Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3228 update || Chapter 6703 & 6704 || Chapter 3228 Shining Stars | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3228: Shining Stars

Upon hearing this, Charlie ignored his splitting headache and looked in the direction of the aurora.

He saw that the aurora, which was originally vertical like a wave between the sky and the earth, suddenly seemed to be controlled by some force and began to twist in the same direction like a whirlpool. The aurora, which was originally in pieces, seemed to be broken into molecules, and countless dots of light began to slowly rotate in the air.

Charlie was amazed. Lin Wan'er on the side blurted out: "How come this aurora suddenly looks like countless fireflies..."

Charlie agreed and said: "Miss Lin's description is very appropriate. The aurora, which was originally a large area, now looks like countless fireflies. Now those 'fireflies' have begun to disperse and rotate around a centre. I really don't understand why it is like this..."

Lin Wan'er said solemnly: "It looks like fireflies, but it is not a firefly. This aurora is like a wave. Although the wave is composed of countless water droplets, it is impossible for water droplets to violate the physical laws of the wave. This seems to be a bit wrong..."

As she was talking, Lin Wan'er suddenly pointed at the green vortex rotating in the air and blurted out: "Young Master, look! The aurora seems to be changing its form!"

Looking at the vortex again, it is no longer rotating vertically between heaven and earth.

The vortex seems to have life. It began to tilt towards the horizontal plane until it was completely parallel to the sea level.

Charlie and Lin Wan'er watched the whirlpool spinning below, and were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

Charlie couldn't help but pull Lin Wan'er, and the two ran all the way up the hill towards the spinning whirlpool.

Although Lin Wan'er was panting, she didn't dare to delay at all, and followed Charlie's rhythm with all her strength.

A moment later, the two came to the vortex, and when they looked up, they saw the vortex composed of green light spots rotating silently above their heads. Charlie had never seen such a magnificent scene, and couldn't help but say: "This... looks like the Milky Way..."

"Yes..." Lin Wan'er, who was holding hands with Charlie, looked up and exclaimed: "Countless light spots are rotating silently in the air. This feeling is really like the magnificent Milky Way when I saw it on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau..."

After that, she asked Charlie: "Sir, what is the reason for this? I think this must not be a natural phenomenon. There must be some force affecting the aurora!"

Charlie blurted out: "I just felt as if something rushed out of my brain. I don't know if it's an illusion."

As he said, he hurriedly took out the ring that Lin Wan'er gave him, and found that the ring was still there and had not disappeared.

Moreover, the ring at this time did not move at all, and it felt that the aurora did not seem to be related to it.

Seeing Charlie take out the ring, Lin Wan'er asked him quickly: "Sir, do you feel any changes in the ring? Or any fluctuations?"

"No..." Charlie said: "It is dead and motionless at the moment, it doesn't seem to be related to it."

Lin Wan'er asked hurriedly: "Then does the young master have any other magic weapons?"

"Magic weapons?" Charlie smiled and said: "I do have a Thunder Token, which is made of the lightning-struck wood of the mother of Pu Cha, but it seems that it doesn't move."

Lin Wan'er asked again: "Besides this, is there nothing else?"

"No more..." Charlie said, "A true magic weapon is very precious. I have only two true magic weapons so far. One is the ring you gave me, and the other is the medicine cauldron that the head of Taizhen Dao lost to me."

Lin Wan'er asked, "Sir, did you bring the medicine cauldron with you?"

Charlie smiled bitterly and said, "That thing is almost the same size as my head, and it is not convenient to carry it with me. Besides, I am afraid that it will be seen by bad people and have bad intentions, so I left it in Aurous Hill."

Lin Wan'er nodded and said, "It's not a ring, nor a medicine cauldron... Then what exactly affects the aurora?"

Charlie asked her, "Could it be the effect of the magnetic field?"

Lin Wan'er shook her head and said, "It's unlikely. The formation principle of the aurora can't make it have such a shape..."

As she was speaking, Lin Wan'er exclaimed again, "Young Master, look! The aurora has changed again!"

Charlie looked closely and saw that the vortex-shaped light spot that was originally like the Milky Way suddenly began to be divided into four parts like a cake. The light spots in each area began to gather towards the centre of the area. As the speed of gathering became faster and faster and the density became higher and higher, a shape like two letters Z crossed suddenly appeared in the air.

Lin Wan'er looked extremely horrified and murmured, "Young Master, how can the aurora... become a swastika?"

Charlie was just saying that this image looked familiar. It turned out to be the swastika used by many religions - "卍"!

At this moment, the shape of the swastika had been completely formed, and then it slowly rotated above the heads of the two people.

Lin Wan'er was stunned. She had been a devout Buddhist since she was a child. Seeing the aurora suddenly present such a spectacle, her pious heart drove her to kneel on the ground immediately, clasped her hands together, and silently said in her heart: "I am Lin Wan'er, born in southern Yunnan in the second year of Longwu in the Southern Ming Dynasty. I have believed in Buddhism and have been kind all my life. I hope that the Buddha will bless you to get your revenge and achieve great success..."

Just as Lin Wan'er was praying for the Buddha's blessing for Charlie in her heart, Charlie looked up at the swastika slowly rotating in the sky, and suddenly said: "This pattern is a religious swastika when viewed from below, which has a good meaning. But if you look at it from the sky, doesn't it become the logo of the German Nazi? The two logos happen to be completely mirrored, and this thing is always rotating, so you can't tell whether it is tilted or straight. If someone sees it from the sky on an aeroplane, they would think that God wants to resurrect the Nazis..."

Lin Wan'er just felt very surprised . After praying for Charlie, she was about to stand up, but suddenly heard these words. She lost her balance and almost fell down. Charlie quickly reached out to support her, and heard her say softly: "Young master, don't make fun of the Buddha in the future."

Charlie said with a look of grievance: "I didn't make a joke about the Buddha, it's just that this swastika has two different meanings when you look at it forward and backward..."

Lin Wan'er said helplessly: "This place is close to the Arctic Circle, and it is unlikely that there will be planes flying over, so this scene is naturally made for the people on the ground to see. In other words, it should be for us to see."

Charlie asked her: "Do you mean, someone deliberately wants us to see this scene?"

Lin Wan'er said: "Whether it is intentional or not, I don't know, but I believe that all this must be related to you."

Although Charlie also felt that this strange phenomenon should be somewhat related to himself, he couldn't sort out any clues for a while.

Just as he was puzzled, the swastika in the sky spun faster and faster, and many scattered light spots were even thrown out by the high-speed rotation. The whole swastika was like a rotating firework, constantly throwing out bright and dazzling light and shadows until it burned itself out.

Then, the light spots thrown into the sky flickered alternately at different frequencies. For a moment, it was like the countless stars seen on the top of a mountain in summer, shining like a dream.

As the flashing frequencies of these light spots were different, Charlie suddenly discovered that with a certain flash, the light spots in the sky that were lit at the same time could just form an image. The image was like a big hand, making incredible gestures in the air.

Afterwards, the light spots that continued to flash made the previous gesture disappear. After a few seconds, another new gesture appeared.

Charlie asked Lin Wan'er, "Miss Lin, did you see those gestures?"

Lin Wan'er shook her head and asked him puzzledly, "What gestures are you talking about?"

Charlie pointed to the third gesture in the air and said, "That's it. Look, those stars shining at the same time, don't they look like a gesture? What I said may be a little abstract, but if you look at these stars the same way you look at constellations, you can see that it does form a pattern!"


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