Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3227 update || Chapter 6701 & 6702 || Chapter 3227 Aurora | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3227 Aurora

Lin Wan'er's words also gave Charlie some inspiration.

He pondered for a moment, and murmured to himself: "Although Meng Changsheng has been obsessed with immortality all his life, he still has some remaining emotions."

"When he had just achieved some results in his Taoism, he made a special trip back to fulfil his promise to the ancestor of the Jiang family. It was a pity that the ancestor of the Jiang family was not blessed and did not wait for him for a few days;"

"After that, he was in seclusion in the Ten Thousand Mountains, and he was not able to stay out of the world and avoid the hustle and bustle. When he saw Senior Lin and Wu Feiyan being hunted by the Qing army, he, as a Han Chinese, also lent a hand to the two;"

"So it seems that when he gave Senior Lin the ring in the hope that he would support the Han Dynasty, it was not just a casual remark. In his opinion, this ring could really support the Han Dynasty in that era. Otherwise, if it only had the function of teleporting in times of crisis, how could it have killed millions of soldiers of the Qing Dynasty at that time?"

At this point, he asked Lin Wan'er, "Miss Lin, what other hidden abilities do you think this ring has?"

Lin Wan'er said, "I dare not say anything about the others, but the recipe for the Hundred Turns and Thousands of Returns Pill should be related to the ring. Wu Feiyan's biggest motivation for wanting it is to get the Hundred Turns and Thousands of Returns Pill." The recipe of the Thousand Return Pill will start the next five hundred years. "

Charlie nodded and smacked his lips and said, "Perhaps it is also a magic weapon that contains an attack formation, but I am not strong enough and have not yet discovered its ability in this regard."

As he spoke, Charlie held the steering wheel with one hand and took out the ring from his pocket with the other hand. He pinched it between his fingertips and wondered, "When Meng Changsheng gave the ring to Senior Lin, the Qing army had already swept across the Central Plains. If he really thought that this thing could help Senior Lin support the Han Dynasty, then it must have the strength to resist millions of soldiers..."

Charlie suddenly felt a little yearning.

If this speculation is true, then this ring should be a magic weapon.

Of course, the ability of extreme teleportation is indeed very strong, but it looks more like a passive defensive life-saving skill. If you rely on this passive skill to overthrow the Qing court in that era, I am afraid you will have to die at least tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times.

Moreover, the function of the ring cannot be recycled in this way. After each use, a large amount of spiritual energy must be injected into it. If it were not for the support of a large amount of elixirs, it would probably still be half-dead and unable to recover. It would be a pipe dream to want to restore the ring.

Therefore, if the ring is only capable of this, Meng Changsheng gave it to Lin Zhulu and asked him to go out of the mountains alone to support the Han Dynasty. It is as unreasonable as the nine-headed insect in Journey to the West telling Benboerba to get rid of Tang Monk and his disciples.

At this time, Lin Wan'er asked Charlie: "Sir, you have been injecting spiritual energy into it before, have you ever tested how much spiritual energy it can hold?"

Charlie shook his head and said self-deprecatingly: "Who dares to keep trying it... Every time I try, it can drain almost all of my spiritual energy in a very short time. I use Peiyuan Pills to replenish the spiritual energy, and it will drain it all in an instant. This has been repeated several times and there is still no sign of it stopping. It feels like no amount of spiritual energy is enough to fill its needs. It's like a bottomless pit. I have a limited number of Peiyuan Pills, so I have never been willing to try."

Lin Wan'er nodded slightly in understanding: "Spiritual energy is extremely precious, If it is really such an endless attempt, it is really a bit heartbreaking. "

After saying that, she added: "But sir, this ring has saved your life after all. If you had not injected spiritual energy into it at the beginning, I am afraid it would not play a decisive role at the critical moment. So I think that even if you increase your investment in the ring, you will definitely get its rewards in the future. It saved you once, and it will definitely not let you down in the future. "

Charlie nodded slightly and said: "After returning to China, I will take the time to refine another batch of Peiyuan Pills. At that time, I will risk a furnace of Peiyuan Pills to see what effect it has! "


The vehicle drove in the dark night of Northern Europe for nearly ten hours. After less than two hours of daytime, it quickly turned into that kind of extremely ethereal black.

For the sake of convenience, the two decided to go directly to the Nordic royal family's holiday home after arriving in Ling'en.

The Nordic royal family's holiday home is built on the gentle slope of the top of the hill in the north of Ling'en. A small road goes directly to the foot of the mountain, and the road ahead is blocked by an iron fence.

Charlie took out the key given to him by the Nordic royal family's butler, got out of the car and opened the iron fence, and then drove all the way up the mountain.

The mountain here is not high or steep. On the contrary, the mountain here is like a bowl of rice upside down on the table. Not only is the terrain very flat, but even the lines are very soft.

This holiday home of the Nordic royal family is a very simple and elegant wooden building. The house is very large, with nine bedrooms, and the living room, study, and dining room are all available. It can accommodate at least 20 to 30 people living here.

Charlie and Lin Wan'er parked the car at the door of the holiday home and opened the door with the key. Although no one has lived here for a long time, the royal family has a special person to ventilate and clean the house regularly, so the room is spotlessly clean, and the weather here is relatively dry, so there is no peculiar smell in the room.

In the middle of the huge living room, there is a real fire fireplace. Unlike many people in the city who use fireplaces as a decoration element, the fireplace here is the real source of heating for the house.

In winter, the mountains are covered with snow, and there is cold air from the north, so the weather here is also very cold. Charlie saw some chopped firewood next to the fireplace, so he took some and lit the fireplace.

As the fire in the fireplace burned more and more vigorously, the coldness in the holiday home was gradually dispelled, and gradually reached a comfortable temperature.

Lin Wan'er visited the layout and structure of the holiday house, and came back to say to Charlie: "Sir, the rooms here are all very good, with complete facilities. Each floor has a large suite similar to the master bedroom. If you don't mind, why not live in the largest room on the first floor, and I will live next to you."

Charlie said casually: "The largest room is for you, and I will sleep in the room next to you."

Lin Wan'er did not refuse, but smiled and said to Charlie: "Everything is up to you, sir."

As she said that, she looked out the window and said excitedly: "Sir, look! Aurora!"

Charlie looked at the window on the north side of the holiday house, and saw that outside the window on the north side of the holiday house, a wonderful light with green as the main colour and colour as the auxiliary colour appeared in the air not far away. The light was suspended in the air and constantly deformed, just like some kind of ionisation phenomenon seen by scientific researchers. When this phenomenon spread between the sky and the earth in front of him, the shock was really exciting.

This was the first time Charlie saw the aurora. It was beautiful and full of mystery.

Lin Wan'er excitedly pulled Charlie's hand and blurted out, "Sir, let's go out and see!"

Charlie came to accompany Lin Wan'er to see the aurora, so how could he refuse? So he went out with her.

Just now, he was watching from the window in the house, which was somewhat like a narrow view of the sky. After coming out, he found that the aurora that suddenly appeared stretched across the entire night sky.

The twisting and flickering aurora was like a dreamy gauze curtain between the sky and the earth, which made Charlie intoxicated.

Lin Wan'er couldn't help but sigh: "The house that Queen Helena lent us is really perfect. We don't need to climb over mountains to observe most of the auroras up close. For those who live at the foot of the mountain, it's not so easy to see the aurora. Not only is the scenery blocked by the mountain, but they don't even have the qualifications to go up the mountain."

Charlie smiled and agreed: "It seems that the Nordic royal family bought the best location in the country to watch the aurora."

As he spoke, Charlie suddenly felt a sudden pain in his head. With a buzzing sound, it seemed that something rushed out of his brain. He was rubbing his temple when Lin Wan'er suddenly pointed to the sky and exclaimed: "Sir, look... the aurora has changed!"


  1. Charlie has spent most of his life with other people and enjoying the crowd.

    1. Ah Maris we know you are a diehard Claire Wilson fan and would want to see Charlie devote himself more to him, but Charlie's character has sort of outgrown Claire and is still growing. Claire is mo longer the only one laying claim on Charlie's heart, the jury is still out whether more beautiful noble ladies will come into the picture. Damn I too am deeply in love with him let's keep our fingers crossed, see where this story is leading. Me, I would settle for a resolution where all the ladies get what they want. Lol

    2. This kind of devotion is what Claire want because she is not devoted to Charlie either but her work

    3. Plus another thing on this storyline/book it aligned more to the Chinese legend where the dragon ( Charlie) will finally get married to (Phoenix) and definitely in this story Claire is is not that Phoenix. If you can do a research on on most of Chinese hero stories, books short films, either romance or action it all ends up being the final synopsis (not knowing how this one will end) but am hoping it will end up with good ending where Claire will have her husband as her final possession besides all the money she would have by then or the author will let her meet someone who can live her as much.

    4. The Dragon and Phoenix analogy...thats interesting. So we just have to wait see who will be the phoenix to Charlie's dragon


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