Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2701 to 2800 Charlie Wade Story

 Chapter 2701

As the son of the Su family, Zynn has definitely seen many big scenes for so many years, but the whole person is in an unprecedented panic towards Charlie, who is in his twenties.

He didn‟t understand why the Wade family descendant in front of him was so fierce that he attacked the Su family one after another without any scruples.

In the beginning, even when the competition between Su and Wade was the fiercest, no one dared to play such a fierce tactic. After all, both sides are very strong, which is equivalent to two countries with nuclear weapons. Desperately at balance with each other.

However, Changying‟s son didn‟t care about it at all.

He directly tied Shoude, which in itself was not enough to put the Su family in his eyes.

Now, instead of converging, he aimed at himself. This kind of person is simply a disruptor of the rules of the game!

Seeing Charlie‟s aggressiveness unabated, Zynn‟s heart was tense, and his mouth softened somewhat. He said seriously: “Although the Eastcliff families have been fighting for so many decades, everyone still retains some basic respect. Although I formed the Anti-Wade Alliance back then, I have never done anything to your parents‟

personal safety, or threaten them. Why are you here to ambush me and kidnap me?

Charlie asked coldly: “Are you dead?”

Zynn‟s expression was startled: “What do you mean?”

Charlie asked again: “I‟m asking you, you are dead No?”

Zynn coldly snorted: “Joke, if I die, is the one standing in front of you a ghost?”

Charlie nodded: Yes, you are not dead, but my parents are dead! You keep saying you have never threatened the personal safety of my parents, but my parents have passed away for nearly 20 years. You now casually say that it has nothing to do with you. Do you think I will believe it?

Zynn said nervously: “You can disbelieve it, but you have to know that even in the law, it is a presumption of innocence. If you have evidence that your parents‟ death is related to me, then you have to kill me. , But if you have no evidence, you can only prove that the death of your parents has something to do with me!

Charlie smiled: “Mr. Zynn, you are a little too naive, since you‟re here, you think you will tell me the truth about these rules? If you fall into my hands, you have to play according to my rules and see what happens to your brother. You should be able to know. “

Zynn was shocked, blurted out:” I am the eldest son of Su and I am the future heir my family will not let you!!!

Charlie curled his lip: “Since I am not afraid that the Su family retaliates, and I tell you, this matter is far from over with you. Your father Chengfeng is also on my list. In addition, if your Su family is found out by me, who else is with my parents? There is a connection between his death, or whoever is not convinced, I will solve them all one by one!”

Zynn questioned in a panic: “You don‟t have any actual evidence right now, so you will attack my family again and again. Is there any morality or justification? 

“The morality or justification?” Charlie sneered: “Your family is not worthy to mention these two words!”

Zynn frowned: “What do you mean?”

Charlie smiled: “What do I mean, you are not clear in your heart? I ask you, Ruoli is your illegitimate daughter?! 

Zynn heard these words, the expression was a bit embarrassing, and the voice was a little emboldened and said: “Ruoli is indeed my illegitimate daughter, but I am not the one who harmed her!

Charlie nodded: “I know, your father is the one who harmed her.

Right ?” Zynn dodges Charlie‟s aggressive eyes, hesitatingly excuses: “I haven‟t got any definitive proof of this matter until now, so whether it is my father or not has yet to be confirmed.

Charlie smiled shamefully: “What a trash!”

Zynn blurted out and asked, “What do you mean?!

Charlie yelled, “I said you are really a trash! A total trash!”

Chapter 2702 

Having said that, Charlie pointed to Zynn‟s face that was swollen into a pig‟s head, and said coldly: “Ruoli is your illegitimate daughter, and instead of giving her the care and love of her father, you use her as a tool of murder and instigation. She wantonly kills innocents, and all the evil deeds she killed Matsumoto Mansions in Japan are all under your indictment! You are unkind, shameless, cruel and unjust, and in vain as a father!

„Also! Ruoli‟s biological mother was by your side for so many years, she had done her best to protect you, she broke an arm for you, and then gave birth to Ruoli for you, but how did you treat her? Have you openly acknowledged her identity? Have you paid for her? Say a word of thanks? You not only failed your own flesh and blood, but you also failed the person who loved you most in the world!”

Zynn‟s expression suddenly became very ugly, but anger is not overwhelming, but what is overwhelming is the shame.

Charlie looked at him and continued: “That‟s all, but when Ruoli was arrested, instead of saving your own bones and blood, your family colluded with the Self-Defense Forces inside and out, using Ruoli‟s life to give The Self-Defense Forces in exchange for military exploits, although this is not what you did, it is the insidious handwriting of your father Chengfeng. You have no affection, shamelessly, and cruel, and your father Chengfeng is your enhanced version! A nest of rats, I am talking about!

Zynn‟s eyes were a little dodge, and his face became flushed.

Charlie said coldly: “Ms. Liona is your wife, who will give birth to you; Zhiyu is your eldest daughter, supposed to be your jewel in your palm, but your family laid a net to kill the mother and daughter in Aurous Hill. This is more than unkindness, shamelessness, cruelty, and injustice? This is simply a disregard of human relations. The scum of society and the dregs of the world, punishable in the worst possible way!

Zynn blurted out subconsciously: “I never wanted to kill Ruoli, let alone kill Zhiyu and her mother! These are all my father did!

Charlie coldly Said: “Even if these are your father‟s actions, as a husband, as a father, you don‟t need to protect your wife and daughter? After the accident of your wife and daughter did you avenge your wife and daughter? But instead, you ran to him from Australia. With a flattering face beside your father, you knelt and licked the murderer and helped the gang to abuse your blood. This proves that you are not only disregarding human relations, unkindness, and shameless undertakings but also selling daughter for glory and wife for glory!

“You sell personality, character, dignity, and flesh and blood, just to be able to inherit the Su family‟s property in the future. In your eyes, money is more important than anything else, and you are just a damn pile of sh!t!”

Charlie was already extremely strong, coupled with being a top expert and aura, so when his emotions became stronger and stronger, every word he said made Zynn feel like he was hammering his heart.

Zynn‟s heart, under Charlie‟s repeated rebuke, repeatedly suffered heavy hammers, and the whole person‟s mind became extremely fragile.

Charlie looked at him and asked, “Zynn, have you ever thought that if your two daughters are already dead, how will you face them after death? When you see them, how do you kneel and confess to them?!”

“Or you won‟t confess at all, because you are an inhuman beast at the end of the day!

You don‟t care about anyone‟s life and death, you only care about your own prosperity and wealth!”

“Maybe Ruoli‟s death, give What you exchanged is Chengfeng‟s guilt, perhaps Zhiyu‟s death gave you Chengfeng‟s trust!”

“And the deaths of the two of them were combined, and the one exchanged for you was as the heir of the Su family. The supreme glory!”

„If your son Zhifei dies and can change you back to the position of the richest man in the world, will you agree to it without hesitation?!

“I guess you will definitely agree because you want only the glory, the coronation crown, you do not care about your body yellow robe, sewn with the flesh of your sons and daughters, but do care about your head crown, with their man-made bone! “

“In my opinion, even if you make two Ascend to the throne with only the heads of your one son, two daughters, and three people in your hand, and you will never hesitate!”

“Take you as a person, you will even cut off the heads of the three of them with your own hands.”

Chapter 2703

In Charlie‟s words, every word hit Zynn‟s heart.

At this moment, when he imagined that he walked on the bloody throne with the heads of Zhifei, Zhiyu, and Ruoli in both hands, the dam in his heart burst instantly.

His tears gushing about blurted shouted: “!!!! No not like that I never thought to use their lives in exchange for wealth and status, I have been forced to be like that ah”

Speaking of which Zynn was even more emotional, and continued: “All this is my father‟s work! And every time he makes this kind of decision, even when he issued this kind of order, he never told me, I am also very painful. , But I can‟t help it!

Charlie asked coldly: “Are you really unable to do it, or open one eye and close one eye?!

Zynn thumped and knelt on the ground, crying bitterly: “Ruoli was caught and the Japanese wanted her life. I told my father that I said that I would try my best to save her back. He agreed. I even let Ruoli‟s biological mother go to Japan and tell her the good news. But I don‟t know, all of this is my father‟s strategy! When I knew it, Ruoli‟s whereabouts were missing.” 

At this point, Zynn grabbed his hair and said in tears, “There are also Liona and Zhiyu. I know that Liona has always loved your father. She told me when she married me, but I didn‟t expect that after so many years of marriage and two children, she still can‟t forget your father!

“I admit, I really hate her, I hate her for not having me in her eyes, but I never thought of killing her. It was my father who thought she was insulting the Su family, so he planned all that. But how do I know Zhiyu was in the same car as her. 

“Liona is dead, I don‟t care. I loved her so much, she hurt me so much, I‟m tired, Zhiyu is my flesh and blood, my most beloved daughter, how can I not feel sorry for her? But I don‟t have the ability to save all of this.

Charlie saw that he was extremely emotional, and asked in a cold voice: “If you are given a chance to save the lives of your two daughters, what price are you willing to pay?”

Zynn said without hesitation: “I am willing to pay any price! Even if it is for me to die immediately, as long as the two of them are safe, I am willing! 

Charlie nodded: “This is what you said, you remember and don‟t go back on what you say.”

Zynn thought that Charlie was mocking him, he got angry and roared:”?! What do you mean you really think I‟m a heartless beast you really think I would be willing to use my two daughter‟s life for wealth and status? ?!

“I tell you, the reason why I chose to succumb to my father is entirely because a done deal is done. I have no other way! I can only try to reduce the loss as much as possible. 

Both daughters are gone. I must guarantee that I can get the position of the heir to the family!”

This is like a business, I have invested a huge cost, no matter what, I will win to the end! Charlie sneered: “Don‟t be so excited, I don‟t want to mock you, I Just let you remember what you just said.”

After speaking, Charlie took out the mobile phone placed in the pocket of his chest jacket, and the finger camera was just exposed out of the pocket. 

After taking out the phone, Charlie clicked on the red area where the video was stopped, and the video has been recorded.

Afterwards, he shook his cell phone and said to Zynn: “Everything you said just now is here.

Zynn was confused: “What are you going to do?”

After speaking, he looked nervous. Questioning: “Are you going to publish this video?!

Charlie asked him back: “What? Are you afraid that the old dog Chengfeng will break with you after seeing it?” Zynn swallowed his saliva and said nervously. “You have already controlled my second brother. If you abolish me, what good will it do to you?”

After saying that, he hurriedly said respectfully: “If you let me go today, I can give you a fortune. How about 10 billion compensation? If it‟s not enough, I can add more!”

Chapter 2704

Charlie waved his hand: “Zynn, you think too much, other things may be solved with money, but today‟s matter, even if you hand over the entire Su family to me, it is useless.

After speaking, he sneered and said again:” But you can rest assured that I will not release this video.”

Zynn was in disbelief and asked:” Are you sure it will not be released?!

Charlie nodded, smiled, and said: “At least I‟m not going to announce.”

Then he looked at the time, smiled, and said: “it is almost time No? Let‟s go, I‟ll take you to meet some old friends.”

Zynn thought Charlie would take him to see his younger brother Shoude. He trembled nervously and blurted out, “Where are you taking me?! 

Charlie smiled slightly. :”you guess.

Zynn said nervously: “I can‟t guess what to say, and he said again: “Aren‟t you going to take me to see Shoude?!

Charlie smiled and said, “Don‟t worry, I will make arrangements for you. The package is completely different from your second brother‟s. You two can‟t meet each other. After that, he grabbed Zynn‟s collar and said coldly: “The person you want to meet lives in this hotel. You will know later.

Zynn was terrified in his heart, but he could only be dragged forward by Charlie.

After leaving the door of the room, he was shocked to find that several people in black were standing at the door of several rooms next door.

Including the room where his four subordinates lived, it was also closely guarded by men in black at this time.

Zynn knew very well in his heart that looking at this posture, his own people are probably too ill-fortune.

But he didn‟t die, at least it was controlled by Charlie‟s men.

At this moment, Issac walked up to him, took a look at Zynn, and respectfully said to Charlie: “Master, what do you do with Zynn? Do you want to take him to Orvel‟s dog farm by helicopter now?”

When Zynn heard this, his whole body shuddered, and his heart jumped wildly with fright.

Charlie smiled slightly: “Mr. Issac, don‟t send everyone to the kennel. After all, the main purpose of the kennel is to raise dogs. If we catch people, we will send them inside.

There are more people than dogs. Do you think it will be called a kennel farm or a human farm in the future ?” 

Issac said with both hands and respectfully: “Master is right!

Since he is not sent to the kennel farm, where should he be given? , Sent to Changbai Mountain, and digging ginseng with the Wei family father and son, it is also a good choice.

After that, Issac sighed and said: “It‟s just a pity that the weather is already warming up in the spring. Extremely cold winter is gone: It‟s a pity, it‟s a big deal.

Charlie smiled and said, “These people are even more filthy than the Wei family and his sons together. If they were sent to Changbai Mountain, that would be dumping nonrecyclable and harmful garbage to Changbai Mountain.” 

After that, he wiped a sneer on the corner of his mouth and said sharply. : “Take him to the executive floor first. After  meeting the person he should meet, he‟ll be self-confident!

Chapter 2705

Charlie and Issac questioned and answered, leaving the scared soul of Zynn beside them in an uncertain state.

He really didn‟t expect that Charlie‟s hand was so dark, and he was angrily cursing in his heart: “Send people to the kennel, is this the fcuking human? Sending people to Changbai Mountain to dig ginseng?! This fcuking filth is done by humans. What‟s the matter? In fact, whether it is a dog farm, Changbai Mountain, or Black Coal Kiln and Sierra Leone, these people who know Charlie have long been familiar with Charlie.

However, Charlie‟s words are been compared by Zynn. He lives in the dark, so Zynn knew nothing about Charlie‟s methods.

It was also because he didn‟t know anything about it, so when he heard some clues at first, he was immediately frightened. And when he heard Charlie He said that when he wanted to take him to the executive floor, he was even more puzzled.

He didn‟t know why Charlie wants to take him to the executive floor. According to his words, he is being taken to meet a few old friends, but the old friend? Who would the friend be?

Suspiciously, Zynn was dragged into the elevator by Charlie.

Then, the elevator came to the top floor.

At this time, the passage from the elevator door to the executive floor was completely sealed by Issac‟s men.

Charlie took the flustered Zynn and went straight to the room where Liona and Zhiyu lived. At this moment, Liona and Zhiyu didn‟t know anything about this.

It was only twenty minutes. Earlier, Issac‟s men had just delivered breakfast to the mother and daughter.

These days, the mother and daughter have become accustomed to this kind of life under house arrest.

Although they cannot go out, communicate with the outside world, or even have any way to obtain information from the outside world, It was difficult for the mother and daughter to adapt in the initial time, but after a little longer, the two fell in love with this simple life in isolation.

There is no WeChat, no phone, no visitors, no news, variety shows, and TV series. What the mother and daughter do the most every day is to snuggle together and chat and read books. Over time, the relationship between the mother and daughter has a new kind of flavor. The sublimation.

After all, in modern society, it is not easy to think about a few days of isolation from the world, modern technology, communications, and entertainment. 

Sometimes Zhiyu would complain, saying that living here is not as good as a prison. At least there is still time to relax in the prison. You can also watch TV and learn about the current affairs news of the outside world. But here, she doesn‟t know the world at all. 

What happened.

After dinner, Liona was packing up the dinner plates and said: “Zhiyu, you will help me speak to the guard at the door in a moment, and let them buy some books.

Zhiyu nodded and asked her: “Mom. , What book do you want to read?”

Liona smiled and said, “Suddenly miss our youth when the most popular literary works in China at that time were a batch of classic masterpieces from the former Soviet Union, such as “How Steel is Made”, “The Dawn is Quiet Here” and “The Quiet Don River”. 

At that time, most of the films in the theaters were films from the former Soviet Union period. The most famous one was “Lenin in 1918”.

Zhiyu said blankly: “Mom, what you said, I don‟t seem to have any impression. 

Liona smiled slightly: “These are some very old works. You young people may not like to watch them, but they still have a deep impact on our generation.

Zhiyu nodded: “Then I will talk to the guard at the door in a while.”

After that, she couldn‟t help sighing helplessly and said: “I don‟t know when my Grace is going to see us. I dreamed of him last night.

Liona asked curiously: “What did you dream of him?

Zhiyu smiled bitterly: “I dreamed that he was fighting with Dad. Dad was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen nose, and he called me to help.”

Liona smiled and asked her, “So did you help?”

“No.” Zhiyu stuck out her tongue and said, “Not only did I fail to help him, but I kicked his shoes into the river.

Chapter 2706

Liona couldn‟t help laughing a few times: “Haha, what kind of dream are you having recently.”

Zhiyu smiled: “In my dream, it seems to be on the bank of the Yongding River, which is where I liked to fly kites when I was a kid.

Then, Zhiyu said again: “You said it‟s strange to dream. I seem to be a little girl in my dream, but when I dreamed, I didn‟t feel at all against it.

Liona nodded: “What‟s weird about this, most of the dreams that violate peace are incomparably invested when you are in the dream, and you only feel absurd when you wake up.

She said, she sighed softly and continued:” In my life, I don‟t know how many absurd and weird dreams I have had. I dreamed that the dead person was still alive and that I had changed a life.”

Zhiyu looked at Liona and saw that her face was always indelible. Regrettably, she couldn‟t help asking: “Mom, do you regret marrying dad?”

Liona was slightly ashamed, and immediately gave a wry smile, and said: “If I were the girl who was as old as you back then, knowing that marrying that man would be accompanied by a lifetime of unwillingness, Then she will definitely not marry, but when that girl has a daughter the same size as she used to be, if you ask her again, she will definitely not regret it.

After Zhiyu listened, her eyes couldn‟t help but a reddish color.

She knows the meaning of her mother‟s words.

If it is only for herself, marrying her father is regrettable; but if she also counts herself, marrying her father and having herself and a brother, she does not regret it.

It‟s just that she doesn‟t regret this sentence, but the true love of her mother‟s life is buried.

Zhiyu couldn‟t help but said, “Thank you" 

Liona with a smile: “Silly girl, thank me for what?”

After that, she gently wiped away the teardrops from the corners of Zhiyu‟s eyes, and said seriously: “So, you are not me, you are the same as the girl who was the same age as you back then, so you must be careful when choosing the other half in the future. 

Don‟t take the mother‟s old path, there are countless kinds of men in this world, tall, short, fat, thin, white, black, poor, and rich. All these are not important, only The right one is the most important, so in the future, you must choose the right one. Remember what mom said, don‟t forget.”

Zhiyu nodded and said earnestly: “Mom, I will.”

At this moment, the doorbell suddenly rang. 

Zhiyu hurriedly said: “It should be the aunt who comes to collect the tableware. I will open the door.

After that, she got up and went to the door of the room, stretched out her hand, and opened the door.

But she never dreamed that at the moment when the door was opened, it was a man.

Charlie who she had been dreaming about and dreaming for a long time!

At this time, he was tall and thin with a cold expression. Charlie stood at the door of Zhiyu‟s room. When his face was close at hand, Zhiyu was struck by lightning, and the excitement in her heart could not be restrained.

She looked at Charlie with ecstasy and blurted out: “Benevolence! It‟s really you!”

Charlie looked at Zhiyu, and said blankly: “Miss Su, please give me a favor.”

Zhiyu is not clear, but she still obediently stepped back and asked subconsciously: “Benevolence, do you want to come in?

Charlie didn‟t say a word. He pulled Zynn out from the wall on the outside of the door.

He drew in front of him.

Zhiyu didn‟t have time to see Zynn‟s face in an instant, only to see Charlie pulling out a person from the blind spot next to him, and then there was a bang!

Charlie actually raised his foot, kicked the man into the room with one foot!

Chapter 2707

Seeing a figure roll directly into the room from his feet, Zhiyu was also taken aback.

However, she didn‟t care to see who the man rolling by her feet was, instead, she focused all her attention on Charlie‟s face.

Seeing him really standing in front of her, Zhiyu‟s whole body seemed to be completely captured by him in an instant. The longing for many days at this moment is like a spring, from her heart, straight into her eye sockets, immediately afterwards, turned into bean sized teardrops and rolled down.

She knelt on the ground almost without thinking, and said with a choking voice, “Thank you benefactor for saving my life twice! Thank benefactor for saving my brother, and thank benefactor for saving my mother.

Charlie, pointing blankly at the swollen nose on the ground not far away. Zynn, coldly said: “Don‟t rush to thank me, you see who he is!

Hearing this, Zhiyu subconsciously turned around and looked around, and the whole person was struck by lightning!


Zhiyu couldn‟t even dream of it. The person who was kicked in by Charlie turned out to be her own father, Zynn!

At this time, Zynn was also completely confused! Zhiyu has been missing, although the old man guessed that it might be by the Japanese master, but Zynn didn‟t understand this layer of mystery. His judgment about Zhiyu‟s life and death was originally half information, but he didn‟t expect that she was really alive!

Moreover, it was in the Wade family hotel!

Zynn was tortured several times by Charlie‟s soul just now, and the whole person was in extreme guilt towards his two daughters. Now that Zhiyu is still alive, he burst into tears:

“Zhiyu, Zhiyu, you really are still alive. I‟m sorry!

At this time, Liona with a shocked look had already come to Zynn‟s side. She looked down at Zynn and then looked up at Charlie at the door. The whole person suddenly felt like a world away.

Charlie really looks a lot like Changying.

Standing in front of Liona made her feel as if she was back thirty years ago.

All of a sudden, she returned to the time when she loved Changying and dreamed of marrying him.

At this time, Zynn saw Liona walking out, and the whole person was even more struck by lightning.

He looked at Liona, and subconsciously blurted out: “Liona, you are also alive. 

Liona was awakened by this sound. She recovered from the memory. Then she looked down at Zynn and saw Zynn‟s fifty-something face.

She returned to reality from the dream. She looked at him, her expression and eyes were so calm that Zynn‟s heart was inexplicably flustered.

Then, she said in the same calm tone: “Zynn, after so many things, the divorce agreement can you sign it?”

Zynn was ashamed and choked: I signed it and waited for you to return, so I immediately signed it.

Liona counted and nodded, and said, “When you finish signing, there will be nothing between me and you.” Cleared up, I will not pursue all the things that happened before.”

Zynn said with tears on his face: “Liona, the kidnappings and car accidents were arranged by father alone, and it has nothing to do with me!”

I know.” Liona smiled slightly: “If you are married, I know you will hate me.” you may not really be able to kill.

Chapter 2708

Zhiyu rushed to Zynn at this time and blurted out: “Dad, why did Grandpa do this?! Why would he kill my mother?!

Zynn said with great shame: “Your grandpa, his style of behavior is like this. He was only aimed at your mother, not at you, but he didn‟t expect that you were also at the same place.

Zhiyu blurted out anger: What is the difference between targeting my mother and targeting me?! He made people kill my mother, didn‟t he think about it? After that, will I not find him for revenge in the future?!”

Zynn was speechless. After hesitating for a while, he sighed and said, “What can I do?

Your grandpa said, I‟m going to Australia overnight; He said another word, I rolled back from Australia overnight. He has all the resources of the Su family under his control, and everyone in the Su family has been played by him.

Zhiyu questioned angrily: “Ruoli is also your daughter. Her unfound body is now a gift from grandpa. My mother and I almost died in Aurous Hill. It was also his instigation behind the scenes. Three people and three lives. Isn‟t it enough for you to avenge us?!

Zynn was ashamed and embarrassed. He covered his face with both hands and cried bitterly: “I, I think too! But what can I do? Leave the Su family and break with your grandfather. The resources I can mobilize are probably less than 1% of the Su family. It is difficult for me to take revenge, even if you protect yourself, so I can only bear the humiliation, and after I get the position of Su Family Patriarch…”

Zhiyu shook her head, and said with an extremely disappointed expression: “Dad, I understand. You, even if you get the Su Family Patriarch, you will not avenge us, you will only be your Su Family Patriarch, and everything else is just a passing flick.

Zynn waved his hand: “No, no. How could I be like this?

Charlie said coldly at this time: “You said you are not such a person. What are you doing when your two daughters are unclear about life and death? In front of your wife and children, talk about watching you. Why are you doing in Aurous Hill?”

Zynn blurted out: “I came to Aurous Hill to find the whereabouts of wife and daughter!

Did you find?” Charlie sneered: Aurous Hill is full of my informers. I never heard that you are really looking for the wife and daughter. I only know that you came to Aurous Hill and stayed in Shangri-La quietly. Find a chance to get closer to Ito Yuuhiko from Japan!”

As for why you are looking for him, it is because your family‟s shipping permit has been revoked and you are losing heavily every day, so you want to cooperate with the Ito family to quietly transition the blocked shipping business. When he arrived in Japan, am I right?!

“I, I” Zynn was speechless for a while, and said: “This is the task my father gave me. I dare not disobey.

Charlie sneered: “Come on, Zynn. What Zhiyu said just now is right. What you really value in your eyes is the position of the head of the Su family. It is not a love for children at all. For this position, you can sacrifice anything, including your close relatives!

Zynn Strongly denied: “No! It‟s not what you said! I am willing to do anything for my daughter, but I was really incapable before! I am incapable!

” “Oh? Is it?” Charlie looked at him and sneered. He asked: “Zynn, you said you are willing to do anything for your daughter, do you take this seriously?”

Zynn said without hesitation: “I swear to heaven!

Charlie nodded and smiled: “I remember you just now also said that you‟re willing to use your life to replace the lives of your two daughters. Now is the time to test whether you are sincere.”

After speaking, he turned around and said to Issac outside the room: “Go, bring the other guest here!

Issac naturally knew that the other guest he was talking about was Ruoli!

So he didn‟t hesitate to say: “OK master, wait a minute!

Chapter 2709

Ruoli‟s room was not far from the rooms of Liona and Zhiyu. They were all in the same area of the executive floor, but there were a dozen rooms in between.

At this time, she naturally didn‟t know anything about what happened in Zhiyu‟s room.

Recently, she has been seizing the time to practice martial arts.

Charlie had directly increased her Ren Vessel patency, which made her whole person‟s strength and foundation go through earth-shaking changes, so she couldn‟t wait to take advantage of the good foundation Charlie laid for herself and improve her strength quickly.

At this time, Ruoli was wearing sports und3rwear in the room for morning exercises, and suddenly heard the doorbell, subconsciously it must be Charlie, and ran to the door with excitement.

When she was about to open the door, she heard Issac‟s voice outside the door: “Ms. Su is awake?

Ruoli‟s hand that was about to touch the doorknob suddenly stopped, and asked a little disappointedly: “Is there anything wrong with Mr. Issac?”

Issac said politely: “That‟s right, our young master is here, and has a few acquaintances in another room. He would like to invite you to come there too. I don‟t know if it is convenient for you.

Ruoli heard that Charlie was looking for her, and she was a little disappointed just now.

She is now excited to the extreme, like a little girl who just fell in love, so she hurriedly said: “Mr. Issac wait a minute, I will change my clothes. Come out right away!

After speaking, she hurried back to the bedroom. Although she was covered with fragrant sweat, she didn‟t care about taking a shower. She wiped it quickly and changed her clothes.

Before she went out, she went to the mirror and looked at the mirror carefully. After looking at it for a moment, she saw that although her face in the mirror was radiant, her lips were red and her teeth were white, but she still lacked the sense of sophistication after applying pink and white, she couldn‟t help but felt a little lost, and said to herself, “Hey, I didn‟t learn to apply makeup before, and there was never even a lipstick around me. There are no eyebrow pencils, or else I could dress up a little.”

In desperation, she could only dispel this idea and hurried out. When she arrived at the door, Issac was waiting for her.

Seeing Ruoli coming out, he made a gesture of inviting and said, “Miss Su, please come with me.

Ruoli nodded and followed Issac to the room where Charlie was.

At this time, except for Charlie. Besides Issac, Zynn, Zhiyu, and Liona didn‟t know who Charlie was talking about as the „other guest‟.

Therefore, the three of them were very curious.

Soon, the doorbell rang outside, and Issac was outside with someone. He opened his mouth and said, “Master, May I come in.

Charlie gave a hum, and said, “Let her come in. Issac immediately opened the door and said to Ruoli beside him: “Miss Su, please.

Ruoli stepped forward and saw Charlie standing inside the door. She felt extremely happy in her heart, but after she saw the other people around Charlie clearly, her whole body was dumbfounded.

She never dreamed that her father Zynn, half-sister Zhiyu, and Zhiyu‟s biological mother Liona were all here!

Zynn, Zhiyu, and Liona saw Ruoli enter. When she entered, she was shocked to add!

No one thought that Ruoli, who disappeared in Japan, was still alive!

The whole of Japan was struggling to find her, and the Metropolitan Police Department carried out a carpet search across the country. The soldiers of the Self-Defense Force also searched every city in the mainland, and conspired with Chengfeng to do meritorious service, but accidentally played with the Maritime Self-Defense Force. , But no one found Ruoli‟s whereabouts.

They once believed that Ruoli should have been killed at sea. After all, it was really difficult to find someone in the sea.

The Su family also felt that Ruoli 90% was dead, and there was a high probability that she would be buried on the bottom of the sea. Otherwise, how could she escape from the net of security forces which encompassed heaven and earth?!

But now, she appeared to them alive. before!

Moreover, this is not Japan!

This is Aurous Hill!

Moreover, since she is Charlie‟s guest, it must be Charlie who rescued her.

From this point of view, this man simply has the ability to reach the sky!

If he does not have the ability to reach the sky, how could he bring Ruoli back quietly from the tiger and wolf‟s mouth?!

This is simply incredible! The one who is most excited is naturally Zynn. 

Seeing that Ruoli was still alive, he was even more emotional, and cried and said, “Ruoli! Ruoli is that really you! It‟s so hard for Dad to find you!

Chapter 2710

Charlie rolled his eyes and looked at him, raising his hand just to slap him.


This slap made Zhiyu and Ruoli both surprised!

Zynn was also completely stunned, and asked with anger in his heart: “What‟s the matter with you? What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you hitting me again?  And hit me in front of my wife and daughters!

Charlie asked coldly at this time: “Zynn, you are so shameless. After Ruoli disappeared, did you really look for her?”

Zynn said. Startled.

“Yes, did you look for her?

“Of course not.

“That‟s because you really couldn‟t find her.”

“She disappeared in the vast ocean, and the power of the whole country could not find her. How can I, Zynn, have this ability?”

“Because I knew that the chance was slim. It was negligible, so I didn‟t really think of looking for her at all.

“Besides, I‟ve been pressed by the old man all the time, and I couldn‟t mobilize any resources. The old man just sold Ruoli on the front foot. If I went to find her on the back foot, why don‟t I confront the old man? So, I really haven‟t looked for her.

“in other words, this leaves the slap in the face, in the right place. Thinking of this, he hung his head in shame, mouth choking:” If away, you get caught in Japan, I really want to Save you, your grandfather kept saying that he would help me save you, but I didn‟t expect that he would talk to the Self-Defense Force about those nasty conditions on my back.

Ruoli‟s eyes burst into tears. She also guessed that she really wanted to. Grandpa Chengfeng must be the one who betrayed her.

However, her heartfelt a little cold when she thought that her father had not made any substantial efforts to save her.

She felt that even if she was an illegitimate daughter, she was always the flesh and blood of Zynn.

His own flesh and blood were betrayed in this way, and even her life and death were unknown. He did nothing, and it was indeed too impersonal.

Seeing her crying, Charlie smiled slightly, and comforted: “If you are away, don‟t be sad, don‟t say you are an illegitimate daughter, even the eldest daughter Zhiyu, she is still helpless and has never done anything. This person has no humanity at all. All he wants is the position of Su Family Patriarch. No matter whose head is used to change it, he will not hesitate.

Ruoli heard Charlie‟s words, lightheartedly.

She nodded lightly. The last time she followed Charlie to catch Shoude, the second child of the Su family, so after that time, she knew what happened to Liona and Zhiyu. When she thought of this and then of herself, her expression suddenly changed. She was even more disappointed.

In her opinion, the Su family is indeed the tomb of family love and humanity. For the family, there is nothing in this world that cannot be sacrificed or given up. 

Zynn saw the eyes of his two daughters looking at him, which are full of deep disappointment and indifference, and then his heart collapsed.

He knelt on the ground, crying and wailing: Zhiyu, Ruoli, it is me who has not fulfilled his obligations as a father, it is me Without protecting you properly, I was wrong, I was guilty. I am guilty.

Ruoli turned her face directly and turned her back to Zynn to wipe the tears, while Zhiyu, the tears have long been flowing like a spring.

At this time, Charlie looked at Zynn and yelled coldly: “Zynn! You antagonized my parents and established the Anti-Wade Alliance, and there is a high probability that you will be responsible for the death of my parents, but I have repeatedly saved your family bloodline four times!

In Kyoto, I saved your son Zhifei and daughter Zhiyu! “

In Tokyo, I saved your illegitimate daughter Ruoli!

“In Aurous Hill, I saved your wife Liona, and saved your daughter Zhiyu one again! 

“Leave Aunt Liona aside, I have saved three of you from the Su family and four lives!

“Zynn! You just said that you are willing to use your life for the lives of your two daughters. Now both of your daughters are intact. Standing here without loss, it‟s time for you to fulfill your promise!!!

Chapter 2711

When Zynn heard this, the whole person shuddered!

He really did not expect that his two daughters were actually still alive!

Moreover, they were both saved by Charlie!

In this way, if Charlie Letting his life be exchanged, what should he do?!

He really feels guilty for his two daughters, and he really hopes that the two daughters will be safe, but he is also a human! He didn‟t live enough! He didn‟t want to die either! 

The thought of this, he was suddenly having a shiver, choking:! “Yep, I swear to God, I did not kill your parents, it really has nothing to do with me ah.

Then he quickly added, “I say something to from heart. In the first half of my life, no matter what I did, I was crushed by your father. His unworldly talent was recognized and admired by the entire city and even the entire China.

Speaking of this, He darkened, and sighed: “What about me? What am I? I am just the eldest son of the Su family. Not only I was just inferior to him in every aspect, but even the beloved woman has also always loved him deeply, even if he died. I also live in his shadow all the time, this shadow has enveloped me until now! Until now!”

Liona on the side heard this, her expression suddenly felt a little guilty.

Zynn continued crying bitterly and continued: “Although I never admit that Changying is better than me for so many years, I know very well in my heart that I know that Zynn is not better than Changying! That is a hundred thousand worse than Changying! Eight thousand miles! With my ability, how could I kill him?!

“When he was alive, I really hated him to the bone, but think about it, if I could kill him, why didn‟t I kill him when he was radiant? Why didn‟t I kill him when he was standing on top? Why should I wait for him to retreat before doing anything to him?

Charlie saw that he was emotional, and said these words almost like confession and venting, and it was also from his heart. Realizing that, looking at it this way, Zynn should really not be the murderer of his parents.

It‟s not just Zynn‟s performance that doesn‟t show any clues.

Even more, because his words do have some truth.

Charlie thought: “He must hate my father.

“So, if he had that ability, he must have done it as early as when his father was so radiant and completely covered up.

“He won‟t wait until my father retires before doing it.

“This is not illogical!” Moreover, people say that father was a talented person, but Zynn couldn‟t even touch the side of a talented person, if The father really died at the hands of such a villain, and that would be a great insult to his father!

However, even if Charlie determined that Zynn was not the murderer of his parents, he still did not intend to let him go.

Nothing else, Only for the three words Anti-Wade Alliance.

Even if these three words did not ultimately cause the death of their parents, but Zynn has been against his father all year round, this is also an indefensible offense and sin!

So, just for these three words he must also make Zynn pay for it!

So Charlie said coldly: “Whether my parents‟ death has nothing to do with you? It doesn‟t matter anymore, because as you said, your life is not about to come to pay tribute to my parents, but to exchange for your two daughters! Even if the death of my parents really has nothing to do with you, since Zhiyu and Ruoli have stood here intact today, you must also…

Damn it! Zynn‟s face turned ashes when he heard this.

Yes. “

Charlie was right. “

Leave aside his parents. he said it himself. I am willing to use my own life for the lives of my two daughters. I have already disappointed my two daughters. I can‟t let them down anymore.

But Thinking of this, Zynn felt even more pain in his heart.

He didn‟t want to die.

Ten thousand times he doesn‟t want to die.

On the one hand, he didn‟t want to let the two daughters continue to be disappointed, and on the other hand, he didn‟t want to die like this. He suddenly didn‟t know what to do.

Seeing him lower his head without saying a word, Charlie immediately asked with a sarcasm: “Why, you want to regret it now?

“I, I don‟t.” Zynn blurted out.

Charlie asked, “Then how do you want to die? Are you going to die yourself or do you want my help?”

Zynn was speechless, and his whole body twitched and trembled violently.

Chapter 2712

At this time, he didn‟t know what to say.

Saying that he is dead? Charlie is likely to force him to commit suicide.

Say let him help? Then maybe he just shot himself down.

But, both daughters are here, should he go to Charlie to beg for mercy? Doesn‟t it mean that he broke his word again and threw the two daughters again? Behind his head?!

Extremely entangled and afraid of death, Zynn collapsed to the ground as if he was paralyzed. He only knew how to cry, but couldn‟t say a word at all.

Zhiyu looked at him and looked down upon him, but she also couldn‟t bear it.

She is actually not afraid of her father going back.

Anyway, she was already very disappointed with her father, and there was no need to let him die at this time.

So, she hesitated for a moment, knelt in front of Charlie with a puff, and choked up: “Master Zhiyu begs you to forgive my father.

Ruoli is actually the same as Zhiyu.

Disappointment is really a disappointment.

But the blood is still there.

This man who is limp on the ground is still her father.

Even if he is as timid as a mouse, even if he is addicted to money, he is still her father.

He has never harmed her himself, so how can she expect him to die?

Think of it, she immediately knelt down and pleaded: “Master Wade, beg you to spare.

Liona had a complicated expression and knelt on one knee. She said piously: “Young Master Wade, as Zynn‟s wife, I have been thinking of others in my heart all these years. I really owe it to him. Although he has sinned in all sorts of ways, he is sinful I know.

Please let him go.

Zynn really didn‟t expect it to be like this.

He didn‟t expect that his two daughters and the wife who was determined to divorce him would kneel on the ground and beg Charlie to go around him.

At this moment, his heart was truly guilty.

He covered his face and lay on the ground and wept bitterly, because he really wanted to survive, so he had no face to see his daughter and wife, and could only wait for Charlie‟s sentence.

Charlie also hesitated at this time.

Hesitate whether to kill Zynn or not.

If you kill him, there are other sons in the Su family. It is said that the five sons, eldest and second child of the Su family are gone, and there are also the third, fourth, and fifth sons.

If he doesn‟t kill him, he can‟t swallow the tone of the Anti-Wade Alliance alone.

At this time, he glanced at Zhiyu and suddenly said: “Zhiyu, if you want me to spare him for not dying, you must promise me two conditions.

Zhiyu said without hesitation: “Please, please. Say it, Master! 

Charlie sternly said: “The first condition, no matter what method you use, you must inherit the Su family within three years!”

After hearing this, Zhiyu was shocked and she never thought about inheriting the Su family. What‟s more, even if she thinks about it, she doesn‟t have a chance. Don‟t say she is a female, even if her father is the eldest son, he hasn‟t inherited the Su family for so many years. How can she achieve this goal in three years?

But, one-thinking about it. The father‟s life and death, she could only bite the bullet and promise first, at least to save her father‟s life, so she blurted out: “Okay, I promise the second condition?

Charlie said coldly: “The second condition, On the day of inheriting the Su family, the old dog Chengfeng must be handed over to me.”

“Before you hand that old dog to me, Zynn‟s life temporarily exists with me, waiting for you to hand over Chengfeng to me. I will return Zynn to you!

Chapter 2713

When Zynn heard that Charlie would detain himself for three years, and he had to be exchanged with his father before he could get his freedom back, he suddenly panicked. 

Just as he was about to speak, Zhiyu on the side asked, “Benevolence, you targeted my father because of the Anti-Wade Alliance back then, but what did my grandfather do?

Charlie smiled slightly and said seriously: “I have three reasons for your grandfather. 

First, judging from your grandfather‟s absolute right to speak in the Su family, although your father was in charge of the Anti-Wade Alliance at the time, it must be your grandfather who was really behind it!

Zynn, who heard this, nodded in tears!

Charlie‟s words came to his heart.

In the Su family, the prerequisite for anything to do must be the old man nodded in agreement, otherwise, who dare to make self-determination. Therefore, even though the Anti-Wade Alliance was on its own, but in essence, it was the old man behind.

At this time, Charlie looked at Ruoli and continued: Second, I don‟t like your grandpa‟s acting style!

“This old dog is too vicious. People say that tiger poison still doesn‟t eat children, but your grandfather, the old dog doesn‟t care about it. Whether you are a granddaughter, a daughter-in-law, or even a son, he can take it out at any time. The sacrificed ghost, such a person, shouldn‟t leave him in charge of the Su family, otherwise I still don‟t know how many people will be entrapped by him.”

And then he looked and said further:” Of course, your father is not a good man, I heard several dozen Heaven Matsumoto beloved family were murdered under his command?

Zynn didn‟t keep track and looked down and dared not to speak, but he was still trembling with nervousness.

Zhiyu was also a little ashamed. Her father made this decision, and she was shocked for a long time. Although to a certain extent, she could understand her father‟s heart to avenge her and her brother, but she really did not expect that he would give Ruoli such a cruel order.

Ruoli was even more ashamed.

After all, she was the one who executed the order to destroy the Matsumoto family.

Charlie continued at this time: “Third, if you don‟t hand over your grandfather to me,

how can you sit down as the head of the Patriarch? As long as he is still there, he will definitely not let you succeed. This person will never let others succeed before he dies. 

He won‟t put the right to others!

Zhiyu was shocked when she heard this. She understood that Charlie wanted her grandfather for her own future and safety considerations.

Thinking of this, she was silent for a moment, lightly she nodded lightly and said, “My dear master, I promise you!

Zynn heard this and hurriedly asked: “Mr. Wade, before Zhiyu hands my father into your hands, how about me?

Charlie said lightly: “I have already thought about it. I just met a new friend yesterday.

His conditions are pretty good and he can send you to experience life.

Zynn quickly pleaded, “Mr. Wade, please raise your hands high. Don‟t send me to a kennel, black coal kiln, or Changbai Mountain.

Charlie smiled and said, “Don‟t worry, I plan to send you abroad. Take a vacation and experience the exotic atmosphere.

Zynn felt a little in his heart and blurted out: “Mr. Wade, I don‟t know which country you want to send me to?

Zhiyu, Ruoli, and Liona also looked at Charlie nervously.

Everyone was afraid that Charlie would suddenly say something unpleasant. Speaking of a third-world country in Africa, if he is sent to Congo, Zimbabwe, or Liberia, which are the world‟s poorest countries, he will really have inexhaustible suffering.

Thinking of this, Zynn couldn‟t help but plead. “Mr. Wade, please don‟t send me to Africa. I‟m old and can‟t bear the kind of tossing.

Charlie heard this and said with a smile: “Mr. Su thinks too much, I don‟t have much to do in Africa, even if there is no suitable place to send you in the future. 

Chapter 2714

Zynn was finally relieved.

In his opinion, as long as he doesn‟t go to Africa, he is basically justified.

Even in Myanmar and Cambodia, all aspects of conditions and security are better than those in Africa.

So, he hurriedly asked: “Mr. Wade, where are you going to send me?

Charlie smiled slightly and said one word faintly: “Syria!

Zynn felt a buzz in his mind when he heard these three words. A huge force hit his forehead.

He panicked and murmured: “Syria?! Isn‟t that a war-torn country?! Going to such a place at this time, can safety be guaranteed?

Zhiyu blurted out nervously: “Master, the situation in Syria is turbulent, not only in the country, The opposition and other armed forces, the United States also seems to have frequent military operations. It is too dangerous. Can you change the place?

Charlie shook his head: “I don‟t have to change, go to Syria.

Seeing that Zynn was very nervous, Ruoli comforted: “Don‟t worry too much. Although the situation in Syria is relatively turbulent, the capital Damascus is still relatively safe,

and the opposition and other armed forces have not attacked there. With that, he added another sentence: “Damascus has a long history, and its modernization progress is pretty good. After all, Syria‟s per capita GDP is not low. 

Zynn heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this. Although he had never been to Damascus, he felt pretty good when he heard that.

As a result, he not only secretly thought: In his impression, although Syria is a country of war all year round, it is not very poor, after all, it is also a middle-income country.

„If I go to the capital Damascus, I can also experience the exotic customs. If Zhiyu can really become the Patriarch of the Su family, then I will be the Patriarch‟s father, and I will be able to continue living the life of the Master when I come back! Thinking of this, he is very happy. He hurriedly said: “Since Mr. Wade made such an arrangement, I will say nothing.”

Charlie looked at Zynn and said with interest: “Oh yes Mr. Su, I forgot to tell you that my friend is an armed leader of the Syrian opposition. He just beat the government forces a few days ago. He won the battle, there is something indeed, and he is someone who has studied in China for many years, speaks Chinese very well. After you go, it will be more convenient to communicate with him.”

Charlie said again. “But after you arrive in Syria, you must be careful. Once the war starts, you must protect yourself. The guns are eyeless, so don‟t be injured by mistake.

Zynn immediately collapsed when he heard this: “What?! Opposition? ! Yep, you let me go to the armed opposition what to do ah?!

Charlie smiled and said:?! “Do not say to send you experience life past experience, you have seen pampered living for so many years, may wish to change the living law Zynn panicked and said: “But if your friend loses, what should I do? Maybe I am going to die there.”

Charlie thoughtfully said, “You really have some truth in what you said, right? , Do you have any U.S. dollar assets that you can call overseas?

Zynn thought for a while, and said: “Most of the assets of the Su family are under the hands of the old man, but I can also transfer tens of millions of dollars, the amount is not large, he Can‟t find it.

Charlie said immediately: “Very good, then when you arrive in Syria, transfer the money to my friend by the way, as it is to support his revolutionary cause.

Chapter 2715

Charlie has just returned from Hamid, so he is very clear about Hamid‟s current situation.

Hamid must be very short of money.

The two-thousand-man army, without exception, is a master who only spends money but does not make money.

Those helicopters, and those armored vehicles, once started, are even more moneyburning machines.

With so many people, so much equipment, people fed by horses, it‟s all money.

Moreover, the spheres of influence of these opposition parties are generally limited to those in remote areas and endless hills and nests. There is no way to make money at all, so they can only rely on the siege of the city or the funding of foreign capital.

In fact, Charlie also has a lot of spare money in his hands, and it is not a big deal to really spend tens of millions of dollars or even hundreds of millions of dollars to fund Hamid.

If this brother wins the revolution in the future, he may be able to get a big return from his small investment.

But Charlie was more mindful.

The business like Hamid‟s is part of the internal affairs of other countries, and generally speaking, normal countries will not interfere, let alone individuals.

If he directly funds Hamid, there will be traces of the fund exchanges. In the future, if someone makes a big fuss about this and says that they are interfering in other countries‟ internal affairs, it will be more or less trouble.

It happened to meet Zynn to send him to the door, so Charlie planned to use him to give Hamid a favor.

Sending Zynn over, ask Hamid to find an errand for Zynn, watch him 24 hours a day, let him stay honestly in Syria, and ask Zynn to treat Hamid with tens of millions of dollars.

Hamid must have remembered his own favors and regarded it as his own investment in his revolutionary cause.

As for whether the Su family will get into trouble because of their financial dealings with Hamid in the future, it is not something to worry about.

Therefore, he immediately said to Zynn: “Give you two hours to prepare. At least 50 million U.S. dollars must be prepared. I will arrange a plane to take you to Syria. Before you arrive in Syria, the 5,000 U.S. dollars will have to be paid to my friend‟s account. On, otherwise, when you arrive in Syria, I will let them tie you to the armored car for 24 hours. The two girls of the Su family have very embarrassed expressions.

Charlie doesn‟t seem to care that they will get angry after hearing these insults to their father. They will be dissatisfied. 

After listening to Zynn, he was scared into a cold sweat, and blurted out: “Mr. Wade, I can give the money, but can you not let me go to the front?

Charlie nodded, and said: “In this way, I will introduce you Let‟s take a look at the specific price range and service details of this Syrian holiday package. 

Zynn looked dazed.

“Why are there packages? What is Charlie doing?”

Charlie was depressed and confused. He said: “First of all, the basic package cost of this Syrian vacation package is 50 million U.S. dollars, as I have just said. 

“However, for the US$50 million, you can only enjoy the most common meals and accommodations in the local area. I estimate that most of your time is to eat some noodles. If it is good, you can eat meat once in two or three days. As for accommodation, it is usually Earth house, but your minimum package does not include indoor accommodation, and you can only live in the cowshed over there.

Zynn has a dead heart.

“This black-hearted Charlie! 50 million dollars, he doesn‟t even have meat to eat every day?

“That‟s fine! The point is that you can‟t even live in a dirt house? You can only sleep in the bullpen? Is that still alive?

Charlie continued at this time: “If you add an additional 10 million US dollars, choose 6000 With a ten-thousand-dollar package, the meal can be upgraded to one meal a day.

As for the accommodation, it can be upgraded to a windowless cellar room.

Chapter 2716

Zynn‟s eyes were almost falling out.

He cursed with indignation in his heart: “This beast, his heart is so fu(king black! millions US dollars, one meal a day, living in a cellar without windows?! Is this the fu(k life?”

Thinking of this, he Sobbed: “Mr. Wade, this service is too bad, can you give me a better set meal?”

Charlie said helplessly: “You can only make tens of millions of dollars? Such a small amount of money, too. You can only enjoy this kind of service stalls.

Zynn hurriedly waved his hand and said: Mr. Wade, as long as the treatment is better, money is not a problem!

Zynn now wants to understand. In the past, the Su family had a lot of accounts, and he didn‟t dare to mess up privately. He must have the old man‟s nod and he must agree, but that‟s because the old man would regularly check the accounts of the financial audit.

The embezzlement of the Su family‟s public funds will not only hide him in the black shadow but also cause great trouble.”

But, Charlie asked him this time. Syria thing over and over again, it would be a dead cert, and this guy is absolutely impossible to have any room to relent.

„Now have to go, he goes after that his progeny will inherit the Su family. If she can‟t inherit the Su family, then he definitely will be unable to come back. If he doesn‟t come back, then the old man will trouble him? Knowing that if the girl inherits the Su family, then after he comes back, he will not be afraid that the old man will trouble him, because he must have been in Charlie‟s hands at that time!

“In other words, even if he is not in Charlie‟s hands, the daughter becomes the Su Family Patriarch, but it is the turn of the old man to trouble him?!

Thinking of this, he hurried to Charlie and said, “Mr. Wade, you can just tell me what the highest package is and how much it costs. I will try to figure out how to deal with the money. Anyway, I won‟t be able to come back after looking at it for a while, so I‟m not afraid that the old man will find me.

After the calculation, Charlie smiled and said, “You said that earlier, and I will introduce you to our luxurious package.

As he said, he immediately introduced: “The cost of the luxury package is 100 million US dollars. There is wine and meat every day, and a small yard with independent dry toilets will be given to you. This will ensure that your privacy will not be disturbed. It is absolutely The local service is the highest standard. How about it Mr. Su? Would you like a set?

Zynn thought of being able to eat full rice, have meat, and live in a small yard by himself. It sounds better than the cowshed and cellar just mentioned. It really got better, so he gritted his teeth and said, “Okay! That‟s it!

Charlie smiled slightly and said:‟Then wait a moment, I‟ll call that friend of mine.

After speaking, a call was made to Hamid.

Hamid received Charlie‟s call and asked with some delight: “Brother Wade, you should have already returned to China, right?

Charlie smiled and said, ” I‟m back.

Hamid sighed with regret. Hey! It‟s a shame that I didn‟t improve my relationship with you this time! Brother hasn‟t had time to thank you!

Charlie said with a smile, “It‟s just a matter of hand, don‟t be so polite. 

Hamid asked hurriedly: “Brother When do you have time to come back?

Charlie wondered who would go to the place where birds don‟t sh!t.

However, he said politely: Don‟t worry, brother, if there is a chance, I will pass by. After speaking, Charlie said: “By the way, I called, I want to ask you for something.

Hamid said without hesitation: “Brother, if you have anything, please give me orders! 

Charlie smiled and said:” That‟s right. I want to send a friend to you to experience life.

After he‟s sent, I have to trouble you brother. You arrange for someone to take care of him. In short, you can‟t let him escape.

Hamid is also a smart man, almost immediately After understanding Charlie‟s meaning, he hurriedly said, “No problem! I have all soldiers with guns and live ammunition. Even if it is a fly, I won‟t let it fly away! Just send him over!

“That‟s great.” Charlie said with a smile: “I am embarrassed to trouble you so much. You will give me an account later, and I will arrange for someone to send you some money!”

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 2717

When Hamid heard that Charlie was going to send money to him, he immediately said nervously: “Oh, my brother, you can‟t help me like that. You cured my leg. This is already a great kindness. How can I still ask for your money?”

Charlie smiled and said: “Aren‟t you short of money? People who eat horses, guns, and ammunition have to spend money, and I can help as much as I can. Brother, you don‟t have to be so polite with me.

Hamid still wanted to decline, but Charlie said firmly: “Brother, if you don‟t hold this money, you just don‟t treat me as a friend, then you won‟t have to contact me anymore.

Hamid heard that, at once without hesitation:!!! “Buddy If so, then I‟ll respectful than from life such as your friends came, I will do my best to entertain.

Good side of the hearing this, Zynn felt depressed to death.

“Charlie, this b@stard, is using my money to earn his favor?! One hundred million dollars! Although it is not much, it can be said that it is not too much, but it is not less as well! He came out with 100 million US dollars, but he couldn‟t even exchange his personal feelings?

While depressed, Zynn couldn‟t help feeling: “Although Charlie looks a lot like his father Changying, he has a completely different style of behavior. His father was an honest gentleman, even if others behind him to did some little actions, he never used the same method to fight back, but would always be upright and have a clear conscience, but this Charlie has a strange and changeable style and does not follow the routine at all.

“If you want to take people‟s lives like the Su family, even though it is cruel, it can be considered straightforward.

But he doesn‟t. He likes to send people to kennels, black coal kilns, Changbai Mountains, and Syria. This kind of gameplay is almost unheard of in the upper class of Eastcliff! 

But fortunately, this kid has such bad taste, otherwise, it‟s true. A shot bounced him off, and it was really empty of all four, and he didn‟t think of this, and he felt more or less relieved in his heart.

Zhiyu and Ruoli looked at each other. Although they couldn‟t bear their father going to Syria, they also knew that this was already a decision made by Charlie.

At this time, Charlie looked at Liona, and asked with certain respect: Auntie, I don‟t know how I arranged it, are you satisfied?

Charlie asked Liona because he knew that she loved his father for many years and even her whole life. She didn‟t live so happy, so he felt a little sympathy for Liona in his heart, plus she was a peer of his father and his own elder, so naturally, he had to show more respect.

Liona hurriedly said: “Since Benevolence has made a decision, I naturally have no opinion.

Charlie said seriously: “Auntie, you and my father‟s friends, you don‟t have to call me that, just call me Charlie.

Liona nodded gratefully.

Charlie said again: “Auntie just said about the divorce, please don‟t worry, for the Wade family ancestor worship ceremony, I promised to go back to participate, then, I will also let people take Mr. Su from Syria. , kowtow to my parents grave and confess his mistake. At that time, I will have someone prepare the divorce documents in advance, let him sign it in person, and then send him back to Syria.

Liona hurriedly thanked him when she heard this, “I am so thankful!

Charlie smiled:. “Zynn has heard my arrangements for him, and he is depressed now and unwilling thousand times to kowtow to the graves of my parents.”

Chapter 2718

However, he also knew that he was the fish on Charlie‟s chopping board right now, and he could only let him kill.

Afterwards, Charlie called Issac over and ordered: “Arrange the plane and then arrange the person you trust most to send Zynn to Syria. Remember to keep it confidential on the way. Do not let anyone know the true identity of Mr. Su. I will give you Hamid‟s contact information, and then let him arrange a helicopter to pick up people at the border, so you don‟t need to use Wade‟s channel anymore.

Issac said without hesitation: “OK master, I‟ll make arrangements!

Charlie nodded, looked at Zynn, and said: “The situation in Syria is complicated. After Mr. Su gets there, try not to try to escape. Otherwise, if you have any accidents, you will have to bear the consequences yourself.

Zynn nodded incomparably, and subconsciously asked, “Mr. Wade, can I take some personal belongings? There is a shortage of everything there. If I can take some toiletries, daily necessities, clothes, shoes and hats. 

Also, save some worry, Charlie said coldly: “Let you experience life naturally, everything must follow the local characteristics, you can use whatever you have, otherwise you can just build a villa there for yourself!

Zynn sees Charlie‟s tone was a bit sullen, and he didn‟t dare to ask anymore. The whole person was nothing but a promise, like a frightened quail. Charlie pointed at Zynn and waved his hand to Issac: “Take him down.”

Issac greeted the two men immediately and took Zynn away from the room. 

At this time, only Charlie, the two girls from the Su family, and Liona were left in the room.

Although Zhiyu‟s mood is extremely complicated, seeing the benefactor who she was thinking about is in front of her, her heart is always full of girlish shame and tension. 

Ruoli is a little bit stunned. Although she has been enamored with Charlie for a long time, she still has a lot of contact with Charlie. Unlike Zhiyu, she has been thinking about him for a long time, and then she is full of thoughts. After searching for a long time, and now finally seeing him, it was naturally excitable.

Liona‟s mood is equally complicated.

She had previously wondered whether Zhiyu‟s benefactor, who she was dreaming and dreaming, was the boy she had seen in Changying‟s former residence, whom she suspected of Changying‟s son.

Now, this suspicion can be said to have come true.

The reason why she feels complicated is that when she was young, she loved Changying and never exchanged a result. Now her daughter fell in love with Changying‟s son, in case-she repeats her mistakes and becomes a mother. Yes, she will be very distressed.

After all, in the past thirty years, the feeling of being unable to love has kept her from letting go.

Think of it, she can not help but heart sigh: “Changying leaves long tassel, you really do great harm but her heart and at the same time there is a strong expectation and desire. 

She looked forward to her daughter can really come together with Charlie, able to marry him, become his wife, and bear a child for him.

Because marrying Changying was what she was looking forward to most.

She knew her daughter, and she had long seen that her daughter was in love with her.

She loves so deeply, she is afraid that it is impossible to get out of it. Therefore, she believes that in the depths of her daughter‟s heart, she must also want to have a righteous relationship with Charlie.

If her daughter can get what she wants, it is not only her daughter who can get what she wants. To gain a lifetime of happiness, to some extent, is to replace herself and her suffering of life, a long-cherished wish can come true.

Chapter 2719

Zhiyu doesn‟t know what her mother is thinking, but in her heart now, there is indeed a kind of excitement to get her wish, as well as expectations and fantasies for the future.

She thought in her heart: “Although it sounds clichéd and dogmatic to say that heroes save the United States, it‟s also because most people don‟t have the chance to encounter such a thing when this kind of thing happens to her. In order to feel the lethality behind this, thinking that her life was saved by him, she can‟t help but develop a mentality of commitment to him”

“More importantly, the benefactor saved me more than once. He saved me twice!

Brother once, mother once, and the half-sister next to her.”

One life-saving grace has been unforgettable for a lifetime, not to mention so many times of repeated stacking.

“„It‟s just, I don‟t know if My Grace meant that to me, or is he still single now?”

Zhiyu‟s thoughts were confused, and she wanted to ask Charlie, but she didn‟t know how to speak.

Charlie took the lead in breaking the silence.

He looked at Liona, and said with respect: “Auntie, I am really sorry for allowing you and your daughter to stay here during this period of time, and for not allowing you to contact the outside world.

Liona said hurriedly, “Charlie, you must Don‟t say that, if it weren‟t for you, Auntie and Zhiyu would have died long ago, so how could they have survived without incident.

After speaking, she added: “What‟s more, you don‟t allow us to contact the outside world to protect our safety. Auntie understands this very well.

Charlie smiled slightly and said: “Auntie can understand it, this is the best thing.”

After that, he said again: “As for right now, although it is still not sure, after the Su family learns the news that you are still alive, whether the family will continue to attack you, but what the Su family did to you before The behavior has been exposed by me. I believe that as long as the Su family is not completely crazy, they should not dare to attack you again.

Liona pursed her mouth, nodded lightly, and said: “It‟s all thanks to you, otherwise Auntie and Zhiyu must be dead.

Charlie smiled and continued: “Auntie, in principle, you both are free to leave, but I still have a gratuitous request. I hope you can agree to it.

Liona said hurriedly: “Charlie, you and auntie don‟t have to be so polite, don‟t hesitate, you can mention anything!

Charlie said: “Zynn will be sent to Syria soon, so it will be in the eyes of Su‟s family soon that he is completely missing in public view. The Su family will definitely search for his whereabouts when the time comes. If I let you and Miss Su leave, the Su family will definitely believe that Zynn‟s disappearance is related to the two. At that time, I hope that the two can temporarily keep a secret.

Liona nodded without hesitation and said, “Charlie, don‟t worry, Zhiyu and I will never avenge revenge. If anyone asks about our whereabouts these days, I will say that I was rescued by a mysterious person whose identity I don‟t know. I feel that Zynn‟s disappearance is also related to this, so let them guess for themselves, in short, I will deny it to the end.

Charlie arched his hand towards Liona, looked at Zhiyu, and said seriously: “Thank you Miss Su for more help.

Charlie suddenly talked to Zhiyu, making her a little nervous.

But she was more or less tangled in her heart.

She is a member of the family after all. If Charlie considers the Su family a mortal enemy in his heart, and will continue to launch an offensive against the Su family in the future, as a descendant of the Su family, it would be really difficult. 

After thinking about it, she asked Charlie in a low voice: “My dear, I can agree to your request, but can you please answer a question?

Charlie nodded and said frankly: “No problem, just say it.

Zhiyu plucked up the courage and asked him: “In the future, how will you treat the Su family? Will you continue to kill, or will you let go?

Charlie said: “Whether to let go or continue depends on the relationship between the death of my parents and the Su family.”

Chapter 2720

“I won‟t let anyone who has a relationship;

“But it doesn't matter, as long as you don‟t provoke me, I will naturally not target”

“If you become the Su Family Patriarch in the future, Su family should pay the price also pay the corresponding price, so the Su family and I will not be in the water!

Zhiyu nodded gently, and said in a low voice, “Thank you for your kindness!”

In Zhiyu‟s opinion, Charlie said that although it was a bit cold, at least it was still clear. 

Charlie checked the time and said, “Later today, I will ask someone to send the two to the suburbs. Then I will give you a mobile phone. You can call the police. By then, the two can return to the city and have a normal life.

As he said, he looked at Ruoli, and said: “If Ruoli is in a special situation, after all, she was instigated by Zynn and committed a felony in Japan. Now all of Japan is looking for her, so her whereabouts also need to be kept secret, and don‟t let it out.

Liona nodded and said, “Don‟t worry, I won‟t talk about Ruoli with anyone.”

Zhiyu looked at Ruoli and said seriously: “Ruoli is my sister after all, and I will definitely not let the words out about her.”

Ruoli heard Zhiyu‟s words, her heart was touched by the softness of her heart.

In fact, she had always known that Zhiyu was her sister.

Although she was sharing a half-parent, she had half the same blood relationship.

Therefore, she has always had an affinity for Zhiyu, as they say, blood is thicker than water.

However, she has always lived in the Su family as a bodyguard, so whether it is to Zhiyu, or to Zhifei, she was supposed to keep a distance, although she knew it was wrong.

Moreover, since her identity has been exposed, she has never dared to face the Su family, especially Zhifei and Zhiyu, her brothers and sisters, and their mother Liona.

After all, her mother was a third party to intervene in the past. In the face of the world, this kind of intervening in other people‟s families, and even illegitimate daughters, is the most despised, especially from the anger of the original family members.

However, what she didn‟t expect was that Zhiyu didn‟t show any guilt or anger at her, and also proactively said that she was her sister, which really moved her deep in her heart.

So she choked and bowed to Liona and Zhiyu respectively, and respectfully said, “Thank you, madam, madam, madam, and madam. That is what Ruoli has always given to Liona and Zhiyu.

Although she was the bodyguard of the Su family before, the bodyguard in the family belongs to the category of subordinates, so it is natural to bring honorific titles to the direct members of the Su family. Liona heard this and hurriedly said: “If you leave, don‟t call me that in the future. What kind of lady, call me aunt.

Zhiyu also took a step forward, gently holding Ruoli‟s arm, and said earnestly: “Ruoli, since half of the blood of the two of us is the same, then you are naturally my sister. 

Needless to say, if you agree with this point, you will call me sister from now on.”

Ruoli was moved with tears streaming down her face, looked at Zhiyu, and cried out in tears: “Sister Zhiyu!” she reached out to wipe away her tears, sighed softly, and then said seriously: If you leave, the Su family has owed you too much for so many years. Sister will definitely make full compensation in the future.

Chapter 2721

Ruoli has always been a little inferior when she grew up.

She had not been accompanied by her father since she was a child, and she grew up to the age of eighteen before she was finally sent to her father as a bodyguard.

After coming to Su‟s house, she could see Zynn‟s express love for Zhiyu every day, and she was very envious every time she saw it.

She knew that that man was not only Zhiyu‟s father, but also her father as well.

But she couldn‟t call him father in front of him, and she couldn‟t even act like a baby in front of him.

He would show his love as a father only when no one else was present. Once there was a third person around him, he would immediately change back to the face of the Su Family Master.

Therefore, Ruoli admired Zhiyu in particular.

She felt that Zhiyu was a swan who had been loved by thousands of people and was born extremely noble.

And she is nothing more than the ugly duckling in the fairy tale.

And she is only the first half of The Ugly Duckling, there is no chance to become a swan.

The illegitimate daughter is synonymous with the inferior in the upper-class society.

Even if everyone knows that she is the illegitimate daughter of Zynn, they will only look at her with contempt, so there is still a world of difference between herself and Zhiyu.

Now, not only did her sister Zhiyu look down upon her, but she also took the initiative to match her sister, which made Ruoli warm and moved in ecstasy.

So, she took Zhiyu‟s hand and cried and said, “Sister, if anyone will bully you in the future, you can tell me, I will vent your anger! I have no other skills, nor have I been involved in anything. Learning, that is, I still have the ability to fight and kill. No matter who bullies you at that time, I will teach them severely for you!

Zhiyu smiled and said: “With you sister, I will feel relieved. Sister is also someone who has super expert protection. If anyone dares to bully your sister, I will ask you for help!

Ruoli nodded vigorously.

Liona on the side hesitated for a moment, and said: “If you are with Charlie in the future, you must properly control your temperament, and don‟t always fight and kill as you did before.”

Ruoli nodded in shame, and said with a face of being taught: “Don‟t worry, Auntie, I won‟t do anything that hurts the world again in the future!

Liona nodded slightly with relief: “After the turmoil in Japan passes, you can live normal again. Change your status and start again.

Ruoli nodded slightly with a dazed expression.

In fact, she knew very well in her heart that referring to the crimes she had committed before, the Japanese would never give up searching for her in this life.

It is impossible to be absolutely safe even after a facelift and a new identity, because her DNA has already been collected when she was arrested, and this is something she can never change.

Ruoli has watched many criminal investigation programs. Many criminals have been at large for more than ten or even twenty years. After such a long period of time, they changed their environment, new identities, and even some people have completely changed their appearance. , But the police still rely on DNA to bring them to justice.

Therefore, she always felt that she had only temporarily escaped from Japan, but that incident might accompany her for life.

Charlie said at this time: “Auntie and Miss Su, you two should stay in the room to rest. I will arrange for someone to take you away in the evening.

Liona said, “Thank you, Charlie.

Charlie smiled slightly: “All should be done.

Zhiyu mustered up the courage and said: “Benevolence!

Charlie looked at her and waited for her to follow.

Chapter 2722

Zhiyu hurriedly said: “Benevolence, can I have your contact information? Liona saw that her daughter mustered up the courage and asked Charlie for contact information. For fear that Charlie would refuse, she hurriedly added: “Oh yes! Charlie, You‟d better leave us a contact number, so we can communicate with you if we have anything in the future.

Charlie can see it through, the elder is opening up, it is not good to refuse, pulled out the cell phone and said: “I‟ll say my number note it down then.”

Zhiyu embarrassingly said:” Well mine, and Mom‟s mobile phone was taken away by your subordinates.

Charlie nodded and said, “In this way, I will ask Mr. Issac to arrange for someone to send the mobile phone back to you, and then let them send you my WeChat ID.

Zhiyu was overjoyed and hurriedly said: “Then you will work hard, benevolent! Liona remembered something at this time, and then said: “By the way, Charlie, at the previous auction, someone never stopped increasing the price to buy the small set that your father lived, you were there, right?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Yes, it was me.

Liona asked curiously, “Why did you let me buy it in the end?”

Charlie shrugged and said, “I thought you needed that house more than me.”

Liona smiled with emotion, and said, “Thank you for showing love.

“It should be.”

After bidding farewell to Liona and Zhiyu temporarily, Charlie took Ruoli and came out of the room of the mother and daughter.

As soon as he left the room, he saw that Issac was already waiting outside. He saw Charlie come out, hurried forward, and respectfully said: “Master, I have already arranged it here. After half an hour, I will send Zynn to the airport, but he is here. There are several other people here who are also under our control. What do you plan to do?

Do you want to send them with him?

Charlie waved his hand: “No, if you send them over, doesn‟t it mean that you have arranged a few servants for Zynn? Let Zynn go to Syria by himself. When he gets there, he will have to fetch water and eat. He has to shovel the pit by himself so let him go and hone it.

Charlie said again: “As for the other people, just send them all to Kennel.

Issac smiled and said, “Okay young master, I will make arrangements!

Charlie said again, “By the way, I will send you an account later and ask Zynn to remit the promised 100 million U.S. dollars, and then send him away when the money arrives. 


Charlie then sent the Swiss bank account number sent by Hamid to Issac. After Issac got it, he went to Zynn as soon as he got it.

Zynn didn‟t dare to delay, so he immediately called the group‟s overseas financial officer. He asked the other party to remit 100 million U.S. dollars to this account immediately.

Although Zynn is not the owner of the family, he still has the authority to transfer 100 million U.S. dollars. Therefore, the financial officer immediately reported to Hamid after verifying his identity. An account transferred 100 million U.S. dollars.

Ten minutes later, Charlie received a call from Hamid. On the phone, Hamid‟s shocked voice was a little incoherent, and he blurted out: “Brother, I just received a call.

Shouldn‟t you arrange the remittance of 100 million US dollars?!” Charlie smiled and said calmly, “Well, I arranged it.

Hamid exclaimed: “Brother! What did you send me so much money for?!

Charlie smiled and said: “It‟s just a little care, and I have said that, I must support the brother‟s career in the future. If my brother is to give a tribute, don‟t forget your brother!

Chapter 2723

Hamid did not expect that the huge sum of 100 million U.S. dollars in Charlie‟s mouth turned out to be nothing more than the word “little care”.

He was so moved that he even choked in his voice, sobbing and saying, “Brother, you are really my reborn parent. My stumped leg is healed thanks to your magical medicine, but I didn‟t expect that you would still support me with such a large sum of funds, I don‟t know how to repay your kindness.

Charlie smiled and said: “Acquaintance is destiny. If you and I meet once, it is destiny.

Since there is destiny first, I should do something.

After speaking, Charlie said again: “By the way, after you have this money, I don‟t know what your plans are?

Hamid said without hesitation: “Brother, let me tell you, since my leg was broken. Until now, my team has lost a lot of talents. I have never had a chance to replenish it. Now I have plenty of funds on hand. I plan to bring the old department together, and increase the size of the team as much as possible. Buy some relatively advanced weapons and equipment, of course, even heavy equipment, mainly for individual combat equipment, as well as upgrades on light equipment. “

Charlie said: “Brother, I advise you not to blindly expand the army at this stage.”

Why?” Hamid asked very puzzledly: “My brother, what do you think?

Charlie said seriously: “The place you are now entrenched can be said to be easy to defend and difficult to attack, plus the enemy‟s weapons and equipment. It‟s not very sophisticated, so it‟s not so easy to attack you. You blindly expand your army, but it doesn‟t make much sense. After a pause, Charlie continued: “But in my opinion, your biggest problem now is that your defense is relatively weak.

“You have only a few helicopters, one fell-one less; the same is true for armored vehicles, one less one.”

Instead of doing this, you might as well put more effort into infrastructure construction, and do your best to engage in infrastructure construction. Improved defense ability.

Come up, then keep a low profile and accumulate your strength!

“Infrastructure?” Hamid asked in surprise: “Brother, what kind of infrastructure can I do in my mountain nest?

Charlie smiled and said, “Of course it is to dig deep holes and accumulate food! After all, Charlie reminded him again:‟I know, although your opponent is stronger than you overall, but they can‟t produce any real weapons with great lethality, so at most, they are some old fighters and artillery, which can‟t even use missiles, so between you Fighting is not considered modern warfare at all, it can only be regarded as a war model from the 1940s and 50s to the 1960s and 70s.

“If it is modern warfare, your base area will be completely useless. The other side dispatched several sorties of bombers. Or simply launch a few tactical missiles, and it will blow you up directly.

“But fortunately, everyone can‟t fight the modernization war, so it makes sense for you to engage in infrastructure construction!”

“Moreover, the more you do this, the more you have to strengthen your own base area!

Chapter 2724

“For example, you can launch the soldiers for the construction of a large number of air raid shelter in the village, Artillery hole, then purchase a number of mining equipment, in the mountain, the mountain use as cover to build positive fortifications, as well as the inverse slope of fortifications.

” In this way, the others as long as you are bombed, you can hide in the fortifications, and you can minimize the loss whatever the other party hits you with.

“Moreover, once you have the reverse slope fortifications, it will be even more difficult for the opponent to lay down your base area. Even if they can break into your valley, your soldiers can directly cover the entire area with firepower from the reverse slope fortifications halfway up the mountain. The valley, let them come back and forth.

Hamid on the other end of the phone, when he heard these, his eyes lighted up.

Charlie continued at this time: ‟You strengthen your defenses and turn yourself into an iron bucket. Then they will not be able to defeat you, and then they will definitely give up dealing with you and choose to go to war with other opposition forces, and you, try not to take the initiative to attack, just shrink in your base area, the enemy will come and you will block, the enemy will withdraw and you will raise, In that way, you can not only preserve your strength very well but also have the opportunity to continuously absorb the defeated skirmishers by virtue of your strong defensive ability.”

Hamid said excitedly, “Brother, where do you learn this? Yes? It sounds very reasonable!

Charlie smiled and said: “Learned from my ancestors, let you do a good job in infrastructure and defense construction, and at the same time do not take the initiative to attack. To be king. “

After speaking, Charlie said again: “Let you wait for the stragglers who are armed by other opposition factions. This is called watching the fire from the other side.

Hamid said with emotion: “I can further enhance my defense ability based on the experience taught by my brother, but if my brother‟s army asks me for help, then how am I embarrassed to really watch the fire from across the bank?

Charlie laughed and said: “What‟s the matter with this? Excuse me? If someone beats someone else, just look at it.

Hamid said embarrassingly: “I‟m afraid that will make the entire opposition camp spurned.

Charlie said seriously: “It doesn‟t matter to spurn, the most important thing is to survive.

We don‟t take the initiative to look for things, and we don‟t get too close to other opposition parties. We do our best to preserve our strength so that in case the opposing party fails one day, you Here is another hard bone. If the other party can‟t chew, then they have a great probability of recruiting you. Once they recruit you, it will be easier to deal with, so that you can negotiate terms with them and change the position. After that, Charlie smiled slightly and said earnestly: “This is called forward and attackable, and retreat and defense.


Hamid was silent on the other end of the phone.

Charlie told these strategies and tactics, which he had never thought of before.

Their current strategic situation is relatively simple. It is nothing more than fighting indiscriminately. As long as they meet, they will definitely fight.

However, most people just pay attention to the present, there is no long-term systematic strategic planning at all.

In contrast, Charlie, although he grew up in a peaceful age and space, he has never seen what war is like, but he has learned various allusions in Chinese history since he was a child and has a certain theoretical basis for various strategies.

Moreover, in the few wars of the nation against foreign enemies, many classic battles were fought, which further highlighted Huaxia‟s unique strategic thinking. Therefore, Charlie synthesized his own cognitive foundation and quickly got a better understanding of Hamid‟s current situation. A relatively more accurate judgment.

As long as Hamid can implement the strategic instructions of digging deep holes, accumulating food, and slowly becoming king, no matter whether the opposition can succeed or not, he himself has a chance to succeed.

After Hamid heard this, the whole person was greatly inspired, and blurted out: “Brother! After listening to you, I really have a sense of relief! I will arrange for someone to purchase a batch of light industrial and mining equipment, and immediately start working on the main pass and surrounding Build fortifications on the mountain and purchase more weapons, ammunition, food, and medicine, and be prepared to stick to the base for a long time!

Chapter 2725

The relatively slow military development, the relatively weak military strength, and the relatively low military quality are common problems in some small war-torn countries.

There is a huge disparity in economic strength between countries, and the disparity in military strength is even more shocking.

Hamid himself is not from a real military school. In addition, he is in a relatively backward and chaotic environment, so he has no strategic mind at all.

The strategy he can think of is to live as long as possible.

In the encirclement and suppression the previous two days, the reason why he was not wiped out was also due to government intelligence errors. They thought that the village was just a small stronghold, but they didn‟t expect it to be Hamid‟s base camp, and Hamid‟s base is easy to defend. Attack, so it will fail.

However, being easy to defend and difficult to attack does not mean that it cannot be attacked.

The first time it was the opponent despised, but if the opponent prepares and makes a comeback, and Hamid does not care about defending, then there is a high probability that he will be overwhelmed.

Although Charlie and Hamid are still relatively short-lived friends, he doesn‟t want to hear the news that he was killed someday.

Besides, Zynn was sent there immediately, if he had just arrived in Syria and did not die in his own hands, but died in the hands of Hamid‟s opponent, it would be more or less embarrassing.

After all, Charlie still wanted to keep him for future use.

In case Zhiyu is unable to inherit the Su family, he can still let Zynn come back.

As for what conditions Zynn had to pay by then, all the initiative was in Charlie‟s hands.

So in other words, a considerable part of Zynn‟s billion dollars is also used to strengthen his personal safety.

But Zynn‟s billion dollars was a great favor for Charlie.

Because these billion dollars, and the series of strategic guidance he gave Hamid, are of great significance to Hamid.

Therefore, while being moved, Hamid asked Charlie very modestly: “Brother, I understand the importance of infrastructure, but according to what you said, how should I implement it? Is there a relatively detailed plan?

With that, Hamid said apologetically, “I‟m sorry, most of the soldiers under my hand have not read any books, let alone let them make suggestions.”

Charlie smiled and said: “This situation is understandable.”

After that, he further explained: “When I came to your place, I probably observed the topographic features of your place. Except for the relatively narrow entrance to the mountain each in the north and south, the others are almost all surrounded by mountain peaks, at least seven or eight. Is it a mountain?

“Yes!” Hamid hurriedly said, “There are eight mountains in total. The two mountains on the east and west are the highest. The others are relatively short, but they are steeper.

Heavy equipment and armored vehicles definitely cannot run over.

Charlie smiled and said: “that could not be better, depending on your situation, you put the infrastructure projects into three phases, the first eight to be in this mountain fortifications built eight positive and eight The reverse slope fortifications, to put it bluntly, are two fortifications on each mountain, one front and one back, and then two frontal fortifications are added separately on the mountainsides on both sides of the north and south entrances.

“The construction of fortifications must be as strong as possible, relying on the structure of the rocky mountain, and then using reinforced concrete to create permanent fortifications to ensure that ordinary gunfire cannot destroy it.

Hamid hurriedly asked: “My brother, what about the second and third stages?

Charlie said: “In the second stage, you must at least double the fortifications. Make sure that at least half of your soldiers can hide directly in the permanent fortifications. In this case, the opponent's artillery fire and intensive attack, your soldiers can be preserved in the permanent fortifications.”

As for the third stage, you need to ensure that all soldiers can survive in the permanent fortifications for a long time. The fortifications on the mountain can all communicate internally. The permanent fortifications can not only defend and live, but also be used to store strategic materials. After you achieve this, you can sit back and relax!

Chapter 2726

Hamid said without hesitation: “Okay! Just follow these methods!

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly asked again: “Brother, what suggestions and instructions do you have?

Charlie said: “Besides, you still It is necessary to purchase a large amount of food and medicine immediately and store it in a dry and safe environment. For the first time, you must store a total of more than three years of rations!

Hamid exclaimed: “Three years?! So many?! An adult person eats, at least two hundred kilograms of grain a year, for two thousand people, it would be 400 tons, and three years would be 1,200 tons!

Charlie asked, “Then I ask you, how much is 1,200 tons of grain?

Hamid thought for a while, and said: “The current market price is about three hundred dollars per ton of wheat, and 1,200 tons. Including the transportation cost, which is 400,000 dollars. The money is not much, but the point is this. How to store more food?

And the food will not taste good after a long time.”

Charlie said helplessly: “Now it is for you to engage in strategic reserves, not for you to eat fresh food every day!

“Think about it, you first keep your three-year rations in your hands, and then purchase supplements according to the actual consumption of the year.

In this way, you will always have an extra three-year ration in your hand!

“And as long as the food is stored properly, it won‟t go bad after three years. The climate in the Middle East is relatively dry and it‟s easier to store, so you can use it every other year A new batch of grain replaces the oldest batch.”

Using this method, you can guarantee that the food stored in your hand will not last more than three years.”

Once the opponent can‟t beat you down, prepare to encircle you, or trap you to death, even if you can‟t get any food in, you can still After three years Charlie concluded: “The principle of weapons, ammunition, and medicine is the same.

You must make more arrangements and plan for cycle rotation. You must have strategic reserves in your hands, and you must always prevent the people fighting with you for a long time.

Hamid suddenly realized, and exclaimed: “Brother, I understand! This trick is amazing!

Charlie said helplessly: “What‟s so wonderful, this truth, in China, everyone who has studied in elementary school basically knows that you have come to China to study at a loss, why didn‟t you learn history of China?, 

Hamid is embarrassed. He was ashamed and said: “Hey, I mainly wanted to go to China to get a gold plate. By the way, I could practice Chinese well, but other aspects were really overlooked.”

After speaking, he immediately said: “My brother, I understand what you mean. Yes, the main thing is to do everything possible to use those 100 million US dollars to strengthen defenses. Not only must the fortifications be strengthened, but the defense materials must also be adequately prepared. Don‟t worry, I will arrange for people to purchase food, ammunition, and medicine, and also purchase some infrastructure equipment and building materials.

Charlie snorted and said, “In this case, the problem of defense and materials can basically be solved, but there is another problem that needs you to start acting immediately!

Chapter 2727

Hearing that Charlie said that he still has a problem that needs to be dealt with immediately, Hamid hurriedly asked: Brother, what problem are you talking about?

Charlie said: “The last time I came to your place, I found out that your base now all depends on diesel units Power generation.

“Yes. “Hamid said: “Diesel generator sets are fairly convenient to use, but the cost is a bit high.

Charlie said: “This is not a bit high, but rather very high. The cost is at least several times that of coal power!

Hamid said hurriedly: “I have been implementing the strategy of saving electricity here.

Basically, I don‟t use electricity or use less electricity during the day. Electricity, ordinary soldiers only use electricity for lighting at night, so the overall electricity consumption is not high, and the cost is acceptable.

Charlie retorted: “You just didn‟t think about it for a long time. If you have a dozen or even dozens of fortifications in the future, then each fortification needs to be provided a corresponding power system to ensure the lighting, ventilation in the fortifications.

Communication, even cooking, if this is the case, your diesel power generation will not be available at all, and the cost of fuel consumption will be very high when running at full power.

When Hamid heard this, he exclaimed: “Oh, I! I even forgot this! But I don‟t have any good solutions now. The government army can‟t provide electricity to me, and I have no ability to build a thermal power plant, so I can only use diesel generators to generate electricity. Question Charlie said: “Although your area does not have the possibility of developing thermal power, you can try to develop a fixed photovoltaic power generation.

The Middle East itself has sufficient sunlight, and although the construction cost of photovoltaic power generation is relatively high, the subsequent use cost is relatively low. Low maintenance cost. You only need to invest two or three million dollars at a time to build several independent power systems that are powered by solar power and stored by batteries. This way, you can completely get rid of fuel power generation and generate electricity every day. The electricity is enough for your two thousand soldiers to use normally.”

„Photovoltaic power generation solar panels can be placed directly on the roof, or on the hillside near the internal reverse slope fortifications, which can also prevent enemy damage. Then put your diesel generator set in a safe cellar and only maintain it at ordinary times. Restart in an emergency to provide an emergency power supply. In this case, you are equivalent to having two power supply systems.

Speaking of this, Charlie said earnestly: “Anything, as long as it has something to do with war, you must make an emergency plan. This set is no longer good, and you should change to another set immediately. Only in this way can the chance of survival be improved. In my heart, most of your subordinates do not have any literacy level, and you have not studied the military systematically, so your team itself has a lot of shortcomings from the theoretical basis. If you don‟t force yourself to think more and study more, It is difficult to survive the continuous war.

Hamid also realized the importance of Charlie‟s words and immediately said: “My brother reminded me! I must strengthen my understanding of this aspect in the future and strive to hurry up. Improve myself!

After finishing speaking, I was busy again: “I will start to work on photovoltaic power generation as soon as possible. 100 million US dollars is a huge sum of money. Many problems can be solved easily. In the future, I will try my best to upgrade all aspects. The transformation must live up to the expectations brother! 

Charlie is happy to see Hamid‟s attitude, but also a little relieved that he can now do not expect Hamid Monkey worship phase, able to survive had been regarded as the beginning of a success.

Then Charlie remembered something, and then asked him: “By the way, the people under your hand have never read any books. If you really want them to operate infrastructure equipment to build fortifications, can these people do it? 

Hamid didn‟t even think about it. Said: “It‟s definitely not possible to rely on the group of people under my hands. When I mention this, they get angry. I asked them to dig a cellar. They dig a cellar, and they can dig a damn eight. I expect them to build permanent fortifications. 

Absolutely impossible. While speaking, he smiled and said:‟ But I happened to know a friend who was in the construction industry in Iraq. He has many construction workers under his hand. In Iraq, he has long been used to the days of the war. As long as the reward is enough, they won‟t even go to the moon to dig a hole. I will contact him in a while and ask him to send someone over as soon as possible!

Charlie said: “It‟s good to have this relationship. In fact, the kind of permanent fortifications I‟m talking about doesn‟t require too much cost, nor does it need too high technical content, you can find a way to find an old Chinese movie “Shangganling” to learn and understand this, for your current situation, this movie is definitely the best teaching material! Because you are also facing a highland war, and there is little difference in weapons and equipment. As long as you can make good use of the high ground, make good use of the tunnels, and the strategic advantages of the reverse slope to build fortifications, even if the enemy‟s artillery is extremely powerful, it will be difficult for them to defeat you!

Hamid did not hesitate and said: “Okay! I will find a way to download it over the satellite network and watch it thoroughly brother. 

Chapter 2728

Charlie exhorted: “You must take this movie seriously with respect to understanding and learning!

Hamid blurted out, “Don‟t worry, my brother! I must study with humility!

Charlie said, “That‟s right, When the construction workers you are looking for arrive and start construction, you must choose some clever and alert civil soldiers from your team to help and learn, so that while you can speed up the progress of the project, you can also help Your subordinates learn construction experience, maybe after a period of time, you will be able to pull out an engineering company under your hand! 


Hamid said immediately: “I must find a way to form an engineering company!

Charlie again said: “This matter must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise they may not wait for the fortifications to be completed, and your entire army will be dealt with in one fell swoop. “

Hamid busy:” I will start to do it today, the fortifications before that, let me keep a lowkey.


Charlie said with satisfaction: “ Use $400,000 for grain, use $1 million for canned food with a shelf life of more than two years, and $1 million for medicines and consumables, and US$3 million for photovoltaic power generation. , 20 million U.S. dollars to hoard guns and ammunition, and another 40 million U.S. dollars to build permanent fortifications. The remaining money can be used as a reserve and used flexibly. Basically, you can increase your overall strength by more than one level. Get it right!”

After Hamid thanked Charlie so much for his kindness, he hung up the phone and immediately began to study the specific plan of infrastructure construction, and at the same time coordinated various resources to prepare for the start. 

At this moment, Issac and Ruoli next to Charlie. They looked at him with shock.

Ruoli couldn‟t understand why Charlie suddenly instructed others how to fight a war on the phone. After all, this was a peaceful age. War was too far away from ordinary people, and she didn‟t know Charlie went to Syria.

As for Issac, he was shocked and speechless.

He was puzzled and couldn‟t help but wonder: “I really don‟t understand why the young master should help that Hamid? Does the young master want to develop in the Middle East in the future?!

Chapter 2729

Charlie himself knows that a truly high-return investment is no different from gambling.

The risk is high, but once the bet is won, the profit is even greater.

Now that he makes a moderate investment in Hamid, it is almost equivalent to his mother‟s investment in those just-starting Internet companies in Silicon Valley. 

Investing in them at this time only needs to pay a small price, and once they succeed in the future, they will be able to reap huge returns. 

Although Hamid‟s armed forces are not a company, he is also a project with great development potential. If it succeeds, there will be inexhaustible benefits. Therefore, it is for him to invest more energy and give him more advice and support. Invest in the future.

Moreover, this investment is nothing more than a blood-saving pill and some strategic experience, and the 100 million US dollars of real money, which is all sponsored by the Su family.

Once Hamid is engaged, he will have a return period of at least several decades in the future.

So Charlie didn‟t explain to the two of them anymore, but said to Ruoli: “Ruoli, your current identity is still too sensitive to allow you to leave freely for the time being, and you are still wronged to stay here during this period of time.

Ruoli said without hesitation: “I will obey all the arrangements of the master!

While speaking, Ruoli still had a sad look in her eyes.

Charlie saw the sadness in her eyes, and remembered that she had been here for a long time. If nothing else, she must have missed her mother very much.

Moreover, her mother gave birth to her in October when she was pregnant by herself, and then dragged her up. Now that she is unclear about her life or death, her mother must be very worried.

After thinking about it, Charlie opened his mouth and said: Ruoli, you have cut off contact with the outside world for so long, your mother must be very worried about you, right?

Ruoli looked very gloomy when she heard this, and nodded gently: “I miss her She must still be looking for me everywhere. If she doesn‟t find my body, she can‟t believe that I‟m really dead.‟

Charlie nodded and said, “Let‟s do it, you give me your mother‟s contact information, and I will let someone bring your mother to Aurous Hill. Then you can meet your mother.

Ruoli was immediately surprised. Asked:‟My dear Master ! Do you really want me to meet my mother?!

Charlie nodded and said, “Of course, you will meet again, but you still have to make sure that the news of your life is not leaked to other people. At most, only your mother will be allowed to know, so you can‟t let you take the initiative to contact your mother.”

Otherwise, if your mother knows that you are alive, emotional, suddenly uncontrollable, and then tell other people, once the news leaks out, it will be very troublesome if it reaches the Japanese.”

“With their perseverance to catch you, they will definitely apply for extradition to Japan for trial.”

Of course, Ruoli understands Charlie‟s caution, so she hurriedly said, “Then, what do you think?

Charlie said. “I asked Mr. Issac to invite your mother over in the name of the Wade family, but I won‟t tell her about you. When she comes, I will take her to meet you directly. What do you think?

Ruoli said with red eyes: “My dear master, as long as I can see my mother, if she leaves, I will be satisfied! If it is really inconvenient, even just make a phone call.”

Charlie smiled and said: “It is better to let your mother come to Aurous Hill without knowing you are alive. That way it will be more controllable. If she has enough time, she can stay here with you for a while. We can claim that she is here to talk to me about cooperation. After all, I heard that when you had an accident, Su family completely turned his face with He family. At this time she can come to me to talk about cooperation, and it will not arouse other people‟s suspicion.

Ruoli nodded and said excitedly: “Thank you, benefactor! Then everything has been arranged through hard work!

Chapter 2730

Charlie looked at Issac and said, “Mr. Issac, you will remember Ruoli‟s mother‟s contact information in a moment, and first communicate with her in the name of the Wade family to see if she is willing to come over, if she is not interested in cooperating with me. Interested, tell her that the young master of the Wade family wanted to talk to her about dealing with the Su family together.

Issac hurriedly said: “OK young master, I will implement this later.

Charlie turned to look at Ruoli and said, “Ruoli, give Mr. Issac your contact information, and then go back to the room to rest. 

“OK, Master!

Northeast Desert City at this moment.

This small town is one of the coldest places in China.

Even though it is the end of the first month, the minimum temperature in Mocheng still reaches minus 17 -18 degrees, almost the same as the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

During the coldest time of the winter, the temperature here can reach about minus fifty degrees.

The He family, one of the four major martial arts families in China, took root  in this county-level city with a population of less than 100,000.

The ancestors of the He family were not native Mocheng people.

They originated from the Jiaodong Peninsula. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, they were well-known martial arts families on the Jiaodong Peninsula. Their ancestors have always lived by playing darts and running martial arts schools. 

However, at that time, the He family mainly practiced outside martial arts, so they were far from the level of the martial arts family.

Until the end of the Qing Dynasty, when the Jiaodong peninsula was turbulent, when the He elder and his family broke through the Guandong, by chance, they obtained a fragment scroll of the inner family boxing method.

The reason why it is said to be a fragmented scroll is mainly that nearly half of its content has long been lost. There are many defects in both the boxing method and the corresponding mental method.

But even so, after the He family moved to the northeast, they relied on this incomplete inner family boxing technique to rank among the martial arts family.

Moreover, the inner family boxing method that the He family got is very incomplete, so when the family is training hard, the internal force is often disturbed and the meridians are reversed. Once this happens, it can be severely injured for several months. The martial arts was completely abolished, and many younger generations even died as a result.

Therefore, the He family gradually came up with a response plan, which is to practice this internal martial art in extremely cold places as much as possible. The extremely cold weather helps to better control the internal force, thereby reducing the probability of accidents.

Because of this, the He family moved to the coldest desert city in China a few decades ago, and then took root here.

Ruoli spent her childhood and entire teenage years here, and her mother, Roma, had been living here since she broke her arm to save Zynn and rarely left Mocheng.

However, in the recent period, Roma has been running outside for almost half of the time.

At first, when Ruoli was arrested in Japan, she heard Zynn say that he would save Ruoli, and went to Japan to see Ruoli in person, so that she could rest assured to wait for her to return home.

Unexpectedly, the news that Ruoli was missing and that Old Su betrayed Ruoli soon came out.

Since then, Roma spent most of her time in Japan looking for Ruoli‟s whereabouts.

Although she knew it was a needle in a haystack, she still tried her best to search for a long time in Tokyo and surrounding areas, and then spent huge sums of money to hire search and rescue ships to search in the Japanese waters, and even search in coastal areas in China, but she never found any relevant clues.

She had just returned from the southeast coast the day before yesterday. This time she ran through several key port cities, and still hadn‟t heard any news of anyone sneaking ashore.

She knew very well that the longer time was delayed, the less likely it was that Ruoli would survive.

So, she discussed with her father Luther He and planned to raise some more funds, and then search the coastal areas of the Jiaodong Peninsula to see if she could find Ruoli‟s whereabouts.

Chapter 2731

In this regard, Luther He, the head of the He family and Roma‟s father, was a little embarrassed, and said: “Roma, your eldest brother has talked to me these days when you went to the southeast coast.

Roma hurriedly asked: “Dad, eldest brother will talk to you What‟s the matter?”

Luther sighed and said: In order to find Ruoli, our He family has sent out most of the manpower and various expenses during this period of one or two billion. There is still no news, which has delayed these children‟s practice. Not to mention, our He family has now turned their faces with the Su family and lost the source of income. If we continue to look for her, the economic gap will become bigger and bigger.

Speaking of this, Luther continued helplessly: “The family is only for the children. The medicinal materials we prepare for practice cost three to five million a month. With so many people and so many mouths to eat and drink, the cost is even higher. Although I also want to find Ruoli, I continued to look for her. Going down, as the head of the family, I can‟t explain to other people!

Roma lowered her head slightly.

She also knew in her heart that it was impossible for the He family to keep investing in finding Ruoli‟s whereabouts.

After all, the family as a whole is not a wealthy and rich family, and the daily expenses are huge. Some time ago, she invested a lot of money to find Ruoli, which made her feel very guilty. Although she felt sorry for her daughter and wanted to find her as soon as possible, she couldn‟t bear it. Drag the He family into the quagmire.

So she said to Luther: Dad, I understand what you said, otherwise, I will go find her myself.

Luther sighed, “If you find yourself, it will be a psychological comfort at best. You know, finding her is like finding a needle in a haystack. We have hired so many people and so many boats, and the cost per day is tens of millions. , But still can‟t find any clues, what use is it if you go alone ?” Roma fell silent all at once.

Luther hesitated for a moment, and said helplessly: “If it really doesn‟t work, you should go to Zynn. If Ruoli was betrayed by Su family, even if he did not participate directly, he would have to bear certain responsibilities. We will not talk to them now. Right or wrong, let them put out a certain amount of funds and resources to find Ruoli.

Roma said with a complicated expression: “Dad, I don‟t want to meet Zynn anymore.

Luther asked in surprise: “If you leave this matter, just forget it with the Su family?!”

Roma smiled bitterly, and said:'”Zynn is nothing but the puppet that the old man of the Su family, he will come and go. It can‟t solve any problem with him, and the old man Su‟s style is cold and cruel. Liona was the second lady of the Du family, and the old man did not let her go. If I go Talk to the Su family for an explanation, for fear that the whole He family will be implicated.

Luther said with helpless emotion: “The shamelessness of the Su family is indeed far beyond my cognition. Now Chengfeng‟s reputation has been completely ruined. I am afraid that he will be more smashed in the future, and he will have to take care of his face before. It may be completely shameless in the future.

After that, he said again: “We have broken with the Su family now and have lost the biggest source of income. We still have to find a new master as soon as possible.

Although the martial arts family has a good reputation, But I don‟t have the ability to make money. I can only rely on a big family that is willing to spend money. What do you think about this?

Roma shook her head and said, “Dad, let me tell you, what I think of every day is If I leave, I can‟t concentrate any energy on other things. I‟m running around these days and I don‟t even have the energy to think about what to eat for a meal. Every time I feel hungry and exhausted, it‟s directly within my sight. Find the nearest restaurant, and use the fastest time to fill up my stomach.

After speaking, she bowed apologetically and said, “Dad, I can‟t help you during this time. Please forgive me.

Luther and nodded. , Comfortingly said: “You don‟t have to blame yourself too much, I understand this kind of thing very well.

When it comes to this, he can‟t help but sigh, and said: “It‟s just that you are the only one in the family who sees the problem relatively deeply. Your brothers see the martial arts practice. With well-developed limbs and a simple mind, coupled with the fact that he hasn‟t read any books, the understanding of the problem is indeed a bit superficial for him.

Roma asked, “Dad, do you have any general plans now?

Chapter 2732

Luther said: “I probably thought about it. I still put the main family of cooperation within the scope of Eastcliff. There are many large Eastcliff families. In addition to the Su family, there are also the Wade family and the Gu family. In family cooperation. After all, the enemy‟s enemy is a friend. I believe the Du family must have such a plan. Liona‟s existence is unclear, no one knows whether she is alive or dead.

They cannot suffer from this dumb loss. Roma nodded, forced herself to think for a moment, and said: „Dad, these three families are very strong. If they can cooperate, it‟s great, but I still don‟t recommend cooperating with the Du family.

Luther hurriedly asked, “Why?

Roma said: “The Du family is in a special situation, not just for the future generations. It‟s not bad, and there are people in high positions, so even if they are extremely dissatisfied with the Su family, they are unlikely to cooperate with our martial arts family. If it is spread out, it will affect their reputation, and it is not easy to explain to the outside world.”

Luther suddenly realized, he blurted out: “No wonder! I always feel that the Su family is a bit unlucky now. The ocean transportation business is so large and strong, but the license is suddenly revoked. It seems that it is probably the work of the Du family.

Yes. Roma said: “The Du family will definitely choose reasonable and legal methods.

Even if they use the rules of the game, they must be within the scope of reasonable and legal limits. But in their eyes, we martial arts families are walking in the marginal gray area of society. These people, will definitely draw a clear line with us.

Luther nodded and said: “I understand, it seems that I still have to find a breakthrough in Wade family and Gu family only! 

After finishing speaking, he stood up and said: “Roma, in this way, I will give you another private transfer. Ten million, you go to the Jiaodong Peninsula and look for a piece of news or sign again. If you still can‟t find Ruoli this time, Dad suggests that you also face the reality appropriately. If she is still missing, you can‟t watch yourself and the whole He family languish!

Roma nodded gratefully and choked up: Dad, thank you!

Luther waved his hand and exhorted: Don‟t tell your brothers about this, do you understand?

“I understand Dad!

Just as Roma finished speaking, the phone rang suddenly.

A strange number with Aurous Hill extension.

She was a little surprised, but still pressed the answer button, and said, “Hello, who is it?

At the end of Issac‟s polite call, “Is it Ms. Roma He?

” “It‟s me, who are you?”

Issac hurriedly said: “Hello, Ms. He, let me introduce myself. My surname is Issac Craven.

I am the person in charge of the Wade family in Aurous Hill.

“People from the Wade family?!” Roma- she was so shocked that she couldn‟t say anything. She was talking to her father about the Wade family, and even her father wanted to get on the line with the Wade family. and their representative is contacting her himself!

Chapter 2733

Hearing that it was a call from the Wade family, not only Roma couldn‟t believe it, but Luther on the side was also shocked.

Just when Roma was surprised, Issac asked: “Ms. He, is it convenient to speak now?”

Roma recovered and hurriedly replied: “Convenient, please say.

Issac smiled and said, “That‟s it. On behalf of our young master, I would like to invite Ms. He to meet and have a chat. I don‟t know if Ms. He has time to meet? 

Roma asked puzzledly: “I don‟t know what your young master wants to talk to me?

Issac said, “Of course it‟s a chat. We have scope for cooperation. Our young master hopes to discuss with you whether the Wade family and the He family have the opportunity to develop in-depth cooperation.

Roma suddenly hesitated. She was planning to go to the coast of the Jiaodong Peninsula to find clues about her daughter. At this time, there was really no thought that she wants to talk to the young master of the Wade family about cooperation. 

But when she thought of the special situation of the family, she needed to find a strong attachment, so she hurriedly said: “Mr. Issac, when and where does your young master want to meet? ?If you allow time, can I let other people from the He family come to meet him?”

Issac said: “Our young master is now in Aurous Hill. The sooner you meet, the better, but if it‟s someone else, let‟s forget. The young master called for an interview with Ms. He specifically.

When Roma heard this, her face suddenly became embarrassed.

She is going to Jiaodong Peninsula, but Aurous Hill is in another direction, so if she agrees to go to Aurous Hill, she will inevitably delay the plan and itinerary to find her daughter.

However, her father Luther hurriedly winked at her and signaled that she must agree to it.

Seeing her father‟s face full of nervousness and expectation, Roma struggled for a while, and had to say: “Well, then, since Master Wade thinks of me so much, then I will come to Aurous Hill to see him.

After that, she asked hurriedly: “I am in Mocheng. The nearest airport is hundreds of kilometers away from me, and there should be no direct flight to Aurous Hill from there.

If the fastest is possible, I might be able to reach Aurous Hill tomorrow. May I ask Will Master Wade have time tomorrow?

Issac said: “If Ms. He is convenient, I can arrange a private jet to pick you up. 

After a pause, Issac said again: “Let‟s do it, Madam He, you give me your current address. I will arrange for a helicopter to take off from the nearest airport to pick you up, and then arrange a private jet to wait at the airport, and the helicopter will drop you there. After arriving at the airport, the private jet should be there. At that time, you can directly take the jet to Aurous Hill. If you hurry, you will be here tonight.

“So anxious?!” Roma suddenly wondered.

She didn‟t understand. She can‟t figure out why Young Master Wade is so anxious to see her.

Even if he really wants to reach a cooperation with her family, there is no need to rush in such a hurry.

Because according to Issac‟s plan, the transport alone to pick her up and drop her at Aurous Hill. The cost of millions.

First, the helicopter has to fly a total of seven or eight hundred kilometers back and forth, and then the private jet has to fly more than 5,000 kilometers back and forth. This is really a big move.

But for Roma, this time schedule couldn‟t be more appropriate. Because she originally planned to go to the Jiaodong Peninsula, even if she departs today, drive a few hundred kilometers to the airport at night, and the airport is not big, there are no more than ten flights at the end of the day, so she will definitely not be able to leave at night, so she can only buy it for next day. Tomorrow morning‟s plane will fly to Eastcliff first, and after arriving at Eastcliff at noon, then transfer to Jiaodong Peninsula.

Chapter 2734

In this case, it will be tomorrow afternoon at the earliest to reach the Jiaodong Peninsula.

However, if she can go to Aurous Hill first tonight and have a chat with Young Master Wade about cooperation, no matter what the cooperation talks are, she should be able to depart from Aurous Hill to Jiaodong Peninsula tomorrow morning.

Aurous Hill is very close to the Jiaodong Peninsula, and it takes just over an hour by high-speed rail.

Therefore, not only will this not affect her original plan, it will even be faster.

So she agreed without hesitation and politely said: “I have no problem here, but I have to trouble you to arrange the itinerary there.

Issac smiled and said: “These are all trivial matters. Ms. He will give me the detailed address. Just to mention, I arranged for the helicopter to come there first.


After Roma gave Issac the specific address of the He‟s family, the two said goodbye to each other and hung up the phone.

As soon as the phone hung up, Luther couldn‟t help but said excitedly: “This is really sleepy and someone will pass a pillow! Just I was looking for an opportunity to see if I could connect with the Wade family or the Gu family, but the Wade family‟s phone came over!

Roma nodded, but she couldn‟t figure it out, and said in confusion, “Dad, I don‟t understand. Why did the Wade family take the initiative to approach us? 

Luther blurted out: “It must be against the Su family, so they thought of coming to win us!

Roma shook her head and said, “In my impression, the Wade family has always been to the martial arts family. There is no high requirement.

Luther waved his hand: “There was no before, it doesn‟t mean that they can‟t have it now. Maybe people just want to win over the martial arts family and improve their overall strength?

“It‟s not quite right.” Roma said seriously:‟ „After the accident in the Su family, the major families have actually converged a lot. Before, they were able to pass the martial arts family and make small moves behind their backs, but now they dare not mess around, so it seems that the Wade family shouldn‟t be suddenly at this time want to win us over. 

With that, Roma said again: “Besides, I still have something I don‟t understand.”

Luther hurriedly asked: “What‟s the matter?

Roma said, “The caller Issac asked me to go to Aurous Hill to see their young master, but shouldn‟t the Wade family be in Eastcliff? Even if they have power in Aurous Hill, they are not from Aurous Hill. In terms of size, this kind of second-tier city shouldn‟t need a Wade family master to sit, right?

Luther frowned and asked her: “Do you think there is fraud in this?”

Roma shook her head and said: „There is a fraud or not. I can‟t talk about it, I just think it‟s weird, it doesn‟t seem to make sense, and even if the Wade family wants to talk to us, they shouldn‟t find me. Since I lost an arm, I haven‟t been out for publicity. Many people don‟t even know my identity, how did they contact me directly, and they said my name, their young master just wanted to cooperate with me?

Luther was also a little puzzled, muttering to himself: “It sounds like it‟s not true. It‟s too reasonable. Why don‟t you call back and ask?

Roma thought for a while, and said, “Forget it, I‟ll go and have a look. If I think about it, it can‟t be a trap. I really can‟t think of anyone. Deal with me deliberately.”

After speaking, she said again: “When I arrive at night, I will talk to their young masters first, and then try to get a result, so that I will take the first high-speed train to Jiaodong tomorrow morning. It‟s faster to set off to Jiaodong.”

Yeah!” Luther nodded and said: “If you have any circumstances then, please contact me in time!”

Chapter 2735

When Issac mobilized resources to pick up Roma from Northeast Desert City to Aurous Hill, Zynn was escorted on a plane by Issac‟s men and flew to Syria.

At the same time, Hamid, who was far away in Syria, also began to mobilize his own soldiers, preparing to follow Wade‟s points to strictly implement the nine-character policy of digging deep holes, accumulating grain, and slowly becoming king.

His friend in the construction industry in Iraq heard Hamid say that he could give a 50% project premium, and he was willing to pay five million dollars in advance. He did not hesitate to stop his late payment in Iraq. The project, with a bunch of construction workers who want to make money, hurried to Syria.

Chengfeng didn‟t know that his son had already started a journey westward.

He knew that Zynn was looking for a chance to meet Ito Yuihiko today, so he waited for good news in the villa.

And Pollard, who is teaching at Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics, has been suffering from extreme anxiety all morning.

He has been following reports on the eight hostages in Syria, but what makes him feel very nervous is that there is no latest development of any public reports on this matter.

It‟s not that the local media didn‟t report it, but the opposition, who had taken the hostages, didn‟t even speak up.

According to the previous public statements of the opposition, if the US embassy does not pay 80 million US dollars, now they will kill the prisoners one by one at a certain time interval.

It stands to reason that once the opposition and the U.S. embassy talk to no avail, they must kill the hostages to put pressure on the U.S. embassy, but they went silent and did not release any more information. This is really counterintuitive.

Pollard was also worried about Charlie‟s safety and whether he could bring his daughter back.

After all, there was a raging war there, and if it went to Charlie alone, it would be difficult for him to easily rescue his daughter.

But he didn‟t know that Charlie had already brought his daughter back to Aurous Hill as early as dawn.

At this moment, his daughter Melba is in a dream.

Life in Syria during this period was very difficult, and after being captured, there was a lot of fear, psychological and mental pressure.

Now she finally returned to the peaceful and calm Huaxia, lying on the soft and comfortable big bed of the five-star hotel, which made her completely relax physically and mentally, so she slept very firmly.

Charlie told Issac to contact Roma, and he strolled to the commercial area of the Shangri-La Hotel.

This kind of top-star hotel has very complete commercial facilities. 

Many top luxury brands prefer to cooperate with five-star hotels.

Because in their opinion, consumers who live in five-star hotels generally have relatively strong spending power, which completely overlaps with their customer groups of luxury goods.

Therefore, many Chanel, Hermes, and Dior stores are opened in five-star hotels.

Charlie came here alone, not just rushing to go shopping freely, but planning to buy new clothes for Melba.

When he saw Melba in a cellar in Syria yesterday, the clothes she wore were so dirty that the original color was not visible.

After all, they were arrested as prisoners of war, so in this case, it is difficult to guarantee a decent dress.

However, at noon, he planned to take Melba directly to Aurous Hill College of Finance and Economics and give her father a surprise.

Since it is to give a surprise, his daughter must be delivered to him intact and clean.

If Melba wears something like a beggar and goes there, let alone how Pollard feels after seeing her, the key is that the security guards of Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics may not let her in.

Charlie came to the commercial area and bought Melba a high-end customized garment in the Chanel store.

The style of a high-end fashion brand like Chanel is slightly luxurious, and the style of clothes is more glamorous and s3xy. Charlie chose an off-white dress casually.

Chapter 2736

Chanel‟s dress is in the style of the British royal princess. The lower body is a knee length skirt, while the upper body is a long-sleeved small suit style, which is quite a luxurious celebrity style.

The reason why he chose this kind of clothes is mainly that the weather is still a bit cold now. This kind of spring and autumn clothes is just right.

Although the skirt of this dress is very long, if you wear it with bare legs, it will definitely be a bit cold, so Charlie bought another black base stockings.

After choosing the size based on Melba‟s height in his impression, he was about to pay the bill and leave. He suddenly remembered that the pair of sneakers worn by this woman yesterday was too dirty, so he bought her another pair of size 37, White fashion leather shoes.

He didn‟t know if this size was right for her, but it didn‟t matter. If it wasn‟t appropriate, let Melba make do with it. It was better than wearing the clothes that had been on the battlefield.

Carrying the newly bought clothes and shoes, Charlie accidentally discovered that there were several dummy models wearing the only und3rwear in the window of the next store.

He just remembered that he hadn‟t bought und3rwear for her yet.

You don‟t have to think about it. Melba has been tossing for so long and finally arrived in the room in the morning. She must be exhausted. Therefore, it is most likely that she will go to bed immediately after taking a shower. She can‟t have time to wash her und3rwear out and dry them all.

That means that when she is going to see her dad, she doesn‟t have clean und3rwear to replace.

Therefore, Charlie simply walked in.

After entering, he discovered that this turned out to be a high-end l!ngerie shop.

The salesperson inside is female, and the few customers who are hanging out in the store are also female.

Seeing Charlie, a big man, came to visit the l!ngerie shop alone, everyone looked at him with a strange look.

Charlie also knew that it was indeed a bit inappropriate to run here alone, so he planned to make a quick deal, pointed directly at a black lace und3rwear worn by a model, and said: “Come on, please give me this.

The saleswoman was a little embarrassed, yet said: “Sir, you want to do what size?

Size?” Charlie frowned, recalled, opening: “probably about 1 meter 7 tall, slim. Ok. The salesperson nodded, and then asked, “Then what cup shape is your girlfriend‟s upper b0dy?

Charlie heard what she meant, and thought: “What cup shape Melba is, how do I know?

I didn‟t touch it. But, besides, she didn‟t tell me.”

“Moreover, when I saw her, she was wearing outdoor sportswear with anti-war slogans.

The clothes were relatively loose and looked like she didn‟t have much che$t. So he scratched his head and said: “Well, I don‟t know what the specific cup is, but it should not be too big.” 

The salesperson also said with a bit of embarrassment: “That should be the A cup, wait a minute, I Help you match the size.

Charlie said without hesitation: “Okay! Hurry up! The salesperson took out two pieces of und3rwear neatly stacked in the packaging bag from the small warehouse at the back,

and asked Charlie:” Sir, do you want to open it and take a look? Check for flaws or thread ends.

Charlie is ashamed to check women‟s und3rwear in front of so many people and hurriedly said: “No need, just pack it for me. 

Come on, pay, do you swipe me, or I swipe you?”

The sales clerk said hurriedly: “Wait a minute, I will swipe you!

Then the sales clerk skillfully puts the und3rwear into the bag, and then scanned the code for settlement.

After checking out, Charlie ran out carrying the bag without waiting for the receipt.

The salesperson looked at Charlie‟s back, then looked at the back of the dummy model, and muttered: “I didn‟t expect this handsome guy to be so decent, and he would come alone to buy such explicit T-shaped und3rwear for his girlfriend

Chapter 2737

For women, silk stockings are absolutely indispensable und3rwear, not only can set off the figure and temperament but also can be used for warmth.

A few years ago, women were rarely seen wearing skirts in winter, because the premise of wearing skirts is to ensure the temperature of the legs, but it is a little weird to wear skirts on the upper body and pants on the lower body, while the upper body wears a skirt. Wearing long trousers is even more exotic. It was not until the popularization of leggings and bottoming stockings that this problem was solved.

However, although silk stockings have become very common, Melba has never received silk stockings from men.

This feeling is more or less subtle.

But she knew very well in her heart that Charlie was showing an expression of care and consideration, otherwise she might really have to wear a dress with bare legs.

She picked up the dress, put it on her body, walked to the mirror, and gestured, looking at herself in the mirror, she couldn‟t help but sigh: “Mr. Wade bought the size that looks very fit, the style is also very beautiful, and the vision is really good.

She put down her dress and saw another Chanel bag and a shoebox, so she hurriedly opened the shoe box and found that it was a pair of very delicate white fashion leather shoes, so she couldn‟t wait to take it out and try it on her feet.

After trying it, she was even more surprised to find that: “These shoes are not too big or too small. They are really well-fitting. Don‟t know how Mr. Wade had such a precise judgment. Is it the result of visual inspection? If it is, then the visual inspection is too accurate.

Thinking of this, she felt a little bit more unusually moved towards Charlie.

When she thought that Charlie was still waiting for her and her father was even more anxious about her situation, Melba didn‟t dare to think about it anymore, and quickly got ready to dress and go out.

But when she took off her bathrobe, she suddenly realized that she didn‟t even have clean und3rwear to replace, when she arrived at the hotel this morning. She was so tired that she fell asleep on the soft floor of the living room almost the next minute.

In the end, because the body was really dirty, she took a shower forcibly. After the washing, she was so tired that she couldn‟t open her eyes, so she fell asleep and fell asleep without thinking about washing und3rwear at all.

Thinking of this, she was very annoyed, and she muttered with self-blame: “Melba, Melba, you are so stupid, why haven‟t you thought about washing your und3rwear clean and replacing it? What should I do now, I can‟t wear dirty und3rwear anymore. Well, that‟s too disgusting.

“But ah, but I have to wear it. I can‟t let Mr. Wade buy me an und3rwear. It‟s too hard to tell.

When Melba didn‟t know what to do, she suddenly found out that package Among the huge Chanel shopping bags, there is a small pink handbag.

She hurriedly picked up the handbag, only to realize that the brand logo on the bag turned out to be a brand specializing in high-end women‟s und3rwear. “Could it be that this is the und3rwear Mr. Wade bought for me?”

Chapter 2738

When she thought of this, Melba‟s face was red immediately reached the base of her neck. Charlie bought her a base stocking, which already made her feel very embarrassed, but how could she have thought that he even bought und3rwear for her.

“Even such a close-fitting und3rwear. ” Mr. Wade had to buy clothes for her, which was too shameful for a while.

Melba was very complicated.

On the one hand, she was relieved because there was a solution, but on the other hand, because of the special nature of this matter, she was ashamed to want to plunge into the ice water.

After a while, reality prevailed in her struggling heart. She said to herself: “Anyway, at least the problem of und3rwear is solved. After this matter, I will pretend not to know, and never will Mr. Wade.

Just when she thought of this, she mustered up the courage and opened the pink package.

The package is opened, and lying inside are two individually wrapped plastic bags.

Melba looked at the two pure black clothes with lace edges, and her embarrassed face became hot.

Although she guessed it must be und3rwear, she didn‟t expect it to be black with lace. 

In fact, Melba never wears such fancy and somewhat over-the-top und3rwear. She is a pragmatist. She likes to wear close-fitting clothes with solid colors and skin-friendly fabrics. After all, in her opinion, comfort is the most important thing.

However, right now Charlie bought them all, and there was no other choice, so she could only bite the bullet and open it, thinking: Anyway, let‟s dress first and go out. Her personal belongings are in the United States and some luggage clothes are all in Syria. She didn‟t bring anything when she returned home. She could only purchase and purchase in bulk after she met her father. “

Immediately, she blushed and opened one of the und3rwear Charlie bought for her.

This is a piece of clothing worn on the upper body, so the first thing Melba does after opening it is to look at the size.

She usually doesn‟t like to wear clothes that show her figure, so it is easy to be mistaken for a flat figure, but in fact, at 1.7 meters tall, she has a super hot figure. The front and back curls are just basic, the ubiquitous s-shape. The curve is not less than those supermodels.

It is also because Melba‟s figure is really too hot. Since going to college, she has always attracted some nasty suitors because of her good body, and even many people are like dog skin plasters. Her study and life have brought a huge impact, so she has never worn any clothes that can highlight her figure since then.

For example, in summer, wear loose clothes as much as possible, and never wear skirts above the knees, so as not to show slenderness of her legs.

In winter, she dressed herself up very bloated, and she couldn‟t see the bulging and curves of her figure.

Charlie was fooled. Melba seemed to have no body, so he expected her ch3st out of stock, he bought the smallest cup directly.

However, the real situation of Melba must be at least two sizes larger than it. 

Chapter 2739

Therefore, when she tried on the dress that Charlie bought, she was speechless to the extreme, and she couldn‟t help but mumbled: “Is my figure hidden so well? 、So easy to be underestimated. How can people wear it hard?

I am afraid that I will be strangled. Thinking of this, she couldn‟t help sighing and thinking: “It must be because I have always been subjectively unwilling to show my body, so Mr. Wade has caused such a big error and prejudice. It seems that this will not be possible in the future. Otherwise, he thinks I am a Taiping princess.

Melba sighed, then looked at the dress in front of her and decided to grit her teeth and wear it first.

Afterward, she opened the other bag and took out the clothing that was as thin as a cicada‟s wings.

She held the piece of clothing with both hands and took a look, she screamed, and subconsciously threw the piece of clothing out, and then immediately covered her hot face, and her heart rate was almost twice as fast as before.

“Oh Gosh,” how could Melba touch her hot face, and muttered in shame, “Why would Mr. Wade buy this kind of clothes for me? It‟s too explicit.

” Isn‟t he unintentional, but before buying clothes, he must be sure, has he seen the style, doesn‟t he see that this kind of clothes is too explicit?

Or, he did it on purpose, but why did he deliberately buy this kind of und3rwear for me?

Is it a deliberate prank, or has a certain nasty taste?

Melba feels like this whole person strange, look at that piece of clothing that was thrown on the floor, she is almost certain that in this life will not wear something so disgusting, however, soon put her mind to the idea of just relaxing and overthrow.

“not If you wear this, there is no solution. Wearing dirty, or simply not wearing it is really unacceptable.

“It seems that this is just barely acceptable.”

Thinking of this, she didn‟t even bother to speculate on Charlie‟s motives, gritted her teeth, and picked up the piece of clothing she had thrown away again.

Ten minutes later, the doorbell in Charlie‟s room rang.

He opened the door, and the one standing outside the door was indeed a completely new Melba.

Putting on Chanel‟s customized dress, paired with leggings and white leather shoes, Melba feels a bit noble and reserved.

In fact, her dress was worn by the commoner princess in Europe, who had been very popular some time ago, in public, showing her temperament and taste.

But, who would know that Melba‟s reserved and noble dress turned out to be a set of und3rwear that made her feel very ashamed.

Charlie didn‟t know what was going on inside. Seeing that she was dressed very appropriately, he couldn‟t help but say with a little sullenness: “Oh, it seems that I have a good vision. This dress is a perfect match for you, and it looks very sized.

Melba‟s face immediately blushed to her neck.

Chapter 2740

Melba thought: “The outside is really suitable, but the inside is not suitable at all. I don‟t know if you are intentional or unintentional. If you are unintentional and you can say it, if you have the intention, then you are too funny.”

Furthermore, the clothes on the upper body were obviously too small, and she was struck out of breath, but she would never say such words.

So she nodded awkwardly and said, “Great Master, the clothes and shoes fit well.

Charlie nodded, with some doubts in his heart, his clothes and shoes fit, and he didn‟t know whether his und3rwear fits or not.

However, this kind of question can‟t be asked, so he simply turned off the topic and said to her: It‟s getting late, let‟s go.

“OK” Melba nodded gently.

Charlie asked Issac to send a car key, and he drove Melba to University from the Shangri-La.

On the way, Melba had been looking around curiously before, especially when she went to the center of Aurous Hill, she couldn‟t help but said: “Aurous Hill is only a second-tier city, how can it be developed so well? It looks like an international metropolis.

Charlie smiled and said, “China has been developing at a high speed over the years. In addition to the first-tier cities, there are also largely approved first-tier cities. Aurous Hill is now considered to be a quasi-first-tier city.

Melba nodded and said with emotion: “I used to think Aurous Hill was not good enough. It‟s a medium-sized city, and I didn‟t expect it to develop so well. It seems that the domestic situation is indeed very different from what the media portrays.

Charlie smiled and said, “That‟s natural. Western media are all lemon essence, which is sour all day long.

Melba agrees and said: “It is true. They like to report the smearing content every day when it comes to regions outside.”

As she said, Melba felt that she was strangling more and more uncomfortable. Thinking about the shameful style, she couldn‟t help but feel a little depressed, so she deliberately said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, do you often buy und3rwear for your girlfriend? 

Charlie never thought Melba suddenly talked about this, and while embarrassed, he also replied smoothly: “How could it be possible, today is the first time.”

Melba pretending to be surprised and asked: “Is it true?

Charlie nodded and said: “Of course it is true.”

Melba asked again: “Were you embarrassed when you entered the store?”

Charlie sighed: “That‟s quite embarrassing. There were prosthetic models wearing various und3rwear all over there. I didn‟t dare to look at them with my eyes, I could only casually look at them. Pointed a set to a model, and then quickly bought it.

Melba nodded lightly and thought to herself: “It seems that the style was not intended by Mr. Wade.

Then, she saw Charlie talk about it. The matter seemed to be a bit cautious, and she couldn‟t help but laugh secretly: “I didn‟t expect that such a powerful character as Mr. Wade would be embarrassed to that level.”

Chapter 2741

At 12:30 noon, Charlie drove slowly into Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics. At this time, the school had reached the lunch break. There were many students walking in groups on the campus road, most of them were walking towards the cafeteria and dormitory. Some seem to be going to eat out of school.

Melba asked Charlie: “Mr. Wade, will my father go to lunch or contact him?

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: I will send him a voice call, so please don‟t say anything.

Melba Knowing that Charlie only wanted to surprise her father, so she agreed: “Okay.

He parked the car under the administrative office building, and then called Pollard with WeChat.

As soon as the voice call request was sent, it was immediately connected to convenience. Then, Pollard‟s voice came over: “Charlie, what are you doing over there? Is there any progress?

Charlie said: “Uncle, don‟t urge, my situation is a little bit complicated here, and I can‟t say a word or two.

Pollard asked hurriedly: “Then have you seen Melba"

Charlie replied: “Not yet. The opposition guards are very strict. I‟m still trying to find a way".

While speaking, Charlie asked him: “Has Uncle eaten lunch yet?"

Pollard said with emotion: “I am still not in the mood to eat. I have been upset from last night until now. At first, I called you several times, showing you are not in the service area. There should be no signal on your side.

Charlie explained: ” There must be no communication signal, so I can‟t make and receive calls normally, but I have a satellite Internet device on my side, which can be connected via satellite. It‟s just that the traffic fee is a bit expensive.

Pollard didn‟t notice anything abnormal, couldn‟t help but sigh, “This matter is really too much trouble for you, no matter if you have a chance to see Melba in the future or if you have a chance to save her. When you come out, you must ensure your personal safety.

Charlie smiled and said, “Uncle, don‟t worry, I will bring your daughter back to the country in peace. After that, he hurriedly said: “Uncle, I will hang up first, and I will tell you when there is progress.

Pollard had no choice but to say: “Then you must pay attention to your safety.

Charlie ended the voice call. Melba beside him couldn‟t help but ask him: “Then what shall we do next?

Charlie turned off the car and took out two disposable masks. After putting it on, he said to Melba: “Put on the mask, let‟s go directly to your dad‟s office, he must be there.

Melba knew that Charlie wanted to give dad a surprise, and said with a smile: “You think I put on a mask, my dad couldn‟t recognize me. Charlie smiled and said, “I bet, as long as you don‟t talk, your dad will definitely not recognize you.

“Impossible. “Melba shook her head, and said confidently: “My dad and I just don‟t talk very well, but it doesn‟t mean that our relationship is very tense and rusty. He must recognize me at a glance.”

Charlie smiled slightly: “If you don‟t believe me, try it. You can knock on the door later and see if he can recognize you.

Melba pouted: “Okay if you lose, you must invite me to dinner and finish talking. The mask was put on.

Chapter 2742

After the two got out of the car, they walked directly into the office building, Melba followed Charlie, and said in a nervous voice, “Do you know where my dad‟s office is? I haven‟t been here once.

Charlie nodded: “I know, you can just follow me with confidence and boldness.

At this time, Pollard was pacing back and forth in his office.

The only daughter is far away in Syria, life or death is uncertain, he is naturally very worried, and Charlie has not replied any clear progress, he does not know whether his daughter can escape this disaster.

Because of the worry in his heart, Pollard repeatedly lost his mind and made mistakes during class today. He felt that his spirit had been strained to the limit. If there is no news from his daughter today, he can only ask for leave from school temporarily, and then go to Syria in person.

He also knows that he is unable to save his daughter, and may not even be able to reach the place where his daughter is detained, but he still hopes that he can be closer to his daughter in space. In that case, he can find something in his heart. Consolation.

Just when he was agitated, a knock on the door suddenly rang.

His chaotic thoughts were forcibly interrupted, so he could only walk to the door and stretched out his hand to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, he saw a young and fashionable woman standing outside, but the woman was wearing a mask. He did not see her looks, so he asked in surprise: “Hello, what can I do for you?

Pollard Watt did not recognize the daughter standing in front of him.

This is not to say how strange he and his daughter are, but in his memory, his daughter Melba did not wear such fashionable and feminine clothes. The usual Melba Although it‟s not a tomboy dress, her dress is always simple and plain, and she rarely wears skirts. Because she graduated from Stanford University, her style of dressing is almost the same as those of programmers in Silicon Valley. Summer is a tshirt with jeans. In winter, sweaters and  jackets are paired with jeans.

And the girl in front of him, at first glance, is the kind who is very elegant and cares about dressing, and she doesn‟t keep with the style of Melba.

Besides, he didn‟t think about his daughter at all. After all, in his subconscious, his daughter was in Syria, thousands of kilometers away, and it was impossible for him to suddenly come to him.

Melba didn‟t expect that her father really didn‟t recognize her.

She stared at Pollard up and down, and in addition to surprise, she also had some hints in her eyes.

However, Pollard was not in that mood at all, carefully trying to figure out the meaning in her eyes.

Seeing the girl in front of him staring at him but not speaking, Pollard didn‟t have the patience to continue spending time here, and directly said: “If there is nothing wrong, please leave.”

After finishing, he closed the door directly.

Melba outside the door was standing stupid.

He didn‟t even dream of it. Dad couldn‟t recognize her just by wearing a mask.

Not only did he not recognize her, but he closed the door.

One side of the Wade against the wall at this time smiling and looked at her and whispered: “How was it?”

Melba said: “The big deal I want to invite you to dinner at night,”

Charlie put Waved his hand: “I can‟t do it tonight. I have to go home tonight. My wife is still waiting for me at home.

Melba asked in surprise: “You are married.”

Charlie nodded: “I have been married for four years.

Melba suddenly felt something in her heart. It was empty, but she adjusted it quickly and said: “Well, I will talk about the meal another day. Anyway, I will stay in Aurous Hill to work for you in the future, and I can honor the bet at any time.

Charlie smiled slightly: “Okay, remember this meal first.

After that, he pointed to the door of Pollard‟s office, and smiled: “Would you like to give your dad another chance?

Melba raised her hand a bit aggravatedly and knocked on the door again.

She was obviously agitated inside. She opened the door with a bit of sullenness. Seeing that it was the girl, he asked: “What is the matter with you, Melba stomped her feet, took off the mask directly, and blurted out: “Mr. Pollard, you even don‟t recognize your biological daughter anymore!”

Chapter 2743

When Pollard heard Melba‟s words, he was shocked.

When he saw Melba‟s face, he shouted in horror: “Melba is really you, Although Melba is standing in front of him, deep in his heart, Pollard still can‟t believe that the woman in front of him is really her.

His daughter. Because, in his heart, he firmly believes that his daughter must still be in Syria now.

There is no possibility that she will suddenly appear in front of him.

Especially since he just talked to Charlie, even Charlie hasn‟t seen her now.

Moreover, the United States has not sent anyone to rescue, so the Syrian opposition armed forces who have held his daughter have no chance of releasing her back.

Ten thousand steps back, even if the Syrian reactionaries are true She was so compassionate that she could not appear in Aurous Hill so soon.

Therefore, at this moment, he thought it was a time disorder, and the whole person was in the mist, and he didn‟t know how to respond.

See Melba When she arrived was very excited and very thankful, but don‟t know why, after Dad didn‟t recognize her, she suddenly felt a little unhappy.

So she looked at Pollard with enthusiasm and complained: “I am a living person standing in front of you, don‟t you believe me yet?

Pollard hurriedly said: “Belief, I believe Coco. It‟s how you came to Aurous Hill. It‟s impossible.

Melba shook her head helplessly and turned to look at the wall pointed to Charlie said to her father: “Here, how did I come to Aurous Hill? You will know if you ask him.”

Pollard stood inside the door frame and didn‟t know at all. There was a person hidden by the wall outside the door. He hurriedly looked out. It was Charlie who happened to have taken off his mask and faced him.

Charlie saw Pollard‟s eyes. eyes with full of shock and confusion, he smiled and waved his hands, saying: “Hi, Uncle. 

“Charlie” Pollard was even more stunned, and hurriedly asked: “What the hell is going on?”

Charlie smiled and asked him: “Can we come in and say that"

Pollard has just recovered from it, and said excitedly: “Quick Come in quickly.”

Charlie and Melba entered Pollard‟s office together. Pollard took Melba and sat on the sofa with her.

Charlie shook the mask in his hand and laughed at himself: “It seems like this thing is mine. It‟s useless.”

Pollard said impatiently: “Oh, you can tell me what is going on. Didn‟t you just say that you are in Syria? You two lie to me,

Charlie laughed and said, “It‟s not. I wanted to give you a surprise.

Pollard said quickly: “The surprise is indeed a surprise. This is a great surprise.

He hurriedly asked: “Tell me, how did you come back in so short time. Did the process go smoothly?

Charlie smiled and said, “It was not smooth at first, but it soon became very smooth. I just met the commander of the opposition and made friends with him.

Refreshing, so he let Melba go.

Pollard hurriedly looked at Melba on the side, and asked: “Melba, you haven‟t been wronged there, right?”

Chapter 2744

Melba adjusted her sitting posture and said embarrassingly: “They locked us in the cellar and really wanted to kill us at first, but fortunately, Mr. Wade rescued us in time, otherwise, we would be executed one by one.

Pollard is very grateful. Charlie said, “Charlie, you brought Melba back safely. Uncle really owes you a life. From now on, uncle‟s old life is yours. What do you let uncle do?

Uncle dares to have a little bit of it. Hesitated, the sky beats five claps of thunder and teach me a lesson.

Charlie hurriedly said: “Uncle, it was just a little effort, not to mention that you are a good friend of my mother, and I should help you.”

Melba exclaimed when she heard this, nodded, and said to Pollard: “Dad and Mr. Wade is the son of Aunt Ann you often talk about?”

Pollard: “He is the only son of your Aunt Ann. Charlie 

Melba has bright pupils in her eyes, and she said to Charlie excitedly:” Mr. Wade, it‟s true that your mother is the biggest idol in my life. I decided to go to Stanford after I learned about her deeds. And at Stanford, I learned more about your mother‟s deeds and admiration for her.

Charlie couldn‟t help but be a little surprised when he couldn‟t describe it in words. He didn‟t expect that Melba also knew well about his mother.

This also made Charlie feel ashamed and embarrassed in his heart.

“I don‟t know much about my mother, and I‟m not even as good as an outsider. This is true because I didn‟t do enough. Otherwise, I should have figured out a way to understand my mother.”

At this time, Pollard looked at Melba, serious and serious Said:

“Melba, I have promised Charlie. After he rescues you, you will be the person in charge of Charlie‟s ocean shipping business. As a consultant, I am obligated to provide you with everything I can provide. For the help of you, so you return home safely this time. Don‟t run around again. Stay steadfast and work hard in Aurous Hill. We, father and daughter, work together to help Charlie do this business anyway.”

Melba nodded and said without hesitation: “Dad, don‟t worry about that. I have already agreed to Mr. Wade,”

With that said, she hurriedly said again: “I am actually the most worried about my ability.

What I experienced in Syria this time made me realize that I do have great shortcomings in all aspects, especially when it comes to seeing people. I was a little too optimistic, so I am worried that I would not be competent.

Charlie said at this time: “Ms. Watt, don‟t worry about this matter. We are doing serious business. We rely on financial resources, planning, resources, channels and contacts, rather than fraud. So you just need to run the company and keep the business smooth.

Sort out the resources clearly and understand the connection of resources. The rest is a matter of course.”

After that, he said: “Look, whether it‟s Microsoft‟s Bill Gates, Google‟s Larry Page, or Tesla‟s Elon Musk, they are all backgrounds in computer technology, which are commonly known as code farmers. They may not be able to look at people or deceive, but what they really understand is the technology, the market, and how to use their technology. To make products that best meet the needs of the market, so as long as they can do what they do best, they can succeed, and so can you.”

“Mr. Wade, since you have said so, then I will do my best Go and do my best to not let you down.

Melba, when she heard this, her originally nervous and bottomless heart really relaxed a lot.

However, she was relieved in her heart, but her body could not be relieved.

Because she was sitting on the sofa, she felt that her upper body was tightened by improper und3rwear, and she was even a little breathless.

Pollard saw the unnaturalness of his daughter, and couldn‟t help asking: “Melba, what‟s wrong with you, are you uncomfortable”

Chapter 2745

Melba, when she heard this, her originally nervous and bottomless heart really relaxed a lot.

However, she was relieved in her heart, but her body could not be relieved.

Because she was sitting on the sofa, she felt that her upper body was tightened by improper und3rwear, and she was even a little breathless.

Pollard saw the unnaturalness of his daughter, and couldn‟t help asking: “Melba, what‟s wrong with you, are you uncomfortable”

Chapter 2746

However, because of Charlie‟s sharp hearing, that voice was like an elastic band breaking in front of his eyes.

Therefore, he almost immediately realized that there was a problem with Melba‟s upper body und3rwear.

He was also wondering in his heart: “What the hell is the quality of the clothes he bought is too low?”

But it shouldn‟t. Even if the quality is not good, at most it is detached from the thread.

There is no reason to break.

A possibility suddenly appeared in Charlie‟s mind, and he was shocked.

He looked at Melba subconsciously and suddenly found that the curve of her upper body wrapped in the dress seemed to bulge a little in an instant.

“Could it be because of him that he bought a size too small for her?

Charlie suddenly became aware of the key issues.

He bought this dress, this is the high-end custom models, so very significant figure.

In other words, wearing this suit, the strengths and weaknesses of the figure will be very obvious.

Looking at the way Melba wore this dress before, he could see that there was really no capital in her figure, and he didn‟t dare to say that it was an airport, and it was no better than an airport.

But looking at it now, it is obviously hilly, which means that Melba‟s figure was actually not very predictable, and it was just hidden before.

Combine with the muffled noise just now.

Charlie immediately wanted to understand what happened, and he was also embarrassed.

He kindly bought other people‟s internal and external clothes. He wanted to make things easier for her, but now it has not only caused a lot of trouble but also caused such a big embarrassment.

Next, they have to go to the restaurant to eat. He can‟t just let Melba go like this.

Thinking of this, Charlie sighed and thought to himself: “Hey, I did something wrong, but I should find a way to make up for it by myself.

So, he didn‟t show it on his face. “My car is parked below. Let‟s go to the hotel first. I have a personal business. It may be delayed for about ten minutes. I also trouble Uncle and Melba to wait for me in the hotel for a while.”

Pollard smiled and said: “It doesn‟t matter, you can just go busy yourself, if you have anything. I just don‟t have class in the afternoon, so I don‟t worry.

Melba on the side, because she was ashamed to the extreme at this time, and was full of thoughts about what to do next, so she didn‟t hear what Charlie was talking about.

She now wants to find a reason to withdraw first, and then hurriedly buy a fitting und3rwear to change it.

But she changed her mind: “I can‟t say anything to go by myself. After all, I have such an embarrassing situation on my body. If someone sees it when I take a taxi or buy something, wouldn‟t it be shameful, I‟ll talk to Charlie first. Let‟s go to dinner with dad.

After the meal, go home with dad. When I get home, I will patch up the broken piece with needle and thread, and then come out to buy a new one.

Thinking of this, she walks behind them with fear and eyes at the same time. She couldn‟t help it. She looked left and right, for fear of being discovered by others at this time.

Fortunately, the professors and faculty members of the school went to eat at noon, so they didn‟t meet other people along the way. Melba finally breathed a sigh of relief in the back seat of the car.

Charlie was worried about making up for his mistake, so he drove while paying attention to the nearby shopping malls to see if there was a suitable place, so that Melba could have a new set.

When he was about to reach Classical Mansion, he finally saw a comprehensive shopping mall next to it. On several huge billboards at the entrance of the mall, there was a brand of women‟s und3rwear, seeing which he was relieved.

At this moment, Melba also saw this billboard, and she couldn‟t help crying silently: “If I could think of it like the super-powered person in the movie, and teleported to this store all of a sudden, buy a fitting one, put it on and then teleport back.”

Chapter 2747

As soon as the call was made, Orvel‟s voice came over: “Master! What are your instructions?” 

Charlie said: “That‟s right, I want to invite a friend to dinner, so I want to ask you about noon in Classical Mansion. Is there a box?”

Orvel said without hesitation: “Master, you can come directly to Classical Mansion. The Diamond Box has long been no longer waiting for guests. It has been reserved for you. 

You can go and sit at any time!”

Charlie said in surprise: “Don‟t do that, your diamond box is so popular if you don‟t treat guests from outside, the loss is not small!”

Orvel smiled and said seriously: “Master, Orvel‟s life is all that you gave, what about a diamond box? As long as you need it, it doesn‟t matter if the entire Classical Mansion will not be open to guests!”

Charlie knew that Orvel was loyal to him and he was very eager to repay his kindness.

Unexpectedly, this old man is so caring. He hasn‟t been to Classical Mansion for so long. He has been silently keeping the diamond box for him, and more importantly, before this, Orvel hadn‟t said a word. Having said that, this proves that he has not thought of using this kind of thing to cater to him, to appeal to him, but really out of consideration for him.

Thinking of this, he couldn‟t help taking another high look at Orvel.

Regardless of how Orvel has not studied much, he has an average level of education, but he is loyal and good at handling affairs.

So, he smiled and said to Orvel: “Keeping the diamond box is enough. Classical Mansion should treat the guests normally, otherwise, it will be full of waiters in the future, and it will seem to lose popularity.”

Orvel said hurriedly: “Okay. Master, I understand!”

Charlie hummed, and then asked: “What are you up to these days?”

Orvel respectfully replied: “Recently, I have been busy with the expansion of the kennel.

You asked to expand underground, so that it will be convenient for you to arrange and dispatch in the future.”

“Okay.” Charlie said with satisfaction: “In this way, you should also come to Classical Mansion now, and I will introduce my two friends to you at noon. In the future, you will need to take care of them in Aurous Hill.”

Orvel did not hesitate. He said: “Okay Master, then I will call the people in Classical Mansion, arrange the banquet first, and then rush over immediately!”

“Okay.” After hanging up the phone, Charlie said to Pollard and Melba: “My friend has arranged it, let‟s go now.”

Pollard heard Charlie mentioning the word “Classical Mansion” on the phone, and couldn‟t help but ask: “Charlie, this Classical Mansion seems to be Aurous Hill‟s top food court run by someone named Orvel.”

“Yes.” Charlie nodded and smiled: “It‟s Orvel. When you and Melba meet him just call him with that name.”

Pollard reminded with some worry: “Charlie, I heard that Orvel is the head of the underground world. You should be careful when you come into contact with him!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said earnestly: “Uncle, Orvel has now corrected the evil, and he will not do things he did in past. He used to bully others and bully the business world people. Not anymore.”

“And under his influence, the entire Aurous Hill underground world. , They have all begun to do serious business. Now they are all starting to operate regular nightclubs, selling authentic drinks, opening security companies, building materials companies, and even construction companies. Some time ago, they also standardized the building materials industry in the city and eliminated all those building mafia and sand mafia.

This has played a lot of positive effects on the people‟s living and working in Aurous Hill, so you don‟t have to worry too much.

Pollard nodded thoughtfully, and said: “Listening to you, it seems that this is indeed the case. Aurous Hill really rarely sees fierce struggles happening recently…”

Chapter 2748

Charlie knew that Pollard was a professor, and such senior intellectuals tended to have high self-esteem, so they must wear certain colored glasses when they look at people like Orvel.

Fortunately, Pollard didn‟t entangle too much. After listening to Charlie‟s introduction, he let go of his inner entanglement.

Charlie stood up and said to the father and daughter: “Uncle, Melba, let‟s go.”

Pollard nodded and stood up. Melba on the side had been strangled long ago and couldn‟t wait. Want to stand up.

Mainly sitting on the sofa, the feeling of being strangled is too uncomfortable.

In fact, she wanted to stand up a long time ago, but Dad and Charlie were both sitting, and she didn‟t want to be stuck there like a fool, so she could only clench her teeth and insisted on not moving much.

But she never dreamed that at the moment when she stood up, because the upward support force of her hands was a little too strong, she suddenly felt that the hook of the upper body und3rwear behind her was instantly bounced off!

The tight elastic band suddenly bounced back, causing Melba to scream in shock!


Pollard hurriedly asked with concern: “Melba, what‟s the matter with you?”

Melba‟s heart to die is now all over.

How could she be ashamed to say that the hook of her personal clothing was actually stretched by itself?

Such words are really hard to tell.

Therefore, she can only bite the bullet and say: “Dad, I‟m fine, but I got up a bit too hard just now, so my head is a little dizzy.”

Pollard hurriedly supported her and asked with concern: “How? Do you think it doesn‟t matter? If the problem is more serious, Dad will take you to the hospital!”

Melba quickly waved her hand and said, “No, no, no! It‟s all right now!”

As she said, she hurriedly put down her raised hand again, because the hook was broken, as long as she raised her arm, the und3rwear was a little misaligned. If the movement was a little bit larger, the und3rwear would be completely dislocated and unable to go back. Yes, that would be too embarrassing!

Pollard breathed a sigh of relief, and said: “I guess you still haven‟t had a good rest. Take a good rest these two days, and make up for your energy.”

Melba can only follow his words and nod and say: “Okay dad, I will.”

After speaking, she quickly looked at Charlie again, and she was a little relieved when she saw that Charlie was showing nothing unusual.

“It seems that in the embarrassment just now, neither father nor Charlie knows the truth of the matter…Otherwise, she really has nowhere to hide her embarrassment…”

Thinking of this, she was a little angry.

Looking at Charlie thought to herself: “Is this young lady‟s figure so unexpected to you?

How could you buy me the smallest… The size deviation is so much, it is too much of torture!”

Although Charlie looks as stable as an old dog, his heart is already completely messed up!

How keen are his senses!

Just now, when from Melba he heard an unremarkable muffled noise, he immediately felt that something was not right.

That sound was like the sound of a tight elastic band suddenly breaking.

However, since the sound came from her clothes, when it came out, there was basically no volume that could be noticed.

However, precisely because of Charlie‟s sharp hearing, that voice was like an elastic band breaking in front of his eyes.

Therefore, he almost immediately realized that there was a problem with Melba‟s upper body inn3rwear.

He was also wondering: “What the hell is going on? Is it because the quality of the clothes I bought is too low?”

Chapter 2749

“But it shouldn‟t be! Even if the quality is not good, at most it is the thread and the wire. There is no reason to break, right?”

“Could it be…”

Charlie suddenly realized a possibility in his mind. He was taken aback! 

He subconsciously looked at Melba, and suddenly found that the curve of her upper body wrapped in the dress seemed to bulge a little m0re in an instant.

“Is it because the size he bought is too small?!”

He suddenly realized the key to the problem!

The dress he bought was originally a high-end customized dress, so it showed a good figure.

In other words, wearing this suit, the strengths and weaknesses of the figure will be very obvious.

Looking at the way Melba wore this dress before, he could see that there was really no capital in her figure, and he didn‟t dare to say that it was an airport, and it was no better than an airport.

But looking at it now, it‟s obviously hills!

This also means that Melba‟s figure is actually very predictable, it was only hidden before.

Combined with the muffled noise just now…

Charlie immediately wanted to understand what had happened.

At this moment, he was also very embarrassed.

He kindly bought other people‟s internal and external clothes. He wanted to be convenient for others, but what about now?

Not only did it cause a lot of trouble to others, it even caused such a big embarrassment.

Next, they have to go to the restaurant to eat, he can‟t let Melba go like this, right?

Thinking of this, Charlie sighed inwardly, and thought to himself: “Hey! If you did something wrong, you should think of a way to make up for it yourself!”

So he spoke calmly and said: “My car is parked below. Let‟s go to the hotel first. I have something personal. It may take about ten minutes. I also trouble Uncle and Melba to wait for me in the hotel for a while.”

Pollard smiled and said, “It doesn‟t matter, you can just go get busy if you have anything. I just don‟t have any class in the afternoon, so I‟m not in a hurry.”

Melba on the side was ashamed to the extreme at this time, and she was full of thoughts about what to do next. She didn‟t hear what Charlie was talking about.

She wanted to find a reason to withdraw first, and then hurriedly buy a fitting und3rwear to change it.

But she changed her mind: “I can‟t say anything to go by myself now… After all, I have such an embarrassing situation. Wouldn‟t it be embarrassing to be seen by someone when I am taking a taxi or buying something? Hey…I‟ll go to dinner with Charlie and Dad first, and go home directly with Dad after the meal. After I get home, I will use needles and thread to patch up the broken one, and then come out to buy a new one!”

Thinking of this, she walked behind them in fear, and her eyes were uncontrollable. She looked left and right, for fear of being discovered by others at this time.

Fortunately, the professors and faculty members of the school went to eat at noon, so no one else was encountered along the way.

Melba finally breathed a sigh of relief until she sat in the back seat of the Rolls-Royce.

Charlie was thinking about making up for his mistake, so he drove while paying attention to the nearby shopping mall to see if there was a suitable place, and later bought a new set for Melba.

When he was approaching the restaurant, he finally saw a comprehensive shopping mall. On several huge billboards at the entrance of the mall, there was a brand of women‟s und3rwear, seeing which he was relieved.

At this moment, Melba also saw the billboard, and she couldn‟t help crying silently:

“Hey…If I were a super-powered person like in the movies, I‟d teleport to this store all at once and buy one. Put it on and teleport back…”

Chapter 2750

When Charlie parked the car at the gate of Classic Mansion, Orvel had already arrived.

As soon as Charlie came, he hurried over with the manager of the Mansion and said respectfully: “Master, the diamond box has been arranged for you.”

Charlie nodded, pointing at Pollard beside him, and Melba, who just got off the car, said, Orvel, let me introduce you. This is Professor Pollard Watt from Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics. The lady behind is Professor Watt‟s daughter, Miss Melba Watt.”

Orvel hurried forward. Said politely: “Professor Watt and Miss Watt, I am Orvel, glad to meet the two!”

Pollard and Melba also politely nodded to Orvel.

Charlie said at this time: “Mr. Orvel, if Professor Watt and Miss Watt need help in Aurous Hill in the future, I must bother you more.”

Orvel said without delaying a word, “Master, don‟t worry. With these words from you, as long as Professor Watt and Miss Watt speak, Orvel will definitely go all out!”

Charlie nodded and said to him: “You first take Professor Watt and Miss Watt in, and arrange the food and drinks first, I have something to do and I am going out, I will be back in 10 minutes.”

After that, he said to Professor Watt: “Uncle, you go in with Melba, and I will come in a while.”

“Okay.” Pollard Nodded, and said: “Then let‟s go in and wait for you, don‟t worry on the road.”


Charlie handed the father and daughter to Orvel, and hurriedly returned to the car, started the car, turned around, and went to pass by that mall.

With the experience of buying und3rwear in the morning, Charlie relaxed a lot this time.

As soon as he entered the store, he asked the salesperson directly. Because the set in the morning was black, he bought a black upper b0dy garment alone this time.

As for the size, given that the body had been broken by Melba in the morning, he simply added two sizes and changed from a to c.

After buying the und3rwear, he rushed back non-stop and parked the car again in front of Classic Mansion. When he was about to get off the car, he suddenly realized that he could not go directly to the box with the bag, otherwise, he would be seen by Pollard.

When he arrives, he may still think that he is a hooligan.

So he took the und3rwear out of the bag, then folded it up and stuffed it into his pocket.

Although the pockets are bulging, but fortunately no one would think that it contained a piece of female und3rwear.

At this time, Pollard and Melba were sitting and chatting in the diamond box.

Pollard wanted to know the details of the kidnapping of his daughter in Syria, so he asked a lot of questions.

Melba replied absently, but all her thoughts were about und3rwear.

It was the first time that she encountered such a dilemma. The disconnected und3rwear was hanging crookedly inside the clothes. It felt so uncomfortable and awkward.

At this moment, Charlie opened the door and walked in.

Seeing Charlie, Melba felt even more irritable.

It‟s not that she hates Charlie, it‟s mainly because Charlie bought her this set of und3rwear, which really pitted her.

“The one underneath is extremely explicit, and you can endure it by gritting your teeth, but the one on the top…hey…really going to kill the popularity!”

Charlie also saw that Melba‟s expression was weird and guessed that she must be sure now It was very uncomfortable. Maybe she kept complaining about him, so he thought about finding a suitable opportunity to give her this new one from his pocket.

However, this kind of thing must not be done in front of Pollard, otherwise, it might be how the old professor will misunderstand him.

Chapter 2751

Seeing that Charlie was coming, Pollard greeted him to sit down beside him.

The diamond box of Classic Mansion is the most luxurious one in the whole Mansion.

The huge round dining table can satisfy at least twenty people dining at the same time, so it looks a little deserted when three people sit.

After Charlie sat down next to Pollard, Pollard looked at the opposite Melba and said, “Melba, there are only three of us. Why are you sitting so far away? Sit here.”

Melba said embarrassingly, “I will sit here. Here, with such a big table, it‟s awkward for three people to sit next to each other.”

Pollard shook his head helplessly, and said, “I don‟t insist, it‟s up to you.” After that, he asked Charlie, “Charlie, you can drink a cup?”

Charlie said with a smile: “I‟m fine, it depends on whether you still have to work in the afternoon.”

Pollard smiled: “There is no class in the afternoon, so I plan to take a half-day vacation.

The two will drink two glasses at noon, and then I will take Melba home to take a good rest, she finally came back, I can‟t leave her down and go to the park for jogging.”

Charlie nodded and said, “Indeed, Melba is here. She didn‟t suffer less for a while. She really has to take a good rest these two days. If that‟s the case, I will accompany you to drink two glasses at noon. I will have dinner later, and let Orvel drive you and Melba home.”

Pollard laughed and said: “Okay, let‟s have a few glasses open!” 

At this moment, Orvel just opened the door and asked Charlie: “Master, the cold dishes are ready, can I serve it first?”

Charlie was busy. He said: “Come on, two more bottles of Moutai by the way, I will accompany Professor Watt to drink two glasses.”

“Okay!” Orvel agreed without hesitation, and said: “The hot dishes I will give you directly according to the specifications of the diamond box. It‟s all arranged.”

Charlie waved his hand: “Don‟t be so extravagant, the dishes in your diamond box are for 20 people, and we are only three. How can we finish eating so much.”

Pollard also hurriedly said: “Let‟s just eat whatever you want, but don‟t be too extravagant and wasteful. Now the whole country is promoting diligence and thrift. We have to respond to the call and put an end to waste.”

Charlie thought, “Uncle,  Don‟t you go directly to the back kitchen to see, if you are interested, let the chef arrange it on the spot. The three of us, ordering four dishes and one soup is almost going to be sufficient.”

Pollard hurriedly said, “No, no, this is me. I am not picky about eating. I can eat anything you like.”

Charlie smiled and said: “It‟s true that I have a choice syndrome, so I still ask you to go and take a look and choose a few dishes.”

Orvel listened to the side. Confused, he thought to himself: “What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd, Master? If you want to order, can I just bring up the menu? Why did you let Professor Watt go to the back kitchen? What? Generally speaking, most restaurant back kitchens are forbidden for customers to visit, and Classic Mansion has never had this operation process.”

Just as he was wondering, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the face sitting opposite Charlie. However, Melba, who frowned slightly and had a sad expression, suddenly understood in his heart.

“It turns out that Master wanted to take this Professor Watt apart and stay alone with his daughter…”

Thinking of this, Orvel hurriedly said to Pollard: “Professor Watt, you are Master‟s distinguished guest. Of course, you have to decide what to order.”

After he finished speaking, he directly made a gesture of inviting and said respectfully: “Professor, please move to the back of the kitchen, I will introduce you to our specialty dishes in Classic Mansion!”

Pollard felt that his hospitality was difficult when he saw this, so he had to agree and said: “Okay, then I‟ll be more respectful than fate!”

Then, Pollard and Orvel left the box together.

As soon as the two left, Charlie looked at Melba and spoke with a bit of embarrassment:

“Well, Melba, isn‟t the close-fitting clothes I bought for you in the morning inappropriate?”

Chapter 2752

Melba felt ashamed and angry when she heard this.

Shameful, Charlie was embarrassed enough to buy her personal clothes, and now he asked about this directly face to face, which made her feel ashamed.

What is annoying is, Charlie, what the hell is he buying! Either it was extremely revealing, or it was impossible to wear it at all. Now that the strap behind the upper body is still hanging on the body, it feels more uncomfortable and unbearable.

However, Melba also knew that these were the unintentional mistakes of Charlie. Even if she was angry in her heart, she was not angry with him, not to mention that he had saved her life and was her savior.

So, she could only bite the bullet and say: “That…that…that‟s okay…”

Charlie asked subconsciously, “Are you sure it‟s okay? Have they all collapsed?”

Melba was extremely ashamed, and at the same time she asked in surprise: “You…how do you know…”

Charlie said a little apologetically: “This is really not the case. I bought it without thinking. I should have brought bigger ones but bought small …… “

Melba turned red, she did not want to continue discussing this topic with Charlie.

Charlie took out the und3rwear that he had just bought from his pocket at this time. He wanted to walk over and hand it to her, but felt that it would be weird to hold the und3rwear directly to others, so he put them on the dinner table. Pushing in front of her, he said in a somewhat embarrassing manner: “This is a new purchase. I deliberately bought it two sizes larger. Would you like to go to the bathroom and change it now?”

Melba never dreamed that Charlie could even get it from his pocket took out another piece of und3rwear!

And what surprised her even more was that this und3rwear turned out to be the brand she saw when she was in the car!

“That means that Charlie said that he had something to do, but he actually went to buy me und3rwear? His thoughts coincided with me…”

Thinking of this, Melba was moved all of a sudden.

She didn‟t expect Charlie to be so considerate.

At this time, she was really embarrassed, and quickly grabbed the und3rwear Charlie pushed over, stood up, blushed and said, “Thank you, Mr. Wade…” 

After speaking, she hurried to the bathroom in the box .

She took off the und3rwear that was of very inappropriate size at the fastest speed, and the marks of the joints on the back were very obvious.

She couldn‟t wait to throw this und3rwear into the trash can, but a thought flashed in her mind, making her realize that this was the first und3rwear Charlie gave her and the first she had received in her life. A piece of und3rwear given by a man.

So, she rolled up this und3rwear in a wicked manner and took it quietly.

Afterwards, she took out the newly bought one by Charlie. This time, the size was indeed very suitable, which made her breathe a sigh of relief.

The feeling before was like a size 40 foot, but walking all day in size 35 shoes.

It is finally normal now.

A few minutes later, when she came out of the bathroom, the whole person was in a complete state.

Prior to this, she had been very cautious, did not dare to make any big moves, and her mood was even worse.

But now, the size of this newly bought und3rwear by Charlie is very suitable. After changing it, all the negative feelings and emotions are instantly wiped out, making her a lot easier.

After coming out, she clasped her changed clothes with her hands behind her back, for fear of being seen by Charlie.

This was mainly because the Chanel dress that Charlie bought for her didn‟t have a pocket, so she didn‟t know where to put the dress, so she could only carry it on her back.

Seeing Charlie, Melba said with some embarrassment: “Mr. Wade… thank you so much…”

Chapter 2753

Charlie smiled slightly and said seriously: “It‟s all right, is it fitting this time?”

Melba blushed and nodded.

This time the und3rwear really fits perfectly.

But she was not too embarrassed to say it directly.

As a result, she could only lower her eyelids slightly, and said unnaturally: “Mr. Wade, can you please calculate the total amount of money spent, I will definitely pay you back when I get the opportunity!”

Charlie waved his hand: “Between you and me. You don‟t have to be so polite. I am also your future boss, so I will treat it as an introductory gift for you.” 

Melba was even more embarrassed and thought to herself: “It‟s okay to give clothes as a gift, but silk st0ckings and und3rwear. What kind of thing…”

But after another thought, if she no longer struggles, this matter will be over now, but if she has to return the money to Charlie, then this matter is equivalent to it‟s not over yet. 

With such an embarrassing thing, she just wanted to turn it over as soon as possible, and didn‟t want to have any sequels.

So she quickly said gratefully: “Since Mr. Wade has said so, then… then I won‟t be polite to you.”

After speaking, she quickly turned around and hid the clothes at the same time. Before, she lowered her head and returned to her seat.

At this time, Pollard opened the door and said with a smile: “I went to see it, I really don‟t know what to choose. Mr. Orvel recommended a few special dishes, but I‟m not sure if it suits your appetite.”

Charlie smiled and said, “The food here tastes good. If you feel really unappetizing, you can order something else.”

As he said, Orvel walked in with four bottles of Thirty Years Old Moutai Liquor in person, respectfully. Said: “Master Wade and Professor Watt, you two will drink these four bottles first, and I will bring more if you don‟t have enough!”

Pollard hurriedly said: “Oh, Mr. Orvel, I don‟t have that much alcohol. When I was young, I could drink a catty or so, and now it‟s six or seven taels. What‟s more, this Moutai has a high degree. Just half a catty…”

Orvel said with a smile: “Professor Watt, although this alcohol has a high alcohol content, but you can‟t stop drinking it, you can open it up and drink a few more glasses!”

Pollard was in a particularly good mood, and continued to say “Okay! Then drink a few more glasses!”

Charlie heard that he took the initiative to pour a glass of white wine for Pollard and for himself, and then ordered Orvel: “Mr. Orvel, you can prepare some drinks for Miss Watt.”

Orvel Just about to get it, Pollard said at this moment: “Melba, Charlie is your savior, you can drink some too, just to serve him a few cups!”

Melba hesitated, then nodded and said, “Okay. Dad.”

Charlie said hurriedly: “Melba hasn‟t taken a good rest yet, so let‟s just let Orvel get a bottle of red wine.” Orvel hurriedly said, “OK Master Wade, I‟m going now.”

Melba Looking at Charlie gratefully, she said: “Mr. Wade, I will use red wine to respect you later!”

Charlie smiled: “We are the same generation, so don‟t be so polite between us in the future, just call me with the name, it will be fine.”

Melba nodded lightly, and said: “From now on, I will call you President Wade at work, and I will call you by your name in private.”

Charlie smiled slightly and said nothing.

After Orvel delivered the red wine, Pollard picked up the wine glass and said to Charlie: “Charlie, this girl of mine is my only blood. I will offer you a glass with Melba, thank you for your life-saving grace!”

Charlie quickly stood up, picked up the glass, and said: “Uncle is serious, don‟t say thank you, it‟s all in the wine.”

Pollard immediately said: “Yes! It‟s all in the wine, come on, let me do it first Regards!”

Chapter 2754

Pollard is indeed very happy today.

The only daughter not only escaped the danger, but also returned to him safely.

What‟s more important is that after this time, she must be more aware of the dangers in the world, and will no longer blindly pursue some unrealistic ideals as before.

And the daughter has also promised Charlie that she will stay to help him, which means that he can live with his daughter in the safe and comfortable city of Aurous Hill for a long time.

When he is happy, he‟ll naturally drink a few more glasses.

After three rounds of drinking, Pollard became a little drunk.

He thanked Charlie for everything, and finally focused on his daughter.

He looked at his only daughter with a three-point drunk and seven-point favor, and exclaimed: “Melba, you and Charlie are both about the same age, but Charlie has been married for 4 years. You should pay more attention to personal issues, right?”

Melba drank a small bottle of red wine. Although she was not drunk, her pretty face was already a little red.

Hearing that Dad suddenly started to care about her life-long events again, she said embarrassedly: “Dad… don‟t worry about this kind of thing. There are so many friends around me who are still my age, for further studies in school. It doesn‟t matter if you are married in your 30s.

As she said, she suddenly remembered the lie she had told her father, and quickly said, “ Tell you… let me talk about my situation… …Didn‟t I tell you everything…”

Pollard looked at her, paused for more than ten seconds before finally sighing, and said with emotion: “Even if you like girls, is it not time to find a girlfriend at this age?”

“I…” Melba didn‟t expect that her father would say these words in Charlie‟s face. She suddenly felt extremely embarrassed and made a stop. Trying to find a way how to answer.

Charlie suddenly remembered what Pollard had told him before, that the girl Melba was indeed very rebellious, and her s3xual orientation was somewhat different from that of ordinary girls.

Thinking of this, the first thing that came to Charlie‟s mind was the other two female hostages he saw in Hamid‟s custody, in Syria.

So he blurted out and asked: “Melba…Syria, you had two other female companions, was one of them your other half?”

Melba heard this, and the whole person was stunned for a few seconds. After a long pause, she came back to her senses and said in shame: “Mr. Wade, what are you talking about… Those are my classmates… how could there be my significant other…”

She didn‟t expect that Charlie was relieved when he heard this, and said with emotion: “Oh, it‟s fine if you don‟t have, it‟s fine if you don‟t.”

Pollard was bored with a glass of wine at this time, and then raised his hand in the air.

Signed and said: “In fact, Dad has also seen it now. Now this society, this situation is very common. In many countries, they can already legally marry, including the United States.

If you find another one you like, you can get your marriage certificate in the United States.”

Melba was extremely embarrassed and said quickly: “Oh, I think you must have drunk too much, you can drink less!”

“I didn‟t drink too much… …” Pollard said seriously: “In fact, these words have been held in my heart for a long time. I have always wanted to tell you that I just didn‟t find a  chance. You just came back safely today. I have to take this opportunity to talk to you.

Talking from my heart.” Without waiting for Melba‟s reply, he continued: “What Dad really hopes is that you can be happy and healthy, not that you have to live the way I want you to live. Life is short, just follow, and live in your own favorite way.”

Chapter 2755

Speaking of this, he poured himself a glass of wine, drank it in one sip, and then said: “Dad has also paid attention to some foreign girls who are in the same situation as you during this period. I find that their lives are also very happy. Blessed with happiness, they have also received the understanding and support of their friends and family members.

Some have even been legally married and live together in an open and honest manner.

There are even many couples in this situation who choose to use the test tube method to reproduce their offspring. I think this is also the case. A very good solution that can not only meet your mate selection needs, but also allow you to continue your blood, killing two birds with one stone, what do you think?”

Melba‟s expression is already dumbfounded.

She really didn‟t expect that her father had always thought that her s3xual orientation was towards girls.

In fact, it was just a period of rebellion, used to deal with and prevaricate Dad‟s rhetoric. 

At that time, her father always wanted to make her fall in love and marry earlier, so he would often help her find some high-achieving students of the same age in the school where he worked, and even some of his proud disciples.

But at that time, Melba did not have the nature of falling in love at all. Half of her mind was learning, and the other half of her mind was used to keep the world in mind. She often participated in various environmental protection and anti-war propaganda activities and even personally met a few friends. Went to Syria to make anti-war films.

At that time, it was the pinnacle that she was blinded by hypocritical universal values.

She received higher education in the West, so she felt that the universal value of the West was the key to saving the entire world and even the entire human race.

Westerners call for environmental protection and energy-saving every day, but the per capita electricity consumption in the United States is three times that of China. With a population of 5% in the world, the United States consumes 25% of the world‟s oil and creates 25% of the world‟s greenhouse gases.

Young Americans promote anti-war and peace throughout the world every day, without knowing that their country is the real global war machine.

However, after experiencing the disaster in Syria, Melba finally woke up. 

She finally understood that the premise of being world-minded is to first figure out what the real world looks like.

Right now, the Chinese people are down-to-earth, live and work in peace, make every effort to make their lives better, and at the same time never take the initiative to send troops to attack other countries and provoke disputes. This is the real universal value.

Seeing this clearly also made her a little bit more understanding of her father‟s previous bitterness.

At this moment, Pollard looked at Charlie and asked, “Charlie, your uncle doesn‟t have many acquaintances in the city. You have been here for a long time. If you have a suitable girl by your side, you can introduce her to Melba.”

Charlie nodded, not knowing how a face came to mind, so he said seriously: “Uncle, I know a nice girl. She has a personality similar to Melba. Her name is Zhiyu, Melba, and Zhiyu. The names look pretty good.”

“Good thing,” Pollard, who was already drunk, asked hurriedly: “Does she like girls too?

If so, just let me know. Introduce them and let them meet each other.

Charlie embarrassedly and said: “I don‟t know this to tell the truth. I didn‟t have the opportunity to ask her”

“Okay” Pollard nodded and said: Then you must take it seriously ahead of time. Thank you so much

Melba did not expect that her father had started to make Charlie introduced her to a girlfriend.

She garnered unparalleled courage and said: “Dad, there are actually things I did not tell you clearly

Pollard was suddenly startled after what he already knew about his daughter, and asked nervously, “Is there something more explosive to tell me, Melba?

Although your father is not very old, his heart can‟t be too strong. Can you tell your dad what is going on?

Melba lowered her head and didn‟t dare to look at Pollard. She explained in shame: “In fact, I don‟t really like girls.”

Chapter 2756

Hearing what Melba said, Pollard never recovered.

He blurted out subconsciously and asked: “Don‟t like girls?! You don‟t like girls, can you still like boys?!”

Melba didn‟t expect that her father would look shocked when he heard this answer, and couldn‟t help asking: “Dad…then what do you think I should like boys or girls?”

Pollard immediately beamed, and said happily, “From the perspective of being a dad, of course, I still like men for you, a child in the future is better!”

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly looked at Charlie and blurted out: “Charlie, forget the girl named Zhiyu, please see if there are suitable young talents around you, if there is one, introduce them to Melba!”

Charlie smiled slightly, nodded, and said: “Okay, I will pay more attention when the time comes.” 

Melba said with an awkward expression: “Dad, I have no plans in this regard, for the time being, Mr. Wade risked rescuing me from such a danger, I always have to focus on work first, and wait two years for love affairs.”

Pollard said with a smile: “Oh, as long as you say that you like boys, Then my heart feels more comfortable, wait for two years and wait for two more years, Dad is not in a hurry!”

After that, he poured a glass of wine in a hurry, and said to Charlie: “Come Charlie, have a drink with Uncle. Today is really double happiness, double happiness is here!”

Charlie naturally knew why Pollard was so happy, smiled and picked up his glass, and said: “Since Uncle is happy, then I will drink a few more glasses.”

He was drunk after pushing the cup for the next fill and so.

By the time meal was almost finished, he was already confused.

Seeing that the food was almost eaten and the wine was almost drunk, Charlie said to Melba, “Melba, it‟s been nice to be here today, I will ask Orvel to send you and Uncle home, and you will have a good rest when you go back.”

Melba nodded lightly, and asked: “Mr. Wade, do you have time tonight? I want to invite you to dinner alone to express my gratitude.”

Charlie waved his hand: “Forget it today, you should take a good rest for two days. In two days, let‟s make an appointment again. By the way, we will also have a good talk about the preparations for the development of the ocean shipping business.”

Melba said, “That‟s it, I‟ll wait for your message.”

Pollard said drunkenly at this time, “Charlie.. …You…you are really a noble person…in the future, you, or the ocean shipping company, have any use of your uncle…just speak!

Charlie nodded and smiled: “OK Uncle, don‟t worry, I will have to trouble you in the future.”

Pollard immediately retorted, “What is the trouble? How can this be the trouble? But Melba will have to trouble you a lot in the future. Take care, this child is smart or clever and has a lot of knowledge, but because she lacks social experience and reality, I am afraid that she has a high eye and a low hand, so you should not take care of her too much in the future. If she does well, you can say and do more.”

Charlie laughed: “Uncle, I believe Melba certainly deliver.”

Pollard laments:” That is better and better …… “

Then, after looking at Charlie, didn‟t know which of the tendons didn‟t match up. He suddenly sighed, “Hey! You just got married too early, otherwise, if you could be my son-in-law, I won‟t have to worry about her… “

Melba blushed immediately: “Dad, what are you talking about…”

Pollard chuckled twice, and said: “I drink too much, but I could sigh with emotion!”

Charlie said with a smile: “Since you are drunk too much, then I will send you back to rest first.”

After that, he called Orvel, let Orvel drive, and sent Pollard and Melba home.

After Orvel drove away, Charlie felt a little worried. He didn‟t know if he should go home first or go to Shangri-La to take a rest.

So, he called Issac and asked him: “Old man, did Ruoli's mother started?” 

Issac hurriedly said, “Master, I just received a report from subordinates that Roma has already taken a

helicopter to the airport. It is estimated that she can reach Aurous Hill in about four hours.”

Charlie calculated the time and said that it was fast even if it was more than three hours.

There is no need to toss home again. After all, his wife must not be at home at this time.

So he directly drove back to Shangri-La, planning to take a rest and wait for Roma‟s arrival.

Chapter 2757

At the same time. Chengfeng had waited for Zynn‟s response, and he was more or less drumming in his heart.

It stands to reason that Zynn went to see Ito Yuihiko this morning, and now it is time for lunch, no matter whether his talks with Ito Yuhiko goes well or not, he should always report to him on the progress.

So he took out his phone and called Zynn.

A cold reminder came from the other end of the phone: “Sorry, the user you dialed has been turned off.”

Chengfeng‟s heart suddenly slammed!

“That‟s awful !” He blurted out, “Zynn is probably in an accident!” 

The butler Anson hurriedly took out his mobile phone and said, “I‟ll call the young master‟s man.”

After speaking, the mobile phone immediately dialed out. A prompt of shut down came soon.

His expression changed and he made several calls in a row, but the result was the same.

So he said nervously: “Master, all four of them are turned off…” Chengfeng shuddered and blurted out: “It‟s over! It‟s over! He must have fallen into the hands of others just like Shoude.” …..”

Anson asked nervously, “This…what is the big man in Aurous Hill?! Could it be that the Wade family is doing a ghost in the back?!”

Chengfeng frowned and said, “Hurry up and arrange for someone. Check to see if Zynn left Shangri-La before his disappearance. If not, then the Wade family‟s hand is naturally the greatest! I must ask Zhongquan to give me an explanation!”

“OK, lord!”

Anson immediately tried to find a way to find relationships, Search for the trajectory of Zynn.

Soon, the results came back, and all aspects showed that Zynn did not leave Shangri-La today.

This made Chengfeng furious immediately.

He didn‟t expect that the Wade family would dare to directly attack his son.

Moreover, since Zynn was caught by the Wade family, so is Shoude 90%!

Afterwards, he made a direct call to Zhongquan.

As soon as the phone was connected, Zhongquan ‟s voice came over: “Oh, why would Brother Su call me?” Chengfeng directly cursed angrily: “Zhongquan! Don‟t fcuking be close to me, I‟ll ask you, about my son. Where is Zynn?!”

Zhongquan didn‟t expect Chengfeng to swear as soon as he came up, and asked coldly:“What a joke! How do I know where your son is?”

Chengfeng gritted his teeth and said: “Stop fcuking pretending and don‟t try to confuse me! Zynn last night Staying at your Wade Family‟s Shangri-La Hotel in Aurous Hill, he disappeared completely after getting up this morning. Who else did it if you didn‟t do it?!”

Zhongquan was suddenly startled.

He subconsciously asked: “Chengfeng, take this seriously?”

Chengfeng cursed: “Nonsense! How can I talk to your nonsense? If you don‟t give me an explanation for this matter, I will let you fight this old life. The Wade Family will pay the price!”

Zhongquan almost immediately concluded in his heart that this matter must have something to do with Charlie.

However, he naturally couldn‟t speak directly to Chengfeng, so he said: “Chengfeng, I can swear to God what you said, I don‟t know anything! And I have never instructed anyone to do anything to your son! Since you said that the person disappeared in Shangri-La of my Wade family, then wait until I ask the specific situation first, and after I understand the specific situation, I will give you an explanation!”

Chapter 2758

Zhongquan hung up, and his first thought was to call Issac immediately and ask what was going on.

Leon hurriedly asked: “Master, what happened?”

Zhongquan sighed: “Zynn Su disappeared in Aurous Hill today, and he was in Shangri-La before he disappeared. Now Chengfeng called me to answer for the situation. I must first Ask Issac what‟s going on!”

Leon was dumbfounded, and blurted out: “Zynn is also missing?! the second son disappeared a few days ago, and he was also in Aurous Hill, also living in a hotel and he was gone… …”

Zhongquan sighed: “Shoude‟s thing is easy to say. Anyway, it was not missing on our site. Life or death has nothing to do with us, but Zynn‟s situation is somewhat tricky this time. Anyway, people are here. He was in Shangri-La and he has gone. Once the Su family makes use of the question, we can‟t argue it!”

Leon turned his mind and said immediately: “Master, I think this matter is 80% related to Master Charlie…”

“Charlie?! “Zhongquan blurted out: “Do you think Charlie did this?!”

Leon nodded and said seriously: “I think if this matter is really related to Issac, then Master Charlie must be behind the sword. , Otherwise, even if Issac was given eight courage, he would not dare to attack Zynn.”

Zhongquan nodded slightly in agreement.

After all, Zynn is nominally the number two figure in the Su family.

And Issac was a subordinate in the Wade family.

Even in the subordinates, he can only be at a medium level.

The difference in status, ability, and strength between the two are huge. How could Issac come up with such an idea?

Therefore, the only possibility is Charlie.

Thinking of this, Zhongquan couldn‟t help being a little big head.

He rubbed his temples and said with a sad expression: “Although I don‟t know Charlie very much, I still know his style very well.”

“In my opinion, Charlie and his father are both good-looking. It‟s very similar, but the acting style is really completely different…”

Leon nodded and said in agreement: “The young master acted in the past, of course, he was far-sighted, vigorous, and energetic, but he was honest. In other words, there are also some who are too pursuing perfection, and caring too much about image and public opinion…”

Speaking of this, Leon couldn‟t help feeling: “Back then, even if others used all kinds of shameless tricks to deal with him, he still chose to fight back in an open and honest way, and he would never use the same method to return color…”

Zhongquan also sighed: “Hey! So this was also Changying‟s shortcoming, he paid too much attention to the ideas of openness and integrity. , It‟s okay to face ordinary opponents. With his superhuman ability, he could crush the opponent, but once the opponent is very strong and does everything he can, he loses his advantage and initiative… ..”

Leon nodded in agreement.

At this time, Zhongquan said again: “But Charlie is completely different from his father!”

“Charlie‟s style of acting is standard pragmatism, with a strong purpose.”

“For him, all the driving force is to realize himself. For this purpose, his methods are also diverse and unrestricted. He can do whatever he wants.”

Chapter 2759

Please re-read the previous chapter first. The content has been changed.

“He is the kind of person that you provoke, then he will fcuk you, he must do you, and he knows very well that if he can‟t do you, for now, he will come back, anyway, his purpose is one and it‟s to finish the work.”

“Also, he doesn‟t have so many restraints and shackles in his eyes.”

Zhongquan laughed at this, and said: “For example, about him and Cynthia, Cynthia is his aunt, but that So what? Cynthia didn‟t like him and didn‟t respect his marriage. When she went to Aurous Hill, she bypassed him and went to meet Elaine, arrogant Elaine, and intervened in the marriage. Charlie detain her and made her suffer in Aurous Hill.”

After saying that, Zhongquan shook his head and smiled with emotion: “Oh! Cynthia has lived for 40 to 50 years, and she has not suffered anything in these 40 or 50 years, and it is only a little bit.

Zhongquan‟s expression became serious again as soon as his voice fell, his expression became serious again, and he said, “But Charlie is a little impulsive this time. Ah! How irrational it is to act directly on the Su family! The Su family‟s reputation is damaged and the ocean transportation is damaged, but other businesses are still operating normally.

Acting directly against Zynn, isn‟t this forcing the Wade Family to start a war with the Su Family?”

Leon followed Zhongquan‟s words at this time and said, “Master, if there really is a war, it would be fine. Anyway, the Su Family has always been our biggest opponent. Even though we have lived peacefully together for 20 years....

Zhongquan waved his hand and said in denial, “Although it is said that, things can‟t be handled like this. We have conflicts with the Su family. To put it bluntly, it is the contradiction of money, the contradiction of interests, and the contradiction of status, but it is not a life-and-death contradiction. We should fight against the Su family, not by force! And we don‟t have any advantage in the military fight. The family members acted on us if they were in a hurry. The trouble would be great.”

He took out his cell phone and said, “I‟ll call Charlie first and ask what‟s going on.”

At this time, he took out his cell phone and said. Charlie is meditating and resting in Shangri-La.

Previously, he had consumed too much aura in Syria, which made him feel more or less mentally regressed, and he felt that he was not awake.

He also wanted to follow the method mentioned in the “Nine Profound Heavenly Scriptures” and try to absorb the so-called heaven and earth aura from around him, but where are the heaven and earth aura in this modern metropolis with iron walls and brick rooms?

Moreover, more than ten meters below the ground are underground garages and foundations, with very little soil, and even the green trees are transplanted from the back.

Such trees, even if they have a century-old age, are meaningless, because when these ancient trees are artificially transplanted, their aura has suffered a huge loss. When they are transplanted into cities, the soil is shallow and the pollution is heavy. It is good to be able to live. What kind of aura is there to help him?

This feeling is like being thrown into the center of the Sahara Desert, with unobstructed bursting sunlight above his head, and endless dry desert under his feet. Even the moisture in the air has long been evaporated to the extreme. Isn‟t that a foolish dream to find water here?

The phone rang, and he opened his eyes from disappointment. When he looked at the screen of the phone, his brows wrinkled.

“Zhongquan Wade?”

“It seems that the old man is here to ask him questions.”

Charlie snorted and pressed the answer button.


Zhongquan‟s voice came.

Charlie asked, “Is there something?”

Zhongquan blurted out: “Charlie, tell the truth to your grandfather, Zynn disappeared in Aurous Hill. Did you do the thing?!”

Charlie said indifferently: “Well, I did it, what‟s the matter?”

Chapter 2760

Zhongquan really didn‟t expect Charlie to admit it so simply.

This sudden magnanimity caught him by surprise.

After a while, he subconsciously sighed: “Charlie, you are crazy!”

Charlie frowned: “Where am I crazy?”

Zhongquan sighed: “You are crazy because you attacked Zynn when you shouldn‟t! 

Think about it! He is the eldest son of the Su family. He disappeared in Shangri-La. Can we leave the Wade family aside?”

Charlie asked, “What? Chengfeng asked you?”

“Yeah!” Zhongquan said with a sad face, “Chengfeng” called and yelled at me and told me to fight the Wade family! You know, our two families have always spoken but didn‟t do anything. If we break the rules this time, the Su family would definitely retaliate wildly. We are also the party who is in the wrong, and it will be difficult to stand up at that time!”

Charlie smiled: “You called for this only?”

Zhongquan heard the disdain in Charlie‟s tone, and spoke very politely. Said: “Charlie, I know that you have a bad temper, and you are unwilling to bear it in many cases, but you still have to look at the overall situation! Now that you start with Zynn, you can‟t cause any substantial damage to the Su family. This guy is completely affected by his Dad. What‟s the point of tying him up? Instead, you gave the Su Family a reason to target us!”

Charlie said indifferently, “I didn‟t do it for the Wade Family. It is to let him pay the price for the Anti-Wade Alliance back then. When he targeted my father, I would target him now. Not only did I tie him up, but I would also take him to Waderest Mountain to the ancestor worship ceremony. Kowtowing at the parents‟ graves to admit their mistakes!”

Zhongquan was taken aback by Charlie‟s remarks, and blurted out: “You…you are trying to force the Su family to fight us to the teeth! If that‟s the case, I would rather not hold an ancestor worship ceremony this year. And we must not start a war with the Su family

now! We have already made the Su family very dissatisfied. As long as we wait patiently, the upper side will surely gradually put pressure on our family. , It is equivalent to helping the Su family to divert the attention from above. When the time comes, the trouble will fall on us…”

Charlie sneered and said: “Master, don‟t be so scared, this matter is not what you thought. It‟s so complicated, and you can rest assured that I have sent Zynn to Syria, no one can find him, and I won‟t let the outside world know his whereabouts, so it won‟t hurt you.”

Zhongquan said helplessly: “Charlie, why do you think the question is so simple? The person disappeared in Shangri-La. Even if you deal with it without showing any traces, we are still in a hundred words guilty and responsible!”

Charlie smiled: “Master, the first question you asked me was What?”

Zhongquan asked in astonishment: “What?”

Charlie said, “It‟s the first question you asked me when the phone was just connected.”

Zhongquan blurted out: “I asked you about Zynn‟s disappearance. Er, did you do it?”

Charlie snorted, and said casually: “Oh, it wasn‟t me.”

“Uh…” Zhongquan was speechless at once, and then said helplessly: “Charlie, you are boring… Chengfeng is not a kid either. If I tell him this, will he believe it?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Is there any way he doesn‟t believe it? Tell him, Mr. Zynn Su has never been to Shangri-La.”

Chapter 2761

Zhongquan was helpless: “What is the meaning of this kind of kid-like sophistry?

Charlie said sternly, “I‟m not sophistry, it‟s the actual situation. Zynn never stayed at Shangri-La. The check-in information does not have his name, and the monitor there has no record of his entering the hotel, do you understand?”

Zhongquan hurriedly asked him: “You erased all the surveillance video when he checked in.” 

“No.” Charlie said lightly, “When he came in, it was for quietness.” Close to Takehiko Ito, but afraid of being discovered by Shangri-La‟s true identity, so he asked the people under his hands to open the room, and then he disguised himself and moved in quietly, bypassing the surveillance, naturally he didn‟t leave any check-in Information.

So if Chengfeng finds you again, you just tell him directly, saying that you have checked the check-in information for the entire Shangri-La, and there is no such person as Zynn.

If he is not convinced, you can ask him to take out Zynn and move into Shangri-La.

Come up with evidence, or let him go to the police directly.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “Then you can bite him again and ask him what he meant, whether he deliberately wanted to trap the Wade Family and find a reason to start a war with the Wade Family.

Zhongquan all listen to the staggering. At first, glance, feel Charlie said that this idea is not very reliable. but try to figure out a closer look, and feel seems to have worked.

Think again, people can not help but be overwhelmed with admiration and even his mind Unable to hide his excitement, he murmured: “D@mn, if Zynn swaggered into Shangri-La, then he must have a unshirkable responsibility for losing Shangri-La, as the Shangri-La belongs to the Wade family. It is definitely impossible for the Wade family to give an explanation.

“But the door of Shangri-La is open 24 hours a day. This son Zynn obviously can walk in, but you have to sneak in like a mouse, and you don‟t leave any traces on your own initiative, then you can be fcuking d@mn if you lose it on my head, this is really a joke.

Thinking of this, he suddenly became excited and blurted out: “Charlie, it turns out that you had thought about this a long time ago. This thing is really awesome.

Charlie said indifferently, “I can‟t talk about awesomeness, but it won‟t bring you the trouble, but even if you say that, you can only make the Su Family suffer a dumb loss.

The Su Family will definitely record the disappearance of Zynn on your head, but I am still under-fed, so You will have to help with this.

Zhongquan smiled and said, “It doesn‟t matter. As long as Chengfeng has no direct evidence to prove that the disappearance has something to do with the Wade family, he has no reason to start a war against us. If there is no reason to start a war and then force a war, the people above have their opinions It will only be bigger, so in this way, Chengfeng would definitely not dare to make a mistake.

He could only be dumb and finished. He hurriedly asked again: “By the way, Charlie, why did you send Zynn to Syria? That too under a warlord named Hamid‟s hands.”

Charlie was not surprised when he heard him mention Hamid. After all, the whole journey to Syria was arranged by his subordinate Chester, and Hamid sent him away. At that time, Chester also saw him. Chester will inevitably report these situations to Zhongquan.

Therefore, Charlie also admitted very generously, saying: “I asked Zynn to sponsor Hamid with 100 million US dollars, and then I sent him there to experience life. The place is isolated from the world. As long as I don‟t let him go, the Su family may not be able to find him for fifty years.

Zhongquan couldn‟t help but said excitedly: “Awesome and beautifully done.”

Chapter 2762

Seeing that Zhongquan has no longer had his previous worries, Charlie said: “If there is nothing else, I‟ll hang up first, and I‟m tired of the troubles along the way, so I have to take a good rest.”

Zhongquan said in a hurry, “OK, well, well. Take a good rest first, grandpa won‟t bother you!”

Charlie was about to hang up, and suddenly remembered something, he said, “Oh, yes, I plan to do ocean transportation. In the future, the Wade family will not talk to me or try to snatch it?”

“What?” Zhongquan exclaimed: “You are going to do ocean transportation?”

“Yes.” Charlie said lightly: “It‟s already in preparation. I will tell you after the project starts. When the time comes, then I will take over the dividends released from the Su family. In addition, in the market south of the Yangtze River, I hope that the Wade family will not come to intervene.”

Zhongquan hesitated for a while, bit the bullet, and agreed, “Okay! In this case, then I will fully support you in starting a business in that part.”

“OK,” Charlie sidewalk: “If so, then hang up,” 

Zhongquan hung up the phone with mixed feelings.

Leon on the side listened silently, and when he saw him hung up the phone, he asked, “Master, what did he say?”

Zhongquan probably repeated what he had said with Charlie on the phone just now.

Afterwards, he sighed: “Master Charlie is really amazing. He went to Syria alone, and even called the commander of the opposition forces a brother, and also asked Zynn to spit 100 million US dollars to the other party. This is tantamount to cultivating overseas contacts. This time, Zynn disappeared, and the Su family‟s dumb loss is settled.”

After speaking, he said with some annoyance: “It‟s just that Charlie suddenly said that he would engage in ocean transportation and hope that I would not interfere in the business in his area. I originally wanted to take the opportunity to grab this piece of Su‟s business market, but he wants it, and I have to give it to him. In this way, we will suffer a lot of losses…. ..” 

Leon asked him: “Then what are you going to do?”

Zhongquan said helplessly: “I won‟t move the Su family for the time being. Let‟s see if he can do it. It would be a good thing if he can take advantage of the trend to make it bigger. Then I can give him the transportation market in the south, but At that time, there must be conditions. I will use this market space for him to return to the Wade family in a fair manner.”

At this moment, Chengfeng is waiting for Zhongquan‟s message while urging his subordinates to collect clues.

However, just like when Shoude disappeared, the entire Aurous Hill is a black hole, devouring his two sons and all information related to them.

At this moment, Anson reported a piece of news: “Master, the eldest master arranged the financial affairs of an overseas company this morning and transferred 100 million US dollars to a Swiss bank account!”

“What?!” Chengfeng blurted out: “Hurry up. Check it out for me! See who the receiving account belongs to !”

Anson said helplessly: “Master, this is not available. The main reason why UBS has been popular all over the world and survived to this day is to protect customer privacy. It‟s impossible to find out whoever checks it.”

After that, Anson added: “However, UBS was forced to sign agreements with some countries. Under certain special circumstances, it can provide services to certain countries. Customer information, but this is also limited to the national level. If you can find the relationship above, it may be possible…”

“It doesn‟t exist…” Chengfeng smacked his lips: “The people all over the country are there. Scolding me, I have a lot of opinions from above. They didn‟t directly ask me to explain in the past. I am already burning the incense. If I go to them for help at this time, wouldn‟t I hit the gun?”

Anson said helplessly: “Then there may be no other way…”

Chengfeng frowned, and muttered: “I don‟t quite understand, since 80% chance is there that Zynn fell into the hands of the Wade family, then what‟s the point of making this 100 million dollars from the Su family? They can‟t care about such a little money…

Chapter 2763

Anson opened the mouth and said: “Maybe it was the smoke bomb they deliberately released?”

“Smoke bomb?” Chengfeng was even more surprised, and said: “It‟s not interesting to have this kind of smoke bomb? …”

Just when Chengfeng was puzzled, Zhongquan called.

Chengfeng hurriedly connected, and blurted out: “Zhongquan, where is my son!”

Zhongquan said coldly: “Chengfeng, how do I know where your son is?”

Chengfeng cursed: “You fcuking fcuk, fcuking with me is a rogue Huh?! My son disappeared from your Shangri-La Hotel! You fcuking tell me that you don‟t know?”

Zhongquan immediately warned, “Chengfeng, it‟s not so fcuking bloody! You said your son disappeared at the Shangri-La Hotel, I let the People check all the check-in information of Shangri-La, and there is no such name as Zynn Su! And I also asked people to check the surveillance video, there is no footage of Zynn staying in Shangri-La at all. I fcuking suspect now seriously. Did you deliberately find fault with me? Did you make Zynn hide, then write and direct such a story , and then ran over to question me and start a war with me?”

Chengfeng heard this. Suddenly he exploded, and he blurted out: “Stop fcuking f@rt!

Am I so bored?!”

Zhongquan sneered: “Who the hell knows you? Didn‟t the Japanese use the same reason in 1937?! I didn‟t expect it. After so many years, let your old stuff learn it!”

“Fcuk!” Chengfeng gritted his teeth angrily: “Zhongquan, you f@rt your mother!” “

I f@rt?” Zhongquan said coldly: “Your son is just the root never been to Shangri-La, you come to question me now, this is not finding fault that? whenever your son really moved into Shangri-La, you come back to me, I have nothing to say, your son may come before?

Your son, if he hasn‟t been here before, you dare to frame me, believe it or not, I will call the police directly, or simply let us go to the people above, and have a good explanation in front of them to see who is doing the trick!”

Chengfeng was speechless immediately.

Only then did he remember that his son had gone to Aurous Hill quietly, and he had not said anything about it.

Moreover, when he checked in, he specially asked irrelevant people to open the room, and then he sneaked into Shangri-La quietly under the cover of his confidant.

More importantly, he hasn‟t been out or showed up since he checked into the hotel. It stands to reason that Shangri-La could not have known his existence.

“So, how did Zynn disappear?!”

“Could it be…Is it really not the Wade Family‟s work behind this incident?”

“If it isn‟t the Wade Family, who would it be… …” At this time, Chengfeng suddenly thought of his second son, Shoude.

The second son, Shoude, had disappeared at the Aurous Hill International Hotel, and the hotel had nothing to do with the Wade family.

Moreover, the way he went missing was also very strange, and he disappeared suddenly without leaving any clues.

In this way, the disappearance of Zynn really has the same effect…

Chapter 2764

At this time, Anson, the butler of the Su family, spoke to the side: “Master, I always feel that this matter is very strange, and the Wade Family still can‟t get rid of the relationship.”

Chengfeng sighed, “Yes. Even if it was the Wade Family‟s actions. We have no good way this time. After all, from the beginning, Zynn deliberately avoided the sight of outsiders.

Now there is no evidence to prove that he has been to Shangri-La. How can we say that he was there? Even if this matter is brought to the top, we are still making trouble.”

Anson said depressed: “Then we can‟t just eat this and be the dumb losers, the second young master is missing, and the eldest young master is also missing. When did our Su family suffer from this kind of loss…If this spreads out, in the future, in front of outsiders, the Su family will lose face…”

Chengfeng clenched his fists and felt a wave of nasty anger in his heart. There is nowhere to vent.

How could he not be annoyed when the two sons disappeared one after another.

However, the two sons are like sinking into the sea, making people unable to find any information or clues, which is full of weirdness.

Moreover, even though Chengfeng knew that the Wade Family must have inseparable ties to the incident, he still didn‟t want to believe that all of this was the Wade Family‟s work.

Because in his knowledge of the Wade Family, it absolutely does not possess such abilities.

Take the situation when the second son Shoude disappeared, at that time the top master of He family stayed at the Aurous Hill International Hotel together with Shoude to ensure safety.

But even so, Shoude still disappeared under his nose.

Afterward, in addition to pleading guilty to matter, Old He also concluded in one word that the strength of the person who kidnapped the second young master must be above him.

Just this sentence left Chengfeng‟s heart lingering.

At first, he couldn‟t figure out how could anyone in Aurous Hill have the strength above Elder He, and secondly, he didn‟t believe that Wade Family could have such a top expert.

So, he said to Anson with a cold face: “Aurous Hill is an extraordinary place, maybe there are really some amazing masters living there. I don‟t know if the old guy Dan can find relevant clues this time. I have invited a top metaphysical master from the UK and asked him to go to Aurous Hill quietly. If he can find a clue, this person will be able to kill him and eliminate my troubles !”

Anson couldn‟t help asking, “Master, then What do we still want Dan and his great grandson to do? The two of them took so much money from us and were unwilling to help us kill people. The price/performance ratio is too low!”

Chengfeng inevitably said a little annoyedly: The old thing! It was due to my father‟s respect for him, so I invited him over. I didn‟t expect this old thing to be so ignorant.

This time, if he can help me find the man behind the scenes, everything will be paid back. Well, if he can‟t find, I don‟t think he needs to return to the United States!”

After several hours of flying, Roma finally arrived in Aurous Hill before dark.

As soon as the plane landed, Issac‟s men directly used a helicopter to take her from the airport to Shangri-La.

Hearing that she has arrived at Shangri-La, Issac immediately came to Charlie‟s room and knocked on the door.

When Charlie opened the door, he respectfully said: “Master, Roma is here, when will you see her?”

Charlie said, “Just now, where is she now?”

Issac replied respectfully: “I.” I asked my subordinates to take her to my office.”

Charlie nodded: “Come, let‟s go to your office and meet her.”

Issac asked hurriedly, “Master, do you want to invite Miss Ruoli over?”

“Don‟t worry. “Charlie said: “I want to talk to her first.”

“Okay,” replied Issac.

Chapter 2765

Charlie and Issac came to the office together. Issac opened the door first. At this moment, a middle-aged woman in her late 40s or early 50s with only one arm was sitting on the sofa in the office.

This woman is Ruoli‟s biological mother, Roma.

Roma was also a standard lady back then. Her appearance was originally a first-class beauty. Coupled with years of martial arts practice, she was tall and well-proportioned, but she lacked an arm that seemed a bit off.

Seeing Charlie and Issac walking in, Roma hurriedly stood up, her expression and demeanor were somewhat cautious.

In her opinion, after all, the other party is the Wade Family Young Master, with noble status, and she is just a member of a martial arts family and a disabled person, so she feels a little inferior.

As soon as Charlie entered the room, he walked towards her with a smile, and said, “Hello, you should be Ms. Roma, right?”

Seeing Charlie, Roma also guessed from the details of Issac opening the door for him It‟s Wade Family Master.

So she said very humbly: “Master Wade, I‟m just an inconspicuous female in the He family. I can‟t afford to meet the Young Master Wade, you are so polite…”

Charlie smiled slightly: “Ms. He doesn‟t have to be this way. Say, in terms of age, you are my elder, and I naturally have to respect you.”

Roma did not expect that Charlie would not have the slightest pretension of a young master, and the first impression of him deep in her heart was very good.

Moreover, she vaguely felt that the young master in front of her, although she could not see any martial arts cultivation skills, always gave people an unfathomable feeling, and should not be an ordinary person.

So she asked respectfully: “Master Wade, I don‟t know why you are looking for me?”

Charlie smiled and said: “Ms. He, please sit down first, don‟t stand up and talk.”

“Okay. …” Roma nodded and sat back on the sofa.

Charlie also sat down opposite her, and said, “I heard that Ms. He‟s family is a well known martial arts family in China?”

Roma hurriedly said, “Master Wade, our He family has indeed practiced martial arts for many years, but we can‟t talk about it. It‟s very famous. After all, there are many families in China, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and there should be many who are stronger than the He family.”

Charlie smiled: “Ms. He doesn‟t have to be so humble. As far as I know, the He family is one of the four major martial arts families in China. Being able to rank in the top four proves that it is definitely not a vain name.”

Roma smiled faintly and said: “The martial arts family itself is nothing special. After all, it is necessary to live by the real top family, otherwise, like ours. The family, once the financial support of the top family is gone, I‟m afraid the descendants of the family will not even have the conditions to practice martial arts.”

After that, she looked at Charlie and asked curiously: “Master Wade, you want to see me by name, I don‟t know what it is. What‟s the matter? Is the Wade family interested in cooperating with our He family?”

Charlie smiled: “Of course I want to cooperate deeply with Ms. He and the He family, but I do not represent the Wade family, but myself.”

Roma was a little puzzled. The young master of the Wade Family in front of her said that he does not represent the Wade Family. Could it be that he has established himself?

At this time, Charlie said again: “By the way, Ms. He, I invite you over this time, mainly because I want you to come over to meet an old friend. As for cooperation, we can take a long time to discuss.”

“Old friend?!” Roma was surprised. “Master Wade, I don‟t know who is that you are talking about?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Ms. He, don‟t worry, you will know who it is when she comes.”

After speaking, He winked at Issac, and said, “Mr. Issac, go get her over!”

Chapter 2766

Issac naturally knew that Charlie asked him to invite Ruoli, who had been in Shangri-La for a long time.

So he immediately reverently said: “Master, wait a minute, I‟ll be back!” 

Seeing Issac leave, Roma was astonished in her heart.

She really couldn‟t figure out what kind of relationship she would have in common with the Wade Family Young Master in front of her.

After all, she saw him for the first time today, and she doesn‟t even know what his name is, let alone what kind of young master he is from the Wade family.

However, she did not ask more, after all, she knew very well, as long as she waited patiently for a few minutes, the answer would naturally be revealed.

At this moment, Ruoli was waiting anxiously in the room.

Since Charlie decided to let her meet her mother, she has been waiting for her mother‟s arrival.

However, he did not communicate with her the progress of the matter in real-time, so she also didn‟t know when her mother could arrive in Aurous Hill either.

Just when she was thinking about it, Issac rang the doorbell outside the door.

Ruoli hurried to the door and opened it. As soon as she saw Issac, she couldn‟t help but blurt out and asked: “Mr. Issac, is my mother here?”

Issac nodded slightly and said: “Ms. He has arrived. Chatting with Young Master, he asked me to invite you over.”

Ruoli became excited and blurted out: “Then take me there!” 

Issac said in a casual way: “Miss Su, please come with me.” 

They moved to Issac‟s office.

Along the way, Ruoli‟s heart, because of excitement is beating faster and faster than normal.

When she came to the door, the whole person was already a little uncontrollable.

Before Issac opened the door for her, Ruoli couldn‟t wait to push the door in.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Roma sitting on the sofa, tears rolled down, and she choked up in her mouth: “Mom…”

Roma stood still as though she was struck by lightning on the spot.

She subconsciously followed the prestige, and she realized that her daughter Ruoli, who was unsure of her life and death, and who had been thinking about her for a long time, was standing at the door!

At this moment, she was so excited that she blurted out and exclaimed: “Ruoli?! It‟s really you?!”

After speaking, she hurried to Ruoli‟s side, raised her remaining left arm, and stretched out her hand. Touched her face, choked up, and said: “It‟s you Ruoli, my dear daughter…Mom, this is not a dream right… I…”

Ruoli grabbed her mother‟s hand and cried. Said: “Mom, you are not dreaming… It‟s really me… I‟m not dead…”

At this moment, Roma‟s emotions were completely out of control, and she patted Ruoli‟s back. Leaving into her arms, she cried and said, “Ruoli, it was so hard for mom to find you… I thought I would never see you again in this life…”

Ruoli Hugging her mother tightly with her hands, she cried sadly and said: “Mom, I also thought that I would never have a chance to see you in my life, and I would never have a chance to be filial…”

After speaking, she looked not far away. She choked up and continued: “Thanks to master Wade‟s rescue in Tokyo, otherwise, I‟m afraid I would have been executed long ago…”

Chapter 2767

Roma hurriedly turned around, looked at Charlie shocked and moved, and asked, “Master Wade, you saved Ruoli?!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said calmly: “When the accident happened, I happened to be there. I took her back to China by boat, so I rescued her and brought her back.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “By the way, Ms. He, I kept Ruoli at Shangri-La during this period of time, and did not allow her to contact the outside world. I‟m sorry to worry you for such a long time. Please don‟t think negative.”

Roma hurriedly said, “What are you saying, Master? You saved my only daughter. I‟m grateful that you haven‟t had time. Why? It‟s a strange meeting…”

Roma suddenly realized that her daughter Ruoli seemed a little different from before.

After practicing martial arts for many years, she noticed that Ruoli‟s aura is much more stable than before, and also faintly stronger, so she asked in surprise: “Ruoli, your martial arts training has broken through?!”

Ruoli nodded and said, “Thanks to Master Wade‟s initiation, he helped me to completely open up the Ren Vessel and let me succeed in it. In addition, I have been staying in the hotel room during this period of time, practicing hard and consolidating. Because, so there has been considerable improvement in strength!”

Roma said dumbfounded: “What? Your Ren Vessel has been successfully established?!”

Roma, who has practiced martial arts for half a lifetime, understands what it means to completely open Ren Vessel.

People have eight channels of strange meridians, and those who can get through the two channels are already top-notch masters to ordinary people.

If you can get through more meridians, that would definitely be a master of martial arts.

But even a martial arts master who can get through half of the odd meridian and eight channels, on average, can only get through 50 or 60% of each meridian.

Moreover, for so many years, hardly anyone has ever heard of anyone who can completely open to the realm of Dacheng.

In the past, the top masters of the He family did not have the opportunity to completely open up the Ren Vessel, and at most, they were able to get through 80%. He was at the top of the pyramid of the entire He family for so many years.

According to what he himself said, the reason why he was able to achieve such an achievement mainly relied on the 80% of the line of Ren.

The Ren and Du two meridians are the most basic of the eight meridian channels. For martial arts masters who practice internal martial arts, these two meridians are equivalent to the two most important arteries in the human body.

Their importance to the human body is equivalent to the two most important strategic transportation railways in a country. The greater the volume of these two railways, the stronger the country‟s combat readiness.

In the event of war, such a large artery can transport 10,000 people a day, or 100,000 or 200,000 people a day, which will play a decisive role in the victory or defeat of the war! 

Therefore, there is a meridian that can reach an unobstructed degree of more than 80%.

For martial arts masters, it is equivalent to having a very powerful strategic artery. Based on it, the strength of the whole person will be greatly improved.

If this meridian can be completely successful, then the martial arts behind it can be said to be twice the result with half the effort!

For so many years in the entire He family, there has never been a person with a great reputation, so Roma can‟t believe that such a huge breakthrough will happen to her daughter.

So, she asked Ruoli with a look of shock: “Ruoli, are you kidding with your mother?! A person of Renmai Dacheng, I have never heard of it in my life…”

Ruoli unswervingly said: “Mom! I didn‟t make a joke with you! Master Wade is a top master with great supernatural powers. After he helped me completely open up the Ren Vessel, my strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and now my main Vessel has continuously broken through thirty percent, now I am faintly breaking through the 40 percent. In the beginning, my Ren channel was only 40 percent, and the main channel was less than 20 percent!”

Roma subconsciously pinched Ruoli‟s vein with her hand, and then used internal force to explore it. After a while, Her whole person‟s expression immediately became extremely shocked!

Immediately afterward, she came back to her senses, released Ruoli, turned around to look at Charlie, and suddenly knelt on the ground with a thud, choked up, and said: “The great kindness of Master Wade is unforgettable!”

Chapter 2768

Roma has been looking for Ruoli for so long. Although she has been reluctant to give up, she also vaguely felt that the chance of getting her daughter back was very slim.

Even, she had accepted the fact in her heart that her daughter was killed, but the core driving force generated by maternal love deep down in her heart urged her to continue to look for her, because this is her only sustenance.

During this period of time, Roma felt that as long as her daughter is alive, no matter what price she pays, she can accept it. Even if her daughter is injured and paralyzed, she will be satisfied as long as the daughter is still alive.

However, she didn‟t dare to dream about it. Not only did her daughter stand in front of her intact, she even made a huge breakthrough in her cultivation.

This is simply a blessing in disguise, and it is a blessing in the sky because of that killing affair!

The fact that Ren Mai is a great success is a height that countless martial arts masters dare not reach for a lifetime!

Apart from anything else, Ren‟s pulse is great, at least Ruoli‟s cultivation base, at the original speed of cultivation, has stepped forward for fifty to sixty years.

Even if she allowed her to practice for another fifty or sixty years, she might not be able to cultivate Ren Channel to the fullest.

Therefore, the daughter is so lucky, how can she, a mother, not be excited.

It was the Wade Family‟s Young Master who saved her daughter‟s life and allowed her to improve her cultivation by leaps and bounds. Therefore, deep in Roma‟s heart, she was even willing to use her life to repay Charlie‟s great kindness.

Seeing Roma kneeling in front of him, Charlie was about to step forward to help, Ruoli also hurriedly followed her mother and knelt down.

Mom knelt to Grace for her, how could she stand.

She knelt next to her mother and choked up and said: “Master Wade, if I can see my mother again, it is all due to your kindness. From now on, Ruoli is willing to follow you by your side and serve you with heart and soul!”

Ruoli said. When speaking, her heart is actually a bit selfish.

She knew that Charlie was not the kind of person who bound her with kindness, so she was very worried that after Charlie let her meet her mother, he would directly ask her mother to take her away.

Although Ruoli missed her mother, wanted to see her, and let her know that she was still alive, she did not want to go back to live with her mother.

This is because she wants to be able to stay with Charlie in the future.

On the one hand, it is indeed for repaying the gratitude, and on the other hand, it is only because she has already fallen in love with him.

Moreover, she also knows very well that her status as an illegitimate daughter is not worthy of Charlie‟s status. Just like her mother Roma and father Zynn back then, although they had feelings, they were ultimately divided into masters and servants. So she hoped that she could stay by Charlie like her mother was by her father‟s side.

That‟s why she told Charlie that she was willing to stay by his side and follow him.

When Roma heard this, she understood her daughter‟s choice in her heart.

Chapter 2769

At this moment, she was struggling deep in her heart.

She didn‟t know what her daughter was thinking.

It‟s just that she recalled the ill feelings between herself and Zynn, and then thought of the hardship of raising Ruoli alone. She was afraid that Ruoli would follow in her own footsteps in the future.

If possible, she would never want her daughter to end up like herself.

When there was a tingling deep in her heart, Charlie suddenly said: “Ruoli, I saved you at the beginning, and I didn‟t want you to reward me with your own life, so you don‟t have to follow me all the time in the future. You can completely change your head and start your own new life with a clean identity.”

Ruoli hurriedly shook her head and said, “Master, if I leave the current situation, if they know what I am, if I don‟t have you as my asylum, I am afraid that sooner or later, I will fall into the hands of the Japanese. I am afraid that no one in the world can protect me…”

Speaking of this, Ruoli whispered sadly: ” So… if I hope to stay with Master, on the one hand, I can do something for you, and on the other hand, I also hope to continue to be protected by you master…”

Roma At that time, suddenly realized that her daughter and herself are actually quite different.

Back then, as Zynn‟s bodyguard, she had been serving Zynn wholeheartedly. It can even be ignored that she dedicated her entire youth to him, and one arm was also dedicated to him.

Then she gave birth to Ruoli for him, which is equivalent to devoting to him in disguised form in the second half of her life.

But the daughter‟s difference is that this Young Master is her lifesaver. If her daughter stays with him in the future, it will not be her daughter‟s blind dedication.

In this way, her life will naturally not be as sad as her own.

So she hurriedly said, “Master Wade, if Ruoli has made a catastrophe in Japan, they will never let her go easily. You were able to rescue her from them, and you must be able to protect her well. She has been practicing hard since she was a child, and dare not say that she has the outstanding aptitude, she can be regarded as the upper-middle grade among her peers. After you help her get through the line of Ren, her strength can definitely be regarded as the best among her peers in the country. With her by your side, she will definitely be able to help you solve many problems, so please keep her by your side!”

Charlie is also very clear in his heart, as long as the body of Ruoli is not found for a day, the Japanese Will never give up.

Once Ruoli‟s identity is exposed, she will definitely face the scourge of death.

Therefore, staying by his side should be the best option for her.

Moreover, Charlie also felt that he did lack some truly capable assistants.

Whether Orvel, Issac, or other representatives of the Aurous Hill family, including Warnia, are ordinary people with little cultivation skills. Although Aoxue‟s current strength is good, she is still a little girl in school after all. He is sure, he can‟t let her do some fighting and killing things for himself.

Therefore, keeping Ruoli and cultivating her into a confidant is also a matter of very practical significance to him. Ruoli not only has the strength but also could command dozens of masters when she was in the Su family. The ups and downs in Japan prove that she still has strong leadership ability. If she is asked to come forward and cultivate a strong force for him in the future, it will be of great benefit.

Thinking of this, Charlie said, “Ruoli, since you are willing to stay by my side, you will be my person from today. From now on, you will follow my orders, and you will do your best to protect me and keep me safe, if you decide to leave one day, you can tell me honestly and bluntly that you don‟t want to stay here at that time, but you must keep in mind that before you leave formally, you can‟t do anything about it, don‟t eat anything, understand?”

Ruoli blurted out without hesitation: “Please don‟t worry, Master, as long as you don‟t dislike me, even if I leave this life, I will follow you after my death and never give up!”

Chapter 2770

Charlie assisted the mother and daughter to their feet, then turned to Roma and said, “This time, Ms. He, you came to Aurous Hill to check on Ruoli‟s affairs. Please make every effort to keep it fully confidential.

Keep it a secret from everyone, including the He family!”

Roma knows that the safest way to keep a secret is to not tell anyone; otherwise, if an opening is made, it can become known to outsiders in the future, no matter how small the opening is.

Roma knows that if Ruoli is her own daughter, she will never show it to the outside world. The rest of the He family, on the other hand, is difficult to categorize. Her father, too, may not be absolutely trustworthy.

As a result, she is naturally tight-lipped about her daughter's safety. 

As a consequence, she claimed emphatically: “You may rest assured, Master, I will keep my mouth shut on this. I'm not going to tell anyone after I leave this place!”

“Mom, when are you going to leave?” Ruoli inquired as soon as she heard this.

“I told your grandfather that I will go to Jiaodong Peninsula tomorrow to find your whereabouts, so I will go there tomorrow,” Roma said after a moment‟s thought. 

Ruoli was distraught, holding Roma‟s one-armed body coquettishly in her arms like a little girl: “Mom… Can‟t you stay with me for another day because you haven‟t seen me in a long time?”

“Ruoli, of course, mom wants to stay with you, don‟t say stay with you for one more day, even if I am here with you in the future, mom is able to…” Roma sighed and said seriously.

Roma, speaking of this, said helplessly: “But… everybody in the He family knows I‟ve been searching for you for a long time.

This time, I also told your grandfather that no matter what Maste Wade says to me or what So says to me, I have to go to the Jiaodong Peninsula tomorrow to look for you.

I‟m afraid your grandfather would become suspicious if I unexpectedly stay in Aurous Hill and do not leave…”

“While I have no doubt that your grandfather would not harm you, the He family has a tangled web of relationships and too many uncontrollable variables.

And, despite the fact that we have broken with the Su family, I have always believed thatthey are secretly watching us.

If they inform the Su family that you are still alive, it is possible that they will continue to pursue you.”

Ruoli‟s expression became resentful when she heard Roma mention the Su family, and she said coldly: “Mom! Our He family has devoted many years to the Su family‟s business, but in the end, the Su family is not only uninterested in our old relationship,

but also uninterested in my family, and even sold me to the Japanese Self-Defense Force. I‟ll pay back this anger in the future!”

Roma “In the eyes of the Su family, we are the bodyguards they paid for. They were the servants of the nursing home in ancient times. They believed that as long as they provided us with money, we should be happy. We‟re desperate, and we‟re not deserving of their feelings, in their opinion.”

She spoke with a sigh and said: “In terms of retribution, Mom recommends that you put it off for the time being. In any case, the Su family‟s power is unrivaled by the He family.

In the future, you will obey Master. Just sit by Master Wade‟s side in the saddle, and don‟t think about getting vengeance on the Su family.”

Ruoli, red-eyed and choked, said: “I‟m not going to give up on vengeance. Three and five years will not suffice; three and five years will not suffice; ten and eight years will suffice.

With just twenty participants, it‟s practically impossible. Years, even decades, will pass before I make the Su family pay for all of this!”

Roma: “It doesn‟t make sense for Mom to persuade you based on what‟s in your heart, but you must control your emotions.

Your cultivation standard has reached a critical point. Don‟t let hate take over your life.

What a demon can‟t achieve a thinking human can achieve!”

Ruoli gave a soft nod.

At the time, Charlie said: “You and Ruoli haven‟t seen each other in a long time, Ms. He, so you should go back to your room and relax. I‟m sure you‟ve got a lot to say to each other.

I‟m going to let you go. Have dinner, and if you need any additional assistance, please contact the service staff.”

“Thank you, Master!” Roma said with a small bow.

Chapter 2771

Charlie said, with a small smile: “By the way, Ms. He, if you‟re interested in the He family, we should talk about a potential collaboration.

I‟ll recruit you to work with me at that time, removing the need for you and Ruoli to split.”

Ruoli on the side said excitedly: Roma did not talk “That‟s fantastic! Then you‟ll switch to Aurous Hill, Mom!”

Roma “If you just told me not to tell anyone about Ruoli, then I can‟t bring anyone from the He family over, and let her work together…

However, if I am unable to carry any family members, I am a disabled person with restricted ability, and I am uncertain what I can do for you at that time…”

“Ms. He, I understand what you mean,” Charlie said with a small smile. “However, in my view, this issue is not contradictory.”

After a brief pause, Charlie spoke up and explained: “First and foremost, I am very interested in working closely with the He family.

This cooperation is focused on me, you, and the rest of the He family, so you don‟t have to worry about Ruoli whether you support her or not.

Even if the He family sends thousands of people to Aurous Hill with you in the future, they will have no idea who Ruoli is.”

Roma said with a slight nod: “Even though the entire He family has developed deep cooperation with you, Master, it is still impossible to inform the other family members of  Ruoli‟s situation except for me. Is it okay if I view this way?”

“No problem,” With a smile, Charlie said: “The He family has now broken away from the Su family and needs a steady source of income, so I‟m considering broadening my sphere of influence.

It‟s when people need to be hired, so I‟m hoping He‟s be willing to work with me.

Furthermore, the compensation I can offer to He is unquestionably something He will not be able to refuse.”

Roma politely bowed slightly and said: “My father decides whether or not the He family can comply with you, so I‟ll take the liberty of asking you what kind of conditions you should give the He family.

If it is more convenient for you, you will inform me directly, and I will forward your message to my father, who will make the final decision.”

“What conditions did the Su family give you before?” Charlie asked, laughing.

Roma “Every year, the Su family will pay the He family a fixed contract payment. The total sum is 600 million yuan, which is split into 50 million yuan monthly payments.

In addition, there will be an event at the end of the year. There is an estimate to be made. If the He family performs the necessary number of tasks during the year. We will earn an additional one to two billion in bonuses.”

“This is essentially the same as the basic salary plus success bonus model for jobs,”

Charlie said lightly “Yes,” 

Roma: “The He family could only do their best to support the Su family in the past in order to make more money.

This is mostly due to the fact that there are immediate descendants of the He family who practice martial arts. More than fifty people live in the He household, and the different medicinal materials needed by so many people to practice martial arts account for more than half of their income.

If we break up with the Su family after the accident, they will instantly stop paying us in cash, including the last payment. The monthly payment of $50 million was not repaid.

During this time, the He family‟s financial condition worsened, and everyone‟s cultivation development was seriously hampered.”

When Charlie heard this, he raised his brows and inquired, “Ms. He, may I inquire, what kind of medicinal materials do you need for cultivation?”

Chapter 2772

“Master, our He family‟s internal boxing system has a relatively large demand for temperature and medicinal materials,”

Roma said in response to Charlie‟s query. It is primarily composed of qi-invigorating drugs, as well as medicinal materials for body strengthening, such as ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, velvet antler, and cordyceps sinensis.

Some Chinese herbal medicines used for bathing medicinal baths are primarily responsible for body strengthening.”

“Our family has two prescriptions, one is called Bukisan, and the other is called Xentel, Bukisan is made of precious medicinal materials such as ginseng and Ganoderma in a unique way, and the traditional Chinese medicine made by boiling will replenish qi, blood, and internal force after oral administration, so as to enhance the internal force and enhance meridia,” 

Roma said. “As for the Xentel, it‟s a decoction made from a variety of Chinese herbal medicines that  people soak in to strengthen their bones and muscles and improve their overall strength.”

“Then how much does your entire family spend on medicinal materials each month?”

Charlie inquired.

“In the past, our investment was at its peak, at least 20 to 30 million yuan every month,”

Roma hurriedly explained, “basically, we can guarantee that every member of the martial arts family will receive a pair of Buqisan powder and a pair of Xantel powder every month, or even two to three pairs if the Body Decoction is a key training object.”

“However, since the family‟s financial condition is a little stretched,” Roma sighed and said, “my father temporarily cut off much of the investment in medicinal materials because the family‟s financial situation is a little stretched.” 

“At the moment, the family‟s approximate monthly cost of medicinal materials is about three to five million yuan; most family members with ordinary qualifications can no longer receive medicinal materials; there are only a few main training items, which they can scarcely use, but the medicinal materials are also greatly discounted, and the medicine‟s effectiveness is naturally weakened.”

“How is the effect of your two medicinal materials?” Charlie inquired once more.

“In fact, even if the medicinal materials are not discounted, the effect is not very strong,”

Roma said helplessly, “mainly because the effects of the prescriptions we use are relatively average, and the loss of medicinal materials is great. People may see immediate results, but for those who already have a certain training base, the effect can only be said to be average.”

“When it comes to prescriptions, I happen to have a pill that can improve the body‟s internal and external power. I personally think it‟s very healthy, but I‟m not sure if it‟s appropriate. The inner heart of your family, Madam He, you can try this medication with Ruoli,” Charlie said peacefully.

Charlie drew two blood-saving, heart-saving pills from his pocket as he spoke.

This type of pill isn‟t particularly important to him. He can refine it in vast amounts if he needs to.

This type of pill has little effect on someone like Charlie, but it has a great effect on ordinary citizens.

If someone suffers from hemiplegia and high paraplegia, both of which can be treated with this medication.

Ordinary people can significantly enhance their physical health by taking it, which has the benefit of extending lifespan to some degree.

This drug possesses remarkable medicinal properties. Internal strength is certainly a panacea that you can‟t even think of for martial arts practitioners like Roma and Ruoli.

It can not only strengthen the body and strengthen the meridians, but it can also significantly enhance Internal strength.

Like Aoxue initially relied on a blood-saving, heart-saving pill, and her strength quickly improved in a short period of time.

She went from being well behind Ito Nanako to overtaking her with just only one pill.

This demonstrates how effective this type of effect can be on ordinary martial artists.

The power of Ruoli and Roma can be seen by Charlie. Even though they are at the top of the martial arts family, they are still poor, and they can‟t even make it to the table.

As a result, the effect of the He family‟s medication tonic method must be small, and it may not even exceed one-thousandth of that of the blood-saving heart-saving pill.

As a result, he had a strategy in his head.

“Didn‟t the Su family previously use the money to purchase the He family?” “Then I‟m going to change my course today!”

“To profoundly bind He family, I will use money as a complement and medicine as the mainstay!”

“Doesn‟t the family want to cultivate more masters?” “How can it give you 10 billion a year with your current system alone?”

“Even if I let the people eat ginseng every day, how about it?”

“Using that method of stacking medicinal materials, in any case, the effect is certainly not as good as my blood-saving heart-saving pill!”

“After personally witnessing the effects of the blood-saving heart-saving tablets, I believe the He family will certainly regard it as a normal!”

“At that time, all I have to do is give the He family a few pills every year, and the entire He family will be desperate to follow me!”

Roma is also unaware of Charlie‟s feelings.

Chapter 2773

When she saw Charlie take out two tablets and hand them to her and her daughter, she couldn‟t help but ask, “Master, can we just take this medication now?”

“Yes,” Charlie said solemnly, “this drug is made with a special formula, it melts in the mouth and the result is released very easily, there are no toxic side effects, and you can try it right now.”

Despite the fact that Roma has no idea how powerful this pill is, she is certain that Charlie will not hurt her or Ruoli, so she said without hesitation, “Thank you, Master, then I will give it a try!”

She put the medicine in her mouth without hesitation after speaking.

Ruoli didn‟t give it much thought until swallowing the drug.

Both of them were shocked to find that after taking the pill, it melted like ice cubes in hot water and then turned into a liquid current into the body.

This is both the mother‟s and daughter‟s first encounter with this sensation, so it‟s understandably thrilling.

The Pill is refined using the process described in the “Nine Profound Heaven Classics,” though it is not as successful as the Rejuvenating Pill. It differs from all other Chinese medicine pills in terms of nature at this point.

Other pills are boiled in ordinary ways, and then the boiled concoction and mud are turned into wax pills, making them relatively difficult to swallow. Once swallowed into the belly, the pills would slowly digest and release the drug for a long time.

Charlie‟s tablets, on the other hand, were different.

The pill‟s entry transforms into a warm current that flows into body, and then one can sense an incredibly pure internal force rapidly radiating through the body‟s meridians!

Mother and daughter have never experienced an internal force so strong and pure.

They‟d all been caught off balance.

Roma was the first to regain consciousness. “Ruoli, this internal power found in the pill is incredibly awesome, quickly direct it to run in the pubic region, and don‟t waste this great opportunity!” she exclaimed, unable to control her inner ecstasy.

Internal force can be run in the body by all martial arts practitioners who practice the inner family heart system, and they know how to move it through the body meridians and into the dantian.

It‟s just that most martial artists‟ internal strength is pitiful, like gathering dew on grass leaves every morning because the amount is so minimal that every drop appears to them to be extremely important.

Ruoli and Roma have always been the same, working hard every day to run a small internal force, nourishing and developing their own power a little at a time, and change has been slow.

Charlie‟s blood-saving, heart-saving pill, on the other hand, was like a downpour in their bodies, and the surge of internal energy totally outstripped their understanding!

Roma even believes that in front of Charlie‟s pill, His most precious form is completely different from the mud, and it isn‟t worth mentioning!

If Charlie‟s pill contains a powerful heavy bomb, the qi scattered in front of it, at best, it‟s just a rub that even children would dare to hold in their hands and set off the weapon Even if a million or ten thousand pairs of Buqisan Powder were combined, they couldn‟t compare to Charlie‟s pill!

Chapter 2774

The most important difference between the He family‟s Bukisan and Charlie‟s Pill is the medicinal properties, the medicinal effect.

The essential properties of a drug are referred to as medicinal properties.

Right now, I‟m only using the analogy.

Blood Rescue Pill is a military-grade heavy bomb.

The Buqisan is just a regular firework.

The difference is not only in the amount of energy released, but also in the fundamental nature of the explosion.

Combat explosives, for example, can pierce a one-meter-thick steel plate and a tenmeter-thick concrete fortification. Ordinary firecracker gunpowder, on the other hand, will not pierce a one-meter-thick steel plate. It‟s a fundamental flaw in the natural world.

He‟s Buqisan is an example of this.

One pair per month is equivalent to a monthly extra meal of large fish and meat. It can increase nutrient intake and boost physical health to some degree, but I want to eat a masterpiece just by consuming this kind of food. It‟s all a bunch of nonsense visions.

Charlie‟s blood-saving Heart-saving pill, on the other hand, is a one-of-a-kind panacea!

Ruoli, who was standing to the side, felt the same way.

She has always been regarded as one of the Su family‟s most eligible offspring, so she used to get at least Sanfu Bukisan and Xentel Decoction every month, but these two medicines just gave her the feeling of “It‟s better than nothing,” and she was still far from making rapid progress.

The pill provided by Charlie, on the other hand, contained a surge of internal power that not only improved the meridians immediately but also strengthened the entire body from the inside out.

Furthermore, this internal force is not a scourge of wild beasts tearing through the body, but rather a meticulously nourishing force that feeds the whole body from the inside out. The pill‟s effectiveness has increased. It seems like every cell in the body is following this.

What shocked her the most was that the third meridian she had been unable to break through, the Chong meridian in the odd meridian‟s eight channels, also broke through silently at this time!

This kind of breakthrough isn‟t quite as spectacular as thunder on the horizon, but it‟s just as smooth and normal as piercing a sheet of window paper!

Furthermore, the main Vessel, which had been opened, was on the verge of breaking through 40% to 50%!

You should know that in the He family for many years, only one male, Ruoli‟s grandfather, has opened up the three levels of meridians.

Despite the fact that Luther has opened up the three meridians, they are not as smooth as Ruoli‟s.

Ruoli‟s power unexpectedly became the top one of the He family, at least doubled on the previous basis, with only Charlie‟s pill!

How could she not be ecstatic about such a fantastic opportunity?

Her mother, Roma, benefited greatly as well!

Her eight odd meridian channels are similar to Ruoli‟s. They only open up Ren and Du‟s second channel. The Ren channel is 50 percent complete, while the Du channel is 20 percent complete.

However, the strong medicinal effect of this pill caused her Ren Vessel to succeed immediately, and the main Vessel also broke through to 40%.

Her present strength is comparable to Ruoli‟s before she began taking the drug.

Be mindful that Ruoli‟s meridians have been sparsely passed through by Charlie with aura prior to taking the drug. Renmai Dacheng not only raised her cultivation level significantly, but she also laid a stronger foundation for future cultivation. A sturdier base.

Roma now has the same solid base.

“Thank you. Master bestowed such a precious pill to me and my daughter. Your great kindness is unforgettable for me!” Roma knelt on her knees again, reverently and with great gratitude, and said, “Thank you. Master bestowed such a precious pill to me and my daughter. Your great kindness is unforgettable for me!”

“Master, thank you for your pill… This pill must be very expensive, right?” Ruoli said excitedly as she knelt on the ground subconsciously.

“Of course it‟s expensive,” Charlie said flatly. “This kind of medication has a price but no market; no one has it except me.”

“If Ruoli, I believe you used the medication to get through the pulse just now, and your power has almost doubled; it‟s gratifying!” Charlie said.

When Roma heard this, she was taken aback and exclaimed, “Ruoli, you…you have broken through the pulse!”

“Yeah…” said Ruoli, her eyes red, “Mom, my pulse has been opened up…”

“Since your grandfather opened Chongmai 40 years ago, there has been no second person who can open Chongmai for 40 years… Today you finally did Get through…” said Roma, who was in tears and in awe.

Chapter 2775

Ruoli couldn‟t take her gaze away from Charlie. No one could compare to the picture of Charlie in her mind at the time.

She couldn‟t understand why Charlie possessed such incredible strength and abilities.

He only gave her a pulse for the first time, but she didn‟t expect to be able to support her get through the whole pulse.

He gave her a pill this time, but she didn‟t expect it to help her get through the third meridian.

For average citizens, these two historic breakthroughs are once-in-a-lifetime occurrences.

Many people have spent their entire lives cultivating and learning, but they have yet to fully open the Ren Vessel.

More people tried their hardest to learn martial arts, but they were unable to complete the three meridians.

However, in a very short period of time, she was presented with two excellent opportunities, one after the other.

Furthermore, Charlie‟s assistance was instrumental in achieving the two major breakthroughs in a flash.

It also means that Charlie will achieve a significant breakthrough for a martial artist of

his caliber while conversing and laughing.

From this perspective, Charlie‟s power maybe a hundred or thousand times greater than his!

Roma was ecstatic. She was inundated with surprises today. Her daughter is still alive, and she has made significant progress in her cultivation.

Is it not possible to get any more thrilling than this?

In addition, she was struck by her daughter‟s light, and in one leap, she fully opened up the Ren Vessel, doubling her power. It was clearly a divinely appointed opportunity.

This young man in his twenties was the one who provided her with this series of surprises and opportunities.

“Master, the whole He family, would like to see you as the head of our horse! All will  follow your dispatch!” she said earnestly to Charlie. 

“I am even now when I am hiring people,” Charlie said indifferently, “and if the He family is able to cooperate with me in all ways, then I will provide the He family with five medicinal pills per year for an additional 100 million yuan!”

When Roma heard the words “Five Pills,” she was overjoyed.

She thinks about her family, so she instantly thought, “If one pill can double a person‟s ability, why can‟t the family develop at least five first-line masters, or train two? A Super League top-ranking expert!”

“If these remarkable talents continue to receive the pill in the second year, their power will undoubtedly grow rapidly!”

“If Ruoli can get an elixir from it every year in the future, she may be able to get through the fourth meridian after four or five years, and her power will grow again!”

“You must understand that the entire He family has hundreds of years of martial arts history, and there is only one master who can get through the four meridians! If Ruoli takes Master Wade‟s pill, she is very likely to become the He family‟s hundreds of years of martial arts history Second person!”

“Give the He family ten years, Ruoli will be able to open up five meridians, and there may be some more masters in the He family who can open three or even four meridians!”

“In that case, the He family‟s power will be greatly enhanced, and it may even become the country‟s number one martial arts family!”

“Ten years may seem like a long time, but it is a blink of an eye in the He family‟s long history of hundreds of years!”

Chapter 2776

In reality, Charlie doesn‟t think this type of blood-saving, the heart-saving pill is worth mentioning.

It‟s just a matter of hooking your thumbs, whether you owe the He family fifty or one hundred dollars a year.

However, he wants to restrict the number to five per year in order to impress upon the He family the importance of this item.

Charlie also understands that, in terms of the Blood-saving Pill‟s usefulness for martial arts practitioners, giving two pills a year is enough to make the whole He family work for him.

The He family deserves five stars because it will enable them to concentrate on training three or five talented warriors in a systematic manner each year.

Roma was well aware of the importance of this pill and recognised that it represented a significant growth opportunity for the He family; she didn‟t have time to ask her father for instructions, so she decided on behalf of the entire He family.

She was certain that her father would not say no! He and his family could not refuse!

“From now on, at the end of the twelfth lunar month of the lunar calendar, I will make a year-end evaluation based on the performance of the He family in one year,”

I would naturally offer He‟s a few extra pills at the end of the year if the family is really committed to Do its best and work hard for me.”

Roma‟s heart swelled with joy as she learned of this. “Then I‟d like to thank Master for the more than a hundred people from the He family!” she said without hesitation.

“Master, in your view, is it appropriate for the He family to move from Mocheng to Aurous Hill?” Roma asked again.

“The movement of the family is too much, it is needless,” Charlie said after a moment's thinking. You should talk to the Patriarch of the He family first after your return. Tell him first if he has no objections.

Ten generations of the He family‟s strongest descendants will travel to Aurous Hill. Ms. He will be in charge of these ten. I‟ll find you a suitable house to settle down in Aurous Hill ahead of time.”

“As for Ruoli, she will stay with me for the time being,” Charlie said, looking at Ruoli.

“No problem,” Roma hurriedly replied. “I‟ll return to Mocheng the next day and tell my father about the situation.”

I am certain that my father will not object, and I will obey Master‟s instructions for the rest!”

“If you do anything, obey Master‟s orders!” said Ruoli, bowing after her mother.

“Ms. He, these two tablets, please take them back and give them a tasting, lest you have nothing to say,”

Charlie said as he nodded and pulled out two more blood-dissipating heart-saving pills. 

He isn‟t a fair judge.”

“Master, one should be enough…” Roma said, a little pleased but also a little nervous. 

“One of the two pills can be tried by your father, and the other can be divided into several parts, placed in water, and tried by the younger generation of the He family,”

Charlie said with a smile.

It is, in reality, beneficial to the younger generation. People do not take more than one at a time because at least 30-40% of the medicinal power is not absorbed by the body at once, resulting in waste.

All of the therapeutic effects can be best used with this step-by-step approach.”

“Oh, I knew I wouldn‟t take the whole pill…” Roma said abruptly, regretfully. 

“It won‟t matter,” Charlie said with a smile, “there will be opportunities in the future.”

“You take these two pills first, then the remaining three pills,” Charlie said again. When you confirm and the individual arrives in Aurous Hill, I will give you all at once.”

“Master, you have just sent us four in a row,” Roma exclaimed, surprised. There should be one left based on five in a year!”

“The two previously given to you and Ruoli are not counted,”

Charlie said calmly. That‟s a little gesture of concern for you mother and daughter. In the future, I will give you two extras per year. These two are unrelated to the He family.”

Chapter 2777

Roma became anxious and unsure of what to say, so she shouted, shocked and delighted, “This…this is too costly, how can we…”

“I and Ruoli are both destined, not to mention the long-term cooperation in the future,”

Charlie said with a wave of his hand. Ms. He doesn‟t have to think about it anymore because a small pill isn‟t important.”

“You mother and daughter have finally met again,” Charlie continued, “There must be a lot to say, I won‟t bother you too much.”

Roma saw that Charlie had already agreed to end the discussion and realized she didn‟t have to worry any longer, so she said politely, “Please follow Master‟s arrangements!”

“Young Master, then I will take my mother back to my home,” Ruoli said from the side, taking a step forward and bowing. Please let us know if you have anything to do with us.”

“Go ahead, contact the staff directly if you have any needs,” Charlie said with a nod.

Thanking Charlie the mother and daughter, Roma and Ruoli were able to return to their hotel room.

Roma couldn‟t stop crying as soon as she walked into the room.

“Mom, why are you crying again?” Ruoli rushed forward and questioned.

“I am so relieved…” Roma sighed as she brushed away her tears. Mom has uncontrollably considered countless possibilities since your crash, both good and bad, But still, it‟s the best possible I‟ve ever considered, and it‟s less than one-tenth of what it is now… Mom had not expected your life to take such a dramatic turn…”

“Mom, I‟m sorry, this time has made you worry…” Ruoli said, her eyes red.

“With today‟s situation, Mom‟s previous worries are all worth it…” Roma grinned, relieved.

“By the way, Ruoli, what is the origin of that Master?” she inquired, curiously. She can‟t believe she has ever heard of such a strong Wade family junior! “Can you tell me his name?”

“Master‟s name is Charlie Wade,” Ruoli hurriedly said.

“I have an impression of this generation of men from the Wade family, there appears to be no one called Charlie…” said Roma, frowning.

“Mom, do you know Changying Wade?” Ruoli inquired.

“Changying Wade?” exclaims the narrator. “Of course I know,” Roma exclaimed, “that was the Wade family back then, one of the most illustrious in the world, your father…”

Roma inadvertently mentioned Zynn, but she was afraid that her daughter would be upset if she talked about what the Su family had done, so she quickly said, “I don‟t want to talk about your father.” Why, did you suddenly bring up Wade Changying? Many years ago, he died suddenly.”

“Mom, Master Wade is Changying‟s son,” Ruoli said quickly. He moved to Aurous Hill with his parents when he was eight years old. His parents died suddenly not long after.

Master Wade hasn‟t stopped since then. He‟s been in the orphanage since he was a child. He has not, in truth, returned to the Wade family. Despite the fact that his surname is Wade, he now runs his own business.”

“I didn‟t expect him to turn out to be Wade Changying‟s son…” muttered Roma, all surprised.

Chapter 2778

Roma can‟t help but think of Zynn when she thinks of Changying. 

She has known Zynn since she was a child, so she is very familiar with his youth.

She is aware of how good Changying was at the time, as well as the fact that Zynn has always existed in the shadow of him.

She was struck by a sense of irony.

Zynn was crushed by Changying in every way at the time, but he was not convinced in his heart.

He didn‟t finally breathe a sigh of relief until Changying‟s death.

Who would have guessed that Changying‟s son has progressed to such a high level?

Despite the fact that Roma saw Charlie for the first time today, he was able to quietly rescue her daughter from the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, and he continued to hide her from the sky so that no one would notice.

Charlie‟s strength was far from ordinary, if not frightening, as revealed by her daughter's knowledge.

Ruoli‟s life may have been saved, but he also caused the Japanese Self-Defense Force to lose face in front of him!

The leopard can be seen in the tube.

This incident alone demonstrates Charlie‟s extraordinary abilities.

What surprised her, even more, was Charlie‟s ability to easily transport her daughter's Ren Vessel to the realm of Dacheng!

In the eyes of martial artists, this is nothing short of a miracle.

It is an understatement to conclude that it is a miracle.

After all, martial arts training is frequently the best effort for the majority of your life.

Even a great master has no exception when it comes to martial arts instruction.

Every martial artist aspires to be the ultimate Dacheng, but no one knows what that entails.

In their lifespan, they can only do their best. If they try their hardest but still don‟t achieve great success, they should allow their children and grandchildren to pursue great success on their own terms.

He is gone, and he has descendants, and there are countless descendants, much like her forefather who made considerable strides.

What exactly did Charlie‟s conduct imply?

Chapter 2779

To use an apt example, Charlie removed all the massive earth boulders that grandfather should have dug at least 20 years before his fingers!

This type of skill is referred to as supernatural strength.

There‟s also Charlie‟s pill, which is so magical it‟s impossible to put into sentences.

Even if the world‟s martial arts family is bankrupt, Roma believes that if this kind of magical medicine is sold, they will compete desperately.

How about a billion dollars? How about two billion dollars?

Even if one billion is used, relying solely on cultivation and the help of certain medicinal materials may not be enough to achieve the effect of this pill.

Nothing is more important than enhancing one‟s cultivation level for those who practice martial arts.

As a result of these factors, Roma assumes that Charlie will most likely make moves on the Su and Wade families and even the country‟s top families on his own in the future.

She remembered that her daughter seemed to have a clear sense of allegiance to Charlie, and that behind that allegiance was an obvious girl‟s mind, so she asked Ruoli, “Ruoli, tell your mother the truth, do you feel that way towards Master Wade?”

“Mom, what are you talking about?” Ruoli asked, a little embarrassed.

“Master is not only my lifesaver, but also my mentor; my cultivation level is all thanks to successive breakthroughs, so I love and appreciate him in my heart…”

“You are born from me, can Mom still not understand you?” Roma asked, smiling slightly.

“You look at his eyes in a way, I have never seen it in your eyes, and I feel your true love for him.”

“I don‟t…” Ruoli retorted flusteredly, then paused for a moment before sighing slightly: “Hey… Really, I have to say something to my core. A man like Master really understands him. After that, how many women can be indifferent to him?

Not only me, but even sister Zhiyu has been enamored of him for a long time…”

“What?! Zhiyu?! She likes Master Wade too?” exclaimed Roma.

“I think Sister Zhiyu likes Master, she almost likes the devil,” Ruoli said with a wry smile.

“Didn‟t Zhiyu disappear with Liona? Have you seen her?” Roma hurriedly inquired.

“Sister Zhiyu and Aunt Liona also live in this hotel,” Ruoli said solemnly.

“What did you say?!?”

Roma became agitated and exclaimed, “The mother and daughter live here too?! Then they know I‟m here?”

Liona has always had a special place in Roma‟s heart.

After all, she had that kind of relationship with her husband when she was pregnant, and then she gave birth to Ruoli.

She was interested in other people‟s relationships no matter what, including when she was pregnant. The third partner in the other party‟s marriage.

As a result, she was terrified of seeing Liona again.

“It‟s unlikely for the two of them to discover you‟re here,” Ruoli said at the time. Master kept them here, after he rescued them.

He didn‟t let them leave the room because he didn‟t want the news to get out. I was also here.

After spending so many days in this hotel, it wasn‟t until this morning that master's men summoned them, and I noticed that the mother and daughter were also here.”

Chapter 2780

Roma was even more surprised, her mouth gaping open from ear to ear: “You said Master even rescued the mother and daughter?!“

“Of course!” says the voice. “They would have both been killed by Chengfeng if it hadn't been for Master‟s intervention!” Ruoli nodded.

“Why is Master Wade taking you to see them?” Roma asked, thoughtfully nodding.

“This…” Ruoli paused for a moment.

She was unsure about telling her mother about her father, Zynn.

She is also concerned that her mother will be upset; Don‟t say it, but she is worried about her mum.

“Ruoli, is there anything you want to say to mother?”

Roma asked hurriedly when she noticed Ruoli was reluctant to answer.“

“Mom, I‟m telling you something, don‟t be anxious to get upset,” Ruoli said after a brief pause.

“Let‟s talk about it,” Roma hurriedly said.

“Mom is not in a rush or getting mad, so you can stand in front of me without getting angry, even if the sky falls!”

“Dad was also caught by Master,” Ruoli said.

“What are you talking about?”

Roma was speechless in shock, opened her mouth and eyes wide, and stared at Ruoli for a long time before summoning the courage to ask, “Could it be that Master Wade…?” Is your father dead?“

“That‟s not the case,” Ruoli said, shaking her head. “Dad is still alive…”

When she heard this, Roma exhaled a sigh of relief.

Zynn holds a special place in her heart.

After all, the best years of her life had been almost entirely dedicated to Zynn, and she had even dedicated her body to him.

Despite the fact that they haven‟t seen each other in years, the feeling in her heart remains constant.

What she feared the most when she learned that Zynn had fallen into Charlie‟s hands was that Charlie would kill Zynn on the spot.

After all, Zynn was easy to kill with Charlie‟s strength.

She let go of her dangling heart when she learned that Zynn was still alive.

“Hey… Anyway, it‟s fine to be alive,” she sighed softly afterward.

“Is your father also arranged to live here?” She inquired while speaking.

“No,” Ruoli admitted, blushing, “Master sent him away…”

“Where did he go?” Roma inquired hurriedly.

Ruoli‟s mouth was pursed and she said one word: “Syria…”

Chapter 2781

Roma was taken aback as soon as Ruoli finished speaking.

She considered Charlie‟s ten thousand choices for dealing with Zynn, but she never imagined him sending Zynn to Syria.

“Mom, you must not have any idea of saving father… Master Wade has a feud with the Su family, we have the favor of Master at this time, and we can‟t say something… Grace will revenge…” Su Ruoli hurriedly reminded.

“No, I won‟t be in the murky waters of the Su family again,” Roma said, shaking her head. “Moreover, the Wade family not only has a feud with the Su family, but your father had also come forward to mobilize an alliance against Master‟s father. Master Wade left your father with a way to live, which is already a preferential treatment.”

“If you quit, you must draw a straight line with the Su family in the future, and you must not make the same mistakes,” Roma said again.

“Mom, don‟t worry, I‟ve already broken up with the Su family; not only that, the Su family‟s hate for me will never be forgotten for the rest of my life; in the future, if Master requires it, I‟ll certainly stand alongside him and be the Su family‟s enemy!”

“Since the accident happened to you, the He family has drawn a clear line from the Su family, and from now on, the He family will serve Young Master wholeheartedly. The enemy of Young Master will naturally be the enemy of the He family, so if Master Wade and the Su family have torn their faces apart, the entire He family will stand firmly beside Master Wade,” Roma said with emotion.

“Mom, grandpa would surely agree to cooperate with Master Wade, right?” Su Ruoli asked hurriedly.

“Of course,” Roma said confidently. “Working with Master Wade is without a doubt the most exciting opportunity for our He family, so your grandfather is impossible to decline.”

“I‟ll go straight to Mocheng tomorrow and report the situation to your grandpa,” Roma said again. “Based on what I know about him, he won‟t hesitate.”

“That‟s fine,” Su Ruoli said coquettishly after calming down: “Mom, after you‟ve spoken to Grandpa and Grandpa agrees, you can easily pick ten family members and bring them over, and you‟ll be able to accompany me more. Stay with me…”

“Don‟t worry,” Roma said with a caring smile, “Mom will be back as soon as possible.”

Chapter 2782

When Charlie realized it was getting close to evening, he summoned Issac and told him, “Mr. Issac, arrange for someone to prepare a car, prepare a cell phone that can‟t find any clues, and go to Zhiyu‟s room and invite her and Aunt Liona over.”

“Master, are you going to let them go?” Issac inquired hurriedly.

“I told them, I‟ll give them freedom later today and let them go,” Charlie said, nodding.

“And you‟ll let them drive to the suburbs and give them the phone, and you don‟t have to think about it.”

“Master, I‟m not sure if I should say anything inappropriate,” Issac said after a brief pause.

“You say it,” he replied.

“Master, Zynn just vanished today, and the Su family is now searching for him everywhere; if Zhiyu and his wife are released now, the Su family will immediately connect them with Zynn‟s disappearance, and they will do all they can to get Zynn‟s message from the daughter and mothers‟ mouths, so I think, it‟d best not let them go, at least stagger for a few days…”

“Even if I let them go a few days later, the outcome would be the same,” Charlie said, waving his hand.

“The news of their incidents was raging, and people all over the world were paying attention, and the car crash was so massive that average people could not survive the way these two did, so once they returned to the public‟s view alive, everybody would immediately assume that the person who saved them was really special,” Charlie explained.

“As for the Su Family, they have now realized that there is an enemy with exceptional strength in this city, and they have begun to send people to try to find my clues, even if it is too late,” Charlie continued after a brief pause. The Su family will still equate the people who rescued them with the people who bound Shoude and Zynn if time is given for their women to leave.”

“Master, what if Miss Su and Ms. Liona reveal your identity?” Issac hesitated for a moment before asking.

“I believe they will not,” Charlie said with a chuckle, “but nothing is completely certain.”

“I‟d like to spend more time with the Su family, but it doesn‟t matter if they really do leak me out. What possessions does the Su family possess? Whatever you do, the dog farm is on the verge of expanding. All we have is a place.”

“Furthermore, the Syrian side‟s mountainous zone is sparsely inhabited. It is the same when Chengfeng old dog, he will be sent to assist Hamid in herding sheep. “It‟s not terrible.”

Issac was pleased to see that Charlie was unconcerned about the Su family following his life.

He also claims that the Su Family is not Charlie‟s enemy, and that as long as Charlie is not concerned about being revealed, he would not be concerned about being a subordinate.

Zhiyu and Liona, mother and daughter, were invited over shortly after.

“Auntie and Miss Su, it‟s almost evening,” Charlie said when he saw them. I‟ve already requested that the car be prepared. You should get ready to leave if you don‟t have any other issues.”

“Grace, can I have a chance to speak with you in the future?” Zhiyu questioned, her face sad.

“Of course, don‟t forget the agreement between the two of us,” Charlie said with a smile.

I will personally come to the Su Family to wish you when you become the Patriarch.”

“Grace, what if the Su family is going to be your enemy?” Zhiyu couldn‟t help but wonder. Can you still regard me as a foe?”

“As long as you don‟t do anything against me, I won‟t regard you as my enemy,”

Charlie said seriously, shaking his head. “I don‟t have a grudge against anyone with the surname Su. It‟s just those who were at odds with my father at the time.”

Zhiyu exhaled a sigh of relief and said, “I am relieved by my benefactor‟s terms.”

“Auntie, you are my father‟s friend,” Charlie said seriously as he grinned softly and looked at Liona again. You can come to me at any time if someone in the Su family isn‟t getting along with you.”

“Charlie, if there is any support from Auntie or Du‟s family in the future, you must tell auntie,” Liona said gratefully.

“Okay Auntie, we have the contact details for each other, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions,” Charlie said with a nod.

“By the way, Charlie, after Auntie and Zhiyu return, how should we react if anyone asks about our experience during this period?” Liona hummed.

“If anyone asks about your experience during this period, you‟ll say you were seriously injured in a car accident and have been admitted to the ward to recover,” Charlie said.

“You have no idea where the ward is or which hospital it belongs to, or even the world outside the ward.”

“You say that doctors and nurses wear masks and you are unable to disclose their identities if anyone asks who the doctor is, who the nurse is, and what they look like.”

“If anyone asks why the doctor was treating you, you say it‟s because they all were entrusted by a mysterious person.”

“Then you might tell that this mysterious person isn‟t as bad as Chengfeng beasts if anyone asks why this mysterious person does this.”

Chapter 2783

The atmosphere darkens as the evening progresses.

On the Aurous Hill Ring Expressway, a Rolls-Royce Cullinan is speeding.

One of Issac‟s men was behind the wheel.

Issac took a seat in the co-seat of the driver.

Liona and Zhiyu, mother and daughter, are in the back row.

The co-pilot, Issac, looked at the navigation chart and said to the two of them, “Please wait for a moment. We‟re just a few minutes away from our final destination. You can call your family when you arrive at the place.”

Liona and Zhiyu were giddy and uncontrollable. They are most concerned that their family members are unnecessarily concerned because it has been too long since the crash, and they can‟t wait to let them know that they are still alive.

The two did not say anything because Issac had said something and they had to wait for 10 minutes.

They‟ve been waiting for days, and the last 10 minutes have been pretty sweet.

Liona‟s father, Elijah, was holding a family meeting with his sons and daughters in the old house of Du‟s in Aurous Hill at the time.

They‟ve been looking for Liona and Zhiyu‟s whereabouts since they rushed over from Eastcliff in recent days.

They used all of the tools available to them, much like the Su family, but they were unable to discover any details about the mother and daughter.

Elijah was at a loss for words at the time. He frowned as he looked at his sons and daughters and asked:

“So, how about Zhifei? Why hasn‟t he turned up for the meeting he said he was going to come tonight?”

Renel, the eldest son, said: “Dad, Zhifei just sent me a WeChat message saying he‟s deciding what concert-related matters with this year‟s performance venues are, and that he won‟t be back for a while. Let‟s get started.”

“Mischief!” exclaims the speaker. Elijah expressed his frustration by saying: “I know this kid is normally sensible, so why isn‟t he being straightforward now? What could be more serious than his mother and sister‟s lives? What‟s more important?!”

Renel, powerless, said: “I know this child hasn‟t been spending much time dealing with the matter of Liona and Zhiyu these days, but he must still be occupied with other things. His family is nowhere to be found and he is putting everything out of your mind.”

“Yes, Dad, I know this child must know it in his heart,” said the second son, Simon, “but he has not found any clues for so long, and he must be a little discouraged in his heart, so don‟t worry about it.”

“I still feel like this kid is a little absent-minded lately,” Elijah said, a little glumly. “I‟m afraid that he, like the rest of the Su family, is oblivious to family affection!”

“Dad, let‟s talk about business first,” Haya, Elijah‟s eldest daughter, said at the time.

I‟ll go have a nice chat with him if I have time. This is the kid we‟ve been watching grow up. Yeah, despite the fact that his surname is Su, he is not the same as his father‟s or grandfather‟s.”

With a sigh and a wave of his hand, Elijah said: “Let‟s not talk about him, please. Write down a summary of your current situation. If you have any suggestions?”

All shook their heads helplessly as they heard this.

Chapter 2784

Elijah had a gloomy feeling: “What are you talking about? There aren‟t any signs at all?”

“No,” says the speakers.

Renel said solemnly: “I‟ve started all of the possible relationships, and I‟ve found a lot of private investigators and security department informants, but I haven‟t found anything about them. Clues that are related, all broken and missing.”

“Are the investigators and informants not being patient enough to look for clues?” Elijah hurriedly inquired.

Renel, powerless, grinned and said, “By the way, when looking for clues, they‟ve discovered seven or eight foreign spies. This search has reached unparalleled levels of strength, but no findings have yet been uncovered. There are a lot of valuable hints here.”

Elijah sighed and said, “Hello there! This is really the pits! The two of them were able to vanish from the scene of such a large car crash in the tunnel without leaving any useful clues. This is fantastic. Thank you so much for that.”

Haya rushed to say: “It‟s incredible, Dad. The further it shows that there is room for reversal in this case, the better.

Otherwise, to say nothing else, the impact of the car crash at the time would have been unbelievable if it hadn‟t been for the fact that Liona and Zhiyu, as well as the others, were already dead.”

Elijah said with a nod: “This is also plausible, but we haven‟t been able to uncover any relevant evidence. I‟m really worried.”

According to Renel, “I‟ve already resolved the situation with you father. At noon tomorrow, I‟ll be able to temporarily access the Academy of Sciences‟ supercomputer and use the face recognition technology to search all surveillance videos within a 300-kilometer radius of Aurous Hill. Compare Liona‟s and Zhiyu‟s facial features to see whether we can spot any similarities.”

When Elijah learned of this, he became enraged and exclaimed: “Why didn‟t you use it earlier, you man, there‟s such a good way? I‟ll be able to figure it out now that face recognition is so advanced. As long as Liona and Zhiyu have left photos before being monitored, we‟ll be able to figure it out.”

“Dad, the Academy of Sciences‟ supercomputers typically have a lot of jobs, ranging from cloud image analysis for weather forecasts to orbit calculations for Mars exploration,” Renel said helplessly.

Almost all uses involve utilizing these supercomputers. In the last few months, one of their supercomputers has been running at maximum capacity. Despite the fact that I have certain rights, I am unable to postpone big national events!”

Elijah couldn‟t help but agree when he heard this: “National affairs are important; let us not use power for personal gain.”

Renel rushed to say: “Don‟t worry, Dad; their supercomputer will be able to move one of them out at noon tomorrow. There would be a six-hour window, so I arranged with them and spend those six hours.

During the empty window time, all of Aurous Hill‟s surveillance videos will be calculated; however, the amount of data is enormous, and the supercomputer‟s computing power is equally impressive.

I asked the experts there, and they estimated that it would take about 4 hours to run all of the results. Their follow-up work will not be hampered.”

“This is good…this is good…” Elijah exhaled a sigh of relief.

“Son, after this incident, you must donate a sum of money to the Academy of Sciences, which is regarded as a payment to the institute,” he said after finishing his speech to his second son, Simon, who had been doing business.

Simon said unequivocally: “Don‟t worry, Dad; if they can locate Liona and Zhiyu using supercomputer calculations, I‟ll donate a million dollars. If they can‟t find it, I‟ll donate $5 million as well!”

Just as the Du family was pinning their hopes on the supercomputer, tragedy struck.

The car was speeding through Aurous Hill‟s outskirts when it came to a halt at a sparsely populated intersection in the suburbs.

“Ms. Du, you should call your relatives,” Issac said afterward, handing Liona a cellphone. 

She counted and nodded before picking up the phone and dialing a number.

This is the mobile phone of Elijah, the Du family‟s patriarch.

Elijah had gathered his children for a meeting. He wasn‟t expecting the phone to unexpectedly ring.

He was irritated even more when he realized it was an unknown number, so he pressed for a response and asked in a threatening tone: “Who is it, exactly? What exactly is the problem?”

“Dad…me…I‟m It‟s Liona…” said Liona on the other end of the line, and suddenly chocked up.

Chapter 2785

“What?! Liona?!”

The elderly Elijah heard Liona‟s voice, and the whole person was almost as if struck by lightning!

He heard his daughter‟s voice, but he couldn‟t believe it was really her.

So at this moment, he felt that his heart suddenly doubled, and the violent beating made the entire chest aching.

While clutching his chest, he subconsciously confirmed: “You…are you really Liona?!”

When these words came out, the surrounding Du children were also shocked!

Renel blurted out and asked, “Dad, is it really Liona?!”

Simon hurriedly said, “Dad, turn on the speaker!”

Elijah hurriedly turned on the speaker of the phone and heard the phone on the other end. Liona choked and said: “Dad, it‟s really me, I‟m still alive, and Zhiyu is still alive, right by my side.”

Zhiyu also said cryingly: “Grandpa…It‟s me…I‟m Zhiyu…”

The entire Du family suddenly boiled!

Elijah stood up suddenly and blurted out and asked, “Where are your now my girls?!”

Liona said hurriedly: “We are on the outskirts of Aurous Hill. Dad, there are no people here. I will have to trouble you to arrange someone to pick us up.”

Elijah said excitedly: “Hurry up and tell me your specific location, and I will come there with your brother!”

Liona said: “I will use this phone to add your WeChat and send you the address.”

Elijah blurted out: “Give me an approximate direction first. Which direction are you in Aurous Hill? I‟ll move there first!”

Liona hurriedly looked at Issac. Issac spoke about the north side silently, so Liona hurriedly said, “Dad, I‟m in the north of Aurous Hill.”

“Okay!” Elijah was excited and hurriedly said: “You can send me the address on WeChat now, and I will go out right now!”

After hanging up the phone, Elijah excitedly said to Renel and Simon: “Renel, Simon, get ready with the car, and you two will pick them up with me.”

Haya hurriedly said: “Dad, I will go too!”

Elijah waved his hand: “Haya, don‟t come with us. Arrange the chef, doctor, and aunt at home. Keep them ready. Let the chef prepare meals, ask the doctor to get ready for physical examination, and tell the aunt to clean up the bedroom.”

As he said, he sighed distressedly: “I don‟t know in what condition my girls are currently, and whether they have suffered.”

Haya nodded repeatedly and said, “Okay Dad, then I will make arrangements.”

Elijah gave a hum, took the two sons, and hurried out.

On the other side, Liona also sent the specific location to her father.

Renel drove a seven-seater commercial vehicle from home and drove his father and younger brother hurriedly towards the northern suburbs.

On the way, Simon, who was sitting in the co-pilot, couldn‟t help but look back at Elijah who was sitting in the back row, and said, “Dad, where did Liona and Zhiyu go during this time? I think this positioning is not too far from us. It‟s about 20 or 30 kilometers, but during this period of time, I searched the Aurous Hill upside down, and didn‟t find any relevant clues at all.”

Elijah hurriedly asked: “Have you looked for the location near Liona?”

“I‟ve found it!” Simon blurted out: “We basically searched the entire administrative area of Aurous Hill.”

Elijah said: “From my point of view, the car accident was so dynamic at the time. Liona and Zhiyu‟s disappearance shows that they must have been rescued by others. It is likely that they have been hidden by the other party during this period, and they have just recovered. Maybe given freedom.”

Renel, who was driving, sighed: “To be honest, I really want to know the person who rescued them. This person‟s strength and background are absolutely extraordinary. I don‟t know which family he belongs to.”

Elijah nodded and said: “The specific situation will be known only after meeting them.”

Half an hour later, Renel drove to the location sent by Liona. At this time, on this country road, no one was seen at all, and there was no car.

In fact, just 10 minutes ago, Issac asked his men to drive the car to the next village, while he stayed in the dark to ensure the safety of Liona and Zhiyu. After they were gone he waited for the Du family to come up and take the ladies away.

Chapter 2786

At this time, Liona and Zhiyu cautiously hid in the dry ditch by the roadside, waiting for the arrival of their families.

Soon, two white lights appeared at the end of the road, and the commercial vehicle driven by Renel had already moved toward the location.

Elijah hurriedly called Liona and said to her: “Liona, have seen our car?”

Liona said: “Dad, I can see a car, about five or six hundred meters away, but I‟m not sure if it is yours.”

Elijah said in a convenient way: “I let your big brother flash the high beam twice.”

When Renel heard this, he quickly flashed two high beams.

Liona walked out of the ditch at this time and waved her hand at the vehicle on the small road.

Renel in the co-pilot saw her at a glance, and said excitedly: “It‟s Liona, go there!”

Renel kicked the accelerator and the commercial vehicle drove over quickly.

Immediately afterward, the car stopped beside Liona, and as soon as it stopped, the three doors of the main driver, co-pilot, and the rear seat opened at the same time.

Elijah, Renel, and Simon quickly got out of the car.

When Elijah saw Liona, he couldn‟t control his emotions and choked up: “Liona, you and Zhiyu have been missing during this period of time, and your dad is almost worried to death…”

Liona also burst into tears, stepped forward, and hugged her father, crying and said, “Dad, I‟m sorry, I worried you…”

At this time, Zhiyu also came to Liona, gently grasped Elijah‟s arm, and sobbed: “Grandpa…”

Elijah hurriedly hugged Zhiyu lightly, and said excitedly: “Good girl, it‟s okay if you‟re fine, it‟s fine…”

Zhiyu looked at Renel and Simon again, choked with sobs: “Uncle, Uncle, we made you worry…”

Renel hurriedly said: “Silly girl, what are you talking about? You and your mother are fine, even if your uncle threw it in for half my life…”

Elijah couldn‟t help but ask the question he most wanted to ask at this time: “Liona, where were you and Zhiyu during this time? Who saved you?”

Liona sighed and said sincerely: “Dad, this matter… is really a long story. I won‟t know where to start for a while…”

Simon said at this time: “Dad, I think we should get in the car and go home first. If we have anything to say on the road, we will go home and continue talking if we don‟t finish talking on the road, it is going to take a long while.”

“Yes, yes, yes!” Elijah said hurriedly: “Let‟s talk in the car.”

With that said, he took the initiative to open the rear door of the commercial vehicle and said to the mother and daughter: “Get in the car, let‟s go home first!”

Liona nodded and hurriedly said, “Dad, you go first.”

Elijah pushed her gently and said, “You go with Zhiyu first.”

Seeing this, Liona didn‟t insist anymore, pulling Zhiyu into the car first.

Immediately after Elijah got in the car, and Renel drove away.

Seeing the commercial car go further and further away, Issac in the dark breathed a sigh of relief, took out his mobile phone to call Charlie, and said, “Master, the ladies have already met their family.”

Charlie breathed a sigh of relief on the other end of the phone, and said, “In this case, you should also go home.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “Mr. Issac, you have worked hard from yesterday to now. Take a good rest these two days!”

Issac smiled slightly and said: “I just followed you for a lap in Syria, and I am not tired at all. It‟s you, master, don‟t mind that I bothered you for these two days.”

Charlie smiled and said, “So I also plan to take a two-day rest.”

Issac hurriedly said, “Master, it seems that your birthday is also approaching. Do you have any plans?”

Charlie hummed, and said, “Don‟t have anything about special about the birthday. Just that day, Sara will over to have a concert. I will accompany my wife to the concert, as it is a birthday celebration.”

Chapter 2787

Throughout Aurous Hill, there are many people who are thinking about Sara's concert.

Among them, the eldest master of the Su family, Zhifei is the most eager.

At this time, Zhifei did not know the news that his mother and sister are safe.

He was still at the Aurous Hill Olympic Center and was constantly communicating with the venue members about the small details of the concert.

In fact, his company is just the sponsor of Sara‟s concert. Generally speaking, this kind of sponsor only needs to pay for it.

The real performance scheduling, stage construction, and promotional materials are all matters of Sara‟s own management company.

He has no relationship with half a dime.

However, he quietly reached a cooperation with the venue staff. They clearly leased the venue to Sara‟s agency for the concert.

However, Zhifei had already bought it back by spending his own money. Prepare it is all surprises for Sara everywhere in the venue.

Zhifei tried his best to pursue her.

Originally, he wanted to directly buy all the advertising spaces in Shangri-La, but Issac refused.

So he reached a cooperation with the venue and directly rented all the billboards here, including several large LED advertising screens outside the venue, which he quietly rented.

On the day of Sara‟s concert, these advertising screens will display courtship posters carefully prepared by Zhifei.

In addition, he also specially customized tens of thousands of lucky bags, which contained glow sticks, light signs, and T-shirts, especially for Sara‟s support.

These are all made by Zhifei from the best manufacturer.

In addition to these items to be used in the lucky bag, there is also a color poster.

The content printed on the poster is consistent with the courtship poster that he wants to put on the big screen.

However, he did not reveal his name in the courtship poster. He signed himself in the poster as Mr. S, who loved Sara.

The letter S is naturally the first letter of Zhifei‟s surname.

He believed that when Sara sees the content of the courtship poster, she would be able to guess that he did it, but other people would definitely not think of him.

In this way, he would be able to confess to her under the witness of thousands of people, but at the same time he would not reveal his identity, so he could kill two birds with one stone.

Chapter 2788

Moreover, he felt that he took such pains to express his love to Sara in such a grand manner, Sara would definitely be moved by then.

What‟s more interesting is that in order to cause a sensation, Zhifei specially prepared millions of cash, according to the ticket price of each seat of the concert, put the corresponding cash into this seat. In a lucky bag.

This is a way for him to please Sara‟s fans.

In his opinion, he passed, and tens of thousands of spectators showed their love to Sara.

Naturally, it would not arouse the disgust of these spectators.

So in his opinion, spending money is the best solution.

Anyway, he will reimburse them for the money they spend to watch the concert. He will woo the goddess through the concert. What can they say?

This kind of behavior, in the eyes of others, may not be any different from being taken advantage of, but to Zhifei, this amount of money is not even a f@rt.

After so much preparation, Zhifei still felt that it was not enough.

He instructed his assistant:

“By the way, I must find the marketing team when the time comes. When the concert audience starts to enter the venue, I will make this a hot topic.

It must be published on Weibo and short video platforms. It must take the top spot on the platform!”

The assistant said without hesitation: “Master, don‟t worry, buying hot searches and hot topics are familiar to our team. It‟s nothing more than spending a little money.

I will help you realize it when the time comes.”

Zhifei nodded in satisfaction and smiled longingly: “At that time, this mysterious Mr. S will definitely become a hot spot for discussion on the whole network!”

Speaking of this, he suddenly had an idea and blurted out:

“By the way, you have to call a prize-winning event at that time. Under this hot topic, users who support and encourage Mr. S will have the Chance to participate in the lucky draw!”

The assistant hurriedly asked: “Master, how do you set the prizes for the lottery?”

Zhifei smiled and said: “Since I want to have fun with the people, I have to be more generous, so let me draw a first prize, two-second prizes, three third prizes, and the first prize.

It is a Rolls Royce. A Phantom; the second prize is a Bentley Mulsanne; the third prize is a Mercedes-Benz big G!”

The assistant exclaimed: “Master, your drawing is too big…As far as I know, the biggest prize in the online lottery has not exceeded one million…”

Zhifei laughed and said triumphantly:

“It‟s just to be big! What a person is 10,000 in cash and tens of hundreds of money, this is too boring, small, not enough to force the topic to the hottest, so we directly draw tens of millions of luxury cars, and there are six in one draw! At that time, the draw time will be extended a bit, one month!

This month is enough to stir up the heat!”

The assistant quickly agreed and said, “Ok, master, I will let the notary department come out for notarization at that time to ensure that the activity is true and effective, so that netizens can participate boldly and confidently!”

“Okay!” Zhifei nodded in satisfaction, and said: “This matter is left to you. We must fire up the heat to the extreme. 

In addition, I will recruit a large number of PR people and push hands to let them. Send me a soft article on the Internet!”

The assistant hurriedly asked: “Master, do you have a designated category and direction for the advertisement?”

“Of course!” Zhifei smiled: “Be sure to find me those famous influencers, internet celebrities, and opinion leaders who are very famous in marriage and love, and it is best to choose more women. Tell them that when writing soft articles, The tone must be crazy envious of Sara‟s care and love for a man with such a heart.

At the same time, she must express his envy for Sara and his love for Mr. S, and create Mr. S‟s personality of a peerless good man!”

Chapter 2789

The assistant was also a little excited said: “When the time comes, I will strengthen a few people to label the mysterious Mr. S, who is infatuated, affectionate, hard-working, and rich! You will definitely become the national hero who is putting the girls crazy and obsessed all over the country!”

Zhifei said with a smile: “The gold content of the two words “National hero is really too low.

These days, all kinds of cats and dogs dare to claim to be national heroes. I still don‟t want to grab this title.”

The assistant thought that he had hit the horse‟s leg with a flattery, and hurriedly changed his words: “Yes, yes, you, as the young master, can you be compared to those so-called national heroes!”

“By the way, Master, Ms. Sara‟s fans give her a nickname “Little girl”, so Miss Gu is a national girl, then you will naturally be a National boy!”

“Hahaha!” Zhifei nodded repeatedly and said happily: “National boy, not bad, not bad, I like this title!”

As he was talking, his cell phone rang suddenly.

It was his grandfather Elijah who called.

Zhifei felt a little big head.

He knew that his grandfather had been desperately looking for the whereabouts of his mother and sister during this period. Delay him.

In fact, Zhifei has been completely enlightened since talking with his father Zynn. 

He is not very interested in finding his mother and sister, because he knows that the best situation right now is that his grandfather‟s reputation is completely ruined and he has to push his father Zynn to the stage.

Moreover, because of the mother and younger sister‟s affairs, grandpa feels more or less guilty for him and his father, so it is very likely that he will inherit the Su family in the future.

In this case, he really has no motivation to find his mother and sister.

However, he didn‟t dare answer his grandpa‟s call, so he had no choice but to answer it.

When he was about to ask Grandpa what was going on, Elijah on the other side of the phone asked, “Zhifei, where are you now?”

Zhifei hurriedly said, “Grandpa, I‟m talking about business, what‟s the matter? Do you need me for anything?”

Elijah blurted out: “Come home, your mother and your sister are back!”

Chapter 2790

Zhifei‟s entire body became dull as soon as he heard these words.

For more than ten seconds, he was unconscious.

“Zhifei, are you listening to me?” Elijah, on the other end of the line, couldn‟t help but ask when he didn‟t respond.

“I‟m listening, grandpa, you said mother and Zhiyu are back?!?” Zhifei exclaimed.

“Really?” he hardly ask.

“Of course!” exclaims the speaker. “Can I still make a joke with this kind of thing?” Elijah asked solemnly. “Please return soon!”

“OK, grandpa, I‟ll come back now!” Zhifei hurriedly said.

“You stay and continue to connect with the people on the PR side,” he told the assistant as he hung up the phone after speaking.

“First and foremost, I must leave now.”

He dashed out as soon as the voice faded. Zhifei hurriedly wanted to start the car while sitting in it, but he suddenly hesitated.

For dozens of seconds, his entire body was still, and he felt extremely perplexed and contradictory in his mind.

He had no idea whether his mother and sister had returned safely at this point, or whether this was a good or bad thing.

To be honest, he has always had a wonderful relationship with his mother and sister, and he was sometimes overjoyed.

But there was another uncontrollable thought in his mind.

“Zhifei!” the thought was telling him. Returning with your mother and sister is certainly not a good idea! Remember your grandfather, the old man who is addicted to money and influence, and the explanation for the gifts he now offers you and your father.

In the end, he is doing well and showing vulnerability to you because he is now notorious and feels guilty.”

“If your mother and sister return safely and seem to be in good health, the world's scorn for your grandfather will be relieved!”

After all, there‟s a big difference between someone who is dead and someone who isn‟t!”

“Once the two of them return safely, the spit and rage directed at your grandfather will inevitably dissipate, and they will even be forgotten over time!”

“In that case, your grandfather will be able to regain the public‟s interest and reasonably recover the Su Family Patriarch‟s identity.”

At that point, you and your father will once again be his two orphaned sons!”

“Moreover, at that point, he will no longer feel responsible for you and your father!”

You and your father will lose all of your advantages as well!

Chapter 2791

“More importantly, because they fled at your grandfather‟s hands, your mother and sister will never forgive your grandfather in this life, and they will even freely turn their faces with your grandfather, or even turn their faces toward you.”

“What will you do at that point?”

Your grandfather no longer feels responsible for you, and your mother and sister view him as an adversary, engaging in various confrontations with him or openly attacking him. You will undoubtedly be implicated at that moment!”

“No one will give the Patriarchship to the enemy‟s son, the enemy‟s brother…”

Zhifei got irritated just thinking about it!

It was also at this point that his heart‟s balance moved slightly.

As a result, he unconsciously took out his phone and dialed Chengfeng‟s number, who was worried about Zynn‟s whereabouts.

At the time, Chengfeng was gloomy.

Zynn, his eldest son, has been missing for more than 12 hours after he went missing in the morning.

He didn‟t find any useful hints in those 12 hours.

Zynn, like his younger brother Shoude, seemed to vanish from the face of the earth.

Although the Wade Family was suspicious, Zynn was self-defeating in that he gave the Wade Family a good excuse to throw the pot, so he did not dare to push the Wade Family any further.

Zhifei called at this precise moment.

“Zhifei, have you found a hint to your father?” he asked, a little irritably on the phone.

Zhifei was taken aback and asked, “Grandpa, what are you talking about? Are you looking for details about your father? What‟s the matter with father?”

Chengfeng only realized this after Zynn‟s crash, when he realized he hadn‟t been aware of Zhifei for the whole day.

As a result, even though Zhifei was in Aurous Hill, he was unaware that his father had vanished.

“Zhifei, there is bad news, your father is missing…” he sighed.

Chapter 2792

“What are you talking about?”

Zhifei was taken aback and exclaimed,

“Grandpa, you…what do you mean?”

“My father is fine; why would he suddenly vanish?”

“I‟m not sure.”

“Your father concealed his identity and lived peacefully in Shangri-La in Aurous Hill,”

Chengfeng said frankly. He planned to find an opportunity to meet Ito Yuhiko of the Ito family, but there is no news since this morning.

“All of his men have disappeared.”

“Ah?” says the voice.

Zhifei had black spots in front of his eyes, dizziness in his head, and was on the verge of collapsing.

“How could this be…” Zhifei muttered incoherently to himself.

“The whole thing is really weird,” Chengfeng said helplessly.

“I haven‟t yet discovered any useful information. However, I believe it has a lot to do with the disappearance of your second uncle.

It‟s possible that it was done by the same guy. There should be some kind of connection with the Wade family as well.

After all, your father was injured in the Wade family‟s hotel, and Aurous Hill is the Wade family‟s domain.”

“Grandpa, could it be the Wade family?” Zhifei hurriedly inquired.

He was still with him when the second uncle had an accident, and the other party might get the second uncle away under Master Luther‟s nose.

“Wade‟s family shouldn‟t have such a master, right?” I remember thinking. 

“Hey…this is something I haven‟t worked out yet,” Chengfeng sighed.

It appears to be inextricably linked to the Wade Family, but when you think about it, the Wade Family doesn‟t seem to merit such strength…”

“However, I have sent someone to look for it,” he said again after speaking.

I‟ll go to any extent to find clues. In Aurous Hill, you will eagerly await my news. 

You can also inquire there if you have any sources. Look for any noteworthy hints.”

“All right…” Zhifei was annoyed and grudgingly agreed.

“I have a headache, so I won‟t talk to you anymore,” Chengfeng said again at this point.

I‟ll keep you informed of any developments.”

“Okay grandpa, then you first have a nice rest and take care of your body…” Zhifei murmured absently.

He quickly recalled what Grandpa had said and hurriedly said, “Grandpa, don‟t hang up the phone!” as he spoke.

“What‟s the matter?” Chengfeng inquired. “Are you all right?”

“My grandfather just called me, and he said that mother and sister have returned!” Zhifei hurriedly said.

“What are you talking about?” Chengfeng burst with joy and shouted,

“Your mother and sister are back?”

What exactly do you mean when you say they are returning?

“How did they get back?” “Where were they?”

“Grandfather didn‟t say anything specific, but they were in Aurous Hill,” Zhifei hurriedly explained.

They just called and asked him to pick them up right away.

Mother and Zhiyu should probably have gone back to Du‟s old house in Aurous Hill.”

“How is this possible?”

Chengfeng screamed, turning up the stormy sea in his heart.

“How in the world is this even possible?”

“Zhifei, where are you now?!” he hurriedly inquired.

“I am at the Aurous Hill Olympic Center, and I am going back to the old house to take a look!” Zhifei hurriedly said.

“Go!” exclaimed Chengfeng. Check out what‟s going on!”

Chapter 2793

After hanging up the phone, Chengfeng felt black for a while.

Anson on the side hurried forward and asked cautiously:

“Master… Liona and Missy, have they really returned to Du‟s house?!”

Chengfeng rubbed his temples, nodded weakly, and sighed, “Anson, things seem to have gone to the worst…”

Anson asked quickly: “Master, why are you saying this?”

Chengfeng sighed: “Hey…All of this is extremely consistent with my worst assumptions before.

Things have started to develop in the direction I least want to see.

The Su family is really going to be in big trouble this time!”

Anson asked in surprise: “Master… Have you previously guessed that their wives will be safe?”

“Yes…” Chengfeng rubbed his temples and said weakly:

“I thought that even if they were rescued, it would be difficult for them to survive such a serious car accident.

Maybe when the other party took them away, There were already two corpses, but I did not expect that they would actually survive, and the other party put will them back, which proves that the mysterious person behind not only has hands and eyes open to the sky but also stood by them.…”

Anson asked again:

“Then… Is this mysterious person related to the disappearance of the young master and the second young master?!”

Chengfeng nodded: “There must be a relationship!”

Anson looked shocked, and said, “Master, we have investigated Aurous Hill before. The city has nothing to do with Crouching Tiger, or a Hidden Dragon.

It is nothing more than a few local companies and families, and Issac from the Wade family seems to be the most powerful. In terms of size, how could it be possible to cultivate such a powerful person? Even the Wade Family does not have this ability.

If the Wade Family really has this ability, after Changying‟s death, they would not be able to crush and beat the Su family for so many years!”

Chengfeng‟s expression was dignified, and he said coldly: “I now suspect that this mysterious person is not from Aurous Hill at all, and may not even be from China!”

Chapter 2794

“What?!” Anson was even more horrified:

“It‟s not from China? Where would it be? Is it from abroad?!

It can‟t be the Rothschild family, right?

The Rothschild family hates the Wade family. Yes, in this case, they will never be able to deal with us, because once our strength is weakened, the Wade family will definitely be strengthened…

How could the Rothschild family sit back and watch the Wade family fishermen profit?”

As he said, Anson continued to analyze:

“Changying‟s wife‟s family is indeed very powerful, but in my impression, An family has always looked down upon the Wade Family. Back then, An‟s pearl of the hand married into the Wade Family. An‟s were said to be very furious.”

Chengfeng waved his hand and sighed: “It‟s not the Rothschild family or An‟s, but the Japanese Chinese!”

“Japanese Chinese?!” Anson was even more surprised:

“Master, the largest family in Japan is the Ito family. Among the top four families, there is no Chinese family, and even the first Ito family in Japan does not have power comparable to us. Its comprehensive strength is not that strong.”

“You don‟t understand.” Chengfeng said: “This strength does not necessarily refer to economic strength, but strength in force!”

After talking, Chengfeng said again: “At the beginning, Zhifei and Zhiyu were kidnapped by the Matsumoto family in Japan.

Several top ninjas guarded them. After killing them, they would throw their bodies to Ito‟s residence in Kyoto.

The whole plan was designed.

The clothes were perfect, but in the end, these top ninjas were killed by a Chinese youth who we don‟t know where he came from…”

Anson exclaimed: “Master, you suspect that it was the mysterious Chinese youth who saved Liona and Missy this time?!”

Chengfeng said annoyedly: “I don‟t want him to be the same 10,000 in my mind, but now it seems that he can basically nail it…

Besides this person, who else has such a strong ability to be able to deal with that car accident and rescue Liona and Zhiyu?

Except for this person, who can abduct Shoude without showing off under our guard‟s nose?

Except for this person, who can make Zynn disappear?!”

Anson blurted out:

“Master, if this is the case, then your personal safety must be strengthened!

Otherwise, if this person wants to act on you and our defensive power is not strong enough, we are not going to be opponents at all… …”

Chapter 2795

Chengfeng nodded repeatedly, and said in agreement:

“Yes! The biggest problem now is that our military strength is severely insufficient. The He family has withdrawn.

Only some other bodyguards are in the hospital.

I am afraid that it will be unbearable in front of the mysterious man. If he hits suddenly……”

With that said, he immediately told Anson: “Anson! You will fly to Northeast Desert City right now!”

Anson exclaimed: “Go to Mocheng? Master, you let me see Luther He?!”

“Yes!” Chengfeng said:

“Go to see Luther, and apologize to him about Ruoli‟s affairs on my behalf, and tell him that if the He family is willing to continue to serve the Su family regardless of the past, I can give them for a year two billion yuan!”

“Two billion a year?!” Anson said dumbfounded: “Master, the remuneration we gave them before has increased from 200 million a year to 600 million.

To be honest, this amount is already very high. If it rises to two billion all at once, this is more than a three-fold increase!”

Chengfeng waved his hand: “What does it count even if it goes to triple?

The key is that the most important thing is to solve the urgent needs! Now there is a powerful enemy after the Su family, who is invisible and intangible.

If I don‟t defend myself, someday, I will also be arrested by the other party. Isn‟t the Su family finished?”

Anson hurriedly bowed and said, “Master, I understand! I will set off now and go to Mocheng to see Luther, the head of the He family!”

Chengfeng nodded, directly wrote a one-billion-dollar cash check, handed it to Anson, and said: “Take this check with you, hand it to Luther, and tell him whether he accepts my invitation or not, he can keep the cheque.”

After a pause, Chengfeng said again: “If he accepts the invitation, it is considered that I prepaid 50% of his salary; if he does not accept it, then the money is considered to be my compensation to the He family, in Ruoli‟s matter. After all, I am sorry for them.”

Anson couldn‟t help but said, “Master, if Luther really chooses the latter, wouldn‟t these billions of dollars be meat buns for the dogs?”

Chengfeng shook his head and said: “You don‟t understand, most people who learn martial arts have a sense of arrogance, especially those who have made great achievements in martial arts like Luther, even more so! I understand Luther‟s character.

He is destined to choose to reject my invitation completely, or accept it directly, it is impossible to choose to take the money and not do anything, so this is just polite and win him more favors.”

Anson hurriedly said: “Okay master, I understand, then I will start!”

Chengfeng nodded slightly and said, “Go, there is no airport in Mocheng. You have to arrange the helicopters at nearby airports in advance, so as to save time as much as possible.”

“OK, lord!”

Chapter 2796

Just when Zhifei drove back to the Du‟s old house, and Anson set off for the airport overnight, the Du‟s old house at this time had become a sea of joy.

The brothers and sisters of the Du family have been cultivated to be exceptionally united under the guidance of their father since they were young.

In fact, regardless of whether brothers and sisters are close relatives, in the final analysis, in most families with children, it is difficult for the relationship between children to be absolutely intimate.

Especially when the children are all grown-ups, and after their respective families start their own businesses, the big family with brothers and sisters is naturally less important than the small family with wives and children.

Therefore, in real life and on the TV, we can often see that brothers and sisters turn their faces because of the fight for family property, or quarrel and even fight because of parental issues.

Moreover, this is not only true of the poor but even more so for the rich.

However, the brothers and sisters of the Du family are really twisted into a rope.

Liona had an accident, and her brothers and sisters put aside everything in their hands, regardless of all costs, just to find her and her daughter.

Now that she has finally returned safely, these brothers and sisters are naturally extremely happy!

The eldest sister Haya had asked the chef to cook a new table, and she was waiting for her sister and niece to come, and the family to have a good celebration.

But when they came back, Haya couldn‟t even care about her sister‟s dinner.

She hugged the sister, and suddenly cried into tears.

The family surrounded the mother and the daughter and asked them endlessly. The questions were also very concentrated.

They just wanted to know who took them away after they had a car accident in the tunnel. Where did they go after they were taken away?

And they must have been severely injured in the car accident, so who on earth was healing this injury?

Chapter 2797

Liona faced the problems of her family and lied against her will: “Actually, Zhiyu and I still don‟t know who saved us. After the car accident, we were almost unconscious when we woke up. We were already lying in a ward, and we can‟t see anything related to the name of the hospital in the ward.

The doctors who came to treat us also wore masks and could not recognize who they were.”

Renel hurriedly asked her: “Then have you remembered the surrounding environment, for example, what are the distinctive buildings outside the window?”

“No.” Liona shook her head and said: “In our ward, the windows were covered with opaque black glass film.

Nothing could be seen, Zhiyu and I have been in the room during this period. We eat and drink, and provide all the daily necessities we need, but they just don‟t let us leave.”

Elijah asked in surprise: “Then how did they let you leave now?”

“I don‟t know.” Liona lied: “They suddenly brought me and Zhiyu out, and then gave me a mobile phone to let me contact the family, and then I called you.”

Elijah frowned and pondered: “This thing sounds strange. The person who saved you should be very powerful.

He rescued you. He gave you treatment. In the end, even the identity not revealed. 

He didn‟t want to disclose, and he released you back without any conditions. I can‟t figure out why he is busy with this big circle…”

Simon said, “Dad, maybe the other party is the opponent of the Su family. They couldn‟t understand what the Su family did, so they rescued Liona and Zhiyu.”

Elijah asked:

“The opponent of the Su family? Who?

The Wade family? Although the Wade family is ranked second, how can they have this kind of ability?”

Simon nodded slightly: “Dad‟s words are reasonable… Wade family should not be able to bear this…”

After speaking, he hurriedly asked Liona again: “Liona, you and Zhiyu have been rescued for so long, haven‟t you found any clues?”

Liona quickly said: “I haven‟t left the ward these days. I only saw doctors and nurses, but the doctors and nurses didn‟t tell us anything.” 

Simon asked again: “The person who saved you never showed up?”

Liona said, “No, he didn‟t want to expose his identity.”

Elijah didn‟t have much doubt, and sighed: “It seems that the knights are not only in the novels of Old legends but also in real life.”

As he said, he suddenly thought of something and asked Zhiyu: “By the way, Zhiyu, when you and Zhifei were in Japan, you were also saved by a mysterious man?”

“Yes…” Zhiyu said hurriedly: “Thanks to my benefactor that time, otherwise, my brother and I would be dead in the hands of Japanese ninjas.”

Chapter 2798

Elijah sighed sincerely: “One person can easily kill multiple ninjas. This is really amazing.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a hero!”

After speaking, he hurriedly asked again with a flash of inspiration: “By the way, could he be the one who saved you this time?”

Zhiyu vaguely said: “This…I can‟t say this. After all, I haven‟t seen the true content, but it‟s possible…”

Elijah nodded and said: “This man has his own motives to help you, anyway, it‟s okay!”

After that, he poured himself a glass of wine and said loudly: “Come! Let‟s have a drink together to celebrate the safe return of Liona and Zhiyu!”

The whole family was also excited, and one after another they picked up their wine glasses.

At this moment, Zhifei ran in quickly.

“Mom! Zhiyu!”

Seeing his mother and sister sitting at the dining table intact, Zhifei yelled subconsciously.

However, he was not so excited in his heart.

Even, a little lost.

Seeing his mother and sister in peace, he knew in his heart that he would lose a huge advantage in front of his grandfather Chengfeng.

He has feelings for his mother and sister in his heart.

However, in the face of the Su family‟s trillions of wealth, feelings did seem a little pale.

The greater the immediate benefits, the weaker the family relationship.

This is the characteristic of mankind since ancient times.

In ancient times, countless royal family fratricides occurred across the world.

It is not uncommon among the royal family that fathers kill sons, sons kill fathers, and even brothers kill each other.

It‟s not that they really have no affection.

On the contrary, family affection is really not worth mentioning in the face of huge benefits.

If it is placed in a poor house, the two brothers‟ three-square-acre land for their parents may turn their faces, and they may stay out of each other for a lifetime, but it is difficult to kill the brother because of one-square-acre land.

However, when this three-acre land became the power and wealth of the entire kingdom, the brotherhood and family affection became less important.

Zhifei‟s heart at this time, the loss and disappointment are far greater than that point of comfort.

However, he was hiding it pretty well, and no one was able to see anything unusual.

When Zhiyu saw him, her eyes reddened immediately.

Almost without thinking, she stood up, ran in front of Zhifei, and plunged into his arms, crying and said, “Brother… I thought I would never see you in this life…”

Chapter 2799

After Zhiyu‟s accident, what she misses most and worry about most is her brother Zhifei.

After all, their small family consists of four people in total. Mother has always been with her, and father has some stains, and these stains make him a little unacceptable, so she naturally misses her brother the most.

Moreover, when she was in Japan, she experienced life and death with her brother, so the relationship between brother and sister was deeper.

Although Zhifei was disappointed in his heart, he still pretended to be distressed and patted her back gently, and said with emotion:

“Zhiyu, it‟s best if you and mom are fine. During this time, I was so much worried… “

When grandfather Elijah heard this, he looked at him coldly, somewhat dissatisfied in his heart.

He feels that his grandson has become a little hypocritical recently.

Zhifei was really anxious at first because of an accident with his mother and sister.

He even quarreled with his grandfather and drove to Aurous Hill by himself overnight.

However, these days, Elijah felt that Zhifei seemed to pay less attention to the affairs of his mother and sister.

Although he has been in Aurous Hill, he has rarely directly participated in the search for the whereabouts of the two.

He is busy doing concert arrangements every day. It feels as if the importance of concerts is a bit more than his mother and sister.

However, Elijah naturally didn‟t say anything at this time, and the dissatisfaction in his heart was crushed by him deep inside.

At this time, Renel said:

“Zhifei and Zhiyu sit down quickly. It just happens that we are just starting to eat.

You also have two drinks together to celebrate the safe return of your mother and sister!”

Zhifei hurriedly said: “OK, uncle!”

After sitting down, Zhifei and other family members toasted again to celebrate, but he always had a doubt in his heart: who saved his mother and sister.

However, with so many people on the table right now, it is difficult for him to question Zhiyu in detail, so he can only temporarily suppress this question to the bottom of his heart.

Just when he and his family were pushing cups and changing cups, the phone suddenly received a WeChat message.

He looked down and saw that it was his grandfather Chengfeng who sent him this message.

He hurriedly clicked and viewed the message sent by Chengfeng, which read: “Zhifei, I want to know if the person who saved your mother and your sister this time is the Chinese who saved you in Japan?

You have always had a relationship with Zhiyu. Get close, you must find a way to get the truth out of her mouth!”

Chapter 2800

Zhifei twitched in his heart, and said to himself, “Why did Grandpa ask?! Is it really the benefactor who saved Mom and Zhiyu?

But…it‟s a bit unlikely. The benefactor is in Japan, and Zhiyu was looking for him. She hasn‟t got any results for so long. How could he suddenly appear in Aurous Hill and save Zhiyu again?

Is he a stalker who has been following Zhiyu in secret? Then Zhiyu has been looking for him for so long, why didn‟t he show up? …It always feels weird and unbelievable…”

Reminiscent of the second uncle and father disappearing in Aurous Hill one after another, Zhifei felt even bigger.

“I always feel that it is unlikely that the benefactor is behind this. Otherwise, even if he secretly protects Zhiyu, he doesn‟t need to attack my second uncle and my father one after another, right?

The Su family has never offended him from beginning to end, and even suffered a lot from him. Why should he act on the Su family?”

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhifei couldn‟t understand the cause and effect.

He could only temporarily put these thoughts behind him, and quietly replied to Chengfeng: “OK, grandpa, I must find a way to ask Zhiyu.”

While Liona and Zhiyu reunited with their family and gathered together, Charlie also returned to his home.

This trip to Syria did not take too long. Although Charlie flew back and forth tens of thousands of kilometers, and many things happened, it was actually just one night.

Therefore, when he returned home, his wife Claire, his father-in-law Jacob, and his mother-in-law Elaine were very surprised.

Claire had just had dinner with her parents. Seeing Charlie came back, she hurriedly stepped forward to help him take off his coat, and said in surprise: “Husband, why did you come back in such a short time when you went out this time?”

Charlie smiled and said, “This time the matter was relatively simple, I came back directly after handling the things.”

Claire hurriedly asked: “Then have you eaten dinner? I made the noodles at night, which was quite delicious, so I will order you some noodles?”

Charlie asked curiously: “Claire, aren‟t you busy during this time? Why do you have so much time today, and you still have to cook by yourself.”

Claire smiled and said: “I went to the Emgrand Group for a meeting this afternoon. The first phase of the plan has completely passed the review of the Group, so I can relax a little bit. It just so happens that I came home early today, and spent some time in our vegetable garden.

The garlic moss grows quite well, so I picked a little bit and cooked the garlic sprouts fried pork, and marinated noodles.”

As she said, she hurriedly took Charlie‟s hand to the restaurant, and spoke as she walked:

“It‟s such a short time for you to go back and forth. It must be very hard to travel too much in a short time. I will cook the noodles for you!”

Seeing Claire caring about him so much, Charlie was also moved in his heart, nodded lightly, and smiled: “Then it will be hard work for you wife.”

Claire smiled sweetly: “There is no hardship, no hardship at all.”

Entering the restaurant, father-in-law Jacob and his mother-in-law Elaine had just finished their meal. Seeing Charlie come in, Jacob said with joy:

“Oh! Good son-in-law is back, where did you go this time? You came back so soon.”


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