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Chapter 3181: Helping Others and Helping Yourself

As Claire said, the whole of Aurous Hill, and even the whole of China, is paying attention to the specific content of the cooperation between the An family and the Wade family.

The relationship and grievances between the two families for so many years have actually been popular all over the country as early as 20 years ago.

At that time, various newspapers, magazines and gossip news did not do much to sort out and analyze the grievances between the two wealthy families. Even now, a random search on the Internet can find a lot of related articles. Many of these articles have been artistically processed by the events of that year, with extremely high distortion and low credibility.

But the more this kind of wealthy gossip that is unclear about the truth, the more people can use it as a topic of conversation after dinner.

However, in the 20 years before this, the two families have never responded to the grievances between the two sides, and there has never been any substantial evidence to prove that the two families still have any dealings.

So that although everyone does not know what happened back then, everyone knows that the two families have long reached the point of not communicating with each other.

Now that the two families have suddenly announced that they will have a strategic cooperation, it is indeed very surprising. Not only are the major media paying attention, but the melon-eating crowd is paying more attention.

The Wade family and the An family were also very high-profile this time. The press conference used the largest banquet hall in Shangri La. After it was arranged as the press conference site, it could accommodate at least 2,000 reporters.

This time, all the well-known media in the world were invited. The number of media reporters and staff who were confirmed to attend the press conference alone exceeded 2,000.

But Charlie did not expect that his wife, who always disliked joining in the fun, would be interested in this press conference.

Anyway, he had planned to go to the press conference as an audience, so it didn't matter if he went with his wife.

Claire went out early after breakfast. Not long after she left, Charlie also drove out of the house and went to Shangri La.

Today, Shangri La has completely stopped all external business. Security personnel are three layers inside and three layers outside to ensure the safety of important figures of the An family and the Wade family. Even the relevant departments have specially sent a large number of security personnel from Eastcliff to be responsible for security work on site. It can be said that China has greatly highlighted the importance of the An family, the largest foreign investment.

This also sent a strong signal to the outside world and those who were plotting against the An family. The An family was a distinguished guest who brought huge investment to China, and no one was allowed to endanger their safety.

When Charlie arrived at Shangri La, his grandfather's family and his grandfather were already seated in the largest conference room.

He Yuanjiang also came early with his newlywed wife Han Meiqing. Today, not only did they have to announce the cooperation project between the two families, but they also had to announce their personnel appointments.

After Charlie arrived, everyone began to sort out the process of today's press conference and the details of the information to be disclosed.

Charlie's second uncle An Kaifeng spoke first: "Everyone, let me first introduce to you the main process of today. The press conference will start on time at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. There is no external host for today's press conference, so I will be the host. From 2 o'clock to 2:20, I will give a welcome speech to the media friends, and then announce the cooperation project between the An family and the Wade family, which is the Changying automobile brand;"

"Next, I will ask Uncle Wade to speak first, and then my father to speak. The content of your speeches will mainly revolve around the reasons and goals of our cooperation. After the two speeches, I will once again give a summary report of the first stage to the media friends. At that time, I will cooperate with PPT to make all the data of our Changying Automobile public on the spot, including but not limited to our investment scale, hardware scale, team scale, and future planned car models;"

"After this, I will introduce Professor He and Professor Han to the media friends, introduce their resumes, and the positions they will take up in Changying Automobile. After the introduction of the two, each of them will have five to ten minutes to speak. After the two finish their speeches, I will make a final summary;"

"After I make my final summary speech, we will move on to the media question session. This time, we plan to have half an hour to answer ten questions. I will randomly decide who will ask questions, and we will not make any prior arrangements. However, I will explain the basic rules of asking questions to everyone in advance. They can ask me, Uncle Wade or my father, or Professor He and Professor Han. The questions must be about Changying Automobile. If anyone asks any questions that are not related to Changying Automobile, or deliberately wants to bring up the past grievances between the two families, I will directly refuse to answer and pass the right to ask questions to the next person. We are also equipped with a large number of security personnel and staff to maintain order on site. If a reporter pesters me with some inappropriate questions, I will directly arrange for the microphone to be muted on the spot. When he asks anyone, please don't let the other party disrupt the rhythm. We will just move on to the next question."

"In addition, when answering questions, please stick to the core of Changying Automobile and try not to spread the topic. After answering the ten questions, I will thank all the media friends present and announce the successful conclusion of this press conference. This is basically the process. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask."

An Kaifeng has been an agent for many years and has rich experience. His process has been very clear and the parts that everyone needs to cooperate with are also explained very clearly, so everyone said they had no questions.

Seeing that everyone had no questions, An Kaifeng nodded and said, "Since no one has any questions, let's move on to the next step, which is the synchronization of specific information disclosed by our Changying Automobile."

After a pause, An Kaifeng continued, "We have announced that the estimated total investment of Changying Automobile is 40 billion US dollars, with a first-phase investment of 20 billion US dollars. It will be jointly funded by the An family and the Wade family, with each holding 50% of the shares;"

"The initial 20 billion US dollars will be mainly used to prepare for the construction of a super factory and supporting facilities in Aurous Hill. We refer to the time node of Tesla's super factory, and the goal is to achieve groundbreaking and production within one year;"

"As for the remaining 20 billion US dollars, it will be mainly used to increase production capacity, upgrade products, and penetrate and develop upstream and downstream industries such as auto parts, vehicle logistics, and vehicle sales."

Charlie said at this time: "Second uncle, I propose to add 2 billion US dollars of education funds to the first phase of investment to carry out in-depth cooperation with major universities and vocational and technical colleges in Aurous Hill. On the one hand, we will invest in them and let them upgrade and strengthen their related majors. On the other hand, based on our actual needs, we will also invest in and jointly establish automotive-related majors with these colleges;"

"A portion of this will be used to establish special scholarship and grant programs to support outstanding and poor college students who are willing to study in Aurous Hill and choose automotive-related majors. This is relatively important. We haven't had time to communicate deeply with these colleges yet, but I believe that with solid financial support and employment opportunities, they will not refuse to cooperate with us. So at the press conference, please ask Professor Han to make an appeal and ask the relevant persons in charge of all colleges and universities in Aurous Hill to communicate with us face to face after the press conference on this issue."

"Okay!" He Yuanjiang said excitedly, "I have been teaching in colleges in the past few years and I know the needs of schools and students very well. For schools, the employment rate and quality of graduates greatly affect the overall attractiveness of schools. For young people, excellent and stable employment opportunities are extremely rare. To be honest, it is not common in previous school-enterprise cooperation. Most companies only provide employment opportunities for graduates during school recruitment, and they think it is already very remarkable. We can not only provide financial assistance, but also provide employment. For the college, it is like a living Bodhisattva, and they will definitely attach great importance to it."

"That's good." Charlie said: "Many companies' aid and support have many preconditions, and many companies are just seeking fame and reputation, not really having that sense of social responsibility. Our own positioning is to be the leading car company of China's new energy vehicles, and we also bear the reputation of An and Wade. Naturally, we can't be stingy when it comes to school partners."

He Yuanjiang lowered his head and calculated, and said: "Mr. Wade, to be honest, 2 billion US dollars in education funds seems to be a bit too much. Aurous Hill can train no more than 10,000 relevant talents each year, and we can't recruit all of them. We still have to recruit the best. I estimate that about 200 million US dollars will be enough."

Charlie nodded: "It certainly won't cost so much money to subsidize schools and students alone, but what I think is that we should have a deeper cooperation with those schools that are interested in developing automobile-related majors. A very important point is to provide them with scientific research funds;"

"So my idea is that we can have in-depth cooperation with the expertise of these colleges and universities, and both parties can jointly invest in setting up laboratories, or we can simply invest in setting up laboratories and hand them over to them for use. The laboratories must be as world-leading as possible;"

"A considerable number of local companies do not attach importance to scientific research. They earn hundreds of billions of dollars every year, but they do not use the profits to develop new science and technology, but instead use them to develop new game products, fast-moving consumer goods, and live streaming. Although I am not qualified to judge whether they are right or wrong, I do not want us to become the same as them. 2 billion US dollars is just the beginning. If these colleges and universities work hard and can make full use of the hardware and funds we provide to develop better technology, I am willing to increase this amount fivefold next year. "

Speaking of this, Charlie said seriously: "Our cooperation with the colleges this time is to position ourselves as real living Bodhisattvas, giving money to the colleges to strengthen their school strength and giving money to students to solve their life difficulties. Regardless of whether these students come to Changying Automobile to work after graduation, we will ensure that they can study wholeheartedly until graduation. Even if they do not come to Changying Automobile after graduation and are diverted to other car companies, they are also contributing to the Chinese automobile industry. If they are willing to stay in Aurous Hill and join Changying Automobile, then we can be regarded as saving others and saving ourselves, and our merits are immeasurable!"


  1. Super elaborated business press conference. Very tiring to read. How about Charlie and Claire who has been put totally in the dark? How will Charlie elaborate also his identity and his part in the development of too many situations to Claire particularly now that Claire is even interested on this, and where Charlie has been the initiator? Charlie should start confiding to Claire. I have been reading this for 2 years and yet I don't even know the timeline eversince Charlie started to meet Stephen Thompson. How long has Charlie kept everything to Claire? Has this been a year, years or months? What is in store of this novel? I hope this will end soon.


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