie in his heart.

So, he immediately stepped forward and said in a low voice: “Dad! Charlie is trying to usurp the throne! When did he take over the big and small affairs of our Wade family? Isn’t this a clear attempt to take away your power?”

Zhongquan turned his face and stared at him with eyes wide open, slapping him directly!

The slap directly made Andrew’s eyes black!

At that moment, he only heard the old man’s righteous anger roar: “Ba5tard!

How dare you provoke my relationship with Charlie! What the hell is your intention?”

“I’ll put my words here today! All of you Wade family descendants listen to me clearly: from today onwards, the position of Wade family head belongs to Charlie Wade!”

Chapter 3537

No one expected that the aged old man Wade would suddenly say something like this like a thunderbolt.

This is the first time that the old man has spoken such words, everyone knows that just now, this guy Andrew must be back to the old man to complain. 

Wanted to say some bad things about Charlie to sow discord, did not expect the old man righteous slap in response.

What’s even more shocking is that Elder Wade suddenly announced that he would officially pass the Wade family to Charlie!

In this instant, Charlie’s men and friends, each and every one of them was incomparably excited and even on the verge of cheering out.

The vast majority of the Wade family members, on the other hand, were all crying and mourning, much more ugly than the moment when Harmen brought a coffin to the door.

The old man reigned, each of them can get a lot of oil and water in the business of the Wade family, plus the huge annual dividends and bonuses, everyone lived a very comfortable life.

However, everyone knows that once Charlie became the head of the family, it is basically over.

With Charlie’s iron-blooded character, how could they make money? He seems to have a strong financial focus, he will not give them any extra space.

Andrew is even more in grief and anger, he choked in his heart:

“What kind of fcuking thing is this? I came to remind the old man of the loss of power, but the old man gave me a slap in the face, and gave the family headship to Charlie.

Zhongquan looked at Andrew at this time, what he thought in his heart was: “Originally it was snatched away from me, the family head position by Charlie without a sound, and I didn’t even earn the chance of giving up the position on my own initiative.”

“I am worried about finding an opportunity to promote the relationship with him, and you came to my door.”

“Even if you are my own son, so what? Do you think I don’t know what you have in mind? You asked Morgan to buy mourning clothes overnight, I knew about it last night!”

“Ba5tard, you want me to beg for forgiveness after my old bones are slaughtered by the Cataclysmic Front, right? In the future, when Charlie is in charge of the Wade family, you’ll have a good time!”

Andrew did not know what was in the old man’s mind, he only knew one thing, he was afraid that he would be finished in the future.

At this time, Charlie heard that the old man wants to pass the family head title directly to him, his heart is also slightly surprised.

But after careful thought, he probably figured out what the old man had in mind.

The reason why he just said so to Joseph is to directly name himself, he will be responsible for the Wade family’s big and small affairs, which is equal to directly become the actual power holder.

The old man must know that there is no way to return to heaven, now take the initiative to give way to show goodwill, but also to earn a favor.

In the end, they are all human beings.

As for Andrew, must be the old man as a stepping stone.

This time, he stepped on Joseph to the top, the old man stepped on Andrew to step down, it must be said that there are similarities and differences.

So, Charlie said, “In the future, with me, the Wade family will be able to continue to develop and create glory again!”

Zhongquan stepped forward, grabbed Charlie’s hand, and said excitedly, “Charlie, from now on, you alone will be in charge of all the affairs of the Wade family,”

“I believe that in your hands, the Wade family will be able to stand at the top of the world!”

Charlie nodded heavily and said seriously, “I will do my best!” 

Chapter 3538

After saying that, he looked at the Wade family’s uncles and brothers and said lightly, “Moreover, the Wade family has lived in peace for so many years,”

“Many people’s bones have gone soft, I have to take this opportunity of the ancestral festival to give them a good calcium supplement!”

Subsequently, Charlie said to Luther: “Mr. He, please keep an eye on everyone in the Wade family, whoever dares to quietly throw things out of their bodies, especially mourning clothes and other things, tie them up for me on the spot!”

The vast majority of the Wade family heard these words and were immediately scared to death.

Because they were still carrying mourning clothes in their clothes, just now Charlie’s process of subjugating the Cataclysmic Front was so shocking that these people completely forgot about the mourning clothes.

Only when Charlie said so did they remember that they still had a bomb tugged on them.

The gang immediately panicked, not knowing what Charlie planned to do to them next.

At this time, Charlie did not pay attention to the Wade family, but looked at the crowd of Front soldiers kneeling in front of him.

In the middle of them, there was a shivering old man, who was also kneeling on the ground, but kept looking left and right, seemingly looking for an opportunity to bolt.

This person, is the Su family head, Chengfeng.

At this time his intestines are almost regretted, heart lamented: “Had I known that this Joseph in front of Charlie was such a waste, invited me to Waderest, I would never fcuking come ah ……”

“The result is good, my own fcuking wearing mourning followed so far, the result to this unexpectedly jumped into the fire pit ……”

“Now I do not know how to end, I do not know if I can find an opportunity to quietly bail out ……”

Just when Chengfeng inwardly depressed, Charlie pointed to the crowd also wearing mourning kneeling there, indiscriminately, he said indifferently:

“Chengfeng, you old dog also do not think of slipping away, honestly kneel well, I still have to settle accounts with you slowly!”

Chengfeng heard this, scared, and pleaded: “Mr. Wade …… Mr. Wade …… this …… here is nothing to do with me ah, I …… I just came to pay my respects to Mr. and Mrs. Wan, I don’t mean anything else!”

Charlie frowned: “Come, you explain to me, you worship Wan couple, why come to my Wade family ancestral tomb?”

“I …… I ……” Chengfeng immediately did not know how to explain, panicked trembling, as if instantly got Parkinson’s.

Charlie questioned him: “What? Dare to come to my Wade family ancestral tomb in mourning, do not have the guts to admit that you came to see the show?”

Chengfeng cried, forcibly defended: “Mr. Wade, you really misunderstood me, I did not mean it ……”

Charlie sneered, “You came expecting to see a big show, but the stage collapsed, right? I ask you, now regret it?”

Chengfeng’s expression is worse than a dead father, stammered and said, “Mr. Wade …… I …… I really did not come to see the show …… I …… my son Zynn and Wan couple were very close,”

“So I came to pay my respects, but also out of love, just did not expect to happen so many things …… this is all a misunderstanding, misunderstanding ah ……”

“Misunderstanding?” Charlie coldly questioned: “At this time, you still think of strong words, I think you the Su family head’s intelligence is not high!”

Chengfeng about to die, in the heart, lamented: “This is not the problem of my IQ, is that I really have no good reason ah ……”

Seeing his uncomfortable expression, Charlie pointed at the soldier of the Front beside Chengfeng and said coldly, “You, slap his mouth for me fiercely!”

“Your subordinate follows orders!” After that man finished, he grabbed Chengfeng’s collar and slapped him several times on his face.

Chengfeng was not used to this and cried out, “I am the head of the Su family!

I am a global business elite! I am a global business elite! How can you treat me with such impunity!”

Charlie sneered and said indifferently, “The Su family head? Sorry, you used to be, but now you’re not!”

Chapter 3539

Charlie’s words scared Chengfeng.

The more frightened he was, the louder he roared: “On what grounds?! I’ve been the Su family head for so many years, why should I not be if you say I’m not anymore?!”

“What qualifications do you have to ask about the affairs of my Su family? I am the master of the Su Family, and I have to be the one to decide all the affairs of the Family!”

Charlie said disdainfully, “Of course I am not qualified to meddle in the affairs of your Su Family, but you are now in Waderest, I can’t control the Su Family, but I can control you!”

Chengfeng said stiffly, “You can’t control me either! I’m free to come and go, who are you to control me?”

Charlie said in a cold voice: “Just because you came to the Waderest Mountain of the Wade family today in mourning! If you didn’t come, I won’t make it difficult for you,”

“And if the Su family still has any discontent in the future, we have plenty of opportunities to have a real competition in various fields, but your fault is that you took the initiative to come to the door since you are here, everything is up to me now!”

He said, he sternly shouted, he pointed his finger towards Zhiyu and said to him: “Chengfeng! I now give you two choices, first, the family headship legally passed to Zhiyu, then you go to the Maldives to find an island to retire, when you die, you are put in a coffin and brought back!”

Speaking of this, Charlie’s voice suddenly raised a few points, sneering: “The second choice, is that I immediately send you and your eldest son Zynn together to Syria,”

“But I have to remind you that the quality of life in that place, and the Maldives is not comparable, and you can rest assured that with my contacts there,”

“Once you go there, it is impossible to come back alive, even if you die, it is impossible to get your body back! Like you are never ever coming back.”

Chengfeng’s heart stuttered, subconsciously said: “You …… you are kidnapping! Do you know that I am a big name in the world of elite people?

You dare to kidnap me?”

Charlie laughed: “I don’t care to kidnap you, a bad old man.”

After saying that, he looked at Joseph and spoke, “Go back and arrange for someone to send him to Hamid’s place, and I will also say hello to the government forces at that time, so that they can release the captured men of the Cataclysmic Front.”

Joseph immediately said respectfully, “My subordinate follows orders!”

Charlie then looked at Chengfeng and spoke, “As you can see, I, Charlie, have always been law-abiding, how could I kidnap a bad old man like you? But if the Cataclysmic Front strikes, then you’ll have to fend for yourself.”

“I ……” Chengfeng was scared and trembled all at once, and said offhandedly, “Charlie …… you… …you are simply shameless! You are not as bright and open as your father Changying was back then!”

“If your father were here today, he would certainly not make things difficult for an old man like me!”

Charlie said in a stern voice with a cold expression, “My father was too open and honest back then, that’s why he was targeted by your bunch of trash.

After saying that, Charlie said with some impatience, “Since you have so much fcuking nonsense, then I’ll assume that you choose the second one.”

Then, he said to a few of the Cataclysmic Front soldiers: “A few of you give him to me, tied up, wait until Syria, hand him over to Hamid, tell Hamid also do not untie him,”

“Take him directly to the top of the mountain to set up a pillar, strip him nak3d, and put him at the top. He will eat, drink, sleep and do all things there!”

Chapter 3540

Several soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front immediately said respectfully, “Your subordinates follow orders!”

When Chengfeng heard this, he couldn’t help but shiver and said, “I’m not going to Syria! I won’t go!”

Charlie said impatiently, “Gag him first, and then tie him to the white jade pillar of the pagoda! Tomorrow, send him away with Zynn!” 

When Zynn heard this, he was terrified and hurriedly said, “Dad! You can’t go to Syria, that place is a poor mountain nest, and every day there is a constant battle, it is 10,000 times more painful than prison!”

For Zynn, he did not want to go back for the millionth time.

However, he also knew in his heart that even if he begged Charlie, Charlie could not change his mind.

The only way to save him from going back to Syria was to hurry up and let his daughter Zhiyu become the head of the Su family.

Because Charlie had once said that if Zhiyu could become the head of the family, Zynn could come back.

Just now, when he heard that Charlie wanted the old man to step aside, the first possibility that came to his mind, and the only one, was that Charlie wanted his daughter Zhiyu to sit as the Su family head.

But just when he felt that his time was coming, he did not expect that the old man would dare to disobey Charlie’s wishes.

Chengfeng was also in disarray at this time.

He previously thought that he was at least the head of the top domestic family, Charlie words are nothing and he cannot get him abroad, or if this spreads, the Wade family will certainly become a target.

However, Charlie is not a fool, he himself certainly can not openly kidnap Chengfeng, so simply let the Cataclysmic Front to take action.

This is a kind of mercenary organization that even dares to fight in civil wars in other countries, let alone a mere Chengfeng.

So, at this time, Chengfeng’s heart was already panicked to the extreme.

Zynn was afraid that Chengfeng would annoy Charlie and end up in a wooden boat, so he shouted out loud: “Dad! You must not think that Charlie is joking with you! I have been sent to Syria by him for a long time!”

“Look at me now, I’m so fcuking skinny! And not only did he kidnap me, but Shoude is also held in a dog pound for several months, and has not yet had the chance to be released!”

“If you do not give in, Charlie will definitely send you to Syria, on your body now, if really sent to Syria, can live for a year and a half is a high incense!

Chengfeng listened to these, only to feel the liver tremble.

Only then did he finally understand that Charlie was able to subdue even the Cataclysmic Front and dare to kidnap even his own two sons, so he couldn’t just be scaring him.

If really sent to Syria, then really have a great ability also can not escape back, that Hamid’s ability he heard, and even the Cataclysmic Front can not attack him, if he was really sent there, with the Su family’s ability to protect the courtyard, it is impossible to save himself.

In that case, the only thing that awaits him is death!

At this moment, those several soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front had grabbed him by the arms, and one of them took out a towel that he didn’t know what it was for, and directly tried to stuff it into his mouth.

At this moment, Chengfeng’s face was white with fear, his eyes were wide open, and he said in despair: “Don’t tie me up! I choose the first one! I’ll choose the first one!”

After saying that, he looked at Charlie and choked, “Mr. Wade, I am willing to give up the family headship to Zhiyu, so please give me a chance! I’ll sign all the paperwork and move to the Maldives!”

“And the Maldives ……” Charlie said in a cold voice: “Long ago I let you choose you did not choose, and now the conditions have changed! The Maldives is not a choice anymore, so do not think about it, there is a country in Africa called Madagascar, do you want to know in advance?!”

Chapter 3541

For Charlie, the opportunity is not left for Chengfeng, but since he can not grasp it, it is not a good thing that they do not show any mercy.

Although the Maldives is also economically underdeveloped, but at least it is a global vacation destination, as for Madagascar, one of the world’s least developed countries in Africa, the conditions are naturally a million times tougher than the Maldives.

Chengfeng heard this, suddenly also anxious, off the record: “You …… you how can say change …… so many people listen to you just clearly said the Maldives, how now it suddenly become Madagascar again? You …… you just can’t return on your words?”

Charlie said faintly: “Do you not understand what is a floating price? Just like speculation, the Maldives was the price just now, the current price is Madagascar, I suggest you better hurry up and say yes, otherwise it may become Congo or Somalia in the future.”

Chengfeng wants to cry: “Even the stock is not so down, right, from the stop to stop, at most twenty percent of the float, you are shrinking 99.99 percent!”

Charlie ignored him and looked at Zynn, asking him, “Is your father usually like this?”

Zynn was embarrassed and said, “Mr. Wade, my father he is not usually like this, today must be too stimulated ……”

After saying that, he hurriedly said to Chengfeng, “Dad! You just quickly do not ink, if you do not agree, I’m afraid really have to go to Zimbabwe!”

Chengfeng’s heart at this time is showing a million reluctance, but once he thought of the Cataclysmic Front, he immediately goaded down in his heart.

Charlie just said, this kind of thing does not need his personal efforts, to find the Cataclysmic Front will be done properly, then even if someone wants to help him, once the other side has the Cataclysmic Front’s support, certainly he can not continue to advance.

Moreover, with the help of this organization, he can be sent to any place on the face of the earth.

Therefore, he is also clear that the current Charlie is certainly not talking just to scare him, right now he is in the Waderest mountain, he made the choice of coming here to witness the fall. Now he has no choice but to fall in line and agree to whatever he say.

Thinking of this, in tears, he spoke: “Okay …… I accept ……”

Charlie nodded and said, “You accept then it’s good, tomorrow I’ll let the people of the Cataclysmic Front take you to Madagascar, then leave a few people to protect your safety closely,”

“That kind of place is economically underdeveloped, and the security is not too good, you understand.”

Chengfeng choked up and asked, “What about my food, clothing, and shelter?”

“This is good to do.” Charlie lightly said: “You honestly, pass the family headship to Zhiyu, let her invest some money, buy you a larger piece of land in Madagascar, and build you a manor, and hire for you dozens of family guards, then you will be there as the landlord.”

“Although you can not come back, but your family can come there to see you. If you have a more competent housekeeper or subordinate, you can also take them along, so at least you can ensure that your quality of life in Madagascar will not have too much degradation.”

Saying, Charlie very seriously reminded: “You have to remember, this is based on your full cooperation, if you do not cooperate, then sorry, then build you a thatched hut on the plains of Madagascar, you will be there with the monkey companionship.”

Once Chengfeng heard this, he said offhand almost without hesitation, “I’ll cooperate! I’ll cooperate! I absolutely cooperate!”

Chapter 3542

Charlie’s words gave Chengfeng a ray of hope.

Originally, he thought that Charlie would let him go to Madagascar to live a miserable life, but unexpectedly, he was allowed to be a landlord there.

If that were true, it would be like a village in the dark.

In his heart, he thought: “Even if Africa is poor, as long as there is more money, you can still live a very comfortable life, the big deal is to buy everything you need from abroad!”

“With the Su family’s financial strength, not to say to buy Madagascar are so arrogant words, but really say in Madagascar to get a few hundred hectares of the manor,”

“It is just a matter of sprinkling water? As long as I don’t suffer, let me enjoy my old age, I’m satisfied!”

When Charlie saw that Chengfeng had finally given in, he looked at Zhiyu and said, “Miss Su, come here for a moment.”

Zhiyu looked at Charlie somewhat nervously and was at a loss for words. 

When Charlie directly proposed to Chengfeng that he should pass the family headship to her, she was inwardly very apprehensive.

For one thing, she didn’t know why Charlie wanted to help her so much, and for another, she didn’t know whether she had the ability to run such a family as big as the Su family well or not.

However, seeing that Charlie now called her over, Zhiyu, although nervous, still obediently walked out.

She stepped in front of him and respectfully asked, “Your Grace …… you …… what are your orders ……”

Charlie said indifferently: “Your grandfather is going to pass the family headship to you, from now on you are the Su family head, still don’t quickly say thank you to him.”

Zhiyu froze, she was very clear that all this is Charlie from the hands of grandfather, directly snatched for her, so busy said: “Benefactor …… I thank you for your favor …… but …… but I really do not have the certainty to manage such a large empire of Su family ……”

Charlie spoke at this time: “You do not need to doubt yourself, the Su family’s people I contact are not few. The character and ability are very passable, only you are the one among them.”

Speaking of this, Charlie looked at Ruoli, and said, “Even Ruoli, when the Su family was blinded and killed innocent people in the past for them, although that was instructed by your father and your grandfather, but she herself is not absolutely absolved of responsibility for those acts.”

When Ruoli heard this, she lowered her head slightly in shame. 

In the past, she had indeed done many unspeakable things for the Su family, including killing Matsumoto’s entire family in Japan, and not even sparing the children.

Therefore, Charlie said she was not absolutely free of responsibility, and she agreed 100% in her heart.

At this point, Charlie also said to Zhiyu: “Su family has your father and your grandfather such old foxes, so many years really did too much evil,”

“I do not intend to continue to rehash old debts here, but if we want to look backward, if one can lead the Su family on the right path, it is only you.”

The reason why he changed his mind now is because he believes in her character and her ability to bring the Su family to the right path, and only when the Su family is on the right path will he be able to give the Su family a wide berth.

At this point, Charlie looked at Chengfeng and said coldly: “So Chengfeng Su, you should not feel that Zhiyu is robbing you of your family business, in fact, she saved your life!”

“Otherwise, based on your behavior of wearing mourning on Waderest today to see a good show, I will not let you leave Waderest alive!”

Chengfeng couldn’t help but shiver at this point.

When he saw that Charlie did not speak at all like he was joking, he was so scared that he immediately sweat dropped.

He originally thought that Charlie was intentionally screwing him and taking revenge on him, and now, he realized that Charlie was not joking.

Chapter 3543

Charlie also did not mean to scare Chengfeng.

Before today, he originally wanted to kill Joseph and Chengfeng together.

Only, he changed his mind after Joseph went up Waderest Mountain.

He knew that Joseph was too arrogant, but at least he still had a filial heart for his parents and righteousness for his comrades.

He changed his mind and wanted to take Joseph and the entire Cataclysmic Front for himself, thinking that he was bound to go to Europe and America in the future and had to have a strong enough team.

Since Joseph has become part of his team, killing Chengfeng, the old man, is not very meaningful, so it is better to force him to give way to Zhiyu, from now on to completely solve the Su family’s big problem.

Charlie believes in Zhiyu’s character, and also believes in her ability, he can let her sit in the position of the family head, she will be able to take care of things inside and outside the family.

At that time, the Su family will no longer be the Wade family’s enemy, but Charlie’s ally.

Chengfeng also penetrated Charlie’s thoughts, his mind completely calmed down, looked at Zhiyu and said seriously: “Zhiyu, Mr. Wade is right, there is really no one in the entire Su family more suitable than you to sit in this position,”

“I will finish all the formalities as soon as possible, and put the affairs of Su family into your hands completely, the fate of the Su family will depend on you to lead!”

Zhiyu hesitated for a moment and spoke, “Grandpa I understand.” 

After saying that, she looked at Charlie and said reverently and firmly, “Please rest assured, my benefactor, I will do my best!”

Charlie nodded slightly and said, “In that case, then let’s wait until the formalities are signed later today.”

After saying that, Charlie also looked at Zynn and spoke, “And you, as I said before, this time at Qingming I’ll let you back, in addition to kowtowing in front of my parents and pass the confession,”

“You will also complete all the divorce procedures with Aunt Du, later today I will also let people prepare the relevant documents to take to you to sign.”

Zynn has long known that this marriage between himself and Liona, it is impossible to undo.

And with Charlie here to exert pressure, it was impossible to drag it out. 

So, he nodded decadently and blurted out: “Okay …… I’ll sign ……”

After saying that, he asked Charlie with an expectant face, “Mr. Wade, you said at first, as long as Zhiyu sits in the Su family head position within three years, let me come back, now she will soon inherit the Su family, it is time to let me come back, right?”

Charlie nodded and said, “I did say that at first, it’s fine if you want to come back, but in order to avoid any interference with Zhiyu’s next decision, even if you come back, you have to be monitored by me and the location has to be decided by me.”

Zynn cried and said, “Mr. Wade, you …… you this is a bit inappropriate you ……clearly said before, as long as Zhiyu became the head of the family, then let me go free ……”

Charlie said in a cold voice: “You do not forget who made this matter of Zhiyu becoming the head of the family possible.”

Chapter 3544

After saying that, he added: “Since you want to bite the bullet with me, it doesn’t matter.”

Charlie then looked at Chengfeng and said lightly, “When Elder Su signs the relevant documents this time, he will change the overall system of the Su family by the way, in the future Zhiyu is not the head of Su family, but the chairman of the Su Group.”

How dare Chengfeng disobeys Charlie, he hurriedly said, “No problem! No problem! Anyway, from the legal level, the title of the family head does not stand up, what really stands up is the chairmanship and the amount of voting power in the board of directors.”

Charlie nodded, looked at Zynn, and said, “Then I’m sorry, your daughter is the chairman of the Su Group this time, not the head of any Su family,”

“So it will be hard for you to go back to Syria for a few more years, but don’t worry, I will say hello to Hamid and ask him to take more special care of you.”

Zynn trembled with fear and said, “Mr. Wade, I’m wrong! I am willing to be under residential surveillance! Even putting me under house arrest is fine with me, but don’t ever let me go back to Syria again, I’m really fed up with that place ……”

Charlie had expected him to give in and said indifferently, “Since you are willing to accept, then after the ancestral ceremony is over, you will come back to Aurous Hill with me and I will arrange things for you properly.”

When Zynn heard this, he immediately kneeled on the ground, crying and begging, “Mr. Wade, please don’t send me to the dog farm ……”

Charlie did not speak, but casually glanced at Roma, who was standing with Ruoli, with her afterglow.

Seeing that Roma’s expression was very tense at this time, Charlie knew that she must still be concerned about Zynn.

After all, she sacrificed an arm for him and give birth to a daughter for him, her heart must be filled with a true love for him.

Thinking of this, Charlie sighed lightly and said to Zynn, “All right, I won’t send you to the dog farm.”

After saying that, he looked at Luther and spoke, “Mr. He, after Zynn goes to Aurous Hill, let the He family arrange for someone to keep a watchful eye on him.”

Luther did not expect that Charlie had given Zynn to him, and hurriedly asked him, “Mr. Wade, I wonder what all your requirements are?”

Charlie said indifferently, “He is after all the biological father of Zhiyu and Ruoli, and seeing as he has a good attitude in admitting his mistakes, I won’t deliberately torture him or send him to the dog farm.”

When Zynn heard Charlie say this, the whole person let out a long breath, and his eyes were almost tense with tears.

Charlie then continued: “Just put him in the villa where you live! Just vacate a room on the ground floor for him, and his food and clothing will be taken care of by your He family, but I have a few red lines that absolutely cannot be touched.”

Luther hurriedly arched his hand and said, “Mr. Wade, just give me an order, I will absolutely comply!”

Charlie said, “First, he must not be allowed to leave the villa; second, he must not have any contact with the outside world other than the He family, including Zhiyu and Ruoli.”

Luther immediately said respectfully, “Please rest assured, Mr. Wade, I guarantee on my head that I will never let him leave the villa, nor let him have any contact with the outside world!”

Zynn was also completely relieved at this time.

His relationship with the He family had actually been quite good all along.

Roma, needless to say, when the affair with her started, it was her initiative, so Zynn also can not talk about the negative-hearted man.

His relationship with the He family is actually quite good, as he is Ruoli’s father and has taken care of the He family in the past.

Charlie gave him to the He family, not simply want to give Zynn a little sweet.

The main thing is that he feels in his heart that this person, Roma, is indeed pitiful and has given a lot for Zynn in her life.

His main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem.

Therefore, Charlie has the intention to create an opportunity for her.

In the future, Zynn can only be supervised by the He family, then Roma will definitely take good care of him.

If Zynn is really a man of the way, after divorcing Liona and going to Aurous Hill under house arrest, he should treat Roma well.

If he figured it out one day and decided to marry Roma, two people will live a good life, then he will definitely let him go free.

Of course, these words Charlie will never say out, otherwise, Zynn in order to get freedom may immediately agree to bow down to Roma with his heart in his hand.

This matter, let him slowly understand.

Only when he has understood, will he be free!

Chapter 3545

Zynn naturally still can’t figure out now, Charlie’s innermost intentions.

He only knows now that he can basically be relieved.

Even if he was being watched by the He family living in Aurous Hill, it was definitely 18,000 times better than Syria.

Therefore, now he was ecstatic and could not hurry to Aurous Hill.

Zhiyu was incomparably grateful to Charlie deep inside at this time.

In her heart, she sighed: “I really didn’t expect that the benefactor, today, could repay his grievances with virtue and give the Su family a good result that far exceeded my expectations ……”

“Grandpa can leave Waderest safely, dad can also return to the country to live out his old age in secret, and I, too, can officially take over the Su family, become the Su family head ……”

“Just when Grace snapped his fingers and killed the two battle commanders of the Cataclysmic Front, I was thinking that today grandfather would die here ……”

“But I didn’t expect that Grace would leave him alive! This is indeed an example of repaying grievances with virtue ……”

But Zhiyu also knew very well that Charlie’s leaving grandfather alive should be for her own good. That is to take over the Su family.

After all, most of the Su family’s equity is in the old man, and all the voting rights are also in him, he is the head of the Su family, but also the actual controller of all the Su family’s industries.

If he dies today, then the Su family is bound to next distribute the inheritance according to the order of succession.

Although the father is the eldest son, but also by Charlie restricted freedom, the second uncle right now is in the same situation.

In this case, the Su family without a backbone will certainly be divided.

Once the family is divided, it will be difficult for anyone to bring the Su family back together.

However, Charlie used the condition of sparing the old man’s life, in exchange for the old man’s giving up the throne willingly, reasonably, and legally handing over all the equity and control, so that Zhiyu will be able to easily take over the Su family.

Once Zhiyu is in control, it is impossible for anyone to threaten her position as the head of the family.

If anyone in the Su family dares to disobey, Zhiyu can even directly drive them out of the family and out of the business system of the Su Group.

The thought that Charlie has helped her so much, Zhiyu’s inner gratitude has long been incomparable.

At this moment, there is a pair of eyes in the crowd looking at Charlie full of hot eyes.

This person is Helena, who has been standing in the crowd behind him.

She did not expect that Charlie would have such a strong strength, and she did not expect that he would be able to make Zhiyu sit on the Su family’s throne smoothly with a few words.

This made her think of what Charlie had said before and not only sighed: “Charlie said that he could make me sit on the Nordic Queen’s seat, originally I still had some uncertainty in my heart, but now, I am already sure that Charlie will be able to do it!”

At this moment, her heart was filled with the urge for revenge, and she was already looking forward to the moment when she would become the empress and trample Olivia back under her feet.

However, at this time, Charlie did not focus on Helena’s body.

He said to Zynn and Chengfeng: “The two of you, one who organized the antiWade alliance back then, one in mourning today rushed up Waderest, death can be forgiven, living sin is hard to escape, so now all go to my parents’ spirit and kneel well! Kneel until this time tomorrow morning!”

Chengfeng just felt a slight tremor in his heart, but once he thought of just kneeling for a day and a night, there is no other additional punishment, his heart is also a lot more solid.

He also knew very well that Charlie could not send him to Madagascar so painfully, and this punishment seemed acceptable to him.

Zynn was the same.

Before he came to be ready to kneel in front of the spirit of Changying couple for repentance, Charlie let him kneel a day and a night, but not beyond expectations.

Charlie at this time look at the Joseph and other Cataclysmic Front soldiers, lightly said: “you today disturbed the Wade family ancestral ceremony and the peace of the Wade family ancestors,”

“This deserves not less than a death penalty, it can be exempted, living crime can not escape, all, and the Su family two members, must be in front of my Wade family ancestor’s tomb, and do reverent prostration until tomorrow this time!

Joseph said respectfully, “Your subordinate obeys the order!” 

With the word “subordinate,” Joseph re-defined himself.

The other soldiers of the Cataclysmic Front also immediately said in their voices, “Your subordinates obey orders!”

Chapter 3546

Charlie nodded, looked at Joseph, and spoke: “Remember, after the kneeling is over, I will give you three days off, you use these three days to choose a piece of land in Eastcliff, and re-enter your parents’ remains in a big way,”

“And then after the funeral is over, bring your people together to meet me in Aurous Hill!”

Kneeling in front of Charlie, Joseph, hearing these words, was even more grateful to him.

In his heart, he had never known what Charlie would do next with his parents’ coffins.

Although Charlie had clearly said that he would not bury his parents, but after all, Charlie had spared his life, so whether he would let his parents be buried in the ground became the most worrying thing in his heart.

Now hearing his words, the last stone in his heart fell to the ground, naturally, he is incomparably grateful.

Unknowingly, all his pride, self-confidence, and distrust were completely smoothed out by Charlie.

Now, he already regarded Charlie as the god who saved him, as well as the entire Wan family bloodline.

Only, inwardly ashamed beyond measure, he said to Charlie, “Mr. Wade, for your great kindness, your subordinate will definitely spend the rest of his life repaying with all his might ……”

Speaking of this, Joseph couldn’t help but sigh and said reproachfully, “Unfortunately, I am now an invalid with all my meridians broken, so I am afraid that even if I do my best, I will not be able to do many things, so if I really can’t satisfy you in the future, please forgive me!”

Hearing these words, Charlie said indifferently: “A mere meridian, even if it is broken, so what, just fix it.”

When Charlie said this, everyone was shocked.

So what if all the meridians are broken?

You know, the meridian is the most important foundation for martial artists, and martial artists have long had a basic consensus that damaged meridians can be repaired slowly, but once the meridian is broken, it is absolutely impossible to repair.

However, Charlie said all this so easily.

This, to all martial artists on the scene, was like a nightmare from heaven.

Even Joseph himself did not believe it.

He looked at Charlie and asked incredulously, “Mr. Wade, can my meridians …… really be restored?”

Charlie said indifferently, “Joseph, as my subordinate, you have to remember that from now on, every word I say, you don’t have to doubt!”

“Even if I say something that completely overturns your experience, your perception, you don’t have to doubt, because as long as I say it, I can definitely do it!”

Joseph hurriedly said with fear and trepidation, “Your subordinate deserves to die! I should not have doubted what Mr. Wade said, please punish me, Mr. Wade!”

At this moment, Joseph had already admired Charlie in his heart. 

Charlie only smiled faintly, then he stretched out his hand and gently pressed his palm on top of the kneeling Joseph’s head and said with a domineering aura, “Since all eight of your meridians are broken, then I will help you reshape all eight of them back!”

Saying that, he then sent the powerful spiritual qi, in a flash, from the acupoint on top of Joseph’s head into his body, and swiftly traveled along with the location of his meridians!

The first place where the spiritual qi entered was the Ren vein, one of the eight Qi meridians of Joseph.

The way the spirit qi entered the Ren meridian was just like a fast-forward version of a river nourishing the cracked land, making the dry riverbed and the dead plants come back to life!

At this moment, Joseph also clearly felt the whole process of the Ren pulse being reshaped!

At this moment, his whole world view was turned upside down again and also changed dramatically again!

At this moment, in his heart, he regarded Charlie as a god, but also regarded himself as a mole!

Because in his opinion, so easy to restore all the meridians, someone with this kind of strength, and the gods have no difference!

He felt that he was like a foolish man who moved mountains, while Charlie was a god who could carry two mountains on his back with ease.

The height that he could not reach in several lifetimes, in Charlie’s case, it was as easy as a gesture of a hand!

The martial artists present were all stunned one by one as well.

They couldn’t see what kind of cultivation the person whose strength was higher than their own, but they could see that the strength was lower than their own.

Since the moment Joseph broke his own meridians, they could all tell that Joseph had become a ruined man.

Now, they could also see that he has changed from a ruined man to a one-star martial artist who had opened up his Ren pulse!

The crowd was in awe, and some exclaimed.

“Joseph’s current cultivation level is already a one-star martial artist!”

“Yes! I didn’t think ……the broken meridians could really be repaired!”

“My goodness, Mr. Wade’s strength is too powerful!”

“Look guys, Supreme Commander is already a two-star martial artist!”

“Holy sh!t! It’s only been a dozen seconds of work, and Joseph’s meridian has been repaired!”

“More than that! Master Wade has already started repairing his third meridian!”

“The third meridian has also been repaired! This …… is simply a miracle!”

Chapter 3547

When Charlie repaired Joseph’s fourth meridian, Luther could no longer see Joseph’s cultivation.

The only ones who could see Joseph’s cultivation were the few five-star commanders left in the Cataclysmic Front.

As for Harmen and Walter, the two iron wastes, have completely rested.

When the fifth meridian of Joseph was also repaired, no one could tell his current real cultivation except Charlie.

Immediately after that, the remaining meridians were also restored one by one.

It felt like the eight meridians that he had just broken were completely restored as before.

What was even more unimaginable to Joseph was that his eight meridians had been blessed by the disaster, and after recovering one by one, they all reached a state of great perfection.

Now Joseph was no longer an eight-star martial artist, he had entered the Ming Realm, the realm of Great Perfection.

His benefactor, who had gone from an eight-star martial artist to the Great Perfection of the Ming Realm, had taken more than ten years.

However, with Charlie’s help, it only took him a few minutes!

Such a huge improvement in an instant made him incomparably shocked inside, and he even had a feeling of being in a different world.

If this thing hadn’t really happened to him, he absolutely couldn’t believe that there was such a powerful ability in this world.

He could feel that what Charlie used was much more powerful and magical energy than internal force.

This reminded him of what his mentor said back then, he said that in this world, martial artists are only the lowest level of power above ordinary people.

Above the martial artist, there are many systems of power far beyond the martial path, which for martial artists, most likely never have the chance to touch in their lifetime.

Seeing that Charlie had such a divine ability, he was immediately certain that Charlie’s power system was definitely not the set of martial artists, but a great divine ability that was a layer higher than martial arts, or even a few layers higher.

As if reborn, he once again heavily kowtowed to Charlie and said gratefully: “Mr. Wade, thank you for your rebuilding grace!”

“Now that your subordinate has reached the full completion of the Ming realm, I will definitely do everything I can for you for the rest of my life, and I will die even if the time comes!”

Joseph’s words struck all the martial artists present like a thunderbolt. 

Who would dare to believe that Charlie not only helped Joseph recover his meridians but also allowed him to ascend to the heavens in one step and become a Ming Realm Great Perfection!

Who would have dared to believe that in this life, there was a chance to see a top martial artist of the Ming Realm with his own eyes!

He thought that just now, Charlie’s restoration of Joseph’s meridian was already a miracle, but never thought that the real miracle was here!

To break and then stand, to stand to perfection, this was simply a great miracle that turned decay into magic!

For a while, countless people looked up to Charlie even in more daze, and at the same time were envious of Joseph, feeling that Joseph had simply met the most precious chance in the world.

In fact, Charlie did not want to help Joseph to improve his cultivation, but his meridians had already passed eight, but basically did not enter the great perfection realm completely unobstructed.

This time, after breaking, he directly allowed all meridians to completely open up after the reconstruction of true qi.

With all eight meridians unblocked, it was only natural that Joseph became a top martial artist in the Ming realm.

However, Charlie did not take advantage of Joseph for nothing.

Chapter 3548

The reason is that from today onwards, Joseph no longer has his own life.

Because all of his time and energy for the rest of his life would be used to serve Charlie.

Therefore, Charlie looked at him, nodded slightly, and said indifferently, “Just remember this statement about yourself, otherwise, I can ascend you with a chance and also beat you back to your original form!”

Joseph incomparably pious offhandedly said, “Mr. Wade don’t worry! If your subordinate breaks the oath in the future, I will definitely die without a burial place!”

Charlie nodded and looked at the ruined Harmen and the imprisoned Walter, and said indifferently, “You two should reflect on yourselves in the next few days, and when you arrive at Aurous Hill, I will give you a chance to reform.”

“So that you will be restored to your original state, but you must also remember that if you dare to have any disloyal thoughts, I will also make your life worse than death!”

Harmen heard these words, immediately howled, choked, “Please do not worry, Mr. Wade! Your subordinates will definitely go through fire and boiling water for you in the future ……”

Walter’s consciousness had already been closed up again, and he stood mute in place for a while.

But his consciousness trapped in his body, at this time, has also been excited beyond measure!

To him, as long as this life begging and death begging could end, he would have no complaints whatsoever about what he is told to do.

Joseph did not expect that Charlie had spared his two deeply affectionate comrades, and immediately said gratefully: “Mr. Wade, your great kindness, they will not forget!”

Charlie nodded slightly and said, “Listen, about today’s incident, when people ask about Cataclysmic Front and the Wade family, say that the misunderstanding between the two families back then has been completely lifted,”

“From now on Cataclysmic Front and the Wade family are clear of the old grudge, no longer have any new hatred, as for everything that happened today, no one can disclose it to the public!”

Joseph immediately said, “I will announce it to the public later!”

Charlie nodded and said, “At that time, the outside world will definitely speculate how the Wade family escaped this calamity, and the Cataclysmic Front will then release the news to the public,”

“Saying that the Wade family gave half of the Wade Group to the Cataclysmic Front in exchange for the grievances of the Cataclysmic Front!”

Joseph and all the commanders of the Cataclysmic Front were extremely puzzled, no one understood this.

That why Charlie, who had clearly won a great victory over the Cataclysmic Front, had to declare to the public that it was the Wade family that had given in to the Cataclysmic Front.

But Joseph understood that Charlie must have his reasons for doing so, and all he had to do was to carry out 100% of any orders he gave, and not to ask more questions.

So, he immediately said respectfully, “Mr. Wade, don’t worry, your subordinates will definitely announce it to the public as you said!”

Zhongquan sounded puzzled and asked, “Charlie, this is the best opportunity for you to officially return to the Wade family, if you declare that the Cataclysmic Front has pledged allegiance to you,”

“Then the Wade family’s fame will be absolutely unmatched in the country, such a good opportunity, why do you want others to think that our Wade family has gone soft?”

Charlie said lightly: “Cataclysmic Front in the future is a surprise army in my hands, if the news of the collection of Cataclysmic Front so directly released, it is only in vain to increase some false name,”

“In addition to this will not have any benefit, on the contrary, it is likely that we will get the attention of the unwanted eyes!

“Rather than this, it is better to keep a low profile, hidden in the dark! Let the outside world think that the Wade family has bowed down to the Cataclysmic Front,”

“The vitality is greatly wounded, so that not only can let the hidden enemies relax, in case there is any big battle in the future need the Cataclysmic Front to step out, also can use it to attack unprepared, unexpected!

Zhongquan understood Charlie’s intention and hurriedly asked, “Charlie, are you still not ready to announce your official return to the Wade family this time?”

Charlie said, “For the time being, it’s not time to announce it to the public. I want to find out the truth about the murder of my parents, and also find an opportunity to feel the bottom of the Rothschild family,”

“Before I get to the bottom of it, I can’t take the initiative to expose myself, and we can’t take the initiative to hand over the strategic advantage to the enemy.”

Zhongquan nodded gently and asked him, “Then how do I announce the change of the Wade family’s head to the public?”

Charlie said, “There is no need to deliberately announce this matter to the public, in the future, I will actually take charge of the Wade Family’s big and small affairs, but on the surface, you are still the Wade Family’s head.”

Zhongquan agreed and said, “Okay! Then I will not announce it for now.”

Charlie looked at the crowd behind, once again, arched his hand, and said seriously, “Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you all very much for coming to Wade Waderest today for me,”

“But I also ask you all to do me a favor and not leak everything that happened on Waderest today to the outside world!”

Chapter 3549

When the people heard this, they naturally agreed to do so.

They all know Charlie very well, know his low profile, since he does not let leak, the crowd naturally will not disobey.

Charlie looked at Chengfeng and said, “The matter of giving up the throne to Zhiyu should be announced to the public, otherwise I am worried that she will not be able to establish her authority in the Su family.”

Chengfeng hurriedly nodded and said, “That’s right, that’s right! Today I am repenting in front of Mr. Wade’s parents’ spirit, and tomorrow I will officially announce this matter to the public! Let Zhiyu take over smoothly!”

“Good.” Charlie nodded with satisfaction and said, “After the agreement is signed, the news is announced, and the handover of rights is completed, I will arrange for someone to send you to Madagascar,”

“As long as you cooperate well, what things you need to take to Madagascar, what people you take, as long as they are not too exaggerated, I will not interfere, you can seize the time to have people prepare.”

Chengfeng said with immense excitement, “Thank you, Mr. Wade! Thank you, Mr. Wade! I’m going to take my butler Anson with me and have him prepare the supplies and team for Madagascar ……”

At this time, Anson, who was waiting for Chengfeng’s triumph at Su’s home, never dreamed that his master, who had already made up his mind, would take him along to Madagascar.

And at this time, Charlie said to Zhongquan: “The people of the Cataclysmic Front and the Su family will just kneel like this for now, and our ancestral sacrifice ceremony will proceed as usual later.”

Zhongquan hurriedly said, “Then I’ll have everyone prepare to get ready!” 

Charlie nodded, and when he saw Helena in the crowd, who had some difficulty blending in with the surrounding area, he said to Zhongquan, “By the way, don’t forget to arrange a Concorde this afternoon to send Helena back to her country.”

Zhongquan immediately said, “Don’t worry, Charlie, I have already arranged the plane, it can take off anytime.”

At this time, Helena gathered the courage to walk up to Charlie and said in a respectful tone, “It’s hard for you to worry about my affairs, Mr. Wade!”

Charlie saw that she seemed to have some words to say, so he spoke, “Helena, don’t worry, since I said I would help you take back the throne, I will definitely keep my promise.”

Helena immediately sighed with relief and nodded her head gratefully, “Thank you, Mr. Wade!”

Said, Helena hesitated, again and again, still spoke: “Mr. Wade …… I just received a message from home, things may have changed a bit over there ……”

Charlie frowned and asked, “What news?”

Helena said, “It is said that yesterday Olivia and the Rothschild family representatives talked late at night, they have reached a preliminary agreement on the marriage, ready to be officially announced to the public at 10:00 a.m. local time today,”

“Olivia will marry a member of the Rothschild family, and the wedding time is set for tomorrow night!”

Charlie was surprised and asked: “Rothschild family? Is that Olivia in love with the Rothschild family man?”

Helena spoke: “As far as I know, Olivia does not have a boyfriend at all …… and the Nordic royal family and the Rothschild family did not have any previous encounters …… so this matter is a bit sudden.”

Charlie heard the name of the Rothschild family, could not help but frown.

Chapter 3550

Although Charlie always knew that the Rothschild family was a mortal enemy with his father back then, and also thought that the Rothschild family was probably behind the murder of his parents, but he never had the opportunity to have any direct contact with Rothschild.

The only one who has a little connection with the Rothschilds is still Walter Horowitz and his dad, Steve Hogewitz, who were locked up in a dog farm by him.

The Horgowitz family, it is said, is a distant relative of the Rothschilds.

This distant relative relationship is really a bit far, so much so that the two masters have been missing for so long in Aurous Hill, and the Rothschild family has not come to look for them.

This shows that families like Hogwarts, in the eyes of the Rothschild family, are simply poor relatives who are avoided at best.

However, this time that Olivia actually wants to marry the Rothschild family, which makes Charlie up a few interests.

So, he opened his mouth and asked: “Why did Olivia suddenly decide to get married at this time? Isn’t the Queen not going to last for a few days? Isn’t it a bit inappropriate for her to get married at this time?”

Helena was busy saying, “If Olivia wants to get married in the near future, now is the most appropriate time, once grandmother dies, she won’t be able to get married for a long time.”

Charlie was surprised and asked, “What? Your Nordic royal family also has the saying that you can’t get married for a period of time after the death of an elder?”

Helena shook her head and said, “Although we don’t have this saying, but Olivia’s status is special, she is the first in line to the throne, so once grandmother dies, she must put down all her personal affairs and put the enthronement ceremony first.”

Saying that, Helena added: “According to the royal tradition, the new emperor may not get married or divorced within three years after ascending the throne, because the first three years of ascending the throne is a critical stage for establishing one’s personal as well as royal image,”

“And no personal matters are allowed to interfere at such times, so Olivia either has to hold the wedding as the empress three years after ascending the throne, or she must first, before grandmother dies get the wedding done.”

Charlie asked suspiciously, “According to what you said, she didn’t even have a boyfriend before, and now she suddenly announces that she wants to marry a member of the Rothschild family, so it should be an exchange of interests, right?”

Helena nodded and said, “I guess so! Olivia will always put interests first, without strong interests to support her, there is no way she would suddenly announce that she wants to get married at this time.”

Charlie nodded and laughed: “The Rothschild family, for sure, has their eyes on the empress status that she will soon get to.”

Speaking of this, Charlie couldn’t help but sneer: “I just didn’t expect that the Rothschild family, which has its hands in Europe and the United States, would also be the ones who sell their fame, which is a bit different from their usual low-key style of acting.”

Joseph spoke respectfully at this time, “Mr. Wade! I still have some knowledge of the Rothschild family, their family structure is extremely large, leaving aside foreign relatives, just the branch has dozens of surnames, throughout Europe and America.”

He continued: “Within the huge Rothschild family, they are divided into a total of three levels of ladder, which, the first ladder Rothschild family real core, these core layer is basically in the United States,”

“A small number in the United Kingdom, the next level of the second ladder is generally in Canada, France and Germany, and the third ladder, in other countries in Europe.”

“I reckon this one to marry Princess Olivia is a branch of the Rothschild family’s third-order ladder.”

Charlie nodded gently and said with interest, “In that case, this is a good opportunity to make direct contact with the Rothschild family.”

When Zhongquan heard this, he immediately exclaimed, “Charlie …… you …… you don’t want to go to Northern Europe, do you?”

Charlie laughed: “Originally, I did not want to go personally, but since the Rothschild family is also there, then I really want to go and see it.”

After saying that, he turned his head to Helena and said, “Helena, when the ancestral ceremony is over, I will go to Northern Europe with you!”

Chapter 3551

Charlie’s original intention was to take out a rejuvenation pill to give to Helena.

Half of it to Helena to cure her illness, and the remaining half for her to take it to the Nordic queen whose life was in danger.

As long as she can return to Northern Europe to see the Queen, the remaining half of the rejuvenating pills into two parts, to the Queen first, given to her it will certainly make the queen awakened from the deep coma.

When the time comes, she can use the other half as a condition to make the Queen give her the throne.

And the queen will definitely do her best to help her to the throne when she sees the efficacy of the rejuvenation Pill.

Charlie believed that for an old woman who was already in a deep coma and terminally ill, to wake up again would be like living again.

Therefore, she will definitely cherish this opportunity extremely.

If she could get a second dose of the rejuvenation Pill, her life could continue at least for several more years or even longer in good health, I believe she would not be able to resist this temptation.

However, now Charlie suddenly heard that Helena’s sister named Olivia was going to intermarry with the Rothschild family.

This is a good opportunity to contact the Rothschild family in advance.

Therefore, he would like to personally go over to Northern Europe to see what the purpose of the Rothschild family’s marriage with the Northern European royal family is, and by the way, he can also touch the Rothschild family line.

Once Helena heard Charlie say that he was going to travel to Europe with her, she was naturally overjoyed.

She had witnessed his strength and knew that if he took the plunge, he would be able to put her on the throne!

At that time, she would not only be able to save her mother, but also completely wipe out her former shame!

So, she said to Charlie with immense gratitude, “Mr. Wade, thank you!”

Charlie waved his hand, looked around the crowd, said: “Thank you all friends for today, despite the danger rushing to Waderest, most of you have come a long way, why not go later to the Shangri-La Hotel to rest,”

“I have to go to Northern Europe later today, before leaving, I want to thank you all at the Shangri-La banquet, please do not hesitate to attend!”

Nanako hurriedly said: “You have a business to deal with, so don’t be busy with us, and we did not help this time, so you don’t need to personally host a banquet to thank ……”

Charlie said very seriously: “Nanako, we people are concerned about love and righteousness, although today I had a battle with the Cataclysmic Front, and did not let you all meet with the Cataclysmic Front,”

“But you were still willing to come to help me at such a time, this is love and righteousness, in my eyes, this weighs more than a thousand bars of gold.”

Philip stood out at this time and said with a smile, “Ladies and gentlemen, all of you who are gathered here today consider Charlie as a good friend, confidant, and even family member,”

“Since he has said so, you may as well wait for a while in Eastcliff, and after the Wade family’s ancestral ceremony, drink a few cups with him!”

Hearing this, Elder Song immediately said, “Since Master Wade has said so, I will wait for him to finish the ancestral ceremony and have a drink together!”

Yuhiko Ito also said, “Mr. Wade! Please make sure to prepare more good wine tonight! I will not return until I am drunk!”

Charlie smiled, “Don’t worry, Mr. Ito, I’ll have enough good wine!”

Chapter 3552

After that, Charlie looked at Warnia and said, “Warnia, you should arrange for the bus to take everyone to Shangri-La for a short rest.”

Warnia immediately agreed and softly said, “Master Wade, don’t worry, I will arrange everyone well.”

“Good.” Charlie once again arched his hand to the crowd and said with a clasped fist, “Ladies and gentlemen, later on, is the Wade Family Ancestor Sacrifice Ceremony,”

“So I would like you all to go to the hotel to rest first, and after the Sacrifice Ceremony is over, I will see you there first!”

The crowd also knew that the Wade family ancestral ceremony was held only once every twelve years, and it was solemn and private, and it was not a public ceremony, so it was not appropriate for the people to stay here and watch.

So, everyone bid farewell to Charlie and Zhongquan and left Waderest on the bus arranged by Warnia and Nanako, heading for the Shangri-La Hotel in Eastcliff.

After a number of buses left, except for the members of the Cataclysmic Front kneeling on the ground and the Su family, the rest were all Wade family members and the butler Leon.

Cataclysmic Front to Joseph as the head, nearly a hundred people in a pyramid shape neatly kneeling in worship, these people are in a posture of the legs together, arms bent at the same time with forehead knocked on the ground.

After all, they are all practitioners, so everyone kneels at the same angle and posture, looking neat and tidy.

Moreover, they were all kneeling on the ground in a state of unparalleled piety.

In particular, kneeling at the forefront is Joseph, even if the expression hidden within the bend of the arm, is full of shame.

And the Su family father and son, although they did not dare to slacken, but after all, the body strength can not support, kneeling not long, the body can not support, so they can only let the upper body lying on the ground.

So, the two’s kneeling posture is not perfect.

The Wade family, Andrew, Morgan, and others, looked at Charlie apprehensively, afraid that he would settle accounts with them at this time.

Charlie watched the bus convoy descend the mountain, slowly turned around, stared at the Wade family with a torch-like gaze, and said in a cold voice:

“Today, in front of the ancestors of the Wade family, I officially take over the Wade family’s large and small affairs,”

“And the first thing I do after taking over is to give the soft-boned Wade family heirs a good calcium supplement!”

Hearing Charlie’s words, the weak-hearted crowd couldn’t help but shiver, they looked at Charlie’s stance, they knew he was going to start liquidating.

At this moment, just by a word he took away the family power from the old man Wade, he spoke: “Charlie! This situation of the Wade family today, it is really necessary to rectify it! You must not be lenient just because you care about your family!”

Charlie nodded and said coldly, “Of course! Some of the Wade family’s descendants, in order to live on, do not hesitate to leave the Wade family’s dignity and interests behind, do not hesitate to give up the ancestral graves and family business,”

“And even prepared mourning clothes in advance to pray for forgiveness for those who are not relatives, these people, and when the national crisis, what is the difference between the traitors who betrayed the enemy and surrendered?

All the Wade family members carrying mourning clothes were so nervous that their legs were shaking.

Cynthia, who was most scornful of Charlie, knelt on the ground with a poof, choked with snot and tears, “Charlie …… aunt was wrong …… aunt is sorry to the ancestors of the Wade family ……”

“You are now the head of the Wade family, no matter how you chastise, aunt will never complain ……”

While crying, she pulled out the mourning clothes hidden in her arms and threw them on the ground, crying with remorse, “Charlie, please, for the sake of the first aunt to know the mistake and admit the punishment, be lenient to aunt, from now on I will not commit it again ……”

Andrew, Changyun, and others instantly looked dumbfounded. 

They also wondered, the character of the most intense Cynthia how she can be first to admit the fault today, it turns out, she wants to grab a headline for a lighter sentence ah!

Andrew’s teeth itch with hate, in the heart he cursed: “Cynthia, in the end, your brain knows how to grow? Even the wallflower is not as fast as her reaction!”

Chapter 3553

Cynthia is indeed very smart.

She knows that when so many people are equally guilty, whoever admits their fault first will have the upper hand.

Moreover, she knew far more about Charlie’s deeds than the others and had experienced more personally.

She had heard before of the way he had taken when he had rectified several experts of the Wu family in Suhang.

He asked Orvel to carve words on the foreheads of those people, who was the first to admit punishment, carved the least words, and for each person after that, the number of words increased by one.

By the end of that person, it is said that the head was carved full of words and there was not enough to use later.

With these previous lessons, how does Cynthia allow others to kneel in front of her?

Charlie also did not expect, Cynthia kneeling so quickly, so then spoke: “You are my aunt, despite a thousand mistakes you are still my elders, even if I am now the head of the Wade family, the division of elders and children can not be chaotic,”

“So you do not kneel to me, kneel to the ancestors of the Wade family kneel!” 

Cynthia’s brain reaction speed is very fast, immediately while kneeling while using both knees to adjust the direction, looking at the ancestral grave of the Wade family not far away.

Immediately afterward, she knocked her head on the ground with a bang and cried, “The ancestors are here! Your unworthy granddaughter, Cynthia, failed to put the face of the ancestors and the interests of the Wade family first,”

“And nearly betrayed the ancestors for glory and recognized the thief as my father, so I am really ashamed of this act in front of ancestors, and I deserve to die! I beg the ancestors to condemn me!”

Cynthia was now completely convinced.

What dignity, what face, what old princess, old baby’s stinky temper, at this moment now all dissipated.

She knew that the most important thing at the moment was to get Charlie’s forgiveness, otherwise, one word from him could make her, the already married Wade family daughter, get out of the family instantly.

In that case, she is really an empty basket of water.

When Charlie saw that Cynthia was so upbeat, he was a bit amused.

However, he nodded with approval on his face and said:

“You can be the first to admit your mistake and take the initiative to confess to the ancestors of the Wade family, proving that you are more conscious than others since this is the case, you should also be sentenced lightly!

Once Charlie’s words came out, Andrew, Morgan, as well as Changyun,

Hawade, and others, all ran like crazy to the front of the Wade family’s ancestral tomb.

One by one grabbed the most central position and kneeled on the ground with a poof, without saying a word they began to kowtow desperately to admit their mistakes.

For a while, the rhythm of the gang’s desperate kowtowing, with the extraction of oil with the kind commonly known as kowtowing oil pumping machine, looks quite comical.

Charlie did not say anything, just expressionlessly watching them this scrambling to kowtow and confess.

His heart is very clear, aunt Cynthia is really convinced since really convinced, the future can naturally remain in the Wade family to serve the Wade family, but the gang in front of him now, each one is full of fancy, who can not be lightly forgiven!

This group of people bam kowtow half a day, the more kowtow the more painful at the same time, but also the more kowtow the more bottomless.

They originally thought that as long as they behaved positively and piously, Charlie would definitely be as lenient as he was with Cynthia.

But unexpectedly, everyone has been kowtowing for half a day, Charlie has not even said a word so far.

No way, no one dares to stop, they can only kowtow continuously, one after another, one kowtowing till the head is blue and purple.

Chapter 3554

Laila, could not stand it and said, “Charlie …… will be killed if continued to kowtow ……”

Charlie shook his head and said indifferently: “Do not worry aunt, this group of people, there is a count one, all are cowardly in fear of death incompetent rats,”

“Otherwise they could not sneak out last night to buy mourning clothes! Since they are all so afraid of death, how could they knock themselves to death here? This is not logical.”

Saying that, he obviously saw that the strength of Morgan’s kowtowing was obviously much smaller, and at first glance it was indiscriminate, so he said in a cold voice:

“Auntie, do you see Morgan? That forehead is also just kissing with the ground, can not see at all in the strength!”

Morgan heard this, a cold sweat on the back of the frightened, hurriedly forced his head for a knocked down, painful, teeth hardly bared in his mouth! 

Charlie turned to look at Zhongquan and asked, “Grandpa, nowadays, who are responsible for the various businesses of the Wade family?”

Zhongquan said: “Wade family’s core business, is basically held by a team of managers in charge, when your father worried that the family members do not learn, so insisted on the establishment of a team of elite professional managers,”

“These people, the most ordinary grassroots staff, but also basically recruited from the major top business school, the middle and senior almost all from the world’s top 500 companies, or top venture capital institutions.”

“In addition, we have a very professional team of elite lawyers, responsible for all the legal work of the Wade family.”

“Oh yes, in addition to these two sectors, there is also a trusted team, responsible for the family can not use the part of the cash put into the family trust for investment and management.”

Charlie was surprised and pointed to the row of kneeling and kowtowing people on the ground and opened his mouth and asked, “Don’t these people do anything?”

Zhongquan shook his head and said, “If the Wade family were to be put in charge of them, I’m afraid it would have collapsed long ago!”

“They are all hanging, there are vice chairman, general manager, director, but the actual business and decisions do not need them to be in charge of.”

“Small decisions are decided internally by the team of managers, big decisions are basically made by me, but in the future, it will be up to you to make the decisions.”

Charlie nodded and said indifferently, “Since these people are of little practical use, then simply get them all out of the Wade Group, out of sight, out of mind.”

Kowtowing almost knocked over when Andrew heard this, immediately got up and asked offhand: “Charlie …… you …… where are you going to get us?!”

Charlie said, “Do not worry, will not let you guys go far.”

Saying that, he added: “Don’t you guys like to wear mourning clothes? Since you are so filial, I will have people install a few simple houses for you at the foot of the Waderest Mountain,”

“And all of you who are eighteen years old or older, or who are no longer in school, one of you will stay here to properly observe mourning for the ancestors of the Wade family for three years!”

“During these three years, I will have people put electronic shackles on you, 24-hour monitoring of your location, no one is allowed to leave Waderest half a step!”

Once Morgan heard this, the whole person almost fainted, disheveled and powerless wailed: “Charlie …… you can not be so cruel! I am your cousin! The eldest grandson of the Wade family! You can’t imprison me on Waderest Mountain!”

Charlie nodded his head and spoke, “People say that a gun hits a bird, this IQ of yours is really a bit worrying.”

After saying that, he immediately said to Chengfeng Su: “It just so happens that you will soon go to Madagascar to be the landlord, when the time comes, take this guy along and let him be your long-time worker for three years!”

Upon hearing this, Morgan broke down on the spot and cried, “Charlie, I’m willing to keep mourning for my ancestors at Waderest Mountain!

I am the eldest son and grandson, how can I be absent from the mourning ……”

Charlie waved his hand: “Do not take yourself too seriously, mourning can be completed without you, without you here to disgrace, the old ancestors’ face also looks better.”

After that, he said in a cold voice: “Morgan, from now on, if you bargain with me again, I’ll turn three years into six!”

Morgan wailed and collapsed to the ground on the spot.

Andrew’s heart ached for his son, but also for himself, so he hurriedly asked, “You let us stay here to observe mourning for the old ancestor for three years, what about our food and drink?”

Charlie said indifferently, “Your food and drink, I will have people send it to you over regularly.”

Andrew asked again, “Then …… what if we get sick?”

Charlie said expressionlessly, “When you get sick, I will arrange for the doctors from the Wade family hospital to come to your homes to treat you!”

“If any of you are seriously ill and need surgery or hospitalization, I will build you a field hospital at the foot of Waderest Mountain!”

“In short, in the next three years, even if the sky falls, without my permission, you can’t leave Waderest even for a second!”

Chapter 3555

The kneeling Wade family members did not expect Charlie to be so ruthless. 

They are all family members, all first sons, and grandsons, he wanted to imprison them all in the Waderest Mountain and force them to observe mourning for their ancestors for three years!

For these rich people who are used to enjoying themselves, even three days is unacceptable, let alone three years!

So, the people hurriedly looked at Zhongquan and waited for him to say a good word for them.

Zhongquan looked at the pitiful eyes of these people and felt some compassion in his heart.

He did support Charlie to punish these spineless sons and grandsons properly, but he did not expect him to play so hard as soon as he started.

So, he couldn’t help but say to him, “Charlie, making them observe mourning for their ancestors is indeed a good punishment, but three years, won’t it be a little too long?”

“Long?” Charlie seriously said, “You must not forget, what ideas they were playing one by one! They secretly bought the mourning clothes without communicating with you, clearly wanting to wait until today when you were face to face with Joseph and then turn against you.”

“This is to put you to death and then step on your corpse to join the enemy after you are dead! Do you think the punishment of three years of mourning is too long for such a person?”

Zhongquan’s expression suddenly flinched. He also understood this truth. Only, he deliberately did not think about this level. But if we really get to the bottom of it, the truth is actually what Charlie said.

Andrew said in tears at this moment: “Dad! We really didn’t mean that, you mustn’t misunderstand, dad!”

The others also pleaded, hoping that the old man would not be affected by Charlie’s words.

But Zhongquan let out a long sigh, waved his hand, and said to himself, “I’m getting old, my heart is softer, and I’m getting more and more womanly. …… Forget it, whatever!”

After saying that, he said to Charlie: “Charlie, three years or five years, it’s all up to you!”

Charlie nodded, said lightly: “Accepted, do not say a word. Those who do not accept have a second option, which is to do the same as Morgan and go to Madagascar!”

Once these words came out, everyone immediately shut their mouths. 

At this kind of time, no one dared to touch Charlie’s bad luck.

Because, he is not only the head of the Wade family, but also the new master of the Cataclysmic Front, with his comprehensive strength here, no one would dare to disobey him.

Seeing that these people were as honest as quails, Charlie nodded in satisfaction and spoke, “Since you all have no opinion, then the three years will start from today!”

To Charlie, this group of kneeling Wade family members had no value to the Wade family.

This group of people have little ability and little contribution, just like the top rich family’s loser rich second generation all they think about is, what can they do? what to eat? what is not enough? Not much ability but all day and night spent everywhere pretending to be something.

The old man used to lick his calf, even if he knew that these people are not capable, but also think they are their own bloodline, of course, to be spoiled and well taken care of.

But in Charlie’s opinion, this group of people is completely Wade family’s a55holes. and, or a bunch of spineless a55holes.

After he took over the Wade family, the first thing to do, is to find a way to jolt these people off from their respective positions, so that they do not indiscriminately act parasitically.

But, after all, these people are the Wade family bloodline, are the first sons and grandsons, if they do not make any big mistakes, want to jolt them off is not easy.

If the strong jolt, I’m afraid it will trigger the rejection of everyone in the Wade family, and even the outside world will get very poor senses.

But the beauty is that this group of people actually took the initiative to give Charlie a perfect opportunity to rectify them.

If these people did not secretly go to buy mourning clothes last night, Charlie could not be so justified to abolish them all.

Now well, just when Charlie couldn’t find a good way to strip them out of the Wade family, they all took the initiative to come to his door.

This, with Joseph taking the initiative to come to the door, was similar.

At this time, Cynthia heart chilling looked at Charlie, apprehensive and nervous asked: “Charlie …… that …… that aunt …… aunt at least is also The first to admit fault …… you just now also said, to give me a chance to be sentenced lightly ……”

“Of course.” Charlie gently nodded and said, “You, of all people, showed the best attitude to admit the mistake, but also the fastest to admit mistakes, so this time it is natural to give you a net.”

Saying that, he was silent for a moment and said, “How about this, you stay here with them to observe mourning for three days, and after three days go back to Wade family to take good care of grandfather.”

As soon as Cynthia heard this, two lines of hot tears flowed out from the excitement.

She really didn’t expect that Charlie would really give her such great preferential treatment.

Others will be here for three years, but she has only to spend three days!

At this time, Cynthia, has completely seen Charlie as the savior, excited and a little incoherent, even the voice is a little trembling said: “Cha …… Charlie …… thank you … . thank you …… you do not worry …… later I must …… must reform, start a new life! “

Chapter 3556

Charlie nodded with a calm expression.

It’s not that he really wants to take care of Cynthia, but this kind of time, is to create a huge gap for others.

As the saying goes, those who obey me will prosper, those who go against me will die.

One prospers, one dies, which is the biggest gap.

This is also giving the Wade family gang, a clear signal.

In the future, all the Wade family, must listen to his words and obey.

Charlie is also very clear, wants to ensure that the Wade family in the future no longer has any similar situation, he must use strong power, firmly control the entire Wade family!

So, today, this concept will be completely rooted in their hearts!

After everything was disposed of, Charlie said to Zhongquan, “Grandpa, things are almost settled, it’s time to start the ancestral ritual!”

Zhongquan nodded heavily: “Okay!”

The ancestor worship ceremony of the Wade family was originally very grand.

Before the ancestral ritual, the four forms of rituals, namely music, song, dance, and ritual, were not inferior to the Confucius Temple’s Confucius Ritual.

And those sacrificial offerings that were prepared to be used as dedication were also extremely rich in variety.

In order to hold a good ancestor ceremony, the Wade family every time hired a professional director and a full set of choreography team, costumes, props, actors, sound, all of them are top.

But today, all the long talked about acting staff, no one came. All knew that the Wade family was going to suffer a disaster today, all avoid it.

Not to mention these paid actors and actresses, even the more than 700 members of the Wade family branch, also ran away, leaving only Jonathan Wade one.

Therefore, this time the ancestor ceremony, only helplessly castrate many processes.

Music, song, dance, and rituals were all omitted, and the only thing left was the sacrificial rituals performed by the Wade family themselves.

Zhongquan held the sacrificial text he wrote overnight for many days, while shedding tears, while sighing: “This sacrificial text, written all the Wade family people prosperous, unity, the re-creation of glory, is a report I prepared to the ancestors of the Wade family ……”

Speaking here, Zhongquan let out a long sigh and said with a sigh of relief, “But who would have thought that today, more than 700 members of the Wade family’s sideline would all be absent!”

“And my first sons and grandsons, even wore mourning for others! I …… am really ashamed in front of my ancestors, and I don’t even have the face to read out this sacrificial text ……”

“Moreover, the originally prepared ancestral rituals have almost come to a halt, and I don’t know how to explain to the ancestors ……”

Zhongquan said, silent due to a surge of sudden emotions, several times choked, difficult to continue.

He is a person with deep family feelings, at least much stronger than those kneeling in place Wade family sons.

When he thought of the once-in-12-years ancestral ceremony, it was so shabby and so depressed, he felt extra hard.

When he thought of the more than 100 ancestors of the Wade family lying here, his mood was even more painful.

He has long passed the age of life, this age of the elderly, more cherished life, and more reverence for the ancestors who have passed away.

When a person is young and fearless and has no faith, when he is dying, he can’t help but think of his parents and his ancestors, and whether he will see them in the other world after he dies, and if he sees them, how he should face them.

The Wade family saw the old man choking, almost all lowered their heads in shame.

While Charlie took the sacrificial paper he wrote and tore it to pieces, his face was firm as he spoke, “Grandpa, since the sacrificial paper is inappropriate, then just tear it up, no need to blame yourself too much.”

Saying that, he said: “As the saying goes, many difficulties make a nation, for a family, it is the same! This ancestral ceremony is a bit shabby and simple, but it also allows us to recognize the true face of many so-called relatives!” 

“In the future, the Wade family will no longer believe in bloodlines, only in actual actions! All members of the direct line, as well as the side branches, will have to show actual actions if they want to gain benefits from the Wade Family in the future!”

“If anyone still wants to share the wealth but not the hardship, then sorry, I will make him pay the price!”

Speaking of this, Charlie looked at Leon and asked him, “Housekeeper Leon, those members of the side line who fled overnight, still can’t be contacted?”

Leon said awkwardly: “Young master, all are still off or not in the service area, it is estimated that before the outside world receives a definite news about today’s incident, they will not turn on the phone.”

Charlie frowned and spoke, “In that case, when the Cataclysmic Front releases the news to the outside world later, telling the outside world about today’s Wade family’s admission of defeat, they must be even more to draw a line with the Wade family, right?”

“I suppose so.” Leon respectfully said: “Young master, in fact, most of the side branches you do not need to pay too much attention to, they have a little practical contribution to the Wade family,”

“On the contrary, they get benefits from the Wade family, these people are like those small countries when the other nations prosper, every time they rushed to worship,”

“It seems to be very pious, but each one is here to eat and drink enough in our heavenly kingdom, and then take some leftover benefits to be satisfied. The Wade family will benefit from clearing the line with them.”

Zhongquan also spoke at this time: “Leon is right, many side families have been relying on our Wade family resources to support, the same business, given to others to do, it may only cost 100 million, given to the Wade family side families to do, it may cost 120 million, with such a side family, it is better to draw a line in the future.”

Charlie said in a cold voice: “Draw the line is certainly to draw, but must not let them just go without loss.”

Saying that, he looked at Joseph and spoke, “Joseph, later on, have your people put out the word again! Say that Cataclysmic Front has gotten the full list of the Wade family’s ancestral ceremony this time,”

“And all the Wade family members who are not present today must gather under Waderest Mountain by eight o’clock tomorrow morning, and whoever dares not come will be responsible for the consequences!”

Chapter 3557

When he heard Charlie’s order, Joseph immediately said in a loud voice: “Mr. Wade don’t worry, the subordinates will immediately arrange!”

Charlie nodded and sneered, “They think that the Wade family is finished and want to clear the matter with the Wade family,”

“Then if the Wade family asks them to come, they definitely won’t come, but if the Cataclysmic Front asks them to come, I believe they definitely won’t dare to act rudely.”

Leon asked, “Young master, what about after they come? As you said, let them kneel and go up to Waderest Mountain to repent?”

“It’s impossible to spare them so simply.” Charlie waved his hand and spoke, “Later today, the outside world will receive news that the Wade family has lost and accepted the harsh conditions of the Cataclysmic Front,”

“So when the time comes, the Cataclysmic Front will directly ask them to take out half of their family fortune as well, I believe they dare not refuse to give!”

Zhongquan’s eyebrows raised, exclaimed: “Charlie, you …… you are going to drink their blood, eat their flesh ah ……”

Charlie said expressionlessly, “I am going to drink their blood and eat their flesh, but not by myself, but via the Cataclysmic Front!”

Saying that Charlie said: “After the Cataclysmic Front gets their assets, through the channels of offshore companies, the money will be backhanded again to the Wade family,”

“It just so happens that I want to do ocean shipping, if we get some money from them, I will use it to buy a few dozen more cargo ships, for the gang to take out a two or three hundred billion, should still not be a problem.”

He spared the death of the Cataclysmic Front, the Front under Joseph’s command will do the dirty work for him.

Have to admit that the deterrent effect of the Cataclysmic Front is still very strong.

Other than that, Joseph, yesterday let put forward so many harsh conditions via Harmen, including half of the family property, the entire Waderest Mountain have to be given up, but also have to wear mourning clothes, and kneeling.

However, Andrew, Changyun, a bunch of cowardly and incompetent rats, did not one by one rush to agree?

Now, let Cataclysmic Front asks the remaining Wade family the same demand, they probably also dare not disobey.

Zhongquan hesitated for a moment with a complicated expression, but quickly figured it out and said, “Okay! You just let go and do it!”

“This bunch of ungrateful things, most of them rely on the Wade family support to have today’s scale, but the Wade family is in trouble, they all run so fast, let them pay a price, this is what they deserve!”

On the side of Jonathan’s expression is very nervous, he spoke: “Charlie ……my son and grandson, I asked them to leave, I am old, I was ready to die with my elder brother to meet the ancestors,”

“But they are still young, I really could not bear them to stay and risk their lives, so also please look at the fact that I did not run, deal with them with a high hand.”

Charlie nodded and said seriously, “The second grandfather could stay, it is indeed touching, as you wish, your family’s side, I will not pursue it.” 

Saying that, Charlie said with a cold expression, “But except for the second grandfather’s family, no one else can be exempted!”

Jonathan was completely relieved and wiped his sweat while saying, “Charlie, thank you so much ……”

Chapter 3558

At this point, Charlie waved his hand, and said to Joseph: “Joseph, I have to go to Scandinavia tonight, tomorrow morning at eight o’clock will certainly not be able to rush back, then you will play a one-man show for them at the bottom of Waderest Mountain,”

“First let them one by one willingly take out half of their assets to Cataclysmic front, if the money is given, do not let them go still, let them continue to kneel, until I return!”

Joseph arch his hand and said: “Mr. Wade do not worry, your subordinates will do it!”

After saying that, he hurriedly asked: “Mr. Wade, I know more about the situation in Europe and the United States, do you want me to accompany you when you go to Northern Europe this time?”

Charlie waved his hand: “No need, you still have parents who need to be buried, tomorrow let the Wade family’s foreign relatives kneel honestly, you take care of the burial of your parents.”

Joseph respectfully said, “Your subordinate obeys orders!” 

Charlie nodded slightly: “Good, then all the matters of the Wade family’s foreign relatives will be left to you.”

After saying that, he looked at Zhongquan and said lightly, “Grandpa, this time for the ancestor worship ceremony, let’s save all those tedious and pompous processes!”

“If the heart is not sincere, what is the point of making the ceremony as grand and magnificent as possible?”

Zhongquan nodded and agreed: “You are right, ancestor worship is not in the spectacle, but in the piety, before all the people to organize the ancestor worship, but in the event of some danger, most people turned around and sold the old ancestors,”

“The old ancestors now know, I do not know how angry they’d be, and what’s the point of all the pomp and circumstance now.”

Kneeling Wade family members, one by one, ashamed, did not dare to raise their heads.

Charlie ignored them and walked to the front of the ancestral graves of the Wade family, kneeling on both knees, looking at the hundreds of Wade ancestors and the tombs of Charlie’s parents, and said in a loud voice:

“The ancestors of the Wade family above, the unworthy grandson Charlie, who has been wandering in the past twenty years, has not been able to come to pay respect to the ancestors, I hope the ancestors forgive me!”

After a pause, he added: “Today is a new beginning for the Wade family in the midst of a crisis. The unworthy grandson Charlie also officially returned to the Wade family today and took over the position of Wade family head!”

“Here, I promise to the ancestors of the family! From today onwards, no one will be allowed to infringe upon the interests of the Wade family!”

“And no one will be allowed to desecrate the ancestors of the Wade Family! 

All of us in the Family must act in the highest interest of the Family!”

“Your unworthy grandson, Charlie Wade, makes a vow before all the ancestors today! I will do my best to make the Wade Family the number one family in the world and stand on top of the world with your name!”

After saying that, Charlie bent down and faced the ancestors of the Wade family and bowed three times respectfully.

Zhongquan also came to Charlie’s side, kneeled on the ground, faced the ancestor’s tomb, and spoke: “Wade family ancestor above, today my Wade family wanderer, Charlie, has finally returned!”

“From today onwards, there is no longer any direct bloodline of my Wade family left outside, all direct bloodlines are finally together! I have also fulfilled the promise I made to the ancestors at the last ancestral ceremony!”

Saying this, Zhongquan added, “Charlie’s return to the Wade family today and his succession as the head of the Wade family, I can finally give you two a satisfactory explanation!”

“Changying! Today, your son turned the whole Wade family into safe heaven! 

In the future, he will definitely be able to lead the family to create glory again!”

“I believe that you and your wife must be very relieved on the other side!”

Charlie stood up at this moment and went directly to his parents’ spirit, kneeling on the ground and looking at the words “Changying Wade” and “Margarate An” on the tombstone, his eyes were already filled with tears.

He softly murmured: “Dad, Mom, your son is finally able to come back to see you two openly ……”

When the Wade family heard this, their hearts could not help but be a little surprised, they were not quite sure what Charlie meant by this, could it be that he had come here before?

At this time, Charlie did not care about the Wade family’s surprise, he looked at the tombstone and the young photo of his parents on it, with a firm expression he said:

“Dad, Mom, from now on, I will inherit Dad’s legacy, leading the Wade family to the top of the world!”

“At the same time, I will also find your murderers, no matter who they are, no matter what their abilities and backgrounds are, I will kill them with my own hands to avenge your blood!”

Chapter 3559

When Charlie and the Wade family finished briefly paying respects to their ancestors, and together with grandfather Zhongquan and youngest aunt Laila,”

“They arrived at Shangri-La to prepare for the banquet for all the friends and relatives who had been at Waderest Mountain today, the outside world, who had been following the movements of Waderest Mountain, had already received the news.

Learning that the Wade family had finally compromised with the Cataclysmic Front, none of those who did not know the inside story doubted the authenticity of the news.

After all, even if these wealthy families were powerful, they could not possibly defeat the Cataclysmic Front, this was the basic consensus of everyone.

What’s more, the head of the Cataclysmic Front, and the family that has a deep hatred, will not be able to forgive the Wade family people.

The Wade family’s side branches that fled overnight, after receiving the news, each one of them was incomparably thankful deep inside.

They were thankful that they reacted quickly and ran faster, thus escaping a disaster.

However, in addition to being thankful that they had escaped, they were also all worried about the future.

These side families are all dependent on the Wade family for survival, and the main source of income for many branches is the business rewarded to them by the Wade family.

After all, each side family, from the main family step by step, which is like Zhongquan became the head of the family, his brother Jonathan, will have to consciously leave the Wade family, to go out to establish their own business.

And Zhongquan out of compensation or out of kinship, naturally can not expect his brother to care for him,”

“And also as much as possible to give him some resources, so that he does not have the idea of fighting for the head of the family, the second also to maintain kinship, while once the need, these distant relatives can also rush to help.

The reasoning behind this is just like the ancient times when the crown prince ascended the throne and arranged his other brothers around as vassal kings.

For these side families, once they lose the Wade family tree, their own future development will also be greatly affected.

However, not waiting for them to take a breath, Cataclysmic Front released the news “asked all the Wade family sidelines whose names appear in the Wade family ancestral ceremony list,”

“To reach the foot of the Waderest Mountain kneeling worship, tomorrow morning before eight o’clock, late arrival will be in the list of the Cataclysmic Front’s global hunt!

Once this news came out, these big domestic families were even more shocked.

Everyone didn’t expect that the Cataclysmic Front was not satisfied with conquering the Wade family, but even these side branches of the Wade family were not spared.

And these side lines of the Wade family were also desperate to the extreme. 

The feeling of survival after the escape did not last long and was immediately replaced by the despair of the monk who could not run away from the temple.

Wade family ancestral ceremony big list, has long been listed with each of their names, identity information is recorded in great detail.

For example, the person’s name, how old, what generation, where the family, who is the father, who is the grandfather, and then the ancestors of which branch of the Wade family, these are all written clearly with a brush dipped in vermilion.

Because this big list is meant to be burned for the ancestors to see after the ancestral ceremony, so no one dares to have any muddle on this.

Now, this list has fallen into the hands of the Cataclysmic Front, then this is the same as every person’s old bottom, are firmly grasped by the Cataclysmic Front, even if you have to run you shouldn’t.

The strength of the Cataclysmic Front, these people know very well, if they really want to assassinate them, it is as easy as a hand, so no one dares to disobey the orders of the Front.

So, these people can only harden their heads, apprehensive to rush back.

Jonathan’s children and grandchildren received the news through the satellite network on the private plane back to Canada.

Ten minutes after receiving the news, the plane drew a circle directly at a height of 10,000 meters and turned around to return to Eastcliff.


Chapter 3560

Meanwhile, Charlie had already filled his glass and thanked all his friends and relatives present one by one in the banquet hall of Shangri-La. 

And his friends and relatives, including his father’s best friend Philip, at this time looking at him, and they have been like looking at God.

Charlie’s first toast was to Philip.

In his eyes, Philip is the most worthy of his respect, is also the best for his own elders.

Therefore, today his family of three could go up to Waderest Mountain, Charlie is heartily grateful.

After a few glasses of wine, he could not hide his excitement and said to Charlie:

“Charlie, now that you have taken the Cataclysmic Front under your command, the Wade family’s strength is already the first among many families in China! If we look at the world, can at least be among the top ten!”

Charlie opened his mouth and said, “Top ten is still a long way from number one ……”

Philip said seriously: “It doesn’t matter if there is a gap, but you must be steady and unwavering, step by step.”

Said, Philip instructed Charlie: “Charlie, Rothschild, such family’s strength is too strong, now this kind of time, I really do not recommend that you contact them too early!”

Charlie nodded and smiled, “Uncle don’t worry, I’m going to Northern Europe this time, I won’t fight them hard,”

“I’ll mainly help Helena take back the throne first and contact the Rothschild family, by the way, I’ll hide my identity at that time, you don’t worry.”

Philip can see Charlie has decided to go, then instructed: “Rothschild in Europe and the United States commonly known as Old Money,”

“It is not like Bill Gates, a new generation of tycoons, every property, every stock are on the surface, it is more like a huge iceberg, we can see now, but is the tip of the iceberg!”

“And what makes it really powerful is its pervasive and comprehensive penetration throughout Western society in the past few hundred years!”

“On the surface, they seem to have ten enterprises, but in reality, the enterprises actually controlled by them through various means, there may be as many as several thousand,”

“This power is quite terrifying, so terrifying that even if your grandfather’s family has been ranked as one of the three great families in the world, but the assets of your grandfather and the Middle East royal families combined, may not be able to compete with Rothschild!”

Speaking of this, Philip admonished, “Charlie, at any time, in the face of the Rothschild family, you must be absolutely careful!”

Charlie nodded solemnly and said, “Uncle don’t worry, I know what’s in my heart!”

At this moment, Sara at the side looked at Charlie with an excited face and said excitedly, “Charlie! With your strength, I believe that even the Rothschild family will be trampled under your feet!”

Sara was originally Charlie’s little fangirl, and now she even looked like an avid fan.

Charlie gently nodded and smiled: “Sara don’t worry, this day will come eventually!”

After saying that, he poured another glass of wine and said, “Uncle, Auntie Lenan, and Sara, I’d like to toast you three, thank you again for your love for me!”

The three Gu family members poured glasses full of wine and drank it all together with Charlie.

Charlie saw the Song family and the Ito family sitting at the same table not far away, so he said to the three members of the Gu family, “There are some other friends over there, I’ll go and say hello first.”

“Go ahead!” Philip said with a smile, “Remember to come back later to drink with uncle!”


Charlie said goodbye to the Gu family and carried his glass of wine to the table where the Song family and the Ito family were. 

At this time, Nanako, watching Charlie getting closer and closer, although the face is still as gentle as water, but the eyes full of love can not be disguised. 

She originally loved Charlie extremely deeply, today with her own eyes she saw his strength, let the entire Front kneel in front of him kowtow and beg for mercy.

She only felt that, if she could not marry Charlie in this life, or can not become his woman, then she can only be alone in this life to the end.

Because she knew that there would not be any other man who could completely conquer her from the consciousness as Charlie did.

As for the dignified and beautiful Warnia, she has always demanded herself with the style of a lady, but deep inside she has also fallen like a small woman.

Just as Charlie reached the front, the Song family as well as the Ito family, all stood up.

Ito Yuhiko and Tanaka Koichi couldn’t stand because they lost their legs, but they also immediately raised their glasses high and looked at Charlie with respect.

And the nearly two hundred people brought by their two families also stood up in unison with a swish!

Among them, more than a hundred top ninjas, who were usually regarded as national treasures in Japan, stood straight while their hands were humbly hanging at the sides of their bodies, and their necks and heads were respectfully lowered by forty-five degrees with respectful faces.

This is their instinctive reaction and etiquette when facing a powerful person that they respect and fear.

This scene was seen by Philip, who could not help but sigh to his wife and daughter: “These ninjas seem to have been completely convinced by the strength of Charlie, and in front of him, they don’t even dare to raise their heads!”

Sara seriously said, “That’s right! Charlie’s strength is much stronger than  theirs, so they must be respectful!”

Lenan muttered softly: “I feel that Ito family girl, and the Song family girl, the way they look at Charlie seem to be not quite right ……”

After saying that, she also glanced at another table not far away, sitting Zhiyu as well as Ruoli, the two sisters, sighing: “And that pair of sisters from the Su family …… look at Charlie, are also a bit problematic ……”

Chapter 3561

Philip is a man of thunder and lightning and is indeed not a delicate person.

Take the situation at the banquet site at this time, he was just happy and excited, but did not pay attention to those other young girls, looking at Charlie’s eyes in the end nothing seems different.

But Lenan is different.

Women are by nature delicate-minded, good at observing details, and their intuition is much more accurate than men, so she was paying attention to these young girls early on.

After all, those who can still willingly come up to Waderest to help Charlie under the heavy pressure of the Cataclysmic Front are those who put life and death on the line.

And these few girls, just take one out, are also top beauties that are captivating, they can actually all climb the Waderest Mountain without hesitation, this is enough to prove that Charlie in their hearts, is even more important than their own lives.

Lenan, who was also a woman, knew very well that if a woman, willing to die for a man of the same age, it could never be just the so-called repayment of gratitude, there must be strong personal feelings mixed in as well.

In other words, these women are bound to have a love for Charlie.

Philip does not understand this.

He asked with a puzzled face, “I don’t understand, is there something wrong?”

“Of course there is.” Lenan deliberately pulled Philip to the side, avoiding Sara, and said in a firm tone, “The way these little girls look at Charlie, they are obviously all with full love.”

Philip squinted his eyes and just said with a smile, “I think it’s all because of gratitude! You should not forget that Charlie has been extremely kind to these girls, and it is normal for these girls to be grateful to him.”

Lenan said very seriously: “For women, it is inherently difficult to objectively deal with inner gratitude, haven’t you noticed that in both ancient and modern times, women are very prone to fall in love with men who are kind to them?”

Philip was stunned with surprise and said with a smile, “Why, these things, it’s out of our hands.”

Lenan said in a low voice: “Honey, you can’t ignore everything, these girls are all phoenixes, any one of them may not be inferior to our Sara, these will be Sara’s competitors in the future!”

She said: “Look at the Su family, Zhiyu, at a young age, is already the head of the Su family, and it is Charlie’s hand to help up, not only that, but he also saved her, her mother, and her brother,”

“Such a heavy kindness, which girl can resist? If she really competes with Sara, Sara may not be able to beat her.”

“And that Nanako, at a young age, is also the heir of the Ito family, and she is not only beautiful but also gentle as water!”

“Although most people in the country are somewhat hostile to their country, but many people have always had extra good feelings for the women of their country, which is also a plus ah ……”

“Ruoli and Warnia although their own strength are inferior, but these two are also loyal to Charlie, and unlike Sara, Warnia is in Aurous Hill, Ruoli has also been at Charlie’s side, these two are near the water to get the moon first, also has a great advantage ……”

Chapter 3562

Philip hesitated for a moment and said: “This, I think there is no need to worry, Charlie is such an excellent man, naturally there will be many girls for him,” 

“He is still low-key, if he will today inherit the Wade family head, and at the same time subdue the Cataclysmic Front and this news is out, the country’s big families have a count one,”

“Certainly all will crowd to marry their daughters to him, what is the virtue of these magnificent noble families on a regular basis, you must be well aware of it.”

“Yes.” Lenan sighed, and looked at Helena who was sitting alone in the corner, quietly watching Charlie, and sighed: “Charlie is going to Northern Europe this time, if he really helps Helena become the Northern European Queen …… this Northern European girl is afraid that she will also fall… …”

Philip nodded and said with a smile, “Don’t you worry, Charlie is a filial child, no matter how many women like him, in this world, there is only one person, Sara is the daughter-in-law admired by big brother and sister-in-law before she was born.”

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.”

Lenan slightly reassured, nodded and said, “I hope things will be like you said, otherwise I really can’t bear the thought of waiting for more than twenty years for Sara to end up with no results.”


At the same time, Zhiyu and her mother Liona, her sister Ruoli and Roma, and other He family members sitting at a table, the atmosphere is more or less awkward.

After all, Roma was the interloper in Liona’s marriage and secretly gave birth to a daughter to Zynn, so now that she is facing Liona again, Roma is feeling guilty inside.

She always wanted to find an opportunity to apologize to her, but always swallowed back the words.

Moral guilt makes her really do not know how to speak.

On the contrary, the two sisters, Zhiyu and Ruoli, were chatting and laughing.

The two sisters not only share half of the same blood, but their recent experiences also overlap, both were betrayed by the Su family, and both were saved by Charlie more than once, so they have very common topics.

Zhiyu looked at Charlie, who was chatting with the Song and Ito families, and could not help but sigh, “Ruoli, the benefactor is so strong, I believe it won’t be long before you don’t have to hide the identity anymore.”

Ruoli spat out her tongue and smiled, “I don’t care, I’ll hide if Lord Wade lets e, I won’t hide if he doesn’t let me, anyway, I don’t have any other plans, just follow him in the saddle.”

Ruoli said, dragging her chin, lamented: “But my strength is really not too much, the nearly one hundred people in the Cataclysmic Front, most of them are stronger than me, in the future, I am afraid that Lord Wade has no real need for me.”

Zhiyu shook her head and said seriously, “Don’t worry, I don’t think the Grace will treat the Cataclysmic Front as his real own people, more just use them as black gloves, specializing in some less than honorable things,”

“But you are different from the Cataclysmic Front in his eyes, he will definitely have better arrangements for you.”

Ruoli asked with surprise, “Sister, is what you said true?”

Zhiyu nodded seriously and said, “I presume so, it should be eighty or ninety percent true!”

Ruoli immediately smiled happily and said, “That’s great! I’m not looking for anything else, it’s good to be a maid by Mr. Wade’s side all the time.” 

Liona, who had not spoken much because of the awkward atmosphere, also said at this time, “Ruoli, have more confidence in yourself, Mr. Wade’s expectations for you should be very high,”

“Certainly not just as a personal maid, follow Mr. Wade well, maybe you can one day reach the height of Joseph Wan.”

Ruoli pursed her lips, although her heart did not dare to believe, but still could not help but look forward to the future.

Chapter 3563

After thanking the Song family, as well as the Ito family, Charlie came to the He family, as well as Ruoli and Liona, Zhiyu, mother and daughter, with his glass of wine.

Before he could say his words of thanks, Luther, the old man of the He family, took a step ahead of him and said to Charlie, “Mr. Wade! I only found out last night that Ruoli was saved by you, and you have been protecting her safety, this kindness of yours, the He family will never forget!” 

Charlie smiled faintly and said indifferently, “Mr. He has spoken too much, Ruoli and I are also friends, this is something between me and her, you don’t need to put it on your mind.”

Luther said seriously, “Mr. Wade, Ruoli is the most outstanding one in the new generation of the He family, and is also the future helmsman of the family, if you save her, you are saving the whole He family!”

Hearing this, Ruoli said with some consternation, “Grandfather …… I …… a foreigner, how can I be the future helmsman of the He family ……”

Luther said with determination, “Ruoli, no matter what your surname is, you are the descendant of my He family, so I will be able to truly feel at ease when the He family is handed over to you to manage in the future.”

Said, Luther lamented: “Today on the Waderest, I realized that in the field of martial arts, there really is a heaven outside the sky, there are people outside the people,”

“Joseph is not even is thirty years old, and was able to become an eight-star martial artist, while I am half-buried in the yellow earth, but still rely on Mr. Wade’s help, only barely reached four stars, in comparison, I am really ashamed of myself.”

Speaking here, Luther looked at Ruoli and said seriously: “Therefore, I want to hand over all the big and small affairs of the He family to you,”

“So that I can also have more time to cultivate properly and see if I can take another step forward before I die ……”

Ruoli was a little flattered, but also with a little apprehension said, “Grandfather, I don’t know if I can do it …… and my identity is sensitive now, if the Japanese know I’m still alive, it will definitely bring trouble to the He family ……”

Charlie spoke at this time: “Ruoli, you don’t have to be afraid of this matter, I have already thought of countermeasures,”

“After tomorrow, you can resume your identity openly and honestly, and the Japanese will never come to trouble you again.”

“How is this possible ……” Ruoli subconsciously said, “I am the most wanted criminal in Japan …… they …… they will certainly not let me off easily ……”

Charlie laughed: “Don’t worry, starting tomorrow, I will let the Cataclysmic Front announce to the public that you, Ruoli, have officially become a part of the Cataclysmic Front!”

“They definitely do not dare to go against the Cataclysmic Front, so they will definitely choose to give up.”

“Even if the face is not good enough to directly withdraw the wanted notice, they will definitely not make any substantial arrest attempts against you, so that you can also restore your free identity in an open and fair manner.”

Speaking of which, Charlie added: “Of course, the freedom I’m talking about, in terms of geographical concept, is anywhere in the world except Japan, you can go anywhere, as long as you don’t go to Japan to stimulate their nerves, there will be absolutely no problem.”

Hearing this, Ruoli’s eyes were red with gratitude, “Mr. Wade, thank you …… I don’t want to go anywhere in the future, I just want to be by your side and saddle up for you! As long as you do not drive me away on ……”

Charlie faintly smiled: “You also do not have to keep saddling me, your sister will officially become the Su family heir tomorrow, you can stay by her side to help her.”

Zhiyu hurriedly said, “Your Grace …… Ruoli she definitely still wants to stay by your side ……”

Chapter 3564

Ruoli at this time has also a face of nervousness and apprehension, afraid that Charlie really will not allow her to follow the side. 

Charlie took her performance in his eyes, so he smiled and said, “In that case, then Ruoli will return to Aurous Hill with the He family first, Mr. He and others go back to that villa, Ruoli will stay at the hotel temporarily.”

Ruoli finally breathed a sigh of relief, excitedly nodded, and said, “Okay Mr. Wade, Ruoli is at your disposal at all times!”

Charlie nodded, and looked at Zhiyu and Liona, and said seriously, “Miss Su, Auntie, tomorrow after Chengfeng and Zynn kneel down at Waderest, they will cooperate with the two of you to finish all the formalities that should be done,”

“At that time Chengfeng will depart for Madagascar, which may require some preparation time, but I don’t want him to stay in the country, so I will first arrange for him, I don’t want him to stay in China,”

“So I’ll arrange for him and his entourage, as well as Morgan of the Wade family, to take a ship to Madagascar, which may take about twenty days.” 

Saying that, he said to Zhiyu, “In these twenty days, Miss Su can arrange an investment team to fly to Madagascar first to find a piece of land for him, and then set up some other hardware, so that when he arrives, he can be his own landlord in Madagascar.”

Zhiyu nodded and said, “Yes, sir, I understand!”

Charlie continued, “As for Zynn, I would like to ask Mr. He to take him back to Aurous Hill to monitor his residence and not to make any mistakes.”

Luther immediately arched his hand and said, “Mr. Wade don’t worry, I will do it properly!”

After simply thanking all his friends and relatives, Charlie asked Leon to prepare the car before he came to the lonely Helena and said, “Helena, are you ready? When you’re ready, we’ll leave.”

Helena nodded obediently, stood up, and said softly, “Back to Mr. Wade, I’m ready.”

Charlie nodded slightly, beckoned, and said, “Then let’s go, the car and plane are waiting.”

Zhongquan came forward and asked with concern, “Charlie, are you just going by yourself? Don’t you want to take some people with you?”

Charlie shook his head and said, “No, I can do it by myself.” 

Zhongquan saw Charlie’s resolute attitude, so he nodded and said, “Then you must be careful, we will wait for you back here.”

Charlie instructed, “When the relatives of the Wade family come tomorrow, just let Joseph show up, the family members don’t have to show up, especially you.”

Zhongquan was busy saying, “Don’t worry, I know.”

Charlie said goodbye to the people, then he joined Helena and got into the Rolls-Royce car prepared by Leon.

Half an hour later, the Rolls-Royce drove directly into the airport and went straight to the hangar where the Concorde was parked. 

Helena didn’t know until now what kind of method Charlie was going to use to help her take back the throne, she couldn’t help but ask several times, but seeing that he kept his eyes closed, she could only hold back the impulse.

When the Rolls-Royce was about to drive into the hangar, he slowly opened his eyes, looked at Helena beside him, and opened his mouth to ask: “Helena, do you usually use short video software?”

“Use ……” Helena didn’t know why Charlie asked that, but still said respectfully, “That explosive short video software in China is also very, very famous overseas, men and women like it a lot, and I am no exception.”

“Good.” Charlie nodded, handed her a cell phone, and said, “Log into your account, take a video, and say that you are very happy now because you are ready to take the Concorde and rush back to Northern Europe to attend your sister Olivia’s wedding!”

“Huh?!” Helena was startled and said nervously, “Wade …… Mr. Wade …… If I send a video now, then …… that is not throwing myself into the net?”

Charlie smiled faintly: “To be is to throw yourself into the net, you can rest assured that as long as you disclose this video, Olivia will definitely not dare to make a move on you before the big wedding tomorrow,”

“Because if you do not appear at her wedding tomorrow, then everyone will ask her after your whereabouts.”

Speaking of which, Charlie continued, “There is a famous saying from Eutypides in ancient Greece that says: If the gods want to bring about their downfall, they must first make them mad.”

“If you want Olivia to lose a little bit more, you have to make her feel like she’s winning first!”

Chapter 3565

Twenty minutes later, the Concorde whistled off in the night sky of the city and flew towards Northern Europe at great speed. 

What lay before Charlie and Helena was an 8,000-kilometer-long flight path.

Ordinary airliners flew there, at least will take nine hours, but the Concorde only needs four hours to reach the capital of Norway, Oslo City. 

And at the same time, in the Nordic short video software, a video quickly fired up.

The woman in the video is Helena Iliad, who is known as the most beautiful woman in Northern Europe.

Although Helena was deprived of the right to inherit the throne, she is still the most popular and beloved member of the royal family.

That’s why she has more than eight million fans on the short video software. 

The Nordic countries also only have a population of more than six million people, of which at least half, are Helena’s fans.

In the past, Helena’s short video account was often updated with small clips of her daily life, and many of her fans used these short videos to learn about her life.

However, since it was rumored that Helena went to China and prepared to marry the Chinese family, her account stopped updating.

After a few days, she suddenly updated a video in which she was sitting in a car, saying with an excited face: “Friends! I’m super excited right now! I’m about to take a Concorde back to Northern Europe to attend my sister Princess Olivia’s wedding!”

“Not only will I be attending her wedding, but I’ll be her maid of honor, and I’ll be seeing her enter into marriage! Oh my God, I’m so excited! I was so excited that I almost cried a few times! Please join me in wishing her a happy wedding in advance!”

When they heard that Princess Helena was returning to her home country, the nation was overjoyed, and all of them left messages under her video: “Princess Helena, welcome home!”

In addition, there are also many people in the message to wish Olivia a happy new marriage, the comment section is warm and peaceful. 

At this time, it was noon local time in her country.

Olivia, who was having lunch with her parents, suddenly received this video from Helena, and after watching it, she angrily pushed her plate to the ground and said in a cold voice:

“This Helena is really looking for death! I already told her clearly that she would never be allowed to return in her life, but I never thought she would dare to come back!”

“And she came back with so much fanfare! By posting this video, she is blatantly provoking me! Does she think I won’t dare to do anything to her just because she sent this video? Then she is too underestimating me!”

After saying that, she immediately picked up her phone and called Helena.

However, the phone alerted that Helena’s phone was off.

Olivia left a message on her voicemail and said in a cold voice, “Helena! Who gave you the audacity to disobey my orders! If you dare to set foot on Nordic soil, I will kill ……”

Chapter 3566

Before Olivia could finish her sentence, her father Richard grabbed the phone from her hand and immediately terminated the message, then blurted out, “Olivia are you crazy?! If you say anything in your voicemail threatening Helena to kill her mother, once she releases the recording, you’re done!”

Olivia burst into a cold sweat and asked nervously, “Where was I?”

Richard said with a palpitating heart: “Fortunately, I reacted quickly! You just finished killing, I terminated the message!”

Olivia let out a long breath, rubbing her chest while cursing through gritted teeth, “Helena the b!tch! My sanity is ruined by her!”

Richard didn’t say anything, but watched Helena’s video with his wife before speaking, “What the hell does she want to do when she comes back at this time? Is it to get her mother out?”

Olivia’s mother, Wendy, spoke up at this time and said, “Helena is not a fool, she must know that with her ability, it is impossible to find her mother’s whereabouts.”

“So, as I see it, it is very likely that she came back this time to show us goodwill and take the opportunity to ease the relationship.”

Olivia said coldly: “I don’t care what her purpose is, but she returned without my permission, this is clearly disobedient to my orders!”

Olivia said, “I already asked her to go to St. Petersburg, Russia yesterday, but she didn’t listen to me, but she even dared to come back to Northern Europe.

“And she even had the audacity to say in the video that she was going to be my maid of honor! I won’t let her be my bridesmaid! She will not be allowed to jump out and steal the limelight at my wedding!”

Richard frowned and said, “I heard that the Wade family has surrendered to the Cataclysmic Front,”

“Although it surrendered, but the Wade family should still have half of its assets, counting at least at least one or two hundred billion euros in asset size, this strength is not to be underestimated.”

“Moreover, the Concorde that Helena sat on is also the assets of the Wade family, thus it can be seen that although the Wade family has suffered heavy losses, but has not completely fallen, to us, she is still very valuable.”

Speaking here, he persuaded Olivia: “Therefore, I think you do not need to be too angry first, or first see what Helena really wants to do, if she really wants to come to repair relations with you, and at the same time after your big wedding, and can consciously.”

“Then let her go back to cooperate with us properly, attract the Wade family’s funds to Northern Europe, and why do you need to be at loggerheads with her?”

Olivia said with a disgusted expression, “Because I don’t like to be on equal footing with Helena!”

After saying that, she gritted her teeth and continued, “For so many years, no matter what I do, I am always being suppressed by her, in terms of inheritance law, she ranks ahead of me!”

“In terms of looks, she is also prettier than me! In terms of achievements, she has always been better than me! Even in terms of popularity, she was far more beloved than me!”

“Later, I managed to get the first succession, but she still has the highest popular support rate!”

Speaking of this, Olivia angrily roared low: “What I can’t stand the most is!”

“After I was named the first heir, nearly a million citizens who had nothing better to do than to go to the White House website to petition the White House to interfere with the Nordic royal family and restore Helena as the first heir!”

“This matter has been on the top of the news list in Europe and America, for me, it is a lifetime of shame!!!”

“So, what I want is for her to bow down to me permanently! Whenever she sees me, she must bow down and respectfully call me Olivia Highness!”

Her mother Wendy hurriedly said: “Olivia, don’t be so angry, right now Helena has sent a video, publicly announced that she is coming back,”

“We can only temporarily accept her and let her attend your wedding in order to prevent the public from picking on her.”

At the same time, she must also be your bridesmaid, because only in this way, to ensure that the public does not raise any questions,”

“And as soon as the wedding is over, to force her to consciously leave Scandinavia, never let her settle here again.”

Olivia said with a twisted expression, “She is deliberately using the public to take advantage of me! I’m just going to let her come and go as she pleases!”

“If she gets her way this time, it won’t be long before she gets her next one! If she does it again on the day of my enthronement ceremony, what will I do?

This is outrageous!”

Wendy said: “Olivia, you do not have to worry about this, this time Helena has sent a video, on the plane, we will let her come back this time,”

“But after returning to control her, tell her that if she dares to return to Northern Europe without permission next time, then we will immediately kill her mother, let her use her discretion!”

Chapter 3567

Olivia, who was furious to the core, eventually accepted her mother’s advice.

Because although she was angry, she was also very clear about the current situation.

Since Helena had already played a game, it was difficult for her to have a chance to counteract now.

The only way is to wait for her to come, using her mother’s life as blackmail, so that from now on, do not do the same thing, make the same mistakes.

Her father, Richard, saw that she had finally calmed down a bit and said, “Olivia, since Helena is on a Concorde, I guess she must be at the airport in the evening,”

“So I suggest you go to the airport with William to meet her in advance.”

“I know!” Olivia said in a cold voice: “In order to keep this b!tch from talking nonsense in front of the outside world, I must control all her trips throughout,”

“And confiscate her cell phone when the time comes, so as not to give her the opportunity to transmit information to the outside world!”

Richard nodded appreciatively and said,

“The only problem is that you are too quick-tempered and impulsive, if you can change that too, you will definitely be stronger in the future!”

Olivia said expressionlessly, “As long as I solve Helena, my temper will be under control! She has brought me too many shadows for so many years!”

“When it comes to matters related to her, my emotions are like a powder keg, with a little bit of friction it will blow up!”

Richard patted her shoulder and said comfortingly, “Don’t worry Olivia, this time, we will definitely solve Helena’s problem once and for all, so that she can honestly help us pull resources together from the Wade family.”

Olivia said with a grim expression, “Actually, I don’t want her to marry into the Wade family anymore, I still want to give her to the Russian Aman Ramovich.”

Richard advised, “Amanramovich’s assets are, at best, a fraction of the Wade family’s, it’s not cost-effective.”

Olivia said seriously, “But Amanramovich is willing to pay the royal family 500 million euros directly if Helena marries him without any problems.”

Richard laughed: “Five hundred million euros is a one-time buyout fee, but hasn’t the Wade family already promised to invest two billion euros here and work with us?”

“And this is only preliminary, there is no telling how much space there will be in the future, so it is certainly not cost-effective to give her to Aman Ramovich.”

Olivia looked at Richard and said very seriously, “Father, you should not forget that Helena’s congenital disease is very serious, she may not live long, if she can only live a few months,”

“Then the Wade family’s funds may only come to a few hundred million euros of start-up funds,”

“Even before the start-up funds are in place, she will already be dead! If she dies, there is no way that family will continue to invest in us!”

Richard’s expression was stunned as he muttered, “Da*n it …… how come I didn’t think of this layer ……”

Chapter 3568

Olivia brow flashed a trace of sinister thought, she coldly said: “Helena now, is terminally ill, a dying pet dog,”

“If we do not want to bite her in our hands, or have to find a current stage to pay the fastest sellers, grab off!”

“Give her to Aman Ramovich, 500 million euros will arrive immediately, and by the time she dies in St. Petersburg, what does it matter to us?”

“Aman Ramovich can’t drag the corpse and come to us to return it to us, can he?”

Richard said with an awe-inspiring demeanor, “Olivia, you are the one who thinks more comprehensively. In that case, let’s find a way to send Helena to Aman Ramovich!”

Olivia nodded and sneered, “Since she is here, then her fate will be at my disposal!”

“I heard that Amanramovich is a bit perverted at heart and likes to torture women in bed by all kinds of inhuman means. …”

Olivia sneered and said, “In that case, we can still condemn Amanramovich and force him to pay another pension, or we will make public the news that he abused the royal princess to death!”

“I think, by then, how can he not give another 500 million euros, right? After all, it’s not easy for the royal family to raise Helena, and it’s reasonable for me to ask him for 500 million euros in compensation!”

Richard looked at his daughter, gave a thumbs up, and praised, “Olivia, you are really a genius of the world! When you inherit the throne, the royal family will definitely usher in a spurt of development!”

Olivia nodded and said in a cold voice: “With the news of my marriage with William, the whole of Europe is concerned, many other European royal families and nobles, rich and powerful, are coming to attend the wedding of the two of us,”

“Originally I did not intend to invite Aman Ramovich, that thug who can not get on the stage, but since Helena is here, then I might as well invite him too, by the time the wedding is over I’ll let him take her away!”

Richard laughed, “Aman Ramovich loves to attend European aristocratic parties, you call him now and he will fly over from St. Petersburg tonight!”

Olivia nodded and said with a cold smile, “I’ll give him a call in a moment.”

After saying that, she added, “By the way dad, I think after my wedding, there is no need to let the old lady continue to linger on, then let’s inform the doctor and quietly pull out all the tubes.”


The speed of the Concorde was faster than the speed of the earth’s rotation.

When Charlie and Helena boarded the plane, it was already evening there, but after four hours of flight, when they arrived in Oslo City, it was just dusk in Northern Europe.

Immediately after landing at the end of the runway, the plane was guided by ground guidance vehicles all the way to the hangar at the far end of the airport.

While the plane was still in the taxiing phase, Helena heard the voice message Olivia had left for her.

Although Olivia did not finish her words, Helena still heard the strong anger and threat in her words. 

She looked at Charlie somewhat nervously and spoke, “Mr. Wade, Olivia should be very angry right now, I presume she will definitely put me under tight control the moment I get off the plane ……”

Charlie smiled: “The probability is that she will take you to the palace and put you under house arrest, and I will probably be treated the same way.”

Helena was busy asking, “What then?”

“Never mind.” Charlie said lightly: “Since we have come all the way here, naturally we should be treated as a guest, this is the due courtesy, everything will be discussed when we get to the palace.”

When Helena saw that Charlie was prepared, she was immediately relieved, and then asked him, “Mr. Wade, then how should I introduce you to Helena?”

Charlie smiled, “Just say that I am Morgan’s younger brother because Morgan has not yet consummated his marriage with you,”

“According to our Chinese rules, this kind of thing of returning to your mother’s family to attend the wedding,”

“It is not convenient for Morgan to directly participate, so this time the Wade family arranged for me to escort all the way.”

“Okay.” Helena nodded gently and asked again, “Then does your name need to be circumvented?”

Charlie shook his head and casually laughed: “No need, for the first time in my life I came to Northern Europe, naturally I want to come openly and honestly!”

Chapter 3569

At this time in the hangar, wearing a Chanel dress, dressed incomparably delicate Olivia, is holding a young man’s arm, watching the Concorde getting closer and closer.

The young white man is the eldest son of the Ruthschild collateral family, William Ruthschild.

William’s family is rooted in Denmark, across the sea from four northern European countries.

Over the years, William’s family has been hoping to join the second ring of the Ruthschild family ladder, so it has been hiding its light and lying in wait. 

Within the Ruthschild family, the overall structure is similar to that of the

Wade family, but at the actual execution end, it is much more cumbersome than the Wade family.

The Ruthschild is an old capitalist family, they themselves are engaged in finance to open a bank to start, so the allocation of internal resources is extremely strict.

The family’s lifeline is in the hands of the core family in the United States, and the core family distinguishes between different families’ resource rationing through the practice of scoring ratings for other families.

A second-tier family, the annual resources from the core family, two or three times higher than the third-tier.

So every second and third-tier family is cutting their heads to climb, and the top of the first-tier family, and must do everything possible to stabilize their position, and can not be compared to other families down.

Therefore, this strong internal competition, within the Ruthschild family the overall internal barriers are very strong, all fighting to achieve internal ladder across, it is not an easy task.

William’s family in recent years has been trying to do everything possible to improve their own rating weight.

During this recent period, through their own channels, they learned the news of the Nordic Queen’s critical illness.

Realizing that the young Olivia, will soon become the youngest empress in Northern Europe and even the whole of Europe, they immediately negotiated with the Nordic royal family, hoping to reach a marriage union.

But Olivia has long been up for sale.

Many wealthy people in Europe, in fact, realized that she was about to become an empress, so many of them hoped to marry her.

The whole of Europe, itself has a strong idea of power and nobility as well as feudal residue, almost everyone believes that in royalty, the nobility is superior.

Those who do not have the title of nobility, if you can marry the Queen, will immediately be enthroned as a prince, at the same time by the dukes, which is equal to the instant elevation of the class across.

The reason why William was able to stand out among the many competitors is because of his family.

His family decided to invest two billion euros, accompanied by one billion euros in cash as a bride price, only to press the other competitors down. 

William’s family hopes to increase its influence in the whole continent through the support of the royal family so that it can get more weight in the next internal rating of Ruthschild, and thus step up to the second ladder.

Chapter 3570

At this time, Olivia looked at the white swan-like Concorde, said with a bored expression, “The Wade family is really something, even this supersonic airliner they can still keep.”

William nodded, expression mixed with envy said: “As the world’s fastest passenger aircraft, Concorde once retired, the major top families grabbed up, this aircraft retired but they can still continue to use.”

“There are a total of less than ten, the Ruthschild family has a total of three, all in the hands of the core family, we simply do not have the opportunity to experience, did not expect that the Wade family also has a ……”

Olivia said with a black face, “I haven’t been on this kind of supersonic airliner.”

William smacked his lips and said resentfully, “I’ve never been in one either, I heard that the Wade family has suffered heavy losses this time, I wonder if they are willing to sell this plane at a low price, if they are, I’ll buy it!”

At this time, the plane had slowly pulled into the hangar, then the hatch opened, and Helena, accompanied by Charlie, walked down the spiral staircase.

Under the spiral staircase, Olivia looked at Helena with a cold smile on her face, seeing that only she and Charlie walked down the whole plane, Olivia frowned and asked, “Helena, where are your two attendants? Why didn’t they come back with you?”

Helena’s two entourage members were Olivia’s people.

But Olivia had always thought that Helena did not know, this time when she saw that she had not brought her entourage back, and the entourage did not report any changes to her in advance, she realized that Helena might have found out true identity of those two people.

Helena played dumb at this point and casually said, “I left them both in China and let them work with the Wade family planner to prepare the engagement party and wedding details.”

Helena’s words sounded fine to outsiders, but Olivia knew very well that Helena was absolutely talking nonsense!

If this is really what she said, then her own two people will definitely be the first to report the situation to her.

But now that she didn’t receive any news, it proved that these two people must have been controlled by Helena.

But what depresses Olivia is that she sees Helena in front of her own face, but she has absolutely no way to attack.

Can only hold back the anger, said along with her words, “So it is like this …… gee sister, really did not expect that both of our sisters will soon be married, time really flies.”

Helena nodded and sighed with the same smile, “Yes, it seems like yesterday we were running together on the grass of the palace, and in the blink of an eye we’re getting married.”

Olivia hummed and laughed, looked at Charlie beside her, frowned, and asked, “By the way, this one beside you doesn’t seem to be your fiance, Mr. Morgan, right?”

Helena hurriedly introduced: “Oh yes, I almost forgot to introduce, this is Morgan’s cousin, Charlie Wade! Morgan has been busy and unable to leave recently, so he accompanied me back this time.”

Olivia didn’t know much about the structure of the Wade family, and when she heard that Charlie was Morgan’s cousin, she instinctively thought that he might be the son of someone else in the Wade family, and didn’t take it to heart.

On the side, William also did not think much about it. 

Because at that time the Chinese business world Changying fought with the United States of America’s Ruthschild core family.

Moreover, things ended up being won by the Ruthschild family, so he, the son of a third-order family living in Europe, did not know about that feud back then, nor did he know the specifics of the Wade family.

Olivia herself had made up her mind to sell Helena to the Russian oligarch Aman Ramovich.

Therefore, she did not intend to have anything to do with the Wade family in the future, so she naturally had nothing good to say to Charlie.

She looked at him and said with a sneer on her face, “Mr. Wade, I heard that your family has just been treated by the Cataclysmic Front?”

“I also heard that in addition to robbing your family’s ancestral tomb the

family also demanded that the Wade family give up half of its assets? Then this time, your family should have suffered a great loss, right?”

Seeing Olivia somewhat targeting Charlie, William on the side also deliberately raised his eyebrows and said, “Olivia, why do you have to talk about other people’s pains as soon as you meet them?”

“The Wade family’s loss is so big this time, losing people and money, Mr. Wade must be suffering in his heart.”

Charlie smiled and said casually, “I am not painful at all, we have an old saying, called the thin camel is bigger than a horse.”

“Even if the Wade family lost half of its assets, but there are still trillions of yuan, compared to the majority of the petty families in Europe, it is still much better.”

Hearing the sarcasm in Charlie’s words, William angrily questioned, “Wade! Who are you calling a petty family?”

Charlie laughed coldly with an arrogant face: “In my eyes, all the families in Europe whose assets are not as good as my Wade family’s, all of them, are petty!”

Chapter 3571

Hearing Charlie’s words, William was immediately on fire and said, “Surnamed Wade, your words are a little too arrogant!”

Charlie smiled and asked, “Arrogant? Why do not I feel.”

Saying that, he added: “Even if our family has suffered heavy losses, we still have trillions of assets, some families have not experienced such heavy losses, are not as much money as my Wade family, what can this be if it is not petty?”

Charlie looked at the two, a slight beat, flirted: “You see, if the water of the sea is half gone, it is still the sea, but the water in the mud pit is still a mud pit, even if it is filled to the brim.”

Olivia and William’s faces became very ugly. 

Olivia knows very well the strength of the Nordic royal family, cash, antiques, real estate, and foreign investments, and so on all counted, but only a few billion euros in size.

Moreover, the royal family is not Olivia’s family of three, there is a large number of royal relatives below, depending on the royal family to feed.

But even if the Wade family took out half of the assets to the Cataclysmic Front, the remaining assets there are hundreds of billions of euros, which is really much stronger than the royal family.

William’s heart is as annoyed as Olivia’s.

Although his surname Ruthschild, but their family’s overall economic strength, converted into euros can barely reach ten billion, in his opinion, may not be as good as a tenth of the current Wade family status.

However, William still gritted his teeth and retorted: “Our Ruthschild family is deep in the world for hundreds of years,”

“The combined assets of more than a trillion dollars, ten trillion may not be able to stop! In front of the Ruthschild family, a mere Wade family is not even trash!”

Charlie asked curiously, “You’re from the Ruthschild family?”

Olivia was full of smugness and pride as she introduced, “I forgot to introduce you two, this is my fiancé, the young talent of the Ruthschild family, William Ruthschild!”

Charlie smiled faintly and said, “You are really from the Ruthschild family, no wonder you speak so loudly.”

William sneered, “What? Do you now realize how petty the Wade family is in front of our Ruthschild family?”

Charlie shook his head and said indifferently, “Whether it’s trash or not depends on who you compare it to. If you compare it to the core Ruthschild family, the Wade family is naturally much inferior,”

“But I heard that there are many side branches within the Ruthschild family, and these side lines are divided into three ladders, I wonder what ladder Mr. William’s family is on?”

Hearing these words, William’s face immediately became iron blue.

Talking about the Ruthschild family, he was full of pride. 

But when it comes to the topic of his family in the first few steps, he is a bit at a loss as to what to do.

Because his family, in the Ruthschild family, is just a hanging third ladder.

Charlie saw his odd expression but did not speak, could not help but laugh and ask: “What is it Mr. William, just now is not quite able to talk? How come you’re not talking now?”

William’s expression was cloudy and uncertain, and he didn’t know how to respond for a while.

Chapter 3572

Olivia saw her fiancé defeated, immediately very upset said in a cold voice: “Mr. Wade, this is Northern Europe, not China! It’s better not to speak so sharply.”

Charlie grunted and asked rhetorically, “This is sharp? It seems that you still lack understanding of the real sharpness.”

At this time, Helena came out and rounded up, “I think we should stop chatting here, let’s go back to the palace, I still want to go see how our grandmother is doing now.”

Olivia’s expression smiled playfully and said, “Helena, don’t worry, William and I came to the airport this time, not only to pick you two up.”

“There is also a friend who will be arriving soon, why don’t we go back to the palace together when he arrives.”

Helena subconsciously inquired, “Who is the other friend you are talking about?”

Olivia laughed, “This friend is a Russian oligarch, Aman Ramovich.”

Helena had already learned from the two attendants that Olivia intended to sell her to Amanramovich, so when she heard this, her heart stuttered.

However, she tried her best to control her emotions and asked in mock surprise, “Olivia, when did you become friends with such a vulgar person?”

Olivia narrowed her eyes at Helena and asked with some surprise, “Helena, has no one ever mentioned anything about Aman Ramovich to you?”

Helena shook her head blankly, “No one has mentioned it, why?”

Today, Helena left the two people Olivia had planted to come back alone, Olivia knew that her people had exposed their identity.

Now, she also did not know whether her two people, had told Helena about her plan.

Because earlier she had authorized the two to trick Helena into going to the airport and then send her directly to St. Petersburg.

But now, looking at Helena’s bewildered face, Olivia thought she might not have learned about it yet.

So she then said with a big smile: “This Aman Ramovich, is still quite good, rich, and also very gentlemanly, just a little older, not as crude as they say not to see.”

Helena pretended to laugh casually: “I have the impression that the nobility of Western Europe seems to have always been quite repulsed by him, why did you still invite him over?”

Olivia laughed, “Although Amanramovic has no background worthy of praise, he is at least a tycoon worth tens of billions of dollars, and I want to revitalize the royal family in the future, so of course I need to have good relations with such tycoons.”

As she spoke, the sound of an aircraft engine outside grew closer, and a brand new Gulfstream G650 business jet, guided by a guidance car, slowly glided towards the hangar.

Olivia raised an eyebrow and smiled, “Aman Ramovich is here!”

The G650 soon came to a halt in the space next to the Concorde, the hatch opened, and a short, thin, middle-aged man in a dark blue suit came out of the hatch with a smile on his face.

This man is the Russian oligarch, Aman Ramovich.

Aman Ramovich came from a poor background, but seized the wave of the times and accumulated wealth like crazy at a special stage in Russia, quickly rising to the top of the rich list.

As soon as Amanramovich stepped off the plane, he said to Olivia with a big smile, “Your Highness Princess Olivia, it’s been a long time!”

After saying that, he immediately looked at Helena at the side with a kind of eyes with a bit of greed, and said with a smile, “This, must be Her Highness Princess Helena, right?”

Chapter 3573

Helena was more or less uncomfortable, while Olivia next to her, after seeing his infatuated look at Helena, said with a smile, “Mr. Amanramovich, this is my sister, Princess Helena.”

Amanramovich immediately extended his hand to Helena, and while expecting a k!ssing hand salute to her, he said in a very gentlemanly manner, “Very pleased to meet you, Your Highness, the honorable Princess Helena!”

Helena did not want him to k!ss her hand, she had already guessed Olivia’s motive for inviting him here, and was disgusted, so she nodded slightly at him and said with an apologetic face,

“Sorry Mr. Amanramovich, because my fiancé is a Chinese, so I have to observe their customs and cannot perform the k!ssing hand salute, please excuse me!”

Aman gave an embarrassed laugh, then quietly withdrew his hand and said with a smile, “It’s okay, it’s okay, I understand!”

Olivia glanced at Helena and sneered in her heart, “Helena, what are you pretending to be reserved for? It won’t be long before you are Aman’s woman!”

When Olivia learned that Helena was going back to her country, she had already discussed the countermeasure with her parents.

Since Helena was here this time, it would not be easy to let her go again. 

According to Olivia’s plan, from the moment Helena returned to the palace, she was put under surveillance and was not allowed to leave the palace grounds.

She also called Aman in St. Petersburg at the first opportunity and reached an agreement with him on the phone to force Helena to agree to marry him after her big wedding tomorrow.

Olivia had Helena’s mother as a hostage in her hand, so she believed that Helena would never dare to disobey her arrangement.

As for Aman Ramovich, he was ridiculed by the Western media all day long for his origins, ridiculed a bit to go off the rails.

Now all he can think of every day is to hurry up and marry a European royal princess, so as to severely humiliate those people who despise him.

So, when he received Olivia’s call, he was overjoyed and immediately rushed over.

The good thing is that St. Petersburg is only a thousand kilometers away from Northern Europe, and an ordinary plane can arrive in two hours.

However, Aman Ramovich, who flew over from St. Petersburg with great enthusiasm, did not expect that Helena would be so cold to him.

So, he then looked at Olivia and asked, “Princess Olivia, I wonder if that thing we talked about on the phone still counts?”

Olivia laughed, “Of course it counts! I will soon become the Queen, the Queen promised, how can I go back on my word? Don’t worry, Mr. Amanramovich!”

“That’s good!” he breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that Olivia must have a way to make Helena agree. 

As for what method, he didn’t bother to worry about it. 

In short, as long as he could get Helena back to St. Petersburg, he would immediately put 500 million euros into the Nordic royal family’s account, and all would be happy.

Olivia smiled faintly at this time and said, “You all must have had a hard time flying here from so far away, why don’t you go back to the palace first, there will be a grand banquet for you all at the palace in the evening.”

Aman Ramovich naturally agreed, Charlie did not speak, a guest as the host.

So, the crowd was divided into several royal convoys, from the airport to the palace.

There were six cars in the royal convoy, Olivia and her fiancé William sat in the second car, Charlie and Helena sat in the third car, and Aman Ramovich sat alone in the fourth car.

Chapter 3574

In the car, Charlie has been closing his eyes, Helena‟s heart is more or less apprehensive, several times want to talk to him, but once she thought there is a driver and a royal maid in the front row, she could only temporarily hold back.

At this time, Olivia and William sitting in the car, guarding a special player, listening to the gasps coming from inside.

William couldn‟t help but frown at this point: “How come these two didn‟t say anything? Are they aware that the car is bugged?”

Olivia shook her head: “I‟m not sure.”

William opened his mouth and asked her, “Olivia, have you thought about how to deal with that man?”

Olivia said casually, “What‟s he got to deal with? When Aman takes Helena away, let him go back to China.”

“No way.” William said with a cold face, “We can‟t let him just leave!”

Olivia was surprised and asked, “You don‟t want to fix him up, do you? The Wade family is far away in China, but if we really kill their people, we‟ll get into trouble!”

“No.” William waved his hand and spoke, “I wouldn‟t be stupid enough to kill him, I just want to teach him a lesson, and by the way, let him leave that Concorde behind!”

“Concorde?” Olivia couldn‟t help but see a light in her eyes. 

In the real high society, there were only two kinds of real top luxury goods, one was a private jet and the other was a private yacht.

In terms of private jets alone, it looks as if the Saudi royal family‟s modified A380 is the largest and most luxurious, but to really say that the top rare, private jet that can represent the highest status, it has to be the Concorde.

The reason is that this thing is too rare.

When a total of twenty or so were built, there are now only single-digit remaining, is the real out-of-print private aircraft.

Moreover, it is also the only private plane that can fly at supersonic speed.

Who can have such a private jet, flying out of the face, then the Saudi royal family A380 is much more elegant!

Olivia and William are both extremely vain people, usually, luxury goods are numerous, but none of them dare to hope that they can own a Concorde.

Therefore, when William proposed this idea, Olivia was immediately moved beyond belief.

So, she immediately asked, “Honey, what do you have in mind?” 

William sneered: “After the banquet tonight, I will open a card game to play cards with some guests who came from far away, and earn some pocket money in the meantime,”

“When the time comes, I will make a game and invite that Charlie to come over and play a couple of games, as long as he is willing to play, I will be sure to make him fall in step by step.”

Olivia asked with some doubt: “Are you really sure?”

William said confidently: “Don‟t worry, this time, there is a guest inside, I have placed a person in advance, this person has been in Las Vegas for many years as a lottery officer, as long as you let him deal, no matter what items to play, can make that Charlie lose all!”

Olivia asked in disbelief, “How come you also specifically planted a cheater in the palace?”

William shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, “Don‟t you understand the hobbies of these rich men? They like nothing but beautiful women and gambling,”

“They come to the palace to attend the wedding, certainly can not bring women in the palace mess, so an impromptu gambling game will certainly make them very interested!”

Saying that William moved his eyebrows and continued: “But all such occasions, as long as someone set up a game, every man loves to play a couple of hands, casually lose a few hundred million euros, for them is nothing,”

“A person losing hundreds of millions, ten people can be tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, so as long as the operation is done properly, earn a few tens of millions of euros very easy.”

Olivia stroked her chin and said with a smile: “I didn‟t expect you to be quite bad! Even the money of these relatives and friends are also counted!”

William said awkwardly, “There is a chance to earn some pocket money, and it‟s not a big loss for them, so why not? Don‟t you think so?” 

Olivia hummed and laughed, “Seeing is believing! I want half of the proceeds from the bet!”

William faintly froze, then smiled and said, “Haha, Olivia, I have a hunch that the two of us will have a very, very harmonious life after marriage!”

Olivia raised her eyebrows and added: “If Charlie can really lose that Concorde to you, I‟ll have half of this plane too!”

“That‟s for sure!” William reached out and cupped Olivia‟s chin and k!ssed her hard on the lips, only to raise his head a moment later and said with unparalleled tenderness, “Dear Queen Olivia, everything I have belongs to you!” 

Olivia nodded with a satisfied face and smiled, “It seems that you have started to adapt to the role of „Prince William‟ in advance.”

William laughed: “That‟s for sure! I can‟t wait to be your husband tomorrow and the Prince the day after tomorrow!”

He said, “My father has promised me that after you inherit the throne and make me Prince, he will give us the Italian luxury yacht in Copenhagen and a villa in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles!”

Chapter 3575

Half an hour later, the convoy drove into the Royal Palace.

The royal family in the Nordic countries has three palaces, and in the capital suburbs, this is the largest of the three, but also the most luxurious.

The entire palace, in fact, is more like a large combination of ancient fortress and manor.

The overall area of hundreds of hectares, the place is so large that there is a golf course inside, and an equestrian venue.

It is said that the value of the building and land of this palace alone is more than three billion euros.

However, because it is a royal patrimony and a symbol of the family, the country’s laws prohibit the royal family from selling it to the public. 

Can not be sold, it means that the royal family has actually just a right to use it.

The caravan crossed a large green area and stopped in front of an old castle that was at least a hundred years old.

The members of the Royal Guard immediately came forward and opened all the car doors, and Charlie walked down with Helena.

Seeing Helena return, the royal guards immediately saluted respectfully, “Your Highness Princess Helena!”

Helena nodded slightly in greeting, and immediately after that, Olivia walked over and said to Charlie as well as Amanramovich, “The rooms for the two guests are ready for you, I will have someone take you there first.”

Amanramovich immediately bowed and said respectfully under his breath, “Thank you, Princess Olivia!”

In contrast, Charlie was not so polite and just said goodbye indifferently.

Olivia saw that Charlie also did not bow, showed much less curtsy, and did not even bother to say a thank you, could not help but be a little upset. 

However, once she thought that William was still planning to make a game for Charlie, she did not get angry, on the contrary, she said to him with a fake smile on her face, “Mr. Wade, there will be a dinner in the banquet hall later, Mr. Wade must be appreciated to attend.”

Charlie did not know what medicine Olivia was selling in her gourd, but to him, all the people in the palace combined, it is impossible to touch him, so he said with an indifferent face: “Okay, I will come there.”

Hearing this, William on the side said with a smile, “That’s really great, today’s guests, in addition to our family and the relatives of the Nordic royal family,” 

“There are also some heads of the top four northern European families, then Mr. Wade can also get to know others well.”

Charlie did not expect that even this guy named William was now smiling at him, thus it was clear that this pu55y and Olivia must not have held back any good far.ts in the car just now.

So, he then smiled and said to William: “It seems that Mr. William has already made all the arrangements for me, so I’ll respectfully do as I’m told.”

William immediately laughed and said, “Mr. Wade is too polite, I will let you enjoy tonight!”

Chapter 3576

At this time, Helena said, “Olivia, I want to go see grandma!”

“See grandma?” Olivia laughed twice and said, “Grandma is already in a deep coma, the doctor said it’s impossible for her to wake up, what’s the point of you going to see her now?”

In Olivia’s opinion, Helena was anxious to see the Queen, she must still have a ray of hope, want to go to the Queen to plead for mercy, or to sue her.

But Olivia is not worried, because she knows very well that the Queen’s life has entered the end, not only is it impossible to wake up, even life does not have long to continue.

Helena spoke at this time: “Olivia, grandmother is the Queen, I no matter as her granddaughter, or as her vassal, certainly must go to pay respect to her, even if she has been in a coma!”

Saying that she added: “Besides, you and I, sisters, also have some whispered words to say.”

Olivia put away her smile, nodded slowly, and said expressionlessly, “Okay! In that case, then I will take you to see Grandma first.”

After saying that, she instructed the guards, “You guys send the two guests to their rooms first.”

Helena busily asked, “Can I let Charlie go with me?”

Olivia frowned: “Didn’t you say you had something to whisper to me? What’s the point of letting Mr. Wade join?”

Charlie knew that Helena definitely wanted to let him go to save her grandmother.

But it is a little too boring to go straight out now, and besides, one has not yet seen Olivia and William’s little plot.

The first thing you can do is to drive straight in and get right to the point. 

Have to give people a little foreplay and adaptation time?

So, he said with a smile: “You two sisters chat, I will not get involved.” 

After saying that, he gave Helena a reassuring look.

Seeing this, Helena had to nod her head and said, “That’s fine, then Olivia and I will go see grandma first, let’s meet at the dinner.”

Charlie nodded: “Okay.”

Charlie was led by the guards to a guest room on the third floor of the ancient castle.

At this time, Helena, led by Olivia, came directly to the top floor of the castle, which is the sixth floor.

This layer, is the entire royal family living in a dedicated area. 

At this time on the top floor of a luxury suit, the Queen has been basically sentenced to death.

Half of this suite has been transformed into an intensive care unit.

Olivia brought Helena up and did not immediately enter the ward, but brought her to the next room and instructed a maid, “Search her!”

The maid immediately came up and checked Helena’s entire body and found that she only had a cell phone, so she handed it to Olivia and said respectfully, “Your Highness, only this.”

Olivia nodded and instructed her, “You can keep her phone for now.”

After saying that, she waved at Helena and said, “Come with me.” 

Helena followed Olivia to the door of the ward, Olivia sent away the guards outside the ward, and sent several doctors on duty out together, and only then took Helena into the ward.

Inside the ward, an old woman with white hair, lying expressionlessly on the hospital bed.

Her whole body is very thin, her face buckled oxygen mask, the whole person except for breathing the chest shows a slight rise and fall, there is no other movement.

Seeing this old woman, Helena’s eyes were red and she came crying to the bed, choking: “Grandma …… Grandma, can you hear my voice? I’m Helena, I’ve come back to see you ……”

Olivia sneered, “Helena, you just don’t dream, there’s no way she’ll wake up to do you justice!”

There was no one else here except the two of them, and the dying queen, so Olivia immediately put away her hypocritical face.

Helena turned her head to Olivia and questioned, “Olivia, where exactly did you hide my mother?”

Olivia grunted: “Don’t you think you’re particularly childish for asking such a question? I have to use your mother’s life to force you to give in, how could I possibly tell you her whereabouts?”

Helena asked her through clenched teeth, “Olivia! I am your sister! It’s your family! Why are you doing this to me! Why are you doing this to my mother?”

Olivia hugged her shoulders and sneered, “Come on Helena, what’s the point of playing this emotional card at this point?”

After a pause, Olivia said: “I tell you, now you no longer have any choice, honestly after my wedding to marry you to Aman Ramovich, I will spare your mother’s life!”

“Otherwise, I will not only give you to Aman Ramovich by force but also turn your mother into her present form!”

When she said this, Olivia pointed her finger at the Queen lying on the bed.

Hearing this, Helena looked at her with dumbfounded eyes and questioned, “Grandma …… Grandma is in this state because of you?!”

“Of course it was me!” Olivia, knowing that Helena did not have any recording and eavesdropping devices on her, sneered unscrupulously, “During her medical checkup last year, her health care doctor told me that with good maintenance, she could live for at least another ten years, and possibly even another twenty ……”

“Da*n, which crown prince can wait that long? Ten years after another ten years, who knows how many more ten years will follow? The ghosts know if she will also be like the one in Great Britain, give me a super long standby?”

“So, in order to inherit the throne as soon as possible, I could only use some means to try to shorten her standby time!”

Chapter 3577

Helena really did not expect that her grandmother is now seriously ill and not awake, but it was all Olivia who is behind the control!

This makes her heart extremely angry at the same time, can not help but feel a chill in the back ……

The first thing she had never realized before was that her cousin was actually such a sinister and poisonous woman at heart!

Not only did she scheme against her, but even her grandmother, the reigning empress, did not spare her!

The furious Helena, pointing at Olivia, angrily rebuked: “Olivia, do you know that murdering the empress is a felony of treason! In the past, you would have been sent to the gallows!”

Olivia bristled, sneering with disdain, “Let me go to the gallows? To tell you the truth, the old woman’s fate is in my hands, I let her die today, she can not live tomorrow!”

“If I let her die tomorrow, she will not live until the day after tomorrow! As soon as she dies, I will be enthroned as the Queen! At that time, who can still do anything to me?”

Helena gritted her teeth and said, “Don’t you forget! Even if you are the Queen, you are still a citizen of this country and have to abide by the laws of this country.”

“If what you have done is known to the outside world, even if you have ascended to the throne and become the Queen, you will definitely be caught and tried publicly!”

Olivia asked disdainfully in return, “But who outside will know about it? You?

Do you really think that if you say something, outsiders will believe it?”

Saying that, Olivia did not wait for Helena to open her mouth, then snickered: “Oh yes, you will not have the opportunity to talk to outsiders either, because from now on, you are not allowed to leave the palace half a step, nor are you allowed to have any contact with the outside world!”

Helena sneered, “What? Do you want to put me under house arrest? Don’t you forget that everyone knows I’ve returned, what will they think if I don’t show up at your wedding tomorrow?”

Olivia said disdainfully, “You’ll make a short video tonight telling everyone that you’re suddenly unwell and have to stay in bed to recuperate, so you can’t be my maid of honor!”

Helena blurted out, “You’re dreaming! I’m not filming that!”

Olivia laughed, “It doesn’t matter, you don’t have to film it,  but I will have your mother’s two eyes gouged out, and then the whole thing will be on video for you to see!”

Helena was shaking with anger and rebuked, “Olivia! You are a devil!”

Olivia bristled, “I’m not a devil, I’m the future Nordic Queen!”

At this point, she stared into Helena’s eyes and said, word for word, “Helena!

You can never be my match!”

“If you want your mother to survive, you should listen to me honestly, otherwise, not only your mother will not survive, you will not survive either!”

Helena was extremely angry in her heart, but she also knew very well that she was not Olivia’s opponent at all.

Her only hope was Charlie.

So, she could only give in to Olivia and spoke, “You let me think about it ……”

Olivia sneered, “Remember, the video must be sent out before eleven o’clock at night.”

“Okay ……,” Helena nodded, as a promise.

Chapter 3578

7:00 p.m. Scandinavian local time.

The royal family’s internal reception dinner was held in the banquet hall of the palace.

The Western-style banquet is very different from the East, the scene is not divided into several round tables, but an extra-long long table with more than ten fine dining chairs on each side of the long table.

The number of guests attending the dinner was not large, including Olivia and William’s parents, a total of less than 20 people.

Most of the guests are close friends and relatives of the two families, which is why they were invited to stay at the palace a day early.

Most of the guests, on the other hand, will come to the palace early tomorrow morning to attend the wedding.

Helena is coming down with Olivia.

Because of Olivia’s threat, Helena’s mood has been a bit apprehensive.

When she just arrived at the banquet hall, she immediately began to look around for Charlie’s shadow.

Because right now only when she sees Charlie, she could put her heart down.

But he did not appear in the banquet hall.

When Olivia’s father Richard saw Helena, he immediately said with a smile, “Helena, you’re back!”

Helena looked at Richard, she did not know whether her uncle was involved in the matter that put her grandmother in a deep coma.

But her heart was still very wary of this person, so she spoke: “Uncle, how are you lately?”

Richard sighed lightly and said, “Other than your grandmother’s health that I am concerned about, the rest is fine.”

As he was talking, Aman Ramovich also came over, first looked at Helena a few times with some fascination, then stepped in front of Richard and said respectfully, “Hello, Prince Richard! I am Aman Ramovich, it is an honor to meet you!”

Richard nodded slightly and said with a smile, “I’ve heard a lot about Mr. Amanramovich, but I only had the chance to meet today.”

Richard said, “By the way, I’ve always liked the English Premier League team you bought, I must go to England to see a live game if I have the chance!”

Aman Ramovic said with a surprised look on his face, “His Royal Highness also likes football? In that case, you can come to London next week if you have time, it just so happens that the team has a home game next week!”

Richard nodded and said, “If there’s nothing else on the royal side, I would really like to make a trip to London, just as a short break.”

With that, he sighed and laughed to himself, “But the royal family has so many things to do every day that they can’t get away, so I guess the rest will have to wait for some more time!”

Aman Ramovic said with a smile, “It doesn’t matter, it’s almost summer, there are especially many summer matches, when the new Champions League season starts, maybe it will come away to play in Northern Europe.”

“Yes.” Richard nodded and smiled: “I didn’t expect you and I to have a lot of common topics, you and Helena will sit next to me!”

After saying that, he pointed to the two empty seats on his right and said to Helena: “Helena, you sit with Mr. Amanramovich.”

Helena said awkwardly, “Uncle, I have a friend who came from afar, he is not familiar with this place, I’d better join him.”

Richard said indifferently, “You are talking about the person from the Wade family, right?”

“Yes.” Helena was busy saying, “The one from the Wade family this time is Morgan’s cousin and the first son and grandson of the Wade family.”

Richard grunted and said, “I really don’t understand the Wade family, after such a big incident at home, why don’t they stay at home and clean up the mess, but still have to come out to the world to make a fool of themselves.”

Helena had to explain: “Uncle, don’t say that, the Wade family also had a good intention, after all, I am the future daughter-in-law of the Wade family, they feel that if I come back alone, more or less lost the etiquette.”

Richard said casually: “I was not in favor of you marrying there, our royal family for so many years, has never been through marriage with people outside Europe, you went to China in the past few days I am also considering this issue,”

“Out of respect for the royal bloodline and maintenance, I think you should not marry far away to China, just find a suitable young talent in Europe to marry here!”

Saying that, he glanced at Aman Ramovich, casually said: “In my opinion, like Mr. Aman Ramovich, such young talent, is also not the least bit worse than the Wade family!”

Helena said with a difficult face, “Uncle …… marriage contract is all set, how can we change …… if word gets out, others will say that our royal family has no credibility ……”

Richard said unconcernedly, “The Wade family had such a big incident, it is reasonable for us to change the marriage contract.”

Helena was busy saying, “But I can’t explain it to the Wade family either ……”

Richard waved his hand and said disdainfully, “What’s so bad about it? Where is the guy from the Wade family? Let him come over, I will talk to him personally!”

Richard’s voice just fell, Charlie, step into the banquet hall, while walking smiling and asked, “I’m here, who wants to talk to me?”

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3579

Chapter 3579

Seeing the yellow-skinned, black-eyed Charlie walk in, Richard immediately guessed that he was from the Wade family even though he had never seen him before.

So he said with a smile on his face, “Gentleman, I believe you’re from the Wade family?”

“Yes.” Charlie nodded slightly and asked with a smile, “I heard a general idea when I came in just now, do you have something to talk to me about?”

Olivia at the side immediately said, “Charlie, this is my father, Prince Richard of the Nordic royal family!”

Charlie nodded and smiled, “Prince Richard I don’t know what you want to say?”

Richard adjusted the knot of his tie and said with a proud look on his face, “When we made the marriage contract with the Wade family, we did not know that your Wade family would have involvement with a mercenary organization like the Cataclysmic Front!”

“And we, the Nordic royal family, have always been clean and never had any involvement with such gray organizations!”

“Therefore, in order to maintain the royal family’s reputation, we naturally cannot continue to fulfill the marriage contract with the Wade family. I hope that when you return, you will carry my words to the Wade family head.”

Saying that, he glanced at Helena and added: “As for Helena, since she has already returned, she will stay directly with the family this time and will no longer return to China with you.”

Charlie laughed: “Prince Richard, you see that my Wade family has lost power, so you want to unilaterally repeal the marriage!”

“If that’s the case, you can just say so, why do you need to make such a big circle, and then bring people from the Cataclysmic Front into this and step on it?”

If the Cataclysmic Front knows that you are using them as a shield to withdraw from the marriage, in case you annoy Joseph Wan, he will have to kill you when he gets hotheaded, what will you do then?

Richard’s expression changed instantly, and his heart panicked.

He originally wanted to find a reason to dissolve the marriage with the Wade family, but said straight out that the Wade family is now out of power, the royal family is not willing to play with them.

If the word gets out, everyone can see that the royal family’s words are not faithful, and go back on their word.

Therefore, he can only blame the reason on the principle.

The most reasonable way to say it is to take the royal family’s cleanliness as a principle, since the Wade family compromised with the Cataclysmic Front, it proves that the Wade family and the Cataclysmic Front have got involved.

His royal family does not want to be soiled by the Cataclysmic Front itself, so it is much more reasonable to withdraw from the deal with the Wade family.

However, how could Richard have thought that Charlie was such a provocative master?

As soon as he heard him say that, he immediately bit the bullet that he was using the Cataclysmic Front as a shield, and then directly brought out the Front’s name as a threat, which immediately made Richard confused. 

Don’t look at him as a royal prince proud, but if really faced with the Cataclysmic Front, he can be scared to sh!t.

So he hurriedly waved his hand and said, “I didn’t mean that! Don’t talk nonsense!”

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3580

Chapter 3580

Charlie laughed: “What am I talking nonsense about? Just now you said yourself, so many people listened to it, did I say it wrong?”

Saying that, Charlie added: “Don’t worry, I will definitely take your words to Joseph Wan intact, as for whether you deliberately stepped on him or not, let him judge for himself.”

Olivia saw that Charlie even brought out Joseph’s name to threaten her father, and immediately said in annoyance, “Mr. Charlie! You don’t have to talk out of your a55 here! Your Wade family has a father’s murderous grudge against Joseph, and you were treated by him, lost your ancestral tomb and half of your family fortune, and all in the world know about it.”

“And now you dare to bring up Joseph to threaten others, if he knows that you are using his name outside, I believe he will never let you go!”

When the others heard this, they also instantly looked at each other with approval.

After all, the Wade family had just been taught a lesson to death by Joseph, and to bring Joseph out to scare others at this time was indeed very untrustworthy.

Aman Ramovich, sitting next to Helena, said with a smile on his face: “Mr. Wade, the marriage contract itself is a contract, you can choose to perform, of course, you can also choose not to perform,”

“If the two sides initially set a breach of contract clause, then the non-performing party will have to compensate in accordance with the terms, if not set a breach of contract clause, it is more free to decide! We are all civilized people, there is no need to make such personal threats, right?”

Charlie frowned and asked, “Did I ask you? who are you? Do you have a role to speak here?”

Aman Ramovich didn’t think that Charlie, who was a brat, would dare to publicly humiliate him on this occasion!

Charlie looked like he was in his twenties, but Aman Ramovich was already in his fifties, almost twenty years older than him, so he naturally could not bear to be humiliated by this boy.

So, he immediately stood up, slapped the table, and cursed angrily, “Charlie Wade! Do you know that this is Europe? Do you still think that this is China? 

Based on your rudeness to me just now, I can make you die in Europe, do you believe it?”

Charlie saw Aman Ramovich gnashing his teeth, did not say anything, but suddenly stepped forward, grabbed him by the collar, and slapped him hard on the face, and pushed him backward afterward, causing him to fall over.

Everyone at the scene was shocked speechless.

No one expected that Charlie would do it just like that!

Richard, who was the host, was also confused and didn’t know what to do at once.

Aman also did not expect that Charlie would dare to make a direct move on himself.

These people on the scene, are the so-called noble gentlemen of Europe, the dogma is: I can kill his family behind his back, but on the surface must be polite, can not lose the aristocratic style.

But who would have expected that Charlie’s style of action is so brutal, without saying a word upon the dry, immediately dry Aman Ramovich on the ground. 

While everyone was dumbfounded, Charlie moved a new chair and sat on Amanramovich’s previous position, saying in a cold voice:

“Just a Nordic royal family and a Russian oligarch with assets of more than 20 billion dollars, and you think my Wade family is a soft persimmon? The assets of the two of you combined are not even one tenth of my family!”

After saying that, he twisted his head and looked at Aman Ramovich, said indifferently: “I know you have some background in Russia, but I can tell you clearly, just your strength, in front of me is not even a fa.rt,”

“Be smart and honestly move a chair to sit far away, otherwise, I have ways to make your life worse than death.”

Aman Ramovich was frightened by Charlie’s coldness, but for a while was unwilling to admit defeat in front of so many people.

At this time, Prince Richard at the side repeatedly thought deep inside: “Why is this guy surnamed Wade so arrogant? Wasn’t their Wade family just cleaned up by the Cataclysmic Front? Doesn’t he know how to keep a low profile at all?”

When he was wondering, he suddenly thought of something and exclaimed, “Oh no! I almost forgot! The Front took half of the Wade family’s assets, which certainly can not be all cash, there must be a large part of the Wade family’s shares!”

“The Cataclysmic Front is not good at running businesses, so in the future, it will still depend on the Wade family to run it?”

“According to this, although the Wade family has lost half of its assets, the Wade family and the Cataclysmic Front should somehow be considered integrated and become a community of interest!”

Thinking of this, he was horrified: “No wonder this boy has no fear! The Wade family is now substantially tied to the Cataclysmic Front!”

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3581

 Charlie’s reason for beating Aman Ramovic is actually to show the members of the Nordic royal family and make them less pretend to be in front of him. 

 And he is not afraid to expose his identity. After all, there are only a dozen or twenty people here today. As long as he wants to, he can put all these people on the ground and rub them hard, and then save the dying of the Nordic Queen, and then help Helena. Ascend to the throne.

 Immediately afterwards, he let Helena convict them of any crime and arrest them one by one.

 Or, he can directly give these key figures a psychological hint so that they will be crazy in the future and no one can find out the problem.

 But Richard, who he never expected, was so good at making up his brain, so he directly made up the brain of the Wanlong Temple as his backing.

 It’s just that Richard has guesses that are completely contrary to reality.

 He thought it was the Wanlong Palace that integrated the Wade Family, but in fact, it was Charlie who integrated the Wanlong Palace.

 After this thought, he hurriedly got up and took the initiative to help Aman Ramovic up.

 Aman Ramovich was beaten and lost face. He was about to get a bit of face from his mouth, and blurted out angrily and shouted, “If you have the surname wade You, do you dare to beat me? Believe it or not, I will immediately call the former KGB elite. Come to kill.”

 Aman Ramovich hadn’t finished speaking, and Richard covered his mouth, but he could only whimper a little.

 There was Aman Ramovic’s anger, Richard, who was struggling to take Richard’s hand away, whispered in his ear, “Aman Ramovic! I have friends! You must not provoke this Charlie.

Ah! They now give half of the family property to Wanlongdian, which means that half of the Wade Family are working for Wanlongdian! The Wanlongdian must support the Wade Family in the face of such great benefits! Do you know those? All the ex-KGB agents called out and lined up in a row is not enough to have the teeth in the  Ten Thousand Dragons Hall!” Aman Ramovic was startled when he heard the expression here, he had his eyes wide-eyed, but there was no anger inside. The rest is just panic!

 He exclaimed in his heart, Why the hell didn’t think of this! Doesn’t this mean that the Wade Family used hundreds of billions of euros to have property and paid for the protection of Wanlong Palace? Wade Family paid the protection fee. I wish I had ten times more assets than what I said. The Wanlong Temple, which has so much money and face, must be able to stand up for Charlie. Some of me are really blind. I’m going to provoke him at this time.”

 Amanra thought of this. Morovich couldn’t wait to slap himself to death.

 At that point, he knew that the KGB who had the resources before tens of thousands of soldiers in the Wanlong Palace was afraid that they could not even count as a fart.

 So he hurriedly said, “I’m sorry, Mr. wade is my mouth! You must not be  familiar with me!” Charlie naturally heard Richard and Aman Ramovich whispering and seeing them misunderstood. I didn’t say much, just asked him coldly, “Why didn’t you finish talking just now? What do you want to find the KGB elite? Kill me?”

 “No, no!” Aman Ramovich shook his head like a rattle. His voice trembled and he said, “I don’t know any KGB elites. I just brag about it. Please forgive me, Mr. wade.” 

 Charlie said blankly, “Do you think I’m so  foolish ?” Aman Ramovich panicked. Say “Mr. wade, I’m really not interesting. Don’t think too much.”

 Charlie waved his hand. “I don’t want to listen to your nonsense. When will my face be swollen, when will I stop and move the chair?

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3582

 Get away from me!” Aman Ramovich suddenly didn’t know what to do, Richard said with a hurried smile, “Mr. wade’s such a trivial matter, please don’t take it to your heart. We might as well hurry up. Turn this page to enter the banquet.”

 Charlie glanced at him coldly and said, “Is the face of my Wade Family that a Russian oligarch can humiliate him? Also, you are also in the same small country. The royal family is also worthy of being arrogant and arrogant in front of me? Who is it that gives you the courage?”

 Richard also panicked.

 The more powerful Charlie is, the firmer he has judged that Charlie is supported by Wanlong Palace, so he dares to be so arrogant.

 The more so he became more afraid that Charlie was really angry, otherwise he couldn’t stand it at all if he really let Wanlong Temple deal with him. 

 So he hurriedly said, “Mr. wade’s just now I have an attitude. I apologize to you for the problem. I also hope that you will not be familiar with me.”

 Olivia didn’t expect her father to blurt out to Charlie. “Dad. How can you apologize to him?!”

 Richard blurted out, “You shut up!”

 Olivia didn’t expect that his father’s attitude became so fast, he was about to ask what happened when Richard was around him. Aman Ramovic had already begun to bow his own cheeks.

 He was really frightened by Charlie for fear that Charlie would be dissatisfied and let Wanlong Palace deal with him directly.

 Olivia was stunned and couldn’t understand why Dad and Aman Ramovic were so afraid of Charlie.

 And Aman Ramovich was vague after slapped himself dozens of slaps and really swelled his cheeks, he asked Charlie, “Mr. wade, are you satisfied with this?”

 Charlie looked. He gave him a glance of impatience and waved his hand to beckon him to get out.

 Aman Ramovich hurriedly moved a chair as if he was amnesty. He ran to the farthest part of the long table and sat down by himself.

 At this moment, there is no in his heart, the slightest idea of revenge is just silent prayer, hoping that Charlie will not trouble him anymore.

 As for Helena’s, if he can’t marry, even if he says nothing, he can’t offend the Wade Family for Helena.

 Who could have imagined that the smashing European oligarch Aman Ramovich is now in front of a Chinese man and has to be forgiven by constantly slapping himself in the face. 

 Olivia couldn’t understand, lowered her voice and asked fiancé William next to her, “What the hell is going on? Why can’t I understand it?”

 William shook his head in surprise and said, “I don’t know. I don’t understand.”

 William had parents who were both human and thought that he had gone with Richard, so his father George Rothschild quickly whispered. He said, “William should talk less at this time and don’t provoke the guy surnamed wade You.”

 George knew very well in his heart that although his surname was Rothschild, he was so far away from the real core family that he had been thinking about it. The way, to be able to get closer is a little bit.

 Under this circumstance, the person who can mobilize energy is much worse than Charlie’s.

 What’s more, people are likely to be back, Wanlongdian is behind it. 

 So if you can’t provoke others, don’t do it, otherwise it will not end well.

 William didn’t understand why his parents were also interested in Charlie. He wanted to ask what was going on, but he was scolded by his father’s stern eyes, so he had to give it up.

 Olivia was even more confused, and wondered, “Why are my father and William who have a father so afraid of Charlie? This is in Northern Europe. Is it necessary to be so afraid of him?”

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3583

Richard had already regarded Charlie as a plague god at this moment because of his inner brain replenishment.

Right now, he just wants to stabilize the current situation and stop having any new contradictions with Charlie.

So, he quietly gave Olivia a warning look, and then he asked Charlie: “MR. Wade, then let’s officially start?”

Charlie nodded slightly, without speaking.

Richard breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly announced that the banquet for relatives and friends before the wedding had officially begun.

During the dinner, Richard put down his previous so-called royal figure and frequently toasted Charlie, his expressions and expressions were respectful.

Olivia really didn’t understand, so she called her father aside for an excuse and asked him in a low voice, “Dad, what happened to you all this time? Why do you want to be so humble to Charlie?”

Richard warned: “The Wade Family and Wanlongdian may have worked closely together.

Don’t touch Charlie’s brows for the time being.”

Only then did Olivia figure it out, and hurriedly asked: “Dad, what about Helena’s marriage?”

Richard said: “This matter will be delayed for the time being. Look at Aman Ramovich’s solemnity, even if you ask him to take Helena away, he may not dare to take it.” 

Olivia gritted her teeth and said unwillingly: “If Helena marries the Wade Family, wouldn’t it be supported by the Wanlong Palace?”

Richard comforted: “Don’t think about it now, hurry up to finish the wedding, and then hurry up to take the throne. There is nothing more important than this! As for Helena, you don’t have to worry too much, she is herself. Severely ill, even if you marry the Wade Family and have Wanlongdian backing, how many years can you live?”

When Olivia heard this, her expression finally eased a little. 

However, in her mind, she couldn’t help thinking of fiancé William’s plan to cheat Charlie before, and she wanted to ask her father for advice.

But after another thought, I felt that my father was a little too jealous of Charlie now. If he knew it, he would definitely not agree, so he didn’t say more.

Back at the dinner table, William asked her in a low voice: “Olivia, do we still want to do the thing we discussed?”

“Do!” Olivia replied in a low voice: “As long as the croupier you mentioned is a good player, don’t be found out, it’s upright and no one is afraid.”

From Olivia’s point of view, although the Wanlong Palace is powerful, it is not daring to do everything. If Charlie loses money here today, then he has to be willing to gamble and give in. After all, Wanlong Palace is a mercenary organization. It is not an evil organization. If they dare to come forward, it will naturally trigger resistance from the whole society.

Therefore, Charlie could not be easily let go without saying anything this time, at least the Concorde airliner had to be left behind.

For these two people, the Concorde airliner, the top luxury for top players, is so attractive that it is unparalleled. Since the evil intentions have been moved, they will definitely not be easily dismissed.

Sure enough, when the dinner was almost going on, a young man in his thirties at the dinner table smiled and said, “Everyone, it’s still early, do you want to play two p0ker?” 

When Charlie heard this, he raised his eyebrows lightly, and said in his heart: “It’s finally coming.”

As soon as they heard that they were going to play p0ker, several other young people at the table were all interested and raised their hands one after another. One of them smiled and said, “Okay! How about playing two Texas Hold’em?”

“Count me in!”

“That’s me!”

In the blink of an eye, five people raised their hands.

William deliberately didn’t raise his hand for the first time, but waited until these people were eager to try, and said, “That’s me, too.”

After speaking, he looked at Charlie and was wondering what kind of words to fool him, Charlie took the initiative to raise his hand and said, “I also like Texas Hold’em, count me.”

William was so excited that he almost didn’t cheer.

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3584

“I was still looking for an entry point, and I tried my best to invite Charlie into the pit naturally. I didn’t expect Charlie to jump in by himself.”


So, he pretended to be polite and said: “I didn’t expect MR. Wade to also like to play Texas Hold’em. If that’s the case, then everyone will play two for entertainment.”

Charlie also said with a friendly face: “Haha, Mr. William is right! Entertainment! I have no other hobbies, I like to play cards. Although card skills are stinky, I just like to play! Basically, I only play cards every year. and have to lose him two or three billion.” 

William was crazy in his heart, but he smiled and said, “It looks like everyone is the same! I am also very poor in card skills, but I love to play! I lose a lot of money every year for tuition.”

Charlie said indifferently: “Everyone is a young man, of course it’s happiness! What’s the point of losing some money?”

Olivia said with a smile: “Since everyone wants to play, then I will play two games with you too!”

After all, Olivia said again: “So everyone moves to the second floor, there is a leisure center, and there is also a card table.”

Everyone naturally agreed with joy.

Olivia’s father Richard sighed in relief and thought to himself: “It seems that Olivia and my future son-in-law are actively trying to mingle with Charlie. These two children can let go of their previous lives so quickly. Surely, they are all young talents with extraordinary eyesight.”

Thinking of this, Richard also relaxed, and then smiled: “You young people who love to play cards, let’s go up and play together. I will have a few more drinks and a few words with Mr. Rothschild, and I won’t follow you. Helped the young people go there.”

William’s father, George Rothschild, thought the same as Richard at this time. He also felt that the two children had already recognized the reality and were also gratified for the children’s maturity, so he didn’t think much and laughed. He said: “Yes! You young people go and play, we two old men have a few more glasses.”

So, a group of people stood up and prepared to go to the second floor.

Charlie said to Helena next to him: “Helena, come with me.”

Helena nodded lightly, and went to the second floor with Charlie.

The royal family is on the second floor of the castle. There is a leisure center of nearly 1,000 square meters. Here, there are not only gyms, billiards, audio-visual halls, KTV and other facilities, but also exclusive areas such as Finnish baths and spas, and even playing Texas p0ker. The dedicated room.

Texas Hold’em is very popular in Europe and the United States. After the efforts of major casinos in Las Vegas, this kind of game has almost become the most popular p0ker game in the entire Western world, and it has even become popular all over the world.

Although Charlie rarely played cards, he also knew how to play Texas Hold’em. He guessed that William and Olivia wanted to play a killer game for himself today, so he planned to use the tricks and treat them as fat pigs.

Everyone came to the p0ker table, and the person who played cards earlier volunteered and said: “Well, everyone, everyone is financially strong, so it must be fair and fun to play, so today you all play, I will give you all As a croupier, friends who win money, just give me a little dividend at the end.”

Dividends to croupiers are very common in the West, and not everyone has to pay. Those who only need to win money take a few percentage points out of their winnings, so everyone has no opinion.

So, the man brought a brand new set of cards and said with a smile: “Come on, everyone, check if there is any problem with this deck of cards. If there is no problem, I will start dealing cards!”

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3585

Because the card game was a temporary motive, and the person who played the cards voluntarily gave up directly participating in the card game, and volunteered to be the croupier, so except for Charlie and Olivia, the other participants did not go out at all. Think about it.

Moreover, this place is the own chess room of the Nordic royal family, and playing cards are also unopened brand new products in the chess room inventory, so no one will doubt it. 

In fact, there is no problem with playing cards. The real problem lies with the dealer.

He is a master of gambling, and he has made his fortune by gambling. Even if he is playing cards with professional players, he can make a lot of money without knowing it, let alone facing such a bunch of amateur players. .

This person has extremely fast hand speed, very good memory, excellent finger flexibility, comparable to a close-range magician, so when he shuffled the cards, no one knew that he had already kept the position of each card in mind.

Afterwards, he seemed to cut and insert cards at random, already arranging the playing cards according to his own predetermined rules.

At this time, Olivia also issued a stack of chips to everyone, and said: “Everyone, each of us has 100 million euros in chips. People buy 100 million euros in chips and continue to play. If you don’t play in the end, everyone will count. Whoever has less than 100 million euros in chips will take out the missing money. The winners will be divided according to the amount they won. What do you think?”

Everyone naturally has no opinion.

After all, Olivia is not a real casino here. To play in a casino, everyone will first spend money to buy chips from the casino, and then return the money, but this kind of private gambling between friends is generally not handled by someone. Instead of buying chips in the market, the chips are issued first, and the one who loses first will use the money to buy it.

This is also more convenient for statistics.

However, just as the others nodded, Charlie said: “Let me just cut in. There is only 100 million euros in chips, is it a bit less?”

“Is this less?” A kid who Charlie didn’t know blurted out, “It’s just for fun, one hundred million is a lot!”

Charlie waved his hand, with an expression that couldn’t look at him, and said, “One hundred million euros are not fun, and if I don’t have enough chips, I will be unhappy when I place a bet!”

Olivia hurriedly asked: “What does MR. Wade mean?”

Charlie smiled and said, “It’s easy, just multiply the face value of all the chips by ten times.”

As he said, he picked up a one-hundred-thousand-dollar chip and said: “Look, this onehundred-thousand chip represents one million euros, and the one next to it is 10 million euros.”

The others couldn’t help taking a breath. 

One of them secretly thought: “Damn, it’s really rich! The entertainment cards have to be played for one billion euros, which is too scary.”

Most of the other people also mean the same.

Playing too much is beyond their capacity.

This group of people can lose tens of millions at most, and if they really want to lose 100 million on this occasion, they will definitely collapse.

However, William was extremely excited.

He knew very well in his heart that he had secret help from the croupier and would definitely eat Charlie to death.

Not to mention the maximum of one billion euros. Damn 10 billion euros, is it a feather? A good thing with a 100% winning rate is done.

So he opened his mouth and said: “Everyone, MR. Wade is a guest from afar. Don’t let MR. Wade be disappointed. If you really feel that the bet is too big, don’t force your bet.”

When everyone heard this, they could only nod their heads in agreement. 

After all, here, William is regarded as half of the master, and he is also a member of the Rothschild family, and his face is greater than the others. As for Charlie, the wade family behind it is indeed worth more than 100 billion Euros, and he is also a member of Wanlong. 

The temple has inextricably linked relationships, and everyone can only follow them.

Seeing this, the croupier smiled and said, “Okay, since everyone has discussed the rules, then I will deal the cards now.”

Immediately afterwards, he dealt the first card to the first person on his right, and then he dealt the cards in sequence.

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3586

After the cards are dealt, start betting.

Charlie didn’t care about what card he was. As long as he came in front of him, he immediately dropped a chip of 1 million euros. After a few rounds, he dropped a chip of 4 million euros, but it actually represented 70 million euros. The amount of funds.

Others couldn’t adapt to this large bet for a while, and they fold and wait and see.

At the poker table, only Charlie and William were left.

Immediately afterwards, the croupier said: “Please showdown!”

Charlie turned over his hole cards casually. His cards were only a mere pair and three miscellaneous cards. In Texas Hold’em, they were very small.

And William actually got a bomb card in the first game, with four jacks and a miscellaneous card in his hand, which was much larger than Charlie’s card.

The croupier immediately announced: “In this round, William won.”

William was a little excited to gather all the chips in front of him, and said with a smile: “MR. Wade, I’m sorry!”

Charlie said indifferently: “Oh, it’s tens of millions. Why are you so polite? Besides, there is a saying at our Huaxia poker table, saying: The first thing you win is paper, the second thing you win is money. You have to wait for victory or defeat. It will be known at the last minute.”

William couldn’t help giving Charlie a thumbs up, and praised: “MR. Wade is really extraordinary! Then let’s continue?”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “Come on!”

William winked quietly at the croupier.

Just now, Charlie’s card face was too small. In this round, he wanted to make Charlie’s card face bigger, so that he could also make Charlie bet bigger really.

In this round, the croupier made a bomb card for Charlie, and then made a straight flush for William.

Charlie was also deceived. Seeing that the hand was very large, he threw 20 million chips in a row. According to the agreement, this was equivalent to a bet of 200 million euros. 

Only him and William were left in the game. When the cards were opened, William directly threw a straight flush. The other people on the scene were taken aback, and one after another sighed that William was very lucky.

The croupier announced again: “In this round, William won.”

As William collected the chips, he exclaimed: “MR. Wade’s hand is really big, but my hand is still bigger. Please forgive me!”

Charlie waved his hand indifferently: “Take it, take it, take it all, it’s just a little drizzle, to me, it’s just sprinkling water, not hairy.”

Olivia looked at Charlie’s indifferent look, and couldn’t help but sigh inwardly: “He really is a money-burning dude! Looking at it this way, I will definitely win him a Concorde tonight!

From now on I After ascending to the throne, you can travel around the world on a Concorde airliner, and it is the only one among the royal families in the world!”

William was equally excited. Seeing that he had won Charlie more than 240 million euros with two hands, he said: “That, MR. Wade, according to our previous regulations, you have lost more than 100 million euros now. I have to spend money to buy back these chips.”

Charlie frowned, “I’ll start buying back at this time? Didn’t it mean that I bought it after all the chips were lost? I’m still too much.”

William said embarrassingly: “But what we just said is that 100 million euros will be settled once after losing. You are more than 200 million. The actual amount is calculated at ten times the face value of the chip. This is what you just proposed…”

Charlie said disdainfully: “I will lose 200 million with a single card. According to you, do I have to pay you twice in a single card? Are you annoying?”

William hurriedly said: “Oh, MR. Wade, otherwise we can check out one game one by one…”

Charlie said disgustedly: “I think you look like a dog, and I thought you should also be a refreshing person. I didn’t expect you to be like a lady when you play cards? It’s so troublesome for one game and one bill. How can we have fun? Since those 100 million chips represent one billion euros, just wait for me to lose all these chips and give you one billion euros.”

After that, Charlie saw that he wanted to talk again, and immediately said with a disdain: “Don’t talk nonsense with me, or I will give you the money now, not f*cking with you!” 

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3587

When William saw that Charlie was a little angry, he immediately explained nervously: “MR. Wade, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean that…”

As he said, he continued: “I thought our rules are still the same as we just set, one hundred million euros per checkout, but since you have said so, then I won’t be nonsense, and when will I lose enough? Hundred million euros, when will it be settled? If we wait until the end of the game and don’t lose so much, let’s wait until the game is over, and then pay according to the actual lost amount. What do you think?”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction, and smiled: “Right! This is what a damn man said! Otherwise I thought you were the kind of poor guy who had never seen money, and just won a little money, you can’t wait to do it. I want to put it in my pocket and drop it for safety.”

Speaking of this, Charlie said seriously: “I’ll tell you something to my heart, what Charlie doesn’t look down on the most is such a stupid bird!”

“Yes, yes! Yes, yes, yes!” After hearing this, William knew that Charlie was scolding himself, but he nodded and said flatly, “MR. Wade was right. Come out and play. It is indeed bigger!”

After speaking, he hurriedly said again: “Come, let’s continue!”

Charlie nodded: “Come on.”

In this round, William got a handful of three Aces, and Charlie also got three, but it was three Kings.

However, William had an Aces as his hole card, and Charlie could only see two Aces, so he deliberately dropped 20 million chips and said with a look of determination: “I guess you can’t have three Aces!”

William smiled slightly, and also dropped 20 million chips, and said with a smile: “Since MR. Wade is so confident, why don’t you raise another bet?”

Charlie shrugged his shoulders: “If you add it, add it. I’m not afraid of your aggressive skills.” 

After that, another 20 million chips were thrown in.

This time, Charlie bet 400 million euros.

Immediately afterwards, it was time for the showdown again.

William flipped out an Ace from his hole card and said with a smile: “I’m sorry, MR. Wade, I really have an A in this!”

When Olivia saw this, she almost jumped up excitedly.

The others looked at them with amazement.

Charlie has lost almost 700 million Euros for William now, and it has only been less than twenty minutes!

However, Charlie didn’t care at all. He shook his head lightly and smiled: “William, it seems that you, the bride-to-be, are a fortune tonight!”

After all, Charlie said again: “I still don’t believe that my luck is better than you! Come on, let’s continue!”

Others found out that they had completely escorted away.

Because of such a big bet, they didn’t dare to mess with the cards even if the cards were good at the beginning, so it soon came to the face-to-face confrontation between Charlie and William.

With this hand, Charlie deliberately controlled the rhythm of the betting. When he successively placed almost 20 million euros, his chips still had a face value of seven or eight million, and the table was equal to seven or eight million.

If Charlie loses this one, then he has lost more than nine billion, and he will soon use real money to buy chips from William according to the regulations.

William was also very excited at this time. It was not half an hour before he had won nearly one billion damn. This feeling was almost like a dream.

Charlie played steadily and threw another five million chips in, leaving only more than two million in his hand.

William wanted to force Charlie to pay a sum of money quickly, so he immediately threw 10 million chips in, and said: “MR. Wade, I am next 100 million, you seem to have no chips.” 

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3588

Charlie shrugged his shoulders, threw a big hand of cards aside, and said: “I fold.”

There was an uproar in the crowd.

“Does this fold?”

“Throwing one or two hundred million, and in the end he folds when he folds. Will this guy play?”

“I knew he was so stupid. I had to eat him for whatever I just said! I can’t let William make all the money!”

William was almost laughing and blooming at this time, but he couldn’t control his emotions. He could only relax for a long time and then said: “MR. Wade, you have no chips for the next game. Do you think you can settle the money first? ?”

Charlie frowned, and said with an unhappy expression: “This is really the f*ck! Why is my luck so bad today…”

After speaking, he looked at William and asked, “I want to spend money to redeem the chips, right?”

“Yes, yes!” William smiled brightly like a chrysanthemum, squinting his eyes: “MR. Wade, I will give you my Swiss bank account number?”

“Yes.” Charlie nodded and said: “You give me the account number first, and I will arrange the financial payment later.”

Charlie said again: “By the way, inter-bank transfers, and also Euro transfers, must be more troublesome. It won’t be there for a while. I can’t let everyone wait here for my money to

arrive, or else. In this way, I will bet my Concorde airliner with you first, write you a mortgage agreement, sign and pledge, at a discount of 300 million euros, you only need to give me 30 million chips, enough for me to play another round, you see how?”

William was laughing crazy in his heart, but he just pretended to be very embarrassed, and said with emotion: “MR. Wade, your Concorde is indeed very rare, but this Concorde is really an old plane, discounted by 300 million. Is the euro a bit too much?”

Charlie looked at William, and shook his head as if he couldn’t look at him. “So I said that you are a bi*ch when you do things, like a woman! Don’t say that my plane was originally out of print, and again After spending a lot of money on renovations, just say that you won today and I am almost one billion euros. Even if this Concorde airliner is pledged to you at a discount of 300 million euros, isn’t it just a card? I won it back again, and the plane will be yours when that happens. What’s the difference between two hundred million and three hundred million?”

Olivia understood this and hurriedly said, “William! MR. Wade is right, you don’t look like a man too much, right? You still care about such a little thing here, so he quickly agreed to

MR. Wade and give him another 30 million chips. MR. Wade!”

William came back to his senses at this time, and said to his heart: “Damn right! Anyway, Charlie mortgaged the plane to me. No matter how much bargaining chip I discounted, it will eventually fall into my pocket. Not only will the plane return. Charlie has to give me one billion euros if you don’t want me. I’m so f*cking lucky today!”

Thinking of this, William hurriedly took out 30 million from his stack of chips, pushed it in front of Charlie with respectful hands, and said with a smile: “MR. Wade, 30 million chips, please accept it.”

Charlie reached out and took the 30 million chips, nodded lightly, then looked at Olivia, and said seriously: “Oh, Olivia, to be honest, you found such an object, but You are really blind!”

Olivia also feels that William is a bit uncomfortable, but after all, the two of them are playing couples today. How much William wins Charlie today is half of her Olivia’s.

Charlie piled the chips in front of him, took the initiative to ask for paper and pen, wrote a simple mortgage agreement, then signed and pressed his fingerprint. 

After it was settled, he handed the mortgage agreement to William, then glanced at the dealer who dealt the cards, and said with a smile, “I said this buddy, you have to deal well with me in this round. You see Charlie loses.” With so many, I should have won a round, right?” 

The croupier was about to make a polite statement, and suddenly felt an invisible energy pouring into his brain, and then immediately nodded respectfully.

However, this change of his, apart from Charlie, no one noticed…

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3589

The next hand has a new meaning.

When the four cards were issued, Charlie quickly got three Aces, two of which were on the bright side.

And William is awesome, his hand is 10, J, Q, K, and he is all spades. 

Seeing this card, William knew in his heart that his croupier buddy should be planning to give himself a straight flush, and then give Charlie a four Aces.

Straight flush is the largest card type in Texas Hold’em, and it kills all others.

Charlie had exposed two Aces at this time, and the best card type was four Aces.

Even if he has four Aces, it is impossible to win a straight flush.

Therefore, William had no doubt that Charlie would lose, and he would win.

But Charlie didn’t seem to believe in evil, and after a few rounds of betting, he had almost all the chips in it.

Seeing that the last card was dealt, Charlie said with a smile: “Mr. William, if I lose this, the plane will be yours, and the one billion euros will immediately pass the finances.”

William was so excited, his heart rate was a bit chaotic, and he blurted out, “I’m sorry, MR. Wade, look at this hand, it cost you money today!”

“Hey!” Charlie waved his big hand indifferently, and said lightly: “This little money is a fart?

The Wanlongdian will leave my wade family for hundreds of billions of euros. Yet?”

As he said, Charlie laughed, and said in a tone of support to the younger brother: “I, today is your God of Wealth. I will come over a short distance to give you some pocket money. How much you can win depends on you. ability!”

With that said, Charlie glanced at the croupier and smiled: “Come on, deal the cards!”

The croupier immediately began to deal the last card.

The card to Charlie was an ace of spades.

Seeing Charlie got the ace of spades, William was not surprised at all.

It seemed that his friend was going to give Charlie a four Aces, which was second only to a straight flush.

However, William believes that the card his friend made for himself must be a straight flush of 9, 10, J, Q, and K.

As long as you get a straight flush, you can win Charlie’s four Aces.

Therefore, he firmly believes that his last card must be the 9 of spades! 

At this time, Charlie directly turned over his hole cards and said lightly: “Mr. William, I have four Aces. It seems that you can only win with a straight flush. This straight flush is not so easy to win.”

William smiled confidently: “MR. Wade, I was very lucky today, so I’m sure that my last card must be the 9 of spades!”

Charlie curled his lips: “Don’t follow me, I don’t believe you at all!”

William raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile: “Since MR. Wade doesn’t believe me, then you might as well let the croupier deal directly with the cards, and let’s hurry up and decide the outcome!”

“Don’t!” Charlie stretched out his hand to stop, and laughed: “Since we have played, then we might as well play a little bigger. For this hand, let’s add another 2 billion euros. How about an exciting play?”

Everyone at the scene is crazy.

One person blurted out: “An additional 2 billion euros per person?! This…this is lifedesiring!”

Another person echoed: “I have never seen such a big gambling game…”

“Yeah…too…too damn exciting!”

William was also stupid.

To say that Charlie’s previous performance was a qualified scavenger boy, then Charlie’s performance now seems to him to be the Jesus of scavenging wealth.

I’ve seen a money-giver, but I have never seen a money-giver like this.

Directly add 2 billion?

The money was so big that William didn’t dare to ask for it!

So, he said nervously: “Ye…MR. Wade…In my opinion, we don’t want to add any more in this round…2 billion euros is too big, even if you don’t take money seriously anymore. You can’t throw money like this…”

Charlie smiled and said: “Your card hasn’t been dealt yet, how do you know that I must be throwing money?”

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3590

William said embarrassingly: “MR. Wade, I didn’t make a joke with you. I really think my chances of winning this round are much higher than you. Or we will just open the cards directly, just use these chips on the table, whoever wins. , Don’t add any more, okay?”

Charlie sneered and said sarcastically: “I’ll just say you are like a girl! You really didn’t wrong you with a single word! You’ve won a damn billion, what are you afraid of?”

With that, he said to Olivia again: “You persuade you fiance, man, you must be hard when you should be hard! If you are soft at the critical moment, how can you become the queen’s husband in the future?”

Olivia panicked too.

She knows that William will win, but she also knows that if William wins too much, it is likely to have a big problem.

Counting the previous ones, if Charlie entered another 2 billion euros, it would be 3 billion euros in cash plus a Concorde airliner.

With this card alone, Charlie lost more assets than the entire Nordic royal family owns. 

Seriously, how could she not be afraid.

What she thought in her heart was: “If Charlie loses in a hurry, what should I do if I have to retaliate against William? What if he recruits Wanlong Palace?”

But what Olivia didn’t know was that Charlie didn’t lose anxious eyes at all, but William was scolded anxiously by Charlie at this time.

He said angrily: “MR. Wade, I hope you can figure it out. I don’t want to follow up the two billion bet, not because I am not a man enough, but I don’t want to beat you too much! I am leaving you with one. Retreat, but why do you want to be aggressive again and again?”

Charlie smiled and said: “William, it’s not that I said you, your kind of thinking, it’s a typical poor thinking!”

After speaking, Charlie sneered: “You, just like those old men who bought Rolls-Royce, they came to tell me that Rolls-Royce fuel consumption is high, and I persuaded him not to drive a Rolls-Royce. You said that this kind of poor hanger doesn’t move their poor minds. Think about it. If I can spend millions of euros to buy a Rolls Royce, can’t I still not be able to add a hundred euros a box of gasoline?”

Everyone around listened and laughed secretly.

Although Charlie had been losing large sums of money, it was extremely stupid in their eyes.

But they also had to admit that Charlie’s words made sense.

People have money. Do you need someone much poorer than him to teach him how to save money?

William was really embarrassed when he heard these words.

He really didn’t expect Charlie to take the initiative to ask for death.

Moreover, he regards his kindness as the liver and lungs of a donkey, and humiliating himself in public is a poor hangover!

He couldn’t help cursing in his heart: “Oh, your surname is wade! kindly wants to keep you half your life, but you don’t appreciate it! That way, i will beat you today! It will make you cry without tears. !”

Thinking of this, he slapped the table and said sharply: “Okay! Two billion is two billion!”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction and smiled: “Come on, before the last card is drawn, just like I wrote you a mortgage agreement just now, let’s write a two billion IOU, sign and put it on the table. How about taking away the opponent’s card if anyone wants to win?”

William sneered: “Just write! Do you think I’m afraid of you?”

Charlie smiled and said: “Okay, then write quickly, so many people have witnessed, no one can play a rogue.”


William, who was already angry, immediately wrote a two billion IOU according to what Charlie said.

Charlie was also unambiguous, and he immediately wrote clearly on the paper that he owed William 2 billion euros, and at the same time reminded William: “Yes, the payment method must be clearly written, and the full payment must be paid within 24 hours, otherwise If you do, it will be deemed as a breach of contract, with a penalty of 100% per day!”

William could still think about it at this time, and sneered: “I’m afraid of you? Come! I’ll write it down!”

Charlie nodded, and wrote the same content on his IOU.

Afterwards, under the witness of everyone, and recorded by everyone’s mobile phone video,

the two signed their respective IOUs, drawn them and put them in charge.

Charlie put the two IOUs in the stack at the same time, looked at the croupier, smiled slightly: “Come on, let’s draw the cards!”

William had a pair of eyes, like a Komodo dragon, staring at Charlie, and sneered: “MR. Wade, I will let you die today!”

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3591

At this time, William is ready to welcome 3 billion euros and a Concorde airliner.

Everyone at the scene except Charlie stared at the croupier’s hand and held their breath.

This card will determine the whereabouts of billions of euros on the table.

And William and Olivia are both in their hands.

Charlie didn’t care at all at this time, his expression was neither happy nor sad, not hurried or slow, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

At this time, the croupier picked up a card and suddenly flipped it over and threw it in front of William.

At this moment, William hadn’t seen exactly what that card was, and the whole person was already struck by lightning!

Because… he saw… his own card… is red!

Charlie’s four aces are already there, and if William wants to win, he must be a straight flush.

The ace of spades is already in Charlie’s hand, so if William wants to win, the fifth card can only and must be 9 of spades!

Anyone who has blown golden flowers knows that it is extremely rare to get three straight flushes, let alone five straight flushes?

However, William was not worried at all.

Because he knows that his croupier friend can make any cards he wants.

Therefore, he has long concluded that this card is definitely 9 of spades!

However, once the card is red, then William doesn’t need to see what points it is at all, he can be absolutely sure that the card is lost by himself!

Apart from Charlie and Helena, the rest was either William’s fiancée or William’s friend.

So when they saw that the hole card turned out to be a red card, everyone couldn’t help but let out a cry of extreme regret!

Olivia is about to have a heart attack!

I thought that William grabbed a big one, and was thinking about how to celebrate later, but he didn’t expect that William would lose so much when he turned his head!

Suddenly, the future Queen of Northern Europe was extremely nervous, and muttered in her heart: “How could this…how could it be like this…why is it not the 9 of spades…why is it not the 9 of spades!!!”

William was even more dazed. On the contrary, the huge gap of billions of euros left his whole brain blank. He subconsciously shouted, “This… how is this possible? It is absolutely impossible! My card should be. It’s the 9 of spades, how could it be the square 6!!! Who changed my hand?”

Charlie immediately put away the original appearance of the wealthy boy, and looked at William sarcastically: “It is absolutely impossible…this card is your father? You let him be the 9 of spades, he is the 9 of spades? It’s just a f*cking thing.”

William was crazy, glaring at his croupier friend, and yelled: “It’s you! Did you f*cking play with me on purpose!! What good did the surname wade give you? How could you f*ck me like that?!”

Charlie said coldly: “William, what you said is a bit too irresponsible, right? You guys, I see it for the first time today. I don’t even know this friend of the guest croupier. , It’s obviously that your own cards are not good, so why do you blame others? I have lost to you so many times, have I ever blamed the croupier?”

William has long lost his normal thinking. At this time, he is a completely broken gambler.

He gritted his teeth and said: “You’re so f*cking with me! I have already told him to help me make cards and let me win! But he just made me lose the most important one! There must be a damn conspiracy! Charlie! You must be the one who eats the black!”

Everyone was stunned at this time. It was only at this time that the other escorts realized that William and the croupier were in collusion.

William was also anxious at this time, and the whole person was completely irrational. He now believes that the croupier in turn cooperated with Charlie and ate himself to death, so naturally he was extremely unhappy in his heart.

But he didn’t think that, in one word, he sold himself.

Charlie stood up at this time and said coldly: “Oh! So you f*cking team up with others to make money! Do you know the rules of the gambling table?

William was awakened suddenly!

Realizing that he had said something wrong, he immediately denied: “I didn’t come out of the house! I was just talking nonsense!”

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3592

Charlie sneered and said, “Is it nonsense? Good!”

After Charlie said, he looked at the croupier and asked sternly: “You! Explain the situation clearly!”

The croupier hurriedly said: “William asked me to come over today because he wanted me to help him make cards in the gambling game and let him win a sum of money. He has done this more than once, and every time he has done this at least hundreds of thousands. 

Ten thousand euros were paid in. This time I was also instructed by him, so I helped him out the money…”

Charlie looked at William and asked coldly: “Come on, what else do you have to say?”

William didn’t know how to respond for a while, and at this moment, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the IOU on the table.

Today, he originally won Charlie’s one billion, and now he has entered an IOU of two billion, which means that not only did he not win Charlie’s money, he still owed Charlie one billion.

But he felt that all the debt evidence was on the IOU!

As long as the IOU is gone, this account will naturally not count!

As long as you destroy the IOU, the big deal is to play all night for nothing!

So, he thought he suddenly shot out quickly, stretched out his hand to grab the IOU, and usually stuffed it in his mouth when he was crazy!

But what he called rapid, in Charlie’s eyes, was already as slow as an ant.

At the moment when William wanted to put the IOU in his mouth, he suddenly felt that his wrist was firmly grasped!

Immediately afterwards, there was an extremely crisp cracking sound from his right wrist!


He only felt a sharp pain in his right wrist. He looked up and found that his wrist was connected to the entire arm with only a layer of flesh.

The bone was broken long ago, and even the broken bone stubble pierced the skin, and blood poured out continuously.

Charlie had already taken the IOU from his hand at this time, and said coldly: “You can do it, William, it doesn’t matter if you pay a thousand dollars. If you lose the money, you will eat the IOU. You are the f*cking scammer. It’s dark!”

With that, Charlie warned him murderously: “If you want to go wrong, the next thing to break like this is the thing in your crotch!”

William was about to collapse, and the cold sweat caused by the severe pain flowed down his entire face.

He knew that he had been ruthless today, and finally realized that Charlie had been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger before.

But he was really afraid that Charlie would abolish his roots.

So, I can only grit my teeth and say, “Okay! Charlie! You are amazing! I will convince you!”

Charlie sneered and said: “Don’t take me, I don’t need you to take it, you pay me the 2 billion euros first! It says in black and white on it, I won’t forgive you for a minute!”

“What?!” William roared extremely angry: “I just won you a billion! Now I lose you two billion, and at best I owe you a billion!”

Charlie said with a serious face: “You don’t play hooligans here with me. Now all the chips on the gaming table are mine. Who would you win a billion?”

As he said, Charlie smiled contemptuously, and said: “Furthermore, the bargaining chip is just a plastic toy, not money, and this kind of IOU written on paper, signed and pledged, is money in the true sense, don’t you understand? ?”

William was mad and blurted out: “Charlie! Are you still not a human? So many people can testify to me here! They are all witnesses!”

Charlie nodded: “No problem, you have your witnesses, and I have my iron proof!”

After that, Charlie said again: “Or let’s just do it like this. Tomorrow we will be in the local court in Northern Europe. You call all your eyewitnesses to the court, and I will show you this IOU in court. See how the court decides!”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “In addition, we also let the European people judge, whether you owe me 2 billion euros in black and white is justified, or you and others have come up with a thousand harm to me, but in the end I was turned against you. Killing is more reasonable!”

When William heard this, his face paled in horror.

But Charlie hadn’t finished.

He looked at William and continued: “Oh, right, let the Nordic judicial department study by the way, you are gambling, trying to win me 3 billion euros plus an airplane, such a big thing, according to Nordic law, how many years will it be sentenced?!”

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3593

At this moment, William’s entire inner line of defense has completely collapsed.

He knew very well in his heart that once this kind of thing really went into court, he would definitely be the one who lost, and it would be a disastrous defeat!

Not to mention the IOUs written by myself, it is now in Charlie’s hands. As a descendant of the  Rothschild family, and at the same time as the fiance of the Queen of Northern Europe who is about to get married, he will actually make a lot of money in the card game. The fact of others is enough to completely ruin oneself.

What’s more, the pit is 3 billion euros plus an airplane!

If this is spread out, I am afraid it will become the world’s largest gambling fraud! The reputation of the family is absolutely devastating!

The most important thing for European royal families and large families is reputation.

If a member of the royal family, even if he is a prince, as long as he has done something that the royal family does not allow and is made public, the royal family will deprive him of his royal status and expel him from the palace in order to protect his face..

There is a prince in Great Britain who has been removed from the royal family.

Therefore, if this incident is revealed, the wedding of William and Olivia is absolutely impossible to continue.

Moreover, once such a shameful thing is spread out, it will lose the face of the entire Rothschild family!

They are the third-tier family, usually not paid attention to by the core members of the Rothschild family.

But once such an international scandal broke out, the core members of the Rothschild family would be very angry!

At that time, William’s entire family, I am afraid, will endure the catastrophe!

In addition, there is one more terrible thing.

In Europe, gambling is no different from fraud! It is to be punished for the crime of fraud!

And the amount of William’s fraud is absolutely huge, which is definitely going to put the jail down!

As soon as he thought of this, he knelt on the ground with a puff, crying and begging: “Charlie…I was wrong…I shouldn’t cheat you out of the old thousand… Please take it for the sake of my getting married tomorrow. Give me a break… If this thing is really stabbed out, I will be ruined in my life!”

Charlie nodded and said casually: “Then destroy it, what does it have to do with me?”

William knelt on the ground and kept kowtow, crying and said: “Charlie… please read that I am just the first offender, give me another chance… I really know that I was wrong, and I will definitely let my family find a way to help me. To repay this gambling debt, I just ask you to raise your hands and let me go…”

Charlie smiled and said: “You have to understand one thing. Now the 2 billion you owe me is clearly written in black and white. As long as I go to the court to sue you, you must return it to me. If this is the case, then I Why do you have to hold your hands high to you?”

William was almost desperate, crying and said: “Charlie…how on earth can you forgive me? 

How on earth can you not bring this matter to court?”

Charlie smiled indifferently and said, “This matter depends on the sincerity of your family.”

After speaking, he looked at Olivia and said: “Olivia, William’s parents should be drinking with your parents in the banquet hall on the first floor. Now that William has caused such a big thing, I think he is If you can’t solve it, you can take a hard time and call William’s parents up to see how the William family is going to resolve this matter.”

Olivia was also about to collapse at this time.

She will get married tomorrow. This matter has already been announced to the world.

Tomorrow the people of the whole country and all of Europe will pay attention to their wedding ceremony.

If such a big scandal spreads out of his fiancé at this time, and he is arrested by the judicial department, then the reputation of his future queen will be ruined in advance!

So, like William, she said nothing to make this matter public.

So she hurriedly said to Charlie: “MR. Wade, please wait a moment, I will go and invite William’s parents to come up!”

After speaking, he ran out quickly.

In the banquet hall at this time.

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3594

Richard Iliad and George Rothschild are pushing the cup for a change.

Aman Ramovich, who was slapped by Charlie, had already gone back to the room angrily.

The wives of the two also went back to the room first because they were too drunk.

In the banquet hall, these two men are left with a drink for you and me.

Both of them are in a very good mood. After all, tomorrow is a good day for the two children to get married. It will not take long after the wedding that Olivia will be able to ascend the throne and become the queen.

At that time, William, as her husband, will also be officially canonized as Prince.

By then, William, who has the title of Prince, will surely become famous in the Rothschild family.

Maybe, their entire family will be able to squeeze into the second ladder of the Rothschild family.

Just when the two were drinking happily, Olivia ran down quickly, panting and said, “Dad! Uncle George! You guys go up to the second floor! William is in trouble!”

“Get into trouble?” William’s father George asked with a surprised look: “Aren’t you young people going to play cards? What trouble can William do?”

Olivia cried and said: “William was thinking of setting up a game for Charlie, and he joined up with a friend of his to get Charlie to pit Charlie, but Charlie saw it through, and he lost to Charlie by 2 billion. Euro, now Charlie is arguing about going to court…”

“What?!” George felt dizzy for a while, and blurted out: “What kind of ambition did he dare to leave the old Qiankeng Charlie? And it’s such a big deal… I didn’t tell him, don’t go. Did you provoke that surname wade?”

Olivia also regretted it and said: “William thinks that this thing can be done without knowing it, not only can he win Charlie a sum of money, but also have the opportunity to win Charlie’s Concorde. , But he didn’t expect that he would lose to Charlie by 2 billion in the end…”

George was about to collapse after hearing this.

It goes without saying that 2 billion euros is a huge sum of money. The key is that this incident has caused the current situation. If Charlie really wants to stabb him out, then his son will be completely ruined.

In Europe, if a person’s reputation goes bankrupt, everything about him will go bankrupt.

Moreover, for such a large amount of money, I am afraid that I will be in jail from now until my 80th birthday!

I’m just such a son, and I can’t let him go to jail for anything!

Therefore, George immediately realized that the most important thing at the moment is that nothing about this matter will allow Charlie to poke the matter out!

Do everything possible to reconcile with Charlie!

So he hurriedly got up and blurted out: “Take me over! I’ll talk to Charlie!”

Richard also said nervously: “I’ll be with you!”

Soon, the two ran into the chess and card room on the second floor with Olivia. 

As soon as they entered the room, they saw William, who had a broken hand, kneeling on the ground and crying.

But Charlie stood in front of him with his shoulders folded at this moment, with an arrogant expression on his face.

As soon as George walked in, he didn’t dare to care about his son. He hurriedly came to Charlie and said in a low voice, “MR. Wade, my godson has nothing to do with this matter. I hope you can forgive me…”

Charlie asked him back: “He is your son, but not my son, why should I forgive him a lot?”

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3595

Seeing that Charlie didn’t buy into his begging for mercy, George hurriedly said again: “MR. Wade, my son made a mistake. As a father, I will definitely find a way to make up for it. I will try my best to solve the problem. Please don’t do this. Get angry!”

Charlie nodded and said: “Since you have this attitude, then I won’t talk nonsense with you. Your son dare to cheat me, and he tried tiocheat me 3 billion euros at one time, plus a Concorde airliner. I, Charlie, grew up so old, and I have never encountered someone so cruel before. How do you plan to solve this matter?”

George suddenly had a cold sweat on his face. He didn’t expect that his own son could be so bold.

Three billion euros, a Concorde airliner… This is not gambling, it’s cannibalism!

Before he could think about how to give Charlie a satisfactory answer, Charlie shook the two billion euro IOU in his hand and said lightly: “There is also this IOU written by your son, who owes me twenty. Million euros, how do you plan to settle this debt?”

George wiped his sweat immediately. For such a large amount, and the other party was the wade family, he immediately realized that if this matter is not resolved, his son is likely to sit and wear it!

Moreover, tomorrow is the day of his wedding to Olivia, and if William enters, there will be nothing.

Therefore, now everything is focused on the overall situation, so George gritted his teeth and said: “MR. Wade…this 2 billion euro debt, I…I paid it back for my son! I also ask you to raise your hand! “

George is already bleeding heavily this time!

Two billion euros, 20% of his family’s total assets, were given to Charlie at one time, and the losses had been extremely heavy.

But now in this situation, George can’t help but hesitate.

After hesitating a little, this matter may be irreversible.

Charlie didn’t look content at all at this time, but said with disdain: “Even if you pay me 2 billion euros, it will only solve the debt. How can he solve my problems? ?”

“You have to know that this IOU was written by your son in black and white, and it also has his handprint. Even if I go to the court, you will also return the money to me, and I believe that it is from Northern Europe. The court can definitely help me get justice.”

After speaking, Charlie deliberately looked at Olivia, and then said loudly: “And I don’t know now, whether there are any associates of William among you guys! I will hand this matter to the Nordic justice The agency, I believe they will be able to find out!”

Seeing that Charlie wanted to stab things out, George’s nervous whole person’s blood pressure rose, and his brain was dizzy.

Not only him, even Olivia is about to collapse!

She thought to herself very nervously: “This time, Charlie, although it was William’s idea, I knew it from the beginning, and I also discussed with William that even the venue for the crime was provided by me. Yes, even I have already made it clear to William that the ratio of one person to a half of the spoils is divided, so at the legal level, I am definitely his accomplice…”

“If Charlie really exposes this matter and transfers this matter to the judicial system, then the judicial system must first interrogate William!”

“And William, a stupid idiot who doesn’t want to use it, will surely confess me soon…”

“If people know that the future queen of Northern Europe will make a huge sum of money from others, then I definitely won’t have the chance to inherit the rule…”

Olivia, whose heart was about to jump to her throat, hurried to his father Richard’s side, and whispered in his ear, “Dad…this thing can’t get out of this room anyway. Because this matter was planned by William and I together, once he is caught, he will definitely confess me, then I will be completely over…”

When Richard heard this, his eyes suddenly went dark and he almost fell to the ground.

He finally got over, gritted his teeth and stared at Olivia, and asked in a low voice: “What the hell is your brain made of? A person who is about to inherit the Datong and become the queen, would actually participate in this kind of exuberance. Gambling, you…you are going to piss me off!”

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3596

Richard is going crazy.

Although the Northern European royal family is very popular among the people in Northern Europe, to put it bluntly, this is the mascot of the family and does not have any privileges in law.

Moreover, the actual operation of the Nordic countries is entirely the responsibility of the Nordic government team.

The cabinet and parliament are the real administrators of this country. The royal family has no actual power. Once the royal family breaks the law, the Nordic judicial organs will not protect them.

Thinking of this, Richard hurriedly intervened and said: “MR. Wade, William is certainly at fault! Of course he should be punished! But please also look at George’s proactive attitude in solving problems. Don’t share his general knowledge…”

As he said, Richard said again: “Otherwise, MR. Wade, for William’s pitfall against you, ask the Rothschild family to give you a part of the compensation, which will be treated as private compensation. What do you think?”

As soon as George heard this, he nodded and pleaded: “MR. Wade, you say a number, as long as it is within the scope that we can afford, we will never hesitate!”

Charlie snorted, and said with a curled lips: “Do you think this matter can be solved with money? Do you think my wade family is short of money? We have given hundreds of billions of euros in the Wanlong Palace, and the money counts for me. What’s up?”

As he said, Charlie’s expression gradually turned cold, and he sternly said: “I’m f*cking venting now! I grew up and no one dared to cheat me like this! Last time, a guy who didn’t have eyesight stolen my bank card, turn I walked me more than 20 billion yuan. I thought she was brave enough that no one could match it. I didn’t expect that today someone would want to pit me 3 billion euros and a Concorde airliner! Your William is so brave. !”

When George heard this, he was full of spirits, and then he kicked William who was kneeling on the ground, then rushed up, pulled up his collar, and slapped his face back and forth seven or eight big slaps.

While beating, he cursed: “You are a bastard who has not succeeded in success, and failed in failure! I have to beat you to death today to give MR. Wade a sigh!” 

William was beaten with Venus in his eyes, tears flowed, but he did not dare to say a word.

He knew that he had caused a catastrophe, and if he didn’t make Charlie satisfied today, he would be all over.

Therefore, now I have to grit my teeth and endure being beaten.

After George slapped seven or eight slaps, he raised his head and looked at Charlie. Seeing Charlie’s expression, he didn’t care at all.

So he gritted his teeth and slapped a dozen more times, and William’s cheeks were congested.

Seeing that William was going into a coma, George had to stop first, and then begged Charlie: “MR. Wade, there is no way to fight anymore… if you continue to fight, William will not be able to hold a wedding tomorrow… please. You see that he is already like this, so please forgive him once…”

Charlie sneered: “Your son stabbed such a big thing, are you still thinking about holding a wedding? You have a big heart! I urge you to hurry up and announce the wedding postponement before the wedding day. , Wait until William is released from prison, and then re-apply, then Olivia will still have an absolute reputation for infatuation!”

Speaking of this, Charlie said with a look of longing: “Think about it! A young girl, waiting for her sweetheart to be released from prison, waiting until seven and eighty! What a touching love story is this?”

“In the end, when the two white-haired couples walked to the marriage hall with trembling hands and announced to the whole world that they had finally achieved the right results, everyone would be moved by them!”

“You look at this kind of example all over the world. I am afraid that there is no second one, right? In my opinion, it can definitely become a love story comparable to “Romeo and Juliet”!”

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3597

Olivia was so embarrassed by Charlie that she wanted to make a hole in the floor with her toes, and then went to the first floor.

What kind of SH*t “Romeo and Juliet”, how could she wait for William to be released from prison?

She can only wait to get rid of everything with William quickly! 

Otherwise, William will go to jail, and he will have nothing to end!

William’s father, George, couldn’t hear Charlie’s sarcasm and sarcasm. Seeing that Charlie was completely unwilling to be private now, his heart was already extremely frightened. 

He looked at Charlie and pleaded bitterly: “MR. Wade, my godson has nothing to do with this matter. As long as you tell your conditions, no matter how difficult it is, I will find a way to meet your requirements!”

Charlie ignored him, but looked at William and said in a cold voice: “William, if you want me to hold your hands high, you must first and honestly explain the causes and consequences of the whole thing, including the decision with whom you made it, scene Among so many people, besides the dealer who dealt the cards, how many of your associates are there!”

William hurriedly said: “No more, no more… Only the croupier is my accomplice… He used to be a croupier in Las Vegas casinos for many years and has superb gambling skills, so I often set up games with him. Win some pocket money at similar gatherings… This is the conspiracy of the two of us from beginning to end, without the participation of a third person.”

Charlie said coldly: “Is the sentence you said true? I warn you, if you haven’t told the truth, I will call the police immediately! Then I will let the wade family put pressure on the Nordic judicial system and demand Strictly judge you!”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “And you have to think clearly, if you are caught by the police, then you may be in jail for the rest of your life! At that time, I don’t care who you want to defend, but You may not even have a chance to meet her. When that happens, others will still be able to live their own chic life, and you can only be accompanied by the bars.”

When George heard Charlie’s words, he walked up to William in twos or twos. Another slap was slapped on his face, and he shouted angrily: “When are you not telling the truth, do you really want to go to jail?” It doesn’t matter if you go to jail yourself, but don’t drag our entire family down!”

William was panicked deep in his heart, and he subconsciously cried and said, “I said! I said! I will say now! The planner of this matter is also Olivia, and the two of us discussed this matter together… …”

When Olivia heard this, she immediately furiously said: “William! Don’t spit people! This is your own idea. What does it have to do with me?”

William aggrieved: “I did come up with the idea, but you are also very supportive! And you also said that no matter how much I earn 10%, I will share half of you, if I can take Charlie that If the Concorde wins, it will have half yours…”

“You nonsense!” Olivia did not expect that William had sold all of himself out of fear of being investigated!

She was very angry and shouted: “William! At this time, you still want to drag me into the water. I can’t help it! I don’t need to get married tomorrow, and I will have nothing to do with you in the future!”

Charlie looked at Olivia and sneered: “Olivia, if you Nordic police believe that you are indeed William’s associate, then you can’t get married if you want to, even if you are an accomplice,

I am afraid you have to go in. Sent to jail for a few years!”

When Olivia heard this, she burst into tears and pleaded bitterly: “MR. Wade, you and I have no grievances and no grudges. There is no need to ruin my future, right? Or you make a price! No matter how much it is. , As long as it is within the burden of the royal family, the royal family is willing to pay you!”

Seeing that Olivia had said so, George hurriedly said: “MR. Wade, I also mean the same.

How can you be satisfied and willing to be private?

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3598

Just ask! As long as we can give it, we They must do it!”

As he said, he pointed to William and Olivia and choked: “Look, these two children are still very young, and Olivia will soon become the Queen of Northern Europe. If you go out, the lives of these two children will be ruined!”

Charlie touched his chin and was silent for a moment, then smiled: “You are right, the two of them are indeed very young, and they really want to ruin their future, and I feel a little sorry.”

After speaking, Charlie sighed and said, “Hey! Seeing you are so pious, I can choose to go private with this matter, but it depends on the attitude of the two of you to solve the problem.”

As soon as Charlie said this, the family members immediately understood the meaning of his words.

Since it depends on the attitude, it is natural to show sincerity.

Therefore, William’s father George immediately said: “MR. Wade, you can rest assured, as long as you are willing to raise your hands, I will pay you the two billion euros immediately!”

When he said this, George’s heart was bleeding.

Their family has a total of tens of billions of euros in assets, and originally agreed to the Nordic royal family. After the two got married, they would invest a lot of money in the Nordic royal family’s industry.

Now, William has smashed such a big basket. The two billion euros have far exceeded their family’s cash flow reserves.

George can only take out the money he plans to invest in the royal family after marriage and pay it to Charlie first.

Charlie couldn’t help frowning when he heard this, and asked him: “Your son originally owed me two billion. This is written in black and white. As his father, it is only natural for you to pay the bill for him. Why? Still licking my face and begging me to raise my hand?”

George didn’t expect that two billion euros would not satisfy Charlie, so he could only bite the bullet and ask him: “Ye…MR. Wade…How can you be satisfied?”

Charlie said indifferently: “If you want me to hold your hands high, besides these two billion, you have to show some sincerity to make sense.”

George was so nervous that his voice trembled, and asked softly, “Wade…MR. Wade…how much do you want?”

Charlie said indifferently: “I don’t want more. In addition to the 2 billion euros in arrears, another 3 billion euros will be used as spiritual compensation, and 5 billion is better.”

George blurted out before his eyes and blurted out: “MR. Wade…five…five billion euros…is it…is it too much…”

Charlie asked back: “Are you more?”

George almost collapsed and choked: “MR. Wade…5 billion euros is really too much…we…how can we get so much money…”

Charlie looked at Olivia and said indifferently: “Olivia, since you are also involved in this matter, then the five billion euros will be paid by your two families! As for how much each family pays, you should go for it yourself. Negotiate a ratio! In half an hour, I will see 5 billion euros hit my account!”

Olivia was stunned, and blurted out: “Charlie…This matter, the William family is already willing to pay, how can we let our royal family also pay… For one thing, you can’t make a double share. Money?”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “Olivia, you are really right, I just want to make double money in this matter!”

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3599

Charlie has now crushed the two families to death.

Neither William nor Olivia could bear the consequences of this incident.

Therefore, they will do their best to find a way to solve this problem.

Although 5 billion euros is a lot, for them, if they tighten their belts, they can get it.

Therefore, Charlie felt that sometimes he wanted to force his enemies. If they didn’t force them, they didn’t know how much money they could spend.

Olivia’s father Richard was extremely nervous at this time.

He knew that Charlie had already grasped his own weakness, and if this matter was really exposed, the royal majesty would be gone.

At that time, it is impossible for the people to allow Olivia, a member of the royal family suspected of crime, to inherit the throne.

In the same way, they cannot allow themselves to inherit the throne, after all, they are Olivia’s biological father.

At that time, the one who was most qualified to inherit the throne had become Helena who had been by Charlie’s side without speaking!

Richard must never allow this to happen!

Therefore, he said without hesitation: “MR. Wade! I really do not know how to teach women about this matter. We are willing to actively resolve this matter. Please wait a moment and I will discuss it with the Rothschild family! “

Charlie nodded and said indifferently: “Although you can discuss it, I will give you half an hour and tell me the result in half an hour.”

Richard hurriedly said, “Okay! MR. Wade, please wait a moment…”

After speaking, he immediately looked at William’s father George and said: “George, let’s talk about this in private!”

George also hurriedly agreed, so he respectfully said to Charlie: “MR. Wade, let’s go out and discuss it first, and give you a satisfactory answer as soon as possible!”

Charlie waved his hand: “You can discuss it here. I will go to see the queen with Helena. She wants to accompany the old man more.”

No one took Helena’s desire to see the queen seriously.

They just want to quickly finalize the solution.

So Richard said without hesitation: “MR. Wade, you and Helena can go straight up. After we negotiate a result, I will go to the ward to see you in person!”

“Okay!” Charlie nodded slightly, and then said to Helena: “Helena, let’s go.” 

Helena hurriedly followed Charlie and walked out of the chess room.

As soon as Charlie left, William went crazy. He rushed to beat his croupier friend, and yelled at the same time: “You f*cking dare to pit me! I’ll kill you!”

His father George hurriedly stopped him and yelled: “William! The top priority now is to determine the solution as soon as possible! You don’t want to be here!”

William had to stop.

Richard said to others at this time: “Everyone, please give us a space to be alone. We have something to discuss.”

Everyone naturally knew the huge problems the two families were facing, so they left one after another.

And the croupier who was psychologically hinted by Charlie lost his soul, so he was taken out by others.

After there were only two and four people left on the scene, George said: “Everyone, we must first reach a consensus, that is, we must hold Charlie tonight and say that nothing will let him stoke this matter out, otherwise Our two families are all over!”

Richard sighed: “Charlie’s mouth is 5 billion euros, which is 10,000 times more terrifying than the bandits! Where can we get so much money for him?”

Olivia looked at William and said angrily: “William! You are not greedy in this matter! Now Charlie wants 5 billion euros in compensation, and I think you have to bear it all!” 

“I have all the burden?” William suddenly exploded when he heard this, and said sharply: “Olivia, when you divided the money, you said that you want half of it, but I have no complaints. Now you want to make the whole pot. Give it to me?”

Richard said at this time: “William! There is no point in arguing at this time! You and Olivia must work together to overcome the current difficulties, otherwise tomorrow will be the moment when you two and our two families are discredited. !”

After speaking, he looked at George, gritted his teeth and said: “Charlie asked for five billion euros. Our Iliad family can pay up to one billion euros. I will ask you for the rest.”

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 3600

George sighed.

The Nordic royal family is only willing to pay one billion, and the funding gap left for him is indeed a bit large.

However, it is already very good to be willing to pay. After all, he understands the actual situation of the Nordic royal family, and the one billion in cash is definitely their limit.

However, four billion euros in cash is also an impossible task for him.

With the current financial situation of his family, he can spend up to 3 billion euros today.

If you want to spend 4 billion, you must first dispose of some of the assets. This will not be solved in a short while.

So he opened his mouth and said: “I can’t solve four billion euros at all right now, which is nearly five billion dollars! Where can I get so much cash for Charlie?”

Richard asked him: “Then how much can you put out?”

George blurted out: “It’s three billion euros at most!”

When Richard heard this, he immediately sighed: “George, if you expect us to spend 2 billion euros, then I can tell you clearly that it is impossible! It is not that I do not want to share with you, but I There is simply no way to come up with so much cash! All the assets of the royal family add up to about 3 billion euros, and a large part of this is in my mother’s name. She is immortal, and no one can move that asset!” 

George also knew that Richard’s words were true, so he weakly asked him, “What should I do then? Could you tell Charlie directly that we can’t make up so much money?” 

“Definitely not…” Richard blurted out: “If you tell Charlie so, then Charlie turns around and stabs this matter out, we’re done!”

Olivia gritted her teeth at this time, and said: “It’s really impossible, so I just don’t do it, and kill Charlie directly! It’s a hundred!”

“How can this be done…” Richard exclaimed, “Kill Charlie, the wade family will never let us go! Don’t forget, now the wade family still has Wanlongdian backing!”

Olivia said with a gloomy expression: “Our best solution to this matter is to kill Charlie! Kill him, and then find a way to pretend to be an accident, as long as we are impeccable and others can be conservative. Secretly, the wade family can’t do anything to us!”

At this time, William seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw, and blurted out: “I think Olivia’s method is very feasible! Kill Charlie, 5 billion euros don’t have to be paid! As long as we handle it smartly and let others investigate Without any actual clues, this matter can be fooled!”

A strong killing intent appeared in Olivia’s eyes, and said coldly: “Our royal family has raised some special talents, and many of them are masters who are proficient in assassination. In my opinion, it is better to send someone to directly control Charlie, and then He threw it down from the top floor and threw him to death!”

After speaking, Olivia said again: “After Charlie di*d, we faked the scene to fall to death, and then told the wade family that Charlie had committed adultery with Helena! Charlie turned the window into Helena’s room at night. At that time, I stumbled and fell to death!”

Speaking of this, the corners of Olivia’s mouth rose slightly, and he sneered: “Charlie didn’t even bring a bodyguard this time, and he was still on our site. We want to kill him, so it’s easy!”


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