Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3182 update || Chapter 6611 & 6612 || Chapter 3182: The Wild Goose Leaves Traces | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3182: The Wild Goose Leaves Traces

For Changying Automobile, a project with a scale of at least tens of billions of dollars, the preparation time left for Charlie and the An family in the early stage was actually quite rushed.

Even if the press conference is about to be held, many details still need to be communicated and improved, and it is not ruled out that some places need to be temporarily changed and adjusted.

Charlie spent a morning to finalize all the details that can be thought of with everyone, and then stayed in Shangri La to have lunch with both his grandfather and uncles. His wife Claire drove her own car when she went out in the morning, so Charlie didn't need to pick her up, he just needed to wait for her at Shangri La.

When Charlie was still dining with his family, the press conference site had begun to allow engineers from the media to enter in advance to set up equipment.

Although there were many media reporters participating this time, the staff of Shangri La still made an orderly response plan. Each media had its own exclusive seats and camera positions, with seats reserved for reporters and camera positions for photographers. In addition, several hotel rooms were opened for media to do behind-the-scenes work. Some behind-the-scenes directors can remotely direct reporters to ask questions, direct photographers how to operate the camera, and focus on whom to give the camera.

Therefore, at noon, the staff responsible for filming equipment and lines had already begun to enter the venue and set up the equipment at their designated positions.

Because the cooperation between the two companies has received widespread attention, although the press conference has not yet begun, the media that have set up the equipment in advance have already started online live broadcasts, streaming the video of the press conference to the Internet in real time. Many people have also entered the live broadcast rooms of major media early to watch, just like the spectators who are usually keen on watching the press conferences of mobile phone and automobile manufacturers.

Even Wu Feiyan, who is far away near the poles in the southern hemisphere, is paying close attention to this cooperation between the two companies.

At this time, she was watching the scene of the press conference in front of the huge screen.

Although the An family and the Wade family did not show up, she still watched intently.

Next to her was her most trusted military advisor, Wu Tianlin, the direct descendant of the Wu family.

Wu Tianlin, who was over a hundred years old, said to Wu Feiyan respectfully at this moment: "My Lord, I have learned that the An family and the Wade family are going to cooperate in the field of new energy vehicles this time. They have reached an agreement with Aurous Hill and obtained the land and relevant approval documents. At present, this matter is still in the confidential stage. Today's press conference should be to announce this action to the public."

Wu Feiyan nodded and said grimly: "I really didn't expect that the An family and the Wade family would join forces again. There has always been a gap between the two families. I didn't expect The rift was gone just like that."

Wu Tianlin said, "My Lord, there was indeed a rift between the two families. It seems that from the beginning, the An family had objections to Changying Wade bringing An Chengxi back to China. Later, An Chengxi and Changying Wade were killed by Changshengbo, and their children were missing. The An family became even more dissatisfied with the Wade family."

Wu Feiyan asked back, "Why do you think they are reconciled now and even want to work together?"

Wu Tianlin said, "My Lord, in my opinion, it is not surprising for these two families to work together. There are three reasons:"

“First, the An family has escaped several exterminations by luck, so their morale must have been greatly damaged. They may have been arrogant in the past, but now they must be much more low-key. When facing the Wade family, they should not be as domineering and arrogant as before;”

“Second, they have encountered the crisis of extermination several times, and there is a mysterious person secretly helping them. Maybe they already know the hidden truth of the year and know that the deaths of An Chengxi and Changying Wade were not caused by the Wade family. This will also give the An family a lot of room to ease their attitude towards the Wade family;”

"Third, the An family must be very afraid of you now, so they moved their entire family to China, and even invested a lot of money in China in exchange for official recognition and protection. Since they have begun to make long-term plans in China, it means that they will use China as their base in the future, so they must consolidate the safety and reliability of the base as much as possible. It is also human nature to show goodwill to the Wade family at this time. In critical moments, one more friend is much better than one more enemy."

Wu Feiyan nodded lightly and did not delve into the matter. In her opinion, neither the An family nor the Wade family was the most important. The most important thing was to find out the mysterious man behind the An family. He was her biggest worry.

 At this time, in the live broadcast of the press conference, a background voice suddenly came from the scene: "Media friends, please start entering. The countdown will start one hour before the press conference."

Wu Feiyan stared at the video screen and said to herself: "An Chengxi must be somewhere now, watching the same live broadcast screen, and seeing her family and father-in-law reconcile, she should be very relieved."

Wu Tianlin said: "Lord Ying, since you have always believed that An Chengxi is still alive, could the cooperation between the An family and the Wade family this time be secretly arranged by An Chengxi?"

"No." Wu Feiyan said firmly: "An Chengxi is a rare talent in this world. If she were still alive, she would definitely be able to distinguish the pros and cons. She has endured for twenty years and will never lose her mind at this time."

At this point, Wu Feiyan said with a worried expression: "What I am most worried about now is whether she has any connection with that mysterious man. If not, it's still easy to say, but if so, it will be really tricky."

Wu Tianlin hurriedly said: "My lord, I feel that now that we have entered a dormant period as a whole, that mysterious man may not know how to stop when he is ahead. Maybe he is now plotting in secret and wants to find an opportunity to continue to attack us. Our death squad bases distributed all over the world may be his next targets of attack. If we can predict his next target and send the three elders to ambush in advance, we may be able to achieve success in one battle!"

Wu Feiyan frowned and said: "The Po Qing Society has built dozens of death squad bases of various sizes all over the world for hundreds of years. Who can guess where his next target will be? Since the four earls are not his opponents, the only ones who really have a chance to defeat him, except for me, are the three elders. There are only four of us in total, and we can ambush in four bases at most. The probability of winning this bet is less than one in ten."

Wu Tianlin suddenly had an idea and said "Lord Ying, can we deliberately give him some clues to catch? If we lead him by the nose, he will definitely fall into our trap!"

Wu Feiyan nodded and said subconsciously: "Good idea, but how can we give out clues so that he won't be suspicious? This person is not only cautious, but also must have grasped some kind of loopholes of ours, otherwise he would not have appeared in Northern Europe in time to rescue Lin Wan'er, nor would he have found our base in Cyprus. For such an enemy, it is not so easy to lure him into the trap."

Wu Tianlin thought of something and said hurriedly: "Lord Ying, if he really grasped our loopholes, as we enter the dormant period, those loopholes will also be closed. In this case, let's restart all the people and things related to the capture of Lin Wan'er and the Cyprus base during that period. In that case, the loopholes will definitely be reopened."

Wu Feiyan's eyes suddenly flashed with a light, and blurted out: "I suddenly thought of a problem. The first time we suffered losses at his hands should be when we sent assassins to New York to catch the An family in one fell swoop."

"That's right." Wu Tianlin nodded and said, "That time, all the assassins were missing."

Wu Feiyan added, "According to common sense, the assassins couldn't know where they came from, so they couldn't leak the information to that person, but that person was able to appear in Northern Europe in time and rescued Lin Wan'er, and later found Cyprus..."

At this point, Wu Feiyan asked Wu Tianlin, "The Cavalry Guards who went to capture Lin Wan'er that time were sent from Cyprus, right?"

"Yes." Wu Tianlin said, "The intelligence came urgently at that time, and Lin Wan'er was already packing her luggage to leave Northern Europe. Although we wanted to send the four earls there, it was too late. In order to avoid missing the opportunity to fight, we transferred people from Cyprus."

Wu Feiyan frowned and asked him, "Could it be that he got clues about the plane we used to send the death squad and the cavalry guards? If he locates our plane, he will get information about where our plane goes!"

Wu Tianlin's eyes widened instantly, and he blurted out, "The plane... Damn it! I've been wondering who leaked the secret, but I didn't think that the problem might be with the plane!"

Wu Tianlin said, "During that time, our personnel and material mobilization were all carried out under the shell of Singapore Yuantai International Express. Now it seems that the biggest possibility is that he knows that this airline is under our command, so he has mastered our every move through the planes of this airline!"

Wu Feiyan clenched her fists and said in a cold voice, "Even a passing goose leaves traces, not to mention a hundred-ton plane! I didn't even think of this a long time ago! "

Wu Tianlin hurriedly said: "Lord Ying, you don't have to blame yourself. I think it's not too late to mend the fold. We can take advantage of this hibernation to seal up all the previous planes and stop using them to prevent future troubles. But we can deliberately put the Yuantai Express planes into operation. Once they move, the other party will definitely know it. At that time, these planes will become the reins for us to lead the other party by the nose!"

Wu Feiyan said seriously: "These planes can be used, but it is impossible to use them so simply and directly. The entire Po Qing Society has been dormant, and only these planes have moved. The other party will definitely suspect that this is a trap. If they know it is a trap, no matter how we move, the other party will not take the bait."

Wu Tianlin asked: "Lord Ying, what do you mean? "

Wu Feiyan said: "When setting a trap, you have to make it as credible as possible. First, let the Central Military Governor's Office in charge of this airline secretly transfer this airline, and then let the Left Military Governor's Office in North America appoint a shell company to buy this company back. First complete the left hand to right hand transfer, and then find some legitimate logistics business to get the planes moving first. After every plane is moving, we will set a trap for him and see if he will fall into it!"


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