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 Chapter 3204 Adding Bricks and Tiles

The Rothschild father and son, both satisfied, chatted happily on the way to the palace.

Howard liked Steve more and more, and kept sighing in his heart that he had given birth to a sensible and filial son. Steve got his father's approval, and his mood was naturally very good. He just hoped to move to China as soon as possible to get close to Charlie and improve their friendship.

Steve thought that going to China would definitely be beneficial and harmless. Even if he couldn't get Charlie's support in inheriting the family, he had a good chance of getting some pills from Charlie by kneeling and licking him. It was much better than staying in the United States, under the old man's nose, being suspected, guarded against, and hated by him.

So, the father and son had their own thoughts, but the relationship between them returned to the harmonious state when Steve was young.

When the two arrived at the palace, the Royal Guards were already waiting on both sides of the road inside the palace. Knowing that Howard was a man who loved face, Helena also arranged for him the highest courtesy of the Nordic royal family.

In the square in front of the main building of the palace, Helena and the old queen stood side by side. After the Rothschild father and son got out of the car, they came to the two and kissed their hands respectfully.

Howard looked at Helena and said with gratitude: "Your Majesty, thank you for your invitation. It is an honour for our Rothschild family to come to the Nordic Palace to have dinner with you and Mrs. Iliad!"

Helena smiled and said, "Mr. Rothschild is too polite. You two are guests of the Nordic royal family. It's like returning to your own home here. Don't be too polite."

After that, she said, "You two, the dinner is still being prepared. It will start in two hours. I will take you to visit the palace first."

Howard said hurriedly, "That's great. It's an honour to have Her Majesty take us on a tour in person!"

Helena nodded gently, smiled dignifiedly, and then took the father and son to visit from the main hall of the palace.

The so-called visit is actually a release of goodwill to Howard. Charlie wants to take a two-pronged approach to squeeze value from Howard and Steve, father and son, respectively, so the face and benefits that should be given will naturally not be too stingy.

Helena's goodwill towards Howard was the core motivation for Howard to continue working for Helena.

Steve followed his father Howard and accompanied him on the tour like an obedient quail. During this period, his father and Helena kept talking, but Steve didn't say much.

His mind was not on visiting the Nordic Palace or the Nordic Queen Helena. He only thought that Charlie said he would come to Northern Europe when he was in China, and he didn't know if he was in the palace at this moment.

So, while Helena was introducing the royal art collection to her father Howard, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Charlie. The content of the message was: Mr. Wade, are you in Northern Europe?

Charlie quickly replied: I am having dinner in the banquet hall of the Nordic royal family.

Steve was startled and thought to himself: "Why is Charlie also in the banquet hall? Could it be that Helena invited me and my father at the same time, and also invited Charlie? Wouldn't it be awkward if we met?"

In addition to being nervous, he hurriedly replied to the message and asked Charlie: "Mr. Wade, are you going to have dinner with us later?"

Charlie replied: "No, I will leave after eating. It is more than an hour before your dinner starts. You probably won't see me."

Steve breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Charlie did not intend to meet his father. In this case, he naturally had no psychological burden.

So, he quickly asked again: "Mr. Wade, can I go to the banquet hall to meet you? I have something to tell you in person."

Charlie replied: "Come if you want to."

Steve wanted to see Charlie, not only to get close to him, but also to tell him that he was about to go to China to stay permanently.

Seeing that Charlie also agreed to meet, he quickly said: "Okay, Mr. Wade, wait a moment, I'll be there soon!"

Then, he thought for a moment, walked to Helena and Howard, and said: "Excuse me, Your Majesty, which way is the bathroom?"

Helena guessed that he must be going to see Charlie, so she smiled and said, "You can go to the bathroom over there in the banquet hall, just go through the corridor on the east side of the first floor and walk straight to the end."

"Okay, thank you, Her Majesty!" Steve saluted very respectfully, and then whispered to his father, "Father, I'll go first, you and Her Majesty talk first."

"Go ahead." Howard nodded. In his opinion, Steve was just a foil today, and it didn't matter whether he was there or not, so he didn't take it to heart.

When Steve arrived at the banquet hall, Charlie, Lin Wan'er, An Chongqiu and Li Yalin were sitting at the huge dining table for dinner.

Steve came trotting over, and when he saw Charlie, he immediately put on an excited expression, walked quickly to his side, and said respectfully: "Hello, Mr. Wade! We meet again!"

Charlie nodded, introduced him to his second uncle An Kaifeng who was sitting opposite him, and said: "Steve, let me introduce my second uncle An Kaifeng, you should have met him, right?"

Steve naturally knew An Kaifeng, but they had never had much of a friendship. Now that they met again, he stepped forward enthusiastically to shake hands and said: "Hello, Mr. An! We have known each other for a long time!"

An Kaifeng smiled and said: "I didn't expect to see you here. It is such an honour to meet Mr. Rothschild."

Steve hurriedly said, "Just call me Steve, don't call me Mr. Rothschild, it's too distant. You are Mr. Wade's uncle, and you will be my good friend in the future. There is no need to be so polite between good friends!"

An Kaifeng nodded and said with a smile, "Okay Steve, just call me Kaifeng in the future, or call me by my English name Kevin."

Steve smiled and said, "I am good at Chinese, so I'll call you Kaifeng."

Charlie introduced Li Yalin at this time and said, "Steve, this is Inspector Li Yalin, I don't need to introduce him, right?"

"No, no." Steve smiled and said, "I live in New York, how could I not have heard of Inspector Li's name! I have heard of you for a long time!"

After that, he took the initiative to extend his hand to Inspector Li and shook hands.

Charlie then pointed to Lin Wan'er beside him and introduced, "This is one of my little sisters, Lin Xiaowan."

Steve saw that Lin Wan'er was very girly, so he didn't think much about it, and subconsciously wanted to step forward and kiss her hand. Charlie stretched out his hand to interrupt him, and said with a smile, "If you are not yet eighteen years old, forget about the kiss."

Steve didn't feel embarrassed, and immediately withdrew his hand, saying with a smile, "I didn't expect Miss Lin to be so young. If you have the opportunity to visit the United States in the future, please let Mr. Wade contact me. I will definitely arrange the best reception!"

Lin Wan'er nodded politely and smiled, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Rothschild."

Charlie looked at Steve and asked curiously, "Steve, why don't you accompany your grandfather on the tour? Why do you come here to see me?"

Steve couldn't hide his He said excitedly: "Mr. Wade, I want to tell you that I have reached a consensus with my father and plan to set up a Rothschild family office in the Chinese mainland, which will be responsible for the family's investment in China. At that time, this family office will be fully responsible for me, and I will go to China in person to be in charge of all the business of this office. The family will invest 50 billion US dollars in the first batch to increase investment in China. I plan to set up this office in Aurous Hill!"

Charlie was not surprised by the news. Steve was a smart man. After he came to Aurous Hill last time, he would definitely understand that he was his current benefactor. It would be the best choice for him to develop in Aurous Hill in the future. Of course, this would also make it easier for him to control him.

So, Charlie smiled and said to Steve: "Steve, then I would like to welcome you in advance on behalf of Aurous Hill and its citizens."

Steve said excitedly: "Please rest assured, Mr. Wade and the people of Aurous Hill, I will do my best to contribute to the construction of Aurous Hill!"

Charlie was stunned: "Who did you learn this skill of speaking from?"

Steve smiled and said truthfully: "I have been catching up on a lot of Chinese film and television works recently, all of which reflect the World War II period. To be honest, I am deeply moved by the spirit of those Chinese national heroes!"


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