Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2601 to 2700 Charlie Wade Story Charlie in Syria

 Chapter 2601

Claire‘s words caused Charlie‘s heart to feel warm.

Over the years, Claire has given him too much tolerance. Even when he was accused by thousands of people a few years ago, Claire never complained about him, let alone the idea of divorcing him.

Now, Claire said this from the bottom of her heart, which moved Charlie even more.

However, he knew very well that Claire did not know his identity, his current wealth, and the ocean transportation project he planned.

He estimated that Claire should feel that he wanted to be in a small-scale studio when he started his own business, and he didn‘t know that what he wanted to do was a large project with a unit of tens of billions.

Charlie didn‘t want her to worry too much, so he smiled and said, ―Okay, just listening to my wife. I don‘t want to start a business anymore. Concentrate on doing the work at home!‖

Claire breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: ―Okay, anyway, my current career has improved a lot, and I will be responsible for raising the family in the future.‖ 

Charlie said earnestly: ―But don‘t be too tired, wife. The Emgrand Group project is too big. If you are too busy, you should do less and subcontract it to other companies.‖

―That won‘t work.‖ Claire said seriously: ―Vice-Chair Doris gave me such a big project because of her trust in me. How can I fail others? I must do my best for this project. ―

After speaking, she checked the time and said: ―I have to go out quickly. If you lazy pig still doesn‘t want to get up, just sleep for a while.‖

Charlie sat up, stretched his waist, and said, ―I won‘t sleep anymore.‖

Claire nodded and said, ―Then you go wash first, I‘m going to change my clothes.‖

Charlie hurriedly said, ―Don‘t forget to leave after eating.‖

Claire waved her hand: ―I won‘t eat at home anymore. I was wasting time. I will order a meal and send it directly to the company. The meal will arrive when I arrive.‖

Charlie sighed helplessly: ―Let‘s do it, pay more attention to yourself, don‘t get tired.‖

Claire smiled and said, ―Don‘t worry, I know.‖

Charlie remembered the matter of adding ingredients to the millet porridge for Meiqing yesterday. Suddenly he had an idea and blurted out: ―By the way, my wife, the doctor Shi has a prescription to relieve fatigue, or I will go back and give it to you. How many sets can you eat?‖

Claire‘s expression was a little worried, and she said diligently, ―Is it traditional medicine? I am most afraid of taking traditional medicine. It is really bitter, can I not have it…‖

Charlie hurriedly said, ―Don‘t worry, it‘s not a decoction, it‘s a honey pill made into small particles, just sweets.‖

Claire breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: ―That‘s good… as long as it is not boiled into a decoction.

Charlie nodded: ―Then I will go to the clinic of the genius doctor Shi, in a moment, and I will give you a little to come back. Then you will not be so tired after eating a little every day.‖

―Okay.‖ Claire smiled sweetly: ―Thank you husband, I‘m leaving now!‖

Claire drove away from home in a hurry, Charlie took out his mobile phone after a brief wash and called Doris.

Regardless of whether Doris is allowed to do the ocean shipping business, he needs Doris to give him some advice.

After all, she is a professional management talent, and she is more experienced than Charlie in this regard.

After the call got through, Doris‘s voice came: ―Master, why are you calling me so early?‖

Charlie asked her, ―Doris, are you still in Hong Kong?‖

―Yes.‖ Doris said: ―The matter here in Hong Kong is coming to an end, and it is almost over. If you need me in a hurry, Master, I can fly back at noon as soon as possible.‖

Chapter 2602

Charlie said, ―It‘s not necessary. I‘m calling you because I want to ask you something.‖

Doris hurriedly said, ―Master, you are too polite. If you have any questions, just say, I will try my best to answer you.‖

Charlie said: ―I am interested in trying the ocean shipping industry. It just so happens that the Ito family in Japan can provide a lot of resources and help, and I have more funds in my own hands, so I want to find opportunities to do this business.‖

―But the problem now is that I can‘t find a suitable person to take charge of this project.

I want to ask if you have any good ideas, or if you can bring this business up temporarily;‖

―If you can, I will never be stingy with salary, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory account.‖

After listening, Doris said seriously, ―Master, if you need, I can do anything for you…‖

Speaking of this, Doris hesitated for a moment and then said: ―But for a large project like ocean transportation, if you do it casually, the start-up capital will cost tens of billions. It really matters…‖

―Although I did a good job at Emgrand Group, I am mainly responsible for commercial real estate development projects. One is that I don‘t understand the ocean shipping industry, and the other is that I don‘t understand international trade rules.‖

―Especially I don‘t understand the import and export trade regulations and tax-related policies of other overseas countries. If you ask me to deal with this project, it may take a long time for me to understand all these conditions clearly, and then build the team. In this case, the preliminary preparation work may take several years…‖

When Charlie heard this, he already understood what Doris meant, so he asked her, ―Then you suggest that I find a professional counterpart?‖

―Yes.‖ Doris explained: ―Ocean shipping industry needs to connect with mainstream trading countries in the world.‖

―The closest ones are Japan and South Korea, followed by oil-producing countries in the Middle East and Australia, and then Europe and North America;‖

―This is just what I‘m talking about. Although other second-tier countries have a small single demand, the total amount is still very huge;‖

―If you want to do this business, you must first have a good understanding of the policies of these countries, and you must have a certain amount of local resources to quickly connect with the local government and ports.‖

―So, it must be done by very professional people.‖

Charlie asked her, ―Do you have any talents you can recommend?‖

―This…‖ Doris thought for a while and said, ―To be honest, I really have a very ideal candidate, but I don‘t know if he wants it or not.‖

Charlie hurriedly said, ―Who is it? If it‘s really suitable, I can talk to him.‖

Doris said earnestly: ―The professor I was studying in the United States, he resigned some time ago and came to Aurous Hill and teaches at Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics.‖

Charlie was startled and blurted out, ―Is the person you talking about called Pollard Watt?!‖

Doris exclaimed, ―Master, do you know Professor Watt?!‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―I just met him last night, but I haven‘t had much contact with him.‖

Doris hurriedly said, ―That‘s great! Professor Watt is really amazing!‖

―He is a high-achieving student in economics and management. Before he went to teach at MIT, he first worked in Silicon Valley and then went to Wall Street. The companies he worked for were all Fortune 500 companies, and the positions were very high.‖

―He has an impeccable work experience for 20 years. Later, because of a little change in his family, he resigned from Wall Street and went to teach at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.‖

While talking, Doris continued: ―Master, based on what I know about Professor, there should be no second manager with such a high level in China!‖

―Moreover, he has worked in multinational corporations overseas for many years, flying around several continents all the year-round, knowing the policies of the world‘s major trading countries well, and there are many local resources everywhere;‖

―If he can be persuaded to join, then your business will be able to start in the fastest time and maintain rapid growth!‖

Chapter 2603

Charlie really didn‘t expect that Pollard Watt, who he just met yesterday, is still a great man in the field of economic management.

While he felt that there was nowhere to be found by breaking through the iron shoes, and it was all effortless to get it, he not only sweated for his old girlfriend.

He naturally knew, um, the feelings of father-in-law Jacob towards Aunt Meiqing? It came from the heart.

But in the final analysis, the old man has a cowardly character, and he is always suppressed by Elaine‘s aura. While thinking about renewing the relationship with Meiqing, he has no courage to divorce Elaine. If this continues, he and Meiqing simply cannot have any future together.

But Pollard Watt is different.

This man is not only highly educated and capable, but his appearance and temperament, and even living habits are also far superior to Jacob‘s, and he does not have the shackles and fetters of Elaine. If he really launches a fierce offensive for Meiqing, then Jacob‘s winning rate will definitely be greatly reduced.

Thinking of this, Charlie couldn‘t help but shook his head. Jacob‘s future was always in his own hands. If he still didn‘t dare to take a step forward, then he passed happiness and couldn‘t blame others.

Now, his top priority is to find a way to have a good chat with Pollard and see if he can be used as his own.

Therefore, he immediately sent a WeChat message to Doris and said, ―Doris, you can make an appointment with Professor Watt for me, and say that I really want to see him and see when it is convenient for him.‖

Doris quickly replied: ―Master, do you want me to tell Professor Watt your true identity?

Or tell him your current public identity?‖

Charlie thought about it for a moment, and said, ―Just tell him directly, just say that your boss wants to see him.‖

Doris replied: ―OK, young master, I see.‖

Charlie waited for about ten minutes, and Doris replied: ―Master, Professor Watt said that the time period from 9:30 to 10:00 is OK. If you want to see him, you can go directly to his office.‖

―Okay!‖ Charlie said with a smile: ―Then I will be there on time at 9:30!‖


Just as Charlie was about to go to Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics, Dan and his great-grandson Mike had already driven to the gate of Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics.

The taxi driver said, ―Two, this is Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics, but taxis are not allowed to enter here. If you have something to do, you can walk in first, and I will wait here.‖

―Okay.‖ Dan smiled slightly and said, ―Mike, let‘s go in and move around.‖

Mike nodded, got out of the car to help the old man open the door, and then helped the old man out of the car.

Afterwards, Mike said to the driver, ―Master, leave a phone call. I will contact you later if I have anything to do.‖

The driver hurriedly said: ―Boss, don‘t have to be so troublesome. I‘ll be waiting for you here. Anyway, you must enter through this door or exit through this door.‖

When Mike thought it was the case, he nodded and stepped into the gate of Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics with Grandpa.

As soon as he entered the door with his forefoot, he heard the sound of the engine speeding up behind him and even heard the tire slipping due to the rapid start of the vehicle.

He turned his head subconsciously and saw that the taxi that he had spent 2,000 yuan from his wallet has disappeared.

Chapter 2604

Mike was extremely angry, and blurted out, ―Hey! You b@stard, stop!‖

Dan smiled, patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly: ―It‘s a good sign to avoid disasters. Don‘t be so angry.‖

Mike said angrily, ―Grandpa, this guy is too bad! I gave him two thousand, and he only dropped us here and ran. It‘s just such a stretch of road. A normal taxi definitely costs less than fifty dollars. Money, if you let him run away like this, we don‘t know how many people will be pitted in the future! No, I have to call the police!‖

Dan nodded and said, ―That guy is really too much, but you don‘t need to be familiar with him. Remember, the most precious thing in a person‘s life is time. The more successful a person is, the more time is worth. And the more people who fail, the less time it matters.‖

As he said, Dan asked him again: ―Then if you call the police now, then we have to wait here for the police officer to come over or take the initiative to go to the police station, and then we have to explain the ins and outs of the whole thing and remember that person‘s characteristics and the license plate number. After the police officers catch him, they will find us to identify and make a record. This time, we will have to wait at least half a day at least.‖

―Don‘t say anything else. In the United States, if anyone asks me to see Feng Shui or divination, he will pay me fifty thousand dollars an hour, but the two of us will spend two thousand in this kind of people‘s time. Isn‘t it boring to ask yourself?‖ 

Mike couldn‘t help saying: ―Grandpa, I want to call the police to arrest him, not for two thousand, but just to teach this man a lesson, let him know that this society must be honest and following the rule of law! To a certain extent, prevent him from continuing to do evil.‖

Dan waved his hand and said seriously: ―Mike, since you are interested in the mystery of Feng Shui and hope to study this field in-depth, then you have to keep it in mind.‖

Mike hurriedly asked, ―Grandpa, what do I need to keep in mind?‖

Dan said solemnly: ―You must remember, don‘t be nosy, remember one sentence: Every family cleans up the snow, and don‘t care about others‘ frost!‖

Mike was dumbfounded and said, ―Grandpa, isn‘t this a satire?‖

―Ironic?‖ Dan smiled and said, ―This is the true wisdom of the ancestors!‖

―Sweeping the snow in front of your door is justified and understandable. No one can accuse you of sweeping the snow in front of your house.‖

―But if you really manage other people, then I ask you, who do you want to manage?‖

―If you kindly helped your neighbor next door, then the next-door neighbor will ask you, why don‘t you care about him?‖

―If you let him down for a while, then these neighbors will also feel that you shouldn‘t exclude him.‖

―If this is the case, wouldn‘t it be snow, you have to clean up the entire community and all the snow in front of everyone‘s house?‖

Mike was speechless.

Dan continued: ―People like us who master the Feng Shui fortune, let alone overflowing with compassion!‖

After speaking, Dan said again: ―Like my grandfather, he was the best at seeing photos. 

If he walks on the streets of the capital, among the people coming and going, he can see at a glance who will suffer a bloody disaster in the near future. , Even the family break downs;‖

―Sometimes, some people can save the life as long as he pulls the other person and clicks.‖

―However, he can‘t be sympathetic to control one by one. There are billions of people in the world. As long as you start to control, you will instinctively feel as if you are responsible for everyone. Then how can you manage it?‖

―It‘s like we go out to show others Feng Shui, and on the way to the employer‘s house, we might see dozens or hundreds of murderous houses. If we go and talk about them one by one, will it make sense? Will you be a sane person?‖

―So in our business, we must remember that as long as we go out of our own door, we only care about the life and death of the employer, and no one else should take it to heart. This is the ―Tao‖ in the mystery of Feng Shui. When will you really understand?

With this, when will it be considered that you have truly entered the door!‖

Chapter 2605

Mike is young and vigorous and has a strong sense of justice in his bones, so when Dan Mai said this, he was instinctively unacceptable. 

But when he settled down to think, he felt that Grandpa‘s words really made sense.

The biggest difference between feng shui masters and ordinary people is that they can predict a person‘s future good or bad through face, feng shui, and divination. 

For ordinary people, this is definitely a kind of ability that can be called against the sky.

And the more people who master this skill, the more they must resolutely put an end to the heart of the Virgin because once they open sympathy for others, they will drag themselves into the quagmire.

He finally wanted to understand why in domestic and foreign film and television dramas, those professional killers had to collect money to do things for others.

Even if he really sympathizes with the other party and is really willing to risk his life to avenge the other party, he still has to symbolically charge the other party a dollar and a penny.

This is their professional ethics, unshakable professional ethics.

As for the root cause, this is what Grandpa said. They only see the employer and only serve the employer. The life and death of other people have nothing to do with them. 

This dollar, or a penny, is the key to distinguish ordinary people from employers.

Without this dollar, or a penny, there are too many poor people in the world, and there are too many poor people who have been driven to ruin. Who can help?

After thinking about this level, he said to Dan with a pious face: ―Grandpa, I understand what you said, and I will remember your teachings in the future!‖

Dan nodded, and said very seriously: ―If you can understand this truth, it would be better.‖

As he said, he couldn‘t help sighing: ―The Mai family has been among the top five feng shui families for thousands of years. However, since my father decided to move his family to the United States, your grandfather and your father were born in the United States one after another. Western culture is corroded so badly that the two of them don‘t have any in-depth research on Feng Shui mystery, and they don‘t have the potential to become a master. If you don‘t realize the Tao before I die, then our Mai family will definitely start to disappear from The Feng Shui Five Masters line…‘

Mike quickly said, ―Don‘t worry, grandpa, I will definitely go all out to keep the reputation of the Mai family!‖

Dan nodded slightly, sighed softly, and said, ―Hey, nothing more, let‘s not talk about it yet. Let‘s take a good turn in this school first? Let‘s see if there are any special gains.‖ 

Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics is a relatively small university. The total number of teachers and students in the school is just over 10,000, which is indeed much worse than a comprehensive university with a start-up of 30,000 or 40,000. 

However, although there are few people, the floor space is really not small.

Moreover, although Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics is inferior to Aurous Hill University in comprehensive rankings, its economic management discipline has always been ranked among the best in the country, and it is considered to be the most outstanding professional discipline.

Therefore, many wealthy talents will send their children here so that they can learn economic management and better take over the family business in the future.

In fact, before Wu Qi‘s accident, his elder brother Roger Wu and Regnar Wu still liked him more.

Although Roger is the eldest son, he belongs to the kind who is relatively ordinary in all aspects, and there is nothing outstanding.

Originally, Regnar had high hopes for him and sent him to study in the United States, but who would have thought that after Roger arrived in the United States, he would mix with the rich second-generation, driving sports cars, parties, drinking and picking up girls every day, all day drunk.

Later, Regnar realized that not every child can become a talent when sent abroad to study.

In fact, a large part of these children is completely ruined without parental control after going abroad.

Only a very small number of self-disciplined children can maintain themselves and be promoted in the alluring environment overseas. 

Therefore, in order to prevent Wu Qi from making detours, he did not let him go the old path of Roger, but let him get admission in the college entrance examination through his own efforts and enter the Aurous Hill Institute of Finance and Economics.

Chapter 2606

This kid was indeed smart, otherwise, it would not be possible to practice the brainwashing methods for the little girl. It is a pity that his cleverness finally made him take a detour and was turned into a shit-swallowing beast by Charlie.

The grandfather and grandson walked around the campus, and Mike asked, ―Grandpa, do you think that the master of psychological hints to Regnar‘s son is in this school?‖

Dan shook his head and said, ―I‘m not sure about this, but I think that Regnar‘s son‘s accident happened in this school at the time. Whether that person is in this school or not, the clues will come from here. Start sorting out.‖

After all, Dan said, ―Mike, you are young. In between classes, ask some students to inquire about Wu Qi, especially who he has been in contact with before the accident.

You must find out first!‖

―OK, grandpa!‖

At this moment, a BMW 530 is slowly passing by the grandparents.

Sitting in the cab is Charlie.

He had asked Doris to make an appointment with Pollard Watt in advance, so he drove directly into the school. When he heard that he had an appointment with Professor Watt, the security guards not only did not stop him but also enthusiastically told Charlie the route.

At this time, Charlie happened to drive past the artificial lake of Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics.

This is also his second visit to Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics.

Last time, at Aoxue‘s request, he came to persuade her female classmate who wanted to commit suicide.

It was also that time that he knew that there was garbage that specifically brainwashed girls, allowed girls to self-mutilate, and commit suicide on college campuses. 

So, he gave Wu Qi a little psychological hint, which made his life gloomy.

Charlie was sighing in his heart, his eyes were attracted by the old and the young walking on the side of the road.

The young man was not too old and looked like he was in his early twenties, but the old man next to him was full of white hair and looked at least eighty or ninety years old.

Charlie felt that although the old man was very old, he seemed to be relatively strong physically and mentally, and his gait was smooth and steady, and even somewhat relaxed.

And the young man around him seemed to be helping, but in fact, he just made a look, the old man didn‘t need anyone to help him.

What makes Charlie feel a little strange is that he feels a familiar aura in this old man.

This feeling is very similar to the Lai Qinghua he had seen on Waderest Mountain.

But Charlie didn‘t think much, so he drove past the two of them.

What he cares more about now is the meeting with Pollard.

This is the first time Charlie has come out to meet people as the chairman of Emgrand Group.

Even when meeting Doris for the first time, he used the identity of Wade Family Master, not the chairman of the Emgrand Group.

Therefore, he was more or less worried.

If Pollard can be persuaded to cooperate with him, then everything is fine, but if he cannot be persuaded, then his identity as the chairman of the Emgrand Group will be exposed?

Pollard is not his own subordinate, so he is an uncontrollable factor. Once the secret is mastered by an uncontrollable person, the possibility of spreading out will increase geometrically.

Charlie didn‘t know whether Pollard would tell Meiqing and she would tell his father-inlaw.

However, this project is very important at the moment, so he can only go all out to chat with Pollard, and strive to take this awesome man!

Chapter 2607

Charlie drove the car to the administrative building of Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics, and according to the room number told by the security guard, came to the door of the office of the deputy dean of the School of Economics and Management.

After hesitating for a moment, Charlie knocked on the door.

After three beeps, Pollard‘s voice came from inside: ―Please come in!‖

Charlie pushed the door in and saw Pollard wearing a decent suit, now wearing glasses and sitting at his desk reading information.

After a few seconds, he put down the file in his hand and looked up at Charlie, a little startled.

Immediately, he asked in surprise, ―Charlie? Why did you come here?‖ 

Seeing his surprised look, Charlie knew that he had not connected himself with the identity of the chairman of the Emgrand Group.

So, he smiled slightly and said seriously: ―Hello Professor Watt, I asked Doris to make an appointment with you on my behalf.‖

―Ah?!‖ Pollard stood up suddenly, and said in shock, ―You…are the chairman of the Emgrand Group?!‖

Charlie nodded and said frankly: ―Yes, Professor Watt, I am indeed the chairman of the Emgrand Group.‖

―My God…‖ Pollard couldn‘t help but exclaimed: ―When I ran with your Meiqing yesterday, she told me that you are a Feng Shui… That‘s good, the group The chairman‘s identity seems to be a bit bad…‖

Charlie smiled and said: ―The so-called Feng Shui is just a rumor among some friends in Aurous Hill. I have studied a little Feng Shui, but the overall business is relatively business and it‘s not enough.‖

As he said, he explained: ―As for the identity of the chairman of the Emgrand Group, I also hope that Professor Watt can help me keep it secret. Even my wife and my fatherin-law don‘t know my identity. Don‘t tell others, especially Aunt Meiqing.‖

Pollard couldn‘t help asking: ―I‘m not sure about one thing. With such a big identity, how did you hide it from your wife and your father-in-law? Did they know nothing about the whole process of establishing the Emgrand Group?‖

Charlie explained: ―Even though the Emgrand Group is mine now, it was not founded by me. The Emgrand Group has been established for nearly 10 years, and I only took over it last summer. As for the family, it is mainly because of some individuals. The reason is not convenient to tell them for the time being.‖

Pollard was silent for a moment, nodded lightly, and said, ―Okay, I promise you not to tell anyone else about this, but I am not sure, what is your purpose for looking for me today?

Charlie said seriously: ―Ocean shipping has been gaining momentum recently. I personally want to invest in this business, but I have been suffering from not having a suitable managerial talent.‖

With that, Charlie looked at Pollard and continued: ―Doris introduced you to me, saying that you are very capable and respected by her, so I want to ask, Professor Watt, are you interested in following me for cooperation.‖

After hearing this, Pollard shook his head slightly, and said sincerely: ―I‘m sorry, Mr. Wade, since the day I went to teach at MIT, I have decided to give up this work.‖

Charlie didn‘t expect that Pollard directly rejected him as soon as he came up, so he asked: ―Professor Watt if it is about money, everything is actually easy to talk about. You just have to say the number and you will be accommodated.‖ 

Pollard shook his head and said, ―No, it‘s not a question of money. It‘s my personal decision. I have worked in several Fortune 500 companies for 20 years. I have been racking my brains for the past 20 years to think about how to help companies earn money. More profit, which makes me feel particularly meaningless, so I decided to teach and use another way to prove my value.‖

Chapter 2608

Charlie asked in a puzzled way: ―Why does it make you feel boring to help companies make more profits? Isn‘t your teaching now also helping schools cultivate more talents?

I think there is nothing between the two. They‘re absolutely different.‖

Pollard smiled slightly and said seriously: ―To be honest, I am not a person who loves money very much.‖

With that, Pollard said with some emotion: ―Actually, after the money reaches a certain level, it doesn‘t make sense to me. My living condition must have been fixed since I earned half a million dollars a year until When I made 10 million U.S. dollars a year, my standard of living and condition were the same as when I made half a million dollars a year.

―Although I am not a rich person, I have worked for so many years and have saved tens of millions of dollars. In addition, I have made some stock investments. I have some shares of Apple and Tesla. If you discount it all, you might get two to three hundred million dollars. Although the money is not comparable to Mr. Wade‘s Emgrand Group, I don‘t know where to spend it.‖

―The house I live in now is not expensive. All the investment is added up, and it is about one million. I can afford an expensive house. I just find it too troublesome to live in, and it is unnecessary.‖

―The car I drive is a Tesla. This is the most common one. It is economical and environmentally friendly. When all the investment is added up, it is less than 60,000 US dollars in RMB.‖

―And my monthly expenses, only a few thousand dollars are enough, and my current salary alone can cover all these expenses. As for the remaining money, it can only be stored in the bank account. It has completely lost its liquidity, no matter how much money I earn, I will donate all of it to charity in the future, so for me, I feel that I might as well just teach diligently here.‖

Charlie asked in surprise, ―Aren‘t you going to leave a generous sum of money for your children?‖

Pollard smiled and said, ―I really don‘t have any thoughts about this. My daughter is about the same age as you, and her living condition is about the same as mine. She can make money, but she won‘t spend money at all, and she has no motivation to spend money.‖

Charlie couldn‘t help feeling a bit difficult when he heard this.

Pollard is obviously not interested in money and only wants to teach and educate people. In this case, what does he do to impress him and make him willing to do it with him?

After thinking about it, Charlie didn‘t think of a good way.

However, a black and white sketch on the wall of Pollard‘s office attracted his attention.

The simple strokes of the sketch only drew the shape of a tree. It didn‘t seem to be peculiar. Even most people could hardly tell the species of this tree by its shape. 

But Charlie still looked at the painting and said with interest: ―Professor Watt, did you draw this sketch by yourself?‖

Pollard asked curiously, ―How do you know? I didn‘t sign the money on it either.‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―Because I know this tree.‖

―Oh?‖ Pollard hurriedly asked him, ―Since you know this tree, can you tell me something about it?‖

Charlie nodded and smiled: ―Professor Watt, the tree you painted is actually a redwood tree in California, USA.‖

Pollard was taken aback for a moment. At this time, Charlie continued: ―In fact, this simple stroke of yours should have been taken from the Stanford University emblem. If I remember correctly, the pattern in the center of the Stanford University emblem is like this. A red cedar tree.‖

Pollard asked in surprise: ―Is Mr. Wade also a graduate from Stanford?‖

Chapter 2609

Seeing Pollard Watt‘s expression of excitement, Charlie hurriedly explained: ―Sorry, Professor Watt, I am not a Stanford graduate.‖

Pollard asked puzzledly: ―Then how do you know that the red cedar tree I painted is the one in the Stanford University badge? If you don‘t have a deep understanding of Stanford, you probably won‘t remember the pattern in the school badge. Am I right?‖

Charlie didn‘t hide it and said seriously: ―My mother did study at Stanford back then.

When I was a child, I was fortunate to follow her to visit Stanford.‖

―So that‘s it!‖ Pollard nodded slightly, ―I think you are only twenty-seven or eighteen this year. Your mother‘s age should be similar to mine, right?‖ 

Charlie nodded. When I was born, my mother was twenty-six years old, and she would be fifty-four this year.‖

Pollard pondered for a moment, and said, ―Fifty-four years old, that is, one year younger than me. It is likely to be in the same class as me, or just before me. Can I take the liberty to ask, what is your mother‘s name? Maybe I still know!‖

Charlie hesitated for a moment, and inevitably said sadly: ―My mother has passed away for many years, so I still don‘t mention her name.‖

As soon as Charlie‘s voice fell, Pollard was already stunned!

He looked at Charlie, his voice was trembling with shock, and he asked, ―Charlie…your surname is Wade…then your mother, is her surname An?!‖

Charlie couldn‘t help but exclaimed: ―Professor Watt knows my mother?!‖

Pollard became excited all of a sudden, and said, ―Are you really Margaret‘s child?!‖

When Charlie heard the word ―Margaret‖ at first, tears filled Charlie‘s eyes.

Margaret An is his mother‘s name.

This name has been missed in his heart for many years, but Charlie has almost heard someone mention it for the first time in so many years.

His mother‘s surname is An, which is safe and happy.

Literally, peach trees and plum trees do not speak, but because they bloom beautiful flowers and produce sweet fruits, people will spontaneously walk in front of them and step on a path under them. and his mother‘s name in Chinese is derived from these trees.

Its true meaning is to metaphor a person who is sincere and self-disciplined enough and possesses a flawless character, so he will naturally touch and attract others, and be loved and admired by people.

Because Charlie‘s mother was his grandfather‘s eldest daughter and the one who was most loved, the old man had high hopes for her, so he gave her An Chengqi, a name with deep meaning.

When Pollard saw Charlie with tears in his eyes, he immediately confirmed his guess. He stepped forward, grasped Charlie‘s hand, and said with red eyes: ―Charlie, we two met more than twenty years ago. Yes! At that time you were very young, and your mother took you to Stanford and Silicon Valley. My wife and I were always accompanied at the time, but there were still many people around. You may not have any impression of me.‖

As he said, he suddenly thought of something, and said excitedly: ―My lover even hugged you at the time! Do you still have an impression?‖

Charlie shook his head and said a little apologetically, ―I‘m sorry, Professor Watt, it‘s been too long, I really don‘t have any impression.‖

Then he asked, ―Professor Watt, were you classmates with my mother?‖

Chapter 2610

―Yes!‖ Pollard nodded and said with emotion: ―We have been classmates for several years, and the relationship between us is also very good. When I pursued my lover, it was your mother who handed me the love letter.‖

Charlie asked curiously: ―Professor Watt, can you tell me about my mother? I don‘t know anything about her experience before marrying my father.‖

Pollard sighed: ―Your mother was a celebrity at Stanford back then! Not only was the best Chinese female student in Stanford University‘s history, but also the president of the Stanford Chinese Alumni Association and the sponsor of the Stanford Internet Venture Capital Fund Well, many of the top high-tech companies that are now in full swing in Silicon Valley, they used your mother‘s funds to do it step by step…‖

Speaking of this, Pollard couldn‘t help sighing, and said with a bit of melancholy and regret: ―Your mother was really a powerful woman in Stanford and Silicon Valley back then…‖

―Not only was she beautiful, majestic, and knowledgeable, she was also extremely capable, and her family‘s strength can be called a rich and enemy country!‖ 

―The point is, the family is so rich, one can still work so hard, and make great achievements, I have only seen your mother in my life…‖

―All our classmates, including those local classmates, were eclipsed by your mother…‖

Speaking of this, Pollard sighed: ―Back then, there was a saying in Stanford, saying that with so many entrepreneurial elites in Silicon Valley, at least one-third of men are admirers of your mother. This sentence sounds like an exaggeration. But at that time, almost everyone in Silicon Valley knew your mother‘s name. Everyone respected her and admired her very much.‖

In fact, it was the first time Charlie heard about these things about his mother. Charlie was not born when his mother was studying at Stanford and investing in Silicon Valley.

After Charlie was born, his mother gradually became a good helper of his father.

Therefore, in Charlie‘s memory, his mother was not an image of a business elite.

Moreover, Charlie didn‘t know much about his mother before he was born. His mother was low-key and never talked about it with him.

Now that he heard what Pollard said, Charlie was also very interested in his heart, and asked: ―Professor Watt, do you still know anything about my mother?‖

Pollard said seriously, ―That‘s too much…Three days and three nights can‘t be finished…‖

Speaking of this, Pollard‘s expression couldn‘t help but feel sad and said with emotion: ―After your mother had an accident in Aurous Hill, dozens of people from our classmate rushed back by chartered flight overnight to find you. I was there at the time, and there were many others who came together. Your mother‘s classmate at Stanford, although I was born and raised in Aurous Hill, I started all the relationships I could in the city at that time, and I couldn‘t find your whereabouts.‖

―Later, more than 300 people in our Stanford Alumni Association, as well as your mother‘s nearly 100 friends in the Silicon Valley venture capital field, worked together to find your whereabouts all over the world. They searched for a full ten years without any results. Where have you been for so many years?‖

Charlie didn‘t expect that after his parents had an accident that year, his mother‘s classmates and friends would still look for him for ten years.

When he was moved, he couldn‘t help saying with emotion: ―Professor Watt, in fact, I have been in Aurous Hill for so many years.‖

After all, Charlie explained his hiding in the orphanage to Pollard.

Pollard couldn‘t help sighing, ―I really didn‘t expect you to be in Aurous Hill all the time…‖

Charlie asked him, ―Professor Watt, do you know my father?‖ 

Pollard shook his head and said, ―When your father was in love with your mother, he never contacted us. We only know that your father was the young master of the Eastcliff family, but more details are not very clear. When your parents held their wedding in Eastcliff, my wife and I were originally planning to come over to attend, but something happened in the United States at the time and we had to change our plan temporarily.‖

As he said, he couldn‘t help sighing: ―The United States and China are still too far apart after all. If I remember correctly, after your mother and your father returned to China and got married, I met her three times until she had the accident in Aurous Hill. , The last time, it was the time she took you to Stanford…‖

Chapter 2611

When Pollard said this, he couldn‘t help but sigh: ―Sometimes the adult world is like this.

Everyone has a very good relationship, but because the distance is too far and each has its own life, it may be difficult to meet for three to five years. ―

Immediately, he said with a serious face: ―Although my love and I rarely met with your mother later, our relationship is still very deep. When your mother was alive, my love and I regarded her as a close friend. , It‘s a pity that such a good person as she died young…‖

Hearing this, Charlie couldn‘t help feeling sad deep in his heart.

The people around their parents spoke highly of them, but unfortunately, they knew little about the deeds of the two of them. 

In fact, Charlie was just a kid who had just entered the second grade of elementary school until his parents died. 

Children of that age have a very simple and superficial perspective on problems and the world. He only knows that his parents loved him very much, but he does not know what kind of person their parents are.

Sometimes, Charlie envied Sara‘s father Philip.

Because he has known his father for much longer than himself.

He also knew more about his father than himself.

Now, he admires Pollard very much.

Because he felt that Pollard knew his mother better than himself.

Seeing Charlie‘s look lonely, Pollard couldn‘t help but stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder and comforted: ―It has been so long, so don‘t be sad about it anymore. 

Your mother‘s life in the first two decades is really too much. Brilliant, our classmates at the time said that there must be a lack of such a good person around God, so she was sent to heaven early.‖

Charlie nodded lightly.

Regarding parents, apart from sadness, he still has regrets in his heart. The most regrettable thing is that he, as their children, lacks enough understanding of their lives.

Pollard smiled at this time and said, ―Let‘s talk about you. How did you become the chairman of the Emgrand Group now? Didn‘t you return to Wade‘s house?‖

Charlie smiled bitterly and said, ―To be honest, I have lived in Aurous Hill for nearly 20 years, and worked as a son-in-law in the Willson family for four years. The Wade family only found me last year.‖

―As for the Emgrand Group, it was also a gift they gave me. In addition to the Emgrand Group, they also gave me 10 billion in cash as compensation, but these don‘t seem to make much sense to me. The Emgrand Group‘s money, I haven‘t moved anything yet. As for the 10 billion, I only paid the medical bills to the savior at first and bought a car and a chain of necklaces for my wife. Then I didn‘t spend the money.‖

Speaking of this, Charlie sighed and continued: ―But it doesn‘t make sense to say this.

Although I don‘t want to take the Wade Family‘s money, I have to admit that if the Wade Family doesn‘t give me these, I might still be a wasteful son-in-law accused by thousands of people and cast aside by thousands…‖

Pollard sighed and said, ―You have suffered so much for so many years. In fact, I would say something to the point. If your parents are still alive, you must be the richest person in the world, and even though I don‘t know your father, but I have also heard of some of your father‘s deeds. Back then, the Wade family relied on your parents to do everything right away to get the situation as it is today!‖

―I can say very responsibly that at least 50% of the current assets of the Wade family are attributed to your parents, and what the Wade family gave you is not as good as onetenth of the Wade family‘s assets. After all, They give you less!‖

Charlie smiled bitterly and shook his head: ―It doesn‘t matter anymore. I actually want to create a world on my own. After all, I still don‘t know whether the death of my parents back then has anything to do with the Wade family. So I even hope to accumulate enough strength so that I can surpass the Wade family and even the Su family in all aspects. In this way, once the murderer of my parents is found in the future, I will be confident enough to make them pay the price.‖

Chapter 2612

Pollard suddenly realized that he blurted out, ―That‘s why you want to do ocean transportation?‖

―Yes.‖ Charlie nodded and said, ―I don‘t know how much you know about the Su family.

Back then, the Su family and my father didn‘t deal with it very well. The Su family even set up an anti-Wade alliance and united many other families. Come to fight my father together, so the Su family is also an enemy in my eyes. Now that family‘s ocean transportation business is completely stranded. I think it is a good opportunity for me to take advantage of it. So I moved this idea.‖

After speaking, Charlie said again: ―I originally wanted Doris to take over this business, but he told me that doing this business requires a very thorough understanding of international trade and the laws and regulations and tax policies of major trading countries in the world. Understand, she feels she is not competent, so she recommended you to me…‖

―It just so happened that we just met last night, so I came to visit today and wanted to ask you to come out and help. I didn‘t expect you to be my mother‘s former classmate.‖ 

Pollard was silent for a moment, and said, ―Charlie, now you choose ocean transportation as your entry point. This judgment is very correct.‖

―In the future, the proportion of global trade will definitely become larger and larger.

More and more large-scale manufacturing companies have begun to engage in global supply chains. Take the automobile industry as an example. A car is used in Brazil and Australia. Steel made from iron ore, rubber originally produced in Southeast Asia, highprecision electronic devices and control modules from Virtue and Japan, and then combined with China‘s other upstream and downstream industrial chains and labor.‖

―Among them, most of the transportation of raw materials, spare parts, and complete vehicles rely on shipping.‖

―Not to mention the automobile industry. Even clothing is now a global supply chain.

You can buy a coat for two to three hundred. You may use cotton from the United States, fabrics from China, The zippers made in Japan will then use labor from Vietnam, Bangladesh, and Romania. Finally, they will be shipped from these producing countries to the country and sold to you.‖

―With more and more global supply chains like this, the ocean shipping market will get better and better. The Su‘s license has just been revoked, which is the key to speeding up the reshuffle of the domestic ocean shipping industry.‖

Charlie nodded and asked, ―Professor Watt, I don‘t know if you are willing to do me this favor? Feel free to mention the treatment!‖

Pollard suddenly felt melancholy, sighed, and said: ―Charlie, let me tell you heartwrenching words, if I don‘t give up my job, then I might now be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, or even Like Tim Cook, Apple‘s CEO, who made more than 100 million U.S. dollars a year easily, the reason why I gave up my high income and chose to teach in college was that I swore before my lover‘s grave that I would only teach in the second half of my life. No longer in business, no longer running for money…‖

Charlie asked in surprise, ―Professor Watt, your lover has passed away?‖

―Hmm…‖ Pollard sighed, ―Hey, back then, the so-called entrepreneurial ambition was too strong. All the classmates around us became executives and even partners of large groups, and many others had successfully started their businesses. , Becoming billionaire rich man, I was not willing to be behind others, so I work very hard, staying at home for less than a month all year round…‖

―At that time, I was flying around the world in first-class every day, and I didn‘t have time to care about the lives of my wife and children.‖

―Once, when I was on a business trip in Japan to discuss a project, my wife called and told me that she always had headaches recently, but I didn‘t have time to take care of it.

I just let her take some ibuprofen or go to the hospital to see a doctor…..‖

―But who would have thought that after half a year, she would leave me because of a malignant brain tumor…‖

Having said that, Pollard‘s eyes were red, and he reproached himself: ―From the day she was diagnosed, I realized the fatal mistakes I had made in the past so many years.‖ 

―Money is important, but money is by no means a panacea. Money can‘t replace love, family affection, or health.‖

―No matter how much I earn, I can‘t change my lover‘s life, nor can I change my daughter‘s true forgiveness to me…‖

―So at that moment, I swear to her that from now on, Pollard will only teach and educate people, and will never become a slave to money!‖

Chapter 2613

When Pollard said these words, Charlie knew in his heart that he had no possibility to persuade him to cooperate with him.

Moreover, he also understands a truth, called ―A gentleman is not too difficult for others.‖

He didn‘t make any further efforts, and said very seriously: ―Professor Watt, I understand what you mean, I‘m sorry, I was too rash.‖

Pollard hurriedly waved his hand and said, ―I don‘t blame you, it‘s my own heart knot. 

Since I have promised my deceased wife, I must abide by my promise and not be ambiguous on this issue, so don‘t blame me for this. ―

Charlie hurriedly said, ―Why? Professor Watt, I understand your decision 100%.‖

Pollard smiled happily, then remembered something, and said to Charlie: ―Charlie, in fact, if you want to guarantee an absolute advantage in front of the Wade family and the Su family, there is no need to be so troublesome to engage in ocean transportation by yourself.‖

Charlie asked curiously, ―Professor Watt, what do you mean?‖

Pollard said seriously: ―I think you can go to the United States to find your grandfather.

With him as your backing, you don‘t have to worry about the Su family or the Wade family, because even if the Su family and the Wade family are tied together, it‘s not your grandfather‘s opponent.‖

Charlie was dumbfounded and asked, ―Professor Watt, my grandpa… really has such a strong ability?‖

Pollard said earnestly: ―Strong? More than just being strong! There are three hugely rich families in the world, each of which is rich and powerful, one is the Rothschild family in Europe, the other is the Saudi royal family in the Middle East, and the other is the Chinese American. settle down!‖

He said, ―Do you know how much wealth your mother has created for An?‖

Charlie shook his head and sighed with shame: ―You tell me, Professor Watt, I don‘t know much about Grandpa‘s family. One is that I was too young back then. Although my mother took me to Grandpa‘s house several times, I‘m The public family doesn‘t know much about it. Another thing is, in my impression, the relationship between my mother and my grandpa doesn‘t seem to be very good.‖

―Yes.‖ Pollard nodded, and said, ―Back when your mother and your dad came together and wanted to go back to China with him and marry into the Wade family. Your grandpa was very dissatisfied because your grandpa couldn‘t look down on it. The An family felt that the Wade family was not worthy of being his in-laws.‖

As he said, Pollard said seriously: ―Actually, your grandfather is not wrong. The Wade family was really the same back then. Although it was very good in China, it is really impossible to get on the stage when looking at the world.‖ 

Charlie asked curiously, ―Then what business does my grandfather‘s family do?‖

Pollard said with emotion: ―Your grandfather‘s home, you can do almost everything, you can think of the industry, the settlement should have a certain degree of involvement, but the settlement is extremely low-key, they have thousands of companies around the world, but these On the surface, the company has nothing to do with An, and the An family rarely show up on their own. This is the same as the Rothschild family.‖

―The current industry of the Rothschild family is not too much to outsiders, but the key is that the Rothschild family has more than one bank and holds many shares in disguise in many banks.‖

―Owning a bank is tantamount to controlling finance, and almost all companies now need to finance and go public through banks.‖

―Therefore, a large family like this will naturally invest in many start-ups and listed companies through a large number of venture capital funds and stock funds. Almost all of the world‘s top 500 companies in Europe and the United States have Rothschilds. The shares of the German family are just that their shareholding structure is designed so secretly and ingeniously that outsiders can‘t see it at all.‖

Having said this, Pollard said with admiration: ―The operating route of An is similar to that of the Rothschild family. So, how much money your grandfather has, maybe he doesn‘t know how much money he owns, and I have no way of knowing. .‖

―However, I know that the size of the venture capital fund that your mother established in Silicon Valley back then exceeded 10 billion U.S. dollars thirty years ago.‖

―Other funds want to raise so much money. I don‘t know how many wealthy individuals or even retail investors are required to raise funds. However, all the funds that your mother used back then came from An!‖

―Moreover, over the years of development of Silicon Valley, I believe most people have heard of it. A large number of Fortune 500 was born here, and a large number of top IT rich were born here.

Chapter 2614

―Google, Apple, Yahoo, Cisco, Oracle, Tesla, and other top high-tech companies have all stepped out of Silicon Valley.‖

―To this day, their market value has increased tens of thousands of times, and the incremental space is extremely huge!‖

―Any stockholder, if he bought Apple‘s stock 20 years ago, his current income would be more than 300 or nearly 400 times.‖ 

―But did you know that your mother invested in Apple with the venture capital fund she set up before you were born!‖

―At the time, Steve Jobs treated her as a guest, and when Apple‘s market value was only a few billion dollars, she used hundreds of millions of dollars in exchange for 10% of Apple‘s shares!‖

―Now, Apple‘s market value is more than two trillion US dollars, equivalent to more than 15 trillion yuan!‖

―The 10% of your mother‘s investment back then, after a round of dilution and reduction, there should now be about 6%!‖

―How much is it converted into RMB? It‘s almost 900 billion!‖ 

―But your mother not only invested in Jobs‘ Apple, but she also invested in another company at Stanford, Larry Page.‖

―Larry Page is the founder of Google. Google search, Google Maps, Android phone system, and the well-known smart Go robot Alpha Dog some time ago are all products of this company.‖

―Now the market value of this company is more than one trillion U.S. dollars, and your mother‘s venture capital fund holds more than 10% of the company‘s shares!‖ 

―So, the income your mother received from investing in these two companies alone has exceeded the sum of all the assets of the Wade family. If all the investment income of your mother‘s venture capital fund in that year is included, the Su family and Wade I‘m afraid they are not opponents, let alone the assets of the entire An.‖

Charlie was already stunned when he heard this!

Many people know or have heard of the miracle of Silicon Valley back then, and Charlie is no exception.

Numerous high-tech companies were born here, and there are not enough companies with a market value of more than tens of billions of dollars. There are also several companies with a market value of more than 100 billion.

Back then, anyone who could take money to invest in Silicon Valley, close his eyes and invest casually, could also invest in a lot of companies with unlimited potential.

The power of investment is that the upside is beyond imagination.

That year, Sun Zhengyi of Japan invested US$20 million in Alibaba, making a full US$50 billion;

The South African Press Group in South Africa invested more than 30 million U.S. dollars in Tencent Group, making a full $130 billion!

This is where the charm of investment lies. By seizing a potential stock, you can achieve a net profit of several thousand times.

These are classic investment cases familiar to the Chinese people.

But Charlie really did not expect that his gentle, virtuous, and knowledgeable mother would have such a brilliant investment history!

Chapter 2615

At this time, Pollard sighed and said with emotion: ―Your mother‘s successful cases back then will not be able to be said at all. If you have the opportunity to go to Silicon Valley, you can find the boss of a top global group and tell him your mother‘s name is Margaret An, they will treat you as a guest and entertain you with the highest standard of etiquette…‖

Charlie couldn‘t help sighing, ―If I hadn‘t met you, I wouldn‘t know these things about my mother…‖

Pollard looked at him, smiled slightly, and said, ―Your mother‘s vision and long-term planning are beyond our reach.‖

―Back then, we didn‘t even understand your mother‘s investment operations. Many of the companies she invested in did not seem to us to have any development prospects.‖

―Just like Apple. When your mother invested in it, we all felt that this company had no future. At that time, there was no iPhone or even an iPod. Apple was already in a huge business dilemma.‖

―At that time, your mom had returned to China with your dad and gave birth to you, and Jobs had just returned to take charge of Apple. Everyone thought that Apple was impossible to stand up, but your mom knew that Jobs was going to raise funds, and it was not far away. Came here, only talked to Jobs for an afternoon and decided to invest money in him.‖

―This kind of forward-looking, more than 99.9% of ordinary people, when placed in the market, are absolute masters and absolute strategists!‖

Speaking of this, Pollard smiled slightly and continued: ―Even the Rothschild family, which has been in power for two hundred years, is in awe of your mother. You don‘t know how much the Rothschild family hoped to marry the An family back then. …‖

Charlie nodded slightly, and he finally understood why his father, Changying, was able to fight the Rothschild family back and forth.

In fact, the strength of the Wade family is really not enough in front of the Rothschild family.

As Pollard said, the family property created by the Wade family‘s hard work over the years may not be as good as the income that Rothschild can get by investing in a few companies.

In this case, the father can withstand the pressure of the Rothschild family, and the help and aura of the mother and even the mother‘s family must be indispensable. 

At this time, Pollard looked at Charlie and said seriously, ―So, I sincerely recommend that you go to the United States to meet your grandfather. If your grandfather is willing to help you, neither the Su family nor the Wade family is worth mentioning.‖

Charlie nodded, but still said very firmly, ―Thank you, Professor Watt, but I still don‘t plan to see Grandpa. I have never met him a few times, and after so many years, he is right. I may not have any family ties, and, as you said, he had always been worried about my mother‘s marriage to my father, and maybe he didn‘t treat me very much.‖

Speaking of this, Charlie laughed at himself and said: ―Although I have been just a poor pauper for many years, now I still hope to be able to go on step by step by my own ability, whether it is the Su family, It‘s the Wade family or some other top family. If any of them needs to take responsibility for the death of my parents, then I hope I can rely on my own ability to defeat them all by myself!‖

Pollard sighed when he heard what Charlie said, and said, ―Charlie, I understand your thoughts and your determination, but with the cards in your hand, you want to do this, and It‘s a long way!‖

With that said, he added: ―Ocean shipping is an asset-heavy project. The start-up capital maybe tens of billions of dollars. I advise you to be more cautious.‖

Chapter 2616

Pollard felt that Charlie should have an Emgrand Group and the 10 billion funds in his hands.

When these two things add up, it is just over 100 billion and nodded, and the possibility of trying to compete with the Wade Family or the Su Family is almost zero. 

Charlie smiled slightly at this time and said, ―You said Professor Watt, I still have tens of billions of funds in my hands. Moreover, I have a pharmaceutical company with good momentum and an annual profit of 10 billion It may even exceed 100 billion next year, and it is entirely possible to continue to supply blood for my other projects.‖ 

Pollard said in surprise: ―You have a pharmaceutical company with an annual profit of over 10 billion? What‘s its name?‖

Charlie said, ―JX Pharmaceutical, I wonder if Professor Watt has heard of it?‖

Pollard was even more shocked, blurting out, ―It‘s the company that produces JX Weisan?!‖

Charlie nodded: ―Yes, the current core product is JX Weisan.‖

―My God!‖ Pollard exclaimed, and said, ―JX Weisan is now well-known worldwide! My gastrointestinal tract has always been a little problematic. I also took a box of Weisan some time ago. It acted immediately. I used to not dare to eat raw, cold, or spicy food.

Now I have JX Weisan. What Sichuan cuisine, Hunan cuisine, Yuzhou hot pot, and Japanese cuisine are totally beyond mention… ..‖

He said, ―There are also many friends in the United States who have asked me to help them buy this medicine. Everyone has a reputation for this medicine, but I really didn‘t expect this company to be yours. …..‖

Charlie nodded and said, ―Originally, I reached cooperation with Wei‘s Pharmaceuticals. I reorganized Wei‘s Pharmaceuticals and gave certain shares to the person in charge of this Pharmaceuticals. Then I integrated Japan‘s Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals, so the production capacity is also increasing by leaps and bounds. I believe that JX Weisan will soon cover the global market. By that time, the profit of hundreds of billions of dollars a year is really not a problem.

―Indeed!‖ Pollard said seriously: ―The biggest magic weapon of a pharmaceutical company is good medicine! The world‘s top pharmaceutical companies have annual revenues of hundreds of billions of dollars, which are equivalent to several yuan. Trillion, but their net profit is generally not too high, because the research and development costs are huge, and the research and development cost of a drug can easily be billions or even tens of billions of dollars. Is the research and development cost of your JX Weisan high?‖

Charlie shook his head: ―The research and development cost of JX Weisan is not high, so my company, in terms of profit margin, will be larger than other pharmaceutical companies.‖

Pollard couldn‘t help giving a thumbs up and sighed: ―This is really amazing! Look at it this way, you can build your own business map in a few years! The future is limitless!‖

As he said, he sighed helplessly, and said, ―To be honest, now is really a good opportunity for you to cut into ocean transportation. The market has released such a large share, and you do not lack cash flow. Quickly build up a huge transportation fleet, and then quickly advance related businesses…‖

―It‘s a pity that I really can‘t violate my oath to help you, and the University department also has high hopes for me. I look forward to taking the economic management major of the university to the highest level in the country. I really want to The hometown elders make some long-term contributions, and hope to cultivate more outstanding talents for the future…‖

Charlie nodded quickly and said, ―Professor Watt, I understand what you said. In contrast, your current job has more social value and social significance. I personally understand it!‖

Pollard was silent for a moment, then suddenly remembered something, and said excitedly, ―Charlie! If you don‘t dislike it, let my daughter help you!‖ 

Chapter 2617

―Your daughter?!‖

Charlie was a little surprised at once.

At this time, Pollard introduced: ―My daughter is about the same age as you. She just graduated from Stanford Doctorate last year and has been working for Goldman Sachs Capital on Wall Street. She was a little bit rebellious. She didn‘t listen to anything I said.‖

Charlie couldn‘t help asking him, ―Professor Watt if I want to cooperate with your daughter, can she agree?‖

Pollard hurriedly said, ―I have been persuading her. The economic development momentum in China is so good now, and it is much stronger than that of the United States and Europe. In terms of development potential, it must be much better than abroad. Her heart moved, but she was a little nervous with me, so my mouth was very stiff. I think if you talk to her, she should agree.‖

With that, Pollard hurriedly added: ―My daughter dare not say that she is a genius, but she is indeed very spiritual in finance and management. If you can convince her to help you, then I can help behind. At that time, it will be the two of us, father and daughter, helping you do things together, and I will never show up by myself. I will not violate my oath and I will only make suggestions.

Charlie was overjoyed when he heard this.

It was originally hoped that Professor Watt would be taken down, but according to this situation, it is definitely impossible for Professor Watt to directly help. 

However, if he can really persuade his daughter to agree to join, then not only will Professor Watt be able to help, but also his daughter will be such a high student.

How to look at it is a very cost-effective thing. 

So Charlie hurriedly asked him: ―Professor Watt, I wonder where your daughter is now?‖

Pollard sighed, and said: ―She is now…in Syria…‖

―Syria?!‖ Charlie exclaimed, and blurted out: ―I heard that the place is turbulent all day long, why did she run there as a girl without problems?‖

Pollard sighed, ―Hey when I talk about it, she gets angry. This stinky girl always opposes me everywhere. I let her come to China. After all, China is not only with the most potential, but also the safest. After all, in the United States, there were various shootings in that place all day long. Walking on the side of the road would happen to be hit by bullets. But when this girl heard what I said, she immediately teamed up with a few classmates to Syria and said she was going to go really experience the cruelty of war, and then come back and start an anti-war charity fund…‖

As he said, Pollard grimaced helplessly: ―You say, isn‘t this just trying to make trouble with me?‖

Charlie nodded and smiled: ―So, her character is indeed a bit rebellious.‖ 

―It‘s more than a little bit!‖ Pollard said a little uncomfortably, ―Do you know what the most annoying thing is?‖

Charlie asked puzzledly, ―What is it?‖

Pollard just wanted to talk, but suddenly he stopped talking.

After a while, he waved his hand and said helplessly: ―Forget it, forget it, this is a shame to talk about it, I have no face to tell others…‖

Chapter 2618

Seeing the pain on his face, Charlie comforted: ―Professor Watt, in fact, you don‘t have to be too angry. It‘s normal for young people to be rebellious. And as far as I know, geniuses in many fields have more or less personalities. Some are rebellious, maybe the more such a child, the stronger the independent thinking, the more able to do some earth-shattering big things.‖

Pollard suddenly covered his chest and said angrily: ―You don‘t know how rebellious this stinky girl is! If she just goes to Syria, I will endure it. After all, the place is chaotic, but normally they have civil strife, and they are relatively friendly to Chinese and overseas Chinese, but this girl…she…‖

After talking about her a few times, Pollard suddenly got stuck again.

He blushed and became angry at her for a long time before he sighed and said sullenly:

―This stinky girl, I told her the year before, she is now a big and young woman. It‘s time to find someone to marry and have children. You know what she said?‖

Charlie shook his head with a puzzled look, but asked a little curiously, ―What did she say?‖

Pollard was extremely depressed and said, ―She told me that she didn‘t like men!!! Tell me, a tall girl of 27 or 28 years old, she didn‘t need to find anything. She even said she didn‘t like men. Like women! Isn‘t this going to piss me off?‖

Charlie didn‘t expect it to be such an answer. He said embarrassedly, ―Professor Watt, I think she might be joking with you on purpose. After all, you also said that she has always been rebellious. If you let her go east, she will try to go west, maybe she didn‘t really want to go west, just acting and deliberately pissing you off.‖

Pollard covered his face and said, ―Hey! I thought so at the beginning, but who would have thought that she brought her girlfriend to the house last year, and told me that she was planning to get married to her girlfriend in a few years… ..‖

Charlie couldn‘t help but wonder when he heard this.

Pollard sighed depressed at this time: ―You said that I have such a child in my life. If she really married a girl, how can I see my ancestors in the future?‖

After speaking, he hurriedly looked at Charlie and said seriously: ―Charlie, it‘s all up to you. This girl can‘t communicate with me now. She doesn‘t listen to what I ask her to do. 

You help me. She gets to Aurous Hill and asks her to work honestly with you. As long as you can help me do this, I will definitely repay you in the future!‖

Charlie hurriedly said, ―Professor Watt, you are serious. You are my mother‘s classmate, friend, and elder. Even if you don‘t do anything for me, I will do my best to help you.‖

Charlie said, ―Professor Watt, how about this? Give me your daughter‘s contact information. I will communicate with her to see if she is interested in my work.‖

―That‘s great!‖ Pollard hurriedly patted his chest and said, ―Don‘t worry, although she is my daughter, she is not very reliable when I get along with her, but she is still very, very responsible in doing things. From the perspective of many years, this girl is indeed a talent. If she comes to help you, coupled with my backing support, I believe it will definitely help you do the transportation business. Therefore, if she is advised to come to Aurous Hill, she must come, I beg you.‖

Charlie nodded and said seriously: ―Professor Watt, rest assured, I will try my best.‖

Pollard hurriedly waved his hand and said seriously: ―Hey! Don‘t call Professor Watt such a student, call me Uncle Watt!‖

Charlie smiled slightly and said, ―Okay, Uncle Watt.‖

Pollard took out his cell phone and said to Charlie, ―Come on, let‘s add a WeChat account. I will post her WeChat business card to you when we are done. When you add her, don‘t say it was recommended by me, just say you happened to see her. You are interested in working with her in-depth on papers in financial journals.‖

After that, Pollard said with some embarrassment: ―This girl is a bit arrogant, you should hold her up too much. If you hold her up so that you can‘t find North, this will be half done!‖

Chapter 2619

Charlie knows that what he lacks now is not money but talents.

Doing business is not just talking about it, it can be done by imagination.

Especially to manage a company, you must have top talents with strong enough ability to make the company bigger and stronger.

Charlie now only has two pieces of business in his hands.

One is Emgrand Group and the other is JX Pharmaceutical.

The Emgrand Group has Doris in charge, and JX Pharmaceutical is in charge of Liang.

But in addition to these two business sectors, if he wants to add other new businesses, he is stuck on talent.

Orvel is loyal, but after all, he is a rough person, and he can execute orders, but he still lacks a lot to really let him use his brain to do big things.

The rest, whether it is Qin Gang, Solmon Wang, Tailai, or even Warnia, they all have their own business, and Charlie can‘t let them give up their original career to work for him. 

Therefore, Charlie‘s current interest is to recruit as much as possible.

If there is a strong management team, then it will not only make breakthroughs in ocean transportation but even in the future, it will be able to expand its business to more areas.

Charlie was eager to try Pollard Watt‘s daughter because he was thirsty for talents.

After all, this kind of ―buy one get one free‖ is not very common, so he must seize the opportunity if he encounters it.

But he was also very clear in his heart that Pollard was definitely not sure to call his daughter around, so he placed his hopes on him.

If he could persuade his daughter to come to Aurous Hill as he wished, Pollard would definitely remember his favor in his heart.

So Charlie took out his mobile phone and added Pollard‘s WeChat account, and then Pollard recommended him a WeChat business card. 

Charlie looked at the business card recommended by Pollard and found that the other party‘s nickname was ―Little Autumn Is Not Scared.‖ The head was a fat baby boy, clenched his fists, and showed an expression of working hard to cheer.

Pollard said to the side: ―Charlie, let me give you a brief introduction. My daughter‘s name is Melba Watt. One she should be the same year as you, but I remember that you seemed to be in the first half of the year when the spring flowers bloomed. Roughly speaking right?‖

Charlie nodded and said, ―I was born in the second month of the lunar calendar, just one month after the Spring Festival.‖

―Yeah.‖ Pollard said with a smile: ―I probably remember the message I received in the spring. Melba was born in the second half of the year in the fall. At that time, there were fallen leaves at the beginning, so I gave her this name.‖

He said, ―By the way, you remember what I told you. Don‘t mention me when adding her.‖

―Okay.‖ Charlie said hurriedly, ―Uncle Pollard, don‘t worry, I have a sense of measure.‖

Pollard chuckled, patted Charlie on the shoulder, and said, ―Charlie, your uncle‘s tense relationship with my girl has to rely on you to mediate! You must do your best. Don‘t give up easily!‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―Uncle Pollard, don‘t worry, I won‘t hit the south wall and don‘t look back. If your daughter really doesn‘t agree, as long as you nod, I will go to Syria and tie her back!‖

Chapter 2620

Pollard laughed and said, ―Hahaha, that shouldn‘t be so troublesome. I believe in your abilities, and she should be tempted, just praise her with a few words.‖

With that said, Pollard said with some worry: ―Actually, my main concern is that she hasn‘t played enough yet. In case she really wants to stay in the turbulent place in Syria for a year and a half, most people really can‘t persuade her. She… hey, you don‘t understand this girl. If she is stubborn, you won‘t be able to hold her back!‖ 

Charlie nodded and said seriously, ―I try to persuade her to try to get her back soon.‖

―Okay.‖ Pollard said hurriedly, ―Or you can just add her friends right now and talk to her first.‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―Uncle Pollard, don‘t forget, Syria has a time difference with us. 

If I remember correctly, they should be five or six hours slower than ours. It shouldn‘t be dawn yet.‖

Pollard hurriedly said, ―It doesn‘t matter, it doesn‘t matter if it‘s not dawn, you add her as a friend first, when will she pass, and when will you start talking to her?‖ 

Charlie nodded: ―Okay, then I will add it now, but if I add it directly, it will show that the recommender is you. I‘d better copy her WeChat account.‖

After that, he clicked on the business card, copied the WeChat ID, and added it again, and wrote nine words on the reason for the addition: Director of Aurous Hill Emgrand Group?

After the request to add a friend was sent, only a minute later, Charlie received the information that the other party had applied for through his friend. 

He couldn‘t help but said in surprise: ―Uncle Pollard, your daughter hasn‘t slept so late yet.‖

Pollard said angrily: ―I guess she can‘t sleep. If you throw me into that broken place, I guess I can‘t sleep either.‖

After speaking, he hurriedly urged: ―Charlie, you can talk to her quickly and find out how she is now.‖


After Charlie finished speaking, he sent a message to Melba: ―Hello, Miss Watt, I am Charlie, Chairman of Aurous Hill Emgrand Group. I want to talk to you about cooperation. I wonder if you are interested?‖

The other party quickly replied with a voice: ―Did Pollard ask you to find me? You tell him that I will not go to Aurous Hill, so that he will not waste energy.‖

Pollard heard his daughter‘s words and said depressed: ―Charlie, just tell him that you don‘t know me at all. If you let her know that we are in collusion, she would definitely not want to come.‖

Charlie nodded and continued to reply in text: ―Miss Watt, you have misunderstood. I don‘t know Pollard. I just saw your papers in financial journals. I feel that you are really good at international finance and economic management. Great insights. It just so happens that I am now preparing to expand a new project to do ocean shipping. I just lack a person in charge, so I thought of you.‖

The other party asked again by voice: ―If you were not sent by Pollard, where did you get my WeChat?‖

Pollard was dumbfounded.

Just when he didn‘t know what wording and reason Charlie should use to explain this question, Charlie responded with a voice, ―Miss Watt, I found you through an international headhunting company. In order to get your contact information, I also paid a headhunting fee of $50,000. Originally, the headhunter should contact you first, but I think it‘s more direct and efficient to contact you personally for such major cooperation .‖

Headhunting companies are companies that specialize in digging out middle and high level talents. They are like real estate agents and know all kinds of listings. In theory, as long as they are given money, there is no owner information that they cannot get. 

At this point, the same is true for headhunting companies.

Pollard immediately gave him a thumbs up when he heard Charlie‘s words. This explanation seemed to him to be seamless. 

Sure enough, Melba on the other side didn‘t doubt it either. She replied: ―I understand, but I‘m really sorry. I‘m in Syria now, and it may take at least half a year before I leave this place. I may not be able to talk to you. I‘ve cooperated, I‘m really sorry!‖

Chapter 2621

Charlie didn‘t expect this girl to reject him as soon as he came in contact with her, but it was naturally impossible for him to admit defeat so easily, so he immediately replied: ―I thought Miss Watt was in the United States, but I didn‘t expect you to be in Syria. I don‘t know why you are running there?‖

Melba replied: ―I and some of my college classmates came to make a documentary about war, and then prepared to use the documentary as an opportunity to launch an anti-war charity fund.‖

Charlie hurriedly said: ―If Miss Watt is interested in an anti-war charity fund, I can personally donate a sum of money to you. If Miss Watt, you can cooperate with me for a long time, then I can give you a one-time charity. The fund of 30 million U.S. dollars would be transferred.‖

After speaking, Charlie said again: ―To be honest, you graduated from finance majors are going to Syria to shoot war documentaries. This is because the donkey‘s lips are not right. Professional talents must do professional things. Shooting documentaries. This kind of thing can be done by a professional documentary team, and financial talents like you should do everything possible to create more wealth and more jobs for the society.‖

Melba replied: ―Mr. Wade, what you said is very reasonable, but to be honest, the situation in Syria is more dangerous. Even many professional documentary teams are unwilling to come to this place and go deep into the front line of the war and shoot videos.‖

―Moreover, we have also seen some European and American documentary team‘s methods of doing things. They generally try to stay away from the front line as much as possible, and their shooting angles are also very narrow. They are even influenced by the mainstream Western media. Praise the war and beautify the war.‖

―It is impossible for people outside to realize how cruel wars are, so it is impossible for people in peaceful times to realize the meaning of anti-war ideas.‖

Charlie said immediately: ―Ms. Watt, can you see it like this? I can sponsor your team for 20 million dollars so that you can make this documentary better. But I only have one request, which is, you can‘t stay in Syria anymore. The money goes to your team, but you must come to Aurous Hill to help me set up the ocean shipping business. What do you think?‖

As soon as Charlie finished speaking, Pollard, who was on the side, immediately gave him a thumbs up and praised: ―A good way to move the tiger away from the mountain!‖ 

Charlie smiled and said, ―This is not about adjusting the tiger away from the mountain, this is adjusting the lamb away from the wolf pack…‖

At this time, Melba replied: ―Let me leave the team? How can I do it! My team and I have promised to each other that neither of us will back down without authorization.‖ 

Charlie smiled and said, ―This is not to make you retreat without authorization, I just gave your team a better choice.‖

With that, Charlie deliberately changed the subject and asked her: ―Miss Watt, I don‘t know how you are living in Syria? Are all kinds of supplies available and whether your personal safety is adequately guaranteed?‖ 

Melba replied: ―We have relatively difficult conditions here because we are in the war zone and the supply of materials is severely lacking. As for our personal safety, the government has sent a few soldiers to protect us. The overall situation is still relatively good. It is safe.‖

Pollard, who was on the side, heard this and he was relieved immediately. 

Chapter 2622

Charlie smiled and said at this time: ―As far as I know, it seems that their government and opposition forces have been fighting very close together, and their government forces are short of money, food, weapons, and ammunition. They must have been inadequate training all the year-round, and their combat level. It must be very low. In this case, only a few soldiers have been sent to protect your safety. Then I guess it is basically useless, and you are also unarmed high-achieving students. If something, an accident happens, you will even have the chance to escape. No.‖ 

Melba replied hesitantly: ―This…I don‘t think it should be that serious…‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―That‘s just what you think. If something really happens, it won‘t matter how you think it is.‖

As he said, he remembered something, and said, ―I heard that mercenaries are very popular in the turbulent place in the Middle East. You can hire dozens of well-equipped and well-trained mercenaries to protect your safety throughout the process. , So your safety will be more guaranteed.‖

Melba embarrassedly said: ―The cost of mercenaries is too high. We have consulted the Blackwater Company in the United States. On the front line in Syria, their mercenaries‘ salary requirements are all settled on a daily basis. A person‘s daily cost is only two thousand US dollars, and this The cost of any weapons and equipment is not included.

The cost of ammunition has to be calculated separately. If they need to be equipped with vehicles, the price is ridiculously high. Our budget is very tight and we can‘t afford mercenaries.‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―Look, you can figure it out right now. What is the significance of the 20 million dollars I promised you just now!‖

―As long as you return home to help me, 20 million dollars can be given to your team.‖

―If a mercenary needs two thousand dollars a day, your team can hire twenty mercenaries, which is only forty thousand dollars a day.‖

―Even if your team members have to stay there for half a year, if you calculate it at $40,000 a day, it will be $6 million.‖

―Plus the cost of renting some armored vehicles, the ten million dollars will definitely stop.‖

―The remaining 10 million US dollars, you can all put into the shooting, only you can use the best photography equipment, the best aerial photography equipment, and even the local armed men with AK47 when conflicts break out on the ground, your team can spend money to rent an American mercenary gunship, and take you to shoot from the perspective of God in the sky. The effect of that shot will surely shock the world!‖

Melba was obviously a little tempted, but she still hesitated to say: ―What you say is really reasonable, but… But when we set out, a few of us have already said that we must live and die together, and advance and retreat together. If I leave at this time, it will be a violation of our original agreement…‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―Don‘t have such a strong psychological burden. You are like a few friends driving a broken car to cross the desert. Now because there is no oil, they have broken down in the middle of no man‘s land. Scarce, you people can‘t stay in the car and consume it together. You have to send someone out to find gasoline so that everyone can have a chance to live.‖

―Although this person got out of the car and left the team, she will be able to bring back enough gasoline for the car and save other passengers, better vehicles and equipment, and various supplies can let them move forward better, faster, and safer. Don‘t you think this is a good choice? Especially for those who are still in the car, it greatly improves their survival security. ―

―So, I think you can discuss it with your companions. I believe they will also think that this is a very good deal!‖

Chapter 2623

Melba, who was far away in Syria, was indeed very moved after hearing what Charlie said.

During this period of time, their classmates were many, and they also encountered a lot of difficulties and dangers in Syria. Although all these dangers were avoided by chance, everyone knew in their hearts that the risk of staying in Syria to shoot documentaries was still very high.

Melba felt that if she could really get 20 million US dollars in sponsorship from Charlie, it would be a qualitative improvement for everyone‘s personal safety and for everyone‘s shooting expenses.

Thinking of this, she replied to Charlie: ―Mr. Wade, let‘s do it, I will discuss your suggestion with the people in my team and see what they suggest. If they agree, then I have no opinion.‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―That‘s great, when will you give me a clear conclusion?‖

Melba hurriedly said: ―We are now preparing to participate in a military operation by the local government forces. They are going to attack a small military base of the opposition before dawn. The entire offensive mission is estimated to last six hours. I‘ll give you a final reply before the dark, do you think it‘s okay?‖

When Pollard heard that Melba was going to take part in the military operation, he hurriedly said to Charlie: ―Charlie, you must persuade her to not go! This is really a war. 

The bullet does not grow eyes, just in case she gets wounded. If it hits her, you have to lose half your life if you don‘t die!‖

Charlie nodded and said, ―Then I will try to persuade her…‖

After finishing speaking, he continued to send a voice to Melba: ―Miss Watt, I personally suggest that you do not participate in this kind of military operation, or your team will stop going today. Just sit down and have a meeting together and think carefully about my suggestion. If you all agree, I will pass the money immediately, and your team can immediately hire a group of mercenaries from the Blackwater Company to protect your safety, what do you think?‖

Melba replied: ―Mr. Wade, we started preparing for this operation three days ago, and my companions have started to install the device in the car now, and it will be time to set off soon, so we will wait until we finish this operation to give you a definite reply.‖ 

After that, Melba immediately sent another message: ―Excuse me, Mr. Wade, we are leaving now! After leaving the base, there will be no communication. Let‘s talk when we get back!‖

Charlie hurriedly replied: ―I still suggest you not to go.‖

However, Melba did not reply this time.

Charlie looked at Pollard and said helplessly, ―Uncle Pollard, I guess she has already set off.‖

―Hey!‖ Pollard sighed, ―I have been studying for half a lifetime, how can I raise such a rebellious daughter? What a crime!‖

Charlie shrugged his shoulders and said, ―Uncle Pollard, Syria is at least six to seven thousand kilometers away from ours. No matter how much you worry, it will be difficult to actually solve the problem. It is better to wait patiently for her reply. I think the terms I gave this time are so generous, they shouldn‘t refuse.‖

Pollard said with emotion: ―Charlie, thank you so much, for your work, I need to pay for it…‖

As he said, he said with a bit of sullen emotion: ―Since I decided to give up my work and life in the upper class and choose to teach and educate people, almost all the money I can donate at home has been donated, and I have also given a part of Melba‘s money as charity. Now all my assets are a small villa in here, plus less than 10 million yuan in cash and all of them in total are just over 20 million. If converted into U.S. dollars, it will be around three or four million. I‘ll give you all the money and the house, and I will slowly find a way to pay the rest!‖

Charlie hurriedly said, ―Uncle Pollard, don‘t be so polite to me. To be honest, I came to you and your daughter to help me make money. This little money should be invested in the early stage, and you can rest assured that if Melba is willing to come back and help, I will definitely give her a generous annual salary; if Melba can help me push the ocean shipping business on the right track, I can double the salary!‖

Chapter 2624

Pollard gratefully said, ―Charlie, thank you so much, don‘t worry, your uncle will do my best to repay you by then!‖ 

Charlie bowed slightly and said, ―Uncle Pollard, don‘t be so polite with me.‖

After that, Charlie checked the time and said, ―Uncle, you will definitely have classes later? Then I won‘t disturb you, let‘s talk another day.‖ 

Pollard looked at his watch and hurriedly said, ―Oh, I almost forgot to mention it. There will be a class right away. Otherwise, Charlie, if you have nothing to do, just stay in my office. Don‘t worry. When I finish this class, we will have a meal together at noon.‖

Charlie said, ―Uncle Pollard, you must be very busy at work. Or maybe you can change the day for dinner.‖

Pollard waved his hand: ―I‘m busy, but there is always time to rest. Besides, let‘s meet again. To be honest, I am really kind in my heart, and I still want to chat with you more.‖ 

With that, Pollard said earnestly: ―But this also depends on your time. If you have something to do at noon, let‘s change the day. Anyway, we are in the same city, so we can look for opportunities.‖

Charlie was actually fine at noon, mainly because he was afraid of staying here and delaying Pollard‘s work. In fact, he still wanted to chat more with Pollard, because he didn‘t know much about his mother in the past 20 years. It‘s easy to meet a classmate of his mother‘s from back then. He really wants to take this opportunity to learn more about his mother‘s story from Pollard.

So he opened his mouth and said: ―If this is the case, then Uncle Pollard, you should be busy first, I am here waiting for you.‖

―Okay!‖ Pollard nodded excitedly, and said, ―Sit and wait. I have 50 minutes of this class. 

I‘ll be here right after the class.‖

Charlie nodded and watched Pollard leave with the teaching plan materials. He was doing nothing by himself, so he sat down on the reception sofa in Pollard‘s office. 

Just when he had nothing to do, he searched for information about Melba and found that this girl was really amazing. She had excellent grades at Stanford, and she had even published on the official website of Stanford University, and the official website also has her details. There is a photo, Melba in the photo has light golden curly hair and a sweet and flawless face, full of femininity.

Charlie really couldn‘t understand, for such a beautiful and excellent girl, there must be many men madly pursuing her on weekdays, but why she prefers women.

However, Charlie didn‘t entangle too much with this kind of thing, he was very open to these things, and his orientation in this area was completely personal freedom, even the parents have no right to interfere, this is what he thought. 

Just when he turned off Melba‘s search results, his mobile phone suddenly received a call from Aoxue.

Charlie answered the phone and heard Aoxue say nervously on the other end of the phone: ―Master Wade, someone in our school inquired about Wu Qi and also inquired about Luna‘s original matter. Could it be that someone wanted to target you?‖

Charlie was slightly startled. He remembered that Luna was the girl who almost committed suicide by jumping into the lake at the hands of Wu Qi‘s psychological suggestion.

And this Luna was also Wu Qi‘s girlfriend before the accident.

Now someone inquired about Wu Qi‘s affairs and found out on her head, is it to find out the whole story of Wu Qi‘s accident? 

Chapter 2625

Charlie didn‘t quite understand why someone would investigate Wu Qi‘s affairs now.

After all, Regnar already knew that Wu Qi‘s accident was his own work. As a stakeholder, the Wu family would definitely not take off their pants and f@rt, and then came to investigate again.

Therefore, the only possibility is that the people who are investigating Wu Qi now are not sent by the Wu family. 

Charlie thought about it carefully. Most of the people he had offended were already cold, and those who were not cold were nothing more than the Su family in China and the Hogwitz family in the United States. 

The two families are under his own hands and have suffered heavy losses, and he‘s aware that they are in the dark. If they want to find him, they can only clear the fog layer by layer.

So Charlie immediately deduced that the person who was investigating information about the Wu Qi incident at this moment must have an inseparable relationship with one of the two.

So he asked Aoxue, ―Who is investigating Wu Qi‘s affairs? Have you seen them?‖

―I saw them.‖ Aoxue said, ―It‘s two people, one old and one young.‖

Charlie asked again, ―Where are these two people now?‖

Aoxue said, ―I met them in the small square outside the teaching building just now. It is not clear where they are now.‖

Charlie thought that the teaching building was on the opposite side, so he walked to the window and looked downstairs.

Sure enough, on the small square opposite, he saw two people, one old and one young, walking out.

The old man among them seemed faintly unusual temperament on his body. Charlie once felt this kind of feeling in Lai Qinghua, but the temperament of this person seems to be more important than that of Lai Qinghua. Weak.

Charlie has been particularly keen on this feeling since he obtained the Nine Profound Sky Sutras, so he immediately realized that this old man is either a Feng Shui master like Lai Qinghua, or a metaphysics like Master Yu Jinghai from Hong Kong. 

So he took out his mobile phone, called Issac, and said, ―Mr. Issac, there are two people in Aurous Hill College of Finance and Economics, one old and one young, and they seem to be visiting things related to Wu Qi. Arrange for someone to keep an eye on them. 

But you must remember to choose the strongest person to observe from a distance, don‘t behave in the dark, and report any movements to me in time.‖

Issac hurriedly said, ―Okay young master, I will send a few men who have served as scouts in special forces.‖

At the same time, the small square in front of the teaching building.

After questioning many students, Mike couldn‘t help but whisper to Dan Mai: ―Grandpa, I‘m just asking about Wu Qi‘s affairs so openly, if that big man is really in this university or in the vicinity. If the university has his informants, wouldn‘t we be exposed soon?‖

Dan nodded and said faintly: ―It is right to be exposed. The other party is a real dragon.

It is far from being an existence that I can see through. If his deity is unwilling to come forward, no matter how hard we try, it will be in vain. It‘s better to disclose our purpose directly. If it attracts his attention, maybe he will take the initiative to show up.‖

Mike asked again: ―Grandpa, will the other party anger us and treat us as enemies?‖

Dan said: ―If he is a person who must report to you or is suspicious, he will definitely treat us as enemies, but such a person has a narrow belly, and it is generally impossible to have a true dragon fate.‖

―The true lifestyle of the true dragon must be broad-minded and clear-cut, and will never be malicious to us just because we came to investigate Wu Qi.‖

Chapter 2626

While speaking, Dan continued: ―Besides, when we came this time, we did not intend to disadvantage him. The Su family wanted us to find out his identity, but I was not prepared to intervene in the fight between the Su family and him. So even if we find him, I will not reveal his identity to the Su family.‖

Mike couldn‘t help asking: ―Grandpa, we came to investigate the enemy behind the Su family at the request of the Su family. If we don‘t help them, wouldn‘t it be a violation of the contract spirit?‖

Dan glared at him and said angrily: ―Stupid! At the moment when we planned to come to Aurous Hill, we are no longer doing things for the Su family!‖

After speaking, Dan continued: ―My purpose in coming to Aurous Hill is indeed to find this big man, but I want to see if we can find a chance from this big man, otherwise, If it‘s just the Su family who wants to deal with this big man and let me find him for them, how can I agree? Let me fight against a man of real life, even if they give me more money, I can‘t agree.‖

Immediately, Dan said again: ―If we really find this big man, although I will not disclose his situation to the Su family, I will definitely refund the money to the Su family that they gave me. When I go back, I will treat the Su family as half of it for free.‖

Mike said embarrassingly: ―Temporary breach of contract is also a form of lack of contract spirit. If a person loses credibility, how can he gain a foothold in society in the future…‖

Dan shook his head helplessly and reminded: ―You have to remember that the more you believe in Fengshui Mingshu, the more you should not fight against Mingshu. The opponent is a true dragon. People like us are definitely not his opponents, cannon fodder at best. We can‘t stand on the opposite side of him, do you understand?‖

Mike nodded slightly: ―I do my grandpa…‖

Dan gave a hum and said, ―Okay, let‘s find a place to eat, it is almost noon, and then come around in the afternoon.‖


Charlie didn‘t care too much about Dan‘s grandparents.

Whether it is a master of Feng Shui or a master of metaphysics, as long as they are hostile to him, then they will have no return for the first time.

Moreover, he was also very clear in his heart that although these two people are much stronger than ordinary people, they are still far behind him. If they really start, they will not be stronger than the original Yu Jinghai.

Therefore, his current attention is all focused on Melba.

He looks forward to Melba‘s ability to give him a clear reply as soon as possible.

In this way, as long as she comes to Aurous Hill, he can immediately set up an ocean shipping company and quickly start this business, which will definitely make the Su family more uncomfortable.

Pollard finished class and returned to the office. When he saw Charlie, he hurriedly asked him: ―Charlie, did Melba return you any information?‖ 

Charlie shook his head: ―Not yet, Uncle Pollard, didn‘t she say that after leaving the base, there will be no internet, so we have to wait until she gets back to communicate with the outside world.‖

Pollard nodded, sighed, and said, ―During the class just now, my right eye was always beating. It didn‘t feel like a good sign, so I am worried too.‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―Uncle, don‘t worry so much now. Please wait patiently for Melba‘s message. They are six hours later than ours here. If they go back at 8 pm local time. It‘s already early in the morning, so please wait steadily. I will contact you as soon as there is a message in the evening.‖

Pollard said helplessly: ―Now there is no good way, I can only wait.‖

After speaking, he hurriedly said to Charlie: ―Let‘s go, Charlie, I have reserved a seat at the Aurous Hill Archway near the school, and we will eat our lunch there!‖

Chapter 2627

Aurous Hill Archway is an authentic local catering brand in Aurous Hill. There are several branches in Aurous Hill that specialize in authentic local cuisine and are deeply loved by locals.

When he came to the entrance of Aurous Hill Archway, Pollard introduced to Charlie: 

―My ancestors were all native of Aurous Hill for three generations. From my birth to adolescence, I have been living in Aurous Hill. Later I went to the United States to study. 

I have been rooted in the United States. I have recently returned to live after a few decades away. I suddenly felt that the food in my hometown is too tempting. I don‘t get tired of eating it. Although the school‘s teachers‘ cafeteria provides a variety of food for free, I still have it at noon every day. I come here and have a bite of authentic Aurous Hill cuisine.‖

After speaking, he asked Charlie, ―But you have lived in this city for so many years, have you already been tired of eating it?‖

Charlie smiled slightly and said, ―I have never pursued food. In the ten years of the orphanage, every day with clear soup and water, I didn‘t feel anything wrong. Later, when I went to work at a construction site, I felt like steamed buns every day don‘t feel bad.‖

Pollard couldn‘t help sighing: ―The days you lived before the age of eight, few people in this world can compare, and you fell to the bottom for so many years. How did you adapt?‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―When I was very young, my parents taught me not to be happy with things or sad for myself, so for me, there is nothing I need to adapt to. In my opinion, it makes no difference whether to pamper yourself or eat chaffy vegetables.‖ 

Pollard said with emotion: ―You are exactly the same as your mother. When we were undergraduate, your mother not only won the full scholarship by her ability, but she also worked in the restaurant outside the school every day during her spare time. The degree is also very frugal, never extravagant and wasteful.‖

―I remember at that time, at the end of each semester, your mother would use the money she saved for a semester to travel, and she was a backpacker who traveled poorly. At that time, we all thought that your mother must have poor family conditions.

We learned later. The strength of your mother‘s family is the best in the world…‖

Charlie said with a smile: ―I remember her as indeed very frugal. She always taught me how to save money and not waste it. Even a grain of rice should not be left when eating. 

This is the same as my dad. It‘s very similar, the two of them actually had no pursuit of material things.‖

Pollard agreed: ―So your mother and your father could come together. When they should be young and frivolous, they were already out of material pursuits and low-level tastes. Unlike us, they thought about everything every day when they were young. Earn money and spend money, and sell fame and reputation.‖

With that said, Pollard stepped into the hotel first and made a please gesture to Charlie.

Charlie hurriedly followed him in, when the lobby on the first floor of the hotel was already full of people.

The local restaurant in Aurous Hill is quite similar to the tea house in the capital.

Basically, the first floor is a lobby with many tables and people, so the environment is relatively noisy, but most people like this messy feeling.

And in the very center of the first floor, there is a small stage for people to play and sing local operas. At this time, two actors are singing Kunqu opera on the stage.

After Pollard came in, he pointed to the stairs and said to Charlie, ―Charlie, I have reserved a seat on the second floor. The upstairs is cleaner. Let‘s go up.‖


Moving to the second floor, the environment was a little cleaner. When a waiter saw the two coming up, he hurried to the front and said politely, ―Professor Watt, you are here!‖ 

Pollard nodded and smiled: ―It‘s still in the old position. I‘ve said hello to your manager.‖

The waiter said: ―Our manager has already told me, you two come with me.‖

The seat that Pollard chose was a deck by the window, a small square table made of logs, and the four sides could seat four people, so the two sat leaning against the window.

Pollard pushed over a menu and said to Charlie, ―Charlie, come order and see what you like to eat.‖

Charlie waved his hand and said with a smile: ―Uncle, it‘s better for you to choose, and I will eat whatever you order.‖

After speaking, he suddenly found two familiar figures not far away by the window.

These two figures, one old and one young, are the Old man and grandchild he saw when he was in Pollard‘s office.

Chapter 2628

Charlie was slightly surprised in his heart, but he didn‘t show any clues, but he naturally closed his gaze back.

At this time, Dan and Mike didn‘t know, the person they were looking for was sitting not far behind them.

They came a little earlier, the food was already ready, and they had been eating for a while.

While eating, Mike asked Dan, ―Grandpa, do you have any preliminary plans to stay in China this time?‖

Dan shook his head and said, ―Let‘s take a step and move slow. I vaguely think that coming to Aurous Hill this time will be a chance, so I don‘t plan to leave until the chance appears.‖

Mike nodded lightly, trying to say something, but looked at the surrounding environment and endured it again.

At this time, Dan‘s cell phone rang.

He glanced at the screen, saw that Chengfeng was calling, and then pressed the answer button.

On the phone, Chengfeng asked, ―Uncle Dan, did you find out who is the dragon?‖

Dan said helplessly: ―We have just arrived in Aurous Hill for a few hours, and it can‘t be so fast.‖

Chengfeng asked again: ―Uncle Dan after you find him, are you sure to kill him?‖

Dan‘s expression changed, and he said solemnly, ―I just promised to check it for you. I wouldn‘t do what you said.‖

Chengfeng said anxiously, ―What‘s the use of investigation alone, it can‘t be solved by finding it out. Isn‘t that the same? I had a nightmare last night and lost all the copper coins for the whole night. All the fucking words are upside down. Anxiety is about to force out my brains. If I don‘t get rid of this confidant concern, I won‘t be able to sleep peacefully in the future!‖

Dan said in a cold tone: ―Chengfeng, I only do three things in my life. These three things are watching, calculating, and correcting! To see and calculate is to discover problems, and to correct them is to do what I can. The way to help you improve the problems I found, this definitely does not include the kind of thing you just said! If you want to find someone to do that kind of abuse, then you should look for another wise man!‖

Chengfeng on the other end of the phone suddenly became silent.

After touching for half a minute, Chengfeng also said in a cold tone: ―If this is the case, then Uncle, you will help me find out who the born dragon is, and then tell me the name and information of the other party. You don‘t need to worry about the rest.‖ 

Dan was a little angry, but quickly suppressed the anger in his heart and said lightly: 

―Well, if there is nothing else, I will hang up first.‖

Chengfeng said coldly, ―Uncle Dan, please.‖

When Dan finished the call, the opposite Mike hurriedly asked, ―Grandpa, what happened?‖

Dan sighed and said, ―It‘s not convenient to say here, I‘ll tell you later when we go out.‖

Mike nodded, no longer asked, and bowed his head to eat.

Not far away, Charlie, because of his extremely keen senses, had already heard the conversation between Dan and Chengfeng.

Hearing Dan call the other party Chengfeng, he knew that Chengfeng was on the phone.

In this way, the two people were sent by Chengfeng to find him!

chapter 2629

What made Charlie feel a little surprised was that Chengfeng would even look for Feng Shui people to investigate him.

Although the old man said vaguely on the phone just now, the key points he mentioned still have very clear directions.

For example, he said that he is only responsible for reading, calculating, and correcting.

This is the way of a Feng Shui master.

The role of a Fengshui master is, in a larger sense, like the prime minister of the ancient country. He could discover the problems and could provide solutions to the problems, but he was not a military commander, couldn‘t kill people, or lead soldiers to fight.

Perhaps, thousands of people would die because of the prime minister‘s words, but the prime minister‘s own hands were never bloody.

Of course, not all prime ministers in history were honest gentlemen, so in Feng Shui masters, there are naturally those who seek wealth and kill lives.

However, in Charlie‘s view, the old man in front of him seemed to be persistent.

It was his attitude that made Charlie decide to wait and see for the time being and let him go.

Otherwise, he will choose to start first.

Dan didn‘t know that the real dragon fate he was looking for was actually in the same restaurant with him.

Since they arrived early and the food was served early, when Charlie and Pollard first started to eat their food, he and Mike had already settled the bill, and the grandfather and grandson left the restaurant together.

Charlie did not put too much energy on the grandfather and grandson but kept asking Pollard about his mother‘s deeds back then.

For a long time, Charlie only understood the side of his mother as a wife and mother, but didn‘t know what she looked like on the other side.

Now, through Pollard‘s introduction, he can finally make the image of his mother in his memory more three-dimensional.

After eating meal for more than an hour, Pollard has been talking endlessly about Charlie‘s mother Margarate‘s deeds back then, and Charlie has never got tired of listening, and even wished not to go all day, just sitting here and listening.

Pollard‘s voice was smoking straight, and it was not too early again, so he drank mouthful of water and said to him, ―Oh, what happened to your mother back then, it may not be possible to finish it in a few months. Today Let me tell you to this point here first, I still have classes in the afternoon, so I have to go back early.‖

Upon hearing this, Charlie said hurriedly: ―Okay Uncle, then I won‘t disturb your work this afternoon.‖

Pollard nodded and exhorted: ―Melba‘s situation, you must help me pay more attention to it. Once you have any information, don‘t worry about how late it is, you must tell me as soon as possible. please.‖

Charlie agreed without hesitation: ―Uncle rest assured, I will notify you as soon as I have a message!‖

Pollard said: ―Then you will be hardworking!‖

When the two came out of the hotel, Pollard asked Charlie, ―Charlie, what are your arrangements for the afternoon?‖

Charlie said, ―I‘ll go to Shangri-La to meet someone.‖

Charlie plans to go to Shangri-La to see Issac. Since Chengfeng wants to find out and kill him, he will definitely have other after-skills. He must take precautions in advance. At the same time, he must find opportunities to kill before the trouble occurs. Local governments also need Issac‘s cooperation.

Pollard didn‘t think much, and said: ―Then I will go back to school first, let‘s keep in touch!‖

―OK, Uncle.‖

Pollard was about to leave when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a fortune-telling stall on the side of the road not far away.

Aurous Hill itself is an ancient city, and most of the people here have the habit of looking at fortune-telling, so there are many fortune-telling people on the streets and alleys.

If it‘s the spring season, just find a street in the old city, and there will be a fortunetelling booth every ten steps on the side of the road.

In addition, there are also many foreseers who are waiting at home for customers.

This kind of big fairy generally uses the so-called gimmick of asking fairies and the gods, specifically to help people see the picture, and sometimes help people drive evil spirits. 

chapter 2630

This kind of fairy does the most work to exorcise evil spirits from the children.

Old people are superstitious that their children will be frightened when they see unclean things, and then cry non-stop, so they look for someone.

Generally speaking, young people who do not believe in such things, including some old intellectuals, are also dismissive of such things.

Pollard originally did the same.

He has been abroad for so many years if he said that he has never built superstitious things, but today his right eye kept beating, and his daughter followed the Syrian government forces in military operations. He was really uneasy, so he suddenly moved. 

One hexagram of mind.

So, he said to Charlie: ―Charlie, if you have something to do, please do it first. I‘ll take a look over there.‖

Charlie saw that the direction he was pointing to was the fortune-telling booth, so he asked, ―Uncle, are you going to find someone to do the calculation?‖ 

Pollard nodded and sighed, ―Hey, I now know why everyone has religious beliefs. It must be at a time when they are so helpless. I really don‘t know what to do, so I can only pin my hopes on Religious beliefs, or feudal superstitions, which are mainly for psychological comfort.‖

Charlie smiled slightly and said, ―Anyway, I don‘t have anything important, so I will go with you.‖

Pollard didn‘t think much, nodded, and went to the fortune-telling booth with Charlie.

At this moment, sitting in front of the fortune-telling booth was an old man with a dark panel, gray hair and beard, and a little lean. 

The old man looked like he was about 70 or 80 years old, sitting alone in front of the stall, wiping the beard on his chin unhurriedly, quite a bit of aura.

Pollard came to him, and before he could speak, the old man asked him, ―Does this gentleman want to ask good or bad questions?‖

Pollard nodded and said, ―I want to ask for my daughter to see if she is safe.‖

The old man hummed, pushed a bamboo tube full of bamboo sticks, and said, ―Come on, thinking of your daughter in your heart, then shake one to sign it out.‖

Pollard hurriedly did it, thinking of his daughter, while shaking the bamboo tube, dozens of bamboo sticks in the bucket continued to stick out as he shook, until one of them fell out of the bucket first.

Pollard opened his eyes, quickly picked up the bamboo sticks, looked down at the words on it, and said, ―I heard that tonight is Shangyuan, and the silver lanterns are shining forever; there is a gust of wind and rain for no reason, and the lanterns turned off. String…what does this mean?‖

The old man smiled slightly, and said unpredictably: ―This is the 32nd lottery signed by Che Gongling. If you need to cancel the signing, please spend five hundred, which is also a good fortune.‖

When Charlie heard this, he concluded that the old man was a liar.

Asking for fortune-telling is a Taoist philosophy. As for randomness or blessing, this is the Buddhist saying.

It is impossible for a Daoist disciple to say words like joy and blessing. This feeling is like a monk saying that he can go to heaven to see God after donating money. The logic itself is problematic.

However, Pollard did not know this.

He heard the other party say that it would cost five hundred. Without any hesitation, he took out his phone and asked, ―Can I scan the QR code to pay?‖

The old man took out a receipt code that had been printed a long time ago, and smiled: ―Come on, scan this, WeChat or Alipay can do it.‖

Pollard hurried to scan the QR code to pay. Charlie wanted to stop him, but after another thought, he was like an ant on a hot pot, and he couldn‘t stop him, so he didn‘t say much, just watched the changes.

Soon, Pollard‘s payment was completed, and the elder‘s pocket heard a sound of ―WeChat received five hundred‖. He smiled with satisfaction and said: ―Your signature is for this sign. I heard that tonight is Shangyuan. The silver lamp and the fire tree shine forever; there is a gust of wind and rain for no reason, and the lamp turned off the orchestra. The meaning is very simple. In the violent storm, the lights of thousands of houses are blown out, and the original festivals of blowing, playing and singing disappeared.‖

Speaking of this, he sighed, and said, ―This is really the most unlucky one. The lottery is drawn. No matter what you want to ask, you can summarize it in four words.‖ 

In desperation, Pollard asked, ―Which four words?!‖

The old man shook his head and sighed, ―‗Everything is not good‘!‖

chapter 2631

―Everything is not good?‖

Pollard heard these four words and asked subconsciously: ―What does this mean?!‖

The old man looked disgusted and asked, ―Have you ever fortuned it? Don‘t you know what these four words mean? Nothing is lucky!‖

As he said, he continued very seriously: ―That is to say, if you get this lottery, what you ask will be unlucky! If you ask about the relationship between husband and wife, it indicates that the man and the woman will be divided; if you ask about career money, then If you ask about your fortune, then you will definitely fall for a long time; if you ask about the safety of your loved ones, it will indicate that the other party will definitely encounter major disasters, or even do not escape!‖

―What?!‖ After hearing these words, Pollard suddenly became anxious, and asked nervously, ―Old man, is there any way you can resolve my daughter‘s disaster?!‖

―This…‖ The old man said with emotion: ―If you draw another sign, I might be able to think of something, but if you draw this one, it means that this matter is too difficult!‖

As he said, he changed his mind and said, ―But…if I go all out and break the game, there may still be a chance!‖

Pollard has been completely disrupted by the other party at this time. All he cares about is the safety of his daughter. As for the books and knowledge he has learned for so many years, it has completely no effect.

He asked nervously and earnestly: ―Old Man, please help me!‖

The old man chuckles when he sees him getting the bait, and says, ―Since you are so sincere, then I will give it a try, but breaking this predicament will cost me too much, so you have to rejoice this time., it can be regarded as showing me your sincerity.‖

Pollard doesn‘t care about five thousand at all. If spending five thousand can increase the probability of his daughter‘s safe return by one ten-thousandth, then he is willing to do his best to make up ten thousand five thousand to exchange for his daughter‘s safety.

So, he would continue to scan the QR code to pay almost without thinking. 

Charlie suddenly said at this moment: ―Old Man, it doesn‘t matter if money is there or not, but before you collect the money, should you tell us about the specific situation first, or what kind of method are you going to use to help solve it? , So that we know how to spend money.‖

The old man didn‘t expect Charlie to come out halfway to disturb his good deeds at this time, so he sneered and said: ―Junior, you dare to doubt my ability?‖

Charlie waved his hand: ―I don‘t. I dare not, I don‘t doubt you, I just want to make it clear. This is the same as repairing a car. Although we don‘t know how to repair it, but where it‘s broken, what parts need to be replaced, what do you want? Tell us first.‖ 

The old man sneered: ―Huh! I have a way to get rid of this predicament. I can use the Five Emperor‘s Money to divination, find out the specific crisis his daughter is facing, and break the ban with magic charms, and even use it too much. This gentleman is anxious to save her. Each solution consumes different energy and the corresponding price is also different.‖

Charlie smiled and nodded.

He remembered that there were also records about divination in the Nine Profound Heavenly Scriptures, which did use ancient coins for divination, but the records did not say that the five emperors money should be used, but that the real ancient coins should be used. And the older the effect, the better.

As for the theory of the Five Emperors Money, it only emerged in modern times. They often refer to the coins of the Qin, Han, Tang, Song and Ming Dynasties as the Five Emperors Money. Although the author of the Nine Profound Heavenly Scriptures is nowhere to be tested, it is judged based on the age of the porcelain vase at that time.

This book was also written by someone in Tang Dynasty at the latest, and the earliest version of the Five Emperors‘ Money had to come from Ming Chao, so the ancient coin divination method recorded in it should be much earlier than the Five Emperors‘

method, and it can even be said. It is the ancestor of the five emperor money theory.

So Charlie deliberately asked him: ―What can you tell with the five emperor money? Or else, you make a divination first. If you do well, I will give you ten thousand!‖

The old man said immediately: ―Okay! Then I will let you see and watch!‖

After that, he took out a string of copper coins from his pocket, on which were hanging five coins of different dynasties.

Afterwards, he untied the red string, held the five copper coins in his palm and shook for a moment, and said coldly, ―Boy, look good!‖ 

After finishing speaking, he threw five coins out, stared at the coins on the ground, and said with a shocked expression: ―This hexagram shows that your daughter will have blood and light in the near future. If you don‘t intervene in time, I‘m afraid it will become a disaster. !‖

chapter 2632

Pollard was immediately anxious when he heard this. Is that okay? He hurriedly asked: ―Old man, please save my daughter anyway!‖

Charlie was a little puzzled at this time.

The five emperor coins thrown by the old man were indeed five ancient coins of real materials, but the information conveyed by the hexagrams meant looking at flowers in the fog.

The reason why this kind of hexagram appears is not that the prospects of the target person are confusing, but because the level of the divination person is really limited. 

Because of the limited level, he can only see the flower in the fog. To put it plainly, this hexagram tells him six words: I can‘t understand it at all.

Obviously, it is a hexagram that can‘t understand anything, but it happens to say that others are suffering from blood and light. It is obvious that he is deliberately scaring people and trying to use it to hold back.

Therefore, Charlie can basically be sure that this old guy is a liar, and at best he has learned a little bit of fur.

At his level, if it is placed in the medical field, it is equivalent to just learning how to distinguish between the front and the back of X-rays, and other medical knowledge is not understood.

Therefore, his fortune-telling at this level is completely deceitful.

Therefore, Charlie pretended to be surprised and said: ―Just by throwing these 5 copper coins on the ground, can you figure out a person‘s future good or bad?‖

―That‘s natural!‖ The old man said with a proud look: ―I have learned this skill for fifty years, and I have already been perfect!‖

Charlie curled his lips: ―I don‘t believe it, let me try!‖

After speaking, before the old man agreed, he grabbed the five copper coins one by one.

Then, he thought of Pollard and his daughter in his heart, and then thought of the records of the divination of copper coins in the Nine Profound Heaven Scriptures, and after a moment of meditation, he threw five copper coins out.

The old man saw that he was serious, and he turned his lips in disdain, and said, ―You are like a real one, this hexagram seems like you can understand the whole book!‖

Charlie ignored his cynicism and focused all his attention on these five copper coins.

The amount of information presented to him by these five copper coins is enormous.

First of all, the overall hexagram is the main evil, and it is extremely cruel, almost mortal.

In other words, Melba not only has a great probability of her life in danger, but also has the possibility of a tragic death.

Secondly, the azimuth sword of this hexagram is pointing to the west, and there is almost no deviation;

In other words, Melba must have had an accident in the west of Aurous Hill; Syria is in the Middle East and West Asia, and it happens to be almost on the same latitude as the province where Aurous Hill is located. The hexagram is shown in the west of this place, which means that Melba‘s current latitude does not differ from Charlie‘s location!

In the end, the hexagram image is a mortal situation as a whole, but the only life is left, and the life is here!

He immediately took out his mobile phone and checked the latitude and longitude of Syria and Aurous Hill on the search engine, and found that Syria‘s land was between 32 degrees 20 minutes north latitude and 37 degrees north latitude, while Aurous Hill happened to be between 31 and 32 degrees 37 minutes north latitude!

In other words, Melba‘s current latitude is within the range of 32 degrees 20 minutes to 37 minutes north latitude!

Chapter 2633

From the perspective of the hexagrams, Melba almost died nine years ago, and the only life is in Aurous Hill.

Charlie suddenly realized that Melba‘s life must lie with him. 

Except for himself, I am afraid that no one can save her.

Moreover, this hexagram seems to be that Melba seems to have been enveloped in danger from now on.

Furthermore, her life is on him, if he does not save Melba, she will die! 

To save, or not to save, Charlie hardly hesitated.

Charlie had already decided to save her just now when he discovered that Melba‘s life was in the middle of his body.

Although Charlie had never seen Melba, and had no friendship with her, he still has two reasons to save her.

The first reason is that he now wants to cut into the huge market of ocean transportation as soon as possible. Melba is the best candidate. If she can come back to help him, her father Pollard Watt will certainly assist her. In that case, this business is basically stable;

The second reason is that Pollard was a friend and classmate of his mother before her death, and after his parents had an accident, he took a lot of effort to find him, and he only has one daughter, Melba, so he only looked at this level.

However, Charlie was a little worried.

She can be saved, but how to save her?

After all, she is in Syria, and she doesn‘t know exactly where she is in Syria.

Although the hexagram image can calculate the approximate position, the accuracy of finding a person is still much worse. The possibility of finding out exactly where she is by divination is almost zero!

Thinking of this, Charlie flashed a thought: ―Melba, this time, is following the Syrian government forces to participate in military operations…‖

―In other words, there are several people in their group and they are protected by the government army. If Melba‘s life is in danger, it should indicate that the government army will most likely fail in this operation, and it will affect Melba and the others… .‖

―In this case, I should pay more attention to the situation in Syria and the news, and see if there is any news about the failure of government forces in the next time.

Just when Charlie was full of sadness, the owner of the fortune-telling booth opposite said sarcastically: ―Young man, why are you not talking? Didn‘t you understand what your hexagram represents? Or in your mind, now you‘re wondering how to fool us for a while?‖

As he said, he sneered again: ―Oh, I‘ll be honest, if you can‘t do it, go away, don‘t delay me from helping others solve problems!‖

Seeing that his expression was very proud, Charlie said indifferently, ―I didn‘t want to waste time with you, but since you are obsessed, I will waste a few minutes talking with you.‖ In my opinion, your face is poor, you are destined to endure hardships for a lifetime, and you are destined to be hard to become a powerful weapon. A person like you, apart from cheating and kidnapping, can‘t have any real skills. Your old age must be exceptionally miserable.‖

―So, I still advise you not to slander and deceive all day long. At such an old age, finding a stable and formal job can save you from the hardship of hunger and cold in the future.‖

The old man didn‘t expect that it was him who was reprimanding Charlie, but Charlie in turn taunted him.

More importantly, this guy is really right.

He has indeed suffered a lot in his life.

This is mainly because when he was young, he had low-mindedness and lowhandedness, and he was not righteous, and he spent several years in prison.

Therefore, there is almost no work he can do for a long time.

There is no longevity in doing anything, let alone any accumulation, so he has almost nothing to do in his life.

Not only he has wasted his whole life, but his children are not very promising either.

Chapter 2634

Now all the children are married, but they all live very poorly.

At such an age, he still has to come out to fool people, on the one hand to support himself and his wife and children, on the other hand, he also hopes to give his children a little subsidy.

On weekdays, his stomach full of bitterness did not dare to pour out, and he had to pretend to deceive others by pretending to be an outsider, but now he was brutally pierced by a young man, which immediately made him angry.

He didn‘t think that Charlie really had any abilities to look at pictures. He felt that Charlie deliberately wanted to ruin his business, and he wanted to take the opportunity to mock him!

So he immediately snorted and said disdainfully: ―Huh! You said that the old man has toiled all his life? What a joke! To tell you the truth, the old man has achieved financial freedom since he was young, and I have already groups of children and grandchildren, so I can fully enjoy the blessings of the family and the happiness of family at home. The reason why I still come out for fortune-telling at such an old age is to save all beings!‖

After all, he looked at Pollard, but said with a bit of sullenness: ―You take this boastful young man and go. I wanted to help you with your affairs, but it seems that you and I really have no chance. So please do it yourself. Right.‖

Pollard was a little anxious for a while, lowered his voice and said to Charlie: ―Charlie, we would rather believe this kind of thing, but not trust it, and to be honest, 5,000 is not a big deal, even if it is a purchase. Melba is worth more than that for me‖

Charlie waved his hand, looked at the old man, and said with a smile: ―I see that your cheeks are thin and the belly is flat. You don‘t look like a blessed person, and your forehead shape is dissatisfied. This is a typical young man. Even in the face of childlessness, you say that your children are in groups and there are many descendants.

How is this possible?‖

The old man snorted, ―Boy, you are inferior to humans. Have you begun to engage in personal attacks? I have three sons and three daughters. There are 13 grandchildren and granddaughters. You said that I have a little face. Childless?! This is really unreasonable!‖ 

Charlie smiled slightly: ―Don‘t worry, I will give you a fortune.‖

After that, he grabbed the five coins and threw them out again.

Afterwards, Charlie looked at the position, positive and negative of these copper coins, and said lightly: ―The hexagram shows that you are destined to commit a lone star, and you are doomed to have no future!‖

After speaking, Charlie looked at him and asked seriously, ―Do your sons and daughters look like you?‖

The old man was stunned.

Charlie‘s words poke a knot in his heart that has been haunting his heart for so many years.

That is, none of his six children look like him.

Charlie continued: ―This hexagram also says that you can see through the clouds and mist in the near future, and I believe it should be just about this.‖

The old man said angrily: ―You don‘t talk nonsense here! You are so young, I advise you to accumulate your morals!‖

Charlie waved his hand: ―I‘m not making fun of you, I‘m telling the truth.‖

After that, Charlie asked him, ―Do you know your blood type?‖

―Me?‖ The old man blurted out, ―I am AB-type!‖

Charlie asked again, ―Where is your wife?‖

The old man said: ―My wife is an O type! What‘s wrong? What do you want to say?‖

Charlie asked again: ―Then do you know the blood type of one of your six children?‖

The old man continued: ―My eldest son is also AB, just follow me, what‘s wrong?‖

This time, before Charlie spoke, Pollard on the side said with a shocked expression:

―Your wife has blood type O, you have blood type AB, and your eldest son is also blood type AB?‖

―Yes!‖ The old man snorted coldly, ―The blood type is the same as mine, it must be my own blood!‖

Pollard said embarrassingly: ―This…From the genetic law of scientific blood type, people with blood type AB and O will only give birth to type A blood, or type B blood, it is impossible to give birth to type O. Blood, or AB blood…‖ 

Chapter 2635

The old fortune-telling man didn‘t expect that even Pollard, a gentle middle-aged man, would come to sing against him, and immediately said with a little irritation and anger: ―You are not talking about science with me, and what science? It‘s science. You have to have basic common sense, right? This dragon gives birth to dragons and phoenixes, and mice give birth to holes. I have blood type AB and give birth to a son with type AB blood. It is justified! Is there a problem?

Pollard said helplessly: ―Old sir, you really have to believe in science. Although I am not studying medicine and biology, I am also a university professor anyway. This basic common sense is still there.‖

When the old man heard that Pollard said that he was a university professor, he suddenly panicked.

He didn‘t think Pollard looked like a liar, so he felt that something was f*cking wrong. 

So, he subconsciously asked, ―Since you are a professor, can you explain to me why my son can‘t be of type AB blood?‖

Pollard said seriously: ―If you really talk about the principle of this, it‘s really not clear in a few words, but you can check it online.‖

The old man hurriedly took out a different-brand mobile phone with a huge screen, and spent a long time writing and drawing seriously, then he saw his expression suddenly dull.

He did find the relevant results.

On the Internet, all the claims are the same as Pollard‘s claims. Parents with blood type AB and O can only give birth to type A blood, or children with type B blood, never give birth to type O and AB blood.

This also means that his eldest son is by no means his own…

Thinking of this, he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Immediately, he picked up the phone in a panic, called the second son, and asked directly: ―Second, do you know what blood type you are?‖

His second son said in surprise, ―I remember it is O type, as if you are talking about my mother.‖ 

―O-type?‖ The old man immediately felt like being struck by lightning, and blurted out,

 ―Are you sure? Did you remember it wrong?‖

―That‘s right.‖ The second son said, ―Why don‘t you steal the cable last time and let people be caught? The blood type test performed by the prison before serving your sentence must be registered in the file.‖

The old man‘s eyes suddenly went dark.

This is a f*cking tragedy.

The eldest is not his, nor is the second? !

At the same time as he collapsed, he thought of his youngest son and couldn‘t help but make another call.

As soon as the other party connected, he asked, ―My Child, do you know what blood type you are?‖

The youngest son asked in surprise, ―Dad, that‘s all about your phone call? I‘m in the Taxi. Recently, I‘m not allowed to drive and make phone calls. The cameras are everywhere.‖

The old man blurted out, ―You tell me quickly!‖

The younger son asked incomprehensibly, ―Dad, why are you calling to ask this?‖

The old man scolded, ―Why are you speaking f*cking nonsense? Can you just answer what I ask you?‖

The youngest son hurriedly said, ―Okay, I have blood type AB, isn‘t it the same as you? I inherited it from you.‖

The old man was anxious and almost fell to the ground.

The youngest son said at this time: ―Dad, the teacher from Ascendas School called and said that this bear kid couldn‘t keep up with his grades in all subjects. He asked me to report to him for training courses. I just calculated it. The registration fee alone costs more than 3,000. Can you give it to me?‖

The old man gritted his teeth and cursed: ―I‘ll give his grandma a leg!‖

After finishing speaking, he smashed the phone to the ground and smashed it to pieces, and then burst into tears.

Chapter 2636

He never dreamed that none of his three sons actually belonged to him.

He couldn‘t help holding his face in pain: ―I…what evil did I do? I…all my life is exhausted to raise sons and grandchildren for others… …‖

After speaking, he completely collapsed and lay on the ground all of a sudden, crying loudly.

Pollard was also taken aback.

He always thought that Charlie was deliberately angry with the old man, but he didn‘t expect Charlie to become a revealer.

He hurriedly asked Charlie, ―Charlie…this…what is going on…‖ Charlie shrugged helplessly, ―That‘s how it is. Judging from his face and hexagrams, he shouldn‘t have a son. In the end, he has three more. That‘s obviously wrong, but The case is solved now, he really does not have a son.‖

Pollard couldn‘t help asking, ―Is it so accurate to see the truth? Isn‘t this amazing?‖

Charlie stood up, and while pulling Pollard into the distance, he whispered: ―Uncle, I actually teased him on purpose just now. I didn‘t expect that my crow‘s mouth was even right… ..‖

―Ah?!‖ Pollard said dumbfounded: ―This… can this also be said?!‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―Did the blind cat hit a dead mouse! What‘s impossible.‖

Pollard asked again, ―Then what do you say about the difficult things in the autumn?‖ 

Charlie waved his hand: ―It‘s all lies, so don‘t worry about it at all.‖

Pollard breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

He also discovered that the old fortune-telling man was indeed a big fool.

Therefore, the tension in his heart was immediately relieved a lot.

Charlie remembered the hexagram he had just made, and said to Pollard: ―Uncle, if you have time in the afternoon, pay more attention to the news about the situation in Syria.

Melba joined the government forces in military operations, so I believe their safety is also guaranteed. If there is an accident, there should be some relevant clues in the news.‖

Pollard nodded in agreement and said, ―What you said makes sense, so I will pay more attention to the news. I have some good friends in the media, and they can speak well in major media companies. Several large media outlets should have war correspondents and news networks. I let them help me pay attention to first-hand information.‖

Charlie hurriedly said, ―If you have any information, please tell me as soon as possible.‖

―Yeah, sure I will!‖

Charlie checked the time and said: ―Uncle, you can go back to school, I‘m leaving too.‖

Pollard pointed to the old man lying on the ground crying in the distance, and said with some sympathy, ―What about this old man?‖

Charlie said helplessly, ―I can‘t help it. He has no son in his life. I can‘t change him. Let him digest this matter slowly.‖

Pollard sighed helplessly, and said, ―That‘s OK, then I‘ll leave first. We must keep in touch today. No matter who has any information, we will exchange it as soon as possible.‖

―No problem.‖

Watching Pollard cross the road, Charlie couldn‘t help but sighed, and muttered sadly: ―I think that Melba‘s accident is imminent and there is not much time left for her, but how can I save her? I don‘t know. Where exactly is she, I don‘t know how to go to Syria…‖

―It is civil war in Syria! The situation is too turbulent. There is no direct flight to this country from any city in the country.‖

―There are even messages on the Internet that the Syrian civil aviation system has long been completely stopped. Maybe I have to fly to a neighboring country first, and then find a way to enter the country by land…‖

―In that case, the time spent on the road is at least 24 hours or more. If there is any danger, this time I will have no time to react…‖

Chapter 2637

On the way to Shangri-La by taxi, Charlie was still worrying about Melba.

In order to prevent Melba from having the accident and no time to rush over, Charlie even wanted to set off now, but the situation in Syria was so special that he didn‘t know what way to go there.

When he thought that Issac had strong resources in all aspects, Charlie was ready to find him to come up with ideas.

It just so happened that he had to discuss with him how to deal with the Su family next?

After Charlie arrived at Shangri-La, he went directly to Issac‘s office.

At this time, in the Shangri-La Hotel, Zynn was still waiting for the opportunity to establish contact with Ito.

However, because he sneaked into Shangri-La quietly, so far he has stayed in the room and dared not show his head.

His wife Liona, eldest daughter Zhiyu, and illegitimate daughter Ruoli also live in this hotel.

It‘s just that none of these three parties knows, the other two are in the same building.

Charlie came all the way to Issac‘s office. As soon as they met, Issac hurriedly reported to him: ―Master, you let me send someone to monitor the two men. My people have begun to watch them secretly. Let me tell you at once.‖

Charlie nodded, and said in a serious tone: ―These two people were sent by the Su family, and I think they are likely to look for clues to find me, so you must keep an eye on them, and also keep an eye on the recent People who come to Aurous Hill.‖

As soon as Issac heard this, he immediately said with outrage: ―Master, these two people dare to be against you. If you ask me, let‘s get them first and kill them!‖

Charlie waved his hand and said faintly: ―This old man and his grandson are supposed to be Feng Shui masters, and they still have some moral integrity. First, save their lives and see what they plan to do next.

Issac hurriedly said, ―Okay, Master, I see.‖

Charlie nodded and asked him, ―By the way, do you know anything about the situation in Syria?‖

―Syria?!‖ Issac said embarrassingly, ―Master, why do you suddenly care about this place where birds do not sh!t?‖

Charlie chuckled and said, ―I‘ll go where the birds don‘t poop.‖

―What?‖ Issac exclaimed and blurted out: ―Master, you are not kidding me, are you going to Syria?‖

Charlie nodded: ―Yes, and maybe the sooner the better.‖

―This…‖ Issac thought for a while and blurted out: ―The place is now under war, and the civil aviation system is not navigable… What are you going to do? If it doesn‘t matter, I still advise you not to go!‖

Charlie said helplessly: ―There are some unexpected emergencies, I have to go, and time is running out, please help me to find out if there is a more reliable route that can allow me, in the fastest time, All the way to Damascus, the capital of Syria.‖

Chapter 2638

Upon hearing this, Issac no longer persuaded Charlie, but immediately took out his mobile phone and made several calls.

After the call, Issac said to Charlie: ―Master, I consulted my friends and also inquired about some overseas channels. Now if you want to go to Syria, the more common route is to fly to Turkey or Iraq first and then from these two countries. Enter Syria by land.‖

After speaking, Issac said again: ―But what is more embarrassing is that Turkey is in the north of Syria and Iraq is in the east of Syria, but the capital of Syria, Damascus, is in the southwest of Syria. That is to say, whether it is from Iraq or Turkey. To reach Damascus one has to pass hundreds of kilometers of land.‖

―Furthermore, the terrain in the Middle East is complex and the transportation is not very convenient. It takes at least 20 hours for this journey alone.‖

Charlie frowned and said, ―If I remember correctly, the west of Syria should be bordered by Lebanon? And the capitals of the two countries are very close. The straight-line distance is not even 100 kilometers, so fly to Lebanon first. Would it be easier to enter Syria from Lebanon?‖

Issac nodded and said, ―Master, I asked about this just now.‖

―In theory, of course, Lebanon is closer to Damascus, but if civil aviation flies to Lebanon from the country, the route will pass through Syria.‖

―Now the Syrian government forces and the opposition are fighting like rotten pears, and both sides have ground-to-air weapons. Therefore, the civil aviation of any country dare not fly into its airspace and avoids its airspace.‖

―According to the route of civil aviation, once it has to bypass Syria, the flight distance will increase by nearly two thousand kilometers.‖

―As a result, our business jets will not be able to fly in a single breath. We must find a stopover airport midway to refuel.‖

―In this case, it will be necessary to coordinate the stopover and supply airports, and then take off after landing, refueling, and regular inspections. There will be a delay of one or two hours.‖

―And when you arrived in Lebanon, there is still big trouble. Because it is too close to Syria, the border has been temporarily closed in order to avoid the war spill. If you want to travel from Lebanon to Syria, you can only sneak across the borderline…‖

Charlie nodded, and said solemnly, ―Even if you want to sneak across the border, a straight distance of less than 100 kilometers will save a lot of time.‖

Issac hurriedly said: ―Master, crossing the border is not a joke. Both countries are heavily guarded. In an extraordinary period, if someone illegally crosses the border, either party has the right to shoot directly. Moreover, now Syria is not only governed by the Syrian government forces but the opposition forces as well. The situation is too complicated and it is difficult to penetrate into it!‖

Charlie waved his hand and said calmly, ―This is actually not a problem. I have my own way to cross the border.‖

With that, Charlie said a little annoyedly: ―The most important thing is that the flight time is too long. It was originally necessary to fly for at least nine hours. If it takes a detour, it will take another two or three hours to fly. The key is There will be another stop in the middle, and another hour or two will be added. After this calculation, it will take at least thirteen or four hours to fly to Lebanon. It‘s too long. The lives of people over there are too precious. I‘m afraid things won‘t last so long. time…….‖

Issac also fell into deep thought. He pondered for a long time, and suddenly thought of something, and blurted out: ―Master, at present, there is an only solution that will allow you to fly from Aurous Hill to Lebanon in four and a half hours! It‘s just that I can‘t do this plan, only you can try it yourself.‖

Charlie hurriedly asked: ―What plan?!‖

Issac hurriedly reminded: ―Master, do you remember that when you went to Changbai Mountain to ambush the eight heavenly kings in advance, I told you that your grandfather spent a lot of money on a Concorde airliner?‖

―The flight speed of the Concorde is 2.5 times that of a civil aviation aircraft. Moreover, the Concorde that your grandpa bought has also been specially modified and upgraded, which reduces the carrying capacity and increases the fuel capacity of the aircraft. A single refueling can exceed Flying 10,000 kilometers at the speed of sound, there is no need to land and refuel in the middle. It will take you to Lebanon in more than four hours!

Chapter 2639

Concorde was once the only supersonic airliner in the world that was truly put into commercial operation.

For many young people, they may not know this aircraft at all, but they have to admit that this aircraft has written a strong fortune in the history of civil aviation.

Looking at the law of development of human science and technology over the past few decades, an interesting phenomenon will be discovered, that is, people have been relatively conservative in the development of science and technology in recent years.

However, during the Cold War from the 1960s to the 1980s, it was a golden age when human technology thrived and developed wildly and rapidly.

The people of that era showed unprecedented enthusiasm and radicalism in the field of science and technology.

In the era when the computing power of computers was not as good as the Cassidy Learning Machine, the Soviet Union sent astronauts to space and the United States sent astronauts to the moon.

Also in that era, people lost interest in ordinary subsonic civil aviation aircraft and began to step into the supersonic era with their heads high.

In 1975, the Concorde airliner that could reach twice the speed of sound was officially put into use. At that time, people had already enjoyed the supersonic airliner at 2,150 kilometers per hour.

Now, it takes nearly two hours to fly from Eastcliff to Aurous Hill, but if you take the Concorde, it only takes 25 minutes.

It is a pity that although this aircraft is extremely fast, its fuel economy is extremely poor, so with the arrival of the economic crisis and a serious flight accident, this aircraft withdrew from the civil aviation stage in 2003 and has since disappeared from the world.

Today, most people don‘t even remember the existence of this aircraft, but several of these aircraft have been well preserved.

And, without exception, all became the exclusive cars of the top rich.

Charlie‘s grandfather Zhongquan has one.

His Concorde airliner was bought and spent huge financial resources on transformation and maintenance. Up to now, it costs tens of millions of dollars in basic maintenance costs every year.

However, Zhongquan spent so much money on this plane, but it is difficult for him to fly once a year.

However, for the top big families, this kind of aircraft is equivalent to the nuclear weapons of a big country. It can be kept in storage at ordinary times and will not be used for several years or even decades, but once a major event requires it, it can be put into use immediately.

Therefore, Issac thought of this method. As long a Zhongquan is willing to lend this Concorde to Charlie, Charlie will be sent to Syria within four and a half hours, nothing to say!

However, Zhongquan valued this aircraft very much. He hadn‘t used it for anyone except himself. Even his children did not have the opportunity to use it.

And Issac was just a spokesperson for the Wade family in Aurous Hill. He couldn‘t even get in touch with Zhongquan directly, so Charlie could only talk to Zhongquan about this matter.

Charlie was instantly awakened by his words.

He couldn‘t hide his excitement and blurted out: ―It‘s great! If there is a Concorde, you can save more than half of your time at once!‖

As he said, he immediately took out his cell phone and said, ―I will call him, and I will borrow this plane anyway!‖

Issac said with some worry: ―Master, it is said that your grandfather has very precious thoughts about this plane. He has never loaned it out or let anyone other than himself use it. I am now worried that he will not be willing to lend it to you.‖

Charlie said solemnly, ―No matter what, please give a call first and try!‖

After speaking, he hit his grandfather Zhongquan.

Chapter 2640

The phone rang only twice and was immediately connected.

Zhongquan asked happily, ―Charlie, why did you remember calling grandpa today?‖

Charlie went straight to the topic and said, ―I have something I want to ask you for help.‖

Zhongquan said without hesitation: ―Oh, what is there to be polite about you and grandpa? Just talk about anything, as long as grandpa can do it, it‘s absolutely unambiguous!‖

Charlie said: ―I‘m in a hurry. I have to go to Lebanon immediately. I heard that you have a Concorde airliner. I want to borrow it.‖

―By Concord?‖ Zhongquan hesitated for a while. After a while, he smiled and said, 

―Charlie, in fact, if you want to borrow a private jet, grandpa has a very, very luxurious Boeing business jet. It only costs the internal modification. Hundreds of millions of dollars, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a palace in the sky, or should I lend you that plane?‖

Charlie said firmly: ―No, I only borrow what I named.‖

Zhongquan sighed and said, ―Oh, that airplane is really too old. It was manufactured in 1985. To be honest, it‘s a lot older than you. You know, the older the airplane, the less it will be its safety.‖

Charlie didn‘t expect Zhongquan to play around the bush with himself here, so he couldn‘t help it. He blurted out, ―You don‘t want to lend me the Concorde, but at least you have to lend me a plane that allows me to do this. The plane flew from Aurous Hill to Lebanon in less than four and half an hour.‖

―This…‖ Zhongquan said embarrassingly, ―The requirement of four and a half hours is too high, can you be a little more relaxed…‖

Charlie asked him back: ―If I can borrow it, I can give me a good word. If I can‘t, then I won‘t be overwhelmed.‖

Speaking of this, Charlie said coldly: ―However, I may have to reconsider the ancestor worship ceremony. Besides. I think since even borrowing a plane is so troublesome to do such a small thing, I will no longer bother the Wade family in the future.‖

When Zhongquan heard this, he gritted his teeth and said without hesitation: ―Oh, Charlie, don‘t be impulsive! Isn‘t it just borrowing a plane? Grandpa lends it to you! I will ask the crew to prepare and fly directly to Aurous Hill! I have two sets of the crew on standby at the airport in two shifts, ready to take off at any time! Are you satisfied now?‖

Charlie‘s voice eased, and he said, ―In this case, I won‘t break my promise regarding the ancestor worship ceremony.‖

Zhongquan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: ―Charlie, you often come home and have a look when you have time. I, your uncle, and your aunt miss you!‖

Charlie agreed casually and said, ―Okay, after the ancestor worship ceremony, I will visit you often.‖

Zhongquan hurriedly said, ―That‘s good, that‘s good!‖

After speaking, he asked again: ―Charlie, what are you going to do in Lebanon? Do you need help from grandpa?‖

Charlie thought of the question he had just talked with Issac, and asked: ―I wonder if you can help me to clear the relationship so that I can leave for Lebanon and go to Syria?‖

―Are you going to Syria?‖ Zhongquan asked in surprise, ―There is a war going on over there. What are you going to do there?‖

Charlie said calmly: ―I have some personal affairs that I need to deal with.‖

Zhongquan thought for a while and said, ―I have some contacts in Lebanon!‖ 

―Well, I‘ll clear it up for you, and promise to help you get this done before you arrive in Lebanon.‖

―I guarantee that after you arrive in Lebanon, you can go directly to Syria.‖

Chapter 2641

In Zhongquan‘s eyes, Charlie was a standard sweet and pastry.

Leaving aside Charlie‘s so powerful and strange strength, the marriage contract between Charlie and Sara and the firm attitude of the Gu family willing to abide by the marriage contract made Zhongquan look forward to Charlie‘s official return to the Wade family.

The money earned from trading is earned by accumulating one point after another point, but if you make money by marrying a woman, you may add tens or even hundreds of billions of property overnight.

Philip only has a daughter Sara the only heir of the huge wealth, so everyone knows that once someone marries Sara, he will inherit the entire Gu family.

Zhongquan wanted to surpass the Su family a long time ago. If Charlie really took Sara into his bag, then the comprehensive strength of the Wade family would surely surpass the Su family by a large margin.

Moreover, now the Su family has suffered successive blows. If Charlie can match up and let Wade family and Gu family work together to deal with the Su family, then it is very likely to pull the Su family down from the first place and drag them directly to third place.

When the time comes, the Wade family will be the first, and the Gu family will be second, and the Gu family is almost equal to the Wade family. That is really the time for the Wade family to rebuild its glory!

Therefore, Zhongquan would be tolerant of Charlie in every possible way. Charlie could only use his Concorde airliner, and he could only give it; if Charlie wanted him to help enter Syria, he could only help.

Therefore, he immediately mobilized resources and made arrangements, and then told Charlie: ―Charlie, I have arranged it. The plane will take off from Eastcliff in ten minutes, and it will land at Aurous Hill Airport half an hour after takeoff. Then you can directly board at Aurous Hill Airport and fly non-stop to Lebanon!‖

Charlie was relieved after listening.

Although the matter of going to Syria was too hasty, and there is no news that Melba has a confirmed accident, Charlie still felt that he has to go.

It was just that Charlie was about to leave for Syria suddenly, and he didn‘t know how to explain to Claire.

After much deliberation, he could only use the old rhetoric of showing customers Feng Shui, and called Claire.

At this time, Claire was still in a meeting in the Emgrand Group.

In the recent period, more than half of her working hours have been in the Emgrand Group.

Because many plans need to be connected with the representatives of the Group, if there is any need, the plan must be adjusted in time.

Emgrand Group itself is the largest real estate development group in the city, and its requirements for project partners have always been very harsh.

Moreover, in the Group, apart from Doris who knew that Claire‘s true identity was the wife of the chairman, everyone else did not know this.

Therefore, in the eyes of these people, Claire won the bid for the cooperation of the Emgrand Group, and they naturally have to strictly demand the partners.

Claire received the call from Charlie and hurried to the bathroom. After answering the call, Claire asked, ―Husband, why do you call me at this time? Anything important?‖

Charlie suddenly felt a little tangled.

In fact, he didn‘t want to lie and deceive Claire without a last resort.

But this kind of thing, he can‘t tell the truth to her anyway.

Not only is the situation in Syria extremely dangerous in the eyes of ordinary people, but the reason for going to Syria is simply not understood.

If he tells her that the child of a man who was a classmate of his mother is about to be in danger in Syria, then many of the questions involved cannot be answered at all.

For example, who is his mother? Who is the mother‘s classmate?

For another example, what can he do if his mother‘s classmate‘s child has an accident in Syria and can go there alone with bare hands? Besides, there is not even a direct plane, how can he get there?

Sometimes, if you choose to tell the truth, you must pull out the radish to bring out the mud and confess all the key information, otherwise, it is more appropriate to fabricate a false reason.

Therefore, thinking of this, Charlie had no choice but to say: ―Wife, this is the case. I have a client who wants to ask me to go out of town to show Feng Shui in his house. He just happened to have a fancy for a second-hand villa that others are desperately selling. If there is nothing wrong with the Feng Shui, he will just buy it.‖

Claire asked him, ―Going to another place? How long?‖

Charlie thought for a while and said, ―If it‘s fast, I can come back tomorrow; but if it‘s slow, it may take two or three days.‖

Claire couldn‘t help but asked him in a low voice, ―Husband, can this project be dropped? You will have your birthday in a few days. I really don‘t want you to be as busy as before…‖

Chapter 2642

Charlie was moved in his heart, and said softly, ―Good wife, to be honest, I don‘t want to go out at this time, but this time I met an old customer, and I really can‘t escape.‖

Having said that, he paused slightly and continued: ―Wife, or else, I promise you? After this order is finished, I will not accept new orders in the next month!‖

The reason why Charlie promised for a month was that it was Ching Ming Festival almost a month later, and he had to go to Eastcliff to participate in the ancestor worship ceremony at that time, and he would definitely have to explain to Claire for reasons of Feng Shui.

Claire on the phone, after hearing Charlie‘s answer, not taking orders for a month, her mood finally eased a lot, and her tone was also a little bit coquettish, and said, ―This is what you said, if in the future within a month, if you dare to go out and show others Feng Shui, then I will not share the room with you to sleep!‖

When Charlie heard this, he immediately agreed without hesitation, and blurted out: 

―My wife, don‘t worry! I will do what I say!‖

Only then was Claire satisfied, and asked him, ―Then when are you leaving?‖

Charlie said, ―I‘ll leave directly in a while.‖

Claire couldn‘t hide her surprise and asked, ―Why are you so anxious? I thought you have to wait for tomorrow to leave.‖

Charlie explained: ―The seller of the villa at the other house contacted several buyers at the same time. Because the price is relatively cheap, whoever gets the deal will get it first. That‘s why this old customer is so anxious and wants me to go with him today.‖

Claire asked curiously, ―What customers, man or a woman?‖

After speaking, she felt that her question was a bit inappropriate, and hurriedly explained: ―Charlie, I just asked casually. There is no other meaning. If you don‘t want to say it, then forget it.‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―It‘s a male client. He is quite famous. He is the general manager of our Shangri-La Hotel, Issac Craven.‖

Claire naturally heard of Issac‘s name.

However, she only knows that Issac is the general manager of Shangri-La, and that he is very influential in Aurous Hill, but she does not know Issac‘s true background.

So Charlie was not afraid of using Issac as a cover.

Hearing Issac‘s name, Claire exclaimed: ―Damn, this man is said to be very powerful.

Even the Song family has to give him some face. When did he become your old customer?‖

Charlie deliberately lowered his voice and said with a smile: ―Aren‘t these rich people in Aurous Hill quite good? They believe in Feng Shui. I was a bit famous before, so many rich people came here admiringly.‖

While talking, he said again: ―Wife, wait a minute, I will let Mr. Issac say something to you.‖

Claire hurriedly said, ―No need, no, husband, I just asked casually, no other meaning.‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―Your husband didn‘t mean anything else, just to let you rest assured.‖

With that, he said to Issac: ―Mr. Issac, please talk to my wife.‖

Issac hurried over and said seriously: ―Mrs. Wade, I am Issac. Mr. Wade will go with me this time, and I hope you don‘t mind.‖

Claire hurriedly said, ―If I don‘t, I won‘t, I hope you all go well.‖

Charlie said at this time: ―My wife, we are going to leave immediately, so I would say to you bye for now.‖

Claire said hurriedly, ―Then you must pay attention to safety when you are away, and remember to eat regularly.‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―Don‘t worry, I will take care of myself.‖

Claire reluctantly said: ―Then you go, I will continue to work hard, come back soon.‖

―Sure, I will.‖

Charlie also hung up the phone a little bit reluctantly, and then immediately said to Issac: ―Arrange a helicopter, I‘m going to the airport!‖


Chapter 2643

When Charlie said that he was going to the airport, Issac subconsciously said, ―Master, going now?‖

Charlie blurted out: ―What are you waiting for if I don‘t go now? The plane is estimated to have taken off. It will arrive at Airport in less than 20 minutes. If the helicopter moves more slowly, the Concorde may arrive first.‖

Issac came back to his senses and smirked awkwardly: ―Yes, yes, yes, I forgot that this Concorde airliner is flying fast. Wait a moment, I will arrange the helicopter to take off.‖

After speaking, Issac picked up the walkie-talkie on the table and blurted out: ―The helicopter crew prepares immediately and takes off to Aurous Hill Airport in five minutes!‖

Soon, Charlie heard the helicopter engine starting sound from the roof.

Issac hurriedly said, ―Master, you can go!‖

―Good!‖ Charlie stood up without hesitation and walked out of Issac‘s office.

Issac‘s office itself is on the top floor, and the helipad on the top of the building is directly above his office. At the entrance of his office, there is a special elevator that can rise directly to the top of the building.

Under the leadership of Issac, Charlie took the special elevator to the top of the building. The helicopter had started at this time and was ready to take off at any time.

A flight attendant opened the door of the helicopter and stood aside respectfully.

Charlie stepped up without hesitation. Unexpectedly, Issac would also follow.

Charlie said: ―You don‘t have to see me off.‖

Issac said hurriedly, ―Master, I am not going to see you off, I am going to go with you!‖

―Come with me?‖ Charlie frowned and said, ―Don‘t have to be so troublesome, I can do it myself.‖

Issac blurted out: ―No, master, you are going to Syria and you are not familiar with the place. Although your strength is unmatched, I still hope to be able to stand by your side, and if your Lady Claire calls you, I will at least can help you round up a lie.‖

Seeing Issac‘s insistence, Charlie didn‘t refuse, and said, ―Okay, let‘s go together.‖

Issac was overjoyed, and hurriedly sat down beside Charlie, and said to the crew: ―Get off!‖

The helicopter immediately climbed and galloped towards the Aurous Hill Airport.

Twenty minutes later, when the helicopter was less than ten kilometers away from the airport, Charlie saw a slender white passenger plane in the sky above him, swiftly passing by.

Unlike the arc-shaped front face of an ordinary passenger plane, the nose of this plane is a very sharp cone, and the wing is not in the shape of two open wings, but a triangular wing that is rearward. The shape of this delta wing is the kind of design style that is extremely speedy.

Issac on the side also saw the plane, and said excitedly: ―Look, master, that‘s the master‘s Concorde! It seems that this plane has arrived before us!‖

The approach speed of the Concorde airliner was nearly 400 kilometers per hour, which was much faster than the helicopter, so the helicopter was left behind in the blink of an eye.

Charlie looked at this plane full of science fiction imagery, and couldn‘t help feeling in his heart. He really did not expect that such an advanced plane was a product developed decades ago.

What made him even more emotional is that the power of capital is indeed extremely powerful. The cost of this aircraft is extremely high, and the cost of modification and maintenance is higher. The cost of keeping it is faster than burning money if it is not for assets with more than one trillion. No one in the big family can afford to burn such expensive things.

Chapter 2644

A few minutes later, Charlie‘s helicopter arrived at Aurous Hill Airport.

At the end of the airport runway, the Concorde plane was parked just now.

The pilot said at this moment: ―Young Master, Mr. Issac, the feedback from the airport said that the Concorde is ready to take off. Let‘s land directly next to the Concorde, and then board and take off immediately!‖

―Okay!‖ Charlie nodded. He became more aware of the reasons for the success of the big family, and a large part of it was the guarantee behind the success.

Ordinary people want to go to Syria, according to the conventional route, from the moment of boarding, it takes at least 24 hours.

However, with such a complete support system, the time to arrive in Syria can be almost reduced to six hours.

The difference of eighteen hours does not seem to be a big deal in normal times. It is nothing more than the difference between a plane ticket and a green leather train ticket.

But in the face of extremely important events, these eighteen hours can be a great headstart. There are too many things and too many results that can be changed.

As the helicopter descended, Charlie suddenly received a call from Pollard. As soon as the call was made, Pollard said in a panic, ―Charlie…know that something serious happened to Melba… ―

Charlie hurriedly asked, ―Uncle, don‘t worry, and speak slowly, what happened to Melba?‖

Pollard blurted out: ―I just received a message from a local friend that the government army‘s military operation failed today. The troops they sent were encircled by the opposition. Over a thousand people were killed or injured, and nearly a hundred people are captured. Eight young Americans including Melba…‖

―What?!‖ Charlie suddenly exclaimed, ―Is the message confirmed?‖

Pollard said nervously: ―It has been determined…Now the government forces are preparing to launch military retaliation, but the opposition has already told the government forces and the U.S. Embassy to pay 80 million US dollars as ransom, otherwise, the eight of them including Melba will be executed!‖

Charlie asked hurriedly, ―Did the American Embassy declare its position?‖

―they have expressed their opinion.‖ Pollard sighed and said: ―Their spokesperson strongly condemned the actions of the opposition, and they said that they would not accept the threat of the opposition, and demanded that the opposition must release the hostages, otherwise they will launch Military offensive against them…‖

Charlie‘s tone couldn‘t help being solemn, and said: ―If this is the case, it is likely to anger the other party.‖

―Yes…‖ Pollard gritted his teeth and cursed, ―My friend knows the people in the US Embassy. They actually don‘t care about the lives of these eight young people!‖

―And they are not willing to pay the ransom at all, because they have made a lot of enemies in the Middle East over the years. Once this compromise is made, I don‘t know how many people will follow suit, so they want to prevent this from happening again…


Speaking of this, Pollard choked and said: ―The opposition is also very angry at the attitude of the Embassy. They said that they will give them six hours. After six hours, one will be executed every half an hour. Melba! I… I am afraid this time it will be too bad. …‖

Charlie hurriedly comforted: ―Uncle Watt, don‘t worry about it…‖

Pollard cried bitterly and said, ―Hey, how can I not worry…I am about to have a heart attack now!‖

―And I really regret it! I regret making Melba naturalized at the time… She was born in the United States at the time, so she was naturally naturalized at that time. If she was a Chinese national, she would definitely return this time. There would be a turnaround…‖

―It‘s a pity that she and her classmates and friends are all American…‖

Charlie hurriedly said: ―Uncle, don‘t worry, let alone not be so pessimistic. I will set off for Syria right away. I will definitely find a way to rescue your daughter. You can wait for good news from my side!‖

Chapter 2645

Pollard never dreamed that Charlie was already ready to go to Syria!

He originally did not call Charlie to ask him for help, because he felt that Charlie could not help much. After all, his daughter is now six to seven thousand kilometers away in Syria, and she is too deep in the armed conflict.

In this case, even the Syrian government army could not help, so he never thought that Charlie could help.

Pollard made this call to Charlie mainly to tell him the latest situation.

Therefore, when he heard Charlie say that he was ready to go to Syria, he was shocked to speak.

After a while, he subconsciously asked, ―Charlie, you…how would you go to Syria? That place is not even connected to civil aviation…‖

Charlie had already stepped off the helicopter and stepped onto the slender Concorde in front of him.

As he ran up the boarding stair car, he said to Pollard on the phone: ―I let the Wade family arrange the plane to fly to Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, and then enter Syria from Beirut!‖

Pollard heard this and immediately said excitedly: ―Charlie, you… are you serious?!‖

Charlie said, ―Of course, I‘m already at the Airport here, and will take off immediately.‖

Pollard asked subconsciously: ―How long will it take to get to Syria? The opposition will start killing hostages in a few hours. I‘m afraid you will toss it so far, but in the end, you still can‘t catch up…‖

Charlie said: ―I borrowed the Wade family‘s Concorde, and I can get to Beirut in not more than four hours. In addition, I also asked the Wade family to prepare the resources and contacts there. After I land, I should be able to go directly to Syria. Kent is only a few tens of kilometers away from Syria, and should still be able to catch up.‖

Pollard hurriedly asked again: ―Then…can I come with you then?‖

Charlie said, ―Uncle, time is running out. I will take off in five minutes. You can wait for my message here with peace of mind. I will definitely bring your daughter back safely.‖

Pollard said gratefully, ―Charlie, thank you so much…‖

After speaking, he asked again: ―Charlie, how do you plan to save Melba when you arrive in Syria? You promised uncle that you must never try to risk yourself! In any case, you can‘t put yourself in a dangerous situation, do you understand?‖

Charlie comforted: ―Uncle, don‘t worry, I mainly intend to use the money to solve the problem this time. Don‘t the Syrian opposition just want the ransom? If the US embassy is not willing to give it, then I will give it.‖

Charlie couldn‘t help but ridiculed himself again: ―To be honest, I am going to be a spoiler for the opposition this time. No matter how b@stard they are, they can‘t even let the God of Wealth not let go, right?‖

In fact, Charlie just comforted Pollard and told him not to worry too much.

Using money to redeem someone is not Charlie‘s style at all.

Because he knows that such desperadoes are absolutely impossible to have any credibility at all.

Generally speaking, such brutal and vicious criminals will only see money open and treachery will follow.

They really took tens of millions of dollars in the past to redeem people, they might not only not let them go, but on the contrary, they would feel that they were a big fish and detain them and asked for more dollars.

So, this time, he is ready to directly use violence to solve the problem. 

Chapter 2646

Pollard didn‘t know Charlie‘s plan.

When he heard that Charlie planned to use the money to solve the problem, he was a little relieved.

Originally, he hoped that the U.S. Embassy would pay for the ransom, but the Embassy‘s attitude was very tough and did not give the opposition any room for negotiation. 

Now, Charlie is willing to pay for the ransom in their place. He feels that once the core demands of the opposition are met, they will naturally honor their promise.

So, he said to Charlie gratefully: ―Charlie, everything is up to you!‖

Charlie smiled slightly and said, ―Uncle, don‘t worry, the plane is about to take off, so I won‘t tell you anymore.‖

Pollard hurriedly said, ―Well, that uncle is waiting for you to return safely!‖

After hanging up the phone, Charlie was already seated in the Concorde. He and Issac buckled their seat belts under the reminder of the crew. Then, the plane sprinted at the end of the runway with all its strength and rose into the air.

The biggest feature of the Concorde airliner is that it flies fast and high, and its cruising altitude has reached an astonishing 18,000 meters.

After the aircraft climbed to a predetermined altitude in one breath, it began to enter supersonic cruise.

Charlie has been lying leaning against a comfortable first-class seat with his eyes closed and rested. Issac on the side seemed a little excited. While holding a mobile phone and using the expensive satellite network to communicate with others, he held a pen, Constantly writing and drawing on the small book.

Halfway through the voyage, Charlie opened his eyes, looked at him, and asked curiously, ―Mr. Issac, what are you painting there?‖

Issac hurriedly said: ―Master, the master gave me the contact information of the Lebanese counterpart. I communicated with the other party and learned some more specific information. Now I am sorting out the resources we need to use.‖

Charlie asked him, ―Are there any new specific information?‖

Issac said: ―Yes, the position of the opposition garrison has been determined. It is in a small mountain town 80 kilometers north of the Syrian capital. The master has opened up the border between the two countries. When we arrive in Lebanon, we can directly transfer to the opposition‘s location by helicopter. Where the pie is.‖

After speaking, he said again: ―Master, the military strength of the opposition is still very strong. According to the information received by the Syrian military, they have stationed at least two thousand soldiers in this position. Each soldier is equipped with automatic weapons. It is also equipped with more than a dozen tanks and armored vehicles and four armed helicopters. If we go by helicopter, the other party will probably send an armed helicopter directly to attack us, I am afraid it will be difficult to get close!‖

Charlie pondered for a moment and then said: ―Then, let your contacts prepare a fixed wing aircraft in Lebanon. The aircraft will take me to the sky above the destination, and I will parachute down by myself.‖

Issac blurted out and asked, ―Master…you want to go by yourself?!‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―Of course, could it be the two of us going together?‖

Issac hurriedly said: ―Master, what I mean is, we‘d better mobilize a group of foreign aid in Lebanon. I have asked the docking person to contact the mercenary resources in Lebanon, and I am contacting as many mercenaries as possible.‖

Charlie waved his hand: ―The opponent has 2,000 soldiers and heavy weapons. This is basically a regiment configuration. In this case, it makes no sense for us to find mercenaries.‖

―If you want to be able to fight them, at least you have to have thousands of well equipped mercenaries, not to mention that since the opponent is stationed in a small town, he must have a strong mass base in the local area. Adding thousands of militiamen with live ammunition, I believe that the reason why the government forces failed was that they underestimated their military strength and combat potential.‖

―And don‘t forget, the purpose of our visit this time is to save people, not to wipe out the opposition for the Syrian government forces. If we really bring a thousand mercenaries to fight over, this group of people may not come to death. Kill all those hostages, even if they are all wiped out then, what can we do?‖

When Issac heard this, he couldn‘t help asking: ―Master, if you sneak in by yourself, wouldn‘t it be more dangerous? Also, even if you can sneak in, how can you rescue people and come out safe?‖

Chapter 2647

―How to save people?‖

Hearing Issac‘s question, Charlie gave a wry smile and said frankly: ―To be honest, I don‘t know how to do that.‖

Issac asked nervously, ―Then how sure are you this time?‖

Charlie said seriously: ―I have never been to Syria. I don‘t know the individual strength and defensive level of the Syrian opposition. But judging from the situation you just said, the other party‘s paper data is still very strong, even if they are a little capable. It‘s impossible to take on thousands of soldiers with live ammunition, so I can only find a way to sneak in quietly.‖

While speaking, Charlie sighed lightly and said, ―If I‘m lucky, maybe I can sneak in, but if I‘m not lucky, I might not even be able to get in.‖

Issac was very worried and said, ―Master, if you go into the tiger‘s den by yourself, will your life not be in danger? What if the other party finds out?‖

Charlie waved his hand and said, ―I still have the ability and confidence to protect myself, but it‘s hard to say whether I can rescue people smoothly.‖

Issac asked again: ―Master, you said you want to skydive from a fixed-wing aircraft. Have you got any skydiving experience before?‖

Charlie shook his head and said, ―No, I have had food and clothing problems all these years, so how can I experience skydiving?‖

Issac‘s expression became even more nervous, and he said, ―Master, if you have no prior such experience, wouldn‘t it be more dangerous in this situation?‖

As he said, he hurriedly said again: ―The information I received shows that the opposition‘s current air defense weapon is a Stinger air defense missile made by the United States. This missile can effectively shoot at a height of about four kilometers. The flight altitude of GD must be kept above 4,000 meters, which means that you have to skydive from a height of more than 4,000 meters, which is very difficult!‖

Charlie asked humbly, ―Then tell me specifically, what are the main difficulties for parachuting at a height of four kilometers?‖

Issac explained: ―The first thing is to deal with the high-altitude air pressure and low temperature, which is a test of the physical fitness of the skydiver.‖

Charlie nodded: ―I believe there is nothing wrong with me in this regard, what about the others?‖

Issac continued: ―In addition, it is to maintain the high-altitude posture. You must ensure that your descent speed is moderate, not too slow, let alone too fast. This requires you to make reasonable use of your body and constantly adjust the air resistance and Your posture.‖

Charlie nodded and said, ―It sounds like it shouldn‘t be difficult, is there any more?‖

Issac added: ―The other is the control of the timing of opening the parachute, and the control of the parachute after opening it. When you jump from a height of more than 4,000 meters, the high airflow is unstable. You have to constantly adjust the direction.

Make sure you land at the predetermined location as accurately as possible. If you make a mistake, you may miss several kilometers or even dozens of kilometers.‖

After speaking, Issac continued: ―Yes, there is also the landing posture. Although usually watching others parachuting, it seems that the landing speed is not fast. In fact, at the moment of landing, the descending speed is still very high. This requires the skydiver to land. Make adjustments the moment before. If you don‘t control well, it‘s common to break your leg or break other body parts.‖

When Charlie heard this, he couldn‘t help but ask him: ―The last time I jumped from a ten-meter-high helicopter, it was all right. What you said shouldn‘t be a problem to me.‖

Only then did Issac remember the performance of Zhiyu and Liona rescue last time by Charlie, and he felt a little relieved when he thought that Charlie‘s physical fitness was completely different from that of ordinary people.

So he took a breath and continued: ―Master, since this is the case, then I think the only two issues you need to pay attention to are direction control and the timing of opening the umbrella. I will contact the Lebanese side. The interface person, let them prepare a device that can display air pressure, altitude, and GPS positioning. Then you can judge the time of skydiving based on real-time data, and then adjust the direction in real-time based on GPS.‖

Chapter 2648

Charlie nodded: ―Okay, let them arrange a parachuting instructor to board the plane with me, and tell me how to open the parachute and control the direction on the way!‖


After more than four hours of flying, Charlie‘s Concorde airliner finally landed at the Lebanese capital Beirut Airport.

At this time it is afternoon in Beirut, and the temperature reached about 30 degrees Celsius.

The sky has been a little hazy, and the air has been a little damp. It seems that a heavy rain has been holding back for a long time and it has not come down.

After Charlie‘s plane landed, he taxied directly to a huge hangar. At this time, there was also a transport plane with four propeller engines parked in the hangar. A group of crew members was surrounding the plane for detailed inspection.

After the plane stopped, the ladder docked, the crew opened the door, and Charlie and Issac walked out of the cabin together.

At this time, under the ladder, a middle-aged man with a Chinese face was standing respectfully. When Charlie and Issac walked down, he hurriedly stepped forward and bowed respectfully, and said, ―Hello, young master. Welcome to Beirut.‖

Charlie looked at the other party and found that this person was about the same age as Issac, in his thirties, and his Mandarin was very standard, and he did not seem to be an overseas Chinese living abroad for a long time.

So he asked, ―Are you from the Wade family?‖

The other party hurriedly said, ―Going back to the young master, I am the spokesperson of the Wade family in the Middle East. You can call me Chester. The master specially asked me to fly over from Saudi Arabia to help you clear the official work and provide you with all the help I can.‖

Charlie nodded slightly and asked him, ―How is the situation in Syria?‖

Chester explained: ―The Syrian opposition is in a stalemate with the U.S. Embassy, but the U.S. Embassy‘s attitude is very firm this time, and it doesn‘t mean to compromise. So I guess they will lose patience soon.‖

Charlie asked again: ―Is the U.S. Embassy not prepared to intervene in this matter at all, or does it have other plans behind it?‖

Chester said helplessly: ―At present, it seems that they are not ready to intervene at all, mainly because they did not get any benefits in Syria in the past few years, and now they do not want to be implicated again after the withdrawal.‖

―On the other hand, it‘s also because these kidnapped young Americans are not the children of American politicians or rich people. They have no background. The Americans want to make things trivial, so they have begun to suppress information in their homeland. Ordered major European media not to follow-up reports.‖

―In this way, even if the reactionaries really kill these eight people, American citizens will not hear anything.‖

Having said that, Chester said with emotion: ―Moreover, the situation in Syria is particularly chaotic now. Not only are the government and the opposition fighting, but Kurdish forces are also involved.‖

―The camp behind this is even more complicated. The United States, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Turkey are all contributing to the flames behind the scenes. This has led to various armed conflicts in Syria all these years, and any war on both sides is a state of killing red eyes. Without leaving any room, the U.S. Embassy has warned American citizens not to come to Syria. These eight young people knowingly committed a crime. If something really happens, they wouldn‘t save them.‖

Charlie nodded solemnly, and asked him, ―Has the skydiving coach arrived?‖

―He is here.‖ Chester said, ―The coach debugged the parachute bag and the device on the plane. I will take you up to see him. By the way, master, our plane will take off in ten minutes!‖

Chapter 2649

When Charlie boarded the plane, Mr. Chester pointed to one of the men who was checking the parachute bag and said, ―Master, this is Vasily from Russia. He was a paratrooper instructor who was a professional high-altitude parachuter for twenty years.

The experience is very rich.‖

The Russian man called Vasily stood up, saluted Charlie, and said: ―Hello, Mr. Wade! This time I will temporarily act as your skydiving instructor. If you feel unsure, I can take you to jump at that time.‖

Charlie nodded and asked, ―If I jump myself, what should I pay attention to?‖

Vasili explained: ―When we are approaching the destination, I will choose the most suitable skydiving location based on the altitude, airflow, and wind speed around the destination. If you pick it yourself, you must be there where you want to land. When I say jump, you have to jump out decisively.‖

After finishing talking, he handed Charlie a professional watch and introduced: ―Mr. Wade, this watch can monitor your altitude, temperature, body temperature, heart rate, and GPS position in real-time. After you parachute, open your limbs to stabilize the landing speed. At the same time, use your limbs to keep the proper direction. Then I will use your GPS coordinates to remind you in real-time how to control your limbs and then control the direction by radio, so as to ensure that your landing point does not yaw as much as possible.‖

―In addition, I have set the umbrella opening reminder in this watch. If you reach the predetermined height of the umbrella opening, the watch will emit vibration and sound prompts. Then you can directly pull the main umbrella switch on the umbrella bag. This will turn on the parachute.‖

Charlie took the watch and put it on his wrist. Vasily picked up a prepared parachute bag, pointed to a pull ring at the bottom, and introduced: ―This is the cable for opening the umbrella. After the given altitude, you must pull out the parachute within 20 seconds, otherwise, it may be life-threatening.‖

After that, he pointed to a switch on the right side of the parachute backpack and introduced: ―This is for parachute cutting. If your parachute is not turned on or becomes entangled in the air after turning on, you can use this to release the parachute, and then The one on your left is the switch for the spare umbrella. After cutting the umbrella, you must turn on the spare umbrella immediately.‖

Charlie nodded and said, ―Okay, I will remember it. Open the main umbrella first. If something goes wrong, cut the main umbrella first and then open the second umbrella.‖ 

―Yes.‖ Vasily said seriously: ―If you don‘t need me to parachute with you, then I will monitor your status in real-time, and then I will direct you to do every step of the operation.‖

Charlie smiled slightly: ―Okay, I didn‘t jump over the umbrella, and I have no experience.

With your guidance, it should be a lot smoother.‖

Vasily nodded, patted his chest, and said, ―Don‘t worry, Mr. Wade, I will do my best to provide you with all remote guidance at that time!‖

Chester said at this time: ―Master, the plane can take off at any time.‖

Charlie asked him, ―How long is the estimated flight time?‖

Chester said: ―The straight-line distance is only more than 100 kilometers. The plane can take off in five minutes, and it will be close to the destination 15 to 20 minutes after takeoff.‖

―Okay.‖ Charlie nodded and said calmly: ―Then get ready to take off!‖ 

―OK, master!‖

Chester walked into the cockpit, and after a few commands, the aircraft engine slowly started and pushed out from the hangar. 

Immediately after that, the plane taxied all the way to the end of the runway, and then pushed forward with full force. Two minutes later, it rose into the air and drove straight over Syria.

After the plane entered Syrian airspace, Chester used a tablet to open a map of northwestern Syria and said to Charlie: ―Master, it is cloudy today. Although the visibility is not high, it is still easy to be spotted by the other party during daylighting, so this time we booked The landing place is here.‖

As he said, he pointed to a place on the screen, his fingertips drew a red circle on it, and then he drew an arrow pointing to a valley: ―And here is your destination, and the distance of your landing Your destination is about five kilometers away. After you land on foot, it is safer.‖

Charlie waved his hand: ―It is originally a mountainous area with a straight-line distance of five kilometers. It would take two hills to cross. I don‘t know how long it will take. Is there a better way?‖

Chapter 2650

―This…‖ Chester hurriedly looked at Vasily.

Vasily spoke in embarrassment, ―Mr. Wade, if your parachuting point is too close to them, it is likely that they spot you in advance before you get the chance to touch the ground, so this is all for your safety.‖

Charlie said lightly: ―It‘s okay, I have a way to prevent them from discovering me.‖

Chester had no choice but to take out an engineering plastic box from under the seat.

After opening it, it contained two dark pistols, a pile of bullets, a stainless steel tactical dagger, and several grenades. He said to Charlie: ‖ Master, you should take all these weapons and equipment, in case you need them.‖

Charlie shook his head and said, ―I can‘t use a gun.‖

Chester exclaimed, ―You don‘t know how to use a gun?! Then…then how can you defend yourself this time?‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―If I dare to go alone, I will naturally have a way of self-defense, but it‘s not a gun.‖

Charlie knew very well in his heart that he wanted to sneak into the quarters of thousands of soldiers alone. It is impossible to solve the problem with a gun. This kind of thing can only be done by outsmarting.

If he wants to rescue Melba alive, he can only go in quietly and come out quietly, and must not go to war with the enemy.

Otherwise, it is very likely that he will be stunned and even waste his own life in it.

Therefore, guns and grenades are absolutely unusable. Once they are used, he will immediately become targets in the eyes of thousands of soldiers.

Chester couldn‘t help being worried when he saw that Charlie couldn‘t use any weapons.

This time, Mr. Wade asked him to help Charlie. He didn‘t ask for merit but no demerit.

But when he saw Charlie going to do this kind of life-threatening thing, he also trembled in shock. If Charlie never returns this time, he must be punished by the old man.

So, he hurriedly handed Charlie another piece of paper and said to Charlie: ―Master, there are some words written in English and Arabic on it. If you are discovered by them, you will immediately give this piece of paper to them. As long as they see this piece of paper, they will not embarrass you!‖

Charlie asked with great interest: ―What is written on this, is it so capable?‖

After speaking, he opened the paper.

Charlie does not understand Arabic, but he could use English as a second mother tongue since he was a child, so he can see this passage clearly at a glance.

The meaning of this is actually very simple, just a paragraph of content, probably means: 

―I am the son of the Chinese Wade family, don‘t kill me, as long as you make sure that I am intact, my family can give you 50 million dollars!‖

After reading it, Charlie couldn‘t help but sneered, and said, ―You are indeed very considerate, but in my opinion, this thing is really useless.‖

After that, he tore the paper to pieces.

Just when Chester was stunned, Charlie took the tablet computer in Chester‘s hand again, drew a red circle on a mountain about 20 kilometers away from the destination, and said to him: ―From the beginning of my skydiving, Six hours later, you arrange for a helicopter to come here to pick me up!‖

Chapter 2651

Fifteen minutes after taking off, Charlie only had the last few tens of kilometers to the destination.

According to Vasily‘s calculations, Charlie should jump out of the cabin after 5 minutes, and then use his remote guidance to land five kilometers away from the destination. 

So he asked Charlie, ―Mr. Wade, are you ready?‖

Charlie nodded: ―Ready.‖

Vasily said to Chester, ―Mr. Chester, please ask the captain to open the hatch.‖

―OK!‖ Chester immediately walked to the cockpit and asked the captain to open the door at the rear of the plane.

When the cabin door opened slowly, a violent cold wind poured in instantly, and Issac and the others shivered.

Issac hurriedly said to Charlie loudly: ―Master! You must be careful and vigilant! After six hours, we will definitely be waiting for you at the place you specify!‖

Charlie smiled slightly: ―Don‘t worry, we will meet in 6 hours!‖

At this time, Vasily accompanied Charlie to the open hatch. Everyone looked at Charlie with breathlessness. This was his first parachuting. Not only was it extremely difficult to parachute, but also the real difficulty began after landing.

Except for Issac, no one at the scene could figure out what kind of self-confidence Charlie had that would make him dare to go deep into mad Tiger‘s Lair guarded by thousands of soldiers. This kind of hell-level difficult task, even an imaginary hero in a movie would not dare to take this task.

Therefore, each of them was squeezed by Charlie‘s safety concern.

Chester even felt that this matter would most likely end with the Wade family paying a large amount of cash to the opposition and redeeming Charlie from them.

However, Charlie‘s face was light and breezy.

Five minutes have passed, and Vasily said to Charlie, ―Mr. Wade, you can jump!‖

Charlie was indifferent, and said lightly: ―Wait.‖

Vasily said nervously, ―Mr. Wade, we can‘t wait any longer. Our flight speed is still very fast. If you wait any longer, your landing point will deviate greatly. If the landing point is more distant from the opposition base If you are close, then you will be in a very dangerous situation! And, the closer you are, the bigger your goal after opening the umbrella!‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―Time is urgent, so it‘s better to get closer.‖

Vasily looked at the time and blurted out: ―Mr. Wade if you jump now, the distance may only be three kilometers! Can‘t wait any longer!‖

Chester also said nervously, ―Yes, master! If you wait, you will jump on top of the opposition base!‖

Charlie looked at Vasily and asked him, ―If I want to land one kilometer away from them, when is the best time to jump?‖

Vasily swallowed, and said with difficulty, ―If you really want to control one kilometer or so, then you have to wait another 30 seconds…‖

―Okay!‖ Charlie nodded and said, ―You help me count down. After 30 seconds, I will jump out on time!‖

Vasily wiped away the cold sweat, and stammered, ―In that case…it‘s really…it‘s too dangerous…‖

Charlie smiled and said: ―It doesn‘t matter, don‘t I still have a surrender letter on me? If it doesn‘t work, give them this letter, just as spending money to experience extreme sports.‖

Chester sighed helplessly.

He saw Charlie for the first time, and at this moment he only felt that Charlie was simply unheard of dude.

He has seen the second generation of super-rich come out all over the world to spend money to play with w0men for fun, but he has never seen the second generation of super-rich like Charlie who comes out to spend money to die. 

Vasily kept staring at the stopwatch in his hand, and when the last 10 seconds were left, he started the countdown.

―10, 9, 8, 7…‖

At this time, the hatch was fully opened, and there was a thick cloud outside the hatch.

Chapter 5652

Although Syria also belongs to the Middle East, the latitude here is similar to that of Aurous Hill, and it is also wintertime, so it is the most rainy season in Syria.

Thick dark clouds not only block the sun but also make the air very humid.

This is a good thing for Charlie, because if today was cloudless, then the possibility that he wanted to parachute in during the day is almost zero.

That‘s why he is confident that he can skydive closer to the opponent‘s base.

When Vasily counted to the last three, Charlie stepped forward and went straight to the edge of the hatch. Vasily became more nervous and shouted, ―3, 2, 1, jump!‖

Charlie turned around and said to a few people, ―Everyone, see you in six hours!‖

After all, he jumped directly outside the cabin door without hesitation, and the whole person jumped into the thick clouds.

As soon as Charlie jumped out of the cabin, he felt as if he was in an ice cellar.

At an altitude of more than 5,000 meters, the temperature is a full 30 degrees Celsius lower than the surface. The current ground temperature is about 15 degrees Celsius above zero, so the temperature around Charlie is about 15 degrees below zero.

But this is nothing to him, his attention now is all focused on keeping his figure stable, so that he will not lose control of his body in a rapid fall.

Because he was in the thick clouds at this time, he basically couldn‘t see the situation below. Fortunately, he could hear Vasily‘s voice reminding: ―Mr. Wade, the descending speed and direction are very stable, The clock is about 50 meters, please keep it. It is estimated that the height of the parachute will be safely opened after a minute and a half.‖

Charlie shouted: ―Okay, I get it!‖

Ten seconds later, Charlie‘s body finally passed through the clouds.

At this time, a small number of raindrops have begun to condense under the clouds, and it seems that rain will form soon.

Charlie can see almost all the endless mountains below him, and the mountains in the Middle East are really what is the scenery at all. Looking at it, it is almost yellowish, and because of the plateau, some of the tops of the mountains are higher. There is still white snow on it.

Charlie can already vaguely see that there are relatively simple villages in the valley below him. Although they are far away, he can still see that the houses in these villages are almost all low earth houses. The degree of poverty is evident.

As the distance got closer and closer, Charlie could see the village, surrounded by two mountain peaks on the east and west sides, and there is an entrance to the village in the north and south.

And at this north-south entrance and exit, there are some armored vehicles parked, as well as man-made trenches and shooting piles. It can be seen that these two entrances and exits are the top priority of the opposition armed defense stationed here.

In the very center of the village, there is a small circular square on which 4 helicopter gunships are parked.

In addition, above the mountain peaks on both sides, you can also see the man-made fortifications and observation decks, and vaguely there are personnel activities in the fortifications.

Charlie had already made a quick judgment in his mind at this time. He is alone and must sneak into the other side‘s hinterland quietly, so the north and south entrances were definitely not a choice.

The most suitable entry point is the peaks on the east and west sides.

For the opposition parties stationed here, they are also very clear that the government forces do not have the capability of large-scale airstrikes. If they really want to attack them, the greatest possibility is to attack them by land.

There are mountains on both sides of the east and west, and there is no way to go. Even if soldiers sneak in from here on foot, it is very difficult, not to mention the heavy equipment.

So the government forces really want to attack, they can only enter from the two entrances, the north, and the south.

Because of this, the opposition‘s defenses on the east and west sides are relatively weak, basically only equipped with a small number of soldiers, a small number of heavy machine guns, and stinger missiles.

Sneaking in from here, Charlie is very sure that he will not be discovered, and even if he is discovered, there will be no danger, because the anti-aircraft ability of the heavy machine gun is very weak, not only can the bullets not hit high, but also is affected by the gravity force. It‘s basically a parabola.

As for the Stinger missile, although this thing is very powerful, it can only lock the aircraft itself, and cannot lock the living person, so in front of Charlie, it is equivalent to waste!

At this moment, Vasily‘s voice came in Charlie‘s earphones, and he said, ―Mr. Wade, according to your current descending speed, you will have to open your umbrella in ten seconds!‖

Charlie glanced at the information on the watch. After ten seconds, the height of the umbrella was about 500 meters. For the sake of caution, he wanted to choose the halfmountain on the east side as the landing location, so that he could avoid the top of the mountain directly. Defensive position, so he opened his mouth and said: ―I want to open the umbrella at a height of 200 meters.‖

―Two hundred meters?!‖ Vasily blurted out, ―Opening the umbrella at this height, let‘s not say that you will fall under the nose of the defensive position on the top of the mountain. Your descent speed alone will not have enough time to buffer and land. The strength that the body endures at that time is almost equal to jumping from the height of seven or eight stories without any protection, it will be life-threatening!‖

Chapter 5653

The height of seven or eight floors is almost a deadly height for most ordinary people.

But for Charlie, it really isn‘t a big deal.

His only worry is that when his height gets lower and lower, he will first descend to the height of the mountain top. The most important thing is whether he will be discovered by the other party at this height.

In order to be sure, he put his hand into his pocket and grasped the thunder warning in his pocket.

This thundering order used the Wannian Lightning Strike Wood sent by Warnia, which can be called the highest quality of the lightning strike wood, and Charlie‘s most seized weapon.

Although he had used this shocking thunder for many times, and there were already many cracks on its surface, but at present, it can be used at least a few times. 

Charlie didn‘t really like to use the Thunderbolt, because every time this thing made a lot of noise, but this time, he still planned to use the Thunderbolt to increase his success rate.

At this time, the whole mountain area was quiet. There were few people here, and there were almost no vehicles on the road. People below could hear the wind and the not-sobig rain, but there was no other sound.

But at this moment, in the western sky, a lightning bolt like a whip of God suddenly lit up!

This lightning slammed on the top of the mountain in the west, slicing several soldiers in the fortifications into coke on the spot!

Followed by a deafening thunder!

The rumbling of thunder resounded as a missile exploded, and it reverberated throughout the valley.

On the plane, Chester was taken aback by the explosion. He blurted out, ―Damn it! In places like the Middle East, how can there be thunderstorms in winter?!‖

The skydiving expert Vasily, because of his professional requirements, is also a meteorological expert. Even he has a dumb face and muttered: ―This…this is not scientific…I studied it deliberately I have retrieved today‘s satellite weather map, and today‘s weather conditions do not exist for the formation of thunderclouds!‖

The crew also didn‘t understand.

The crew of this aircraft is extremely experienced pilots, but all experienced pilots must be most of the meteorologists and well-informed meteorologists.

They have a good understanding of the formation of various climates and weather, and they can basically know what the situation is at a glance.

But no one thought that this kind of winter rain cloud, even a moderate rain could not fall, how could a sudden thunderstorm occur.

Only Issac heard this loud noise and felt a lot more at ease. He knew that this thunder must be caused by Charlie!

At this moment, all opposition soldiers, local villagers, and even 8 hostages, including Melba, were also shocked by the sudden explosion of thunder!

For these people, the noise of the thunder just now was so great that they had hardly encountered it in their entire life.

Many people have tinnitus in their ears because of this explosion.

If the eardrum is slightly fragile, you will feel severe pain deep in the ear.

Except for the imprisoned people, almost everyone else walked out the door for the first time, or turned their heads, and focused their attention on the West Mountain where the thunder and lightning occurred. The few soldiers who survived on the top of the West Mountain were also in panic and reported through the intercom The specific loss situation.

After hearing the news that five soldiers were killed by lightning, the entire opposition was shocked from top to bottom.

They have never encountered such a terrible thing. A bolt of single lightning can kill five people. How powerful is this lightning?

Most of the soldiers thought it was the anger of the gods, and many people knelt on the ground without hesitation and bowed to pray for the gods‘ forgiveness.

Unlike most soldiers with no educational level, the leader of this opposition armed forces was an intellectual who had studied at a military academy. When he heard the message, he immediately realized that the reason why the fortifications on the top of the West Mountain were struck by lightning must be Because of their higher terrain, they have a lightning rod effect.

Therefore, he immediately ordered all the soldiers in the mountain top fortification to hide in the fortification to avoid another lightning strike.

This further helped Charlie. After receiving the message, the soldiers on the eastern mountaintop all shrank into the bunkers inside the fortifications, not daring to show up for fear of being struck by lightning again.

The soldiers on the top of the eastern mountain hid while others were staring at the west and were horrified. In the gray sky, an unremarkable figure fell from the eastern sky of the base at an extremely fast speed.

Chapter 5654

However, at this time everyone, including the soldiers on the eastern mountaintop, focused their attention on the west, so no one noticed the passing of this figure.

And this figure is Charlie who jumped down from an altitude of more than 5,000 meters!

At this time, Charlie‘s descending speed was extremely fast, and his descending speed exceeded fifty meters in one second.

Vasily on the plane stared at the data uploaded by the computer and said palely: ―Mr. Wade‘s descending speed is too fast…and his remaining ground height is less than 300 meters. This is far below the minimum limit for the safe opening of the umbrella.

When Chester heard this, his whole body trembled in shock, and he blurted out, ―Let the young master open the umbrella!‖

Vasily recovered, and blurted out, ―Mr. Wade, open the umbrella! Open the umbrella!‖

While speaking, Charlie had already skimmed over the top of the mountain at high speed and fell towards the mountainside.

He was not in a hurry to open the umbrella, because he knew that when he didn‘t open he umbrella, the goal was so small that it was difficult to see clearly.

But once the parachute is opened, a huge parachute will be released in an instant. In that case, the target will be magnified ten times or even dozens of times.

Therefore, he must make sure that the time for opening the umbrella is as short as possible!

In other words, he hopes to open the parachute at the lowest altitude, and then use the fastest time to reduce the speed of his fall to a height that is safe enough for him, and then finish the landing quickly, and then parachute immediately after landing Put it away so that he can avoid detection to the greatest extent.

Seeing that there were only two hundred meters left from the ground, Vasily realized that Charlie was still descending rapidly, and realized that he had not opened the umbrella, and couldn‘t help but blurt out: ―It‘s over… this height must be certain. His body will be broken to pieces…‖

Chester was frightened by his words.

He had already prepared to inform the old man to prepare for the ransom and save Charlie back, but he never expected that Charlie would fall to death because of parachuting.

If this is really a fall, he will definitely be to blame!

Just when the two of them were panicking, Charlie suddenly opened the parachute.

The huge parachute was released from the umbrella bag at once, causing Charlie‘s rapidly falling body to be yanked back by a strong force.

Suddenly opening the umbrella at such a fast speed slows down, even if the average person does not faint, at least they will break a few ribs because of the huge inertia.

But Charlie filled the bones of his whole body with spiritual energy, his shoulders suddenly exerted force, abruptly holding the huge reaction force.

Immediately afterward, his descent speed from more than 50 meters per second, in a very short period of time, reduced to about 20 meters per second.

However, this speed is far from the safe speed for skydiving.

Normal people parachuting, the descending speed when landing is lower than six meters per second.

But at this time, Charlie was still less than fifty meters away from the ground.

Falling at this speed is almost the same as falling.

Fortunately, in the remaining 50 meters, the descending speed is still decreasing due to the effect of the parachute.

Immediately afterward, Charlie gathered all his true energy into his legs, and his whole person slammed into the ground at a speed of more than ten meters per second.

Vasily on the plane did not dare to look at the data returned on the computer, because he knew very well that after a second or two, Charlie‘s heart rate would drop rapidly until it falls to zero.

However, he never dreamed that when Charlie had completely stopped falling, his heart

rate would only be faster than just a dozen times per second.

He looked incredulous, and blurted out, ―Mr. Wade, you… are you still alive?!‖

At this time, Charlie had already begun to quickly put away the parachute. While he stuffed all the parachutes into the parachute bag, he said lightly: ―Don‘t worry, I have landed safely!‖

Chapter 2655

Hearing Charlie‘s reply, several people in the cabin were shocked to speak.

Vasily‘s views of the whole person have been completely subverted, and he subconsciously said: ―This…how is this possible…‖

Although Chester breathed a sigh of relief, he was equally shocked and said, ―Vasily, could it be you who miscalculated the information?‖

―Impossible…‖ Vasily said confidently, ―I have been skydiving for so many years, and I have never made a mistake in the calculation of the data!‖

Chester frowned, ―Then I really can‘t figure it out…‖

At this time, Issac, who had not spoken, said: ―Don‘t worry, the true strength of the young master is much stronger than you think! We will go back with peace of mind and prepare to meet the young master at the predetermined place!‖

Immediately, the transport plane made a large circle in the air and began to return to Beirut, the capital of Lebanon.

But Charlie concealed his figure and breath all the way, in the fastest time, all the way from the middle of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

Because of the thicker rain clouds, the lighting conditions are getting worse. Although it is only in the afternoon, the visibility is almost the same as after the sunset.

Such lighting conditions further reduced Charlie‘s chances of being discovered. Coupled with the thunder blast that killed several soldiers, all the opposition soldiers were a little restless, so the vigilance around them was naturally greatly reduced.

At this time, the village where the reactionaries were stationed was no more than a step away from Charlie.

He could even see the densely arranged bullet holes on the low walls of the village where the yellow soil was piled up.

Since the entire village is located in a narrow valley, the buildings of the village are divided into crescent-shaped sections. The outermost buildings are almost surrounded by a wall of nearly two meters high. The village only leaves one south and two entrances to the north.

At the entrance and exit of the village, there is a Middle Eastern-style stone arch, guarded by soldiers on both sides.

Outside the village, many soldiers carrying guns and live ammunition walked back and forth along the wall, and on the roofs of many earthen buildings in the village, there were many sentries carrying AK47s.

However, Charlie could see that the soldiers patrolling and standing guard were relatively loose as a whole, and most of them just paced back and forth with their guns in hand and were perfunctory.

In fact, this group of opposition forces, although their individual combat strength is average and their weapons and equipment are not advanced, but their combat experience is very sufficient.

The more combat experience you have, the easier it is to make empirical mistakes.

They have gone through all kinds of wars, including encirclement and suppression, encounters on narrow roads, and decisive battles, but they have never experienced individual infiltration.

Regardless of whether it is the government, the opposition, or the Kurdish armed forces, the biggest drawback is that the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers is not good, and the energy of one person is really limited, so everyone is operating in groups, no matter how bad it is, there are seven or eight people and two or three heavy machine guns In the pickup truck, no one has a pit in his head and a person goes deep into the enemy‘s nest alone.

Precisely because they had never experienced such a thing, when they were defending, they did not regard individual penetration as a defensive focus.

Their energy is used to monitor whether the government has sent large-scale motorized troops, whether it has sent warplanes, whether it has deployed heavy artillery at long distances in advance, and they are not so concerned about the situation other than these.

Charlie found the patrol team‘s gap and quietly touched outside the fence in a very short time.

The point he chose was relatively lax, and it belonged to the blind spot of the sentries on both sides of the building and was the best breakthrough point.

Charlie, who was as light as a swallow, jumped outside the wall, and the person directly climbed over the wall and landed on the inside very quietly.

Chapter 2656

At this moment he was in a small courtyard. There were only three earthen houses in this small courtyard, which looked very dilapidated. Charlie used his aura to perceive the surroundings and found that there was no sign of anyone in these three earthen houses, so he prepared to follow Starting from this yard, it moved little by little to the central square of the village.

When he was parachuting, he saw the opposition park four helicopters in the central square. This shows that the opposition regards the central square as the most defensive place. Since the expensive helicopters are parked here, Charlie believes Eight hostages, including Melba, should also be detained near the central square.

He passed through the deserted small courtyard just now, and when he was about to cross another small courtyard, footsteps sounded not far away, so he immediately took a step back and hid in the wall of the abandoned small courtyard again.

Immediately afterwards, two middle-aged soldiers wearing desert camouflage uniforms walked over while holding a gun while talking.

What surprised Charlie was that what they spoke was not Arabic, but English!

What Charlie didn‘t know was that English is also the lingua franca of Syria. Although the teaching level and per capita education level here are very low, in recent years, it has been occupied by Europe and the United States, so English has become their second mother tongue.

These opposition soldiers also received secret funding from Europe and the United States in the early years, and even Europe and the United States sent professional coaches to them to help them improve their combat effectiveness.

At that time, the coaches from Europe and the United States almost all spoke English, and the textbooks were also practical English. So over time, the English level of Syrian soldiers and opposition soldiers has been greatly improved. It is not a big deal to speak English.

At this time, one of them said to the other: ―Zishan said on the walkie-talkie that five people were killed by lightning on the mountain, three were injured, and two of the three were injured are in a dangerous situation and medical attention is very urgent. The commander was asked to send a helicopter to the rescue, but he did not agree.‖

The other person shrugged, spread his hands helplessly, and said, ―The commander is impossible to agree. We are currently in short supply of aviation kerosene. The remaining stock cannot satisfy the four helicopters for several takeoffs and landings. If you want to save everything to deal with emergencies, how can you waste one take-off and landing for the two wounded?‖

As he said, he said with emotion: ―There is not much diesel left. Fortunately, the government has not started to organize an offensive, otherwise our helicopters and tanks will be able to support one day at most.‖

The person before could not help complaining: ―The world‘s oil is in the Middle East, but we are short of oil to this point. It‘s really ridiculous!‖

Another person laughed and said: ―We only have high crude oil production, but the refining strength is really too bad. This time the commander wants to knock a sum of money from the Americans and then introduce a set of refining equipment. In that case, we will have our own fuel supply in the future!‖

The man sighed: ―I just don‘t know if Yankees are willing to give money or not. Among the eight people, it seems that there are no particularly good family conditions. If you can‘t get a penny back, it will be troublesome.‖

The other person said disdainfully, ―What‘s the problem? Just kill them all.‖

Having said that, he deliberately lowered his voice and said, ―The commander said, if the Americans don‘t pay today, they will just kill the eight Yankees. During the process, they will record the video and send it to mainstream media all over the world. Let the Americans face down!‖

The person could not help but rub his hands and said, ―Hey! I like that blond woman. I haven‘t tried the taste of a western woman yet! I don‘t know if I have this opportunity to experience it! I haven‘t touched a woman for three months. I miss it…‖

The other man gave a lewd smile, nodded and said, ―I like the black-haired Oriental woman better. There is an illusory oriental mystery.‖

The man said with a smile before, ―Let‘s go over and take a look later. If we have a chance, we will move the guards away, and then take the two women to another room. 

Let‘s talk about the addiction first!‖

―Okay! Let‘s go and see, maybe there will be a chance! Anyway, they will be executed soon. Instead of this, let us take care of them before they die!‖

The two while speaking, laughing together.

At this moment, a pair of big hands suddenly grabbed the necks of the two of them from behind, making them not only unable to move, but also unable to make any sound.

At this time, the owner of the big hands said in English: ―If you don‘t want to die, just throw away the snatch!‖

It was Charlie who spoke!

Chapter 2657

When the two opposition soldiers were talking just now, they were completely defenseless deep down.

After all, this is their base area. Not only are they heavily guarded all around, but even the people here also are their supporters.

Therefore, in their subconsciousness, as long as the outside is not fighting, the inside is absolutely safe.

But just in this ―absolutely safe‖ environment, suddenly an unknown person appeared!

This moment made the two of them extremely nervous.

Because they are not responsible for guarding, neither of their guns are ready, which means that if they want to use a gun to deal with the enemy behind them, they must load the gun and deactivate the safety pin so that they can pull the trigger.

However, this process takes a few seconds at the fastest.

And the hand of the other person pinching the neck of the two people is surprisingly strong and swift, it is like a hydraulic clamp at the same time, so that both of them are firmly convinced that once the other party has any dissatisfaction, it is very likely to directly pinch their necks!

Therefore, both of them cooperated very well and threw their guns on the ground, and then raised their hands.

One of them said nervously, ―Hey friend, if you have something to say, don‘t be impulsive!‖

Charlie said coldly: ―You two turn around.‖

After Charlie finished speaking, the clamp of the two people‘s necks in his hand was slightly loosened.

The two dared not delay and quickly turned around. When they saw Charlie, they seemed to have seen a ghost.

They originally thought that the evil star that appeared suddenly must be an American.

There are two reasons for thinking so.

The first reason is that they captured eight young people from the United States in their battle against the government this time, and they took these eight people as hostages and demanded a huge ransom from the United States, so the United States sending people to rescue them. It makes sense.

The second reason is that they also know that the individual combat effectiveness of the government army is really not bad compared to them. If it is a government soldier, it is impossible to sneak among them silently, only in the United States. Schwarzenegger and Stallone have this ability.

However, what made them dream of was that the evil star in front of them turned out to be a yellow man with an East Asian face.

One of them asked nervously, ―Hey…Hey friend…you…who are you? What do you want?‖

Charlie said coldly: ―You are not qualified to ask me questions. In the current situation, I can only ask, you only answer, and answer honestly. Whoever does not answer well, I will kill him. Do you understand?‖

The two hurriedly nodded their heads: ―Understood! If you have any questions, just ask…‖

Charlie asked, ―Where are the young Americans you arrested now being held?‖

One of them hurriedly said, ―The eight people are imprisoned in the cellar of Ansala‘s house!‖

Another hurriedly added: ―Ansala‘s home is in the middle of the village, close to the square!‖

Charlie asked again, ―How are the eight of them now? Are they all alive?‖

One nodded and blurted: ―They are all alive now, but they will choose one person to be executed soon. The U.S. Embassy is unwilling to give money until now. Our commander decided to execute one person first, putting a little pressure on the other party.‖

Charlie continued to ask, ―How many entrances and exits are there and how many guards are there?‖

The man opened his mouth and said, ―There is only one entrance to the cellar. There are four guards inside, and there are about a dozen guards outside. These guards usually live in Ansala‘s house.‖

Charlie asked him, ―Then if I want to go in, do you have any way to take me in?‖

Chapter 2658

―This…‖ The man hesitated for a moment and said, ―To be honest…your face…others will know that it is a foreigner at first glance, and there is nothing I can do. Take you in…‖

Charlie pointed to the soldier next to him and asked him, ―If I change into his clothes, can you take me?‖

The man hesitated and said, ―If…if you put on his clothes and put on a mask, you should be able to enter the yard… but once you get down to the cellar, The guards in the cellar will definitely ask you who you are and where you are coming from…This is because our commander has clearly ordered that these eight people must be watched strictly…So, even if you go in, It is inevitable to be exposed…‖

As he said, he hurriedly added: ―Moreover, if you act on them, it is likely to alarm the guards outside. There is only a narrow staircase in and out of the cellar. Once they find out, you can‘t escape at all. As long as they throw a grenade in your face, none of the people in it will survive…‖

Charlie said calmly, ―You don‘t need to worry about it, you just need to take me in.‖

The man nodded and said nervously, ―I…I can take you in, but…but I still have to remind you, if you are a little careless, I will tell you, There are also eight people who might die inside…‖

Charlie smiled slightly: ―If you don‘t cooperate with me, you might die inside as well.‖

The man quickly said, ―I will cooperate…I will definitely cooperate…‖

―Okay.‖ Charlie nodded slightly in satisfaction, then looked at the other person, and said coldly: ―Take off your coat!‖

The man hurriedly said, ―You…you pinch me like this, I can‘t take it off…‖

Charlie smiled: ―Okay, then I just let go of you.‖

After that, he let go of his hand directly.

The person was overjoyed and pretended to take off his shirt, but the clever soldier quietly looked at Charlie, and his mind was also running fast.

He found that Charlie turned out to be bare-handed, not only did he have no weapons in his hands, but he could not even see that he was carrying a weapon around his waist.

So he thought to himself: ―If I listen to him and take off my clothes to him, then he will probably kill me now, but if I find a chance to escape now, he may not have time to chase me!‖

―What‘s more, he still has my companion in his hand, which makes it more difficult for him to be cloned!‖

―Plus he has no weapons, it is impossible to kill me from a distance.‖

―Even if he really has a gun, and he takes out a gun and shoots me, there is a certain probability that he will not reach me. Even if he hits me, I have a certain probability that I won‘t die!‖

―And as long as he shoots, everyone will focus, and he will not be able to escape by then!‖

―Because of this, I think he is less likely to shoot!‖

―If you look at it this way, it‘s more cost-effective to run away anyway!‖

Thinking of this, he immediately made up his mind to take the opportunity to escape. 

So, he took off his coat, pretending to hand it to Charlie, and then suddenly threw his coat onto Charlie‘s face, turned, and ran back.

However, just as he was about to run, he suddenly discovered that his feet seemed to be firmly sucked by the ground, and he couldn‘t lift a bit at all.

At this moment, he thought he had met the devil, and his whole person looked at Charlie dumbfounded, his eyes full of horror and despair.

Charlie smiled slightly and said with an apologetic look: ―I‘m sorry, I just blocked your nerve center with aura, you can‘t move anywhere below your neck now.‖

When these words came out, not only the immobile soldier but even the guy who was grasped by Charlie was frightened.

They don‘t understand what aura is, but this thing can make a living person suddenly unable to move. This ability is far beyond their normal cognition.

Charlie looked at the horrified expression of the guy in front of him, sneered, and said, 

―Oh my friend, I really wanted to save your life, but you really don‘t know how to accept it. Turning your face will overthrow our friendship. If that‘s the case, don‘t blame me for being merciless!‖

Chapter 2659

After hearing what Charlie said, the man hurriedly blurted out and pleaded: ―Friend!

Friend! I didn‘t mean it! I…I was confused just now, please give me another chance!‖

Charlie shook his head: ―Sorry, there is only one chance! If you have another life, remember that you must not betray someone who treats you as a friend.‖

The man turned pale with fright, and he opened his mouth and called for help in order to have another last fight.

At this time, he regarded calling for help as his last chance.

If he can attract other people‘s attention, he may still survive.

Step back ten thousand steps and say, even if you can‘t live, at least it will cause some trouble for the oriental man in front of him!

Once his whereabouts are leaked, there is a high probability that he will not be able to leave this alive!

So he blurted out immediately: ―Help…?‖

However, when he opened his mouth to shout out the content of the call for help, he was shocked to find that the volume of his voice seemed to be restricted by some strange force so that the call for help just now was almost inaudible!

He looked at Charlie in horror, and tremblingly asked, ―You…are you a human or a ghost…‖

Charlie smiled indifferently and said, ―This question is not important to you anymore, because you will immediately become a lonely ghost!‖

After speaking, Charlie hurriedly changed his words again: ―Don‘t mean it, I have missed the word, I am not going to make you a lonely ghost, it is better to make you a living dead!‖

After that, he stretched out his finger and tapped lightly on the opponent‘s forehead. He immediately lost all consciousness and fell to the ground, his eyes widened, and staring.

Just now when Charlie tapped his forehead lightly, a trace of spiritual energy completely destroyed his brain, making the person totally braindead in an instant.

At this time, the person pinched by Charlie was so scared that he almost passed out.

He had never seen a god-like Charlie in his entire life, with incredible strength.

One sentence can make his companion immobile, and one tap can kill instantly, this kind of person is simply scarier than the devil!

Seeing him frightened, Charlie said: ―You don‘t have to be so scared, as long as you can honestly cooperate with me, then I will save your life. I will do what I say.‖

The man said in a panic, ―I…I…I…I must…I must be honest…honest I really will cooperate with you…‖

Seeing that he was already stuttering, Charlie looked down at his legs and found that his legs were violently swinging at this time, and the whole person was clearly shocked.

This makes him a little big head.

Because, if this guy is so alarmed, even if he can take him to the place where Melba Watt is detained, he will be seen by others as abnormal.

Thinking of this, Charlie sighed helplessly, and said, ―Since your mental quality is so bad, then I will give you a psychological hint.‖

After speaking, he immediately tapped on the opponent‘s forehead and said, ―From now on, your only task is to do everything I command you to do with all your strength. Do you understand?‖

At this moment, the other person‘s eyes were a little dull for a moment, and it took more than ten seconds to return to normal, and he respectfully said to Charlie, ―I understand!‖

At this time, he has completely lost the panic he had just now, he no longer stammers, his legs no longer tremble.

Chapter 2660

Charlie then relaxed, pointing at the person lying on the ground, and said: ―Take off his pants and then set him up. Just make sure that no one will find him tonight.‖


The other party responded and immediately stepped forward to take off the man‘s pants, then carried him up and hid him in a dilapidated house in an abandoned courtyard next to him.

Charlie put on the clothes and trousers of that person directly, and the person he has changed with the psychological hints also ran back and respectfully said, ―The arrangements have been made according to your instructions!‖

Charlie nodded and asked him, ―What is your name?‖

The man hurriedly said, ―My name is Faisal.‖

Charlie asked him, ―Faisal, do you have a mask?‖

Faisal hurriedly took out a black mask in a plastic bag from his pocket, and said, ―This one was sent out two days ago and has not been used yet.‖

Charlie nodded, then took it and opened it. It was the kind of headgear that completely covered his head. Not only did it wrap the head, but it also covered most of the face, and only opened a slit in the eye.

Charlie asked Faisal: ―If I wear this, will it look a bit too different?‖

―No!‖ Faisal said confidently: ―In fact, many people are used to wearing headgear. On the one hand, it is to prevent faces from being remembered by outsiders, and on the other hand to protect oneself wind and sand. There is also another reason. It is the commander who is afraid of being decapitated by the opponent, so he requires some people to wear headgear as long as they go out. This is the same for him. This can effectively interfere with the opponent‘s judgment.‖

Charlie was relieved. After putting the headgear on his head, he said: ―Okay, you can take me over now!‖

Faisal nodded without hesitation, then bent down to pick up the two AK47s, and handed one of them to Charlie, saying, ―Please put the gun on your back!‖ 

Charlie didn‘t worry that he would resist with a gun. After he took the AK47, he hung it on his body in a manner and then walked towards the center of the village with Faisal.

Along the way, he encountered many soldiers who were just strolling or patrolling on purpose. Some people recognized Faisal and greeted him. Although Faisal was a little slow, he was still normal overall, so no one was suspecting him.

As for Charlie wearing headgear, he didn‘t say a word, and no one took the initiative to greet him, because when a person wears headgear, only people who know him well can recognize who he is. None of these people knew who he was, and none of them could match him with his acquaintances.

In fact, this is the safest, because their army seems to have near two thousand people, and no one is really familiar with everyone, so they can‘t recognize Charlie, and will only classify Charlie as unfamiliar. Among those comrades in arms, there was no doubt that Charlie would be an invader from outside.

All the way to the square in the center of the village, Charlie found that many soldiers were nervously busy in front of the four helicopters, so Charlie asked Faisal in a low voice, ―What are those people doing?‖

Faisal hurriedly replied: ―They are all members of the helicopter brigade, most of them are maintenance personnel. The weather today is gloomy and visibility is poor. Our visual observations will be restricted a lot, so we will send helicopters to patrol in turn.

Monitor whether there are government forces approaching us quietly.‖

Charlie nodded, remembering something, and asked him: ―By the way, can you fly a helicopter?‖

Faisal shook his head and said, ―I can‘t… I‘m from an armored brigade. I can drive tanks and infantry vehicles.‖

Charlie nodded, as to how to take himself away after saving Melba, he still has no clear plan.

It would be nice to save Melba alone. Even if he carried her and escaped quietly, walking dozens of kilometers along the mountain road to meet his people and the others was nothing.

However, if he wants to save her and her seven other friends at the same time, it will be tricky on its own.

Thinking of this, he put the question behind his head again, and said to himself: ―It‘s not the time to think about this, so let‘s talk about it when I meet them!‖

Chapter 2661

Charlie and Faisal passed through the central square together, and the roar of diesel generators in his ears became more and more deafening.

Under such a loud mechanical noise, ordinary people have difficulty talking, so that many other voices around them are covered up. This is a good thing for Charlie, even if something happens in the rescue and pursuit later. When someone yells by accident, it is hard to be spotted by outsiders.

So Charlie asked Faisal next to him: ―How long does your diesel generator set usually work?‖

Faisal hurriedly said respectfully: ―Because the government army cut off our electricity supply, all our electricity is supplied by a set of 50-kilowatt diesel generator sets. It also has a power storage device.‖

―Because the electricity consumption during the day is generally low, we generally do not use motors during the day. We use power storage devices to ensure that the necessary devices operate normally during the day. The generator sets will be turned on after dark, mainly for lighting and other purposes. The electric device, and then charge the storage device.‖

―It opened early today, mainly because of the poor sunlight on rainy days.‖

Charlie asked curiously, ―If you make this place brightly lit at night, aren‘t you afraid that the government will send planes to bomb it?‖

Faisal explained: ―In Syria, whether it is the government army, the opposition, or the Kurdish armed forces, 90% of all wars are ground wars. The planes in the hands of the government forces have long been attacked. Now, the remaining few old fighter planes are guarding Damascus and the southern province of Dar‘a. They don‘t dare to send them out to fight, and we have a large number of civilians here. If they send planes to attack indiscriminately, they will surely arouse public anger. At that time, it will be more beneficial to our opposition.‖

Charlie nodded lightly.

The war in his understanding is a modern war based on the Gulf War pattern.

The core of modern warfare is dominated by the air force, supplemented by the navy and army.

Just like the United States fighting in Iraq, the two armies do not need to engage in short-handed combat. First use fighter jets to fight and seize air supremacy, and then use bombers to carry precision-guided bombs to destroy the enemy‘s key defense forces and military industry one by one. , After the opponent is completely paralyzed, a large number of ground troops directly rush in, and they will be able to drive straight into the direct occupation.

However, it now appears that in places like Syria, the method of warfare is basically the same as that of World War II. The two armies mainly rely on the ground forces to fight head-on, and the air force can have little influence.

Charlie remembered that Faisal was the captain of the armored brigade, so he asked him: ―Faisal, since 90% of the wars here are ground wars, then your armored brigade must have an extraordinary identity and status?‖

Faisal nodded and said truthfully: ―Our two most important forces are the armored squadron and the flying squadron. However, the flying squadron only has four armed helicopters, so the main combat effectiveness still depends on my armored squadron.‖

Charlie asked curiously: ―Faisal, since you can be the captain of the armored brigade, should you rank higher in this armed force?‖

Faisal said hurriedly: ―Actually, my armored squadron was completely commanded and dispatched by the commander during the war. The reason why I was able to lead a squadron was also that I knew more about tanks, so I acted more as an instructor. The role does not have much real power.‖

Charlie nodded lightly. Since the armored brigade is the core combat power here, it is reasonable to be dispatched directly to the commander. 

Under the leadership of Faisal, Charlie came outside a courtyard wall made of loess. At this time, the courtyard was full of voices, and the communication between people was basically by shouting.

Moreover, Charlie found that the languages they spoke were different. Some spoke English, some spoke French, and some others spoke a language that he didn‘t understand at all. It should be Arabic.

Chapter 2662

Charlie asked Faisal, ―Don‘t you have a unified language here?‖

Faisal shook his head: ―The unified language should be Arabic, but the composition of our opposition soldiers is more complicated, so many of us don‘t speak Arabic.‖

―Some of these people have lived in other countries since they were young, and some have lived in former colonial areas. so they are English or French, so the language between them is not completely smooth.‖

―Like myself, I actually went to the United States with my parents when I was very young, and I took a green card and served in the U.S. Army for three years. Only a few years ago I responded to the call and came back to join the Freedom Army. So my basic Arabic It‘s very poor, and basically, I only communicate in English.‖

Charlie nodded. This multilingual situation is just like India. A considerable number of Indians do not speak Hindi. Even each state in India has its own official language, plus it was once a British colony. So English is also one of the official languages.

However, this kind of language confusion is relatively friendly to him. The more confused the language landscape, the easier it is for him to mix in.

So he said to Faisal: ―After you go in, remember to act by chance and don‘t let people see the clues.‖

Faisal hurriedly said, ―Please rest assured, I will give my all!‖

Charlie gave a hum, pointed to the courtyard gate, and said, ―Go in!‖


Faisal stepped forward and pushed open the courtyard door.

In the yard at this time, more than a dozen soldiers carrying AK47s were grilling around a campfire to warm up. On the campfire, two legs of lamb were worn with wooden sticks. At this time, they were already roasted with oil and smelled really delicious.

Charlie followed Faisal in, and one of the soldiers recognized Faisal and blurted out, 

―Captain Faisal, would you like to have some barbecue? Ansala‘s mother also made some pita bread, and it‘ll be ready soon.‖

Faisal waved his hand: ―I won‘t eat anymore, I‘m here to see the hostage situation.‖

As soon as the man heard this, he immediately said with a grin: ―Captain Faisal, are you

interested in those women? But I have to make it clear to you that the commander has given the order without his permission. No one can fool around!‖

Faisal said immediately: ―Don‘t talk nonsense! I just come to see the situation, go back to report to the commander, and open the cellar entrance quickly!‖

The man nodded hurriedly, turned to greet a soldier, and together? Bend over and opened a thick wooden board from the ground. Then, a staircase made of loess appeared under the wooden board, and the man respectfully treated Faisal. Said:

―Captain, please come in!‖

Faisal nodded in satisfaction, and led Charlie to the entrance. The man took out a flashlight. After turning it on, Faisal said graciously: ―Captain, the stairs are not lighted and are dark. I will be in front leading the way, watch your steps!‖

Faisal glanced at Charlie, and when he saw Charlie nodding to him quietly, he agreed and said, ―Okay, you can lead the way!‖

Chapter 2663

Charlie and Faisal followed the man into the cellar, only to discover that the cellar was dug very deep, and the stairs alone were at least five or six meters deep, almost the height of two stories.

Because the winter in Syria is the rainy season and there is a lot of rain, the stairs are dark and wet, and the soil on both sides even reveals a strong smell of soil.

As he went all the way down, the person leading the way in front said flatly, ―Captain 

Faisal, can you please do something?‖

Faisal asked coldly, ―What‘s the matter?‖

The man hurriedly said, ―Captain Faisal, I want to apply to join your armored team, I can control heavy machine guns!‖

Faisal sneered and asked him, ―I think you are joining the armored team because you are afraid of death, right?‖

―No, no,‖ the man hurriedly said, ―I just wanted to exercise the armored brigade…‖

Faisal smiled and said, ―I will think about it and let you know when the time comes.‖

The man said excitedly, ―Thank you, Captain Faisal!‖

With that said, he had already stepped down to the bottom of the cellar.

There is an iron door at the bottom of the cellar, and a small window is open on the iron door, you can see the light inside.

At this moment, the man who led the way patted the iron door hard and said, ―Open the door, Captain Faisal is here!‖

Someone inside immediately opened the door latch, and a curly-haired man poked his head out, waved at Faisal, and smiled: ―Captain Faisal, why are you here?‖

Faisal said coldly: ―The commander asked me to come over and have a look and also communicate with the hostages.‖

The man hurriedly stepped out of the passage and said with a smile, ―Captain, please come in!‖

Faisal said to the person who led the way: ―Go back. You remembered what I just said. If there is a result, I will tell you as soon as possible.‖

―Thank you so much, Captain Faisal, you get busy, I will go up! I will save you some roast leg of lamb later, wait for you to come up to eat!‖

The man turned and left, Faisal waved to Charlie, and the two entered the cellar one after another.

Charlie originally thought the cellar was a small space, but he didn‘t expect that there was a cave inside.

There are two rooms in the cellar. The outer room is about 20 square meters. There are four soldiers guarding. Inside there is a wall and a big iron door without windows.

Charlie can perceive that there are eight people inside. , It must be Melba and her friends.

At this moment, Faisal let someone close the door to come in, and then looked at Charlie, wondering what he would order next.

The four-guard soldiers were not very alert and stood aside with their guns hanging around. One of them was still wearing headphones and seemed to be listening to a song.

At this moment, the soldier who had opened the door approached Faisal and asked in a low voice, ―Captain Faisal, when is the commander going to do it? If I say, it‘s better to kill these Yankees. It‘s useless to keep them a little bit longer. We have to let a few of our brothers stay here. It‘s damp and smelly. After a long time, the panel is itchy and uncomfortable!

Faisal said indifferently: ―The commander of affairs naturally has his plan, so you can honestly carry out the commander‘s order, don‘t say anything else, don‘t ask!‖

―Okay.‖ The man sighed helplessly and said: ―It‘s really not possible. Captain Faisal will help us to talk to us and arrange for a few brothers to change shifts. We always stay in the cellar. It is too painful. ―

Charlie walked up to the man at this time, patted his shoulder lightly, and said with a smile: ―Brother, everyone works for the commander, so don‘t have so many complaints!‖

Chapter 2664

As he said, a trace of spiritual energy penetrated into the opponent‘s body and went straight to the opponent‘s brain.

Immediately afterwards, just like Faisal, this person was given psychological hints by Charlie. Hearing this, he hurriedly said, ―You are too right!‖

Charlie nodded in satisfaction, pointed at another person, and said, ―This brother must be dissatisfied, right?‖

The man hurriedly said, ―I dare not, what the commander asks me to do, I will do, no more two minds!‖

Charlie smiled, walked to him, patted him on the shoulder, and smiled: ―You have a high level of consciousness! I will definitely say something for you in front of the commander in the future.‖

After that, another trace of spiritual energy entered, following the method, and firmly controlling this person‘s consciousness.

At this time, a guy with a full face cursed and said, ―The commander said that as soon as the time is up, he will start to kill. I think it is almost the time, and I will execute the sentence then!‖

Charlie looked at this man, sneered, and asked, ―You like killing people?‖

The guy stared at Charlie and said disdainfully, ―Yes, I just like it, why? Do you have an opinion? Or do you want to speak for these Yankees?!‖

Charlie smiled and said: ―Why should I speak for them? I just think that the hostages really can‘t come to the table. If you have the ability, it is better to wait for the government forces to come and kill a few more enemies on the battlefield.‖

The guy stepped up to Charlie in two steps, reached out his hand and grabbed Charlie‘s collar, and yelled, ―Are you sarcastic to me?!‖

Charlie smirked, ―It seems you are not stupid.‖

The guy was very angry. As soon as he raised his hand, his fist was about to hit Charlie‘s face. Charlie suddenly yelled, ―As$hole, even you dare to fight your dad?! Don‘t hesitate to kneel down and admit your mistake!‖

This voice scared the other party into a sluggish moment.

He didn‘t know that at that moment, Charlie had already given powerful psychological hints to his brain.

His whole figure was startled, and then he knelt on the ground with a thud, and said with sincerity, ―Dad, I was wrong…‖

Charlie pushed him away. At this moment, the person wearing the headset took off the headset in a bit of surprise, and blurted out, ―Kamil, why did you kneel down? This person is your father?!‖

The strong man called Kamil blurted out, ―Yes, he is my father!‖

The man stunned and said, ―Your brain is broken, right? Didn‘t your dad only die last year? I came to help carry the coffin!‖

Charlie looked at him at this time and said lightly: ―I am not only his father, but also your father. Why don‘t you just kneel down and admit the mistake like him?‖

This sentence scared this person to death.

He felt dizzy in his mind, and then he knelt down beside Kamil subconsciously, choked up, and said, ―Dad, I was wrong…‖

Charlie also felt a sharp pain in his brain at this time, and then carefully examined his body, there was only a trace of aura left, which made him realize that he had just given five people consecutive psychological hints, and the aura consumption was indeed too great.

In the past, he seldom used aura intensively. At this moment, the aura consumption was greater than in the past few months.

Fortunately, the five people, including Faisal, have been psychologically hinted at by him, and these five people have become his most loyal puppets.

So he pointed to the door of the room inside and said to the five people: ―Who has the key? Open the door!‖

Chapter 2665

Hearing Charlie‘s order, someone immediately took out the key and prepared to open the iron door inside.

Charlie said: ―You will guard outside the door for a while, and if someone comes, try to spread it out.‖

With that, Charlie looked at the time and said, ―I guess your commander will come over soon. If he wants to come in, let him in. You guys should behave naturally and don‘t let him see any clues.‖

―Okay!‖ The five people agreed in unison.

Immediately, the door opened.

As soon as the door opened, there was a smell of earthly soil inside. He stepped forward and found that there was nothing in the whole room, only a lamp hung on the top of the room alone, and the wattage of the bulb was very low and the light was very dim.

There are some traces of artificial reinforcement on the top of the room, but there are still mud walls around it. In this kind of room, there is basically no chance of suicide. 

In the corner of the wall, there are eight people sitting on the floor in a row, wearing black hoods with their hands tied behind them, leaning against the wall.

Charlie couldn‘t see their faces, but through their clothes and figure, one could see that among the eight people, there were three women and five men.

Hearing the opening of the door, the eight people were all nervous, and a few even began to curl up and tremble unconsciously.

Charlie entered the house and closed the iron gate by the way. Then, he paced up to the eight people and took off the black hoods on their heads one by one.

From left to right, Charlie took off the headgear of seven people in a row. As a result, the five boys and two girls had different skin colors. One of the boys was yellow, but the two girls were both blond and white.

After picking the last one, he finally saw a yellow female with short hair and a beautiful appearance.

Because these eight people have always been covered by thick blackheads, their vision has been in the dark, and now they suddenly get light. Even if it is only dim, the light bulb makes them feel very dazzling, so they are all subconsciously cover the light in front with their hands.

After a while, everyone‘s vision finally returned to normal.

What frightened them was that in front of them stood a man dressed as a standard terrorist with a black mask on his head.

The man also held an AK47 in his hand, which was a look of a gangster.

Charlie looked at the yellow girl who looked a bit like southeast Asian and asked directly: ―Are you, Melba Watt?‖

As soon as the words were said, the girl‘s body twitched suddenly.

She looked at Charlie and subconsciously asked: ―How do you know me?!‖

Charlie stretched out his hand to take off the mask, and said lightly: ―I am entrusted by your dad to take you home.‖

As soon as these words came out, Melba was struck by lightning!

She looked at Charlie with an incredulous look, and blurted out, ―What did you say?! My dad entrusted you to take me home?! How does he know that I am here?! And, why are you here? You Are you part of the armed opposition?‖

Chapter 2666

Charlie smiled slightly: ―Miss Watt, you have too many questions, but I can tell you clearly that I am not from the armed opposition. I received your father‘s entrustment a few hours ago, so I hurried over from China just for you.‖

At this time, a yellow male spoke in shock and said, ―This…how is this possible…from the time we were caught until now, but it has only been not more than half a day, in such a short time, You can‘t catch up from China at all!‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―What you think is impossible may not really be impossible.‖

After speaking, he looked at Melba and said lightly: ―Time is running out. I will prepare an opposition suit for you in a moment. After you put it on, follow me.‖

Melba blurted out and asked him: ―Then…what about my friends?‖

Charlie shrugged his shoulders and said, ―I don‘t have a particularly good way to rescue all eight of you at the moment, so you come with me first, and I will send you to a safe place first. If conditions permit, I can consider coming back again to save others.‖

At this time, a blond man blurted out: ―I think you are a liar! There are one or two thousand opposition forces stationed here, how can you rescue us?‖

Charlie nodded and said, ―What you said is right, I can‘t save you, so just stay here honestly.‖

When the blond man heard this, he coldly snorted, and said angrily: ―I don‘t need you to save me! There are so many guards outside. If I go out with you, I will be beaten into a hornet‘s nest by a machine gun! I‘d rather stay, calm down and wait for my forces from my country to rescue me! Maybe they will immediately agree to the opposition‘s request, or send a SEAL team to rescue us!‖

―Yes!‖ Another blonde girl said: ―Our US Navy SEALs are the top special forces in the world. They perform the most difficult tasks all over the world, including killing terrorists at any point on Earth. This force is not too much, I believe they will come to save us!‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―How do you know that the United States will send a Navy SEAL to rescue you? Who gave you the confidence?‖

An American boy with a dark panel next to him said without hesitation: ―We in the United States have always been strong and will not allow any foreign armed forces to harm our citizens!‖

―Also, don‘t forget that we have a large number of military bases around the world, and there are several in the Middle East alone!‖

―Turkey, a neighboring country in northern Syria, has several of our military bases;‖

―In Saudi Arabia near southern Syria also has our military base!‖

―So, they are likely to send Navy SEALs from these two countries to rescue us!‖

When Charlie heard this, he couldn‘t help but exclaimed: ―I found that you are all very good at it. You can speak Chinese as well, have you studied it specifically?‖

Another Indian-American boy said proudly: ―To tell you the truth, we are all top students in the United States. Everyone has several master‘s and doctoral degrees. Everyone is proficient in several languages, and we can speak Chinese. What‘s up? Japanese, French, German, all of them!‖

Charlie couldn‘t help but gave him a thumbs-up, and asked him with a smile: ―It‘s awesome, it‘s really awesome.‖

After he finished speaking, he suddenly changed his conversation and sighed: ―Oh, I really don‘t understand. How can you learn so many languages for a person who has no brains? Do people who lack the heart and eyes have the talent to learn languages?‖

The man blurted out, ―You…what did you say!?‖

Charlie sneered: ―You said you have military bases in several countries around you, so why have I been here all the way from China? Your SEALs are so close, but they haven‘t yet arrived to take you. What about a ghost?‖

Chapter 2667

Hearing Charlie‘s question, the boy blurted out and retorted: ―First of all! I don‘t believe you came from China at all! Because this is simply unrealistic!‖

After speaking, he looked at everyone and said very seriously: ―Everyone has studied the world geography and Chinese Geography as well. You must all know the distance between China and this place!‖

―If you fly over from the central part of China, the straight-line distance is at least 6,000 kilometers, right?‖

―If you fly over from the western region of China, the straight-line distance will not be less than 5,000 kilometers.‖

Charlie gave a thumbs up and said with a smile: ―You are so fu*king clever! You know everything!‖

After speaking, Charlie turned around and said jokingly, ―But you guessed it wrong, Big Smart man, I‘m not from Central China or West China, I‘m from East China.‖

―East China?!‖ The Indian boy who Charlie said was smart said disdainfully: ―East China is even more impossible! East China to here is, not less than 7,000 kilometers, how did you fly over in such a short time? On a rocket?‖

As he said, he sneered again: ―Furthermore, as everyone knows, Syria has not resumed navigation due to the war. If you want to get from China to Syria, you must first fly to neighboring countries, and then transfer to land transportation. Even if you use the shortest route and don‘t delay for a minute, according to my estimation, you will have at least twenty hours to arrive, but we haven‘t been captured for twenty-four hours until now. Do you have the ability of an unknown prophet? So, if you want me to say, you are lying!‖

Charlie shook his head helplessly, looked at Melba, and asked, ―Is this guy always like this?‖

Melba‘s expression was a little embarrassed at once, but also a little hesitant. 

In fact, she was not sure about Charlie‘s identity, and she couldn‘t believe what Charlie said.

Moreover, listening to his voice face-to-face is somewhat different from what she and he talked through their mobile phones in the WeChat communication.

In addition, Charlie didn‘t reveal his identity, so she was a little unpredictable at once.

After all, the speculation made by her partner just now is not unreasonable. Charlie‘s statement is somewhat contrary to logic, both in terms of time and space.

At this time, the clever guy continued: ―Tell you, our SEAL team strives to be 100% successful every time it performs a mission, so they will definitely formulate a comprehensive rescue plan first, and then perform the scalpel. The rescue operation! I believe they will rescue us after some time!‖

Charlie sneered and said: ―Okay, stop this nonsense, you can pull a calf when you open your mouth, right?‖

―I tell you the truth, the news that you guys were captured is not reported by the European and American media at all!‖

Chapter 2668

―Do you know what it means not to report? It means that your fellow Americans don‘t even know that you are captured!‖

―So your army will not bother to send troops to rescue you, let alone send troops to rescue you so much. The opposition went to your embassy and demanded 80 million ransom but they were rejected. You still expect them to send troops to rescue you. Do you think your father is Buffett and Bill Gates?‖

―I don‘t believe it!‖ Several of them retorted in unison: ―You must be lying!‖

Just now, the Indian boy looked at Melba and said loudly: ―Melba, you must be careful of this person. I seriously suspect that this person is a member of the opposition!

Otherwise, even if he has great abilities, he cannot be so short. Arrive here within the time limit, and don‘t forget, there are still one or two thousand opposition soldiers guarding here. If he were not one of them, he would never come in alive! Look at him, wearing opposition costumes and holding The weapon of the opposition, this person must be a member of the opposition!‖

Immediately, he stared at Charlie and said coldly: ―This guy is running here now to act with you and slander us all. I don‘t know what his intention is! Maybe it‘s because the opposition knows you are a Chinese American, so they found him from the team to come and set up the game with you. I think he must have been arranged by the opposition to instigate you! You must not believe him!‖

Charlie was so angry that he wanted to laugh at the silly bird, and asked him, ―Since you are so determined that I am a member of the opposition, then you pretend to be so coercive in front of me so suddenly?‖

The Indian boy was obviously a little nervous, but he still pretended to be tough and said, ―I don‘t believe you dare to attack me! Your opposition took such a great effort to capture us, isn‘t it just to negotiate conditions with our country? Is it? If you kill me, what else would you use to negotiate terms with our country? Moreover, if our country wants to retaliate against you, it will be your end! Only a few missiles will be able to razor this place to the ground!‖

Charlie sarcastically said: ―Of the eight of you, one of you counts as one. It‘s nothing more than a schoolmaster with better academic performance. In terms of family background, are your parents rich? In terms of background, any one of your parents can become the United States‘s State councilor?‖

―If you want money, no money, no power, no power, and lick your face and wait for the SEALs to save you? You want people to use missiles to avenge you. It‘s not that I despise you. Any small and medium conventional missile costs a lot. Millions of dollars and surface-to-surface missiles start at tens of millions of dollars. Do you deserve revenge with such an expensive weapon?‖

The inquisitive boy‘s expression is very ugly, he wants to say something, but suddenly he can‘t find any words to refute.

At this time, another boy of Chinese descent said, ―You don‘t confuse people here anymore. As we all know, the United States always values the safety of citizens most. All eight of us are social pillars. The country will certainly rescue us at all costs. Yes, you are running over to brainwash us now, don‘t you just want us to cooperate with you to criticize our country? I know your tricks, as long as we scold the United States, you will be so excited that you can‘t sleep, and you want to send the video to all make it go viral in the world!‖

Charlie put away the joking smile just now, looked at the young man with a face of wonder, and asked seriously: ―I ask you, are you American or Chinese?‖

―Of course I am an American!‖ The boy blurted out without hesitation: ―My passport was taken away by you. If you go to see my passport now, you can see clearly that I am a  citizen of the United States of America!‖

Charlie nodded, deeply disappointed in this group of people, especially this boy of Chinese descent. Although what he said was not wrong, it made Charlie feel very uncomfortable.

So, he became light and cold and said: ―Well, in this case, then you also wait for your country to save you.‖

After speaking, he looked at Melba again and said seriously: ―Miss Watt, I don‘t want to ask you the same question anymore. I am entrusted by your father to save you, so no matter which country you think you are from, as long as you are willing to follow me, I will rescue you and take you back to China.‖

―But! If you really don‘t want to go with me, I will never do things in which I have to force others. Could you please record a video to explain that you don‘t want to go, I will take the video back to your dad to give him an explanation!‖

Chapter 2669

―Who are you and what is your name?‖ asked Melba.

―My name is Charlie Wade and your father sent me here to rescue you as I mentioned earlier,‖ Charlie replied earnestly.

When Charlie said his name, Melba was struck by lightning, leaving her face full of shock.

She and Charlie have never met, but only had a voice chat on WeChat. Since she didn‘t talk much and didn‘t have a lot of content, she didn‘t have a deep impression of Charlie‘s voice, so she never mentioned the one in front of her was the man, she connected with on WeChat.

But now, after hearing the name, Melba immediately matched the two of them! 

At this moment, she blurted out excitedly and asked: ―Mr. Wade, why are you here?‖

Charlie shrugged and sighed helplessly. Said: ―I told you already that this place is not safe, right? You don‘t believe me, do you know that your father is worried about you?

Melba couldn‘t stop her tears when she heard this. 

The Indian boy on the side subconsciously said: ―Melba, you must not be fooled by him!

This guy is not a good person at first sight!‖ The Chinese boy also took the conversation and said in agreement: ―Yes, you know Melba, don‘t believe it. Hey! You must firmly believe that our army will definitely save us!‖

As he said, he was a little excited and said excitedly: ―I believe that as long as we persist, after we are saved, in the eyes of the media, one is a hero who swears to the death in front of the opposition forces, so when we return to the United States, we will definitely become a hero in everyone‘s eyes! If you are cheated by him now and instigated by him, then you will not only be able to become a hero. A hero, you might even become a street mouse that everyone shouts at and beat.‖

Charlie saw that this guy‘s brain circuit was so strange that he couldn‘t understand it, so he sneered and asked him: ―Man, you should have been born and raised in the United States since childhood. Right?‖ 

The Chinese boy nodded gently.

Charlie said with a smile on his face: ―No wonder ,...

the person hurriedly asked: ―No wonder?

Charlie smiled and said: ―No wonder you are so talented. We really can‘t cultivate a talent like you back in the country.

Seeing that everyone was still questioning Charlie‘s identity, Melba hurriedly said, ―You‘re all misunderstood. Mr. Wade is definitely not a member of the opposition. He is the chairman of China Emgrand Group, he is the one that I told you about before!

―How is it possible!‖ The other seven people blurted out almost at the same time!

One of the girls said, ―Melba! Your brain must be broken. Think about it, how could it be possible for a big boss with a net worth of over 100 billion? So young?‖

She said, without waiting for Melba‘s answer, she immediately added: ―It‘s nothing more than being so young, but have you ever thought about how could a big boss with a worth of over 100 billion come to Syria to do this kind of thing in person?‖

Saying that again! Sanjay has given you just the right analysis, and if he really is the big boss, how likely he arrived here from China in such a short time? Do you think he‘s Iron Man ah? ―

The Chinese-American boy blurted out: ―Yes! Melba, if you think about it carefully, you have never seen Mr. Wade, so how do you judge that this guy is him? I suspect this guy might have hacked your phone. Password, checked your chat history, and found this flaw, so he pretends to be Mr. Wade to come and lie to you!

Melba shook her head and said firmly: ―I can be sure that he is Mr. Wade! Just now I didn‘t tell him what he is in reality. The voice corresponds to his voice in the voice chat, but now I can be sure that the two of them are the same person!‖

Others thought Melba must be crazy.

Chapter 2670

Chinese-American boys, shaking his head on the side said:!! ―Melba, I know you‘re a girl who is certainly afraid of death, but you have to believe, in this world, there is no random killing of an American citizen. we would ultimately be rescued.‖

Charlie was amused by him, and couldn‘t help asking him: My dear, I‘ll say something that‘s not black, objective, and fair. There are various shootings in the United States all day long, and it will lead to several, even dozens of innocent people‘s deaths. Civilians die, you still say that no one would dare to kill a U.S. citizen at will. Don‘t you feel contradictory?

The Chinese boy blushed and retorted: ―The situations you said all happened in China!

No! What happened overseas! How can you count what happened here?‖

Charlie smiled and asked, ―What do you mean, what happened here is contradictions among the people?‖

―That‘s right!‖ The Chinese boy immediately agreed and said: ―It‘s the contradiction among the people!

Charlie nodded, looked at Melba, and said: ―From my point of view, your dad must know that you get mixed up with these stupid things all day long, and I don‘t know how sad it will be for him.‖

Melba‘s expression was extremely embarrassing.

She also feels that her friends are usually smarter than the others, all of them are academic bullies and elites, but now she doesn‘t know why, all of them seem very anti intellectual.

Charlie was not sure whether Melba really believed in his identity, so he took out his mobile phone and opened the dialog between him and Melba from WeChat, then turned the screen to her, pulled up the chat log, and said ―This kind of chat record can‘t be forged, so you believe my identity?‖ 

Melba said almost without hesitation: ―I believe it!

Several other people saw this scene, and they were shocked to speak.

They are here. They attacked Charlie‘s every word for a long time, wasting so much tongue, just to prove that Charlie is a fake.

For this reason, they moved out various arguments and packed their views seamlessly from the inside to the outside.

But now, with only one mobile phone, Charlie completely overturned all the judgments made by these self-righteous top students, making these seven people dumbfounded for a while.

The Indian kid couldn‘t help exclaiming: ―This is impossible! Even if you are really Chairman Wade, you cannot rush to Syria from Eastern China in such a short time!

‖ Yes! Ah!‖ The Chinese kid also said: ―This is not logical! Even the fastest civil airliner can‘t do it!‖

Charlie sneered and asked: ―You two are the best, I ask you, you guys What is the fastest civil airliner known in the world? The Chinese boy blurted out with a proud face: ―Of course I know! I have a deep research on aircraft! The fastest civil airliner currently is the Gulfstream G650 business jet! This aircraft is using the engine of Rolls-Royce in the United Kingdom. It is powerful. Its flying speed can reach Mach 0.95, which is 95% of the speed of sound! But it is also one of the most expensive business jets in the world. I can afford it!

Charlie applauded: ―You really have damn good material for learning. It seems that you must be very good at memorizing the text. I used to see all kinds of keyboard car gods who didn‘t even have a driver‘s license on the Internet. Encountered a keyboard machine god.‖ 

The Chinese kid said angrily: ―Don‘t be sneered here! Even if you are really sitting on the Gulfstream G650, it is impossible to arrive in Syria in such a short time! So you must be hiding something. An unspeakable secret!

Charlie smiled: ―I‘m sorry, I really didn‘t come with a G650. 

Having said that, Charlie put away his smile and said calmly: ―I‘m here on a Concorde airliner.‖

Chapter 2671


When Charlie said these four words, everyone was stunned.

Who can believe that the legend and the super king of civil aviation speed-Concorde, which ended as early as 20 years ago, It‘s still in operation now?! The Chinese kid subconsciously laughed and said: ―You really know how to say that the Concorde has long been retired. Now there is no airline in the world, and it has a supersonic speed in operation. Do you think we are a fool?

Charlie shook his head and laughed at him: ―Oh, I really don‘t understand myself, what am I doing with you so much?

After finishing speaking, he looks at Melba, said: ―The situation is urgent now. The opposition has announced to the public that if the US embassy does not agree to their demand, it will start killing hostages, so we don‘t want to delay any more time and leave this now.‖

Melba couldn‘t help asking: ―Then my friends?‖

Charlie reached out his hand to stop her and said: ―What kind of stupid people are your friends, I believe you are watching it all. Put the words here, today I will only take you alone, to go or not to go, I will give you 10 seconds to consider.

―Just take one person?‖ one boy put his right hand in the air disdainfully, made a gesture of reaching out and twisting the light bulb, curled his mouth, and said: ―You really feel good about yourself. Tell you the truth, even if you ask If you let me go with you, I won‘t go with you!

Charlie ignored him, but looked at Melba and said, ―There are still five seconds left. ―

I, Melba, suddenly fell into a dilemma.

She really wanted to leave with Charlie. After all, he was entrusted by her father to come to Syria to save her.

However, she didn‘t want to just treat these classmates who share common ideals and stay here.

At this moment, the kid of Chinese descent said immediately: ―Melba, even if his identity is not a problem, you must never follow him! There are one or two thousand opposition armed forces outside, and if you are not careful, you may be caught. You must not make a joke about your life‘s safety!

―Yes!‖ a white boy said: ―The best way for us now is to wait for our troops to rescue us! If you go with him now, not only After nine deaths, even if you survive by chance, you will definitely regret it! At this moment, Melba fully understands that it is absolutely impossible for her to convince this group of friends.

So she opened her mouth and said, ―Everyone, I don‘t want to hit everyone‘s self confidence, but I don‘t really believe that the SEAL team will come to rescue me. So far, Melba hesitated for a while, and finally said firmly: ―So I decided to talk to Mr. Charlie and leave! Whether it‘s life or death, I won‘t regret my decision!

Charlie nodded and said: ―Okay, don‘t talk nonsense with them anymore, let‘s go now.‖

After that, he walked over. In front of Melba, he pulled her up from the ground and untied the rope tied to her hand.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed that someone was walking down the stairs outside, so he immediately whispered in Melba‘s ear: ―Someone is here, sit back first!‖

Melba hurriedly sat back on the ground, and Charlie stepped back a few steps and quickly stuck it on the wall next to the iron gate.

After a while, he heard someone speaking in Arabic outside.

Charlie could perceive it, and three people walked down the stairs at this time.

The headed person is saying something loudly.

Immediately afterward, two of the three people stayed at the door of the outermost door, and the head walked in by himself.

As soon as he entered the door, Faisal and the others immediately said loudly: ―Hello, Commander Hamid! Upon hearing this, Charlie‘s spirits jumped all of a sudden.

Chapter 2672

At the same time, he also spurned the seven highly educated stupid birds in front of him. Didn‘t they wait for the Marines to rescue them? The Marines did not come, but the angel of death came first!

Then, he listened to that Commander Hamid and Faisal and others outside exchanged a few words, probably asking Faisal how the hostages inside are. 

One of the guards hurriedly said that everything is normal, and then the leader said: 

―Open the door.‖

Immediately, the door opened sounded.

After a while, the iron gate was pushed aside from the outside, and a man in a desert camouflage stepped in.

What‘s interesting is that the moment he stepped in, his figure swayed to the left, which made Charlie instantly see that this guy was still lame with a problem with his left leg!

Hamid stepped forward and saw these eight hostages didn‘t wear headgear, and he was furious. He shouted sharply, ―Fu*k! Why don‘t they wear headgear?! Now that they see my face, won‘t I have to kill them?!‖

As soon as the voice fell, he realized there was still a figure in the peripheral light on his right side, so he hurriedly turned his head and saw Charlie, who was looking directly at him with a smile on his face.

Seeing that Charlie was an unfamiliar face, he was suddenly shocked, and he subconsciously went to his pocket to draw a gun.

At this moment, Charlie pointed the muzzle of the AK47 directly at him, then closed the door with one foot, and said with a smile: ―Come on, kneel on the ground with your hands on your head.

After speaking, he shook his head again and said to himself said: ―I guess you can‘t understand what I said.‖

Hamid blurted out:‖ You are the Chinese people?

Charlie curious and asked: ―You, you also speak Chinese?

Hamid put a calm, said:‖ I‘ve had studied in China, I learned Chinese. Originally, my father wanted me to fully develop trade with China in the future, but I did not expect that my father would be killed by the government forces.

After speaking, he looked at Charlie and asked coldly: ―Who are you? How come you are here?! Are you a member of the government army?

Charlie smiled slightly: ―I‘m not from the government army.

Hamid with an expression of horror, blurted: ―Whom do you serve?‖

Charlie pointed to Melba: ―I was commissioned by the girl‘s father to bring his baby daughter home,‖

After that, he pointed to Hamid again and said coldly: ―So you guys are not righteous, and go to war. But you kidnapped a few students who were stupid in reading and were not afraid of other people‘s intentions?‖

Hamid gritted his teeth and yelled: ―Stop talking nonsense with me here. I tied them because they are with the government army and are my enemy! And you ran to me without shame and want to take them away when I am here? You come as you want, and leave as you want?‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―Otherwise? Believe it or not, if I kill you now, I can still safely evacuate.‖

Hamid gritted his teeth and said, ―It‘s all my people outside. You can‘t escape at all!

Charlie shook his head: ―No, no, no, you are wrong. The outside is all my people.

Then, Charlie opened the door and told Faisal: ―Take the two outside and control this guy, remember not to let the people in the yard hear it!

Faisal nodded without hesitation: ―Yes!

Hamid stunned and yelled: ―Faisal, you dare to betray me! Betray our grand goal of overthrowing the government army!‖

‗Sorry!‘ Faisal pointed at Charlie respectfully with both hands, and said without hesitation: ―I am only loyal to this gentleman now!

Chapter 2673


Hamid‘s heart suddenly became cold when he heard this. After all, he has been leading the army for many years, and his judgment of the strategic situation is very accurate. At this moment, he has realized that he and Charlie each have half of their control initiative.

―In this cellar, the initiative is in the hands of this Chinese man, because he has a gun at me and bought my subordinates. He can kill me in this room at any time.‖

―However, I am not completely passive. After all, no matter how powerful he is, it is impossible to buy over one or two thousand people from the entire base.‖

―Because, if he really had this capability, he would have overthrown me directly, so why bother to spend so much effort? , How about sneaking into this cellar?

Thinking of this, he immediately said to Charlie: Friend, neither of us should be too impulsive. If you have anything, you can talk and discuss it. After all, I have been studying in China for many years and I see you are very kind!‖

Charlie nodded and smiled: ―It‘s easy if you want to talk. I just have one request. If you ask me to take people away, I won‘t make it difficult for you. Otherwise, I will kill you first.‖

Saying this, Charlie must say seriously: ―After I kill you, as long as I run faster, your men may not be able to react. After all, when I came in, your men didn‘t find me, trust me When I leave, they could not find out as well. As soon as Charlie said this, the opposite Hamid immediately became tense.

He is not a fool.

His own base of one or two thousand defenses can still make this man come in quietly, and it was obvious that his defenses were not counted as f@rts in front of the other party.

At this time, Charlie continued: ―When they find your body lying in this cellar, I might have already left Syria, but what about you? You can only lie down hard and accept the funeral prepared by your one or two thousand men. Your status in the army is so high, and your funeral will be very grand by that time!

Hamid‘s face immediately turned green.

He quickly understood in his heart that he and Charlie were not as close as he had imagined.

People like Charlie can take the initiative.

If Charlie kills him first, he will be cold first.

If he really annoyed him, he would go ahead and kill him, and then escape smoothly, wouldn‘t he be a big loser?!

Thinking of this, Hamid‘s expression suddenly became very depressed.

Let him let go, he is naturally unwilling 10,000 times.

After all, he is still waiting to use these hostages to extort funds from the US Embassy.

He has two thousand soldiers under his hand, people fed by horses, and there is a huge funding gap. He is waiting to make a windfall to stabilize the team. If there are extra surpluses, he can buy a batch of new weapons from the arms dealers. Equip troops to improve their combat effectiveness.

However, money is important, but he is also a commander after all, which is equivalent to a warlord and a native emperor. Even if the money cannot be made, he has this team.

In the future, he will have more chances to make a fortune. Maybe the opposition will win the final victory. Can also mix with a senior official.

Therefore, for him, the most important thing is to live, to live safely.

Chapter 2674

Otherwise, if he dies here, he will really lose everything.

Because his life is more important, he doesn‘t dare to confront Charlie.

After thinking about it, Hamid gritted his teeth, tried to make the final fight, and said:

―Brother! It‘s not easy for you to come all the way, plus the two of us are predestined. I can‘t refuse your request, but you must also save me a little bit of face, and you can‘t let me come to the bamboo basket to fetch water in the end, don‘t you have an old saying in China? Keep a thread in everything, so you can see each other in the future!

Charlie smiled and said, ―I have to say, What you said in Chinese literature is really not bad, and even the allegorical words can give me two sentences.‘

Hamid embarrassedly smiled, and said: ―The use one word to describe, whatever the outcome, I was also a school bully.‖

Charlie nodded and asked him:‖ You said let me give you a bit to stay Face, I don‘t know how you want to keep this face?

Hamid waved his hand and said with a face full of quagmire: ―Brother, this way! These eight people, half of you and half of me, there is an old Chinese saying that is so far away as a guest, so I let you pick first. You pick four people at random and take them away. The remaining four are left to me.

As soon as Hamid said this, all the seven people besides him were crazy except for Melba. What the hell is this What a ghost! Is this guy who came by the Concorde so fierce?

The commander of the opposition came. Not only did he not kill him, but he also controlled him. What‘s more outrageous is that the two men are still talking about terms…

What‘s even more outrageous is that this Hamid actually agreed.

He asked Charlie to take four people away. Doesn‘t that mean that four people can be rescued directly by him?!

Since Melba is determined To occupy one place, there are three places left!

Thinking of this, the boy of Chinese descent blurted out: ―Mr. Wade, save me! We are compatriots! We are compatriots! You can help me if you say anything!

Charlie waved his hand: ―Hey, don‘t come with me. This set, what you said just now, don‘t you remember? I do treat you as a compatriot, even if you are holding a passport from another country, but what you have is the blood of our Chinese nation. You are my compatriot in the eyes.

Speaking of this, Charlie said helplessly: ―Look at what you said just now. You were born and raised in the United States, and your homeland is the United States. If you have said so, I can‘t rush to recognize you like me. Compatriots, isn‘t this forcing you to betray your motherland?

The other party cried out and choked up: ―Mr. Wade, I was wrong! Actually, I was not born in the United States, I was born in China, but later my parents migrated, took me to the United States and I became a citizen there. The reason why I always declare that I was born in the United States is that I don‘t want to be looked down upon by Americans. I want them to know that although I am not an American face, I am The American-born and authentic American said this, he cried bitterly: ―Actually, I am a foreigner. I am now aware of the mistake. I know what is still flowing in my bones;

Charlie blurted out and interrupted:‖ It‘s OK, don‘t say anything, I understand what you mean. 

―When the other party heard this, he felt as if he had hope of survival, he immediately cried and said, ―Mr. Wade, thank you so much! From now on, I will be a cow and a horse, and I will repay you well!‖

A white American boy also hurriedly said: ―Mr. Wade, I apologize to you for my recklessness and impoliteness. Please take me with you. The Indian boy also cried. He said: ―Yep blame me for my senselessness, in fact, I particularly admire you, such a lone hero. I ask you to forget my rudeness before, give me a chance.‖

Others as seeing that they were all pleading, also hurriedly started crying.

Charlie smiled at this time, turned to look at Hamid, and said seriously: ―Commander Hamid.‖

Hamid said quickly, ―Brother, when you meet, you are destined, and when you are destined, you are friends. Don‘t call the commander like that. By the way! In addition, my brother said to him, my last name is Hamid‘, these three words are connected, if you can do not open it, try not to open it.‖

After speaking, he hurriedly added with a smile One sentence: ―Of course, if you think it‘s too tiring to say three words, just treat it as if I didn‘t say anything.

Chapter 2675

Seeing Hamid‘s aggrieved look, Charlie couldn‘t help but smile: ―Since Commander Hamid has spoken, I‘ll connect these three words later.

Hamid hugged Charlie. Then he pointed to the eight people on the opposite side and said generously: ―Brother, just pick it!

After finishing speaking, he was afraid that Charlie would not be willing to borrow the donkey from the slope. He gritted his teeth and blurted out: ―This way, my brother, I will give another step. You choose five!

The desire of the seven to survive in an instant increased!

Charlie looked at Hamid, smiled, and praised: ―Commander Hamid is really interesting.

Just at this point, you can see You should be a person of integrity and commitment. ―

Hamid nodded seriously and said:‖ I am the person with most credit, whether it is trade and commerce, or the troops in war, we must honor the commitment that let you take five, would not have vague!

Charlie At this time, he waved his hand: ―I am also the most ethical person. I have always believed that you respect me a foot and I respect you more. Therefore, among the eight people, I only need Miss Watt and the rest. Leave them to you. 

The other seven people burst into tears when they heard this. The young people of Chinese descent cried and said: ―Mr. Wade, everyone is a compatriot, you can‘t get me into injustice!

All the other people also cried together, begging for mercy and begging constantly for rescue and help.

At this time, Melba also couldn‘t see it. She pleaded: ―Mr. Wade, they are indeed frogs at the bottom of the well. They have eyes but don‘t know the world. I hope you don‘t keep a grudge. Please try to save as many people as possible. Take them all away. 

Charlie said indifferently: ―Melba, things are not handled like this. I am here to save you completely for the sake of your dad. You asked me to save them. Who do you want me to save?‖

Melba was ashamed. , But for the safety of friends, she still gritted her teeth and said: ―Mr. Wade, please give me a face! I know this request is very abrupt, inappropriate, and self-defeating, but I still ask you to look at my face.

Save them once, Charlie shook his head and firmly refused: ―I don‘t give you this face because from beginning to end, these friends have never given me face at all. I am a person who has never admired foreigners or locals, those who don‘t care about me. Is it an American or a Martian, as long as he doesn‘t give me face, I won‘t give him face?‖

After speaking, he looked at Hamid, pointed at Melba, and said seriously: ―I will only take her away.‖

‗Grass, interesting! Hamid-stomped and blurted: ―In this case, then I won‘t be too nonsense. Now I will tell your men, you two can leave at will, no one can stop!‖

After finishing, Hamid flashed aside, let out the door, and said, ―Brother, please!‖

Charlie waved his hand: ―No, it‘s not my villain‘s heart. After all, this is your site. I have to be more cautious. The helicopter parked directly in the yard. The helicopter must not carry any ammunition. In addition, all people except the pilot must be evacuated. Then you will accompany the two of us personally. When the person picks me up, I will let you go, what do you think?‖

Hamid looked embarrassed and said, ―What if you change your mind when you get there? What if you kidnap me? Now the government is offering a reward of several million dollars for my head, how do I know if you get greedy?

―Do you see me greedy?‖ Charlie smiled helplessly, pointed to his face, and asked him with a smile: ―You said that I might get greedy? I came here fcking sitting on a Concorde airliner with more than hundreds of millions of dollars, within a few hours, all the way from China to the place where you don‘t shit, will I make money for the multi-million dollar reward on your head?

Hamid swallowed his saliva and blurted out: ―Concorde?! You are from the Wade family of China?!‖

Chapter 2676

Charlie asked curiously: ―What? Commander Hamid has also heard of the Wade family?‖

Hamid immediately said with a look of admiration: ―I have heard of it too much! I was in the university where I was studying in Eastcliff. Ah, the Wade family and the Su family are both top families in China, and I heard about it at that time.

After speaking, Hamid flatly asked, ―My brother, I don‘t know if I‘m right?

Charlie didn‘t hide it. Nodded and said: ―Yes, I am the Wade family member. When this was said, the other seven people were almost all frightened.

They are all high-achieving students in the financial field. They have a deep understanding of the economic conditions of various countries, and naturally, they also know China The strength of these wealthy families.

As soon as they heard that Charlie was a descendant of the Wade family, they immediately understood why Charlie could travel to Syria on the Concorde in such a short time.

This is the Wade family. What a pity! It‘s a pity that these so-called high-achieving students will be blindfolded and not see the treasure!

Hamid on the side immediately gave a thumbs up and blurted out: ―I didn‘t expect that my brother is really from the Wade family, like the Wade family man you can still break in here alone. It is really admirable!‖

Charlie smiled slightly: ―Commander Hamid is too polite.

Hamid couldn‘t help but said excitedly: ―I didn‘t expect it today. It‘s fate to be able to get acquainted with the descendants of the Wade family!

After that, he looked at Charlie and said sincerely: ―Brother, there is an old saying in China that you don‘t get acquainted with each other. If you use it on you and me, it would be appropriate. If you Don‘t dislike it, from now on, you and I will be friends!

Charlie nodded and said seriously: ―Since my brother said so, we will be friends from now on!‖

Hamid laughed and blurted out: Brother, I know that you came to rescue this lady so far.

If you want to come, she must be very important to you, then I won‘t be here to waste time with you, you and I will keep in touch with each other, and then I personally take you away by helicopter according to your request. If you have the opportunity in the future, you will come to Syria as a guest again. Then I will – I will treat you well!

Seeing that he is indeed sincere, Charlie said without hesitation:‖ No problem! If my brother comes to China in the future, he will contact me as soon as possible, and he will be given the best hospitality!

As he said, the boy of Chinese origin cried and said, ―Master Wade, you are a trillion dollar family man. do not keep a grudge on us and leave us behind. My family took pains to brought me up, and it was not easy, give me a chance to save my life, and I kowtow to you!‖

When he finished, in spite of his hands still being tied up behind him, he was struggling desperately to kneel and kowtow.

Charlie said with an indifferent expression at this time: ―Okay, no need to act here, no matter what you say, I will not take you away.

After saying this, he looked at Melba and said lightly: ―Miss Watt, let‘s go.‖ When the Chinese boy heard this, he looked at Melba savagely, and blurted out, ―Melba! I came here just for you. Do you have the heart to leave me here alone?! Do you still have the slightest humanity?!‖

The other two girls also choked and said, ―Melba, everyone is a good friend, how can you leave us at this time. If you leave us, we‘re dead.

Indian boys also cried and said, ―Melba, I don‘t want to die. My parents saved a lifetime of money for me to finish studying. I can‘t just die here.

Melba silently in this place suddenly burst into tears, and she looked at Charlie with extremely pitiful eyes, and her beautiful eyes were full of pleading.

Charlie said coldly at this time: ―Don‘t worry, the Marines will come to rescue you.‖

After finishing speaking, he looked at Melba and reminded loudly: ―It‘s time to go, Miss Watt!‖

Chapter 2677

Hearing this, Melba was at a loss.

She could see that Charlie was not joking.

So she didn‘t know what she should do if Charlie really didn‘t want to take away her companions.

She did not expect that her group of friends would be so anti-intellectual. They had already offended Charlie to death before he revealed their identity. Now no matter how they plead with Charlie, it is reasonable for Charlie not to save them.

Although she wanted to leave and go to Aurous Hill to reunite with her father, she really couldn‘t bear to leave so many friends behind and escape alone.

At a certain moment, Melba even thought about not leaving, and just staying to live or die with these friends, so that even if facing the worst result, she can have a clear conscience.

Otherwise, if she was left alone and seven of them died here, then she would not be able to get rid of the guilt deep in her heart in this life.

Charlie didn‘t expect that these anti-intellectual talents with high academic qualifications are now desperately trying to get Melba into the water.

They used all kinds of methods to repeatedly stimulate Melba‘s psychological defense by insulting, reprimanding, begging, or selling miserably, with only two purposes: either, let Melba take them together or let her stay too and die with them!

Charlie couldn‘t help looking at her. Seeing that her expression was very tangled, she even had some signs of a strong man breaking her wrist, and he immediately said inwardly that it was not good!

Young people are most likely to have the so-called loyalty and affection. A condemned prisoner who was unwilling to betray his friend for the so-called friend‘s death felt that he was out of loyalty when he died, but he did not know that the other party only regarded him as a scapegoat.

Therefore, Charlie didn‘t give Melba a chance to react. He opened the door and said to Faisal outside: ―Come and take Miss Watt out!


Faisal, who had just brought four other people under the control of Hamid‘s two guards, agreed without hesitation, and immediately walked to Melba, and said coldly: ―Miss Watt, please come with me!

Melba was still a little vacillating, but when Charlie asked Faisal to take her out forcibly, she immediately aroused her sense of resistance. She almost immediately blurted out: 

―I‘m not going! I‘m not going! I‘m going to stay. Stay with my friends!

As soon as Melba said this, the expressions of the other seven people instantly eased a little, and some even showed a hint of excitement unintentionally.

Charlie had a panoramic view of the performance of these people and had no hope for the humanity and character of these people.

At a critical juncture, I don‘t have the opportunity to escape, I don‘t want my companions to escape, and I want them to stay and die with me. This is the dirtiest aspect of human nature.

So, Charlie immediately ordered Faisal and said: ―Blocked her mouth, take her out!‖

Melba Hearing this, the mood got more excited, and shouted: ―Do not touch me I do not go to the finish, She looked at Charlie and shouted: ―Mr. Wade, please tell my dad that I can‘t honor his wish, let him not blame me! I am in Syria with my friends, if I leave alone, I will never forgive myself in my life!

Charlie frowned and looked at her, and asked, ―Your brain is also infected by these seven stupid birds?!‖

―I didn‘t!‖ Melba said loudly: ―I have been deliberated! I am willing to bear all the consequences, and I will never regret it!

Charlie‘s head is big, pointing at her, and sternly shouted: ―You shut up! Before I came, your life was owned by you and it was okay, but since I‘m here, you can only live! Even if you want to die, I won‘t let you die!

Chapter 2678

Melba asked, ―Why! I have the right to choose not to let you take me away!‖

Charlie pointed to Hamid and asked, ―Why didn‘t you say this to him when they kidnapped you?‖

Melba suddenly questioned person was speechless and hesitated, ―

Charlie said coldly: ―Don‘t you, I‘m too lazy to talk nonsense with you, today you have to go, even if you don‘t, you have to go, if really want to die here. After I return to China and Aurous Hill, you can come back again after I hand you over to your father safely. At that time, whether you want to die or live has nothing to do with me.

Melba subconsciously said: ―But I don‘t want to go back!

Charlie coldly snorted: ―You don‘t want to? You don‘t want too much, you don‘t want to go, I want to take you away!

After that, he told Faisal: ―Shut her mouth, I don‘t want to listen to her now!‖

Faisal immediately picked up the headgear Melba wore before from the ground, twisted it into a cylindrical shape in the palm of his hand, and stuffed it directly in Melba‘s mouth.

Melba was gagged at once, and couldn‘t say a word right away. She could only hum desperately while staring at Charlie with teary eyes.

Charlie didn‘t look at her, and directly waved to Faisal: ―Take her out!‖

Faisal immediately took Melba to the room outside.

The seven people in the room saw Melba being taken away, and their faces reappeared with anger and unwillingness.

Charlie looked at them and said blankly: ―No matter how long you seven can live, I hope you remember the words, the right path in the world is the vicissitudes of life! Like you, narrow-minded and short-sighted, courageous rats, even It doesn‘t make any sense to read more books! People like yours, no matter how much gold is plated, can‘t hide the stench on your body! After all, he looked at Hamid and said: Commander Hamid, take your hard work and send us away.‖

Without saying anything, Hamid immediately made a gesture of asking, and said, ―Brother, please!

Charlie nodded and went out of the room with Hamid, and then the iron door was locked again. No matter how the seven people wailed, Charlie didn‘t have any pity in his heart.

Afterward, Hamid also obeyed the agreement and used the walkie-talkie to issue orders to his men to unload all the ammunition of one of the armed helicopters. Then he evacuated all the guards in the yard above his head, and then let his most trusted pilot fly the helicopter to land in the yard.

After all this, Hamid said to Charlie: ―Brother, the plane is ready and Okay, let‘s go up now. ―

Charlie nodded and said to Faisal, ―You guys continue to stay here.‖

All people said without hesitation: ―Yes!

Charlie pulled Melba, whose hands tied behind her, and said to Hamid: ―The three of us will go up.

Melba was speechless and could only cry, Hamid took the initiative to take out his gun and threw it on the ground, and said to Charlie: ―Brother, let me go ahead. You have a gun in your hand and my legs. There is a disability again, you don‘t have to worry that I will run away.‖

Charlie admired Hamid‘s character more a bit, nodded slightly, and said, ―Brother Please!

Chapter 2679

Seeing Hamid limping and walking up the stairs, Charlie was somewhat curious, so he casually asked: ―Brother, your leg is injured?

Hamid turned back and then looked back at him. He sighed:

―My left leg was once seriously injured in a battle. It was hit by fragments from a bomb explosion. At that time, there was almost only one way to amputation, but fortunately, I tried my best to save it but this leg has also suffered irreversible damage, so after recovery, the muscles were severely atrophied, and the function is also severely degraded, so here I am lame, and couldn‘t help feeling: ―In a place like Syria, the difficulty for a lame commander are really hard to describe in a word!

Although being lame is not a serious disability, Hamid is the highest-ranking commander of an armed force after all. His lame leg has a great influence on his personal image and prestige.

The biggest impact is that his self-confidence has been frustrated a lot. At one time, Hamid was also an ambitious general, eager to make a difference in the chaotic war, and even hoped to become the whole opposition faction‘s supreme commander.

However, since his lameness, his influence has dropped a lot, and his self-confidence has also been hit.

Originally, his team had nearly 10,000 people, which is considered to be relatively strong in the opposition. Once, several confidants saw that his legs were lame and his self confidence was seriously damaged. They took the opportunity to instigate some of his subordinates to stand on their own, causing his strength to drop suddenly.

Sometimes the reality is so cruel, when a person has enough majesty When intimidating his subordinates, his subordinates will appear as meek as a cat and loyal like a dog.

However, once the person‘s own strength declines and his body degrades, his subordinates will develop a tiger-wolf heart.

Self-reliance is already considered more moral. Those who have no ethics will even take the opportunity to get rid of their boss and replace him. Such things have indeed been common since ancient times.

Zhao Kuangyin originally inspected the front of the palace of the Hou Zhou. After the death of Zhou Shizong, he had just passed the throne to his seven-year-old son, Emperor Zhou Gong. As a result, Zhao Kuangyin turned his face and launched mutiny, and seized the young lord.

Similar things are countless in history.

The same goes for Hamid in Syria.

The economic development of this kind of place is very backward, and it is mountainous, and the degree of motorization of the army is very low. Most of the time, it depends on the legs and feet and transport animals like donkeys, mules, and horses.

In this case, Hamid‘s physical disability is infinitely magnified.

When soldiers are fighting in the mountains, he can‘t go to the front to cheer the soldiers up; when the troops start to maneuver in the mountains, he can‘t participate with them.

The soldiers of the opposition were born recklessly, and they needed the commander to take the lead or integrate into it, but Hamid‘s legs became a huge shortcoming.

Hamid at this moment limped out of the cellar, followed by Charlie and Melba.

After coming out, they saw an armed helicopter parked in the yard, and all the armed personnel had been evacuated.

The weapons and ammunition originally suspended under the helicopter and on both sides have basically been disassembled, and all the ammunition has been removed from the cannon, which is the main firepower.

The reason why Charlie asked them to remove all the ammunition was to ensure that Hamid would not suddenly repent after arriving at the meeting place.

After all, the Wade family arranged for civilian planes, and they would definitely be civilian helicopters when they come to pick them up. In front of the armed helicopters, the civilian helicopters were paper-sticky, and the machine guns would suddenly smash them into a sieve.

At this moment, there was a pilot standing next to the helicopter. He saw Hamid coming out with two strangers, Charlie and Melba, and suddenly felt a little bad, and subconsciously wanted to touch the pilot gun on his waist.

Hamid said immediately: ―Throw the gun away, these two are my friends!‖

As soon as the pilot heard this, although he had doubts in his heart, he did not dare to make a mistake, and immediately threw the gun on the ground. 

Hamid again ordered: ―Hurry up and start the helicopter! The pilot hurriedly climbed up the cockpit to start the propellers, Hamid sat in the cabin with Charlie and Melba.

After entering the cabin, Charlie recalled, Vasily told him to pressed the emergency call button on his watch.

Syria‘s infrastructure itself is very poor, and the wars are messed up. There is almost no communication signal except for the city, so even international roaming mobile phones are not served here. The only communication medium is satellite.

Fortunately, this watch specially equipped for paratroopers has the function of satellite communication.

Charlie heard Chester‘s voice as soon as the phone was connected: ―Master, is everything going well with you?‖

Charlie replied: ―Everything went well, and it was earlier than originally planned. Now you arrange the helicopter to the scheduled location. I will be there in about 15 minutes.

Chester said dumbfounded: ―Master, how can you be there so quickly?‖

Charlie said with a smile, ―The opposition commander Hamid personally arranged for a helicopter to take us over.

Chester-Hearing these words, suddenly realized that Charlie must have controlled Hamid, and the whole person was so shocked that there was nothing to add, so that he didn‘t know how to reply to Charlie for a while.

Issac on the side hurriedly asked him: ―Mr. Chester, how long will it take for us to fly over now?

Chester came back to his senses and blurted out: ―I will prepare the helicopter now. Let‘s set off in five minutes. It is estimated that it will take about forty minutes. ―‗Okay.‖ 

Charlie said: ―Then I‘ll wait for you at the scheduled location.‖

Chester said hurriedly: ―OK master, let‘s set off now!

After hanging up the phone, Charlie told Hamid the GPS coordinates of the destination and asked him to tell the pilot. 

After the pilot set the coordinates, Hamid said to Charlie:

―Brother Wade, the pilot is ready. We can take off, everything is under your command.

Charlie nodded and said, ―Then let the pilot take off. ―


Hamid immediately used the walkie-talkie on his head to order the pilot to take off.

Chapter 2680

The helicopter immediately began to ascend, and then moved towards the coordinates agreed by Charlie and Chester.

In the mountains of dozens of kilometers, ordinary people may not be able to walk in a day, but the helicopter only needs ten minutes.

Soon, the helicopter arrived at the coordinated location. This is a relatively gentle mountain top. The altitude is not high and the terrain is not steep. However, there are no roads within a few kilometers, so there are hardly any people.

After the helicopter landed on the top of the mountain, Charlie said to Hamid: ―Brother, you have to wait a while here. When the plane to pick me up arrives, you will leave.

Hamid said without hesitation: ―It should be, so it‘s more at ease for you!

After that, he ordered the pilot: ―Turn off the engine and lights, we will wait here for a while! The pilot immediately did it.

When the chopper engine stopped spinning At that time, the surrounding area suddenly became quiet, and as soon as it calmed down, you could hear Melba‘s sobbing. At this time, she had no idea how many tears she shed.

 Charlie reached out and took off the headgear in her mouth, and Melba said The first sentence is: ―You send me back! Or you go by yourself, let them take me back again!‖

Charlie said mockingly: ―Your dad told me you are a very smart person. You yourself are also a very good business and management talent, but I really didn‘t expect you to be so stupid.‖

Melba pleaded: ―You don‘t understand, if I just leave, this will be my life-long demon, a lifelong nightmare, I beg you to let me go back, if my friends are dead, only me living alone, I will be tortured and tortured throughout my life. Instead of this, it is better to let me stay with them.

Charlie then realizes that Melba‘s mentality may not be stupid, but her own character.

Most people can forgive themselves easily, but some people don‘t. Not only do they won‘t forgive themselves easily, but they will suffer for the rest of their lives.

If the seven people really died like this, Melba might really be unable to forgive herself. 

If things go on like this, she might fall into extreme depression until she can‘t bear it and end her life.

Thinking of this, Charlie asked her back: ―As long as your friends survive, you can pass this hurdle in your heart?‖

Melba nodded gently, and asked: ―Can you save them?

Charlie returned to Hamid, he said: ―Brother, let me be honest, even if you kill all of those seven people, the White House will not give you a cent.

Hamid also realized it, nodded, and said: ―Indeed, they didn‘t mean to give money at all, and they have already blocked this news in the Western world. Even if I kill them all, the Western media will not report it, and people there would not know about them.‖

When it comes to this, he sighed and gritted his teeth and said: ―Okay, if you need it, I will let them go, or send another helicopter to bring them over.

Melba suddenly looked surprised.

But at this time, Charlie immediately waved his hand and said: No, I just need them to survive, I don‘t want to take them away.‖

Hamid asked hurriedly, ― My brother, what do you mean?

Charlie said: ―Well, don‘t kill them, leave them as laborers, do things like doing chores, cooking, digging trenches, and transporting goods in your army. I believe they are still capable of doing this. Leaving them for their lives and letting them stay in Syria to do things for you for the rest of their lives can be considered as if you did not tie them back in vain.

Hamid immediately understood what Charlie meant.

He knew that Charlie didn‘t want to save those guys either, just because of Melba‘s face, he wanted to save their lives.

So he immediately agreed and said: ―Since my brother said so, don‘t worry, I will make good use of them, give them a bite of food, let them survive, and honestly treat them as a coolie.‖ 

Charlie nodded and asked Melba: ―They won‘t be killed. Are you satisfied?‖

Melba asked angrily: ―You can obviously take them away. Why do you want to do this? 

Charlie also asked her, ―Joke, I spared their dog lives, and I have given you enough face, why should I save them?‖

Melba couldn‘t help but said: ―Obviously, they can be free again as long as you say a word, but why are you unwilling to help them?!

―Help them?‖ Charlie sneered and asked her: ―Why? There are millions of refugees in Syria and more than 700 million people in Europe. It is obvious that as long as everyone in Europe donates a fist-sliced bread a day, they can completely feed them. Let them eat white bread and get fat, but why do these refugees still have no place to eat?‖

After speaking, Charlie asked: ―Africa has 400 million extremely poor people, and the population of developed countries in the world adds up. Nearly one billion, obviously as long as people in these developed countries, as long as every two people in developed countries feed an African, there will be no more extremely poor people in Africa, but why don‘t they do this?‖

Melba was suddenly caught by the question and was speechless, her face flushed, but she couldn‘t find a suitable reason to refute it.

Charlie asked in a cold voice at this time: ―You always think it‘s easy for me to save them with a word, and you think I must save. This in itself is a brainless paradox! Bill Gates is so rich, and it is easy to spend 10 billion US dollars. Why don‘t you let him pay a ransom of 70 million US dollars to rescue these seven compatriots?‖

Melba blurted out ―You are secretly changing the concept!‖

Charlie sneered, ―Secretly changing the concept?

―Okay, I ask you, one of them is my relative?

―I will ask you again, seven of them among them , can one of them be my brothers? ―Of the seven of them, one of them is my friend?

‖ ―Of the seven of them, one of them is my compatriot?‖

―It‘s not my relatives, my brothers, my friends, my compatriots!‖

If I help someone who is not related to me, it is a sentiment; if I don‘t help him, it is a duty!

―Even if I can help them with just one sentence, I can rely on! What! What! Want! Help!

Chapter 2681

Charlie‘s words left Melba completely speechless.

She finally knew that she was the biggest difference from Charlie.

She thinks human nature is too simple, and the world rules are too ideal.

But Charlie had already seen this through.

Helping others is really simple, but there must be a suitable reason.

Otherwise, even if the food wasted every day in developed countries is enough to feed all of Africa, Africa will still go hungry.

The reason is, why ask the billion people in developed countries to save the wasted food and send it to Africa?

It‘s very simple to waste it. If you don‘t want to eat, you can‘t eat it, just throw it in the trash can.

Why ask others to give this wasted food to Africans? It doesn‘t make sense!

The top 100 richest people in the world have money that can‘t be spent in a lifetime, but every day in the world, there are people who starve to death because they can‘t eat. The reason why people in the world are still starving to death is to kidnap these rich men morally?

The same is not justified.

The same goes for her seven companions.

What they did was nothing worth saving for Charlie.

Charlie asked Hamid to keep them alive, which was regarded as benevolence, and even their savior.

In this case, what about Charlie?

After understanding this, she slowly lowered her head and stopped talking.

She felt that she was a bit too emotional just now.

Instead of thanking Charlie for life-saving, she complained about his typical resentment.

Seeing that she finally stopped, Charlie‘s mood eased slightly.

Hamid on the side seemed a little unhappy seeing Charlie, and he persuaded him:

―Brother, Miss Watt may still be too young to see the sinister world, so some of the remarks are indeed a bit naive to us, but don‘t go too far in your heart . 

Charlie nodded and said lightly: ―My brother is right, but anyone who has seen a sinister world will never go to such a ghostly place to make a documentary.‖

Hamid was very endorsed exclaimed:‖ To tell the truth, I did not understand what this group of young people think they are all Americans and come to Syria to shoot some anti-war documentary, but They didn‘t even realize that the entire Middle East region has become like a lawless land today, and it is the United States that has been behind it!

―If they weren‘t here to stir up, we don‘t know how easy it would be!

Chapter 2682

―However, they sent troops to stir up a deal when we were all right. Even when they couldn‘t get their hands free, they didn‘t let us go. Instead, they secretly supported inciting one force to target another force, which in turn triggered our civil war.

―The result? Their group of young people came all the way to criticize us for fighting in the civil war. Can we say that their brains were eaten by dogs?

Hamid‘s words-out, Melba was even more ashamed to not lookup.

In fact, although their so-called elites are highly educated, they are essentially a generation brainwashed by Western media.

They always feel that everything about Westerners is the truth, while other places except the West are backward.

They are in the West every day and they see how other countries fall behind, how turbulent, and how the people are not living the ideal way, so they can‘t help but develop a sense of being the masters of the world.

As a result, they began to travel to various third-world countries, trying to change the entire third world on their own.

But they often overlook the most important point. Some third-world countries are not doing things themselves, but the proud United States is behind them.

Therefore, this behavior of them feels like they are standing on the moral commanding heights and is extremely noble, but it is actually very stupid in nature.

Seeing Melba lowering her head deeply, Charlie smiled and said to Hamid: ―They did this as if his father took away other people‘s clothes. Not only did they not know, but they also ran away. In the past, righteous words told people that you must be a civilized person in a civilized society, and you must not be as ridiculous as you are n@ked.

Hamid gave a thumbs up and said in admiration: ―Brother, the summary is brilliant!

Charlie smiled. Said: ―It can‘t be said to be incisive. It can only be said that the higher education in the countries is too brainwashed. This large group of doctors and postdocs can‘t even understand the basic international situation.‖

Hamid said with emotion: ―It‘s still a brother, you see. Must be thorough.‖

Charlie looked at the time. It was estimated that it would take about 20 minutes before Chester and the others arrive. He saw Hamid standing on the ground. His left leg with muscle atrophy needed to stand on a rock ten centimeters high. Being able to maintain the balance between the left and right sides of the body, he couldn‘t help but think to himself: 

―This Hamid is not a bad person, and he can be regarded as very moral, but he is quite good to me. Then think of him limping-one There must be many inconveniences and constraints on the leg in a war-torn place like Syria, so an idea came to him. 

So, he smiled and asked Hamid: ―Brother, have you ever thought of putting your left leg healed?

Hamid smiled bitterly: ―Of course I thought about it, and I can use all the methods I can. 

In order to cure this leg, I have been to Germany, the United States, and Japan in another identity. I spent tens of millions of dollars on seeking medical treatment, but I still can‘t cure my leg.

When it comes to this, Hamid sighed: ―Hey! If I didn‘t achieve great cause, I became a lame man. This is really me. A lifetime regret.‖ 

Charlie said with a smile: ―It‘s not as serious as the biggest regret in a lifetime. It doesn‘t matter if the leg is lame, it can be cured!

 Hamid said helplessly: ―It can be cured, of course, I don‘t say these words. But the best orthopedic surgeon in the world told me personally that it would be impossible to cure it, so I didn‘t have any hope. Maybe this is the destiny arranged for me by God, and it is destined that I cannot achieve great cause.‖

Charlie smiled, looking at him with an unfathomable expression, and asked: ―If I say that I can cure your legs, would you believe it?

―I don‘t believe it!‖ Hamid shook his head subconsciously.

But, in the next second, he suddenly realized something, and blurted out: ―Brother, are you kidding me, or do you really have a way?!‖

Charlie smiled: ―Then I, your brother worthy of you, what about me? Would I make a joke about your regret?‖

Hamid said excitedly: ―Then what you mean is that you really have a way to heal my legs?!

Having said this, Hamid did not hesitate to kneel on one knee, moping on top of his head, and respectfully said: ―My brother! If you really have a way, please tell me the way, if my legs can really recover. , I will remember your kindness for the rest of my life!‖

Charlie nodded, and took out a pill from his pocket. This is not a rejuvenation pill, but the previously refined blood-saving heart-saving pill.

This medicine was used to cure Jacob, who had high paraplegia. Although it could not extend Hamid‘s life span by more than ten or twenty years, it would not be a problem to cure his legs!

Chapter 2683

For Charlie, the Rejuvenation Pill is still of some value, but the cost of this blood-saving heart-saving pill is really low to negligible.

And this kind of pill is nothing to him now. Actually useful. The reason why he still carries it with him is to deal with some special circumstances.

For example, now this blood-saving heart-saving pill comes in handy.

Hamid‘s left leg is the biggest regret in his life. In his opinion, it is impossible to cure it, but for Charlie‘s blood-saving heart-saving pill, even if his legs are lame, One can be cured.

Therefore, Charlie first handed the pill to Hamid, and said with a slight smile: ―Brother, my magic pill is made by ancient Chinese genius doctors. It can cure all diseases and is invaluable. I originally spent a lot of money. I bought it and carry it with me at all times, just in case and life-saving in an emergency.

He said, he sighed with emotion, and said, ―But since you need it more than me this magical medicine, then I will give it to you today!

Hamid hearing this, was flattered on the one hand, and inevitably asked in amazement:

―My brother, you mean my lame leg. Can it be cured as long as I take this pill?!

Charlie nodded, and said in a very sure tone: ―Yes, as long as you take it, it will be effective on the spot.

After speaking, he pointed to the surrounding environment and smiled: ―As long as you take this medicine, you will definitely run more flexibly than a rabbit on this mountain in a minute.

Hamid heard him say that. He can‘t believe it.

Because he really spent a lot of energy, money, and material resources in order to heal his leg.

He has basically seen the world‘s top orthopedics experts once.

The more experts he has seen, the more he believes one thing is that his leg will never be healed. But right now Charlie handed him a black pill, saying this— pill can cure him.

His lame leg has subverted his understanding of medicine.

So, he asked in disbelief: ―What you said is true?

Charlie smiled and said: ―Is it true or not? Wouldn‘t you know if you eat it? Besides, you don‘t have to worry that I will harm you because If I want to kill you, it‘s much more convenient to use a gun than poison.‖

Hamid nodded, he didn‘t worry that Charlie would harm him at all. In troubled times, he was very convinced that Charlie would beat him up for so many years with his own vision and judgment.

So, he turned his mind, took the pill, and said, ―Brother, no matter if this medicine is effective or not, thank you first! No matter how much you spend on this pill, I will double it, oh no, give you ten times!

Then he immediately put the pill in his mouth, chewing the pill, he had not just got the time to swallow the pill immediately turned into a sweet syrup flowing into his body.

Right then, he felt the potion, like a sweet spring flowing through the dry land. It seemed to nourish the organs wherever it went from the moment it entered his mouth.

Then, something more magical happened!

He felt the power of the medicine, it seemed like Someone directed it directly to his left leg!

He felt that his left leg was getting hotter and more itchy, as if he had been bitten by countless mosquitoes. When he was very itchy, he suddenly realized that The muscles of his left leg that had been atrophied began to rejuvenate.

Originally, his left leg was not only suffering from muscle atrophy and lameness, but more importantly, because of the injury, so the whole limb basically was unable to exert much strength. But now is not the same.

He can feel the power of the left leg is recovering fast!

He tried to stand up, and had a very hard left leg, even in an instant burst of strong power, let him All of a sudden, he changed from a kneeling posture to a fully standing position.

What‘s more amazing is that his standing posture is no longer tilting his body to the left, but he is standing completely straight!

Chapter 2684

Hamid was so shocked that he couldn‘t speak. He carefully touched his left leg for a long time, and then touched his right leg for a long time. Only then was he surprised to find that his two legs were exactly the same. It was thick and the same length!

Soon, he lifted his left leg with excitement, and found that the flexibility of his left leg was even better than before he was injured! Then he tried to jump in place a few more times, he even found that he was as light as a swallow, not only his legs were intact, but there was also unending strength in his body.

At this moment, Hamid thought he had a dream!

He pinched his thigh forcefully, only to realize that the pain came so directly and simply!

This made him realize that the scene before him was not a dream!

He was so excited that he was almost incoherent: ―my legs are really good my legs my legs really all right really restored my legs as ever!!!

He shouted out that voice even before has been low with Melba, who dared not make any response, also looked at him subconsciously.

Melba could not imagine that Charlie could really cure Hamid‘s whole world with a pill that seemed ordinary. Top orthopedic doctors can‘t cure a disabled left leg.

But, the reality is like this!

Charlie looked at Hamid who was excited and intolerable, and said with a smile: ―Brother, come on, take two steps with no illness!

Hamid does not Hesitantly nodded his head: ―Okay! Taking two steps!‖ After that, he took a step on the rock pile on the top of the mountain.

This step was fast, steady, and easy!

Hamid took another step immediately, and it was also easy, and the body did not even have to change.

These two steps gave Hamid great confidence. He suddenly accelerated, and with a hard kick on his left leg, the whole person had already jumped out!

Ever since, a mad figure like a neurosis ran around in a circle on the top of this dim mountain.

While running, he was yelling in excitement, loud yelling, and loud laughter, reverberating in the surrounding valleys without people.

Fortunately, there is no man‘s land with a radius of more than ten or twenty kilometers.

Otherwise, ordinary people will really be scared out of good or bad.

Hamid can‘t care about this anymore.

He felt like he was running n@ked in a sudden heavy rain in the scorching summer heat.

The unrestrained feeling made him burst into tears involuntarily.

After running for several laps and shouting for several, Hamid strode to Charlie, grabbed Charlie‘s hand, almost mad with excitement, and at the same time said with 10,000 pious gratitude: ―Brother! My leg is all healed! Completely healed! You are really my reborn parent! You are a healer, and this healthy leg is equivalent to giving me a second life!

After that, he hurriedly asked: ―Brother, this How much did the medicine cost? I must give you ten times!‖

Charlie smiled indifferently and said seriously: ―It‘s all between brothers. If you talk about the money, you will be out of the question, and if you are not humble, you really want to give me ten times, old Brother, you may not be able to afford it. As far as I know, there is a miraculous drug that is slightly stronger than it, and it was sold at a skyhigh price of 2 billion yuan. If you really give me ten times, I am afraid that your army will have to sell iron.

Hamid‘s face was hot for a while, and he said embarrassingly: ―Brother, it‘s your brother I‘m abrupt. Such a magical medicine is not expensive to sell even for 100 million US dollars! It‘s just that brother, I‘m really short of funds now. I will pay you ten million dollars, and I will slowly give you the rest!‖

Charlie waved his hand and said calmly, ―Brother, since you and I are worthy of calling each other brothers, then this medicine is my gift to you. Don‘t be so polite with me, but if I need help from my brother in the future, don‘t forget me.

Chapter 2685

To Charlie, a blood-relief heart-saving pill was really nothing.

If he wants to mass-produce this kind of thing, he dare not say that he can directly put it on the production line, but it is very easy to refine one hundred and eighty, or even three or two hundred in a day.

The reason for playing so much is mainly to ensure that this thing is in the eyes of outsiders a very valuable pill.

Therefore, giving Hamid a pill at hand is almost equivalent to a fruit farmer who owns 10,000 acres of orchard and giving someone an apple at hand which is not worth mentioning.

However, this thing is of great significance to Hamid.

In a peaceful world where there is no war, a person with a disabled leg will have many inconveniences. He will even regard recovery as the greatest wish of life.

What‘s more, Hamid is a general who seeks to survive in the war.

Charlie cured his leg today, which is equivalent to saving his life.

With a healthy body, Hamid can better lead soldiers to fight, and even lead the soldiers, so that soldiers can maintain obedience.

Therefore, he excitedly said to Charlie: ―Brother! You are my greatest benefactor in this life besides my parents! In the future, as long as you need my help, your brother will die for you!‖

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: ―With the words of my brother, my magic medicine is in vain.‖

Hamid said seriously: ―Since my leg was scrapped, the team has dropped from more than 10,000 to 2,000. At that time, I actually didn‘t have the fighting spirit I had before.

It‘s okay to come down. In the future, choosing a reliable force to rely on in the past can be considered as a guarantee…‖

Having said this, Hamid was melancholic, suddenly a bit more fierce in his eyes.

His voice became unusually firm, and he shouted loudly: ―But! Now that God has given me this opportunity, let me meet my brother, you noble, and let my brother heal my leg!

Then I Hamid, from now on At the beginning, I must not sink into the same way as before! I must go all out to re-make the team bigger and stronger. Perhaps one day, I can also become a real prince and general!‖

After that, he looked at Charlie and said sincerely: ―Brother! If the day I really become a prince, brother, when I am crowned, my brother must come to witness for me!‖

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: ―I think you have the fate of being rich and wealthy. I think it won‘t be long before you can wait until this day.‖

Hamid laughed, stretched out his hand to Charlie, and said excitedly: ―Brother, then I will lend you good words!‖

Charlie smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and shook his hand firmly, and said, ―In addition to fighting wars, you need to be more economically savvy. In this society, the economic foundation determines the superstructure. As long as you have enough funds, Don‘t talk about 10,000 people at the bottom, even if there are 100,000 or 1 million people, it is not a problem at all.‖

Hamid said seriously: ―My brother is right. From now on, I will have to use 120% of the fighting spirit to regain the size of the team!‖

While talking, the sound of a helicopter roared from a distance.

In mid-air dozens of kilometers away, two bright lights approached quickly.

Hamid knew that this was the helicopter that came to pick up Charlie, so he said with a bit of sorrow: ―Brother, you are going away too hastily. I‘m really ashamed of myself being a landlord and not being able to entertain you!‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―It doesn‘t matter, there will be opportunities in the future.‖

After speaking, Charlie remembered something and then said: ―By the way, Faisal and the others, it‘s not that they really betrayed you, but I used some tricks to add some psychological hint to them subconsciously. So after you go back, don‘t embarrass them because you are angry, just don‘t let them take up important positions for the time being.‖

Hamid suddenly realized that he nodded and said, ―No wonder they listened to your command one by one, it turned out to be like this…‖

Having said that, he immediately assured Charlie: ―Don‘t worry, my brother, I will definitely not embarrass them, and for the seven hostages, I will keep them alive as you said.‖

Chapter 2686

Charlie clasped his fists: ―Then thank you, brother.‖

Soon, a heavy civilian helicopter landed slowly on the top of the mountain.

The plane still didn‘t land completely, Chester and Issac jumped down from left to right, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked, ―Master, are you all right?‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―Do I stand here as if something has happened?‖

After speaking, Charlie pointed to Hamid and said to the two of them: ―Come on, let me introduce you to him. This is Commander Hamid, the highest commander of this opposition army. He has studied in China. His Chinese is very good.‖

The two of them shrank, and hurriedly said in unison: ―Hello, Commander Hamid!‖

Hamid greeted them politely.

Charlie looked at the time and said, ―Brother, it‘s late, I have to fly back to China, so I won‘t engage you more, let‘s talk about it next time!‖

Hamid nodded, clasped his fist, and said, ―My brother, I don‘t want to thank you less.

Let‘s leave contact information for each other. I will give you my satellite phone number.

If you have anything, you can find me at any time.‖

Charlie said: ―Okay, let‘s leave each other‘s phone numbers. If you have anything, you can call directly.‖

After the two left each other‘s contact information, Charlie said to Melba: ―Okay, Miss Watt, let‘s go.‖

Melba then raised her head, nodding with an ashamed expression.

Charlie bid farewell to Hamid again, clasped his fist, and said, ―Brother, there will be a period later!‖

Hamid also said very religiously: ―There will be one Inshallah!‖

Afterwards, Charlie took Melba on the helicopter arranged by Chester.

Hamid didn‘t want to leave in a hurry but watched Charlie‘s helicopter take off until he was no longer visible. Then he sighed and stepped onto his plane.


In the helicopter returning to Lebanon, Chester, Issac, and Vasily looked at Charlie with shock.

Especially Chester, he originally thought that if Charlie went into Hamid‘s sphere of influence alone this time, 90% he would be taken prisoner, and he would definitely have to ask Wade Family back home to pay for the ransom.

In fact, after knowing these circumstances, Mr. Wade was already ready to spend money to redeem him. The company registered by the Wade family abroad has already prepared tens of millions of dollars in funds. As long as Hamid gave an account, he could immediately Hit the money.

But what Chester thought of was that Charlie not only rescued the person, but Hamid himself took him to the meeting place.

What made him even more incredible was that Hamid was calling him his brother and was very respectful to him.

Just when Chester was so shocked that he couldn‘t add anything, Charlie asked him: 

―Old man, is the Concorde airliner ready?‖

Chester came back to his senses and said hurriedly: ―Master, we are going back to the airport, it is ready, you can take off at any time.‖

Charlie nodded in satisfaction and said: ―Direct airport, transfer to Concorde and return home immediately after arriving!‖

Chapter 2687

The slender Concorde airliner took off from the Lebanese capital Beirut International Airport.

The plane soared into the sky and sailed towards China at the fastest speed.

On the plane, Melba sat in the window, staring out of the window in a daze.

Until now, she still feels that the experience of the past hour or so is like a dream.

However, she quietly looked at Charlie, who was sitting not far away with his eyes closed and rested, and she could clearly feel that all this was not a dream, but a real existence.

Thinking of Charlie going coming to Syria alone and saving her from the brink of death, Melba felt very guilty besides being grateful.

She felt that after so many years of reading and studying economics and finance for so many years, she was naive and could not even see through human nature.

At first, she was not ashamed of her abandoning her peers? But now that she thinks about it carefully, all her friends are really uneasy.

In their opinion, she would rather die with them by herself than have a chance at life.

Even they had the chance to live, but they were squandered unscrupulously.

As a result, they squandered their opportunities and started to feel extremely angry that why she had the opportunity to leave.

This kind of person made her fully appreciate the evil of human nature.

Thinking of this, she silently stood up from her seat, then paced to Charlie‘s side and sat down gently.

Charlie, who was closing his eyes and rested, felt a person sitting next to him. He opened his eyes and saw that it was Melba. He smiled and asked her, ―Why don‘t you take advantage of these few hours of flying time and take a good rest?‖

Melba said in embarrassment, ―I was very confused and couldn‘t sleep…‖

With that, she looked at Charlie and said in shame, ―Mr. Wade, I am really embarrassed today.‖

Charlie smiled slightly, ―Are you doing it for your friends?‖

―En…‖ Melba nodded slightly and said with emotion: ―I really didn‘t expect that they were all such people. You are right. I don‘t know enough about human nature. Maybe it‘s society. A lot of experience is still lacking.‖

Charlie smiled and said: ―The more lack of social experience, the more proof that you have been well protected since childhood. Many children in a few years and teenagers have a lot of social experience early on. This proves that The protection given to them by their native family is not enough.‖

After speaking, Charlie said again: ―Furthermore, this thing you experienced is indeed quite special. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a normal person to experience being kidnapped by the armed forces of another country. There are six to seven billion people in the world. Population, it is estimated that there are not even six or seven thousand people with this kind of experience. When converted, only one person in an average of 1 million people will have this kind of experience. So congratulations. After tonight, you are separate from 99.99% People who didn‘t have the opportunity to have practical experience, immediately left most of them behind.‖

Melba was even more ashamed and blushed and said, ―Don‘t make fun of me. I know I‘ve done this thing from start to finish.‖

Chapter 2688

Charlie agreed and said: ―If you ask me to make a pragmatic comment, your thing is really stupid. Anyway, it‘s right and not wrong, but you are in the wrong position. If you really want to prevent the world Wars, you should not propagate anti-war in Syria, but at the door of the White House in Washington, because your motherland is responsible for at least 50% of wars in modern society around the world.‖

Melba nodded lightly, and then hurriedly said: ―Mr. Wade, in fact, I want to say, I am not the kind of banana guy…‖

Charlie asked curiously, ―What is a banana man?‖

Melba hurriedly said: ―Banana people refer to Chinese people who were born and raised in the United States. They have the body and genes of a yellow race, but have the thinking and views of Western people.‖

Charlie asked with interest: ―Aren‘t you thinking like Western people?‖

Melba shook her head and said, ―Although I was born and raised in the United States, and I was also an American citizen, my parents taught me since I was a child that my roots are in China. Let me remember that wherever I go, it is China. Man‘s creed.‖

Charlie nodded lightly, and then asked, ―But I heard your dad say that you don‘t seem to want to return to China?‖

Melba explained: ―The main reason is that I have some communication problems with him. In fact, this problem has always been between father and daughter. When I was young, he was busy making money and flying all over the world. Fly away, seldom cared for me, and rarely allowed me to experience fatherly love, so the relationship between the two of us is relatively rigid. After my mother passed away, the relationship became more rigid, and I did not want to return to China, this opinion was just an excuse to reject him.‖

As she said, Melba sighed, and continued, ―Actually, I have thought about it myself. Even if I don‘t want to ease the relationship with him now, when he is really old, I will still find a step to take care of him. I always thought he was only in his fifties, and he hadn‘t reached the time when he has to relax…‖

Charlie nodded in understanding and said, ―If you think it is really difficult for the two of you to relax, it is actually unnecessary. You must go to Aurous Hill now. Your father‘s greatest hope is that you are safe. You still want some personal space, for the time being, I believe he can understand it too.‖

Melba blurted out, ―But I have promised you…‖

As she said, she realized something and said with shame: ―But I may find it difficult for myself to do your job now. After all, I made such a big mistake in judging the situation.

This proves that my ability and temperament are still not good. not enough……‖

Charlie waved his hand: ―This is not the same thing. If a person judges a wrong friend, it doesn‘t mean that he will make mistakes when he does other things. I have always believed that genius definitely does not follow the barrel effect.‖

―A person who is balanced in everything is not a talent, but a mediocrity!‖

―Only a person who is extremely strong in one aspect is a real talent!‖

―If you are someone who is very strong in certain aspects, then you are a genius!‖

After speaking, Charlie said seriously: ―You should have seen a lot of Hollywood inspirational movies. Some people seem to be fooled, but they are very talented in mathematics; some people know nothing, but they can play basketball superbly. ; Some people can‘t even speak well, but they are top physicists or astronomers;‖ 

―Even a top genius like Einstein couldn‘t do everything.‖

―So, for me, as long as you can do this business well, other shortcomings are not a problem in my eyes.‖

Melba nodded lightly and said seriously: ―Mr. Wade, as long as you are willing to give me a chance, I will definitely go all out and do my best to help you do this business!‖

Charlie said with a smile: ―That‘s great. In addition, I think you can relax with Uncle Watt when you go to Aurous Hill this time. He really cares about you very much. If it weren‘t for him, I wouldn‘t be able to come to Syria to rescue you.‖

Chapter 2689

When Charlie and Melba hurried back to Aurous Hill without stopping, Hamid also hurried back to the valley in northern Syria.

At this time, his subordinates were talking about it, and everyone didn‘t understand why Hamid had to send a hostage out suddenly.

Moreover, in addition to the woman hostage, there was another guy that everyone had never seen before. They didn‘t know where he came out from, and then he followed Hamid.

At any rate, it is also a heavily guarded military garrison. Someone unknown to anyone will appear inexplicably. This kind of weird and even strange thing happened here for the first time.

So after Hamid left, everyone couldn‘t wait to know what happened just now.

Hamid‘s deputy went to the cellar in person, looking for someone to ask what happened, but Faisal and others, who were loyal to Charlie, took advantage of the fact that the cellar had only a narrow entrance and an iron gate that was easy to defend and difficult to attack. They kept inside the iron gate, not allowing anyone to enter.

Hamid‘s deputy also didn‘t expect Faisal to betray, and in a hurry, he couldn‘t wait to explode with a bomb, but when he thought that there were seven hostages who might be exchanged for the ransom, he temporarily dismissed the idea.

However, he was also very clear in his heart that although the cellar was easy to defend and difficult to attack, the cellar itself was also a dead end, so as long as he held the exit, Faisal would surrender in no time.

As a result, he immediately deployed nearly a hundred additional armed forces in the yard, with all gunpoints aimed at the exit of the cellar, to ensure that anyone coming out of it would be beaten into a mess in an instant.

At this moment, the helicopter roared in the sky, making everyone nervous.

They recognized that this helicopter was the one that Commander Hamid had just taken.

But no one knows now whether Commander will step out of the chopper after it has landed.

The helicopter slowly declined, Hamid‘s deputy saw the helicopter to land in the yard, and immediately to the side of the soldiers told:! ―Get quickly out of the way, to make a helicopter landing space in the yard of the house, soldiers had packed quickly to The surroundings, leaving a large space for the helicopter to land.

Then, the helicopter fell slowly. After it landed, the door opened instantly, and Hamid jumped off the plane directly. Seeing such a situation, he couldn‘t help asking ―What are you all doing?‖ 

The deputy hurried forward and said: ―Commander! Where did you go?

Where are the two people you took just now?!‖

Hamid said calmly, ―Both of them are my friend. Don‘t ask more questions about it, you are my deputies and dare not ask anymore. 

They hurriedly said: ―Commander, Faisal, and the others have already rebelled! These guys are now in the cellar preparing to fight back! As long as you say something, I‘ll let people blow the iron door and rush in to catch them!‖

―No!‖ Hamid said immediately, ―I left Faisal underneath. Don‘t guess! After that, he immediately stepped towards the entrance of the cellar. At this time, the deputy suddenly recovered and exclaimed: ―Commander, what has happened to your leg?

Hamid smiled slightly and asked him: ―You want to ask what has happened to my leg. I am not lame, am I?‖ The deputy nodded lightly.

The surrounding soldiers also looked horrified. They also realized that Hamid‘s left leg has completely become normal, and everyone was extremely curious deep in their hearts, wondering what happened to him.

Hamid laughed: ―My benefactor gave me a magic pill, it cured my leg, from now on, I Hamid, is no longer a cripple!

Around the soldier can not help but be stunned!

A Magic medicine cured a lame leg that has been irreversibly damaged?!

Isn‘t this a foolish dream?

Chapter 2690

Although you don‘t read a lot of books, you still have basic common sense when you carry guns and fights every day. In Hamid‘s case, let alone in Syria, which lacks medicine and health facilities, even if you go to the most powerful developed country in the world. It is impossible to cure this.

However, the reality in front of them is right in front of them. The commander, who has been lame, is really walking fast!

Hamid naturally saw everyone‘s reaction in his eyes.

Although he was so excited that he almost wanted to shout, for his own image and to better control his team, he still resisted his inner excitement, pretending to be calm and striding forward, all the way into the cellar.

As soon as he entered the cellar, he said directly: ―Faisal, I have sent Mr. Wade and Miss Watt away, and Mr. Wade has also told me about your situation. Don‘t worry, I will assure you of my life. As long as you open the door, you won‘t be embarrassed. You can continue to return to your armored team, and the others are the same!

Faisal subconsciously said: ―It doesn‘t matter whether I live or die. The most important thing is that I must first Make sure that Mr. Wade has left safely! Otherwise, I will fight with you to the end!‖

Hamid was surprised in his heart and thought: ―Brother Wade‘s hypnosis method is really amazing! This man was his own. He didn‘t care about life and death, he just wanted to be loyal to Brother Wade. If I had this ability, I would not be able to unite the entire opposition camp?

After a while, Hamid said: ―Faisal, do you still doubt that I will do something unfavorable to brother Wade? You don‘t want to think, how could I be his opponent? What‘s more, why should I be against him? Do you know that Brother Wade is my benefactor and he healed my leg!‖

Faisal asked: ―You said Mr. Wade cured your leg?!

Hamid immediately said: ―Can I lie to you? If you don‘t believe me, open the door and have a look. Don‘t worry, I am the only one in the corridor.

After a while, the iron door opened a gap, and Faisal looked through the gap and found that there was indeed only Hamid in the entire corridor, and he was bare-handed and did not carry any weapons.

So Faisal breathed a sigh of relief and asked, ―What you just said is true?‖

Hamid raised his hands and walked down slowly, saying, ―Look for yourself, my legs aren‘t they all right?‖

Faisal was shocked, and because of psychological hints in his heart, his respect for Charlie burst out, sighing: ―In this world, I am afraid that only Mr. Wade can have this ability!‖

Hamid nodded and asked him: ―So you believe me?

Faisal said: ―I believe.

After speaking, he opened the door directly and said: ―Commander Hamid, I hope you can keep your promise.‖

Hamid solemnly said: ―Don‘t worry, I will do what I say! After that, he stepped into the cellar pointed to the iron door of the room inside, and said: ―Faisal, I know you are loyal to Brother Wade, but before Brother Wade does not come back, or give you any orders, I hope you can do well your original job.

Faisal nodded and said, ―No problem, Commander Hamid!‖

―Okay.‖ Hamid pointed to the door and ordered:

―Open the door inside.‖

Faisal did not talk nonsense, and immediately opened the iron door.

Hamid stepped forward, and the seven young people inside were so scared that they couldn‘t help but plead.

Hamid looked at these seven people and sneered: First of all, congratulations. I promised Brother Wade that I will not take your lives. Your lives are saved!

The seven people wept with joy when they heard this.

One man cried and asked: ―Commander, when can you let us go back?‖

―Go back?‖ Hamid waved his hand: ―No, no, no, no, no, seven of you will be slaves here, as long as you live, Just work here. If you die, you will be buried here. In this life, there is no chance to leave this place for you!‖

Chapter 2691

Hamid‘s words made these seven so-called princes of heaven struck by lightning, and felt that the whole world collapsed at this moment.

The purpose of their documentary filming in Syria is very different from that of Melba.

They don‘t really have the world in their hearts, and they don‘t really sympathize with the people suffering in the war. They just hope to give themselves a more powerful resume and let themselves get more growth capital in the hypocritical upper class in the West.

Later, when they got a part-time job in the upper-class society, at the high-end reception, everyone scrambled and exchanged cups. They would laugh and talk about the fact that they had made a documentary on the battlefield in Syria for the sake of anti-war. -Will surely trigger a large crowd of praise around.

At that time, it will not only make the head and boss have a better impression of them, but also make the dignitaries admire them. It is definitely a good qualification that can last a lifetime.

However, they never dreamed that they would come to Syria to brush a copy of their qualifications, and they would take them in for the rest of their lives! When they thought of staying in this ghost place all their lives as slaves in the future, these seven people, without exception, were all wailing.


When Hamid saw the seven people crying and crying, he asked coldly: ―Why cry? When you came to Syria, you never thought there would be such a day?!

Among the seven, one kid cried and said ―We just want to refresh our qualifications. I didn‘t expect it to be so dangerous. Commander Hamid, please let us go. We can also read and study. We can‘t do anything else. You can leave us seven. It‘s a cumbersome thing to keep us here!‖

Others also cried and pleaded.

For them, as long as there is a chance, they must fight for it with all their strength.

However, Hamid did not give them any hope at all, he said coldly: ―From tomorrow, all of you men will go to dig out the toilets, and all the women will go to herding cattle and sheep. You will work 16 hours a day. At that time, I will arrange for someone to follow you. If anyone dares to be lazy, I will fine him for three days. He/she in that case can‘t eat; if anyone wants to escape, I will break his legs and let him crawl to get to the toilet! The conditions in the village where Hamid is stationed are very difficult. 

There used to be an electricity supply, but since the beginning of the civil war, it has been unable to supply electricity. Here, there is no electricity, no communication, no running water, and no sewer.

Therefore, the people of the entire village, as well as the soldiers of Hamid, all settled in the dry toilet.

One to two thousand people have a very large amount of defecation every day. The soldiers originally took turns cleaning the toilets and transporting the filth out of the village, but no matter who was allowed to do this kind of thing, it was inevitable that there would be complaints.

Therefore, Hamid hardly thought about it and arranged these five men to clean the toilet and dump the filth. As long as the five men were squeezed to the extreme, his soldiers would no longer have to do such dirty work.

After listening to these five people, they almost have the desire to die.

Thinking of handling the feces of one or two thousand people every day and cleaning the toilets they used, these five people feel that their lives are all over.

Because Hamid said that they should stay here as slaves for a lifetime, and they will not be able to leave until they die. This means that as long as they are alive, they have only this job of cleaning the toilets and dumping filth every day. Repeatedly, without end.

Is there anything more tragic than this for a lifetime?

Several people couldn‘t help thinking of Charlie, and they hated him and regretted it in their hearts.

Chapter 2692

Knowing that Charlie had the ability to take them out, why bother to pretend to be something in front of him? If they were respectful to him just now, they might have followed Charlie to leave Syria, out of this hell.

Seeing that these people were about to collapse, Hamid was too lazy to look at them again and told the soldiers around him: ―Let them get up at 5:30 in the morning and start work at 6 after the meal, and take a half-hour break at 12 o‘clock in the afternoon.

Rest for half an hour at 6 o‘clock, and then work until 11 o‘clock in the evening. Do you understand?‖

Several of his men nodded immediately: ―Understand the commander!

After listening to the seven, they almost wanted to hit and die here.

Every day. Work for 16 hours, take three meals for another one and a half hours, and the rest time is only six and a half hours, which does not count as washing, dressing, going to the toilet, etc., so they can take five or six breaks a day Thank God for being young!

Although this group of people does not have a wealthy family background, at least their family conditions can be counted as petty bourgeoisie. They have never had any hardships since they were young, and they have not been tired. The high-intensity squeeze, just hearing it, was already scared to death.

However, Hamid had no mercy on them. After the order, he turned and left.

At the same time, in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, Chester was in the same distance as Zhongquan Wade, the old man of the Wade family, was connected. In the video call, Chester respectfully told how the Master parachuted alone to rescue Melba, and was sent out by Hamid himself, and reported to Zhongquan all about it.

After Zhongquan listened, the whole person was shocked. There is nothing to add.

He asked with a dull expression: ―Charlie really has such an ability?! A person parachuted to the opposition station alone, and he brought the person out safely?!

Chester respectfully said: ―Yes master, it is true! At that time, the height of the young master‘s parachuting was more than 5,000 meters, and the height of the parachute opening was much lower than the height of the safe level. Even the Russian special forces coach Vasily said that at that height to open the umbrella, people can never live, but I didn‘t expect that the young master would have no problem at all.

Zhongquan couldn‘t help but exclaimed: ―I‘ve heard people say that Charlie is a true dragon on earth by many people in Aurous Hill. I originally thought It‘s just an exaggeration. I didn‘t expect that he really has such a great ability!

Could Charlie practice martial arts? Chester seriously said: ―Master, I don‘t think even a master of martial arts, there is not necessarily such skill as the master has, ordinary people, will be crushed immediately under him in no time.

The height, for the young master, is completely easy! Zhongquan asked again: ―Then, do you know how he rescued Melba alone?! Oh, right, you just said that Hamid personally sent him to the rendezvous point with Melba to join you, I want to know, why did Hamid give Charlie respect so much?! Isn‘t he the commander of the armed forces? It stands to reason that Charlie goes to save his hostage, he should take Charlie as an enemy! How could he send it off in person?! Could it be that Charlie  kidnapped him?!

Chester didn‘t expect that the old man asked so many questions in one breath, and hurriedly explained one by one:

―Return to master. The young master‘s process of saving people was not shared with us, so I don‘t know what method he used to rescue Melba, but why Hamid gave the young master so much face? I didn‘t want to understand this, and Hamid is not just To give a face to the young master, he is even worthy of the young master brothers. In his words, he is very respectful to the young master, so I don‘t know whether the young master kidnapped him. I am afraid that only the young master himself knows that.

Zhongquan listened, and couldn‘t help sighing: ―Unbelievable, unbelievable! I was even ready to spend money to redeem him, but I didn‘t expect it to be such an unbelievable ending.‖ After that, he couldn‘t hide his excitement and said, ―It seems that my Wade family really came out this time. There is a real dragon in the world!

Chapter 2693

When the sky in Aurous Hill just turned white, the Concorde airliner that Charlie and Melba took finally landed at the Airport.

After the plane landed, Charlie, Melba, and Issac took the helicopter arranged by Issac and flew directly to Shangri-La.

When the plane just started, Charlie asked Melba‘s opinion and asked her if she would like to meet with Pollard immediately. If she wanted, he could directly call Pollard using the satellite phone on the plane and tell him that Melba was already there. The news of his rescue made him meet with Melba at the airport as soon as possible.

However, after careful consideration, Melba feels that her whole spirit is relatively decadent, and she wants to take a break, at least take a bath and change her body to dry clean clothes then will meet her father.

So Charlie decided to take her to Shangri-La to settle down first, and then give her a few hours to rest. When her condition is almost adjusted, he will go to Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics and give Pollard one big surprise.

As for Charlie himself, he did not expect that this time to save Melba, it only took more than ten hours before and after. Originally, he told his wife about going out of town. If he returned home early in the morning, It seemed a little weird, so he planned to also go to Shangri-La and let Issac arrange a room for him to rest and sleep.

Last night in Syria, he used Reiki as a psychological suggestion, so that the Reiki in his body was already extremely scarce, which really made him felt a little tired.

By the time of sunrise, Charlie‘s helicopter had landed at Shangri-La.

After getting off the plane, Charlie directly said to Issac: ―Old man, arrange one room for Miss Watt and one room for me, both of us need to take a rest. In addition, you have to toss about it all night. Go back to your office and have a good rest.

Issac hurriedly said: ―Okay young master! After that, immediately ask his subordinates next to him: ―Has the presidential suite gone out? If haven‘t, take young master there to take rest!

The other party immediately replied: ―Mr. Issac, our presidential suite was booked by Mr. Ito from Japan, don‘t you remember?

 Issac patted his forehead and blamed himself: ―Look at my pig brain! After all, he was right again.

Charlie said: Master, the entire east district where the presidential suite is located has been rented by Ito Yuuhiko, or you can go to the executive suite in the west district to take a rest.‖

Charlie frowned and said: ―Don‘t Zhiyu and her mother live there, and Ruoli, to be on the safe side, I still don‘t go there, lest there be any monsters, just arrange one for me.

Normal rooms are fine.

Issac hurriedly said: ―Then I will arrange for you and Miss Watt to live in the luxurious suite on the second top floor for the time being!‖

Charlie nodded slightly: ―Okay.

Soon, the staff prepared two suite cards, and they gave Charlie and Melba opened two luxury suites on the second top floor. The door of the two rooms was opposite, and there was only one passage.

Issac personally escorted them to the door of the room. Charlie said to Melba before swiping his card to enter the door: ―Miss Watt first take a good rest. It‘s just after six o‘clock. Let‘s tentatively schedule lunch at 12:30. After having a meal, I will send you to the university. ―

Melba nodded lightly and said gratefully: ―Thank you, Mr. Wade.‖

Charlie waved his hand:‖ Do not be polite with me, after all, there are dealings in the fight.

Melba replied and said, ―Mr. Wade, then I will go to rest in advance.‖

Charlie nodded: ―See you.‖

Melba looked at Issac on the side again and said gratefully: ―Mr. Issac, thank you too.

Issac said without hesitation: ―Miss Watt is too polite, this is what I should do.‖

Seeing Melba entered the room, Charlie opened the door of his room, Issac saw that they both returned to the room to rest, so he immediately returned to his office.

Charlie entered the room, the first thing was to lock the door, then took off all his clothes, stepped into the bathroom, and took a cold shower.

After washing himself clean, Charlie sat on the bed, feeling the spiritual energy in his body, and seeing that the spiritual energy was almost exhausted, his heart was also very painful.

In the beginning, he discovered the existence of spiritual energy in the piece of peace and wealth that he bought from Ervin.

It‘s a pity that the aura in that stone has been absorbed cleanly by him. Since then, although he has seen many treasures of heaven and earth, he has never encountered anything that contains aura.

Moreover, among the high-rise buildings in this city, there is almost no trace of aura, and it takes at least a few months to add to it.

Chapter 2694

This also gave him a sense of crisis in his heart.

Reiki is fast to use, but it is far from easy to accumulate.

If there is no lasting and effective way to replenish Reiki, I am afraid that it will be difficult in the future for him.

Thinking of this, he couldn‘t help but recall the content of the ―Nine Profound Sky Classics‖ in his mind.

In the ―Nine Profound Heavenly Classics‖, a higher-level pill than the rejuvenating pill is recorded, named Peiyuan Pill.

Regardless of the name of Peiyuan Pill, it seems that it is not as arrogant as the other Pill, but this kind of pill is directly higher than it.

Rejuvenation pills can make ordinary people live longer and resurrect from the dead, but they do not contain aura. After all, aura is the most refined and pure energy between heaven and earth. It is the most powerful kind of power. Rejuvenation pills are far from being able to catalyze aura. To the point.

However, this Peiyuan Pill is a pill that truly contains aura.

Although it is the most basic entry level among the pill containing spiritual energy, the materials it needs are, without exception, all extremely rare treasures.

Among them, the most demanding ones are Ganoderma lucidum Karst. that needs at least more than a thousand years, snow ginseng for more than 1,000 years, and Ambergris that is more than 10,000 years old.

Don‘t know if the Millennium Ganoderma is easy to find, but Charlie has thousand-yearold snow ginseng. In the beginning, Liang was shunned by his biological father and halfbrother in the family. In order to gain a foothold in the Wei family, he passed his mother‘s treasure to him. He gave thousand-year-old snow ginseng to Charlie, and he kept the snow ginseng without using.

However, Ambergris, which has been more than 10,000 years old, is indeed too rare.

As we all know, ambergris is the secretion of $perm whales, it is the best raw material for spices, and it is also a blind medicinal material.

Simply buying ambergris is not a problem, you can buy it if you have money.

However, buying old Ambergris is almost like dreaming.

Because the $perm whale itself does not have a lifespan of 10,000 years. The longest life span is seventy years, which is remarkable. According to this time, the 10,000-year ambergris must be the $perm whale that died ten thousand years ago. It has grown before death.

The history of human‘s known civilization is not as long as 10,000 years. Where can he find a secretion left in the body of a $perm whale 10,000 years ago?

Charlie couldn‘t help but get up again when he thought of this.

Such a difficult preparation can only refine the first-level aura pill. Wouldn‘t it be even more impossible to refine a higher-level aura pill?

Thinking of this, Charlie couldn‘t help sighing, and thought to himself: ‖ Maybe I need to say hello to Qin Gang, he has been doing medicine business, a thousand years of ambergris perhaps can not find, but a thousand years of Ganoderma should still be no problem, like ambergris, you can then slowly look around.

so , He immediately sent Qin Gang a WeChat message and asked him to try to find these two things.

Qin Gang quickly replied: ―Master Wade, the Millennium Ganoderma is very easy to find.

I know a Hong Kong medicinal material dealer, and he collects it. There are many old year medicinal materials. Thousand-year Ganoderma lucidum, Centennial tangerine peel, and Centennial Pu‘er are all in stock. Although the price is high, if the thousand year Ganoderma is sold per gram, it costs tens of thousands of dollars per gram.

As for ambergris, they are often sold, but most of them are of relatively ordinary quality.

The best one I remember is a white ambergris with a thousand years of history that was auctioned at Sotheby‘s a few years ago. However, I have made medicinal herbs for so many years. I have never heard of it that old.

Charlie didn‘t feel disappointed after hearing it. He smiled slightly and said: ―Then you can help me get the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum. For Ambergris, you can help me pay attention.‖

―No problem.‖ Qin Gang agreed without hesitation.

Charlie thanked him, but didn‘t continue to communicate with him.

Just as he was about to rest, someone rang the doorbell of the next room.

Zynn, wrapped in his nightgown, saw that it was his own subordinate, and opened the door to let the other person in.

After the other party came in, he whispered: ―Master, I‘ve heard that Ito Yuhiko‘s men have reserved the Kiharu Lake Golf Course, which is five kilometers away. Ito Yuhiko may go to the golf course to play golf at around nine o‘clock. See if you have prepared in advance. Then, go there quietly to meet him?‖

Zynn said excitedly: ―The golf course? Great! It just happened to avoid Shangri-La. It‘s a great opportunity to meet Ito Yuihiko quietly!

Chapter 2695

Zynn, who was so excited, couldn‘t imagine that Charlie was next door to him at this time.

The luxury suites of Shangri-La are very uniform in design. The overall layout is a square field shape. The two rooms on the left are the living room and the study, and the two rooms on the right are the bathroom and the bedroom.

In other words, the bedroom where Charlie was located happened to be next to Zynn‘s study.

Under normal circumstances, the rooms of a five-star hotel will be silenced and soundproofed to ensure the quietness, privacy, and comfort of the guests. Therefore, even if it is separated by a wall, ordinary people cannot hear the conversation next door.

But for a person like Charlie with extremely sensitive senses, just such a wall is really a little useless.

Therefore, even if he had no intention of eavesdropping on the conversations of the people next door, he still didn‘t say a word, and he heard the movement of Zynn‘s room clearly.

However, even at this moment, Charlie didn‘t know who the next door was. Because Zynn‘s subordinates called him the master, it was impossible for Charlie to infer the identity of Zynn just by using the word master.

However, he heard the words Ito Takehiko clearly.

He heard that the person next door actually wanted to meet Ito Takehiko, and he was suddenly curious.

Ito Yuhiko came to Aurous Hill in a relatively low-key manner. In fact, the outside world didn‘t know it. In addition, he stayed at Wade‘s hotel, and there was no leakage of check-in information.

Therefore, in this case, the person who can find Ito Yuhiko‘s whereabouts must have a very difficult background.

So, he immediately sent a text message to Issac, asking him to do everything possible to find out who was living in the next room, and at the same time, he must not be surprised.

Issac was just resting in the office for a while, and suddenly received Charlie‘s WeChat, and immediately realized that there might be a serious situation, and then he hurriedly got up and turned on the computer and checked the information of the guests staying in the room next to Charlie with his own authority.

The check-in information shows that Charlie staying next door is just an ordinary person without any special identity.

So, he immediately replied to Charlie: ―Master, the person you asked me to check is a middle-aged person from Yuzhou. From the information, there is no special place, no case, no background.

Charlie frowned and asked him, ―Can you find out the company of this person?‖

Issac manipulated in front of the computer and said, ―I can‘t find out for the time being.

There is no work unit in his file. It may be a self-employed person, or he may be working in a relatively small private enterprise.‖

Charlie asked again: ―Can you find out if he has paid social security?

Issac thought for a while, and said, ―I have a relatively secret channel. Can find this information.

Charlie said: ―Then you can check for me now, whether he has paid social security, and if so, which company is paying him.

―Okay! Issac hurriedly started to inquire and checked for a long time. After that, he said to Charlie: ―Master, I found out that he does have social security, and the social security base is very high. The company that paid him social security is a local financial investment company in Yuzhou.

Charlie continued:‖ The background of this company! Check out the equity structure behind it!

Chapter 2696


Issac continued to inquire according to Charlie‘s instructions. While checking, he said, 

―Master, I see that this company is wholly-owned by another technology company in Yuzhou. Behind the company, there is an investment fund and a partnership enterprise. 

This investment fund is Eastcliff SW Capital or South West Capital!‖

Charlie asked him curiously: ―

SW Capital? Whose family? Issac hurriedly said: ―SW Capital, that‘s One of the many capital-operated companies of the Su family.

Su! ―The Su family?‖ Charlie frowned, and said, ―I heard someone next door calling another person called Master. So, maybe the old dog that lives next door to me is Chengfeng?!

―This Issac said with some disbelief: ―Master, shouldn‘t Chengfeng come to Aurous Hill by himself?‖

Charlie laughed: ―If it isn‘t Chengfeng, it might be Zynn.

―Zynn?‖ Issac couldn‘t help but said, ―Even if this guy wants to take the opportunity to get close to Ito Takehiko, he shouldn‘t sneak to Shangri-La?

Issac sneered: ―This is the place where his brilliant ah, Aurous Hill has always been a sphere of influence for Wade‘s family. Since he was bound to come to Aurous Hill he well thought out the plan, like him who believe in a lamp black. The truth, you should know that the oil lamp that was lit in ancient times was placed on the table, just like a candle.

After the lamp is lit, although it can illuminate the entire room, it does not illuminate the small area under itself. So this small area, although away from the lamp recently, but the room has become the darkest, most hidden places he pics to live is Shangri-La, is the bet we think he could have done such a thing, this is the surprise! 

With that said, Charlie said again: ―If it weren‘t for my hearing which is a lot better than the average person, I wouldn‘t be able to detect it. If even I couldn‘t detect it, it would be even more impossible for you and your subordinates to detect it, so from this point of view, he was relatively successful in doing this, and he really used his mind.

Issac hurriedly asked, ―Master, if it is really Zynn, what should we do?‖

Charlie sneered: ‖ Whether he is Zynn, he is a member of the Su family. Since it is the Su family, then It‘s like a sheep‘s mouth. If I don‘t gnaw him off, wouldn‘t I be sorry for the Su family‘s aggressive and daring maneuvers?

After speaking, he immediately ordered: ―The person who arranges you immediately, in the room directly below this room, Put a signal jammer, but don‘t turn it on for the time being. In addition, you have to be prepared and listen to my orders. When you start the jammer, cut off the surveillance video on my floor at the same time, understand?

Issac said without hesitation ―Okay young master, I understand!‖

At this moment, in the next room.

Zynn sent his men away, and took a shower by himself in the bathroom. After the shower, he wrapped his bathrobe and stood in front of the mirror carefully. Using hairspray to put his hair back to the back of his head, he had already begun to figure out how to get Ito to agree to cooperate with the Su family.

This time, the Su family was suspended from the ocean shipping license. The impact was too great and the loss of income was serious. Forget it, a large number of ships cannot be started. Daily maintenance costs, depreciation costs, and lease costs are an astronomical figure. In addition, there are still a large number of seafarers and employees who need to be fed. The daily loss is calculated as 100 million.

For Zynn, this is his first turnaround since he returned from Australia. Only if he wins this battle can he let the old man look at him with admiration and win back his old man‘s appreciation of himself.

So, to him, the significance is very significant.

Even he can successfully inherit the position of Su Family Patriarch and all the family assets in the future will be under his hand and he will have to look at the success or failure of all of it!

Chapter 2697

Just as Zynn was expecting that he could use his own power to turn the Su Family‘s turmoil upside down on his own, but he didn‘t know that a big net had wrapped him tightly.

Charlie already had a two-handed plan at this time.

If the person next door is Zynn, then he has a special package specially prepared for Zynn;

But if the person next door is not Zynn, but someone else from the Su family, then he will go directly to Orvel‘s kennel, and give a company with Shoude.

Issac screened out the rooms that were booked out before and after that time and had not checked out one by one according to the time of the next room reservation, and then further screened them. Basically, it can be concluded that the Su family came to Shangri-La this time, except for staying. In addition to the person next to Charlie, there are four other subordinates. Of these four people, two live opposite the room next to Charlie, and the other two live next to Charlie.

At this time, many of Issac‘s subordinates were already lying in ambush in nearby rooms.

Once Charlie gave orders, they would immediately control these four subordinates.

In addition, Issac also made people prepare to shield and cut off the network signal.

When Charlie ordered, he could immediately protect the room next to Charlie and the surrounding rooms, and kill all communication networks.

The mobile communication signal will be shielded, the wireless WIFI network will be cut off, and even the traditional network and line interface will also be disconnected from the network.

At that time, this will make sure that the people in this room can not respond immediately, and the communication will not work for them.

In order to meet the ―Master‖ from the Su family for a while, Charlie walked out of the room after getting dressed neatly.

At this time, a waiter arranged by Issac walked over and handed Charlie a room card.

This one is the universal room card for the entire Shangri-La Hotel.

Nowadays, almost all hotels adopt electronic room card system for the convenience of management. The door locks need to be opened with an authorized room card at the front desk of the hotel. Generally, the room card will be authorized for as long as you stay, and it will automatically become invalid after the expiration date. It is easy to manage and can prevent being used by others.

In other words, the door lock of each room is actually controlled within the hotel management system.

Although you cannot directly control the opening or closing of a certain door, you can directly write the administrator‘s highest authority in the room card, so that this room card can open all the doors of this hotel.

However, there are exceptions. If the occupant in the room opens the anti-theft lock in the room, the door cannot be opened even if the door is swiped.

However, many people do not have such safety awareness, so they rarely use this lock actively.

Zynn did use the lock last night, but after his subordinates came in just now to report, he didn‘t lock the lock again, but hurried to the bathroom to wash up.

This was mainly because he was somewhat careless and didn‘t know that he had been exposed.

Therefore, when Charlie got the room card and swiped it lightly on Zynn‘s room door, the door lock opened in response.

At this time, Zynn was still tidying up his clothes and appearance in the cloakroom.

Charlie pushed the door, and when he entered, he didn‘t realize it at all.

And Charlie had already used his perceptual ability beyond ordinary people to get a clear picture of his position in the room.

At this time, Zynn, at the upper right of the T-shaped room, where the bathroom and cloakroom are located. After Charlie came in from the upper left, he went directly to the living room at the lower left and sat down.

Opposite Charlie is the bedroom door of this luxurious suite.

Chapter 2698

Zynn dressed up at the upper right, and needed to go back to the bedroom later before he could walk out of the door in front of Charlie.

So Charlie simply sat there, on the sofa opposite the door, stretched out his hands with long legs, and put them on the back of the sofa until he appeared.

At the same time, the signal jammer has also been opened, and all the surrounding mobile phones are in a state of no service because they cannot search for signals.

Although Zynn‘s mobile phone is still connected to the hotel‘s wireless network, the wireless network itself has been cut off. In other words, although he is still connected to the WiFi, he can no longer get on the Internet.

But Zynn didn‘t pay attention to this.

He tidied up his suit and tie in front of the mirror, and after making sure that he was dressed appropriately, he took out a fake beard and stuck it under his nose.

Later, he took out a pair of gold glasses from his pocket. After putting it on, he looked like a returned overseas Chinese.

Immediately afterward, he put a top hat of the same color as the suit on top of his head.

He felt that this way, it would be more foolproof.

When he was ready, Zynn picked up the phone and prepared to go outside, but he looked down at the phone and found that the phone is now in a non-service state, which made him surprised and wondered, ―How can this hotel not connect to a mobile phone signal? Is my phone broke?‖

He opened WeChat again, and found that the top of WeChat actually showed that it was not connected. He was even more surprised and whispered to himself: ―No! The WiFi logo is on, and the network is connected. Why can‘t I connect to WeChat?‖

He hurriedly walked out of the cloakroom and walked through the bedroom to the living room, to use the hotel‘s landline to call his subordinates.

However, when he stepped out of the bedroom, his whole figure was suddenly startled!

The speed of his heartbeat instantly doubled!

Because, he saw that there was a person sitting on the sofa in the living room!

Moreover, the appearance of this person is indescribably familiar.

Zynn panicked and asked calmly: ―Who are you?! Why are you doing in my room?!

Charlie smiled at Zynn and said with a smile: ―You are Zynn Su, right?‖

Zynn saw that the other party directly reported his name, and asked extremely vigilantly:

―Who are you?! Do you know me?!

Charlie said with a smile: ―Actually, we have met, but you may be older and out of mind.

You used it, so you can‘t remember me.

Have you seen me?!‖ Zynn frowned, his heart was extremely nervous, but his mouth was pretending to be calm and said: ―Why don‘t I remember that I met you?

Charlie went to the coffee table. Picking up an apple, he took a bite and said, ―Think about it carefully. We met at the elevator entrance of the Tokyo Hospital. Have you ever recalled?

Zynn squinted his eyes, watching Charlie vigilantly, while thinking back quickly rummaging the memory in the mind.

Soon, he remembered the scene Charlie said!

He pointed to Charlie and exclaimed: ―You are the kid who makes me feel familiar in Tokyo!‖

Charlie nodded slightly, and asked him with a smile: ‖ Why do you think I‘m familiar?‖

Zynn said coldly, ―Because you look like a short-lived ghost that I knew before, but has been dead for a long time!‖

Charlie‘s expression instantly became extremely cold. Said: ―Zynn, if you kneel down and slap your face right now, I will assume that you haven‘t said that, otherwise, I will slap your face!

Zynn sees Charlie‘s cold expression and can‘t help being a little surprised. He couldn‘t help asking: ―How are you related to Changying Wade?!

Charlie stood up and said word by word: ―Changying Wade, it‘s my dad!

Chapter 2699

When Zynn heard this, his whole person was suddenly struck by lightning, and stood motionless in front of Charlie.

He never dreamed that Changying‘s son was still alive!

He didn‘t even expect that Changying‘s son would appear in front of him!

At this time, in addition to the nervousness, his heart was a little more angry!

―Changying Changying again! Ever since I knew Liona, the word Changying has become my nightmare. Until Liona was in a car accident a few days ago and her whereabouts unknown, I was a little free from Changying‘s shadow, but now Here comes another Changying‘s son?! Where did this guy come from?!‖

Seeing Charlie and Changying‘s features and temperament are very similar, Zynn hardly doubted his words.

He stared at Charlie and asked in a cold voice: ―Even if you are Changying‘s son, what do you mean by appearing in my room now?

―What do I mean?‖ Charlie sneered: ―I have come to you to settle the account. What do you think about it?‖

Settlement?!‖ Zynn saw Charlie‘s visit being unkind, and when he thought that he was now in Wade‘s hotel and there was no one around him to help him, he couldn‘t help feeling even more flustered.

Therefore, he couldn‘t hide his nervousness and said: ―Your father and I are at best distant acquaintances, no friendship, no hatred, what do you count on me?

Charlie coldly said: ―Today, I will count it against you. Wade League‘s account, you jumped up and down to organize the anti-Wade alliance against my father, right?‖

Zynn excused himself: ―The anti-Wade alliance is just a saying at the beginning, just like airlines have SkyTeam and Star Alliance. , Everyone is a rival to each other, what‘s the big deal with that?

Charlie asked: ―Then how did my parents die?

Zynn blurted out: ―How do I know? Your parents‘ deaths were not caused by me. The people who wanted to kill your parents back then had more hair on their heads than mine. Not only domestically, but also abroad, there are a lot of them. Is it possible to kill him, what does it have to do with me?‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―Is it related to you or not? I really can‘t say it right now, but it doesn‘t matter, since you are in my hands, I can catch you first, and then slowly investigate!

Zynn subconsciously reprimanded: ―Boy, since you are Changying‘s son, you should call me Uncle, I am also your elder, how dare you so presumptuous in front of me!

‗Presumptuous?‖ Charlie snorted: ―This is presumptuousness? I just said that if you don‘t kneel down, I will smash your mouth. You haven‘t fulfilled your promise. So!‖

Zynn took a step back in shock, and said nervously: ―You think you are the Wade family‘s son, you can do anything to me casually? Have you weighed, if you provoke me, what will happen to you?

Charlie sneered and said: ―I don‘t know what will be the end, but I usually like to provoke it first!‖ As soon as the voice fell, Charlie suddenly stood up from the sofa.

Before Zynn recovered, Charlie went straight. He rushed to him, grabbed his collar, put his other hand directly on his face, and slapped vigorously.

With a snap, Zynn‘s entire left face suddenly swelled up, and the five-fingerprints on his face were already bright red.

At this moment the Soviet Conservative directly hit Mongolia, and his hysterical roared:

―?! How dare you ‗

Charlie was astonished and asked: ―How dare I, you do not know the answer?‖

Then, direct and It was a slap in the face, and with a slap, Zynn directly vomited blood.

At this time, Charlie smiled and asked him: ―Do you know the answer now? If you don‘t know, I can answer you again.‖

Since Zynn had been slapped twice by Charlie, his whole body had already been dazzled.

The severe pain made his whole person on the verge of collapse. When he grew up so big, he had only been beaten by the old man, but even the old man has never beaten him so hard!

Chapter 2700

He yelled at Charlie angrily: ―Do you know what the Su family is capable of? Believe it or not, I can kill you in minutes?

Charlie waved his hand and said disdainfully: ―Zynn Su, save it, you have already fallen in my hands, don‘t pretend to be aggressive and cruel in front of me, and don‘t think you can overwhelm me by taking the Su family, because my goal is not as simple as slapping you twice.

Zynn asked nervously, ―What is your goal?!‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―My goal is to trample your entire Su family under my feet, not only with big ears, but also big eyes. The face of your dad Chengfeng Su!‖ Zynn has never met someone like Charlie who speaks so arrogantly in his life.

However, he also knows that he is now the turtle in the urn of others, and he has no chance to escape. If he really angers the other party, he might actually get more in trouble.

As a result, his whole person‘s momentum instantly weakened, and he explained: ―Big nephew, you really misunderstood me about your parents. This matter has nothing to do with me, and it has nothing to do with my family!

Charlie said:‖ It doesn‘t matter. You don‘t have the final say, but I have the final say here!‖

Zynn asked nervously, ―So. What do you want?‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―What I want, I just said that, I will draw your face first, then your dad‘s face, and then trample your entire Su family under my feet!‖

Zynn was shocked in his heart, and never dreamed that Changying‘s son would come to find him. Gosh, this guy is so murderous!

At this moment, he suddenly thought that his younger brother Shoude had disappeared in this city, so he subconsciously asked: ―Is my younger brother in your hands!?

Charlie nodded: ―You are talking about Shoude, that dead fat pig? Yes, he is indeed in my hands. Do you know how he is doing now?‖

Zynn asked with a pale face: ―What did you do to him?‖

Charlie smiled and said, ―Oh, I put him in a dog cage. By the way, I shot a video of him.

He was stripped n@ked and only wore a pair of briefs. He said in the video some nasty things about your family, you should have seen this.‖

Zynn immediately thought of the two videos that completely destroyed the reputation of the Su family.

There is a paragraph, which Shoude said in front of the camera.

Zynn had racked his brains to think about someone behind the scenes, but he didn‘t expect that this person was Changying‘s son!

He couldn‘t help but swallowed his saliva, looked at Charlie nervously, and asked, ―Then what is your plan for today?‖ 

At this time, what he is most afraid of is that he, like his brother, is locked in a dog cage in the dark.

Charlie smiled indifferently and said, ―I know what you are thinking, but don‘t you. I‘m nervous. It was really too simple and rude to put your brother directly in the dog cage at the beginning. It really lacks some artistic sense, so I designed a whole set of super gift packages for you this time. It is definitely a brand new design and a brand new experience! 

―If you enjoy the whole process, can remember you for a lifetime, and it will be worthwhile to cover you in this life, not in vain!‖


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