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 Chapter 3177: No Youth Again

Over the years, the grievances between the Wade family and the An family came more from the deepening misunderstandings.

At the beginning, Charlie's father, Changying Wade, was targeted by the Poqing Society, so he deliberately became an enemy of the Rothschild family because he did not want to implicate his family.

It was precisely because he was an enemy of the Rothschild family and put the Wade family under tremendous pressure that Wade Zhongquan was forced to drive Changying Wade out of the family.

At the beginning, Wade Zhongquan did not know that his beloved second son had already been in danger of his life. He just felt that the Wade family would not get any substantial benefits by being an enemy of the Rothschilds, but would greatly affect the family's future international development.

In order to show goodwill to the Rothschild family and to show them that he had no intention of being an enemy, he drove Changying Wade out of the house.

In fact, what he thought in his heart was that driving Changying Wade away was just a temporary act, on the one hand, so that Changying Wade could not mobilize the resources of the Wade family to confront the Rothschild family, and on the other hand, it could satisfy the Rothschild family.

And he also knew that the Wade family and the Rothschild family were only in a commercial competition at the time, and they would never extend this competitive relationship into a substantial confrontation and harm.

In other words, this was a competition between two ordinary companies. In order to express sincerity to the other party, the chairman of the board fired his CEO. In this case, the CEO would at most be unemployed for a period of time, and the other company would never find someone to assassinate him.

Therefore, when Changying Wade decided to leave Eastcliff with his wife and children and go to Aurous Hill, Wade Zhongquan did not think that Aurous Hill would be the burial place of his son. He even felt that his son Changying Wade seemed to be a little too angry during that time, and it would be a good thing to go to Aurous Hill to relax and cultivate his character.

But he never expected that the trip he thought of to relax would become the beginning of the separation of the father and son.

Neither the Wade family nor the An family knew that An Chengxi survived Changying Wade's meticulous plan, so when the bad news reached the two families, Wade Zhongquan beat his chest and stamped his feet, regretting it, and the An family hated Wade Zhongquan.

Because the An family felt that it was because Wade Zhongquan drove away Changying Wade's family of three that their daughter An Chengxi died in a foreign land and their grandson Charlie disappeared. 

It was not until Charlie appeared that they both understood the truth. In fact, Changying Wade's death was not caused by Wade Zhongquan, but Changying Wade and An Chengxi did not want to implicate the two families, so they took the initiative to become enemies with the Rothschild family and were driven out of the Wade family by Wade Zhongquan.

All of this was planned by Changying Wade and An Chengxi. Wade Zhongquan was just a pawn in their design, but he had been carrying it for twenty years. The An family knew this, so how could they continue to resent him?

The fact is that after the An family knew this, not only did they not hate Wade Zhongquan at all, but they even felt guilty for targeting him openly and secretly for so many years.

Today, Wade Zhongquan came to Aurous Hill. An Qishan was determined to bring his whole family to the airport to pick him up, but Charlie gave up the idea on the grounds that the An family was not suitable for collective exposure.

However, although An Qishan did not come to the airport, he had asked his wife and children to prepare carefully at home for a long time. The family prepared a sumptuous family dinner together, just waiting for Charlie to pick up Wade Zhongquan.

Since this was a low-key trip, Wade Zhongquan did not bring any entourage. Charlie just drove an inconspicuous BMW sedan to pick up the old man from the airport, and the two of them went straight to the Champs Elysees Hot Spring Villa in the suburbs.

When Charlie drove the car to the door of the villa, before the car stopped, all the An family members came out of the villa.

An Qishan and his wife supported each other and walked in front, followed by their four children, and even Li Yalin came out to greet them.

Wade Zhongquan in the car was surprised to see the An family coming out to greet him. He was a little nervous. He subconsciously unbuckled his seat belt while the car was still slowing down, and then he went to open the door.

The moment the seat belt reminder sounded, Charlie also stopped the car completely.

Wade Zhongquan opened the door almost at the same time as Charlie stopped the car, and got out of the car impatiently.

An Qishan couldn't help but walk a few steps faster. When Wade Zhongquan got out of the car, he stretched out his hands to him and said with emotion: "Brother Wade, how have you been all these years!"

Wade Zhongquan shook hands with him, nodded slightly and said: "Brother An, how have you been!" 

After these two simple greetings, the two old men's clasped hands had already swung up and down many times.

Charlie's grandmother also stepped forward and said politely, "Brother Wade, long time no see!"

Wade Zhongquan nodded to her and smiled, "Is my sister-in-law doing well these years?"

"Very well." The old lady nodded and quickly said to the children behind her, "Don't stand there, say hello to Uncle Wade."

Charlie's three uncles and aunt also said in unison, "Hello, Uncle Wade."

Wade Zhongquan nodded to the four of them, smiled and sighed: "Hello to you too, I haven't seen you for so many years, you have all changed a lot."

An Chongqiu said respectfully: "Uncle Wade, when we met before, we were all young and vigorous, but now we have gradually entered the sequence of middle-aged and elderly people." 

Wade Zhongquan sighed: "Flowers will bloom again, but people will never be young again. As long as there are no regrets in your heart, it doesn't matter if you get old."

An Chongqiu nodded: "Uncle Wade is right."

Seeing Charlie also got out of the car, An Qishan quickly said to everyone: "Let's go in and eat and talk! The food and wine are ready."

After saying that , he looked at Wade Zhongquan again and said seriously: "Brother Wade, we must have a few drinks together tonight!"

Wade Zhongquan agreed without hesitation and said: "The doctor has always told me not to drink, but I must have a few drinks today!"

A group of people surrounded the three old men and entered the villa. The huge dining table in the restaurant was already full of food. An Qishan pulled Wade Zhongquan to sit together. He stood up and poured a glass of wine for Wade Zhongquan, and filled it for himself. At the same time, he asked several children and Charlie to say: "You all should accompany us tonight and have a couple of drinks."

When Charlie heard this, he stood up and poured wine for his three uncles, aunt and Li Yalin.

An Qishan picked up the wine glass himself and said to Wade Zhongquan with guilt: "Brother Wade, for so many years, the An family has neglected you a lot. We did many things wrong. I am here to sincerely apologize to you on behalf of the An family. Please don't be so mean to us!"

Wade Zhongquan naturally understood what An Qishan meant. Over the years, he was indeed targeted by the An family. Once he met An Kaifeng at an important meeting overseas. Although the latter was a junior, he still didn't give him any face. 

But Wade Zhongquan has always been objective enough in dealing with people. He knew that the An family was dissatisfied with him because An Chengxi died after marrying into the Wade family. If it was a more reasonable family, they would definitely complain. What's more, An Chengxi was the eldest daughter of the An family and the most dazzling pearl of the An family. Not only did her parents love her very much, but her three younger brothers and one younger sister also regarded her as an idol. The death of An Chengxi was a great loss and pain for everyone in the An family.

So, he also picked up the wine glass and said sincerely: "I, Wade Zhongquan, have hated many people in my life, and I have blamed many people, but the An family is definitely not one of them. Since what happened to Chengxi and Changying happened in Aurous Hill, it is the responsibility of the Wade family. It is the Wade family that failed to fulfil its obligation to protect them. It is human nature for you to blame me."

Then he said: "If Changying had an accident in the United States and I didn't know the details, I would definitely blame the An family." 

As soon as these words came out, Wade Zhongquan's expression suddenly became very lonely, and he murmured softly: "Hey, all these years, I have been everywhere, but I haven't come here. Aurous Hill, this is the first time since Changying and Chengxi were buried. "

An Qishan looked sad, sighed, nodded and said: "Alas! I didn't want to come to Aurous Hill before, and I couldn't even hear the word Aurous Hill, but later I knew that Charlie had lived here for so many years, and I didn't reject Aurous Hill so much in my heart. "

 Wade Zhongquan nodded and said: "Thanks to Charlie, otherwise I still don't know who killed Changying and Chengxi."

After that, Wade Zhongquan suddenly remembered something and said to An Qishan: "Charlie is very powerful now, maybe we can live to see him wipe out that damn Po Qing Society!"

"Yes." An Qishan said solemnly: "The moment I recognized Charlie, I had already made a decision. The only mission of the An family now is to do our utmost to help Charlie eradicate the Poqing Society and avenge Changying and Chengxi. In order to achieve this goal, the An family can give up everything they have now!"

Wade Zhongquan nodded and said: "The same goes for the Wade family. I have already passed the position of the head of the Wade family to Charlie. Now, everything in the Wade family is led by Charlie. As long as the Poqing Society can be eradicated, what does it matter if the Wade family goes bankrupt?"

An Qishan agreed and said: "Brother Wade is right. Revenge is also what the An family wants to do most now. In order to achieve this goal, all the resources of the An family are at the disposal of Charlie." "If we can't make it, and add the Wade family, our two families will put in everything, plus Charlie's outstanding talent, it will be a piece of cake to eradicate the Poqing Society!"

As he said that, he looked at Charlie and said sincerely: "Charlie, if grandpa doesn't live to see the day you eradicate the Poqing Society, then when everything is settled, you must come to my tomb and tell me in person!"

Charlie, who had been silent all the time, said at this time: "Grandpa, don't worry, you will definitely see the Poqing Society disappear with your own eyes! It won't be long before I will take the initiative to attack the Poqing Society. I will pull out the teeth of the Poqing Society one by one, and then kill that Wu Feiyan with my own hands. When everything is settled, we will go to Waderest Mountain together and tell my parents this good news. They will be very pleased if they know it in the afterlife!"


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