Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3206 update || Chapter 6659 & 6660 || Chapter 3206 Interlocking | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3206 Interlocking

At this moment, in the base of Poqing Society, Wu Tianlin reported to Wu Feiyan respectfully: "My Lord, the three elders have arrived in Nigeria. I have arranged for the Grand Commander of the Right Army Governor's Office to personally receive them and have prepared a temporary training ground for them. At present, the three elders have settled down in the station in Nigeria." 

Wu Feiyan hummed and asked him: "How is the matter with the plane?"

Wu Tianlin said: "It has been carried out according to the original plan. We staged an emergency incident that was a false alarm. The route applied by the plane is from Frankfurt, Germany to Johannesburg, South Africa. The route information of this cargo flight can be found on all aviation software. The emergency landing in the middle will not appear in the regular route information. Only by checking the specific flight trajectory of the plane on that day can we see that the plane landed in Nigeria in the middle. It can be regarded as very concealed. Most people will not pay attention to where a cargo plane has made an emergency landing in the middle. But as long as the other party has been secretly keeping a close eye on the flight path of our plane, he will definitely be able to see the trajectory information and will definitely pay attention to Lagos, Nigeria. As long as he regards this alternate landing as a clue, he will definitely fall into our trap. "

Wu Feiyan asked again: "What's next? Are there any other clues that can make it less easy for the other party to find our base in Nigeria without so much effort?"

Wu Tianlin replied: "My Lord, this flight is transporting a batch of precision instruments and equipment made in Germany, worth more than 40 million US dollars. We completed the exchange of goods at the Nigerian airport, and then transported the exchanged goods out of the airport through special channels. Part of the goods are professional equipment in the oil and gas field specially prepared for our oil company in Nigeria, and another part is German high-precision processing equipment, the biggest use of which is to manufacture standard firearms;"

"This type of equipment is controlled equipment all over the world. Export requires strict inspection of the purchaser's qualifications, and the purchaser's country needs to issue complete approval documents. This time we used a South African finishing company, applied for an import licence in South Africa, and applied for a sales licence in Germany, so we were able to leave Germany smoothly. This is one of the clues we deliberately left for the other party;"

"The other party checked the flight and found that the plane had made an emergency landing in Nigeria. It is very likely that they will check the cargo and the consignee's information. As long as they check it a little more deeply, they will know that there are oil and gas equipments and special equipments in the cargo. In this way, he will firmly believe that this batch of equipment is for our own use, and then suspect that our emergency landing is just a cover-up. South Africa is not the real destination. The real destination is Lagos, Nigeria. In this way, he will definitely focus on Nigeria!"

"Combined with the oil and gas equipment, he can easily guess that our base in Nigeria is most likely an oil extraction base. Our base in Nigeria is an oil extraction base with an annual profit of more than 2 billion US dollars. It is the most profitable one among our many bases. Once we leak the clues, it will be very easy for the other party to find the base. There are only dozens of them to check one by one, and it can be easily found. The reason why we chose to use it as bait is that it can make the other party lower their guard. Maybe he thinks that he has caught a big fish this time and can bring us heavy damage!"

After listening to Wu Tianlin's introduction, Wu Feiyan showed a rare look of satisfaction. She nodded slightly and sneered, "Not bad! The various clues were linked one after another, and they were interlocking and fascinating, which inevitably gave people the illusion of catching a big fish. When he caught the exposed clues, he would probably shout excitedly, "God helps me". When he unravelled the mystery and found the oil field, he would definitely be complacent. After all, the scale there was much larger than the copper mine in Cyprus. When he rushed over and wanted to repeat the old trick, the three elders would attack him together and behead him! Eliminate my future troubles!"

Just when Wu Feiyan and Wu Tianlin felt that the hidden confidant would not miss this clue, Charlie was driving Lin Wan'er through the snowy fields in the Nordic morning.

The sparsely populated Nordic scenery is truly impeccable. Both sides of the road are lined with tall pine and cypress trees covered with thick snow. Occasionally, when passing through a village or town, you can see a group of wooden houses covered with snow from afar. Most of the houses are not very high. Although the scattered triangular roofs are covered with snow, the sides are painted in bright colours, giving a feeling of being in a fairy tale.

Since the sun rose and the skyline in the rearview mirror lit up, Lin Wan'er has been staring at the scenery outside the window, and said with greedy eyes: "I have travelled to many places for more than 300 years, and I have settled in many places I like, but I have lived in Northern Europe for the shortest time, and I haven't lived there enough."

Charlie smiled and said: "I have asked Helena to help find a suitable farm. After the renovation is completed, Miss Lin can come here occasionally to stay. Besides, with Helena's help, she will not leave any information when entering and leaving the customs, so you naturally don't have to worry about being found by Wu Feiyan."

Lin Wan'er nodded gently. She really wanted to continue living here for a while, but when she thought that it would be difficult for Charlie to accompany her like this time, this impulse was reduced a lot.

At this time, Lin Wan'er's mobile phone suddenly rang. She picked up the phone and pressed the answer button. The voice of Lao Zhang came from the phone: "Miss, I have found some new clues about the plane."

Lin Wan'er hummed and said: "You can talk, I just happened to be with Mr. Wade."

After that, she turned on the speaker of the mobile phone.

Although she knew that Charlie could hear every word that Lao Zhang said clearly without turning on the speaker, she still did a seemingly unnecessary move. In her opinion, this was a respect for Charlie.

On the other end of the phone, Lao Zhang said respectfully: "Miss, Mr. Wade, I found out that the plane has landed in South Africa. I also found out the client of the cargo and the details of the cargo."

After that, Lao Zhang repeated the information he found on the phone, which was basically the same as the information Wu Feiyan and Wu Tianlin wanted them to find.

After talking about the clues, Lao Zhang said with some excitement: "Miss, I think that the Po Qing Society must have a base in Nigeria, and it is very likely related to oil extraction. So I checked the oil extraction companies of a certain scale in Nigeria. There are only more than 20 oil extraction companies with a scale of more than 100 people and an extraction area that can accommodate thousands of people. Among them, there are only seven near Lagos. In my personal opinion, among these seven companies, there is a high probability that one is the base of the Po Qing Society. I have also verified that the industrial scale of these seven companies is very large, with an annual profit of at least 1 billion US dollars. If we can find it out and eliminate the trouble forever, the Po Qing Society will also lose a large source of income."

After listening to this, Lin Wan'er looked at Charlie, and then said to Lao Zhang: "Lao Zhang, you did a good job, but you can only follow this clue here, and there is no need to continue investigating, so as to avoid investigation. If you don't expose yourself too deeply, Master Wade will follow up. "

Old Zhang said respectfully: "Okay, Miss, then I'll trouble Master Wade!"

Lin Wan'er hung up the phone, looked at Charlie, and said seriously: "Master, now it seems that Nigeria is definitely the victim used by Wu Feiyan to lure the Master to show up. They have made careful arrangements, just to make the Master believe it, and then go to the door in person. In order to lure the Master out, they even use a highly confidential death squad base as bait. It seems that the Master is now a big worry for Wu Feiyan. "

Charlie nodded and smiled: "If she want me to go, then I definitely can't go, at least not for the time being. If I can figure out the movements of the three elders of the Poqing Society, after I have solved their other bases in other places, once I can confirm that the three elders have left Nigeria, I can kill them again. "


  1. Then, maybe Charlie will make lies again to Claire. How can he be sure that he will defeat Wu Feiyan? Disregarding the fact that this is just novel, readers already know that the male protagonist which is Charlie will win. Considering this as just a story, seemingly real, what lies will Charlie tell Claire again? Since this battle will be in Nigeria, what will Charlie concoct again to tell Claire?


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